#why cant you care about your children JOHN?!
musicloveop3s · 5 months
Brain is brrr-ing
I'm rewatching SPN and S2 EP6 gave me a very interesting idea that i, myself, am unable to do for the lack of willpower.
So Jo, Ellen's daughter, asked dean his first memory of his dad, to which he explains being taken out shooting, bottles on a fence, and "bulleye-ing it" (he shot each one perfectly) and the way his father smiled at him.
Now imagine, we hear Johns side of raising the boys, my intial thought is that in the beginning he would have plently of proud father TM stories but the more he talks about raising the boys and huntin' the less memories he has (because he wasn't present). He's start talking like he reading aloud a report (he's some kind of vet, served twice?) and its because he is, he is repeating from his perspective reports/updates dean had given him, but it's like he doesn't even realize how few memories of the boys he actually has.
like first girlfriend? Most parents can tell you their kids puppy love story by heart (i assume based off what ive heard, these are not accurate stats) and hell they are hunters! so maybe it would be he knows his sons preferred weapon of choice! but he doesn't, he knows what weapon they were required to use in order to kill a monster but he doesn't know what weapon they will without a doubt always try first.
and slowly as this story/interview/whatever continue you stop hear about sam and dean and only hear about his hunts, you only hear em if they helped out (that vamp nest) and its so perfectly easied into that the reader (and assumingly John) dont quite notice the shift from the boys to hunts, I would love to hear John Winchester description of before mary died - day mary died - borderline sewerslidal father - not really functional alcoholic - learning to be hunter father - commanding chief - death story cuz we hear Sam's resentment story, get flashbacks of Dean's life as well as hearing Dean's "my dad is my hero" story.
Did john think of his kids? or was it more like a when they weren't there then they didn't exist but when they were there in front of him they meant the world?
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cieric-of-chaos · 7 months
I know it's just fiction and it's not that serious but I can't take it anymore I am tired of negative conversations about Wanda's kids and people comparing her to other characters sorry if the English is bad...just woke up from a short nap
they always bring this "Super-Strong-super-smart famous-character" blah blah and they’re like “well this Character is so smart and good at fighting and complex he can solo Wanda" or sometimes the repetitive "Wanda have fake kids they just have to say that to defeat her wah wah" it's so annoying...like Wanda's children is not just "fake" if you actually watch WV you would get what I mean, SHE GAVE BIRTH TO THEM, she feels them growing in her belly, they are Alive and...she raised them and celebrate birthdays with them, cook for them...they are real to her she loves her sons and they loved her.... that's why she's so sad and affected when they disappear....like what would you feel if the person you love just disappear and people tells you that they are "fake they don't matter" and also stop saying that you could defeat Wanda by just telling her that her "children are fake" your literally just gonna make her angry. Also the reason her children disappear is bcuz their physical body can only exist inside the hex, they have a soul and they probably got reincarnated like in the comics.
And also why are y'all so normal and calm about making abusive jokes on children? They are kids played by real kids... like why do you want to hit children so badly? I agree that the "song" that they sings is awkward and cringe but is it really needed for you to make disgusting abusive jokes??
Fuck you Kevin feige for Ruining everything you should have just leave wanda's character alone fuck you Michael Waldron for writing that shitty script fuck you Brian Michael bendis for writing that shitty comic storyline and fuck you John Byrne all of this started because you can't draw babies
Wanda Knows hand to hand combat, she's not that physically weak...sure yeah Natasha or Clint could beat her in hand to hand. it’s wanda. She’s not a Martial Artist. but i hate that people like to say that she's weak and "cant fight" she's not like daredevil or Cap but she CAN fight (watch infinity war or the deleted scenes) and also she's not DUMB she's not Just a regular human with powers she's part of the avengers and she study the book of the damned in her cabin for months or years(not sure about the gap between WV and dsmom)SHE'S IS NOT CLUELESS about magic she literally know how to dreamwalk and did it too without the book, she managed to outsmart Agatha, she summons gargantos and that ribboned demon and managed to kill defender!strange and if it weren't for her kids snapping her out of her murderous rampage she would have won she literally defeats herself... Both America and strange literally said they can't defeat her....Stop underestimating and undermining her..so just you could make your fav look good...I don't care about her being the most powerful but you do and if it's bother that's not my fault... Why are u are so insecure.... she's dead already please leave her alone and I don't care about her being popular or ur fav being more more....I want Wanda to become underated again...I miss the days where the scarlet witch fandom is quiet....
sorry again... the English is bad and its jumbled and rushed i just woke up after having a bad dream and also I can't stop thinking about some of the disgusting comments I read on YouTube bout her kids.... grown man hating on children for acting like normal...children I am so annoyed and disgusted.
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Competitive Chomping (Episode 5 of Human Jon [space orcs])
Warning: If i spell any of the alien words wrong then thats because im on a different keyboard and cant be bothered to check each word
Alice decided to go see her family while Jon, B‘ksa ans L‘öšmgj headed into the heart of the city. Jon‘s parents were taking care of Fluff.
J: Oh my god! A competetitive chompdown!
L‘: Come again?
J: It‘s this thing we do where we have a competition to see who can eat the fastest. You register by filling out a form then you compete against opponents to finish 50 celloth sausages the fastest.
B‘: Why would anyone do this?
J: For fun? People pay to watch this. Speaking of, I‘m gonna buy us a ticket each to watch.
B‘: What could possibly be fun about this? You aren’t savoring the food and you don’t even need that much! You could feed a family with that many celloth sausages.
J: You‘re right, it is a waste of food but the reason it‘s fun is because it‘s just a fun way of competing against others.
L‘: Humans have a weak digestive track. Do they not throw up afterwards?
J: Well yeah but we get to watch them do it! Part of the fun.
B‘: How come there’s only humans comepting?
L‘: That‘s not very progressive.
J: No, see this schedule? It says that today only humans comepte and tomorrow anyone can compete. Humans are at a disadvantage aginst other species so you know.
The three of them get into the crowd to watch strangers force feed themselves plant meat that could have fed a battalion of children. Because Jon bought the tickets off of someone else who didn’t want to watch anymore instead of off of the seller, he was able to get front row tickets.
Announcer: Folks, it looks like two of our contestants can’t make it today on account of being murdered by their competition.
B‘: Holy hell you take this seriously.
A: No, I‘m just kidding of course, the two missing competitors are actually the Garsen brothers but it seems their father has passed. He was a legend in the Competitive Chomping Community. Rest in peace, Fuzz Garsen. A momemnt of silence please.
B‘, loudly: What does he mean by that?
J: Shhh
A: You two, what was that? Did you just disrespect the great Fuzz Garsen? Did you not hear me call for a moment of silence? How would you two like to compete against the others? Fill in for the Garsen brothers?
The crowd started chanting „Fill in! Fill in!“
J: Fuck‘s sake B‘ksa look what you‘ve gotten us into.
A big entity from Fhsbeb picked the two of them up and dropped them on the stage.
J: Is this even allowed? B’ksa is a Hö\an…
But nobody cared. Because B’ksa was small. He was not a threat. Jon was about to get embarrassed in front of this crowd. He was already full and B‘ksa was a meter tall. But Jon had a strategy. The way the competition worked was that you would stop eating once one person finished all 50 sausages, then you get scored based on how many sausages you had left.
A: 3, 2, 1, go!
John took a sausage and bit a part of it. He then proceeded to chew on that bite for a good 20 seconds before taking another bite snd chewing again. He chewed for 20 seconds and took another bite. At 1 minute and 3 seconds, the buzzer rang. Jon had only taken 3 bites and he was feeling proud of himself. He looked to his left and saw both the opponents on his left still had a sausage in their hand, one of them had another in his mouth. To his right he saw a contestant with 40 or so sausages still on his plate and he had passed out. So that’s why they stopped. But then…
A: How the hell did you win?
Somehow, B‘ksa had fucking won. He ate more sausages than anyone else.
A: That’s cheating, get off the stage!
J: Why, what did he do?
A: Your bastard disrespectful friend compressed all the sausages together and then swallowed it whole! Surely that doesn’t count?
Hö\ans were really strong. They also had the ability to stretch their mouth really far. Also celloth meat just happened to dissolve quickly in Hö\an saliva. So B‘ksa had compressed 50 sausages into an unholy stack of plant meat which he then dissolved in his huge mouth.
After being kicked out, Jon searched for the interplanetary record in Competitive Chomping 50 Celloth Sausage%, and found out that B‘ksa had shattered the record by 24 seconds!
B‘: So? Why would I care?
J: You‘re the first Hö\an to compete in this and the beat the interplanetary record!
B‘: I don’t see how this benefits me.
J: I literally cannot with you.
Alice: He WHAT? J: Yeah the fucker doesn‘t even care.
A: Damn that’s kind of badass though.
J: Bro what the fuck?
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Thoughts while listening to Death Shroud:
• nicknicknicknicknicknick
• Ellie where are you getting coffee
• what do you put in your coffee???
• “There aren’t many spare parts for you Nick” why can’t you use gen 2 synth parts?
• Goodneighbor? THIS EARLY? MY BITCH IS BACK?!
• HANCOCK!!!!!
• wait why would Nick order a drink
• omg canon Nora real???
• Nick stop encouraging Hancock’s chem use
• how the hell are they gonna get Hancock into Diamond City
• cram! It’s meat… mostly!
• thank GOD ellie is safe
• “drab upstairs apartment” lmao they said your interior decorating skills suck nick
• Nick “The Dick” Valentine
• Okay WHO is charlie????
• damn what did the Minutemen do to y’all
• Nick 4 Mayor
• who even is the mayor of Diamond City now
• John “Hold Me Back Nicky!” Valentine Hancock
• that was supposed to say Hancock, but Valentine was accidentally typed and that’s funnier.
• 3/4 families are missing their daily intake of processed powder cheddar? Believable.
• ayo time skip?
• lmao Seth Patrick Day
• D I M A ! ?
• omg Nick and Nora are besties <3
• Hancock you’re already back <3
• oh Moe,,,, never stop lying babe
• his source is “i made it the fuck up”
• The Mechanist is back????? Hello???
• salty bitch. can you leave Sole and Co alone like goddamn
• Is the Mechanist a Synth now?
• wait no
• NO
• I don’t care who Nick Valentine sends, I am NOT eating sugar bombs
• did they fucking nuke Piper
• NORA!!!!!
• omg Shaun :)
• omg Nick :(
• omg Danse???? Why are you here what
• hdjdjdjd say hi to your big brother Nick, Danse
• “don’t touch me” lmao
• oh no. strong left. that’s… so sad…
• Protective mom Nora!
