#why do my special interests have to be mostly disliked by people in fandoms
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thatonethimbo · 2 years ago
local writer looks for requests
Yo, can people submit a few Ninjago-related requests?
You can find the rules and the list of characters I'm willing to do here.
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commiegoth · 6 days ago
thank u so much for ur severance s2 hate i felt ridiculous for disliking s2 as much as i did but it really felt like they purposefully sidelined all the plot threads they actually set up in s1. there was the anti-severance group. the politician who was pushing for more severance. or like, what about irvings entire corporate espionage? anything there at all?
The thing is I don't really consider my posts criticizing Severance "hate", because it's a show I really do like, but that's what makes it all the more disappointing when it drops the ball. I don't want critique of media to be reduced to fandom politicking, although how the show and its production interact with fandom spaces will inherently become part of the critique these days.
That said, I agree that a lot of interesting ideas from the first season were completely dropped in the second, like the "outside" world's political interaction with severance, in favor of coming up with answers to "mysteries" that didn't especially need solving. At least not in the way they wound up being solved. The way most shows are written, open ends in one season aren't really resolved internally until they are renewed and writing begins for the next. Which makes sense: why put in the work you aren't getting paid for that you have no guarantee you'll get to use? But it's clear that in prioritizing actually resolving certain open ends (Why is Gemma still alive? What do the numbers do?) the writers lost track of the bigger picture and the more holistic worldbuilding the first season had. This isn't necessarily to put the blame on the writer's room or say they are incapable of the quality of writing the first season had, but more that the showrunners shifting the priorities of the show meant the writing team weren't really given the range to explore the political themes in as much depth. I haven't really heard from anyone in the writers room (I know some people who worked on the show have done panels, but I haven't listened to any or know of writing specific ones), but I am genuinely curious about their process in coming back between the first and second seasons.
While I do hope the third season is an improvement on this one and gets closer to what made the first season so great, I'm not especially confident given the choices made this season that the s3 writers will have to deal with. Why are Mark and Gemma both Super Special Chosen Ones when Petey's map says he thinks people live in the basement? Why should we expect Irving to still be a major character if he was literally put on a train and told he can never come back? Why was the plan only to get Gemma to the exit when everyone involved knows Lumon can activate people's chips remotely, given that was the whole climax of the first season? Lots of loose ends I'm not confident the writers can address in a satisfying way, mostly because they've been written into a corner
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I’m just gonna vent about the ridiculousness of being a MCYT stan rn, especially a DTeam (previously DTQK) main…
Ok but on a real note cause I do actually have stuff to say lol.
Aside from creator drama/controversy/etc. (content creators be normal challenge GO !! /silly /lh), which also stinks (RIP SBI, lovejoy, bench trio, DTQK, etc.) I’m just really tired of how this affects my personal relationships
ATP, I feel comfortable and confident in my own interests and opinions enough that I don’t really listen to the internet anymore, nor do I have any sorts of moral panics over watching these guys, and I don’t really think I should have to defend myself for liking them, but the unfortunate reality is that I do have to defend it, constantly.
It just really sucks
The DSMP in particular, both the lore and the creators, have been a special interest of mine for going on 4 years now, and the many many ways that it has impacted my life makes it so it’s really hard to be friends with anyone who has an even slightly negative opinion of it (even the totally fair ones)
I feel bad, because I very much have the standpoint that ruining friendships over fandoms is stupid and such arbitrary things shouldn’t be able to hold so much power, however unfortunately, being AuDHD, and being friends with mostly other AuDHD people, our interests are very important to us, and so is justice, so it’s not that easy.
I KNOW what I KNOW about these creators and I am confident and comfortable in that, but most of my friends don’t know all that, and when they know ANYTHING about these people, it’s almost always negative information.
I so badly want to correct them and debunk all the negative and false boohockey that gets spread around and give them reasons why these creators are good and why I like them because it would make me and our friendship more comfortable, but usually they’re so uncomfortable or at least suspicious and skeptical of these creators based on their preconceived notions that me TRYING to correct or explain things always gets shut down with “I don’t want to talk about this anymore” after just a couple points.
I’m happy and glad that most of my friends are mature and responsible enough that regardless of their opinions, they can respect my interest and not talk negatively about it to me and such, but it also sucks knowing that I can’t share so many huge parts of my life with them because of it, or at the very least I feel like I have to be vague or half lie in order to.
It’s not fun feeling like I’m walking on eggshells
All this over watching people play video games no less
It’s just frustrating and I never know if I should keep trying to explain things more so they can understand things and hopefully change their viewpoint, or if I should just let it go and accept I can’t talk about a lot of things with a lot of my friends.
I don’t like having friends that I can’t be that open with, friends who don’t get me.
Like, I can’t do completely casual relationships of any kind, it’s just not comfortable or fulfilling to me.
And as stupid as I think it sounds a lot of the time, I can’t change the fact that MCYT, especially the DSMP, is extremely important to me and has greatly impacted many parts of my life, so being friends with people who dislike it to pretty much any extent is hard and uncomfortable and it sucks.
I don’t want to make other people uncomfortable and I don’t want to lose important relationships over this kind of thing, but this stuff is ALSO extremely important to me, and I know in the long run it’s best to surround myself with people who understand that.
Idk, I’m just tired of having to defend and explain myself, I guess.
It’s literally just people playing video games
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solarwynd · 6 months ago
It's so interesting to me how hard some pjms will try to like other members. I think it really speaks of how pjms came to be in the first place. Contrary to what armys like to say, pjms aren't k-pop stans who hate BTS and token stan Jimin to hate on them. That narrative actually makes no sense considering Jimin is public enemy #1 for k-pop stans, so he's the last person they would choose to token stan. No, pjms are actually ex-armys that got fed up with all the bullshit and left the fandom. And you can still see their army roots. There's a reason pjms are the only competent solos who can actually organize and achieve things, cause before the hiatus armys used to be very good at getting shit done.
Being ex-armys is the reason pjms will occasionally be surprisingly nice towards the other members. Yes, they will drop any member the moment there's a perceived slight against Jimin cause they're still solos at the end of the day, but they'll try to like the members for as long as they can.
