#who tf is this even for other than me? idk and idc
granhairdo · 5 months
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i promised you guys paintings of some of the female patron minette affiliates but my computer completely broke and i can’t afford to repurchase my art program so here’s the best i can give you. a little traditional doodle of babet’s mistress scanned then popped into some editing software
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fenrins · 2 months
im gonna be a hater tonight but idc! its a lomg one but i rlly wanted to rant 😔😔
im just gonna go right in and say it: some house of the dragon characters are unoriginal and lazy, and it pisses me tf off. im sick and tired of seeing the same oc regurgitated in this fandom bc istg half of these hotd ocs are literally just daenerys targaryen thrown back in time under a different name.
i usually dont care abt fanfic because its fanfic. nothing i can do, its probably some child having fun, but like i said im just TIRED of looking through hotd fanfics and seeing daenerys pop up as a faceclaim, and then going on to see that half (or all) of dany’s entire character is put into an oc with little to no actual originality if this makes sense.
before i get into this, what the fuck happened to the originality in original character? like genuinely? this is mainly abt one oc i legit just saw like an hour ago off of tiktok bc but still this applies to the daenerys knockoffs i (regularly) see and cry abt like my grown ass should not care but i do!!!!
starting off, the oc’s name is daenera. cool! fine! she’s not a daughter of rhaenyra which is a slay, but is a daughter of alicent and viserys which eh, good enough. we go on to find out that for some reason vizzy t and ali hate her, and at age 16 they decide to ship her off to pentos so she can marry a dothraki warlord. im not even joking. aside from that, she’s in pentos for a year, and comes back with an army of 550k and three dragons. okay hello daenerys! anyways she apparently fights for rhaenyra, but also bangs aemond, daemon, and cregan in the two year timeframe that the dance takes place in.
no one is gonna read this but my ass is mad and idgaf! i need to complain!! but anyways, i am sick and tired of the ocs that are just cheap copies of daenerys because at what point is this an original character? if youre using a faceclaim of daenerys for your character and essentially adding her entire plotline onto your oc, is it even an oc anymore? like i get being inspired to base a character off of her because dany is literally the blueprint, but copy and pasting her entire character and then going off and ignoring grrm’s established lore (yes, its a fanfic, but ive seen too many oc’s claim both cannibal AND vermithor at the same time and i am TIRED) is just lazy and boring.
i wish people did more with their hotd ocs honestly. like theres hundreds of houses and shit and actual ORIGINAL ideas one could use instead of just taking dany’s whole character and just making it their own. i dont even want to start an argument with this but i NEED to see more original characters. like im writing my own two on wattpad rn (one’s a dragonseed whos like schizophrenic idk and the other’s a mormont who slays the day away) but even then i just need more than aemond x his sister or niece or smth idk yk??
im just reiterating points ive made but man its just ughhhh
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lookismaddict · 2 years
Lookism Chapter 438 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made.)
God. It’s like every week, I get even more tired than the previous week. What has my life come to? I feel so dead inside.
Anyways, wooooo new chapter is here. Let’s goooooooo!!!
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“DiD yOu JuSt HiT a CoP ?” Yeah mf. Call it “injustice” or a “crime”, IDC. Daniel gon beat yo ass GTA style. 😤
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It’s ok Daniel, go get him!!!
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*h e a v y s i g h*
. . .
*stays in the bathroom for about 30 min*
I'M KIDDING... not really.
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BRUH EVEN DANIEL IS NAKED? AROUND GUN??? This is dangerous. 😭😭😭
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I def know what I want for Christmas this year... 👀
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Santa would definitely kill me in my sleep...
N S F W M E M E W A R N I N G !!!
(If you don't wanna see the inappropriate meme, just scroll past it.)
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God, my 😺 been quivering... What? I bet those of you who read Rendezvous would agree that you want him too. I'M LOOKING AT YOU!! READERS WHO'VE READ THOSE CHAPTERS ACTING LIKE YOU HAVEN'T THOUGHT ABOUT IT, SMH. 👁👁 Don't lie.
Man, this is giving me mad inspiration to write again. Who knew that some steamy shower panels would bring me back to continue writing for that story? How ironic. 😅
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DAAAAAAAAMMMNNNNN DANIEL, BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH THE FANCY FIGHTING SPINS!!! Also, "I'm gonna get punished severely when I get back." 🧐 Is Gun gonna make you give him 🧠 or nah? Like what?
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Awwwww shit... Is this where I think this is going...? 😭
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Hey Alexa, play "Lose Yourself" by Eminem.
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OMG WAIT. HE DOESN'T LOOK THAT DIFFERENT FROM WHEN HE WENT CRAZY MODE IN HIS OTHER BODY!!! :O God, it's like the same demon possessed Daniel or something.
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Geez, I'm starting to feel bad for Jichang. Like, ok Daniel, I get it. Your fight with Jichang started because you're trying to find out more about Jinyoung and all that, but... y'all can't just... talk it out? 😅 "Civilized folks" style? No? Ok.
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Oh crap... that's not good. 😬
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SEE???? I CONCLUDED THIS LAST WEEK WITH MY OWN WORDS, BRUH. CALL ME A... G E N I U S. ✨ (Actually don't. I'm still a dumbass.)
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"Thanks. I almost died just now." 💀💀💀💀 Idk why I thought that line from Hudson was funny to me LMFAOOO. Just caught me off guard because I mostly see him being so serious all the time. Also, Jichang... don't underestimate Daniel lol. It'll be your downfall if you do.
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I stg. Almost every chapter, Daniel always gets even more attractive. 😍😍
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I always see people comment on how Daniel is turning more into Gun due to how he has improved in fighting as the story progresses. HOWEVER, I've never heard Daniel becoming James Lee before and I find that concept very interesting. I'm not sure if PTJ is leading Daniel towards that path of him becoming the new "James Lee", since he is a self-righteous character who seeks truth.
Even though I find this moment to be very cool, I worry that Daniel might create more enemies for himself and I hope he doesn't kill anyone then spiral into long-term guilt like James Lee.
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If any one mentions him in the shower, yk Imma be "showering" down there. 💦
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The correct answer is "Both".
They'd be amazing Calvin Klein models.
Anyways, BYE- 🏃🏽‍♀️
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churrorat-art · 5 months
Alright so I'm reading the lost continent...
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I have some thoughts.
No spoilers, I'm only on ch.18
!spoilers for the lost continent below cut !
Okay so basically blue is a nervous cowardly dragon, which is not my favorite to read about (except you turtle, you are perfect.) But I do think it's cute how he doesn't even gave wings yet. And theres the whole thing about flamesilks which is cool ig. BUT LUNA she is such a good character I can't even- (no where near as good as winter tho) and I don't even know that much about luna yet but I know she will be an ICON in the later books.
Moving on from that, basically blue is wanted cause the hive thinks he is flame silk which is not good and queen wasp needs blue as a servant blah blah. Then we meet his friend (??) And her name is io. AND SHE IS SO COOL. Such badass the way she saved blue and his pathetic butt. Idk if Io died cause she isn't mentioned later, but I hope she didn't BECAUSE SHE ONCE HAD A PET MONKEY.
