#why am i afraid to speak in my own house lmao
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ghostofhallownest · 8 months ago
what if i just start popping off at the mouth on here. what then
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sundrop-writes · 1 month ago
Titans Hogwarts House Headcanons
A/N: I started writing this during the summer and never finished it, and now I need to clean out my drafts, so I figured that I would post it unfinished lmao. I hope you guys enjoy it. It's just a random, fun thing that I was thinking about.
NOTE - this is based on the Titans (2018) specific versions of the characters and their personalities. If you think this conflicts with other versions, don't complain about it to me. Make your own headcanons post lmao. Also I'm sorry if I have forgotten any of the characters.
Gar Logan - Hufflepuff
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I was torn between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff for him, but I ultimately went with Hufflepuff because I think he has more of those traits. And because he has more of a propensity to run away in the face of danger (which isn't really a bad thing, it's a good protective instinct) - but he's not the kind of boldly (stupidly) brave that a Gryffindor is. When he sees something that is like a 'real life horror movie', he wants to run in the other direction, and he is so smart for that.
And all his other traits are very Hufflepuff - he is intensely loyal, friendly, he has a tendency to make friends very easily (as we see with literally everyone in the show). He always tries to see the best in people, he's positive and bright, and it takes a lot for him to reach anger and actually get mad at people. He's very easy going and calm and just wants to support people.
He is very soft and bright Hufflepuff.
Jason Todd - Slytherin
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This is one of the most obvious to me. I know a lot of people think that Slytherin automatically equals 'bad guy', but I am not calling Jason a bad guy with this headcanon. I love his complexity and how his personality fits into this so well. He's clever, he's mouthy, he's sharp - he's sarcastic, defensive. Defensive in a good way - he won't just lay down and let people walk all over him. And he's always very good at speaking his mind.
He's ruthless in his revenge when he feels that he has been wronged, and he is incredibly loyal when he feels that loyalty is earned. (Which unfortunately is something that doesn't get demonstrated much in the show - but he was very loyal to Bruce right up until the point that he felt he got betrayed.)
He has the ultimate hot Slytherin fuckboy personality.
Also him and Gar are the Slytherin/Hufflepuff friendship meme.
Dick Grayson - Gryffindor
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At first I was wondering if he was more of a Slytherin, but I realized that him and Jason are straddling opposite ends of the Slytherin/Gryffindor spectrum in such a perfect way. (It's one of the reasons why their characters fight so viscerally and could have also been such an amazing duo.)
He shows a lot of the negative traits of being a Gryffindor - stubbornness, (at times) fierce independence, wanting to be a leader because you don't trust others, being quick to anger because you are upset about injustice, the intense need to save everyone and carrying intense guilt when you can't (especially blaming yourself for not being able to save everyone through impossible conditions).
(He is sooo the Harry Potter of this group.)
And he does have a lot of the positive aspects too - being incredibly loyal, showing intense passion for the ones you love, doing literally anything to save the people you love, letting your love for your family fuel you, not wanting to see injustice/not wanting to see people undeserving of cruelty go through it.
He is the essential flawed Gryffindor and I am obsessed with it.
Kory Anders - Slytherin
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Again, a lot of people associate Slytherin with evil, but I love seeing Slytherin traits in the Titans characters for their positive aspects.
Kory has the Slytherin fierceness, the sassyness, the intense loyalty - but she shows this loyalty in the form of defending her loved ones without rules (not caring who she has to kill in order to defend the people she loves), and she has a code of loyalty toward her sister, but she's not afraid to show how unhappy she is about abiding by that code. Which is very Slytherin of her lmao.
I think one of her most Slytherin moments is tricking that mobster woman into shaking her hand and then killing her immediately after she killed her own son, because she couldn't stand to see the injustice, but rather than handling it with a code of correctness and justice, she went straight for the 'eye for an eye' method in order to correct things.
Same with locking Faddei inside her ship - she knew that Rachel needed her more, and so she didn't care about going low and tricking Faddei in order to maintain her loyalty toward Rachel and the Titans.
She is someone who uses her Slytherin traits for good.
Rachel Roth - Hufflepuff
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I debated for a few minutes about her as well, but then I realized that she is on the opposite side of the coin that Gar is in terms of Hufflepuffs. Gar is very sociable, very outwardly friendly, tries to be literally everyone's friend, and Rachel is much more shy and reserved, much pickier about who she becomes friends with and who she opens up to - she's more sarcastic, but still generally quiet and not as social.
And her most important Hufflepuff trait - her heart. She is an incredibly empathetic person. She feels intense guilt when she accidentally hurts people, she connects deeply with the people that she loves and would do anything for them, she would rather keep her pain to herself if she thinks that it means avoiding hurting other people. The very high empathy, high emotions, full hearted kind of thing - is very Hufflepuff of her.
Conner Kent - Ravenclaw
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Again, this was one that I debated about a bit. He has some Slytherin traits, but I was thinking about that scene where Eve told him "sometimes that anger will be his (Lex Luthor's) and sometimes it will be yours" - when he was new, his emotions and some of his behaviour (like going to Lex's house when he thought it was the Kent farm) was controlled by his epigenetic memories, and later on, even when his more 'Luthor' side is revealed, I still think that he has more Ravenclaw traits than Slytherin traits.
Those traits: he has more measurable knowledge than 'sense' sometimes - and again, this is because he's literally new, but it still makes sense as a Ravenclaw trait; he is incredibly intelligent with that knowledge; he's very studious; and later on in S4 when he has his more Luthor side revealed, he still has a lot of Ravenclaw traits. He is very witty and sarcastic, quick on the tongue, and he displays some of the more negative Ravenclaw traits - speaking without necessarily caring about other people's feelings, being brutally honest, believing that he's superior to others because of his intellect.
I think it fits him very well. I love how the Titans characters display both negative and positive aspects of the house personalities.
Dawn Granger - Ravenclaw
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Dawn is at the opposite end of the Ravenclaw spectrum. Rather than being outwardly sarcastic and believing that she's above others because of her knowledge, she is the more quiet, calm, reserved Ravenclaw.
It's clear that she's very intelligent, but more than anything, Dawn displays the extreme emotional intelligence that a lot of Ravenclaws have. She is well in control of her emotions, and she tries hardest to control the emotions of others around her, being an emotional adviser for the people that she loves.
Bonus (aka the ones that I didn't have time to go into detail about)
Hank Hall - Gryffindor (Shows the 'stupidly brave' side of Gryffindor.)
Garth - Gryffindor
Donna Troy - Ravenclaw or Gryffindor
Tim Drake - Ravenclaw (The detective who is a clever observer and figures everything out.)
Barbara Gordon - Ravenclaw
Rose Wilson - Slytherin
Jericho Wilson - Hufflepuff
Jinx - Slytherin (She is a bit selfish, but she is loyal when she needs to be, and she's not afraid to use under-handed tactics to get the job done.)
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one-annon · 7 months ago
hi I'm annon!!
I started tumblr as a artist but I guess I'm moving onto my writing too - I ask you to please be patient because I'm new to writing x readers n such but I will try my best!!
it's been quite a while since I wrote but I can do like 1k to 2k? longer than that might be a little hard for me (`□´)
i dont have much else to say about myself! uh, ive been writing for a while now. i also do rps! if youd like to do any rps when the listed characters/movies, feel free to let me know!
my current hyperfixation; saw series!
next movie on my list; silence of the lambs!
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sawyer family (including the game characters!) - texas chainsaw massacre
hewitt family - texas chainsaw masscre remake
jason voorhees - friday the 13th series
michael myers (og and rz) - halloween series
laurie strode/angel myers (og and rz) - halloween series
billy lenz - black christmas 1974 (i will do 2006 version but mostly the 1974 version)
brahms heelshire - the boy
carrie white (and friends) - carrie (og and remakes)
scream team (billy, stu, randy, etc) - scream series (ive only seen 1 and 2 but im making my way through)
harry warden - my bloody valentine (og and remake)
sinclair brothers - house of wax
firefly family - house of 1000 corpses trilogy
dbd characters - dead by daylight
saw characters - any movie! this includes the scott tibbs documentary and saw .5!
herbert west and dan cain - reanimator
patrick bateman - american psycho
edgar, miles, and madeline - electric dreams
hal 9000, frank poole, and dave bowman - 2001: a space odyssey
anyone else you can think of! I'll try my best to learn the character :) these are just everyone I can think of at the moment! I'll do killers and survivors but I know people are more obsessive over the killers lmao
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anything really..I don't have too many boundaries. I can do anything from hcs, scenarios (i.e. how would ____ react to ____?), smut, fluff, angst...the whole works
and even if you're willing to rant to me about your ocs I could whip up a oc x canon story! :)
also, depending on the media, im open to non horror writes!
really not a lot to add here? maybe like...toilet related stuff for nsfw..
just the usuals - no incest (MAYBE for the sawyers since they are canonically inbred but its very situational), p3dophilia, b3astiality, etc etc
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GENERAL TAGS; #MANN GEGEN MANN! ➸ OOC/ANNON (also used for my rp blogs!) ↪ mann gegen mann - rammstein
#AND I KNOW WHY YOU DRIVE ME CRAZY MOTH MAN ➸ annons moths ↪ moth man - dirty bynum
#SEARCHIN! SEEK AND DESTROY! ➸ annons art ↪ seek & destroy - metallica
#my face is long forgotten my face is not my own ➸ ask games (again, also in my rp blogs!) ↪ am i evil? - diamond head
#game over! ➸ saw writes ↪ jigsaw, apprentices
#i speak for the dead ➸ jigsaw legacy au ↪ logan nelson
#its a scream baby! ➸ scream writes ↪ stu macher
#you fudgepackers'll be the death of me yet! ➸ TCM writes ↪ drayton sawyer
#hey paul! ➸ american psycho writes ↪ patrick bateman
#hes dead?/not anymore... ➸ reanimator writes ↪ dan cain/herbert west
#love is give not take so im giving you madeline and taking myself away ➸ electric dreams writes ↪ edgar
#im afraid i cant do that dave ➸ space odyssey writes ↪ hal 9000 #you brought your dog? ➸ marble hornets/everymanhybrid writes ↪ alex kraile #dont let the bed drugs bite ➸ the mule writes ↪ det. tom croft #i love watching audiences scream ➸ stanheight stories ↪ leigh whannell lmao
#words are worth a thousand words too ➸ insidious writes ↪ steven "specs" fisher
#HEY HEY HEY HEY! HEY STOOPID! ➸ annon writes ↪ hey stoopid! - alice cooper
#I WASNT EVEN A BILL I WAS JUST AN IDEA ➸ annons hcs ↪ im just a bill - school house rock (cover by deluxx folk implosion) #keeping our eyes close to whats going on on the screen ➸ angst writes ↪ slumber - sløtface
#ive got to have faith faith faith ➸ hurt with comfort writes ↪ faith - george michael (and cover by limp bizkit)
#quit actin like a bitch and makin up excuses ➸ hurt with no comfort ↪ i wish i was a riot grrrl - destructo disk
#call me on the line call me anytime ➸ fluff writes ↪ call me - blondie
#rein raus rein raus ➸ smut writes ↪ rein raus - rammstein
#so much for the golden future i cant even start ➸ annons drabbles ↪ breaking the law - judas priest
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yeah! thats kinda it! I'll try to reply and write out requests as fast as I can
credit to; @strangergraphics for the awesome dividers!
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@wr4th-of-the-gods @zippyzep @jigsaws-disciples
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soggypotatoes · 1 month ago
oooohhhhh I need to be looked after for a bit, so bad
I took over paying for things like groceries and electricity bc my housemate hasn't got an income, I'm on welfare but it's more than what he gets rn
also buying my other friend groceries and I got sick of the way their 'support' organisation is treating them so I've been calling and talking to their support worker to get her help bc I'm desperately worried abt her
housemate doesn't have spoons I think so I'm doing all this cleaning and organising and planning and tidying and taking on home maintenance, getting the sink and toilet fixed and cooking and dishes
im worried bc uni starts next week and his uni starts too so I think he'll be even more out of spoons so I gotta keep it up 💀 even tho uni will be very difficult this semester I think, I'm doing stats
I'm gonna help my friend as much as I can in the coming weeks, I know how to talk to people and get things done now, so I will use this power for good . but I am afraid of crashing and burning, NOT bc of them, but bc I don't know how to regulate the energy I'm spending.
I need more help around the house.. I do get help, my support workers are here a couple hours 4x a week, but it's still all me cleaning and organising and trying to fix things and getting to my appointments and I gotta sort out some health issues but not with uni starting soon... I'm not sure what to prioritise here 😅 I don't want to burn out and get upset..
all I rly want is to have a few hours of reading, but my mind gets so tired from remembering to remember things and noticing what needs to be done and what will be helpful and stuff
getting a head start on the life of a burned out single mum lmao
speaking of, my mum's been very helpful, she's especially jumping in to help my friend after I mentioned what was happening, but the other day she was really passive aggressive towards me and snapping at me so I think she resents me for how much money I cost her, which is fair but ouch..
esp cause I directly asked her if she resented me a month ago and she said no and reassured me.. but actions speak louder than words lol. I talked about how I'm running out of savings and she's like 'well you shouldn't be, I send you money' 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
friend might come over this weekend while my mum helps bug bomb her house and I'm trying to weigh helping vs trying to charge up some time for uni next week, but also. am I even gonna charge up energy regardless. I still have so much to do.
