#whoa buddy i did it again
dontcallmeeds · 2 years
Since i have that one post still getting notes about my queer Nancy Wheeler takes lets breakdown the library scene!!! I know its been done but by a previously identified lesbian (now queer transman as I’ve always been) who grew up in a small town with adhd/asd who is a full blown Robin kinnie (but also understands Nancy pretty gd well)??? HEHEHEHE LETS GO!!!!
And when I say break it DOWN I mean BREAK IT THE FUCK DOWN!!!
When Robin goes with Nancy, Nancy seems to agree with her about the whole “oh you think we NEED you” man shit. But then she’s annoyed with her when they get to the library, we can take that as her also being annoying in the car and being into Steve still. But for the sake of this argument, what if Nancy realized she has a bit of a crush on her in the car. She’s passionate like Nancy, doesn’t matter if it’s in a different way, she’s fucking passionate and strongly opinionated. Like Nancy.
“Did I come off mean or condescending or something?” Robin and me are the same here, I’m horribly honest and I apologize constantly because its not that blunt honesty allistics say that they have, its genuine honesty. But when has Nance HAD THAT?! EVER?! Oh wait……..BARB. Yeah it’s always gonna go back to Barb. Barbara had GENUINE honesty and everyone else has lied to Nancy in some way and she’s also lied to people, so she doesn’t think Robin is seriously being truthful!!! She thinks she is being mean and condescending and its goddamn crushing her.
Okay the basement scene is most telling. Nancy is embarrassed she dragged Robin down there. Yes “nothing new” is fucking annoyed, she’s annoyed at herself. Imagine if Steve had gone with her and been in that scene. Now I love Steve, he’s my favorite character, but that would’ve been such a bad scene. She would’ve internalized her shit because Steve isn’t very book smart (i hate the whole Steve is dumb agenda as his number one fan, but he is smart and useful in OTHER ways). Robin fucking is. She’s goddamn brilliant like Nancy and I will die on that hill.
“I don’t know okay? It’s starting to seem like a big waste of time” dude she’s so pissed off at herself. That’s internal, not Robin annoyance. She’s mad she followed her journalistic instinct from the Wayne conversation and dragged someone else, specially Robin, into her hunch. Even though she ends up being the one who is most important in this path!!!
My FAVORITE piece of this scene is “you’re obviously bored, why don’t you call Steve?” The venom in her voice is not heterosexual. It feels like “why don’t you go call your fucking man” internalized shit because (more Barb shit) SHE LEFT BARB DOWNSTAIRS FOR STEVE!!! Broooooo pls your lesbian is showing, that jealousy is only jealousy I’ve seen in myself and other queer people who like women and are jealous of their fucking boyfriends. That level of jealousy was NOT “thats my ex and you’re dating him”. Her facial expressions are sooo fucking reminiscent of her brother’s here in the Rink-O-Mania scene :)))). Queer sibling shit its fine!!
Robin’s goddamn adhd is what fucks this whole thing up much like me being audhd fucks up many of my flirtationships (I’m not saying Robin isn’t audhd but this fandom is…a lot, mostly on twitter and tiktok but still). She mistakes Nancy’s upset with still having feelings for Steve. And I JUST saw a parallel between Nancy and Mike Wheeler that BLEW MY MIND. Someone said “the facial expressions between the six nuggets fantasy is with you convo and the surfer boy pizza convo look like they were going to hurt the other person’s feelings and then got interrupted”. Yup. Yeah YUP!!! I do not believe for a second Nancy still has Steve feelings. I think her fucking comphet was trying to play her for a fool when he took off his shirt in the lake. And Robin wants to be supportive so she gives Nancy that one look. ROBIN YOU GD IDIOT SHE WANTS YOU BRO!!!!
“You do know me and Steve are totally not a thing right?” “WHAT?!” Oh that speaks for its self Miss Wheeler LMAOOOO. It feels like for a moment Nancy realizes how dumb she’s being, that reaction wasn’t her guarding herself anymore. I think in the back of her mind she knows Robin is a lesbian. You can catch her absolutely feral and entertained smile when they pan to Robin coming down the stairs. Like BRO SHE THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY. Like “of course Steve isn’t with you, dummy, you’re too hot and gay”.
But then the first “platonic with a capital P” we get from Robin…it started to feel like Robin realizes maybe subconsciously what is going on. Its softer. Its not very wingman of her at that point. It feels like “hey the door is wide open”. And how Nancy looks up from her searching but then flashes her that weird smile. Like “yeah okay I guess”.
“In case thats adding any tension between us” yall…..I’ve said this to girls I thought were straight and got that same weird crunched face look Nancy does because it was like a “you goddamn idiot the tension is because i wanna kiss you”. “It wasn’t” further proves my point, like Robin, the tension is because she wanna hit.
I want to tattoo the last look Nancy gives Robin on my body before they cut to them reeling The Weekly Watcher onto the machines, she thinks Robin is a goddamn genius and wants to kiss her on the mouth.
Nancy literally has to walk away when they make eye contact, same bestie.
Okay then the journalist possesses Nancy’s body when she realizes Robin isn’t mocking her so thats it for me reading into this. But Jesus Christ dude. If you watch Natalia’s interviews often like I do, dude that woman is OBSESSED with the queer ships of the show. Other actors have played their characters queer when its not scripted and we KNOW Natalia is gunning for a Ronance kiss. She’s Ronance’s biggest fan. She’s also a vocal Stonathan supporter which may not mean she doesn’t support Jancy, but she got so bored the last time someone asked her about the love triangle. And while I love Megan Thee Stallion and her love of ST…I was like girl do you watch the interviews??? LMAO.
I am becoming a bigger Ronance supporter than I am of my other ships which is BAFFLING. But I DO NOT THINK NANCY WHEELER IS STRAIGHT. I’m starting to fully FULLY believe she’s a lesbian not even gd bi dude.
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misctf · 1 month
What You Wanted
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Richard wanted to better himself. At first, as a wide-eyed new freshman, he was looking to make a change. Having always been more nerdy and unathletic, Richard prioritized his studies rather than his physical fitness growing up. But after years of fearing the gym, he took his first step. And the rest was history. He grew lean with muscle and learned the ins and outs of the gym routine. He found a gym buddy and quickly climbed the social hierarchy. Smart, fit, and now entering his junior year- he was living his best life.
“Richard!” Thomas’s nasally voice cut through the air, “Are you even paying attention?” Beady eyes narrowed behind his thick rimmed glasses.
Richard shrugged, “Sorry, I must’ve zoned out.” He was thinking more about his gym session earlier that day instead of paying attention to whatever nerdy movie Thomas picked, “I’m just not feeling it today.”
Richard and Thomas were friends since middle school. Both unapologetically nerdy, each surviving their fair share of bullying. But while Richard’s interests in fitness blossomed, Thomas remained entrenched in all things nerdy.
“You’re never feeling it anymore.” Thomas lamented, “I’m worried about you.” He looked at his friend closely, “Are you becoming like them? One of those stupid, smelly meatheads?” Richard knew Thomas never approved of his new friends- especially since many of them gave off the same vibes as their former bullies.
“Thomas, look.” Richard started, “I just... We’re obviously very different people now.”
“Not true! We both study Biochemistry! We’re both applying to graduate school in a few months!” Thomas interjected.
“Yeah, but Thomas, I’ve changed. I don’t really like superheroes and Battle Monsters and all that stuff anymore.” Richard sighed, running a hand through his hair, “I mean, its fun from time to time, but you’re obsessed with it.”
Richard nodded, “Look, I need to get going. I have an exam.” He grabbed his backpack and started towards the door.
“Is that how it’s going to be?” Thomas yelled, “So you think you’re better than me too? Just like all those stupid jocks, right?” Thomas continued, “Fine, if you want to be a stupid, smelly jock so bad, go for it! Don’t come crying to me!”
“Whatever.” Richard said, “See you around.”
Richard worked through his thermodynamics exam with ease. It became such a mindless activity that his thoughts wandered to Thomas. They had been close for years. And Thomas gave him an outlet for some of his more nerdier interests. Sure, he wasn’t as interested in all that nerd stuff like he was back in middle school, but Richard did value the time he spent with Thomas. He frowned. Maybe he was just a bit too harsh.  He’d apologize once he got done with his exam. But as he continued to write down the answers to these complex questions, he felt something welling up from within him. Something physical... something...
Richard’s eyes widened and he quickly covered his mouth. He felt his cheeks flush red and looked around the room, noticing a few looks of disgust, as well as a few snickers from some of his classmates.
“Richard?” The professor said, looking up from her book.
“Yo, my bad dude.” Richard’s eyes widened, as did the professor’s, “Whoa, brah! Didn’t mean to say that!” His face reddened even more.
“Richard, please focus on your test.” She said sternly.
He nodded, trying to tune out the snickers from his surrounding classmates, ‘What the fuck was that?’ He thought to himself, trying to regain his composure, ‘Okay... just focus.’
But as he stared at the problems on his exam, he noticed small drops of water appearing on his paper. He raised an eyebrow as more drops appeared on his test, smudging his work.
“What the...?” He whispered, “Sweat?” He rubbed a hand across his forehead, “What the fuck?” He said aloud, again disrupting the class.
“Richard!” The professor slammed her book down.
“Dude, just back off.” Richard snapped back. He heard a few audible gasps from his fellow students and his face flushed red, “Bro, that came out wrong. I don't get why I'm sounding like this, bro.” His face flushed red again and he suddenly stood up and headed towards the door, “I gotta take a breather.” He said. But as he approached the door he could feel the same heaviness in his stomach, “No, no no... buuuuuuuuurrrrrpppppppp.”
He slammed the door behind him, and fled from the classroom.
Richard walked across campus as fast as he could. He needed to get back to his apartment as soon as possible. Or maybe to a doctor. But wherever he went, he just needed to be somewhere private. The young man wiped some sweat from his brow and cringed.
“No way dude, I’m like a waterfall.” He whispered, “Oh fuck, look at my pits.” Dark pit stains rapidly formed beneath his arms and continued to grow larger. Richard stopped in his tracks and raised his arms, taking a deep whiff of his own stench, “Huhuhuh that’s ripe, dude.” He chuckled to himself. It was the judgmental stares of nearby students that broke him out of his train of thought, “I’m sorry!” He whispered, blushing deeply, “I didn’t mean to... burrrrppppppppp.” His face reddened even more.
“Haha nice one bro!” A nearby jock laughed.
“Yeah dude! Been dropping bombs all day.” Richard replied with a grin. He quickly shook his head and ran towards his dorm room, ignoring the jock's attempt for a fist bump.
Richard slammed the door to his dorm room shut and threw his backpack across the room. At this point, he didn’t know what to do. His shirt had soaked through from his sweat and a new manly musk was clinging to his sweaty body.
“Okay, I just gotta go to an urgent care.” Richard whispered.
He walked over to his dresser to change his shirt, and he quickly stripped out of his soaked t-shirt. But when he looked down at his body, something wasn’t right.
“Yo dude, since when did I get abs?” Richard mumbled, “Oh shit, look at my boulders.” He rubbed a hand across his large shoulders, giving them a squeeze and chuckling dumbly, “Huhuhuh why do I need a shirt?” He flexed his bicep and watched as it bulged with strength, “Woah fuck look at that!” He watched as his bicep seemed to get a bit larger too, “Dude... that’s buuuuuuurrppppppp.” Richard chuckled, “Fuckin’ new protein powder. Makin’ my gassy as fuck.”
His plans to visit an Urgent Care were quickly leaving his mind. Instead, he continued to focus on his various poses, and amused himself with each growing muscle. Richard walked over to the couch and fell back onto it, grabbing his phone and posting a new picture of himself on his social media. All the white, he absentmindedly scratched as his massive chest, which was starting to sprout a light dusting of hairs. He grinned as various likes started appearing on his picture, and he felt his cock start to grow. He grabbed his massive cock and started stroking it, moaning with each tug.
“Fuck yeah.” He moaned, “Fuck people would be lucky to ride this dick.” He grinned, “Dick’s dick huhuhuh.” A knock at his door broke his concentration and he groaned with disappointment. His cock remained tented in his pants, but he didn’t care. He opened the door, casually scratching his hairy pit, “Oh fuck, Thomas dude! What’s up?”
Thomas grinned, “Richard?” He asked, “Wow.”
“Impressed broski? And don’t call me Richard. More of a Richy.” Richy grinned, “Come in, bro! Look, I’m like totally sorry about earlier. All that nerd stuff that you like. Didn’t mean to be a dick about it.”
“You don’t have to worry, Richy. You made it quite clear that you’re not a nerd anymore.” Thomas chuckled, “You wanted to be a stupid jock, well now you are.” 
Richy raised an eyebrow, “Stupid jock?” Something about that wasn’t right. Stupid jock? The words kept echoing in his head, “Stupid jock?” He repeated again, scratching his head, “That’s not... I...” Richy grabbed his head and looked at his friend. For just a second, the dull, dumb look in Richy’s eye was replaced by a knowing intelligence. A horrific realization evident in them. But it quickly lost its spark and his eyes dulled, “Huhuhuh yeah, I guess I’m pretty stupid. But doesn’t really matter when you’ve got this.” He grabbed his bulge and smirked, “Dude, you see that pic I posted? You think I could make it on OnlyFans?”
Thomas nodded, “Yes, I think you could. But I ought to go.”
“No wait bro!” Richy said, blocking his path to the door, “I mean... I know you always say you hate jocks. But its ‘cause you’re into us, right bro?” Thomas’s face reddened, betraying his secret, “So like...” Richy smirked and walked up to Thomas, who’s own khakis were now tented, “You wanna star in my first OnlyFans vid?”
Richy stretched his hands above his head and sniffed his ripe pits. His dick twitched at the smell and he grinned. It’d been a few weeks since he posted his first video to OnlyFans. And yet here he was again, rewatching his first video: “buff jock fucks gay nerd.” Without fail, it always made his dick hard. And even though he posted several more videos since then, he always found himself coming back to this one. But even a masterpiece gets dull and Richy pulled out his phone. He ignored several horrified texts from his parents asking why he dropped out of school, as well as deleting multiple invites to interview for grad programs, whatever those were. Instead he found Thomas’s contact info.
“Hey bro.” He messaged, “Be at my place ASAP.” He took a quick selfie and threw in a few eggplant emojis to get his point across.
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Afterwards, he tossed his phone somewhere on his bed. He didn’t need to see Thomas’s response. Sure he was stupid, be he did know one thing. No one, especially not Thomas, could resist this dick. And the knock on his door not even ten minutes later was all the confirmation he needed.
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adverbally · 2 months
Wind Up Like the Wreck You Hide
Written for the @steddieangstyaugust prompt “Angst With a Happy Ending” | wc: 1,096 | rated: T | cw: hospital, heart attack, parental illness | tags: hurt/comfort, taking care of each other | title from “I’m Still Standing “ by Elton John
Eddie runs into the emergency room and directly into Steve’s arms. He can’t catch his breath, having hyperventilated the whole drive back to Hawkins and sprinted from the parking lot, but he’s able to gasp out, “Wayne-?”
“He’s okay,” Steve reassures him, rubbing his hands up and down Eddie’s arms. “He’s gonna be okay, they’re just gonna keep him overnight for observation.”
“He’s okay?” Eddie parrots. What does that mean? The words haven’t sunk in yet. Eddie was in Indianapolis getting ready for tonight’s show when Steve had called him from this very waiting room to explain that Wayne had a heart attack and Eddie needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible. Two hours later, he’s just… okay?
Steve shifts his grip to Eddie’s shoulders. “He’s okay. We got here fast and they took great care of him. He’s asleep upstairs right now.”
Eddie feels faint with the relief that sweeps through him. Though, as his knees go weak and he stumbles into Steve, it occurs to him that it’s probably just his adrenaline crashing.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Steve catches him under his arms and drags him upright again. “Let’s go sit down while I catch you up.”
Eddie doesn’t know what he needs to know other than ‘Wayne had a heart attack and it didn’t kill him,’ but he lets Steve steer him toward a bank of plastic chairs in the corner. He falls into a seat like a puppet whose strings have been cut.
Steve, angel that he is, pulls a notebook out of his pocket and begins telling Eddie what Wayne’s doctors had said. He had carefully written down phrases that he knew he wouldn’t remember once Eddie got there. Atherosclerosis. Nitroglycerin. Percutaneous coronary intervention. Angioplasty with stent. All the information Eddie would need about his uncle’s care, noted and defined in Steve’s neat handwriting. There are some items with question marks beside them, things that they might need to ask the doctors about.
Eddie’s eyes begin to water. Steve didn’t just do this for him, he did it out of love and concern for Wayne. He spent two hours gathering information and taking notes so he could understand what happened and figure out how to help. The notes on aspirin, the crude diagram of a blocked artery, the bullet point at the bottom of the page that says ‘diet?? medication??’ are all so Steve can take better care of Wayne.
Steve grips Eddie’s hand when he hears his sharp intake of breath. “I know it’s a lot to take in, but it’ll make more sense once we go upstairs and talk to Wayne’s doctor.” His tone is low and soothing.
“Thanks. I’m glad you were here to look out for him.”
“Yeah, of course.” He looks a little embarrassed by Eddie’s gratitude, like it’s a given that anyone would do the same thing. “He’s important to you, so he’s important to me. But he’s also a good man. A good dad,” he adds tentatively.
Eddie barks out a laugh. “You should call him that to his face, he would love it. Finally, a son who will watch sports with him and properly sort the laundry!”
“I don’t expect you to get it since ninety-nine percent of your wardrobe is black, but separating whites and colors really makes a difference!” Steve argues, blushing at Eddie’s teasing.
Eddie squeezes his hand. “Seriously, Wayne loves you. He calls you his son-in-law when he talks about you with his poker buddies. He brags about how all the kids at school love you and you’re the best second grade teacher in the state. Hell, I think he spends more time with you than he does with me.”
“He really does all that?” Steve asks quietly, like a wish that won’t come true if you say it out loud. When Eddie nods, Steve frowns, his lower lip quivering slightly, and looks down at the scuffed linoleum floor. “I didn’t know.”
Oh, shit. Eddie didn’t even think to ask how Steve was doing through all of this. He had called 911 and ridden in the ambulance with Wayne, had almost certainly paced around the nurses’ station waiting for news. Then, instead of going with Wayne, he stayed downstairs until Eddie got there so he could update him about Wayne’s condition as soon as humanly possible.
It was just like Steve to focus on taking care of everyone else, so natural that Eddie didn’t even think twice about accepting Steve’s comfort while offering nothing in return. And now that the immediate crisis is over, now that Steve has had a chance to breathe and start processing, Eddie thinks Steve might be on the verge of a meltdown.
Wordlessly, Eddie loops an arm under one of Steve’s and tugs him to his feet, herding him in the direction of the single-stall bathroom around the corner. By the time they’re inside, Steve’s whole body is shaking; by the time Eddie flips the lock on the door, fat tears are rolling down his cheeks.