Then blue meets cricket. And I think cricket is a cool lil dragon. She is very interesting. I like how she likes food alot, it's funny to me. Also I appreciate her artistic talent and I think her positive energy is a nice touch. And basically she is impossible to hate. Although I'm not sure how I feel about blues crush on cricket. Sure it's cute...but I was kinda hoping blue would've been a character WITHOUT a love interest.
Anyway they free sword tail and he is hilarious. 4/6 character I think. And so far up to this point it was really boring to read but swordtail made it way more bearable to read.
Then they meet the reading monkey-thing in the cave ??!? And like wtf??? Idek if that monkey thing is important to the plot, but it doesn't look like it! So why tf did this random monkey creature even appear??!?! Idk but I hope he becomes the main villain.
Anyway, then blue, swordtail and cricket find FUCKING LEAFWINGS (WHO ARE LONG EXTINCT BTW) IN THE QUEENS GARDENING SHED??!!!!!? Ok ok, genuinely this made the book 10x cooler. I believe the leafwings names were: hemlock, belladonna and sundew. I love sundew. (Not anywhere near as much as winter and not more than cricket but she is still a cool character ) sundews sassy attitude is so funny and want to know more about her.
Basically the leafwings know where luna is being kept, and blue + friends want to save luna but don't know where she is, and the leafwings will tell blue where she is if they steal the book of clear sight for them. And they totally dont want the book of clear sight for anything suspicious, obviously.
So I am hoping that blue , cricket and sundew go on a mission together, either to save luna or the book idc. I just want to see sundew interact with the other kids her age. Then hemlock, swordtail , belladonna can go on a solo mission to retrieve either one. Idk if that will happen, it's just my prediction.
But yeah! That's the book so far and my opinions that I felt I needed to share ! Sorry if you don't understand any of my gipperish. '- _-
Also no spoilers please !!
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bunnihearted · 9 months
it's easy for other ppl to say that i should love my body. to think i should love my body. to judge me for being 'weak' or 'shallow' or whatever for not loving it. but they dont get it, bc they havent had to live with my body. how and why could i love it when i've mainly received insults nd ridicule for it? boys in my class used to joke abt my clothing size, my own friends talked behind my back and said things like yeahhh it was her who ate the entire bag of candy haha (even if i have an issue eating infront of other ppl. so i never even participate in eating or drinking anything w others. only some water but even that is difficult to do in front of others). my relatives judged me, nd i always had whatever was on my plate criticized by ppl around me. strangers in the store have side eyed me nd talked openly abt what items i bought and that i should be eating 'healthy'. my body has been judged and criticized wherever i've gone or have done. ppl stared, openly talked to eo abt how i should exercise or do this or that. ppl generally treat u worse and are rude to u if you're even slightly overweight. my shoulders are broad, my hips are narrow, i feel like everything is sagging. i have stretchmarks almost everywhere. i've lost weight bc of health issues but i still have back rolls in some angles. i still have fat armpits???? my body is just droopy and gross and i feel nauseous whenever i have to look at it. i love clothes but it's never fun bc nothing is flattering on me bc my body is so grotesque. my stomach is like dough. my arms r flabby. nd im pretty sure theres smth wrong w my body circulation bc like my legs are reddish while the rest of my body is my normal skin color. also.. ketasoris pilatoris (however tf thats spelled idc). anyway my body rlly is a horror show and i dont know. it's hard to "love" it or be fine w it bc i havent existed next to someone with it in it's natural state and not been scrutinized. (im lucky tho that my mom has never criticized my appearance or anything bc from my understanding it's smth many ppl have experienced). i mean sure when i've worn shorts in summer she's joked abt my legs been hairier than a man's but... not more than that. idk. it's just frustrating to be so judged for it. yes. i have a very complicated relationship w my body and appearance. im sorry if its annoying to u lmao? idk what to say. why would it be easy for me to exist unapologetically in my body? i can accept myself all i want, but if i cant feel that from others what will it matter? even if i often feel it, im not an island. im dependent on other ppl's input. it's just frustrating when ppl act like it should be easy or that i am weak or stupid for hating the way i look. it hurts to not ever receive a little bit of sympathy or compassion. no. im just stupid and weak and annoying!!!!! well. whatever. i dont care. at least the ground will accept my body wholly and completely when it eats me and i'll nourish the earth. worms and insects will accept me exactly as i am. it will all be absolutely unimportant to them. they wont even care abt whatever feelings i have abt it. theyre completely apathetic to all of it.
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bwabys-scenarios · 6 months
hey, so would it be okay for this to just be read and not answered? i want to respect everyone's privacy.
so, i used to be in your old discord you now privated and that's totaly fine! whatever makes u most comfy! i kinda put two and two together with the person u were talking about on here and someone who left that discord like 2 weeks ago. IF its the same person im thinking of, then they are currently being harassed, called a c*nt, delusional, anon is asking for usernames of people, which they refuse to give and dont want to speak about the situation further (they honestly arent even talking about it and seem to be moved on? idk what anon is on about). essentially a very similar message to yours of dont harass anyone or ask questions further, we both will move on etc i saw it and your message that hate wont be tolerated and i really hope whoever the anon is isnt sending you hate either... it's a weird situation and idk what to do other than bring it to attention, even tho i know you want to move on and heal from this person, i also feel strongly about cyberbullying and people who are nosy and want to get involved for no reason. i just wish healing for everyone involved<3 anyway, that's all and i hope that you are doing well regardless! im wishing you a lovely day or night mwah<3
No, anons haven’t sent me any hate at all, this is actually fucking disgusting. Maybe I haven’t gotten the hate yet? Either way I’m assuming it’s someone from my old server or someone sending them hate just to cause more drama between the two of us.
So big announcement, if you’re sending hate to anyone on my behalf, I want you to fucking show yourself. I want you to apologize. I already asked everyone to not send any hate to anyone, it’s not hard at all to do.
I made a mistake making it public(though I did not mention their name once on tumblr), and this is a very harsh lesson to learn. I have the person that’s receiving this hate blocked or I would personally apologize to them, but if they see this, that’s not what I wanted at all. If you find out who is sending you the hate you can contact me and I’ll make sure they get reported. You can also report anonymous messages, and it should still affect their account! I did this in the past and it got someone’s account who was bullying me taken down.
I never mentioned the persons name publicly but I did vent about them in my discord after the big falling out because I was so frustrated. I didn’t want more people to know who they were after I calmed down so I kicked everyone I didn’t trust.
If someone I trusted did this, it breaks my fucking heart. This is not what we do, this shouldn’t be tolerated by anyone. Idc what anyone did in this situation, she didn’t do anything worthy of receiving hate. No one should get that kind of shit. No one.
I would have hoped people had some common fucking decency. This literally pissed me tf off.
It’s a big lesson, even if you think you can trust people with information, you always have to be careful. That’s why I made a whole new server with no drama and no vents or anything to prevent this. It’s partially my fault, even if I didn’t say their username on my tumblr I did say it in my discord server. At the time it only had around 20ish people, but soon after I posted in vent I made the vent channel private and kicked 10 people, the unprivated the vent channel after. Before we had a falling out I didn’t mention them at all, and it should have stayed that way.
