#who in our system has a similar aesthetic to her
entropy-sea-system · 2 years
not me possibly developing a crush on a fictional character from a show I have never watched mostly just bc the character reminds me of my partner /lh
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caesarflickermans · 11 months
Is The Capitol supposed to be the Western/Developed world or is it supposed to be the Elite of the Western world or is it both? Are there social classes in the capitol or are they all wealthy? I ask because living in the prosperous West even as a "poor" person we have access to sooooo much even if it's cheap stuff, we have an abundance of it all being shipped from factories from poorer countries. Who would you say are the capitol residents in the real world, is it us or is it the celebrities going to the Met Gala?
From what I’ve seen, people frequently misconstrue the Capitol as the rich people in our society alone. As you mention, especially the Met Gala is perceived as a prime example due to its similarity in the crazy fashion that the Capitol likes to display.
However, this reading tends to forget the class system that is ever present in the Capitol. While we see people like Snow with his large mention, or people like Caesar and Plutarch who, by all means, seem to have a luxurious lifestyle when we meet them in the trilogy, there’s other Capitol citizens who do not live such lives.
Plutarch talks about how becoming a peacekeeper is a means of escaping debt in the Capitol, thus making the peacekeepers not only a way of escaping debt, but further an instrument for the government to wield in keeping their peacekeeping forces high (MJ, 6). We can rightfully assume that plenty of debt goes to unnecessary materialistic spendings that aim at keeping the illusion of a specific lifestyle to the outside world: new clothes, expensive brands, luxurious expenses.
However, our dying middle class proves to us how difficult it can be to afford a living, and how few receive a living wage. High rents, high costs of food. Who is to say the Capitol does not have that, too? In fact, with the peacekeepers being such an overt parallel to US military that often tends to prey on those who have no other opportunity, keeping a lower to middle class in the Capitol has its advantages for the ruling class: The low and middle class in the Capitol have someone to kick down to while striving to rise in a class system that will not truly let them.
Katniss’ stay at one of the Capitol apartments also leaves us with an impression of the ‘average’ Capitol life. Apartments that are furnished exactly the same as well as food scarcity that has had people stock up on supplies (a certain pandemic comes to mind) (MJ, 21).
The Hunger Games has had us experience this world from Katniss’ point of view. We emphasise with her, and for that to happen the Capitol needed to appear like an outlandish place from the view of someone oppressed.
How do people in poorer countries look at us: Do they see the Instagram influencers, the Shein and temu purchases, the maintaining of an aesthetic in fashion and appearance? The wastefulness of our water and food? Do they see how we spend our time obsessing over new TV shows and being online seemingly 24/7 virtue signing about the newest conflict where we do not have any stakes from the comfort of our couch, having forgotten about it by the next week?
How, then, are we not the Capitol?
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roses-bah-garden · 2 months
so this one is a doozy but!! we’re (aka I, ana, resident catgirl) trying to flesh out some of our new headmates but am REALLY struggling,,, could you maybe do a level 5 pack for these two folks?? more below-
Person A
Name: Imogen (Lanesse or Avril also work)
Pronouns: she/it/star/lun
Gender: Lumicattic Lunaecoric
Age: ??? 12-16 ?? all we know is ageslider
Sexuality: ??? sapphic of some sort
Species: devil cat human hybrid
Role: embracer, enabler, persecutor (semi)
Aesthetic/Theme: starry purple galaxies, thunder through the windows during a storm, emo/alt
she has some mild tics, can be a bit bratty and bossy but has good intentions, ruthlessly defends one of the system’s persecutors (Annalisa, a catgirl angel hybrid, who is obsessed with anything cute or pink and online discourse)
Person B
Name: Lestari
Nicknames: Leshi, Less, open to more
Gender: Cassgender
Pronouns: they/it/rot
Species: cryptid / human
Age: 29
Sexuality: ?? Aromantic?
Roles: unsure, some sort of suppressor who spirits people away into dormancy
Aesthetic/Theme: woods at night, foggy forest, murderous stalker in the woods, cryptid
it’s a bit of a freak and really interested in gory things like horror movies, mortuary services, taxidermy, etc. sort of a loner? a spiritual opposite of the most popular alter in our system (Aspen, they/them, light woods theme) and we think they’re close bc Aspen keeps disappearing lately… but they always come back so we just don’t Know
I know it’s a big ask qmq…. I just!! Want them to be more alive than what they are cus they feel so Stagnant rn
— @thebetterbee
no paras or trans/cisIDs for either of them, as requested in follow-up
a new flower has blossomed! 🌹
alt + purple theme & cryptidcore loner ... [LVL 5 PACK x2]
name(s) ;; imogen, lanesse, avril, [if you want some more ...] helen, victoria, nyx, mallory
pronoun(s) ;; she/her, it/its, star/stars, lun/lunar, [if you want some more ...] ⭐/⭐self, blink/blinks
age ;; 12 - 16 (ageslider)
species ;; devil/cat/human hybrid
gender(s) ;; lumicattic, lunaecoric, [if you want some more ...] maegender, aestheticwikigender
orientation(s) ;; asexual, lesbian, polyamorous
role(s) ;; embracer, enabler, bee persecutor [my own take on what you meant by "semi"]
source ;; brainmade
sign-off(s) ;; 🟪🐱, 🐱⭐
appearance ;; light skin covered in freckles. long wavy hair, with colours similar to a calico maine coon (ginger, brown, white, and black streaks). brown eyes, gingery cat ears, septum ring. dresses in an alternative style inspired by emo and e-girl fashion. sharp claw-like nails. see below for picrew.
personality ;; she's bossy, and can be a bit of a brat, but has good intentions. known to be a little sarcastic, with a dry sense of humour. star is extremely loyal, and while it takes star time to warm up to people, they will be very devoted to those that they are close with. they have an energy similar to the role big sisters play in media targeted towards young girls (bossy, caring, tough).
likes ;; cats, stargazing, standing up for her friends, making collages & moodboards, wiki surfing, pop punk, sour candy
dislikes ;; having tics (insecurity), strong smells (eg perfumes), exercising, being told what to do, rain
possible front triggers ;; listening to pop punk music, getting caught in the rain (neg.), defending annalisa
cisid(s) ;; n/a
transid(s) ;; n/a
kink/fetish/para(s) ;; n/a
moodboard ;; found here
playlist ;; "girlfriend" - avril lavigne / "misery business" - paramore / "all i wanted" - paramore / "p.u.n.k girl" - heavenly / "sweet cis teen" - dazey and the scouts
kinlist ;; maine coon therian / gerry keay (the magnus archives) / clawdeen wolf (monster high) / jackie fierro (welcome to night vale), ghostkin
extra ;; typing quirk ( all sentences end with 2 periods, regardless of tone.. ), some form of tics
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name(s) ;; lestari, leshi, less, [if you want some more ...] star, virginia, casey, reed
pronouns ;; they/them, it/its, rot/rots [if you want some more ...] xe/xem, moth/moths, dark/darks
age ;; 29
species ;; shapeshifter (mothperson / human)
gender(s) ;; cassgender
orientation(s) ;; pansexual, aromantic, conceptum
role(s) ;; dvalen, pseudogatekeeper, imprisoner
source ;; brainmade
sign-off(s) ;; 🌲🔍
appearance ;; pale skinned. black shaggy hair. glowing red eyes. when in moth form, antennae grow from head, dark moth wings grow from back, black speckles appear on cheeks. covered in injuries from running around in the forest. dresses kind of ratty, with a signature pair of beat up red converse. masc-neutral presenting. see below for picrew.
personality ;; they're relatively introverted, but not entirely asocial. their interests are niche and a little spooky, which can drive people away from them. it's soft-spoken, and somewhat of a gentle giant (or at least that's how they look to outsiders). they have a complex inner self, with several trains of thought running at once.
likes ;; horror movies, mortuary sciences, taxidermy, true crime, ghost hunting shows, hiking, cannabis (if applicable to body/sys)
dislikes ;; bright lights, humidity, children, vegan/vegetarian food
possible front triggers ;; consuming true crime media
cisid(s) ;; n/a
transid(s) ;; n/a
kink/fetish/para(s) ;; voyeurism, exhibitionism
moodboard ;; found here
playlist ;; "who is she ?" - i monster / "vampire empire" - big thief / "abbey" - mitski / "no surprises" - radiohead / "my girlfriend is a witch" - october country
kinlist ;; daggerkin (objectkin), raven therian, beelzebub (good omens)
extra ;; n/a
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disclaimer: headmates/alters may not turn up exactly as specified, and that's okay ♡
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the1975attheirverybest · 11 months
Matty’s “speech” in FL
Okay, so someone asked for an explanation of Matty’s speech before IAWD(S). Here it is.
