#which to be clear I did NOT mean to do at all.
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My Playmate, My Sister
Hanni X Male Reader | 8566 words
TW: Incest

I'll be honest, growing up with a sister like mine was no cakewalk. It was abundantly clear that my sister, Hanni, was destined for some form of modeling from the moment she started developing her killer body in her early years. All throughout high school she had the attention and longing gazes of every boy, man and even some women there. As I went through my freshman year, lusting after any bit of female I could grasp, I was constantly teased about my senior sister's looks and how much every one of my friends would love to "bang her."
Now I won't lie and say I didn't notice; after all, I was in the peak of my sexual desires too. However, my thoughts never strayed beyond the occasional hope to see her coming out of the shower or undressing in her room. I did get a peek every once in a while, but it was all innocent and never got out of hand. Luckily for me, Hanni was incredibly wholesome and modest about her looks, having a few lucky boyfriends here and there but largely displaying her beauty in tolerable amounts. So even though I had to stare down or ignore someone for the occasional comment about Hanni's "hot ass and tits," I never felt embarrassed by any of her actions.
I suppose I should probably tell you what she really looks like. Aside from a body that looks to be sculpted from marble, she is about 5'3" weighing just over 100 lbs. She has 24" waist and from inspecting some of her more seductive lacey bras in the laundry is done I know her breasts measured a full 32C which I wanted nothing more than to at least any chance I could get. She has the most gorgeous eyes, more green than hazel, framed by a cute, freckled face and tiny chin. To top it all off she has the perfect shade of blonde hair with dark streaks, which she wears in a variety of styles mostly with long bangs swept across her face.
Unfortunately, in high school I was a shrimpy little kid, never really breaking 130 lbs. until my senior year, when I finally came into my own. So when Hanni brought her usual slough of beautiful friends around, I was always just her little brother to them. It didn't matter to Hanni though, she was a bit nerdy like me and was always willing to play a video game or two or watch a movie late at night. She even got me with a few pretty girls if she knew their older sister or invited me to a party she could maneuver me around. She and I got along well, and even though we didn't interact much at school, we have always been good friends. After she went away to college across the country we separated a bit, but whenever we were both together we were thick as thieves.
But things changed for her early in Hanni's Junior year of college. As I walked through a convenience store on my way to the train home from school, I caught the top of a Playboy on the clearance rack behind the counter.
"I'll be damned if that doesn't look just like Hanni's face," I thought, not even realizing what that would mean if it really was her.
I asked for the copy, and after I showed my 19 year-old driver's license to the cashier and a sideways glance, he handed it to me. The photo on the cover, now many months old, was definitely in Playboy's usual style, airbrushed and photo-shopped to an almost unrecognizable degree, but I was 95% certain it was my sister. She was body-painted in the same colors as her college, Oregon State, and displaying what I had always known to be her fan-fucking-tastic form. I had no time to dwell on it, however, as my friends were all waiting so I shoved the Playboy into my backpack, paid and headed outside. I could barely focus on getting to the train and then home, and I don't think I said a word for the whole ride to my stop 30 minutes away.
I was in shock; "would Hanni really do that? She's always been adventurous but this is totally different," I thought.
When I finally got home I made for my room as fast as I could after a quick catch-up on the day with my Mom. As I pulled out the magazine and that's when I knew for sure, the beauty on the front cover was my sister. I thumbed through the pages and opened up to a her spread, not even thinking of the taboo implications. There she was, for all the world to see, and what a sight it was. She was going by the name Hanni Jean Underwood, obviously not the same as our family name. She was every guy's wet dream, clearly the best looking in the entire magazine, and she was my sister. I had to say it in my head a few times before it really set in, and after a cold shower I pulled out my phone and decided to text my sister.
"Hey Hanni, anything new," I wrote.
A few long minutes later, I received:
Hanni: "Nope, nothing really, I'm coming home Friday, a week early for summer, though!,"
Me: "That's cool, is something going on?"
Hanni: "Just felt a little overwhelmed is all."
Me: "Anything you want to talk about?"
Hanni: "We can catch up when I get home in a few days, okay?"
Me: "Sure, I miss you."
Hanni: "Miss you too!"
Soon enough it was Friday and I was nervous to see my big sister so soon after the recent development. I decided to do a little research online, and I wasn't prepared for what I was about to see. A quick search of her name brought a whole bunch of results, at least three photo shoots - all stemming from the fact that she had apparently been crowned playmate of the month in July. I clicked on each gallery and scanned the page, seeing my sister laid out in a bunch of unbelievably sexy poses in all states of undress. I couldn't help it, the pictures were turning me on. I imagined her laid out on the window-bench in my room, looking at me straight in the eye as she pulled her top off, light glancing off her just like it did in the pictures. In my daze I didn't even hear the sound of my sister clamoring up the stairs, and then standing at my open door, seeing clearly what I had found.
"Okay, now I know what that text was about," she said as I clicked out of the browser at the speed of light. "No point in pretending now, we obviously are going to have to talk about this."
I just stared at her, she was different than the last I saw of her about 8 months before that. She was tan, her hair was better than it had ever looked, and she was in the best shape of her life. Even her clothes were thin and more revealing than ever, and after looking at the pictures on my computer, I realized I would never see her the same again.
"Come here and give me a hug first, I've had a long day of travelling," she said with fatigue thick in her voice.
At 19 years old, I was a full 6'0" and taking good care of my body had left me at 180 lbs. with a decent shot with women. I walked up, towering over her now, and she sank into my arms. Maybe it was what I had just seen on the computer, her clothes, or maybe it was something she was doing on purpose, but every part of her seemed to be pressed against me. I could feel the swell of those amazing breasts pressing against my chest, and my hands around her felt a toned backside most girls dreamed of.
"You've really grown," Hanni said, leaning most of her weight into me as she ran her hands innocently over me.
We hadn't seen much of each other the previous summer as she was working (at Hooter's I later learned) near her school in Oregon. That and the 8 or so months of school had given me plenty of time to grow, gaining an inch or two and a ton of manly muscle, if I didn't say so myself.
She moved away from me and looked into my eyes, saying "I need you to be calm about this, and to please not talk to Mom or Dad about it until I'm ready."
Still slightly aroused, I pulled myself together, "Okay, but you have to tell me all about it at least."
She eagerly agreed. We sat in my room, the loving brother half of me paying attention to her story of how she was found in a little Playboy talent search I had seen on the cover of that fateful magazine and how the feedback on her first photos was so good they decided to make her Playmate of the Month. The other half of me could not stop thinking of what I had seen and how this beautiful specimen in front of me could be seen by anybody in the heart-stopping galleries online, and that she was my sister!
"...so what do you say?" I snapped back in. After a short pause she knew I hadn't heard the question.
"I know this is a lot to handle, but let's just do our best to act normally around each other, okay Oppa?"
I agreed of course, and she hopped out of my room, her sculpted little butt swaying a bit as she turned and shot me a slightly mischievous smile.
All things considered, it was pretty normal around the house for the next few days. Our parents were rarely around, busy with their work or fairly hefty social lives, so I didn't have to deal with blurting out our secret to them. Hanni was out visiting friends during the weekend and I was studying for finals, albeit occasionally distracted by the fact that I had a Playboy Playmate living under the same roof. One night as I studied for a relatively easy exam the next day, Hanni came in and we talked for hours, her in tight white tank top and some tiny shorts, teasing me, maybe not so unintentionally, the entire night. She told me she had dropped out a few months ago because things were going so good with Playboy. Then she began to talk about her love life, something that had never really been off limits with us. It was obviously different now to talk about love and relationships and sex, for my mind kept straying to what a man might do with a girl like my sister in the privacy of their own room.
"I can't relate to any of the guys I am meeting, they all are kind of slimy and just want me because of my photos. I miss being with a guy who might actually care about me, and I miss the sex too," she said, blushing and looking down, missing the wide-eyed look I had on my face.
I told her about some of the girls I had dated, and even noted a hint of bitterness as I named a few girls she apparently didn't approve of. She curled up in my arms as we talked through all of the changes in both our lives and we fell asleep together, laying a comfortable distance apart.
When I awoke I felt like a million dollars, warm and cozy and ready to get up and shower before my test. Slowly waking I realized the coziness came from the gorgeous girl I was now tightly spooning and who had wrapped herself around one each of my arms and legs. It was both loving and arousing, and I realized my hand was gently resting in the middle of her perfect chest. I tried to slowly move out of position but she only latched onto me more, pushing my hand further into her soft, cotton-covered breasts. I knew it was only a matter of minutes before I hardened fully and she would easily be able to feel it. That worry disappeared as she closed the space between us and nestled her tight bottom right over my shaft.
"Mmmmmh, good morning Oppa," she said softly, wiggling a bit as she turned her head to look at me.
It was excruciating to resist the urge to thrust forward between her cheeks. There was that suggestive smile again.
"I haven't felt this relaxed in a long time, I am so glad to finally be back," she whispered.
"How long will you be staying? Are you going to have to leave for any more shoots soon?" I asked quietly, trying not to move or address the fact that I was aroused by my sister.
"Actually, there is talk about making me Playmate of the Year, but I don't think I stack up to the competition. Either way, I have another shoot in a few weeks," Hanni said, turning to face me and finally relieving the pressure on my growing problem.
I paused, appearing deep in thought, "Yeah, I wouldn't count on it." I said sarcastically, making a funny face at her as her mouth dropped, insulted.
In mock anger she rolled on top of me, battering my chest with playful blows as she straddled me, both of us laughing as I grabbed her wrists with one arm and tickled her always sensitive sides with the other. As she twisted to avoid my prying fingers, her hips ground lightly down on my still slightly enlarged member, and I could hardly focus on the tickling for all of the pleasure it was causing me.
The wrestling intensified, both of us breathing hard between laughs and feeling her lithe body against mine. Our play continued, and I rolled on top of her, pinning her to the bed with her hands above her head. Her tank top had ridden up by now, revealing a mouth-watering abdomen and her bottoms were scrunched up towards her waist. She panted beneath me and arched her back, trying to push me off of her and once again forcing herself against my engorged cock. Still holding her down I moved my mouth to her abdomen and blew, making a funny sound like I used to when we were just kids. The subtle scent of her body wash and perfume lingered and she squealed as I rubbed the morning whiskers of facial hair on her smooth skin.
Displaying that she had obviously been working out, she somehow gained leverage over me and flipped back on top, her legs interlocked with mine, straddling my thigh. I could swear I felt faint yet rhythmic thrusts against my leg with her nimble frame squashed against my chest. I could feel her warm breath on my ear and she finally sat up raising her arms in victory as I gave up, exhausted. If I hadn't been so entranced with our arousing battle, I might have noticed her nipples standing proudly and entirely visible through the soft cotton of her tank top.
Our horseplay ended, and as I looked up at her with her abdomen and firm breasts heaving from our tussle, I knew then that she would undoubtedly win Playmate of the Year. It was almost as if she read it on my face, because she gave me a little peck on the lips and hopped off, maintaining the innocence our little slumber party had began with. She had the walk of an angel and she once again smiled at me as she bounced out, swinging around the frame of the door and out of sight. I laid there for a few minutes, trying to pull myself together and shake off any further thoughts of the hottest woman I had ever laid eyes on; it was no easy task.
As I worked through my exam, my thoughts occasionally strayed to Hanni, wondering what was going on and if I was out of my mind for thinking of her as any more than a sister. The exam was as easy as I thought it would be, so I finished and returned home early. When I got back my sister was at the fridge, deep in thought, biting on her finger as she always did. Dressed in tiny jean shorts and an oversized football jersey, tied at the waist and hanging slightly over one shoulder, I thought of she now seemed to know exactly what to wear to complement her figure. I scolded myself inwardly for then thinking it would be better if she wore less.
"Oooh, you scared the shit out of me," she said as she jumped and the jersey fell the rest of the way down her shoulder, revealing the strap of a black bra beneath.
I wanted to ravish her on the kitchen table right then and there as she turned her head and cocked her hips, playing at my desires.
"I was just going to make us both lunch, how did your test go?"
I told her about it as I sat at the table and she prepared lunch, slapping my hand away a few times that I reached for some little morsels.
"I've been taking cooking classes," she told me, "It's funny because I'm finally doing all the things I want to do, maybe I wasn't cut out for college anyway."
"You're nuts Hanni," I fired back, "you have always been the smartest girl I know, and are probably still the only female who can beat me in any game on the Xbox.... you're amazing."
She glowed in response to my comment her striking eyes locking onto mine, "I love you so much Oppa."
We ate and chatted about this and that, and I realized that even though Playboy Playmate status had taken her from a hot young girl to a to-die-for image on the page of a magazine, we still got on as well as ever.
"So I was thinking," she interjected, "I've got to go to this club tonight and shake hands with a bunch of the higher-ups of Playboy here, but I don't really want to go alone. They might be a little weirded out if I brought my brother, but do you think you might want to go as my date?"
"I mean, sure, if you think that's okay," I fired back, excited but nervous.
"Of course it is," said Hanni happily, "I'd just love to have someone to hold on to, it can be kind of intimidating considering the nature of the work."
She told me a little more about the night and what was in store, some dancing, some drinking and of course some more playmates - which I obviously couldn't complain about. The rest of the day went on with little consequence, we watched a movie together and caught up on some work individually.
After I had thrown on a nice button-up and dress pants I went and sat on the couch and waited for Hanni, who was never on time. When the doorbell rang and I hopped up to answer it, I was surprised to see a expensive-looking limousine sitting in the driveway.
"We should be going sir, wouldn't want to keep Hanni's employers waiting." said the driver.
Just then, the click of heels on hardwood alerted us that Hanni was finally ready to go. As I looked up I nearly collapsed, and so did the driver. Hanni wore a red, slightly shimmering dress, cut low between her breasts and high on her thighs. Her cleavage was so perfect I could die happy right there, the dress seeming to be holding on to it for dear life. It clung to her form and I couldn't imagine a more beautiful sight. As she gracefully stepped down the stairs in her simple but sexy black heels, the driver struggled for words.
"Good e-evening Miss Underwood, I am d-d-david, your driver for tonight."
Hanni was a good sport and thanked David as we walked out the door. As I took the first step out the door, Hanni stopped me and whispered in my ear, causing a tingle to run through my body,
"I think he saw something he liked."
Not to be outdone, I turned and whispered back, "He wasn't the only one."
She squeezed my hand and after she got in the limo, David, who was holding the door said, "You are a lucky man." I knew I was.
Hanni sat close to me the whole ride there and her presence was intoxicating. The night pretty much went as Hanni had described, we sipped on drinks while meeting a whole bunch of people who pretty much jumped over me to get to Hanni as she answered their questions. When all of the connections were finally made, Hanni dragged me toward the bar and said
"I need a shot or two, I almost couldn't stand it anymore."
I agreed and we both winced back two shots of something that was way above my budget, apparently free of charge. Then came playmate introductions. Some were scattered about the dance floor, others at various bars about the classy establishment. I recognized some from television but most were gorgeous and unknown to me. I did, however, notice that almost every one of them paled in comparison to Hanni.
Hanni dragged me onto the dance floor among the beauties and we were innocently spinning each other around and sharing the occasional close moment as the alcohol began to work its magic. Then, as if in a dream, Jessica Burciaga, a crush of mine with whom I had spent a little time flirting with earlier grabbed me for a dance. The beating music, dark atmosphere and ever-present buzz of the alcohol had me confident and forward as the tanned, Latina beauty pushed against me. She was beginning to really get into it, grinding her hips against mine in away only a fiery girl like her could. I was in another universe, doing what every guy always dreams of, and with her hands on top of mine I felt every inch of my long-standing playmate crush.
I obviously wasn't paying attention to much else because it took me a while to notice that Hanni, who was nearby, had found a guy and was dancing against him too. I tried to disregard the immediate pang of jealousy I felt, but it would not go away. Jessica was now doing her most seductive dancing, pulling my body into hers, our breath heavy upon each other, but it wasn't enough to keep me from stealing a glance at my sister across the way. Her dress was catching the little bit of light on the floor and her body was unfathomably sexy as she moved to the music. Once more I looked, and I saw on her face the same jealousy I had felt. Our eyes locked. We stared at each other as the music seemed to get quieter, and our dance partners continued their movement around us. I knew she wanted to be dancing with me at that moment, and I, with her. At the end of the song we thanked our partners, and Jessica planted a kiss on my lips, slipping a note into my pocket and whispering for me to call her.
I approached Hanni, who was now glaring at me and leaning on the bar a few feet away.
"Looks like somebody is having a good time," she said with a bit of an attitude, "you can take the limo home with her if you want, I'm sure I can get another ride."
"Hanni, don't be like that," I said with the best puppy dog eyes I could muster, "I got carried away, besides, it looks like you and Mr. Hands over there were getting along just fine by yourselves."
She loosened up a bit at that comment and looked at me sideways, smirking, "alright, just promise me at least one dance before the night is up killer," she requested with a sweet look on her face.
"Hanni," I said with a hint of seriousness in my voice, "I don't want to dance with anyone else tonight if that's okay with you."
Instead of voicing her approval, she stood on her toes and planted a kiss right on my lips, holding my head in her hands as she did. It only lingered a second, but I saw stars as she pulled away and motioned to the bartender to make us two seven-and-sevens. She leaned over the bar a bit, and the bartender ogled her cleavage as I, on the other end was helpless to the view of her backside, the red cloth stretched thin over it. I wondered if she was wearing any underwear, "maybe not," I thought mischievously.
We took our first sips silently as she batted her eyelashes at me, somewhat embarrassed from the kiss.
"I hope that wasn't your best effort out on the dance floor Hanni," I said with a hint of arrogance, "I don't think Playboy would like it if they knew their new protégé danced like she was at a junior high mixer."
Hurt, Hanni quickly shot back, "oh and I suppose you would have me shaking my ass like that little tart you were dancing with?"
"I'm not saying I wouldn't like it..." I trailed off.
Hanni quickly set down her drink and grabbed my hand as if to say, "I'm done talking about it, let's dance."
She dragged me deep into the crowd of people; it's amazing how you feel more private when surrounded by thick swells of human beings. At first she just pushed me back, swaying to herself and running her hands seductively up and down her flowing curves. My head spun as I watched and I couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or my hot older sister moving like she was in front of me. Then she approached me and I wrapped my arms gently around her, careful not to break the rhythmic surging of her body. I began to move with her, running my hands more daringly around her, and I heard a quiet moan into my neck.
She gracefully grabbed my arms and spun herself around, facing away from me and keeping herself enveloped in my grasp. Her style was entirely different from Jessica's, and I couldn't get enough. I savored the feeling of her petite form against mine as she ground he firm ass slowly against me. There was no question why dancing like this had become so popular, her undulations and grinding aroused me more than if she had instead turned and grasped my shaft with her nimble little hands herself. I was no amateur myself, and I moved easily behind her, touching her in all the right places, proud to see many people watching us dance so well together.
We were lost in each other, our heads buzzing from perhaps one too many drinks. I buried my head in her fragrant blonde hair, blowing softly on her neck - a move I had successfully used in the past. We were both so aroused about the fact that nobody knew our true relation that we nearly forgot it ourselves. She leaned back and looked deep into my eyes, my gaze confirming that I felt as strongly as she did. As she turned her head I boldly pressed my lips against hers, tasting a hint of cherry on her lips. I was not entirely surprised when she opened her lips a bit, and her tongue darted out to touch my mine. We broke the kiss about as soon as it started - locking our eyes together as she turned toward me and hugged her close once more.
Then after a few seconds that felt like hours, we ended our pause and were making out like a couple of teenagers. She jumped gracefully into my strong arms and we battled our tongues to see who could display the stronger desire. We were hidden from the outside world by the surging crowd but I could swear our passion caused a good number of couples around us to start engaging in the same activity.
After we were both out of breath and tired of pounding music, we broke our kiss and I said with a witty smile, "what do you think about getting out of here and going back to my place?"
She showed me that beautiful smile of hers and grabbed my hand once again, dragging me outside. I held her in my arms as we waited for the limo, and once inside we made sure the divider was up and she jumped in my lap like there was no time to lose.
Now that we had room to move about our kisses were practiced and still overflowing with desire. She thrust gently against me as I ran my hands up and down her sides, then lightly resting them against the breasts I had so dreamed of seeing. I ran my fingers in circles around her nipples which were protruding stiffly through her red dress. She moaned into my mouth and continued grinding herself against me as she straddled my lap. Not wanting her to do all the work, I gently laid her tiny frame down on the seat and hovered over her.
I teased her, putting my lips just millimeters away from hers and as she snapped up to try and lock hers to mine, I pulled away, concentrating on my hands moving firmly from her legs all the way up to her face. When they reached their destination, I grasped her neck and finally locked lips once again, this time lightly pressing my leg between her thighs. She moaned enthusiastically, barely able to maintain the kiss as I pressed hard and then eased over and over. My fingers moved just below the fabric next to her generous cleavage, wishing my hands were unhindered by the dress. She swelled back against my leg and I continued to massage her body and breasts. Just as she took a deep breath in anticipation of impending orgasm, there was a knock on our tinted window and we realized we had been stopped for some time. I looked down at Hanni and collapsed, both of us laughing at how our arousal had caused us to lose all track of time.
"Not fair," Hanni said, gasping and visibly pissed to be withheld what would have been a fantastic orgasm.
I pulled her up, also unhappy to be leaving the privacy and comfort of the limousine's cabin.
As we left vehicle, the driver said "Goodnight to you Miss Underwood, and to you too sir," giving me a knowing look.
Hanni was none the wiser as she sauntered toward the door, still moping about her suspended pleasure. I thanked the lucky stars that my parents were spending the weekend on a sailboat with friends and I would have the house, and Hanni, all to myself.
When we finally got inside and I shut the door, Hanni pushed my body against it softly with her own.
I looked at her and started in a concerned tone, "Hanni..."
But Hanni put her finger over my lips and stopped me, saying, "I want this, and I know you do too. I am your older sister, I can make my own decisions. Yes, this is technically against the rules, but so is looking at those pictures of me online little brother."
I thought about it for a second, "You've made a few good points."
"Now," she said, a little more demanding than I am used to, "I am going to go upstairs, and if you know what's good for you, I suggest you grab us something to drink, preferably without alcohol, and follow me up in five minutes."
With that, she turned and headed up the stairs without looking back.
I was stunned, and more than a little turned on. My sister had never been so forward in her whole life, but I loved the new her. I grabbed two waters and stood at the counter in the kitchen, taking hold of reality and reveling in how lucky I was. I knew that when I walked up those stairs, I would be spending the night with the most beautiful girl I'd probably ever come across, let alone my sister and a Playboy Playmate unlike any other. With that, I knew that there was no decision to make and my feet took me up the stairs like they had a mind of their own.
Taking a drink, I opened the door and for the second time that night, my sister blew me away. She had been under the covers, but as I opened the door she sat up and proudly showed off her full form. I literally spit out the water I had just drank as I took her in; she giggled, flattered at the reaction. She was wearing a slightly transparent magenta lace bra, which pushed up her ample breasts ever so slightly. Her bottoms were a simple but sexy black cotton that I couldn't wait to rip off.
She motioned to me and said "Come here;"
I walked to the edge of the bed. She crawled on all fours at me like a jungle cat, and equally as graceful. As she came eye to eye with me she took one of the bottles from my hand, opening it and taking a quick drink. She capped it and dropped it nonchalantly to the side, the glistening water still on her lips. She then gave me a slow and sultry kiss, once again holding my head in her hands; I could taste the cool water on her lips.
I placed a knee on the bed and pulled her close to me, once again beginning to slide our tongues against the other. I tried to go as slowly as possible as I laid her down and continued to kiss her deeply, but how could you blame me, with all the skin to explore my hands moved on their own. Up and down they travelled, not wanting to leave an inch of her body unexplored. I kissed her neck as I massaged all over her, and she once again began to pant into my ear, quickly nibbling at it. I couldn't believe how exciting it was to feel her move strongly against me, arching her back and thrusting her hips out to meet mine. My hands cupped her round cheeks and gave them a squeeze; I could feel her smile as we kissed.
