#why can't the witches get along i love them all so much. stop trying to kill each other
juha-art · 4 months
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Witches of the Wild Hunt & Woodland Green
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fierymiasma · 1 year
۵ The Spare ۵ // Sebastian x f!MC x Ominis - Silver Trio
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Summary: Ominis tries to be happy for Sebastian and their new friend. Really he's happy that his two favorite people have starting seeing each other.
...It's too bad that he wasn't included.
Sebastian and f!MC try repeatedly to court Ominis, too bad he's oblivious.
Tags: Love triangles, Slight Angst with eventual happy ending, Confessions, Mutual Pining, Fluff, OT3, Silver Trio, Making Out
Word Count: 5k 🍃
A/Ns: Got a lot of requests from readers to do a spin-off of my other Silver Trio Fic "Between". It's a bit longer but hope you enjoy it!
|| My Other Work || AO3 || Other Silver Trio Fic
"Your willingness to use powerful spells is admirable.  You're much more powerful than you ever let on."
"Sebastian, please, you can stop with all the flattery."  She laughed, trying to fight the rising blush on her cheeks.  She casted another spell at the practice dummy.  "I've already promised you that I'll take you on my next outing to fight the poachers instead of Natty.  You have already gotten what you want!"
The boy in question mocked offense.  "What?  I can't give the most powerful witch our age a simple compliment?"  She rolled her eyes playfully, pretending to be annoyed.  Sebastian was unrelenting.  "I bet you could even give Professor Hecat a run for her money."
Ominis's hand trembled on his wand, unable to cast the new spell they've been practicing.  His stomach couldn't help but churn in disgust as his friends continue to tease each other.  Even in the vast space of the Undercroft, it felt too stifling whenever Sebastian charmed their mutual friend.
His wand showed him the hazy rough outlines of the other two.  Sebastian's arm practically draped around her.  Ever since the start of their 6th year,  the trio had been spending more and more time together in the Undercroft.  Sebastian and the Hufflepuff frequently snuck out of the castle at all hours of the day, finding adventure elsewhere.
Ominis tried not to let it bother him, how close they were getting.  They had invited him along, of course, time and time again on all of their adventures.  Ominis had no idea why they thought that he would like to trail along after them.  Be a bystander to the newfound romance that the other two were so clearly keeping a secret from him?   Hard pass, thank you very much.
"Your spellwork is exception."  Sebastian continued, watching her land a particularly nasty hit on the dummy.  "You'll have to teach me some of the tricks you've picked up."
Ominis could feel the palpable embarrassment emitting from her.  She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ears.  "Well, I did take a leaf out of your book, Sebastian.  I picked up this jinx from one of the books I 'borrowed' from the restricted section."
Sebastian laughed.  "Getting into places you're not supposed to be?  A woman after my own heart."
Ominis swallowed thickly.  It felt like it was only yesterday that Sebastian returned after his first night sneaking into the restricted section with the new student.
Sebastian groaned, flopping face first into his bed, exhausted from a night of crouching around the library away from the searching eyes of Madam Scribner. 
"Did you have fun, Sebastian?" Ominis drawled from his on bed, having been rudely woken back up by Sebastian's return.
To Ominis's shock, Sebastian sighed dreamingly.
"Merlin's beard, Ominis.  She's exceptional."
Something ugly festered inside Ominis.  He wanted to be done with this conversation, to go back to bed and wake up to a reality where he could still pretend he had a chance of being with Sebastian.  "I'm afraid I don't know what you're referring to."
Sebastian rolled onto his back, looking up at the top of his canopy bed, as if he was trying to picture her face.  "The new girl.  On her very first duel, she knocks me flat on my bum."  He scoffed.  "Said it was good practice.  What I won't give to duel her again.  Makes getting detention for her entirely worth it."
Unable to stomach any more of Sebastian's words, Ominis fluffed his pillow before turning away from the other boy.
 "Ominis, she's beautiful.  Her lips, her eyes, her hair.  Merlin's beard, Ominis, she could be part Veela for all I know.  The second she walks into any room, it's like everything else fades away."  Sebastian squeezed his pillow close to his chest as he faced the other boy.  "Ominis the things she can do with a wand.  The way she took down that troll…"  Sebastian sighed, lost in his own thoughts. 
Ominis was glad that his back was facing Sebastian.  He was afraid that his expressions would betray his inner anguish.  "Fighting a troll for you on her first day of Hogwarts?"  Ominis's nose wrinkled.  He was painfully reminded of all the other giggling girls who threw themselves at Sebastian's feet. "There is a such a thing as trying too hard."
Sebastian's smile dipped downward.  "No, Ominis, the fight was almost easy.  That's how brilliant she is."
Ominis had always known that the crush he harbored on the other Slytherin boy was doomed from the very start.  Sebastian's silver tongue had the entire female population of Hogwarts (and some of the wizards as well) completely under his spell.  Why, with enough effort, Sebastian could certainly find a witch he liked enough to settle down with.
It seemed like, Sebastian already had.
Tears burning his eyes, Ominis pulled the covers over his head, trying to drown out Sebastian's stream of consciousness as he continued to heap praises on the new student. 
"Ominis?"  She shook his arm gently.  "Ominis, are you with us?"
Ominis returned to the present.  Honeysuckle, rosewater, and ivy.  Her perfume was a familiar comforting presence.  His tight knuckles relaxed on his wand.  His eyes felt too hot, and he hoped he hadn't teared up in front of them.  He could feel the other two exchange concerned looks.  She reached over.  Her thumb rubbed soothing circles on Ominis's biceps.  Even under all his layers of fabric, he could feel goosebumps starting to form. 
He withdrew from her hot touch. 
His parents had always told Ominis that love at first sight (or lack of sight) was a fairy tale fantasy left for those of lesser blood or muggles.  So, Ominis was entirely unprepared for it when he confronted the Hufflepuff sneaking out of the Undercroft for the first time. 
He heard the telltale mechanical whirls of the clocktower that hid the Undercroft.  He heard distinct footsteps, light, with a high heel to them. 
It was just as he had feared.  It wasn't Sebastian.  The magical aura that surrounded this next person didn't feel quite like Sebastian's.  It was foreign, ancient and old.  It was the newest addition to the Hogwarts student body.  The insufferable show off who somehow seduced her way into winning  a duel against Sebastian.
Ominis couldn't tell what he was more angry at: her existence or Sebastian who had betrayed his trust by telling a practical stranger the secrets behind the undercroft.  It was Ominis's hiding place, his secret to give.  It was special, a place where Sebastian and Ominis could be together, alone.  Where Ominis could pretend that he had escaped from the cruel reality of their lives.
He turned that infamous Gaunt anger onto the new girl.  She was a Hufflepuff, like all of her brethren, Ominis was sure she would wilt under his venomous tongue.  It wasn't the first time Ominis sent a girl crying back to her dorm.
"Did you just come from the Undercroft?"  He snarled.  "How did you get in here?"
Calmly, the new student answered.  "Actually, Sebastian brought me there.  But he made it perfectly clear to keep quiet about it." She had a soft, soothing melodic voice. 
Ominis scoffed, ignoring the way his heart skipped a beat at the sound of her voice.  Typical Hufflepuff, soft-spoken, meek, quick to squeal and rat out their friends the second their arm got twisted. 
"You breathe a word about this place to anyone and not even your precious Professor Fig will be able to help you."
He could tell that mentioning Professor Fig had struck a nerve.  The quiescent unnamable magic swirling around her grew sharp, its aura almost suffocating Ominis.  She took a firm step forward towards him, her heels echoing loudly against the marble tiles.  Her voice grew louder, firmer.  "You needn't threaten me, Gaunt.  But mention Professor Fig again, and even your family name won't be able to shield you from me." 
She took another step forward.  Ominis took a hesitant step back.  He didn't expect the badger to have claws.  "I was trying to defend Sebastian.  He was clear that this was a secret place, and I was to tell no one."  Ominis was startled by her closeness.  He could smell her perfume, flowery.  Honeysuckle, rosewater, and ivy.  She took another step forward.  "Sebastian's a good friend.  He cares very deeply for you." 
Ominis's lips curled.  As if she knew anything about Sebastian.  About what Sebastian's wants and needs were.  He held his ground.  "I don't need you to tell me about my oldest friend, thank you very much.  Sebastian gets himself in enough trouble.  He doesn't need your help." 
To Ominis's surprise, her shoulders relaxed a bit.  Her arms uncrossed in understanding.  "You care for Sebastian.  You worry over him."  Ominis's throat felt dry.  Was she trying to insinuate something?  "You needn't be concerned, Ominis.  I can see you're scared."  Ominis was about to deny her accusations but found that he couldn't breathe.  "I am not trying to come in between you or Sebastian.  Your…bond is sacred."  Was he that obvious?  "I'm not trying to steal anyone's…friend away from them."  
For once in Ominis's life, he was speechless.  It was rare for him to find someone who could match his venomous tongue and cruel words. 
"I'm not sure what you're implying."  Ominis lied.  "You forget yourself, new girl."
"Ominis!  Ominis!" Sebastian practically shouted in his ear.
Ominis jumped.  Too lost in thought, he hadn't realized that he had been daydreaming again.  They were still in the Undercroft, practice dummies now completely forgotten.  Her soft hands were still on his arm, trying to comfort him.  Sebastian, on his right, hovering a tad closer than a concerned friend normally should.
His throat felt dry.  He wasn't comfortable being the center of their undivided attention.  He needed air.
