#whitepine theory
whitestarpine · 24 days
I’ve seen a few whitepine theories by now, and the ones that have stuck with me the most were two specifically:
1) the thing that killed Mysti was “the monster” that lives in the forest. The person who had this theory went on to explain that the one true moment where we feel fear in the first episode was when ivory was looking at the forest. Right after that scene, we have a shot of the stairs (where Mysti was found). Foreshadowing goes harddd
2) someone on this app (I forgot your username, sorry!) said that we weren’t looking for a killer, but more specifically for the plant hemlock. It is also explained that said plant can kill someone with painful skin marks, etc. The person stated that when Ivory is being introduced to the maids and butlers, there’s a shot of Mysti eating (she could be eating a hemlock plant, and that was what caused her death)
I honestly think the story could go in many directions, but it’s hard for me to believe we’re looking for a specific person to be the killer. What do we think???
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yourpersonaljaskier · 1 month
Hello hello! I watched Whitepine and now I'm insane! I also watched a theory video! I'm very insane and I need to ramble as to what I think is going on
Theory will be under read more, spoilers ahead
First things first:
Who is mrs. Hemlocke, and how long has she been dead?
So, some things to establish the estimated time period:
- steam locomotives and steam engines are around (meaning it's past the year 1712)
- The colour black may be associated with the mourning period (early roman period til the 20th century, now very well known because of Queen Victoria, who mourned her husband for 4 decades til the the early 1900's and wore black daily)
These bring us to a rather specific time frame between 1712 and before the 20th century
Black doesn't seem to be a very 'fashionable' colour, as the theory video I watched relied quite heavily on the idea that the Hemlocke family is in mourning. While the idea in of itself isn't a bad idea, I heavily disagree with this notion for 3 simple reasons:
1. The family isn't in ACTUAL mourning! They wear black clothes, yes, but there's no other indication they're in active mourning. They wear colours not permitted by the mourning rules created by Queen Victoria (assuming they're in England due to the name Whitepine and the general outlay of architecture), which was from 1861 til 1901 iirc, which is a HIGHLY likely time period they were in. Zam participates in hunting, the household isn't in mourning (the women aren't wearing any amount of mourning regalia, ie, veils, jewelry, full black attire, similar with the men), the HEAD BUTLER doesn't tell Ivory about the passing of the hear mistress (which MEANS the mourning period is long over and the topic is dead at this rate, Ivory doesn't need to be a genius to figure out why the mistress is never mentioned), Izzy permits Ivory to be the piano, so on and so forth
2. Serapter doesn't know why the piano room was empty. Her death was before his time, and he seems plenty adult to me.
3. There were no search parties (if she had disappeared), there were no funeral arrangements, no active mention of her or her recent passing, and black clothes are not an indication of a mourning period.
These, to me, are clear signs that the family, at least the children, have long moved on.
Now, how long has mrs. Hemlocke been dead?
Let's look at the Hemlocke children. So far, we only know that Pyro is the oldest, with the others having to clear indication of when they were born. But, to me, the Hemlocke children all seem to be of a similar age. There are no tutors or extra teachers for the women to learn etiquette, Zam goes hunting and invites Pyro with him, they seem to go out semi regularly as known bacherlors (as none of the children are married), and seem to have a close bond with how they interact with one another
None of the children seem teenage-d to me, but we'll see as the show progresses
In my mind, mrs. Hemlocke died when the youngest was a few months old. It makes the most sense with how the family and household act around her death and items. The piano was moved but is still taken care of. It's tuned with no obvious dust, out of sight and out of mind but with instructions to keep it in good shape
Izzy easily absolves the previous order to not let anyone touch the piano, meaning it's been long enough where she finds it doesn't matter if someone plays it, and as Clown mildly implies, it seems that the order was given by Zombie, as he advises Ivory to not make too much noise
Obviously, as mrs. Hemlocke was the mistress of the estate, all the older staff would have been relatively fond of her and followed whatever wish Zombie made about her items, but as Serapter doesn't even seem to know as to what some of the rooms are for (like the piano room), and that he 'forgot [the piano] was down there,' quite heavily implies her death was wayyyy before his time
To compress: Mrs. Hemlocke died perhaps decades ago, to a point where none of the household is in mourning and have seemingly moved on, with new servants being unaware of the affects her passing had on the family (ex. Serapter)
Who killed Mistycat, and why do people think it's the forest?
