#Vikings Valhalla
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calirphs · 2 days ago
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in vikings: valhalla season three. episode 7
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fantasydreamland · 4 months ago
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Answered Prayers
ragnar lothbrok x fem reader
Summary: After being captured by the Vikings your prayers to god remain unanswered, as you come to realize they always have. An intriguing Viking man teaches you of their ways, and all your prayers are answered. (No language barrier & Ragnar is unmarried for the sake of the story).
Notes: 18+ ONLY!!! Smuttt, maybe some fluff, loss of virginity, p in v, fingering, oral (f), angst, kidnapping/violence/raiding in opening story, possible spoilers.
I’m very into Norse spirituality so I loved writing this
Word count: 3.7k
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Everyone in the city moves in a panic as the bells ring, alarms in response to the Northmen pulling up to your shores. You find a spot in your house to hide and clutch your cross close to your chest as you pray to god to protect you from these heathens.
A bang startles you as a Viking man kicks down your door. Your heart races as you hear him tearing apart the house searching for valuables. You hear screams outside and continue whispering prayers to god begging him to keep you from being found.
The Viking eventually finds you hiding in a corner between your bed and the wall. Your heart stops when his bright blue eyes meet yours. His eyes examine you from head to toe before he smirks.
“Please�� please don’t kill me.” You beg through oncoming tears. “Take whatever you want, just please.”
“Come.” He reaches his hand out for you to take.
You look up at him with furrowed brows in confusion.
“You said I can take whatever I want.” The man says. “So come.”
“No, no, please. Please don’t hurt me…” You cry.
“If you come with me, I will have no reason to hurt you.” He steps closer. “Otherwise…” He gestures to the axe in his hand.
You sniffle as you get up onto your feet. The Viking gestures his hand out to you again which you reluctantly take. He rushes out of the house, dragging you along with him. A small shriek escapes you as your eyes take in the dead bodies and blood everywhere. The man pays no mind to any of it as he pulls you through the city and leads you right out the front gates and into their Viking camp.
“Well, well. What do we have here?” A large Viking man with long dark hair approaches you. You pull away as he tries to brush hair from your face.
“Leave her be.” Your captor says as more of the men come over to ogle at you.
“Why? She is a useless Christian. Only good for one thing...” The man smirks at you.
“She is mine, keep your hands to yourself Rollo.” Your captor replies. “That goes for all of you! No one touches her, she belongs to me.”
You take a small breath of relief before your captor grabs your hand again and leads you far from the group and into a tent.
“Sit.” The man gestures to a small cot. “What is your name?”
“(y/n).” You say as you sit.
“(y/n)…” He hums. “Interesting name. I’m Ragnar Lothbrok.”
“Thank you Ragnar.” You say lowly.
“For what?”
“Out there, protecting me from the other men…” You respond. “And I guess… thank you for not killing me.”
“Like I said to the men, you are mine. They will not harm you as long as you are with me, understand?”
You nod your head.
“What are you going to do with me?” You ask.
He smirks in response before looking you up and down, making you nervous.
“I have not decided yet.” He shrugs with a smirk still on his face.
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The journey back to their land was long and dreadful. You had never been on a boat before and the ride made you nauseous. Ragnar kept a close eye on you and made sure no one bothered you.
As soon as they dock Ragnar quickly sneaks you away like he is trying to hide you. He leads you to his small farmhouse outside of town.
“Am I your slave now?” You ask once inside.
He laughs at your response and you scowl.
“I have no need for slaves.” He shrugs.
“If you wish to cook or clean for me, or do other things…” He smirks at you suggestively, making you blush. “I would certainly not object, but you will not be forced to do anything.”
“So I am not a slave… but I am not a free woman?” You question.
“Yes.” He simply responds.
“Then why am I here?”
“I do not know. The gods have not revealed your purpose to me yet.”
“There is only one god.” You say sternly.
He laughs again making anger rise in your cheeks.
“Maybe your god will reveal to you your purpose then.” He says teasingly.
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The next couple days were surprisingly peaceful. You did not dare to try and leave the house. Although he never asked you to, you cooked and cleaned mostly to have something to occupy your time but Ragnar appreciated you either way. He would disappear for most of the day to god knows where, but when he returned you would have a hot meal waiting for him.