“Sorry, I don’t know why…” Steve gestures at his face a little helplessly.
Eddie still doesn’t say anything, just pulls Steve into a tight embrace. His shirt grows damp where Steve has buried his face in his shoulder, and he feels Steve’s back shudder as he tries to stifle his sobs.
“I was really scared,” he confesses between gasps. “I just kept thinking how horrible it would be if I had to tell you—“
“It’s okay, baby,” Eddie murmurs into his hair. “You did great, he’s okay.”
Steve sniffles loudly. “I know, I’m just being stupid.”
“It’s not stupid.” It comes out more forcefully than Eddie had planned. He hates when Steve does that, puts himself down and invalidates his feelings. “That was a medical emergency. Just because it turned out fine doesn’t mean it wasn’t stressful.”
“I guess.” Steve pulls away long enough to grab a paper towel so he can mop up his face. He goes easily when Eddie guides him into another hug.
Swaying them both gently, he tells Steve, “You know, you don’t always have to put on a brave face. Let me take care of you once in a while.”
“I know,” Steve croaks. “I’m working on it.”
They stand there for another minute, both drawing strength from the other’s presence, before Steve clears his throat and releases Eddie. “I think I’m good. We should go upstairs now, Wayne’ll want to see you.”
“He’ll want to see you, too,” Eddie reminds him.
Steve’s smile is small but radiant. “Okay, let’s go.”
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h4rring1on · 3 months
We all love u here buddy! Would you wanna write smth about reader with steddie, where Steve accidentally upsets her and Eddie’s trying to comfort her, all the while Steve’s begging to talk and apologise
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pairing: steddie x reader
warnings: swearing, steve accidentally being mean without realizing it, thats it but please tell me if i missed something!
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you woke up rather early today, just in time to see steve before he went to work. something happened the other day, and you wanted to tell stevie all about it!
“oh my gosh, i have to tell you stevie! guess what!” you said, steve didn’t really answer but you were used to it anyway, “yesterday, i went to the mall with stacy! you know stacy, she’s like my best friend ever! and we had so much fun we ate ice cream and went shopping and when we were walking around the mall i saw the cutest—“
“baby” he said, a little louder than the volume you were speaking, “i really don’t care what happened with you and stacy, okay? i have stuff to do” steve said, and left the house
you stood there, tears brimming in your eyes, you did it again. you annoyed someone into leaving. why were you like this? why did you have to be so excited and get so talkative over something so stupid?
you silently went to the bathroom, seeing as you just woke up, you then went to the kitchen, and began making breakfast for you and eddie
sooner or later, eddie woke up, you knew because you felt hands wrap around your waist
“good morning, sweetheart” he smiled
you hummed in response, and he furrowed his eyebrows
“that smells really good” he said and you didn’t respond
he went to the bathroom, and you set the table, once he got back, he saw the look in your eyes, you were now facing him, and it was clear you’d been crying
“hey, didn’t you go out with stacy yesterday?” he spoke as he ate
you nodded
“how’d that go? you did come back looking excited”
you shrugged and continued eating
eddie looked at you for a moment before dropping the fork and knife
“okay, what the hell is going on?” he said, and you just furrowed your eyebrows, “don’t look at me like that, can you just talk to me like a normal person?”
“what’s wrong, eddie?” you said
“what’s wrong? wha—are you mad at me? shit—did you see the magazine under the bed? baby i swear i love your body that was before we all started dating i promise you i don’t use them i mean maybe sometimes but it’s only when you’re away i sw—“
“i didn’t know about that” you simply said and he realized he fucked up, “it’s fine eddie, it’s not all about me, yknow, you can see other magazines, it would be good anyway so you don’t get bored of me”
“okay, what?” he furrowed his eyebrows
“just forget it eddie” you said, eddie didn’t want to forget it, but he kept quiet for you
that was until he heard sniffling, he looked up from his plate only to see you crying as you ate
“hey hey hey, whoa, baby” he quickly got up and kneeled down in front of you to get to your level, “talk to me, sweet thing, what’s wrong?”
“i’m sorry—i just…i feel like steve doesn’t like me” you said
“what? of course not, steve loves you!” he answered
“but—today before he went to work, i wanted to tell him about what happened yesterday and he said he didn’t care and left…am i really that annoying?”
“what—no, no, no, you’re not annoying at all” he said, wiping your tears, “cmon baby, you know i hate to see you cry…why don’t you come and tell me what happened, i’m all ears”
sniffling, you had slightly calmed down, and with a light smile you nodded "so...yesterday, i went to the mall with...um stacy! you know stacy...yknow what its nothing-"
"no no hey..." eddie mutters softly as he caresses her cheeks, "i want to know everything...don't leave a single thing out, got it pretty girl?" he says in a low voice
you nod slowly, and look down before eddie lifts your chin up and you smile softly, "so...anyway she’s like my best friend ever! and we had so much fun we ate ice cream and went shopping and when we..."
you continued on with your story, telling him every single detail about what you did and saw and such, and eddie nodded, listening to you talk, smiling
soon, you had hopped in the shower, and steve had just come home, you made his favorite food, all ready and placed on the stove to be heated up when he comes.
eddie's eyes flickered to the door as he heard it, he slowly walked to the bathroom, slowly closing it so you don't hear anything outside, and turned to steve who was just sitting on the couch looking at the ground
eddie stood there looking at steve, steve didn't even dare to look up, he knew what he did.
"you had a good breakfast with her today?" eddie says and steve sighs
"i know alright...i messed up-"
"damn right you messed up. that sweet girl was crying because of it today." eddie says and steve looks at him, his eyes softening
"the fuck was going through your head-"
"clearly not alot!" he says and gets up, looking at eddie right in the eye, "im an idiot..." he says and turns away, "i love to hear her talk...i love everything about her...i was just stressed out..."
“don’t, steve. that girl has been nothing but an angel. you can’t take it out on her whenever some bullshit at work happens” eddie says, a stern look on his face, he pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered to himself for a second before looking back at him
“she made you your favorite. it’s in the kitchen” eddie points out and walks away, steve sighed, he felt like a dick
you soon walk out of the bathroom after you’d gotten dressed, brushing your wet hair and walking, to be met with steve sitting on the couch, leaned to the edge, elbows on his knees, his hands raking through his hair as he mutters to himself
she paused for a moment, steve glancing up at her, just as she was about to turn away he gets up
“shit—wait! please baby, please?” he says, almost pleading
you turn back to him, fiddling with your hands after you’d placed the brush on the table, “um…i made you your favorite…i’ll heat it up” she says and nods before he even replies and walks to the kitchen, before he grips her wrist, not harshly but firm enough to keep her
“will….will you please…please—tell me what happened yesterday?” he asks softly, eddie, who was nearby, crossing his arms as you just looked at him
“uh…i already told eddie so…s’okay” she says softly and steve shakes his head
“i’m so so fucking sorry baby—please, angel? i know it’s not an excuse but i was just pissed cause of work and i wasn’t in the mood—but i’m so sorry. that doesn’t mean shit! i love hearing you talk, about every little or big thing in the world, with that pretty voice of yours. i’m so sorry baby, i’m so sorry” he whispers, his voice trembling slightly, like he was gonna run out of breath if she didn’t forgive him
you just look at him, your eyes softening, eddie glancing at you, you nod and hug him
“s’okay…i forgive you stevie…it’s okay” you whisper as you rub his back, your touch was a balm to his soul…he’d felt awful this whole day
“see that, sweetheart?” eddie says with a grin, “this idiot can’t get enough of you! look at him! you don’t talk to him for five minutes and he’s about to cry” he says and steve deadpans him, you giggle with eddie, and steve finally budges and laughs with you
“so…are you gonna tell me baby?” he says softly and you nod as you walk into the kitchen to heat up the food, eddie and steve both sit at the table
“okay okay! let me tell you! so i was—wait wait! let me start at the beginning—“ you talked on and on and the two listened, a soft smile on their faces, even eddie who already heard this story before, but they both cant help it. they’ll listen a million times…they will never get tired of you
a/n: hihi guys been a long long time since ive been around and writing, i missed you all so so much! i’m still getting into it so im not gonna be so frequent but feel free to request!! miss you all🤍
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ramp-it-up · 2 years
That Face
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Summary: You get drunk and tell Bucky exactly what you want to do to that face.
Pairing: Beefy Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word count: 1.9 K
A/N: You can read this as a companion piece to Red Wings.
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. SMUT! Read at your own risk; curate your own experience. More angst on the part of the reader. Sweet Bucky fluff. Jealousy, excessive drinking, intoxication, drunken confessions, face riding, fingering, extreme oral sex (f receiving) anal play, praise kink, allusion to anal sex. Not Beta’d. All errors my own. 
I no longer have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post!
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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Bucky was holding you close to him, and it should have been romantic, but it wasn’t.
You were shit faced, and practically falling down with every step.
“Careful Doll, I’m gonna have to carry you home.”
After just six months of dating, you’d moved in with him, your relationship barreling along with breakneck speed, but who wouldn’t fall in love with Bucky?
Who wasn’t still in love with Bucky?
You stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, half a block from your brownstone.
“That sounds hot, Bucky, but I’m pissed…”
“Yeah, I know…”
“No, I’m mad.”
You stomped your foot and wobbled, until Bucky’s hands steadied you again. Bucky bent down and looked you in the eyes.
“You good, Doll?”
His sky blue eyes looked sincere, but jealousy and alcohol wouldn’t let you accept that.
“No! This was supposed to be our night to fuck and have a romantic dinner. You’ve been gone for three weeks. Three weeks, James!”
Bucky looked contrite, but then again there were four of him weaving in front of you right now, so you couldn’t be sure.
“Sorry, Baby. Didn’t know the guys would be in town. It’s my crew.”
“I can take your army buddies, but her. She’s a bitch!”
“Wow. Whoa whoa whoa. You know I don’t like anyone calling women bitches. Even you.”
Bucky straightened up and the stern look he gave you sent a thrill through you, but you weren’t done.
“She still wants you, Bucky. Sharon is a slut. And you always say you love when I’m a slut for your cock.”
Bucky looked around as you started crying and people walking by avoided the scene.
“I don’t want Sharon, Doll. I want you.”
Bucky looked down at you, eyes sparkling with amusement at your jealousy. Even his voice was smiling. It made you madder and you stumbled as you advanced on him, bucking up to the man who was a foot taller than you.
“Look at that fucking face.”
You reached up and took his chin between your fingers.
“No one gets to ride this dimple but me!”
This time Bucky didn’t care about who heard, you’d peaked his interest. His eyebrow shot up.
Even though drunk, you read his expression.
You nodded and it threw you off balance, but luckily Bucky was there.
“Betcha didn’t know that I touch myself to the memories of the feeling of that chin between my legs. Did it the entire time you were gone. That cock is something else Bucky, but that face. I just want to ride it into the sunset….”
This was new information to Bucky. You seemed to love when he ate you out, but you were always hesitant to ride his face. He licked his lips as he thought of you pleasuring yourself to the thought of his face.
Then he grinned.
You read him again.
“Oh no! No no no. You think you got me. But you said you were mine…”
Bucky leaned down to kiss your forehead.
“I am yours, Doll.”
“So she can’t ride your face?”
Bucky slowly shook his head.
“No, only you.”
You sighed and sagged into his arm.
“Good, because I-“
And that was the last thing you remembered from that night.
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You woke up the next morning, head pounding. You looked around, grateful to be in your bed. And grateful for your boyfriend, who’d left a bottle of water and some aspirin on the bedside table.
You could hear Bucky puttering around in the kitchen but you weren’t quite ready to eat.
You eagerly took the pills and drank the bottle down. Then, you turned on the shower as you brushed your teeth.
You reflected on the gathering at The Howling Commando, the neighborhood bar so familiar to you as you met Bucky’s friends. Which included Sharon Carter.
Bucky’s ex.
“Bucky’s just being nice, y’know?”
Steve tried to reassure you as she and Bucky caught up in the corner. You nodded back at Steve, but when Bucky smiled at Sharon was when you ordered your first shot of Jameson’s.
You showered as you tried to remember the rest of the night. But all you could remember was Bucky’s sweet face. You wrapped up in a towel and sat on the bed as you thought of how sweet Bucky was. He was so cute. That face.
That face.
Your head fell into your hands as you remembered what happened the night before.
“What’s wrong, Doll?”
You looked up and your heart dropped.
Bucky was clad in only sleep pants and you could tell that there was nothing underneath.
You licked your lips, not bothering to hide your stare. Bucky came and sat down on the bed.
“See something you like, Doll?”
“G’morning Sunshine..”
Bucky leaned down and kissed you on the cheek, chaste, despite the look in his eye. Your eyes fell to his lips. And lower.
Bucky licked his lips and rubbed his chin.
“You didn’t answer my question, Doll.”
Bucky’s mouth was an inch from yours. He reached for your towel and hooked his finger at the makeshift knot, causing his fingernail to brush your nipple.
“Don’t tease me Bucky…”
“I should say the same to you, Doll. You told me all the things you wanted to do to my face and then passed out.”
“James! I was drunk!”
“They say we are the most honest when we’re drunk.”
Bucky kissed you and then looked into your eyes.
“D’you believe that I don’t care about Sharon?”
You liked into his true blue eyes and you knew he wasn’t lying.
“I believe you. I love you, Bucky.”
“I love you too, Doll.”
You reached up and caressed his lips and chin.
“Gotta admit. This face is pretty irresistible.”
Bucky grinned and you leaned in for a kiss and climbed on his lap, grinding as he took your towel off.
“Been so long, Bucky.”
Bucky’s hands caressed you as he leaned back and let you have your way.
You made your way down his body, reacquainting yourself with his form with your lips, tongue, and fingers. He lifted his hips as you pulled down his pajama pants, lightly scratching his thighs on the way down.
“God I missed you so much, Doll. Spent all last night just waiting until we could get home. Wanted to lose myself in you.”
You had Bucky in your hand, sitting on his legs as you stroked his half-hard cock to full life.
“M’sorry Babe. How can I make it up to you?”
You looked up at him, ready to suck his soul out.
“Come up here and ride this irresistible face.”
You gasped as Bucky pulled you up his body until you were kneeling over him.
“There she is.”
Bucky’s fingers helped to separate your lips as he breathed hot breath into your cunt.
“So fucking wet for me.”
And then he went to work on licking into your tangy goodness.
“So good. Such a good girl for me. Such a good pussy.”
Bucky sat you down and suckled your clit, pulling on it like it was gum, stretching it and your soul out for the world (inside your bedroom) to see. He was kneading your breasts and pulling your nipples, serving to make you wetter and him messier.
But it was only just beginning as you started gyrating on his chin.
Bucky smacked your ass and pushed you over on your hands and knees again.
“That’s a girl. Bounce on my tongue.”
You did as you were told, feeling Bucky’s chin in your vagina each time you bounced on his tongue.
“Smear that shit all over my fuckin face Doll. You know you want to.”
Bucky took your ass in his hands and then started moving you back and forth on his face. You were overwhelmed with numerous sensations as his lips, tongue and chin, covered with short facial hair, destroyed your soul.
“Now sit up and fuck this face, Doll. Please. ”
You peered down at his bright blue eyes as his fingertips grazed your stomach. You obeyed him as you pulled his hair and took your throne, his thick, wide tongue spearing into you as you fucked his face.
His chin was now grazing your puckered hole, and you moaned as the scruffy dimpled part of him made you tremble.
Bucky spread your cheeks and moved his tongue so that it could invade your inmost parts. He licked you from ass to clit and your legs started trembling.
You leaned back over and bounced in his tongue again, holding your breasts with one hand as you braced against the wall with the other.
Bucky’s hand snaked around to flick your clit as you gasped and fully sat on his face as his tongue speared into you, twisting and curling, not as all consuming as his cock, but reaching that special spot inside you nonetheless.
You gasped and sat back, hand on his sternum as you rolled your hips into his face.
“Oh. Ohhhh, oh Jamesssss.”
You whimpered, and your crying-like noises as you moved told him how it felt.
“So… fuck it feels so good…
You were grabbing his hair as he craned his neck upward to look at you.
Bucky growled into your cunt then lifted you upright again, his thumb slipping into your ass. This caused a gush of your fluids into his mouth and he started moaning.
“Mmmmmm. Mmhmmmm!”
“Oahhhh oh ahhh.”
Bucky was still breaching your ass as his tongue sped up impossibly and his lips suckled your clit intermittently.
“More… please!”
You were seeing stars as you reached back and pushed Bucky’s thumb in to the hilt.
Bucky moaned as you started bouncing again. His hand was fucking your ass as you rode his face.
“Please please please…”
“Hmmph… yesssss.”
Bucky spoke into your cunt as you started to reach your crescendo. He could taste your orgasm coming before it happened. Everything sped up.
“Oh! Oh! Oh!”
Bucky was in heaven as you continued to gush into his mouth.
You came with a scream as Bucky lapped you all up.
Bucky pulsed precum on his stomach as you came on his face.
“Unh ahhhh.
“So pretty, Doll. Stay right here.”
Bucky kissed your lips as you quivered in front of him.
“Want this ass. Gonna give it to me?”
“She’s ready for me now.”
Bucky’s finger found that hole again.
“Gonna make you feel real good.”
You whimpered as Bucky spit on his fingers and manipulated two of them inside you.
He gave your clit a peck with his lips and you jumped.
“Nice and loose for me.”
You looked down on him adoringly and carded your fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp. He moaned.
“Please Doll. But only if you want that too. I need you. You’re my best girl. My good girl.”
You looked back, his cock jumping on his abs, sticky with his pre cum. You shuddered at his praise and at the thought of him inside that hole. But as Bucky probed and kissed you further, you knew you wanted it.
You didn’t need to look back down to know that Bucky was buried in your cunt again, bringing you to another peak. Instead, your head lolled back on your shoulders as you rode Bucky’s mouth again.
“Anything! Anything you want, Bucky…I want it too! Ah…”
You just couldn’t resist that face.
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Yandere Buddy Daddies x Delinquent Teen Reader (1)
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You’re home was on the streets 
Practically abandoned by your parents, you relied on one of the local gangs for your family
Working to join them for some semblance of protection against the world
And as it would happen it helped 
Despite your teachers and guardian-having friends warning otherwise
Thanks to them you were eating
A far cry from what you were left to before
But past aside your doing well 
Gaining experience and becoming more of an asset to the gang before your saddled with an unlikely obstacle
“Hi there! My name’s Miri, what’s your name?”
Suddenly this bubbly smiley kid is following you around
Somehow finding you in dark alleyways and shadows of buildings 
This kid just won’t leave you alone 
No matter how much you reprimand, sneer, or blatantly insult this kid 
“Kid! Didn’t I tell you to kick rocks? Now if you don’t leave I’ll steal your shoes.”
“W-what, don’t take my shoes my papas got them for me!”
“Then. Leave. Me. Alone.”
she just won’t leave you alone and it all comes to a head when she approaches you when your with your friends
“Well well look at this little tyke!”