Pjms were never gonna be the biggest fans of Jungkook and Taehyung because there's too much competition there and all the shipping has always caused too much fighting, but they have never wanted to dislike the hyungline members and they still don't have to much beef with J-Hope, Jin and Namjoon.
Most pjms never liked Yoongi that much because of the bad taste jokes he constantly makes about Jimin, but they didn't start really hating him until the whole Face getting interrupted by D-Day situation.
Pjms didn't really love Namjoon's 'I wrote some lyrics' comment, but they don't really hate him and have been specially chill after those album exchange videos. They also appreciate him being one of the only members capable of saying actually thoughtful and interesting things about Jimin instead of just calling him cute. You will often see pjms using Namjoon quotes about Jimin. I've also seen a surprising amount of them praise Namjoon's music.
Jin is not normally on pjms's radar so they mostly don't talk about him, but when they do is not really negative (they even were wishing him a happy birthday last year). It remains to be seen how much of a grudge they'll hold over this situation, but I actually don't think it will be that much. The moment Jin does something nice to Jimin they'll get over it.
As we know, J-hope is pjm's favorite out of the six, which is a testament to how nice pjms can actually be considering his stans are worse than Namjoon's and Jin's with their whole 'who's the best dancer' competition (they're one of the main culprits behind the misconception that Jimin isn't a main dancer, so pjms are being real forgiving here). Seriously, look at the way pjms talk about J-Hope, it's so clear they used to be fans of these guys and don't actually want to hate all of them, they just want people to be nice to Jimin.
Why do you think J-hope's is pjms's favorite? It's not only cause he's the one Jimin seems closest to, but also because he's the member who matches Jimin's energy the best and is the only one who's always receptive to Jimin's affection and will return that affection (every time Jimin tries hugging another member pjms hold their breath waiting to see if they're gonna hug him back or be weirdly dismissive of him). There's never a doubt on whether or not J-Hope likes Jimin (unlike some people, I'm looking at you Jungkook), it has always been clear how much he loves Jimin and pjms really appreciate that. Like, you're never gonna see a "J-Hope HATES 😡 Jimin and here's proof" thread on Twitter (Jungkook I'm once again looking at you and I'm not looking nicely).
(Also, yes, I realize I'm proving my own point with the difference in the way I talk about the members, but despite me using 'them' when talking about pjms for the sake of the way I'm writing, I never claimed not to be one of them)
Armys's hatred of pjms and their insistence that pjms are the worst solos is so misplaced. Cause you know other solos would never be as nice to Jimin as pjms can be to other members. Jjks (the ones who are secretly tkkrs aside) specially would never try to like other members. Pjms really aren't the villains armys like to believe they are. Armys just hate pjms the most because 1) a lot of them just don't like Jimin but know they can't hate on him directly so they hate on his fans instead, and 2) pjms are the only solos who are a real threat to armys since the other solo fandoms are either too small or too incompetent.
It’s not that pjms are making an active effort to like any of the other members because they definitely are not. They can just be cordial (or at bare minimum) indifferent to the ones that are good to Jimin. Cause unlike other solos, for the most part pjms can be normal. It’s basically the same mindset any fan would have.
Treat fav nicely= stay on good side.
Yes the army sometimes does seep out in some of them cause some of them genuinely still do have a soft spot for BTS. But the other 80% of the ones who were ex armys and hardcore OT7’s at that, you’ll see the way they talk about the other members and think they never stanned at all. lol.
But I agree with you on everything else though.
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mdhwrites · 2 years ago
Do you agree with the idea that Luz is a people pleaser? Or is it just something the fandom made up to make her seem more likable/relateble/interesting with no real basis in canon?
GOD NO! But that's not necessarily a bad thing as the protagonist archtype she's hailing from normally isn't. The problem comes from the fact that she is so ANTI people pleasing that it clashes with her backstory, rare moments in the show and she also just NEVER LEARNS ANYTHING.
This is also a problem for Randy Cunningham: Ninth Grade Ninja. Him and his best friend make a declaration at the start of the year to be popular. They don't care if they're liked or disliked, the goal is for EVERYONE to know their name. This fuels a bunch of teenage shenanigans that are meant to impress people or make them look cool by the definitions they have in their brains rather than what reality is.
Cookie from Ned's Declassified did stuff like this a lot, Danny and Tucker from Danny Phantom are also prime examples of it. It is just a teenage protagonist archtype for them to be trying to live out a fantasy of being special when the reality is that they're just nice nerds who should be happy being who they are. This is Luz. Period.
And there's two sides of this archtype. The first is the FIRST THING WE KNOW ABOUT HER. They will do things to stand out from a crowd because they think it's cool regardless of if it's right. We are literally shown FOUR instances of this back to back from her book report to the montage of her fuck ups. Each time, she is actively looking at what others are doing and going "Nah. Hold my beer and watch this." I mean... She brought fucking SPIDERS to school and looked at best confused as to why everyone ran off screaming and that's not talking about the play she RUINED.
This is then reinforced in Episode 2 when she tells King and Eda to go suck eggs because she is totes a chosen one. She does save them at the end which brings the other half of this archtype when it comes to their fuck ups. When they fuck up, they fix it, commonly so as to not get people killed but also to make sure that either people in general or those closest to them don't HATE THEM. Now, that might sound like a people pleaser... But it's not. It's seeking forgiveness, not permission. I mean in S1 alone you have her explicitly ignoring Willow's wishes in both Understanding Willow and Wing it Like Witches so that she can have her fun before then someone gets hurt or upset and fixing it in someway.
As a note: The moment you realize that SO MUCH of Luz's character is motivated by tropes she likes or be special, a lot of actions she takes take on way worse connotations. A perfect example of this is when she declares in Lost in Language that she'll be friends with Amity come hell or high water... A minute later she's fucking around with Amity's siblings who Amity has shown clear disdain for. Or you can go with Adventure in the Elements where despite her trying to get along with Amity and impress her, she STEALS FROM HER so that she can get the instant gratification of casting magic. And this sort of recontextualization is ALL over the first season especially of Luz just doing bat shit crazy things because it lets her be cool and she never really learns to stop, even PROUDLY stating in Reaching Out that she'll always choose the option that leads to the most chaos. The most adventure, the most tropes. A season and a half in and instead of growing at all, she is still defiantly against reality.