• I love them all so much oh my god
• this is a fucked up family reunion
• ugh FUCK maxson all my homies hate maxson
• “An old flame” “Seriously? I wanna see how that works” Hancock is asking what we’re all thinking
• bro can Nora have anything
• I can not believe that Hancock and Danse are friends now lol
• lmao don’t rob the vault tec rep
• wait. why didn’t Nora invite him to Sanctuary :(
• god I love you so much Mack
• omg this trio can NOT be good lol (Nora, Hancock, Danse)
• Nora how the fuck is Hancock lifting Danse
• “Danse, scan the building, use infrared vision to pick up vitals” “I don’t have infrared vision” “Really? So much for human 2.0” he’s such a smart ass I love him
• FEV conjoined twins???? Omg that’s so fucking cool
• Hancock, stealing is bad
• Hancock, Florida is bad
• lmao Danse is bitter about Nora taking Nick instead of him haha
• Oh shit they got Lorenzo’s crown? Nora you can’t leave this shit laying around girl
• Nora really. You freed Lorenzo??? You dummy
• okay so Hancock and Danse aren’t really friends now lol, they just kinda tolerate each other. Real.
• “No, are you nuts? He’s armored, dual wielding, and you’re wearing a 16th century nightgown!” “You unpatriotic son of a-” “Hush, damn it!” these three are so important to me
• UNITY???? UNITY!? no way they’re doing a Master plot right?
• so is this the same mechanist as in the automatron DLC?
• damn these 3 are agile
• omg not Hancock’s coat!!!!
• oh fuck the silver shroud and mechanist fused
• can we please discuss how fucking disgusting yum yum deviled eggs sound. How the fuck were they preserving eggs. Why would you make prepackaged deviled eggs??? I always thought that was such a weird pick for a food lol
• uh oh. UH OH.
• can y’all let Nora have ONE THING god DAMN
• I cant believe they canoned Nora and Danse being together,,,, damn
• omg Hancock please don’t traumatize Shaun
• Hancock do NOT give Shaun alcohol oh my god
• can they stop killing my favorite old people
• omg I forgot about you Nick lol
• hey Charlie? What the fuck
• do NOT kill Mack PLEASE
• bro can Nora have ANYTHING damn-
• can’t have shit in the commonwealth fr
• Mack you are fucking useless (I still love you though)
• why are we talking about puppies what
• oh my god :(
• Nick… you fucking plug yourself into computers???? hacker supreme
• omg he’s so robot
• omg Mack you are so papaw
• it’s cre-shendo not cre-sendo
• Nick you are NOT captain america omg
• shit I guess he is captain America
• poor papaw has had such a day let him go home Nick
• “I’m not asking!” DAMN nick
• this is so funny what the fuck is happening
• ok it is kinda funny to imagine a salesman in power armor lol
• Huh. Cannibals will eat ghouls. Interesting.
• learn to drive? How? What driving schools are there???
• okay the idea of a cab driver in the commonwealth is so funny. But how the fuck did Jefferson come into existence-
• Mack is so real lol
• omg David my beloved peepaw
• 747683 is not 5 digits Nick
• Champion of Justice???? What?
• maybe I’m missing something?????? It is 6 am lol
• I’m sorry, did Nick magic a fucking vault into existence
• time to wake up bitch
• but… the shroud… isn’t real… did Nick just create the fucking Silver Shroud?
• it should be 2289, not 2287
• “Same words Hancock uttered after smoking a tire that one time…” huh???? Nick and Hancock hang out lol
• I’m sorry, I can’t get over Nick Valentine accidentally bringing fucking Batman into existence simply for the drama of it all
• Poor David lol
• How The fuck is Nick gonna explain all this to Nora, Danse, and Hancock
• oh. Ok. That makes sense.
• this is like the world’s strangest fanfiction
• Okay, I’m starting to think that Nick managed to get high off Jet or smth
• who is the duke????
• “sociopath science daddy in slacks” What the hell maccready
• “just one more job” thanks. Gonna go sob now
• omg fancy lad snack cakes my beloved
• omg Hancock is in his Robin era
• wow. Just remembered Kent is dead. Devastating
• pay your employees Shroud.
• An old lady, the Silver Shroud, and Hancock get into a cab…
• why is no one questioning this cab
• honestly though. I understand why Hancock isn’t. He probably just thinks he’s hallucinating lol.
• “Fish Lips Malone!” what. is happening. I’m as confused as Hancock is…
• “activate passive aggressive restraint!” What is that????
• Hancock why do you know every criminal.
• “yes indeed my flesh peeling friend!”
• “man I have never seen anyone who needs to be laid more than you do” “finally someone else says it” oh my GOD I love Hancock so much (and Jefferson. Man, do I love Jefferson.)
• “omg Hancock we’ve been waiting for you! Oh… and the shroud’s here, too…” just like me fr
• Is the Silver Shroud an incel…
• lmao everyone else hates Johnny Guitar?
• Hancock you are REMARKABLY casual about the dead man in your booth
• The Silver Shroud is a short king lol
• why is Kellogg the only one who thinks the shroud being here is weird
• Nora is an “uppity broad” lol
• why are y’all dissing Hancock, leave my man alone-
• Just gotta say… it’s a great day to be a Hancock stan
• what. A literal rat faced man? Why does he have 3 arms?
• Hm. They still do beehive hair, huh? I’m kinda impressed
• what do you mean they turned Louie into a mole rat using the creation engine
• “stay low to the ground, my crusty companion!”
• how could they do this to me.
• the Silver Shroud can say fuck. Nice
• omg wait
• Hancock is… Hancock’s… he’s…
• he’s stoned
• ba-dum-tsh
• Travis, please don’t sexually harass all of Diamond City
• I’m more than half way through this and I genuinely have no clue what’s going on lol
• omg they legit are using the creation engine huh
• I wanna have tea with god…
• Dr… Satan?
• Nora 🤝 Harold
never getting to rest
• I think it’s very funny that Hancock is just… back.
• damn they all got stoned
• and the stone is gone again
• what even is the point of the stone lol
• who is… showing up…
• Damn. Bye bye Obediah.
• I genuinely can’t remember what started this lmao
• Oh fuck, Kellogg is back…
• omg they broke the scarab!!!
• what do you mean by too many voices
• too many characters??????? WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT
• they are SO remarkably calm
• “see if you can… blind him with some… bullets to the face” yeah that should do it Nick
• “my speed should give me the upper hand” your what Nick
• … they’re summoning bitches now? A Grognak bitch? WHY ARE YOU HERE?
• wait. Nora is the one magicing?
• oh wait. You mean that Nora was the silver shroud for a while. Right? What is happening.
• The Silver Shroud is really good at sticking to his bit lol
• Silver Shroud speed runs an existential crisis
• uh oh
• uh oh
• uh oh
• reality is literally crumbling
• oh fuck Bethesda is crumbling
• THE JOKER!!!!!???
• CLAPTRAP!!!!!!!????
• Poor Nick…
• can you guys stop having relationship issues when I’m on the phone with my dentist
• SNIPER?????
• GLADOS is hitting on Nick Valentine. Yeah. Okay.
• “Thank you, intelligent sociopathic blender!”
• at no point could I have predicted this.
• they gave Nick a portal gun.
• he is opening a portal on the moon.
• they are essentially creating a black hole.
• How The FUCK is Nick supposed to mentally handle all of this
• GLADOS didn’t even get to say goodbye :/
• omg they’re in the creation engine
• Jesus Christ, poor fucking Nick
• Hey, you. You’re finally awake.
• what do you mean it was all a dream
• how did Nick fall asleep
• is everyone alive??????
• wow. Huh. What.
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you seem pretty cool, and I got hate for saying these things, but you don't seem hateful. You seem nice, so I just wanted to share my non hateful opinions/stuff I'm confused on and get your feedback
1. I am all for Daenerys taking back the iron throne, but I'm also a little confused cause Daenerys can't get have kids cause of the blood curse so Daenerys cant birth her heir/heirs so if she decides to have a heir/heirs who is she going to choose to be her heir/heirs but I kinda like the idea that if Daenerys gets the iron throne and after she dies, Drogon burns the throne (it took a dragons fire to make it and it'll take a dragons fire to melt it) and then westreos goes back to how it was before Aegon the Conqueror or the kingdoms vote who they want as a king/queen since they've been under one ruler for so long
2. I get why people don't talk bad about rhaeger but I also don't understand why no one talks bad about Rhaegar to Daenerys and tells her what Rhaegar did, cause him kidnapping lyanna is the reason why Robert decided to rebel in the first place with the help of some of the other kingdoms (who were tired of the targaryens which I honestly understand)
Well, I'm a highly pragmatic person who isn't quick to anger, especially from strangers online. You can ask me anything and I'll answer the best of my ability without being an ass about it.
Many fans have guessed that Daenerys is not actually barren or will not be barren for the whole series. You can do some googling to find people's opinions on all of that. Here's a reddit thread of people talking about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/15dy6b5/is_daenerys_barren_spoilers_extended/?rdt=38014. There's also a lot of essays here on tumblr.
The fact that a monarchy is a really flawed system of government isn't a new idea. Just because someone was born into the job doesn't mean that they'll be any good at it. English history is full of horrible kings. Richard II was deposed for a reason, for example. No one studies Henry VIII because he was a good person who did wonderful things for his people. Especially because he had his armies slaughter a bunch of them. King John is the archetypal "bad" king. So yeah, monarchies suck.
I'm not sure each kingdom governing itself would be all that much better. I can understand why people would think it would but you still have a monarchy, leaving the smallfolk and lesser lords, for that matter, to be at the whims of a person who is stupid, cruel, or both. I think it would be great if Daenerys developed some version of parliament where people can be represented and also voice their concerns to the ruler and the Small Council in an official way.
Will that happen? Stay tuned.
A lot of people hate Rhaegar, actually. I mean, I do. How he treated Elia and their children is pretty unforgivable. I mean he just didn't fucking care or at least he acted that way. People who are fans of Daenerys are not Ride or Die to all the Targaryens. While Rhaegar's actions might be explainable, as in he did it for prophecy, that doesn't make them forgivable. Also Lyanna was not even 16 when he knocked her up and left her to be looked after no one but guards in Dorne. Stabler and Benson would have been all over that situation :).
You can ask any questions you want.
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trans-marcus-brutus · 2 years
I said I wasn’t gonna do this but here I am anyway here’s my live reactions to Vikings Valhalla Season 2 obviously spoilers ahead
Olaf what the FUCK that’s your baby brother
I love Freydis so much
Leif and Harald striking off together 😩
Hm Godwin blinding someone already. won’t be the last time
I’m about to simp for Yaroslav
If Olaf and Aelfgifu fuck I’m gonna throw my laptop out the window
Olaf stop being WEIRD you did not just compare yourself to a dog and try to make it sexy
Where the fuck are Alfie and Eddie
Is Harthacnut born yet
Godwin crusty as usual I hate him
Is Harald smoking literal crack why is he constantly like this
Well. Apparently Leif is the one smoking shit
Oh god his ass is gonna fall off the roof
Hi my names Leif I’m 19 and I never fucking learned how to read
Hmm. Not a fan of slave boat guy
Are they fucking racist in uppsala 2.0
Are they doing the Viking heritage thing please stop 💀
Why is everyone here being awful all of a sudden
Who is this blind dude
Godwin suck a fat dick for me why don’t you
Fucking burn his ass Freydis
Did Aelfwynn have a thing with that guy??????? Why she upset?