First, I should note that it’s not Matty’s original words. It’s an excerpt from an essay about sincerity and the aesthetization of politics in our current culture, written by art critic Boris Groys. You can read it here (it appears as one among many that he published in a collection as journal entries).
A few things to note about the essay:
It shares a lot of common themes with S/ATVB in that it talks about the conception of mass media, the effect it has on culture and one own self-image, the way we’ve turned politics into a form of media to consume, etc. so that’s the context in which it’s operating.
It discusses “self-design” (i.e. the curating of a specific version of yourself to present to the public) in a similar way that matty thinks about his stage persona.
The essay is trying to address the issue of arts relationship to politics today. Groys argues that, with the proliferation of mass media and social media platforms, these modes have replaced the artists (re)presentation of politics. The vast production of images of news, war, etc take the place of the artist.
even more to the point, the artist is now depicted and presented to us via media as well. So, the artist becomes the artwork instead of being the one who produces it.
this, Groys suggests, causes a certain kind of anxiety for artists because their job is to make stuff, and now, they’re in a position where the world is making them.
In the age of social media, with everyone sort of turning themselves and each other into “artworks” by curating and presenting specific versions of themselves online/ in public, Groys says that making something into art or aesthetizing it has become a way to cause suspicion. Like, we all have this awareness that social media “isn’t real life” that these images are edited and present a skewed and fabricated version of reality.
so, the way we encounter artwork (including public version of each other) is with suspicion. We get this feeling that if something looks aesthetic on social media, then the aesthetizing of it must be to hide the fact that it’s ugly/ bad/ unimpressive in reality. Instead of making something aesthetic being a glamorizing or celebratory act, it’s a doubt-inducing act.
Because everyone is so aware of the artificial-ness all the time, we have, in turn started to try to design our public image to be about sincerity and authenticity. In order to connect with others who view us publicly and establish trust with them.
Because the aesthetic is suspicious to us, we start to equate sincerity with shitty / bad/ugly stuff. We are suspicious of people who seem genuinely kind and sweet and pretty etc. but when we see someone behaving like a dickhead, we believe they’re being sincere.
Now, to the passage that Matty read onstage,
summarized, the passage says:
The only way to show authenticity and sincerity is to reveal nastiness. So, the nastiest celebrities and politicians are often the most famous and the most recognized for their truthfulness. if this is getting confusing, think about Trump for example: where everyone is all about being kind or woke or politically correct, his dickhead gets in front of a camera and says “grab them by the pussy” or “immigrants are bringing us gangs” or “Hilary is ugly and that’s why Bill cheated on her” or whatever. That’s the nastiest shit ever. But people think “well, say whatever you want about the guy, at least he’s honest and doesn’t lie like politicians do.” Does that make sense?
the problem with this is, though, that when you are being sincere by revealing your own ugliness in public you’re not really breaking the cycle. It’s simply a “symbolic sacrifice” that feeds into the idea that good/ pretty/ aesthetic things are fake and nasty/ bad/ ugly things are true. So you’re just sticking to the system and profiting off of it confirming people’s suspicion.
why did Matty read this passage onstage?
this is the part that is my own opinion and not the essay. Obviously, im not inside of Matty’s mind, so I can only guess and speculate. in my opinion, it’s because (as I’ve talked about in my reviews of SAYVB) so much of the show is about his relationship to social media, how the public perceives him, etc. and within the largest context of the ethos of the band, Matty has always been curious about what it means to be sincere in the age of irony (sincerity is scary). he’s thinking about how the world perceived him as a public figure, artist, and celebrity and what, to the public eye, counts as real sincerity.
The other day he commented on how people called his Malaysia protest “performative.” The idea that he’s a shit person doing it because of a white savior complex, or just to perform wokeness and stuff is easier and makes more sense to people than the fact that he genuinely gives a fuck. Even though he’s been consistently speaking up for LGBTQ+ communities since day 1. But it’s cuz our culture is so cynical, the only honesty we believe is bad intention and we equate the bad with the real thinking that any public good is suspicious and designed to cover up the bad.
This is also just true more generally of how people view matty. We’ve all seen the headlines. It’s not JUST about the Mayalsia thing. People are so quick to see all his good attributes as fake and all his bad ones as “real.” Which, as he has pointed out many times before, is basically a symptom of the current state of leftist politics. We think that calling each other out or “exposing” the shit truth behind the aesthetic is what being real and being virtuous is about and we don’t actually do much else.
all of this is to say that this passage is commentary on the themes that SATVB, and the 1975 have always been thinking about.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
do you ever have trouble reconciling the focus on aesthetics/making money that dark femininity tends to have as a feminist/anti-capitalist?
Hi love! This is a great thought-provoking question. In short, in some ways yes, and in some ways I say yes/no/idk. I believe that it all comes down to the reason why someone is attracted to the dark feminity aesthetic and the financially-focused culture surrounding it. Personally, I'm naturally drawn to the creativity and craftsmanship aspect of elements – like the outfits, environments, beauty routines, editorial images, etc. – of the dark feminity aesthetic. I see the value of creating several mood boards and similar activities to find your personal style and discover the best wardrobe staples for you that you can style/repurpose in several different ways.
I also believe in investing in a few items (clothes, home decor, etc.) that are beautifully constructed and, therefore, made to last. At the same time, though, unless you're purchasing resale/vintage items, I do believe that constant inspiration could further issues of overconsumption, which I do not really support in principle. Like everyone else who is conscious of this issue, I try to be as mindful as I realistically can be of my consumption habits.
When it comes to making money, I believe that financial freedom, considering that we are forced to live in a capitalist system (you still need a roof over your head, food to eat, healthcare, etc. no matter your beliefs and this is our only way most of us can maintain these necessities at this point in time, at least in the U.S.) is a feminist pursuit as it gives you the means to do as you please and the power to make more decisions that align with your values/ability to invest in your community (hopefully for mentorship/positive change). I see a huge difference between encouraging financial greed (something I could never support) and promoting self-sufficiency that doesn't compromise the prioritization of a social safety net (like many capitalist/mixed economic systems outside of the U.S.). I believe the issue is more than we are not set up to win as a culture, especially for the millennial/gen Z generations. The failure of the system and greed/power imbalances within the systems are the roots of all evil – not the pursuit of making money itself.
I believe the areas where feminism and capitalism truly butt heads are in the dynamic of committed partnership/ parenthood and a desire to perform for the male gaze. Typically, women are forced to either perform two full-time jobs – one for paid and the other for unpaid labor or purely an unpaid role, which makes her financially dependent on someone else and creates an inherent power imbalance that tethers women to the patriarchy and its ties to capitalist systems of oppression. I believe that my decentralization of men and childfree lifestyle (two lifestyle choices that I believe the dark feminity movement encourages women to pursue if they choose to) has allowed me the mental freedom to not have to face this conundrum. Honestly, I believe being single and childfree by choice is one of the main ways I'm able to equally feel in alignment with my "dark feminine" side and my feminist/pro-social-safety net values.
