#tech nerd s/o
emelinstriker · 1 year
Syntax ♤ New Me
Baked some floofy comfort for y'all! :D
Still sad about Syntax not getting any screentime regarding his past before getting turned, so my brain went like "...This has slight angst potential".
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♤ ~ Comfort ~ ♤
His green eyes looked into the bathroom's mirror, gazing upon his newfound looks in the darkness. From his green and purple colors to the fact that he no longer needed glasses made him feel very much uncertain if you still liked him. It wasn't a small change one could easily miss or brush off, after all. Syntax had four spider legs coming out of his back now, for crying out loud! How could you not notice?!
He sighed as he ran his hand through his now green hair, closing his eyes while contemplating his next step. The techy science nerd was still in love with you despite the venom in his veins, making him loyal to his queen above basically all else.
How is he supposed to tell you without you freaking out and leaving him? That was probably his greatest fear in that moment. A future without you by his side. That one flaw in his transformation he could never be able to look past.
Good thing you were still at work, so you couldn't see him tearing up in your shared home.
'I suppose I could always fully live in the Underground with the other spider demons if they reject my new form...', he thought, his frown turning into a bittersweet smile.
'...But then I wouldn't be able to see them anymore...'
Suddenly, he heard the sounds of keys clashing with one another by the front door...
His eyes widened at the familiar sound. 'They weren't supposed to be back yet! I can't hide in time!' He panicked as he slammed the bathroom door, closing it just as he heard the front door shut in a more gentle manner.
"Syn? Love? Is that you?", your concerned voice rang through the halls, all the way past the bathroom door. You were hoping it was him and not a burglar.
He took a deep breath as he leaned his back against the door as best as he could with his spider limbs, "I- Y-Yeah, just... not feeling all too well."
Your gut feeling told you he was lying... Well, partially. You were slightly more concerned now as your husband wasn't one to feel sick and take a break over it. Forcing him away from his projects was the only way you were ever able to even sleep most days! So him being in the bathroom on his own accord was strange, to say the least. Questioning his sickness, you decided to walk up to the bathroom and gave a light knock.
"May I come in?" Syntax swore his heart stopped from the sudden panic spike those simple words brought him. Tears slowly started to gather back up in his eyes as he scowled towards the ground.
"...I just- I don't think you want to see me", he said. You were even more confused now as you said nothing, waiting for him to continue. "Even if you do right now, I doubt you'd want to stay after seeing me... After witnessing what I've become..."
The faint sniffing you heard past the door was all you needed as motivation for your protective side to take over. "Love, please let me in. I don't know what you're talking about, but I can promise you I will never abandon you over your looks", you told him as you leaned in with your hands against the door. He could hear your gentle smile as you spoke the part after. "After all, I didn't marry my beloved tech nerd for his looks. His looks were a nice bonus... But what I fell for was his witty personality, his knowledge over things I barely have knowledge of, how he cared for me..."
You placed your forehead on the door now too as you heard what you could only describe as metal lightly clanking against the door's wood.
"You mean so much to me you don't even know..."
That sentence was all it took to break the spider demon and turn him into a sobbing mess. He opened the door just enough so you could see one half of his face within the darkness of the bathroom. The only light inside came from a little nightlight you once insisted on adding so you had an easier time navigating to the bathroom during nighttime.
You were surprised by his new looks and Syntax took your facial expression as a bad sign. However, instead of leaving him as he feared, you put a foot between the door and its frame.
"May I come in now?"
Your husband finally fully opened the door, despite being reluctant about it, and you were finally able to have a good look at him. And honestly, you would be lying if you said you didn't find him even more attractive now.
The only thing that kind of freaked you out were the newfound mechanical spider limbs coming out of his back. You carefully approached him as he took one step back out of instinct. But that didn't stop you as you took one of his hands into your own, gazing at its purple shade in wonder before using your other hand to lightly play around with its skin. This simple action seemed to calm him enough as he rubbed his eyes with his other hand to get rid of some tears that were threatening to fall.
"...I'm not scared of you, and I certainly am not less in love with you, Syntax. That being said, I am curious", you started before your eyes trailed up from his hand to his eyes. "What happened to you?"
He sighed as he took you in for a hug, inhaling your scent to calm himself further, to ensure himself that you were still with him and haven't left. You two simply held each other as you whispered more comforting words to him. A few minutes of just holding each other, and you looking at the spider legs coming from his back with interest, you decided to ask him if he was finally ready to speak, and he agreed.
You two ended up cuddling on your bed as he told you about what happened: The Spider Queen, her lackeys, the venom incident, him being part of the reason why half of the city's population became zombie-like, his newfound loyalty to his queen... He had to ensure you that he would never pick her above you however... While he isn't sure how far his loyalty for her would go now as his spider instincts tell him to follow his queen's every command, he would hate himself forever if he did end up leaving you.
It was a bit difficult for you to adjust to this new life of having a spider demon as lover in general. He would be gone for most of the time since he would regularly sleep in Spider Queen's Lair, and only ever come back home in the dead of night when you were already asleep. And unless it was the weekend, you were unable to stay awake due to you having work at the office the next morning. So nowadays it was hard for you to even see him, which was upsetting because you just missed his presence.
One day however, Syntax came to visit you at work while disguised in a cloak. He didn't exactly try to have a conversation with you as he wanted to avoid distracting you from your job. But not only did he leave you a lunchbox, but he also gave you a quick kiss. Once he was gone, you looked into the lunchbox and saw your favorite snacks(, that he probably either bought or stole right before visiting), as well as a little sticky note that simply read 'I love you ♡'.
You couldn't help but let out a small laugh at how cute he was being. He was never the romantic type and would shy away from the simple idea of showing you public affection, so this came as a nice surprise. It was as if Syntax truly did change a bit in personality and became a bit bolder with his transformation.
Your husband was also there when you came home this time. He kept on using his charm the whole evening until you asked him why he was being so affectionate with you all of a sudden. And his response was that he was repaying you.
"Repay me for what? For loving my husband?" You asked jokingly.
