#which will just make me sleep way to much tomorrow and I'll have even less hours to do my Needs let alone my Wants
I haven't even gone to bed yet but the amount of things I need to do versus what I want to do tomorrow is just really killing my vibes
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4dkellysworld · 21 days
Some suggested practices or experiments from Robert Adams
Be totally silent for a day - Do you think you can do it? Just for one day, tomorrow, be silent. Do not say a word to anybody. Try to spend that day by yourself if you can. If you have to go to work for a living, if you have to go to work, be silent in your mind. Now here's how you work this: if you have to talk to your employees or your employer, talk to them but shut it out of your mind. Do not entertain what you say. Get rid of it immediately after you finished. If you talk about a work problem, resolve the problem and then go back to silence. In other words do not carry it with you. Do not carry it with you at all.
Sit in silence as much as possible for a week - Isn't it better just to sit still at home in the silence and stop the mind from thinking? That's the easiest way, it's the best way, it's the simplest way. If you don't believe me, try it. Try it for a week and see what happens. For one week I would like you to experiment. I don't want you to read any book. Think you can do it? Don't look at any spiritual literature. Just sit by yourself as much as you can. And watch your mind, watch your mind. Do whatever you have to do to slow down your mind and then you're going to be amazed. You will laugh at yourself. For when the mind becomes quiescent, reality will rush in. And you'll see it's so simple, it’s so simple. Why didn't I know this all the time? I used to believe by reading volume after volume I'll become enlightened. But it was so easy, I just had to quiet my mind.
Identify as I-AM as you wake up - If you ask yourself when you go to sleep, you tell yourself, "Tomorrow morning as soon as I open my eyes I am going to identify with my source, I-am," and you will, even if for a second, it will change your life. First thing when you open your eyes, ask yourself. “Who am I?” Just put this question and see what will happen to you. You'll feel something different. But you'll have to do it every morning. Just try it and see what happens. You'll see Oneness. Keep asking yourself, “Who am I? Who am I?” when you first get up. As you keep on doing this every morning, every morning, every morning, the time between your awakening and the thought coming to you will become larger that space will expand, and expand, and expand until you are able to stay in the awareness. Of course at that time there will no longer be a "you". There will only be the awareness. Try it, you have to investigate. You have to intelligently dive deep within yourself and find the source of your I.
I-AM meditation for one day - You relax your body and you inhale and you say "I," and you exhale and you say "am, I-am". You can do this while you're waking, while you're walking, while you're washing dishes, while you're resting. What it does is it makes your mind one pointed, so it'll stop thinking. If you can practice I-am for one day, just one day, all of your troubles will be transcended. You will feel happiness you've never felt before. You will feel a peace that you never even knew existed. As you keep practicing I-am, your thoughts will become less and less. Your personal self will go into the background and you will begin to feel an inner joy, an inner bliss. You will begin to feel that it no longer matters what I am going through. It makes no difference, because it is God who is going through this, not me. And God has no problems. You automatically become happy, just by using the I-am meditation.
Love your Self every day - Begin to love your Self. I know that's really hard for some of you to do. To really love your Self, to love the Self which is really you. Try standing in front of the mirror and giving love to yourself. Some of you will not be able to do this. I'll bet there are people here who look in the mirror and they don't even want to look at themselves. They can't look at themselves for a whole minute in the mirror. Try it and you'll see what I mean. For when you look in the mirror, see God, not the physical appearance. See light shining from you, see bliss, see pure awareness, see total emptiness, see your Self. Begin to practice this exercise. Looking in the mirror, begin for maybe a minute, then you go on to two minutes, three minutes, four minutes, five minutes. Look at yourself. Admit the truth to yourself. "I am Brahman. I am the ultimate reality. I am boundless space. I am the atman, the perfect intelligence, the one without the other, all-pervading, perfect self." What if you told yourself this everyday? What do you think would happen? If you looked in the mirror and did this every day, you would turn into the God that you are. And you will find peace, total peace, total love.
Keep your mind on God all day - You will not think about your work or the food that you're going to eat during the day or what you're going to wear. But try to keep your mind clear, free. But you will watch yourself. You will see that you get up out of bed. You put on the right clothes. You eat your breakfast like you're supposed to. You go out into the world and do whatever you're supposed to do. But you're not part of it anymore, mentally. Your mind is on God. Your mind is on the absolute reality. Your mind is on perfection. Your mind is still and quiet. Yet you will continue to do what you have to do. You will no longer have to watch the clock or watch space and time. Leave everything alone and everything will happen by itself in a beautiful way. Try it.
Surrender completely - Perfect surrender is when you give up everything, everything to God including your body. Do what you want with me. Do what you want with my body, with my mind, with my affairs, with everything. Not my will but thine. If you can surrender like this you're already free. Try it, it's hard, because you're afraid what will happen after you do that. You believe everything will be taken away from you. This is human thinking. Stop being human. Surrender yourself and become totally free.
Be with your Sage all day long - When you're home, where you're working, think of the Sage. When you think of the sage's form, the sage's name, things will begin to happen to you. Find peace. Try it. Then you will be with the Sage continuously. Whenever you think of a living Sage, the Sage becomes part of your heart, it’s the complete heart and you feel the love of the Sage within you. So if you think of the Sage, the Sage will think of you. Whatever you think about, that you become ultimately. So you have to be very careful what you think about. Whatever you think about, you become. Think of the Sage, you become the Sage.
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rxmqnova · 11 months
Hi, I have a request, can you write some funny drunk Nat/Wanda? You know, when Yn went to her and she said like she has a girlfriend or saying a few funny things.
I always craved these kind of fics hahaha
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Y/N: 25 years old ——————————————————
Y/N'S POV I sigh after dialing my girlfriend's number for what feels like the millionth time. Tony threw another party in the Stark tower and my girlfriend went there. I couldn't go with her as I only just returned home an hour ago from a mission.
She agreed to be home by 10 though, so we could make a cozy movie night, but it's nearly half past 10 and I'm getting worried.
"Alright" I breath out, taking a hoodie. I hope she's okay and just forgot about time.
Even though I'm completely exhausted, I drive as fast as I can and as I expected the tower is still full of random people dressed in fancy suits and dresses. I guess my sweatpants and hoodie don't really fit the dress code, but I couldn't care less right now.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?" Natasha asks me as soon as I reach the bar behind which she's standing. I'm not sure how and why, but she somehow always ends up behind the bar and makes some drinks. "You want a drink?"
"Oh. No. I just came to pick up Wanda. Have you seen her?" I ask, nervously tapping the bar with my fingers and looking around.
"I think she's with the boys there, Pietro made her try some of that Thor's asgardian alcohol" Natasha says, pointing at a small group of people in the far.
"Oh god" I sigh, mentally preparing myself for an encounter with my drunk girlfriend. "Thanks, Nat. I'll see you tomorrow. Have a great night" I shoot her a quick smile and take a deep breath to calm myself down as I'm really mad at Pietro right now.
I asked him to look after her here when I couldn't and not to get her drunk. Also I'm really tired and this will make things a lot harder. I'm so gonna kill him when I see him…
I walk over to the small group of people, greeting the boys with a quick 'hi' before spotting Wanda sitting on the couch, looking completely wasted.
Pietro's so lucky that he's not here right now. But he won't get away like that, I'll just yell at him tomorrow.
"Hi there" I kneel in front of my girlfriend, giving her a warm smile.
"I'm taken" She says without hesitation which honestly makes me chuckle. I'm glad she knows we're dating even in this state, but the way she didn't hesitate for a second made me actually chuckle.
"I know you are. Your girlfriend asked me to bring you home to her. Come on, Wands" I tell her, taking her hand and trying to lift her.
"Don't touch me. I'm gonna tell my girlfriend and she's gonna kick your ass. She can fight, you know" Wanda says, giving me a glare.
"This will be hard" I sigh. "Wanda, honey, it's me… Y/N. I came for you. Let's go home, okay?" I smile at her, but she's clearly not listening as she's just staring at my hoodie which is actually hers.
"Did you steal my hoodie? Are you a stalker? Y/N is gonna kill you" Wanda says, giving me another glare.
I sigh and walk over to Clint as he's closest to me.
"Do you know where Pietro is? I need to kill him" I tell him, anger building up inside of me. I just want to lay down to bed and sleep.
"I think he left with some girl. What did he do?" Clint asks me, clearly amused.
"I asked him to look after Wanda here and what does he do? He makes her drink that Thor's asgardian beer or whatever that is and now Wanda's drunk and thinks I'm some stalker who's hitting on her" I sigh, pressing a palm to my forehead and trying hard not to cry in front of everyone.
"Okay, come on. I'll help you get her to the car" He smiles at me.
"Thank you" I give him a smile back and walk back to my drunk girlfriend. "Wanda, sweetheart, it's time to go home" I tell her softly, kneeling in front of her again.
"Y/N/N, is that you? Thank god, there was some really annoying stalker lady" Wanda sighs. "I missed you so much" She says, tears filling her eyes.
"I missed you too, baby. Let's go home now, hm?" I smile, happy that she recognized me.
Clint helps me to lift her up, he puts one of Wanda's arm around his shoulder's while I put the other around mine's.
"Wait!… Y/N, you need to find that bitch and kick her ass" Wanda states, stopping to walk completely.
"I promise I'll find her tomorrow, let's get you to bed now, okay?" I tell her, trying to be as nice as possible.
"But she had my favorite hoodie on. The one you always steal. I want it back" Wanda sobs, wrapping both of her arms around me and crying into my neck.
"Wanda, I promise you'll have your hoodie back tomorrow, just please come home with me" I sigh, rubbing her back. Clint just gives me a look full of sympathy which is not helping it at all, but nice of him for trying to make me feel better.
"Promise?" She asks, wiping her tears away.
"I promise, my love" I give her a smile and press a kiss to her forehead. "Let's go, you must be so tired"
Clint and I finally get Wanda to my car, so I thank him for help and buckle my girlfriend in.
"You got it back?" She gasps. "You're the best girlfriend!… I hope you kicked that bitch's ass" Wanda mumbles the last part, making me chuckle.
"You bet I did. No one will stalk and flirt with my girlfriend" I tell her which seems to satisfy her, so I sit behind the wheel and start driving us home… finally.
I pull over in the garage and open the door for my half-sleeping girlfriend, helping her out of the car.
"You're so nice to me, do you have a girlfriend?" Wanda asks me on which I furrow my brows as I thought she recognized me.
"I do" I answer, cusious where this will bring us.
"I have a girlfriend too! Y/N is on a mission now though. But maybe we could go on a double date someday!" Wanda says happily.
"That's a great idea" I tell her with a chuckle.
"Awesome! I'll ask Y/N when she comes back… you kinda look like her! That's scary!" Wanda gasps, studying my face while I'm trying to get her to our room.
"We're here" I announce, a sigh of relief leaving my lips as I sit my girlfriend on our bed.
"Thank you!" Wanda smiles, attempting to take off her shoes. "You can go home now. I don't think Y/N would appreciate if you watched me change, even though you look like her. And she should be home soon, because we're having a movie night" She looks at me seriously.
"Okay, I'll go home. Goodnight" I give her a smile and walk out of the room.
I wait about 2 minutes outside before walking back in. Hopefully she'll know it's me otherwise I might as well end up sleeping on the couch.
"Wanda, baby, I'm home" I announce, finding my girlfriend in the same position as I left her 2 minutes ago, her shoes still on and her cheeks wet. "Oh no, why those tears, baby?" I ask her softly, kneeling in front of her.
"Y/N/N, I can't take off my shoes" She sobs.
"Luckily for you, I'm here to help" I smile and wipe her tears away before taking off her shoes. "Let's get you ready for bed now, hm? Would you like one of my hoodies?" I ask softly, getting a nod in response.
Wanda loves sleeping in my hoodies just like I love sleeping in hers. We steal each others clothes on daily basis which I absolutely love, cause nothing is more comfortable than Wanda's hoodies.
I help her to change into some sweatpants and my hoodie which is not easy at all as she's already half asleep and isn't really helping me.
"Okay, you can sleep now, baby" I smile, helping her to properly lay down on the bed. I sigh in relief and lay down next to her, immediately having her cuddled up to me.
"I love you" She mumbles before drifting off to sleep, making me smile and kiss her forehead.
"I love you too" I whisper back. "But I'm not letting Pietro to look after you ever again"
After this I know a few things for sure… Wanda is the most loyal girlfriend ever and I'm really glad for that.
Another thing is that I will never ever let Pietro to look after his sister when I'm not here. We'll sure talk about it tomorrow and it won't really be a nice talk for him
Chose Wanda, cause I felt like she is more likely to get drunk than Nat
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!! <;33
Wanda Maximoff masterlist
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clarisse0o · 2 months
Camp Wiegman - Part 2
Ona Batlle x Lucy Bronze
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Alternate Universe : Military School
Words: 7k
Monday, October 5th, 6:00 PM - Ona's Room
I groan in displeasure upon hearing a door slam. I take off my headphones, which are no longer playing music. I realize I’ve managed to fall asleep again, and someone has just woken me up. How do I sleep so much? I sometimes wonder. A girl with perfect brown hair has just entered the room. I guess she’s the roommate I was told about.
-  "Oh, sorry if I woke you," she says. "I didn't know you were already here! You're the new one, right?"
-  "Hmm." I make the effort to get up after stretching well. This girl isn't to blame for my bad mood, so I’ll try to be nice for our first meeting. She gives me a smile that shows her perfectly aligned white teeth. I briefly look her over. She seems nice, that's something. She’s not a bimbo, and she’s rather pretty. Probably a girl who turns many heads.
-  « Alexia Putellas" she introduces herself, holding out her hand.
-  « Ona Batlle" I reply, shaking it.
-  "They gave me your stuff," she informs me.
-  "Really?" I look at the clothes I’ve just received, frowning. There are different outfits, each given in triple copies. Tell me this isn’t what I think it is... I look at her to be sure. She’s wearing exactly one of the outfits I’m holding.
-  "No way am I wearing this."
-  "Sorry," she grimaces. "It's in the rules. You'll get used to it quickly, you'll see."
-  "I don't think so, no. I don’t plan on staying."
-  "Oh... I see." I feel like she’s mocking me. She’s immediately less friendly than I thought. I prefer not to comment on her attitude so we don’t start off on the wrong foot. Instead, I focus on what I have in my hands. I observe the set with a look of disgust. Uniforms, seriously! That’s not going to work for me. They’re all in khaki, black, or gray. As dull as this place. It seems like they do everything to demoralize us.
-  "Did they tell you that you have a supervisor or something like that?"
-  "I think so, yes. They mentioned something like that."
-  "Oh, and do you know the person’s name?"
-  "No, they didn't tell me anything," I say, shrugging.
-  "You'll find out tomorrow, I guess. Well, I was going to see some friends before dinner. Do you want to come with me? I'll introduce you."
- "Why not, yes," I reply after hesitating.
It’s not necessarily a good idea, but I’m here now. Might as well try to fit in until I leave. I don’t plan on staying alone either, and making new friends shouldn’t be a bad thing. I just need to be pleasant, but that might be complicated given my mood. Alexia smiles broadly, showing her pleasure. I put the uniforms she brought me into my wardrobe. If there’s one thing I can't stand, it’s people touching my stuff. Thanks to that, I’ve gotten used to putting everything away instantly. Alexia patiently waits for me to finish before we go downstairs. She talks to me about a room I don’t know yet. We reach the ground floor. I thought we’d go outside, but she leads me to an old wooden double door to the left of the stairs. I hadn’t even noticed it when I arrived, which shows how much attention I paid. I was probably too busy being angry with my mother.
-  "Here we are. This is the students’ common room."
-  "The students’ common room?" I repeat.
-  "Yeah, it’s a large break room where we can do whatever we want during our free time."
-  "I thought it was a prison and we had to go back to our rooms..."
-  "Oh no," she giggles. "You’ll see, it’s not that bad in the end. Just stay out of trouble and they leave us alone."
-  "Hmm..." She opens the wooden door, which seems heavy and rusty given how it creaks. It’s impossible to enter unnoticed.
She gives me yet another smile before entering the room first. I discover a large furnished room. Alexia is probably right. The camp might not be as terrible as it looks. There’s a TV, foosball tables, sofas, tables... Basically, a place to hang out. I think I’m going to like this place. I’m surprised people don’t care about our arrival. I expected to be the center of attention for being the new one arriving in the middle of the year, but apparently not. Everyone continues their activities as if nothing happened. There are bursts of laughter, conversations coming from everywhere, and even people with their noses in their books. I don’t know how they can study in this atmosphere. It’s impossible for me. I need calm to concentrate. The room must be well insulated because I didn’t hear anything from the outside. I come back to reality when Alexia stops in front of already occupied sofas. These must be the friends she talked about. The sofas are arranged facing each other with a small table serving as a footrest. I feel uneasy imagining that this group must have known each other for years.
-  "Hola chicas ! I brought some company!"
-  "Hi," I say timidly.
-  "Hey! You must be the new one? Alba, Alexia’s sister. »
OK, that’s clear. I didn’t expect such a warm welcome. They don’t seem at all bothered to see me, on the contrary. Irene smiles just as much as her sister, it seems. I stop analyzing and give a small smile back, introducing myself. I turn to the other two, who seem just as nice at first glance. According to Alexia, they are two inseparable best friends. Their names are Patri Guijarro and Claudia Pina. I learn that the group isn’t complete and that two more people will join us for dinner. I hope they’ll be as nice as these guys. Alexia sits next to her sister on the couch and pats the last spot beside her. I join her, and what I feared quickly happens. I’m subjected to a real interrogation about my city, my age, my class, and more. I answer vaguely to the last questions that became too personal. I don’t like revealing myself. They’ll have to be content with my answers. I’m not very brave, especially with strangers. They seem to understand because they go back to normal conversations. I don’t understand much, but at least they stop asking me questions. Alexia takes the trouble to explain some things so I can follow along a bit. It’s a quarter to six when we head to the cafeteria. We have to walk behind the administration building to get there. The cafeteria is a stone building that has been renovated. It looks like a café with its bay windows and a few tables at the entrance. It’s just a dream scene once you go through the second door. Reality hits with a cafeteria more in line with the school’s image. There are many tables and perfectly aligned chairs. I follow my new friends to the left of the room where a line has formed in front of a large buffet with staff to serve us. It’s early, yet there are already some people. I imitate Alexia by taking a tray and cutlery. She explains the process as we go. It’s similar to the canteen I had in high school, but she seems to enjoy explaining it so much that I don’t dare say anything. When our trays are full, I follow her to a table where two people are already seated. I recognize the principal’s daughter, Lotte, I think. I don’t know the other person, who introduces hermself as Leah Williamson. I sit across from Alexia and the girls quickly join us to start a conversation with the two new people. I’m reassured to see that the atmosphere remains the same as before.
-  "You got caught again Leah, ?" Alba mocks.
-  "Yeah... I got more laps around the field."
-  "That’s what happens when you try to skip out," Alexia laughs.
-  "Laps around the field?"
-  "Oh, yeah! Don’t try to defy the instructors," she warns me. "You’ll regret it quickly!"
-  "Hmm, we’ll see."
-  "Do we have a little rebel here?" Leah comments.
-  "No. I just don’t plan on staying locked up here."
-  "Trust me, I’ve tried everything! There’s no way out," she tells me.
