#whumpee thinks caretaker is a whumper
whumptober day four
No. 4: “I see the danger, It’s written there in your eyes.” Cattle Prod | Shock | “You in there?”
tws: whumpee thinks caretaker is a whumper, cattle prod mention (as a weapon towards whumpee, cows are not in here)
ahaha I don't love this one but I don't think it's too bad
There’s knocking, on the door, and Whumpee swallows. Whumper doesn’t usually knock, but maybe they’re in one of their better moods today. Maybe they’ll be nice and hurt Whumpee less, or give them water after. That happens, sometimes, if Whumpee has been good, if Whumper gets good news from somewhere and isn’t so stressed.
“Whumpee?” the person says on the other side of the door, and Whumpee frowns. That isn’t Whumper’s voice. That is not- fuck. No one is supposed to know about Whumpee except Whumper. And Whumpee knows that the cattle prod is still around here somewhere from the last time Whumper used it, which means that this new person might have it.
The only coherent thought Whumpee can form is fuck and that is not a thought that is going to help. Whumper is supposed to be here. Whumper is supposed to fix things like this. Whumpee’s only jobs are to sit still when Whumper is stressed and tries to take it out of them, which isn’t really a skill set that’s going to be useful here.
Whumpee is temporarily relieved when they remember that their door is always kept locked, and starts to relax, only to hear the soft click of the lock turning.
Well, that’s not- not really the best case scenario here.
“You in there, Whumpee?” the voice calls, and Whumpee hears the doorknob start to turn. They scramble to find somewhere to hide, but Whumper always hates when Whumpee tries to hide and has removed almost anywhere that could be useful.
There’s the bathroom. It doesn’t have a door or a shower curtain, but it’s out of the direct line of sight from the doorway that leads to the hall. It’s better than nothing, Whumpee thinks, hoping that the stranger doesn’t catch sight of them ducking into the bathroom while the door swings open.
“It doesn’t look like there’s anyone here, Caretaker,” someone complains, different from the previous voice. Shitshitshit how many people are there? But okay. Okay. It doesn’t look like there’s anyone there, which means Whumpee is doing a good job at hiding. They hold their breath, trying to stop shaking, hoping that if they stay still then no one will think to check here.
“They have to be here. Whumper’s an asshole, but all the information they’ve given us so far has been true.”
“Yeah, so far.”
Oh. Oh, no. These people have been sent here by Whumper. Why, why, why had Whumpee thought it’d be okay for them to decide who was and wasn’t allowed here? When was the last time Whumpee was supposed to decide anything, and when had they started believing that was a thing they could do?
Whumpee is breathing as shallowly and quietly as possible. At this point, it’s borderline disobedience, but all they do is keep hiding. They suppose they’ll be punished regardless—Whumper does not send people to coddle Whumpee. It’s only a matter of time before they’re found and put in their place, and Whumpee decides that their few moments of time before being found are more important than the punishment they’ll receive for hiding.
“Whumpee?” one of the people calls again. “Are you here? We’re not with Whumper. Gonna get you out of here.”
Not with Whumper. It’s a lie, and possibly also a joke. Everyone is with Whumper. Doing what they tell you is a trap, and doing anything else is a death sentence.
Whumpee keeps holding their breath.
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valcaira · 11 months
Attention Whump Community!
Clogging disability tags is a massive problem that we need to address. Many tags, especially those surrounding permanent injuries, paralysis, vision loss and certain illnesses have become unusable due to being flooded with unrelated things. Yes, that includes your writing. Those tags are not for you. It's isolating, frustrating and depressing to try finding a community and other people who share your issues but all that comes up is whump, fandom shit, gifs, headcanons, etc.
I'm newly paralyzed. I have looked at many tags surrounding paralysis, trying to find support, a community, anything of people struggling with the same thing. Nothing. There's barely anything for us in the general disabilty tags. I am BEGGING you to understand and recognize how AWFUL it is.
So, I have a proposition. A tag you can and should use exclusively for disability content in whump writing. Not any other tag surrounding disability, lest you'll clog it up.
#disabled whumpee
It's tempting to use more specific tags, I get it. Due to being in the whump community myself I know #medical whump is already a tag. You have those tags. Use them. Don't use the disability tags. Don't clog up the few spaces us disabled people have.
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abhainnwhump · 1 year
Been obsessing over the idea of a Whumper who wants to live out a stereotypical family fantasy so they kidnap a few Whumpees to do it.
One Whumpee is their spouse. Whumpee is beautiful and caught Whumper's eye. They had a promising future before, but now they're stuck in this housewife role and have to suck up to their captor. They feel worse because they already have someone they love.
Another Whumpee is the kid. Whumper chose this one because of their small size and/or cute features. They have a cute bedroom, childish clothes, and limited access to information so they don't get too smart. They're also drugged most of the time so enjoy naps.
The last Whumpee is the pet. This one gets treated the worst. They have to act like a dog 24/7 and play fetch with the kid. Bonus points if this Whumpee was super cocky before and are now treated like an animal.
Whumper is the head of the household and makes sure everyone else stays in line. They want their family to be perfect, but they aren't against violence. They'll torture the Whumpees until "they love them again".
The Whumpees all befriend each other and plan to escape. They have to be careful so Whumper doesn't catch them, but they can't stay here.
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 9 months
whump fic where whumpee is being held captive by whumper and continually tries to escape to find where caretaker is being held so they can get out of here together, but as the story progresses it becomes more clear that whumpee is a victim of stockholm syndrome/brainwashing by "caretaker" and is actually being rehabilitated by "whumper" after being rescued, not kidnapped
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octopus-reactivated · 3 months
Lab Whumpee taken in by Doctor Caretaker. All the experiments left Whumpee's body in miserable state, so Caretaker tries to treat them to the best to their ability, to let them heal. They give Whumpee painkillers and medicine in attempt to fix all the failing organs...
But Whumpee thinks it's just another experiment done on them.
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foundfamilywhump · 4 days
see like the thing with 'carewhumpers' as a concept to me is it just like... i know this is prrrrobably not really how it's meant but something skeeves me out about the idea that kindness or caretaking mixed in with hurting someone can somehow meaningfully complicate or dilute the harm done to the point of making that character no longer a 'whumper' whereas someone doing the same 'bad' things but not ever being gentle or caring for them would just be a straight-out whumper. when like... that's how 90% of irl abuse dynamics work? so i just... don't really get the point, i guess. like to me it implies something about the 'care' provided somehow mitigating or combating the harm done that. i just do not personally appreciate or enjoy.
#gav gab#just thinking out loud#like i don't think that's 'nuance' or 'grey characters' i think that's just an extremely common and typical dynamic of abuse#someone breaking your nose and then cleaning up the blood and tucking you into bed is not less like#violent or abusive or harmful than someone who just stops at breaking your nose yk#and i think that it can successfully be summarized by any number of other ways?#carewhumper is just not useful or meaningful shorthand to me the way caretaker/whumper/whumpee are#it implies that the word 'caretaker' or 'whumper' encompasses 100% of a person's constant behaviour#in a very flattened and simplistic way#please do not come at me about this im not saying this is how everyone means it this is just#how i personally feel about it#due to the way i approach these words#and im not trying to say anyone CANT write about very typical abusive dynamics#im just saying the elements of like. 'good' behaviour or 'kind' treatment#doesn't make the Bad Part any less real or bad#the way that 'carewhumper' being set as a different or distinct thing than 'whumper' implies to me#i just feel insane whenever i see people using the term tbh like this is probably a me thing#a very stupid distinction to get hung up on#but i just. im always like isn't that just a whumper who's nice sometimes#what is the utility of this word if not to imply that#someone being nice sometimes meaningfully combats how cruel they are other times#what part of 'whumper' means they always have to be violent and awful 24/7#and do not take this to mean caretakers are never allowed to fuck up#or do anything wrong or get frustrated#or anything like that but that is like#very distinct from being a whumper of any kind at all#like the idea that a 'whumper' can only be 100% a sadist who means to cause harm and intends to cause harm every time is like#cmon now
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crimsons-whump-pile · 1 month
hey. hey! very vivid mental image of a cyborg whumpee strapped into an apparatus and connected to it by pipes and wires that are so interwoven with their mechanical parts that to attempt to escape would cause them indescribable physical pain!
just think. maybe they’re being used as a power source, or maybe they’re being analyzed and studied. they’re being kept here and treated like an object, shown no compassion no matter how much they scream, because whumper doesn’t see them as human. they don’t even see whumpee as alive. whumpee is inanimate to them — just the subject of a cruel experiment, pinned like a bug under glass.
