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asterr-png · 1 year ago
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quick prim klug for white day!!
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verdana-medina · 1 year ago
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White day Wanderer fanart 2024
You can download it in a better quality here: https://twitter.com/Verdana_Medina/status/1768132281049203164
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sansagua · 1 year ago
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julymarte · 1 year ago
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💕Valentines commissions are back!💕
Commissions are going to be open for a whole month until march 14th for White day💙
CORRECTION on the payment method! as i've been doing for a couple months payment is going to happen through ko-fi where you can find my listing please contact me before making an order! Feel free to DM me for any other inquiries
OCxOC / OC x Canon /Canon x Canon are all fine!!
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hiromiakita · 9 hours ago
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73-phd · 2 years ago
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gallerynamba · 3 hours ago
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【本日最終日】◆Vivienne Westwood ホワイトデー ギフトコレクション開催◆
開催日:3月14(金)まで 場所:Gallery なんばCITY本館1階店
Galleryでは、ホワイトデーギフトに最適なVivienne Westwoodのレディスアイテムを数多く取り揃えました。 ピンブローチ、腕時計、財布(国産&インポート)、キーケース、ブラウス、パンプス、帽子、日傘等。 国内ラストの希少品、廃盤、限定、他店完売品も手に入ります。 是非この機会にGalleryに御来店下さい。 スタッフ一同、御待ちしております。
━━━━━━━━━■アクセス□━━━━━━━━━         なんばCITY本館の1階     大阪難波郵便局側から入って1軒目        靴のダイアナ(DIANA)の隣  (なんばCITYの1階は高島屋の1階フロアと直結しています。 高島屋ルイヴィトンから徒歩2分、130m) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Gallery なんばCITY本館1階店 〒542-0076 大阪府大阪市中央区難波5-1-60 なんばCITY本館1階 【営業時間】11:00~21:00 【休館日】3月無休 【PHONE】06-6644-2526 【e-mail】[email protected] 【公式LINE】https://lin.ee/qOGxrYV 【なんばCITY店Facebook】https://goo.gl/qYXf6I 【ゴルチェ派Facebook】https://goo.gl/EVY9fs 【instagram】http://instagram.com/gallery_jpg 【Tiktok】https://www.tiktok.com/ja-JP 【X】https://twitter.com/gallery_jpg_vw 【社長X】https://x.com/gallery_SNS 【社長note】https://note.com/gallery_gaultier 【公式youtube】https://youtube.com/channel/UCSz_PaQgMk-8r9_HUI3C06Q 【tumblr.】https://gallerynamba.tumblr.com/ 【アメブロ】http://ameblo.jp/gallery-jpg/ 【メルカリSHOPS】https://mercari-shops.com/shops/xT7fqaKGhCZxdmnh42WKhe 【オンラインショップ】http://gallery-jpg.com/
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deardearestbrands · 5 months ago
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#TheeMinnieMouseStrain #DisneyProgeny #MouseQuteers #LadyGagaXMinnieMouse #TheShowMustGoOn #MinnieMouseManga #MagicDance #DisneyManga
#TheeMinnieMouseStrain #DisneyProgeny #MouseQuteers #LadyGagaXMinnieMouse #TheShowMustGoOn #MinnieMouseManga #MagicDance #DisneyManga
#DaisyDuck #Tokyopop #MinnieMouseM #MMM #M3° #DisneyManga
Those born with the moniker of the brilliant ‘Red Scarlet / Cadmium / #ValentineDeep [A new shade of red coulour newly discovered deep almost black but red in the midst of light or moon, brilliance of the dark, a ‘Scene’ culture aesthetic. #BambiAesthetic #ChocolateLolita #ChocolateWhite #WhiteDay #LolitaAesthetic #DisneyLuxury #DisneyAesthetic
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exerpt from manga [What is it that Minnie toils away when her magical king is off on their own journeys of mayhem mystery? Let’s take a candid look into the aperture for what it is to be. Thee Queen Of Magic, for once too she was a Princess.., but what is it? Exactly the spark or shall we say polkadot that drives the fashion adept, and obviously talented dancer to strut her stuff or make a moment captivating all around with her mouse of pitch, charming yet sweet songs of her frame outlining and defining what it takes to be; MinervaMouse : Minnie…]
‘Hello World… I know you can’t help it, what it is that we are doing… us and our spots.., sorry it seems they make a mess of things… I’ll clean them up soon… They were just helping us to remember… where… we have been… a trail of dots… they seem to have faded away though… over time… no matter … *she assumes to recollect her memory of what she was doing…a flash back cataclysm of Hearts in A Kingdom at the cross roads of what it was when she first began her road, solo, and meeting the likeness of herself in #Kairi , A Princess of hearts. The star crossed nature it seemed she shared with her best friend Daisy, A. Swan Princess and the fall out between the two of them that sparked the gossip of a ‘Duck’ that seemed to be the name that stuck with Daisy… but being forgiven, they rest forward, a new year, a new light. ��Today, Tomorrow…’ -#MagicDance #DisneyQuotes