This is also all inherently AGAINST being a people pleaser. A people pleaser wants everyone to LIKE them. Sprig spends half an episode being a people pleaser like this, even if I don't think it's quite who he is. What Luz is after is just to make sure people don't hate her. At best, she doesn't want people to actively dislike her but she mostly cares about if you remember her name. If she left an impression bigger than anyone else.
But I don't blame the fandom for making her a people pleaser. All of what I've said is based on her actions. By her words, she's meant to be someone who has had to hold back who she is. Who has hid from the world so as to be liked by society. Being a people pleaser IS a part of that archtype and that's where we get "Oh no teenagers" and "I'm gonna get made fun of again" and... That's about it. It's actually why those lines annoy me so much because they happen over a season into the show and she has NEVER held back on who she is for even half a second during that ENTIRE TIME. Even Adventure in Elements isn't about pleasing others, it's about not being embarrassed. Being brought low.
But those are literally the ONLY moments in the entire series where she gives a fuck. The Collector and Belos angst? It's not about how no one will like her anymore, it's that they'll hate her because it needs to be that drastic for her to care. It also makes her less of the paragon hero that she sees herself as. And that's laughable because she only has like TWO moments in the entire series where she actively seeks out a way to help someone without them asking. The cure for Eda's curse at the end of S1, where she's trying not to have Eda die in return for watching over her which is just kind of basic kindness and going after King's stuffed rabbit in Titan Where Art Thou. At that point though, the show claims they're siblings so it's just being kind to your family... You know, right before she effectively tells Eda to go rot because she won't let her go fight Belos.
All the while, she is learning NOTHING. The teenage dumbass archtype is GREAT as a main character because it allows so much room for growth. It's part of why Anne is such a good protagonist because while she embraces the lazy side of it more than trying to appear special, she is still a teenage dumbass. As such, S1 spends time teaching her morals and making her grow up so she can be better.
Luz never grows up. Then again, she'd either have to actually face consequences for her actions or care more deeply about others for that to happen. That isn't going to happen though, not when she, and everyone around her, are solely focused on letting her live the isekai fantasy that she's always wanted.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead, If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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voxofthevoid · 1 year ago
if it's not too late for the ask game, yuta/rika and geto/yuuji? (and just for fun: kenjaku/yuuji's dad?)
Still playing it, dw! And ah, these will be fun:
Ship It
What made you ship it?
I support the monsterfuckers by default. Get it, Yuuta!
In all seriousness, this isn't something I'd actively think about or seek out, but I like the weird, fucked-up mess this is in canon. The trauma-prompted creation of Rika and how she stays with Yuuta for years as an extremely powerful monster with the mentality of a child—it's a cool concept.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
The monsterfuckery, of course. In general, it amuses me greatly that Yuuta's type seems to be "inhuman special-grade curse." He kisses two "people" onscreen, and it's Rika and Kurourushi. I still think they should've let him out into the battlefield when Mahoraga and Agito entered the picture. Flash some dick/hole, save the day.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I think every word I say about Yuuta's sexuality would piss off his Reddit-type stans; does that count?
Don’t Ship It
Warning for my rather vehement dislike of Getou popping up below.
Why don’t you ship it?
The only thing I ship Getou with is a lobotomy.
What would have made you like it?
I'll be honest, Getou's pretty enough that I'd have sniffed around him (in this context, sniffing around involves writing Yuuji dicking him down) if not for his more...hardcore fans tainting the whole character for me. I was never his fan, but I find him to be interestingly written, especially pre-defection when he still had functional brain cells, and I might have delved into that some. I still do, but mostly in the form of past!stsg or just through Gojou's thoughts.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I do think that, in a senpai-kouhai AU or in a time travel scenario, Yuuji and Getou would have very interesting interactions. They have similar (not the same) ideologies born out of very different mentalities, and those alone would lead to some insightful conversations. Yuuji's reaction to his defection and its rationale would also be fun to explore from various angles.
Ship It
What made you ship it?
The Kaorijaku reveal, 'nuff said. Seriously, that blew my mind and did all sorts of ungentlemanly things to my perception of JJK overall.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I love Kenjaku and think they deserve a husband who looks at them wearing his wife's corpse like a pretty sleeve and goes, "This Is My Normal Wife Who Totally Didn't Die. Let's Make A Baby." I'd also love to know whether, when, and how Kenjaku killed Jin. We don't know if they did, just that Wasuke was afraid of it. Clearly, they left Yuuji before Jin passed, and it could have been an unrelated incident, but I'd prefer it if Kenjaku did kill him.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Tbh the only opinions I see on Kenjaku/Jin are those of @cursedvibes, and I enjoy his takes on them. If there are larger conversations about this ship in the fandom, I remain blissfully unaware.
Ask can be found game here.
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romanticatheartt · 10 months ago
Hi I hope you are having a good day! In regards to the Nesta stans, I completely get it. I have found myself in a similar situation with some Feyre stans. On multiple occasions the toxic ones have wished grape upon Nesta stans and said that they need to be abused. It has gotten out of hand on both sides and SJM definitely needs to address it to some extent.
Oh, I know. Don't worry I'm aware there's at least one toxic fan in each side of the fandom and trust me I have blocked every single one that I come across. I'm not saying Feyre, Rhys, or IC fans don't have one rotten apple.
I think last night was my last straw. Every day I see at least one anti*Feyre/Rhys/IC in their tags and it seems like they talk more than half of the time about their dislike of other characters than their favs. And it seems they hate every other character in these books except Nesta... like why do you keep reading the books if you hate everything about them? There are 2.5 books dedicated to IC (and they're gonna be in the future books as well, specially Feysand) Idk how you managed to keep reading them all cause if I so much as not vibing with a book, I don't even bother to read the rest let alone dislike the book.