My hands finally finished their journey, and one of them moved to the clasp in her bra. I had never been too good at removing a bra, but tonight, I was so hot with luck that I did it in one fluid motion. The fabric loosened, and I slowly walked my fingers along the patterned lace. She loved how much attention I was paying to each part of her; she had thought hard about what to wear for me. I pulled back from her face and looked into her eyes before I knew I'd finally have her naked body before me. The soft glow of the lamp nearby upon her made her all the more beautiful.
"Oppa...I..." she started, but this time it was my turn to quiet her, with a kiss.
She was about to tell me how much she wanted me, how happy I made her, but I already knew, and she let out a breath in relief as I acknowledged it with my kiss.
I ran my hand up one of her arms and placed it above her head, and doing the same with the other I joined them, restraining her harmlessly. With my free hand I gingerly moved her bra up her arms and covered her with my body, pulling it over her head and tossing it to the side. She nipped at my lip and caught me off guard, freeing her hands and allowing her to reach for my shirt and nimbly unbutton it faster than I could have myself. She pushed it down my shoulders and off and I kissed her once again, our partial nakedness adding fervor to our efforts.
I finally wrapped my hands over her breasts, one at a time, playing with it slowly and beginning to breathe heavily myself in arousal. I thumbed her nipples and found that she was extremely sensitive there, because her moans became more frequent into my mouth and neck. We both moved our hips against each other in unison, mimicking the action we both so desired to get to, but I wanted anything but to rush things. She on the other hand, had already begun removing my belt and unbuttoning my pants, and in no time, she was wrapping her legs around my pelvis and impressively removing my pants mostly with her feet.
I could feel her pussy wet against my thigh, and our new proximity caused me to resume the pressure that had been so effective in the limo. I once again had her humping at my leg, becoming wetter with each push. I replaced my thigh with two of my fingers, rubbing softly but surely against her lips and clit. She squealed in pleasure and dug her nails lightly into my back. She was so close to orgasm she could barely stand it, and as I drank her in I couldn't fathom that a girl could be any sexier. My older sister was beneath me, begging for my touch, both of us wanting each other more than we had ever wanted someone before.
As I continued my ministrations, I slipped my fingers beneath the cotton of her panties, finding her mound baby smooth and slick with her desire. Being the consummate teaser that I am, I continued to keep her at the peak of her pleasure without pushing her over. She was frustrated, and she began to grab at my cock through my boxer shorts. She moved her dexterous fingers over it, allowing me to savor the feeling and the cotton between them. Then, just as I had done, she moved her hands underneath my boxers and grabbed me firmly, shuddering occasionally from my own onslaught of her smooth quim. She brushed her fingers up and down over my shaft, lightly touching the tip and rubbing the pre-cum over it.
"Please...please....oh...Oppa," she begged into my ear as I continued to rub against her clit and eased one finger, and then two, slowly into her wet pussy.
In and out I moved them gently, feeling how tight she was, but only enough to keep her bucking her hips at my touch and begging for release.
She once more grasped my cock, not even able to wrap her small hand around it and pushed her other hand against my chest.
"I want you, no... I need you...inside me," she pleaded.
Now I may have been teasing her, but the entire time I could do little more than think about how fantastic if was going to feel to finally be inside my gorgeous playmate sister. I kissed down her neck, not failing to stop at each of her breasts and lick tenderly at each hard nipple, hearing her moan in return. As I continued I kissed at her tight abs, belly-button and then looked up at her, smiling as I pulled her panties down the first few inches with my teeth. She managed a smile through her sighs of passion and I finished taking off her cute little black bottoms the rest of the way with my hands. Me standing at the foot of the bed, she reached out with her toe and grabbed the elastic band of my shorts, pushing it down, showing me what she wanted. I took them off in one fluid motion and when I looked up she was using both hands to make a 'come hither' motion at me.
As I slid up her body, feeling our skin rub lightly against each other, I knew this was it. We stared lustfully and longingly into each other's eyes and I could feel my fully enlarged shaft pressing directly between her soaked folds. We kissed once more, a kiss so deep and meaningful that only a brother and a sister could share, and I gazed upon her stunning features.
"Are you sure this is what you want? I know I do, but I want you to be sure," I said, and I meant it.
She pulled me close and, still panting, spoke a breathy "Yes...fuck me...please."
She reached between us and gently pointed me directly towards her, placing the tip right at her entrance. With one hand, she pulled at my back, encouraging me to move inside of her. I did as instructed, but as if in one last effort to tease, I pushed only a bit of my tip inside of her before pulling it back out. The feeling alone was unbearably good, and I had hardly entered her yet.
This time she demandingly breathed, " Oppa," strongly, "Fuck me."
With that, I began to press into her. We both gasped into each other's necks as I slid in, inch by inch. I stopped briefly for her to adjust to my sizable cock, and pulled out a bit, causing us both to hold our breath at the feeling. Finally I made one final thrust, and our hips touched together as we joined in a passionate kiss. We were both smiling from ear to ear at the sheer bliss we were experiencing. She pawed at me, fidgeting at the intense pleasure I was giving her.
I could have stayed locked together like that forever, but we both began, slowly at first, to rock against each other. We stayed pressed together as my cock slid further and further, in and out of her impossibly tight tunnel. I began to lose focus on the kisses we had been sharing and was unable to do anything but grasp at her hips with one hand and support myself with the other. Her moans came almost every other breath now, a sound so soft and sweet I wished they would never stop.
"Oh...oh...Oppa...Oppa," she gasped into my ear.
"Hanni...Hanni...you feel...so....fucking....good," I whispered back.
We were moving as one, two bodies locked in a passion for each other so strong nothing could not stop us. She then wrapped her legs around me, grabbing at me with her heels and pulling me deeper. I continued to thrust in and out, and she pushed in perfect time back toward me, grinding her clit against me every chance she could. We pushed hard enough each time that I could see her breasts, possibly my favorite feature, bouncing a bit at each stroke, still sizable even as she lay on her back. She began to squeal just a bit now with each breath, a pitch that just barely came through with each breathy moan. Finally, the orgasm I had deprived her of for so long came and she tensed up, grabbing me with impressive strength as I kept moving in and out of her, her pussy pummeling my cock with its contractions as she came for what seemed like minutes. She continued to moisten and I continued to thrust, not allowing or wanting her to come down from her climax. I couldn't believe it, I still had time to go, and though I could probably have made myself climax at any second, my body seemed determined to let me continue my enjoyment of the amazing playmate, my sister, before me.
She finally began to come down from her orgasm, and pulled me tight against her.
"Don't move.. I can't handle it... I need a moment," she managed to say.
I observed her in her post-orgasmic glow and once again had time to marvel at my luck.
"Tell me when," I challenged her.
A few slow, controlled breaths and, as if encouraged by my dare she said with all the strength she could muster "when."
With that, she flipped on top of me as she had done so many times before, without removing herself from our incestuous connection. I could tell that she was still sensitive from her first orgasm but after a few seconds she began to move her toned core in the most seductive motion. She flexed and relaxed her abs, working me in and out of her soaked pussy like a piston around a camshaft. She smiled as she saw my eyes roll back, astounded at her ability. I firmly grasped her body, feeling it move and moving with it, my hands free to do whatever they pleased. I took her breasts in my hands, cupping them and feeling their weight and wonderful softness. She leaned into me, still moving her hips so smoothly up and down on my cock. I thrust up meet her downward movements, us now face to face and joining again in a lustful kiss. I felt myself closer to orgasm but fought it away, I couldn't give in just yet. Hanni on the other hand was not quite close, I could see her face change just a bit with each up and down thrust, and you should have seen it as I moved my thumb to her clit. As I rubbed at her little button she smiled again against my mouth and moaned my name:
"Oppa...fuck....Oppa....oh God."
Encouraged, I scooped her up, moving to the edge of the bed still inside her and could feel us both pulsing now that the thrusts had momentarily stopped. I looked around for something to set her on and found the that padded bay window across from my bed to be the perfect place. I stood up, but always wanting to try it, and her light body the perfect size, we began to fuck standing up. I grasped her ass tightly in my hands and she wrapped her legs around me. We adjusted to the position and for a minute or two were once again lost in our passion as I fucked her, the sexy little minx that she was, as well as I could. Holding her weight distracted me from my own not-so-far-off orgasm and I plunged into her again and again, seeing that she was enjoying it too. The feeling was like no other, having her wrapped securely around me, suspended in the air and still enjoying the heat of her sex sliding up and down my shaft. I savored it, her breasts pushing against my chest so I could feel her teasing nipples and each breath.
"Fuck...fuck...fuck me...Oppa... fuck your sister... Fuck you're big...shit...shit...Ohmygod."
I was so turned on by the dirty mouth she got as I fucked her, she never spoken like that before, and I began to pound her harder. Her moans got louder in approval as I pounded at her and her little hole nearly dripped in enjoyment.
Finally I moved with her still impaled on my cock over to the window, set her down, and looked her right in the eyes as I pulled out just past the tip and then began to thrust back into her slowly. Our looks both shouted that we loved and wanted each other so badly. My cock fit perfectly inside my sister's tight little pussy. I knew my orgasm was coming, and I could tell by the look in her eyes that hers was too. She looked back at me, pleading with me to keep going, and we both watched between us as my cock disappeared inside her again and again. The pleasure was agonizing and we never wanted it to end.
Each stroke brought us closer to our impending climaxes and I looked over her body one final time. She was just barely glistening with sweat and her face was flushed. Her chest, and firm breasts with it was heaving with each moan. She once again pulled me into her with her legs, and used one hand to bring my face to hers. I brushed the hair from her face and grasped her hips with my other hand. We were oblivious to anything else now but the sensation of her wet tunnel grasping at my cock. We alternated between quick, fulfilling strokes to slow and pleasurable ones where we held our breath for an entire thrust.
We ground against each other, feeling our bodies pressed together and our tongues dancing drunk with lust, and we were both seconds away from release. For a few strokes we looked deep into each other's eyes, wanting to see the other pushed over the edge. I pulled out one final time and Hanni's teary eyes begged for that one final advance. As I thrust into her, she screamed aloud, and I nearly blacked out as I began releasing inside of her. Her walls contracted around me, flowing with fluids and I pumped my seed again and again into her, trying to thrust in deeper as I did. She was clutching at any part of me she could with her hands, unable to breathe until her orgasm began to fade. Her legs held me inside of her, and I could think of absolutely nothing as a wave of such intensity washed over me that I went temporarily blind. Hanni quivered again and again as her own orgasm rendered her limp in my arms. Her pussy squeezed the last bit out of me and we both held each other, speechless for who knows how long.
I began to pull myself from her and the tenderness of our lovemaking made it almost impossible to move without both of us trembling at the feeling. As I finally moved completely out of her, we both felt an intense emptiness, which I remedied by quickly laying her down in the window and sliding in behind her. I held her tight as we spooned on the cushions, every sense heightened, and our desires for each other stronger than ever.
We lay like that for a long time, just feeling each other breathe, still unable to form words or thoughts at what had just transpired. All I knew was that I had just had the experience of a lifetime, and I wanted it to last as long as it possibly could. As if reading my mind, Hanni finally managed,
"I can't believe what you just did to me, that was...." I was hanging on her every word, "fucking incredible," she finished.
We both smiled at her phrasing, and I knew she felt the same as me.
"I love you so much Hanni, and that was the best thing that will ever happen to me," I said back, knowing that words really couldn't describe fully how I felt.
Hanni turned to me with a look on her face I didn't understand, "best thing that will ever happen to you, Oppa?" she questioned. "What about next time?"
...to be continued
#njz smut#newjeans smut#hanni smut#gg smut#kpop smut#male reader smut#newjeans#njz#hanni#smut#kpop#newjeans hanni#njz hanni
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The minute anyone I considered close enough to do me actual harm tries to hit my insecurities I immediately hit full throttle.
By this I mean the one time someone made any mean comment targeting my insecurities I pulled out the side of me that my dad has carved out of my soft psyche and analyzed exactly why they felt the need to make such a comment and why they were never gonna make said comment ever again.
And this old friend was a little sociopath who tried to get other people to either target or abandon me, and it took two hours for people to realize (without me because I muted messages and or ditched plans after snapping) that firstly, I make fun of myself constantly and without dragging others into my commentary. This idiot tried to say I believed myself better than my friends. And second, the fact I wasn't responding at all despite the fact I usually kept myself open to make sure everyone was okay meant I had either snapped (as I did) or I was not able to be in contact (which only happens in extreme circumstances like the time I got a fever bad enough I slept for almost three days).
It got cleared up the next day because I sent a screenshot and then proceeded to be backed by others who had also received targeted commentary. The person was blocked, and the group chat was a lot lighter for it.
The point to all this is thus- be harsh. Be honest. And cut them down at the root so that behavior has no place to grow in your life. It doesn't always have to mean getting rid of said person, but sometimes living happily and healthily means tugging out the weeds you once thought were pretty.
if your man sends you an evil ass text message and you don’t know how to respond, come to me. I will ghost write your response.
#the ongoing joke after that event was that the only person who could be mean to me was me#except now my friends tell me to shut up and receive affection#which is rude
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i love you, always and forever ࿐‧₊ this is me trying

chapter summary: You and Logan try IVF.
word count: 5.9k+
pairing: Logan Howlett x fem!reader
notes: another short chapter!? who am i? (also this gif is 😙🤌)
warnings/tags: reader wears glasses, fluff, angst, talks of fertility and pregnancy, smut, slight sub!logan unprotected piv, creampie, ghost hunting
series masterlist - chapter 7 → chapter 9
“—and we need to… Logan!” You exclaimed, breaking him out of whatever stupor he was in while staring at you.
You were explaining the new calendar you made that coincided with your IVF treatment, meaning no sex some days before retrieval and no sex some time after.
“Yeah, ‘m listening,” Logan repeated, his eyes flickering back to you like a magnet drawn to steel. He leaned lazily against the counter in your lab, but the faint smirk tugging at his lips betrayed his amusement—or distraction. Probably both.
You narrowed your eyes, tightening your grip on the whiteboard marker. "Then what did I just say?"
“You need to… no sex before, no sex after," he recited slowly, as if carefully testing each word to make sure it wouldn’t backfire.
“And?" You crossed your arms, one hand on your hip, the other holding the marker up like a teacher about to deliver a pop quiz. "Do you know why?"
Logan’s gaze swept over you, taking in the way you’d planted your feet and stuck a pen behind your ear in your 'professor mode.' “Because you’re ovulatin’ or somethin’? Or tryin’ not to? Hell, I don’t know what half this stuff means.”
You sighed, turning back to the giant whiteboard on the wall. It was cluttered with colorful timelines, reminders, and arrows pointing every which way, all carefully laid out for the IVF schedule. In hindsight, your meticulousness might have been a tad over the top, but you weren’t about to admit that now.
“It’s because we want to maximize the egg retrieval,” you explained, your tone firm but not unkind. “No sex three days before stimulation so it doesn’t mess with your—ugh, never mind. Just stick to the rules. I made this board so it’s clear.”
Behind you, Logan huffed, a warm, rumbling sound that made you turn sharply to find him grinning.
"What?" you asked, brow furrowing.
“You’re real cute when you’re like this,” he said, gesturing vaguely at you. "Hands on your hips, pen behind your ear—looks like you’re about to lecture me ‘bout quantum somethin’."
Your cheeks flushed instantly, but you steadied yourself, standing taller. “That’s because you’re not listening,” you fired back. "And I have been over this calendar twice. Maybe I should give you a quiz.”
Logan’s grin widened, his teeth flashing. “You gonna give me detention if I fail?"
Ignoring the heat rising to your face, you tilted your head in mock seriousness. “Wouldn’t you like that?”
“Dunno.” He shrugged, clearly enjoying this far more than he should. “Guess we’ll find out if I get somethin’ wrong.”
“Fine.” You capped the marker and tapped it against your hand like a gavel. "What’s the first thing you have to remember?”
Logan straightened slightly, locking eyes with you. “No sex three days before retrieval.”
You nodded, reluctantly impressed. “And after retrieval?”
“No sex for a week.”
“Why?” you pressed, though your voice lost some of its sternness.
“‘Cause it’s somethin’ about keepin’ the process steady—don’t wanna screw up your hormones or somethin’. You didn’t get this doctorate for me to screw it all up.”
You stared at him, unable to mask your surprise.
“Quit lookin’ at me like that,” he muttered, although his smug grin didn’t waver. “Just ‘cause I’m lookin’ at you doesn’t mean I’m not payin’ attention.”
Taking a second to compose yourself, you finally nodded. “Fine, you passed.”
“But what about my detention?” His smirk turned wolfish, leaning just a fraction closer.
You stumbled over your words. “Is this—ugh, is this one of your… you know?”
Logan raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "I don’t know, darlin’. What’re you talkin’ about?”
“You know!” you exclaimed, waving the pen for emphasis. “Your… fantasies or whatever it is you call them.”
His grin was practically sinful now. “Well, now it is.”
“Relax, sweetheart.” His voice softened as he reached out to pluck the marker from your hand, setting it aside on the desk. His other hand slid to your hip, grounding you as he bent just low enough to kiss your forehead. "You’re doin’ great. And we’re gonna get through this—whiteboard rules and all."
You sighed, your tension easing slightly under his touch. “You’d better not fail me on this, Logan.”
“Never,” he said with an almost reverent sincerity, the teasing gleam in his eyes softened by something deeper. "You’re the one thing I’ve always been real good at keepin’ up with."
And damn it if he didn’t mean it.
Since today was the last day you could have sex before your retrieval in 4 days, you decided to surprise Logan. Though you weren’t sure if this was going to backfire on you or not, you thought you’d give it a try.
You had put on something that was the most stereotypical ‘teacher like’ outfit, a white button-up blouse, a black pencil skirt, and some small heels, and went through the regular motions of the school day.
Then, once classes were over, Logan came to your classroom instead of your office like you told him to earlier in the day.
Logan pushed the classroom door open, his shoulders broad and his hands stuffed into his jeans pockets. His gaze swept over the rows of empty desks before it landed on you. You were sitting at your desk, legs crossed, glasses perched on your nose, and a teasing little smile playing at your lips. The whiteboard still had the day’s lesson scrawled across it, but you weren’t thinking about teaching anymore.
“This where you wanted me?” Logan asked, closing the door behind him with a soft click.
You adjusted your glasses, standing up slowly. “Yes, Mr. Howlett. You’re late.”
His eyebrows lifted, the faintest smirk curling the corner of his mouth. “Didn’t know this was official business.”
“Sit down,” you instructed, gesturing toward your chair behind the desk. “You’ve got some rules to follow if you’re going to avoid detention.”
Logan chuckled under his breath but obeyed, sauntering over and lowering himself into the chair. He sprawled comfortably, his legs spread wide, making it look far too small for him. “Alright, darlin’. What’s next?”
You stepped around the desk, your heels clicking softly against the tiled floor. “First,” you began, fingers going to the buttons of your blouse, “you’re not allowed to touch me. At all.”
Logan’s eyes darkened, his smirk growing into a full grin. “That so?”
“Yes,” you said firmly, undoing the top button of your blouse. His gaze tracked the movement like a predator watching its prey. “You’re here to listen and behave. Understand?”
“Guess I’ll behave,” he murmured, his voice low and rough.
You let the next few buttons fall open, revealing the delicate lace of your bra beneath. His sharp inhale didn’t go unnoticed, but he kept his hands firmly on the arms of the chair, his knuckles tightening as you slipped the blouse off your shoulders and let it fall to the floor.
“Good,” you said softly, stepping closer. “Stay just like that.”
You moved your hands to the zipper of your pencil skirt, tugging it down slowly. The fabric pooled at your feet, leaving you standing there in nothing but your bra, panties, and those heels. Logan’s jaw flexed, and you could see the restraint it was taking for him to stay still.
“You’re tryin’ to kill me,” he muttered, his voice strained.
“I told you, no touching,” you reminded him, leaning down just enough to place your hands on the arms of the chair, your face inches from his. “Think you can handle that?”
Logan’s tongue darted out to wet his lips, his gaze locked on yours. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, sweetheart.”
You straightened up, taking your time to slip onto his lap. His hands twitched against the armrests, but he didn’t move them, his breathing ragged as you settled yourself over him, the heat between your thighs pressing against the denim of his jeans.
“See? You’re doing great,” you teased, trailing your fingers along his jawline. He let out a low growl, but his hands stayed put.
“You’re evil,” he said, his voice thick with want.
“Maybe,” you replied, reaching between your bodies to undo his belt. His hips jerked slightly, but he stayed obedient, watching as you unzipped his jeans and pushed them down just enough to free him. He was already hard, and you couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at your lips.
“Not so evil now, huh?” Logan quipped, but his breath hitched as you slid your panties to the side, positioning yourself over him.
“Remember,” you whispered, lowering yourself slowly. “No touching.”
Logan let out a low curse, his head falling back against the chair as you took him in. His hands clenched the armrests tightly, the muscles in his forearms flexing with the effort of keeping them there.
“Darlin’, you’re killin’ me here,” he rasped, his voice rough and shaky.
You started to move, your hips rolling slowly against his. The friction sent shivers through your body, and you bit your lip to keep from crying out. Logan’s eyes were locked on yours, dark and hungry, but his hands didn’t budge.
“You’re so good at this,” you murmured, leaning forward to press a kiss to his jaw. He growled low in his throat, his self-control hanging by a thread.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he groaned, his hips bucking up into you. “How’m I supposed to just sit here?”
“Discipline,” you teased, your breath warm against his ear. “Isn’t that what detention’s all about?”
Logan let out a breathless laugh, the sound strained and desperate. “You’re enjoyin’ this way too much.”
You didn’t answer, your movements quickening as heat coiled low in your stomach. The sound of his ragged breathing filled the room, mingling with your own gasps. You could feel him trembling beneath you, his body taut with tension as he fought the urge to touch you.
“You’re amazing,” you whispered, your voice catching as your rhythm faltered. Logan’s eyes softened briefly, the teasing gleam replaced with something deeper.
“So are you,” he managed, his hands gripping the armrests so tightly you thought they might snap. “But I’m about to lose it here.”
You reached up to cup his face, your thumb brushing against his cheek. “Not yet,” you murmured, leaning in to kiss him softly. He groaned into your mouth, his restraint finally breaking as his hands left the armrests and gripped your hips, holding you firmly against him.
“That’s it,” he growled, guiding your movements now, his strength taking over. You gasped, your nails digging into his shoulders as he set a brutal pace, his lips finding yours again in a kiss that was all heat and desperation.
The classroom faded away, the only thing that mattered was him—the way he filled you, the way he moved, the way he whispered your name like a prayer. And when you finally tumbled over the edge together, his arms wrapped tightly around you, you knew this was worth every moment of waiting.
Breathless and trembling, you rested your forehead against his, your glasses askew. “So much for following the rules,” you muttered, a small smile tugging at your lips.
Logan chuckled, pressing a kiss to your temple. “Rules are overrated anyway.”
“Honey, if you can’t do it, I can. It’s just a little needle.” You said, holding your hand out for the needle, a simple hormone injection that has to be done before the embryo transfer.
Logan stood a few feet away, the needle in his hand looking laughably small against his thick fingers. His jaw was tight, and his brows knitted together in a way that made him look like he was contemplating defusing a bomb instead of giving you a hormone injection.
“I can do it,” he said gruffly, though his eyes darted between the syringe and your exposed stomach like he didn’t quite believe himself.
You softened at his hesitation, lowering your hand. “It’s okay if you’re nervous. I can just—”
“I’m not nervous,” Logan interrupted quickly, his voice firm but not unkind. “I just don’t want to hurt you.”
