#who do i have work until 8pm goodbye
saamaton · 1 month
gritting my teeth having to remind myself constantly that this is my last week of working full time before the semester starts next week and i get to enjoy the joys of being a uni student with only occasional shifts but guys idk if i have 4 more full work days left in me like i might not make it to the end of the week
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footygirl114 · 5 months
Soldado (Alexia Putellas X Reader)
One of the prompts inspired me, so here ya go. It's definitely rusty but please let me know what we think!
Prompt: “Don’t just say that and then walk away!”
Walking up to the front door of the Putella’s home was one the most nerve wracking experiences you have ever experienced in your first 18 years of life. This home had become your sanctuary in the last 3 years, the family had taken you in and made sure you were loved and cared for and in return all you did was ruin the best and only friendship you ever had. 
You had grown up with an absent mother and a drunk father, to say your childhood had been rough was an understatement. You were able to fend for your self by the age of 6 and you knew to hide whenever your father came home after 8pm. When he wasn’t drunk he was a half caring father, but you could never shake the black eyes and bruises you learned to hide. The only good thing he ever did for you was to make sure by the age of 15 you had been a good enough football player to be in the training with the Espanyol team. 
This is where you met Alexia Putellas, she was this young superstar but she still befriended you. It didn’t take her long to see through the lies of where the bruises came from, and one late practice where you avoided going home she got you to spill the truth. From then on she made sure that holidays, school vacations, and everything in between you were invited to stay with her family. 
Her mom became like a mother you never had, and Alba was the sister you never had. But Alexia she just always remained Alexia, you never knew what that meant until you turned 18. You had finally realised that she was more than just anything to you, and that you were madly in love with her. Never being able to keep a secret from her, you confessed your feelings to her 3 weeks ago and you haven’t heard from her since she walked away without responding. 
Which brings you back to today, trying to work up the courage to knock on the door of the only place you would ever consider a home ready to say your goodbyes to the family you wish you still had. The last 3 weeks have been a whirlwind, and it took your drunk father almost breaking your arm and sending you to the ER to finally realise you needed to get out. You had walked the streets of Barcelona aimlessly trying to find a solution, and when the universe showed you a sign you jumped at it. 
Shaking your head you gained the courage to reach up and knock at the door of the house. While you wait for someone to answer you hope that you can get this out without breaking down. 
When the door opens you come face to face with Alba and you say softly “Hola, Albs.”
Alba smiles softly and leans against the door, blocking your way in, and she asks “what are you doing here Y/N?” 
“I need to talk to Ale” you tell her deciding not to drag this out. 
She crosses her arms over her chest and asks “Why would I let you do that? She shut down and hasn’t said anything for the last weeks and we haven’t seen you, you must have hurt her Y/N.” 
Shaking your head you tell her “I never meant to do that Alba, but I promise I just need to tell her one thing and then I am gone.” You know you sound like your begging and you hope the desperation in your voice helps. 
Before she can respond Alexia shows up at the door behind her sister and says “Alba its okay I got it.” 
Alba turns and looks to her and then turns back to you and says “if you hurt her again I will hurt you.” She finishes with a glare and then moves back into the house. 
Alexia steps outside on the porch with you and softly shuts the door. You take a moment to take her in, knowing this will be the last time you may see the women who has your heart. She’s in her most comfortable state, a pair of footy shorts, a soft hoodie (you note is one of yours) and barefoot.
You both stand there in silence for a minute and she finally breaks it and says “I am not ready to talk to you about it.”
“You don’t have to say anything. I came here to tell you one thing and then I will be out of your hair, you wont need to worry about avoiding me” you tell her softly. 
“what? Y/N whats going on?” she asks softly stepping closer to you. 
You take a step back and say “I’m leaving, I quit the team and I joined the army. I know you don’t understand it but I need to not be here anymore, and I need to do something thats for me, and will ensure I get away from him.” 
She stares at you and doesn’t say anything but a soft “Y/N.”
“No, don’t do that, this isn’t about you this is for me. I love you Alexia and I will always be in love with you but I cant stay on the side line of my own life anymore, I need to become the best person  I can be and get out from this dark cloud that is hanging over here. Its for the best, I cant wait to see you become the superstar I know you will be, but I cant do that here, watching it and knowing that you don’t love me back, that you aren’t in love with me. So this is goodbye Ale” 
You slowly move down the stairs and move to wipe the tears under your eyes, and you make it to the end of the walkway when she moves and says “Don’t just say that and walk away from me Y/N! Thats not fair.” 
You pause and turn your head towards her and says “what’s not fair is losing everything I have ever wanted because I have never been able to lie to you, I am doing something for me and you have to understand that.” 
You don’t let her add or say anything else as you turn your back on her and move to your car, you hop in and start the engine driving away to your new life without looking back. 
After 8 years of being a proper solider and training to better your self, you were finally able to settle down, and of course Barcelona would always have a hold on your heart. During your basic training your superiors noticed how easy it was for you to learn and communicate in many languages, add in that you knew how to fight and take it hit it made you the perfect soldier for a special ops team. 
During your 8 years of active duty you spent 3 tours in Iraq, Afghanistan and other War torn countries. And when you were not on tour you were either in the UK or the USA learning and bettering your skills to be a better help for the team. It was a long 8 years of constantly being on the go and when an offer came up to go back to Barcelona and be no longer on active duty you took it. 
They wanted your skills to help teach younger inexperienced soldiers and you craved the freedom and your bones ached for a stable home for your self. The Barcelona Police force hired you and were more than happy to have you work for them and also assist the army in their training. 
Barcelona was where you had your own personal demons, and you knew after 8 years of running it was finally time to slow down and face those demons head on. It helped you were much stronger and mentally tougher then when you were 18 and you knew you needed to face them head on. 
What you didn’t expect was to have to face one of them only a month into your new life in Barcelona. You had been out on patrol with your partner and were called to an assault at one of the smaller beaches in town. You got out of the passenger seat of the car and did a scan of the surroundings and you noticed a small crowd gathered at the edge of the sand and one person lying on the ground. 
You met your partners eye and you both walked over, you with your military training on high alert, one hand on the hilt of the gun at your hip, your eyes roaming the surroundings. When you got closer to the crowd you almost stopped, when you noticed who was standing off on the edge of the crowd but you pushed through when you saw the guy on the ground get up and start to run at someone else in the crowd. You and your partner both sprang into action and got in between them and the guy you were holding tried to take a swing at the other and you easily subdued him and had him on his back with his hands locked behind his back in the blink of an eye. 
Once he was secure with the handcuffs on your hip you hopped up and hauled him up with you, you turned and met your partners eyes who nodded at you and had his guy also in cuffs. He turned to the crowd and asked for any witnesses to what happened, as you moved your guy to the car and sat him in the back seat. 
You sat him down and asked him his side of the story. After listening to his side you closed the door and left him in the car as a second patrol car rolled up for the second guy. You nodded to them and mentioned the guy int he back of your car and you walked back to the crowd. You took a deep breath and readied your self to face the first of your demons. 
“Who’s next to be interviewed?” you asked your partner as you walked up beside him, and he pointed to the group of 3 girls to the left.
Moving towards them you introduced your self “Hola, I am Officer Y/L/N and I will need to see your IDs and then I can take your statement.” They all handed their IDs over and as you were matching them and recording their names and information you couldn’t help but take a peak at the women who held your heart. 
You hadn’t seen her since that day 8 years ago on her mothers front steps, you had followed her career and you knew she was in the middle of a miracle season and she was on track to win everything. Seeing her on the computer screen through a grainy stream wasn’t the same as seeing her in person. Just looking at her was slowly igniting that spark inside you that you thought you had buried 8 years ago. 
“Can one of you tell me what happened?” you ask them ready to take notes and keep this professional. 
“so basically, we were lying here and the guy in your car came up and started to give us a bit of a hard time, but were used to it. SO we told him to leave us alone, and then the guy there with your partner walked up and tried to defend us, and the other guy just threw a punch at him.” You had their IDs so you knew this was Maria Leon who explained it. 
“they started going at each other and thats when Ale called 911, the commotion drew more people over and they stopped fighting when they had a crowd and then you guys showed up.” Jennifer Hermoso explained the rest to you. 
“thank you, so to be clear, the one in the back of the car threw the first punch and harassed you?” you asked wanting to finish this up. 
Maria smiled and said “I wouldn’t say harassed, we can take care of ourselves, but yes he started it and threw the first punch.”
“And you both agree?” you ask.
“Yep, he did” Jennifer agrees. 
Alexia just nods and remains silent through the whole exchange. You nod and say “okay this clears things up, someone may be in touch but you are free to go.”
The two of them smile and say their thanks and move to leave, but Alexia remains standing in front of you silent. 
“ale you coming?” Jennifer asks her and it seems to shake her out of it and she nods and moves to gather her stuff. 
You nod at nothing and move to go back to your partner, you both agree you to the statement you got from different people and then you move to walk back to the car together. Before you can get half way there you turn back and look toward Alexia and you meet her eyes, as she’s still watching you. 
It takes your partner nudging you for you to break contact and you move to get into the car. before you can fully sit you hear “Officer Y/LN” yelled out behind you and you turn and see Alexia moving quickly towards you, you close the door and step towards her and away from your partner hearing the exchange. 
“Yes Alexia?” you ask her softly as she stops a foot from you. 
“You’re back?” she asks you to the point. 
“I am” 
“for good?” she asks you again straight to the point.
“I think so yeah” 
“okay then.” she says and moves to walk away. 
“thats it?” you ask her confused. 
She shrugs and half turns to you and says “How does it feel being on the other end of someone walking way from you? It sucks, being left to wonder what they mean and what they are going to do.” 
You can feel the pang in your heart listening to how broken she sounds and you ask her “Can we talk about it?” 
“now you want to talk? What happened to talking 8 years ago?” she turns on you half shouting and you know that she’s drawn and scene. 
“ale, please can we talk somewhere not here, and not when I am on duty?” you ask her. 
She looks around and shakes her head and says “you know where to find me, if you even want to.” As she finishes she jogs away towards her friends and you are left standing there wondering if this is a demon you will be able to tame, or if you were doomed to be in love with someone you can never have. 
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perfectlyoongi · 29 days
ROOMMATE!JUNGKOOK who bakes cakes with you in the early hours of the morning when the whole city is still asleep. three or four in the morning were sacred hours in your house as autumn approached. with matching aprons and wine glasses in hand, you and Jungkook followed instructions as disorganized as possible, hoping to find some cake batter or cookies in the midst of your laughter. the music played low, remaining completely silent when you and Jungkook exchanged jokes and visions, but always lulling you into a little dance that lasted the entire morning. at six in the morning you sat at the table tasting your creation before saying goodbye and falling asleep in your rooms. “today i want an orange cake. i know it’s late, but do you want to do one with me? i found two recipes that might be good. i’ll even let you have the first slice.”
ROOMMATE!JUNGKOOK who has a collection of photos and videos of you that you might consider embarrassing. Jungkook seemed to have a certain gift when it came to humiliating you: whenever you were distracted, or too involved in something, Jungkook made a point of saving everything on his phone, creating a folder in his gallery with just your photos. you could say it was a hobby of Jungkook’s that always made him happy, as it was in these more personal moments that your soul truly shined and oh, how he was in love with that light. “you are so done on your birthday. you’ll see, i’ll post the photos i took of you in the car yesterday. you were beautiful. the world needs to see your natural beauty.”
ROOMMATE!JUNGKOOK who always orders your favorite pizza when he doesn’t feel like cooking. you shared the household chores, it was an agreement that was quickly made by you as soon as you became housemates; but there were days when Jungkook came home more tired, or even after dinner, and there was no desire or patience to cook. as such, Jungkook would order your favorite pizza from your favorite pizzeria and, after paying for it, he would call you over for dinner while he went to bed. in a way, you were always Jungkook’s priority. “hi, the work ran a little late today, sorry. i already called for your favorite pizza and you have the money here. i hope you eat well. i’m really tired. good night, angel. good night.”
ROOMMATE!JUNGKOOK who buys letter magnets to communicate with you on the fridge when your are mismatched. there were times when you would get home when Jungkook had just left. there were times when Jungkook would go to sleep when you were preparing lunch. there were days when you didn’t even see each other. but as you shared a house, communication was essential to make that experience comforting. so Jungkook bought a large number of colorful magnets in the shapes of letters for you to use as a means of communication. they were only used for basic things, of course, but it was still a very tender gesture on Jungkook’s part. “buy bread. dinner 8pm. seal.”
ROOMMATE!JUNGKOOK who always gives you a ride in winter, even if it’s just to get bread. Jungkook was so warm and helpful. if you needed something he was there to make sure you didn’t miss anything. and, when the weather was more brutal, with snow and rain decorating the streets, Jungkook always made a point of taking you wherever you needed to go, secretly keeping in his heart all the streets shared with you, shouting the most popular songs in the radio. it could be mere minutes, but it was enough to leave Jungkook completely surrendered to you. “don’t be stupid. with this cold? you may get sick and then what? i don’t know how to take care of myself, let alone you! I’m looking out for your well-being, that’s all.”
ROOMMATE!JUNGKOOK who plays drunk uno with you on long summer nights. when the boredom was a lot and the nights were too hot, you and Jungkook decided to distract yourself with a simple game of cards. changing some of the rules, you and Jungkook agreed to play several games of uno until one of you was too happy to continue. there were screams and laughter, a lot of cheating and distortions, long nights enveloped in pure happiness and complicity. without there ever being a loser, but also without any winner, you and Jungkook repeated the game on the hottest and most boring nights, each of you needing the other’s presence to make that summer something unforgettable. “no, no! you can’t put a +4 after i told you to take 2! stop being a cheater and accept your defeat. no. put the card back into your deck!”
ROOMMATE!JUNGKOOK who declares himself to you when the storm stole all the light in your house. several candles were scattered around your living room in an attempt to bring some comfort in that darkness. sitting on the couch without having much to do, you and Jungkook watched time pass slowly. a long period of silence danced around the various flames, stealing all your comfort and offering Jungkook a small door for him to finally open up to you. and it was when you went to get water that Jungkook followed you to the kitchen and, very confused and nervous, finally confessed to you. “i don’t know if it’s the candles that are making me nostalgic or if it’s really your company, but i want to tell you something. i like you. a lot. i don’t think i should like you this much but i have no control over my feelings for you.”
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lace-coffin · 9 months
How do you think Asa would deal with somebody having and anxiety attack? Maybe someone who is in his collection having a panic attack because they're scared that he might get bored or tired of them and get rid of them.
Sorry if this is an awkward subject to write about. If it makes you uncomfy or anything please feel free to ignore. Hope you have a good day/night 😊❤️
How would Asa Emory comfort reader when they’re having a panic attack?
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Asa Emory x gn!Reader
Requests are open!
Tw for slight self harm (skin picking)
Thank you so much for this! Keep the asa requests coming because I cannot physically be normal about this man and love writing for him 💖 I appreciate you asking if I’m comfy writing it to! Super sweet!
It all happens so quickly, you’re minding your business, doodling on a notepad in your room at the hotel. Asa bid you goodbye with a kiss on the forehead and a reminder to be good a few hours ago and you’re keeping yourself occupied until his return. You kind of wish you could go with him but you quickly remeber what goes on in the lower sections of the hotel you’re kept away from and decide it’s probably best you don’t. You’ve been there once before and that was enough to satisfy your curiosity for life.
The day continues on like this, keeping yourself entertained and flickering your eyes over the to clock every so often. Eventually it hits 8pm, usually Asa is back around this time, give or take fifteen minutes. Noticing this you scramble to sit pretty on your knees next to the door, waiting for him to return eagerly.
Asa is late, later than usual, it’s not uncommon for things to run over longer than Asa plans, victims being rowdy, traps not working as he hoped, but a seed of doubt settles deep into your stomach. He is coming back…he’ll be back soon.
More time passes and your stomach starts to twist, nausea setting in rapidly, you crawl of out position and sit cross legged. The longer the minutes tick on the deeper you spiral, what if he isn’t coming back? Maybe he’s hurt? No, he’s always prepared if things go south. Did you do something wrong?
You rely on him all the time but it’s not like you have a choice, he’s the one who ripped you from your home and imprisoned you. You rely on him to feed you, wash you, tell you what to do and when to do it…god you sound pathetic, no wonder he doesn’t want you anymore, but isn’t that what he desired? Your complete submission and dedication? The thought makes a sob bubble up on your throat.