“Oh my gosh, they're so small! (Y/n) I didn’t know you had a baby sister!”
“I don’t.”
“Yeah! My name’s Miri.”
And despite your protests they all invite pressure Miri to join you all on a…midnight stroll
Along a train track
It goes as expected and your crew successfully go along the train track until you hear the dreaded sound of the train
And as it would have it Miri’s shoes get caught
“Is everyone off the tracks?”
“Whooo that was close!”
“Where’s Miri?”
Your group resigns to stand by and watch horrified as she struggles with the track and the oncoming train approaches 
Way too close to the train you’re able to yank Miri from the tracks narrowly missing the train hurling by
“Whoa that was clo–”
“See what happens?”
“What? What are you talk–”
“See what happens when you hang around me?!”
“W-what but I love be–”
“You! Almost died! Can’t you see?! You don’t belong here so GO! Go home before you really get hurt.”
She goes home that day with tears in her eyes
While you wordlessly turn back to your group to head back to base
hoping that you don’t see her ever again
For awhile you don’t and things are back to normal
And while you’re spray painting the gang’s sign on a wall a burly woman knocks you to the ground
“Hey watch it, punk!”
“You wanna go pipsqueak!”
Apparently she was from a rival gang, looking to contest this area
Sending a quick call to your team, you prepare to fight this lady 
Narrowly ducking her first punch 
You throw your own 
Standing victorious as she buckles 
But you too would fall to your knees
after a whopping hit in the back of your head
It was an ambush 
And easily you found yourself at their mercy 
Only being released when you hear the separate thuds and the released grip from your arms
“What the–ooomf!”
Your original attacker is silenced by a guy with blonde hair 
Who punches them into a headlock before pulling a gun with silencer
Before you could stop him he pulled the trigger, nonchalantly reaching to the sky in a stretch
“Ah man after so long it seems I’ve still got it!” 
You shakily stand holding your arm that stings in pain
You try to limp away while he continues flexing 
But he notices
“Ah ah! (Y/n) don’t run away!”
You sneered, “How do you know my name?”
“Uh…not important. But look, you need to come home with me! Miri misses-”
“Ugh are you Miri’s daddy or something?”
“Papa actually–” “Look old man, what I said to your kid is true. She needs to stay far away from me and you know what? Maybe you should try watching her better.”
“We did. And we were.”
The tired voice was right above you 
Close enough to your back that you could now register the warmth teeming off them
You jump, despite the pain you back away against the brick wall
The man that spoke had black hair pulled back to reveal a pale guy with a grave look on his face
“Ah-! What he means is: we’ve been watching after you and Mirin. And we’ve decided that we’re going to be the papas you need!”
“Ahem we’ve decided–” “You're coming with us.”
“What?! Huh?!”
“Rei! You can’t just say that they're not going to understand!” 
“They’ll understand better when we get them home.”
“No no but there’s a method for these things and with someone of their age–”
The blonde kept talking to the one identified as Rei seemingly dividing their attention
You took the chance to limp as far as you could away reaching into your pocket to retrieve your last line of defense
“That’s enough of that.”
In a flash of black your pocket knife was out of your hand
Briefly squealing in pain at the pressure point being hit near your neck
Slumping into Rei’s arms he moved to cradle you rolling his eyes at Kazuki’s musings
“Rei!? They obviously weren’t ready!”
“They would’ve never been ready.”
“But we did the whole save-them-be-the-saviors-routine!” 
“Does it really matter now that we have them?”
“...Mmmm….Mmmmm!...I still would’ve preferred my way.”
The sounds of tires screeching and the sound of modded engines coming to halt
Had them both perking up
“Oh! Those bad influences actually came!”
“That was unexpected. The broken brakes should have kept them busy.”
“Now here’s the question: do we handle them now or later?”
“Did you throw your back out yet?”
“Hah! Not yet, yours?”
“Then I say we give ‘em a show!”
When you next awake 
You’re in a well furnished room
All patched up and nursing a sling for your arm
Immediately you get up finding yourself at the top of the stairs before you spotted them
“Hiii (Y/n)!!!” “Ah, good morning (Y/n) did you sleep well?”
There words don’t reach you as you register the blonde man from before and the little girl who’d been following you around
Why were they acting so calm?
They kidnapped you!
And the little girl was in on it too?
“Welp, we're heading out for preschool.”
 “Yup bye (Y/n) later I can’t wait to cele–mmmf!”
The blonde’s hand goes over her mouth sending her to get her shoes before waving to you
“I’ll be back soon! Breakfast is on the counter!” 
Not long after they disappeared from sight you heard the slam of the door
Good now you can–
“Going to have breakfeast?”
Once again that voice rang from behind you
Turning to see the same man with the grave face but this time with scruffier-relaxed look to him
His eyes were still intense and they held you in place all the way to the kitchen 
While eating some regretfully delicious french toast with Rei watching diligently 
Guess this was your life now…the newest unwilling addition to the family
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scribblesofagoonerr · 3 months
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— media duties | chaos fc
back with a small headcannon/blurb, call it whatever you want I guess! 😂
i'm not ignoring them by the way, this week has just been so full on with hospital appointments, birthdays and now i'm due to travel tomorrow, so i wanted to try and get through most of them as quick as i can! 💗
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it's not often that monkey and kyra ever get put together for media days due to the chaos that they both ensure when they're together, but it does happen every so often.
much to the displeasure of the other girls at the club.
"whoever put them together for media days made a huge mistake!"
"well it's either a blessing or a curse,"
"i'd say it's more likely a curse there."
the pair of them get way too distracted and goof off completely the whole time, making the most of their time burning their team mates at any single chance they can get
"yeeeehaw-- okay lets' be serious now. where was we again?
"we were roasting everyone in the squad,"
"oh yeah! i remember now! you should have seen malfoy the other day in training!-- y'know i can always tell when she's on the pitch, just have to look for the floppy wrists and boom, there she is!"
meanwhile there both getting a stern look from kim as a slight warning for them to both shut up before they say anything worse
"oop, better shut up before i get in shit-- oop, i didn't mean that. forget i said it!"
"your making it worse,"
"hey, actually, funny story for you all! you guys know buddy, don't yer? my favourite little buddy said her first swear word the other day and it was HiLaRiOuS-- Alright, now I'm really getting glares so I need to shut up now"
the next time that the two of them had media together, it was swiftly changed so monkey went with someone more responsible, none of them wanted to make that mistake again any time soon
however it is unlucky for the girls who have to put up with monkey
"your boring,"
"and your a brat. what's ya point?"
"i miss media days with kyra, this is so lame-- whoa, did you see me flip that pen then? watch, i'll do it again!"
it's safe to say that monkey's media days are always entertaining to say the least.
keep coming with the hc's and blurbs... i love writing them so much!
169 notes · View notes
cloudwhisper23 · 4 months
Guess who did another art trade with @pixlokita? This one's about their Werebunny AU! Hope y'all enjoy!
Warning: 11k words
Jeremy cursed as he dropped the screwdriver. “I swear, you’re going to be the death of me, buddy.”
He put pressure on the gushing stream of blood coming from his thumb muttering to himself about how dumb he was. Mangle’s ear flopped as they tilted their two heads in confusion.
“I’m okay, bud.” Jeremy tried to flash a smile, but the blood leaking down his wrist was too distracting. “Okay, I need to find a sink or something.”
Standing up made Jeremy dizzy, but he managed to get to a wall and lean against it as he made his way to the kitchen. “I could get fired for this, you know,” he remarked to the animatronic clinging to the ceiling above him as he walked. “We’re not supposed to tamper with the animatronics at all, and clearly, I don’t know what I’m doing.”
The beeping and static overhead did not give any indication that they felt anything in regard to his response.
Jeremy stumbled. “Whoa, I think I need to sit down for a second…” He slid down the wall as black spots danced across his vision.
His eyes fluttered shut for a moment before a heavy weight dropped into his lap and cold plastic pressed against the side of his face. “Augh! I’m okay, Mango! I’m fine!” Jeremy batted at the white plastic with both hands, smearing blood across their face.
“I, uh. I need to get up, bud.”
The mangled (and now bloody) fox animatronic tilted their two heads yet again, seeming to be unable to understand what Jeremy wanted.
“Can you…?” Jeremy tried to shift his weight beneath the pile of metal in his lap.
Mangle’s ears lifted, and they crept onto the floor, offering a paw to help Jeremy get up.
“Um, thanks buddy.” Jeremy still wasn’t sure why the animatronic was so fond of him, but he’d found himself returning the favor whenever possible. The company had long given up on repairing Mangle, but Jeremy wanted to help them look nice. Just like Ramona and Becky for me, he thought to himself.
Shaking away the fondness from the memory, Jeremy let his weight shift onto the animatronic. Static buzzed loudly out of Mangle’s voicebox, but they hardly bent under his weight. Jeremy decided that washing out the wound could wait until he was home. For now, he needed to clean up the mess he’d made in the pizzeria.
The wrapped bandage itched. Jeremy had wrapped a ton of gauze around his hand and refused to explain to anybody what had happened. At least, not in any detail.
Ramona had glanced at it with suspicion the last time they talked, but she never liked to pry. She told him that if he changed his bandage at her apartment, he wasn’t allowed to get blood everywhere. “It will stain the countertops,” Ramona said matter-of-factly.
So Jeremy had gotten away with no one saying anything. But the longer he left it, the more it itched and burned. He flicked through the cameras without really thinking about it, hardly remembering to wind the music box on time.
His hand burned, and when Jeremy got home from his shift, he ripped it free and turned the spigot on, running cold water over his scabby and swollen skin. Jeremy knew he probably should’ve gone to an actual doctor about his injury, but he figured that stitches couldn’t be too hard, and it seemed like the skin itself was healing fine.
Maybe he got an infection from the cut though. Jeremy wasn’t very good at remembering the medical advice Becky gave him, much less how to clean a cut properly. But the skin itself looked fine. There was something shimmery beneath it, which Jeremy could almost ignore if it didn’t make his skin burn so badly.
Jeremy’s dog whined at his feet, impatient for his morning meal. “Just a minute, Percy.” Jeremy tore the thread out of his injury, glad that the skin had started to seal itself back together.
He carefully rewrapped the injury, glad that the itching had gone away a little bit, at least. Jeremy kicked his shoes off and loosened his tie as he went over to fill Percy’s food bowl and check on the water level. “Doing good there, bud? I need a nap first, but I’ll walk you in a bit.”
Jeremy yawned, scratching at his head to loosen the pressure after he removed his ponytail. “Just… one… a quick nap…”
He stumbled forward, faceplanting into the floor as consciousness slipped away. Percy whined, nudging at his face and licking it as his spine started to bend and elongate, fur sprouting from his hands and curled claws burst from his fingertips.
Percy growled at the intrusion of the new characteristics, but he stuck by Jeremy’s side as his eyes rolled back and his ears melded back into the sides of his head to make room for longer, fluffier ears more equipped for a rabbit. And that was what Jeremy’s body was shifting into. He was growing larger, his clothes no longer enough to hold the mass of his entire body.
Jeremy’s claws lashed out at Percy, tearing the fur and skin of his dog. Percy whimpered, backing away to get out of his space as his nose wrinkled and twitched rapidly, taking in the surroundings in a new way. His ears folded back as a deeper growl vibrated in his throat.
Percy scurried away, not quickly enough as Jeremy bounded forward and sank his teeth into the poor dog’s back. Percy barked, a frightened noise as he tried to squirm free from Jeremy’s mouth. Jeremy gnawed for a few moments before releasing the dog, blood dripping down his fur.
Percy escaped and rushed into Jeremy’s bedroom, hiding under his owner’s blankets as he trembled.
Jeremy’s nose twitched again, nosing against his front door. Offended by the obstacle in his way, Jeremy’s claws dug deep into the hardwood, scratching a jagged hole in the floor and part of the door.
When Jeremy finally came to, his clothes were tattered and hanging off his body, and his mouth was full of blood. Dazed, he got to his feet and immediately winced as splinters dug into his bare skin. What happened? He blinked at his surroundings, startled to see claw marks in the furniture and the floor. Blood smeared across the floor by the couch, which was presumably where he’d taken his nap…
Had he ever laid down for the nap? Jeremy couldn’t recall, trying to remember and think about what could’ve possibly happened while he was asleep. He spat the blood out of his mouth, wiping at his mouth, only to realize that there was blood under his fingernails and all over his hands.
“Percy?” he called out tentatively, hating how gravelly his voice came out.
Surely nothing had happened to his dog, right? Jeremy cautiously stepped across the floor as he searched for his dog. The clumps of fur were not a promising sight as he looked around his house.
“Percy?” Jeremy tried to call out again, but his voice failed him.
He felt very ill, flicking the light on in his bathroom to stare at his very pale, bloodied face. Nothing ached or hurt, but he was absolutely covered in blood.
Jeremy splashed his face with water, scrubbing at the blood staining his face and hands, desperate to get the sight out of his head. Pieces of his uniform slid down his arms into the water of the sink.
What had even happened?
The shower afterward was completely necessary, and Jeremy felt feverish from everything that had happened. His memory was beginning to return, although he did not feel that he’d been in control for most of it, feeling defensive enough to lash out at Percy, who’d only been trying to help.
The bloodstained lump on his bed was something he pointedly made himself ignore when grabbing underwear and socks. He needed more time before he could try to deal with that.
Tears built up in his throat as he grabbed his spare uniform from the shelf by the door and made sure it was fully intact for his shift that night. At least there was something that hadn’t completely gone wrong.
I need a cup of coffee or something, Jeremy thought to himself, shuddering. But he did not feel comfortable enough to do much in his own home, not with reminders of his outburst everywhere.
He avoided his apartment for the better part of a week after that, knowing that it wasn’t healthy to cope by avoiding what happened, but he just couldn’t go back, knowing what he’d done to Percy.
By Wednesday’s shift, Jeremy was properly jittery as he clocked in for work and walked down to the office. The music box was fully wound, as Scott sat in the chair, patiently waiting for him with a friendly smile. “Hiya Jeremy!”
“You sticking around today?” Jeremy asked? He knew about Scott’s tendency to kind of just come in during shifts and stick around. Phil said it was because his own work was boring, and besides, Scott loved being helpful, despite being 7 years old.
“Yep! I’ll keep that nasty balloon boy away!” Scott chirped cheerfully.
“Well, that’s fantastic, buddy. Thanks for that.” Jeremy squatted down to squint at the camera screens, his typical habit to make sure everything was where it was supposed to be.
“Is your hand all better now?” Scott asked.
“Huh?” Jeremy glanced up from the cameras, momentarily distracted.
“Well, Dad said you’d done something to your hand, and we could all see the bandages you’d put over it. ‘Course, he said it was none of our business since you didn’t file any paperwork for it, but-“
“You just can’t keep your nose out of it, can you?” Jeremy shook his head, flipping through the cameras again to make sure the toys were in their places.
The familiar sound of Mangle creeping around in the vents was not as reassuring as it used to be. And Mangle didn’t really like the other employees either. Jeremy had no idea if Scott and Mangle got along even.
“Get your mask ready,” Jeremy said quietly, checking the vent light. Sure enough, Mangle peered into the room from the vent as he shoved the Freddy head over Scott’s head.
“I can do it myself!” Scott exclaimed, his voice muffled by the fabric. “Wait, where’s your mask?”
Jeremy crouched by the vent and reached a hand out to touch the cool plastic of Mangle’s mask. The animatronic fox let out a series of happy clicks, nudging harder into his hand before ducking away to presumably wander around the pizzeria some more.
“How did you not die?” Scott asked, tearing the Freddy head off to drop it back on the corner of the desk. He flipped through the cameras while waiting for an answer, stopping to wind the music box.
“Mangle likes me,” Jeremy shrugged, peering at the cameras over Scott’s head. “Looks like a quiet shift today.”
“Yeah, if Mangle counts as a quiet shift,” Scott muttered, dropping the monitor back to the desk. “I don’t get it.”
“What’s not to get?” Jeremy replied.
“You night guards are so weird. My dad got all affectionate about Foxy, even though he had to pull out the stun gun for him. Masks don’t work on all of them, and my dad had to have all the affection for the one most likely to kill him.” Scott eyed Jeremy wearily. “Kind of like you, actually.”
“Thanks. Maybe Foxy wouldn’t have killed your dad, you know.” Jeremy glanced at the stage camera again. Toy Bonnie was noticeably absent, but there was nothing to worry about yet.
“He would’ve. He tried constantly.” Scott ducked under the desk, and Jeremy heard faint mechanical laughter before a loud clanging noise. Balloon Boy sprinted out of the room with one of the masks in his hand.
“Aw, you gotta be kidding,” Jeremy sighed as Scott stared after the animatronic. “If anything comes in here, you get the mask.”
“But it’s-“
“I’m the night guard, buddy.” Jeremy shook his head, flipping through the cameras. There. Toy Bonnie had slipped into a party room. “I gotta keep you safe, first and foremost.”
“They would never hurt a kid,” Scott muttered, staring into the hallway, hands clenched tightly around his flashlight.
“Don’t even think about going after him, Scott.” Jeremy wound the music box, not sparing a glance at the kid. “There’s too many factors out there, and you know exactly what Phil would say.”
“Yeah yeah.” Scott scowled. “He’s never taken a mask before.”
“First time for everything,” Jeremy sighed, rubbing his eyes. He’d been feeling more exhausted lately, but that was from nightmares. He really needed to get better sleep.
“Bonnie,” Scott whispered, dropping the flashlight to reach for the mask. His hands trembled, and Jeremy was reminded that Scott was still a little kid.
He heard the sound of Toy Bonnie crawling out of the vent, but instead of reaching for Jeremy, Toy Bonnie went for Scott, who hadn’t finished putting the mask on.
“Wait, hang on-“ Jeremy whacked the animatronic’s arm with the camera monitor in his hands. The animatronic didn’t spare him a glance as it pulled Scott across the desk by his shirt. “Leave him alone! Hey!” Jeremy’s yelling turned into a growl as his shirt ripped to allow room for him to grow larger and larger.
The animatronic rabbit twitched backward, seemingly surprised and maybe even a little afraid. However, Jeremy’s transformation did not seem to make Toy Bonnie more inclined to let Scott go. If anything, Toy Bonnie pulled the kid closer as he backed away from the desk.
Jeremy’s own ears flattened against his head as he vaulted over the desk to pry Scott free from the animatronic’s grasp. The sound of ripping fabric didn’t deter the giant golden rabbit. His focus fixed on what he saw as a danger, and his teeth broke through the cheap plastic easily, puncturing fluid containers and severing wires.
Toy Bonnie’s screech echoed, even as it abruptly cut off by Jeremy destroying the voicebox. Black shimmering liquid dripped down Jeremy’s maw as he stalked forward, whiskers twitching as he sensed more animatronics beginning to stir.
