#whoever you are designer get your shit together
randomshenaniganery · 2 years
I love leona but whoever the fuck designs his outfits has SOME kind of a problem.  Just cause he’s from the fuckin savanah doesn’t mean you can throw cheetah print on everything u lazy motherfucker
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ozzgin · 9 months
Male Yandere Lawyer x Female Embroider Reader (a lady who works as a tailor is fine too)
Imagine a man falling head over heels for that newly employed lady who hand embroiders beautiful handkerchiefs in a luxury shop he visits to get his custom suits! And he just trying to coax her into dating him, marrying him, and becoming his stay at home wife (and mother of his children eventually) 🥰🤭
Age difference? I need some DILF Daddy energy more in my life (but don’t make him an actual father…yet)
P.S. I adore your OCs and writing. And your artwork is way too fucking good! You’re art is just *chef’s kiss* infuckingcredible
Ooh, you know what this reminds me of? I have a yaoi volume from Scarlet Beriko, “Queen and the tailor”, about an interior designer that visits a legendary tailor whose suits will supposedly help you achieve success. The tailor turns out to be a scary looking, blunt man but nonetheless extremely talented. I liked the premise a lot, so it’s definitely interesting to try out a different perspective.
In this case I have the image of a patient, soft-spoken reader and a hurried, short tempered lawyer. Comically different but in a way that eventually works out, you know? Also thank you for the kind words!
Yandere!Lawyer x Embroiderer!Reader Headcanons
Featuring a Reader that is blissfully unaware the lawyer she just stared dating has their entire life together already sorted out.
Content: female reader, age gap, older yandere, obsessive behavior
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Your eyes begin to hurt mildly, so you look out the window and blink repeatedly, trying to refresh your poor sight. Such detailed works always strain you terribly, but you love seeing the finished result. Others must, too, given your handkerchiefs are often sold out the very same day. Right before your needle pierces the silk canvas anew, the door opens with a burst and you jolt. An older man in a suit, arguing loudly over the phone. He’s drumming his fingers over the counter, eyes darting around in search for an attendant. You know the type quite well, so you hurry over with the hoop still in your hand. “Might I help you with anything?” You mouth discreetly. He turns to you, stares for a couple of seconds, and promptly ends his call.
Out of all the places, he certainly didn’t expect regretting his rusty, unpolished flirting skills in a luxury tailor shop. Yet here he is now, clumsily mumbling something about his new suit he’s come to pick up and wondering how to connect that with your number. The name’s the easy part, as it’s neatly and conveniently printed out on the little badge pinned to your collar. Everything else, not so much. You excuse yourself and return moments later with his order. Shit. You tilt your head, confused by the delayed response, worrying whether you forgot something. Next time. He’ll figure it out for sure next time he comes here.
If there’s one good thing about his career, it’s that his eyes have been trained to spot every detail. For example the embroidery hoop you gently held while speaking to him, so he knows exactly what his next custom order will be. Truth be told, he didn’t anticipate your popularity and long waiting times, but a calculated raised tone with a sprinkle of intimidation has convinced the employee to assign him to you as earliest priority. Whether he can flirt remains to be seen, but arguing with others? Child’s play.
“Thank you for coming again today.” You bow slightly and extend the gift bag. “Although, I must say…I’ve never seen you using these before. What has caused your sudden interest in handkerchiefs?” Rather bold of you to begin such conversations, but your curiosity is too great. No matter how hard you try, you can’t imagine why a blunt, nonchalant man like him would abruptly become passionate about embroidery. A lover? You smile faintly at the idea. Whoever it is, they’ve taken quite the challenge upon themselves. The lawyer frowns at the inquiry. It seems you’re just as observant as him. Maybe this shall be the pretext he can finally cling onto. So he presents it in the factual truth you’d hear in a courthouse: it’s his excuse to see you. You raise your eyebrows in surprise. Well now, isn’t it just silly? He could’ve simply asked. Buying countless expensive handmade items instead of plainly confessing his intentions…He stumbles, flustered. The same man whose ruthless reputation has even reached your humble ears is anxiously awaiting your response with a deep blush on his face.
The childlike innocence doesn’t last long. You’ve agreed to date him and that’s great, but he’s a man with little time that has known exactly what he wants for many years. When he laid his eyes on you he didn’t imagine cheesy coffee dates as you discuss your favorite color and cautiously breach the topic of intimacy. What’s the point? He’s already certain he’ll spend the rest of his life with you. Skip the unnecessary steps. On the other hand, you’re not as cooperative as he’d wish. Truly, the tangible proof that opposites attract. You’re always calm and take your time with everything. It’s almost frustrating how easygoing you are. When asked when you’re moving in with him, you just smiled and wondered out loud what could be wrong with your small studio above the shop. Marriage? Good question, you never thought about it.
Oh, the irony. Last time a client was being particularly difficult, your lawyer boyfriend pulled him out by the collar under the mortified stares of the other attendants and shoppers. The exact attitude he himself would’ve shown before, yet this time it’s different. Of course it is, it involves you. His thin patience runs out if it’s you. That’s all there is to it. Can you blame a man for following his heart? They say you should always chase your dreams; he prefers hunting them down efficiently, and the shotgun is pointed in your direction. His sweet, exquisite prey he can never get enough of.
Finally you agree to move in with him. Your hesitation was maddening and he’d started coming up with downright psychotic alternatives to convince you, such as your studio burning down after a vicious attack of some unknown hooligans. So it was rather wise of you not to push someone that knows the law like the back of his hand, even if you aren’t aware of it yet. He enthusiastically guides you around your new forever home, omitting unimportant details. The spare office he emptied for a future nursery? You’ll get to that later.
He can’t wait to spoil you. See, that’s the advantage of dating an older man. He’s gotten his life sorted out a long time ago. All that was left was finding you. You just need to be a darling and behave. He knows you will. After all, you’re his talented little embroideress that won’t have to worry about anything else ever again.
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ddangoluvrx · 2 months
dating the bllk boys hcs (reo, nagi, rin) ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱
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reo ✮⋆˙
"i heard you're the plug, can i be the circuit?"
☆ spoils you rotten (expensive bouquets, LOTS of designer stuff, expensive jewelry)
☆ loves seeing your surprised face whenever he has gifts for you
☆ he’s probably very clingy to you, never wants to leave your side (you love your personal space and reo also loves your personal space)
☆ gives you rides to and from school
☆ whenever you’re hanging out at a mall or anything, he’d buy whatever you glanced at, even if you only looked at it for a second (he's very insistent btw)
☆ he’s your best friend AND boyfriend !!
☆ love language: acts of service/gift giving
☆ gossip, this man is a gossip and he definitely shit talks people -> even if he doesn't gossip, if you like gossip, he’ll gossip w/ you as the supportive bf he is
☆ canonically is into mature/older women so i’d assume he’s mature himself
☆ calls you; princess, my love, dear 
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nagi ✮⋆˙
"when i got court, i hope that you're the verdict."
☆ you are not a hassle to him (maybe sometimes you would be)
☆ it’s probably one of those moments where nagi feels like he has to work for something and it motivates him (you’re the “thing” he works hard for)
☆ LOTS of nap dates
☆ wants to play games with you a lot
☆ sometimes he’s a bit neglectful, but he’s trying to work on it
☆ asks reo for relationship advice FOR SURE
☆ love language: quality time/acts of service (since he rarely does things for anyone, acts of service shows how much he really loves you)
☆ he helps you with homework since he’s sooo smart (and he will make fun of you cuz despite him being asleep in class he gets better grades than you)
☆ lowkey you’d probably be dating him AND reo because they come as a package
☆ calls you; dear, precious, sweets (something corny, definitely at least one nickname would be corny)
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rin ✮⋆˙
"when you're around, my insides turn inverted."
☆ he looks at you differently compared to others, his gaze definitely softens (though it might be unnoticeable to you, other people can definitely tell)
☆ he's the type of person who would hate whoever you hate -> you got beef with some random girl in your class? damn rin hates her too
☆ the man will try to teach you how to play football/soccer as a date (he’d make fun of you)
☆ he has a hard time expressing things with his words, so occasionally you’d get flowers and stuff from him (he’s also kinda ass at that, but A for effort)
☆ study together as a date since he’s awkward and bad at this stuff (he’s trying his best tho) 
☆ would DEFINITELY shit talk people on his team to you -> everybody is insufferable (especially shidou and isagi in his eyes)
☆ love language: quality time
☆ you guys are gonna watch horror movies and play horror games together
☆ likes laying on your lap while reading, or watching youtube, or when you’re simply enjoying each other’s presence
☆ calls you; idiot (lovingly), dumbass (lovingly), y/n
©ddangoluvrx ! do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my work
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pretzel-box · 8 days
Idea for a reverse au fic?
Reader gets flashed by a passing Expendable. How would Sebastian (and reader) take it?
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Tags: Light jokes, some action, reader and seb encountering a possible enemy
Words: 1,6k
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The sterile, metallic halls of the Hadal Blackside stretched out before you and Sebastian as the two of you moved quietly, scavenging for any useful supplies. Despite the ominous setting, the atmosphere between the two of you was light and carefree as always. You tossed jokes back and forth between each other, your banter echoing softly in the cold, dimly lit corridor. It was rare to get moments like this, where the tension of your reality seemed to melt away and you could focus on the cute human right by your side.
“Look, if we don’t find any decent scrap soon, I’m just gonna start decorating our hideout with broken tech. Really give it that ‘desperate survivor’ vibe,” Sebastian quipped, a grin on his face as he glanced over at you. He liked to impress you with his crappy jokes, taking in the way your expression shifts every single time into one of laugher and joy.
You chuckled, your claws lightly tapping against the floor as you sifted through some debris. “Well, at least if we don’t find anything, we can hang up your terrible sense of humor for decoration.”
He shot you a mock-offended look, not expecting such a good comeback. “Wow. Harsh. And here I thought I was your favorite human.”
You smirked, glancing over at him, your sharp, artificial eyes glowing faintly in the low light. “Well, you are my only human, Seb. That makes you both the best and the worst.”
Sebastian laughed, his voice warm, and for a moment, the cold, underwater world around you felt a little less hostile. It was moments like this that reminded you why you stuck together, why despite all the dangers, you and Sebastian had found a strange, unbreakable bond in this twisted place. Human and experiment—survivors, somehow managing to hold onto something normal in the midst of the chaos.
As you continued searching, something caught your attention—a small device partially buried beneath a pile of broken tech. You crouched down, pulling it free and inspecting it. “Hey, think this could be useful?” you asked, holding it up for Sebastian to see.
He moved closer, studying it for a moment. “Maybe. Could be some old keycard or part of another similar thing. We can figure it out back at the shop.” He grinned again, leaning in just a little too close. “Or, you know, it could just be more junk for your decorating project.” His words hitting your ears, giving you a small shiver down your back, one of the good kind.
Before you could retort, a sudden flash of light exploded in the hallway, blinding you instantly. The sharp, searing brightness hit your sensors like a sledgehammer, causing you to stagger back with a sharp cry. You instinctively raised your arms to shield your face, but it was too late—the damage was done.
“Shit!” Sebastian cursed, his voice suddenly serious, filled with panic. He grabbed your arm, trying to steady you. “Hold on, I’ve got you—”
The flash beacon. You knew the feeling all too well. It was a device designed to disable experiments like you, to overload your optical systems and incapacitate you. Your vision flickered wildly, and the surge of light made your entire body feel disoriented, unstable. Whoever it was—they knew exactly how to neutralize you.
“Seb…” you rasped, struggling to regain control of your vision, but it was hard to focus, hard to even stand with your lack of balance. Your body felt like it was shutting down, forced into a state of emergency reboot.
Sebastian tightened his grip on your arm, his eyes darting around the hallway as he scanned for whoever had used the beacon. “Stay with me, okay? Don’t worry. We’re getting out of here,” he said, his voice full of determination. He quickly crouched, grabbing a piece of scrap metal as a makeshift weapon.
Footsteps echoed down the hall, and you both knew that whoever was behind the attack was getting closer. You could feel the weight of the situation pressing down, but you couldn’t help but curse internally—this was supposed to be a routine scavenging trip. A fun, light-hearted break from the usual dangers.
But now, everything had turned dangerous.
“Can you move?” Sebastian asked urgently, his arm slipping around your waist to help you stand.
You groaned, trying to focus through the buzzing in your head. “Yeah... I think so. Just... need a second.”
“We don’t have a second,” he muttered, glancing down the corridor again, his expression grim.
With Sebastian’s support, you managed to take a shaky step, but your body still felt off, uncooperative. It was taking longer than usual to recover, and the frustration gnawed at you. You were supposed to protect him, not the other way around.
“I’m fine,” you insisted, though your voice was shaky, the lie obvious. “Let’s just... get out of here.”
But before either of you could move, another blinding light filled the hallway. You felt Sebastian’s body tense beside you, and through your still-fragmented vision, you could see the silhouette of a figure approaching—whoever they were, they were armed, and they weren’t here to help.
