#why am i talking about this when im still watching a vod
slimeciclecock · 10 months
I'm burning a candle again btw. Idk why I keep burning the same one candle but I am
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qpenpals · 7 months
First of all, support Shubble and support all victims (which is a statement that while said a lot, seems not be followed as frequently, however i hope those who read this abide by it)
Second, I don’t support wilbur soot/william gold, and I don’t think that anyone should after this.
Third, while this situation is not about me, i have feelings and opinions about it that i would like to share, but even if you don’t read anymore,
Please watch shelby’s vod, and maybe try checking her content out, because while i don’t frequently watch her, i enjoy her streams and maybe you will too! her new hardcore series sounds great :)
This is quite long, but honestly this is kind of just for me to collect my thoughts, however if you read to the end thank you<3 im touched :)
Alright, so I have loved wilbur soot’s content for a very long time, 4 years or so. I watched the streams and listened to his music from the start. His content is entwined with many of my fond memories.
Earlier today, I had a breakdown over this whole situation, because, as I’ve been quite busy with school, my job, and other assorted things in my life, I found out about this morning. I had woken from a nightmare about my previous abuser. Who i will be talking about a lot more of as they really impacted my views on this situation.
However this nightmare had left me in a fragile mood, my girlfriend was still sleeping and i didn’t want to wake her, so to comfort myself i went to read one of my bookmarked fanfictions, this fanfiction, while i dont remember the title is one that i’ve found comforting for a very long time, so much so that when im stressed my partner has it saved to send to me so i can calm down.
It was a fanfiction about quackity and tubbo, wilbur soot was mentioned maybe 5 times, and the author had deleted it.
This caused me to try and find out why, so i went to their page and they had posted a temporary fic explaining what had been going on.
My first reaction had been disbelief, I then went to research everything. It was a lot to process.
I watched shelby’s vod. Before this i had mainly been disconnected from what i had seen, taking it it but not with any of my own feelings or thoughts really, just processing.
Shelby’s situation hits really hard for me because a lot of it mirrors my own abusive relationship of a few years ago. The wording Wilbur used against her, sounds like what my old partner would use against me. His actions, such as her having to clean and taking care of food, and amenities, were things i had to experience.
Abuse TW:
My old partner would physically abuse me through biting as well, he would claim that he just liked knowing i was his, and yet, like shubble, if i ever used our safe word, which happened so fucking often, he either wouldn’t listen, bite down harder on my neck, or fucking smile at me before letting go.
This got to the point that multiple times he had drawn blood from my neck, that i still have scars from today. And as i watch Shubble talk about her story which is ever so close to mine, I wonder that if I had watched this before, maybe i wouldn’t have stayed in that relationship.
I proceeded to stay in this relationship for 2 years before i realized how much harm he was doing to me, because i truly believed he loved me, because of all the lovebombing he would do.
End of Abuse TW:
And yet i felt pain aside from sympathy or memories, when learning of this, as the content Wilbur had put out had actually helped me out of this relationship, his music was pretty much all i listened to the months of healing after i got out and it helped, the art is good, and yet the author is one i cannot respect nor support in anyway now that i am aware.
i’d suggest watching this tiktok by @lasmanburg that really explains my thoughts and feelings on this
Right back to the content. I don’t believe that we should throw it all away, i don’t think that people should be deleting their art, fanfiction, or anything based on Wilbur. Because in the end it’s all art that we have created and interpreted and though the man who inspired it is horrible, all that has been made does not reflect his actions, but instead love and creativity from vast multifaceted community.
One can continue their writing and work because they are the ones creating it, not him, and besides most interpretations of him stray quite far from the source anyways
I think that one can continue to engage in his content as long as one does not directly support him, such as pirating his music, but personally at least right now listening to his music which brought me so much comfort-makes me feel sick. So think i’ll be taking a step back.
I don’t really know how to end this, i just needed to get my thoughts out honestly. I have therapy in an hour. I hope all of you who’ve made it to the end have a wonderful day and drink some water. I wish shelby well, and i’m glad she has been able to share this situation. And with that, I must now leave :)
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crimeboys · 1 month
Hello! I have been lurking around in the DSMP tags for a while but I don’t fully understand a lot of plot lines beyond surface level stuff and other people’s analysis. I’m worried that I am misinterpreting things or characters. Is there anything I should read or watch to better understand things? A wiki or summary or something like that? I watched a few streams way back in 2021 but was unable to keep up. I can’t watch a lot of VODs yet because hearing some of the creator’s voices still makes me very uncomfortable but the characters are very interesting to me. You seem like you know what you’re doing so that’s why I’m asking you. My apologies if this is asking too much or rude 😓 Have a great day!
hello!! i'll be honest, the absolute best way to actually understand/interpret stuff is to watch it, like i don't think there's any other way to like. genuinely understand without watching and forming the opinions for yourself. especially bc fandom interpretation of stuff Does take over like actual canon a lot of the time like there was stuff i misinterpreted for a while until i watched specific vods and was like "ohhh. jesus fucking christ" and learned the truth. im sure there's still stuff i misinterpret and will find out when i watch/rewatch another vod bc i talk confidently and do think i know what im talking about, but sometimes i fuck up there is no way to be truly right about a show yknow.
i do understand not feeling comfortable watching the vods though, it can be difficult when a lot of the actors are uhhh The Fucking Worst. i know a lot of people read the dsmp wiki and there are like. some transcripts for certain dsmp vods? but i dont really like them bc they leave out some stuff and are obviously skewed based on who wrote them bc it's impossible not to be when writing transcripts. but i dont have those bc i never bothered to save them im very sorry ]: there is no like reliable way to learn about dsmp without actually watching it, and with how many lost vods there are it can kind of be hard to learn with watching it too LMAO. sorry i could not be more help.
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asterssunzephyr · 1 year
Tumblr media
chat I can go ON about why theyre equal to me.
I love them both bc they gave us so much different dynamics despite knowing how everyone is with each other in other smps
both seasons mean so much to me and I can explain why if someone wants to listen
thats A LIE ill do it anyone, this is my blog & if you have notifs on then thats your fuckin problem expect me to go on for hours if I wanted to.
S1 the season I didnt watch while it was active. I started watching Geminitay, empires smp s1 after it had ended. Originally, while it was still coming out with new episodes, I was watching Lizzie. I got up to right before the Xornoth appearances before I stopped watching because as much as I loved Lizzie, i put two and two together that at the time I wasnt a fan of smps that were new and preferred watching my past, such as Lizzies crazycraft series.
Mind you, I was also a lot more into anime and was actively watching KNY at the time that esmp s1 came out. I was also going through my freshman year of Highschool and right before sophomore year.
Well, we move onto post s1, pre s2, and I decide "Why not pick this series back up? Maybe someone else out of curiosity of expanding who I watch on youtube." well. I picked s1 up post sophomore year and right before my junior year. I finished s1 Fwhip (I am on a mission of watching everyones s1, Ive gone through Shelby (x2), Katherine, Gem (x2), and Fwhip). A month later, s2 started and I started actively watching Shelby and Gem for s2. At one point, in December, I fell behind on episodes because my great grandmother died and I had finals going on as well. Around the start of January I pick it back up from the Festival so I can refresh my own memory.
Cue March 2023, Junior year of highschools for Icarus when I recieve the absolute worst news of my life: My childhood best friend, the one I could always count on, my dog died. S2 ended right before my birthday and I now am in my finale year of highschool, without my dog thats been with me since I was child and getting hit by a train every other week due to sn act class that I only need to graduate.
If s3 of empires smp comes around I hope all of you will be prepared to listen to me sobbing over c!Shelby and c!Gem AGAIN becauze theyre my little fellas and I love them too much for my own good and cc!Shelby has gotten me through the past few months when I havent been my best.
Empires smp is a comfort series for me, and Area Unknown has found its way right next to esmp. Aimsey & Guqqie have become comfort streamers right next to Shelby in the sense that I can watch their vods and I feel content with life and where Im at.
Empires has been there for me these past few years when I didnt think I had anyone else. Empires has lead me to meet some of the best people I've come to be friends with. Empires has connected me to people I never thought I would ever befriend, and Im so thankful for it.
All of you fucks have to thank Empires for me being on Tumblr too.
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atthebell · 6 months
ok i do watch my streamers but im eternally worried about mischaracterizing what would u say are the best cellbit and roier vods to watch for getting a good grasp on characterization
i mean i don't think a list is helpful bc it's more about exposure versus like. specific characterizing vods. like watch the big important ones but i think if you've watched a decent amount of their streams over time and seen what they've gone through and how they've reacted to it, and how they continue to react to things, that's what's important. you don't need to have seen every single lore-relevant cellbit stream to get his character, but you need to have seen at least some of his streams, especially the heavier roleplay ones, and you need to understand the events that have led to him acting the way that he does, and same goes for roier. i think for me what's most important is depth and breadth versus a to-do list of vods to get to. if you've watched enough roier, you know how he feels about revenge, about the federation, about bobby, about cellbit, about everything.
and there's some things that are, i think, vital and still very easy to watch-- neither cinta is that long, and both contain a ton of info on why roier is the way that he is, how he reacted to cellbit staying on egg island. clips from cellbit's early days show his paranoia, how wrapped up he gets in mysteries and how fiercely protective he is-- you don't need to watch every moment of his 7 hour long vods. if you really super duper want specific vod recs, i can give those, but i think if you're regularly watching them both and understand the series of events that have brought them to where they currently are, you'll have a solid grip on them.
however, are there people who've seen every second of roier's streams and still don't understand him? absolutely there are and they drive me crazy. i think understanding the character on their terms and not slotting them into how you want them to be is also important. sometimes even a character you adore doesn't act the way you expect, and understanding how and why isn't like. a matter of having seen such and such vod, it's about media comprehension and narrative significance and understanding how roleplay works, among many other things.
idk i'm just some guy and i don't want to posit myself as a sole authority, nor do i think there's a method to perfectly nail characterization. also i think in fic specifically nailing characterization, or at least appearing to, mostly comes into play with dialogue, which also requires exposure to the characters (so regularly watching streams) along with just being good at writing how they talk. @/echotunes has a doc of notes on how to talk like certain characters; idk if he's done cellbit and roier, but i could also write up some of the things i do for both of them when writing their dialogue (not rn, i am so sleepy, but if you want me to eventually just send an ask at some point and i might get to it). so yeah idk there's a lot involved in characterization but also if you're watching streams regularly then it shouldn't be terribly difficult to know the characters pretty well
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cherrifire · 2 years
okay so, the playlist. currently screaming into my pillow about the reinaeiry songs (YES YOU ARE RIGHT THAT LEFT BEHIND AND IMMORTAL ARE TREEBARK SONGS)
the song i recognize here that im not sure why it's here is doubt comes in? i would like to hear your reasoning for it!
