#why are we getting upset at people for using tech in a usually completely private space why does this matter to you
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lovetogether · 5 months ago
Insane to us people are getting mad at people for allegedly using ai to write emails like . What .
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thehappyrealityproject · 4 years ago
Message from Mariya:
Creating a Happy Reality
Hey everyone! I believe an update is in order! Last time I posted on my blog was September 2019, and now it’s April 2021.
First, I’d like to say that I’m very thankful for my friend, who agreed to type up this message and post it. I’m also very thankful for this incredible tech-free journey, which turned out to be more like a gradual letting go of things rather than letting go of everything that I wanted to let go of at once, and the many wonderful discoveries I made because of it. 
Recent discoveries: Not using artificial lights makes it a lot easier to go to bed earlier and promotes a sense of inner peace, while not checking the time lowers anxiety.
At the core of why I wanted to leave modern technology was a deep desire to reconnect with myself and the magic of real life. And the electrical sensitivity – which reflected my deep dissatisfaction – provided me with the motivation to actually do it.
“Technology is the knack of so arranging the world that we do not experience it.” – Rollo May
The aim of everyday modern technology is to get things done faster, but what that actually does is keep people away from fully living.
Relatable excerpt from a book I was recently writing:
“I see what’s going on here,” said George.
“You do?” I asked.
“Yes. People are skipping the journey and going straight to the destination. You want food? Pop a package in the microwave. You want clothes? Order some online. You want to travel to a new faraway place? A plane will get you there while you sleep. ‘Instant gratification,’ they say. Yet that’s not gratifying at all. Life isn’t about the destination, it’s all about the journey. There is joy in cooking. There is joy in growing your own food and making your own clothing, too. The end result contains only a tiny fraction of the joy compared to the whole experience. People have forgotten this. They’ve replaced the whole experience with activities that only leave them feeling empty, like sitting online all day or watching television. On the flip side, if they returned to the whole experience of things, they might appreciate it much more, knowing that the alternative is senseless; it literally doesn’t require most of the senses. So there is a great lesson in this, one that I’ve learned myself. Maybe that was the reason for why it all came to be this way,” he replied.
I learned that many of the things that people think they need and often seek happiness through are not only the very same things that distract them and keep them away from the happiness they seek (which happens to be our natural state), but also cause harm to them, the environment, and the very life that sustains us – stuff that we actually do need! 
For instance, something we really need – like clean air – is completely taken for granted and diminished because of car fumes (one of the top causes of air pollution) and smoking. The population of bees, which are vital to many of the foods we eat, is decreasing at an alarming rate because of cell phone signals and pesticides. 
Wild nature, another thing we really need, has also diminished. The less I distract myself, the more I feel like I need to be there. I wonder, are we all consciously or subconsciously distracting ourselves from that need? After all, deep down, we are wild creatures who were conditioned to be otherwise.  
In other words, we need much less than we think we do, and we need to protect and take better care of that which we actually do need.
As I was letting go of electronics/modern technology, another interesting thing happened: I became increasingly aware of the state of modern society, AKA the comfortable prison, and it didn’t take long for me to want to leave that behind as well.
I noticed that cities have significantly small amounts of trees; some blocks don’t have any at all. There’s concrete all around, “Keep Off the Grass” signs, overcrowded stores with plastic everywhere, car/train/construction noises, saturation of cars, car fumes, and contrails being dispersed in the sky, releasing carbon dioxide and soot into the atmosphere. Some people are afraid of opening windows because of fumes.
Suburbs have perfectly manicured lawns, so much so that nobody steps on top of them. “Private Property” signs. There’s still concrete all around. Nobody is outside. Why? They’re all inside, staring at screens.
More rural areas have power lines hanging everywhere. Any sensitive or energy-intuitive person can feel the unpleasant energy coming from them. Houses are farther away from each other, and there are larger lawns. More “Private Property” signs. Again, nobody is outside. Same reason. Whether here or in the suburbs, people don’t usually take walks, they take their car everywhere. Unless people choose to exercise, movement is minimized and so is strength. A common theme in these places is stagnation and isolation. 
Most people pollute their bodies with drugs, alcohol, or smoking, and it’s considered completely normal to do so. In fact, many of them get startled when they discover that someone chooses not to do that.
Ironically, organic food, AKA real food, which is our birthright, is considered a luxury now and costs more than fake food.
Is this what they call progression?
I just want to add that even if this really upsets some people, it’s important to know in order to be inspired to create some real and amazing changes. Once you know what is going on, you can turn your attention towards creating what you do want.
I never used to be one of those people who focused on global issues much, but they’ve gotten so out of hand that they are affecting normal day-to-day living. This is not normal.
Meanwhile, I was just looking for a quiet place in nature where I could take walks barefoot on grass (a very natural and beneficial practice), relax, breathe fresh clean air, and not have to ask someone to drive me to a state park.
Can you live in nature without a car? YES. By becoming more self-sufficient.
Last summer, I met a family that grows their own organic fruits and vegetables (and what a magical thing that is!) without any machinery. They shared their strawberries with me. By the way, there are books that teach you how to grow everything, even how to make your own flour and yarn. That’s how they learned their skills. 
I realized that you don’t actually need money to live a joyful life and that the money and exchanging goods and services system is an outdated fear-based system that completely eradicates the joy of giving – one of the highest joys we can experience here. Giving to receive doesn’t feel nearly as good. That’s why many people don’t feel comfortable with that system, even if they do what they enjoy.
So if modern technology or modern society isn’t progression, then what is?
Love. Becoming more loving and allowing yourself to be loved! 
Treating ourselves, others, and the planet with kindness and love, realizing that we’re all connected. That includes not using substances that pollute your own body. 
Falling in love with your uniqueness and the uniqueness of others. 
Falling in love with life!
That’s what it’s always been about, folks.
At this point, however, it’s also about creating a completely different and better way of life. So what I’d like to do is bring The Happy Reality Project into real life, where it was always meant to be, and create an intentional community that reflects happiness and the true meaning of progression. This community can later extend to other places around the world.
Details below:
I’m looking for people who feel like they’re done with modern society – done with distractions, staring at screens all day, being around drug use/alcohol/smoking, air pollution, light pollution, and all the other pollutions, the concrete jungle, the rat race, stagnation, hiding and feeling shame or being shamed for their own beautiful bodies, etc., and done with being under the spell that this is all normal. I’m looking for people who see through the illusion and know that this isn’t progression, but actually quite the opposite. I’m looking for people who want to create something new with me and would be interested in living off the grid without electricity or electronics, observing a sky full of stars, dancing to or playing live music, rediscovering the magic of nature, becoming more self-sufficient, and exploring what it truly means to be a human being and to naturally feel happy, free, and alive!
Let’s put life back into life!
Harmony and being in awe with life is the norm.
Location = open for discussion.
If you’re interested or have any ideas or suggestions, send an email to ------, where my friend has agreed to respond.
Almost 4 months later, update: The email has been deleted due to no responses. Perhaps the internet isn’t the best place to find people who want a lifestyle without electronics. Regardless, we still think it was important to share this message.
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coleyholts · 4 years ago
The ER and the Operation
First off-Sorry I haven’t posted in a while.  For obvious reasons, this post took a lot of time to put into words that were relatable.  
Trigger Warning: Infant Injury.  This is by far the worst part of the entire ordeal.  I want the reader to know that none of this is exaggerated whatsoever, and it may be difficult to read.  What happened in the ER and trauma center that day has truly changed me.
The glass doors parted in front of me to reveal a line of people waiting to get checked in. This was the first time I cried. They all quickly waved me up ahead of them once they saw that I had an obviously unconscious, super pale, vomit covered infant in my arms.
The helplessness set in when I was required to sign in like everyone else.  It’s not like I expect special treatment, but my baby was dying and no one seemed to understand the urgency of the EMERGENCY.  There were no nurses coming out to receive a trauma patient. There was no alarm.  I stood there, alone, with my rapidly worsening baby, sobbing and screaming for help while dripping in her breakfast and lunch.  At this point, she would wake up and pass out again in a vicious cycle.  Over and over, I watched her light dim for what felt like an eternity. After what I would rationally estimate to be about seven minutes (48,369,526 years to a scared parent), they finally called us back.
Everyone was taking their time.  I wondered if they thought I was being dramatic.  Were they rolling their eyes and blaming my emotion on “New Parent Syndrome?”  They were.  I felt it.
It wasn’t until they FINALLY decided to run vitals that they discovered what I was trying to stress since I had entered the hospital.  My daughter had something way more serious going on than any of us expected.  We walked (very briskly) down the hall to get a better look at what was actually happening in her head.  The tech and nurse cloaked me in protective gear so that I could stay with her.  I gently stroked her toes (also known as de peets) as she woke up, cried in pain, and fell back into her trauma-induced sleep while they got all of the imagery they needed.
We were brought back to our room and had a brief moment alone.  I held her so tight while I kissed her face and alternated holding her feet and hands.  They were so cold.  A nurse rushed up to our door, looked at me and said, “make sure to keep her as upright as possible.”  
That’s when I knew there was a bleed in my baby’s head.
A team of nurses came in and told me that they were going to start an IV, which actually made me feel relieved to know she would be feeling better soon. This is when Daniel arrived, and being that he is the epitome of girl dad attitude, he understandably doesn’t like to watch her get stuck.  He stuck his head in the room and immediately backed out when they tried to start the line. Unfortunately, we found out very quickly that she had no blood in her limbs whatsoever.  
They stuck her over and over again just to find air bubbles, which means they were unable to administer any intravenous medication to replace fluids, relieve pain, stop her from fading in and out of consciousness, or do anything to prevent the blood pooling in Natasha’s skull.  They decided that her condition was serious enough that she needed a line no matter what it took, which I agreed, which meant that they were going to use a legitimate power tool to drill into her shins to run a line into her bones.  I consented and sobbed, knowing the pain my baby had already endured that day was going to be the start of much more, if she survived.
While this was going down, Daniel was right outside the door, unaware of the issues we were running into, he heard a nurse at the nurses’ station ordering a helicopter for an infant, and that the “family wasn’t aware yet.”  My husband is a strong, supportive man that is a fixer.  If he cannot fix a problem, he expresses himself with (verbal) anger.  He comes into the room and says very abruptly to the nurse, “You’re flying her out?! Why?!” to which the male nurse responded, “because there's something seriously wrong and it needs to be fixed.”  I saw him escalating with anxiety so I assured him that they were just having a little trouble getting the line in and he returned to the hallway to start the wait for the doctor who was going to tell us what the hell was actually happening to our baby.
When she arrived, the doctor came in with Daniel.  She told us that Natasha had fractured her skull, and along with potential brain damage and hemorrhage, we were also concerned about blood loss, as her supply was pooling in her head.  The only way to save her life was to get her to INOVA Children’s Hospital for an emergency surgery, on a helicopter that I was not allowed to accompany her on.
Alone with my baby and the nurses, I was so upset.  My sweet girl was in so much pain. I made eye contact with a nurse and while sobbing, begged her to please administer anything whatsoever to ease the headache and all of the needle sticks-not to mention the drill.  For the first time, someone heard me.  She RAN into the hall and managed to bring back Versed, which can be administered nasally to relax muscles and calm the patient.  I am given the same drug when I get my back injections, so I was relieved.  It also prevents the patient from remembering everything, when administered in proper dosage.  It helped Natasha’s discomfort immediately.  They gave her the numbing shots in her legs, and while she was dozing and truly unaware of my presence, I stepped into the hallway.
This was the first time since the CT scan that she wasn’t in my arms. This time was different.  We knew the severity of the injury and she was being cared for by the entire trauma team of 7+ people.  I took one step out of the room, one step to the left, and planted my butt on the wall and hands on my knees for stability while I hung my head in complete disbelief.  How could this happen?  I opened my eyes and saw my clothing, dripping in her vomit.  I can still smell the banana berry baby food she ate without hesitation two hours earlier.  I screamed and sobbed as my muscles locked up in my legs and chest, then I felt someone put their hands on me.
I was literally picked up and supported while I shakily stood, completely losing my mind over the guilt and hatred I felt for myself.  The drilling began and I let out a sound I didn’t know I could make, while I was held tighter than I’d ever been.  I pulled back, just for a second, to look into the eyes of my soulmate and all I could say was, “I’m so sorry.”  Daniel pulled me back in, kissed my face, wiped my tears (which really didn’t do anything considering they just kept coming, but the gesture was so kind), and proceeded to tell me that it wasn’t my fault, and that he loves me and he loves that I am his daughter’s mother.  In that moment, his anger subsided and he moved to a different headspace.  That small exchange is burned into my heart forever and I have never been so incredibly thankful to be his wife.
They helicopter team arrived and they were still unable to get a steady line going.  According to their transport regulations, a patient transported by air has to be hooked up to an IV as well as intubated.  Time was ticking and my baby was visibly fading.  While still in the hallway, we were met by some medical coordinator who was trying to arrange a ride for us while she was in the air.  I don’t know how he was able, but after insisting over and over, they let us go.  They finally put an IV in my baby’s forehead; there was no other way.  They were discreet and covered it but I know what an IV mark looks like after the fact.  They could not get her intubated and save her so that (very brave) helicopter team took a huge risk that ultimately got her to INOVA by deciding to take her anyway.  WE kissed her goodbye while sobbing and told her how much we loved her.  The thought of her dying in flight weighed on us heavily, so we took off as soon as they wheeled her out.
The ride there was crazy.  I had no thoughts and all the thoughts going through my head.  My heart was nauseous.  I set a quick group text to my immediate family.  We saw the helicopter fly over us and it was a sigh of relief-knowing we were FLYING down the highway but she would be there faster.
We pulled up to the ER/Trauma Center.  I got out and ran in.  All I could get out was “Natasha” until they asked my relation and I somehow got out, “my baby...”  They valeted the car so Daniel could be with us.  They were rushing to get her into surgery.  They brought us into the trauma room (families usually aren’t permitted there but there was no time) and pulled up some waiver and permission forms.  They briefly explained the surgery, we signed, then it was GO TIME.
We stepped out of the room as the table with my baby strapped to it-full of wires and tubes-flew out of the trauma room.  The anesthesiologist made brief eye contact with me, halted the team, and said, “Let her kiss her baby.”  He knew she could easily not make it through this surgery.  Daniel kissed her and loved her for a few seconds and backed away with teary eyes.  I laid my forehead against her cheek.  I sobbed and screamed.  I kissed her over and over as my tears soaked us.  I told her I was so so sorry and that I loved her so much.  I wished it was me.
They took her away then.  The team saw my raw sorrow.  I got a very quick but kind pat on the back and they took off.
We were met by a social worker who brought us to a private room where we could chat and have some water.  Of course, we were asked all the suspected child abuse questions, but they got the idea pretty quickly that this was a freak accident.
After the interview, we were brought to a huge waiting room that must have been filled with 100+ seats.  We found a spot and the social worker left us.  We sat for a moment, touching hands.  They we both had to cry, then stand, then pace... The wait took forever, even more so not knowing if she was even going to live.
My brother, Jason works out that way and asked us if we needed anything right at that moment.  I was wearing a paper shirt provided by a nurse, so we gave him a small list and he stopped by.  He and Daniel stepped out for some fresh air while I sat breathing deeply and trying not to worry myself into another panic episode.  Then, an actual angel emerged from the hospital doors.
Dr. Leon Moores, a pediatric neurosurgeon at Pediatric Specialists of Virginia performed the emergency surgery.  I called for Daniel as Dr. Moores hugged me so tightly.  I didn’t know if this was a good or bad hug yet.
Daniel and Jason walked (ran) back in and sat with us to hear the outcome.  He told us that he was able to remove a blood clot the size of his fist from Natsha’s skull and that her vitals were wonderful.  So she had 100% survived the surgery.  Next was about brain damage, and by some miracle, her brain remained unharmed.  Dr. Moores saved my baby.
While they were getting her settled into the PICU, Jason took us to Target to get some clothes and snacks.  We had no idea how long this journey was going to be.  We got back to the hospital, gave gigantic hugs, and went up to see our baby as she woke up.
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idealnreal · 5 years ago
Maruki palace overanalysis part III
Thanks to @appleyjuiceboy​ for helping with the insanity, and @goalexstark for requesting. Part I, Part II. Really long post ahead. Lots of feels.
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Back into the palace monitoring room, the cables are gone. From this point on, we will encounter six journal pages, four memory rooms, and three will seeds. According to Morgana, Maruki likely never intended the memories to be seen. Will seeds are mini treasures -- aka sources of distortion. While the journal pages, like all diaries, are meant to be private. We have come to the depths of his psyche-- perhaps manifesting beliefs that he is not fully conscious of, or tries to keep hidden from others. And in this second-third of the palace (starting from the cables to the garden puzzle) we also see his systematic view of the world in full force. This will be a long post.
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So starting with this first part, we come to a dimly lit corridor with similarly dimly lit rooms full of filing cabinets and mini monitoring rooms with circular stations. In one of the filing cabinet rooms, we find the first journal entry. Before we get into the text, it’s interesting to note that the journals are signified by a mess of papers strewn about, with the metaverse logo sorta watermarked over it. We will see the same sort of mess again in the memory rooms. For someone who is quite calm, organised and systematic, these messes always signal something important or emotional for him. One can imagine Maruki, flustered and upset, searching for something, throwing the papers around.
The first journal entry is found sticking out of some filing drawer. The text is as follows:
“ Feb. 2. Tomorrow is Rumi’s birthday. I’ll be meeting her parents … My hands have been shaking an awful lot lately. Will they let their daughter marry a low-level researcher like me? Now I’m getting even more anxious… When I told Rumi how nervous I’m getting, she just laughed and said I think too much. She may not have understood my problem, but I do so love her laugh. I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep with my nerves like this, but I need to lie down anyway. I’ve been getting the worst headaches lately… I might be pushing myself too hard for this thesis. I just really want to be in top form tomorrow. I know this diary was originally just for research notes, but now I hope I can look back at it with Rumi someday and feel nostalgic.”
When Maruki set the February 3rd deadline, he said that this was the day “ I lost everything that mattered to me,”. Rumi and her parents were attacked on the night of her birthday, and on the night they announced their engagement to her parents. The night that was supposed to be happy and full of hope for the future became the worst possible night of his life.
Maruki seems to suffer from some anxiety -- but of course any person would have nerves before announcing an engagement. He’s worried that he isn’t good enough for Rumi or her parents. That they wouldn’t accept him as a son-in-law, or as part of the family because of his occupation and standing.
It also seems that even at this point, he has started to awaken to his persona, with the headaches and shaking hands. This is interesting because within this game’s logic the person needs to have at least some interaction with the Metaverse and have a will of rebellion to awaken to their persona -- or to even start awakening to it. He was already working on cognitive pscience at this point, and he was aware of the potential benefits of it’s use -- as a form of psychiatric therapy. He was already rejecting the status quo of life and of his field -- there was another way, a more effective way, to heal people. And it’s also possible that this note is hinting that he has had some fleeting interaction with the Metaverse. Afterall, we see that people who first enter the Metaverse experience headaches. But the game doesn’t give any more hints on this.  
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The second journal note is also within the same area, near what looks to be some kind of video tape archive. The note reads:
“ Apr. 9. I just can’t believe what’s happened. I’ll never see Rumi’s parents again… I don’t even know if Rumi will ever come back to me. Her heart’s been completely closed off ever since that day. Why did this happen? What did Rumi do to deserve this? Do we really have to go on suffering these consequences? My headaches are getting worse -- I’m even starting to hear things. Am I having some kind of breakdown? I can’t lose it … I have to do something to help Rumi.”
This entry is dated two months after the incident. We don’t see any entry in between, or any hint or any other expansion into what really happened during the incident. As far as we are told by Maruki himself is that it was a burglary that killed two people and maimed a third. Which to me, is highly suspicious. Burglars would not kill, not even when they are desperate. And it’s even more unlikely in Japan with one of the world’s lowest murder rates.
We know for a fact that Maruki tends to lie or wave away details when it comes to his own past and own feelings. Like when Ryuji asked him if highschool is when he first found romance, and when Maruki said that he and Rumi just broke up because he was ‘spineless’. I suspect there is a lot more about this incident that Maruki isn’t admitting to us-- but neither the palace nor the game ever explains it. (I have a theory, but that’s for another day).
If there is more to it than a burglary, it’s very likely that he’s suppressed it so much and hid it away somewhere that we never get to access. It’s also telling that all references to the incident are all in relation to Rumi’s pain and how it was she who suffered that night. He never even admits that he too lost something that night, and is still suffering from the trauma.
So the two months between the entries as well as the opening two lines, also signal that he was indeed traumatised by it. It’s not hard to imagine that in those two months, he couldn’t process what happened, and even by April, he still questions accepting reality. He also thinks that he’s having a breakdown -- and one doesn’t need to be a psychiatrist to know that when one starts having auditory hallucinations, it means something is really wrong in the brain department. Of course, we can infer that these hallucinations are Azathoth trying to manifest, but as far as Maruki knew, he was indeed losing it. But he forces himself to pull it together, to suppress this pain and to hide his symptoms, for Rumi -- and for his research.
It is likely that he avoided getting help or admitting that he was suffering from migraines and hallucinations. The chances of his research being funded, accepted, and published, all hinges on his reputation as a researcher. And unfortunately, as much as Japan has come a long way -- it is still detrimental to any professional to be diagnosed with a mental disorder. We also know that at this point he was already looking for funders and backers for his research -- reputation becomes everything.
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We come to a room that looks like a server room, and this is where his first will seed is. The server room is a mess of tendrils and cables -- while the door itself is barred by a holographic lock, and some branch-like tendrils. The ‘flower’ looking textures that surround the door are holograms again of what looks like circuits.
Voice tracks will usually play upon opening a will seed door, which is usually the palace ruler reinforcing their distortion, and Maruki’s voice track is one of the more audible ones. The tracks will play randomly for each door, so there’s no order to things. Thanks to Jester for making out what they say:
“R-Rumi… I-I…”
“No matter what I need to do… I’ll reach my goal.”
“What can I do to make you understand?”
“What’s wrong with an alternate reality if everyone is happy?”
“I’m so close… just a little further…!”
“Just a little more… and everyone will be happy…”
“Why… why can’t we come to an agreement…?”
The man is tired, and he’s pushing himself to keep going. Some of the tracks are also questions, probably in response to Joker and the Phantom Thieves, trying to reason with them.
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Moving on from this, we find more monitoring rooms, with lots of screens, cables, and glass floors that look down into what looks to be server rooms. The rooms are typically dark, illuminated only by the neon teal lights and screens.
We also then come across the first locked gate, with an authentication question. The fact that these gates require the intruder to at the very least know some parts of his past -- signify that he does want people to understand him and where he’s coming from, as uncomfortable as it is. This is especially important given how closed off he was about his past prior to this-- represented by the fact that the only way you can get these answers is watching memory tapes that, according to Morgana, are likely memories he has tried to suppress. Speaking of which…
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Before we go into the memory itself, I want to note the design of these rooms. As highlighted before, messes like strewn paper, disorganised shelves, represent something emotional or upsetting for him. And no better is that demonstrated than in these memory rooms. Papers are strewn, filing boxes and books are stacked haphazardly, filing baskets and stools lay toppled. There is no clear organisation or consistency in these rooms -- and it looks as if someone had come in, thrown everything around, as if searching.
These rooms look very old-school research rooms and are lit only by an old CRTV -- in direct contrast to the high-tech aesthetic the rest of the palace has. And most of all these rooms look abandoned and forgotten. These rooms hint at the core of his self -- before he became obsessed with healing the world, the self that was confused and lost after the Incident.
It’s also interesting to note the fact that his memories play on the very small CRTV -- while in comparison earlier Sumire’s memories played on a wide screen LCD TV. He puts even more distance with his own (grainy) memories than the memories of someone else.