-  "I’m sure," I sigh. This school looks like a prison to me, and Leah, seems to share my opinion. She tells me about all the infractions she's committed. She's the rebel of the group. I finally feel understood by someone. She wants the same thing as I do, and yet she's been here for three years. My dismissal might be more complicated than I hoped. She teaches me a lot by sharing all her crazy ideas for driving the instructors mad. She seems pretty funny. I appreciate that they've integrated me into their group so easily. It's as if I've been with them from the beginning. I even find myself feeling sad when it's time to go back to the room. Alexia is an easy-going girl. I shouldn't have any trouble getting along with her, just like her friends. I hope I won't ruin everything by shutting myself off. I answered many questions tonight, but none about my arrival. It must be a taboo subject because no one mentioned their reasons for being here when it was their turn to talk about themselves. At least I didn't shut down during the evening. I feel better than when I arrived since meeting them. I even continue talking with Alexia on our way back to our room when we discover that we are in the same class. It's good news; at least I won't be alone. She's the only one from the group with me, but it's convenient since we share the same room. I'm sure I'll never get lost at least. It's a bit before ten o'clock when Alexia decides it's time to go to bed. I'm disappointed and far from tired since I slept half the day. I try to change her mind until she mentions the word "curfew." I thought this school couldn't get any worse... That's the last straw. If it were up to me, I'd keep chatting, but Alexia has already turned her back in bed. I resign myself to doing the same, turning off the last light in the room. I try to fall asleep, but it's impossible. I turn countless times in my bed, trying to get there. I feel like the night is going to be long...
Tuesday, October 6; 06:00 - Ona and Alexia's Room.
I jump when the alarm goes off. Well, more like the alarm clock. Damn! I thank Joan at this moment for training me to wake up energetically. I grumble and pull the blanket over my head when the daylight blinds me. It wasn't there a second ago. I guess it's the work of my roommate who is shaking me energetically.
"Move your ass, Ona! Or you'll get busted!" "Hmm."
I don't even know what time it is, but it's way too early for my little body, especially since I fell asleep at two in the morning. She gives up on getting me out of bed and starts moving around farther away. As for me, I can't react. I'm so exhausted that my body doesn't want to move. I even curl up to try and get my sleep back, which isn't hard to return.
Tuesday, October 6 ; 06:30 - Ona and Alexia's Room.
I groan, sinking into my pillow. What's with that voice? It could have been very pleasant to my ears if she hadn't raised her tone like that. I tighten the blanket against my face. Whoever it is, I just want to fall back asleep one more time, but I doubt they'll let me do that.
"You have three seconds. ONE," she starts counting down. "TWO. THREE."
Go to hell. This thought comes straight from my heart, if only she knew. She'll have to lift me if she wants me to get up. It only took a fraction of a second for me to feel a draft followed by a wet sensation. I scream in surprise as water runs down my face. I inwardly call my unknown assailant every name I can think of, never imagining I could think such things about anyone. I don't have time to reply verbally before the mattress I was lying on is yanked out from under me, sending my body crashing to the floor. She dared! She dared to throw me out of bed to get me up! I never thought that phrase I was thinking would take on a literal meaning. I violently extricate myself from the situation to stand up. Now I'm wide awake and she's going to regret her actions.
A pair of emerald eyes I wasn't expecting is fixed on me. I had already prepared a long speech to unleash, but I'm frozen. Who is this girl? She looks so young. I have to look away to hide my discomfort. I take the opportunity to analyze the room. Alexia is no longer there, and her bed is perfectly made. I think I'm in deep trouble. Maybe I should have listened to Alexia when she shook me awake. I turn my attention back to the only person present. She took advantage of my distraction to move closer. She looks angry while I am completely lost. I can't seem to organize my thoughts in the face of her imposing presence and unwavering gaze. I back away to escape her, but an obstacle prevents me. I look down to find the mattress she overturned earlier. I come back down from my emotional high, remembering her actions. The witch!
"So you're the new one," she begins in a surprisingly calm voice. "Know that if you were cardiac, you wouldn't be here."
"What do you know?" I retort bluntly. "And who are you anyway?"
"Your supervisor," she states sternly. "Keep defying me like that, and you'll be doing ten laps around the field."
I start to laugh nervously. I dare to look her up and down to muster some courage. Her, my supervisor? This must be a joke! She's barely older than me. They seriously put a young girl like her in charge of me? They really underestimate me. This girl is going to crack first. She'll soon regret having me under her care, given the hard time I plan to give her. I'll never manage to address her formally, and I sense it's these little details that will irritate her. She furrows her brows and yanks my arm with a sharp gesture, forcing me to follow her. I almost trip over the mattress in the process. She opens my wardrobe without any shame while I watch her, unable to move. I hate it when people rummage through my stuff. She glances through until she finds what she's looking for. She grabs a pair of black jogging pants and a gray T-shirt that's half too big for me and thrusts them against my chest. I catch them with a grunt. She continues searching lower this time to pull out the black combat boots brought with my uniforms. She places them on top of the pile with a khaki jacket with a military pattern. It's a really awful outfit. I grimace just looking at it. I look like I'm in the army.
"I'm not wearing that!"
"Yes, you are. It's in the regulations," she retorts coldly. "I'll give you five minutes to get ready. Then you'll make your bed properly."
"Dream on! I'm not a maid."
"And do you think I am?!" she snaps. "We're not at your service, Batlle. Here, I'm the one in charge. I give an order, and you follow it, period. Is that clear? So now you will listen to me."
I stay silent, taken aback by her tone. I didn't expect to be dealing with this kind of character. She's more authoritative than she appears, or maybe I just didn't see it coming. She yanks my arm again to drag me to the bathroom door. I reluctantly step inside. I'm going to have a bruise soon if she keeps holding me so firmly every time.
"Hurry up. I don't have all day," she snaps.
I slam the door in her face as a response and even go so far as to lock it for some peace. It's the only door with a lock. Maybe I'm annoying her, but she's annoying me even more. She splashed me with water, threw me on the floor, and keeps yelling at me. I get my revenge by taking my time getting ready. If she thinks I'm going to let her push me around! I start by fixing the mess the water made on my face, then brush my teeth. I then put on eyeliner and mascara after applying some cream and foundation. I finish with the hideous sports outfit. I mustn't let myself be intimidated, or I'm done for. I want to get out of here, and I will succeed, even if it means driving her crazy. I take a deep breath while looking at myself in the mirror. I smile, realizing I was right. My T-shirt under the military jacket is slightly too big. They're lucky I like large T-shirts; otherwise, I would have made a fuss. Time to face the tyrant now. If I could, I'd stay locked in. She might be a more formidable enemy than I initially thought. I gather my courage and unlock the door, putting my hands in my pockets. It's not my usual style, but I want to show her I don't care to irritate her further. My plan seems to be working judging by her tense expression.
-  Fifteen minutes for that? Seriously?! she scolds me in a bored tone.
-  I can take more time if you want... Shall I go back? I suggest mockingly.
-  No way, I must be dreaming, she mutters. Hurry up and clean up this mess instead of mocking me! Bingo, I've managed to irritate the little brunette. I hold back my laughter seeing her like this. It's simpler than I thought. Her finger points towards my bed. Now that I pay attention, there's a huge mess. My mattress is on the floor next to my wardrobe, while my quilt is on the other side.
-  You did this, and I have to clean it up?
-  As far as I know, you didn't get up. I wouldn't have done anything if you had followed the rules. And there she goes again. Does she only know that word? No one ever told me anything. I wasn't even informed there was a curfew and uniforms. So I'm definitely not going to know this damn rule.
-  Rules, rules, I mutter. You only have that word in your mouth. How am I supposed to know if no one tells me anything about these damn rules?!
-  What do you mean, you don't know anything?
-  No one ever told me the rules here. I just arrived yesterday! She remains stoic at my revelation. She seems to be thinking before running her hand through her hair with a sigh.
-  Fine, we'll deal with this problem later. In the meantime, keep a low profile and stop talking back.
-  I'm not talking back.
-  Yes, you are. You just did, and it won't go without consequence. Now, stop being smart and clean up this mess. I won't repeat myself. She points to my bed again with a stern look that doesn't make me want to listen to her at all. Yet she seemed friendly for a second, wanting to help me. Her threats seem serious, so I resign myself to follow her orders, starting with putting the mattress back. I then deal with the quilt, quickly making my bed to get rid of her.
-  There. Happy now?
-  No. She messes up my bed with a brusque gesture. I can't believe it. She must be messing with me; it can't be otherwise.
- Why did you do that? What's your problem?! I made your damn bed!
- Firstly, as far as I know, it's your bed. Secondly, I told you to make it square, and it was far from it. Thirdly, I've already told you to stop talking back, and especially, don't address me informally! Now do it again.
She doesn't bat an eye. She has incredibly controlled coldness. I regret listening to her. Now she knows she can do it again. I've lost this first battle, but my next attack will be even more terrible. For now, I show her my obedience and remake the bed. It doesn't look much different from before. I just tried to make the quilt neater by smoothing it out. I stand up to show her I'm done. She doesn't even bother to examine it before messing it up again.
-  No, stop! It was fine!
-  No, I said square. You will redo it until you get it right.
-  Damn it! I don't even know what a square bed is!
-  That's enough. I've warned you enough. You will immediately tone it down, or things will go very badly between us! A palpable tension arises. She is very intimidating in her stance and severe expressions. I promised myself I would stand up to her, so I must do everything not to look away. I'm supposed to be the queen of the staring contest, but it's hard to hold out against her.
-  Do it again, Batlle, she orders.
-  But I'm telling you I can't do it! I get angry. If it's just for you to ruin my work again, it's out of the question!
-  Then all you need to do is ask. I remain incredulous. I expected a sharp retort. She tilts her head and raises an eyebrow. Is she mocking me? No way I'm asking her for help! I've never asked anyone for anything, and I'm not starting with her. I've always been free to do as I please. I'm not used to being given orders, let alone asking for help. I quickly had to learn to manage on my own. I bite my cheek as I look at the quilt on the floor. This time it's different. I have no choice but to ask. I don't know how to do it, and she has remarkable composure and patience. She will certainly not be the first to give up. My throat tightens just thinking about the words I'm going to have to say to her.
-  Help me...
-  Can you teach me how to make a square bed, please? she reformulates.
-  Can you teach me how to make a square bed, please? I repeat.
-  Come here, she says. I approach her to reach the foot of the bed.
- Redo it. I look at her incredulously. She rolls her eyes at my immobility.
- Come on, do it. I'll guide you. Understanding better, I comply. She takes her time explaining each fold to make and corrects me when I'm wrong. Finally, I realize it's not that complicated. It's just going to be annoying to have to
do it every morning as she just announced. I stand up and proudly observe my work when I'm done. It was short-lived as she undoes it again without hesitation. My blood boils quickly.
-  You had no right! It was just how you wanted it!
-  I want you to do it all by yourself, she says calmly. I just told you you'll have to do it every morning, so I want to make sure you can do it without my help. It's by doing it again that you learn, right? I roll my eyes. At least she didn't yell at me this time. I control myself and redo my bed the same way. I succeeded, but it's not as perfect as before. I look at her, waiting for her opinion. She doesn't seem angry or anything.
- There you go. I sigh in relief. Phew! I would have been very upset if she had undone it again.
-  Can I go eat now?
-  You should have gotten up in time for that. The service time is over.
-  You're not going to do this to me? It's not my fault I barely slept last night! Breakfast is sacred; you can't take it away from me!
-  I will, believe me. Think about it tomorrow morning; it might motivate you to get up. In the meantime, I have other plans for you anyway.
-  Oh yeah...? I ask, uncertain.
-  Yes. You and I won't be parting ways this morning.
-  Aren't I supposed to go to class?
-  I'm excusing you. I'm your supervisor, which means I have full authority over you. If I decide you're not going to class, that's my prerogative.
-  Basically, you're my hierarchical priority.
-  Exactly. Me and, of course, the principal. Other instructors are instructed to send you to me in case of any issues with you. I'm going to be the person you'll spend the most time with in the coming days.
-  What luck, I say ironically.
-  I think so too. Follow me now, we're going out. I miss classes, what more could I ask for? I'm wary of her intentions. I don't know her yet, but I've already seen her capabilities, and she's not one to joke around. I follow her through the hallways and stairs. She seems to know exactly where we're going. I understand the need for the jacket once outside. It's much colder than in Miami. I must not be used to it because my supervisor doesn't seem bothered by the weather. Her accent doesn't come from here, though. We're heading away from the dorms. I slow down when I realize her intentions at the sight of the gymnasium and sports fields. I don't think and turn around behind her back. I thought I could sneak away until a firm hand catches me in my tracks. I instinctively close my eyes at the contact. Damn! I should have left when I had
the chance! I try to struggle, but it's no use. She increases the pressure on my arm and drags me with her by force.
-  You won't escape, Batlle.
-  Damn it! I did everything you asked! She stops suddenly, making me bump into her before she turns around. I look up to meet her eyes. Bad idea... She scares me even more than before. I can't step back more than a step due to her grip.
-  Yes, you did, but you mostly talked back and addressed me informally. I'm not your friend, okay? I warned you to stop, and you didn't listen.
-  I won't do it again...
-  Oh no, that's too easy! We both know you'll do it again. If I punish you, it's so you'll think twice next time.
-  I promise I won't do it again! I say in a too confident tone.
-  And yet you're continuing, she raises an eyebrow. I want to retort, but I have no argument. I'm talking back and addressing her informally. Damn, she annoys me! It's not my fault she's young and beautiful! I would have preferred to deal with someone ugly and old. At least I wouldn't have trouble seeing her as my supervisor.
-  Okay, the informal address is going to be tough, but-
-  But what? she cuts me off. You're breaking both things I just told you. Not only are you addressing me informally, but you're also talking back and now negotiating?
-  Sorry, I grumble, powerless.
-  When I tell you to do something, you do it and stay quiet, period. Do we agree?
-  I guess, since I have no choice.
-  Fine. She continues on her way, still dragging me along. If it were up to me, I would break free, but I'm not sure she would appreciate that. At least she's loosened her grip. Just enough that I can't escape. She must be the devil incarnate to be ready to do what she's about to do! She makes me lose all my means and defenses. She's trying to unsettle me with her harsh, angry voice. It will be difficult to contradict her because her tactic is working. She will eat me alive and win if I let her. This wasn't at all in my plans. All I want is to get out of here. I fully intend to do so, with or without her on my back. She won't stop me from going home. We're approaching the grassy field. Doesn't she know it's cold? She releases me once we reach the middle of the field. I look around us. From here, you can see the entire camp space until it's bordered by the stone walls. On the other side, the gym blocks the view of the back. I wanted to turn around to see the buildings behind me, but the snap of fingers in front of my nose dissuades me and brings me back to reality. I refocus my gaze on my supervisor, who is waiting for me.
- You are going to do ten laps of the field.
-  Ten laps of the field? Are you kidding me? I scoff.
-  Hurry up. We'll stay here until you've done them all. Don't even think about leaving; I'll catch you before you make it.
-  That's way too much, ten laps! Do you want my death on your conscience or what?
-  Do you want fifteen maybe? I stay silent. She is capable of increasing the amount if I continue. I head to the edge of the field she indicates, not forgetting to sigh and drag my feet. I can't believe what I'm about to do, but I have no choice. She made it clear that there's no way out. If I start running, there's a good chance she'll catch me in no time if she's a bit enduring. I'm far from being an athlete, and on top of that, she has the home advantage. I don't know the camp well enough to hide somewhere. I could get lost or end up in a dead end by mistake. The worst part of this punishment is that she's watching me from her spot with her arms crossed. As if it wasn't already humiliating enough, she has to supervise me, showing her superiority. I stop after half a lap. I'm completely out of breath. I'm not enduring; it was to be expected. I haven't exercised in at least three years. I try to walk, but even that is difficult.
-  Hey, don't stop, she yells from the middle of the field. I said run, not walk!
-  Let me breathe, damn it! I manage to shout between breaths. This time I stop. I bend forward to rest my hands on my thighs. It's so cold that steam is coming out of my mouth. I thought it couldn't get worse, but I start feeling raindrops. This is hell! I will never get used to Manchester. I'm almost sure it's sunny in Barcelona. Plus, I'm certain she'll make me keep running in the rain. She made it clear we won't move until I'm done. We might be here for a long time given how long I'll take. My breathing is far from normal. My heart is pounding, I have a stitch in my side, and to top it all, I'm sleep-deprived, which doesn't help. When I open my eyes, I see a second pair of combat boots in front of me. A few seconds later, a hand rests on my shoulder.
Straighten up. What now? I manage to say. Can't I even breathe? She places her other hand on my other shoulder. I'm so weak that I don't resist when she pulls me up. Her green eyes are examining me. My condition hasn't improved, and I can't change it. Don't expect better from a former smoker.
- Calm down. Of course you can breathe, but not by bending over. Your body needs to be straight to catch your breath better.
Her hand touches my skin above my chest. It's warm, unlike my body. Her other hand still holds me so I don't literally collapse on her. I close my eyes to enjoy this moment of respite and regain my strength. My supervisor asks me to focus on my breathing and her hand following my body's movements. Then she sets a rhythm of inhaling and exhaling out loud. I focus solely on her voice, and I must admit it's effective. She only lets go once she's sure I'm better.-  Good, now keep running.
-  Can't you see I'm not able to? And it's starting to rain!
-  Of course you can, and it's just a few drops. The cloud is already passing.
-  Please, I barely did half a lap, and I'm completely dead! How do you expect me to do ten? At least lower the number!
-  No, I stick to ten. We have all the time, you have until noon. Stop when you can't go on, and I'll help you. You'll face this sanction more than once from me, so you might as well get used to it now. I grumble to myself at the edge of the field while she returns to her spot. To think I'll have to deal with her in the coming days. I'll die if she orders me to do laps every time. I'm already at the end of my rope now. What will it be like in the end? I sigh before forcing myself to resume running to get this nonsense over with as quickly as possible.
Tuesday, October 6; 12:30 PM - Cafeteria
I'm sprawled out like a pancake on the table. I finished my entire meal. It wasn't very good, but I needed it. My stomach was growling from my punishment and my missed breakfast. At least my supervisor was a bit kind. After my laps around the field, she took me to the cafeteria and got us each a chocolate croissant. I think she felt sorry for my stomach, which was growling loudly after my exercise that ended around nine. We stayed on the field for two hours because of me. I'm exhausted; she completely wore me out. "Are you going to be okay?" Pina asks me. "You don't look well." "Yeah," I mumble into my arms. I lift my head to see that I'm the focus of the table's attention. Do I look so terrible that they have to stare at me like that? I don't need their pity; I hate it. "What?" I snap, more sharply than I intended. "You haven't said anything since we started, and you weren't even in class this morning... It's enough to make anyone worry!" Alexia says. "Where were you this morning, anyway?" I ask. "You weren't in the room when I woke up." "Engen sent me to eat after I told her you were the new girl. She said she'd take care of you; there wasn't much else I could do," she explains. "I'm sorry, but I tried shaking you awake and you wouldn't budge!" I can't blame her. She did her best to wake me up. I sleep heavily, and I'm stubborn when it comes to getting out of bed. If I don't wake up on my own, someone has to jump on me like Joan does, or they have to use the radical method my supervisor employs. I realize that Alexia finally gave me her name. So, she's called Engen? She's a real viper. Speaking of her, she passes by the table right now. I glare at her. I follow her with my eyes as she heads to the line to dispose of her tray. I absolutely have to find a way to get back at her. If I don't, she'll eat me alive, and that's not what I want. I don't want to become a well-behaved student who follows all the rules. That's not me. "Is she one of your supervisors?" Patri asks me. "Yeah, the one on the right," I reply, turning back to the table. "Why?" "Ouch, you hit the jackpot," Leah laughs. "Why?"
"Let's just say she's the worst instructor here. You must have quite a file if Wiegman assigned her to you!" Alba comments.