(still on the topic of hadestown, i do think for a hypothetical hermit!martyn au, promises would be a good treebark song for that)
As for doubt comes in, my reasoning is a bit of a stretch but bare with me. (Also I just realized I put it in the wrong spot on the playlist. It should be at the end of Last Life and I’ll fix that like now lol)
I'll put it below the cut because it's honestly a lot
First, a bit of context: I imagine this song at the end of LL when Scott, Pearl, Ren, and Martyn start their "battle royal". Martyn is singing Orpheus' lines and Ren is Eurydice. The last interaction Martyn and Ren have in LL is Martyn attempting to lure Ren into a trap. He fails but if you watch Ren's POV of this moment, he says he thought Martyn was going to form a last minute alliance with him to take down scott.
Obviously, this and a lot of the other songs on the playlist are my vauge interpretation of these events. And I like to imagine that they were looking for each other in this moment.
- I really like how this song starts, the feeling I get from the beginning instrumentals is the vibes I imagine for that anticipation of that final battle
- "who am I to think she would follow me into the cold and dark again?" Is a line that drives me nuts and I would have added this song onto the playlist just for that. Red winter was A LOT so there's this potential doubt of wether Ren would be willing to go as far as they did in 3rd life.
- With Orpheus singing about being alone and unsure, compared to Eurydice trying to let him know that she is there and always will be is just so... renchanting to me. Martyn is and always will be a survivor. I remember in one of Martyn's vods where he talked about his lore in Last Life he discussed how he had planned to betray Ren at the end of 3rd Life if given the chance. Of course he thinks he's alone. On the other hand, Ren gets very very attached to his allies very quickly. I just will never be over Ren wanting to team with Martyn again at the end.
"I am right here, and I will be to then end. And the coldest night of the coldest year comes right before the spring." ARE YOU KIDDING ME ????? I can't express how much I love this line. Not only the phrase "to the end" cutting right into Martyn's whole deal with the watchers, but AGAIN WITH THE TALK OF COLD AND SPRING Im going to be sick /pos.
And the end bit... the sudden stop of Eurydice's singing and music. "It's you" "It's me" "Orpheus" "Eurydice". Replacing that with Ren realizing Martyn was trying to kill him. THE BETRAYAL THE DRAMA
I love taking minecraft moments that were not at all dramatic and angsty then reimagining them as dramatic and angsty. I'm so very good at it.
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relaxxattack · 3 years
hi im asking u this bc u seem to be bee duo enthusiast so
ive been calling c! beeduos relationship platonic because i thought that was what their cc’s said, and i thought they had said that they were uncomfortable with ppl shipping the characters. But ive seen a lot of posts that say their relationship is canonically romantic? and i absolutely do not want to come across as homophobic by watering down a mlm relationship to just friends because that happens so much in media so.
what is the canon state of their relationship / ur opinions on the platonic thibg
dont worry abt answering if u dont want to!! i see a lot of differing opinions and i trust yours :)
aw it’s totally fine, im flattered you asked me about this!
let me put it simply: it’s a whole mess, lol.
first im going to talk about what’s happened fandom-wide that caused differing opinions, and then i’ll explain my own opinion/interpretation. :]
(this got really fucking long im so sorry)
ranboo and tubbo initially proclaimed the relationship was romantic, specifically in argument with the wiki editors who had set it as platonic by default. (you can see this in the vod where they decide they’re canonically married— it’s very funny. chat tells them the marriage is already on the wiki, they check, tubbo is jokingly offended that it says platonic and asks if he needs to up the romance).
tubbo also makes jokes about adultry, which sort of implies the relationship is not necessarily a platonic one.
(theres definetly more in that stream alone but it’s been a long time since i watched it so i don’t remember a lot of it.)
the wiki, because of this, suffers from going back and forth on platonic and romantic, seemingly unsure where the joke ends and the canon begins, or if its canonically a joke! a mess, as you can already tell.
this gets more complicated as the marriage bit goes on: outsiders, such as phil and scott, both at one point say “platonic marriage”, which then ranboo and tubbo agree with. however, when chat asks them if they’re platonic, they say the opposite. so there is a lot of confusion there.
there’s also the difficulty of being able to tell streamers and characters apart. ranboo and tubbo both don’t like being shipped irl, and that’s their boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed. (they’re also minors, but tbh when they’re 18 in a year i will still be following their boundaries regardless of their legal age).
due to people not wanting to be accused of minor shipping, they started adding the platonic tone indicator to most of their drawings— basically a way of saying “no homo”. meanwhile, tubbo frequently on stream flirts with ranboo and makes quite a bit of nsfw comments towards him that are frankly hilarious.
this goes on for a while with nobody really sure what’s canon, but a lot of people assuming it’s probably platonic, until: the drama of the mods night. a few mods dmed all the wiki editors telling them ranboo wanted his canon character relationship officially set to platonic.
unfortunately for those mods; the very same day, a few hours later, ranboo on stream makes fun of puffy delivering him and tubbo “friendship flowers”. because, and i quote, “bruh. we’re literally married. this must be how the ancient greeks felt.”
in case you don’t know, the internet often jokes about how historians will call ancient greeks ‘very good friends’ when they are quite obviously gay. so in this context, ranboo is joking that people will call him and c!tubbo, who are married, “close friends”, when he doesn’t think they are.
basically, ranboo canonized romantic bee duo, the very same day the mods told everyone he’d wanted a platonic one.
chaos and drama immediately erupted everywhere. on tumblr, we were talking about how weird it was of his mods to do something like that without asking him first. we ALSO talked about how weird it was of them to assume that ranboo can’t make his own decisions, or assume teenagers cannot be in relationships without it being sexual. twitter did the same thing but in the opposite direction: called ranboo mods homophobic, or said they were mad ranboo felt pressured into making a romantic relationship canon ‘just so people could have mlm rep.’
i dont want to go into detail about the drama that happened that night because apparently official people follow me and i dont want to stir it up or have them come “clarify” things. im just saying what we talked about.
ranboo in typical ranboo fashion apologized quickly and seriously. he was deeply sorry for possibly offending anyone with how he’d portrayed his rp relationship with tubbo, and he also assured everyone the mod thing was just a miscommunication.
he said he would talk to tubbo and they’d decide once and for all whether it was platonic or romantic, and then announce so everyone would know.
it’s now been a few months and we've had no word from them on that development. we still have no clue.
now, here’s my opinion:
i want to take ranboos word for it that it was a miscommunication with his mods, but... we had it on good authority from people on the wiki team and people in the discord with the mods that (while it was happening) they were really going after the wiki admins, and also made some weird comments about it. that combined with the way ranboo seemingly had no clue (considering he canonized their romance that very same day).... it’s very. sus of the mods.
then there’s the canon we’ve got since then. although occasionally adults in the room have called it a “platonic marriage” and tubbo once (back when it first started) called it a “plankton tectonic” marriage, in roleplay it’s been... kind of not that. tubbo and ranboo make nsfw jokes about each other in character, and their characters also share a master bedroom and bed in the mansion. there's also the way c!tommy really thinks it’s a romance between them as well, and they agree with and play off that— for instance confirming that they “fell in love” when he asked, or ranboo confirming that they “make out on occasion”.
people will still put platonic on their art and posts, imo, because they’re worried about breaking ranboo and tubbo’s irl boundaries by looking like they ship them. or even just being accused of shipping real life minors. and that’s a valid fear to have.
the thing is though: c!bee duo are not cc!bee duo. they’re roleplay characters. cc!bee duo are not okay with being shipped, but they made their characters get canonically married, and call each other “husbands”. so it’s okay to write the word “husband” in your comic without adding “platonic” to it, i promise.
telling the ccs that their characters have to be platonic is... weird. it comes off as not only babying them, but also as saying teens can’t date without it being gross. which isn’t true.
(this is why seeing people overuse “platonic husband” so much bothers me. like, they ARE husbands. you can just say it. what are you trying to hide...?)
do i think they’re canonically romantic? ehh, its likely. it’s still okay to interpret them as platonic, because again, it’s hard to tell where jokes end and roleplay begins. like, maybe it’s jokes in the rp too, and c!bee duo are just friends. friends can and should be allowed to make jokes like that with each other! aro & ace marriages exist!
or, maybe it’s actually part of the rp, and they’re very much romantic. we don’t know!
some people say they could be a qpr (queerplatonic romance), which i could see. (a qpr is a relationship that fluctuates between, or can’t quite be sorted into, “romantic” and “platonic”. people in a qpr can do romantic things while having platonic feelings for each other). in my opinion this is a very valid interpretation as well!
CONCLUSION (sorry this got so long omfg):
are c!bee duo romantic?
its likely, but you can still interpret them however you like!
should i put /p on bee duo content?
ehhh? i find it annoying when it’s overused (as do others), but if you’re worried you can. its up to preference. putting it too much is weird though
should i put /p on things cc! bee duo do?
no. you’re not the one saying it so you can’t decide the tone tags for that. imagine you said something to your friend and a random stranger came up and was like “haha but that was /p right...?”
can i ship c!bee duo?
mmm. i’m not sure on this one. they are canonically married and very flirtatious, but the ccs don’t like being shipped and they’re close enough to being the ccs that actively shipping might be against boundaries.
can i treat c!bee duo as romantic?
yes. literally just don’t be weird about it. it’s not that hard! you can understand that two characters are husbands without making it weird
here’s the most important thing: boundaries. cc bee duo still haven’t told us what their preferences and canon is about this whole thing.
right now, i am assuming based on what they already show us they’re comfortable with, but! the second they give us any more info! all these opinions will change!
i am only going off what they do. i would never want to cross boundaries at all. i just wish they would make theirs a little more clear.
..... i hope that helped anon, i went way off the rails... i need to go to sleep.
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justalads · 3 years
c!niki and c!wilbur enjoyers. pspspspspspsps
alright guys so last night i rewatched pretty much all of the pogtopia arc. and this isn’t meant to be a big, important analysis post (it’s kind of incomprehensible), because my brain is fried from, you know. rewatching pretty much all of pogtopia. but i do have some stuff i’d like to say.
