#which is what the living dead division is a reference to
moss-wizard · 8 months
years change, and we touch like continents
while a faultline tears a fighter from her fists.
i taste it like copper in the spit of your kiss:
a language, a body (in every trace of this).
o heart, hold fast / beat with me now.
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theresattrpgforthat · 5 months
hi! have you seen the TTRPGS for Palestine bundle yet? and do you have any recommendations from it
THEME: TTRPGS for Palestine
The TTRPGs for Palestine Bundle is going from April 12 to May 7, so there's not much time left to get it, but here's some recommendations of some really awesome games that you can find in it.
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Gubat Banwa, by makapatag.
GUBAT BANWA is a Martial Arts Tactics and War Drama Tabletop RPG where you play as martial artists poised to change the world: Kadungganan: the cavalry, the wandering swordsmen, the tide turners, the knights-errant, the ones to call in darkest night in a world inspired and centering Southeast Asian folklore.
Witness, grand warriors, honorable gallants that trudge and toil under kings and haloes. Witness, KADUNGGANAN, that refulgent name. That blasted name: WITNESS NOW. The end of days is upon us: and the new world MUST BE BORN. Bear your blades, incant your magicks. Cut open your tomorrow from the womb of violence. Inscribe your name upon the very akasha of this world. 
Gubat Banwa is designed for fans of 4th edition D&D, with in-depth character abilities that make you feel both unique and powerful, in a colourful and flavourful world full of vibrant cultures and clashing conflicts. The game uses an action economy with different action options carrying different weights, which also reminds me quite a bit of Lancer. If you want a game that pushes you to strategize with your friends and weigh your advancement options carefully, you want Gubat Banwa.
Gun & Slinger, by Nevyn Holmes.
GUN&SLINGER is an RPG geared for short, episodic sessions about a weapon and a wanderer. A Maestro and two players (Gun and Slinger) set out into a dead planet mutated by a god's forgotten child and hunt strange bounties, investigate the world and unlock hidden powers. During play, they seek to learn the nature of what’s hunting the Slinger, figure out why the Gun is sentient and discover how the world died.
This game is specifically for three players, using the rules of Go Fish as a resolution system. Gun & Slinger is all about using your resources to the best of their ability, and your resources might exist on your character sheet, but they also exist as cards in your hand.
What really intrigues me is the lore that’s baked into your character sheets. One of you is a wanderer in a twisted world, tempted by strange powers that guarantee to change you into a monster. One of you is a sentient magical gun, borne by that wanderer and designed to deliver death and pain.
Gun & Slinger has expansions included, allowing you to instead play as a wanderer possessed by a demon, a mech and a pilot fused as one, or someone who bears a cursed sword. I think the fact that it requires a small table and the fact that the characters’ lives are tied together makes this a high-stakes, terribly intimate game.
Apocalypse Frame, by Binary Star Games.
In a ruined and terraformed world where most of humanity is under the yoke of a brutal regime, the former workers of a once-remote factory - now known as The Collective - have risen up to create a future of freedom from oppression. You are an Ace - a highly skilled pilot referred from a Division in The Collective and assigned a humanoid combat vehicle known as a Frame. You and your Strike Team of fellow Aces must take on The Collective’s greatest threats, ensure its survival, and carve a path for its continued success.
Apocalypse Frame takes mechs and fits them into the LUMEN system, which centres competency as well as fast but effective rounds of combat. The game includes a variety of different threats, allowing you to tailor your campaign to your group’s tastes, and the tailoring doesn’t stop there. You choose both a division that your character belongs to, and then one of three mechs within that division, allowing players to share similar fighting styles but differ in weapons. You can also modify your basic frame, adding general modular systems alongside systems and armaments that can come with your mech, making character creation and progression exciting for folks who love tweaking and tailoring to their heart’s content.
If you’re a fan of Armored Core or Battletech, you’ll want to check out Apocalypse Frame.
Here, There Be Monsters!, by wendi yu.
No matter what they tell you, there’s still weirdness and wonder everywhere. You just have to know where to look. At the edges and cracks of ‘normal’ life we exist, we persist, and we resist: the monsters, the magicians, the anomalies, the freaks, and the outcasts. We gather in the shadows, trying our best to live our lives in a world that, when it doesn’t exactly fear or hate us, doesn't even believe in our existence.
here, there, be monsters! is a rules-lite response to monster-hunting media from the monsters' point of view. It's both a love letter and a middle finger to stuff like Hellboy (and the BPRD), the SCP Foundation, the Men in Black, the World of Darkness games and the Urban Fantasy genre in general. It is an explicitly queer, antifascist and anti-capitalist game about the monstrous and the weird, in any flavor you want, not as something to be feared, but to be cherished and protected.
Here, There, Be Monsters is a love-letter to anyone who has been made to feel monstrous, as well as an homage to media such as Hellboy, the SCP Foundation, and Men in Black. It’s urban fantasy meets organized power structures, and as the monsters, you’re here to burn those structures down.
This game uses descriptive tags to slap onto your characters to represent what they can do. You can choose from a number of different monster character backgrounds to give you guidance towards, and there’s plenty of monsters both in the base game and in the game jam wendi ran back in 2022. If you want a game of power, anti-capitalism, and punching up, this is the game for you.
Pale Dot, by Devin Nelson.
Pale Dot is a collaborative storytelling game for 2-5 players about a crew of non-human cosmonauts leaving their planet to explore a strange solar system, finding threads to unravel the unknown along the way. It is fantastical, surreal, and perhaps very unlike humanity’s own ventures in space exploration. Though one thing is universal: leaving home is terrifying, dangerous, humbling, and a catalyst for changing one’s perspective. 
Pale Dot is a GM-less game where players work together to create an alien setting and subsequently envelop it in cosmic mystery, embodying cosmonauts called Dustlings, as well as one of 5 different settings. During their journey they will be able to travel to 24 different locations within their solar system, each with several prompts for improvisational scenes. Each player will also have to manage the integrity of their cosmonaut and their shared ship while avoiding space's many perils.
The cover for Pale Dot gripped me the first time I saw it; a tiny creature in an astronaut suit, looking up in fear at something in the sky, as vegetation blooms inside their helmet. You play as the Dustlings, non-human but sentient species exploring the Cosmos, a strange, horrifying and wonderful universe that changes those who venture into it.
Mechanically, Pale Dot uses a GM-less structure similar to Dream Askew, but there feels to be a much bigger emphasis on the setting your cosmonauts explore, rather than the cosmonauts themselves. Your characters are assembled traits, drives and equipment, almost all of which can be expended to cause or solve problems. Each player is also responsible for at least one setting element, such as The Cosmic Wilderness, The Wondrous Endeavour, or The Omnipresent Danger. As you visit locations, different elements will be prompted to influence the scene, while your cosmonauts try to navigate the scene and try to finish the mission. If you want a game that is collaborative and evocative, I definitely recommend Pale Dot.
Fractal Romance, by Ostrichmonkey Games.
A never ending abstract landscape of rhythm and soft glamour. Wander the halls, rooms, and chambers. Encounter strange Denizens and get to know them better; befriend them, fall in love, just chill. Try and fill out your own blurred edges. Fractal Romance is a tabletop role playing hangout. You will pick up a character to play and explore the Fractal Palace, generating its infinite sprawl and the Denizens that inhabit it, as you play.
Fractal Romance is all about searching; for something you need, something you want, or even for who you are. It feels rather surreal, perhaps like a dream dimension that you are moving through. The game uses a deck of cards to generate rooms, as well as the denizens of this gigantic, dream-like palace. This game uses rather simplistic playbooks, each asking you to choose three descriptive words, and then uses cards to fuel your character’s actions: you have things you can always do, things that cost a card to do, and things that you must do in order to draw another card.
If what you want out of a game is a chill time with friends, moving from one vibe to another, and generating emotional stories for your characters, you might want to check out Fractal Romance.
Himbos of Myth and Mettle, by huge boar.
You are big. Big arms, big tits, big thighs, big brai- you're big where it matters. In addition to a heaving, throbbing body, glistening lightly with a thin sheen of pleasantly fragrant perspirant, you have one singular unifying trait  - come hell or high water, you are going to help.
Himbos of Myth & Mettle is a high fantasy, high camp role playing game of epic proportions (of body), for 2-5 players, one of whom will act as Game Guide.  The rules center around a simple roll under mechanic and prioritize narrative flair and cinematic descriptions. Himbos is inspired by many classic fantasy properties (and could be considered OSR adjacent) , but leans towards a more garish, salacious and queer (gay or odd, pick your fighter) style of play. It is designed with comedy and flamboyance in mind, but is not without it deeper and darker touches. It's definitely not grimdark, but there will probably be blood. Think classic fantasy pulp in style, but contemporary sensibilities, modern rules-lite mechanics, and a player philosophy centred in helping, kindness and being fucking hot.
I’ve heard rave reviews for Himbos, and I think the idea of leading an entire group of well-meaning but possibly over-ambitious adventurers is a great set-up for a game full of laughs. Himbos is very much designed for a light-hearted evening of fun, flirting, and fucking up (but in the best way).
Other Games from the Bundle I've Recommended:
Space Taxi, and Creation Myths, by GothHoblin.
Caltrop Core, by Titanomachy.
Souvenirs, by Rémi Töötätä.
Thunder in Our Hearts, by Marn. S.
Eldritch Courts of Some Repute, by AlanofAllTrades.
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xf-cases-solved · 1 month
S1E21: Tooms
Case: Guess who's back, back, back! Back again, again, again! Eugene Victor Tooms is back, back, back! Tell a friend! 
Anyway, Tooms is back.
After being rehabilitated and made totally normal and non-cannibalistic by his psychiatrist, the Baltimore court decides that Eugene Victor Tooms is ready to leave the crazy house—where he was serving time for assaulting Scully (he was never charged with eating livers)—and is now free to rejoin society, despite Mulder's attempts to sway the court otherwise, by using his skills as an expert PowerPoint presentation maker. Tooms, of course, has every intention of finishing what he started before being apprehended, so that he can take a nice long hibernation in his bile cocoon, and Mulder has every intention of stopping him before he does. Mulder engages in some mild-to-moderate stalking behaviors; Scully tries not to kill Mulder and then herself out of pure mortification during the world's most uncomfortable slideshow presentation; a retired old cop in a wheelchair returns and makes fewer references to the Holocaust, and is slightly clairvoyant; I have a moment during the episode where I think, "Oh no, shit, wait, I think he does a gross thing here, is this where he—ah man, yep, it sure is," right as Tooms licks his fingers that are covered in roadkill juice; and, most importantly, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR WALTER SKINNER HAS ENTERED THE MFING CHAT!!!!
