kjqueue · 8 hours
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So awesome I can do whatever I want with these characters forever no One can stop Me
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kjqueue · 5 days
do tell
OH OH BEFORE I FORGET I had this awesome idea for an AU…. Imaginary Friends. Like Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends sorta; designing what you think your OC or some other character would create if they had an imaginary friend. I think it would be cool coming up with designs based on a combination of a character’s interest + what they desire out of a friend or companion. I got a few ideas already for BC characters imaginary friends lol.
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kjqueue · 7 days
Headcanon stuff o3o I’m bored and woke up early.
I headcanon Sarah as having BPD and struggling to maintain relationships with people well because of it. She is Bi but her past relationships with guys always ended poorly so she is avoidant of them now. She has had flings with girls but has yet to officially date one.
Malorie on the other hand is Bipolar (Like me wow cool). Though her and Sarah have a very on-off relationship she understands Sarah deeper than anyone and the two have a QPP sort of relationship. Though her disorder is different than Sarah’s, she understands what it’s like to have a disorder that makes people fear you and makes it hard to maintain relationships.
And I guess since Malorie is essentially a transgender AU version of Eisenhower I should mention that I headcanon Eisen similarly in that he is Schizoaffective. He went through a great deal of trauma in his life that made his disorder manifest differently. His delusions influence a lot of his work but not many people are aware because he is good at masking.
I used to feel ashamed for headcanoning disorders on characters but I wanna open up and be able to explore this type of thing more in my art because of my own struggles and treatment as someone with a disorder. It brings me a lot of comfort to imagine characters that are like me and it shouldn’t be seen as something bad or shameful to have a disorder.
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kjqueue · 11 days
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so ok yeah fine i watched gravity falls again and read the book of bill
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kjqueue · 11 days
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kjqueue · 12 days
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kjqueue · 17 days
I still don't relate to a majority of transmasc characters or memes or subculture or whatever
I'm GNC and black 😭 I don't know who tally hall is, I don't own Hawaiian shirts, I want to wear bikinis all day and draw and look like a pretty boy...
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kjqueue · 18 days
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crazy that he said this while opened to the bill cipher page
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kjqueue · 19 days
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Errmrmmm what da freak
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kjqueue · 20 days
please no halloween posts just yet. there’s still 2 months left
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kjqueue · 20 days
every time I think about that duck girl from the cartoon who kinda looks like me I get rly fucking happy
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kjqueue · 25 days
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bunny boy with the coily fro
(HE/HIM) 🐇💜🏳️‍⚧️
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kjqueue · 26 days
Blox Cast isn’t worth listening to until they get me on the show so I can rant for hours about my gradual descent into becoming madly in love with Eisenhower and why I still draw fanart for a game that can’t even crack 100 players. That’s what the people really want. 😎
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kjqueue · 30 days
i made this exactly one year ago and i still think the idea for it is good
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it can happen to you every moment PSA please dont rotate 2d creatures
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kjqueue · 1 month
There's characters I think are fun to read as trans masc for my own enjoyment, characters I enjoy building a case *to* read as trans masc, one or two rare characters I genuinely think can be theorized to *be* canonically trans masc
And then there's Heinz Doofenshmirtz, who i do not believe was ever at any point intended to be canonically a trans man, but somehow the evidence is against him.
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kjqueue · 1 month
I miss being in love. Like I still love Howie don’t get me wrong but I guess I’m out of the honeymoon phase. When I was dreaming of dates and getting to buy gifts for him and stuff. 🥺 The hugs and cuddling too. Just isn’t the same I don’t feel his presence like I used to. I think the medications + being in a Finacial pit irl has made me lose my touch.
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kjqueue · 1 month
In the club
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