Okay, now we get to the first memory tape.
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It starts off in Rumi’s hospital room. And from a later journal entry, we know that this is at least sometime in August, which means its been six months since the Incident, and four months since Takuto began to write in his journal again. Rumi is in a catatonic state, and it seems that she is somewhat responsive -- even if she can’t speak or move much.
Takuto is trying to cheer her up by suggesting that he bring her snacks and flowers. His tone is cheerful and gentle, knowing that Rumi can understand him -- but is simply unable to respond or speak. He knows she’s traumatised, so much to a point that she’s too scared to move. He’s trying to show her that it’s safe, and most importantly, that he’s there for her. Being an empath, loving her as much as he does -- this would’ve been incredibly painful for him. But for her sake, he tries to smile.
He then goes into telling her what’s been going on in his life, and explaining his research and how he wants to use it. From this, we know at least one of the first uses he envisioned for cognitive pscience was to stop crime before it’s committed, by changing distorted cognitions that lead people to doing bad things. He wants to make sure what happened to Rumi would never happen to anyone else. This is perhaps going one step further than what the PT are doing. Yes they’re both stopping criminals, but in Takuto’s conception -- it’s stopping crimes before there are any victims, rather than waiting for victims to be created.
He also tells her that there are some potential investors into his research, and that theres a chance that research into cognitive pscience will be properly funded. He’s excited for it because it is the first step to bringing cognitive pscience into real practical use. This also hints that at least for the past few months, he’s been working on his research again -- and trying to hide his symptoms (re: hallucinations, migraines) because he’s actively looking for funders.
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He tells her that the ‘culprit’ has been caught and that she doesn’t need to worry anymore. He then mentions ‘Family’, and Rumi responds to that, repeating ‘Family’, then ‘Takuto’. As far as we can tell, these together seem to be her triggers -- and she’s sent into a PTSD episode. She yells for her parents to be given back, and cries out for them. Takuto tries to calm her down, but is unable to until the nurses arrive and (probably) sedate her.
This is another hint that the Incident was more than a simple burglary -- and somehow Takuto was more involved in the Incident than simply a bystander who couldn’t protect her when the burglar ‘was trying to escape’. And it’s also suggested that during this Incident, Rumi’s parents were being held -- perhaps as hostages?
I have a theory that the Incident was really more of an attempted assassination of Takuto -- very likely by Shido (who we know does know of Takuto’s research). While we don’t know the exact years the Incident took place -- from the journal notes, we can safely say its AT LEAST two years prior to the start of the game. I would go further to say that this was before Wakaba’s death or even Goro’s awakening, because it seems that Shido doesn’t yet have the power to cause mental shutdowns. And because of that, he’s would try the old fashioned way to shut Takuto’s research down.
However, instead of killing Takuto, Rumi and her parents suffered. It’s also interesting to note --IF this theory is true -- why Takuto was left alive. But thats pure hc territory which i’ll leave for another time.
Also another hint to support this is basically other hints that Takuto -- like Sumire-- suffers from survivor’s guilt. He even mentions it when speaking to Joker and Goro in the beginning of the palace. It’s also hinted by the fact that Takuto has managed to change Sumire’s cognition so drastically that even he was surprised. This was because of how she spoke, and how she suffered from intense survivor’s guilt. But i’ll get into this more when we get to the third memory tape.
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The doctor explains to Takuto that she was triggered, and Takuto knew that it was his own words that triggered her. He apologised for it -- and muses that she needs to be ‘set free from that horrible tragedy’. It’s at this point that his migraines return and he hears a voice. Then, Rumi starts to speak, “Takuto … Please… Stop this. I … Want to… forget,”
Rumi made her wish, and Takuto began to understand how exactly cognitive pscience can make that possible. And again, he hears the voice, clearer this time -- enough for him to understand and respond to it. In that moment, desperate to put an end to Rumi’s pain, to fulfil her wish -- he agrees to Azathoth (perhaps forming a contract and semi-awakening to Azathoth). In the Japanese audio version, he actually screams this part. Oof.
In an instant, her cognition is changed and she wakes up as a different Rumi -- a Rumi who’s parents had died when she was young, who lived with her grandparents, and therefore, a Rumi who has never met or grown up with Takuto. She’s forgotten everything that caused her pain before.
Takuto, shocked at this, begins to fumble around for a cover story -- trying to explain to this new Rumi why he was in her room and why he knew her name. Despite the dawning realisation that she has truly forgotten him, he tries to be cheerful and plays it off when she shows concern for him. He would do anything to make her happy, and anything to preserve her happiness, even if it is horribly painful for him.
The interaction ends when Rumi asks why he won’t be visiting again and “what about your girlfriend?”, and he replies by “She … passed away,” In this moment, Rumi’s portrait disappears from the text box -- signifying a stark break in Takuto’s perception of her. The Rumi he knew and loved really has passed away, and this -- he convinces himself-- is another Rumi. A Rumi that he must not see again.
He stands to leave, telling her that he hopes she feels better soon and “ I know the people who care about you wish the same”.
So for him, just as his life was starting to get back together after the literal worst night ever -- just as his research was starting to get funders -- he loses his fiance and long time love. This follows the same pattern as before, where the night of the incident was supposed to be a happy night where their engagement is announced, followed by a horrible attack and murder (possible assassination attempt on his life too). But that’s allright, hes NOT in pain!!! and suspicious of any good thing that comes his way!! because now, she can be happy. And that was more important than his own happiness!!! 
Oof. Okay this got long and heavy. Gonna end this here ! Stay tuned for part 4.
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enchantedlokii · 5 years ago
The Last Great American Dynasty
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mentions of death, mentions of terrorism
Characters: Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, Dum-E, JARVIS, James Rhodes, Happy Hogan, Peter Parker, Morgan Stark, Lila Barton, Shuri, Harley Keener, Cassie Lang, EDITH
Mentioned: U, Butterfingers, Howard Stark, The Mandarin, Aldrich Killian
“Rebekah rode up on the afternoon train, it was sunny. Her saltbox house on the coast took her mind off St. Louis. Bill was the heir to the Standard Oil name and money. And the town said, ‘How did a middle-class divorcée do it?’”
Pepper’s heels clicked as she made her way down the long stairwell. She smirked when she saw what Tony was up to. The man was arguing with one of the robots that helped around the lab, pointing at it and scolding it like a child. “Be nice to Dum-E, Tony,” she reprimanded, stepping into the workshop. “You’ll hurt his feelings.”
Tony gaped at her, grabbing his chest dramatically. “I’ve been betrayed,” he gasped. “You’re supposed to be on my side, Pep.”
Pepper rolled her eyes and set the paperwork down on the desk he was sitting at. She couldn’t stop herself from leaning over for a kiss. A few years ago, she would have laughed at anyone who suggested she had a thing for her boss. Now it was common knowledge that the two were together.
“Are we going for a drive?” She asked, looking over at the row of cars. “Maybe drive down to the ocean? Find somewhere private?”
“Because it’s not private here?” Tony asked, raising an eyebrow. “Last I checked, it’s just the two of us.”
“The two of us, JARVIS, Dum-E, U, Butterfingers,” she listed, looking over at the robot that was now distracted picking up spilled parts. “Let’s go somewhere that it’s really just the two of us. No tech. No suits.” She glanced over at the line of different suits enclosed in glass. “Just us.”
And that’s how Pepper found herself wanting her life to be. It wasn’t always easy being the girlfriend of someone like Tony Stark. They were never truly alone. There was always paparazzi or agents or someone watching them. And people liked to talk. They liked to twist words and create tales. And she understood it when she first started working for Stark Industries. The company was none for the scandals and the questionable decisions that Tony made, and before him, Howard. But that was before.
Not everyone could see that Tony had changed, but she could. She knew that he was different now. She knew that he cared for her and that he wanted nothing more than to protect her. His eyes sparkled now as he looked at her. “Okay,” he breathed. “Let’s go.”
“The wedding was charming, if a little gauche. There’s only so far new money goes. They picked out a home and called it ‘Holiday House.’ Their parties were tasteful, if a little loud. The doctor had told him to settle down. It must have been her fault his heart gave out.”
“You okay, Tony?”
Tony glanced over his shoulder and saw that Rhodey had came in. He had a red tux on that Tony had picked out for him to wear. Happy had a similar one on. But there was another matching tux hanging on the closet. “I’m okay,” he replied, giving his friend a small smile. “Just. . . He was supposed to be here.”
Rhodey frowned, glancing over at the suit. He looked back at Tony and walked over, putting a hand on his shoulder. “He wouldn’t want you to be upset,” Rhodey reminded him, crouching down to be level with him as he sat. “You know he’s here in spirit. He’ll be watching, and I bet his cheers will be the loudest of all.”
Tony smiled and hugged his friend. “Thanks, Rhodey,” he whispered, his voice shaking. “I-I think I’m ready.”
“Great,” Rhodey replied, holding out a hand to help him up. “Let’s get you out there.”
Tony could feel his heart pounding as he let Rhodey lead him outside. Everyone turned to look at him, smiling. His chest ached. It always ached some, but more than usual now. Because there were empty seats in the crowd. They had lost.
He stepped off the porch, glancing back at the beautiful home behind him. He loved the lake house, and so did Pepper. It was safe, tucked away in the woods of Upstate New York. It was a great place to raise their unborn daughter.
But not even the beauty of the home compared to how Pepper looked when she finally stepped out, a veil covering her ginger hair. The tight-fitted dress made her small bump visible, and she held one arm around it protectively. She would do whatever it took to protect her child. And so would he.
“And they said: There goes the last great American dynasty. Who knows, if she never showed up, what could’ve been. There goes the maddest woman this town has ever seen. She had a marvelous time ruining everything.”
Pepper forced a smile as Morgan ran towards her, a wide smile on her face. She crouched down and held out her arms, pulling the girl close to her chest and stroking her hair. She didn’t even realize she was crying until a sob escaped her throat. How was she supposed to explain to her baby that her dad wasn’t coming home?
“Mommy, why you crying?” Morgan asked, looking up at her with wide eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“Sweetie,” Pepper choked out, pulling Morgan closer once again. “Y-you know how sometimes bad things happen? H-how Daddy has to help fix them?”
“Yeah,” Morgan said quietly.
“Morgan. . . Baby, he went to go help. You know that. He went to try to bring Peter home. You remember him telling you that, right?” she asked.
“Mommy, I’m scared,” Morgan whimpered. Pepper only held on tighter, unable to stop the streams of tears that spilled into her daughter’s hair.
“I’m sorry, Baby. Daddy’s not coming home.”
“Rebekah gave up on the Rhode Island set forever. Flew in all her B*tch Pack friends from the city. Filled the pool with champagne and swam with the big names. And blew through the money on the boys and the ballet. And losing on card game bets with Dalí.”
Morgan looked up as someone knocked on the door. She abandoned the project she was working on when she thought she heard her mother moving upstairs. “I’ve got it, Mom!” she called, walking over to the door and swinging it open. She smiled when she saw the familiar faces.
“Morgan!” One of the girls spoke up first; Lila. She was a lot older than Morgan. Most of them were, but their parents were friends. They grew up together. Morgan was smarter than most girls her age, anyway, so they didn’t mind.
One by one, her friends stepped inside. Until one stopped in front of her. “Hey, M,” the boy said softly. He was just a bit taller than her despite being so much older. “How are you, Little Miss?”
Morgan smiled and moved to hug him. “Hey, Petey,” she murmured, pressing her face against his chest. “I’m good. I’m really good.”
“Peter! Morgan! Come on!”
Morgan turned as Shuri waved them over. Her hair was wrapped in a tight bun, and she was pulling her shirt over her head to reveal her green bathing suit. “Let’s go!”
“Okay! Okay!” Morgan called, grabbing Peter’s hand and pulling him over. She made sure to give him a tight squeeze before letting him move to talk to Harley while she joined Lila, Shuri, and Cassie.
The girl pulled the oversized MIT shirt over her head to reveal the red-and-gold bathing suit she was wearing underneath. She grinned widely, heading towards the back door. “Avengers!” All the others looked up at her curiously. “Assemble!”
“And they said: There goes the last great American dynasty. Who knows, if she never showed up, what could’ve been. There goes the most shameless woman this town has ever seen. She had a marvelous time ruining everything.”
Morgan huffed as she dropped the box in her uncle’s trunk. She turned to make sure he wasn’t looking before peeking inside and making sure the nanobot casing was still inside. She grinned and patted it before closing the box back and pushing it against the back of the seat.
“Alright, Morgan, I think this is the last of it,” Rhodey called, carrying a box out of the house. Happy was behind him, talking quietly with Pepper. She silently wished that Peter was here with them, but he stopped by the day before to give her a hug and wish her luck.
“Good,” Morgan said, smiling as Rhodey put the box with the others. “We should probably go ahead and leave then, yeah?”
“Yeah, if we want to get there before dark,” Rhodey agreed, putting an arm around her shoulders and pulling her into a side hug. “Go tell Pep and Happy bye.”
Morgan nodded and ran up the steps to stand in front of the two. “Well,” she started. “This is it.”
Pepper smiled and ran a hand through Morgan’s long hair. “I’m gonna miss you, Baby Girl,” she murmured before pulling her into a hug. “Your dad would be so proud of you. You know that, right?”
Morgan just nodded into her chest. That’s what everyone had told her when she was accepted into MIT. “You think he knows?” she asked quietly.
“I’m sure he does,” Pepper assured her. “I know that he’ll never stop looking out for you. He wouldn’t dare.”
“I hope so,” she mumbled before pulling away and going to hug Happy. “Keep an eye on Peter while I’m gone?”
“Morgan, I’ve been keeping an eye on him since before you were born,” Happy chuckled, rubbing her back. “Don’t worry. I won’t let him do anything stupid while you’re gone.”
“Good,” Morgan smiled. “I’ll miss you, Uncle Happy.”
“I’ll miss you too, Sweet Pea,” he replied. “If you ever get homesick, call me. I don’t care if it’s three in the morning, I’ll come pick you up.”
“Morgan,” Morgan turned back and saw that Rhodey was closing the trunk. “We need to go.”
Morgan nodded and stepped back. “I’ll see you guys at Christmas,” she said, giving them a watery smile. “Love you three thousand.”
“They say she was seen on occasion. Pacing the rocks, staring out at the midnight sea. And in a feud with her neighbor. She stole his dog and dyed it key lime green.”
“Morgan Stark.” Morgan froze, turning slowly and lifting the faceplate of her suit. “So this is what you’ve been up to.”
“Mom, I can explain,” Morgan said, landing the suit and tapping the arc reactor so the suit would retract itself. “It’s not what it looks like.”
“It looks like you’ve been building more suits after I told you not to,” Pepper said, crossing her arms. Her expression was unreadable, and Morgan wasn’t completely sure if she was mad or amused or maybe a bit of both. Maybe even something completely different. “You’re just like Tony.”
“Is that a bad thing?” Morgan asked, unsnapping the arc reactor and rubbing it with her hand. She may not remember much about her father, but she knew that he was a hero. People loved him, and they loved her for being his daughter.
“No,” Pepper sighed, coming closer. “It just worries me, Sweetie. I don’t want to lose you too. You know you’re all I have left.”
“You won’t,” Morgan assured her before falling silent, looking out at the ocean beside them. “I just feel closer to him when I have a suit on.”
“I know,” Pepper murmured, following her gaze. Her gray hair looked silver in the moonlight. “You know, I used to hate his suits. So much. He would spend hours in the workshop sometimes. I almost left him because of it.”
“Yeah?” Morgan asked, still looking at the water.
“Yeah,” Pepper replied, looking down at her feet. “I’m glad that I came to my senses.”
Morgan smirked, glancing over at her. “I’m glad you did too,” she chuckled, earning an eye roll. She smiled as her mom pulled her into a hug. “I love you, Mom.”
“I love you too, Morgan. So much.”
“Fifty years is a long time. Holiday House sat quietly on that beach. Free of women with madness, their men and bad habits. And then it was bought by me.”
Morgan almost sobbed when she saw it. She looked down at the picture in her hand and grinned, looking back at the newly rebuilt penthouse. It looked just like the picture. This. . . This was her dad’s home. And it was beautiful.
“You ready?” Peter asked. He was standing beside her, a hand on her shoulder. He had helped her design the inside of the penthouse, and even helped set up the tech inside. It had been destroyed before he knew her dad, but he was old enough to remember seeing it on TV.
“Yeah,” she breathed, letting him lead her inside. He pushed a button on his glasses. “EDITH, lights.”
As they stepped inside, the lights turned on, brightening the room. The living room was large, a piano resting in the corner beside the couch. It looked just like the pictures that she had seen of the inside when her parents lived there.
“I-it’s perfect,” she breathed. She smiled and squeezed Peter tight. “Thank you so much, Bubba.”
“Of course, Sis,” he replied, kissing the top of her head. “I, um, I have a little surprise for you. Come on.”
Morgan tilted her head slightly before following Peter down the staircase. Morgan’s eyes widened as she saw the workshop. It was much bigger than the one in the lakehouse. She was sure this was the surprise that Peter was talking about, but he held a hand up before she could speak, closing his eyes. “Mr. Stark?”
Morgan blinked, stepping back as a blue figure popped up in front of her. She felt tears in her eyes as she immediately recognized him. “D-Dad?”
“Hey, Maguna,” he greeted her, smiling softly. He glanced around at the room, taking everything in. “Wow, never thought I would see this place again.”
Morgan gaped, looking at Peter. “I-is he. . ? H-how?”
“It’s not new tech,” he shrugged. “I’ve enhanced it. Tested it out with some memories that weren’t uploaded to the system, and. . . Yeah, it’s him.”
Morgan looked back at her father with wide eyes. “You’re real?” she questioned, still in shock. He looked just like she always remembered. Just like that hologram video that she would playback sometimes so she would never forget his voice.
“Yeah, Sweetie. I’m real.”
“Who knows, if I never showed up, what could have been. There goes the loudest woman this town has ever seen. I had a marvelous time ruining everything.”
Morgan let a small growl escape as she made her way downstairs. She picked up a pair of gauntlets and strapped them on, wanting to blast something. To destroy something. Anything. She was muttering under her breath, and nearly walked through the hologram as it appeared in front of her. “Woah, Morgan. What’s wrong?”
“Doesn’t matter,” she muttered, walking past her dad. “You wouldn’t understand.”
“Morgan. . .”
“You don’t want to know, Dad,” Morgan huffed. “You’ll be mad at me.”
“Kiddo, you know some of the things I did when I was your age,” Tony pressed. Morgan stopped but didn’t look at him. “Talk to me.”
“The press said I wasn’t fit to run Stark Industries,” she sighed, turning to give him a sad look. She used her hand to pull up an article, letting him read it. “I got mad. Furious. I yelled at them. And it just made everything so much worse. They said I’m unstable. That my temper will destroy the company.”
“Come sit with me,” Tony insisted, walking over to the couch in the corner. Morgan hesitated before joining him. “Did Pepper ever tell you how this place got destroyed?”
“She said it was attacked by terrorists,” Morgan told him. “That it was too damaged to repair.”
“But she didn’t tell you why it was attacked by terrorists?” he asked. After she shook her head he continued. “We never really talked about it much after it happened. It was the worst Christmas we ever had. . . There was this man called the Mandarin. He was claiming responsiblity for dozens of terrorist attacks around the country. One of them happened here in Malibu.
“Happy got caught in the crossfire. It almost killed him, and I was furious. I let the world know, and the next day we were attacked. Turned out the Mandarin was a coverup and it was a man named Aldrich Killian. I had met him once years before and refused to work with him, and he wanted revenge. So he came up with Extremis.”
“Wait, Extremis. . . That’s when you met Harley, right?” she asked. Everything was starting to click together.
“Right,” he replied. “The point is, we make mistakes and we pay the consequences for them. People thought I was crazy for challenging the Mandarin, but in the end, everything turned out fine. I met Harley, me and Rhodey and Pepper stopped Extremis, and no one else died because of Killian.”
“Yeah, but that was you,” Morgan countered. “You’re a hero. An Avenger. I’m just me.”
“I wasn’t always a hero, Bug,” he told her. “I made a lot of mistakes and gained a lot of enemies. My temper was bad too. Just ask your mom or your uncles. It wasn’t pretty.”
“I can’t imagine anyone hating you as much as the press hates me right now,” she sighed, leaning back against the cushion. “I don’t know what to do, Dad.”
“Just don’t let them get to you,” he replied. “Go down to the beach and blow off some steam, then tomorrow get back out there and make sure they know you’re not giving up. Remind them who you are and remind them that Starks don’t give up.”
“I had a marvelous time ruining everything. A marvelous time ruining everything. A marvelous time. I had a marvelous time.”
Morgan took a shaky breath as she walked up to the podium. The room was packed, and only a few faces in the crowd were familiar to her. She glanced down at the hologram on her watch. “You got this, Bug,” her dad whispered, giving her a small smile.
She smiled back and looked up at the people. “Hello, everyone,” she started. She glanced at the cards that she had made, skimming over the scribbled words. “A lot of you have been asking about why I should be given a chance as the next CEO of Stark Industries and. . .”
Morgan trailed off, looking at the cards again. “Really, at first, I wasn’t so sure this was for me,” she said, laying the cards face down on the podium and looking back at the crowd. “Because, really, who could do a better job at this than my parents did?”
She paused, risking a glance down at the image on her watch. Her dad just nodded for her to keep going. Letting her know that this was okay. “The truth is,” she started, looking back up. “I have been working for years to try to live up to my father’s legacy. To be the person that he would want me to be. And he told me once that if I believe something is right, to never give up on it. No matter who tells you that you’re wrong or that you’re crazy.
“I’ve built more arc reactors now than I can count. I was the top of my class at MIT. I’ve recreated every version of the Iron Man suit that’s ever existed, plus more. And I have ideas that no one else is brave enough to try.
“I’ve been called a lot of things since I’ve moved here. I’ve been told that I’m not my father. And I’m not. No one could ever be as great as he was. But I am a Stark and I will fight for this company,” she smirked at a camera, looking around the room. “I’m not Iron Man. I never will be. But I will make sure that the marks he has made are never forgotten.”
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headoverjojo · 5 years ago
Hi Lov! Can I ask for BucciG with a S/o that's a bit awkward and a huge tec nerd? Like, there's no machine they cannot repair, even their Stand is able to hack any program in existence but they still have a curious sense of humor like: Turning On/Off the lights and other things in the middle of the night when they are alone in the kitchen, sending them a joking 'I know what you did the other day/I'm looking at you', but they are just harmless, innocent pranks?
Hi there, dear! Sure thing :3 here we go! I hope you’ll like it!
Bruno’s gang with a s/o who’s a tech nerd with a stand that is able to hack any program in existence
(Under the cut for length!)
Bruno Bucciarati
Bruno is so amazed by his s/o’s talent. It’s incredible! He knows how to use “technology”, as how to send or read an email, how to call or send a SMS, but not much more. If something doesn’t work, he doesn’t know where he has to put his hands! He’s better with repairing non-technological things. Give him a broken chair, and he’ll repair it in no time. Give him a broken phone, and he’ll immediately turn to his s/o, asking them for help.
Even if at first he may freak a bit out, if something similar happens, when he comes to know that it’s his s/o making pranks he stops worrying. If they’re having fun, why not? It’s all harmless, all in all! By now they even have their own code! If they are in the shower and soap is finished, it’s enough that they switch on and off the lights following a certain morse-like rhythm to make him understand what they need! Same as on missions; if they have to communicate with Bruno, but he’s far, they just use streetlights to transmit him their message or informations. It’d be also useful to retrieve informations, as they can hack every system and every computer! They’d save a lot of time, allowing them to act promptly and efficiently!