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dianakarolinaingo · 1 year ago
Мистические праздники/Mystical Celebrations
14 МАРТА – БЕЛЫЙ ДЕНЬ/ 14 MARCH – WHITE DAY/ ホワイトデー /Русский под ссылкой/ The magic of White Day… 💞✨️March 14th is a magical White Day in Japan. This is an additional Eastern counterpart on February 14th.In addition, this is the time of one of the ancient pagan New Years. My Congratulations. It’s time to make wishes, especially for love. After all, this is a magical time of love and hope……
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tiantiancat · 1 year ago
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White Day 🤍
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year ago
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White Day
In those countries where Valentine’s Day is observed by women giving gifts of chocolate to those they love, White Day is the day they get the return on that investment.
Throughout the world, Valentine’s Day is practiced in largely similar ways, with the giving of gifts of chocolate to those whose respect, admiration, or love we desire. In some countries, it is tradition that only women give gifts on this day, in part due to the existence of White Day. White Day is when women are the recipients, with the expectation being that the gift bestowed upon the woman is thrice the value of that she gave to the man.
Learn about White Day
White Day is celebrated a month after Valentine’s Day. The date is for people to reciprocate the gifts that they received on Valentine’s Day. Traditionally, White Day is for women to receive gifts. However, you don’t have to be female to reciprocate the love that someone showed you on the 14th of February. It is also a perfect back-up for anyone who received a gift on Valentine’s Day that they weren’t expecting and so did not purchase anything for the other person. You can simply claim that you were saving it for White Day – problem solved!
As we will reveal in further detail, we have Japan to thank for this day. However, it is a day that is celebrated in a number of other countries as well. For example, in Korea, this day is honored, with boyfriends giving their partner a White Day gift. Traditionally, this gift was marshmallows. Random, but who doesn’t love some marshmallows? Today, though, Korean boyfriends have gotten more adventurous with their gifts, with everything from beautiful bouquets of flowers to delicious fragrances being gifted to the women in their lives.
History of White Day
In 1978 the Japanese National Confection Industry Association helped to promote the idea of an “answer day” for Valentine’s Day. In Japan, it was tradition that only women would give gifts of chocolate on Valentine’s Day, and so they decided that there needed to be a day where men showed their appreciation by returning it. This appreciation is shown by the gifting of flowers, white chocolate, lingerie, jewelry, and other gifts to those women who they received gifts from a month earlier.
Unlike the American manifestation of Valentine’s Day, gifts of chocolate are often given as ‘giri chocho’, or a gift that is a social obligation rather than an expression of romantic love. While this still leaves the man obligated to give a gift in return, the nature of the gift is clearly determined by this nicety. If you’ve ever wondered how Valentine’s Day and the related holidays are celebrated in other countries, White Day is your opportunity to find out!
How to celebrate White Day
Well, the foundation of celebrating White Day may not be present in your country, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t celebrate it regardless. If you’ve received a gift from someone on Valentine’s Day then you can return that favor on White Day by presenting them with a gift of your affection or respect. You can also research the details of this tradition to help familiarize yourself with it and raise awareness of it in your own community. It’s important to realize that this isn’t just a Japanese tradition, but is also a thing practiced in South Korea, Vietnam, and China. Take White Day to study the nuances of this holiday and tell people all about it so that everyone can learn more about other cultures.