Nvm that’s her brother oof
Is Gytha Godwin’s future wife
Leif’s two brain cells smoking rn
All aboard the bitchboat
Harald if you don’t shut the fuck up
Is there someone stowed away? Oh. The slaves. Hm :/
“I’m reinventing myself”
“Yes, I see. As what.?”
Yaroslav is Harald’s new dad
Emma that is such a lesbian moment
I throw up in my mouth everytime godwin sucks that girls face
I refuse to believe no animals messed with those bones out in the god damn woods
Emma went from hot to scary in .2seconds
Aelfwynn girl you’re too good for that fuckass
I love Kurya I wanna kiss him
I love everyone on this ship except that fuckwad slaver
that took like .2 days
I’m glad the fucking slaver died
I wanna fuck Kurya even more
If anything happens to baby Harald I’m killing everyone and then myself
Leif needs to stop chasing girls who are gonna die
Olaf who are you so insane
brb gonna fucking cry he was so cute
Is this the fucking pope come to visit
Olaf stop being so manipulative omfg
I want a medieval wedding
“I have great expectations of your children” fuck me in the shit balls fuck….
Emma gave her the fucking dead dude ring didn’t she
I really wanna see Godwin get pegged
Like I hate him but maybe it would fucking loosen him up a bit
Harald if you would stop being a whore for two seconds
Yoooooo Freydis “and are all these men baptized?” I got fucking chills
Svein is such a literal infant
The crucifix imagery is *chefs kiss* god and he does become a martyr fuckkk
Short king
Not the Justinian fit
I need season 3 yesterday 8 episode seasons is nowhere near enough bruh 😭
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
There's a few people around who don't understand the math at all and we're going to start to teach it to them in a moment I think they can be these little children running around making faces at people saying stupid s*** they end up in the news everyday with a TBI. Yesterday was no exception they rode around half the day being huge assholes and got into this massive car accident and broke tons of Bones and then all had traumatic brain injuries and afterwards went around shooting each other and pretty much her vegetables today and it shows and here they are having a great time trying to explain whether actually stupid and it's not necessary people see you getting hit. I miss you losing your brain matter and they see why that's because you are a bunch of intolerable people and they're starting to get up their gumption right now and they're going to come out and start to do their work I call it and it's almost never ending except for the fact that the percentages show steep losses by the morlock of all kinds and their going to be one third the size of last year all of them in about 1 week or less so kind of goes to show you what they're really doing and it is a tragedy it's a disaster but it is pushed and provoked by the people who are doing it here who consider themselves to be kind of computer programmers when they cannot even assemble a computer and make it work. Not even a home computer it's ridiculous the conversations are terrible the egos are non-existent and the flavor is horrendous so I'm going to get on to some data and update people on the status and a lot of it has to do with here and the pseudo empire advancing.
-they're traveling down the road right now I'm heading for mostly Tampa and Sarasota it's a goal and there are a lot of them they're a huge Force once again it would be the tunnels and the ships and the diamonds and they are kicking everybody out on your finding those low to Little Resistance even from the clones and after doing it we are infilling where they leave from and taking over their jobs that they self admittedly can't perform and it is a begrudging match pretty much disgusting. They don't seem to have any ability to perform their regular duties without a lot of flack and John remillard repeats the same routine every day is saying he's going to go over there with a long gun and tries to motivate himself I am people find what are you saying doesn't match little sun is saying. It's a matter of time before people cut them loose and for being retarded children. We're going to put this way we don't want to converse with you idiots because you're just pigs and it comes through every time really obviously but this group is coming down and they're coming down to kick your ass and you pretend it's nothing
Are you very mean you're very stupid and you deserve it and we don't care at all you're on our face and you're going to hear about it today and more so whenever we please and wouldn't ask you people are. They're sending them forces from here and desperately trying to get people here and they cant. They're working up a bunch of figures on what to do on things to do. We'll find out they are finding out people don't like them now Sun comes out every once in awhile and has lunch out at the park their behaviors obscene. I don't think any of them are trying to help the constantly are saying the issuing threats then we hit them we have heard a lot from John remillard and company and we begin to hear from the others and they will not stop offering comments advice rude looks steamy conversation and really rancid threats in space. We're going to get to work right here right now
-there's a huge crowd coming down from Sarasota and we're going to go after them. Well no the people here say they are and is going on now. It's pretty big and the infiltrating and they're coming down here. Groups are getting up to stuff them.
Thor Freya
Let's get going on this stuff
Hera she doing anything here here
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ima-ghost-art · 2 years
I'm in the middle of writing a stranger things fic wip with robin getting vecnad and honestly? I forgot how fun it is to write angst lol
Robin faces being disowned by most of her homophobic family, vecna using her dad (the only one who stuck by her and still love her) to cause more harm
Steve having his "I CANT FUCKING LOSE HER" moment (frantically searching for her favourite song only to realise their mixtape is at her house)
Her favourite song is "I'm still standing" by elton John btw
Nancy yelling at him saying "we get it your girlfriend might die but your not the only one who cares about her!?" To which steve loses HIS SHIT bc nancy stop being bullshit that's his platonic soulmate and he loves her more than any romantic fling he could have had in the past bc robin was the first person to except him and ask if he was okay!!!!
Robin then having to face the Russians again, only this time forced to watch steve getting tortured (finally understanding why he wouldnt fully tell her what happened) plus watching/ seeing dustin and erica hurt and blaming her for what happened at starcourt!
She (like steve) blames herself for letting them get involved, she hates that her decoding a secret message for fun led to someone she now loves getting hurt
Everyone is not sure if they are more scared of robin dying in this moment, or steve, who the party is pretty sure has finally cracked when in his last attempt to find a song that means something to robin
Starts singing total eclipse of the heart like a muppet
Oh btw all 4 chapters (maybe more I'm still planning lol) are named after different lyrics from the song
Robin saves herself time by hiding in the memory of her and steve making thier mixtape (Steve's coming out moment/ Robin's dad being AMAZING)
I love Robin's dad in this hes a pretty cool bi king who just loves his two gay children (steve is his son, steve had no choice in the suprise adoption bit prefers him much more over his real dad)
VECNA (the bitch) tells robin as shes escaping that if she doesnt join him, she knows who will be next (yep you stevie boy ;))
Of course robin still escapes, but not without being utterly terrified for her bestfriend, not even sure how to tell him (or the others tbh) that vecna probably wont be targeting max this time, instead choosing to take out their hardest hitter
Que steve and robin having a VERY emotional hug (if they weren't co dependent before, they definitely are now)
Everyone else is just there in stunned silence bc gods damn it that was the most stressful 15 minutes of their lives and it got resolved BY STEVE SINGING BONNIE TYLERS "total eclipse of the heart" LIKE FRICKIN MISS PIGGY
Possibly gunna write a sequel involving steve and him getting vecna'd, (I have so many angsty ideas for this too (plus a bit of steddie)
and a prequel about the whole "mixtape" scene and stuff involving robin and steve being beautiful codependent queens being gay with a king that is Robin's dad helping them learn what love means where I project my 80s music taste onto my favourite characters (obviously that would include other characters but this is all based on platonic stobin so they're only guests lol)
Anywayyyyy this was longer than planned but maybe if other people like this idea it will actually get me to finish it (tho I still dont know how long that would be since I just started my new college course)
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rosewinelonging · 2 years
alpha condy + crocker kids are very different from beta condy + crocker kids. jane from birth had the expectation of heiress. jake was, sorry to say, completely useless. he didnt serve any purpose other than being janes companion. thats why when he eventually ran away he faced zero consequences. condy simply did not care because she still had her heiress in her grasp. their roles are simple and easily fufilled with no problems or mishaps.
for the alpha crockers though. john while never actively rebelling was never going to inherit anything due to him not being a girl. jade who was supposed to be the heiress actively rebelled and adamantly denied her role. when she eventually escaped she was probably hunted down for most her life until eventually being caught and killed as punishment. a very different fate from jake. because of her behavior to say condy resented her wouldnt be a far stretch. no love left for a child wouldnt submit. 
this is why john, despit not being heiress, fufilled the role of golden child. he wasnt like jade. he was good, he obeyed. its really a ‘why cant you be more like your brother’ situation. the facts came out to john being highly favored in comparison. which would leave him in a very awkward position bc he now had to deal with the expectation that came with that. any act of rebellion or falling out of favor with condy could easily wind up with him dead. jade was needed, she was important. what condy felt towards her ultimately meant nothing if she could fufil her needed role. john was kept around because she liked him no other reason.
thats why when it comes to setting john against jane, the two golden children of the family its hard to say which one is liked more. jane obviously does her duty, shes needed and didnt complain about it but theres no indication that condy would ever love her. pleased? definetly. love? ehhhh. condy doesnt seem like the type to ever get attached to humans. but then theres john. he also fills his role of ‘good child’ i feel like jades active rebellion and his subsequent sucking up to survive would endear her a whole lot more. whos to say how she would feel about him if she had a loyal and subserveant heiress.
on the opposite side of the spectrum, jade and jake. while jade is hated and jake isnt even percieved at all. which personally i think total indifference is worse than hate. well maybe not in this family lol alright thats it ive rewritten this three times im tired
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starbright-cobweb · 3 years
i get frustrated around discourses like "stop shaming people who buy super cheap nick knacks on amazon" or w/e because on the one hand, absolutely - shaming does no good
but on the other hand, there are people in your own country, and many more internationally, who can't even get the cheap stuff. my neighbours all have those nice door wreaths, and mine is made from bits of tree and grass that i found in the woods. i don't have a goddess statue like my pagan friends, mine's papier mache and made from egg boxes. i don't do candles because how would i get candles, and so on.