Scott got to his feet wearily, tugging his torn shirt back to its place. He silently pressed himself against the wall behind him, knowing better than to make any sudden moves as he placed the Bonnie head on the floor. It would do him no good to appear as a threat.
Scott’s decision to not look like the old purple rabbit seemed to prove right as an animatronic with torn fabric arms and exposed wires stalked his way into the hallway to investigate. His ears seemed to move much easier than Toy Bonnie’s as they swiveled to express fear, even without a proper face to do so.
Jeremy did not seem to recognize the distinction, growling at the new opponent in his space. Bonnie’s head tilted to the side before he turned to race down the hallway with heavy echoing steps. Jeremy bounded after him, much faster as his limbs were more natural, taking on extra power after Jeremy’s transition into a larger, more predatory form.
Bonnie spared no time in his own fearful screech, something that was answered with a deep, ominous growl. Scott, somehow still unafraid, followed the fighting rabbits to investigate.
The giant golden rabbit towered over the animatronic standing in his way, a similarly colored animatronic bear with no pupils. The bear’s ears wiggled as it set in place, a firm grip around Jeremy’s wrist to stop him from striking out with claws.
A pressure built up in the back of Scott’s head as images and unspoken words forced their way into his head. Based on the way the giant bunny was twitching and shaking his head, it appeared he wasn’t the only one. The angry bunny let out an outraged whine as he was tossed against a wall with seemingly no effort. The unspoken command lingered in the air as the rabbit dug into the tiles to launch himself toward the exit door.
The golden bear turned to Scott, who’d finally gained the sense of mind to realize that maybe the animatronic would turn on him. He gasped out a frightened breath before the barely tangible forms of two children roughly his age appeared in front of him. The girl tried to give him a reassuring smile as the boy stared down the hallway where the rabbit had disappeared. He picked up the night guard hat with what appeared to be disinterest, before crushing it into a tight ball.
“Bad rabbit,” he said softly.
The girl nodded. “We’ll keep you safe until 6 a.m., okay?”
Scott brightened at that. Nothing could hurt him now, especially with the animatronics seeming to avoid the back area he’d ended up in. Bonnie peered at him with red LEDs before slowly making his way back into the corridor, presumably to continue nosing around like the rabbit he was.
Ramona hated to be this nosy. She did. Really. But when Jeremy wasn’t around and missed their weekly coffee, she had the right to be suspicious. Especially after that pizzeria started asking for more help again. Night shift position. That was what Jeremy’s job was. Which meant the first step was seeing if he’d quit.
“Jeremy!” Ramona called, knocking harshly at his door.
When she got no answer, she started peering in the windows, looking for some indication that something had happened. The curtains were drawn, though, so she couldn’t see into the house. He’s lucky I keep a spare key, Ramona thought to herself as she let herself into the house.
“Jeremy?” Ramona called into the house, trying not to gasp at the ripped-up floorboards and tattered furniture. “Jer, are you home?”
Stepping over the destroyed floorboards, she peered at the bloodstained carpet, feeling a flicker of concern. “Jeremy?” She knew her voice was getting louder as she became more afraid of what had happened to her brother.
A whimper from Jeremy’s bedroom made her whirl around and rush to the room. “Percy?”
Jeremy’s dog had nestled underneath his blanket, soaking them so thoroughly with blood. It was Percy’s blood, she thought to herself, approaching her brother’s injured dog cautiously. “Hey, Percy. It’s okay. It’s me, remember? Auntie Mona?”
Percy whined again, blinking through the blood on his face.
“Alright,” Ramona took a deep breath. “Perce, how do you feel about coming to stay with me for a while? Looks like you might need it pretty badly.”
This was decidedly not a good sign.
It had to be raining every day this week, didn’t it? Michael glowered at the clouds, hating every moment of the weather that made his skin itch and burn. He couldn’t go outside, not for anything.
It was lucky Michael could even bear a shower anymore.
The bills on his table protested his refusal to go outside, of course. He’d already been fired from two jobs for refusing to work on days when it rained. He’d lost a few more interview opportunities for cancelling last minute because of the rain.
Mike’s eyes drifted back to the newspaper advertisement. Much as he hated to admit it, Freddy’s was probably the only job that would not care if he skipped a shift because of rain.
Still, he didn’t want to work at Freddy’s under any circumstances. Not after the… incident…
Michael ripped his gaze away from the newspaper, the memories already making him feel ill. The letter on the edge of his table sat untouched. He didn’t want to know what his father wanted either. He’d rather stand in a thunderstorm than see what his father needed from him this time.
That might be the only option, he thought duly, eyeing his overflowing trashcan. With a painful sigh, Michael yanked his raincoat from the rack and slung it across his shoulders. The hood pulled tight over his head, making his scalp burn. He retrieved his umbrella from behind the sofa (how had it gotten there?) before compacting the trash to make all of his garbage fit in the bag.
With only another moment of hesitation, Michael twisted the doorknob and stepped outside.
“Well, fancy that! Michael Schmidt out in the rain! I thought you were a witch or something with the way you avoided water!” Michael’s elderly neighbor called out, unphased by the rain like she always was.
“Good afternoon, Miss Wess,” Michael replied politely.
“I don’t know about good,” Miss Wess wrinkled her nose. “Poor Logan just can’t handle this type of weather. Kind of like you, actually.”
Michael forced a smile, glancing at the irritated cat at Mis Wess’ feet. His tail drooped as he glowered at the puddles on the sidewalk. “We can’t all be unbothered by the weather like you are, Miss Wess.”
“We’ve known each other long enough, dear. Call me Beverly.”
Michael didn’t reply after that, opting to walk toward the dumpster on the street corner, knowing she wouldn’t follow him.
“You know, a handsome man like you could find a woman easily! I’m sure she’d be more than happy to handle chores like going outside in the rain!” Miss Wess called cheerfully before heading back into her house for the sake of her poor cat.
Michael did not need a girlfriend. He did not want a girlfriend. He did not deserve to be loved, after all. That ship sailed a long time ago, he thought bitterly, shuddering as he felt his damp hair on his face.
The letter on the table mocked him as he threw his wet coat over a chair, water splashing on the surface of the paper. He ignored it, more concerned about tearing the damp shirt off his body, frantically rushing to grab a towel to dry his hair as well.
The shirt went in the sink as Michael sank to his knees sobbing into the towel. Maybe he should’ve just bit the bullet and opened the letter from his father, but now it was near impossible to even imagine it.
He glanced at the bills again with a pained groan later that night. He really needed to get a job.
It’s my own fault. I suppose Freddy’s would be the only place that would hire me at this point. With a very aggravated groan, Michael dialed the number on the newspaper clipping.
“Uh, hello? Hello, hello?” The voice at the other end seemed distracted and maybe even a little nervous. “You’ve, uh, reached Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria. How may I help you today?”
“Hi, this is Michael. Urm. Michael Schmidt. I saw your ad in the newspaper? I was wondering if I could apply for the night guard position.”
“Oh, you were?” The guy chuckled a little. “Well, that, uh. That’d be great! When could you come in to interview?”
“Um…” Michael tried to think. “Do you know when the rain is supposed to stop?”
“Hmm, let’s see…” Michael heard some rustling noises as the guy on the other end of the phone presumably checked the forecast. “Well, it’s uh. It’s supposed to be done raining tomorrow afternoon. Will you be able to come in tomorrow?”
“Yes. Does three o’clock work?” Michael asked.
“Uh, sure! I’ll mark you down for three o’clock. I’ll also ask that you bring a copy of your resume, uh, a driver’s license or passport, and uh. No, that about covers it. You’ll be wanting to look for a guy called Lloyd. I’ll er, I’ll check to see that he’s in tomorrow, hang on.”
There were more rustling noises. “Yep! We’re in luck, he’ll be here. So you’ll want to come in and talk to Lloyd, and he’ll interview you for the job. Sound okay with you?”
“Yes, that sounds fine.” Michael found himself twisting the phone cord tightly around his finger. “I’ll see you tomorrow at three.”
“Nope! I actually don’t work that shift. But uh, I’ll see you some other time. If you get the job, that is.” He chuckled again. “I’ll uh, catch you on the flipside!”
“Goodbye-“ Michael started to say as the other man hung up on him. Weird.
Well, a job interview seemed promising enough. That was how it always sounded though. The trick was keeping the job, really.
Still, Michael had to at least keep this job through a paycheck or two. Maybe the rain would properly let up enough for him to keep the job long enough to pay off his bills.
The next morning, Michael woke up relieved to hear water dripping from the roof. There was no sound of rain pouring from the actual sky, just the leftovers from the day before. Slightly hopeful about how things were turning out, Michael went to brush his teeth and get prepared for the day.
“Someone’s energized today!” Miss Wess called when Michael went for a short walk that morning.
“No reason not to!” he called back. “The rain’s stopped.”
“You and Logan both seem pleased today.” Miss Wess shook her head, smiling slightly. “Michael dear, do you happen to have a bit of time this morning to come have a chat?”
“I suppose…” Michael considered it for a moment. “So long as it’s only during the morning, I think that’d be fine.”
“Great! Come right on in when you’re finished with your walk then.”
Odd… Michael shook his head, continuing his walk while he still felt the light joy in his chest.
When he got to Miss Wess’ house, she offered him a cup of tea. “Freshly brewed!”
“So, what did you want to talk about?”
“Oh, nothing too crazy. You’re not allergic to cats, are you?” Miss Wess asked, sipping at her own cup of tea.
“No…?” Michael sat uncomfortably with his tea in hand. “Why?”
“Well, I’m going on a trip with my daughter next week, and I need someone to watch Logan here! He’d get so lonely without me here.”
Logan seemed disinclined to acknowledge Miss Wess’ words, instead choosing to jump onto Michael’s lap and startle him.
“Fancy that, he already likes you!” Miss Wess exclaimed as Logan put his front paws against Michael’s chest to sniff his face for a moment before licking it.
“Ah! I can see that.” Michael gently pushed Logan off of his lap. “So you want me to cat sit for you?”
“Only if you’re willing to. I can find someone else if you don’t want to, but I figured this would work out better! You live right next door, so all you’d need to do is come in and make sure he’s fed and has water. Oh, and you’ll need to walk him twice a day so he can stretch his legs properly. Logan loves to be outside.”
“Right…” Michael debated with himself for a moment before asking his next question. “How many days will you be gone?”
“Oh, from Sunday morning until Saturday morning. I should be back Saturday afternoon.” Miss Wess could clearly see that Michael was considering it. “And, it’s only fair that I pay you for your time, of course. I’d say $500 would cover the week, wouldn’t you?”
Michael blinked. That would more than easily cover his bills for the month. He’d have less to worry about with his new job if he already had the bills covered. “I suppose…”
“Or I could say $750?” Miss Wess offered.
“I don’t need that much,” Michael said quickly. “I can watch Logan for you. You said walk him twice a day?”
“Yes, and one of those times, I’d appreciate if you make sure his bowl is full.” Miss Wess seemed happier knowing that she’d sorted that out. “And if you’d like, I could introduce you to my daughter on Saturday when we get back.”
“Oh, that’s not necessary, Miss Wess.” Michael forced himself to take a sip of his tea in order to stop himself from scoffing at the stupid suggestion. She couldn’t possibly be trying to set him up with her daughter, surely?
“Alright, fine, fine. You’d like to take your own pick of the pack, that’s fine. But you will need to stop by anyway to return the key.” Miss Wess’ eyes twinkled as she finished up her tea.
Michael smiled thinly, feeling a bit hollow at the thought. He couldn’t bear to try to meet new people, to try to explain to them that he didn’t deserve their love, that he was a monster and a killer. “Thank you for the tea, Miss Wess.”
“I already told you to call me Beverly,” she scolded gently. “But you’re welcome here anytime, dear.”
Michael nodded, but he couldn’t bring himself to say much else. “I need to go…”
“Oh, that’s fine dear. Have a good day!” Beverly Wess watched Michael hurry to leave her house. “Oh, that poor man. He needs someone to comfort him.”
“Mrow?” Logan meowed, putting his paws on her knees, preparing to jump up.
“Yes, Logan. He needs some love in his life. I don’t know what happened to leave such a dark shadow over him, but he’s too lonely for his own good.” Beverly sighed, shaking her head. “Too sad for his own good too.”
Michael left early for his interview, knowing that he needed to make a good impression. Sure, they probably were going to hire him just because he was interested in the job, but maybe he wasn’t the only one interested in the job.
Taking a deep breath, he walked into the pizzeria, feeling the familiar scent wash over him and the familiar site greeting him. The animatronics were different, but that was the only thing that seemed to have changed. What appeared to be a Freddy and Chica model were performing onstage, and he could make out a mangled torso of another animatronic in the corner, surrounded by toddlers. Is that even safe? he wondered.
Shaking his head, he asked an employee where he could find Lloyd. They gestured toward a corridor where the light seemed to flicker. That wasn’t ominous at all, Michael thought, but he entered the hallway wearily.
The music felt more muted in the hallway, and Michael could see party rooms lining the corridor. Party room 2, he thought to himself, reaching for the door handle.
“Hey, you here for the night guard job?” A woman interrupted his thoughts, grabbing his arm to stop him from entering the party room.
“Uh, yeah?” Michael blinked, surprised as the woman yanked him away from the door and pulled him a ways down the hallway. “Hey, what are you-“
“Shut up.” She seemed to assess him. “What’s your name?”
“Michael? Michael Schmidt?” Was this some kind of extra test? To make sure the night guard was up for the position? Michael’s eyebrows scrunched, and he pulled his arm free. “Who are you?”
“Ramona Fitzgerald,” she answered, still assessing him. “Hmm… your clothes are shabby, although you did brush your teeth for this…” She stuck her hand in his hair, yanking him to her level. “Greasy hair though… Are you unemployed right now?”
“Yes?” Michael tried to flatten his hair. “Why are you grilling me?”
“I’m the one asking the questions here, Schimdt.” She frowned at him.
“Well, you’re interrupting my interview time, so we can talk later-“
“Shut up. I’m not done with you yet.” Ramona’s eyes narrowed. “Are you British?”
“I- I don’t see what that has to do with anything,” Michael replied defensively. “What is your deal?”
“What’s your deal?” she shot back at him. “Mister distinguished, showing up in a shabby button-down with greasy hair to a job interview.”
“It’s Freddy Fazbear’s. You probably care more than they do.”
“What if they put you on day shift?” she kept going, undeterred by the fact that he was giving her good answers.
“Miss Fitzgerald!” A voice from down the hall called. “I thought I told you to quit interrogating my interview subjects.”
“I’ll stop when I’m dead,” Ramona muttered. “Where’s my brother, Lloyd?”
“Your brother is missing?” Michael asked, suddenly completely interested. “What happened?”
“If I knew the answer to that, I wouldn’t be here.” Ramona glowered at Lloyd. “Go to your stupid interview. I’ll be waiting.”
With that ominous message out of the way, Michael went back to where Lloyd was waiting for him.
“Sorry about her, Mister…?”
“Schimdt. Michael Schmidt.”
“Right. She’s been acting crazy since her brother went missing a few days ago. Seems to think we took him out to replace him.” Lloyd shook his head in disbelief. “Which is utterly ridiculous. Jeremy was an excellent night guard, and he got along with the animatronics better than most. None of that ‘the animatronics are haunted’ nonsense either. No, if we’d had a problem with Jeremy, we would’ve fired him.” Lloyd cleared his throat and started the interview.
Leaving the interview with more questions that he should not have wanted to investigate, Michael was given a pat on the back, a set of keys, and a uniform. Lloyd told him his next shift would be tomorrow night, starting at 12 a.m., which was shockingly early.
“You got the job then?” Ramona asked dryly, following him out.
“Were you standing outside for that entire interview?” Michael asked, somewhat glad that she’d actually stuck around. Maybe she’d have some of the answers he needed.
“When you said your brother went missing, I assumed that meant he was an younger brother,” Michael remarked.
“He-“ Ramona stopped herself. “He’s only a year older than me.”
“Yeah, but I thought he’d be like, five. Not twenty-two.”
“Details details,” Ramona replied dismissively. “I didn’t realize this got at you. Concerned about the kids, are you?”
“Someone should be,” Michael muttered.
“Then why aren’t you working a day shift?” Ramona asked.
“The position was for night shift. So I’m working night shift.”
“Yeah, but-“ Ramona paused, realizing that they were just continuing down the sidewalk. “Do you not even have a car?”
“No?” Michael blinked at her.
“Okay, no, we’re not doing this. Come here.”
“I’m driving you home, this is ridiculous.”
“I don’t need-“
“GET IN THE CAR, MICHAEL.” Ramona’s tone left no room for negotiation.
“Yes ma’am,” Michael replied weakly.
He pointedly did not address the dog sleeping in the back seat of the car. The dog blinked sleepily as he got in, but Ramona cooed softly at him, telling him everything was fine and he could go back to sleep. The injuries on the dog’s face begged to be asked about, but Michael didn’t think he deserved the right to ask.
“So you wanted the night shift, or you’re just taking the night shift because that’s what they offered you?”
“I’m taking the night shift because I’d rather the night shift than the day shift. I’m not good with kids,” Michael replied stiffly. “Next question.”
“Why Freddy’s? Why now?”
“It’ll pay the bills.”
“Yeah, but why Freddy’s?”
“I’ve been in and out of jobs for a while…” Michael shifted uncomfortably.
“So you wouldn’t be able to get a job anywhere else.” Ramona spared him a glance as she drove. “You’re a mess, no offense.”
“I’m aware.” Michael stared out the window. “Why are you so determined to bug me about this stuff, by the way?”
“Because. You seem almost genuine, but I’m not entirely sure on your motives just yet.”
“Wow, thanks,” Michael said sarcastically, finally facing her. “I’m glad I’ve gotten to the stage of mostly unsuspicious in your books.”
“No need to be rude about it,” Ramona wrinkled her nose. “I just want to make sure my brother is okay.”
The dog in the back seat whined.
“Shhh, it’s okay, Percy. We’ll find him,” Ramona told the golden retriever.
“So, I’m guessing that’s your brother’s dog?” Michael asked wearily.
“He sure is. I went to Jer’s apartment to look for him first, but he wasn’t there. The whole place was trashed, and Percy looked like he’d been gnawed on by a big animal. Couldn’t find it anywhere though, so I have no idea what actually happened. So I went to ask Lloyd if he knew where my brother was and found him conducting interviews.”
“I figured I wasn’t the first interrogation,” Michael observed.
“You weren’t. The others wussed out and just left though.” Ramona shrugged, pulling into Michael’s driveway. “I guess I helped test the proper strength for that job. You know the place is haunted, right?”
“Those are just rumors,” Michael answered, digging for his keys in his pocket.
“Uh huh. No, with the chompers on the Toy Bonnie animatronic? For sure those things get out and attack people. I’d bet either he or one of the other freaks from that place attacked Percy. Which means they probably got my brother too.”
