#whoever's playing has been fighting for their fucking life
pixxyofice · 1 year
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new fellas!!
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radiance1 · 1 year
The US government when multiple of their servers has been hacked and they can't find a trace of who's doing it: What is going on!?
Tucker, literally in an internet cafe sipping on some milk with what little money he had on him: Haha, lol.
Lex Luthor when he's told that multiple of his servers has been hacked and put into disorder with seemingly no purpose: Find whoever this is, immediately!
Eve Teschmacher: Sir, our best is unable to find whoever hacked into our servers, in fact, our attempts to stop, build up defenses or force them out, have only been met with more, chaotic files.
Lex Luthor, banging his fist on the table: What do I pay them for!? Find them immediately!
Tucker, literally in an internet cafe a few blocks away from the Lexcorp building: Get gud noobs!
Oracle, when her servers has been hacked by an unknown: Raises eyebrow
Oracle, when said unknown begins to mess around in her servers and basically goads her into trying them: Oh it's on.
Oracle, when she conveniently hacks into said unknown's coordinates and finds it leading to an internet cafe, to which it then gets fizzled out by the unknown: Hm. I should tell someone.
Also Oracle: However.
Tucker, chugging down his milk and booting it from the internet cafe while disconnecting from Oracle's servers and sending multiple signals to hopefully take her off his trails: shit shit shit shitshitshitshitshitshit
The Justice League, after noticing that Mount Justice is currently being hacked in the middle of a debriefing:
Batman and Robin fighting against the hacker, with the new addition of Oracle who just, appeared out of nowhere: Oh, I know this guy!
Batman, narrowing his eyes: Explain.
Oracle, refusing to explain but instead manages to snag the unknown's current whereabouts while simultaneously wiping said whereabouts before the unknown (Who is currently distracted by Robin and Batman) could notice, while also downloading said location to Batman's suit all at once: I think they can do that for you.
Batman, relents and flows away from the computer and walks away from the Young Justice team: Superman, with me. Red Tornado, continue the debriefing.
Tucker, currently in an internet cafe sipping on boba after acquiring some money, chewing and furiously tapping away at his PDA: ...I may have bitten off more than I can chew, here.
Tucker, looking up when someone sat down in relatively hidden (and by that he means square in the corner) booth and choking on his boba to see the Batman and Superman sitting across from his casually:
Batman, when the unknown he was looking for was literally a 14-year-old currently staring at the both of them in shock with a PDA held together by a mass amount of tape, determination and probable hope: Narrows eyes and stares at Superman.
Superman, currently ordering off of the menu: Raises hands with an innocent expression What? We're at a cafe, might as well?
Batman, staring at him for a solid few minutes, before also ordering something off of the menu:
Tucker, currently experiencing his life flashing before his eyes, but trying to play it off: Sips Boba.
(For your information by the way, Tucker got thrown to the DC universe and basically became a little shit by hacking into multiple places for literally no reason other than to have fun and fuck with people.)
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kaciebello · 2 months
Hello Bella! How are you? ^.^
I’ve read the prompt requested: “I’m just wondering why we can talk for hours online when you ignore me in real life”
And it was simply the best.
Would you consider /writing/ them talking irl at last?
If not no problem, thank you for reading this message <3
" I’m just wondering why we can talk for hours online when you ignore me in real life "
Slytherin boys genre: humour warning: I don't think so note: sorry for any typos, hope you enjoy it! Masterlist Social media masterlist ☀ Prompt list ☾
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Matteo Riddle
Matteo was about to turn the corner when he noticed a familiar face. He stopped in his tracks and weighed his options. And like on a daily basis, he decided to be a menace. Taking a few steps before sitting down. The person next to him was reading a book, paying absolutely no mind to whoever just sat next to them. Hadn't he known her, he would have thought she was ignoring him. 
“Have you ever thought about how weird it is?” His voice made him jump a bit and look at him. Confusion is visibly clear on her face.
“What is?” She asks, his voice small, as if she wanted no one to hear them. Matteo could care less about that.
“How can we talk for hours online? Yet, when you see me face to face, you usually run away.” He says, looking into her eyes now. She's just able to nod and turn her gaze from his. Before he was able to complain again she turned back to him.
“You make me feel like I wanna punch you with a chair.” She says. Matteo just laughs, but when he notices she isn't laughing with him, his face visibly drops. Nodding in acknowledgement he gave it a thought.
“So like a cute aggression?”
“What? NO!”
Theodore Nott
He has been holding her hand for like an hour now and she has yet to mumble a single word. He'd been talking her ear off and his hand was starting to get sweaty, but he knew if he let go she would just be bold and it would take him half a day to catch her.
“You know, I talk to you every day.” He says not even looking at her. She has been stuck watching their hands and this has been the first time since she looked at him.
“We talk online every day, but when I try it in person…” He knows he does not have to finish. She is very well aware of her escapee tendencies.
“I’m sorry, you just make me nervous so much that my flight or fight kicks in. And it's usually flight.” She says his fingers not playing with his, her gaze stuck on their hands again. Theo nods again.
“You know I have something that might help.” He says and turns to dig out something out of his bad. Turning around he sees an empty spot next to him and a girl in the distance absolutely bolting it. He just sighs, he hasn't realised he let go of her hand.
Draco Malfoy
Draco was quick on his feet. He had seen her turn the corner and he was not going to let that slide. He just sa Potter absolutely eat shit while walking down the stairs and he needed to share it now. Yeah, he could text her, but she's not that fast, he can catch up with her. Turning the corner himself he crashes into somebody. There she stood rubbing her forehead.
“Jesus, can you stop following me? You’ve been on my tail for 3 minutes now.”
“Stop running away then, the fuck.” Draco argues back. She just shakes her head and starts walking again.  Draco doesn't wait and follows.
“You're just weird. Always rushing. Able to talk to me for hours online, but not even a peep in real life. I can't even tell you what is saw without losing my breath.” The girl stops and Draco crashes into her back again. She huffs and turns around.
“What do you have.”
“Okay, so Potter…”
Blaise Zabini
Blaise knows what he looks like. His friends know what he looks like. Hell, even people that don’t know him know what he looks like. He made sure of it. So he was sitting down holding the girl's face. Making sure her eyes were on him as if he was trying to burn his face into her mind.
“I'm surprised you can recognize me,” Blaise said, letting go of her when she sweated his arms away. 
“I know plenty of what you look like. You send me enough pictures.” She huffs back at him.
“Yes, yes, that I do. Because somehow we always talk online, and never in real life.” He argues back. The girl just nods. Silence falls on them. He knew she was eating him but he didn't say anything.
“Ya know, I may see your face all the time but I can't hear your voice in pictures.” With that Blaise takes the deepest breath and lets out the longest rant of his life.
Lorenzo Berkshire
Lorenzo has told all his friends to meet him for lunch. By all friends, he meant all. So that's why he told the girl to show up 5 minutes early. That way, he could trap her and hot let her go. Now this may seem cruel, but if he didn't do this, he knew the girl would turn around the moment she could see his friends.
So now, he was sitting down, The boys were talking amongst themself. No one was really paying attention to them. His arm was on her thigh, keeping her from jumping up and running away. He leans closer to whisper in her ear.
“You know, you talk a lot online, but in real life, you are rather quiet,” he says and pulls away. She just shakes her head before leaning and whispering back.
“I am just quiet with a lot of people around.” Lorenzo raises his eyebrow and nods again. Slowly he grabs her hand and seemingly sneaks out of the room. He was not gonna miss the opportunity to talk to his favourite person.
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Tag list: @klimovatereza-blog , @lafrone ,@enfppuff , @rafegfs , @frogtape , @lovelyygirl8 , @catiwinky, @leeleecats , @ghostgardn , @reverse-soe , @ultramarinetovelvet @jazz-berry , @justatadbonkers , @partnerincrime0 , @schaebickel , @deluluassapocalypse , @adreamingpendulum, @imobsessedwitholiviarodrigo , @happydragonfrog , @harvey-malfoy , @helendeath , @caffeine-addict-slug , @mrvlfanman , @pink-heartz , @feistyfox47 , @nickspotatoesalad
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star-girl69 · 8 months
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protective clarisse save me ANWAYSSSS enjoy
*mentions of clarisse picking reader up and carrying her around
PLEASE ignore the fact i forgot ambrosia existed thanks 🙏🙏 yk i just be saying stuff
it starts out like any capture the flag game
except for the fact you’re on different teams
like in so it goes when clar tells y/n “don’t do anything i wouldn’t do”
everyone once in a while the teams switch up
and clarisse has a really hard time when you’re not on the same team, but she can usually function
she’s worried out of her mind obvi
we all know you’re her achilles heel
but for some reason this time clarisse just has a really bad feeling
she’ll probably threaten everyone on her team- if they so much as LOOK at you in the wrong way she’s going to make their lives a literal hell
and everyone is like ok scary lady 🫡
they all know clarisse don’t play about you
so the game is going pretty normal
you’re just doing your thing and clarisse is hunting around you
it’s really funny because you and a few of your siblings are just fighting whoever makes their way to you
and you win every time
bc clarisse is still letting you win 😭😭😭😭
the good members of her team get told to turn around
and then she lets the weaker ones, the stragglers she doesn’t care about, pass through and then smiles when you cheer after winning even tho she can’t see you
you feel her eyes on you tho sometimes it’s kinda creepy
but basically annabeth and the blue team had set up these trenches in random parts of the wood
they were lined with like a bunch of leaves and spare linens so they were soft at the bottom
but someone 🙄🙄🙄 ugh
forgot to soften up one of them and that’s the one you fall into
she hears you scream and she’s like WOAH HOLY FUCK
running through the woods you’re crying at the bottom of this 6 ft deep hole your siblings are screaming
like she literally throws herself to the ground and drags you out of the pit pure adrenaline
and like she could tell just by your screams and the look on your face that you were HURT HURT
but she knows you need her rn so she pulls you into her lap and asks what hurts
and you can’t even speak you’re in so much pain but you gesture to your leg and maybe clarisse just didn’t want to notice it before but like that bitch is BROKEN
she’s literally shaking
“it’s okay it’s okay baby it’s okay someone is gonna go get a healer right? SOMEONE IS GOING TO GO GET A HEALER, RIGHT?”
*cue like 10 random campers all running off*
and you’re screaming and crying and your siblings are freaking out so the game kinda stops bc everyone is like what happened 😭
then they just walk into this clearing and see you pale and crying and leg obviously broken, sitting in a shaking clarisse’s lap
one of her siblings definitely has to come over and subtly say that she’s like doing a good job LMAO
bc she is STRUGGLING
like she’s never been so scared in her life
her heart is pounding her hands are shaking
but for the first time in her life she’s not really angry right now
she’s just fucking terrified
and she HATES it
she’s stroking your hair and has her arm wrapped around your waist so tight
she tells you “just dig your nails into my arm”
and you can’t even comprehend what’s going on so she grabs your hands and let’s you squeeze so hard she swears her fingers come out a little crooked
FINALLY some apollo kids come over with a stretcher
so then she starts yelling at them “BE GENTLER SHES HURT DUMBFUCKS”
then finally after clarisse’s incessant screaming she holds your hand as they take you back to the healers
then 20 minutes later they reset your leg and put it in a little cast and give you some AMAZING painkillers
so you’re like omg
clarisse is like pale and sweaty and her heartbeat is so erratic one of the healers actually has to come over and be like “maybe you should sit down and get checked out..?”
she starts screaming at them
then you’re like “omg no my saviors are fighting ☹️☹️☹️☹️”
“no no i’m sorry i didn’t mean to make you sad it’s fine it’s fine we’re not fighting”
she has to lay down in your bed and take some really deep breaths in order to calm down
and you’re just happy bc you are floating and you have your gf with you
you’re babbling on about something and clarisse is like wtf is happening to me
but also she’s acting like you just died
holding your head to her chest and staring off into the distance like that one painting of ivan the terrible holding his dead son y’all know
and you’re just happy
she’s kissing all over your face and head and telling you about how she’s gonna help you
“i’ll carry you whenever you don’t feel like using your crutches, i’ll make sure you take all your medicine, i’ll find and kill whoever did this to you, i’ll sleep with you every night just in case, and i won’t let you out of my sight ever again, and i’ll make chiron switch the teams back”
she ends up doing all of those things obvi
she annoys chiron so much he makes a permanent rule that the ares and your cabin always have to be on the same team
clarisse becomes 10x worse in terms of protectiveness
like she’s watching you like a HAWK
she just felt so totally helpless in that moment so unprepared and she never wants to feel like that again
she doesn’t think her heart can take it actually 😭
she does find the person and loses dessert privileges for 5 months for what she did!!!!!
she sleeps with you ever night bc the meds make you sleep restlessly and she’s always there to whisper in your ear and lull you back to sleep
even if you’re like oh i can just use my crutches she’s always staring at the ground like it’s a monster that’s gonna hurt you so she’s like
“hm well i don’t think so actually haha just let me carry you”
*picking you up* “no it’s fine this is safest”
basically you’re just the love of her life and she can’t imagine something else happening to you
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idontcaboose · 3 months
Haunted car au, pt 6
The next part is fighting me a bit, so I will just post this one for now.
Duke reeeaalllyyy does not get paid enough for this.
Good news, he was able to get the names of the dealers and suppliers and also narrowed down the places of interest to three warehouses. All he had to do was drop that info onto the server for the night crew, and that was that, not his problem anymore.
Bad news, the car is becoming his problem.
When Duke entered the cave, he could see the wheels turning, and not in a sick burnout way Jason does anytime he gets behind the wheel, they were just turning left and right. Then to add more insult to Duke's attempt at ignoring it, the car opened its driver door in what may have been a mockery of a greeting. Honestly, Duke could have also ignored that but then it seemed to fucking Panic and set off its own alarms and proceed to flail all the doors open and reverse to the point that the back wheels made it off the platform and into the gutter that runs though the cave. If Duke was a betting man, and he was, he would bet that whatever possessed or replaced the Batmobile was so incompetent that he had to worry more about Its safety from the Batfam. Whether that was protection from arrest or adoption is still up in the air.
Either way, this is becoming Duke's problem. He is really not paid enough for this. Time to calm down a sentient car.
“Hey, car buddy? You ok?”
Duke wasn't sure what he was expecting when he was talking to a car of all things, but absolute silence wasn’t it. Was this thing going to try to play car now? After everything that just happened? Duke slowly walked up to the driver's side door and looked in for the green blob person, only to see them in the back seat sprawled out. Duke tried to not think too hard while putting the car back in its spot, but the list of facts he has so far kept ticking.
1. The Batmobile has a new passenger or has been replaced
2. The thing/person is not good at hiding, so probably not a villain plot
2a. If it is a villain plot, they got the absolutely wrong person to do it
2aa. Possible meta forced to spy?
3. The person just freaked out so hard they fainted after setting off the Batmobile alarms.
4. Alfred will know what to do right?
5. Try to communicate again with the person in the car.
It didn't take long for the blur on the backseat to shift again. Luckily they didn't immediately jump into the driver's seat, where Duke still sat. Duke turned to look in the backseat, time to start this interrogation.
“Hey, you ok?” Duke was happy that he was able to see the head nod that the fuzzy blur gave.
“That's good. Now, I can't see you too well, but we can work out some basic questions, alright?” Another head nod answered him.
"Are you in danger? Like, did someone force you to do this?” The head shake that was produced shook the car. Duke internally sighed in relief, not a villain plot or meta trafficking gone wrong.
“So this was just an accident, and I am guessing you are now stuck?” Duke knew he was not as good at body language reading as the others, but the wave of embarrassment and resignation this blob was giving off confirmed that whoever/whatever this is, was not a total threat.
As usual tag list!
@kizzer55555 @sebas-nights @candeartist422 @trappednyourheart @fandom-life-corrupted-me @tkiesai @2lbballpeenhammer @admiralwidow @rewrittenwrongs @whotfevenknowsanymore @symmetricalastigmatism @atinygracie
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blamebrampton · 2 months
Books talk to each other. Mostly because practically every writer is also a voracious reader, but also because books arise out of times and places and we share a lot of our worlds these days. So it’s unsurprising that several novels I have hugely enjoyed over the past few years share the theme of the antiheroine who is past all giving of the fucks. Naomi Novik’s powerful dark sorceress kept on her own tight leash in the Scholomance books was a joy to follow; Xiran Jay Zhao’s Iron Widow slashed her way into my heart and now Sarah Rees Brennan’s Long Live Evil has added to a list of beloved antiheroines that probably started for me with Becky Sharp in Vanity Fair.