(friend if you happen to read this I'm helping you because I desperately want to and I'm so happy you reached out. doing these things makes me feel happy and enriched. just musing here.)
I just would love if someone independently was like. hh. I dunno. I don't even know what to want haha. I don't want to resent housemate for not being able to afford to chip in for groceries and bills and not having spoons to be proactive. I just want someone to think about what needs to be done for me, yknow? I think that's the hardest part, keeping it all in my brain and staying alert. that's why I can't focus enough to relax with my book. I have to watch everything and stay aware of what my next tasks are. I want someone to have their own list of tasks and to do them without me organising it and asking them with a plan already in mind...... like coming home and the table's cleared and the dishes are done...... fuuuyyyck
I might be in danger lol
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plantwithoutplot · 2 years ago
Some ASL headcanon just for you ❤️
- Making is their big sister
- Out of the three of them, Luffy has the best eyesight
- they're so used to sleeping together that now they can't sleep if they're alone
- each of them had a favorite bandit in the Dadan Family
- Ace and Sabo only talk about Luffy with people they trust
- Ace actually loves hugs he just doesn't know how to ask (= he's afraid people will refuse)
- Ace refuses to accept that his little brother(s) are taller than him, thank you very much
- Sometimes, they miss their treehouse
(kdjdnd hope you like it!!!)
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― Makino is totally their big sis HELL YEAH!! Either that or y'know when you have a cousin who is way older than you and they're a cool adult in your life while still giving you sibling vibes??? That 🫶🩷 Gosh yknow what would be amazing?? Fics where we see Makino being a teenager and playing with the trio and all 🥹 like not just being the Reasonnable Adult™ but also a young adult playing pranks with her younger brothers, teaching them dumb stuff and tricks and just being that older sibling who sneaks you treats behind your parents' back or share their wine glass with you when the adults are looking away 🤣🤣👌
― Ooooh this isn't a headcanon you see often 👀 (eheh, get it? See-) I would love to know if there is a reason why you have this HC??? ヽ(・ω・*)ノ
― THIS! YESSS!!!! 🪇🪇🪇 I always imagine how weird it must have been for all of them once Sabo 'died' because?? They always fell asleep under their own blanket and woke up entangled in a cuddled pile... And then one of them is missing. And then Ace and Luffy build their own 'countries' outside of Dadan's house. And then little Sabo, even without his memories, doesn't sleep the same anymore but he can't pinpoint why why why―
They are a set - do not separate 🥲❤🩵💛
― Ooooh definitely!! These boys are 300% the type to be selfish and play favorites lmao Though they all have a soft spot for Dadan (while still being Ace's favorite 🤧)
― Oooooh this ain't a HC you see often, I am very very very curious about why you picture it like this? The overprotectiveness, perhaps? 🤔🤔✨ (I always imagine the contrary so I am genuinely curious lol because I imagine these idiotic older brothers to talk about Luffy to anyone they meet, and then people are confused because they know more stories about Luffy than they do about Ace/Sabo 🤣)
― THIS BOY IS A HUGGER PLEASS DO HUG HIM (plus he must be so so so warm and give the best hugs even though he would be awkward at first because he is shy aboit sumb stuff)
― THIS IS A PAIN ONE MUST EXPERIENCE TP UNDERSTAND 🥲🥲🥲 It's okay Ace I know it is hard tp accept your younger sibling growing taller than you but I promise Denial Land is an amazing country to settle in!
― 🥲🥲🥲🥲 why must you attack me like this- (lies lies lies i love the angst) They do because it truly WAS their safest place. Nothing bad ever happened in that house. They built it for themselves. They were always COMPLETE, there. They were safe and sound and where their dreams were nothing to be laughed at. Their freest haven, up till they found their chosen families. Even if none of the brothers are the type to dwell onto the past for too long, their minds do wonder back to it when they need to remember what 'home' and 'safe' means to them.
THANK YOU AGAIN FOR YOUR MESSAGE 🥺 I managed to write some today and move past the bit that my brain had blocked on for the past two weeks!! I will keep working hard so that you get to enjoy more of Speak Up, Boys! soon ٩(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)۶🩷
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cry-ptidd · 12 days ago
Hello! I wanted to ask if I have permission to use your oc in a potential fanfic.
Sorry if I ask so much about Laura in the future if I do get permission here, I’m currently writing a nun warrior fic of the two (Laura and Integra aren’t really a thing in my work, I kinda like switching dynamics, it’s not the worst ship,it’s just doesn’t speak to me. most ships in Hellsing don’t. It’s why I prefer oc/Hellsing ships over everything. The most I like is seras w/ integra/pip, Alutergra depends on the day..or month LMAO.)
Laura to me feels like she’s an actual character in Hellsing. She really has me writing out a strong nun that’s been betrayed by her own sisterhood because a vampire got into their heads (what Laura went through is what she has too, difference and similarities are at play.) So the entire sister hood of nun turned vampires are after the nun in question. The leader being the nun ex lover, a women she was once loved and found herself deeply devoted too. Now no deviation exists, it’s pure killing intent. The leader wants to turn the nun, knowing…that nun anger and aggression could turn her into a powerful vampire of all.
(There’s more to that honestly it’s sad, toxic yuri for the win.)
Laura and the nun relationship is going to be built mainly on trusts, team work, little yearning..little hatred….they both do want one thing I feel, if I am right on Laura here. To be held.
One still firmly believes in god and the other not. Similar traumas, different outcomes.
My nun oc is definitely a beasts in her own right, and becomes Hellsing in-house nun. Given work, Is a pissy women if she’s bothered, she’s witty, shes played at Laura physical needs by pretending to be a innocent nun on the first day and laughed in her face. A fight almost happened. Hard words exchanged. Throwing Laura’s past crimes in her face, not afraid of the werewolf and stood her ground with no weapon, Two mean bitches going at it daily.
she’s not a speaker for god more like a warrior.she may not like Laura at firsts, and she’s later picked up…On how Laura grows uncomfortable around certain things she’s done, ig pray, leaving the estate to church which worried Laura, turning her head away as she recites verses in battle. She figured Laura has some religious issues, and she’s not unfamiliar at all.
The nun has the same issues, somewhat different in other ways but same.
So she never shoves her religion onto Laura, she does call her a beasts in endearment later on. “My black beasts lays behind me two steps back, i don’t think I have to worry on my back side being cold.” When asked by Integra if she feels alright being paired with her on missions. It’s sweet down the line.She doesn’t mind Laura eventually, she can defend herself rightfully so.
She has killed a few lycans and been scarred up badly on her back from its claws.Laura being one? Yeah not the greatest start. One plot issue I want to touch upon is the dead nun, and that’s been hinted in the story thus far. Warrior nuns in my universe are rare, not many exist anymore. There’s a small group, and well trained. Living in some parts of the world, it’s gifts they had to be born with. A six sense. And that sense is sensitive, she can smell blood old or new, and a nun scent is easy to pick up. From the start my nun oc knew Laura had a hand in killing some nun, It’s why their relationship is rocky. She can smell it and her anger is not just wrath. It’s a burning hell to exterminate Laura however..since Laura is under Hellsing jurisdiction she can’t. That another pissy reminder when she wakes up to Laura cleaning her room without her permission.
This is a fanfic I’ve been writing for so long and hopefully I can start pushing it out soon, with art…but i definitely need more lore 😭. It’s a lot of questioning on sexuality, wants, desires, what killed their spirits, some sex shaming but it’s not done in a way Christians do it..it’s more like a read on their pasts.Like oh is there a reason you throw yourself around for a mere few hours of pleasure and then drink it away knowing it’s done nothing for you kinda sense lol. Cause that’s a can of fucked up, it’s not done from a place of having fun…nor understanding one self through sex there’s an underlying detachment .Can be said for both.
I also wanted to play the dynamic of a sacrificial lamb learning to bite back, learning to be a wolf when it calls for it. She doesn’t allow Laura to lead her, take from her or ruin. She makes the calls. I thought of the fic you written with that other nun and that made me go,”oh? What if I turn this around.” I wanted a nun that made her shots. She had control, that she had the strength now. She’s drives herself into a horrible situations that could end her human life, and the
Last thing she needs is some werewolf to think she’s far more detached than her and that she’s easy pray to consume.
A nun firm on herself
And will never let anyone take advantage ever more. Especially a wolf in human skin. She never been one to let anyone have their ways with her..,till a lover turned on her, it blindsided her to utter failure. The women she loved in her own church decided on her own will she wanted more. And the nun isn’t enough for her anymore.
She sees herself in Laura and Laura sees herself in her too.
Sorry if this is weird! But I wanted you to know about it, and how Laura been inspirational. I have so many aus that won’t see the day of light probably stay in my drafts. But this one? This is a fic I really want to write about and share, even if one person reads it. It’s fun to write about religion, body antimony, no one repressed,well not on true definition, more like learning to heal, love..accept…understanding nothing will be the same like it was, doesn’t mean there’s cruel ending to them both.
Another last thing: my nun never tries to make Laura be religious, or believe in god again. She’s above that, there’s a moment Laura ends up saying a Latin prayer in the last chapters. Mainly one to help cast a big spell for the nun, just for her. Which builds a strong bridge from then on.
It’s a story on a nun knowing there’s evil on both sides of the veil, and she herself has her moments of destroying, and Laura is prime example on what she could have been. It’s not a story about who is good or bad.
They both had their flames blown out, so which of them will have their flame lighten up once more ?Is revenge the answer? That’s the story thus far, and weapons are inspired by many of my fave mangas. Hellsing not one of them. Idk if you will read it, I would be embarrassed if you did cause..it is your oc and you aren’t a famous Japanese mangaka over seas doing whatever unknowingly. But maybe the art I’ll be happy to know you saw.
Goodness what a read!! This sounds absolutely delightful!!
Firstly, yes, I absolutely consent to you using Laura in your story if you so wish. People are free to use her in their fics or drawings with credit.
Secondly, this is extremely interesting! I can see both of them work very well together, their dynamic is one that is extremely interesting to explore! It would remind me a bit of Andercard, with a devout Christian fighter and an ancient immortal monster who doesn't take their faith seriously. Though here they are on the same side, and neither actively attacks the other.... and adding the mean bitch dynamic, of course. True cat fights in the halls. The inversion of the sexual dynamic is also very interesting, considering Laura doesn't often allow herself to be in the submissive role (especially with someone religious) unless she really trusts the other person.
I will correct a few nitpicks to really get their dynamic right: Laura does believe in God. She believes He exists; however, she absolutely loathes Him and thinks anyone who would worship Him to be foolish. And, while she HAS killed nuns before (remote covens are easy prey), the death of that one nun she loved wasn't planned. Laura also wouldn't immediately just jump at the first woman she sees to try and fuck her; she mostly does it out of boredom, or the women already seem to have a bit of interest already and she cultivates that; which would be the more likely case if she works alongside someone – but your OC being a nun, I can see how Laura would maybe try and be disrespectful to her religion and try to seduce her.
Aside from that, you got it pretty much right! Don't hesitate to pop in my DMs if you have more questions about it, i really like this project you have! And thank you for enjoying Laura so much!!
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mcybree · 2 years ago
hey so anyways this lyric to character matchup broke into my house and killed me five times consecutively and left without being apprehended
later edit: this got longer than intended. Later additions to be added in reblogs (or like, a separate post entirely so I don’t fill tumblr user cherri fire’s notifications with nonsense LMAO)
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To set the scene, this is third life. Jimmy has just died, and I have taken this as Scott talking directly to Jimmy’s grave. (“Missing stitch and flowers on a headstone” being used to address who he is talking to). This in mind, he is inviting Jimmy to be a part of his home— something he should have done before. And he did, technically, right. In his own words, “he let Jimmy live with him.” But whether that means he let Jimmy into his heart is another thing entirely, because I personally don’t believe he did, not until the moments after Jimmy died, and it hit him that he actually suffered a loss. That he cared about him a lot more than he would have liked to admit to himself otherwise.
Observe Scott’s reactions to Jimmy’s other deaths: He pokes fun at Jimmy, or he comforts Jimmy’s killer like “hey at least you finally got revenge for the cow thing?” He’s never actually angry or noticeably upset until the final one. I believe this, in part, has to do with the permanence of death being an unrealized concept to Scott, an individual who is on green for most of the series. But Scott doesn’t only feel indifferent to Jimmy dying, as much as he seems to have this false idea of being able to retire and live life away from war, and be free once his red life husbands gets it. “Once both our husbands die in the war, we can be free” is like, a real sentence he said (18:41, Scott’s episode 7). (Don’t worry I didn’t actually find timestamps to make this post I just carry around third life flower husbands quote timestamps to rattle off on hand.)
And if I had this fallacy where I believed once my husband dies I can live in peace for the rest of my days, I’d keep that person at a distance, right? That’s not actually 90% of why I think Scott is Like This about 3l!Jimmy pre-death, but for the sake of simplifying this section of the post let’s go with that. The point is: Scott didn’t respect Jimmy until after he died.
