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✨��The stars will be our gleaming ships✨✨🌞Aquarius. 🌚Capricorn. ⚜️Aries.
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gleamingship · 3 years ago
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Go out and investigate that world yourself, and find out what it really is. 🌎✨
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gleamingship · 3 years ago
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The pressure of time takes us out of the present. Don’t rush, everything happens when it’s supposed to. Better to be the calm Absalom asking about who you are - enjoying the present moment - than being the frantic white rabbit that feels out of time.
(4 | Arthur Schopenhauer | Essays and Aphorisms| works taken from Parerga and Paralipomena, 1851)
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gleamingship · 3 years ago
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The Seeress of Prevorst | Justinus Kerner
Friederike Hauffe was a German mystic that experienced somnambulistic states where she received visions and guidance from the spirit world.
The Physician, Justinus Kerner, spent his time studying her altered states and wrote them down to then publish this book in 1845.
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gleamingship · 3 years ago
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“All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.” 🧚🏻✨
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gleamingship · 3 years ago
Recently read this book by Father Gabriele Amorth. His point of prose is more so informing the reader of the procedures exorcists take when it comes to following Canon Law and the Rite of Ritual. It also makes reference to other theologians and exorcists which helps in additional books to read on the subject matter. If you want more on cases then Hostage to the Devil is your cup of tea.
Demonic exorcism is a very controversial topic, especially in the 21st century and if you live in countries where the majority dismiss religion and are immersed in materialism/technology. It’s not something often spoke about in Melbourne, Aus and when I went to America I noticed a lot more advertisements for believing in Jesus and constant reference to Jesus. I have no doubt some people who are spiritually sensitive, experience paranormal activity on some level - it differs - and believe in the existence of angels and demons are quiet from fear of being deemed mentally ill or scrutinised for their beliefs. Sometimes I find it’s best to keep quiet and write out my research in a diary to get it out of my head.
If you believe in this topic and are interested, be careful reading this book as it’s also a doorway like other books on demonic exorcism. No joke, I found myself forming bruises on my legs. When I finished a chapter two scratch marks immediately appeared on my left leg and was mildly burning - it felt different than other times where I’ve been accidentally scratched by my pugs. I also noticed two specific smoking smells that occurred inside when reading this book. I’m not one to preach or practice specific ideologies, I love learning about them and always remind myself to not get carried away or allow my imagination to exacerbate strange occurrences. Also one day I was reading about cursed items in this book, a man dressed in black gave me a rock before I started work. I was being polite and wrapped it in a napkin and put it in my bag, then I had this feeling I should get rid of it as unfortunate events have occurred in the past from someone presented a gift from someone I don’t know who looks that they’re trying to be nice. It might not necessarily be them but if they’re energy is low and dark, then that is what you can receive as it’s constantly said over history darkness attached itself to objects. That day on Christmas Eve, I was stuck in the work car park with a flat car battery, the battery was fine the next couple of days. Some problem say coincidence other people will believe in the existence of passing energy. Following intuition is important but also identifying it properly and not becoming too obsessed with spiritual activity is even more important. Which is why connecting and seeing family/friends is very important and grounding.
I consulted with a family member who is highly spiritual that I like to call my Fairy Godmother / elder white witch 🧚‍♀️ She has remarkable clairvoyant/channeling gifts and said that it was imperative to pray using Hail Mary and Our Father, as those specific prayers evoke divine assistance and mental clarity - once again, you don’t have to identify with being Christian or heavily religious to pray/ believe in signs - some specific information and biblical passages can aid in life as it contains divine elements that could suit your scenarios. I also began reading Saint Michaels prayer after reading this book and found I had to have breaks as my dreams became extremely dark and I would experience random panic attacks. BREAKS! BREAKS! BREAKS! REST! SELF-CARE. I find also delving into fiction and non spiritual activity is super important, so you don’t go having a existential crisis from information overload.