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Coincidentally, when considering how to describe Long Live Evil without significant spoilers, I realised that it shared several major themes with Vanity Fair. Young woman unfairly treated by fate decides to embrace her slut era to survive a war zone – both very accurate and wildly inaccurate for both. LLE opens with main character Rae in a hospital bed, teasing her sister about a book series they both adore. Rae is taking refuge in the story they have shared over years because it is one of the few things they have left: she is losing her fight against cancer and has been losing parts of her life, family and memory as that fight has progressed.
My personal hospital experiences have all been to do with major traumas rather than illness, which I vastly prefer because if you don’t die in the first couple of days, you usually start mending and you can immediately make plans to make the best of whatever you’ve broken. Rees Brennan, however, famously wrote a very funny, very horrible, ‘Kids, you won’t believe what shenanigans your girl’s been up to now, it’s only stage four Hodgkins lymphoma!’ post on her Tumblr or LJ (someone who has been hit in the head with taxis fewer times than me will doubtless factcheck that in the notes) about seven or eight years ago and then faced the very serious business of trying to live. The hospital scenes are painfully authentic, as are the stories of people who have left Rae as she slipped further out of everyday life.
For Rees Brennan, a loving family and peer group were there to hold her as close as they could. For Rae, only her beloved little sister, Alice, and Time of Iron, their favourite fantasy series, remain. They read the books together, remember adventures cosplaying and watching the musical, they wonder about the final instalment; for Rae it’s a joy she can still share (even if she doesn’t remember as much as she should), for Alice, it’s her two greatest loves. When a strange woman offers a door into the world of the book and a possible magical cure to Rae, she wants it as much as she disbelieves it.
Stepping into Eyam, the land of Time of Iron, Rae finds herself in the body of a villain doomed to die the next day. No worries! She’s thought and fought her way out of worse scraps than this in her past as a head cheerleader, let alone while battling cancer. She can use her knowledge of the plot to change things! If only she remembered more of the books…
Portal fantasies are common enough, but not all play by the same rules. This isn’t Narnia, where the magical world is more real than our own, for Rae, the world of the book is nothing more a tool to get her hands on the cure. She doesn’t need to care about any of these people, they’re not real. Most of them speak in a formal language that relies on the conventions of fantasy literature (there is an ongoing, warm-hearted skewering of all Game of Thrones-esque texts running through both the story and the in-text ‘quotes’ from Time of Iron) and half the characters are known more by their descriptions rather than their names. So she will play the Beauty Dipped in Blood, with her questionable morals, impractical clothes and centre-of-balance-distorting boobs for the weeks that will pass until the cure is available. Whoever she has to shuffle in the plot to secure a place beside that cure, she will shuffle. While she’s not out to kill anyone, it’s not as though they were ever really alive. Not like her. If she has to be the villain to survive, she will be an impeccable one. The people will cheer evil on!
Obviously, little goes to plan. Rae’s illness has taught her cruelty, but she hasn’t forgotten what it is to be kind. Even as she manipulates her role into ongoing main character, she realises that’s not how anyone gets a happy ending. That’s not how she can live with herself. As she comes to think of the other people in the story as real, they become more so, both in how we read them and in how they impact the story. Rae remembers what it is like to make friends, which she never meant to, but, oh, the luxury after years of watching people slip away!
As in previous novel In Other Lands, Rees Brennan has a long list of fantasy tropes to embrace and undermine, and her deft touch with humour is as evident as ever here, but her publishers call this her first adult novel and there is a shift in tone from her previous works. Anger is more real and lasting. Consequences are more significant. Understanding is reached for, even if it’s bitter. One of my favourite things is that she lets her female characters rage, but never judges those who can’t, whether because they’re too powerless or just too tired, and her male characters are allowed to be people if they choose to be — which all but the most vainglorious do.
I hadn’t paid much attention beyond checking the release date for the book, so didn’t realise it was the first in a series. For me, it worked perfectly as a standalone novel, even with the unended threads, which would have perfectly balanced Rae’s unfinished life. That said, I am very happy to know we will spend more time with these characters in the future. I want more. I do want to know if there is a hope for Rae, if this is the fever dream of a fading life, if this is the story Alice has told to ease her sister from the world or something else. There are a dozen characters I hope for, at least three happy endings that would bring joy. But don’t wait for the next books: sink your teeth into this one and believe what it says about the importance of listening to stories rather than just falling in love with characters. Though if you find yourself cheering on Rae, or her servant Emer, the elusive Eric, Horrible Hortensia or almost any of the others, I am the last person who will judge you.
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houseofperfecttaste · 11 months
One More Chance
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She wasn't his anymore, wasn't his to make smile, to make happy, to love, to protect. He had lost the one thing that kept him sane, from not loosing himself completely. She was the only person in his life that mattered and the only thing on his mind as he was in the middle of a fight with some kook who said he was going to play Y/N to get into her pants and dip. Rafe easily could've blocked himself from the punches but without Y/N nothing mattered to him and he barely felt the pain but he wasn't going to let some asshole use her. Rafes final punch sent the kook to the ground becoming unconscious. Rafes chest was heaving as he looked down at the guy a thousand thoughts flying through his head.
He needed her, he needed to see her. Rafe knew this was a mistake but he drove himself towards her house. Once he arrived he debated on turning back knowing she wouldn't want to see him. He looked in the mirror to see he had a gash on his cheek, and blood covering his face, shirt, and knuckles. He went up to the door ringing the doorbell and waiting patiently chewing on his nails.
Y/N opened the door her eyes widening when seeing Rafe standing there blood covering him. She knew that he let whoever the other fighter was punch him because usually people are lucky if they land one strike to Rafe. Rafes heart started racing when seeing that she was wearing one of his shirts that went past her knees and still wore the jewerly he gave her. "Rafe?" She was shocked to see him considering it's been about three months since they broke up. Once she opened the door he realized that he isn't her problem anymore and he never should've came. "I-I'm sorry I shouldn't be here." He went to turn around but she grabbed his hand and pulled him into her house.
"Rafe, what happened?" Her hand reached up to caress his cheek that had the gash on it frowning up at him, upset at the fact that he purposefully wasn't blocking punches. "Got into a fight." He whispered as they went up to her bathroom to clean him up. "About what?" "Y-You." He said nervously as she swung around to look at him. "What'd they say?" Rafe was surprised that she wasn't yelling at him and moved to sit on the toilet seat cover so she would be able to reach his face. "He was going to play you to be able to fuck you then leave." He heard her sigh instantly regretting telling her. "Rafe you don't have to fight to defend me. But if you do, you better win." She giggled taking his face in her hands to clean his gash trying to contain herself since she was so close to him. The sound of her giggle made Rafe smile, and not a bullshit smile like he's been doing for the past three months but a real genuine smile. The type of smile that made crinkles appear next to his eyes.
"I always win." His voice was laced with cockiness as the corner of his lip curled.
"Sure doesn't look like it." She smirked killing his cockiness and he frowned while rolling his eyes. "You doing okay?" She instinctively ran her hand through his hair like she used to when she cleaned his wounds while they were dating. She was still in love with him but his drug addiction got to be too much for her to deal with. She noticed how his body untensed at her touch and his eyes closing at the soothing feeling that he's missed. "Yeah, thank you for this. I'm sorry for making you do this." He whispered the last part. "You're not making me do anything Rafe. If I didn't want to help you I wouldn't have let you in." "Yeah but I'm not your problem to fix anymore." "You're not a problem Rafe, I'll always be here for you." It was quiet between them until it came time to clean his knuckles.
"This is gonna sting bab- Rafe." She corrected herself mentally slapping herself. It was safe to say that Y/N obviously has missed Rafe too. There was slight hope in his eyes that tonight might be the night that he could possibily get her back. She grabbed his hand her eyes mindlessly trailing over his hands and the veins popping out, and god the blood on his knuckles made dirty thoughts appear especially since it was in her honor. "So uh I ran into Top and Kelce a few days ago and they told me that you gave up the drugs." She knew it was bold to say but she wanted to know if it was really true. "Yeah about two and a half months ago." She smiled nodding, she had missed him and she was hoping this could be the start of something again. "I'm proud of you Rafe, that's a big accomplishment." He tried to not let the huge smile take over his face but failed.
"I did it for you." Her heart melted at this but then all the pain he put her through came flooding back into her head. She was happy that he was off the drugs but mad at the fact that he couldn't do it when they were together. "Rafe....I-" She paused her hands coming up to rub her face as she turned to walk away confused with herself. Her heart wanted him but her mind told her not to forgive him so easily. "Y/N I know I should've done this for you earlier and I'm sorry I didn't I'm sorry for every fucking thing I put you through." She turned around to face him jumping slightly at how close he was. "I never ever should've done that to you." He stepped closer to her looking down at her as she looked up at him biting the inside of her cheek.
Her heart was racing at how close he was and how he was staring down at her and she could see the regret in his eyes. "No you shouldn't have." She swallowed the lump in her throat as his hand caressed her cheek gently pushing her against the bathroom wall trapping her in. "I'm so sorry Y/N, I still love you." He whispered against her lips. "I still love you Rafe, just please don't hurt me this time." She knew it was pathetic to say but she didn't care, she was willing to give him one more chance and only one. "I swear on everything I won't hurt you." "You get one more chance Rafe." She said sternly putting a finger up as he smiled grabbing her hand and kissing it.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." He placed kisses all over her face making her giggle cutely. "I'm going to give you the world." He kissed her cheek before kissing her lips letting himself melt into it. "Pick out a movie baby, I'm going to order food for us." He kissed her lips once more before she disappeared into her bedroom turning her tv on as Rafe called the local pizza place that he knew she loved. Once she chose a movie, she turned on her led lights lighting a candle and waiting for Rafe.
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Yandere in the apocalypse
Diving in deep
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M!Yandere X F!Reader
Warning: Mentions of both voyeurism and masturbation, there is also stalking, murder and a lot of jealousy.
Summary: While watching you bathing in the lake he slips and accidentally (almost) exposes himself.
He would be hands down horny for you all the time. There was one time that always slips into his mind whenever he allows himself a moment to jack off. His mind keeps going back to that moment, thinking about the curve of your body, the swell of your ass and breasts. 
And that moment is the day you and the girls took a well-overdue bath in the lake. It was a hot day and everyone was sweating bullets. The rays of the sun keep everything still and quiet in the shades. The only sounds that could be heard were the laughter and the joyful splashing of water. 
Aaron back up in a tree, is watching contently. His leg is still hurting and he has half a mind to cause some trouble to the group. Stir things up. But not today. Today he wants to focus on you. Though half of him would have seen you without the shielding fabric of your bra and panties and the other half is happy that you do wear it. He can tell how some of the guys glance your way—especially one of them. 
Fuck what an obnoxious name for an obnoxious guy. He has been taking charge for some time now. Bossing the group around and making bad decisions. Though he seems to be well-liked by your group, they would never be able to survive in these conditions without someone to tell them what to do. Sheep. 
You too seem to like him. But you're an exception. Where the others are sheep you are a devoter. Through your actions, you show appreciation for your leader. No matter who, and in different circumstances, you would realize the flaws that Xavier possesses and who would be truly devoted to you, care for you and protect you.  
Aaron constantly shifts his position. Things ache and chafe but it's worth it. He can pull through another hour if it means to get the first parquet to the show. You and your friends laugh and play for another half an hour until things start to die down. People keep to themself, wash up and get ready to get on with the day. 
But you're not really ready yet. You get one of the towels that the group had brought on for the swim, wrap it around you and walk back out into the water. Only letting the cool water wrap around your ankles. 
You walk along the shore, finding peace in the moment. Aaron too finds peace for once. Imagine a life just the two of you, how he’ll make you a cottage by a lake just like this, or the sea. Whatever you prefer. He would return home after ‘hunting’ all day to find you've made him a nice meal and after that, the two of you wouldn't leave each other's side all night. 
But then you walk out of sight. As you walk further and further away the branches get in the way. Desperate for just a few more minutes of observing you, he makes the crucial mistake of leaning on the wrong branch. Before he has time to react it snaps and he heads for the forest floor. 
There is no time to be hurt now. He can hear concerned voices growing closer. He gets up and doesn't even look back before he jogs as fast as he can with his limp through the forest. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
This is not how he wanted to introduce himself to you. Being the creep spying on you while you bathe? Hell no.
So despite the pain, the old wounds and the new all of which have to wait. Luckily the forest grows a lot denser here, making whoever is pursuing him slow down. 
It's a man. By the sound of the footsteps, it's only him. 
He is getting closer and closer, a fight might be the only solution. But with both a weaker physique and the wounds from the fall, he is the underdog. He won't be even close to taking Xavier in a real fight. 
So he keeps limping forward. The sharp branches whipped his face. 
Until he can practically feel his presence closing in. And he knows even before he grabs hold of Aaron's arm that he does. He janks it back and Aaron wips around before he falls over, sticks and pine cones cutting into his back. 
“Okey…” Xavier fights to catch his breath. “Listen, I'm not here to hurt you, just talk.” He holds his hands up and smiles, trying hard to look peaceful. 
The sentence makes his blood immediately boil. How can he be so passive? Had Aaron not just been spying on them? Is he not considered a big enough threat? How can he tell from this single encounter? 
Yeah, he had just clumseöy fall down from a tree and yes, he was recently shot and had been limping away as fast as he could. 
But had it been any other time he could have taken him. 
He has been spying on them for weeks, memorizing everything about these people. All in the name of being one step ahead of them at all times. All their weaknesses and strengths. None of that was for nothing. 
So it's here it clicks. He knows what he has to do.
“I'm sorry, I… I didn't mean to…I didn't know how to approach.”
“It's okay brother. I know what it's like out there, we are all just trying to keep ourselves safe and if you were checking us out to see if we are decent then that's fine. Totally okay and hey, I'm sure there are no hard feelings amongst the others.” Xaviers smile makes him want to vomit. 
“You think so?” He makes sure his tone sounds more weak than the disgust he is feeling within. 
“I know it! Here, what's your name?” Xavier holds out his hand to help him up. Aaron takes his hand and seizes the opportunity to attack. As Aaron gets on his feet he grabs hold of Xaviers arm. In one swift motion, Aaron takes out his pocket knife and stabs it in his side. Still holding Xaviers right hand he has no way of defending himself. He stabs him multiple times before Xavier falls down wailing in pain. 
“Names Aaron.” He says through gritted teeth. “And just so you know, this is not the first time I've been watching your little group, in fact, I've been creeping around after you guys for weeks. This is my real first time fuck up, but there have been other times when you could have spotted me but didn't. Just another added reason why you're not cut out for this.” 
“You're insane!”
“Am I? I could have killed you just now, but I didn't. Not just yet at least. I wanted to tell you something before I do. Y/N is who I'm here for, the only one I care about and I am going to kill anyone who stands in my way.” Xavier desperately tries to crawl away as Aaron couches down beside him but to no use. Aaron grabs a good chunk of hair to hold him in place, the blood loss weakening him by the moment. 
“Staring here, with you.” 
With a swift motion of the knife to his throat their conversation comes to an end. There is a gurgling sound before quiet fills the forest. Aaron wipes off the knife as he hears Xaviers' names being called in the distance. It's not long until they are here. 
In the following weeks, things started to look up for him. None of the members had been able to get a good look at who the mystic man in the trees where so Xaviers murderer stays a mystery. Next, his wounds are looking better each day. Though your group can only be described as mourning Aaron has never felt so liberated before. Taking out competition always feels nice. However, the only negative part of this is that you seem much sadder than usual. Despite the reason behind it Aaron can't other than want to comfort you, hug you and tell you to forget him. Take him into your heart instead. 
