#whumpee thinks caretaker is new master
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justbreakonme · 2 years ago
Whumpee liked many things about Caretaker.
They had a soft, kind voice, with soft kind hands, and even softer, kinder eyes.
They laughed a lot, and made him laugh too, and didn’t seem to notice when he laughed too long or too loudly or too gracelessly.
They gave him food, nice things, and clothes that fit, and a bed (a real bed, just for them!), but… There was one thing in particular that Whumpee liked the most.
See, Whumpee had never needed to be broken. They’d never dare intentionally step out of line, not even in their wildest dreams or most terrifying nightmares. But, they were flawed. Deeply. And made many mistakes.
But, where Whumper had attributed those mistakes to malice, Caretaker merely corrected him, forgave him, helped him.
He remembered fondly (oh how strange to remember anything fondly) the day Caretaker first brought him home. He had tripped over the edge of the welcome mat, and fell hard, knocking the coat rack down with him.
He had been braced for blows, or at best the yelling and screaming that always reduced him to tears, but, instead, Caretaker had crouched down and asked if he was okay. He had stared, blankly (stupidly), at them, covered in coats and scarves, until Caretaker had moved to help him. He’d flinched, and Caretaker still hadn’t struck him. Instead, they offered a hand, and helped him up.
Caretaker smiled, awkward and toothy and more beautiful than anything he’d ever seen, and apologized, (apologized, to him, of all things!) making a little joke about how welcome mat wasn’t very welcoming.
Whumpee had stared for a moment more, still braced for this all to be a trick. Then, it was like something inside him broke, like a rubber band snapping, and he laughed. He’d laughed, hysterical and ugly, till tears came to his eyes, and then couldn’t stop them.
He’d begged through tears that he was sorry, that he was trying to be good (an old habit that had still never died, despite having every reason to), but Caretaker still didn’t raise a hand against him.
He didn’t remember all the details, after that, only that Caretaker had brought him into the kitchen, and given him a mug of something warm and sweet, and sat down across from him. And had let him cry, only interrupting to assure him that he was not in trouble and to hand him a tissue.
Yes, Whumpee liked many things about Caretaker. Their heart most of all.
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honeycollectswhump · 2 years ago
Whumper's title
It was the end of a lazy evening. Caretaker stretched as the credits of the last movie rolled. Whumpee was draped across her lap and had apparently fallen asleep somewhere during the movie. She wasn’t sure if he even witnessed the climax. Even asleep Whumpee had a soft smile on his lips; he seemed truly at peace. 
It hadn’t always been like that.
A year ago, serenity like this would have been unthinkable. Maybe he would have crawled into her lap if she ordered him to, but he wouldn’t have allowed himself to relax. He wouldn’t have been able to.
A year ago, he still called himself Pet or Mutt. He would beg for punishment, beg to be allowed necessities like sleep or food. But never for mercy because he’d thought he didn’t deserve it. 
A year ago, Whumpee didn’t even remember they lived together for years prior. 
But he did now, and that was all that mattered. God, how she had missed him and the time they spent together. Caretaker wanted to savor it all, savor every little moment she could spend with him.
With a smile playing on her lips, she brushed a stray piece of hair from his scarred face. She didn’t want to wake Whumpee up but she would have to. No matter how much she wanted it, they couldn’t spend the night like this. In the morning, his already aching back would trouble him even more. He was frankly too big for her couch, his feet already dangling over the side. With one hand she was playing with his soft curls, scratching the nape of his neck, and trying to grab the remote with the other – without success.
It had to be done. Caretaker softly whispered his name, tracing his jawline in an attempt to wake him up. He wouldn't budge.
“Whumpee”, the name came out as a soft chuckle. “Whumpee, you need to wake up.”
Again, nothing. 
This time she held him by his shoulders and started shaking him gently. Two bleary brown eyes stared up at her, blinking a couple of times. A sleepy groan escaped his lips as he struggled to sit upright. Somehow Caretaker doubted that Whumpee was truly awake.
She stood up and held her hand out to him. “Let’s get you to bed, big guy.”
Loosely, he took her hands and let himself be pulled up, almost immediately resting his head on top of hers. 
“Yes, Master”, he breathed into her hair. 
Caretaker could feel her blood running cold. She froze, waiting for any indication of what happened, any sign that Whumpee wasn’t feeling well. 
But he didn’t. He didn’t tense up or start shaking. He didn’t fall on his knees or stare at her in adoration and obedience or wait for her order. In fact, he didn’t seem to even realize what he’d said. Instead, he just nuzzled further into her locks, almost falling asleep on his feet. 
Slowly, she took a step backward, his hands still in hers, waiting to see if he’d follow. Whumpee shuffled along, although at a snail’s pace. Caretaker didn’t know whether to bring up what had happened but one look in his half-lidded eyes told her that any attempt at communication would just pass by him. Chances were he wouldn’t even remember how he got to bed in the morning. 
She took him upstairs where –at the sight of his own bed– he staggered forward and flopped down on his messy sheets. Caretaker followed him inside to tuck him in. While she was securing the blanket under his shoulders, Whumpee loosely grabbed one of her hands in his much bigger one and pressed it to his cheek. 
“G’night…”, he murmured into her hand. 
She couldn’t understand what he said after that and she wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer.
This is very much inspired by this post by @whumpadventureprompts (i couldn't find how you want to be tagged when people use your prompts so i hope this is alright)
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andithewhumper · 1 year ago
New Home (1)
First installment of what I hope is a long series, but who knows. These are characters I have been messing around with for a while so it's nice to finally get something concrete down. This series is partially inspired by @whumpsday 's Kane and Jim series. It is amazing, go read it. My vampire lore is different, I'll eventually post it, but for now have fun with this.