I haven’t checked their account since I blocked them, but they should be able to block the anonymous accounts. I’m pretty sure it blocks alts as well? Because when I block someone at least I’m unable to see the account on my alt. Idk about being blocked though. Sorry I don’t usually try to go to someone’s account after I’ve been blocked.
I’d recommend turning off anons for a while, it’s what I did after the fallout because I was afraid of getting bad anonymous asks as well. And at the time before I turned it off I did receive a few nasty asks about me being dramatic etc, but I didn’t really give it much thought.
People enjoy drama and stirring the pot. I think I’ll also turn off anon and limit my messages to people I follow only for a bit just to be safe 😭
If you send anyone hate on my behalf, you are scum. I don’t tolerate bullies, that situation has been over with for nearly a week now, and we both moved on. There’s no reason to send hate to anyone.
I’m sorry, in the future I’ll be more mindful of who I vent to. It’s just not okay, I thought I could trust my server of FULLY GROWN ADULTS to act like adults should, but clearly fucking not. I’m not only disappointed, but also angry and upset.
If you think sending someone hate on my behalf helps me at all, you’re wrong. All it does it hurt others and cause more problems for me. This has brought back all the stress of the situation when I felt like I finally moved on from it.
I’m sorry, again, it’s my fault for trusting the wrong people. I’ll keep my venting between my closest friends from now on. This is just not acceptable behavior, who the fuck sends someone anonymous hate over INTERNET DRAMA? Go outside, touch some grass, interact with someone in the real world!
I offer all of my apologies to the person affected. Not mentioning their name, but I really hope this message clears everything up. I don’t want anyone sending ANYONE hate.
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sunshinepixels · 2 years
bc I hate it more than I've ever hated anything in my life 😭
Allison is back from the dead and somehow stays alive by the end of the movie as if that's not unnatural af !!! Like she's a human? how is that a thing? why did they do this? I love Allison, I really do but her coming back to life and not being laid back to rest by the end of the movie was so psycho and bizarre. Idk why they made that choice but I hated it
Derek apparently had a child 15 years ago and Allison died 15 years ago so somehow he had a child in season 3? When? When would he have time to do that? He was literally with Jennifer that season 🤨 so when did he make this kid who he seemed to have always been in the life of ? the math isn't mathing. ik teen wolf math sometimes doesn't make sense but I excused it bc I like the show but since I hate this fucking movie I will not excuse it. Jeff Davis tell me how the fuck Derek somehow had a kid in season 3!?
Who is the mother of Derek's child? (We all know that Stiles is the other parent) but fr why is she not mentioned at fucking all??? like it felt so unnatural, like they were specifically talking around it or some shit. I swear Eli never even says the word mom once!! how? why do they act like she doesn't exist? at this point I'm gonna assume Derek made this child asexually through budding or some shit cus wtf
IK Dylan O didn't want to be in the movie but they didn't have to do everything in their power to pretend Stiles didn't exist. The only references to him were the Jeep and Lydia's dumb dream. It made it seem like Stiles doesn't keep up with them anymore and that they don't keep up with him, and that's including his fucking dad. It's so unnatural and ew. I'm also very sad that Kira wasn't here but ik why Arden didn't want to do it. Fuck Jeff tbh. Kira was barely mentioned also, I don't think they EVER said anything about her at all. It's giving Jeff is bitter or smth.
This movie dragged so bad, it was boring as shit and I struggled to get to the 2 hour mark. It was actually painful for me to watch . I wanted to skip through every scene basically, trying to get to SOMETHING interesting, but it was rare that anything like that was going on
Some of the style choices were weird. The clothes they had Deaton in weren't right, it didn't feel like something he'd wear at all. Also so weird to see Chris in a turtleneck, idk if he's worn one before but it looked weird. Peter ate though, I have to give them that.
WHY WOULD MASON BE A FUCKING COP? What about him screams cop? 😐 He should be working with Melissa at the hospital or doing LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE.
Parrish and Malia 😐 disgusting. He knew her as a teen!!! like hello?? that's weird af! I already hated him and Lydia, bc why is he going after a freshly turned 18 y/o and I was hoping that the writers would know better by now then to do this weird shit but obviously they didn't
What exactly was Harris back for? He barely explained what happened to him or what he knew? It was dumb. If they left him out, I don't think it would've impacted the movie or what we know about Harris at all. Also, I don't remember if they explained but why was he alive anyway?
Abolish Eichen House
Some of the sets were very ugg and didn't feel like teen wolf at all
Peter sniffing the ground like a dog ☠️☠️☠️ SO UGLY 😭 but so hilarious, best scene hands down
Curse count: 9 Shits and 2 Motherfuckers (both from Chris which is funny asf)
The movie was not fun, it didn't have the fun vibes of the original show, all the jokes were meh and didn't live up to the source material.
who tf is Eli's mom 😐 I'm serious
why did former best friends Mason and Liam barely say one word to each other 😐😐😐😐 idc if they had no time, they should've been hugging and crying in the background or some shit
Why did they decide to make Derek burn???? LIKE HUH??? That was sick ! The worse possible death they could've given him! Like that's TRAUMATIC!!! Like were we meant to think this was poetic or smth?? cus I don't. I just think it's sick and weird. Not only that but they made him leave his kid. at this point why'd they even give him a kid just to kill him off. it also kind of felt like they exchanged a dead person for an alive person
the way Liam and Hikari pronounced I love you in Japanese was so bad. im not a language expert but that didn't sound right at all. truly horrendous, get a language coach on set or smth cus that ain't it
them having Allison come back and go back to dating Scott felt very character regressiony for him. like ik he loved allison but so what? you don't need to always end up with your first love. he literally was able to move past her death and get in other relationships. it didn't feel like he was holding a torch for her, it felt like he was able to get past it but now it doesn't. idk it's weird
seeing clips from the tv show made me wanna take the shit off my screen and put on the real show
and lastly this movie didn't need to exist and is not canon in my head
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ol1verdrawsyt · 2 years
What r things you like about the dsaf community, and things you don’t like about it? Just curious to hear some thoughts! :D
Oh boy, I have a lot to say abt this one. I'm just gonna preface this by saying, I have a very special place in my heart for dsaf. Idk where I would be today if I hasn't have found that trilogy. With that being said, I'll start with the good.
Tw: opinions 😱😱
For starters, its a very welcoming community. Because a good majority of the community is queer, it makes it a safe space. In my experience, it was the first time I felt open and comfortable being myself inside of a Fandom.
It's also a very talented community. Like holy hell, have you seen those amazing Henry fanarts with him in the void? They're fucking epic!
Finally, the DSaF community is pretty sweet to new artists. I remember when I was in the piggy Fandom, they were brutal man. I got bullied constantly for my art and was pretty close to quitting for a while. In DSaF though, I just simply received constructive criticism and people helping me rather than shaming me.