A small smile tugged at your lips despite the situation. “Logan, I get stabbed with needles all the time. This is nothing.”
He shot you a look. “Not the same.”
You tilted your head, watching him as his eyes lingered on the syringe. His hands didn’t tremble—Logan was steady, always—but there was a vulnerability in his posture that made your heart ache. This was the same man who had faced armies, wars, and unimaginable pain, yet here he was, worried about causing you the smallest discomfort.
“Logan,” you said softly, reaching for his free hand. He let you take it, his rough palm engulfing yours. “You’re not going to hurt me. I trust you.”
His gaze flicked to yours, and for a moment, he just stared. Then, with a deep breath, he nodded. “Alright, darlin’. Let’s do this.”
You leaned back slightly on the edge of the couch, pulling up your shirt to expose your stomach. Logan crouched down in front of you, the syringe still in his hand. He studied the instructions you’d written out earlier—meticulous as always—before glancing back at you.
“This the spot?” he asked, his voice low and steady.
You nodded, resting a hand on his shoulder for support. “Right there.”
Logan’s hand hovered over your skin for a moment before he finally pressed the needle in with careful precision. It stung, but not enough to make you flinch. His gaze stayed fixed on the syringe, his focus unshakable as he slowly pushed the medication in.
“All done,” he murmured after a moment, pulling the needle away. He pressed a cotton ball gently against your skin, his hand lingering just a little longer than necessary. “That okay?”
“Perfect,” you assured him, your smile warm. “See? Told you it was nothing.”
Logan scoffed lightly as he stood, disposing of the syringe. “Didn’t feel like nothin’ to me.”
You reached for his hand again, pulling him back toward you. He let himself be guided, standing between your knees as you looked up at him. “You did great.”
His lips twitched into a small smile, but his eyes were still searching yours, as if looking for any sign that he might have done something wrong. When he found nothing but sincerity, he finally relaxed.
“You’re a hell of a lot braver than me, you know that?” he said, his voice soft.
You laughed, the sound light and genuine. “I don’t know about that. You’ve done way scarier things.”
“Not like this,” he murmured, his fingers brushing against your cheek. “This is new.”
You leaned into his touch, your hand covering his. “We’re in it together, Logan. Every step.”
He nodded, bending down to press a kiss to your forehead. “Together,” he echoed. “Always.”
For a moment, the weight of the last few years lifted, leaving just the two of you in the quiet. It wasn’t perfect, and it wasn’t easy, but it was enough. And that was all you needed.
“I think the mansion is haunted.” Rogue said. “There is no way ya haven’t heard the creakin’ in the night!”
Bobby rolled his eyes, “it’s probably just the AC or someone walking in the hallways.”
Kitty looked over at you as you graded things in your classroom. Though the three of them weren’t technically students anymore and had ‘graduated high school’, they still lived at the mansion because they were X-Men.
“Y/N, do you believe in ghosts?” Kitty asked.
You looked up from your papers, a red pen twirling idly in your fingers, as Kitty’s question hung in the air. The corners of your mouth twitched with curiosity at the way all three of them had their eyes fixed on you—Kitty looking earnest, Rogue mildly skeptical, and Bobby wearing his usual mask of rationality.
“Ghosts?” you echoed, tilting your head. “I don’t know if I’d call them ghosts, exactly.”
“That’s not a no,” Kitty pointed out, leaning forward on her desk as if your opinion held the weight of undeniable truth.
You tapped the pen against your chin thoughtfully. “There’s a theory,” you began, slipping into your natural cadence as a teacher, “about residual energy in spaces where intense events have happened. That energy could, in theory, manifest in ways that we interpret as paranormal.”
Kitty nodded enthusiastically while Rogue crossed her arms, clearly unsure. “What about creakin’ floorboards? That doesn’t sound like ‘residual energy.’”
“Well,” you conceded with a small smile, “this mansion is over a century old, and wood expands and contracts with changes in temperature.”
Bobby smirked. “Told you.”
Kitty huffed. “Yeah, but what about the piano playing by itself? Bobby doesn’t even believe me about that!”
“Probably one of the students pulling a prank,” Bobby retorted with a shrug.
“Or an actual ghost,” Kitty shot back, lifting her chin defiantly.
The sound of Logan clearing his throat from the doorway drew everyone’s attention. “What’re we talkin’ about?” he asked, stepping inside with his usual lazy saunter, his eyes cutting to you instinctively.
“Ghosts,” Rogue said flatly. “Kitty thinks the mansion’s haunted.”
Logan chuckled low in his chest, crossing his arms as he leaned against the doorframe. “Haunted, huh? Sounds like you kids’ve been watchin’ too many movies.”
“It’s not just movies!” Kitty protested, turning to him. “Y/N agrees there could be something! Residual energy or whatever.”
Logan’s gaze flicked to you, one eyebrow raising in question. You shrugged lightly, “how ‘bout this. We meet here at midnight and go ‘ghost hunting’. I’ll prove that it’s just residual energy so Rogue doesn’t have to be afraid anymore.”
“Ghost hunting, huh?” Logan drawled.
You shrugged lightly, capping your red pen. “Why not? Might as well settle this once and for all so Rogue can sleep without thinking she’ll get haunted.”
“Hey, I never said I was scared!” Rogue interjected quickly, her Southern drawl edging her words. “I just think there’s somethin’ weird goin’ on.”
Kitty grinned, nudging her playfully. “Sure, you’re not scared.”
Bobby leaned back in his chair, arms crossed. “This is gonna be a waste of time. But fine, I’ll come. Someone’s gotta keep you all from freaking out over creaky floorboards.”
You pushed your glasses up, a small smirk playing at your lips. “Alright, it’s settled. Midnight. Bring whatever you think you’ll need—flashlights, cameras, whatever—and I’ll bring some equipment from the lab.”
Kitty’s eyes lit up. “Like an EMF detector? And maybe a thermometer?”
“Exactly,” you confirmed. “We’ll keep it scientific, not superstitious.”
Logan snorted softly, pushing off the doorway. “You’ve got this whole thing planned, don’t you?”
“I do,” you said simply, already mentally organizing the tools you’d need. “And you’re coming too.”
“Didn’t say I wasn’t,” Logan replied with a shrug. “Just think it’s funny how serious you’re takin’ this.”
Rogue shot him a look. “You’re not gonna ruin it for us, are ya?”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Logan said with a smirk, but his eyes flicked back to you, his expression softening.
At exactly midnight, the group gathered in the classroom, flashlights in hand. Kitty and Rogue had brought a handheld camera and an audio recorder, while Bobby carried what looked like an oversized camping flashlight. You walked in with a small case of lab equipment, Logan trailing behind you like your ever-present shadow.
“Alright,” you said, setting the case on your desk and opening it. “We’ve got an EMF detector, a digital thermometer, and a few other tools to measure environmental changes. If there’s anything abnormal, we’ll catch it.”
Kitty practically bounced on her toes. “This is so cool. I feel like we’re in a movie.”
Logan crossed his arms, leaning casually against the desk. “Let’s hope it’s not the kind where everyone dies.”
“Logan,” you warned, giving him a pointed look.
He raised his hands in mock surrender. “Just sayin’.”
You divided the equipment among the group, handing the thermometer to Kitty and the EMF detector to Rogue. “We’ll start in the east wing,” you said, adjusting your glasses. “That’s where Kitty said she heard the piano, right?”
Kitty nodded vigorously. “I swear, it was playing by itself.”
Logan’s lips twitched, but he said nothing, letting you take the lead as the group headed down the dimly lit hallway.
The east wing was quiet—eerily so. The air felt heavier, the old wood creaking beneath your feet as you moved through the corridor. Kitty had her camera rolling, and Rogue was carefully monitoring the EMF detector, though so far, it hadn’t picked up anything unusual.
“So, what’s this ‘residual energy’ thing you mentioned earlier?” Bobby asked, his voice cutting through the silence.
You glanced at him over your shoulder. “It’s the idea that strong emotions or events can leave an imprint on a place. It’s not a ghost in the traditional sense, but more like… a recording of something that happened before.”
“Like an echo,” Kitty added, her eyes wide.
“Exactly,” you said with a nod. “It’s one explanation for paranormal activity.”
“Or it’s just people imaginin’ things,” Logan muttered.
“Not helping,” you shot back, though your tone was more amused than annoyed.
The group reached the end of the hallway, where a grand piano sat in the corner of an old parlor. The room was bathed in shadows, the faint moonlight streaming through the large windows.
“This is it,” Kitty whispered, her camera trained on the piano.
Rogue glanced at the EMF detector, which remained stubbornly still. “Nothin’ so far.”
You stepped closer to the piano, pulling the thermometer from your pocket. The temperature was steady, no sudden drops or spikes that might indicate something unusual.
“Well?” Logan asked, his voice low.
“No signs of residual energy,” you said, your tone thoughtful. “But let’s—”
A sudden noise interrupted you—a faint, melodic note from the piano.
Everyone froze.
“What the hell?” Bobby muttered, his flashlight beam darting around the room.
Kitty clutched her camera tightly. “I told you! I told you it plays by itself!”
Logan straightened, his eyes narrowing as he stepped in front of you instinctively. “Alright, what’s goin’ on here?”
You moved closer to the piano, studying it carefully. “It could be the strings,” you murmured, leaning down to inspect the inner workings. “If they’re loose, they might vibrate on their own.”
“Or it’s a ghost,” Kitty said, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and excitement.
You glanced at her, adjusting your glasses. “Let’s not jump to conclusions just yet.”
Another note echoed through the room, this one softer, almost mournful.
Rogue’s grip on the EMF detector tightened. “It’s doin’ it again.”
Logan’s eyes darted around the room, his posture tense. “Alright, fun’s over. Let’s wrap this up before someone gets spooked.”
Kitty frowned. “But we just—”
“Logan’s right,” you said gently, placing a hand on her shoulder. “We’ve got enough data to analyze. Let’s head back.”
Reluctantly, the group agreed, though Kitty and Rogue exchanged skeptical looks as you packed up the equipment. Logan stayed close to you, his protective instincts clearly on high alert.
As you walked back down the hallway, you couldn’t help but glance over your shoulder, half-expecting to hear another note. But the mansion remained silent, the mystery of the piano lingering in the air like an unsolved equation.
“Ghosts or not,” Logan murmured as the two of you trailed behind the others, “you’re braver than me for stickin’ your nose in somethin’ like this.”
You smiled softly, your fingers brushing against his. “It’s just science, Logan.”
“Whatever you say, darlin’,” he said, his eyes glinting with a mix of amusement and affection. “But if that piano starts chasin’ us, I’m not stickin’ around to fight it.”
Two weeks after the embryo transfer your pregnancy test came back negative.
You stared at the single line on the stick, your throat tight as the bathroom tile seemed to blur and shift under your feet. The tiny piece of plastic felt unbearably heavy in your hand. You’d tried so hard not to get your hopes up this time, to remind yourself that IVF wasn’t a guarantee. But after years of trying—after Clomid, after IUI, after the miscarriage—it had been nearly impossible not to hope.
Logan’s voice cut through your thoughts. “Sweetheart?” His knock was soft but insistent against the bathroom door. “You alright in there?”
You swallowed hard, blinking back the tears threatening to spill over. “Yeah,” you managed, though your voice sounded foreign even to your own ears. “I’ll be out in a sec.”
He didn’t push, but you knew he wouldn’t leave either. Logan never did when he thought you needed him.
You took a shaky breath and forced yourself to move. You wrapped the test in some tissue and tossed it into the trash, then splashed cold water on your face. When you opened the door, Logan was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, his expression as steady as it always was—but there was a softness in his eyes that made your heart ache.
He didn’t say anything, just stepped closer and waited. You shook your head slightly, and that was all he needed. His arms were around you in an instant, holding you close as you buried your face in his chest. The tears came then, hot and fast, and he let you cry, his hand moving gently over your back.
“I’m sorry,” you choked out after a moment, your voice muffled against his shirt.
“Don’t,” he said firmly, pulling back just enough to look at you. His hands framed your face, his thumbs brushing away the tears on your cheeks. “Don’t you dare apologize for this.”
You tried to say something else, but the lump in your throat made it impossible. Logan didn’t press, just pulled you back into his arms and held you tighter, as if he could shield you from the weight of the disappointment pressing down on you both.
The rest of the day passed in a blur. Logan stayed close, finding small ways to comfort you without making it obvious. He brewed your favorite tea, even though he always grumbled about the smell of chamomile. He didn’t say a word when you spent an hour re-organizing the bookshelf in the living room, one of your favorite ways to distract yourself when you didn’t want to think too hard. And when the two of you finally went to bed that night, he wrapped himself around you like he was trying to hold all the broken pieces together.
The next morning, Jean found you in the kitchen, staring blankly into your coffee mug. She didn’t need to ask how it went—your face told her everything she needed to know.
“Oh, Y/N,” she said softly, pulling out the chair next to you. “I’m so sorry.”
You forced a small smile, though it didn’t reach your eyes. “Thanks, Jean.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked, her tone gentle but never pitying. It was one of the things you appreciated most about her—she never treated you like you were fragile, even when you felt like you might shatter.
You hesitated, then shrugged. “There’s not much to say. It didn’t work. Again.”
Jean reached across the table and squeezed your hand. “I know how hard this is,” she said. “But you’re allowed to feel whatever you’re feeling right now. You don’t have to hold it together all the time.”
Her words broke something loose in you, and before you knew it, you were spilling everything—the years of trying, the heartbreak of the miscarriage, the hope you’d tried so hard to suppress this time. Jean listened without interrupting, her hand a steady anchor in yours.
When you finally stopped, she gave your hand one last squeeze. “You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for,” she said. “And you’re not alone in this. Logan, me, everyone—we’re here for you.”
You nodded, the lump in your throat making it hard to speak. “Thanks, Jean.”
“Anytime,” she said with a small smile. “Now, how about I make us some breakfast? You look like you could use something other than coffee.”
You let her bustle around the kitchen, the simple, familiar act grounding you in a way you hadn’t realized you needed.
That evening, Logan found you in your shared office, your glasses perched on your nose as you stared at a stack of papers you weren’t really grading. He leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed, watching you for a moment before speaking.
“You don’t have to do this, y’know,” he said.
You looked up, frowning slightly. “Do what?”
“Act like everything’s fine,” he said, his voice low but steady. “It’s okay to feel like shit, darlin’. Hell, I feel like shit too.”
His honesty caught you off guard, and for a moment, you didn’t know what to say. Then, with a sigh, you took off your glasses and set them on the desk. “I just don’t know what else to do, Logan,” you admitted. “If I stop moving, I feel like I’ll fall apart.”
He crossed the room in a few strides, crouching in front of your chair so he could look you in the eye. “Then let me catch you,” he said simply.
You blinked, the tears welling up again despite your best efforts. “Logan—”
“I mean it,” he said, his hands resting gently on your knees. “You don’t have to do this alone. We’ll figure it out, one way or another. But right now, you don’t gotta be strong. Just let me be strong enough for the both of us, alright?”
You nodded, your voice too thick with emotion to respond. Logan stood, pulling you into his arms, and for the first time that day, you let yourself believe that maybe, just maybe, you’d get through this. Together.
You and Jean had gone to see your fertility doctor, mostly for the two week check up since the embryo transfer.
When Jean drove the two of you back to the mansion, Dr. Harper’s words rang in your head, over and over.
“We can try again, but I’m going to be honest. My medical opinion is that continuing down this path may yield diminishing returns. That’s not to say there’s no hope—we absolutely could continue to try—but I want to make sure we’re balancing hope with your overall well-being. I know you are a person based on facts, and I’m sure you know that once you hit your early 30’s, your fertility starts to slowly decline. Given that you’re already having a hard time… the choice is yours.”
The truth was, you were getting older. Everything Dr. Harper said was true, and you hated that you couldn’t argue with her. If you hadn’t been able to get pregnant at 28, why would anything be different now? You stared out the car window, watching the trees blur together as Jean drove back to the mansion. Her presence was steady, calm, just like always, but you could feel her glancing at you every so often, as though trying to gauge whether you were on the verge of breaking.
“You’re quiet,” Jean said softly, breaking the silence.
You adjusted your glasses, swallowing the lump in your throat. “I’m just… processing.”
Jean nodded, her hands steady on the wheel. “Take your time.”
For a moment, the only sound was the hum of the engine. Then you sighed, resting your forehead against the window. “It’s just—what if it doesn’t happen, Jean? What if this is it? We’ve tried everything.”
Jean pulled into the driveway and put the car in park before turning to face you. “I can’t pretend to know how you’re feeling, Y/N. But you’re not alone in this. Logan loves you, and no matter what happens, that won’t change.”
Her words should have been comforting, and maybe they were, but they didn’t erase the ache in your chest. You gave her a small smile, though it didn’t quite reach your eyes. “Thanks, Jean.”
She reached over, squeezing your hand. “You’re stronger than you think. And no matter what happens, I’m here for you.”
You nodded, taking a deep breath before stepping out of the car. The mansion loomed in front of you, its familiar silhouette both a comfort and a reminder of all the life happening inside its walls—life that felt so out of reach for you.
The evening was unusually quiet, with the kind of stillness that felt heavy rather than comforting. You sat in your office, papers scattered in front of you, though your focus was anywhere but on them. You twirled your pen absently, watching the slow circles it traced on the desktop.
Logan leaned in the doorway, his usual casual stance—arms crossed, shoulders slightly slouched—but his eyes were sharp, locked on you like he could see through the calm façade you were trying to maintain.
"You’ve been quiet all day, sweetheart," he said, his voice soft but steady. "Somethin’s eating at you."
You hesitated, chewing on your lower lip as you adjusted your glasses. "Logan, I…" You set the pen down, unable to meet his gaze. "I need to talk to you about something. It’s… it’s important."
That got him moving. He crossed the room in a few strides, crouching in front of you like he often did when he wanted your full attention. His hands settled gently on your knees, his thumbs brushing idle circles.
"Whatever it is," he said, his voice low and reassuring, "just tell me. You don’t have to go through it alone."
You took a deep breath, gathering the courage you didn’t feel. "I went to see Dr. Harper today," you began, forcing your eyes to meet his. "She said… she said we could keep trying if we want to, but the odds are getting lower. IVF isn’t working. She was honest with me—she said my chances aren’t great. And I know she’s right, Logan. I feel it every time."
His expression didn’t change, but you could see the flicker of something behind his eyes—hurt, maybe, or frustration. Not at you, but at the situation. He stayed silent, waiting for you to finish.
"I’m tired," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "I don’t know how much more I can take—physically or emotionally. But if you want to keep trying, we can. I… I just needed to tell you how I feel."
Logan was quiet for a moment, his hands still on your knees, grounding you. When he finally spoke, his voice was thick with emotion. "Darlin’, you’ve done more than anyone could ever expect. You’ve put yourself through hell tryin’ to make this work—for us. And if you’re sayin’ you’re ready to stop… then we stop."
Tears welled in your eyes, the lump in your throat making it hard to breathe. "You’re sure?"
He smiled softly, the kind of smile that was rare from him but filled with nothing but love. "I’m sure. What I want more than anything is for you to be okay. You’re all that matters to me—you always have been. Kids or no kids, that ain’t ever gonna change."
You broke then, leaning forward as he wrapped his arms around you. The tears came fast, but they weren’t all from sadness. There was relief, too—a heavy weight lifted from your shoulders after years of carrying it alone.
"I love you," you whispered, your voice breaking.
"I love you too," he murmured, pressing a kiss to your temple. "And no matter what, we’ll get through this. Together."
The papers on your desk went forgotten as Logan pulled you closer, holding you in the kind of embrace that told you, without words, that you would always have him—and that was enough.
that is 2009!
i felt like after so many years of trying for a baby, it would get tiring with no progress. and even as a writer, i knew there was only so much i could write about them trying. but of course, we know they have gabby in the future, so don't worry about that!
#logan howlett x reader#logan howlett x you#wolverine x reader#wolverine x you#james howlett x reader#james howlett x you#logan howlett#logan howlett fanfiction#logan howlett x fem!reader#logan howlett fic#logan howlett smut#i love you in every time#i love you always and forever
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rubber bands and weights

pairing: lando norris x reader warnings: none words: 800
summary: you ‘secretly’ worked out to show Lando you are able to keep up with him…
As soon as you had started dating Lando he told you he would love for you to do his workouts with him. And you agreed. Which you immediately regretted after the first workout. Or so you thought. Because actually, that had just been the “warm-up”.
You had told Lando you would stop doing the workouts with him. You quit. You fell on the couch and just watched tv being frustrated.
But of course you did the workout again. Though this time without Lando. His workout was jotted down in a notebook so you opened it and started. That went on for about two months. One day you went to Lando, flopping onto the couch, or more on him, and looked up at him.
”Landoooooo?”, you said as he looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
“What do you want, baby? Huh? Food? Drink?”, he asked you as he wrapped his arms around you to hug you close-
“Noo. Can we do the workout together tomorrow?”, you asked him with that pout that never fails to make Lando weak so he agreed to practically everything.
”Are you sure? Like a hundred percent sure? Because last time you quit after the warm up. And watched tv for the rest of the day. I mean we could also just go for a run or so?”
”A run, Lando? A fucking run? You want me to run around like a chicken? Nah. I won’t do that. No way”, you said as you tried to sit up again but Lando held you down.
“Ok ok. I got it. No runs. So you really want to do that workout again?”
”Yes. I promise last time it was just too early or so, you know? I just didn’t have the energy for sports…”, you said trying to convince Lando.
“Ok, then. Let’s do it tomorrow. 11 AM. And not a single second later. We’ll warm up, then do some strengthening exercises and then we’ll eat something with a lot of protein.”
You looked at Lando and decided it had been a bad idea to ask Lando to do the workout. You just ruined your plans to sleep until 1 PM the next day and go to a nice restaurant.
“Why are you looking at me like that? You were the one proposing to do the workout with me!”, Lando complained as he caught you pouting.
“Yeah all good. No I am really looking forward to doing the workout with you, Lan”, you said forcing a smile.
The next morning you woke up tired as fuck. No. Setting an Alarm for 10:30 has definitely been a bad idea.
You changed into your gym shorts, that you actually only chose because you hoped your ass would distract Lando from correcting every single mistake you were going to make, and went to the kitchen to drink a Red Bull to wake your body up.
And 10 more minutes later you were standing in the fitness room of your and Lando’s apartment. The problem - he pulled out some resistance bands and some weights and you were almost a hundred percent certain that those weren’t contained in the workout that was written down in Lando’s little notebook.
“Uhm… Lan? Baby?”, you cleared your throat, “what… what are all those… rubber bands and weights?”
Lando looked up and you saw a mischievous glint in his blue eyes.
“Since you already practiced so much over the last months I figured it was time for you to try something different! It is not good to always do the same workout, baby. You also have to target other muscles and challenge them. So I decided to make a new workout plan extra for you”, he said grinning as he walked over and pressed a quick kiss to your lips.
“Me? Practice? Uhm… no? I… the last time I did the workout was with you”, you protested but you even felt how your cheeks flushed.
“Yeah, sure, babe. You remember how we installed those cameras in the apartment for when we are not home to see that everything’s alright?”, he asked you, smirking.
“OH MY GOD! I forgot those!”, you exclaimed as you facepalmed yourself. “I am such an idiot! Landoooo! Why didn’t you say something earlier?”, you whined. “I wouldn’t have tortured myself with those damn workouts!”
“Well, I didn’t say something because I was thinking it might actually help you so I don’t always have to be the one opening your water bottle because you are not strong enough. Now, let’s start. And I know what you are trying to do with those shorts. Not working. Now on the ground. We’ll start with sit-ups.”