“Stay behind me,” Sebastian whispered, his voice low and tense.
Even in your weakened state, you couldn’t stand the idea of Sebastian putting himself in harm’s way for you. You were the experiment, the one designed to handle danger, not him. But as the figure drew closer, you realized that this time, it wasn’t going to be so easy.
“Seb...” you started, but before you could say anything more, a sound filled the hallway and three red dots pointed at you—a turret, aimed directly at the two of you.
The moment the turret whirred to life, its mechanical sound sent a jolt of adrenaline through your systems. The barrel locked onto you and Sebastian, a low hum signaling that it was ready to fire.
"Seb, get behind me!" you shouted, your voice cutting through the chaos.
Sebastian didn’t hesitate, ducking behind a pile of debris as you moved toward the turret. You felt your senses returning bit by bit, the effects of the flash beacon still present but waning. The danger of the turret, however, forced your mind into sharp focus.
The mysterious figure, cloaked in shadows, smirked before glancing up at the vent near the floor. They were quick, nimble, and clearly had the upper hand in this situation. You knew they were planning to escape, but you couldn’t focus on them right now—not with the turret locked onto you both.
The turret's motor clicked, and you heard it ready to fire. You dove behind a nearby crate as it began unleashing a barrage of bullets, pinging off the walls and scattering bits of metal everywhere.
“Damn it,” you muttered under your breath. You peeked out from behind the crate, your eyes locking onto the base of the turret. You could see it—a control panel just beneath the rotating barrel. If you could just reach it, you might be able to disable the turret before it turned Sebastian or you into scrap metal.
“I’ll cover you!” Sebastian shouted, grabbing a nearby chunk of debris and tossing it toward the turret. It clanged off the barrel, momentarily redirecting its attention.
Now’s your chance.
You launched yourself out from behind the crate, hurrying toward the turret as it recalibrated its aim. The whir of the barrel grew louder, and you could feel the heat of the bullets whizzing past you, narrowly missing as you zigzagged toward the base. Your claws dug into the ground as you slid to the control panel, your fingers immediately working to pry it open.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the figure climbing into the vent, the grating pulled aside. They paused for a split second, glancing back at you and Sebastian, a look of triumph in their eyes. Then, with one swift movement, they disappeared into the vent, the cover sliding back into place.
“No time to worry about them now,” you growled, focusing on the control panel in front of you. The wires were a mess of colors, tangled and confusing, but you didn’t have the luxury of being careful. The turret’s barrel shifted again, locking back onto you, and you knew you had seconds before it would fire.
With a sharp inhale, you jammed your claw into the circuitry, pulling a handful of wires free. Sparks flew, and for a moment, the turret seemed to stall. Its motor whirred in confusion, the barrel twitching as if trying to re-engage its targeting system. You ripped another cluster of wires loose, praying you hit the right ones.
Suddenly, the turret powered down with a groan, the barrel slumping to the side as its lights blinked out. The hallway fell into a heavy silence, the echo of the gunfire still lingering in your ears.
You exhaled in relief, leaning back against the wall as your systems tried to calm down from the sudden burst of activity.
Sebastian emerged from behind the debris, wide-eyed and impressed. “Holy crap, you did it.”
“Yeah,” you breathed, wiping the back of your hand across your forehead. “But they got away.”
Sebastian glanced up at the vent, frowning. “Figures. Whoever they were, they knew this place too well. But I’m not worried about them right now.”
He crouched down next to you, his expression softening. “You alright? That was a close one.”
You managed a tired grin. “Takes more than a turret to take me down. But I must admit, I was almost as pierced as a slice of cheese.”
He chuckled, giving you a pat on the shoulder. “Good to know. Let’s just hope there aren’t more surprises like that waiting for us. Also…a cute slice of cheese.”
The compliment made you break into a smile despite the thoughts in your head.
As you both stood and began to gather yourselves, you couldn’t shake the lingering thought of the figure who had escaped. They were fast, resourceful, and clearly knew how to navigate the facility. But right now, your priority was survival.
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butterflybuckethat · 1 month
Stranger Places
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🦋 Masterlist 🦋
I'm back at it again trying to combat writer's block. Hope you like it!
Notes: Carmen Berzatto x Fem!Reader; Carmy finds you drunk in the bathroom of The Bear. (1.8k words)
Warnings: Slow burn, toxic ex-boyfriends, drunkenness
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Chef Carmen Berzatto designed the restroom of The Bear as a complement to the main dining room, extending its warm minimalism to the wide sink basin, pale wood shelves and simple fixtures, all tied together by a signature scent of jasmine and oud. Not that you noticed any of this, your head being in the toilet and all. 
“Cousin!” Richie was forming a plan, which always meant bad news for Carmy. A line started forming outside the bathroom. “I told you we should’ve put in two.”
“Would you shut the fuck up, Richard?” Today was not the day. It had barely been a week since the deep freeze incident, and Carmy still felt shaky at the helm. They were half a turn behind.
“Fuck you, Carmen. How am I the only one taking this seriously?” 
“We need to focus.”
“No, we need to get whoever’s puking in the bathroom up outta there.” Carmy took a deep breath, forcing his gaze off the tickets. Richie continued, “if people think our food makes people sick...” His eyes blew wide, head bobbing, as if this were a foregone conclusion. “Okay?” 
Carmen looked at him, practically flinching when Sydney yelled “hands.” Lately, he had seriously been considering the thought that he was a bad person. He knew that Sydney was capable—in fact, he would proudly describe her as brilliant—but, after she took over for him that night, everyone else saw it too. And yet, he was reluctant to hand her his position. 
“This is big picture shit, Carm.” Richie said, softer this time, using Sugar’s words against him: some things are more important. 
“Syd,” he could barely look at her. She moved into his spot, as if it were the easiest thing in the entire world, and began arranging the tickets, yelling commands. Carmy balled his hands, pushing the air out of his lungs. He didn’t resent her, he just hated himself. “Do we still have those water guns?”
“Fuck,” you spat into the toilet. Everything was spinning. This was a new low, touching your forehead to a public toilet just to feel the cold porcelain, and you had no idea how you got here. You were drinking wine! You never got drunk from wine. At least, not like this. You hadn’t been this obliterated since college, the night Mark joined Sigma and introduced you to jungle juice. You retched again, just thinking about it. 
You tried to stand, digging your nails into the ridges between the subway tiles. But you stumbled, knocking into little decorative objects so meticulously placed on a shelf, and sunk back the floor. “Fuck.” You wanted to cry, but everything was so out of control. You tried focusing your sight on the now headless ceramic bear by your stockinged foot when there was an urgent knock on the door. 
“Hello?” It came in all muffled.
“Mark?” you responded; voice hoarse. The doorknob jiggled.
“Are you okay? Can you unlock—” the voice was drowned out by cheers in the rest of the restaurant.
“Can you unlock the door?” he repeated louder. You crawled over on your hands and knees and turned the lock. The knob turned and the door cracked open.
“Wait!” You pushed it shut. He tried to open the door again but you leaned against it, hastily smoothing your hair and wiping the makeup from underneath your eyes. Mark had seen you worse but that was when you were still together. It’s different now. “Okay,” you slurred, scooting out of the way and letting him in. You looked up. “You’re not Mark.”
It was a hassle getting you into the office. Carmy had you by the waist, dodging the squirt guns and confetti that came with the impromptu surprise, while you stumbled and swayed in the opposite direction.
“I’ll be right back,” he reassured once he got you settled in a chair with a big bottle Pellegrino and an uneven slice of bread. Richie and the sommelier, Ernesto, were waiting for him outside.
“Nice,” Richie pointed to the puke that rubbed off from your dress onto his shirt.
“Whatever,” Carmy responded, deciding it wasn’t worth it to mention that Richie’s suit was half soaked and covered in glitter. “What’s up Ernesto?”
He looked to Richie first which made Carmen’s palms sweat. “They only ordered two bottles.” Ernesto spoke quietly, wringing a towel in his hands.
“They?” Carmy asked, patting the kid on the shoulder to try and ease his nerves.
“She was sitting with some guy.”
“Who is this guy?”
“How should I fucking know? It’s a woman’s name on the reservation.” Carmen wondered, not for the first time, if Richie was capable of speaking at a reasonable volume.
“I don’t know, ask him?”
“He left.” Ernesto added.
“Don’t you have a receipt, credit card, something?” 
“He ran.” Richie was practically giddy. “Look at this.” He carefully unwrapped two empty wine glasses from a linen napkin.
“What’s this CSI?” Carmy scoffed.
“Just look,” Richie lifted the first glass up to the light. “What do you see?”
“There’s a lipstick st—”
“There’s a lipstick stain, right.” Carmy was very quickly losing patience. “The girl clearly drank from this glass.”
“Can you get to the fucking point, please?”
“Look at his,” he held the second one up. “Notice anything?”
He squinted, searching for something to find, “No.”
“Exactly.” The glass was pristine, not even a smudge. “Thanks, Ernesto.” Richie dismissed.
“Wait,” Carmen stopped him. “You poured him a glass?”
“Both of them, yeah.”
 “And you kept pouring hers?”
 “No, he did all the pouring.”
 You felt like shit; your head was pounding. The seltzer had settled your stomach a bit but you couldn’t bring yourself to touch the bread. And, to make matters worse, you were surrounded by strangers, with puke on your favorite dress, and where the fuck was Mark?
 “How are you feeling?”
 You peeked through your fingers. Carmen. “Horrible. How do I look?” You began to stand, tentatively.
He let out a little laugh.
“Jesus, you’re laughing?” you asked, incredulous.
“No, of course not.” But he had this fucking smile on his face.
“What the fuck?” You did a little shimmy, tugging down your dress, and flipped your hair which did little more than make you woozy. “How about now?” you asked after steadying yourself on his desk.
His eyes raked over you. You watched them land on your thighs, the curve of your waist, your clavicle. “You look great.” 
You cleared your throat, hoping to mask the shiver that ran down your spine. “Great,” you said. You took a sip of the Pellegrino, swished it around your mouth and headed for the door.
“Wait, where are you going?” Carmen outstretched his tattooed arms, blocking your path. Your eyes widened, suddenly understanding what a compromising situation you seem to have gotten yourself in. But he backed away immediately, taking a few steps out of your way. “I-I just meant…are you sure you’re feeling well enough?”
 “I’m here with someone,” you explained, shoulders relaxing.
How was he supposed to tell you? “I think you should sit,” he started.
“Did something happen to Mark?” Your eyes widened, “is he sick too?” 
Carmy felt an unexpected wave of rage. You were concerned for him? This fucking bastard “Mark?” “Please sit.”
He watched as you tugged the hem of your dress and sat primly. Carmy knelt in front of you, hands ghosting your calves. He was trying to be comforting which he had never really had to be before, being the youngest. He suddenly wished Sugar were around. “He left.”
“Left?” you repeated, crease forming between your brows.
“Ditched.” Carmy braced himself for your emotional fallout. But all that came was a bitter laugh.
“What a fucking asshole.”
He searched your face, looking for some kind of explanation. “First date?”
“That would be less embarrassing. Ex-boyfriend.” You leaned back, causing the leather to exhale.
“Did he do that often? Get you drunk and leave you with the bill?” Carmen didn’t mean for that to come out so bitter. He barely understood why he was getting so worked up over this. 
“Oh shit. I’m so sorry. Obviously, I’ll pay. I think my purse…” You just looked so helpless. You got a raw deal and Carmen just wanted to make sure you were okay. Big picture and all that. What kind of restaurant owner would he be if he just let shit like this happen at his place?
“No, that’s not- That’s not why I brought it up.” You looked at him. The color had returned to your cheeks, making your smudged makeup look less scary and more…hot. 
“Thank you,” you blushed. “I’ve caused you enough suffering, I’m sure. I should really get going.” There really wasn’t much he could offer you but he didn’t want you to leave.
“Are you hungry?”
Was this pathetic? To be letting the man whose restaurant you just violated cook you a grilled cheese? You had a distinct feeling you were engaging in behavior your mother warned you about.
“How do you want it cut?” Carmen asked, towel slung over his shoulder. 
“Triangles, please.”
“Excellent choice,” he mumbled. You couldn’t help but admire his broad shoulders and biceps that strained the material of his perfect white shirt. He set the plate in front of you. “So, what happened with you and the guy?”
“Asking the hard questions first, huh?” You grabbed half of the sandwich, licking your lips at the stretch of the cheese, and pushed the rest of it towards Carmen.
“It’s for you.”
“We can’t share?” He picked up the other half and took a bite, making you smile. But it was short lived, he pressed the question. “I don’t know. We dated.”
“How long?”
“Five years.” You shrugged, as if it were nothing. This was a practiced movement; one you’d perfected for a while now. 
“Oh.” Carmen put the sandwich down.
“It’s been two years,” you assured. “It’s not like— It’s not like I’m still in love with him or something.”
“Then why’d you meet up with him?” 
“What’s with the third degree?” You got down from where you were sitting on the counter. The Bear had long closed and you and Carmen were the only ones left in the kitchen. “You don’t even know me.”