However, on a societal level, I do believe that this issue is something I have difficulty reconciling as the nuclear family/idealization of the nuclear family (even if legal/logistically disjointed) is the greatest enabler of capitalism, – the isolationism, hierarchy, performance of gender roles, comphet, it promotes, etc.
Anyways, these are my half-baked thoughts on the subject.
TL;DR: I believe the best way to break the system is to find unconventional ways to navigate within the current system that feels authentic to you and enable you to use your values as a roadmap to help you navigate the realities in front of you – contorting the pragmatic elements of your daily life to cater to your ideology, not the other way around.
Hope this was helpful in some way xx
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headmate-ideas · 4 months
Hello, friend. The alter I am sending a request about seems to be feminine but not a woman, and seems attracted to Greek music and cuisine. They seem to enjoy the colors pink, red, and green, and are very attached to our cuttlefish and blobfish plushes. They are also fond of pomegranates. If I were to guess, I would assume that they were a creature from Greek mythology, perhaps something living in water or a Ferryman similar to Charon. Thank you for your time. -Agrona
✦ Name(s): Aquaria, Cirice, Miri ✦ Pronouns: she/her, they/them, shy/hyr/hyrs/hyrself, shx/hxr/hxrs/hxrself, fae/faer/faers/faerself, pink/pinks/pinkself, red/reds/redself, green/greens/greenself ✦ Species: siren ✦ Age: adult ✦ Role(s): caretaker, chef, interest holder, hygienist ✦ Labels: juxera, nascigender, lunettian, neptunic ✦ Xenos: pomegranates, ocean, music ✦ Interests/likes: sea creatures, greek history/culture, food ✦ Dislikes: feeling disorganized, uncomfortable clothes, complicated technology ✦ Music taste: dimotika, laiko pop, entekhno ✦ Aesthetic(s): classicism, ocean grunge ✦ Objectum attraction(s): plushes, seashells ✦ Kins: mermaids, psychopomps, giant squids ✦ Emoji proxy: 🌊🎶 ✦ Details:
Aquaria is a siren who has an interest in aquatic life (especially deep sea creatures), Greek culture and history (including music, cuisine, and mythology), and collecting plushes (either actually doing so or learning about such collectibles and looking at pictures of them online). As an aquatic creature, shx is fond of showers as well as other acts of bodily upkeep. Hyr fondness for pomegranates and Greek food leads her to look up different recipes for them, which leads her to look up recipes in general, which has led to her developing an interest in cooking that shy uses to help the rest of the system find different ways to eat foods they know they like (especially if she can bring her interest in Greece and aquatic life into it). Aquaria's interests are very important to hyr and shy often engages with them as a calming/soothing thing for themself and the rest of the system. The beauty they find in deep sea creatures (even the "scary" ones) extends to their general outlook on life, finding the good and beauty in everything she can.
[These can be edited and changed as needed, and headmates will probably not turn out exactly as described.]
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mariammagsi · 6 months
Preserving the past...
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Heritage is a human right. ~ Marvi Mazhar, founder of Heritage Walk Karachi.
Karachi, once known as the City of Lights, harbours a mosaic of historical and cultural heritage within its bustling streets, especially in the Old Town area of Sardar. While visiting family this winter, I had the opportunity to participate in a guided walk organized by Heritage Walk Karachi, an initiative dedicated to unveiling the history and culture embedded in the city's stunning, yet decaying architecture and communal spaces. Last year, I had the privilege of taking this illuminating walk through the heart of Old Karachi alongside Shaheen Nauman, a guardian of the city's heritage and a passionate advocate for its preservation. This year, as we embarked on a similar journey, Shaheen’s forewarning resonated with an eerie prescience: “you will be heartbroken, and sad.” Her words, heavy with the weight of inevitable truth, prepared us for the disheartening changes that lay ahead. As we entered the neglected buildings, the palpable sense of loss and deterioration was overwhelming. The transformation witnessed over merely one year was stark, underscoring the rapid pace at which neglect and decay can erase the physical markers of our shared history. This guided walk showcased the tragically deteriorating architectural marvels and cultural vibrancy of Karachi’s past and highlighted a crucial aspect of our collective human rights – which includes the right to heritage.
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The concept of heritage as a human right is anchored in the belief that every individual is entitled to access, engage with, and reflect on our cultural heritage. This access enables us to connect with our identity, history, and the legacies, ways of living and migratory patterns of our ancestors. Unfortunately, as we meandered through the narrow lanes of Old Karachi, the stark contrast between the past's grandeur and the present's neglect was heart-wrenching. The dilapidation of historic buildings, lack of governmental maintenance, rampant, intolerable pollution, and a visible lack of empathy and tolerance for Karachi’s pluralistic past, are not just aesthetic issues but indicative of a deeper, more systemic disregard for our cultural heritage. A few steps into the alleys and we were dodging used diapers, drug paraphernalia, sharp, injurious objects, bodily waste, and large infestations of flies and mosquitos swarming over puddles of filthy, stagnant water.
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As someone visiting from the diaspora, the experience of walking through Old Karachi evoked a profound sense of concern and heartache. The neglect, pollution, and apparent lack of governmental maintenance not only tarnish the physical beauty of this historic area but also signify a deeper abandonment of our cultural patrimony. This disrepair is especially disheartening to witness for those of us who, despite having lived away, maintain a deep attachment to our city of birth. The emotional and intellectual dissonance experienced during this visit underscores an urgent need for collective and governmental action toward the preservation of our heritage. Honouring our history and heritage connects us with our past, guiding our future actions, trajectories and policies.
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Karachi's rich and pluralistic past is etched into the very fabric of its urban landscape. On the intricate balcony railings of colonial, pre-colonial and pre-partition buildings, one can trace the outlines of a city that once thrived on diversity and multicultural coexistence. These delicate ironworks and carved balustrades serve as silent witnesses to the times when Karachi was a bustling port, welcoming traders from across the globe. As the city expanded, the relentless push of concrete and modern infrastructure has overshadowed these historical markers, yet they persist, stubbornly holding onto the stories of a bygone era. In the soul-filled nooks and crannies of Saddar, layers of history are revealed in the narrow lanes and ancient structures, where every brick and cobblestone has a story to tell, from centuries-old mosques and temples standing shoulder to shoulder, to the faded frescoes that peek out from under layers of paint, hinting at the city’s vibrant past. These remnants of Karachi's pluralistic past continue to offer a glimpse into a time when the city was a melting pot of cultures, religions, and languages.
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The guided walk with Heritage Walk Karachi served as an ominous warning, of what is at stake. The architectural decay and environmental neglect witnessed along the way are not isolated issues but are symptomatic of a broader societal malaise – a disconnect from our historical roots and a disregard for the importance of conservation, both environmental and cultural. The degradation of these sites and streets erases the physical structures, as well as the intangible heritage that these buildings and spaces represent – the stories, traditions, and shared memories of a pluralistic community that once comprised of many Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Sufis and religious, spiritual and secular people that lived side by side, in harmony. This historical diversity is a cultural treasure that ought to be celebrated, preserved, and passed down to future generations. Yet, the devastating signs of neglect, illegal encroachments and destruction by the city’s intimidating land mafia paint a grim picture of indifference and a loss of communal memory.
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The importance of conservation cannot be overstated. Conservation is not merely about preserving bricks and mortar but about maintaining a tangible connection to our past, which in turn informs our present and future. Conservation efforts serve to remind us of the diverse narratives that have shaped our societies and the importance of inclusivity and tolerance in a society that is rapidly falling prey to intolerance, military industrialism, religious extremism, fascism and right-wing ideology.
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As residents, whether former or current, of Karachi and stewards of its rich history, we have a collective responsibility to advocate for the preservation of our heritage. It is imperative that we recognize heritage conservation as a matter of cultural pride, and as a fundamental human right. This requires a concerted effort from government bodies, local communities, and civil society organizations to enact policies and initiatives that prioritize heritage preservation. Moreover, fostering a sense of ownership and pride within the community can galvanize grassroots efforts to protect and celebrate our shared history.