Its all too much too quickly, the harsh words and doubt clogging up more and more of your mind until it’s all you can think of, all you can breath. You start to tremble and you know what’s coming, but you don’t know how to help it. Sure enough the hyperventilating starts, gulping for air between shaky sobs, rocking to try ground yourself.
Why would he go to all this effort to hide you away and mould you into his perfect specimen if he was just going to throw you away once he got bored? Didn’t you mean more to him than that or were you just deluded by his affection?
You don’t know how long you’ve been hunched over on the bedroom floor by the time you hear the door open, Asa shrugging off his coat and gloves, at this point you don’t even perk up or move to greet Asa as normal.
Asa was concerned when you weren’t in your usual agreed place, heart rate picking up as he looks for you. His eyes land on you curled into yourself, small cries wracking your body. his eyes soften at the sight, he knew he should’ve called you to let you know he’d be later than usual but it slipped his mind…shit
If physical affection during panic attacks is helpful for you then he’ll announce his presence quietly enough for you to hear him and know he’s there but not enough to startle you even worse. Asa will run his hand through your hair gently and adress you.
If physical affection is off the table during a panic attack Asa will move to sit down next to you after announcing himself, grunting at the way his knees crack on the way down to you.
“I’m sorry I’m late home, things didn’t go as I wanted and I ended up having to stay later, but I’m here now. Please tell me what’s gotten you so upset cricket?” He coos at you affectionately. Usually he’d punish you for not being in your spot on time but not today, today is different.
You trip over your words, trying to get what’s bothering you across to him between sobs and gasps before Asa shushs you. “Don’t hurt yourself, you can tell me once you’re feeling better, just copy me ok?” Asa gives some example deep breaths, holding them for a few seconds before releasing slowly. He waits patiently for you to join in until your breathing in sync, your physically separate but it feels personal and intimate, especially coming from someone as stony cold as your sir.
Eventually you calm down enough to speak, still out of breath and teary but much better than before, Asa always has had that affect on you, being a place of comfort compared to the usual terror he instils in others. He prompts you once again to tell him what’s causing all this, you hesitate but slowly start explaining, getting slightly more upset as you reveal your concerns.
Asa’s lips drop into an unhappy straight line, hating to see you like this and hating that it could’ve been avoided if he wasn’t so forgetful.
“May I hold you pet?” He asks for confirmation before pulling you into his lap, letting you cry into his shoulder, he couldn’t care less about the tears and snot you’re leaving on his turtle neck right now.
“Silly cricket, don’t you see how much you mean to me? I’m not one to tiptoe around my feelings, if I’d had enough of you as you put it you wouldn’t be on my lap right now, however I’d say that’s improbable considering you’re my entire world”
Asa tugs the O ring on your collar and moves your chin up to look him in his black scleras. “I’m not sick of you now and I never will be, you belong here, to me, and that’s final” Asa thumbs over your cheek bone and gives you a sweet chaste kiss.
You sit like this in Asa’s lap for a while as he rocks you, whispering affirmations and sweet words into the crook of your neck. Eventually he sits you back on the floor and takes your hand, pulling you with him but not letting your hand go. “We should probably get this cleaned up shouldn’t we pup?” Asa holds up your hands in front of your face, cuticles red and bloody. You didn’t even realise you’d been doing it in the height of your panic.
“Nothing to be ashamed of pet, let me patch you up and I’ll make us some dinner, it’s past your dinner time after all. Maybe if you’re good for the rest of the evening you can sleep with sir tonight, would you like that?”
You nod happily and follow him into the bathroom to treat your wounds, a shy smile creeping its way onto your face and a flutter in your heart.
I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to send me more Asa requests!
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nancypullen · 3 months
Lawdy, I'm Tired
I worked until 8pm on Thursday, on Friday we picked up the grand girl and returned her on Sunday afternoon, on Monday Matt flew in, and on Wednesday the Edgewaters will be back for a few nights. I'm not complaining about being loved, but I need a day! On the morning of the 8th I will wave goodbye to Mickey and Matt as they fly out of Baltimore (in different directions) and then I will have my day. There will be crime shows, popcorn for dinner, and not a bra in sight. I'll probably be in bed by 9 o'clock every night. The cats are really excited about that. As you may have guessed from that first paragraph, I'm finally finished at the library. As much as I hate that, I do feel like I made the right decision. There's a possibility that they'll bring me on as a volunteer just to do the displays. I'd be okay with that. On my terms and on my time, a little creative outlet - what's not to love? This morning I had a breakfast meeting with a very interesting and likable woman who may hold a portion of my future happiness in her hands. She has taken on a local magazine and has a wonderful vision for it. Part of that vision is assembling a talented team and I'm flattered beyond belief that she wanted to talk to me. Flattered and STUMPED, really, because she is such a smart, determined, and confident person. I'm always in awe of people like that and wonder what in the world I could offer - but I'm absolutely open to the possibilities. I'll know more in a couple of weeks, and will make some choices then. My imposter syndrome is strong, but I refuse to allow it to keep me from trying something new and possibly fabulous. I remind myself that Laura Ingalls Wilder started writing her column for the Missouri Ruralist when she was 44, the same age that I was when I started this blog. Maybe it's time for me to spread my wings a bit and see what happens.
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If it doesn't work out I'll go right back to writing my little manuscripts that I never send in and making my weird little cards. Either way I'll be keeping company with the written word and I find the prospect of that utterly delightful. I'm also delighting in my gardens. I've actually seen humingbirds, at last! Since moving here I've felt that my gardens have been a bit lackluster. I'd gotten very used to my green thumb producing tumbles of blooms and luscious greenery. It took some time for me to learn how to garden in clay, I suppose it's now time to learn to garden in sandy soil. I'm not good at it. I've studied books on mid-Atlantic gardening and Eastern Shore gardening, and read every tip that Maryland's master gardeners share. I still feel like things are stunted and/or stubborn. The vinca is fine, and my sunflowers and purple coneflower have finally started blooming.
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Of course the reliable ol' zinnias are blooming like crazy. But nothing seems full and lush. I'll get the hang of it. I will figure it out, but the clock is already ticking on this growing season. That's not a complaint, I am no fan of summer. I mean...
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I'm not saying I'm counting or anything, just ...er...remaining aware.
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The heat will be escalating this week, the 4th promises to be a scorcher, but you can bet that the inside of my head will look like this.
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Whatever it takes, short of shaving my head, to stay cool. If you hear me playing Monster Mash while I cook, mind yo' business. That brings me to another idea. Denton lacks exercise options if you don't want to walk around in the woods (I don't). That's probably not fair, they just lack the stuff I like, like Zumba and Jazzercise. More specifically, Zumba and Jazzercise with women who remember L'eggs pantyhose and who shot J.R. On mornings that I want to feel better I pop in my ear buds and dance around to a favorite playlist. Even just a half hour of dancing puts me in an improved state of mind. Soooo, hear me out. Why not reserve a room via Parks & Rec, and just have a dance hour every morning? I'll bet they'd be surprised at how many middle-aged women would show up to just laugh and dance for an hour, or even 30 minutes! Don't call it cardio, or strengthening, or any of that. Just some time blocked out to get your groove on. I'll bet the room would be filled with laughter and new friendships. I know I'd be a regular. I think it's a shame when we stop dancing.
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That's my plan for uniting the country. Put people in rooms and play the songs that we all know and love. They'll be smiling, sharing, and dancing in no time. Honestly, it's as good a plan as anything else. On that silly note, I'm going to go give my gardens a drink and a pep talk. It's been an interesting and encouraging day, hope is fluttering around, looking for a place to land.
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I hope your hearts are full of hope, even if you're just hoping for cooler weather or a little fun. Hope is what helps us show up and keep trying. That's really all we have to do.
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Sending out loads of love tonight, take as much as you need. As always - stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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heikeee · 7 months
16, 21!
hi anon!! interesting choice of questions. i will do my best to answer!
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
tw: mommy issues and s*icide mention
yeah, many times! most notably with my mom. our relationship was really difficult when i was younger. still is i guess. my parents divorced when i was 7 and i lived with her until 15, when we had a really bad fight and i moved in with my dad. i was severely depressed, my mom and i talked maybe 3 times that year, one of them being right after i tried to kms and she said and i quote, "i wish you had succeeded. i wish i had aborted you". eventually, she started medication to treat her bipolar disorder and we reconnected. our relationship improved a lot, but when i was 19 and had just gotten into theater school she was extremely emotionally dependant on me and i couldn't travel to see her every weekend like i was doing up until that point. so, she called my house one night at 8PM, said i was a shit daughter and that she was killing herself and she was just calling to say goodbye, and hung up. i panicked, called my dad who was still at work, and had to wait for him to come home and drive me to her house. we found her unconscious from having drunk too much, called an ambulance, i rode with her to the hospital all the while she was screaming in the back "i want to die! let me die!". my dad and i took turns staying with her in the observation room/sleeping in his car during the night. in the morning, after she was released, she put her arm over my shoulder and whispered in my ear: "now we're even". this was 9 years ago and it still makes me sick. she has since given up on her physical and mental health and takes pleasure in burning every bridge you can imagine. she takes no issue with inconveniencing others and will gladly become a problem if she so desires. she is 61yo now, i live 9600km away, and i imagine it's only gonna get worse from here on out. we still call each other every weekend and no, the more i do it it does not get any easier. at this point, i don't even know what i would want to say to her, to be honest. there's so much left unsaid that i didn't say out of fear for being the reason someone took their own life (even 9 years later, i still fear that she is 1 missed call away from ending it all and blaming it on me). i don't know if i genuinely love her or if i've gotten so good at saying the right things that i've even fooled myself into thinking i do. i often get afraid of what will happen if she disappears, and even more afraid of preferring that outcome.
i don't know if that's a good answer. i am very conflicted about a lot of things. you can imagine it's not easy living like this, but i've gotten accustomed to it. it's what i have to offer to the echo chamber today!
21. age and birthday?
i'm 27, close to turning 28! my bday is on March 26th. i'm an aries sun, cancer moon, gemini rising ☆
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dont-hold-on · 7 months
My story is still coming into being, and I am still learning who I am. No story ever is at an end, when we hear a story about someone, always remember it is only a part of the journey and their telling of that story is a reflection of who they believe they are up to that point and what they have come to understand about life and how they fit in relation to the world around them-up to that point. So with that in mind, here is my story.
Last Valentine's Day I woke up in the arms of a handsome man who kissed me while he was half asleep and whom I hugged goodbye as I sneaked out of the bedroom and got ready to go to work. Only for a couple hours later to recieve a loving message from him to enjoy my day, that I was his one and only Valentine, and to be ready for a surprise he had planned for us later that night. I got home and wore a beautiful black dress as he patiently waited for me to get dressed he filled our water bottles and quietly packed an overnight bag. He had asked me to do the same and had asked me to go to work late the next day. The surprise was killing me, and I remember as we drove up in his Tesla into the city how I looked into his blue eyes and how he looked back into mine and how he would know just from the way that I looked at him to lean into me, to give me a kiss, to know that look in my eyes meant, I need you, and his lips would always respond with the "I'm here with you" kiss, we are in this together kind of kiss. And I am sure I did the same for him. He took me out to the symphomny that night by the conductor of harry potter and star wars and later that evening he took me to a beautiful hotel room and ordered us room service and I wore beautiful lingerie and we made deep passionate love, and we fell asleep in those clouded pillowed sheets. Our drive back home the next morning was only sweeter for it all.
The end?
Haha, it could be AN end, but this was not THE end. This Valentine's day I sit in my apartment with my family dog who I am babysitting while my family travels abroad, I dropped them off to the airport this morning (they headed to Boston first) and went to work and had important meetings as chief and sent out dozens of emails. I learned today that my best friends mother died and that she will always spend Valentines Day thinking of her mothers last moments. I came home and worked out and had dinner and danced in my kitchen to music with google, I walked my dog and talked to my friend. I am here. He is not.
I did not want him not here, I did not want this to unfold as it has, but I had the strength to end it. To give all of that up, because what you don't know about, is the day before valentine's day, when he became angry with me for having a galentine's day dinner with my mother and staying out until 8pm. And you don't know about the weekend after Valentine's day when he got upset with me and we argued for 3-4 hours because I stayed out at a coffee shop for too long on a Saturday morning and because I had picked up my dog to spend the weekend with us. And you don't know how when he was out on a work trip and out until 11pm and did not respond to me, that he called ME crazy for trying to contact him when he was obviously working.
The WHOLE story matters, our journey's matter, and only WE get to decide how they unfold. I will not settle and I will not accept what is less than what I know I deserve, not again. I will gladly dance in my kitchen, work out, and hang out with my family dog, without a him, than be with the wrong him.
I am proud of where I am today. The answer is often not clear in life, and the decision to leave him was not easy, because we had so many good moments, but only I know what the whole story is and only I know if I am being truthful with myself, and ultimately, you have to choose the kind of life you want, even if you are not choosing, that is a choice.
"Its better to be single than to wish you were single."
Wherever you are on your journey, own it, but just know, it's not the end.
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handelplayssims · 1 year
Its a new morning and Ashlynn wakes up with 30 minutes until work. Enough time to browse art to get into a creative moodlet before going in to be a cashier. Good luck. Oh! It’s Explosion Day! You gotta have a day for fireworks and today is this day! We have a bonfire tradition, fireworks, airing grievances, for additional hot air, and art and music tradition! Ashlynn likes the fire and being mean. Kiara likes the fireworks and the art and music. Zayne...just likes fireworks, as a kid does. Santiago is just eh on everything. Hooray for Kiara’s whim working well with this holiday, to just play the violin! I still consider her more of a guitar gal. Anyway people work up an hour or two before work and it’s just a matter of setting up appropriate whims and such before they head in. And some cleaning. And off everyone goes!
...Ashlynn came back pissed. Alas, customer service life. Let’s see, to rage at someone in her relationships or to just pick a random person off the street. Street sounds fun!
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...it is snowing outside. Must be a mysterious weather situation, in which the weather does whatever it wants to do. So snow in a desert!
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Who are YOU looking at? Shouldn’t you be at school!? Target acquired to get mad at! Let’s yell at a child! Anyway, we made a child’s day worse. Fun times! Still mad and grumpy so we can kick a trash can, her first whim! ...it didn’t help much, alas. Anyway, normally I would pop on over to a gym to punch a bag but eh, she’s got 6 hours until work. It’s time to light a FIRE! And get a fire pit ready and going. Alas, I can’t get any of the big bonfires going as we do not have the space for it, so it has to be some of the smaller Outdoor Retreat fire pits. And we can roast fish for lunch! Nice toasted salmon, delicious! And with that, Ashlynn’s had a good holiday, even if she doesn’t feel good at the moment. Annnd now she’s being mean to the cat. Welp. And now Kiara, who just came home from school and uh, I noticed Ashlynn had the whim to rile up someone. Yeesh. Now I’m just going to have her jog the neighborhood, again, it’s super close to work so I won’t have her leave the lot to find a punching bag that isn’t whomever is near her.
...why do sims always route to the bathroom sink to do dishes. -sigh- Now Zayne’s embarassed! Anyway, first thing’s first, holiday traditions for the kids. Firstly, we go and play some songs on the guitar for Kiara. And now everything has broken down in the bathroom. Alas. And next we’ll purchase some fireworks. Used to be that I’d try to run to the humor and hijinks festival to nab some when it was up but then I spotted that you can just order some fireworks at the computer. We’ll have a private fireworks show at home once the sun goes down! 8PM perhaps. It is now 8PM and the sun hasn’t set enough for me to properly enjoy fireworks. Plus, it’s raining! RUDE! Yep, now it’s 10 and it’s properly dark out now. Also Santiago pestered and was mean to Zayne while he had his homework done beside his dad and now he’s in a bad mood. Alas. It’s the perfect time to set off fireworks to! Ohp, never mind. Zayne asked his dad for advice so now he isn’t upset at all! Hooray. And thus was a fireworks time had by all before we headed off to bed!
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I lied, the kids are doing their homework alongside each other and are complaining about their parents. Good on them. Kiara even put Zayne to bed and helped clean the litter box and fill our cat’s food bowl before heading to bed herself. Tomorrow will be a rough day for her but ah well.
Neighborhood Watch!
Haych Kahananui in the Kahananui household has died. Haych should have taken swimming classes.
...double checking and yep, that person was in a house. Farewell and goodbye!
0 notes
Portrait of a Dangerous Man🎨5
Warnings: (series) non-consent sex and rape; slow creep; cucking; (this chapter) threats, implied and mild violence
This is dark!mob!Clark Kent x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: Your dream of having your work hung in an art show comes true but your first buyer is not all he seems to be.