Now onto the not so great
First, the ships that shouldn't really be normalized. Steven x Peter is probably a big one. Peter had a wife, Steven was a horrible boss and sent Peter to the factory knowing what would happen to him, and that he had a family (we know from Peter and Jimbo that you can refuse to do that. In the slightly evil ending, Peter refuses to send Jimbo to the factory) and also they canonically hate eachother. Also the horrible power imbalance? Like, idc what your excuse is, shipping boss x employee is just wrong.
And yet, this is like the 2nd most popular ship in the Fandom. I'm not done with it either cuz the people who ship Steven and Peter lead into my next point.
Being toxic towards straight ships. I'm gonna preface this before anybody gets mad by saying, I am a trans and queer man, I can have an opinion on this.
So Peterline is not a very popular ship despite it being cannon. Caroline is Peter's wife, and you see her at the end of the perfect ending. I've been bullied before (mainly on tiktok) for shipping this. I've had someone just go off on me because I'm "taking away gay rep and that Peter is canonically a gay man." Like, tf?? Also, side note: he isn't. Dogman confirmed the characters sexualities and Peter is "probably straight." Not to mention he had a wife that he chose and married himself, not a manufactured one like with Steven. But back to my point. Peterline is overshadowed by all of the Steven x Peter shippers because it's EVERYWHERE. I don't even know why it's a ship in all honesty. But heaven forbid you don't ship it and ship Peter and his WIFE.
You thought that was the worst of it? Wrong. We go away from the side that's mainly queer/allies and go to the homophobic side. Yep. There are homophobic/transphobic DSaF fans despite a good majority of the main cast being queer. Luckily, they don't really show their faces anywhere near the queer fans, so we're all set. I have seen them comment on davesport posts before though complaining. Speaking of davesport:
Davesport has completely taken over the Fandom. I love davesport as much as the next person, but if you truly love something, you have to admit the flaws. First, the weird kinda fetishism of it? I won't name names **cough cough daystars cough cough**, but there are artists who draw this ship and intentionally make the characters look like teenage boys and not old zombie men. Plus, people kinda romanticizing / glorifying the fact that Dave stalked and had an unhealthy obsession with Jack. That isn't cute and romantic that "he loves him so much that he broke into Jack's house on multiple occasions and watched him sleep 🥺🥺🩷🩷☺️☺️☺️" (genuine comment I saw btw, minus the emojis cuz I wanna make sure people know it's satire what I'm saying). Plus, people are bullied for shipping anything other than Davesport. I can understand if it's a proship (I'll get into those fuckewads later), but someone shipping anything other than davesport will get you witchhunted in this community. I know I said I don't like boss x employee, but I don't hate someone if they ship something like Harry x Jack or something. There are people genuinely scared of showing that they ship that because of the hard-core davesport fans. Final note on this point, it's the only DSaF content being made. I want more Blackjack and og managers art pls I beg of you I want more art of the og managers. But instead, it's just davesport again. It gets to a point where I'm kinda tired of it.
Next point: people babying characters. Now, I won't name names **cough cough daystars again cough cough** but there are very popular artists who get away with this. The biggest ones I can think of are Peter, Roger, and Jack. Here's why I think this happens:
Jack: Because he's shown to have a soft side. It's mainly seen in DSaF 3 on the flipside with him gently talking to the other souls and telling them that it's gonna be ok and he'll help them find justice and peace. Also, he is somewhat civil to Dave at the start of a few routes so probably from the fucking davesport shippers again.
Roger: Because he's hinted at to have an anxiety disorder. Hey there! Person with a diagnosed anxiety disorder here. DON'T FUCKING BABY US! Like, just because you have an AD doesn't mean you need 24/7 protection and babying because "what if you get scared 🥺🥺🥺😔😔😔". People with ADs can do amazing things despite it. And Roger is no exception. In the evil ending, he goes off at Jack about everything he's done and doesn't break a sweat. He's probably the strongest out of the 3 phone guys because he's the first person (other than Peter) to stand up to Jack when he's doing something wrong.
Peter: Same as Jack, he's shown to have a soft side. Mainly when talking about how he remembers his wife and family, and invites Jack to live with him and Caroline despite (to his knowledge) he's only known Jack about a week. But like with Roger, he puts his foot down when needed. In the evil routes, Peter takes Jack back to his office and just let's him have it. He goes off about the fucked up shit Jack has done and even throws in some amazing lines like
"That's Mr.Cawthon to you, employee. We certainly aren't friends."
"Employee, let me tell you something. I am a VERY good boss."
"It takes the truth to fool me, or close to it. And you've played me for a goddamned fool."
But of course, with this community, that entire badass scene with Peter and Jack is overshadowed by him being "uwu smol bottom gay boy"
I mentioned them earlier, so here it goes: the proshippers. They're everywhere. Some of the biggest dsaf artists **cough cough fucking daystars again cough cough** are proshippers. It's mainly a problem on tiktok. I've seen people ship: Peter x Dave, Dave x Henry, Steven x Henry, Jack x Peter, Henry x Dee, Henry x Jack, Dee x Jack, Jack x Dee x Peter x Dave. It's honestly disgusting, and I really don't wanna talk abt it anymore.
Next, people drawing Henry skinny. This one pisses me off a lot. People draw Henry as a skinny little bottom boy and not the fat old man he is. There's a lot of people guilty of this. **cough you probably know who I'm abt to say cough cough**. Some people try at least. For example, I tried sticking with my roblox-like bodies and giving Henry a very big torso. Later on, I finally learned how to draw plus sized bodies, and so now that I can, I immediately implemented it. Some people just don't even try.
Finally, people mad at dogman for moving on from the series. I shit you not. I came across people complaining about this just last night. Here's the thing: DSaF has a lot of problematic stuff in it. Nobody can deny that. Dogman has apologized for it on many occasions and doesn't want that to represent his work now. He moved on to Dialtown, where he can now get paid for his hard work and pay his team. But because he isn't talking abt DSaF anymore, people refuse to even look at Dialtown. It's just kinda...childish in my opinion? It'd be a different story if you just simply didn't enjoy Dialtown. Like that's fine and understandable, the game isn't for everyone. But really? Just because the creator moved on from his problematic past and made something original, you want nothing to do with him. That's just stupid.
Alr ty for coming to my Ted talk. If someone wants it I'll do one of these with Dialtown (there isn't much bad, it'll just be me ranting abt how much I love Dialtown)
Btw don't harass anyone I mentioned here if I did mention them. It doesn't solve anything, and you just look like and asshole.
