#whiteholm castle
Glenbrook's Crown City Concept Art
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Some concept art for Glenbrook's crown city! Translation notes and id under the cut. Here's a link as well to some of the Whiteholm Castle translations I did a while back, since a lot of these pages sort of bleed together subject-wise.
Translation notes:
I couldn't tell exactly what the label on the fish/meat stall was saying. It was definitely "______ shop", but I couldn't make out the characters well enough to say what the first word was. I went with "fish" mostly because of the context of the image beside it.
"Router" appears to be literally the phonemes "Ru Ta", which the dictionary I use translates as "router." However, it could also be interpreted as something more like "Luther" or "Luta". I'm not really sure what the intention here was. Maybe "router" is being used as a synonym for "hub"? Or "Luther" was an early name for the city? I left it as router but there's probably a better translation.
[image id: Several pieces of art from the Triangle Strategy artbook, primarily of Glenbrook's crown city. The first image is of a distant overhead view of Whiteholm Castle, Whiteholm Bridge, and the main plaza area of the crown city. On the same page, there is an up-close look of the plaza during some sort of festival, with people in the streets. The English translation of the caption for both images reads, "This is a shot of each of Glenbrook's visitable sites. I wanted to include an ordinary medieval European cityscape in one of the three countries, so Glenbrook ended up playing that part. (Tatsuaki Urushibara)". On the next page, there are three images of a street in the city labeled "Normal" (with no decorations), "Ceremony" (with banners and performers), and "After being taken over by Country B" (with a gray sky and a visibly damaged bridge/boats). There are also many labeled objects, such as a statue of an unspecified goddess, a horse drawn cart, a cart of wine, Glenbrook's banner, and some food stalls. There is also a drawing of decorative plates hung on a wall that is shown to turn into swords after the invasion of Country B. The last page is a very distant overhead of the crown city and the castle, showing the flow of the river from the top left to the bottom right, with the castle situated on an island in the middle. There are labels for a floodgate to the top left, a "black market trader" on the northern shore of the river, a moat around the crown city, and fields that surround the city.]
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avlora-dialogue-bot · 1 month
Avlora: I struck you down with my own hand... So tell me‚ who are you‚ behind that mask?
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Hughette: I know you have suffered many hardships, but pray...do not let yourself succumb to despair. Me, our comrades, your people... All of us are eagerly awaiting the era of peace our new king will bring.
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stratecheez · 29 days
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Ezana at WhiteHolm Castle Gardens there was a deleted post actually i forgot the name of the guy but i took feedback of the hand being wonky! Also I blurred Ezana to make it a bit more cinematic but idk lmao, I'm just glad this art piece is over so I can move o
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Oiriginal if anyone's interested I just didn't like the original piece because it's too visually messy for me
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johnbly · 6 months
[FIC] to be royalty
House Wolffort has successfully driven back Avlora and the Aesfrosti army, yet Roland is still troubled. Frederica finds him deep in thought and the two discuss support and strength.
Word Count: 1,501
read on ao3
Roland can’t sleep.
He stares up at the ceiling of his room in Castle Wolffort. It’s not unfamiliar — several times as a child he’d spent the night in Serenoa’s home — but he’s used to this sight being by choice, not necessity.
Yet it’s not entirely by necessity, isn’t it? If the others had simply listened to him when the Scales were brought out, his view would be of…well, he’s not sure where Gustadolph would’ve put him, but the view would’ve undoubtedly been different.
And that’s why, instead of all the other reasons that have caused him difficulty in sleep as of late, he cannot rest tonight. After the vote, after his initial fears of the troubles their decision would bring, Roland had thought he was ready for the inevitable battle.
He’d been wrong.
It’s stupid, because they won. All things considered, the losses could have been far worse. They didn’t even have to use any of the fire traps. But it’s knowing what could have been: any one of his companions killed, him being captured after a long and bloody battle for naught, homes of civilians burned for nothing more than a desperate grasp at an advantage. All in his name. All because the world has determined he matters more than anything and anyone else. 
Yet while it could have been worse, many still lost limbs or lives. The fact that even one drop of blood had been spilled in his name when it didn’t have to be hurts like a physical wound. No doubt his father or Frani wouldn’t have been bothered like this. As if Roland needs any more reminders that he’s not ready for — let alone worthy of — the throne, providing there’s even one left at the end of this for him to take. Providing he survives.
And what right does he have to be disturbed when Cordelia is still at Whiteholm?