All rise for that big, bald, beautiful man!
Does someone die in the cold open: Ofc not, Tooms is a fully rehabilitated, mentally sound, non-homicidal freak of nature, who would never hurt a fly, because flies don't have livers. (It's entirely possible I just googled "do flies have livers"...)
Does Mulder present a slideshow: Unfortunately yeah, he does. Kinda wanted to die alongside Scully as he presented his PowerPoint presentation to the courtroom. I'm all for having the strengths of your convictions, babe, but c'mon, even you had to know that wasn't gonna work.
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(^ me and scully suffering from immense secondhand embarrassment)
Does the evidence survive the investigation: Actually, yes, I believe it does. They have their findings, and the findings of the retired old cop in a wheelchair (who straight up just. had part of a victim's liver in his apartment? who let him have that?? mulder and scully are out here literally fighting for their lives just to hold onto one shred of evidence, and this hoe just takes biohazardous material with him after his retirement party and holds onto it as a keepsake of his biggest failure as a cop, smh)
Whodunit: Eugene Victor Tooms once again!
Convictions: Escalator did the justice system's work for them.
Did they solve it: I will say yes. The killings have stopped, the perpetrator is dead, they wrote a report with evidence to cite, and even though Skinner is skeptical, Smoking Man tells him he believes their take on things. It's more solved than most of their cases, anyway. WHICH REMINDS ME. There's a bit in the beginning where Scully tells Skinner that their solve rate is at 75%, which is ABOVE BUREAU STANDARDS, like????? Really FBI? The fucking *X-Files division* is doing better than the rest of your departments? And you wonder why people distrust law enforcement, jfc
[how do i determine if a case is solved? check the scale here: x]
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THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: Escalators. Since 1892 [yes I looked it up], escalators have been a godsend for those of us who, for whatever reason, just don't feel like taking the gosh darn stairs. For well over one hundred years, escalators have been a convenient way for you to get around shopping malls, get to and from train platforms, crush your enemies to death with a conveyor belt, get through airports with ease, and so much more! So next time you need to get from one floor of a building or structure to another, or have someone you need to die quickly, consider using an escalator!
General Total Stats:
(green means stat has changed since last ep; red means new stat added to list)
Total Cases *Definitively* Solved So Far: 11 (first time they've solved two in a row for a while. must bc they're so high above bureau standards...)
Total Number of "Mulder/Scully, It's Me" Phone Calls: 1
Total Number of Times Scully Has Conveniently Not Seen Something Crucial: 5
Total Number of Times Mulder Has Been in Mortal Danger: 7 (i mean, tooms chased him through the escalator thingy with murderous intent, right?)
Total Number of Times Scully Has Been in Mortal Danger: 8
Total Number of Sexually Charged, Uncomfortably Intimate, and/or Flirty Moments Between Friendly Coworkers: 11 ("mulder, i wouldn't put myself on the line for anybody but you" 🥺 actually that whole little exchange is cute af. mulder's like "don't get in trouble bc of me," and scully is like, "don't tell me what to do, bitch, i love you," and mulder's like, "i don't know how to handle genuine compliments, so i'll just say that if you have iced tea for me i will go down on you right now, no hesitation, forget the stakeout, sit on my face" but then she only has root beer 🙁 or at least that's what i remember happening, i might be paraphrasing)
Total Number of Autopsies Scully Has Performed On Screen: 2
Total Number of Times Scully Plays Doctor: 2
Total Number of Times Mulder Talks to an Informant: 10 
Total Number of Times People Making Out in a Car Are Hurt or Killed: 2
Total Number of Nosebleeds: 4
Total Number of Times Mulder Has Tasted/Sniffed/Touched Something Questionable Without Following Proper Safety Procedures: 2 (but tooms definitely did :( )
Total Number of Times Someone Says "Trust No One": 1 
Total Number of Times Someone Says "I Want to Believe": 3
Total Number of Times Someone Says "The Truth is Out There": 1
Total Number of Cigarettes Cigarette Smoking Man Has Smoked: 6 (lol that stat hasn't gone up since the pilot, and then he shows up in one episode and smokes four of 'em)
Total Number of Maggie Scully Sightings: 1
Total Number of Lone Gunmen Sightings: 1
Total Number of Alex Krycek Sightings: 0 :(
Total Number of Times I Had to Look Up What State the Episode Takes Place in Even Though I Literally Just Watched It: 7½ (i remembered from squeeze, bc sometimes my memory works like how it's supposed to)
Total Number of Times I Had to Look at an Episode's Wikipedia Page to Fill This Out Because It Was Fucking Confusing and/or Too Boring for Me to Pay Attention: 5
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y-rhywbeth2 · 9 months
I said I was done, but this still is on my mind and I lied.
Here's me bashing the mish mash of conflicting lore together in speculation on how Bhaalspawn work for my own "fuck you collective of official gibberish, this is my take on it" canon (again, BG2 spoilers):
I have settled on extraplanar outsider rather than native (despite the majority being born to humanoid parents). As outsiders their bodies and souls and intrinsically tied together in a way humanoids' aren't. If they die outside of the plane of Gehenna then their body dissolves and they return to that plane; if they die on the plane the rules are that "To die in this place is to cease to exist," as Irenicus helpfully put it. He's still around afterwards, so I assume he's referring to Charname (Gorion's Ward) specifically. Should the soul somehow depart to the Lower Planes without the living body, the body might follow it there (I think the body dies? I was never terribly clear on the exact details of what happened in that part of BG2...)
When Sarevok died, his body and soul dissolved and returned to the Throne of Blood, where he/his independent part of Bhaal's essence was absorbed into the "pool" of collected Bhaalspawn souls/essence. "Echoes" of dead Bhaalspawns' personalities exist within Bhaal/the collective, much as the mortal mage Midnight is an echo within the goddess Mystra, and sometimes they can be separated back into independent beings if a portion of Bhaal's essence is granted to that echo allowing them to reform a physical body and live again.
Sarevok was able to reform because he was given a fragment of Bhaal's essence (independent from the whole) - not enough to restore him to true demigodhood, but enough to materialise a physical body.
(There is... an interesting way to interpret the Dark Urge's creation here, where they're one of the original Bhaalspawn reborn - although it's not one I personally plan to use. Also the fact that they're apparently born from Bhaal's dead physical body, not the pool of essence, implies something strange happened, regardless.)
I'm not sure where Bhaalspawn stand when it comes to souls; judging by Bhaal complaining that Charname is "strange amongst their kin" because their soul has independence, they're not supposed to have one inherently separate from Bhaal's essence, that independence is just a quirk (Charname was explicitly a special prophecy child, they're the exception to the rules). Bhaalspawn can have the divine essence/their soul extracted from them and still physically exist, although it will eventually kill them. Their bodies are also considered part of Bhaal, he is described as existing in "the very fibre of their being[s]." Even after supposedly ceasing to be Bhaal's children, both Sarevok and Durge are explicitly stated to still carry Bhaal's essence in their bodies and will pass it on to any offspring they have. As 5e lore has retconned the possibility of having Bhaal's essence totally cleansed from a Bhaalspawn, rendering them pure mortal, I am rolling with that one and ignoring the mortal ending (I always go for the god endings anyway). Bhaalspawn remain what they are always. As I like them.
It does seem like their body, soul and Bhaal's essence are one big chunk, instead of the usual division of body and soul seen in full mortals. As he says: "he is [them]"; their "whole being is borrowed"; etc.
Which leaves the question of "Withers what the fuck did you do. What are you planning??" in regards to Durge being resurrected. I have no idea, but I didn't play the special snowflake demigod to have my special snowflake status stripped from me, so I'm clinging to "Durge is still a quasi-deity, and you cannot pry that from my cold, dead hands." Larian can even release a DLC or BG4 that tells me otherwise; I will ignore it.
"BG3-" Larian has left out, changed or ignored/forgotten a load of stuff about how Bhaalspawn work in their story (which is their right, it's DM fiat). There should be no "Little Brother Toop's" corpse on display on the hall of wonders because he shouldn't have a corpse. I'm blaming the tadpole, ignoring it and moving on.
Imoen is disqualified as an aberration; her thing is purely game mechanics not matching the lore that was established before they retconned her into a Bhaalspawn. Doesn't count.
We are not in Larian's house for this interpretation, just as they are not in Bioware's; we are in mine now and I'm ill and grumpy.
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Is It Really That Bad?
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2023 was a really rough year for Disney. Marvel had two of the biggest flops, Quantumania and The Marvels, with only the phenomenal finale to the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy wedged in between to give audiences faith; Star Wars didn’t fare much better, with divisive works like the third season of The Mandalorian and the first season of Ahsoka splitting the fanbase as usual; the live-action remake of The Little Mermaid floundered with critics and audiences alike, while Haunted Mansion was dead on arrival; the final Indiana Jones film got middling reviews, with some even saying it made Crystal Skull seem better in hindsight; and Elemental nearly burnt out at the box office due to abysmal advertising, only getting a second wind from positive word of mouth. Keep in mind, 2023 was the studio’s big 100th anniversary. Flopping this hard with all their major brands was not a good look. Thankfully, they had a really special animated film dropping for this historic anniversary, a film that was a big love letter to Disney history. It’s ostensibly a film about the origin of the wishing star other characters in other films wish upon—a novel concept to be sure! How did this premise pay off for Disney?
It bombed, with a net loss of $131 million. Keep in mind that films like Raya and Encanto, which also did poorly, had less time of theaters due to COVID. Also keep in mind Wish was advertised like crazy. Toys, clothes, ads, this movie got it all! And all of that likely contributed to how bad a financial failure it was. To make matters worse, critics were extremely mixed on the film, and the opinions of audiences weren’t much nicer. People had been skeptical from the first trailer, and so the film had an uphill battle to begin with, and sadly that uphill battle turned out to be a Sisyphean one, with the boulder slipping and rolling all the way back down to the bottom for Disney.
I genuinely had zero interest in ever watching this, and keep in mind I have access to Disney+ so it isn’t like I’d be paying specifically to see it. But I have a little daughter who became obsessed with the movie, and so I had to watch it about a dozen times. And with how much of a disaster this was for Disney, after the umpteenth viewing I decided I may as well give my thoughts. Is this movie any good, or is that just wishful thinking?