I personally think the forest has got absolutely nothing to do with Mistycat's death, and that there's a different perpetrator at hand with no supernatural element. I'll explain after this segment as to why the forest is such a focal point to Ivory, but for now:
The forest is an ominous 'character' and looming figure during the whole episode. Multiple shots include Ivory spacing out and simply staring at the woods in some sort of trauma reaction
The forest is ominous, dense and is eerie due to the atmosphere
Forests are easy ground to get lost in and die
Supernatural activity can easily be tied with a supernatural forest
Misty's death is sudden and seems out of nowhere after a bit of a long shot with the woods
From Misty's injuries, it seems like the attack was quite violent, but it's not above that she fell down the stairs after being attacked. The injuries on the back of her head could suggest a blunt force blow, while the rest of her injuries were amassed from her tumbling down the stairs, which would draw someone to check out what happened, and of course, then the freak out
Do I have an idea as to who it could be? No. Fuck no lol, I'm not a psychic, I just don't think it's supernatural for now. There's absolutely zero reason as to why a supernatural entity would be killing the household now and not then
Why is the forest such a big deal, and Ivory's behaviour
Now. Hear me out on this: Ivory is from a cult like environment, where a settlement was in a similar forest, quite like the surrounding area of Whitepine
Her behaviour, past being autistic, is very submissive, with a fear of authority, the fear of disobeying orders to such an extent that she asks a fellow coworker permission to go outside, and a general reclusive behaviour that I associate with a want to conform and not cause issues for the ones in power
Obviously, all of these can be attributed to Ivory's implied autism, but I think it makes more sense with Ivory's behaviour towards the woods and other people
She seems afraid of talking, saying anything outside of what is asked of her, and even then, she struggles greatly and panics about being in trouble to a near panic attack level. Her dissociation with the sight of forests seems trauma related, along with the buzzing noise she gets after people rush to see why someone screamed
She seems afraid but in an abstract sense. She stares for seemingly hours after being dismissed her first day, just staring at the woods that caused her to zone out first thing
It's not normal behaviour. Even from a neurodivergent standpoint in my opinion. Her anxiety seems to come from an outside place, and Minutetech not knowing anything about her, past where he found her and what she did on the train ride gives me the impression she ran away from her cult, and now associates forests with them, causing her to have bad reactions when on edge or stressed
And that was it! Thank you for the read, hope you enjoyed my unhinged thoughts!!
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theblorbo-catcher · 23 days
Whitepine theory !! Kinda maybe spoilers ??
Tw fir mentions of blood/gore, murder, and body dismemberment
ALRIGHT SO. After rewatching whitepine for the seventh time (forgive me if I get some things wrong I was crocheting while watching it so I may get some things wrong) I've got a LOT of thoughts about Mystys death murder.
In whitestarpines theory post they mentioned that Mysty was eating in the scene where Ivory was introduced to the other maids and butlers and it got me thinking-
Seraptor told Ivory that they can probably go put of the dorms around 6 am and earlier Ivory was told that the Hemlocks usually don't get up until around 11 am. We see Ivory get up and leave the room while it's still fairly dark- it still could very well be 6 am but I feel like it's a lot earlier thn that ??? We can see from the window that the sun is just starting to rise.
I don't remember if the garden was in the servants side of the house or not but Ivory tells Clown she stayed on it the whole day, so either she was lying or the murder occurred during lunch that day. Or later the next morning when Ivory first got up.