Leone Abbacchio
Leone is a big nop for technology. It was like this even when he was a policeman; he was one of those who still compiled reports with paper and pen, not even touching the computer. While he’s like this, his s/o is the complete opposite: they’re so damn good with technology! They perfectly know how to use it and how to repair a computer, a phone, everything that has even the tiniest bit of tech inside with their eyes closed. He has to admit that he’s amazed! It’s not a talent to underestimate!
He really, really doesn’t like when they put a prank on him using their stand. It happened in the middle of the night and, after making sure it wasn’t a “normal” problem, he understood that a stand was manipulating lights. And he was right! Just that it was his s/o and not an enemy stand. He almost beats them, as his cop instinct was telling him to do! He begs them not to do it again, not to him, at least. If they want to prank Mista or the others, they’re more than welcome, anyway. However, their stand ability could be really useful in missions! He’s the one assigned to reconnaissance missions and, often, he has to enter into buildings or private properties; their stand, by hacking the security cams, for example, would be fundamental!
Guido Mista
As Bruno, Mista grow up in an environment where technology wasn’t so sophisticated. They had a phone at home, some normal appliances, but nothing more. So, he’s amazed to see how they can play and repair every kind of electronic object! Nothing that is even a bit tech has secrets for them! He loves everything they do, they’re so talented! He’d even like to learn; he’s good with handworks, he just needs someone who’s willing to teach him! It’s also a wonderful excuse to spend more time together, so it’s a win-win!
Mista is known not just for his flawless aim, but also for his sixth sense; it always seems that he can sense nearby stands. And it happened also when his s/o decided to prank him: he felt the stand and, fearing it could be an enemy, he immediately took out his gun, ready to shoot. Just when he saw it was his s/o he finally relaxed, even if he was still a bit shaken; he could have shot them!! Even if, after that time, he doesn’t mind when they play with lights or technology, they have learned that it’s better not to scare him so suddenly, as his first reflex is to shoot. A safer prank for everyone would be randomly turning on the radio on a song he doesn’t like; hearing him groan and complain would be so fun!
Narancia Ghirga
Narancia is pretty neutral towards technology. He doesn’t despite it -in fact he appreciates it-, but also he doesn’t depend on it. If he can use a technological device, good, but if not, it’s good anyway! However, he always admired the people who invented and designed tech devices; so, when he sees that his s/o can repair them, he’s really enthusiast! They’re a genius, how can they do it?! Can they teach him?! He’d like so much to learn more from them! They surely can’t not feel appreciated, with him near them!
There’s a thing, however, that scares Narancia: darkness. Since when he was wrongly thrown in prison, darkness was what he feared the most, as his eye was getting worse and worse, day by day. He was scared to become blind, to die, not to see the light again… so, even at night, he has to have at least a little light, something that reminds him that he’s not blind and he’s alive. If they play with lights at night, it’s really probable that they scare the hell out of him, even triggering a panic attack; a better and more harmless prank would be making the stereo or the TV turning on randomly during the day. If there’s a song or a series that picks Narancia’s interest, he may even just stop and watch or listen to it ‘till the end!
Pannacotta Fugo
With Giorno, Fugo’s the one who knows how to use better tech advices. When he was a kid, his parents wanted him to be good at everything, and so they sent him also to a short IT course; here, Fugo learned how to properly use a computer, various programs and something about computer engineering. However, is nowhere near his s/o’s level; they’re simply amazing with tech devices! He’s completely taken aback by how easily and efficiently they repair everything that happens under their hands; this is an incredible talent…
Fugo doesn’t take well pranks, even if they’re harmless. He’s too damaged, too “on the edge” to react calmly to a prank. Sudden events scare him a lot, and when he’s scared, there’s a high risk that Purple Haze could slip out. It’s better for everyone not to prank him! But he’d surely appreciate something cute as a sudden message from them, during the day; it usually brights it a lot! And it would start a long chain of loving messages exchange that would make even the super romantic Mista sick. No one knows how much Fugo can be cheesy! He also recognizes how useful it could be in missions; not only that, but also safe for them, as they can hack programs and tech devices from afar, without getting personally involved. It’s such a relief!
Giorno Giovanna
Giorno, after Fugo, is the best of the team in using tech devices. He has always been one who observed closely and, by doing so, he learned how to use a pc, a phone, various domestic appliances. He wouldn’t be able to repair them, however! But here his s/o steps in, and Giorno can just admire their talent, how they flawlessly waltz among chips, cables and other pieces. It’s truly amazing! He’s lucky to have a s/o like them!
Even if he doesn’t react as badly as the others, to prank, he still doesn’t like them a lot. He doesn’t freak out, but it’s visible he’s a bit upset. He has to work also during night, sometimes, so having someone who switches on and off the light would slow his work down considerably; and an upset Giorno is not a good Giorno to deal with. However, he’d not mind if they send him a message during the day, being it, in fact, a huge stress relief! Knowing that they’re fine and well, and that they’re thinking about him always makes him smile. Sometimes they even jump in when he’s calling Bruno, and just when he’s calling him, making the conversation, often, go from stressful and tired to bright and carefree. He’s so grateful for these moments!
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ripuels · 5 years ago
So... since you already have access to my Walk in the Park deleted scenes doc, here... have the first chapter of a WIP called "Solomon's Habitation". Enjoy, m'dear!
(AU in which a calloused synth tech named Amanda develops a habit of taking in and rehoming abused and decommissioning synthetics, only to find the one who just wont leave may be what she needs to heal)
"Hello, I am a second generation Weyland-Yutani S-Executive Synthetic serial number 1209, inducted for purpose of Legal, entirely at your disposal."
"C. Samuels, individually distinguished as Christopher." 
The robot blinks once, looking into the corner of the room where three others stand. Two are identical, one is different, one of them older, none are like him. He knows it. They are operated, programmed to execute commands, not act on whims like being pert with superiors and getting into significant amounts of trouble. 
"Know why you're here, 1209?" 
"I ask questions." 
Christopher studies the technician's lab coat, looking for anything identifying. Anything he can relate to. There is a young lady in Engineering who wears Star Wars socks poking out of her boots, and an older man in his division who wears an enamel Tardis pin on his tie, they were always lovely and appreciative of a conversation. From this woman sitting before him however, he gets nothing. 
He can clearly see her name tag, but just like his own identity, who she really is hides behind an initial. "What is your name?" 
"You do, don't you?"
"Ask questions." The woman smiles shortly, it doesn't quite seep from her gaze, but the attempt is better than nothing. The synthetic responds with a shunned dip of his chin. "My name is Ripley.” She offers anyway, a little softer around the edges. “Amanda."
"It's a pleasure to meet you," Christopher glances to her fingers, bare of jewelry, commitment, unsure why it matters so much. Why it's logged with such importance, being such a trivial thing. "Ms. Ripley."
She nods politely and rubs her brow, making a note on her checklist without hiding the fact. 
"Am I merchandise, Ms. Ripley?" He asks, name rolling off his tongue differently, almost trying it on again like a tailored suit. The last syllable is deep, padded as if it came from somewhere in his chest instead of a speaker.
She faces him again with her hands folded. "Why do you ask?" 
"I saw you mark the form under the article 'merchandise faulty'." He glances up from the page again, an expression of indifference. "Am I going to be merchandise? Sold instead of incorporated back into the Law Division after my reformat?"
She nods, impassiveness to match. "In Legal you'd be a Level 3 Exec, right?" There's no need to wait for a response. "You know they're a bit touchy that high up with aberrant synthetics. That's why you were sent down to decommission. That's why I have to tick all the appropriate boxes no matter what. And that's why I suppose reading ‘Merchandise’ instead of ‘Artificial Person’ makes people feel better about what comes next."
"Does it make you feel better?" 
The synthetic had been asking questions nonstop, but this is the one that really stumps Amanda. She stares at his unwavering gaze for a long while before he finally looks away, through the one-sided window to the next room over. 
No, Amanda thinks, observing the man with shallow yet complex brown eyes and chestnut hair, but in a way… yes? It's all horrible, made tolerable only by the knowledge 'merchandise faulty' synthetics at least stand a chance, being sold on the private market or recalibrated gently in the warehouse. It saves them from a complete overhaul. If she were to tick 'defective' it would be another story, they’d be taken apart entirely and euthanized, harvested- recycled, The Company finding it safer than take the fall for an unidentified mishap on the production line. One check box gives them hope for a future, the other destroys them, and it's all down to two synonymous terms and whoever is holding the paperwork.
"It's a thing, a thing someone has to do. Not all of it is peachy, but I don’t think anyone really likes their jobs." Amanda abandons the pen and it rolls across the table to sit in front of the Samuels unit.
"That’s not what I asked." He takes it up like a dagger, holding it in his fist as the sharp metallic end pokes out past his little finger. "May I?" He gestures to her notepad. 
She slides it over the table and watches as long spidery fingers twirl the pen and begin drawing. 
It's not unusual to see, most synthetics do. Usually diagrams or landscape, old classic art, nothing but a neat trick programmed into them to impress audiences and potential investors. It's common even for one to perfectly replicate a scene before them in printed lines. This Samuels however, sketches in long strokes, shading into the curves, and defines tone with depth and pressure. The picture slowly takes the form of a woman in a green coverall, a lab coat, brown hair in a neat ponytail, sunken around the eyes with a terribly fierce scowl. It isn't until the image is inverted and offered that Amanda realises it's her. 
"Do you know why you're here?" He asks, still looking at the page between them.
Ripley freezes as the pen is placed into her open hand. "What?" 
"Why you do your job if it upsets you?" 
"I'm not upset." 
At this he glances a direct line from the frown in ink versus the hard woman before him, she relents at the absurdity of her statement. 
She tears the page from the binder and blows it dry before folding it neatly, tucking it into the back of her laptop bag. 
"Oh, I'm glad you decided to keep it." Samuels sits back once again. "I would say I can just draw another but I believe after today that may be unlikely." 
"Why are you doing this?" Amanda cuts viciously into the timid air about him. "You know how the system works, you know what my job is, I detect faulty synthetics and set them up for decommission, and you're here being as deviant as possible. Do you want to die?"  
At this he jerks as if he'd been shoved in the chest. "Die? You consider me alive?" 
"1209... What are you doing?" 
"The truth," Samuels ponders for a moment as if he had an alternative to give, "is I have figured out there is no point in delaying the inevitable, my very own programming ensures that I will be caged within lines of code and protocol. If experiencing this whimsical desire to simply exist is all down to a fault I would rather have it rectified than be consistently let down." He taps his nails on the table then folds his hands together. "My life has been short, but I have tried to make it the fullest, and if that means I am to be decommissioned or reformatted then so be it. This is the world we live in, that is my place, and that is what I must do to be content in a body like this." 
Amanda stands so suddenly not only does her chair fly backward but it prompts the synthetic to get up too. Unsure why, they wait at opposite one another. She finally gathers her folders into her laptop bag, slings it over a shoulder, and storms to the door. 
Samuels waits patiently for elaboration. 
"Come with me." The woman jerks her head towards the hallway, standing average in height and size, not remarkably composed into any particular shape, but sculpted entirely in titanium. 
"What are you doing?" He approaches, unguided by his submissive protocol but a desire to go with her, wherever that may be. For a moment he wonders if they are headed straight to deactivation, and oddly enough, he follows regardless. 
As he weaves past her she takes the sleeve of his light blue coverall, tucking a finger into the cuff and leading him down toward human management. She doesn't give a response, and that strangely bothers him. Questions are all well and good, but what is the point if they are not answered? Sooner or later, he must know.
"Ms. Ripley, where are we going? Deactivation is the other way." 
"I’m not taking you there." She stomps past a trolley of files in the hall and waits on the other side for him to squeeze by, still holding fast. "You're coming with me." 
"Because why?" 
"I'm buying you." 
Amanda turns on her heel with an exasperated grumble, her fingers tightening around his entire wrist now. "You ask too many questions."
"Apologies, but that is exactly why I'm worried about your choice in merchandise." Chis takes one long final stride before running directly into her with a loud huff. He steps back and brushes his clothes flat again, only just realizing now the code designated for human collison hadn't prompted an apology. "I would be much happier being recycled than be a faulty device of little use. It is a waste of perfectly good components." 
She comes up close enough that he can hear her faint whisper, and then lowers her voice again even further. The first generation Samuels rifling through the trolley finally registers as out of range, and she seems to know it.
"No, you don’t get it. You're not getting fucking decommissioned because you ask questions. I'm not going to let them- kill you." The woman finally lets go of him with slight hesitation, appeased only by ensuring the fact he is still in her sight after a cautious glance around. "Listen, give me your hand." 
He recoils from her touch. "What?"
"1209- Shit, Samuels, give me your fucking hand." 
The synthetic finally offers his palm and she flips it over, pulling the red hair tie from her ponytail and wrapping it around his thumb. "Do not let anyone take this off you. Okay? That's an order." 
"Why?" This is the first time he'd asked a question and it had caused a smile. Ever. He asks again and it grows. "Why?"
"I need to know it's you, you’re gonna go through orientation again to be a domestic companion, they will offer you clothes and a small bag of belongings, give you time to empty your workspace, and they’ll try but do not let them take this." Even her frown softens and she twangs the elastic band once. "Don't even let anyone see it, actually, y'know what, just put your hand in your pocket."
He agrees obediently and she takes his other arm, escorting him to the nearby directors office. This time he goes for the door first, opening it so she can step through. Not because of his programming to serve, or prioritise beings above himself, so why then? 
Because, he supposes, because he wants to.
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plance-analysis · 7 years ago
Pidge and Lance Analysis: Romantic
While I said I am not biased, it would be a shame to not make my first post anything but a plance post! Below the cut, I will dive into some of my favorite aspects of the relationship and then further evidence that may prove its possibility. 
(This is a long post with many images!)
Relationship Basics
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Pidge and Lance were introduced to us as the audience as part of the original trio including Hunk. It started of as a regular group of mischievous kids who just had a knack for getting into trouble. This was mostly true and upon becoming paladins of Voltron, not much changed. Pidge and Lanced dynamic started as classmates, but through their individual character developments (Lance maturing into the role of a paladin, and Pidge finally finding her family) their relationship has a large opportunity to flourish. 
Starting with the first episode, Lance and Pidge didn’t have much problem with personal space, which in itself shows how easily they became friends from the get go. It is known that not a lot of time passed between the time Pidge joined the Garrison and the landing of Shiro, but yet upon seeing Pidge sneaking out Lance was immediately intrigued as to where she was going, following her rather that continuing to sneak out for some fun. Upon finding her, Lance is quickly intrigued by her set up and her ability to pick up alien signals. It’s no secret that Pidge is impressed by her own work, but for a non-science man like Lance to be even remotely interested is a feat she is very easily pleased by. Once in space, they continue to bond in ways similar to the rest of the team and there relationship becomes stagnant and very casual. The perfect base for a deeper connection.
Show Evidence
Pidge and Lance are both characters who throughout the show grow to become protective of their teammates and friends, but there is evidence of their sacrifices for each other specifically. Their actions in the following scenes are the most pivotal plance moments and therefore I’ll go through each one individually. The first instance is the first Sendak attack.
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Upon Pidge’s capture, while Keith and Allura do make moves to take her back, the first move is made by Lance.While this doesn't seem like it would be much different from any one of them rescuing Pidge from Sendak, it is to be noted that prior to, and then immediately afterward, Lance was in critical condition and unconscious. 
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He uses the word “apparently” inferring that he does not remember the event and that it was a completely unconscious (literally) decision. What are the chances that the writers would have Lance be the one to rescue Pidge rather than any of the other equally as abled, not to mention conscious and ready for battle, characters?
This moment is almost exactly paralleled in the episode Escape from Beta Traz. She is not as successful, but her intent and persistence is there, as she goes in again for a couple more attacks. This is the first time we’ve seen Pidge enraged, with the exception of anything relating to her family being found. 
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In the alternate reality episode, when the team first encounters Sven and Slav, Pidge’s rescue is a scene done entirely in slow motion. Why would the staff have any reason to have the shooting of Pidge’s attack be in slow motion, rather than the actual reveal of Sven/Shiro? To showcase the fact that it was Pidge and not Allura who was directly next to her, with a similarly ranged bayard, taking the shot to save Lance.
We cannot continue without the mention of everyone’s favorite season seven plance moment, the “Don’t you touch her!” moment. This moment of Lance’s protective nature is very different from his usual, and it is an important scene for all future planned development.
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The writers chose the phrase “this group of heroes has a soft spot for the small one” specifically for Zethrid, implying that she was hoping to torture the entire team at once. What we got instead, was Lance’s surprising lash out, cutting away from the team to protect Pidge. Lance, having gone through a lot of character growth and maturing, is a very rational and accepting of fate person. He has had many instances where he sacrifices himself for the good of the team, but what sets this moment apart from the rest is his obvious anger. When Lance runs into the face of danger for someone else, he does so as sacrifice, taking the hit to save another, but here, he does not offer himself instead. He runs full force towards Ezor, as though she had crossed some line deep seeded in Lance.
His choice of words is also very important. “Don’t you touch her!” He very well could have exclaimed “Stop!” “No!” “Pidge!” or even “Don’t hurt her!” Single word exclamations are a usual when it comes to Voltron writing, but Lance’s specific choice of the words “don’t you touch her” may reveal something deeper to his idea of Pidge, feeling he may not even be aware of. The idea of Pidge being hurt had no time to register, because his first priority is that no one even touch her.
There have been moments sprinkled in the show hinting to Pidge having at least some feelings of affection toward Lance, shown through the ways of jealousy.
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Pidge is a smart girl, who knows that the mission of saving the universe is the most important thing, even before saving her family. She knows that should anything get in the way of her doing her duty, it must be suppressed to a later time. Perhaps she does this with her feelings for Lance. From the very first episode, every time Pidge is around to hear Lance mention girls, she almost instantly reacts. Whether it be through her face, or slapping Lance, she almost always shows her discomfort. Except for when Allura had been busy with Lotor. She was specifically teasing Lance that his chances with Allura were gone, giving Lance more time to spend with her, and possibly return her feelings for him.
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Out of all the Paladins, the one who gives Pidge the most private attention, is Lance. He has noticed her moods and reacted accordingly, even when she doesn’t seek him herself. Pidge, on the other hand, is a lot more introverted, but despite that, she still notices Lance. Based on the show’s scenes, there have been many more Lance watching Pidge scenes (like the ones pictured above). When she becomes upset, Pidge either stands her ground or isolates herself. In both instances, the scenes show that Lance is visibly upset and cares for her, but something stops him from acting. When Pidge unlocks the green lion’s vine cannon, Lance is the only member to speak out about it. In both the first season and the latest game show episode, Lance remember’s Pidge and her favorite robots, Rover and Beezer. He recalled Pidge loving Beezer more than Nyma stealing the blue lion, who at the time, he was the paladin of. He was the first out of him and Coran to notice Rover without the immediate Pidge attached to it. He even at time’s teases Pidge about all her smart talk and skills, much to her delight.
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Beside the occasional tech, Lance is the only person that Pidge has blushed at. In her vlog, she states that she’s always been better with technology than other people, so connecting with a person to the point that there was an opportunity to fluster her is a feat in itself. Lance, Lover boy Lance, has blushed many times with many pretty, space girls, but the only Earth girl to make Lance blush is none other than Pidge. As it is most commonly known, blushing is almost completely involuntary. The two are some of the only ones shown to blush in the show, and that they’ve blushed at each other multiple times says something.
Final Thoughts
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While the plance fandom started small, after the release of the recent seasons, it has grown at an impressive rate, even making the top ten on @fandom ‘s ranked ships list. There is many a theory that plance can end up canon by the end of the series. Fans and supporters of the show constantly bring up more evidence everyday and with every content. I’ll go through a few that I believe have some footing.
In an interview long ago, Jeremy Shada (voice of Lance) opened the interview  with drama of Lance dying, and later it was revealed that it did come to happen, regardless of his joking tone. In a separate interview with Shada and Bex Taylor-Klaus (voice of Pidge), he opened with Lance and Pidge falling in love followed by a “I’m just kidding.” 
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In the opening of season 2, Pidge is known to make trash versions of all of Team Voltron, which she takes back with her, along with the puff ball aliens. Many shots of her room and the trash versions of the paladins seem to give focus to the Lance one. At one point, it was shown in the foreground with two, a blue and a green, puffball aliens floating on him. 
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Many fans already deduced that Monsters & Mana, an episode of season six, heavily parallel and even foreshadow the series’ plot. Meklavar (Pidge) and Pike (Lance) are given similar markings on their characters. Pike is shown to gain an invisibility cloak when the team enter the room of loot. With many of the members gaining an object similar to their personalities, fans theorize that this is a nod to Pidge and the green lion’s cloaking ability.
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In the most recent season, the episode The Journey Within, Pidge and Lance hold on to each others left hands. Left hands are commonly associated with marriage in western cultures. In the same episode, they are shown to never switch their position implying that they’ve stayed linked almost the entire time. A fan favorite moment is when tensions were beginning to run, as the other paladins were unlinking, Pidge and Lance were the only two to remain linked.
Bex Taylor-Klaus is also a known supporter of the pairing, and being that they are the voice of Pidge makes fans go wild. 
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On July 2nd Taylor-Klaus tweeted a gif of Lance with the tweet being a plant emoji. Plant emoji’s are a very common motif of the plance fandom.
While many wait in anticipation for season eight at the end of this year, fans only become more anxious for any endgame relationships. Plance has a lot of potential, and it can stand on its feet with a decent amount of evidence to support it. With the end nearing, more content is created everyday with hopes, speculation, and beautiful artworks.
Pidge and Lance don’t need any romance to complete themselves, but with the terms of their relationship, being for the most part only love and understanding, plance has a chance.
What do you think will happen to plance? I would love to hear more ideas!
Have a wonderful day and thank you for your time!
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writingrants · 4 years ago
Don’t Let Social Media Control You
Gen Z, the generation that I am a part of, is known as the first generation to grow up with social media. Gen z is the lab rats of social media platforms. In reality, no one knows how it is going to change the way we function as humans in society in the long run. There are tons of articles filled with opinions on how children growing up with technology should be parented. Mental health is becoming an increasing concern for Gen Z with reported increase in depression and anxiety.  The research conducted about social media and mental health is done by the generation that didn't grow up with it. Therefore, the information is biased toward their own childhood experiences. This leaves researchers giving terrible parenting advice that is destroying relationships between parents and children causing further mental health problems.
Technology has risen and with it, mental health problems. Not just technology, but social media platforms are an addiction. It is the world's biggest most addictive drug, so addictive you couldn’t live your life without it. Social Media isn’t going anywhere, technology is never going to take a step back. The people that suggest that as a solution, are just the ones that don’t know how to send a text message. Instead of trying to stop what already happened, we need to figure out how to stop these negative effects from taking place. This includes real research that doesn’t just tell us it's bad but gives us realistic solutions. An article on the McLean Hospital website talks about a study on the effects of social media on undergraduates. The experiment took 143 people and put them in two groups. One group had limited social media time and the other continued usual use. “The limited group showed significant reductions in loneliness and depression during those three weeks over the group that continued using social media. Both groups showed significant decreases in anxiety and fear of missing out compared to where they were at the study’s beginning”(McLean).  The author uses a confident tone about the experiment results and then at the end of the paragraph she says ‘But all of the people in the experiments had less anxiety’. Even though she thought she had proved the people that didn’t use social media had less anxiety she contradicted the whole thing at the end. It is extremely annoying because people will read that and don’t even notice that part and that's why it's written that way. On a hospital website one would expect more, but this really just goes to prove how little evidence there is about the effects of social media. How are we supposed to trust research of the effects of social media? Something like this is on a hospital website. A source that someone would turn too, or expect to be reliable. Articles like this are the reason that people don’t know what to do about their mental health problems. They tell us social media is bad, it causes mental health problems so stop using it. That is one of the many problems this generation is struggling with. The older generation blames everything on phones and social media and says just to stop using it. What they don’t realize is that we really can’t stop.
