#who makes the VERY WRONG CHOICE that makes him honestly a full villain of the piece (and he already was. as well. the war crimes)
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eyepatchdate · 8 months ago
ok. i read tom king's mister miracle run and tbh? i don't think i vibed with it. but it DOES read interestingly as a proto-strange adventures though.
#shitpost#very similar themes of fatherhood and legacy?#and. you know. the choice whether or not to give up your child to end a galactic scale war.#mister miracle makes the correct choice (which is. complicated by the question of the reality of it all) vs adam strange#who makes the VERY WRONG CHOICE that makes him honestly a full villain of the piece (and he already was. as well. the war crimes)#but yeah this is the first tom king i didn't like and I DO see what people are saying about the repetitiveness of his choices as well#i think his narrative WORKS in strange adventures and in human target (esp human target as a noire)#but i do not really think it quite works here. his writing for Barda also feels a bit weak#which is odd because he is trying to ground the cosmic-scale story in by rooting it with the couple on Earth#so it just doesn't quite click as well#to me. and I'm not sure how to work with the ending and the theme of escapism seems... off? IDK.#It was interesting but I was kinda skimming by halfway through it b/c tbh it just didn't feel good to read?#like his other stuff even int he dark tone has felt GOOD to read. dramatic and interesting#(adding riddler: year one to the context of what ive read by him but i have no specific comparisons to make to that book)#the 9 panel page does get exhausting too so i think that adds to it#but the other works have that style as well so like. idk.#anyways. I also read Barda#the recent one. and THAT was great#I need to remember/recall what my dad rec'd for Mister Miracle#i was just scrolling hte app and saw the tom king run and got curious because i DO like some of tom king's work.#shrug#read Barda though it was so so so so so good
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beyonddarknessintolight · 1 month ago
My Skeleton Crew finale SPOILER thoughts!
...I am so fascinated by Jod. I was kinda right that he doesn't get a full blown redemption, but I was also proven wrong about my reaction to him from last week: he's not a completely evil bastard.
I will say, that I still think he's not a good person, but I won't call him 'evil.' He doubled down on his choices and his philosophy right up to the end, and he still kept using gaslighting language on the kids: blaming them for things getting this bad, claiming if they just obeyed him then things would be fine, etc. That's all abusive language.
But yes, now that we know his backstory, his actions all make sense as a trauma response. He was deeply messed up by watching that Jedi die in front of him, and it made him cynical.
It's very interesting though, that in his rant he still acknowledged that there is good in the universe, and it makes me think he sees himself as a monster. If he is at least aware of what is good and bad, and he still chooses to be bad... that makes him someone who, by default, probably hates himself and doesn't think he deserves to join the side of good.
It's psychologically so fascinating, and I see parallels with Darth Vader and Kylo Ren too. They too on some level knew that they were doing evil things, but had no hope for themselves. So much to unpack. I love characters like this!
So, while I think he still counts as a 'bad guy' in this, the way it ends does leave open the door for, someday, after a lot of work, he could redeem himself. But right now, he's still too much of a scoundrel. Also important to note how self destructive he is: his choices are very impulsive and poorly thought out, and he honestly could have just stayed with the kids until the very end and been able to get away with a giant reward, and be a lot better off.
But he chose to betray them for no good reason other than his own pride, and not wanting to be indebted to these kids that he finds annoying. He caused his own downfall by giving them a villain to overcome their own differences to defeat.
God this is such good writing!
It is interesting that they don't let us see what happened to him, they left that very open-ended. I know his final expression is being hotly debated, and I personally saw it as him accepting his defeat with dignity, but also.... there might be a tiny bit of him that's proud of the kids for defeating him and proving him wrong, that there are good guys who sometimes win. But it's very up for interpretation.
I also love how Wim's dad got to be a hero too! He's such a giant nerd lol. 'Son, you're looking at a Level 7 Analyst,' or whatever, and he says it like its the most badass thing in the world.
In general, this finale lets the adults learn to trust their children and defy the strict rules of that society, which is a good message.
And I LOVE that bit where Fern tells her mom about how, no matter where they went, even in the really bad places, they still met people that were kind and helped them. It's mirroring what Jod was saying, about pinpricks of light. The difference is that Jod lost faith in those pinpricks, while Fern found it (faith).
Yeah, I would have preferred we got a brief epilogue, to just show how the planet adjusts to now being part of the galaxy again, but it's honestly a minor nitpick. And part of me is ok with it not answering every single question, it allows our imagination to blossom. And also gives the writers wiggle room for Season 2...
Oh! Also: I love that, even after everything, Wim wanted Jod to come with them. He didn't want to abandon him. That feels so much like Luke. And I love that Jod just gives him this small smile, like he's saying, 'nah, kid, you earned this, get going.'
I loved this show so so so so much, it's just classic Star Wars fun, but it still felt fresh and different. Bravo!
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theladyeclectic79 · 1 month ago
Solas and his Sunk Cost Fallacy
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Solas has spent most of his life jumping from one crazy situation to another, fighting the battles that Mythal sicced him and his intellect on. Once she died however, he no longer had someone leading him: instead, he became a leader, and arguably a great one at that. Yes he made questionable choices and sacrifices along the way, but he still managed to win his battles.
But somewhere along the way, he became locked in on a course of action based almost entirely around his regrets. Regrets that he couldn’t convince Mythal to join his cause against the Evanuris who killed her; regrets that he was forced to imprison not only the Forgotten Ones but the Evanuris he called siblings. Even his last ditch attempt to save the elves brought only their ruin; cast out from the Fade, made mortal with limited life spans, no access to their full magics and made slaves again by new Tevinter oppressors.
Solas’ road is a lonely one, and he can’t find a way out of it because he’s convinced himself it is the ONLY path. Any attempts to sway him lead to fear, which only leads him to do more things he regrets (the murder of Felassan and Flemeth/Mythal, leaving a romance Inquisitor, murdering Varric) and drives him even more down his road. He’s stuck in a sunk cost fallacy: so many precious things have been sacrificed along this road, there’s no way it can be wrong.
He’s so desperate not to be the villain, not to be wrong and everything be HIS fault, that he’s determined to see his Dinan’shiral through to its bitter end. All for the fear that he won’t be able to handle the pain if he ever DOES take ownership of his wrongs.
Even inside the regret prison of his own making, I expect he’ll cling to the hope that he can still fix things, still make them right so that his mistakes and the deaths/murders/betrayals he’s done won’t be for nothing. I honestly don’t know if he could make it out of his own prison without either Rook or Lavellan there to help him face his regrets. He’s so locked in, so focused on that one particular ending, that nothing short of breaking the prison (or him) would free him from his regrets.
Solas’ biggest fear was dying alone. I think he’d continue to cling to his tenuous connection with Rook if forced through with the fight or trick endings, but I like to think if Rook went in with him then they might work through it together (very reluctantly lol given what has to happen for Rook to go thru w him, basically a TPK). He could be happy with Lavellan, freed from Mythal’s hold over him, and she could guide him through the regrets he’s so scared to face.
I love his character. Endless layers to our oniony egghead. ❤️🤩❤️
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(Pic of Solas caught by the very lovely ZianaV 🥰)
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about-faces · 7 months ago
Batman: Caped Crusader, Episodes 1-2 thoughts (SPOILERS)
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First things first, Harvey is as bad as I’d expected. I honestly can’t tell whether this is worse than the version we got in the last Timm-produced animated Batman show, “Beware the Batman.” That Harvey was a humorless prick straight out of the William Atherton school of jerkasses, while this one is a smug sleazebag who would be someone you’d love to hate if he weren’t also a complete inversion of a great tragic hero turned villain.
I’m just so sick of people portraying Harvey as a politician first and foremost, performing for the cameras and thinking about his career ambitions. I’m sick of him being a corrupt asshole and even an authoritarian. I’m sick him being two-faced, when the irony of his character is that he himself never WAS. Now that that’s out of my system, I’ll move on, because I know he has an arc in store that may prove more interesting than the usual Asshole Harvey takes.
They tried several things with the Penguin, and I’m not sure they gelled into anything that worked for me this time out. Making her a woman, that’s no problem, and I appreciate her classic style and appearance in a time when everyone just wants to turn Cobblepot into a boring Tony Soprano knockoff.