Getting poked and prodded and zapped and jabbed. Being injected with who knows what at all hours of the day. Waking up unable to remember ever falling asleep, only to realize that they’re missing a toe or a hand or an eye, because whumper needed more genetic material. maybe the missing piece is replaced with more circuitry. maybe it isn’t. At this point, whumpee doesn’t know which is worse.
and it gets to the point where whumpee feels like the ship of Theseus — so much of them has been replaced, that they don’t even know if they’re themself anymore. they don’t know if they’re human anymore. were they ever even human in the first place? they’ve spent so long being treated like an experiment by whumper, that if and when they finally manage to get out, they can no longer remember how to function like a person. they can’t move with these limbs that aren’t their own. maybe caretaker finds them — maybe caretaker got them out in the first place — but how do you teach someone how to be a human again, especially someone who used to already know?
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justbreakonme · 1 year
Whumpee liked many things about Caretaker.
They had a soft, kind voice, with soft kind hands, and even softer, kinder eyes.
They laughed a lot, and made him laugh too, and didn’t seem to notice when he laughed too long or too loudly or too gracelessly.
They gave him food, nice things, and clothes that fit, and a bed (a real bed, just for them!), but… There was one thing in particular that Whumpee liked the most.
See, Whumpee had never needed to be broken. They’d never dare intentionally step out of line, not even in their wildest dreams or most terrifying nightmares. But, they were flawed. Deeply. And made many mistakes.
But, where Whumper had attributed those mistakes to malice, Caretaker merely corrected him, forgave him, helped him.
He remembered fondly (oh how strange to remember anything fondly) the day Caretaker first brought him home. He had tripped over the edge of the welcome mat, and fell hard, knocking the coat rack down with him.
He had been braced for blows, or at best the yelling and screaming that always reduced him to tears, but, instead, Caretaker had crouched down and asked if he was okay. He had stared, blankly (stupidly), at them, covered in coats and scarves, until Caretaker had moved to help him. He’d flinched, and Caretaker still hadn’t struck him. Instead, they offered a hand, and helped him up.
Caretaker smiled, awkward and toothy and more beautiful than anything he’d ever seen, and apologized, (apologized, to him, of all things!) making a little joke about how welcome mat wasn’t very welcoming.
Whumpee had stared for a moment more, still braced for this all to be a trick. Then, it was like something inside him broke, like a rubber band snapping, and he laughed. He’d laughed, hysterical and ugly, till tears came to his eyes, and then couldn’t stop them.
He’d begged through tears that he was sorry, that he was trying to be good (an old habit that had still never died, despite having every reason to), but Caretaker still didn’t raise a hand against him.
He didn’t remember all the details, after that, only that Caretaker had brought him into the kitchen, and given him a mug of something warm and sweet, and sat down across from him. And had let him cry, only interrupting to assure him that he was not in trouble and to hand him a tissue.
Yes, Whumpee liked many things about Caretaker. Their heart most of all.
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Whumpee who, when rescued, doesn't want anything bad to happen to whumper.
Whumper who's in prison, on death row or being tortured by whumpees team.
Whumpee who keeps begging for people to be nice to whumper, to not torture them, to not kill them, to just leave them alone in a cell.
Whumpee who is so scared that they'll do anything even slightly bad and become like whumper, or become the living weapon whumper had wanted them to be, that they'd rather nothing happen to the person that had tortured them for months.
Because if something bad happened to whumper, it would be whumpees fault. And they couldn't live with that.
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deluxewhump · 6 months
I Know You Remember Me
John recognizes a wealthy client’s stolen pet immediately, even filthy, with two black eyes. He moves quickly to buy him back from the box truck driver in possession of him, and then must think what to do about this. Meanwhile, he looks after the abused pet in a motel room.
CW: lay it on thick hurt/comfort, pet whump universe (not bbu), caretaker has some ulterior motives but is largely sympathetic, offscreen noncon with multiple whumpers, sti mention, underweight whumpee mention, whumpee offering sex, bruises, burns & cigarette burns, nonsexual nudity and bathing, platonic bed-sharing, medically inaccurate care I’m sure, one shot probably
“I know you remember me. I’m sure I remember you.”
The unfortunate creature— for he looked more a creature than a boy in the low light, in the filthy west Texas motel room John had rented for the night with cash— dared to steal a glance up at him.
His eyes were dark, and bright with fear. Bruises ringed both of them like an unlucky fighter, purple as the Easter cloth draped on all the crosses they’d driven past. John knew from the taut look of the eyelids they’d been swollen shut a day or so earlier. The boy pet had dried blood caked in his nostrils and on one side of his downturned mouth. His hair was a matted and filthy mop that fell over his forehead and ears in greasy, wavy sections crusted together with more old blood.
The boy looked at him cautiously. There was too much fear in his posture, in his eyes. It was impossible to tell if he recognized John, too.
John squatted down to be eye level. As he thought it might, this made the frightened pet drop his eyes and flatten his spine as best he could against the nicotine stained paint of the motel wall.
“Hey, now,” John murmured, as if to one of his racehorses. They were spirited, flighty things, nothing like the quarter horses he’d grown up with. He talked to them all the same, though, from the spring colts to the swaybacked veterans.
“I’m not gonna hurt you. I know you’ve seen a lot of people lately, huh? You probably don’t remember me. That’s okay. I remember you. You were at Jack Kinsington’s place before all this.”
The boy did not look back up at him, and his dirty hair gave away his trembling, but he was listening.
“I came by with a couple of horses. Bays, both of them. Soaked in sweat and prancing all around, you remember them? They’re high strung, they don’t like to ride in the trailer. Anyway, I told Jack he ought to let you stretch your legs. He did, but you were so numb you couldn’t stand for a while. You looked right at me.”
The boy turned his head an inch, so he could glance up at John’s face again.
“You remember that day. Sure you do. I thought you were in rough shape then, but I have to say, you look worse now.”
That lost him the eye contact. That was okay. The boy remembered. If not his face, then the incident.
“I thought it was awfully cruel to keep you in a space that small,” he went on. “I don’t know how some people do to a person what they wouldn’t do to an animal. They justify it, I guess. They project things onto these pets they buy and then they punish them for it. Gives them their kicks. Even Jack Kinsington, who I have to admit I respected up until that day.”
He stopped that train of thought.
“Why don’t we get you up off the floor there and let me take care of you, huh? No offense, you look kind of like roadkill.”
The boy made no sound, no indication that he’d even heard except for the way his chest expanded a little faster with his quickening breath. The poor thing's heart must be pounding. John had a knack for fixing things up, be it a business his brother had fucked up or a lame horse, a broken water heater or a vehicle. He spent less time fixing things now and more time delegating what other people needed to fix, but this boy was downright hurting his innermost, rarely expressed tenderness of heart, and he wanted to fix something for him.
“I’m not gonna hurt you,” he said again. His knees were getting tired in this deep squat, and his boots had no give in the toes for it. “I’m gonna clean you up and look after you. You don’t have to do anything, just don’t fight me too much. Can you do that?”
