#Stranger Places
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I’m as bad for you as you’re for me We’re violent and mean But we will never leave
#song#music#little big sea#holding on#stranger places#stuck#can't move on#unhealthy relationship#Spotify
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A photo of stranger places, at San Agustin
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AREA 51 is The Strangest Places on Earth. AREA 51 is restricted to the general public.Many believe that Area 51 is where scientists reverse-engineered alien technology that was recovered from crashes saucers in Roswell, New Mexico;
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it's very stranger than a stranger, but actually I love everything stranger, abstracts, ambiguous and unique.
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The crunchy jangling, synthy glistering indie pop found on Stranger Places is utterly irresistible. It’s sweet yet it packs a bite, too. The song comes off of an ace EP named Radio Dreamer, which comes from Los Angeles husband wife duo Joy Downer. But there’s nothing down to be found here. This snappy, peppy guitar pop is bright and playful, dazzling and sprightly. You won’t be able to resist wagging your head side to side to Stranger Places, or even getting up from your chair to prance about the room. I, for one, can’t help but do the latter. Joy Downer’s Radio Dreamer EP can be streamed in full on Soundcloud. Stranger Places can also be streamed off Soundcloud below.
#Joy Downer#Stranger Places#indie pop#alt pop#alternative pop#synthpop#music#indie#indie music#pop#alt#alternative#guitar pop#song#jangle pop#dream pop
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Stranger Places Than This, Chapter 5
It’s finally done!
AO3 links. You know the drill:
From the beginning
This chapter
Stranger Places. . .
The temple was a pile of rubble, bodies trapped in positions of pain and terror, still burning even after three days. Only his desire not to show weakness prevented Fenris from losing the meager contents of his stomach. He had seen horrors before, and they played in his mind now.
A slave being drained of every drop of blood to provide power for his master.
The bodies of Fog Warriors littering the floor of Seheron’s jungle.
Undead rising from Sundermount, wielding swords with hands no longer protected by flesh.
A bright red beam and the sounds of screaming as the Chantry was destroyed.
This was worse than all of them. The air smelled of burning flesh, and the ground was littered with huge chunks of stone. Every step left a print in the ash that lay over everything in a thick layer. Fenris frowned in distaste. He was finally grateful for the boots Hawke had forced upon him.
“This is where you walked out of the Fade and our soldiers found you.” Cassandra’s voice was quiet, reverent, as if speaking too harshly would disturb the bodies around them.
Fenris forced himself to look away from the scene before him and follow the others toward the center of the temple. The Breach loomed, seeming to devour the sky as they watched. How was he to fix that monstrosity? It was far above his reach.
He turned from the sight to find Leliana and a small number of soldiers entering the temple behind them. Wordlessly, they moved to take up positions around the area. This had clearly been planned. Cassandra turned to him, jaw tense.
“This is your chance to end this. Are you ready?”
Fenris gave a sharp nod. “Just tell me what to do.” He could feel Hawke trembling beside him. When he glanced at her, she made a valiant effort to look confident and reassuring. Were he less familiar with her moods and expressions, she may have even convinced him.
“This rift was the first. Seal it, and perhaps we seal the Breach.” Solas said, indicating the rip in the Veil in front of them. Fenris narrowed his eyes at the mage. Here was yet another theory that required the risking of his life. Well, there was nothing for it. It must be done.
They moved toward the rift, and a deep voice boomed out of seemingly nowhere. It filled the entire space, as though resounding from walls that no longer stood.
“Now is the hour of our victory. Bring forth the sacrifice.”
Cassandra looked around frantically, as if expecting a figure to emerge from any direction. “What are we hearing?”
“At a guess, the person who created the Breach,” Solas said. At first glance, Fenris thought he was far too calm, but a closer look showed hands that twisted on his staff grip. He was as nervous as the rest of them.
Hawke frowned up at the hole in the sky. “Well, he sounds hideous.”
She would make jokes at a time like this. Fenris chuckled despite the worry that had been growing in him since they entered the temple. There was a chance he would not walk away from this.
He did not wish to die, but one glance at Marian restored his resolve. If he failed, she would perish, along with the rest of Thedas. She had certainly risked her life for her friends and her city. He could do no less for his world.