“Your puke on my shirt feels pretty fucking personal.” His voice was soft, not a hint of anger or frustration. He looked tired all of a sudden, like he lost something.
“You don’t even know my name.” You spoke quietly and he inched closer, wanting to hear you. You could smell the candle, the jasmine and oud, faint on him.
“I know your name.”
“Yeah, what is it?” He was taller than you; not by much, but enough that you had to tilt you head to look him in the eyes. Bright blue.
You were just staring at him, for a while, a mix of shock and confusion on your face. Did he do something wrong? “What did I say?” He asked, placing his palm on your waist.
“I should go.” You pulled away from him. Carmy wanted to pull you back but you were already halfway across the room. He could’ve kicked himself.
“I’m sorry,” he followed, watching you move things around the office. You were unsteady on your heels. Carmen rushed to help support you but you recoiled, like his touch burned. He apologized again. “Can I help you?”
“No, I got it.” You said, pulling your clutch out from behind a stack of bills.
“Can I at least take you home?” He offered, now standing on your far opposite.
“Uber.” You shook your phone. You weren’t unkind. He was a stranger after all, but he could’ve cried anyways. You made your way to the front of the restaurant, your Uber came quick. “Thanks for your help, Carmen. And the meal.” You pushed the door open, a burst of cold Chicago air cut through him.
“I’m sorry, Milly.”
“That’s not my name.” And you were gone.
Part II
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rapunzelbro · 6 months
Comforting Velvette as her S/O.
So tumblr broke, this request was vanished from my profile. So to the anon who requested I’m so sorry I hope you find this The prompts were “I don’t want to be alone right now” and another I forgot. Enjoy!
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It would take forever to establish a relationship with Velvette let's be honest here.
She doesn't want anyone to see her in a vulnerable state, she doesn't want anyone thinking she is weak and needed a partner
That was until she met you, something about you was just different to her.
You were soft spoken, minded your own business but wouldn't stay quiet when someone said something that set you off.
Like to piss you off? Man you'd set whoever pissed you off, straight and they wouldn't speak, or argue with you again.
And your designs were amazing decent.
Velvette rarely had to make any changes when it came to your sketches
And your stitch work? Fucking flawless compared to the others. Who just were you?
She would try to stalk you on social media to find out you had no account, or one she could find, with a little help from Vox she did eventually find it.
It was a completely anonymous account, with a rather decent following Like probably 10k?
Impressive but not compared to Velvette
Your account was hiding your identity by a random username that had no mention of you in the slightest, and no posts that involved photos of you. Just sketches, sheet music photos, and the occasional video of someone singing, which she assumed was you.
But what amused her more than anything, was seeing multiple sketches of her on your page.
You captured her beautifully, didn't make her look bad in any sort of way, it was so simple, but yet so beautiful.
Velvette definitely sereenshotted the sketeh
She never would have thought you admired her outside the work place. Let alone be a fucking singer too? What couldn't you do?
She'd call you into her office the next day and you'd be so fucking anxious that you fucked up somehow as you knocked on the door
"Yeah yeah come in"
You'd take a deep breath calming your nerves down before you went inside, closing the door behind you as you walked to her desk, she was still looking down at her phone
"You wanted to see me Miss?"
The second she heard your voice she looked up from her phone, placing it down and grabbing a piece of paper from the inside of her desk before placing it down
“Would you care to explain this?"
Your cheeks instantly flared red in embarrassment as you realized just what it was
The sketches of her that you drew
"I..I'm so sorry I promise it won't happen again I just well I-“
"Oh quit your yapping I'm not mad you idiot"
She instantly shuts you down slight irritation on her face, while confusion struck yours as you remained silent
"I'm promoting you to head designer, don't fuck this up. Shoo get back to it"
What the fuck? No literally, what the fuck?
You left as soon as she shooed you away, you were beyond confused as to why she did what she did, but you'd never question her.
Months after the promotion you and Velvette would become closer, considering how the two of you now worked closer together since you directly reported to her now.
Velvette wasn't as harsh as she usually was to you, she listened to your suggestions and took your thoughts seriously.
Velvette would ask you to go to a fashion show with her Saying it was to get another eye on the new trends, but you and her both indirectly knew it was her asking you in a date, which you obvious said yes.
After that point you were would date in private If anyone were to question you two?
They'd be instantly fired on spot or killed. She didn't need anyone peaking into her personal life
Would introduce you to the other Vee's later on
"She is mine don't try and start no fucking deals with her, shes off the market"
If she didn't say that Valentino would have snatched your ass for himself. And man did he want to. Fucking creep
You two often watched tv together in her room in private, or you would sketch her, she absolutely loved that she was your muse. She would always have sketch books and the highest quality of materials.
You stayed with her during the exterminations that happened for your protection too, she wouldn't let you not stay with her if you were killed she'd fucking lose her mind
It's been almost a year since the two of you have been together privately, with the exception of Vox and Val
You'd be working late at the office sewing a new design when you'd get a text from her
"Y/n doll. Can come back to our room whatever you're doing can wait"
"Be there in five"
Oh and you moved in with her. Per her request of course.
You finish up what you were doing before heading back, knocking on the door to your shared room
When you don’t hear a response you grow concerned, as you open the door.
You see Velvette on the bed on your shared bed on her side. She quickly sits up hearing the door open
"Vox I told you to fuck off! Wait Y/n"
Her hard glare softens, she can tell she was crying
"Velv.. are you okay? What happened?"
You quickly made your way over to her
"I don't want to be alone right now, doll"
She simply says before you instantly hug her.
Her returning the hug as you two just sit there, her quietly sobbing as you gently run your fingers through her soft curls, humming gently to her, trying to comfort her the best you can
You two are like that before she pulls away, keeping a hand in yours as you wipe the tears that remained trying your best to not smear her makeup anymore than it already was.
After a while she finally talks about what was causing her pain.
She might not be open to a lot of people
But damn do you help her a lot.
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 7 months
It's home cinema manufacturing time! 🏴‍☠️ Gonna put my pirate show on my shelf! (I'm doing an Arts and Crafts Project and I'm making it everyone's problem.)
After seeing how much they cost, I abandoned the idea of getting a Blu-ray writer for now. For the time being, good old DVDs is what it's going to be! My TV is old and not very big, so DVD resolution is gonna be fine.
It's been ages since I last burned a DVD. For the full experience, I'm gonna create nice menus and pretty sleeves for the boxes. Graphic design is my passion! Um.
Well. First needed to find a program to do stuff with. I'm a Linux guy, so I'm using Devede. (Which is free, btw. In case someone else wants to do a low cost spot of putting pirate show on the shelf.)
DVDs fit a maximum of 120 minutes of video. So, four episodes, I thought. But after a quick attempt, the program refused to do more than three (maybe because of the menu also taking up space, and four episodes cutting pretty close to the 120 min mark?). Anyway, three episodes per disc it is. It's a pretty nice runtime for watching the entire disc, IMO. An hour and a half, and then you can return to reality to realise you should probably eat something, or go to bed because it's midnight.
OFMD with its current two seasons has a total of eighteen episodes, which is divisible by three. You get the following setup:
Disc 1: Pilot, A Damned Man, The Gentleman Pirate - That's pretty good, Stede's introduction to piracy all on one disc!
Disc 2: Discomfort in a Married State, The Best Revenge is Dressing Well, The Art of Fuckery - All bangers. Great to watch together, our boys meet and shenanigans happen!
Disc 3: This is Happening, We Gull Way Back, Act of Grace - Many romantic moments, lots of great scenes, shit hits the fan at the end there. Alright!
Disc 4: Wherever you go, there you are, Impossible Birds, Red Flags - ... Pain and angst! What have I done!?! The disc of horrors. Gotta make sure to have tissues at hand when I watch this. But hey, it also has messy bun Ed! Small mercies.
Disc 5: The Innkeeper, Fun and Games, The Curse of the Seafaring Life. - Another disc with all winners. I love all these episodes so much! (You can watch this disc to recover from the trauma of the previous one!) But seriously, this one slaps.
Disc 6: Calypso's Birthday, Man on Fire, Mermen - Great combination again. Season finale! Love and excitement!
... Honestly, except for the psychological damage of putting all the most painful episodes together, this is coming out pretty cool. Says a lot about how good the show is. I actually really love all the episodes (yes even the painful angsty episodes of massive depression). Thinking about this little project really reminded me how much I love this entire show.
So, we got a tracklist, now menus, then we can burn this stuff!
I did the menu backgrounds in GIMP. Realised I have a big folder full of screenshots I took myself, screenshots someone else took and posted on Tumblr, official promo pics for the show, and I have no idea anymore where most of them are from, because I named the files according to what's on them. Which is useful for when you want to find pics (Need a picture of cursed suit Stede? I have files named that, easy peasy!), but not so great if you wanted to give credit to whoever took a given pic you used. (It's probably @sherlockig or @ofmd-ann or @blakbonnet. Please feel credited, your beautiful screens and gifs brighten my day, and some of them are now probably part of my DVD menus. Shrunk down and cropped, but, yeah.)
I originally wanted to structure my menus as having the title of an episode, then some pics from it, then the next episode, then pics from that, and so forth, but I couldn't convince the program to give me the necessary padding between the menu items, so I ended up just putting the episode images below the menu. Still like it.
Anyway, DVD menus can also play sound! Behold a crappy video of my beautiful creation (provided entirely for sound):
It plays Gnossienne N°5!
More crappy pics of my other disc menus:
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Gonna make them some nice sleeves next. Some day. Gotta make sure they all work properly first. So. I'll be on my sofa, watching my DVDs. With menus! (Edit: here are!)
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clownhousemargarita · 6 months
Can I request a Vox x Trans!(FtM) reader? Perhaps some fluff- like maybe the reader gets sorta made fun of for not being cis and goes to Vox to complain/cry about it to him??
Idk, this is my first request 😭
"I just wanna talk to 'em." -- Vox.
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------- Summary: You get outed and harassed for being transgender and Vox won't let it slide. Pairing: Vox x (TRANS) MALE! Reader Warnings: Angst, Transphobia, Possessive behavior, Implied NSFW. Enjoy. (+ also, happy Easter to anyone who celebrates!) --------
You were used to it, the harassment and all. Before you found yourself, struggling to push denial away and become the man you truly were -- there was judgement everywhere. No matter where you were, it came in all shapes in sizes. The more you started passing, the less it started to happen. But you'd always remember those humiliating moments, those moments of feeling like the odd one out. You sat there and took it like a man, cause what else were you supposed to do? When you found yourself in hell, you asked yourself if it was because of who you were. That was quickly shot down the moment you realized it was because you took a life. Totally forgot about that, silly you! Though, looking down at your new form, you were immediately disappointed that whoever organized the designs, couldn't have at least got this one issue of your fucking back. Maybe that was your punishment, because truthfully -- all you wished for was to be a biological man. Why would they give that to you if you were in...Hell...? Shit, you must have hit your fucking head or something. You immediately found your place in Hell, the Vee's made you feel at home. You knew you were a shitty person right off that bat if that's how you felt about these three. They were all terrible, and you fucking loved it. Especially Vox. You found yourself favoriting his bratty personality over the other two. They took note of this, teasing you about it constantly. Vox was blinded at the time of all your non-subtle hints, too blinded by his own anger of some fucking buck making himself known into Hell. Eventually you two tied the knot, not in a marital way, but if it was you'd make him wear the bridal dress. Not because of who you once were perceived to be but because you thought he'd look way better in it than you would. You told him this and he just straight up walked away from you. "Absolutely FUCKING NOT!" He exclaimed, not turning his back to face you. You let out a mischievous giggle. You truly felt less anxious around these three. Your boyfriend, a lovely sassy woman who you considered a sister, and an absolute fucking freak.
--- "Hey babe, can you remind Vel about the dinner we have later tonight with that new client? Knowing her stingy ass, she probably forgot already. She takes like 3 light years to get ready." Vox requested, groaning at the end of his sentence at the thought of Velvette putting together an outfit. You watched it occur, it was...life changing for sure. You nodded and gave him a thumbs up, leaning over to kiss his screen. "What're you leaving me forever and never coming back?" He joked, turning to you from the chair he was sitting in. You shrugged your shoulders with a smile as you walked off, waving at him with just your index finger. It was just a silly thing you did. You trademarked it. Making your way downstairs, you saw a group of people in Velvet's station, assumedly models as they looked physically stunning. You scouted the area for Velvet, not finding even a glimpse of her hair around. You turned to the group of models, your face flushed. "Excuse me." You spoke as loudly as possible. They all turned to you with a raised brow and an irritated look on their faces. One man smiled widely, "What can I do for you little girl?" He laughed, the rest joining. You raised a brow, your face clearly showing your anger. "Not a chick, nor am I little. Have any of you pricks seen Velvet?" You ask, emphasizing on the insult. "Are you a transvestite?" "Maybe he's just gay." "What's in your pants, little man?" "It's getting embarrassed, look at it's face!" You felt the tears swell up in your throat, you begin scratching at your hip as an attempt to take out your own anger. "Fuck you cunts." You mumble, walking away as fast as you could, not allowing them to see you cry. You felt the hot streams of tears rolling down your face as you made your way back up to Vox's office. You slammed the door open and began yelling. "Who the fuck are those douche bags downstairs?! Why would you guys hire them?!" You scream, the testosterone getting to you. Vox jumped up from his spot and rushed over to you, his screen like face glitching out in anxiety.