Ragnar would ask many questions, about your life and your god. You asked about him in return and he told you all about his adventures and of his gods.
“Are you a virgin?” Ragnar asks out of nowhere while you are eating supper.
You choke on your drink, the question taking you off guard.
“Well, you are unmarried right?” He continues. “I have heard Christians remain virgins until they are married.”
“Well, um, yes. It would be a sin otherwise.” You respond shyly.
“Why what?”
“Why is it a sin?” He asks with curiosity in his tone.
“I- um, I don’t know. It’s just a sin. You should only make children with your husband or wife.”
“Well, that is a bit silly isn’t it?”
“What is so ‘silly’ about that?” You scowl.
“Because making children is not the only reason to have sex.” He shrugs.
“What do you mean?” You ask, heat rising in your cheeks from annoyance and another feeling you couldn’t quite place.
“Do they teach you nothing?” He raises his brow.
“Not really… especially us women. They keep us sheltered from everything.”
“Well,” He says, taking the food bowl from your hands and placing it down.
He leans towards you until his breath brushes your ear, sending shivers up your spine.
“Sex can provide you with the greatest of pleasures…” He says lowly in your ear, your heart races. “If you know where to touch.” His fingers graze up your knee.
“Your gods… they do not care if you sin?” You ask but it comes out as a whisper.
He chuckles.
“To our gods, it is not wrong. The gods gave us the gift of such pleasure, why would they deny us from taking it?” He shrugs.
“I guess that is true…” You whisper.
“I can show you our ways, if you want.” He says with a devilish grin, moving his hand back to your knee.
“What? No. No I- Um, no… thank you.” You stutter, taken aback by his offer.
“Well, if you change your mind you know where to find me.” He whispers in your ear before standing and cleaning up from supper.
You go to bed early, trying to hide your flushed cheeks since your conversation. Ragnar eventually begins to lightly snore from the next room that was only separated by a thin wall with gaps you could see through. His words replay in your head, “greatest of pleasures if you know where to touch.”. Curiosity gets the better of you as you lightly trace your fingers along your neck and collarbone, the feeling creating goosebumps. Without even realizing, you start imagining Ragnar’s hand as yours travels lower. You grab onto your breast before your hand continues down. Your fingers tease at the hem of your pants before slowly moving down into them. You lightly touch the sensitive skin and it sends a jolt through you making you gasp louder than intended. You hear Ragnar stir in the next room and you quickly pull your hand from your pants as you look to him, still asleep. You sigh and try to get comfortable to sleep. Everything that has happened within the last few days has left you so lost and confused. You have been praying to god every day but nothing changes, nothing reassures you and what you are supposed to do in this place. Your mind continues to race until sleep eventually pulls you under.
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“I would like to go into the mountain to pray.” You say to Ragnar.
“Why? So you can run away?” He gives you a teasing scoff.
You can’t hide the small laugh that escapes your lips.
“You know I would not make it very far without you.” You roll your eyes at him. “Besides, I need you to show me the way.”
“Alright then… perhaps tomorrow.” He shrugs.
“No, today.” You push. “Right now… please.”
You were desperate to have a moment of solitude and a private moment speak to god.
“Very well, we should go now while the sun is still high.” Ragnar says as he heads towards the door, you stand and follow after him.
He leads you up the hills of the forest until you reach a clearing facing the water. The stunning view took your breath away.
“I… I need to be alone.” You say to Ragnar.
“Do not try to escape.” He winks at you. “I will be just down this hill when you are done.”
You give him a grateful smile and you watch him walk away until he is out of sight. Turning back to face the edge of the cliff, you close your eyes take a deep breath as you feel the breeze brush across your face. You crouch to the ground onto your knees and bring your hands together in prayer.
“Heavenly father… Please help me to find my path. I feel so lost in this unfamiliar world and do not know what I am to do next or who I am meant to be now… And I feel… as if my prayers to protect and watch over me have gone unanswered, especially when I was taken by these people.” You pray with tears coming to your eyes. “Please god, if you are there, if you are watching over me… if you are real… please send me a sign.”
You open your eyes and watch for any sort of sign that your god is with you. Nothing happens.
“Please, give me any sign so I know you are watching over me as I have always believed.”
You wait again, and wait, and wait. The world was still, not even a stronger gust of wind to show a possible sign from god.