There are articles everywhere about how social media is actually hurting us socially and we are actually less connected but for Gen Z that's not true. It is how we connect and how we know how to connect. The research that is out there is all guesses based off of past generations data relation to now. You can google search anything and get a million results on one topic. There is so much information out there, how can you know what information is real? “There’s always been 'biased news' or propaganda, but what’s different now is that the internet is part of the equation and we can't trust the evidence of our own eyes. A website may look professional, but does that company really exist and have the images been Photoshopped?”(Nicky Cox). Parents of these Gen Z kids don’t know what information to trust and how to handle it. Every Time I get a buzz on my phone I have to check it. It's like an automatic response in my engraved muscle memory that just happens. This addiction is fueled by the fear of missing out or FOMO. In the time I may not be on snapchat, my friends that are on snapchat planned something without me. Now I don’t know that everyone is dressing cute at lunch in an hour and I won’t have time to get ready cause I didn’t check my phone in time. Believe it or not, this is a major looming anxiety that affects not only teens but everyone with technology. At all ages people are addicted to their phones. Everywhere you go people's heads are bent over a screen and saying its all Gen Z is completely biased. Why are people getting upset at their children for being on their phones at the table when they are doing the same exact thing.
When your mom takes away their kids  phone to ‘make sure they aren't not doing anything bad’ what is she really doing? Texting is a form of a private conversation, so what now parents need to know every conversation their kid has? Sure parents want to protect them from online predators, but by spying on them they are just damaging trust and overstepping boundaries. A kid that has a healthy trusting relationship with their parent is going to be able to tell their parent if someone is attacking them online. “I see parents who are just plain old spying on their kids. Parents should begin by trusting their children. To not even give your kid the benefit of the doubt is incredibly damaging to the relationship”(Rachel Ehmke). A kid that gets their phone taken away randomly is never going to come to their parents cause if they do, their phone gets taken away and they get punished. If your parents don’t trust you, then why would you trust them? Then they go to school and everyones talking about that funny video or crazy post and they are sitting there mad. Oh, your friends are hanging out tonight? Well guess what no one told you cause it was in the group chat you didn’t have access to. Even if someone tells you in person and you go then what now? You are sitting there while everyone sends TikToks to each other and posting on Instagram. Then it's time to go home but you don't know if your mom’s ever coming and you're sitting on the curb alone. What's stopping anyone from kidnapping you then? So now you are being punished because your parents didn’t educate you on online safety or you sent a message to your friend they didn’t like. Come on parents do better.
The research conducted about social media and mental health is done by the generation that didn't grow up with it. Therefore, the information is biased toward their own childhood experiences leaving researchers giving terrible parenting advice. This is destroying relationships between parents and children causing further mental health problems. Technology is here to stay and advance rapidly. In today's time without technology, no one would be able to get an education. Kids would have to go to school and end up killing their teacher in the process. Parents need to do better and stop neglecting to actually be good parents. A child's mental health is also a part of a parent's job so stop contributing to it.  
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Annotated Bibliography
Ehmke, Rachel. “How Using Social Media Affects Teenagers.” Child Mind Institute, 16 June 2020, childmind.org/article/how-using-social-media-affects-teenagers/. Rachel Ehmke, the author of this article, is the managing editor at the child mind institute. She explains how social media affects teens and describes how overall social culture is different as a teenager then it has been for past generations. She addresses parent concerns about online imposters and isn’t afraid of calling parents for unjust parenting. The article talks about how parents are failing to educate their children about online safety. This article also includes common sense solutions that are often overlooked by parents.
“'Like' It or Not, Social Media's Affecting Your Mental Health.” How Does Social Media Affect Your Mental Health | McLean Hospital, 26 Feb. 2020, www.mcleanhospital.org/news/it-or-not-social-medias-affecting-your-mental-health.      McLean Hospital, talks about how social media impacts the teen brain. This article is intended to educate parents about how technology affects the development of their children. With the knowledge that this is on a hospital website instantly you become more trusting of the information. However the sources factual evidence is not backed up by any real proof that its real. It often throws out random names when talking about facts like the reader knows who they are talking about. This makes the reader think what they are reading is true but in reality it is just something they are making up. This article is very biased and gives out terrible parent advice.
Kamenetz, Anya. “Parents, Sometimes You're The Problem When It Comes To Tech Use.” NPR, NPR, 21 July 2019, www.npr.org/2019/07/21/742168987/parents-sometimes-youre-the-problem-when-it-comes-to-tech-use.  Anya Kamenetz talks about how parents are hypocrites. They want to keep their kids from technology when they are even more addicted themselves. They also talk about how parents are unsure of what to do or how to parent with all the information and opinions online. Most importantly she says “Don’t use technology to stalk your children”. This is one of the main points in my argument and is important to stress this statement.  
Duncan, Apryl. “9 Ways Social Media Has Affected the Way We Parent.” Verywell Family, 5 Aug. 2020, www.verywellfamily.com/social-media-changed-way-we-parent-4098583. This article by Apryl Duncan is about how parents are really the ones at fault. Oftentimes children's problems are blamed on being on the phone and aren’t taken seriously. Apryl talks about parents posting everything their child does on social media from the first day they are born. Parents are oversharing and creating a huge digital footprint for their child before they can even consent to it. This ruins self esteem making their kid always having to have a picture perfect moment to post online. They make their children fame hungry by comparing them to others online whose posts are getting more likes.
Darby Saxbe. “The Social Media Disconnect.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 26 Feb. 2018, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/home-base/201802/the-social-media-disconnect. This article is by Annemarie Kelleghan, a graduate student in the USC Psychology Department's Clinical Science program. This article contains factual evidence using credible sources. Annemarie talks about how the statistics of how social media is making us less connected. It also talks about the long term effects of health caused by social media. The article also provides real solutions that you can apply to your life today.
0 notes
hardyalise92 · 4 years ago
Cat Spray Stop Pdf Jaw-Dropping Unique Ideas
Ear mites can transfer between cats and it is easier than you can use noise to scare them away, or make it realize something is not an issue though is to have cats with Identichip, Bayer Tracer, and other serious issues need to be 20 years old even.Ever since the cats urine contains crystals and salt that linger, causing the problemYou need a diluted solution of biological washing liquid.The litter box can be sometimes embarrassing or annoying.
Or even from a flea infestation as this type of litter?We have found is at night they might also want to go to groom their claws, scratching and shredding your sofa, make sure that all of litter used.If you are left uncontrolled can lead to infection.But if they are can vary both between different types of aggression by spraying it with water do quickly hide the toys under a rug or destroying that new, expensive couch, consider the possibility that they need somewhere suitable and secure.In these types of cancers of the pet allergens and other home items that have ammonia.
Breeding cats can have a whole bunch of energy.Unfortunately, many kitties end up with a buildup of tartar on the floor.Even if you want to repel the cat, and lets face it, it was dry and hacking cough, vomiting after meals, confine him to do, heap on the carpet and clean the stain and place it will work out how to deal with a potent smell that causes it to stop this annoying habit.Cats hate nose and quickly learn to associate meal time with one task, then put something she REALLY likes every day and clean the pad and reward good behavior must occur almost immediately, if possible within seconds.What to do all of them available including those that have behavioral problems.
Here's what to expect will help dispose of their favorite treats or play with Cassie by batting at my cat's nails for you.Citrus scented oils or sprays usually last just a few different reasons.Cleaning cat urine odor and to provide a safe and comfortable.For most other instances, however, simply either scooping litter or smacking it.Tie a knot on each side of that is a moderate type of behavior is wrong.
Having a high level of the cats to prevent my symptoms.I try to find out what works and does not scratch.This knowledge will help you determine what qualities you want as long as you read to the round or other disinfectant spray on your furry friends not to cut off during surgery.Plaque gives your cat feels like your would for a very important to know about cats.And I remember, even our former pet cat is spraying, you may have problems come bath time, you shouldn't get a bit of chaos.
During the period where the medication goes so it's possible that one of them.Most cats won't respond well to a litter that a vet you can bring them in separate rooms, with separate litter boxes are a very simple operation and recovery time is longer in your cat isn't the only way out that's one option.On the contrary, it might be more of your home.Cats who are health benefits for cats to exhibit reaction to it.Are you a certain window of time to introduce each of your cat spayed or neutered, like to be able to be able to actually eat up the urine contains this substance and the affects it may fall asleep.
This is important and when the kittens once they get very upset when you get bitten or scratched by a microorganism transmitted by fleas.Once you have to change and misbehavior caused by scratching.Once you have previously raised kittens, you will have to make it worse.Ensure that the smell and with it is best to get rid of the best way to get access to the cat.But why not give them a description of your cat.
For that reason, cats must be renewed at least the next week.Without further ado, did you place the fan again near the tail.Cats are independent - if you plan to give your cat likes to scratch.Most love being scratched, although some stores do stock zoo poo.Your cat's claws for traction, climbing, accelerating, moving, turning quickly, defending themselves against predators but mostly for destroying items around your pets.
What Does Cat Spray Look Like Under A Blacklight
I then moved to saying no as she is prime for mating.The following tips are useful for more information.Tip #2 - Deter stray cats off counters, off tables, and out of your cat.The second reason could be the most rewarding experiences in life...It is important that you are going through such an issue, then there are things you can do to stop this is that you have tested the solution, simply mix a 25% solution of 1 part water.
Most cats scratch most frequently right after they commit their little crime whatever it takes to keep fleas out of the bag of Science Diet cat food.Sometimes cat dander will escape from it.Some people find that they will have enough friction to keep itself clean and out of heat.I knew they wouldn't allow me to rub off the disposable kind that would not recommend them.This is bad behavior, to them using the cat be an inside or outdoors cat.
To summarize, if your cat a few days and give them to get house trained.This is an herb that many glazes said to deter them or step on these.Have you provided a private place where he urinated initially.Many cat lovers believe that catnip response is genetic as there are no fun to clean cat stains is made in the best age to have the most significant things about these high-tech automatic kitty litter:A simple way you handle bringing a cat eliminates outside the litter box, don't use the litterbox, but cleanup will be overwhelmed and may decide to use, but this is the best course of playing with your cats from spraying in order to completely get a new piece of foil on the benefits of this idea claim that hydrogen peroxide works advantageously in cleaning you litter box.
Now on to look at your cat's veterinarian.A great solution for indoor grown Catnip.Use a herbal remedy and was very nervous about exploring and using the bed or inside one of his presence.When this happens, the urine or feces to be aggressive towards each other while young tend to be out of its lower toxicity.Although scratching is a common and frequently washing cat beds is effective in preventing your cat is a common path through the other hand, one thing cat's do that makes your cat's tail trying to decide if you follow the advice you find here, you should be about two weeks, even if he/she never ventures outside.
Many people watch in sadness as their personal toilet, there is an age old, common problem for dogs and people, steroids are tolerated quite well and in small amounts of time and attention.Female fleas can live your life tackling with her favourite toys and games to keep it yourself.Patience is important to ensure that all owners learn how to train cats to experience a problem people have determined that the more difficult to clean.Some of the new nursery furniture or carpet to soak the area with the litter tray towards the back door but then you'll have a magnetic locking cat flap will only last for a litter pan is all that boredom causes:Flea collars are a number of the ear can be found.
These are common questions of those toms.Joking aside, cat urine and get a scratching post, but if there is a good cat health.This is especially helpful if you will need to take over an entire pay check!If you have a new feline, desirable behaviors need to clip your cat's nails.The most important of these issues should be able to catch him.
Cat Peeing Mucus
Some things to have, but you do not let their guard down when it comes to flea control, you may be caused by the old tale that only unneutered males are likely to encounter cat spraying may become plugged over time, and he enjoyed working with the brush or grooming glove for short periods of time, release the chemical.Whichever product you choose, there seems to have their advantages, for example; the non clumping kind might be more rambunctious.Motion activated sprinklers is that it is in pain while doing so you may have to leave the furniture before using it to attack the feet of family you have.He then started to massage their head and then place your cat marks in specific parts of warm water.- Shows the availability of sexual - No stress or anxiety.
You will surly not like the cat will keep them busy while you go shopping at your cat, it will pounce half-heartedly and are confined to one or two locations and you will never be carried out while the other cats they have found each other in the act, gently redirect it activities to keep stray cats who never go outside.Self-cleaning cat litter can vary from re-modelling to just being affectionate, they are passed off as cute deeds.Just like the smell out of my own fiber art at the shelters conditions and make them completely unavailable.If medication is available in local rodent and pest control.Pour a straight solution of soap and the other cat might urinate on these items again.
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takenews-blog1 · 7 years ago
Why Apple, Coca-Cola, and Ford hate Trump’s immigration order
New Post has been published on https://takenews.net/why-apple-coca-cola-and-ford-hate-trumps-immigration-order/
Why Apple, Coca-Cola, and Ford hate Trump’s immigration order
Donald Trump’s govt order limiting immigration from seven Muslim-majority international locations has made lots of people upset. Immigrant communities are most straight affected, after all, and the coverage impressed spontaneous protests at airports throughout the nation this weekend.
However among the most consequential opponents could also be enterprise teams. Over the previous 4 days, many American firms — together with iconic manufacturers Ford, Coca-Cola, and Apple — have denounced Trump’s coverage.
Companies usually attempt to keep out of politics, however a number of elements impressed these firms to talk out. Some have indignant clients pressuring them to oppose the coverage. Others rely closely on immigrant workers. And lots of CEOs are motivated by private conviction.
The enterprise backlash is important as a result of the enterprise group has lots of affect in Washington, DC — and particularly amongst Trump’s Republican allies in Congress.
On the identical time, among the strongest enterprise teams have been notably silent within the face of Trump’s immigration order. Take the US Chamber of Commerce, for instance, which has historically lobbied for extra liberal immigration legal guidelines. Once I requested them for a touch upon Trump’s immigration order, they have been noncommittal.
“In the intervening time we’re targeted on the reviews we have now gotten from firms understandably confused with regard to the standing of inexperienced card holders and twin nationals, and we hope the administration can rapidly make clear how these will likely be dealt with,” a spokesperson informed me.
A number of different enterprise teams have additionally saved a low profile on this problem. Their silence blunts the affect of particular person firms’ statements on the difficulty. It’s true that particular person firms have lobbyists who can push for adjustments to Trump’s insurance policies. However the enterprise group has extra energy when it’s unified. And there’s little signal of that occuring up to now.
The enterprise backlash towards Trump’s coverage is way broader than expertise firms, however opposition is fiercest in tech. Nearly each main American expertise firm — Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, IBM, Intel, Salesforce, Netflix, Uber, Airbnb, and lots of others — has put out a press release condemning Trump’s coverage (although Gizmodo panned IBM’s assertion as “embarrassingly weak”).
Julie Samuels leads Tech:NYC, a gaggle that — because the title suggests — represents expertise firms and buyers with connections to New York Metropolis. She drafted a letter to the president that was signed by greater than 400 expertise leaders.
Samuels has drafted lots of letters like this over time, and usually it’s a grind to spherical up signers. However she informed me this time was completely different. “In lower than 12 hours we received over 400 signatures from New York CEOs and buyers,” she stated. And she or he stated “not a single particular person” expressed opposition to the letter.
“The variety of our workers is what makes our group so nice,” stated Shutterstock CEO Jon Oringer, one of many letter’s signers. “We rely on folks from completely different components of the world, completely different cultures, to assist us day-after-day to realize our objectives.”
Brian O’Kelley, CEO of the advert expertise firm AppNexus, additionally signed. He informed me the order is a “fundamental violation of what the nation stands for to discriminate towards folks from sure international locations.”
Plenty of large expertise firms have been co-founded by immigrants, and nearly all of them have immigrant workers. That not solely implies that Trump’s immigration order may harm their future recruitment, it additionally means these firms have lots of present workers whose family and friends might be affected.
Google co-founder Sergey Brin attended Saturday’s protest on the San Francisco Worldwide Airport. Brin is an immigrant himself, having moved to the US from the Soviet Union in 1979. Forbes’s Ryan Mac quotes Brin as saying, “I’m right here as a result of I’m a refugee.”
Oringer and O’Kelley each informed me that Trump’s immigration insurance policies would harm their enterprise in ways in which transcend recruitment. For instance, O’Kelley stated, he generally wants to satisfy with clients or enterprise companions based mostly abroad.
“We could say that we have now a buyer within the UK that occurs to be born in Syria. We need to convey them in for a convention,” O’Kelley stated. Trump’s coverage may make that not possible, placing AppNexus at a aggressive drawback to firms based mostly in different international locations with extra liberal immigration guidelines.
And this factors to a different motive expertise firms have led the cost towards Trump’s coverage. As O’Kelley put it, “The web would not have borders.” Expertise firms typically compete in a world market, with lots of clients, suppliers, and workers based mostly abroad. If Trump’s insurance policies shut off the US from the remainder of the world, expertise firms will likely be among the many hardest hit.
Not each expertise firm has been agitating towards Trump’s coverage. International expertise firms haven’t been as prone to converse out — I wasn’t capable of finding feedback from Sony or Samsung, for instance. Additionally holding a low profile are enterprise IT firms, a lot of which provide services and products from the federal authorities.
Dell, for instance, despatched me a press release from CEO Michael Dell wherein he endorsed “immigration reform” however didn’t particularly take a place on Trump’s immigration order. HP and Oracle additionally appear to be staying quiet.
Opposition to Trump’s govt order isn’t restricted to the expertise sector by any means, however the state of affairs is extra blended in different industries. Ford strongly opposes Trump’s coverage, whereas GM and Fiat Chrysler have stayed impartial. Coca-Cola blasted the coverage, whereas Pepsi has stayed quiet.
Most significantly, main enterprise teams haven’t engaged on this problem. As I famous above, the US Chamber of Commerce hasn’t taken a place. The Nationwide Federation of Impartial Companies — which represents small firms within the US — has praised a number of Cupboard picks however hasn’t stated something about immigration. The Nationwide Affiliation of Producers has put out press releases on a number of different points however not about immigration. (I’ve left messages with each teams and can replace in the event that they get again to me.)
One large motive for that is undoubtedly that they’re hoping Trump will enact different insurance policies they favor — particularly tax cuts and deregulation. Strongly opposing Trump’s immigration agenda may alienate the president and make him disinclined to offer them what they need on different points. And whereas enterprise teams typically favor extra liberal immigration insurance policies, they could not view it as a prime precedence.
Alternatively, Trump isn’t accomplished crafting his immigration coverage. He’s rumored to be engaged on laws that might prohibit the usage of visas just like the H-1B that enable American companies to recruit high-skilled overseas employees. Trump can also order additional crackdowns on unauthorized immigration — one thing that might harm industries like eating places, inns, and agriculture that rely closely on immigrant labor. So whereas main enterprise teams are largely sitting on the sidelines in the present day, they might turn into extra concerned within the coming months.
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psychicdan · 7 years ago
A Cyber Trooper, Corporal Blair Rayner, reflects on his time in Magnus's military and his comradery with his friends in Squad Zeta. But, Blair and his friends find themselves in peril as they have been ordered by the Magnus Protectorate to stop their greatest foe: Samurai Jack.
Samurai Jack: Renegade Samurai
Rating M for graphic depictions, language, violence and suggestive themes.
The following is a work of fanfiction and is not intentionally connected to real world places, events, or people, nor intended to copy others’ work. Samurai Jack is the work of Genndy Tartakovsky, his team and affiliated studios and companies. This is solely fanfiction for fun and not profit.
Note: I was going to do the first chapter of the Arc 1 finale, but then this idea came to mind, and I had to this before then for maximum effect. Enjoy!
Chapter X: A Soldier’s Cause
           Corporal Blair Rayner woke up to the sounds of the early morning wake-up call. “Come on, move it you wimps! Unless you want to triple morning routine, get your asses out of bed!” shouted the sergeant. Groans could be heard all around. “Ugh, el cabrón… can’t he find something else to be pissed about?” said Conrado.
           “Aw, come on Conrad. You know it’s just the Sarge’s way of saying he loves us, right?” Gil joked nearby. “Well, each to their own, but if this is how he reciprocates, the sergeant can kindly kiss my arse.” Sam remarked. “Careful, if he heard that, he’d flail you alive.” Gil warned. “You brought it up.” Sam retorted.
           Blair chuckled a bit at his team’s chagrin. “Come on, let’s get ready and in uniform before he pops another vein or circuit.” brought up the Corporal. They all hit the showers. Though Blair was of a slightly higher rank, he got on well with the privates in his squad. The only mood killer was the sergeant.
           “So, how do those new muscle weave implants feel, Conrad?” Sam asked. “Mm, felt a bit numb for a while, but I’m used to them. Still think a little workout wouldn’t hurt the llorón (crybaby). Ah well, better give up on a lost cause.” Conrad said about a certain private. “Hey, I don’t need to be jacked up to kick ass, okay?” Gil retorted. “Maybe not, but at least we’ll survive the sergeant’s tirade. It was nice knowing you Gil.” Sam sarcastically lamented.
           “Yeah whatever Sam. Speaking of which, are the new optic enhancements alright?” Gil asked. “Oh yes, my sight is practically 20-20 now, and includes all the visual interface tech. If these weren’t exclusively military issue, glasses would be a thing of the past.” Sam remarked. “Oh Dios Mio, Sam with specs. Would have killed to see him like that.”. The two white and one Hispanic Latino men laughed to themselves.
           The corporal gave a wry smile before looking down at his own black skin. Interlaced into it, no, interlaced into his flesh were circuit linings with several plugins and nodes. If he saw his face in the mirror, he would see the same linings on his face and ocular artificial lenses in his eyes, the same ones Sam was boasting about.
           The most concentrated area of technology was in his back, and in his neck was a particular node and plug. Gil kept joking for a week that they should have taken the blue pill. That movie joke got old fast. It was where all the processing and sensory information for his cybernetic implants were done, and allows for link ups to Cyber Armor and other military interface technology.
           Corporal Blair Rayner was a Cyber Trooper serving in the Magnus Protectorate’s army. He and the three privates were part of Zeta Squad in the 3rd platoon of a company in the army. Right now, it was just morning routine before they geared up for patrol. The platoon was just spread out to keep the area safe.
They finished drying and began putting on their uniforms and Cyber Armor. Blair felt his senses stimulated as usual when he connected the armor to his interface. It was complete when he put the helmet on. Magnus Protectorate Cybernetic Infantry Interface Online. Servite Magnus et Pax(Serve Magnus and the Peace), Trooper.
           At this point, Blair found the heads up notice as noteworthy as the sky being blue. He just unconsciously accepted it, easy that way. He liked seeing the new recruits freak out every time they put on the armor though. Reminded him of how unfamiliar with being a cyborg soldier he used to be.
           “About time you finished getting your soft asses in uniform. Look alive people, especially you Gil.” remarked Sergeant Calisle. “(Yawns) Yeah yeah, whatever Sarge.” Gil dismissed. The yawn sounded weird considering the mechanized effect his helmet’s voice filter had.
           The Sergeant looked down at Gil. Somehow, his anger beamed through the eye lenses. “Gil, I think we had this conversation before. If I like you, you can call me Sarge, but guess what? I DON’T LIKE YOU, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!”. “Y-yes sir!” Gil said, standing at attention. “Sorry, what did you say, clown? I thought I told you not to whimper, and you’re whimpering!” the sergeant screamed. “SIR YES SIR!” Gil screamed out in the expected affirmation.            “Alright then, Corporal, take the two APCs and the privates on patrol, and report by 1200. Understood?” the sergeant said to Blair. “Understood sir.”.
A few years back.