"Well, of course! I hate being apart from you for longer periods of time", he responded happily with his nowadays signature shark-toothed smile. "Which is why I wanted to ask you if you'd be interested in moving into the Spider Queen's Lair with me. It would technically be closer to your workplace as well as my own. We could even have a lit tunnel that leads directly to your workplace!" Your mouth shaped an 'o' at the idea. You could be closer to work as well as see the love of your life more often? You saw this as an absolute win! Although...
"...Is this alright with your co-workers? What if the other spider demons won't like me? What if they want to eat me?!" Your brain started panicking as you imagined different bad scenarios that could happen. But then it halted on one scenario that you could not look past. "...What if your queen orders you to get rid of me?"
Suddenly, Syntax pulled you close to him so your chest would be flat against his as he embraced you with his head on your shoulder. You were surprised, but happily returned the hug.
"Well, then she'll have to inject venom into another person with a similar intelligence level to mine. I would rather drain the venom from my own veins than get rid of you. Besides," he chuckled, "the queen may have an army, but none of them come close to having my technological capabilities. And knowing the queen, she would not bother trying to replace me unless a better replacement is handed to her on a silver platter."
That made you laugh a little before you two leaned in for a passionate kiss.
You could definitely get used to his new self.
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dancingdonatello · 7 months
The Rottmnt boys with an s/o who's a complete science/tech nerd and WILL ramble abt it for hours
rottmnt x gn reader
Raph listens to you as he works out, both of you spending some time together while doing your own thing. He doesn’t quite get it, but you also don’t get his obsession with lifting.
He somehow absorbs the information while he works out and it ends up saving him from the Purple Dragons or even Donnie’s messed up contraptions.
People get a new perspective on the big turtle. Maybe he’s a little smarter than they gave him credit for.
Leonardo only lets it slide with you and it’s so obvious it hurts. He tells Donnie to shut up about the new satellite in the atmosphere but urges you to continue when you bring up the same topic hours later.
Basically asks you a bunch of questions on stuff he overhears Donnie talking about. Not because he cares, duh, but because he just wants to talk to you. He’s just scared his normal topics of conversation won’t do well with you.
It takes him a while to tell you that he doesn’t know what you’re talking about half the time. Either you dumb it down for him or you start to talk about skateboarding and fighting.
Donatello and you have long discussions at family dinner or even at family movie nights. It’s gotten to the point where his family has considered banishing you both from family activities.
It’s how you first bonded. But it’s now how you two fight. You two will argue over stupid things that don’t matter at the end of the day.
Which battery is the best? Which keyboard should you use? What’s the best way to rewire a computer? What’s the best way to hack into a firewall? Everything is debated between you two.
Mikey will ask questions that will trigger you into a nerd out moment. He adores all your hand gestures and movements as you get more and more into what you’re saying.
He will sigh dreamily at you as you continue to explain all these different theories and hypotheses to him.
He always tries to repeat what you said back to his brothers, always saying how cool you are that you know all this stuff. Leo and Raph ignore him while Donnie scoffs and rolls his eyes. Jealousy.
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xiao-come-home · 5 months
stone faced anon (💫 anon if it's free) here; as someone who has a hyperfixation in IT and coding I also think it would be very funny if Boothill had an s/o who wasn't necessarily a mechanic but like a software engineer or just a real big nerd about coding or something. He'll be experiencing a malfunction or a memory leak and go "oh yeah this happens sometimes don't worry about it" and then 10 minutes later he's sitting down plugged into a laptop listening to his s/o rant about how terrible his code is (crack hc: boothill's code was written in javascript) and how it's a wonder he hasn't bricked* yet
Would also be mad funny if Boothill ever got hacked and his s/o basically says "no you're not" and uses a previously made system restore point or something because of course they would both use and design every feature imaginable to keep Boothill in control of his own body, can you imagine the stress that losing control would cause him?? Even better if whoever designed him originally intentionally left a backdoor incase he ever went against their orders and when they try to use it his s/o just goes "oh yeah I quarantined and encrypted all the old files related to that backdoor and whatever else you were planning on a partition as bait and personally rewrote every file and function involved since your code is *an actual crime against technology*. by the way i'm going to go ahead and format that partition i mentioned, boothill- we won't be needing anything on it now that we can trace whoever made it. trust me, this won't be happening ever again."
*(bricking is a term mostly used to refer to hardware that's been rendered basically completely nonfunctional and beyond saving by using it wrong, mostly by messing with system files. Kinda like how windows can't even repair itself if you delete the system32 folder. Though i guess you could still install it with a usb stick if you formatted your pc- i digress you get what I mean. also since this almost happened to me recently: if you manage to fill up a hard drive to the brim, with literally 0 bytes of space left, that bricks it. reminder to check your storage thoroughly and often!)
Honestly wow I read it all and I'm a little bit speechless 🥹 thank you 💫 anon, it was great 🙏
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Boothill would DEFINITELY appreciate a s/o who's a tech savvy in general! I think at some point, he'd be pretty shocked you're so knowledgeable and just sit there, listening to you rant.. and just letting you do your thing.
Don't get me wrong, he definitely knows a lot about his body, his system and the way he works, but once you start to get in the zone and explain stuff to him, berate his code even, he just sits next to you, plugged in to your laptop, leaning his cheek against his hand listening to you like he obviously understands everything you say.
His other hand begins to gently play with a stand of your hair, humming deeply when the soft clicking sounds of your keyboard reach his ears; he twirls your hair with his fingers and chuckles, "mmm, really now?" Boothill raises an eyebrow, "encryptin' this, encryptin' that... How about we do somethin' more fun instead?" And then you shut him down from your laptop (😭).
Jokes aside, he'd feel very secure with you especially when he first got his new body, just knowing you'll probably fix a lot of things that could possibly blow up his face in no time, maybe even improve his life even more.
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niphredil-14 · 9 months
ROTTMNT With a Witch! S/o
Just a quick reminder that requests are open!
- we all know that Leo is a magic nerd, though he may have a slight preference for stage magic over the actual, less show-y magick.
-i feel like Leo would love to have a witch as a partner, and would probably get into some basic, low energy types of spells as a result. He would be your biggest fan, and would want to help with most of your spells.