"What?! What people?! The fuck are you talking about?? I literally asked you to just go talk to Velvet??" He didn't respond to strong emotions from others well, so he just began getting angry and nervous back at you. "Those fuckers downstairs! Kept fucking asking me about my junk!" You cry, wiping your tears. You hadn't dealt with this in so long you forgot how to collect yourself. "Babe people do that all the time here, it's nothing personal." "THIS WAS PERSONAL! They asked me if I was a fucking transvestite, making fun of me saying I look like a chick, this and that! It fucking sucked! I sat there and did fucking nothing and ran the fuck away. like a shit ass fucking coward." At this point you were swearing like a sailor who forgot how to curse, you were so angry you didn't know what to say. Nobody had any right to treat you that way. What made them think that they could? You could see Vox getting visibly angrier each word you spoke. "Those mother fuckers." He grumbled, patting your back before heading downstairs with a walk of purpose. You stood there, rubbing your eyes realizing... you totally just got them fucking killed. again. You smiled, the realization of how Vox cares for you settling in and pushing the anger away. You turned to sit by the door, a smile on your face still as your tears dried away, you hummed whatever you could to calm you down. There was screaming, pleading, god knows whatever noise you make when you get torn in half being made from down in Velvets station. Oh, what a pity. Suddenly it stopped, and you heard Velvets voice -- she was screaming at Vox, clearly angry that she just lost her blood filled mannequins. You giggled. There were steps getting closer and closer, before Vox walked through the door, looking down at you. You looked up at him, your eyes lidded with a smile. "You okay?" You asked, hearts in your eyes. He shrugged and nodded gently, "I'm alright, you?" You giggled again as he picked you up from your spot on the ground and kissed you lovingly. "Your fucking insane." You mumble against his lips. "Mhm." He makes a noise in agreement, only making you laugh again and smacking the back of his TV head. "Velvet canceled the dinner by the way, if you wanna just stay here. And fuck." "Nice one." "Dude, I don't even know who said that?" "Me neither, dude." "Okay, it's not cool when you say it." "Say what, dude?" "Shut the fuck up." You hop out of his arms with another laugh. "We can do whatever you want, my love."
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bkgml · 2 years
katsuki taking care of drunk you!
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you and katsuki were in a weird place.
you both know you want each other, (so does the entire dorm). you’ve just never confessed so you’re in a weird stage of being more than friends but less than lovers.
earlier today kami got an invite from one of his one night stands to a party at a local college. she said to bring whoever he wants, so he invited you, bakugou, kirishima, mina, and jiro. you were so excited, if you could get katsuki to have a beer with you, maybe he’d loosen up a little and you could talk about your ‘situation’.
until bakugou had the genius idea to be the designated driver. why does he have to be so stupid and responsible?
guess you’re drinking away your problems tonight.
you get ready with the girls, giggling and bringing multiple outfits to mina’s dorm so she could pick for you.
“yn! you should literally wear none of these!” she saying laughing.
“you want bakugou to take notice of you tonight right?” she asks.
“well i mean a little bit, but not just for him! i’m independent!” you yell and jiro whoops.
“you’ve been independent for too long yn! it’s time to take what you want! i think, you should wear…. this!” she says pulling a dress out of her closet.
the perfect little black dress.
“okay i’m with mina now!!” jiro! how could she betray you like this!
you laugh and hold the dress up to yourself in the mirror.
“alright, alright! but only cause i’m going to look good in this.” you say shocked.
the girls cheer and you all finish getting ready.
“what the hell’s taking so long.” bakugou grumbles to his friends in the hallway.
“relax, bakugou we’re here!” you say, walking down the hallway with your girls.
“wow! you guys look great!” kirishima says, proud.
“thanks kiri!” the three of you say together.
you all get in the car and head to the party.
as you pull up, you take notice of the massive place you’re going to.
“holy shit! this is going to be awesome! our first college party!” mina squeals.
“none of you little shits better get lost, or pass out, or nothing. we’re all meeting back in this car at midnight or you’re all fuckin dead.” bakugo warns.
a chorus of ‘fine’ sings as you all get out and head to the party.
you spend the night trying to forget your issues with bakugou, by drinking, dancing, drinking, talking to your friends, drinking.
“haven’t you had enough?” bakugou says in your ear.
“lighten up. it’s a party, remember?” you say, walking away.
bakugou grumbles and goes to find a wall to lean on, so he can stand there and glare at you and your friends.
some loser chick tries to talk to him, and he looks her way to turn her down as politely as he can.
but as he looks back, you’re fucking gone.
“what the fuck? i looked away for one goddamn second.” he says to himself. eyes scanning the party in search of you.
after a minute of searching he hears a guy ask you to go upstairs with him. he’s about to lose his shit before he sees you walking up the stairs with him.
he scoffs. are you joking right now?
“yo!! bakugou! is that yn? whys she going upstairs with that guy? thought she liked you.” kirishima says.
“yeah. so did i.” he grumbles.
“well are you sure she wants to be going upstairs with him? she had a lot to drink” kirishima asks.
fuck he didn’t even think of that. he didn’t hear you say yes.
he stomps towards you, he needs to make sure you’re okay.
suddenly he sees your quirk activate, the guy sent into the wall.
you turn and see bakugou. fuck you need out of here.
“katsuki!” you say, rushing towards him.
katsuki? his heart jumps.
“hey, hey, what’s goin on?” he asks with his hands on your shoulders.
“wanna go home.” you slur.
fuck you’re so drunk.
“yeah, come on.” he says while leading you towards the rest of the group.
“alright dipshits, let’s go.” he says.
“whattt, but it’s not even 11:30!” mina defends.
“we’re going. now.” he says walking away, pushing you along with him.
you guys make it outside before you’re running into a bush to hurl your guts out.
“shit. come on, yn. you alright?” he says, rubbing your back, soothingly.
you stand straight and wipe your mouth.
“i wanna goooo.” you whine, pouting.
“i know, let’s get you home.”
you all get into the car, katsuki guides you to the passenger seat.
“but this is kiris seat.” you say, feeling guilty for taking it.
“i know, he won’t mind though, okay? you’re so sweet for thinkin of him.” he runs his fingers through your hair and you lean into his touch.
you all get into the car. while katsuki drives he keeps an eye on you, squirming in your seat.
“katsuki, i dont feel good.” you whine.
the car goes silent. you called him by his first name? and he didn’t murder you??
katsuki glares at them for a moment before turning his eyes back to the road. a silent ‘dont fuckin say a word’ warning and the people in the car resume to their normal chattiness.
“i know you don’t, yn. we’re almost there, okay? just hang on.” he soothes.
you stop squirming and try to take deep breaths to settle your stomach.
“alright we’re here, get out.” katsuki says to the idiots in his back seat.
once they leave katsuki gets out and opens your door for you. you run past him and throw up in another bush.
“fuck, are you okay?” katsuki asks.
“i wanna go to sleep, katsu.” you mumble.
katsuki takes you inside and walks you to your dorm.
“where are your keys, yn?” he asks and you hand them to him.
he opens your door and steps inside.
“are you done throwing up for tonight?” he asks cautiously.
“think so.” you hiccup.
“go brush your teeth, kay? i’ll get your pyjamas.” he says and gently pushes you into your bathroom.
he looks around your room and guesses which drawer your pyjamas sit in. thankfully, he guesses right. 
he picks some pyjamas for you and lays them on your bed.
you come out of the bathroom looking more refreshed.
“alright, you’re all set. see you tomorrow during your hangover.” katsuki says, turning on his heel and waking to your door.
“wait!” you call to him. he turns to you.
you walk to him and kiss him. hard. trying to start something you can’t finish. at least you used mouthwash.
“hey, hey, hey, no.” he says pulling you off him.
“please? i can’t do this waiting thing anymore katsuki.” you plead with him.
“i’m sorry, but i’m not doing this for the first time with someone who probably won’t even remember it in the morning.” he sighs, walking away again.
you run up to him again and wrap your arms around him, your cheek pressed to his back.
“i’m sorry. i made you upset.” you say.
god you’re so drunk.
he turns in your grip.
“i’m not upset, baby. i just don’t want us doing something we’ll regret cause you were drunk.”
you look up at him with wide, glossy eyes.
“will you stay the night with me? i don’t feel good and you’re so warm.” you plead.
he thinks for a moment. would you freak out if he was in your bed and you don’t remember why, maybe… but you trust him enough to believe why.
“okay, i’ll stay. get into the bathroom and change. i’ll wait for you.” he says, ushering you to the bathroom.
“promise you won’t leave?” you ask.
“i promise.” he pats your head and goes to sit on your bed.
thank god he wore comfortable clothes. you would probably have a harder time believing that nothing happened if he was in his boxers.
a couple minutes go by until you step out of the bathroom. you shyly walk up to him and sit in his lap.
you’re clingy when you’re drunk.
you wrap your arms around his neck and rest your head on his chest.
he laughs lightly and swings his legs onto your bed before pulling the covers over the two of you. you being completely on top of him, curled into a little ball to help settle your stomach.
he runs his fingers through your hair and you kiss his peck in response.
maybe he’ll let dunce face drag you two to a couple more parties.
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part 2
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love-fictional-ppl · 6 months
xoxoxooxox thank you sm if you do xoxooxox
Omgg yesss I love stoner bakusquad. Tyy for the request loveeee
.·:*¨¨*:·. 𖣁 .·:*¨¨*:·.
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Part 2 of this
Summary: reader and quirkless au!Bakusquad are stoners
Pairings: platonic!katsuki bakugou x gn!bisexual!reader, platonic!Eijiro Kirishima x gn!bi!reader, platonic!pan!Denki Kaminari x gn!bi!reader, platonic!plug!hanta sero x gn!bi!reader, platonic!bi!mina ashido x gn!bi!reader, Eijiro Kirishima x bi!mina ashido, past!Hanta sero x bi!mina ashido, pan!Denki Kaminari x bi!plug!hitoshi Shinso
Warnings: language, Marijuana duh, vaping, alcohol, making out, shrooms, OF, masturbation, etc.
A/n: I was personally geeked writing part 1, so I forgot to actually include the vaping part lol. If you don’t know who Harold and kumar are, watch the movies.
Ok so to start off, Sero’s day/night Job is deejaying. He’s actually really good at it. A lot of people would think this job would go to Denki but nope.
Speaking of Denki, he actually is a streamer. He reacts to people’s videos and plays horror games. He plays a lot of Roblox too.
Bakugou likes Sam & Colby. He’s liked them since trap boys. Honestly his favorite trap boy is Corey tho.
When Mina drinks she gets the spins really bad and throws up. Every single time. Without hesitation.
Denki cries sometimes when he’s drunk.
Kirishima greened out at the first smoke sesh.
Mina is seriously super horny when she messed up. She even convinced bakugou to make out with her while he was super stoned
Denki started vaping when you guys were in sophomore year, he eventually put u all on.
Bakugou had to bail Sero out of jail once, Sero was pulled over while he was making a delivery
Mina makes Kirishima take her to concerts, he trip sits her while she takes shrooms
Sero likes to watch cartoon network and adult swim when he’s stoned
Eventually, Shinso and Denki get together. You all excepted Shinso practically immediately, and invited him to the smoke seshs
Mina buys pink joint papers. The guys hate when she rolls up with them, except for Denki he loves them<3
Mina has an only fans. She isn’t embarrassed by it either. Denki has also watched her videos while jerking off
During smoke sesh’s you guys like to watch South Park. Sero likes to laugh and compare bakugou to cartman.
Sero has a unhealthy amount of bongs
Kirishima is the designated driver for after the hangouts. Whoever doesn’t just sleepover, he gives a ride.
Kirishima always makes a crap ton of snack when him and Mina host. Mina doesn’t like hosting tho.
Depending on how high bakugou is, he will let you play with his hair. It’s actually so soft.
Denki and Sero almost got kidnapped by Sero’s plug one time. It was Denki’s fault, he tried to still the guy’s knife.
Sero loves Shinso’s cat especially when he’s stoned he says he’s the group scooby doo. Shinso is forced to bring muffins(the cat) every time
Shinso also sells weed so Sero claims they’re competitors
Denki is so girly with his vapes it’s funny. Like this boy will kill for a minty Hyde. He also always has to tear apart his bed just to find the shit.
I think everybody agree and say bakugou and kirishima drink whiskey. Grown ahh ahh men💀
Bakugou literally will catnap when he is baked. He likes to sleep with his head on your thighs
Kirishima always brings blunt wraps since you and Denki always forgets to buy them. Baby boy kiri is a angel🥹😇
Reach in Sero’s couch cushions and you will find a kingdom of lighters
Denki says him and Sero are Harold And Kumar. Denki and you love those movies.