The worst part is most of them also find a way to defend abusive characters like Tam/in and Er/s. I don't have a problem if you like these characters but I draw the line where people try to sell them as saints and "misunderstood" characters and at the same time bring down other characters against the canon to bold these…
The same goes with Nesta but my difference with others is I acknowledged her abusive behaviour and I still like her. I acknowledged she had trauma but I never use it as an excuse to prove she hasn't done anything wrong. I don't excuse her actions because she's a woman (because I've seen them do it) I like her character as she is and I definitely won't change the canon to justify her actions…
I'm always in Feyre, Rhys, or Feysand tags and it hasn't gone by a day when people are not defending their favs against these awful takes. And even if they're talking about Nesta and tag it as anti*Nesta, they're mostly talking the truth lol. Like I've seen better character analysis from some of antis about Nesta than her fans which is laughable.
You don't have to worry about me starting to talk shit about Nesta lmao I'm not vile like them and I'll definitely won't make it my whole personality and dedicate my blog to it. I rather stan my favs and create a safe place with almost zero hate for any character (I'm a human I need to hate on something sometimes😭) and be respectful to everyone. And if I don't like a blog? Well, I simply block them easily as that. I've had blocked Feysands, Eluciens, and Gwynriels. It's nothing strange cause idc if we have the same interest in some parts but if I see them disrespectful toward any character or anyone, idc if we share 100% opinions on other things, you're blocked bye :)
And sjm should definitely do something but she's thriving on these things because she doesn't care if it's a bad take or a disrespectful comment, people are talking about her books and it's a free promotion for her. Didn't you see how they barely promoted hofas? it was almost nonexistent…
So I completely lost hope in her. People might say she's protecting herself from these, well… if she is then she shouldn't have any problem with people leaving her fandom because of this toxicity and being so disconnected from the fans.
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tnsophiaayaonly · 2 months ago
Fandoms I write most are: Genshin Impact (especially Scara/Wanderer or any variant of him, I haven't played natlan tho), Blue Lock, Honkai Star Rail (haven't played the newest too, I think it was phomporeus or SMTH?? I forgo but the designs are oo lala), Cookie Run Kingdom (I js started but I already have so many brain rot of it aaaughh), Alien Stage, Mayhem Massacre (only for mostly adero, not official yet).
IAU - interstellar ancestral union = ts are my oc's!! it's like a passion project or smth, basta oc's ko. (oops)
I can write almost everything but pedophillia or anything with kids that are romantic or sexual... Kys if u like tis stuff or ask for tis stuff, don't care if it's fictional, go kys.
I also can't write ships... Sorry not sorry actually, cause I disliked ships :(( especially anything with scara because I LOVE SCARA SM I'M TOO ATTACHED
X OC's are experimental, if I'm interested enough.
I only do x reader.
All those rape, or incest or anything that are taboo and shit can only be written in a way where it doesn't happen to reader specifically, but happens to sum1 reader knows, which is why I'd have OC's in those shit. And also a happy ending for those. I also put more of a psychological reason or smth on why incest happens like trauma or some shit but never justify this shit.
I can write dead dove do not eat... Like genuinely. Sometime fucked up shit are better to write about... I don't fw this irl though, eww...
I cannot handle writing like actual romances or normalized stuff with those... Eugh.. pls don't pull up with "rin finds out his lil sister likes sae more, so he fucks her dumb till she can't take anymore!!" EW.. pls no👎
And also YANDERE is my main content, I can't see myself writing fluff w/o yandere mentions, or angst just makes me want to pull up with "revenge" ahh plotlines. I can try tho!! It depends on my mood.
I AM ALL FOR SUB AND ALL THOSE LOVESICK AND OBSESSIVE MEN, like when dominant, there are specific characters (like women ex. Yelan, but most of my content are men... BUT JSSJSK they make me bust) I can enjoy being dominant but I can see sub to almost every single one soo...
I am also all for reader's having specific au or persona like... Ermm DROP ITT?? Not appearances tho cause I'd prefer if the reader stays a blank slate when appearances, but personalities ARE MY FAVORITE AAAA.
Like example: [char] with a reader that's a traitor?
Or [char] with a reader that's [insrert every specific detail]
ORR [char] with a reader that acts like [insert another char]
I will cry and kiss u
Anyways, I have school, and I still have to deal with certain shit irl, so writing takes time. ACTUALLY reading and seeing people's support gives me so much happiness and motivation, I love all of u people who comment or reblog or like my posts 💜💜💜
I get sad with hate comments
I can write smut, but when I write it, it depends on my mood a lot.
I also drawww !! Tho i'm not too proud with drawing alongside my writing HAHAHA
Just pls don't make everything abt sex, I don't like writing porn with no plot...😕😕
If ur minor, tis is on YO ASS. And like do not interact at all.
I guess that's all for now
⋆。‧˚ʚ MASTERLIST ɞ˚‧。⋆
TW: my main content is yandere, because it's really all I can handle writing...
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GENSHIN IMPACT - favs: Scaramouche, Wanderer, Kabukimono.
QUAGMIRE - Valentine's Special ❤︎ Spy Scara x Target Reader
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Taglist for now:
All - naynayaa
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chizachi · 3 months ago
(I'm sorry it's long, it my first time having a Tumblr blog and I had fun learning how to use it)
.•°Who am I?°•.
Chizai! 知財 (yes like the damn cooperation my parents liked it's name (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠))
.•°What can you call me?°•.
•Chi ~-~ •Chichi
•Zachi ~-~ •Zai
.•°What's my Gender?°•.
.•°How old am I?°•.
18 years old <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>
June 28 2006
.•°My Sexuality?°•.
Very into men as a man (ahem GAY)
Half&Half special (Japanese&Filipino)
.•°What languages do I speak?°•.
•English ~-~ •Filipino
•Japanese (but very very bad at it cuz I never managed to learn it properly-)
.•°Which country am I in now?°•.
As of now, the Philippines (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)
~.•°•.Relationship shit.•°•.~
.•°Relationship/Love life status?°•.
.•°What is my love language?°•.
•Words of Affirmation
•Physical Touch
.•°My type?°•.
