preponias · 1 year
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What are White Goods?
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dahnaylogistics · 1 year
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Consumer Electronics Logistics Services - DahNay Logistics
As the import and export market for white goods is witnessing remarkable growth with a projected annual increase of 2.1%, we envision an escalating global demand for household appliances, spotlighting the intricate dynamics of White Goods Logistics.
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To know more about our services: https://dahnay.com/white-goods/
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homishguide · 2 years
Why Are Bed Frames So Expensive?
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Bed frames can be quite expensive, and there are several reasons for this. In this article, we will explore the various factors that contribute to the high cost of bed frames and provide some tips on how to choose a bed frame that fits your budget.
Materials Used
One of the primary factors that influence the price of a bed frame is the materials used to make it. High-quality materials such as solid wood, metal, or leather are more expensive than cheaper alternatives like particleboard or MDF. Additionally, the cost of materials can vary depending on their source and quality.
Design and Construction
Another significant factor that impacts the cost of bed frames is their design and construction. More complex designs or custom-made bed frames are typically more expensive than standard ones. Additionally, the way a bed frame is constructed can also affect its price. For example, a bed frame that requires more manual labor or advanced machinery will likely be more expensive.
Brand Reputation
Bed frame brands with a reputation for quality, durability, and craftsmanship often charge more for their products. While you may be paying a premium for the brand name, you can often expect higher-quality materials, superior construction, and better customer service.
Production Costs
The cost of producing a bed frame can also influence its price. Factors like labor costs, transportation costs, and raw material costs all contribute to the final price of a bed frame. In general, bed frames made in countries with lower labor costs tend to be less expensive than those produced in countries with higher labor costs.
Demand and Supply
Finally, the laws of supply and demand can also impact the cost of bed frames. If a particular bed frame is in high demand, manufacturers may increase its price to capitalize on this demand. Conversely, if there is less demand for a particular bed frame, manufacturers may lower its price to encourage sales.
Now that we've covered the factors that impact the cost of bed frames let's talk about how to choose a bed frame that fits your budget. First, consider the materials that you want in your bed frame. If you want a high-quality bed frame, expect to pay more for materials like solid wood or metal. Alternatively, if you're on a tighter budget, consider bed frames made from less expensive materials like particleboard or MDF.
Next, think about the design and construction of the bed frame. Standard designs with simple construction will typically be less expensive than custom designs or bed frames with intricate construction.
Finally, consider the reputation of the bed frame brand. While reputable brands may be more expensive, they often provide higher-quality materials, superior construction, and better customer service.
In conclusion, bed frames can be quite expensive, but the cost is influenced by various factors like materials, design and construction, brand reputation, production costs, and demand and supply. It's essential to consider all these factors when choosing a bed frame that fits your budget and provides the necessary quality.
Read More: https://homishguide.com/why-are-bed-frames-so-expensive
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ktechgeek · 2 years
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How to Protect White Goods While Moving?;
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If you walk into a whitegoods store with money they will just let you buy a washing machine. You can just do it, they don't ask any questions except "when would you like this delivered". And then you own a washing machine.
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jo-cool · 2 years
Factory Seconds vs Refurbished- whats the difference?
Jo Cool is a firm established in 2013 with the intention of providing premium quality factory seconds whitegoods Perth citizens' use. Our range includes fridges, freezers, washers and dryers that you can sell or buy on our portal. Whether you are shifting to a new location or want to upgrade your home appliances, you can browse our range to get your desired product with a 1-year warranty. You can have a virtual tour of our product collection on the online portal.
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flowwriter · 1 month
Another Midsummer Night's Dream
The sharp, dry Winter morning woke her. She looked around the aging, dank cabin until her eyes landed on Ares. He was still asleep on the cold floor. She tsked at him; no matter how cold it got, he refused to sleep on the bed. Proud son of a bitch. Slow as she could, she unfurled herself from the duna and placed her feet on the floor. Her leg sung out its usual morning groan as it made painful contact. “Remember, you aren’t getting any younger” it said, even though she was only twenty-eight. She ignored it as best as you can ignore a leg. 