(this also just became a niki meta sorry i love her. i really just got emo about her during the second half of this and it got long. i have a lot of feelings about her and wilbur’s friendship.)
it’s a pretty general conclusion that wilbur’s real “downfall” began on october 8th, during the stream “who are you go away”. of course, his spiral and the process of him losing faith had begun much earlier, more around the end of the first war or during the election. but the big switch, so to say, was definitely here, when as wilbur walks back from schlatt’s announcement, he asks tommy if they’re the bad guys.
this entire scene was so interesting to me. wilbur here is a man who has lost hope, someone who is backed into a corner morally and has nothing left. he points out that they can never really reclaim l’manburg without forever tainting it, and that schlatt knows this. the entire half an hour or so before, schlatt has been taunting wilbur about losing that power. the emphasis of the festival on “democracy” is so clearly a barb thrown at wilbur, and it works.
wilbur’s “nothing left to lose” in this vod is a mirror to niki’s “you know what they say about a woman who has nothing left to lose”. this will not be the first time they mirror each other.
basically, wilbur’s angry. when schlatt announced the festival, wilbur realized that maybe it wasn’t a terrible thing. so once he worked around into the mindset of “we’re the bad guys”, he was able to justify saying he was going to blow up the nation with no remorse. he wants chaos! he wants no survivors!
does he do it? god no.
during the streams leading up to november 16th, wilbur is consistently scared. he goes back and forth on it, and makes multiple “conditions” that determine whether he’s going to do it or not, almost begging someone to stop him. he whispers to himself that he’s scared, that his hands are shaking, that he’s not sure if it’s the right thing to do. because despite what he says about “not caring about any of them”, the instant niki is threatened after tubbo’s death, wilbur walks up to schlatt and tells him that if he’s going to kill anyone it should be him. later, when quackity and tommy talk him down from pressing the button, he can’t press it because they’re there and he can’t bring himself to kill them as well.
but he has no problems with putting his own life at risk. he refuses to wear armor half the time, and actively places himself in harm’s way to save others. he still cares about everyone else, as much as he says he doesn’t. even when he does cause harm to others, during november 16th, he immediately begs phil to kill him. “look, they all want you to.” he can’t live with what he’s done, and how he’s hurt people, but he couldn’t allow manburg to continue.
the man is terrified and angry and he can’t win. and even as he tries to stuff himself into the mind of someone who doesn’t care, he cannot. when he finally does, he cannot live with being that person.
but the reason i rewatched this arc was to see niki’s point of view, especially after her statements during her last stream. i genuinely think that wilbur’s only betrayal of her was pressing the button, because he betrayed everyone. they might have known he was going to do it, but they had faith he wouldn’t.
wilbur cared a lot about niki. her life under schlatt was awful, wilbur hated that she was suffering, and the scene where wilbur plants himself directly in the center of the festival and tells schlatt to kill him instead hits pretty hard. he has the argument with schlatt, and then turns to niki and tells her to run. he then hits people and sprints away, trying to give her time to escape.
this is also when he asks her to join pogtopia, because now that schlatt has said he’d kill her, it’s a safer place for her.
so the man did care about her. niki is angry at the memory of him that she has. it’s been twisted by time and her own grief and paranoia.
in rewatching pogtopia, i realized that a lot of people hate the memory of wilbur. not him, and what he did. they think he didn’t care. and to quote hamilton (apologies):
“history obliteratesit paints me in all my mistakes”
does niki have a right to be mad at him? absolutely. he caused direct harm to her by blowing up l’manburg, once it was reclaimed. but she’s wrong that he never cared.
(an interesting note: wilbur only blows it up after techno starts fighting people outside. he hears it, and says “look, they’re fighting”. he didn’t re-initiate the conflict of the country. the fact that even after peace was won people were fighting just gave evidence to his belief that the entire country was corrupted.)
niki has been hurt a lot, and wilbur has things to answer for. but we as the audience know that her statements are just her perception. she is a character who acts on perceptions. the entire stream was in black and white. during doomsday, upon seeing wilbur log on (as ghostbur), niki has a panic attack and destroys her bakery, trying to rid herself of the pain of the memories. her lines during this stream are chilling, whispered repetitions that are a mirror of wilbur’s end.
(paraphrased, it was long and confusing but there are a few bits and this was the essence of it)
“wilbur is gone. this isn’t happening. he is dead. l’manburg is gone.”“it is real, i am real, he is real and he is dead.”“l’manburg is gone, i am real, i am l’manburg”.
(god. dude i could spend Months analyzing this one stream alone. there’s so much here.)
doesn’t that sound a bit like “my unfinished symphony”? wilbur and niki both attach their own self to the nation they fought for, and can see it as an extension of themself. they both destroy parts of it in acts of fear, attempting to save everyone else from what they’ve made.
what i pulled away from niki’s stream is that she’s not healing. i remember the chamber she locks herself in at night. i remember her refusal to eat. i remember how she was so angry at tommy, and she later realized that anger was misguided. niki genuinely believes that wilbur did not care about her, and that’s not surprising: when he died, she denied the fact that he was gone. she represses the things that she can’t handle, same as lots of other people. it is easier for her to pin her hurt on wilbur, because she needs somewhere to pin it. people feel more in control if they’re angry, not sad.
the song cc!niki said was for her character really emphasizes this. it’s a coping mechanism.
but even condemning wilbur won’t help, because she will still never get closure. niki cares about what others think of her, and so she can’t move on from someone hurting her. she can’t move on because she thinks he hated her. she is angry that he is back, but it is an opportunity for her to heal. she couldn’t heal when he was gone. she’s not the only one with a negative perception of wilbur, after all. he has one too. the two of them really need to talk.
i want niki to be healthy and safe. i want to see her heal so badly, and i do think it will happen. after wilbur died, his betrayal of her stayed with her, and it eventually became her memory of the betrayal that she hated, not the thing itself. it’s been months since it happened. niki wants to find an outlet for her hurt, because she wants to feel better. there’s a pattern i noticed: she only gets mad at people once she hasn’t seen the person themself for a while. and once she sees them and talks to them, and realizes that they care about her and don’t want to hurt her, she stops blaming them for it. she only hates her perception of them. example one? tommy.
man was in exile for a long time, and when he came back he “brought” fighting. that’s how niki saw it. but the fact that after she spent time with tommy (trying to kill him but. details, details) she forgave him because she saw it wasn’t his fault is a really good sign.
i genuinely think that speaking to wilbur will help niki, and it will also help wilbur. after all, they both hate wilbur. the entire perception of wilbur as some heartless, crazy manipulator needs to be shattered for both of their sakes. they both buy into it.
i want niki to know that others care about her, and that she has places she can feel safe. she hates that wilbur is invading the syndicate, because she’s scared of his memory hurting her. i don’t think wilbur will hurt her on purpose, because even though he sees himself as awful, he doesn’t hate her. he never did. usually, with people who have hurt someone else, i want them as far away from the person they hurt as possible. if wilbur does hurt niki i’ll probably cry. but again, it’s not him that hated her, or really him that hurt her in the way she thinks he did. when wilbur was dead, niki didn’t get any better. her memory of him festered and made her feel worse. that’s also why niki killing wilbur or hurting him somehow wouldn’t help her heal. i want wilbur to explain that he didn’t hate her. is wilbur even close to self aware enough to help niki? nah. this is going to take a Long time, and it’s going to hurt.
last thing i swear lol
during niki’s stream, she says that wilbur manipulated her. again, i watched pogtopia last night, and i’ve watched the rest of season one recently as well. i genuinely don’t see it. but i do think i know why she said it.
during season one, wilbur doesn’t manipulate niki. he doesn’t have a chance to later, he’s dead. so then, what is she talking about? of course it’s a perception, same as a lot of her other claims. i think she’s talking about how she cared for l’manburg.
niki joined the server as wilbur’s friend, to join his nation. she grew to care for l’manburg. she devoted herself to it, same as he did. but doomsday showed us that she hates that. in niki’s eyes, l’manburg only brought pain for people, and because she ties herself to it, she hates that she ever cared about it. she can’t allow herself to care for it, because it was used to hurt. so how does she cope with knowing that she once did? she pretends she didn’t.
if she can convince herself that it was wilbur who convinced her to care about l’manburg, she can avoid blaming herself for her own pain. and yeah, she shouldn’t blame herself for it. it’s not her fault. the entire situation is tragic and a little hopeless and once again really makes me hope that she recovers. l’manburg was ruined for her by others. schlatt, techno, dream, wilbur. again another place where she and wilbur are similar: they convince themselves they never cared about l’manburg because of the hurt it caused.
to summarize: wilbur’s going to get a shock soon. don’t know when, but probably the prison visit. something is going to shake his perception, the story is hurtling towards that. once he is able to take responsibility for what he did, and feel safe (because a lot of what he does now is out of fear of being alone or useless), then he and niki need to talk. niki needs something to get her out of her own head. she’s spiraling too. they are essential to each other’s recovery because of how much they meant (and mean) to each other.
anyways i miss early season one niki i liked it when she was happy :(
~ Lad 2
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7ven-devils · 3 years
A really long overanlysis of minecraft servers.
This will be my only warning, this shit is really long.
I promised this to @ivi-prism 2 weeks ago (hi, i am Svetla) but university said no and then i feel my notes were incomplete so i have to do more research.
So let's talk about anarchism and capitalism. As a future political scientist, really bugs me how the fandom and some content creators (im looking at you techno) misinterpret both theories.
Yeah this will be a overanalysis about the political, social and economic system of two minecraft servers. Why? Cause i like analysis things like this and finally i can solved what is the system of hermitcraft and thats make me happy.
Things to consider:
First im not native english speaker and im lazy so im not often write or talk in english so my typos can make Doc really proud.
Second i don't watch Dsmp i only know things about the server by the animatics, the constant information wich pop up here on tumblr, the crossover fanfics and the tiny vods that youtube insist play when i have activate automatic reproduction.
Third i tried to simplified this much as i can because this analysis i maded talking with my friends (also political scientists) and a former professor, so it got quite technical while i was writing it.
And finally don't take this seriously, I'm not trying to insult anyone, I only started this because the hermitfandom started saying that hermitcraft was capitalist and then everyone started comparing the Dsmp with hermitcraft saying anarchism vs capitalism, that's why the dsmp entered into this analysis.
Guys, seriously chaos isn't anarchism and "sucefully economic" isn't capitalism, even paid with "money" (diamonds in this case) isnt necessary capitalism.
First, mini glossary:
I understand a server like a Society/State (country) with Mr Weber definition. In really vague words a State is anyone that has a territory and has legal control of violence (the laws, no the abuse of authority).
I understand the private property as the hermits bases and/or shops (i suppose only base in dsmp? Idk)
I understand the mass production as the farms and resources.