"You two keep practicing your hexes."  Ominis muttered, pulling his arm away from her and turning away from Sebastian.  "I need to lie down for a bit."
Ominis wasn't able to see the way Sebastian's eyes met the Hufflepuff's, a silent conversation held with just eyes alone.  "Is everything alright?"  Sebastian asked.  "Ominis, you can confide in us, if you need."
Ominis snorted as he threw his satchel over his shoulder.  Like he could ever reveal his true feelings to the happy couple. 
He avoided the Hufflepuff and her Slytherin for a better part of two weeks.  A difficult task given how persistent the other two were.
"Ominis!  There you are."  Sebastian purred, his voice dipping down an octave.  "You've been rather difficult to pin down lately." 
Ominis didn't even pause.  If anything, he walked faster down the hallway to his next class.  "I'm sorry, Sebastian.  Far too busy with this extra essay Professor Sharp assigned me.  I'll see you at dinner."
His partner in crime appeared around the corner, as if she apparated to Sebastian's side.  "A-Ah, hello, Ominis!"  She nervously greeted.  "Your hair looks rather nice today!  Looks kind of like the portrait of the bloke we're learning in History of Magic."
Ominis did finally pause in his stride.  "Uric…the…Oddball?  I look like a lunatic who wears a jellyfish on his head?"
Her shoulders fell.  Maybe she should have paid more attention in class.  She hadn't actually thought that one through too much. 
Without another word, Ominis swept away around the corner, onto his next class.
Now properly alone, Sebastian groaned.  "Merlin's beard, sweetheart, what was that?  Were you trying to woo him or get him to commit you to a loony bin?  We want to charm him not send him running away screaming!"
She glared at him in offense.  "I'm not good at flirting!"
Sebastian sighed, running his fingers through his hair in fake exasperation.  He couldn't help but smile, as he looked at her teasingly.  "It is truly one of Hogwarts biggest mysteries how you managed to bag someone as charming as me."
She tried to kick him in the shin for good measure.  He calmly took a small step back avoiding her rather short legs.
"Don't worry, sweetheart.  Sebastian's here for you.  Time to show you how to properly sweep a man off his feet."
She rolled her eyes, "Like you can do better."
[Cont reading here]
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terapsina · 1 year
#2 for the book worm ask game!
(ask game)
2. Favorite fantasy book(s).
(Eeeeexcellent, I do love fantasy books. Though how I'm gonna narrow it to only a few I've got no idea. Okay. I'm going to remove the very obvious choices like Lord of the Rings (though it is one of my faves)).
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Monstrous Regiment. I love the entire Discworld series (especially The Witches) but I've also got a huge soft spot in my heart for Terry Pratchett's take on 'a girl dresses like a boy to go to war' (and thinks of everything except some spare socks in- erm... the right place). Along with Polly, the squad consists of a vampire, a troll, an Igor, a religious fanatic and two very, very close "friends" (and yes, the official summary put the friends in quotes too). And everyone has their own secret.
I love basically everything about this book and I can't tell you guys any of it because it would spoil all the fun.
The Goblin Emperor. This one's a story filled with light. Maia the half goblin son of the elven Emperor was never supposed to take the throne (or to ever even be at court. because racism). And then everyone ahead of him dies in a single "accident" and suddenly he's the new Emperor. Maia is a good person, and a kind one, and despite everything that gets thrown at him he keeps hold of that understanding of right and wrong and refuses to bend.
(I have to mention that the language of the writing is kinda hard to get into in the beginning, and the characters's have very complicated and long names, but once you get into it it really did enhance the story for me).
Good Omens. An Angel and a Demon try to stop the apocalypse and instead lose the Antichrist. I've loved that book for like a decade now and if I don't put it on a list of my faves that list would be a lie.
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The King of Attolia. Third in The Queen's Thief series and my favorite one out of all of them. I've always enjoyed Outsider POV in fics. And here is a book that just... proves why. We've got Eugenides and Irene, the Thief and the Queen, and we know them from the two previous books. And adore them. But the story isn't from their POV, it's from the POV of Costis, a Queen's guard who's suddenly gotten assigned to the King. The useless, weak, undeserving king that as far as Costis is concerned doesn't deserve to even kiss the Queen's boots. And it's hilarious to read the story from the eyes of someone who knows so much less than us. And so satisfying, as he begins to understand.
(I recommend the whole series and am personally glad to have read them in the published order but Megan Whalen Turner has stated that she wrote them in a way that allows you to jump in at any point you want).
The Raven Tower. The story is from the viewpoint of a sentient, omniscient rock whose name is Strength and Patience of the Hill and it is the GREATEST THING EVER. The gods are real and must be very careful with their words, because if they speak a lie the reality will alter to make that lie the truth but if the lie is bigger than the power of the god... well. Inspired by Hamlet.
(the book also has a trans man as the main character; the other main character? The sentient rock is the narrator but the largest part of the story focuses on Eolo).
A Natural History of Dragons. The first book from The Memoirs of Lady Trent (and honestly it would probably be more honest to say that every single book from this series fits the category of fave but I'm putting up the first here because this isn't a series where you should skip ahead). The book focuses on the life of Isabella as narrated by her older self. This is the story how a Scirland lady bucked all tradition and became a world renowned expert on the Natural History of Dragons.
(this series has a piece of my heart and always will).
(and finally, here's some more of my favorite fantasy books that I also adore and would totally ramble about but I got tired of typing).
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eluxcastar · 6 months
The little sisterfication of Signora
── ୨୧:la signora & reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: we're back with the little sibling headcanons let's GOOO
୨୧﹑genre :: fluff
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, young signora, use of signora’s real name, it's more ambiguous how much older reader is, not proofread
୨୧﹑words :: 1.1k
this has been planned for so long, but I struggle SO bad writing Signora tbh Idk why it's not like I don't know how to write arrogant anguished women. I love arrogant anguished women 😭 while I'm on that thought I came to the realisation reader is probably dead with Rostam which was just what I wanted to think. BUT BUT I DID try to sneak some details in so it can still be cute cough witch's flower of blaze
it feels weird every time I use their real names but also calling them by titles when we know their names feels wrong because if it's from the perspective of their sibling who would know and use their name 😔 I think because I'm not used to it I'm like who the hell is MILBURN PENNYBAGS that's PULCINELLA (I had to look up the Monopoly man's name for that joke you BETTER laugh)
all little siblingification posts
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Rosalyne was, as children are, young and interested in learning, eager but never quite aware. She loved to trail along by your side as you took her up the mountains to find a patch of flowers, at which point she would plop down in the grass and get to work making herself a flower crown with an extra one so you could match. Since your mother taught her the secret, she had happily taken to it and off to the races she was, linking flowers and matching colours in pursuit of the prettiest arrangement she could make to be her crown.
She long ago decided that Windwheel Asters are among the best, with an interesting shape and fiery red to contrast her blonde hair. Calla Lilies have a similar colour but a bad shape for flower crowns, and Cecilias are too pale to stand out the way she'd like them to. Windwheel Asters are bold and show off her hard work better than any delicate flower could.
Of course, that means she must also find the perfect flower for you, and that's hard work, but she'll never stop trying. Rosalyne read in a book about an extinct flower called the Padisarah, a beautiful purple flower that even the Dendro Archon couldn't perfectly replicate, and decided it would've been perfect for you if it still existed. You suspect that it's only because she can't have it that she wants it, the allure of something mystical that exists only in the imagination.
She settles instead on the legends of a Liyue flower that blooms at the sound of beautiful music—Glaze Lily or something to that tune. Each time Rosalyne makes a flower crown for you with the next best thing she can find, she claims that one day she'll travel to Liyue, and when she does, she'll bring you back one to see how pretty they are as if she has some greater understanding looking at the same picture in her book as you did. Maybe she does.
There is no dream too big, not for Rosalyne. She is desperate for your approval at every turn and wants you to think she's as cool as she thinks you are. She wants to hear you smile with her despite seeming so far away at times. Her phase of being petty and squabbling with you is over at last, and she seeks the comfort of the one person she looks up to more than anybody for a guiding star to turn to—you.
Your parents are both far away future ideals for an older Rosalyne to aspire to be, maybe with that boy she likes, but you are not so distant. You're like her, if only older and barely wiser. She sees all that she wants in you, and it makes her look up to your guidance above all else. Her parents are the annoying rule makers who preside over her life and ruin her fun; you're the fun troublemaker who sleazes the both of you past the city guards and takes her headfirst into the danger of the mountains just so she can play.
Rosalyne thinks of an ambitious future, and your parents tell her to be careful; you tell her to chase it. Become a scholar and do as she pleases. She's more inclined towards your indulgent way of thinking. You have yet to stifle the burning passion she holds but recognise it, and in your mind, it's about as cool as dragons could ever be. It is not the worrisome uncertainty of instability and hardship that your parents think it is.
Her heart is set in a far-off place—Sumeru, the Akademiya, where she feels everything will fall into place like a fairytale. Rosalyne has it all figured out, down to the number of boys she'll reject in pursuit of that boy she has had a crush on since she was twelve.
Even you're not privy to that, subject to Rosalyne quickly closing her diary or turning away from you, hiding the gifts she managed to get him and letters she wrote out but never could quite work up the nerve to send. It used to be only one of the many instances that would have her yelling at you not to snoop, though it has dwindled to being only one of the very few instances, save for accidentally discovering her in the process of procuring your birthday gifts.
