#which means producing muscle and keeping it is also hard
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just had the chance of standing in front of a full, clean full body mirror and percieve myself while trying some clothes that looked fantastic on my head and be disappointed by how they actually looked on me lmao - I'm too small in any way to fill up the clothes i actually like
maybe i dress like a teenage boy because those are the clothes that fit me (8
#a lot of us would kill to have a body like yours#a fasr metabolism#in a serious note my mom saying#im skinny. always have been. but i grew up with health issues that meant i couldn't eat things like milk or fatty things like egg yolks#to name just a couple#but i grew up without milk. at all. as a baby. its amazing my parents were able of doing that but yeah#and then they say i have which - idk if thats An Actual Thing#or me just not being able of actually processing food correctly?#because i feel hunger quite fast/a kot during the day#and if im not careful i consume myself. i have very low fat percentage#which means producing muscle and keeping it is also hard#sigh#anyways all or this bc i wanted to try cosplaying matt murderdock. the lankiest murdock possible#and i still look...off#gaal talks#in the tags
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Hello again wonderful person of the Internet!
Thank you for answering my previous question! But I have came to you for another one.
So I’ve seen a little bit of dialogue from Ford, but how does he speak? Like what is his speaking mannerisms? Is it all gibberish? Does he stutter? Does he repeat words?
Keep on making your art and being awesome! :)
~ Question asked from the Tiniest Cyclops ~
Hello, hello again, tiny cyclops in my inbox!
As I mentioned in this post where I go a bit more in depth on Ford's brain injury, Ford suffers from aphasia! Which is basically the loss of one's ability to express language and communicate, while not losing the ability to understand it. But I'm sure you already knew this; and if not, the more you know!
How does he speak? It really depends when you were to go up and talk to him in the timeline. His speech mannerisms the few following years right after his head trauma is very different from how he speaks now in canon! He's had 30 years to recover, after all.
Ford's speech right after his injury was practically non-exitstent. He was smacked in the face with all of the textbook definition symptoms of aphasia, ramped up to 100.
Speaking in short or incomplete sentences.
Speaking in sentences that don't make sense.
Substituting one word for another or one sound for another.
Speak unrecognizable words.
Have difficulty finding words.

Conversations with him back then were not "gibberish" per se, but more so just... slow. And frustrating for everyone involved, although no one could ever be more frustrated than Ford himself. I mean, can you imagine? He could barely say anything without monumental effort, and whatever meager words he managed to squeeze out of his throat were lackluster, to say the least. Every part of his speech were hindered: grammar, pronunciation, heck, even the tone, volume and rythm of his speech didn't always come out correctly.
Due to how recent his brain injury was, there was also the added physical impairments to his speech. The muscles involved in producing speech were weakened, affecting Ford's control and clarity of his words (this is also called: dysarthria).
From an outsider's perspective, listening to him would have felt a little like listening to an extremely corrupted audio file, or a faulty record player. He would often take long pauses in the middle of his words; his words sometimes blended into one another; and his sentences were short, and simple. I think this quote from this website explains it best.
"Speech may be 'telegraphic' omitting small words such as 'the'. So, 'tomorrow I'm going to the pub with my wife for our anniversary', may be expressed as 'tomorrow...pub... wife... anniversary'. This requires the listener to accurately piece the message together."
So, yeah! As you can imagine, speaking for him was extremely hard. Often times, the townfolk he tried to speak to didn't have the patience to stick around while he finished a sentence, and gradually even Ford lost patience with himself, so he just. Gave up. Which was why he used to be much quieter in the beginning, lurking around town wordlessly, not even really bothering even when someone tried to initiate conversation with him. For a genius who once prided himself so much of his eloquence, losing that ability was a huge blow for him.
How fast one recovers from aphasia really depends on the severity of the injury. It can either take up to a few hours, days, maybe even weeks to fully reover with no long term repercussions, or the symptoms can last months, even years to shake off, and occasionally it's a lifelong condition. Ford, due to the severity of his injury, drew the short end of the stick, and was stuck with the lingering aftereffects of aphasia pretty much forever.
BUT, he evenutally managed to find the will to speak again! At some point during his 30 years of recovery, he decided that he'll figure this shit out himself, goddamnit, he was a scientist. He outsmarted a demon! He didn't have time to be depressed, he needed to relearn how to SPEAK!! (fuck yeah, determination, baby).
And learn he did. Very painfully, very gradually, Ford became basically his own speech therapist for a few decades and relearned everything his body and brain forgot. And although the results aren't perfect- he still stutters, he still gets stuck on words and he still stumbles over them- considering the fact that he had no professional treatment from a clinic or doctor available, it was good enough.
Now he won't shut up! (lovingly)
#I HOPE THIS ANSWERS YOUR QUESTION AKFBWIF#I tend to go off tangent when I try to explain stuff in asks ✨️#long post#I talk too much...#my post#sput chatters#gravity falls#gravity falls au#town kook ford au#stanford pines#ford pines#grunkle ford#tw brain injury#my art
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Writing Notes: Death (& Cheating Death)
Oddly enough, not all experts – or even countries – agree on what death actually is.
Brain activity stops
Temperature drops
Cells break down
Organs decay
Bacteria produce gas
In Britain, death is said to happen when:
The person has lost the capacity to ever be conscious again.
All the functions of the brainstem (such as telling the heart to beat and the lungs to inflate) have stopped.
What happens when someone has died?
Almost at once, blood begins to drain from the little blood vessels near the surface of the skin. This makes it look pale.
Bodily tissue starts to break down very quickly. That’s why organs are removed for transplant as soon as possible after someone dies.
Some organs function for longer than others after death. Brain cells go quickly, in no more than about 3 or 4 minutes. But muscle and skin cells may last for hours – perhaps a whole day.
In fact, a corpse is still very much alive. No, the person isn’t alive any more, but all the bacteria inside the body, plus all the others that flock in, certainly are. As they eat the body, they produce all kinds of smelly gases. When there’s no flesh remaining, there’s nothing left to cause a smell.
In some conditions, this process of decay is disrupted. This can happen naturally, as in the cases of bodies falling into peat bogs and being preserved (because the acids in the peat essentially pickle the flesh). But it can be done on purpose too.
After pharaohs and some other members of the nobility died in Ancient Egypt, their bodies were preserved.
Most of their organs were taken out (though their hearts were left in place).
To remove the brain, a thin metal stick was poked up into their nose then wiggled around.
This whisked the brain up, turning it into a runny slop that could drain out through the nostrils.
Next, their bodies were dried out for 40 days.
Then they were coated in natural preservatives (things that would stop the body decomposing), such as beeswax, and wrapped in many layers of linen.
This completed the process of mummification.
What happens if the head is chopped off?
In the past, some criminals had their heads cut off as punishment, and members of the public would go along to watch.
Some reported seeing chopped-off heads blinking or even attempting to speak.
In 1803, two German scientists investigated these reports.
They pounced on heads as they fell and shouted, ‘Do you hear me?’ None responded.
They concluded that the brain, when separated from the body, lost consciousness immediately – or at least too quickly to measure.
How quickly?
Modern estimates range between 2 and 7 seconds. Which is quick.
But it still means that a brain in a chopped-off head might have a genuine out-of-body experience.
Your body is pretty tough. And as you know, your brain works very hard to keep you alive. Some uncomfortable experiments have revealed the amazing things it can do. Take extreme heat, for example...
The Walk-in Oven
In the 18th century, a doctor in London called Charles Blagden built what was essentially an oven big enough for a person to walk inside.
He and his friends would stand inside it for as long as they could bear.
Blagden managed ten minutes at a temperature of 92.2 degrees Celsius.
His friend, a famous botanist called Joseph Banks, managed 99.4 degrees – but only for seven minutes.
Unsurprisingly, the volunteers’ skin warmed up dramatically.
But Blagden also took the temperature of their urine.
He did this right before and after the oven experience.
And he found that there was no change.
That meant that their inner ‘body temperature’ had stayed the same.
This showed the toughness of the human body – it can regulate its own temperature even when outside temperatures are extreme.
He also noticed that the volunteers sweated a lot. This led him to realize that sweating is important for cooling the body.
Some of what we know about the toughness of the human body comes not from experiments, but from accidents and ‘lucky’ escapes.
The Deep Freeze
When Erika Nordby was a toddler, she woke up one night and wandered out of her home in Canada.
It was the middle of winter, and freezing outside.
When she was finally found, her heart hadn’t been beating for at least 2 hours.
But Erika was carefully warmed up at a local hospital, and she made a full recovery.
Just a couple of weeks later, a two-year-old boy on a farm in the USA did almost exactly the same thing.
He also recovered fully.
It sounds extraordinary – but dying is the last thing that your body wants to do.
Falling from a Plane
On 24 March 1944, a British airman called Nicholas Alkemade was in an RAF plane flying over Germany.
His plane was hit and burst into flames.
By the time he got to his parachute, it was on fire. So he decided to jump.
He was 3 miles above ground and falling at 120 miles per hour.
‘It was very quiet,’ he recalled later. He had no sensation of falling.
‘I felt suspended in space.’
Suddenly, he found himself crashing through the branches of some pine trees.
He landed with a thud in a snowbank, in a sitting position.
He had somehow lost both his boots and had a sore knee and some minor scrapes. But otherwise he was fine.
After World War II, Alkemade got a job in a chemical plant.