Capitalism is a economic, politic and social theory, wich it considers private property essential and tends to monopolize the resources 'cause this it also considered private property.
Anarchy means "without government" it has its origin in the Ancient Greece. And Anarchism theory is just a society free from any political authority, but respecting the liberties of the others.
A Failed State is which one lose control of the legal violence, and can't provide the peace, essential human rights and the basics for a normal lifestyle to its people.
I think thats all the bored shit (i hope so). Now the interesting shit.
Why hermitcraft isnt capitalist?
Short answer, their idea of private property is not the same as capitalism has.
Long answer, even if they have their own stuff, they had a really strong sense of community and dont really care if someone take things from them.
We can see this in the beginning of season when Iskall take some mini blocks from Etho and he didn't really care (yeah, iskall "paid" him, but later i will explain this) or the multiple times Grian "borrow" things from Iskall and Mumbo in season 6 or Scar in season 7, the team ZIT constantly take things from each other and i can go on and on with examples, but the point here is this couldn't happen if they had a capitalist society because this would break the "private" part of private property and mass production.
Basically their friendship made so strong their sense of community that they are basically inmune to capitalism, Uncle Marx would be proud of them (not really, but would be funny). So they are communist? Nope, communist don't believe in private property and the hermits does.
But you just said-? I said they dont has the SAME idea of private property as capitalism does. They still have their bases, farms and shops, but for them their private property isnt sacred like in a capitalism system would be.
They're respect each other things because they appreciated the effort and values the time the person puts on their buildings and not only because doesn't belongs to them (and obviously cause theyre frends, but shush, this is a overanalysis, the obvious things doesn't have place here) i mean even for the shenanigans they are really polite and try to cause the least damage possible not because is not of them but because they valued the person.
Basically the famous honor code of hermitcraft.
What about the economic system and the shopping district?
Lets talk about the elephant in the room.
If Hermitcraft isnt a capitalist system, why they have a economic system based in diamonds?
Well, despite the exchange based in money for resources or services is a principal characteristic of capitalism, it isnt exclusive of that theory.
The money is a social consensus, cause barter has becomes obsolete and gold isnt cheap or infinite to use as payment. And basically, this is why we use money on this days (if you want to know the history of money ask to your trusted historian or Wikipedia).
What does this remind us? Yep, diamonds and iou's are a consensus too. When the 1.16 came out some hermits tried to change to netherite as payment and didn't suit, so they ignored it and continued with their current payment system.
And as much as Mr Smith likes to say that this is how the free market (and his stupid invisible hand) works, capitalism needs the monopoly of resources and people who works to pay for those resources.
But in Hermitcraft nobody really controlled the resources, anyone can go and collect their materials or made a farm. They just decided don't do it and go and buy it, because they save the time to go and collect for themselves, in other words they paid for the time.
Various hermits say they saved so much time go and buy the materials instead to collect themself or trade with the villagers (cause theyre the worst and all of us know it) thats why the barge and lookie lookie at my bookie are so profitable.
The shopping district it wasn't a thing before season 4, i dont really sure how it worked before, because i started watch in season six and sadly i have a boring adult life to saw the old seasons, but i assume it works in the same way that the trades the hermits does between them to accord a discount or a collab, and speak directly with the interested hermit or directly take it and pays what's considered it was fair, like iskall did with etho.
Like i said all what's happen in hermitcraft is a consensus, even the shopping district.
So yeah, that isnt a thing that would happen in a capitalism system, probably you would be dead, because "how are you dare to entered to my property", or in the jail, "because thats not yours".
So, what is hermitcraft?
For the surprise from much of you, Hermitcraft has an anarchist system.
What?! But their server is so peaceful, they don't steal from each other, they doesn't griefing, hows that possible?!
Well, the anarchism isn't really a violent political theory, at least in its beginning, actually anarchism is one of the most peaceful theories i studied, thats why i dont really thing it will worked in our society, but work in a server of 24 friends. Its too idealist.
I don't really study all of the thoughts corrents of anarchism because they are a lot. But the one we are interested is one of original thought corrent, The Mutualism, this in contrast with their cousin Communism doesn't believes the private property was something bad and considered like one of the rights from the individual, but different as capitalism because like i said before it wasn't sacred and communal things will exist to help others to start or recover.
Proudhon, one of it intellectuals, considered not paid for the work of the other it was a form to violate their liberties and feel horrofied with Marx when he said we have to abolish the private property.
The mutualists believes that each person should possess a means of production, either individually or collectively, and the products obtained would be trade in the market for the amount equivalent of their work.
This sound familiar, isnt it? Hermitcraft works in this way.
The thing with anarchism is they don't believes in a government over the people. And the hermits doesn't have one, yeah there's Scar being the mayor, but he isnt have a power over the rest and only is in charge of the "cowmercial district" even aquatown isn't part of his jurisdiction, his function is more of organization, like when we put a friend in charge to organizing part of a roadtrip.
It's the same with Xisuma figure, we all put him in a position of the admin of hermitcraft, but the truth is he isnt the only one with admin commands (but apparently some or all of them losed their admin status, at least in one of the last tango's streams, he hasnt it anymore) and various hermits said that he is more like an ambassador of them in the legal things of the server.
The hermits take all of they decisions in group and in the majority of things all of them needs to be agreed with the decision or they simple doesn't do it. And this is a characteristic of the mutualism because for them anyone are over the other.
And if you aren't already bored at this point and you put attention to what i wrote of the concept of private property in the mutualism, you would see it is practically the way hermitcraft works. They make their bases and farms, recolect resources and sell what they don't will use, buy mostly to save time and paid for the price what they considered fair. Yeah i know sometimes they do some farm specifically for one shop, but this is more "yeah, this is my thing" (Tango and Iron; Ren and wood) or a division of activities "if you do that, i do this".
The perfect utopia.
What about the Dsmp?
If you do it to here, congratulations.
So what about the Dsmp, i entered here because i want to read of them and the only thing i read was about hermitcraft.
Well, the Dsmp only entered in the equation because much of you said they were an anarchist server, but i see it more like a "failed state" and when i was talked with an exprofessor he agreed with me.
I know the term of failed state is controversial and is almost obsolete, but is the best way to describe the server and stop said it is anarchist.
So why failed state and not an anarchist state? Because they have a government (or apparently multiples) a failed one, but is there, if it were an anarchist server wouldn't have one.
Usually the failed states are known for being violent and volatile places in which ones their governments can't provides the basics to their people to live, normally are places with ethnics conflicts, civil wars, authoritarian governments or states in wars. The most common examples are Haití, Somalia or Syria.
And i am sure you can see the similarities with the Dsmp, so yeah, theyre chaotic but not anarchist.
The wars ruined the stability from the server, have a multiple sides and a megalomaniac for admin, but the goverment still there and they are fighting for the power wich wouldn't happen if the server were anarchist because anarchism don't believe the power should be possess for someone.
The server simply is failed state wich struggles under a violent fight for power.
If you read this far, you're a hero and had my gratitude for read my useless thoughts. Maybe some day i do it other overanalysis of this servers. I hope you enjoyed and dont confused so much.
Thanks for read.
And if there are some angry economist with me for "misrepresent" the capitalist i am completely open to a debate, my only condition is it would be in chilean spanish ;)
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sapphire-innit · 3 years
VOD: TommyInnit Speaks To Dream’s Sister AGAIN
(rp): Drista!! I love this chaotic child and am looking forward to seeing the children bully each other lmao. I especially love the mythos around Creative mode, and that the most benevolent god on the Dream SMP is just as likely to ban you as hand you a shulker box lol.
I do wonder how in character cc!Tommy is going to be able to stay during this stream: on one hand he’s a master at staying in character even during lh moments, and on the other Exile arc is some Dark Shit and Dristas like what, 14?? Overall I expect this to be one of the lighter streams, with a smattering of moments where we remember that, oh right, Tommy’s pretty actively suicidal at this point and he sees this as one of his last hurrahs.
Speaking of our boy Tommy: it's very clear we are getting closer and closer to the infamous pillar. He switches rapidly between Fight and Fawn reflexes and has mostly internalized Dream’s treatment and conditions at this point. The one stand out moment being him calling out Dream killing Mexican Dream last stream, and pointing out he was changing his story even when Dream tried to lie and say he died of “a drug overdose [...] or natural causes”. I’m curious if Tommy is going to bring it up again, and even more curious if he eventually believes Dream about it; something to watch out for, for sure. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this moment of rebellion happened right after he had someone both stand up for him and spend time with him that wasn’t actively hostile or going to end (supposedly, at least by intention)
Hey we didn’t start off drowning for once!! cc!Tommy was also singing, though that could have been mostly out of character as well. Still, remarkably in a better mood, he even mentions having an appetite! You love to see it, and it's clearly because he’s looking forward to Drista’s visit
He’s building a log tower and on one hand, Tommy building Towers is a natural state of being, and on the other…. I know the pillar is coming and I am scared
A mention of the Anti-Dream hole… I still worry about when exactly and how Dream is going to find it. Still, I’m glad it exists, both for Tommy having a space for things important to him, as well as what it represents about his mental state re:not giving over completely to Dream
DRISTA!!!! LOL she was already online we didn't even see her join LOL. CHAOS GREMLIN she just flew over in creative mode and started wrecking shit, as is her right lmaoooo
“You massive jer--, (quieter) whats a nicer way…, YOU MASSIVE DICKHEAD” oh, Tommy..
I like how he tries to punch her even when shes CLEARLY IN CREATIVE MODE ADSADASD
The violence inherent in fourteen year olds,,,, adsfsadfsdfds
I hate this conversation why is this the conversation asdffdsfsd TEENAGERS
Well SHE can destroy the obsidian asdfsdfds She just Spleefs
“What would Dream do” Probably worse lets be honest
Is he actually gonna go back to L’manburg?? I don’t believe it but I also want :(
Again with the stabbing
“I have the fork, but I'm also killing you” afsafsdfdsf Tommy why are you wearing your good shit omg
Lol cc!Dream trying to defend his character for mocking Tommy’s accent adsfsdfds “I would NEVER” in the totally not believable tone lmaoooo
“I will take it from you and I’ll kill him”... I have so many thoughts about how this works in lore. Is Drista possessing Dream? He can kick her out clearly, but she still has God Powers…
Lol and now SHES mocking his accent lmaoooo (... is it bad she sounded pretty close to me? lol)
Adsfdsfswd casual chaos Drista just broke the Nether Portal
Asking Drista to stop destroying things is a big ask to be honest lmaoo. Also she seems to be at least somewhat informed that ‘Dream is not supposed to be nice to Tommy’ or at least seemed hesitant to do /weather clear
“Tommy [beheaded him] actually… and killed Mexican Dream” Dream you motherfucker
“How to Sex 3” THE PANIK!!!!!! From Both cc!Dream and Tommy!!! This server is Not Child Friendly lol (Doesn’t…. That not even include sex things…. afasfsd)
Honestly I can’t stop smiling this is so wholesome somehow even with all the cursing and violence
Pigstep IS a bop, Tommy is right
“Just let him, just let him this one time” :(
“Tommy I still have the Fork” Drista totally willing to stab her brother to visit L’manburg
Yes, closing your eyes will totally protect you from Forks lol
“I don’t need school, I dropped out” Is this Lore Crumbs, is this Lore
HEYYYY ITS THE BEDROCK, the one piece of bedrock he has lol, I think he still has that in current day right?