"oh but i can't help but buy home clutter from the Asda basics range even though i know it was probably made with exploited labour, it's ok for me to do because I can't afford the home clutter from the John Lewis range (more expensive but, also made with exploited labour, maybe even in the same factory)"
there's a sense in which that's fine, and a sense in which engaging with people on it does no good; and there's another sense in which it feels like, idk, redwashing - is that even a real term? defending a status quo with superficially progressive language. Or, setting two simultaneous forms of poverty against one another rather than finding a way to make both arguments.
what i'm gesturing towards is that like, whoever made this object 'you cannot live without' probably does not own one themselves. That's complex. That makes the conversations around this stuff complex. idk the answer, but the complexity demands nuance and patience and an appropriately sober tone. (and that's my bias here: i become impatient with "oh i cant help but buy gel pens from walmart because they help me cope emotionally?" type arguments, because i'm in a situation where i actually can't use casual cheap shopping as a day-to-day strategy, i have to find other strategies which don't involve any expense, and my life is - fine. "It's ok to buy a cheap pre-made wreath from Asda because it makes things look nice and it makes me feel good" - well you could make one with twigs, or we could just not do that to our houses at all, we have options here which don't involve complicity in exploitation. And what if making your own wreath with twigs was more nourishing holistically, what if it created other opportunities? "I can't not get this thing" - actually, you probably absolutely can, and many other people do. I'm not really talking about like, kitchenware or clothes, or even toys for children, i get that poverty is a series of trade-offs. & not because of austerity for its own sake, but also as a form of community like: the workplace would be better if everyone came in with patched clothes. Setting the "average" of our society at a lower economic rung means expanding who gets to be included. Normalised consumption excludes those who cannot consume. I feel like some of the anti-consumerism discourses of the 90s have vanished along the way into a self care feel good repackaging of consumer culture, and idk if i have the political sophistication to hone this into a real argument instead of a vibe. I think what i'm saying is that other people are forced by circumstance to go without this stuff; why should you, with your greater power and ability to choose, not go without voluntarily on ethical grounds - especially because it's part of an interlinked system, where your ability is created by others inability? A better world means that at some point, you will not be able to buy a £3 Christmas decoration. Why not start that now? Are Christmas crackers nice, or are they the embodiment of the ugliness of their creation? *waves the joyless doomer leftist vibe wand*
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dahniwitchoflight · 4 years
Homesquared Chapter 14 part b
Alright time for more reactions to Homesqaured- oh jeezus
the last one of these I did was from october last year, hoo boy alright brain time to get back on the time train things are happening fast
we last left off with me thinking they just fucking hilled Harry but I remembered the wrong house so Harrys fine, John not so much
Yeah, John sad but ooh Karkat shows up!
They seem to have a mutual conversation about lost youth and stuff, really makes these characters feel oold
“JOHN: jeez, i'm sorry karkat.
JOHN: i had no idea how much time had passed.
JOHN: i must have gotten a bit distracted by my house being blown up.“
Oh man, John thats a whole ass MOOD
lol at sburb allocated blow job
yeah Karkats right tho, John does kind of need a kick in the pants to see how he might have been useful here, but Johns still stuck in this rut of not seeing anything around him as Real real, so hes blind to all of the consequences of inaction
John its called derealization and depersonalization, you can get help for that yknow
But I mean, cant really blame him, hes being smothered by the fires of Doom all around him
Its interesting to see that Karkat, a Blood player, is more comfortable navigating through things that constrain them and tie them down, since constraint is something Blood and Doom have in common, Chains and Barriers and Laws and etc
Whereas John the Breath player, just gets bogged down, hes totally out of his element
so it ends up being like John: “Id like to cling to some funny moments of my youth pls and try to lighten the situation up a bit because I cant do anything when so heavy”
John: ):
Hmm, both Vriskas have been captured, but Annie basically rescued herself, knowing Vriska Prime she probably has a plan or an idea about that, see well see how that goes
Oh. Well I guess that was Dirk’s “plans” for Jane all along. Obviously he was using Jane as a vehicle to gather “players” for his eventually next session, interesting
But who has Jane kidnapped in total thus far?
Does Tavros count? he was certainly trapped with her for some amount of his life, but I dont know if that counts as a kidnapping, John certainly tried to kidnap HIM though from the epilogues
Annie certainly counts as being kidnapped
Vrissy has JUST been captured so that counts, and Harry so far is still fine
Which bodes so well for Harry’s future Im sure
Yeah, Vriska should have been able to not outwit any capture attempts, but my guess is either Vrissy got capture and Vriska dove in, OR, Vriska’s doing an inside job so to speak and got caught on purpose, dragging Vrissy along as well
I guess we’ll see when we see their “prison”
Anyway John, don’t get so down on yourself, you’re just ignorant to everythiong around you! thats why nothing makes sense and you can’t connect to anything, easy fix! Just try to learn more and care more about stuff lol
Man does this feel like a strong metaphor between people who are into/care about politics and people who feel like they can’t get into it though
Crossing that hurdle from one side to the other is rough
man, this is all feeling startlingly relevant to the current times, I should have read this sooner
hah, oh wow, Karkat when you phrase it like that, it’s almost as if you’ve become self aware of your tendencies to Moirail people out of their problems
Not really that out of character for a Blood player to end up being the Therapy Friend though lol
Just don’t burn yourself out on that though
JOHN: karkat, we still haven't spoken about *you*!
JOHN: yes.
JOHN: about you.
JOHN: well...
JOHN: you know, how you feel!
I know Karkat has probably matured past misunderstandings like this now given he’s really come into a great understanding of his Blood aspect, but by golly do I wish Karkat would misunderstand this as John’s attempts to be Moirail-reciprocal sdkjfhwlijebr
What a perfect way to continue their relationship, on top of more misconstrued romance quadrants XD
Spades is old Hat, Diamonds are in now babey
this started out funny, but Karkat’s emotional rant just ended up being depressing not funny ):
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I have to say though, it is REALLY interesting to see John’s depression manifesting in a very breathy sort of way
Karkat in these panels was more closer together, connected, but as John gets more and more depressed over the course of Karkat’s rant when he realizes Karkat doesn’t know dave died, the panels get seperated by lines of blue, and slowly drift off away from John and from eachother
but thats basically been hows its been manifesting all along
the more John feels Disconnected and Seperate from the reality he finds himself in, the more he finds his will untethered, the more depressed and unable to act he gets
and right now its so much so that even a fuller fledged Blood player is having trouble grounding him back down
I don’t know, I always viewed the depression metaphor as a dark watery void to sink into and feels heavy and encapsulating (but probably thats just my Light-y interpretation of it)
so its interesting to see the depression metaphor as this floating disconnection instead, so much that it leans towards derelaization/depersonalistion/dissociation as well
I wonder if John will start dealing with bouts of actual full blown dissociation as this gets worse?
I mean, Breath aspect has given the literal ability to ghost around wherever he pleases in all other ways, why not literally and physcologically as well?
So John seems to be fully overembracing his aspect here, to a very unhealthy degree here, which I see you asking “aha Dahni, but hes doesn’t have overblown self esteem here, quite the opposite, is this not an inverted state instead? or something else because hes acting like hes inverting to Breath?”
and I say not so! reader, for overembracing is the idea that through your aspect, your will is overwriting the wills of others, and in someone like Vriska, this manifests in a very selfish and over self esteemed way
but is not John’s will overwriting Karkat’s here? Through Breath? And isnt John also being a little selfish here? Considering how he feels about things, more important than how anyone else feels? How Karkat feels?
John is too dissociated to understand that this reality is Real and has Consequences he needs to care about, and Karkat is trying to fight against that, trying to instill his belief that no, this shit is real and it Matters Why Don’t You Care, trying to ground him, trying to give him that dose of Blood he needs
but John’s overembracing Breath is just, blowing that all away, its becoming too strong
Roxy in the epilogues dealt with this as well, when John was really in the shits with it and started to believe Roxy’s whole personality was somehow fake and his own construction, because he convinced himself Roxy would never choose to do the things she did, but Roxy was able to snap him out of it and make him understand and respect it was her own choices that led down his path, not the idea that John’s choices are somehow overriding everyones
But man, John sure is riding that Breath train way too hard, and he keeps snapping back into it as well
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Further and Further
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komotionlessqueenmm · 4 years
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Imagine # 684
2,874 - Words
Gif is NOT mine. (Found on Pinterest.)
If this gif is yours please let me know, so I can give you credit.
Gif credit goes to - Unknown.
Year posted - 2020
Warnings - Smut, Swearing, mentions of rape, blood, and abuse.
Notes - This one kinda got outta hand, but I hope you enjoy it none the less.
Huddled in the far corner (Y/n) pulled her knees into her chest, cuddling into herself. Her eyes quickly scanning the room, her beautiful orbs snapping to the door, as the guards dragged in the newest patient. He was limp in there arms, pumped full of drugs to keep him calm, and obedient. Watching him closely as they tossed him down into a chair carelessly. And she watched as the guards stalked back out of the room, flinching when John White entered the room. (Y/n) pulled her knees into her chest further, and watched as he roamed the room, even biting her lip when he stopped at the new guys side. However when the new guy, despite all the drugs pumping through his veins, spat him Johns face (Y/n) couldn’t help but smile. And when John walked away from the drugged up man (Y/n) quickly scurried across the room to the mans side. When she reached him she hunkered down and pushed her way to settle between his legs, resting her hands on his knees. Looking up at him with a fearful look, as he slowly turned his head to look at her, drool dribbling down his chin. “He frightens me, that man.” She nodded her head in John direction. “John White he’s foul, crazier than anyone else here.” She murmured tearing her eyes away from John to look up at the man before her. “He tried touching me once.” Her bottom lip jutted out in a pout, and her eyes glossed over. “I screamed until my lungs ached, and when that didn’t work I broke a glass over his head.” (Y/n) grasped his pants between her fingers tighter. “I avoid him at all coasts now, and when I cant avoid him, I cause trouble...” Her eyes scanned the room, while the man before her watched her face closely. “Get myself locked up in solitary for a few days.” She murmured before licking her lips quickly. “My names (Y/n).” She added while looking up into his eyes, before attempting to move away from him. But she stilled when he grunted at her, spitting a little as he attempted to lean towards her. “Careful.” She gasped softly while catching him in her arms, gently pushing him back into his seat so he wouldn’t fall. “Do you want me to stay?” She tilted her head a little while kneeling down to draw less attention to herself, nodding her head in agreement when he slowly opened his legs, allowing her to sit between them again. “If you behave they won’t sedate you like this, then you could tell me your name.” She offered a small smile, but it washed away in an instant as she scanned the room again.
The following day (Y/n) entered the rec room, and as usual made her way for the farthest corner in the room. Where she sat on the floor and curled into herself as always. Except this time someone approached her, and before she could see their face she began screaming. “No no no calm down love its just me.” The man cooed as he knelt down beside her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. She hadn’t recognized the voice so she calmed knowing it wasn’t John White, and she was surprised to find it was the drugged man from yesterday, except this time he wasn’t all drugged up. “See you’re okay love.” He hummed comfortingly at her, pleased with himself that he had calmed her down. “Your.” She wet her lips before scanning the room, finding one of the bigger guards already starring at her. Making her whimper as she quickly looked away, hiding her head between her knees. “What’s wrong hm?” He asked before turning to see what had frightened her, growling under his breath at the sight of the guard. “Has he hurt you (Y/n)?” He asked as he turned back to her, biting his lip to quell his anger when she nodded her head yes. “What has he done to you love?” He whispered softly, not wanting to frighten her. “He...” She raised her head from her knees, looking to the bald man with teary eyes. “He touches me, and beats me if I try fighting back.” Her lip quivered as she spoke, her words making his blood boil with anger. “You stay here love, I’ll be right back.” He grasped her shaking hands in his steady ones, softly kissing her knuckles before standing to leave. (Y/n) watched as he approached the guard, gasping in shock when he began beating the ever living hell out of the guard. Whimpering softly under her breath as the other guards tore him away from the guard, beating him just as he had the guard. A stray tear falling from her eye just as she locked eyes with the man, sniffling softly when he smiled at her reassuringly.