Scott is a very loyal, giving, and devoted ally. This never changes with his character; he means what he says and there is a lot of value in his words or promises, because he himself places a lot of value in it by refusing to go against his word even when the opportunity presents itself. The more Scott respects you, the more he is willing to give up for you. And, fuck, he is not afraid to give up everything to the people he respects if need be, and has a record of self-sacrifice for others as of Limited Life, and Double Life’s finale. And Scott didn’t respect Jimmy until after he returned to the emptiness of their once shared home. Scott didn’t respect Jimmy until he was already dead, talking at the flowers on a headstone. “But I will crawl like a sinner to be at your feet / should God or the devil ever ask for me.” With newfound respect for the role Jimmy played in his life, Scott’s devotion now shows itself, with no one but the grave to hear it. Attention should be given to the use of the word ‘but’ as a transitional word, as if Scott is saying that his willingness to give himself up to Jimmy is in spite of how he can only speak to his grave. Scott dedicates himself to the memory of Jimmy, rather than the person.
The specific line of “should god or the devil ever ask of me” intrigues me. Scott is generally a rule follower, generally tries to be fair, but I am far from the first person to bring attention to his murder of BigB in his own home, for no other crime than “happens to be newly allied with Dogwarts,” and then subsequent attempt to take his things. After Jimmy’s death, not a whole lot of other shit matters to Scott than doing right by Jimmy, and if that includes potentially unfair acts of retribution, then so be it. His moral compass never disappears, but it is put as less of a priority than his deceased husband. Whether he must do acts of good or evil (of “God” or “the devil”) is suddenly situational, rather than kept in check by moral code.
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[11/75] Jimmy Solidaritygaming and Scott Smajor - October
“Come, my dear, and be a part of my home.”
Credit to @ccynosaur on Twitter for making this cover
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heavenly-kazee · 8 months ago
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you !!
Ohh hello there dear friend~ Sure! I have been feeling bored by the way and things have gotten me in a tough spot this month which is pretty sucks.
I'm not quite confident to say this out loud when it comes to communicating by speaking but I am comfortable by writing my thoughts since I'm able to find the appropriate words. Now then, the first thing that made me happy would usually be anime. Don't get me wrong, not all anime have to be action-oriented, I just happen to be very picky when it comes to genres so I don't really talk about the most trending on social media. The anime that makes me feel happy is mostly music and moral-based, similar to Bang Dream and RKDD. Tbh, RKDD was the one that made me deep dive into the Sherlockian world, it's also my first anime Sherlock experience so I am currently in many fandoms other than RKDD (I am most active in Sherlock & Co btw!)
The second one is obviously music. Like I mentioned about Bang Dream, I never once said this in all of my posts especially my bio blog so take this as a special post about my personal hobby. As a child, I dreamed of being a singer. My first exposure to music was one of those vocaloid songs where voicebank robots sing countless songs that were already made by their composers. Such as Wowaka (yes, I understand he had passed so I wanted to respect both his death and his music creation). I watched the "Deep Sea Girl" music video of Hatsune Miku singing underwater, I believe it's a Diva videogame that looks pretty HD but without the gaming on-screen. I was 8 years old when I found out about the existence of vocaloid, I became a super fan immediately and I couldn't stop singing since then. I even had another singer that I looked up to (it was mafumafu lol)
The third is quite complicated, I do love writing and drawing in general but I have a huge preference towards writing perhaps. I never started writing stories at all when I was a kid, majority of my early writing days were usually making role-plays in books, I have seen my cousin's exercise book being filled with so many words through the end except she doesn't know how to end the story lmao- I was intrigued, of course, I started making my own roleplay book when I was in 6th to 7th grade. I do tend to draw sometimes, drawing is just my hobby but I did not expect my writing just end in the hobby category but became my so-called "career" recently, I haven't stopped writing for years.
The fourth is pretty complicated as well but not too complicated as preferences. I genuinely loved animals, even if they were small or big. But due to my kid's self who's afraid of rabies.... Yeah, I personally wouldn't like dogs or big animals getting rabies so I opted for small feline creatures. They are dazzling and beautiful when they're the big animals of the kingdom, it's just not cup of my tea when it comes to their licking part. Cats are okay since I happened to have one. He was such a big sleepy cat that slept 24/7 lol- I wouldn't mind having bird pets as well, maybe an owl would do or the dove. I actually did rescue a small bird before but only to get eaten by the cat because my "mother" was careless and thought the bird could fly itself even though the wings were damaged. Well thank you smartie head
The last thing that made me happy was probably my brothers. I'm not quite sure why but maybe it's due to how I was raised by them. Considering both of my parents never seemed to care about me emotionally and mentally, they were only there when I was sick, needed something and wanted anything not long-lasting gifts. But when it comes to my brothers, they send me out of the house and make memories with me mostly compared to my parents. My dad did try to send me out of the house but that was in vain because he tried to make me shopping excessively so I am in the most unfortunate way currently. My brothers taught me how to be myself and put my happiness first, that could be the reason why I am too empathetic and compassionate to anyone because I don't want them to experience the same loneliness. I looked up to them a lot of times, they made me feel so many emotions at once and it's the first time I feel so loved.
I am sorry for the last paragraph, it's quite a personal topic for me to talk about even though it has to be said. I do love my family but I can't be safe to say when both of my parents just won't try to spend time with me emotionally. Maybe the correct word for me is probably just "investment", I know so well what it feels like to be their investment, even though I never like money in the first place. They forced me into things I wouldn't like so as a natural child would do, I rebelled.
I apologize if this post feels longer, sometimes I just want to elaborate on why they make me happy for a reason and stating facts just won't do the trick. Call me a detailed person, but I happen to love explaining over single short paragraphs.
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infernalodie · 3 years ago
I need another one where male reader dies i loved that story and i need ny heart absolutely broken lmao (w maddy perez btw)
𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬 || 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐳
"𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘰𝘯 𝘓𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘮𝘦 𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦"
Inspo: Murmur - To The Reeds
Pairing: Maddy Perez x Perez!Male!reader
Summary: Payback is all you ever wanted.
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Warnings: Bullying and murder.
Words 1225
No one understood why you had been so willing to take everyone’s shit. You were a Perez. The brother of Maddy Perez, the chick who never backed down to anyone. She was confident, but you weren’t. If anything, you were the exact opposite of your sister completely. When danger came, you turned your heel and ran. Never looking back at the chaos that went on with your departure.
But that may have also been why you were good at just being the punching bag of East Highland. Willing to take all the bullshit Nate or anyone else threw at you because you were then taking the attention off the little guys. The kids who couldn’t take what you dealt with on a daily basis.
Maddy tried her best to break you out of this lifestyle. She tried protecting you from Nate, but you always reassured her that you were fine. And she had to watch her own boyfriend beat on her younger brother. Truly, she dreaded each moment she saw you because she knew that she couldn’t do anything besides stand there and watch. Because even if she broke up with Nate in an attempt to protect you, she would always go walking back to Nate.
You never held it against her though. Sure, there were times when you wished to speak up and help her, but she wasn’t home half the time anymore. Out with her friends and leaving you at home to sit in your room, playing your guitar until the tips of your fingertips bled. Or laying on your bed, staring up at the ceiling and listening to music until sleep overcame you.
Tonight though, everything had drastically turned left as you had heard the sound of rustling across the hall. When you had peeked inside, you had spotted Nate with a gun to Maddy’s head. Now, you could’ve very much walked in and stopped it, but you had a different idea.
When Nate came walking out of the house, he found you dragging your house keys along the side of his truck. Eyes growing wide at the notorious punching bag finally swing back in your own terrible way. “What the fuck are you?”
“What the fuck are you doing in my house, Nate?” You barked back furiously. “I hope you know I got all that shit on tape. So, after we’re done here, I’m taking this down to the police station.”
Nate on the other hand did not look convinced by your bold claim. “Bullshit, Y/n,” he laughed. “You wouldn’t dare. Too much of a pussy to do shit.”
“Really?” You smiled. “I sent the video to a friend just in case you break my phone. Just so I have a backup, you know? They’re ready to post it on Instagram and send it to cops the moment I let them know. So, am I bluffing, Nate?”
For a moment, Nate seemed afraid. Genuinely afraid of the consequences of the lengths he had gone to get his father's disk back. But then he remembered…
His finger’s tightened around the handle of his revolver as he levelled it with you. Your eyes widened in shock by the sudden move by the rich kid. “Give me the phone, Y/n.”
“Or what?” You inquired. “You’re going to kill me, Jacobs? And ruin that precious reputation of yours?” A laugh fell from your lips as you shook your head. “Highly-fucking-unlikely, dude-”
Everything went black for a moment but returned. Your body was overwhelmed by the cold, sending shivers up and down your stomach. But then you felt the sharp pain in your stomach, reaching down and seeing your blood paint the palm of your hand. Looking back up at Nate, you saw his expression filled with shock.
A choked groan fell from your lips as your legs gave out beneath you, hitting the pavement on your side. Grey clouds of your warm breath fluttered past your lips as you whimpered, eyes flickering to everything in your view. Feeling Nate fish into your pocket and retrieve your phone and smash it under his foot. You choked on your words, a trembling hand reaching up, a sign to show forgiveness.
And he seemed to think about it for a moment. Staring down at you with rapid breaths as he watched wet pavement begin to take the colour of a dark crimson. But he stepped over your body and got inside his truck. “N-Nate,” you cried, tears stinging the back of your eyes as you felt blood begin to rise in your throat. “Nate, ple- please.”
He didn’t listen, he drove away, leaving you stranded on the road in front of your house. Blood began to slither out from the corner of your mouth as you choked and coughed up blood.
That painful scream from your sister sprinting out of the house filled your ears. You were numb, not enough strength to move as you heard her scream out your name. Only being able to choke on sobs and your own blood that filled your mouth.
She reached you, falling to her knees as your eyes flickered to her. “How bad is it?” You coughed, groaning as your sister shook her head.
“You’re okay. We just have to get you to my car and then to the hospital, okay?” She explained in panic breaths.
“Okay.” Something in the way your words was softer and quiet reminded her of when you were younger. When you were on her back as the two of you walked around Highland. Asking her questions about everything you saw. Back then, you were joyful, happy even. When things were simple and you weren’t afraid of anything. Because back then, you had no reason to be afraid.
When she tried lifting you, a sob was ripped from your lungs as you shook your head. “Wait! Wait, wait, wait! It hurts!” You cried, hands desperately grabbing ahold of her arms and holding on for dear life.
Maddy’s heart hammered against her chest as she looked down at your wound. Knowing that the longer the both of you were out in this street, the longer you bled out here, was another moment gone to save you. But when she met your gaze, she found you smiling forcefully, tears streaming down your temples as you choked on blood. “I stood up to him, right?”
Her face scrunched up, one of her hands grabbing ahold of yours and squeezing. “You did,” she said with a sob. “You really did.”
Groaning in pain, you let out a shaky exhale. “I think I’m finally going to get some payback. I think it’s my time, M.”
She sniffled, containing a sob as she watched you glance up at her. “I’m sorry I wasn’t the best little brother,” you cried. “I tried and I know I wasn’t good enough.”
“No. No, you are perfect,” she smiled forcefully. “I couldn’t imagine anyone taking your place. No one could take your place.”
You smiled, swallowing a lump in your throat as you sighed. Maddy watched as the weight in your body grew heavier than before. Eyes wide but focused on open space, igniting the true reality for her.
“Y/n?” She whispered. “Y/n- Hey-!” You laid in her arms unresponsive as she shook her head with a sob. “Y/n!”
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suninyourmoon · 3 years ago
This is the first random astrology observation based from my own chart! I might be wrong but heree we are
✨i think aspect in ascendant give a big influence in appearance. I’m a Capricorn asc but i have moon trine asc so my face look more softer and rounder, i’m an average height and look more plump, not petite and bony(?)
✨speaking of ascendant, i have chiron tightly conjuct ascendant and when i read how it will manifest in someone birthchart i almost choke my drink 💀
Chiron conjuct asc is an indicator of being bullied, especially in early life. I get bullied when i was in middle school (also, i have my chiron (rx) in 12th house so i don’t even realize the damage that it caused, it took me soo long to finally realize how those trauma affecting the way i behave and interact with people. Healing journey is hard and painful, I always try to runaway from my past and i never really tell anyone how exactly my past is, it traumatizing and scary to remember)
✨moon in taurus not necessarily have a good relationship with ur mom. In my case, she try to provide my needs but there’s no love there. In the end of the day, as a kid you need affection and love from ur parent and replacing those needs with the idea of provide you food etc is not helping.
✨i have moon in 4th house really close to 5th house, i can feel those 2 placement in my daily life.
I also have my lilith in 4th house, my family have a lot of inner problem, i feel like a black sheep and my family also traumatizing to me, but my emotion is easily affected by my home situation. It’s hard for me to stay happy or positive when everyone in my family put me into a bad vibe. (It’s getting better now but when i was younger oh damn it’s hard💀)
While my moon is in 5th house in whole sign, and all of those emotion i have is being expressed into an art. Art is almost everything to me (since taurus also ruled by venus) and i love singing! (Taurus ruled throat). My art is highly influenced by my emotion, whether it’s a song, writing, painting, etc.