You drop your hands into your lap in defeat. Tears begin to roll down your cheeks until an idea crosses your mind. You breathe out a laugh to yourself feeling a bit silly for what you were about to try. You bring your hands back together but instead have a strange urge to connect to the earth. You bow, reaching your hands forward into the ground, feeling the dirt and grass between your fingers.
“Odin…” You close your eyes and begin, whispering so quietly it’s nearly silent. “Freyja… Thor… Please hear me. Hear my prayers. Help me, guide me, to who I am supposed to be now… what I am supposed to do.”
Suddenly, a raven lets out a loud ‘caw’ startling you. Your head shoots up and you look to the bird watching you from a rock to your side. Your heart races and your eyes go wide as you watch each other. A tickle on your hand makes you look down to see a white butterfly that landed on you. You lift your hand to admire it and it flies around your head before flying away, at the same time the raven flies off with it.
As your brain tries to comprehend the unmistakeable signs that the pagan gods are answering your prayers, you hear a rumble of thunder. The skies turn grey within a matter of seconds before rain suddenly begins to pour down. You stand and let out a laugh of disbelief as you spread your arms wide and look to the sky as you let out a heavy breath of relief. The rain washed over your entire being, cleansing you of your troubles. It felt like a different kind of baptism, a rebirth.
“(y/n)?” You hear Ragnar call from behind you.
You turn to him with a wide smile on your face. He noted how beautiful you were when you smiled like that, he realized he had never seen more than a faint one cross your lips.
“Are you alright?” He smiles back at you. “We should head back. Thor’s wrath may become brutal soon if we remain all the way out here.”
“No, he is speaking to me.” You smile, making Ragnar’s brows furrow in confusion.
“Your gods… the gods…” You continue. “They answered my prayers…”
“So, suddenly you believe in our gods now?” He teases. “And what of your god?”
“The Christian god has never answered my prayers. Never even given a small sign he is with me.” You explain. “I prayed to Odin, and a raven appeared… Freyja, a white butterfly landed on my hand the same moment… and Thor…” You gesture to the skies the rain continues to pour down from.
You walk closer to Ragnar.
“I want to teach me your ways…” You say lowly.
“All of our ways?” He smirks, mischief dancing in his eyes.
“All of your ways…” You say as you move even closer until your noses brush.
He traces his finger up your neck, making you shiver. His finger continues to move along your jaw before he gently lifts your chin, making your eyes meet his piercing blue ones. “Are you sure about that?” He says with his classic devilish smirk.
Instead of responding you bring your lips to his, which was answer enough. He doesn’t hesitate to kiss you back hungrily, a small growl escaping him. He cups your cheeks as the rain pours down on you both, the kiss is wet and passionate. His tongue demands entrance to your mouth and you let him take the lead, following along a little awkwardly. His hands move from your face down to your hips as he pulls you against him. The hardness pushing against your stomach makes you gasp.
“Do you wish to return to the house…” Ragnar whispers, against your lips before kissing you again.
“No… I want you to take me right here… under the eyes of Thor and all the gods watching over us…” You whisper back, bringing your hand to his cheek.
Your words light a fire in Ragnar as your eyes meet in an intense gaze. He reaches out and begins to slowly pull at the strings of your dress. His eyes watch yours carefully, as if daring you to stop him. You would do no such thing. Once the ties were loose you let him pull the dress off your shoulders, completely exposing your breasts. They instantly perk up in the cold chill of the rain, droplets of water falling down your skin. A moan escapes you as he leans down and takes one in his mouth, flicking his tongue over your sensitive nipple. Your entire body felt aflame. You welcomed every cold raindrop that touches your heated skin.
His sinful tongue continues to explore down your stomach until he’s on his knees in front of you. You look down at him with lust filled eyes as pulls down the skirts of your dress, leaving you completely bare for him. His gaze meets yours as he squeezes your thighs hard and gives you a smirk.
“Ragnar what are you-“
Your words are cut off when his tongue licks your most intimate area. You gasp and whine as he begins to messily eat you. Your legs shake and wobble as you try to hold onto his shoulders.
“Ragnar I can’t…” You breathe.