Ultimately, though, it all just served to make her a standard “Ma Barker” archetype. You know, the alleged matriarchal crime boss who was killed by Hoover’s FBI, who may have dragged her name through the mud to excuse their killing of an old woman? There used to be several takes on her in pop culture, although nowadays the only famous one is probably Ma Beagle from “DuckTales.”
With that in mind, they should have just cast Margo Martindale. Excuse me, didn’t use her full name: Beloved Character Actress Margo Martindale. Minnie Driver is a fantastic actress (I’m still mad that “The Riches” was not only cancelled but totally forgotten), but it was a waste not to let her use her real accent. As it was, she was fine, but she didn’t bring anything special to match the physical design. As an actress, she deserved more to play with.
Also, “Oswalda” is a terrible fake name. Like come on guys, you can do better. That’s on par with Revolver Ocelot’s real Russian name being “Adamska.”
The biggest problem with this take on Penguin is that she’s set up as some kind of brilliant mastermind, only to act incredibly stupid, reckless, and gullible. She kills not one but two innocent goons, including her own son, without so much as an investigation or even keeping tabs on the suspected rats to use them as pawns against Thorne! To paraphrase Dijkstra from the “Witcher” books, you don’t kill spies, you USE them. You feed them misinformation! You blackmail them into being double agents! This Penguin is bad at her job, so no wonder she loses everything within hours. It’s amazing she was able to build a crime empire in the first place!
I also dislike Bullock being a corrupt cop in the mob’s pocket. That fits Flass perfectly, but Bullock? Fuck no. Bullock IS dirty, but he’s dirty in a very acceptable way to cops. He’s brutal, he cuts corners, he’s crass, and he’s probably not above planting or concealing evidence, but selling out to the mob? Hell no. That’s just wrong. Hate that choice. Unless it’s a misdirection. This show sure does love its misdirections from what I’ve seen so far.
Batman himself is… fine. He’s Batman. He’s not a bad Batman. He’s serviceable but unremarkable. But at least he wasn’t an irritating asshole, which is more than I can say for most Batman depictions these days. I liked Bruce trying his “falling off a boat” joke a second time, delivered verbatim after it flopped with Barbara.
Barbara being a defense attorney is a rather contrived choice, one that gets to put her at odds with Harvey while also giving her a professional in with both Batman and Gordon. Essentially, she’s in the role Harvey Dent is supposed to play. Except here she’s a defense attorney, which SHOULD put her at odds with her dad, since lawyers and cops don’t seem to like one another, for SOME reason!
And Harvey, even as District Attorney, can’t be in the role of legal ally to either Gordon, because the story is far more focused on making him a mayoral candidate who throws people under the bus for his own advancement! Feh.
Anyway, that was episode one. It was fine, I guess.
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The screenplay is by novelist and DC veteran Greg Rucka, so of course Renee Montoya is the central focus. Seeing her interact with Sleazebag Harvey gave me war flashbacks to what Rucka did with Renee and Harvey in the comics: setting them up with a poignant dynamic of tenuous respect and kindness before dashing it all with “Gotham Central: Half a Life,” which solidified the perception of Harvey as a creepy, obsessive stalker for a generation of fans. That version of them was very much of display here. Sigh.
Also, Lucius Fox is Bruce’s lawyer now? Why? And also, what the hell? God, poor Lucius. He starts off in comics as the guy actually running Wayne Enterprises, then “Batman: The Animated Series” makes him Bruce’s right-hand-man, then Nolan and Goyer get the inspired idea to make him the Q to Bruce’s 007, while the comics don’t know what to do with him and even make him an authoritarian to cause friction with his vigilante son, and now this? It’s such a random choice. There’s no reason why this character should be Lucius. Hell, Lucius could have shown up there WITH the lawyer and that would have been fine. As it is, it’s just weird.
That said! I overall liked this episode an awful lot! For DECADES now, I’ve wanted to see someone remember that Basil Karlo was an older actor in the classic horror movie vein (his name is literally a combination of Basil Rathbone and Boris Karloff), but ever since “Batman: The Animated Series,” everyone has just tried to make him BTAS’ Matt Hagen. Like, I really liked the “One Bad Day” issue for Clayface, where he gradually killed his way to the top of Hollywood stardom, but even that was still BTAS Hagen, the Serious Actor, not Karlo, the old horror ham actor.
But with this episode, someone finally drew on the old Hollywood horror roots of the character, and they found a way to combine his shape shifting abilities into the mix! I’m so happy!
Of course, this is me, so I still have criticisms. Like, I think it was unnecessary to frame it as a mystery, because that added unnecessary complications. I know the original Clayface story was a whodunnit and you can’t do that now that everyone knows that Karlo is Clayface. I was annoyed by the misdirection of Karlo’s “death,” in part because I feared this would be another Clever Subversion, just like how the animated adaptations of “Gotham By Gaslight,” “Hush,” and “The Long Halloween” purposely went against expectations from the source material in stupid ways. Hell, they’re doing the same thing now with Penguin (“But wait, there’s a twist: she’s a woman!”) and Harvey (“But wait, there’s a twist: he’s an asshole!”), so I was afraid this Clayface would end up being someone else entirely. I was okay with it in the end, but I’m annoyed at the cheap fakeout as a plot point.
Furthermore, I don’t get why Basil disguised himself as the doctor (whose name I don’t remember) for the benefit of the actress (whose name I don’t remember) he had chained up in his hideout. What benefit was there in making her think he was the doctor? She was already aware she was a prisoner and was scared, so why the facade? It served no purpose in context, only just to misdirect the viewers.
This is what happens when you try to make something a mystery when it would work better as a thriller. Stop trying to wow audiences with twists and surprises when you could just be focusing on telling a good story. So what if everyone figures out Karlo is Clayface? Who cares! Just go with it! Let them be in on it while Batman and Montoya figure it out themselves, that’s where the tension lies! Stop trying to be clever.
Regardless, I really liked this episode. I want this to now be the canon comics origin for Basil Karlo’s Clayface. Just explain that the treatments for his face gradually affected his whole body, and boom, you’ve successfully explained how classic Slasher Clayface became Mud Monster Clayface. This is how Karlo should always be written from now on. If you really want a sensitive, angsty lug Clayface, bring back Hagen. Let Karlo be the gloriously hammy monster with aspirations of stardom.
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1960z · 4 months ago
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holy shit, dude. what a case. what a game!! I loved it all so much!
it felt like such a unique final trial. playing through a trial where the judge himself is not only corrupt but the true mastermind behind everything was new and honestly kinda nerve-wracking I’m not gonna lie I didn’t know how it was gonna play out.
at first I kinda questioned the decision not to have a jury for the last (technically two) cases of the game since that is supposed to be the “new” mechanic tgaa is supposed to be sporting but honestly it felt like they were there in spirit, their narrative importance were emphasised literally through what happened. the judge was corrupt, so the gallery, the “public” if you will (ignoring the gallery was full of judiciary members in this case) were the ones guiding the trial and demanding the truth and in theory that is what a jury is supposed to be for: so people’s fates aren’t in the hands of one person who’s basically just a politician. (this is re-enforced through what happened to jigoku too)
I’ll be honest, strongheart wasn’t exactly the most subtle choice for a villain, I think within his first couple scenes during the first game I had the initial thought “he’ll be the final villain won’t he?” and yeah I was right. if you’ve played an ace attorney game before he’s already the obvious choice and even if you haven’t he still has a bunch of signifiers that scream villain regardless (imposing, ambitious, calculating, aristocratic etc) all the while the narrative was being a little too nice to him pre reveal.
that’s not to say he’s a bad villain though! he’s a great villain!! he commands such an intimating presence and is genuinely despicable and wicked and the narrative just leans into it and ugh!! it’s great. he’s also insane too lmao. he is what would happen if you tried to do what light yagami did but without a death note. that level of crazy. love it.