-he will be devastated if you say no, but sometimes it's just easier without this tease-prone ball of energy inside of the circle, you know?
-will BEG for you to do spells for him!! even for the smallest issue, he would be kneeling at your feet giving them the biggest puppy eyes with a matching pout.
-i can see him getting into glamour magick as a primary form of magick for him.
-all the magick-themed pick up lines. anytime you do anything he just tells you how you've enchanted him and how he's completely under your spell, how he's convinced that he must have drank a love potion, etc.
-not a fan for a good long while. will go on about his "science is fa superior to your little dumdum magic!!" until you hit him with the "magick's success and cause and effect has stood the test of time, people would not use it if it did not work. and btw magick is just science that we don't yet have the technology to understand."
-after that he would be like "okay challenge accepted!" and would probably conduct a ton of experiments on the movement and manipulation of subtle energies, and how the placebo affect effects spellwork, etc.
-i feel like he wouldn't participate in any spellwork outside of his experiments, at least not until he got his ninpo, at which point he would do a ton of studying about the occult.
-he'll warm up to it eventually, but i don't think it would ever be something that he ever really found a passion in.
-i could see him combine some of his chemistry knowledge with your occult knowledge to help you with potions though!
-he might like tech magick, or adding spells/sigils in with his tech, but i don't think you'd ever find him doing any more than that unless you get him to.
-loves magick, loves mystics, loves you
-would take any and every oppurtunity to engage with/ help with your magick! He wants you to teach him everything you know, and I feel like he would learn a whole lot on his own, and the two of you would just bounce ideas off of each other.
-we all know that Mikey becomes a super powerful mystic, so with you by his side?? power couple!! (everyone is afraid of the two of you.)
-supportive but does not understand. like at all.
-will bring you every crystal he sees, every rock, every branch, every flower, and (if you're a vulture culture kinda witch) every bone.
-he likes to watch you do magick if you're comfortable with it, but wouldn't dare try to participate in the spell. he's just a big ol' fanboy.
-i feel like he would love protection magic, it's very important as someone with a job as dangerous as his. if you were to make him some kind of protection amulet, he would probably cry. He's the oldest, he's used to having to protect everyone else, he's not used to anyone trying to protect him. He would never take it off, and if it ever did it's job as much as it could, and finally broke, he would cry, please make him another.
-he would probably crochet some blank poppets for you, that could easily be customized.
-(please help her make fun and flashy assignments that won't backfire like Donnie's tech does!)
-I think she would love to help out in your spells as much as you'll let her, but knows better than to overstep. This is your thing, she understands that you're the boss when it comes to mystic stuff, and just enjoys being along for the ride.
-would pay you to do spells for her, she isn't a fuckin freeloader (like LEO), she knows that it's a craft, and that the hard work you do deserves to be compensated, and if you don't let her paay you for spells because you love her, then she'll just insist on paying for your next date, or buying you that trinket you've had your eye on for a while. you can't stop her.
-she only cares if you can do spells to help her conquer the world (and if you can hex her enemies c:<)
-no but forreal i think she would love to have a witch lover, and would want to participate, she'd be the BEST at raising energy for spellwork and ritual!
-i think she'd actually make a super powerful practitioner once she learned how to direct her energy
-she would 100% collect bones, so if you're the type of witch to like that, then she may just give you a few from her collection.
-bitch would SLAY at baneful magick
Casey Jr.:
-an alt boy and his witchy partner, is there a better combo than that?
-seriously though, I feel like he would love to just sit around while you were doing magick, he likes to watch, and likes it even more if you teach him anything.
-i feel like he would really only ever use magick for others though. Like if he was struggling, the thought of doing a spell to help himself doesn't even cross his mind, but one of his friends or family members has even the slightest issues and he's jumping for his athame (he would def mainly use an athame, a pretty basic and minimalistic one though).
-another one who just brings you anything he can find that's even slightly related to your craft, and brags about how amazing you are to everyone, all the time.
-please teach him how to use tarot, he wants to commune with the spirits. he'll be responsible, he swears c:
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turtlefanboy · 7 months
Hiii!! Local trans guy here,could I request the 2012 turtles with a really strong trans partner? I know one thing that makes me feel really masculine is being strong:D!!
A/N: Happily!! And I can understand being strong does make you feel really masc! I am so sorry this came out a lot later than I wanted like I think 2 years ahead of deadline, life has been crazy like I'm a junior now and I'm 17. Hope you like what I wrote though!
2012! Turtles with Trans Masc S/O who’s really strong!
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Leo loves the fact that you're strong.
honestly all the turtles do.
he will still want to protect you and make sure you don't get hurt.
but it reassures him to know that you can handle your own in a fight if you need to.
He loves to be carried by you.
makes him feel like you're his knight in shining armor.
he also picks you up to make you feel the same dw.
he does spar with you and is genuinely surprised when he loses to you!
he likes to spar with you as to challenge himself and to get better at fighting.
and so you get better at fighting as well!
will ask you to cosplay the like captain from space hero's
totally not because he's in love with him and you and it would be super cool if you did that combining the two things he loves-
totally not-
likes to watch you fight
not as much as Raph
but he will sometimes look over at you with a loving gaze as you knock out an enemy.
does not care that you're trans
none of the turtles do
mutant turtle that is rejected by society he can't Judge!
also he helps you whenever you are feeling dysphoric
will tell you that you are the most handsome and strongest guy he knows
and loves
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he definitely works out with you and gives pointers as to how to be stronger.
please carry this man like a princess.
he adores it
he adores you
as mentioned before he loves sparring with you
since you're strong like him it doesn't mean he has to hold back!
and he loves that!
and he genuinely is a good sport when he loses to you
and that's totally not because he likes being thrown around by you
absolutely not.
he also likes it when he wins against you
inflates his ego.
he also loves fighting in battles with you and loves watching you fight
like he will just be starring at you so lovingly as you smash a Kraangs metal skull
he's just smitten
has to have someone yell at him to stop starring at you
he adores you and absolutely loves the fact you're strong.
Also makes sure you don't feel dysphoric
genuinely angry whenever he hears someone was transphobic to you
or was just mean to you...
they get a little visit from Raph and get beaten the shit out of-
like how dare they say that to his handsome and strong boyfriend
he don't care if your strong and can beat people up yourself
he will still beat them up himself.