Fenris’ ears pricked up suddenly. What was that sou—no. It couldn’t be. Not here. He looked around at the others. They hadn’t noticed yet, which confirmed his suspicions. The sickly song was all too familiar.
“Walk carefully. There is red lyrium ahead.” Although he did not prefer to be the bearer of ill news, they needed to know.
“What? Why would it be here?” Hawke’s words were casual, but her voice was tight. She was afraid. With good reason. Red lyrium had brought them nothing but suffering.
“I hear its song. I do not read its mind.” He was aware that he was being rude, but the song was so grating. It gave him a headache after mere moments. He could feel it calling out to his markings and shrank down into himself, staying as far away as possible as they walked past it.
“How could you read the mind of something that is not alive?”
Varric shook his head sadly. “Seeker. Point. Missing it.”
They hadn’t even completely come past the mysterious lyrium when the voice boomed out again.
“Hold the sacrifice still.”
“Someone, help me!”
Cassandra blinked up at the sky. “That was Divine Justinia’s voice.”
Another, familiar voice rang out from the sky. “What’s going on here?” Everyone turned to look at Hawke. Varric was the only one who didn’t look surprised.
“Release her.” That was... himself? But he didn’t remember any of this.
“Most Holy called out to you. But...” Cassandra was staring at both him and Hawke with a sort of awe. He had no answers for her. Nor, it seemed, did Hawke. Sensing that they knew nothing, the Seeker continued on, leading them down to the heart of the temple.
* * *
Hawke pulled her staff off her back and dropped into a battle stance. Maker’s beard. Why didn’t they ever fight anything normal? Fenris had a hand extended toward the rift. He staggered back as it snapped open, and a massive pride demon stepped out. Shit.
Everyone leapt into action at once. Hawke hit the demon with a Fist of the Maker before anyone could even get close to it, then began pelting it with fire attacks. It stumbled, just for a moment, and Fenris closed in with a cry. Cassandra followed, and they started attacking the demon’s legs, barely avoiding each other, while Varric sent bolt after bolt directly into its face. The archers on the walls dared not shoot with fighters in so close.
The demon quickly recovered from Hawke’s initial attack and lashed out with a whip of pure electricity. Solas barely got a barrier up to protect the warriors before it came down. They both cried out and stumbled. Cassandra shook herself and jumped back into the fight, none the worse for wear, and Fenris...
Fenris was gone. Hawke was so startled she paused in her barrage of attacks. Where was he? It wasn’t uncommon for her to lose sight of him during battle, but never so suddenly. She searched the ground frantically, afraid he had fallen somehow.
A wavering beam of green light snapped her out of her search. Taking advantage of the demon’s momentary distraction, he had phased around it and was attempting to disrupt its connection to the Fade. That was. . . brilliant.
“Hey, Hawke! You gonna help us fight this demon or stare at the elf all day?”
“Sorry, Varric!” Hawke, embarrassed at her lapse, focused her attention back on the demon. The demon who was now turning toward Fenris. Her eyes narrowed as she sent attack after furious attack at the hulking thing. It never even flinched in its march toward her lover. Fine. Desperate times. . .
“Solas! Barrier! Cassandra!”
“Now!” Hawke hurled a fireball at the demon. Solas’ barrier sprang up a fraction of a second before the flames reached Cassandra. She turned and blinked at Hawke, seemingly a little shell-shocked.
That got its attention. The demon had turned from Fenris, whose efforts had apparently been interrupted, as he was now fending off a pair of shades. Unfortunately, it had now refocused its attentions on her.
“Umm...” Hawke watched the massive figure approach for a long moment, then took off running. The pride demon followed her, paying no heed to the others attacking its flank. She could tell it was weakening, but it didn’t slow or turn away. She kept running and it kept following, making wide circles around the temple.
“Is this your idea of helping?” Varric yelled as she ran by.
“Nope!” No time for more words. She was getting short of breath. This sprint would have to end soon, hopefully without her being crushed.