You glared at Lando. “You are evil…”
Lando just smirked.
a/n: again just something small bc i have so much going on with school atm but i hope you like it <3
tags: @strawberryy-kiwii / @a-distantdreamer / @requiemforthepoets / @martygraciesversion381 / @l-vroom4 / @comicqlivy / @sid-is-gr8 / @picklesbuddy93 / @sadiemack9 / @f1fantasys / @cloud-55 / @sunny44 / @widow-cevans / @gigicisneros / @mbioooo0000 / @sinfully-yoursss / @bravo-delta-eccho / @rue-t / @mayax2o07 / @alexanderachillesisgay / @maviesamour / @suhchenjun / @pippyth3hippy / @sweate-r-weathe-r / @joannaln4 / @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy / @aleatorio1234 / @anayaverse
#f1 x reader#f1 fic#f1 x female reader#f1 fanfic#formula 1 x female reader#formula 1#f1#formula one#lando norris x reader#lando norris#lando x reader#lando norris x y/n#ln4 x reader#ln4 x y/n
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➷ BAD HABITS ft. Sae Itoshi (MDNI)
Synopsis: Sae is your ex. But you somehow always end up back in his bed.
Contains: Sexual Content (MDNI), a little bit of angst.
Warning: NOT proof read (I apologise for any mistakes)
Word Count: 2.8k
You found yourself in Sae's bed again, your legs were wrapped around his waist as he slid in and out inside of you. God you missed this. You missed him.
Sae is your ex. You had closed that door month ago when he made it very clear he would always put soccer above you. Which you did understand. It was his career, his dream. But what about you? Where did you fit in? Because he surely never made the time or effort to show you that you meant anything to him.
But you never locked that door. And that was a mistake on your part. You were hoping, praying, he would come back and tell you how much he loved you. But instead, you somehow ended up finding yourself entangled in his bed, just like right now. It was a bad habit of yours. One that you loved and hated at the same time.
You were mad at yourself, but you also couldn't imagine letting any other man fuck you. Sae just did it sooo good.
But you were also mad at him. Why did he let this happen? A part of you was hoping that maybe, just maybe, he missed you, too.
You throw your head back as you feel your orgasm coming, you feel Sae's heavy breaths agains your neck, he was about to finish too. Both of you cling onto eachother as you reach your climaxes. Sae drops down beside you, relaxing his breath, your head spinning.
You feel Sae's hand come up and rest on your stomach. You turn your head to look at him and see him already staring at you.
That annoying smirk of his appears on his face as he uses his finger to trace little circles on your stomach, sending shivers down your spine.
"Nothing. You're just very beautiful like this."
You roll your eyes at him and turn your head away from him. Because, what the fuck?
"Hey, Y/N?"
You don't look at him. You simply answer with an annoyed "what?" As you sit up from his bed, grabbing your clothes.
He grabs your wrist, stopping you. That's when you finally turn around and look at him again.
"Don't... Don't go just yet..."
Was the Sae Itoshi who doesn't give a fuck about anything literally asking you to not leave just yet? You weren't sure if your mind was playing tricks on you.
"What?" Your words come out quieter than intended.
He lets go of your wrist and sighs, rolling onto his back. God, he was beautiful.
"I've just been thinking, Y/N... We've been broken up for months now."
Yeah, you have been. And yet, here you are, in his room, naked, sitting on his bed.
He turns his head to face you again.
"But yet, we always find ourselves back in each others arms."
Was that a smile you saw on his face? A genuine smile? You gulp, wondering what's coming next, not wanting to let your hopes up.
"I mean... I may just be hoping for too much but... Maybe, you still love me?"
Same props himself up on his elbow, staring into your eyes. You feel so... Bare... Under his stare. Even though you are still naked, you feel like he's staring right into you.
You gulp. "And what would that change?"
Before you know what's going on, Sae grabs your arm and pulls you on top of him. You stare down at him underneath you, your hands on his chest. You feel like you're about to explode.
"I'm sorry, Y/N." Is all he says before he pulls your face to his and kisses you with more passion than ever. After a few seconds, he pulls away and stares at you again. "Can you give me another chance? I promise to do better this time..."
Andyou just couldn't hold it in any longer. Tears rolled down your cheeks and you kissed him. Harder than ever before. The words you've been longing to hear. He finally said it. You felt like you could die right this moment.
Maybe this bad habit of always ending back up in his bed was not such a bad habit after all if it ended like this? You couldn't be more happier.
A/N: pls I love Sae sm I could write fics about his every day, all day 🤧
#itoshi sae#sae itoshi#sae itoshi x reader#bllk sae#itoshi sae x reader#sae itoshi smut#blue lock sae#blue lock fic#blue lock x reader#blue lock#blue lock fanfiction#bllk x you#bllk#bllk x y/n#bllk x female reader#bllk x gender neutral reader#bllk x reader#blue lock x gender neutral reader#blue lock x male reader#blue lock x y/n#blue lock x female reader#blue lock x you#blue lock smut#bllk fanfic
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"It aint cheating, its a whatchamacallit"
a/n : prequel for my fic HER DEVOTION placed the link if your interested!
summary : paige was your fuck buddy in discreet, due to her profile on being a school counsil, what happens when she finds out your also fucking one of her council member?
warning : prostitution, sending of vulgar, jealousy,choking,slapping, degration. SMUT
the smell of the strong perfume has been lingering around the room, staring at yourself at the lighten vanity, bruises on your neck to your collarbone, lipstick smudged.
you turned your head to look at the black haired girl who is already staring at you. "leaving already?" juju asked sitting herself up.
"yeah, i have class tomorrow." you stood up walking to her showing her your palm.
"the money?" you asked scoffing and she smiled as if she didn't want to.
"oh shit— i thought this was us being all lovey dovey" juju joked, but once she saw the seriousness on your face, she swallowed her saliva and gave you the money.
once your about to put your jacket on, she speaks up again. "how come paige gets this for free?" you scowled looking at her, nervous.
"what are you talking about?" you frowned and crossed your arms and she tilt her head. "she fucks you too right?" you rolled your eyes shaking your head. "stop saying bullshit." you stated and made your way outside her dorm.
the cold air hit your skin making you shiver, your dorm was just a minute walk from this building the current contact was making you crazy.
how the hell does she know? paige wont tell her right? you thought to yourself, but why does it matter? why do you care about paige's profile so much?
In the morning, your currently sitting down with your friends bragging about your new luxury bag. "who did you fuck this time?" your friend sneered at you. "just some hot chick." you answered and they all squeeled.
you kept talking and talking what you bought with the money that you didn't notice paige behind all of you. once your friend pointed it out you turned around and she was with some few councils.
"what?" you tilt your head frowning and she was glaring at you, did she hear the part where you fucked for this luxury? "other students have been complaining on how loud you are. keep the noise minimal." paige stated clear and you rolled your eyes. "are we the only student here?" you scoffed and looked over at your friends who seems a bit intimidated at paige.
"oh please— have you noticed how loud you are? others seems to be." you crossed your arms standing up to show that your not intimidated by her in any way. "fuck them all." you mouthed and she frowned, you eyes shifted to juju whos walking over to the circle, you keep forgetting that juju is also part of the council.
"paige, principal's calling us both." she looked over at paige completely ignoring your existance which made your ego run down. "ignoring me now ju? didn't seem like it last night." paige's eyes widen, shes not sure if she heard it right so she had to look at juju for confirmation.
"what is this slut talking about?" she muttured and you gritted your teeth, paige's face softened as if everything had cleared it based on what juju said. "ignore her." paige said and walked away with juju.
you yelped and slammed your fist on the table sitting back down clearly annoyed and one of your friends spoke up. "wait, dont tell me you fucked JUJU?" they waited for you to respond but the silence you gave them was enough to answer their assumption.
"holy shit!" they laughed not trying to keep the noise minimal at all. "your insanse!" you groaned hiding your face on your palm.
paige and juju on the other side.
"is that true?" paige asked juju while they walked their way on their office, juju raised her eyebrows amused on why she was curious, she have been suspecting the both of you have been fucking, i mean it was honestly obvious since she was always with paige.
"does it matter?" juju answered and paige stayed silent. "why'd you ask?" juju asked and she glared at juju. "your a council, protect your image, you said it yourself, shes a slut." in her tone there was desperation, which juju catched.
"its our secret, you wont drop me right?" juju teased, to her it was clear that paige was bothered, deft not for her image but there was some lingering jealousy in her tone.
"whatever." paige scoffed looking down, finally arriving at their office.
hours of hell have passed, you had finished all your class and paige was nowhere to be found, juju on the other hand invited you to her dorm again but your fucking mad at her, she had been comforting you and was apologizing but you fucked her off.
so now your on your way home, walking. why? because you spent all your money, you should have lowered your pride and accepted her offer on going to her dorm.
you huffed your lucky your dorm is a walking mile from school.
but what you didn't know.
juju: yo bro
juju: wanna see sumn?
paige: what?
juju: this between me nd you twin
paige: damn js hurry
juju: kay jeez
juju: juju sent an attachment
juju: she taking me so damn well bro she loves this dick smuch
paige clenched her phone tight seeing your position ass up while juju was gripping on your hair, the fact that she shouldn't care who ever fucked you bothered her. the way your taking it so good from the back the way you moaned juju's name had paige in daze.
she looked up the ceiling cursing under her breath, but she realized, you had promised her shes the only whos gonna feel you. so?
she messaged you forwarding the lustful video with juju.
paige: what the fuck is this huh?
paige: just because i have been busy?
paige: answer me right now
paige: missed calls 17
paige: im on my way there right now.
your now home, you felt sticky and icky, you wasted no time running to your shower taking a cold bath. once your done, you got out only a towel wrapped around you, wet strands of hair pressing on your skin, you flinched when you saw paige sitting down on the edge of your bed arms crossed.
"paige?" you called out and stood up walking closer to you. "take it off." she muttured and you looked down frowning. "whats wrong with you?" you asked and she clicked her tounge. "did you hear what i fucking said? or should i do it for you?" your breath hitched, you let go of your towel loosening it, they slid on your body with ease and she licked her bottom lip.
she pulled you by your hand bringing her hand to grip on your neck, you winced and she scanned the trail of hickies on your neck.
"your a fucking whore, cant help it huh?" she dragged you to the bed throwing you there. "did she fuck you so good?" you looked up at her and let out a amused laugh. "what are you even talking about?" you frowned and she grinned throwing her phone at you.
the sound of your lewd moans was enough for you to know what it was.
"so what?" you asked ignoring her phone, she got on top of you slapping you but not enough to hurt you, you gasped eyes widen.
she frowned and kissed you deeply, you felt no love in the kiss rather it was so rough but passionate, she cupped your breast pinching your tits, her knees pressing on your clit.
she pulled away looking at you "whats so fucking good with her?" she muttured clenching her jaw and you sighed. "shes— shes not ashamed of me." you spoke up and she frowned.
"is it about that?" she furrowed her eyebrows and rolled her eyes. "you know i'll be fucked if they find out." for a moment her face softened bit kept a firm expression. "and juju wont?" you replied sarcastic in your tone.
paige sighed rolling her eyes "everyone is suspecting my favoritism towards you- you might get hated if it really cleared it all up." she states in a more concern tone, i mean it was true, paige have been keeping you away from the consequence whenever you get in trouble.
paige started to rub your clit and you whimpered. "i—im already hated enough." you spoke up your voice cracking.
"what are you talking about?" she asked stopping all her movements. once she noticed the tears in the corner of your eyes shes taken back stopping all her movements. "im a whore, dont you see? you think your the only one i mess with?" you ranted tears falling, she sat you up and covered you with a blanket.
"im..." paige was stunned but she kept her gaze at you.
"but why?" paige asked furrowing her eyebrows wanting answers, you kept quiet because honestly, it was you. maybe you loved the validation, the idea of people being so pleasured when it came to you.
"i understand." paige spoke up when you kept silent, she wiped your tears, and kissed your cheeks pressing your head on her chest pulling you in a embrace. "im so sorry.." she muttured
you opened your eyes, a sinful smirk forming on the corner of your lips. you have turned the table once again.
TAGLIST @janaelalfysloml @gabbyygoo @brenwritesss @addl0vee @sharksmom69 @bellaprintz25 @leiyanzyves @belsouza21 @apbueckers @loviingsunflower @luldejamleer @simpf0rriddle08 @paige05bby @scarrr5 @shootingstarrrrr @rosemariiaa @leslienjazzy @liviyy @weluvwbb @vicsstufff @taylynbueckers44 @yourmom-25s-blog @d7dream @paigesbasketball @sevikasleftbicep @azzisbueckers @bribadoobeee @tndaqlwifwy @dalilahissilly @bethsleftnip @fitecuddles @uwupaige @melpthatsme
#lesbian#wlw#wlw smut#wbb#uconn wbb#paige bueckers#paige bueckers fanfic#paige bueckers x reader#paige x reader#paige bueckers smut#paige#paige bueckers uconn#uconn women’s basketball#uconn x reader#uconn huskies#wbb x reader#wlw post#wbb imagine#juju watkins smut#juju watkins x reader#juju watkins
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It’s oh so quiet 🤫
It so peaceful until……
Our two faves are quiet. I am taken this as a beautiful sign of them working and living there life happy together.
As for the adjacent, they are also very quiet. Ant 🐜 is cleaning her IG more reducing even more tags and JD is promoting his play. Nothing special nothing crazy.
The only crazy is straitjacket wearing happenings of Jakolas. OmG! I can understand why there has been a reduction of Lukola social media presence.
The main issue is they tag Jake and Nicola in their bullshit and it is just straight up lies.

And to top it all off you get crazy blind items from who I assume are Antlukes spewing hate to DM about Nicola about the frequency of SM likes. I mean cmon…..FFS
We as a fandom follow our faves because it brings us joy and gives us connection and a place to chat about a common interest.
Perception….the last year was crazy namely last 9 months. Before we knew who A or JD were (I am not sure about you) but I did not follow or look at any of Nic or Luke’s friends profiles.
Until the media labeled, tabloid pushed certain narrative that little sub fandom groups dropped and ran with them, starting to creep, investigate and twist the perception of the real story.
We are fed what we are meant to. But then anyone can write ✍️ a blind item, knowing that it is 💯 inaccurate just to cause chaos. Look at the two recently, one from the SAGs and from DM.
Netflix posted this today

To true….you can destroy the world with your quill. The question is are you willing to believe everything you read or place some faith on common sense and evidence.
I am a common sense evidence kind of gal… my common sense comes to body language and clear signs, that A & JD have just been friends, we are getting fed so many different lines of stimulus from all over the place that it should all just come back to

Our two faves have been consistent in each other’s lives as BFFs for 6 years. They post together and on each other’s grid, you can see and hear the connection in their words and actions.
I hope things stay quiet for there’s and our sake while I love content I prefer them to be at peace.
Things on the horizon…March 27th is when they announce other BAFTAs awards. Manifesting hardcore for Lukola, and if you haven’t voted and can please do.
To finish just a small PSA…..
When I first came on tumblr I had no idea what I was doing. I followed heaps of blogs….mostly those with the names Lukola and Polin in the name. Now as I started blogging my self, and got a bit more savvy, I put notifications on the blogs who I read every day and followed and sometimes scrolled through my FYP. I became complacent and did not know about content on some of the blogs I was following. Nor did interact with them, unfortunately one particular blog which was a big problem was quite rude, and I had no idea.
I guess what I am getting at is if you do not want to be blocked by association or mistaken identity check who you are following before just clicking the button. Just because it says Lukola4evs, does not mean they are kind.
Have a good day 💛🐝
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SO IT GOES - chapter 13
Paige Bueckers x oc Warnings: sexual language & content (smut), hoops written by lila, kiran being clueless, language Wordcount: 11.5K (told y'all this was long) A/C: ty SOME OF YOU for being patient (the ones begging for a chapter 24/7... go touch grass), this chapter is SO LONG but it's what y'all wanted so buckle up!! ily guys i know most of you are respectful, once again i love reading y'all's thoughts so send them to my inbox :)) have fun reading this and sorry for the basketball content and if it doesn't make sense, in my head it did ok (also ty @thaatdigitaldiary for making sure the hoops made sense <33 ily)
Before London
The early morning rays of sun penetrate through the slight gap between my curtains, hitting my eyes in a way that makes me stir. My eyelids feel heavy, as my nose nuzzles the soft silk of the pillowcase underneath my head. I’m still half asleep when I hear faint snoring and steady breathing behind my back. Letting it guide me to consciousness, I focus on the gentle rumbling, the weight of a warm arm wrapped tightly around my waist. My hand is gripping on this very arm, holding it tight and flush against my exposed midriff. As I wake from my slumber, finally fluttering my eyes open I feel the heat of someone’s presence tingling against my back, pressing into my shoulders, the curve of my butt. My heart flutters.
Entangling our legs carefully, I turn around to find Paige, lips parted and face smashed against the pillow, rounding her cheek. The soft snores joint with the AC humming offer a steady lull, making part of me want to close my eyes and doze off again. But I can’t bear to look away. Paige’s long, dark eyelashes are pressed against her tan face, blonde strands falling over her eyes in her sleep. I reach over carefully brushing them back to see more of her, careful not to disturb her. I had never slept in her arms before. Sure, we had slept next to each other on some occasions, but I always made sure to turn around and take my space.
I didn’t do it to be mean or cruel. Matter of fact it felt more cruel towards myself, because every fibre of my existence ached to curl up next to her and lie on her chest. I had never wanted to be close to someone so bad it hurt. Until now.
But I was terrified of getting used to her, her proximity, the warmth of her body in my bed. I couldn’t bear another heartache. I was still utterly fucked up from the last one, I knew it started with letting myself get used to sleeping in her arms which would lead to daily ‘good morning’ texts which would lead to me falling deeper, head over heels for her. I feared getting used to her presence, her affection. Because it would mean I’d start needing it.
But something in me last night didn’t care. Perhaps it was the way she had helped me all night, cleared up plates, made small talk with the guests effortlessly, anticipated all my needs, grew closer with my brother, I’m not sure what. But something had me backing myself into her as I lied on my side, somewhere between sleep and consciousness. She didn’t force anything, didn’t move an inch. But the moment she felt me scooching over her arm was ready to wrap around me. And I grabbed hold of it tightly, clinging to her all night.
I admire her beauty, her sharp nose and soft pink lips, faint lines on her forehead, the star-shaped pimple patch on her cheek. I don’t even realise that I’m smiling, or that the blonde is awake before she smiles too, blinking her tired eyes open.
“You’re staring,” she says hoarsely, voice raspy and rough from sleep.
“No I’m not,” I feebly defend myself, my fingertip tracing along the blonde’s jawline and neck, down to her arm. Paige hums contentedly, wrapping that very arm around my waist and pulling me flush to her warm body. I let her, scratching up and down her shoulder and bicep in a soothing manner.
Her blue eyes watch my sleepy face, our noses nearly brushing as our gazes meet. Her glare has always been intense, but it seems more so at this moment.
“Good mornin’ mama,” she murmurs sleepily. I blush at the nickname, shutting my eyes from the intensity of her stare that’s sending goosebumps up and down my body.
“Good morning love.”
A comforting silence falls upon us, as we slowly allow our minds to wake up.
“I think Rike and Lala know,” Paige says softly, her eyes shut now too as my nails drag up and down her bare back.
“I know,” I chuckle in a gentle way. “Lou too.”
“They not gon’ tell nobody, y’know.”
“I know,” I hum, knowing it was the truth. I suspected Lala had known for longer than me and Paige even have. I stir a little on my side, a familiar tension in my shoulder.
“You okay?” The blonde asks, pulling back the slightest bit. “‘M sorry, I get really warm when I sleep.”
I chuckle, shaking my head, “no, it’s my shoulder.”
“You need to see a massage therapist.”
I grimace, shaking my head, trying to find a comfortable position. “I don’t like strangers touching me.”
“C’mon, c’mere,” Paige coos, maneuvering me with ease so I’m lying on my stomach, most of my weight on her as my leg wraps around her waist. Her hand rubs up and down my back comfortingly, soothing the ache. “Better?”
“Better,” I repeat, chills spreading everywhere. In my tired and blissful haze, I wrap my hand around her chest and kiss her shoulder tenderly as a thank you.
“You need better curtains, it’s so bright,” the blonde groans, throwing a dramatic arm over her face.
“No it’s not,” I giggle. “There’s barely any light coming in. Besides, it’s morning.”
“Too much light, goin’ blind.”
I reach my hands up over the girl’s face, covering her eyes with my palms. “There. Dark. You happy now?”
“Stoppp,” she whines, grabbing my wrists harshly and pulling them away from her. We both laugh sleepily, Paige pressing a gentle kiss on top of my head, smoothing over my wild locks.
“You ready for this game against the Storms tomorrow?” I ask gently, knowing games had become a sensitive subject for the blonde. She shifts, inhaling heavily before answering.
“I’m hyped I guess, wish Nika was comin’,” she says and hesitates. “Can’t wait to play against her next season, God willing.”
I smile, glad to see she’s thinking positively. Paige kept her feelings inside, but I knew the off start to the season was bothering her much more than she was willing to admit. Quickly, talks of Rookie of The Season had shifted from the blonde to Olivia Miles, and the media discourse hadn’t been helping Paige’s confidence.
“Is this the end of the great Paige Buckets? Her rookie season has been disappointing to say the least. She seems to be distracted and in her head, missing threes and middies she used to hit with ease. Many people speculate that Geno Auriemma’s coaching is to bl-” blared from my phone just yesterday as I opened TikTok. It made me want to throw the device onto the ground, but the most I could do was to report the video. If I got content like that on my page, I couldn’t even imagine what the blonde saw on her’s.
“Uh- So what’s the plan for breakfast?” Paige asks, eager to change the subject. I catch onto the hint and let her - knowing that pushing it right now wouldn’t be smart.
“The schedule says blueberry pancakes,” I murmur. The blonde smiles, blue eyes flickering to my face on her chest.
“You memorise it?”
“Course I do,” I scoff. Something about this sets the girl off, pearls of gentle chuckles filling the room as she wraps her arms around me and squeezes tight. I giggle too, feeling her lift me on top of her. As she does the door handle makes a sound and before I know it, a shirtless Kiran is stepping into the bedroom.
“Morni- Oh, whoa.”
I’m lying flat on top of Paige, whose arms are wrapped tightly around my waist under the covers. The blonde quickly pulls the blanket upwards, covering both of us up to our shoulders. It was already an incriminating scene, but even worse would be if he realised the lack of clothes on us from last night’s activities.
Kiran’s eyes are wide, brows raised as he looks over at us. I rummage my mind for an excuse, any sorry reason I’m on top of the blonde in bed. He blinks for a while, as if resetting his brain. But he doesn’t say a word.
“I- Paige was cold,” I murmur in a panic. The blonde nods, pulling the blanket tighter around us.
“I really was, been freezin’ my ass off all night.” Her voice is so genuine and confident even I nearly believe it.
Kiran keeps looking at us, cheeks reddening slightly at the sight. “I was just wondering how, uh, how to use the coffee machine.”
“I’ll come help,” I mumble, about to climb out when Paige pulls me flush against her. It’s then I remember I’m nearly completely naked.
“No!” She yelps, rolling me over to my back, throwing the covers over my body. “I’mma go, you rest mama, had a long night last night,” she smiles, patting my hip carefully. Thankfully the sports bra and basketball shorts on her had stayed on last night. She grabs a hoodie off the ground, throwing it on casually.
Kiran, still red in the face, is processing (now on top of everything, the nickname too). The blonde grabs him by the shoulder to turn him around, walking him out of the room. Flipping over, I groan into the pillow, embarrassed. My ears burn and my heart is pounding, trying to find a way to make sense of this to Kiran without exposing the truth to him.
Throwing on Paige’s shirt from last night, I button it up lazily. But as my hand wraps around the door handle, I realise this probably was the worst possible choice of clothing to walk out in after… that. Cursing internally at my brother who never knew how to knock, I undress and dress again in a pair of leggings and a sports bra, both dark brown and matching.