Content: Vampire thralls, kneeling, past referenced abuse, human trafficking, vampire whumper, vampire carewhumper, human whumpee, nonbinary whumpee
Humans were the least of Kairos’ worries. They were there and that was that. It wasn’t that she didn’t like them, they just existed opposite to her. A dolphin isn’t overly concerned with the life of a shark. So when her father called her into his office for an unstated reason she did not expect this. 
There was a rather deplorable looking human trembling on the floor in front of Duke Eldon Orfeo. He stood in front of his desk giving the human not even a glance as he waited for his daughter. Kairos gave her father a weird look as she stepped into the room. It was unlike him to engage with even the humans in his own household except for swiftly disciplining them and sending them on their way. Yet this human, Kairos didn’t recognize, confusing her even more. 
“Father? You called for me?” The Duke nodded at his daughter and then glanced down at the trembling figure on the floor. 
“Yes, I need you to deal with this.” His voice was cold and smooth, commanding ultimate authority. Kairos looked down at the shaking form. She could hear small whimpers coming from the human as they wrapped their arms around themself. 
“And this would be-?”
“The human was a thrall of one of Edward’s intolerable friends who has recently been sentenced by the Council of Lords. It was gifted to Edward, but I see no reason to reward him for associating with such people and so I am giving the human to you.”
Kairos had to admit she was stunned. She very rarely had personal thralls, they were more of a hassle than they were worth. The last time she could recall taking one was when she first moved to France and refused to spend another several decades alone with no one who would speak to her. 
“I appreciate the offer, Father, but wouldn’t Michél appreciate the gift more? He is far more inclined towards personal thralls.”
“Michél agrees that you should be the one who gets the human. He has several already. Besides, this one fits your preferences, does it not?” Kairos looked down at the thrall, who seemed increasingly distressed by the path of the conversation. They were indeed the kind of human she would normally go for, frail and feminine. Their hair fell just below their chin in a mess of brown curls not unlike her youngest brother James. Yet, she was inclined towards women in bars who would readily come home with her under the promise of wine and good company. Few complained that her good company came with the price of their blood. They left with more pleasure than any man could give them and a wound that would heal in a week. She had no need to ever see them again. 
“My preference is normally for less permanent meals, Father. Not for second hand ‘gifts’. Besides, there are plenty of thralls in your household that I drink from. I have no need for another meal.”
“Then use the human as a test subject for your experiments. Do whatever you please with it, but I am assigning it to you.” Her father’s tone was becoming terse and she knew that if she pushed him any longer this would become a significantly more painful exchange for her. She would have to figure out what to do with the human later. For now, she figured it would be wise to get out of her father’s sight. 
“Yes, Father. I’m sure I can find some use for the human. Thank you for deeming me worthy for this gift. I doubt Edward would be mature about this anyway.”
Her father nodded and she felt a small amount of relief that she defused the situation before it became too extreme. She looked down at the human who glanced up at her only to quickly shoot their eyes back to the ground. 
“Come,” she ordered the human, “I have work to do. 
Quinn tried to still their shaking. They didn’t understand what was wrong with them. They knew how to behave in the presence of vampires and yet everything their Master taught them escaped from their mind. They had been brought to this house with the expectation of being immediately handed to the vampire their Master had gifted them to and yet they still hadn’t seen him yet. The vampire they knelt in front of was no less terrifying than Master’s friend. They had met Master’s friend before. He was cruel, even crueler than Master was. 
This vampire was tall with dark hair that was short and neat. From the few words they heard him say, they could tell he had a French accent. They wondered if he was going to be their new Master instead of Master’s friend. They knew it was forbidden to want anything, but they hoped he was. 
When the woman walked in Quinn couldn’t hold back their confusion. They risked a glance up at the vampire. She looked dangerous, with long red hair and intense eyes. Quinn wondered who she was. They had seen more vampires in this night alone than in the rest of their life. With every one Quinn could feel their dread getting deeper and deeper into them. 
There was a time, when Master first took them, that Quinn thought about running away. Those forbidden thoughts had been gone from their mind soon after, but they came back with a terrifying realization. They were going to be given to a vampire in a house surrounded by other vampires. Even if they got away from whoever was meant to be their new Master, they would still have to get past all the other vampires in the house. Quinn blinked hard as they realized what they had been thinking about. How dare they think those thoughts, here of all places. This was supposed to be a new start, and yet they were already messing it up by misbehaving. 
When Quinn heard the French vampire say that they would be given to the woman they thought they misheard at first. Did this mean they wouldn’t be going to Master’s friend? Quinn felt a rush of relief run through them. Quinn was ecstatic, anything was better than belonging to Master’s friend, as disobedient as they were for thinking about it. He was horrible, even when Master told him to go easy on Quinn. They started to calm their breathing right up to the point when the woman spoke. 
“I have no need for another meal.” 
Quinn was crushed. The two vampires above them were debating their fate as if it was nothing. The small part of Quinn that was angry about that was squashed down by the part of them that knew this was their purpose. Master had taught them that they existed in this world purely to serve vampires. They knew better than to doubt that, but what these two were doing now was cruel; dangling a better option in front of Quinn like a worm on a hook. 
“Use the human as a test subject for your experiments.” Quinn whimpered at the words and then bit their lip to silence themself. The vampires did not want to hear their pain. They were supposed to take this torment silently so as to not inconvenience their Master. Quinn cursed themself. Of course the woman didn’t want them as her thrall, they couldn’t even stay quiet when they weren’t in pain. How could she expect them to stay quiet when they were being disciplined or even when she wanted to feed? Quinn trembled at the thought of making any noise when their new Master fed. They would certainly be punished severely if that ever happened. 