It was several days before (Y/n) seen the man again in the rec room, and when she spotted him, he sat in her corner huddled up like she normally was. She didn’t know if he was making fun of her, or simply mimicking her actions innocently. When she reached him she hunkered herself into the corner of the room itself, a small space he seemingly left open just for her. And as she pulled her knees up to her chest he turned his entire body to her with a smile. “My names Michael Peterson, but you love can call me Micky.” His smile widened showing off his teeth, making (Y/n) giggle softly. “Thank you Micky, for attacking Brendan the other day.” Her voice was soft, but Michael heard her loud and clear. “And I’ll do it again if he ever touches you again, or anyone for that matter.” He scooted towards her a little closer, making her smile softly. “So tell me love, why are you in here?” Michael tilted his head a little, watching her intensely. “My dad... He was similar to Brendan, he didn’t actually rape me, but he would touch me over my clothes when he was drunk.” She scanned the room with her eyes before looking back to Michael, whos blood was boiling again. “He beat me bloody most nights, its where I got all my scars from.” She bit her bottom lip holding back her tears as she looked to the floor. “And one day I snapped, and I bashed his head in with a cricket bat.” The tears slowly began falling, making Michaels heart wrench in his chest. “They locked me up here, I’ve been here for six years now.” She sniffled softly, before Michael tilted her head back up, lightly brushing his thumb over the scar that ran from her nose, and down just passed her chin, marking the left side of her mouth forever. “You did nothing wrong love, those cunts should have given you a metal for protecting yourself.” Michael murmured while rubbing her jaw delicately with his knuckles. “Why are you here Micky?” (Y/n) asked as she wiped away her tears. “I robbed a post office, and got myself sent to prison. And I got into fight after fight, got transferred all over England, and I ended up here.” (Y/n) chuckled softly at his words. “What?” He grinned at her with curiosity in his eyes. “Seems like an afoul lot of trouble for just robbin a post office.” She chuckled again, biting her lip softly when Michael began chuckling himself. “Yeah... But everything happens for a reason doesn't it.” He mused while grasping her hand softly, toying with her fingers. “I believe so.” (Y/n) murmured so quietly that Michael almost didn’t hear her.
A year had gone by now (Y/n) and Michael, have been inseparable. And for this year together (Y/n) has been left alone by both guards, and patients. With Michael at her side, and after he beat Brendan, no one was dumb enough to mess with her. And with (Y/n) by his side, Michael was on his best behavior, worrying more about her wellbeing than starting trouble. “Micky come here.” (Y/n) whispered as she poked her head out of the bathroom, waving for Michael to join her. “What is it?” He asked as he slipped passed the door, his eyes twinkling when he noticed (Y/n) lock the door behind him. “I want to show you something.” She whispered before slipping out of her asylum issued gown, allowing it to pool at her feet. Michael inhaled deeply at the sight of her bare breasts, exhaling shakily as she approached him. His eyes slowly scanned over the scars speckling her belly and legs, before looking back into her eyes. He exhaled audibly through his nose, his anger spiking when she turned to reveal the deep scars littering her back. “I’ve never willingly shown anyone these.” She murmured quietly, gasping when his cold fingers began tracing the nasty scars. “My dad you’d to beat me with the dogs leash, it was a thin chain leash, it cut through my skin like a hot knife through butter.” She shivered at the feeling of Michaels hot breath fanning her back, as he huffed through his nose, trying to contain his anger. “I always wanted to get married some day, and have kids. But what man would ever marry me, and bless me with his children?” She frowned while wrapping her arms around her belly, her words unknowingly striking a cord in Michael. “Don’t say that.” He growled before turning her to face him. “Don’t ever say that.” He repeated as he cornered her against the nearest wall. “Micky.” She whispered feeling a little fearful, due to her past. “I’ll marry you the second we get out of here, and I’ll fill your belly with as many kids as you desire my dove.” He husked against her cheek, while his hands grasped her hips. “Just say the word, and I’m yours.” He murmured before lightly pecking the side of her mouth. “Micky.” (Y/n) moaned softly while pressing her body firmly against his. “Yeah dove?” He brushed his nose against hers affectionately. “I want to be yours.” She whispered leaning forward so their lips would lightly brush against each other. Michael waisted no time in closing the gap between them, and sealing their lips in a passionate and needy kiss.
“Micky.” (Y/n) moaned into his mouth, allowing his tongue to dominate her mouth. “(Y/n).” He growled before pulling away from the kiss, attacking her neck with hot open mouth kisses, smearing his saliva across her pale skin. Grunting and biting her neck softly when she grinded into his bulge. “Can I?” He husked into her ear, as he gently pulled her legs apart. “Please.” (Y/n) whined while grasping his shoulders tightly. With her permission Michael knelt down, now sitting face to face with her dampened pussy, he licked his lips before looking up at her face. “Please Micky.” She pouted down at him, giving him further encouragement. Delicately he picked up her right leg, and slung it over his shoulder. One hand grasping her left thigh, and his other cradling her ass in the palm of his hand. Teasingly he brushed the very tip of his nose up her clit, smirking when she mewled down at him. “Please don’t tease.” She whined while pulling him in closer with her leg slung down his back. Gasping in delight when he dove right in, and began eating her out, like she was his last meal. “Oh god Micky!” She panted while grasping the back of his head with both hands, pulling him in even further. Her eyes rolled back as he growled against her clit, before suckling on it harshly. “I’m... I’m.” She huffed between breaths, her mind to foggy to finish her sentence. Spurring Michael on further as he picked up the pace, now grasping her ass with both hands, burring himself between her legs as far as he could. “Yes!” (Y/n) cried out as her back began to arch off the wall, her legs trembling as she came, biting her lip to hold back her cries of pleasure, so the guards wouldn’t interrupt their fun. Michael slowly stood to his feet, keeping a firm hold on her hips so she wouldn’t fall. 
“Ready for the real fun my sweet?” He hummed while licking his lips, greedily collecting her juices from his lips, and mustache. “Give me more.” (Y/n) purred before pulling him into a needy kiss, their hands both going straight for his trousers. Making them both chuckle into each others mouths, Michael mad quick work of slipping out of his pants, then braking away from the kiss to remove his shirt. Crashing his mouth against hers so hard the back of her head hit the wall with a hard thud. “Sorry love.” He murmured while cradling the back of her head with his right hand, gently soothing the pain away. “Fuck me already.” (Y/n) giggled against his chin, pulling away from the kiss just a little. “On it.” He grinned before hoisting her up and wrapping her legs around his waist, while she wrapped her arms around his thick neck. Lining himself up with her entrance, Michael slowly allowed her body to sink down onto him, grunting in pleasure as he entered her warmth inch by inch. “Ah fuck.” (Y/n) moaned out as he bottomed out inside of her, locking her ankles over each other, and locking him against her. “Tight.” Michael growled, trying his damndest to hold back, to allow her to adjust to his size. “Micky.” (Y/n) moaned while thrusting her hips into his, begging for him to move. “Brace yourself love.” Michael grunted before he tightened his grasp on her, thrusting into her nice and hard once, before he began pounding into her. Growling when she bit down on his shoulder to muffle her voice from anyone that might overhear. 
It’s been four months now of (Y/n) being on her own, all because Michael had been released for good behavior, and being deemed sane. And for four months Michael has been busting his ass to get things together, and get (Y/n) released. He called her everyday, and made sure she was still okay. Surprisingly even with Michaels absence, (Y/n) was still left alone. And today was finally the day of her release, and Michael waited outside for her with bated breath. Alongside his mother and father, whom were eager to meet the girl Michael has been babbling about for the passed months. What Michael wasn’t expecting however was to watch you come walking out, with a swollen belly. “(Y/n).” He whispered under his breath before rushing towards the pregnant girl, who offered him a lopsided grin as he approached. “You’re pregnant.” Was the first words out of Michaels mouth when he reached her, kneeling down quickly to eye her belly closely. “I wanted to surprise you.” (Y/n) stroked the back of his head lovingly, giggling softly when he kissed her belly softly a few times. “Color me surprised love.” Michael hummed as he rose to his feet, pulling her into a hungry yet sweet kiss before she had a chance to say anything. “Oh I’ve missed you.” He whispered against her lips when he pulled away, resting his hands against her belly. “I’ve missed you too Micky.” (Y/n) cooed before pecking his lips once quickly. “I’m going by the name Charlie Bronson now.” He informed her as he wrapped his arm around her waist. “But you can still call me Micky.” He winked at her before kissing her temple. “I was gonna anyways.” She giggled as she wrapped her arms around his hips, having dropped her bag when Charlie approached her. “I’ll get that for you.” Charlies father offered as he picked up (Y/n)’s bag. “Oh thank you.” She smiled kindly at the older man. “(Y/n) this is my father and this is my mother, mum dad this is (Y/n).” Charlie introduced the three while resting his hand on (Y/n)’s baby bump. “It’s so good to finally meet you my dear.”  Charlies mum smiled brightly at (Y/n) before pulling the girl into a welcoming hug.
Later that night Charlie stilled at the task at hand, making (Y/n) whimper softly. “Marry me (Y/n).” His head popped up from between her thighs, peering over her belly he wanted to look her in the eyes. “Micky.” (Y/n) cooed while lightly stroking his cheek with her fingers. “I only want you, forever and always. Of course I’ll marry you.” She smiled before giggling when he quickly crawled up her to kiss her passionately. “But I wasn’t finished.” She whined before softly biting his bottom lip. “Right.” He grinned before going back to work, eating her like a starved man would apple pie.
Over the course of the next five years Charlie married (Y/n), and now has three kids with her, their first being their twin boys, then their little girl, whos three years younger than her brothers. Charlie also has made a career for himself, being a professional fighter, England's most ruthless fighter. a title he is very proud of. While (Y/n) is the very attentive, stay at home wife and mother, and she’s happier than she could have ever dreamed.
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vreedleedleedle · 3 years
Name every single thing wrong with Gwen's Omniverse design
Oh boy that’s a big one
I’ll simplify it into categories: shape, color, and symbols. Shape and color are also symbols in themselves, like shape language and stuff.
The square shape language doesn’t fit her personality
The blocks of color you see when you blur your vision makes her a bunch of evenly spaced squares on top of each other, which isn’t very appealing, and just reinforces the problematic square shape language
The square shape language reminds me of her abusive mother, who is described by the crew kindly as a “square,” and making Gwen a square as well feels like she’s becoming her mother, or caving in to her pressure, or something :(
The shape of the ends of the hair are cut evenly across, which symbolizes either a) stubbornness b) artificial personalities c) cleanliness freaks d) rich children or e) unfashionable people. I don’t think of Gwen as any of these things, at least not to any extent that her design would need to communicate it right away.
The tits are the one thing that isn’t square, which brings attention to them. They’re also drawn in a really horny way- did they commission John krisfaluci to draw all the tits in omniverse or something?
