#back on my obx bullshit tbh
marchsfreakshow · 4 months
Getting that JJ Maybank smut out feels so validating he's been staring at me for months now.
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stitchkiss · 2 years
i haven’t watched obx3 yet can someone tell me if barry is in it
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beyourownanchor6 · 2 months
Hiii! It's okay, I assumed you were busy enjoying your vacation.
Yeah she kinda disappeared after teen wolf, didn't she? Dylan o'brien blew up as a movie star, tyler posey got onlyfans, tyler hoeclin got superman and lois, dylan sprayberry got some movies, but allison just... kinda vanished. I haven't seen her in forever. Yeah teen wolf just plays by its own rules and i love it even if it frustrates me.
Oh i love himbos!! And you're right, Stiles is a himbo! And yay for multishipping. I do lots of multishipping too. Sterek, steo, steter, sciles... i usually don't do straight ships tho.
It was wild. And I unfortunately was a die hard harry potter fan. Still am, but at least i have the decency to be ashamed of it now lmao. The glee fandom was wild. I got a lot of love and support from the glee fandom, but also death threats! And don't even get me started on the social justice issues and how they were approached. I once said I shipped Klaine (Kurt/Blaine) and immediatelly got hit with "stop invading women's spaces" for it. Mind you, klaine is a GAY MALE SHIP.
I agree with you there, that does suck. Thank heavens for the internet and video calls.
And thank you! I hope you had fun on your holiday. And i'm okay! I bought reading glasses this week, it's amazing how much easier reading and writing is now.
As for today's question: what other fandoms are you into?
tumblr totally ate this notification 😩 (this hellsite—derogatory 🤣) hope you enjoyed your week!
it does seem that way. i will say i follow certain actors/actresses more than others from there, so maybe i just missed her being in things, but i feel like i would’ve seen something with everything tw i engage in lol. this also reminded me i still need to watch the last episode from last season of superman 😂 i think i’ve seen almost everything dylan has been in lol. and i’ve seen a lot of holland and cody’s other projects.
yea i just kinda ship all over with tw tbh lol. i don’t go to every ship, but i definitely have a lot!
i know a lot of ppl who are harry potter fans, so you’re not alone lol. i’ve heard about the gleee fandom and it definitely sounds like it was toxic 😬 but ig that comes with most fandoms lol. i watched a documentary recently about all the glee actors that have since passed; definitely interesting.that is a WILD take for that ship. damn
yes, at least we have ways to communicate even if we have to live miles and miles away.
i did thank you! i feel like i spent this last week recovering and getting back into things lol. woo love that for you! now you can do all the things.
oh gosh, so many 😂 i’ve kind of lost beans for 911 as a whole lately unfortunately, so i’ve been going back into my other fandoms. mm so i just recently got into the bikeriders fandom; amazing movie if you haven’t yet seen. i also just rewatched stranger things for the nth time and got back on that bullshit lol. of course there’s teen wolf. and i’ll just list some others i’m into: shameless/animal kingdom/obx/oth/the rookie/heartstopper/rwrb/shadowhunters/spn/ various marvel things annddd idk i’m sure i’m missing more 😅 what about you?
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Episode nine
LOVE the jj Cleo moment on the airstrip hahaha
Yes please Sofia, stroke rafe’s ego, that’s all he needs
I aspire to be as talented as JJ at bullshitting my way out of things
How do we feel about the little redemption moment when ward said goodbye to rafe
Was the long awaited jiara kiss what I’d been picturing or what I wanted? No. Did it still make me grin goofily and laugh and tear up a little? Yes it did 😭 have never seen jj as happy as he was on the plane 😭
JJ spitballing 😂
Just a little quality bonding time between in-laws ahaha
“The Cameron’s aren’t really a hiking family” sent me
Interesting throwaway piece of John b dialogue “just like you did with mom”
All these South American scenes def feel like a totally different show. It’s more like Indiana Jones vibes and tbh I’m not into it lol
The way Cleo got everything she didn’t even know she craved with the pogues and pope 😭
For some reason I cried more than I have all season so far at jombie’s speech to Sarah in the cave
I have goosebumps omg three seasons leading up to this moment and they actually found it. To going full kook!! I do wish it had been all of the pogues in that moment there, like the original core group of the three boys and kie. I feel like they/we deserved that and I’m mad at big John for taking that away from us (I guess none of them would have been there without him but, yanno)
Oh good everyone’s dad is dying (for the second time) at the same time
I sobbed through the last ten minutes (just bc that heartbreaking feeling of knowing a fandom will never be like it was in the good old original days,,, like the characters’ lives will never be like they used to be when we first fell in love with them and their world). Time jump def made it feel like they weren’t thinking they’d get renewed and were kind of putting a bow on it
So… rafe?? Is where? Doing what? Also barracuda Mike?