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barefoothighlander · 1 year
mary on a cross - hero of the day
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-simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
-warnings: violence, death, smut (mdni), unprotected p-in-v, oral (fem rec), creampie, simon has a dirty mouth, mentions of alcohol, mentions of domestic violence (nothing graphic)
-word count: 6k
-summary: as you and simons relationship grows, outside forces conspire to reveal his secret, leading to him having to protect you by any means necessary. mercenary au
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a/n: ok so I finally got around to playing mw 2019 and I fear a Price phase is coming on so... we'll see what happens. Not proofread, sorry for any grammatical errors
The mornings you and Simon woke up to were very different, yours was filled with a warm breeze from the window and a sense of comfort, not only from your bed but from your current life. You were happy, finally, it took years for you to gain the strength to leave but now that you’ve created the life you wanted, you felt content, secure. Simon’s morning was filled with dread, he barely slept that night, deciding to rather spend his time pacing his bedroom after he hung up the phone with Johnny, the two of them had worked together a few years prior, before Simon’s retirement and they had grown rather close, even using the term friends sometimes (though Johnny used it far more liberally than Simon). But it had been years since the two talked, not for any specific reason, just that Johnny had remained in the force and Simon grew used to living a life of solitude, not bothering to call Johnny over the years. He didn’t have Johnny’s number saved in his phone, but he wouldn’t mistake that voice anywhere, that obnoxious Scottish accent that he swears pierces his skull. It was a shock for Simon, being so cautious with his past time having everyone including the local police confused, but Johnny knew him, they had been through war together, he knew all of his moves, his favourite weapons, the only thing he didn’t know was the why.
“What are you doing going about killing civvies?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about MacTavish” Simon responds, trying to keep his breathing regular as to know alert Johnny
“Bullshit LT, it’s you, I've seen you kill enough men to know what it looks like” He takes a beat, “I’m not gonna turn you in”
Simon almost sighs in relief.
“I just want to know why, you left the force years ago, I’d thought your violent years were behind you, hell if you wanted to kill you should’ve stayed”
“They’re bad people Johnny”
“They always are”
“They’re not innocent, I just wanted people- innocent people to be safe”
The two men sit on the phone in silence for a few minutes, neither one daring to speak.
“I’ll see you in the morning LT,” Johnny says before hanging up.
Simon sat in his bed, his heartbeat in his ears, fuck he’ll ask more questions, he gets up and begins pacing slowly back and forth, you’ll ask questions. He never wanted to tell you about his past, he didn’t want to scare you, he knew you’d look at him differently if you knew what his military file had in it, he knew you’d run far away if you knew what his current past-time was, he couldn’t have Johnny talking to you it would ruin everything, he needed a way to get rid of Johnny without him giving away his secret, and without raising your suspicions.
Rather than sit anxiously in bed all morning Simon had gone to the gym beside the pub, it wasn't a large commercial gym by any means, but it had punching bags, and that was more than he could ask for, reposting to work out some of his stress on the large bags he threw punch after punch till his already sore knuckles were swollen and red. Deciding that he had inflicted enough pain on himself for the day he grabbed his bag and made his way back to the pub, going to turn the key in the lock before realizing it was already open. Immediately Simon went into fight mode, prepared to attack whoever decided to trespass onto the property, his trance only broken by the sound of laughter, your laughter, his shoulders untensed as he pushed the door open to find you, head thrown back in laughter, smile wide and bright, and him, next to you. 
You turn your attention from Johnny towards the door, eyes locking on the large looming figure advancing towards you.
“Good morning,” you say, smiling as wide as ever. Simon's gaze shifts between you and Johnny.
“Sleep well?” Johnny asks, a smirk on his face as he sips his coffee, Simon ignores his questions.
“Johnny said he knew you from the force, figured I’d let him in before we open so he could say hi” 
Simon spares a tight-lipped smile in your direction, “Yea we um, worked together for a bit”
Johnny fakes insult, “Just wanted to check in LT, finally got leave so I’m back for a bit”
Simon gives a curt nod as he busies himself cleaning glasses, you sense the tension in the air.
“I’m gonna go get some coffee, did either of you want anything”
“No” “I’ll take a tea lass” both of the men respond, you smile and make your way out the door.
“You shouldn’t be here Johnny”
“She’s sweet”
Simon turns his gaze to stare daggers at Johnny as a smirk creeps up on his face
“You like her” Johny asks, though it’s not a question
“She’s not a part of this”
“So she doesn’t know?”
“No one does”
Johnny nods his head looking around the room before continuing.
“Are you going it for money?”
“Then what?”
Simon sighs, “When I got back, I spent a week just sitting in my flat, watching the news, trying to catch up on whatever I’d missed. The people, the children that were being harmed, I couldn’t just watch it happen.”
“So it’s about your family”
Before Simon can respond you walk back in, tray of drinks in your hand.
“I know you said you didn’t want anything but I figured I’d get you some anyway”
Johnny watches as Simon's body untenses at the mere sight of you, glancing at his eyes that are practically heart-shaped. You place the drinks atop the bar and both men reach to grab theirs, Simon mumbling a soft thank you in your direction.
“Oi doll, could you grab some extra glasses from the back,” Simon asks, you nod at him and turn to walk towards the backroom.
“Let me help you,” Johnny says, Simon furrows his brows.
“I don’t need your help, Johnny”
“Right, what happens if you get caught?”
“I won’t”
“You don’t even exist technically, you get caught an the whole team gets investigated”
“I won’t get caught” Simon stands stern as Johnny shakes his head in disbelief. “You should go”
“Right” Johnny gives him a sad look, “I’m off lass!” he shouts to you. You poke your head around the corner.
“Already? Well alright, don’t be a stranger” you say with a smile as Johnny gives you a wave turning away to exit.
“I’ll be in town,” he says to Simon, it’s more of a warning.
Simon feels his mind flush with a million thoughts at once as soon as Johnny leaves.
“So, the weirdest thing happened last night,” you say, moving back into your seat at the bar, Simon gives a hmm in acknowledgement, keeping his attention on cleaning the bar.
“News said they found two bodies on a street close to here, just freaked me out cause I take that street home”
“Right, and remember how I was telling you about those guys following me” You wait for his nod, “It was the same street, can’t be a coincidence”
Simon feels his pulse start to race, there’s no way she thinks it’s me. You shake your head
“I don’t know, just weird. Guess I have to find a new route home”
“I can take you home,” Simon says a little too quickly
“No I don’t want to be a burden, I don’t live far anyway���
“You could never be a burden”
You feel your cheeks flush a little, looking toward your feet.
The two of you enter a comfortable silence, going about your tasks individually, but always within reach of each other. The day was slow, with a handful of people coming in once and a while to get a few drinks, by midnight it was dead quiet, you and Simon occupying yourselves with quiet conversation that was mostly one-sided.
“Top five books,” you say
“What?” Simon responds with a raised brow
“What are your top five books, I’ve noticed you reading in the mornings”
He gives a small nod, “Not sure, maybe dorian gray, hell’s angels, jekyll and hyde, moby dick, and jane eyre.
“You’ve read jane eyre”
“A few times yeah”
“Cute, no books about war?”
“Feels strange to read about it when you’ve lived through them”
“Them? Like multiple”
“What are yours” He changes the topic quickly
“Doesn’t matter” you say and he smirks.
He looks outside to the dark street, “We should probably get you home”
You nod and gather your bag, Simon walks beside you, locking the pub before the two of you make your way to the street, he places a soft hand on your waist to guide you in a different direction, and you feel heat flush your body from the contact. The two of you turn a corner and walk to a small alley beside the pub where a motorcycle is sitting.
“You ride a motorcycle,” you ask almost amused. He huffs a laugh at the question urging you closer as he turns the key in the ignition, you hear the bike roar to life as Simon turns to place a helmet on your head, securing it before sitting on the bike, he waits for you to get on the back. You nervously place your hands on his shoulders, unaware of how to sit, he reaches back for your arms, pulling them tight over his stomach and forcing your chest to press against his back. You try to stop yourself from feeling over the strong muscles of his stomach, he turns the bike to make his way down the alley onto the street, speeding up as he enters onto the road. You cling to him and he can’t fight the smile that creeps up on his lips, he revels in your touch no matter the circumstances, he liked that you were holding on to him so tightly seeking safety. The ride to your flat was short but exciting, Simon driving more cautiously than he normally would. He parks the bike outside your building as you remove the helmet passing it to him, you smooth your hair from your face before thanking him and making your way to your door.
You close the door behind you and fall against the wall trying to come to terms with what you were feeling, you didn’t want to take your hands off him, you wanted to press further into his flesh and let your hands roam all over him. You think about exploring his body, feeling his muscles under your palms, his fingers digging into your hips and heat pools in your lower stomach, you bite your lip and in a surge of confidence you open your door again to see him leaning against the bike, smoking a cigarette. You lock eyes and he quirks his head.
“Did you want to come in?” you ask sheepishly and without a second thought he throws his cigarette to the pavement and closes the space between you. It happened so quickly, the door was pushed open and he grabbed your face with both hands, not wasting a minute in attaching his lips to yours, his kisses are feverish, and tongue and teeth and he closes the door with a kick of his leg and moves you back against the wall, he leaves your lips to plant wet kisses down your neck and collarbone as your hands roam over his shoulders, chest, back, any part of him you could reach. You feel his weight press against you as he lifts you up against the wall, lips returning to yours as his tongue begs entry and you oblige. The two of you are a mess of gasps and moans, trying to catch any breath between the kisses, he begins walking you down the small hallway as you direct him to the bedroom in between kisses.
He drops you onto the mattress, lips never leaving yours as you arch your back to lift your shirt and he does the same giving your hands full access to paw at his skin, you feel your fingers over his littered scars you’ll ask later. He reaches down the hem of your pants, looking to you for permission, you nod and attach your lips to his neck as he undresses you, your arms reaching behind your back to remove your bra. You’re left in just your panties, laying on the bed, lips swollen and eyes blown wide in lust while Simon takes a step back to admire you muttering curses under his breath that bring a rosy tint to your cheeks. He kneels down and places a trail of kisses across your bare stomach as your fingers find their way to his scalp, raking through his hair, his fingers come to curl around your underwear before peeling them down your legs as he looks over your dripping pussy.
“Christ, so wet already”
You blush and he smirks before diving in, licking thick stripes up your slit, lapping up every drip he can, teasing it with his fingers before pushing them into you, he’d take his time later, he wanted you, needed to feel you come apart on him. Your head is thrown back, slurs of moans leaving your lips as your fingers grip his hair in an attempt to ground yourself. The combination of his fingers and expert tongue bring you to your peak quickly, your chest tightening as your high builds.
“That’s right pretty girl, cum for me, cum on my fingers”
You let out a loud gasp of his name as you reach your climax, he licks you through it, replacing his fingers with his tongue in order to swallow every last bit of your high. He places a few more kitten licks to your swollen pussy before moving up to entrap you between his arms, reaching down to kiss you.
“Taste so sweet,” he says reaching down to unbutton his pants before taking them off. You glance at his throbbing cock through his boxers, it’s big, bigger than you’ve taken before. He reads your eyes,
“S’alright doll, I’ll be gentle”
“No,” you say but it comes out as a whimper, “want you to fuck me, hard”
A smirk creeps onto his face as he grips your waist, flipping you onto all fours, you’ve barely caught your breath, limbs weak as you try to hold yourself up. He grabs a handful of your ass, placing kisses down your spine before bending to bit lightly at the meat of your ass, you let out a small yelp and he kisses over the skin, teasing the head of his cock through your puffy lips. He plants a firm grip at your hip before pushing into you, letting out a moan. You let out a curt fuck as he pushes in, leaning down to encase you, planting a palm next to your shoulder before he begins slowly pumping into you inch by inch.
“Doing so well love, just a little more”
You can’t help the breathless moans that escape your lips. He bottoms out with a large breath that you feel fanning over your cheek, your arms give out as your face falls in contact with the bed. He pulls himself back up to trace his palm between your shoulder blades as he continues pumping into you. As your pussy adjusts to the size of him you begin moving your body back against him in time with his thrusts, feeling the tip of his cock prodding at your cervix. He brings both hands to knead at the flesh of your ass, spreading the cheeks apart to get a clear view of him fucking you.
“Fucking hell, feel so good love”
He picks up his pace and you hear your headboard colliding with the wall behind it, drool pooling on the sheets under your mouth as you cry out his name.
“That’s right baby, say my name”
“Si- Simon fuck”
He reaches a hand around to toy with your clit and you feel your muscles constrict around his length.
“Fuck squeezin' me so tight”
He reaches a hand around your throat and pulls you upright, your back arched and flush with his chest as he holds you against him, your hands coming to grab at his thick forearm in an attempt to keep yourself upright. You can’t think, your mind clouded with only him, his scent is intoxicating, all you can feel is him. He brings you to your peak, sucking at your neck hard enough that it was sure to leave a mark as you moan into his ear.
“Yes fuck, right there, please Simon”
“Yea, that feel good love”
You nod.
“Words baby”
“Yes God please”
He continues thrusting into you, fingers circling your clit faster as that familiar coil burns in your lower abdomen.
“Shit I’m gonna cum”
“Yea? Fuck cum on me, wanna feel you squeeze my cock”
And you do, you come undone in his arms, your pussy soaking his cock and he fucks you through your second high, never slowing his pace. When you finally come down you’ve lost all control of your body, your thoughts are fuzzy as he flips you onto your back and pushes back into you, bringing your knees to your chest and holding them there. You can’t form words, body overstimulated from your orgasms.
“Not gonna last, where do you want me”
“Inside please, need to feel you,” you say but it comes out as a whisper.
He can’t deny you, not when he has you under him, completely lost in him, begging for his cum, his muscles tense as he slows his thrusts, spilling his hot seed deep into you with a deep grunt. He releases your legs but keeps himself inside, leaning down to kiss your glistening neck, he stays there for a while, both of you catching your breath, basking in the warmth of him.
He removes his softening cock from you and watches as the mixture of both your orgasms spills out before leaving to grab you a warm towel. He runs it over your body, careful to not hit your overstimulated clit before tossing it to the laundry bin and settling down next to you, you reach for him nuzzling into his broad chest as his arm moves to hold you close to him, lips pressed to the crown of your head.
“Can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to do that” he says and you giggle into his chest, hands roaming to feel over his scars.
“They’re old, wounds from when I served,” he says as you glance up at him, “knew you were gonna ask at some point”
You smile, reaching up to kiss him, head falling back against the pillow as he brings his hands the push your hair out of your face, you stare into his eyes, his face gives nothing away but his eyes, they’re full of emotion, he looks at you like you hold the world. You feel yourself growing tired as you cuddle back into him,
“Stay here,” you say
“Okay”, you feel the deep rumble of his voice through his chest as you close your eyes letting the warmth of him comfort you into sleep.
The two of you are woken to the loud noise of banging at your door, you open your eyes slowly, your limbs are tangled between Simon’s as his arms hold you close, cursing to yourself that you’d have to leave him. You move from his chest and throw on some pants and his shirt, making your way to the door, opening it your heart falls to the floor.
“Alex” your chest feels empty, why was he here, how did he find you?
“Hey babe”
You shake your head trying to close the door but he places his foot in the way.
“Can we just talk”
“No - I left for a reason” You glance back at Simon in your bed, still asleep. “You need to leave”
He follows your eyes, “Is someone here” The tone in his voice grows angrier as he pushes the door to let himself in, you stumble back.
“Alex please, go home I don’t want you here” you beg as tears prick your eyes, it had taken everything in you to leave him and here he was in your apartment.
“Who the fuck is that” he yells turning back to you, invading your space and forcing your body to move back against the wall as your arms come up to plead defence.
“You leave me and move here to fuck some other guy, you fucking slut”
“Alex please”
His hand makes firm contact with the wall beside your head, making you flinch as your tears start to flow down your cheeks.
“What is wrong with you, I gave you everything”
Before you can object a deep voice calls from the other side of the room.
“I’d back off if I were you”
You look up, eyes locking on Simon’s and you can see the anger that's burning it’s way to the surface
“Seriously, hey just fuck off man this doesn’t concern you,” your ex says, turning his attention towards the large man.
“It concerns me plenty,” Simon says crossing the room to tower over Alex
“Simon please” you beg, he can see in your eyes that you don’t want him to hurt Alex, but every fibre of his being wants to kill him, slit his throat and throw his body into some alley for the rats to feed on. Alex puffs his chest and pushes at Simon with his hands, he doesn’t move an inch, tilting his head down to glare at your ex's face.
“You need to leave”
“You fucking leave, she’s my girlfriend”
Simon feels his anger come to a tipping point as he grabs Alex’s neck and shoves him against a wall, your quiet pleas lost in his fit of rage. Alex brushes him off, sparing you a final glance.
“This isn’t over, I’ll be back,” he says before leaving, slamming the door behind him hard enough that you jump. You sink backwards against the wall.