White Day can also be used as an opportunity to confess your love to someone. If you have had a crush on someone for quite some time now and you have not been able to build up the nerve to tell them, you can use White Day to do exactly that. Purchase that special someone a small gift and confess your feelings. What have you got to lose? It’s always better to take the risk, even if it does not work out how you want it to! After all, if you don’t take the risk, how will you ever know?
You can also spend this date learning a bit more about Japanese culture and tradition. Why not learn some romantic phrases in Japanese so that you can impress your partner on this day? The only place to start is by learning how to say I love you. This is Aishiteru or 愛してる。, and it is only suitable when saying you love someone in a romantic way. It is not a phrase that people use when saying they love a friend or a family member, and that is why it is the perfect phrase to learn for White Day. There are some other great phrases that you can say as well. This includes:
I want to kiss you./Let’s kiss.
Kiss Shitai/Kiss Shiyou. キスしたい/キスしよう
I feel safe when I’m with you.
Issho ni Iru to Hotto suru/Anshin Suru. 一緒にいるとほっとする/安心する
Let’s go on a date!/Let’s hang out!
De-to ni Ikou!/Asobi ni Ikou! デートに行こう!/遊びに行こう!
No matter how you decide to spend White Day, make sure that it is a day that is filled with love! If you don’t have that special someone in your life right now, curl up on the sofa, treat yourself to a good meal, and watch a rom-com! Or, why not buy a gift for yourself? We all deserve a treat from time-to-time!
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mrdrgr · 1 year ago
White Day 2024
Il 14 marzo, esattamente un mese dopo il Valentine’s Day (バレンタインデー), si celebra il White Day (ホワイトデー). La festa ha origine in Giappone nel 1978, negli anni, la sua fama è aumentata fino ad essere festeggiata anche in Corea del Sud e Taiwan. In questo giorno, sono i ragazzi, che se vogliono ricambiare, quanto ricevuto un mese prima, dalle ragazze, continua… Ads White Day 202414 March 2024 Recap…
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sou-tokyo · 1 year ago
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東京茶丗SOUです。 皆さまに日本茶の美味しい淹れ方をはじめ、 お茶にまつわる四季折々のお楽しみ情報等を配信しております。 お付き合いの程どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
【丗 SOU-Letter】 Vol.58/ 令和六年三月 三寒四温のこの頃、公園に咲く沈丁花の香りに春の訪れを感じます。 被災地の皆さまにおかれましても春に向けて早期復興をお祈りしております。
先月は銀座LOFTさまと四谷あれこれさまでPOPUPを行いました。 普段、商品パッケージだけでは伝わらない 丗SOUの抹茶と玄米茶の風味を味わっていただく貴重な機会となりました。 店舗さまをはじめ、ご来店くださった皆さまには心から感謝しています。 引き続き、丗SOUを宜しくお願い致します。
さて、3月8日は何の日でしょう? SDGsと聞くと、ピンとくる人もいらっしゃるかと思います。 ジェンダー平等を実現する為に国連が制定した 「国際女性デー」です。 男は仕事、女は家庭という日本の古い概念も薄れてゆき、 女性も活躍しやすい現代社会に徐々に変わりつつありますでしょうか。
女性の社会進出を支援した歴史上人物といえば新島八重。 「心の美しさがあれば、ほかに何の飾りもいらない」という名言が ありますが現代社会を生き抜くには、 心の美しさだけでは弱く、加えて信念を持つ必要があると考えています。 そうでないと現代社会において持続が難しくなるのではないでしょうか。 だって根本的に人間は怠け者ですから、ね。
今年の国際女性デーのテーマは「女性に投資を」だそうです。 周囲の女性にエールをおくったり、 未来の自分に向けて、新たな一歩を踏み出す時期かもしれませんね。
【今月オススメの丗SOU】 国際女性デーやハッピーホワイトデーに暁はいかがでしょうか。 ミモザ色のパッケージに包まれたオーガニック煎茶をお勧めいたします。
◆暁-akatsuki organic-¥1,685(税込) https://sanjuu.theshop.jp/items/61314928
【丗SOUインフォメーション】 NFTアートをスタートしました。 丗SOUが織り成すクリエイションを是非お楽しみ下さい* https://opensea.io/SOU-2023
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bluefox9023 · 2 years ago
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이번에는 화이트데이 관련 일러스트를 들고 왔어요:)
저번 발렌타인데이 캐릭터는 뭔가 진하고 유혹적인 분위기를 위해
섹시한 포즈와 도발적인 눈빛을 주려했죠...!