I did think the 11th hour sholmes and iris save the day thing was a little hokey I must admit. it was kind of one of those moments where my suspension of disbelief was stretched even by ace attorney standards, and beyond that I just didn’t really like the whole “well the queen decreed that this guy sucks actually” in the face of the “rich and powerful people are super corrupt and don’t have the common man’s best interests” theme. I still do think you can have that moment where sholmes and iris step in but I feel you couldn’t come up with better ways to do it than that y’know. ultimately though I think it was just a minor moment, they wanted to end the case with a bang and that served its purpose. all the moments with more actual weight and meat behind them were done brilliantly.
it was just so great to see everything that was built up finally coalesce and make sense. these games are structured very differently to their predecessors, they’re much less episodic and focused on individual cases and more focused on the larger overarching story, and if I’m being honest I think it would’ve been very easy for that to go wrong but they pulled it off and they pulled it off brilliantly. it really did feel like I was pulled into a whirlwind of mystery and conspiracy and I loved it. like I said before, it feels like a testament to how takumi’s writing style has evolved and more reminiscent of the kind of storytelling we saw in ghost trick and I think that’s so cool!! though I do hope he might have at least one AA game left in him, even if he doesn’t, I’m really excited to see what he does next!
but regardless, I am in fact manifesting the great ace attorney investigations: herlock sholmes. preferably a prequel with him and yujin. this is something that will happen and I’ll hear no word against it happening. I need it idc.
tier list update!
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pastellia63 · 1 year ago
2. What's your favorite and least favorite design in either show?
3. What character do you think has the most wasted potential? Why?
7. What's a ship you enjoy?
Okay so starting of:
2. My favorite design would actually have to be Loopty Goopty's
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I know that seems random, but i honestly really love the way he looks! He doesn't look plain-ish, but also not too clutered to the point he becomes a nightmare to animate like certain other characters (cough cough, Fizz and Beezlebub cough cough). Also always a sucker for classic cartoon villain inspired characters, and you can immediately tell that from his design unlike with other characters.
Now, onto the one i dislike the most... Well this one is actually hard, but i think i'll have to go with Asmodeus.
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Nothing really against him altought i do feel like his character could have been way more interesting but then again this Helluva male centric show Boss were talking about. Onto his actual design, he honestly is between having nothing and too much going on. Like i honestly feel like the way he looks is not fit when it comes to having him be the embodiment of lust, and his full demon form Is honestly pretty lacking too which is pretty disapointing as if HAVE seen that this show can in fact have good full demonic form designs. Case in point:
3. Ohhh boy, now that's a tough question. But i think i'm gonna have to go with Lucifer Morningstar himself. He could have been a genuinely interesting flawed character with him being the ruler of hell and the father of the main protagonist herself and all buuut instead we got Stolas 2.0. because it just won't be a Vivzie show if we don't villanize his wife instead. I mean, do i need to remind you that this is the same guy who manipulated Eve into eating the forbidden fruit of Eden just because he wanted to screw God over and making it so that all humans would suffer over it (and then proceeds to throw a fit about how they had a choice to do better despite him starting all of this)? The same one who couldn't haven't even been bothered to watch ONE broadcast for his daughter since she was on it and therefore didn't even protect or comfort her when it horribly went wrong but It's okay because he's really trying you guys 😞😔 please.
7. Alright, back to being positive! I LOVE Chaggie! They're the cutest and It's such a shame the show barely pays any mind to them despite being the main couple! Others i like are:BlitzFizz, CherriSnake (please don't come at me, i too don't really like how it was handled in the show but it's cute in concept), GoldenGoose (Mammon x Stella), Barbie Wire x Verosika Mayday, Wally Wackford x Verosika, and Carmila Carmine x Zestial!
Thanks alot for the ask, this was very fun to do!
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soullessjack · 8 months ago
Full disclosure I am not the previous anon but building off of their message: I'm saying this with all due respect. Not accusing you of abuse apologia for your opinions on a fictional character, but I honestly feel like you have a strange bar for what constitutes an abuser. I strongly disagree that abusers don't regret their actions. An abuser can 100% show regret or remorse for what they did, they can show genuine love and affection to the people they victimize and still be an abuser. Dean is obviously not a black and white villainous caricature, but very rarely in real cases are abusers black and white villainous caricatures. We tend to single out Dean when dissecting the family dynamics because his abuse was the most extreme but all of them, Sam, Dean, and Castiel, are a murder cult who groom Jack into their line of business. So I don't really see the point in the semantics game.
1. that’s a fair point! I just think there’s some distinction between being abusive and being a straight-up abuser, if not distinctive connotations for those terms. I’m also not trying to be apologetic about Dean’s behavior more so than I’m just trying to explain it and make it more understandable than a surface level viewing of him.
2. agree again! nobody is completely black and white and that’s always been a consistent theme (alongside free will and family) within the show, as well as the choice to be a better person, so it’s very confusing to me when fandom discourse is all semantical about who’s worse or who’s better. your favs are wanted by the FBI and violated the Geneva Conventions numerous times, but they still try to do the right thing where it counts.
3. actually I think dumbing down TFW’s dynamic with jack as a “murder cult who groomed him into their line of business” is playing right into the semantics game and the villainous caricature.
for one, hunting just is not a cult. please can we not turn cult into the next internet buzzword. it’s a lifestyle that almost nobody involved actively enjoys living (Gordon and the other dude from Black Rock are outliers) because it’s nothing but trauma and loss and violence constantly, but for one reason or another it’s incredibly difficult to leave, or even compromise with a somewhat normal life. even Dean views it as a death sentence, and the violence he regularly commits within it only ever added to his low self worth as he considers himself a designated “grunt.” even in the later seasons when it’s framed more casually or comedically, the violence and murder of hunting is still ultimately a bleak and begrudging necessity; grunt work for the grunts. to say it’s a “murder cult” is just wrong and, well, a little cartoonish if I’m being fr.
second, jack wasn’t ‘groomed’ into being a hunter/murderer. I swear takes like these make me question what show everyone else is watching ,I’m sorry. he’s literally a born-adult supernatural creature with a heritage and birth circumstance that’s been intertwined with the lives of all three of his chosen fathers since before they all existed and cosmically dangerous powers. there is no way he could ever be normal or have a life outside of hunting (or one that lasts, at least). and considering what we know from his first death now, he probably would’ve just died as a normal baby if Cas had removed his grace. Yes, TFW has some major dysfunctions in their parenting with Jack and it’s absolutely worth talking about, but they still make an effort to be good father figures for him, even with fathers that frankly set them up for failure in that regard. to say they’re all groomers is, to put it mildly, insane and ridiculous
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You know what I like in superhero stories? When they answer the question of, "Why don't the villains just use their talents for money?" with "Because they're too dysfunctional, too selfish, or too crazy to use their talents honestly."
Because isn't that how it is some of the time? Where you have brilliant people who can easily make a ton of money, but they want it all NOW so they use crime to get it, or they blow it all on hedonism and need more, or something else that ends with them being criminals? Doesn't it also make them such good foils to heroes who often also had a bad hand but chose to do the right thing and put others first, even when it brought great sacrfice?
One side actively chooses to do good, regardless of whether it rewards them. The other side actively chooses to do evil, No matter how much it punishes them.
Good and evil are choices and the best characters reflect that. To continue beating the Batman horse to death, Bruce Wayne with all his resources and iron will dedication to his cause, could have easily decided to lash out at the world for what happened to his parents. In fact, considering his resources and an upbringing that was more isolated from society than is the norm for most people, I would say most people in his position, in the most corrupt city in the world, would have turned to vengeance and hate. But instead, he made a choice to do the opposite. His vow wasn't to make the people responsible for his parent's deaths suffer. His vow was that no other child would ever have to suffer what he did. His mission is pure. It is noble. And it can never be fulfilled. That's what makes him compelling. That's what makes him a hero.
And that's why all the "Esleworlds" and "What Ifs" where Batman is a murderer and a violent psychopath feel like a water damaged old daguerreotype compared to the vibrant 8k photograph that is the real Batman. Because choosing hate and evil is boring. It's the easy thing to do. It's common and it's commonplace. Reading about people like that does nothing to inspire. It does nothing to make a bad day a little brighter. There's nothing to admire. Nothing to strive towards. True heroism, the choice to do the right thing when the wrong thing would be easier and more satisfying, is noble.
And nobility is something that comics have been seriously lacking, lately.
Now let's contrast that with another dead horse, the Joker, in the deadest of all the Joker's own horses, the Killing Joke.
