multigenderswag · 5 months
Multigender Survey Results Dec 2023: Genders (part 2)
Gender number and labels 
Participants were asked “What multigender-related labels do you use in addition to multigender?” (multiple selection). The options provided were: androgyne, bigender, genderfluid, omnigender, pangender, polygender, trigender, and none, as well as a write in option.
Participants were asked “How many genders do you identify as?” (single selection). The options provided were: 2, 3, 4, 5, more than five but not all, all, it changes, and I don’t know/I choose not to count them, as well as a write in option.
Multigender-related labels:
Androgyne: 139 (18.7%)
Most common number of genders: don’t know/choose not to count (58, 41.7%)
Bigender: 342 (46.0%)
Most common number of genders: two (125, 36.5%)
Genderfluid: 372 (50.1%)
Most common number of genders: don’t know/choose not to count (155, 41.7%)
Omnigender: 30 (4.0%)
Most common number of genders: it changes (12, 40.0%)
Pangender: 64 (8.6%)
Most common number of genders: don’t know/choose not to count (22, 34.4%)
Polygender: 63 (8.5%)
Most common number of genders: don’t know/choose not to count (26, 41.3%)
Trigender: 28 (3.8%)
Most common number of genders: it changes (9, 32.1%)
None: 122 (16.4%)
Most common number of genders: don’t know/choose not to count (74, 60.7%)
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Number of genders:
Two: 137 (18.4%)
Most common multigender-related label: Bigender (125, 91.2%)
Three: 28 (3.8%)
Most common multigender-related label: Genderfluid (16, 57.1%)
Four: 10 (1.3%)
Most common multigender-related label: Genderfluid (5, 50.0%)
Five: 3 (0.4%)
Most common multigender-related label: Genderfluid (3, 100%)
More than five, but not all: 30 (4.0%)
Most common multigender-related label: Genderfluid (14, 46.7%)
All: 24 (3.2%)
Most common multigender-related label: Pangender (16, 66.7%)
It changes: 165 (22.2%)
Most common multigender-related label: Genderfluid (128, 77.6%)
I don’t know/I choose not to count them: 311 (41.9%)
Most common multigender-related label: Genderfluid (155, 49.8%)
Other: 35 (4.7%)
Most common multigender related label: Bigender (14, 40.0%)
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Participants were asked “Is your gender fluid?” (single selection). The options provided were: 
Yes, and I only ever experience one at a time: 35 (4.7%)
Yes, and I experience more than one at a time, either always or sometimes: 455 (61.2%)
Questioning: 102 (13.7%)
No: 151 (20.3%)
490 (65.9%) had some sort of fluid gender, whether they experienced one or multiple at a time. 
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Of participants who used the genderfluid label…
28 answered “Yes, and I only ever experience one at a time” (7.5% of participants who used the genderfluid label)
323 answered “Yes, and I experience more than one at a time, either always or sometimes” (86.8% of participants who used the genderfluid label)
19 answered “Questioning” (5.1% of participants who used the genderfluid label)
2 answered “No” (0.5% of participants who used the genderfluid label 
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Of participants who used the bigender label…
8 answered “Yes, and I only ever experience one at a time” (2.3% of participants who used the bigender label)
201 answered “Yes, and I experience more than one at a time, either always or sometimes” (58.8% of participants who used the bigender label)
44 answered “Questioning” (12.9% of participants who used the bigender label)
89 answered “No” (26.0% of participants who used the bigender label)
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Participants who used the bigender label were significantly less likely than participants overall to answer “Yes, and I only ever experience one at a time” (p < 0.05) and significantly more likely than participants overall to answer “No” (p < 0.01). 
