#white on left black on right
aceacebaby1 · 2 months
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I knew I had to draw this when I watched it
click for better quality!
(trackerbees sophomore year comic from a while ago)
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seaside-writings · 9 months
I think horror podcasts should make cassette tapes of their shows.
Just the thought of pretending to put some "random" cassette into a seemingly old cassette player and listening to the horrors unfold is something I crave.
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practice-is-praxis · 7 months
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It's magical. Well, well Old Friend... it looks like everyone is your teacher, no one is your master.
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davejadedaily · 2 months
I don't know if you've already made this but, DaveJade fanchild? I'm sorry if this is a bit weird
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larsnicklas · 1 month
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[on kreider grabbing his mouthguard and failing to throw it into the stands] i told him that was the best play he made all game. yeah, i don't know. i guess it's all just game within a game stuff. (x)
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wild-at-mind · 4 months
I would honestly call the left's inability to accomodate people with morality-based OCD compulsions an accessibility issue at this point.
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oifaaa · 4 months
which comics era do you like best?
wait here let me check something
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yeah that's what I thought
I'm going to bed
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juliavargas2 · 6 months
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The duel begins
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stimming-puppet · 3 months
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Psycho killer qu'est-ce que c'est? Fa-fa-fa-fa, fa-fa-fa-fa-fa, fa, better run, run, run, run, run, run, run away
psycho killer by talking heads x/x/x|x/x/x|x/x/x
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fisheito · 2 months
How did i only Just notice that eiden actually has the two full grown men (sprites) on him
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kahixxi · 4 months
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lord-squiggletits · 9 months
You know another funny thing about people thinking Pharma is the Functionist and writing fanon as such is like
Besides the fact that I THINK people got this impression from the fact that he worked with Tyrest who wanted to kill all CC bots
I think it's kind of funny how there's apparently an intersection between Functionism and "being really proud of one's own body" in the eyes of fanon interpretation when that's really not even something Pharma expresses about himself.
The only people who ever make a big deal about Pharma being forged are Ratchet (who talks in MTMTE 4/5 about how forged medic hands make the pinnacle of medicine) and Tyrest (who claims that Pharma is "famous for being forged")
Pharma himself never even once refers to the fact that he's forged or uses that as part of his ego as to why he thinks he's a good doctor (I mean, the only person he cares about being better than is Ratchet, who's also forged).
Idk it's just funny to me because I don't think "being mad that someone stole your hands" is a Functionist way of thinking so much as it is like, a belief in basic bodily autonomy? It's not Functionist for Pharma to want his hands back, at best the most tenuous connection you have to that is "because he's a forged medic and everyone talks about how forged medics are the best so Pharma must believe that too" but Pharma never says that? Like, sure one could argue that Pharma wanting his original hands back is Functionist because it shows how he's attached to his forged body and wants those hands even though he has objectively better hands given to him by Tyrest, but even that feels like a stretch compared to Pharma very explicitly saying "But then I saw you had taken my hands.... You declared war on my body, Ratchet. I'm retaliating." I don't think that being mad about your organs being harvested without your consent makes you a Functionist sdkljflskklsd
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lesbianjonimitchell · 7 months
omg... just sent my resignation of membership to the political party i've been a member of for more than 8 years. a third of my life. i've spent countless hours volunteering for them on the board of my hometown chapter and during election campaigns; some of my partymates are basically family. but the party on a national basis have been eerily silent on palestine. the national leader wrote a long bullshitty op-ed titled "the palestinians are suffering, the jews are suffering" in which she refused to take a stance and failed to distinguish between jews and zionists. and also spent more time condemning the crimes of hamas than the crimes of israel.
i have considered leaving the party many times over the years. the fact that they can't take a firm stance on a genocide makes it abundantly clear that i don't belong here. fucking sucks, man. im not sure where i go from here.
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frmulcahy · 2 months
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accidental bookshelf color coordination
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sage-nebula · 7 months
Martha didn't get a Tennant Doctor because she didn't want a Tennant Doctor. Martha was the only one of RTD's companions who left the Doctor of her own volition, and only ever called him back on her own terms, when she had need of him.
Rose didn't leave the Doctor willingly. Rose was trapped in an alternate universe because it was either that or be stuck in a void with Daleks and Cybermen for the rest of time. And when she returned (primarily to warn the Doctor about the oncoming darkness caused by Davros but also because she wanted to be with him), she left with the Metacrisis Tenth Doctor and their own TARDIS because that was the only way to give her a satisfying ending from the viewpoint of the audience. (And even then, there are some fans who will tell you that nothing short of her being with the Time Lord Doctor in the prime reality is satisfying, but that just couldn't happen for reasons outside the narrative story.)