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randomnameless · 4 months
TS expresses multiple times that Aesfrost explicitly did not loot pillage and plunder Glenbrook or slaughter civilians when they invaded. The heroes caused more destruction taking Whiteholm back than Gustadolph did when he conquered it. Hyzante's problem isn't "religion bad" the religion itself was corrupted by Idore.
Do you have a website akin the the FE Datamine for the TS script ?
I remember how Whiteholm being relatively "unharmed" being a major point in the Roland routes, the Whiteholm peeps don't see anything wrong with Aesfrost' rule because Aesfrost (Gustadolph) specifically made sure that all exactions wouldn't be made in the main city ? But I can't remember the chapter...
However, several character supports (or stories? I don't remember how it was called) like iirc Flannagan, Avlora, Medina and Cordelia's were pretty revealing about what was happening in Glenbrook -in Flanagan's chapter iirc some Aesfrosti are pillaging for funsies, Medina has to heal an Aesfrosti soldier and meets opposition, Cordelia receives her share of flak and Avlora is hated by randoms because of what her army did.
Hyzante's religion is as consistent as swiss cheese, but iirc it thrives on enslaving Rosellians to hide the secret that salt didn't come from the goddess but they just happened to find some salted lake in the desert and hide the existence of rock salt to keep their monopoly. And that nonsense existed before Idore became the head honcho with his mechanical doll!
EDIT : someone compiled the script on the wiki!
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Pariatte, out of anyone, notices how Gustadolph didn't attack the city of Whiteholm, but only focused on the castle so he wouldn't lose a lot of "popular support" from people who matter, aka not the peasants from Falkes, but the randoms in Whiteholm.
And as expected from the ones who aren't subjected to the worst of Aesfrosti occupation, Whiteholm people don't think Aesfrost's occupation is "that bad after all".
Heck, even Patriatte expected better of them lol
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roaldseth · 7 months
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A new age for Norzelia has been planted, and Julio returns to Whiteholm Castle in the wake of brutal war, tasked with conveying relics back to home and household destroyed by its fierce flames. From under the ashes the seeds known to its land sprung forth anew, and so someone had to salt its earth, the title anointed: a new steward of the land. But to do so, Julio needs to face his father whom he had not seen for years.
【 He Who Inherits His Father’s Land 】 a Triangle Strategy fanfic, zine contribution for @tristratzine.
Julio Wrightman | Rated T; Grief, Loss | 3,382 words 
Refer to AO3 for tags and to read. Fic linked below ↓
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beantothemax · 8 months
For everyone else’s reference: tristrat spoilers ahead (morality route and everything through chapter 14, specifically frederica’s plan)! Based on an au that ng+ is serenoa being stuck in a timeloop
The embers of war were not yet fully extinguished, but for the time being, they had been reduced to just that: mere embers. None knew how and when exactly the blaze would flare to life again, but everyone continued about their days nonetheless, with the feeling of unease and restlessness hanging over their shoulders. Despite their best efforts, House Wolffort’s plan to safeguard the city of Whiteholm by destroying the bridge to the castle did not save it from being ravaged by the flames of battle, and the damages were immense. The bridge had been successfully destroyed, but now that merely added to the long list of repairs that had to be made. Serenoa and Frederica agreed to inspect the bridge in King Roland’s stead in order to assess the full extent of the damage caused by Hyzante’s experimental Aelfric.
The Aelfric… It played upon Serenoa’s mind strangely. He knew nothing of it, and yet he felt as though he knew far too much about it. He had been feeling like that a lot lately, as if there was something he was forgetting, something distant and yet all too real.
It all started the night before he met his betrothed, Frederica. He awoke after a strange dream, a strange dream he could hardly recall, and yet something within him ached. He continued on with his day, but couldn’t help but be stricken by an even more peculiar sense of deja vu. When the kingdom fell to Aesfrost, he came to understand that he had lived through these events once before, though his decisions now differed sometimes. He did not know all of the details of what happened the first time, but occasionally they came back to him, and often he agonized in silence when they did. No one would believe him, nor did he wish to burden them with the unusual circumstances he found himself in, especially considering the dangers they were all facing now.
Would it happen again? He wondered. At the end of this path, will I be brought back to the beginning once more? The thoughts plagued him, and he knew not if or when he would be freed from the hands of time and his foggy recollections of a life lived by an alternative version of himself. All he could do was use his old self’s knowledge to walk a road he could only hope was just, such is his family’s creed.
Regardless of what might have happened in the past now lost to the mysteries of time, or what might happen in the future, Serenoa decided to turn his focus to the present. There was a city to rebuild, after all, and as the lord of the last standing high house of Glenbrook, he had to hold himself strong.