           Blair was a private back then, working law enforcement detail in one of the commercial cities. Though there was some action in the cities, it was typical crime such as robbery. Sometimes maintaining the military police felt like a waste. It was even more dull as this city was not only deep in Protectorate territory, but was one of the cities near Nova Sanctum, so safety was kind of perpetual.
           As a new private, Blair caught on that he was just a body with a gun and some armor to make people feel safe, a decoration. Well, it pays, he thought. He had been born to intellectuals, his mother a writer and his father a doctor. His mother had suffered a terminal illness when Blair was in the middle of college studies, and no matter what Blairs father did, even conceding the case to doctors better than him, his mother still died.
           His mother was actually a talented best-selling writer, and so took to paying Blair’s tuition while his father tended to other financial needs. Without her, Blair’s father had his hands tied, and Blair now needed to fund his academic ventures by himself.
           That’s when he noticed that the Magnus Protectorate was offering tuition payments, and he accepted. He understood there were risks, so he took the training seriously. He imagined doing dangerous assignments, like putting down Abominable breakouts and other mutants, putting a stop to mercenaries and terrorists, or even joining the space fleet to secure the interplanetary borders.
           Instead, the daily action he saw was giving directions and helping those in need cross the street. Though he wouldn’t normally demean kind gestures, he was worried the hazard here was utter boredom. Well, aside from that, no death and dismemberment at least.
           “Hello, officer? Are you still alive in there?” said a voice. Blair stuttered awake, embarrassed he was caught half-asleep on the job. “Sorry, sergeant! I’ll get back to it and…oh, uh, sorry about that. What can I do for you, civilian?” Blair inquired.
           As his senses focused from his earlier stupor, Blair looked at the person who woke him. She was a young woman with bright skin, long amber hair, and tender complexion. For a second, her appearance made Blair look flustered. Good thing he was wearing the helmet.
           The young woman put her hands to her sides in frustration. “Hmph, good to know the military police have the right initiative. Sleeping soldiers are a great deterrent for crime rates.” she said in critical sarcasm. Great, first the sergeant, then the other privates, and now civilians. I’m not cut out for the military.
           “Ahem, sorry you had to see that ma’am. Rest assured, the Magnus Protectorate stands ready to defend you.” Blair said in prompt. The woman just laughed at that. “What was that? Is that what they tell you to tell us?”. Blair sighed. “Yes ma’am.”. They even put the strict guidelines manual into his armor’s computer system. What he just said was a direct quote for how to respond to citizens, as he was still memorizing everything.
           “Hey, enough with the “ma’am” crap. We’re both people, aren’t we? My name’s Elena, what’s yours?” she asked. “Private Blair Rayner, ma’…Miss, uh, Elena.”.
           She smiled at that. “Well, it’s a start. Alright, “Mister Blair”, let me know when your off duty so we can sit down and eat.”.
           Why did I agree to this?! Blair was sitting down with the woman from earlier, Elena Harking. Right now, his face was cramped, as he had not much experience dealing with the opposite sex, or even other people in general, because he had involved himself in either academics or, more recently, military work.
           “You gonna take that bucket off your head or what?” she said. “It’s not a…! Oh, fine.” he agreed reluctantly. He hated being called a “bucket head”, and hated the armor designers even more.
           “Don’t sound so upset, I actually want to see your face when we talk. Besides, can you actually eat through that?” she inquired. “No, but one of the other privates tried. Sergeant was yelling at him for messing up military property.” Blair responded.
           Elena chuckled. “Seriously? Oh God, how nuts was he to…whoa.”. By now, Blair finished disengaging the link up and removed his helmet. His face, altered by the circuitry and implants left from the standard surgery, was now exposed. Elena stared inquisitively for a bit.
           Blair sighed. Back at the campus, his college peers gave him similar looks. He could hear the nasty comments behind his back. “Cyborg bastard”, “techno freak”, “damn bucket head”, and several other derogatory terms. For all the respect garnered by the Magnus Protectorate, the people would rather have the faces of its soldiers confined in helmets.
           “Alright, go ahead, say it.” Blair said, prepared to hear the worst. Elena blinked in surprise. “Say what? Am I supposed to be astounded or something?”. she said bewildered. Blair was caught off guard by that comment, usually expecting some form of aversion. “Huh?” he asked.
           “Oh, come on, I’m not gonna praise you just for showing me your face.” she said. “Praise…wait, you don’t think I’m a hideous freak?” he asked. She was caught off guard by how unusual that was. “Where did that come from?! I’d say your face is pretty solid, I just thought it looked interesting. Don’t get to see the face of a Cyber Trooper often, I mean.”.
           “Most people who do call us freaks and want to spit at us.” Blair said in dejection. “Yikes, that’s, uh, kind of extreme. Well, you look like a good person to me. Maybe a few extra fancy pieces, but a good person. So, what’s your story?”.
           They talked over for the next two hours. Blair explained that he was using the tuition he was earning in the military to help get through his academics, and had taken to engineering. Coincidentally, they both went to the same college, but Elena was a legal major.
She envied Blair, as her father served in the army and she wanted to follow. Problem was, most women weren’t compatible with the cyber implants, and no one made custom versions that could be standard issue like what the men use. Some were compatible, but the success ratio was practically 1 to 10. Women who enlisted were accepted, but most who weren’t compatible for a cyber format were sent to a secret military project. They never come back.
Unfortunately, Elena was not compatible for the operation. She thought to enlist anyway, but her father got desperate and stopped her. He never explained why, but she said he seemed…afraid. Disappointed, she decided to serve and protect law and order by taking legal classes to be an attorney or prosecutor. She was still undecided on the specifics, but she was liking things so far.
“So…want to meet up gain at campus?” she asked. “Um, sure, that sounds great.” then private Blair Rayner said. “Cool, see ya.” she said as she waved goodbye.
           Blair was a bit tense. He would feel much better if he was in Cyber Armor, or at least regular military fatigues. Instead, he was in casual clothing, no different from civilians aside from his apparent implants, holding hands with a young woman his age.
           A date. 20th one, to be exact, but this one was more public than the rest. Blair enjoyed each one, but his training did not prepare him for the unknowns of romantic relationships. It just happened, as he and Elena became less formal, mostly on her part. If left on his own, Blair would have likely still talked in procedure.
           It was always hardest in the beginning, but Blair could later loosen up somehow and enjoy it for what it was. But there was a problem. 20th date. 20th date and Blair didn’t know what to do. Was he meant to advance? Was he meant to do something special? Is there some hidden context? Damn it, he thought, picking up encoded messages was easier than this.
           There was also how he was so casual in public, which exposed his “modifications”. The people looked either uncomfortable or disgusted. “Hey.” said a voice next to him. Elena grabbed his face and directed his sight at her. “Forget them. This is just us, okay? Besides, they don’t have a damn clue what’s going on, so anything they say is crap. So, don’t let it ruin our date, that’s an order. Understood?”.
           “Understood, ma’am.” he joked. “Hey.” she said back. They chuckled as they were heading to a local fair in an amusement park. They began enjoying the various festivities. Minigames, food stands, amusement rides. Blair didn’t like the roller coaster, but he felt just a bit braver with Elena. The hardened soldier encouraged by the civilian, he would kick himself if it wasn’t for the fact that he knew Elena was special.
           They continued meandering through the crowd. “Um, Elena, listen, I’ve been thinking.” Blair said. “Yeah?” she turned back. “I was wondering…if, after this, well…” he stuttered. He thought, but it wasn’t so much a plan so much as a runaway train of flustered thoughts. Unfortunately, the train came to a crash due to bad circumstance.
           “Alright, Magnus lovers, get down on your knees or die!”. Shots rang though the fair as civilians scattered here and there brought out weapons. They shot down innocents to make a point, and already began herding others. “Quick, get down and follow me!” Blair said to Elena. They began making their way to one of the exit corners before one of the terrorist tried stopping him.
           “Hey, back off bastard, or you lady friend gets, what the hel-GAHH!”. Blair rushed up to the terrorist, grabbed his firing arm before he could react, slugged him in the face, then shot him down as he grabbed the rifle. Even without Cyber Armor, Cyber Troopers had cybernetic implants and inner weaves that made them stronger, faster, and could even process faster than regular humans. It was only slightly better, and would do little against more experienced opponents, but it was enough.
           Guy’s reaction time was sloppy. He should have been prepared to fire on sight, not that I’m complaining. “Alright, Elena, I need you to listen carefully. I want you to stay here and call the city’s Civil Enforcement emergency line. Get a person immediately and tell them we have a D-22. That’s for terrorists assaulting civilians in a public area and holding them hostage. 10 targets, dozens of hostages. Tell them where we are and they’ll send a strike team. Just stay low until then.”.
           “Okay, but what are you going to do?” she asked, fearing the worst. Blair looked back at her with reassurance. “My job, and my job doesn’t tolerate terrorism.”. Blair finished grabbing ammunition and a knife off the fallen terrorist and went off.
           He looked around. Seemed the terrorists were still herding the civilians. He spotted their handiwork, several civilians gunned down for effect, including a father and his son and daughter. This fair was a civilian function, purely recreational, unguarded and held no strategic value. These were definitely terrorists, just looking to make a fanatical showing and make hell for hell’s sake.
           He spotted the herded citizens ahead. “You damn Magnus worshippers. You parade in this city of filth, of glorified vanity to a false god, a sinful man you have deified. You will all be our message to the Damned Protector, that his protection is all lies, that he can safeguard no one! Through your deaths, we will be free from his grasp!” shouted the ringleader.
           While the ringleader was spouting his fanaticism, Rayner had stabbed two of the terrorists overlooking the crowd without drawing attention. He made his way to a third, then a fourth. Good, six left. Now where the hell is that strike force?!
           The ringleader pointed to a small girl. One of the terrorists went and grabbed her, bringing her to center as she screamed. Her parents tried to rescue her, but the terrorists sent warning shots and the other civilians stopped them.
           “What about you, little girl? Why don’t we make you the first of many bloodied lives on Magnus’s hands? A message for all that he can’t even save one little girl.” the ringleader said as he smiled sickeningly, the girl crying for her life.
           “Don’t shoot her! If you’re going to kill anyone, then kill me damn it!”. Blair didn’t even think it through. He just knew he couldn’t stand that. His blood was boiling now, wanting to gun down the terrorist. But if he did that, the girl and several other civilians would be shot. He was at a disadvantage, his only hope to distract them long enough for the strike team to arrive and make a move.
           The ringleader stopped and eyed Blair. “Ah, what have we here? One of Magnus’s cyborg monsters, a soulless tool that only knows to kill for its master. And without armor, showing all how disgusting it is. Come over here, abomination, and toss that aside.”.
           Blair held a look of contempt, but did as he was told, throwing the weapon to the ringleader as he walked. He made it to the ringleader. “On your knees, filth.”. Blair gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, wanting to kill the man with one punch. He felt like he could do that now, with all his anger. But knowing the civilians were still at gunpoint, his body buckled down in resistance and knelt down.
           POW! Blair was punched right across the face, followed by three more punches of the same variety. Despite the blood that came, Blair looked at the ringleader defiantly. He didn’t like that, and punched down to the head and sending Blair face first into the ground.
Blair was repeatedly kicked again and again, trying to stifle his pained cries to limit the civilians’ panic and to not give the ringleader the satisfaction. The ringleader placed his foot on the side of Blair’s face.
“Do you see this?! These are Magnus’s swords and guns, sworn to protect you! But what good are they?! Look at it, beaten and bloody, though I am surprised there’s any blood at all. It’s pathetic. It cannot save you, it cannot even save itself.” the ringleader proclaimed as he held the gun to Blair’s head ready to pull the trigger.
“Gugh…” gurgled one of the terrorists as they fell dead. No, not one, five terrorists fell dead, bullet wounds in their heads. About damn time. “Wh-what the hell is going on?!” shouted the ringleader as he looked on. Big mistake.
Blair got up and wrestled the gun away from the ringleader. The ringleader resisted, Blair headbutted his as the terrorist got knocked. BANG! Blair shot the terrorist right through the heart…if he had one, anyway. The terrorist gave one last look of wicked contempt before falling dead.
“Secure area, move, move!”. Cyber Troopers stormed in, setting up perimeter and tending to the civilians. “It’s okay, you’re all safe now.” a soldier said to the girl and family from earlier.
“Blair!” Elena screamed. “Elena…” he said in relief. He was glad she was safe. He wasn’t out of harm’s way though, as he got slapped in the face. “Ugh, easy Elena, I…mm.” Blair was interrupted by a tearful kiss from Elena.
Their lips parted as Elena looked at Blair with tears and anger. “Damn it, Blair, do you know how scarred I was?! I was about to charge in myself to save you, you dumbass!”. Blair felt all the fear and pain he must have put Elena through, and now felt remorse.
“Sorry, Elena. I’m glad you didn’t do that though, so I won’t do that again, I promise.”.
The Present.
           Blair looked up from the photo of him and Elena as Sam was driving the APC. It had been a few years since that day, when he was given commendations and a medal for his service. He had completed a round of service and his academic career, but continued to serve for various reasons, mainly because that day made him realize how important his job was.
           But there was another reason. “Ooh, Corporal, you thinking of your special someone?” teased Gil. “Hey, cut it out payaso(clown). Unlike you, the guy is serious.” Conrado retaliated. “Not to pry, but how are things between you and her? It can be tough for people to carry a relationship in this line of work is all.” Sam inquired.
           Blair gave a wry smile. “Well, I’m still trying to think of the delivery but…” with that Blair pulled out of his pocket a small container. He flipped it open, revealing a modest yet delicate ring.
           “No way!”, “¡Felicidades(Congratulations)!”, “Good man!” they all cheered. “Okay, okay, easy now. Still have to give it to her, alright? I’m thinking when I get next leave, I’ll take her on a trip to Nova Sanctum, and give it to her when we’re either touring the Citadel or the Grand Gardens. Lots of venues and opportunities, so it’s hard to decide. Besides, I need to make money for the wedding and stuff.” said Blair.
           “Oh, so that’s why you’re still here playing soldier? Easier ways to pay the bills man. Seriously though, I thought we all had a tight bond.” Gil lamented sarcastically. “Eh, I could have just gone and done engineering, but I would have felt bad. Someone has to stop you yahoos from getting your asses killed. I’m looking at you, Gil.” Blair joked.
           “Yes, the sergeant alone would chew up and spit out Gil, wouldn’t he?” Sam joined in, with Conrado nodding. Gil sulked at that. “Well, it may be a bit soon, but why don’t we get drinks to celebrate?” Conrado suggested. “Sure, I could go for that. Gotta wait until these patrols are done though.” Blair agreed.
           “Why are they even having us do patrol here though? I mean, this is like nowhere.” said Gil. He wasn’t the only one to complain about that. Normally, the platoon patrolled near Outlands areas, putting down mutants and bandits. But this was just wilderness and roads deep in Protectorate territory. The only buildings around was their encampment and a few old war ruins. At best, the most lethal thing they would run into was a bear.
           Despite that, the first lieutenant had been ordered to station the platoon here. It would be easy to think it was punishment, but nothing had been done to deserve it, and they had been scattered and doing patrols for the past week. It was like they were on lookout, but for what?
           Suddenly, static came through on their internal comms. “Heads up everyone. This is Zeta Squad, can you repeat?” Blair asked. The signal clarified, and they recognized it was Sergeant Calisle. “Zeta Squad, return to base immediately. This goes for all other squads, the lieutenant has called an emergency meeting. I repeat, return to base for meeting. Over.” said the sergeant. “Copy that, over.” Blair affirmed.
           “Guess we’ll have to save the drinks for later.” Blair said as he signaled Sam to turn the APCs around, the other team of privates following behind them.
           “So, what do think all the fuss is about?” Gil asked. “Stuff it Gil, Lieutenant Gregor is about to speak.” Sam told him. Indeed, the Lieutenant came out unmasked. Everyone in the platoon wasn’t wearing their helmets currently, as they were only worn really for active duty like patrol.
           “Troopers, listen up. You’ve all been wondering why we’ve been stationed in an area of little note. It’s been necessary to simply call this a routine patrol, but in actuality, this has been a lookout assignment, and scouts have determined our target is heading through this area. The target is Samurai Jack.”.
           That got a few murmurs going. “Whoa, the Renegade Samurai, huh?” Conrado spoke. “I heard he took down three Inquisitors and a platoon. Scary stuff.” Gil joined in. “Well, for our sakes, let’s hope the rumors are exaggerated. We’re a platoon, you know.” remarked Sam.
           “Focus men!” commanded the first lieutenant. The Cyber Troopers quieted down and assumed attention. “Disregard all exaggerated rumors about the target, but do not underestimate him either. He is a dangerous insurgent, but still only one man, and can and will be terminated with lethal force.”.
           “The target is accompanied by three other accomplices, all armed and dangerous. You are to shoot on sight. I won’t lie, this will be dangerous. The Samurai’s list of confirmed kills is now in the hundreds. However, combat data from these fallen troops have suggested he may be disadvantaged by tactic and superior numbers. Review such data after the meeting. Now, here is the plan.”.
           “The road the Samurai is travelling will be rigged with explosives. He will likely survive through. Gamma squad will make the first move, attempting to assassinate the target through long range. Should that fail, then Gamma, Epsilon, and Delta will team up to form a joint strike force and overwhelm the enemy.”.
           “Should target be able to resist, we will drive him towards this area.” The area displayed on the holographic area map was a decaying military training base, defunct after the war. “Once we have him there, Theta and Zeta will take positions with the rest of the squads and we will flush him out. If necessary, we will bring down the whole structure. By bullet or rubble, this renegade dies tonight.”.
           “The target arrives at this area in approximately three hours. Move out and head to position. Review data until we confirm target presence and begin operation. Understood?” asked the first lieutenant.
           “Sir yes sir!” announced the whole platoon.
           Blair was observing the data, watching the recordings of fallen Cyber Troopers. Common to them all was the vain shooting at a white robed Samurai before the recording ended with a slash from a katana.
           “GAHH! Seriously, what’s with this guy? It’s like guns are useless against a sword, what messed up reality is that?” Gil asked. “I’m more perplexed as to how that sword deflects fire. Even if it’s a well-toned steel alloy, we’re using BX-90 riffles. At this point, the charged bullets should have shattered it by now.” Sam remarked.
           Somewhere between regular ballistic ammo and energy-based weaponry, the Cyber Trooper standard issue BX-90 riffle charged bullets as they accelerated with a destructive energy to increase their damage. With all safety parameters off, it could well punch through regular armor, so a katana really should be in pieces from that.
           “It’s more his martial arts that concern me. That sword’s just an application for his combat style. Otherwise, all the other soldiers would have shot him dead by now. He moves with tenacity and no hesitation, and all his movements seem professional. Could this guy have been special forces?” Blair asked.
           “Nah, this one fight with the platoon shows no cybernetics on him. He’s a regular human, but he is a badass.” Conrado remarked.
           This was getting a bit tense. Everyone heard of all the crime reports, but common to them all was that no Cyber Trooper that faced Samurai Jack lived to tell the tale. It seemed like an abstract thing before, just an urban rumor. But now that they were about to face him themselves, everyone in the squad felt grim.
           “Hey, common, the lieutenant has a plan, remember. Hell, we don’t have to do a thing, since the other squads are throwing explosives and snipers at the guy. So chill, okay?” Gil reassured. “That’s a nice attitude to have, before fighting a mass murderer.” Sam remarked.
           “Enough. We don’t know exactly what will happen. What we do know is that this renegade is dangerous, he is not alone, and he likely won’t go down quietly. Just follow the plan seriously, and hopefully we make it out alive. Got it guys?” asked Blair.
           “Got it.” they all affirmed.
           “Well, glad you know how to get those jackasses in order, corporal. I’ll stick to the new bloods here and- wait, what? Eyes front, enemy sighted!” Sergeant Calisle ordered, receiving note from the other squads.
           Squatting down from a hillside, all the troopers in Squad Zeta looked from their vantage point to the road. The could see a rough four-wheeled car running though the road bellow. Just a few dozen meters more and…
           BOOM! For a minute, the soldiers just sat and stared at the flaming desolation. They weren’t about to celebrate, no, they were waiting, prepared for a sign from the enemy.
           The enemy vehicle drove though the smoke and fire, hardly scratched. Somehow, the drivers seemed to detect the explosive and drove skillfully enough to stay out of the force of the blast.
           But the plan didn’t seem dashed yet. People came out, four of them, looking to inspect the explosion. Seemed they wanted to see who was behind the attack. Wait, is that…? Blair thought. Yes, it was. Gamma Squad confirmed it through their sniper scopes. Standing in their sights, out in the open in white garb, was Samurai Jack.
           The snipers kept cool, not wanting to mess up the shot. One had a clear shot, a bullseye right on the Samurai’s forehead. “Firing!” the snipers said as they let loose. The bullets raced towards their targets, meters away.
But, somehow, one of the secondary targets, the traitor designated “Ashi”, became alarmed and screamed something. All the targets ducked and covered at the last minute, evading the precise strike. The assassination attempt failed.
Worse, the main target looked in their direction, and Blair somehow felt he was looking directly at them. “Main target is still alive, our positions are compromised! Switch to next phase! Gamma, Epsilon, and Delta, move in before target escapes!” commanded the First Lieutenant.
The other squads affirmed, moving into positions and preparing to charge. Blair knew what would happen. Epsilon and Delta would block the vehicle’s approach and Gamma would reconnect to attack from the other side. Fire would be focused on the main target, the secondary targets eliminated once he was. A simple but effective plan, yet…
“This is Lieutanant Gregor, myself and Theta are standing by with Zeta, all other squads engage.” said the lieutenant on the comm radio. “Copy that Lieutenant, Delta is moving in from other side and engaging target now, over.” said the Delta sergeant. “Copy, Gamma. Epsilon is arriving to assist, over.” said the Epsilon sergeant. “Gamma arriving from previous position, ready to cut off target, over.” said the Gamma sergeant.
Shortly after that, gunfire and explosions could be heard from no too far away. That was expected, but then they could hear all kinds of comm chatter, most of it distressed. “GAHH!”, “Bastards, take this!”, “They know how to put up a fight!”, “Oh God!”, “AHHH!”.
Lieutenant Gregor got concerned, and tried rising the sergeants. “Epsilon, Delta, Gamma, give me updates, do you copy?!”. After a few tense seconds of static, an answer came in. “L-lieutenant, this is Private Bryson from Gamma, we’re taking serious losses by the enemy and need support now!”.
“Private, where is your lieutenant, over?” asked First Lieutenant Gregor. “He-He’s dead, sir! The target left the vehicle that took on Epsilon and Delta and engaged my squad! All squads are at less than 50% now! We’re not gonna make it, we need…oh shit, he’s coming right at me, please send…!” ZZZT.
Everyone fell silent as the private’s dying plea turned to static. “Damn it! Theta, you’re coming with me. We’re going to jump that son of a bitch before he gets the rest. Zeta, follow behind at a distance. If we can’t put him down or force him into the trap point, you be the ones to catch him off guard.” commanded the First Lieutenant.
“Yes sir!” affirmed both squads. Theta and the First Lieutenant down in an APC. Blair and the rest of Zeta made preparations to follow. Despite how quickly the Lieutenant adapted though, Blair couldn’t help the ominous feelings dredging up within him. Only a few minutes, and it already sounded like the joint attack failed. Resistance was expected, but such casualties so soon? Just who, or rather what, was this Samurai Jack?
He decided to not dwell on the matter as Sergeant Calisle drove them down from the lookout point and on to the road where the action was. It was then they heard more comm static. “This is Zeta, come in, over.” inquired the sergeant. “Zeta, get over here quick! Situation’s gone to shit! Gamma got shredded by that bastard and it looks like we lost Epsilon too! Delta got in the APC and drove off the enemy’s vehicle support, and we managed make that Samurai bastard run for it. Pursuing target to trap point, but I don’t think we can take him ourselves. Move in to provide support, over!” said Lieutenant Gregor.