They heard the woman agree to taking them and Quinn wondered if they should feel relieved. Of course they didn’t want to belong to Master’s friend, but this woman did not want them. What if they gave them to him  when they got bored or irritated with Quinn’s bad behavior. They tried so hard, but Quinn always misbehaved. Master told them all the time that if they ever wanted to be free of punishment they had to be more obedient, but Quinn was dumb and they messed up all the time. 
They tried another glance up at the vampire, but this time they were caught. Quinn quickly looked back down at the ground. They held back a whimper. Their new Master would surely punish them for this disrespect. Master-no their old Master now-would have slapped Quinn across the face if they ever dared to look at him without being told. But their new Master ignored the disrespect and simply gave them the order to follow. Quinn, confused but not willing to mess up twice in a row by ignoring the vampire’s commands, stood and quickly followed after their new Master. 
Kairos led the shaking human to her room. She needed to get some work done before she could even speak to the thrall and despite their trembling they seemed well-behaved enough to sit quietly while she worked. She walked through the hallways and noticed the human glancing around at the artwork. She was glad the human was not totally petrified that they had lost all ability to think. That would be irritating for her to deal with. She opened the door to her room and gestured for the thrall to go in. The human walked past her slowly, obviously still quite nervous. Kairos shut the door and caught a glimpse of the human finching at the sound of the lock. 
“Sit and be quiet,” she said gesturing to a chaise next to the bed, “I have work I need to get done before I discuss some things with you.” 
The human nodded quickly, but didn’t say anything. Kairos, usually unbothered by thralls giving her no response-it was typical of any of her father’s thralls to ignore her completely-felt the need to correct this. 
“When I give you an order I expect a response, understand?”
The thrall shook where they stood and Kairos noticed the human looked about ready to fall over, but they forced the words out of their mouth. 
“Y-yes, Master. I’m sorry, Master.” 
Kairos gave them an affirmative nod and turned to her desk in order to continue her work. 
After about an hour of writing she turned around to see the thrall, staring at the floor in front of them. They sat with perfect posture on the chaise, with their back straight and their hands in their lap. So the thrall at least knew how to follow a simple order. That was good to know. Kairos had interacted with many thralls that seemed to think they could ignore or disregard her orders simply because they answered to her father first. She had almost forgotten what it was like to actually be obeyed without question. She had to admit, it felt nice. 
If you wanna be on the tag list just lmk :)
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befuddled-calico-whump · 2 years ago
Tumblr media
"please... Mercy."
(a follow up to this) ///// (continued here)
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whump-place · 1 year ago
A prompt for you!!
Whumpee after being rescued is scared to death of Caretaker, they just sit on their bed all day, believing they're locked like Whumper always left them locked in their room (though they're not). Caretaker sits with them and caresses their hair saying they care about Whumpee and are never gonna hurt them, but Whumpee is still scared because that's exactly what Whumper used to say after their torture sessions!
Poor Whumpee doesn't know how to act, they're so afraid </3
First of all, thank you so much! You are the first one to actually send me a prompt I hope you like it 😭
ontent: Whumpee thinks Caretaker is their new Whumper, self isolation, fear of punishment, past torture.
"Whumpee?" Someone was knocking at the door, Caretaker spoke, she sounded worried. "Are you there?"
What kind of question was that? Of course they were there, where else would they be? They wouldn't ever dream of escaping, they swear, they were good! They had to let Caretaker know that!
"Yes, ma'am. I'm here, this is where you left me, i didn't move, I promise." That was half true, Caretaker had left them on the bed, blankets covering their body, she had told them to rest and sleep and so they did. But in the morning they made the bed and sat on the edge, they didn't want to be punished for slacking.
"Oh, um. That's good? I guess." A small pause and then Caretaker spoke again. "Can I come in?"
Whumpee shoke their head. They don't want Caretaker near them, they just want to be left alone. But of course they didn't say that out loud, that would be suicidal.
"You can do as you please, ma'am." They answered instead. Their eyes were already tearing up, Whumper never visited them unless it was punishment day, and that hurts so much, please, they'll be good! They can be good, please!
The door slowly opened, Caretaker was right in front of them, holding a glass and an apple.
"Oh." That was all Caretaker said, her eyes wandering around the room, Whumpee made sure that it was spotless, was something wrong? "You...? Nevermind."
Caretaker set the glass and the apple on the nightstand, carefully taking a step back.
"Whumpee... can I speak to you for a second?"
"You can do as you please, ma'am" but please, don't hurt me. Not yet, please.
Caretaker frowned a bit, and Whumpee was sure that they already messed up, but instead of a beating, Caretaker said:
"Thank you"
Whumpee hadn't expected her to actually sit next to them, usually Whumper would 'talk' throwing things at Whumpee, yelling, sometimes they even kicked them, Whumper doesn't sit next to them, never.
"You see, Whumpee. I... Ahg. What am I doing?"
Caretaker didn't say another word, Whumpee realized that she wasn't good at showing her feelings through words, but through actions.
Her hand slowly caresses their hair, not saying a word.
"I know you are scared, but I promise that I will never hurt you. I... I don't really know what could I say to make you feel better, I'm sorry"
Those were really kind words, Whumpee must admit. But there was still something that made him shiver; Whumper used to do the same. Exactly the same.
Kind words, kind touch. Whumper liked to see their pet at his feet or with their head on their lap, begging for a gentle touch just before being...
Whumpee shut their eyes, leaning on the touch, they were so damn afraid.