“Are you alright?” Simon asks scanning your body for any evidence that you were hurt.
You shake your head, “You shouldn’t have done that”
“He was hurting you-”
“No Simon, you don’t understand, he’s not going to stop, he followed me here” Your cheeks are stained with tears, your breath heavy.
“Then I’ll deal with him,” he says slowly bringing his hands to hold your face as you stare up at him. God help any man who tried to hurt you in his presence, “I promise, he’s never going to touch you again”
You sniffle, trying to catch your breath as he wraps his arms to hold you, this was just another person he’d have to take care of, he’d kill everyone if it meant keeping you safe. The two of you stand in the living room, not a word shared between you as he just continues to hold you, shushing your quiet sobs, placing tender kisses on the crown of your head. You felt safe in his arms, your anxiety settling as his palms caress over your spine.
“I’ll kill ‘em if I have to”
You release a giggle, as Simon smiles but he’s being serious. After a few minutes, the two of you continue your morning, Simon making tea as he doesn’t trust you to do it properly while you stand in the shower, letting the warm water ease your tense muscles.
You jump as the curtain pulls back, Simon’s head popping in, eyes lingering on your naked form.
“Take a picture why don’t you”
“Don’t tempt me”
You laugh at his remark.
“I’ve gotta head over to the pub” his eyes full of lust, every bit of him trying hard to not jump in the shower with you, “I’ll see you over there in a bit yea?” 
You nod leaning over to kiss him, biting lightly at his lower lip.
“Minx,” he says and splashes some of the water at you.
Simon leaves and you continue with your morning, drying off from the shower and getting dressed for work. You weren’t sure how the new dynamic would work, you had always found Simon attractive but this was new, you’d never slept with someone you had to see every day. You didn’t know if this was a one-time thing, you hoped it wasn’t but Simon wasn’t the best about vocalizing his emotions, you didn’t want to just come out and ask, so you’d have to wait, test the waters, see how he felt about you.
By noon you had made your way to the pub, the cool air inside a welcome sensation after your walk in the warm air outside, you settle your things, peeking around the corner to try and find him.
No response, maybe he was upstairs, you’d never been to his flat and it felt strange to just invite yourself in so you stayed in the pub, finding tasks to complete while you waited for him. A few minutes pass and you hear a loud crash from upstairs.
“Si?” you yell, hoping it’s him upstairs and not some robber, silence fills the next minute before you see him emerge from the back door looking a little dishevelled.
“Hey love, make it here okay?” he asks placing a kiss on your lips. You’re a little taken aback at his quick pace.
“Yeah fine, what was that noise”
He looks over to you taking a beat, “Knocked a chair over, was rushing around too quick I guess”
You nod, not fully believing him but trusting him enough that you didn’t pry further. The two of you fell into routine, pouring drinks for regulars, restocking liquor, cleaning glasses, having small conversations between customers.
“I’ve gotta check something in the flat, I’ll be back quick,” he says rushing up the back stairs.
You occupy yourself cleaning as you hear more noise from upstairs, deciding you needed to check it out for yourself. You make your way up the back stairs, slowly opening the door to the flat peering inside. It wasn’t anything spectacular, essentially just one large room, a bed at the far wall in front of a window, there was a small kitchen tucked against another wall, everything was very clean, it looked like he never used the furniture. You look around for him as you step into the room, following the sound of his heavy breaths around a corner, he’s standing at a large window looking out, a creak in the floor alerts him to your presence.
“Hey, sorry not as quick as I thought”
You look around, nothing is out of place so what was all the noise?
“It’s alright, just heard banging, didn’t know if you needed help with something”
“Huh? Oh- no was just looking for something, forgot where I’d placed it”
“Placed what”
He looks at you, jaw slack as he tries to think of a response.
“My tags, dog tags, wanted to throw them in with the rest of my stuff just couldn’t remember where they were”
You glance over, eyes locking on his bedside table, you flick your head in their direction.
“Found ‘em”
He huffs a laugh, crossing the room to pick them up, toying with them in his hands before moving over to you. He glances down at you, raising his arms to place the chain around your neck, you stare up at him, quirking your brow.
“Look better on you” he says, leaning to kiss your forehead. 
Your fingers come up to fiddle with the tags, eyeing them over, Lt. Simon Riley, well at least you knew his last name now.
“Did you close up”
You shake your head.
“Right well, meet you outside in 5. I’ll drive you home”
He begins walking away,
“Why don’t we stay here tonight,” you ask and he stops in his tracks, “Easier that way, don’t have to wake up any earlier to get to work”
He thinks it through in his head, he’s never had anyone in his flat, let alone stay the night, but it’s you.
“Yea alright, just give me a minute to close downstairs”
You nod, taking the time to further explore the space. Lots of books, a guitar sat in the corner, no pictures, he had barely anything on the shelves, it looked like he only used the space to sleep if that, the bed was perfectly made, not a single wrinkle in the sheets. You strip your body of your clothes, rummaging through his drawers to find a shirt, throwing it over your form as you settle into the bed, senses overtaken by his scent that lingers on the pillows. Simon steps back into the room, eyes landing on your half-naked form,
“Very,” you say, stretching your limbs over the mattress as you feel it dip from his weight. He lays back and you crawl over him, legs caging his hips as his arms secure themselves around your back, chin nuzzled into your neck.
You revel in his warmth as he places light kisses over the skin not covered by his shirt, making his way to nip at your neck eliciting a small moan from you. You crane your neck to bring your lips to his, kissing him softly as his hands move down to grab at your ass. Your kisses become feverish as you feel yourself grow needier, light pushing your lips against him, Simon moves to kiss along your jaw, lips settling under your ear.
“What do you want pretty girl”
“You, need you,” you say through gasps, grinding yourself down onto his hardening cock
“Need me to what”
“Need to feel you, need to feel your cock inside me”
“Atta girl” He grips your hips with bruising strength as he grinds you back and forth against him, your hands moving to plant on his chest as your clit catches on the fabric of his boxers.
He moves you at a brutal pace and you can feel the arousal pooling in your lower stomach.
“Soakin’ me already baby, you gonna cum just from grinding on me”
You bite your lip, nodding as the sensation takes over your body, your legs tensing as you dig your nails into his flesh, your slick leaking from your orgasm, soaking through your panties onto his hard length.
He lifts you off him, pulling his boxers down, his throbbing length slapping at the skin of his lower abdomen.
“Wanna ride you” you say breathlessly as Simon smirks.
You push yourself up, lining his cock up with your weeping cunt before settling down on him, taking him slowly, gasping at the stretch. His hands grab at your shirt, lifting it over your head before his lips move to kiss at your breasts, tongue teasing over your hard nipple as your fingers rest on his shoulders stabilizing you. Once you settled you begin bouncing slowly up and down his cock, your juices leaking down pooling at the base, and coating his pubic hair. He leans back, hands on your hips encouraging you to continue, he thrusts up abruptly, forcing your body forward, hands planting on his firm chest and you continue to ride him, the friction from his pubes hitting just the right spot that you’re able to grind your clit against him
“That’s right pretty girl, use me, make yourself cum on my cock”
You lean down to kiss him and his arms wrap around your back, holding you to him as he plants his feet against the mattress and begins thrusting up into you at a brutal pace, your head falls to his neck as choked sobs escape your lips. You bite down on the meat of his shoulder, hands grasping at the sheets as he continues to fuck you.
“Fuck - look at me, wanna see you when you make a mess all over my cock”
You arch your back, head coming to rest against his forehead as you stare down at him, your jaw’s fallen open, strings of moans escaping as he reaches to kiss you, forcing his tongue into your mouth as he continues his assault on your pussy.
“Fuck, m’gonna cum”
“That’s right, good girl, wanna feel you squeeze me”
He latches his lips to yours, swallowing the moans that come from your orgasm, fucking you through it at a brutal pace as he chases his own high.
“Fuck you feel so good, so tight” He groans eyes locking onto where your bodies meet, mesmerized at the sight of your pussy swallowing his large cock. You dig your nails into his shoulders as he grips tightly around you, thrusting a few more times until he lets out a loud moan and you feel your pussy being filled by his warm seed, pumping a few more times, letting you milk him dry as your foreheads come into contact again, the two of you rest against each other trying to catch your breath, he places a kiss to your lips before slowly rolling you over onto your side, holding you tight to his chest where you plant kisses over his scars.
You fall asleep quickly, your body tired and mind quiet at the sensation of Simon's breaths against your cheek, he listens to your breathing, his own mind racing with thoughts. He had followed your ex from your flat, conveniently walking down the street near the pub as Simon invited him in for a drink and a chat, Alex had obliged entering the doors before Simon locked them and wrapped his arms around his neck effectively incapacitating Alex, he wasn’t thinking, all he could feel was his anger, he hated him for hurting you, hating the fact that he had even been able to touch you even more, you were his, no one would touch you except him. He had dragged Alex’s body up the short flight of stairs into his flat, positioning him near the bathroom, giving him time to wake up before continuing his assault, he wanted him to feel every hit, every bruise and ache that would remind him not to go near you, Simon landed blow after blow to his body, blood spitting from his mouth pooling under his head. He didn’t mean to kill him, but somewhere along the way, his sight turned black, his fists moving on their own accord coming into contact with Alex’s head.
Simon stood back, catching his breath now fully aware of what he had done, ignorant to your presence downstairs he grabbed the body leaving it in the bathtub, he would come back later when his head was clear to clean up.
When he finally returned upstairs later he knew he had to be quick, wrapping the body and tossing it out the window into the alley behind, he knew the routine of the sanitation workers, he had enough time to take you home and come back to responsibly dispose of your ex so that no one would know it was him. What he didn’t account for was you, standing in his flat as his hands were wet with soapy water from cleaning the blood off the floor, he panicked, he couldn’t lie to you, he wanted you to trust him, but his instinct to protect you from who he really was took over.
He never planned on giving you his tags, but seeing the smile on your face after he put them on you he can’t picture you without them, a chain around your neck with his name, a visible marker to let him know that you wanted him just as much as he wanted you.
He couldn’t sleep, even with the comfort of your body next to his, he had to clean up before you noticed anything. Carefully he removed himself from your arms, watching the way you tucked into yourself at the loss of warmth, he made his way over to the window to look upon the corpse, devising a plan that would allow him to get rid of it only for his eyes to focus on an empty alley.
The body was gone?
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billluver0124 · 17 days
"once more to see you.."
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Narrators POV:
Imagine being who you are and being open about it. Having pride in who you've become when you entered this world and not living in fear. Sounds great right? I wonder what it's like too.
I hope you are brave enough to be who you are and love whoever the hell you want. Since I couldn't, being afraid made me lose the only person that could fill the empty void I had for so long. That void becomes bigger and bigger everyday. I'm losing hope for love.
It all started back in 2007...
"fuck.." he moaned out, the feeling of y/n grinding his neediness on Bill's lap was driving him nuts. He pulls y/n in, entrapping them in a wet passionate kiss. But this little make out was cut short with the sound of Bill's mother coming home.
"s-shit!" he muttered, pushing y/n to leave Bill's room through the windows, So his mom wouldn't see y/n. So no one would see him. So no one would see two boys making out; two boys in love.
This whole thing had been happening for months now, y/n and bill would meet up somewhere private and be themselves with each other, hold each other, kiss each other. But it all had to stay private because the world can't handle something like that. Two people of the same gender, being in love.
Especially not for Bill, he had a reputation to uphold. Being a musician has its pros, but with every pro comes double the cons. One wrong move and his entire career is over, it's like one long excruciating game of poker. But instead of gambling money, you're gambling your entire life. He's gotta play the cards right to stay in the game, if not, he could lose everything. But he's not gay...y/n and him are just friends...right?
The next day they met up again,what's so special about that? they do it every day, kiss, hug, make out? but this time was different, y/n just had to say what was on his mind today...the last time Bill would ever speak to y/n ever again.
"what is this?" he blurted out, holding it in was eating him alive. "what're you talking about?" asked Bill, his confused eyebrow making an appearance. "this..us..why are we still hiding?" y/n spoke, his eyes pleading for Bill to answer. "we're not hiding from anything..we're friends, just hanging out y'know?" y/n's stomach dropped to his ass. Just friends..? "friends don't do the things we do Bill.." "well we aren't together..I'm not gay y/n you know that." Hearing Bill say those words triggered tears in y/n's eyes. "so I don't mean anything to you..? at all?" Bill started to get annoyed now "what the hell are you even talking about?" "Bill, you told me you loved me..we've kissed, made out, we've cuddled..I even trusted you so much I let you touch my body bare..naked. That means nothing to you?"
"It's just something me and you do..it's a casual thing we do." Broken glass, the sound similar to y/n's own heart breaking by Bill's words. the sound of broken glass.
"why are you so afraid?" "what?" Bill was caught off guard by y/n's question. "why are you so afraid of this..of us?" he asked, "we could run away to a place where we don't have to hide anymore Bill..go on walks in the cities together..not having to hide anymore. I'm tired of hiding Bill." Bill started to become really annoyed, "dude I don't know how many times I have to tell you this, but I'm not gay, we aren't together and the things we do are just casual things..we aren't in love y/n." he said those words so carelessly, like it doesn't have an impact on y/n's feelings. y/n stood there trying so hard to keep the tears back. "my career and reputation is more important than this..than you."
then he just couldn't hold it back anymore. the tears just started falling. "if that hurts your feelings, then go." y/n didn't say anything back, he just turned around and went back home.
Bill didn't mean anything he said, but he just can't admit who he really is. He's afraid..
It had now been one week since the fight. Y/n hadn't showed up to school..matter of fact he hasn't shown up anywhere. Bill was becoming worried. After all, he still cared about y/n. After school, Bill walked to y/n's house. Hoping to see him again and fix everything, resolve everything. But that hope was cut short almost immediately. "y/n passed away a few nights ago.." Y/n's mother said. "w-what..?" Bill felt his whole world collapse, this cant be true. "yeah, he committed suicide..I'm sorry." "n-no its okay! I'm so sorry you lost your son. I wish you well" That was the last thing Bill said to y/n's mother. He ended up not sleeping that night. He now has to live his life without y/n, without the love of his life; the person he was so afraid of loving.
It has now been seventeen years since y/n passed, everyone has moved on. maybe even forgot about him, but not Bill. He gives with a sense of pure guilt for the rest of his life. "hey y/n, it's me Bill!..the band has been super successful and we've gone on so many tours sometimes I wish I had a break..y'know, a break with you." Bill laid a bouquet of flowers on the grave, hoping y/n would accept the flowers in the afterlife.
Bills POV:
"I'm so sorry..." I sobbed as the tears flew from my eyes, If only I wasn't such a fucking coward. he would still be here, we could've had a life together; a really good life together, but I didn't want it. Because I was afraid of what everyone else would think of me. If only I was proud of who I was, just like y/n was. If only I told him my true feelings that night and not what I needed to tell myself in order to feel "normal". Then he would still be here..
I would see him one more time.
AUTHORS NOTE: hey guys! I've been on a break but I've decided to come back! I might not post as often as I used to because I've been working on small little film projects here and there, but I will be posting again! I know this one is not good Im a little rusty. But I hope y'all enjoy!
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spaceagebachelormann · 8 months
zigmar i come to you humbly on this fine evening with the simple request that you give me some sort of might duck sustenance por favor and muchas gracias
they can be incoherent and stupid and goofy and silly to the max i just need to rotate this little kids like rotisserie chickens in my mind (esp fulton portman and julie)
random miscellaneous tmd thoughts !
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✧ warnings: some of them may be ooc ngl
✧ additional info: u got it pookums 😈😈😈🙏 also these can be read as either platonic or romantic (not luis)
✧ m.list — nav.
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♡ charlie conway !
the most insane taste in music literally ever
bro goes from madonna to death metal SO FAST
but ngl his playlist is always the best and he always gets to play music whenever u go anywhere
but oh my god he’d love pierce the veil in present day
HES ALSO LIKE SOMEHOW AMAZING AT MATH. but he cannot do science for literal shit
also his clothing style changes js like his music taste
will literally be kurt cobain one day and morrissey the next (hed hate morrissey though)
♡ adam banks !
every team sleepover/event/literally anything could js be a spontaneous hangout is always at his house
it’s because he’s rich and his house is huge as fuck and he has every board game known to man
just do not play uno because a fight always breaks out (charlie is always part of it)
he’s always the one who ends the fight also
he has this very calming presence that’s so nice to be around and him js talking to whoever got into a fight immediately helps calm them down
also weirdly good at comforting in the middle of the night but never during the day??