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again all the turtles love that you're strong
same with nerd over here (I say that affectionately)
he helps you with becoming stronger
likes diets
and workouts that help
and he gives you workouts that will help with your gender dysphoria
like he will give you workouts that make your body more masculine
if you want that of course
he asks for your help a lot to pick up big heavy things he can't
genuinely your biggest fanboy
loves to have you there helping him by being his brawns
has definitely written fanfics of you two
and it's the jock x nerd trope
he doesn't tell you about them
much like Raph he just stares at you adoringly while you fight an enemy
takes a lot to snap him out of it though
literally have to bonk him out of his trance
he just is absolutely smitten with you
definitely has a folder dedicated to pictures of you working out
for research purposes
doesn't spar with you unlike his brothers
mainly because he is more into computers and tech rather than fighting.
but he definitely roots for you as you fight his brothers
fucking loves it when you beat Raphs ass
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Loves your strength
Loves to be picked up like a pretty princess by you
Calls you his knight in shining armor
Showers you in kisses whenever he can
Goofball over here will flirt with you a lot though
Constantly flirting and complimenting you
Like calling you handsome, or hot
Compliment him as well he loves it
Definitely made you dress up as a knight while he dressed up as a prince
He just loves it
Has made you play DND with him
He loves sparring with you
and also watching you beat his brothers sometimes
Mikey adores you
and will watch you with heart eyes as you fight much like his older brothers
but he can multitask, he's fighting while admiring you
its impressive.
throws himself in your arms after a fight
he loves you and adores you.
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masterjedilenawrites · 9 months
hello there. could i request the bois and tbb for their reaction that they would have when they see their s/o wearing a dress, as their s/o normally wears pants and shirts.
Fox, Fives, and Tup eat it up. They start with an endless string of Wow-s, then they'll remember other words exist and insist their S/O spin around or pose for them so they can admire all the angles. They may even insist on some photos, or maybe grab whoever's around so they can show off their partner's look. Otherwise it's praises galore. Regardless how comfortable or not their S/O initially feels in the dress, they're definitely getting a confidence boost.
Jesse, Kix, and Wrecker instantly turn mischevious. They're whistling, they're teasing, they're even getting handsy. It's just too big of a change to pass up an opportunity to have some fun with it. If their S/O's not fully comfortable in the get-up, they'll help make them laugh and loosen up a little. It's just clothes, and at the end of the day they're still the beautiful person they fell for no matter what they wear. But this outfit sure is fun.
Hardcase, Dogma, and Tech honestly won't notice. To say they're oblivious to things like fashion is an understatement. Their S/O will try to casually draw their attention toward it, swaying around or saying things like If only I had pockets to put this thing in... Still nothing. They'll have to stand right in their line of sight and specifically say Hey look! I'm wearing a dress! Then these guys will have a little moment of dazed blinking before giving a shy smile and a nice compliment.
Rex, Hunter, and Crosshair will stop dead in their tracks, mouth agape, speechless at the sight before them. Bonus points if their S/O is really feeling themselves, rather than being awkward or embarrassed. The confidence they exude is more mesmerizing than the dress itself. They never really snap out of it either. They may put on a face, act cool and collected, but inside they're still freaking out. They simply cannot look away. And when the dress comes off and it's back to pants, they'll low-key pout about it.
Cody, Wolffe, and Echo have a less obvious, but no less appreciative reaction. Their face will light up with a smile, their eyes will grow soft as they take them in. If their S/O is walking awkwardly they'll rush up to offer their arm and help put them at ease. Or if their S/O is really enjoying the change of attire, they'll help them find ways to wear dresses more often. They will always be supportive - and enamored - of their S/O's choices in appearance.
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Every Character Tag: @dangerousstrawberrypie, @justanothersadperson93, @arctrooper69, @sleepycreativewriter, @techie-bear, @theroguesully, @cw80831
Clone Bois & Bad Batch Tag: @kaijusplotch, @rebel-finn, @lucyysthings, @marvel-starwars-nerd, @nekotaetae, @severalseashellsbytheseashore, @lackofhonor, @flowered-bicycles, @foodmoneyandcats, @nahoney22
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axelthegreat101 · 5 months
Heey! Wandering Anon here. I saw your TF2 bird wing posts and I loved them, and I saw you also write for The Bad Batch, and I was wondering if you could do the same thing with them?? If you can’t do all of them then could you please do Wrecker or Tech? Thank uuuu
Ohmygosh, my first Bad Batch request! I'm gonna do Tech because I miss him dearly, and his death hit me hard
Tech with a winged s/o
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Oh, my sweet nerd boy
He was really confused when he first saw your wings, the feathers gleaming in the sun
He wants to know more about them so badly, but he won't probe if you aren't comfortable with talking about them
Almost never touches them. He'd rather study them from afar rather than intruding on your space
On the rare occasion where he does touch them, he's extremely gentle, and he doesn't touch them for long (don' take it the wrong way, he's just trying to be respectful)
He'd rather just look at them, admiring the colours and patterns is you have any
I also think he’d really like to have them wrapped around him when he’s working on something. It’s a comforting feeling for him
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binsito · 1 year
stray kids !