I think it’s safe to say King Magnifico is the standout performance of the film. Chris Pine is clearly having an absolute blast playing the guy, and he manages to deliver a fun, upbeat, poppy villain song that succeeds despite some really bizarre and nonsensical lyrics. Sure, he’s not an S-tier villain or anything, but he’s a lot more fun and enjoyable than any of the mediocre twist villains Disney plagued us with during the 2010s. He’s an enjoyable asshole, consumed by his own ego.
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Aside from his villain song, I do like some of the other music. “At All Costs” is a very nice, tender song; “Knowing What I Know Now” is a heroic “shit just got real” song, with a foreboding aura that nicely contrasts the villain’s lightehearted number; and “Welcome to Rosas,” a fun little iintro song for the story. Now, all of these songs have some issues (we’ll get tot hose in a bit), but they’re definitely fun and enjoyable if you can overlook some of the flaws.
I’m sure a lot of people found the numerous Disney references to be a bit much, and maybe even distracting, but I think they can get a pass just this once since this film is meant to celebrate one hundred years of Disney magic. Asha wearing the Fairy Godmother’s robe? Magnifico getting turned into the Magic Mirror? Peter Pan just randomly showing up for no fucking reason as a cameo? Sure, why not? And this all leads to the ending credits, where every Disney animated canon movie that isn’t a sequel gets represented (except for Meet the Robinsons, The Rescuers, and The Bkack Cauldron). You’ll see constellations of all your favorite characters, like Milo Thatch, Jim Hawkins, Yzma, Tarzan, and Yokai! Remember Yokai? From Big Hero 6? Clearly he was the right character to spotlight for this! I can’t harp too much on this, because every time I watch this I applaud and clap when Chicken Little appears.
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So there are a few good songs, I admit. But for every good song, there’s two more that just plain suck or are entirely unfitting. “At All Costs” sounds like a a song about love and romance, so of course it plays… over the scene where Magnifico shows Asha all the wishes. Huh? What sense does that make? But a decent song being out of place is small potatoes compared to how absolutely bad the lyrics are. Even in the songs I like, like “This is the Thanks I Get” and “Knowing What I Know Now” there’s just something off with a lot of the lyrics and the rhyme scheme. But nothing in them is quite as egregious as the song “I’m a Star.”
“I’m a Star” might genuinely be the single worst song in any Disney animated film ever from a lyrical standpoint. The entire song is nothing but word salad; nothing in it makes any sense, and not once does it answer any of the questions it has posed. While some of the other songs have sloppy writing, they still are easily able to communicate core ideas that help progress the story. This song, though? It’s meaningless drivel made to pad the runtime. The absolute worst bit is this verse near the end, though:
Here's a little fun allegory
That gets me excitatory
This might sink in in the morning
We are our own origin story
If I'm explaining this poorly
Well I'll let star do it for me
It's all quite revelatory
We are our own origin story
None of this means anything. Like yeah dude, you are explaining this poorly. What the fuck are you trying to explain here? And while this is the worst verse, the worst lyric is right near the end where they painfully force a rhyme by having someone sing “Here I are” with “I’m a star.” No matter how many times I listen to these songs, this one coming on fills me with dread because of how painfully bad it is to the core.
I think the issue here is the lyrics were written by Julia Michaels, someone who typically works with pop, R&B, and EDM. She’s written for Britney Spears, Gwen Stefani, Justin Bieber… but notice she hasn’t written for any musicals. Say what you want about Lin-Manuel Miranda, but he knows how to write fun, poppy songs that would not sound out of pace in a stage musical---a core part of the appeal of the best Disney songs. The songs Michales wrote really don’t fit that vibe, and feel more like repurposed radio friendly pop tunes than something that belongs in a Disney movie. And maybe this wouldn’t be too bad of an idea if this weren’t supposed to be the big centennial celebration film.
But hey, maybe the songs are bad… which isn’t great, because a Disney musical with bad songs is on thin ice, but whatever! Maybe the characters can redeem this? Ehhhhhhhhh… Unfortunately, none of the characters in this film really do anything particularly special. Asha is cute and determined and all, and she’s definitely more compelling and less annoying than Raya, but she lacks a really solid identity. It honestly feels like she does things simply because the plot demands her, and not because it is in-character for her to do so—something that would require her to have a character in the first place. And despite being the best part of the film, Magnifico is a victim of the wonky writing as well. While it’s great he isn’t a twist villain, the writing really just makes the whole idea he’s bad guy seem stupid. I resent the idea his goal is in any way reasonable—he’s certainly an overly paranoid dick with an inflated ego even in the most charitable interpretations of his actions—but the movie still manages to make him somewhat sympathetic via his backstory only to have him grab a sled to slide on down that slippery slope. I don’t know, it just feels like these characters shift gears at the drop of the hat because the plot demands certain actions and roles from them.
Then we have the cutesy kid appeal characters, Valentino the goat and the wishing star. Valentino, played by Alan Tudyk in his millionth Disney role, is not nearly as insufferable as I’d feared he’d be. Unfortunately, he isn’t really good either. It really is sad how Disney keeps pushing him as their answer to Pixar’s John Ratzenberger yet refuse to give him good or fun roles to make an impact like Ratzenberger does. The guy hasn’t been utilized well since Wreck-It Ralph, it’s just getting sad. The wishing star is just a cutesy non-speaking plot device meant to sell marketable plushies, and pulls out new powers from its ass as the plot demands; it’s responsible for the awful “I’m a Star” as well as a cringeworthy chicken musical sequence. These characters really do feel like they exist solely to sell toys to children, because everything else aside they don’t really add to the experience—which is especially bad for the star! This is supposed to be his story!
And, look. Get it. They wanted to stick to something that is incredibly formulaic to pay tribute to all the tropes Disney codified for animated movies. But did they have to make the whole thing so predictable and safe? You can predict exactly what’s going to happen at any given time; there’s no real big twists or turns to be seen with this one. This is strictly formula, a very basic Disney story that couldn’t be more “paint by numbers” if it tried. You’d think they’d try to be a little more bold and daring after a hundred years, but… nah.
I think calling this movie “bad” is a bit harsh. It’s not exactly good, it’s messy and stupid and all that, but after seeing it so many times I really don’t think it’s as egregious or repugnant as something like, say, Pocahontas. But taking everything into consideration, the movie is extremely disappointing as a centennial celebration, and isn’t that worse in a way?
This was meant to be the film that pays tribute to a hundred years of animation, a love letter to a studio that has made some of the greatest artistic achievements in cartoon history, and it ended up like this? I think it’s pretty safe to say a better tribute would have been to return to hand drawn animation and make something like their classic output instead of a cliché storm of tired plot beats and nonsensical songs. The film feels really bland, safe, and corporate, like they were more concerned with selling merch and coasting off of the novelty of being the big animated release during the hundredth anniversary. And look how that turned out! My daughter spent a month earning enough cash to buy a King Magnifico doll, and it didn’t sell out in that entire time—and this was recently, too! Wish has long since left theaters, and the toys are getting their prices slashed because no one is buying them! Even kids, for the most part, don’t care about this one.
It’s just a bummer. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect more out if the richest company on Earth, is it? It really is a harmless, boring film, but it just feels so much worse than it actually is because we all know Disney can put more effort into their work and produce films that far outstrip this in quality and yet this is what they chose to represent them for a historic milestone. It really is rated fairly up there, it’s about what it deserves, but I hardly blame anyone who rates it even lower. It’s definitely not the worst Disney movie, but it sure is the most disappointing.
I’m glad my daughter likes it though, and honestly she’s probably why I’m not quite as harsh on the film as I was at first. Her enthusiasm for it is honestly infectious, even if at the end of the day I still think it’s kind of a lame movie. There’s definitely worse things to show your kids than Wish; if nothing else, it can make a decent gateway into other Disney movies. But that’s as charitable as I’m willing to get for Wish.
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arenpath · 2 years
Poly!The Lost Boys x ghost hunter!reader
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Word count: 1.8k You/your pronouns Warnings: death, but everything is fine I promise A/n: See a mistake? Let me know! Comments and reblogs are appreciated ❤
The name “Murder capital of the world” itself says that there were lots of restless souls. 
It was not just vampires who could be blamed for this. 
The crime rate in Santa Carla was extremely high itself.  
No one would ever attach importance to one or two new missing posters or articles in newspapers about another offence, which was what all kinds of criminals used. 
More than once, reports appeared on local television that residents complained of paranormal phenomena both in their homes and in public places. 
For many people in Santa-Carla stories about ghosts were no longer just tales. 
It was hard not to start believing when all appliances in a house were going crazy and objects were haphazardly flying in front of witnesses. 
So no one was surprised when  the ads from the ghost hunters were added to the posters about missing people. 
It all started in the evening of 1984 when you and your friends saw “Ghostbusters” for the first time. 
At first, it was just a game, silly entertainment, but then you seriously delved into the information about the ghost world and about the technologies that would help to cope with the ghosts of different types.  
Your group managed to buy one part of the equipment, repeatedly bumping into various charlatans and outright garbage, and your friend was able to invent another part.  
Having dealt with not very complicated cases at the request of the neighbors, you and your friends managed to save up for a small garage, where you could start taking bigger contracts.  
Over time, more people had joined you and there was a clear division of responsibilities. 
You joined the group of investigators, those who didn’t exorcize ghosts but figured out their types and completed the objectives. 
One day you got the contract in the campsite near Hudson’s Bluff. 
You learned from the report that a few weeks ago a group of young adults set up a camp in the forest and decided to stay there for a couple of days, but a week later their relatives sounded the alarm because no one returned home. The police did not find the bodies, only traces of blood soaked into the ground and into the fabric of the abandoned tents. 
People who still wanted to visit this forest turned to your organization to rid the forest and that place of possible ghosts of the dead, knowing that the police were unlikely to continue investigating this case, referring to the fact that it was most likely some kind of an animal. 
To tell the truth, you were quite nervous. You were afraid of the one who had killed the campers, and you were also inexperienced in carrying out an investigation in open areas. 
When you got to the place, you were painfully trying for a long time to find the area in which the alleged ghosts lived.  
No sooner had you laid out the crucifixes for your protection than a strong wind rose, which you would not have paid attention to if the roar of the wind was not accompanied by laughter. 
Thinking that it was a hunt, you hid in the nearest tent. 
Being fed up with the lack of anything interesting in the Boardwalk that night, the boys decided to spend the rest of it in the campsite, where a few weeks ago they met people who invited them to a bonfire.  
It was Marko who smelled you first. 
He stepped onto the ground and closed his eyes, inhaling. 
A smirk appeared on his lips, and his gaze settled on a small pink tent. 