♡ lester averman !
he would watch full house religiously prove me wrong
his favourite character is obviously joey because they are one in the same
everyone on the team and their mother has been forced to watch full house while he’s been at their house/vice versa
he can also cook like. decently well !! it’s not something he’d prefer to do but he will for his friends if they’re tired or smth
♡ fulton reed !
this little shit
he is so unbelievably competitive over the smallest things it’s actually insane
typa guy to race u to see who can get to one side of the room first and start genuinely tweaking if he doesn’t win
at sleepovers he refuses to fall asleep first even if it’s just by a few minutes
he could be dead to the world but still have his eyes open cause he refuses to let u win (unless ur his s/o cause he might consider it that way)
♡ connie moreau !
she is definitely a theatre kid idc
her favourite musicals are probably grease, hairspray and heathers
she likes female main characters!!
everytime she gets into a new fandom she immediately starts thinking abt what it’d be like a musical and probably wanted to be a composer at some point
would 100% beg to use the aux on a road trip and then blast hamilton loud as balls
she wholeheartedly believes six is a top tier musical and she will DIE on this hill
(fun fact i’ve met andrea macasaet <3)
♡ guy germaine !
modern day guy would’ve loved basic white girl music
“life is too short to pretend to hate taylor swift” —him
also 100% a britney spears girlie. and nsync and every stereotypical white girl artist
but i wholeheartedly believe britney would be his favourite and he has her whole discography on cassette, cd, vinyl, u name it he has a britney spears collection
also his ass is NOT straight 💀 i’ve never met a straight man who listens to britney spears
♡ julie gaffney !
lowkey a regina george multitude if she wasn’t kinda. yk. a bad person
she’s a mix of cher and regina
everyone at the fancy ass boarding school literally loves her because she’s calm, smart pretty nice etc etc she’s just a really great person to be around
shes that one student who has every assignment finisher a week early, all a’s and 100% in every subject WITHOUT being mean abt it!!
her ass is friends with the whole student population and knows every well and knows all the drama but won’t tell everyone if she thinks it’s too personal (it’s it’s random petty nonsense she tells the team)
♡ ken wu !
secretly rlly good friends with julie but nobody knows even though they do not try to hide it at all
literally wander the halls talking abt whatever just for everyone to be like “y’all are friends???”
also this man secretly loves lana del rey
him and julie will sit on his bedroom floor and literally tell him the most insane and jaw dropping gossip she heard that day while lana is playing in the background
everytime someone asks his favourite lana song he says grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he’s deep-sea fishing on did you know that there’s a tunnel under ocean blvd to fuck with them
♡ dean portman !
is actually very very good at math!!
he was a tutor for the 9th/10th graders for a bit to get volunteer hours and also cause he just likes doing math
you’d expect it to be like doing homework with ur dad and the poor kid is in tears while deans like “WHATS NINE. TIMES TWO.” but he’s actually surprisingly patient
if he’s explained something a few times and they still don’t get it he’ll just try it a different way until they get it and work them through the problem
has rlly strong relationships with the 9th and 10th graders cause of this and is essentially their older brother figure
the amount of 14/15 year olds that he’s given relationship advice too is insane (id be one of the 14 year olds probably)
♡ luis mendoza !
his type is secretly quiet girls cause he finds them rlly interesting and likes the thought of them being happy around him but quiet around everyone else
he’s like yes girl be urself with me
it all stemmed from the girl he liked in 8th grade who helped pick up his pencils when she accidentally knocked his pencil case out of his hand (she was a quiet nerdy girl)
like a whole year later and he’s still trying to rizz her up 💀
he’s one of those guys who takes forever to lose feelings
the girl is actually good friends with him btw
♡ dwayne robertson !
i feel like he is fucking AMAZING at baking
his icon is dolly parton and he heard berry pie so he immediately learned how to bake
if someone he knows has a birthday he either bakes the birthday cake or brings them something he made depending on how close he is with them
and holy shit it’s the most amazing thing u will ever taste and nothing will ever compare
yes he’s one of those guys who will go on an 18 minute tangent on how amazing dolly parton is if someone talks shit about her (same i love dolly)
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moghedien · 4 months
ok I'm gonna start emo durge posting now and I just wanna say like...I wish the game had let you express just how fucking complicated I feel like my durge's feelings for Orin is
like honestly I get why rpgs can't take into account all the big emotions that a character could have for every event, but like I wish I could at least hint at how complicated the Orin situation is for a good durge
because on one hand, Orin is evil. Cartoonishly evil even. She's playing with you and everyone else like a cat playing with their prey before they kill it. Murdering is her only goal, specifically murdering for daddy Bhaal.
And just on a character level, she has done the most to hurt you. She's the reason why you have no memories. She took your life from you. She's the reason why you're fighting the tadpole in your head. She's the reason why all of your friends and loved ones are fighting the tadpole in your head. She kidnapped one of those friends. She murdered people just to take their place so she can spy on you. She stole your life and identity and made have to start anew not knowing who you are or why all you want to do is hurt everyone around you.
But in a fucked up, unintentional way, Orin saved you.
If she hadn't attacked you and taken your place and stuck a tadpole in your head, you would be Bhaal's Chosen. You would be the same mass murdering cannibalistic psychopath that Bhaal shaped you into since you were a child who was made to murder the family that took them in and raised them. You would be one of the villains your current friends faced, and you probably would have killed them all or enslaved them with the tadpoles in their heads, and you wouldn't have thought anything of it. They wouldn't be people to you, just meat to pile up to get you closer to reaching Bhaal's true goal of ending everyone and everything. You were going to do it too.
The closest thing you ever had to a friend was the Chosen of the god of tyranny, your sister who attacked you and took everything from you, and the grotesque unnatural servant your daddy sent to fawn over you. That's not even getting into account the things Gortash and Orin have directly done to two people you might be close to now, or even romantically involved with. Those were the people you kept company with. Those were the only people who you thought liked you, and clearly you misjudged how much Orin actually did.
By the time you can get into learning more about Orin, you know what you are and you've already made the decision to reject or accept Bhaal. If you've resisted him, if you've expressed to Jaheira or whoever that you want to be free of him, you're aware of what you are. And you've found some evidence of what you've done in your past. If you've been hit with a heal spell, you've seen your first murders, and you know that you were shaped into this as a child. And you might have been Bhaal's spawn made directly by him, but at least there was a moment, however brief, where you were just a kid being raised by a family that took you in. Until Bhaal changed that with the Urges.
But Orin? You find out more about Orin that she knows herself. You can find out just how fucked her parentage actually is with Sarevok being both her father and grandfather. You can find out she was lied to about why her mother attacked her as a child and how Sarevok abused and manipulated both of them while she thought he adored her. She was born and raised into a Bhaalist upbringing, having literally no other context or experience. You at least had a few years as a seemingly normal child.
And even then, she was second to you. She was in your shadow, following your commands, and you can find your own writings that made it clear that you did not treat her well. You didn't respect her. If there was ever any kind of bond between the two of you as you were growing up, that was gone by the time you begun the alliance with Gortash and Ketheric, and she was well in your shadow.
And by the time you learn all of this, you have actual friends. You have people who love and admire you. You have people who are grateful to you for saving them and going above and beyond to keep people safe. You probably have a romantic partner and you've probably begun making plans for afterward. You have people that have guided you down a lighter path, that are actually trying to help you be good and happy and who want help you even when you're scary. There are people who know what you are and what you've done and the fact that you were at the center of creating the mess that everyone is in now, and they're still with you.
What does Orin have?
Only a cult of people who worship her out of fear, people that have abused her, and the knowledge that despite her best efforts, you're still coming to punish her for defying you.
But regardless of everything else, you would not have gotten anything you have now if Orin hadn't cracked your skull open.
Orin is the only reason you can be redeemed. Even if you're the one who actively decided to be a better person after escaping the pod, you never would have gotten to that point if not for Orin. You weren't going to suddenly change while you were Bhaal's Chosen, at the top of your power and almost achieving the goals you planned out and put in motion. The only reason you had to opportunity to change is because Orin damaged you to the point of forgetting what Bhaal shaped you into. There were only empty spaces to become your own person because Orin carved them out with her knife.
In the most fucked, but undeniable way Orin saved you.
And I just can't help but wish that the game at least let me acknowledge this and how fucking complicated you can feel about Orin.
Or at least let me ponder if maybe it isn't possible to at least try to do something for your fucked up little sister who never had or wanted anything but Bhaal, yet still managed to save you from him. Even if its not possible, even if you couldn't have really tried, I wish that the desire to try or some contemplation on that had been possible.
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sagesolsticewrites · 6 months
Better Kind of Best Friend
Anthony, your friend-with-benefits, stops by for an impromptu visit after an interview.
a/n: Alexa, play Style (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift 😏 And once again hugest of shoutouts to my darling Winnie for another fantastic playlist!!
Warnings: mature content (oral (f receiving), PinV penetration, Anto being a tease), swearing
Word count: 2.1k
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“Stupid—” You grumble, shoving the closet door closed. 
You had just finished your fight with the broom, who simply refused to fit in the tiny storage closet where you kept all of your cleaning supplies, when your doorbell rang.
Sending up a silent thanks that whoever decided to call on you had done so after you had finished your fairly productive cleaning day, you moved to answer it.
And you couldn’t stop your jaw dropping when you saw who was behind it.
“Hey,” he breathes, scanning you up and down, and it’s at that moment you realize just how little you’re wearing, having opted for a simple tank and your comfiest pair of shorts.
You step aside to let him in, taking in his appearance as he does so.
Messy hair, but messy in a way that lets you know it was styled that way. A simple, well-fitting white t-shirt, and what you had to admit were the best-looking jeans you’d ever seen in your life. 
As he turns to you, you note his face looks smoother, almost matte— makeup.
“I— did you just come from an interview or something?”
“Yeah,” he says distractedly, “It finished, and I realized how close I was to your place, and I just… I wanted to see you.”
You both know he means something other than “see”, there.
“Is it, uh…” He glances around, seemingly realizing that he’s dropped in on you with zero warning, “not a good time?”
You shake your head.
“No, it’s fine.”
It could be 3am on a Wednesday, and you’d still be happy to see him.
“You want a coffee— or, sorry, tea?” You ask, nodding towards your now-spotless kitchen.
A minute later, he’s leaning against your counter as you rummage through the cabinets, though you know the mugs will likely be left to go cold sooner or later.
As you go through the motions of tea preparation, your mind drifts back to how this… arrangement started.
You had met on set several years back, and there was an instant connection between you two. Neither of you were looking for a relationship at that time, but what was supposed to be a one night stand turned into two. Then three. And now when he was in town every so often, he’d stop by. No matter how many times you swore to yourself that this is the last time… when he showed up with those damn puppy eyes practically begging to take you to bed, you couldn’t find it within yourself to say no. Even if it hurt every time he left again, because somewhere along the way you’d started wanting to be more than friends. And you’d kept that wish tucked close to your heart, because it had been a while since the last time he stopped by, and doing so right after an interview? You were sure he just wanted to… destress after a long day.
You hand him his mug, moving to lean against the kitchen island across from him.
After several minutes of silence, you speak, hyperaware of his gaze pinning you in place.
“So how’d the interview go?”
“I don’t think I wanna talk about the interview right now,” he replies in a low voice, and the way he scans you up and down has you squeezing your thighs together as if your life depends on it.
You try to think of something, anything to say in response, but your mind goes blank as he moves towards you — mug abandoned like you knew it would be — pinning you against the counter as his hands trail up your sides.
Your body goes loose and pliant under his touch, your head falling to the side to expose your neck as he noses at your jawline.
“Been too fucking long,” he breathes against your skin, and you barely have time to sigh his name before his lips are on your neck.
You arch into him as he scatters kisses all along your skin, making liberal use of his teeth to leave deep purple marks all over your neck. Your hand finds its way into his hair, fisting his curls as his mouth trails along your collarbone.
“Wanna taste you,” he murmurs against your skin, your spine tingling at the heat of his tone and the utterly molten look in his eyes as he looks up to meet your gaze, “Can I? Please?”
You nod furiously, your “yes” escaping as a soft moan.
He grips your hips firmly, lifting you onto the counter with an effortlessness that has heat pooling between your thighs — an effect heightened by the way his mouth remains on your skin as he steps between your legs and begins fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
You lift your arms to allow him to peel it off of you, your nipples pebbling in the cool air of the kitchen.
Anto swears softly as he drinks you in, eyes darkening, and you draw your bottom lip between your teeth as you wait for him to do something.
His mouth returns with a vengeance to attack your collarbone, quickly moving south to skim along the tops of your breasts.
“God, you’re fucking gorgeous,” he murmurs in a tone that has you letting out a moan even before his mouth moves to capture your nipple, the hand that isn’t still firmly attached to your hip moving up to toy with your other breast.
You whine his name as his tongue swirls expertly around you, his hand quickly replacing his mouth as he pulls away to repeat the action where his hand just was.
His ministrations soon have you grinding against nothing, hips bucking desperately against the air, and you can feel the teasing bastard chuckle against your skin as he mouths his way down your stomach.
“Impatient, are we?” He hums, something sparking in his eyes at the yelp that escapes you when he digs his teeth teasingly into the soft flesh just above the waistband of your shorts.
“You said yourself it’s been too fucking long,” you pant, sighing out a “finally” and lifting your hips as he makes quick work of removal your shorts and panties.
Your relief is soon replaced once again by impatience as he kneels between your legs, fingertips lightly dragging through your slick folds, and then putting his mouth…
On your fucking thigh, nibbling and sucking his way almost to your core before repeating the motions on your other thigh.
“Anto, you fucking…”
You can’t even finish your complaint, words escaping you as you whine at the feeling of his teeth grazing against your skin.
“What was that?” He hums, a teasing glint in his eyes as he looks up to meet your gaze, “Something you wanna say?”
“Quit being a teas— oh my god.”
Your plea is cut off with a cry as his mouth finally reaches your core, licking deep into your folds.
He lets out a groan, the vibrations of which send delicious shivers throughout your body as he drags his tongue through your core. 
You moan, long and loud as your hand finds its way into his messy waves, pulling him closer. One of his hands remains on your thigh, keeping your legs spread, while the other moves upwards, his thumb expertly circling your clit.
“Fuck, Anto,” you whine, your head falling back as his mouth and fingers work overtime on your core, tightening the growing tension just below your belly.
He hums in satisfaction against you, recognizing the signs of you reaching your peak, and it takes no time at all for him to guide you through your climax as you release with a cry of his name.
Legs shaking, your eyes flutter open in time to see him mouthing his way back up your body, lips dragging deliciously against your skin.
He sucks at the tender skin of your neck, and you can feel him grinning against you at your shaky exhale.
“Oh Y/N, you didn’t think I’d forgotten what you liked, did you?”
Fucking tease.
“Oh Anto, you're not done already, are you?” You manage to quip back, squeezing his hips between your thighs.
“Definitely not,” he says lowly, pulling away to shuck off his shirt as your hands move to fumble with his belt.
You lean forward to drag your mouth along his neck, lips gliding up the hollow of his throat and along his jawline as he retrieves something from his pocket before his remaining clothes join the pile on your kitchen floor.
A huff of a laugh escapes you as you see the familiar foil packet in his hand.
“You came prepared, huh?”
“Don’t I always?” He says, mouth twitching up into the smallest of smiles.
You expertly tear it open and roll the latex onto him, unable to hide your smirk at the way his breath hitches when you drag your fingers teasingly back up his shaft.
He swears under his breath at your touch before planting his hands on the counter on either side of you, caging you in. He leans in, his breath hot on your skin as he lines himself up at your entrance with a whisper of “I’m gonna fuck you now, yeah?”
You just barely bite back a ragged moan, settling for a shaky “yes, please” as he slowly presses into you.
“Look at you, getting your manners back as soon as I’m inside you,” he teases once he’s fully entered you, hips pressed flush to yours, “You missed me that badly?”
I did, I really did, is what you long to say, but you can’t bring yourself to say the words that could ruin the delicate balance of your relationship, so you settle for stammering: “Shut up and fuck me already.”