He reached out and laid a hand over the boy’s. The abused pet flinched but didn’t jerk away. John encircled the boy’s wrist in his hand and pulled it slowly away from his body, towards him. “Can you stand?” he asked, pushing himself to standing and bringing the boy with him.
He made it to his feet, and was nearly as tall as John, but stumbled when he tried to take a step.
“Please,” he whispered reflexively as John moved closer, flinching to protect his battered face.
“Please what, baby?” John muttered, lifting the boy’s arm over the back of his shoulders and wrapping his arm around his slim waist to help him walk. “You’re okay, you’re right here. I’ve got you. Let’s get you in the tub.”
Slowly, they staggered to the motel bathroom a d John flicked on the staggeringly white lights that buzzed and hummed to life. He sat the boy on the lip of the low bathtub as gently as he could.
“I’m going to give you a bath,” he said matter-of-factly, turning the taps so warm water began to fill the tub. “Where did all this blood come from?”
The boy was watching him warily, dark eyes following his every move.
“You hear me? Where’s all this dried blood coming from, huh?”
“I don’t know.”
John nodded, pleased the boy had spoken. Some didn’t, or wouldn’t, he knew, not once they looked like this one did.
“Did they beat you? Is that what all this is from?”
He gave a small nod, blinking in discomfort at John’s bluntness.
“Did they hurt you in any other ways?”
He nodded again.
John felt a tug of adrenaline in the pit of his stomach. “How?”
Jack’s pet looked evasively at the rising bath water.
“If you tell me how you’re hurt, I can help you better.”
“What’s your name?”
He put the emphasis on the au, and there was a way he said his L that positioned the tongue differently than he did when saying other words.
“Paulo,” John said, putting the emphasis on the vowels of the first syllable too, but with no attempt at altering his very American L. I’m John. I bought you from that man, the one with the box truck. I take it Jack Kinsington sold you? Or were you stolen?”
Tears shimmered in the boy’s dark eyes, swollen and purple still like a raccoon mask. He bit the inside of his cheek to steel himself and keep from letting them fall.
John gentled his voice. “Paulo. I only ask because it’s important. If you legally belong to Jack, I gotta bring you back to him.”
Paulo’s head snapped up. He lost control of the tears, which spilled down his bruised cheeks. He grabbed hold of John’s sleeves, pulling himself closer as if his whole body was not bruised and sore. “No,” he begged urgently. “Please. I’ll do anything. Please. I-I’ll do anything you want, I can’t… please don’t….”
An idea dawned on him and he let go of his latest captor’s sleeve in order to lift his trembling fingers to his own tattered shirt. He pulled it over his head with a barely-suppressed whimper of pain. His torso was bruised like his face and arms, dark black and purple impact points on his warm toned skin like fists or boots, some that looked like electric burns left from a cattle prod and others more reminiscent of the yellow, oozing wounds cigarettes tended to leave. He was ribby, in a dehydrated, sudden sort of way that looked like he hadn’t eaten much of anything in the last few days.
He started on the button of his pants and John reached out to stop him. “Hey. No. What’s this?”
“Do- do you prefer girls? I can be just as good for you.” His glittering eyes were simultaneously like a starving animal and horribly blank. “They all say so.”
Ah. There was an answer to one of his questions. He pulled Paulo’s wrists away from the opening of his pants, held them in his own on the cool edge of the tub between them. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m not interested.”
“I could take a bath,” he whispered hopefully.
“You will take a bath. But I’m still not interested. I need to know— were you given to someone by Jack Kinsington rightfully, or were you stolen?”
The fear was back. John didn’t know which was worse on this one, the dead eyes or the fear. “Don’t take me back to him.”
“He hurt you a lot, then? Jack?”
John already figured as much. Despite his admiration for the man’s business sense, he was a cruel and sadistic pet owner. Once he’d seen a boy shoved into a cage fit for a fox, he’d reconciled that much in his mind. It was like that often, when it came to human pets, and never quite who you’d expect.
The boy begged miserably. “Please, Sir. I’ll do anything.”
“You mentioned that. He didn’t sell you, did he?”
Paulo glanced down.
So he’d bought a stolen pet. That’s what he more or less suspected when he’d seen the boy at the rest stop, weeks after he’d seen him in the cage at Jack’s and much worse for wear.
Jack Kinsington would probably be even more open to buying more of John’s racehorses in the near future if he returned his favorite boy-pet to him. Don’t worry what it cost to get him back, Jack. Less than the yearling I’ve got for you to look at this spring, I can tell you that. Call it even.
John turned off the taps and tested the water with his fingers. He’d wondered if the boy would be willing to take those filthy clothes off in front of him, but seeing as he’d just offered himself, he thought it more likely now.
“Take those off,” he said of the boy’s remaining clothing. “You can borrow some of mine when you’re cleaned up.”
Despite his offer less than five minutes ago, Paulo was modest to the point of shyness once he was naked.
“It’s okay. I’m not even looking at you,” John assured him a little gruffly as he helped him into the water. “I just want to get you clean.”
Paulo flinched as he submerged, undoubtedly feeling every burn, cut, and bruise as he did. He was so dirty that tear tracks were now visible on his face from his crying. John wet a rough motel washcloth in the warm water and brought it to his face. He dabbed and nudged the dried blood from Paulo’s mouth and nose. The boy tried very hard not to flinch and shy away, and in return he tried to be very gentle. “Good,” he said quietly, wetting the cloth and returning it to the blood and swollen tissue. “Tell me if I hurt you.”
Paulo made brief eye contact with him at that, probably because it had become a foreign concept that someone would make an effort against hurting him. Just as quickly he slid his gaze away, back to an indeterminate point on the bathroom tile.
“You wanna do this next part?”
Paulo didn’t answer.
John moved as gently and quickly as was prudent over the rest of his body, knowing he was hurting him when he passed over the yellowed cigarette burns on his legs and hips.
“I know. You’re gonna be okay. Almost done. You’re doing really well.”
Paulo let John wash his hair, using some of the hotel shampoo that would likely sting some cuts but was desperately needed. He closed his eyes as John worked his fingers through the blood and dirt, the snarls coming apart slowly with gentle patience. As he rinsed the boy’s dark hair clean, John noticed he had stopped shaking.
He drained the now red-brown water and wrapped Paulo in a white hotel towel. He looked better clean, though there was nothing to do for the bruises but wait. He sat on the side of the motel bed as John went through his black duffel bag, pulling out sweatpants, a gray cotton T-shirt, and ibuprofen for him.
Paulo dressed in the bathroom and accepted two of the pills. He came out and sat on the end of the bed afterwards, staring at the pattern on the comforter.
“Does Jack know who had you?” John asked as he set up his phone charger. “The guy with the box truck out there?”
Paulo shook his head. “That man wasn’t the first.”
So he’d been bought and sold multiple times since being stolen—kidnapped— from Jack's property. It was possible Jack knew the original perpetrators, but had no idea where his pet was now. John sighed. His mind was working analytically, trying to understand every facet of the situation before he acted— trying to understand how he could manipulate it most in his favor. But that all felt shallow and cruel when he truly saw the boy in front of him, his damp hair and his bruised face, his narrow chest and the way he was nervously picking at a scab on the inside of his wrist.
“Don’t do that,” John said softly. “I don’t want you getting any infections.”
Paulo stopped immediately but looked intrigued by the care in that statement. Likely no one had said anything like it to him in a long while now.
“Are you hungry?”
Paulo shrugged. John raised his eyebrows and he went with a more committed shake of the head. “No, Sir.”
“…Are you scared?”
The boy swallowed, touched the scab on his wrist without picking it.