She had stayed at many places: houses, hotels, mansions, the odd cave, but this cabin, as dilapidated and possibly mold-infested as it was, was the closest she had come to calling somewhere home. She’d slept here maybe eight or nine times over the past few months. She had never felt comfortable just staying in one place, even before everything, so never spent more than three nights in a row at one shelter. But after a long day's walk, or an unsuccessful hunt, her thoughts always turned to this cabin’s quaint little outhouse, or the fine oak table, or the assortment of hand-sculpted cutlery and whitegoods that burst out of every cupboard and drawer. Taking in the cabin’s aroma at dusk, she could almost smell the rose-tinted memories made by the small children who called this place a holiday home.
Ares seemed to like it, anyway, and she valued the dog's opinion more than she cared to admit. He was one picky bitch when he came to living arrangements, she had come to learn. He wouldn’t whine or bark or sulk, but he’d try to walk on his tiptoes if the floor was too damp, or constantly sniff the air if something had died in the walls. She was happy that at least one of the two of them had standards. 
She had found him in one of the old cities. She used to like meandering through the cities, but what food was left behind had quickly gone off, and you can only live off tins of beans for so long, even if the alternative is starvation. She had gone to ravage through an apartment complex when she heard scratching at one of the doors. She opened it (thankfully, unlocked) and there he was. She was a strict cat person before it all went down (affection needed to be earned with a cat, she thought, and she liked that in a friend), but housecats made lousy hunting animals, and even lousier companions. She knew that they were just as likely to curl up beside you as it was to run off, never to be seen again. 
Ares had never run off though, and she could tell that it was a thought that he could not even possibly conceive of. She gave him meaning as much as he gave her company. She brought him away from the city to the wilderness (or near enough). The animals had not yet been brave enough to retake the cities. Still too scarred by millenia of mistreatment by humans, she thought, so they mainly stuck to their old haunches.  Ares may have been loyal, but he was wiley, so prey (squirrel and bird mainly), was an easy day’s hunt for him. He’d eat anything, the mutt he was, but her palette was a little more refined. She had expected the starvation and desperation to overwhelm her disgust at eating rodents, but after the first few bites, the disgust returned tenfold. She had never gotten over the bones - tiny little ones. Every animal, no matter what size, seemed to have fifty or more, scattered higgledy-piggledy through the body. She cooked the meat well enough, of course, but no matter what she did, the animals never made the psychological jump in her mind to being “meat”. She still couldn’t see them as anything but “flesh”.
As far as she could tell, she was the last one left. It surprised her how little she thought about it. She used to live in the city, one of those apartments close to the ground floor, and she read a lot, so she didn’t even realise something was wrong for the first day. Silence is a hard thing to notice. She ventured out on day 2 to get some groceries, but there were no cars. No chatter, no movement. She ran to the corner store, god knows why, and just looked around. She gawked at the chips, the cigarettes, the drink fridge still happily buzzing away in the corner. That was when the panic set in. The following day, she just worked off impulse. She gathered up as much food as she could, and stayed inside. There was no internet, which took her by shock (That needed people to work? Wasn’t it just all computers?), and she got bored of reading books far quicker than she expected. A voice in her head gnawed at her, although it never asked any specific question, only what? Why? How?. As curious as she soon became, some unknown force kept her at home. The thought of going out and trying to find other people terrified her to her core. 
That’s the way it stayed for about two months. She raided the corner store every day or two. The clerk that used to work there, Aaron, probably would have approved. He was a communist, and pretended not to notice her slip the odd snack or drink the day before her paycheck came in. He was kind of cute, and she had the secret suspicion that he was working up the courage to ask her on a date. No matter now, she told herself whenever these thoughts came up in the early hours. 
One day the store ran out. This shouldn’t have been a surprise to her, but it was. She double-checked every shelf, every fridge, every spare nook and cranny. Zip. Nada. She made a few hours trek to a supermarket over. 