We see Mysty eating and whitestarpine mentioned that someone theorized that there could've been hemlock in their food and that could've killed them.
Another theory that I think is worth mentioning is that Pyro is a possible suspect for the murder. I don't know if anyone else has considered this but after Pyro threw up Mysty was the one to enter his room.
Maybe he didn't want anyone to know he was sick? I don't know why he'd kill because of it but its definitely something I'd like to take a closer look at at some point-
At dinner Zam mentioned that there would be a hunt tomorrow at Lucas's place. Pyro doesn't go. I don't know if it's because he's sick or not but I think that's likely the case. I don't know if it's relevant to the murder or not but Vi fixed Izzy's telescope ands asks if she wants to try it. I assume she meant trying it that night- Izzy says not tonight, so she also maybe could've killed Mysty that night?? Either that or she just wanted to sleep. Or just didn't want to use it that night I don't know- maybe she's catching whatever Pyro has? I think I may be going a bit off the rails with that one. In my defense I'm writing this at like 1 am.
ANOTJER THING- The hunt thing they mentioned could not be literal. They could've been hunting Mysty !! The body looks WAY too bloody for them to have just fallen down the stairs. I don't know if it was the angle or just my eyes being weird but it looks like Mysty was missing some limbs I think ??? It would've explain some of the emphasis on the woods- but I don't know if that really explains the part Ivory plays in it if she does have any part in it at all.
There's such a huge gap of time where Mysty could've been killed and so many suspects its crazy- I think I definitely need to wait for more episodes before I have anything concrete but so far I'm having so much fun with this-
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0seraptor0 · 28 days
Theory made by me and my friend:
Hello everyone I’m the Whitepine community. Me and my friend have spent the past hour making up theories. They may be quite long but we’d love for you to read them!!
i have discovered by going thoroughly through the video a few things. THIS MAY BE WRONG THOUGH
1. Whitepine possibly refers to the piano as pine was typically used in the 19th century to make pianos and typically back then ivory was used to make piano keys. Whitepine stands for the pine of the piano and the white part of whitepine represents ivory our main character.
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mossiishroom · 1 month
If I open a blog where like..people can send n theories and thoughts about whitepine would people like that?
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inkydiamonds · 14 days
Hey I've realized that there's a lot of really cool Whitepine/Ivorycello theorists here on Tumblr who might not be active in the lore channel in her discord! So hello! This is a call to pool resources/ideas, perhaps we can reach out to each other and chat!!
From the discord I bring this insane doc, which you absolutely do not have to read through, but it contains a LOT which could be very relevant: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pMcjA1FQqsyaQDJsdH0b9QmGPOC_EUVh4giFsZ1CJTQ/edit?usp=drivesdk
Included, we have:
- ARG answers, including links to unlisted videos!
- Transcripts of videos and other resources!
- Potential evidence that WP is connected to other Ivorycello videos!
- Mildly deranged timeline rants!
- Remarkably little about the actual murder mystery!
- Thoughts about Mysti, Pyroscythe, and Ivory!
- T R E E S
And more to come! If you're a WP/Ivorycello theorist who has just been vibing here on Tumblr, *please* tell me about your ideas, we need hot takes :D
I'm also probably going to make some posts where I just start talking about some theory (either rehashing stuff that's on the doc or proposing stuff that's not on the doc) so feel free to add your ideas there too
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cats-thoughts · 1 month
spoilers beneath cut
I am the #1 clown and ivory friendship truther. He refuses to show he cares but he learns she didnt eat lunch and is like MA'AM. I want them to be besties < in denial
I dont THINK Ivory did it but I mean if she DID what a twist. She has such a good alibi tho I dont think she'd get the chance unless the death happened much sooner than we're led to believe and was only just discovered? I dont think so its in such a main area spot.