At this point, any man I find somewhat Attractive and kind. But still gimme someone who'll bully the shit outta me but still love me-
Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun
Squid Game
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Sleepy princess in the Demon Castle
Records of Ragnarok
Genshin Impact
Cookie Run Kingdom
Assassination Classroom
The puzzle(?) games from GlobalGear Co. Ltd (Psycho boy, Lonely boy, Tall boy ect)
Hobbies I enjoy doing :
(I have a lot I'm sorry so I'll make a most important hobbies or smth (╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠))
Reading manga
Creating stories
Making smut fics-
Making manga
Papercraft making
Model making
Extra curricular activities:
(sorry I don't know what it's called)
Manga making
English/Science/Math club
.•°What are my favorite foods?°•.
I really like spicy stuff but mostly chicken nowadays :D I really like spicy buffalo wings and this thing I learned about called garlic chicken I think is called. But I do love some good spicy ramen
.•°Favorite Color?°•.
Pretty obvious but various shades of muted natural leaf like greens and of course black 🖤💚
.•°Favorite Subject?°•.
•English ~-~ •Science
.•°Favorite Artist?°•.
Hev Abi cause I started getting into Filipino music and I love how his songs sound like (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)
~.•°•. Likes & Dislikes .•°•.~
-Spicy stuff
-Anime ig
-Daydreaming stuff (I think it's called that correct me if I'm wrong)
-The British (personal vendetta. Vindetta? Vendita? Vendeta? You know what I mean)
-Homophobic people (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠)
-Crowds (makes me panic a lot)
-People who just keep judging people for their opinions without proper reason and just judge immediately without actually listening to why that is their opinion. Unless it is genuinely a stupid opinion. Hope you know what I mean (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠)
(I learned about like a few more recently and I am frankly disgusted)
(I dunno I'm just learning most of them-)
•Bondage? Pretty sure I like it
•Nipple play (is a thing right)
•very willing to do anal (no shit I don't have anything else to use-)
(will possibly update soon if I maybe think of something else (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠) But thank you for reading fully if you do
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coldninjaruins-blog · 2 years ago
Be fr when was the last time lesbians got rep and weren’t passed over for men? We’re bottom of pile they don’t like us! And females going insane over m/m further pushes us into the dark do you even know how bad it is? Our shows get cancelled lesbians are normally top of the list for bury your gay tropes.
So does that mean that as a lesbian I am not allowed to like any mlm ship? The fact that shows with wlw couples are cancelled while shows with mlm couples are renewed again and again is a huge issue that should be discussed, I'm not denying that.
It bothers me a lot, it's tiring and frustrating.
But does that mean I can't root for a mlm ship or enjoy it? Here I am going to talk about my personal case, I am NOT trying to speak for other lesbians.
I am speaking only for myself.
90% of the queer content I consume is lesbian or sapphic. I don't consume as much mlm content because I'm not that interested in it and that's fine. The last time I saw something with an mlm couple was Bad buddy (which I loved by the way).
That doesn't mean I can't enjoy mlm ships or even straight ones because I think if a couple is well written I'm going to like it regardless of the gender of the characters ( That's why I also can't ship the lesbian version of a straight ship I don't like, they suck and will continue to suck for me regardless if they were both boys, girls or a boy and a girl. I don't like their story and I'm going to continue to dislike it no matter what).
Now back to my point, if you check my blog you'll see that I don't ship any other ship mlm from stranger things besides byler, none. I just don't care about them.
I like byler because I like their history, it resonates with me. Here I could talk about how beautiful I think their relationship is, how the special bond they have from the beginning of the show and their friendship, the fact how they always trust each other no matter what it's what makes me love them as much as I do and how a queer slowburn childhood best friends to lovers is just my cup of tea and go on for years and years about it but probably you don't wanna read that so...
As a queer person I see a lot of me in Will specifically and his struggles with his sexuality, I want him to be happy so much.
People want so badly to lump byler into the category of "ships mlm that straight girls fetishize" but sadly... they don't fit in there :/
The byler fandom is mostly made up of queer people, and a large percentage of those people are specifically queer women. So yeah, it really bothers me a lot when people call us lesbophobic or say we hate sapphic specially when
1)A lot of us are sapphic.
2) Some of those who say it are mlvns who just say it because it's about byler.
Mlvns using rovickie when they never gaf about them just to throw shit at byler doesn't sit right with me and it's not the first time they've used a wlw ship to attack bylers and call us lesbophobes. It also happened last year with the scripts polls.
They called us lesbophobes because we voted for the Mike and Will scene over the Elmax scene, we just voted for our ship scene. And what did these people do when the elmax script came out? They made it about their straight ship.
Again bylers are mostly queer people who are rotating for a queer ship so it doesn't make sense to me that gay people wanting a queer couple with main characters in a big show like stranger things to happen = lesbophobia????
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lightlycareless · 1 year ago
What drew you to liking Naoya? He’s an extremely unpopular character in the fandom(mostly the English speaking side). I personally like him because i have a habit of liking toxic/evil/problematic characters in fiction and he just had some of my fave characteristics in one lol. Not to mention besides all that he’s just an interesting and well written character. It’s a bit frustrating that others that dislike him won’t acknowledge that he is extremely well written and the perfect example of a product of his environment. Sorry if this is random but I don’t get to see many Naoya fans and I love your works and portrayal of him. I feel you write his character development very well
Aw, don't worry :> this is no bother for me to answer! The only thing I feel kind of bad tho is that I don't know how to explain why I was so attracted to Naoya in the first place hahah 😢
I guess because he's handsome lol, because let's be real, his personality isn't that great... but even then, I also like that because it gave me the idea that he'd be like that to everyone but his special one, you know? In a degree that's how he treats Toji so that might be true. And why not, there's nothing wrong in wanting to "fix" him hehe.
And you're right, he's extremely well written in the sense that he's a product of his environment, but he's also a wasted potential 😭 and what happened afterwards was just oof, he was better off dead you know? like, we could've known so much of the Zen'in... I feel like he was even more slandered; and to believe that came from the author himself!! (or maybe that's just me hoping to get crumbs of Naoya lol)
It's really unfortunate that people tend to do that with characters that are considered villains. Just because he's bad doesn't mean he can't be well written—and to make matters worse, they take it out with their fans too... It's kind of silly to have to remember that what I consume in fiction doesn't go with what I do in real life. :B
BUT anyways— BECAUSE OF THAT I was given more freedom to fill the blanks with just about anything that I want heheheh and I love daydreaming about it.