That look jj and John b gave each other at the end was perfect. I’m a mess.
Overall, were there issues with this season? Yes. I wanted more group pogue scenes, less big John, less topper (whyyy do we always have Sarah going back to him), more Luke/exploration of JJ’s trauma/drinking/etc, more conversations about jiara.
But am I really happy with what we got? I sure am!! I think the culmination of the jiara slow burn was done so, so well — major props to Rudy and Bailey (gah this is one of my favorite ships of all time). So was the transition from poguelandia back to obx (with all of them, but especially Sarah). And there were still some golden moments of hilarious banter or the pogues just being dumbasses (aka my fave). There were so many little things I loved this season.
Predictions for season 4 (or at least, what I WANT lol). Could def see Luke coming back to get a piece of the gold (and would love to explore more of JJ’s feelings/anxieties/trauma around now being in a relationship and how that works). Time jump — i’d like to think they’re going to give us a bunch of throwback scenes set during those 18 months (because there is SO MUCH to explore in there — relationally, logistically, all the things) but honestly I don’t know. Seems like they might just pick up from where the Blackbeard action is apparently starting.
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sttarkeys · 3 years
@flo.greenw is now live! 
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"Hey guy's! Flo here. So I guess I have come on here just to talk about some things, but I will wait for some more people to join, hi Chase, Mitchell and Sofia.... So as we all know Cam died a month or two ago, not like I should have the need to share this with anyone whom is not in my family or who are my friends. But since I keep on getting dm's about it or tagged in tweets on twitter... Or people messaging my friends about it. But here we go. Cameron an I were in a relationship for almost two years, we broke it off at the start of production for the third film, we kept it a secret because we knew we would get hated on for it. Which we did. We had our struggles as all couples do, and then we finally broke it off. We knew that there may be some difficulties going back to work and having to work in such close quarters but we both knew how keep it professional... Cameron is who I met first out of the Descendants cast, I was a guest star on Jessie for a few episodes that is how we met, he was my rock and everything... But the main thing I wanted to talk about was the hate that my dear friend Drew Starkey has been getting, look. I have seen the tweets, the comments, shit even things on tumblr and reddit. when Cameorn died I didn't just 'go straight to him.' Before he died we had been broken up for almost nine months, and even if Drew and I were together, it is really no ones bussies but ours. It was the same when people thought that Mitchell and I were together, not every single male that I am friends with I am 'with' in that way. I get along better with males than females, that is why Austin is my best-friend. We have been friends since we were three, we grew up together. So for the love  of god, leave alone, leave Drew and the rest of the OBX cast alone, leave Mitchell, Booboo, Sofia and Kenny all alone. We are going through a hard enough time as it is, you guy's sending in hate and harassing us online is not helping any of us. But to the people who are sending love, caring messages etc, thank you.
                                              ɪᴍᴇꜱꜱᴀɢᴇ, ᴘʀɪᴠᴀᴛᴇ
                                                 ᴅʀᴇᴡꜱᴘʜ  | ꜰʟᴏ
ᴅʀᴇᴡꜱᴘʜ: hey, r u okay?
ꜰʟᴏ: if ur talking about me going on a rant to our 'fans' about how rude they have been to you then, yeah I guess I am. i'm just peachy.
ᴅʀᴇᴡꜱᴘʜ: you know you didn't have to do that right?? stand up for me, i think I have just learned how to ignore it tbh.
but i do appreciate it a lot, especially when it comes from you... no i am asking if ur okay, because towards the end of it you started to tear up.