Her, the worst? She's the youngest employee I've seen so far! Her and her companion. Given what happened this morning, I can believe it. I turn to look at her again. I underestimated her. She's not just some young, insignificant staff member... She's the worst. My mother is certainly behind this. She finishes placing her tray and our eyes meet while she waits for her colleague. Oh, the bitch! She smiles at me! She's mocking me! She must be proud to see me crumpled on the table. If she wants a war, she’ll get one! I let her win one battle, but I won’t let her win the next ones. I turn back to the table. I need to know more about her. I need to know everything, or I'm in big trouble.
"What do you know about her?" I ask.
"Her name is Bronze," Lotte informs me.
"I thought it was Engen? At least, that's who woke me up this morning!"
"No," Alexia laughs. "Engen is the one who accompanies her. She’s in charge of checking the senior floor in the morning. They’re partners, so they’re almost always together."
I try to process this new information. I saw Engen this morning. They share an office for the two of them. It makes more sense now that I know they’re partners.
"If Bronze was assigned as your supervisor, Engen probably called her," Leah says. "Everyone gets an assigned supervisor when they arrive. They’re the only person who takes care of us until we adjust," she explains. "Unless they're not available, which is very rare."
"Let me guess... Bronze is never absent?"
"Very rarely," Patri laughs. "I think it happened once in the three years we've been here."
"Great..." I sigh. "So, you all had a supervisor?"
"When we arrived two and a half years ago, yes," Alba responds. "I had Bright. She’s the second partner who supervises our year along with White."
"I don't know them," I admit.
"It’s our third and final year here, so it’s normal that we know all the rules and people," Lotte says. "You’ll get used to it, don’t worry."
"I don’t plan on getting used to it."
"You won’t have a choice with Bronze," Leah chuckles. "I told you we could outwit the instructors, but not the Commander."
"The Commander?" "That's her nickname here," she tells me. "No one can contradict her, not even me." "Well, I'll be the first then."
"Impossible, I’m telling you! Every trick I've found for the others doesn’t work with her! She always... I mean always, has a move ahead of us."
I groan in frustration, letting myself fall back onto the table. Bronze is indeed a demon incarnate. I need to be even more cunning than Leah. It’s very complicated, maybe even impossible.
"Is there anything else I need to know about her, besides the fact that she’s going to make my life a living hell?" I grumble.
"I don't think so," Alba replies. "The instructors don’t talk about their lives. They’re very secretive about it. We don't even know the first names of the new ones."
"Why is that?" "The rules were tightened two years before we arrived." "Okay. So Bronze is the worst?" "The worst of all," Pina confirms. "If we get stuck with her, it’s never a good sign."
So, they’ve figured out that I'm not here for nothing. Fortunately, it’s a taboo topic here. At least I won't be pressured to open up. I like them, but not enough to confide in them when I barely do that with my best friend. I hate my mother, I hate this place. She managed to cut me off from the world. She doesn't understand that I don't want to be anyone's puppet. I just want to be left alone, but that seems like too much to ask. We leave when we’re all done. The stress starts to build as I realize that my first day is approaching. Bronze kept me with her to help with the archiving. I had to go up and down stairs with her, carrying big cardboard boxes. As if the field laps weren’t enough. My legs are jelly because of her. I hope she at least made arrangements with the teachers for this morning. I think she did, but who knows. I sigh as the bell rings. I barely had time to recover from my morning, and now the afternoon is starting. Here’s hoping everything goes well this time.
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olivermush · 9 months
Alec Hardy x GN! Reader
this is tooth rottingly sweet but it gets kinda spicy so beware.
Warnings: Alec not eating or sleeping, smut, so sweet your teeth will actually fall out, also briefly mentioned that the reader is a doctor, unprotected sex(wrap it before u tap it!!!)
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It's been a hard day at work for Alec, and the only thing on his mind is resting next to you in his bed. As he walks into the apartment, eyes almost closed, he lets himself fall on the couch in the living room and groans while placing his head on your lap. You're surprised by his dramatic and sudden entrance.
“Hello love, long day?” you say, stroking his soft, messy, brown hair. You hear a sigh come from his breath.
"Just one of those days." He replies in a low voice while he leans on your lap. He glances at the ground for a moment and then stares at you.
"And all I wanted to do was come home." He adds with a frown.
“Aw, sweetheart. Have you had dinner? I could make my signature, world-famous, buttered noodles?” His eyes brightened for a second.
"That sounds amazing." He says in a relaxed way. He moves his head onto your lap as he closes his eyes.
"But I'm too tired to stay up right now. Can we just spend the evening in bed?" he asks.
“Of course, but you do need to eat. even if I have to shove it down your throat.” You say with a chuckle as you continue to massage his scalp lovingly. He smiles a bit and rests his head on your lap, enjoying the massage you are giving him.
"Yeah, I guess you are right. I guess some dinner wouldn't be too bad." He replies with a smile.
"But then let's go to bed and relax."
“Alright then, I'll get the pot started, it shouldn't take more than twenty minutes. We have wine if you would like a glass while you wait.”
He opens his eyes and looks at you with a nod.
"Yeah, a glass of wine after such a long day wouldn't hurt." He replies softly.
“I'll go lay down in the bedroom, call me when its ready?”
“All right, love,” you say, giving him a sweet kiss as he gets up. He walks slowly to the room, and as he closes the door behind him, you hear a sigh and some loud groans as he lies on the bed.
You can tell the day has been hard for him, but a hot meal, wine and your loving touch will help him relax. He often comes home in need of a meal and a kiss so you know how this goes.
You finish seasoning the noodles and bring his bowl and his glass of wine to the bedroom. “Bon appetit,” you say sweetly.
As you enter the bedroom, you see that he's already lying in bed. When he hears your voice, he opens his eyes and sits up a little, looking at you. He gives you a small smile while he takes the bowl of food from you. The smell of the food makes his mouth water, and he takes a big bite immediately.
“Don't forget to chew, love,” you say, chuckling as you sip your wine next to him.
He looks at you with a slight blush and chuckles.
"I'm too hungry to chew." He says in a joking way as he continues to eat quickly.
“Well I made some extra so you can take it for lunch tomorrow. Let me guess you didn't eat lunch again today? or breakfast?” you say concerned. He blushes a little as you ask about what he ate throughout the day.
"I don't have time for those things, especially on such a busy day like today. I barely had time to sleep last night." He replies, slightly embarrassed.
“You did sleep though, didn't you? How many hours, Alec…”
"Less than four, which isn't good I know..." He replies with frustration, looking down at the food in his hand. He takes another bite before continuing.
"But you can't expect me to sleep on a day like this, with so much to do and so little time..."
“I understand, you will be getting eight hours tonight if I have anything to do with it. How are any cases going to be solved if their head detective is sleep-deprived and starved? Dating you is a public service honestly.” You say jokingly as you begin to run your fingers through his hair again. You see him blush slightly as he looks at you with a small smile.
"Well, I always solve my cases, no matter what. I never let anything stand in my way. Except for you, of course. You are the only reason why I would be willing to stay home and relax." He adds, continuing to eat the rest of the food while enjoying your touch.
“Well I'm glad something will get you to slow down,” you say as you admire his beautiful hair and his adorable smile.
"Can I ask you something?" He says after finishing his food while he wipes the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Of course, love” He looks at you directly, and then after a few seconds of silence, he speaks.
"How come you always make me feel so loved?" He looks away for a moment, and then back at you with a subtle blush. A bit taken aback by his question, you answer,
“I’m a very transparent person. Also, I guess it's part of being a doctor, wanting to take care of everyone, especially the people I love.” You can tell that he's genuinely touched by your answer since his eyes are slightly teary and he's still a bit embarrassed.
"Your kindness and generosity are probably the things I love the most about you." He says softly, and then moves his hand and caresses the side of your face. You lean into his touch despite his hands being cold and dry.
“That's sweet of you, love.” I give him a chaste kiss on his hand
The kiss makes him blush slightly more, but he leans a bit closer to your lips, still caressing your face.
"I'm just speaking the truth." He says in a low voice as he moves his hand to your nape and brings your body closer to his, then he kisses you softly. You kiss back happily with your hand still in his hair. You scoot closer to him on the bed as your other hand rests on his chest. The feeling of your hand in his hair is very pleasant, and he keeps slowly pulling your body closer to him while the kiss becomes more passionate.
When your hand moves to his chest, you can feel his heart beating rapidly against your palm.
You move to straddle his lap and your arms snake around his neck and tug slightly on his hair. The pulling on his hair makes his breath shaky and his back slightly arches, showing that he's enjoying the feeling.
As your hand moves to his neck, he opens his eyes looks at you, and then puts his hand onto your hips to pull you even closer to him.
You grind slightly against his hardening member while still kissing him sweetly and running your fingers through his thick hair. The movement makes him let out a soft groan, and his hand moves from your hips to your back as he pulls you even closer to him. His breathing becomes heavier and heavier as he starts to pull you against him, while his other hand slides down your side before it starts to rub your hip. You continue kissing him still while you start to unbutton his shirt slowly while caressing his chest. The feeling sends shivers down his spine. As you caress his chest, he leans his head back slightly and closes his eyes. The feeling of your touch combined with the kiss is heavenly, and at one point he is completely lost in the moment. He slides his hand to your lower back, and it starts to slide up and down. When you finish unbuttoning his shirt you start kissing and nipping around his collarbones while grinding against him slightly.
He lets out a soft sigh as you kiss him, and his other hand starts to rub your side a bit more boldly. He feels a small shock going through his body when you start grinding against him. But he is still completely lost in the moment of passion and he doesn't care about anything else. You scoot back a bit, much to his dismay, and start to unbuckle his belt and trousers feverishly with haste. The feeling of your hand pulling on his trousers makes his breath even heavier and his body starts to twitch slightly. He opens his eyes, and his look is full of desperation and excitement. He knows what's coming, and his heart is beating so rapidly that you can see the pulse beating at his neck. You pull off his trousers gently and free his hard member. You start licking, gently teasing him while your hand runs up his lower abdomen, caressing his happy trail. His body tenses as you tease him mercilessly while he reaches to run his fingers through your hair. Still keeping your actions chaste, Alec is melting under your touch.
“Please, Y/n,” he whimpers. You happily indulge his vague request, taking his tip into your mouth, and wrapping your lips around him sweetly. He moans at your obedience, now grabbing fists of your hair and bucking his hips slightly. Not wishing to tease him too much anymore, you begin to take him all, moaning slightly at the fullness in your throat and his beautiful scent in your nose. Alec is a total mess at this point, his thick, brown hair is sticking to his sweaty forehead and his face and ears are as red as a field of poppies. After a while of oral heaven, you pop off of him, still stroking him slowly as you move up to kiss him. The kiss is hot and sloppy as tongues and lips collide and you're both moaning into each other's mouths. You kiss him while undressing yourself, his shaky hand reaching out to help you. Finally undressed, you move over him as you guide him into your wet heat. You sink down slowly, your hands on his shoulders to stabilize yourself, squeezing him slightly. His hands are on your ass, spreading you wonderfully and guiding you down. “You feel so good, Y/n,” He moans. Fully sheathed, you start to roll your hips sensually as you kiss him again. Then you start moving up and down, moaning loudly as you do so. You can feel him twitching inside you at each pornographic noise that leaves your mouth. His lanky member tickles every spot inside you just right.
“So good, Alec, fuck,” You moan, lovingly. Your hands reach up to comb through his hair again, tugging slightly making Alec moan loudly. His hands smooth over your hips as he starts thrusting roughly, taking control. As he takes control you wrap your arm around his neck again, fingernails scraping down his back. This makes Alec snap, he wraps his arms around your back as he flips you onto your back, planking over you as he kisses and nips at your neck leaving traces of purple and red. One arm wrapped around your back and the other stabilizing himself on the bed, he begins rutting into you harshly, chasing his orgasm like a cat in heat. Your fingers scrape down his back again, definitely leaving red tracks down his spine and up between his shoulder blades. He starts rubbing at your sex, trying to make you cum.
“Oh god, Alec, right there!” you scream as your orgasm rushes over you in waves like a tsunami.
“That’s it, darling, cum for me,” he demands. As soon as you finish he pulls out and cums on your belly. He curses and moans as he finishes, both of you now panting heavily. He kisses you sweetly while caressing your hair.
“I love you, Y/n,” He says as he kisses your forehead.
“I love you too, Alec,” you say smiling. “Don’t think that this means you’re going to get out of sleeping eight hours tonight.”
“I know, my love,” He says sweetly, knowing you're completely serious. “Let’s at least shower first though, get this mess cleaned up,”
“Yep,” you agree, giving him a chaste kiss on the cheek.
The shower was short, he almost fell asleep standing up when you washed his hair for him. After the shower, you both changed into some comfy clothes, slid into bed and cuddled until you both fell asleep. For the first time in probably a whole week, Alec got eight hours of sound sleep with no nightmares.
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miniwheat77 · 2 years
Close. Pt.1 (Captain Price x Reader)
!NSFW, Smut, Age Gap, virgin reader, fingering, mentions of death, violence, alcohol, !MINORS DNI!
(Summary): Reader gets left alone with Captain Price for a few months. How long can he spend alone with her before he caves?
Part 2 here
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You can't remember the last time you had felt at peace with yourself. It's not that you were unhappy or anything, just uncomfortable in your own skin.
You've just turned 18, have no real life plans, you and your dad are constantly at each other's throats. It's a shit show for now, but you know it won't be forever. Your dad is in the military and he is very stern with you. He wants everything to look perfect and sometimes you just can't manage that. Your mum had passed away and he was all you had left as none of your other family really cared too much to stay in contact with you after she had died.
Your dad was due to be coming home soon and he expected the house to be spotless when he came home, which you had scrubbed the entire thing head to toe. Even going as far to dust off ceiling fans and light fixtures.
You had mentioned a couple times to him about moving out, but he'd flipped out on you. You're sure it wasn't anything personal, more or less just him being scared to lose you too.
He took it very hard when your mum passed away. He couldn't function for some time afterward. You and him fought like crazy because he seemed to take his sadness out on you. You didn't appreciate it and were going through it just as bad as he was. When she passed away, it meant you were alone while he was deployed. You had nobody to rely on when he wasn't there. You had no one but yourself 10/12 months a year.
"Y/N, you remember Captain Price?" he says to you over the phone. Your stomach falling slightly. "Of course I do, why?"
His name alone causes your hair to stand up. He was around a lot when you were a kid, your dad had gotten stationed alongside him in Britain and brought you and your mom to live there with him for a few months. During that time, you ended up spending a good majority of time with Captain Price, considering your home life wasn't so good. From about 8-10 you were with him. You had a huge crush on Captain Price. You had only just come to terms with the fact that you and him would never be anything, and your dad comes to lay this on you.
"He's coming to stay with me on the base for a few months, he'll be staying in our guest room. Is that okay?" he asks. "oh uh.. of course. Why wouldn't it be?" you laugh the nervousness in your voice off. "I'm sure he will be grateful we're having him, but make sure the house is clean for my return please, sweet pea?"
"Course dad." he laughs into the phone. "You always sound so unamused. When did you grow up and stop being my little girl ah?" he slurs his words. You can't help but roll your eyes. You hadn't realized he'd been drinking before. "Get some sleep dad. I'll talk to you tomorrow night." You laugh, hanging up the phone. You looked around the house, it was spotless, just like he'd asked. You made your way up the large staircase. Your dad made a fair amount of money and provided you with everything you needed and more. He had a nice house, and everything. But you didn't like to take his money. You slipped your hand over the oak railing, frowning to yourself. It was so lonely here without your mum. You hated being here alone.
"Hey. I've some bad news." Is the first thing you hear from your dads mouth a couple days later. "What?" you ask. "My contract extended another 6 months. But John has already gotten his plane ticket and can't get it refunded. It'll be just you and him for a while. Is that okay?"
You think to yourself. Alone? In a big house? With the finest man you've ever laid eyes on?
"Of course it's okay. It's not like I haven't done it before. No reason he shouldn't be able to check the base here out." You smile into the phone. "Oh good. I'm glad you're such a good sport Y/N." Your dad chuckles over the phone. "I'll ask him to keep an eye on you, yeah?" He laughs. "Yeah right. I've been here alone for like 10 months and I've done just fine." You roll your eyes, he can't see it obviously. "I'm sorry honey. But you know how this is."
"Yeah. I know. But it'll be alright. You'll be home before you know it."
When that Friday came, you had to pick John up from the airport, it was the plan from the beginning as you were supposed to pick your dad up as well. You couldn't help but be a little sad that your dad wouldn't be coming home. He was really all you had left.
You don't know what you would do if you didn't have him.
You had to be awake at 5am to go get John, you weren't happy about it. But thankfully, it was a warm summer night.
You had on a t-shirt and some shorts, not really thinking about how you looked in front of John. You were a little too tired to even think straight. You waited inside the airport by where the baggage claim was. You're sitting in a chair in the small waiting area. Pretty soon, you make eye contact with him, and he looks just as good as he did when you were younger. The same facial hair, same kind of uniform. Everything.
You send a smile his way and his eyes widen. "Good god. You're a woman." He laughs, pulling you into a hug. "What?" You laugh, wrapping your arms around his waist. "The last time I seen you, you were just a little girl." He laughs, pulling away. You missed his accent. He grasps his bag. "Yeah, was a long time ago." You blush. You make your way out to your car together, it was parked right at the entrance. "It's just crazy." He stares you up and down. "Although... are you in pajamas?" he says in confusion as you pass him to walk around the car. He climbs into your passenger seat. "Uhhh. Perhaps." You smile. He makes a "tsk" sound, shaking his head. "Didn't your dad always teach you to be prepared?" You reach in front of him, opening the glovebox. Inside was a gun your dad made you carry. "Jesus. I meant.. If your car breaks down or something."
"Bold of you to assume I can't change a tire in pajamas."
"You are definitely your fathers daughter." He laughs. He hears the song on in the car, and he smiles, reaching for the dial to turn the sound up. "Your playlist?" You roll your eyes. "Always." he laughs. "Man.. 20 year old me would've killed to be with a girl like you."
What's stopping you now?
You have to shake the thoughts from your head. "Yeah, show me a picture of you at 20." You laugh. He thinks to himself. "I don't even know if I have one." you lick your lips. "Suppose they didn't have cameras in the 1800's ah?" You smirk. He narrows his eyes. "Ha Ha. You're hilarious." He rolls his eyes. You laugh. "Now I'm gonna look for one." He slides his phone out.
When you arrive at your house, he grasps his bag out of the back and you both make your way for the front door. You unlock it and hold the door open for John. "Come on, guest room is this way." You walk down the hallway. He follows you and you open up the door for him. "Goddamn, when your dad said you had a spare room I didn't think he meant in a damn mansion." He laughs. "Yeah, it's a little extreme for 2 people." You laugh. You leave him to unpack his stuff.
"I found a picture of me when I was in my 20's." He laughs. You're sitting on your couch and he's walking up behind it from the hallway. "Show me." You smirk. He holds the phone in front of your face. "Holy shit." You laugh. "What?" he laughs. "If only you weren't 20 years younger." You smirk. He freezes up. "Yeah right, I was way out of your league." He brushes off your comment. "I just wanna know what happened?" You smirk. He narrows his eyes. "I got more attractive that's what happened." He crosses his arms. "Mhmmmm."
You were really good at getting under his skin for some reason.
He almost couldn't take the torture. He'd been here for a week so far and was struggling.
You walking around in nothing but shorts and tank tops, back talking him with those pretty lips.
You thought for sure he didn't have any feelings for you, but you didn't realize just how close you were to cracking him. He waits for you to get back from a friends house. Sitting at a stool at the countertop in the massive kitchen. He'd gone out and bought a good bottle of scotch, and maybe he'd had little too much to drink.