The supermarket was cleaned bare. Licked clean. There were other people out there.
The decision to leave for the wilderness was so obvious to her that she didn’t even think of it as a decision. More of an inevitability. She didn’t know what to take so she didn’t take anything. Just a kitchen knife, a lighter and some tape. She had seen a Mythbusters episode about how you could survive in the wilderness just using duct tape, but she didn’t have any duct tape, so she just bought a roll of sticky tape. This was one of the first things to be forgotten after she had stayed at two or three haunts. She hadn’t missed it much. 
The days used to stretch long at the start, but they got shorter as she put more of them behind her.  She tried to develop a routine, but there was very little to do. Ares didn’t eat much, thank god, so he was content on nibbling away at the bones of any of the larger dead animals he had managed to track down. He kept them stored neatly in one corner of the room. She didn’t need exercise; hunting with Ares was hard enough with her bung knee. Very little cleaning needed to be done, since she moved so often, and had no real possessions anyway apart from the animal bones. That meant most mornings were spent laying in bed, staring at the ceiling. 
It bothered her. Shouldn’t she be constantly alert? On her toes at all times? In case the, like, Mighty Wolf (Do we even have wolves?) attacked her in her sleep? But there was no mighty wolf. There was barely a mighty possum. Just the cold and the dark and the sounds. Oh, the sounds were more than enough to keep her awake some nights. Sounds you never heard an animal make before. Sounds that couldn’t have come from an animal. The whispers. Every time she heard them, she remembered the supermarket. The empty supermarket with the clean, white shelves. She had adopted the habit of placing a large rock against the inside of the door in the cabin of a nighttime. Enough to deter any wildlife, probably, but if another person knew there was someone in there, and was hungry enough…
Stop, she said out loud to herself, as she had become accustomed to doing whenever these kinds of thoughts came up. She didn’t talk out loud much, so it startled Ares whenever she did this. It had started as a “technique” that Dr. Menzies had told her about. Dr Menzies was probably dead now. Stop. Or maybe Dr Menzies would be the one to kill her. Stop. Ha ha, she thought madly, I sound like a fucking telegram.
She put on the boots she had found a month or two ago at that hotel she had stayed at that reminded her of The Overlook from The Shining. No snow there, but it was remote enough and large enough that she wondered how it could have ever attracted any customers. Lost and found boxes now inspired a kind of deep happiness she wouldn’t have thought possible a few months ago. She opened the door and stepped out into the cold and the bright. 
She thought of it as “hunting”. It wasn’t, really. She foraged, while Ares hunted. She had tried to track down some kind of surivival guide in one of the hovels she had stayed in. No such luck. Sometimes she thought they might be hiding from her. Not that she expected them littered on the ground like in a video game, just that at least one these outdoorsy fucks who lived in forest cabins had to have some kind of reference guide. They can’t all have been born with the knowledge of how to start a fire, or how to cook rodents. She didn’t even need to know that much. She only wanted to work out which berries were poisonous or not; she wasn’t going to become Bear fucking Grylls. 
Some days it was just a “walk around and see what you find” kind of day. Those days were hit or miss. Either you went home and screamed into the pillow because you walked for 8 hours and found nothing but fucking grass, or you uncovered the second fucking Garden of Eden. Usually including the snake, too. Today she was on her way to one of those Gardens of Eden. She had scoped out a rather promising grove of bushes, covered in what looked like blueberries. She had first located it a few days ago, just as the sun was going down (it had been up to that point one of the “pillow-screaming days) but it was already past 4, she presumed, and the sun dangled dangerously low in the sky already. When she had discovered it with Ares a couple days ago, he had become stiff, and began sniffing along the ground. There had been animals here. Tasty, huntable animals. 