Note: So between Friday and Saturday I’ll be doing eight hours a day for @buckyownsmylife​‘s writeathon (like 12-8pm EST) but you can send an ask at any time. I will share a list of what I intend to work on and possible ideas later today if you wanna ask some questions or gab about whatever. After the last few days on tumblr and that nonsense, I think we need a little carelessness.
Thanks to everyone for reading and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 As usual, I’d appreciate if you let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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You walked and walked until you could no more. You stopped in front of another humongous set of gates and ordered an Uber. You waited in the dark in the shadow of the wall and a car slowed as it approached. You waved as the model and plate matched the app and got in. The driver remarked on the odd pick-up but you just shrugged and dialed.
You’d called your mom several times and she hadn’t picked up. It was almost eleven then so you gave up as her voicemail beeped once again. You dropped your head back against the seat and held your head. Everything was fucked.
You couldn’t believe it. Clark making the offer, Marcus trying to barter with him. It was all so fucked up. Five years. Five years! You never thought Marcus to be that type, shallow and greedy. Sure, he griped about money but you always made due and you thought if you had each other, it would be enough for him. But it wasn’t and he was ready to trade you to a stranger for a check.
You felt nauseous and crossed your arms over your stomach as you hunched over. You felt like crying but you knew you couldn’t. You had to get what you needed and get out. You weren’t going to stick around to argue with either of those assholes. This was the last time you were going to let your hope be crushed.
How much time had you wasted? On both of them.
You got out in front of your building and finalised the tip for the driver. You felt worse that you were going to leave your work in that cretin’s house. That he thought he could just buy you like he did the canvas. It was all just a ploy to get in your pants. And the way he said it, “I’ll fuck her either way.” Like you would fall into his arms agog and smitten.
You rushed up the stairs as your eyes began to well and you sniffled as you unlocked your apartment door. You wanted badly to trash the large monitor sitting above Marcus’ glowing tower. You wanted to shred all his clothes and take a hammer to everything he owned.
You didn’t. You grabbed your laptop from your desk and swept into the bedroom. You pulled your floral duffel from under the bed and loaded it with your laptop, tablet, and a pile of clothes. You tossed the zip-up pouch with your passport and other important documents on top and hauled it over your shoulder. He could keep the rest of it. You didn’t care if it ended up in the dumpster.
You checked the time as you closed the apartment door and headed down the hallway. It was after midnight. You wondered if they noticed you were gone. You didn’t care. You were sending every penny back to Clark, even if you had to dip into your savings; those years of squirreling away in hopes of buying a home with the love of your life.
That was what you thought he was. You just couldn’t understand how he could be so easily won over by overpriced cars and the ridiculously overdone mansion. You came out onto the street and stopped.
Where could you go? There wasn’t a bus out of town until the morning. You could get a hotel room for the night and head to your mom’s then. God, you felt rotten at the thought of showing up at her doorstep, another failure on your shoulders. You swore to her the last time you talked that you were finally getting your feet under you.
Why were you so stupid?
You dried your cheeks with the back of your hand and adjusted the strap of the heavy bag and turned down the sidewalk. There was a Days Inn not far from your place. They might have a vacancy.
You didn’t make it two steps before you heard the car door. You tried to ignore the man as you were eager to be anywhere but out in the city streets after dark. It was too late to react as the passenger door opened and the dark figure blocked your path. The driver came up behind you and you cried out as you were seized from both sides.
“What the fuck are you doing?” you shrieked, “let go of me.”
“Shut up,” the driver said as he covered your mouth and the other man took your bag.
You murmured into his palm and kicked out with your heel, barely missing the passenger with the sharp tip. He opened the back door and threw your bag inside. He turned back and grabbed your legs as you thrashed and both men struggled to angle you in after the duffle.
You pushed your chin above the man’s hand and gasped, “please, what--”
“Shh,” you were finally forced past the door and it slammed behind you, nearly catching your skirt.
You sat up and pulled on the door handle but it didn’t budge. You couldn’t pull up the locks and your fingers just slid down the switches. Even the windows wouldn’t roll down.
“Who are you? What are you doing?” you kicked the door desperately, “please--”
“Hurry up,” the passenger growled, “don’t wanna keep the boss waiting.”
“Hey! I’m talking to you--”
“And you better stop,” the driver pulled out a gun and turned to point it at you, “close those sweet little lips and be a good girl. We got a far way to go, doll.”
You swallowed and pushed yourself back against the vinyl seat. The driver turned forward and shoved the keys in the slot as the other bent around the console and reached to snatch your clutch from you. He wrestled with you for a moment then ripped it away. He took out your phone and waved it triumphantly as the car began to move.
“Please, what--”
“Don’t make me tell you to shut up again,” the driver warned as he focused on the road, “god damn maniac got me out in the middle of the night with this shit.”
“It’ll be a good cut,” the other man said, “can’t complain about a late night if I’m getting paid.”
“The boss? Who--”
“Fuck, you ever know when to shut up?” The passenger turned to glare at you, “you’re really not doing yourself any favours so please.”
He looked forward again and flipped on the radio. He turned the dial so you were deafened by the raucous tones of hair metal. You cradled your ears and huffed as you fell back against the seat. The street lights flashed down on the seat beside you as you passed and you shook your head.
This wasn’t a coincidence. It couldn’t be. But the question still remained; who exactly was Clark Kent?
You screamed as the man dragged you out of the car. The other came around to grab your other arm as you swiped out with your nails. Your ankles bent under you as you tried to stop yourself on the mosaic stonework. The large mansion loomed over you in the dark, still night. The party was over and all the cars were gone.
You writhed as they forced you through the front door and you tried futilely to shake off the larger men. Your chest hammered with panic and you leaned back as you were dragged up the stairs. You grunted as you wriggled and hissed at how they twisted your arms back and held them firmly.
“Please, please, just let me go--”
“Well, doll, we’ve come this far,” the driver snickered, “you really think you can get out now?”
“I don’t-- who are you? Why are you doing this?”
You were dragged towards the pair of pale doors that stood open as they offered a peek of the studio within. The amber glow of a lamp washed over shadows and limned the lines of the overturned easel as you were taken inside. You whined as the men stopped just past the doors.
Clark sat in the same chair he sat in for your sessions. He smirked as his eyes fell upon you but your own skittered over to Marcus as he sat on the stool by the table of paints. You blinked and batted away tears of disbelief with your lashes. His eye was swollen and his lip split; thick rope held his wrists behind his back and coiled around his torso and legs.
“Let her go, close the door,” Clark demanded, “I can handle her.”
The moment the hands left your arms, you spun but an arm caught you swiftly around the waist. You were flung back so you sprawled across the floor. You cried out as you met the polished wood and your body rang with pain.
“Hey,” Clark warned and his footsteps neared you as you pushed yourself up on shaky arms, “that doesn’t happen again, got it?”
“Sorry, boss, I was just--”
“Go,” Clark barked as he knelt and took your arm.
The doors slid closed with a harsh snap and you hit Clark’s chest as he tried to pull you up to your feet. You dug your heels into the floor and pushed yourself away from him. You turned and got up on your knees. You climbed to your feet but he was quick to block your path to the doors.
“You left so suddenly,” he crossed his arms, “not even a goodbye?”
“Fuck you. Fuck both of you,” you sneered, “I heard your offer,” you paused and looked around at Marcus, “and I heard you too. I’m not a whore.”
“Sweetheart, I know you’re not,” Clark said patronizingly, “but apparently he doesn’t.”
“Whatever, let me go, I don’t want either of you,” you snarled.
You tried to brush past him and he grabbed your arms and backed you up. “Sweetheart, I don’t have to pay for it. Understand that. And we did settle on a deal but I’m not paying for your services.”
“What-- Why--”
“I’m paying him to watch,” Clark winked, “I want him to see how he fucked up. I want him to see what a real man can do for you.”
“I’m not interested,” you tried to shrug him off but he held firm, “get off of me, Clark. We’re done. I’m sending you your money back and I don’t want to see you again.”
“Where are you gonna go, huh? No job, no prospects, no money?”
“I did alright before you, I can take care of myself--”
“Sweetheart,” he framed your chin with his hand and leaned in, “this is where we make a deal of our own…” his blue eyes clung to yours as he lowered his voice, “you can go along with it and the boy gets to walk off with just a couple bruises or… he doesn’t leave this room on his feet.”
Your eyes rounded and your lip quivered. You sucked in air and steeled yourself.
“I told you, I’m done with both of you,” you hissed.
“Uh huh, but I know you’re not gonna let him die just like that,” he turned his hand and rubbed your cheek, “besides, neither of us are stupid. I saw how you look at me and you know what lies behind those eyes.”
“No, I don’t…” you uttered and looked back at Marcus. He squirmed on the stool helplessly as he stared at you intently, begging you silently as he bit down on the gag. “Why are you doing this?”
“Shhh, sweetheart,” he trailed his finger over your lower lip, “it’s okay. Haven’t I been good to you?”
“I can’t… please, don’t make me do this.”
“Come on, let’s sit down,” he dropped his hand as his other clung to your arm, “we have some things to sort out first.”
He pulled on you and you locked your legs. After a moment, your knees buckled and you let him lead you over to the chair. He sat and drew you onto his lap. You sat stiffly as his hand tickled your lower back and crawled up to pick at the straps of your dress.
“You see everything I have, everything I can do,” he said staunchly, “I can snap his neck as easily as I snap my fingers,” his other hand settled on your knee and squeezed. He nuzzled your shoulder and grazed your skin with his lips, “and even if it came to that, I’d still have you, sweetheart. This isn’t about what I get, I know my prize, this is about you and how you want things to go.”
You shuddered and shakily touched your neck. You hated the way his fingertips sent shivers through you and his lips made your stomach churn. You stopped his hand as it crawled up your leg.
“I… I only wanted to paint,” you said numbly.
“And did you really think that was all I wanted? A painter?” he scoffed and slipped his hand from beneath yours. He felt along the slit of the dress and shoved his hand beneath the fabric.
“I don’t… know…” you squeezed your thighs together as his fingers curled into your flesh.
“You really want to make this difficult? Sweetheart, you can’t even begin to know who I am and what I can do. This is just a taste.”
“Wh-why me?” you stuttered as he forced his hand between your legs and kneaded your flesh.
“Why not?” he replied.
He slapped your thick lightly and urged you off of him. You stood and he reached beneath his jacket as you wobbled on your weak legs and looked at Marcus desperately. He shook his head and let it slump down on his chest.
“Now, Marcus,” Clark revealed a dark pistol, “we talked about this. If you want your money, you don’t get to look away.”
You stared at the barrel as he pointed it at Marcus and lifted a brow. You flinched as your emotions swirled in your stomach and every one of your nerves was set alight.
“Sweetheart, you have one minute to make up your mind,” he pulled back the hammer, “as much as that looks gorgeous on you, I want you in only this.”
He pushed his fingers into his pants pocket and pulled out the diamond necklace. He held it out and the gems twinkled in lowlight. You swallowed and reached to take them from him.
“Who are you?” you asked as you hooked your fingers through the chain.
He chuckled and ran his fingers along his beard, “I’m exactly who you need me to be.��
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sunder-soul · 4 years
The Last of Your Rules
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.    
Part 1 ★ Part 2 ★ Part 3 ☆ Part 4         
Summary: Reader figures out a set of rules to survive navigating their FWB relationship with Tom Riddle, which goes great until he starts breaking them one by one. Wordcount: 3.2k Content warning: explicit sex, language.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.   
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You resolve to avoid him for a bit and let whatever he’s clearly going through blow over – but your plan is immediately compromised the following Monday.
“We will be brewing our next project in pairs!” Slughorn says loudly, clapping his hands with a wide grin. “Your partners will be assigned randomly, so please take your seats!”
Everyone falls silent at once, the excitement palpable. You wink at Opal next to you, hoping that she’ll be your partner as Slughorn waves his wand and sends tiny little slips of parchment whizzing across the room onto your desks. You seize yours at once, unrolling it only to see –
Tom Riddle.
You blink. The memory of the kiss immediately comes back to you, and excitement stirs in your chest at the chance to talk to him outside of your meetings, at the hours you’d need to spend together in class for the potion –
You catch your train of thought and horror dawns on you at its implication.
No… have I… did I…
The class is moving around and chattering excitedly to their partners as you quietly slip up to the front of the room.
“Everything alright?” Slughorn asked jovially.
“Yes, sir,” you say quickly, “only – I was wondering if I might change partners, sir.”
“Oh?” Slughorn’s brows raise. “Who are you paired with?”
You hold out the parchment, and Slughorn unrolls it. He looks even more surprised when he sees the name. “You… wish to change partners?” he asks slowly.
You nod.
“Tom’s a capable lad,” Slughorn says seriously, frowning, “a very capable lad. In fact, I couldn’t have picked a better partner for you myself.”
“Please, sir,” you press, trying not to sound desperate. “Is it possible to change?”
Slughorn pauses for a moment longer, and then leans back against his desk. “Yes of course,” he says, waving a hand and nodding. “If you really want.”
“I do,” you say immediately.
“Langley!” Slughorn calls, beckoning the boy forward.
You breathe a sigh of relief as the red-haired boy leaps from his seat and hurries forward. Langley is an idiot, but at that moment he’s a hell of a lot better than Riddle.
“Who’s your partner, Langley?” Slughorn asks him.
“Chester, sir,” Langley replies quickly.
“Tell Chester that he’s with Riddle,” Slughorn says busily, “you’re being reassigned.”
Langley glances at you curiously but with unmistakeable glee. “Yes, sir,” he says with a barely concealed smile.
You resist the urge to roll your eyes and turn back to your seat – only to find Riddle’s piercing gaze fixed on you from the back of the room. You hesitate automatically, and have to physically wrench your eyes off of him as you hurry away, trying to ignore the feeling of his lingering gaze for the rest of the class.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.  
That evening in the library whilst you’re bent over your Potions notes, Riddle suddenly yanks back the seat opposite you and sits down. “Did you ask Slughorn to change partners?” he demands colourlessly.
You try to hide your surprise – he never sits with you in public. “Yes, of course I did,” you say calmly.
“Why?” he asks sharply.
You quirk a brow. “Are you joking?”
“No, I am not,” he says mechanically, lacing his fingers together and giving you a very cool look.
“Riddle,” you say dryly, leaning towards him. “That assignment would require that we spend hours together working on that potion, I didn’t think that would be a particularly good idea.”
“Why not?” he asks at once, eyes not leaving yours.
You scoff and lean back. “Don’t be obtuse.”
His eyes narrow ever-so-slightly. “Because of our arrangement?”
“Exactly,” you mutter.
Riddle’s expression is unmoved. “What exactly did you expect would happen?” he asks flatly.
You sigh, frustrated. “Listen, I’m not trying to imply that we’d bloody fall in love or anything,” you mutter, seizing your quill again, “but it’s still just a stupid idea.”
Riddle is silent, and after a long moment you glance at him. He’s just as composed as before, but there’s a strange tension to his posture. “Riddle,” you say carefully, “are you… alright?”
It’s as if you had snapped your fingers in front of his face; Riddle stands at once. “Yes,” he says coldly. “See you in class.”
He’s gone before you can even say goodbye. You stare after him, utterly bemused. He’s such a nutcase sometimes…
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.  
Tonight, 9pm.
You stare at the note in shock, your head telling you, screaming at you that the smart thing to do is to crumple it in your hand and ignore him.
You refold the note and nod as you pick up your quill again, knowing without checking that his eyes are on you.
He’s already there when you arrive. Riddle’s fingers curl around the strap of your bag and pull it off your shoulder the second you get the door shut, tugging up your jumper and dropping it carelessly to the ground. His fingers dance across your blouse and the buttons spontaneously spring apart one after the next as he walks you back against the wall, and seconds later he’s unclasping your bra with deft fingers. Riddle’s expression is hungry. It makes you nervous in a very good way.
Riddle picks you up again and you wrap your legs around his hips at once. He presses his mouth to your collarbone, trailing downwards and leaving burning electricity behind, and then his lips gently close around your nipple and you gasp. Riddle’s eyes flash up to yours at the sound, and you watch, hypnotised, as his lips tease you there, staring mesmerised at the dark waves of his hair above his burning eyes, at the fine angles of his brows, his lips, his eyes, his mouth on your skin –
Riddle lifts his head and you pull him into a kiss, hungry for him, too. The intensity is almost comforting, far away from that dangerous slowness.