While he was working with chlorine gas, his mask became loose.
He was exposed to dangerously high levels of the chemical.
He lay unconscious for 15 minutes before co-workers dragged him out. Miraculously, he survived.
After he returned to work, he was adjusting a pipe one day when it burst and sprayed him from head to foot with sulphuric acid.
He suffered extensive burns. But he survived.
Shortly after returning to work again, a 9-foot-long metal pole fell on him from a height and very nearly killed him.
Incredibly, he survived.
He then found a much safer job – as a furniture salesman.
Alkemade went on to die peacefully in his bed at the age of 64.
Source ⚜ More: Writing Notes & References Writing Notes: Autopsy ⚜ Word List: Kill ⚜ Decompose Worksheets: Death & Sacrifice
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Man, I want to do a bonding moment with Cero, Patches, Mervin, Morell, Berle, Livius and Vorago by bathing together and washing each other. Like possibly no horny, just me and one of the boys relaxing and washing each other's bodies.
Bathing together (no hanky panky)
Getting Cero to fully relax in a shared bath is hard. He's used to having his own baths at the end of the day, with no one there to bother him, without having to maintain a constant air of immaculateness.
Having you there already makes the process something he needs to "perform" in, thus he's initially slightly irritated. Hence, he insists that you sit between his legs, back turned to him, so that Cero can freely smile and sag and just be a person... He's fairly quiet, for once, and hums to whatever you may ramble about. Bath time is an unwinding moment for him, so it should be one for you too, even if he finds it hard to be completely "mannerless" in front of you. This means that you can swear all you want, make all the dirty jokes and splash around like an animal. Cero will not judge you.
Eventually, he becomes comfortable enough to make his own less than refined quips and air out some of his shortcomings/grievances.
What happens in bath time stays in bath time, do not break this vow or Cero will break some of your bones.
Patches often neglects taking care of himself.
To be fair, given the stagnation of plenty of his bodily functions, it's not as if the dullahan naturally produces foul body odors, but his earthy smell does become more pronounced. You must drag him into a bathtub yourself. Only then will he slump and accept his fate.
Patches is pretty quick in taking care of his own body and mostly makes the whole thing about you. Is he collecting stray hairs that fall as he washes you? Possibly. But he's also just basking in the feeling of cuddling with you in a body of water, which is new entirely to him.
He takes to removing his head, simply because wetting it too much is not ideal to its longevity.
The perks of having Patches around shine here, as he likely has some freaky little magic bathbomb he impulse bought stored somewhere.
Mervin usually has long baths after a headache-worthy job. And he doesn't really advise you join them on those, because he's mostly quiet, possibly wounded, and thinking of everything he just did- If he did anything wrong. That's no mindset to listen to you or even be remotely affectionate.
He has this tendency to make sure the bathroom is spotless before getting in. Because he will not, refuses to, undress in a "stained pigstall". You're the first to come in, undress and get in, he doesn't tell you why he does this but it's the same reason he'll sometimes walk slightly behind his brothers in more crowded zones, to make sure they're safe. Muscle memory. You're forbidden from changing the temperature, if you find it cold then he supposes you can rub up on him for warmth like the needy creature you are.
You're washed first, more gently than you'd expect from him. Mervin repeatedly swats your hands away when you try to return the favor, you'll have to insist until he feigns exhaustion. His pleased rumbling is subtle but definitely audible.
Morell usually doesn't have time for baths, it's all fast showers and walking around kinda wet. But when he does take the time to bathe, especially with you, it's kind of a game.
Rub a dub dub, get yer ass in tha tub- He'll push you in there, don't doubt him. He likes doing this thing where he stays outside the tub while he bathes you, and gets in when he thinks you've been sufficiently scrubbed.
The shroom is either humming or whistling, and it's really bizarre to watch him shake water off his cap. By the way, prime opportunity to touch his neck. Just letting you know. Especially since Morell keeps his eyes mostly closed while you're washing him back.
When he truly relaxes, he's capable of falling asleep holding onto you. Shake him awake before the water gets cold.
Berle is also another one that doesn't usually bathe. He just doesn't have the patience to sit there and stare at the ceiling blowing bubbles.
If you realistically want him to sit still, then let him eat in the tub. This will not have an effect on his digestion. He's going to be his usual chatterbox self and hardly do anything to actually clean either of you until he probably starts feeling a little cold... Berle is unintentionally really fast in his ministrations and may hurt you with his claws, so remind him to calm down every now and then. You are likely to get tickled if you take too long washing him.
Really, Berle is trying really hard to stay in the tub with you and relax, but you can tell his mind drifts off after a while and he's thinking of a million different things he could be doing. It's not your fault, he just can't stay still.
Bathing with Livius is interesting. He tends to let his limbs flop over the edge of the tub.
This is essentially going to be a game of mimic. He only starts washing when you do, following the same order as you and trying to get your timing down. For this reason, you either mutually wash each other at the same time, or he asks you to wash him first.
Livius tries to guess what type of bath bomb you'd like better, or if you'd like any at all. Getting it wrong will have him sulking for a while.
Conversation flows as easily as you allow it to, and he's perfectly fine with allowing you to play with his horns, so long as he gets to play with your ears and nose. It's in moments like this that he truly covets your body. Not necessarily in a carnal way (though the impulse is there), he just loves how you look and wishes to be in your body.
Vorago has written this moment several times. The shared bath between two lovers. Granted, those took place in fairly more fantastical settings, but still, Vorago is very excited. And flustered.
Vorago has to make sure this is perfect for you, but part of him worries that he's being too corny if he goes with too many pink things around or the petals... Lords he really wants to make it a romantic thing but he knows he's going to look like a complete ass. He helps you in like a gentleman and is extremely docile as he washes you, but there's definitely moments where you'll feel him smell you. Vorago can only curb his delight up to a certain point.
Be prepared for the workload if you try to wash him back, because taming his thick and voluptuous hair is a feat. He certainly enjoys it, rumbling deep and loud and probably dark in the face from all the attention. He wishes he could take a photo of this moment, write it all out, it's so perfect. It's beautiful.
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Excerpt from Observations on the Order Draconia in Europe, with Notes on the Oriental Breeds by Edward Howe
Additional notes and transcript below the cut.
VITRIOLIC SPIT Longwing Breed, Adult The modified salivary glands, known as vitriol or acid glands, within the lower jaw release concentrated aqua regia - a combination of aqua fortis and spirit of salt - into forward facing channels in the spurs. The acid is created through similar means as stomach acid.
Vitriol Spitters cannot direct the flow of acid and must expel from above to prevent damage to themselves or others
FIRE BREATH Kazilik Breed, Adult The modified salivary glands, known also as naptha glands, within the lower jaw contain a liquid accelerant which, when combined with carbureted hydrogen water from the lower throat, are lit by the spark teeth to produce flame. The spark teeth are not true teeth and are instead mineralized protrusions of the skull.
The combination of naptha and gasses allow fire-breathers to direct expulsions in any direction. Excess water is often expelled as steam across the dragon's body.
OH BOY THIS ONE WAS A LONG ONE! I think way too hard about dragon biology, and had a lot of fun trying to write this as an 17th century naturalist.
Translations: (thanks to my spouse for their obscure alchemist knowledge)
Aqua regia: a solution of nitrohydrochloric acid
Aqua fortis: nitric acids
Spirit of salt: hydrocholric acid
Naptha: volatile, highly flammable hydrocarbon liquids of many types. (known today as "mineral spirits" or "lighter fluids")
Carbureted hydrogen water: methane dissolved in water
To expound, I don't think Mr. Howe would have totally figured out fire breath. The universe establishes that 1) dragons can direct their fire, 2) dragons can still breath while flaming and don't need to stop for air, and 3) a byproduct of the process is steam. To square all that, I think the dragon must have some sort of starter in the jaw, here as naptha (though my spouse says it could be nitric acid) that it can ignite at will, then feed with methane produced by food/bacteria and dissolved in water lower in the body. When the methane burns, the water evaporates as steam. The liquid nature of the methane water means the dragon can probably close its throat to avoid being burned.
The acid spitters are easier: I believe they were based on spitting cobras, though the spurs gave me a little trouble. Those have pressurized canals in their fangs and keep extra venom in glands. In both dragons it made sense to have modified salivary glands for this, as the muscle control and chemical production would have a headstart for evolution of the traits.
Anyways, thanks for reading!
#temeraire#his majesty's dragon#observations on the order draconia#dragons#i do too much ecology to not think about dragon biology#tho i imagine this sort of science would be much easier with dragons that could talk and explain what they're doing#plz dont yell at me for the skulls theyre based on dinosaurs and vibes alone#this one is pretty obscure and not as pretty tbh but i had fun!#anyways back to the ether of not posting for another month love yall
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— warmth

paring. soonyoung x reader genre. angst, exes to lovers, fluff at the end wc. 1.5k warning. mention of skipping meals and swearing
synopsis. you thought breaking up with soonyoung would make you more focused at your job. you couldn't be more wrong.

his sharp, angular eyes were filling with tears, you hate seeing him cry, you hate it even more that it was you making him cry.
“what?” his voice shaky and struggling to produce a coherent sound, “i- i don’t understand.”
“let’s break up.”
he shakes his head in disbelief, the tears which had been collecting over the past few moments finally beginning to trickle down his cheeks.
“you don’t actually mean it, you aren’t being serious.”