“Guys, seems like we have a...” - Marko was trying to inform his friends about your presence but was cut off guard when he inhaled your scent deeply. 
Exquisitely thin, fresh and tart. 
You were their mate. 
Paul’s hand fell on Marko’s shoulder. 
“Do you feel it, man?” 
They found you in one of the tent, clutching the crucifix to yourself, realizing that those were far from ghosts and it was unlikely that it would help, but still hoping for a miracle. 
“Peek-a-boo, sweetheart!”, - the first thing that you saw when the tent was open was a handsome face of a local punk with a crazy hairstyle. 
He grabbed your ankle and pulled you closer. 
“No reason to be worried, babe, we will have a great time together, ya know?” 
Vampires. Your mates – that was how they introduced themselves, holding your wrapped in a plaid form close to themselves on their laps near the bonfire. 
You felt complicated and puzzled. 
No, you weren't very surprised by the existence of vampires, it was obvious that if for example Moroi was real, then surely there were other creatures. 
You just didn't think that they were so close all this time and you were connected with them by fate. 
You also felt a craving for them. 
Your conscience tormented you anyway. Was it ok to defeat some supernatural beings and date others? 
But all their care and love answered this question and you dissolved into the feelings for them. 
Despite the fact that your relationship was going just fine, there was a “problem” as they liked to call it – your job. 
David was a master at ruining your night in the cave with the boys, by bringing up this topic. It seemed for you that David hadn't taken sex and everything related to it so seriously he would have told you to quit your job, even while making love to you.  
Not once and not even twice he reminded you that night and the state you were in when you returned from one of your contracts on the Edgefield street and about how Marko had to go to pick up those sanity pills of yours.  
Speaking of sanity pills, Paul was the one who was always asking you if it was ok to take them when a person was high, when your answer was always the same.  
After that accident, you always had a few of them in the cave, keeping them away from Laddie and Paul.  
Due to Marko’s the love of risk and the spirit of adventure, he was the most supportive of all the boys. He even made you your own ghost hunter jacket.  
You thanked him by bringing a voodoo doll from the recent contract you had. 
Needless to say, the first thing he did – he found Paul’s hair and wrapped it around the doll just to see what would happen if he stuck a needle in. 
You two had a long night trying to make it up to Paul.  
Knowing the fact you and your team had lots of videocams and tripods to search for evidence, Paul offered you to use for good and film the whole thing between you, him and Marko because he was seriously hurt physically and mentally thanks to both of you.  
Trying to cease David’s anger, you also brought him something. 
It was a music box with a creepy song of a ghost lady. 
You thought that David would look cool and sexy sitting in his chair and smoking to the sound of the old music box. Its look suited him and the cave. 
He appreciated your gesture, but he refused point blank to give up on trying to get you to quit, because even that pretty thing you gave him could kill you.  
Paul fancied the smell of your smudge sticks, even though they didn’t make him high they helped him to relax. However, he had to stop it because David promised to kick his ass if something would happen to you if you suddenly didn't have enough smudge sticks.  
You loved spending your nights in the cave cuddling with Dwayne and showing him your photo album you took from work with photos of footsteps on salt, fingerprints on doors and windows, some funny photos of your colleagues and, of course, you showed him photos of the ghosts themselves. 
Every time you did it, he wrapped his hands around you tighter. 
He secretly was even more worried than David, but he tried his best to hide it and show his support to you.  
You were an experienced ghost hunter, at least that's what you thought of yourself. 
You thought that David needed to calm down and let you do your job. 
You had seen lots of ghosts extremely dangerous and easy ones, however, you had never on the verge of death. Often you and your team were able to do everything and without hunts. 
One of the rules of ghost hunting was if you see tarot cards, you pull it. 
So you did it even before you could identify a ghost. 
When you pulled a death card, you hid immediately. 
It was a mistake. 
You forgot about a ghost that was able to track you down anywhere. 
Before you could smudge it, you saw rotten hands before your face that quickly broke your neck. 
Your life flashed before your eyes. You saw your boys. The idea about becoming a vampire, as David suggested to you, came to your mind at the last second. 
After total darkness you saw a bright light. 
A high priestess card about which you forgot gave you the second chance. 
You ran out of the house to spend many hours just sitting on the steps crying. 
Tell David and other boys? 
You didn’t know. 
Like really. You had no idea what to do. 
Soon you found yourself at the entrance to the cave. 
“I recommend you not to come in, you know”, - it was Dwayne. 
“Um...Hi, baby”, - you smiled nervously,  “What are talking about?” 
“You smell of fear and anxiety. If you don’t want David to read your mind without your consent, you need to calm down and tell me what happened. You always can count on me, pumpkin”. 
Dwayne’s handsome face blurred. Hot tears were streaming down your cheeks. You hugged him, letting him pet you and calm you down. 
You told him about your death and about how terrifying it was. 
With his mind powers, he was able to make you relax so that you could spend the night without others suspecting that something had happened. 
Dwayne made you promise not to go to work yet and to reconsider your views on your work and life. 
During your short break, you had considered a variety of options: from quitting to becoming a vampire. 
One night, you got a call from your friend and colleague, who told you that your mutual friend and your boss screwed up a lot, and now he wanted everyone to return the money accumulated from the  contracts so that he could fix everything and completely update the entire system. 
For you, it was a sign that maybe you could use your knowledge about supernatural somewhere else without a risk to die.
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The Good Samaritan
25 And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, "Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" 26 He said to him, "What is written in the law? How do you read?" 27 And he answered, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself." 28 And he said to him, "You have answered right; do this, and you will live." 29 But he, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?" 30 Jesus replied, "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead. 31 Now by chance a priest was going down that road; and when he saw him he passed by on the other side. 32 So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was; and when he saw him, he had compassion, 34 and went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; then he set him on his own beast and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. 35 And the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, 'Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back.' 36 Which of these three, do you think, proved neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?" 37 He said, "The one who showed mercy on him." And Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise." — Luke 10:25-37 | Revised Standard Version (RSV) Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1946, 1952, and 1971 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. All rights reserved. Cross References: Deuteronomy 6:4-5; Deuteronomy 6:24; Leviticus 18:15; Leviticus 19:18; Isaiah 58:7; Matthew 10:5; Matthew 18:28; Matthew 19:16; Matthew 24:34; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:52; Luke 10:38; Luke 16:15; Luke 18:31; Luke 19:28
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bestmcrsongpolls · 7 months
Round 4
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Heading Reference
(due to various scheduling reasons all 9 will be coming Monday, Feb 26. 7:00 am pst)
this will also be the last round in which new songs will be added.
Early Sunsets Over Monroeville vs. Demolition Lovers
Thank You For The Venom vs. Hang 'em High
I Never Told You What I Do For a Living vs. Kill All Your Friends
The Sharpest Lives vs. Dead!
House of Wolves vs. Famous Last Words
The Light Behind Your Eyes vs. Desert Song
Mama vs Boy Division
The Foundations of Decay vs. Planetary (GO!)
You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison vs. Give 'em Hell Kid
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sonicasura · 2 months
Everybody has there own textbook definition of what " Hell On Earth" looks like
To some it's School, there closet they haven't cleaned-out, a Nickelback Concert and those old Call Of Duty lobbies you know the ones I'm referring too.
But all those paled in comparison to the real Hell On Earth, the emergency meeting currently taking place in Tokyo, more specifically
Ariake Rinkai Base, Tokyo, Japan
Central Base Of The Defense Force
Yup, for the past hour a raging debate was taking place within the main council room, that was used for the gathering of all the Division Captains and Vice-Captains along with the higher-ups.
A debate about the fate of young Psaro. A human raising a kaiju, who learned to be gentle and be human, was one thing, but that fact that Psaro was estimated to clock in at about a 9.6 fortitude, making it the strongest kaiju in Japanese history
At the moment 2 factions ended up forming. Those that wanted Psaro to live, which consisted of The Science Department, 3rd Division, and 4th Division. Those that wanted Psaro dead, which consisted of the Top Brass of the Defense Force and the First Division
Those that had taken a netural stance consisted Second and Sixth Division. The other Division couldn't make it to the meeting, needing to watch over there areas so they be safe in case of a Kaiju emergence, so the decision was made that since this took place in the Eastern Division then they would trust whatever Judgement they came too.
The only Division Captain that went aganist this was Soichiro Hoshina. Leader of the 6th Division, which was apart of the Western Divisions ( and Soshiro Hoshina older brother)
The arguments that war on, in the Council Room were filled with anger and stubborn, and this went on for about an hour or so before Director General Shinomiya put a stop too the arguing. This quickly caused everyone to shut up and listen to what the Director had to say.
Shinomiya: A full hour has passed and it seems we are no closer to an agreement on what should be done about that creature. No one will be leaving this room until an agreement has been reached on what should be done about that creature. We all seem to have differing views, so each side will present their argument and at the end we will have our decision.
Is that clear!
Everybody responded in agreement to their General's Decleration, and for the next couple hours, both sides strongly pleaded their case.
The Top Brass were quick to agrue that if this Kaiju suddenly went on rampage that, the devastation could be comperable to No.6's destruction caused 6 years ago, and that to prevent tragedy they must kill the Kaiju immediately. They compounded this with the fact that there was room for Psaro to grow even stronger, and potentially break into a fortitude 10. All this got pushed further by the 1st Division, as their newest Captain Gen Narumi, wasn't keen on letting a potentially cataclysmic danger to there country live.
This was a tough case for the Scientist and the 3rd and 4th Division to beat back, but they came prepared to win over hearts and minds.
There own counter arguments put forward that they were letting fear dictate their judgement and were already damning the young child for actions he has not commited.
The Scientist put forward the fact that no Kaiju in there history, has ever been worried about scareing people, no kaiju ever worried about causing property damage, or nervously twiddling their thumbs afterwards.
What Kaiju do you know of that stiched together plushies as presents for people and then went to destroy a city ( they showed the Sabercat plush Psaro put together for Mina). Psaro is incredibly gentle with people and animals, has shown emotions complex emotions that only humans feel.
6 entire years, Psaro has lived with humans and shown his love for his family and friends, along with the upmost care towards life around him. Even going as far to risk his own safety for the sake of his Father's
It was at this point someone on the Top-Brass's side made quite the callous decalaration saying that Kafka should be killed alongside the Kaiju for letting the creature live. This did not go over well with many of the 3rd and 4th Division, as Mina's killing intend which was already reaching it's boilling point, immediately boilled over and stated that she would rip their tongue out, along with anyone's elses if they said that again.
That quickly shut up and more chatter from the peanut gallery.
