#which one is the saddest
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frenchublog · 2 days ago
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beedreamscape · 23 days ago
This has to be the last thing I say on C3 finale because otherwise, I will not stop, it simply baffles me in its mediocrity. And obviously, this will be negative, if you loved it, good for you, this is my takeaway as someone who loved this campaign and was severely let down.
This finale changes everything that came before and not for good, better yet, it emphasizes all the faults in the structure of what c3 tried to be, it made most of the campaign feel like a true exercise in futility — How far can we go in a campaign that is meandering and unsatisfying? How long can we have the same discussion over and over and over again despite everyone knowing how this will end? How long can we drag out characters that don't change without anyone noticing? (spoiler everyone noticed)
Can't say I was emotionally invested in the finale because I tapped out back in the 70s, came back for Aeor/Downfall shenanigans, and left again. But in experiencing the finale something became clear to me:
If the objective from the very conception of C3 was to wipe out the gods, that had to be clear from the very start. And it wasn't clear, at all — not in the characters, not in the starting city, not in theme. This was a completely different campaign at the start! That clarity was what made Calamity so great, it was short and precise, and every pc SERVICED THE THEME, filled with hubris and contempt, not to mention the setting.
Even Ludinus went in circles for convenience of the campaign length and became a weaker opponent for it, more of a nuisance than a villain. The threat he posed at episode 50 was much stronger than now at 120 something. The battle against Otohan was more nail-biting and emotionally engaging than fighting Ludinus and Predathos, a god eater!!!!
This campaign would've benefited from three to four acts instead of one overarching objective like the past campaigns because urgency is the name of the game and we can't carry urgency for 70 episodes straight (and they didn't).
The constant inclusion of the other parties made it clear how easy it was to detach BH from the story, how easy and fun it was for them to tell it through another party's eyes (one of the main reasons why I walked away back when I did, but that's more of a personal preference).
Which is not to say Bells Hell's didn't deserve a long story! They could very well have existed in a more intimate campaign which these characters were clearly built for! Their premises begged for closer looks in slow moments, something tragicomical, exploration of the inner world while developing MARQUET and its microcosm of injustice and politics which was left in the dust mid-campaign (pun intended).
And I'm not suggesting this just for our enjoyment, I know it's them playing and their enjoyment comes first blah blah, though this is a multi-million company therefore their jobs but this would contribute to their enjoyment! You could see several moments in the campaign how tapped out they felt and acted. I doubt it was "fun" discussing the gods situation ad naseaum, trudging through landscapes they barely cared about, with empty arcs.
I could nitpick every fault I see in the finale but it would be pointless, these issues have been dragged from ages ago and poor character matching, and now this is a culmination of everything and it barely fazes me anymore.
(And yeah it's their game and it's "free", but that doesn't undermine its weight as a story, stories were made be analyzed, and it was a poorly structured one no matter how much I still like and admire them as people.)
WHICH is not to say I had no fun at all ever, I did! several times! and that's what makes me upset, it could've been great instead is just meh.
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carmenell · 1 month ago
fuck you *the fault in our stars-es your icemav*
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pinazee · 9 months ago
Because im in a polling mood (take two- i had to fix one of them!)
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hazelkjt · 5 months ago
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"I still can't believe you're keeping this patch on your face." "Pardon me for wanting to add a certain maturity to my image! People are finally starting to take me seriously as a senior commander! ...Although..." "Although what?" "Nhaamara took one look at me today and laughed right in my face. I had never heard her laugh so hard before..." "I don't blame her, it IS quite the cute attempt at a beard." "It's dignified!" "It's adorable, really. But I like it."