He could sense you were barely able to hold yourself up. In one swift movement he hooks your legs over his shoulders and you yelp as he lifts you up. His tongue does not stop working at your bundle of nerves as he walks you over to a tree. You lean your back against the rough bark. The feeling of him was so overwhelming that you hardly felt the tree scratching at your skin. He ate you ravenously like a man starved. Your hands quickly find their way into his hair, tugging lightly, he grunts against you in response. You pant as you look up to the grey rainy skies, the entire moment felt like a dream. A knot begins to tighten in your stomach and your vision starts to blur. Ragnar dips his tongue into your entrance and that is your undoing. You scream out as your thighs squeeze tightly around his head. You would be worried about hurting him but you could swear you felt him grinning against you as his tongue works you through your orgasm.
Ragnar carefully lowers you back to the ground, you feel both your body and your mind come back down to earth. You shiver as he lays you down on the cold wet ground. He removes his now soaked shirt before climbing over you and capturing your lips in a fierce kiss, you moan at the taste yourself as your tongues dance together.
He stands again to quickly remove his pants, your eyes widen at his length before he climbs back on top of you.
“Are you certain?” Ragnar asks lowly, noticing your worried expression.
“Yes but… I don’t think it will fit…” You whisper shyly.
He gives a cocky chuckle before he begins kissing on your neck.
“It will.” He mumbles against your skin.
You feel him rub his length against your core making you whine and buck your hips in response.
“So eager.” He smirks.
He slowly begins pushing in making you grimace in pain. You instantly question his reassurance that it will fit.
“Shh,” Ragnar tries to soothe you.
His lips move back to your neck kissing, sucking and biting, trying his best to distract you from the pain. You moan at the feeling before he pushes right through the barrier and you gasp loudly. Ragnar groans loudly as he feels you squeezing tightly around him like a vice. You pant heavily with tears in your eyes as you adjust to his size. He does not move until you’re ready, then he starts pushing in and out slowly. The pain soon fades and you wrap your legs around him, forcing him deeper into you.
“Please…” You breathe out.
“Please what?” Ragnar whispers directly in your ear, making you shudder.
“More what?” He teases you.
“Ragnar, please.” You groan in frustration. “Faster. Harder. Give me more.”
He smirks before finally obliging your wishes and starts pounding into you relentlessly. You quickly begin to see stars as your second orgasm washes over you and you cry out his name. Ragnar slows his pace once you have hit your peak.
“So this is…” You pant. “This is how Vikings… fuck?”
“We fuck however we want to.” He says as he kisses your neck, still hard inside you. “Viking women enjoy riding their men like wild horses.” He mumbles against your skin, like a challenge.
“Then I shall do that…” You say as you sit up and force Ragnar onto his back.
Ragnar’s eyes widen as you move to straddle him.
“I shall ride you like a wild horse.” You look down and meet his eyes, fire in your eyes and a devilish smirk on your lips. “I shall fuck you like a true Viking woman.”
He does not take his eyes off you for one second as you start to sink back down onto his cock, causing your mouth to drop at the feeling. Being new to all of this, you awkwardly try to bounce up and down until Ragnar grips your hips and guides you to move them back and forth.
“Oh…” You moan, eyes rolling back.
You follow his direction and rock your hips back and forth, increasing the speed. The position sends tingles through your entire body. Ragnar watches you in amazement, taking in every inch of your wet naked body as your beautiful moans ring in his ears. His hands move from your hips to grab your breasts and you ride him harder in approval, earning a groan from him.
You still felt like you were dreaming. You had lived such a strict sheltered life and felt so trapped for so long… But as the grey clouds swirl above you and the rain pours down over your shamelessly naked body, as you ride this god of a man who made your entire body vibrate with life, as you cried out loud enough for the gods to hear, as your prayers had finally been answered and your path now clear, as you feel your very souls connect. For the first time in your entire life… you felt free.
Your peak hits you even more intense than any time before, zings of pleasure radiate throughout your entire being. You felt yourself cry out Ragnar’s name but the sudden crack of lightning in the distance completely drowned out the sound. Your eyes shot open and you caught a glimpse of the fast line of lighting across the mountains at the same moment you came. Ragnar digs his fingers hard into your hips as he finds his own release. A loud rumble of thunder booms as he chokes out a moan. In that moment you felt so tremendously powerful, like a you were a god and goddess.