When the arguments ended both sides were left to talk over with themselves and then a decision would be made. After bit a final statement was made by the 4th Divisions Vice-Captain.
Malroth: If I may give my personal feelings on the matter. I feel that fear has guided many a decision today. That is dangerous, as fear can lead to tragic decisions and cloud a person's sight on the matter at hand. This agrument about young Psaro, has shown me that many can't see the forest through the trees, now I say all this with no disrespect towards my fellow Defense Force members, but I urge all of you to not be blinded by the what-if's and maybe's, but see the child that has lived their life with their family and friends for all this time, them celebrating their birthday's watching cartoons, having plushies and videogames that they like to collect and play with, the parties they enjoy and the foods and drinks they love.
See there humanity, not the illusion of a monster!
These words were a strong finisher and helped when the decision had to be made.
The 2nd Division's Captain Jura Igarashi spoke up during the decision
Igarashi: Listen from the first day I entered into the Defense Force, I swore to protect people and destroy Kaiju, from everything I seen that kid ain't no merciluss Kaiju, that kid is part of the innocent people I swore too protect. I say let the kid countinue living at the 3rd Division base.
A simple, but powerfull response from the 2nd Division Captain.
Then Captain Soichiro Hoshina of the 6th Division spoke.
Soichiro: I will admit, I was skeptical about a kaiju being raised by a human, and learning to live among society. However this meeting has shown me that everything I had heard of about Psaro is true. He has intergrated into society, shows the behavior of a kid, and sees humans as his own people. I feel confident in saying that Psaro should stay with the 3rd Division.
The conversation went on for a bit longer, before a decision was reached.
Psaro would live, and stay in the care of the 3rd Division. A shocking decision but one that many of the Defense Force Big Shots felt confident about.
Thankfully Mina was coming back to the base with good news, instead of bad.
That pretty much sums up how chaotic the meeting was in a nutshell. Narumi is definitely one of the people who suggested other Captains and Vice Captains visit Psaro from time to time. He's someone that needs to see the "kid" in person than just video/photo evidence. (Psaro wouldn't blame him much if Narumi states he doesn't trust him at all.)
Same goes for Isao who is iffy about the child. His personal feelings and grief are clashing with the words Hikari would've told him in this situation. 'To measure Psaro's character than the power he holds.'
Although the other Top Brass will try their bullshit again once they prepare for the second meeting. Psaro ain't safe from them yet cause if these assholes can't kill him then treating the boy like a weapon is the next best thing. Though they won't be prepared for said child calling them out on it.
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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India's caste system assigns individuals a certain hierarchical status according to Hindu beliefs. Traditionally, there are four principal castes (divided into many sub-categories) and one category of people who fall outside the caste system—the Dalits. As members of the lowest rank of Indian society, Dalits face discrimination at almost every level: from access to education and medical facilities to restrictions on where they can live and what jobs they can have. The discrimination against the Dalits is especially significant because of the number of people affected; there are approximately 167 million Dalits in India, constituting over 16 percent of the total population.
Within the Dalit community, there are many divisions into sub-castes. Dalits are divided into leather workers, street sweepers, cobblers, agricultural workers, and manual "scavengers". The latter group, considered the lowest of the low and officially estimated at one million, traditionally are responsible for digging village graves, disposing of dead animals, and cleaning human excreta. Approximately three-quarters of the Dalit workforce are in the agricultural sector of the economy. A majority of the country’s forty million people who are bonded laborers are Dalits. These jobs rarely provide enough income for Dalits to feed their families or to send their children to school. As a result, many Dalits are impoverished, uneducated, and illiterate.
Dalits have been oppressed, culturally subjugated, and politically marginalized. The principals of untouchability and “purity and pollution” dictate what Dalits are and are not allowed to do; where they are and are not allowed to live, go, or sit; who they can and cannot give water to, eat with, or marry; extending into the minutia of all aspects of daily life.
Moreover, discrimination for Dalits does not end if they convert from Hinduism to another religion. In India, Islam, Sikhism, and Christianity (among other religions) maintain some form of caste despite the fact that this contradicts their religious precepts. As a result, dominant castes maintain leadership positions while Dalit members of these religions are often marginalized and flagrantly discriminated against. For example, Dalit Christains are provided seperate burial areas from non-Dalit Christains.
The origins of the caste system
The word Dalit—literally translating to “oppressed” or “broken”—is generally used to refer to people who were once known as “untouchables”, those belonging to castes outside the fourfold Hindu Varna system. According to the 2001 census, there are some 167 million Dalits (referred to in the census as “Scheduled Castes”) in India alone, though there are tens of millions in other South Asian countries, as well.
The caste system finds its origin in functional groupings, calledvarnas, which have their origins in the Aryan society of ancient northern India. In their creation myth, four varnas are said to have emanated from the Primeval Being. The Creator’s mouth became the Brahman priests, his two arms formed the Rajanya warriors and kings, his two thighs formed the Vaishya landowners and merchants, and from his feet were born the Shudra artisans and servants. Later, there developed a so-called “fifth” varna: the Untouchables.
This caste system became fixed and hereditary with the emergence of Hinduism and its beliefs of pollution and rebirth. The Laws of Manu (Manusmitri), which date roughly to the 3rd century A.D.—and parts of which form the Sanskrit syllabus of graduation studies in Gujarat even today—preach the sanctity of the varnas and uphold the principles of gradation and rank. They refer to the impurity and servility of the outcastes, while affirming the dominance and total impunity of Brahmins. Those from the “lowest” castes are told that their place in the caste hierarchy is due to their sins in a past life. Vivid punishments of torture and death are assigned for crimes such as gaining literacy or insulting a member of a dominant caste. Among the writings of Hindu religious texts, the Manusmitriis undoubtedly the most authoritative one, legitimizing social exclusion and introducing absolute inequality as the guiding principle of social relations.
Forced exclusion and constant oppression
Today, Dalits make up 16.2% of the total Indian population, but their control over resources of the country is marginal—less than 5%. Close to half of the Dalit population lives under the Poverty Line, and even more (62%) are illiterate. Among the Dalits, most of those engaged in agricultural work are landless or nearly landless agricultural laborers. The average household income for Dalits was of Rs. 17,465 in 1998, just 68% of the national average. Less than 10% of Dalit households can afford safe drinking water, electricity and toilets, which is indicative of their deplorable social condition. Moreover, Dalits are daily victims of the worst crimes and atrocities, far outnumbering other sections of society in that respect as well. The vast majority of these crimes remain unreported due to omnipresent fear, and those that are reported are often ignored by police or end up languishing in the backlogged court system. Between 1992 and 2000, a total of 334,459 cases were registered nation wide with the police as cognisable crimes against SCs.
More than 60 years after gaining Independence, India is still very much afflicted by the cancer of the caste system. Dalits remain the most vulnerable, marginalized and brutalised community in the country.
Dalits in Gujarat
If compared to states like Punjab, Himachal Pradesh or West Bengal where Dalits constitute more than 20 per cent of the population, Gujarat counts a fairly low proportion of Dalits.According to the 2001 Census, there are approximately 3.6 million members of Scheduled Castes in Gujarat, which represents 7.1% of the state’s total population. This relatively low figure is, however, inversely indicative of their miserable condition. More than 80 per cent of the Dalits in Gujarat are daily labourers, the majority of which are in the agricultural sector. Half of the SC population is landless or owns less than one acre of land, which forces them to work on dominant castes’ land in order to survive.
Because of this dependence and the quasi-inexistence of labour welfare in Gujarat, Dalits are subject to immense pressure and utter discrimination. Atrocities committed against them are a daily reality, with more than 4,000 cases reported in the span of 3 years in just 14 districts. Manual scavenging is still very much prevalent also, the State’s institutions in Gujarat themselves employing Dalits to clean dry latrines. For a State that likes to depict itself as a modern and thriving region in India, Gujarat is still a far cry away from ensuring social justice to all of its citizens. In reality, Gujarat has a poor human rights record and must extend and focus its attention to its minorities if it is to be worthy of the kind of image it likes to give itself.
The government of Gujarat has implemented certain policies designed to uplift those belonging to the Scheduled Castes into higher positions. The most prominent is the reservation system, where certain seats in the government are set aside only for Dalits. In Gujarat, 7% of seats in the government and education sectors are reserved for Dalits (as opposed to 14% set aside on the national level). This amounts to 2 of the 26 Members of Parliament (MP) and 13 of the 182 Members of Legislative Assemblies (MLA) currently held by members of the SC. There are also established reservation systems in place at the district, block, and village levels throughout the state.
Even with this promise of upliftment through reservation, Dalits continue to be discriminated against throughout Gujarat. The number of atrocity cases against Dalits and the practice of untouchability continue to occur at alarming rates throughout the state, especially when compared to other Indian states.
Dalits in other South Asian Countries
India’s caste system finds corollaries in other parts of the sub-continent, including Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Indeed, as Hinduism spread from northern India to the southern part of the peninsula establishing itself as the dominant religion by the pre-Christian era, so spread the caste system and its ideology justifying the superior standing of the system’s aristocracy. Caste even migrated with the South Asian diaspora to firmly take root in East and South Africa, Mauritius, Fiji, Suriname, the Middle East, Malaysia, the Caribbean, the United Kingdom, and North America. Nevertheless, Asia remains the continent with the largest share of Dalits. There are today in Asia well over 200 million men, women and children enduring near complete social ostracism on the grounds of their descent.
In both Bangladesh and Nepal, the types of discrimination faced by Dalits are very similar to those existing in India. Notions of purity and pollution are prevalent within society, social restrictions, and discrimination in access to public places or jobs are therefore commonplace. Nepal’s situation is noteworthy as not even a fringe of the 4.5 million Dalits (over 20% of the Nepalese population) has been able to significantly emancipate itself. With no affirmative action measures, there are practically no Dalits in Nepal’s legislative assemblies. The literacy rate of Nepalese Dalits is only around 10%, while that of Nepalese Dalit women is even lower. Over 80% of Nepal’s Dalits find themselves below the official poverty line; their life expectancy is not higher than 50 years.
In Pakistan, as well as in Sri Lanka (except Tamil regions), the caste system is somewhat less rigid in the sense that it does not hold any ritual pollution concepts. However, features such as social distance and restricted access to land are still very much a reality. Moreover, the Swat region in northern Pakistan also practices extreme forms of humiliation against Dalits, and especially Dalit women.