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The journey with Heritage Walk Karachi is a clarion call to all stakeholders to awaken to the importance of our cultural heritage. In preserving the physical and intangible legacies of our past, we safeguard the essence of our identity and ensure that future generations can enjoy and learn from the richness of our shared heritage. From an intellectual standpoint, the visible deterioration of Old Karachi's heritage sites challenges us to reflect on the broader implications of such neglect. It raises pertinent questions about the values we, as a society, and our governmental bodies prioritize and the legacy we choose to leave for future generations. Heritage is not a relic of the past to be passively observed; it is an active, living testament to our collective history, achievements, and failures. The current state of Old Karachi serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of sidelining cultural heritage in favour of short-term gains.
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The ongoing genocide in Palestine, which includes a cultural genocide, and the systematic obliteration of heritage, culture, intellect, and history, serves as a critical warning of the importance of preserving our own heritage and history. Such events underscore the vulnerability of cultural identity in the face of occupation, colonialism and violent erasure and highlight the essential role that heritage plays in the collective memory and identity of a community. In conclusion, as we reflect on the guided walk through Old Town, Karachi, let us not see it merely as a nostalgic tour through a bygone era but as a mission to rekindle our connection with our heritage. Heritage is indeed a human right, one that we must all strive to protect and cherish.
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Raise Awareness: Share the rich history and significance of Karachi, through educational campaigns, social media, and community events. Encourage local schools, colleges, and universities to include the study Karachi’s heritage in their curriculum. Organize guided tours and heritage walks like Heritage Walk Karachi, to showcase the cultural and architectural gems of the area.
Advocate for Protection: Petition local authorities and government bodies to enforce strict regulations for the preservation of historical buildings and sites. Collaborate with heritage preservation organizations and activists to lobby for legal protection and funding for restoration projects. Work with city planners and policymakers to integrate heritage conservation into urban development plans.
Community Engagement: Foster a sense of pride and communal ownership among residents by involving them in preservation initiatives. Organize volunteer clean-up drives and maintenance efforts to keep historical sites and streets clean and well-maintained. Establish community forums and workshops to encourage dialogue and participation in decision-making processes related to heritage conservation.
Support Restoration Projects: Partner with private businesses, philanthropists, and cultural institutions to fund restoration efforts for endangered buildings and landmarks. Launch crowdfunding campaigns and seek donations from individuals passionate about preserving Karachi’s heritage. Encourage corporate social responsibility by inviting businesses to sponsor specific restoration projects in exchange for recognition and branding opportunities.
Promote Sustainable Tourism: Develop responsible tourism initiatives that highlight the unique cultural and architectural heritage of Karachi while minimizing negative impacts on the environment and local communities. Create tourism packages that include visits to historical sites, traditional markets, and cultural performances, benefiting local businesses and artisans. Train local guides and hospitality staff to provide informative and respectful experiences for visitors, emphasizing the importance of preserving heritage sites for future generations.
Document and Digitize: Establish archives and digital repositories to document oral histories, photographs, and other ephemera related to Karachi’s heritage. Collaborate with universities and research institutions to conduct studies and publish scholarly works on the history and architecture of the area. Develop virtual tours and interactive exhibits to make Karachi’s heritage accessible to a wider audience, including those unable to visit in person.
By promoting these calls to action, we can work together to safeguard the cultural, historical, and architectural legacy of Old Town, Karachi, for generations to come.
Photos + Text © Mariam Magsi 2024
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euclydya · 6 months
System ask questions. All of them.
Which headmates are the iconic couple - probably Inland and Concept tbh!!
Which headmates are the unlikely couple - Vol & PT tbh. quote from the night they became official:
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Which headmates were enemies at first and now best friends and/or a couple - Inland and Auth. they fuckin hated each other for SO LONG AJSKDJCJCJZ no idea what changed between em but I'm glad it changed goddamn
Which headmate is the most different from the body? - i meannnn. All of us tbh DBDJSJFJCJXKD
Which headmates are city folk - Shivers 1000% tbh
Which headmates are country folk - idk actually!
Which headmates have the most unique music taste? - idk actually!! our music tastes r either v similar to each other or not very unique to begin with hmmmm
Which headmate has the most specific role? - either Auth [their role is to Be Cared For And Doted On when up front] or Suggestion [Its role is To Be A Sapient Stim Toy. Its role is to Literally be thrown around and hit. do not worry this doesn't hurt him at all and he enjoys it JAKAAKSJDJFJDJD]
Are there any headmates from a specific state/country/etc different from the body? - I mean technically all us Skills are fantasy French i guess. does that count
Which headmates are emo/punk/goth etc? - Aesthetic-wise? I don't think any of us actually!
What are some pet peeves headmates have about other headmates? - Scio & Cass are super annoyed by Mr. Soot's voice and demeanor tbh if that counts. Like the three do not get along well at all SJDJSJSKFJF
What headmate has a skill that the body doesn't usually, but when they front the body gets it (or almost gets it)? - PT is hella skilled at friendship bracelet making meanwhile the rest of us suck at anything that isn't a chevron or smth really simple HSDJSJDJFJD so all the bracelets we make she's gotta be up front for
What headmate makes the most typos? - I DO AJAKAKSDJFJFJDJD i type FAST and unless I'm typoing my name I don't care to fix em because the typos add Flavour. They add Character. Also i dont feel like fixing em. Also Logic!! due to uhhhhhhhh psychosis shit he's really uncoordinated w the body now and has poor motor skills
What headmate has the weirdest (/pos) way of talking/typing? - idk!! rn we don't really have anyone w unusual typing quirks outside of Logic & his typos [lh] but talking-wise hmmmm. I guess Shivers! She kinda blasts her voice all through the headspace & into our minds when she talks and she is VERY loud but that's expected ig since she embodies the spirit of a city and all. and also Logic again actually, it's not Weird per se but he slurs his words a lot usually as a side effect of our last Big Psychosis Episode™. Also shoutout to Esprit who primarily speaks through barking and other animal sounds, love that 4 you but pleaze stop barking directly in my ear when u front AIAJSJSKD OH MY GOD I FORGOT ABT RHETORIC he sounds like he's choking when he speaks. Which. He is. On. His own neck LMAO
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pectinpeeress · 2 years
Aarghhhh.... kind of a rant below, sorry about that, somethings just been bugging me...
I’ve been kind of annoyed with a lot of the Opinions I’ve seen on Kimblee as a character, especially in terms of his relationship with Riza. Because I feel like people keep trying to justify his character morally in order to justify liking him. And, first of all, a character doesn’t need to be a good person for you to like them; and secondly, it makes the characters way less interesting?!?
Like, If you look at Kimblees narrative purpose as a character, he isn’t supposed to represent a real person. Just like how the Greek gods are more similar to the element they’re meant to represent than an actual person, Kimblee is the idea of narcissism come manifest. I get that writing is subjective, but Arakawa has literally said that she based Kimblee off of Alex from A Clockwork Orange – a character whose so insufferably self-centered, he makes you wonder if he even deserves to act for himself-- so I feel like it’s fair to say that regardless of what anyone claims, the intention is for him to be an irredeemable person.
I think that what confuses a lot of people is that he has an understandable set of motivations, and people don’t understand the difference between an understandable villain and a sympathetic villain. Kimblee is not a sympathetic villain, he’s given no backstory, no noble goals, or sympathetic motivation. But he is an understandable villain. We understand his thought process, but that doesn’t mean that we can view him as a good person. Honestly, his motivation has always reminded me of alt-right accelerationism, he recognizes that the things he’s doing are bad, but he just doesn’t care.