When you’re done, Riddle doesn’t even hesitate once his uniform is back to its usual immaculate tidiness. “Goodnight,” he nods politely, leaving at once.
Back to normal, then, you think as you wander back to the common room. That’s a relief.
But that night in your bed, the memory of the way he’d kissed you comes back again, that slowness, that softness, that hot, gentle pressure…
Warmth spreads through your chest and you frown deeply, rolling over and punching your pillow into place.
That needs to stop. There’s no way you can catch feelings for Tom Riddle.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.  
Today, 12:15.
You slide the note into your pocket, thoughts whirring. It’s hardly the first time he’s suggested you meet during the day, but with the past week you’d had, things were decidedly getting weirder.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.  
You bite Riddle’s shoulder hard as pleasure overcomes you, listening to it overcoming him too, your body slick with sweat and your mind blank with nothing but the sound of his breath, tense and sharp through his nose. His hands are against your face, turning you to him and kissing you again, and you’re delirious, kissing him back without even thinking, your arms tightening around his neck and pulling him closer. You’re still hungry for him like your appetite can never be sated, your legs wrapped around his hips where he still has you pinned against the wall. His hands hold you to him firmly, his lips moving against yours in that slow, dangerous way –
You realise what you’re doing very suddenly, pulling back at once. You stare at each other, and you feel a surreal exhilaration like you’re teetering at the edge of a cliff.
“I should go,” you whisper, not moving.  
Riddle nods slightly, not looking away. He doesn’t move either.
You can’t stop yourself. Your eyes drop to his lips again and then back up as quickly as you can – but not fast enough to escape his notice. Riddle’s eyes flicker and he slowly leans in again, stopping right before your lips, watching you like a hawk.
It’s a bad idea.
It’s a very bad idea.
Breaking the rules is already making some very confusing things stir in your chest, but... Riddle’s lips are kiss-swollen and slick, his hair tousled from where you’d been carding your fingers through it, his dark eyes hooded and burning. You’ve never wanted him more.
Fuck it...
You close the final inch and kiss him hungrily, and his hand comes up to your jaw and pulls you closer, slow and hot in that way that made heat curl in you stomach. You sigh, your arms tightening around his neck as he tilts his head to kiss you deeper.
“Riddle,” you murmur after what felt like an eternity, pulling back, “I… really do have to go.”
Riddle’s eyes dart between yours, and then he nods curtly and lets you down.
He leaves without a word and you’re still nearly late to Herbology.
So that’s Rule One and Two just completely in shambles, you think, shaking your head as you speed towards the Greenhouses. What in Merlin’s name is going on?
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.  
The confusion only triples in Potions that very afternoon.
Tonight, 8pm.
You gape at the note.
Riddle wants to meet twice in the same day? This is getting ridiculous. The weird behaviour, the frequent meetings, the dangerous feelings growing tenaciously in your chest… It makes you all the more certain that something very weird is going on, and there is absolutely no way you’re going to meet him.
“Have you been listening?”
You jump, hastily looking around at Langley. “Huh?”
“Are you going to…” he gestures at the ingredients in front of you that you’re supposed to be preparing.
“Oh right,” you mutter, slipping the note into your pocket and seizing your silver knife, slicing the Deadlyius mushrooms into thin slivers at lightning speed.
“Langley,” you say through gritted teeth, “if you add moonstone powder to the potion at this stage, you’ll make the entire cauldron melt.”
“Oh,” he frowns, putting down the moonstone. “But… the instructions say –”
“To mix it fourteen times counter-clockwise, and then add the moonstone.”
“Oh,’ he says again, reaching for the ladle.
You seize his wrist. “Counter-clockwise, Langley.”
You manage to stop Langley from utterly ruining your potion before the bell rings, and you leave it simmering in the backroom for you to resume on Monday.
“Good God,” you mutter to Opal as you leave, dragging your hands down your face, “Langley is absolutely hopeless.”
“No sympathy,” she scoffs, “you could have been with Tom Riddle, and you chose to give that up.”
You don’t reply, glaring stonily at the floor. She can’t know that being with Riddle would be a hundred times worse for an entirely different reason.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.  
Saturday morning breaks over the Castle with a light snowfall and an icy chill in the air that puts a spring in your step, but your good mood is threatened half-way through lunch.
“Excuse my interruption.”
You look around from your conversation with Felicia and Opal to find Riddle with an intimidatingly composed expression on his face, his hands clasped tidily behind him. Your friends start giggling again, whispering to each other behind their hands – which both you and Riddle ignore.
“Yes?” you say slowly.
“Could I speak with you a moment, please?” he asks politely, stepping to the side and gesturing to the door. Felicia and Opal erupt into even louder giggles as your brows shoot up.
“Er… sure,” you say slowly, standing and follow him from the Hall, viscerally aware of the many pairs of curious eyes watching you go.
Out in the Entrance Hall, Riddle steps swiftly towards the dungeons and down the stairs, and you follow him down to the broom closet where you usually meet. He wrenches the door open and stands aside, glancing down the corridor with a tense expression.
“Riddle, what –”
“After you,” he interrupts coolly, indicating through the door.
You hesitate, suddenly rather intimidated. Slowly you step past him, and Riddle shuts the door smartly behind him.
“What’s going –” you begin.
“Where were you last night?” Riddle interrupts again, tone sharp.
You stare. “…What?”
“Last night, I asked you to meet me,” he snaps.
“I didn’t want to,” you frown.
Riddle glares at you intensely. “You didn’t want to,” he repeats contemptuously.
“Is there a problem?” you ask, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Why didn’t you want to?” he demands, stepping closer.
“Geez Riddle, I’m not obligated to have sex with you whenever you want,” you snap.
Riddle falters, his brow furrowing at once. “That’s not –”
“I know you rather famously have very little interest in my life, but I do actually have one you know, I can’t be on your goddamn beck and call whenever you want to let off steam,” you continue angrily, gesturing in frustration.
Riddle looks extraordinarily taken aback. “I didn’t mean –”
“You’ve been acting weird for ages, what the hell is going on?” you interrupt, glaring at him.
Riddle blinks, and then his expression becomes impossibly composed. “I don’t know what you mean,” he says coolly, standing up straighter.
“Oh? Don’t you?” you narrow your eyes, stepping closer.
He doesn’t crack, his eyes impervious as they flick between yours.
“I’m going to go back to lunch,” you breathe, “I’ll see you later.”
“Wait,” he says sharply, catching your arm as you try to pass him.
“What?” you snap, turning to him.
Riddle hesitates. Suddenly you realise exactly how close you are, feeling the tension shift, seeing his eyes drop to your lips –
You both lean in at the same time, your hands immediately tangling into his hair as you kiss him hard and he pulls you close. He’s ravenous again, insatiable, the most demanding you’d ever seen him, and all too soon he has you on the brink, pushed up against the wall of the closet with hard thrusts making you dizzy with pleasure, his lips covering yours as you finish like he’s consuming the moans he’s drawing from you – but when the waves of pleasure fade, the kiss does not.
Riddle’s hands slide up your hips, kissing you slowly as you breathe hard, as your eyes finally open and you draw away. Riddle stares at you, and you at him.
Suddenly, it clicks.
“This… isn’t enough for you anymore, is it?” you say quietly.
Riddle freezes. A long, tense silence passes. “What do you mean?” he asks coolly.
“Is that why you’ve been asking me to meet you so much?” you ask carefully, watching him. “Is this not filling your appetite like it used to?”
His expression is taut, his hands unmoving on your body and his eyes slightly wide. After a very long pause, he finally speaks. “No,” he breathes. “It’s not.”
“Maybe this isn’t what you need, then,” you say quietly.
His brow furrows again.
“We should stop this,” you say carefully.
“No,” Riddle repeats sharply, very quickly.
You don’t bother trying to hide your surprise at the intensity of his response. Riddle’s jaw tenses and he leans in again, his lips pressing hard against yours, but you push him away by his shoulders. He exhales in frustration, glaring at you.
“What we’re doing won’t make you feel better, Riddle,” you say slowly. “It’ll always leave you hungry.”
“Why?” he snaps, looking irritated. “It didn’t used to.”
“Maybe it used to be enough.”
“Why do I still want it, then?” he breathes, leaning in aggressively. “Why do I want…” he trails off, something working in his jaw in the way that usually means something’s really frustrating him.
Oh I see.
“Riddle,” you begin cautiously, “have you… ever…”
“What?” he demands, eyes narrowing.
You let your head fall back on the wall. “Have you ever been in love?”
Riddle reacts like you’ve electrocuted him, drawing back sharply and staring at you with open hostility.
“I don’t think you’re in love with me, don’t worry,” you say quickly. “I just mean… this is sort of a cheap imitation of that,” you gesture between the two of you. “Maybe you should think about looking for something… real.”
Riddle looks at you suspiciously, but with something undeniably (and reluctantly) curious. “What do you mean?” he asks slowly.
“It’s different when you’re in love.”
“Different how?” he demands at once.
“Have you ever been touched like that?” you cock your head.
Riddle hesitates, looking strangely… nervous? “Like what?” he says quietly, watching you warily.
It’s a bad idea.
It’s a very bad idea.
You reach your hand up to his face as slowly as you dare and very gently let your fingers trace up the curve of his cheek, his warm, soft skin just barely textured with the faintest pull of stubble, before you reach up further. You softly brush his hair to the side of his forehead and let your fingers push through it slightly. He has lovely hair – well, all of him is lovely, but his hair in particular, thick and soft and dark. You’d always liked touching it, though this is different, of course. This isn’t fiery and filled with desire, intense and hungry. This is reverence, feather-light like he’s something precious that would break if you touch too firmly.
Riddle’s eyes are fixed on yours, and as you meet his gaze again something you don’t care to name stirs in your chest. You gently place your palm against his cheek and lean in, hesitating at the last second, wondering exactly how bad an idea it is. Riddle’s expression hasn’t changed, his eyes flicking between yours. You blink slowly, gaze dropping to his lips, and then you push forward and close the last millimetres between you, kissing him very, very softly.
The dangerous feeling immediately swells up inside you, coursing even stronger when Riddle takes a long breath and lifts his hand to your face too, holding you to him as his lips move gently on yours. You wrap your legs tighter around him but the kiss stays slow, warm, gentle, dangerous –
You reluctantly draw away, but only just. It’s very hard to ignore how fast your heart is beating as you met Riddle’s gaze, dark and burning. “Like that,” you whisper, cheeks aflame.
A long silence falls as he stares at you, as you stare back, trapped beneath his gaze.
“Why is it different?” Riddle asks quietly.
You swallow nervously, knowing that you need to get out of this situation as fast as possible before your inconvenient feelings become completely unignorable. “I…” you whisper, unable to answer. “I don’t…”
Riddle blinks, his brows drawing together slightly, and to your horror he slowly starts to lean in again –
“I need to go,” you say hastily, looking down and breaking his gaze. “I – I have to do extra prep for Potions. Bloody Langley screwed ours up so bad.”
There’s a very painful silence.
“I see,” Riddle says mechanically, before letting you down.
You’d never felt awkward whilst tidying up before, but you certainly do then.
“I’ll see you on Monday,” you mutter to him, escaping out the door as fast as you can. Your cheeks are still warm and your heart is still pounding, so you beeline straight for the dorm to hide until your stupid reaction fades. If you come back from seeing Riddle looking like that, Opal and Felicia would never let you hear the last of it.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.  
Part 1 ★ Part 2 ★ Part 3 ☆ Part 4      
@the-almond-dinger 💕 
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knivescharade · 4 years
时尚芭莎 Harper’s Bazaar | Xiao Zhan Wang Yibo: Ask not of whence we came, but where we will go
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Xiao Zhan
White t-shirt, brown knit turtleneck, black wool sweater with zipper – Prada
Black trousers – Lanvin
 Wang Yibo
Floral short-sleeved shirt – All Saints
White cowboy jacket – JTKZHENG
<The Untamed> is Xiao Zhan’s first time filming at “Heng Country” (i.e. Hengdian World Studios), and it is also Wang Yibo’s first time filming an ancient drama. Just how much charm does the <The Untamed> have to earn both young actors’ first times? #Harper’sBazaar# #XiaoZhanWangYibospecialedition, let’s talk about their first times, and their stories of youths in the jianghu~
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Xiao Zhan
Black open shirt – Uma Wang
Black agate gourd necklace – Qeelin
 Wang Yibo
Black shirt – Heaven Gaia
Black long-sleeved shirt – Yohji Yamamoto
Black leather belt – model’s own
Xiao Zhan - A smiling journey between worlds
Xiao Zhan somewhat “dislikes” Wei Wuxian’s propensity for crying, and he spent the entire filming period with constantly reddened eyes.  Those few months of filming, from Hengdian to Guizhou. Xiao Zhan has finally said goodbye to Wei Wuxian, and advises him, “Wei Wuxian, don’t pretend to be strong anymore, take good care of yourself.”
The image of Wei Wuxian, in Xiao Zhan’s mind, is that of a “very naughty teenager.” Despite experiencing so much hardship, Wei Wuxian is still able to maintain his cheerful demeanour. There are lots of times where we have to face something we do not want to face – and that is the only way we can become stronger. “That is growth,” Xiao Zhan says.
In the show, Wei Wuxian chose to face life with his emotions bared, smiling and scolding as he goes. Xiao Zhan has discussed this with the screenwriters – how can a person who has undergone so much misfortune still be able to smile? And finally, Xiao Zhan found the character’s foundation: “Wei Wuxian’s temperament is a kind one, an optimistic one. A temperament like that would not change, no matter how the story progressed.”
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Black jacket – Sean Suen
Black wide-legged trousers – Yohji Yamamoto
Xiao Zhan’s favourite scenes were during Wei Wuxian’s growing years in Lotus Pier – he feels that it is a warm and caring place. The motto of Lotus Pier’s Jiang Clan is “To attempt the impossible.” “So, within that broad expanse of what is morally right, you are free to grow in however way you want.” Xiao Zhan explains.
It was love, and its support, that allowed Wei Wuxian to experience the drastic changes in his life without turning evil. Xiao Zhan says, “Wei Wuxian’s upbringing at Lotus Pier instilled a correct set of values in him.”
To Xiao Zhan, Lan Wangji is “principled and calm, a person who talks little but burns with feelings inside.” As for his first time working with Wang Yibo, Xiao Zhan is full of praises, “It was quite easy to get into character, acting with him. When I first met Wang Yibo, I felt like this person has a sort of cold aura to him, a sense of distance. That sense of strangers, do not interact – Lan Wangji is like that.”
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The “reunion” between Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, sixteen years later, is the climax of the entire show. They filmed that scene from 8pm at night to 4am the next morning, Xiao Zhan remembers. The scene had very high requirements of the actors’ emotions, and the camera angle, blocking, and aesthetic of the scenes had to be coordinated perfectly. “It took quite a while.” Xiao Zhan says.
<The Untamed> is Xiao Zhan’s first time filming at “Heng Country”. “It lives up to its name – it has everything. I can take two steps and bump into a friend!” Xiao Zhan comments with surprise.
During break times between scenes, the young adults of the cast would gather round to play games. Wang Yibo, the gaming aficionado, often scorns Xiao Zhan’s not-so-good gaming skills. “I just feel that, is there a need to be so serious about entertaining fun.” He is of the opinion that everyone having a good time is enough for him.
“I would like to try acting as a charming, black-hearted villain.” Xiao Zhan replies earnestly, when asked what other kind of role he would like to try. He hopes to portray a character who has a personality completely opposite of his, in the future.
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Black high-collared shirt – Calvin Klein Jeans
Black wool sweater – Acne Studios
BAZAAR X Xiao Zhan
Q: What is something you most want to say to Wei Wuxian?
A: Stop pretending to be so strong, take good care of yourself and your loved ones.
Q: Of the whole filming period, what is something unforgettable that you may, perhaps, remember for the rest of your life?
A: There was one scene that required filming in the water, a manmade lake, made by the crewmembers.  The initial plan was to film that scene right after  shooting commenced. During then, the weather still wasn’t very cold, and the water was very clean, but we ended up dragging it out for about one or two months before we finally shot it. By then, the weather had gotten cold, and the water had gotten not-so-clean, and I had to submerge my whole body into it, including my head. It was truly unforgettable.
 Q: Looking back at the entire drama shoot, which scene are you most satisfied with? And why?
A: I’m pretty satisfied with the emotional scenes I did. But I have the impression that, filming this show, I basically kept filming crying scenes, crying and sobbing my way through. I’m also not sure why Wei Wuxian likes to cry so much?