I exhale deeply before stepping out, prepared to stay composed no matter how flustered I felt. However, I’m surprised to find Paige and Kiran laughing together in the kitchen, making blueberry pancakes and talking about video games - something I never understood.
“Well good morning,” Kiran smiles, mixing the batter. Paige, tired but gleaming with quiet joy, gets up from leaning against the wrap-around island, handing me a large cup of coffee.
“Mm mornin’,” she says with a lopsided smile, fingers rubbing my forearm behind my brother’s back.
“Good morning,” I say, still a little flustered, turning towards him. “Uh, Kiran, so that was probably quite strange to walk into, I just-”
“Oh no, don’t worry. I know how girls are,” he chuckles, and seems to genuinely mean it. I glance at Paige who nods, covering the lower part of her face, hiding the smile that’s forming.
“Sure,” I mumble confused.
“You know, girl stuff,” Kiran adds as the blonde grabs a pan from the bottom drawer, placing it on the stove with a sly smile.
“Right, girl stuff,” I chuckle, shaking my head in disbelief behind my brother’s back. At this point I was beginning to question his intelligence. I was also concerned about what he thinks girls do behind closed doors. Standing beside Paige, sipping my coffee, I feel her hand run down my lower back to my ass, copping a feel just for a second while Kiran’s back is facing us. Giggling silently, I push her hand away, the sneaky touch leaving my skin tingling.
Unsurprisingly, keeping my hands off Izara felt impossible. I knew it would be a challenge, it always was. But at least usually I knew the moment we got home we’d get the chance to do what we’d been craving all day. I had completely taken it for granted. Because now with Kiran constantly around, my hands were subconsciously itching to touch his sister’s arm here, or waist there. To wrap my arm around her and kiss the side of her head. Keeping my hands busy had felt like torture. So I was grateful for the controller in my hands, just to have something to keep them to myself.
“Wh- How are you this good? I’m fucked,” Kiran groans, Fortnite blasting on the TV. He’s leaning back on the leather armchair, rubbing his jaw annoyed. Poor guy wasn’t doing too good. Izzie’s curled up on the corner of my couch with a book in her hand - a sight I’d gotten selfishly used to, trying to remember not to take it for granted like I had the touches and kisses.
“We played a lot with my girls back in Uconn,” I grin, leaning forward in concentration and resting my elbows on my knees, manspreading enough so my skin tingles against the girl beside me. “Back in the good ole days.”
Kiran laughs. “You don’t like it in Dallas?”
I contemplate, long fingers sliding over the controller. I guess that’s how I felt at first, and then again when me and Iz weren’t talking. But whenever she was in my life, the whole city seemed brighter, more vibrant. Especially now. As my eyes glance around the living room for the first time I realise this is my home. I could tell by the framed UConn jersey on my wall, surrounded by posters of my favourite players, the Lego Air Jordan decorating the TV stand, my Bible sitting on the coffee table next to the GQ, the decorative pillows Izzie helped me choose - oh and the girl next to me. Without even noticing, somewhere down the line, Dallas had become my home.
“Was thinkin’ I never would,” I tell Kiran, chewing on my lower lip to concentrate on the game. “But it’s lookin up.” I glance at Izara next to me, absentmindedly scrunching her face as she reads over the page. She always looked so beautiful like that, when she was really using her beautiful mind and having to focus.
The beautiful sight is interrupted, however, by the ringing of Izara’s phone. The girl lifts her head up, reaching for it and sighs.
“It’s Trey, must be work,” she murmurs, leaving the room in a hurry to lock herself into my bedroom. I roll my eyes in annoyance, feeling jealousy simmering somewhere in my stomach. I miss a shot but barely notice, eyeing the bedroom door. To my surprise, Kiran scoffs.
“Slimy guy,” he says.
“Tell me about it,” I reply, grip so tight on the white controller my knuckles turn pale.
“You get bad energy from him too?”
I lean back on the couch, fully aware my t-shirt was hiking up, showing some of my boxers underneath the basketball shorts I had on. “Never liked him,” I chuckle bitterly, feeling some sort of enjoyment as if Kiran was justifying my hatred. It felt satisfying knowing someone was on my side, finally.
“He just wants to shag Izzie so bad, it’s so obvious,” Kiran shakes his head, finally giving up and letting the controller fall off his hand to his lap. “The entire dinner party he was trying to suck up to me, I swear.”
“I saw,” I huff. “He loves to kiss ass, especially Izzie’s.”
“Izzie won’t believe that he likes her.”
I kiss my teeth, finally exiting the game, too engaged in the conversation. I always would be if it meant I got to talk shit about Trey. “Bro I know, I tried tellin’ her.”
Kiran shakes his head, looking at me from the leather chair. “She just has bad judgement with men. Like with her ex too.”
“Jasper?” I ask, reaching my hands up to fix the low messy bun my hair is in.
“Yup,” he nods. “What an asshole that one, a complete nonce. I saw it the minute I met him. Tried to warn her, but you know how she is.”
Yes I did. “Stubborn as hell,” I grin. Kiran looks at me knowingly.
“I just wish I was here to look after her.”
“I’ve been lookin after her,” I say without hesitation. The younger boy looks at me, eyes softening.
“She’s changed a lot,” he mumbles. “In a good way. She seems more… at peace, joyful even.” He laughs. “Wow, never thought I’d be calling my big sister joyful.”
I smile and maybe it was narcissistic of me to think so but I hoped that at least some of that was my doing. I could tell the difference from when she first arrived and now - like night and day. I adored her both ways.
“She was always serious, even as a child,” Kiran starts, smiling to himself. “One time she forgot to do her homework, she must have been like seven, and she beat herself up so bad over it and put these pink sticky notes everywhere around the house, reminding her to do her homework. Mind you, she had never forgotten to do it before. That lasted for many many months.”
I laugh, my heart fluttering at the idea of little Izara and her dramatic little gestures, sticking notes on doors and walls and mirrors.
“Our mum hated those notes, would try to tell her that one was enough but everytime she took them down they were up the next day.”
“That sounds like Iz,” I laugh. “She still lowkey that dramatic.” My face falls, glancing towards the bedroom. The door is still closed. Phew.
Kiran nods, chuckling. “Better not let her hear that,” he grins. “She’s strict. Just like mum.”
“Oh, I know,” I laugh. The times I’d gotten in trouble with that girl. I loved it though, she kept me grounded. She was exactly the type of person I could see myself with for a long, long time.
“When we were kids she was so strict about rules too. One time our granny tried to give us sweets before lunch and she told mum. She kept saying “granny broke the rules”. It was hilarious,” he smiles. “Well, not in the moment because I’d eaten the sweets and she told on me too.”
“Oh trust, it’s strict over here too. One time I got her to get ice cream with me before dinner but it took like, an hour of convincing,” I grin, playing with the ring on my thumb.
“That’s Izzie alright,” Kiran smiles. “The only person I ever saw her bend the rules for was this boy she had a crush on as a kid. Was the funniest thing, she would just walk around yanking his sleeves and if that wasn’t enough to get him to notice her, she’d just pull on the hood of his coat.”
I think for a while, warmth spreading all over my body as I listen to Kiran’s stories. “Well she don’t bend no rules for me.”
The boy looks at me for a while before shrugging and grabbing the controller up from his lap. “Another round then?”
“Look at my girl!” Lala grins, taking hurried steps in her strappy heels when she sees me.
“Hey Lala,” I chuckle, wrapping my arms around her to greet the girl. Even with my heels on she was still much taller than me. Our voices echo around the players’ corridors, loud chatter of the girls, especially Arike’s, coming through the closed door behind us where the team was getting ready, hyping each other up.
“You’ll go sit with Kiran right?” I ask, worried I had to abandon my brother who was sitting amongst the crowd all alone - he wasn’t allowed back here.
“Of course, I’ll take care of your baby brother, don’t you worry girl,” the older woman smiles, smoothing over the cropped baby t-shirt and denim skirt I’m wearing. “This is so cute, I’m not used to seeing you so dressed down.”
I chuckle awkwardly, fixing my straightened hair. “You don’t like it?”
“No I love it, pretty girl,” she smiles comfortingly, raising her brow just a little. “I can see some… Paige's influence.”
“Oh, yeah she helped me pick,” I smile bashfully, knowing Lala knew exactly what me and Paige had been up to. There was no reason to say it out loud though.
“She good to you?” She asks, voice lowering just for me to hear. “Because if she’s not you know who to call.”
“She’s perfectly good,” I giggle, my cheeks heating up.
“Who is?”
I know who it is before I turn, that voice at this point burnt into my brain, engraved into me like a tattoo.
“Mind your business,” Lala laughs, wrapping an arm around Arike who emerges from behind Paige. I laugh, feeling the blondes hands hold my waist as she spins me around, to see all of my fit. My body tenses, breath hitches as a natural reaction to her touch. It was impossible to keep my feelings beneath the surface.
“I knew this fit was gon’ be fire. You look fine mama,” she grins, eyeing me up and down. My knees nearly give in.
“Thank you,” I giggle, all desire to hide what’s going on between us disappearing in front of the engaged couple. Who cares, they already knew. I turn to Paige with watchful eyes, her face softening the moment we make eye contact. I loved the way she looked in her jersey, how broad her shoulders seemed, how well the black contrasted her pale skin. I could never get sick of looking at her, though I’d never tell her this.
Not just anyone could’ve told Paige was nervous - but I saw it written all over her. The picking of her cuticles, the smiles she offered others that fell off her face much too quickly, the way she was shifting her weight back and forth, looking around for any distraction from her growing nerves. I had become an expert at reading her.
“Did you watch the new Love Island episode?” I ask the taller girl, elbowing her gently, offering a distraction. Her skin is sticky from the warm-ups earlier.
Paige looks around for a while before even realising she’s being spoken to. “Uhh, nah, didn’t have time,” she murmurs, chewing on the inside of her cheek.
“Five minutes ladies,” one of the assistant coaches yells. The girl beside me exhales heavily, and it was enough for me to know what she was thinking about. The late night discussions we’d had about Olivia Miles, the guilt Paige felt over the jealousy eating away at her. All current projections were showing Miles to be the Rookie of The Year and now she had to play against her, like some personal battle they were fighting. More than just Wings vs Storms. I tried to remind the blonde it was still early, and even Clark had her issues in the beginning. It was bound to happen. I’m not sure if this helped or made it worse for Paige.
“Heyyy, my favourite team!” Trey beams, approaching all of us gathered in the corridors, making our way towards the court. Immediately Paige’s jaw flexes, and I can tell the man’s presence was not appreciated at this moment.
“Shh,” I tell Trey sternly. “Let them get focused,” I shoo him away, hoping this will help the blonde’s nerves. No pep talks, or reassurance, or encouragement had worked before. I had been nothing but sweet and caring and gentle, but it seemed to have no effect on her game. So I decide to change tactics - she was coached by Geno after all. Gentle words might not be what she needs.
As we stand in the dark tunnel with the team, I face Paige, watching the nervous tapping of her hand on her thigh.
“Stop, look at me.”
Without hesitation, her blue eyes flicker to mine, my hand holding her wrist still.
“You’re more than these people say about you, who gives a shit about Olivia Miles? You bust your ass every single day, and for what? Just to give up the crown that easily? I don’t think so, you’ve gone through way worse,” I tell her sternly, my voice quiet but authoritative in the low chatter filling the tunnel. “You’re not here to entertain, you’re not here to let the media use you as a joke, fuck that. Stop playing scared. Stop playing small. If you screw up at least screw up big, keep looking for your shot even if you can’t get a single one in. You’ve got something to prove Paige. Not to me, not to the fans or the haters but to yourself. Remind yourself who you are.”
She stares at me, face blank as she internalises my words.
“Okay girls, let’s go.”
The team begins to head towards the court, but Paige stands still for a second before glancing up, her teammates far gone.
“Wait,” I murmur, my hands reaching for the hem of her jersey and tucking the fabric into her shorts, all around her waist from the back to the front. “Okay, you can go.”
The crowd roars for yet another layup for Gabby, but I barely hear them. It’s as if the crowd is closing in, my ears ringing due to their screaming. I missed both my jumpers, already getting me back into the mindset I had been in the entire season. I’m not good enough, I peaked in college, I wasn’t the player I used to be. On top of everything she is like a pest, constantly on me.
Sweat drips down my back, the jersey that still felt like a stranger’s clinging to me. Olivia is bringing the ball up the court, eyeing for options. We’re face to face, my hands active to find any moment for a stop. She had been on fire all night, the first half of the game gone much like the media expected. Olivia was hot with 16 points, me? A hard earned six, though the five assists were making me feel a little better. Still not confident in the way I used to be.
Miles glances to the side, looking for help from beyond the arc. Everyone’s locked down. Suddenly our eyes meet. I see it. I feel it. She explodes. Her shoulder brushes against mine as she speeds towards the freethrow line. I follow with fast feet and fast hands, matching her steps, staying locked in. No way she was getting this one.
But I’m not fast enough. She hits me with a quick and nasty hesitation move, then snatching back. I stumble, nearly crashing to the ground. By the time I recover, the ball has already left her fingertips. An “ooh” from the ground and a swish. Easy two.
“That’s rookie of the year for you,” she yells at me as her teammates surround her.
She waves at the crowd to get louder, glowing with an ease I couldn’t have felt more jealous over. An ease I used to have. I couldn’t believe this was happening. Not to me. My jaw flexes and I grind my teeth together, trying to keep my composure the UConn way. She jogs past me, shooting me a smile that says “you got nothin’ on me”. The pounding in my head grows with the noise of the crowd. It’s as if they’re all mocking me, reminding me of who I used to be.
“C’mon P,” Arike screams, patting my butt as she jogs by. I glance to the sidelines, my eyes finding the dark haired girl standing by the team, clasping her hands and furrowing her brows. On top of everything now I was disappointing her too.
“Fuck!” I scream, hitting the cubby as we walk into the dressing room. My anger had been growing exponentially the last few minutes of the first half, but the almost lazy deep three by Miles right in my face had been the cherry on top. It kept playing over and over in my head, the late hand, the way the crowd got on their feet and roared. My face is burning as I throw the towel over my head and groan.
“I need a minute,” I hiss, pushing out of the room as my team rolls in, past Satou and Lou into the tunnel. I rub the bridge of my nose vigorously, leaning my sweaty back against the cool tile of the walls. The whole room was spinning, all my frustration accumulated along the season peaking - all of it directed at Miles. I couldn’t handle having to face the fact it was my own doing. Blaming someone else was so much easier.
“Paige,” Iz sighs, the tapping of her heels echoing around the tunnel. I remain quiet, focusing on the ringing and pounding in my head.
“Paige,” she repeats, more sternly. I open my eyes to find her standing in front of me, looking serious as ever.
“God dammit,” I complain, sliding against the wall onto the floor, my legs bent at the knees as I lean my elbows against them.
“Get up, c’mon,” Izzie mumbles, pulling onto my forearm but with not much success. So instead she sits on the cold floor in front of me, her hands rubbing on my bare calves, not caring that they were dripping with sweat.
“What do I have to say to get you out of your head?” She asks, green eyes roaming my face. I could feel anger, frustration bubbling right underneath.
“I dunno,” I mumble. I felt imprisoned in my mind, stuck in a cage without a way out, locked in without a key.
“Think!” She scoffs, pushing on my arm. My chest heaves as I take deep breaths, rummaging my mind for anything. “What did you do at UConn when you got in your head?”
I chuckle bitterly. “I didn’t have time to, Geno was too quick to get on my ass.”
Izzie looks at me, raising her brows. “Okay, and what would Geno say now?”
He would cuss me out, first of all. Telling me he’s never seen a person play this shit in his life. That I’m the worst person he’s ever coached, that I think I know better even though I don’t know anything. That I might as well stop playing and be benched for the rest of the season because it seems I don’t want it bad enough. That Miles wants it more than I do and that’s why she’s winning. That I’ve gotten lazy, weak. Acting like I don’t even care.
I feel a fire in the pit of my stomach, just a wavering flame now. But it’s reminiscent of something I felt what seemed like a long time ago. In March. The sense of urgency. It’s right there, it’s been there the entire time. I thought it was gone for good.
“Bueckers, inside,” Chris says as he enters the tunnel, pointing at the door. I don’t have the time or sense to say a word to Izzie as I help her off the ground. But before I turn she squeezes my arm encouragingly.
“Stop feeling sorry for yourself, time to wake up P. This isn’t her court, it’s yours.”
The gentle flame was growing, stirring within me now. Beginning of the third quarter had the crowd buzzing with newfound energy, I could feel it echoing around the court, bouncing off the walls, onto me. Time to stop feeling sorry for yourself. Remember who you are. This is my court. My team. I want this more than she does.
I’m face to face with Miles again as I bring the ball up the court, seeing Satou and Arike prepared for any play that I would run. I dribble the ball between my legs thinking for the smartest move, the game like a chess match in my head, when I realise I’ve got a checkmate right here.
I fake trying to push past Miles, who takes steps back accordingly. Before she has time to catch up to what I’m doing, I step back beyond the arc and get settled, letting the ball fly. I had done this a thousand times before. Please God, give it back to me.
“Bueckers with a stepback three, and… It’s good!”
The crowd rises to its feet, cheering for my first made three in the last six games. I don’t celebrate, the UConn discipline still running blue in my veins. But Arike grins, tapping my butt when she runs past. I feel a wave of relief, looking up in a silent prayer of gratitude.
The jealousy and anger I felt towards Miles quickly turned to a newfound fire, making use of my aggression in defence. I’m quick, keeping up with her like a pest. She’s nearly completely locked down, having no other choice but to pass the ball over and over again.
“Another steal for Bueckers, her third of the quarter. She is hot right now. Haven't seen her like this all season.”
I finish with an easy layup, Storms’ defense was not fast enough to catch up. Satou laughs, squeezing my shoulders.
“That’s our rookie!” She exclaims, and I finally allow myself a smile. I can tell Olivia’s getting frustrated as a timeout is called, walking to the bench looking down, rubbing her sweaty face. I’m back, baby.
“Bueckers scored 12 in that quarter alone, it’s looking up for her. If she keeps this up this might be her first 20 point game of the season. Something we’re used to seeing from Bueckers in college but have been waiting patiently for in the league.”
The fourth has her getting desperate, frustrated. I can see it in her eyes, even the way she’s moving with the ball. Hectic, messy. I hope Geno’s watching the game. He’d give me a tap on the shoulder now. I got Olivia Miles stressing.
Her desperate shot at a three is disrupted by my quick hand, hitting the board. Before I can even think about boxing anyone out, Arike is catching the rebound, eyes on me. It’s all I need to know what to do.
I run up the court, Miles right behind me. But I’m faster, catching the long pass from Arike. As I jump into the air for the fast layup, Miles’ body crashes into mine, both of us tumbling to the ground. My eyes remain on the ball, the adrenaline in my body making the collision that would surely bruise my shoulder feel like a playful poke. As the ball falls through the net for the finish, I hear a whistle. And one.
The crowd cheers, the team in the Wings jerseys running to me to help me up. I laugh on the ground as Miles curses, her teammates holding her back to cool her down. As I rise, Arike chest bumps me, screaming something I barely hear into my ear, too focused on watching Miles shake her team off, stomping to the refs to complain about the whistle.
“Fuck is you talkin’ bout!” I yell at Miles, to rile her up even further. Our eyes meet, her nostrils flared with frustration. My chest heaves and my body burns with confidence and a fire as I make my way to the freethrow line. I had finally arrived in Dallas.
“Shot Clock off, ball with the Wings.”
I glance at the score, 78-80. I just need a two pointer, maybe a middie would be the best bet. I thread the ball between my legs, Miles right where she had been the entire game. In my face. She’s focused now, using her anger as fuel. I know there’s a better option than me to take this shot. Yeah I’d been hot, but I wasn’t reliable this season. I pass the ball to Arike, setting a screen for a three. But she won’t take it, passing the ball into the paint to Satou. Gabby got her way too locked down. I move to the weakside corner beyond the arc, as Satou draws in defence by working the paint, instead passing the ball to now open Arike. Defence follows, just a tiny bit too slow. But she won’t shoot it.
Arike glances at me, gets settled to draw in more of the defence leaving me completely open. Instead she passes the ball to me, her eyes locked onto my face. Expression full of confidence, telling me she believes in me. She could have shot the game-winning three, but she knew it was me who needed this win. Not her. Not the rest of the team. Me.
I let the ball fly, blue eyes following as it glides in the air. Olivia jumps, but just a little too late, stumbling as she hits the ground. It feels as if the arena is silent, the only sound is the pounding in my head as the ball comes down. Swish.
I’m not even sure what’s happening when my teammates crash into me, shoving and pushing on me hard enough to leave bruises. But I don’t care, a smile so wide on my face my cheeks begin to hurt. The crowd is on its feet, jumping up and down as I begin to jog around the court, like some sort of victory lap. In a way it sort of was.
My eyes find our bench, Chris smiling widely at me. But my gaze eventually lands on Izzie who’s jumping up and down, telling Trey to keep the camera on me. Her face is sparkling with pride and glee, the aggression and fire still in flames inside me.
“Paige!” A reporter stops me, as I try to catch my breath, smiling with joy. “Paige, 27 points, 10 assists. Your first 20 point game of the season. First double-double of the season. Great game from you overall, how do you feel right now?”
I grin at the camera, squeezing my eyes shut from how wide my lips are spreading. “‘Bout time,” I laugh, wiping the sweat off my neck.
“Paige, where are we going?” I whisper as the blonde drags me by my wrist into the very familiar storage room. She wasn’t talking. Matter of fact she hadn’t said a word, gripping my arm tightly the second we entered the tunnel and pulling me away from everyone. Her fingertips were pressing tightly enough to leave a bruise, as she closes the door behind us, turning on the fluorescent light.
“Paige, you were unbelievable, I know you co-” but I’m interrupted by a starved, harsh kiss. Teeth colliding as she grabs my dark hair tenaciously, pulling on it to maneuver my movements. Her other hand finds the hem of my baby tee with ease, pulling it up to reveal the see through lace bra underneath. Suddenly my body turns to putty, knees trembling at the force which with the blonde is kissing me. Taking control in a way I wasn’t accustomed to. Just like she had of her game on the court.
“P-paige,” I gasp as her lips kiss sloppily around my jaw, getting saliva all over my face and neck. “You’ve got press soon,” I remind her, my voice weak and shaky, already a puddle between my thighs as the girl holds me, lips working me with ease.
“Shut up,” she says, a strange authoritative tone in her voice. I pull back, glancing up at her.
“Excuse me.”
But Paige grabs my jaw, eyeing me underneath her heavy lids in a way that makes me feel small. Not the one in control.
“Shut the fuck up Iz,” she hisses, pushing me harshly into the wall behind me. My breathing grows ragged, the blonde’s lips back on my neck, sucking desperately. The room is spinning, and I’m getting overwhelmingly wet at Paige’s newfound dominance.
“You think you can just wear a skirt like this and I won’t fuck you? Nah, you’re a smart girl. You knew whatchu were doin’.” She murmurs into my ear, grabbing my thighs. There are chills running up and down my body, driving me wild.
“Paige,” I mumble, not sure what for as she pulls my shirt off, unbuckling my bra. My cheeks turn red, overwhelmed by the way she’s handling me.
“Need to see these tits,” she groans, pulling back to eye them. I feel a little unsure under the bright, unforgiving light but the look the blonde gets on her face quickly reassures me.
“Goddamn, you’re so sexy,” she moans and latches onto my nipple, her plump lips sucking on it. I bring my hands to her hair, but she grabs onto my wrists and pushes them against the cool wall. I gasp at her aggressiveness.
“But the lights,” I mumble, feeling my thighs burn as if on fire.
“Baby, you gotta keep your pretty mouth shut and lemme fuck you.”