Drista is writing her name in BEDROCK adsfsdfds “I’m not going to be able to get rid of that actually” “That's the Point”
LOL SHe also recognized the burrito as from Mos lmaooo
Somehow “I really want to go to the other place.. I don’t know why he won’t let you” hit hard… it was def ooc, and she doesn’t have the full context, but still… its just someone else wanting and asking for Tommy to be able see L’manburg…
Afsdfsd the Small Gasp when she spleefs herself omgg
Punz!!! WHY!!!! Were you there bc Drista might let Tommy through, was this a safeguard for the LORE. Also he’s currently working for Dream directly right, as a merc?
Drista trying to save Tommy!!!! Punz why are you winning a fight with someone in creative adfsadfsd He’s too good lol
They have negotiated a visit… I’m so emotional I wasn’t expecting this…. No one told me we got a real L’manburg visit !
BIG Q SHES FOURTEEN!!! Omg they didn’t tell him it was Drista. BIG Q!!! BIG Q DON’T SELL HER DRUGS
“He was Naked” good for you Drista, good for you. There’s something so hilarious about Drista just stabbing Quackity over and over again cause she’s uncomfortable lol (as is her right)
Wha --- what video was it????? What is this Tommy picture on the Technoganda???
….”are you sure I’m allowed here” Dream’s conditioning is strong :(
“At many minute I could get mugged” To be Fair Tommy, that was true before
Did Tommy just suggest spawning in a Wither asdfsdfds
DRISTA DOG ARMY!!!! Aww and Tommy has one too~
THE BENCH!! THE HOUSE!!! Aaaaaaaaa He’s sitting on the bench nature is HEALING
…. Who destroyed the front of Tommys house?
,,,,Drista what are you doing with that soULSAND
“OK we'll turn on him” adsfsdfsd
OH HEY TECHNO!!! Lol “Oh god he meant me” fucking mood big man
……. Tubbo hallucination……… fuck
To be fair, logging against a /kill is probably the only way to get away lmao
“Getting thrown off a cliff is literally how Theseus died!!” lol its also hilarious to me that Tommy def does not remember being called that. Personally I don't think it fits him super well anyway, but I do like it as something Techno calls Tommy, that shows how much he misjudges Tommy's character and intentions. No heroes here, just a kid trying to do good by their friends and what they care about
Techno actually looking up how to kill someone in creative mode
…. :( I just want my actual clingyduo content this is meeeeannn
OH HEY TECHNO …. You fucker he would and it would be HILARIOUS (get mad if Drista opped Techno that is lol)
Oh F Techno got him with the Obliterator lmaoooo
“I have 114 levels PLEASE” asdfdasfsdf
LOL Tubbo with the TNT there's our nuke boy, I'll take my crumbs where I can get them
Techno immediately snitching about Elytra and dRISTA GETTING THE ACHIEVEMENT
Drista being the chaotic giver of illegal gifts is so fucking good I'M THRIVING
THE RUN ON PUNZ !!!! omg
Also can we just take a minute to appreciate Tommy being allowed around people <3 <3 This is so wholesome and good and chaotic as all hell
“I thought I was Tom Cruz for like a whole week” ...TOMMY??
Dristas on a banning Rampage afsdfsdf
Omg shes actually making a wITHER DASDASDFAS
Oh no poor Tubbo I didn’t know he was liVE
319k viewers jeezus
Awwwww Techno hyping up Wilbur's song :) that's so sweet actually
…………….Fuck you Dream :( saw the chance to Twist the Knife in c! And TOOK IT
Lol ironically the Bedrock bros song is the oNE COPYRIGHTED ONE, god why did Minecraft ever copyright Pigstep what a shit move honestlyyy
Pigstep fucking goING TO TECHNO LOLLLLLL “this is the most powerful item on the server since it DMCA’s people”
Poor Sam he actually has to BUILD give this man a SHULKER
Lol Everyone wants a shulker so much
….aww he tried to toss the pigstep disc lmaooo DRISTAS LITERALLY HOLDING IT Scaaaaaammmmed
Drista “I NEED IT ON HAND” So committed to violence !!!
The fucking creepers on the way out omg fuckign PERFECT
LOL TOMMY WASN’T READY FOR THE TURN AROUND ON CURSING LMAO You can tell he's always been the youngest who people aren't sure how much they can curse around lmao He's so soft honestly he talks such a big game and then CRUMBLES when called on it lol
Asfdsfs she fell through the same hole again afsdfsdfsd
Drista has been introduced to a Weapon and she’s gotten ATTACHED lmaooo
Wait HOLD THE PHONE Dream has multiple sisters??? Lol
“Yeah I like Shit” Dream: “whAT???”
Bye Drista it’s been nice!!! I hope she had a good time, she seems like a good kid (who is definitely not a content creator lol though she keeps up admirably)
Drista’s one of the few people who can make Tommy speechless lmaooo he looks actually shocked lol
Also first mention of GhostInnit…. cc!Tommy…..
Keep preparing…. Was his original plan to rush Dream even if (maybe especially if…) he died? Fuck man
Also holy shit was this stream right before Quackitys? ? amazing
This was honestly such a BLAST and a really good time, and I can see why its viewed as one of the few breaks we get during Exile :) I feel so refreshed and it was so so nice to have Tommy hanging out in L’manburg having fun with his friends (even if Tubbo was stuck being a Hallucination and Also Banned lol) No deeper insight, I just haven’t stopped smiling for an hour and a half <3
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
Srry but i noticed in one of ur dream posts u Referred to tommy's cat as hope. I must correct u, that cat was born pussbou and died pussboi. /lh Also tommy killing that cat was nothing compared to dream killing mushroom henry in exile btw just wanna say Also for ur posts about dreams trauma or wilbur manipulating him can u provide links to vods or other proof? Srry if i seem rude i mean that in a "genuinely curious way"
Aaa sorry if my ask came off as rude im just genuinely curious :(((
hi! dw, you don't seem rude at all, and i'm extremely happy someone with a different perspective has found my blog! i really appreciate that sort of attitude and am happy to answer :]
/dsmp /rp
the cat was called pussboy by tommy, but dream only called it "the cat" and then said that "it was hope", which is why it sort of became a symbol (his hope is dead, basically) - that's why i kind of made its name capitalized, because it was more of a metaphor than anything.
most c!dream fans call the cat hope because it's just really nice and really symbolic, and also really sad when you think about it. that's why the name was used in the essay, just to clear up the confusion!
tommy killing that cat was nothing compared to dream killing mushroom henry in exile
i don't really think so? mooshroom henry was entertainment more than anything, and even if it was bad, when watching the stream i don't remember seeing him mourn that much - on the other hand, dream was very quickly and very obviously attached to the cat, with it being his only companion in months of isolation, along with the hope that even when tommy left it would keep him company.
keep in mind c!dream has been deprived of stimuli and human contact for so long it's officially classified as psychological torture at that point.
i don't mean to compare trauma or even compare deaths - because honestly, what c!dream and c!tommy have gone through individually is incomparable and i think neither should be diminished in favor of the other since they're both terrible situations.
that's why i disagree that it "was nothing compared to" - it had an obvious effect on c!dream, and was still c!tommy killing an animal specifically to hurt him, no matter what reasons he had.
when i'm talking about effects people's actions have had on c!dream, i'm not talking about those people. i'm talking about him. :) /lh
as for the trauma, a lot of people agree that a lot of the things he says or does are trauma responses, and hence it's very possible that he's had trauma before he went into prison!
this includes being repeatedly called a tyrant via propaganda by about half of your friends who decided to betray you, trying to keep peace and being pushed deeper into villainy instead, repeatedly being put in between a rock and a hard place in order to make sure the people you care about don't start killing each other, then being betrayed by your closest friends after merely trying to keep peace (sapnap & george) and just in general having no control over your life or image and grasping at straws to gain it back.
i know a lot of people with trauma who heavily relate to certain trauma responses, which aren't always just shaky breaths and flashbacks, but trauma often also manifests itself in extremely ugly and destructive ways, both inwardly and outwardly.
trying to control the people around you is also very often a response to going through trauma, as well as emotional repression which is... rather evident on c!dream during season two. it only seems to get worse with repeated abandonment.
in the end, during the vault scene, the way he acts really just isn't at all the way a healthy person would act, and a lot of his really bad mindsets come from the way he was taught by the world around him.
the character is very reserved however, and since we don't have his pov we can't really say for certain - a lot of people claim it in good faith because they have a lot of evidence for it, and i think they're certainly valid in that.
that is just before the prison, however. from what happened during the prison arc? there is no denying he's traumatized at this point.
he's been emotionally and physically abused by c!sam since the very beginning of being imprisoned, and being in solitary confinement for over two weeks is generally considered psychological (and maybe also physical?) torture. that alone shows up in a lot of symptoms of his mental deterioration while in pandora's during people's visits, and quackity's "sessions" just absolutely drove the point home.
what he's gone through during this arc is absolutely incomparable to anything others charactes have faced before, and it's just plain suffering being endured by someone who is, despite everything, still a human being.
as for the wilbur manipulation thing!! it's talking about the whole vassal scene (though even beforehand a lot of their interactions are pretty iffy), and here's a post about that :]
I also have a small question about the analysis u last reblogged cus it says "why dream needed lmanburg gone rightfully" and like. The house analogy is poor because for one cus the land is infinite. And 2 cus punz's yard was literally larger then lmanburg. And also stuff about dream being a mediator? Can u provide examples?
i wouldn't say it was poor. dream's said a lot of times that he didn't care in the slightest about the land - a lot of his problems with l'manberg arose with the fact that wilbur basically built it on lies and tried to disallow half of the server to come there. c!dream was mad about the division and the fact that wilbur wanted "freedom" to have authority in his lands - over others, as can be seen in this post also.
the table analogy was fitting not because dream was some overlord, but because these were literally friends he invited to hang out and live in a place he wanted to call home. claiming a part of it for yourself and saying people of a certain nationality can't come in is directly opposing those goals.
in the early days of the smp, dream's always been a mediator between his friends - sapnap and george, who would often get into fights and go around killing each other! he would always do his best to stop the conflict, which continued after tommy joined when he took him to court and then later tried to mediate conflicts he was a part of, which resulted in tommy killing him unprovoked, stealing his gear, and starting the disc wars when dream was trying to get his stuff back. later, during pogtopia, he is also most concerned with peace over everything, and this seems to continue indefinitely after.