In that story, at the very end, Joker is offered a choice. Even after everything he's done, to some of the people Batman cares for the most, Batman still offers to help him. He offers rehabilitation. To work with the Joker to get him the help he needs so that one day he can heal and be something other than the monster he is. He tells the Joker he will stay with him so he doesn't have to be alone anymore. And the absolute brilliance of that story, the thing that turns Bruce from a hopelessly naïve idealist into Batman, is that the Joker actually considers it. And the offer that Bruce makes, the way he phrases it, "we can work together" "you wouldn't have to be alone anymore", is him giving the Joker exactly what he's always wanted--Batman's full attention. All he has to do is make the hard choice. To work on himself. To change. To heal and be a better person. And in the end he chooses not to try. And he doesn't just reject it because he's evil, or because he can't understand that what he's doing is wrong. He rejects Batman's offer because he thinks it's far too late for that option. He's done too much, become too much, to ever go back. He chooses to spurn the thing he's always wanted most and to stay on his current path because he thinks trying to go back would be impossible. Which once again brings us back to Batman. Because if you'll remember, the path Batman chooses is also impossible. He can never redeem Gotham. He can never prevent every child from losing their family to violence. He knows this, and yet he still chooses to try.
Once again, that's the difference between a hero and a villain. A hero chooses the right thing. A villain chooses the easy thing. A hero is noble. A villain is common.
Modern comics are common.
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jerseymuppet · 2 years ago
i might be stupid but. is the gothamverse a muppets batman au? is that what the thing in ur bio means? (either way plz do tell me abt it)
That would definitely be infinitely cooler than my idea! Gothamverse is the beautiful result of me playing arkham knight while waiting for an mcr livestream to start up and thinking ‘damn bitches from jersey are fucking insane! ....wait a minute’
It’s basically a silly little idea I came up last March with where all the mcr guys are from Gotham and what their villain origin stories would be etc. I followed the main Batman villain archetypes: extremist, anti-hero, camp, and serial killer, and I had a fucking blast! It’s very silly and just something I did for fun. I guess I can go a lil bit into it here.
full disclosure, I am psychotic and disabled and I do not believe in the vilification of mental illness or disability in media, all of these characters will eventually get the help they need. Batman at its core is about a mentally ill man helping others who have been failed by society and I will never forgive dc for making him into an overpowered, glorified cop.
Frank’s character (Francis ‘Frankie’ Stein) is the extremist (duh). He’s the son of a mafia boss who is steadily ruining their town with crime and Frankie just kinda snaps and kills him to take his place as the head of the family and try to undo some of the damage done. He has great intentions, he’s just very unyielding and kind of insane 💕 his moniker is Frankenstein! And his whole schtick is that he’s very hard (if not impossible) to kill. He’s also chronically ill and Jewish, these are not important to his character but they are important to me !
Mikey’s character (Micheal Way) is the serial killer. He’s a ‘sociopath’ (theres nothing actually wrong with him, people just suck and made him feel lesser and out of place :/) trying to fit in with everyday society but he always feels like something is missing and becomes a neuroscientist to try to find what exactly it is. He invents a machine (the empathsizer) that allows him to experience other people’s memories and emotions as though they are his own. From there he accidentally gets addicted to the chemical responses his brain has to doing that. And keeps doing it. Even after the testing phase is no longer accepting applicants. It gets worse after he experiences someone’s near death experience and starts chasing the high it gave him. Idk what his moniker is? It’s sandman for right now but that’s honestly so boring and uninspired.
Ray’s character (Raymond Ortiz) is camp but very loosely. He’s an engineer by day and a rockstar by night! He’s really only an engineer to save up enough money to pursue music full time but it’s hard because he doesn’t get paid that much. Winter hits and with it, cuts to his hours! So he’s forced to choose between rent and electricity. When he gets really sick as a result, he can’t afford a doctor. And when he wakes up with his hearing gone as a result, theres nothing he can really do but spiral into a depression. Until he realizes he’s a literal biological engineer. If he can’t fix his problem he can at the very least prevent it from happening to someone else! Research does cost money, so it’s very fortunate that Gotham has so many banks. His moniker is Dr. Megahurtz! His weapon of choice is his guitar, which has been retrofitted with sonic emitters to amplify and weaponize the hertz. Not enough to hurt, but enough to incapacitate.
Gerard’s character (Jules Moss) is the anti hero! She’s (yes I made Gerard’s character a trans girl, they took too long to make a trans character so I did it for them) has the same backstory as Gerard actually! On her way home from work she witnesses a terrorist attack, but instead of starting a band she decides to fight crime instead. She does so bad. Literally her first night out patrolling she gets killed by some priest who’s been driven insane by what he claims is an angel that’s ‘chosen him to impart gods will’ but it’s just a fallen star looking for a vessel to possess and the first guy it came across wasn’t dead lol. The star turns into a sword of pure light and that’s what Jules gets stabbed with, but also it fuses itself to her dna so she wakes up a few days later, schrödingers girl, with some scary new abilities and a voice in her head that definitely wasn’t there before. Her whole arc is her trying to find the guy that killed her and get revenge. Her moniker is stigmata! Because when she gets impaled it also goes through the palms of her hands and the wounds don’t heal.
but yeah that’s the bare bones of it all! I’m planning on making this into a comic series but the script is still being written at the moment! Thank you for letting me ramble about it 💕🥰
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batboopp · 9 days ago
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honestly, I’d say Duke probably has one of the biggest reasons to not like Jason or at the very least insult him.
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it’s no secret that one of the first things Jason did after becoming Red Hood was to start killing goons/drug dealers/mob bosses and gang leader, no matter their age or why they even chose (if they had the choice) to do that all. And this fucked up most of Gotham/Its general wellbeing/a lot of its people, to say the least. Duke might not have been actively affected, but since he lived most of his life as an average civilian in the Narrows, it’s safe to say he probably got a good glimpse of just how collateral the damage Red Hood did to Gotham and its inhabitants was (considering how most say that taking 2 wrong turns in Gotham would get you face to face with any number of dangers) and how Jason’s decisions still affect Gotham.
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moving from Robin and going into his Signal identity, Duke saw even more in depth of what Jason did. and i’d bet that-like a lot of other characters-he is pissed that Jason can still get away with minimal (if any) consequences, especially from people like Batman! Gotham’s Dark Knight of all people!! who wouldn’t be angry, or at the very least annoyed? Especially when all you want to do is shine light onto the cracks of Gotham.
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i mean, check out Duke’s word choices here. he could’ve just said ‘vigilante’ to describe Jason (as many are accustomed to doing), but he full out called Jason a villian because that’s exactly what he is. Jason made the conscious choice to hurt people, whether innocent or not, for his own selfish reasons.
which also brings me to Duke’s very fair accusation: He is saying Jason did not have to hurt/kill so many innocents for no reason (“…You got dead and came back as a vigilante villain! And you’re telling me to ‘brighten his dark side?’”).
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i like how writers also chose to add Duke saying that no, actually, Jason out of all people has no right to tell Duke to fit anyone’s specific definition of ‘good’, or to even be anything at all, which he has shown constant dislike for.
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this means so so much to me considering how hard Duke works to prove that he can work alongside others with his own identity instead of being a sidekick.
i mean, if I went from fighting tooth and nail to prove i can work alongside someone without being their sidekick or replacement, just to have a fucking mobster villian cliche walking around with zero consequences-which must hurt so much more especially after you saw up close on all the twisted shit he was up to, back when you didn’t even know he existed-then he starts telling you what you ‘have’ to be as if you haven’t been handling impossible standards all on your own. as if you haven’t been fighting so hard for your own identity. personally i would be seething but that’s just me. Looking at the panel on the bottom (where Duke is talking to Jace) Duke could be talking about the countless people he has faced, including Jason.
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But to touch on how freely Duke insults Jason to others-it really makes what Duke says to Jace here all the more interesting to me. does Duke really want to associate with Jason much, or is he doing it to be good and quiet and to keep the peace? It isn’t impossible considering that one of Duke’s biggest fears is that he is a placeholder who can be discarded easily. 
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who knows, and i really really want more writers to dive into this in the future, especially to grow and evolve their relationship/dynamic. im a sucker for seeing how other characters-who devoted themselves so much to batman/the batfam and what it stands for, to build and grow far beyond that-just to see an actual murderer get what is essentially a free pass on top of telling you how to be Robin (which isn’t out of character for Jason) or even your OWN identity.
(sorry to hijack your post i just love love duke thomas and I don’t see many posts about him!)
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Every Time Duke Thomas Is Snarky Towards or Insults Jason Todd (So Far)
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Batman & The Signal TPB // Batman (2016) #33 // Detective Comics (2016) #1000 // DC Rise of the Power Company
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footfungus96-blog · 14 days ago
Reality TV: Where Drama is 'Real' and Controversy is the Main Prize
Week 4
Ah, reality TV - the pinnacle of human storytelling. Who needs scripted dramas with their fancy writers and character development when you can watch Tiffany Pollard in Flavor of Love?