☁️ : fluff 🫧 : smut 🤍 : angst
ot8 !
skz and dirty talk 🫧 ➝ [request]
skz and giving their s/o oral 🫧 ➝ [request]
skz and greek kissing (anal oral) 🫧➝ [request]
what is skz packing hard thought 🫧➝ [request, ft. xdh]
car sex with skz! 🫧 ➝ [exhibition/voyeurism involving a vehicle]
dad!skz and quickies!🫧 ➝ [request]
perv!stepbro skz! 🫧 ➝ [request]
flight attendant for skz hard thought 🫧 ➝ [implied ot8, free use]
caught having sex with skz! 🫧 ➝ [request, exhibitionism/voyeurism themes]
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chan !
fratboy!chan imagine 🫧 ➝ [drabble, pining after you]
chanlix hard thought #1 🫧➝ [chanlix likes to share you]
persistent 🫧 ➝ [1.9k, fratboy!chan imagine turned fic]
chan hard thought #1 🫧 ➝ [chan giving you spanks]
chan hard thought #2 🫧 ➝ [request, toxic ex!chan]
chan hard thought #3 🫧 ➝ [slight perv!chan checking you out]
chan hard thought #4 🫧 ➝ [step!dad chan and bday sex]
chan hard thought #5 🫧 ➝ [request, chan and his sir kink]
chan hard thought #6 🫧 ➝ [vma after party? no chan has you waiting for him at the hotel]
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minho !
minho hard thought #1 🫧 ➝ [sharing with chan]
minho hard thought #2 🫧 ➝ [threesome with jisung, oral]
minsung hard thought #1 🫧 ➝ [request, brats who won't let you work]
minho hard thought #3 🫧 ➝ [request, kitty!hybrid reader in heat]
fem!minho hard thought #1 🫧 ➝ [fem!minho likes showing you her lingerie]
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binnie !
changbin hard thought #1 🫧 ➝ [bin loves big girls ♡]
changbin hard thought #2 🫧➝ [changbin fucking to reggaeton]
disk 🫧 ➝ [1.6k, perv!changbin finds chan's stash of sex tapes]
changbin hard thought #3 🫧➝ [changbin likes it when you say his name]
quiet 🫧 ➝ [2k, fwb, childhood best friends, you fuck in your parents house]
changbin hard thought #4 🫧 ➝ [quickie before he goes to the soccer match where he kicked the first ball]
changbin hard thought #5 🫧 ➝ [request, sugardaddy!bin]
changbin hard thought #6 🫧 ➝ [heart shaped landing strip makes him go crazy]
disk 🫧 ➝ [1.6k, perv!changbin ft. bf!chan]
disk pt. 2 🫧 ➝ [3.0k, perv!changbin ft. bf!chan]
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hyunjin !
jealous!hyunjin hard thought #1 🫧 ➝ [work cocktail party goes wrong?]
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hannie !
jisung hard thought #1 🫧 ➝ [ji fails no nut november ♡]
minsung hard thought #1 🫧 ➝ [request, brats who won't let you work]
jisung hard thought #2 🫧 ➝ [hannie has a crush on his nail tech]
jisung hard thought #3 🫧 ➝ [hannie nail tech crush continuation]
subaru ☁️ 🤍 🫧 ➝ [5.4k, enemies to lovers, car guy!han]
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felix !
chanlix hard thought #1 🫧➝ [chanlix likes to share you]
fem!changlix hard thought #1 🫧➝ [threesome!!!]
fem!lix hard thought #1 🫧 ➝ [double ended dildo with fem!lix]
tired 🤍 🫧 ➝ [2.4k, pining, bff!lix]
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seungmin !
service 🫧➝ [2.5k, seungmin hires a topless maid]
puppy! 🫧 ➝ [1.3k, heat reliever puppy!seungmin x puppy!reader]
nerd!seungmin hard thought #1 🫧 ➝ [big cock nerd!seungmin tutors reader]
seungmin hard thought #1 🫧 ➝ [ft. jilix, sending him naughty videos while he works]
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innie !
jeongin hard thought 🫧 ➝ [accidentally sending ur nudes to innie.. instead of binnie..]
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343 notes · View notes
gaybananabread · 9 months
@therealjacobcustos I feel like Tadashi would be kind of ticklish (the ask broke so tag)
🎧👾Tadashi Hamada Tkl Headcanons🤖🔧
AN: Sorry it took so long to respond to this, wanted to get the FS out of the way first! Kinda a flimsy excuse, but I've been wanting to do some HCs and Tadashi is such a brain happy character, so here's my brain dump!
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Okay so this boy is absolutely a switch.
He'd love messing with Hiro, but can anyone say that someone as bubbly as him wouldn't like to be tickled?
No, no they cannot.
He would absolutely program Baymax with some tickling capabilities.
Remember how he can produce a small flash drive from his finger? Yeah, imagine little nails/quill tips specifically designed for cheer-up tickles.
It's actually been found in scientific studies that tickling improves the mood and can boost our immune systems.
Of course Tadashi would stumble upon an article or something and use that as valid reasoning for the features.
He gives eager lee vibes.
Wiggling your fingers at him? He's already giggling and squirming in his seat.
Worst spots are his knees, sides and forearms. He *loves* belly tickles.
Isn't shy about liking tickles at all. He's not gonna outright announce it to the world, but he wouldn't deny it if someone points it out.
Lee mood? Everyone close to him immediately knows.
Stretching his arms above his head, man-spreading on the couch, sitting with his arms behind his head, constantly kicking someone he’s sitting by, TANK TOPS
His laugh is the purest sound around. Bright, bubbly and completely unrestrained
Depending on the amount of lee, he might just lay there and giggle his heart out.
Loves tickling as a bonding activity and cheer-up method.
Despite all that, he’d have a helluva time asking for/admitting anything.
“Do you like this, Tadashi?” “I-I, uh…that's not- mmphf…”
Blushes brighter than the red sun, though it definitely takes some heavy teasing.
As for Baymax…
He’d definitely give his bud some special care methods.
A few self-indulgent programs here for when he's sad, some tools (see Gen. above), and generally just fluff with the marshmallow bot.
Will intentionally bug Hiro until he starts a tickle war. If he's in a lee mood, he'll sass the boy until he goes for a bad spot
You'd better run for the hills-
Teasing, sassy, laughs along with his lees. 50/50 switch, swings either way based on circumstance
His favorite target would have to be Hiro. Staying up all night to work on a bot? Tire-out tickles. Refusing to go eat dinner in favor of productivity? Persuasive tickles. Bumming out about life? You know it: cheer-up tickles.
With the Nerd Crew, it's usually just sly pokes and squeezes when they reach for tools or adjust bolts.
If somebody's way stressed or hasn't slept, though? He'll lovingly wreck their shit <3
King of silly teases ♚
“Coochie coo, giggles!” “Oh, sorry, is this spot *really* ticklish? Does it tickle *really* bad when I do this?” “That's gotta be one of the cutest laughs ever! Thanks for sharing so much of it~”
If he's actually trying, can and will dominate a tickle fight.