Today i was thinking about how messed up the final control room was. Like. Dream arranged the betrayal and punz and sapnap killed tommy and tubbo who like. Were literal children and their pals (because the author, wilbur soot, is dead/j but srsly if u take the streamers words tommy said he was 9 during the revolution sooo)
Sorry im gonna ramble about how dumb canon ages are for a second cus like. Streamers can say the characters are one way or another (wilbur saying he is mentally 30-something, etc.) But in the end the characters act like they(or at least their streaming personas) do.
i... honestly don't find it that bad? they were in a war, and the final control room was basically just supposed to end it quicker. the l'manbergians made it clear they were going to fight to the death, so they really left c!dream no other choice. and it's not like he didn't give them chances to give up.
also yeah the 9 year old thing was retconned, because in that case c!dream would've been 14 and i don't think that's true.
c!tommy and c!dream were both young and once again, in a war. the final control room was an attempt to assure victory, which both sides would've taken if possible, but only c!dream saw he had the option.
i do agree the whole child soldier thing was bad but... complain about that to c!wilbur, methinks. he talked naive kids into fighting for his personal power. however, the age argument isn't really valid either way. they had enough agency to sign up for it, and whether or not c!wilbur pushing the intense nationalism onto them had something to do with that is another debate entirely.
Bacl to final control room cus like??? Also fun fact punz took 2 of wilbur's canon lives. And like that probably is what started wilbur's paranoia which later lead to his spiral and i. Many thoughts full of lmanburg today.
i'm pretty sure cc!wilbur said what lead to c!wilbur's spiral was a "dark, twister view of possessions" and "disregard for his fellow citizen whom he claimed to love so much", but i really wouldn't say it was the control room; if anything the sudden loss of power after the elections seems to me like the trigger for his spiral.
I watched the exile arc live and. I feel dirty almost for feeling little to no sympathy for c!dream (srry ive been forgetting to add that aa) because of his actions toward c!tommy and like. The whole probation was so humiliating and unfair and c!dream was planning to frame him for the crimes he and puffy did under the the guise of "pranks" and c!quackity was planning to seize the vice president role.
i mean... to be fair, if you didn't watch the prison arc much yet or only watch tommy's perspective i understand not feeling that sympathetic - however, i encourage you to maybe watch a few prison visits, since they could help you see the whole picture better!
i also watched it live, and i also thought it was terrible, but i share very much the same sentiment for the prison arc because. absolutely no one should have to go through either of those things, you know?
i don't think probation was that humiliating? he was just. being asked to not start conflict with the other factions for two weeks. of course, what happened as a result is in no way justified, but i don't think probation itself would've been bad at all. either way yeah the framing and c!quackity's behaviour was. very yikes, i agree.
Also c!tommy antis are dumb because they say "he deserved exile angry emoji" i dont see u saying that about ranboo. Just say you hate cc!tommy and go. Also people say c!tommy was just as toxic to c!dream and i??? No. One is the victim and one is the abuser and like. :/// man. This part is rambly srry
i wouldn't say they hate cc!tommy? cc!tommy has a persona who people think is annoying at first ( but then they subscribe because he is super entertaining big man! ) but a lot of c!tommy's actions are straight up toxic to certain characters, such as c!funndy and c!jack. he has a very dismissive attitude towards others and their trauma and it does affect the people around them very negatively.
examples; his repeated bullying and behavior towards fundy:
Tommy: “Fundy, I’m just here to kinda let you know that I – if you weren’t Wilbur’s son, you would be out of L’manburg, alright? Just remember – you need to keep that relationship with your father. I saw how asshole-y and bratty you were acting in the courtroom the other night. You need to pull your shit together young man.”
Fundy: “I’m wearing glasses…are you making fun of my eyesight?!”
Tommy: “Yes.”
Sapnap: “Your father would be very disappointed.”
Fundy: “Wh – disappointed for wearing glasses?!”
Tommy: “You got glasses, like what are you wearing…”
Fundy: “What do you mean?”
Tommy: “Sapnap, Sapnap, over here. Fundy, Fundy, Fundy, I’m really sorry to say this – I’m just here to publicly denounce you.”
Fundy: “…What?”
( credit for transcript: @/findingjoynweirdstuff )
he's also responsible for a big chunk of c!jack's trauma, both with actions and words, and that's why i think certain people might dislike the character, and i don't think that's wrong of them. anyone can dislike any character they want if they don't attack people for liking them, in my opinion.
also c!tommy was most definitely toxic against c!dream in the cell. it's of course understandable but that doesn't change the fact he was constantly hitting and insulting him (without dream doing anything back for a long while until he snapped) which is toxic behaviour.
i wouldn't say he was "just as" though, so i agree with you on that. they're different and they behave differently.
i made a dream blob keychain today. Is it possible to send images if u wanna see? Idk cus i havent used tumblr before. I think that's all for now. Thx for letting me talk :D peepoShy -curious anon (but fr a connoreatspants c!dream redemption arc would be cool)
yooo that's cool! i don't really,,, know if it's possible to send images? try it out and if it isn't i'll try find a way to turn it on.
also, no problem! just please remember this is a c!dream sympathetic blog, and me as well as my followers are uhh,, oftentimes emotionally attached / personally relate to the character, so if you could avoid sending hate on the character (not that you have or that i expect you to, just a friendly reminder) in the asks that would be great! we already see a lot of it unwillingly so, i'd rather not see more, but as long as the discussion is civil i'm absolutely ok with you asking more and with me answering more questions if you'd want to! :)
if anyone else would like to reblog this and add some things i might've missed with my answers, feel free to, just go easy on her (she uses she/her pronouns!) and keep it factual.
i hope u had a good or at least ok time at school today :D
thanks! i gtg now because exam tomorrow but i'm going to try write the redemption essay tomorrow as well because ohhh boy i have a lot of ideas about what all i could write around the concept.
also sorry this was long, i can't keep my tongue on the leash :[
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shiftynightshade · 4 years
[Chat: The Jedi Orders Problem Children: Has Been Opened!]
 Thing 2: holy shit I forgot this thing existed
Trigger Happy: pff aah yes ye ol good days of tormenting adults
Thing 1: And ignoring our trauma! Quite the experience if I do say so myself.
Quinlan, Use Psychic Touch!: force obi u using grammer in a chat like that gives me a headache
Thing 1: And your lack of brain cells gives me a headache, but we don’t talk about that, do we Quinlan?
Fuck Adults: wejdhjk theres nothing like waking up to obi wan just throwing shade like that
Sick of Your Shit: Well I mean… Quinaln was asking for it
Queen: Oh goodness, Garen why did you have to re open the Sith cursed chat?
Trigger Happy: :o
Best Raisin: The Queen has arrived!!
Thing 1: Hi Lumi, honestly should we even question what goes on in Garen’s head these days?
Queen: I guess not, much like Quinlan Garen sacrificed all of his braincells to you and Bant
Quinlan, Use psychic Touch!: what is this? Bullying garen and quinlan hours??
Queen: Of Course
Best Raisin: When isin’t it bullying quinlan and Garen hours?
Trigger Happy: should it be anthing else
Fuck Adults: obviously
Sick of You Shit: Yes
Acid Puddle: You two are the only ones in this chat without any braincells, so of course we’re gonna bully you
Wheat: Certainly
Quinlan, Use psychic Touch!: OBI YOUR BROTHERS ARE BULLIES
Thing 1: y’all hear something?
Trigger Happy: wow cant believe obi just murdered quinlan
Quinlan, Use psychic Touch!: quit tellin’ everyone im dead!
Fuck Adults: Its almost like you can still hear his voice
Quinlan, Use psychic Touch!: wow guess ill go and make out with fox now
Thing 1: You do that, Cody’s just pinged me and added all of our new shinies into the 212th chat.
Best Raisin: I’m surprised obi hasn’t adopted them all yet.
Sick of Your Shit: bold of you to assume he hasn’t already emotionally adopted them.
WHEAT: okay that’s fair
[Chat: 212th Comms: has Been Opened!]
[Feeling Glorious has added Firework, Spinner, Comet and Feather to the Chat! ]
Feeling Glorious: Welcome to the unofficial 212 comm lines shines, you’re one of us now. Ranks and regs don’t mean shit here so feel free to refer to us by or names.
Sunshine Brother: Welcome!
The Favourite: Hi!
Grumpy Brother: Oh force theres two of them
Feather: Thanks sirs, but who is who???
Feeling Glorious: Right. Roll Call! @Everyone State your name, pronouns and a fact about yourself.
Feeling Glorious: I’m Kote, or better known as Cody, I go by he/him pronouns and I have used a lightsaber before.
Spinner: :O Really!?
Sunshine Brother: YEAH It was awesome to watch! I’m Waxer, he/him and Boil and I accidentally adopted a young twi’lek girl named Numa as a little sister back on Ryloth
Grumpy Brother: Im Boil, he/him and I got my name because I spilt boiling water over my arm and hand when I was still a cadet n Kamino.
Barley: Barlex, he/they and I once sucker punched General Kenobi in the throat
Comet: !!!
Barley: kenobi’s just pretty chill like that
Curlicue: Names Helix, he/him, medic  and Ihave dragged our general to medbay more times than I can count
Comet: that’s kinda concerning
Shifter Of Gears: Gearshift, they/them, and I once hid in the actual engine of the Negotiator during a game of hide and seek
CRYStal Clear: Crys, he/him and I dyed my hair blond but it now looks like it’s a goldish yellow
Spinner: nice vod
OverShot: Longshot, he/him I shot the clanker bitch himself in the face
Snaptrap: Trapper he/him and I got my name from how quickly I could both make and detect traps compared the the rest of my batchmates.
Feeling Glorious: We love and appreciate you Trapper
Snaptrap: UvU
Grumpy Brother: don’t appreciate THAT THOUGH
I’m Like An Onion, I have Layers: Peel, they/them and I once peeled and ate an entire onion like an apple without a single reaction.