He’d said it before, but he knew he’d have to say it a hundred more times, and show it a thousand, before it sunk in. He likely would not end up doing that, but he’d say it as long as the pet was in his possession. “I promise I'm not gonna hurt you.”
“What, then?” Paulo asked, shrugging one shoulder to his ear in what felt like embarrassment at his own question.
“If I’m not going to hurt you? What then?”
He nodded.
“Nothing. I'm gonna take you back to Tennessee.”
“To Jack?”
“For the time being, to my place in Lewisburg. I have a farm.”
“What kind of farm?”
“Horses. You wanna come?”
He said he did. Not that he had much of a choice. John suspected they both knew that killing him on the side of a dirt road in west Texas would be better than what might happen if he took him back to Tennessee and failed to promptly return him to Jack. Jack would take it out on his lost little pet as much as he did John.
“I can’t believe you’re still even sitting up and talking. Come here.” John stood up and pulled the corner of the bedsheets down. “Lie down.”
Paulo did as he asked.
Before John would cover him up he asked, “Can you tell me if anyone kicked you in the back or abdomen, or if you feel any pain when you move or breathe?”
He thought about that. “I don’t know. I’m sore.”
“Any sharp pains, anything feel broken?”
“Can I touch your stomach right here? It won’t be for long.”
A little apprehensive, Paulo agreed. John placed his hands on his abdomen and prodded his way along, trying to feel anything amiss or to get a sharp yell from Paulo. None came.
“Does this hurt anywhere more than soreness?”
“No,” his patient said in a small voice.
“Okay,” he said, and covered the boy to his chest with the blankets. “I’m done. Thank you. I was worried you might have internal bleeding, or broken ribs.”
“I don’t think so.”
“We’ll need to get you checked for other things too, soon. Make sure you didn’t contract anything.”
It took a moment for this to register, but when it did, Paulo blushed scarlet.
“It’s okay,” John assured him. His next gesture surprised him. Tenderly, he brushed the back of his knuckles to an unbruised spot on Paulo’s cheek. He was quickly becoming endeared to this unfortunate little pet. “You’re probably alright. And even in the event you did, it’s not your fault.”
“Is that why you didn’t want to?” Paulo asked, leaning his cheek almost imperceptibly into John’s knuckles.
John retracted his hand. “No. I didn’t want to because I am not interested in hurting you.”
“I said you could.”
“You and I both know it would still be hurting.”
Paulo laid his head back on the pillow. “I don’t understand what you want.”
“For starters, I want you to tell me what you want to eat.”
He didn’t eat much, but he did make an effort. John got the impression he was suspicious of every simple kindness, every time there were footsteps outside their door in the breezeway.
When he turned out the light and put a partition of pillows between them to sleep, he felt Paulo start awake every time a car pulled into the parking lot, or the AC beneath the window kicked on with a rattle.
“You’re okay,” he said drowsily from across the pillow divide, which made it feel more like bunking together and less like sharing a bed. “Nobody knows you’re here. Nobody knows where you are at all. That door is deadbolted. And I’m here between the rest of the world and you. You can sleep tonight. Nothing can hurt you.”
He doubted words would actually help, since the boy's nerves were probably completely shot, and who knows when was the last time he’d had a good nights sleep, and felt safe enough to do so? Still, he thought it should be nice to hear. It was the least he could do. He didn’t make any undue promises. Just tonight.
Paulo was quiet for a minute, and then John heard a wet sniff that was the unmistakable sound of crying. He didn’t think he should say ‘don’t cry’ to someone in his position, so he didn’t. He just listened from across the pillows until the little pet fell asleep.
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letitbehurt · 7 months
Nonverbal/Nonspeaking Whumpees. And all that this entails.
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jordanstrophe · 10 months
Can we pretty please get a part 3 to the abandoned whumpee story pleeeeease????
(Only if you want to though!!)
Yes yes you may ^^ Edit: I had no idea how much fun it is letting personalities of a cocky whumper and whumpee clash
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CW: Defiant whumpee, taken captive, whumper having to caretake, abandoned whumpee, manhandled, blood loss
Whumper held both of whumpee's arms trying to wrangle them still. They fought hard as whumper could barely keep them in their arms.
"Let go of me!" Whumpee shouted. Whumper motioned for their team as two grabbed whumpee and pried them apart.
"Be gentle with them; we're keeping this one alive." Whumper huffed, fixing their jacket.
"This is all that's left?" One of the team members asked.
"No, most of them got away. This is what was sacrificed." Whumper cupped whumpee's chin and tilted their head up.
"You're not understanding it was willingly." Whumpee retorted back.
"Willing or no, it looks like your team didn't feel you were worth fighting for." Whumper spoke lightly, thumbing their cheek. Whumpee winced and twisted their face out of whumper's hand. "Regardless, we're taking them back with us." Whumper announced.
The team all groaned in unison.
"Whhhyy, let's just kill them and get it over with! What if they run?" Someone argued.
"Then make sure they don't! Killing them now would be a waste, wouldn't it?" They turned around and gave whumpee a smile.
"How's that going to work for you?" Whumpee spat, squirming in the guards hold.
"You have information; intel I would love to have my hands on." Whumper's eyes trailed down and they noticed blood starting to soak through whumpee's clothing.
"And you think because they, -Oh what was it you said-... Abandoned me, that I would give them up? That I'll roll over and join you?" Whumpee retorted. "That won't happen. It'll never happe-
"Stop. Shh sh sh sh, stop arguing with me, you're making yourself bleed out. Easy now." Whumper folded a cloth and pressed it against the blood as whumpee gasped in shock.
"We've stalled enough. Let's get you home before you bleed to death. And whumpee dear," Whumper tethered the bandage to their side and gripped their shoulder.
"I would never abandon you. Unlike someone we all know..." They fluttered their fingers.
"I'd actually rather you would." Whumpee cocked their head to the side. 
"No you rather wouldn't." Whumper's eyes flicked up. "You're stranded far from help, I presume your team -that left you behind- also took the transportation you came in on, so you would wander around until you start suffering from blood loss until you crawled around in vain. Then, you get to be the sacrifice you always wanted to be."
Whumper bent on their knees to whumpee's level with a smug smile waiting for their bite back. 
Whumpee's face was blank. They didn't have one. 
"Mmm.  .... That's what I thought. Now, let's go home, shall we?" 
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ccieatchildren · 5 months
A Dance, Darling?
TW: Noncon Kissing, Implied Kidnapping, Almost Panic Attack, Intimate Whumper, Forced Relationship
Whumpee brought their fingers up to rest on the rubies encircling their neck. It was not as extravagant as they had expected from him, but it was still hefty enough to feel each individual jewel press into their flesh, a constant reminder on their skin.
Leaving the necklace alone, disturbed by what it represented, their eyes travelled up to their face in the mirror. Their makeup was all red. Lipstick, eyeliner, eyeshadow, each a dark shade that could only be accomplished by Whumper mixing some of their own blood into the cosmetics. They shuddered at the memory of the experience.
Whumpee groaned as he made another cut on their back, pressing the clear vial under the opening. The blood prickled their skin as it made its path down into the small jar.
Whumper brushed his lips against their neck, “we have to make sure you look your best.” He pressed on each side of the wound, drawing out more of the scarlet substance. The flow of red now rushed into the container. 
They sobbed, while Whumper watched in fascination.
Underneath the bandages, their spine pulsated at the memory, and they could feel the beginning barbs of phantom pain. Whumpee shook their head, freeing themself from the thought. 
Moving along, their gaze moved further up to their hair. Whumper had asked– told– them to put the small red jewel feathers he gave them in between the locks. In any other situation, Whumpee quite enjoyed the look of them in their hair, it was as if their hair was a flower sporting red leaves, but here, their image was immediately soured by who gave them to them.
They frowned. Another chain.