“i wouldn’t joke around about something like this soonyoung.”
soonyoung furrows his eyebrows at his full name being spoken, his ears had gotten used to you calling him ‘soonie’.
you swallow the thick lump forming in your throat, “i really mean it, let’s break up.”
you convinced yourself were fine.
the attention which he constantly bathed you in ultimately made you unproductive at work. your supervisor got annoyed at you for entering the wrong numbers and decided to force your whole section have to work over time to fix your mistake.
you wanted focus on your work, that was the whole reason why you broke up with him in the first place, so why you can’t you focus on entering any of the data into the stupid glowing screen in front of you?
it’s a simple task, punch a few numbers into the computer and you’re done. you’ve done this for 7 months already that it feels like muscle memory, yet your hands are unable to move, currently occupied with the task of holding tightly onto the thoughts of your past relationship.
your eyes gaze shift to the phone resting on the table.
a part of you wishes soonyoung would call you or even send a message. he didn’t block you on social media, heck, he didn’t even unfollow you. that means he wants to keep in touch… right? you think it’s safe to assume he didn’t have the heart to press the unfollow button and honestly, you’re secretly glad he didn’t becuase you didn’t have the heart to unfollow him either.
but a part of you also wishes that you could shelf your pride away and text him first. ask him how work’s going, if he’s found any good music lately, after all, thats what friends on facebook do, right? or possibly the monstrous task of apologising.
with a sigh you reach for your phone and search up his instagram for what seems like 17th time today. all the posts which contained you disappeared 2 weeks ago – you really hope he archived them and didn’t delete them.
your thumb shifts to click on his most recent post: a video of him dancing. the shadow from his black adidas cap obscuring most of his face, making it hard to make out his eyes.
maybe it was for the best that you couldn’t see his eyes. they’d probably remind you of how desperate his sharp, glossy eyes yearned to find a single glimpse of remorse in your gaze that night.
you analyse the way his body effortlessly moves to the rhythm of the song until a loud thud on your desk snaps you out of your trance.
“didn’t you break up with that kid?” nayeon asks as she looks over your shoulder, her eyes gazing at the replaying video.
“yeah,” slightly embarassed that nayeon had caught you looking at his profile, “why?”
“then why do you keep watching him dance?” you gulp audibly and reach for your phone and turn it off, “you’ve checked that thing,” she points at your phone, “countless times over the past hour. i keep hearing the same song over and over again.”
rolling your eyes you shove your phone into a drawer, “i was just checking up on him.” you retort, crossing your arms.
“checking up on him every 7 minutes?” she scoffs.
“well…” you exhale shakily, “i haven’t seen him in a while, i was just curious…”
“wait! lemme check your screentime real quick.” she exclaims.
“just… pass me the damn phone.”
you comply, opening the drawer, handing her the phone after unlocking it.
shit, you didn’t realise that you checked up on him that much.
“9 hours… 9 hours!?” nayeon’s eyes go wide as she reads your average daily screentime. “do i have to confiscate your phone?!” she jokes with a light slap on your shoulder.
“well.. i like watching youtube.”
“most used app… instagram.”
well shit. thanks apple.
“what the hell is wrong with you!?”
“could you keep it down?!” you say in a whisper-shout, lightly slapping her arm.
“you gotta fix that.”
“are you my mum or something?”
“no, i’m a good friend.” her thumbs rapidly tap at the glowing screen.
“what the hell are you doing?”
“setting you a damn limit since you obviously can’t control yourself.” she says grinning at the screen, “gave you one minute allowed on insta, you’re welcome.” she places the phone back into your hands and walks away chuckling.
“i can just disable it when i get home!”
and disable it you did.
it had been 2 months since you last saw him in person and fuck, you were missing him like crazy.
your life became a grey scene devoid of all colour, but you can’t really blame anyone but yourself. you pushed away the man who brought a range of beautiful colours that you couldn’t even imagine before you met him.
yeah sure, you slowly regained your focus on work and even got a promotion, but did it really mean anything if soonyoung didn’t attempt to make a congratulations cake and somehow burn it? or pepper your face with a multitude of kisses saying that your his smart, pretty girl until you beg him to stop with a shy giggle? you didn’t fucking think so.
“soonyoung?” you say smiling, “what a coincidence to see you here! it’s so nice to see you again.”
you couldn’t help it, you had to see him. soonyoung taught lessons at a dance studio nearby, you were bound to run into him sooner or later if you continued to lurk around the area.
he flashes you a feign smile, “oh! oh- uh it’s nice to see you too.” well that sounded like a lie. he looks down and hesitates before looking up to meet your eyes once more, “how have you been?”
“im just living life, i guess.” you say, fiddling with the hem of your t-shirt, the confidence (and the adrenaline) which pumped throughout your body moments ago disolving in a instant after hearing his voice, “how have you been, soonie?”
soonyoung breath hitches at the old nickname but continues to keep his composure.
“well, i’ve been...” he takes a breath, “living my life too.”
you look up to meet his gaze, his cold gaze. no warmth behind those pupils, the glimmer of passion which once used to call his eyes home had disappeared.
an uncomfortable silence fell between you two as you stared at each other feeling an obvious tension blanketing the atmosphere.
“i guess… i guess i should go.” you say, knowing that this interaction wouldn’t lead to anything other than more tension, “see you around.” you give him wave accompanied by a small smile.
as you awkwardly turn around and begin to walk away, soonyoung shaky voice rings through out your ears, “are you taking care of yourself? you’ve been eating well right? i hope you have, i always told you not to skip your meals.”
you spin around to meet his glossy eyes staring at you, “what?” you ask breathlessly.
“you’ve skipped meals right? you always do that when you-”
you run into him, wrapping your arms around his waist, in response he cloaks with his own warmth with an embrace. “soonyoung,” you sob into his shirt.
he exhales, “i know, i missed you too.”
you peel your face off his chest and look at him – his gaze full of love as he looks down at you with his tears threatening to fall with one simple blink.
your heart shatters as the thought of all of the emotions he probably went through the past 2 months rapidly fly throughout your mind. all you can say is a pathetic ‘i’m so sorry.’ repeatedly into his chest.
all he does is slowly caress your hair and press kisses onto the top of your head as you continue to sob your apologises.
you hate that your the one who’s crying the most out of the two of you, shouldn’t he be crying more? you’re the one who broke up with him. but it’s like soonyoung can basically read your mind, after all, you were together for 1.5 years. he immediately comforts you and all of your worrying thoughts, “it’s okay, let it all out, i forgive you.”
it takes a while before theres silence bewteen you two. his scent is comforting, his soft whispers into your hair make you giggle and tighten your arms around him and his warm, loving gaze makes you never want to leave him again.

thank you for reading until the end!!
a/n. requested by @kwonshiho, heres the ask! its loosely based on screentime by epik high ft soonyoung and a tad inspired by our beloved summer. i used this to practice for my english exam LOL. also this took long to write LOL
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Jules I want 12 donatello. And 12 leo. I want the 12 blurple please. First impressions ig.
fixing that up and making it all four 2012 turtles because you told me to >:)
also, everyone tell spoopy happy birthday or i'll slice your elbow skin.
hmmmm this request isn't specific and i'm feeling particularly fluffy today so here's this monstrosity of 2012 turtles x gn reader (the turtles are aged up to their twenties i guess)
this is so mid
this is actually so mid even for something i had only 24 hours to produce
i'm rewatching the ENTIRE 2012 series because i HAVE THE BOX SET WITH ALL 124 EPISODES and i will characterise them all so hard
i just keep adding on to this author's note istg who let me start writing fanfic again (spoopy this is all your fault)
(i love you though pookies mwah mwah)
(happy birthday <33)
So Much For Huevos Rancheros
You decided a sleepover with your favourite mutants was long overdue, so last night you went to the lair wearing your fluffiest pyjama pants for an impromptu movie night. Mikey chose an R-rated Chris Bradford film to make fun of, and all of you agreed to make it a bad movie night. Ninety minutes and a turtle pile for sleeping later, you wake up to the smell of breakfast wafting from the kitchen.
Groggily, you sit up and wince at the stomachache, immediately laying back down due to your stomach telling you to kill yourself. Raph groans beside you, reaching for your hand and intertwining his fingers with yours, yawning with a comfortable smile. Mikey's head was previously on your chest and Donnie's is on your lap, drooling on your pyjamas. The orange turtle was awake, rubbing at his eyes and giving you a dopey smile as you looked up at him.
"Morning tummyaches again?" He reached down to your stomach, rubbing your left side gently to soothe the aches. You sigh in relief, thankful enough that Mikey knew just how to make your mornings better. After a moment, a blush flushes your face and you sit up to bump your head against his plastron.
"Thanks Mikey," you peck his cheek then carefully get up, trying your best not to wake Raph and Donnie. The youngest turtle brother goes to turn the TV on again, keeping the volume low. You move on to the kitchen, where Leo seems to be the one cooking.
He was wearing a frilly apron, which seemed out of character for him, but he was making huevos rancheros, just the way you showed him. Your heart lept in your throat at the display, sighing dreamily as you watched your turtle work.
"Come here and give me a good morning kiss, hm?" He turned, smiling at you while you lean forward, planting a chaste kiss on his lips. You try to step back but he drops the utensil he was using to wrap an arm around you and keep you in close proximity so he could keep kissing you. You melt in his arms and reach to grab onto his shoulders, and he snakes his arm up your back to feel how tense your back muscles had become due to the way you slept. He parts with a concerned look. "You should have slept in my bed last night," Leo frowns and jabs at one of your pressure points to undo the tension of your muscles, your spinal cord turning to cooked spaghetti.