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eddieydewr · 1 year
You know stantwt has rocks for brains when they see someone say "he had a conversation with us 2 times about us being the only fans there and asking us to take pics and signing and stuff" about noah and understood it as "he had to beg 2 fans who came to his event for pictures" (@hooyosnotproud and @pynchyaoi r being idiotic and wording exactly that! Bunch of close-minded black and white thinkers). Like how the hell would you interpret 2 TIMES AS 2 PERSON?? Even little kids who aren't fluent in english wouldn't interpret it like that 😭 Like I genuinely don't know if people on that app has their brains overly rotten from talking about stranger things way too much that they're now incapable of having the most basic understanding and comprehension of the things they read or they're just being stupid on purpose and twist someone's words so they could go with that narrative of how much of a loser noah is. One of the people who was actually there said there were like 50 people at the event and it wasn't even a meet and greet. Like they could go hate on him idc, but the way they're spending way too much time and energy making false narratives about celebs they hate INSTEAD OF ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING TO HELP OUT is pissing me tf off. Like go share masterlinks, share donation drives, watch youtube videos wherein the revenues from the ad go to the Palestinian organizations, encourage others to boycott brands that finance the Israeli government. But no they decide to make fun of someone instead and think that that's enough activism. I see videos of Palestinians especially kids being killed, injured, and traumatized and my first thought wasn't to mock a fucking celebrity but to look for ways on how to help out and idk curse, insult and say all the bad things known to existence about the IDF and the prime minister who ACTUALLY DO THE KILLINGS themselves. I haven't seen anyone who tell the IDF and the prime minister to fuck themselves off and to kill themselves like what they do to celebrities btw. Seems like these people's priority is to hate on celebrities rather than to help which is sad because Palestine is suffering right now and what they're doing isn't productive.
lmao i think i saw the tweets you’re talking about. acting like it was a comic con when it was something to do with startups and entrepreneurship? not exactly a meet and greet with an actor when he was there for the TBH brand. and you’re right; none of it helps palestine. not even when they tag noah in tweets containing gory pictures and videos of palestinian victims. completely counterproductive and noah never alluded to wanting palestinians to die, and being gleeful about it. whatever they seem to think of noah, he is not that kinda person. they’re just determined to hate on him and assume the worst 🤷🏻‍♀️
i notice millie is getting a lot of accusatory comments about not caring about what’s happening, and being an UNICEF spokesperson, she ought to do better 🙈 girly isn’t even on social media. whereas there’s barely anything for finn and stan twitter LOVES to complain about him every 5 business days because he’s friends with “problematic” people. none of it makes sense.
i know i keep saying it but online activism just pisses me off.
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alyjojo · 1 year
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The Person On Your Mind in September 🫏 2023 - Taurus
Whole of their energy towards Taurus: Wheel of Fortune rev
Okay so…I cracked up at this from the beginning, because as I laid this King of Wands down I heard a French joke from Eddie Izzard’s (now Suzy) Dressed to Kill standup: “My name is Pierre and I have come to have sex with your family.” One of my all-time favorites ❤️ And this is how this person is going to take action towards you 😆 I don’t read gender in court cards, only zodiac signs, unless it’s being clearly highlighted as a factor in something between you, or past life readings to help describe a whole picture. Two men can be King/Queen of whatever, and it’s just “divine match” to me idc.
Wheel of Fortune in rev is a bad cycle, negative experiences, things working against you, bad luck, spontaneous or unexpected events that feel like you’re having to fight to make something happen, or being denied. This is someone from your past, and it’s like fate or circumstances blocked them in this. This is clarified by Page of Wands, The Magician, and Knight of Cups. They liked you then, but never got the chance to say so. In one case I’m getting, one person was the wrong gender at the time they were into or crushing on you, that could be the block. Or they’ve never been sure what/who you’re into. If you’re bi/pan, they aren’t crazy about that or just assumed it was not their flavor you liked. It’s possible they’re not your type, because your messages feel like a nice rejection. You do like this person though. Some of you are just with other people and that’s what’s in the way of them making a move. But they’re going to try anyway.
Feelings: 7 Cups
Confusion 😵‍💫 And fantasy, they’ve fantasized about being with you in the past, Ace of Cups…they may be coming in with heavy passion & charm now, but it’s not all about that. They genuinely had some kind of feelings for you at one time. If you’re with someone else, or were, they could be confused at how they missed you or how that even happened. They could’ve been one of several people around you back then or you were with them, somehow it didn’t happen. Timing seems to play a major role in this connection, specifically bad timing, could be a karmic or a lesson of some kind, I don’t get this actually being your person. They’d like to be though.
Intentions: 4 Cups
They don’t like your person. Or who you’ve dated, who you like, what you’re into, etc. It’s that simple. Someone “stole” you away from them, in their mind, or they don’t understand how your current/some other person appeals to you and they don’t, something like that. If you’re into the opposite gender than them, or are fluid with that, it annoys tf out of them. They may have some personal bias against this dynamic, but like you. Ah, karmic ❤️ The intention has been to just leave it/you alone, even though it all leaves a bad taste in their mouth.
Actions: King of Wands
They are Pierre 😉🔥 And they’re going to just TRY to at least talk to you, flirt, send a message and hope you’ll see them in the way they see you. I don’t get them saying a lot of passionate things, but they will try to impress you and get your attention. Sexy pictures, acting like hot shit, taking a confident & very forward approach. They’re jealous of whoever gets to be with you. Even if you’re single I don’t get you taking this person seriously, they’re not your type or maybe you just don’t feel that way. I get you like them as a whole, but I don’t get romantic vibes from you. The perfect pair comes out here, but “you” are flipped. They’re not for you and you know this. Idk what that means for you two going forward though, maybe staying friends? Seems to be what you want. I get your rejection will bring them some needed clarity 🤷‍♂️
Their side:
- Quietly observing
- Forever young
Your side:
- Rebel Without a Cause
- No Hard Feelings
- I like you but am afraid to tell you.
Possible signs:
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces & Aries
If you’re dealing with:
3 Wands & Ace of Swords show many instances where you’re expecting to gain clarity, communicate with others, hear or tell the truth about something, or clear the air in the more difficult connections. Some of you could be intending to cut off unhealthy (for you) people as well. Some of you are battling with gender/sexuality and could be waiting to reveal your true self to people on a larger scale…expecting to receive backlash or even have to lose people.
Aries - jumping into a romantic situation with you, they definitely have feelings, could be this person with that energy
Taurus - abandoned you for someone else, you did, or they’re confused at why you’ve left
Gemini - missed their chance because of someone else involved, either with them/you,
Cancer - apologizing for something not working out, wants to leave past dramas behind, could be a family member or love - 10 Cups
Leo - giving up on unrequited love, you or them
Virgo - similar to Cancer, wants to apologize for whatever happened in the past & be friends
Libra - feels things are balanced, you/they did the right thing and it’s worked out for you both
Scorpio - ooo King of Wands, could definitely be this person, they’re obsessed with trying to have another chance with you, and obsessed with you in general, especially the passion 🔥 La Pierre 😂 That doesn’t actually make sense if you speak French, I know shh.