Nonbinary Identity
Participants were asked “Do you identify as nonbinary?” (single selection). The options provided were:
Yes, nonbinary is one of the genders that I identify with: 82 (11.0%)
77 participants who selected this option also used the nonbinary label (93.9% of participants who selected this option)
Yes, nonbinary describes my gender identity overall: 130 (17.5%)
121 participants who selected this option also used the nonbinary label (93.1% of participants who selected this option)
Yes, nonbinary is both my overall gender identity and a specific gender I identify with: 115 (15.5%)
113 participants who selected this option also used the nonbinary label (98.3% of participants who selected this option)
Somewhat, the nonbinary label is technically accurate but it's not what I prefer: 213 (28.7%)
88 participants who selected this option also used the nonbinary label (41.3% of participants who selected this option)
Somewhat, it changes or depends on context: 70 (9.4%)
51 participants who selected this option also used the nonbinary label (72.9% of participants who selected this option)
No, but I don't mind being referred to as such: 44 (5.9%)
6 participants who selected this option also used the nonbinary label (13.6% of participants who selected this option)
No, and being referred to as such is misgendering: 78 (10.5%)
2 participants who selected this option also used the nonbinary label (2.6% of participants who selected this option)
Other (write-in): 11 (1.5%)
6 participants who selected this option also used the nonbinary label (54.5% of participants who selected this option)
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Of participants who used the nonbinary label…
77 answered “Yes, nonbinary is one of the genders that I identify with” (16.6% of participants who used the nonbinary label)
121 answered “Yes, nonbinary describes my gender identity overall” (26.1% of participants who used the nonbinary label)
113 answered “Yes, nonbinary is both my overall gender identity and a specific gender I identify with” (24.4% of participants who used the nonbinary label)
88 answered “Somewhat, the nonbinary label is technically accurate but it's not what I prefer” (19.0% of participants who used the nonbinary label)
51 answered “Somewhat, it changes or depends on context” (11.0% of participants who used the nonbinary label)
6 answered “No, but I don't mind being referred to as such” (1.3% of participants who used the nonbinary label)
2 answered “No, and being referred to as such is misgendering” (0.4% of participants who used the nonbinary label)
6 answered “other” (1.3% of participants who used the nonbinary label)
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blistering-typhoons · 7 months
i am! semi! EMPLOYED!!!
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chain-draws-stuff · 10 months
Hello hello! It's 19 days before Christmas! And you know what that means! Yup! Another chapter of EndKing!Steve and this time...I will give you guys a lil surprise ship in the end :D and I'm still accepting asks before this so hope you enjoy this FLUFF chapter!
Let's get going shall we?
Is this...love?
Narrator pov:
the noise was heard coming from Chris laboratory.
Arnetta:did you hear that?...
Chris: yeah...
They both slowly approached the trapped door down to the lab only to see it wide open...they went inside the lab to witness broken glass shards red slimy liquid dripping down from the ceiling and purple stains painted on the walls. They both looked at it in horror seeing words painted by the purple stains on the wall. Chris was in shock 'what happened? Who could have done this? I couldn't be Austin, then who?' He asks himself leaving himself to think of a while...as for Arnetta, she was trying to calm down Chris who was staring at the stained wall of quite a while...after that Chris said that they should shrug off the feeling as of it was all a prank, which happens in a daily basis.
Chris and Arnetta were cleaning the laboratory picking up the empty bottles and the glass shards, Chris was in relief that none of his potions were taken...or so he thought...Chris went to his potion collection (which I hink he has...) and started checking if none of it was stolen. All were still there, he then checked the rest of the closets filled with potions (the safe ones) then went to the more dangerous ones luckily none were taken so far...once Chris got to the last closet (which where he puts like cures or some very important potions inside) he opens the closet and...there was nothing inside. He got a little furious and a little worried, Arnetta was heading back up to the entrance of the laboratory followed by Chris.
When they got back up they head inside to see Austin and g.u.i.d.o sitting down at the couch watching TV. Chris just went upstairs to continue the talk with Arnetta and there problems.
Arnetta: so...
Chris:...(sigh) let's just forget that happened...
Arnetta raised an eyebrow towards Chris
Chris: what?
Arnetta: we can't just ignore that that happened Chris! We need to inform Shaw about this immediately!
Chris: and what are we going to tell him!? 'Oh hey Shaw! Chis lab is being haunted by a ghost?!'....
Chris frowned at the action he made
Arnetta: Chris...look I know you're upset and uhh I know that you've lost some of your important stuff in your closet so just calm down-
Chris: all of it...
Chris cuts Arnetta off
Chris shouts still not being heard by Austin and g.u.i.d.o who are watching TV downstairs
Arnetta:ok that might be bad...
Chris: it's really bad Arnetta...all of the things i need for tomorrow were in that closet...
Arnetta: wait where are you you going Tomorrow?