"Nuh-uh, we all agreed on a cuddle pile last night because April and Casey couldn't come, just because you're leader doesn't mean you get them for more time than the rest of us!" Mikey walked up to the kitchen with a pout, letting the TV run as background noise instead.
"Fuck you mean, nuh-uh?" Raph yawned, walking by Mikey to nudge him harshly, then kiss the side of your head to pass by, his destination seeming to be the fridge. Mikey was flabbergasted, gesturing to Raph as if he was saying "get a load of this guy". Raphael turned from the fridge with the pitcher of homemade orange juice in his hand and a glare that put Mikey in his place.
"I... I think we're supposed to be on Mikey's side, Raph."
Donnie walks in to wrap his arms around you and nuzzle on the top of your head, breathing you in. You rolled your eyes, putting your hands on your hips.
"I swear, the four of you have a hard time sharing even though you're old enough to know how. It's cute when it's a movie or comic book but not when it's me. Can we please just have breakfast in peace? Together?" You sit at the breakfast bar and the turtles responded "yes" in unison, a smirk playing on your lips. Leo served your huevos rancheros last, giving you the freshest of the food he cooked. The four of you eat in silence, enjoying Leo's cooking.
After breakfast, the five of you end up cuddling on the couch, each turtle entangled with a part of you in some way, giving you adoring nuzzles as you watched Space Heroes together.
"You know we love you, right?" Leo whispers, stroking your hair and giving you a quick kiss below your ear, making you flinch.
"We love you lots, princess..." Donnie grins from your lap, looking up at you, then reaching for your palm to press his lips against it. Not quite a kiss, but a romantic gesture nonetheless.
"Love you beyond the moon and back, honey..." Raph reaches for your other hand, kissing a trail up to your bicep, then nuzzling into your shoulder. Mikey turns around to look up at you from below, where he usually sits when there's no room for him on the couch. He leans in to kiss your knee politely, a grin on his face as he stares up at you in wonder.
"Nothing will ever make us stop loving you, ice cream cake! You're ours forever!"
You pull your hands back to cover your face, feeling embarrassed, but heart so full. You're glad you slept over the lair and spent time with your silly turtle boyfriends.
#tmnt 2012 writing#tmnt 2012#poly turtle fics#tmnt 2012 x reader#teenage mutant ninja turtles 2012#2012 ninja turtles#no beta we die like splinter#spoopy my beloved#jules' mooties <3
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Can I have top surgery and be overweight? The Truth.
I am here to clear things about being overweight and top surgery (aka double mastectomy).
Can I have chest surgery if I am overweight? Blanket answer, yes you can.
HOWEVER, let's talk about some things first.
As soon as we peek under my blanket statement, most doctors will not want to touch you if you are too far outside their BMI index. Sounds like a preference, right? I mean, true, but they are a business and, like any other business, can refuse service for any reason. Especially when your life is in their hands.
The BMI index is followed to a degree by most plastic surgerons. This index is not to body shame you in this case. It is strictly for medical reasons. There are many medical reasons to refuse the surgery.
As you lay flat on your back, your own weight presses on your lungs and heart. This can actually cause damage your heart and lungs and also restrict your breathing even further.
Anesthesia issues are a lot deeper than most people realize. It is not just a harmless gas to keep you asleep. Anesthesia is poisonous to us, and it does more harm to your body the longer you are under its direct effect. Also, the more you weigh, the more they have to use. The best anesthesiologists in the world probably would have a hard time with this, especially depending on how long you can potentially be under. The more you weigh means more tissue they need to work with and extra time can mean complications not only while under the drug but can cause many complications after the procedure is done, and even when you wake up. Issues include headaches/migranes, intense nausea, vertigo like symptoms, having a hard time passing urine, lack of gross and fine motor functions, brain functions, paralysis, coma, and death.
Blood flow issues for people who are overweight are a real risk. The skin has stretched over time , and more skin, along with viable tissue, is thinner, with less of a blood supply being delivered to the skin and tissues itself.
Being overweight also means your skin is stretched and no longer has the same elasticity as if you were not overweight. This thin skin is easy to pull apart/tear.
Time in the operating room, more is not better. The longer you are being operated on, the more complications can occur during the procedure and during the healing process. (This is also a general risk)
Upping complications means more likely needing revisions. Plastic surgerons take this into consideration for your health. Insurance probably won't shell out for the same operation twice because of the views on transitioning lead to a lot of "this is just cosmetic."
Diabetes exponentially increases risk of infection and potential necrosis and gangrene (death of tissue).
You are a living canvas for the plastic surgeron(s), your results reflect highly on them. They want the best results for you, but they also have a reputation to upkeep.
If the surgeon gives a condition they consider reasonable and the patient does not produce results near their actual target BMI, which tends to be more liberal than the numbers that are thrown around, the surgeon can question the patients ability to be able to take care of themselves and adhere to the strict rules given for post operative care. A surgeon can also think "does this person want it bad enough if they can't do this request?". They may not say that out loud, but they may think it.
The heavier you are, the harder it is on your body to heal because the extra work your body needs to do to do daily tasks, let alone extra tasks yet also rest.
You do not realize how much and how often you use your chest muscles. Getting out of bed without being able to lift yourself up is really a thing. Using those muscles in some cases can cause rips and tears of stitches, tissues, and muscles.
Surgeons will give you realistic, cis-like results with your chest, this may mean you will not have a flat chest, they may perform more of a reduction than a double mastectomy. Surgeons will make your chest look proportional to your body, hence another surgery if you do lose weight.
Do they want you to have bad results? This is a physical correction to make a positive mental impact if you have bad results post-op. This may not really fulfill the function of procedures purpose to help you like your body.
Doctors want to know you want this surgery, so if they give you a time frame and you don't meet their goals, that's fair. You may have seen your day to day but the surgeron didn't and doesn't care. To them, you didn't meet their goals/ requirements. No surgeon wants to lose their job, role, or status.
Surgeons only want what's best for your health. It's not a shaming conspiracy, it's literally just biology.
Waiting sucks, we know. But what sucks more is that having bad results, you will have forever and potentially risking your life.
Source List:
Anesthesia 1
Anesthesia 2
Anesthesia 3
Anesthesia and Obesity
Surgery 1
Surgery 2
Post Op Risk
Minimal use of being overweight during a procedure personal experience.
P.s: I tried to use respectful and professional terms and wording. If anything is offensive, please let me know in my ask box, and I will fix it.
Stay Safe
Stay Golden Everyone ✌️ 💙 💜
#the truth about ftm top surgery#trans ftm#transgender#ftm transition#transman#trans nonbinary#LGBTQAI+#ftm surgery#ftm trans#ftm transition educational blog#the real facts#phalloplasty blog#unbiased informational sources#i promise you i worked and looked long and hard before i posted this#clearing up a question that has been circling tumblr for a couple weeks now#well it was it took awhile to put this together#lgbtq#top surgery#facts about being overweight and receiving top surgery#the real amswer
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Really nice guy who hates only you Alex x Brian?
Anon, anon... Listen, um. Well, this originally had more of a comedic vibe with timetravel splashed in, but then "the red means I love you" snuck up on me and suddenly this happend. I, um. Well.
Enjoy timetravel doomed brilex??
On AO3
This contains canon-typical violence :)
Alex woke up slowly, woozy and trembling.
His whole body felt off-putting, numb and cold and not entirely his own. It was dark and humid, damp in the way cement only knew how to be, the slight scent of mold typical of abandoned buildings that Alex had come to learn intimately as he searched locations for his film.
Where… where was he?
Last he remembered he had gone to sleep. And, it had been a good dream. There hadn’t been any weird creature in the distance, he hadn’t felt angry, everyone was working together and, and it was just him and his friends having a good time. Brian had been there too, joking, close to him in a way he hasn’t been since he had fallen sick a few weeks ago.
Alex tried to move, but his body felt too slow, muscles barely twitching even as Alex forced himself as much as he could.
It was cold. Too cold.
Was it still night? Where was he?
He had his pajamas on, though no socks. He didn’t have his glasses on either. When Alex tried again to move, he found something digging painfully into his wrists. Plastic and hard, almost threatening to cut into his skin with each slight movement.
Where the fuck was he?
Steps. The crushing of glass beneath shoes. The swish of clothes moving.
“Hello?” Alex called, voice thin and fearful, “Who’s there?”
“Hello?” He repeated, “I… I need help.”
Silence again.
The darkness was absolute. Was even someone there, or was Alex imagining it?
Alex trembled.
Steps again, closer and closer until Alex could swear he could feel the warm emanating from another living being. Fear sprang to life inside him as a sudden light turned on, the flash blinding him momentarily, leaving him reeling with a pained yelp.
With watering eyes, Alex slowly adjusted to the harsh white light shining on his face. A figure stood in front of him, obscured in the shadows produced by the strong light. It was a flashlight, Alex noticed distantly somewhere in his panic, a big and clunky one, the kind that hikers like to get.
All Alex could see were the dirty black gloves of the figure, covered in dust and some liquid that looked almost black in the light that reflected on the flashlight.