As you come down from your high the rain suddenly becomes much lighter. Panting, you look down at Ragnar who’s grinning smugly up at you. You give him a smirk back before leaning down and capturing his lips in a hungy kiss, your tongue instantly demands entrance and Ragnar happily obliges, moving his hand to your cheek as he eagerly kisses you back.
You roll off of him onto the wet grass, the rain now stopping completely. You felt so wild and free you that had no care about the mud that had gotten all over you.
“So…” Ragnar huffs, still catching his breath. “You really believe in our gods now?”
“They answered my prayers…” You respond, also panting. “It is hard to deny their existence after all of that.”
Ragnar just grins at you.
“We should get cleaned up.” He says as he stands, lending a hand to help you up.
As you stand he pulls you into a quick passionate kiss.
“Welcome to my world, (y/n).” Ragnar smiles.
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borgialucrezia · 29 days ago
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"I think what's particularly nice about [Godwin] is that he's a pragmatic thinker, as opposed to a bludgeoner or a slicer, so yeah, I think it's a nice character to play." — DAVID OAKES
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beverlycrushr · 8 months ago
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behindfairytales · 8 months ago
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LAURA BERLIN as Queen Emma of Normandy Vikings: Valhalla, Seven Years Later (3.01)
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ariadnethedragon · 8 months ago
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Vikings: Valhalla — Season 3
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periodcostumefantasylover · 4 months ago
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Queen Emma of Normandy's golden dress in Vikings Valhalla Season 3
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aneurins-barnard · 1 month ago
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avalilsbfss · 3 months ago
Ivar the boneless - be quiet 18+ (request)
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Anonymous: ”Hello! I’ve read your Ivar short and I was wondering if you could do an ivar smut? I don’t really have any ideas for it but i was thinking a puplic thing… if your up for it.
Because ivar is so abjfcbtscb 😫🤭”
Ivar x partner!reader
Warnings: SMUT, fingering, public fingering. No orgasm
Description: you started flirting with Hvitserk to make ivar jealous and it wasn’t well received.
P.s: Idk what point it the series this is set so just go with it.
Ivar watched as you laughed at Hvitserks terrible joke. Why the hell were you laughing?.
You and ivar had an argument last night and honesty neither of you could remember what it was about.
You were obviously flirting with Hvitserk and you were doing it to annoy ivar. Ivar was sitting next to you while Hvitserk sat across from you both the table In between you two
You weren’t really acknowledging Ivar until you felt his large hand on your thigh.
You snapped your head over to him and he just looked away, you shook your head and just continued to talk with Hvitserk, trying to ignore his touch.
Ivars fingers worked slowly to scrunch your dress up to your thigh, causing your breath to hitch.
Your dress was scrunched up to your thigh and Ivar had was running along the bare skin. Merely brushing over the mound behind your undergarments causing you squeeze your legs together tightly.
Hvitserk gave you a look and you cleared your throat and apologised, and as you did Ivar gently circled your clit over the fabric of you panties.
You could only feel the light teasing pressure against your clit, causing you to desperately move your hips to feel more. And ivar smirked to himself
Ivar pushed your panties to the side and slipped a thick finger through your slick, you let out a shaky sigh and tried to save face
He gently circled your clit and rolled it between his two middle fingers causing you to press your lips tightly together to. You almost chocked on your drink when he slipped a finger inside you and curled it in a come hither motion. Ivar smirked and started to thrust his finger in and out and you gripped your cup tightly as Hvitserk refilled it.
Ivar slipped in another finger and moved his hand faster, you leaned over to ivar and whispered “ivar stop it” you whispered desperately.
Ivar smirked and shrugged and simply slipped out his fingers leaving you empty.
Hii! Feel free to give me suggestions i write for, Peaky Blinders, HOTD, GoT and Vikings trust me I’m very excited for new suggestions all are welcome <3 (all so check out my master list if you wanna)
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borgialucrezia · 8 months ago
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"Emma’s tenure as queen lasted until Cnut's death in 1035. The union between Emma and Cnut was by all accounts one of mutual respect and affection. The queen was not only a consort, but also an active participant in Cnut’s government and policies." — Larsen, Karen. Canute the Great: 995 (circ)-1035 and the Rise of Danish Imperialism during the Viking Age. 1997. (requested by anon)
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Day 4 - Favourite relationship(s): King Canute & Emma of Normandy
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