When you finally come in, you step inside. Walking into the kitchen after you'd kicked your shoes off. He noticed you had a messenger bag with black fabric peeking out. He knows exactly what you were out doing.
"Kinda late ah?" He smirks, startling you. "Jesus Christ!" you hold your hand over your heart. "Why are you just sitting there like that?" you sigh. "Come sit sweetheart. You ever had scotch before?" you swallow hard. "Uh.. no. Have you met my dad?"
He's got an evil grin on his lips. "Well. What he doesn't know won't hurt him. I mean, you weren't really at a friends house were you? I can see the dress sticking out of the bag. I'm sure he wouldn't have allowed that either." He smirks. "Well. It was a waste of time anyways." You laugh. He pours a small amount into another glass, sliding it over to you. You pick it up and put your lips to the glass and he smiles, watching you try it. Your nose immediately scrunches up and you cringe. He laughs a little too hard. "Maybe scotch shouldn't have been your first drink." You laugh. "It's fine."
"Why was the party a bust hm?" He asks. "I just don't fit in. At all." You look down at the countertop. "How's that?" You smile. "Since I've been so sheltered, bounced back and fourth. I don't really know how to fit in with people my age. They all wanna get drunk and party. I just decided to leave early because spending time with you sounded like way more fun." You laugh.
"But I suppose you probably don't see it. You probably just see me as some kid." He smiles down at the countertop. "Of course I do. I was there, watching you grow for a couple years there. I'll always see you that way." He laughs. "Exactly." He could sense the annoyance in your voice. "Y/N, what's going on hm? You've been acting weird for the last couple days." He grasps your shoulder to make you look at him, he looks you in the eyes. You pause for a minute. You lean forward, making possibly the biggest mistake you'll ever make. You plant your lips right onto his, and he draws back immediately. "Woah." He pushes you back by your hips. "Y/N.. I'm sorry. I can't kiss you like that. I can't-" you stand up from the stool, "no.. I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into me." You shake your head. "It's okay. I..." He stands up, brushing his hands off on his jeans. You quickly make your way for your room. Humiliated. He sighs as he sits back down at the countertop.
When he wakes up the next morning, he hears nothing but silence and his head pounding. He definitely had too much to drink the night before. But not enough to forget what happened. When he walks around the house, you’re nowhere to be found. Probably off to school already. He lets out a groan as his phone begins ringing. His head already throbbing.
“Hello?” He asks into the phone. “Hey John.” He hears your dads voice, his stomach falling a little.
“Hey what’s up?”
“Y/N got into a scuffle at school this morning, she’s getting dropped off by her counselor. You mind keeping an eye on her for me?”
“Yeah no problem. And.. a scuffle?”
“I guess some dumb kid was being mean to her. Hurt her wrist pretty bad.” John thinks for a second. “You make it sound like it was a boy.” He laughs.
“From what I understand it was.” John’s face falls immediately. “It’s been going on for some time now, I was gonna take care of it when I got back but.. I got an extension.”
“I might be able to talk to the school about it, if you want.” He offers. “I couldn’t ask you to do that.” He says. “It’s no problem. I’ll take good care of her, don’t you worry.”
John hears the front door open, and makes his way out from the kitchen. Your counselor is helping you inside. “What the hell happened?” He asks. John finds it a little weird that your counselor is a middle aged man, and was alone with you while you were completely inebriated. “Well..” he sighs. “A boy at her school was being a little mean. I guess they kinda got into a little bit of a tussle, he slammed her hand in her locker.”
That explains the wrap around your wrist.
“He said something about her mom, so Y/N just.. attacked him. They had to sedate her to get her to calm down. She’s coming down from it, but she’ll be alright.”
John nods his head. “Who are you? If you don’t mind me asking?” He asks John. “I’m Captain John Price. I’m looking after Y/N until her dad gets back from deployment.” Her counselor nods his head. “Well. This is going to go under investigation. I’ll be surprised if Y/N is allowed back after this.” He narrows his eyes. “That boy slammed her hand in a locker, and made a comment about her dead mother. If I were her, I’d have attacked him too.” He crosses his arms. “Yeah.. but it’s not up to me or you. It’s up to the school.”
John laughs. “Thanks for bringing her home. But if you’ll excuse us.” John says.
After saying goodbye, he leaves.
John sits on the coffee table, placing his hands on your knees. “Are you okay?”
You’re really quiet. You nod your head. You look drowsy. “Don’t lie to me.” He says sternly.
You shake your head no. He brushes hair out of your face. Watching you blink, the tiredness so apparent in your eyes. “You’ll be alright.” He flattens your hair with his hand, running it over and over again. He’s trying to calm you.
“I’m..” your voice cracks a little and your speech is slurring. “I’m sorry that I tried to kiss you.” You look up at him. He sits up from the coffee table, sitting next to you. “It’s fine, it.. was a crazy night. Let’s not worry about that though.” He pulls you into his side. You rest your head on his shoulder. “Who is this boy and why is he fucking with you?” He asks. “I don’t really know, he just started doing it one day and went with it.” Your voice slurs slightly. “Hm..”
“Everyone says he has a crush on me. That’s why he does it,” you laugh. “Yeah, that’s no excuse to do what he did.”
“And he’s really ugly.” He laughs a little harder than he should. “You’re so innocent. It’s so cute.” He smiles. Your heart aches in your chest.
So close, yet so far out of your reach. “Here. You get some sleep okay?” He covers you up with a blanket, standing up. You turn your head to the side, laying on the couch. He watches your eyes close, your body relaxing. He picks up his phone, disappearing into the other room.
When you wake up, you’re confused. It takes a few minutes until everything comes back to you. A yawn leaves your lips and you stand up, going up the stairs. You don’t see John anywhere around. You change your clothes into something more comfortable. You look at yourself in the mirror. The embarrassment from the night before still fresh in your brain. “Y/N?” You hear John calling for you. You quickly finish what you’re doing, going down the stairs.
“I took care of everything.” You frown, “what do you mean?” He lifts up a stack of papers. “You’re on a 2 week mandatory suspension, but I took care of the rest.” He smiles. “What did you do?”
“I just went down there, talked to your school. Seen the kid so I talked to him too. I could tell it was him because of the scratches and stuff all over his face. Has a hell of a shiner." He smiles.
“Oh god…” you cross your arms. “What did you say to him?” He laughs. “Don’t worry about it.”
You knew he probably threatened the boy to get him to back off of you. “He’s a little prick but he should leave you alone.”
He laughs. “Thank you, John. I appreciate it.” He nods his head. “It’s nothing. You feeling better?” He asks. You follow him into the kitchen, “I’m fine.” You grasp a water bottle out of the refrigerator, passing him one too. “So.. about your counselor..” he trails off. “What about him?” John shakes his head. “Just seems weird that he’s alone with you. Like that.” He pauses to take a drink out of the water bottle. “I’m alone with you.” You pull a stool out from the counter, hopping up onto it. He does the same, sitting next to you.
“Yeah but that’s different. I’m a family friend.” You laugh. “He’s just there to make sure I’m good at school.” John nods his head. “I only have like 3 more months of school left.” He nods his head. “That’s good, cause that guy gave me the creeps.”
“He probably thought the same about you.” He rolls his eyes. “I can’t be that creepy, you tried to kiss me.” He smirks. “Oh god.” You cover your face. He laughs. “Do you like me or.. was it just.. heat of the moment thing?” You look up at him. “Heat of the moment.” You lie, rolling your eyes. “For a Captain you sure are soft.” You glance at his hands, hoping he doesn’t catch it as you adjust yourself in your seat awkwardly. Even his hands had your attention. “I’m soft toward you. I’m only harsh when I need to be.” He shrugs. “So what, I’m the only person you’re soft towards? Why?”
“I don’t know.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Yes you do.”
“I just figure your dad is probably already pretty hard on you. I mean I heard some of the screaming matches you two had.” You nod your head. You laugh. “Yeah. It was pretty ugly.” He smiles. “Plus maybe I just have a soft spot for you, what’s wrong with that?” He smiles. Giving you a playful shove. No matter what, he thought of you as a kid. A little girl he watched grow. You hated it. It unsettled you to no end that he’d never see you the way you seen him. “Why don’t you have a boyfriend?” He asks. You shoot a smile his way. “That’s classified.” You roll your eyes. “Oh come on. Tell me, there’s gotta be a reason.” He smiles. “Okay. Why don’t you have a wife?” You ask, tilting your head and leaning back in your chair. He smiles. “I don’t like the games you’re playing.” He laughs. You bite your bottom lip. “I don’t have a wife because the one long term relationship I was in, ended pretty badly.” He says. “There, now you tell me.”
“I don’t like guys my age.” He looks confused for a minute. “What do you mean?”
“Guys my age are immature and stupid. I don’t like it.”
“So.. what? You think men in their 20’s have that figured out?”
“No.” He looks even more confused. “Men in their 30’s and 40’s might though.” His eyes widen. “I-“ he pauses for a second. “For your sake, I hope your dad never finds that information out.”
“Me too.” You laugh.
“You have to be careful, Y/N.” He looks down. “Older men.. they just wanna use you and take advantage of you.”
“I know.”
He freezes up. “How do you know that? Have you been with an older man before?” He sits up straight in his chair, a laugh spills it’s way from your mouth. “Relax, I’ve never been with anyone before.”
He relaxes. “Wait.. anyone? Like ever? You’ve never had a boyfriend?”
“I went on one date. And it did not end well.”
He laughs. “Thank god. You’re still innocent.” He smiles.
You roll your eyes. “You have no idea, Captain Price.” You smirk.
“I hope you never date anyone. Ever.” You tilt your head back with a laugh. “Why’s that?”
“Cause the thought of you with another guy. Your age, older, or not. Makes me cringe.”
“Why? I’m not your daughter.”
“Yeah, but I was there with you. I pretty much raised you for two entire years cause you wouldn’t leave my house.” He laughs. “You offered.” You scoff. “I know. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Your parents were fighting a lot, I didn’t mind having you around.” He laughs. “I guess I just have such a pure image of you in my head that I hate the thought of some dumbass guy ruining it.”
“I want a family. So.. I hate to tarnish that little pure girl in your mind but I’ll have sex, get married, and have kids at some point.” He cringes as you say it. “Hopefully not in that order.” He laughs.
“Definitely in that order.”
“Ah god I don’t wanna think about that.” He scrunches his face up in disgust. “You’re still young, you have so much time to think about that bullshit. Enjoy it while you have it.” You sit up slightly in the stool you’d sat on. “You’re gonna tell me you don’t have sex?” You laugh. “Not in a long damn time, no.”
“Exactly, that constant need you feel? You aren’t the only one who feels that.” You laugh. “Here.” He slides his cup toward you. He’d filled it with Scotch at some point. “It helps take that feeling away. Just plug your nose.” You roll your eyes, tipping it back. Flinching much less than you had the night before. “You know my dad would be pissed if he found out you were letting me drink.”
“Yeah, but you’re a secretive little thing so I’m not too worried.” You smile.
A few hours later, you’re sitting on the couch. He’s next to you trying to play a video game but it’s only pissing him off. You’re drunk, staring at the screen, laughing as he raged. “What the fuck is this? My teammates suck!” You roll your eyes. “Yeah? You sure it’s the teammates and not you?” You laugh.
“Ha Ha. I’m at the top of the scoreboard. And I have the best KD of everyone.” He rolls his eyes. You smirk. “I don’t like your attitude.” He sets the controller down. “Yeah? What are you gonna do about it?” You cross your arms, challenging him. “Oh. Babygirl those are fighting words. You better quit while you’re ahead.”
“Make me.”
He stands up, “alright. But I warned you.” He smiles, an evil smile. He grasps your legs pulling you down, beginning to tickle at your sides. You squirm hard, laughter beginning to spill out of your lips. He leans down on top of you on the couch, straddling your hips to hold you down. “Okay! Okay! I’m sorry!” You cry out. “Say "I’m sorry for disobeying Captain Price!” He smirks, sliding his tongue along his teeth. “I’m sorry for disobeying Captain Price!” You cry it out as loud as you can. He draws his hands back, laughing as you came down. Your stomach hurt from laughing so hard.
Once you had stilled, his smile falters and he’s looking down at you. His eyes flashing to your lips and than back to your eyes. He swallows hard. You can see it in his eyes he’s weighing out the pros and cons of kissing you. He shakes his head, sitting up and moving away from you. “There.” He smiles. “Now watch me kick some ass.” He picks up the controller and you sit up.
What was that?
You know now, he’s thought about it.
When he loses another round, he rage quits and sets the controller down.
He leans back onto the couch, propping one foot up on the coffee table. “Earlier.” He grasps your attention. “You said you went on a date and it didn’t end well, what happened?”
You look down. “Uh.. this guy was bugging me for a while to go out with him. Like.. following me around in school, following me to my car afterward. Constantly messaging me. So I finally gave in and he just said a bunch of gross shit to me.” You laugh awkwardly. “What did he say?” You look down. “He said um.. that.. oh god,” your face heats up and he can tell you’re getting embarrassed. “He said.. stuff about my body. Like.. maybe if I ate less my thighs wouldn’t be so big because he didn’t like it.” You take a deep breath, John raising his eyebrows. “I told him I wasn’t interested in having sex or anything like that because I was a virgin. And he told me ‘if he doesn’t put it all the way in, it doesn’t count’ and.. just always said stuff about stretch marks and stuff.” John shakes his head. “I see what you mean, about boys your age. Because everything he hates? I fuckin love. Thighs?” He rolls his eyes back with a groan. “He’s an idiot and you shouldn’t listen to him.” You laugh. “I didn’t. I went on one “date” and that was it. Ignored him after that.” He smiles. “So.. you’ve.. never had sex. But. Have you ever been touched? Like at all?”
You shake your head, crimson creeping up onto your cheeks. He runs his fingers over his facial hair. “Have you ever wanted to?” He leans back into the couch, tapping on the beer bottle he had in his hand. “Of course I have.” You roll your eyes. “But.. I don’t even know how to do it myself.” You laugh. You're holding a beer bottle as well. Holding it between your thighs. “What do you mean, you don’t touch yourself?” You look down. “I.. have tried. It just.. doesn’t feel all that good I guess.”
He chews on his lip, creating an awkward silence for around a minute.
“I could show you, if you want.” He finally says it.
Your stomach falls. And you look up at him, those wide innocent eyes. And he knows he’s probably gonna regret this. You’re young and innocent and he was there when you were a kid. But again, you were 18, sexy. And you wanted him, he could tell.
“I.. I guess?” You say skeptically. You take in a sharp breath when he stands up. Is he joking? “C'mere.” He grasps your ankles, much like he had done when he was tickling you. He pulls you down onto the couch again. You set down the beer bottle and lay back. “Relax. I’ll stop if you want me to okay?”
You nod your head, staring up at him. That same sense of innocence in your eyes. He breathes out. “I shouldn’t do this, should I?” He breathes. “Probably not..” You trail off.
“I’m.. just showing you. Yeah?” You nod your head. "Nothing more." He says. "Yeah... Nothing more." you repeat, a little quieter than he had said.
You wanted him to touch you so badly you’d tell him anything he wanted to hear. He loops his fingers over the waistband of your shorts, panties too. Pulling them down your legs. He swallows hard as he finally sees all of you. “Do.. you have any toys you like to use? Or have tried?”
You shake your head. “Have.. you ever.. had anything inside of you?”
Once again, shaking your head no. “Okay. Just relax for me?” He slides his hand up onto your thigh, moving it higher. His gentle touch on your skin has your cheeks heating up, your face feels like it’s on fire. Where his skin touches your own, burns. It’s almost too much to take. All of those years yearning for his touch, his attention. And you were finally getting it. He runs his finger up your slit and a gasp leaves your lips as he rests it on your clit, drawing small circles into it. You squirm immediately, and he smiles to himself. “You’ve not done much huh? So sensitive…” he breathes out.
There was this part of him that wanted to preserve your innocence. Wanted to pull away, apologize and walk away. And than, there was a devil on his shoulder chanting for him to go further. To take your virginity and fill you completely full of his cum right where you laid, to taint every last bit of innocence left inside of you. Leave you full and wanting more.
He wanted you to taste him on your tongue every time you thought about him. His bitterness. He had an internal debate as you squirmed at his touch. So sweet. It was like dangling a piece of meat in front of a lion, you didn’t see it. Didn’t know what he was capable of doing to you. He breathes out, trying to hold back. You didn’t know any of this, because he was gentle with you. Hid all of the evil parts about himself from you, especially the one that thought about burying his face between your thighs as soon as he seen you at the airport, all grown up. He lifts your leg up, moving himself closer between them. Resting it in his lap. He lets out a deep chuckle. “Just relax for me sweetheart. You’re too tense.” His voice is deep and it’s a voice you’d never heard from him before. “Just focus on what I’m doing to you okay?” You nod your head, staring down to where he was touching you.
You’re watching, lips parted. You’re completely mesmerized and you’re holding back. He doesn’t like that you’re holding back. He starts to rub faster, drawing pants from your lips. You’re getting wet, which is what he wants. “M’gonna try something, okay?” You nod your head. He slides his finger over your entrance, gathering your wetness on it. He starts drawing circles over your entrance, and you’re confused. It feels good but it’s not anything like him rubbing at your nub. A gasp leaves your lips as he presses it into you, and he could feel you stretching around his finger. Just one finger and you were this tight. You lift your hips into his touch, your eyes screwing shut. “Does it hurt?” You shake your head. Once he feels like you’re wet enough, he tries to slowly add a second finger but a hiss leaves your lips and you move back slightly. “Sorry love..” he chuckles. “It’s.. it’s okay.”
“You’re so tight..” he breathes. His cock throbs uncomfortably against his jeans. He palms himself slightly when he knows you’re not looking. “Is.. is that bad?”
“No sweetheart. Well.. it just means. It’ll hurt more when you.. have sex for the first time.” He mumbles. “Because.. most likely. You’ll be dealing with something bigger than a couple fingers.” He pumps his finger a little faster. “Can you.. try to add another finger?” He bites his lip. Keeping his eyes from rolling back. “It’s gonna hurt.”
“That’s okay.”
He slides his finger out of you, watching you blush as he puts them in his mouth to wet them down further with his saliva. You thought he was oblivious to the fact that he’d just tasted your arousal, but he wasn’t. You tasted sweet and he loved it. He wanted more. Wanted to bury his face into you until you screamed.
He slides the first finger inside of you and once he thought you were ready, he lined the second up. You grasp the hem of your own shirt tightly, closing your eyes. He goes as slow as he can, pushing his finger into you. Your body has so much resistance and he sees you flinch as he pushes it in further and further. When he finally reaches his knuckle, the tightness around his fingers has him so on edge he could barely take it. He wants to feel you clench this tight around his cock more than he could put into words. He draws it back, pushing it back inside of you until they moved comfortably. You unintentionally spread your legs further for him, and he grits his teeth. You were so comfortable with him touching you.