Arnetta asks
After that lil conversation
After that little talk they were still talking about stuff and on how to get Chris important stuff back...not taking notice of someone watching them from behind...Arnetta asks Chris if she could stay in there place for a while and as any good friend would do Chris agreed as long as she doesn't touch anything important <3
Night had fallen and everyone was asleep well...accept for Chris...he was still feeling guilty about the end portal incident...he could never forgive himself for what he did back there...he never wanted to go back there, he still loved Steve even if he was evil he would still love him...no matter what. His eyes felt heavy but before his eyes completely shut he sees a figure standing beside him he sees soft brown hair, red clothing and some blue shirt on top of some baby blue colored sleeves. He felt a soft kiss  placed on his forehead, hearing a soft voice coming from the humanoid figure saying...
???: good night...Chris...
then he slowly drifted away from reality...letting his body rest form all of his problems form the day
Steve pov:
'I kissed Chris...oh God what was i thinking?!' I thought to myself as I watched him sleep peacefully on his bed my face was painted pink (dayum, simp) I was flustered (bottom b¡tch) I didn't even know what I was doing! 'Oh God...what am I even doing?! He's my enemy! I can't fall for him!' I screamed in my mind as I flew away using my elytra and headed back to the end portal...as I was on my way there...I began to feel that I have butterflies in my stomach as i ask myself the same question 'am I realy in love with Chris? Is this how it feels to be in love?'....
End of chapter 10
First chapter/previous/next
WHOOOOOOOO I hope you enjoy this Enemies to Lovers thing Im not good at writing romance stuff but I do hope you guys loves this GAY chapter I've written and I hope you guys have a wonderful day! Night? Noon? Whatever your time is >:] and i did rush this soo...was it worth it? Yes, Yes it was. Maby? Maby not? Idk what do you guys think? And your welcome Steve x Chris shippers
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marchsfreakshow · 4 months
Getting that JJ Maybank smut out feels so validating he's been staring at me for months now.
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theriu · 1 year
Okay.... after literally blocking like 40 BOTS IN THE LAST TWO WEEKS I AM NOT EXAGGERATING...I think we have finally LEGITIMATELY reached the next big Follower Milestone! WHOOOO!!! =D
(I feel weird saying what the milestone number is, does that come across as bragging? I mean it’s fun to celebrate milestones but I’m never sure if it sounds like I’m tooting my own horn. Anyway I hope ya’ll will celebrate with me! =D)
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(hey hey hey! Is that a new character?! Why yes it is! Isn’t he cute? I love him vere much. But he’s hard to catch. Running away is like his super power....)
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fangsup-cobrastyle · 11 months
me any time I'm being overly silly: Why am I so ~silly~ today?
me feeling a horrible hole in my chest mere hours later: Ohhhhh, it's the sadness sillies.
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sskk-manifesto · 3 months
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mrsaltieri-real · 1 year
The Next Stop (Ethan Landry x AFAB!Reader)
Words: 1.6k
Warnings: slight langauge, AFAB!Reader, (no pronouns specified) vaginal fingering, clit rubbing, smut, public smut, slight dub-con, strangers, slight exhibitionist/voyeurism kink, shame kink, masturbation, (vibrator) mentions of Ethan being Ghostface and the killings.
A/N: I’ve been thinking about the gif below a LOT as of late, he looks so fucking hot and this just sprang to mind last night and I whacked it all together. It’s hot, I think. Getting fingered by Ethan on a train but you have no idea who the fuck he is??? Uhhh yeah, this plays into my exhibitionist kink nicely.
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The subway was oddly quiet, granted it was coming up to three in the morning, but still. You’d stayed at college late, cramming for your upcoming finals until you’d noticed just how late it really was and decided it was time to race home, get a few hours of nyquil induced sleep before having to relive the same day again tomorrow. You could say you were a bit of an overachiever. You texted your roommate quickly once you flopped down in a free seat, utterly exhausted, telling her you were on the way home but didn’t receive a response.
You sighed, leaning your head back against your seat and mindlessly played around on your phone, flipping from app to app absently when you suddenly felt the uneasy feeling that somebody was watching you.
The subway car only had about fourteen people inside, some were asleep, others were hunched over their own devices, working from a laptop or texting from their cell as you had been. Everyone except a tall, lean curly haired guy who stood with his hand gripping the pole beside him so tightly his knuckles were completely white, his dark brown eyes shamelessly staring at you with an endearingly intense glint shining in them.