A wicked grin crosses his face, and he slowly pulls out and thrusts back into you, your breath hitching as his hips snap into yours repeatedly.
He buries his face in the crook of your neck, teeth grazing your skin as he pants against you.
“Fuck, you feel so good.”
Your only response is a desperate whine, your fingers tugging at the curls at the nape of his neck.
He mumbles praise against your skin, the tension within you building with every thrust.
Your ankles lock behind his back, pulling him closer as he drives deeper into you, your nails grazing down his back as you let out a loud moan.
“Anto— Anto, fuck, ‘m gonna—”
“Oh, yes,” he growls into your ear, continuing the punishingly fast pace, “C’mon, Y/N, come for me—”
His thumb moving to circle your clit as he continues to pound into you is the thing that sends you over the edge, your orgasm crashing over you like a tidal wave.
With a muffled groan, Anto quickly follows suit, spilling into the condom after two more erratic thrusts before slumping against you, utterly spent.
He presses sloppy kisses up your neck as the two of you attempt to catch your breath, swearing softly as he pulls out of you and huffing out a laugh as you whine at the sudden emptiness.
“You alright?” He asks softly once you’ve both got your breath back, wriggling back into his boxers and t-shirt after he’s discarded the condom.
You nod, slipping back into your tank and shorts.
“Wanna hang out for a bit? I’m on a bit of a Bake-Off binge right now…”
Your heart soars at the way his eyes light up at the chance to watch something mindless after a day of answering endless questions about his career— he loves it, you know he does, but you also know the toll it takes.
“I’d love that,” he grins, making quick work of wriggling back into his jeans and following you to the living room.
You find yourself curled up next to him, his arm around your shoulders as you both point out the clear mistakes each contestant is making (mistakes that you both would definitely make, but that’s not important right now).
— — —
You groan, eyes fluttering open against the bright sunlight streaming through your windows, a blanket that you didn’t remember pulling over you falling to the floor as you sit up. Blearily, you glance around, feeling like something’s missing…
Your heart sinks the tiniest bit as you realize he must have left at some point in the middle of the night.
It would’ve been awkward if he stayed, you scold yourself, it’s better this way.
That logic doesn’t stop a smile growing on your face as you notice a thermos of tea on the coffee table, next to a scrap of paper with Anto’s signature scrawl.
Thanks for letting me barge in yesterday. Sorry I couldn’t stay, but I promise I’ll drop by again soon. Thanks for the tea and… everything else ;)
You take a sip of the tea— just the way you liked it, of course— relishing the ache between your legs. If this was all you could have of him for now, well… 
You’d take it, happily.
89 notes · View notes
brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Inspired by the Secret Robin AU by dragonpyre on Tumblr and the genderqueerness Tim has going on with the Jane Doe AU, I've got a Mahou Shoujo Jihen AU for ye! (mangaka, Zero Akabane)
Snippets are occasionally non-chronological/flashback and unreliable narration ahoy lmao
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Okay so the Graysons', unbeknownst to them, have bloodline of ★magic★
A magic newly-orphaned Grayson has to learn all on his own, for the ward hardly entrusts his legal guardian so new to his life
And he wants something all to himself, something nobody can take away or order him about
Waltz's World he calls it, warping the lines between boy and girl, barriers receding
Aka Grayson can don a Magical Girl form that essentially trans his gender while she's formed, at least at the start
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Obligatory "Anon is cis and playing with gender through Batkids like dolls, her highest apologies for any fuck ups" Disclaimer
And also tw for small moments of misgendering by characters who have yet to be informed on batkids genders & pronouns
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When Robin hits the streets, all Batman knows is that she is a child, one he brings under his mentorship and despite all his efforts, is impossible to find the civilian identity of
When she confesses to how new her magic is to her, that she's self taught in it all, he and his colleague find dead end after dead end to see if anybody else knows about her type of magic
If there exists others like her they're niche and hidden
Thus trial and error and the scientific method is their only way to help Robin come into her own
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Robin is tactical; hammered in by Batman, by Bruce, his guardian and her mentor
If Zucco dies, and it's so obviously linked to her, it could implicate Robin or both of her identities
She has to be smart about this
Murder had no place in Batman's care for her. Dick has to be careful about his search history on computers and what people catch him reading
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Bruce Wayne worries endlessly over Robin, now a teenage girl
Others too; nobody knows her identity
Dick is a blend of interested and not in the vigilante, opinions ever shifting. They both chalk it up to not knowing the young girl at all
Still, he dreams of a time he does have Robin under his complete care, newly adopted like Grayson, safe from crime fighting
When the news comes out that the killer of Dick's parents are dead, a weight is off his boy's shoulders.
"I have to say thank you to whoever did it." "It looks like it might've been an accident more than anything according to the cops."
Robin has been tense for a time, and still is
"Something happened in my civilian life, nothing major but I'm just waiting for the effects to pass by."
His poor girl . . . "I'm here for you Robin, no matter what happens."
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The air and earth makes way for Robin's acrobatics, lights turns to her direction, and she's too nimble to be human
Too high, too far, too quick, too lasting are her movements
A cameraboy will never confess that whereas Dick shined with his quadruple somersault, Robin revealed it childsplay
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Jason is adopted right after trying to rob Bruce Wayne's car
In time Dick and he get along like a house on fire—
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It's Jason who discovers Robin sneaking into the Manor, into his brother's room on the day he snuck into his closet for a prank of all things
It's Jason who sees Dick take Robin's place and screams
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—And then it's like they've reached an understanding friendships with nobody else will ever challenge
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Little Wing hits the streets, partner of Robin
And he's as human as Bruce
"Listen, listen, he's just like me! Powers or not he's going to fight for Gotham, best we can do is prepare the bird!"
So Batman trains the vigilante Jason's age just as he did for Robin. He doesn't try to find his identity
The young duo only trusts each other with the truth
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Robin set ship for that off-world mission on the promise that Batman would protect Little Wing with his life
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"I'm gonna be visiting some friends dad, and I'm gonna be off grid during our stay so . . ."
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there's A Death in the Family alright
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Bruce's eyes tore into Robin's, her face vomit and tear and snot stained
"Why did you never tell me who he was?"
Dick could only mouth "B— hiccup B—" He retched again
He looked away from the girl
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"I have a boy your exact age Robin, I think you could be twins, identical ones even, without sharing any blood."
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Grayson is the saving grace that keeps Batman from losing himself to grief
Bruce sits on his couch, looks down at the despondent boy's head in his lap. eyes hollowed out. hears neither of his boys laughter
He sees Robin's grief polluted face on his boy, and remembers not just what, but who he's fighting for
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"I never want to see you on the field again Robin. Not after how you've broken my trust"
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Batman does everything to find who Jason trusted more than his own father, who could have trusted his boy just as much, who was the Robin that dragged his youngest into the night
Not once does he think to ask his eldest what he knew
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Precious Robin photos are locked away where only he and Jason know
Because Robin is magic
Robin is useless
She has no place upon Little Jason's altars
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Cross-reference reliable articles and testimonies, and even a boy will learn that Batman is just barely putting in the work to not transform his justice into a suicide mission
Cross-references testimonies, and even a boy will learn that Nightwing puts nothing into holding back against Joker or Harley anymore. Dead or alive, she wants them gone
Even a boy will learn that Nightwing hardly patrols anymore
Everybody knows Batman and Nightwing ties back to Little Wing
Nobody knows where Batgirl went
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Not bullets nor fallen buildings, but grief losing three all in a fell swoop grounds Robin
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Distinguishing themselves from the rest of Gotham's upper class, the Drakes adorn their manor with artifacts of all over
Tim has too much time on his hands to not poke and prod at them all
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Once upon a time Timothy Drake threw away a wish to be treasured more than artifacts, to be loved and adored far beyond relics resilience, to last even longer than objects to get it all
Still he wishes for Little Wing and Robin back, for Bat Girl's return and the quartet of heroes he stalked night after night as they once were
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She It puts its hands off of the mirror and peeled off its mask
The Drake couple's son sat there again
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It's not a monkey's paw — it's close enough
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Tim's plan was to blackmail Batman, pick out its name, and leash the Dark Knight until he was mentally fit again
What it didn't plan for was for Nightwing to apparently know about its magic and track it down
It didn't think it would take this long to pick a name either. Heck it thought Nightwing and Batman cut contact
"Last time I trusted you with a child he died B!"
"I know better now, and unlike you I have the resources to train him to his fullest potential. Little Wing is proof!"
"How fucking dare you?!"
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Nightwing looks down at Timothy Drake, tears in her eyes
Dick Grayson-Wayne tastes salt on his tongue
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Between the fact Batkid would be forced to reveal his identity to Batman and statistics showing his increasing violence, how quick he was to put his hand on Robin's throat, versus to Nightwing, the first Robin, his answers is always the same
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Everybody agrees that the Second Robin looks delicate and precious. The birdie shouldn't be giving up their childhood for Gotham
That is all
Anybody can tell you what good the bird does, leashing the Bat, breaking Nightwing out of her grief, giving whatever the little child can for civilians in need, sinners or not
People can hardly agree on how Robin looks; she looks like my dead daughter, no he's a clone of my son! You idiots they look like those sweet kids I always babysit
All they agree on is that Robin looks as if they must be protected and treasured by their loved ones, not fighting crime
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Where Nightwing can hardly be touched, Robin recovers too quickly, even by its predecessor's standards
All but rarely, bullets, crushing weights, and strikes may all well be nonexistent the way Robin hardly scratches
Unless one has a meta's intense strength, they will find more progress attacking it's mind or delaying its goals
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Nightwing blows a fuse Robin hadn't even known existed when she catches wind of all the work its putting into bringing Batman back to the ideal hero he used to be
She doesn't let it overhear the fight this time
From then on she is always with Robin when it patrols
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Tim huffed as Dick clung to him and Bruce got to arranging himself as his guardian for whenever his parents were out Gotham
Apparently his magic was a filthy traitor! and made a link with Nightwing so that if he was ever in major danger, the heroine who pick up on it
Not only that, but it's been working as a tracker for Nightwing this entire time, the first time around wasn't just an ordinary magic thing like they thought
And they both found while Robin was calming down Batman
But why was Batman insisting on becoming his not-parent if he didn't have a link with him? Nor know about his double life?
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Batman and Nightwing are certain they know what Robin looks like. A perfect blend between Batgirl, the first Robin, and Little Wing, their greatest failures all in one
It's when they disagree on the more precise details of Robin's costume and it's features do they realize it wasn't civilians and rogues being tricked by the darkness 
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It looked into the mirror in its room in the Wayne Manor
Scrutinizing it's reflection, it looked the same as always, a perfect blend between Batgirl, the first Robin, Little Wing, and Nightwing
Androgynous if leaning on the feminine side 
That ideal the Batclan perfectly displayed at its brightest, a living, breathing altar of their glory
It's teammates agreed with it, until last night it seemed
It didn't understand
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Jason Robin comes back magic
Talia's son and daughter tells her otherwise
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"Great work Robin," Oracle praised, tucking in some of its loose locks as it turned from its computer to her
The younger hero beamed
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Well then, if neither of them can be Robin yet . . . 
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It's funny how Nightwing learns she isn't the only one with Waltz in her bloodline. At least, she thinks they both got it from genetics. It was alway an assumption on her part
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Spoiler becomes the reason criminals and rogues alike flail about uselessly, making long reaching swings whenever. Nobody spots him until it's too late, if at all
Invisibility his beloved 💜💟💜
Even better are the freebies that come before he fights anybody. Little spoilers that make taking his dad's and other villains men down less of a trial
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Red Hood's violence is distinctive even in Gotham
Yet blowing an entire warehouse to cripple the Joker for good seemed extreme
Then again, it was Joker, extreme measures called
When word spreads of a Little Robin Hood under her care? It explains enough for those without intention to stick their dick in crazy
And thank the Waltz, because the two will never confess it, but it was a trauma-triggered accident
All because the dollar store clown was pissy over names
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"Dad—!" Bruce's hand ruffled his hair again as the other arm wrapped itself around Tim
Yeah Tim wasn't ever coming out about being Robin if Batman fussed over the two identities this much already. It was a wonder Dick somehow outdid him. He giggled
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'Big W for Gotham queers' a merry goon tweets on duty, not that she'll confess it over her dead body
'What happened?' another twitter user comments
'Red Hood uses she/they, said so themself'
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Bruce couldn't have been faster in adopting Stephanie after Spoiler spilled Cluemaster's identity
"Holy, your dad is suffocating. I'm not complaining but how do you get anything done when he's bear hugging you?"
Tim sipped his coffee, "That's sort of our fault for dangling two too many kids he can't adopt and treasure in front of him for years on end. Follow me." She quirked an eyebrow
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Every blow Red Hood lays screams how that bomb did
Their strikes keep her targets down, and the impacts of her attacks have a larger area of effect than they should
There is no keeping them down
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"Our dad is Batman?" Stephanie ran around the room
"Not just that, you're brothers—" It watched its sister turn to it and she squinted.
"Are queers," it choked on its coffee with her comment
"Me too Robin!" Spoiler said, running up to it to bearhug it in his own way
"Let me go!"
"Nope! You look way too adorable like this!"
"You guys are the worst!"
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Little Robin Hood is the most elusive of them all, no doubt hiding herself from his mother when out at night
The greatest of Batman's heirs he strives to be; She doesn't rest until she is the pinnacle of Human, the pinnacle of a Waltz
he doesn't rest until he's picked up his predecessors own unique magics set as a prodigy would, even as the learning curve fights against her mastery of it
She won't rest even after becoming better than his siblings
He must surpass them so much they could never hope to outdo their superior sibling
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"Yo," Stephanie said, as if it wouldn't make Tim shriek and leap from his couch
"How did you get here?" He made sure this safehouse was the most secure and secretive of them all, how?
"Stalker tracker." She grinned
Her too?! Tim sat back on his couch and screamed into his pillows. His sister laughed
"Want a spoiler on my dad's next puzzle?"
"Give it," wait shit the magic word, "please Steph."
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Cassandra fisted and unfisted her(?) hand
It was more of a man's now. Except she didn't feel like a man, she felt like— scratch that, she didn't feel like a girl either in this form
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Robin gasped as its legs carried more broken bones and injuries than it ever had on its body all at once before
This time the wounds weren't sliding off like water but clinging onto it
"Hood—" a blow to its stomach
"Replacement," the woman hissed at it, then screamed
Robin shifted to its side, resisting the urge to cry out in pain, Nightwing now sat on Red Hood, laying blow after blow on the intruder
And she was yelling herself hoarse
Its sister unlatched and threw the helmet—okay bomb, wow its ears were ringing—off
And then Nightwing was on top of a man
"Little Wing!" its sister shrieks, arms wrapped around the stranger. "Why— why— how?"
"Baby on board! Baby on board! Ack!" Spoiler screamed holding up who might be Little Robin Hood trying and failing to escape his hold. both of them were covered in blood and blows
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Nightwing sat them all down, "Here's what's happening, we're going to keep this to ourselves. I've lost all trust in Bruce with any of your well beings."
"We're going to make it look like Red Hood fought Robin and then fought me as I bought time for my mentee's escape. When Spoiler comes into the scene fighting Little Robin, Red Hood is going to retreat for his sake.
"Robin, you're going to scrub and altar the data in the towers to make this believable; Spoiler, you'll alter or remove any evidence showcasing otherwise; and you two."
Red Hood's grip tightened on her knees.
Nightwing passed a piece of paper, "You're staying in contact with us, I refuse to lose my family again."
A weary smile, "And we'd love to get to know our new sibling."