Sero’s kitchen is stocked on all your favorite foods and drinks.
Not Proofread!
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macsimagines · 1 year
Yandere toman [draken, mikey, baji, chifuyu, mitsuya] but everyone bar darling is an alpha.
Please forgive my lack of clarification 😅
(Ok so I'll do this because of all the confusion but next time, please read carefully because I did ask only three and i did ask you to specify multiple times. try to be courteous next time)
TW: ABO, Breeding kinks, Smell kink, Stalking and generally ruuuude behavior.
Smells like iron and blood. Others hate it but its such a powerful and intimidating scent that others know to back the hell off.
You were Mikey's first. He's a prime alpha and when he smelled you as a child when you first met he knew you were gonna be his it was like an unspoken rule.
Strangers are surprised he's a prime alpha with his baby face but Toman knew there was never gonna be any other way.
You being an Omega was also a no brainer. He'd been preparing you since your children to match his designation, he wasn't going to accept anything less.
Slowly he started to build his pack. It wasn't that he had any biases for the other genders, but he did have preference for alphas. Ruling over a powerful group of apex predators made him feel like a real beast.
Mikey isn't as possessive over you as one would think. Everyone in the pack belongs to him and therefore he groups you all together. He likes it when you smell like the others because he makes the others smell like him. All the scents mingling really pleases him.
Favorite thing to do is to hold you still while one of the other's scents and marks you. He wants you to smell like all of his men and he wants his men to smell like you.
Really likes watching you get drunk off the collective pheromones. Thinks your flushed face as you get high off of it is the biggest turn on.
You're such a good omega, your body knowing that your alphas are all gonna make you feel so good. And that's another big thing, his pack needs to be servicing you and him.
There's so much love to go around you'll never feel the need to leave...
He loves it when you nest and you've got two or three of his alphas there to protect you. Such a good pack looking out for the Omega
Smells like fresh cut grass, so soothing and calming.
Submits to only Mikey. Everyone else can go die, but he does make an exception for you. He likes to let you scent him more than he does Mikey because you're so gentle when you rub against his neck.
Is very perceptive of smells though, the second he gets a whiff of someone not Pack on you he's quick to memorize the scent and wipe it away with his own.
That punk better hope to god Draken never finds him, Toman's Omega needs to smell like Toman and he's got no right to fuck with you.
Knows his place is keeping everyone in line, and keeping you pleased and safe, makes sure they all know that too. If you're feeling scared he's making sure that the Pack alphas have you surrounded and protected.
Makes sure you fulfil your job as well though. The Pack needs their omega ready for them and he's got you presenting and ready for whoever needs you. Makes sure to clean you up but also keep you stuffed.
Mikey likes to know Toman is taking care of it's sweet girl, and Draken is such a good boy he makes sure their leader can see that his Omega is well full of her alphas.
But this boy also takes his rewards too. He gets second dibs after Mikey when your heat hits and your nest is guarded and ran by him. No one gets in without Draken saying its ok and if you haven't earned the privilege then fuck right off.
Somehow smells like a car crash. A huge warning sign about him.
Takes no shit type of Alpha. He very rarely submits voluntarily because he wants to be made to submit. You want to be in charge or on top then prove it to him.
Is constantly scenting you, and has gotten checked by Mikey and Draken multiple times. It's not his fault his scent is so strong right?
Needs his omega often. You're his stress relief and he's such a good alpha that he deserves it right?
You want a knot? He's there to give it. Also gets into trouble for not asking permission to have his way with the omega.
Can't stand other alphas outside of the pack being near you, nearly tore off Pah's arms for holding out his hand to you when you tripped.
Gets into huge trouble for not asking permission to be in your nest. You've bitten him multiple times and Mikey's kicked him across the room for not listening.
Subconciously scents everyone's possessions. Everyone's bikes, their jackets and bags. Everything. He needs people to know who they're dealing with.
At least he's good at warding people off.
Alpha! Chifuyu
Smells like citrus. Lemons and Oranges so fresh and clean.
Suuuuuch a good boi. Always chirping after you, making sure you've got food and blankets for your nest.
Very responsible alpha! Also very good at submitting to the others. Knows his place and sometimes is rewarded with second dibs during your heat. (Mikey is always first)
BUT he is also the residential snitch. Caught you scenting someone else? He's telling the others immediately, doesn't matter if it was your kid cousin thats NOT ok.
Has got a tracker on your phone, and makes sure the other's can see where you're going.
Finds out you're alone and without one of them and makes sure he's there or one of the others knows you're unsupervised.
Goes crying to Baji when you try to give him the cold shoulder for being a good Alpha, then lets Baji talk him into knotting and scent marking you to teach you a lesson in loyalty.
Really like's it when you scent him, and when you don't he eats you out so he can smell like you for the rest of the day.
Really really really like eating you out after everyone else got to have you. Especially licking you clean after Baji. You all taste so good he can't help it!!
Very weird smell of clean linen and paint chemicals, but it works.
Makes a lot of your sweaters and when he doesn't do that he's approving of your wardrobe first before you wear it. He wants to make sure your clothes are comfortable and markable. Certain fabrics retain their smells longer.
Is in charge of your nesting materials and makes sure it gets delivered and scented by all the alphas before giving them to you.
Has on occasion helped build your nest. Mikey and Baji get jealous but Draken actually defends him stating he know what he's doing.
Has the most important job of panty patrol, where he takes whatever undies you've been wearing that day and delivers them out to the other alphas.
Mikey gets first dibs on the one's when you're about to go into heat because those are his favorites.
Feeds you often like a good alpha should, after making dinner for his family and of course you.
Usually takes you to the other alphas because you can't be trusted to not wonder off and they're not reliable about sharing you with each other.
He's got the biggest breeding kink out of all the others though. Seeing you with his sisters makes him want puppies out of you the most...
436 notes · View notes
itsmarsss · 2 months
Scandalous [Blitzø x Fem!Succubus!Reader x Stolas] (Helluva Boss) pt. 9 - If I Had a Nickel
pt 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4 | pt. 5 | 1st bonus | pt. 6 | pt. 7 | pt. 8
Getting into a weird three-way situation with an imp and a succubus isn’t exactly considered classy, Stolas.
If Blitzø had a nickel for every ex of one his friends’ he’d fucked he’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice, right?
Word count: 6,117
Warnings: since it’s something concubi need to survive, having sex with humans for that need is not considered cheating between them in of itself. doesn’t mean it doesn’t feel shitty. you’ll get this when you get to it. this takes place during spring broken but I’ve already said do not take the shows timeline as entirely the same as my own lol. Spring broken will have happened after Exes and Ohhs but Exes and Ohhs will have happened before Ozzie’s in this fic. Kind of sexual/physical assault of Moxxie (same that happens in the episode, nothing graphic or anything), pretty tense chapter, Verosika is very much a bitch here but don’t worry abt it.
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If you were to say so yourself, things have been pretty okay the past few weeks, which is a great freaking accomplishment, especially with Spring Break coming up.
Apart from being emotionally hard, considering the... well, the memories tied to it, Spring Break just makes you anxious, more than ever now that you actually had access to the human world during it with Stolas’ Grimoire.
… Which is the exact concern Ozzie expressed during the last sleepover you had at his place the previous week.
But you got this under control.
Of course, you'd still be careful, planning on staying in the office more often until you could find yourself less nervous about going up, and you made sure to tell him that.
Besides, there's plenty things more fun and more important for you to think of. You've been hanging out with Blitzø a lot these days, and you were actually having fun with the ‘trade’ with Stolas that you were now an official part of. You and Milllie managed to keep the weekly sleepover nights pretty consistent, Loona hasn't been in such a terrible mood lately and, therefore, Moxxie has been significantly calmer, too. You'd even managed to be sooo brave and keep yourself calm enough to make small talk with Fizz when Ozzie left the two of you alone for a few minutes in one your nights over at their place. Hey, maybe next week you can ask him a question, even!
Not much, admittedly, but progress nonetheless. Befriending your best friend's boyfriend is a little nerve-wrecking, especially when he’s so wary of the fact that you’re the only demon in hell with the power to confirm the rumors about them are real and have shit hit the fan for them.
You even- wait.
You recognize the song the very second it starts playing, taking you out of your thoughts and glancing at Blitzø as he turns the volume all the way up.
“You were the spicy little demon with the bleach blonde hair-“ you sing along with the car radio, holding an imaginary microphone to yourself before holding it to Blitzø.
“F-fiending for some- uhh- yeah, when I caught your stare!” Blitzø tries to sing along into it as he drives and you laugh at his attempt to sing the lyrics, already knowing he'd get most of them somewhat wrong, before leaning towards him so you can both sing into the imaginary mic together.
“Thought it might be love- but what?”
“But you went too far! Fucked all my friends and-“ Blitzø’s eyes widen so much they might as well fall off their sockets. “Holy shit-“ He steers the wheel so violently everyone thrashes around in the car, everyone in the backseat falling over each other and pushes the brakes forcefully, making the car come to a stop abruptly and he immediately proceeds to shove his head through the open window to yell at whoever it was that, as you could see now, had parked in his designated parking space. ���Oh, you suck for life, do ya?”
He even goes through the trouble of fumbling to grab a megaphone he apparently kept in the glove compartment for... situations like this? Well, something like that. He continues yelling out insults until the sight of who comes out of the car makes him stop speaking completely.
It’s a hard task making Blitzø shut his mouth, you gotta give her that.
“Oh, shit. Verosika.” You state out loud, but it's more to yourself than anything. What's weird is that Blitzø says the exact same thing, the exact same time.
"Oh, shit. Verosika?” He asks, and you figure it's more to himself than anything as well. He turns to face you for a moment, blinking a few times before speaking. “You know her?”
“Uhhh…. “ So much for things being good lately. You want to stall as much as you can, you want to vanish from where you were, you want the floor to swallow you whole never to be seen again. The most you can do about all of that is trying to sink down on your seat so she doesn't see you, but it’s no use, really. She pops her bubblegum and grins at you. She already has.
“I should have known you’d be here. I could smell fish from miles, which is odd, because I believe the nearest ocean is-” he pushes himself so far out the window he ends up falling face-first to the floor, but gets up as quick as he can just so he can finish his insult. “Three rings down!”
“And I should’ve known you’d be here when I heard the amber alerts.”
“Oh, yeah? I’m surprised they let your fat ass out of rehab.” She was in rehab? Again? “I can see you're still a drunken whore, clutching onto that beelzejuice bottle like its the last cock in hell!”
“They let me out because I’m still famous. And rehab is for sad, loser washups. So… your sister says hi. You wanna come out now, y/n? I'm sure you're familiar with the subject."
You sigh, deciding it’s better to confront her right now than to let her say too much, and so you get out of the car, walking towards where her and Blitzø stood. “Hi.”
“Hi? That’s all you have to say?”
“What do you want me to say?”
“For starters, what the fuck is going on, maybe?”
“What do you mean?”
“Getting with my fucking ex? Now that’s low even for you.”
“Your ex? Who's your ex?”
“Oh so you didn't know I dated him, that’s totally not why you’re here with him right now. Right.”
“You dated her?”
“Yeah, we dated for a while,” Blitzø shrugs. Oh, no.
“Yeah, until he ran off leaving me to pay for the hotel room, stole my car and-” Blitzø joins in, finishing word for word what she had to say, like he'd heard the speech a million times before. You don't doubt he has. “-run three rings to wrath and max my credit cards on shitty horse-riding lessons!”
“Goddamit, whore, you will not let that go!”
“You… did that?”
“What, you gonna crucify me for it? How the fuck do you even know each other? Were you friends or something?"
“I- uh-”
“We dated too. Unfortunately.” Verosika spits out.
Blitzø turns to face you. “Wait what? You dated my ex?”
“Well I definitely dated her first. That tattoo was not there,” you point at the tattooed heart with Blitzø’s name crossed out inside of it, and Verosika instantly covers it with her coat.
“That’s true. Until… well, I’ll let the slut tell you what she did,” she tells Blitzø before smiling at you. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I'm doing a bit of freelance for one of the infinitely more successful companies in the building, and they wanted to have me come in this week to lead their team during Spring Break. Hey, maybe you wanna come too? Oh, wait, I forgot you’re on the big guy’s watchlist. Maybe he can give you a pemission slip?"
You avoid her gaze, feeling smaller than ever at the dig. She laughs at your reaction.
Blitzø interferes. “Well I don't know what that fucking means. But you said a week? No, no, you are not parking here for a fucking week.”
“Aw, you mad, Blitzø? Choke on a sandpaper cock.” She walks away flipping him off, and he chases after her.
You stay right where you are.
Blitzø follows suit behind her and threatens to call HR lest she parks somewhere else, which understandably sends all three of them into a laughing fit at the ridiculousness of the thought. Verosika snaps her fingers signaling to whoever her guard hound she’s parading around is to go, both exiting the parking lot.