You cleared your throat, tearing your eyes away from his fervid and observing gaze, focusing your consciousness back onto your phone. He was pretty, no doubt about that, the way he was staring at you made a dull flutter cascade through your core and inflame your stomach. The coach came to an abrupt stop, your hand flying out to catch yourself on the pole beside you to stop yourself falling out of the seat and the automated woman on the speaker announced that you were two stops away from your destination. Your phone buzzed in your hand and you glanced down, seeing your roommate text you back that she was heading to bed and for you to make sure you get home safe.
As you were about to respond, you were suddenly aware that someone had sat down carefully beside you. You glanced up for a moment, noticing the curly haired boy had settled in the seat next to you, eyes now set forward at the doors of the train. The smell of his cologne filled your nose, the scent subtle yet having an unprecedented effect on you, thighs tensing and your cunt clenching. You looked away quickly, sending a quick reply to your roommate and wishing her a good night before placing your phone into your jacket pocket, choosing to settle your gaze on the window, watching as New York passed you by, trying to ignore the boy sitting beside you.
His knee was touching yours, the rough material of his jeans rubbing against your bare skin at every jostle of the train. His hand resting on his thigh deftly dropped between the small gap separating the two of you, his bare fingers making contact with your soft skin casually. Your eyes instinctively darted down, watching as his fingertips began to faintly stroke your skin, grazing over the hem of your skirt.
You couldn’t help but steal a glance at his pretty face and noticed he looked almost bored, completely uninterested and still not looking at you at all. You felt his fingers glide over your thigh, stopping abruptly as he reached the middle, a soft tap of his fingers as if he was ordering you to open your legs for him.
You couldn’t do this, let some random fucking guy you’d never met start touching your pussy on the middle of the subway.
Just from the limited contact alone, you were already pathetically wet. It was like your body and mind had completely separated from one another as you lightly inched your legs apart, allowing him to slide his hand between them, his fingers grazing at the sensitive skin of your inner thigh.
You let out a small, shaky sigh as he dragged his fingers up, stopping just before he made direct contact for a few seconds, as if he were making a decision about how he wanted to touch you before the rough pads of his fingers brushed over your strained clit through your panties softly, the touch so faint it shouldn’t have even had that much of an effect on you, but alas, it did.
Your breathing hitched and from the corner of your eye, you could’ve sworn you’d seen his lips twitch up into a small smile but you didn’t bother to look, worried it would snap you out of whatever the fuck had gotten into you.
This wasn’t you, you weren’t even the kind of person to interact with a stranger unless it was entirely necessary, but here you were, at three o’clock in the morning with your legs open and dying to let this random guy touch your pussy in a public space, practically gagging for it.
He began carefully moving his middle and forefinger in a gentle circular motion, rubbing your clit teasingly through your damp panties before, without warning, they were pushed aside, the hot pads of his fingers finally making direct contact with your strained, aching clit.
Your hand wrapped around the cold pole next to you again, this time to stop yourself from moaning aloud, your eyes fluttering closed as he began to play with your clit, his fingers skillful as he rubbed in small circular motions, his eyes still fixed ahead of him as though he wasn’t doing anything, as though this was an completely normal interaction. Perhaps it was for him, but at that moment you couldn’t care less. You didn’t care that the subway car was littered with strangers that could very well be watching this guy touch you so intimately, making you push yourself against his fingers like a needy whore with your head tilted back, eyes screwed up as you focused on just how good he was making you feel.
His fingers moved from your clit, dragging down your slit and collecting your juices, briefly plunging them inside and curling upward, pressing firmly against the spongy tissue and making you let out a soft whimper, looking down to see this strangers fingers gently pumping in and out of your cunt. Your legs were so wide from him now, your knee was practically resting against his thigh.
He removed his fingers before moving his fingers back up, using your juices coating his fingers to carry on playing with your exposed clit. Your chest began to heave, your hips unconsciously bucking against his hand as he worked over you casually, still not looking at you. Soft moans and gasps escaped you and you sunk your teeth harshly into your bottom lip and bit the inside of your cheeks so hard you could almost taste blood, trying desperately to be as quiet as you could manage as you clenched around nothing, feeling the fire in your stomach build and burn hotter and hotter with each expert glide of his slick fingers, your legs opening wider and wider for him which seemed to please him judging by how fast his fingers began to work your clit.