It used to be that you would be searching for your missing things, a few of which had disappeared suspiciously close to your birthday and were found the moment you were proudly presented those very items as gifts from your little sister, sometimes with a daring tale of how she acquired it for you. Most of the time, you acted surprised and grateful, maybe even added a comment about how you were glad you didn't have to get a new one since Rosalyne had gone out and done it for you. You hid your annoyance at her habit of stealing your things behind thoughts of how cute your mother thought it was that Rosalyne didn't want to be left out of getting to give you something.
Rosalyne does, however, realise the possible benefit of asking for your help with this boy once she gets over the embarrassment-driven beet-red cheeks and yelling at you. You cannot find her boy and drag him by the ear to her, but you could help her write a letter to him or teach her to wrap that gift she was holding onto. You can do any number of things to help her chances— except talk to him. You can't do that, or you'll give it away with that big mouth of yours.
You're not quite sure how she came to that conclusion.
Her acceptance to the Akademiya came all too quickly. Years seemed to fly by, and her quirks evened out into a young woman your parents were more comfortable sending away to another nation. Their fears of her immaturity and fiery passion dragging her down settled as she did. By the time you were ready to send her away, the encroaching elegance you had seen forming in her younger self blossomed until she carried herself with more confidence and grace than ever. 
Like your parents, you are ready to watch her pursue that dream and come home to see the boy she likes still waiting for her. You make sure she knows you'll be there too, maybe even come visit every now and then and see Sumeru for yourself.
As she leaves, you reveal what you've been hiding for her—a single red flower. You're not as practised at the art of making flower crowns, but you found her this. This is all you can offer that she can carry with her until it wilts away.
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reallifetangent · 4 months
Just saw someone on TikTok saying the "You could live a thousand lives and never deserve that boy" saying that Cat King, Monty and Charles don't deserve Edwin and I've never seen so much bullshit in my life (as far as I can remember)
How come you throw down 3 character arcs and ignoring at least Charles' temper and context to put above on a pillar one character who has bad things as well.
Post was in Spanish, I'm translating what it said with the colors.
Sorry for the random rambling/texts, I had to get it out of my system and sorry if I had wrong stuff
Obviously spoilers about the whole series
Cat King: he started wrong and pressured Edwin on things he didn't know
There's an analysis post here that explains why the punishment made sense. Edwin was warned of not messing around with the cats. Cat King of course had moments where he made Edwin obvious and clearly uncomfortable, and either stopped there or stepped back. Even between all his flirty aura and wanting to play and be loved by this Twink Ghost, he still respected Edwin and was pretty much consensual (the bracelet not because again, it's just the punishment because of what Edwin did to the cats), like proposing counting cats instead of pleasing him physically as soon as he realized Edwin wasn't in that lane.
By the end of the season, he's the one that changes the less respecting from where they started (I think). He's still a flirty, charming, iconic, still respecting and asking for the hug, this time only calling him from the distance because he knows the context, they're mourning Niko, he can't be that flirty or attention seeker, he knows how much she meant for Ed. The flowers scene where it's both flowers for him but also for her (the flower's meanings about rebirth, purity, innocence. I think it's how Niko was for this world, but also huge kudos to this Reddit when I was looking for the flower scene)
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Monty: tricked Edwin so the witch could have her revenge.
Monty is a Crow Familiar. He ofc owes loyalty to his witch. He was turned into a human with the condition of helping his master. And he catches feelings. He's been a human since what? Less than a week? He gets hooked by Edwin. He loves Edwin. When they kiss and Edwin says he doesn't love him back, he's hurt. And he's Esther's familiar. What did she do once she didn't get what she wanted? Plan on revenge. He's still hurt, he thinks Edwin didn't care about his feelings. He even said they shouldn't be friends anymore.
Damn, he even went along deeper even thinking that they wouldn't get the case since they were Ace Detectives, until he heard that the fungus ate ghosts/spectrals so this wasn't an easy revenge. He tried to lead them/him away from it. Then Cat King interrupted and well, shit went down. More hurt feelings, more disgraces. He gets back to Esther who dislikes that her dear crow familiar was on the side of Edwin and caught feelings. He didn't want to feel like that, he didn't ask to be hurt, didn't want to be human and have feelings. Ofc he couldn't be with Edwin as long as Esther is his witch, she still has control over him. And yet he tried to go against her orders. He even helped Charles getting away on last ep.
Charles: said cruel words, wishing he never died and throwing in his face that Ed would never be able to keep the group together because he can't and he lacks Char's charisma.
Charles was fresh from living on a loop that caught him because his reaction to trauma was too strong. He had to live(?) and watch over and over again a family suffering for the exact same thing that reminded him his living life. Even worse, he had to experience on bucle him trying to stop it just to be interrupted and made him watch it until the father was done, looking at the corpses and then the gunshot. Tell me about feeling helpless and useless when you are stuck on a loop where your attempt of trying to help it's not working and you are seeing it over and over again. Ofc he was more than upset for not being able to help, to stop Crystal from getting hurt, from Edwin lying to him because Ed was troubled in his mind, and Night Nurse reminding him the physical violence he lived, how he died.
Charles and Edwin died at 16. Sixteen. How many things they could've experienced but never happened? They'll never get to grow up. He died and he never had a chance to stand up against his dad and protect his mom. He lost the chance to keep the bullies away from others. He lost all the sensations, he lost most of his senses. Not being able to enjoy things because he can't feel them. He misses spaghetti, he said he might miss kissing (he and Crystal kissed, he said he didn't feel anything but well, as long as she does, he's okay with it). He misses being able to have people his age to hang around. And everything was taken away from him.
Ofc he tries to be positive about it, he tries to be useful to make up for not helping when he was alive. He didn't want to be like Brad and Hunter, but he wanted to be that cool guy loved by everyone and was an actual good person. You can't hold on a smile for too long without it turning into a fake one after having all of that. All those years he shoved away the familiar violence, until he had to live it again, two times, and see that he couldn't stop it. He's hurt by everyone (Edwin lying to him, the whole Crystal's case still unsolved, etc), and he reached the limit. Are you telling me he would just smile again and pretend it was nothing? He'd been doing that for so long, and now he was unable to hide it again.
And last but not least, Edwin.
Edwin Payne, sassy Edwardian Era Teenager who has an ego so big you can see it from space, plays hard to get on the cases, thinks he's better/smarter than anyone (one thing is being it, other is claiming it), thinking everyone is on his same level or page (the whole Does that look blue to you? We have the same left! Implying that what he says and knows are too obvious that forgets not everyone thinks like him. I relate to that soooo bad) Shoved away more than once Crystal, has more salt than the Dead Sea, calls out more than once Charles for trying to keep Crystal around, when Jenny was calling Crystal out for running or whatever he was shocked that Crystal wasn't paying attention to him like how dares she ignore me. And don't get me started with invalidating everyone's feelings when they said they were hurt or living a nightmare... We got it. Hell was a literal hell. But you're dealing right now with a girl who's around 16-18 and you're trying to solve her case, not a competition about "Who suffered the most".
Ofc at the end of the season he's finally fond of Crystal, he was finally accepting her as part of the team even without her powers, he's now able to express better his feelings, better at setting and saying things and stop assuming everyone is on his same level, he starts caring about people like Monty (even after breaking his crow heart, he apologizes and tries to explain that he was new to that as well and things could've been with them staying as friends until Cat King made his entrance and the reveal, Cat King with the whole Cat Mouse Game he was able to again, start accepting he has feelings and being the way they are is not bad, able to set boundaries, even allow himself to play silly things like actually counting the cats.
Edwin had to go through a lot of things to be able to actually be open and grow as a character. I feel everyone likes Edwin at the end of the season or praise his Salty Sassy Edwardian Teenager phase, and it's not bad, but please do not throw down other characters to get him higher. Or at least, don't throw them down like that. Do not treat him like it's flawless, just because you like his flaws.
I mean, I feel like I'm not writing nothing we haven't seen, like stating the obvious. Maybe a rewatch to see better the character arcs?
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
I'M ALIVE (BARELY) !! Work is kicking my ass. Also, lots of things went wrong for me this morning, but they all worked out in the end ?? Like I forgot to set my alarm, had to bring my mom's phone to her job bc she forgot it, my bus ended up running late because the doors would get stuck at stops. But I woke up on time, caught the bus after taking the phone, and made it early to work because the bus forgot to take the detour? My luck is insane (thanks Mammon.)
ANYWAY, i can no longer contain my thoughts about Mammon x Solomon x Mc. I'm just imagining my mc and Solomon who are both very curious, and love messing around with potions at purgatory hall, and finding alternatives to rare ingredients. This has definitely gone wrong a bunch of times (most days without a potion incident: 4)
and I'm imagining Mammon tagging along bc he misses mc and is jealous that Sol is taking up their time, but denies all claims - "I'm assigned to protect ya, ain't I?" "From Solomon?" "W-Well, he's a shady sorcerer!"
He sits on the floor by mc's feet, and will fetch them things because he can't say no to them. But he spends so much time listening to them brainstorm, he starts learning and will chime in randomly. Mc and Sol who are stuck on what to add, Mammon drops something in there, and they're both horrified until they realize the potion is perfect now. He just has a little database in his mind of what to add to something, and rare ingredients that the two wish they could get their hands on.
Thinking about Mammon doing a favor for a witch and she tells him to pick anything in her collection since she's low on money. He was about to be angry when he saw an ingredient that they've both been complaining is rare and hard to find. He asks the witch for that and then brings it to the two. He acts all nonchalant about it, trying to brush it off. Mc tackles him, meanwhile Solomon is in awe and staring with a twinkle in his eye.