Their hands moved down to follow the curve of their dress. It was a deep crimson, matching their makeup and jewellery, and flowed down to their ankles. A hole was cut out at their chest, causing Whumpee to scrunch up their nose in distaste. It was shoulderless with a high slit on their right side, showing off their leg and the scars that adorned it. 
Whumpee hated it.
They were not very used to wearing dresses in the first place. They would thought it beautiful on someone else, but it felt foreign on their own skin. It complemented their figure too well, emphasizing their chest, hips, and waist in a way that made them feel like a piece of meat on display. The slit showed much more skin than they were comfortable with and Whumpee was paranoid that they would accidentally flash someone. They kept tugging the fabric down, but there was nothing more for it to do. Whumper’s intent with the dress was clear. Flaunt the prized lamb he bought in the auction. 
However, they would prefer the objectification over the reason he actually chose this dress for them. 
Easier access.
It made them nauseous. Their fingers itched to rip and tear the dress off themself. Strip themself of the shame and fear.
Whumpee slammed their hands onto the sink, pulling their attention away from their apprehension and resentment. In, out. In, out. In… Out… Drawing in each breath worked to ease their misgivings. A technique Whumpee relied heavily on throughout their time here. Inhaling fresh air, exhaling all theirworries. 
A few seconds and Whumpee was back to their original state. 
Not normal, not calm. But manageable. Never fully calm again.
Their eyes drooped down to the final piece tying their ensemble together, the gold band that encircled their left ring finger. Part of them enjoyed covering up the scar from his teeth, hiding how they were now permanently tied to him. The other part of them knew this was just a fancier shackle. A more obvious cuff for the public eye.
They fiddled with the ring, twisting it back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. God, they just wanted to throw it out the window and watch as it got lost to the city forever. 
They slowly pulled the bond up their finger, only thoughts of release and escape bouncing around their head.
“Do you like it?” 
Whumpee whipped their head around to see Whumper standing in the doorway. They shoved the ring back down.
He had pushed his hair back for once, the fluffy black locks smothered under a layer of gel. His suit was black, as was his tie, which were accompanied by a red vest and button up, matching their dress perfectly. He still wore the same three earrings, now pairing with their own red drops. Whumper had taken off his glasses, presumably switching them for contacts, emphasizing his dark lashes and ruby eyes.
He looked them up and down, unabashedly ogling, before finally settling on their face. “You look absolutely gorgeous, dear. Red looks nice on you.” 
“I prefer blue.”
Whumper’s lips twitched. “Are you ready? Best not to be late.” He swiftly turned around, ignoring the obvious last ditch attempt to rile him up, grabbing his keys and heading to the door. Whumpee trailed behind, already dreading the party.
The bright lights of the venue were the first thing to assault Whumpee’s eyes. They stepped out of the vehicle, admiring the show of excessive wealth, jumping at the slam behind them. Whumper tittered at their reaction; he had closed the car door behind them, chivalrous, as always.
Whumpee turned to glare at him, unamused. He initially looked surprised at their outward frustration toward him, before smiling once again.
Whumper offered them his elbow, red eyes boring into them, and Whumpee was quick to accept the proposal. “Off we go, my love.” Handing the keys off to the valet, he walked into the large building, practically dragging Whumpee with him.
It was an open ballroom, filled with people mingling, the low hum of talking almost overpowering the small orchestra playing music in the corner. It was decorated with an abundance of gold and white, adding to the affluent and lavish vibe. The middle of the room was open for couples who wanted to dance, the sides filled with tables holding various hors d'oeuvres and desserts. At the very end was a stage covered in balloons and banners, where the host would most likely give their toast.
Whumpee cringed at the overwhelming amount of people in the room. They had never been that much of a fan of parties, but now, their usual anxiety seemed to have increased tenfold. Their skin itched as if everyone was staring at them, checking them out, assessing their worth, finding their weaknesses. It reminded them of the tense stillness before a fight, not a party. The wounds across their back and stomach throbbed, their ever present pain intensifying, and making Whumpee even more self conscious. 
What if they could see them? What would they do then? Would they help them or find it amusing? What would Whumper do? 
This was too much. They couldn’t do this. Couldn’t pretend everything was fine. They needed to get out of here.
Panic crawled up their spine, and Whumpee slightly pulled away from Whumper, hoping to escape. But his grip was firm, and they were stuck pressed into him. Whumper’s body shook with light laughter at their alarm, peering down at them. Upon seeing their expression, however, he twitched.
Whumper pulled them even closer to him, “want to go back home, darling?” His eyes were softer than usual and his face contorted into a small frown, “do all the people frighten you?”
Whumpee nodded vigorously, pressing themself closer to him, trying to appeal to his affection for them.
Whumper placed his free hand on their cheek, and Whumpee nuzzled further into him. “Don’t worry, I’m here.” He seemed to think for a few seconds, watching them carefully, before his lips widened into a sharp smile. “As much as I would love to go back home with you,” he mockingly placed a hand over his chest, “and it truly does make me elated that you consider me your home now,” Whumpee flinched, recognizing their mistake, trying to draw back away from him, “but,” he wouldn’t let them go, “we prettied you for this. We can’t go before you meet everyone and indulge in the festivities. Can’t have it all go to waste, now can we?” He tutted at them.
Whumper continued to stare at them before they realized he wanted an answer. Whumpee slowly shook their head, accepting defeat, slumping down into themself.
Whumper patted their cheek before pulling back. “Kaip geras. Now let’s go, I already see someone I want to introduce you to.”
He pulled them along further into the room, and Whumpee took a deep breath, hoping, but failing, to prepare themself for the night to come.
The next hour or so was filled with Whumpee standing docilely next to Whumper, a smile plastered on their face while he spoke to everyone who came to greet him. 
It was the same thing over and over again. A name they wouldn’t remember, faces that blurred together, shallow compliments about their outfit, and, the worst of all, congratulations to the happy couple. 
Whumper keened at all the flattery, especially those of their dress and jewelry, making sure to pipe in that he was the one that purchased them for them, and, as they were expected to follow along, Whumpee thanked him for the “generous” gift from a loving fiancé. He always managed to squeeze in a kiss for the presents, tilting their head up and drawing Whumpee in whenever they expressed their gratitude. This only delighted the other guests, amused at the young couple’s public show of affection.
It was torture. 
Now Whumpee, thankfully, had finally gotten a small break from Whumper flaunting them off, standing on the sidelines and trying to drown their worries into a small flute of champagne. 
Never too far, Whumper was in the corner conversing with what they could only assume to be potential buyers, and, though he wasn’t facing them, Whumpee could still feel the ever present weight of his eyes watching them, making sure they didn’t run. As unnerving as it was, Whumpee preferred it over his stifling presence bearing down next to them. 
The hero scanned the room as their mind drifted. They could try to get help from the other people here, but Whumpee didn’t foresee much success through those routes. They recognized half the guests from files back in their old office, and those who weren’t publicly villains were most likely not much better either. 
However, even if they weren’t in the same circles as Whumper, what could Whumpee say that would convince them of their situation. Their last stunt as a hero left them humiliated and discredited; they looked crazy to the public eye. Someone who had lost their way and needed the guidance of some pristine charitable schmuck who graciously sacrificed themselves to help them. In the end, it would be their words against his, and no one would believe them. 
And on the small, small chance they did… Whumpee shivered at what Whumper would do to keep them with him, how he would take revenge for their defiance. They knew it wouldn’t just stop at them, and, as much as they despised it, the hero in them couldn’t let that happen.
As always, he had the upper hand. 
They were taken out of their musings by a gloved hand appearing in their line of sight, too deep in thought to notice Whumper had finished his conversation.
“Join me for a dance, mylimasis?” An award winning smile was plastered on his face, amusement obvious as he played the part of a perfect gentleman. Whumpee grimaced at the irony. 