✨having planet in 8th house makes you sort of act less like the sign of that planet
I’m a leo stellium (sun, mercury, mars) and for real before i know astrology deeper, i always confused and hate it if someone make an assumption about who i am based on my sun sign. I don’t know why they always put a bad things over leo it makes me annoyed to hear someone say yadi yadi yada when they don’t even know me💀 i also have a few people i know that is leo and i don’t relate to them at all. Turns out that i have my sun in 8th house, also my sun, moon and mercury is in scorpio degree. Everything is make sense now.
But i think now that i make an observation based on my own chart is literally leo behavior lmao jk
✨well about heavy scorpio influence… (8th house and a lot of pluto aspect) even when people always say that i have a baby face, they told me that i often come across as intimidating. Even when they don’t tell me, i get the vibe when someone is scared of me or afraid to make me mad (yet i still get hurt because i used to be so easy to taken advantage of lmaoooo💀)
✨lilith aspecting ascendant attract jealousy? I think so :/
i have lilith square ascendant and my relationship with woman is hella complicated my entire life. They always have something to hate about me, and one of the reason why they hate me because since i was kid, i’m getting used to get along with not only girls but also boys. When i was in middle school, it becomes a big thing that the girls start to see me as someone who try to seduce all boys when the boys just naturally come to me and be my friend, i don’t even try at all because i like to be friend with everyone regardles the gender. I start to got rumor spreading about it and i end up spend my middle-highschool year not being so close with either woman or man, i prefer being alone.
⚠️TW : Sexual topic
✨also because my lilith is in hard aspect to my ascendant, i hate man gaze. I don’t want to be seen as sexy, hot, anything around that vibe. Even just having a thought that someone staring at me in that kind of way and having sexual desire over me makes me want to throw up
✨but funny enough i also have major lilith influence in my chart, heavy leo and scorpio energy. I can say it’s not like i hate sex or something, i’m can be wild but only with someone i really have high level of trust and intimacy. I love the idea of my future s/o being obsessed over me (lmao), not some random people ew🥲
✨sun square moon…. my mom and dad hate on each other HAHA🏃🏻
✨i don’t have any planet in scorpio but i think i got a big scorpio influence since my dad is scorpio sun and my mom is scorpio moon and mars, now here i’m the only heavy fire in my family but with big scorpio energy👹
✨IC persona chart explain a bit detail of how our childhood looks like
i have 12th house stellium including my moon in my IC Persona chart. I can say my childhood is soooo confusing and emotionally traumatizing but it’s hidden inside of me. with saturn in my 4th house, i don’t get a chance to explore my self a lot because the strict rule that given to me, so i often detach my self from reality and end up forgot a lot of things from my childhood now. I have my chiron in 11th house and friendship is wounded me. I also have pisces rising there.
Meanwhile my brother have leo moon 5th in his IC persona chart (it’s literally the opposite of me) and idk but he’s more open about his emotion and somehow got more attention and closer to my parent than me. He has 11th house stellium there and i remember he got a lot of chance to spend a time with his friend too (i can’t relate bro HAHA)
I think if you’re a blacksheep in ur family u could check your ic chart.. it sort lf give you a validation of how you feel all this time (since i can’t afford theraphy yet LMAO i still stuck with my family anyway)
✨venus in virgo get too much hate why tho💀
each people may got a different manifestation from this placement but for me personally is that i rarely fall in love (well i never officially date anyone but i do have involved in complicated situation) It takes time to build a trust and when i know that this person don’t take this relationship seriously i’ll cut them. That’s why i end up never date someone because people in my age love the idea of dating for fun. I’m now almost 4 years not having any crush and i’m completely fine. It’s better than playing around with relationship. I just kinda know what i wanted in relationship and i’m not gonna settle for less.
But i had my venus square saturn lMaO it’s makes me even harder to get into a relationship
✨my venus in 9th house makes me… :
always wanted to travel and live abroad since i was little.
wanted to learn multiply language😃 but so far english is the only language i diving into (i do try to learn korean, japanese and thai in elementary school but wellll since english is a universal language i stick with this one first)
attracted to date a foreigner instead LMAO 👹🤡 When i was in 4th grade, there’s a singer from my country that really into english song and speak english really well. I usually listen to the song from my country, japan, thai, chinese, and korean song but because of this singer i start to listen to the song he covers and i start to have a thing for someone that can speak english really well🤡
love to learn about higher knowlegde, philosophy, spirituality, etc. I also see relationship as a way to expand our experience too. To get better and to learn a lot of thing from life. I want someone to learn about life together.
Okay that’s all for today!🏃🏻 it’s fun to putting my thought here:D maybe i’ll do it again in the future!
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anne-i-write · 4 years ago
moriarty the patriot headcannons pt. 1
| requested by anon: Can you write about all male characters in moriarty has a same look of their  children and hpw many children they want?��|
william x reader; louis x reader; albert x reader; sebastian x reader; fred x reader
word count: 2397
pt. 2: 221b boys
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william: 487 words
with his whole plan to clean the world of the filthy nobles, william never really stopped to think about having children
well, until he met you
you both were in town one day and he saw you fondly watching a child speak with her mother
“i think two children would be nice”
“i didn’t even ask”
“i know, but the look you gave that mother was telling enough”
n e ways he is a simp and he did eventually give you what you wanted
fast forward a few years, you have two children: a boy and a girl
and they look exactly like their father
like,, it lowkey pains you how much they physically take after their father
you wanted to be like “oh they have your personality, but they look just like me!”
granted, your son took after you in an emotional sense but your daughter was a daddy’s girl through and through
like she looks like him, she acts like him, speaks like him, she even EATS like him
ok but the men w your children
fred is a freaking sweetheart ok
like he’ll watch over the kids when no one has the time and they love him too so they’ll help out in the garden which you are SO thankful for
tbh they only like uncle albert bc he brings them lil trinkets from when he gets back from london LMAO
louis doesn’t show it, but he absolutely adores your children and makes extra snacks for them at tea time
you caught onto this at one point bc for some REASON your kids would not stop bouncing off of the walls before bed and they told you uncle louis gave them chocolate
and sebastian loves messing w your kids bc,,, sebastian
but he accidentally made your son cry ONCE and he was at the mercy of every adult in the moriarty estate including the boy’s younger sister
needless to say, he watched his actions and words around your children after that
now, william
i’m just gonna say this straight out: most of the men never really thought about having kids (save john and albert)
but when you finally had kids, william had a different outlook on life
like fr,, this man works overtime now trying to get rid of the filth that is called nobles
he doesn’t want his kids to be raised in a world where just because you have more money than another means you get to look down on them
you still instill in them those good morals ofc
he also tries to be very present in their lives since he and his brother were raised as orphans
when he was younger, he didn’t mind it all much
but now that he had this small family and a brighter future, he did everything in his power to make sure they’re happy and grow up in a cleaner and kinder world
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louis: 320 words
it took you a week to get him to at LEAST humor you
“if you could, how many kids do you want?”
like, this guy is so dedicated to his brother and his cause it is a WONDER you somehow wormed your way into his heart
but you did and honestly, the brothers are actually very happy that you’re with them
william especially
louis rarely emotes but when you came into their lives, you got louis pissed at one point and everyone was like,,,, wtf?? he has emotions???
anyways, his answer is one kid LMAO
and when you get that one kid, he looks just like louis
yall already KNOW that he’s ready to die for that child as soon as louis holds him in his arms
the only kid sebastian wouldnt even try to mess with
he can deal with william’s albert’s or fred’s kids but louis lowkey intimidates him so he’s as nice as he can be
that being said, louis teaches his kid how to properly handle stuff around the house
you want to cry bc ur son is just so??? the little kid just loves helping out no matter how small the task and he’s just so cute it hurts
even sebastian’s kinda like,, “aight he’s the only kid i will tolerate”
louis grew up with only his brothers so he also wants to give his son a shot at a normal family
is actually aware at how he thinks he’s indispensable for william’s cause and he doesn’t want his son to end up like him
he also teaches his son some badass fighting moves
oh and louis smiles a lot more too
cried bc his son saw the scar he got on his cheek, rubbed some dirt on his lil face and said “i have daddy’s cool scar now”
all in all his son is the best thing to happen to all of you
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albert: 505 words
same as louis in the fact that it takes him a week to answer
“you know you haven’t even answered my question”
“i’m sorry, what did you say?”
“how many kids do you want?”
genuinely takes time to ponder that question
he hadn’t thought of that since his family adopted william and louis
but with you?
“i think two darling girls who take after their mother is enough for me”
pls he’d be so sweet 🥺🥺🥺
you two end up having a girl and a boy, who look just like their father
and tbh, you’re not even mad
you love them so much so when albert comes back north, the three of you are ecstatic
the happiness was short lived for albert tho
he found his son spending time with william and there’s nothing bad right????
“where’s your sister?”
“she’s with mr. moran”
his heart DROPPED
out of all the people in the manor
he sees the two running around the garden
it all happened as soon as albert’s daughter went up to sebastian and said “you’re very pretty! you’re my knight now!”
he decided to “adopt” the little girl and now he’s lowkey whipped
you found albert staring at sebastian playing with his daughter and updated him about everything going on
“but him??”
“he’s just a big softie for her let it go”
isn’t really surprised when he finds out they can fight a little
actually glad that they can hold their own, God forbid anything happens to them
otherwise mi6 has to deal w family matters lmao
“albert, she only tripped”
“you shouldve seen the fear in her eyes as she fell”
would raise hell if anyone even THOUGHT ill of his kids
william and louis are the doting uncles
william more so than louis bc your kids have never seen louis smile
now they’re on a mission to make uncle louis smile
louis was on child duty one day and they managed to slip away
omyGOD he was stressed but also,, extremely worried
so when he found them he had the most genuine smile on his face
your daughter was like (・∀・)
she loves uncle louis
ofc your son adores his dad like,,, who else wouldn't feel awesome at the age of 10 if you found out your dad was a high ranking general
feels superior to sebastian bc of his dad
lmao this 4’5 kid thinks he can rule sebastian for some odd reason
the house is always dirty bc him and sebastian always prank each other
your daughter is trying to catch a butterfly but she can’t so fred helps
instantly loves fred
“is that what heartbreak is”
“i guess that’s what happens when you try to get close to my kids colonel”
albert is kind of afraid of turning into his dad but he has you and everyone else to remind him that: no you are not your father, you are so much better than him
loves your family with his entire being
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sebastian: 844 words
“i see you looking at those kids and the answer is none”
lmao you’ll get so pouty around him bc you want kids dammit
that and he spoils you to no end so that's why you’re pouty lol
“fine we’ll only do one kid and bc one kid is all i can tolerate”
this man gives you three in four years LMFAO
two boys a year apart and a girl in the fourth year
you wanted to smack sebastian
when the two boys grew up, it was obvious they were already taking after their father in the physical sense
it was terrifying
they genuinely look like mini sebastians and you know everyone in the manor is afraid that you two birthed satan
and the satan was your eldest one
he’s just a feral sebastian moran in a tiny body
your second son, god bless him, looked just like his father but with fred’s temperament
and see, you were fine with your sons looking like their father
it was FINE right
you prayed to God that your third child would have at least some physical resemblance to you
your daughter was birthed, she grew up
and you cried
“i’ve got some strong genetics, baby”
you sulk for a lil bit
but you accept it anyway because you love your goddamn kids
thankfully, your second and youngest child are both soft spoken and it's only your husband and his tiny clone bringing hell to earth
smacking sebastian bc all of your children suddenly started swearing up a storm at each other
finally sitting down and trying to convince them to stop swearing
“father does it!”