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sieglinde-freud · 14 days ago
i love laslow and nyx’s supports and i love how they go from trauma dump central in the b support
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to making fun of their angst in the a
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like theyre soooo lame and it makes me emo and every time i watch this support i kick my feet and twirl my hair theyre SOOOOOOO SICKENING. WHO WROTE THIS. WHOOOOOOO
#ann plays fates#THIS IS MY LAST GAMEPLAY (‘gameplay’ im reading supports and nothing else) POST OF THE NIGHT I SWEAR#IM DONE#i just have a lot of meaningless thoughts im having a lot of fun#i forgot how much i love these characters its been so long#but yeah i feel like i post about this convo a lot but its always just a different part of it#but its not my fault the whole thing is SO good#i love them so much… definition of comfort hets#even if theyre both definitely bisexual#las also has like aspec stuff going on as well but thats neither here nor there#theyre just sooooo…#im so into the ‘seeing the worst in yourself but the best in the other person’ thing#and they do it so well#bc its like u see their angst and where it comes from and it really is all so unfathomable#and with laslow like obviously the other two could feel the same but hes very much the most introspective of the three#and ive talked about it before but his relationship with death is very different than the other two#and so i think for him to get wrapped up in his own self loathing with this is so much fun#AND ALSO THE FACT THAT THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE YOU FIGURE OUT HE BLAMES HIMSELF FOR LEAVING THE BAD TIMELINE?!#HE DOESNT TALK ABOUT IT ANYWHERE ELSE (to my knowledge?!)#and then with nyx i feel like a lot of her supports are about her helping others#which makes sense! she wants to repent and this is how shes doing it#but i think for laslow to come along and tell her there is someone like her out there (him!!) can help her come out of her isolation a bit#and its j really sweet#I LOVE THEMM I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS ABOUT THEM ALL THE TIME#also i LOVE two of the saddest people in the army coming together and making the happiest cutest daughter ever#two characters so moon and stars adjacent having a sunny baby… STOPPPPP#another episode of ann making up shit thats not even close to canon#i feel like ppl often say ‘laslow is fates’ best character’ ‘nyx is so well written!’#and yet no one ever reads their convo together which is a shame bc even if its j platonic i think its a really important one for both#anyways tag limit. i only reach it when talking about them…
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skinnypaleangryperson · 7 months ago
I find it sad, pathetic, funny and cute in that cartoon network is airing the old man and his seat two times tonight in a row. All I do is sit around the house and get drunk and cry-I would never waste my precious free time watching Cartoon Network, but I happened upon the schedule for the night and I think it's funny, silly, in a really pathetic way that it feels like Rick has the same drunk sad drunk soulfully loveless aimless energy as much as I do, just sitting on a TV screen instead of real life
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jianqzai · 1 year ago
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Like father... [1/2]
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peachybuggames · 1 year ago
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i havent 100%'d it per-se, but i have beaten the final boss of bug fables and am workin thru the post game stuff :)) anyways some characters/character designs that i really really like
idk if i'll finish any of these, i might, but i just wanted to figure out how to draw them tbh jashdasdasd
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just-a-mod · 2 months ago
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Man i really got lost in the sauce on this one fellas
Moonstone Island has pretty much taken up the entirety (that is not dedicated to my own persons, hehe)
Magic Man in particular is a delightful Enigma(tm) that i am having fun not only figuring out, but applying headcanons on
i had fun with symbolism in this comic
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pearl-kite · 6 months ago
Want to see some neat things about how irises grow?
Remember when I dug up and divided ALL of my irises at my parents' place a few years back? And how I ended up with 50 rhizomes, and I had bought 9 more just a bit before that?
Well, my mom wants to try to amend the soil because it's not great. Most of the irises have just been surviving, but not well enough to bloom, and everything else planted in the area struggles similarly. In order to amend the soil, though, I needed to dig them all up.
I dug up 44 rhizomes this time, which is honestly a bit better than I expected. I knew that not all of the ones I put in were going to survive, but I was still surprised by how many I just dug up today.
Anyway, the learning bit!
So irises aren't bulbs, they're rhizomes. Each year they put up leaves at one end, and over time they kind of end up migrating in that direction. If they do really well at gathering and storing energy, instead of just continuing forward, they'll fork, putting up leaves on two sides and a stalk with blooms in the center. The following year, the pattern continues, going forward from each side of that fork. If a rhizome does REALLY well, you'll end up with a bunch of forks spreading out.
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The one on the left has survived, but not gone very far, and the white at the end shows that I accidentally broke some of the old rhizome off when I was digging it back up. It also happens to be a dwarf variety, so the rhizome is smaller to begin with; all my other photos are of intermediate and tall bearded irises with much larger rhizomes.
The one on the right has done well enough to grow forward for a few years, with the oldest of the rhizome at the bottom (still healthy and full of stored energy!) and the newest year's growth at the top. Looking at the rhizome itself, I'd guess that one is about 4 years (which makes sense, 'cause I think I did the splitting back in 2020).