“John..” a whimper falls from your lips and his stomach falls, his cock throbbing hard. He wants to get up and yell, the feeling in his chest that he has is too much to bare. The way you moan his name makes him wanna climb on top of you and fuck you until you forget his name. He breathes out. Closing his eyes, still moving his fingers into you. “I want you to do it.” He draws his hand back. You look at him. “Here.” He grasps your hand. Moving it to your soaked opening, “try one finger,” you nod your head, swallowing hard as you tried to push it into yourself. Once you did, your body relaxes. “That’s it. That’s a good girl. Just like that.” He smiles, watching the way you pumped your fingers fast into yourself. Struggling to hold back your moans. He could tell you were still desperate. His fingers were larger and he was better. So he moves your hand again, replacing your fingers with his own. Pumping them at a steady pace. Listening to the wet sounds his fingers moving inside of you made. The longer he did it, the louder you got. Moaning and whimpering his name. You looked down, beads of sweat forming in your face as you clutched the couch, trying desperately to hold still. “John-“ you gasp out. “It.. it feels weird.” You buck your hips into him, thighs clenching up tightly. “Relax, you’re getting close.” He sits up on his knees, moving himself between your legs. When he leans over you, you grasp his shirt with a death grip and he can't help but smile. “Look at me.” He leans down, holding himself up with one hand that was by your head, his other not stopping for even a second. He curls his finger up into your spongy spot, cries leaving your lips, tears streaming down your face at how overwhelmed you were because of him. He chuckles when he sees them. “So worked up..” he mumbles. He leans down, you silence yourself as you look him in the eyes, his lips only centimeters from your own. “Cum for me.” He whispers. “Give yourself to me, Y/N.” You bite your lip, he has you right on the edge.
He leans down, lips brushing against yours. He thinks about if he should do it or not, but it’s already past a simple kiss. So he leans into you, lips crushing against your own. Moving against each other in desperation and need. He pulls away when he feels your hips buck, pressing his forehead to yours, his cheek brushes against yours and he can feel your tears smearing onto his cheek. He wanted to hear that sweet cry you’re going to let out when he makes you cum.
“I- I-“ a mewl leaves your lips and you clutch onto his shirt tightly as you reach your high, eyes rolling back and clenching shut, gasps leaving your lips and your hips jerk as he rubs your sensitive nub with his thumb, pumping his fingers into you still. You squirm, grasping his hand and trying to stop him. He finally draws his hand away, webs of your wetness coat his fingers and you blush once more as he places them against his tongue, closing his lips around them and sucking them clean of your sweetness. He leans down again, pressing his lips to yours and kissing you with as much passion as he did before. When he pulls away a final time, his phone ringing brings him away from you. "Hold on." He sits up looking at it. "It's your dad, I gotta take this." He says, a little nervous as he answers the phone.
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sawyerconfort · 11 months
dancing with the devil | verna x reader
I'm back!!!
this one is just a spooky season special, as I've been away for all these days and haven't done one yet, I thought it would be cool to do it now!
this oneshot comes a lot from my obsession with Mike Flanagan's work, which even led me to watch The Fall of the House of Usher recently.
and, of course, it also comes from my obsession with Carla Gugino.
so, I hope you like it!
late requests coming out soon, so stay tuned!
requests open, but please be patient with me.
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PROMPT: It's New Year's Eve, and you find yourself in a bar, completely alone, with no one to give you the good luck's kiss. But a mysterious new barista catches your eye, and she could be your salvation, if only she didn't hide so many secrets.
You weren't one to complain, but it had been a pretty horrible year.
People generally await the New Year with a lot of ambition, full of resolutions, glamorous plans and self-centered achievements. But you do not.
You just wanted the next one to be better.
As if the miserable conditions you were experiencing at Fortunato were not enough, not being paid enough for the effort you made, sitting at the reception desk at the behest of the great Rufus Griswold - who did nothing except try to harass you in every way -, in a routine exhausting where you could never sleep properly, you still had your parents, and the terrible relationship you had with them.
So, when you sat at that bar, at the lonely counter, all you thought about was stuffing yourself until you pass out, hoping for a counting miracle. Some people were getting along well when you arrived, and others were giving you side-eye, but with the thought that you were less attractive to them, you decided that the counter would be the best option.
Suddenly, those eyes that looked yellow from afar fell on you, and the figure that carried them turned around, with a subtle smile.
"I see someone needs a drink, hm?"
You looked at her, and shrugged, before answering. "Just today. I can't drink, I still have work tomorrow."
She continued to smile, and you had the slight impression that her eyes had returned to their normal color. Clear, deep and very eye-catching. But it could just be the impression, because you were too exhausted to make sense.
"Ah, I understand. Just a minute, I'll prepare something relaxing for you, miss…"
She nodded, turning away and concentrating on preparing whatever the drink was. Like I said before, you were too tired to care about what drink you were going to drink. If you could just get to New Year with something in your throat, that would be a good idea.
After minutes that felt like seconds of waiting, the barista turned to you, two shiny glass cups in her hands. She was still smiling subtly as she slid your glass and turned hers in her other hand.
She served you with the same smile, and then looked at you. "It's funny, I can see there's something wrong with you... Something that's stopping you from celebrating tonight."
You looked back at her, frowning, and sighing afterwards.
"It's true, it was... It wasn't a very good year", you commented, feeling terrible for venting to a stranger. "But the year ahead will be better, I know that."
"And why is that? Why was it so bad?"
"My boss, my work... everything makes me exhausted... and not having anyone to talk to is really bad at these moments...", You took a sip. "Um, that's great, is it Merlot?"
"It's Merlot, but it's not one of the best...", the barista said, tapping her glass still. "I've seen and experienced better, around the world."
"Have you been around the world?", you asked, unable to resist your curiosity. She smiled and nodded. "Where did you go? On that expedition?"
"I've been there too, but not just on this occasion", she said, and suddenly stopped, as if she were saying too much. "You know, it's interesting, being on the other side. Sometimes it's tiring, it breaks my heart, but... It's good, there are things there that are worth the effort."
You were more intrigued. She didn't look like the type of person who would travel around the world, wearing black clothes and a gothic look, as if she wanted to hide on purpose. Generally, these trips are made for people who want to be seen, above all else in the world.
"What are you talking about, exactly?"
"Have you ever had a dream... a desire... a deep, hidden desire that no one has ever fulfilled, and that you yourself didn't imagine you could achieve?", she looked at you with the same curiosity as you. "I'm like... A dream maker. I go on these trips just for that..."
You frowned, still not understanding, but took another sip to hide it, nodding.
"Are you the personification of the genie in the lamp?"
She laughed. "Ah, I would like to, but no. It would be a lot of ego on my part, but I would say that I'm better than him", she laughed. "Verna is my name, but the name never makes that much of a difference to me."
“Different name, never heard it before,” you said, drinking again. "Are you from here?"
"I'm from nowhere. I'm everywhere, at all times... it's strange, I know, but it makes sense to me."
You nodded, finding it strange. And then, he found it even stranger when she helped herself to the Merlot on the counter and drank some. She smiled at you, still tapping the glass.
"But what about you, (Y/N)? Do you have any desires that you thought would be unrealizable, unattainable? Please be honest with me."
You opened your mouth, and then thought a little. "No. I think I'm happy this way. Except for a few little things that I would change here and there..."
She softened her gaze and took a sip, her clear eyes suddenly yellowed again and wide, fixed on you. "What kind?"
“Like, my boss giving me the justice I deserve, and stop hitting on me,” you laughed, drinking the last sip and pouring yourself again. "Not much."
"Your boss is too terrible for you, (Y/N)," Verna replied, smiling. "Don't ask me how I know this, but I do. One day someone will show him what's really good, don't worry."
You frowned. "You seem so sure, are you some kind of psychic?"
She laughed. "No. I would like to be, but no. I... I see people's possibilities. And that's it. I help them based on the possibilities."
She stared at you again, and looked away at the TV, where the ball was falling on the screen in Times Square.
"Oh, it looks like it's almost time," she whispered, laughing. "Your year is going to be great, (Y/N), I'll make sure of that."
“You…” you started, but she shushed you, smiling.
"You just have to make a deal with me."
"What kind of deal?"
Verna thought for a while, and then smiled. "Wow, you seem so sure..."
She was mocking you, of course, you realized right away, and with a muffled laugh, you glanced back at the TV, hearing people echoing a countdown. The ball finally reached its destination, and you turned around, seeing Verna's yellow eyes glued to yours again. She suddenly leaned over and stole a peck from you, taking a little too long to pull away.
“Was that your deal?”, you whispered, smiling mischievously. Verna took a moment to open her eyes and then tilted her head, as if agreeing.
She thought for a while and then finally said, her voice low, slowly close to your ear, as if she wanted to seduce or bewitch you. She had one of the softest voices you'd ever heard, and apparently she knew how to use it.
"Actually, it was a plan to find out if you were trustworthy, if you were innocent enough to accept my deal…", she whispered. "And because I know, deep down, that what you wanted most was to be kissed on New Year's Eve, my sweet client."
You trailed off, looking at her, getting lost in the soft expression on her pale face. Suddenly, an impulsive idea occurred to you, and you leaned in again, kissing her, this time with more intensity. When you touched her hair, behind the back of her head, you had the impression that it melted at the touch, as if Verna were just an illusion, as if she were the literal cosmic dust from which human beings possibly emerged.
However, the kiss didn't last long. She pushed you away with her feather-light hands, and to the naked eye, it looked like it was just a breeze of wind stopping you both. She touched your face, running her fingers lightly across your cheek as she whispered:
"We can't do that right now, (Y\N). I'm afraid you're not sober enough, and it wouldn't be wise for me to take advantage of this."
You looked at it for a moment and realized it made sense. But she had kissed you first, so it was clearly just an excuse, as always happened. You started to wonder if your kiss was that bad.
"But, Verna…"
"Please, darling. I'm trying to be reasonable. Like I said, I work with possibilities, and the possibility of us working out is less than zero. Don't get me wrong, it's just in case…", she hesitated. "Condemning pure-souled humans to my cruel and inevitable fate wouldn't be extremely political of me."
You sighed, and gave her the space she needed, even though you couldn't take your eyes off her. Verna was the same, and you could feel that, despite what it seemed like, that moment you shared wasn't just fun, much less just a New Year's kiss.
Verna poured you the rest of the Merlot and, with the same soft expression, touched your face again. This time, her voice was clear, and in a moment of vulnerability, she made it more than explicit that she wasn't lying when she said:
"But we'll still meet, (Y\N)," she whispered, her fingers again like soft feathers touching his skin. "Our deal may not have been sealed, but you've proven enough innocence and courage to convince me that you're capable of this. You'll have a great new job, I promise, and your boss will never bother you again."
She nodded, and you allowed yourself to nod too, so confused that you definitely didn't know what to believe anymore. There was a little devil on your shoulder urging you to try again, and there was another devil, right in front of you, who would be harder to convince than you expected.
"And of course, you will have my full protection," Verna whispered, smiling. "I'm not going to promise you eternal life, because that would be impossible even for someone like me. But I promise, and I need you to believe me on this one, I promise that I will move mountains so no one will hurt you again."
You smiled, and drank the last sip. Suddenly, another impulse. This time, a question, instead of an action.
"What are you? An angel? A genie without a lamp? A tempting devil who seeks souls and deals?"
Verna smiled, and simply looked away at her glass again, magically empty. "I already told you. I'm nothing, I don't have a life. I'm just what your mind wants me to be."
You were confused, but suddenly, a memory hit you hard. When you looked at Verna, it was as if she already knew.
"I really need to go. My mom will be furious if I get home late, even on New Year's..."
She nodded. "Please don't take any chances. This part, I won't be able to protect you."
You laughed, stood up and slid out the only dollar bill you had. Verna looked at the ballot, he turned it around and handed it back to you, denying it.
"No need. The bill is already paid."
"Please don't insist. I insist."
You looked at her, shrugged, and frowned, suddenly realizing that maybe it was for the best. She kept watching you, until you left, and as soon as you turned outside, on the street, you noticed who had just walked through a solid wall.
The bar was gone.
And she was gone too.
Even more confused - and blaming the drink -, you put your hands in your pockets to protect yourself, and walked back home, into the daylight. As soon as you crossed the street, however, another very curious thing caught your attention.
There was a raven, standing still, resting on a post. It was just any raven, but it was a raven, and it looked down at you. Suddenly, you had the impression that he had winked at you.
"What nonsense. Ravens don't blink," you whispered to yourself, looking at the raven again. He remained there, standing still, as if he hadn't even noticed you. Deciding to ignore that crazy night, you turned around.
As you disappeared down the street, you whispered to yourself once again.
"Ravens don't blink."
Oh, but if you only knew that they do more than blink... If you only knew...
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Hii! Is it okay if you do a Wednesday x Hanahaki disease!Reader? Where the reader is hanging out with Wednesday in her dorm, And she gets really worried when the reader suddenly coughs up a flower? Wednesday would try to ask the reader questions but the reader would just say that they are fine. Can you also make it angsty? You don't have to do this request if you don't want to! ^^
A/N: Oh, I want to. I really want to.
Wednesday x Reader
Part Two
You're laying on Wednesday's bed, listening to the clacking of her typewriter. While it's an old-fashioned method, you couldn't help but find the noise soothing. You understand the appeal of mechanical keyboards now. It almost pulls you to sleep.
A sudden coughing fit forces you up and now, you're doubled over, feeling as though you're about to hack up your own lung. Wednesday is at your side, unsure of how to help. When she places a hand on your shoulder, a final cough wracks your body and you hack up one singular petal. The both of you stare at the petal in your hand in surprise.
"Mi amor, are you all right? What's going on?"
You suddenly stand up, clenching the petal in your fist but offering your girlfriend a smile. "I'm fine. No idea where this came from. I'll check in with the nurse." You start to make your way out, but the goth stops you.
"What are you hiding from me?"
"Nothing. It's fine. I'm fine," you assure her. "I'll catch you tomorrow. Sorry for interrupting your writing hour." With that you run off, afraid of the implications.
You hadn't told anyone of your condition. No one knew of it. Not even Wednesday. You didn't want anyone to feel obligated to love you, or not want to try for fear of not being trusted. But love can't be helped. It can't be controlled. You knew and feared that. You even considered surgery to cure the disease. Even still, you figured that it was better to feel love than have it removed completely.
You just never expected your one love would fall out of love with you.
Wednesday was spending more and more time with her investigation on the monster terrorizing Jericho. You knew it was important and even assisted when she needed it. But something was taking her away from you. As the days passed by, your coughing became worse. Petals became flowers. Aches became pain.
It wasn't until you actually saw Wednesday interact with her normie friend, Tyler. You saw how he looked at her. How he mooned after her. More importantly, you saw how she acted with him. She was less prickly with him than with others. She let him get away with a lot of things that even you, her partner, couldn't.
The entire thing came to a head at the end of the investigation of the Gates House. On Wednesday's birthday, no less. You had tried to keep your coughing at bay, but by the time Sheriff Galpin arrived home while the goth was treating Tyler's wounds, you were nearly choking on flowers. So you raced out of the house, followed closely by Wednesday.
"Y/N! What has been going on with you!?" Wednesday catches your arm and you whirl around as a black dahlia falls out of your mouth.
"What's been going on with me? I've been watching my girlfriend fall in love with another person!"
The goth jerks back, startled. "What? That's nonsense."
You scoff, spitting out another petal. "No. It's true. These?" You point to the flowers coming out of your mouth. "This is proof."
"That is proof of nothing."
You let out a frustrated groan which resulted in several severe coughs. Flowers pile onto the floor as a result. With a heave, you glare at Wednesday. "This is proof I can't handle this anymore. I can't watch you drift away no matter how much I try to keep you close." You straighten up as best you can and look straight into Wednesday's eyes. Eyes that held no more love for you. "It's over. I sincerely hope you're content."
You turn and walk away, refusing to look back. Wednesday never reached out for you.
The surrounding woods were your only companions in the night. Your coughing was non-stop and you didn't want to disturb your dorm neighbors. In fact, you had a feeling the end was nearing. So you wrote a note, leaving it for whoever would arrive at your door next, and you left.
Your coughs became wheezes. You fall to your knees, hacking up flowers upon flowers. The pain was near unbearable. You clutch at your chest as a river of flowers fall from your mouth.
'This is it, huh?' You thought. 'What a way to die...''
You fall onto your back, wheezing. Flowers fall out of your mouth, no longer a result of coughs. Black edges your vision as the flowers fill your mouth.
'Even with all this... I still love you.'
Vision fades, breathing slows. You never thought death would be so quiet... Or so lonely.
Wednesday and Enid race through the woods. Your note was found by Wednesday when she sought after you. You were the first person she thought to find after finding out the real identity of the Hyde. The goth immediately recruited her roommate to find you, knowing the wolf's nose could sniff you out. Upon finding you, they race towards your still body.
"Y/N! Mi amor!" Wednesday cradles your head, the bouquet in your mouth shifting in the movement. "No. I will not lose you. I cannot lose you." She shakes you slightly.
"Wednesday..." Enid quietly calls. "I... I think they're..."
"NO! They can't leave me!" This was the most emotion Enid had ever seen from Wednesday. It would've been a momentous event if the circumstances weren't so grim. The goth girl hugs your body close, feeling the warmth seeping away from your body.
"Please don't leave me... I... I love you. Please, I love you."
You don't wake.
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seneitut · 1 year
[Part 1] [Part 2]
Words: 6K
Tags: Mentions of anxiouness, bantering, technicality of the game and map Haven, fluff, blood.
[This was long overdue!!!! It took me a long while but here is the first part! Second part coming tomorrow or in a couple of days! It also has drawings uwu Hope you like em!]
Resquested by: @oyasumimosura !!
Breathing in, breathing out. 
Those are the words you've been repeating in your head for the past couple of minutes, trying to focus your sole attention on breathing instead of the anxiousness wanting to consume you. 
Opening your eyes, you gaze upon your reflection in the mirror with a nervous expression painting your features. 
The eye bags under your eyes are a telltale of the poor night's sleep you've gotten, and you hope no one looks closely to you to ask about it. There is nothing you can do to mask your exhaustion and the way you look, so you bear with it, avoiding the mirror and turning to stare at your unmade bed instead.
The tremble in your hands is manageable, you think, and so is the ability to mask your stress. But not even planning out your interactions nor replies to questions that haven't been asked yet, or never, is enough to relax you.
“Hey, you alright in there?” 
The voice of Sage is accompanied by soft knocking outside your door. The concern in her voice is palpable, since you haven't showed up yet and your reunion was due almost fifteen minutes ago.
“Y-yeah! Just, um, fixing my clothes.” You reply awkwardly, giving thumbs up to the closed door and immediately absconding your hands when you realize the dumb action. Sage doesn't need to know that. “I-I'm sorry for the lateness, I'll be going in a second…or several…”
There is silence for a moment, and you worry you may have upset her for being irresponsible.
Then, she speaks again, “Mind if I join you for a little bit?”
Weighting the pros and cons, you don't let your brain finish that train of thought and act upon your want.
Opening the door is a lot less anti-climatic than you initially thought. Instead, relief floods your system as soon as Sage steps in and takes your hands into hers, caressing the skin softly with a gentle expression on her features.
“I'm here.” she mutters, leading you to the bed. “Let's breathe together, alright?”
“I've been doing that.” is your reply. She smiles.
“Good, that's good.” Her hand never stops holding yours. “Do it once more with me, indulge me?”
You nod, following her instructions until your heartbeat pumps to a steady rhythm.
The breathing sessions for your anxiety is something you haven't done together in a long while. Maybe since she left China to pursue a more fulfilling life, leaving behind many friends and family who missed her dearly, and for you to learn to live without her by your side.
The thought that you've been reunited, even under not a joyful situation, is enough to make you smile and forget about what will cement your life from now on in a couple of minutes. Having her here, holding your hands and gently massaging the skin gives you a wave of nostalgia that you cannot help but tear up a little bit.
“What's wrong?” She asks, a frown between her brows. 
“I'm just…overwhelmed, I think.” Sniffing back some tears, you give her the best smile you can offer, but it falters under so much pressure. “It’s been so long since I’ve had you by my side. And I’m so worried about what is going to happen once I step out of this room because I don’t know if I’m going to be enough for the team nor don’t know if my qualities will fit and, what if I get killed? What if I get my teammates killed? What then?”