The color design changes her boyish ultramarine to girly teal. We get it, djw, you think the show is for boys only, and girls aren’t allowed to be varied. They can only be love interests or abhorrent admirers.
Her hair color really doesn’t look that good with teal. It’s bright orange against bright teal, and if you were going for a color scheme with all the same values (like monochrome but instead of one hue it’s one value) then there would probably have to be three separate colors for clarity + that satisfying rule of three.
Her hair color doesn’t make sense in the context either- hair gets darker as you age, so why would it go from the nice cozy red in uaf that goes beautifully with ultramarine, to that neon orange color that goes terribly with teal?
The sunglasses are tinted blue so you cant see her nice green eyes, which would have added that third color and brought attention to her face, but no…
Something about the coloring makes her skin look really caked in powder foundation. I think it’s the pinkness of the lips and the outlines around the ‘freckles’ and lips. I feel like she’s one of the gems in houseki no kuni who have transparent bodies that they put powder all over to look human. Her lips in uaf were a nice, calm, dignified color, and then in omniverse djw was like “teen girls like pink lipstick, right?”
Symbolism (there’s a lot going on here)
The shirt she’s given is so out of character. Why would she wear the same shirt as when she was ten? It looks so small on her, like it’s cutting off blood flow to her arms.
The shape of the glasses doesn’t fit her face, and isn’t the style she’s been established to be a fan of (big square lenses). They’re a cat eye, which is seen as generally unfashionable nowadays, and only old ladies who are out of touch with modern trends wear them- I guess djw is also out of touch with teenage girls, so maybe he really thinks they’re fashionable. But combined with the hair with the straight ends, it feels like he’s trying to say she’s unfashionable- which is an absolute 180 from who she’s always been.
The ‘freckles’ are drawn and colored like pimples, which is nasty and Gwen is someone who would take care of her skin. Real, pretty freckles are small and numerous and not outlined. Seriously, the outlines on the lips and stuff look like she’s wearing the wrong shade of lipliner, which is not a look teenage girls go for. The freckles also were never there before, and are just more needless shit for the poor animators to waste their time drawing.
Her lips are a weird shape. In uaf, she had a hexagonal shape that was clean and simple. She also predated the trend of subtly over lining the lips to make them look fuller that became really popular in the 2010s. In general Gwen wore things that were just becoming trendy, so when the episodes aired they were still new and fashionable. In omniverse her lips are drawn really pointy, like a Disney villain. Why is the only triangular shape language she’s given on her face? That gives the image she’s trying to look nice when really she’s a bitch, which is NOT Gwen at all.
The fact that she’s wearing a skirt without tights underneath really bugs me. She’s socially aware and underage, there’s no way she’s willing to risk flashing her panties to her enemies in a fight. Even in her lucky girl outfit, she’s wearing a skirt without tights! In classic and uaf, her lucky girl outfit was nice and practical with black leggings, but not fuckin omniverse. I hate that she’s got knee socks too- those are typically specifically nerdy/dorky, and the bright white in my opinion calls attention to her lack of tights or leggings.
I also don’t like the plaid of the skirt- the animators have to draw that shit, so when you give a character plaid it has to be worth it! The plaid is not worth it- only preteens wear plaid as a part of a school uniform, and Gwen is neither a preteen nor enrolled in a school that requires a uniform.
She’s also drawn way curvier in omniverse. It’s fine if a character goes off to college and gains weight, but just to the tits and ass? Bro…
Her shoes are ugly. What happened to her sweet loafers? Or you could giver her sweet Mary Janes? Or how about grey suede booties, that would look gorgeous! But no, the same chucks she wore when she was a ten year old on a camping trip is fine…
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
Minerva (Bit 1)
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Okay, this fic is an attempt to get my mojo back. Every time I go on holiday it gets sideswiped. Being sick definitely did not help, though admittedly coughing all night last night may have made me my usual sleep deprived self, so who knows, it might have helped :D
But anyway, This fic is Kermadec because I needed a boat :D It also required a little research - Minerva Reef is a pair of actual atolls not far from Tracy Island. I’m not sure of the distance so I fluffed it.
Andre and Cecil are a pair of private nurses first mentioned in Gentle Rain. I like to recycle my OCs but I haven’t read that story in ages. Here’s hoping I’ve kept them true to form. They haven’t been sketched out in this much detail before, in any case.
There is fluff. I broke Virg again, oops, but there is resultant fluff. I’m sick, I can’t help myself. 
Many thanks to @scribbles97​ and @vegetacide​ for the read throughs and support. I haven’t forgotten about The Tattoo, I just needed a little self indulgence first.
This bit is mainly set up and I hope to write more asap. 1726 words.
I hope you enjoy it.
Two broken legs.
If there was anything worse than a broken limb, it was more than one and two broken legs was the worst.
Or two broken arms. He wasn’t sure as he hadn’t managed to break two arms as yet. But two broken legs definitely sucked.
Of course, it was worth it. Saving children was always worth it. But weeks of confinement, of being unable to do anything for himself, was about to send him around the bend, out the window and into the Pacific.
His brothers did their best and both Andre and Cecil, the family nursing staff - yes, they had enough injuries on enough of a regular basis to have nursing staff on their payroll -  had been called in on this one to cart him back and forth across the house, see to his necessaries, and pretty much do his bidding.
Which was fine, since he and Andre got on like a house on fire. The man spoke both paint and piano almost as much as Virgil and there had been fun times, despite his infirmities.
Cecil was a Gordon clone and those two got up to much more mischief than was really acceptable for an employee. But since Gordon usually took all the credit, even the time Scott had his eyebrows shaved, they got away with hell.
Besides, Scott’s eyebrows had been partly burnt off already and had looked stupid, so shaving them both off was an improvement that had to be done. How Gordon had managed it, Virgil didn’t have a clue...and also didn’t want to think too hard about it because it gave his rapscallion little brother powers that he really shouldn’t have.
Cecil played it straight and the Tracys put up with it. Because despite Cecil’s idiosyncrasies, the two nurses were very, very good at their jobs.
That and they came as a pair because Andre and Cecil were married.
So, other than expanding Gordon’s power of pranking, things were good. Well, as good as they could be while he had two broken legs. 
But there were days.
God, were there days.
Days, so many days, and today was one of them.
Scott had been called out early in the morning and consequently everyone was up. Alan was called next and he and Kayo were out dealing with yet another space freighter collision. Scott was going to kick some space agency ass about updating some space etiquette rules in the near future to stop this stupidity from happening, and considering how much profanity was bouncing down from orbit, both John and Alan would be there to back him up.
So three brothers were out, leaving Virgil imprisoned with Gordon, Andre, Cecil and Grandma. This combination wouldn’t normally be an issue, but Grandma was cooking up a storm and Virgil was trapped.
Gordon may be a pain at times, but he saw the hazard coming and he was a good brother at heart. So, with some assistance from Andre and Cecil, the Fish deployed his yacht, A Little Lightning, and suddenly the day seemed so much brighter.
Virgil was ensconced in pillows and the best of comfort on the back deck and had the privilege of watching Mateo pass on their starboard side as Gordon guided the yacht out into the open ocean.
Why he seemed to always be injured when aboard this boat, he had no idea, but Gordon was a life saver.
Virgil had no idea where his brother might be taking him and he didn’t really care. He just lay back and enjoyed a beautiful day, the breeze, the many sounds of water and the gentle bounce of the boat.
At some point he dozed off.
It had to be a sign of how much healing his body needed, but somehow he managed to sleep the entire trip, because it was the sudden change in the engine noise that woke him.
Andre was smiling at him in that soft caring way he had about him. Dark hair, blue eyes and a soft smile, the nurse was somewhat reminiscent of his big brother, but without the fire and the drive. The man was quiet and reassuring, exactly what was needed when ill or injured.
“It looks like you needed that.”
Virgil grunted, never a fan of waking up. 
But Andre knew this and had exactly what the injured engineer needed - a mug of steaming coffee.
Virgil forced the last few steps to full consciousness, and, pushing himself up, made a grab for the mug.
The mug moved away. “Uh-uh, stretch first.”
It was a thing Andre made him do every time he woke. Before coffee, he had to stretch abused muscles that were forced to sleep in awkward positions due to his legs.
Virgil mumbled and grumbled, but did as he was bid. He knew how important the exercises were, but the lure of coffee was just cruel. He vaguely noted the yacht’s engine dropping to a slow cruise and the open ocean having just that touch more sway, rolling the yacht in the swell.
“Where are we?”
“Cecil says we’re visiting Minerva.”
“Oh.” Virgil blinked. He’d flown over the Minerva Reefs many, many times. They were a navigation marker not that far from Tracy Island. Though they were far enough away for him to have been asleep for some time. “How long was I out?”
That smile again. “Several hours. Did you good.” The nurse had placed the coffee on a side table and was helping Virgil sit up straight enough to consume the taunting liquid from heaven.
A breathless moment and the mug was in his hands and coffee was pouring down his throat. God, Andre made great coffee. Yet another reason to put up with his husband.
He surfaced at some point and managed a thank you that set the nurse grinning just as a coral reef started to drift past.
Virgil didn’t know much about the Minerva Reefs other than Melissa Fisher on Raoul swore about them..alot.
They were on the very edge of the Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary and she had wanted to add them to the exclusion zone for a very long time. But the reefs were owned by Tonga or Fiji, depending on which country you spoke to and the environment continued to suffer from it.
He vaguely remembered Gordon saying something about visiting the reefs in Four on several occasions and Virgil had no doubt that he and Melissa were likely doing some kind of sneaky ecological monitoring or some such. After all, the reefs were rather close to Tracy Island and Gordon rather passionate about such things.
As A Little Lightning cruised between two reef headlands, Virgil surmised they were at the northern of the two atolls.
As Virgil guzzled the last of his coffee, the yacht came to a complete halt in the lee of one of the headlands - if you could call it that, the reef barely made it above the water line. He heard the sea anchor deployed and there was suddenly silence except for the crashing of waves against coral and sand and the breeze.
Virgil closed his eyes and soaked it in.
The empty mug was tugged gently from his hand and he vaguely registered a plate being placed on the table beside him. “Cecil made pie.”
That snapped him out of it. “Pie?” The prankster could cook and he was suddenly assaulted with a delicious aroma.
“Steak and bacon, topped with mashed potato and cheese.” The plate had a generous serving along with salad piled up beside it. Andre was grinning at his expression. “He’s mine, you can’t have him.”
Virgil had to grin. “Well, at least I know one of the reasons why you nabbed him.”
Andre’s grin softened, but it was still a grin. “In the top five.” A hand landed on Virgil’s shoulder. “Eat up, you’ll need it for this afternoon’s workout.”
That deflated him a little.
The nurse noted what must have been in his expression. “Okay, perhaps it can be a brief session today.” A shrug. “After all, an atoll is hardly a swimming pool.”
“Virg trying to con you out of rehab?” Gordon bounced onto the deck, a grin on his face and that look of absolute relaxation the man got whenever he was out on the water.