Wang Yibo - The passion within an aloof teenager
His first time acting in an ancient drama, Wang Yibo had not expected it to be so difficult. The sweltering World Studios, the unnatural headpiece. He is much like Lan Wangji, a cold, wordless exterior hiding a burning, passionate heart. Wang Yibo’s comment on his portrayal of Lan Wangji, after filming ended, “You’re rather handsome.”
<The Untamed> is Wang Yibo’s first time filming an ancient drama. Under the sweltering heat of Hengdian, he experienced his first headpiece. During the performance, the headpiece pulls forcefully on the actors’ scalps, making the facial muscles rather tight. As a result, actors require a lot more control of their facial muscles to portray the required movements and expressions. “That’s why they say ancient dramas are more tiring,” Wang Yibo concludes.
Wang Yibo had to perform with layers and layers of costumes on him, despite the heat of the Hengdian summer. Though the robes he wore in the show appear elegant, they are still long draping robes, no matter how light and breathable the fabric is. Luckily, Lan Wangji doesn’t have a lot of lines. “No lines, so I didn’t need to memorize anything. But I had a lot of fight scenes.”
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Grey high-necked shirt – Undercover
Grey half-skirt – 上下
Lan Wangji experienced three stages of his life in the drama. In Wang Yibo’s opinion, interpreting the older Lan Wangji was indeed difficult. But teenage Lan Wangji was what Wang Yibo anticipated the most.
It took Wang Yibo many tries before he grasped the real Lan Wangji, at the start of filming. “He has a deadpan face, but his mind is confident and planned out. His gaze had to be very firm. I didn’t grasp that at the very beginning, so it felt a bit like he’s sleepy.” Wang Yibo describes how he appeared at the start of filming. After some guidance from the director, Wang Yibo immediately altered his portrayal, and his gaze livened up.
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In the show, Lan Wangji grew up in a strict, stern household. Solemn and dignified for his young age, he felt that “some things should be done properly,” until he met Wei Wuxian. It was this “mischievous but earnest” person who opened the doors to a new world for Lan Wangji. “It was Wei Wuxian’s appearance that changed Lan Wangji’s views.”
Wang Yibo, like Lan Wangji, is not a person who likes to talk. Despite his speechlessness, Lan Wangji is very confident in the things he is skilled at, and Wang Yibo is similar as well. In order to approach Lan Wangji’s body appearance, Wang Yibo lost a lot of weight, and his gaze grew calm and cold.
Once he puts on the robes of Lan Wangji, sunny, cheerful Wang Yibo turns into that silent and reserved youth, who has a mind and logic of his own.
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White high-collared shirt – Allen Xie
White knit wool sweater – Short Sentence
BAZAAR X Wang Yibo
Q: What is something you most want to say to Lan Wangji?
A: You’re rather handsome.
 Q: Of the whole filming period, what is something unforgettable that you may, perhaps, remember for the rest of your life?
A: Something unforgettable that I may remember for the rest of my life… I guess it’s that smoke cake. Once we set it off, it feels like you can’t see anyone more than one metre away from you, that kind of scene.
 Q: Looking back at the entire drama shoot, which scene are you most satisfied with? And why?
A: The fight scenes were quite alright. As for a particular scene, let me think… When I first appeared, when Wei Wuxian first went to the Cloud Recesses. I think Lan Wangji’s coldness there was quite alright.
[Source: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Lb7qRH5DIp47ICFLV17AXg]
- translated by knivescharade -
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mochii0park · 3 years
metanoia; 01 | kth
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Title: Metanoia
Pairing: Taehyung / Reader
Part of series: Waterlilies and Japanese Bridge
Genre: angst I collage!au
Pairing: student!reader x photographer!taeyhung
Word count: 4,7k
Summary: Vante, a household name among photographers became known for his minimalistic photography style that came along with his secret persona. Never showing his face on his own exhibitions fueled the public’s desire to learn more about him which skyrocketed his fame. While preparing for his next exhibition Vante went missing. Disappeared into thin air and even now a year later was never found.
Author’s note: I am very conscious of any grammar mistakes. Although I have read this chapter three times I am sure I’ve missed some so bare with me. 
On another note, I have switched the dates of the chapters for Saudade and Metanoia. Since this story got more attention compared to Sauade I’ve decided to write it before the date.
This is my first attempt at writing on this platform and I hope it will reach out to a wider range of readers and catch your interest. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Taglist: @ggukkieland​ @honig-und-millch​ , @deliciousdetectivestranger ,
Metanoia masterlist
< intro | next chapter >
You sink into the overaged draggled yellow chair, catching second-hand embarrassment at the sight before you. The boy walked about, his thrusts were not enough to keep the neon hula hoop from falling. He attempts to fumble his way out of the mess, but it was too late. The left ankle twists itself and before you know it, he hits headfirst against the wooden flooring. The professors rush towards him, medics following behind. The boy tries to pull himself up but fails his body slumping against the stage. To your left Mingi snorts, stuffing his face with popcorn amused by the scene playing out.
“I don’t mean to sound rude or whatever, but people need to search up the meaning of talent before their eyes skip to the word show.” Minnie ruckles her nose, her mouth loop sided.
“I find this highly entertaining,” Mingi speaks up, mouth full of food. He takes a sip of the cold beverage rested in his lap and shakes the mixture before swallowing.
To his left Yeonjun shudders at him, “Talent or not I would rather replay that scene than watch Mingi be a slob. It makes me want to bleach my eyes out.”
Mingi rolls his eyes ignoring Yeonjun as he pops more popcorn, oblivious to his own weird antics. Although the four of you are friends for years, Mingi managed to take you all by surprise with his uncanny behaviour.
The second act starts and suddenly you contemplate your university choice. Reasonably the overbearing staff of your university wanted the timid first years to feel welcomed hence this so-called show. In hindsight, you think a friendly party would’ve been just as good.
Halfway through the act, you feel a light tap on your shoulders, professor Kim Namjoon stands there like a sore thumb in the mass of students’ bodies. With his hovering height, freshly dyed purple hair and the rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose he was sure to stand out. He shifts his footing from one to the other foot anxiously waiting for you to follow him, few students commenting on the disruptions that his appearance caused.
You observe him for a second, accompanying him out of the theatre into the cold November air. He fumbles through his leather briefcase before fishing out a small, crumpled flyer. Opening it he shoves it into your hands while tweaking his glasses.
“I have a favour to ask you Y/N. There will be a course taking place here and I would love for you to attend it with your peculiar friends.” He says emphasising the word peculiar.
You knew that Mingi gave Namjoon the creeps even though the latter denied it.
You push back the flyer spinning on the balls of your feet ready to join your friends.
“Y/L-…”, Namjoon groans, “Do it for your brother-in-law.”
Widening your eyes, you look at him shaking your head.” This isn’t the time to use our family relations to bribe me into a stupid course.”
“Did you even read what’s it about?”, you take the flyer from his hands skimming through it.
Photography course
Length: 10th November till 10th June
Time: Friday, 6pm -8pm
Attendance: Third years and above
Equipment not needed for the course
Your eyes pause at the date, laughing releasing itself from your chest. Surely Namjoon was kidding when suggesting this. You were in your last year which meant you would soon be flooded with work for your final project. In conclusion, there was barely enough time for you set foot out of your studies let alone attend another one of the university’s poor attempts to make a course for students to bond over.
“You understand I’m in my last year. I don’t have time to go out and have fun with my friends. How in the world did you think I would fit a whole-ass course?”
Namjoon releases a breath running a hand through his thick hair, desperation evident on his face.” I am sorry to have to do this, but I am cashing in my favour.”
You become stiff mouth agape, incoherent vowels coming out of you. It takes you a few seconds to gather your thoughts, “you promised to not cash it in. You gave me your word.”
“And you gave me yours.” Namjoon retored sassily, finger pointing at you, “I won’t tell Sunmi if you promise to do me a favour when the time comes.”
Pushing your tongue against the palate, you try to control the boiling anger.
The incident happened four years ago, back when you were still figuring out your college life. Namjoon and you were acquaintances, sharing one elective course called German Literature. Needless to say, both of you suffered greatly.
By the end of the year, you noticed your sister piqued Namjoon’s interest. Grossed out by the idea of your older sister engaging in any kind of relationship/activity with a twenty-three-year-old, you kept your distance until the faithful day.
Choi San was the synonym for the devil himself. With his fiery red hair and dazzling cat-like eyes, he lured you into his messy life of illegal parties and binge drinking. You still find yourself cringing at his pathetic excuses of professing his undying love to you when it was all under false pretences. His eyes bearing into your naïve soul, pulling your heart out and wrenching it until your friends came to pick up the pieces.
Sitting in the police station you counted down minutes before your older sister would burst through the door and finally decide to disown you. With your head nested between your knees you suck in the tears threatening to spill, the euphoria from the alcohol long gone. You’ve dialled Mingi’s number first, the others were a no go when it came to answering their phones. He picked up in a matter of seconds. After explaining the situation, you figured he would bring his own parents to bail you out instead Namjoon comes first, after him a stressed Minnie trying to keep up the pace with him and a Yeonjun who’s pulling his masks further over his nose in a lame attempt to be unrecognizable. Mingi idly meanders behind them in his pyjamas with not one care in the world. Namjoon pulls a small amount of money handing the police officer and not long after you were free.
At that moment you’ve truly recognized your friends as the people you wanted to keep in your life forever. Namjoon jokingly said he would someday cash in his favour. Little did you know the joke would get over your head.
“You’ve waited for four years to cash it?”
He shrugs and nods lightly. Quickly he composes himself, washing his features of playfulness and switching them up with hopelessness. “It’s really important for me that you and your clique of friends attend this course. Professor Seojoon organized it-“
At the mention of your favourite professor, your eyes light up making Namjoon shudders. The little “crush” you harboured didn’t go unnoticed by him. Putting his hands on your shoulders he gains your attention again before continuing, “his brother is the one to hold the course so you must come. I will put in a good word for you all. Maybe he will go easy on you during quizzes.”
You roll your eyes knowing fully well that you didn’t need Namjoon’s intervention although it was greatly appreciated. Putting the flyer in your back pocket you throw a thumbs up to Namjoon, “Well Minnie and I don’t need any favouritism and I am almost certain you can’t do much for Yeonjun and Mingi seeing as they are in different departments.”
“Oh?” Namjoon’s brows shot up at the revelation, totally dismissing the idea that you know each other any differently than through the classes you attend, “I thought Yeonjun was in the literature department, as for Mingi it’s far-fetched but I didn’t want to sound rude.”
“Actually, Yeonjun is in the Vocal department while Mingi is in the Physics and Astronomy department. He’s also on top of his class, both are.”
Namjoon seems stunned at the information you threw at him, but he recovers swiftly, “Bunch of nerds.” He chuckles at his own jokes before both of you bid goodbyes. You slowly make your way to the cafeteria mind set on pursuing your friends to join you and Namjoon running to the staff meeting hoping to extinguish the chaos caused by the talent show.
Pushing past the mass of people on the campus your sneakers squeak against the pavement, the chatter between the students becoming louder as you push the cafeteria doors. Making your way towards the table in the further left corner you spot Yeonjun’s eye-catching hair. The pink shade fits well against his pale skin making him noticeable from afar. The boy throws a piece of chips at Mingi, the latter catching it mid-air.
The rustling of your chair brings them out of their bubble. Minnie plops her elbows on the table, hand supporting her cheek as she lays it there, eyes staring at you amusingly. Mingi continues to catch Yeonjun’s chips, his attention now slightly focused on you. “How was the talk with professor Namjoon.”
“I need a favour to ask you.”
“Last time you asked for a favour we had to bail you from jail,” Mingi adds face void of any emotion causing Yeonjun to almost choke on the piece of chicken from his plate. Minnie reaches for his head hitting him hard on the back.
“That was four years ago for God’s sake.” You yell, a few students turning bothered by your loud voice disrupting their meal.
Slumping further into the seat, cheeks reddened from the heat of the sudden attention you gained you say quietly, “there is a course taking place this year and I would love if you could attend it.”
Mingi was the first to read the flyer once you push it in the middle of the old table. He hums a couple of times and gives you a thumbs up, unlike Minnie who scoffs.
“A whole semester? Y/N you know this is impossible to juggle this with our final project. As much as I would love to participate you know what you’re asking for is too much.”
You bite your lower lip remembering Namjoon’s words. “I know but professor Seojoon is organizing it, and don’t you think having him on our good side would mean a lot?”
Minnie shrugs and pops the strawberry into her mouth. “I understand, but it’s on Fridays. The only time I can spare for parties and clubs, and you’re asking me to spend it studying something I am not even remotely interested in?”
You turn towards Yeonjun knowing if he agrees Minnie will crumble under the pressure of your group. He scans it quickly and shakes his lightly head from left to right before agreeing to accompany you making Minnie collapse her shoulders in defeat.
“Fine but if it takes too much of my time I am signing out.”
“I love you guys so much.”
“Cut it with the sappy shit, I have piano lessons.” Yeonjun gets up telling you goodbye before he disappears in the ocean of students his pink hair no longer visible. A distant scream could be heard a few seconds after, “I love you too.”
You smile feeling the love of your friends.
“We love you too.” Mingi gets up and places a carton of freshly squeezed apple juice in front of you sending off a small smile. Just like Yeonjun, he’s gone.
Nose buried deep into the book; Taehyung tried his best to mute out his brother’s lame attempts of starting a conversation he never intended to finish. Legs resting on the polished marble table he did his very best to further fuel Seojoon’s irritation. The older one pacing back and forwards provoking Taehyung’s headache.
“If you would just listen to me.”
Kim Taehyung detested surprise, especially those he didn’t catch on early. This one though topped the cake. “There is no need to listen.”
“Quit being stubborn.”
“Oh, the irony.” Taehyung looked up catching his brother’s burning gaze,” contrary to your beliefs, I must say you are the one who’s stubborn here. When a person asks for space and time you give them that instead of forcing them, wait sorry what was the word again? Yeah, lightly pushing them into holding a course. One which they never asked for or showed the desire to hold.”
“You needed a little push in the right direction.”
“Arranging a one-year course isn’t a push you idiot,” Taehyung shouted; the book was long forgotten and tossed aside on his couch. His yell echoed in the empty room causing Seojoon’s to scowl. He found comfort in a small armchair adjacent to the marble table. “You can’t bury yourself in books and spend your days in the atelier. It’s not healthy Taehyung.”
“I don’t remember asking for advice.”
Seojoon was on the verge of giving up, letting the course get cancelled before it even happened hadn’t it been for the twelve people that signed up and Namjoon’s effort to recruit them.
“Look-“he takes a deep breath calming himself, “You can think of it as a one year course, but in reality, it’s eight months. When you count Christmas, New Year, Easter you can cut one month coming to seven months in total. I’ve gone all out for this course, please don’t make me go and explain to my higher-ups why it’s cancelled before it even started.”
Taehyung shut his eyes trying not to feed the growing frustration inside him. Seojoon takes the time to look at his brother, the embodiment of pain. The eyes that used to shine brightly at the sight of new opportunities were now dull and empty, almost as if his soul left the body. It tore him apart to see Taehyung like that, powerless and what added more to his pain was the inability to help him.  
“It’s been a year since I’ve held a class.”
“I know you Taehyung. You are a man of many talents and there is nothing that can convince me otherwise. You need to move forward and face the fear you’ve been holding onto. It’s been a year. Nobody will judge you.” Seojoon’s eyes soften as he walks up to his brother ruffling his hair, hoping that his sincerity got through to him.
“I don’t know Joon.”
Before Seojoon could even start talking Taehyung shakes his head and moves hurriedly reaching for the knob. Seojoon takes a step towards Taehyung, but he doesn’t even give him a chance to speak as he runs right out of the door leaving him alone in the atelier.
The water drips from Taehyung’s wet hair down his face creating a false comfort, the sound of water coated a perfect cover to hide his emotional baggage. It became a habit of his to seek solace in the bathtub surrounded by lavender soaps that Yuna bought. A tradition carried on from their mother to them. The scent took Taehyung back into his childhood spent in his family home in Busan. Carefree of responsibilities and the heavy burden the world carried.
He recalls the delicate touch of his mother’s fingers untangling his locks while singing Elvis’s song can’t help falling in love. Her voice heartening Taehyung as he wept over a dispute he had with his second brother Hyungsik. The vivid memory of his mother placing a kiss on the crown of his head before wiping away the tears from his cheeks.