ꜰʟᴏ: i just think it is utter bullshit that i cannot be friends with who I want to be friends with, it is no ones business really. Well anyone who doesn't us personally any ways... I love you all and I think it is bullshit that I cannot be in a platonic relationship with a male. This is why I don't post or share much about me and Mitchell, or me and Rudy because people are hurtful, and it messes with my head.
And I feel so bad for Mitch too, he's the one who found me, I mean we've been closer than we ever had. Doesn't mean I like him in that way... What I am trying to get at is the fact that I should be able to be friends with whoever I want to be friends with, I should be able to date whoever I want to. I am ready to get rid of social media all together.
ᴅʀᴇᴡꜱᴘʜ:   I get that i do, why do you think I am only on my socials when I post or when I am tagged in something by either u or the rest of the guys, it's because I cannot deal with seeing the hate that you are given on a daily basis. it hurts for me to watch and read. but i hope you realise that choice, is still yours and it always will be x
ꜰʟᴏ: I really appreciate you, you know that right?
ᴅʀᴇᴡꜱᴘʜ:   and i you, flo x
ꜰʟᴏ: so, what would you say about seeing how it could work out between the two of us? like what if we did start going on dates? like i mean proper dates, not just getting coffee at crafty or in ur trailer on set. I am talking a real date, us two we dress nice, go for diner somewhere nice and we just have a good time? No one else but us? x you up for it, drewsph. because i am and i have been since i first met you.
ᴅʀᴇᴡꜱᴘʜ: I think... I think you have never had a better idea Florence Gemma Greenwood read at 6:07pm  
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dayas · 4 years
1,3,20 and 25 for the writing ask, I wanna know it all!
First off, I wanna say thank you for giving me this ask because now I have something to think about instead of just being in a sad cloud ❤️ it’s nice to have a little break 💞
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it.
Not to expose myself but I have like 5 WIPS 😂
War Of Hearts (jiara reincarnation au), a not so secret combination Dimya fic (flower shop + mob au), an angsty gotham/the batman (fc wise djdjsjsn) BatCat one shot (selina meeting bruce after he left in a slightly unexpected way), and I’m trying to draft/spin ideas for a POTC Klonnie au (calypso and davy jones’ story). With WOH, I’m filling in the second chapter which is taking FOREVER (sorry y’all), but I’m actually super excited for it to drop! With the work entirely, I definitely love all the little hints and breadcrumbs. It’s gonna start coming together more in the second chapter and I’m super pumped to see what y’all think! I’m on Chapter 1 of the Dimya Fic and searching for my inspiration but I know how it’s gonna go and that makes me happy. I love the combo aspect of the fic and how it’s a mashup, plus there’s some not so subtle underlying themes that I think are cool to explore! With BatCat, I wrote some yesterday! It’s a songfic and I love that about it, but also just the angst and flashbacks included, I think it’ll be really cool! And for the Klonnie fic, I haven’t even started 😭 Someone was basically like ‘write this!’ so I was like ‘okay!’ but I don’t know them that well yet writing wise so I need to explore 😂 tbh it’s just a concept that I really, really love and I have some ideas for the melody that goes along with it. Unsure if it’ll be a multi chap or a realllyyy long one shot once it drops but I’m thrilled either way! The technical “fifth” wip is for everybody who asked me when Kie would find out JJ is Sarah’s bf’s friend so watch out for that 👀 y’all ask, I answer 😂
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
GOD! THIS! Okay okay okay I’ve ALWAYS wanted to write a Jiara break up scene but there’s SO MUCH WORK THAT GOES INTO THAT LIKE THE SET UP AND THEN BUILDING INTO AN EXPLOSION SO here’s a no context, cliche, dramatic af breakup scene for jiara thank you for giving me the freedom to write this 😂
“We need to talk.”
That alone stops what she’s doing. JJ and Kiara don’t usually ‘talk’. They can have serious conversations, but they tend to reserve getting deep for when they’re either really really high, or the issue around them has to be resolved. They’re not in high school anymore, but old habits die hard. Still, she shakes off the pause, drying another dish as she says,
“... stuff.”
“Stuff. Real eloquent there, JJ.”