“‘S not rehab.” So Virgil was pouting and acting like a child. “It’s maintenance.” Of what still worked, until the casts came off and then the hell would really start.
“Don’t let those baby browns lure you from the path of righteousness, Andre.”
“What? Like you attempted last time?” The nurse was grinning at the aquanaut.
That brought Gordon up short.
“I have to say that your eyes are a lighter brown, not quite the same colour, but the manoeuvring is almost identical.”
“What?” It was a two Tracy chorus shot at Andre with two brows, one dark, one light, shooting daggers at the nurse.
Andre just laughed and turned back to Virgil. “You going to eat your pie?”
The nurse’s blue eyes did some manoeuvring of their own and Virgil found himself snatching up the plate and hovering over it to protect his slice of pie.
Cecil chose that moment to appear. As usual, there was never a laugh far behind him as he was wearing a bright pink chef’s cap canted at an angle. But it was the two plates of pie in his hands that drew the attention of the other two men on deck.
Gordon didn’t hesitate, grabbing his plate and shovelling pie down his throat with barely a thank you. Virgil growled in his direction.
“What? It’s good pie. Cecil knows I appreciate him, don’t you, Cecil?”
But the cook was accepting a gentle kiss from his husband as the man took his plate, his other hand drifting from Cecil’s shoulder, down to the small of his back in a gesture simple but intimate enough for Virgil to turn away to give them privacy.
His eyes landed on Gordon, who’s face had an odd expression as he looked back at Virgil, as if he knew something that Virgil didn’t.
Virgil glared at him.
It, no doubt, had something to do with Kay. He would slap his little bro about the head later.
In the meantime...”So, what are we doing here?”
Bit 2
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patriotsnet · 3 years
What Percentage Of Republicans Are On Welfare
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/what-percentage-of-republicans-are-on-welfare/
What Percentage Of Republicans Are On Welfare
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Democrats Return The Favor: Republicans Uninformed Or Self
Republican States Are Mostly on Welfare
The 429 Democratic voters in our sample returned the favor and raised many of the same themes. Democrats inferred that Republicans must be VERY ill-informed, or that Fox news told me to vote for Republicans.;;Or that Republicans are uneducated and misguided people guided by what the media is feeding them.
Many also attributed votes to individual self-interest whereas GOP voters feel Democrats want free stuff, many Democrats believe Republicans think that I got mine and dont want the libs to take it away, or that some day I will be rich and then I can get the benefits that rich people get now.
Many used the question to express their anger and outrage at the other side.;;Rather than really try to take the position of their opponents, they said things like, I like a dictatorial system of Government, Im a racist, I hate non-whites.;
Average Spending Of Welfare Recipients
Compared to the average American household, welfare recipients spend far less money on all food consumption, including dining out, in a year. As families with welfare assistance spend half as much on average in one year than families without it do, there are some large differences in budgeting. Families receiving welfare assistance spent half the amount of families not receiving welfare assistance in 2018.
The Gop Push To Cut Unemployment Benefits Is The Welfare Argument All Over Again
The White House is on the defensive over accusations from Republicans that expanded federal unemployment benefits, which were extended through Sept. 6 as part of Bidens $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, are too generous. The GOP argument is that people receiving the $300 weekly benefit have little incentive to return to work. The criticism from Republicans has gotten louder in the wake of a disappointing jobs report.
Its an argument that echoes similar claims conservatives have been making about government assistance programs for decades that people are taking advantage of the system in ways that allow them to collect checks while sitting back and relaxing.
As Washington pays workers a bonus to stay unemployed, virtually everyone discussed very real concerns about their difficulties in finding workers, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Monday. Almost every employer I spoke with specifically mentioned the extra-generous jobless benefits as a key force holding back our recovery.
But Democrats counter that millions of Americans need that money to get by. More than 20 million jobs were lost in the early months of the pandemic; 10 million American workers are currently unemployed, the Labor Department says.
Democrats say the sudden demand for more workers from businesses is outpacing the number of workers that can get back into those jobs, especially since many schools arent fully open, and many workers cant afford child care.
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The Politics And Demographics Of Food Stamp Recipients
Democrats are about twice as likely as Republicans to have received food stamps at some point in their livesa participation gap that echoes the deep partisan divide in the U.S. House of Representatives, which on Thursday produced a farm bill that did not include funding for the food stamp program.
Overall, a Pew Research Center survey conducted late last year found that about one-in-five Americans has participated in the food stamp program, formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. About a quarter lives in a household with a current or former food stamp recipient.
Of these, about one-in-five of Democrats say they had received food stamps compared with 10% of Republicans. About 17% of political independents say they have received food stamps.
The share of food stamp beneficiaries swells even further when respondents are asked if someone else living in their household had ever received food stamps. According to the survey, about three in ten Democrats and about half as many Republicans say they or someone in their household has benefitted from the food stamp program.
But when the political lens shifts from partisanship to ideology, the participation gap vanishes. Self-described political conservatives were no more likely than liberals or moderates to have received food stamps , according to the survey.
Among whites, the gender-race gap is smaller. Still, white women are about twice as likely as white men to receive food stamp assistance .
How Democrats And Republicans Differ On Matters Of Wealth And Equality
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A protester wears a T-shirt in support of Bernie Sanders, an independent from Vermont who is part of … a group of Democrats looking to beat Trump in 2020. Photographer: John Taggart/Bloomberg
If youre a rich Democrat, you wake up each day with self-loathing, wondering how you can make the world more egalitarian. Please tax me more, you say to your elected officials. Until then, the next thing you do is call your financial advisor to inquire about tax shelters.
If youre a poor Republican, however, you have more in common with the Democratic Party than the traditional Wall Street, big business base of the Republican Party, according to a survey by the Voter Study Group, a two-year-old consortium made up of academics and think tank scholars from across the political spectrum. That means the mostly conservative American Enterprise Institute and Cato were also on board with professors from Stanford and Georgetown universities when conducting this study, released this month.
The fact that lower-income Republicans, largely known as the basket of deplorables, support more social spending and taxing the rich was a key takeaway from this years report, says Lee Drutman, senior fellow on the political reform program at New America, a Washington D.C.-based think tank.
Across party lines, only 37% of respondents said they supported government getting active in reducing differences in income, close to the 39% who opposed it outright. Some 24% had no opinion on the subject.
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Bases Of Republicans Antidemocratic Attitudes
shows how Republicans antidemocratic responses in the January 2020 survey were related to education, political interest, and locale. These relationships provide only modest support for the hypothesis that allegiance to democratic values is a product of political activity, involvement and articulateness, as McClosky had it . Although people with postgraduate education were clearly less likely than those with less education to endorse violations of democratic norms, the overall relationship between education and antidemocratic sentiments is rather weak. Similarly, people in big cities were only about 5% less likely than those in rural areas to endorse norm violations, while people who said they followed politics most of the time were about 7% more likely to do so than those who said they followed politics hardly at all. Given the distributions of these social characteristics in the Republican sample, the most typical antidemocrats were not men and women whose lives are circumscribed by apathy, ignorance, provincialism and social or physical distance from the centers of intellectual activity , but suburbanites with some college education and a healthy interest in politics.
Social bases of Republicans antidemocratic attitudes.
Key indicators of latent dimensions
Political bases of Republicans antidemocratic attitudes
Translation of ethnic antagonism into antidemocratic attitudes in Republican subgroups
Welfare Accounts For 10% Of The Federal Budget
Many Republicans claim that social services expenditures are crippling the federal budget, but these programs accounted for just 10% of federal spending in 2015.
Of the $3.7 trillion the U.S. government spent that year, the largest expenditures were Social Security , health care , and defense and security , according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities .
Several safety net programs are included in the 10% spent on social services:
Supplemental Security Income , which provides cash support to the elderly and disabled poor
Assistance with home energy bills
Programs that provide help to abused and neglected children
In addition, programs that primarily help the middle class, namely the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit, are included in the 10%.
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At Least 60 Afghans And 13 Us Service Members Killed By Suicide Bombers And Gunmen Outside Kabul Airport: Us Officials
Two suicide bombers and gunmen attacked crowds of Afghans flocking to Kabul’s airport Thursday, transforming a scene of desperation into one of horror in the waning days of an airlift for those fleeing the Taliban takeover. At least 60 Afghans and 13 U.S. troops were killed, Afghan and U.S. officials said.
Welfare Spending By President And Congress From 1959 To 2014
Republicans’ Facts About Welfare Are “Not Factually True”
America faces many problems today. The current economic recovery has been the slowest since the Great Depression, the national debt has surpassed $18 trillion, and the federal government continues to spend more than it collects. While its not unusual, unethical, or unconstitutional for the federal government to operate with deficits at times, the question is why does Washington continue to overspend? Is there a legitimate reason or is it neo-politics? In this article, well take a look at spending on welfare programs during each presidents term from J.F.K. to Obama. Well also look at the party in control of Congress. Which one was the biggest spender as it pertains to welfare programs?
The Dark Side of Social Benefits
Politicians love to sing their own praises and for a very good reason. Otto von Bismarck, the first Chancellor of Germany, made an astute political observation in the 1880s when he stated, A man who has a pension for his old age is much easier to deal with than a man without that prospect. Bismarck openly acknowledged that this was a state-socialist idea and went on to say, Whoever embraces this idea will come to power. Thus, the strategy of using legislation to gain votes was forever embedded in the political landscape.
Welfare Spending
Lets take a thorough look at federal welfare spending from 1959 through 2013. The following graph includes spending for two data points:
Democrats in control: 13.7%
Republicans in control: 3.5%
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What Is Governments Role In Caring For The Most Needy
Nearly six-in-ten Americans say government has a responsibility to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves. Do these views vary depending on whether the respondent has personally benefited from a government entitlement program?
These data suggest the answer is a qualified yes. Overall, those who have received benefits from at least one of the six major programs are somewhat more likely than those who havent to say government is responsible for caring for those who cannot help themselves .
When the analysis focuses just on just the respondents who have received benefits from at least one of the four programs that target the needy, the gap between entitlement recipients and other adults increases to eight percentage points .
Some larger differences in attitudes toward governments role emerge when the results are broken down by specific program, though in every case majorities of both recipients and non-recipients affirmed that government has the obligation to help those most in need.
For example, nearly three-quarters of those who ever received welfare benefits say government has a duty to care for those who cannot care for themselves. In contrast, less than six-in-ten of those who have never been on welfare agree.
Similar double-digit gaps surface between non-recipients and those who ever received food stamps and Medicaid .
How Come We Are Red And Blue Instead Of Purple
Republicans to live outside of urban areas, while Democrats tend to prefer living inside of urban areas.
Rural areas are almost exclusively Republican well strong urban areas are almost exclusively democratic.
Republicans also tend to stress traditional family values, which may be why only 1 out of 4 GLBTQI individuals identify with the GOP.
63% of people who earn more than $200k per year vote for Republicans, while 63% of people who earn less than $15k per year vote for Democrats.