As soon as they're gone, Loona barges out of the van. “You guys know Verosika Mayday?”
“Oh, yeah, her, yeah, we dated.”
“Yeah. Same.”
“Wait. You both dated Verosika Mayday?”
“Ha! Now that’s karma.”
“Shut up, Moxxie,” Blitzø tells him.
“Was it before or after she became a popstar?” Millie asks.
“Sir. You dated a popstar?”
“Okay, why are you all acting like thats such a shock? Where's all that negative energy for y/n?”
“Hello? It’s Verosika Mayday.” Loona says, in a tone that's meant to shove it in his face that what they're trying to say is obvious.
“It’s… you.” Millie adds.
“I just- I mean, y/n is understandable. But you? Was she suffering some form of brain damage?”
“Okay, look, you are all making this into a way bigger deal than it needs to be. I don't pry into your stupid personal lives.”
A chorus of different ways to tell him he does, all the time, erupts from the three, you even joining in with a “dude, yeah you do.”
“What was sex with her like?” Millie asks you, and you feel like you’re going to short-circuit. This is not something you want to get into right now.
“Millie!” Moxxie exclaims before you can even say anything in return.
“What? She’s a popstar! You'd wanna know what sex with Michael Crawford was like.”
Moxxie opens his mouth to dispute her but stops himself. “Touché.”
“So, tell me later?” Millie asks you.
“Just drop it!" Blitzø exclaims. "Millie, find a temporary spot for that truck, okay?” He throws the keys to her. “Looney, Moxxie, Y/n, let’s go handle this shit.”
You take the elevator, and Loona begins to nervously pull on her hair. “Do you think they saw me? Fuck, I did my makeup shitty today.”
“Oh, you look perfect, Looney! Like alwaysss” Blitzø tells her, and she rolls her eyes.
“Shut up da- Blitz.” She shoves him away.
“You look great, Loons. Not coming from your dad.”
“Ugh, don’t say ‘dad’,” Loona complains, storming off, presumably to the office, but bumps into the hellhound Verosika had been with in the parking lot, who you assume is her bodyguard.
Loona stutters as she tries to apologize for bumping into him, clearly flustered, and hey, you get why.
Blitzø notices it too, though, and immediately goes into protective dad mode, throwing himself between the two. “Aww, big man, where’s yout bitch bag of an employer?”
The bodyguard doesn’t seem amused by Blitzø’s try at being intimidating, a bored-as-ever look on his face. “She’s in her office. There wasn’t room on the second floor, so they rented one here on this one,” he explained, pointing at the door….
The door right across from the I.M.P. office.
Great. Awesome. Fucking fantastic.
“Oh, come on!” Blitzø exclaims, frustrated as well.
The guy laughs and shrugs before walking out. “Sorry, man.”
“Oh, no, you don’t, bitch,” Blitzø mumbles under his breath, eyes trained on Verosika’s door.
Moxxie chimes in. “Sir! How about you let me go in and try to reason with her? You two clearly have a history with her, but I’ll be immune to her insults! I don’t really listen to what’s classified as ‘pop genre’ music, so her status to me is-”
“Moxxie, shut the fuck up and go,” Blitzø interrups, and Moxxie goes on his way, entering the office. Through the blurred glass wall, you could make out the silhouette of Verosika and two other concubi.
From outside, it’s still possible to hear what he says to her, and it is pitiful. “Hello Ms…. Verosika, was it? I work for IMP and it is actually rather important for us to retain the singular parking space we were assigned, because-”
One of the concubi interrupts him, and you swear you find the voice familiar. “Aw, look at the little one! He’s got a little bowtie!”
“Please don’t condescend me, ma’am. I’m-”
An incubus pops out of nowhere, offering to do something you can’t quite make out to him.
“A… kind offer, but… I’m married.”
Verosika leans down to Moxxie’s level. “Hey, why don’t you send a little message from me back to your limp-dick boss and his new girlfriend?”
Oh fuck, oh fuck-
They’re on him in a second, the true forms showing through the blurred glass as silhouettes..
“Shit, Moxxie!”
“Moxxie, don’t let her access any of your holes!” Blitzø yells at him.
“We should go inside!” You tell him, but it’s a mere second before Moxxie’s thrown out the door. You help him get up, and you can’t help but worry if he’s okay. “Mox?”
“I- I gotta go lie down, now,” he tells you, walking into the I.M.P. office.
For a second, Blitzø looks worried about him too. And then that’s replaced with anger. “Oh, this won’t stand!” He screams, kicking open the door to Verosika’s new office and promptly yelling at her. “Alright, cunt, that’s it! If you’re gonna be shitty to my employees, then I challenge you to a fucking…challenge! Fuck, I said that twice.”
“Is this imp boy starting a demon duel?” Fuck. It’s Izabeth. That’s why the voice was familiar. You remember being her friend too. Now she glanced at you as you stood by the door like you were nothing.
All of them did.
“I think he is!” Verosika replies, seemingly excited. “What’s the game, then, Blitzo?” Of course she insisted in calling him that, too.
“Every year you STD spreaders go up topside for easy picking while Spring Break is a prime time for crime of all kind.” You know he says it to hurt her, but his words hurt you too. Does he think that about you, too? Is that how he sees you? Is that how they all see you? There’s not much time to dwell on that just then. He keeps on. “So I bet you succu-bitches can’t fuck as many people as we can off by the end of the day.”
They all laugh at him, and, yeah, you would too if you were in their place, probably.
When Blitzø doesnt back down, she leans down to be at face-level with him. “Oh, you’re serious? Well, then we’re gonna talk rules.”
“Rules? You fuck and we kill why would we need rules?”
“Her.” She points at you with a gloved claw, and your eyes widen. “She can’t seduce anyone to lure them to be killed.”
“What? That’s bullshit!”
“Hey, I’m only making things fair! Seducing the humans is our thing. And you wouldn’t believe how good she is at that. There would be none left for us, would there?” she grins.
“Oh fuck you, Verosika,” you say, tired of the witty remarks about the past you so desperately wanted to bury.
“Bet you still would if I let you.” She leans down to face Blitzø once again. “Fair?”
“Okay. We don’t need that anyway.”
“Alright then. Game on, bitch.”
[. . .]
Blitzø manages a whole two seconds of silence as you walk to the office before he just has to say something. “So. Ya wanna tell me what that whole thing was about?”
“What do you mean?”
“The way she was acting super shady and talking shit about you? She said she’d let you explain what you did to her and that’s saying something cause when it comes to me? Oh she looooves talking about what I did to her.”
“I don’t really want to talk about it.”
“Huh. I’ll get it out of you somehow. But. Apparently you were like some sort of human seducing machine is what I hear? Why do we take so little advantage of that?”
“Cause we don’t need to. I’m an assassin now. I kill. I don’t need to seduce anyone to do that.”
“Okay! Okay, geez. Whatever. But don’t think I forgot whatever that was about you being on some “big guy’s watchlist”.”
You wish he would.
The two of you are the last ones to enter the meeting room, and you take a seat next to Loona as Blitzø stands in front of the big white board with stupid shit drawn all over it.
“Alright, shut your assholes! Here’s how we’re gonna do this shit.” He pulls out a drawing of yourselves, seemingly out of nowhere, and points to it as if it explained everything, when in reality it was pretty much indecipherable. “First, we find a fuck ton of clients. We portal up. We have our fun murder time as per usual. We pile all the bodies into a big fucking canoe. We push said canoe into some water. We light it on fire to attract the sharks and eagles and maybe a goose too, fuck it. They come and eat the bodies, we win the bet, we rub it in that sloppy bitch’s drunken whore-ass face, do you have any questions?”
“A canoe?” You ask.
“Why do we have to light them on fire?” Millie follows.
“Uh, yeah, why was that nonsense?”
“That one wasn’t a question.”
“That wasn’t a plan.”
“I’m sorry, that was a flawless presentation of what we should do, Mox, it’s not my fault you got a smooth little brain upstairs.”
“A what, now?”
“I’m calling you slow, Moxxie. God, why don’t you learn to take criticism, you talentless baby fucked troll?”
Moxxie climbs up to stand on the table, fuming. “Why don’t you take an art class?”
“Why don’t you see how expensive they are?” Blitzø yells back, pulling on the collar of Moxxie’s dress shirt.
“Hey, is there a way I can come with you guys this time?” Loona questions, nonchalant, interrupting whatever it was that was happening between the two and making everyone turn to look at her.
“Absolutely not, I forbid it. Not gonna happen. Sorry, sweetie, Spring Break is no place for young, vulnerable goth girls. You know the kind of freaks up there who drool all over you!”
“Just let the girl go, Blitzø,” you tell him, and he gives you a dirty look.
“Yeah, Blitz! I can blend in with humans easy enough. Just let me tag along!”
“Wait. Say that again.”
“I can… blend in with humans?”
“Do you have a human disguise?” Millie asks her, and you stop to think of it too. Since when has that been going on? Everyone’s seen yours plenty enough, even though you didn’t use it every single time you went up. How did you somehow miss the fact that Loona had a disguise of her own?
“Yeah, don’t all of you? I’ve seen y/n’s.”
The three share looks between each other, similar looks of deer caught in headlights.
“Wait. Are you the only one who has one?” Loona asks you.
“Well, yeah.”
“The three dickheads have been screwing around on Earth this whole fucking time without human disguises? And you’ve been letting them?”
“Hey how’s that my fault? Not like I can conjure disguises for them.”
“Hey now, we have to focus here! New plan. Y/n’s not allowed to use her human disguise cause apparently she’s this huge human awe-ing machine or something. But they didn’t say we couldn’t use Looney’s. Looney, you can help lure the humans to us and we’ll take care of the rest. Real simple, yeah?”
“Wait what’s that about a human aweing machine?” Moxxie questions.
“Unimportant,” you reply.
“How about the new plan, then?” Blitzø asks.
“Flawless logic,” Millie says.
“I think you’re missing the biggest issue, sir. Isn’t it crucial to have a client who demands enough kills to win this bet? We aren’t just going up to massacre!”
Moxxie has a point. But, surprisingly, it seems Blitzø has thought of that already.
“I got that covered.”
Blitzø takes out a blank piece of paper, scribbling away on it with the markers you bought him for his birthday a few months prior. After finishing whatever it was he was doing with it, he takes you all outside, revealing the handmade flyer as he glued it to a lamppost just outside the building.
Spring break
50% off!!
It even had a drawing of his very happy doodle-self beside a decapitated person and, naturally, various horse drawings scattered around the page that had nothing to do with anything. As charming as it was, there was really no way this single tiny flyer could attract anyone, let alone enough clients to have you win the bet with Verosika.
“Now, we wait.”
Moxxie voices thoughts similar to yours. “Sir, there is no way we are going to get enough clients by the end of the day with one poorly spelled, bad-grammar flyer!”
It takes less than a single minute for the street to be packed with people waiting in line in front of it.
Blitzø opens a cocky grin, laughing at Moxxie and elbowing his side before walking up to the first few people in line. “Now, who’s first?”
Okay, maybe he had this under control, after all. Huh.
[. . .]
Satan, Spring Break was… the exact same.
It was the absolute same as it ever had been, down to the thick, thick scent of hormones, sweat and bodily fluids mixed with sunscreen and a hint of weed, up to the obnoxiously loud music and even more obnoxiously loud people.
As annoying as it was to think of it now,, Spring Break did serve you a great deal in the past. Easiest, quickest way to human sex you’d ever encountered. The weeks of Spring Break could be enough to saciate a concubus’ need to go up for a long time if you were smart about it.
They were supposed to be enough, at least.
It’s been quite a few years since you’ve been up on Earth during this time of the year. Ozzie would not be pleased to hear about it, and he’d probably still go on and on about how irresponsible and careless you were being, but if you could get through this, and you truly felt you could, then maybe you could make him proud, too. Happy for you, even.
Well. Nothing like a little murder to get your mind off of things these past couple years. What’s some more?
“Now, remember, we can’t be seen, alright? And loose shots will likely cause a panic, so Loona can help with leading targets to a better spot to off ‘em. You got thhe, Looney?”
Loona takes a sniff at the piece of paper before nodding, standing up to change into her human disguise. Blitzø beams at her appearance.
“Oh, Looney, look at you, you look downright awful! I am so proud. Now fetch!” He points to the packed beach, and she does as said.
Luring the humans was going rather easily with Loona’s help. Blitzø wasn’t wrong, they were all over her. All it took was a look and a ‘come here’ motion, and she could take them wherever she needed: dark alleys where Blitzø could blow their heads off with a gun as she leaned back and watched, by the bridge where Millie could push them to their death and Moxxie could take care of the body, by some hidden corner where you could behead them… yeah, things were going pretty okay, and you had nine kills in no time.
Blitzø was just bragging about it to no one in particular when her voice came on.