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cepheusgalaxy · 2 years ago
We all love the "whumpee thinks caretaker is their new master" trope, right? Let's go a little further
Whumpee is whumper's pet. We know this
Whumper also has this friend, Whumper 2
Whumper really wants to impress their friend, or whatever, so they give whumpee to whumper 2
Whumpee is prepared beforehand. Whumper dress them up; They tell them to obey whumper 2. Tell them that they'll be their new master.
While that, Caretaker and Team find this out. Whumpee will be transported from Whumper's to Whumper 2's house
It's the perfect chance for rescuing them.
Ok, now, for the aesthetic, maybe whumpee is in a truck. No windows. No sounds. Whumpee is locked inside during the way, they're only allowed to move or get out once they reach their destiny
The team works fast
They capture the truck and manage to drive it to their base
While that, whumpee is bracing themselves for the terror they know whumper 2 will be.
Imagine the scene when the team unlock whumpee on the truck, and they are obedient, terrifird, they think Caretaker is whumper 2
They do not manage to think they're finally free
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starfields08000 · 1 year ago
Hi so.. I've finished all the whump stories im reading right now and I'm looking for stories where whumpee thinks caretaker is Thier new master/ whumper
Send me ur favourites pls (they don't have 2 b ur ocs)!
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Whumpee thinks Caretaker is their new master. Good trope, right? But check this out;
Caretaker doesn't notice.
Because the morning after the day they were rescued, all Whumpee did was get Caretaker a cup of coffee. It was only after then that Whumpee realized new master new rules, and Caretaker might not like coffee at all. So after an hour or so of a panic attack, Whumpee decides to stay put and not do anything.
But Caretaker didn't say anything about that coffee, so Whumpee should probably keep doing that?
And so, every morning, Caretaker gets a cup of coffee, says thank you, that's a nice gesture, and gets done with the day, while Whumpee tries to stay as quiet and unnoticed as possible. Not angering Caretaker is their top priority. Caretaker notices Whumpee is really, really quiet, but hey, they might just like it quiet. They do seem a little scared, but they've been putting off well, so Caretaker is positive that they'll get better with time.
Then Caretaker hears Whumper liked a cup of coffee every morning.
That's.. a strange coincidence.
I hope that's a coincidence.
And they finally try to talk to Whumpee about it, and Whumpee breaks into tears and Caretaker realizes what a mess this is,
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all-the-gory-details · 2 months ago
HII OMG !! brainwashed/hypnotised whumpee that tries to convince caretaker/teammate/whoever to become like them during a rescue attempt .. bonus points if they're all excited and giddy about 'helping' their friends :333
Sorry it took me so long! Been busy lol
TW: Pet whump, brainwashed whumpee, mention of past violence
Pet waited in their room, just like they were supposed to. The door wasn't locked, but they never opened it. They weren't allowed to open the door.
They simply sat. And waited.
When they heard the footsteps and voices outside the door, they put their book down and knelt with a smile. They were so excited to thank their master for the new book, so excited to please him and be praised-
But it wasn't their Master that opened the door.
They recognized Teammate right away, although it took a few moments to remember their name. Their time with the team was a long time ago. They didn't like to think about the past.
Master didn't like them thinking about the past.
Still, their lips turned upwards a bit at the familiar face. Teammate stared for a long moment before taking a small step forward.
"W-whumpee? Is that y-"
Pet flinched, hard, barely stifling a whimper. "Pet," they corrected hastily. "My name is Pet, my name has always been Pet."
Teammate froze, trying to process the change. "Whumpee, you don't have to... it's me. The team is on their way, we're getting you out of here."
Pet frowned in confusion. "Out? I'm not allowed to leave. I don't want to leave. Good pets don't want to leave."
Teammate raised their hand to their mouth slowly, closing the distance between them and dropping to their knees in front of Pet. "D-dont say that, Whumpee, of course you want to leave! Whumper, he kidnapped you! He hurt you!"
"Only when I was bad, and I'm not a bad pet anymore. You don't understand!" Pet pouted for a moment... before slowly looking up at Teammate, eyes lighting up. "But... but you could. Teammate, you could be such a good pet, and then we could be together! Master is very good at training pets, you know."
Teammate stood up suddenly, horror dawning in their eyes. "No, no way! Whumpee, you're sick. You need to get out, get help. The team will be here any moment, we need to leave!"
"I can't leave, Teammate. I'm a good pet, good pets don't leave, but you can stay! I can help you, Teammate! You'll be so happy here with me, I promise."
"No." Teammate was shaking their head in disbelief, tears coming to their eyes. "I will save you, I will drag you out of here if I need to, but I won't stay with you. You're insane to even suggest it! You're not a fucking pet, and neither am I!"
Their blood ran cold as they heard a voice behind them in the open doorway.
Whumpers voice.
"You sure about that, Teammate?"
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den-of-whump · 7 months ago
Conditioned Whumpee who thinks Caretaker is their new master, where Caretaker calls Whumpee by a pet name, sweetie/sweetheart/darling/angel/etc etc, and Whumpees takes this to mean that Caretaker has renamed them because they didn't like their old name
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justbreakonme · 2 years ago
Guilty as charged.
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distinctlywhumpthing · 2 years ago
Unintentional 26
Previous—Masterlist— Next
CW: BBU-adjacent, institutionalized slavery, dehumanization. Explicit language. Past surgical/medical whump alluded to, hospital setting. OCD, panic attack, Caretaker struggling. Impending raid/threat of Whumpee's (re)capture. As always, beta-read by @alittlewhump <3
Leo’s head ached, exhaustion weighing him down and diluting his expressions so that every time he tried to give Aiden a reassuring smile, the kid just looked more worried. Leo was bone tired. They both were. Delia had only told them one result of the MRI scan: there was no tracker, not even one that had been fried by the machine. So, in that respect, they were in the clear. She’d go over the rest later. Aiden was already shaking without an onslaught of information, tremors radiating through him, his gaze weary and unfocused. 