Ramona let Percy out of the car to follow them into the house, something Michael really wished she’d asked him for permission for first. But she seemed the type to just do whatever she wanted to, so he wasn’t too offended. It was honestly just as invasive as she’d been since he met her.
He swiped the bills and his untouched letter from his father off the table and put them away in a cupboard. Ramona raised an eyebrow, immediately suspicious. “So, you think the animatronics attacked your brother?” he asked, hoping to distract from his rapid movement.
“Yeah… I think it’s kinda suspicious that Toy Bonnie was removed from the show. Apparently all three of them are typically onstage at the same time.”
“It did feel weird that Freddy was there without Bonnie today.” Michael shrugged, setting the bundle on the table. “But I don’t know that I believe that the animatronics are haunted.”
“How did they get into Jeremy’s house then?” Ramona countered. Percy seemed to agree with that as he paced around Michael’s kitchen.
“I don’t know! Burglars get into people’s houses all the time.”
“But they don’t chew on people’s pets.”
Michael’s mouth thinned. “Okay. Maybe the dog got hurt while they were on a walk or something and that’s why.”
“Jeremy would never mistreat his dog,” Ramona argued. “How dare you imply that.”
“I’m not implying anything!” Michael held his hands up in surrender.
“Mhm,” Ramona glowered at him. “Well, seeing as you seem invested in this, how about we team up? You help me find my brother, and I leave you alone with your questions answered. I get my brother back and you get to do your job in peace.”
“That doesn’t seem like an even trade-off,” Michael muttered.
“Oh, you want to play that game?” Ramona’s eyes flashed. “You really want to play that game with me, Michael Afton?”
Michael stiffened. “You-“
“I don’t know why you’re trying to lie about your legal name on job applications, but I bet they’d like to know that you’re not who you say you are. Especially since a ton of kids went missing a few years ago at this exact location.”
Michael’s mouth thinned. “You’re-“
“A bitch? Please, I’ve heard that from plenty of men before. You WILL help me, or your secret is out.”
They stared at each other, neither happy with the fact that they had to work together.
“Fine. What do you want from me?” Michael asked, resigned to this mess he’d gotten wrapped up in.
“Tell me about your night shifts. If anything weird happens, I want to know.”
“And if nothing weird happens? If there’s no sign of hauntings?”
Ramona rolled her eyes. “Well, you still have to help me find my brother. If it wasn’t the haunted animatronics, then it had to be something.”
Michael scowled. “Fine.”
They stared at each other for another long moment before Ramona clicked her tongue and walked out, Percy following slowly behind her. He looked back at Michael and whined for a moment before hurrying after Ramona.
Michael rubbed his face. This was not going to be a pleasant experience, he could already feel it.
The week crawled by slowly. Michael got to a certain point where he just moved Logan’s food and water to his house and walked the cat after his shift each morning and then let the cat hang out and wander around his house. He’d stupidly bought a litterbox, but Miss Wess had paid him half before she’d left and was promising the second half after she got back, so it was fine.
Logan yawned, stretching across Michael’s torso.
“Oof!” Michael coiled in on himself as Logan launched himself off Michael’s stomach. “I thought I told you to quit that!” he scolded.
Logan just looked up at him before meowing.
“Nuisance,” Michael muttered. “I’ll feed you in a minute.”
Logan meowed at him again before slipping out of the room.
Sighing, Michael stretched before getting up. He’d given himself a few hours before his shift, just like he usually did, but most of his time came in the actual morning, which was when he’d typically call Ramona to give an update.
He glared at the stormy weather as he fed Logan, not happy that his shift was going to start with rain. He’d tried to get out of it, of course, but Phil, the guy who had the shift before him, had a child who’d gone to work with him. And Scott couldn’t stick around the pizzeria for a 12 hour shift, not when he had school in the morning.
So Michael had to go to work in the rain, something he hated much more than anything else he could imagine. He shoved his hat onto his head and double-checked his tie before giving Logan a thumbs up and walking out the door, his umbrella snapping open.
He’d long given up on being in a calm state of being before work, knowing that the animatronics were hunting him down (thanks for the late word of warning, Phil!) and wanted to kill him. There was no way he was going to be fine at the beginning of his shift.
Discarding the umbrella in the corner of the office, Michael took a deep breath, opening the cameras to wind the music box. Having the music playing loudly in his ears meant he did not hear the footsteps quickly approaching his room until his monitor was ripped from his hands by a golden hand.
Startled, Michael jerked back from the animatronic bear with a stuttered gasp. The combination of the water soaking through his clothes and into his skin and the very angry Fredbear standing before him was altogether too much.
Warmth seeped down his leg, making Michael dimly register that he’d wet himself. The animatronic didn’t leave him much chance to think about it though, as he was hefted out of his chair by his throat, leaving his feet scrambling for purchase on the table’s surface.
He choked out a breath as his hat tumbled from his hair and clattered to the desk, right next to the cracked camera screen. Feebly, he thought this is it, certain that he was finally earning his death for what he’d done to his brother four years ago.
Hot breath left Michael suffocating as the animatronic growled softly in his ear. “We’re taking back what we deserve.”
Michael closed his eyes, knowing that he deserved whatever the animatronic decided to do with him.
“Wait,” a soft voice echoed in his mind. “He’s not doing what he’s supposed to do. Why isn’t he begging?”
“He doesn’t have to beg. He just needs to die. We need to make sure it never happens again,” another voice argued. Her voice sounded harsher, more firm. “No more golden bunnies to hunt us. No more monsters to hurt or kill.”
Michael recognized one of the voices as his brother, but he couldn’t place the other. Weakly, he gasped out, “I don’t deserve to live anyway. Why would I beg?”
“Something’s wrong,” Evan whispered softly.
The tight grip around Michael’s throat loosened slightly.
The girl groaned, but she muttered something to herself before the animatronic completely let go of Michael. Pain flared up his whole leg as he collapsed back to the floor.
He groaned weakly, looking up to see two small children standing over him. Evan, he thought in a daze, trying to sit up. Michael wrapped his arms around his knees and leaned back against the desk, waiting for one of them to say something.
“Who are you?” the girl demanded.
“Michael.” He stared at her. “Who are you?”
“Unbelievable,” she scoffed. “Right. You made this mess, you clean it up.”
“Michael?” Evan echoed quietly, not seeming to hear the girl. “But… Michael’s dead…”
“No?” Michael’s eyebrows creased. “No, Evan, you were the one who died.”
“I know I’m dead!” Evan snapped. “Obviously! But I thought-“ He shook his head. “I guess I was wrong…” He reached out a hand tentatively, touching the side of Michael’s face. “You’re alive,” he said with wonder in his voice.
“Evan, you’re going to have to explain.” The girl crossed her arms. “I thought you said this was our killer.”
“I- Well, they look similar…” Evan looked sheepishly at the girl. “Sorry Cassidy.”
“Sorry Cassidy,” she repeated shaking her head. “Next time you get me all stirred up for something, it better be a golden rabbit, Afton.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Evan tried to smile, but the girl had already vanished, just like the animatronic.
Faintly Michael realized he’d have to tell Ramona about all this. I guess she was right about the pizzeria being haunted, he thought grimly. “You weren’t entirely wrong, at least,” Michael told his brother. “I did kill you-“
“No.” Evan shook his head firmly. “It was an accident. You said you’d be better if I woke up. And I tried so hard, Mikey. I tried so hard. I almost succeeded.”
Michael’s throat dried up. “But you still died. And it was my fault-“
“Michael.” Evan interrupted him. “You did not kill me. You didn’t do it.”
“Can you let me speak for two seconds?” Evan shook his head again, this time with a huff of impatience. “Father killed me. He took me off life support.”
“But… why would he… No, that can’t be-“
“I saw him do it,” Evan said faintly. “I heard him grumbling about how this whole mess was your fault, and it wouldn’t go away unless he handled it himself. He killed me, and I thought that meant he was going to kill you too.”
Michael slowly got to his feet, still a bit unsteady. “That’s crazy.”
“He killed a bunch of other kids. I thought it seemed plausible enough. He hates you, Mikey.”
“Great.” Michael huffed out a frustrated breath. “I… So, you don’t blame me?”
“I mean, you didn’t mean it, right? You didn’t try to kill me?”
“Of course not!”
“Then why would I blame you?” Evan inquired, perching on the corner of Michael’s desk as he wound the music box.
“Because it was my fault?”
“It was an accident,” Evan insisted. “And you apologized over and over again, which is more than I can say for Father.”
“I don’t think you should forgive me.”
“That’s because you don’t forgive yourself.” Evan peered at the cameras. “Toy Freddy’s coming.”
“I know.” Michael shook his head, a faint smile on his face. “Are you trying to do my job for me?”
“Don’t be ridiculous!” Evan scoffed, a smile forming on his own face. “You’d get yourself killed if I wasn’t here!”
“I was doing just fine until you tried to kill me!” Michael shot back.
“Liar, you wet yourself!” Evan jeered.
“No comment. Just let me do my job in piece, you crazy ghost.”
“No more crazy than you are for working a night shift here,” Evan muttered.
A thought suddenly occurred to Michael as he sat with his brother. The phrasing made him think of something Ramona said to him when they’d met. “Evan, did you know a guy named Jeremy Fitzgerald? He used to work the nightshift here before I did.”
“Yeah, he was friends with some of the animatronics, why?” Evan’s smile faded slightly.
“What happened to him?”
“I…” Evan hesitated. “I think he’s dead, Mike.”
“Dead? Why do you think he’s dead?”
“We had a break-in that night. And he was wearing a bunny costume. He dismantled Toy Bonnie, tried to kidnap a kid, and…” Evan paused. “Well, he took Jeremy’s hat. So I don’t think he stood a chance against that guy.”
“What got rid of the robber?” Michael asked, shoving the Freddy head over his ears as Toy Freddy strolled into the office.
Evan made a shooing motion, and the animatronic went away. “Cassidy scared him off, I think.”
“Fair enough.”
Their conversation mellowed out and turned into a continuing series of bickering back and forth, Michael narrowly missing death several times. The animatronics seemed unamused by the brotherly banter, but Michael didn’t care. Evan had never seemed this happy in life, and he was glad to have a chance to see him again, even if it was as a ghost.
Michael found himself humming cheerily as he walked home that morning, swinging the compacted umbrella around his wrist. The rain still made a trail down his back, but for once, he didn’t feel the thick blood gushing over his head and onto his shirt.
Logan meowed impatiently at him as he returned home. Michael rolled his eyes, hanging his hat by the door. “You’re so needy.”
Logan meowed again in response, uncaring of what Michael thought of him. Michael rubbed his face, and Logan leaned into the scratches. He smiled faintly at the cat. “Okay, okay, fine. You deserve food.”
Logan meowed reproachfully as Michael took his hand away to get his food ready. Logan jumped onto the counter, and Michael had to shove his face away. “Give me some space, you ridiculous cat.”
“Meow,” Logan replied, licking his hand as he waited very impatiently for his food.
Michael set the food back on the floor and walked away to go take a shower. I’ll walk him after, Michael thought to himself. He needed to change his clothes anyway, not to mention he needed to run his uniform through the wash.
Completely cleaned off with his clothes in the wash, Michael coaxed Logan over for his walk. Logan was not happy to go out into the rain. “Come on, buddy. Just one quick lap and then we can come back inside.”
Logan yowled at him in response, flattening himself against the house.
“Logan,” Michael said, tugging the harness gently. “We gotta do this really quick, and then you can go back inside-“
Logan wiggled free from his collar somehow, shooting across the street and in between some of the houses. Michael cursed, racing after him and stumbled as he went through the tall wet grass. “Logan!”
He lost track of the cat briefly before spotting him near a dumpster. “Logan, I swear-“ Michael cut himself off as a rustling noise came from within the dumpster.
Logan stiffened as well, flattening himself against the ground as he sniffed the air. Michael faintly heard growling and wondered if they’d run into a stray dog or something. The top of the dumpster stirred as golden fur peaked through, and for a brief moment Michael wondered if it was Percy, somehow having escaped Ramona to dig around in the trash.
The next moment changed his mind as giant clawed paws gripped the edge of the dumpster, and the head of the massive golden rabbit was visible. Huge ears flattened against the rabbit’s head as the rain started to soak into its fur.
“Logan, get back here, right now,” Michael whisper shouted to the cat at the base of the dumpster.
The cat replied by slipping underneath the dumpster, somewhere where the rabbit couldn’t get him.
“Um…” Michael trailed off as the rabbit’s eyes zeroed in on him. “Hi?”
The rabbit’s nose twitched slightly, and its head tilted slightly, almost human in its motions.
“You seem… lost?” Michael said, still uncertain about what he was saying. Somehow he hadn’t been eaten yet, and that was lucky in of itself.
The rabbit crept out of the dumpster, definitely towering over Michael. It came close, sniffing him. Michael had no idea how wild rabbits behaved, but suddenly he remembered what his brother had said about a rabbit in the pizzeria. Right. That had happened. Was it this rabbit maybe?
He stared at the chipped paint under the rabbit’s claws, wondering about the light blue coloring. And there was black inky stuff leaking down the rabbit’s mouth and across its chest a little bit.
Tentatively, Michael reached out a hand and stroked the rabbit’s nose. The nose twitched again before it butted aggressively against his hand, almost petting itself using his hand. Oh… it was just a stray bunny. A really big stray rabbit, but a sweet creature nonetheless.
Logan reappeared suddenly, meowing up at the rabbit. The bunny paid him no mind, too busy nuzzling against Michael’s hand to care much about the black cat. Logan meowed again, sounding more irritated.
“Right. Yeah, we gotta get back…” Michael stared forlornly up at the rabbit, a coil of fondness already tangling around him. “Do you… want to go with us?” He retracted his hand slowly, and a small squeak escaped the rabbit’s throat.
“Uh…” Michael picked up Logan, feeling his wet fur soaking through his shirt. “Follow me, I guess?”
The rabbit trailed behind him as he walked back, and Michael felt odd knowing that it had decided to trust him, but he’d already decided he didn’t care. If Logan wasn’t hissing at it, then it was probably fine… right?
Back home, Logan resumed eating, paying no more attention to the bunny who’d barely squeezed through the front door. Michael went to retrieve more towels, quickly returning to start cleaning what he assumed was motor oil from the rabbit’s face and then helping to dry it.
The rabbit nuzzled against his face, seeming happy with the results. Michael knew the fondness in his chest was not going to go away any time soon. He sighed to himself. How was he going to explain this to Ramona?
He’d presumably found the thing that had made her brother go missing, but he’d adopted it into his home, and it seemed harmless so far. In fact, it seemed to love him.
Teeth scraped against his neck, and Michael blinked. “Hey, no biting.”
The bunny tilted its head, jaw twitching slightly. Oh. It needed a chew toy. Glad he’d caught that before it turned deadly, Michael offered one of the dry towels up, bunching it up slightly to make it more firm.
The bunny gnawed at the towel, shredding bits of it off.
“You’re going to make me invest in chew toys, aren’t you?” Michael shook his head with a sigh. He yawned, unable to keep it in as he rubbed the rabbit’s belly.
His body swayed forward, and the fur was so soft, and Michael couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore. Faintly, he registered the pause in the rabbit’s chewing as giant paws scooped him up to nestle him closer. Michael sighed as he was surrounded by fluffy warmth and couldn’t stop himself from falling asleep any longer.
The sound of a phone ringing jolted Jeremy from his sleep. It was loud, piercing through his head like a hammer. He buried his face in the other man’s shirt before registering what he was doing. Wait, what?
Jeremy sat up quickly, looking around. He was… on the floor. Okay. There was a man beside him, and they were both surrounded by towels. One of the towels looked awfully ratty, and Jeremy found himself wincing as he spat out a piece of fuzz. Right. Apparently, that had happened.
The next realization was that he was completely naked. Oh. Okay. Uhhhh… Panicked, Jeremy scanned the room looked for a bedroom of some kind. A door creaked, and Jeremy flinched, expecting someone else to be in the apartment. Instead his eyes landed on a small black cat. The cat blinked at him, tail rising as it went to go lick the other man’s face.
“Wait, don’t do that!” Jeremy whispered loudly. Panicked, he grabbed the cat who squirmed and meowed in his face. “Shhhhh!”
The man on the floor shifted slightly, muttering something in his sleep. Jeremy went rigid, the cat dangling in his arms as the man sighed deeply and relaxed again.
Jeremy looked at the cat again. “Do you know where the bedroom is?”
The cat meowed in irritation, squirming some more before swiping its claws across Jeremy’s arm.
“Ah! Fuck!” Jeremy swore loudly, dropping the cat with a heavy thud. “Shit,” he whispered as the guy beside him finally rolled over and opened his eyes. Jeremy grabbed a towel and covered the other man’s face.
“What the hell-“ The man tried to pull the towel away and caught Jeremy’s wrist. “Who the fuck-“
“Uhh, can you give me a second, please? I don’t know how I got here or anything, but I’d really appreciate a moment of privacy.” Jeremy blurted out, his face burning over the brief second he’d heard the other man speak. Shit, why’d he have to sound attractive too?
“I, uh. I appear to have no clothes. Like, at all. So, unless you want to see that, I would love if you gave me a second.”
“Where are you expecting to get clothes from then?” the other man replied seemingly fully awake now. “Just cover up with towels or something. I’m sure there’s a bloody pile of them on the floor right now. I’ll get you some clothes.”
“Ah, I guess that’s… yeah, okay…”
Jeremy relaxed his grip on the towel, quickly burying himself in the rest of the towels around him before giving the man the go ahead to uncover his eyes.
Bright blue eyes blinked wearily at him, taking in his long golden hair and trailed down his torso. “Hey…”
“Right, clothes, sorry.” He shook his head and got to his feet. “I had to see if you were my size, but sorry.”
Well, that was an excuse if Jeremy had ever heard one. Still, he’d let it pass because he was still gawking at the man as he walked away, entering the room that the cat had come from.
Jeremy wanted to scream. Of all places to randomly wake up after a few nights of being trapped as a monster, a hot guy’s house was not where he was expecting to wake up. And why had they been asleep together? Did the guy have a fetish or something? Oh god, he really hoped not. It’d be a shame if this attractive guy was some kind of creep or something. Jeremy both hated and loved the implications, but the cat didn’t seem to be staring at him too judgmentally, so surely nothing had really been happening.
“Here. I think these should fit, but I’ll give you a second.” The man was interrupted by the phone ringing again. “Uh, bathroom’s that way.” He gestured vaguely before going to answer the phone. “Shit, what do you want Ramona?”
After the initial daze of being handed a bunch of clothes, Jeremy froze at the name. “Ramona Fitzgerald?”
The other man shot him a look before returning to his phone call. “Yeah yeah, you nosy bitch. I do have things to report. Can you give me like, ten minutes? I’ll call you back.” The man pinched his nose and hung up the phone. “Okay, pretty boy. Who are you and how the hell did you get into my house? And why do you know Ramona Fitzgerald?”