Now Mammon starts requesting trades with witches, for a lower portion of grimm. Gets ingredients he knows they dream about, because the way mc and sol will get all giddy after he presents them with his earnings makes his stomach flip (he will never admit this)
"This is missing something" Solomon
"Yeah but I can't figure out what" MC
"Have you tried *insert seemingly common ingredient that doesn't work for most things*" Mammon
"But no one uses that, it's why we're always stuck with it" MC
"Couldn't hurt to try. See, watch." Mammon.
"Dunno, got it from a random witch. Said she didn't need it. *spent two hours haggling with said witch*"
"...am I in love?" Solomon, reevaluating life
"Eh? What are ya mumbling about? If you're gonna thank me, I want it loud and clear!"
my crack ship <3 they mean everything to me. I caved and hunted down the plushies of them on ebay too. ALSO I GOT TWO OF MY COMMISSIONS BACK AND I'M 😭 they're perfect !!! I'm so so happy with them. Literally the lock screen is beautiful bc it's me and mammon cuddling (HIS MUSCLES CC!! IM DYING) and it looks like it was taken by like asmo or something who walked in to wake us up.
i think I'm also a hopeless romantic, I'm just scared of confronting my feelings lol (you're right in that it is worth it, I just need to figure out how to be brave </3). I throw myself into romance books and fanfics. Vaguely related, thinking about coffee shop au with barista!Mammon and college student!Solomon.
- ✨ anon
Wow that does sound like a crazy morning!! I'm glad it all worked out, though~ Mammon is totally watching out for you!
OKAY but all of that sounds exactly like Mammon! I mean, he's super smart, he just doesn't usually bother to apply himself to anything. So it totally makes sense that he'd just pick up things because he's spending time with MC and Solomon. And then of course he's gonna end up seeing rare ingredients and being like, okay yeah I'm taking that. That all sounds absolutely adorable~
I'm curious about whether or not Solomon and Mammon would make a pact in this situation? I mean, if it's both of them and your MC that are in the relationship, do you think they would? Do you think Solomon would move past his obsession with getting a pact with Lucifer and end up in one with Mammon instead?
I always felt like Solomon doesn't really get Mammon, you know? But that doesn't mean he can't learn. And oh man, Solomon is such a tease and Mammon is so not good at being teased lol. That idea is giving me so many entertaining images, I can't even handle it.
Anyway, I'm totally here for it! It sounds really cute~
I'm so glad you're happy with your comms!!! They sound amazing!
And don't worry, you'll figure it out. I don't know how old you are, but I suspect you have plenty of time! It's a balancing act, you know? It's important to be honest with yourself about your feelings without letting them control you. But it's easier to decide what to do about them if you know what they are. Anyway, not to get all philosophical over here lol. I think the key is to find someone you want to be brave for, you know?
AUGH I love coffee shop aus sooooooo much!!! I was very obsessed with the idea of barista!Mammon for a while, mostly because of a daily chat where he was working at a cafe and then got into a fight with customer. He's good at finances, so I think he could be pretty business minded if he wanted to be. So I was thinking about a situation where he owns his own cafe, but when the customers get rude with one of his fellow baristas, he gets into a fight with them lol. I hadn't really considered who that other barista was, but it could be MC.
Anyway, I could ramble about coffee shop aus all day because I love them aklsdlkfjdfjkl
I hope you have a lovely day/night, too!!
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rere-the-writer · 2 years
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My two faves (other than Elijah) need more love but let's goooooo
Warnings: Fluff, a bit of NSFW, threats, Soft Vampires, Innocent!Reader
Small innocent human and two Original vampires? What is the worst that could happen?
Threats and death is what mostly from Kol to men that flirt with you
Finn threatening Klaus to stay away from you
Kol and Finn does everything they can to keep you out of their family drama
Freya is a little jealous that Finn spends so much time with you but is mostly happy that Finn is happy
Davina is jealous of the relationship you have with Kol and the witch has no problem voicing it
"I'm surprised that Kol is with such a boring girl." "Better than being with the witch that tried killing his family."
Kol having to excuse hisself from the room when ever you do something cute
"Kol, Finn? What is BDSM?" "Where did you hear that from?!" "Nik?" Cue Kol and Finn trying to dagger Klaus and Elijah trying to stop them
These two believe that Klaus is trying to corrupt you but Klaus is just telling you things for lols
Elijah finding Finn in the kitchen learning to cook for you by watching the Food Channel
Kol getting jealous when Rebekah would take from him or Finn to go shopping
"Have you two even fucked her yet?" Cue Elijah stepping in before Finn could strangle Klaus
These two are protective to where you had moved into the Mikaelsons home without realizing it
You sleeping between the two after many fights of who's bed you should sleep in
You wearing their sweaters when it gets colder which leads to you being cuddled by them
"Why are you two up at 3am?" "Making brownies Finn. Help us?"
Being shorter than them leads to Kol or Finn helping you reach for things
Finn and Kol love picking you up and just carrying you around
"Weird that you share a girlfriend with Kol." "Why? Elijah and Klaus are sharing a girlfriend Hayley."
Shy kisses from you because Kol and Finn let's you make the first move
Finn and Kol taking you out for hours, one time your drive turned into a road trip
Both love spoiling you, you have many many gifts from them both
Both learning all about your interests so they could talk and do them with you
Both are very gentle with you when it is your first time
Kol loves peppering you with kisses and makes some jokes to make sure you are comfortable
While Finn let's you make the first move and follows your lead
"Can we try using toys?" You asked so innocently both vampires choked on their drinks
Both have the biggest innocent kink because of you
You don't have to do much to get them going
Both aren't afraid to kill for you. In fact Elijah is always stopping them from murdering men that hit on you
These two can't say no to you. They tried once and hated it
You have a thing of reminding the two vampires of how much you love them
"Have I told you both how much I love you?" "Everyday darling but I would love it if you reminded us."
Cute movie dates of you showing them your favorite movies
You tried pulling pranks on Kol but you are so terrible at it that he finds too adorable
Coffee dates with Finn while you have cute lunch dates with Kol
Finn caught you trying to climb the counter to get to your cookies once and now you have to get him if you want one
Late night talks of having kids and marriage
These two are loyal to you to a fault, it really annoys Klaus that Kol and Finn would choose you over their siblings
Kol will take hot baths with you if you are stressed while Finn gives you a massage
You falling asleep listening to Finn read to you if you are having trouble sleeping along with Kol
Waking up tangled up between Finn and Kol
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halfbakedspuds · 3 months
Thanks to @honeybewrites for the tag
OC incorrect quotes tag
Rules: use this quotes generator for your OC's and share what you get.
I had way too much fun with this. None of these should fit this trio nearly as well as they do
Adrian: Crushes are the worst. Whenever I’m near mine, I start acting stupid. Lyanni: You always act stupid. Lyanni: Lyanni: Wait... Lyanni: So, what's for dinner? Adrian, staring at the food he burnt: Regret. Lyanni: Talk dirty to me, baby~ Adrian: The dishes. Lyanni: Wh- Adrian: They’ve been there for 4 days and it’s your turn to wash them. You still haven’t cleaned them and I have asked you to do so several times. Adrian: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us. Lyanni: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both. Lyanni: *Laughs* Babe, you had a crush on me? That’s embarrassing— Adrian: We’re married. Lyanni: I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Adrian: Damn, that sounds like a marriage proposal. Lyanni, getting down on one knee: That's 'cause it is. Adrian: *angrily presses Lyanni against a wall* WHERE'S THE MONEY?! Lyanni: ... Lyanni: Are we about to kiss-
No pressure tag for @illarian-rambling, @orion-lacroix and anyone else who wants in
Adrian: Why can't any of you ever clean up after yourselves? Wilhelm: I have a person who does that for me. Adrian: Yeah, ME. Wilhelm: I'm glad you agree. Lyanni: You know, when I first met you I thought you were a real bitch. Wilhelm: What changed your mind? Lyanni: Oh, I still think you're a bitch. I've just grown to like that about you. Wilhelm: What's this? Lyanni, hugging Wilhelm: Affection! Wilhelm: Disgusting. Wilhelm: ...Do it again.