This is why it bugs me when people claim that he and Riza had a connection, or that Riza sympathized with him. Because it ignores the narrative purpose of his character. He’s the manifestation of the hypocrisy of Amestris. The government claims violence is a necessary evil, but the system is built to reward sadism. It’s sort of like how our society claims to reward kindness, and yet the most powerful people are billionaires who exploit their workers. So when he tells Riza to look in the eyes of the people she kills, it’s impactful because she hates him. It’s her becoming disillusioned with the lies and propaganda of the military. They claim to be protecting the people of Amestris but in reality, they’re just a weapon for the government to use as it sees fit. Riza doesn’t sympathize with Kimblee, she loses her patriotism, and that is the point.
To be clear, I don’t care which characters you like, or what you ship, or whatever, but when you claim that Riza and Kimblee got along, you’re actively making her character less compelling. The narrative goes from “soldier becomes disillusioned with the military” to “woman is tempted by the ~dark side~” which like, that’s fine, there’s nothing inherently wrong with simplifying a character. My issue comes from the fact that people act like they’re improving her character or making her more interesting, and they’re not. She goes from a really interesting look into the purpose of the military and the motivations of the soldiers within it, to a poorly written YA protagonist. And for what?  A love-triangle? The aesthetic?
It just irritates me because there’s this undertone to it like they’re saving Riza from being overly dependent on a man by latching her to another man. Like, the whole point of Riza’s character is that despite being dehumanized her entire life, she is still a human with free will and agency, and their attempt to fix what they perceive as the faults of Riza’s character is to turn her into a tool used by a different man? Like, can’t she just be evil on her own? Why is she only allowed to do immoral things through the proxy of a man? It comes off as way more dehumanizing than any of the tropes they’re trying to fix, while also ignoring that she’s an intentional subversion of those tropes.
IDK, just to clarify, I really do not care about your personal taste or whatever content you make. It’s stupid to act like the mere act of liking a fictional character is indicative of a person’s actual ethics, and it’s even stupider to think that fandom discourse will have any sort of positive impact on their moral compass. What mostly bugs me is when people act like they're smarter than everyone else for liking something when it’s like??? Dude just like what you like you don’t need to lie about the narrative to justify it.
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mizuirolawliet · 2 years
Introduction post time!
Hello, I’m L. I’m a fictive alter in a system (main system blog is @strawberryeyebags) and this is my side blog for Mizuiro fashion/ aesthetics. As well as similar aesthetics like cyber core/ frutiger aero etc I’m the co-host and my fellow host has a similar or blog for their more kawaii/2000s aesthetic @astrostired. And if you like ancient history here’s our partner @nyahkmenrah
DNI/BYF is all is our system carrd. https://thesleepoversystem.carrd.co
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What is Mizuiro?
Mizuiro (水色界隈) also called Aqua community is a Japanese aesthetic/fashion that uses a pastel blue color palette and visuals. It has a pessimistic mood with cold tones, slouchy/oversized clothing, and an association with Otaku culture. It also incorporates Kawaii elements, especially with mascots like Sanrio.
It originates from an aesthetic was associated with the idol Ano from the Japanese idol group ‘You'll Melt More!’ as well as her fans during the mid to late 2010s. She was the light blue member of the group and her fans followed her aesthetic, eventually it broke away and became a whole community and style of its own.
It’s motifs include:
pale blues, white and greys.
Cute minimalistic illustrations with wobbly line work
A cyber type undertone
Oversized clothes and tracksuits
Characters like cinnamoroll, Hatsune miku and rei ayanami
Otaku/anime/gaming culture
Arcades, city streets and parking garages as backdrops
Nighttime and dim lighting
This is where I’ll post and re-blog pictures to do with the style and aesthetic. Partly because I just like to look at it and partly because I want more people to see and appreciate it. Be warned I will block creepy people with no hesitation so don’t be an ass. I’m still learning about this style/subculture all the time as it grows and evolves. So if I get something wrong I’ll try and correct it, don’t take my word as gospel!
Fictive related note: please don’t tag anything of mine / mention l#wlight. I’d rather not be associated with a man who hurt me and those I loved.
That’s all, enjoy the blog.
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cookie-crumblr · 2 years
Locked In, Walking Out
Part: 1
F!Reader X Max ~Yandere Prisoner OC
His info: ⛓💌⛓
Part: 1 2
CW: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, DARK FIC Yandere, reader has a vagina, not too defenseless reader, Imprisonment (not of mc) shock collars(not on mc), swearing, cat calling, corrupted systems, teasing, pet names (sweetheart, dollface, princess, doll), sa NON-CON not from mc, a gross man-pig assaults reader, hurt no comfort, blood, dissociation
Author’s note: sorry if my bad mood comes across in this one…
You work as a junior prison guard at Locke West Maximum Security Penitentiary.
You were given a huge bonus, better health benefits, and a fat raise when you were reassigned here.
You couldn’t say no.
Besides, what could possibly go wrong at the nation’s most secure prison…
Made so secure, just to hold the nation’s most dangerous criminals…
They’re forced to have shock collars on, so it’s not like they can do anything, right?
Day 1~
“New blood eh? You must’ve done a good job to get transferred here. Grats.” The senior guard called “Nills”, spoke a little too monotone for that to be a genuine congratulations, but you take it.
“Thanks sir,” you reply enthusiastically.
He looked you over, and smiled, while leaning in closer, “You might not last long here, sweetheart,”
Another guard walked in, and your senior backed up.
This Junior guard was to be your tour guide, and as she began, you noticed she used a similar monotone voice.
“This is the employee lounge,” her voice drew out. “This is the locker room, and where you’ll be changing—” If you could fall asleep while walking this would be the time you did. “This is the— This is where—” UHG! you aren’t even paying attention. Pay attention…
Now you’re only focusing on trying to re-focus!
You were jolted back to the present as heavy doors buzzed open for you both. You were suddenly excited, now you get to see the prisoners, and experience what your new job has to offer…
“Hey honey! Bend over for me, won’t cha?!” a prisoner in his locked cell heckled you. You realized you hadn’t been asked to change into your uniform, so you were still in your nice clothes.
You wore a short dress (no matter how you think you look, you pull it off perfectly), nice enough to impress your boss, but definitely too sexy for depraved men who are locked in cells.
“Oh yeah… That happens, regardless of if we’re in our uniforms or not. Ya get used to it, trust me.” She rolled her eyes and buzzed his collar.
“ARRRRRRRG!! You jealous BITCH!” he spat, as he fell to the ground.
You kept up with her, instead of sticking around that cell.
“This is their canteen,” She was back to her boring tour voice, but this time you managed to listen, being more alert with your surroundings around these men.
Towards the end of a less crowded cell block, you noticed a rather large cell coming up… “What’s that for?”
“That’s Max’s cell. His people pay off the prison for his comfort,” She said plainly.
“What?! that’s a thing?!” you exclaimed.
Prisoners shouldn’t be “comfortable”! you thought.
“Yeah, prisons, and wardens like money. They pay well enough, and Max stays out of our way.”
“Who is this, Max?”
“You know… The Aristandros family… You seriously don’t know?” She looked shocked. “Maxwell Aristandros. The head of the family that controls over half of the nations resources…”
“Wait… If he’s that important to the nation… Why the hell’s he in here?” you ask, stunned.
She shrugs “Maybe he’ll tell you. His is the only confidential case here. None of us know. Except maybe the warden…” She puts her hand on her chin.
You arrive at the lavishly decorated cell, your jaw on the floor. You almost don’t notice the man that matches the aesthetic of a gorgeous old painting, even in that orange jumpsuit and black collar. He’s lain over a chaise lounge, eating an orange, his face toward you, giving you a cheeky smile.
You scowl at him, “HOW CAN WE ALLOW THIS?!” You motion with a wide stance toward the cell, and toward him. “Shouldn’t he be, I don’t know, suffering here?! to be becoming a better person or whatever! WHAT IS THIS?!” You can help but feel angry over this whole stupid scene of a man with three life sentences, supposedly in charge of over half the nation, and in prison living like he’s the king of some medieval fantasy land!
“Woah, I like this one Cher! Give my complements to the warden for me.” His voice was smooth and silky to add a bright red cherry on top of his whole stupid yet beautifully crafted icecream sunday.