She let Ares give the area a “sniffdown” before she decided it was fine to look around. She used to think that it was a just a dumb thing dogs do, like humping your leg or barking at the wind. That was before she went out one day while the dog slept, and had been chased all the way back home by some kind of yellow snake. Aren’t you only meant to attack if you’re threatened? She thought while sprinting the whole way home. She hadn’t left again for two nights, but hunger has a way of defeating fear. Three weeks later, Ares had actually caught a yellow snake. They were in a different part of the world by then, but she liked to think it was the same snake.
No snakes here today though. Ares finished his sweep and looked back at her, tail wagging. When she didn’t come immediately, he let out a short “arf!”, like, “What’re you waiting for? Water’s fine!” She was still cautious. After all, he was just a dog. 
She had a system for new berries, which was basically all berries, since she had no idea how to keep a log of them. And even if she did, did she trust her eyes enough to remember which berries were safe, and which were the ones which looked almost the same but would kill you in an instant?
She carefully plucked one berry from a nearby bush with her sleeve wrapped around her hand. Could berries release toxins into you just from touch? She wasn’t gonna be the one to find out. She took the smallest possible bite from it, her teeth barely grazed the skin. She let it sit on her tongue for a few minutes. No reaction, no numbness or burning. Nothing except for a slight twinge of raspberry, which she thought was strange, since it was blue. She swallowed, and sat down, still toying with the berry in her sleeved hand. 
She’d need to wait 30 minutes. She figured that was long enough to feel the effects of any poison if it was going to happen at all. This had worked a couple times - one time she had stomach cramps so bad that she felt that she couldn’t do anything but scream in pain and fold up into the fetal position, right there on the ground. Thank god no sweaty-toothed beast had come lurking out of the shadows, as Ares had long since run off to find some kind of small fluffy creature to murder. She survived, but she knew if she had ingested one drop more of that juice, she wouldn’t have been so lucky.
Soon enough, the thirty minutes came and went, (in this world, she was amazed her watch still worked sometimes) and she figured that the berries were safe enough to collect for a feast on the walk back home. The bush had thorns, which she was careful to avoid. You could weeks in without seeing a bandaid, months without antiseptic. And she knew how fucking dumb she would feel if she got done in by a plant. 
As if on cue, Ares had returned. He had three dead rat-like creatures in his jaws, all held up by their necks, and it reminded her perversely of the way a mother cat holds its kittens. He dropped them at her feet. Luckily, all stone dead. On more than one hunting trip, Ares would bring back something she could still see breathing, that tiny little light coming out of its eyes. That it might live to fight another day. She hated killing those ones. She’d do it, but she hated it. 
The cabin had its own generator, and the previous owners had been kind enough to keep a few full jerrycans of gasoline laying around before they got raptured, or whatever (she found herself thinking less and less about what had happened. She still thought about it, but less). So, electricity was no problem. She knew how to build a campfire, but she had a feeling that that wind was gonna come back. The cabin electric stove would have to do. She had shaved the “rats” with great difficulty, only using one of the sharper butter knives she found. She cut off the grosser parts (head, genitals, tail), filleted them, and put them on a high heat. No seasonings but salt and pepper here. She always yearned for one of the hostels she had stayed in, probably a couple dozen miles from here. Some kind of outdoor summer camp kind of deal. Packed the fucking rafters with spices: garlic and onion powder, thyme, basil, coriander seeds, even bay leaves. Everything and anything to cover up the smell and taste of… whatever the rodent of the week was. She tried to find that hostel again a few times, but no luck. Just what she deserved.
One of the rodents let off a really foul smell when it had been cooked. She didn’t recognise it, but she had somewhat of an instinctual reaction to it. Plague, infection, virus, bacteria. These words spawned in her brain. She went outside and threw it as far as possible away. She wouldn’t even give it to the dog - that didn’t stop him from begging for it, of course. 
She went to sleep that night and dreamed. For the first time in a long time, she dreamed of people. No-one she knew. She dreamed that she was out foraging, returning again to the berry bush clearing, when a group of businessmen emerged from the bushes. All blond hair and white toothy smiles. Suits well ironed by their sad wives. “Congratulations” one said, “We’d like to present you with this cheque. One million dollars!” They all erupted in thunderous applause and wolf whistles. Another one pulled out a jumbo novelty check from thin air, “One million dollars” was printed in a fancy type. “To you and the dog” was scrawled below. In the bottom corner, it said “not dying to berries.”