The pressure was perfect, the speed of his strong fingers was making your impending orgasm loom dangerously close as your back arched from your seat, pushing yourself against his long fingers before your eyes flew open and you came with a soft gasp on this tips of this stranger's fingers, hand gripping the cold metal of the pole so hard it’s a wonder it didn’t bend. Your eyes flew open as you reached your peak, meeting a man’s shocked and wide eyed gaze as he stared at you, mouth agape as he watched you cum, body shivering and writhing as you pushed your hips down against the strangers fingers, feeling them slide from your clit and into your soaked hole with every movement of your body.
The train stopped as you felt the warmth of his fingers abandon you. He cleared his throat a little, still not looking at you as he stood up, grabbing his bag from the ground and walked toward the doors. You finally moved your gaze onto him, watching as he left the train car, walked onto the platform without even looking back and disappeared up the steps of the station and vanished out of sight.
You felt suddenly self-conscious as your eyes met an older woman’s, her expression nothing short of disgusted, and the man that had watched you cum, his eyes still as wide as dinner plates as he stumbled up from his seat and adjusted himself in his pants, leaving the train looking completely dazed, as though this was the highlight of his month. Maybe it was. You shifted in your seat, feeling your wetness covering your thighs and no doubt staining the seat beneath you as you quickly closed your legs, crossing one over the other and pulled at the hem of your skirt, eyes quickly moving away from the woman and back through the window, beginning to bite at your nails, feeling satisfied yet extremely vulnerable and disgusting.
Did that really just fucking happen?
Despite the disgust you felt in yourself, it only added to your satisfaction. It felt new, different and exciting. You couldn't lie, you absolutely loved the combination of the mixed feelings.
Needless to say you never saw him again, you’d never really expected to. You thought about him a lot though, pressing your vibrator against your clit while you were alone in your bedroom, imagining the scent of his cologne, the warmth of his fingers as they expertly touched you, and just how fucking pretty he was and how hard he’d made you cum and just how easy it was for him to touch you, as if it was completely normal.
That was, until a few weeks later. You were at home, working on your thesis for class when the news grabbed your attention.
“Ghostface killers finally come to a grisly end. The family of killers, Detective Wayne Bailey and his children and resident Blackmore University students Quinn Bailey and Ethan Bailey, formally known as Landry, all brutally murdered after targeting previous survivors of the 2022 Woodsboro massacre, Samantha and Tara Carpenter, Chad and Mindy Meeks, and celebrity Gale Weathers.”
Your eyes widened as soon as you saw “Ethan’s” picture lighting up your screen, recognition hitting immediately. That was him, the stranger from the subway you'd all too willingly opened your legs for. Then your blood ran cold when the realisation that you’d let a murderer get you off and make you cum on a fucking train hit you like a ton of bricks.
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digitalcarcrash · 3 months
"i don't like chainshipping the age gap is problematic" im going to explode you with my mind
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god i love your tord's stupid shirt's... it reminds me of pond child au a bit /vpos
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^going through things
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more fanart incoming lol
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actual-changeling · 3 months
thinking about scully and mulder having keys to each other's apartments and what that represents.
how he signed her living will as a witness instead of one of her family members. how her family did not even KNOW about the contents of it. how they're always the first to show up at the hospital. how scully called mulder and only mulder to tell him about her cancer.
how they call each other in the middle of the night and have phones on their bedside tables. how they will fly across the world because there's the tiniest chance the other might still be alive. how they will threaten, injure, kidnap, kill people who dare to separate them, who dare to hurt them.
how they love and love hard, and, fuck it, let everyone else go to hell as long as we come out the other side alive and together. how they reached rock bottom and climbed out of it side by side, fell down, and then did it again. however many times it takes. i would die for you, you would die for me, but we stay alive for each other.
thinking about shared front door keys and glasses, clothing and chairs and files, fear and joy and love. two keys with their names on it opening up the doors to a shared home, no matter how far apart they might be.
how they always come back to 'us' and 'we', and the world can burn as long as you hold my hand while it does.
will you keep holding my hand in the ashes too?
until death do us part and then for immortal eternity.
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usertoxicyaoi · 29 days
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"Sorry. I'm really sorry. I won't make you angry anymore! And I'll keep my distance from ..."
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sedlex · 5 months
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Who's that? WHO???
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Dang it!
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fishcop · 2 months
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reigningmax · 5 months
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maxverstappen1 via instagram story, 5/4
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