“Who… Who are you?” Alex rasps, voice gaining confidence the longer he goes on, “Did… Did you take me? Where am I? What is this place? What did you do to me—”
Alex’s is abruptly cut off as something whacks him across the face. He groans, wishing he had his hands free to rub at his face. Something wet dripped from his nose, probably blood since Alex doubted it hadn’t been broken, a deep ache coming from his cheek where he had been struck first.
The flashlight looked scuffed on the edges, now.
He has a million questions to ask, a thousand words to say, but he keeps quiet, now weary, like a dog who suddenly learned its owner is also capable of kicking it and not only petting it.
Why is he here? Why him, why out of anyone, him?
The figure doesn’t move. Alex doubts they are even breathing, so still and silent as they are now. Alex watches in silence as they take something from their pocket, probably, the sound of an object dragging across, the shift of clothes.
A glint of silver. A metal barrel.
A gun, in front of his face.
Alex stays still, frozen, watching the weapon with wide eyes.
“Are….You…” Alex whispers as the gun gets closer to his face, the hand holding it as steady as a mountain.
His dad taught him how to fire a gun, before coming to college. They had spent an entire day practicing with cans and glass bottles near his grandpa’s, in an empty lot close to the forest. His dad had proclaimed that in a state like Alabama, it was best he knew how to defend himself, and had even given him a gun, which Alex kept locked up and hidden deep beneath mountains of trash in the small shed of the house.
Alex had never gotten over the shakiness of holding onto a real gun.
He wondered how this figure managed to do so.
He can see the edges of the sleeve now, a faded orange, dirty and scuffed.
The silence stretches between them, like an eternal graveyard.
“This is for the best,” The figure tells him. The voice is familiar, extremely so, but Alex first processes the movement of the gun.
In a fit of desperation, Alex throws his head forward, the metal of the gun colliding painfully with his temples. There’s the sound of metal falling onto the floor, but any relief is short-lived, as the flashlight is brought down on his face again. He struggles, as the flashlight falls to the ground and rolls a few feet away.
He can see the figure more clearly, a dirty faded hoodie, some dirty jeans, scuffed shoes. They lean down, grabbing their gun, and all the fighting abruptly leaves Alex’s body as the figure stands up and the light is finally shining on their face.
Hazel eyes, deep bags, pale face, brown hair. It’s a familiar face. It’s a face that Alex has seen for almost 5 years, it’s a face Alex trusts, it’s the face of his friend.
It 's Brian.
(It’s Brian, Brian his best friend, Brian who he knows from highschool, Brian who he spent countless nights studying with for midterms, Brian who was with him when he adopted Rocky, Brian who joined his film when nobody else would, Brian who found other actors for him.
Brian who everyone loves. Brian who’s the social butterfly of their college. Brian, who Alex trusts with his life. Brian, who has a million friends and yet always makes time for him. Brian, who makes Alex feel like he is seeing the world again. Brian, who Alex can't never stop admiring. Brian, who he loves.
Brian, who is pointing a gun at him.
Brian, who is probably the one who dragged him here.
Brian, who he thought was his friend.)
“...Brian?” Alex yet still dares to say, as if hoping saying the name of the other would stop this nightmare, would make the scowling person in front of him transform back into his friend.
Brian stares at him and looks briefly at the flashlight, before simply moving until they’re staring at each other. Alex stares into the sunken gaze of his friend, and wonders what happened.
“Brian…?” He repeats.
All he gets is a kick to the side, leaving him dropped on his side, curled up like a dying larvae, wheezing.
Brian steps closer. He is standing right above him, gun steady as it points directly at Alex’s head. His eyes are hard and dark.
“Brian,” Alex breathes out, breathing noisily in and out to try and ignore the pain radiating from their side, “Brian, I don’t understand…”
“You know,” Brian says absently, voice light, “It’s a good thing I got dropped back now rather than later.”
Brian smiles. It is not a nice smile.
“After all, who would believe that sweet, naive Brian would ever do anything to hurt his friend? Everyone knows he would die for them,” He gives a bitter laugh, and Alex swears that in the dim lightning his eyes shine almost red, “No, people will just assume whatever else. And after I take care of a few more things, that thing will never hurt another, and neither will you.”
“...You see it too?” Alex said, confused and hurt and unsure, “That, that guy, the one in the—”
“Shut up,” Brian spits, after he kicks him again, “I don’t need it coming to look into what’s happening now.”
Brian gives a brief look around, and Alex shudders, staring at the tall figure in the back, but Brian doesn’t see it, or if he sees it, he doesn’t react.
“I don’t understand…” Alex repeats, voice thin and unsure, “Brian you, you know how to stop this? how to, how do I stop seeing it—?”
Another kick.
“I said, Shut. Up.” Brian snarls, voice dripping hatred in a way Alex had never thought possible, “You don’t deserve help, Kralie. You, you fucked everything up before… If it weren’t for you…”
Brian shakes his head.
“It doesn’t matter,” He says, “With you gone, the group will not stay together. Tim will clearly not keep contact except with me, maybe, and will not spread it anymore. I’ll have to make sure Jay keeps his distance, permanently if necessary, but, right now, the only thing I need to do is get rid of you.”
The gun clicks, safety finally off.
Alex whimpers, static building up in the back of his head as he stares up at the barrel of the gun.
“Goodbye, Kralie.”
The static builds up into a screech, a high pitched screaming that builds up and up and up, and Alex Kralie knows no more.
#marble hornets#alex kralie#brian thomas#vrill fics#yes this is a timetravel Brian fic. Yes. This is an *Ark* Brian doing the timetravel.... yeah....#the ending is open ended btw. does alex die? is he rescued by the operator? does he forget? does Brian forget? are they doomed to repeat#this until something snaps? Who knows. Not me clearly#not tagging as brilex but this is brilex *to me*#i think i have couvid.#THIS TOOK ME SO LONG. BUT IM NOT SORRY I WAS GETTING HIGH AND WATCHING MARBLE HORNETS AGAIN#HOPE U ENJOY THO LMAO
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The Extent of James' Prosthetics
Obviously some tw for fairly graphic injuries and blood and medical things.
Even before losing his left arm at Beacon, James' body was - technically - more than half made of prosthetics, though much of that extent was not obvious even if one were to see his exterior prosthetics.
The trouble came from the sheer extent of the damage that was done, and how experimental prosthetics like James' were at the time. And nothing to the extent that James required had been done before. He should have died in the snow before he was found and brought home. But even when they started, they ran into a problem.
Much of James' right side was shattered beyond repair, bones broken in so many places from a long fall with no aura and a manticore biting down on his torso. His hip was collapsed, his lung little more than shredded meat. His internals had been exposed to the icy elements for over a day without an aura, and frostbite had settled deep into the tissues, including parts of his intestines and his liver. His spine had broken in the fall and left him paralyzed on the right side and mostly below the waist.
It was...a lot of damage to repair. Had they not replaced much of it, he would have had serious quality of life problems, including strict diets that would have left him quite unable to maintain the muscle needed to be a huntsman or soldier.
So, Goodkind authorized the use of experimental prosthetics. If James might die anyway, or have such a hard life after, he wanted to have tried everything he could. Part of this agreement means that James' prosthetics are also case studies, and while his name isn't on those studies, most doctors who work on him and see the prosthetics tend to know who he is.
As a result, James has some very visible prosthetics...and some some very hidden. His entire digestive tract is mechanical, as is his liver and one kidney. It means he can eat almost anything and extract what he needs, he actually has a more efficient digestive system than most humans or fauni, but his poison filtration is also far better...which functionally means alcohol and most oral medication don't work on him. It makes him almost impossible to drug through normal means.
His right lung is also a machine, and when the panels of his chest are opened it can be hooked up to external machines to either keep him 'breathing' even while paralyzed, or can be removed to allow replacement should it take damage. Because of this, if he takes a serious blow to the chest without his aura, he can actually cough up various fluids like lubricant and oil.
While it's crude, and James never speaks of it, he also does not have a penis anymore. He could if he wanted to, and these days Atlas tech would make it pretty cool, but he's never felt any need for it. He just doesn't. One of his prosthetics supplies the hormones that he would otherwise have produced down there, though he does require regular visits to the doctor to ensure such production is adequate as he ages.
Because of this, James' right side also doesn't have any blood or biological fluid in it, and is functionally less a prosthetic than a full cybernetic/mechanical replacement. While he has some ability to sense pressure along his fairly crude synthetic nerves, it's nowhere near the level that a more modern replacement like Yang's would provide, and he can only feel vague pressure. He also cannot feel temperature along that side, meaning he has more than once miscalculated what a normal person would be able to touch.
As a result of the synthetic nerve load and the connections they required, his spine also required full replacement. There are connectors and the full thing can be removed for maintenance, leaving James fully paralyzed aside from his head. His neurotransmitter primarily communicates with his spine to control his limbs, mimicking a normal brain-spinal column relationship rather than directly communicating to his limbs. This is mostly a limitation of the time as well, as the neurotransmitter was the most experimental of what was put into James' body during that initial period. Because of that experimental nature, he suffers chronic migraines as a result of the neurotransmitter's connection to his brain and spine.
Separate from the initial wave of prosthetics, James survived an assassination attempt early in his tenure as Headmaster (and General) that resulted in his heart requiring replacement. This was comparatively simple, and while there is a scar across his chest from the initial stabbing that caused the replacement, this prosthetic is more modern and easier to handle. His heart ticks rather than 'beats' but otherwise this prosthetic is easily missed.