64% of Americans believe that labor unions are necessary to protect working people, but only 43% of GOP identified votes view labor unions in a favorable way.
The economics of the United States seem to have greatly influenced how people identify themselves when it comes to their preferred political party. People who are concerned about their quality of life and have a fair amount of money tend to vote Republican. Those who have fallen on hard times or work in union related jobs tend to vote for Democrats. From 2003 to today, almost all of demographic gaps have been shifting so that Republicans and Democrats are supported equally. The only true difference is on the extremes of the income scale. The one unique fact about Democrats is that they are as bothered by their standard of living as Republicans tend to be.
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States Have Shifted To The Right
Democrats are floating a plan to tax stock buybacks.
Even excluding health insurance which some experts argue should not count people in this patch of Appalachia draw between a fifth and a third of their income from the public purse.
Perhaps the politics of welfare is changing up to a point. Democrats made big gains this year in elections for the House and several statehouses, running largely on the promise that they would protect the most recent addition to the safety net: the Affordable Care Act, including the expansion of Medicaid in many states. But championing the safety net does not necessarily resonate in the places that most need it.
Take Daniel Lewis, who crashed his car into a coal truck 15 years ago, breaking his neck and suffering a blood clot in his brain when he was only 21. He is grateful for the $1,600 a month his family gets from disability insurance; for his Medicaid benefits; for the food stamps he shares with his wife and two children.
Every need I have has been met, Mr. Lewis told me. He disagrees with the governors proposal to demand that Medicaid recipients get a job. And yet, in 2016, he voted for Mr. Trump. It was the lesser of two evils, he said.
About 13 percent of Harlans residents are receiving disability benefits. More than 10,000 get food stamps. But in 2015 almost two-thirds voted for Mr. Bevin. In 2016 almost 9 out of 10 chose Mr. Trump.
Program Goals And Demographics
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Larger group differences emerge when the results are broken down by age and income levelsdifferences that are often directly related to the goals of specific benefits programs.
For example, adults 65 and older are nearly three times as likely to have received an entitlement benefit during their lives as those adults under the age of 30 . Thats not surprising, since nearly nine-in-ten older adults have received Social Security and78% have gotten Medicare benefits. Both programs were specifically created for seniors with age requirements that limit participation by younger adults.
Similarly, Americans with family incomes of less than $30,000 a year are significantly more likely as those with family incomes of $100,000 or more to have gotten entitlement help from the government . Again, this difference is not surprising, as assisting the poor is the primary objective of such financial means-tested programs as food stamps, welfare assistance and Medicaid.
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Which Party Are You
The average Republican is 50, while the average Democrat is 47.
55% of married women will vote Republican.
GOP candidates earn 59 percent of all Protestant votes, 67 percent of all white Protestant votes, 52 percent of the Catholic vote, making them a Christian majority party.
Only 1 out of 4 Jewish voters will support Republicans.
If you are white and have a college education, there is a 20% greater chance that you will be a Republican instead of a Democrat.
American Republicans have been found to be among the most generous people on earth, and not just financially. Republicans also provide more volunteer hours and donate blood more frequently.
Here is what we really come to when it comes to political party demographics. It doesnt matter if youre a Republican or a Democrat. What matters is that everyone is able to take advantage of the diversity that makes the United States so unique. Instead of trying to prove one way is the only correct path, both parties coming together to work together could create some amazing changes for the modern world. Until we learn to compromise, however, the demographic trends will continue to equalize and polarize until only gridlock remains. If that happens, then nothing will ever get done and each party will blame the other.
Taking The Perspective Of Others Proved To Be Really Hard
The divide in the United States is wide, and one indication of that is how difficult our question proved for many thoughtful citizens. A 77-year-old Republican woman from Pennsylvania was typical of the voters who struggled with this question, telling us, This is really hard for me to even try to think like a devilcrat!, I am sorry but I in all honesty cannot answer this question. I cannot even wrap my mind around any reason they would be good for this country.
Similarly, a 53-year-old Republican from Virginia said, I honestly cannot even pretend to be a Democrat and try to come up with anything positive at all, but, I guess they would vote Democrat because they are illegal immigrants and they are promised many benefits to voting for that party. Also, just to follow what others are doing. And third would be just because they hate Trump so much. The picture she paints of the typical Democratic voter being an immigrant, who goes along with their party or simply hates Trump will seem like a strange caricature to most Democratic voters. But her answer seems to lack the animus of many.;;
Democrats struggled just as much as Republicans. A 33-year-old woman from California told said, i really am going to have a hard time doing this but then offered that Republicans are morally right as in values, going to protect us from terrorest and immigrants, going to create jobs.
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moonlightreal · 3 years
So, this book is a scam.
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Kind of.  Accidentally maybe?  So I took a family studies class and my teacher listed Annual Editions: The Family as one of our required textbooks.  So I bought it, since required.  But when I was writing one of the assigned article summaries i was too lazy to walk across the room and get the book so i googled the article and there it was free on the internet.
It wasn’t until class was almost over that it occurred to me to wonder just how many of the articles were free on the internet and spent a few hours googling every title in the book.  Out of 56 articles four were only available to people with a subscription to The Atlantic and six I could only find as abstracts. 
So my classmates and I dropped good money mostly for free articles!  A scam?  I can’t think of any other word for it.  During a global pandemic while some of us have lost our jobs. That’s pretty epic scummy. Did our teacher know?  I did ASK the teacher-- nicely, didn’t want to accused her.  She dodged the question and just said “students like having the articles all in one place.” I don’t think my kind teacher was scamming us, I think she just didn’t think.  The publisher may actually be epic scummy.
So if you get assigned an Annual Editions, try to wrangle a list of articles out of your teacher so you don’t have to pay for it.  And then be angry.  In these uncertain times we gotta protect people from scumbaggery when it appears.
Annual Editions: The Family Forty-Third Edition
Unit 1 Evolving Perspectives on the Family
1.1 Five Reasons We can’t Handle Marriage Anymore by Anthony D’Ambrosio
1.2 Family matters by W. Bradford Wilcox
1.3 The New Nuclear family by Suzy Kimm
1.5 Migration and Families Left behind by Sylvie Demurger
1.6 American’s (sic) Think Their Own families Are great But like Judging Other People’s, A New report Suggests by Amanda Marcotte
1.7 Why We Need to separate Kids from tech—Now by Martha Ross
Unit 2 Exploring and Establishing Relationships
2.1 What Schools Should Teach Kids About Sex by Jessica Lahey
2.2 Sex and the Class of 2020: How Will hook-ups Change? By Conior Friedersdorf
2.3 There’s No Such Thing as Everlasting love (According to science) by Emily Esfahani Smith
2.5 Sliding Versus Deciding: How Cohabitation Changes Marriage by Galena Rhodes
2.6 Is There a Shortage of Marriageable Men? By Isabel Sawhill and Johanna Venator
2.8 Teen Moms need support not shame by Alex Ronan
2.9 What Happens to a Woman’s Brain When She Becomes a Mother by Adrienne LaFrance
Unit 3 Family Relationships
3.1 Can Attachment Theory Explain All our relationships? By Bethany Saltman
3.2 The Marriage Mindset  by Annemarie Scobey
3.4 The Divorce Lawyer’s Guide to Staying Married Forever by Janet Clegg and Hilary Browne Wilkinson
3.6 Parenting Wars by Jane Shilling
3.7 Raising a Moral Child by Adam Grant
3.8 The Collapse of Parenting: Why it’s Time for Parents to grow Up by Cathy Gulli
3.9 The Science of Siblings by Francine Russo
3.10 How to Make Peace With your Siblings by Evan Imber-Black
3.11 The Sandwich Generation Juggling Act by Sherri Snelling
3.12 More Grandparents Become Caregivers for Grandkids. Is That Good? By Jessica Mendoza
Unit 4 Challenges and Opportunities
4.1 Anguish of the Abandoned Child by Charles A. Nelson III, Nathan A. Fox, and Charles H. Zeanah Jr.
4.2 An Epidemic of Children Dying in Hot Cars by David Diamond
4.3 Gluten-free Baby: When Parents Ignore Science by Aaron Hutchins
4.4 Family Privilege by John R. Seita
4.5 Terrorism in the Home by Victor M. Parachin
https://www.coursehero.com/file/26982014/English-3docx/ Full article seems not to be available.
4.6 When Your Parents are Heroin Addicts by Tracey Helton
4.7 “We Never Talked About It”: As Opioid Deaths Rise, Families of Color Stay Silent by Leah Samuel
4.8 Growing Pains: Are Perfect Families a Recipe for Stress? By Vanessa Thorpe
4.9 Your Kid Goes to Jail, You Get the Bill by Eli Hager
4.10 Separation Anxiety: How Deportation Divides Immigrant Families by Hank Kalet
4.11 Myths about Military Families by Jennifer Woodworth
4.13 Working Hard, Hardly Working by Chris Sorenson
4.15 Supporting the Supporters: What Family Caregivers Need to Care for a Loved One with Cancer by Leonard L. Berry et all
4.17 Why Do Marriages Fail by Joseph N Ducanto
4.18 Breaking Up is Hard to Do in Arkansas: Why Divorce Laws Are Getting Stricter by Tracey Harrington
4.19 Children of Divorce: 82% Rather Parents Separate Than “Stay for the Kids” by Owen Bowcott
4.20 Helping Children Endure Divorce by Marlene Eskind Moses
4.21 The Effects of Co-Parenting Relationships with Ex-Spouses on Couples in Step-Families by Claire Cartwright and Kerry Gibson
Unit 5 Families, Now and into the Future
5.1 The Changing American Family by Natalie Angier
5.2 What Will the Family of the Future Look Like? By Ann Berrington and Agnese Vitali
5.3 Why Are Fewer People Getting Married? By Jay L. Zagorsky
5.4 Relationships in the Melting Pot by Tina Livingston
5.5 Family Diversity is the New Normal for America’s Children by Philip Cohen
5.7 Strengthening Ties: the Case for Building a Social Policy Centered on Families by Phillip Longman et al.
Articles in The Atlantic, only available with a subscription:
2.7 Not Wanting Kids is Entirely Normal by Jessica Valenti
2.10 Sperm donor, Life Partner by Alana Samuels
3.3 Masters of Love by Emily Esfahani Smith
3.5 The Gay Guide to Wedded Bliss by Liza Mundy
Articles that were not obviously available, or only available as an abstract:
1.4 Bridging cultural divides: The Role and impact of Binational families by Samantha N.N. Cross and Mary c. Gilly
2:4 Dating as if it were Driver’s Ed by Lisa Jander
4.12 A Whole-Family Approach to Workforce Engagement by Kerry Desjardins
4.14 In Whose Best Interests? A Case Study of a Family Affected by Dementia by Rachel Webb and Karen Harrison Dening
4.16 The Challenges of Change: How We Meet the Care Needs of the Ever-evolving LGBT Family? By Nancy A. Orel and David W. Coon
5.6 Family strengths and Resilience by Eugene C. Roehikepartain and Amy K. Syvertsen
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