“Hey, hey, calm down.” She manages to have your attention, cutting your rambling off. The tears that were welling up have cleared up by now, which gives Sage a sense of comfort and one less thing to worry about. “You won’t mess things up, I have full trust in you and your judgment, it’s why I brought you here.”
“No, dear, stop there.” Sage stands up, pulling you alongside her. “You’re gonna be okay, I will make sure of it. Do you trust me?”
You nod, “Of course I do!” 
“Then believe in my words. Everything is going to be okay.”
And you do. You trust Sage's words and follow after her without any doubt clouding your mind, but nervousness.
If she says you will be okay, you believe it.
The meeting you have is brief and to the point.
Sage introduces you to Brimstone, the one who founded Valorant and the one in charge to recruit agents to their lines to protect their world from radiants who come from another dimension.
The thing about having mirrors of themselves and having to fight them till death doesn't come as a surprise; rather new knowledge acquired and something to investigate for future reference, fascinated by such a thing.
Besides Brimstone there is another agent, Viper, who seems to be part of the lead in the protocol alongside Sage. She is sharp with her words and straightforward with her expectations, upfront with what she wants you to bring to the team and communicate what's needed.
All three, despite their differences in personalities, welcome you to what's going to be your home for the next years to come.
“We need you to train constantly,” is what Brimstone asks of you. “To have discipline and focus on missions. Besides our utility, having to learn self-defense and the usage of guns is important when we are deployed to prevent catastrophes.”
Vipes joins in the conversation, “Sage has mentioned you both have trained for a long time before all this disaster. I'm expecting nothing but the same skills and more from you.”
Gulping, you nod, “Of course.”
Sage glances at you from the other side of the room, spectating the conversation unfolding, and ready to chime in if necessary to help you out.
“Good.” Viper stands up from her chair after a couple of seconds, gathering her folders and hands you a sort of phone. “First mission assigned will be tomorrow. Ask Killjoy or Cypher for blueprints and get to know your teammates and their abilities before being deployed.”
The device is rectangle and the size of a cell phone, with the screen showing your name and a code to access it. 
“Configure this as you'd prefer, the agents use this to organize and contact each other when we are sent on missions.” Viper dials a password and the screen lights up in a soft glow to show folders and a message chat box. “Set a password to your liking and bring it with you if necessary.”
Eyeing the device, you breathe out your nervousness before directing her a smile, “Thank you.” 
“That will be it.”
Viper excuses herself after that, leaving the room swiftly with Brimstone following after her to discuss some matters. 
Is not after several seconds glancing between the door to where Sage was standing that you finally crumble under the pressure and groan in despair.
“Who the fuck is Killjoy? Or Cypher, for that matter? How am I supposed to configure this to my liking if this is work related?” You begin. “I don't even know my other teammates, how am I supposed to know their abilities and learn about them in such short notice?!”
Turning to Sage, your panic heightnes, “It hasn't been ten minutes and I'm already fucking things up!”
Sage huffs in exasperation, approaching you with a grin and ignoring your stare and pout, “Unlock the device, dear. Go directly to the first folder it shows, there are basic profiles with pictures and names of the other agents.” When you do as asked, she scrolls through the multiple faces staring at you, “You don't have to learn all their names at once, it takes time to become acquainted with most of them outside missions and the base is really big for everyone to be at one place.”
“B-but how will I know which one of them is assigned on the same mission as I do?” You are becoming rapidly anxious, hands trembling and completely out of the character you introduced yourself to Brimstone and Viper.
Sage caresses your back softly, “Once we ask Killjoy for the blueprints, we can ask her to lend us the name of the agents on the team.”
You nod, exhaling a big puff of air from the nervousness. 
Opening the device, you scroll through the list until you land on the name of Killjoy. The face of a woman in black hair and bright colored clothes greets you, and is for certain you won’t be able to miss her out if you were to encounter her.
“We can look for her together, if you wish?” Sage asks, grinning softly. 
With her reassurance and the knowledge of Killjoy's appearance, you exit the meeting's room with idle chatting to keep your mind occupied.
Sage is kind enough to start explaining Killjoy's abilities to fill in the silence. From her techwear and brilliant brain, she is one of the top techs inside the protocol alongside Cypher who have been able to develop technology not a simple human mind would understand.
All Killjoy is able to do sounds from a futuristic world, repairing and creating with the mere tools the earth provides her.
“She created the devices, programmed the security information with Cypher's help, and repaired one of the agents on our side.”
Cocking your head to the side, you ask, “Repair as in, fixed? Operated a limb or something like that?”
Sage giggles, “No, dear, she literally repaired an agent, from scratch and missing parts. A robot, if you may.”
When you cross the threshold of the practice range, you finally understand what she meant.
“A sentient robot?!”
Behind the closed doors, you see in amazement a robot-like-human fight alongside a couple of agents against another…robot? Firing bullets non-stop and jumping from side to side to avoid the agent's offensive stance.
“Killjoy seems to be training as well.” She muses. 
You watch in silence the fight unfold, analyzing their work and action while they mesh their abilities together to defeat the common enemy. Is amazing how flawless and swiftly they move across the battlefield to look for cover or simply repositioning to counterattack.
“Found you.” 
Brimstone's voice startles you, turning around to watch him enter the room with his eyes set on what's going on behind the glass.
“We need to leave in a few minutes; Breeze and Split.” He announces. Sage nods, pointing to the range.
“Got some people on here to join in.” 
He surveys the people inside, scratching his bear in contempt before sighing, defeated.
“Tell Raze to sit this one out and bring Astra, it is time to ruin the party for these youngsters.” Brimstone motions behind you, “Yoru, you're coming with them to Split, be there in fifteen.”
You hear a scoff, “Of course you need me.”
Turning around, you see a man sitting at the edge of the glass toying with kingdom credits at the palm of his hand. He's covered from head to toe in blue themed clothes, which you find funny for someone who looks as gloomy as he does.
Is it not after you're finished eyeing him do you realize he's been doing the same to you and scoffs again, as if offended, when your eyes cross paths.
Feeling self-conscious, you avoid him entirely for the rest of Sage and Brimstone's conversation.
“I'll be leaving now, Killjoy is coming with us too.” Sage points at the other side of the room, spotting a person playing chess by themselves and wearing some set of interesting clothing. “That's Cypher, you can talk to him about the blueprints, he is a kind man, but be careful of entertaining him with your personal information.”
Sage whispers in your ear, “He has eyes everywhere, be careful.”
Bidding goodbye to Sage proves to be harder than you anticipated, anxiousness starting to consume you the moment she leaves your side at a place you have no guidance nor idea how to navigate by yourself just yet.
The moment of truth comes now, you think, when you turn around and begin walking towards Cypher. He has not spotted you yet, continuing with his game in silence, and it gives you time to think about how to approach in conversation. 
So deep in thought, you collide against a surface so hard you have to take two steps back to steady yourself. When you raise your eyes, you meet Yoru's jet-black eyes staring you down with annoyance written on his expression.
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“Move away, little shit.” 
Yoru pushes you away and enters the range, not glancing back for a second and makes his way to the group gathering at the center.
When the door closes, you hear a man chuckle deeply. 
“Say now, first day and causing trouble?” Cypher turns his head, a gloved hand toying with a coin. The blue of his masked and robotic eyes are eerie, it makes you uncomfortable, “Mind if we play a game?”
“Cypher, right?” you ask. He nods at the chess board.
“Glad to make acquaintances.”
Sitting in front of him, you watch him rearrange the pieces to start over a new game. He barely glances at you when he rotates the board for you to start first, waving his hand in presentation.
“Go on, let’s see what you’re made of.”
The first few moves none of you say anything, concentrating on the game rather than the task you’ve been asked to do. Is refreshing though, having something else to focus on. 
You’re partly thankful to Cypher for not obligating you to talk, humming to himself and enjoying the game in his own  way. His moves are very calculating and thoughtful, watching under scrutinized robotic eyes your movements and choices before making one for himself.
Is not until he has you on a chokehold that he leans on his chair, crossing his arms, that he decides to speak for the first time, “You are very patient, little one.”
“Hm?” Looking up, you smile nervously at him, “Isn't this game about that?”
Chuckling, Cypher moves his king and switches places with his rook, “Most of it, yes, of course. But this game is more about analyzing your enemy rather than being patient in making your moves.”
You move a pawn, Cypher kills it with his knight. Deciding to sacrifice the queen for a play, you kill one of his bishops.
Cypher hums, thrumming his fingers on the table.
He moves his king further away, you cock your eyebrow in questioning but don't say anything. Returning your queen to the previous positioning, you begin considering your next moves when suddenly, Cypher moves his knight an inch closer to your king. 
Huffing under your breath, you move your king, but by the time you notice what you've done, is already too late.
Cypher laughs, moving his rook to kill your king in one swift move, “Check mate.”
Your pouting elicits another laugh from the sentinel, toying with a coin between his fingers.
“You see, you would have won that if you were a little more observing.” he says, closing the chessboard and putting the pieces away. “My moves were easily readable, and my intentions clear. You had the upper hand when it comes to quantity in pieces but didn’t use it to your advantage.”
“I didn’t want to use it and lose them.” is your answer. “Didn’t even notice the position of your pieces, only the king.”
Cypher hums, nodding alongside your words, “Interesting, why is that?”
Flabbergasted at his question, you raise a brow, “What do you mean why? Isn’t that the whole point of the game?”
“Of course, the whole point is to corner the king, right? But why do you have more pieces at play if you aren’t gonna use them to fulfill the goal?”
Cypher leans in, tipping his hat back and squinting his blur orbs, “This game is about sacrificing things intelligently to obtain what you need.”
“Isn't sacrificing an odd word to use on a chess game?” you are at a loss to what he's trying to say.
“It applies to evertything, anything!” he smiles under his mask, but you are unable to see it. “Say, are you ready to do that on the battlefield? To sacrifice people to destroy the enemy?”
Frowning deeply, you begin to question the real intentions Cypher had when inviting you to this game. All you wanted was for some information regarding your mission tomorrow, not for some psychological reading from someone who you just met.
He seems pensive and awaiting, crossing his fingers and relaxing against his chair. Gulping down, you decide you don’t want to talk about this matter and rather ask for what you came in the first place.
“Sage told me you might know about my mission tomorrow and who are those assigned,” tugging at the ring in your index finger, you distract yourself to avoid looking him in the eyes. “Do you mind giving me the information?”
It takes him a while to answer you, eerie seconds where Sage's absence feels like a sore thumb and you start doubting your place at the protocol. 
When Cypher laughs, as if you've told a funny joke, it doesn't help with your anxiousness nor quell it. He doesn't seem bothered by your reaction, either, it almost looks like it fuels him to keep teasing you to his liking.
“Haven, China.” He replies, “Viper, Skye, Phoenix and Yoru.”
“I know Viper, I don't know the other three.”
“Better time to start learning then,” he says, “Get well known with the place, too, since is going to be quite the hastle.”
Blinking owlishly, you turn on your device to look for the names of the agents mentioned, scrolling through the list until you land on Phoenix and Skye, the ones you haven't met yet, and Yoru, the recent addition to your I'm scared of them list. 
To think you will have to team up with these menacing looking people has you trembling with fear. And to top it off, Sage won't be able to help you out if you were to have doubts, so this will be all you.
“When I asked you earlier if you were ready to sacrifice people for the sake of the goal, it wasn't just to poke fun or annoy you,” Cypher stands from the chair, tucking the chessboard under his arm. “Your teammates are ready to put you on the line if it means the enemy won't steal the radianite. You have to be willing to do the same.”
“My goal is for no one to perish on the mission.” you admit, mouth tugging into a frown. “I won't play with that mindset.”
He shrugs, “Suit yourself. But think about what I'm saying. There will be a moment where you will hesitate between a sacrifice that will help you, or die being foolish.”
Walking away, he bids you goodbye, “I wish you the best of luck on your first mission. I hope you don't die.”
With the bitter farewell and an unsettling feeling starting to bloom in your chest, you are left alone with your turbulent thoughts and a bad taste in your mouth.
Sage isn't there for when you break down.
The trip to Haven takes longer than expected.
It’s located near the mountains in China, close to most monk temples surrounding the green area and hiding from the biggest cities. 
When you first heard about its whereabouts and the chaos that ensued when the omega agents tried to attack it, you couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Horrified was a short term for what you felt when they showed the images of what was left of the ruins and what Kingdom had tried to do to extract the radianite and, later on, the omega agents.
Maybe this is the reason you were assigned to this mission; to face the atrocities the counterparts have done and want to do, and for you to protect a place that was once dear to your people.
Phoenix has sensed your apprehension when meeting them for the first time, and now he is witness to how much this first task was toiling on you. And to ease your worries and try to distract you, he’s been chatting with you since the moment you stepped on the jet, making silly jokes or bringing up different topics to keep your mind occupied.
Sadly, it seemed nothing was working, so perhaps it was better to take down the doubts from its roots.
“Seriously, girlie, by the time you have to rotate to any site, we will be done and ready to pack up and go home.” He places his hand on your shoulder, squeezing softly, but firmly. “You don't have to worry, alright?”
“Y-yeah, sure.” 
“Besides, you've got a team with the best agents at the protocol; we got you covered, aight?” 
Believing Phoenix's words is hard, but you nod anyway, thankful for his attempt to make you feel better and his constant reassurance. 
The hand that soothes your back and his warm smile is enough to calm your nerves, returning the kind smile and simply breathing to keep you steady.
From the other side of the jet, Yoru grimaces at your heartfelt conversation, finding it pointless and somewhat cheesy to try and comfort a soldier who is about to face a war they are obviously not ready for. 
Not his place to intervene, in truth, but he hopes you won't ruin this mission for any of them. It would be a pain in the ass to drag your dead body back to the headquarters and have to explain this to Sage.
“Relax that frown, mate, we haven't engaged in combat yet.” 
Skye stands next to him, a playful smile on her lips and crossing her arms. He only huffs, annoyed to be interrupted but fine enough to be talking to her.
“The newbie will probably stall us, why assign her to us?” he asks. Skye raises a brow. “We can probably bring Killjoy's turret and that thing might do more for the team than her.”
“Hey now, you are just being rude for no reason.” She chastises. “Besides, that’s a big one coming from someone who flashed the rest of his teammates on their first mission.”
Blushing, Yoru turns his head to the other side, grunting unpleasantly. “Is not my fault you don’t know how to avoid flashes.”
“Oh yeah?” Skye whistles, catching Phoenix and your attention, “Yoru here says we don’t know how to avoid flashes, ain’t that bullshit now?”
“What now?! Aren’t you the one who complains the most about my flashes here?” Phoenix leaves your side to go and defend his honor, “You are such a selfish bastard, always working on his own, tsk.”
Phoenix turns to you, pointing an accusatory finger at Yoru, “Careful tagging with him, this ass will probably bait the heck outta yo’ ass to kill the enemy.”
“Not to mention he won’t listen to any of our strategies when we get there, hah.” Skye rolls her eyes, sitting down next to you. “Say, I know you are Sage’s protegé, but we don’t know what you can do, care to fill me in? Mayhaps you can also flash for us.”
Giving a dry laugh, your eyes travel to Phoenix who is watching you with excitement in his eyes, obviously eager to listen to your answer. Yoru is glaring at you from accross the jet, arms crossed on top of his chest and just like the rest, awaiting for your reply.
“Um, I don't flash.” You tug at your cuffins to distract yourself, “I can heal, I can revive people, too.”
“You're basically saying you are Sage 0.2, right?” Yoru rolls his eyes, bored of such an underwhelming revelation. 
Phoenix slaps his shoulder, frowning, “Don't be rude.”
“Am I wrong, though?” 
“That's a poor choice of words, Yoru.” Skye chimes in. “If their abilities are similar, then we have a strategy to work around easily.”
“But I—”
“Oh yeah? The difference is way too big for you to not notice that we will be playing like guards so she can heal us. Or better yet, revive us.” The engines of the jet turns off, signaling they have arrived. “At least Sage does her part in killing the enemies.”
Before anyone could retort to him, Yoru stands and takes his vandal with him, opening the door and simply walking out.
Viper comes out of the cockpit with a bulldog in hand, mask on and a determined fierce gaze surveying her teammates.
“Is there any problem?” She asks, cocking an eyebrow. 
Phoenix huffs, shrugging his shoulders, “The usual with Yoru.”
She nods in understanding, reloading her weapon and signaling you to follow after her.
“Yoru will be taking A site with Skye, Phoenix will survey C site with me holding garage doors,” turning to you, she throws a phantom at your hands. “You will wall up B site and hold site, leaning towards A if necessary. We will defend and hold as long as we can, if the pressure gets the better of you, we will retake together.” 
“Righty-o” Skye replies. She grabs a guardian and sets off. Phoenix pats your back and gives you a thumbs up before setting off to his designated site.
Viper walks away without giving you another glance, sure of herself and the indications given. 
Despite feeling like you could trust Phoenix's words and believe in your teammates, the dread of anything going wrong clouds your mind deeply.
There is nothing you can do right now, but play your part calmly.
Haven is prettier in person, with foliage decorating part of the landside and tall trees hovering in the distance. The destroyed part of this place is painful to see, but you know there is nothing else you can do, except protect it as best as your abilities.
B site has an entrance in the middle overlooking mid and window; there are many angles to hold and so little to gamble if you were not sure of your aim. There is some reason as to why Viper asked you to wall it up and simply hold.
If the enemy were to take control of B site, the retake would be pretty difficult to handle.
“The Omega agents have landed just now.” Skye says through the earpiece. “We heard some commotion towards A short, but they haven't made their way yet.”
“Keep us updated. Let me know when to put up the smoke.” Is Viper's reply.
Breathing in heavily, you heard faint footsteps outside B site, close to window and walking towards garage doors. Your hands twiches, hesitant of walling up or simply hold an angle.
Should you warn her? Should you be saying something? The logic tells you to raise your wall to boost yourself up and peak mid, but you are terrified of facing more than you can handle.
“I heard people outside B site, Viper, be careful.” And sure enough, it is not until a few seconds later that you hear a bulldog fire and Viper's voice coming through after a few moments.
“Got the one in garage, I heard one running away. Still no sign of the spike.”
Phoenix's voice chimes in, “No one is C long either, these damn fuckers scared or something? I can start flanking them.”
“Hold your positions until we get further intel.” Viper contradicts, “We have the numbers, we don’t need to risk it. Be patient.”
A couple of seconds goes by, and from afar, you hear the hit pitched sound of a bird and popping, and from the sky, you see balls of smoke drop like bombs towards A site.
Panic seizes you the moment Skye's voice comes through the earpiece with gunshots in the background. Viper’s wall rises immediately and you lose sight of mid, frightened and alarmed that something might have happened to them.
“I’m walling up B site and helping them hold the site.” You call through the earpiece, you see Phoenix approach rapidly through C link. “Viper, are you holding garage for a rotation or will you flank?”
“I’m holding the site, go help them.” 
Phoenix nods at you, a determined expression on his face. “Let’s go.”
All that comes after that is a blur.
You remember listening to Yoru grunt through the comms, Phoenix ulting from CT when you enter the site without any regards to your wellbeing and, most of all, pain.
Is as chaotic as you might think, smokes everywhere, Viper’s screams through the earpiece, warning you about Omega Sage reviving the one she killed in garage and Viper having to back down because she got hurt.
You have lost the count on how many times you’ve been flashed by the enemy and your own teammates because you were careless; throwing yourself on the battlefield and firing bullets through the smoke to stop their advances because you didn’t know what to do. 
Once Viper’s wall runs out of toxin, you are way too deep into site to look for cover, facing both Omega Brimstone and a Sova pointing their guns at you. 