Lyanni, to Adrian: Why is Wilhelm not talking? Adrian: I'm playing the silent game with him. Lyanni: Well, then you just lost. Adrian: I lost two hours ago. I gave him ear plugs and told him to close his eyes. It was the only way I could think of to get him to shut up. Wilhelm: Now, Lyanni, all of us are doing this because we care about you, okay? Adrian: Except for me. I just wanted to see the look on your face. Wilhelm: And here we see Lyanni and Adrian in their natural habitat. Texting eachother variations of the word "garlic bread" to try to make eachother laugh. Lyanni: Gaelic bread. Adrian: Grueling brad. Lyanni: Ha ha, glamorous beans. Lyanni: I bet you can’t make a sentence without the letter “A”! Adrian: You thought you just did something there, didn’t you? Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but numerous sentences could be constructed without employing the first letter of the English lexicon. Wilhelm: Fuck you. Wilhelm: What time is it? Lyanni: I don’t know, pass me that saxaphone and we’ll find out Lyanni: *BLASTS the saxaphone* Adrian: WHO THE FUCK IS PLAYING THE SAXAPHONE AT TWO IN THE FUCKING MORNING Lyanni: It’s 2 am Lyanni: Oh, so you two are getting along very... cordial now? Adrian: Cordial? Nah, we're friends. Lyanni: Friends? Adrian: Yeah. After you stopped us fighting, we got to talking. Seems like we have some common interests. Wilhelm: We both love butterflies. Lyanni: Aww– Wilhelm: And beating people up. Lyanni: Oh, okay. Adrian: Why were you up yesterday until 3am? Wilhelm: How did you know I was up until 3am? Lyanni: We could hear you clapping to the FRIENDS intro every 25 minutes. Wilhelm: What are you guys doing? Lyanni: Like in life in general or- Adrian: Not much. Why, what's up? Wilhelm: I dunno, I’m bored playing AC. Adrian: Assassins Creed? Wilhelm: Animals Creed. Lyanni: Assassins Crossing. Wilhelm: I have an army. Adrian: We have a Lyanni. *Adrian recording whilst Lyanni and Wilhelm are arguing* Wilhelm: HOLD UP, HOLD UP, HOLD UP, HOLD UP!! HER SISTER WAS A WITCH, RIGHT? AND WHAT WAS HER SISTER? A PRINCESS! THE WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST, BRO! Adrian: *wheezes like a tea kettle* Lyanni, pulling out a knife: I'm gonna stab him. Wilhelm: YOU'RE GONNA LOOK AT ME AND YOU'RE GONNA TELL ME THAT I'M WRONG? AM I WRONG? Lyanni: It's my favorite movi- Wilhelm: SHE WORE A CROWN AND SHE CAME DOWN IN A BUBBLE, LYA! Lyanni: I'm not fighting with you, I'm not fighting with y- Wilhelm: GROW UP, BRO. GROW UP! Wilhelm: Hey, Lya? Lyanni: Yeah? Wilhelm: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on? Lyanni: Lyanni: Where’s Adrian?!
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Draco finally knows
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He knew something was wrong the minute he saw Harry, something was off about him. Weasley and Granger had no clue as they were bickering over something. He cast a slight charm and had Harry's head turn slightly. He nodded to the staircase and Harry got up and went there. Once he reached there he grabbed his hand and he took him to the Gryffindor common room.
"Draco, I'm not- I can't," Draco stopped him. 
"I didn't bring you here to snog you Harry as much as I want to," He closed the door to theroom and cast a silencing charm. "Is this where you lot sleep, like a bunch of-” Harry shot him a look. “Well mannered people, er- remove your shirt let me see," 
"How did you-"
"I know the signs," Draco wanted to say that he had been in this position before. Except he hid it so well no one knew to ask, plus there were no visible marks. But Harry already knew
“Draco,” Harry said softly. 
“Harry, shirt.” Harry sighed and took off his robes. Then his shirt. Draco didn’t even need to ask him to turn; he could see the beginnings on his shoulders and a couple marks on his arms. They were still angry red. “Harry…who did this to you,” 
Harry chuckled, taking a seat on the bed. “The muggles I live with,”
“But they’re your mother’s- her sister, her brother in law, ho-”
“When did they start hitting you,” Draco asks, although he was still trying to wrap his head on what Harry had just said. 
“Draco, they hated my mother, they loathed my father, I can safely say, Snape loved my dad comparedto them. ” Harry said as he fiddled with his fingers.”They only took me in out of obligation, they never really loved me, because my mother was a witch and my father a wizard. In Fact they make sure to tell me everyday, in every language.” His fingers shook as he spoke.
“They never used to hit me, just scream, yell, neglect me, either only make me eat breakfast cause i made it and then not eat again for the rest of the day or make me do work around the house, no actually it was both, be my cousin’s punching bag, his outlet.’
“When they found out I couldn’t use magic outside of Hogwarts, they got so angry I didn’t tell them, they didn't start right away no, but it wqs subtle like planting a seed. Setting off a chain of events,” Harry hestrued to his back, “Which led to this, my uncle snapped and my aunt just followed along.”
“Harry…” Draco stood behind him as he started casting healing charms all round. “Why don’t you tell someone you know the Minister of Freaking Magic for Merlin’s sake, he’ll hex them himself if you asked.”
“Dumbledore said I had to stay with them because of the magic that was keeping me safe,” Draco whipped his wand and a tiny bottle came flying out of his trunk. 
“Harry, I say this without my usual voice of sarcasm, screw Dumbledore, screw your relatives,” Harry hissed as Draco’s wand grazed a rather recent wound. “At least now I know who to add to my hitlist.”
“I’m sorry,” Harry needed to apologise, he had to apologise.
“Harry don’t apologise you did nothing wrong, it’s your family that needs to apologise and then be thrown in Azkaban” Harry chuckled but he knew Draco was being serious. 
 “Then for behaving the way I did towards you, you’re friends.” Draco fell silent.
“I’m sorry,”
Draco again fell silent again, wrapping Harry’s back. “What ever on earth are you possibly sorry for?”
“For not taking your hand that day,” that day.
~When his father and mother had taken him to go get fitted for new robes. His father had left him  to go buy books and his mother dropped him off in the shop to get new robes. His mother started to look at wands in a nearby shop. He noticed a giant in the seat outside, he wanted to make a snide comment about how nothing in this shop might fit him when he heard chatter behind him.
“Hogwarts dear, got the lot here- another young man being fitted up just now, in fact.'' Then he suddenly met the eye of a green eyed black haired boy, his eyes were very pretty. For some reason his mouth flew open and he knew the moment he’d opened his mouth to talked about the gameskeeper he’d screwed up royally.
“Sorry about insulting Hagrid, I was a little stuck up back then,” Harry snorted. 
“You still are but I like this stuck up, he’s a fancy kisser,” Draco rolled his eyes and shocked Harry with his wand. 
“I’m sincerely apologising, Harry,” Harry reached behind him and pulled Draco’s hand in front of him. 
“I’m sorry for not taking your apology seriously, thank you Draco,” He brought Draco’s hand to his lips. “Thank you,”
“I’m still gonna buy you a flat though, maybe in hogsmead cause its closer to school and you can't apparate properly,” Confusion painted Harry's face.
“Erm? What?” 
“If you think you are leaving this school with the notion you’re going back, you are mistaken.” Harry just smiled.
“Wizarding laws-”
“Draco, was it, was it an unforgivable curse?” Harry noticed Draco's hands had stiffened in his. He reached over and pulled him closer hugging him. 
“Don’t matter,”
"Can suck my dick although I prefer your pretty little lips, he's not my type too ancient," Harry turned red and hit Draco's shoulder, Draco pretending, winced. "Is thar how you are, hiting your lovers, the great Harry Potter is a domestic abuser," Draco rolled him eye. "Fame, the thing's it does to you,"
The room slowly fell into a comfortable silence
“I’m sorry,”
“It wasn’t your fault,”
“I hate your father,”
“That makes both of us,” Draco chuckled and held  him back. “This term is rather short, once we board the train and I’m hoping I get you all to myself,” Draco sounded like he was joking but Harry knew better.
“You’re dad hates me Draco, He was a Death Eater, Plus he’s gonna notice you buying a house” 
“Harry, I can buy a random house somewhere, without the consent of my parents, I’m a bloody Malfoy, he with his thinking is gonna suspect that I’m pissed about something, or worse I was bitten by a werewolf” Harry chuckled Draco making him roll his eyes.
“Just say you wanna move in with me Harry, please, I wanna live with my boyfriend” Harry blushed at boyfriend. 
“I swear I’ll even get Dobby to- what?” Draco doubled over. “I thought i’d have to do a whole Sonnet,”
“A what?”
“Ironic how I know more about Muggle literature than you,” Draco said, rolling his eyes. Harry sensing a lecture due to hanging out with Hermione for so long, leaned in and kiss him. "Don't worry we'll fix that,"
“Thank you,”
“For you, anytime,” Draco reached over and kissed him. "Anytime,"
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crunchyorochiru · 10 months
I haven't made a list rambling introductions of my eah ocs yet, so now I'm making it everyone's problem and posting this 🤠 Also not every oc has a design yet, so some will only have text descriptions
Allison Andersen, the daughter of Hans Christian Andersen and niece of Alice, though most people don't know that last part. It doesn't help that she resembles Snow White. She doesn't have a destiny, but she’s a diligent straight-A student and knows many stories. By all means, she’s the perfect heiress to her family legacy… but this comes at a cost. Her Wonderland heritage is ignored, she has to go against her own values (like acting pro-destiny when she isn’t,) and she must hide any part of herself that would go against her image (particularly writing fanfiction, which isn’t considered real writing by people like Milton Grimm, and studying magic, because what's the point when she can't even use magic?)
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Duke Von Rothbart, the son of Odile. He's Duchess's cousin fufilling the role of the next Von Rothbart sorcerer, and while he doesn't like how he and his sister will die if he follows his destiny, he still plans to follow it just to ensure Duchess doesn't get a happily ever after. He would never admit it, but he's jealous that their Grandmother truly loves Duchess, while he and his sister are stuck with their cold Grandfather who only cares about continuing the family legacy. Due to his bluntness and resting-bitch-face, he comes off as an asshole, but unlike Duchess, he doesn't intentionally look for ways to ruin other people's lives. The one thing he loves most in the world is researching magic, and while most people brush this off as part of following his destiny, he's able to happily indulge in this interest with Allison (in secret, obviously. He understands why Allison hides her interest in magic, but in light of the whole rebel movement, he thinks she should stop hiding)
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Princess Von Rothbart, the daughter of Odile. She's Duke's older sister (and also Duchess's cousin) fulfilling the role of the next Odile. Compared to Duke and Duchess, she's much less aggressive and spiteful, but don't mistake that for timidness- she's equally as capable of magic as her brother, and she won't hesitate to use it. She has mixed feelings regarding her family and destiny overall: she doesn't get along with Duchess, but she acknowledges that Duchess's fate is just as bad as hers and Duke's. She's not willing to lose her brother just so he can get petty payback against Duchess. She already lost her parents, even though she can't remember them. She doesn't think it's possible, but if she could avoid her destiny, she wants to live a normal life. No fame or infamy, just a simple, normal life.