“your father’s stupid”
speaking of your daughter
she’s his little princess and no he will not take criticism
spoils her more than he spoils you
did she glance at a toy at a passing store?
he buys more toys than he should from said store
you have to physically hide some of his money bc there is only so much you can buy
and her older brothers are so caring you want to sob
if a person accidentally shoved her over bc she was tiny and they couldn’t see her
oh boy
get ready to restrain them like chihuahuas
“little sister will be protected at all costs”
since his second son is so different from him, sebastian actively makes time to talk about what the little boy is doing and what he’s getting from it
doesn’t want to be pushy and suffocating like his dad was so when his younger kid does want to be left alone to his devices, sebastian does so
but honestly loves that your second son is so literate
lddhsajdsfk what yall dont know is that they’re all in cahoots
kinda funny to see them all together bc they all take after their father so much it's like having three tiny sebastians go around town
anyways,,,, yall know the promised neverland right
you got ray, norman, and emma
granted one of them wasn’t as smart as ray but he definitely knew what stealth was
regular sibling rivalry was still a thing but if they could smell the pudding from the kitchen, they know they have to work together
sebastian caught his eldest smuggling biscuits into a small bag
he had half a mind to scold him
but then he ended up giving tips TO ALL HIS CHILDREN on how not to get caught next time—
bc of this they beg him to tell them some stories from afghanistan bc “there’s no way a man as old as dad knows this many stealth tactics”
louis is so fed up lmao
albert is in london most of the time so he just thanks the lord that he doesn’t have to deal w the propaganda that sebastian feeds his children about how “mr. albert is a bad man”
william is fine w it as long as they don’t trash the library
your younger ones love the library so they would cry at the thought of one of the books losing any of the pages
your second and your daughter are definitely the moriartys’ favorites
they don’t show it, but you just KNOW
your eldest could care less about that though
as long as you and his father still love him
and of course you both do
and fred is definitely your youngers favorite
they like to hang out in the garden
ok they still fight all the time though
just because your second child is soft spoken doesn't mean he’s afraid to throw hands
their sister likes to join in for the hell of it
but if someone wrongs any of the children
just because the younger ones are the moriartys’ favorite, doesn’t mean that they’re not gonna hunt someone down if they even think about trying to hurt the eldest too
yeah,,, good luck to them and their families
they got the entire moriarty estate coming after them
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fred: 241 words
cmon yall are like,, young
but you did ask him bc you were curious if he thought about it
he wants one
and when yall do have the kid, you guys actually do have one kid and its a girl
since you both are young, you can immediately see a resemblance between her and her father
everyone who meets her would die for her
especially when she walks around the garden w her hand in her dad’s and he’s showing her all the plants and telling her how to take care of them
needless to say she grows up loving plants
any type of plant
the boys love giving her flowers or anything from bc she has the biggest smile every single time
no matter if it’s just a single rose or a rock
this was found out one time when sebastian gave her a rock bc everyone else had given her like,, two roses each
was afraid she was gonna cry
“thank you so much mr. moran! i will treasure this until i get old!”
she was like 4 at the time
and had the widest smile you’ve ever seen on her
guys u don’t understand she smiles a lot but this was like,, genuine happiness
but everyone was just,, i will destroy the world and myself if anything happens to her
fr it’s just sunshines and rainbows every single time she’s around
everyone just loves her ok
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moriarty the patriot general taglist: @zoehanji
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roscgcld · 4 years ago
RYOMEN SUKUNA || pretty little thing
note: am I simping for volume 12 cover sukuna once more? ...yes, and am not afraid to admit that. that man can glare at me and i will apologise for gracing him with my unworthy self lmao. but i do enjoy this entire idea of super mean and evil sukuna and his cutesy lover that can do whatever she wants to him and he wouldn’t stop her - not like he wanted to anyway lmao 
pronouns: she/her
warning: mentions of murder and acts of murder as well, and if you squint a little there is mentions of minors, but it doesn’t play a big role in the story
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The small group of sorcerers stood before the towering man, trying not to show the fear on their faces as they tried to look at the glowing red eyes head on. Sukuna was seated on his throne, two of his four arms resting on his while another was propping up his cheek; the other tapping his fingers on the plush fabric of his throne. He hated having his time wasted on useless things, and the socerers before him were starting to wear their welcome too thin.
Sighing tiredly, he tilted his head back, a sign that had the sorcerers tensing up. They knew that body language all too well - if they do not tell him what was the purpose of them coming all the way to him temple, and even daring to walk up to his alter will lead him to murdering them all in cold blood. 
He doesn’t care how important they are in the town, or in jujutsu world either - to him, he is the most important. And everyone else is beneath him.
Well, everyone but one person, that is.
As if the Gods took pity on them, the soft sound of delicate footprints came from somewhere beside the group, causing the group to stop their whispers between one another at the sound of soft footsteps. Within seconds a beautiful woman walked out from the shadows and into the main room of the temple, her kimono trailing behind her delicately. The beautiful crafted garment hung on her frame perfectly; not too tight where it left little to the imagination, yet not too loose to hide her beautiful figure underneath it either. It was clearly crafted by a master craftsman, and the fabrics it was made of show how expensive it must have been.
A hana kanzashi was delicately placed on her perfectly styled hair, a streams of flowers hang off the end of the pin, giving the woman a more mysterious look as the sunlight casted a shadow over half of her face. She gave the sorcerers no more than an uninterested glance, trying not to roll her eyes at the sight of the group of mostly men - the same group of elders in her town that were so willing to sacrifice young girls to the man before them in exchange for peace.
She would know - she was one of those sacrifices, after all. However, the difference between her and the others was that instead of being killed after their purpose was done, Sukuna was now wrapped around her finger tightly. She can’t be too proud of it either; she was equally as obsessed with him as he was with her, so the better word to describe it might be mutual pining.
Sukuna will never admit that though, claiming she is just a foolish woman he likes keeping around for food and a warm body. But if she tries to get up and leave, or if he knows people are even thinking about bringing her harm? The world would suffer through Hell like they’ve never seen before.
Speaking of the man - Sukuna’s ruby red eyes watched as the woman made her way towards him, carefully climbing the steps of his alter like it was her own home; a soft pout resting on her lips as she walks closer to him. He didn’t get the usual burst of annoyance when anyone dared to look at him in eyes, or the anger he’d feel of having someone even daring to take one step towards the direction of his throne. Yet all he felt was amusement as he shifted in his seat ever so slightly; watching how the woman just made her way towards him and sat down in his lap like it was her throne.
Which it was after all, and Sukuna will let her indulge herself in such a luxury. He loves to spoil her, letting her do as she pleases
“Yes, my beautiful flower?” He hums softly as the hand that was once tapping his fingers along his seat reached up, stroking the apple of her cheek delicately as he raised an eyebrow at her. At that moment he didn’t care who was in the room - all that mattered was her. And he has a gut feeling he knows why she is currently sporting that cute pout of hers, her arms crossed over her chest adorably. “You’re taking too long. I got cold.” 
Immediately a low chuckle rumble from somewhere in his chest as his other arm wrapped around her protectively, his tattoos a contrast against the unmasked skin of her bare thigh that was revealed by his simple action of pulling her closer. “We can’t have that now, can we?” He cooed ever so softly, something so foreign and so unheard of coming from a cold hearted killer that it scared the already terrified sorcerers even more. A few of them were even shaking at the sight of the woman, who was a mere girl when she was scarified, now perched in the lap of such a fearsome creature like she was a lazy house cat.
How can such a relation be so natural?
“What a pretty little thing she is, isn’t she?” Sukuna suddenly stated loudly, his ruby red eyes now dull and clearly showing his boredom as he turned to address the sorcerers before him once more. The woman from before just smiles softly as she curls up into his warmth, not caring about the others in the room; quietly purring at the feeling of a large hand stroking along her face delicately. An action that might seem hard for a man his size to achieve, yet he still somehow manages to treat her like fine china beneath his fingertips.
“I should thank you for being blind enough not to keep a beauty like this for yourselves, but it’s because of your blindness that landed her in my lap in the first place.” Sukuna continued into the silent room, the hand that was once cradling his cheek waved in the air lazily; a smirk tugging against his tattooed face. “All the ones you sent before as sacrifices were quite sad little things; blubbering and whining so much that I rather send their heads back to you so you can see just how pathetic they really were.” He sighs in annoyance, his face curling a little as he remembered all the past women he had.
Some were pretty, yes - but there was just something about them that just irked him. He didn’t know what it was; maybe it was their constant crying, or how they try to pretend to be head strong and threaten to kill him in his sleep. He just took what he wanted before slicing their head off just as he climaxes; not really caring for their own pleasure. It’s not his problem if they were satisfied or not.
However, when his little flower came, sniffling with tearful eyes at how she had been yanked away from her loving family; yet eyes curiously staring up at the man that she had heard so many stories about. There was just something in him that lets him know that she was the one. That she was the one that is going to scratch that insatiable itch that he has whenever he is sent a new sacrifice from the town that he is currently residing in. And he was right. “Yet, with that being said, that doesn’t mean I am not growing tired of your antics. Speak now before I make you.”
Immediately a few eyes glanced over at the woman in his lap, as if they were silently begging for her to lend them a hand. Yet this actual caused Sukuna to scowl as he looks over at the group, snapping his fingers to drag their attention back to him. “Who gave you the permission to turn your disgusting gazes at her? She can’t help miserable excuses like you lot anyway.” He scowls, his eyes narrowing in anger at how they thought they even worthy enough cast their dirty eyes on her, as if she would extend the olive branch to them after they’ve done.
Before he can do anything rash, the woman decided to step in, gently placing her warm hand against the exposed part of his chest from underneath the kimono he had worn. The feeling of the familiar touch caused him to sigh softly as he leans back into his throne once more, but he glared at them with the same intensity as before, watching them for a moment longer. “You know what? I think I know what to do with you lot. I mean, I hope you didn’t forget - you did make my little flower cry.” 
Just as he finished saying that, he gave them all a sadistic smile before he swiped his hand in the air leisurely. His other arms immediately wrapped around the woman, turning her face away from the scene before them as the sorcerers all started to be sliced up one by one by invisible blades, the sound of wails and body parts flying about as they landed on the ground in bloody heaps. A few. who watched their fellow comrades be sliced up in horror before they tried to run, turning and running towards the entrance as if they can escape their fate. 
They should know better than to try something so foolish.
“The clean up is going to be a pain, you know.” Y/N sighed softly as she looks up at her lover, knowing that he was shielding her from the horrors he had committed. If she was being honest, she had never seemed to fear how easily he dispose of others - whenever he does kill people, it usually leads to a much more wider and bigger picture at the end of the day. What she can’t stand though, is the mess he tends to leave behind. “The maids just cleaned the rugs too.”
“It’s their job, flower.” He just sighs and shifted her so she was straddling his lap leisurely, letting her hands rest against his warm chest as two of his arms wrapped around her waist. One of them rested against her cheek lovingly, letting her lean into his touch once more whilst his other hand went back to cupping his cheek in his hand. “You can still make it less dramatic, no?” She mumbles softly with a soft giggle, to which Sukuna just rolled his eyes at her comment. 
“Why make killing so dull? I enjoy the flare of dramatics, flower.”
With a fond roll of her eyes she just leans forward to press soft kisses along his face, knowing that he will not push her away; not when his arms tighten their own hold on her. “Whatever you say, my King.” She cooed at him quietly, still placing feather-like kisses against his face as he closes his eyes for a moment. Soon he grew bored of them, and with a firm hand on the back of her head, guiding her face down to his. He presses a passionate kiss against her as she smiles, her hands trailing up his chest before they found themselves wrapped around his neck where they belong.
Maybe it was an obsession, or maybe it really is fate - whatever the reason may be, he’s going to make sure that his little flower is safe and content. Even if it means killing an entire army of people at her command, or tearing out his heart for her if she so much so as asks.
He is her slave, and he doesn’t see a reason to fight against his faith.
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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slasherheadcanons · 4 years ago
Im feeling angsty yk. So slashers watching their s/o die. Watching them die and how would life go on with out them. Extra points if somehow they come back to life perfectly normal and they are just like "hey lmao" ✨✨✨✨
Oooh! Gotta love angsty stuff. Here you go! Enjoy.
Warning: Slight gore?
•Slashers reacting to the S/o dying then later coming back•
Michael Myers: •When you died, whether it was because of something natural or someone killed you, Michael flew into a blind rage. His heart was hurting, and unable to handle this emotion, he acts violently. He destroys everything that gets in his way. After a long few weeks, he finally stops his killing spree. But he still isn't the same. He sits by himself in your house, staring at everything. He would never admit it, but he loved and cared for you. Now that you are gone, he feels like a part of him is missing. •After a long sleepless month for Michael, he finally brings himself to go outside. He lumbers down the sidewalk, getting lost in his thoughts. Until he heard his name being called. He turns to the person, ready to snap their neck. But he freezes when he sees you standing there with a smile on your face. You looked perfectly healthy and alive. He reaches out, touching your cheek, wondering if your real or just another illusion. When he feels your warm skin against his fingers, his shoulders start shaking a little as he tries to hold in his emotions. You hug him tightly, and he hugs you back.
Bubba Sawyer: •When you died, Bubba was overcome with grief. He howled and wailed in despair as he held your body close. He wailed for hours on end, refusing to let you go. No matter what his family tried to do, he wouldn't budge. He held you close and attempted to get you to open your eyes multiple times. He didn't want to believe that you were gone. But, when reality hits him that you aren't coming back, his heart shatters. He takes you out and finds a peaceful spot on the property to bury your body. Even after burying your body, Bubba is not the same. He is quiet and rarely even makes a sound. He struggles to chase down victims and can't bring himself to sleep in his bed where both of you snuggled up together. Dayton and the twins try to cheer him up, but nothing works •Then, one day, Bubba is out helping Dayton with fixing the car. He stands with the tools in his hand, staring blankly at the ground. His head lifts when he hears another car pull up to the property. He sighs softly, just thinking it another victim to chase down. But when he sees you get out of the car, he freezes. When you see him and smile, waving your hand, he looks at Dayton to see if he was seeing the same thing. Dayton is just as shocked as Bubba. "Bubba! I am back." You call out to him, and that's all it took for Bubba to realize you are alive. He races over to you, picking up in his arms and spinning you around, squealing with joy. He doesn't know how you came back, but he is thankful you did. The whole family celebrates your return.
Jason Voorhees: •The moment you stop breathing, Jason stands there frozen for just a moment before rushing to your side. He shakes you, trying to get you to open your eyes. Silently pleading for you to open your eyes. He continues to try and wake you for hours before he finally brings himself to realize you are not going to be opening your eyes. He pulls your body close to his chest. His shoulders shake as he cries silently, unable to cry out in anguish and grief. He lost his mother, and now you as well. He clings to you for a week at least before finally pushing himself to bury your body. He finds a beautiful and peaceful spot in the forest around the campgrounds and buries you there. After your death, he isn't the same. He either sits by your grave thinking about the times you had together or wanders around the campgrounds, lost in thought. He struggles to find the will to go kill intruders. He feels so lost and alone. •But one day, while he was wandering, he heard someone call his name. He looked around before finding you running towards him with a grin on your face. He freezes in place, shocked. When you stop in front of him, he reaches out to touch your face. Thinking you are just a ghost, he touches your face. His eyes widen as he feels the warmth of your smooth skin. He looks at you as you smile. "I am back, Jason." It was all you needed to say to him. He pulls you close hugging, you tightly to his chest, afraid that the moment he lets go, you will vanish.