The worlds a labyrinth, filled with mysticism that can be found if you go searching. Don’t believe everything you read and one thing I dislike is priests constant advice to not go to spiritualists to relieve problems involving the spiritual realm as they don’t believe in the power of Jesus. Also that witches only perform black magic 🙄 and their gifts are from Satan. ALSO! that mediums only bring forth demons in readings. A trained spiritualist and witch doctor will know the steps to take and respect Jesus as his prime gift was to heal and expel evil. In America I went to a palm reader that was phenomenal, and at the end of it she said it would take 27 candles to burn and pray to which would help whatever curse lingered around me go! The only thing is that I had to pay $100 (possibly more) a candle 🕯 I declined cause I knew something was not right. She said, “I know you have the money to do it.” Just as Jesus did, he did not accept payment of any kind for his work to help others who suffered. That’s an important lesson to take note of in various aspects of life. Unfortunately, just like some priests who are wolf in sheep’s clothing that abuse their power and perform horrific abuse, there are other spiritualists who will do the same and make a problem worse for more money.
There’s something out there, and it’s always going to be such a mystery to us all and present itself in unique ways, but if you do the research and take from it the information and protection you need to guide you through life if you are spiritually in tune with yourself and entities, then make sure you are prepared and take breaks - also immerse yourself in other subject matters that bring you peace and light. Balance is key. Try not to let your research develop mania and paranoia from the awakening it may evoke as it’s harder to be rational when discussing these topics with others who share an interest or even someone who is sceptical. Don’t let others take advantage of you. Be open-minded and remember to keep a foot on this earth and find other souls that keep you grounded.
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gleamingship · 3 years ago
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Meister Eckhart | 14th century philosophy and theology.
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gleamingship · 3 years ago
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𝓔𝓼𝓶𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓵𝓭𝓪 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓩𝓸𝓵𝓽𝓪𝓻
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gleamingship · 3 years ago
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𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖊𝖑𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖋𝖆𝖙𝖊 ✨
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gleamingship · 3 years ago
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Love doesn’t die with death. Love is like liquid; when it pours out, it seeps into others’ lives. Love changes form and shape. Love gets into everything. Death doesn’t conquer all; love does. Love wins every single time. Love wins by lasting through death. Love wins by loving more, loving again, loving without fear. -Kate O'Neill
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gleamingship · 3 years ago
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gleamingship · 3 years ago
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THE DARK SACRAMENT | David M. Kiely & Christina McKenna | 2007
“ I now know that Satan is real. I have met him.”
Dr Scott Peck was an American psychiatrist and is the author of The Road Less Travelled. Sceptical at first toward demonic possession until he was presented with a case that medical science could not explain.
His last book was Glimpses of the Devil, which are his personal accounts with demonic possession from the perspective of a medical practitioner. The church advised priests in the 1960’s to consider that neurosis might be the case instead of demonic possession. It’s interesting as in the 60’s there was the rise in occult phenomena and satanic ritual amongst serial killers - especially in America.
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gleamingship · 3 years ago
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gleamingship · 3 years ago
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gleamingship · 3 years ago
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Anubis- Tutankhamun Expo, Paris. Source
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gleamingship · 3 years ago
'Spirit mirror' used by 16th-century occultist John Dee came from the Aztec Empire
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The 16th-century courtier John Dee, a scientific adviser to England’s Queen Elizabeth I, was also deeply involved in magic and the occult, and he tried to commune with ghosts, using a so-called spirit mirror made of polished obsidian.
Now, a new analysis of Dee’s infamous mirror has finally traced its origins — not to the spirit world, but to the Aztec Empire.
Obsidian mirrors such as Dee’s were known from Aztec culture, but there were no records on his mirror’s origins. However, geochemical analysis enabled researchers to link the mirror’s obsidian — a type of volcanic glass — to Pachuca, Mexico, a popular source of obsidian for Aztec people. This finding indicated that the artifact was Aztec and not a copy made from European obsidian, and Dee likely acquired the mirror after it was brought to Europe from Mexico, according to a new study. Read more.
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gleamingship · 3 years ago
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gleamingship · 3 years ago
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Instagram/artist: bloodknotcollective
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