His eyes are practically heating the soapy water up themselves. The kitchen at the Chateau isn’t exactly prime real estate as far as cleanliness goes, but since they’re around here more often than not, Kie decided to make an effort to spruce it up a little bit and dragged JJ into it.
Something’s wrong. He’s fiddling with his rings underneath the water at a faster pace than normal, leaning heavily against the lip of the sink.
“Dude, are you okay?”
Her voice is soft as she dries her hands off, coming up to him and slipping her arms around his chest, cheek pressed into his back. He tenses underneath her, shrugging her off and backing away.
“JJ,” Kiara’s voice is concerned now, “What’s going on?”
His sentence is a blur that knocks into her, rattling around her brain as it spins like a top. As all tops do, the spinning eventually stops, leaving her with the capacity to space out the miniature word flood that left his mouth a few seconds ago.
We need to break up.
“What?” Kie says, panic creeping into her system, “Why?” She begins to think of what could have gone wrong, what could have prompted this.
“It’s not you, it’s — ”
“If you try to feed me one of your bullshit lines that worked on the ghosts of hookups past, don’t.”
He has the decency to shut up then and there, turning instead to lean back against the cabinets, hands gripping the edge of another counter.
“Is this about what my cousin said?”
A few weeks ago, they’d been invited to a formal family gathering on her mother’s side. Some crazy expensive week in Hawaii. Well, Kiara had been invited, and she brought JJ for two reasons. One, he’s her best friend which legally obligated him to help her out in a spot. Two, they were getting pretty serious (or so she thought), and she couldn’t hide in the OBX forever, so why not kill two birds with one stone? At an extremely over the top event, one of Kie’s drunk cousins approached JJ and started spewing some nonsense. Kiara intervened, of course, but later, she remembers, another one approached. Completely sober. She hadn’t been paying attention to that conversation, occasionally glancing over to make sure JJ wasn’t floundering. He’d been restless the entire night and a few days afterwards. But when they’d come back home, all was well. Or, again, so she’d thought.
She should’ve just chucked the damn stone at herself.
He grimaces, and it’s to her horror that she realizes it’s true.
“What the fuck did she say?”
Her voice is low and dangerous, a tiny sliver of a hint as to what’s hiding behind her eyes.
“Doesn’t matter,” JJ shrugs, eyes everywhere but her.
“Of course it fucking matters, JJ! What did she say?”
“That’s a lie.”
“I already told you it doesn’t matter.”
“If it doesn’t matter then just tell me!”
They are two powder kegs on the verge of an explosion. Kiara lit the spark, jumping the gun to shouting. He followed, and and now they’re at a precipice.
“You really wanna know what she said? Fine. She said that I’ll never be good enough for you, and you know what? She’s right.”
They tilt on the edge, still caught in the middle, unsure of where to fall.
“No. She’s not.” How can he even say that, let alone believe it? Kie isn’t always a fan of the cheesy, but it’s a cold hard fact that the man standing before her is one of the best things in her life.
“She is, Kie. You know she is. You’re not a Kook, but your family... they can give you so much more than I can. Opportunities and shit, the chance to get out of here. What do I have going for me?”
“Everything! You know I don’t want any of that bullshit or the baggage that comes with it — I want you.”
“I’m not gonna be enough. One day you’re gonna look up and realize that you want out of this place. Or I’m gonna look up and realize I turned into my dad.”
A bitter laugh leaves him, slicing them both to ribbons in the process.
“You’re not him, J. You’re not your dad and you never will be your dad.”
“You don’t know that! I don’t know that!”
They step closer at the same time, spark relit on the fuse to destroy them.
“JJ — ”
“No, Kiara. We can’t keep doing this. I’m stuck, and I’m not dragging you down with me.”
“You’re not dragging me down if I want to be here!”
Four more feet and they are two steps away from each other. They’re both tired, oh so tired, yet neither one is willing to give up the fight for their cause. The frustration builds, coiling tightly around them as JJ steps forward and shouts,
“I’m gonna ruin your life!”
“Then ruin it!”
Kie’s scream is passionate, every emotion inside of her escaping in those three words as she steps up to meet him.