그러다보니 평소 아이브의 장원영이 생각나서 비슷하게 그렸었는데요...!
이번 화이트데이는 뭔가 여리여리하고 순백색의 느낌을 주고 싶었어요.
그래서 대표적인 강아지상의 츄를 생각하면서 그려줬는데...
역시 제 맘처럼 그려지질 않네요ㅠㅠㅎㅎㅎㅎ
그래도 재밌게 그린 그림입니다:D
아래 영상이 있으니, 영상도 함께 봐주세요!
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gallerynamba · 3 hours ago
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◆ホワイトデー ギフトセレクション◆
ホワイトデーの女性用ギフトに最適なファッショングッズを取り揃えました。 以下のアイテムを御用意しております。
・FOX毛皮ストール ・ファー付きニット帽 ・ネクタイ(蝶ネクタイ・アスコットタイ等) ・HARIOガラスピアス ・ピンブローチ(トラッド系) ・バングル(ミッソーニ・ゴルチェ) ・ジュエリー(ミリアル ハスケル) ・カシミヤストール ・カシミヤブランケット ・レディスバッグ(テディベア型カシミヤバッグ・イオペレ・VLAB) ・ドレス(サラ パチーニ・ツインセット) ・レディスニット(アントニオ ベラルディ・MCQ) ・レディスダウンジャケット(VLAB・シューソネット・エム ミッソーニ) ・レディスシューズ(パンプス・ブーツ等)(アレキサンダー マックイーン・ジョン ガリアーノ・バレンシアガ等) ・レディススニーカー(2STAR・アルマーニ ジーンズ)
パリコレ・ミラノコレクションより収集した、世界に1点のショーサンプルや弊社の展示会オーダーにより日本に1点しかない作品等、誰とも被らないスペシャルなアイテムを御求めの方へもオススメのアイテムが沢山御座います。 大切な方への贈り物に是非、御利用下さいませ。
▼弊店公式LINEでも御問い合わせ承ります▼ https://lin.ee/qOGxrYV ▼御来店予約も承っております▼ https://ssl.xaas3.jp/x8040828/login/inquiryedit
━━━━━━━━━■アクセス□━━━━━━━━━         なんばCITY本館の1階     大阪難波郵便局側から入って1軒目        靴のダイアナ(DIANA)の隣  (なんばCITYの1階は高島屋の1階フロアと直結しています。 高島屋ルイヴィトンから徒歩2分、130m) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Gallery なんばCITY本館1階店 〒542-0076 大阪府大阪市中央区難波5-1-60 なんばCITY本館1階 【営業時間】11:00~21:00 【休館日】3月無休 【PHONE】06-6644-2526 【e-mail】[email protected] 【公式LINE】https://lin.ee/qOGxrYV 【なんばCITY店Facebook】https://goo.gl/qYXf6I 【ゴルチェ派Facebook】https://goo.gl/EVY9fs 【instagram】http://instagram.com/gallery_jpg 【Tiktok】https://www.tiktok.com/ja-JP 【X】https://twitter.com/gallery_jpg_vw 【社長X】https://x.com/gallery_SNS 【社長note】https://note.com/gallery_gaultier 【公式youtube】https://youtube.com/channel/UCSz_PaQgMk-8r9_HUI3C06Q 【tumblr.】https://gallerynamba.tumblr.com/ 【アメブロ】http://ameblo.jp/gallery-jpg/ 【メルカリSHOPS】https://mercari-shops.com/shops/xT7fqaKGhCZxdmnh42WKhe 【オンラインショップ】http://gallery-jpg.com/
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stochastique-blog · 1 year ago
Love you
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Morning 💎,beautiful people 💝 #friday #photooftheday #tumblr #vscocam #vsco #m #e #beautiful #aswanlife #whiteday #b (at أسوان- حي العقاد)
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