Suddenly her fingertips are pushing against my thigh, forcing the denim skirt to ride up all the way to my waist. Her hand travels straight to my core, rubbing the fabric of my panties along the slit with her thumb. It’s no shock to me when the satin grows wet in a matter of seconds, my cunt already crying out for the blonde. A desperate whine leaves my mouth as I bite my lower lip, trying not to worry about the press conference that would be starting in a matter of minutes.
“Such a slut,” Paige hisses, kissing my breasts. I’m nearly offended, but for some reason her words were making me want her even more, making me more desperate. I had never been talked to like that before. I could feel my body submitting to her.
I’m too dumbfounded to answer when she spins me around with rough hands, pressing my front into the cold tile of the wall, hand gripping my hair to yank my head back. “Answer me. You’re a slut huh? Wantin’ me to fuck you so bad couldn’t even wait till we got home?”
“Paige,” my voice is breathy, trembling badly. She’s right of course, but my ego or my pride won’t allow the words to come out.
“You wanna cum ma?” She hisses, her breath hot in my ear. I nod eagerly, feeling my wetness begin to gather enough to drip down the insides of my thighs.
“Yes baby,” I cry out in a quiet voice. Paige grins in that familiar, arrogant way, chuckling smugly. It feels humiliating, which only drives me wilder for some reason.
“I can tell,” she teases, smacking my ass. It echoes around the tight storage room, surely loud enough to be heard from the outside. But neither of us care, especially when she swiftly hooks her fingers around my panties and pulls them down, letting them pool at my ankles. I feel the blonde move back, gripping the skin of my ass harshly to get a better view of my dripping cunt, glistening in the fluorescent light.
“Shit, ma,” she groans, unable to resist. Suddenly, three of her fingers slide into me, the stretch causing a jolt to run through my body.
I gasp loudly at the sudden intrusion, reaching back to grip Paige’s wrist. It was too much, way too intense for the setting, for me to remain quiet. But the blonde grabs onto my hand, pushing it away roughly. I nearly resist but then, her fingers curl inside me, against the soft tissue of my walls, and I nearly crash down. I let out a soft moan, nails scratching against the wall as she fucks me from behind with her fingers, my wetness gushing enough to be dripping down to her wrist and forearm.
“That’s it,” she praises, watching my ass jiggle each time she thrusts her fingers. “Goddamn I need to strap you.”
At this I let out a louder moan, the idea getting me even slicker. Paige chuckles, groaning to herself again.
“Yeah? You’d like that ma?”
I turn my head to glance back at her, cheek against the tile of the wall as I nod, eyes low with pleasure.
“Course you would,” she hisses, speeding up the movement of her fingers. “You act like you so sweet and classy, but I know you like to be fucked like a slut.”
I nod, eyes watering from how fast Paige’s fingers are curling inside my dripping cunt, the stretch turning from pain into something heavenly. I could feel my pussy squeezing her long digits, pulsing around them in desperation, gripping onto them as hard as it could.
“Tell me,” Paige says sternly, meeting my gaze. Her eyes are low and heavy, lips parted with want, hair falling out of her low pony, onto her face.
“Like the way you fuck me P,” I whine, embarrassed by the words. But it only riles the blonde on, as she brings her other hand to my front, reaching down to start rubbing tight, fast circles on my clit.
“Oh fuck,” I gasp, eyes rolling back as the pit in my stomach grows almost humiliatingly fast. The sound of the squelching a constant reminder of how much, no matter what I liked to pretend, Paige was the one to have control over me, instead of me over her.
“C’mon baby, be a good girl,” she groans, pressing sloppy kisses into my neck.
“I-” I gasp, feeling the knot in my stomach tighten and tighten, on the edge of bursting. “I’m close.”
“You wanna cum?” She asks to which I nod. “Ask nicely.”
I groan, eyes rolling back. I never liked being told what to do. But the way Paige’s fingers were slipping in and out of me, hitting the perfect spot to make me drip all over her hand, was making me weak, desperate. I would do anything right now. Just to cum. The idea of that felt filthy.
“Please P, please let me cum,” I whine, mind completely blank and forgotten about the press conference, or the possibility of people outside. No, the only thing that existed was me, Paige and her heavy breathing in my ear. “Please,” I cry out, doing everything I can to hold back.
“Good girl,” she coos into my eyes, nuzzling my neck with her nose. “Come on mama, cum.”
Obediently, my body finally rolls over the edge, trembling and shaking as Paige’s hands work my cunt skillfully. I’m gasping for air, the waves of pleasure making goosebumps rise all over my skin, my nipples hardening against the tile. My eyes roll back in ecstasy as the blonde pumps her fingers harshly, eventually slowing down to let me ride it out.
We’re both breathing loudly when she finally pulls away, leaving me with a strange kind of emptiness. I dress in silence, Paige watching me closely. Once I’m all covered up, she walks over and presses a kiss on my forehead. I hum, checking my phone.
“Shit, Paige you must go,” I hurry her, unlocking the door back into the tunnels. Empty, thank God. “You’re late, everyone’s looking for you.”
“Aight, I’m going,” she sighs, about to step out when she turns back around, grabbing my face and kissing it. I kiss her back, smiling against her lips.
“Go!” I giggle, pushing her away.
“Fine!” She laughs, walking out of the room backwards, to keep watching me for as long as she possibly could.
“That was some game Bueckers,” I tell her, which only makes her smile even more as she turns around and begins to jog towards the conference.
“And that three at the end was insane! Dude, you were all in Olivia’s face she looked like she was going to cry honestly…” Kiran explains excitedly, hands flailing around the air as he reimagines his favourite moments of the game. I grin, leaning back in the booth and sipping my hard earned beer. Arike nods, as engaged in the conversation as the boy beside me, clapping her hands together loudly.
“Yo, when Miles got into the refs faces I thought she was gon’ get a tech for sureeee,” Rike chimes in, barely containing her grin.
“Keep playing like that and we got rookie of the year right here,” Lou smiles, clinking the glass bottle with mine. I smile bashfully, looking around the bar a little embarrassed. It was a dingy, quiet one with low lighting, filled with people but we were definitely the loudest ones here.
“Fuck rookie of the year, how’ bout we get that ring,” Arike says confidently. I cover my face with my hand. We both knew that it would be far from our reach this year, but perhaps after a few years of playing together we could have a shot. It was bound to happen. Still, as I got to know Arike more, I learned she liked to exaggerate.
“Aight, enough,” I tell them, patting Kiran on the shoulder. “Let’s get you another drink,” I smile, waving the waitress over.
“Iz will be mad if you get me drunk,” he jokes.
I shrug, finishing my beer. “Let her, it’s your last night here.”
The waitress walks over, long braids and a sweet, Texas smile on her face as she approaches.
“What can I get y’all?” She asks. There’s a perky lilt to her voice, a glimmer in her eye that was far too familiar to me. Her brown eyes stay on mine, before looking me up and down noticeably.
“Two beers,” I simply say, not so affected by the clear hints the girl was giving me although she was clearly gorgeous. Honestly, since I met Iz, I couldn’t even think about another girl. Who would’ve thought. College me would be flabbergasted.
“Nothin’ else for you baby?” She asks, the pet name making Kiran snicker underneath his breath. I grin in a polite way, shaking my head at the waitress.
“Nah, thank you, we’re good.”
She nods, getting the hint. “Well, let me know if you change your mind.”
“Wow, that’s brave,” Kiran laughs as the waitress walks away. “Thinking you’re a lesbian.”
Me, Arike and Lou all turn to Kiran, raising our brows at the same time.
“Hollup,” Arike says, pointing at me. “You think this girl right here is straight?”
Suddenly Kiran’s face turns red, eyes flickering between me and the woman next to me.
“Uhh,” he mumbles. “I mean, Izzie said you’re gay but I thought that was just her joking around.”
At the same exact time, Arike and Lou burst into a choir of laughter, the corners of my mouth curling into a smile as well.
“Oh Kiran,” Lou gasps between laughs, reaching over to ruffle his hair. He had honestly become almost like a little brother only in the week he had spent with us. I knew I’d miss him once he was gone.
“W- So,” He mumbles, looking at me. “You’re gay?”
I nod, pressing my lips together in a tight smile. “Yeah, Kiran, I’m gay.”
“Ohhhh,” he says in realisation. “That makes sense then.”
“You know me and Lala ain’t just friends either?” Arike jokes, making the boy roll his eyes, much like his sister would. God I missed her, but she had to stay behind after the post game conference to schedule some content. Still, even a couple hours apart felt like torture.
“Well yes, you’ve got your hand on her ass 24/7.”
We all chuckle, as the waitress returns, holding two beer bottles in her hands.
“Thank you,” I grin, grabbing it from her. She flashes me a wide smile, before returning behind the bar.
“So why won’t you ask her out then?” Kiran asks, pointing to the pretty waitress with his bottle.
I shift nervously, rummaging my head for an excuse.
“Is she not your type?”
“Nah, it’s not that,” I quickly answer, looking at the girls beside me for any help. But both of them are looking away, pretending to be engaged in a conversation of their own. Traitors.
“Uh, just wanna focus on hoops for a bit.”
Kiran chuckles. “Well, you don’t have to look for a relationship. Why not get with her just for a shag.”
“Uhh, well,” I mumble, my face turning red. Just as Kiran begins to wave the waitress over, Izzie’s voice stops him.
“Are you drinking again?” She scolds her brother. I turn my head to find her standing behind me, arms crossed and face scrunched. I guess it had been a stressful evening for her. My heart aches, wanting nothing more than to sit her beside me, let her order anything she wanted and drive her home to take care of her, to allow her to relax. Every cell in my being wanted to serve her.
“Paige said it’s okay,” Kiran argues. Her green eyes flicker to me, making me nervous and regretful.
“Paige,” she scoffs, everyone around us laughing at our dynamic.
“‘M sorry, it’s the beer. It’s bad for my judgement,” I whine, earning a smile from the girl. It makes me want to burst.
“You’re a constant pain my ass Paige,” she jokes, signalling for her brother to stand up so she can sit beside me. The minute I feel her bare thigh pressing into mine, my body calms down, all my muscles relaxing miraculously.
“I think you like it,” I whisper into her ear, giving her cheek a kiss. Platonic enough to seem friendly to her brother.
“So,” Kiran says, leaning forward. “Paige thinks that waitress is fit.”
Oh God. I watch as Izzie’s eyes follow where her brother is pointing, eyeing the girl before looking at me. Her gaze sharpens, entire demeanor growing tense.
“Oh,” she mutters, furrowing her dark brows. “I see.”
“No, no, that’s not what I said,” I immediately jump in, scolding Kiran. But he simply shakes his head.
“I reckon she should go ask for her number, what do you think Iz?”
The girl shifts so our sides aren’t touching anymore, crossing her arms over her chest. She’s upset, a blind man could tell.
“I think Paige can do what she wants,” she says coldly, avoiding my gaze. Arike covers her mouth to hide her laughter.
“Kiran,” Rike hisses, trying to get him to stop. It’s no use.
“Yeah, she came over and was calling her baby and everything,” Kiran continues, my cheeks burning bright red now.
“I see, well that’s nice,” Izzie mumbles, pulling out her phone just to slide back and forth between her home screens. “Go ahead, do it.”
“No Iz, c’mon,” I say, my hand coming to stroke her thigh gently underneath the table. But she pulls away. I couldn’t lie though, there was a part of me feeling satisfied - Izzie liked me enough to get upset over something like this.
I exhale, knowing this might be stupid move. But I couldn’t bare to have Izzie upset with me. “Kiran, I’m already sorta seeing someone,” I say hesitantly, knowing this was the only way. “She’s awesome, Ion wanna ruin it. I’m so into her.”
Izzie’s green eyes turn to me, our gazes meeting. Her face softens, and slowly she presses against my side again. I feel flutters overwhelming my chest, wanting nothing more than to kiss her right now.
“Oh, my apologies,” Kiran says understandingly, though his hazel eyes remain on me and Iz, watchful.
“Is it someone I know?” He asks.
Me and Izara stare into each other for a moment, and I can tell she’s considering, mulling it over in her head. Maybe her brother deserved to know, maybe he would even like us being together. He certainly liked me, and I liked him.
But the reality is, no one should know, and far too many people already did. As much as I wanted to show everyone she was mine, to shout it from the rooftops, I wanted to keep her here much more.
“Uh, no,” I mumble, finally breaking eye contact. Iz does the same, smiling awkwardly at her brother. Kiran nods, eyes flickering between me and his sister for a while.
“I’m kinda hungry,” Lou complains, eyes skimming the bar. “They do any food here?”
“I think so,” Izzie says, standing up in the booth to look for a menu, until she spots a pile of them stacked at the corner of the bar. “I hope they have mozzarella sticks.”
“You and your damn mozzarella sticks,” I laugh, still aware of Kiran’s hazel eyes locked on me and Iz. I ignore it, standing up with Izara and following her to the bar. She grabs the maroon menu with her slender fingers decorated with gold rings, skimming over the pages.
“They do have mozzarella sticks!” She grins. I smile at her warmly, her excitement heating up my chest. “You girls probably want some wings huh?”
“Yes ma’am,” I smile, leaning over her shoulder to read the menu from behind her. Discreetly, the girl presses her butt into my hips, ever so slightly leaning backwards to send jolts all over my body. My hands are itching to touch her, to hold her waist - in an attempt to resist I slide them into the pocket of my hoodie, keeping them restricted.
“Kiran too, and maybe some fries?” She asks. I turn around, yelling to Kiran over the chatter of the bar.
“Yo, Kiran,” I shout. “Whatchu want?”
Izzie murmurs something, but I barely hear her, trying to make sense of what Kiran is trying to reply all the way from our booth.
“Paigeuhh!” Izzie whines, her hand reaching up and yanking on my sleeve, and then my hood, in an attempt to get my attention. But I don’t turn, because I can see Kiran’s movements stop for a millisecond, eyes suddenly widening in shock, realisation finally hitting him. It’s then I remember the story of Izara, and her childhood crush, and the pulling on the hood. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
We stare at each other, frozen in time. I rummage my mind for a reason, for an excuse, for anything I could use to hide what’s been going on. But the evidence is stacked against us and for the first time, Kiran is finally realising it.
He stands up from the booth, walking briskly to me and Izzie. For a second I think he’s just going to blurt it out, chew Izzie off for not telling him. And I know she’d blame me for it, maybe even start questioning our relationship. I feel my chest aching, my breathing getting heavy.
“Oh, Ki, should we get fries?” Izara asks, oblivious to the past half a minute as her pretty green eyes skim the menu.
“Paige, you got a sec? Can we talk?” Kiran asks, with the authoritative, stern voice of his sister. I knew they were similar, but in this moment as the boy’s face hardened, the family resemblance really came through.
“Uh, sure,” I mumble, cheeks burning up. I hand Izzie my card, tapping her on the arm as platonically as I can, now feeling bashful under Kiran’s knowing eyes. “Order whatever you want Iz.”
Me and Kiran walk around the bar, to the terrace buzzing with people, clumsy and tipsy with alcohol. It smells like dried up beer, and sunscreen as we push through to a less crowded corner, me following right behind the boy.
Finally he stops, turning around. There’s a moment he doesn’t speak, and I think he’s about to punch me. But as he exhales, a sly smile grows on his face,
“Man, I had a feeling something was up. I’ve never seen Izzie acting like that around her friends,” he chuckles, but I’m still having a hard time reading how he really feels about it. For a moment I consider just lying, pretending I don’t know what he’s talking about. But it’s too late, and I’m too tired. I want him to know.
“Kiran, I shoulda said sumn,” I murmur, rubbing the bridge of my nose.
“Nah, my sister should have,” Kiran says, sipping his beer.
“She’s just tryna protect us, we’re tryna keep it on the low y’know,” I immediately defend Izzie.
“No, I understand,” he nods, thinking for a while. “I just feel so stupid. She came out to me a few years ago, before, y’know, Jasper, but I didn’t believe her. I just thought she was one of those girls who wanted to be interesting by saying they like girls too. Never thought she’d actually… Be with a girl.”
I swallow, looking at my feet. “Is that bad? That… uh, that she’s with a girl?”
“No, not at all,” Kiran immediately stops me, making his stance on the thing clear. “She’s just been through so much, I worry about her. She always picks the wrong people.”
I chuckle, nodding. “Yeah, so I heard,” I say. “But I’m not like that. Would rather die than hurt that girl.”
He looks at me, wondering. “So is this like a thing-thing, or just something casual?”
I meet his hazel eyes. “We ain’t talk yet,” I say truthfully. “But personally? I’m pretty locked down.”
Kiran keeps watching me.
“She’s amazing, wouldn’t even dream of hurtin’ her.”
“Good, because if you do, we got trouble,” he says, and I believe him. Truthfully, it’s her who could really hurt me. Not the other way around.
“I’m countin’ on that,” I grin. After a moment of hesitation, Kiran wraps an arm around me, and hugs me just for a moment, patting my back.
“You’re a good person, I know you’ll take care of her.”
“Always gonna,” I hug him back, before pulling away.
“We shouldn’t tell her that I know, she’s going to freak out.”
I laugh. “Yeah, let’s just keep it between us, yeah?”
“Just so you know,” Kiran chuckles as we begin to head back inside. “If this ends badly I’m always siding with her.”
I laugh, finishing my beer. “Yeah, I’d side with her too.”
“Oh, you got it that bad?”
“Passport? Charger? Wallet? Waterbottle? Did you remember to pack your jersey?” I ask as me and Kiran head towards TSA, Paige following a little behind.
“You’re acting like I didn’t make a list,” Kiran groans, earning a snicker from the blonde.
“Okay and you still forget stuff so what’s your point?”
My brother stops, grabbing my shoulders and looking at me reassuringly. “Izara, I have everything. Stop worrying. You’re being like mum.”
The truth was I wasn’t worrying about his luggage, I was worrying about him leaving. My chest ached with anxiety and dread, thinking of the moment we had to say goodbye. I loved Dallas, but my God I wanted my brother here more than anything.
“Okay,” I sigh, fully aware that it was time to say goodbye. I wanted to delay the moment, do anything to push it back just a minute more. But there was no choice, I’d have to face it sometime. Paige, noticing my anxiety, places a big hand on my shoulder and rubs. It’s a comforting and grounding presence that I’m glad to have right now.
“We’ll see each other soon, yeah?” Kiran comforts me. I nod, feeling my eyes begin to well up. Great. I hate crying in front of people.
My brother turns to Paige, smiling in a way that meant something more, but what? I couldn’t tell.
“Take care of her,” Kiran says before hugging the blonde. Paige pats his upper back, nodding as she really takes the words in, like they mean more than what’s being said.
“Always, you take care bro.”
“And come to London, Izzie will bring you.”
I scoff. “I will?”
“You must,” Kiran smiles, pulling back. “And don’t be too hard on her,” he says half jokingly, turning to me. I’m not sure what he means, but before I can ask, he’s wrapping his arms around me. I hug him back, fighting the tears threatening to spill over.
“I’ll miss you,” I simply say, wishing I could keep my brother here forever.
“I’ll miss you too Iz,” he replies, his voice softer than usual.
“Tell mum and dad I said hi.”
“And text me when you land.”
“A-and when you board.”
“Iz,” he laughs, pulling back. “I’ll text you the entire way home, okay?”
I nod, exhaling heavily before letting my hands fall to my side from around him. My eyes burn, my throat feels like it’s about to close. But I don’t cry. I refuse.
“Okay, see you,” he flashes that bright, familiar smile, grabbing his carry-on and finally turning around.
“Safe travels,” I mumble, watching as he stands in the queue, waiting for his turn. Paige’s arm snakes around my waist comfortingly as I chew on my bottom lip, anxiety washing over me. I lean my head to her side, not caring about Kiran possibly noticing.
“C’mon,” Paige says carefully, “Let's go home.”
The drive is silent, as I stare out the window, trying to ignore the pain spreading over my chest and throat. It’s like Dallas knew that Kiran left, the sky a gloomy grey and the mixture of humidity and heat making it overbearing and sticky. There’s a storm brewing. You could feel it. The air shifts, the wind picks up.
Paige walks me to my door, leaning against the frame as I take off my shoes.
“You okay mama?” The blonde asks, watching me closely. The moment she does, I burst into tears, finally getting relief from the burning of my eyes. Without hesitating for a second, Paige steps in and wraps me in her arms, like a cocoon of comfort, closing the door behind her.
“Hey,” she comforts, holding me tightly and kissing the top of my head. “Shh, you’re okay Iz.”
She scoops me in her arms, like I’m the lightest person in the world. I cling to her, holding onto her hood as she’s walking me to my couch and placing me down as carefully as she could. Before I can even notice she’s brought me snacks, water, tissues and there’s a movie on, though I’m barely watching, my eyes wet and red with tears.
“I hate goodbyes,” I sniffle.
“I know,” Paige mumbles softly, wiping a tear from my soft cheek, her fingertips cold against my skin.
“Thanks for staying.”
Paige scoots herself between me and the corner of the couch, letting me sit in her lap while she holds me all evening, simply letting me cry. Not trying to distract me, or make me feel bad. She simply lets me feel it all, making me feel safe to do so for the first time in years.
My arm grows tingly and numb, but I’m too afraid to move it in case it might disturb the sleeping girl. Izzie’s eyes are closed, long lashes pressed against her cheeks as she breathes heavily in her slumber. Her face is puffy and red from crying, lips uncharacteristically chapped from all the biting. I kiss her forehead gently, pulling my arm from under her as carefully as I possibly could.
I stop as she stirs, but quickly becomes motionless again, giving me a chance to escape just for a moment. I climb over the corner of the couch, fixing the blanket over the girl. It felt special to know she felt comfortable enough to be this vulnerable with me. I knew it wasn’t easy for her. Yet she still lets me take care of her like this. Not Trey, not Jasper, me.
I take light steps into her bedroom, rummaging my brain for any sort of chapstick she might have. I check her purse, but there’s nothing. No sign of chapstick. Frustrated, I begin to go through the drawers of her nightstand, finally getting to the bottom one. I kneel over it, moving piles of neatly organised papers out of the way when I see it.
Together with their parents, Jasper Hughes and Izara Chopra request the honor of your presence at their wedding on June 20th 2025 at one o’clock in the afternoon Syon Park Brent Lea, Brentford Reception immediately after Black tie required
The words are printed on a thick, cream coloured paper that feels silky to the touch, heavy in my hands. It’s clean, timeless - the calligraphy gold-embellished and elegant against a backdrop of soft ivory, a silk ribbon carelessly left open around it. My blue eyes read it again and again before I take it in. A wedding. Izara’s wedding. Izzie’s and Jasper’s. Wedding. A wedding I had never heard about. A past kept hidden from me, for a reason I didn’t want to find out.
I drop the invite back into the drawer, crashing down onto the ground, frustration growing within me. My chest heaves and feels tight, like I might be sick. Why would she have kept this from me? She was engaged? The room feels like closing in, my eyes burning hot all of a sudden.