All of this has resulted in a few other chronic physical issues and side effects, some of which are obvious and some are subtle.
Negatively, James has significantly less of his body powered by organic fluids, and he has much, much less blood than a man his size should. When his aura breaks, he has to be very mindful of any bleeding, because he can very quickly go into shock as a result of comparatively little damage. He suffers chronic migraines, as mentioned, and headaches are so normal he barely remembers being fully clear-headed. Chronic fatigue and insomnia make a potent cocktail, and as half his body doesn't fatigue the same way as normal man's might, he can struggle to get to sleep. He also - despite being very warm to the touch - very rarely feels warm, as a result of the amount of metal fused to his body. He suffers near-constant phantom pain that flares regularly, and because he cannot take most oral medication, most medications that might help with it don't work on him.
On the flip-side, his already extreme strength is now inhuman, letting him accomplish feats most people can only imagine. His blood-pressure only raises with physical exertion or emotion, preventing him from suffering most heart-related complications, and his blood filters very well keeping him pretty healthy. His mechanical lung means he can almost always breathe pretty steadily and get good oxygen, barring contaminants in the air. He can eat basically whatever he wants within some reason, so long as it isn't totally unhealthy, as his digestive system can handle anything humanly edible with ease, and even some not-humanly edible things. He also suffers significantly less from the ills of age as he gets older, as half of his body is somewhat unfailing: his right hand will never become arthritic, he'll never struggle to get on his feet, he'll never throw out his back, his posture will never screw up his spine, and his heart will never give him trouble. Hells, half of him will never even go numb/"fall asleep" like most folks might in certain bad positions.
All of this results in James feeling very disconnected from his humanity in a lot of ways, despite his personality being that of a protector and defender. Advice he gives to students, soldiers, and friends to rest and eat rarely seem to apply to himself, as his body will handle almost any abuse he puts it through. And, if he survives any particularly terrible thing...he knows he'll likely just. Add more metal to his body.
On a good day, he might even crack a joke about being a living Ship of Theseus, to a close friend. On a bad one, he thinks his worst nightmare is what might happen when he eventually takes so much damage that they might replace the rest of him, rather than letting him just die.
#dysphoria tw#graphic injury tw#injury tw#blood tw#medical trauma tw#Headcanons: Ironwood#Do Not Reblog#(I love James but this has percolated for almost 5 years now)#(So here's the massive post of All Of It)#(And almost nobody except James and his doctor knows the full extent of this)
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hey, remember a couple of months ago when i went around giving arguments for dualism? lets give that another go!
so, let's take it as a given that the human body is just a biological machine, it is deterministic, ultimatly its behavior is out of our control because we ourselves, our own desitions, our preferences, our thoughts, are going to be dictated by the state of the chemicals inside our brain.
now the thing is, we do know how this feels, this is not that hard to imagine at all. my heart beats because my brain is making it beat, i dont put any concious effort into it, i dont choose at every moment to make it beat because i really like how it fees when it does. i cant move the muscles in my heart the same way i can move my finger. same with breathing, i can try to hold my breath for a long time but eventually my brain will override my efforts and make me take a gulp of air. same with my eyes, i cant choose to keep my eyes open if something crashes against my eye suddenly. same with coughing, if something goes down the wrong pipe my body will make me cough wether i want it or not. same with goosebumps, same with sweating, with producing white cells, with moving my intestines to help the waste flow, with sweating and with a bunch of other things.
and the thing about all these processes is that they feel like they would expect from a biological machine, they feel like nothing, it doesnt feel like we "want" to do them and so we do them, they just happen, without us even being aware of it, with no thought, no feeling, no conciousness of it.
why is not every process in our body like that? why is it that when it comes to other things like eating or walking or fucking there is an internal process, an awareness, a feeling? all of those things are just bodily functions like the heart beat or the bowel movement or the shiver due to the cold. all of those things are also ultimatly produced by the mechanical processes of the chemicals in our brains, so why those feel different, why do those involve internal feelings at all? we dont do them automatically or on autopilot as it were. we have to internally feel like we "want" to do them and then internally "choose" to do them and then "will" our body to do it. why?
what is going on there? how can there be a "want" codified into ourself through chemicals and why does that want which generate bodily actions feels diferent than other bodily actions?
i understand that making the brain a general problem solving machine and then giving that brain goals and letting it figure out the means to reach those goals is much more effective, versatile and powerful than merely making all of our survival actions hardcoded like heartbeats or breathing is. and i understand that the question can be answered as "because that is the solution evolution came up with" still doesnt really explain how did evolution did it.
how did evolution summon the right combination of chemicals such that certain actions taken by those chemicals are completly unconcious and others generate an internal awareness, if its all chemicals in the brain then it should all be unconcious or it should all be deliberate but we have this weird mix instead
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Today's translation #239
Yuri!!! on Life official guidebook, Miyamoto Kenji's interview
Part 2.
--- What was the thing you were most particular about in the choreography?
"There are these step elements called "clusters", which are a combination of 3 types of turns - I didn't make them the same for every character, but instead everyone has his own unique cluster. Of course, there are elements which are common between some skaters, but I on purpose didn't make them the same and in addition, the movements of upper body are also different.
--- Which program was the most fun to create?
"Sexy programs were fun (laugh).
--- You mean Giacometti, I suppose? (laugh)
"Yeah (laugh). His programs were really interesting. Of course, it was hard work to plan the choreography, but I could dance it without getting really tired, because you skate it keeping your muscles relaxed. People who were watching me skating at the rink also told me it was really good, so even after I finished skating, it gave me a lot of fun.
--- Which program was difficult?
"Phichit-kun's and Jean Jacques Leroy's programs. I was dealing with a shoulder injury when I was working on Phichit's program, so it was difficult physically. JJ has this "me me" personality, but it was difficult to skate majestically to express that personality just with your aura, while also paying attention to your back to keep it straight.
--- And if you could make a specific skater skate any of the programs?
"Ahh, but it'll get scary if I get too deep into this question. If I could make Stephane skate Giacometti's SP, it would be a little bit too much, for example (laugh). But, maybe I'd like to see Uno Shoma-kun skate Minami Kenjiro's lighthearted program. Lately, Shoma-kun skates a lot of sexy programs, so I would like to see him skate something with a light and fun rhythm. Shoma-kun has even already worn the same pants as Minami-kun.
--- A part of Charme Japan's collection that you've been working on as a producer. In the anime, Minami-kun wears the same pants.
"Yes, yes. I'm very grateful! Many thanks [for promoting the brand].
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2023 Year End List - #15

The Love Invention - Alison Goldfrapp
Main genres: House, Dance Pop
A decent sampling of: Tech House, Future House, Synth Pop, Nu-Disco, Italo-Disco, Synthwave
Alison Goldfrapp is seriously one of my favourite vocalists ever.
Her trademark soft, airy coos remind me of the ephemeral beauty of life, while her restrained, seductive sighs are reminiscent of the immaculate Dionysian pleasures of the sensory world. And of course there's the occasion that she treats us to her operatic feats of fantastic proportions.
Having already formed one half of what is in my opinion the best duo in alternative electronic music history, making music together with her collaborator Will Gregory for roughly 20 years, and releasing not one but two stunning masterpieces of the noughties that set the gold standard for genres like downtempo and folktronica, it appears that Alison finally decided to set out on a new chapter in her life. And having done all that, I would like to think that anyone would have more than earned the right to do so.
When I heard there was going to be a new Alison Goldfrapp solo project in 2023, naturally I got super hyped, but I also didn't know exactly what to expect.
As a duo, Goldfrapp have been a modest sort of musical chameleons. Nearly always some flavour of electronic and indie/alternative, but regularly exploring the polar opposite ends of both these worlds. They are just as likely to embrace dark surrealism as they are to go full on retro kitsch.
But across multiple projects, its been clear for a while that Alison Goldfrapp has a particular love and affinity for spunky electronic dance music. So i guess in the end I wasn't all too surprised that her new record would end up sounding something like this.
The Love Invention is an effervescent house record full of mechanical muscle and propulsion. Alison Goldfrapp conveys unbridled euphoria at nearly every turn of this record, with flashy light show electronics constructed in part by enlisting co-producers James Greenwood, Toby Scott, and Richard X most famously known for his work with Norwegian pop star Annie. The moon mist ice cream colour palette of the album cover is not an overstatement of its contents by any means; this is a rainbow explosion.
For those of you keeping score at home, I would rank this somewhere firmly in the middle among Goldfrapp's records as a duo. That is to say, better than Supernature and Silver Eye, roughly on par with Black Cherry, and a tier or two below Felt Mountain, Seventh Tree, Head First, and Tales of Us. A B-Tier Alison Goldfrapp project, if you will, which is still a big compliment cause it's Alison Fucking Goldfrapp.
"Digging Deeper Now" is all tech-y and hyper-utopian, sitting atop a crystalline pyramid of interconnected synths that all seem to be building towards something greater. Music for reaching an elevated mindset on the dancefloor.
"Fever (This is the Real Thing)" is a thrilling future house tour-de-force, like floating in the middle of a rapidly flowing tunnel made up of glowing bands of metallic light. It pounds everything in its path into a fine glitter dust that coats the ears. When I mentioned 'effervescent' earlier, THIS is the track I was mostly referring to. Alison also really knows how to carry the hook on this one to make it sound like the most important defining thing ever.