As soon as she touched the cheque she woke up. Ares was napping on the bed by her feet, for once. She smiled.
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not-poignant · 1 year
Hey Pia, hope you're having a nice day
I was reading your backlog of asks and came across this answer of yours
"Fae haven’t been socialised to techniques like jump cuts and juxtaposition and artificially sped up storytelling and all that shit like humans have, and they often just can’t process it at all."
I found this really interesting because it's something I have never thought about. Like, it makes me wonder how humans reacted when the first moving picture was ever shown. How their minds coped with it.
Do you think fae could learn how to watch and enjoy movies? It would be like riding a bike wouldn't it, hard at first but easy once you figure out how it works?
Also do you think fae would be able to dead and understand human fiction or non fiction books? Would they enjoy forms of human music if they heard it? Are there any fae that are curious or fascinated with human things or culture the way humans are with fairy stuff?
Oooo okay,
So I don't know if you've read any of my stuff (although you know my naaame, so you might have read one of my things). This answer was specifically in context of like, my Fae Tales Verse series, and not like... just the faery realm in general!
But anyway, a lot of these answers are answered all in the character Ash Glashtyn, who is an ensemble character who spends most of his time living in the human realm in the canon stories Game Theory, The Court of Five Thrones and The Ice Plague (where he's trapped in the fae realm and miserable for it). Though the side story The Wildness Within also answers this.
And the tl;dr is that fae can absolutely adapt to watching media! Ash plays video games on a console, he reads fictional novels, he reads non-fiction, he watches television, sings human songs, and he very much enjoys human media. But he's also like 3,000 years old and probably grew into that the way a lot of humans grew into it too (the first humans panicked and fled a movie theatre when they first saw recorded video of a train coming at them - much like dogs that go 'where'd the bear go?' when they see one walk off screen on TV, we also couldn't understand and were like 'OH SHIT A TRAIN.')
Another character in the Fae Tales Verse series who is extremely up to date on human culture is the Nain Rouge who spends almost all her time in the human realm and prefers it. She enjoys rap, arcade music and games, and uses guns / and semi-automatic weapons when she's fighting.
Fae can definitely adapt!
Many other fae steal aspects of human culture (like words such as 'aftercare' or 'dominance/submission' or 'flashback'), and in the case of things like fridges etc. often bind electronic objects to magic so that they'll run like ours do, but without needing an electrical grid (ditto light switches and anything else electrical that they use 'like humans do' but with magical bolstering. In fact the job of 'I make human whitegoods and lights run on magic' is a very lucrative mage career in the fae realm).
So they definitely can adapt, but it's to different levels. Most never need to visit the human realm, and so just...aren't really exposed to it, beyond like the convenience of a fridge or a shower fixture.
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thecouchsofa · 11 months
Trick-or-treat!! 🎃
I was going to put a few of my most recent lines in here, but they're from an anon fest fic, so a different WiP will have to do!
Behold, never backing down in the face of adversity (or cock), a marathon of Harry and Draco getting competitive over Quidditch, men, desserts, and dates, all while being in denial about liking each other.
Snippet is unedited and straight from my brain.
🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃
“Those brooms were shocking. Got to be the worst thing I’ve ever put between my legs.” Ron smirked and wiggled his eyebrows at Harry, then at Malfoy.
Malfoy rolled his eyes. He swallowed his bite of cake and set the plate down on the table. “You, I’d believe. We all know that’s not the case for Potter.”
“What the fuck?” Harry asked, raising his eyebrows at Malfoy. “What does that even mean?”
Malfoy pursed his lips. “That Beater from the Arrows that you took home a few weeks ago comes to mind. Bald head, face like a thumb?”
“Fuck off,” Harry said. He chuckled weakly. The bloke had indeed been a shite lay, but Malfoy had no way of knowing that. “He’s a current player in the league. As if you could you do better.”