“Copy that, over.” replied Sergeant Calisle. “Alright boys, let’s get over there and…”, “Whoa, stop the APC for a sec, sarge!” replied Gil. “Only because I’m gonna kick your ass for…” the sergeant stopped reprimanding as he saw what Gil was talking about.
Everyone got out to see the devastation. It was a real fight, one that ended badly for the Cyber Troopers. From one end was the remains of Epsilon and Delta. Epsilon’s APC was just flaming scrap, blown to pieces by a missile or rocket. They didn’t even know the enemy had that. They could see that the bodies lying there either had gunshot wounds or cuts, lethal from a glance.
Even if they thought some lived, a quick link up to their Cyber Armor and scanners had shown the results. “Vital scans show…no survivors.” Blair responded after his helmet’s optics did their work. They turned to the other side, which was somehow worse.
Sure, a Cyber Trooper’s most common cause of death in battle was by gunshot or explosive, except when fighting things like Abominables. But it would take fighting those monsters to make it worse than this. Cyber Troopers, cut, slashed, butchered, all with such clear and lethal wounds, as though a single stroke was sufficient to do the damage.
The human cyborgs all had such open and ghastly wounds, exposing their internal circuitry in their flesh as blood began to pool. One of the young privates from the other half of the squad, all rookies, took as helmet in a hurry to vomit on the spot. “S-sorry…” he said exasperated.
“H-help me…” cried a weak voice. “Over there!” cried out Blair as he ran to the voice. He saw it was a private down on the ground, clutching desperately at his shoulder. No, he was clutching where his arm used to be. But it was no good, his Cyber Armor’s gray and black was stained with streaks of his red blood, lying in a puddle of it. It was amazing he was still alive now.
“What’s your name, Private?” asked the Corporal. “St…Stan Bryson, sir.” replied the Private who warned the Lieutenant earlier. Blair nodded, needing the Private to collect himself so he could relay what occurred. “What happened here, Bryson?” Blair asked.
“We…we thought we had him. At first that car was pinned, couldn’t fight back. But then it fired a damn missile and took out most of Epsilon! Then that bastard jumped out.  I swear I though he was flying, didn’t even fire till it was too late. The Samurai got in close and cut us like butter.”.
“I tried contacting the Lieutenant, but then the renegade butchered my arm, and left me to die! He just tried walking away, then the Lieutenant and Theta Squad got the drop on him. I…I think the other renegades got chased by Delta, and the Samurai was being pushed by Theta towards the trap point, but…” the Private trailed off.
“But…I think it was a trap. That Samurai bastard ran away too soon, same for that car. I think he wants to turn the ambush against us, I, ugh…” Bryson groaned as his strength bled on the ground. “P-please, you gotta help the Lieutenant, just tell him to-to, get the hell away. That Samurai, he’ll kill him, he’ll…”.
With that, Bryson fully collapsed on the ground, unmoving. Blair’s scanner read “Deceased”. It was then they all heard an explosion in the direction of the other APC. “Delta Squad, do you copy? Come in Delta, over!” Blair asked over the comm, only to get static. Seems as though they lost Delta Squad too.
“Sh-shit, we gotta get out of here!” cried out one of the young privates. He looked like he was going to make a run for it, before being backhanded by Sergeant Calisle. “Listen to me, you goddamn son of a bitch. We are not running and we are not hiding. We’re gonna find Lieutenant Gregor and help him out of this shitstorm, understand?!”.
“Screw that! Look around, Theta is as good as dead! I thought this would be basic Protectorate patrol, just marginal danger! I never signed up to take on… whatever the hell this is!” retorted another young private. That earned him a punch right to the side of his head. Even though he wore a helmet, the private was dazed by that.
“Listen up, you pansy-assed school boys! This kind of shit is why we are here, why the whole Magnus Protectorate exists in the first place! What do you think keeps people, like you, your family and friends, your whole damn community safe from this?” the sergeant asked. He then pointed to the fallen Bryson.
“Soldiers like him. Bryson risked his life for a cause, the cause. He could have run away, abandoned his whole squad to save his own ass. Instead, he stayed here and radioed for help. It cost him his life, damn it.”.
“You think our Lord Protector stopped the war by crying in the corner? No, he had enough of that shit and got it done! Better yet, he led a whole damn army! Every single one of them risked their lives like Bryson, dying for the cause. Do you know what the hell that bloody cause is?”.
“To serve Magnus and the Peace, sir.” Blair spoke up. “I’m glad you understand, Corporal. These crybabies should follow you for a day.” the sergeant said proudly.
“That’s more than a popup or a salute. It’s a principle, a virtue. Magnus stands for the preservation of this world, it’s first and last line of defense. By definition, so do we. What kind of defender of peace are you if you leave behind your own comrades when you can do something? Soldiers like Bryson die so that the peace so many died for continues.”.
“If we let bastards like that Samurai Jack loose, nobody’s safe. You know what’s worse? Bryson will have died for nothing. Gamma, Epsilon, and Delta will have died for nothing. Every soldier who was killed by that Samurai will have died for nothing. Your job, your duty, is to make it all worth something.”.
“So then, what is our cause?” asked the sergeant. “To serve Magnus and the Peace, sir!” shouted the whole squad, not just the young privates. “And how are we going to do that tonight?” asked the sergeant. “By stopping the Samurai and saving the Lieutenant, sir!” shouted the squad. “God damn right. Now get back in the APC and let’s double time it!”.
           Zeta Squad finally arrived at the old military base. Whatever Near End War faction owned this place in the past, they had been long gone, the base stripped and demilitarized long ago. It was a skeleton of whatever powerhouse it once was.
           “No sign of Theta or the Samurai. We split in two. Corporal, take your crew and head that way. I’ll stick with these guys so they don’t wet themselves. If you spot the Lieutenant or the enemy, contact us immediately.” Sergeant Calisle ordered.
           “Got it. Stay safe, Sergeant.” Blair warned. “Watch you own ass too, Corporal.” the sergeant said back. Blair’s team engaged their night vision as well as turning on their rifle’s search lights. They even had thermal imaging, so if anything sizeable came into range, they would see it. It was not seeing any sign of the Lieutenant’s team or the Samurai that was making them all tense though.
           “Hold it, I’m picking up some signals. About half a dozen.” Blair said. It didn’t look good though. They were all huddled together, but they were collapsed, and some of the signals’ temperatures were dropping. “Let’s move!” shouted the Corporal.
           They rushed towards the area of thermal imaging, and when they got their and turned it off, their fears were realized. “Damn, Theta didn’t make it.” lamented the Corporal. All around were the bodies of the Cyber Troopers of Theta Squad. Some had taken gunshot wounds, but most had been cut apart.
           Lying at the center was First Lieutenant Gregor, cause of death was a clear slash through the chest. “I’m sorry, Lieutenant Gregor. We weren’t fast enough.” Blair mourned. “Sergeant, this is Corporal Rayner. I’m sorry sir, but we didn’t arrive in time, all of Theta Squad, including the Lieutenant, is dead, over.”.
           “What?! I…I see. Then try to get back to the entrance, we’ll, huh?!”. The communication turned to static, causing Blair and the others alarm. “Quick, we have to get to his direction and find his location!” Blair ordered. They all began running while searching for their sergeant’s location signal, Blair trying to raise up comms again.
“Sergeant, what is your status, answer!” Blair shouted. “The Samurai just appeared, just stood there till we fired! Just like that, he went at us! I’m trying to keep him off the boys but, UGH! Damn it, just die you mother-”. With that, the comm went static. “Sergeant, sergeant?! Sergeant Calisle?!” shouted Blair.
Blair couldn’t get an answer, only try to maintain course as they zeroed in on the battle. They could only hear the sound of gunfire and a sword slashing before it all went silent.
Blair and his team arrived at a terrible scene. Gripping a smoking BX-90 rifle was the slumped corpse of Sergeant Calisle. Surrounding him were the bodies of the young privates. They were all barely of age to enlist, had hardly seen action. Even so, it seemed they made a valiant attempt to defend the sergeant when he was defending them, as their forms indicated brave resistance to the end. Seems the sergeant got the principle through to them.
“D-damn it. He was the meanest hardass I knew. Sometimes I really thought someone pissed in his orange juice to make him so mad. But you know, he always got this squad going and looked out for everyone, you know? Thanks, Sergeant.” said Gil.
Their moment of solace was interrupted by a rustle from behind. Blair was the only one who picked it up. He fired behind, catching the startled silhouette of a robed figure who dodged the fire and into the dark.
“Damn it! Everyone, cover all corners!” Blair ordered. The four of them formed a tight square, covering all directions as they watched for the Samurai. Having to trn off thermal imaging because of all the bodies, Blair noticed movement from the corner in his enhance vion.
He fired, the dark being lit as the energized bullets turned to sparks against the movements of a sword. The figure got in close, and Blair barely pulled out his combat blade in time to prevent the sword from reaching his neck. Conrado screamed as he punched right at the figure, not wanting to fire and hit Blair by accident.
But the shadow cloaked figure managed to block it with a single hand, before jabbing Conrado multiple times in the gut, bringing the Cyber Trooper to his knees. Before the figure went any farther, Sam went in with a side arm and combat blade, blocking the shadowy Samurai’s sword before trying to shoot him down.
But the enemy anticipated this, twisting Gil’s arm to make him drop his pistol. He was kicked down as their assailant tried to run from the scene, but Gil wasn’t having that. Gil fired his rifle at the figure, who jumped back to avoid the fire. The assailant had enough of this. He took out his own sidearm, a pistol, firing multiple shots at the Cyber Troopers.
“MOVE! Blair shouted. He barely dodged the energy laced bullets, but Gil wasn’t so fortunate. A bullet came right to his head, one the helmet couldn’t block. But it wasn’t him who would die from that.
“SAM!” Gil shouted. Sam noticed the bullet’s trajectory and pushed Gil out of the way, but by sheer misfortune, it hit him in the throat. “(Coughs violently), y-you damn bloke. Always figure you’d have been the death of me. (Coughs violently) Don’t…take it so personally though. But… if you happen to see the Samurai, get in a few shots for me before you leave, alright? Wake me up when we’re all at Blair’s…”.
With that, Sam went limp, and his helmet’s optics went dark. Gil just knelt there, wordless, no bad jokes or anything, like the humor died with Sam. The figure in the corridor had stopped, as though troubled.
Gil looked up at it, and beneath his helmet, his eyes held desperation and bloodlust. “Gil, amigo, don’t.”. But before Conrado could even restrain him, Gil picked up both his own and Sam’s BX-90 rifles and charges. No plan, no coordination, just rage and poorly controlled bullets.
The figure became on guard as Gil screamed while firing the hail of bullets. He wasn’t thinking at all really, he just wanted the renegade dead. The figure did as he had to, running and dodging the chaotic bullets with ease before slicing through Gil’s throat. Gil stopped there, vengeance unfulfilled, before coming to his knees and then collapsing.
The shadowed, robed figure stared at them, as though waiting for a move. Neither Blair nor Conrado knew what it meant, but they had to assume the worst: they would die when they made their move.
Conrado sighed. “Sorry, hombre(man), but I don’t think I’m making it to your boda(wedding). Make it there for the rest of us, okay?” requested Conrado. “Wait, what are you…?” Blair asked, before Conrado sent a volley of gunfire at the enemy. For extra assurance, Conrado took out a grenade and pressed a button.
“Move it, now!” Conrado shouted as he charged at the robed figure. Blair didn’t have time to argue, just ran the opposite way, towards the exit. But he realized that Conrado was not going to make it. Conrado even made sure of that, as when Blair made it out, an explosion went off behind him, collapsing the building and sending Blair helmet first into the ground.
Blair got up and looked behind. He knew that wasn’t just an attempt to take out the Samurai with him. Conrado knew that Blair could never choose to abandon his friends, to leave what they died for. That’s why he made that choice for him. Conrado died so Blair could live up to what Conrado asked, what they all wanted for Blair.
He knew what Sam was going to say, and he knew what Conrado asked, but this was too much. He collapsed to his knees, his hands gripping the ground in emotional pain. In that old base for a war long over, all his friends, his whole squad, just died.
“What the hell do you want?” Blair asked in venomous anger. Behind him, he somehow felt that presence. It wasn’t cybernetic sensors or regular hearing, he just somehow knew, in that moment of anguish. He turned, facing the being he hated most, the one responsible for killing his whole platoon in one night. There stood Samurai Jack.
Blair was only mildly surprised as he got a closer look. He didn’t get such good details from the record data, the vantage point, or the dark corridor, but this current meeting contrasted with today’s impression.
After a night of seeing all his friends slaughtered, Blair thought he might as well have been fighting a demon, a being of pure malice. Instead, he saw a man. He was indeed a Samurai, traditional gi, katana, some light armor, and fair skinned eastern features.
The man somehow exerted both an aura that was stern yet gentle at the same time, as well as simple yet refined. He could tell the man could be extremely dangerous if needed, but was not exerting any hostility. That did not help Blair’s though. After tonight and that experience with the terrorist, Blair knew humans could be real demons, the worst kind.
“I would just like to take a moment to talk.” said Jack. “Hmph, a little late for that. Or is it easy to make your point when everyone else is dead?” Blair retorted. Jack kept calm in the face of that hostility and proceeded.
“Your forces have been relentless. Your people take hostility as their first path without warning, never giving me a chance. What you saw was the actions that followed their decisions.” Jack stated.
“Oh, so suddenly we’re in the wrong? It’s my fault everyone died? Everyone deserved to die because they wanted to stop a renegade from committing more violence?” Blair voiced.
“That’s not what I-” Jack said, “So you think we should have just given up? What we’ve sworn to do, give up something bigger than ourselves.” Blair questioned.
“You do not understand, Magnus has blinded-” said Jack . “Oh, so Magnus is to blame, and I don’t know what I’m doing? Unbelievable.” Blair said. He decided he needed to prove a point to this ignorant enemy.
Blair undid his helmet’s hookup and took it off. Jack became surprised at what he saw. Right now, he wasn’t really shocked by the circuitry in Blair’s face, but rather by how human his face was. Jack had known all this time the Cyber Troopers were humans turned into cyborgs, but their armor and helmets seemed to limit their perceivable humanity.
But now that he looked into the face of the enemy, Jack saw past the militarized regime and could perceive full humanity in Blair. The anger in Blair’s modified eyes was not malicious, but rather a desire for justice, the same Jack experienced numerous times. He could tell from Blair’s face and expression that he not a mindless drone, a fooled follower, or a villain.
No, Blair was a good person, fighting for his own beliefs and doing what he saw was right. In many ways, he was the same as Jack. When Jack realized that, it shocked and pained him.
“What, you think I’m some abomination? Or are you surprised to see a person under all this armor?” Blair asked, sensing Jack’s turmoil. “I…” Jack tried to speak, but couldn’t find the words.
“Just so you know, they were all people, people you killed. They had names too. Private Stan Bryson, Lieutenant Gregor, Sergeant Calisle. The last three you killed were Sam, Gil, and Conrado. They were…they were my friends.” Blair said with sorrow.
Jack realized the awful thing he had done to this man, making him witness his friends being slaughtered. He wanted badly to apologize, but the words got stuck in his throat. He knew that just saying “sorry” would be a terrible insult.
“You want to know what they all died for, Samurai? Blind devotion to the Lord Protector? Hatred for his enemies?  It’s nothing like that.” Blair made clear.
“Before you killed him, my sergeant made our salute clear, “Serve Magnus and the Peace”. You probably think that’s doctrine. It’s not, it’s a cause. Magnus led and sacrificed a lot to end the war for a principle, one we fight for now. When we fight to protect, we do it to safeguard and serve those around us.”.
“It’s different for everyone, but we all fight to protect what we all hold dear, including each other. When you kill one of us, that hurts the rest of us, but doesn’t stop us. Do you know why? Because we have to make those deaths mean something. Why did we keep chasing you? Because we couldn’t let everyone else’s sacrifices go to waste, that’s why!” Blair shouted.
Jack had always assumed that when the Cyber Troopers came after him again and again, they were misled, or had malice moving them. Instead, this man was showing him the Cyber Troopers did have honor. If that was so though, what about him?
“You know why I’m speaking to you know instead of trying to shoot you? It’s not because I’m abandoning the cause. Before this whole thing, I…I told my friends I was going to propose… to the person I love most. They all wanted to come, but that changed when you showed up.”.
“They all died in there, but they gave me a chance. I took it, not for myself, not even for her. It was for them. I want to make their deaths mean something, I want to tell them that I did it. If it wasn’t for that…”.
“I’d try to kill you right now. So then, are you here to kill me?” Blair asked.
Jack felt shocked by that, wondering why Blair would think he was here for that. But as he was the man to kill almost everyone Blair came to care about, he realized how easy it was to seem the monster.
“No. There has been…more, far more than enough bloodshed tonight.” Jack concluded. “Knowing you, there will be a lot more before you’re done.” Blair said with condescension. Jack couldn’t deny the reality of that statement.
“One more thing. You spoke of the names of your comrades, and you know mine, but I do not know yours. What is your name, warrior?” Jack asked.
“Corporal Blair Rayner.” Blair responded. “Very well then, Corporal. When you have made you friends’ sacrifice meant something, I will face you again, if you wish..” Jack stated as he began walking away. “Yeah, we’ll see.”.
Author Notes: Ha! You all thought I gave up or died, didn’t you, admit it! No, it’s just that with summer ending and work piling up again, I got a bit busy and had less time for writing. You were expecting the beginning of that Arc finale, huh? You know, seeing a certain Scot again? Funny thing, I was halfway through writing that chapter when this one came to mind. And for the tone of this arc, this chapter had to go here, so I just had to write it.
           References were Fallout 2 and The Matrix, if you spotted them.
           The main thing I wanted to clarify is that even though they’re cybernetic, Jack’s enemies in this story are human, they’re people. I remember from one of Genndy’s interviews about Season 5 that the Daughters of Aku were supposed to represent how people could be programmed like robots. Hell, Jack even comments on it in Episode 4.
           The Cyber Troopers are a more literal take on that, cyborg soldiers that, for aesthetic, have that futuristic feel from Jack fighting robots while making them more lifelike. In deeper context, they show how a person can be literally transformed into part of a machine, all the Troopers formatted and mechanized for the autocracy they serve.
           But, in this part anyway, the Cyber Troopers are still mostly human, and the metaphorical “programming” is not as strong as for the Daughters of Aku. They’re each a person, just doing their duty and following what they believe. To them, the Magnus Protectorate is their society and affects their social and personal lives like any society.
           They all have friends, family, and loved ones. When I wrote Jack killing off the platoon in this chapter, I had to write it in a way where it was self-defense, but the soldiers are not exactly in the wrong either, something that was not easy and a bit vague.
           Why I did this was to convey all the difficult emotions Blair and his friends go through when they see Jack doing this. They can’t just mindlessly charge in like beetle drones, of course they don’t want to die. But it’s Jack’s choice to resist and strike down the Cyber Troopers that moves them to keep trying to stop him. Comradery is a real and powerful thing.
           I’m glad I came up with that dialogue about “the cause”, because this whole chapter is basically saying “Hey, we’re not exactly the bad guys”, and this really gives justification and humanity to the Cyber Troopers. They’re still the enemy, but it kind of gives purpose to both the soldiers and the Magnus Protectorate, something I’ve been struggling to establish. I think this laid some real groundwork for that.
           Now then, Blair. This chapter drew inspiration from SJ favorite “ The Tale of X9”. So yeah, this story was going to have a sad ending. All of Blair’s friends were personalized only to die in the end. Cold, I know, but then it wouldn’t have such impact.
Explaining his background and love interest was to help really give Blair ground as this chapter’s protagonist and give him something worth fighting for. I was rather uncomfortable with the whole “domestic terrorist” situation, we do live in tumultuous times. So, I’m sorry if that bit was a bit too personal for some of you, just want to get that out there.
Blair was designed to be an understood and willing protagonist in this chapter. He’s not Samurai Jack, but that’s what helped make him worthwhile. He knows the Samurai is more dangerous than him, of course he’s scared. But he’s willing to fight for his friends and beliefs, even if that means facing bad situations. I didn’t intend him to be similar to Jack in this way, but I’m glad it turned out that way. He’s not exactly the same as Jack, but he’s definitely his own person.
If you were suspecting after the wedding ring thing that Blair would die, then I have to confess. In the end, Blair was going to be the last person to die. In my head, I kept seeing Blair engage in a fight with Jack, firing off bullets and taking cover to keep Jack at bay. It was going to be similar to X-9’s fight.
It would end with Blair collapsing from a stab wound, his helmet broken and Jack looking down to see his enemy was a person. Blair would hold his picture of Elena and himself and apologize to her, before he collapsed dead. And Jack would know what that meant.
But, I couldn’t do it. Not because I “chickened out”, exactly. I changed it not for Blair or Elena, but for Blair’s friends. These chapters take their own direction after they get going, and I’m cool with that. Where this one went was Blair’s friends trying to hold off Jack so Blair could escape and make it back to Elena.
After all that talk of making sacrifices worth something, anything, this chapter wasn’t going to let me kill off Blair. He had to live, he had to make it. Not for himself, or Elena, but to make their deaths mean something. In a way, keeping that promise and being the sole survivor is more of an emotional gut punch than the original ending, huh?
I know, I like to ramble. Just saying Chapter XI, the beginning of the Arc finale, is on the way, look forward to it!
0 notes
psychicdan · 7 years ago
Samurai Jack: Renegade Samurai
Rating M for graphic depictions, language, violence and suggestive themes.
The following is a work of fanfiction and is not intentionally connected to real world places, events, or people, nor intended to copy others’ work. Samurai Jack is the work of Genndy Tartakovsky, his team and affiliated studios and companies. This is solely fanfiction for fun and not profit.
Note: I was going to do the first chapter of the Arc 1 finale, but then this idea came to mind, and I had to this before then for maximum effect. Enjoy!
Chapter X: A Soldier’s Cause
           Corporal Blair Rayner woke up to the sounds of the early morning wake-up call. “Come on, move it you wimps! Unless you want to triple morning routine, get your asses out of bed!” shouted the sergeant. Groans could be heard all around. “Ugh, el cabrón… can’t he find something else to be pissed about?” said Conrado.
           “Aw, come on Conrad. You know it’s just the Sarge’s way of saying he loves us, right?” Gil joked nearby. “Well, each to their own, but if this is how he reciprocates, the sergeant can kindly kiss my arse.” Sam remarked. “Careful, if he heard that, he’d flail you alive.” Gil warned. “You brought it up.” Sam retorted.
           Blair chuckled a bit at his team’s chagrin. “Come on, let’s get ready and in uniform before he pops another vein or circuit.” brought up the Corporal. They all hit the showers. Though Blair was of a slightly higher rank, he got on well with the privates in his squad. The only mood killer was the sergeant.
           “So, how do those new muscle weave implants feel, Conrad?” Sam asked. “Mm, felt a bit numb for a while, but I’m used to them. Still think a little workout wouldn’t hurt the llorón (crybaby). Ah well, better give up on a lost cause.” Conrad said about a certain private. “Hey, I don’t need to be jacked up to kick ass, okay?” Gil retorted. “Maybe not, but at least we’ll survive the sergeant’s tirade. It was nice knowing you Gil.” Sam sarcastically lamented.
           “Yeah whatever Sam. Speaking of which, are the new optic enhancements alright?” Gil asked. “Oh yes, my sight is practically 20-20 now, and includes all the visual interface tech. If these weren’t exclusively military issue, glasses would be a thing of the past.” Sam remarked. “Oh Dios Mio, Sam with specs. Would have killed to see him like that.”. The two white and one Hispanic Latino men laughed to themselves.