A unique feature of reality television is its ability to let audiences indirectly experience a "real" world by observing the challenges and struggles of others. These shows emphasize the formation of personal relationships, participation in competitions, and the resolution of conflicts. They encourage viewers to emotionally invest in the participants' journeys and relate to them. The inherent curiosity people have about others plays a key role in making these programs appealing and enjoyable (Nabi et al. 2003).
What started as harmless fun (Survivor, anyone?) has evolved into a full-blown circus of chaos, complete with manufactured drama, questionable morals, and enough memes to break the internet. Let’s dive into how digital fandoms have turned reality TV into a battleground of hashtags, viral moments, and, let’s be honest, some truly questionable life choices. Buckle up, folks - it’s about to get messy.
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The 'Reality' of Reality TV
Let’s talk about the so-called “reality” of reality TV. Sure, it’s called “reality,” but the only thing real is the producers cackling behind the scenes as they edit the footage to make someone look like the villain. I mean, have you seen The Bachelor? It’s supposed to be about finding love, but let’s be real - it’s really about who can cry the prettiest or start the most Twitter fights. And don’t even get me started on Love Island. If you think you are too emotional or dramatic to function normally, just spend some $$$ to watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians - it’s like a trainwreck, but with more the-men-always-cheat and catchphrases.
Digital platforms like Tumblr and Twitter have turned these shows into full-blown meme factories. Fans don’t just watch the drama; they live-tweet it, dissect every moment, and turn the most ridiculous scenes into viral gold. Remember when Tiffany Pollard gave us “Good morning. NOT YOU YOU CAN CHOKE” and The Real Housewives gave us “Who gon’ check me, boo?” Iconic. And by iconic, I mean the kind of content that makes you question humanity but also keeps you hitting “refresh” on your feed. Reality TV may not be real, but the memes? Oh, those are very real.
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Flavor of Love
Flavor of Love - the show that redefined “quality entertainment.” Because nothing says “must-watch TV” like watching a group of bold, unapologetic personalities compete for the affection of Flavor Flav, a man whose clock necklace was arguably the most stable thing about him. The premise? Simple: take one eccentric rapper, add a house full of individuals with personalities bigger than their hair, and stir in a generous helping of chaos. What could possibly go wrong?
Let’s talk about the iconic moment when New York (Tiffany Pollard) and Pumpkin had that fight. You know the one - where Pumpkin threw a drink at New York, and New York responded with the kind of energy that made us all simultaneously gasp and cheer. It was messy, it was ridiculous, and it was everything. Fans on Tumblr and Twitter lost their collective minds. Memes flooded the internet, think pieces were written, and suddenly, “I ain’t come here to make friends!” became a cultural catchphrase.
What made Flavor of Love so special wasn’t just the drama - it was how fans turned it into a shared experience. Tumblr was filled with GIFs of New York’s epic clapbacks, and Twitter threads dissected every moment like it was the Zapruder film. The show wasn’t just a trainwreck; it was our trainwreck. And honestly, isn’t that what reality TV is all about? Giving us something to laugh at, cringe over, and bond over with strangers on the internet? Flavor of Love may not have been high art, but it was high entertainment, paved the way for future reality shows - and sometimes, that’s all we need.
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The Controversy Industrial Complex
Let’s be real: controversy isn’t just a side effect of reality TV – it’s the main ingredient. The more outrageous, the better the ratings. Producers know exactly what they’re doing when they stir the pot, and if you thought that epic fight was real? Cute. It was probably staged over something as trivial as who got the last Diet Coke in the fridge.
Digital fandoms take the chaos to a whole new level. Fans don’t just watch the drama - they live-tweet it, dissect it, and sometimes even start petitions to get their favorite villain kicked off the show. It’s like a collective hive mind of chaos, and honestly, it’s kind of impressive. Reality TV is basically a soap opera, but with worse acting and more product placement. And yet, here we are, glued to our screens, because nothing says “entertainment” like watching people argue over avocado toast while hashtags trend worldwide.
But beyond the entertainment factor, dramatic reality shows have a deeper impact, especially on younger viewers. Shows like Keeping Up with the Kardashians and Selling Sunset glamorize extravagant lifestyles, making wealth and luxury seem like the ultimate measures of success. The constant display of designer wardrobes, luxury vacations, and multimillion-dollar mansions creates unrealistic expectations about what success should look like. For many young people, this fuels a mindset where self-worth is tied to material possessions rather than personal achievements or character (Zhao 2018).
Moreover, these shows reinforce the idea that conflict and drama are necessary for social relevance. The way cast members handle problems - through explosive arguments, public call-outs, or shallow apologies - can shape how impressionable audiences approach real-life relationships. Instead of encouraging communication and empathy, reality TV normalizes toxic behavior, making manipulation and betrayal seem like acceptable social strategies.
At the end of the day, reality TV isn’t just mindless entertainment - it subtly shapes how we see the world. And for a generation growing up with social media and constant comparison, the obsession with curated perfection and manufactured drama, in my opinion, is doing more harm than good.
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(People got someone publishing a 'sex tape' as a public figure now is embarrassing)
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(Kendall Jenner cutting a cucumber is the most "It's a banana, Michael, what could it cost, ten dollars?" thing I've seen a rich person do in a long time)
Nabi, RL, Biely, EN, Morgan, SJ & Stitt, CR 2003, ‘Reality-Based Television Programming and the Psychology of Its Appeal’, Media Psychology, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 303–330, viewed <https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1207/S1532785XMEP0504_01>.
Zhao, C 2018, ‘“Keeping Up With the Kardashians” Could Make Viewers Colder Toward Poor People, Study Finds’, Newsweek, viewed 15 February 2025, <https://www.newsweek.com/keeping-kardashians-could-make-viewers-cold-towards-poor-people-study-finds-1054780>.
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gleefullypolin · 11 months ago
Glad to be a breath of fresh air! I don't want to say that I cringe a lot in the tag with the takes but, you know, yeah.😩
I don't particularly enjoy the double standard on either side but it really does seem to always come down harder on the women, especially any woman who doesn't present as expected. Just look at our little Pen being called the villain when we know if it was someone else there'd be a lot less of that. I'm still seeing bad takes 4 years later from another fandom I was in where a man and woman both made the same mistake and strangely, only her bad choice is talked about. Never his.
I agree, this isn't even on my list of things to worry about, ha. I have heard two versions of the rumor, one where he's there with them and one where he's watching them. I'm not going to get into the sudden fandom activism taking place about two women being paid to entertain a man but I will say that the distinction (if either is true!) is what I'd be most interested. It doesn't matter either way in the end but if it's the latter with him just watching, that's an entirely different thing that would need to be unpacked. Either way he's using escapism but not participating and a later scene being unable to participate? That's a man going through it and probably deserves some grace when he's also about to make himself suffer needlessly further.
People have made up their minds what the scene is without context or confirmation and it's certainly up to them to do so but having so much fandom experience I can say I've never seen anyone's worst case spiral of doom scenario they proclaim as fact be true in the end.
This man looking all over the world to find what he needs right across the road is great. He's been trying to be a Very Grown Up Man since s1 and he hasn't found purpose yet. I can't wait to see him actually find it this time.
Oh I agree, the media is the worst with fandom. It's best to stay out of it if possible. The media doesn't seem to understand the passion that the fandom has in all and tries to utilize it in all of the wrong ways. They're out of touch with a lot of it and truly, adding in the way a lot of fans feel entitled to what they want, it's always going to end in a melt down. Given the generational divide as well, you're going to have a bunch of people who think something is the worst thing in the world and the people who think it's really not that big of a deal so what are they yelling about?
I'm not saying it's easier to wait for context but in a month I feel like most of them won't even remember the full scope of their freak outs.
I have to say I DO cringe a lot, I try and stay neutral. That’s what I tell myself. I have actually stayed away from Tumblr honestly, but then there were all these pretty pictures, and I couldn’t resist. And then my big mouth takes off and all these ideas get in my head, and I use my blog as my therapy sessions.
Usually, my therapy is just with myself because most people just ignore what I have to say until you so thankfully came along to join into my sessions, and I must say I have truly appreciated not having to talk to myself all day long!