Cher sighed and placed a hand to her head. “listen, like i said, his people pay us. It’s not like the taxpayers are wasting any money on this one.”
You couldn’t help but still feel angry, maybe even more so since he seemed to enjoy your outburst.
You end up going home that day much angrier than you thought.
“Time for a romantic bath with myself and some icecream…”
Day 2~
“You look nice, dollface,” he nodded his head.
“Get used to it 232. The warden herself gave you to me, so you’ll be seeing this a lot.” you rolled your eyes at him.
“It’s max, doll, and I’m inclined to correct you, she gave you to me. Not the other way around. You’re mine.” he smiled smugly.
“Who’s in possession of who’s shock collar.” You state tapping your foot in front of his cell door, getting fed up with his games.
“A formality. a necessity really,” he shrugged. “Never know what a dangerous man like me would do to a pretty thing like you without it.” his smile became wolffish, showing off his rather predominant canines.
“Uhg. You’re insufferable. Just, get ready, I have to escort you now,” You placed your hand on the reader near the cell’s door, it buzzed approvingly.
As it slid open, he rushed out and grabbed you. Before you knew what happened your head hit the wall you are now pinned to.
“Careful, princess, what if someone saw us like this?”
Your face reddened, what is this?
And, why do you kinda like this…
It’s your job now to control him.
You lifted your knee hard to meet his groin, and he doubled over. After that, you pressed the button for 232’s shock collar, and he fell to the ground, convulsing.
While he was distracted you tried to catch your breath and still your heart.
You can’t let that happen again.
You stand outside the showers when you hear the slaps of shower sandals approaching.
“Hey beautiful, miss me?” he came out with a loosely wrapped towel hung low around him, showing of his toned body and that perfect v carved into his hip bones. “Hey, eyes up here,” he smirked.
“W-What are you talking about? Go get dressed 232. Quit fooling around, you have a very busy day today,” that for whatever reason, I have to babysit…
He lifted your chin, your face blushing, you stared back into his eyes. His voids of pupils, surrounded by dark brown, feel like they might be sucking you in, you think you could lose yourself in them…
“Good girl,” he smiles and gently lets your face drop, to go get dressed.
While he’s gone you try to compose yourself.
WTF was that Y/N! get a hold of yourself! UHG. You seem to be doing a ton of groaning today, and there’s still plenty of time for more unfortunately.
You make it to the canteen with your prisoner in toe…
“Hey there sweetheart! Give us a show!”
As the man stood, you whipped out your baton, sensing you’d need it.
Max lurched forward, and you blocked his path with your baton at his gut.
“Don’t, 232” you say sternly.
The cat caller’s eyes widen at you stopping Max, and he sits back down slowly.
You put the thing back away on your belt and escort Max to the back having him sit by himself. People approach and you allow them to sit with some distance between them. They talk to Max in what sounds like some code, but you don’t really care if they’re conspiring.
Your job is just to babysit him…
Day 3~
As you’re dressing your senior walks in and puts his arm up over you, he’s staring down your top’s open buttons.
You roll your eyes.
“Didn’t realize you’d be worse than the men in the cages, sir,” you say continuing to pull up your boots and fasten your belt.
He leans down closer, his cigarette stained breath permeating your precious bubble, “Sweetheart, I already told you you wouldn’t last,” he licked his lips, “Now you’re Max’s pet, poor thing. I see why he picked you…” he leaned back, a satisfied smirk plastered on his old face.
After that weird and uncomfortable encounter you made your way to Max’s “cell”, this time you had your baton ready before opening his door. He casually walked out, hands up behind his head.
“Hey there doll, how’s my good girl doin’ t’day?” He asked, his voice so smooth, you falter in your tough nature again.
“H-hey…” You spoke shyly, then coughed “I’m good, thanks… H-how are you?”
He smiled, “I’m glad to hear that,” Before you realized he was standing behind you, his face ticking your neck, “You want to kill some time with me, doll?”
His hands ghosted gently over your arms, as if almost asking permission.
You need to say no…
“Y/N!” you hear your superior yelling.
Max gripped you tighter momentarily in anger, before letting you go. He’s sending death glares toward Nills.
“S-sorry Sir!”
“come with me.” he turns and walks behind a corner. you lock Max back into his cell.
“This kind of behavior deserves some kind of punishment, don’t cha think” Nills asks in a manor that’s definitely not questioning, and definitely too creepy to be work appropriate.
“What? Listen, I have to take 232 to the showers now. Are you done?” you tried to walk away, but he roughly grabbed you and pulled you back.
“Oh you’re not getting off easy here, sweetheart…”
“Don’t call me that, creep!” you stomped on his foot.
He covered your mouth with his hand in a way you couldn’t bite it, and pulled you closer.
Who would have thought it’s not the prisoners you have to worry about, but your superior…
He undid your belt as he held you against a wall, your tried to fight, or grab your weapons but he easily overpowered you.
His hand was shoved down your pants in seconds, and he lifted it up to inhale your scent, you gagged against his hand.
You kept fighting, however useless it was.
He’s disgusting!
Now he’s pulling your pants down and turning you around. You hear his buckle being undone too, and tears prickle and threaten to fall. You refuse them, not wishing to loose your dignity to this man.
You don’t know what to do to stop this, and there isn’t anything anyway… Please, don’t… You try and say, but with his hand still covering you you can only puff out bursts of noisy air.
Your throat vibrates with the rest of the sounds of distress you desperately try, and yet fail to let out.
His dick is pressed between your legs and he doesn’t prep you before entering…
You feel like your being ripped apart, it hurts so bad, like sandpaper it’s so dry inside you, and it feels like his length never ends.
The tears that you refused fall freely now. You give up fighting and slump into his grasp waiting for him to finish.
Luckily he does fast. Obviously you’d prefer if he hadn’t at all… If this whole thing hadn’t at all…. You’re definitely taking a plan b, and getting tested after today… But how are you gonna go about the rest of your shift now? how do you come back tomorrow… You’ve been here 2 whole days almost 3, just for this?
You slide down the wall and cry into your knees.
You don’t even notice him leave.
Whether you’re a virgin or not, you see blood pooling between your legs through your uniform.
You don’t care about anything right now.
You just hurt all over, and your heart feels as heavy as a thousand ton weight sinking inside you. You might throw up, no you wish you could.
You wish you could exspell what’s just happened from you.
and your mind for a short while takes you away, not with white wings into the sky peacefully, but with a heavy and dark fog, that seems to swallow you whole and suffocates your thoughts.
You call the warden some indiscernible time later and tell her you’re going home, she hears the tone in your voice and lets you without asking.
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sageistri · 6 months
As someone who doesn't listen to kpop apart from BTS, I am one of those people who casually listens to New Jeans. They just have a very accessible sound. But I have no idea who any of the members are and I'm not attached to them in any way like I got with BTS. I'm unsure about their future as well but I reckon if they keep churning out good music with interesting concepts they'll last but since they don't have a solid fanbase, they're one bad comeback away from losing their spot on the top
Hybe debuted another girlgroup today (illit) and they have a similar sound and style to new jeans and as expected kpop Stans are hyping them up and of course new jeans stans do not like that and are angry because they think hybe is trying to replicate new jeans. I'm curious to see what's gonna happen now that kpop stans have another group that gives them aesthetic music for their TikTok videos.
Objectively it's not like new jeans makes the best music in 4th gen, but mhj had a plan and it worked. What worked for them was how they came into the scene with something fresh and new, a new kpop sound, new roll out system, and they always seem to try a different roll out for each comeback, something to draw our attention. Mhj also depends on shock value and drama I remember linking a video about it, I think that creator was the only person that I saw explain the whole thing rationally without outrightly hating on them.
The whole lolita/p*doph*lia drama during their debut and then the whole eta thing that got people talking only for it to not even be relevant to the music video when it was finally released.