Seeing no way out of it, Whumpee cautiously placed their hand in his, their trepidation bringing a small chuckle out of the man. Whumper gently brought them to the dance floor, joined by other couples who wished to sway with their partners. Whumpee brought their arms around his neck as he encircled their waist, skin crawling where he touched them. 
Whumper rocked them side to side at a slow pace, calming just by watching them. Whumpee scrutinized him, trying to understand his game; it wasn’t like him to do something so simple without an ulterior motive. 
His fingers started to tap along their waist, following the beat of the music in the background, while he continued to watch them. Whumpee stared back with the same intensity, struggling to smooth their face so they weren’t outright glaring at him. He seemed rather startled at their ‘sudden’ annoyance, eyes widening, before he sheepishly smiled at them. Their face must have slackened in confusion as he relaxed as well, returning to watching them. They continued like that, swaying in the crowd and looking at each other, for a small while. 
Finally, a blush spread across his cheeks, and Whumper quickly turned away. 
He’s like an embarrassed teen. 
They huffed slightly in disbelief, causing Whumper to turn back around at the sound. Realizing the awkwardness, he cleared his throat before asking. “Are you enjoying yourself so far?”
He perked up. “Really?”
Whumpee sent him a dry look. Whumper visibly wilted and they scoffed, looking away. Seriously, again?
Letting their anger and frustration get the best of them wasn’t the smartest move, they knew that, but their proximity was putting Whumpee on edge, making them more irritable than usual. 
“You are going to have to get used to this,” Whumper said, breaking the silence. Whumpee turned back, shocked by his now blank face. “I’m tolerating your disrespect because we’re in public, and I recognize this is your first time being away from home in a long time. It makes you nervous, I understand that. But,” his fingers dug into their waist and Whumpee had to suppress a gasp, “when we’re officially wed, you’ll have to join me to these outings frequently as my wife.” He leaned down so their eyes were level, “I will not indulge this pitiful defiance of yours, then.” Whumper straightened back out, looking down at them, always able to make them feel small with just a glance. “So, I recommend you start familiarizing yourself with the appropriate behavior now.”
Whumpee gulped. They had screwed themself over.
Head bowed, Whumpee accepted defeat. It always ended like this, with Whumpee on their knees before Whumper, metaphorically or literally. They had no response other than to let themself be pulled every which way by Whumper.
Now pressed up against his chest, Whumper and Whumpee swayed as more and more partners made their way to the dance floor.
Leaning down once more, Whumper supplied their companion with more information. “Get ready, brangusis, it’s about to get fun.”
Noticing the crowd of couples, the small orchestra shifted into waltz, and everyone moved in sync. 
Whumper brought their clasped hands up and moved his other to their hip, brushing over an old wound. Whumpee harshly sucked in a breath before placing their hand on his shoulder. He commenced the dance, and Whumpee tried their best to keep up.
Step, slide, step, turn. 
Whumpee hyper focussed on their feet, trying to match his movements. They didn’t have much experience with ballroom dancing, having only taken a few classes as a joke with Bestie, and the one time Caretaker tried to teach them, though it hadn’t ended very well. Whumpee smiled at the memory: them and Caretaker a mess of limbs on the floor as Whumpee had slipped and doomed them both to a few more bruises across their body. They had been so out of breath from laughing when they couldn’t untangle themselves from each other. It had been a spur of the moment idea, some stupid thing meant to bring them closer together. It worked.
“Something funny?” 
Whumpee broke out of their reverie, not even realizing they had zoned out. Whumper’s mouth was a hard line, displeasure at not being the center of their attention apparent. 
It irked them how needy he always was. Kidnapping, experimenting, torturing, and assaulting them wasn’t enough?
They mumbled a quiet apology, peeking up at him through their lashes. It worked and Whumper eased with a blush. 
The musicians kept a steady adagio tempo, giving any more couples who wanted to join an extra moment. Whumpee slowly acclimated to the rhythm, matching Whumper’s moments not long after. 
“You were always a quick learner,” he laughed. Whumpee grimaced. 
As they danced, he squeezed and kneaded along their side, curious of their reactions. His fingers pressed into an old bruise and Whumpee staggered. He kept them balanced, yet began a game of finding where else he could push to get a pained response.
They tried to pull away from the pokes and prods, tottering with each failed attempt. They whined when he reached a fresh stitched gash. Whumpee could feel the meager string split under his pressure, spilling blood that wouldn’t be noticed under the crimson of their dress. 
Whumpee startled when their dance faltered for a moment, for once not because of them. They peered up at Whumper, surprised to find dilated eyes trained on their throat. 
“Don’t do that.” He ground out. 
Whumpee was more than happy to obey. That train of thought would lead nowhere good for them. 
Screaming in pain would also most likely not bode well with the other guests. Whumpee sighed, nodding and gritting their teeth through his subtle exploration. Their head throbbed. 
The music picked up, pushing them to move even faster. Whumpee already felt dizzy from the quick paced movement, and Whumper’s tight hold over their still healing cuts was not helping. “Smile, love. People are watching.” He purred.
Heeding his warning, Whumpee stretched their mouth into some semblance of a smile, lips twitching from the strain, and kept dancing. Whumper relaxed his grip slightly, pleased with their obedience. 
Step, slide, step, turn.
Just as they were getting used to pushing the pain down to the rhythm, Whumper let go of their waist, spinning them. Whumpee stumbled, but he kept them moving, pulling them back in after they completed a turn. He seamlessly continued their dance, not giving Whumpee a break to get their bearings, delighting in their increasing disorientation. 
Step, slide, step, turn.
He continued to spin Whumpee every few steps, quietly laughing at their mounting nausea. However, each time their expression began to display their discomfort, Whumper would lean down to mutter a reminder of what would happen if they didn’t keep up the facade. His own twisted form of encouragement. 
“I don’t like to share, sweetheart. Those expressions are only for me.”
Step, slide, step, turn.
“Many guests are watching us love, don’t disappoint them with your sour countenance. I don’t want them gossiping about how I have an unruly wife.”
Step, slide, step, turn.
“You look marvellous when you spin. My pretty little thing. Keep going.”
Step, slide, step, turn.
“Your dress makes me want to add more red. How about the blood of everyone here, ęh? Do we want to see?”
Step, slide, step, turn.
“Don’t fall. I’ll get jealous. And we will have to fix that by adding bruises of my own.”
Step, slide, step, turn.
Vomit slithered up their throat. Their eyes burned with the effort to keep it down, despite the writhing of their stomach and the taste of maggots in their mouth.
A particularly fast whirl caused Whumpee to lose their footing, almost bringing them both to the floor. Whumper was quick enough to avoid disaster, but it put them out of sync with the music for several beats. 
“Watch it, Whumpee. You will not ruin this for me.” He said harshly. “Keep slipping and I’ll snip your legs.”
The again didn’t need to be said. 
But, Whumpee was trying their best, except every movement only exacerbated their aches and exhaustion. Their breathing became laboured and their limbs felt heavy, their beaten body unable to keep up with the overexertion. 
They wanted to tap out now. 
Whumpee tried to pull away, releasing his shoulder and stepping out of his grasp, only for his grip on their other hand to constrict. Whumper drew them back in, gracefully spinning them as he did so, and pulling them up against his chest in a flourish. They gasped as he once again agitated their wounds.
“Where are you going zuikutis? We’re not done yet.” He pinned them even closer to him, leaning down to whisper in their ear. “I can hear your heart hammering. Does our dancing make you that excited?” Whumpee tried to pull away, but their efforts were fruitless. Their body was drained and Whumper was holding them too tight. 