For the better part of the last hour, Leo had been sitting in one of the unforgiving chairs beside the bed, trying to coax Aiden to relax. Reassuring him everything was alright, asking if he needed anything else, blundering around just shy of making the outright suggestion. Hell, at this point, Leo was ready to admit it was just so that he could rest himself without feeling guilty. Fifteen minutes and he’d feel better. They both would. 
The day before, he’d torn up a whole first floor of scratched laminate and demoed a fireplace. His partner had noticed the push and asked him if everything was alright. He’d said he wasn’t sure, which now felt laughable. And like it had happened a full week ago. 
Leo had finally given in and let his eyes fall closed for a moment when the announcement came over the PA. Code Indigo. All floors. Code Indigo. Aiden clapped his free hand over his ear. 
“Code Indigo?” Leo repeated, fresh adrenaline pulling him to his feet. He tightened his grip on Aiden’s hand. “But you said—”
“It’s rare but it does happen,” Delia said, typing furiously into her phone without looking up. 
Leo wanted to knock it out of her hands. They needed her right now. Aiden's shoulders had crept up to his ears and his grip on Leo’s fingers was shaky. 
“But how did they find out? You don’t think—”
Delia finally put her phone back into her pocket and met his eyes. “They don’t know anything about him. It’s just a random raid.” 
A strangled sound came from Aiden and he pulled his hand out of Leo’s. He would have slipped out of the bed too but Delia was faster. 
“Easy, it’s going to be alright. We’re going to make a plan.” 
Aiden turned to Leo, eyes wide and shining with tears. His bottom lip trembled along with the rest of him. 
This poor kid had trusted him and now, in bringing him here to save his life, Leo might have just done the opposite. What if it would have been better to just let Aiden die on his own terms? Leo would never forgive himself.
He tried to swallow some of the panic and guilt climbing hand over fist up his throat. “Can’t we just make a run for the car?” 
His sister shook her head. “They cover the exits and parking lots before they even make the announcement. That’s the fastest way to get caught.”
Aiden covered his face with his hands, shaking his head. “Nnn-no…no…no…nnno.”
“Nnn—please—” He caught Leo’s sleeves in his shaking fists. “Please…mmm’I….can’t….mmm…I….can’t….mmm…” He pinched his eyes closed, freeing some tears, and swallowed in a way that made Leo want to ask if his throat was hurting. When he opened his eyes again, they shone with tears. “Please.”
Fuck, as if Leo didn’t feel guilty enough already. “I’m right here. I won’t leave your side, I promise. We’re going to get through this. Delia’s going to help us and—”
Aiden turned to her instead, releasing Leo. Apparently, reassurance was not what he was after.  “Mmm…please…mmm…I…can’t…mmm…can’t…mmm…” He gave up trying to find the word and held up his arm, hooking his index finger under the bandage to show her the wrist that used to have his barcode.
“Yes, I saw.” She lowered his hand for him, smoothing back the edge of the bandage. “Aiden, running away from your previous master means they’ll have your picture on the list of Defectors.” 
Previous master. Meaning he was the current one. Leo’s stomach churned. “Delia, if they have his picture—”
“Nnno,” Aiden interrupted. He raised his arm again. “Nnn-not…mmm’me.”
Delia narrowed her eyes. “You didn’t do this to yourself…when you ran away?” 
He shook his head vehemently, eyes darting to search Leo’s face for a moment. 
“You’re not saying—I didn’t think—” Delia tented her fingers around her eyes, like blinders, as though suddenly everything was too much. She started shaking her head. “You were already—they did this to you?” 
Aiden exhaled a sob, nodding. 
Delia swore under her breath. 
“What?” Leo wrung his hands, leaning to try to see Aiden’s face angled away from him. “What does that mean?” 
Delia blinked at him, clearly distracted by whatever revelation had just passed between them. That he was still not privy to. 
“Hello? We’re definitely running out of time.” It was impossible to see what was going on in the hallway with the curtains drawn around this half of the room. In his mind, it was already teeming with police or WRU agents or both. Any minute, they’d burst into the room and take Aiden away. 
“Right. It’s good news…I think.” She kneaded her forehead with her fingertips. “Aiden, I’m hoping this wasn't some sanctioned WRU program…?” 
He shook his head. 
“How many people knew where you were, what was happening to you?” 
He held up one finger. 
“Okay.” She nodded. “And you didn’t escape on your own?” 
Another no. 
Leo leaned his weight from one foot to the other without taking his eyes off the vague location of the door behind the curtains.
“This is good. Sorry but…how much do you remember?” She was keeping her face carefully neutral. 
Aiden didn’t say anything but Leo could see the muscles in his jaw working as he held Delia’s gaze. 
“And from before?”
Tight nod. 
Delia reached for Aiden's hand and he let her take it. “I’m so sorry, Aiden.” 
His face wasn’t quite visible but Leo could tell he was holding his breath.
“We’re going to get you through this and then we can help.” This wasn’t just textbook bedside sympathy, she had that fire behind her eyes and determination in her voice he’d known his whole life. “It’s good you told me.”
Leo looked down at his hands, pushing the tip of his thumb into the meat of the other palm. There was a speck of dried blood along the cuticle of his right index finger. Maybe from when Aiden had started bleeding through the bandages earlier, maybe from even earlier and he’d just not washed his hands thoroughly enough. He glanced toward the door again, anxiety twisting in his gut. Maybe he had time to—
“Hey, Leo?” 