THERES BEEN A MURDER or a death? or. what if Mysti did it,,, oh noo
ohh my god oh my goddd oh my GOD it was so good Whitepine is SO GOOD
heres my insane bonkers theory: This is the same Ivory as we know from the other videos. Ebony, after she collapsed in the cave, has... possibly sent her here with limited memories to teach her a lesson/pacify her for a short time? Or maybe there was something else they needed to do together but somehow it messed up and sent her here. Unless she's completely falsified her character and is pretending right now, she has to be missing a lot of memories if it IS the same c!Ivory.
I cant wait to see where everything goes. and also I want ivory and clown to be friends PLEAASSSEE it would be so silly and fun and probably end up in the house burning down /silly
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whitepine-estate · 1 month
Okay, so this theory is partially based on VEX1N's Whitepine theory.
I'm gonna start with the most normal part, and the part that can most easily be taken as kinda a mini theory. Basically Pyroscythe has tuberculosis. All the symptoms line up (coughing, vomiting, etc) and Whitepine's a period drama, TB is pretty common in those and adjacent genres, plus was an actual threat back then.
Now onto the more insane part. Okay so one of the things that VEX1N points out is how the wound on Mysti's neck resembles a bite mark. TB was also associated with vampires and vampire attacks in the past. When Mysti asks Pyro if he had a bad dream, another symptom of vampire attacks, he dodges the question. I'm saying that the killer in Whitepine is a vampire. This is out there I know that, but hear me out. (most of the evidence for this comes from both the New England Vampire Panic, and Dracula, also random bits of vampire lore I've heard)
First things first, there's pretty clearly something wrong with those woods. All the shots lingering on them, the ominous sound design, there's something off. When Pyro is staring out his window, we see that his room seems closer to the woods than other spaces in the house. This means that if something malicious were in those woods, he'd be the easiest person to get to. The camera is also always in some kind of corner when Pyro's alone, almost like its stalking him.
Mrs. Hemlock is pretty clearly dead. It's implied she's been dead for a while (or at least a few months) given no one mentions her and her piano is in the basement. While I can't prove she's a vampire, at least not from ep 1 alone, its plausible. If we do go with the "Pyro's TB is caused by a vampire" theory, then that does point to Mrs. Hemlock being the cause as it was thought that if one family member fell to vampirism, more would soon follow. She'd also circumvent the whole "needing to be invited" thing cause it was her house.
While this is the part I'm even less sold on, it could also tie back to Ivory. Her habits remind me of two bits of vampire lore. The first one is how if you spill poppy seeds in front of a vampire they'll stop and need to count them all. While its more specific than what she does, it fits how she follows things to the letter. Does this mean I think Ivory's a vampire? No, I think she might be a dhampir. Dhampirs are half vampires, they can live like normal people and don't get burned by sunlight. However, in some superstitions they have "a dark mark on the back like a tail." While Ivory's tail isn't particularly dark, it felt wrong to not call it out.
The second thing it reminds me of is how, in Dracula, vampires can control people through force-feeding them their blood. This could also explain Ivory's weird way of carrying out orders.
I'll admit the Ivory stuff is probably the weakest part of the theory, overall it relies a little too much on obscure lore, but when I heard there was a possibility it could be a monster, I couldn't not mention vampires. I'm almost 100% certain Pyro has TB though.
idk if we're allowed to sign off but in case we are -🌊 anon
(Yup! Sign offs are completely allowed!)
As a lover of vampires, I adore this theory so so much - Plus, I’ve become a bit fond of Pyro too over the past few days.
I don’t honestly have anything to add, this is great plus I love the explanation behind Pyro’s vomiting and that he’s the easiest to get to from the forest to absolute bits - Would love to hear more thoughts on this theory. Particularly on your theory of how she might’ve died after acquiring vampirism!