Asa Emory (the collector): •When you pass away, Asa tries to pretend that it doesn't bother him. That he isn't affected by your death. But deep inside, he is suffering. He tries to cover the pain and grief he feels with anger. Acting even more violently towards those in his collection. He never speaks to anyone at the college and never lets anyone see his true emotions. He struggles to sleep at night. Every time he lays in his own bed, he is reminded of all the times you would kiss him goodnight or snuggle up to his chest, seeking to be held in his strong arms. He missed everything about you, your touch, your voice, your laughter. He missed you so badly. •One day, he returned home from the college, his eyes drooping slightly with exhaustion. He has barely been able to sleep since you took your last breath. He parked the car in the driveway, sighing loudly. He may have been sleep deprived, but he still picks up on the way the front door is slightly cracked open. He narrows his tired eyes, grabbing his knife from his pocket before slowly and cautiously making his way to the door. He listened closely as he reached the door, hearing some shuffling, he quickly ran in knife raised to face the intruder. But he quickly stops in his tracks, stunned at what he sees in front of him. You stand in front of smiling while holding a tray of freshly made cookies. His eyes are wide as he starts at you slowly, lowering the knife. "Y/n?" He quietly asked in disbelief, wondering if he has finally gone insane. You smile and nod. "I am back now, Asa, and I don't plan on leaving again anytime soon." You respond with a chuckle. He sets the knife down, going over to you. He has you set the tray down before pulling you into his arms, hugging you. "If you ever leave me again, I will find a way to punish you." He mumbles in your ear, trying to sound like he isn't tearing up with joy. You laugh and kiss his cheek. "I have no doubt you will, my dearest bug boy." You reply.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull): •Most likely, you got killed by Preston. So when Jesse learned that you are dead, he is furious. Jesse is terrifying, to begin with, but when he is this pissed off, he is so much worse. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is going to stop him from gutting Preston and shoving them down his throat. He is going to hunt him down non-stop until he is dead. After Preston is gone, he returns to your body which, Spann took care of while he was away chasing Preston. He kicks everyone else out of the room so no one can see him cry. He is a strong man but losing you is just too much to bear. He lost his ex-wife, his child, and now he has lost you. If he could speak, he would be screaming out with grief. It takes him a while to finally agree to bury you. He makes sure you are buried in the most beautiful place and brings flowers to your grave every day. •Now, when you return, Spann is the one who found you while she was out looking for Jesse's next victim. She was shocked to see you. At first, she was thinking, you were just someone else who looked a lot like you, but when you recognized her, she realizes that it's actually you. She quickly rushes you back to Jesse. Jesse was sitting at his desk when Spann barged in. He sighs through his nose, looking up to see why she came in without knocking. But when he sees you come in after her, his jaw drops. He sits there in shock. You smile at him. "There is my handsome man." You say, at that moment he recognizes it's you. He stands and quickly goes over to you, pulling you close to his chest. He forgets all about finding another victim, now spending the rest of the day holding and spending time with you.
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bookstantrash · 4 years ago
A/N: I am so very sorry for not updating for so long. I know I said I’d try to update more frequently while I was on uni break but life happened lmao. Classes are back, but I’ll try not left y’all hanging for so long.
You can check here Pemberley’s Lake, Hooked on You, Smells like petrichor and paper, The Sound of Music and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, part one, two, three, four and five of my Nessian Pride and Prejudice AU.
That being said, I hope y’all enjoy this chapter! We got a little bit of fluff, sprinkles of angst and a lovely plot twist ✨
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Bloody Day and Ominous letters
Nesta woke up with the worst headache she had ever had in her entire life. She really should not have drunk as much as she had last night but as she saw her friends and Morrigan having fun that little voice inside her head — usually her mother’s or grandmother's saying Do better, Stop being such a disappointment or Your only purpose is to marry well so forget about love — got louder and louder, judging her company and trying to make her feel ashamed.
But she had had enough. Her grandmother and mother had both passed away already. It was time to bury them for good. So Nesta took the wine bottle from Morrigan and drank half of it in one go, her friends cheering around her. And she had so much fun. Nesta would never have guessed that drinking could be so enjoyable, nothing like those uptight parties where the ladies sipped a lonely glass all night long while the gentleman lost count of theirs. The only downside was her killing headache and the fact that she had overslept, a fact she took notice of once she glanced at the wall clock.
She had just sat up on her bed —  massaging her temple to ease the tension on her head — when an insistent knocking on her door made her mumble a curse. No doubt it was either Emerie or Gwyn — maybe both of them — waking her up. Those two were quite used to drinking, so it was no surprise to Nesta that they would be up and about very early.
“Would you two stop it?” she said loudly, opening the door wearing only her chemise, probably having ditched her dress during the night while she slept “I have a killer headache and your banging is not helping at all—”
She stopped mid sentence when she came face to face with Georgianam, the young lady’s hand still raised to knock on her door, Cassian right behind her.
“Oh, I apologise Lady Nesta” Georgiana said “We had agreed that we would go on a nice early morning walk today, but when I did not spot Miss Archeron at the breakfast table I got worried.”
“Please do forgive me, Miss Georgiana. I had a bit too much to drink yesterday and ended up oversleeping.” Nesta quickly said, mentally kicking herself for her rudeness “I will be ready for our walk in a minute.”
“Lovely! I will be waiting at the parlor then!”
Nesta closed the door with a sigh. Her morning had not begun the best.
However, it was only while she was brushing her hair that her sleep fogged mind caught up to the fact that Cassian had seen her half asleep wearing nothing but her chemise and with early morning messy bed hair.
She definitely could not be allowed to drink more than two glasses of alcohol if that was how she was going to behave whenever she drank more than deemed proper.
When she arrived at the parlor ten minutes later, she could not help but avoid looking at Cassian.
“Mrs. Potts brought you a little something to eat” Georgiana informed, pouring Nesta tea “And also some headache medicine”
“Please thank her in my instead later, she is too kind to me”
“Oh, it was all my brother’s doing” Georgiana smiled in Cassian's direction, serving herself some cookies “He was the one who asked her to provide not only the medicine but also the food.”
“I appreciate the gesture, my lord.” Nesta hid her blush behind the teacup.
“It was nothing, my lady” was all he answered, refusing to look at her.
That made Nesta’s heart strangely hurt. She could not help but think he had been disgusted by her earlier appearance. Her hair was such a mess and her chemise was all wrinkled from sleep—
Wait. Why did she care so much of what he thought of her? Nesta Archeron was not one to give much attention to others opinion of herself, so why was she getting so worked up when it came to Cassian? Of course, one could not help but notice how he always looked so presentable, with his spotless clothes, hair combed to perfection every single time. She had never seen a gentleman’s hair be so… perfect. She could bet her first edition of her favourite romance that he had awfully handsome bed hair. And that he had a mint breath even when woke up. And that he probably slept shirtless, if the last time she saw him at midnight at his library was any indication of his sleeping attire.
Oh Mother, why was she now thinking about all of that? She waved an imaginary hand to disperse her not so proper thoughts, focusing on the small talk Georgiana was making.
Both Nesta and Cassian kept avoiding each other during their walk, which did not pass by Georgiana without notice, especially given how her brother had made sure to stay two steps behind them, giving the excuse he wanted to give both ladies “privacy to talk comfortably”, something he had never done. Their walk, however, was cut short when Nesta showed signs of being tired and admitted that her headache had not disappeared.
“I assure you it is nothing to fret over” Nesta told a worried Mrs. Potts when they came back “It must be from yesterday’s drinking. There is no need to call a doctor.”
“Nonetheless, I will ask Chef Ramsay to prepare some light food and my special hangover drink” the old headmaid said with a motherly expression.
Thanking Mrs. Potts again, Nesta went to her room to splash some water on her face in hopes of refreshing herself. But a painful jab low on her stomach made her freeze and the blood drain from her face.
“Just knock on the door, my Lord” Lumière said as he watched Cassian drop his hand once again. The maître d’ had been watching his lord pace in front of the parlor door for what must have been twenty minutes.
“I do not want to bother her. Maybe I should call Mrs. Potts or wait until the other ladies come back” Cassian ran his hand through his hair in distress. Emerie and Balthazar had gone out with Morrigan to visit some possible new business partners — her big circle of connections proving itself to be very useful in helping expand their business — while Azriel and Gwyn had gone to the town, which was helding a small music festival. Georgiana, on the other hand, had received a telegram from a friend who had returned early from their trip abroad, and she had promptly gone to meet them.
“This, dear brother, is your chance to speak to Miss Nesta” she had said before leaving “I do not know what happened to make you both so distant, but you better make amends. I already asked Emerie to design the gown I shall wear at your wedding.”
Cassian had told Georgie to mind her own business and stop being such a busybody, proceeding to stand guard outside the parlor.
“Leave the lord alone” Cogsworth hissed, elbowing Lumiére “Her ladyship has not asked for help so it must mean she is fine and does not wish to be bothered.”
“Nonsense, old friend!! The lady is simply too shy to ask for it and the lord too polite to risk disturbing her” taking a step forward, Lumière knocked on the door.
“What do you think you are doing?!” the major-domo whisper yelled, and Cassian was sure he would have throttled Lumière were it not for the faint voice coming from the other side.
“Please, do come in” Nesta said.
Taking a deep breath, Cassian opened the door, leaving behind Cogsworth and Lumière, who were trying very hard not to start a duel right there.
The first thing he looked for was Nesta.
Nesta, who was rather pale and was clutching a pillow very hard against her stomach.
“Are you alright?” he asked, not knowing whether to sit beside her or just stay standing a few feet away.
“I am” she said, although the deep breath she took had him thinking it was not true “Where are Gwyn and Emerie?”
“Gwyn went to the town festival with Azriel. An Emerie went with Mor and Balthazar to meet prospective business partners.”
“Are you really alright Nesta?” he asked again “You do not seem fine at all if I may say.”
“I assure you I am perfectly fine” Nesta insisted through clenched teeth “Where is Georgiana?”
“At a friend’s house. They returned early from a trip.” Cassian said, a bit annoyed she was asking for his sister when he was right there. It was a stupid jealous feeling, and he was not even more annoyed because he felt glad they got on so well.
“Do you know when any of them will be back?”
“I am afraid I do not know” daring to approach her, Cassian sat beside her on the sofa “But I am here. If there is anything I could do…”
“There is no need to bother yourself. I truly am—”
And that was when Nesta whimpered and clutched her pillow even tighter, doubling over a little bit.
“You are definitely far from fine sweetheart” Cassian said, rubbing her back in hopes of helping her, nevermind proper etiquette.
“It is really nothing. Just—”
“Just what?”
“Lady stuff!!” Nesta finally said, her whole face heating up like a fireplace.
“Oh. Oh! I see. I— I understand” he said, also a little bit flustered “Not that I actually get it but I have also experienced pain and—”
Nesta wished the ground would open up and swallow her. She was used to getting her period, it was a monthly occurrence. Nothing out of the ordinary. However, this time it seemed her body had decided to punish her more than usual. Not only had she gotten a killer headache — made worse by her hangover —  but she was cramping very badly, and they usually were not that bad. That was why she had gone to that walk with Georgiana, even though she was getting mildly uncomfortable soon after they arrived at the garden.
Not that she did not want to miss any Cassian time.
Him going with them had been a bonus.
A surprise, but not a pleasant one.
Maybe just a bit pleasant if she was being honest. Just a tiny tiny bit.
“I will stop talking now” Cassian mumbled, interrupting not for the first time her errant thoughts.
She wanted to die. To tell Cassian — even indirectly —  that she had gotten her period was the most mortifying she had ever experienced.
“I can get Mrs. Potts for you” he tentatively said, restarting the back rubs “She can get you some tea for pain. Or a bag of warm water. You can tell her anything, do not worry.”
Nesta managed to nod her head in agreement, despite her stubborn side that refused to ask for help from the maids or other servants at Pemberley.
Cassian himself went looking for the head maid instead of just ringing for her, assuring her he would be back in less than ten minutes. And he did come back in record time with Mrs. Potts, who gave her tea and pain tonic that she assured Nesta made wonders for stopping cramps. All the while Cassian hovered over Mrs. Potts, unsure of what to do.
“Do you require anything else? Maybe another blanket?” he asked after Mrs. Potts had left. He had made sure to bring back a blanket too and had even tucked her in with extra care “Or more tea? I can ask someone to come and bring fresh hot tea”
Nesta would never have imagined Cassian to be such an overbearing mother hen. He was being extra careful around her and it annoyed her beyond reason.
“Cassian, this happens every month. Has been happening since I was thirteen, alright? Can you please stop?” she snapped.
She regretted her words as soon as she realised how rude she had been and what exactly she had said. However, he was being so overweening. As if she was made of glass or was on her deathbed.
Yet all Cassian did was crack a smile and nudge a chocolate muffin towards her. Nesta had been in such pain and so quiet he had been concerned if Mrs. Potts’ pain tonic would really work. But there she was.