I feel like when success is hinged on always having to be one step ahead of every other group, I wonder how long you can keep that up. Especially now that there's another group that has the same sound. I know min heejin has been working hard searching for the most obscure sub genre of music for them to comeback with so the whole "they introduce new things and sound to kpop" schtick can continue 😭
I'm genuinely looking forward to their comeback just because of that. I know that woman has been working hard for them to do something "new" and "unique" just to keep that edge and I'm curious to see how it turns out.
Honestly people like min heejin and soyeon from g-idle (no shade to her, she's actually my bias) makes me feel like I could manage and direct a group's comeback and make it successful if I was given the chance and budget. It's me, google and Pinterest against the world, while I search and scour on Google and YouTube for a unique sound for my group and then I stumble across a sub genre of music that no one's ever heard of and I go to the depths of Pinterest for the most unique but aesthetic concepts, I mix and match them together with my own unique twist and voila!
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dandeliicnsarchiived · 8 months
send me a 🚩 and i'll share my unpopular rpc opinions and hot takes. bonus points if you include a specific topic to talk about, like follower count, softblocking, graphics, etc. // accepting
Aesthetic vs Writing: I don't see this a lot but I think it needs to be addressed. And I wanna say this is NOT directed at anyone this is simply based off of OLD rpc days that sometimes hit me from time to time. I really hated when writers would be ignored for not having the prettiest of graphics, themes, icons or even url names. I've met some amazing writers who have had bare bones of everything, didn't do formatting and they were often ignored because they weren't aesthetic enough. Just because someone doesn't wanna spend hours trying to make things pretty does not mean that they're bad writers. It's the biggest example of don't judge a book by its cover - actually take the time to get them, learn about their characters and then make a decision if you feel their characters are right for you. Yes aesthetics are attractive but I hate it when it's a deal breaker.
Taking things too seriously: I've been made aware and experienced writers that took things too seriously when it came to writing. Yes, do the research, explain the lore, but understand that you don't own concepts unless youre building from the ground up. Example; I do not own the ideas and concepts of the abilities that my characters have. I often credit where I got the base from and make the necessary changes that fit my lore. If someone had similar concepts you won't see me throwing a rage a fit because someone decided to have their oc have similar abilities as mine. I do not own electricity and fire manipulation. I do not own witch craft AND I SURE AS HELL DON’T OWN WEREWOLF/VAMPIRE HYBRIDS; therefore, I will never been upset if someone has the same things as me. What I'd most likely be upset about is if someone took headcanons that are 95% based off my life experiences/journey through life and applied it to their characters. Example being; my "living with depression" headcanon - the system that Rosalie has to keep herself grounded is the same system I have in order to deal with my adjustment disorder that amplifies my depression. How Rosalie doesn't want to burden people with her depressive episodes is so how I personally act with my loved ones so im not a burden to them. What I do NOT own is the mental illness of depression. It looks different on EVERYONE who has it. We all have our systems to keep us alive. Now, if someone was to come to me and say "hey your headcanon about depression really hit home for me; I'd like to use that as a base for my character because I haven't really thought in detail about how they deal with" THATS COMPLETELY FINE because yknow maybe im not the first person to come up with that system! I encourage people to come to me if people feel like my writing resonates with them and inspires them to think a little deeper. I at most want the respect of asking me or letting me know what their thought process is so I don't assume and get annoyed for no reason. This is a big world but small all the same, we can share, we can inspire but we can't do is take ownership of a concept that has more than enough resources that everyone can use to manipulate in their own way. Also give credit where credit is due- but don't work yourself up over it too much.
Blocking/Softblocking: now I wanna put out there that I RESPECT everyone's rules and understand that they don't owe ANYONE an explanation as to why they choose to block someone/soft block someone. However, HOWEVER; That isn't for me. As someone who has made mistakes in the past and is TERRFIED of doing them again, I'd at least like a heads up and in return I'd so the same to someone else if they upset me in anyway. I don't need the nitty gritty but at least let me know what I did wrong to upset you. The Army taught me to take constructive criticism and that PERCEPTION IS THE REALITY. You perceive that I am disrespecting you, that is YOUR reality, I have no right in telling you that you're wrong. You are ENTITLED to your emotions, and I respect that. On the other hand, I am not a perfect person- I can word things wrong, I can misinterpret conversations and social cues. I want to be educated on how to be BETTER. I can take a grilling, I can take being raked against the coals. You got the evidence? Shiiitt, if it looks wrong, sounds wrong, ITS WRONG. Please give me the opportunity to learn from it; maybe I forced a ship too hard bc I was too excited for the potential dynamic(friendships included in this). Maybe I forgot to tag something that I didn't seem that was triggering and for you it was! I won't ever beg someone to give me another chance, but I will ask on ways to improve so I don't screw over the next person. The last thing I want is to ruin an experience for someone, I did it once and I'll try like hell to not do it again. I won't beg for someone to stay around, you are entitled to your safety and mental wellbeing online. I just personally like to learn from the experience because maybe others like you feel the same way and you could be speaking for them. As much as I say I don't take things too seriously, I take these writing shenanigans as a hobby and have fun; I do take mental health and emotional health very seriously to every writer behind the screen. I don't know what you're going through, I am not you. The very least i can do is listen to understand and fix whatever mistakes I've made and make sure they don't happen again. Also to anyone who has rp'd with me in the recent years, and I've done something to wrong you, I deeply apologize and I hope I didn't ruin an experience for you.
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sparrow-ceiling · 9 months
Tell me about your OC!!!
Okay so in the universe Lissy exists in (story is called Neo) it's very futuristic, the galaxy is kinda ruled over by this thing called the Neogalactic Federation which is basically an evil capitalist government whatever (its not entirely fleshed out despite being like three years old lmao), and one of the things that the Federation does in order to kinda indoctrinate people into their system is this thing called Neogalactic Vagrant Crews (NGVCs for short). These are basically groups of kids/young adults who go around "solving problems" on various planets and setting the stage for the Federation to come in and kind of manipulate the leaders or whatever (again, not exactly fleshed out)
The heroes of this story belong to one crew (NGVC 57-K) and they end up rebelling and hopefully taking down the Federation (idk I haven't gotten that far lmao). Lissy, however, has been successfully manipulated by the Federation and she and her crew (NGVC 23-R) (Lin, Ea, Mel, Lissy, and later Thorn) take their job really really seriously. Thorn is involved with our hero crew and so 23-R's role in the plot is to kind of take out/destroy the hero crew.
When Thorn joins the crew, she describes each of the characters, and she says about Lissy "Elise, who goes by Lissy, on… very good terms with Mel. I’m not entirely sure what she does, but she seems kind. Kind of weak that is. Haha. I don’t need to worry about her."
Lissy is a little bit artsy, she's silly and very much in love with her girlfriend Mel. She's kind of stupid but she's also kind of a badass. Lissy and Mel are the evil t4t lesbians that nobody asked for but everybody needed. Lissy has green dyed hair and she's very pretty (Mel makes sure to tell her this often). Mel and Lissy are kind of an inseparable duo, and both have similar ways of dressing (very aesthetic, tight fitting, revealing.)
While some members of the crew might have active ill-intent (like Lin, Thorn, maybe Mel), Lissy is really just along for the ride and she trusts the others with everything. She doesn't exactly understand the whole situation (nobody does, really), and doesn't realize she's being indoctrinated/manipulated by the Federation. She's not a bad person but she definitely functions as one in the story.
ANYWAY YEAH that's 1 out of 53 hehe :)). Honestly surprised it took up this much space because Lissy is a fairly minor character in her story lmao. Anyway yeah <3! Ty for the ask!
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Wuxia AU (Section 1: Introduction)
I imagined Giovanni serving Tang Yuan (汤圆, a traditional Chinese dessert of (sometimes colourful) glutinous rice balls served in hot broth) to his brothers (minions/boys) and now I have an AU setting.
Also, Happy Winter Solstice!