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starzz-n-roses · 1 month
Finally got around to watching Whitepine, and oh my god, I’m going FERAL. /POS
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bakekomori · 26 days
I finished WhitePine yesterday, and I came up with a Lil thing? Isnt REALLY a theory, but idk, its something on my mind
The series obviously have something with plants, or at least Ivory have. People constantly name her "Ivy", and If im not insane, ivy are a poisonous plant, or at least half poisonous yk
Idk If the series is trying to say that people in the house are suspicious about Ivory, or If this is a foreshadowing for something in the future yk? But idk, its Just a lil thing I came up with yesterday while watching LMFAO
I dont really think she's dangerous tho, at least, not at the moment
ALSO, have a little wip of Ivy!!!! >:D
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0seraptor0 · 26 days
A theory made by me and my friend: part 2
Hello everyone I’m the Whitepine community. Me and my friend have spent the past hour making up theories. They may be quite long but we’d love for you to read them!!
2. As i looked through specific areas of the whitepine mansion i noticed as ivory arrives it is raining this is a key factor on what im about to say. The hemlocke family name is possibly referring to the posionious and toxic plant “hemlock” which grows in dark damp places. and im pretty certain im some what on the right path with this idea. Hemlock Can kill someone in a matter of 15 minutes or sooner after being posioned, hemlock is a white flower coinedence? i think not. As ivory looks around the mansion i noticed in the garden there is TONNES of white flowers is this telling us that those flowers are the imfamous hemlock plant? the posionious hemlock plant. THE SAME PLANT THAT IS SAT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TABLE ON THE SERVANTS EATING QUATERS?!?!. In one of the scenes where ivory meets all the maids/butlers ectect they are eating only certain maids/butlers are eating which i believe to be some sort of foreshadowing of the future on who might die next? though near the white flower which i assume to be hemlock and coincidentally the one who is found dead at the stairs is mysticat ONE of the people eating at the table near the white flower. As hemlock the plant is poisionious i believe while eating mysticat was some how posioned. specifically at 22:50 that is when all of them gather mysticat begins eating at 23:06 which gives around a 6-7 minute gap between when she was poisoned as i mentioned before from the flower she is then found dead at the bottom of the stairs. I believe ivory wanted us to assume mysticat fell and died but in actual fact she died from hemlock poisoning. We also see mysticat full of blood which would make sense as she “fell down” the stairs but i believe this to be a sign of hemlock posioning me and my friend dicussed the possibility of the blood is actually blisters a symptom of hemlock poisoning. I am also sorry to let down all the serapter fans but i believe he is also poisoned. In one scene in falls randomly hemlock posioning causes the person to be weak and unable to have fast movements so when seraptor fell that was showing he was also posioned from the hemlock. I saw a comment about the newspaper in the trailer and how men have been dying from starvation and being overworked. What if one of these workers was starving and was searching for food. A common mistake with people is they mix up two similar plants hemlock and cows parsley, What if this worker comes across hemlock and mistakes it for the so callled cows parsley instead and eats it sharing it with others and bringing them to their death. There was also a supersition at this time (i cannot confirm this) if someone was to bring cows parsley into their families house hold it would bring automatic death to their household maybe that is linking together with the fact people are dying from “starvation and overworking” but in fact it is once again the hemlock plant causing it and that it is clearly a common issue currently in the area they all are in that hemlock poisoning is a key dominate thing happening for everyone in this town/place. I am still unaware what century/time whitepine is set in but maybe it is possible people are unaware of the fact that hemlock is posionious at this time in history.
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0seraptor0 · 19 days
I wanted to thank everyone who’s enjoying and spreading our theories and I’d like to give a special mention to @aroaceweirdos101 for an interesting add on to our theory:
“I feel like the hemlock poisoning theory you mentioned in a previous part could also be a represntation of the family slowly killing themselves with grieve from the mothers death aswell as unintentially bringing everyone else down with them.”
It’s a great theory and I really like it!! It’s a great representation of how someone’s actions can affect others.
But alas we can only theories until the next part.
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0seraptor0 · 16 days
A theory made by me and my friend: part 5
Hello everyone I’m the Whitepine community. Me and my friend have spent the past hour making up theories. They may be quite long but we’d love for you to read them!!