Just as Hawke tripped on a rock and stumbled, she heard a loud crack, and the demon fell to its knees. Fenris had managed to disrupt the rift. She stood and caught her breath for a moment as Cassandra stepped back to allow the archers a clean shot. They sent two volleys of arrows toward the creature before it stirred.
The demon staggered back to its feet, but they were ready for it. Acting with a silent coordination they hadn’t managed up to this point, the team seemed to know what to do and when.
Solas directed a strong burst of ice magic at the thing, slowing it down. Varric shot an exploding arrow at its chest as both warriors charged and hacked at the backs of its knees. Hawke stood back, gathering all her remaining mana.
This would either kill the demon or her. Hawke figured her odds were about even. Solas, either feeling her building power or simply expecting insanity by this point, used what magic he had left to put another barrier around the warriors.
“Move!” she yelled. Fenris and Cassandra turned to look at each other, then took off in different directions, away from the demon. Hawke released a burst of telekinetic energy, centered in the middle of the pride demon. With a roar and the sizzle of electricity, it exploded.
Thank the Maker it wasn’t a living thing. The demon’s remains vaporized and filtered back to the rift. Hawke sank gratefully to the ground and watched as Fenris reached his hand up to, hopefully, close the Breach. She was shaking, and not just from exhaustion. She hadn’t forgotten Solas’ warning.
* * *
That infernal woman would be the death of them all. Fenris didn’t even have time to ensure she was alright. He had to close the rift.
Squaring his shoulders, he turned to face the gaping hole into the Fade. He lifted his hand and found he had begun to expect the strange beam that instantly connected him to the rift. It tugged him, like a cord pulling at his soul. He felt he might be dragged into the Fade at any moment.
This seemed to be taking longer than the others. Surely he had been standing there for hours. As time wore on, the outside world grew more and more fuzzy. He finally felt the end to the connection and snapped his hand back, pulling the rift closed with him.
The last thing he heard was Hawke yelling his name.
* * *
The next thing he felt was an ache in his back. He groaned and sat up, blinking at the light assaulting his eyes.
“Oh, thank the Maker you’re awake!” Hawke threw her arms around him.
Fenris grunted as the air was suddenly pushed from his lungs. He reached up to pat her arm in affirmation, then gently extracted himself from her grip.
“Sorry.” She backed up, giving him space to breathe. He had turned toward her and opened his mouth to speak when the door opened suddenly. An elven woman walked in, carrying a small wooden box.
“Oh! I didn’t know you were awake!” the elf cried, cowering from him.
“It is perfectly alright. I only just – “. Fenris was cut off by the woman falling to her knees in the entryway.
“I beg your forgiveness and your blessing. I am but a humble servant.” She stood but continued speaking, not giving him a chance to respond. “I’m sure Lady Cassandra would want to know you’ve wakened. She said, ‘at once’!”
“It is fine. I will speak with her myself.” Fenris turned and swung his legs over the side of the bed.
“At once, she said. At once.” The elf ran out the door before either of them could calm her.
“What was that about? Why was she so nervous?”
Hawke beamed at him. “You’re a hero. Most people would get a little... skittish around the man who saved the entire world.”
“I’m... a what?”
“A hero. You closed the Breach, sort of. It’s not growing anymore. You saved our lives.” At this, her smile turned fond. “Thank you. I know it sucked.” She looked away shyly.
He chuckled and put a hand on her chin, steering her face back toward his. “I would knock myself unconscious closing a thousand rifts if it meant you were safe.”
She laughed aloud, but did not move her face away. “That is the cheesiest thing you’ve ever said.” She closed the gap between them, giving him a soft, too-short kiss before standing.
“We’d best go see what the Seeker wants.”
Fenris grabbed her around her waist and pulled, dragging her down on top of him as she laughed. “Perhaps she could wait a little longer.”
Hawke pushed herself back up so she was leaning over him. She was beautiful. Her tunic hung loosely from her body, offering him an excellent view of her body. A lock of hair fell in her face, and he took one arm from her waist to brush it aside.
He smiled. How grateful he was not to have lost this—to have lost her. She leaned forward and pressed a long kiss to his lips. Then she stood and backed away a couple steps, even as he tried to pull her back to himself.