“Is everything alright, Serenoa?” Frederica inquired, holding her betrothed’s hand in her own as they walked.
Serenoa was caught somewhat unawares, but he turned to his partner and responded plainly, “Ah, yes. Forgive me, my love, I was merely lost in thought.”
The Norzelia River raged beneath the broken bridge, and the sound brought Serenoa no comfort. He did not yet know why, but he figured it was likely due to recent events causing so many dear companions and honorable foes alike to be cast into its waters. Such was the fate of Ser Maxwell and General Avlora, and he feared someone else might be lost to the merciless currents, or worse, they already had been.
Frederica’s calm voice interrupted his haunting thoughts once more, “To think one small crystal was powerful enough to do such damage. I fear what might happen if Hyzante were to ever turn such a thing against us.”
Serenoa felt his grip on Frederica’s hand tighten, though he did not know why exactly, “I hope we never see that day.”
Frederica nodded, choosing not to comment on how his grip on her hand had tightened. She figured Serenoa was imagining their fears in terrifying detail, as she had always known his thoughts to be deep and complex. How he was able to play out entire battles in his mind and come out of it all the more prepared to fight them, though she knew he did not want to. A lot weighed on his mind, as it did on her’s. She felt her grip tighten as well now.
They continued to examine the bridge, staying as close to one another as they could. Seeing the damage caused by the Aelfric, it suddenly came back to him:
He had seen this before, but he was much closer to the blow itself that day. That day when Hyzante did in fact wield the Aelfric against them. That day when he was the one lost to the river.
That day, in a time that was now merely ash in the wind,  when he died for Frederica, for his love’s dream.
He stood closely by her side now, knowing he could not tell her about what he had remembered, nor did he want to. He did not wish to hurt her with the memories that haunted him, so he bore them alone, no matter how heavily that weighed on him. If anything, his convictions only grew stronger from the weight.
He would not force her to watch him die, to carry on without him. Not again.
After all, they promised to ease each other’s burdens, not worsen them.
CALC,,,,,…,,…,..,, CALCIUM………… SHRIVELING INTO A BALL AND DYING FOREVER!!!!!!!!!! AUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
serenoa not wanting to bring up this whole timeloop issue to anyone because they already have so much on their plate……. choosing to agonize in silence to not burden his family…. serenoa let yourself be vulnerable around others!!!!!!!!! you aren’t a burden!!!!! im shaking him so hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and not even knowing if the end he’s aiming towards will free him!!!!!! what if he goes through all if this only to end up at square one again!!!!!!!!!! agh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND,,,,,,,,, SERRY REMEMBERING HOW HE DIED LAST TIME AS HE LOOKS OVER THE BRIDGE WITH RICA,,,,,,,, his hand gripping hers ever so slightly tighter….. auh…. (wonder who you got that idea from teehee)
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alynnl · 9 months
1, 15, 22 for the tri strat ask game! :)
1. Favorite Playable Character/Unit?
I love Hughette. Then again I always love my archer/ranger types. But seriously, she's amazing. Her sniping range is only matched by Archibald and she's an MVP every single map I take her. The fact that she can do status effects is a bonus too. Character-wise I like her devotion to Roland, as well as all the character stories she makes an appearance in. She gets a ton of side-story mileage even though she's not one of the main four and I just think she's neat!
15. Favorite character dynamic and relationship (and why)?
There are a lot of good ones. But I guess I have to go with Serenoa and Frederica here. I liked seeing their relationship develop over time, from duty-bound betrothed to a battle couple in wartime. They confide in one another and trust in one another. And even during the Utility end where Frederica leaves, it's clear that there's still some form of a bond between them. It's not really love at first sight but it is a bond that becomes stronger in adversity (which is why the Liberty ending, where they're so cold to one another really stings the most even if they're both alive and together in that one.)
22. Favorite moment?
Choosing Frederica's plan when it comes to re-taking Whiteholm Castle. Seeing Frederica finally stand up to Thalas and Erika after all they put her through. Her choosing to fight for Glenbrook and also thinking of a plan that would keep the casualties to a minimum. It was incredibly satisfying to finally fight these two and put them in their place.
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majormiles · 4 years
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Whiteholm Castle's Gardens Concept Art
Blank versions with a little bit of color/contrast altering that can be used for wallpapers and that sort of thing :)
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Whiteholm Castle's Gardens Concept Art
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Concept art for Whiteholm Castle's gardens! This has been something I wanted to translate for a while, purely because it's just really pretty :)
Translation notes and image ids under the cut.