The album briefly winds down as Alison ventures into a world of heavenly trap production on "Subterfuge". It sounds crazy on paper, and probably shouldn't work as well as it does, but I honestly love the sound design and her vocals blends seamlessly with this style. A lavish dip into silky dream pools.
"So Hard So Hot" takes the formation of stars through the intense density and heat of nuclear fusion, and turns it into a dancefloor banger of rippling synths that rain down onto the earth with the spectacular brilliance of a meteor shower. Those synths are one serious hell of an earworm. Could definitely do with a ten minute version of this track.
Like a lot of house records, it definitely has its more nondescript moments. "The Beat Divine" and "Gatto Gelato" have a lot of rhythm and hype that will definitely get my feet moving, but neither has much staying power for me.
But overall this is a very refreshing take on multiple house and EDM subgenres, fusing the best of different scenes into high-charged dancefloor hybrids with pop hooks and Alison Goldfrapp's goddessly vocals.
The Love Invention makes good on its promise of being a vibrant, technicolor sensory overload that will get your feet moving and your ass shaking, with more than enough memorable production quirks giving it some of the highest replay value of any of the EDM I've listened to this year. Another day, another slay for the queen of surreal electronica.
Highlights: "So Hard, So Hot", "Fever (This Is The Real Thing)", "Digging Deeper Now", "Subterfuge", "In Electric Blue"
#album review#music review#list#year end list#2023#alison goldfrapp#goldfrapp#house#dance pop#edm#the love invention
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How Stress Affects Your Hormones: A Deep Dive
Stress is a natural part of life, but when it becomes chronic, it can wreak havoc on your body, especially your hormonal health. One of the most significant hormones affected by stress is cortisol, often referred to as the "stress hormone." While cortisol plays a crucial role in helping us respond to stress, when levels remain elevated for long periods, it can lead to a variety of health issues. In this post, we’ll explore how chronic stress impacts your hormones and offer practical tips for managing stress to improve your overall health.
The Role of Cortisol in Your Body
Cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands and helps regulate essential functions like metabolism, blood sugar levels, and immune response. In the short term, cortisol helps your body respond to immediate threats (the "fight or flight" response), but chronic stress causes your body to produce excess cortisol over prolonged periods. This constant cortisol release can interfere with other hormones and disrupt the balance of your endocrine system.
How Chronic Stress Disrupts Hormonal Balance
Insulin Resistance and Weight Gain Elevated cortisol levels can lead to insulin resistance, which means your cells become less responsive to insulin. This can cause blood sugar levels to spike, contributing to weight gain, particularly around the abdomen. For individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing it, managing stress becomes even more critical to keeping blood sugar levels in check.
Thyroid Dysfunction Chronic stress can also negatively impact thyroid function. Stress-induced cortisol can reduce the conversion of thyroid hormone (T4) into the active form (T3). This can lead to symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as fatigue, weight gain, and depression. If you already have a thyroid condition, managing stress is vital to prevent further hormonal imbalances.
Hormonal Imbalances in Women For women, chronic stress can disrupt the delicate balance between estrogen, progesterone, and other reproductive hormones. This can lead to irregular periods, PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), and even infertility. Stress can also trigger symptoms of menopause earlier than expected, leading to a premature drop in estrogen levels, resulting in hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings.
Decreased Testosterone In both men and women, chronic stress can lower testosterone levels. This can lead to a reduction in muscle mass, decreased energy levels, and even a lower sex drive. For individuals already struggling with hormonal issues, such as PCOS or thyroid imbalances, this can exacerbate the situation.
The Emotional Impact of Stress on Hormones
Stress doesn’t just affect your physical hormones; it also takes a toll on your emotional well-being. Cortisol and other stress hormones are linked to the limbic system, the part of your brain responsible for emotions. Elevated cortisol levels can contribute to mood swings, anxiety, and even depression. For women dealing with PCOS or thyroid disorders, stress can amplify emotional and physical symptoms, leading to a cycle that's hard to break without proper management techniques.
How to Manage Stress for Better Hormonal Health
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by stress, there are several natural ways to restore balance to your hormones. Managing stress is key to improving your overall endocrine health and reducing the negative impact it has on your body.
Mindfulness and Meditation Incorporating mindfulness practices like meditation and deep breathing can significantly reduce cortisol levels. Taking a few minutes each day to sit quietly and focus on your breath or engage in guided meditation can help activate your body's relaxation response and counteract the effects of chronic stress.
Exercise Regularly Physical activity is one of the best ways to reduce stress and improve hormonal health. Exercise helps regulate cortisol levels, boost endorphins (the "feel-good" hormones), and improve insulin sensitivity. Whether it’s yoga, jogging, or even dancing, find an activity that you enjoy and stick to it.
Get Enough Sleep Sleep and stress are closely linked. Lack of sleep can increase cortisol levels, while chronic stress can make it difficult to fall or stay asleep. Aim for 7-9 hours of restful sleep each night, and make your bedroom a calm, peaceful environment to promote better sleep quality.
Social Support Having a strong support system is crucial for managing stress. Talking to friends, family members, or a therapist can help alleviate emotional strain and provide valuable coping mechanisms. Sometimes, just knowing that you’re not alone can make all the difference in reducing stress.
Maintain a Healthy Diet Eating a balanced diet rich in whole foods can support your body's ability to manage stress. Focus on nutrient-dense foods that promote hormone balance, such as leafy greens, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods and sugar, which can increase cortisol levels.
Set Boundaries and Prioritize Self-Care It’s essential to recognize when you're stretched too thin and set boundaries to protect your mental health. Make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it’s a hobby, a walk in nature, or simply reading a book. Taking time for yourself is not selfish; it’s a necessary part of stress management.
Consult a Professional If stress is impacting your health and you're unable to manage it on your own, consider consulting a healthcare provider, such as a diabetes doctor in Delhi or thyroid specialist in Delhi. A best endocrinologist in Delhi can help you address the root causes of your stress-related symptoms and provide guidance on managing both stress and hormonal health.
When to Seek Professional Help
If you’re experiencing persistent symptoms of hormonal imbalances, such as fatigue, weight changes, or mood swings, it’s essential to seek help from a best thyroid doctor in Delhi or a diabetologist in Delhi. These professionals can help you manage the underlying hormonal issues contributing to your stress and provide you with personalized strategies to improve your health.
Chronic stress can significantly impact your hormonal health, especially by elevating cortisol levels, which in turn affects other hormones like insulin, thyroid hormones, and reproductive hormones. However, by practicing mindfulness, engaging in regular exercise, prioritizing sleep, and adopting a balanced diet, you can effectively manage stress and support your endocrine system. If stress-related symptoms persist, consulting with an endocrinologist in Delhi or a diabetes specialist in Delhi is a crucial step toward restoring your hormonal health and overall well-being.
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THE SUNSHINE VITAMIN: Boost Your Health with Vitamin D- Rich Foods
You’ve probably heard about vitamin D, often called the “sunshine vitamin.” But what makes it so special, and why should you care about getting enough of it? The answer is simple: vitamin D is crucial for your health. Whether it’s keeping your bones strong, supporting your immune system, or even boosting your mood, this powerhouse nutrient plays a vital role in your well-being. The best part? You can get vitamin D from food, sunlight, and supplements. Let’s dive into why it’s so important and which foods can give you a healthy dose.
The Vital Role of Vitamin D
Building Strong Bones: Vitamin D acts as your body’s calcium sidekick, helping you absorb calcium and phosphorus, which are key to strong bones and teeth. Without enough vitamin D, your body struggles to absorb calcium, potentially leading to weak bones or conditions like osteoporosis. In children, a deficiency can even cause rickets, where bones become soft and brittle.
Boosting Immunity: Vitamin D helps your body fight off infections by supporting your immune system. It activates immune cells that defend you against bacteria, viruses, and other nasty invaders. When your vitamin D levels are up to par, your immune system works better, which means you’re less likely to get sick.
Supporting Muscle Health: Muscle function is another area where vitamin D shines. Adequate levels help prevent muscle weakness and improve overall strength. In fact, studies have shown that vitamin D can reduce the risk of falls, especially in older adults. So, if you want to keep moving smoothly as you age, don’t skimp on your vitamin D.
Mood and Mental Health: Low vitamin D levels are linked to a higher risk of depression and mood swings. People in areas with long, dark winters, where sunlight is scarce, are more likely to experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Vitamin D helps regulate mood and supports mental well-being, making it a key nutrient for staying happy and balanced.
Reducing Chronic Disease Risk: Research suggests that vitamin D may help lower the risk of chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. While more studies are needed, evidence shows that maintaining healthy vitamin D levels can contribute to long-term health and disease prevention.
What Happens When You Don’t Get Enough Vitamin D?
Many people unknowingly have low vitamin D levels, with studies showing that approximately 1 in 4 adults worldwide suffer from a deficiency. This is especially common in colder climates, where sun exposure is limited, or among those who don’t consume enough vitamin D-rich foods. A deficiency can led to fatigue, muscle weakness, bone pain, and even depression. Over time, it may also increase the risk of serious health problems like osteoporosis, heart disease, and diabetes.