Sagittarius - bringing light to deep feelings they’ve held back, trying to be objective about it and tell you the truth about their feelings…it’s not easy for them
Capricorn - hanging around awkwardly because they’re immature, and they’re aware of that
Aquarius - healing from a loss of some kind, could be a parent/family member, a marriage, a Tower is traumatic here…they’re going through it right now
Pisces - playing it safe, but doesn’t want it to end, in and out, leaving and returning…there are confessions they don’t know how to talk about or communicate with you, or switch it
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vacantgodling · 1 year
thank u now for a rant about the most random movie i’ve ever had a hyperfixation on
so, bear with me here, but my autistic ass is so fucking picky about the media i actually sit down and fully watch. i say i’ve watched things and that is partially true. there are MANY occasions that i have watched things partially and then read the rest online when i couldn’t be assed to finish it, or i’ve watched enough analysis and essay videos AND the plot enough times that it is essentially enough for me to have considered myself watched of the movie. it makes sense to me and it saves me time and i enjoy it don’t @ me.
i have a specific list of movies that especially during high school were my go to comfort movies. this list has expanded over the years but the main ones from back then were (1) lotr/the hobbit (2) rdj sherlock (both movies) (3) pride and prejudice and (4) …. premium rush.
now, i’m sure some of y’all have heard about premium rush but tbh i think many have not/it’s an under-appreciated film (it made about 3 million less in the box office than it’s budget of 35 mil so) but I LOVE THIS MOVIE and IDC so y’all are gonna hear about it.
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just to knock it out here’s the fucking summary in my own words:
joseph gordon levitt’s character, wilee, is a sherlock-esque bike messenger in new york city. he could do other things with his life like go to college get a real job but he doesn’t want to do shit that’s boring and he’s super good at what he does having similar sort of sherlock vision that RDJ had in the sherlock films; able to map out paths through traffic on the fly to get to where tf he needs to go like *snap*. he has a gf who insists that he make something more of himself buuuut he don’t wanna. causes tension etc. tbh gf isn’t that important of a character to me except for the fact that she has a roommate, a chinese woman named nema. she emigrated to america on a work visa but has a son still back in china that she is struggling to save money to get with her. in her desperation she goes to a gang with 50k to have them smuggle her son and her mother who’s looking after him into america after which it will be easier for her to get them visa’s. because this is gang shit the gang gives her a ticket that she needs to get across the city to give to a woman named sister chen who will know it’s value and help facilitate the transaction. SO nema hires wilee because he’s the fastest bike guy in the city to get it there before 7pm same day — “premium rush” if you will, so that her son and her mother can be let onto the boat to come to america.
the issue arises when a corrupt ass gamble addicted cop enters the picture. he owes a lot of money from his gambling debt to the chinese mob in chinatown and to clear his debts they give him information about the ticket that nema bought which can be exchanged for money. if he gives them that ticket, all his debts are cleared. so he starts hunting wilee through the city to try and get the ticket all while we’re tryna do this before 7pm and it’s fucking lit and stressful.
summary now out of the way.
first of all this movie has joseph gordon levitt and dude—i love his acting style in general. every movie i’ve seen him in he’s elevated it to something Enjoyable and is a bright spark worth mentioning (ie: i hate literally everything about inception however JGL being there made it bearable for all of two seconds before it was awful again. yeah i hate inception sue me). he does a really good job of being witty and charismatic, but also a lil gritty in this movie. michael shannon is just absolutely Unhinged as the main villain here which is something he is Very good at but idk there’s just something SO FUNNY about the vindication homie has about a bike messenger it’s so damn funny. cuz at some point it’s not even just about the money it’s PERSONAL and jgl is like ????? hello????
BUT one of the big reasons i like this movie is because it plays with a nonlinear narrative. everything is rushed and fast paced because it’s literally only a couple of HOURS that this whole shebang is happening in. from risky stunts to car chases to bike races to accidents etc etc like everything is such a, hate to say it, rush that you can’t help but get swept into the movie. and i was really fascinated about they introduced and had the integration of chinese american/chinese mob culture into the movie bc clearly you always hear about yakuza and all that but this movie took a different route and it was interesting. also despite it kind of being a cheap device to gain sympathy i think nema’s actress also plays a strong role in understanding her dedication to what’s going on. i do wish the movie spent more time with her and everything that was going on vs focusing on wilee’s trivial ass struggles so much cuz his whole thing with his girlfriend is just so irrelevant to me and that actress wasn’t bad she just didn’t really do much for me.
overall tho, i used to watch that movie like every day for a time and i wish i still owned it along with other movies physically so i could watch them whenever i miss it.
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theteasetwrites · 2 years
Well I just watched episode 23. Here are my thoughts. 🥲
Spoilers for TWD season 11 episode 23. Don’t read if you haven’t watched it because some shit goes down.
Love that they’re all heading for commonwealth to fuck shit up
Ok I am actually pissed tf off about Daryl letting Judith come with them. Daryl she’s like 11 years old. Idc how “tough” she is, she should not be allowed to fight in a literal warzone where there are automatic rifles being shot at your people. I absolutely HATE how they’ve written Daryl to allow that. They’re making him make such a stupid ass decision that I feel like he would never make (another OOC moment because the writers don’t know Daryl as a character anymore). Daryl makes stupid decisions sometimes, but this is beyond stupid. Daryl, I know you would be a better parent than that and yet they’ve written you like you have the common sense of a potato
Also Judith begging to go with them all the time is so annoying to me like girl you are a literal child know your place read the room and stop trying to be an adult it’s just annoying at this point we get it your parents were Rick and Michonne pls shut up about it🙄
Hi when am I supposed to start caring about Annie or her and Negan’s stupid unborn baby I think I missed the memo
NOT LYDIA. NOT LYDIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I gasped. When I tell you I sat up in my bed at 3am and GASPED. I love Lydia so much. But at least it was just her arm and Aaron was with her and helped amputate, but still. Also when Aaron said “you are so loved Lydia” 🥹 I love this man so much you don’t understand he is actually the best character right next to Daryl don’t @ me I’m right also I cared more about Lydia than I did Judith in this ep 🫣
I hope Elijah and Jerry make it in the herd, but tbh I am not going to get my hopes up because they are both fair game at this point unfortunately 😔 who is going to take care of Jerry’s 20 kids
I love that Mercer is helping them out now! He really is a great character I think. It’s just so frustrating that he got snitched on but you know what they say about snitches
Ezekiel pls you don’t have to be nice to Negan it’s ok (I love him for that tho, we stan a bigger person) also if they kill Ezekiel I will stab someone anyway
I really really hope Rosita finds her baby. I wonder why Coco wasn’t at Alexandria like the other kids??