Aiden dropped his gaze as soon as Leo looked up. Delia was waiting expectantly.
“Sorry.” He lifted his hand to run through his hair but stopped just shy of making contact and let it fall. 
“You remember the plan we talked about before?”
Aiden was watching him from under his eyelashes. 
He tried to inject a little more confidence into his voice. “Right, yes.”
“Great. Just do everything I told you and you’ll be fine.” Delia patted Aiden on the shoulder before backing away.
“Wait, what?” Leo held up his hands like he could call time out on this whole thing. Seconds ticking away until they were found out. “You’re not staying?”
“I thought that was already clear.” 
Leo shook his head. She couldn’t possibly leave.
“I have other—” Her gaze flicked to Aiden and back. “Other patients who need me.” 
Aiden shrank back, almost imperceptibly, because he’d raised his voice. Shit. 
“We don’t have time for this.” 
He clenched his shaking fingers into fists but then unclenched his right fist when he remembered the blood on his finger. “Wait, but what do we do if someone comes in? What are we supposed to say?” Leo couldn’t even look at Aiden. Did not want to see just how much this was definitely making everything even worse for him. He rubbed at the speck of blood with his other fingertip but it wouldn’t come off. 
He met her gaze, switched to trying to scrape the blood off with his fingernail. “What about you? What happens if they catch you? I thought this was a once-in-a-blue-moon thing—wait, Delia, is this a fucking felony?” 
At some point, she must have stopped backing toward the door because now she held out her hand, reaching for him. “Leo, just take a breath—”
He dodged her. “I just—I need a minute.” Aiden looked confused at best and rejected at worst. Leo turned away and made a beeline for the bathroom. 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 
He blinked and was already scrubbing at his fingers, rubbing the soap into his cuticles and under his nails. He wasn’t even counting, just mindlessly washing. 
No, he really needed to not lose his shit right now. 
He couldn’t get stuck in this loop. 
Leo forced his lungs to fill with air, rinsed the soap off. Toweled his hands dry. 
Just one proper hand washing and then he had to go. 
One, two, three, four pumps of soap. 
One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three—
He hadn’t even heard the door open.
Delia stilled both of his hands with one of hers. “How long?”
“What?” Leo let her rinse each of his hands under the water.
“How long have you not been taking your meds?” She turned off the tap and handed him paper towels. 
He couldn’t meet her gaze, focused on absorbing each errant drop of water. “A couple weeks? I’m fine, I managing it.” 
“I’m sure you were but now it’s caught up with you.” The careful tone his sister used revealed just how overly defensive his had been. She took the soggy paper towels out of his hands and dropped them into the bin. “This is a lot and it will continue to be a lot. You need to take care of yourself if you’re going to help him.” 
Leo flexed his fingers, trying not to inspect them too closely. “Yeah, okay. I know.”
“Come on, I really need to go and you’re going to be fine together. This is going to work.” She led him out and handed him the backpack she’d been forward-thinking enough to pack at his condo. “You know what to do. I’ll let you know when it’s all clear.”
As soon as she left, Leo wondered if he should have said a longer goodbye. Just in case. He had no idea what repercussions she’d face if caught, not that he had any better idea about himself. Aiden was the only one that really mattered and they needed to get going on this plan. 
Aiden was watching him, not quite warily but carefully, as he set the backpack beside him on the bed and started pulling out what they’d need. He ignored the compulsion to keep reflexively checking the door, tried to make his movements efficient but not visibly rushed.
“I’m sorry,” he said at the same time Aiden said, “Sorry.” Aiden huffed and dropped his chin. He was still shaking but had his mouth set in a determined line. Delia must have instilled a little more confidence in him about their plan to hide in plain sight. 
It would work. 
It had to work.  
Leo zipped up the half-empty backpack and dropped it beside the chairs. “Hon, you don’t have anything to apologize for. None of that—my reaction—was your fault.” He ran a hand over his hair, sighing. “When we get home, I can exp—”
There was so much care in the way Aiden shaped the air, as though the syllables might crack under too much strain. He kept his timbre soft, hesitant about borrowing sounds he didn’t feel he had any right to but in voicing them finding his own version of ‘Leo’.  
No way he could chalk this utterance up to his own imagination. A part of him still couldn’t believe Aiden had actually said it. He resisted the self-indulgent urge to ask the kid to repeat himself just to hear it again, to underline the significance of the moment. Instead, he cleared the lump in his throat and tried to sound casual. “What is it?”
Aiden didn’t react to the fact that Leo hadn’t managed to hide much of the emotion in his voice. He had pulled the sleeve of Leo’s old hoodie into his lap and was running his thumb over the frayed edge of the sleeve. When he raised his eyes, they were brighter than Leo had ever seen them. “Home?” 
“Yeah, home,” he whispered back, not sure how he was able to even find his voice this time.  
Aiden pulled the hoodie on, settling into it like it was a hug. 
Leo couldn’t believe the old thing was so meaningful but he wasn’t about to argue against anything that made Aiden feel safer. Especially considering the threat they were about to face. He held one of his beanies out, almost dropping it when Aiden bowed his head instead of taking it to let Leo put it on for him. 
He couldn’t quite blink all of the tears out of his eyes in time but Aiden kept his head down anyway, busy gathering the extra length of the sleeves into his fists. 
How could this kid not see how much of a hold he had on Leo already? 
When the door opened just a few minutes later, as they pretended to sleep across the room from each other, Leo was glad Aiden had a piece of home—a piece of him—to hold onto. 
No matter what happened next.