Snaptrap: it was terrifying
Grog: Gregor, he/him and I’m the 212ths main source of moonshine.
The Favourite: I’m Wooley! I go by he/him pronouns and the general’s teaching me how to knit and crochet!
Feather: holy fuck your precious
Comet: I guess we introduce ourselves now????
Comet: well, im Comet, I prefer she/her pronouns and I own a sniper with comet decals all over it
Feather: I’m Feather, he/they and I got my name from having and I quote ‘feather light steps’ during stealth training
Firework: Right, I’m Firework, she/they and I love to paint!
The Favourite: ! Another artist? YES
Spinner: hye im Spinner he/him  and no matter how much I spin I cant get diy for some weird reason.
Feeling Glorious: right, Waxer, you know what to do!
Sunshine Brother: Yessir!
[User: Sunshine Brother: Has changed Feather’s name to: Dreamcatcher!:]
[User: Sunshine Brother: Has changed Comet’s name to: Knock-off Shooting Star!:]
[User: Sunshine Brother: Has changed Spinner’s name to: You Spin Me Right 'Round!:]
[User: Sunshine Brother: Has changed Firework’s name to :Bang Bang!:]
Feeling Glorious: Oh yeah, one more thing
Bang Bang: ?
The Favourite: @Stewed Ginger General!
You Spin Me Right ‘Round: the generals in the chat!?!?!?
Stewed Ginger: Indeed I am Spinner!
You Spin Me Right ‘Round: :HE USES OUR NAMES?!?!? @ Feeling Glorious:
Feeling Glorious: :Yup, he gets sad when we refer to ourselves as numbers:
Stewed Ginger: Right, well I’m Obi-Wan Kenobi, I go go by he/him pronouns and I know over five different languages :)
The Favourite: Hi General!
Snaptrap: Hi general!
Stewed Ginger: Hi boys!
Bang Bang: Uh General, what’s the meaning behind your user, if yo don’t mind me asking?
Stewed Ginger: I don’t mind at all Firework, but its not really creative. My user is just the beginning f my home planet Stewjon and my Hair colour.
Bang Bang: ah thank you sir!
Stewed Ginger: well how about we all meet in one of the rec rooms and get to know each other? I’m sure it will be beneficial for all of us!
Feeling Glorious: Meet you all in rec room 2 shinies!
[User :Feeling Glorious: has closed the chat for :0700: hours!]
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moo-moo-meadows · 3 years
oh my god moo moo i just realized that my one year in the fandom anniversary is coming up,,,,,,, your post about august reminded me oh oh geez,,,,,, anyway 6, 11, 15, 17, and 32 for the mcyt questions? -dweamy (ps cc’s still come into phil’s streams and use the pizza points thing but mostly for funnies and bits)
aww that’s gonna be so fun !! you should do something for the anniversary. idk if im gonna end up a whole year in this fandom honestly. lots could change over the summer,, but if i do i might as well wait until my birthday too (which is about a month afterwards) and that would be great. thank you for the ask my love *hugs*
from this mcyt ask game !!
6. Who’s the first friend you got in MCYT ?
oh my,, you i think? tho we didnt become mutuals until later. if you’re talking about mutuals one of the first ones i had was zoey or alli i believe. no! im looking at my screenshot of the first ever follows on this blog (technically the old one but still) and it was nick @/sheepdream previously pandascanpvp :0 hi nick ily
11. What is the longest period/duration of time you’ve watched a live stream ?
actually very topical and recent, but like, most likely last saturday. that’s the longest duration that i’ve stayed like paying most of my attention to it. and i believe that would be like, from the time that jack manifold’s loh started,, i don’t quite remember, to jack’s short stream afterwards, to quackity’s stream, and then all of the pummel party portion of punz’ stream,, and then after that i stayed a little bit in switch’s stream before going to bed. so yeah! big day. long day. fucking hell. from like. 12 pm to 12 am? give or take?
15. What’s your favorite type of VOD (SMP, minigames, etc) ?
i dont typically watch vods of just simple smp streams bc there’s not a lot happening. if i had to say, my favorite type of vod to rewatch/watch (which i dont really rewatch) would be story time ones? Q&A ones? the ones that dream team do on their alt is pretty nice which is why its a fucking shame when they dont save the damn VOD
17. Whose content brought you into the MCYT community?
wilbur and the lunch club boys, but i think what really really brought me into the fandom and the community would be dream team.
32. What’s your favorite hostile mob?
hostile? so not neutral, hum.. slimes! i like slimes. baby ones to be fair but still. maybe blazes too? purely out of aesthetic purposes i like vexes as well but damn theyre a fucking pain i hate them
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foryouthegays · 4 years
its time for a ‘assembling an army [Dream SMP]’ liveblog pogggg
bc people seem to like techno saying “puppy!” heres the timestamps for the times he says it in this stream and a few i remember from other times
2 mins into ‘minecraft VR is the ultimate fitness program’
and he doesnt say puppy but ‘train ‘em young (Collab with GURL GAMER ERMAGERD)’ is just. its so cute. please watch it. its techno playin and his little sister is in the background and i love it nd he says ‘pony’ nstead of horse so that counts. also his nod at 2:27 after his sister says ‘thats u!!’ is so cute like ahhhHHH and at 3:25 his sister says doggy and it sounds so similar to how techno says it in the vr vid ahhhhhhHHH sorry i just love that vid so much u can hear techno in the bg its so good
ALSO HE DID A ‘DO DO DOOO’ AT 15:20 :D!!!!!!!AND 1:07:45
if yall dont watch vods, he starts his stream with ‘starting the streaamm!!!!’ and its adorable. i highly recommend watchin the start of his streams just for that
as always, he says three in the prettiest way possible and i hate it. how can you make the word THREE sound nice its. its not allowed 
hes calling the wither skull place (which i had been calling theseus’ vault/home) the bunker and i kinda like that. (1:15)
“worst case scenario, he’s building an ugly tower outside of my base, best case scenario, he died!” 2:50
heres the link tommy sends at 7:10 https://www.reddit.com/r/tommyinnit/comments/kfdsid/i_know_tommy_likes_cobblestone_towers_so_heres_an/?sort=new
tommy: “what are your deepest emotions”
techno: “uhhh....revenge.”
tommy: -laughs- “what about like, you know, love.
techno: “not so much.”
tommy: -laughs- “hey, ok”
techno: “love? sounds kinda cringe,”
tommy: -laughs harder- “love?? all i know is anarchy!”
techno: “all i know is anarchy, violence, and get subscriber, ok? thats all you need.”
aroace c!techno pog??
the “i know another word for dog” “puppy!!!” convo is at 10:30 btw. techno is just. am love he
“you’re trying to think of one redeeming quality you have and you’re stuttering. you’re stuttering, tommy.” LSFJDLKDSJF 14:30
techno making fun of tommy falling through snow and then immediately doing the exact same thing is so funny a;sdkfjkasd 15:25
17:10 ah yes, a sheep, the opposite of a dog, mhmm
19:25 “tommy i dont believe in laws” LKSFJHDLA
“i need you i need you i need you” “i’m right here.” AWWWW  20:25
i feel like techno is just,,,,constantly redirecting the convo back to dogs to try nd distract tommy
hhghn the way that techno asked tommy to describe his location,,,,,,isnt that LITERALLY grounding??? ik it was so tech could find him but just,,,tommy immediately started talking clearer and responding better to techno,,,,,hhgnn
why is technos laptop just randomly telling him abt pagodas im ksfhjdal 30:20
30:50 techno has access to twitch in universe
32:05 dream no. ‘hey I’m on my way to your house, need to have a chat with you’ GO AWAY 
37:55 as much as i hate c! dream i just. i love dream nd technos dynamic so much but i know dreams gonna be in character and it makes me sad bc nooo dont be mean :(
38:50 “tommy....left” “who?” GFJHSKDL TECHNO IM IHUGFJSKDLA 
wait but techno couldve made skyblock canon in the smp universe if explained the sell foot as the ‘pigs foot’ from slaying dragons in skyblock and saying that they made people faster but nooOOOOooOOooooOOoooOOOoo gkfjshdl 39:45
techno just spelled coughing ‘caughing’ and idiot ‘idfiot’ im,,,,,hfdgkjs 40:50
“what does impaired mean?” so THATS who technos talkin bout not knowin english 52:30 (bonus: “it means its out of pair, tommy”)
52:50 my god these people are so dumb im crying could u imagine just casually walking ur dog and u just hear yelling in the distance and u look up to see two sets of enchanted netherite, one with a dog and one with a llama who seems to be spitting at the owner, yelling at each other about staying stealthy and ur like ‘this may as well happen’ and one of them jUMPS OFF A BRIDGE and the other just yeets the llama down before jumping off as well and u see the dog walk up to u and u can kinda see an outline of someone and ur like whatever and then the other person walks by holding bamboo and no armor on with the llama still spitting and then one of them starts yelling at the other and ur like iS THAT TOMMY??? I THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD??? and u realize the other is techno and ur like,,,,god why did i move to this cursed country and then the llama starts talking and spitting at u just. and u just. u leave. u just gotta leave. 
and then now ur ranboo, going to figure out whats happening and theres a llama that starts spitting at u and ur like ????? and u see some dogs and u turn around and then theyre gone and then tommy (who, once again, is thought to be dead) texts you and says u should join vc3 and then the llama starts talking and telling u to give up all ur things and then u DIE sjkdfal; 
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god these people have no braincells when theyre together its so funny 
1:10:20 sCHLATT????? WHA T
🦀TOMMY IS GONE 🦀 1:15:00 (also: “he died as he lived, an absolute moron” JFKSDL TECHNO)
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“ew, imagine using valid arguments to refute my idiotic points” god i love techno so much (1:19:50)
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autisticlalna · 4 years
hdgsgsdf omg karl's latest diaries are a trip and a delight when thinking about honk, like esp once he knows that honk's influenced by the in between, karl literally references the in between as a friend looking out for him!! honk is literally karl's friend guiding and helping him!! and then the hints that theres more going on that he can't trust, his hesitancy about the in between translating over to honk. it's so fun to think about, applying the canon to the spau. like "i genuinely feel safe talking to honk about what's troubling me, but clearly i can't trust him with everything, even if he is trying to protect me, bc i dont know how much of him anymore is me or him or the inbetween"
but oooooooo, that sounds like such a cool fic part!!! bro!!! sapnap expecting honk to be, like, a legitimate shadow, a karl-tinted version of his own, but it just feels halfway like talking to karl and it's So Weird. i can imagine at some point later sapnap hearing karl call his name and turning around like "hey karl! :D" but it's. just honk standing there.