Top Vitamin D-Packed Foods to Include in Your Diet
Vitamin D comes from three main sources: sunlight, supplements, and food. While sunlight is a natural producer of vitamin D, getting enough through your diet is just as important—especially if you spend a lot of time indoors or live in places with limited sunlight. Here are some of the most nutrient-rich foods to help you maintain healthy vitamin D levels:
Fatty Fish (A Vitamin D Powerhouse) Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, and trout are some of the richest natural sources of vitamin D. A 3-ounce serving of cooked salmon delivers over half of your daily vitamin D needs, making it an easy and tasty way to keep your levels topped up.
Cod Liver Oil (The Ultimate Vitamin D Boost) For a quick and powerful dose of vitamin D, cod liver oil is hard to beat. Just one tablespoon packs an impressive 1,360 IU of vitamin D. While it’s an incredibly potent source, it’s also high in vitamin A, so it’s best to use in moderation. You can easily incorporate it into smoothies or take it as a supplement for maximum benefits.
Egg Yolks (A Breakfast Hero)
Eggs aren’t just for breakfast — they’re also a solid source of vitamin D! The key is the yolk, where most of the vitamin D is found. One egg yolk provides around 37 IU, and if you opt for pasture-raised eggs, you may get even more vitamin D. Time to crack a couple of eggs for your morning scramble!
Fortified Dairy (A Creamy Way to Boost Vitamin D) Many dairy products, like milk, cheese, and yogurt, are fortified with vitamin D. A cup of fortified milk can provide around 100 IU of vitamin D, making it a simple and tasty way to meet your daily needs. If dairy is part of your diet, it's an easy way to boost your vitamin D intake.
Fortified Plant-Based Milk (For Dairy-Free Diets) If you're vegan or lactose intolerant, plant-based milks like almond, soy, and oat milk are great alternatives. Many of these are fortified with vitamin D, providing the same benefits as dairy milk, so you can still get your daily dose of vitamin D without missing out.
Mushrooms (The Only Plant Source)
Mushrooms are the only plant source of vitamin D, but they have a special trick. Certain varieties, like maitake and shiitake, produce vitamin D when exposed to UV light. A cup of UV-exposed mushrooms can provide a decent amount of vitamin D, so if you’re looking for a vegan-friendly source, mushrooms are your go-to.
Fortified Cereals (The Quick and Easy Option)
Breakfast cereals often come fortified with vitamin D. It’s a convenient and simple way to sneak more vitamin D into your day. Check labels to find cereals that contain at least 100 IU per serving, and pair them with fortified milk for an extra vitamin D boost.
Beef Liver (A Nutrient-Dense Powerhouse) Though not a common favourite, beef liver is an outstanding source of vitamin D, iron, and other essential vitamins. A small serving provides more than enough vitamin D for the day. However, due to its richness in nutrients, it’s best to enjoy it in moderation.
Fortified Orange Juice (A Refreshing Vitamin D Boost) Some brands of orange juice are fortified with vitamin D, offering an easy way to boost your intake. While it may not pack as much punch as fatty fish or fortified dairy, it’s a great option for adding variety to your diet.
Vitamin D is a powerhouse nutrient that supports everything from strong bones and muscles to a healthy immune system and balanced mood. To keep your body running smoothly, it's crucial to get enough vitamin D from sources like fatty fish, eggs, fortified dairy, and plant-based options. If you're not sure you're getting enough from food or sunlight, it might be worth talking to a healthcare provider about supplementation.
It’s not just about meeting your daily requirement — it’s about giving your body the fuel it needs to thrive. So, load up on these vitamin D-rich foods and let this sunshine nutrient work its wonders on your health!
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This year definitely wasn't like the others. I made a lofty list of goals at the start but I don't think I was able to check off any of them.
Regardless, a lot of great things happened. I traveled to places I've never been, expanded my breadth of what an adult "should" know, and learned a lot about myself. For someone that lives or dies by a checklist, this was the most spontaneity I've ever channeled.
Even though I want to believe I'm still a kid, life continues to move on. Everyone around me is getting married and having kids. There's fewer and fewer opportunities for my family to hang out like old times. I even turned 29 this year so I really have to make the last year in my twenties count.
I've dedicated an exorbitant amount of time to PT this year. My injury last year made me more in tune with my body so I realized how much pain my posture has caused. I haven't had the best resources, so it's been a constant learning process in trying what works.
The most important takeaway regarding my health has been mindfulness. I never realized how much I clench my muscles, even when I'm supposed to be relaxed. I have to put in so much effort to relax my shoulders, neck, and ankles because that's where I hold all my tension.
On top of that, sleep has alluded me this year. I think with my work flexibility, I can go in as late as I want so there's no hard deadline for me to go to sleep. Especially for my bedtime, that's something that's purely deadline driven so I'm hoping I can find something to wake up to and fix my schedule. I've still been getting the hours of sleep, but they don't feel rejuvenating when they're so late into the morning.
I set several goals I wanted to work towards but I couldn't play much due to injuries. I injured my left ankle several times experimenting with form, and my shoulders always hurt because my tight upper back prevents me from holding the bar properly.
The best I could do is play on keyboard at home, but that presented its own challenges. Voicemeeter was always adding a random offset so I was never confident in my timing. Also, my keyboard height was too high so that severely impacted my drill speed.
I've been really focusing on using my left hand to press each key with meaning and keep my shoulders relaxed. My timing has improved significantly, so when I can finally play in person regularly, I hope I can capitalize on all the Stepmania practice.
I want to let go on having a ton of DDR goals and just have fun. Being able to play consistently is already a blessing for me.
For 2024, five more songs I really fell in love with:
Lose Your Sense
ポラリスノウタ (Polaris no uta)
CHAOS Terror-Tech Mix
Kpop doesn't feel the same anymore. I feel like the focus has shifted to performances and idols churning out content that the music quality has significantly declined. The older groups which used to produce the best music have fewer comebacks, and the newer groups' releases don't vibe with me.
Despite the negatives, there have been some songs that really stuck out.
Song of the year: Sticky - KISS OF LIFE (키스 오브 라이프)
Album of the year: Kep1going On - Kep1er (케플러)
B-sides of the year (because I can't do nested indents)
가시권 (Heart Raider) - tripleS (트리플에스)
Curious - Kep1er (케플러)
Unnatural - 권은비 (Kwon Eun Bi)
Love Arcade - Red Velvet (레드벨벳)
Beat the Heat - 프로미스나인 (fromis_9)
to fromis_9
My heart and soul of my 20s, I can't believe this is the end of our journey. Looking back, I wouldn't have spent it any other way. Some of the happiest moments in my life were because I'm a flover.
Solo fanchanting at Washington Square Park
Attending all three Love From concerts
Stepping on Korean soil for the first time on the same day as our first win
From 프로미스의 방, three comebacks in 2018, KCON 2019 with a sus comeback, the 2020 dungeon, the best song ever released in 2021, the best two comebacks in 2022, our first full album in 2023, and arguably the most successful comeback in 2024, what a ride it's been.
네 세상을 나로 가득히 채울 수 있다면 어떨까
They've really affected my life in so many ways. They motivated me to learn Korean. They inspired me to visit Korea and immerse myself in a new culture. They showed me facets of the world I never would have known about.
우리만 아는 이야기
I'll never forget the butterflies I felt staying up for every release, or how I could wake up every morning during my master's year during the golden year of content (channel 9 <3).
부탁해 이 순간이 끝나지 않게 지금처럼 그 자릴 지켜줘 이 편지가 노래 되어 네게 닿길 여기는 from.
This is one of those moments where I shouldn't be sad it's over, but I should smile because it happened. It's the right time to finally close my kpop chapter.
Thank you fromis_9, for everything.
플로버, 프로미스나인, 포에버
Spent a second year in a relationship
Gave a speech at my brother's wedding
Traveled to Vancouver
Traveled to Japan
Made five SoCal trips (Jan, Mar, June, Sept, Nov)
Managed a summer intern
Liquidated my company stock
Watched all the Marvel movies until Avengers: Endgame
Experienced Queen of Tears
Things I learned about
How to buy a house (loan process, how a house is valued)
Sports (football, basketball, and their respective histories)
Vitamins/supplements (which do what, what you need in a day)
Physical therapy (strengthening and flexibility)
Chinese/Vietnamese wedding traditions (too many to list)
Selecting auspicious dates on the lunar calendar (mapped out 2025/2026)
Apartment hunting (location, layout, high/low season)
Advanced personal finance (best checking accounts, cash back credit cards)
Filing taxes (deductions, cost bases, tax brackets)
Health insurance (in/out network pros/cons, what everything means)
Car insurance (typical coverage limits/deductibles)
Tires (maintenance, durability, just buy Michelin, and how to change one)
Pickleball (third shot drives/drops, dinking, how to hit a strong forehand)
Competitive Pokemon (incineroar is crazy, but look at the new paradox Pokemon)
Poker theory (GTO, most preflop scenarios)
Sudoku (naked triplets, xy wing, forced chains)
Pilates (including Lagree)
Yoga (mostly hot)
Diamonds (4 C's)
Building furniture (couches, bed frames, tv stands)
Goals for 2025
Create a daily schedule that promotes a healthy lifestyle and is easy to follow
Discover what I'm truly passionate about
Achieve my ideal body type (on top of correcting my posture)
Expand my software engineering skillset
Prioritize myself over others
2025 is going to be a year where I have to rebuild my identity. I have to find the right balance between family, health, career, and love.
Hopefully I can look back and be happy with how I ended my 20s.
Let's get to work.
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