She laughed again. “I’m not taking the chance that she won’t come bursting through the door. Besides, you just woke up. I want to make sure you’re completely recovered before doing anything... strenuous.”
Fenris rolled his eyes, but smiled. She always worried. “How thoughtful of you. Am I to assume you show this much concern for all your patients?”
“No.” She laughed. “You’re special. Now come on.” Marian grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet.
He willingly followed her as she kept hold of his hand, leading him out the door of the small hut where he had awakened. Outside was a throng of people, all of whom murmured to each other as they walked through. Fenris clung a little tighter to Hawke, but stood tall. He would not cower.
The entire trek to the Chantry was the same. People stared at them—at him—in awe. This was far more attention than he wished. He would rather they return to their tasks and ignore him. It was uncomfortable, all this gawking. The last time he had been stared at so openly, there had been a collar about his neck, and his master had been standing nearby, gloating.
Hawke abruptly stopped in front of him, cutting off his rumination as he collided with her, smacking his nose squarely on the back of her head. He stepped back, rubbing his nose with a sour expression.
They had, for some unknown reason, halted at the bottom of a set of stairs near the tent they had shared their first night in Haven. Hawke spun to face him, eyes wide with either excitement or fear. He could never tell which. “Shhh—” She placed a hand over his mouth.
“I didn’t say anything.”
Hawke looked at him sharply, rebuking him. She repeated her command, and Fenris nodded to placate her. She released him and pointed up the stairs, beaming. He bounced up on his tiptoes to see the cause of what he knew now was clearly excitement.
Was that—Knight-Captain Cullen? Yes, it was. He was standing in front of the Chantry, as if on guard. What was he doing here? Fenris turned back to Hawke, bewildered, to see her gathering her magic. His eyes widened. This would not go well. He almost turned and went back to the little house. He did not wish to be a part of this.
With a grin, Hawke sent a wave of force magic just over Cullen’s head. It was not strong enough to hurt anything, but did ruffle his hair terribly. The Knight-Captain immediately reached up to fix it, looking about frantically for the source of the commotion.
Fenris stood stock still, staring wide-eyed at the offended party, namely Cullen’s hair. Hawke, however, was rolling on the ground laughing.
“You should have seen your face!” She crowed, tears streaming.
Cullen rolled his eyes and sighed. He had clearly not forgotten Hawke and her antics. After ensuring that nothing else was amiss, the soldier made his way over to them.
“I see your mood has improved, Hawke.”
Fenris glanced at his lover. Had she been in a foul mood? How long had he been unconscious this time?
Cullen turned to Fenris and nodded to him. He had learned long ago of the elf’s aversion to handshakes. Fenris appreciated his consideration. “It is good to see you are well. Hawke has been almost sullen these past few days.”
At this, Hawke scoffed. “I resent that. I have been perfectly sullen.”
Fenris was at a loss. A few days? How much of his recent past had he missed? Fasta vass. He felt Hawke’s gaze on him. He turned to her, and her expression changed from one of exasperation (probably that he had not laughed at her joke) to concern. She slipped her hand into his and squeezed, saying nothing.
He squeezed back, reassuring her that he was alright. It was a silent language they had learned while on the run. The first squeeze was the question; the second was an answer. They were so well-practiced at it the Knight-Captain didn’t even notice.
Seeing that no one else would mention it, Fenris finally voiced his confusion. “Why is the Knight-Captain of Kirkwall standing guard over the Chantry of a Fereldan village?”
“Er. . . yes. About that. . .” Cullen cleared his throat nervously. “I am no longer a Templar. I left the order to serve the Inquisition.”
Fenris frowned. That raised more questions than it answered. “What is the Inquisition?”
“Oh!” Hawke practically jumped into the air beside him. “That’s right. You don’t know yet.”
“Know what?”
“It’s why we have to go to the Chantry. They’ll explain when we get there.” Hawke dragged him off in the direction of the village’s largest building before he could even start to ask who ‘they’ were. Strangely, Cullen followed them. This day continued to get more bizzare.
#dragon age#stranger places#still so much game dialogue#sorry about that#this is my favorite chapter so far#first fight scene#kinda proud
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