Gets his energy back scary fast. You think you've won?
Guess again.
He'll wait until you're bragging or looking away to pounce, beginning the dreaded Round 2.
Loves it when people ask for tickles.
You come to him, for any reason, and lay on his lap / expose your spots? His heart melts before he lovingly obliges.
Gives amazing aftercare. Cuddles, back rubs, drowning in kisses if you're his s/o.
May or may not have developed little pieces of tickle tech to mess with his loved ones. Be weary of random gifts or surprise lab invites!
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mailjeevasfan · 1 year
ay bro can we get some mello x reader hcs where the reader is a tech nerd n shi; if not then its aight ;)
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tyyy!! this immediately just made me think of mello and matt’s dynamic it made me so happy PFFT also this is a little short so apologies
-mello x gn!reader
mello with nerdy s/o ❦
-seeing as this made me think of matt and mello’s relationship, it’s safe to say that mello would work well with an s/o like this
-he’d be eager to have you help with his work. he can definitely put your intelligence to use a lot, and you’d ofc be willing to help him out. although mello is usually reluctant to accept the help of others and wants to make it all alone, he learns to trust you. you’d definitely make him feel better about accepting help
-he doesn’t just love you because you’re useful though, he’d probably find you very cute. i also think mello would tease you a lot about this kind of thing but in an endearing way (you’d tease him back ofc)
‘you’re so nerdy y/n. where’d you even learn to do this?’
‘careful what you say, or this might be the last time i help you with this.’
-one time he asked you to explain how you did something, so you did, and he got more and more confused the more you spoke. he just ruffles your hair and is like… welp keep working hard sweetheart!
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nahoney22 · 1 year
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🧡4000 Followers Celebration🧡
Requests now Closed 🧡
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☀️ General Rules:
🔸 Respect me and I will respect you.
🔸 Please have patience. Writing takes time.
🔸 I have the right to ignore and/or delete your request if I don’t like it, think you’re being rude or find it inappropriate.
🔸 Only one request per ask. Feel free to send more than one request in.
🔸 No Minors allowed to request NSFW.
🔸 Anonymous is allowed but it does help me message you privately if I need to clear some things up about the request if you are not an anon.
🔸 I will write for most things i.e smut, fluff, angst (feel free to ask first to see if I will or not)
🔸 What I will not write for is listed below. I will delete requests if any of these are mentioned.
underage nsfw
scat fetishes
major character deaths ie Tech 😭
polygamy/orgys (not against it, just not something I like to write)
other peoples OC’s
Padawan X Master NSFW
Ahsoka X Rex
Pregnancy Tropes
I will not write Part 2 for a request unless it’s the original requesters choice.
🔸 I write for Gender Neutral, Female and Male readers.
🔸 Prompt requests will be placed under my prompt Masterlist once completed. Promote are not necessary but some prompt ideas will be linked on this post if you want to use one.
🔸 Feel free to go into detail in your requests, it does help me.
🔸 Please state if you want NSFW work or not and please specify what gender/pronouns you want otherwise I will default to either GN or F unless it’s clear in the request.
🔸 If I do do your request, please do me the courtesy to comment and reblog and show support. It really helps me and motivates me. SUPPORT ARTISTS/WRITERS⭐️
🔸 All requests are free but my KO-FI is linked on my profile if you’re feeling generous ☀️
🔸Please and Thank you’s are always nice to see. 😉 🧡
(If you have sent me a request in the past and are going ‘hm, I don’t think she did mine’ it’s either because I deleted it due to being inappropriate and/or you were an arse OR it’s when Tumblr decided to be a dick and delete almost HALF of my inbox. Please do double check your notis and my Masterlist to see if I have done it or even message me and ask about it. You can resend it in again 🧡🧡)
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Prompts ideas for Requests (again, not necessary):
NSFW (18+ only)
Praise Kinks
& More prompts
Fluff #1
Fluff #2
Fluff #3 (comfort)
Angst #1
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Tags: @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @theroguesully @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @kixs-husband @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @zippingstars87 @tech-aficionado o @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @seriowan @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @raevulsix @imalovernotahater @whore4rex @imperialclaw801 @temple-elder @mysticalgalaxysalad @photogirl894 @by-the-primes s @the-bad-batch-baroness
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floralflytrap · 1 year
Maybea few more s/o photographer headcanons - Killjoy, Raze, poly nanobomb
I had quite the fun writing this! Tysm for the request :D
Killjoy, Raze and Nanobomb with Photographer S/O | HEADCANONS
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When she first finds out this girl is FASCINATED! She would have past use with cameras (being a tech nerd and all), but admits that you truly have an eye for a good photo
She asks politely if you can take photos of her latest tech projects. They are like her babies, she needs photos for every single machine she builds <3
You take photos of her working a LOT! She never notices because she’s too busy focusing on her work
Whenever she takes you to raves you always have a camera on you to sneak some sick pictures
You guys also love to take silly photos with a polaroid camera, she keeps them around her room and in her tech lab
Photobooths at random events? a must!
Always the silliest photos with the last picture being a big smooch (it’s staying that way)
She also takes photos of you! She doesn’t believe they are that good but you love them. Killjoy is pretty damn good at whatever she does, and that includes photography
She’s also good at modelling for photos. You’ve done a few photoshoots with her to test compositions and have fallen in love with multiple results.
You love figuring out ways to contrast the environment against Killjoy’s hair due to how bold the dark colour is.
Your favourite photo of her is when she was happily posing with a new robot she created. Her smile was so bright you could see it from the moon!
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She noticed the polaroid photo you kept in your phone case and asked to see it, then ensued a conversation on how she always wanted one but never ended up biting the bullet and buying one.
You had multiple cameras so why not let her borrow it?
She took multiple pictures of inventions or failed ones
You were shocked when she said she ran out of film so quickly and begrudgingly got her more (not without grilling her on how expensive it is for damn polaroid camera film)
She saw you fiddling with one of your more expensive cameras when she popped in to your room to say hi
More questions begun!
“Yo that looks so expensive!”
“Can I use it for spare parts?”