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A ballerina becomes Gotham's latest sensation
It's a wonder he— "Gender neutral, they/them" They didn't get hired to perform at Brucie's galas sooner
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Robin blocked Little Robin Hood's katana with its staff. the latter swung at its legs. it latched its hands onto her arm in retaliation and knocked his blade from his hands
Pinned to the ground, the boy could only try and reach for her fallen weapon as the staff was planted right next to her head—
"That's enough training for the day," Red Hood cut them off, "and your final scores are . . . "
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"Big bro, big bro, big bro!" Stephanie dragged a girl right to Dick
"Guess what," her grin couldn't get any wider
"You kidnapped a staff member?" her grin got wider
"I kidnapped a sibling" she pointed at the girl, or rather, the ballerina their father hired for the gala
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He took his face mask off at the worst time
"Jaylad," Bruce's grip all but clawed at Jason's arms
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When Jason declared they wouldn't reunite with his father, period, Damian was incensed
Now he may just give anything to go back before they did. But since he can't do that, the next best thing is uppercutting Todd for getting them adopted
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"No more heroism Jaylad—no more Robin—no Little Wing," Bruce said between sobs
Oh he's not a hero anymore alright
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When Batman found Robin sore all over, more wounded than he'd ever seen, his heart fell
Robin admitting it already healed from most of its injuries by the time he found it flew him into a rage
He threw himself into detaining Red Hood, trying to sieze Little Robin Hood from him, and upping security so his kids, civilian or vigilante, wouldn't suffer like this again 
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Assassin, Talia, the League had trained a boy, a child to be an assassin. They did the same with Jason
Bruce refuses to let his children—vigilante or civilian—suffer again
Thankfully, with how the chaos of legally reviving Jason, and adopting three children in one fell swoop has cooled down, it seems maintaining a healthy relationship with his civillian family is all it will take to keep them from the streets
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Duke stumbled to his feet, and rushed to a window
They blinked and rubbed her eyes several times over, but its reflection never agreed with what they looked like
Actually, looking down at her hands, it felt and looked more like she was constantly shapeshifting; even his clothes, or hero costume, as was the theme but it never felt uncomfortable keep changing form
This was their meta power? He almost wanted to call out how lame it was but she had to maintain a secret identity somehow
Hold on, she—?
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Don't get Duke wrong, he was endlessly grateful for Bruce
But if Bruce was as good and smothering of a parent like his siblings said, We Are Robin would be down a leader
Everybody had noticed just how much Batman was gunning for Red Hood. Nobody knew why; was it a consequence of her killing his nemesis Joker? Because they stole the name of Little Wing's killer?
Whatever it was, the streets felt less safe when people could gamble on the Bat's activity in accordance to Hood's and be less fearful of the hero, and somebody had to do something about it
Even if it was an army of powerless youth, led by a meta
Duke prayed to every confirmed deity that Bruce never caught him sneaking out
⏝̅⏝̅⏝̅ ✩⏝̅⏝̅⏝̅
Dick stood in front of Duke. Duke who was in their Robin costume, oh shit, this was the worst time to not have enough light to flashbang somebody, he noted down to always a source of light or some absorbed for now on
Her brother clasped his hands and smiled, "well then Robin"
Duke's breath hitched—this was the end of everything it worked for
Nightwing, the original Robin took Dick's place, "welcome to the family" 
⏝̅⏝̅⏝̅ ✩⏝̅⏝̅⏝̅
We Are Robin's leader becomes Signal
⏝̅⏝̅⏝̅ ✩⏝̅⏝̅⏝̅
Damn did I run out of steam at the end
"But nonnie, why is Waltz's world accessible through so many different means?" Idk XDDDDD
Everything I touch becomes a fic I have an actual problem lmao
Extra Notes and Clarifications, apologies for the mess, I'm jumping from section to section as I write and copy and paste
Batman and Bruce have a clearer line dividing the two than canon since only Barbara and Alfred (and others I may not know/forgot from canon) are in his inner circle and aware of his double life—to his knowledge
Speaking of Barbara and Alfred, I haven't done them any justice, nor given them much attention
How the batkids having Waltz's World affects them by consequence alongside other AU elements, I did not account for, well I did so for Barbara but hardly at all
I just implied that Oracle and Waltz!Tim have a relationship, and it goes without saying Barbara and Alfred has different relationships with the Wayne kids than Oracle and Agent A do the Batkids
Back to Bruce---
Knowing multiple kids, most of them feminine in gender identity and/or appearance, fighting crime with only him as a well-off adult figure in their lives makes him concerned
Partly because he doesn't know how they are doing out of costume or what trauma they've covered up with the faster magical healing of their bodies
And also partly sexism since he'll have biases subconsciously at the very least
Honestly an entire fic made of this AU could have a focus/subplot tackling sexism, queerphobia, and other biases, how they intersect, + exploring internalized biases on the Batsiblings part
Bruce wants to have his mentees safe under his roof, siblings with his own kids, and full-time civilians for their own wellbeing
This pushed him to adopt Dick and everyone else unlike/quicker than canon from a subconscious want to make that dream a reality even back when it was just the first Robin around
Bruce abusing his vigilante kids as he does in canon, plus more if you want him to abuse them more than canon, is arguably even more fucked than in canon
Because I imagine compared to canon, here he would be investing even more into his relationships for his kids on the civilian and vigilante side due to guilt from hiding half himself
He expresses his love for them both even more, which will fuck with said kids coming to terms with their abuse. It's even more of an uphill battle
"Wow, look at that plothole-topia!" I say sipping my abuelita knowing damn well who architected it (me)
I never established how Dick learned Bruce = Batman or if he knew at all RIP
Hey maybe Dick and Jason never learns that Batman = Bruce until Tim comes and spills the tea. That could be fun
At first I was gonna have everyone's Waltz form be the "opposite" gender to theirs but then I got to Tim, thought about how I set him up to wanna be loved just like the Drake's did things over their son
I thought about how back when he was just taking photos, he had an idealized picture (pun intended) of the Bats, an idealized image. a concept; a thing
And how that could lead to his own Waltz form being one that used it/its like people do for things
So then I got experimental with it
Methinks Tim would be agender &/or gendervoid in Waltz
Dick eventually settles on the fact he's genderfluid, and later on occasionally using she/her as Grayson and he/him as Robin/Nightwing
Lets say it's cuz he always wanted to be like both is parents that his Waltz makes him so
He views the change in gender identity and pronouns as him tossing a coin; whenever he flips the coin to the Nightwing side, she sees herself female, when flipped to Dick's side, he's male
Rarely the coin tossing itself without his input and lands on the thin side; that's when Dick identifies as the gender she does in her other identity
Jason accepts that he falls under solidly cis since even they/them is dysphoric for him; he once experimented with they/she cuz he wanted to be like his older brother-sister
Then the lazarus pit happen, she winds up using they/she in Waltz form and he/him as Jason
Views himself as a cis as Jason; a demigirl as Red Hood. Maybe she's still figuring things out? idk
Since he had the Waltz World magic just like their sister who was Nightwing now, she could be Robin now!
Then she learned about Damian and Tim calling dibs before her and that made them and Dami fight
Damian and Jason call truce on the grounds of Tim being a common enemy and obstacle in being Robin, so Damian goes to Gotham with Jason
Damian was dunked in the same pit as Jason here, hence why he also got a Waltz form
for plot convenience, they are the exception and not the rule when it comes to lazarus waters and Waltz's World
He wanted to inherit the Robin or Little Wing mantle as Bruce's heir, and fantasized about donning both, thus his Waltz form is bigender, she/he, boy and girl; maybe Damian decides he's also she/he and boy and girl as a civilian as well
Damian's Waltz form is the perfect balance between first Robin's and Little Wing's fem and masc gender presentations, so when you know what to look for it's obvious she's bigender, boy and girl
I made Steph and Cass have Waltz in their bloodlines just as Richard does because I couldn't come up with creative ways for them to join Waltz's World like the boys, lo siento :(
But you can do fun stuff with three non-blood related people sharing the same magic in their genetic history
For Steph I decided to make her intergender, mostly female as Steph, mostly male as Spoiler, but uses he/him as Steph and She/her as spoiler more often than Dick
Steph views her gender as a seesaw; being Steph the saw in pointed towards she/her, and being Spoiler points it in he/him, but sometimes the saw does the exact opposite and sometimes the saw tips a bit less than his form's typical gender so she feels a bit more like a boy or a girl when in civillian or Waltz
She thinks she will reach a point where the saw begins to perfectly balance itself or get close enough that she feels more like using they/them instead but she doesn't know if her guess is accurate yet
Cassandra I think would flip flop trying to figure out if they're Gendernuetral or Genderless in Waltz form, maybe eventually deciding that using Orphan and other (nick)names is preferable to pronouns and discards pronouns
An idea I had for Damian, where he used the pronouns and gender identities of all the other batkids, got given to Duke instead
Since Duke is basically the motherfucking moon with how he absorbs light and We Are Robin is all about taking on Robin's name and duties, I tweaked his own Meta abilities to copy and paste their all the batkids Waltz schtick and genders since that's bascially his desire at the moment
Also his meta power converted itself into Waltz Magic 100%, no refunds, so that's gonna be a fun surprise when he claims to just be a Meta copying their magic and he's proven wrong, he's magic too
But an AU of this AU where his meta abilities truly are just duplicating the magic would be fun to check-out
Oh yeah, idk shit about the time periods the batkids grew up in or what it'd be like be growing up coming to terms with being queer even in modern day so I'm useless on that part
But let's just say that;
Dick grew up traveling plenty and was introduced to queer identity at a young age, so while awakening his power freak her out a bit, she takes it in stride
Jason has a more rigid understanding due to a lack of education on the streets, but after learning about Robin, Dick teaches him what he knows about queerness
Tim grew up as a rich kid taught cisnormativity by both his parents and others he grew up around
As a result he expects himself to be a man through and through. It's a bit of a learning curve on his part
+ in Waltz form it thinks its a she because it looks feminine, only to unconsciously correct itself while freaking out after transforming for the first time
For all Tim knows, his stalking did not lead him to learn about Robin's magic including ✨gender✨
So when the artifact grants his wishes, concious and subconcious?
Tim is confused about the Waltz stuff, hence why it defaults to its/it and doesn't try to force itself to use she/her pronouns, cuz its still figuring stuff out and more focussed on the Bats than gender identity
Then comes in Dick to teach Tim about queerness as he once did for Jason
I dunno jack shit about the cultures Damian grew up in under the league so I dunno how Damian would take the whole Waltz thing at first
I think Jason would fill in some gaps in the case Damian has more to learn about bening genderqueer; maybe the League and Dami even teach Jason their own understandings of gender
No clue how Steph or Cassandra or Duke would take the Waltz thing before joining the bat siblings
I should get into clarifying the magic
Dick's magic is all about acrobatics and enhancing her body in ways that ascends her ability to preform them
Tim's is all about being wanted; being the perfect image of what kind of person those seeing it want to protect and treasure above all else. It's outfit and features craft an illusion different to everybody else's eyes
Tim's Waltz form is to itself, an idealized all-in-one combo of the vigilantes it worshipped and followed on the streets
Continuing the "Treasure me" theme, Tim also makes Links with other Waltz's World people it trusts that alert them when it's in serious danger and allows them to track it down whenever
Plus it works when in its Waltz and civillian identities 24/7
and he can't control them, much to his annoyance, a wee bit of karma for his own stalking tendencies
Additionally Tim's wanted to last the elements and foes like ancient artifacts did, so it becomes a tank in the face of hurt
Stephanie can turn invisible whenever he wants alongside what he has in hand and whoever he touches; plus he get one trailormade spoiler per enemies to give him an advantage
Maybe in time the number of spoilers he can get per enemy increases, and
Jason is also a tank that can't be kept down and every assault they lay have way more power to them than other humans could hope to do
Damian has the power to copy the magic of other Waltz users, the problem lies in that it get exponentially harder the better he gets at their magic
Because again, she's trying to take in magic not not made for her, and as the family grows, he's run himself thin trying to master multiple magics fighting against it all at once
That could be an interesting conflict
Once he does master a copied magic, he's good to go, it comes to him as easily as if it were his own magic
On top of that is the much more natural body enchanting magic that make her a perfect assassin
Cassandra's magic lets them learn at a rapid pace. She had to as an assassin. Through it, they learn how to speak, cultural norms and other nessecery life skills
It also enhancing their ballerina skillset, launching their fame
Outside of Duke duplicating all his siblings gender identities, her magic is just like their canon meta abilities; it's just Waltz magic instead of meta abilities
Oh yeah, Duke also shapeshifts endlessly in Waltz form without pause, to look like one batsibling to the next, the most consistent part of her form is their Signal costume which still alters in appearance all the time
Other stuff I didn't adress oh frick
How does those a part of Waltz's World keeping it a secret too themselves affect the batkids relationship with everyody else?
How does the Waltz World stuff affect everybodies relationships period?
What affect does knowing Jason was an is formerly Little Wing have on Bruce, Alfred and Barbara throughout the storyline? On their relationship with eachother
Since Batman and Oracle are two of the few wholly human heroes in this AU unlike canon, Little Wing's death probably cause a huge reaction in the super community cuz one of the very rare human heroes fucking died
On top of that, back when it was only Robin and no one else, Batman and co. tried to find others with the same magic as the sidekick, only to come out emptyhanded; Is anything ever done with any knowledge acquired during the failed investigation?
Because Robin likely told Batman what little he knew about Waltz's World at the time, alongside other investigators when they tried to learn more or find other like Robin. That data is saved somewhere
After Jason's death, Nightwing distanced himself from Batman and went back to self-teaching, so Batman would no longer have Dick as a resource to learn about Waltz's World; he, Barbara and Alfred would have to piece together clues by themselves
And I think they'd have to learn all on their own Nightwing's inner circle so-to-speak are also part of Waltz's World
Batman is pulling his hair out because where are these Waltz users coming from all of the sudden? Where were they when he was looking for them?
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if that became the name of the squad since as far as they know, only they have this very magic; Waltz's World
How does Waltz magic interest with sciences or other magics or divinity, etc etc?
oh yeah another thing, Waltz's World in Mahou Shoujo Jihen canonically ceases the aging process, but let's tweak it and say that Waltz's World pauses a person's age at the moment their body reaches their physical peak, meaning the batkids will eventually discover themselves unaging, unlike their father and countless other people dear to them
Forgive me if I'm wrong I've got a poor memory
Also I dunno much about the actual Waltz dance, but a quick google search (ruh, roh, that cooked engine) says it used to have strict roles for men and woman
That's what Waltz's World is named after in the manga, it grants men a woman's body and vice versa, the two genders needed for the dance
But in modern day, where societal constructs of gender are being demolished and rebuilt in front of countless eyes (not to say that it never was before modern times, its just way more accessible to witness with the internet) the way people view and preform the Waltz would and has changed as well
This is all to say I thought I threw the Waltz symbolism from the manga into the bin when I decided "lets experiment with MORE genders!" only to realize it never went anywhere at all
By the Waltz, now my brain is cooked
My final idea unless I realize I wanna send another ask with ideas I only came up with after pressing [Ask] is that the Waltz dance itself could be used in a fic of this AU as a motif; so imagine a hypothetical fic with me---
Every batkid and batkid duo and three-or-more batkids all preform the Waltz multiple times throughout the fic
As their own understanding of their gender identities grow and change, the way they preform the Waltz drifts away more and more from how couples did the Waltz long ago, and they add their own personal flairs to the Waltz dances. the way they preform the Waltz becomes more and more their way instead of the tradtional way
It reaches a point where once they can confidentally answer "Who am I?" the can dance their Waltzes to the fullest of their ability and euphoria as a metaphor for the very gender euphoria they feel all together at the moment; maybe they even swap between civillian and magical forms during their dance
Hell maybe the non-existant fic ends with a scene of the batkids preforming that very Waltz preformance I described
I think I'm out of ideas at last
Go crazy, go stupid with this AU people, play with it however you wanna
I can't even begin to describe how ecstatic I was reading this. A gender queer batfam fic rules, but to add on it/its pronouns? Fuck. Gods, I'm so happy with that.
Alright! So, I have no idea about the Waltz World source material, but I'm chill with that. I like the concept as it's described.
Because gender is a social construct, it is completely okay to have different gender identities/pronouns depending on the social environment (or, like this AU, the vigilante and civilian personas having various gender preferences).
So, let's create a list to make the pronouns clear:
Dick: he/him (sometimes her), Nightwing: she/her (sometimes he)
Jason: he/him, Red Hood: she/they
Tim: he/him, Robin: it/its
Steph: she/her (sometimes he), Spoiler: he/him (sometimes her)
Damian: she/him, Robin Hood: he/her
Cass: no pronouns
Duke: all pronouns (does this include neopronouns?), Signal: all pronouns
Bruce: he/him, Batman: he/him
Barbara: she/they, Oracle: she/they
Alfred: he/him
I like the idea of no pronouns for Cass since Cass was taught language later in life and thus doesn't associate Cass or Orphan with pronouns. I also gave Barbara she/they pronouns because being gender queer is not exclusive to Waltz World. That magic affects one's gender expression (and also affects how the individual may perceive their gender identity in different forms).