Translation Notes:
"Resting place" might have meant something more like "shrine," but given the appearance I leaned toward "resting place."
"Unreal splendor" was lit. the Japanese phonetic spelling of English's "unreal" + the Japanese word for splendor. I'm not really 100% sure why that English word was used there, but I think it's just meant to be a little extra fancy/emphasized.
There were a lot of little words on here that I was a little iffy about, in part because the handwriting was kind of small and I had trouble making out the characters. Longer sentences are usually actually easier to translate because you can use grammar and sentence structure context clues to figure out what the word is supposed to be. When it's a one-off little label, it becomes a lot more important that you know exactly what each character is. The image of the lantern hanging on the lanternpost is one in particular that I still feel sort of unsure about (it definitely mentioned hanging the lantern, but I couldn't 100% figure out what exactly the rest of it meant).
Image Id:
[id: A set of 4 images. The first is the original Japanese version of the page of concept art for Whiteholm Castle's gardens.
The second is the top third of the page, with English translations. It has the heading, "CountryA_Garden/SacredTreeVersion." There is a small shot of Whiteholm Castle with a red box outlining the section with the gardens, which has the label, "here is a wide shot of the area," as well as another label pointing to some trees outside the gardens that reads, "a forest grows around the castle." There is then a much larger and detailed illustration of the gardens, which has a large tree centered to the far right side. There is a label that has a text box with the heading, "Sacred Tree." The text in the text box reads, "A large tree that has been growing here since before the kingdom's founding, and keeps watch as the land develops. The tree is old, so its leaves have long withered away. But at night (maybe once every few cycles?), fireflies gather and form glowing leaves, returning it to its former glory." There is another nearby note that reads, "White gradient from the base to the trunk and brown gradient from the trunk to the branches." Another small label is put on the smaller, less distinct foliage nearby, reading, "forest." There is a small image of the tree at night, labeled "Sacred Tree (Night)" with the caption, "Countless fireflies are drawn by the tree's special sap and form a tree of light."
The third image is the middle section of the page, and is labeled "Country A Garden." It has a small diagram of the streetlamp with the label "Streetlamp (The idea is that it's illuminated by a lantern candle rather than a gas lamp.)" Another nearby note reads, "Lantern hands from pole." There are several additional simple labels pointing to the lotus flowers that grow in the large rectangular fountain, as well as the small semi-circle fountain that serves as a source for the rectangular one, a gazebo that is called "resting place," some large stone flower vases, some benches, some flowering plants and ivy that hang from the balustrades around the garden, and the reflections on the water, which reads, "The sky is reflected on the surface of the water." Off to the side there are some more detailed close-ups of the stone vases (which contain yellow roses), a stone bench, and a "general purpose balustrade."
The last image is of the garden at night, labeled "Country A Garden/Firefly Version." It is the same as the previous image, but with different coloring, and devoid of many of the labels. It has the same note about the streetlamps. At the bottom, there is an illustrator's note that reads, "In an effort to avoid making the garden look gaudy, we paid special attention to not overdoing it with flowers. But at night, we send out fireflies with the deliberate intention of giving it an "unreal splendor." (Tatsuaki Urushibara) /end id]
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Whiteholm Castle concept/reference art
Translation notes:
I’m not 100% what the distinction is between King’s Room, Boardroom, Assembly Hall, etc. is. The throne room definitely seems to be the King’s room, and the Assembly Hall is definitely the one with the staircases. However, when it comes to the Boardroom, I think it refers to the King’s Room (since that seems to be noted in the Assembly Hall image) but it felt a little unclear. I’ve probably mixed up some terminology throughout it all, so sorry about that.
As I’m going through more pages, it’s dawning on me that “A” references both Glenbrook AND Wolffort (and possibly Serenoa specifically). The note on the diagram that talks about “A’s territory” is most likely in reference to Wolffort. (As an aside, this means I’ll probably go back and update Lady Destra’s concept page at some point--there was one thing I translated as “Parent of A [meaning Glenbrook]” when it probably should have been translated as “Parent of A [meaning Wolffort/Serenoa].”)
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avlora-dialogue-bot · 28 days
Avlora: ...I would take the measure of this man.
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Erika: Oh no. What ever will we do? It looks like they didn't take kindly to Brother's schemes.
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Cordelia: Oh, Brother! Thank the heavens you're safe! They didn't hurt you, did they?
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