Whenever writing I try to keep things as canon compliant/realistically as possible, without placing too many limitations on me that I won't be able to do anything—so his development into someone a bit more likeable is... off, very very difficult, but I think very rewarding as well. and sweet because why not.
Hopefully when he's animated we'll be able to see more content of him, as well as more fans :> I feel that after he got his manga cover he kind of... died down a bit. And unfortunately, whenever something does happen in the manga pertaining to him, some take this opportunity to slander his fans or spread misconceptions. (now I got worried thinking what will happen when he's animated damn) but we shall see.
And lastly, but not least, thank you so much for your kind words regarding my work 🥺❤️ I never thought that my writing would ever get attention like this, specially for a character that isn't that popular, but akgagaklghajk aaaaghhhhh it warms my heart to know there's people out there that like Naoya, and my work too 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
TLDR: I like Naoya because I consider him handsome, has a personality that while shit, gives off this bad boy aura of "I hate everyone except my darling." (or idk maybe my delusions are talking haha.) is super talented in what he does, has a prestigious title, yet a lonely life that makes me pity him a bit; and I feel like he'd be a very passionate lover when it comes to it.
Thank you so much for sending in this ask 🤭 I hope it was able to bring you some insights of my mind 😏 Take care and hope to see you soon!!
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akechi-stole-my-heart · 1 year ago
Wondering if the reason people make the thieves out as uncaring after 11/20 is because the game itself moves on too quickly from it? Not saying I haven't kind of fallen into that take myself, though not like harshly, just felt they didn't act like they cared *enough* as in it should have been shown more. Because of the way the game's social sim works, you don't get the thieves checking in on/visiting Akira whilst he recovered like you might see in a fic and it can just go straight back into the confidant ranks of helping people with their problems, with no special dialogue or anything to ask how he's doing beforehand; so I feel like that contributes to the takes a lot, especially when one hasn't replayed in a while (sorry your post gave me thoughts on how people get to that take in the fandom, like I think the plan sucked for other reasons such as "Surely someone would notice the lack of a body?" but that's a bit besides the point)
Yeah I think you're absolutely right about that. The structure of the game doesn't let the Thieves care about Akira afterwards. There's also a bit of dialogue during the plan explanation when Akira says "I'm just glad I didn't die" and no one responds to it, which is...kind of baffling. But that doesn't mean the Thieves don't care about him, it means the writers at Atlus made a weird choice. And we know that because we see in that same scene that all of them were very worried for their leader's safety, and like I mentioned before, Makoto herself says she's glad he made it out safe.
The structure of the game kind of fucks over Akira and makes the Thieves look like worse friends in general, too. He helps them throughout the confidants, and then they "stop hanging out" after that, once they all say they want to start helping him out like he helped them. So we don't ever get to see their friendships become reciprocal. But like, that doesn't mean they actually stopped hanging out in-universe. It's a limitation of the play style.
That all said, I do think there is a valid interpretation you can come to which is that the Thieves don't know Akira was traumatized, or the extent of the danger, because he never talks about it. He's overly selfless and doesn't ever talk about his issues, so I could totally see that happening, and it's my personal interpretation. But that doesn't mean the Thieves are terrible friends for failing to read between the lines like that. It's on Akira for refusing to communicate.
And you can even say that they should have been more concerned for him afterwards, and that they put him on too high of a pedestal and think of him as utterly infallible, especially after he escapes with his life. They're kids, and Akira did just survive the impossible.
Or maybe they try not to bring it up on purpose because they don't want hurt him by talking about it, but letting it fester just hurts Akira more and makes him feel like they don't care.
Point is, there's lots of ways to take this strangeness in the game and make it into interesting fic content to explore. There's absolutely a discrepancy going on and exploring that is super valid and interesting. But turning it into "the Thieves are ambivalent and selfish and completely blind to their leader's suffering" takes that way too far. And like...why do people want to do that? Well, at least in the cases I've seen, the answer is twofold.
First of all, there's a section of the fan base that really hates Makoto. This is mostly common among Akechi fans from what I've seen. I think it's a combination of misogyny and the fact that Makoto can be obnoxious sometimes with her defense of the police, which is especially egregious in this situation. Like, the police beat up her best friend, and she still wants to join them. That can read as callous...if you don't understand her as a character, but I digress. (Someday I should write a Makoto defense post bc yeah. People are very stupid about her.) Point is these people like making up reasons to dislike her even more, which is where I think the whole "the plan was her idea and just an ego trip" thing comes from.
And the other reason is that there are a lot of shuake shippers who really, really want Akechi to be Akira's only "true" friend who "really" understands him. Which like...is true to a certain extent, they do have a special bond and Akechi is the only confidant that doesn't ask Akira to fix something for him, etc etc. But them having a special bond DOES NOT EQUAL all of Akira's other friends being terrible friends who suck and DON'T understand him. There's room for nuance here! You can like the toxic ship between rivals without making it less toxic because actually he's the only one who REALLY respects and loves Akira.
Like, he shot him in the head, guys. Let's not delude ourselves here.
But yeah. I'm pretty sure these two sections of the fanbase are specifically Akechi stans, and so they twist actual parts of the game to make Akechi look better and the Thieves worse. They almost like, take Akechi's perspective to a certain extent? Akechi doesn't like Makoto, and Akechi thinks the Thieves are bad friends (maybe, presumably, we don't really know, but he definitely doesn't really like them all that much and he definitely thinks they idolize Joker too much), and these Akechi stans agree with him. Which is baffling to me. Maybe he has half a point, sure, but Akechi is also REALLY stupid and frequently wrong.
And like, to be clear in case anyone who doesn't know me sees this, I say all this as an Akechi stan (look at my username) and shuake shipper.
In conclusion, I do think there is something to be said about how the confidants are written to be unequal, the Thieves don't check in on Akira enough, and the idolization they very much do have for their leader! These are real things that could make for really interesting conflict in fic. But it can happen without villainizing the Thieves or saying they just straight up don't care about their leader. Which is an obvious lie.