“Um. That’s… Well…”
Blue eyes leveled an impatient look at him, and the man slowly approached him. “Well?”
“I’m uh. Ramona’s my sister…” Jeremy scratched his neck. “I.. I’m.. Well, my name is… I’m Jeremy Fitzgerald.”
“You’ve got to be joking.” The man stared at him. “You’re kidding, right?”
“No, no, just stop talking. Stop for a second.” A hand covered Jeremy’s mouth. “You’re really going to sit here and say that you’re Jeremy Fitzgerald after everything I’ve had to tolerate because of your sister? Do you have any idea how worried she is about you?”
Jeremy blinked. He couldn’t bring himself to move away from the hand covering his mouth.
“God, you would be a bloody idiot, wouldn’t you.” The man sighed. “Go get dressed. We can finish this conversation later.”
The cat meowed at that moment, too impatient to wait much longer.
“Yeah, I’ll get you some food, Logan, you fucking glutton.”
The cat shot him a look, meowing again.
“I’m getting to it!” The man stood up, clearly exasperated. “If you sit in my kitchen all morning instead of getting dressed, I will kick you out, with or without answers.”
“Uh, yeah. Okay.” Jeremy scrambled to his feet, still nervous about the man turning around again. He hesitated for a moment before bolting to the bathroom to try on the clothes.
His first impulse was to sink his fingers into the shirt, surprised by the soft, worn material. He had so many questions that were not appropriate to ask, so he pulled the shirt over his head before staring awkwardly at the boxers and pants. Shaking the thoughts free from his head, he hurriedly pulled on the rest of the clothes and exited the bathroom to see the other man nursing a cup of… coffee? Tea? Jeremy wasn’t entirely sure.
“Uh, hi again,” Jeremy said awkwardly.
The man raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you going to just stand there?”
“I was planning on it, yeah.”
“Okay…” Jeremy perched tensely on the edge of a chair.
The man stared at him for a moment before muttering something to himself. “Jesus, can you calm down enough to be normal?”
“I… I mean, I really shouldn’t be here. I appreciate all the help and everything, but I don’t think me sticking around is a good idea-“
“Shut up for a minute, would you? Ramona is going to be here in 20 minutes. We’ll see if she thinks you are who you say you are.”
“Oh.” Jeremy stared down at the table, afraid of more questions.
“So. I’m Michael.” The man took a sip from his mug of whatever he’d been drinking.
“Okay.” That was a lovely name, Jeremy thought. It suited him too, and Jeremy couldn’t help but sweep his gaze across the man’s tired face and tangled brown hair. “You seem a bit exhausted there, Mike.”
“Michael,” he corrected, frowning slightly.
“Right. Sorry. You seem tired, Michael.”
“What did you do with the rabbit?” Michael said suddenly. “There was a rabbit here before.”
“Uh…” Jeremy pointedly looked away. “I think that should be a bit more obvious.”
“Evan said you were probably dead. The rabbit supposedly killed you.”
“I guess that’s one way to put it,” Jeremy answered bitterly. Flashes of the last few nights flickered across his mind. The cat seemed more afraid than Michael did. The soft gaze from his memories nearly made Jeremy melt. He wanted to find a way to earn that gaze again. Of all the times to have appeared as a rabbit.
Michael stared at him, seemingly waiting for him to say more. A knock at the door made him curse, and he got up to answer the door. “Fucking Ramona.”
Jeremy wanted to smile at the way Michael’s accent made his curse words sound. But he had a feeling that wouldn’t be appropriate.
“Let me see him,” the familiar demanding tone of his sister’s voice broke through his thoughts.
“Mona?” Jeremy blurted out.
“Jerry?” Ramona shoved past Michael to walk into the room. “Oh, you’re okay!” She yanked him out of his chair and squeezed him in a tight hug.
“That’s my end of the deal upheld,” Michael said stiffly, closing the door.
Logan hissed, shooting between Michael’s legs to hide behind the man.
“You can get out of my house now,” he added, crossing his arms. “Ramona.”
“Oh, go to hell, Michael. I just found out that my brother is alive and unharmed, give me a minute to process before you be an ass.”
“Fucking hell,” Michael muttered, walking past them to enter the bathroom.
Jeremy tried to sputter out an apology, but Ramona was squeezing him so tightly he could barely squeak out a breath. “Mona, please let me breath.”
“Sorry.” Ramona released him from the hug, still holding both shoulders. “You’re okay? Nothing broken? Nothing bruised?”
“I’m just a bit hungry.”
Ramona’s eyes flashed at that. “You didn’t feed him?” she shouted at Michael.
“I haven’t bloody well eaten yet! Leave me alone woman!”
“It’s not Michael’s fault. Ramona, please calm down for a second.”
“His father’s a killer, Jeremy. The apple doesn’t tend to fall too far from the tree,” Ramona said quietly.
“Well, he was plenty nice to me. I think you just put him in a bad mood,” Jeremy said sheepishly.
“These aren’t your clothes,” Ramona noticed suddenly. “Oh, Jer, tell me you didn’t…”
“What?” Jeremy blinked, confused by the sudden turn in the conversation. “Ramona, are you feeling okay?”
“Please tell me you didn’t sleep with Michael.”
Jeremy’s mouth fell open. He had no idea how to answer that question. “Ramona.”
“Did you or did you not?”
“I did not have sex with Michael!” Jeremy said a bit too loudly.
Michael scowled at the pair of them, holding his hand up in a rude gesture. “Get the hell out of my house.”
“Fuck you too,” Ramona shot back. “Come on, Jeremy. Let’s go.”
“What- Wait, Ramona, can’t you at least-“
“We’re leaving.”
Jeremy tried to shoot an apologetic look to Michael, but the man had already turned away to resume brushing his teeth. Great. So much for first impressions.
“You’re mean, you know that?” Jeremy said irritably as he dropped into the passenger seat.
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holylulusworld · 3 months
The assistant (10) - Apologies
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Summary: You are invisible most of the time.
Pairing: Former!Boss!Steve Rogers x Former!Assistant(plussized)!Reader
Possible pairing: Jake Jensen x Reader, Lloyd Hansen x Reader, Curtis Everett x Reader, Ari Levinson x Reader, Andy Barber x Reader, Mike Weiss x Reader, Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Warnings: angst, flirty CEvans characters, language, plus-sized/chubby reader, protective brothers, Lloyd being Lloyd, arguments, fighting, violence, brothers being brothers, choking (non-sexual), injuries
A/N: We are back to business and bam, did I just add another brother? Yes. No. Maybe.
The assistant masterlist
The assistant (9) - Revenge for champions
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Lloyd reluctantly opens the gate for Steve. He eyes the captain warily, and huffs. “Captain Asshole.” He grunts.
“Kidnapper,” Steve bites back. Like promised, he came in civilian clothes, and without his shield. He’s carrying a duffle bag while surveilling the property on his way toward the mansion.
“I see Captain Asshat came,” Ari sneers at Steve. He looks the captain up and down, wondering what everything sees in the blonde.
“Play nice, Ari,” Andy warns. He doesn’t like having Steve on their property either, but this way, the brothers have control over the situation. And he made a few calls. Things will go according to his plan, not Steve’s. “No killing Captain America.”
Lloyd snorts. “Speak for yourself, not me. If he only breathes wrong, he’ll bite a bullet.”
“Ah, we already reached the status of threatening,” Curtis steps out of the mansion, his muscular arms crossed over his chest. “Jake checks on the cameras, and Mike is doing Pilates or crap with Y/N.”
“If he touched her,” Steve wants to jump at Curtis. “I’ll break his neck.”
“Whoa…whoa,” Lloyd points his index finger at Steve. “If anyone breaks our little chaos’s neck, it’s me. He’s my brother, not yours.”
Andy coughs and looks away. He doesn’t know how to tell his brothers whom he called to join forces with them. If they must fight Captain America and the Avengers, they’ll need every help they can get.
“So, uh—” he loosens his tie. “We should talk about something before we let him inside. I made a few calls and asked for a favor.”
“You asked for a favor?” Curtis turns his head to look at his brother. “Andy, what did you do? I hope you don’t try to bullshit us with your lawyer crap again.”
“I wish it was only about lawyer crap…” Andy looks at the still-open gate. He huffs and removes his tie. “I called someone to join us today.”
“Another guest?” Lloyd rolls his eyes. “Andy, we’ve got our hands full with Captain Turd over there. I don’t have the nerves to handle our little chaos, Cappy and another guest.”
“Here we go…” Ari sighs when a car drives through the open gate. He shakes his head before punching Andy’s arm. “He’s an outcast, brother. How dare you call him?”
“He’s still our brother,” Andy argues. “I mean…yeah…he chose another family over us, and his love for money is making me sick but…”
“Andrew Barber, there is no but!” Lloyd lunges at his brother. He has his hand around Andy’s throat to slam him into the wall.
“Whoa, stop it!” Ari struggles to drag Lloyd off his brother. “We don’t kill each other, Lloyd. Save your energy for our real enemies.”
“He invited Ransom fucking Drysdale, Ari! How could he? That bastard said we are not brothers,” Curtis yells as said man gets out of his brand-new car. “You! Get off our property!”
Curtis storms toward Ransom to punch his face. “You fucker!” Ransom dodges the next punch. He likes the finer things in life but didn’t forget how to fight. “Andy called me!”
“What is this all about—” Jake and Mike stop in their tracks. While Ari tries to keep Lloyd from strangling Andy, Curtis and Ransom throw punches at each other. “Guys! What’s going on here?”
“So, this is how you keep Y/N safe?” Steve huffs. He drops his duffle bag to the ground to storm past Jake and Mike. “I’ll get her out of this madhouse!”
“Buddy, you better stay out,” Jake puts his hand on Steve’s chest to stop him and make things worse. He doesn’t stand a chance against Captain America, but right now, he gives a shit.
“GUYS!” you stomp your foot. “What is going on here?” You storm toward Lloyd to slap his shoulder. “Lloyd, let go of Andy. Ari same goes for you. Stop hitting your brother’s back.”
“But—” Lloyd pouts. “He…and then…and he invited the gold-digger!”
“I don’t care, Lloyd Hansen,” you poke his arm. “We do not hurt the people we love. I want you to apologize to your brother.” You harrumph and tap your foot. “Lloyd, apologize to your brother or there will be no dessert for you.”
Lloyd’s eyes darken. He looks at your crotch and hums. “I love me some dessert, Cupcake. What do you have to offer?”
“Not that, you little pervert,” you slap the back of his head. “Now play nice, Lloyd.”
“Fine,” he pouts. “I’m sorry for choking you.” He looks at Andy, not sorry at all.
“Ari, your turn,” you point at Ari. “I’m waiting. There will be no head massage and hair pulling for you if you do not apologize for slapping your brother.”
“Is it just me, or is this kind of hot?” Lloyd grins. He’s happy that he isn't the only one who got in trouble this time.
“Lloyd, I’m sorry for slapping your back. Even though you deserved it and I only tried to keep you from choking Andy to death.”
“Very well,” you clap your hands and turn your attention toward Mike. “Are you okay? Did one of them hurt you too?”
“No, I’m good but—” He points at Curtis and Ransom. They are tangled in each other, fighting for control. “Uh-we should stop them too…”
“Christ on a cracker!” You throw your hands up. “You…” you point at Steve. “Hands off Jake.” You look at Jake. “Jakie, no violence. How about you and Mike talk some sense into your brothers.”
“Sure, Sweetie,” Jake relaxes when you press a soft kiss on his cheek. “But if he blinks, I’ll smash him with my laptop.”
“Fair,” you nod and walk toward Curtis and Ransom. Curtis tries to wrestle Ransom to the ground while Ransom tries to kick Curtis’s shin. “Guys, what’s your problem?”
“Hey,  Sunshine,” Curtis pants. He pushes Ransom to the ground, grabs his arm, and twists it. “We are good, Y/N. Just give me a minute to convince my brother to leave our property.”
“Another brother,” you crouch down to get a better look at the man on the ground. “You really are the seven dwarfs.” You smirk at the man staring up at you. He grins and licks his lips.
“Oh, that’s a nice new addition,” Ransom purrs. “Tell me, Sugar. Whom do you belong to?”
“She’s our friend, stop hitting on her,” Curtis puts his foot onto Ransom’s chest. “You are not welcome here.”
Ransom sucks his lower lip in. “She belongs to all of you.” He whistles. “You’re a sweet thing. Hmm…I can think of a thing or two to make you happy.”
“Ransom!” Jake grunts. “Don’t talk like that to Y/N!”
“Curtis, let his arm go,” you place your hand on Curtis’s shoulder to calm him. “People are watching.” You whisper. “We don’t want to draw too much attention toward us. Remember?”
“You’re lucky she stopped me,” Curtis drops Ransom’s arm and steps away. “If not I’d rip your arm out to slap you to death with it.”
“Curtis!” You tut. “Why are you so angry at him?”
“He left us when we needed him the most,” Lloyd wraps his arm protectively around your shoulders. “We were barely fifteen, and that bastard talked some rich people into adopting him. They wanted an heir, and he wanted to get away from us.”
“Can you blame me for not wanting to end up being a mobster and get shot dead? I wanted more from life than that. Just like Andy. But he’s here, parading around the mansion!” Ransom growls. “You forgave him for leaving, but not me. I was a kid looking for hope.”
“You’re a gold-digging whore wanting shiny things, nothing else,” Lloyd spits on the ground next to Ransom. “I suggest you stay far away from me, and Y/N.”
“Lloyd…” Andy sighs. “Please stop this shit. You can’t expect all of us to want the same things you want from life. We tried a different life, okay. The moment you called I was there. Just like Ransom came here after I asked him for help.”
“He won’t get one of the good bedrooms,” Lloyd pecks your cheek before he turns to walk inside the mansion to calm down. “We should head inside and…” he looks at the still-open gate. “Can someone close the fucking gate?”
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“So…” you press a cool pack to Curtis’s cheek, “Ransom is the last brother or are there more of you?”
“You can’t get enough of us, huh?” Ari smirks. He bandages his hand while glaring at Lloyd sitting across from him. “You didn’t have to choke Andy.”
“You didn’t have to…” Lloyd mimics Ari. “I do whatever the fuck I want to do.”
Jake and Mike keep out of their fight. They busy themselves watching Steve. The captain sulks in a corner while you play nurse for the brothers.
After offering a cool pack to Ransom and taping his split eyebrow, you took care of Curtis. “Press the cool pack to your cheek. It will help.”
“Thank you, Sunshine,” Curtis sighs when you run your hand over his head. “You’re the best.”
“Andy, no. We need to put something on that too,” you sniffle looking at Andy’s bruised neck. You carefully touch his skin. “Lloyd, you should be ashamed of hurting your brother like that. This is not okay.”
“I said I’m sorry,” Lloyd grumbles under his breath. “He had it coming. What’s a good choking among brothers, right?” He flashes you a smile. “Come on, that one was funny.”
“Not if anyone gets hurt, Lloyd,” you tut. “I thought we wanted to prove to Captain Rogers that I’m safe with all of you. The moment he set foot onto your ground you started fighting each other.”
Steve crosses his arms over his chest. He watches you and listens closely. This is his chance. If he can convince you that the brothers are dangerous, you’ll follow him.
Part 11
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lovingksuki · 11 months
— highschoolers bakugo x fem!reader
synopsis: an anonymous love letter appears in your locker on valentine's day. surprised, you and your best friend start an investigation to uncover who was that person observing you from afar. meanwhile, a flushed bakugo tries to ruin your plans on the undercover alongside his shitty-haired buddy
cw: sfw; mostly fluff; lil angst; very insecure bakugo; romantic comedy; puberty; silly jokes; little swearing.
a/n: this is part one of three. let me know if you want this mini series to be continued :) and pls be patient since english is not my first language hehe ;;
word count: 1k
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"oh c'mon! what if there's a heart shaped letter in your locker? you never know..."
"there's not."
"you can't be so certain about it. my girl is never looking her surroundings, who knows if someone got their heart pierced by an arrow?" mina pointed.
"shut up, every year the same thing..." you rushed and right after turning the corridor you captured by distance. "ok. maybe you were right." you said finding the metal compartment half closed.
then you grabbed the red paper in her hands, paying attention to the almost dry daisy taped lazily on the front; glanced around not spotting anything or anyone suspicious about it, then turned to your best friend.
"i got a feeling you're part of this." spurred.
"whoa, i was joking just now! even i am chocked. who's the sender?" the pink colored girl held her hands up in protest.
"i don't know, there's only my name." you stated carefully sticking the little flower out.
"let me search for a hint." mina took the letter from your hands suddenly, mumbling while quickly skimming through the words looking for something useful. she gasped before smirking at the content and then continued mumbling.
"enjoying yourself!?" you sighed waiting.
"mkay, done." handed the letter. "nothing between the lines. who wrote this sure is smart enough to not leak their identity."
"that's for me to decide. you ain't the smartest kind." you chuckled.
"more like the pretty girl type."
"you sly thing! you received a love letter, who's the pretty girl again?" both laughed at the statement and headed out to the cafeteria. "not reading it?"
"can't think when i am this hungry. we should hurry."
at the lunchtime the subject was the same. you two were discussing with your mouths full, sitting by yourselves on a table far enough from eavesdropping.
"hear me out. there's this line that seems to be rewritten over and over, it's a bit tattered." you mentioned. "it says: 'i'm still hesitant about what you think about me' and thanks to the pressure they put on paper seems to be 'afraid of who i am' underneath."
"adds a lot of nothing to our investigation. that's what everybody would say in a confession, i mean, nobody likes being dumped." pinky pointed out unfazed.
"yeah but, i don't think it's meaningless, what if this person is truly insecure about themselves." you pondered.
"or they're just ugly." mina chewed on her meal.
"i don't think that's the case... remember when you told me that thing you read about pretty boys' handwriting?" you brought up.
"did you actually believe that!? was just a discussion in a girl's meme forum." the pink one remarked.
"but there's some truth behind it. if you consider that people with a smaller hand can grip on a pen better when writing, also means the ones with big hands tend to have a sloppier handwriting!" you stated confident about your theory.
"girl, you're tripping... does this mean we're going across the school measuring boys' hands?" mina smirked unconvinced.
"what a fucking waste of time..." said raging.
"dude, calm down. at least you poured your feelings out..." eijiro reassured his bestfriend trying to point out the bright side of things.
but while he's the bright side, katsuki was the dark side. they say a good relationship is based in balance, in this case it makes total sense.
"you even checked if she read it?" asked the red haired.
"when she and mina walked by me at the corridor they were whispering and giggling like little lambs. probably laughing at that letter though." pouted.
"you're being paranoid, they're always like that."
"they're up to something..." bakugo murmured.
whilst the two struggled to put up with the 'plan cupid', the other two were constructing the 'plan pretty boy's handwriting'.
"as i was saying, a pencil has six inches approximately, we're looking for a hand as big at least. if we measure our hands we can compare with theirs without them noticing." stated grabbing a pen off her case.