They were about to slump against him, give in and let Whumper sway them on the floor, accept whatever punishment he saw fit, but before they could fully relax, he pulled back, placing their arms once again in the position for a waltz. His expression was harsh, “I said we weren’t done yet, mielasis.” Whumpee flinched, eyes shifting to the people outside the dance floor, but he started to move them once more.
Whirling and pulling. Twisting and pulling. Spinning and pulling. Pulling. Pulling. Pulling.
They can’t keep up.
The music seemed to intensify with their panic. Whumpee could hear their pulse pounding in their ears. The sound of their harsh breathing contrasted with Whumper’s controlled ones. The voices at the edge of the room grew. Tapping of shoes on the pristine floor echoed in their head.
Each sound pushed against their skull, battling one another for space in their mind. Whumpee began to wobble more, unsteady feet tripping their partner. Hands clawing at whatever they held. Chest tightening. Vision blurring. Throat closing. Tired. Hot. Dizzy. 
Let go. Let go. Let go. Let go. Let go. LET GO-
“Breathe, it’s over.”
A hand rubbed soothing circles along their back. Whumpee blinked rapidly, vision and mind slightly clearing. They found themself leaned down, hovering over the floor.
The song had finished. Whumper had dipped them. 
The crowd around them released small whoops and cheers for all the dancers, surrounding the couple with the sharp clap of applause. Whumpee tensed. Whumper hurried to calm them.
“Ramiai, ramiai vargšas.” He slowly pulled them back to their feet. “I see I got carried away. This was too much for you.” Whumper told them softly. “We’ll work on it.”
Whumpee couldn’t process what he was saying, too busy trying to return to the world around them. They were pliant as he led them off the dance floor.
They spent the next few minutes leaning into Whumper as they calmed themself down. If they could think clearly, Whumpee would have pulled away from him long ago, but they simply did not have the mental capacity for hatred or fear right now.
After they reached a more coherent state, he spoke. “I’m going out for a smoke.” Whumpee was still breathless from their dancing, barely able to catch up to what he was telling them. “You don’t have to join me, I know how much you hate it. But,” Whumpee suddenly grabbed their arm, throwing them off balance once more.
“Stay here.” They didn’t think they could anywhere if they wanted to, they were too light headed from dancing. That was probably the point. “I’ll be back in 10 minutes.” 
Whumper examined them a final time, before nodding to himself. He steered Whumpee to a corner, despite their, almost drunken, stumbling. Then, they were on their own. 
They felt the need to cry, the tears pressing against the back of their eyes, but they- they just- it wasn’t working. They couldn’t. Not here. They just needed to focus on their breathing. 
They leaned against the wall, thankful for its cool surface, hoping to steady themself. 
In… Out… 
In… Out…
In… Out… 
Rhythmic breathing slowed their racing heart. Air stopping its fight in their lungs. Muscles no longer protesting as loudly. Whumpee’s body finally calmed from the stress of his waltz. 
They took a few more moments to themself, forehead pressed firmly against the plaster. Just breathing. Mind emptying. Preparing for a few more hours of struggle.
They could do this. 
“Whumpee.” A hand landed on their shoulder, warm and familiar. They jolted, spinning around. They froze once their gaze landed on Caretaker.
Her dress, a fitted corset around her middle that flowed out into a long skirt, was a striking cerulean color that complimented her eyes. There was a large collar that covered from her neck to her shoulder, decorated with sapphires, holding a sheer cape that flowed down to trail behind her. Her makeup used only various shades of blue, highlighting her dark skin. 
They felt their eyes water faintly at the sight of such a familiar face. It had been too long.
“C-Caretaker!” Whumpee cringed at their own voice, simultaneously too rough and too bright. “Wh-what a surprise. It’s been a while.” Whumpee tried to keep their cool. They couldn’t drag her into this, they wouldn’t, no matter how much they might want to.
A whirlwind of emotions flashed through Caretaker’s eyes, too quick for Whumpee to tell what she was feeling, before hardening, anger and determination shining through. “Where were you! I- We kept looking for weeks.” Her gaze saddened slightly, “I- I thought something had happened to you. When you didn’t answer after you went in… I was worried, and then the incident-”
“Well!” Whumpee clapped their hands together, effectively cutting off the woman. “As you can see I’m fine. Didn’t they tell you where I was? My comm broke, nothin’ serious.” They told her carefully. “And, you know I had that vacation lined up,” their lips stretched into a shaky smile. “That’s all. Nothing to get so worked up about!” They laughed. Whumpee hoped their expression was convincing enough.
Whumpee sighed. “Look, I know I never reached out-”
“What- Never reached out! I sent you so many messages, you missed all my calls.” That was because Whumper had taken their phone. “You never miss my calls.” Whumpee stiffened. That was very true. They made sure to never miss a call from her again. “Then one day you just told me to stop contacting you completely!” They hadn’t known about that, though Whumpee wasn’t very surprised. 
Caretaker averted her gaze. “D-did I do something wrong? I would’ve left you alone if you had just told me what really happened.” She grabbed Whumpee’s hands. “I just- I-…” The woman paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. “You’re someone I care deeply about, I thought we were close. I-I needed to make sure you were okay… I’m sorry.” Her body slumped, the rage and conviction seeping out, dropping Whumpee’s hands. All that was left was a tired, worried friend.
As they watched their partner deflate, Whumpee realized something. Here she was, one of the few people willing to look for them, and all Whumpee could do was brush them off. As much as they hated it, however, they were firm in their belief; they would not rope Caretaker into this. It was not safe. They had faith in her ability as a hero, but Whumpee had seen, had experienced, what Whumper could do first hand, and they would not take the risk. They would never forgive themself if something happened to her.
But they would not leave Caretaker with nothing either. 
Whumpee bent down, hoping to console their companion. “No, Caretaker, I-”
“You never introduced me to your lovely acquaintance here, dear.” Whumpee bolted back up, putting as much distance between the two of them as they could. The man now next to them, leaned down, extending a hand to Caretaker while the other wrapped around their waist. “Whumper. Whumpee’s fiance .”
Caretaker’s eyes widened in shock, recognition flashing, before she smoothed her expression out into a smile. “I see! It’s nice to meet you. I’m Caretaker, Whumpee’s friend, their partner.” She took his hand, squeezing tightly. They silently stared off at each other, before Whumper drew his hand back and straightened. “Y’know, Whumpee never mentioned they were dating anyone.” The accusation was clear in her tone.
Whumper’s fingers twitched. “Well, we wanted to keep our relationship a secret. Taking the time to tell everyone would be a hassle if we weren’t sure. And you know how annoying those pesky reporters can be.” The arm around their hips tightened slightly, a warning. “Right, Whumpee?”
Whumpee straightened, trying to school their face into that of a happily engaged person. “Y-Yes- yes, of course. Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. A-as you can see,” they waved in his direction, “this was also part of why I took that time off.”
Don’t ask more. Do not ask more. Please.
“Huh… Then, when you set the wedding date do tell me Whumpee. I would love to come.” 
Whumper twitched again, his eyes darkening. “When we do, I’ll be sure you are the first one to know.” He shifted, turning slightly, planning to drag Whumpee off with him. “Now, there are-”
“Oh!” She grabbed Whumpee’s arm to stop them. Whumper glared at the offending limb, and Whumpee could practically see the violence run through his brain. “One more thing,” Caretaker’s smile became strained and her eyes narrowed. “Whumpee, when do you plan on getting back to work? I know you said you were taking a vacation, a very important one at that, but all vacations end, right? You’re very important to the agency, and the boss is starting to get worried. You’ll have to come back soon, you know how they get-” 
Whumper cut in, pulling them out of her grasp, not giving Whumpee a chance to speak, composure slipping. “No.” He glared down at Caretaker, who stiffened and glared back in response, fists at her sides. Whumper cleared his throat. “Now if you’ll excuse us, there are more introductions Whumpee and I must make. Come along, darling.” 