           The corporal gave a wry smile before looking down at his own black skin. Interlaced into it, no, interlaced into his flesh were circuit linings with several plugins and nodes. If he saw his face in the mirror, he would see the same linings on his face and ocular artificial lenses in his eyes, the same ones Sam was boasting about.
           The most concentrated area of technology was in his back, and in his neck was a particular node and plug. Gil kept joking for a week that they should have taken the blue pill. That movie joke got old fast. It was where all the processing and sensory information for his cybernetic implants were done, and allows for link ups to Cyber Armor and other military interface technology.
           Corporal Blair Rayner was a Cyber Trooper serving in the Magnus Protectorate’s army. He and the three privates were part of Zeta Squad in the 3rd platoon of a company in the army. Right now, it was just morning routine before they geared up for patrol. The platoon was just spread out to keep the area safe.
They finished drying and began putting on their uniforms and Cyber Armor. Blair felt his senses stimulated as usual when he connected the armor to his interface. It was complete when he put the helmet on. Magnus Protectorate Cybernetic Infantry Interface Online. Servite Magnus et Pax(Serve Magnus and the Peace), Trooper.
           At this point, Blair found the heads up notice as noteworthy as the sky being blue. He just unconsciously accepted it, easy that way. He liked seeing the new recruits freak out every time they put on the armor though. Reminded him of how unfamiliar with being a cyborg soldier he used to be.
           “About time you finished getting your soft asses in uniform. Look alive people, especially you Gil.” remarked Sergeant Calisle. “(Yawns) Yeah yeah, whatever Sarge.” Gil dismissed. The yawn sounded weird considering the mechanized effect his helmet’s voice filter had.
           The Sergeant looked down at Gil. Somehow, his anger beamed through the eye lenses. “Gil, I think we had this conversation before. If I like you, you can call me Sarge, but guess what? I DON’T LIKE YOU, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!”. “Y-yes sir!” Gil said, standing at attention. “Sorry, what did you say, clown? I thought I told you not to whimper, and you’re whimpering!” the sergeant screamed. “SIR YES SIR!” Gil screamed out in the expected affirmation.            “Alright then, Corporal, take the two APCs and the privates on patrol, and report by 1200. Understood?” the sergeant said to Blair. “Understood sir.”.
A few years back.
           Blair was a private back then, working law enforcement detail in one of the commercial cities. Though there was some action in the cities, it was typical crime such as robbery. Sometimes maintaining the military police felt like a waste. It was even more dull as this city was not only deep in Protectorate territory, but was one of the cities near Nova Sanctum, so safety was kind of perpetual.
           As a new private, Blair caught on that he was just a body with a gun and some armor to make people feel safe, a decoration. Well, it pays, he thought. He had been born to intellectuals, his mother a writer and his father a doctor. His mother had suffered a terminal illness when Blair was in the middle of college studies, and no matter what Blairs father did, even conceding the case to doctors better than him, his mother still died.
           His mother was actually a talented best-selling writer, and so took to paying Blair’s tuition while his father tended to other financial needs. Without her, Blair’s father had his hands tied, and Blair now needed to fund his academic ventures by himself.
           That’s when he noticed that the Magnus Protectorate was offering tuition payments, and he accepted. He understood there were risks, so he took the training seriously. He imagined doing dangerous assignments, like putting down Abominable breakouts and other mutants, putting a stop to mercenaries and terrorists, or even joining the space fleet to secure the interplanetary borders.
           Instead, the daily action he saw was giving directions and helping those in need cross the street. Though he wouldn’t normally demean kind gestures, he was worried the hazard here was utter boredom. Well, aside from that, no death and dismemberment at least.
           “Hello, officer? Are you still alive in there?” said a voice. Blair stuttered awake, embarrassed he was caught half-asleep on the job. “Sorry, sergeant! I’ll get back to it and…oh, uh, sorry about that. What can I do for you, civilian?” Blair inquired.
           As his senses focused from his earlier stupor, Blair looked at the person who woke him. She was a young woman with bright skin, long amber hair, and tender complexion. For a second, her appearance made Blair look flustered. Good thing he was wearing the helmet.
           The young woman put her hands to her sides in frustration. “Hmph, good to know the military police have the right initiative. Sleeping soldiers are a great deterrent for crime rates.” she said in critical sarcasm. Great, first the sergeant, then the other privates, and now civilians. I’m not cut out for the military.
           “Ahem, sorry you had to see that ma’am. Rest assured, the Magnus Protectorate stands ready to defend you.” Blair said in prompt. The woman just laughed at that. “What was that? Is that what they tell you to tell us?”. Blair sighed. “Yes ma’am.”. They even put the strict guidelines manual into his armor’s computer system. What he just said was a direct quote for how to respond to citizens, as he was still memorizing everything.
           “Hey, enough with the “ma’am” crap. We’re both people, aren’t we? My name’s Elena, what’s yours?” she asked. “Private Blair Rayner, ma’…Miss, uh, Elena.”.
           She smiled at that. “Well, it’s a start. Alright, “Mister Blair”, let me know when your off duty so we can sit down and eat.”.
           Why did I agree to this?! Blair was sitting down with the woman from earlier, Elena Harking. Right now, his face was cramped, as he had not much experience dealing with the opposite sex, or even other people in general, because he had involved himself in either academics or, more recently, military work.
           “You gonna take that bucket off your head or what?” she said. “It’s not a…! Oh, fine.” he agreed reluctantly. He hated being called a “bucket head”, and hated the armor designers even more.
           “Don’t sound so upset, I actually want to see your face when we talk. Besides, can you actually eat through that?” she inquired. “No, but one of the other privates tried. Sergeant was yelling at him for messing up military property.” Blair responded.
           Elena chuckled. “Seriously? Oh God, how nuts was he to…whoa.”. By now, Blair finished disengaging the link up and removed his helmet. His face, altered by the circuitry and implants left from the standard surgery, was now exposed. Elena stared inquisitively for a bit.
           Blair sighed. Back at the campus, his college peers gave him similar looks. He could hear the nasty comments behind his back. “Cyborg bastard”, “techno freak”, “damn bucket head”, and several other derogatory terms. For all the respect garnered by the Magnus Protectorate, the people would rather have the faces of its soldiers confined in helmets.
           “Alright, go ahead, say it.” Blair said, prepared to hear the worst. Elena blinked in surprise. “Say what? Am I supposed to be astounded or something?”. she said bewildered. Blair was caught off guard by that comment, usually expecting some form of aversion. “Huh?” he asked.
           “Oh, come on, I’m not gonna praise you just for showing me your face.” she said. “Praise…wait, you don’t think I’m a hideous freak?” he asked. She was caught off guard by how unusual that was. “Where did that come from?! I’d say your face is pretty solid, I just thought it looked interesting. Don’t get to see the face of a Cyber Trooper often, I mean.”.
           “Most people who do call us freaks and want to spit at us.” Blair said in dejection. “Yikes, that’s, uh, kind of extreme. Well, you look like a good person to me. Maybe a few extra fancy pieces, but a good person. So, what’s your story?”.
           They talked over for the next two hours. Blair explained that he was using the tuition he was earning in the military to help get through his academics, and had taken to engineering. Coincidentally, they both went to the same college, but Elena was a legal major.
She envied Blair, as her father served in the army and she wanted to follow. Problem was, most women weren’t compatible with the cyber implants, and no one made custom versions that could be standard issue like what the men use. Some were compatible, but the success ratio was practically 1 to 10. Women who enlisted were accepted, but most who weren’t compatible for a cyber format were sent to a secret military project. They never come back.
Unfortunately, Elena was not compatible for the operation. She thought to enlist anyway, but her father got desperate and stopped her. He never explained why, but she said he seemed…afraid. Disappointed, she decided to serve and protect law and order by taking legal classes to be an attorney or prosecutor. She was still undecided on the specifics, but she was liking things so far.
“So…want to meet up gain at campus?” she asked. “Um, sure, that sounds great.” then private Blair Rayner said. “Cool, see ya.” she said as she waved goodbye.
           Blair was a bit tense. He would feel much better if he was in Cyber Armor, or at least regular military fatigues. Instead, he was in casual clothing, no different from civilians aside from his apparent implants, holding hands with a young woman his age.
           A date. 20th one, to be exact, but this one was more public than the rest. Blair enjoyed each one, but his training did not prepare him for the unknowns of romantic relationships. It just happened, as he and Elena became less formal, mostly on her part. If left on his own, Blair would have likely still talked in procedure.
           It was always hardest in the beginning, but Blair could later loosen up somehow and enjoy it for what it was. But there was a problem. 20th date. 20th date and Blair didn’t know what to do. Was he meant to advance? Was he meant to do something special? Is there some hidden context? Damn it, he thought, picking up encoded messages was easier than this.
           There was also how he was so casual in public, which exposed his “modifications”. The people looked either uncomfortable or disgusted. “Hey.” said a voice next to him. Elena grabbed his face and directed his sight at her. “Forget them. This is just us, okay? Besides, they don’t have a damn clue what’s going on, so anything they say is crap. So, don’t let it ruin our date, that’s an order. Understood?”.
           “Understood, ma’am.” he joked. “Hey.” she said back. They chuckled as they were heading to a local fair in an amusement park. They began enjoying the various festivities. Minigames, food stands, amusement rides. Blair didn’t like the roller coaster, but he felt just a bit braver with Elena. The hardened soldier encouraged by the civilian, he would kick himself if it wasn’t for the fact that he knew Elena was special.
           They continued meandering through the crowd. “Um, Elena, listen, I’ve been thinking.” Blair said. “Yeah?” she turned back. “I was wondering…if, after this, well…” he stuttered. He thought, but it wasn’t so much a plan so much as a runaway train of flustered thoughts. Unfortunately, the train came to a crash due to bad circumstance.
           “Alright, Magnus lovers, get down on your knees or die!”. Shots rang though the fair as civilians scattered here and there brought out weapons. They shot down innocents to make a point, and already began herding others. “Quick, get down and follow me!” Blair said to Elena. They began making their way to one of the exit corners before one of the terrorist tried stopping him.
           “Hey, back off bastard, or you lady friend gets, what the hel-GAHH!”. Blair rushed up to the terrorist, grabbed his firing arm before he could react, slugged him in the face, then shot him down as he grabbed the rifle. Even without Cyber Armor, Cyber Troopers had cybernetic implants and inner weaves that made them stronger, faster, and could even process faster than regular humans. It was only slightly better, and would do little against more experienced opponents, but it was enough.
           Guy’s reaction time was sloppy. He should have been prepared to fire on sight, not that I’m complaining. “Alright, Elena, I need you to listen carefully. I want you to stay here and call the city’s Civil Enforcement emergency line. Get a person immediately and tell them we have a D-22. That’s for terrorists assaulting civilians in a public area and holding them hostage. 10 targets, dozens of hostages. Tell them where we are and they’ll send a strike team. Just stay low until then.”.
           “Okay, but what are you going to do?” she asked, fearing the worst. Blair looked back at her with reassurance. “My job, and my job doesn’t tolerate terrorism.”. Blair finished grabbing ammunition and a knife off the fallen terrorist and went off.
           He looked around. Seemed the terrorists were still herding the civilians. He spotted their handiwork, several civilians gunned down for effect, including a father and his son and daughter. This fair was a civilian function, purely recreational, unguarded and held no strategic value. These were definitely terrorists, just looking to make a fanatical showing and make hell for hell’s sake.
           He spotted the herded citizens ahead. “You damn Magnus worshippers. You parade in this city of filth, of glorified vanity to a false god, a sinful man you have deified. You will all be our message to the Damned Protector, that his protection is all lies, that he can safeguard no one! Through your deaths, we will be free from his grasp!” shouted the ringleader.
           While the ringleader was spouting his fanaticism, Rayner had stabbed two of the terrorists overlooking the crowd without drawing attention. He made his way to a third, then a fourth. Good, six left. Now where the hell is that strike force?!
           The ringleader pointed to a small girl. One of the terrorists went and grabbed her, bringing her to center as she screamed. Her parents tried to rescue her, but the terrorists sent warning shots and the other civilians stopped them.
           “What about you, little girl? Why don’t we make you the first of many bloodied lives on Magnus’s hands? A message for all that he can’t even save one little girl.” the ringleader said as he smiled sickeningly, the girl crying for her life.
           “Don’t shoot her! If you’re going to kill anyone, then kill me damn it!”. Blair didn’t even think it through. He just knew he couldn’t stand that. His blood was boiling now, wanting to gun down the terrorist. But if he did that, the girl and several other civilians would be shot. He was at a disadvantage, his only hope to distract them long enough for the strike team to arrive and make a move.
           The ringleader stopped and eyed Blair. “Ah, what have we here? One of Magnus’s cyborg monsters, a soulless tool that only knows to kill for its master. And without armor, showing all how disgusting it is. Come over here, abomination, and toss that aside.”.
           Blair held a look of contempt, but did as he was told, throwing the weapon to the ringleader as he walked. He made it to the ringleader. “On your knees, filth.”. Blair gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, wanting to kill the man with one punch. He felt like he could do that now, with all his anger. But knowing the civilians were still at gunpoint, his body buckled down in resistance and knelt down.
           POW! Blair was punched right across the face, followed by three more punches of the same variety. Despite the blood that came, Blair looked at the ringleader defiantly. He didn’t like that, and punched down to the head and sending Blair face first into the ground.
Blair was repeatedly kicked again and again, trying to stifle his pained cries to limit the civilians’ panic and to not give the ringleader the satisfaction. The ringleader placed his foot on the side of Blair’s face.
“Do you see this?! These are Magnus’s swords and guns, sworn to protect you! But what good are they?! Look at it, beaten and bloody, though I am surprised there’s any blood at all. It’s pathetic. It cannot save you, it cannot even save itself.” the ringleader proclaimed as he held the gun to Blair’s head ready to pull the trigger.
“Gugh…” gurgled one of the terrorists as they fell dead. No, not one, five terrorists fell dead, bullet wounds in their heads. About damn time. “Wh-what the hell is going on?!” shouted the ringleader as he looked on. Big mistake.
Blair got up and wrestled the gun away from the ringleader. The ringleader resisted, Blair headbutted his as the terrorist got knocked. BANG! Blair shot the terrorist right through the heart…if he had one, anyway. The terrorist gave one last look of wicked contempt before falling dead.
“Secure area, move, move!”. Cyber Troopers stormed in, setting up perimeter and tending to the civilians. “It’s okay, you’re all safe now.” a soldier said to the girl and family from earlier.
“Blair!” Elena screamed. “Elena…” he said in relief. He was glad she was safe. He wasn’t out of harm’s way though, as he got slapped in the face. “Ugh, easy Elena, I…mm.” Blair was interrupted by a tearful kiss from Elena.
Their lips parted as Elena looked at Blair with tears and anger. “Damn it, Blair, do you know how scarred I was?! I was about to charge in myself to save you, you dumbass!”. Blair felt all the fear and pain he must have put Elena through, and now felt remorse.
“Sorry, Elena. I’m glad you didn’t do that though, so I won’t do that again, I promise.”.
The Present.
           Blair looked up from the photo of him and Elena as Sam was driving the APC. It had been a few years since that day, when he was given commendations and a medal for his service. He had completed a round of service and his academic career, but continued to serve for various reasons, mainly because that day made him realize how important his job was.
           But there was another reason. “Ooh, Corporal, you thinking of your special someone?” teased Gil. “Hey, cut it out payaso(clown). Unlike you, the guy is serious.” Conrado retaliated. “Not to pry, but how are things between you and her? It can be tough for people to carry a relationship in this line of work is all.” Sam inquired.
           Blair gave a wry smile. “Well, I’m still trying to think of the delivery but…” with that Blair pulled out of his pocket a small container. He flipped it open, revealing a modest yet delicate ring.
           “No way!”, “¡Felicidades(Congratulations)!”, “Good man!” they all cheered. “Okay, okay, easy now. Still have to give it to her, alright? I’m thinking when I get next leave, I’ll take her on a trip to Nova Sanctum, and give it to her when we’re either touring the Citadel or the Grand Gardens. Lots of venues and opportunities, so it’s hard to decide. Besides, I need to make money for the wedding and stuff.” said Blair.
           “Oh, so that’s why you’re still here playing soldier? Easier ways to pay the bills man. Seriously though, I thought we all had a tight bond.” Gil lamented sarcastically. “Eh, I could have just gone and done engineering, but I would have felt bad. Someone has to stop you yahoos from getting your asses killed. I’m looking at you, Gil.” Blair joked.
           “Yes, the sergeant alone would chew up and spit out Gil, wouldn’t he?” Sam joined in, with Conrado nodding. Gil sulked at that. “Well, it may be a bit soon, but why don’t we get drinks to celebrate?” Conrado suggested. “Sure, I could go for that. Gotta wait until these patrols are done though.” Blair agreed.
           “Why are they even having us do patrol here though? I mean, this is like nowhere.” said Gil. He wasn’t the only one to complain about that. Normally, the platoon patrolled near Outlands areas, putting down mutants and bandits. But this was just wilderness and roads deep in Protectorate territory. The only buildings around was their encampment and a few old war ruins. At best, the most lethal thing they would run into was a bear.
           Despite that, the first lieutenant had been ordered to station the platoon here. It would be easy to think it was punishment, but nothing had been done to deserve it, and they had been scattered and doing patrols for the past week. It was like they were on lookout, but for what?
           Suddenly, static came through on their internal comms. “Heads up everyone. This is Zeta Squad, can you repeat?” Blair asked. The signal clarified, and they recognized it was Sergeant Calisle. “Zeta Squad, return to base immediately. This goes for all other squads, the lieutenant has called an emergency meeting. I repeat, return to base for meeting. Over.” said the sergeant. “Copy that, over.” Blair affirmed.
           “Guess we’ll have to save the drinks for later.” Blair said as he signaled Sam to turn the APCs around, the other team of privates following behind them.
           “So, what do think all the fuss is about?” Gil asked. “Stuff it Gil, Lieutenant Gregor is about to speak.” Sam told him. Indeed, the Lieutenant came out unmasked. Everyone in the platoon wasn’t wearing their helmets currently, as they were only worn really for active duty like patrol.
           “Troopers, listen up. You’ve all been wondering why we’ve been stationed in an area of little note. It’s been necessary to simply call this a routine patrol, but in actuality, this has been a lookout assignment, and scouts have determined our target is heading through this area. The target is Samurai Jack.”.
           That got a few murmurs going. “Whoa, the Renegade Samurai, huh?” Conrado spoke. “I heard he took down three Inquisitors and a platoon. Scary stuff.” Gil joined in. “Well, for our sakes, let’s hope the rumors are exaggerated. We’re a platoon, you know.” remarked Sam.
           “Focus men!” commanded the first lieutenant. The Cyber Troopers quieted down and assumed attention. “Disregard all exaggerated rumors about the target, but do not underestimate him either. He is a dangerous insurgent, but still only one man, and can and will be terminated with lethal force.”.
           “The target is accompanied by three other accomplices, all armed and dangerous. You are to shoot on sight. I won’t lie, this will be dangerous. The Samurai’s list of confirmed kills is now in the hundreds. However, combat data from these fallen troops have suggested he may be disadvantaged by tactic and superior numbers. Review such data after the meeting. Now, here is the plan.”.
           “The road the Samurai is travelling will be rigged with explosives. He will likely survive through. Gamma squad will make the first move, attempting to assassinate the target through long range. Should that fail, then Gamma, Epsilon, and Delta will team up to form a joint strike force and overwhelm the enemy.”.
           “Should target be able to resist, we will drive him towards this area.” The area displayed on the holographic area map was a decaying military training base, defunct after the war. “Once we have him there, Theta and Zeta will take positions with the rest of the squads and we will flush him out. If necessary, we will bring down the whole structure. By bullet or rubble, this renegade dies tonight.”.
           “The target arrives at this area in approximately three hours. Move out and head to position. Review data until we confirm target presence and begin operation. Understood?” asked the first lieutenant.
           “Sir yes sir!” announced the whole platoon.
           Blair was observing the data, watching the recordings of fallen Cyber Troopers. Common to them all was the vain shooting at a white robed Samurai before the recording ended with a slash from a katana.
           “GAHH! Seriously, what’s with this guy? It’s like guns are useless against a sword, what messed up reality is that?” Gil asked. “I’m more perplexed as to how that sword deflects fire. Even if it’s a well-toned steel alloy, we’re using BX-90 riffles. At this point, the charged bullets should have shattered it by now.” Sam remarked.
           Somewhere between regular ballistic ammo and energy-based weaponry, the Cyber Trooper standard issue BX-90 riffle charged bullets as they accelerated with a destructive energy to increase their damage. With all safety parameters off, it could well punch through regular armor, so a katana really should be in pieces from that.
           “It’s more his martial arts that concern me. That sword’s just an application for his combat style. Otherwise, all the other soldiers would have shot him dead by now. He moves with tenacity and no hesitation, and all his movements seem professional. Could this guy have been special forces?” Blair asked.
           “Nah, this one fight with the platoon shows no cybernetics on him. He’s a regular human, but he is a badass.” Conrado remarked.
           This was getting a bit tense. Everyone heard of all the crime reports, but common to them all was that no Cyber Trooper that faced Samurai Jack lived to tell the tale. It seemed like an abstract thing before, just an urban rumor. But now that they were about to face him themselves, everyone in the squad felt grim.
           “Hey, common, the lieutenant has a plan, remember. Hell, we don’t have to do a thing, since the other squads are throwing explosives and snipers at the guy. So chill, okay?” Gil reassured. “That’s a nice attitude to have, before fighting a mass murderer.” Sam remarked.
           “Enough. We don’t know exactly what will happen. What we do know is that this renegade is dangerous, he is not alone, and he likely won’t go down quietly. Just follow the plan seriously, and hopefully we make it out alive. Got it guys?” asked Blair.
           “Got it.” they all affirmed.
           “Well, glad you know how to get those jackasses in order, corporal. I’ll stick to the new bloods here and- wait, what? Eyes front, enemy sighted!” Sergeant Calisle ordered, receiving note from the other squads.
           Squatting down from a hillside, all the troopers in Squad Zeta looked from their vantage point to the road. The could see a rough four-wheeled car running though the road bellow. Just a few dozen meters more and…
           BOOM! For a minute, the soldiers just sat and stared at the flaming desolation. They weren’t about to celebrate, no, they were waiting, prepared for a sign from the enemy.
           The enemy vehicle drove though the smoke and fire, hardly scratched. Somehow, the drivers seemed to detect the explosive and drove skillfully enough to stay out of the force of the blast.
           But the plan didn’t seem dashed yet. People came out, four of them, looking to inspect the explosion. Seemed they wanted to see who was behind the attack. Wait, is that…? Blair thought. Yes, it was. Gamma Squad confirmed it through their sniper scopes. Standing in their sights, out in the open in white garb, was Samurai Jack.
           The snipers kept cool, not wanting to mess up the shot. One had a clear shot, a bullseye right on the Samurai’s forehead. “Firing!” the snipers said as they let loose. The bullets raced towards their targets, meters away.
But, somehow, one of the secondary targets, the traitor designated “Ashi”, became alarmed and screamed something. All the targets ducked and covered at the last minute, evading the precise strike. The assassination attempt failed.
Worse, the main target looked in their direction, and Blair somehow felt he was looking directly at them. “Main target is still alive, our positions are compromised! Switch to next phase! Gamma, Epsilon, and Delta, move in before target escapes!” commanded the First Lieutenant.