and Yes poor honk!! like he didn't ask for Any of this, he could've formed whatever relationships and friendships he wanted, and instead he has to deal with this weird guilt trip of feeling like hes somehow stealing karl's, bc he remembers them all like he was there and the more he gains about them the more karl loses. and on top of that, it's not like any of them are reciprocated bc no matter how it feels honk is not karl??? which leaves honk in this awful limbo where he wants to reach out but he also Does Not Want to reach out, and it won't turn out well either way. :(
but shsjhdahgdjs it's like!!! the argo question thing!! how many times can you repair a ship, replacing it's broken parts, until it's just not the same ship anymore. except here it's also if you use all the old parts to build a whole new identical ship, what's the difference between the new ship and the original? which is the real argo? LIKE. that's such a terrifying question for both of them to ponder!! if theres nothing left of karl, but honk now has everything he lost, how the heck do either of them come back from that?? that's suuuuch an intriguing slope to think about, omg.
hfhdhshdh i went back to watch the vod of it and its still. so good. karl coming back up from the secret room and they're just There, and karl going through and checking every single book, clearly freaked out, and then putting all of them back, like. Bruh. it hits so hard
honk really do be like ":]" vibes and karl runs away
hhhhh, honk starting out more shadowy and just acting as the in between says and then gradually getting more and more persony and rationalizing it to help karl, and then shooting the in between in the foot bc yes he was brought out to help the in between but even more he was brought out to help karl and he knows which of the two takes priority (trying to ignore which one has the ability to dictate his actions tho). like!!!!! honk's character arc!!!!!! his friendship with karl!!!!! my heart is full!!!
but legit, karl will show up in the black hoodie and all of us will (beyonce meme) HONK!?
also. honk playlist. :o pog
me: i am going to go to bed inbox: [1] me: i am not going to go to bed (I PROMISE IM GOING TO GO TO BED AFTER I ANSWER THIS I JUST GOT EXCITED)
ITS SO SO SO SO SO MUCH FUN WHEN CANON STUFF ENDS UP SUPPORTING SPAU DECISIONS theres like, a joke back when spau was only a hermitcraft thing where we accidentally predicted some elements of season 7 waaayyyy before s7 was even announced. its wild. AND ITS SUCH A FUN PERSPECTIVE TO ADD ON TO IT like, man im just thinkin abt that journal now. AND YEA THE UHHH WILD WEST ONE WHERE HE’S LIKE “i can see why the inbetween wanted me to move the library, im glad i have someone looking out for me” OR W/E . GOD DAMN
YEAH LIKE,,, sapnap’s starting to get how his own shadow (Pan! i love pan. would love to draw him someday.) acts, has some reasonable expectations for when he interacts with honk, and honk is just... Off. Wrong. it’s like he’s talking to karl but just a Little off-center, somewhere between comfortable and uncomfortable, aaand i just remembered i wrote something somewhere hold on
He’s surrounded by people he vaguely knows from secondhand becoming firsthand— random memories and anecdotes about players he’s never spoken to falling through the gaps in Karl’s memory to land in his hands. Honk has never met Lazar, but the connection of face-to-name is there; he remembers being close to Eret, but Eret probably doesn’t even know he exists.  It’s almost a relief to meet people Karl hasn’t, because Honk has time to build up his own perspective before it gets knocked askew by the inbetween shoving more pages into his book.
    The hardest ones to talk to are Sapnap and Quackity. Karl’s still holding onto most of his memories of them, but there’s some things that slipped through his fingers. It makes Honk’s heart hurt looking at them, and it’s not helped at all by his shadow instincts raising their hackles at the sight of a player. There’s been awkward scenes where Sapnap would try to talk to him— ask him where Karl was, ask him about his day, let him know Pan was around, overall trying to be a nice guy— and Honk would treat it like mashing through all the dialogue options to get through the conversation as quickly as possible before he snapped.
    He’s pretty sure Sapnap thinks he’s an asshole. It sucks.
HI THAT’S FROM AN UNFINISHED FIC THAT WAS MOSTLY ME FIGURING OUT HONK’S OPINIONS ON EVERYONE IN PREPARATION FOR WRITING OTHER THINGS anyway honk is just, Uncanny and also attempting to alt+f4 out of any social interaction with people he has cluttered feelings about bc it is intensely uncomfortable for everyone involved lmao
YEAH... YEAH.......... bc like, no one Actually Knows what honk’s deal is asides from him being a Weird Shadow, so he cant exactly like. open up to like, sap or q or anybody bc they have like, no idea who he even Is. and like, would they even believe him? karl can still get the support he needs if he’s ever able to reach out and spill his secrets, but honk only has karl. kinda very ow now that i think about it. ):
SHIP OF THESEUS!!!!!!!!! hi me and my roommate go apeshit over the ship of theseus for. numerous reasons. so i literally dm’d them after seeing this in my inbox like YOU’RE NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS lmfao anyway. its SO weird and cool and fucked up to think about, and also very much a question they’re going to have to face if they don’t fix karl’s memory Fast
MAN I LOVE KARL’S ACTING IN THE INBETWEEN SEGMENTS altho him putting the books back very politely is kinda funny. also seeing signed books stack in his hotbar is actually weirdly terrifying. AUGH IM PROBABLY GONNA BE ANALYZING ALL THE INBETWEEN SEMGNETS TOMORROW ARENT I i have. worms
honk, circa masquerade: i won’t let you forget! karl: nice! pog! honk, circa haunted mansion: we make a good team! :] karl: [RUNS] honk: :[ ?????
YES!!!! EXACTLY!!!!!!!! like even tho honk’s spent like, his conscious existence helping the inbetween’s plans, he’s also been helping karl, been seeing him after every journey-- and even if every part of him the inbetween rooted itself into is yelling “no”, honk is gonna fight against it as hard as he can because karl needs help and honk is Here To Help Him and karl is his priority. the library is not more important than his summoner’s safety. it never has been, no matter what the inbetween told them both.
.....IM LISTENING TO THE WIP PLAYLIST AS I TYPE THIS AND AIRFIELD JUST STARTED PLAYING AND IM GONNA CRY (rn the playlist is like 4 songs but tomorrow ill pop off. i love making fanmixes)
grabs black hoodie karl. you have a 50/50 chance of being diagnosed with honk, you little twerp
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water--gang · 4 years
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Only QUALITY in this house my sweet look how Epic and Zesty these look I low key want ice cream 🥺
Also NO WORRIES ON A LATE REPLY I fully understand that ur busy and stressed, I don’t have a problem with that!!
I’m sorry life hasn’t been treating u well :(( I hope the upcoming holidays will do their part in letting you breathe and feel better!! If nothing in particular has made u smile, that’s fine!! Though it might make you feel better to start paying attention to those things, as scarce as they might be. Maybe they’ll help cheer you up at some point! I know you made me smile a lot while I was in the UK and it really helped keep me going a lot!! You matter and I’m sure that you’ll find reasons to smile soon! You better or life can catch these hands fr I’m smol and as intimidating as a swarm of butterflies bUT that shan’t stop me and it WONT
and please make sure to get rested!!! Again I hope the break will give you more opportunities for sleep and I understand how tough that can be but I’ll cheer for you anyway!
And bc you asked, I’m doing okay! My assessments got a new due date for June so I have the weeks before the second semester to get some rest myself, and my cats bc I got CATS AND THEYRE AMAZING AND I LOVE THEM have been a big comfort to me!! I love them so muc 😭😭 and while my mental health is still on the brink, I’m in a better place now- so that’s good!! I’m seeing a counselor too now! I have a session tomorrow actually!! I got him to listen to seventeen dude I can’t he’s like in his 50’s right and I got him to listen to kpop he’s so wholesome 😭
I saw ur post! Thank you for taking care in letting me know! I also won’t judge u if u like dreamsmp if that’s what ur referring too, I don’t watch it myself but I can definitely see how funny it is, I love watching quackity lmao he’s in it I think lmao
I’ve been referring to you as they/them since i saw ur bio (i talk about u to my two irl friends lmao) but thank you for letting me know!! I’m happy to use ur preferred pronouns, and if they change for any reason just lemme know and I’ll respect that too!!
hey you never have to apologize for that yea? cause i mean look at me, i take fucken ages to respond
thank you for the hug, love!! consider me sending two right back:)) <3
ahhahaha daaaamn Three ice creams? what did I do to deserve so many
heh you say that yet you yourself apologize, let's just make a deal to not apologize for any of our late replies okay? cause we both can be stressed and busy and tired and who knows what and that's fine
i don't remember what holidays you meant but I'll go ahead and assume i was semi okay during those and then went right back to being fucked jdnfnd thank you tho:')
aww... i did? really? that's... that's really sweet. that makes me happy:') I'm glad i could do that
ahhahahaha looks like life has some hands incoming! and hey maybe life is afraid of insects and such in which case a swarm of butterflies would be terrifying, especially when it's coming straight at ya
awwwww you got cats!!!! what are their names??? awhh I'm glad you have them:'))
ohh glad to hear that! i hope your sessions have been going well and you've converted him into a proper kpop stan ahahah no but really i hope they're helping and you've managed to stay in a good place cause that's the least you deserve after enduring so much shit
you're welcome! you're my friend so I wanted you to know, yea hahah. aw what you've been talking about me to your friends??? ..... i don't know why that makes me so soft, i just.... didn't think anyone would consider me interesting enough to talk to other people about ahah thank you:') also i didn't think anyone would notice the change in my bio so the fact that you did and have been referring to me as such makes me really happy:'))) thank you so much, thank you for being so supportive and accepting <3 (fun fact, i got a haircut hehe i went from long hair to super short and honestly it feels so much more like me:') )
yep! i was in fact referring to the dream smp hahah, I'm... I'm deep in the dsmp hole jdnxkd all i know is sleep eat and watch dsmp ahahhah it's like really angsty as well tho, not just funny, i have cried multiple times watching it:)) ah yess quackity is one of the members! i recently watched his outlast vods
can I just give you a big ol'
heart, since i can't give you a hug, i am very upset it can't get bigger but we gotta make do with what we got, just imagine it's much much bigger altho that wouldn't capture all my appreciation and love anyway
unfortunately I'm bad with words so just: thank you. love you. i care about you and i hope you're doing well or will be soon. i appreciate every word you tell me. thank you so much. take care of yourself as well <3 thank you
— admin
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