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honeycollectswhump · 2 years ago
The Pet 2
[masterlist] [part one]
From his view of the ever-distorting ground, he couldn’t see his Master’s reaction, couldn’t anticipate the blow or kick that would surely come. The pleading had felt wrong on the Pet’s tongue, for a reason he couldn't figure out. 
For a few agonizing seconds nothing happened. The only sound that reached the Pet’s ears was his own labored breathing and even that sounded warped.
Finally, a voice, though he couldn't recognize it. It must have been his Master’s, right? It simply must.
The Pet knew how to behave. He shouldn't have run away in the first place –he couldn’t even remember why he had tried anymore– but he would be better. He needed to be better. So he stayed perfectly still, waiting for any clue of how to act so he could be prepared for his Master’s rage. 
Would his Master discipline his disobedient Pet now or later? Would it be his Master’s thick belt, that he used to taunt him with, and then punished him with even more harshly for getting his disgusting blood all over it? Maybe he’d be used as entertainment for the party –the party?– and or he’d be strung up like a punching bag. The thought alone made the Pet shake twice as hard. 
Too late, far too late the Pet perceived murmuring, draping over him like a blanket, drowning out all other sounds. His Master must have been talking and like a stupid mutt he hadn’t paid attention. Instead, he had gotten lost in his own head, he had let himself get carried away by the current of his own thoughts.
Mercifully, his Master repeated himself. Still, only scraps reached his mind, the rest being devoured by the cotton that filled the Pet’s senses. 
“It’s just me…”
“... don't understand…”
“Please, sit up.”
Yes! At last, something the Pet could act upon, something to prove he was eager to obey, despite his shortcomings, despite everything. He carefully pushed his upper body up, still on his knees and eyes on the floor like a proper Pet. Just this small movement alone made his stomach lurch and his arms shake like leaves in the wind.
He stared at his tingling fingers and hoped he was kneeling right, hoped that he wasn’t slouching with the way his spine felt curved, the way his legs were slowly sinking into the floor like it was quicksand. 
Cautiously, gentle fingers touched his jawline and tipped his head upwards. The Pet let his eyes be guided to catch the form of his Master and hoped he wouldn’t be punished for this offense too. 
“You will be alright,” the voice said slowly, deliberately. A spark of familiarity washed over the Pet, even though he couldn’t place it. He could barely see more than blurred shapes but if the Pet concentrated hard enough, he could make out some of their features. A name fought itself through the swamp of his own thoughts: Caretaker.
“I’m–I’m sorry. Are you my…my Master?” he whispered, then flinched back, expecting a hit for his boldness. His tongue felt swollen and limp in his mouth and he could do nothing but hope he was saying the words he meant. 
He was met with confusion. “I’m not–I mean, you don’t have a Master.”
That couldn’t be! The thought alone sent cold spikes of fear down his spine.
“Please Ma’am, I do have a Master. I’m sorry, but I must have, I’m positive. I–I don’t mean to disagree, Ma’am, please. B–but I’m lost, I don’t know where I am. My Master must be around here somewhere. I don’t– I don’t know what to do!” The words tumbled out of his mouth and onto the floor like marbles. In the end, the last bit of resolve left him and the Pet dissolved into sobs
“Whumpee–” The hands that had rested on his jawline now moved to cup his cheeks. “What happened? I don't… whatever. You are safe, I promise. If you are lost, I’ll help you get home, alright?”
He looked at her hopefully. Alone, he wouldn’t get anywhere, at least not in this state. But with her help…maybe he wouldn’t be thrown out today.  
The Pet threw himself down once more, inching closer till his bowed head almost touched her knees. 
“Please, Ma’am! If you would be so kind, so generous as to help this worthless excuse of a Pet. I’m so sorry, I don’t–I don’t know how to repay you but I’d do anything. Anything! I promise, Ma’am!”
“Always. I’ll always help you.” the Pet felt a soft hand on his head, carding gently through his hair. In his despair, he couldn’t help but push into the touch. The Pet couldn’t remember the last time someone had touched him this way. Any kindness was a rarity. Even like this, with his brain a thick swamp, unable to produce fully formed thoughts, the Pet knew this fact. It was deeply ingrained in his heart.
“But you need to listen to me. My car is parked nearby but we have to get there first. And we can’t have the others see you like this. So you need to do exactly as I tell you, alright?” 
Even though he had to strain himself to comprehend the words, the Pet nodded with such vigor his head might have fallen off. It made him even more dizzy. 
“Whumpee, look at me. This is important.”
Although the Pet didn’t know who that was, he would listen regardless.
“When we go out that door, I need you to walk upright. I’ll hold you up, that won’t be a problem. But no crawling! Also, no talk of your Master or whoever the fuck that is. If you have questions ask them now or when we are in my car.”
The Pet didn’t understand. But it wasn’t his job to ask questions –it wasn’t his job to think– so he kept quiet. His only purpose was obeying. 
He pushed upwards, trying to get his legs under him and balanced on the skewed ground, already veering to the side. Before he could tumble down, Caretaker caught his arm. His stomach churned dangerously and his ears rang. A cold sheen of sweat was sticking to his skin, making him shiver and he swallowed thickly. The tears had barely stopped but the Pet felt like crying again. It was no use.
“Come on, big guy.” Caretaker said as she pulled him towards a wall. “Lean against that, then try again.”
He did try again, desperately ignoring the way the wall seemed to bend around him, the texture swirling and swirling and swirling. Despite everything, the Pet couldn’t stop a hysterical giggle from breaking free. It just made Caretaker sigh. 
Finally though, he was able to stand, albeit listing heavily against the wall. Caretaker had slipped against his side, bracing his bigger frame against hers, holding up most of his weight. God, it felt like his worst sin was open for the world to see. No amount of slouching could make him smaller than her. A Pet couldn’t look down on a human. 