"you're truly a genius. i refuse to accept you failed strategic test last week." mina complimented.
"i was in a really bad mood that day... anyway!" justified while traced her own hand in a empty page of mina's notebook. "fifteen centimeters. do yours and we're good to go!" demanded agitated.
when looking for friends of theirs, the girls pretended to just have a walk around the school.
"what if it was a girl?" mina asked suddenly.
"i doubt. how many girls with large hands do we know?" claimed.
"mmm... asui-san?"
"you've got to be kidding...!" pulled her phone and dialed quickly a number. "hey!" you smiled. "no, nothing really urgent, i just wanted to ask... are you perhaps in love with me?" questioned without any filter.
"girl you gone mad?" mina whispered holding back a laughter.
"uh, ok. anyways, thank you. we talk later, kisses!" you hung up. "see? that's not her."
"woah you're so straightforward! it scares me sometimes..."
the boys exited the restroom still discussing, but when the blondie heard a certain voice he stepped back. pulled eijiro's tie to hide behind a pillar with him. "shut it!" mouthed.
"i just wanted to ask... are you perhaps in love with me?"
"uh, ok."
his face started to burn as he became more anxious. could only hear a few words, enough to bring the boy into complete state of panic.
after the girls left he released his breath.
"stop overthinking! she just received a love letter, of course she's curious!" kirishima said.
"i didn't say anything, shitty-hair!"
"your face shows!" sighed. "seriously, how can she be so oblivious? just look at you! you're terrible at hiding."
"i- i... she doesn't even talk to me that often..." katsuki pitied.
"bro, you're not the friendliest around here. but she doesn't seem to be afraid of you." kiri pondered. "have you ever tried to smile?"
he looked at the red spiked guy and opened a shy smile.
"a bit more."
every time bakugo tried to put on smiling face it looked creepy. "be more genuine." said eijiro.
trying his best, but even with so much effort... his buddy analyzed. "ok. it looks absolutely terrifying."
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I'd like to request reader after a succesful final exam get rewarded by Steven and Marc. They would whisper things like i'm so proud of you or that's my smart girl, but she gets so dumb on my cock
Thank you!
Hi anony!^^
One word: SMUT!!
Some quality time
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Steven Grant & Marc Spector x fem!reader
Warnings: smut, nsfw, oral (fem! receiving), fingering, p in v, soft dom Steven, the boys are utterly horny in some parts, cliffhanger ending(?).
I think I made Marc a pantie sniffer for 1 second, oops(not sorry, hehe)
Summary: You've successfully accomplished your final exam as the best one and your boys wanted to reward you.
Out of all graduates you of course were the best one. To be honest you were scared of the final exam, and if it wasn't for Marc and Steven helping you, you'd probably had worse results. After everything was done, including the small party at the end, you already saw him standing outside waiting for you.
On your way out, you waved goodbye to some of your friends going the opposite direction from you before you approached him.
"Hi Steven, hi Marc."
This time it was Marc, he smiled warmly as you got closer
"Hey sexy. You look beautiful in that dress." he gestured towards the dress you were wearing.
"You already told me at our breakfast today." you couldn't help but blush slightly.
"And I'd do it again and again." Marc held out his arm for you in a gentle manner for you to hook yours on.
Both of you started to make your way back home in silence for some time.
"So, how did it go? Did our teaching help you out?"
"Actually I was the best out of all. So yes, your teaching did help alot."
"Oh? Really? That sure screams for a little reward, don't you think?"
You nudged him with your elbow "You don't have to do anything."
Marc laughed. "Honey, we want to. By the way, Steven wants out. He's going nuts."
Before you could even blink Steven took over the body.
"Love, you look absolutely stunning in that dress!"
You could hear the genuine admiration in Steven's voice.
"You two seem a little happy today."
"Of course we are! You finally made it! And you were the best."
"Come on, it was just an exam! Okay and a little party after, but still, only an exam!"
Steven gave you a playful glare, nudging your shoulder. "You forgot something, love. It was a final exam. Final. Means you're done now."
You just grumbled in response, trying to not laugh.
"Even Marc said that." Steven said, reaching out with his other hand to flick your nose with his finger.
After a while you broke the silence, curious of what the 'reward' might be.
"Marc said something about a reward? I'm sure you must be involved, right?"
"Yeah. A reward for our smart girl." Steven's voice lowered teasingly, hinting at what they had in mind.
Soon enough you arrived back home. While Steven minded his own business you went to get changed. You were only in your underwear, hanging your dress on the coat hanger with your back turned towards the door, not noticing the boys sneaking up on you as out of nowhere two arms snaked around your waist, causing you to jump slightly as he rested his chin on top of your head.
"Gotcha." He said softly, it was Marc again he pulled you against him, hugging you from behind.
"Next time make some noise so I'll know you're sneaking up on me, Spector."
"Maybe. Or I'll get Steven out." he teased, knowing Steven would talk back.
*Oi, not cool mate.* Steven replied in their headspace.
Marc laughed softly, it was the laugh that told you Steven was talking back to him.
"Guess Steven will let you out next time when there's some fight going on." You couldn't help but take part in this and tease Marc, who in return poked your side.
"Whoa, boys what's the reward?"
"Some nice, long quality time with your boys."
Marc guided you to the bed, gently laying you onto your back.
*Marc, please tell me I'm not the only one thinking she looks breathtaking in her underwear everytime?*
Marc looked at you with a smirk before answering Steven.
"Absolutely right, buddy." He was already starting to take off your panties.
"Was it Steven? What did he say?"
"He was just spilling facts that you're so, so breathtaking in your underwear."
After that, Marc brought your panties to his nose and inhaled, closing his eyes for a second.
"Not only does our girl look stunning, but smells perfect too."
*Oh hell yeah she does* Steven's voice inside their headspace was already needy.
Meanwhile your cheeks were already flushing, catching Marc's attention.
"You see that Steven? She's lighting up like fire."
Marc leaned down, spreading your legs and closed in on your inner thigh, sticking his tongue out, slowly and teasingly licking his way upwards, causing you to whimper softly and already moving your hands towards his head.
When Marc's mouth finally arrived at your core, he teased your entrance, moving his tongue around your hole, spooning up the pooling wetness already there.
"Oh fuck!" Your hips arched upwards, desperate for more.
*God...I could listen to her angelic noises all day...* At this point Marc was certain Steven was already foaming at his mouth.
"Honey, you're making Steven lose his shit inside the headspace. Oho, when he's going to have you, you're gonna get it." Marc said lowly and seductively, looking up at you.
He gave your clit a flick with his tongue, catching you off guard before he thrusted his tongue inside you. This caused your eyes to roll back in pleasure.
*Marc, tell her if I could, I would eat her delicious cunt out the whole night.*
"Oh baby, if you could hear what you're doing to Steven right now, he's a mess already and I haven't even started yet." Marc smirked against you.
You whimpered. "W-what did he say?"
"He'd eat out your pussy all night long. Wouldn't matter if you'd be asleep or not." He thrusted his tongue inside you once more, swirling it around, making you tug at Marc's hair.
Marc stopped his magic without a warning, getting up and stepping between your legs before pulling his already rock hard cock out.
"But I can't blame Steven. With a pussy as delicious as yours, it's hard to resist."
He positioned his dick at your entrance, collecting your wetness with his tip before pushing inside.
"Fuck- I have to say- no matter how much we fuck you, you always manage to have a- f- death grip around us-"
Marc already sounded like he was losing it but he kept his pace steady.
*Mate, our girl looks marvelous every time.*
Steven's words made Marc smile and lean down to you.
"You're right Steven. Our beautiful, smart girl."
*Yeah until she gets cockdrunk for us*
The sounds escaping from you always managed to make the boys go feral.
"We are so proud of you, babygirl. So proud."
You heard him, but you were not sure if you could respond logically
"You two h-help-ed me..."
If you weren't cockdrunk before, you were definitely now.
*I think she's saying we should get rewarded instead, Marc.* Steven chimed in.
"Ohh, she wants to reward us now, huh?" Marc teased, angling his hips to hit the spot deep inside your core making you let out higher pitch moans.
*Fuck, that hit a spot there, mate.*
"Hit a spot there, didn't I?"
Both said almost in unison although you couldn't hear Steven. Thinking wasn't your speciality now anyway.
"We're so happy for you. We knew you'd be smart."
Marc repeated the same thrust he did earlier to make your mind spinning, drawing another high pitch moans out of you.
"Yes- you're our clever girl. But when it comes to our cock..." He trailed off, leaving you to try and think. "You're so dumb when we have our way with you, hm? Feels so good you're going dumb, right honey?"
All you could do was moan in response.
*Marc, keep teasing her...please..* Steven's voice was almost pleading with Marc to urge an answer out of you.
"Too dumb to speak, hmm?"
He decided it was time to increase his speed, pounding into you full force.
"Y-yess.." Was all you could moan out while Marc made a mess of you.
*Bloody hell, she's so beautiful all fucked out*
"I-I'm close, boys!" You warned, gripping the sheets.
Marc, already panting leaned down to you
"After I'm done with you, Steven's gonna have his fun with you. So better not get too comfy."
Right after he said that, you walls gripped his dick like a vice, gushing your juices all over it.
Marc moaned. "Fuck- you're killing me here."
He came too, pumping his hot load into you, supporting himself on his hands on either side of your head.
You on the other hand couldn't help but ask why they're so riled up today
"Boys, why are you so in the mood today? What happened to you two on the last mission?"
Marc was still catching his breath and pulled out of you
"Well, we said we're gonna reward you. You should know by now we take this very, very serious."
"Yeah but I feel like poor Steven is possessed by something. Oh and you too, Marc."
*Yeah we got possessed by her.* Steven said in their headspace.
"There you have it, Steven just said we're possessed by you." He chuckled.
Marc pushed himself up "I'll be right back." he made his way to the bathroom watching you calm down and giving you a seductive side eye you didn't notice.
You only got a few minutes of break before you heard him come back. This time it was Steven.
You snapped your head up "Right, I forgot about the package deal you two come with." you chuckled.
Steven sat down on the edge of the bed "Yeah. And don't worry about resting, it's not like you have to go somewhere tomorrow, so y' have the whole day to sleep after this."
*Steven, tell her we would gladly keep going until she's snuffed out like a candle tomorrow.* Marc said in their headspace.
"Marc said we could keep going all day, to make sure you remember this day."
"All this because of an exam?" You giggled.
Steven leaned down close do you
"Ah-ah, what did I say earlier? Final. Exam. You don't have to study anymore."
"Final." You mimiced him.
*Let's go buddy, show her.*
"Cheeky lil' thing, eh? Alright, back to business."
Steven grinned, getting up to step between your legs.
"Think you can go another round, love?"
"Yeah? Wanna go dumb on our cock again?"
*Now I know how you felt earlier, Steven.*
"Seems like," Steven moved his hand towards your previously well fucked hole "now Marc is the one goin' crazy." he began rubbing your clit to get you needy again.
"But he already had his, uh, 'round'."
"Never doubt us, love. You know how we can get." Steven teased.
"Stevenn.." you moaned.
*Fuck, listen to her sweet noises...*
Steven couldn't help but laugh. "If you could hear Marc rightnow, you'd think he's mentally jerking off."
You half laughed half moaned at this "Wait you two can do that?"
*No I'm not.*
Steven chuckled "He just said he isn't." he moved his hand further down to thrust two fingers inside you.
You moaned, feeling yourself coating his fingers in your juices.
*She's still tight as hell, right buddy?*
"Oh yeah, like she wants to stay that tight."
"Oh my god, boys."
Steven curled his fingers inside you, making your hips arch up.
*Look at our good girl.*
"Mhh-mm, taking us so well."
Steven kept thrusting his fingers, loving how responsive you were.
"Y'see how lucky we are with you, love?"
"Y-es..." you moaned.
The way you were responding to them was almost too much for Steven.
"Fuck, I don't think I can hold back any longer."
Steven straightened up, grabbing his already hardened again dick and positioned himself at your hole, teasing you with the tip then pushed inside swiftly.
"Stevy!" You mewled.
*Oh shit. Do that again, Steven.*
"Yeah? Like how we take care of this cunt?"
Steven pulled out until only his tip remained inside and then pushed his whole girth right back into you.
*Yeah that's it, there she is.*
"Bloody hell, love, you're turning Marc into a maniac back there." Steven chuckled.
"He already is." You spoke without thinking.
*Really? Tell her I hope she knows there is still some time left before the day ends.*
"Oh oh, you're in trouble now, sweetheart." Steven teased, speeding up his movements.
"W-what? Wait what?" You moaned, pushing your hips to meet his movements.
"Marc said there is still some time left before the day ends." He slammed into you.
You began to realize what you said, but you couldn't concentrate about it because of how good Steven is slamming into you.
Steven leaned close to you. "Gettin' stupid again, yeah?"
You could only nod.
"Our clever girl. So smart. But when she gets our cock, she's a stupid mess."
You could feel yourself getting close again, the speed in which Steven is pounding into you made your head spin.
"Stevy, I'm getting close!"
"Yeah, can feel it." Steven breathed, feeling himself get close too.
It wasn't long before you gushed over him, coating his dick in your juices once again as Steven did the same to your insides, painting them white.
Steven collapsed ontop of you, burying his face into your neck.
After a moment of content silence you spoke
"You two are insane." You giggled.
Steven raised his head, rolling off of you and to his side, smiling. "You're welcome, darling."
"Now comes the resting, yes?"
"Yeah we uh, should be done..."
You raised your eyebrow "Should?"
Steven gave a dirty smirk. "Y'know, you called Marc a maniac, me insane and both of us insane aswell. Makes two for each of us."
Your jaw dropped. "No way, you can't be serious." you laughed.
Steven flicked your nose with his finger. "Besides, we already told you you'll take tomorrow to rest."
You just laughed, nudging his shoulder, not believing him, not even noticing the switch.
"Oh so now you're laughing, huh?" Marc was back.
You immediately stopped laughing.
Marc narrowed his eyes, a faint smirk was on his face, he looked like he was about to pounce on you.
At this point you were already certain you'll put tomorrow to good use in terms of resting.
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transform4u · 27 days
I won't lie, I'm really attracted to one of my good friends. He's like one of those all-American jock types. He doesn't know I'm gay though, since I'm generally straight-acting enough. But I don't think I can handle being attracted to him any longer. Is there anything I can do get over him or get him to date me?
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You're hanging with your friends in the basement, the music’s thumping, and you’re half lost in your phone, scrolling through messages and memes. You glance up and catch sight of him that All-Ameircan Jock. Piercing Blue eyes. Strong arms. Killer smile. His eyes boring into you with that familiar, goofy grin. “Bro, what up? Looking at me like some sort of fag” he hollers, and suddenly the room’s attention shifts to you.
A loud “snaaaaaaaap” rings in your head, a combination of his booming voice and the blaring music. You can’t help but crack up, the sound of your own laughter echoing off the walls. “Duuuuudeee,” you mumble, barely containing your amusement. You let out a hearty buuuuurrrrrp, the kind that would make your grandma blush. Your buddies burst into laughter, and you take a swig from your beer, feeling the cool liquid slide down your throat. Your speech is a bit slurred, and you add, “Nothing bro, like, uhhh, damn Sarah's been blowing up my phone, can't get enough of the Drake-ster. Hahahaha.”
Your phone is now going berserk—DMs, texts, and Snaps are flooding in, creating a chaotic flurry of notifications. As you’re laughing, your body starts to feel weirdly tingly, like you’re inflating. Your muscles and fat begin to balloon, your shirt stretching tighter across your expanding frame. You rub your beard absentmindedly, feeling the coarse hairs against your fingertips. Your pecs are growing, jutting out with a mix of impressive muscle and soft flab. Your ass swells into massive globes, and as you shift in your seat, a loud fart escapes, echoing like a foghorn through the basement.
“Whoa, did that just shake the house?��� you laugh, the sound of your own joke only making you laugh harder. Your friends are howling with laughter, clutching their sides and trying to catch their breath.
You start shouting for more shots, the words tumbling out in a slurred, enthusiastic mess. “Shots, shots, shots! Who’s with me?” You’re hitting on girls with exaggerated confidence, talking about your gym routine like you’re a personal trainer on a caffeine high. “Man, if you’re not benching like me, you’re missing out! You gotta feel the burn, bro!”
Sweat pours from your forehead, mingling with the beer and greasy food you’ve been devouring. The room is now thick with the smell of gym sweat, fatty foods, and spilled beer. It’s a stench that’s impossible to ignore, and you’re the epicenter of it all, grinning wide as you embrace the chaos.
“Yo, I’m telling you, I’m like a walking gym towel right now!” you exclaim, wiping the sweat off your face with your sleeve. The sweat and stench only add to the raucous atmosphere, making the party a wild blend of obnoxious fun and frat bro antics.
Your laugh is a hearty, boisterous sound that fills the room. It's contagious and always seems to draw people in, especially your bros. They love hearing you tell stories about the good old days at the frat house, like that time you guys tied up the pledge master with duct tape and threw him into a keg of beer. Or when you all snuck into that strip club and got thrown out for getting wasted and getting too close with some of the girls.
You receive a text from Betty, the redheaded secretary you've been banging on your desk after hours. She sends you a picture of herself wearing nothing but high heels and a smile, her long hair cascading down around her face. Your dick immediately starts to harden at the thought of what could happen tonight.
You pull out your phone and show it to your bros, who erupt into laughter once again at the sight of Betty's naked body on display. They all know about your little secret affair and they love teasing you about it - especially when they see how turned on you get just by looking at those pictures!
"Damn man," one of them says between chuckles, "she really knows how to work that body for ya." The rest join in with their own comments as they high-five each other over their shared appreciation for such an entertaining distraction from their otherwise mundane lives.
You stand up, towering over your bros with your muscular frame and jiggling fat. You can't help but feel like a fucking stud as you prepare to leave for your sidepiece Betty. Your all-American jock friend catches you looking at him and he gives you a knowing smirk.
"Quit staring at me, fag!" You shout with laughter, feeling the tension between the two of you dissipate into good-natured ribbing. As much as it pains them to see their alpha male friend succumbing to temptation outside of their little circle, they also know how important it is for men like yourself to get some release every now and then - especially when there are women like Betty waiting in the wings!
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Steve slides down the wall as soon as he’s in the bathroom, hands going to his hair, gripping hard as he tries to remember how to breathe.
“Steve?” Robin says. “The door’s locked, it’s just us. What’s going on?”
“I don’t know if I can do this, Robs, I look at her and all I see is bullshit, and I know she’s got questions, and fuck, she probably thinks I’m cheating on her, which I’d never do, but she- and Jonathan-”
“Whoa,” Robin says, grabbing his hands. “Deep breaths, Steve-o, we’re gonna make it through this. I will absolutely flirt with Nancy if it helps on the accusation front. I told Eddie the kids like D&D, so hopefully…” she trails off, listening, and they both smirk when they hear Eddie, already in character. “That didn’t take long.”