Donna didn't leave the Doctor willingly. Donna absorbed all of the intelligence of a Time Lord into her human brain, and this was going to kill her. She had to have her memory erased and be kept away from anything alien for presumably forever or else the knowledge would return and literally kill her. Donna begged the Doctor not to wipe her memory anyway, because she would rather have died than give up that life. Just like Rose, Donna had planned on staying with the Doctor for the rest of her life.
This was not the case for Martha. Setting aside the fact that Martha was treated like garbage for the duration of her season from a writing standpoint, by the end of season three Martha has realized two things: 1.) that she is goddamn brilliant and never deserved to feel like she was second best, and 2.) that she doesn't want the Doctor anymore. Unlike Rose, Donna, and Captain Jack, Martha leaves the TARDIS of her own free will, to pursue her own life and career outside the Doctor. Even Sarah-Jane says in "School Reunion" that she waited for the Doctor to come back for her; she didn't want to leave, not permanently! But Martha did. She chose to step away. The only other companion to have done this during RTD's run is Mickey, so I guess Martha wasn't the only one; still, she's the only one of the primary companions, the three women, to want to leave. She made that choice herself.
Now, does that mean everything about Martha's ending was perfect? No. As much as the "Smith and Jones" wordplay of her ending with Mickey is amusing (get it, like her first episode), it makes no sense when you consider that she was engaged when she returned in season four, and yet we never hear of that fiance again. I mean, I guess it's fine since it's not like we ever saw him? But what happened there? Why was no thought given to Martha's story there? What was she doing with Mickey in an active war zone? Why no mention of her in these three specials even though, last we heard of her, she was working with UNIT in a really important position? I like Mel well enough, but why couldn't Martha have been there instead? Especially since Martha and Donna had a preexisting friendship, and would have been delighted to see each other again?
With that said though, she doesn't need a Tennant Doctor. She didn't want a Tennant Doctor. Frankly, Tennant's Doctor doesn't deserve her with the way he acted ("Rose would know" right to her face, like -- dude, I get it, you're grieving, but that's fucking rude and Rose would NOT approve you using her memory to make another woman feel bad about herself). Martha's character arc was about recognizing her own brilliance and her own worth; standing on her own two feet as a PROPER doctor, Doctor Martha Jones, walking the earth and saving the world without a TARDIS or Torchwood or a Time Lord brain. Just her own fucking determination and brilliance.
Rose and Donna got Tennant Doctors because that was the way to make their final send-offs satisfying. Rose and a Tennant Doctor got to be in love and happy together in a parallel world, which is fitting considering that they were in love and never wanted to leave each other. Donna and a Tennant Doctor get to be besties and happy together in this reality, so that RTD has a convenient excuse to pull Tennant back into a story if he ever wants to again (since it'd be hard to explain why Tentoo came over, versus having Fourteen right there) . . . but also because, like Rose, Donna never wanted to leave the Doctor, she wanted to be with him forever.
But Martha didn't want that. Martha left on her own accord. She left with a smile on her face and her cell phone on the TARDIS console, so that when she said "here boy!" the Doctor would listen. She left on her terms, with him at her call, only there when she has use for him.
And honestly? Good for her.
#like it was a fucking waste that we didn't see Martha at all in these specials#or even get a mention of her but like#she wouldn't WANT a Tennant Doctor. she was the only one of the 3 who left willingly!#(and honestly who can blame her like fr . . . the shit she put up with bc of him)#(the shit in the Family of Blood episodes gave her just cause to beat his ass into next week honestly)#(she hugs him at the end but honestly she should have beat his ass. just started swinging)#(how dare he do that to her? honestly?? i'm not talking about the love plot bit bc while that was ugh it's like#small potatoes to making her as a Black woman have to WORK IN SERVITUDE TO WHITE PEOPLE#and like the scene where he grabs her arm and throws her from the room? BITCH?????#GOD i'm mad again just THINKING about it#she should have beat his ass so hard he regenerated right then and there. AGH.#ANYWAY#Martha Jones deserved better but getting a Tennant Doctor is not better#not for her. it would be like a punishment honestly#she walked away from him and then you put his sad boy ass back on her doorstep?? hello??? no thank you#doctor who#martha jones#dw spoilers#this probably sounds like I hate Tennant's Doctor but I don't#I just hate how a lot of season 3 was written wrt how Martha was treated#like Martha having very legitimate concerns in the Shakespeare episode about being a Black woman in that time period#and Ten mocks her for being concerned like ???#ARGGGHGHHGHGHGHG#ABOUT TO FLING MYSELF INTO THE TV TO BEAT HIS ASS MYSELF ISTFG#A N Y W A Y
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crystariumoath · 2 years
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Everyone I have cared for has either died or left me. Everyone fucking except for you.
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