His first disobedience was his own body. 
She approached the door with the Pet in tow. He vowed to keep his stupid mouth shut since Caretaker didn’t like it when he talked. The walk was a blur, his surroundings distorting and tilting. His feet never landed where he wanted them to, making him stumble against her more than once. 
Time seemed to move weirdly around him, both too fast and too slow. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed, whether he spent hours in that dark room or just seconds. 
People came up to them, shouting over a thundering the Pet couldn’t identify, but Caretaker pushed through them. 
The Pet blinked and suddenly found himself outside, the cool night air lifting the fog that had settled over his senses. Only now he realized that he had rested his heavy head on Caretaker’s shoulder.
It felt comfortable. It felt safe.
It felt familiar.
again, thanks to @distinctlywhumpthing for beta-reading this and putting up with my lack of knowledge on where to put commas in english <3
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whumplump · 8 months ago
part 1
part 2
Whumpee would take the eggs out of the mold as gently as possible and place them in the refrigerator as if they were made of crystal. They were being as careful as possible, so they were taking their time, and they were afraid that Whumper would complain about the delay, but the punishment for breaking the eggs would be worse than the punishment for taking too long on a task.
The doorbell rang lazily. Whumper was on the couch, working on the computer, and didn't bother to tell the housekeeper. Whumpee set the eggs aside and got ready to open the door. They were greeted by a person who seemed to have visited the house before. The person had a bag on their shoulder and had the kindest face Whumpee had ever seen in their life.
"Good afternoon, how are you? I'm Caretaker, is Whumper home?" the stranger greeted, offering their hand.
Whumpee responded, but their throat was raw and their voice was inaudible. The visitor asked them to repeat it. Whumpee smoothed their throat and tried again.
"...They are in the living room..."
"Can you let them know I'm here, please?"
Whumpee raised their hand, asking for a moment. They walked into the living room and stood next to Whumper.
"What do you want?" the owner said, dejectedly.
"There's someone at the door, wanting to talk to you... They said their name is Caretaker..."
Whumper lowered the computer screen and got up from the couch in a bad mood. Whumpee returned to their previous duties while Whumper welcomed Caretaker into the house. The two seemed like old friends.
“Whumpee, make Caretaker some coffee" Whumper said amidst laughter.
Caretaker furrowed their eyebrows, a little uncomfortable with the way Whumper spoke.
“Ah, no need, I'm fine, thank you—"
“I insist," Whumper interrupted. They turned to Whumpee. "Now," they said in a firmer tone, like a threat.
“Y-Yes sir," Whumpee responded promptly.
After making coffee, Whumpee returned to their previous activity without looking back. They noticed a slightly sad look in Caretaker's eyes as the guest accepted the cup.
Whumpee continued tidying the kitchen and pre-preparing rice for dinner, while they watched the other two in the living room, talking, chuckling. Apparently, Caretaker was a good friend of Whumper who just returned from a long trip. Whumpee confirmed this in their own head when Caretaker took out some items from their bag and showed them to Whumper.
They were distracted, not paying attention to Whumpee in the corner.
'At least I won't have to worry about any complaints for now…'
Whumper's voice coming from the room made them think otherwise immediately.
"Whumpee, my coffee is too bitter. Make another one, with more sugar, now.”
Whumpee rescued Whumper's coffee mug, made new coffee, adding a few extra spoons of sugar, and handed the new drink to the master.
Whumper didn't look pleased. They asked for another. This misfortune was repeated three more times, until Whumper gave up.
"You're no good at all. Not even for making a cup of coffee. Nevermind, I don't feel like it anymore," they said, putting the mug aside.
Caretaker felt bad about that attitude. Why the hell was Whumper treating the other like that?
“My coffee was great, thank you very much," they said to Whumpee, a little awkwardly, trying to ease the tense atmosphere.
Caretaker spent the whole afternoon at the house. Whumpee did all the chores while enviously listening to the conversations between the two friends.
As night fell, Caretaker had to say goodbye. Whumper continued to treat Whumpee with contempt, and ordered them to take their friend to the door.
Before leaving, Caretaker took a look at Whumpee. They had sweet eyes and a worried expression.
“Why do they treat you like that?" They asked quietly.
Whumpee didn't answer the question. They just hurried to close the door. Before they did, they said, almost inaudible, in a voice full of pain:
“Please save me…”
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whump-place · 1 year ago
Whumpees that are just sooo scared of their Caretaker!!
That flinches and cringes whenever Caretaker walks near them. And even though Caretaker swears that they aren't planning hurt Whumpee, Whumpee is still aware of Caretaker's every movement.
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pleasantly-painful-fiction · 2 months ago
Christmas Pet Whump 2
Whumper gives Pet a break from punishments on Christmas day, and even invites Pet to have a nice meal.
Whumper giving Pet a gift
Caretaker over a hot stove trying to recreate Christmas dishes from their childhood to share with Whumpee/Pet
Pet being dressed up in a holiday costume for a party and being humiliated
Pet/Whumpee sleeping under the Christmas tree because it feels really safe and smells so nice.
Pet getting hopelessly tangled in Christmas lights while decorating and being utterly confused as to how things went so wrong
Pet helping master/caretaker pick out a Christmas tree. Pet chooses the tree no one else wants because master chose the Pet no one else wanted. Pet treats the tree with the same care and kindness that master showed them and master thinks it's absolutely adorable
Pet breaks master's favorite ornament on accident and is terrified master will be angry. To their confusion, master is way more worried about pet than the ornament. Pet makes them a new ornament, and even though it looks like a young child made it, master loves and cherishes it.
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