Alfred is definitely in the background, ironing out a plethora of pride flags based on whatever he figures out about others' current thoughts on their LGBT labels (he's discrete to those who haven't come out or told others yet). He also makes rainbow cookies, multicolored drinks, and displays photos around the house with subtle pride flags incorpated in their colors (like those sunset LGBT photos). The pride flag photos are as many as Alfred can find, regardless if any of the flags relate to one of the family members. It's the dealer's choice on whether Bruce knows the specifics or if he knows, from Alfred's actions, that at least one of his kids is queer.
Might I add that I love that you addressed that Bruce probably has some subconscious sexism that affects him attitude.
As far as queerphobia and all the discussions they can have about that, there is so much to interact with there. For instance, their socioeconomic background would affect their queerness (as far as how they are treated within the community, by those outside it, by those within the various minority or majority group they belong to, what it's like for those with more or less money, etc). They could also discuss their specific issues regarding their particular gender identity (Tim with the it/its pronouns, Cass with none, Duke with all of them, Damian with using both she and he, Jason with considering himself cisgender outside of Waltz, etc).
Because I want to have more representation where queerness is normalized, imma hc that Gotham (besides Bristol) is accepting. There's various levels of understanding/knowledge into distinct labels, colors, history, etc., but it's normal to use whatever pronouns (or lackof) that people say to use. There's no reaction at all to people's various gender expressions, partners, etc. It's normal to just be chill with it in Gotham, but it's debatable whether the person quite knows all the details (like that interview: "How many genders are there?" "I don't know. I just got here").
Outside of Gotham and online, there's the horrid shit. There's also other pockets of full acceptance around the world like Gotham. Metropolis is one of them (which is another reason why Gotham and Metropolis have such a rivalry).
The JL typically doesn't care about gender standards. A lot of them are not from Earth, so those societies (or other ones they have been exposed to) might not follow a binary gender structure. Those from Atlantis are around sea creatures that can switch their gender. Wonder Woman and those of her similar background grew up around the same myths that talk about gods and people switching into all kinds of stuff (animals, different genders, trees, etc). There may be a few that aren't aware initially of the many possibilities, but they either become accepting or get kicked out (fuck queerphobia).
There may be some subconscious shit in these more safe spaces, but overall people don't give a fuck what you identify as or who you get with (or if you don't get with anyone).
At the same time, I'd love for Batman to have to give an HR-similar presentation on queerness to the entire JL. Maybe they have one every year (including ones for different minorities [which incorporates metas and various alien species]) to discuss how to help folks of different background and how to be respectful of their culture/identity/behaviors/etc.
Anyways! Love the AU
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Responding To The "Aromantic Manifesto"
So I found this aromantic manifesto earlier today and I have many thoughts and opinions about it. Mainly that it's really bad, and it is homophobic. It uses a lot of big words and complicated language to sound smart, but it's not actually conveying good ideas. I'm going to respond to it piece by piece. By the way, I am aromantic, but I am also gay, so that's the perspective I'm looking at this through.
The main points of this manifesto, as outlined in the beginning, are:
"Romance is inherently queerphobic."
"The organisation of queerness around the celebration and pursuit of romantic desires and pleasures reinforces queer oppression."
"Queer liberation must abolish romance as its long-term goal."
Point 1 is bad because the activism for lesbian, gay, and bisexual rights has LITERALLY been all about being able to love whoever we want to. We didn't fight for centuries to legalize gay marriage to have someone say that us loving someone else is inherently queerphobic. Implying that gay love is somehow oppressing someone else makes you the queerphobic one.
Point 2 is wrong because we've been fighting for our rights for literal centuries, and we've already decided that trying to repress our sexualities for any reason, is actually bad and contributing to our own oppression. The only way to make real progress in solving queer oppression is by expressing ourselves loudly. It's okay to dislike amatonormativity. I dislike amatonormativity. But that doesn't give you an excuse to be homophobic.
Point 3 is even more incorrect. That's because a movement that is fighting for people historically marginalized based on who we love isn't going to have abolishing romantic love as a goal. It's okay to be aromantic and not want romance. The problem comes in when you try to force everyone else to repress their romantic desires because you simply don't like it. That's bad.
The next part is extremely insulting to me as a trans person. They compare gay men wanting to date other men and not wanting to date women to gay men wanting to date trans men. Newsflash, assholes: trans men are men!
If straight people can’t help who they love, then neither can gay people. Nor, one might suppose, racists and transphobes, and people who find disability and fatness unattractive.
This is an obvious homophobic argument. They're implying by this that gay men not wanting to date women is the same as gay men not wanting to date trans men, implying that men who don't love women are misogynistic. It's transphobic to compare the experience of being gay to transphobia. Tell me you've never spoken to a trans person in your life without telling me.
Queer oppression is not just the experience of prohibited desire. It is also the experience of hierarchical and violent desire. It is also the experience of undesirability.
What the fuck are they even saying right here? Queer oppression is literally about the experience of prohibited desire and the lack of experience of expected desire. I can maybe understand where undesirability comes into play, since especially as a trans person I get cis people trying to equate my sexual attractiveness with my worth as a human being, but experiencing hierarchical and violent desire?
This reads as someone saying that queer romance is inherently evil and we're oppressing ourselves and we're totally at fault for our own oppression. QUEER ROMANCE AND SEXUALITY ARE NOT INHERENTLY EVIL AND SAYING THAT THEY ARE IS HOMOPHOBIC, IT'S 2023. Why is this even a hot take?
The next section talks about the "privatisation of love," which is a model for why they think that queer activism has been missing the entire point. Let's see what this author has to say about that.
While the domestic sphere fashioned by heterosexual kinship relations has been historically designated as private life, queer intimacies have instead been regarded as a matter of public concern due to moral panics associating them with predation and perversion throughout history.
This is a very sloppy, incomplete reading of the way that homophobia works. I'm not going to get into my theory of how homophobia works in this post, but anyone who's actually experienced homophobia in their lives will tell you that this ain't it. For one example of how that's incomplete, in recent years queer people have been encouraged by society and especially the right to hide our queerness and abandon our culture in favor of mainstream society. This isn't trying to make us a matter of public concern, it's trying to make us disappear. This isn't how oppression works.
This next section focuses on how romantic love is allegedly used as a hierarchy.
People who regarded as romantically attractive are invariably upward-mobile, white-proximate, gender-appropriate, able-bodied, slender/muscular etc.
Maybe. Just maybe. That is just a reflection of how society views people who aren't white, aren't gender conforming, are disabled, and are fat. Racism, transphobia, ableism, and fatphobia weren't invented by romance. The way that romance in our society works simply reflects those things that already existed. "I just find them unattractive" has been an excuse to discriminate against people for ages. That isn't because romance is inherently THE hierarchy, but instead it's because it's used as an excuse.
Often, calling romantic partners “compatible” just means their placements on the romantic hierarchy are relatively equal in privilege. Calling romantically unattractive people “compatible” with each other, on the other hand, easily sounds condescending.
I don't have much to say about this. This is simply not how romance works. While compatibility is not a great concept and I have critiqued it before, this ain't it.
Queer romantic ideals remain incredibly heteronormative, only celebrating the most privileged and “compatible” of queers and condemning more marginalized queer people all the same.
This quote is really interesting because it's pointing out a very real issue with society (the fact that society encourages assimilated queers) and tries to blame queer activists for it. No, we do not want to assimilate. Society wants us to assimilate, and some of us try to do so. However talking to most queer activists will reveal that we don't want to assimilate. We want to be treated with basic respect.
Queer romance does not resist heteronormativity as much as it assimilates queer desire, making us hold on tightly to whichever relative privileges we have and hate ourselves for whichever we don’t.
Hello? This is projection. This is exactly what the person writing this manifesto has been doing the whole fucking time.
By peddling the illusion that romance can be made queer, heteronormative capitalism forces queer people to try solve their problems of undesirability and unhappiness privately by finding the “right” partner, rather than directing their anger towards public action.
Gay people in the past got into romantic relationships that often got us killed. Did we do that because of heteronormative capitalism trying to force us to find someone? No. What the actual fuck are these people even talking about.
We propose aromanticism as a counterpublic that responds to queerphobic violence by mobilising public resistance instead of escaping inwards. Aromanticism is a principled commitment to finding radically nonviolent ways of relating to others.
There's so much to unpack in this quote. Firstly, the author believes that aromanticism is a choice. It is not. I was born aromantic and even if I choose to get into a relationship that does not make me any less aro. This is also implying that (gay) romance is inherently violent, which is Homophobia 101.
If you already have a romantic partner, we are not asking you to “leave” them, but to aspire to love them in a different, queerer way.
There's no such thing as more or less queer. If you're queer, and you love someone, congratulations, that's queer love. It doesn't become more queer if you call it something other than romance.
I'm not going to go over the last part, but this last quote is some icing on the cake of homophobia we've just eaten.
Just be aware that similar hierarchies of desirability exist in sex as in romance.
It shouldn't be a hot take in the year 2023 that claiming that all sex is bad is a very culturally Christian thing to do, as well as being very traditionally homophobic. Sex negativity is weaponized against queer people far more often that it is against cishets.
To conclude, I'm just going to say that this manifesto takes real frustrations that even I have with amatonormativity, and turns them into denial that romance exists, and blatant homophobia. It's also very hard to understand, so if I misinterpreted something, please do let me know. While I do think that aphobia is bad, being homophobic isn't a solution and is just going to cause us to be hated even more, as well as alienating gay aros.
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hiskillingjar · 19 days
tbh I need more fanfics of laws necrophilia... there's too few.
your wish is my command you fucking sicko
1500+ words, first person, law's pov. cw for necrophilia (duh), mentions of rape and murder, and gross bodily functions
crossposted on ao3. give me attention i have huge boobs
You were dead.
It had happened recently, maybe two hours ago, three hours at most.
Your nose was broken, bones and flesh smashed like a hole, caked with near-black blood, with the same trickling (lighter, ruby red) from a hollow gash on your forehead where your skull had caved in.
You put up a fight, evident from the bruises on your bare shoulders and chest, but blunt force trauma always won out, no matter how strong the person receiving it was.
It only takes four minutes from the moment a person has died (or, was killed in your case) before their body enters the decomposition process, beginning with the "self-digestion" stage, causing what most people know as rigor mortis, as the body begins to eat itself from the inside out.
All the tiny bacteria living in our bodies digest the small intestine first, which causes the cells in the body to lose their structural integrity and start dying and collapsing. Blisters will then appear on internal organs and the skin's surface (purple and yellow, like bruises, like pus), which is also when flies and maggots will become interested and begin to eat and reproduce too, playing nature’s role in the decomposition process.
Decomposition scares most people. I know that, which is why I don’t talk about it.
The idea that the body of someone they care about can begin deteriorating in front of their eyes (within minutes, even) upsets them.
It scares them. 
They don't like thinking about how weak we, as human beings, really are, and how willing our bodies are to turn on us when we no longer belong there.
It doesn't scare me, though. 
Which was why I wasn't scared when I saw you.
I had been in the forest that night, checking on the mastication process of the newest project until it had gotten dark, and was heading back to my car when I found you, lit by a single moonbeam on the clearing closest to the road.
Whoever killed you hadn’t done a good job of hiding it, but I was grateful for that.
You were a willowy beauty in a skimpy, white night dress (dotted with blood and dirt and other fluids), hands taped together at the wrist, dead, empty eyes staring up at the starry night sky as the holes in your skull continued to bleed.
What a beautiful night to die.
I'd never seen a dead body in real life. 
Plenty online, plenty in the fucked up videos I used to watch when I was a teenager, before I knew what death felt like, really felt like, and knew I could never see it kept to a video again, but never in the flesh.
I felt a wave of initial nausea take over me, a predisposed reaction to death that the human body must have had, because I was far from disgusted when I saw you.
I set my bag down and approached you, a hand over my mouth to stop any instinct to vomit.
I couldn’t ruin you any more than you had already been ruined.
You almost looked like a doll, lying in the grass, your skin paling and purpling as the initial stages of 'self-digestion' occurred underneath it, and a loud part of me ached to tear into you and see it happen myself. 
Yes. That’s what you were.
A broken doll played with and thrown away when she was no longer fun to play with.
"How awful," I murmured to myself, stopping my idle pacing at your blackened feet and setting myself down into a comfortable squat, tilting my head to examine you more closely. "Who did this to you? A boyfriend? Husband?"
Letting my curiosity get the better of me, I reached forward and gently nudged your legs apart, not surprised when I saw purpled bruises between your legs, reaching up to your equally bruised vagina that appeared wet and slick (and not just with the piss and shit leaving your body, another part of the self-digestion process that people didn’t like).
"I'm sorry," I then said to you, because it felt like you could hear me, looking at your bloody face. "You didn't deserve that."
I settled down onto my knees, dirt and mud soaking in, and crawled a little closer to you, kneeling between your spread legs and pressing my body down against yours. 
Your warmth was dying, as all warmth always did, but it was still there, barely alive, in your chest and your inner thighs.
I could feel my core begin to tighten and throb, despite the awful smell of death beneath me
I didn’t mind. I was used to the smell of rot.
"I mean, not like anyone deserves it," I whispered with an awkward chuckle, reaching up and stroking your pale cheek, smearing blood as I pushed dark hair out of your pretty face. You made a broken nose look beautiful, I thought. "Just you especially didn't deserve it. I'm sorry."
I pressed my face into your matted hair, smelling the scent of freshly washed hair and sweet blood over the smell of shit, and my core tightened even more.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I repeated, rubbing my face against your clean hair, my trembling hands going to your thighs and parting them even further. "The world is so cruel, isn't it? So cruel to people like you."
The white lace, the freshly washed hair, the cum lingering on your skin after your death, maybe this boyfriend or husband had even killed you on an anniversary or something. 
The world could be cruel, but people could be so much crueller.
"I promise I won't be cruel," I whispered, slowly reaching down to the front of my sweat pants and squeezing my- "It'll be quick. I'll make it as easy as I can." I tucked them down and freed myself, lowering myself between your warm thighs, stiff with rigour mortis but open and willing for someone (someone kind and good like me) to take care of you. "I wish I could ask properly. I'm sorry I can't."
I gradually pressed inside you, the seed of your killer making the entrance easy and slick, even if self-digestion had made you tighten up, like you were trying to ward off anybody else who wanted to do this to you, even in death.
I was patient though. 
I was happy to slowly work you open, slowly lower your defences and make you feel safe with me.
I had never done this before, either, although I had often fantasised about it, masturbated about it, and wrote about it in journals and concerning blog posts. 
None of that compared to the real thing, naturally.
I couldn’t help a slight grimace, though, feeling the wet slide of shit against my groin and upper thighs as I pressed closer to you, seeking your tightness, but I knew that you couldn't help it. 
If you could help it, this wouldn't have felt nearly as good. 
"I'm sorry," I said again through grit teeth and wheezing hisses, taking each of your slim hips in my hands and starting up a series of thrusts, first shallow and then deep, as you opened up more and accepted me. "I haven't done this before. I'm probably going to be quicker than I thought...hah."
I slid deeper, forcing a gas pocket inside you to open softly, demure and quiet, like you were hiding it from me (too shy to be a human), and it sent an electric spike of arousal through my body, tingling up my spine and to the stem of my brain.
"Fuck," I breathed out, lowering my head down to your chest and reaching up to the strap of your night dress, pulling it aside and exposing your perfect breasts, mottled purple with bruises and decomposition, your nipples hard and oozing with fluid. "I'm sorry. Thank you. I'm sorry. Thank you."
I spilt my seed inside of you and almost instantly pulled away, embarrassed, tucking away my softening flesh and dismissing myself from your body, like this had been a particularly humiliating brothel encounter.
I probably hadn’t been your worst encounter that night, but still.
I let out a long sigh, pushing a hand into my hair as I wet my lips nervously, and picked up my bag, starting the walk back to my car.
I felt bad that I couldn't give you a burial, some dignity in death after what your killer (after what I) had done to you. 
I felt worse leaving you there to degrade, and not bundling you up in my trunk and taking you home with me, to take care of and love through each lovely stage of decomposition, but...no, leaving you out in the open would be better.
That way, the police would find you in the morning, identify you from dental records or a fingerprint (or something), and you might get something close to justice.
I just hoped any tests they did wouldn't spot two different sources of semen inside of you.
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