To the issue at hand…double standards…My word. We do live in a world today where women are sure held to a different standard than men and interesting that as I had thought we were moving out of regency standards of women having much more say and agency of themselves, we seem to step backwards more and more each day.
But that is a much bigger hole of a topic, when it comes to fandom however, we do seem to hold our men to a larger standard when it comes to our ships. God help Luke after this season airs. I pray our ladies and gents are on their best behavior to remember that Nic and Luke play these characters with the best intent and love for who they are and what is written for them.
I don’t know what will come of the article, I know the Sun is iffy and I’ve seen a lot of people say, “Yes its true” But there is 1) saying its true and 2) seeing it on screen. Back when screeners would give us a play by play of Glee episodes, they would tell us how a scene would play out and we would all get angry over a single phrase or an explanation of a specific description of a scene. Our brains all would create the story of what the intent was behind this one sentence or descriptor. Then we would get to the episode and the actual script around what played out was nothing near what my brain had created in that 2 second nightmare.
I’m sure we get a set up scene showing us that Colin is knowledgeable around a bodega, he’s been to these in his travels, he’s experienced with women, these are something that interest him and he’s curious about. That’s the set up. Then comes Pen. There is a kiss. There is confusion. Not realization, but confusion. Pen meets Obi Wan Debling. They hit it off. Success. Colin has done what he set out to do. He has accomplished his goal of making up with his best friend for his careless words the season prior. His unnerved, he needs release for some reason. He returns to what has calmed him before…but now scene two returns us to the familiar that is a set up for the audience and Colin to see that now is different. He no longer has interest. His confusion lifts because all he sees is Pen and he no longer wants what is offered in front of him.
And maybe I am also guilty of making up my mind about a scene before it plays out, because I have no context or confirmation either, but I would certainly be ok with being wrong also. I would prefer to take that than spiral into something else. To accept that Colin who has never been needlessly cruel instead is just a whore who is using his friend Pen to hurt her further while getting his rocks off. Because that is not the same person who can’t even swallow because she told him his eyes are really pretty. It just doesn’t compute so I refuse to spiral any other way.
In 27 days, all we will care about is that these beautiful people are staring at each other on our screens and we will be freaking out for more wonderful reasons.
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seeminglyseph · 1 year ago
Okay, because I suck at video games and didn’t have much for systems when I grew up I didn’t really play Metal Gear or know a lot about Hideo Kojima or his writing style, and I will admit. Could stand to interact with and learn to write more women, but he is steadily improving at that I think, and it’s not like it’s a Kojima exclusive problem when it comes to Video Games and Writing Women Characters. He actually writes women with stories, it’s just that his stories are fucking batshit so every now and then you sit there and go “yo wait hold on what the fuck???”
But from what I’m getting, listening to various explanations of the lore and stuff of his games (especially, currently, Death Stranding because I’ll be honest that game’s opening was dope as hell but I did struggle to stay engaged because my ADHD and inability to actually play games meant I was watching other people and that removed a lot of the engagement. I just cannot focus on something long enough to make the experience worthwhile.) is that a lot of his stuff feels like when you’re playing pretend with your friends as a kid, but then also applying the ability to create storytelling and literary devices like an adult who went to University.
Which is very very fun. Maybe literary is the wrong word, it’s more cinematic, but the lore choices and stuff is like. “Is that a biblical reference?” Along with some guy named “Die Hard Man” because he kept surviving things during the war, which tbh if I know nicknames correctly that guy would have gotten a nickname like “Roach” for that. You don’t get cool nicknames from your friends in the military, you get dumb nicknames. Even if Die Hard Man sounds dumb, I think it’s supposed to be cool. I think most military nicknames are insults. Honestly in general most nicknames are insults.
But Kojima works under the same mindset as I did when I in elementary school and played games with the other neighbourhood kids and said I was “Wolf because I was raised by wolves” because that was the level of creativity we were working with because I was fucking 7 and we were basically just riding our bikes in the cul-de-sac or however that’s supposed to be spelled and not actually knowing how anything worked. Because being a child in the 90s that’s kind of a normal activity?
I feel like that’s what Metal Gear Solid feels like, and Snake is just the vibe of “a cool animal name that can be a military hero.” Hell isn’t there a character in the first Metal Gear Solid that was actually raised by wolves? Like just, exploring concepts we all definitely thought were cool at one point or another and then finding ways to either play them straight or pull a full plot out of it, while also just going kinda batshit. I can appreciate that.
I think he needs to maybe meet some ladies that he finds as inspiring as the dudes he definitely maybe has huge fucking muse crushes on because I feel like that might be part of the problem, Norman Reedus and Mads Mikkelsen and Guillermo de Toro have obviously like really inspired him as people, but like. Maybe the memes haven’t been as obvious about the women in his life, but that might also be why the female characters in his games sometimes fall flat? Though I have heard fantastic things about The Boss, and Bridget in Death Stranding is. Definitely notable and interesting and I think she’s supposed to be a complex villain? I think that’s a normal set of feelings to have for her?
Like he’s a Japanese director, wordplay is huge in Japan, and most Japanese names have meaning, especially in media. Those names are picked for a reason. Yeah Kojima definitely picks hammy names but they stand out in part because they’re in English. But he made military and post apocalyptic games with surreal and slightly silly tones despite serious topics, and naming conventions like this aren’t uncommon in Japanese media. They’re just extra hammy in English. And double extra hammy because Kojima is eccentric. But I feel like that eccentricity is necessary to keep games from becoming… the most boring grimy shit you will ever experience. I need inspiration and fun, and Kojima seems to inspire the whole industry to have more fun, and also wants everyone else to play. Which is why he has so many collaborators?
And he designs games to have teams working on them and with the idea in mind that the people working for him should always have work in the future, that was part of the Fox Engine and PT gambits? To keep his team employed in the future, not just himself?
This has been a very long rambling nothing, but while he costs a lot of money to create things, I think he also is like… actually interested in just… “let’s see what this baby can do, shall we?”
And I think we really fuckin need that in video games. Like damn. Yeah. Go ham dude. Figure it out, fuck Konami. Let’s play some games and get wild or something. Be weird.
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just-another-misfit-lunatic · 7 months ago
I already said this but I want to add this again that I think a very important part of the podcast is what abuse and violation does to victims, how sometimes, a literal predator (Jonah) can take a very traumatic thing which deeply hurt them and over which they had no control over (Jon's childhood trauma) to twist it in a way that would help a predator to gain control over the victim and later paint it as "the victim chose it."
To me, the podcast is about how abuse, grooming and violation chips away at a person's control, self-esteem and the ability to make correct decisions, often ostracizes and isolates them. Just like Jon, people in abusive situations don't often have social network of support because the abuser stripped them of that too, and just like Jon, they start blaming and loathing themselves, denied kindness or understanding which they need to heal. No one took Jon's side. In fact, characters surrounding him believed JONAH, who painted Jon as a monster. His words, "you chose it," were nothing more than guilt-trip Jon, knowing that Jon, already suffering from guilt, would fall for it and hate himself, as well as others (Basira, for example) would blame him too. This is absolutely terrifying and sadly, if we take away the supernatural part, very realistic too. For me, the podcast is about that. How sometimes, someone can use you and hurt you without your knowledge or consent, cloud your judgement with constant gaslighting and emotional abuse to trip you into serving their goal, and sometimes, you can do nothing to prevent it. What happened to Jon can just as easily happen to anyone, because people like Jonah exist and the problem lies in them, rather than in their victims' "wrongdoings" or "mistakes."
But I see that many people in the fandom take this and treat this as "Jon was SO asking for this because he did X and he did Y" and you know what's funny? It is NEVER a question of what JONAH did. Never. No one questions HIS actions. It is ALWAYS about Jon or how wrong was JON or how JON ''shouldn't have done this and shouldn't have done that so this is his fault actually cause free will etc etc." You know, almost like in real life no one questions the actions of the aggressor, it's always the victim who has to justify their behavior and prove that they were, in fact, hurt and didn't want it.