I think most people do agree with me nowadays, I've seen a pattern of recent fic and fandom people talking about how this villainization is stupid and going out of their way to make it clear the Thieves do care, so that's good. It was mostly a thing in early fandom that disliked how Akira was treated by canon (valid), wanted to give him conflict in fic (very valid, I love Akira angst), and wanted to make Akechi the "better friend" (???) who understands Akira better than the others (technically true, but it's complicated).
(As for the body thing, Sae said she made sure no one would check the morgue, so you're not supposed to think about it I guess. Makes me wonder about the people who would have taken his body to the morgue, though. Like, did they not report the missing body to anyone? Idk, maybe Sae paid them off too, lol.)
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balkanradfem · 2 years ago
I stumbled on your post on Harry Potter. And I want to say thank you, bc you are first person to explain to me why I do not like Hermione and Ron pairing. Well, I read books when young and I mostly was swayed by other works I had atm. But Hermione and Ron story always made me sad for reasons I could not explain, but it just had this bitter 'this is life and you accept that it's not like you wanted' feel to it. I could it explain it as the common trope of smart and great girl getting average guy who likes her and being happy bc he treats her nice. Which is trope I dislike too. I am not into fandom enough to go back and read the books again, I just vaguely remember what I read, and you explained it well by saying that both Ron and Harry actually did not care for her for a long time. I at that time could not relate to her exactly bc her struggle was not shown. So I took her as a bit of ideal Mary Sue character, but when reading it as quite a kid then, I remember thinking all kinds of things like: Hermione is one of a king, I can't be that smart, I can't study that much bc I can't focus, my teeth are crooked and I can't fix them like her, so I will stay uggling forever, I will cry and wipe and be upset and have trauma and insomnia, I will never be as confident.. and so on. What I mean is, it seemed like she just had inborn talent, and while it's great, my self esteem was terrible (greatly bc I am 'ugly' type, not pretty type, even if I don't agree with those qualifications, it's what other people would qualify me). I remember often feeling the same about other books with main female characters, I just felt like I can't never aspire to be like them, first bc about my looks and I don't know how to fix them. And also in personality and strength, bc in story it was often that they were kinda cool and strong, and just could do things. And I never was that resourceful. Even with romance, heroine either needed to be pretty to be saved by prince, or very good at being social and healing people with their warmth, and I was bad at both. Can't really be warm and healing when you are traumatized potato. Well, that ended up really long, but I relate to your post a lot as also a kid who mostly was learning of word via reading. I used to like sci-fi, but I read both classics as well as modern, and a lot of those books were so degrading to their female characters, and I remember how I was sometimes devastated, but accepted it as some real world truth.
Thank you for writing this message to me! It means a lot for me to know that I helped something to click, and you're right about Hermione, and about how books shape our views that we're either 'pretty' in conventional sense, or we just don't get to be heroines, regardless of talents.
I can relate so much to wanting to be like Hermione! She was incredibly smart and brilliant and she was allowed to have bushy hair and crooked teeth and she was still so important and vital to the story. It's a bit sad that her features change with time and she too changes them for a special occasion. We could have done with a heroine that looks a bit messy but it doesn't matter because nothing would ever get done without her!
And it's true that for the rest of the trio, she was just a nuisance except when they needed her to fix their homework or just as someone to lash out on. Sadly I believe for Ron she was just turned into romantic interest because he felt kind of an ownership of her, he bullied her relentlessly and was a complete nightmare before figuring out how to manipulate her into a relationship. I believe if we had grown Hermione more, and she found out about feminism, she would have dumped him.
The books do damage our view of ourselves if we're not conventionally pretty, warm and healing, helpful and brilliant, and if we instead need attention and help to overcome our own struggles. But this is why we're real people, we're not made to tell a story with our life, we're here and we're alive, and I don't believe appearance directs the course of our life, or our value. I don't believe any bit of my life would be different if I looked prettier, there are circumstances in reality like class, environment, patriarchy, financial resources, upbringing, trauma, and they often set our life path more than appearance ever could. Media sells us the story that we too can become problem-free, and ImportantTM if we're pretty, and all our circumstances would change then, but they wouldn't. Pretty doesn't work to our benefit more than getting us certain kinds of attention and maybe a pass at few non-important issues (tho m*n get extremely jealous so they blow these issues up like it's the pinnacle of life to get a free pass sometimes, losers).
But I agree with your point. Our heroines should get to be messy and 'ugly' with all their features crooked and weird, and they should get to be traumatized and help no one else, but be helped, be important, be vital, get attention, and get love.
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sakuplumeria · 1 year ago
Hello, I am using my main account since I can't ask questions with my sideblog. Thank you again for the questions choices, they were all awesome: 2), 4), 8), 17), 32), 38), 46), 52), 61), 67), 73)
Thank you for the ask!! Interesting choices~
2) A character in Saiyuki that grew on you
I always like Goku. I don't know why I liked him when I was little, but the more I know his story the more I like him. I'm quite sad when people see him like a child, he sees so much more than it seems. I'm thrilled to see how sensei developed his character, specially in Even a Worm arc, and how sensei drew him much more mature in Blast. Not only Sanzo, but he's like the sun to me too :3 There are many characters that grew on me as I spent more time with Saiyuki, Sanzo, Koumyo, Tenkai, Jikaku, Gat…
4) Favorite member of Kougaiji’s group
Is Zakuro part of his group? Yeah? No? Then Instructor Wang it is. I'm… oddly attracted to eccentric old men lmao.
8) Which character do you really dislike?
This is a hard question, I never really dislike a character as they all have their background stories… If I have to choose though, Li Touten, probably, for using Nataku like that :/
17) How long have you enjoyed Saiyuki?
I watched Reload and Reload Gunlock on TV when I was in elementary school, and you know they used sensei's art for the ending songs? I was so captivated that I searched for the manga. That's the first time I really worked myself to search for something. I just realized it's been around 20 years… omg
32) Do you enjoy writing/drawing/creating fan works for the Saiyuki fandom?
Absolutely! I write and draw and make covers, also translating the songs to English. I used many websites and you can see them here. I wish I have the energy to create more… at least to finish the ones I started..