Connie is so sweet to that guy idk his name but you know. That guy. Too bad he DIES
Oh yeah and Judith gets shot. Um so I am not a big Judith fan at all so like obviously I am slightly sad but also… I mostly just care about how Daryl is going to deal with it because he is totally going to blame himself (as he should bc WHAT DID YOU THINK WOULD HAPPEN BESTIE 😭). Daryl has lost so many people and he always blames himself for it and idk it just really bothers me that they’re doing this to him AGAIN like let my man have ONE DAY where someone’s death isn’t indirectly his fault and/or affects him greatly. We don’t even know if Judith is gonna die but yeah it’s not looking good. I mean they’re not going to get great medical care in the middle of a full-blown war AND a walker attack (with the advanced updated DLC version of walkers thrown in too)
I honestly don’t care that much if Judith dies but I also don’t want Daryl to have to deal with that because DAMN he is going to be devastated he has lost so much man it’s really not fair. I think he has suffered more than any character on this show and I don’t think it is controversial to say that because just considering the sheer amount of shit he has dealt with and seen is insane. I would say he is going to need therapy after this but apocalypse 😔
But also Daryl you dumb bitch lol ofc this was going to happen you should have never let a CHILD into a WARZONE you big himbo
I’d still give him a blowjob tho he’s gonna need one after this
Also Pamela suck the fattest cock you are such an asshole I hate you and I can’t wait to watch you die I hope Daryl kills you too 😘
Ok that’s all I think?? Idk this episode was a whirlwind. I am scared for the next one (esp since Daryl is laying on the ground?!?! HELP)
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w0rmzfagg0t · 2 years
re:shipping w villains, I think it’s stupid that most people don’t recognize ‘proship’ and ‘anti’ are just two extreme sides of a spectrum: some people harass/judge other people for yandere or villain content and some don’t: some people are write rpf but don’t think cnc fics are okay: anti and proship literally don’t mean anything consistent and it’s discourse with goalposts that are getting moved all over the place
CW for mentions of abuse (incest, rape) Honestly I've been writing this out for a bit.. and rantings aside I just dont care. As an abuse survivor my only "places" in the "proship" community are to A. be used as a "muse" for their rape fics or B. cope by making content. Otherwise I have to talk to people about why arguing if you should write about fictional incest and rape or not. Like.. yall HAVE to see how insane that sounds right? Also RPF makes me super uncomfy as an introject (if that even matters to mention), let people live their lives without having to see "milk fics" about their friends (rip to people who know the fic im talking about...theres an ICP one too..wild shit out there guys). My only "goalpost" is to not support pedos and abusers? And we're chill. Labels on the internet have become a badge to see whos "better" than the other and Idc if your evil scrimblo killed 100 people, just have common sense that things like incest and rape arent and should never be justifiable no matter the context or the situation yk? Like why tf is that even a question? Deleting any asks about this futher cause Idk what else to say and my blog was just supposed to be for me to post my silly little art about my f/os but I never finish anything
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midnight-fox-boy · 23 days
🌕Pinned Post (for now)🌕
Posted: 9/11/24
You can call me Midnight. I'm a 24 year old nonbinary trans guy who exclusively uses he/him pronouns. In general I primarily enjoy masculine-coded language more than neutral or feminine. That being said I don't mind a lot of "soft" terms like cute or boy so long as it's not coming from a place of disrespect.
I'm gay, demisexual/Romantic, and greyplatonic. My "gayness" pretty much means (very much simplified) "a lot of men and nonbinary people (terms and conditions apply)". To make a long story short, I apparently have a habit of dating "men" who come out as nonbinary so 😂. I do not feel that any other term truly feels like "me".
I've been out for nearly 9 years now (wild).
On testosterone for more than half that time total (in not mathing that)
I have chronic pain, consider myself disabled, have ADHD, OSDD, amongst other "issues".
My stances kind of show through my DNI and things I post but if there's any confusion or you're worried, I always accept good faith questions in that regard. If you're not sure if you're stepping on my DNI OR if you're not sure If I fit into your DNI or not, feel free to ask and I'll respectfully answer.
That being said, I don't necessarily feel the need to defend or justify myself for a lot of these. Anything I don't want to answer will just get deleted.
DNI below the cut:
*bigots of any kind: racism, ableism, bi/panphobes, transphobia, anti m-spec gays/lesbians or nonbinary gays/lesbians, aphobia, etc.
*endos. Pro-endo OSDDID systems that are going to give me grief about this (if you just wanna vibe idc), I generally don't really care about other OSDDID systems' stances on this so long as they don't push it onto others. So yes, y'all Endo neutrals are safe here since Ive noticed not many blogs are inclusive of people who want to stay tf out of it or hold a more neutral stance.
*TransID. I'm not about pretending to be disabled when you're not, that's disgusting, same for race. "trans age" is way different than age regression or even just SFW age play (pretending to be a different age without it being real regression), and that's gross too. Trans species I don't really care about unless you're using it to justify doing disgusting things.
*I don't want to see gross shit. Adults shipping or defending shipping minor characters with adults is wack to me. That's just p3dophilia "lite". (Legit don't even come at me about "it's only romantic!" Also don't even feel the need to defend a 17 y/o with an 18 y/o. Of course I'm not talking about a ONE YEAR age difference)
* pro self harm blogs of any kind. Idk how prevalent they are anymore or if they're called the same thing but for a specific example, "pro-ana" blogs.
* okay I'll probably get hate for this but: non-intersex, BINARY cishets identifying as gay/lesbian. So binary cishet men identifying as lesbians, binary cishet women identifying as gay (in the mlm way). It feels like fetishizing and that's..gross. again, this is not talking about nonbinary, fluid, or intersex individuals.
*people who condone bullying, harassment, and/or space invasion in order to "punish" people for having a different stance.
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theha1r · 1 month
🔥 rping <3
( send the fire emoji for an unpopular opinion )
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oooh boy okay - i'm gonna do multiple bc i have a lot of feelings lmao
1 - idk how unpopular this is but - the rpc! is not! what it used to be! like the rpc used to actually FEEL like a community, nowadays things just feel so vastly different. no one comments or interacts with people's ooc & hc posts anymore. crack threads & silly little things are few & far between. people are constantly acting like this is a jobby & not a hobby tbh! i see it all the time! it literally seems like there's no enjoyment in rping anymore & it really seems like no one wants to branch out anymore -
2 - if you're writing an oc - pls at LEAST tell me what they are. like you don't have to have a full bio but at least some basic info? or even for unpopular or unknown canons. ones that aren't easily googleable. like i'm talking even just giving me a name, age & basic personality traits. because if you're throwing a character at me that i don't know at all - i don't know if certain situations or reactions would be appropriate & all. like just pls, give me something to work with at least?
2A - ALSO to add to this, if you have a canon muse that is canon divergent in some way or your own spin or au or you have certain hcs that go against canon ... PLEASE LIST THEM! OR LINK THEM! SOMEWHERE??? bc otherwise i'm just gonna assume canon stuff & throw canon situations at you! & then you'll be frustrated & i'll be frustrated & it'll be a whole mess - like pls just list your stuff somewhere bestie - just listing 'divergent' with no other information tells me nothing ...
3 - if you have faceclaims for your muses, pls list them! somewhere on your blog! idc where, it doesn't even have to be a fancy list - but there's a whole ton of actors & singers & influencers that i don't know, plus i'm just generally face blind - so having to play a guessing game of who this fc is can be very frustrating - like if i wanna make edits or if this fc does something problematic or something i'd like to be able to know who they are -
4 - i do not like teeny tiny icons. i'm sorry - but i don't. i barely like anything smaller than 100x100 but if you're going smaller than 75x75 ... why - i have to be over here like ken jeong in that community gif trying to figure out who tf i'm looking at. especially with the above point if you don't have your fc/fcs listed. like no offense to anyone who does the small icons but pls don't be offended if idk what your muse looks like -
5 - ... this one is gonna get me flamed but ... i don't like first person or second person pov, especially in rp. i don't like second at all & first i really only tolerate with like actual novels/books - i don't even like it in fanfic. & i get why some people might do it, but idk i just don't vibe. it throws me off for some reason. i think they can work with certain characters, but moreso for drabbles & things. it just throws me off to see in actual rp threads tbh ...