There was the feisty, sharp tongued and quick-witted Nesta he knew.
There was the Nesta he fell in love with.
He barely held his tongue back and risked blutering his feelings right in front of her. Again.
“May I get you a book then? It is a good way to pass the time until your friends are back.”
“Thank you. That would be lovely” Nesta gave him a soft smile, her previous embarrassment having died down a little.
He was gone and back in a record time, and Nesta delusioned herself into thinking he had raced to the library because he did not want to leave her for too long.
“I got the book you were not able to finish last night” Cassian said, handing her Sellyn Drake’s latest romance “And I also took the liberty of getting one of my favourites too. In case you finish this one quickly.”
She thanked him again, curious as to what book was his favourite, what made her even eager to finish her current read.
Turns out Cassian was a fan of epic poems, a fact that — combined with his admission of having read Sellyn Drake’s romances — once again made Nesta view him with new eyes. She had thought he would be more of a war strategy person, all business and serious matters. Yet it seemed that Cassian had a dreamer inside of him.
“How many times have you read this book?” Nesta asked as she turned a yellowed page. The book was old, but she could see it was very loved given its good condition.
“A lot of times. It was my favourite book as a child, and I could not part with it once I moved out of my childhood home” he gave her a smile “It was also my dear companion during long expeditions. I have most of it memorized.”
“I bet you charmed every single lady during your travels with your knowledge, wooing them with beautiful words” she teased, despite the small pang of jealousy in her heart.
You refused his hand and humiliated him, she thought, you have no place to feel jealous. Cassian is a wonderful gentleman, it is expected to have women falling left and right for him, not to say him pursuing them.
“You are actually the first person apart from my family who knows that I read poetry” Cassian admitted “And I also have never met someone that made me want to declare a poem to”
Nesta did not know what to say to that. They were bordering dangerous territory, something that seemed to happen more and more frequently.
And Cassian, seated right beside her, was thinking the same thing. He had allowed himself to get closer to him again, something that yesterday he had vowed to avoid, had tried to do that morning. But to see her in pain, uncomfortable and not talking to him hurt more than those moments in which he could see a life with her. Those moments with Nesta were a double edged sword: he craved and loathed them with the same urgency.
He would kill to have even a single moment with her.
He would die if he had even a single moment with her.
Nesta made him want to be selfish.
Made him want to declare poems to her, maybe even attempt to write her one.
At the moment, he could not help but recall a certain verse of the Epic of Gilgamesh:
What could I offer
the queen of love in return, who lacks nothing at all?
Balm for the body? The food and drink of the gods?
I have nothing to give to her who lacks nothing at all.
You are the door through which the cold gets in.
You are the fire that goes out. You are the pitch
that sticks to the hands of the one who carries the bucket.
You are the house that falls down. You are the shoe
that pinches the foot of the wearer. The ill-made wall
that buckles when time has gone by. The leaky
water skin soaking the water skin carrier.
To Cassian, Nesta was the goddess of love. And he was the one who could not offer her a single thing for she lacked nothing.
“Well, I will not disturb your reading any longer” clearing his throat to break the new tense silence between them, Cassian gestured to the book in her hand “But do feel free to make comments while you read, I would very much like to hear your opinions about it.”
And she did just that. Every passage she found interesting, each line that caught her eye and interpretation she had about a certain phrase, she shared them all with Cassian. Somewhere during their conversation that awkward tension between them disappeared completely, with Cassian letting his arm rest on the back of the couch, getting closer to Nesta. And Nesta somehow ended up getting closer to him too, almost leaning on his side.
It was all very improper. Cassian staying alone with Nesta, so close to each other and acting as a married couple.
But Cassian would let himself be selfish one last time.
One last time before they had to go their separate ways.
The day would have ended perfectly were it not for the letter that Gwyn brought once she and Azriel had come back.
While Emerie, Balthazar and Mor had arrived late in the evening — with good news of new partnerships being agreed on —  Gwyn and Azriel had come back much later, just when everyone had finished dinner. Nesta had not been too worried, she trusted Azriel to take care of Gwyn and her friend was not bound by the stifling high society etiquette, but she breathed a little easier when they finally arrived.
“Oh Nesta, we passed by the inn we were staying at before and the landlady gave me a letter addressed to you. It seems she had forgotten to send it to us yesterday when our things were brought here.” Gwyn gave her the letter once they had moved to the game room “She apologised deeply for it.”
“I understand, it is a busy season for them.”
“It is a letter from Feyre” Nesta furrowed her brows in confusion as she broke the letter’ seal, which she recognized as being the one representing Feyre’ status as Duchess “She sent one barely a week ago, I wonder what could have happened.”
Nesta had guessed it would be another letter from Feyre asking about how their trip was going, if she had seen beautiful scenarios and bought any souvenir for her youngest sister. Or even a curious inquiry about what she thought of Cassian. Feyre had been quite interested to know if they got along — she had always been a busybody and matchmaker, and since marrying Rhysand had tried time and time again to nonchalantly push her to Cassin. If she ever discovered that Nesta had already been proposed by Cassian — and that she had refused his hand — chaos would befall upon Nesta.
However, as her eyes scanned the lines, Nesta’s assumptions of its contents proved to be far away from reality. She felt her blood run cold, her heart stop beating and fear. So much fear.
“Excuse me” she managed to say, getting up “I need a moment.”
“Nesta, are you alright? What did Feyre say? You are very pale” Gwyn said, her voice full of worry.
“I am fine. Just cramps” she brushed off her friend’s worries. She did not want to make the others notice that something was off with her, she did not want to alarm Gwyn..
Yet as she exited the room she failed to perceive that Cassian had been paying attention to her ever since Gwyn gave her the letter. He was always paying attention to his surroundings, especially when she was around.
He left the room a few moments after her, trying not to raise suspicion to his attitude. He did not know where she had gone — Pemberley was vast and her room was too far away for him to not have caught her faster — but something led him to the small outdoor patio just left from the small gallery he had at Pemberley.
As he got closer and closer there, he heard the sound of someone crying, which made his heart beat faster and a deep fear grow inside him.
He arrived outside to find an unimaginable scene: Nesta crying. Crying as if her heart had been ripped out of her chest.
She was a mess, her careful braided hair coming undone, as if she had ran her hands through it in desperation.
“Nesta… Nes dear, what happened? Is Feyre alright?” Cassian did not care that she most probably left the room to cry in private. He was worried, he needed to be beside her, he needed to help her somehow.
“I— Feyre she—” she was sobbing so hard she could barely breathe, let alone talk, making Cassian’s heart break in a thousand pieces.
“Shh it’s okay sweetheart. I am here Nes” he gently cupped her face, making her look at him “Take deep breaths with me.”
He took a deep breath, holding it in for three seconds before letting it go. He kept doing it until Nesta did the same, slowly calming down.
“Can you talk now? Do you want me to fetch you some water?” Cassian asked, tenderly brushing off her remaining tears.
“No, I— I can talk now” Nesta took another breath “Feyre is alright. It is Elain.”
“Elain? Is she sick? Talk to me Nes, help me understand”
Elain was the picture of the perfect lady in high society. With her numerous suitors, lovely and delicate behaviour — not to mention her singular beauty — it was hard to find someone who did not like her. Given that her hobbies — cooking and gardening — did not pose a threat to her health and well being, Cassian could not understand what would have made Nesta react so strongly. Perhaps Elain had fallen ill, something that rarely happened.
“No. She is not sick” Nesta shook her head “Cauldron, I almost wished she was sick.”
“Elain was…. Elain was kidnapped” she added, her eyes filling with tears again.
“Kidnapped? How?”
That made no sense, who would kidnap Elain? And why?
“She was going to visit Feyre. And when she didn't show up Rhysand went to search for her and—” Nesta started to cry, desperation filling her voice “They found her carriage turned over and hidden near the outskirts of the city. No sign of her at all.”
Cassian was speechless. He could only imagine how Feyre must be feeling after she got the news and hoped Rhysand was doing his everything to help find Elain.
“The coachman was killed and her lady in waiting was rushed to the hospital.” she cried even harder “This is all my fault. I should never have left her. We have no male relatives and Feyre is living too far from our childhood home. I was supposed to take care of her.”
“Nesta, it is not your fault. You could never have guessed something like this could happen.” he looked deep in her eyes, the blue in them even brighter because of her tears “Is there anything I could do to help?”
“I am afraid there isn’t, '' she whispered “I have to go back home. Try to hire an investigator, talk to Feyre and hope Elain is not disgraced by society rumors. Hope she is alive”
Cassian could only nod in agreement and wait for Nesta to recompose herself before they went back inside. Their friends were as horrified and worried about the situation as he and Nesta, and decided to go back right that moment. The staff noticed something was amiss and made sure to ready the carriage in record time.
“Thank you for welcoming you at your home” Nesta said, her complexion a bit better “I can assure you we all had a wonderful time here.”
“It was my pleasure. Have a safe travel and remember that Pemberey is open to you and your friends whenever you want to visit” Cassian helped Nesta get on her carriage one last time, letting go of her hand begrudgingly.
And as Nesta and her friends got farther and farther from Pemberley, as Nesta got farther and farther away from him and took his heart with her, Cassian felt a calm fury settle inside him.
He had some letters to write to some old friends.
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stickynotestoletters · 4 years ago
Yandere BNHA Boys pt 2
Okay, this is a continuation of the first yandere ones I did because I wrote that in basically a night and was too tired to do more, I'm probably gonna post some after for the pro heroes and villains if I have time, I might finish those on the weekend then post it.
This is just a bunch of headcanons I have about the boys in BNHA and what they’d be like as yanderes. Only the really fluffy or good things about them listed here. Neither of these works are a good depictions of a real yandere and make sure to be careful to identify yandere traits in real people around you. It’s a very dangerous world and stay safe!
sorry if you were waiting for me to come out with these and I literally took forever lol, link to the first one is here. It's basically just me comforting myself with the sweet things that I think they would do as yanderes.
Warnings: Brainwashing, blood, gore, death, trans headcanons, body dysmorphia, nonbinary they/he Sero, they/them pronouns + nonbinary headcanons for Tokoyami, he/they nonbinary headcanons with Shinsou, a little NSFW because if I don't specify then they are aged up (around 20-25 is where I imagine the timeline that they actually captured you and have a hero carrier going for them already), manipulation, regular yandere things, kinda just turns into dumbass horknee headcanons at some point after Shinsou (sorry lmfao), objectification
Sero Hanata
so basically the first time they saw you they immediately wanted to come up to you
they love to give you back hugs because once you stop trying to fight them he's gonna be so honored you finally trust him
Big time slut [non-derogetory] for you
Likes to have an apartment that's high up, probably a secured penthouse with lots of windows
If you're afraid of heights they will get a ground bed for you two, they would also vibe with a low hanging hammock if you allow it
they really really like just putting you on a custom made leash, not inherently in a sexual way just in general likes to have it look like that with their tape on you at all times
they really really like it when you come to them for hugs and comfort
If you're a trans reader, if you want a binder he will get you one as soon as you ask, cried when you told him about it.
they cried way more than you though...
Was very accepting as an nb person as well
they custom made you a tape binder of his
Kinda as a joke but high key felt like they were gonna combust at the thought of you wearing that for them
Takes you to pride but you cannot speak
only takes you to pride after they are 1000% sure that you're not gonna speak to anyone but them
Takes you to it as a part of their float because they'd been invited onto the Hero Float
You are in a costume that's exactly like his, helmet and everything, you aren't allowed to be looked at
After that though, it's gonna be your choice to go or not to go
they trust you a little more after you run away from some assholes though and after that sometimes lets you take your helmet off during pride, you have to give them a lot of kisses though
When/if you ever consider any type of surgery he is 110% on board
they demand that you have to have it performed by someone who has done this a million times before, trusts no one else
If there's a way for you to go through it without the surgery they're excited but he's more excited if there is surgery because they love the idea of you being so cuddly and clinging to them for their comfort
Tokoyami Fumikage
haha they're in love with you
like, intensely in love with you the moment they first meet you
Dark shadow thinks you're adorable but says nothing more about their obsession with you
when you met them before UA they absolutely cannot handle being around you in a 10-foot radius
Eventually, though they do try and become a friend of yours
After that, it's a hop on the manipulation train, my dude
they basically make you see them as your savior from a mean uncaring world
they love talking to you about things that make you happy and loving you in little ways
hugs, hand holding, a lot of time it's just a little peck (haha) on the cheek
they love living with you though, like really love it
they like baking and making dinner for you
but especially baking
like really, baking
the manipulation they use makes it seem like everything is okay when you only talk to them so that's what you do and to you, it seems so much better than anything you could do
they haven't come out to you by the time you come out to them so your trans journey really helps them figure things like that out as well
The first time you explain that gender is a made-up construct they're like "yeah......isn't that how everyone feels? Like, not a gender????" we love this for them
you both kind of heal each other through this process
they like seeing you when you're most comfortable so they get you as many binders as you need
also gets you a custom binder like Sero but with feather designs, not like stupid printable patterns but something that is soft and the softness isn't feathers it's regular fluffy cloth
idk I'm not a designer that's why I gave up and became a writer lmao
they also get you a compression corset because they're emo
if there is surgery it takes a lot of time to convince them
they don't ever want you to regret anything they helped you with so it takes a lot of long-winded conversations about it
there was a lot of nervousness on their part because (this is just my headcanon) they were almost convinced to get surgery to construct their face to look human-like
they had a lot of their family tell them that, because of the way they looked, they had less of a chance to become a hero, they were immensely traumatized by this and thus wants to make absolutely sure you were okay with this
but when they finally find themself comforted by you about it it happens quickly and in the safest way you could possibly imagine
Shinso Hitoshi
Shinsou didn't want to approach you at all, he was so scared you'd run away or tell him he's a villain
they always thought that they weren't good enough for you
he loved you but you needed to say hi first
and you did
so he whisked you away
they like to just brainwash you into tasting certain types of food when you're craving them instead of just getting you food
he likes to talk to you in a voice like he would talk to a kitten, not like husky or anything sexy, but something cute and adorable
especially when you're brainwashed and can't say anything to him
He likes to give you lots of soft stuff like I'm talking pillows upon pillows and squishmallows
once he gets his own house they get it in a place that's more comforting in the dark than in the light
they really like the dark and outdoorsy vibe anyway so if they choose a place somewhere in the forest to keep you what's the added bonus if no one can hear you scream?