A chill runs down your spine when they fire at you, watching in slow motion as the bullets make their way to your head and you are unable to stop your demise.
You feel a tug on your waist, and suddenly, you are standing at CT while the firing continues.
A sudden wave of nausea hits you, losing your footing and landing against a firm chest for leverage. Looking up, you see Yoru frowning at you, arms holding onto your waist and barely being able to hold his own weapon to steady you.
“Get a grip of yourself, we need to get back there.” he exclaims, but doesn’t pushes you away.
Phoenix returns right at that moment, his ult running out of time and been able to restore to full health once again. 
When he sees you two standing there, he immediately panics.
“Skye is alone out there!” Reloading his gun, he pushes through the smoke. 
You grip your phantom, thanking Yoru with a soft whisper and following after Phoenix to try and help Skye out before it is too late. You hear his teleport, guessing he’s throwing himself into battle once again.
You follow after Phoenix through the smoke and, to your horror, he serves as a shield when Omega Reyna swings from A short, injuring him heavily but giving you enough time to use him as a distraction to kill her.
Running past him, you clear as many corners as you can until you reach A long to see Skye protect Yoru from Omega Sage and Killjoy, headshotting her and watching the body fall to the ground with a loud thud.
When you realize both Skye and Yoru relax their stances, you think you can finally breathe in peace.
The enemy has fallen, and Valorant protocol is victorious once again.
Walking carefully around the bodies, you approach Yoru who hisses in pain when Skye helps him stand up. He mutters something in his language that neither you nor Skye understand, but the japanese man doesn’t bother to say further.
Eyeing Skye, you notice she seems unscratched despite putting herself on the line bravely, barely one cut above the eyebrow but nothing to worry about. 
Sighing in relief for her safety, you turn to Yoru, raising a hand and laying it on his cheek that has an open wound bleeding. Besides that and a limp leg, you think you have enough energy to heal him and look for Phoenix afterwards.
But either he misinterpreted your actions or didn't need the help, he cowers from your touch and swats your hand away, scowling.
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“Don't touch me.” He snarls while glaring down at you. It makes you freeze instantly.
You are suddenly reminded of your first meeting and his obvious disgust towards your person, backing away until there is a safe distance between you two and Yoru drops his defensive stance.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” you say.
Turning around to avoid eye contact, you walk towards where you last saw Phoenix to give your assistance. The poor man has his back against the graffiti wall, sitting on the floor and taking big intakes of air to regulate his breathing and not succumb to the agony.
There are bullet holes framing his arms and one near the stomach, causing him pain and discomfort if he were to move too much. His expression is nothing short but misery, trying to play it cool by smiling at you but you know better, brushing part of his hair off his face.
“I'll look for Viper to heal her, think you are okay with Phoenix?” Skye's hand lands on your shoulder, startling you. Yoru is behind her, blood dry but not a single scratch on him. “Yoru is patched up, so don't worry about him.”
You nod, “I'll take care of Phoenix.”
Once Skye leaves, you return your attention towards Phoenix wounds and lay your hands on his arm and one on his stomach, wincing when he whines and tries to back away from the pressure.
Your hands glow a soft cyan and you close your eyes, concentrating your whole power on those zones alone. The both of them watch with different layers of wonder the injury being healed instantly without leaving any trace of scars. 
Only the fabric of his jacket is damaged beyond repair, blood still staining the fabric and part of his skin, you only hope Phoenix forgives you for not being able to fix that.
But it doesn't seem to be his concern once you're done and subtly look at him for approval, biting your lip in nervousness and awaiting his reaction.
Phoenix turns his arm around for a second, flexing his fingers to notice that not even the injury was gone, but the pain on his whole arm has been washed away as well. 
He watches in amazement the last remaining of light coming from you before pouncing on your form with delight.
“Girl, you shoulda told me you were this impressive with the healing!” his arm goes around your shoulder, giving you a playful squeeze while grinning. “Did you save Yoru's ass too? Thank you!”
You only get to nod, smiling softly at his enthusiasm and feeling your face warm with his attention.
“Yoru didn't want me to touch him.” You can feel the japanese man's eye burning at the back of your head, but ignore him to keep talking with Phoenix. “And I guess Skye's healing is better than mine, so I couldn't offer assistance.”
“Nah, it's aight, girlie.” Phoenix winks, getting closer to whisper in your ear, “Yoru likes natural healing, either way, don't take it personal.”
Suddenly, the British boy is ripped away from you. You watch, to your horror, Phoenix getting punched right on his face.
You watch as he falls to the ground, groaning in pain and caressing the tender skin affected and getting swollen as the seconds passes by.  When you redirect your attention, Yoru's face is morphed to what could be described as pure annoyance and anger, breathing in heavily and scowling at his friend sprawled on the floor after taking the hit this easily. 
You don’t know whether to intervene or let them resolve this problem by themselves, but seeing as Yoru approaches to keep this onslaught on going, you decide is best to de-escalate things.
Standing up from where you sat, the best course of action is to ignore Yoru and simply help Phoenix get to his feet and lead him to the jet to reunite with your missing teammates. 
Phoenix lets himself be handled by your caring touch, apologizing when your hand hovers over the skin of his cheekbone and for troubling you. You bite your tongue, swallowing back words of reassurance to him but indirect blame to Yoru; the least you want is for him to look for a reason to fight you, too.
“It's just swollen up, I can heal it once we are on air, is that alright?”
“Yeah, no problem!” He seems ruffled and a bit flustered, but grins as if nothing has happened. 
Taking Phoenix by the arm, you don’t dare to look back and guide him to the jet. If Skye and Viper are awaiting your arrival you’re not sure, but anywhere is better than hanging in the bad atmosphere Yoru has created.
You cannot wait to get back to the base and sleep the day away.
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toomuchracket · 1 year
i’m such an angst girlie can we pls have some d word angst? x
maybe like in the early stages of their relationship before they r officially together and he kinda freaks out over being older than her and ends up upsetting her? not a problem if you’re not into writing like that x
yeah!! like as much as matty's a confident guy, the age thing is actually kinda a hindrance for him at the start - even though he likes you SO much and he knows you like him too and you're both adults and whatnot, he doesn't want to hold you back at all in any aspect of life. he freaks out when he sees a pic of you and some of your friends on a night out, not because he's jealous, but because you look so carefree and happy and just like you've got your whole life ahead of you (not that he can't relate to any of that. he's just high and hitting a para ok) and that he's going to put a damper on that by being older and maybe a little less energetic and more likely to settle down than go crazy in a club until 4am (like i said, he's high and in his feels). the next day, even sober, matty can't really shake the feeling that he's too old to make you truly happy, and i think he panic ghosts you a lil - you text him like "hi, are you busy? i was gonna call for a catch-up but idk what you're up to today and i don't wanna bother you. no worries if not, just lmk pls. maybe we can arrange going for coffee tomorrow x" and he just opens it and ignores it, out of some fear that by replying he'll lead you on. and he doesn't wanna end your little burgeoning romance over text, because he's not a dick, so the safest thing to do is just... ignore. idiot that he is, though, matty forgets to turn read receipts off, so you can see that he reads every follow-up text you send sparingly the rest of the day ("assuming ur probs busy. no worries! are you alright though? X"; "i've not done anything to upset you, have i? just that you keep opening my messages and pieing them x"; "i take it you can't/don't wanna talk today. i'll just leave you be, then. sorry for bothering you"). it makes him feel like shit, but he figures it's probably for the better. does he sleep at all that weekend? no he doesn't. and neither do you.
monday rolls around. matty gets to the office early in the hopes that he can catch you for a chat before you start work - it'll hurt, but it's best to get it out of the way. but you had the same idea; when he walks in, you're at your desk blinking sleep from your eyes, laptop open to your emails. you don't say anything but a curt "hi", which matty reciprocates softly, and the two of you sit in silence at your desks for a bit before you say "are you ok? found it a bit weird that you didn't reply to me the whole weekend. wondered if something was the matter with you". matty's like "yeah i'm fine. and i'm sorry for that. it's just... your pictures from your night out", and you're immediately on the defensive like "what? my pictures? why? were you pissed off at me going out, jealous? that's a bit shit" - matty's like "no, no, the opposite. i think it's good you went out, it just made me think of some things", and you look at him questioningly so he continues like "it just made me question if i'm good for you or not. like, you're young and cool and free and shit, and i'm kinda past that stage. and i don't think it's fair for me to hold you back from enjoying yourself and going out and pulling all-nighters, simply because i don't really wanna do stuff like that anymore". there's more silence for a minute, and then you speak up really quietly like "you're dumping me?", and matty's heart breaks, but he's like "i think it's for the best" - you're like "but i thought you liked me", and he's like "i do like you, darling, i really do. but i can't in good conscience limit you at all because of that, it's too selfish", and you get a bit angry like "no, matty, what's selfish is you not even bothering to ask me what i actually DO want instead of just assuming it. i don't give a FUCK about going out clubbing! i only went on friday to celebrate my friend's birthday, and quite frankly i'd have rather been in my flat having dinner with you like we did last week".
that's a total curveball for matty; he's like "you'd have rather... stayed in... on a friday night in london... with me?", and you're like "YES, you idiot, because YOU'RE what i want. i don't give a shit about the age gap - i like you, more than i've ever liked anyone else before, probably. and if i didn't or don't want to do anything you want to to, i'd tell you right away. but that hasn't happened yet, not once". matty's sitting there in total shock, just looking at you, so you keep talking like "look, if the age gap really is an issue for you, then i understand. but i really don't think i could go back to being just friends, matty, i really couldn't"; matty exhales and admits "neither could i", and your face just lights up like "really?", and he nods. and then matty stands up and walks over to you, then kneels in front of you so you're slightly above him and says "i'm so sorry for just assuming what you wanted instead of asking, sweetheart, i really am. can we have dinner together tonight as an apology, and we can just keep going as we were before i fucked up?" - you hug him like "we can have dinner, and we can try. but you better not do that to me again, healy, i swear to god. i might be a baby compared to you, but my communication skills have passed the gaga stage, trust me". you're laughing as you say the last bit, which makes matty feel a lot better; he rolls his eyes like "you're never going to let me live this down, are you? well, it's a good thing i still think you're the most attractive woman on the planet even when you're taking the piss out of me", and you're sarcastic like "god, stop flirting with me!", and matty's like "never. anyway, my place after work sound alright?". and you're like "sounds perfect. can you make that pasta we had a couple of weeks ago? it was amazing", and matty's like "whatever you want, darling, you'll get" <3
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justyanderes · 2 years
Hello! I just saw your soulmate au about uvogin and if you don’t mind I would like to see the soulmate familiar of other phantom troupe members thank you
[might expand and do something longer later cus I do love this au🤫]
Quick note that all familiars in this are fantasy creatures so you can fill in the rest of the blank of how you wish them to look
A familiar that resembles Chrollo would be invisible to even your own eyes until you learned how to use nen. It's a very bad sign not to have a familiar, in this world. If you were in a less lenient area they surely would mark you so everyone else be made aware of your bad luck. When you discover them upon learning nen, you truly wanted to be happy for the discovery. (At least now you know you are not alone or broken in a way not to have another half to your soul) If only, your familiar didn't resemble so heavily upon arachnids, which you had a slight fear of...
A familiar that resembles Pakunoda would be a shorthair cat like creature with wings because it's cute to me 😤 the familiar would be clingy in a way that never halters your journey. And despite it's smaller size, they are quite lethal. They always sleep beside you or on top of
A familiar that resembles Shalnark would be bat-like in nature with some more softer traits that make it appear more like a harmless enchilada. Likes to play 'hunt' with you, and usually pesters you in whatever way they please due to their nocturnal nature.
A familiar that resembles Shizuku would be a fuzzy leech/caterpillar hybrid. You definitely needed time to learn how a to get used to it's presence, after discovering while it was harmless to you the creature has no issues with using it's hundreds of teeth on anything or anyone around you.
A familiar that resembles Franklin looks like well.... a lot of things. It has such a form that makes even the most well traveled folks in this world wonder how the hell such a creature can exist. When your familiar first came to you, it was large enough to make your parents who kept cattle a little worried. It wouldn't take much for it to cause some serious trouble if it wished to. With how much it insisted on coddling you was likely from the start.
(I'll add everyone I didn't put on here tomorrow 💗)
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softsky-daily · 5 days
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The contrast with the clouds here.... effervescent.
Positive thing: My leftovers were really good.
Ugh. Today was just brain damage most of the way through. For reasons I've vented about plenty of times already, volunteering for Japanese class under this particular professor was frustrating as hell, and I left feeling genuinely angry. I care a lot about the quality of learning people receive in general, because literally they're paying for it, and also with Japanese it's so difficult to unlearn bad habits after the fact. But watching this lady not do anything of substance with her students at all, literally just read out a grammar and not say anything while the students try to guess what it means on their own, and then later admit she hadn't even looked at the textbook at all before teaching the class... and not to mention the moment when I tried to explain something and she interrupted me midway and gave a wrong explanation. I was losing my mind. And I know I was right because I even looked it up later, but I couldn't say anything about it because the students were all just looking at me like I was out of line for trying to correct the professor.
Anyways, it's whatever I guess. I still have the other classes I volunteer at that aren't with that professor and therefore infinitely less infuriating.
Class was rough too. I hate the feeling of being in there with my classmates now, which I wish wasn't the case. All they talk about is graduating and how they've come so far and how they're almost done. I would be doing the same in their shoes to be fair, but I am still a semester and a half away from being done, and I am still struggling to make it all work out and not go crazy. The sense of disconnect between me and these people I used to feel so close to was too much for me. So I politely excused myself and went home and took a long nap.
It was honestly for the best. I was stressed all day, so of course I wasn't primed to sit in a class for 3 hours. I mostly just ate and watched a lot of Animal Crossing animation videos and started listening to Chappell Roan. Her music is actually pretty good.
Tomorrow's gonna be a slow day if I can help it. Maybe I'll see if a cafe is open and enjoy a pastry and being by myself. Or maybe I'll just sleep and then see if I can actually bring myself to play a viddy game. We'll see.
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floshav · 2 years
yearning for you pt.2
pairings: regulus black x fem!reader
read pt 1 here
Tumblr media
warnings: bullying, mean draco, Regulus in the lightning era, sorta modern au cuz of phones, crying, fighting, Reader getting belittled, Snape showing a lil more emotion than he ever would, slight Self harm towards reader.
word count: 2k +
Y/n just can't seem to make anything any better.
School was most definitely a bitch again. At least that was the excuse that kept her going for the whole week.
Constant late night calls with regulus finding comfort in his liquid smooth voice. Constant glares shot back and forth at the dining hall where they both sat at different tables so close yet so far. The tension between the two that had been created in less than 10 days was concerning. Even when they've never really hung out together in real life after the incident a week ago.
"Hey drangea.." Regulus said voice raspy on call
It was around 4AM and the two had been chatting away for the last 4 hours when y/n decided she couldn't sleep.
"Hmm, yea?" Y/n said sleepily as she shifted in her sheets
"I think you most definitely can fall asleep now." He chuckled showing his irregular 2 front teeth which y/n loved so much.
"Yea...But question is... do i want to?" y/n yawned clearly tired
"You do. Speaking of which, i have a question.." Regulus hesitantly inquired eyes now wider than before
"Hm T'is the matter?"
"Would you like to sit with me at breakfast tomorrow?"Regulus started off slow knowing she hated the prospect of an activity which could dart eyes all over her.
"L-like together face to face in the great hall?"
"Yea drangea, what else would i be referring to." Regulus barked out a laugh at her stupidness
"Y-yea! totally should i come to you or-?"
"Nah, i'll come to you."
All the sleep had dissipated from her face. Y/n was scared. She knew draco and heather would be near where she usually sat and she couldn't bare the idea of Draco seeing someone else with her for some reason. Not to mention the fact that Daria had moved on so suavely to a new group of friends. So why was she enclosing herself into this chamber of miserable torture. She was allowed to experience nice things, and regulus being her friend was definitely something she wanted people to know about.
"okay! perfect. See you tomorrow?" Regulus cheered with a goofy smile on his face
"Yea. See you reggie." Y/n breathed with a small smile feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness bloom in her chest. Okay maybe not a mixture but impurities of excitement and 99% nervousness.
The covered sun had awoken y/n from her not so deep slumber. It was a gloomy day and y/n felt a pit of joy grow within her. These semi rainy days were definitely her favourite in the uk, though it was everyday usually, as of lately the sun had been a little too bright for her liking so today was going to be perfect. So she thought to herself quietly.
She woke up, her groggy mind fogged with the thought of having to sit with Regulus during breakfast which was in.... of course, 20 minutes. She swore she never woke up this late, why today out of all days universe?
After putting on her best smelling perfume which was of a scent called "lions domain" ( she still has no idea why it's called that ) she felt.... not so confident as ever like the perfume had advertised to make people feel.
What bullshit marketing y/n thought to herself before pacing her way down the spiral staircase.
She got used to the physical loneliness, especially since Daria had been her only friend in hogwarts ever since they were 11. It shattered her already broken heart into more minuscule pieces knowing Daria moved on so easily and yet she couldn't. What was wrong with her?
She tried to not think much of it as time grew shorter with each longing step she strode.
There he was, gorgeous black waves framing his defined cheekbones. His pretty eyes locked on whatever he was currently picking at. The one loose strand of hair effortlessly dangling on the crease of his eyebrow. The sight alone made y/n's heart jump like a mad man. But of course, the feeling she was feeling wasn't only because of regulus' killer looks, but because Draco and Heather were seemingly whispering whatever the hell to each-other whilst staring back at Regulus occasionally.
It's not like Regulus and y/n had been so close to a point where if anyone did anything to piss the other off, they'd probably be sorry. Yet, why was y/n feeling a growth of anger and destruction bloom in her chest? Draco who once looked like a fallen angel in her eyes, suddenly grew to look like satans spawn.
Just as y/n hopes to slither in without anyone noticing, Regulus caught guard of her and shouted a quick greeting.
Ugh. Reggie why. Why!!
"Y/n! Finally. Merlin what took you so long."
Why was he in this god awful cheery mood? She thought to herself
They were definitely complete opposites. As her favourite muggle artist once said, he was sunshine she was midnight rain.
"What? you took hormone pills or something this morning? What's got you so cheery"
"n'thin was just looking forward to seeing you" Regulus said with a twinge of sadness in his tone covered by a honey warm smile
"I was looking forward to seeing you too Reggie." Y/n sensed the signals she was sending him, and tried to tone down her bitch-e-ness
"It's great to finally see your face, not so....."
"...Pixelated?" y/n laughed before eyeing the food regulus had been mindlessly pushing around
"Hey eat your toast, you're gonna need it to fuel your talkative vocal cords." Y/n smiled whilst lightly rolling her eyes
"Yea, yea i will mom" regulus deadpanned with a fake smile
"Oi, what're you doing hanging out with a freak?"
Here it was. Just as everything was going fine, something, just something had to go south.
"What'd you say ferret?" Y/n barked back sick and tired of his bullshit
"The hell you call me?"
"Ferret. Ferret, ferret, ferret" y/n repeated just to spite him
"Y/n he's not worth it, c'mon." Regulus said now standing up.
Merlin. He was definitely a good few inches taller than draco, making the situation look even worst for the blonde boy.
The attention turned towards Regulus hot and boiling.
"You're not worth it, considering even your brother left you. What a shame." Draco yapped whilst chuckling at his own stupidity
"Alright that's about where I draw the line."
Were regulus' final words before shoving Draco clamouring into a table, metal spoons and goblets splashing aimlessly.
"Regulus, he's not worth it!" this time it was her warning him (ironically).