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The one on the left bloomed this year; you can see the flower stalk dried out in the center, and the new fork in the rhizome to the sides. Next year, they'll continue in those two directions, and it won't go forward from the stalk any longer.
The one on the right bloomed a few years back, and though it kept growing forward from there, it hasn't bloomed since. The other side of the fork also died off, and it's now only growing in one direction again.
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Last but most certainly not least we have THIS beast. This one has bloomed the last two or three years in a row. I honestly can't tell if the guy at the bottom right is part of the same rhizome or another one I planted too close that got subsumed by this monster, because it took ten minutes to get most of the clay off and there was still more. I'll need to actually rinse it off with the hose to really see if it's all one plant or two.
But I'm 95% sure that this guy is going to bloom again next year because of those nubs down along the bottom. They were below the soil, and they're too thick to be new roots, so I'm guessing that's what future growth looks like. Honestly, this guy should probably be divided, but I also don't want to ruin the chance of it blooming next year, so I'm going to put him back in the dirt as is and maybe divide next year after blooming season.
Anyway, irises are my favorite, and I think it's intriguing how they work. I'm hoping that we can get the soil a bit more balanced and that they'll do better after replanting them, because even though I just dug up 44, we only had 4 or 5 bloom this year. They aren't thriving in the soil as-is, because for as long as they've been established we should have had more blooming than that. It was still the best year since dividing them, though.
I've brought a bunch of them over to my apartment and I'm going to try them out in containers, mostly the dwarf varieties I had. ONE of the dwarfs bloomed this year and it was gorgeous, but I'm hoping the rest will do better in new soil with some extra attention.
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armand-dearest · 4 months ago
I just woke up from a dream laughing out loud because the words "executive bone phone" were spoken right before I woke up
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seaslimes · 21 days ago
Playing League for fun is an interesting experience because you'll spend about ~30M of your life with someone, having a blast, only for them to type something foul about your mother in the post-game chat. I don't like her either but we are not close enough for that nonsense.
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kinemonsassbiter · 9 months ago
I 100% percent understand why it wasn't showed in manga (thought I won't mind at all if we will somehow see it in future 👀) but I can not think sometimes about Kin's lack of any information regarding his family. He is probably an orphan (it would have explained a lot in his behaviour) or his parents were a piece of shit because no fucking way my man acting like this at 15 years (your honor he's minor and neurodivergent) without any real reason behind this. You know, being nice is tough when life gets rough
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or I'm overthinking and people in wano are fucking crazy form the moment they are born i don't know
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spectres-fulcrum · 2 years ago
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I took this screenshot last night and I forget what triggered this face but I love Hassian so much. Once I got him to level 3 friendship he really started letting down his walls. (We're courting now too. Flirting, basically, but also a bit more formalized from what I can tell. Early stages of dating? Idk.)
Some fun snatches of character building I've gotten: As a child, he didn't belong to any village and he kinda misses the feeling of being tied down or something like that. Like he misses being a wandering spirit and not having ties. Also, all he ever wanted in life was a purpose in life(I THINK), a hearth to call his own, and someone to share it with, and why was that so hard to find? Darling... (Cause you chose the wrong woman first, with champagne problems)
(As I delve into the lore I feel Foolish One/Champagne Problems/Message in a Bottle for Tamala/Hassian OH and August. I still think WCS might be on there but we'll have to see)
(I can't wait to see if I'll get more info from Kenyatta and Nai'o when I get to lvl 3 for them. Nai'o has also become super flirty with me and I'm like. I have no interest in trying to steal you from Kenyatta, cool it off, dude. But he's sweet. Reth and Tish are also up to Lvl 2. Very interesting stuff(I know the story to some degree). And Jina and Einar duh. Did you know Hekla didn't know the sun until Jina took her out of storage :( I love this town so much.)
But this was so much fun. WAIT no I remember. I did his lvl 3 friendship quest of finding his poetry and when he asked if I enjoyed the poems I said I loved them and he made this face in shock. Honestly me too bby. Me too when people like my writing. Or show they care about me.
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polar-equinoxx · 2 years ago
🌙Chapter Three is up!!
Somebody is catching feelings… and denying them…
Goose knows though, of course Goose knows.
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god I love Mav rn. In so much denial and for what :)
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