“What do you mean I can’t borrow it?!”
“Just one photo with it please!”
No is a no. You’re just stubborn with her like that
She loves all the cool pictures you get, and whenever you hit up the city she stalks your social media for days waiting to see the latest photo dump
She’s always so flattered whenever you post photos of her, it makes her feel special
Your favourite photo of her is when you hit up the city together and found an amazing graffiti wall. It was golden hour and the way the sun made her glow meanwhile she had a bunch of diverse and cool art behind her? The best.
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Killjoy and Raze dramatically gasped when you suggested photos of the three of you during a date
It wasn’t so much the photo suggestion as much as the big beefy camera that got them gasping
“What?! Y/n that camera is amazing!”
Killjoy has to gently inspect it while Raze peers over your shoulder
You love taking photos of the two of them together, however Killjoy and Raze HATED that you were never in the nice photos unless they were selfies
The two invested in the same type of camera you had together and learnt how to use the model just so you could finally be in fancy photos too!
It was a lot of fun when the three of you compared the photos you took that day, as each of you had your own individual style of photography and technique
Raze loved to capture cool poses with backgrounds that also stood out
Killjoy appreciated a cohesive scene. Colours had to look good together and it had to make sense otherwise it wasn’t her best work
You appreciated getting photos of life itself. Your photos weren’t majorly posed for, but rather spontaneous snaps you take throughout the day
Your favourite picture was a whole photo collage that you three made together using all the photos taken throughout the year, each of you getting one third of the collage
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techs-goggles9902 · 7 months
Sha’s Masterlist ✨
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Hi, you can call me Sha or Ge’tal. I’m a fan girl, writer, and artist (sometimes). I’m a book nerd! I’m on Instagram ( knee_s0cks1409 ) TikTok ( techs_goggles99 ) , and I make shuffles on Pinterest ( techs_goggles99 ) ! My general tag is Sha Speaks and my art tag is Sha’s art
Fandoms include: The Band Ghost, Star Wars Prequels (TCW and TBB included) & Republic Commando, DC, Arctic Monkeys, (anime account is @kacchans-gauntlet ), The Hunger Games, the Outsiders, and Wild Kratts.
Rules for requests: no clone/clone, rexwalker, rexsoka, spicy stuff, or obikin, or Krattcest, or minor/adult. I will write my oc stories, and if you request it I’ll write your oc into canon typical situations or requested setting.
Send in an ask or dm me if you want to join/leave the tag list!
✉️ = request
⚠️ = possible trigger warning (blood or something)
My longer fics:
Two Souls Entwined
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 (ongoing, unknown number of chapters)
Summary: Niva Veen (oc) x Captain Rex
Clone Heaven ✉️
Clone Heaven (Fives and Fox meet in clone Heaven)
Clone Heaven (Kix and 501st reunion) UPCOMING
TBB Modern AU
Summary: TBB in a modern setting.
One Time Things: (maybe)
Fi’s on leave (RC 8015 x gender neutral reader) ✉️
Tech, I don’t fit in (Tech x f!reader plantonic, Raven Skirata cameo) ✉️
I Like You (Rex x medic female reader) ✉️
Why Did You Wait For Me? (Crosshair x female reader) ✉️
Mr. Echolocation (Echo x gender neutral reader) ✉️
CX-2 is all that remains (Tech lives) ✉️
TBB Reacts to Ghost (My interpretation of how Clone Force 99 would react to their s/o listening to Ghost) ✉️
More than sniffles (Hunter x gn reader - who’s sick) ✉️
My art:
Death Troopers Helmet ⚠️
TBB Echo
Cody kicking a clanker
Obi-Wan fell asleep (Codywan)
Brainrot Hunter
@/dangracoon’s oc Jaine Vale x Crosshair
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image-thot · 1 year
This blog is mainly a nsfw one so No Minors allowed
About me:
Just a not-so-casual Aussie nerd who likes to read, write, draw and use maths for degenerative things. I like to push the limits on the themes I write for, so heed the warnings on my post as they are there for a reason! I have an army of birds and we will eventually conquer the world once they stop killing my wallet. Ao3 (Everything I write is almost always posted here) Twitter Tiktok
Do you want a transformer's spike and valve Measurement? Check out the Spike & Valve Master List
Request info:
Status: Open (always open for spike and op men measurements)
Writing Requests open for Transformers and One Piece requests.
When Requesting Please Include:
Character and Contenuity
What the reader is (e.g. human/cybertronian, gender etc)
Brief Description of what you want ( nsfw/sfw, could be listing kinks or a scenario.) If you don't list what you want I will take creative liberty and write something of my choice with that character
Dick, Spike, Transfluid, Valve Calculations (make sure to check the list before requesting :D)
nsfw and sfw
Character x Reader
Character x Character
Dub-con, non-con and anything dark!
Hurt no comfort
Hurt with 1% comfort
Practically all kinks
Fluff/cute/sweet themes (yes this includes nsfw that involves these things)
Character x oc
Platonic ( mainly because idk how not to put smut in there sorry)
I don't judge, if you have something that isn't on the No's but not on the Do's send it in! I learn what I do and don't like to write via writing and if it's not up there, then I haven't had the opportunity to write it. If you're unsure send an ask in and I'll let you know if I will or won't write it.
Master List 2024
Caution when looking at the works! Like most of my works, they tend to be on the nsfw, darker and non-con side so read their tags before reading the stories.