“He’s a good guy,” Steve says. “And they’re good kids. Mostly.”
Robin snorts. “Mostly,” she agrees. “Listen, why don’t you break up with Nancy? Nothing else happens between the two of you, right? So we tell everyone what’s going on, you pull Nancy aside—I’ll come for moral support if you want—and explain what happens and tell her you can’t see her anymore.”
“You don’t think it’ll mess with the whole timeline thing?”
“Steve. Buddy. We’re telling a group of twelve-year-olds about something that happens four years in the future. The timeline’s well and truly fucked. You weren’t happy with her, not after Barb, right? Because the stories you told me painted you as being miserable.”
Steve sighs. Reclaims one of his hands to run it through his hair. “Yeah.”
“Okay then. And hey,” she says, moving to sit next to him. “Maybe if you break up with her now, you can do something about your crush on a certain someone.”
“Robs, c’mon,” he complains. “Even if I did, what happens after? When we go back to ‘87? Are there three years of memories I don’t have? Do we break up before you and I go back, and pick it up again four years later? And what if we fail and he dies anyways? What then, Robin?”
She leans her head on his shoulder with a sigh. “I dunno, Dingus. But hey, I’m here.”
He offers her a half-smile before laying his head on hers. “Yeah. You are.”
A knock on the door startles them. “Uh, Steve?” It’s Nancy. She sounds oddly apprehensive. “Eddie’s doing a great job at keeping the kids occupied, but we’d all like to know what’s going on.”
Steve sighs and pushes his face into Robin’s hair for a second before turning back to the door to answer. “Yeah. We’ll be right there.”
Nancy doesn’t answer. The first time around, it was something Steve had found endearing. She didn’t have time to waste on meaningless words. Now, it irks him a little bit.
“C’mon,” Robin says gently. “You can fall apart again after, but there’s no use catastrophizing over something that hasn’t happened yet.”
He quirks his mouth up at her. “Right, ‘cause you’ve never been dramatic a day in your life.”
She rolls her eyes. “I’m a band kid, Steven, of course I’m dramatic.” She begins to smirk. “Besides, not like you mind when it’s-”
“Okay,” he says, but they’re both smiling as he unlocks the door.
They go downstairs and he smiles at the sight of everyone on the couch, enraptured, as Eddie’s crouched on the coffee table, eyes wide, monologuing. Steve casts his eyes around, taking everyone in, and starts to frown. “Where’s El?”
Nancy’s the first to break out of the reverie. She looks around, brows furrowed, then slaps at Mike’s arm until he slaps back. “What?”
“Where’s El?”
“She’s right- oh.” Saucer-wide eyes turn to Nancy. “I don’t know.”
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @andienotannie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @local-writers-corner @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
@paperbackribs @ninjapirateunicorns @bisexualdisastersworld @hiscrimsonangel @lolawonsstuff @xo-r4e @thedragonsaunt @l0st-strawberry
Fic Taglist: @blondlanfear @do-you-want-something-more @little-gae-shit
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stories-and-chaos · 7 months
Shrike: New Neighbor
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[Hazbin Hotel reader insert as Alastor’s “darling life and death partner” Ace x ace relationship, both parties are moderately sex favorable.]
[Word count 1210 Cw: blood, foul language]
Even while recovering, Alastor had to be dramatic. So when he dropped you both into the group in front of the rebuilt hotel, his joining the song and grand gestures did not surprise you. What did was Charlie suddenly hugging him and Alastor allowing her.
The princess was stronger than she knew. Alastor was more stubborn than anyone but you realized. So even though his theatrics and her squeeze tore some stitches, he refused to show it. The benefit of entirely red clothing was that a bit of blood wasn’t noticeable.
As soon as you could manage, you insisted the pair of you look over your new suite. Walking to the top floor would have been a struggle and you weren’t up to flying again yet. Fortunately the new building had elevators installed.
Alastor had recreated his broadcast studio on a corner penthouse level and naturally had claimed the closest rooms for you both. He hadn’t recreated the bayou yet, but there were more pressing concerns. Namely redoing his stitches.
Once in the room you ordered, “Sit down Alastor.” You didn’t let him argue as you removed his jacket and shirt. The bandages wrapped around his torso had absorbed most of the blood but now they definitely needed replacing. “Zut alors, you just had to overdo it out there.”
You brought out both a last aid kit and your sewing kit. As you gathered up towels, warm water and disinfectant, you continued to vent. “I know you like to cultivate an air of invulnerability, cher, but that was too much.” Returning to his side you started unwinding the bandages. “Granted you didn’t expect Charlie to hug you like that, but all that flailing about did not help.”
His hand shot out and grabbed your wrist. “That’s enough,” he growled hoarsely. His antlers were starting to grow in anger but he didn’t put any pressure on your wrist.
“No Alastor, it’s not,” you replied firmly. You didn’t pull your hand away but you did turn his head to face you. You locked eyes with your husband, staring straight into the radio dials. “If you get hurt, I’m the one that patches you up. If you get hurt doing something stupid, I’m still the one patching you up, but I’m allowed to be angry about it.”
He huffed and released your wrist. You continued unwrapping and cleaning that gash across his chest. “I don’t want to be stitching you back up constantly because you’re pretending to be invincible.” You might have said more but a voice at the door interrupted.
“Lover’s quarrel? You really should close the door if you’re going to do that.”
“Fuck!” you screeched, reflexively launching a stiletto at the voice.
“Whoa!” The figure blinked away in a burst of sparks, popping back into existence next to you. The blade thudded into the hallway.
“Careful there!” Lucifer admonished. “We just built these floors.”
You hissed at the fallen angel. “I wouldn’t have to be careful if someone wasn’t eavesdropping.”
He just smiled as you returned to focusing on Alastor. “Someone wouldn’t be eavesdropping if someone else had closed their door properly.” He leaned down to look at the wound you were starting to stitch together again. “Oof, that from when Adam swung at you? You took quite a hit there buddy.”
Alastor glared at him furiously. “GET. OUT,” he snarled, his ever present smile straining in his anger.
As much as you agreed with him, what Lucifer said made you start. “How did you know Adam hit him? The only ones that saw the fight were the exorcists and me.” Some of your flock might have seen it, but they were rather occupied.
“I was watching the whole time,” he replied blithely. With a snap, he produced an ornate set of opera glasses on an elegant handle. “Had to keep an eye on my little girl in case she needed help.”
“You were just watching?!” You and Alastor yelled together. If he had shown up before the angels arrived, he could have handled everything.
“Yup! Charlie didn’t ask me to join the fight, so I wanted to give her the chance to take care of it.” He paused. “I do feel bad about the snake guy, though. Oh, and that you two got banged up by that douchebag.”
You hissed again, feeling your feathers turn metallic. Still, you turned back to the curved needle in your hand. Alastor’s claws dug into the chair; you couldn’t be sure of it was from anger or the feeling of needle and thread sliding through his skin. Probably both.
“GET OUT,” he repeated, now looking like he’d enjoy tearing Lucifer’s throat out if he wasn’t stuck in place.
“And leave my new neighbors in their time of need?” He shook his head mockingly. “Charlie would never let me hear the end of it.”
You did your best to focus and finish quickly. “Got it back together, cher.” His grip on the chair didn’t ease up. He really is a terrible patient, you thought as you placed a gauze pad on the gash. You reached for a roll of bandages, only to find Lucifer holding it out to you.
Annoyed, you grabbed it with a quiet “merci.” Winding the bandage around Alastor to keep the pad in place, you could feel Lucifer’s gaze on your back. Your husband was getting more and more irritated as the king of Hell kept watching you.
Then, as you finished securing the bandage: “You’re gonna need a splint on that wing.” You blinked in confusion. Alastor was similarly surprised at Lucifer’s statement.
“Never had a wing injury before?” he prodded. You shook your head. “You’re one lucky gal.” He clapped his hands and a small pile of supplies appeared. “It’s got to be stabilized. And no attempts to fly until it’s fully healed if you want it back to normal.” He gestured for Alastor to get up, not caring at all that he was ordering the Radio Demon around. Of course he didn’t, he ruled over all of Hell. He outranked every Sinner, Overlord or not.
With permission, he examined your wing. “Alright deerboy, I’ll show you what to do so you can take care of your missus.” That did seem to calm Alastor down a bit and he begrudgingly let Lucifer demonstrate. Shortly, your wing was braced by thin rods and bandages. “Remember, no flying at all.”
You grumbled, only for Alastor to lean down (slowly, taking his wound into account) and say with exaggerated sweetness, “I’ll be patching you up, cher. And if I have to resplint your wing because you did something stupid, then I’m allowed to be angry, yes?”
Dammit, you thought to yourself. Aloud you said, “Fair enough,” with equal sarcastic sweetness.
Satisfied, Lucifer grabbed his apple topped cane with a twirl. “I’m making pancakes if you two want any.” He sauntered out, humming contentedly.
You sighed gustily. “Let’s get you a new shirt, darling.” As you helped Alastor button up the bright red shirt, he realized something.
“He said ‘new neighbors,’” he stated, the static disappearing from his voice. You both stopped dead, processing what that meant. Meeting each other’s eyes, there was only one thing to say, in unison again.
Taglist: @whitewolfsoldat @edgyboi10000 @ch3sire-blu3 @clearly-awkward @badatpunz @bengewatch @chewbrry
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royalarchivist · 11 months
Phil: Watch out for the bomb! Fit: [Lobbing bombs back at the Binary Monster] Oh yeah, how you like a taste of that, buddy? Yeah, two can play at that game, asshole! [01101100 is bleeding. 01101100 was blown up by Fit] Fit: [Cackles] You get what you fcking deserve! Dickhead. Phil: Whoa dude, Fit you just absolutely annihilated him.
Never forget that Phil was the first person to encounter the Code Monster, and Fit was the first person who killed it.
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[ Full Transcript ↓ ]
Phil: He's here, he's here, he's here- [repeats over and over again]
Fit: Oh WHAT- what is that thing dude?!
Phil: I dunno, I dunno, but we gotta fight it, we gotta fight it!
Fit: What the hell is that thing?
Phil: I don't know. Fit, I may have stumbled upon a spaceship of some kind. Just farm arrows off this guy. And uh-
Fit: [Laughs] There you go, that's the Hardcore player right there.
Phil: [Laughs]
[Video transitions to a later scene]
Phil: Watch out for the bomb!
Fit: [Lobbing bombs right back at it] Oh yeah, how you like a taste of that, buddy? Yeah, two can play at that game, asshole!
[01101100 is bleeding. 01101100 was blown up by Fit]
Fit: [Cackles] You get what you fcking deserve! Dickhead.
Phil: Whoa dude, Fit you just absolutely annihilated him.
[Video transitions to a later scene]
Fit: Jeez, what kind of evil undead did you awaken Phil?
Phil: I don't- I don't know. [Laughs] Thank you for saving me though, Jesus Christ.
Fit: Oh man...
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danshive · 9 months
Towels Are Illogical
A Star Trek: Lower Decks fan fiction inspired by speculation about the lack of shame and modesty in the lower deck bunk corridors.
This story is tame, does not include detailed physical descriptions, and, with creative directing, could even be in an episode of Lower Decks.
Nonetheless, it has characters in casual states of total undress, and some suggestive moments.
Therefore, reader discretion is advised. Story after the “Keep Reading”.
Towels Are Illogical
By Dan Shive
Boimler’s troubles (or, at least, these specific troubles), began with the arrival of provisional officer T’Lyn.
As Boimler understood it, T’Lyn had transferred from a Vulcan vessel, and was Tendi’s “bestest science buddy”. T’Lyn didn’t look to Boimler as though she returned Tendi’s enthusiasm, but it was hard to tell with Vulcans. Boimler took Tendi’s word for it.
All of which was fine. Boimler was always happy to meet a new crewmate. He welcomed T’Lyn with open arms kept at a respectable distance.
No, the problem for Boimler was that T’Lyn turned out to be a trendsetter.
Naturally, not long after T’Lyn’s arrival, she made use of the sonic showers. As she set out to do so, however, she didn’t wrap herself in a towel. She simply undressed, stored her uniform, and started walking.
Changing clothes out in the open wasn’t unusual in the bunk corridors of the lower decks, nor was it that strange to not be in a hurry to get dressed again. 
It was not uncommon, for example, for Tendi and Rutherford to get distracted in the middle of changing, and to have lengthy conversations while remaining in various states of undress.
It was, however, unusual to leave one’s bunk while still undressed as T’Lyn had done.
Mariner, with her usual lack of a filter, caught up to T’Lyn, and walked along next to her while wearing a towel. “Whoa, whoa, T’Lyn! You’re really going decloaked?”
T’Lyn raised an eyebrow. “Why would I have a cloak?”
“Sorry, sorry, turn of phrase,” While still outgoing and assertive, Mariner was a little awkward around T’Lyn. “A towel. I meant a towel.”
“Are these not sonic showers?”
“Well, yeah, they are, but…”
“To dry oneself off is unnecessary after a sonic shower, and it is illogical for me to cover myself. I feel no physical shame. Even if I did, we are about to shower together.” With what might have been a smile, T’Lyn said “decloaking is an inevitability.”
“Yeah… Yeah! You’re right!” Mariner declared. “I don’t need this!” She boldly whipped off her towel, and flung it over her shoulder. “I mean, I’ll hang on to it for now, don’t want to leave towels lying around the corridor, but yeah!”
Aside from a distracted ensign walking into a wall, this moment had little-to-no impact on others in the lower decks. It was later, after Tendi loudly expressed agreement with T’Lyn, and declared them to be “no-towel buddies,” that the idea started to spread.
As though it were the latest fashion, lower decker after lower decker stopped bothering with towels when walking to and from the sonic showers.
Even “towel guy” was now just “guy,” though he was still referred to as “towel guy.”
Tradition is a powerful thing.
Only one ensign, Ensign Boimler, was sticking to last season’s fashion. With a towel wrapped around his waist, he meant to go to the sonic showers, but was hesitant.
Everyone else not wearing towels bothered Boimler, but not for the reasons one might expect. Boimler was not, for example, overwhelmed by the sight of his exposed crewmates.
Back at his family’s raisin vineyard, Boimler was the most eligible bachelor around. Absurdly attractive women, often in states of partial, if not total, undress, threw themselves at him.
Boimler, hyper-focused on his future in Starfleet, and lacking patience in any failure to properly raise the raisins to be, remained completely oblivious. Without even meaning to, he had formed a callous around being affected by the nudity of others.
Tendi, Mariner, Rutherford, T’Lyn, or anyone else walking around in their birthday suits wasn’t going to power Boimler’s lust above impulse.
No, what bothered Boimler was he was the only one keeping himself covered at all times.
He’d mastered changing clothes without dropping his cloak.
His towel shields were up well before the eyes of others could impact his hull.
Not even Section 31 could know the secrets of Boimler’s hips.
But now, Boimler was the only one staying covered. He felt like a coward, and cowards had no place in the captain’s chair.
“A captain wouldn’t be afraid to drop the towel,” Boimler thought to himself. “A captain wouldn’t even bring a towel! They’d sit in the captain’s chair, naked as the day they were born, and do! Their! Duty!”
Unbidden, an imagined scene of Captain Freeman bravely commanding the Cerritos in such a manner played out in Boimler’s mind.
Boimler, his face red, quickly sat down. He hurriedly thought of other things, like the Niners playing baseball in a holosuite.
As it turned out, nudity combined with competent Starfleet officers on missions actually could awaken something in Boimler.
“Bases loaded, Rom bunts…” Boimler whispered, casting away the sexy demons.
Boimler, deliberately lost in thoughts of the Niners losing at baseball, and trying to remember how baseball was played, failed to notice T’Lyn.
T’Lyn was fresh from the sonic showers, and, as per usual, not wearing a thing.
She observed Boimler. His discomfort about the towel situation had not escaped her notice. While she felt her actions logical, she knew it was her influence that had resulted in his current dilemma.
T’Lyn felt… Found it logical to help Boimler.
“May I join you, Mister Boimler?”
“EZRI ON FIRST!” Boimler blurted, bumping his head on the ceiling of his bunk as he sat up straight.
T’Lyn raised her eyebrows, her expression otherwise unchanged. “My apologies. Are you injured?”
“No, no, I’m fine! Sit, sit! What’s up?”
T’Lyn sat on the end of Boimler’s bunk closest to the viewport.
“You are uncomfortable with the idea of not covering yourself.”
“Whaaat? Why would you… Why would you think? That?” Boimler’s smile would have earned him an invite to many a Ferengi’s poker table.
T’Lyn said nothing.
“Okay, fine, yes,” Boimler admitted. “I know it’s the 24th century, and it’s illogical, but—“ T’Lyn calmly interrupted with a raised hand.
“It is logical for me to not cover myself because I do not feel discomfort in this situation. Context, however, is relevant.” In a shocking display of expressiveness, T’Lyn gestured with one arm, indicating the bunks of the lower decks.
T’Lyn then used both hands to draw attention to her own torso. “Were I in this state of undress at a meeting with the senior staff, and they were fully dressed, I would find it…”
Almost imperceptibly, T’Lyn’s head tilted, and her face scrunched the tiniest of bits. To Boimler, this somehow conveyed a shudder.
“Illogical,” T’Lyn finished. She rested her hands in her lap, their shameless, illogical gesturing for emphasis complete.
Boimler imagined himself in T’Lyn’s place in that hypothetical situation, followed by Worf catching a flying ball.
“You, Mister Boimler, are not me. You should do what is right for you,” she said, imperceptibly gentle. “Discarding your towel as an act of conformity is illogical. It is only logical if you truly wish to do so, and only if you are comfortable being uncovered.”
Boimler smiled genuinely this time. “Thank you, T’Lyn. You’re right. I think I really needed to hear that.”
T’Lyn smiled. It was barely perceptible, but it happened. “You are welcome, Mister Boimler.”
“And you know what?” Boimler said, quickly standing, “I shouldn’t be ashamed! I’m not doing this for peer pressure! I’m doing this for me! Bold Boimler!”
Boimler triumphantly cast aside his towel, standing fully exposed in the lower decks corridor, hands on his hips.
Right as Beckett Mariner, fully dressed, had turned the corner.
“NOPE,” Mariner loudly declared. Turning around, her hands raised, she quickly departed the way she came. “Nope. Nuh-uh. No way.”
Boimler felt a bit less triumphant. “Well, that was…” his hands fell from his hips as his posture slumped. “Discouraging.”
T’Lyn looked towards the parting Mariner.
“I believe she does not wish to think of you in certain ways, but does so under certain circumstances,” T’Lyn dryly hypothesized, a hint of jealously in her voice that only a Vulcan could detect.
“And what does that mean?” Boimler asked, not getting any of it.
T’Lyn stood. “Take it as a compliment, Mister Boimler.” With images dancing in her mind of a cute, flustered Mariner reacting to T’Lyn’s state of undress instead of Boimler’s, T’Lyn left to get dressed.
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