“Alright, Spring Breakers! Y’all ready to get fucked up and make som ebitching bad choices?” Verosika announces from up on the stage, where she stood in her human disguise while huge pink-colored screens read ‘fuck you blitzo’ on them in block letters all around her.
“Fuck, she’s gonna sing. We’re not gona stand a chance,” you say, more to yourself than anyone else.
And that’s exactly what she does. “This is your final boarding call. All aboard.”
Pack your bags
Sun’s out
Take a vacay, babe
Take it straight to bonetown
V-time, free time, baby, relax
Self-care, no hair, brazilian wax
Hornt-up, succu-bus to the beach
Catch some rays while catching some D
It takes less than a whole minute for all the concubi she’d come up to earth with to find themselves busy with one, two or more humans each. Which makes up more than the total kills up until now.
“Goddamnit, that bitch started her goadish mating call! Now she’s gonna win all these sex maniacs, we gotta pick things up, guys.”
You nod in agreement, motioning to a guy throwing up beside you. “How about him?”
“Is he on the list, Looney?” Blitzø asks, but she’s… distracted. Of course, it’s pretty clear what’s going on.
“Yeah. Yeah I think so,” she replies, and it doesn’t reassure you at all, not when her whole undivided attention is trained on the Vortex guy who you have to admit looks pretty hot in his human disguise. And hey, he looked human but he wasn’t human, so you wonder if it would- no. Fuck, no. You’re not here for anything other than killing the targets in the list.
Loona’s reply seems enough for Blitzø, who grabs an axe from who-the-fuck-knows-where and quite literally slices the man in half after getting asked if he’s a leprechaun. “Alright, Looney, c’mon, who’s next? Looney? Loon- Looney? Where’s my baby?”
Blitzø immediately panics as he can’t find her where she just was a second ago, and you grab him by the shoulders to turn him in her direction as she walks up to talk to Vortex, making to take care of disposing of the leprechaun guy’s corpse with Millie’s help as Blitzø just stares for a moment before following her.
Pack your bags
Sun’s out
Take a vacay, babe
Take it straight to bonetown
Verosika takes a swig out of a flask before yelling out “now, who wants a piece of this?” and throwing it to the audience. The liquid ends up spilled into many people’s drinks as it flies through the air before landing on the ocean water, and it takes about three seconds for your suspicions about what was in the flask to be proven right as you notice the way people are acting now- that sure as shit wasn’t just alcohol..
You and Millie find Moxxie after you’re done, and he’s watching Blitzø pathetically try to cockblock Loona. He sighs. “Aaaan, we’ve lost him. It’s looking like it’s up to us to handle this list. You wanna make sure he doesn’t blow our cover?” He asks you, and you sigh in annoyance.
“Not like I get to want anything.” You stand up regardless, making your way to where the three stood while Millie and Moxxie began their speed-run (speed-kill?) of the target list.
“What, I can’t have a break?” Is the first thing you hear from the conversation, coming from Loona.
You immediately interrupt, scolding Blitzø. “Blitz you need to get the fuck out of here you’re gonna get us into shit!”
“That’s exactly what I just said!” Loona tells you.
“That is exactly what she just said, actually,” Vortex comments and you ignore it.
“A break? We have a parking spot on the line!” Blitzø yells back, and you know he’s actually being protective of her but pretending it’s about something else.
Vortex decides to tell him off too. “Hey, dude, why dont you chill out?”
“Why don’t you stay out of it? ‘Kay? This is our business.” He holds up another one of his doodles with his tail for a second. “Literally.”
Loona growls in frustration at him. “Fuck, Blitz! Why can’t you stay out of my face for, like, five minutes?”
“Because I adopted you! And that should mean something!” He turns his back to her, crossing his arms over his chest stubbornly.
“Oh, what does it matter? You’re not my real dad. I was almost eighteen!”
“It still counts!”
“Well, it shouldn’t!”
“Loon-” you try to stop her. You know her well enough to know she’ll feel bad for saying whatever she’s saying right now, but it’s no use.
“No! I didn’t need him then and I don’t need him now. You hear that, Blitz? I. Don’t. Need. You!” She’s the one to turn her back to him this time, and he looks back at her with tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
“Okay, look, I know that hurt, but you can’t be out here, Blitz.”
“But- but Looney-”
“She just wants to talk to a cute guy without getting embarrassed. Let her be normal. She doesn’t mean it.”
“Oh how are you so fucking sure, huh? You keep secrets.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” You ask him as you shove him away from the large group of people.
“Yeah I said it. You’re a- you’re a secret keeper! Who are you to know if people mean what they say?”
“Blitz, if this is about what Verosika said-”
“Oh but it is! It is about what Verosika said! Or what she didn’t say actually. Do we even know you?”
“My life before you is none of your fucking business- fuck.” you lose track of what you were going to yell at him when you see Moxxie get thrown in the air, getting exposed to a few people around where he lands on the sand. Blitzø’s eyes follow yours.
“Ah! Oh, my god, it’s a fucking possum!” A woman exclaims, pointing at Moxxie, to which he curses under his breath before some guy grabs him from the ground and shoves him into a beer cooler, immediately throwing it around in the air with Moxxie inside.
“Come on, we gotta go help Mox out,” you tell Blitzø.
��Ya hear that, Looney? I’m gonna go kill something. You enjoy your break!” He childishly yells to her.
You find Moxxie at the same time as Millie does. Pulls the cooler’s lid open and he falls out of it, clearly drunk off his mind from the beer. She stands over him and he calls out her name excitedly from where he lies on the sand. “Millie! Hi. Hey. Hey, where did you get four heads? I wanna kiss ‘em!” He makes grabby hands and a kissy face at her, to which she just smiles in return at the drunken state he’s in. It’s sweet, actually.
“Come on, Mox,” she mumbles before helping him stand up. He’s so wasted he needs to lean on her to keep himself standing.
“You guys okay?” Blitzø asks her.
“Yeah, we-” Millie starts, but is interrupted by… well…
“Ooh! Fish!” Moxxie exclaims, giggling, as he points to the huge, monstrous creature that rose out of the ocean, killing everything in it’s way out of the water and causing panic to overcome everyone in the beach, resulting in a screaming, bloody mess all over.
Personally, that’s not the word you’s use for it, but sure. A fish.
The fish captures Moxxie with its gross, gigantic tongue, pulling him towards itself before attempting to swallow the imp. Fuck.
Millie shares a look with you before promptly killing a man, stealing the glass bottle he held and improvising a molotov cocktail, throwing it at the creature and stunning it enough to fall back in the shallow part of the water. “Kill the rest of ‘em! Go!” She yells out to you and Blitzø, which is enough for you to trust her to solve the situation on her own.
You and Blitzø resume to killing whoever more you could identify as targets, a harder task now that they were panicking and running around in a frenzy, but you manage to get about six before Millie’s done, cutting the creature’s tongue off as it held Moxxie and sending him flying over towards Blitzø, where Blitzø, who manages to catch him in his arms, making one of the targets shocked enough for you to put a bullet though their head.
Millie finally begins to walk up to where you are after killing the monster, chest heaving with heavy breaths and spitting a little blood on the sand, but otherwise okay.
“Is Mox alright?” Is the very first thing she asks.
“Oh, yeah, he’s fine! Way to show off, Mills!” Blitzø yells, and she smiles. You give her a fist bump as she approaches you before she grabs a giggling Moxxie off of Blitzø’s arms, and she can’t help but laugh herself.
“This is funny. I’m soooooo drinky.”
She squeezes him tight and you smile at the interaction.
You only get so much smiling time when Verosika’s around.
“Blitzø.” She calls, and you all turn to see her standing with her arms crossed over her chest.
“Oh, perfect! That must be the whores!” He quips.
“I only see two whores around here and they’re right in front of me.”
“Hey you watch your filthy fucking mouth.”
“That was handled rather… obviously, don’t you think?”
Millie picks up Verosika’s flask form the sand, holding it up before throwing it to her. “I don’t think this belongs to any of us. Would be a shame if anyone found out you guys were behind a giant monster fish in the human world.”
“Yeah y/n here could tell the big Oz himself. He wouldn’t be very thrilled, don’t ya think?” Blitzø is quick to threaten.
“Ha! She should be more worried about him finding out she’s up here right now.”
“Go fuck yourself. He’s not the boss of me. He’s the boss of you, though, isn’t he?”
Moxxie laughs obnoxiously. “Oh, Satan! You got yourself fucked!”
“Yeah, well, you three nasty-ass gremlins will be in shit for not being in disguises." She turns to face you, a bitter, hostile grin taking over her features. "And you! Your little friend already took your crystal privileges away. You wanna be a bigger disappointment?"
“Don't act like you fucking know him."
Moxxie falls over face-first onto the sand between you. “A human called me a possum. I am not a possum!” He slurs out.
“Hold on, crystal privileges?" Blitzø questions you.
It's Verosika who answers, though. “She not tell you about it?" She lets out a laugh. "Doesn’t shock me.”
Fuck. “Verosika-”
“You little fucks never wondered why she doesn't have one?”
“What do you mean? She gets one from Ozzie when she needs it like all of you freaks-" Blitzø immediately defends.
“Oh, Blitzo, you really are fucking stupid, aren't you?" She interrupts him. "She used to have one."
No. “Ver, come on-”
“Don't! Call me that. No. You're gonna hear me say what you did." She turns back to Blitzø, the same rage in her eyes as when she recalled all the ways he'd wronged her in the past, earlier that day. "Your little girlfriend here was forbidden from coming up to Earth without Ozzie’s permission for years.”
“What?” Millie asks, and it seems accidental that she says it out loud.
“Yeah. Sorry-ass had to be babysat every time she had to come up. On a watchlist like a freakin' criminal, cause, well- she kind of is." She eyes you up and down before she spits out "I'm surprised you can even be here right now. Congratulations.”
“Well duh? Of course she's a criminal. That's kind of what we do.”
“Oh, Blitzo, the killing thing you guys do is adorable. But no one bats an eye at a little murder, it's Hell. No, she broke demon law." And, then, the final threat of a carefully blocked out, written-over past, coming to haunt you in the form of her. "You wanna tell them your record time or should I?”
“You have no fucking right-”
“I have every right! I have every right. It was five months, two weeks and two days. You know how pathetic that is?"
“That supposed to mean something, bitch?” Millie growls, protective.
“Other than her being a whore, no,” Verosika shrugs.
“What does that even mean?” Moxxie asks her.
“She stayed up here for five months, two weeks and two days straight once when we were dating. I was worried sick, we fucking lived together too. And then I find out she’s been up here fucking whatever human that came into her line of sight instead of coming back home.”
“I’m- it’s not-”
“‘It’s not what you think, Ver, I swear!’” She mocks. “Boo-fucking-hoo! Now she’s on a watchlist cause Asmodeus for some fucking reason liked her enough to just be worried instead of actually punishing her.”
“I wasn’t in my right mind, you have no fucking-” fuck, you’re voice is trembling now.
“Save it, bitch.”
Blitzø notices your discomfort, deciding it’s better to go home and solve whatever this mess was there. He walks up to Verosika. “Look. We keep this pathetic little b-movie scene on the down low and you let us use the parking space. She doesn’t tell her lusty bff about what you did and everyone lives happily ever after. Deal?”
“Fine,” Verosika says through gritted teeth. “But I hate you.”
“Don’t care. We fucking won!”
[. . .]
“So… you don’t have to talk about it, but… please talk about it. What was that?” Millie asks you, careful.
You sigh. Maybe this time there’s no running from it.
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A/N: genuinely don’t even know of this is good vut alas! we’re so back! sorry for the long wait lol love y’all
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w0rmm1lk · 8 months
Can I request a Bakugo (Cuz let’s be honest, he is FINE AS HELL) x gn! Reader who’s very socially awkward?
Like, if anyone they don’t know tries to talk to them they’ll just be like🧍‍♂️and give them that classic awkward smile
yes!!!! i relate to this reader sm and also I 100% agree bakugo is so fucking fine like??????? he's a fucking 2d character from a style where theporportions arent even based on humans, he has unmanaged anger issues and will fucking explode and not in the joking sense and yet????/ like whoever made hi design TEL ME YOUR WAYS. he's so fucking pretty. but also as much as I love him jeanist did him so fucking dirty with that hair. jeanist looked at *THAT* and really said "I can fix him"??? bitch don't fucking fix him I like the explosive pomeranian bitch. but like that one scene when he was making fun of todoroki during the provisional license extras classes like bro I was watching with my siblings and had to aggressively hold back a fucking screach noise. AND I STILL DO WHENEVER I WACTH IT. he's a fucking anime character who is so damn unhealthy but if you cant tell by the length of this, I fucking love him.
reader: GN
characters: bakugo katsuki
summary: reader is a very much not people person so how the fuck are they dating bakuhoe out of all bitches
warnings: swearing if you couldnt tell. anxiety, mentions of anxiety attacks. bakugo being a bitch.
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💥- okay honestly, first day? didnt even know you were in the class.
💥- this mf too focused on beating everyone up to notice you.
💥- was forced to acknowledge you when you kiri and bakuhoe were in the same area during the usj attack.