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paradoxcase · 1 year
The Mysterious Study of Dr. Sex
This feels like an Encyclopedia Brown book set in the Locked Tomb universe. I like it. I thought the title was going to be some reference to the Sex Pal joke, but no, there is actually a character named Dr. Sex. Of course there is a character named Dr. Sex, like the whole entire reason that there's a context in this world where people are given last names that mean "six" is so that there could be a character named Dr. Sex, isn't it? Honestly, I named the goddess in my current conworlding project Sapfita and then a whole-ass story came out of that name, so I would not be surprised
The real Dulcinea sounds like she'd be much more fun to be friends with than Cytherea, to be honest. Now I'm sad I didn't actually get to meet her. I got a little confused by "alveolar walls", but no, that's nothing to do with the alveolar ridge, that's in the lungs. And Palamedes is giving her medical advice long-distance and devoting all of his studying capacity to trying to help her, and I don't know. Gideon finds this tragic, but I find it kind of weird and concerning. And a little tragic, I guess. People in this universe don't seem to experience regular emotions, but emotions that consume their entire being and sometimes I can't quite empathize with that
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Honestly, if this has been a perpetual issue with the Sixth House, how did it last for 10,000 years? Was there some recent Event that caused this?
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Sorry, I don't have anything to say here
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Ok, so the way you do your administrative stuff is that people put bloody thumbprints on forms, so there's a standard attachment to clipboards that's a spike so you can stab your thumb and generate a bloody thumbprint. But like, blood is a biohazard, right? Your stabbing your thumb, and creating a open wound that's interacting with this same place where a ton of other people also stabbed their thumb and bled all over the clipboard, I'm just saying, this seems like a really efficient way to infect your entire House with HIV
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Ok, that's funny
So what I'm getting is that they control the skeletons through the thermal paste and cords, in a kind of flesh magic way, rather than how skeletons are animated on the Ninth, which is more of a bone magic way? Is that also true for the skeleton that was doing the Copper Garden maintenance? Is that outside?
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So volcanos can be, in some sense, alive or dead, I guess maybe in the same sense that planets can be alive or dead or undead? The definitions of thalergy and thanergy specified that they were about cell division and death, but it doesn't make sense from just those definitions that things like planets and volcanos can be thalergenic or thanergenic. All of the necromancy we've seen has to do with actual organic matter and not things like rocks
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So here's the thing about dating: when you're dating something organic, pretty much always the question you're asking is "when did this organism die?" But if we think about the history of this skeleton - at some point it was a living person, and then some time later that person died, and their skeleton was turned into a construct, all this happened before Dr. Sex came back as a revenant and possessed the skeleton, we'll say that was X years before that happened. Could be 5, could be 100, could be 1000. Dr Sex came back 200 years ago, so the date for these bones should actually be 200 + X, and not 200, unless X was very small and the skeleton had been created very recently at that point, but no one ever mentioned anything like that. They are measuring thalergy and its dissipation here, but that's not really that different than measuring the dissipation of carbon, is it? Except that you don't have to destroy your sample when you use necromancy, I guess. Would a reanimated skeleton continue to produce thalergy and thus register as a living being as far as the dating is concerned? I kind of think it wouldn't. Did Dr. Sex possessing the skeleton re-up its thalergy somehow? But he was also dead at that point
Also interesting that there's a lot of singular they in this story, even for people who have gendered names or are otherwise referred to by gendered terms
So I guess we're meant to assume that this puzzle sphere was some object that Dr. Sex had requested in order to test thalergy levels?
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I guess maybe we'll find out something about the author and intended recipient of this letter in Harrow the Ninth?
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rinusagitora · 6 months
I've turned like sour milk.
Fandom: Bleach Characters; Karin Kurosaki, Toushirou Hitsugaya, Momo Hinamori, Shunsui Kyouraku, Shinji Hirako, Lisa Yadomaru, Roujuurou Outoribashi, Rangiku Matsumoto, Izuru Kira, Shuuhei Hisagi, Renji Abarai Pairings: HitsuKarin-centric, mentions of RenShuuKiraHina, Rannao, ShinRose, & ShunUki Words: 4.2k Summary: Karin's dead now like she's always wanted. She's lucky enough to be housed by Momo and her spouses, but her troubles are far from over. Warnings: References of suicide & self-injury AO3: works/54973525 A/N: Written for HitsuKarin Week 2024.
Karin left the World of the Living wearing shorts and a tank top, barefoot having left her shoes on the bridge. Now she wears a white kimono, folded over like she's a corpse. She can't stop fiddling with the sleeves. She isn't used to their bell-shape. She isn't used to the fabric.
They trek through Ichibantai. The division is, more or less, what Karin expected it to be: antiquated. The floorboards squeal while Momo and Toushirou guide her towards the soutaichou's office. The building is a labyrinth, almost dreamlike. Evergreens cast shadows on the walls no matter where they are or how deep they venture. It's unnerving.
She knows this plane is but a graveyard. The overwhelming majority of the people here have died and carry that horror with them and it shows. Toushirou is now a century old. He still remembers the Russo-Japanese War and cholera. He got misty-eyed when she cracked a joke that he died on the can, and she's never felt as much of an awful person since, even after they made up. Naturally, the plane in which these people reside reflects the dawning of mortality, especially at night when the veil is thinnest. The knowledge of this doesn't keep the most primal parts of her from bristling.
They pause in front of a massive, carved door. Momo repacks her tobacco pipe, lights it with a spark from her snapping fingers. She takes a deep breath and knocks.
Shunsui is not what Karin expected. He opens the door, fixing a lively kimono over his shoulders.
"Hello. Thank you for meeting me at this time," he says. She smells sake on his breath. Her heart pounds. There's an odd emittance from him. Everyone has an aura. Toushirou's aura provokes the image of a dragon coiled around a snow-capped mountain. An icy exterior with a longing for stability found in authority. Momo's is a balefire in a meadow, or pushing around chicken in search of divination. Shunsui's aura is harder to peg. It's like a jack-in-the-box, if the puppet on the spring was a live snake. He is not the facade he dons.
"Soutaichou," Momo says. The three bow in unison. "Thank you for your accommodations. I understand it's after hours, but I presume you understand why I'd like to get this finished sooner rather than later."
Shunsui steps aside and they enter the office. The rice paper doors are open to a manicured stone garden. It's warm, despite it being late spring now, and she sees a kotatsu and a fire going in the pit. 
They take a seat around the kotatsu. Karin's legs ache the second she assumes seiza. The way Shunsui lounges makes her think they're being too formal, or that he loves seeing others prostrate.
"I'm sure you all understand these are most unusual circumstances," Shunsui says.
Momo smiles. "Is anything to do with the Kurosaki usual?"
Shunsui hums. He pours four glasses of sake. "Neither of you were present for Kuchiki's execution, but Kurosaki gave us the opportunity to save her from the execution and bring light to Sousuke's crimes. I can appreciate disruption."
He slides sake glasses over to them. Karin gingerly takes her cup and sips. It burns. This is far from her first taste of liquor, but it's strong shit. She's fuzzy the second it hits her belly. 
"Kurosaki-chan," Shunsui says. His cup touches his lips. "What were the circumstances of your death?"
Toushirou chimes, "She--"
Shunsui's hand lifts to stop him. "I want to hear it from her."
She's staring into the eyes of a nasty spirit while they drink. Her throat will be slit if her gaze averts. 
There's a dozen reasons why she drowned herself, each worse than the last, and increasingly private. She's never been good at politics. Even with the Gotei's multiple life debts to Ichigo, she's certain whatever she says will be held against her.
Karin gnaws on her lip and says, "This is all I've wanted."
"To die?" Shunsui says.
"No. To become a shinigami."
He chuckles. "But a short eighty years, and I'm sure you would've accomplished it."
"Eighty years of bumping into things isn't a life," she argues. "I'm sure you've seen my work, Soutaichou. It's all I want."
"Being a shinigami isn't all about exorcism," he says.
"I know. Toushi-- Hitsugaya-taichou is secretive, but he tells me there's a lot of paperwork no matter where you go."
"You've wanted this for a short... what? Five? Six years?" You understand we live forever unless we're killed or starve, right? Eons of fighting. Of dreary paperwork. Of the world ending. Over and over again."
Karin's heart pounds. She wishes it was dread. Instead, it's the thrill of a roller coaster. Of a promise. Of fresh love.
"May I ask a question, Soutaichou?" Karin says. He waves as permission. "In your years as a shinigami, have you been unfulfilled?" Shunsui is quiet. "My issue isn't as simple as disliking school. Even when my grades were okay, I'd look around what I could do with those skills, and all of it just seemed like a chore. Nursing was fulfilling, but I never had the bedside manner for it. The times I've battled hollows, and the times I've worked with your officers, have been the only times my skin has fit right.
Karin slides her cup onto the tabletop. "You ask why I killed myself. I couldn't go on, day after day, in skin that fit wrong."
"You're so much like your brother." Shunsui sips. "You've always done what's right for you."
Karin frowns. "Is that--"
Toushirou interrupts with, "That isn't an inherently bad quality, Soutaichou. Ichigo Kurosaki and his companions took out over half of our biggest threats for the Winter War during their excursion to Hueco Mundo. I'm confident our losses would've significantly increased if we faced the full force of Aizen's Court." He sips. "She has just as much to offer, and without Kurosaki's shortcomings."
Shunsui's gaze drinks her in. "Then what are your shortcomings, dear?"
Karin swallows. She isn't sure what else to do other than tell the truth. "I'm not always good at listening to authority. I have a temper as well," she replies.
"A temper?" Shunsui reiterates.
Momo scoffs. A cloud of tobacco billows around her face, and she says, while ashing her pipe into a ceramic tray, "All due respect, Soutaichou, our own have far more dangerous tempers. Is it not Mayuri Kurotsuchi-taichou who beat his lieutenant and daughter up until her demise during the Wandenreich invasion?"
"Kurotsuchi-taichou's usefulness is undisputed."
"That's exactly what I mean. Whatever shortcomings Karin has are a fraction of what we have in our uppermost echelon presently. You yourself acknowledge that acting against authority isn't inherently bad. Was it not you and the late Ukitake-taichou who rebelled against Central Forty-Six and your predecessor's orders for Rukia's execution? Do our present captains not have destructive tempers? Were we not founded on slaughter?"
Shunsui taps his cup with his finger. "I see now why you are so special to Nanao."
"I was given lucidity once Sousuke's influence was erased. She values that."
Shunsui leans back on his palm. "My niece has lived a thousand years and accrued wisdom of the ages for it. You have been the only one to share that, and at an infinitesimal age. Your input is one of the few I can take at face value."