6 - this is more so for not just rp but also for fandom spaces but ... IF YOU WANNA WRITE A GENDERBENT CHARACTER OR A IRL PERSON/CELEBRITY ... literally. just. make. an. oc. make an oc sibling. make an oc based off the irl person. make an oc that exists in the universe w very similar traits as the character you wanna genderbend, slap a different last name on them and say they're cousins with similar traits. or something! anything! it's twenty-twenty-fucking-four why are we still writing genderbent characters & rping as irl people. like literally why
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nahalism · 9 months
There’s this girl who has been in me for two years and no matter what I do, it doesn’t go away. I have periods where I’m doing great and also not. When I’m not doing great, I think about her and it drives me crazy. When I’m doing great, I work on myself, feel better, but then it hits me harder. As if she gets closer. She comes in dreams, but I can also feel her. Never bad, it always has been warm and pure. She changed me and my life. Unknowingly. It made me spiritual. Weird thing, we only spoke online. The past three weeks the dreams turned into nightmares and it’s not warm and pure. Its not like the other dreams, where I felt both of us where there. I’m not sure if my fears are hunting me, or if it’s really happening. She ignored me in the dream, walked away and was with another guy. She had a relationship and I was happy for her, but this just feels different. The dreams make me not wanna sleep and this sounds even crazier, but i feel like I sense her being intimate w another guy. It’s a gross feeling in my body and idc about nothing, but this drives me mental. Idk what it is or why her. Never had this with any girl. Not the ones I dated either. Tbh I asked myself if it’s me linking this awaking to her, but this awaking happened 4/5 after we stopped talking. I asked myself if I portray my desires on her, but it can’t be. The first time I’ve seen her face on a photo, i don’t know what it was, but I heard “she’s part of you” and honestly not one day since then has been without her in my head. Beside that she’s my opposite. It can’t be real. She’s on every guy and very open minded, while I am very private and just want to be in a relationship rather than being w everyone a little bit for a while. I know it’s weird. I did not tell her this or anyone I know, cuz how tf do you explain. I accepted it all. We either speak, meet or will never, but I can’t bare living w these dreams and gross things in my body. You seem honest, whatever it is I’m curious about your thoughts. Have you felt anything similar or have tips on how to get rid of this?
hey. in advance, this is going to be really long – i 100% believe in unexplainable spiritual, emotional, mental ties that occur between people, whether they're built over time, or instantaneous. i think sometimes those quick intense bonds need to be watched though, because whether or not theres a true vibrational match underlying them, they tend to have their roots in trauma or unconscious conditioning.
its hard to speak on your situation because i dont know the depth and breadth of you guy's conversations. im weary of filling you with a false perception or confidence that theres potential between you, when i have no evidence to support that. there may or may not be something between you both, but ill gear my observations toward your own self enquiry, then hopefully if there is potential between you two, that self inquiry will put you in better stead to further cultivate your relationship with her and yourself.
disclaimer: i know you said you dont think your projecting your own desire on to her, but i have to speak the truth of what i feel with the facts i have. – often what we feel in relation to other people is a deep mirror of something operating within ourselves. since most people are usually unaware of what those aspects within them are, we feel drawn to understand them and relate to them by understanding ourselves through the people we are drawn to. this means you may not be actively projecting your feelings on to her, but that she is a larger projection of something you resonate with/feel. if not, she wouldnt be such a high vibrational match to you and showing up for you the way she is, and intensely as she is.
if the truth of the situation is that you feel bonded to this girl beyond physical explanation, (a connection so deep its awakening things within you you never felt before), then my question for you is, why haven't you spoken to her about it, or made moves to actively pursue her? im not saying divulge the full depth of your feelings and experiences straight away, because telling her all that at once might be a bit intense and scare her off. (not because what you feel is wrong, but because it can be confusing to have someone feel all these things about you without having met you, or truly gotten to know u. she may feel unduly fantasised about or fetishised which will enhance a feeling that the relationship is one way & feel way too intense, yfm?)
anyway, the fact you feel all these things but are so quick to accept that you 'may never meet her and nothing may ever come of it' seems like complete passivity and almost a rejection of pursuing what you deep down desire or yearn for in order to protect urself/ ur feelings/preserve ur pride from rejection/failure? (or even out of the feeling that even if your current relationship is limited, at least it still exists which is better than nothing). regardless of the reason, the fact your talking to me about this and haven't addressed it with her, is an issue, and the part you need to get to the bottom of. regardless of if she feels the same right now, its fully possible that had you moved to her, she may have awakened to that same feeling, and same connection you feel toward her. the fact that you didnt, and werent vulnerable with what you were feeling in the moment is what allowed that chance to slip.
what may be haunting you in the form of those nightmares may therefore not even have anything to do with her being with other guys. it could be a reflection of the discomfort you feel deep down toward all you feel but haven't voiced/acted on. if that resonates, then it could be that the disgust/grossness you feel, is less about her actions, and more about you having fumbled an opportunity to be in a role you secretly desire to be in with her due to your own inability to act on what you feel. – again, if that resonates question: is that theme present somewhere else in your life? wanting something deeply but not striving to attain it because you feel its futile and out of your reach? – if thats the case, are the intensity of your feelings truly about her, or do they exist in relation to her in as far as she represents something desired but unattainable. –––– if im completely off here then question why it is that you cant bare to think of her with someone else. you cant bare to perceive her in the way you usually feel comfortable doing, specifically because she feels distant to you and attached to someone else.. yet you also havent done the work to make sure that wouldn't be the case?
who knows. it could be that she is a part of you. whether thats as a life partner or as a teacher, only you and she can answer that. her being your opposite doesn't mean she cant be perfect for you, and her being more liberal with her approach to dating at the moment doesn't mean that she may not desire containment and a long term relationship. but in order for that to manifest, you also have to show up in your authority and as the kind of person she feels willing to be in a relationship with. being blasé or nonchalant is not cool and is not the embodiment of that energy.
this is all hypothetical of course, because idk if her feelings toward you are mutual. if they are, id suggest you do the work to make yourself emotionally and physically available to her. dont fear rejection or assume that if shes into you she'll drop everything and make you a priority. you may have to put in work and show up as a solid figure for a while for the situation to unfold.
if she isnt in to you, try not to beat yourself up or feel weird for 'inventing scenarios' in your heard. your not weird, your working through something, and as time passes the lesson will be whats prominent, not the circumstances that brought you to learning it. take the l, charge it, just do the work to make sure u arent caught slipping again.
i genuinely hope this helped and that i didnt just make u feel more misunderstood. im sending u love and all the resolve necessary to be able to assert yourself accordingly in this situation!!! may you get your desired outcome, and that regardless of whether u do or dont the growth that comes from this is the most beautiful part. ty for trusting in me enough to share with me and lean on me <333333333333
bon chance !
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