“Siblings are there to teach you about life,” she whispers softly, “They teach you what it means to be kind, to be fair and to know you will not always be right. They teach you about teamwork, conflict resolution and most importantly Tae they teach you what it is to love and to be loved.”
Opening the door of Seojoon’s study, Taehyung is greeted with a sight to behold. Leaning against the door frame he watches Yuna and Hyungsik dancing in the middle of the muddled room, furniture pushed aside to create more room. They attempted to follow Yuna’s new choreography, Seojoon’s seated in the leather armchair grading assignments although he would glance up occasionally laughing at the duo. More like laugh at Hyungsik’s failed attempts but he didn’t need to know that. Noticing Taehyung’s presence, Yuna runs over linking their arms and pulls him forward oblivious to the slight tension between him and Seojoon.
“Idol my ass, “she scoffs at a gasping Hyungsik, “Taehyungie I need a dance partner for my new choreography. Hyungsik can’t even learn the basics.”
“Not my fault the younger generation goes overboard with their dances and outfits and singing. In my time we relied on our charms, and not how you call it? Fairy ending? What is even that?”
“It’s when idols finish the song, and the camera pans on of them giving them some more love and screen time. Right?” Taehyung looks at Yuna for approval. She places Taehyung’s hand over her shoulder, linking her arms around his waist while he kisses her temple and puts his cheek on top of her head.
“Admit it you’ve gotten old Hyungsik.” Seojoon derides.
That was enough to motivate Hyungsik to crack his fingers and reach for the tablet, “Give me the goddamn tablet. I’ll show you who’s old.” burying his nose into the gadget, he replays the video repeatedly.
By the time he made it through the first segment of the dance, Taehyung was sure he could blindly replicate the choreography himself.
“Couldn’t you ask one of your professors or other idols in training to help you?” Taehyung asks as the two observe Hyungsik’s rusty moves.
“One friend is busy finishing school projects and Jungkook-a has too many events lined up to help. I haven’t seen him since last Friday and I don’t feel comfortable asking Jimin-ssi to practice with me.”
“Isn’t he your professor?”
“Yes and no. He helps the idols which have already debuted in our entertainment company, that’s Jungkook. Jimin-ssi does occasionally step in when other professors are prevented from teaching. But his job is being a full-time professor at the EQ Royal Dance Academy.”
Taehyung nods, the information flying over his head as Hyungsik messes up a move and topples to the floor. He erupts into fits of laugher for the first time in weeks and Seojoon is suddenly reminded what’s it like to be happy. He knew bringing Yuna home for the weekend would do Taehyung some good. The sight warms his heart, his siblings bickering loudly, breathing some life into the old room. Resting the assignments on the nearby table, he sits up to join them. Catching Taehyung’s gaze he looks towards the boy, brows raised.
“I’ve thought about it and-” Taehyung stops for a second, but Seojoon’s soft gaze prompts him to continue. “I’ll take the job.”
“Well, you better get ready because it starts in two hours.”
There were many ways you could spend your Friday night, like partying for instance yet here you are sitting in your car listening to Minnie whining. Mingi’s soul stuck somewhere on his iPod the second he set foot in the car, his head bobbing to the music blasting from his AirPods. Yeonjon was the only one not present. Due to his idol actives, he was held back by his vocal coach, but he promised to be there for the second lecture.
Placing your analogue camera on the desk, you tug your hair into a ponytail mentally preparing yourself for two hours of dullness. Minnie sits to your right while Mingi takes the chair to your left. The three of you seating yourselves in the front of the classroom, Namjoon’s words bunch of nerds playing in your head.
Shaking the thought away you see the watch tick eight pm as the door swings open.
When Namjoon told you professor Seojoon’s brother would hold the course you had expected a man either older than him or somewhere around his age, not a handsome make you take a double look type of a man; two or three years older than you.
His features were nothing short of a Greek god. He stood head and shoulders over you even when you were seated, confidence radiating from every fibre of his being as adjusts his bag over his shoulder. Pushing his brown curls away from his face he allows you to look at it. Perhaps you were exaggerating but you never saw such a gorgeous man. Straightening himself up you take notice of his attire for tonight’s lecture. An orange blazer draped over a white shirt brought out his sun-kissed complexion paired with the same-coloured trousers. A type of anonymity laced itself with every step he took in your direction, his stare a mixture of coldness and determination.
He comes forward, eyes scanning each one of you before he sets his gaze on you. It lingers there for a second, his expression unreadable before he breaks it.
“Hello, my name is Kim Taehyung and I’ll be your lecturer for this course.”
For the first time, you see Mingi’s focus entirely on Taehyung. His presence demanded to be felt and a part of you was sure he knew it. Taking the camera in his hand he turns towards you.
“I assume you have at least once taken a photo, whether with your phones or camera. Moreover, I am positive you have attempted to make an aesthetic photo for your Instagram feed. How many of you were successful?” laughter filled the lecture hall,” The goal of this lecture isn’t to make a photographer out of you nor to help you improve your skills. The point is to make you fall in love with photography. The rest will come easy.”
He walks around the desk and opens an old leather binder. Walking towards your table he places it in front of Mingi allowing the three of you to peek at the content of it. There neatly stored in a plastic sheet were his photos. Mingi pushes the portfolio in front of you, allowing easier access to both Minnie and you. Slowly leafing through the pictures, you stop in total awe. Eyes trailing over a simple photo of a ray field, caught somewhere in later November or early December judging by the snow. The contrast was striking, the clash of the colours and the depth of field creating an imaginary line between the ray and the sky.
Taehyung observes your dumbfounded expression, intrigued by your sudden amazement he ambles to your side. He rakes over the photo, which was a thereby sheer mistake, panic rushing through him. In a reckless attempt to stop you from further prying into the photos he grasps the portfolio out of your hold knocking over your camera in the process. It hits the floor shattering the lens into pieces, the film rolling down until it stops near his feet. Cursing himself for his abrupt action, he looks at you. Your eyes drift from the broken camera to Taehyung’s face.
He hurriedly squats picking the pieces, analysing the damage. Beyond repair.
“I am so sorry. I-” he says placing the parts on your table trying to come up with more words of apology.
“It’s alright.” You shuffle awkwardly in your seat not liking the spotlight put on you.
“I’ll be sure to repay you the coasts of a new camera.”
You shake your head; the camera was already outdated, and you were sure Sunmi would let you borrow her digital one from the gallery. “It’s fine.”
Taehyung puts his lips into a thin line, the confidence he marched beginning to leave his body. Although you showed no anger or resentment towards him, he still felt the need to apologize. Swallowing the awkward moment, he paces towards the centre.
“Today we will start with simple terms such as ISO, Aperture and Shutter speed. Three things you should get familiar with.”
Fetching his Nikon camera from the case he turns it around. Swirling the button on the upper part of the camera he adjusts the mode to manual. Pushing another button towards himself the camera shows three circles in the middle of the screen.
“The first circle is shutter speed. That’s the speed at which the light of a camera sensor is exposed to light when taking a photo. Slow shutter speed captures the blur of subjects in motion. It’s valuable for night and landscape photography. On the other hand, high speed allows you to freeze a single millisecond in time.”
Pointing to the middle circle he continues. “This is an aperture, the opening through which light passes through the lens to enter the camera. Its size can be modified to control how much light reaches the sensor.”
Lastly, he shows you the third button. “ISO represents the sensor’s sensitivity to the light. The higher the number, the more information will be captured in other words the picture will be brighter.”
Taehyung fumbles with the camera for a few seconds before he focuses it on you and with a click and shutter of light, he takes your photo. With no time to recover you feel a blush creep at the thought of how the picture turned out. “As you can see this is the perfect setting for the indoor portrait. Now if we put the shutter speed high and the ISO low-“
He again takes a picture of you turning the camera screen to the students. The photo was dark, your features barely visible but still your figure could be distinguished. “This is an underexposed photo. Now if we set the shutter speed to let’s say 1/40 and places the ISO high-“
Expecting his move this time, you look up at the camera. Taehyung halts his action for a slight second before he presses the button. Looking at the photo, the brightness is overbearing. “This is an overexposed photo.”
He places the camera in front of Mingi, Minnie and you allowing you to take your time and compare the three photos he took. “Why am I showing you this? Because for your next assignment that’s what you will do. You will take three photos of the same object. The object you choose should be something that left a great impact on you. That can be your family, your friends or an inanimate object such as phones, books etc. The choice is yours.”
Pulling out stacks of paper he leaves them on the corner of his desk.” These here are today’s study notes. I don’t expect you to write down notes while in the class, but I do expect you to finish your assignments. That will be all for today.”
The students began leaving the room each taking one paper, Taehyung stood there, hands in his pocket looking through every pupil that passed by. Minnie was first in line, her flirt mode on. You see them exchange a few words, Minnie’s behaviour suddenly going from sweet to sour in seconds. You dally your way to the desk aware of his gaze burning holes in the side of your head.
“Sorry, Y/N was it?” You peek up not expecting him to spare you a second let alone address you.
Taehyung scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.” I am sorry for what happened to your camera. I know you said it’s fine, but I feel responsible for it. I would feel better if you let me repay you by buying a new camera or at least participating in the coasts.”
“No, really it’s fine.” You laugh as you say it for the fourth time today.” I will borrow my sister’s camera for the course. If I do find myself in a need to buy a new camera, I will let you know.”
Before Taeyhung could protest you nod politely and leave the room. Biting his lip, he couldn’t help to feel bad about the wreck he made knowing full well how much an analogue camera costs nowadays. Taking the Nikon one from your table he swipes through the photos deleting each one before he pauses on the last one. It was the first black and white photo he took of you.
Your eyes were focused on Taehyung, although taken aback by the light they held their composure your mouth pulled into an affiliative smile. The white light made your baby hair stand out in the black background. For an unexplained reason, Taehyung felt a small tug, one he couldn’t pinpoint the meaning of. Shutting off his camera, he exhales through his nose and throws the bag over his shoulder.
The first lecture was done, thirty-three to go.
all rights reserved @moochi0park
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quackisinnit · 4 years
Minecraft Championship
Dream x Reader
Request: okay okay so :D mcc with dream when the reader and dream are on the same team ans it’s very cute and fluffy, also with she/her pronouns pls :] thank you!!
Pronouns: She/Her
Note: the first team i thought of was red rabbits so thats why i used them:) i forgot how the mcc works so forgive me if i wrote anything wrong😭 ALSO I WAS SO SLEEPDEPRIVED WHILE WRITIBG THIS SO SORRY IF ITS BAD
Warnings: mild swearing lol
y/nishere = your twitch name
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You were scrolling through twitter, waiting for the announcing of teams. It was your first time ever playing. You played some minecraft but that wasn't all you played, you played other games too. After a few hours of scrolling, you finally got a notification.
Announcing Team Red Rabbits!
@Y/nishere @Dream @FundyLive @Nihachu
Watch them compete in the MC Championship on Saturday 14th November 8pm GMT!
You heard Clay running to your room from the kitchen. He knocks on your door and you let a out a soft 'come in.' "Did you see the announcment for the MCC?" "I did, I'm pretty excited!" you say enthusiastically.
You weren't as skilled as Clay but you were excited nonetheless.
It was finally November 8. You were just sitting on your desk staring at your monitor. 'What if I mess up? What if we lose? What if-' All these thoughts were racing your mind. You started bouncing your leg, something you do when you get nervous, and you bit your lip.
Clay was walking past your room when he saw your nervous state. He walked up to you, kneeled beside you, and started rubbing your back. "Are you alright? Do you want some water?"
"I don't want any water" you were still bouncing your leg, but the speed had decreased. "Well, are you alright? You look nervous" "I'm fine, just nervous 'cause this is my first time playing in the MCC and all that" his face softens. "You'll do great! I promise." You look at him and smile.
He kisses your cheek before he gets up and walks to the door and he send you a smile before closing the door behind him.
You boot up Minecraft and sighed, "I hope I do do great."
You were on the last game and you were praying that it wasn't Build Mart and it was gonna be Sands of Time. If you get Sands of Time, you might be able to get into top 3, maybe even first place. Red Rabbits was currently on 5th place. You were having fun but you were still stressed about it.
You and your team were about to vote until you got dunked by the team beside you. You look over to the side to see Orange Ocelots, which consisted of Tommy, Smajor, Wisp, and Quackity. They were all crouching and jumping. Tommy joins the call for a few seconds, "Fuck you bitch!" he says in a sing-song voice. You all burst into laughter. But it wasn't long 'till you looked back to your screen and it read 'Sands of Time.'
"Look guys it's Sands of Time! We might still win this." Niki says excitedly.
"Dose anyone got any sand? I need it." You were currently watching the timer while the others were getting sand for you.
"Yeah I have some. Here." Fundy hands you 7 sand. "Thanks" "How many do you have now?" he starts running back into one of the tunnels he went into before. "Uhmm I have 9 sand." "Okay great"
You were now collecting sand because the one that Fundy gave you earlier ran out. You were running around trying to get sand and heard Niki in the call, "Y/n, help me please I just died." So you ran over to her, freed her from the tomb, and continued getting more sand.
Clay spoke, "Hey how much time we got left?" You glance back at the timer and it read '20.' "Oh shit it's at 20-"
You ran back to the timer to place sand. When you got to the timer, it went down to 10. You placed all the sand you had left and it went back up to 50. "It's at 50 now, we're good."
You just finished Sands of Time and were waiting for the other teams to finish. You were just talking about the earlier games and random things before all the teams finished.
When the scores were counted again, you ended up in 4th place. Not too bad, but could've done better. You and your team were super proud since it was your first time playing.
Green Gaurdians and Purple Pandas were now dueling it out. All the teams were screaming and betting who would win.
You were screaming and cheering but you saw Clay going on mute. You didn't want to be nosy but you were curious on whet he was doing. "Hey guys I just have something real quick." You muted yourself and got up.
Right when you grabbed onto your door knob, Clay opens the door before you. You let out a yelp while he flinches.
"What the hell?" "Sorry, I just wanted to check up on you." he says nonchalantly and giggles.
"So how are you doing? Are you feeling better now than earlier?" "Yeah. I still feel like we couldv'e done better." you said in a lighthearted manner to hide the fact that you were disappointed. But Clay knew you too well.
He smiles and cups your face with both of his hands. "It's okay. Even if you're a little disappointed, you still did good considering it's your first time playing." You remove his hands from your face and hold them. "Thank you, I really needed that." You give him a peck on his cheek then to his lips. "Let's go back, they're probably wondering where we are."
When you got back, they were still fighting, but Green Gaurdians was in the lead. After a few minutes, they came out victorious.
Niki ended her stream and left call because she said that she was tired. You, Fundy, Dream, George, and Smajor just stayed in call for a bit longer just chatting.
"Welp, I'm gonna rest now bye everyone!" bye's and goodbye's erupted from the call. You ended the stream and went to Clay's room.
"Are you still streaming?" you whisper. "Nope, just finished." he turns off his computer and looks at you. "Great! Wanna watch a movie with me and Patches?" "Sure, I'll be down in a bit." you kiss his nose and go downstairs to ready a movie.
☆ Taglist ☆
@book-of-anarchy @speedymaximoff @fivxss
Masterlist, Rules, Taglist
450 notes · View notes
tokoyamisstuff · 3 years
Tender Ch. 3 - Loki x Mute! Reader
Summary: As time passes,Loki and Reader grow closer.
Warnings: None. Cheesy, self-indulgent romance.
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[Story Masterlist] [All of my Works]
Taglist: @austynparksandpizza​ @queenariesofnarnia​​ @commonintrest​​ @buckylokisimp​ @just-someone-who-likes-to-write​ @lxdyred​ @frostay​ @nina1800​
It was almost 8pm when the display of Loki’s cellphone lightened up, and immediately his heart dropped to his stomach.
Only recently the god had learned how to use this annoying tool, still refusing to take it with him all the time. But since it was easier for you to just text, he’d put up with it.
And truth be spoken, except for Thor sending him those silly ‘Memes’, there wasn’t really anyone eager to talk to him anway - so he knew it had to be you.
Thousand worries were made up by his mind, of you having realized this wasn’t a good idea and canceling your date. Holding his breath, he dared to unlock the screen and read:
“I’m so excited to see you tonight! 💘”
“Don’t raise your hopes” he thought to himself, now busying his mind with every possible way of him fucking things up - and still, your message made him grin from ear to ear.