38) Do you binge read the entire series or read selected chapters?
Sometimes I binge read, sometimes I read selected chapters. Mostly I read selected chapters when I'm in the mood!
46) If [character] died, what do you think they’d be reborn as?
Since you didn't give me the character, I'll go with Goku for the next two questions. By the way, I don't think Goku will die soon, I headcanon him aging very slowly… I wrote a fanfic about this, where Goku lives in the modern world lol. But anyway, I kinda imagine him reborn as a celestial being, much like Jeep, with powers and big responsibility for the world. A dragon maybe? I never thought about this before actually so I just type whatever pops up in my head lol
52) What are 3 tropes that describe [character]?
Amnesiac Hero :(
Innocent but Powerful
Bottomless Pit, as they always say
61) Do you seek out spoilers or avoid at all cost?
I don't mind spoilers, sometimes it helps me to get into the story better.
67) What’s something you think would improve the series?
Remake all the animated versions, with quality. Let's say, by Platinum Vision, the one who produces Reload Blast. Honestly, I like Saiyuki so much, but I don't rewatch it that much, besides Burial, because of the quality of the animes… It's also the reason why it's so hard to tell my friends about Saiyuki. People tend to watch rather than read, but I don't really want people to watch Saiyuki with the quality they have now. So yeah…
73) What character is still a mystery to you?
I wanna say Koumyo but well, I'm more interested in Tenkai and Taruchie. They're the ones with connection, connecting Ibun, which I see as the oldest story of Saiyuki on earth, and Blast, which will be the ending of it. Even though they're not the center of the plot, I believe they took an important part in it. That also brings me to Sai Tai Sai... but I guess we'll find out about Sai in the future. I hope to see Tenkai and Taruchie lore as well :3
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chemmerson · 1 year ago
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank you for the tag @lemony-snickers <3
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? - 28
2. What's your total Ao3 word count - 220, 092
3. What fandoms do you write for? - mostly naruto (kakashi) and jjk (nanami). i have also written for the legend of zelda, attack on titan, and haikyuu!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
hey, champ (and other awkward exchanges) - 1,040
take a chance on me - 674
butterflies - 619
the way you make me feel - 446
friday afternoons - 325
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? - yes i try to as much as i can! i really try to show appreciation because it always means to much to me when someone goes out of their way to express their thoughts <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? - i am very guilty of never writing angsty endings LOL
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? - literally all of them lol. i love happiness and love and cheesy romance!!!! sue me lol
8. Do you get hate on fics? - there have been people who have expressed their dislike lol. but never any trolls or hate or anything.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? - i do not
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? - i haven't ever! though it would be an interesting endeavor.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? - not that i know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? - no
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? - no but that would be very fun!!!
14. What's your all time favorite ship? - everyone knows...zelink is my life. zelink is everything. zelink is my entire heart <3
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? - hmmm maybe just for tonight? i love the concept bc wedding date nanami is EVERYTHING but i wasn't sure which direction to go in so i got stuck haha
16. What are your writing strengths? - hmmm...i am not the best person to ask lol. maybe dialogue?
17. What are your writing weaknesses? - i am NOT concise lol. someone tell me to shut up pls
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? - i would definitely do my thorough research and make sure that it makes sense in the context.
19. First fandom you wrote for? - my first official fanfiction was attack on titan. my first published fic was for naruto!
20. Favorite fic you've written? - this is very hard. primaveral is my passion project and a fic that is reflective of my heart. but hey, champ will also always have a special place in my heart <3
tagging (no pressure!): @powerfultenderness @strawberrystepmom @whats-her-quirk and whoever would like to do it!
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acaciapines · 1 year ago
What are your thoughts on fionna and cake so far? Any favorite/least favorite characters or episodes?
i dont know HOW you sent this at the most perfect time but we just finished!! so so so so SO
as a heads up this is! nimona. acacia will add her thoughts after but for me i think i liked cake the most??? its the shape shifting cat of it all I CAN BE A SHAPESHIFTING CAT TOO!! but honestly i think i liked everything im riding the high of finishing it so?? i cant think of things i disliked?? im new to watching things!! this is the first show ive watched!! as me! so its like EXTRA special!!
i really liked all the worlds they went to!! they all were so FUN and the designs were so GOOD i love how they redid fionna she looks SO GOOD NOW and simon's depressed old man energy was real real good! um what else. i dont know!! i had a really good time! i think i liked it more than adventure time proper!! its shorter so it has more time to just be good all around but even the parts of adventure time i really liked i liked fionna and cake more!! whooo!!!!!! nimona out!
(acacia now) i also really liked it, haha….i never actually cared much for the fionna and cake episodes in adventure time, but the way they did it here was so so interesting--i think i just really like normal ass people in fantasy stories and it was done really well here, i FELT fionna's energy okay. i too do all of those things.
i was not expecting the stuff with simon and betty but i really liked it!! i found it very interesting…also i pinged it early on like 'huh this seems. mildly unheathly wonder if they do anything with that' and they did! which was great for me personally.
i dont know! i really like stories about fighting for the world you get even when its not perfect…i think the ending did that SO WELL, because like, we get some magic that sticks around (mostly cake) but the world itself doesnt become this fantasy magical land…for the most part its very real.
bubbline was my favorite part of adventure time and i really liked gary/marshall here but WHY DID THEY DO BUBBLEGUM DIRTY LIKE THAT…of all the names they picked GARY??? like. barry is right there………..truly the only choice i do not understand. cannot fathom how they got gary. is this payback for all of bonnie's unethical sciencing. honestly thats fair.
also me watching pb and marcy in the vampire world: oh yeah i might be aromantic but i am 100% gay too always nice to be reminded
overall! we had a BLAST watching this and now that we're done i. i dont know what we're gonna do with our time anymore.
actually thats a lie i need to read the adventure time high school aus. i know they have to exist. every fandom has them. i need to study them with a microscope i need to know how people try to adapt adventure time into a human high school au when most of the main characters are fully adults. do they just make jake a normal dog.
the true answer is jake should be a furry <3
okay thats all for us if you cannot tell we are still riding the fionna and cake high. deciding to watch adventure time was the best decision we made.
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