Mizuki "Kaguya," the daughter of the Bamboo Princess. Unlike her mother, she was raised on the moon, and she's only come to earth to avoid a civil war. Although her mother (and every other "Kaguya") loves earth, she’s been influenced by the rest of the moon’s high and mighty attitude regarding earth, so she looks down on the other eah students… But she’s getting over it. She's managed to befriend Glinda over a shared love for singing, after all. Also, there are no surnames on the moon, hence the half-assed, school-assigned last name, “Kaguya.”
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Glinda West, the daughter of the Witch of the West. She was named after Glinda the Good as a way of emphasizing she isn't evil. She inherited her mother's green skin and magic, so in attempt to prevent her from experiencing ostracization like her mother, she was raised off the grid. Ever After High is her first experience away from home, but thankfully against her mother's expectation, she's been enjoying it. Despite her limited contact with others in her childhood, she's able to get along with just about anyone. She's using her time at EAH to try new things and meet new people, like Allison and Duke. She's not as into magic as they are, but she can appreciate the efforts they take to study it. Although the things she does anyday easily change, she consistently enjoys exploring around Ever After High and singing.
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Chengguang "CG" Lang, the great-grandson of the Cowherd (and the Weaver Girl.) Most people can't (or won't bother to) say his name right, and he's tired of correcting mispronunciation, so he goes by the nickname "CG." His destiny works differently than other people: the original Weaver Girl is still alive, given how she's a goddess, so CG and the rest of his family share the role of his great-grandfather by visiting the Weaver Girl every year on the bridge of magpies. He's very energetic and spends his days playing music (singing, instruments, etc.), which is why people get surprised when they find out his best friend is Duke. One of the only times CG ever shows his power as a technical demi-god is when Duke is badmouthed in front of him.
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Xingguang "XG" Lang, great-granddaughter of the Cowherd (and the Weaver Girl.) She's CG's twin, and much like CG, she uses a nickname ("XG") because seemingly no one gets her name right. She shares the role of her great-grandfather, the Cowherd, with her brother and family when they visit the Weaver Girl on the bridge of magpies. She enjoys music, but not to the extent of CG- she plays the flute in private, because she doesn't want to be compared to her brother and feels insecure in her musical skill. In general, she's easy going and down to earth.
Maliya Liwanag, the daughter of Mayari (Filipino Moon Goddess.) Her mother had caught wind of Eros sending Cupid to EAH because something major was gonna happen, and while most gods didn't think that was a big deal, Maliya's mother sent Maliya to see what major thing would happen. Maliya does not want to repeat her mother's story, because that would mean fighting a family member and losing an eye, but she's grown attached to EAH. She's made friends, made frenemies (aka Mizuki,) and started dating XG.
Feel free to send asks about my ocs!
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Hayley Marshall Kenner Quote RP Meme
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inspired by @badasshybridqueen​ @paststories​
I'd rather rip your mother's head off.“
“Why are you trying to fix your family when it’s clear so much of it is broken.”
You are all class.“
Oh, I still think you're a bitch. I've just grown to like that about you.”
Remind me to annihilate your brother once you're healthy.“
You want to help me? Help my people.“
All knocked up and nowhere to go.“
"Make art. Use your voice. Have adventures. And have at least one totally epic love. And be every bit of yourself."
“Who the hell are you?”
“I love you. I always have loved you.”
“i’m here as a mom.”
“He died loving me despite it.”
“I realized I wasn’t just protecting myself.”
“Everything I do is for her.”
“Too bad, i forgive you.”
“That’s what family does, we fight for eachother.”
“I never knew that I could love something so much. It’s scary like it migt kill me.”
“If i died and someone through a part, I would be so pissed.”
“Want to say that again and see what happened?”
“Just tell me who you want me to kill.”
“Or maybe I stopped running.”
“She can go home.”
“In your paranoid mind, no one can be trusted.”
“Don’t you get it. your the threat.”
“Let me check his calender- wait, not his wife.”
“I have claws.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,”
“Fight back.”
“I will make them suffer for this.”
“But you will be forgotten.”
“I feel like we are connected somehow.”
“You guys done? This mucho stuff is cute and all but don’t make me come kick both your asses.”
“Ew, no never.”
"And I want to make you a promise, three things that you will have that I never did. A safe home, someone to tell you that they love you every single day, and someone to fight for you no matter what."
I'm sorry that it takes me being in danger for you to even talk to me.“
Just for once, would you please trust me that I say I will do something and it will get done?“
“you want more?”
“my pleasure.”
“I have tried to play nice. But the last month of pregnancy is all hormones and mood swings. so unless you want me to snap your arm like a twig, I suggest that you tell me what is going on.”
Hey there, witch bitch.“
“I know you were just using me as a way of saving your people, but try it again and I will kill you.”
You will not take my baby. I will kill all of you.”
Have I mentioned that I've had a rotten couple of months?“
Well, every good story needs a wicked witch. It'll be all the more satisfying when we melt her.“
"And you have hit your complaint quota for the day. Congrats, ou Are officially the worst."
"I want you to know that I didn't marry you for all of those people. I married you for me."
Awesome. Then we can do that thing where you lock me in the tower, I escape, there's drama, and then you two both realize that I'm capable of taking care of myself.”
They want a seat at the table, and if they don't get one, I can guarantee that you'll all regret it.“
If we can't all learn to get along, if our families can't create some sort of community, then what's the point? Kill each other and get it over with.“
Over the years I've had my share of friends, enemies, lovers, losses and triumphs. With time they all begin to run together. But you will find the real moments are vibrant. The rest just fades away. Your pain will fade.“
I saw the way you looked at me before and the way you look at me now. I was a mother, now I'm a monster. Things are different now. You can't tell me that they're not.“
I'm gonna go find our daughter.”
So you're having weird, retro sex dreams. Get over it. I'm staying.”
You will not believe the crap day that I'm having.”
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m-jelly · 2 years
Cool! So, can you write a Levi x reader (this ones kind of angsty) where readers parents sadly passed away when she was a baby leaving her to be raised in an orphanage and as an adult she sees Levi with his mother having a good and happy relationship and feels sad that she never got that chance with her parents.Levi and kuchel see this and after a bit of research they find out why and in true spooky style they ask witch!hange to help them summon readers parents ghosts so they can meet and they both suprise her with it and reader is overjoyed at finally getting a chance to meet her parents and that they approve of Levi and thank kuchel for being there for there daughter when they couldn’t be.
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Hello, but goodbye
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Romance, fluff, slight angst, witch Hange, fem!Hange, ghosts, Kuchel.
Concept: Kuchel and Levi have set up a séance with Hange to summon your parents so you can meet them. You're upset at first that they did it without asking about how you'd feel. However, you agree to it and meet your parents. You talk to them and introduce Levi to them before saying goodbye to your parents for good.
Tag list: @levisbrat25 @ladycheesington @skittlelover69 @li-anne @strawberrybunny123 @nyxiieluna @galactict3a @notgoodforlife @demonsimp6
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You hummed a laugh as Kuchel and Levi guided you along while you were blindfolded. You smiled at how wonderful your soon-to-be mother-in-law and fiancé were. You couldn't believe they had set up a surprise for you, it was exciting.
"Stop." Levi undid your blindfold and locked eyes with you. "Ready?"
You grinned. "Yeah."
Kuchel stood next to her son and grinned. "We hope you like this!"
You nervously laughed. "Where are we?" You looked around the room to see jars, herbs, plants, spices and witch symbols. "We at a witch shop?" You looked at Levi. "Why are we here?"
Hange threw the curtains open and stretched her arms out. "Greetings mortals!" She walked closer. "I am here to reach out to the dead!"
You frowned. "Dead? Who's dead?"
Kuchel smiled. "Well, we were thinking you could talk to your parents. You never got to meet them, so we thought this would be nice for you."
You welled up a little. "What?"
Levi wiped your tears away. "You'll get to say hello to them."
You stepped back from him. "Yeah and then say goodbye. I don't...I need a moment." You turned and walked out of the shop. "I'm sorry."
Kuchel clutched her chest. "Oh, oh dear."
Levi held his hand up. "I'll talk to her. Give me a moment." He jogged outside and climbed into the back of his car as you sat crying. "Honey."
You rubbed your tears. "I know you both did this with goodness in your heart, but I never knew them. They died when I was a baby. I'm getting the chance to meet them and that's wonderful, but I can't hold them or take them home with me. I'm conflicted." You nibbled the skin around your thumb as your anxiety kicked in. "It feels like a tease. Like, here is your treat, you can't taste it or take it away. You can only look at it and that's it."
Levi stopped you from biting and held your hand tightly. "I'm sorry we didn't talk to you about this. We just thought it'd be nice to meet the people who brought you into this world, to let them know you're doing okay. I know it is a bit cruel to take them away after you've just met them. I am sorry for that."