"The fuck?" Regulus panted as Draco attempted to shove him back. pathetically
"You would never live up to be as brave as your brother anyway." shove "He'll always be the better one for moving away from your god awful house"
"Don't you dare talk about Sirius!" The subject was clearly sensitive to Regulus as he punched Draco in the face almost missing by a beat.
By now a scene had formed around the trio, all chanting 'fight fight fight!' As Regulus continued to beat the already bloodied Draco. Let's be honest, Draco was all talk no game. So he definitely didn't have the upper hand here.
"What's the commotion?" The voice of a stern and deep yet unbothered professor slurred
By now professor snape had seen his two dearest slytherin boys getting all bloodied and bruised up like little children fighting over who played with what toy. (Except even children were more civilised than whatever this is.)
"Draco! Regulus!" He sternly yelled. The amount of anger flooding his tone was surprising to say the least.
"Or should i say little boys!" He yelled even fiercer
"This behaviour... is the type of a muggles school!" The crowd gasped
The crowd went silent, eyes darting from one another, waiting for the next ripple to send the stream into action. But there was a familiar face that sent y/n's mind into anything but silence. Daria. Oh how she missed Daria.
"N-no! It was y/n. She provoked them." The silence had to be diminished by a voice dripping in fake innocence. Heather.
"Oh really..."
"Y/n is this-"
Y/n was tired.
"No. No it really wasn't. C'mon professor, you really believe this yellow haired dog?"
"The hell you call me freak?" Heather yelled before stomping over, but was quickly stopped by Regulus' lean strong arm.
"Don't you fucking move a step towards her."
"Language!" Snape yelled even more furious than the last two times.
"Y/n, This is no way to go about school! Yes we are all tired and sick of life sometimes, you're not any different. So stop being the provoker of all these.... these horrible things!" Snape took his last breath before grabbing the arms of the two boys whilst stomping off into an unbeknownst direction.
Stupid bitch. y/n blamed herself whilst clutching her fists until a tiny pop of blood started to work its way out, slowly making its way to the ground as gravity does.
Even though worried to the worst sickness there was on planet earth, she sat there. All alone with the breeze tangled up in her hair. It was the same spot she'd stumbled across Regulus in. The same dim dark rooftop looking off into oblivion. You could imagine it was merlin's hell type of cold, yet she still sat there, wondering why everything she was involved with always had to link back to something bad.
Eveytime something good happened, it was evident something bad was going to eventually follow. Just like rain. One could love it, yet it was evident sunlight was bound to appear again.
She thought back to earlier today, how she remembered seeing Daria's face in the crowd. Her face disgusted and frightened, as if it wasn't her best friend facing the girl who took away her once man. She grimaced at the thought of Daria. It brought back too much pain remembering how the old Daria would stand up for her.
Y/n whipped her head around to be faced with a tired yet worried Regulus. There was 'wizards' brand plaster littered all over his face. His nose, his eyebrows, his lips. Was it wrong for her to think that he looked really good right now?
"Regulus." Y/n sighed before helping herself up
They both stood there in silence, not the comfortable type but the type where there was something, just something lingering in the air.
"Y/n.." He said with a small soft smile played on his lips, before that soft smile turned into a small fit of laughter. Not the mocking kind, but the kind that spoke did that really just happen?
Y/n quickly joined in before running into Regulus' embrace. The thought had grazed her mind a couple times, what it'd feel like to be held by him, to be touched by him.... to be loved by him.
It felt weird at first, i mean they've only known each-other for a week or so, yet the feeling was comfortable way faster than it would be with anyone else.
"Drangea... H-hey look at me." Regulus whispered eyes glossy as if he just cried a river of sorrow.
"Yes? Did we finally get justice? Did draco finally get, anything? Just anything to punish him?" Y/n said with pleading eyes, searching his as if they had an answer
"No. I-i." Regulus sighed
"I got suspended for a month." He finally let out
At this point they weren't in a hug anymore, but they were inches away from eachother... inches, yet it felt like miles.
"Yea. Cruel huh? This school."
"Now this school is actually being a bitch!"
He chuckled
"It always has been. Can you imagine? The first time we properly try to hang out and all this shit happens."
"Y-yea." She looked down
"I-i'm sorry. i'm- i'm just like this bad luck charm y'know? every time i'm involved with something, it always goes south" Y/n said with tears starting to fog up her vision. She tried to hide it, but she miserably failed.
"Hey! No. Don't you ever fucking say that. Merlin y/n. You are not a bad luck charm." He sighed a long sad sigh, wishing she knew her own worth.
"It's okay. I-i gotta go." Y/n sniffled before running out the door Regulus had just entered in a frenzied rush.
"W-Wha-" Regulus tried to say before dropping it knowing she wouldn't be here to hear it.
Ohohoho.... cliff hanger lol only because if i write anymore, i'm gonna end up with like 5k words 😭 I promise to post pt.3 this week though! Thank u to the two that requested a part 2 love u💓 hahah
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inmarbleimmobility · 9 months
1.1.9 "The Brother Portrayed by the Sister"
not much to say about this chapter that hasn't already been said, but for posterity, I'll bullet point my thoughts.
Myriel not seeing or casually ignoring how his asceticism affects Baptistine and Magloire is Bad - he takes care of everyone else, and it's all fine and good to deprive yourself of luxuries, but these two women are not part of him. would I go so far as to call Myriel a hypocrite for this? no, because they're adults who can make their own choices, but there's a difference between making a choice with no reservations and making a choice because there really isn't any better option. and for all Hugo's insistence that they Like This, Actually, it's a little chilling to see Baptistine write about growing thinner. and speaking of which, the womens' tacit acceptance of these conditions and their lives ending with the bishop's is hypocritical in the same way Combeferre lecturing the insurgents about their surviving relatives while abandoning his own mother is.
Hugo is, as usual, Not Normal about women. "these two good women", "subordinated their actions", "easily disturbed womanly instincts", "conform to the bishop's way of life", "waited on him passively", "if to obey was to disappear", "charming and instinctive delicacy", "that womanly talent"... I think I wrote "ew, Hugo" in my margins at least four times. it's at least nice to see that Baptistine can rebuke Myriel sometimes, although I don't love that she can only do it when no one else can hear.
the epistolary style isn't Hugo's strength. "the Faux" family gave me a good giggle - it felt like when I'm writing and can't think of a good name so I just wrote "John Fakename", tell myself I'll fix it later, and then never do. the unintelligible words add to the verisimilitude as well, but it overall just doesn't work for me.
they have guests?? like, little kids included? first of all, how - surely they can't all sleep in the little alcove bed or on one of the 11 chairs - but also I very much want to see Myriel interact with little kids.
there's a sense in this chapter that Baptistine in particular, but also Magloire, sees Myriel as having two discrete roles - one as brother and one as bishop. she can rebuke her brother, but when he's The Bishop, no one can question him. it calls to mind the Catholic idea of the Pope's infallibility; I wonder if Hugo did that on purpose or if it's just your garden variety 'the guy I respect can do no wrong'. I'm leaning toward the former, as there's a definite air of deference to an authority about it. feels icky!!
Baptistine saying Myriel "has no fear of darkness or of dangerous roads" as well as her later "what is there to fear in this house? [...] the good Lord lives here" reminded me of Psalm 23 (the Lord is my shepherd, though I walk through the shadow of the valley of evil, etc.)
Baptistine assures her friend that her brother is "still a good royalist" - foreshadowing the next chapter! I have Lots Of Thoughts about royalist!Myriel but those are for tomorrow.
to be clear: although the treatment of Baptistine and Magloire makes me feel Yucky especially in this chapter, I'm placing the blame for that on Hugo and not Myriel - I doubt Myriel truly thinks these two women should be silently subservient to him, and I'd be surprised if that angle even occurred to him. I'm willing to pin a bit of their general material hardship on him, but really none of the three of them actually seem to be too bothered by their living conditions (others have pointed out that Magloire is a comic character, which puts her grumbling in a less serious light), and is it fair to blame him for something the others involved don't see as harmful? lots to consider here!
absolutely stoked for tomorrow's chapter and everyone's takes on it!!!
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ghouletteanon · 1 year
Mushy May: Day 1 - Bathtime
It's Mushy May, it's Mountain Monday so of course I'll combine the two. Cumulus helping Mountain with his mane of hair, very mushy and affectionate. Bathing in a sauna counts as bath time, right?
Word count: 498. Rating: T, non-sexual nudity
“Be a dear and lean back for me,” Cumulus gently pushes Mountain with a soft hand on his back, and he complies with a fond smile. She had ambushed him in the garden shed earlier, dragging him to the baths after a long day in the gardens. She had already run him through a gauntlet, making him wash off the worst dirt in the lake before she sat him down on the bottom bench in the large sauna. The sauna is still warm, but nowhere as hot as when the fire ghouls bathed which suited Mountain and Cumulus just fine. It was just the two of them, unglamoured for once as there are no siblings around. Mountain’s antlers are almost as wide as the bench he’s sitting on, almost towering over Cumulus who is sitting on the top bench.
Mountain closes his eyes, feeling Cumulus scratch his scalp as she gently begins detangling the crow’s nest that Mountain’s mane has become. She passes the homemade bar of conditioner through his hair, the smell of lavender from Mountain’s personal garden spreading in the warm room. Taking care of his hair is a two-ghoul type of job, and he’s grateful that Cumulus has taken it upon herself to help him out. He usually ignores styling his hair, just putting his hair in a bun to get it out of the way when working in the garden but it is the night before they leave for tour, and it must be done. Lake water left his hair soft, unlike the water in the hotel rooms that made matted fur even worse.
Mountain starts purring when Cumulus starts just running her fingers through his hair, the tangles dealt with. Going back on tour feels much less daunting now that he’s warm all over and there are no knots pulling his scalp. Cumulus stops at some point, and Mountain registers that Cumulus asked a question. “I’m going to start rinsing now, alright baby?”
Mountain blinks sheepishly, having dozed off in the warmth of the room. “Yeah, sorry. Of course.”
“It’s alright, dear.” Cumulus chuckles, affection clear in her tone as she picks up the water basin and carefully pours it over Mountain’s hair, making sure none gets in the earth ghouls hair even as he scrubs out the leftover conditioner. “I’ll just wash your back and then you can get some sleep before we leave tomorrow.”
“Join me tonight?” Mountain asks, unsure if the ghoulette would even consider it as she usually holed up together with the rest of the ghoulettes.
“Of course,” Cumulus assures him as she lathers up the soap and then starts scrubbing Mountain’s back. “Copia will probably assign me and the girls together on tour again. I’ll miss my big boy.”
Mountain’s purrs rumble echo through the empty sauna again as Cumulus works in silence. Tomorrow, they would be confined in a small space with all the other band ghouls but tonight they could enjoy the sweet, sweet silence.
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the-tummy-closet · 2 years
Past-Midnight Snack
((A/N: Heyy I hope you like this :) these are my OCs (which I changed the names of just in case) and they are bestie partners-in-crime mercs. And they only have a few supernatural things going for them!! It's normal in their sort of cut-throat big city. Enjoy!! - Cherricharlie))
- - -
"You wanna watch Dance Moms or The Office?" Skylar asks, legs propped up on the table, remote hanging languidly from their hand.
"Can't we watch something that's less dramatic? More action, maybe?" Mason says, folding and placing his sunglasses on the table- it's way too dark to have them on, even for his usual insistence on wearing them.
The sun is past set, and the only light on in the apartment is the flatscreen TV, illuminating the two's faces like they were phantoms. The blinds remain open, letting a light blend of neons shine onto the floor at the window. A boom sounds off and the two don't do much besides blink.
"Dance Moms it is." The remote is discarded to the cushions as the show starts.
Mason groans, sliding off the leather couch at snail speed.
"It's literally my turn to choose. Shut the fuck up, they're already pulling each other's wigs off. Is that not action-packed??" Skylar kicks him in the side of his ribs on his way down to the floor, but Mason just slouches further.
"But they do that every episode, Skylar."
"Your little dudes slow-motion punch each other every episode too, Mace. We get it, you want to bruise him. Kinky for real." They lean forward and grab his arm, tugging.
He pushes himself up like the world is weighing down on him and sits on the couch heavily, turning to extend his legs over Skylar's lap. "Well, if you like it that much, you'll have no problem not getting up." Mason smirks.
"You act like you just did something. Bruh." Skylar's wings fidget and settle as they lean against the back of the couch. "I love this shit. I mean, I could also totally just look out the window, to be honest. But sometimes that's so lame, and this is so.. Making me invested. Not like that dude who totally took the L delivering your neighbor's live mice."
Mason nods slowly and vigorously. "The difference is that we can mute Dance Moms."
"Hah, tell me about it." The two sit in a tired and drowsy silence, occasionally bantering for a few episodes.
Today was one of those separate jobs days. Mason was typically hired when someone needed something done quickly and/or quietly, and Skylar was better at undercover socialization and manipulation. Together they could do either or, but both did what they could to get money and get a reputation, akin to the rest of the city. In the end, both of them stumbled home at around the same time that night, prompting a change in clothes and for Skylar to steal the remote.
Skylar didn't think they would have a problem with not getting up until they started to feel hungry. And really there was no way they were about to complain when they already acted like it was no big deal that Mason was preventing them from moving, but hell if they weren't starving. The last time they would have eaten had to be around eleven that morning; brunch with Alisa. Which was fourteen hours ago. Skylar internally groaned at the realization as they glanced behind them at the clock on the microwave, which taunted them with a tick from 1:24 AM to 1:25.
At their movement, Mason peeled open his eyes to glance up at them, half-lidded and slightly gruff. "Tired of Dance Moms? It's literally putting me to sleep, so I would understand."
"No, dumbass. I can't move because your stupid legs are on me."
"I thought you wouldn't have a problem with that?" Mason closed his eyes and smiled, tilting his head back over the armrest of the couch.
Skylar pressed their lips together- damn. "I don't! My legs are just, uh, asleep. Come on, Mace, pleeaaseee??? We can go to bed, I'll turn off your 'favorite' show, and we can wake up tomorrow- refreshed and not crampy."
Mason looked back up at Skylar, unamused. Then, with a supernatural breakneck speed that they had grown familiar with, swung his legs to the side like a gymnast who saw a spider on their beam. Their brief freedom was immediately taken away by his torso on their lap instead. "Nope." He said, a smile on his face as one arm covered his eyes.
"You still had that in you this whole time?" Skylar gawked. Mason smiled and nodded in response. "Well, do it again and get the hell off of me!" They whined, with no real malice in the plea.
"Sorry, Skylar. That was my last one for the night. I mean it."
"Oh, fuck you. Kill yourself. I mean it," Then, softer "not actually on that last part." Skylar gently slapped Mason, before sinking into the couch, further resigned to their fate. At least the remote was within reach; their eyes were burning off. They turned off the TV and reveled in the silence of the room. The busy city outside served as white noise, drifting in the room gently and blanketing the room in comforting silence.
Skylar quickly learned that the harsh noise of some crazy dance moms screaming was the only thing covering up their stomach growling. The long gurgle was easily heard in the otherwise quiet room, and Mason was definitely close enough to hear now. They shifted awkwardly, to let their wings rest over the back of the couch and give their spine a break, but to also get comfortable since Mason was starting to get up, slowly this time. Their wings started to bristle, nervous of Mason's reaction.
"That you?" He asked, using his elbows and forearms to prop himself up.
"No, it was the tiger I'm illegally hiding in the closet. Yes, it was me. Are you gonna let me get up or are you gonna let me starve?" Skylar responded, voice dropping low in embarrassment.
"You could've just said so, Sky." Mason responded, a serious tone with a playful jab.
He pushes himself up to sit up and Skylar finally gets the relief of stretching their legs with a satisfied groan. A hand flies to their stomach and they start to rub it, accompanied by a muttered "Ah, fuck…" as it made a deep, hollow-sounding growl with a high-pitched squelch at the end.
"Jesus, Skylar. I'll grab you a snack, you stay there." Mason stood with a bit more urgency.
"I finally can use my legs and you're doing it for me, half asleep?" Skylar asked. "You're too kind."
Mason ignored this as he slowly navigated the dark apartment to his kitchen. It was small, and he could still be heard without speaking up much in the next area. "When's the last time you ate?"
"With Alisa. Sausage and egg breakfast sandwich. She thought it was weird that I put tabasco sauce on it." They recalled, but their stomach wasn't immune to thinking about food, and gave another displeased groan.
"And you're always telling me to take better care of myself," Mason shook his head, finding pita and mildly spicy hummus in his pantry, which he knew Skylar would have a taste for. "If you went to sleep, you wouldn't have eaten in a full twenty-four hours." He continued, bringing the dish over to the couch.
"You were intent on keeping me on the couch! Sorry you couldn't take a hint over Dance Moms though. My b."
While Mason's eyes typically went unseen by most under his shades, he wasn't wearing them at the moment. Skylar could make out through the dark that he had rolled them in a mocking manner.
"Dance Moms: Now more important than eating. Got it. Do you want this or not?" He waved the dish around, the pita slices threatening to teeter off. Skylar had to swallow; their mouth was watering like crazy.
"Please." They muttered, staring the dish down, their hand now firmly against their discontented stomach, which had started to growl intensely in anticipation. "My stomach's mad at you, by the way." They added with a pout, lifting their hand so Mason could hear the full extent of its roiling complaints.
"Consider this my apology." Mason sighed as he handed Skylar the plate and plopped down next to them. Skylar dug in quickly, scooping a load of hummus onto a slice and shoving it in their mouth, silent as they repeated the action before even swallowing.
Mason felt like he could continue teasing them, but with the gusto that they were eating and not even quipping in between pieces, he decided to let off. They started to get to the last couple of pieces before they stopped momentarily. "Uh, Mace, do you want some?" They offered, moving the plate towards him.
He shook his head. "No, it's fine. Big dinner tonight." He patted his stomach, which was long done with sending his meal to his intestines, but he could still remember the fullness, which had easily been making him very drowsy. "Stomach got kind of jostled on the ride home, so no more appetite, but I don't know what I expected from a dinner at Mami's."
"Aw, you went to Mami's without me?" Skylar asked, disappointed.
"She's my grandmother, Skylar."
"Oh, come on, you can share her."
Mason made a noise along the lines of surrender, as Skylar continued to cram the rest of their snack into their face with urgency. "You can come next time. I had to have eaten like twenty of those meatballs." He offered.
"Mmm.. Shut up, I'm supposed to be content now." Skylar said, but sounded less on edge and more placated than anything, putting the now empty plate on the table and reclining. They stretched out their wings, draping them around the back of the couch. Their stomach was relatively quiet now, the only sounds coming from it being the result of it working away on their snack. "I accept your apology, by the way. My stomach definitely does."
The two sat in silence, the only noise back to being faint city arguments off in the distance and the occasional digestive grumble of Skylar's sated stomach. "Mace?" They said to the darkness, a half-asleep acknowledgment hum coming from his direction. "You can come back if you want." They patted their lap. "I don't care about sleeping sitting up. You're warm."
"What, am I your personal heater?" He joked, but lowered himself back down anyways, using Skylar's lap as a pillow. Their stomach was more audible up close, and he could hear a constant stream of calmly digesting burbles, which was pretty relaxing. The sound of gas dislodging in their gut could be heard making its way up.
"Hm. Yeah, I guess so. Urp-" Skylar belched. The speed of their eating caused a lot of air to be swallowed, and they briefly pounded on their chest with their fist to dislodge another, louder belch, prompting a sigh of relief. "G'night, Mace." Skylar muttered, tilting their head.
"Night, Skylar." He responded, closing his eyes for the night in turn. The two fell asleep on the couch, with no care about how they would wake up with muscle soreness in the morning. They were just glad both of them were content and happy. For now.
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