(More details on The death of mysticat.)
The death of mysticat. First of as i mentioned mysticat is found eating near what i believe the hemlock plant i assume they are posioned at around 23:06 giving a 6-7 minute time lasp of the posion to kill mysticat as hemlock posionining can take up to 15 minutes to kill its victim. When we first meet mysticat syraptor is looking for a duster and asks mysticat they then say something along the lines of “there is some in the upstairs storage cupboard” to me this signifys that mysticat is in fact a maid who tends to work upstairs and so knows the layout well. Lets assume after mysticat is poisoned goes back to typical dutys they do upstairs but slowly begins to feel the side effects and symptoms of the posioning of hemlock and then goes to the stairs to dust but instead the hemlock strikes mysticat then has a sudden death and falls tragically down the stairs ending mysticats life. Now my only problem i have found is with the marks on mysticat but my friend discussed with me and found another symptom of hemlock posioning “blisters” it is possible blisters start to form on mysticat and when posioned causing the skin to bleed and when mysticat falls down the stairsthis then causes the blisters to worsen and a normal thing about falling down such high stairs is that you would probably most definitely get some sort of injury.
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0seraptor0 · 20 days
A theory made by me and my friend: part 4
Hello everyone I’m the Whitepine community. Me and my friend have spent the past hour making up theories. They may be quite long but we’d love for you to read them!!
4. Another key moment how ivory has a connection to the piano i like how it is most likely this piano is made using pine and ivory keys its almost clearly pointing out the fact it is some sort of ivory piano.
I also would like to acknowledge Who is the one conspiring? i believe it to be either the butler or clown It is possible there is more characters we haven’t acknowledged yet. Clown is possibly trying to hide something as around when they are reading the letters the liberation letter clearly spells out “help” we do not know what this could mean besides the fact it is a secret code asking for help that is my suspicion on clown. But another suspicion my friend found is the butler. When we bump into the butler he says “im just a butler” is he though? think about it ivory is new has noway to confirm this and hasnt met the maids/butlers offically this gives a great opportunity for the butler to lie about their identity giving them the perfect way to find a way to posion another victim. Someone also mentioned (whoever they are we give you credit for this) mentioned because of the sudden deaths in the mill and lack of food Whitepine and the hemlockes decide to invite new workers so they can help people as they seem to be a kind family who wouldnt want people to suffer starvation and overworking. Maybe the butler came from this mill having knowledge about what the hemlock plant can do and plots to kill everyone within the household.
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0seraptor0 · 23 days
A theory made by me and my friend: part 3
Hello everyone I’m the Whitepine community. Me and my friend have spent the past hour making up theories. They may be quite long but we’d love for you to read them!!
3. My friend came up with a valid reason the century possibly is as we know ivory arrives on a train so my friend looked into what train its a steam train of course! which just so happens to be the 19th century!!!! which i totally believe this is the century we are set in for whitepine as like i said in paragraph 1 the ivory pianos were typically made in the 19th century. Another connection to mysticats death is the person we see her looking after mr hemlocke (pyroscythe) he is seen throwing up coincidental?? NO it isnt another symptom of hemlock posioning is nausea/throwing up. I fully believe mr hemlocke is posioned too this makes me believe that even the family is unaware of the fact hemlock isnt safe at all this might also be a connection to mrs hemlocke dying? i assume she isnt here with us anymore as it is mentioned her piano used to be upstairs in a room but is now locked away in the basement forgotten similar to how ivory is easily forgotten as shes quiet.
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whitepine-estate · 24 days
not a theory, But i'm so happy that WHITEPINE has actual subtitles, and not just auto generated ones.
just, i'm very happy i can actually understand what they're saying, so thank you WHITEPINE crew
Oh my goodness SAME I believe it was Ivory who did it based off the thank you message at the end. But it helps so so so much.
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