I feel like a joke, checking the date on my phone. June 20th. Kiran had come here to be with her so she could make it through this time. And here I was comforting her, over something I thought was completely different thinking we were something more. I felt like a fool, like an idiot. Just a rebound to someone who had been getting married. Fucking married. Without telling me. I thought we told each other everything.
taglist:@wbbgetsmewetter @thaatdigitaldiary @bueckersfive @lupinqs @sierrale8ne @d3arapril @lovegalor333 @avvwritesstufff @rosemariiaa @bueckers22 @taylynbueckers44 @unadulteratedcyclepaper @rizzlerbuckets @wosolipa @bridgetloveswomen @paiges-1vur @slut4uconnwbb @xxloveralways14 @bueckersbitch @janaelalfysblunt @omg-imtumbling @angryflowerwitch @ohbueckers @ohmybueckers @potatobears-world @st4yyyy @wnbawag @maryjanewatsons @naeswrrldd @she-is-my-unrequited-love34 @paige05bby @paigebaby5
#so it goes#lilas writing yaps#paige bueckers fanfic#paige bueckers fic#paige bueckers x oc#paige bueckers smut#paige bueckers x reader#paige bueckers x fem reader#wlw smut#paige bueckers x fem oc
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ohohoho… no writing blog can go without that one classic hc…
the boys being…
please? :3
(idk if u already did it, pls say u don’t so i don’t get embarrassed by asking again lmfao)
Coming right up my dude, gender neutral reader per usual
Tw for some possessive and yandere-ish type behavior with Nightmare, Killer and to a lesser extent Dust & Axe
The boys are Jealous
Classic Sans:
Imma be real, this rarely happens
He wouldn't be dating you if he didn't trust you, and generally, he's such a chill guy that it's hard for anything to really rattle him (pun very much intended)
He's protective, yeah, but that's pretty subtle, and it's more fear of you getting hurt than you leaving or hooking up with someone else
Not to say it doesn't ever happen
Surprisingly, one way to get him jealous is to laugh at others' jokes. Like really laugh, especially if you laugh harder at them than you normally do at his puns
Hm, he suddenly does not care for you getting all buddy buddy with that person
He'll calmly place himself in the conversation, he doesn't seem to act any different but the vibes are off
Classic: "Hi yes, I'm Y/N's partner. Romantic partner. We're together. Hey, wanna tell 'em about that prank I pulled yesterday?" All said while putting an arm around your shoulder
He is trying so hard to be normal about it but it's clear something is bothering him, it's kind of cute
And yeah the person in question is getting his with the typical passive aggressiveness you'd expect from Sans lmao
By the time you two leave you'll cheekily ask if he's jealous and he'll deny it
Y/N: "That's a shame, he was really funny-"
Classic: "Watch it."
You two will go and have a few laughs over the situation, he also is gonna get you busting a gut laughing in one way or another
Underswap Sans:
The Magnificent Sans is never jealous!
According to him
See Blue has two sides to him, one that's extremely prideful and one that's extremely insecure
He's constantly flip flopping in-between "You'll never find someone as cool as me so you won't bother!" And big ole puppy dog eyes of "Why aren't you paying attention to meeeee" 🥺🥺🥺
The latter largely just comes out as him just being kinda whiney and bothering you, largely behind closed doors as he just kinda glomps onto you and pouts
The former? Well
Someone attempts to hit on you then he just swoops in, picks you up (regardless of how tall you are) then announces
It causes a scene and is just as embarrassing as it looks
And he doesn't even put you down he just walks off with you
Deems it as "coming to your rescue" lmao
Don't give him too hard a time about it though, he means well
And you think he's just as magnificent as he says right? 👉👈
Underfell Sans:
This boy actually is EXTREMELY jealous
And if there's one benefit to having him as a boyfriend it's that his constant snarling and general vibes are good at keeping others away
Which is good, because you're HIS
There's a reason why even in most public places he'll happily let you sit on his lap or keep an arm tight around you, not only because he's a sucker for affection deep down but also so it makes others steer clear
Bro doesn't like when people simply look at you like they're getting ideas, so trust me when I say anyone that actively tries is verbally getting their head bit off
Might actually kick their ass too just for the hell of it, but usually is doesn't escalate that far
Listen he's never been above kicking someone's ass just to prove a point alright?
And yes he has no problem reminding you just who you belong to either
He loves to cover you in hickeys and the marks definitely push the point in, even if you try to hide him. And him getting jealous is just an excuse to add more
Tells you just how good you're being while he proceeds to absolutely ruin you ❤️
Underlust Sans:
Man is a sex worker lmao, so you two aren't strictly 100% monogamous to begin with and it'd be pretty hypocritical for him to be jealous 9/10
If you have to deal with others gawking at him while on stage and behind closed doors, he can tolerate you getting some attention
And he doesn't blame others one bit, you are utterly delicious, he would know
Not to say it doesn't ever happen though, but his jealousy is usually pretty tame and subtle
Normally it's just being bigger on PDA than usual and calmly inserting himself into the situation
Especially makes the habit of deciding to show others just how well he can fluster you up, think whole
"That's a good chat up line, I'll give you that, but try something like this~" before he starts cooing in your ear and turning into a bright red tomato
If you left him might even go as far as to have a gross little public make out session with some heavy petting to push the point in
Others can look sure, they might even be a bit successful in wooing you, but he'll make it clear to everyone that he's the best you'll ever have in that regard
Also does seem like the type to just interrupt mid conversation to leave a painfully obvious lipstick mark on your cheek
And he will indeed be cheeky about (da dum tss)
Horrortale Sans:
Axe is a bit of a wild card I'll be real with you
He's very protective....but is he naturally jealous?
He knows he's an intimidating ass guy with a terrifying reputation, which while he's not yelling about your relationship from the rooftops it's pretty clear you two are a thing. So the number of people who'd be dumb enough to try and snag you? Pretty low
So he's surprisingly chill when you spend time with others, to an extent at least. Does this mean he likes it on the rare occasion when others just hit on you especially when he's like...right there? Hell no
The person in question is instantly grabbed by their shirt and hoisted up into the air, getting a very gruff "you must be confused 'bout something here" as he proceeds to scare the living shit out of the dumbass
You might be able to talk him out of outright killing the guy but even if he doesn't kill him, Axe will break their fucking legs to say the least
Jealousy is not a pretty sight when it comes to him and he's kinda clingy the rest of the day
Growls at anyone else that gets close, you know how to calm him down at this point and assure him that you're always going to be his
However, similar to Red, he's not afraid to give some love bites as a reminder
Fresh Sans:
Oh boy, he's about to be ANNOYING
Emotions are a bit of a mine field for him and I don't he even recognizes it as jealousy. Nor is he easily jealous by any means, but that doesn't mean he likes it when others steal your attention
Randomly just poofs in mid conversation, blows an airhorn and inserts himself like "Wazzzup homies!?"
Woe to the other person in question, who knows if their poor wittle ear drums will ever recover
You know how some cats get extremely loud and clingy when their owners pet other cats? Same energy here
I would say he wouldn't go as far as to sit on you while you're doing something important or knocking things over but uh
Don't put it past him!
And don't try to ignore him it will only make him worse, just give him some proper attention and he'll be happy
Tbh depending on the situation might do what Blue does and just pick you up before breezing away on his skate board
His now/j
But honestly he's rarely if ever an angry jealous type just annoying, but he's not opposed to BONKING someone if need be
Killer Sans:
So anyway he started stabbing-
Okay maybe not that extreme right off the bat, but rest assured bro has NO PROBLEM killing someone who's flirting with or hitting on you
Even if they weren't being serious
He's a bit unhinged and a little shit, so unlike with Axe I would not place any bets on you being able to talk him out of it. If anything that might encourage him cuz why do you want them alive so much???
Honestly Killer has the energy of a person who insists that he's not jealous but actually really is despite how much he tries to play it off otherwise
Y/N: "You are the most jealous man I know!"
Killer: "You know other men?!"
Honestly the mentality also applies when you're around others even if they aren't flirting with you. Probably won't stab them but he's there, around, watching, making sure no one gets too close :)
Whatever you do not intentionally egg on this side of him
Man is fully willing to crave his name into your skin if it means you know who you belong to
Dust Sans:
Hoo boy
Also in the camp of "will murder anyone that actively tries to take you away" but can be talked down with the right words
But honestly him getting jealous is more sad than anything else, because he knows damn well he's a mess and he is already partly convinced you will just leave the moment you find someone else
Even after the person in question leaves, he is clinging onto with a vice grip one that almost hurts as he's repeatedly asking
"You are mine right? No, you are. You are! You will be! I'll do anything! Just....don't look at anyone else like that, please don't- I can't- MINE!-"
He is not mentally stable and his hallucinations in his case do NOT help in situations like this
He can get violent with you while like this, he'll always regret it after and you know how to avoid it from escalating like that but the risk is always there
He'll need some hugs and a lot of reassurance, you've probably all but mastered dealing with these type of episodes by now
Attached to you like glue for a bit, death glaring at anyone that comes too close and is silently just defensive for awhile
Things will go back to normal eventually, but lets hope no one pulls the stunt of hitting on you while your boyfriend is RIGHT there for awhile
Nightmare Sans:
Doesn't get jealous unless you give him a reason to
Nightmare is not the healthiest partner to have, he's already extremely possessive and controlling. He keeps a close eye on you, so encounters that trigger his jealous side don't happen often purely because he does not allow it
Sometimes you're lucky if you can leave the palace without a bodyguard, that's not mentioning how he forbids you from wearing anything too provocative strictly because your body is for his eyes only
And anyone that tries is getting killed, whether you're made aware of it or not
If you try to bring up any issue with it he'll pull some manipulative sight, ranging from straight up gas lighting to down play the severity of it or somehow convincing your that it was simply for the best
After all what if that person didn't have your best interest at heart?
He'll remind you just who you belong to in the end, he won't mark you necessarily, he's not a brute after all but you'll be begging for mercy by the end of it
The right words, the right touches, and soon you'll be happily saying just who you belong to then he'll be as happy as a peach
#💀 the boys (group post)#sans x reader#underfell sans x reader#underswap sans x reader#horrorfell sans x reader#fresh sans x reader#underlust sans x reader#killer sans x reader#dust sans x reader#nightmare x reader#asks#requests
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How do you think Les would act toward Floyd older? After the third movie, I mean.
Calmer, and stable Floyd, who I'm guessing actually got some help in the village. Maybe Floyd got help by talking things out there with someone, like therapy-ish. Or, just his brothers helping him through it all, because that's probably what he needed.
Seeing him happier than when he last saw him.
And, his new hair! I mean, him learning of everything that happened.
Would they get together again, or rekindle whatever reasonship (staying just friends?)
Ohh my story has gone through so many changes and updates that I haven't really talked about on here so it's hard to answer this ask straightforwardly now. 😅
I have caved and decided Les and Floyd still end up together so... 🙈

"I thought you were dead..." | "'M sorry."
Here's an updated version of this old post:
The timeline right now is more or less the same with them having a nasty breakup when Floyd is 22. The cause for it is that until that point Floyd only has hypomanic episodes which raise some eyebrows but they aren't that concerning to anyone, not with the kind of lifestyle they are having anyway. But at the time of the breakup he suffers from full-blown mania with psychosis for the first time which hurts both him as well as Les and the other bandmates.
Then there's the 2 year period where they are apart and Floyd falls hard into substance abuse and bad habits. Then Les bumps into him at a party and gets them to talk outside. It's clear to both that they feel incredibly sorry about what happened when they broke up. Floyd quickly after coming down from his mania realized that what he believed was going was all a delusion his brain convinced him of. And Les feels responsible for the addicted and mentally unwell state Floyd has ended up in.
There's still love there but so much hurt and the trust they had is damaged to the point they're unsure if it's fixable. Neither of them knows how to even address what went down in those days leading up to the breakup.
Les decides to help Floyd get back on his feet but he doesn't want him near the band anymore. He's convinced that the band isn't good for him anyway. He finds him a place to stay and a job in a remote town where not much goes on so he has a chance to sober up. The band at this point is still trying to make it work by doing gigs, so Les visits him little by little in between to check on him during this time period.
They go back to being friends gradually and Floyd shows interest in getting back together romantically from early on while Les has trust issues he can't get past. Les is very reserved and non-confrontational when it comes to addressing his hurt so he doesn't bring it up. Floyd is usually the one who would make those conversations happen, but Floyd at this point isn't aware that he has bipolar and doesn't understand what happened (is happening) to him, and he is very uncomfortable addressing it too.
But eventually they can no longer tiptoe around the topic of their breakup. Les wants to know what happened and why Floyd accused him of the things he did - which to Les it felt like Floyd took everything Les had confided in him regarding his childhood abuse and throwing it back in his face. Floyd feels awful because the only explanation he has is that at the time he really thought they were true. He tells him that he knows they aren't true but that something was really really wrong with him. He tries to explain what he was going through the best he can and he also tells him that whenever he tried to address it back then he was accused of constantly getting high on worms behind their backs which is what caused his paranoia to spiral.
The conversation doesn't answer everything but it makes it clear to both that neither of them wanted to hurt the other person, especially not intentionally. Which is what allows them to make the step into getting back together.
But not long after this Floyd suffers another strong manic episode and messes up at his job and books it out of that town. Once Les finds him and sees him in that hyper and erratic state again but now with more understanding, he tries his hardest to bring it down and help, and he finally firmly tells him that he needs to get professional help. Floyd doesn't like the idea of going to therapy so he says he'll go only if Les goes too to work out his own trauma. Around this point it's also when the band officially breaks up (they just couldn't ever recover after losing Floyd and Liv) so Les has no excuses to give why he can't go and he eventually agrees.
Floyd finally gets his bipolar diagnosis (yay!) and gets "meds" for it, and this revelation also helps both of them to really put the breakup incident behind them.
After this point they're more or less together. I say "more or less" because they're not in a conventional relationship and they're not following the classic rules of being a couple. They know each other inside out and are both deeply and unconditionally in love with each other but whatever they have looks more like casual dating that's been going on for more than a decade. Sometimes they live together like an old married couple and sometimes they don't and they keep in touch through letters and scheduled calls in phone booths.
One day during their "apart time" Floyd stops answering those scheduled calls and Les gets worried and sets out to look for him, which turns into a desperate months-long search while tensions in the country are high, non Rock Trolls are getting arrested and disappearing left and right, and the Rock Kingdom is secretly planning their invasion of the other kingdoms.
#I'm stopping here because this got long!#but uhm les is a mess by the time floyd finally shows up. guy was already going through the first stages of grief... :(#answered#trolls#dreamwork trolls#ex bandmates#trolls floyd#trolls oc#les#floylie#my art#btw sorry for the late reply!
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Cult of Sluts i will add the disclaimer that i by no means represent alpha kappa alpha inc. and this is purely fiction. also want to thank @lvrrgirlll for adding to my inspo and @asheepinfrance for always being a lovely beta reader <3
patrick x fem reader
cw: nsfw (18+), verbal abuse, toxicity
You already knew it was coming. It was in the back of your mind the entire pledging process. The frequent missed calls and texts from Patrick were becoming your new normal. Playing an endless game of phone tag. But you couldn’t tell him anything. You couldn’t tell him where you were or what you were doing until the process was complete, you didn’t want to be disqualified before you even reached the finish line. As soon as you finally crossed line for the Illustrious Iota Gamma chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha, you knew you had to tell him.
You knew how Patrick felt about sororities. He thought they were cults specifically designed to supply fraternities with drunk party girls (aka he just thinks they’re all whores).
But you weren’t going to let your boyfriend’s opinion stop you. You’ve always wanted to be a part of a bigger community during and after college so it was a no brainer.
You decided to break the news over facetime one night after Patrick had actually won his match earlier in the day. So he was in a good mood. Perfect.
“Hey so I actually have to tell you something,” you start. You try to keep doing your makeup at the same time to keep your mind occupied.
“Does it have something to do with why you’re getting ready to go out tonight?”
You didn’t tell him you were going anywhere, you just said you were doing your makeup for fun because he doesn’t like when you go out partying without him.
“I never said I was going out tonig-“
“Do you think i’m fucking stupid or something? When you do your makeup for fun you always use fun colors on your eyes. That’s not what you're doing right now, that’s going out makeup.”
You let out a sigh. That good mood didn’t last long, but when does it ever? Okay maybe you shouldn’t have tried to lie but either way you were going to be berated.
“Yes I’m going out tonight and I joined a sorority,” no point in tip toeing around it anymore.
There’s silence for a moment. Somehow that’s worse than the reaction you expected, Patrick’s never silent. Quite the opposite actually.
You stop doing your makeup and look at where your phone is propped up against some text books, “Hello? Did you hear what I said?”
“What did you say?” He asks but not in the “I didn’t hear you” way but in the “What the fuck did you just say to me” way.
You clear your throat and say it again, “I joined a sorority.”
And then all hell breaks loose.
You’ve learned to tune him out whenever he gets like this because listening to him is exhausting. So you let him argue with himself essentially.
It’s a series of things like: “So that’s why you kept missing my calls for the last month”, “You lying fucking bitch,” “I knew I couldn’t fucking trust you,” “Now your gonna go parade yourself like a slut at all these frat parties huh,” “Only sluts join sororities.” And then he hung up.
You really didn’t want this to ruin your night and you didn’t have the energy to argue so you put on some music and finished getting ready.
The next couple of days don't get any better.
It’s the same tune, same song, whatever the saying is, but Patrick is still pissed. Anytime you call to talk about anything he always brings up that you joined a cult of sluts and he hopes you’re happy with your decision. Oh and that you better not be fucking any frat bros.
You try to bring up that his best friend Art is in a frat and he seems to have no problem with that, but Patrick dismisses the comment saying “It’s different, I’m not fucking Art.” Which is definitely questionable…
So you stop answering his calls. But eventually though he chills out, as you expected. Starts leaving you voicemails like “I’m really sorry baby. I was overreacting, please call me back. I miss you.”
So you decide to click accept when he facetimes you one night while you’re studying in your dorm.
“You look really good,” is the first thing he says.
You dead pan the camera, showing your unamusement.
So he cuts to the chase. He clears his throat, “I’m really sorry for acting like a dick, it’s wasn’t that big of a deal. I was overreacting.” He’s outside somewhere, smoking as always. It looks like he propped his phone up against a window sill.
You really wish you could hold your ground and stay mad. But it’s Patrick. You can never stay mad at him. And he looks really fucking good right now.
You nod, “It’s fine, let’s just move on.”
“I’m coming to see you next week.”
And there it is. That’s why he wanted to put his huge fucking ego to the side for one second. He didn’t want you to be mad at him when he came.
Fast forward to the week Patrick comes to visit. He’s been super lovey and a little clingy to be honest. He even brought you a flower that he picked on his way to your school. That was really fucking sweet and you couldn’t stay mad at him even if you tried.
You convinced him to come to a party your sorority was throwing together with your brother fraternity. Free booze was enough to convince him.
You guys are having a good time partying, drinking, dancing. Patrick is enjoying this party a lot for someone who “hates” greek life.
You two had split up a bit ago and now you were dancing with a few of your sorority sisters.
“Did you guys see the tennis guy here tonight? He’s kind of hot,” Shelby, one of the girls you’re dancing with, says.
You’re drunk but not that drunk. Maybe she just saw him. But how would she know he plays tennis from just looking at him?
“Oh my gosh yes! With the dark curly hair? He’s so fucking tall and he’s really funny! He asked for my number!” Ava adds, shouting over the music that’s blasting through the house.
“Me too! Well he actually asked for my instagram,” Lia laughs. They’re all drunk but also a tad fake, it seems like they’re kind of fighting over Patrick but little do they know.
You’ve only known these girls for a few months and you’ve mentioned Patrick in name but never in pictures.
“Hahaha…” You laugh and it’s the fakest laugh you’ve ever done, “I’ll be right back, wanna get another drink.” You leave to find your boyfriend.
Sure enough, there he is. Arm resting above his head to hold himself up, while another girl stands directly next to him, looking at him.
She’s giggling and blushing and Patrick is doing that stupid fucking smirk that made you fall for him in the first place.
Why can’t you guys ever have a good night?
You storm over there and without thinking you throw the rest of your drink in his face.
The girl yelps running away at the same time Patrick yells, “What the fuck?”
He pulls off his t-shirt, using it to dry his face.
“Don’t what the fuck me! You’re flirting with half the girls on campus, what the fuck Patrick!” You yell back.
He finishing wiping his face off and hangs his damp t-shirt around his neck, “You’re a crazy fucking bitch you know that? You’re the one that joined a cult of sluts. You all look the fucking same, how was I supposed to know that wasn’t you huh?”
“So you flirted with at least three different girls and you thought they were all me? Now you must think I’m fucking stupid,” You bite back, referencing the argument he made when you first told him you were in a sorority.
“You are fucking stupid, joined this dumbass club to fuck dumbass frat boys—“
You cut him off, you’re voice still raised, “I don’t want to fuck frat boys! Why can’t you get that through your thick fucking skull. I want to fuck you dumbass!”
Reassurance. Something you never thought he needed. Patrick had always been egotistical from the day you met him. His ego always walked into room before him. It never occurred to you that long distance was actually hard for him, maybe he was feeling a little insecure.
You assumed that he assumed he was the best you’ve ever had. Never needing that assurance from you because who would leave the best they’ve ever had?
So when this convoluted version of reassurance stumbles past your lips you don’t expect that hint of validation you see in Patrick’s eyes.
In a split second he pulls you in so you guys are making out. A drunk mess of tongue and teeth.
Onlookers disappointed seeing as they expected the fight to go on longer, maybe even witness a messy breakup but instead all they got was a messy makeout.
You stumble into the nearest bedroom which happens to be empty (thank god).
You don’t know whose clothes disappear faster, yours or Patrick’s. But it’s not long before you’re sat on his lap while he pushes into you.
“Fuck baby, so tight,” He moans out as he bottoms out.
“Missed you,” You draw in a breath. Taking Patrick with no prep is not easy, you’re sure you’ll feel it in the morning.
You pull him in for another make out session as you grind down on his cock, riding back and forth in quick motions.
Biting your bottom lip, he eventually pull away and starts fucking up into you, growing impatient, “Fuck I missed you so much, missed your pussy so much, shit.”
He’s fucking up into you while you’re matching his pace, slamming down to meet his thrusts. His hips starts stuttering which means, “I’m gonna cum baby, ‘m gonna cum, oh fuck—” He groans as he spills inside you and his movements come to a halt.
You didn’t expect to cum, drunk sex with Patrick is half and half. Sometimes he’s angry, like tonight, and just fucks you hard and fast. Other times, more infrequently, he’s super lovey and touchy and dopey. He eats you out for what feels like hours. Even once you finish, he keeps going. Maybe he’ll add some fingers too. Overstimulating you until you finish again and again and again.
So you’ll let him make it up so you in the morning. He pulled out and laid you down in the bed while he went to look for something to clean you up.
“That was quick,” You say mockingly as he approaches with a rag he found in the bathroom.
He stops his approach, “Okay well the you can clean yourself up then.” He tosses the rag lightly at your face.
You giggle cleaning yourself up, “But did I lie?”
He pulls his boxers back on before he lays next to you on the bed, “Fuck off. Go fuck one of the frat boys then,” He says while crossing his arms in from of chest.
You curl up next to him, uncrossing his arms so you can lay on his chest, “We’ve been over this, I only want you Patrick.”
He smirks, “I know, just wanted to hear you say it.”
You roll your eyes, “Whatever you say Patrick.”
#mel writes✍🏾#challengers#patrick zweig#patrick zweig smut#patrick zweig x reader#stanford patrick zweig#patrick zweig x you#patrick zweig x y/n#patrick x you#patrick x reader#challengers smut
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Thank you for your response, and i understand your perspective. Just to be absolutely clear, i in no way am saying what Anakin did to the tuskens was acceptable nor that it should be condoned. I agree it was not a good reaction to what had happened. I also agree with you to not bring anything specific irl into this conversation out of respect for those who have gone through such nightmares. It was why I kept it generalized and I have no intentions whatsoever of taking that line of thought further.
You do bring up a good point about Palpatine having affected Anakin's political perspective and I do agree. Though I personally interpreted Anakin's "if necessary" remark as merely his desperate desire for change for the better- which is a thing we can see all throughout history. It is why there are so many government types and why its been changed back and forth. the root is always a desperate desire for things to change, to be better and different than whatever the current failing government set up is.