Inspired by old Kung Fu and Wuxia films from the 70s where:
Anything can be a weapon in the right hands
Anyone with enough training or experience can be a capable fighter
And, chivalrous heroes and sinister villains clash for treasures, ideals and fame.
Doesn't this sound a bit similar to Epithet Erased in some ways?
So here is an AU in which our midnight heist takes place in a grand temple hiding a treasure, with bandits and vagabonds behind every curtain, and a little girl trapped behind the closed gates. Also everyone is wearing some form of traditional Chinese clothing or clothing styles that originated in ancient China, and sometimes sing as in an opera.
Magic System
Instead of epithets and inscribed, anybody can harness Qi or supernatural powers through enough training and hardwork/grit. Our inscribed characters in this AU have these powers through years of experience using them, the luck to gain a boost (eating magic pills) or to be born with innate potential, or the unluck to be forced by fate to become stronger in order to overcome its machinations.
Pretty much the same with mostly aesthetic changes. Her powerset focuses on dispelling in order to control her older sister's with the opposite focus of creation. She has never wielded an actual weapon in her life.
Was once a good child who gained a passion in cooking to the point his skills are focused around making Soup and similar concoctions. Unfortunately he managed to read Water Margin and decided to become a bandit by joining the Yellow Scarfs (Banzai Blasters), a 'bandit' group more of a private criminal mercenary and highway robbery organisation.
Instead of baseball, in this AU Giovanni has a side skill in Da Tuolo (A Chinese whip and spinning top game) unmatched amongst his brothers (instead of 'boys' in this AU) and peers. Instead of the 13 combo effect, its now a 4 combo effect at the 'cost' of rarely using the whip as a weapon (It's his only one, plus he uses it for competitions. Furthermore he knows the pain of being hit with it by accidental self use or by others accidently hitting him with their whips during practice).
A young man (often mistaken for as a kid) from a pastoral family who studies and practices the analysis of Qi usage on the human body, as well as how to take care of it. A horn-hat wearing recluse who has more knowledge than his age suggests. Or at least, this is the story he tries to present...
His skillset focuses on pacification (useful for calming down animals and troublesome patients) with an odd ability of transforming into a bull monster as his 'dreamform' or something. He also has a large amount of magical trinkets and talismans as well as general knowledge of pressure points on the human body, these consist the majority of his arsenal in the event of a fight.
Born with an unusual amount of power, her magic tends to be rather unstable and constant usage can harm her. Her noble family could not provide a solution despite their wealth to aid her, and thus she left to travel the world with Indus to seek a remedy for her condition.
Her powerful abilities allows her to manipulate matter into a more fragile state like porcelain. She is rather tricky, and may use stealthy, disguised or unconventional weapons to catch her opponents off guard.
Same fellow as in canon Epithet Erased with the ability to create magical barriers. Only that he probably came from a nomadic clan in the west or north.
Either a former member of the imperial army or just born in a rather chivalrous martial arts clan, she serves the city guard with an honorable distinction.
She however, has a rather low stamina which regulates her to a support role, where she does her best to learn how to treat wounds, care for weaponry, and other skills a support role may need in the military.
Despite her low stamina, she is still a remarkable fighter nonetheless. Her weapons include the infamous Tamade Sword (他妈的剑!), and a pair of mirrors (one is semi-transparent while the other has a very bright reflection). Reflected light from the latter mirror can actual be used to revitalise one's face and skin; but when the former mirror is used to direct sunlight into the latter mirror, the resulting ray of reflected light can blind, scald and even burn anything it touches with enough exposure.
He has lived many schemes disguised as lives, but it seems his luck has run out, forcing him to be on the run. A former merchant, conman, and even a (albeit corrupt) governor; anything related to gold is his domain to rule if he gets the chance.
Speaking of gold, his skillset is focused around turning things into precious metals (though he prefers gold), he can even do this to himself to avoid physical harm.
Some say she served the Immortal Emperor when he was alive, while others say she was once a warlord who ruled over the far-flung steppes. Nevertheless, this mysterious and terrifying woman serves as mercenary and assassin for a shadowy faction that has plans to usurp the Mandate of Heaven.
Swords, traps, knives, bows, crossbows and flying guillotines may be her primary or secondary weapons. But her signature weapon is none other than a small water clock. No one has seen the use of such an odd contraption in the hands of a mercenary, much less its use as a weapon, and lived to tell the tale. Rumours say the waters of time drip and flow to her command, and from which she nourishes her seemingly unending youth.
Poor Vasemaker from the temple
Works in the temple to make, manage and take care of the vases there. Is also the artist behind the newest vase so beautiful as to be worth more gold than what the temple could afford. When Giovanni smashes a specific and rather intricate vase, this poor fellow wakes up and hops out of bed sobbing "My vases!" and "My life's work!" in the distance.
Meta Data: One of the first AUs we've made together. A setting centered AU inspired by the Wuxia genre. Pre-POP story.
Status: General character, location and plot redesigns made, little to no name changes. There are 2 world concepts (based on 2 similar AU concepts during early development that differed in cultural focus called 'Wuxia AU' & 'Silk Road AU', the former is the current basis of this AU).
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grandhotelabyss · 1 year
I think at least as far as the Trump as spiritually white ethnic/in a way homosexual you’re right, but I would add a quibble to that comment that I didn’t think quite fast enough to make at the time, but that’s surfaced in the wake of finishing Paradise as I’ve been thinking a lot about Toni Morrison lately, and specifically that closing note of the Beloved pod episode, where you bemoaned that she was til the end of her life loyal to left-liberalism. Some of those thoughts will probably get their own ask sooner or later, but one of the things that I’ve been thinking about is how Morrison, being of the generation she was, and moving in the circles she did probably would have been sharply aware of the way that the white ethnic tradition of liberals turned right that Trump ultimately wound up embodying was always in a sense partly about a discomfort with the changing racial status quo in America after the civil rights era and grievances I think partly legitimate and partly a sort of Baldwinian sense of having ones values undermined when those you thought beneath you are suddenly considered by the WASPs (who are still on top) to be your equals. There’s also I think another level that as an aesthete I’m sure she must have in some way (even if unconsciously) been alive to the way that Trump was sort of the upside down Obama, the slovenly, uncouth spiritual white ethnic (also) making promises on the campaign trail that he could not, and did not keep in office.*
*this has on some level been true for at least the last three or four American presidents, but it seems to me that maybe the most of any of them there is a stark and fascinating dualism between the aesthetics of Trump and the actual politics, once ensconced of Trump, but maybe that’s neither here nor there (or maybe, as you implied, it’s everything!)
I agree, but the "white ethnic" shift happened with Nixon and Reagan, which is why I don't think it's all that explanatory re: Trump, especially after 2020. I am admittedly too attracted to the perversity of the reversal I'm outlining, that wittingly or not his supporters are drawn to his racial-sexual crypto-subalternity and his enemies repulsed by the same even as they tell themselves the opposite logic is at work. Still, I think it explains something of the emotion on both sides, which otherwise seems in excess of the object. And on your footnote, yes, Trump is closest in unbuttoned persona, strangely or not, to Clinton, the other first black president, whose persona echoed his policies, but pragmatically similar to both Bush and Obama (each in his own way a pious and reserved man) in promising to reverse some elements of the Reagan-Clinton neoliberalism (or whatever) and then not quite doing it.
On Morrison, I don't remember what I said, but I certainly do understand why she remained a loyal Democrat. I just don't see what, exactly, it has to do with the metaphysics of the novels. The metaphysics are counter to the stated worldview of the Republicans during most of her adult life—the rise of the religious right in the '70s if nothing else would have prevented her taking the Hurston-like turn that sometimes seems implied in her early fiction—but not, even so, congruent with the stated worldview of the Democrats, especially during and after Clinton.
That's the terrible genius of our system, though: there are only two parties, and the cult of democracy means you have to loudly support one of them. No Jüngerian anarchs in the American system; or, if there are, like Cormac McCarthy, they just get read as secret Republicans.
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