“As you should be” Loki answered and put down the phone, just to pick itn back up and sending some random emoji’s so it wouldn’t sound so harsh. “💌💚💐😏“
You on the other hand felt as excited as a teenager on their first date, having occupied yourself for hours through trying on different outfits, as well as getting your hair and make-up just right. This was a special occasion, after all!
“I hope he’ll like me...” you thought as you assessed your silhouette in the mirror, debating wether this dress was too revealing or not. In the end, you decided to wrap a silken scarf around your neck - so he won’t have to see the scar.
A knock on your door made you jump a little. Had it already been this late?!
“Miss Y/N?” Loki patiently waited in front of your flat’s door, just for his whole expression to falter when you opened. “You- uh...look ravishing.”
“T-h-a-n-k y-o-u!” You mimicked, trying to give him your most welcoming smile. Oh, how glad you were that he could at least read lips - but then, the most unexpected thing happened.
“You’re welcome” he signed, a little sloppy and unsure how to precizely use his hands, but still good enough for you to understand.
“When did you-” Loki answered before you were even done signing the whole sentence, and you were completely and utterly baffled at his skill. “Started a week ago. Needs some improvement, but I get the basics.”
Basics?! Since when was the God of Mischief so humble? Especially if he really only self-teached this at such an incredible speed, that was amazing!
Loki’s trademark grin spread over his cheeks, pretty satisfied with himself as he saw how your eyes were shining in excitement. “No big deal. Shall we?”
Much to your further surprise, the god even offered you his arm to cling on, before the two of you made your leave.
You couldn’t help but admire how handsome he appeared in that suit, his locks tamed behind his ears and golden accessory complimenting his look. The whole way to wherever he’d lead you was coated in pleasant silence, with both of you exchanging small smiles and joyful glances.
“There we are!” Loki declared proudly, as if you were not still in the Stark Tower - well, he isn’t allowed to leave, so we’d better make the best of it.
The compound was gigantic, having almost everything one could think about. To be honest, you had expected a restaurant, maybe a movie night or something classy - well, on the other hand you don’t know they do it on Asgard.
But this?!
You’ve never been at this part of the tower before, unaware there were such beautiful places in this rather boring, high-tech environment.
“I come here often” he signed and you nodded approvingly, “It eases the feeling of being imprisoned.”
Yes, one could truly forget that you were still inside of the tower while standing in that great botanical garden at the top floor, ceiling made completely out of glass and revealing the starry night sky.
"B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l” your mouth formed silently, just as you felt a hand on your hip. Loki embraced you from behind, his lips gracing your ear as he whispered “Just like you.”
“P-Pardon” he cut himself off, his grip loosening much to your frustration. “I didn’t know what came over me.”
Yet you only clasped his hand, signalizing him it was alright. “Well then...let me lead you to the table.”
In midst of this beautiful garden was a festively decorated table for two, with Loki holding one chair out for you to sit down. It seemed like he had thought of everything, making you wonder just how long he had prepared for this evening to go well.
As a prince, he was not really used to cooking, so he had gotten something in advance, together with some fine wines. “Not to compare with Asgardian quality” he joked, insisting you’d only deserve the best, “But it will do.”
Loki Odinson was the perfect gentleman, and every second of this date you became more aware of how unbelievably you had already fallen for him from the very start.
The two of you would exchange tales about your respective homelands, impactful events on your life as well as your dreams and ambitions. Even without a single spoken word, this conversation was deep and so natural, you could’ve kept on forever.
He would be happy to show you some little magic tricks, such as making blossoms float or lights appear everywhere. May you want it or not, the prince showered you in small gifts such as a selection of his most favourite reads he thought you might like, or a bracelet resembling two snakes intertwined with each other.
Oh, how both of you wished time would stop, letting you revel in this evening just a bit longer...
Having forgotten about time completely, you only realized how much time had passed when the sun was already rising at the horizon.
“Oh my” Loki chuckled shyly, almost feeling guilty for you were probably exhausted. “Let me consort you to your rooms, my fair lady.”
Trying his best to ignore all the spiteful looks Tony’s coworkers gave him as they crossed your way in the hallways, the god wished he would’ve just teleported you back.
“I need to thank you, my love.” The nickname escaped his lips quicker than his mind could catch up on. “Umm, I mean, I really enjoyed myself today. Hopefully you did too.”
You bit your lip, trying to play down your nervousness from expecting him to make a move - yet there was no kiss. Not even a hug, or anything to bid you goodbye.
“Sleep well-” Loki blinked heavily as you clutched on his arm, fingernails digging into the fabric of his suit. “What’s wrong, little dove?”
He squinted his eyes together, racking his brain as hard as he could to decipher your ASL, hopefully not misunderstanding something.
“Do you want to come inside?”
"I-I-I...” Hel, that caught him off guard. But you only gave him a sleepy smile, expression as welcoming as always. “That’s considered bad manners, I mean-”
“Not that!” You huffed quite amused at him becoming all flustered. “I thought you may want to sleep here? Just sleep, nothing more.”
“Of cou- I mean, if you insist” he desperately tried to preserve the last piece of dignity left inside of him, trying to downplay just how needy he was for your affection. "If you insist.”
Sheepishly entering your wide, one-room flat, Loki walked close behind you as his glare immediately went to the sofa on your right - yet you confidently shook your head, pointing towards the king-sized bed.
“This is new to me.” You judgingly rose your eyebrow at his statement, knowing the stories about how he and his brothers were heartbreakers back on Awsgard very well. “Not like that, I mean...ah, forget it.”
Much to your displeasure, the prince would rest far away from you, lying stiffly on his back.
Thinking back about your relationship up until now, you didn’t feel like sleeping in the same bed would cross any line:
It all started very subtle and slowly, but not unnoticed by you and the others - how over time, the God of Mischief was craving your touch. Like his hand ‘accidentally’ brushing against yours, just barely noticeable. Or how he almost naturally cuddled under the blanket with you whenever you were sitting on the same sofa.
The more time passed, the more confident Loki became in his approaches, always wary of your reaction - which would be delighted every single time.
Hugs had already become a firm ritual whenever one of you two traumazized messes were in need of affirmation.
Even some innocent kisses anywhere but your lips were a permanent feature or your togetherness by now, and both of you cherished every second of it.
So you’d plainly crawl over to his side of the bed, pressing yourself against his back.
“I tend to experience nightmares...” Loki whispered, only to be answered with your grip around him depending. "Maybe I should leave."
You snug your head hard against his back, inhaling his scent - for some reason, Loki always smelled like freshly cut grass and old books, not that you'd complain though.
The sound of his heartbeat was like music in your ears, and without giving him a response, it would soon calm you into a sweet slumber.
Tonight, Loki's mind would find peace.
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mountainsluna · 4 years
a little jealousy | part two
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pairing: San x Seonghwa x Reader (female)
genre: smutttt oh my god smut
word count: 3.6k
✩ [author’s note] so….this is my first attempt at a threesome of any kind, i hope it meets all of your expectations! please read part one before reading this, some references may not make sense without reading the first part (its linked above) thank you! :)
✩ masterlist
✩ requests : check bio or masterlist ♡
smut warning: exhibitionism, pet names, dirty talk, threesome, vouyerism, sub!reader, dom!ateez, reader in subspace, drunk sex, unprotected sex, oral sex, alcohol, daddy kink, car sex
No matter what he did, San couldn’t get the thought of you and Seonghwa out of his head. He  enjoyed the night you two had shared after the incident so much but…did he maybe enjoy it too much? He never wanted to think about you with another man in any way but why was he suddenly imagining you underneath Seonghwa, moaning his name the way you were the other night for San. When you and Seonghwa would pass each other in the dorms, why was he hoping Seonghwa would push you up against the wall and kiss you? Even when you hugged him goodbye San would watch Seonghwa’s hands to see how far down they dared go on you. He didn’t understand it and it was driving him crazy.
You on the other hand still hadn’t told San what had happened the other morning. He was already so possessive with you and he was also dangerous when he was angry. You felt what Seonghwa did had crossed a line and if San found out, you’d probably never see the older boy alive again. You had noticed over the past few days that whenever you came in contact with Seonghwa, your boyfriend was surprisingly nonchalant about it. If Seonghwa hugged you a bit too long, nothing. Even when he referred to you as “kitten” when he said good morning to you yesterday, San acted like he hadn’t heard despite being only inches away. It’s like he kept pushing his luck with San and you had no idea how to react.
The weekend had arrived and San was feeling a restless. You ran your fingers through his hair as his head laid in your lap. “We should go to a bar tonight! We can have a few drinks, maybe dance a bit and then get a hotel so we can spend some alone time together. A change of scenery would be nice too. ”
Your face lit up at his words and you couldn’t agree fast enough. “Oh my god yes!! What time should we leave? What should I wear?” The thought of dressing up alone already had you excited and then being able to have actual alone time with San afterwards made your heart flutter. Your boyfriend was smiling from ear to ear at your eagerness, you were so adorable.
“Calm down my love! Go home, get yourself ready maybe have a snack and I’ll pick you up at 8? Is that okay?”
You almost didn’t know what to say, the night already sounded so perfect and it hadn’t even began. You left the dorm already eager to see San again for your date night.
8pm rolled around quickly, you were already waiting on your sofa, heels on and purse in hand. You decided to wear your favorite black dress and San’s favorite black lingerie set underneath. The sound of knocking at your door made you jump up.
You opened it and nearly gasped at the sight of San. He was wearing a dark gray dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up halfway. His slicked back black hair accentuating his black pants and black belt so nicely.
“God, you’re gorgeous baby girl.” he said, pulling you into a kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck, already wanting to rip his shirt off of him.
“You clean up pretty well too, handsome.” You said turning to lock your door, San extending his arm so that you could wrap yours around his.
He pecked your lips softly before opening the car door for you. “I forgot to mention, I have a surprise for you baby girl” he said as you sat down, closing the door before you could reply.
“Hey beautiful.” Your eyes snapped to the rear view mirror making eye contact with Seonghwa who was sitting in the back seat.
Your heart felt like it was beating in your ears and you instantly regretted not telling San about the other morning. But why was Seonghwa here in the first place? The boys tagging along on your dates did happen on occasion but San always made sure to ask you first.
“Seonghwa wanted to come along last minute, I hope that’s okay, kitten.” San said, narrowing his eyes at you as he used Seonghwa’s pet name for you on you himself, when you turned to look at him you swore you saw him wink at the man in the backseat.
The ride to the bar was hell to say the least. You sat silently as San and Seonghwa chatted about god knows what, you honestly couldn’t focus on a word they were saying.
When you finally arrived, you three sat in a small booth near the wall. San left you and Seonghwa to seat yourselves as he went to order drinks. You sat across from Seonghwa, who began to talk to you casually about the music they were playing, a smile on his face the entire time. You cut him off almost too loudly.
“What made you want to come with us tonight? Does San know what you told me the other morning?” Seonghwa’s face looked back at you feigning shock and confusion at your questions.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about beautiful.” he said, looking you dead in the eye, you scoffed at him in disbelief. An amused grin slowly forming on his lips as San returned to the table with three gin and tonics for you all.
He took his seat next to you smiling sweetly but the feeling was off. You took a few small sips of your drink before excusing yourself to the bathroom. Passing by the bar on your way to the ladies’ room you stopped to get yourself a shot of whiskey to calm your nerves. You paced in the bathroom for a few minutes letting the liquor slowly warm you up, coming to the realization that you were here and all you could do now was go along with whatever those two devils were planning. As you made your way back to the table you stopped at the bar again for one more shot…for luck.
You nearly passed out when you reached the table to see three shots of a clear liquid sitting on the table. “Love! Seonghwa got us shots, he said the drinks I got are too weak!” You shot Seonghwa a look that could kill but it didn’t phase him in the slightest. Instead, he stood up to make a toast with his shot glass, trying his hardest to hold in his laughter. “To a fun night together.” He said, a little closer to your ear than to San’s.
After almost an hour you were finally starting to loosen up, only sipping on your drink the rest of the night not wanting to intoxicate yourself after those three shots. You had just sat back down after dancing a few songs with San who now had his arm draped over your shoulder, you leaning back onto his chest slightly as you talked with Seonghwa. You suggested he go talk to some of the single girls at the bar when you felt his hand riding up your thigh, pulling up your dress as he went. “I don’t think I want to, I kind of have my eyes on someone else…maybe she hasn’t noticed yet.”
Your heart was racing again and you turned your head towards San who merely smiled at you, placing a soft kiss on your shoulder. Seonghwa’s hands now spreading your thighs apart just enough to allow his hand enough room to start rubbing circles on your clit underneath the table. You inhaled sharply leaning back even more onto San, catching his attention.
The feeling of his eyes on you causing you to force your legs shut. You moved to stand up just as San’s hands came down on your shoulders holding you in place, allowing Seonghwa’s hand to return to your clit. “Baby…Hwa told me about his little crush on you.” He said, peppering soft kisses on your earlobe as he spoke. “So…I told him you had a little crush on him as well…You don’t mind do you?”
Your drunken mind was clouded with the feeling of San’s breathe on your ear and Seonghwa working your clit so intensely. His fingers sliding up and down your folds before pushing them into you instantly sending you into your subspace. Your droopy eyes moving from Seonghwa to the drink in front of you unable to focus on anything but the feeling of his fingers inside you. As his movements quickened you felt a familiar knot forming in the pit of your stomach. You were letting out soft moans that were covered by the loud music, but your tightening grip on San’s thighs didn’t go unnoticed. San turned your head to kiss you roughly as your moans got louder, your orgasm making your legs nearly shake as you came undone around Seonghwa’s fingers. San didn’t end the kiss until you were struggling to breathe against his lips, Seonghwa now slipping his fingers out of you. You blinked slowly coming back to your senses as you made eye contact with him, his lips now around his fingers that had been inside you seconds ago. “You taste amazing, kitten.”
San was growing impatient behind you, his erection getting worse by the second. He cleared his throat loudly before downing the rest of his drink and standing up. “I think it’s time for us to go, are you ready baby girl?” You nodded, grabbing his hand as he helped you up, your legs too weak to hold you. Seonghwa kept his hand against the small of your back the entire walk to the car, stabilizing you so you wouldn’t fall over.
When you got to the car you went straight to open the passenger door but before you could reach for the handle, Seonghwa was pulling your arm away. “How about you keep me company in the backseat, babe?” He said, already motioning you into the car.
You stared at San as he got into the driver’s seat, starting the car and looking back at you as he reversed. “Be a good girl for Hwa, my love. It’s only a 20 minute drive.” He smiled at you like it was the most normal thing in the world.
Seonghwa wasted no time, kissing down your neck as he pushed you back slowly. You started moaning against him and San turned the radio off completely, wanting to hear nothing but the sound of your voice. Seonghwa’s lips finally made contact with yours and you realized this was the first time you had ever kissed him.
You may have melted into the kiss even more if his hands weren’t roughly pulling your dress above your hips and your panties down your legs. He manuevered himself between your thighs, his tongue coming down to swipe against your folds briefly, your back arching at the feeling. He sat up as much as he could to undo his belt and zipper pulling his throbbing cock out of his pants. You moaned as you watched him, the sight making you spread your legs as wide as you could manage in front of him as he lined himself up with your core. “Fuck if I knew you looked this good underneath me I would’ve asked San to let me fuck you sooner.”
You heard San snicker from the front seat. You glanced over to see him staring at you through the mirror. Seonghwa pushing into you at the same time, your boyfriend watching as your expression turned to pure lust.
Seonghwa felt so insanely good inside of you. Leaning down to kiss you heatedly as he fucked into you. You were moaning like crazy, the alcohol in your system giving you confidence. You weren’t holding any of your noises back and San and Seonghwa were thanking the gods. Seonghwa’s cock wasn’t as thick as San’s but it was longer, going deeper than you were used to. The new feeling was simply euphoric.
“How is it beautiful? Is it what you expected?” Seonghwa asked between thrusts, watching how your body reacted to him.
“So…sooo fucking good so good. Fuck Seonghwa!” you answered him frantically. He absolutely loved the way his name sounded falling from your lips. He was already getting close to his release, the feeling of your warmth around him as you moaned for him was too good to handle making him groan even louder. “Hwa, I think…I’m gonna cum”
“Me too baby, me too - oh fuck” the feeling of your walls clenching around him nearly throwing him over the edge.