As for the massacre, I suppose the main reason i dont consider it a warning sign is the same reason you actually see it as one: it means he will do anything to protect his loved ones. If he had also been controlling or domineering towards Padmé, then i would wholeheartedly agree it would be a neon red sign for her to run the other way. However, what I see from anakin in his treatment of literally everyone up until the tusken massacre, Anakin has been nothing but polite and respectful and has done everything in his power to please everyone around him. As a result, I personally saw it as Padmé couldnt possibly be in safer hands based on what she would have seen up until that point.
again, i am by NO MEANS condoning what he did. What he did was absolutely wrong. But I am failing to see why it would be danger sign for padmé as his significant other. Im not sure if the way I'm explaining my perspective makes any sense and i hope you know im not trying to change your mind. im okay with being of different opinions. im just glad we had an opportunity to have a genuine discussion :)
I will die on the hill that to understand Anidala you have to accept that Padme saw the red flags clear as day and went for it anyway. Why? Because Anakin was honest with her. Because Anakin, for all his idolising and putting her on a pedestal, still saw and treated her as a human being, even argued against her at times without fear or without hiding behind clever words. Because Anakin made her feel the youth that was taken from her at a young age. She was captured by the boyish charm and the awkwardness and the blunt honesty, and so when he came to her with a billion red flags, she went for it anyway. He was a breath of fresh air to her.
To understand Anidala you must understand they are 100% freak4freak. They are both children who grew up too fast and are now in a secret relationship giggling like teenagers in their twenties. This is vital to them. Padme is not a flawless character or an idea of perfection, on the contrary she is a very human character who was put in charge of her people at fourteen, something that had a lasting impact on her, and so she is choosing her childhood joy and a fairytale romance over the red flags her husband is waving. She is the OG ‘I can fix him’ mentality. No one is doing it like her.
‘The red flags are mass murder’ and the point still stands.
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𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙤 𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚 𝙭 𝙧𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙬! 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
headcanons of mattheo with a ravenclaw! reader
warnings: mattheo being a simp, mentions taking off clothing, smut, oral (male receiving), mentions of brattiness and brat taming.
⊹₊ ˚‧︵‿₊୨୧₊‿︵‧ ˚ ₊⊹⊹₊ ˚‧︵‿₊୨୧₊‿︵‧ ˚ ₊⊹
⟡ ݁₊ . love at first sight
𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵
⟡ ݁₊ .Mattheo had been moving through the narrow hallway of the Hogwarts Express as he was in search of the snack cart, two gold galleons held tightly in his fist as he rolls his eyes at a group of second years that push by.
⟡ ݁₊ .He was getting ready to give up on finding the cart that held the delicious treats. Convinced that it was too far down the train for him to go and venture to, but when he turned to head back to his compartment, he swears all time had stopped around him.
⟡ ݁₊ .In the compartment in front of him held three people. One being Luna Lovegood who had The Qibbler sprawled out in front of her. Ginny Weasley, who was preoccupied with turning her hair back to normal after one of the Weasley twins had given her a chocolate frog that was infused with some sort of potion to change her hair from red to green.
⟡ ݁₊ .And then, there was you. Pressed against the window that displayed the Scottish countryside, with the white, chunky sweater which made you look beautiful, and a large book of sorts settled in between your two delicate hands. Completely engrossed in whatever words were written in the parchment.
⟡ ݁₊ .He had never felt this sort of attraction before. Mattheo knew he was good looking, despite his last name, girls did not hide the dreamy expressions when he walked by. But out of all of the pretty girls that he had ever encountered, none of them seemed to hold a candle to the witch who didn't even notice he was there.
⟡ ݁₊ .It was only when Ginny saw that Mattheo was staring into the compartment, when he realized what he was doing. He couldn't hear what Ginny was saying, but based on the scowl on her face, he knew it couldn't be good.
⟡ ݁₊ .But whatever it was, was enough to gain the attention from your book as you looked up to meet the gaze of the slytherin boy who stood outside of the train compartment. Ginny could have called him every bad word in the book, but he didn't care, all that he care about was that you saw him.
⟡ ݁₊ .He had made it his mission to talk to you once he arrived to school. He was determined to find out every little detail about you without it seeming like he was stalking you. By the third week of classes, Mattheo had your schedule memorized, you seating placements documented, and the paths that you took engrained into his brain.
⟡ ݁₊ .It had been a month at this point since Mattheo had first seen you on the train. It was now four o'clock on a Thursday, meaning you would be at your usual spot in the library. Probably curled up with another one of those large books you toted around or biting your lip as you worked on an assignment.
⟡ ݁₊ .Mattheo held himself with determination, he was finally going to talk to you. He carefully made his way across the library, his footsteps purposeful yet quiet as though he was trying not to scare a baby deer. When he finally made it to your table, you didn't look up. Too engrossed in whatever you were reading, so he cleared his throat.
⟡ ݁₊ .He had almost forgotten why he had come over here in the first place as you looked up at him with your big, curious eyes. Taking a moment to recompose himself before he made a fool of himself in front of this divine creature, he had made up some excuse that he needed a tutor.
⟡ ݁₊ . "um, I was actually wondering if you could help me in Astronomy. I keep getting my constellations confused."
⟡ ݁₊ .Mattheo didn't really need help in astronomy but he was knew it was your favorite subject (he had to thank blaise for asking luna). You were quiet with your answer, as if you words were a source that had limitations but yet you still said yes.
⟡ ݁₊ .For your first tutoring session, Mattheo had shown up an hour early due to his nerves, but when you made your way through the opening of the astronomy tower adorned in a dark blue sweater, he felt his nerves start to steady. As if just your presence enough was to ground him back to earth.
⟡ ݁₊ .Mattheo realized that you mainly kept to yourself. Your words were never an accident, every sentence was carefully thought out, every vowel had some sort of meaning. You words were a gift whenever you opened your soft lips, a gift that Mattheo would give anything to hear more of.
⟡ ݁₊ .By the third session, you had started to open up a little more to the slytherin boy. Talking about your day as you lean close enough to him to where your shoulders touch, making sure your astronomy book was placed between both of you.
⟡ ݁₊ .Mattheo was relishing on his progress every time you seemed to open up more. Every time that you smiled that sweet smile, or when you laugh at his stupid jokes, the ones that he spent all day preparing hoping they would make that angelic sound come from your mouth, he felt like he was getting to see the real you.
⟡ ݁₊ .By the tenth session, Mattheo had finally decided to confess his feelings for you. He took it slow that night, moving closer to you as the two of you sat on the bench. Listening to you ramble about one of the constellations that he should have been paying attention to, but he was too captivated by the stars that sparkled in your eyes whenever you got excited. He placed his hand on your cheek to make you turn to look at him, a soft smile of adoration gracing his lips.
⟡ ݁₊ ." there's no one like you nova"
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱
⟡ ݁₊ .Throughout the relationship, the nickname, nova, stuck like glue. Mattheo claimed it was because you were brighter than any lame star in the sky.
⟡ ݁₊ .Mattheo was sure to take the relationship thing slow with you after you had admitted that you had never been in a relationship before. Sure, you had kissed Ron Weasley during a game of spin the bottle your second year and you had lost your virginity to a fellow ravenclaw when you had decided that you wanted to get it over with, but you had never dated.
⟡ ݁₊ .Mattheo wanted to prove how good a boyfriend he could be. He could be seen in the mornings carrying your books that you insisted you needed. Holding doors open for you, his hand around your waist, giving you a wink across the room when a professor would announce you had gotten the highest grade on an assignment.
⟡ ݁₊ ."that's my smart girl, i'm so proud of you nova."
⟡ ݁₊ . dates consisted of letting you read while he played with your hair for hours or taking you to the bookstore in Hogsmeade and letting you run loose through the aisles of old, enchanted texts that only you could love.
⟡ ݁₊ .The longer the two of you dated, the more he found out about you as your walls seemed to disappear. He learned that you hated peas because they reminded you of fish eggs, or that your feet were always cold so that's why you wore fuzzy socks, or how you took your coffee with equal parts coffee and the other half creamer as you claim that it gives you an energy burst with the caffeine and sugar rush.
⟡ ݁₊ ."i love you nova, but your coffee experiment is diabolical."
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘹
⟡ ݁₊ .Almost with how Mattheo had broken down your walls when it came to getting to know you, he realized he was going to have to take the same approach when it came to being intimate.
⟡ ݁₊ .Every time his hands slipped under your shirt during a make out session or he started to kiss your neck, you would immediately shy away from his touch. He could see your brain overthinking every little step, the gears cranking behind your eyes.
⟡ ݁₊ .He had made sure that you actually wanted to do this, and that you weren't doing this just to please him. You reassured him that you did want this but you didn't want to mess anything up. You were terrified that if you messed up, the one person who had gotten to see the real you would leave. Of course that would never happen, Mattheo would happily say wedding vows with you now, but besides the point, he wanted to make you feel comfortable.
⟡ ݁₊ .The next time you and Mattheo had found yourselves in a steamy makeout session, he carefully laid you on the bed as he guided your hands over his to take off his clothes. When he was finally bare, you gave him a nod of approval for him to take your clothes off.
⟡ ݁₊ . "let me see you nova, i want to see what a fallen star looks like."
⟡ ݁₊ .The more you and Mattheo had sex, the more you opened up, just like he thought you would. Mattheo didn't rush you, he didn't need to as he felt like each moment he got with you was some sort of treasure.
⟡ ݁₊ .Eventually, you found yourself being quite the brat. Growing more confident with your body and your words over time. Though Mattheo didn't mind the brat that came out of you every so often. Gods he thought it was the hottest thing in the world when you talked back, because not only did it mean that you felt comfortable and safe with him, it also meant that he could put you in your place, something you both enjoyed.
⟡ ݁₊ ."not so bratty any more with my dick in your mouth, huh? that's it nova, such a good girl, even with your bad attitude."
⟡ ݁₊ .Although you had captured Mattheo's heart from the moment that he saw you on that train ride, he had completely changed your life. Opening you up in ways that you could have never imagined (dirty and not dirty). You could not fathom life without the curly haired slytherin who still tells bad jokes, and he couldn't imagine his life without his star.
⟡ ݁₊ ."every night, i look up at the sky and remember that no matter how dark the world gets, i have you- my nova, my brightest light. i don't just love you- i need you, i need you like the night needs its stars. without you, i'd be lost in the void."
#mattheoxreader#mattheo x y/n#mattheo riddle x you#mattheo riddle x reader#mattheo riddle#my works#mattheo x oc#mattheo imagine#mattheo fluff#headcanon#mattheo!headcanon#ravenclaw#ravenclaw reader#slytherin boys#slytherin#slytherin aesthetic#harry potter#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry
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bad idea, right?

genre : idek what to call this, a blurb? ex!chan x gn!reader, inspired by olivia rodrigo’s “bad idea, right?”
synopsis : you were supposed to forget about you ex a while ago, but somehow life is more fun if you both have a secret to keep.
warnings : mentions of vomiting, very very slightly suggestive
a/n : i love olivia rodrigo so much i just had to do this, also i wrote this while watching jurassic park so excuse any typos lmao
It all started when Chan was supposed to give you back the things that you left at his apartment before you two broke up. Some clothes, a phone charger, even a toothbrush. You practically lived there so it was big box of things. He couldn’t just leave it under your door for you to handle it yourself. No, he wasn’t that evil.
He had to carry it inside himself, and since he was already there, you welcomed him inside, it would just be rude not to serve him a cup of coffee. So you did.
It went downhill from that point. You wake up, your cheek glued to his bare chest, and as your body starts to wake up, you feel how badly tangled the limbs of you two are. It was not supposed to be like this. You get up from your bed, and you hear Chan groan.
“Stay, please” Chan mutters, still half asleep. “Just this one last time”
And oh my god. Those puppy eyes he gives you everytime he wants something, you just can’t resist but give in. Just this one last time.
The party is in full-swing, as always. Your friends always throw the best parties and you always end up blackout drunk, but not tonight.
Sitting in the bathroom, rubbing your friend’s back as she’s throwing up terribly, you hear a faint ding from your phone. You immediately know who is texting you, because who else could it be, trying to reach you at 3.30 in the morning?
Naturally, you abandon your friend who’s now passed out in the bathroom. She won’t remember it anyway. You start gathering your belongings to leave the party, when suddenly your colleague stops you.
“Hey y/n, where are you going? I thought you always stayed till the end of the party?” He says while almost tripping over another passed out party animal on the floor.
“Not this time. I’m pretty tired, I’m gonna go home and get some rest. Sorry.” You say with a smile. Technically, you didn’t lie. You were going home and you were going to get some rest. Nobody said anything about who’s home you’re going to.
You leave right away before he starts being nosy like he always is.
Another ding.
“are you on ur way already?” the text says, and you can practically feel how impatient he was getting, which was quite unusual for him.
You quickly answer with a simple thumbs up emoji, and you start walking towards his apartment. It’s not that far away, so you might as well clear your head a bit while you’re on your way there.
As you continue to contemplate about if you actually should keep seeing Chan in secret, you feel a little raindrop on your forehead. The another one. Then another one. And before you know it, you’re drenched in rain water, leaving you shaking from the cold and in clothes so wet that you could squeeze water out of them
Public transport it is.
Once you get to the nearest bus stop, you sit down and finally have a moment to breathe. You pull out your phone and write a quick message to your ex, so he doesn’t worry about you
“sorry, got caught in the rain, it might take me a while to get to yours :(“
Perfect. Now you wait for the bus to arrive, get off at your stop, take the elevator to the top floor and you can rest in the arms you knew oh so well.
Despite the 13 minute delay, the bus arrives and you get in. It’s empty of course, I mean, who the fuck is out at 4 am on a random friday. You, turns out.
First stop, second stop, third… Fuck. You missed your stop. Seems like the universe really doesn’t want you seeing Chan.
“Whatever.” You think to yourself, as you start feeling how much your drenched clothes are actually sticking and clinging to your skin. Disgusting.
You get off at the next stop, surprisingly not that far away from Chan’s apartment. As you stand at the entrance to the building, you take a shaky breath in. This moment is always so exhaustingly nerve-wracking and for what reason? Well, you never quite know what to expect from these visits. Is he going to tell you that you’re the live of his live and that you need to get back together, is he going to fuck you until you think he’s the only man in the multiverse, or is he going to tell you that you two need to seriously stop with whatever the hell was happening between you?
You step out the elevator and walk towards the door of your beloved apartment. The one you knew so well, the one that you spent so much nights in, more than you can count.
Before you can even lift your hand up to knock, the door opens. A sleepy Chan appears in front of you, and all of a sudden, it feels like all of your worries and doubts have been physically removed from that little head of yours.
“Hey. Took you long enough.” he says as he smiles widely at the sight of you in your soaked clothes. “Come on, let’s get you changed. You’re gonna catch a cold.”
You wake up to the sound of your phone buzzing like the world is on fire.
“Where the fuck are you? Why did you leave me when I was in the middle of throwing up?”
Fuck. She did remember.
“Oh, um- I’m sorry I just went to- to uhhh-…”
“Who are you talking to baby?” Chan says in a sleepy voice. He must’ve woken up too.
“Y/n are you fucking kidding me? Is that Chan that I’m hearing? I swear to god if you-“
You hung up. You choose peace for now. You’re going to deal with that mess of your friend later. You have better things to do now. You think to yourself as you roll over to admire the boy beside you. The sight of his body laying so gracefully on the bed where you shared your most intimate moments together, it truly made you feel things.
Chan made you feel things.
So, no matter how many times you try to tell yourself that you guys are done, you know you’ll always trip and fall into his bed.
He’s going to get you back every single time.
#stray kids x reader#skz x reader#bangchan x reader#bang chan#lee know#lee know x reader#changbin x reader#changbin#hyunjin x reader#hyunjin#han jisung x reader#han jisung#lee felix x reader#lee felix#kim seungmin x reader#seungmin#i.n#i.n x reader#fluff#suggestive#blurb#olivia rodrigo
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(warning: uhhh pretty angsty, i guess) (but i suck at writing angst soo uhh..bare with me.) (also another possible ooc)
Okay so, if you were controlling the killers before they trusted you, then you just gave a good reason as to why they shouldn't trust you. I mean, from their perspective, they gotta go through rounds where they're being chased by killers, so imagine their reaction when they found you're controlling the people that is killing them. I think they gonna start a rebellion against you at this point 💀
HOWEVER, if all of them had a mutual agreement to trust you and they found out? Oh, I feel like all of the survivors are gonna go through a rollercoaster of emotions. They're gonna feel any emotions except anything that's positive. Shock, sadness, angriness, disbelief, you name it. But y'know what they all have in common? All of the survivors will feel betrayed.
(How did the survivors figured it out? Well guess what. When you're controlling the killers, they also have VISIBLE, WHITE STRINGS ON THEM !!!11 OH NOES!!!)
Noob just. automatically goes back into being scared of you. All the trust they had for you vanishes. (Especially if you killed them) And now they're putting more efforts into getting out of your strings. They looked up to you. They thought they could trust. But now, they feel like an idiot for trusting you. Why would you do this? WHY?
Now, for Two Time, it depends. If they found out before the obsession, their view on you becomes more negative, and now they think you're some kind of devil. They gonna think you see all of their teammates merely as toys, including them, which puts a bad taste on Two Time. So, expect to see them heavily glaring at your screen, and on rare occasions, even try to cut a string with their dagger.
But during the obsession?
....Well. They definitely saw it for sure, but they choose to ignore it. You see, when Two Time is obsessing over admiring you, they think you're a pure deity that could do no wrong. They totally didn't witness you killing Chance as Chance drops dead on the floor. So uh, Two Time in their delusional era.
Speaking of Chance, he's a....pretty special case. Because instead of immediately losing trust, he initially smirks. Crunky! You're the big bad killer now? Well, if it's a challenge, then he accepts. Chance likes challenges, and you being a killer excites them more. I mean, makes the experience more thrilling, i guess?
However, Chance is NOT blind. They saw how you controlling one of the killers has affected the survivors, and the survivors AREN'T happy. (Except for Two Time he guesses...) It's not like he doesn't give a shit about how their friends are feeling, so basically, Chance has mixed feelings about you, especially as he's thinking more about you being the reason as to why he's stuck in this time-looping game.
Chance won't try to break out of your strings, but you will notice how Chance has a blank face throughout the rounds....
Elliot on the other hand, completely loses his shit, in a bad way. I'm talking like CRASHING THE FUCK OUT type of way. So ALL this time, he thought he could trust you, that you just had good intentions and meant no harm, that you just wanted to help him and his friends. He trusted you, he TRULY did. But then YOU turn around and control those.....those PEOPLE THAT LOVE TO TARGET AND KILL HIM EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. ROUND.
He's saying all of this internally, but trust me when I say that this man is TWEAKING. Like....you can see his eye twitch once in a while and he KNOWS he can't get out of your control, so he just resorts into saying passive-aggressive stuff towards you. He's definitely going to make his hatred towards you LOUD AND CLEAR.
He's mostly pissed off, but another part of him just feels. Crushed. Sad. He genuinely feels so stupid for trusting you. He just..... wants everything to be quiet. And be left alone.
(elliot's reaction summarized):
Shedletsky, Builderman and Guest 1337 are gonna feel the MOST betrayed about this. I mean, at this point, almost ALL of the survivors are gonna be pissed about it, ESPECIALLY THESE 3. Great, absolutely wonderful, they totally asked for this already hellhole game to make their lives worse by having you betray their trust. They're totally jumping up and down from joy.
Even then, they can't get out of your grasp, it's almost as if the world is mocking their lives and purely just sees all 3 of their sufferings as entertainment. It almost feels hopeless. Keyword: almost.
Yeahhh, Shed's gonna rebel by just. Randomly stopping regardless if they're in a chase or not. Oh and he's gonna purposely miss his slash no matter how correct and close the position is (bro's gonna step back). Builderman's the MOST BLUNT. Bro's gonna start dissing you, telling you that you're just like the killers: seeing their fear and deaths merely as entertainment. Guest 1337 won't do much, but he WILL give you disapproving looks and sometimes snears at you.
(I just know Shed will be MORE pissed off if you're playing as 1x1x1x1. Like...dude. C'mon, REALLY? YOU'RE CONTROLLING HIS LITERAL EMBODIMENT OF HATRED??? Ohhh, Shed is SEETHING, meanwhile, 1x1x1x1's pride and ego is secretly rising, and he's got a cocky grin on his face.)
007n7....has nothing to say, initially. It's just.... This is just too much for him. First he has to deal with his son being a killer, and now he has to deal with you? Yeahhhh... bro will be the first person to accept his fate. And when you're playing as him again, 007n7 will avoid eye contact with you as MUCH as possible. He needs someone to talk to :broken_heart:
In conclusion? You better have the option of being a killer disabled. Or have a 700-word essay with REASONABLE and GOOD explanations as to why you've played as a killer.
#⭐️ self aware forsaken au#forsaken x reader#noob x reader#two time x reader#chance x reader#elliot x reader#shedletsky x reader#builderman x reader#guest 1337 x reader#007n7 x reader#FORGOT TO MENTION#ik azure isn't out (yet) but imagine Two Time's reaction if you played as Azure???!?!#Two Time will be HEARTBROKENNNNN#heavenly-wounded
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(Look, I can’t even do the whole “list of sources” thing anymore. I’ve been livid for 10 hours now. I just need to vent.)
In addition to inciting fear and hiking up tensions in the past few weeks, organizing various paid goons to play at a counter-protest and to threaten students, blocking intercity and city public transport and rolling out special police forces and armored vehicles, last night in Belgrade the absolute cowards constituting the Serbian leadership apparently ordered the use of what seems to be a sound cannon on hundreds of thousands of people, in order to interrupt and break up an ENTIRELY SILENT, PEACEFUL 15-minute vigil. A vigil for victims of an “accident” that same leadership is still refusing to take any accountability for, systemically or individually, 4+ months later.
No incidents preceded this, by the way. This wasn’t a riot. Not that it should matter, since these tactics are never implemented to protect anyone anyway, but I feel compelled to say that. There was zero “justifiable cause”. There weren’t even any uniformed police in that area that anyone could see.
People were rightfully terrified because a) this has never happened before so they legitimately didn’t know if there’s something crashing down on their heads (which is how we got here in the first fucking place, isn’t it) or a bomb going off or what, and b) there was absolutely ZERO reason to expect it to happen then, other than the government getting pissy and taking issue with 300,000+ (at the most rigid estimate) people coming to protest peacefully.
And to be perfectly clear, I don’t think using an LRAD in this way is EVER justifiable, considering it’s almost guaranteed to cause mass injury as a result of stampedes as well as possibly hearing damage—but the sheer pathetic spinelessness of using it out of nowhere on a bunch of people, including the elderly and babies in fucking strollers, who are literally just standing still and silent for fifteen minutes to honor and grieve a deeply traumatic national tragedy is just…heinous.
As of right now I’m not sure how many people got hurt (in this incident as well as the subsequent physical attacks on the students from “random” hooligans and clashes with the cops) but I know it’s one too many, and there’s civil rights orgs offering free legal support to those who did.
And here’s the punchline: after all that, the fucking police had the gall to issue a statement saying “this wasn’t us, the use of sound cannons is illegal in Serbia.”
Oh, really? Who or what was it then, do you think? Maybe a particularly loud bicycle horn sent all those people ducking for cover? Somebody’s kid brother pulling out a portable speaker for shits and giggles? Or are you implying that somehow, some 19-yearold who’s studying film and works at the local coffeeshop or whatever is ordering American-grade sonic weapons off of Temu to use for the students’ nefarious government-toppling schemes?
“It wasn’t us, that’d be illegal 🥺” Give me a fucking break.
And maybe the question we should be asking is, “how in the world did we get to a point where the regime can afford to be so transparent? As if it’s normal for the police to even deny something like this. As if the alternative—which would be that we simply have rogue off-label weapons floating around, I guess, which are being used illegally on thousands of members of the public by some unknown force that the cops can supposedly neither predict nor control—even if it were true, is somehow fine and doesn’t make the govt look even more inept and culpable?”
I mean. I know how we got here. It’s painfully goddamn obvious how, and I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but Jesus Christ. Clown fucking state.
#three guesses as to whether this’ll get any mention in foreign media. as per usual#I’d say I’m sorry for ranting but fuck man I’m just so tired#serbia#serbia protests#delete later#or not who knows anymore.
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