Whumper bent down, cupping Whumpee’s face and smashing their lips together. Instinctively, their hands went up to rest on his chest, neither pushing away nor pulling closer. The acrid tang of smoke invaded their nostrils and the sour taste of tobacco stuck to their tongue. Their eyes scrunched close, they didn’t want to do this in front of Caretaker. Whumper felt their resistance, tightening his arm painfully until they finally kissed back, instead wrapping their arms around his neck. 
Just sell it.
Whumpee felt Whumper instantly soften at their touch, as always, relaxing into the kiss. He kept them there together for another few seconds before they broke for air. 
When they turned to look at Caretaker, her face was filled with horror. Her arms were limp at her sides and she gawked at them with dread. Whumper smirked, a cat who got his cream, before turning and taking Whumpee along with him, the arm around their middle again a vice. 
While they walked away, Whumpee turned their head one last time to look at Caretaker, silently pleading that she didn’t pry even further. Caretaker nodded, hands once again fists, with determination in her eyes. 
Whumpee didn’t think that Caretaker understood what they were asking her to do. 
This wouldn’t end well.
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tildeathiwillwrite · 4 months
June of Doom Day 4
"Does that hurt?" / Impalement / Fracture / Punishment
Prompts List | Event Masterpost
Fandom: Original Work
Words: 950
Tag List:@juneofdoom @fourwingedsnake @whumperofworlds @pigeonwhumps @mr-orion
CW: captivity whump, chains, team whump, multiple whumpees, caretaker turned whumpee, impalement, blood, magic whump, healing whump, magical healing, screams, separation, implied death
“You awake?”
Caretaker groaned and rolled over, chains clinking, trying to get comfortable on the hard ground. “No.”
Whumpee chuckled weakly. “Wish I could say the same.”
“Mmph. How’re your bruises feeling?”
“Could be better… could also be worse.”
Caretaker cracked an eye open. Whumpee lay across from them on the other side of the cramped cell, staring at the ceiling. The bruises Whumper had given them on their last visit were still visible, even after Caretaker had used their magic to heal them. Caretaker now sported matching bruises, an unfortunate price for their healing magic. “D’you want me to… y’know…?”
Whumpee shook their head. “It’s as good as it’s gonna get. Try to regain your strength. We don’t know when Whumper’s gonna—”
Both Whumpee and Caretaker jumped at the noise of the door to their cell block being shut with a force that shook the foundations. Whumpee sighed through their nose as footsteps approached. “Fucking jinxed it,” they mumbled, pushing themself into a sitting position.
Caretaker smiled despite the dread coiling in their stomach and followed suit. They pressed their back against the cell wall, crossed their legs, and rested their chained wrists on their knees. It was a small change, but the familiar posture grounded them as the footsteps stopped outside their door.
A key rattled in the lock, and Whumper stepped inside, arms folded. They scowled when their eyes landed on Caretaker’s face, no doubt noting the matching bruises on Whumpee. “I thought I made it quite clear that you weren't allowed to use your healing magic.”
Caretaker met their gaze, hoping that their fear wasn’t evident. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Whumper hissed through their teeth. “Knew I should’ve put you in isolation,” they muttered, eyes darting to Whumpee. Their scowl deepened, before being replaced by a thoughtful look, the expression of someone who had just come up with an idea.
They turned back to Caretaker. “No matter what I tell you, no matter what I threaten or do, you’re still going to disobey me. Is that correct?”
Caretaker’s jaw tightened, and they opened their mouth to say that yes, they would disobey, they didn’t care about Whumper’s orders, but Whumper’s attention was already back on Whumpee. 
“Healers like you are valuable,” they mused, “but you’re new at this. You don’t know the price, not really….”
Caretaker frowned. What did they mean by—?
Whumper pounced, yanking Whumpee up by the collar of their shirt in one hand. They thrust their other hand to the side, a black metal spear forming from nothing. Before Caretaker could register what was happening, before the pleas to stop could form, Whumper rammed the spear into Whumpee’s stomach, pinning them to the cell wall.
Caretaker cried out, tears of fear and horror spilling down their cheeks as Whumpee sagged, gasping, as blood welled out from around the spear and red dripped onto the hard floor. “Nononono!” They shouted incoherently, tugging at Whumper’s leg. “P—please! Please! Not them please!”
Whumper ignored them, dark eyes fixed on Whumpee. “Does that hurt?” Caretaker couldn’t see their face, but their tone was casual as if they were asking if Whumpee would like a cup of tea. The spear began to turn, twisting in Whumpee’s gut.
Whumpee’s breathing hitched, their mouth opened and closed as they struggled to form words. “I… yes….”
“Good.” Whumper kicked Caretaker away. They slammed against the wall, stars dancing in front of their eyes. They could only watch as Whumper yanked the spear out of their victim, as the blood began to flow freely from the gaping hole in Whumpee’s abdomen. Whumper unceremoniously dropped them to the floor, the spear dissolving back into nothing.
Caretaker didn’t wait for Whumper’s permission. They crawled across the floor, chains clattering, fully intent upon Whumpee. The blood was warm under their hands, a stark contrast to the chill stone floor.
“Whumpee! Whumpee can you hear me? Whumpee!” Their hands hovered over the wound, still pouring viscous scarlet liquid.
Whumpee groaned softly. “It… hurts….”
Caretaker’s vision blurred from more tears, but they stubbornly swiped them away and pressed their hands to Whumpee’s abdomen. Heal, they commanded, drawing deep into their well of magic.
Their hands began to glow a faint golden color. It was harder to summon so soon after the last healing, but Caretaker had no choice. Whumpee would die without them. 
Whumpee’s wound began to close, the skin and internal organs knitting themselves back together. Caretaker closed their eyes, clenching their jaw in anticipation.
Even though they knew it was coming, the first wave of pain still caught them by surprise. Caretaker gasped as an invisible knife seemed to embed itself into their stomach, slicing and cutting and tearing and twisting, sending waves of fire across their entire nervous system. They slumped over Whumpee’s body, hands still over their wound.
“That’s enough.”
Strong hands seized Caretaker’s shoulders, yanking them away from Whumpee. They cried out and tried to pull away, but weakened as they were, they were no match for Whumper. Caretaker barely noticed as the chains fell from their wrists.
“All magic has a price,” Whumper hissed in their ear, pulling them towards the door, “I hope this exercise has demonstrated that for you.”
“No…” Caretaker mumbled, struggling against Whumper’s grip, “Don’t leave them! They’ll die!”
Whumper barked a harsh laugh. “Oh, you think I care if they live? Let this be a lesson to you: you can’t save everyone. The sooner you learn that, the better healer you’ll be.”
The cell door slammed shut before Caretaker’s eyes with an air of finality. “No!” They screamed, a sob building in their throat as Whumper dragged them away. “Whumpee! No!"
The door to the cell block shut. Another barrier.
"...no…." Caretaker whimpered, sagging in Whumper's arms. "...please...."
Whumper gave no response.
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abhainnwhump · 11 months
I will never turn down a Whumper going out to assassinate Whumpee, only to realize they're too sweet and/or pretty and they can't do it, falling in love with Whumpee instead. They know their boss is going to probably kill them, but they refuse to harm, much less kill Whumpee. They don't deserve it.
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pyrepostings · 1 month
Conditioned whumpee, whose caretaker is trying to convince xem it's ok to take off the collar now that whumper's gone.
Whumpee decides, in xeir head, that xey could explain to whumper if xey are recaptured that xey downgraded xeir collar because whumper wasn't there to give orders. See, xey still wore a collar, it's just made out of leather instead of gold. See, xey didn't think for a moment xey could be free.
And this way, Caretaker can be satisfied about aer "progress" in the meantime.
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