“Is that a challenge? Because I’ll win.” Malfoy snatched the plate of cake out of Ron’s hands, holding it against his chest.
“You won’t.”
“I will.”
“You won’t.”
“Who’d you pull that weekend, Malfoy?” Ron asked. He grinned at Harry when Harry shot him an exasperated look.
Malfoy smirked, brushing his hair out of his eyes. “Whitegood. Puddlemere Chaser.”
“Fuck off,” Harry snorted. “You did not.”
“I did.”
“He’s fit, there’s no way.”
“Should I go and get a Pensieve?” Malfoy asked. “Oh, bloody hell, alright, Ronald.” He all but threw the plate of cake into Ron’s waiting hands.
“Yes,” Harry said. He needed evidence to believe that Malfoy had managed to pull one of the fittest blokes in the league.
“Reckon that’s illegal,” Ron said through a mouthful of cake. “Should we have a do-over?”
“No,” said Harry.
“Yes,” said Malfoy.
Harry scowled at the pair of them, both grinning like loons.
“You’re just don’t want to admit that I date better looking men than you do,” Malfoy said. He smirked at Harry, leaning back in his chair.
“You don’t date better looking men than me.” Harry turned to Ron, his eyes wide. “He doesn’t date better looking men than me, does he?”
Ron held his hands up, palms facing out. A bit of cake fell from his fork onto the grass. “Results are inconclusive.”
Harry groaned, pressing his palms against his face. He could feel Malfoy’s smirk.
“Oh, Harry, are you alright?” Hermione crouched down next to him, the skirt of her poufy dress spilling across his lap. “Is it the sun? it’s a little bright, I know.”
Malfoy snorted. Harry dropped his hands so that he could glare at him.
“No, Harry’s just having a crisis,” Ron supplied, very unhelpfully.
“Hermione, tell me the truth.” Harry sighed, clasping her hand between his own. “Does the one and only supreme tosser known as Draco Malfoy date fitter blokes than me?”
Hermione pursed her lips, looking between the three of them with a disapproving expression on her face. “This is what you three are talking about at my engagement party?”
“Answer the question, Hermione.” Malfoy’s smirk would have been obvious even if Harry wasn’t actively glaring at him.
“I think you’ve both been with some objectively attractive men,” Hermione said.
Pansy appeared behind Hermione then. “To answer your question, Harry, yes, Draco dates fitter men than you.”
Ron cheered, punching a fist into the air. He lowered it when Harry glared at him.
Malfoy waited until Hermione and Pansy had been dragged off by Molly Weasley, Ron in tow, before he smirked at Harry again. He leaned back in his chair, one leg crossed over the other. “So that settles it then.”
“No,” Harry said, shaking his head. “I want a rematch. Whoever pulls the fittest bloke wins.”
Malfoy narrowed his eyes, though his smirk stayed firmly in place. “Fine. Time limit?”
“This time next week at Hermione and Pansy’s.”
“Perfect dinner table conversation,” Malfoy said. His fingers stroked up and down the stem of his champagne flute. “Any ground rules?”
Harry thought for a moment, his leg bouncing up and down. “No stealing blokes from each other. Finders keepers. And no sabotages.”
“Fine.” Malfoy rolled his eyes, clearly less than pleased. “We need evidence though. A picture or a magazine spread or something to verify.”
“Fuck off, you know that I hate that shit.” Harry detested the thought of actively trying to get into the papers, particularly when he was bringing home a one night stand.
“Deal with it.” Malfoy stood up, brushing down the front of his robes. He reached a hand out towards Harry. “One last condition: no reusing of old partners. Newly sourced only. Agreed?”
Harry sighed, but he took Malfoy’s hand. His palm was warm and soft, his fingers long as they clasped around Harry’s. “Agreed.”