a little bit of spice; he has this whole a/b/o fantasy (idk it's his vibes that he'd read that fanfic and stuff lmao) and kinda treats you like you were an omega
sometimes if you guys do have sex they'll brainwash you to act like an omega or once he's more experienced with bodily manipulation involving their quirk they'll make you do all of the......omega things
when you come out to them, if you're trans, they're definitely gonna not care
like if you need comfort and stuff about it they will not make a big deal about it
he legit is like "okay .....can I still fuck you or?????"
definitely brainwashes you into not feeling dysphoric anymore though
like loves it when you come up all sad to him and uncomfy just to ask them to brainwash you
he melts over you cuddling them after those times though
if you want surgery they're gonna make sure that it's between him and the doctors that y'all are there
like no one knows you're there, completely off radius, in and out like nothing (he's basically a cryptid in the woods by the time you guys have the surgery, so they wanna make sure no one questions it)
Monoma Neito
bold of you to assume that man can express literally anything when he wants to just sit you on his lap and look at your pretty face
love at first sight taken literally but not in a shallow way
he loves just having you around him
kinda treats you as an accessory at times, talks like you're a purse or something and people don't really comment but it's really freaking them out sometimes when you don't speak up on it
likes to say he's the only one to understand you cause he's afraid you'd leave him
a hardcore fan of collars though
definitely has lots of jewelry that represents him even though you don't go out he still loves the idea of it
big time cook
loves providing for you, never lets you do a damn thing other than watching pre-approved cartoons and hobbies
absolute fucking disaster about hugging you
always has to be touching you
he thinks you're so fucking gorgeous and body worships you even out of the bedroom
if you're trans he will definitely be weird about it at first
he's just diet transphobic
he's not denying it but sometimes he's like "Are you sure???" and stuff
he clears this up with the help of you being pissed enough to not eat or talk to him until he apologizes
he then educates himself on it and comes to the conclusion that he was in fact being an asshole
talks to you about binders and stuff like that
doesn't really believe in surgery, he would never allow you to do that just because it would be too painful for him to see you go through
he instead literally searches the whole fucking globe for a person with a body-altering quirk to make sure you don't get hurt
he seeks out homophobes, transphobes, and other dumbasses on the regular just to kill them like literally it just started out for your approval but now it's just for fun
Anyway, the villain one (if I do it) will probably become just horknee brain rot cause I am a slut. Request some stuff and I'll try to put up some works if y'all want ig.
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years ago
-”First Love?” “No My Only Love”- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
       Kody: Got some angst for y'all because i’m a evil person, but hey it has a sweet ending so why not. Also i refuse to say that Draco looks like what he does in the 19 year timeskip. Just imagine Tom Felton please lmao.
       Summary: Draco and Y/n were lovers in school and he was forced to break up with her because his family arranged a marriage with the Greengrass family  and after the war he never saw her again until he takes a trip to Scorpius’s school.
       Warning: Will make you sniffle just saying. It’s angst as hell my guy.
        House: Slytherin, but your not in school anymore.
       “Father we are going to be late!” Yelled a very excited Scorpius. Draco laughed quietly to himself as he adjusted his tie in the mirror. He took one last look at himself before stepping out, shutting the bathroom door. 
        “Alright Scorpius the car is outside let's go” he called out and saw his son slide out of his room with a giddy expression.
        “You seem very excited” Draco looked down at the 12-year-old boy who nodded.
        “I am, I get to see Albus and Rose,” he says as both Malfoys walked out of the manor. Heading into the car, Draco opened the door for Scorpius to climb in before getting in himself. He closes the door and told the driver to head to Hogwarts.
        You might be wondering where the Malfoys are off to this evening. Well, it was professor, parent day. Where Parents can come back to their old school and meet the professors that teach their kids. It’s usually a great experience for the children. Draco was a bit nervous to go back to a school that he helped destroy in the past, not that he wanted to. Hogwarts was always his second home, but that wasn’t the only reason it would hurt to go back.
        As the car stopped, Scorpius flew out the car and ran towards a group of kids. He hugged both Rose and Albus who were equally excited to see him. Draco stepped out and shut the door. He saw Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron standing near the kids. He walks over to them and smiles warmly “Hello”
        “Hey Draco, surprised you came. We know how hard it is for you to be here” Hermione gives him a sympathetic smile. Everyone forgave him for his past mistakes and eventually became friends with the used to be ‘Golden Trio’
        “Scorpius really wanted to come and i couldn’t say no to him, trust me i’ve tried” Draco grins lightly, snickering at the thought.  The rest of them laughed as well before looking over at there kids. Draco gazed around until his eyes landed on a bench, his mind sending him into a memory.
        “Draco i swear to merlin, stop!” Y/n laughed as her boyfriend tickled her sides. 
        “Aw, but your laughing, love. Seems like you enjoy it!” he smirks as he continued to grab at her sides. She was able to break free from his hold and run away, but Draco was faster and scooped her up. He walked over to a bench and placed and sat down with her in his lap.
        A pout came across her face “You suck” she whined making Draco laugh at her child like behaviour. 
        “I love you too” He replied making Y/n smile before he leans into place a loving kiss to her lips.
        “Father?” Draco was brought back to reality and looked at his son who was tugging at his sleeve. He pointed towards the doors and the people walking in “We can go inside now” 
        Draco takes a second to recollect himself before smiling and heading inside with his son, he was surprised to see that everything was relatively the same. It gave him a feeling of nostalgia, but also a feeling of hurt. He’d walk these halls a million times with her. 
        Walking hand and hand Draco felt a warm feeling in his chest. Happiness. He had a stupid grin on his face, which Y/n had noticed “Why are you smiling so much?” she asked with a small laugh.
        Draco turned his head to face her “Because the most beautiful girl in the world is holding my hand of course” his reply made her smile and shake her head. 
        “Your a dork, Draco”
        Shaking his head Draco let out a deep sigh. This was way more difficult then he imagined. He tried his best to keep his composure for Scorpius. As they walked Scorpius turned to the trophy case “Hey father, look it’s your name!” he exclaimed.
        Draco smiles and looks over “Draco Malfoy, Seeker” he read the plaque out loud. He really did love Quidditch, flying high on a broom where no one can bother you was the best feeling ever.
        “Y/n L/n, Chaser!” Scorpius read with an excited tone. Draco felt his heart squeeze. Just hearing her name was almost to much. Scorpius turned to his father “Were you two friends?” he asked. Draco opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.
        “Scorpius, how ‘bout you and Albus go see where Rose is?” HArry spoke from behind them. Scorpius nods quickly and runs off in the other direction. Draco felt his pulse die down.
        Draco turned towards Harry and nods “Thank you” he said. Harry nods and gives him a warm smile. Placing his hand on his shoulder.
         “It’s just hard to hear her name i guess” Draco chokes out before pushing past Harry to go find Scorpius.
        The next place they visited was the portrait to the Slytherin common room, which was now snape. He smiled as he approached it “Ah Mr. Malfoy and tiny Malfoy. This is a treat indeed” he says sarcastically. Draco rolls his eyes and chuckles.
        “It’s nice to see you too Professor” Draco smiles. Snape cracked a half smile at Draco. It was weird to see him in a portrait. He looked up to snape for protecting him when he was a kid, it was hard to swallow that he was really gone. 
        “I remember you running in and out of this common room with that little girlfriend of yours, she was a lovely girl” Snape sighs. Draco felt his mind drag him into another memory, the worst one by far
        Draco was sitting on the sofa in the common room, waiting for his girlfriend to show up. Nerves nipped at his skin as he waited “Draco?” he looked up from his hands to see her standing there, she looked worried once she saw his frown “What’s wrong?”
        He gestured for her to sit down on the sofa with him and she complied. He looked at her and smiled lightly, he wanted to remember her like this for a second “My family has arranged for me to be married, to Astoria Greengrass.” he watched as Y/n’s face fell. A feeling of sadness taking over her.
        Y/n tried to hide her aching heart with a smile “We knew this would happen eventually, i just didn’t want it to be now, while this war thing is going on around us” she sighed and grabbed his hand “As much as i would like to keep you with me, i know how much your family means to you. I’d do anything for you Draco Malfoy, even if it means leaving you”
        A lump formed in Draco’s throat as tears threatened to spill from his grey eyes. “I wish it could be different my love. I really do, but at least i still get to see your face for the rest of the year” he says. Y/n’s smile faded and she looked away “Love? What’s wrong?” he asked, grabbing her chin to make her look at him.
        “My family is leaving, with the war going on they don’t think it’s safe here. I’m moving Draco. To America” A tear fell from her face as Draco let go of her. He could feel his heart tugging against his ribcage.
        “So this is goodbye then? Forever?” He choked out his words. All Y/n did was nod slowly. He broke down right then and there. All the tears he held in were coming out like a waterfall “I’m really losing you” he said in disbelief.
        “Your not losing me Draco, were just being seperated. I will always love you and cherish our time together. The cards are just stacked against us, darling” Y/n grabbed his hand and put it over her heart. He looked at her through his tears “If by some miracle we ever meet again. No matter what, i’ll come running in your arms”
         “Promise?” He asked and she nodded. He pressed a sloppy kiss on her lips as more tears ran down there faces. That was the last time he saw Y/n.
        “Wasn’t she your first love?” Snape asked. \
        Draco inhaled sharply and turns to see Scorpius walking away with Albus and Rose. He faces the portrait again and shakes his head “No, my only love” he said simply and headed down the stairs. He felt the familiar lump form in his throat just like the last night he saw her.
        “Father! I want you to meet my defense against dark arts professor, she’s amazing!” Scorpius shouts. Draco tries to choke back his sadness and smiles at him.
        “Sure let’s go”
        Scorpius led the way for his father and pointed to a door in the distance. He was about to read a name on the plaque when the door opened. He saw a shocked Hermione and Harry, they looked like they had seen a ghost “What’s wrong?” Draco asked. Hermione just looked at him and smiled before walking away.
       Draco was now even more confused and looked at Harry, who just patted his back “Good luck buddy” he says. Draco opens his mouth to speak, but was stopped by Scorpius, who was pushing him towards the door.
        “Love you father! Thank me later!” Scorpius laughs and shuts the door. Draco blinked a couple times as he looked at the now shut door.
       “Hello darling” A voice came from behind him, making his whole body lock up. No. It couldn’t be. This was another memory playing in his head right? He was too scared to turn around. He just stood there, frozen. “Draco? Can you turn around?” she laughed. 
       Draco’s body moved on it’s own and he turned around. He was faced with a sight he never thought he’d see again. Y/n. She didn’t change one bit. Still had her bright E/C eyes and H/L H/C hair. His throat felt dry and he couldn’t speak “I’m supposed to run into your arms, but i’m afraid i might tackle you to the ground.” she said nervously. He waited years for this moment and so did she.
       “Can i?” she asked, a little unsure. Draco just nodded slowly. Y/n walked from behind the desk and rushed into his arms, wrapping hers around his neck. Draco caved and hugged her tight against him, tears breaking free from his cold eyes.
       “Is it really you or a cruel nightmare?” he asked as he pulled away to look at her face, she gave him a bright smile and cupped his face. He leaned into her hands, sighing deeply.
       “Of course it’s me you dork” Y/n laughs softly and smiles at him. He leans into her, slamming his mouth onto her’s. Not caring about anything else other than the woman in his arms at the moment. She responds quickly and smiles into there passionate exchange.
         -1 year later-
         “So let me get this straight. Y/n becomes a professor and you three found out we used to date in school from snape and your first thought is to set us up again” Draco looked at Albus, Scorpius, and Rose who look at each other before nodding.
       “Yeah pretty much”
       “It was kind of easy”
       “It was super romantic!”
       Draco turns to face Y/n “And you” he started, making her laugh slightly “You went along with this, why didn’t you just come to the manor?” he asked.
       “Well what fun is that?” Y/n chuckles, making Draco roll his eyes. He wraps an arm around her shoulders and she leans into him. “aw you know you love me”
       “Yeah i do, both of you” Draco smiles as he tugs Scorpius into the hug as well. For the first time in a long time, he felt whole again.
        Kody: What in the hell did i just write exactly?
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