You rubbed your tears away. "What if it goes wrong, you know? What if they're unhappy with me and my life? I don't want to...I don't..."
Levi held you as he played with your hair. "They will love you so much. You're an incredible woman and you've done so much with your life. Besides, this might not be the last time. We can keep coming back to Hange as many times as you want to see your parents. You have lived by a certain teaching, right?"
You let out a long sigh and nodded. "You don't know unless you try."
He smiled. "Right. You've tried a lot of movies, jobs, drinks, places and everything you could. You have loved and hated many things and we've done it all together. We can give this a try and if you hate it, then we will never again do it. I will make up for this shitty mistake."
You laughed. "It's not shitty."
He shrugged a little. "It's not my best gift to you."
You let out a long sigh. "You don't know unless you try..." You nodded. "I'll try."
Levi got out of the car and pulled you along. "I'll be there with you, okay?"
You nodded. "Right."
"Besides, Hange might not bring them forwards to talk."
You laughed. "You're right." You smiled at Hange and Kuchel. "Okay, I'm ready."
Kuchel hugged you tightly. "I'm sorry we didn't talk to you about this."
"It's okay. You both meant well." You sighed and looked to Hange. "Let's do this."
Hange led you into her séance room and began the ritual. She held hands with Levi and Kuchel as you sat opposite. She closed her eyes and then opened them to reveal they were pure white. Behind her rose two balls of white smoke, it swirled around and then formed a young couple.
The woman locked eyes with you and welled up. "My baby."
The man gasped. "All grown up." He moved closer and saw you flinch. "Don't be afraid, please don't."
You stood up and stumbled back. "I...I..."
Levi hurried to you and cupped your face. "I'm with you, okay? I'm right here and I won't leave you. It'll be okay."
You nodded as you shook. You weren't scared of seeing ghosts, but you were scared of facing your parents. You hugged Levi as you looked at your parents. "Yes."
Your mother moved closer with your father. "You've grown into a fine woman. Look at you."
Your father smiled. "She's a little gem. Tell us everything about you!"
You looked up at Levi, then back at your parents. You smiled a little and began talking to them about your lie. The longer you talked the more relaxed you became. You began smiling as you talked and felt comfortable.
You rubbed Levi's chest. "And this is my fiancé, Levi Ackerman. He's the CEO of a security company. He's my everything."
Your mother smiled. "Thank you for loving her and taking care of her."
Your father nodded. "You are a blessing to her. Your mother is as well. Thank you, Kuchel."
Kuchel blushed. "Oh, well...it's an honour. She's a wonderful young lady and I love her so much."
Your mother smiled softly. "I'm so happy we got to meet you and I hope we get to see you again.
Your father blew you a kiss. "Bye, sweetheart."
You waved to them. "Bye. I will come back again."
Levi held you as soon as you started crying after your parents vanished. "It's okay. I'm right here. I'm right here." He welled up a bit as you clung to him. He kissed your forehead. "I'm never leaving you."
You sniffled a few times. "I love you."
"I love you, always."
You looked over at Kuchel before giving her a hug. "Thank you. I love you."
Kuchel squeezed you tightly. "I love you too. I'm always here for you, okay? Always."
You pulled back and sniffed. "Thank you as well Hange, you're incredible."
Hange winked at you. "Come by any time, okay? Your parents are lovely."
"Thank you."
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
More titles!! (no pressure)
- AITA for """"being insane"""" about My Little Pony
- ah yes. me, my partner, and their 1000 dollar four foot tall blahaj
- Goin' faster than a roller coaster >:)
- googly eyes and other things your stomach can't digest
- that awkward moment when you realize you've been dead for days
- r/relationship_advice: my (cute) neighbor keeps trying to kill me but I'm immortal
- Report: Average Male 4,000% Less Effective In Fight Than He Imagined
- ball handler https://youtu.be/bh9KvSDxU5w
- jailbreak
- I love you but we need to talk about the goat
terrible early 2010s creepypasta involving hyperrealistic ponies with knives
2. this is about raphael. we all know this is about raphael. it's their blahaj and they love it and it WILL be sleeping in the bed with them and gabriel thank you very much
3. crack reinvention of lucifer's s5 approach towards sam, in which he is trying his very best to get angel-married to a guy he just met, after being stuck in a cage for centuries, and every other archangel is going D: because this is not actually the normal way to approach a vessel. sam gets many shovel talks and has no idea why.
4. mass effect fic about baby krogan. 'nuff said.
5. godstiel doesn't manage to kill raphael! it's a miracle. except. no one can see them. or hear them. and as the world continues to collapse in on themselves, they are forced to watch as their brothers are destroyed and heaven falls and there is nothing they can do about it (raphael whump yippee <3)
6. samwena stanford au where. idk. rowena is around and doing witch shit and sam goes 'oh shit i better take care of that'. he is so out of his league it isn't even funny, but also he's very cute and a milf magnet and so she's taking him as her new boytoy (and then along the way acquires far more feelings than she expected. so does sam.) this all makes the 'dean coming to get him in the pilot' plot a lot more complicated.
7. Michean fic where michael goes to fetch his true vessel himself instead of sending zachariah. dean keeps stabbing him. he won't even let michael get started on his speech about how this is all god's will and inevitable and the right thing to do as good sons, he just goes straight for the stabbing. and like. it doesn't actually hurt michael. but still. it's rude.
8. (ajslajdklasjdlk that clip) anyway in honor of this. sastiel blow job fic. with. ball handling :) sam is getting those balls in his mouth and no one can stop him
9. correct me if im wrong but wasn't crowley stuck in the dungeon in s9 when gadreel killed kevin? been forever since i watched s9 i do not like it lmao BUT. my point is. kevin & crowley team up. they hate each other. unfortunately if they do not do this one or both of them will die. plus at this point kevin is so fed up with sam & dean that he's like. Fuck it! At least Crowley would pay me for this shit! because crowley actually values his assets <3 actually hold on is this evolving into like a crowley sugar daddy au what is happeni-
10. castiel gets turned into a goat. sam knows this but he has also been cursed and cannot tell anyone that castiel is, currently, a goat. dean does not know about either of these things and shenanigans ensue as sam is really, really insistent that they need to get goat!castiel into the impala. (goat!castiel is not helping because he has discovered the vinyl impala seats are very yummy.)
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clubwnderland · 11 months
⤷⋆⋆ 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑼𝒑𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆 ♡
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Halloween is one of the busiest nights of the year for me, sometimes I get summoned several times just because some kids found something on the internet and they want to try it. Hopefully nobody decides to do that tonight because I'm heading out and would actually like to do so without being summoned into some weird ass bedroom with 3 goth teenagers looking like they've won the lotto
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The demon arrives at the forest, Halloween starting to get into full swing as the night starts and Johnny stares at the bracelet he wears, wondering how well it'll work. The witches spelled it for him, almost like a dampener, a way to keep him from being summoned at any moments notice. They said it won't last forever but it should at least give him a few hours before it loses its power.
"Hey~," he says when he finds Minsun in an outfit that he had left for her, "you look sexy."
"Are you wanting to have sex?" She tilts her head, hands on the button of her shirt while Johnny laughs, grabbing her hands and keeping her from undressing, "why are you stopping me? You never stopped me before."
It's funny how she processes things, how she interprets and understands the world they are in. Johnny just lowers her hands and leans forward to give her a kiss. "I'll take you up on that offer later sugar but right now, we actually have to go somewhere." He grins, running his hand through his soft locks and taking off his jacket, wrapping it over her shoulders. He had forgotten to get her more suitable clothing for winter since he's unsure whether she actually needs them or not but at least this way - he looks good for giving it up.
Minsun is still confused as Johnny takes her hand and teleports them out of her forest to the entrance of another that is within the city. He holds her hand, both to keep her close and because that's what you do on dates.
Not that either of them would call this a date.
He walks forward but halts when Minsun's hand tightens slightly, the tension clear on her face as she stares at the big neon sign at the forest. "It feels... strange." She says, hesitant to go deeper so Johnny moves them out of the way so he can talk to her.
"Trust me, okay?" Johnny says, voice softer than usual as he looks into her eyes and tries to get her to work with him. He knows that she'll be okay, that its the new introduction to an energy that she hasn't experienced before but he needs her to follow him. "We can take it slow, you'll be alright."
They make their way into the forest, her eyes widening as she sees all the lights in the trees, painting them in colours that aren't like their usual shades of greens. There are sounds, birds that are most certainly asleep, calling through the tree tops and making her whip her head in different directions like they are calling out to her.
Johnny keeps her close, tightening his hold on her hand so that she can't run off and touch things that she shouldn't be touching. "C'mon now sugar, what have I said about touching stuff that isn't ours?" Her fingers hover over a light that is casting a crimson red onto some white lilies.
"It feels..." there's a soft gasp as the colour changes to pink, "oh! It changed?"
"They do that, sugar, c'mon, you haven’t seen anything yet~.” He tugs gently so Minsun is pulled away from the light and brought deeper into forest.
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When Johnny thought that Minsun would love the light displays, he didn't realise how much she would love it. It's like taking a child to one of these things with the way she needed to touch and inspect everything. There are displays hung in the trees and they would have to stand there and watch them until they had done a full rotation, if she heard songs coming from a different direction, Johnny is basically being dragged against the flow while she searches for it.
Somewhere along the way, they had been given a map that had all the displays and interactive exhibits throughout the forest and Minsun walks, looking at the paper in her hand while Johnny keeps her from walking into people.