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realasslesbian · 2 years
Throwback to that time I was six month into my law degree and decided to use it; had a landlord who was letting the place cave in with mould, sparking power switches, faulty hot water system that would randomly spit scalding water, the works, basically, plus they would always be harassing me for money, not rent money just 'I need $500 for a new phone pay me or move out', they'd also break into my mailbox regularly, and refused to sign any rental paperwork because they were tryna defraud the first home owners scheme, basically they were just an entire sack of shit, anyway, so rental laws are actually one of the few areas that are totally on the side of the more vulnerable (i.e. renters) and most landlords will blow a lot of hot air about what they're gonna do, but in reality, they can't do shit. So I moved out, no notice, no nothing, just stopped paying rent, I also sold all the whitegoods and furniture provided with the apartment on eBay, bc it didn't say nothing about no furnishings in the lease this dumbass wouldn't sign, those goods were mine now lmao, and she breaks into the apartment one day and finds it bare-ass empty, starts blowing up my phone over how she's gonna drag me through the court over the stuff I 'stole' and the rental arrears and whatever else, and I was just like 'well gee alright, if you think so, but I'd hate to trip on my way to court and just accidentally fall into a government office and then blurt out about how *name redacted* is defrauding the government to the tune of millions of dollars, and oopsy look at all the written evidence I dropped and is flying around in the air, all those letters you sent to my address, tryna make out you lived there, like I dunno if you want to risk it, I'm not supposed to give legal advice as a law student, but my legal advice is maybe just buy a new fridge sweetie, it'll cost you less than bothering me any further uwu' and tbh I basically became the female Saul Goodman at that point lmao
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Is Bin Hire in Campbellfield a Solution for Garbage Removal?
Reputable services of skip bin hire in Campbellfield, provide a good range of bins for sustainable garbage management. Some well-known skip bin providers supply a wide range of bin sizes and types, including as wheelie bins, craneable bins, mini and small skip bins, and huge hook bins, for disposing or recycling various forms of waste that may contribute to pollution.
When anyone hires a skip bin for dirt and construction rubbish removal in Melbourne from one of these businesses, ensure eco-friendly waste disposal by prioritising recycling and reducing landfill dumping. It is a commitment to sustainability that benefits the environment and ultimately reduces waste management expenses.
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Advantages of Hiring Garbej Bins from a Reputable Supplier:
Affordable skip hire is required since it provides a cost-effective option for managing all types of waste, from household trash and green waste to larger demolition or construction debris.
Residential and commercial property owners can rent skip bins, and people and businesses can save the cost and inconvenience of carrying rubbish to disposal facilities themselves, saving time, effort, and money.
These Australian-owned and managed trash management and bin supply companies are distinguished by exceptional customer service, low pricing, and skip-hire delivery alternatives available the next day.
They also maintain a fully automated online booking system to streamline the process of scheduling skip hire and ensure a smooth experience from booking to rubbish collection.
Well-established waste collection services handle a wide variety of waste types, including General household waste, dry concrete waste, gyprock tiles without cement sheeting, timber, plasterboard, soil, rubble, rocks and stones, green waste, paper and cardboard, small tree logs and branches, whitegoods, furniture, plastics, metals, bricks, appliances, electronics, foam and polystyrene, new insulation, clothes, fabrics, and shoes.
Select a Trusted Service Provider:
When buying an economical skip bin, look for a reputable supplier with a strong management system and a good track record of customer satisfaction.
Check their certifications, and reputation through online reviews, and feedback, and also check whether any recommendations from people who used their services.
Finally, compare prices and services in nearby areas, and select a reputable supplier of skip bins and garbage management services to get the finest possible service at a reasonable price.
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rubbishremovalkingsau · 8 months
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vcentegrated · 9 months
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How to win at Vendor Management with streamlined Procurement for Whitegoods Electronics?
Unlock success in Vendor Management and elevate your procurement strategies for Whitegoods Electronics with our comprehensive guide. Discover streamlined processes, expert insights, and proven tactics to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and achieve unparalleled success in supplier relationships. Maximize your competitive edge with our actionable tips on how to win at Vendor Management and revolutionize your procurement approach today.