There's a wave of indignity from Toushirou that Karin chooses to ignore for now. He's always butthurt when people aren't falling over his prodigal skills.
Shunsui stands and they stand with him. He circles the kotatsu and meets Karin. "It would be an honor to have you as our own, Kurosaki-chan. Once the exams open, you'll take an aptitude test, and your education at Shin'oureijutsuin will begin.
Karin smiles and bows. She can't believe this shit worked. "Karin is fine, Soutaichou. Thank you."
Shunsui bows, and they bow afterward. "Best of luck to you all. Good night."
Karin follows Momo and Toushirou into the night. He grabs her hand. She's fuzzy from booze, but optimistic.
"Well, that went spectacularly," Momo sighs. She takes a moment to puff from her pipe. "Now that that's done, let's go make merriment. Supper should be ready, don't you think?"
Toushirou sighs. "I'm just glad Muguruma's cooking skills are rubbing off on Hisagi."
"He's always been a good cook, you're just spoiled by Obaa-san's cooking."
"Yeah, yeah..."
Karin's heard a fair amount of Momo's husbands from Toushirou. He doesn't seem to get along with them, but tells her their relationship was more strained a few years ago, before the wedding. She's having trouble recalling any of their names, but knows one of them is a close friend of both Ichigo and Rukia, which is bad news for Karin. Ichigo's friends always seem to take his side. They always seem content squashing her under his heel.
Where else can she go, though? She isn't ready to move in with Toushirou so soon. As much as she loves him, she's filled with foulness. She isn't sure he can survive much more of her insanity. Of her self-destruction. God knows killing herself isn't the end of it. Wounds still fester within her.
Momo and her husbands reside in a classical double-decker with a garden and a spacious engawa. She hears ducks nearby and there are potent, joyous waves from within, wafting over her with the sound of laughter. It makes her chest ache.
Momo opens the door to a long entryway where their sandals are shed. "Toushirou, go ahead and meet the party. I'm going to get Karin out of those clothes."
"Alright. See you in a minute," Toushirou says to Momo. He turns to Karin and kisses her cheek. Karin smiles while fiddling with her sleeves. "You too."
Momo takes her past a remarkably open and modern living area, up a set of stairs, through a hallway lit by magical lights, and into a bedroom. She opens a closet brimming with bedding and boxes, and pries one from the neat pile, briefly opening it, and frowns. "Ugh, I might have to loan you something of Shuuhei's. You're much... flesh-ier than I am."
That's one way of putting it. Karin isn't tall. Taller than Momo, but it isn't terribly uncommon for anyone to be taller than Momo. The issue is she's as endowed as an hourglass. Her breasts are large, her hips are wide, and her arms and legs are as thick as the haunches of a horse. This has been a deliberate effort, of course. Karin loves nothing more than to be the image of power. But it does spell difficulty when she needs to borrow clothes from others. When Jinta and Ururu would take her home, each of them covered in the blood of hollows, the only one she could dream of fitting into was Tessai's drawstring pajamas while her clothes were in the wash.
Momo does find a suitable kimono. It's sleeveless and slate blue. Momo removes it from the box in search of an obi, and scoffs when she doesn't find one. "Ugh, I'm sorry. My husband wears... unique accessories at home. Let me grab an obi from my uniform to affix it, dear."
Karin pulls apart the obi holding the kyoukatabira she wears, sheds the rest she wears, and dresses in a loin cloth and the yukata. Momo finds a belt to shut it. It's clear these clothes were made for someone with a much flatter chest than her own. In order to keep the hem even, Karin keeps the collar open. She wishes she had tape to prevent a wardrobe malfunction. But ultimately it is workable.
Momo smooths the fabric over Karin's shoulders. "We'll get you some clothes soon, dear. This will have to do tonight, though," Momo says. "Are you okay to go downstairs now?"
"Better now than never."
They descend the stairs and Karin is taken to a large dining area brimming with jovial atmosphere. She hears laughter and smells hot food. The rice doors are open to a garden with a pond and something like four ducks. There are so many people here. At least a dozen. Karin recognizes Rangiku, and there's a redhead built like a brickhouse that Karin is certain she's seen around Karakura. He's likely Ichigo's friend.
Upon seeing Momo and Karin, the attendees lift their glasses and shout, "Banzai!"
Momo smiles and they take their seats. "This is a spectacular turnout for a last minute gathering," Momo says. Karin crosses her legs on the floor. "Thank you all for coming. You're our dearest friends, and I hope that our ward will find friendship among you all."
Karin bows from her seated position. "Thank you all for having me."
Rangiku laughs and waves her hand dismissively. "Oh, you're too formal! This is a party, isn't it?" 
Toushirou reaches over with a cigarette. She takes one in her lips and takes a drag once he lights it. A scrawny blond man, simply swimming in a shinigami uniform, shovels various dishes and two drumsticks from a fat turkey onto her plate. Karin thanks him, noting the gold wedding band against his gray skin. His reiatsu is a weird piecemeal of misery and something like four others. It's weird. Karin is curious, but doesn't have the opportunity to ask about it when Rangiku asks, 
"Well, Karin-chan, how are you feeling? Death treating you well?"
Karin isn't sure whether or not Rangiku knows that Karin committed suicide. She chooses not to broach the subject. "In truth, it's a lot to take in all at once. I'm fortunate to have Toushirou and Momo as guides."
"That you are," another blond man chimes. He walks over, shooing Toushirou to sit behind her, and sticks his hand out. "Shinji Hirako, captain of gobantai. Pleasure to meet you."
Karin delicately shakes his hand. "Likewise."
"So, we got a Kurosaki here permanently. What plans do you have?" Shinji asks.
"I imagine similar goals you had as a cadet. I'm here to become a shinigami."
"Yes, but why? What are you looking to get out of this?"
"Mah, Shinji, leave the poor thing alone," a bespectacled woman says. "It's her first night here. At least let her eat."
Karin picks up a drumstick as Momo giggles. Shinji sticks out his tongue at her. "Ever an ally, Yadomaru-taichou."
"You live with him long enough and learn to to equip some balls." The woman slides over. "I'm Lisa Yadomaru, captain of hachibantai... ignore Shinji's curiosity, he's always looking to get something."
Karin hums while she chews chicken. It's practically melting in her mouth. "It's a reasonable question. Soutaichou wanted to know the same."
"A reasonable question with more appropriate timing," Lisa says. Karin sees Toushirou and Shinji wrestling for the seat next to Karin in her peripheral. "Why don't you tell us about yourself first?"
She shrugs. "There isn't much to know about me. I hunt hollows. I used to play soccer. Toushirou and I have been dating awhile." The rest of it is too painful to talk about right now. Later. If ever.
Lisa chuckles. "Yeah, there's nothing quite like the field. It's a pity I must spend most of my time behind a desk."
"Oh, I understand my time will likely be spent the same way."
"Well, thankfully, this place is... a bit of a behavioral sink. There's a lot of us, there isn't always a lot to do, and so you'll have plenty of debauchery to engage in." Lisa sips sake. "Are you queer, Karin?"
Karin blinks. "That's quite a segueway."
"I promise it's related," Lisa says while Momo giggles.
"Well... yes. I'm a woman. I'm not particularly picky about my partners, so long as, um... well, so long as I'm topping if that makes sense." Karin smiles bashfully. She hasn't really talked about her sexuality with anyone but Jinta, Toushirou, and Ururu. It feels different. "I like more effeminate people, though."
Lisa says, "Ugh, yeah, those femmes have me by the belt at all times. Anyway: conservatism is prominent here, but most of us here are queer in some facet."
Toushirou finally wins back his seat. "Yeah, I've noticed the same. I mean, wasn't it Hirako and Outoribashi who married first of... er, for lack of a better word, the group?"
"Yes. Point being, you'll have your fill of whatever your poison may be. And if you get into my division, there's plenty to go around," Lisa says, winking.
Rangiku chuckles. "Oh, stop trying to play matchmaker for Yayahara-chan. She does just fine on her own," Momo says.
"None of you guys are any fun," Lisa whines.
Karin asks, "Who else is here?"
"Oh, dear, there's many," Momo says. "Here we go. You've met Rangiku-san, Shinji Hirako-taichou, and Lisa Yadomaru-taichou--"
"Yadomaru-san is fine," Lisa says. Karin nods.
"My spouses are Renji, Shuuhei, and Izuru," Momo says, pointing each of them out. Renji and Izuru, Izuru being the one who served her food earlier and Renji being the redhead she recognizes, are sitting with a carafe and another very large man that Karin is fairly cerain is either yakuza or bousouzoku judging by his cartoonishly large pompadour. Shuuhei is fitting over a pork bun with a lithe, green-haired woman. "The man with Renji and Izuru is Tetsuzaemon Iba-taichou. He's a dear friend of ours." Rangiku snorts and Momo glares at her. Karin's eyebrow cocks but she doesn't have further time to inquire. "Shuuhei is sitting with his co-lieutenant Mashiro Kuna. Their captain is the short, white-haired man sitting next to them, Kensei Muguruma-taichou. At the end of the table are Roujuurou Outoribashi-taichou, Izuru's captain, and Nanao Ise, my longtime friend, Rangiku's wife, and the Soutaichou's lieutenant."
The sheer amount of people here is a little overwhelming, and it's worse feeling what all of them feel. The longer she stays here, drinking in the infectious jubilation, the more she wishes she was alone. She only just suffered the grief of a couple dozen people; the ire of Ichigo and Yuzu, the confliction of her best friends. One would expect this feast would be a welcome departure from the last couple of days but it's all too much. Karin would rather have some time to process and to wallow.
The likelihood of her retreat is a different issue. Momo and her spouses were kind enough to offer their home as lodging. It would be incredibly rude to snub their efforts with her escape.
Roujuurou makes his way over, sitting behind Karin. She scoots herself around and bows to him.
"Hello and welcome to the Seireitei, Kurosaki-san," he says.
"Karin is fine," she replies. Roujuurou smiles.
"Your brother was our ally, and we, the Vizard, owe him. We owe you by extension," Roujuurou explains. Karin tries to brush off her brother's mention. "I am captain of sanbantai. Anything you need, I'll do what I can to provide. I know the same can be said for my husband Shinji."
Karin wants to say she doesn't want her brother's debts. Instead, she asks, "Vizard?"
He hums. Lisa says, "We're kind of like a hybrid of shinigami and hollow. We're not arrancar. Arrancar are... um... sourced from hollows. We were, and are, shinigami with hollows inside of us. Your brother is the same way."
"Well, it's more complicated than that according to Urahara, but yes," Roujuurou says.