💥- after yall beat the shit out of some ppl you were sweating a ton but not bc you just fought some bitches.
💥- your ass was panicked af, not only are you shoved in a small space with two extroverts, you're also being exxesivley complimented by Kirishima bc you punched someone and along with that the fucking usj is under attack.
💥- it was very obvious you were panicking tbh.
💥- like bakuhoe at this point doesnt give a shit about other peoples feelings at this point but even he could tell.
💥- you were just standing there with you r arms pinned to your sides staring into the distance as Kirishima was obsessing oever how you beat someone up.
💥- after the usj he started to notive you more often.
💥- he noticed hpw evenn when the whole class was close with each other, you were still extremely quiet.
💥- he noticed how awkward you were even when talking to your friends.
💥- he noticed how youd speak up if your friends were being rude to you but the moment someone like monoma said something you just shut down.
💥- he even noticed how panicked you were when you learned about the internships.
💥- during the sports festival you both fought one on one, that's when he truly noticed how awkward you were.
💥- like bro was beating the shit out of you while yelling shit like "say something damnit!"
💥- honestly even though he wouldve won anyways, the round ended faster due to your panic with him yelling n shit.
💥- bro was thinking about it more and was like "damn. but like why were they kinda cute."
💥- first thoughts?
💥- immediete denial.'
💥- bakugo thought his time would be something like loud and outgoging, someone whos super confident.
💥- then saw you who was about to have a fuckinh panic attack and was like:
💥- i want that one.
💥- honestly ur crush on him was not obvious at all, you were just your normal panicky self but this time with slightly more blush.
💥- honestly you guys didnt get together until someone had to word it to make it seem like they were challenging bakugo to confess.
💥- will fight someone for you.
💥- monoma insulted you? 3 days of house arrest for bakuhoe.
💥- someone judged you? explosions.
💥- cashier looked at you wrong? banned from the convenience store for the next 6 months.
💥- congrats on your new scary dog privledges.
💥- mf so fucking protective tbh
💥- its not that he doesnt think you cant fight for yourself, he knows you can beat anyone to a pulp. i mean like- you're in the hero course for gods sake man.
💥- more in the sense of, distant jealousy. you wont know he's jealous, but whoever is talking to you thats making him jealous will know.
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not my best work but i wanted to type something lol.
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rodricksfilipinagf · 4 months
Imagine: Marrying Jamie (Jamie Tartt x Reader)
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Your wedding was very lavish as expected of a footballer and his wife
You had an expensive designer dress
For your wedding vow to him you did a poem that you wrote yourself 
His was more simple but heartfelt and meaningful 
His dad was NOT invited but his mom and Simon were
His whole team was there, and so were a bunch of kids from one of your jobs 
Jamie and his team surprised you with a dance number 
Not to be outdone, you sang a mashup. Maybe there was a rap
You and Jamie go to a tropical island that’s exclusive but so, so pretty
You have sex all the time, and everywhere 
You also spend a lot of time on the beach, and when you’re not in the water you’re reading 
By night you perform karaoke and then go clubbing with him
After your honeymoon you instantly quit your day job 
Jamie and your friend Keeley are SHOCKED because you are so good at it and seemed so happy 
But really you only did it because you didn’t want to starve and it was the best opinion for someone with no connections or wealth of your own
Keeley insists you could have been a CEO just like her, and though it’s tempting there are other things you would rather do now that money is not an issue
You decide to write full time. Anything and everything. Books. Movies. Plays. Stand up comedy. 
You visit Jamie’s talent agency with him and ask if you need a separate agent for each thing you can do
You utilize your newfound social media presence as a way to get speaking gigs about being autistic
You are more likely to get a literary agent because you are Jamie Tartt’s girlfriend with a shit ton of Instagram followers
You are able to make short films with the money you now have and enter then into film festivals and put them on YouTube
You miss kids. Like really miss them. 
But school curriculums are too general for what you want to cover, and repetitive, and you don’t want to chance a troublemaker in your class
You think it’s unfair that specialized stuff only starts in college 
And you love being around preteens 
So you start a nonprofit in which you teach 9-12 year olds creative writing
And they don’t have to pay bc tbh you don’t think their parents would pay for it
The kids love it, they’re not afraid to mess up and be goofy and laugh
Perfection isn’t the goal, just having a good time 
At first you feel a little guilty about spending Jamie’s money to buy a whole new designer wardrobe
But then he reminds you how marriage works and how what’s his is yours and you feel less bad 
But you try your best to use your speaking gig money or book advance money for stuff like that
You know he would happily fund your creative pursuits though
You’re very happy in your decision not to work a traditional job because now you can spend more time on what makes you happy
Now to the romantic stuff
Jamie is a great husband 
So thoughtful and caring
He offers to do chores when you’re too exhausted
Is very supportive of everything you want to accomplish
Plans very romantic dates for both of you
Doesn’t pressure you into having kids
You have sex all the time now that you live together
Loves having you at his games but understands if something else comes up
Keeps buying you expensive bags and jewelry
You two get a puppy together that likes to sleep in your bed with you
Always makes sure to give you detailed compliments every day
Is very understanding of you not wanting to physically carry and birth a child 
Posts about you all the time 
Brags to his teammates about how beautiful and sexy you are
Every time he comes across someone who might help you out with your dreams he brings you up
Leaves you alone for hours so you can read without being distracted by how hot he is 
You guys try out each others’ sex fantasies 
You two go on vacation together whenever there’s a long weekend or football season is over 
He hates whoever you do
He loves that you’re obsessed with him
You guys take care of each other whenever you’re sick
He watches all your favorite stuff with you but refuses to shut up while watching 
You have to bribe him not to talk while going to West End shows 
He likes it when you cook him dinner after a long day of football practice
He likes making you breakfast in bed 
He likes giving you scalp massages and playing with your hair 
Basically he treats you like a princess and married life with him is a dream come true 
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yuwuta · 11 days
omg i feel like you never write for toge but would you be willing to? id love to hear any rls headcanons you have about him
i love love loveeeeee toge, fun fact i started jjk because of him 😇😇 i don’t write much for/about him you’re right but i think he’s in a place now where it’s like i love and adore his character so much that i don’t wanna mess him up? or mess up how much time i’ve spent loving him in my head lollllll but i do have headcanons ofc
he has to kiss and tell. it doesn’t matter that he can’t speak, trust that he’s the first to tell. if you want an undercover relationship, he is not your man—actually the second that you two get together, you’re in a group chat with all his friends and he’s quadruple texting about how he loves you
in a canonverse au where he can’t use sign language, he comes up with another way to tell you he loves you. some other sushi ingredient or food ingredient or otherwise neutral word that reminds him of you. he doesn’t tell you beforehand, so it’s a bit of a surprise when he randomly holds you hand and smiles and says something like umeboshi very slowly and deliberately, but it only takes a moment of really looking at his eyes to understand what his saying :((
in a world where he uses sign language, he still uses it mostly to talk shit LOL. ofc it’s helpful to communicate the more nuanced feelings with you, but toge’s favorite use of it is to silently communicate with you in public about someone else—particularly someone else he doesn’t like. true diva behavior, esp because he always sets you up to lie to whoever he’s talking about when they inevitably ask what’s going on
gamer boy :( gets key caps in your favorite color or custom ones with a cute design to replace the keys that have your initials on them on his keyboard. and very proudly shows everyone who asks about it
turns your apartment into a greenhouse accidentally. he’s canonically good at gardening and is the one who takes care of the flowers on campus, and he has a habit of buying and spending extra time tending to plants that you like or that remind him of you. it starts small, a tiny plant on your bathroom counter that he insists is easy to care for and is good for air circulation. then another in your bedroom, a few in your living room, some flowers to sit on your windowsill, a bigger orchid to fill that awkward space between the wall and your couch, a feeder in your kitchen so you can have fresh herbs when you cook. he’s not one to rise early, except on feeding day, toge is the first one up and you can often catch him quietly tending to all of the plants as the sun rises.
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madlittlecriminal · 5 months
[04] Secret Ingredient⥓ Mafia!Miguel O'Hara × Female!Baker!Reader
Warnings: Danny is an oc, mention of death in the family (not reader or miguel related), mention of pregnancy (not reader), annoying customers, two cliffhangers in one (im sorry), patrick o'hara (web-slinger)
series masterlist | miguel o'hara masterlist
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Another day, another employee seeming to irritate him to the core. Miguel didn't understand what was so hard for this guy to understand that no meant no, but seeing him beg Miguel for a day off when his PTO ran out was comical to say the least.
"For the last time, Danny, you used up your PTO. I cannot give you the day off simply because you don't want to work. If you were at work more often instead of doing whatever you want to do, then maybe you'd have the day off." He says while leaning back in his chair.
"But you don't understand! I need the day off, Mr. O'Hara! Please!"
"Give me a valid reason why and I'll think about it." It was bullshit. The only way Danny was going to get out of this is if his fiancée was giving birth or if he had a death in the family. For any other reason, Danny was going back to work and Miguel didn't care if Danny was going to throw a fit.
He was honestly surprised that Danny and his fiancée were still together considering he hardly works and they live together.
"Well...you see..." Danny started, but he couldn't come up with a valid excuse other than not wanting to work.
Miguel waited for him, his leg folded to where his ankle rested on his knee and his hands folded on top of his abdomen. He tilted to the side as he listened to Danny stutter.
"Danny, I'm a patient man. However, your stutter isn't natural. You're nervous because you can't come up with a lie right now and that's fine. However, don't expect me to listen to you if you can't come up with a lie. Get back to work."
Danny grumbled before leaving Miguel's office, slamming the door behind him.
"Slamming doors como si paga por algo-" he paused and shuddered. "Oh God, I sound like my mother." (like of you pay for something-) Miguel shook his head and fixed his blazer before going to type on his computer before his phone rang. A small smile formed on his lips when he saw your name pop up on the screen, but he didn't answer it until the third ring.
"I thought you gave me a fake number there for a second." You let out a sigh, making Miguel let out a shy chuckle, fidgeting with his pen as he tried to tell himself to relax from how hard his heart was thumping in his chest with nerves.
"Nope. Right number." He says, leaning back into his chair again as he heard you put the phone down.
"Good! Okay, I had a weird question to ask you." You say, everything around you sounding much louder which he automatically connected it to you putting the phone on speaker.
"Ask away." He reaches over and grabs his glass of water with a trembling hand from his nerves.
"Why did you need to know about interior designers and such?"
Miguel smirks, thanking whoever that it was a phone call and not in person communication or a video call. "That's for me to know and for you to find out."
"Of course it is."
He heard you huff out a breath and he couldn't help but bite his bottom lip to hold back a laugh.
There had to be flaws somewhere in you...right? I mean, he only saw perfection-
'No. Stop it, Miguel. Not yet. Don't fall just yet.'
"Well, I'll let you go. I have a cake to work on."
Before he could get a word in, you hung up.
Miguel put his phone down and let out a chuckle. He rests his elbow on the arm rest of his desk chair, his chin resting on his palm as he let his mind wander a bit.
Where did his mind wander to exactly?
To you.
He wondered if your hands were rough or surprisingly soft. He wondered where you learned to bake. Was it taught to you by a parent or guardian? Did you learn from recipe books? YouTube videos? I mean, he had to thank someone for your talent. Shit, he wouldn't be surprised if you were self taught.
He shook his head before a soft knock was heard from his office door. He looked up and immediately regretted it when he saw the look of shock and anxiousness on Lyla's face.
"They're here for the meeting, Mr. O'Hara."
He got up and buttoned his blazer before following Lyla out of his office and into the conference room. He knew Lyla well enough that when she said his last name, it wasn't Alchemax business.
You raise a brow at the man in front of you who was asking for a gender reveal cake.
"Sorry, can you repeat that?"
"I want a gender reveal cake, but instead of the usual pink and blue and you do black?"
You blink at him.
"Black and...?"
"Just black."
"Do you want the frosting black?"
"No. I want the cake to be black."
"Sir, that's not how a gender reveal cake works. If you want, I can do black and whi-"
"No, I want black."
"What's the gender?"
"Okay. So you want everything to be black?"
He nods.
"What flavor?"
You stood there for a bit, screaming internally as you head to the back to take out a vanilla cake you just made. You quickly made black frosting with food coloring before decorating the cake. When you triple checked that it was perfect, you showed it to the customer.
"You made sure it was blue on the inside, right?"
You wanted to throw it at the customer.
"Sir, you told me you didn't want to do pink or blue, you wanted black."
"Yeah. The frosting."
You clenched your teeth before forcing a smile.
"Anything else?"
"Yeah, I need it within the next two hours or so."
"Come again?"
He gave you a nod before stepping out of the bakery.
"Customers piss me off sometimes." You murmur.
"Do they? I'm sorry to hear that."
Your eyes widen before they meet a familiar pair of brown eyes.
"Hey darlin'. Hope I'm not interrupting anythin' important." Patrick says softly, giving his charming country boy smile that made you relax.
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