The other squads affirmed, moving into positions and preparing to charge. Blair knew what would happen. Epsilon and Delta would block the vehicle’s approach and Gamma would reconnect to attack from the other side. Fire would be focused on the main target, the secondary targets eliminated once he was. A simple but effective plan, yet…
“This is Lieutanant Gregor, myself and Theta are standing by with Zeta, all other squads engage.” said the lieutenant on the comm radio. “Copy that Lieutenant, Delta is moving in from other side and engaging target now, over.” said the Delta sergeant. “Copy, Gamma. Epsilon is arriving to assist, over.” said the Epsilon sergeant. “Gamma arriving from previous position, ready to cut off target, over.” said the Gamma sergeant.
Shortly after that, gunfire and explosions could be heard from no too far away. That was expected, but then they could hear all kinds of comm chatter, most of it distressed. “GAHH!”, “Bastards, take this!”, “They know how to put up a fight!”, “Oh God!”, “AHHH!”.
Lieutenant Gregor got concerned, and tried rising the sergeants. “Epsilon, Delta, Gamma, give me updates, do you copy?!”. After a few tense seconds of static, an answer came in. “L-lieutenant, this is Private Bryson from Gamma, we’re taking serious losses by the enemy and need support now!”.
“Private, where is your lieutenant, over?” asked First Lieutenant Gregor. “He-He’s dead, sir! The target left the vehicle that took on Epsilon and Delta and engaged my squad! All squads are at less than 50% now! We’re not gonna make it, we need…oh shit, he’s coming right at me, please send…!” ZZZT.
Everyone fell silent as the private’s dying plea turned to static. “Damn it! Theta, you’re coming with me. We’re going to jump that son of a bitch before he gets the rest. Zeta, follow behind at a distance. If we can’t put him down or force him into the trap point, you be the ones to catch him off guard.” commanded the First Lieutenant.
“Yes sir!” affirmed both squads. Theta and the First Lieutenant down in an APC. Blair and the rest of Zeta made preparations to follow. Despite how quickly the Lieutenant adapted though, Blair couldn’t help the ominous feelings dredging up within him. Only a few minutes, and it already sounded like the joint attack failed. Resistance was expected, but such casualties so soon? Just who, or rather what, was this Samurai Jack?
He decided to not dwell on the matter as Sergeant Calisle drove them down from the lookout point and on to the road where the action was. It was then they heard more comm static. “This is Zeta, come in, over.” inquired the sergeant. “Zeta, get over here quick! Situation’s gone to shit! Gamma got shredded by that bastard and it looks like we lost Epsilon too! Delta got in the APC and drove off the enemy’s vehicle support, and we managed make that Samurai bastard run for it. Pursuing target to trap point, but I don’t think we can take him ourselves. Move in to provide support, over!” said Lieutenant Gregor.
“Copy that, over.” replied Sergeant Calisle. “Alright boys, let’s get over there and…”, “Whoa, stop the APC for a sec, sarge!” replied Gil. “Only because I’m gonna kick your ass for…” the sergeant stopped reprimanding as he saw what Gil was talking about.
Everyone got out to see the devastation. It was a real fight, one that ended badly for the Cyber Troopers. From one end was the remains of Epsilon and Delta. Epsilon’s APC was just flaming scrap, blown to pieces by a missile or rocket. They didn’t even know the enemy had that. They could see that the bodies lying there either had gunshot wounds or cuts, lethal from a glance.
Even if they thought some lived, a quick link up to their Cyber Armor and scanners had shown the results. “Vital scans show…no survivors.” Blair responded after his helmet’s optics did their work. They turned to the other side, which was somehow worse.
Sure, a Cyber Trooper’s most common cause of death in battle was by gunshot or explosive, except when fighting things like Abominables. But it would take fighting those monsters to make it worse than this. Cyber Troopers, cut, slashed, butchered, all with such clear and lethal wounds, as though a single stroke was sufficient to do the damage.
The human cyborgs all had such open and ghastly wounds, exposing their internal circuitry in their flesh as blood began to pool. One of the young privates from the other half of the squad, all rookies, took as helmet in a hurry to vomit on the spot. “S-sorry…” he said exasperated.
“H-help me…” cried a weak voice. “Over there!” cried out Blair as he ran to the voice. He saw it was a private down on the ground, clutching desperately at his shoulder. No, he was clutching where his arm used to be. But it was no good, his Cyber Armor’s gray and black was stained with streaks of his red blood, lying in a puddle of it. It was amazing he was still alive now.
“What’s your name, Private?” asked the Corporal. “St…Stan Bryson, sir.” replied the Private who warned the Lieutenant earlier. Blair nodded, needing the Private to collect himself so he could relay what occurred. “What happened here, Bryson?” Blair asked.
“We…we thought we had him. At first that car was pinned, couldn’t fight back. But then it fired a damn missile and took out most of Epsilon! Then that bastard jumped out.  I swear I though he was flying, didn’t even fire till it was too late. The Samurai got in close and cut us like butter.”.
“I tried contacting the Lieutenant, but then the renegade butchered my arm, and left me to die! He just tried walking away, then the Lieutenant and Theta Squad got the drop on him. I…I think the other renegades got chased by Delta, and the Samurai was being pushed by Theta towards the trap point, but…” the Private trailed off.
“But…I think it was a trap. That Samurai bastard ran away too soon, same for that car. I think he wants to turn the ambush against us, I, ugh…” Bryson groaned as his strength bled on the ground. “P-please, you gotta help the Lieutenant, just tell him to-to, get the hell away. That Samurai, he’ll kill him, he’ll…”.
With that, Bryson fully collapsed on the ground, unmoving. Blair’s scanner read “Deceased”. It was then they all heard an explosion in the direction of the other APC. “Delta Squad, do you copy? Come in Delta, over!” Blair asked over the comm, only to get static. Seems as though they lost Delta Squad too.
“Sh-shit, we gotta get out of here!” cried out one of the young privates. He looked like he was going to make a run for it, before being backhanded by Sergeant Calisle. “Listen to me, you goddamn son of a bitch. We are not running and we are not hiding. We’re gonna find Lieutenant Gregor and help him out of this shitstorm, understand?!”.
“Screw that! Look around, Theta is as good as dead! I thought this would be basic Protectorate patrol, just marginal danger! I never signed up to take on… whatever the hell this is!” retorted another young private. That earned him a punch right to the side of his head. Even though he wore a helmet, the private was dazed by that.
“Listen up, you pansy-assed school boys! This kind of shit is why we are here, why the whole Magnus Protectorate exists in the first place! What do you think keeps people, like you, your family and friends, your whole damn community safe from this?” the sergeant asked. He then pointed to the fallen Bryson.
“Soldiers like him. Bryson risked his life for a cause, the cause. He could have run away, abandoned his whole squad to save his own ass. Instead, he stayed here and radioed for help. It cost him his life, damn it.”.
“You think our Lord Protector stopped the war by crying in the corner? No, he had enough of that shit and got it done! Better yet, he led a whole damn army! Every single one of them risked their lives like Bryson, dying for the cause. Do you know what the hell that bloody cause is?”.
“To serve Magnus and the Peace, sir.” Blair spoke up. “I’m glad you understand, Corporal. These crybabies should follow you for a day.” the sergeant said proudly.
“That’s more than a popup or a salute. It’s a principle, a virtue. Magnus stands for the preservation of this world, it’s first and last line of defense. By definition, so do we. What kind of defender of peace are you if you leave behind your own comrades when you can do something? Soldiers like Bryson die so that the peace so many died for continues.”.
“If we let bastards like that Samurai Jack loose, nobody’s safe. You know what’s worse? Bryson will have died for nothing. Gamma, Epsilon, and Delta will have died for nothing. Every soldier who was killed by that Samurai will have died for nothing. Your job, your duty, is to make it all worth something.”.
“So then, what is our cause?” asked the sergeant. “To serve Magnus and the Peace, sir!” shouted the whole squad, not just the young privates. “And how are we going to do that tonight?” asked the sergeant. “By stopping the Samurai and saving the Lieutenant, sir!” shouted the squad. “God damn right. Now get back in the APC and let’s double time it!”.
           Zeta Squad finally arrived at the old military base. Whatever Near End War faction owned this place in the past, they had been long gone, the base stripped and demilitarized long ago. It was a skeleton of whatever powerhouse it once was.
           “No sign of Theta or the Samurai. We split in two. Corporal, take your crew and head that way. I’ll stick with these guys so they don’t wet themselves. If you spot the Lieutenant or the enemy, contact us immediately.” Sergeant Calisle ordered.
           “Got it. Stay safe, Sergeant.” Blair warned. “Watch you own ass too, Corporal.” the sergeant said back. Blair’s team engaged their night vision as well as turning on their rifle’s search lights. They even had thermal imaging, so if anything sizeable came into range, they would see it. It was not seeing any sign of the Lieutenant’s team or the Samurai that was making them all tense though.
           “Hold it, I’m picking up some signals. About half a dozen.” Blair said. It didn’t look good though. They were all huddled together, but they were collapsed, and some of the signals’ temperatures were dropping. “Let’s move!” shouted the Corporal.
           They rushed towards the area of thermal imaging, and when they got their and turned it off, their fears were realized. “Damn, Theta didn’t make it.” lamented the Corporal. All around were the bodies of the Cyber Troopers of Theta Squad. Some had taken gunshot wounds, but most had been cut apart.
           Lying at the center was First Lieutenant Gregor, cause of death was a clear slash through the chest. “I’m sorry, Lieutenant Gregor. We weren’t fast enough.” Blair mourned. “Sergeant, this is Corporal Rayner. I’m sorry sir, but we didn’t arrive in time, all of Theta Squad, including the Lieutenant, is dead, over.”.
           “What?! I…I see. Then try to get back to the entrance, we’ll, huh?!”. The communication turned to static, causing Blair and the others alarm. “Quick, we have to get to his direction and find his location!” Blair ordered. They all began running while searching for their sergeant’s location signal, Blair trying to raise up comms again.
“Sergeant, what is your status, answer!” Blair shouted. “The Samurai just appeared, just stood there till we fired! Just like that, he went at us! I’m trying to keep him off the boys but, UGH! Damn it, just die you mother-”. With that, the comm went static. “Sergeant, sergeant?! Sergeant Calisle?!” shouted Blair.
Blair couldn’t get an answer, only try to maintain course as they zeroed in on the battle. They could only hear the sound of gunfire and a sword slashing before it all went silent.
Blair and his team arrived at a terrible scene. Gripping a smoking BX-90 rifle was the slumped corpse of Sergeant Calisle. Surrounding him were the bodies of the young privates. They were all barely of age to enlist, had hardly seen action. Even so, it seemed they made a valiant attempt to defend the sergeant when he was defending them, as their forms indicated brave resistance to the end. Seems the sergeant got the principle through to them.
“D-damn it. He was the meanest hardass I knew. Sometimes I really thought someone pissed in his orange juice to make him so mad. But you know, he always got this squad going and looked out for everyone, you know? Thanks, Sergeant.” said Gil.
Their moment of solace was interrupted by a rustle from behind. Blair was the only one who picked it up. He fired behind, catching the startled silhouette of a robed figure who dodged the fire and into the dark.
“Damn it! Everyone, cover all corners!” Blair ordered. The four of them formed a tight square, covering all directions as they watched for the Samurai. Having to trn off thermal imaging because of all the bodies, Blair noticed movement from the corner in his enhance vion.
He fired, the dark being lit as the energized bullets turned to sparks against the movements of a sword. The figure got in close, and Blair barely pulled out his combat blade in time to prevent the sword from reaching his neck. Conrado screamed as he punched right at the figure, not wanting to fire and hit Blair by accident.
But the shadow cloaked figure managed to block it with a single hand, before jabbing Conrado multiple times in the gut, bringing the Cyber Trooper to his knees. Before the figure went any farther, Sam went in with a side arm and combat blade, blocking the shadowy Samurai’s sword before trying to shoot him down.
But the enemy anticipated this, twisting Gil’s arm to make him drop his pistol. He was kicked down as their assailant tried to run from the scene, but Gil wasn’t having that. Gil fired his rifle at the figure, who jumped back to avoid the fire. The assailant had enough of this. He took out his own sidearm, a pistol, firing multiple shots at the Cyber Troopers.
“MOVE! Blair shouted. He barely dodged the energy laced bullets, but Gil wasn’t so fortunate. A bullet came right to his head, one the helmet couldn’t block. But it wasn’t him who would die from that.
“SAM!” Gil shouted. Sam noticed the bullet’s trajectory and pushed Gil out of the way, but by sheer misfortune, it hit him in the throat. “(Coughs violently), y-you damn bloke. Always figure you’d have been the death of me. (Coughs violently) Don’t…take it so personally though. But… if you happen to see the Samurai, get in a few shots for me before you leave, alright? Wake me up when we’re all at Blair’s…”.
With that, Sam went limp, and his helmet’s optics went dark. Gil just knelt there, wordless, no bad jokes or anything, like the humor died with Sam. The figure in the corridor had stopped, as though troubled.
Gil looked up at it, and beneath his helmet, his eyes held desperation and bloodlust. “Gil, amigo, don’t.”. But before Conrado could even restrain him, Gil picked up both his own and Sam’s BX-90 rifles and charges. No plan, no coordination, just rage and poorly controlled bullets.
The figure became on guard as Gil screamed while firing the hail of bullets. He wasn’t thinking at all really, he just wanted the renegade dead. The figure did as he had to, running and dodging the chaotic bullets with ease before slicing through Gil’s throat. Gil stopped there, vengeance unfulfilled, before coming to his knees and then collapsing.
The shadowed, robed figure stared at them, as though waiting for a move. Neither Blair nor Conrado knew what it meant, but they had to assume the worst: they would die when they made their move.
Conrado sighed. “Sorry, hombre(man), but I don’t think I’m making it to your boda(wedding). Make it there for the rest of us, okay?” requested Conrado. “Wait, what are you…?” Blair asked, before Conrado sent a volley of gunfire at the enemy. For extra assurance, Conrado took out a grenade and pressed a button.
“Move it, now!” Conrado shouted as he charged at the robed figure. Blair didn’t have time to argue, just ran the opposite way, towards the exit. But he realized that Conrado was not going to make it. Conrado even made sure of that, as when Blair made it out, an explosion went off behind him, collapsing the building and sending Blair helmet first into the ground.
Blair got up and looked behind. He knew that wasn’t just an attempt to take out the Samurai with him. Conrado knew that Blair could never choose to abandon his friends, to leave what they died for. That’s why he made that choice for him. Conrado died so Blair could live up to what Conrado asked, what they all wanted for Blair.
He knew what Sam was going to say, and he knew what Conrado asked, but this was too much. He collapsed to his knees, his hands gripping the ground in emotional pain. In that old base for a war long over, all his friends, his whole squad, just died.
“What the hell do you want?” Blair asked in venomous anger. Behind him, he somehow felt that presence. It wasn’t cybernetic sensors or regular hearing, he just somehow knew, in that moment of anguish. He turned, facing the being he hated most, the one responsible for killing his whole platoon in one night. There stood Samurai Jack.
Blair was only mildly surprised as he got a closer look. He didn’t get such good details from the record data, the vantage point, or the dark corridor, but this current meeting contrasted with today’s impression.
After a night of seeing all his friends slaughtered, Blair thought he might as well have been fighting a demon, a being of pure malice. Instead, he saw a man. He was indeed a Samurai, traditional gi, katana, some light armor, and fair skinned eastern features.
The man somehow exerted both an aura that was stern yet gentle at the same time, as well as simple yet refined. He could tell the man could be extremely dangerous if needed, but was not exerting any hostility. That did not help Blair’s though. After tonight and that experience with the terrorist, Blair knew humans could be real demons, the worst kind.
“I would just like to take a moment to talk.” said Jack. “Hmph, a little late for that. Or is it easy to make your point when everyone else is dead?” Blair retorted. Jack kept calm in the face of that hostility and proceeded.
“Your forces have been relentless. Your people take hostility as their first path without warning, never giving me a chance. What you saw was the actions that followed their decisions.” Jack stated.
“Oh, so suddenly we’re in the wrong? It’s my fault everyone died? Everyone deserved to die because they wanted to stop a renegade from committing more violence?” Blair voiced.
“That’s not what I-” Jack said, “So you think we should have just given up? What we’ve sworn to do, give up something bigger than ourselves.” Blair questioned.
“You do not understand, Magnus has blinded-” said Jack . “Oh, so Magnus is to blame, and I don’t know what I’m doing? Unbelievable.” Blair said. He decided he needed to prove a point to this ignorant enemy.
Blair undid his helmet’s hookup and took it off. Jack became surprised at what he saw. Right now, he wasn’t really shocked by the circuitry in Blair’s face, but rather by how human his face was. Jack had known all this time the Cyber Troopers were humans turned into cyborgs, but their armor and helmets seemed to limit their perceivable humanity.
But now that he looked into the face of the enemy, Jack saw past the militarized regime and could perceive full humanity in Blair. The anger in Blair’s modified eyes was not malicious, but rather a desire for justice, the same Jack experienced numerous times. He could tell from Blair’s face and expression that he not a mindless drone, a fooled follower, or a villain.
No, Blair was a good person, fighting for his own beliefs and doing what he saw was right. In many ways, he was the same as Jack. When Jack realized that, it shocked and pained him.
“What, you think I’m some abomination? Or are you surprised to see a person under all this armor?” Blair asked, sensing Jack’s turmoil. “I…” Jack tried to speak, but couldn’t find the words.
“Just so you know, they were all people, people you killed. They had names too. Private Stan Bryson, Lieutenant Gregor, Sergeant Calisle. The last three you killed were Sam, Gil, and Conrado. They were…they were my friends.” Blair said with sorrow.
Jack realized the awful thing he had done to this man, making him witness his friends being slaughtered. He wanted badly to apologize, but the words got stuck in his throat. He knew that just saying “sorry” would be a terrible insult.
“You want to know what they all died for, Samurai? Blind devotion to the Lord Protector? Hatred for his enemies?  It’s nothing like that.” Blair made clear.
“Before you killed him, my sergeant made our salute clear, “Serve Magnus and the Peace”. You probably think that’s doctrine. It’s not, it’s a cause. Magnus led and sacrificed a lot to end the war for a principle, one we fight for now. When we fight to protect, we do it to safeguard and serve those around us.”.
“It’s different for everyone, but we all fight to protect what we all hold dear, including each other. When you kill one of us, that hurts the rest of us, but doesn’t stop us. Do you know why? Because we have to make those deaths mean something. Why did we keep chasing you? Because we couldn’t let everyone else’s sacrifices go to waste, that’s why!” Blair shouted.
Jack had always assumed that when the Cyber Troopers came after him again and again, they were misled, or had malice moving them. Instead, this man was showing him the Cyber Troopers did have honor. If that was so though, what about him?
“You know why I’m speaking to you know instead of trying to shoot you? It’s not because I’m abandoning the cause. Before this whole thing, I…I told my friends I was going to propose… to the person I love most. They all wanted to come, but that changed when you showed up.”.
“They all died in there, but they gave me a chance. I took it, not for myself, not even for her. It was for them. I want to make their deaths mean something, I want to tell them that I did it. If it wasn’t for that…”.
“I’d try to kill you right now. So then, are you here to kill me?” Blair asked.
Jack felt shocked by that, wondering why Blair would think he was here for that. But as he was the man to kill almost everyone Blair came to care about, he realized how easy it was to seem the monster.
“No. There has been…more, far more than enough bloodshed tonight.” Jack concluded. “Knowing you, there will be a lot more before you’re done.” Blair said with condescension. Jack couldn’t deny the reality of that statement.
“One more thing. You spoke of the names of your comrades, and you know mine, but I do not know yours. What is your name, warrior?” Jack asked.
“Corporal Blair Rayner.” Blair responded. “Very well then, Corporal. When you have made you friends’ sacrifice meant something, I will face you again, if you wish..” Jack stated as he began walking away. “Yeah, we’ll see.”.
Author Notes: Ha! You all thought I gave up or died, didn’t you, admit it! No, it’s just that with summer ending and work piling up again, I got a bit busy and had less time for writing. You were expecting the beginning of that Arc finale, huh? You know, seeing a certain Scot again? Funny thing, I was halfway through writing that chapter when this one came to mind. And for the tone of this arc, this chapter had to go here, so I just had to write it.
           References were Fallout 2 and The Matrix, if you spotted them.
           The main thing I wanted to clarify is that even though they’re cybernetic, Jack’s enemies in this story are human, they’re people. I remember from one of Genndy’s interviews about Season 5 that the Daughters of Aku were supposed to represent how people could be programmed like robots. Hell, Jack even comments on it in Episode 4.
           The Cyber Troopers are a more literal take on that, cyborg soldiers that, for aesthetic, have that futuristic feel from Jack fighting robots while making them more lifelike. In deeper context, they show how a person can be literally transformed into part of a machine, all the Troopers formatted and mechanized for the autocracy they serve.
           But, in this part anyway, the Cyber Troopers are still mostly human, and the metaphorical “programming” is not as strong as for the Daughters of Aku. They’re each a person, just doing their duty and following what they believe. To them, the Magnus Protectorate is their society and affects their social and personal lives like any society.
           They all have friends, family, and loved ones. When I wrote Jack killing off the platoon in this chapter, I had to write it in a way where it was self-defense, but the soldiers are not exactly in the wrong either, something that was not easy and a bit vague.
           Why I did this was to convey all the difficult emotions Blair and his friends go through when they see Jack doing this. They can’t just mindlessly charge in like beetle drones, of course they don’t want to die. But it’s Jack’s choice to resist and strike down the Cyber Troopers that moves them to keep trying to stop him. Comradery is a real and powerful thing.
           I’m glad I came up with that dialogue about “the cause”, because this whole chapter is basically saying “Hey, we’re not exactly the bad guys”, and this really gives justification and humanity to the Cyber Troopers. They’re still the enemy, but it kind of gives purpose to both the soldiers and the Magnus Protectorate, something I’ve been struggling to establish. I think this laid some real groundwork for that.
           Now then, Blair. This chapter drew inspiration from SJ favorite “ The Tale of X9”. So yeah, this story was going to have a sad ending. All of Blair’s friends were personalized only to die in the end. Cold, I know, but then it wouldn’t have such impact.
Explaining his background and love interest was to help really give Blair ground as this chapter’s protagonist and give him something worth fighting for. I was rather uncomfortable with the whole “domestic terrorist” situation, we do live in tumultuous times. So, I’m sorry if that bit was a bit too personal for some of you, just want to get that out there.
Blair was designed to be an understood and willing protagonist in this chapter. He’s not Samurai Jack, but that’s what helped make him worthwhile. He knows the Samurai is more dangerous than him, of course he’s scared. But he’s willing to fight for his friends and beliefs, even if that means facing bad situations. I didn’t intend him to be similar to Jack in this way, but I’m glad it turned out that way. He’s not exactly the same as Jack, but he’s definitely his own person.
If you were suspecting after the wedding ring thing that Blair would die, then I have to confess. In the end, Blair was going to be the last person to die. In my head, I kept seeing Blair engage in a fight with Jack, firing off bullets and taking cover to keep Jack at bay. It was going to be similar to X-9’s fight.
It would end with Blair collapsing from a stab wound, his helmet broken and Jack looking down to see his enemy was a person. Blair would hold his picture of Elena and himself and apologize to her, before he collapsed dead. And Jack would know what that meant.
But, I couldn’t do it. Not because I “chickened out”, exactly. I changed it not for Blair or Elena, but for Blair’s friends. These chapters take their own direction after they get going, and I’m cool with that. Where this one went was Blair’s friends trying to hold off Jack so Blair could escape and make it back to Elena.
After all that talk of making sacrifices worth something, anything, this chapter wasn’t going to let me kill off Blair. He had to live, he had to make it. Not for himself, or Elena, but to make their deaths mean something. In a way, keeping that promise and being the sole survivor is more of an emotional gut punch than the original ending, huh?
I know, I like to ramble. Just saying Chapter XI, the beginning of the Arc finale, is on the way, look forward to it!
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