Website: https://www.entegratedsolution.com/how-to-win-at-vendor-management-with-streamlined-procurement-for-whitegoods-electronics/
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I’m outfitting my new house and I’ve spent like $5,000 over the past three days. I’m feeling great because it FEELS exorbitant to be spending so much money but it’s responsible because it’s actually stuff I need (whitegoods and beds and a new door and stuff). Today I get to go and purchase some more wood varnish.
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disabilitytalk692 · 1 year
What is a NILS Loan?
NILS loans provide safe, fair and affordable credit. Applicants must be a minimum of $57,000 per year (before tax) for singles or $75,000 for couples or people with dependants and demonstrate that they can, and will, repay the amount they borrow.
Nils loan are cheaper than payday or bank loans and can be used for whitegoods, furniture, medical equipment and services, car repair costs, materials for education and much more.
A NILS loan offers people on low incomes safe, fair and affordable credit to cover the cost of household essentials and services up to $2,000 and for housing related expenses or recovery from natural disasters up to $3,000. Loans are not interest free, however they have very reasonable fees and repayments can be structured to suit your financial circumstances. Your ability to repay the debt over a 12 to 24 month period will be assessed and considered, as well as your budget and existing expenses.
You must hold a Health Care Card or Pension Card or be receiving Centrelink benefits and have the capacity to repay the loan over the agreed timeframe. You must also have no outstanding debts or defaults on your credit report. NILS is an accredited program of Mary MacKillop Today in partnership with Good Shepherd Microfinance and is offered by a range of community organisations throughout Victoria.
How to apply
NILS loans are designed to help you manage money and provide a solution for those times when unexpected expenses arise. These costs could include replacing a broken fridge, repairing a car or paying for essential medical and dental services. The NILS program also offers a special loan called ‘NILS for Vehicles’ which allows people to purchase a vehicle (excluding mobility scooters) used solely for transport purposes.
You apply to your local accredited NILS provider and show you are willing and able to repay the loan. Unlike payday loans, NILS loans are interest free and repayments are set at an affordable amount over 12 months. NILS loans cannot be used for cash, debts or bonds and are not intended as an alternative to Centrelink. NILS is an initiative of Good Shepherd Microfinance Australia and is delivered through over 175 community organisations across Australia. Neighbourhood Houses Victoria is proud to be a local NILS provider. Find a provider near you on the Good Shepherd website.
What you can borrow
NILS offers individuals and families on low incomes access to safe, fair, and affordable credit. There are no fees, charges or interest – you only pay back what you borrow. Nils loan is an alternative to high cost payday loans and rent to buy products.
Typically, a NILS loan will cover the purchase of a whitegoods item (refrigerator or washing machine for example) that is essential for a household. It can also cover essential services and utilities such as electricity or gas. Alternatively it can be used for bond and rent arrears or to recover from natural disasters.
Last year Good Shepherd Microfinance provided 27,000 loans nationwide. Almost 97 per cent of these loans are paid back in full. The loans are often a life saver for cash-strapped Australians, allowing them to avoid costly alternatives like renting appliances or taking out payday loans. For some, a NILS loan means they can replace old energy-efficient fridges and reduce electricity bills, or that they can buy a washing machine instead of paying for laundromat usage.
NILS is a loan program that provides people with safe, fair and affordable credit to purchase essential goods and services. It is free from fees and interest, and repayments are based on your budget.
Unlike payday loans, which are often used to pay for unexpected expenses like car repairs or school uniforms, NILS allows you to borrow up to $2000 to pay for the things that you need now. These include items to help you live comfortably, get your health back on track, help your children with education and technology, or recover from disasters.
NILS and NILS for Vehicles are fee free and interest free loans that are paid back over up to 48 months with simple fortnightly repayments deducted from Centrelink benefits. The loans are made through a process of circular community credit where every time someone makes a repayment, those funds become available to another member of the community. NILS is offered by a number of community organisations, including Mary MacKillop Today.
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