"Sugar, head up. There's people here." He mutters as he pulls her out of the way of a couple walking towards them.
Channie and Jongin.
"Yo, you're here?" Jongin says, looking at Minsun with a furrowed brow, confused. "Is she okay?"
Minsun has the map upside down, tilting her head this way and that to try and read it and Johnny sighs, taking the map from her since he's sure they are heading in the right direction. "She's new to all of this."
"I want to see the butterflies."
Channie excitedly points in the direction they are heading, "there's a butterfly enclosure but there's also this firefly display. It sounds like you're deep in the forest and nobody is around!"
"This does not sound like the forest's heart." She says, not knowing what Channie means and the wolf blinks a few times before the other males give each other a glance.
"Well, we'll be off," Jongin waves and Johnny nods.
"Yeah, see ya." They awkwardly pull their partners away and Minsun looks at Johnny, wondering about the expression on his face because she's never seen it before. "Don't worry sugar, it was just unexpected, that's all." He says, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and holding her close while they get closer to the butterflies.
The exhibit she had been most excited about since she saw the map.
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The way her eyes light up at the sight of the butterflies makes it look like she's come alive despite the way she's been all night. The creatures flutter around the enclosure as Minsun holds out her hands and they come to rest in her palms.
"Look," she says, showing Johnny the butterflies before they fly out of her hands and around the enclosure again. "Aren't they beautiful?"
It's a moment, a fleeting moment that goes as quickly as it comes but he has a soft smile on his face as Minsun dances around the enclosure, butterflies sometimes coming to rest on her as she does before leaving again. She looks so free. He notices that whenever they are in the forest after being out in the city, so free and full of life and in that moment he knows that if anyone is to dare harm her - he would end them.
As he's thinking that, a slight tug comes from the back of his mind, indicating that someone is summoning him. He clicks his tongue softly, looking at the bracelet's glow ebbing as the magic goes dormant once more. "Fucking humans," he mutters before giving his attention to Minsun, who is in her own world.
Johnny doesn't want to rush the night, he doesn't want to ruin the fun they are having but he is also aware that he may be pulled away at any moment and he doesn't want to leave her alone.
"Sugar," he says, holding out his hand for her to come to him and waits until she does so. "How about I bring you back here again another time? There's people waiting to come in so we should share the butterflies with them, shouldn't we?"
Minsun notices the humans waiting outside, children with their face to the wire and watching the woman in awe. "They don't deserve them." She says and Johnny nods, agreeing but there's nothing much they can do about that right now.
"Next time," he leans close to whisper in her ear, a grin slowly spreading on his lips as he knows that she wouldn't say no to this. "We'll set them free, what do you say?"
"We can do that?" She asks before nodding her head along with Johnny. "I would like that."
Chuckling, he takes her hand and leads her towards the firefly display, "I know, sugar. Oh, do I know~."
🦋 @minsour-r
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ilikepjo24 · 2 years
Posting my Zucest headcannons cause there's no good reason as to why not! Part 2
Reminder: some take place during or after the search while in some others the comics never happened
(Comics didn't happen) After the end of the war Aang was devoted to close as many sounds as possible, one of them being the one in Azula's mind. He started visiting her and helping her heal. He sometimes dragged the rest if the Gaang along with him. They took their time but they all forgave Azula after realizing that she too was a victim and just a pawn in someone else's game. After all, the war made everyone do things that they aren't proud of. Azula slowly healed and learn to trust them and after she was released from the asylum, she stayed close to them. They're warmth, love, care and happiness fee her soul. They became really close friends and we're always exchanging letters when they weren't close. Azula especially favoured Aang since she sees him as the man who first reach out to her and saved her. And guess who didn't like this... Zuko. He knows it's not Aang's fault but he can't help but feel jealous of the young Avatar. He himself never visited Azula the way the rest of his friends did. He just couldn't do it. He felt partly responsible for his sister situation so instead of viewing those visits as a way to fix his mistakes, he thought it would be like satire to play helpful brother now that the damage was done (what a dum dum). Because of the lack of interactions, he and Azula weren't as close as she was with others. In fact, they walked on eggshells around each other and every single one of their rare and short interactions were extremely awkward. But Azula agreeing to leave the Fire Nation to travel with Aang? That's were he draws the line. "Trust me Zuko. Traveling around the world, getting to know how the other nations are like in times of peace and help heal the ones she hurt will do Azula good, I promise". That's what Aang had said. Well, that sounds like a lot of shit to Zuko. That little asshole is just trying to steal his sister away! And that little traitorous witch agreed with him and left! How dare his sister leave him?! But did you leave her too? An annoying voice in his head kept asking. When she trusted you, you lied to her left her to join her enemies. And when she needed you, you weren't there. Aang took care of her, so why shouldn't she follow him? Okay, the voice has a point, Zuko has to admit as much. But still, just because he's in the wrong doesn't mean he should be okay with the right thing happening. But Azula is a big girl now. She has her own life and makes her own decisions. He can't force her to stay. So he lets her go. He lets her go and he grows more and more miserable by the day, knowing that she's around other people. Other men who will try and will manage to win her heart. She's gone. And there's nothing he can do about it. She's gone. He couldn't be the person she'd want to stay with. She's gone. Maybe it's for the best. Maybe with time, he'll get over her. Maybe, in the future, he'll stop crying when he thinks of her. Maybe, at some point, his heart will stop beating faster when he learns she and Aang will visit. Maybe, one day, his breath won't hitch when he sees her. But that day, isn't today. Today, he opened his office door to see her waiting quietly for him. Today, their eyes met and sparks flew. Today, she looks at him and said "I left because I wanted to help heal those whom I hurt. But recently I realized that by doing so I only hurt more people. So now I'm here to help those people heal as well. I'm here for you, Zuzu. Are you ready to give this a shot?". For years, he's being in pain, alone and everything tasted bitter. But today, she's here and the pain is gone and she tastes so, so sweet.
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noys-boise · 2 years
yes lesbian red. anyways same anon hi. i have a hyperfixation on itw so!!! baker n his wife ¿
Anon you are seriously tempting me to kiss you on the lips with this ask you know damn well I have a soft spot for those two
Sexuality Headcanon: like most Chip Zien characters except in trousers Marvin, this fucker is so bisexual you wouldn't even believe it
Gender Headcanon: transmasc purely because it's funny with the whole can't have a child because of a curse thing like honey i think it might not be the curse
A ship I have with said character: i mean. his wife. ...also Trina falsettos because of the polyamory.
A BROTP I have with said character: I'm going to say Jack. I'm realizing I can say Jack to every character for this question. Jack has ultimate bro energy ig.
A NOTP I have with said character: him and cinderella's prince but it's like a funny notp because Gavin Creel out of all people implied something happening between them and i hate it so much but like in a funny way. It's not the same kind of disgust reaction as little red and Jack. It's still disgust but a different kind of disgust.
A random headcanon: his full name is Baker Baker. Also because we have no information on what happened after his parents died I'm choosing to believe he just raised himself from when he was a baby. I'd seriously like a genuine explanation of what happened there by the way because we do know his mother died and father left when he was a really small child and i don't think he would've been able to take care of himself. Who raised him? Does he have step parents? A somewhat sweet explanation for this I'd like to believe in is the witch realized he wouldn't survive on his own so she put a spell on him that keeps him alive until he's old enough to take care of himself. Maybe. We can never know.
General Opinion over said character: he is everything to me you do NOT understand. He along with Marvin are the definition of the word blorbo and poor little meow meow in my mind. Everything about him. His daddy issues. The green green hat. The fact that he can't find the cheese cloth. The way he drank the respect women juice while in the woods. The fact that he actually felt bad for Jack after his wife tricked him. His little dance when he got the money. No more. "Maybe i just wasn't meant to have children" while surrounded by children he just accidentally adopted. The fact that he's canonically left handed in the original thank you Chip Zien for being born with the same dominant hand as me. I'm talking too much about this man.
Alright let's do the baker's wife now if you thought i have too much canon divergent shit made up about the baker wait until you read all this
Sexuality Headcanon: bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi
Gender Headcanon: she's also trans for the same reasons as her husband it just makes the whole story funnier. Plus you can't argue with it using logic because like. "How did she get pregnant if she's trans?" idk how did Cinderella get a dress from a tree. This is why i love Into the woods. I can make up whatever bullshit and it works because logic just doesn't exist here.
A ship I have with said character: on one hand with her husband definitely them forever but on the other hand, trivender (Trina from falsettos and Lavender aka the baker's wife we'll get to where the name came from) is so close to my heart.
A BROTP I have with said character: Cinderella definitely i love their conversations (aside from the underlying reason behind her questions about the prince)
A NOTP I have with said character: fucking cinderella's prince i understand why it happened from a narrative standpoint. I really do. Doesn't stop me from hating it.
A random headcanon: okay here we go, the major one: Lavender. Lavender Baker my beloved. The headcanon itself came from an early trivender fanfiction which wasn't good and i was trying to build up something bigger than I have the motivation for, my bad, it doesn't matter. The one thing I'm glad I did was coming up with Trina naming her Lavender because she didn't have a chosen name yet. Considering lavenders are already my favorite flower and that lavender is considered the gayest color (lmao) she's just Lavender to me now. I'm obsessed
General Opinion over said character: if i were to summarize her in short it'd be "girlboss with a darkside". Because that's what she is. I still can't believe she died.
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