And I'm used to it. I mean, I come from somewhere where this kind of victim-blaming rhetoric is (unfortunately) a very wide-spread thing (as you can guess, typically against women.) But hearing it in supposedly progressive spaces, I'm… flabbergasted, honestly. And I know the podcast is just the podcast and it's entirely fictional and no one actually got hurt, but I can't shake the feeling that saying ''It was Jon's fault entirely" may kind of gradually shape the way we as a society (a progressive society, too) view and treat victims. I hope it's not the case, but for someone who knows irl people who were severely emotionally abused and got blamed for it (and who blamed themselves) it's painful and upsetting to hear. Anyway, I just want to repeat this: Jon was groomed, force-fed trauma, drugged against his will, consent or knowledge, violated, made to compromise his bodily and psychological autonomy, got stripped off his agency, humiliated and traumatized, with Jonah Magnus in ep 160 taking full control over him and violating him completely. It is cruel, it's disgusting, it's repulsive, it's abusive, and I view everything that happened as Jonah Magnus's fault, because HE knew what he was doing, HE actively, actually chose it without remorse, he planned and orchestrated this for his own benefit, and then, as typical abuser, painted it as Jon's choice and Jon's fault, in typically abusive, manipulative ways.
Everything else is confetti.
And using mental gymnastics to justify and defend Jonah's behavior to paint Jon as the villain is... well, let's say I'm not interested in this kind of "perspective" at all.
i saw the ask about how people taking elias’s “you didn’t want this but you did choose this” speech literally is wrong and you can’t trust it because elias was trying to manipulate and groom and emotionally abuse jon and therefore everything he said was bullshit and just. wow. did you forget that the main theme of the podcast is choice and the blurriness of free will? did you miss the entire arc where jon began to willingly give himself to the eye? did you miss how the story makes it clear that becoming an avatar requires voluntarily becoming a servant of your patron? no, it’s not a contract with set terms and conditions, but anyone who becomes an avatar knows damn well what they’re doing, and jon was well on his way to avatarhood before elias even knew who he was.
also, it always strikes me as a little silly when people try to label elias as a groomer, and say he’s a bad and untrustworthy person because of the emotional manipulation. like yeah he was manipulative! that is correct! remind me, how many violent mass murders have been committed in this podcast so far? how many of the “good” main characters have personally killed people and committed atrocities?
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frogtanii · 4 years ago
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it’s too warm, was your first waking thought as you sluggishly waded through the mound of blankets that encompassed you to get a breath of fresh air (you assumed bokuto and kuroo were the culprits for your warm and fuzzy hellhole). your eyes first fell on the television playing the credits to the second or third pirates of the caribbean movie on mute, the remote haphazardly thrown somewhere to your left as though the person who did so left in a hurry.
speaking of people, there was no one left in the room as you slowly joined the land of the living. a part of you suspected everyone had gone to bed but atsumu or akaashi would’ve woken you up if that had been the case.
belatedly, you recognized voices coming from the front door and your still sleep-addled brain lit up. oh! you thought. food must be here! untangling yourself from the blankets proved to be an exhausting feat because by the time you were done, your body was covered in a sheen of sweat underneath oikawa’s sweats and sakusa’s hoodie.
ugh, gross.
you began to make your way towards the door, the blood rushing through your head preventing you from hearing the details of conversation but knowing atsumu, he was just haggling for a lower price even though you told him repeatedly, that isn’t how pizza places work tsum.
as you drew nearer to the commotion, you started to pick up on the heavy tension in the air, leaving you extremely uncomfortable. you had no idea what the cause of it was but you did know it was making most of the boys upset, who, by the way, hadn’t noticed you creeping around just yet.
a feminine voice rang out from outside the doorway and though you were still attempting to gain your hearing, the sound sent chills down your spine. it sounded saccharine, sweet, familiar, and oh so evil.
even with a head full of cotton, you figured now wouldn’t be the best time to reveal yourself, what with the clear discomfort permeating the atmosphere, but your big fat mouth apparently had other plans.
“‘tsum, just let the poor pizza lady go,” you muttered, the beginnings of a headache making itself known at the back of your skull. you were a little too caught up with the dwarf banging at your head with a sledgehammer to notice the shock that everyone in the room turned to look at you with.
a gentle hand grasped at your forearm, whispering something into your ear before attempting to pull you back to the living room, but that same familiar voice from the door kept you planted where you stood.
“oh, the princess finally makes herself known,” meiko sneered, her face finally coming into focus, striking you with pang of fear straight through your heart. “funny, i thought i left you speechless the last time we... ‘talked’.��
“ya shut yer fuckin mouth,” atsumu lunged at her but was stopped by sakusa’s arm around his waist, successfully holding him in place. meiko just giggled, taking a step into the house, her heels clicking as she glided across the hardwood floors.
in the back of your head, you noted that meiko looked unusually beautiful, her makeup flawlessly done and her outfit complementing it perfectly, almost reminiscent of how she used to be before... well, just “before”.
you watched the boys unconsciously angle themselves as a protective wall around you, the person holding your arm (who you now realized was koushi) pulling you in tighter until your back was resting against his chest.
a part of you couldn’t help but feel a little suffocated but the other, more self preserving, bit felt irrationally safe and protected around these boys. it was nice... or it would’ve been if meiko wasn’t taking herself on a tour around the house as though she hadn’t been living there for almost the past year.
“you all can tone down on the guard dog act. i’m not here to fight,” she said as she pretended to wipe dust off the island. “you’re not?” bokuto’s skeptical voice rose up from behind you, one of his hands finding yours underneath the massive sleeves of your (sakusa’s) hoodie.
meiko shook her head with an empty smile, her perfectly painted red lips stretching unnaturally wide. “no, of course not! i’ve just come here to collect.”
the boys collectively tensed around you, akaashi whispering for kenma to go find yachi and quickly. as he slipped away, you made eye contact with sakusa who gave you an imperceptible nod that you assumed meant one thing — keep her talking.
“collect what?” you asked, your voice coming out weaker than you wanted, but you hoped she didn’t notice. she cocked her head as her eyes snapped to you as if she’d forgotten you were there, but judging by her growing smirk, you knew that wasn’t the case.
“my boys of course!” meiko clapped gleefully, clicking her way over toward kuroo to run her hand over his bicep, laughing when he jolted away from her touch. “they’ve always been mine, you know that don’t you?”
it felt like a cold bucket of water had been dropped over your head. you felt frozen again, the same feeling of dread creeping up your spine as it did when meiko attacked you. in turn, you barely noticed kenma’s return who whispered something to sakusa — an action that didn’t go unnoticed by meiko.
“what’re my boys talking about? are you plotting against me?” she pouted, scooting closer to the pair. kenma visibly paled and moved to hide himself behind sakusa’s broad shoulders. “we aren’t doing anything, meiko.”
wrong answer.
“oh, we both know that isn’t the case kiyoomi. i’m not a fucking idiot.” meiko’s voice filled with venom before moving even closer still. you felt your heart beating rapidly in your chest, your hand gripping bokuto’s even tighter.
what if she brought some kind of weapon to the house? what if she hurt you? what if she hurt them?
before you could think, you were standing in front of the group, the boys calling out your name as meiko’s face lit up. “so the precious little princess wants to take a stand! let me have it then, huh? let me see what all the craze is about!”
despite the fear thudding in your chest, you stood tall, glaring at her with your head held high. “the boys are not yours, meiko,” you declared, her mouth instantly opening in protest but you refused to let her speak.
“they aren’t possessions or objects you can own and treat like shit. they are people, real living, breathing people and they aren’t mine either. they have full reign to do what they want, when they want, to make their own choices and decisions. and you know what? they didn’t choose you or me. they chose themselves and their happiness over any bullshit you or i could try and sell them. so please, for the love of god, get your shit together, put it in a box and take it to fucking therapy.”
by the end of your impromptu speech, your chest was heaving but you felt good. really good. adrenaline was rushing through your veins and you felt powerful. out the corner of your eye, you noticed osamu and daichi standing at the bottom of the stairs with something akin to awe on their faces.
yeah bitches. take it all in.
unfortunately, while you were basking in the feeling of badassery, you completely missed meiko’s eyes lighting up with pure, unadulterated,
you faintly heard someone call your name before you were taken to the ground by meiko leaping at you like an animal. the two of you scrambled about on the hardwood, her hands yanking at your clothes and leaving scratches on your skin but you were sure as hell giving her a run for her money.
you finally managed to get on top of her, pinning her arms to the ground but that wasn’t before you gained a hard elbow to the side and a bruise to your face. meiko thrashed and shook in your hold but you were not wavering, trying to keep her entirely still for...
well, for what exactly?
almost as though they were on cue, you heard the sound of police sirens wailing in the distance, growing louder as they drew closer to the house. underneath you, meiko’s eyes widened before she began fighting even harder than she’d done before, her erratic movements making it much more difficult to keep your hold on her.
luckily, you had extremely muscular men at your disposal, one of which (osamu — even though he was a dick, he was still incredibly muscular dick) held down meiko’s arms as the lapd stormed the building.
the police officers easily retracted meiko from your arms and cuffed her, taking her to the back of the cop car, despite her loud and insistent threats on you and everyone you love.
very disney villain-esque.
a kind looking officer helped you to your feet and walked you out to the porch where he began to ask you and the boys a few questions. you answered them honestly and you were genuinely proud of how well you were handling the whole situation when—
“bubs, you’re shaking.” sure enough, when you looked down at your hands, you were twitching uncontrollably, the reality of the events that just occurred finally sinking in.
you were just attacked. again.
you and your friends were threatened.
meiko was sitting in the back of a fucking cop car.