One Piece
Dick mesurements - Kaido, Katakuri and King
Soundwave x reader x Shockwave: For the Cause (a/b/o) Soundwave x Reader: Whatever He Wants (Dubcon)
Mirage x reader: Throw Him off his rhythm Does it count as peeping? Don't look down
Scavengers x oc/reader -Slip slip bang bang Chapters: 1, 2 Shockwave x Firstaid - Two face (Non-con, gore) Kaon x reader: Torture and Training Tarn x reader: Play Along
Yandere Starscream Yandere Shockwave, Soundwave, Bumblebee, Preceptor Soundwave x reader x Soundblaster - Watch Me take everything (Non-con) Soundwave x reader: More Than I Can Say (Dubcon)
Yandere Soundwave x Cassette Reader x Rumble & Frenzy (non-con)
War for Cybertron
Soundwave x reader x Soundblaster -More than A Screw Loose Chapters: 1, 2,
Soundwave x reader: The Experiment (a/b/o) Shockwave x reader: All for what? Part 1 Part 2 (Dubcon)
Thots Hot Spike Reviews
Rodimus - Sisi_Esprit Shattered Glass - Bad Dragon Rumble - Exotic Erotics
Spike size guide Transfluid guide The how's and why's of spike sizing
Blood of Zues
Song of Dogs - Ares x Reader x Hermes Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Bad Batch
First Meeting Nsfw Alphabet: Hunter Tech, Wrecker Platonic Yandere
Walking in on them 
Dark overprotective/possessive 
Things that Lurk on the holonet (tech non-con) Chapters: 1, 5, 72, 3, 4, 
Cody x Hunter (non-con) Tech x Reader (non-con) Cody x Crosshair (non-con)
Clone Wars
Yandere: Rex, Cody, Fives, Echo, Jesse, Dogma
Fox x oc (non-con)
Neyo x oc (non-con)
Wolfe x oc (non-con)
Waxer & Biol x oc(non-con)
Billy Wintergreen x reader (non-con)
Deathstroke x reader -Don’t Shoot The Shooter Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Death Stroke Nsfw alphabet
Readhood x reader 
Doom Patrol
Larry Headcanons
Meeting for the First time Accidently Hurt
Touch affectionate s/o
Comforting s/o s/o comforting Larry
Jealous Larry
S/o wanting a pet
S/o with plants
Watching Game of Thrones (slight nsfw)
Making up with larry Confessing
Drunken Mess
Chapters: 1, 2, 3
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 
Donnie x reader x Leo - Instincts Be a Bitch - (Non-con) Leo x reader x Future Leo (dub-con/non-con)
85 notes · View notes
M'Baku with A S/O Scientist Part 2
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After that day M'Baku gets even way more comfortable in the lab with you. Which means he also starting to show his curiosity in everything that you do. Not just armor and weapon related.
At first you didn't seem the harm and found the childlike wonder in his eyes adorable. As he watched you work fuse certain materials and chemicals together.
But then one day he asked you to let him try an experiment out. It was a simple task really just putting two items together. But the material was delicate and explosive. M'Baku didn't have a gentle touch and that resulted in a small explosion from kinetic energy.
It knocked him back a couple of feet in the air.
He was okay but crashed into some pretty expensive lab equipment, and while Shuri found it hilarious and was definitely going to keep the footage. She made it clear he was no longer allowed in her lab.
After all the two of you were close enough that he should be more than comfortable with asking you out.
Indeed M'Baku did right in front of his tribe when you came to pay him a visit while on guarding duty. The next day and they celebrated with a woo.
M'Baku took you out into the mountains for a picnic on the top of a mountain with a great view.
Despite living in Wakanda your entire life it wasn't a sight that you got to appreciate nearly enough. Since you were always so obsessed with your work.
When the sunset hit it was almost time for the end of the date. M'Baku wanted nothing more to kiss you, but was trying to be a gentleman.
So you took his face in your hands and pressed your lips to his. In a slow and passionate kiss.
M'Baku was the happiest man alive after that night.
Everyone got the memo the next day when he came into the lab planting a kiss on your cheek while bringing you lunch.
You come to find out things about him that you never would've expected.
Like for one he is an excellent cook which makes sense when you think of how different the Jabbari's lifestyle is from yours.
Speaking of his lifestyle now that you're officially together. M'Baku wants nothing more than to whisk you off to the Jabbari Mountains to show you his home and way of living.
Of course you agree and take a few days off to go with him.
This time it's your turn to stand back and watch him work and teach you the way of things.
The adjustment isn't easy and there's a few times M'Baku finds you try to cheat by using some tech. You managed to sneak in your bags.
M'Baku will confiscate the tech with a grin kissing you on the lips when you try to protest.
"Y/N there is more to the world than technology just allow me to show you" He tells you.
Eventually you give in and actually start having fun in the mountains.
Your favorite thing is to cuddle with him which happens alot considering how cold it is, and you're not use to.
Still you could be laying by a raging fire and will still insists that he holds you. M'Baku gives in instantly.
He's a big softie when it comes to his science nerd.
The two of are polar opposites in so many ways, but nevertheless the relationship works.
There are times where frustration for him will kick in whenever you get really absorbed into a project. Especially if you're working with another scientist.
That's the only time he feels even slightly jealous. It will sometimes make M'Baku wonder if he's good enough for you, or at least smart enough.
In the beginning he would pull away and just return to the home to the Jabbari mountains.
It's when you make the journey to him by yourself and settle yourself into his lap, and tell him. "You know I love you right"
M"Baku realizes he has nothing worry about and says it back.
Eventually Shuri lifts his banishment from her lab under the strict guideline that he is to not touch anything.
The only time M'Baku breaks the rule is to touch you.
Whenever you're not taking care of yourself and overworked. M'Baku will just throw you over his shoulder unfazed by your struggles, and take you home.
He makes sure you're well fed and rested letting you fall asleep on his chest.
M'Baku also makes sure you loosen up every now and then and have fun.
The next time T'Challa teases him about being a puppy in love instead of getting offended. M'Baku just nods while staring at you from a distance. Where you're hanging out with Nakia.
M'Baku pulls out a ring to show T'Challa with an adoring look on his face.
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grandlinedreams · 11 months
in reference to the silent nerd law anon, him having an artistic s/o that makes him things pertaining to those interests would be so cute! like he'd start borderline vibrating trying not to nerd out when they're given to him 😭 also he'd def have a something put in in his office/room dedicated to holding items they'd made for him, whether it be drawings or figurines or w/e
PLEASE that's so cute oml 🥺
He makes an off-hand comment about wishing he had some art of Sora: Warrior of the Sea and you go out of your way to make some for him (including concepts of some of the tech from that integrated for the Heart Pirates)? It's framed and in his office immediately. Doesn't let anyone touch it, whatsoever.
Also likes to watch you draw because your focused face is one of the things he loves most about you.
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