Hearing him, San slammed on the breaks at a red light, causing you and Seonghwa to fall forward a bit. He turned around in his seat grabbing Seonghwa by the collar. “You cum inside her pussy and I’ll kick your ass.” The sight of San being so possessive had you throbbing, Seonghwa moaned, his hips bucking back into you involuntarily. San watched as your orgasm washed over you, his friend fucking back into you as your back arched off the seat. San released him and Seonghwa’s attention was back on you holding your hips so tight, mustering all the self control he had to not cum in you. San’s eyes never leaving you two. As soon as you were done Seonghwa pulled out of you, you switched positions quickly. Your head going straight to his cock as he laid against the door. Taking him into your mouth, you started sucking immediately, wanting him to cum as soon as possible. He let out a breathy groan as he felt your tongue around him. His hand gripping your hair as he thrusted into your mouth repeatedly. Just as you started to moan around his cock, his cum began filling your mouth, almost choking as you swallowed around him. You licked around the entire base and tip, cleaning off any cum before sitting back up.
“Come here baby.” San beckoned, cupping your face as he pulled you into a kiss, his tongue dipping into your mouth a few times. The taste of Seonghwa’s cum on your lips had him nearly palming himself over his pants. “Good girl.”
He pulled away from you, putting the car back in drive, only a few minutes from the hotel parking lot. After you and Seonghwa finished fixing yourselves in the backseat, you leaned your head on his shoulder to take in the last few minutes of peace you had, his hand reaching up to play with your hair.
The walk up to the hotel room was just a bit awkward. The suspicious look the receptionist gave you three as she handed San the room keys surely didn’t help. You made your way into the room plopping yourself down onto the bed, cuddling up to the pillows as you pretended to drift off to sleep. San came up behind you to slap your ass, you giggled in response. “What do you think you’re doing princess?” He asked, grabbing your arm to flip you over as he crawled on top of you. You pulled him into a passionate kiss, missing his lips and the way he felt between your legs. His hands moved to hold yours above your head as he moaned softly into your mouth. You were absolutely addicted to San’s lips, no matter where they were on your body. Once he started kissing you, you never wanted him to stop.
His tongue was making it’s way down your jawline when you felt the bed dip as Seonghwa sat down, leaning back against the pillows. His hand already around his cock again as he watched you and San. San picked up his head to glance at Seonghwa before sitting up between your legs, pulling you up with him. “Are you ready, baby girl?” he asked as he unzipped the back of your dress. “Yes, daddy, I am.” You looked up at him as he helped you off the bed to let your dress slide down your body. San looked up to see the black lingerie set you were wearing. His favorite one. He caressed your cheek as he turned to Seonghwa.
“You have no idea how lucky you are that I’m sharing my Princess with you.” he spat at Seonghwa who had sped up his movements on his cock after seeing your dress hit the floor.
“Fuck I know how lucky I am. She’s a goddess. I’ve always known that.” San could respect that answer.
You looked up at your boyfriend, waiting for his permission to help Seonghwa. His eyes narrowed, smirking at you seductively as he reached around to unclasp your bra letting it fall between you two. He caressed your breasts a bit before whispering in your ear, “Go ahead baby girl.” nodding towards Seonghwa. You pecked his lips before turning around, crawling across the bed to kiss Seonghwa, your hand replacing his on his cock.
You felt San behind you pulling your panties down your ass, kissing down your lower back. You bent down even lower, lifting your ass higher as San started to lick your folds from behind. You were moaning into the kiss, getting Seonghwa off even more. 
San slapped your ass harshly making you break away from the kiss. He grabbed your hips roughly, pulling you away from Seonghwa. His cock pressing against your folds and clit enough to have you pushing back onto him craving more friction. “You’ve cum twice tonight and you’re still so impatient baby.” San teased, still rubbing against your entrance, caressing your ass with his other hand.
“Mmm but I haven’t cum on your cock yet.” You said, still desperately pushing your ass against him.
“You’re right baby girl.” He began pushing his cock into you slowly. “So while I fuck your pussy I want to watch you suck Seonghwa’s dick until he cums again. You hear me baby?” His hips already snapping into you as Seonghwa positioned himself in front of your mouth. “I don’t want your mouth to leave his dick until I’m done with you, do you understand me?” San’s cock pounding into you harder as he questioned you. You couldn’t do anything but moan loudly around Seonghwa’s length. The vibrations from your throat making him buck his hips into your mouth.
The feeling of having both men wreck you from both sides felt surreal. You felt like you could cum at any moment but you didn’t want it to end yet, you clenched yourself around San to help you hold out a bit longer but the feeling made him get even rougher with you. His moans getting louder and his pace quickening. You were nearly screaming around Seonghwa as you attempted to suck him off at the same pace that San was fucking into you.
A thin layer of sweat was starting to form on San’s body as he fucked into you, the grip he had on your waist was sure to leave bruises on you. He brought one hand up to his lips, sucking on his fingers before bringing them down to rub your clit hastily. The sensation leaving you breathless as your jaw went slack around Seonghwa’s cock.
Seonghwa pulled your hair up into a messy ponytail as he fucked your mouth, nearing his climax, his voice sounding so pretty as he let out high pitched breaths mixed with his soft moans. Meanwhile, you were moaning so shamelessly and loud, unable to control your own movements, the hand Seonghwa had in your hair was the only thing keeping you up as you came around San’s dick.
San looked up from your ass as he felt you pulsing around him, he watched as you brought Seonghwa to his climax, the sight effecting him even more than he thought. You looked like such a whore, between them taking their cocks so well. “Fuck baby you’re so fucking perfect.” He moaned out as he released inside you, watching his friend also releasing his cum into your mouth.
The feeling of San’s cock throbbing inside you helped you ride out your orgasm so deliciously while Seonghwa’s cum was also filling your mouth. You let out a few soft moans as you latched your lips onto his dick, making sure you swallowed every drop of his release before pulling off of him. San rocked his hips into you slowly a few more times before he pulled out of you, loving the way his cum looked dripping out of your pussy.
San motioned to the taller male to fetch a towel for you from the bathroom as he pulled your body into his embrace, making sure your head was resting comfortably on the pillows. “You did so well tonight, princess. I love you so much.” he said into your hair as he kissed your head, tucking a strand behind your ear. Seonghwa returned with two damp towels, running one up your legs softly, being as gentle as possible as he wiped your sensitive area clean. He used the other to lightly clean your face, wiping off your smudged makeup in the process. Once he was done, You cuddled into San’s chest, already drifting off to sleep from exhaustion.
San stared at you lovingly as you slept, his thumb caressing your cheek lightly. Seonghwa pulled a spare blanket from the closet, covering you three as he settled himself behind you. After a moment San glanced up at him, noticing how he looked at you. It was the same way San was looking at you.
A thought entered San’s mind suddenly, maybe he was being selfish keeping you all to himself…
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cyarikashakira · 3 years
A/N: This is my first time writing a fanfic. I am super nervous but I have an overabundance of love for Joaquin Torres so I had to put it somewhere. I'm doing @caplanbuckybarnes's summer writing challenge.
Summary: Falling in love at the supermarket wasn’t on your to-do list today, yet here you were snatching looks at a cute stranger.
Warnings: (I don't know if these count as warnings) GN!Reader, No Y/N, Joaquin Torres is an absolute cutie pie!
‘They were gone. All of them.’ I thought as I rummaged through the wrongfully stocked freezer. A sniffle escaped, then two, which was followed by a full on wail.
“Who the hell put the Steak and Cheese chimichangas where the Chicken and Cheese chimichangas goes!?”
I slammed the freezer door and rested my head on it and placed my hand on the cold glass.
Casual shoppers and workers tiptoed around me while I grumbled to myself in annoyance. I just wanted my comfort food.
A full on breakdown in the middle of a grocery store and I gave no fucks. A tap on my shoulder and I whirled around ready to light up the poor soul who decided to bother me.
“What do you want?” I wiped the tears from my face with a growl. Giant innocent eyes looked at me in shock as I grimaced at him.
“Hi - um, can I help you?” He bravely pointed at his name tag which said ���Joaquin’ with the Walmart name above
“Sure~ can you just point me towards the person who decided to sleep on the job and stock the wrong chimichangas in the wrong spot? I just wanna have a little chat.” I said with a fake smile on my face.
“Th-that would be me.” He gulped and pointed over his shoulder towards the stocking material behind him.
You peeked around him and just glared.
“So it was you. You have been declared as my arch nemesis. Where are the chicken and cheese chimichangas?”
“They are out of stock. But we can call you when they are back in stock.”
The air suddenly became tense.
“...Believe it or not, they already have my number because I buy them so often. It is Tuesday and it’s 8:30. They are always stocked at 8pm on Tuesday.” I looked down at my watch to double check the time. I crossed my arms ready to take my frustrations out on the worker.
“We are going to have to call some people.” He said plainly.
“What?” My head tilted to the side in confusion.
“For this chimichanga shortage. We need to call some people.” His smile got bigger as he continued talking.
“Chimi..changa shortage? If they are going to fix my day then you better call them.”
“I’m kidding..”
“Oh.” I let out a nervous laugh and made a face.
He ran a hand through his fluffy black curls and huffed. I took a look at his face, he was nervous.
“...Are you new?” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“To the stock things department, yes. This grocery store, no. I’m so sorry that I stocked it wrong but thank you for pointing it out for me.”
I immediately felt bad because I realized that I was being a dick over some food.
“I’m so sorry. I’m just having a bad day. It was just a complete shit show. My cat got sick, my car is on it’s last leg and my boss is on my ass and I ran out of chimichangas and forgot to restock my fridge so here I am today - “
I rambled on and on.
“Hey, it’s okay. We all have bad days. I thought this was about to be a bad day for me also because you were upset at me.”
“I’m sorry again. I’ll live without them. I should go home before I embarrass myself even more.”
I lowered my head now feeling shy and more aware of my surroundings.
“Before you go, I think I have something that will make your day a little better. Follow me.” He turned swiftly and started walking away.
“Uh, no. I’ve burdened you enough today, sir.”
He stopped and turned to face me again. A smile formed on his face. Were those dimples always there?
“Come on. I’m just taking you to a person who can solve your problems.”
“Oh o-okay.”
I followed behind Joaquin towards the front of the grocery store. He stopped in front of the deli section and tapped a hand on the counter to alert the workers.
“Hey~ is Margie in today?” He said sweetly to the teenage girl who could barely see over the huge counter.
“Yeah Curly, she’s in the back. Let me go get her.” She ran to the back and pushed the double doors with force.
I looked at Joaquin with furrowed brows and pursed lips.
“Why do they call you Curly?” A small smirk appeared on my face. He blushed and his hand went to his hair once again.
“My hair. It is how everyone finds me and the fact that I’m tall. Everyone has a nickname here. We are as much a family as capitalism will allow us to be. Margie is just...wait until you see her.”
The shock of blue hair caught my peripheral and I expected to see a teenager. No. A tall lady who was on enough to be my mama strolled up to the counter with a huge smile on her face.
“What can I do for ya, Curly Quin?” Her accent drawled as she leaned against the display case.
“We have a situation. Apparently, I suck at my job and a certain someone had an entire meltdown in the middle of the freezer aisle because they are having a bad day like it was my fault. I’m pretty sure they want to get me fired but I’m too cute for that, right? So we need a solution to their chimichanga problem.” He sarcastically and over exaggeratedly explained the situation to Margie and his smile got wider as he went on.
“So Grilled Cheese over here wants a chimichanga? How is that my problem?” Margie planted her eyes on me and I felt like I swallowed my heart.
For an old lady, her look was intense.
“I need the goods. The family secret, the whole enchilada, you get where I’m going with this. I’ll finally bring you back your book that you let me borrow when I first started working here.” Joaquin slapped on the puppy dog eyes and Margie rolled hers.
“I’ll believe it when I see it. That was a year ago. I’m never getting that book back and you know it. I’ll be back for you and Meltdown over here, assuming that is you.” She gave a small smile and moved to go towards the back doors. “Give me a sec.”
As soon as she disappeared, I face palmed and groaned.
“You guys are going to make fun of me forever, aren’t you?” I looked at him in despair.
“Oh yeah, you know it. Welcome to making history.” He smiled towards me, flashing a dimple.
“Is there a way that I can make everyone forget about this? I will pay you guys off. I promise. Just forget everything that happened here today.” I waved my hands in circular motions like I was casting a spell, earning odd looks from everyone around.
He laughed for the first time that night.
“It’s not every day a grown up has a total fit like a toddler. This has made my day and probably my whole week.”
I groaned again and stomped my foot in annoyance, ready to snap at him.
The back doors flew open and a brown paper bag was thrown in my direction. Joaquin and I fumbled to catch it at the same time and we butted heads.
“Good thing you knocked some sense into each other so I didn’t have to. Get out of here kids, your chimichanga problem is solved.” Margie smiled.
I opened the steaming paper bag and started crying.
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” I started bouncing up and down with joy. I wrapped my arms around Joaquin and pulled him into a tight hug, crying on his shirt.
“No problem, I can’t breathe, please..let..go..” He said dramatically.
I immediately let go and cleaned my face putting on a huge smile. He took a deep breath and put his hand on his chest.
“You guys are the best and I am so sorry for taking my frustrations out on you. I really hope you can forgive me at some point.”
“Already forgiven. I just always want to do something positive with my day and make others smile. It’s all in a day’s work.”
“I don’t know how to thank you guys enough for the chimichangas.” I held the bag close to my heart, grinning widely.
“Go home and eat them. That’s thanks enough.” Margie deadpanned.
Oh. She was still there.
“Yes ma’am. Have a good night. Thank you for everything!” I waved goodbye to her.
“Don’t mention it kid.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow Margie!” He said to her.
She waved us off and we were on our way to the front doors of the store. We stopped just before the entrance, triggering the doors to automatically open. We were blocking the exit and people started going around us.
“I guess this is goodbye? Until I come in to restock my freezer again.” I said glumly, holding out my hand towards him to shake his hand.
“I guess so.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, placing it in my hand.
Question marks filled my brain as I looked down at his phone in my hand. He shyly placed his hand on the back of his neck.
“I told you whenever we restocked, I would give you a call so.. I would need your number for that.”
“Oh. But they already have my numb- Oh. Okay. Oh. Oh um, of course uh..”
I stuck my tongue out in concentration as I typed my name and number into his phone and handed it back to him.
“There you go. I uh, look forward to your call for whenever the chimichangas are back in stock.”
“Of course. I’m just doing my job. If they aren’t in stock and I’m off of work, can I still call you?”
My brain short circuited and I blinked rapidly at him. He was smooth. Toooo smooth. I studied his face for a joke.
“You aren’t joking with me, are you?” I put my hands on my hips.
“Nope, not one bit. Are you okay?” He questioned. I was sure smoke was coming out of my ears at this point.
“Uh, yeah. I’m fine. Just tired, it’s been a long day. I should get going.” I looked off towards the cars in the parking lot.
“It was nice to meet you. I’m sorry about your chimichangas and for my poor stocking skills.” He apologized sincerely.
“It was nice to meet you too, Joaquin. Thank you for everything. Am I allowed to hug you again?”
His brown eyes lit up and he furiously nodded. I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same to me. We let go as quickly as we started.
“I’ll see you around, Grilled Cheese.” He gave a two finger wave towards me and started walking backwards.
“Likewise, Joaquin Phoenix.” I started walking in the other direction.
“Haha. So original! It’s actually Falcon!” He shouted.
“What?” I stopped and turned back towards him but he was already gone.
I shrugged and walked towards my car. I opened the door and climbed inside, tossed the bag of chimichangas in the passenger seat and rested my head on the steering wheel. I released a huge sigh while lifting my head, started my car and began driving home. The street lights blurred past me on my drive home. My body was on autopilot as I opened the door, kicked my shoes off and sat on the couch next to my roommate with my bag of chimichangas.
I took a bite and immediately frowned.
‘Damn it. Steak and Cheese strikes again.’ I started laughing and shaking my head, dropping the chimichanga back in the bag.
“What is your problem?” My roommate said staring at the tv, not concerned to turn their head towards my hysterics.
“Nothing. I just had a meltdown in a freezer aisle and I think I fell in love with a stocker who is bad at his job.” I leaned back against the cushion of the couch and sighed dreamily.
“....no offense but you aren’t allowed to go to the store unsupervised ever again. You got issues...”
My phone began to ring and I just stared at the unknown number before answering.
“H-hello?” I stuttered.
“You will never guess what we just got in stock.” A light voice filled with laughter said over the phone. A huge smile formed on my face and I was booking it out of the door and yelled a quick bye to my roommate.
“I’m on my way.”
I hope you guys enjoyed this. I tried my best :)
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