“what the fuck,” you whispered, eyes staring unblinking at your palms. the same officer mentioned something about shock, prompting all the boys to gather around you; atsumu pulled you in between him and sakusa, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, kenma and bokuto took hold of your quivering hands, sugawara and oikawa sat off to the side watching you with blatant concern, and kuroo and akaashi spoke to the officer in hushed tones.
the man nodded and shook their hands before shooting you a pitying smile and heading back to the car where meiko was waiting.
“it’s over angel, ‘s over,” atsumu muttered into your hair, pressing kisses to your forehead in between each phrase. you leaned into his touch but you refused to take your eyes off meiko who was watching the whole scene from the backseat, her eyes wide with anger, hurt, and confusion.
you didn’t bother dwelling on it, instead focusing on evening out your breathing and looking at the car drive over the horizon. you heard yachi’s soft voice calling everyone inside, atsumu lifting you up to your feet and walking with you, never once taking his hands off of you.
still, his words echoed in your head, even as yachi spoke of the end of the hyper house, even as the boys brought you to your room, and even as they all automatically cuddled around you in an attempt to get you to sleep.
it’s over. it’s all finally over.
you couldn’t keep the grin off your face if you tried.
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℗ poker face
it’s over
series masterlist
an - OK THE TITLE IS MISLEADING THE STORY IS NOT OVER YET SKENSM (there are 2 more official story chapters before all the endings :3) also m not the biggest fan of this chapter?? so i’d love to hear what y’all think <33 don’t forget to feed me!!
taglist - if your name is in bold, i cannot tag you
@boosyboo9206 • @geektastic84 • @elianetsantana • @trashy-simp • @infinitebells • @6mattsun9 • @suhkusa • @katsulovee • @kotarosbabygirl • @fucktheworlddude • @insomniacwreck • @calumsfringe • @saltylettuce • @chai-blu • @al3x1ss • @hawksyoongi • @jooleuuh • @loubells • @kissungjae • @liberhoe • @tetsurocore • @animeoverdosee • @duhsies • @saiKishaircLip • @afire24 • @premiyagi • @kit-kat428 • @doctorspencereid • @daphnxy • @kyomihann • @maer-333 • @sinoflust19 • @peteunderoos • @peachiikichu • @iidanotlida • @yongboxerrr • @kac-chowsballs • @tanakaslastbraincell • @memorableminds • @risjime • @starry-magicshop • @sugavwara • @smuttyanimeslut • @kiwibirbs-library • @haijkk • @airybnb • @crybabygumi • @iwaisa • @decaffinatedtealover • @notameera • @kawaii-angelanne • @rintarovibes • @urlocalsimp • @keiarma • @shrimpypenis
the rest of the tags will be in the replies!!
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bnhaobservation · 3 months ago
@rhythmic-idealist said:
I’m gonna do my best to come back to this! A short response: the Iida family didn’t need Stain killed. Rather, Tenya needed saving, in that his villainous actions were also going to get him killed. Tenya is deemed worthy of saving, by the narrative, regardless of the fact that he was making horrible rage-fueled decisions. So that’s what I’m getting at when I say Tenya needed saving- he very much was going to die if Izuku hadn’t shown up in that alley. I am still trying to process why he was saved when Tenko and Himiko (and mostly Touya) weren’t, because BEFORE we knew the ending, the hero killer arc felt like a tone setter- you either have to condemn Tenya Iida to deserving to die, or believe Tenko and Himiko and Touya deserve to live. Final half-response before I formulate proper thoughts for later (sorry): one of my main BNHA ending thoughts involves how I sort of expected it to be pointing out and handling privilege and the “way things are” in order to suggest ways to actually upend that imbalance in privilege. Analysis I do of the ending often revolves around…. this seems like a story about privilege happening in the way that privilege happens, so WHAT was it for? And it has a lot of shortcomings in that regard I think. It’s just important to me to let you know rn that this post doesn’t contain my full reaction to the ending, which is a lot of sadness, confusion, and disappointment. Okay now I’ve gotten that out of my system. Apologies, real response incoming, I was just struggling to sit on that
Ops, sorry, I misunderstood you on the whole Iida family needed saving.
Now... maybe I'm totally off track but I like to think there was a time in which Horikoshi considered saving Tomura, Himiko and Touya.
We've various arcs that offer understanding, we've Shouto who understands that Rei burned his face merely because his father made her life impossible and don't blame and wants to save her, we've the Stain arc in which while it's made clear iida wanted to do the wrong thing, he's given plenty of sympathy for hos his rage twisted his thoughts, we've how Shouto and Bakugou during the remedial courses were told to connect their hearts with the kids, we had Gentle Criminal, we've Nagant, we've the story implying killing Twice was a mistake, we had Uraraka claiming she wanted to save people because she couldn't save Nighteye and so on.
Maybe Horikoshi wasn't sure if he wanted to kill them and left open both options.
On the other side... saving all the aforementioned people is narratively 'easy'. Rei was punished by spending 10 years in a hospital for a scar she caused in a moment of misplaced panic, Iida had bad intentions but ultimately he saved Native and didn't kill Stain, Gentle Criminal never did something too serious, Nagant was jailed and helped defeating AFO and Tomura, placing her life on the line.
The story is basically saving people who did light crimes or was already punished. It's hard there would be controversy in this, while there would be controversy if the story were to save people who had murdered multiple people, there could be controversy, especially since they don't show regret nor have time for redemption.
So many tales prefer to end things tragically by killing them off.
It's not really something new, "Saint Seiya" (1985-1990) wasn't shy to murder many antagonists who did less and were even regretful for it.
Said this doesn't mean that I agree with the choice of murdering them, I think Horikoshi with them went on the 'easy' route' which killing them off offers. Which okay, it's a possibility but I was hoping for more.
Honestly I though Midoriya and the others would become the greatest Hero because he would manage to save them. I'll summarize because it's not so simple but, fundamentally, he instead became the greatest Hero because he killed the greatest big bad (AFO) which doesn't make him any different fromt he Heroes that preceded him, like Son Goku from "Dragon Ball" (1984-95) or Kenshirō from "Hokuto no Ken" (1983-88), which would have probably be fine if the story didn't seem to imply he would do more than what they did.
And yes, he inspired people which indirectly made society better but... maybe it's just me but I wasn't impressed. I get Horikoshi tried hard to deliver this, I just wasn't won over.
I probably won't manage to reply to you for a while as tomorrow I'll get hospitalized, so my apologies for my future silence.
When I'll come back home I'll get back at you!
One problem with the society of BNHA is that being “someone in need of saving” is an undesirable category to be in.
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“People who need saving” is a category of people. It’s hypothetically a valued one, since heroes save those people.
However: there’s no glory in needing to be saved.
There’s glory in SAVING, but we value the people who do the SAVING, not who need to be saved.
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One thing that REALLY felt off to me in the final chapter was how that granny talks to Joki Joki Boy. She talks about herself, about who she can be. If I was in his shoes I would itch under this. Under someone explaining how they can be so charitable to people like me.
I was trying to think about what Izuku could possibly have “showed the world.” I still don’t quite have my answer.
But weirdly I do know what wasn’t shown to the world when the cameras on Ochako and Himiko cut off.
They didn’t see a villain being a hero. They didn’t see a hero needing saving.
The lines between the three societal categories - hero, villain, and people who need saving/protecting - blurred. And the camera missed it.
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