“Ruin my life, JJ Maybank. Because I’d rather be in ashes with you than anywhere with anyone else.”
He takes one look at her and the pause between them could stop a train. Then, his head ducks down and his lips crash against hers. She reciprocates, sinking both hands into his hair. He picks her up and she wraps her arms around his waist as he sets her against the counter. Dishes crash onto the floor but neither of them are even remotely half assed to care. His lips attach to her neck and she exhales sharply.
“Stay,” Kiara whispers. And she wishes he did. If she would have been controlling their story, they would have taken this to Big John’s room and the breakup talks would cease. But she put everything in his hands, as he’s making the decision here. So when she tells him to ruin her life, she watches him grapple with himself. For a second, she sees his head tilt ever so slightly forward. He reels himself back in a second later, and the fire in his eyes burns out.
“I’m sorry,” JJ whispers, shaking his head and backing away from her.
“JJ,” Kiara calls after him, “JJ!” She’s immobilized, feet stuck to the floor.
This isn’t happening. This is not happening.
Something inside her breaks and she runs, tearing through the house. He’s already on his bike as she gets to the front porch, and curse him, he looks back. He puts the helmet in his hands on (she bought him that for his birthday — “You’re not getting fucked up on my watch. Put the damn helmet on.”) and drives away.
Kiara doesn’t know what happens next. When her faculties return her knees are scraped up, blood trickling down. She’s still on the porch and her face is wet, cheeks marred by liquid pooling in her eyes. Someone is crying, loudly, like their heart was ripped from their chest. No, she thinks, like someone else’s heart was ripped from their chest, someone the person crying loved. Because if her own heart was ripped out, she would not be able to feel. What Kiara wouldn’t give to not feel a goddamn thing right now.
She calls Sarah. Her friend comes and picks her up, and they go to her place. Kie can’t bear to be in the Chateau or her own room. Sarah’s is devoid of memories, for the most part. She explains what happened through her tears as her friend holds her, gently carding her fingers through her hair comfortingly. They light up, and then get a little tipsy and Kiara doesn’t know if it’s better or for worse. But it’s something. She’s reminded of after the Phantom went down, that night on the beach when she discovered the freedom to be. In this moment, Kiara’s free to be something. Anything. Whatever she wants. But the one thing she wants removed himself from her life, so she settles for being a mess instead. Sarah settles in with her when they’re all worn out, falling asleep quickly. Kiara’s vaguely aware that the person next to her is not who she wants it to be, that this is wrong in the sense that someone else should be here. She’s too cold, unraveled.
“Stay,” she whispers, but this time to herself. If she can stay for tonight, she can stay for tomorrow, and the day after that until she eventually finds her way back to who she is without him in her life. She’s not the same Kiara as she was this morning. She’ll be a different Kiara when she wakes up tomorrow. The Kiara she is wraps her arms around herself to keep whatever’s left from pouring out. She will do what he refused to. When the morning comes, she will face the world. While the moon is out, she is free to dream.
She dreams one last dream of him.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Okay LOOK 😂 there’s so much I wanna say on this but it would be so spoiler-y BUT for War Of Hearts, do some scanning! There’s a lot to unpack there, some obvious, some not! It becomes more evident in the chapters to come. I wish I could say more and I totally would if all of it was published 😭😭😭 OOO but I do enjoy referencing my works in other works (literally did that in the mini scene above lmao) so there’s a good chance that I riff off of previous concepts or something else across the stories/one shots that I write! There’s so many references I throw in too. For example, the ‘I hope you care to be recalled to life’ part in It Wasn’t Special Til I Met you is from A Tale Of Two Cities. I definitely love exploring concepts in my work, which I guess is why it kind of reads as flowery when I dig into it 😂
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
To me, I really love when I’m able to come up with good dialogue or a good scene and I’m like ‘OOO YES THIS IS IT!” It’s super fun to explore the underlying themes and symbolism in pieces; I totally love and live for weaving stuff together like Blues Clues 😂 I also adore dropping references to various works or songs because people will catch them and be like ‘wait is that xyz?’ and I’m like ‘yeah! yes it is! you get it!’ And that’s just a wonderful feeling 😊🥰
That’s all for me! Thanks for asking!
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