"You know Urahara and Tsukabishi?" Karin asks.
"We were exiled with them after Aizen's experiment on us failed," Lisa explains.
"Well, yes, but it's more accurate to say they sacrificed their comfort to save us," Roujuurou says. "We would've been executed, or worse, if they hadn't ran with us."
Karin hums. "They are especially popular."
"More like infamous," Toushirou quips.
Roujuurou stands. "It was good meeting you, Karin. Take care. Again, my offer is indefinite. Whatever you made need."
Karin bows as he leaves. Toushirou squeezes her thigh, and she shoos him off. He leaks hurt.
"I'm going to fetch my husbands so they can introduce themselves as well," Momo says, standing. "Toushirou, could you fetch more sake?"
"Um, yeah, sure," he says.
Karin swigs a drink in her moment of privacy before standing to meet Momo's spouses Izuru, Renji, and Shuuhei. They're all much taller than she, even Izuru, who is simply swimming in his uniform.
"Karin, these are Izuru, Renji, and Shuuhei," Momo says. Renji nods to her.
"Hi," Karin says. She bow politely. "Thank you for having me."
"Welcome, Kurosaki," Renji says. He claps her on the arm and she winces. His slap doesn't sting as much as the name.
"Karin is fine," she says.
"Y'know, I didn't recognize you at first," Renji says, "you've grown up a lot."
"Yeah," she agrees.
"More importantly, what was it like living with Ichigo Kurosaki?" Shuuhei asks.
Momo says, "Let's leave those questions for a later time." Momo rubs Karin's back. "Do you have any questions for them, Karin-chan?"
Karin glances between them, opening and closing her mouth like a fish. She wants to ask why Izuru is comprised of something like four different reiatsu, ask how well Renji knows Ichigo, why Shuuhei is interested in her brother, but it all locks up in her throat. It embarrasses her. Normally, Karin is assertive and fearless, but she's tired now. Everything feels like a damn landmine.
"Naw," she says, "I think we'll get to know each other along the way."
Karin sits through another two hours of questions she doesn't have answers to, conversational topics of varying interest, and exorbitant alcohol consumption. By the point in which party-goers are peetering out, she's seeing triple and wobbling.
At least she's numb.
She does have the wherewithal to help with cleanup.
She wrings out a rag in the sink. Momo squawks, "It's your special night! It's like your birthday. Birthday girls don't do the cleaning!"
Izuru snorts. "You're always cleaning up after your birthday," he says. Momo's glare could very well have cut him, judging by how quickly he escapes the kitchen.
Karin unrolls the rag. "I's fine," she slurs, "leas' I shoul'do."
Momo sighs. "Karin-chan, I'm grateful for your help, but you need to lay down."
"Naw," she insists, brushing past Momo and tripping on her foot. She catches herself in the doorframe. Thankfully, she doesn't have the means for shame just yet. She'll leave it for the morning.
Momo sighs. "I'll have Toushirou take you to your room. Shuuhei had it made earlier today."
Karin hums. She looks at her hand and the rag's gone. Momo has it flung over her shoulder and it occurs to her just how sloshed she is. 
"Yeah, okay," Karin replies.
Momo whistles and Toushirou makes his way down the hall with an armful of dishes. Momo takes them, kisses his head, and Toushirou wraps Karin in a hug. He kisses her. It twists a knife in her chest she's only now aware of.
It's a chore getting upstairs. He has to drag her up because her feet aren't working, and it brings tears to Karin's eyes. Embarrassment, namely. 
She doesn't know if she can do this with him anymore. This isn't any different than the times he's held her in the shower while rinsing off the blood from her wrists.
She's laid on her futon, hugs his shoulders, and kisses him. His thumb pets her cheek.
Karin sniffs. "Toushirou, I know you can't... I know you can't feel others the way I do, but I'm in a lot of pain now." She wipes her tears away. "I don't know that I can do this now."
Dread washes over him. It's almost enough to make Karin hurl. "What?"
"I think a big piece of me broke when I jumped. All I feel is pain and resentment and... and I think to every time you rushed to my side when I couldn't take it anymore, when I'd gore myself, and I'd feel your pain."
"I don't know what you're trying to say." His voice is shaking.
Karin squeezes her eyes shut. Her tears roll off her temple and into her hair. "I can't do this to you anymore."
He licks his lips. "Are you breaking up with me?"
Karin sobs. She holds him and lays their heads together. "Can you wait for me?"
He sobs. "I don't understand what I did to... to prompt this."
"You're not listening," she says, "I broke, Toushirou, and you've mopped up after me for so long. I can feel when you're in pain. I can't do that to you over and over again when this is supposed to fix me."
He sits back on his legs and runs his hands down his face. Karin props herself on her elbows. There's four of him, coalescing into an image of confusion and hurt, before separating into six spinning, blurry iterations, blurry in her watery eyes. 
Toushirou sighs and says, "You've... you've been everything to me for years."
"This is supposed to fix me." She's still in pieces now.
His chest heaves while he licks his lips and pushes his fingers through his hair. "You're drunk." He stands. "Good night, Karin."
He leaves and rips her heart out with him, connective tissue and arteries and all.
Karin muffles herself as she sobs. Rolling onto the bedroll, snot blows onto her hand while she screams into her skin.
She knows better than most that shit gets worse before it gets better. The anguish of it isn't anything she'll get used to.
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wavernot4love · 6 months
time 4 yet another wavernot4love gig recap, gloomtown rochester edition (aka my seventh time seeing idkhow, fourth in rochester, & third at the montage music hall, the latter two a feat i cannot say for many bands) (note this was typed primarily at three am last night so once again there is probably incoherent rambling):
- gonna start this off with this clip of sunnyside since 1. i think that is becoming my favorite song off gloom division and 2. the ending gives me a chuckle
- boring live finally came back 2 me after four long years!!!!
- (dallon neurodivergency mention when talking about the themes of gloom division) (crowd erupts in cheers)
- return of the mormon tabernacle choir comparison arrived post- a letter, with dallon saying the next song (what love) wasn't something they tell you about in church, in typical cheeky fashion
- somewhat related, bro was wearing a gold sparkly grandma cardigan and randomly ripped it off and threw it CLEAN through the doorway of the like, green room at montage mid- what love. speaking of he said people at the vip earlier apparently planned his outfit
- dallon straight up grabbed a kid by the hand mid song and yanked them out of the crowd & onstage so they could do a lil jig together? good for them!!!
- going to leave the dallon quote "this isn't a frat house!" here w/o context
- someone handed him a giant american flag with a picture of him printed on it. god bless america
- ALL OF THE BRACELETS/KEYCHAINS WENT? after the show maybe 40 of us camped outside in case dallon came out and at one point someone who had reached out about them came over & so did a BUNCH of other folks who realized there were, in fact, bracelets. my cousin referred to it as the "meet & greet" since there were barricades set up along the sidewalk which gave me a bit of a laugh. guess i'm making more for buffalo yippee!!!! possibly may make stickers too later if i have time. i'll probably post em, but otherwise look for the person w curly hair & a baggy black thought reform hoodie w bracelets on a carabiner!
- so while we were waiting my cousin and i were sat RIGHT next to the main entrance of montage, right? basically the start of a sort of line of people sat down going down the sidewalk.
anyways, at one point only maybe 45 minutes after the show, out of said main entrance strolls dallon. collective whiplash moment as bro took one look, stopped dead in his tracks, we all collectively looked at each other like
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and dallon (who i think was truly surprised so many of us were out waiting in the cold) goes, lightheartedly but genuinely, "what are you guys doing all out here? it's freezing outside!"
and then proceeds to kinda frolick around for a couple minutes laughing w people or whatever. we didn't really approach him since i think he was a bit overwhelmed but it was still just a funny moment and we'll see what happens in buffalo! maybe less people will hang after so it'll be less intimidating for him.
- i do feel the need to mention i heard this one kid we were talking to bring up video games to him & dallon said he's not a huge video games person he just plays the last of us & spiderman really which is funny to me but fitting
- i did bring my point & shoot so once i edit those maybe i'll post some!
anyways, stoked on tomorrow's show yay!!!
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aceywhomps · 6 months
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Dan Kazuo:
his namesake is irl dazai's best (?) friend, Dan Kazuo. There's like, probably a bunch of different versions of him already but... yk. he's different...
he's a fairly playful and spontaneous guy, willing to be Dazai's favourite ride-or-die bestie in the face of adversaries.
he'll rather follow after someone else's plans instead of think up his own despite his high iq of 205 because he finds that letting himself do what he wants is boring because it'll just go according to his plans, so he just derails other people's plans instead.
he goes through life just to have fun and kill boredom. he joined the port mafia bc he found dazai interesting after he killed all of dazai's subordinates in a feat of horrendous crime (he found out he had an ability in this fight)
he also has a weird obsession to the point of insanity towards dazai, and it makes people wonder if he has a crush on Dazai or if it's just... him. (it's both)
and when dazai left, he also up and left because if dazai isn't there, it isn't fun
and so he became a government dog. he joined the government's special divisions unit to pass on insider information to dazai and to mess up plans that endanger dazai. anywho, he's also a raging alcoholic, a great cook, and lives life just to make sure dazai stays alive because a dead dazai equals a boring life.
his ability is named after irl dan kazuo's most famous novel, Hanagatami (or Flower Basket). Dan's ability allows him to create sharp projectiles in the shape of flower petals (usually camellia petals, for they signify death) with any nearby sources of any fluid. he usually uses his own blood, however, since it is easier, and so he carries various weapons around that can puncture him to gain access to his own blood. he is also able to use the petals to grab ahold of things, as he can adjust the sharpness of the petals.
his ability has an added effect of stunning blood clotting effectiveness, thus creating more bloodloss for the target. the blood lost turns into more sharp flower petals that cut into the target and causes EVEN more blood loss, thus turning the victims into literal flower baskets of death. Dan is able to control the speed of the bloodloss as well as the sharpness of the petals, like his own petals, and decide if the effect will even happen in the first place.
only Dazai, with his nullification ability, and Dan are able to stop the side effect of Hanagatami.
also he doesn't like Chuuya, but begrudgingly respects him. absolutely despises Mori, though. oddly enough, has an amicable relationship with Fyodor despite their differences.
Probably has major BPD or Obsessive Love Disorder.
Lu Xun:
based off of a real life chinese novelist/essayist named Lu Xun.
Lu Xun is an insane (obviously) & schizophrenic chinese ability user who's running from chinese authorities, as he's a wanted criminal (terrorist AND mass murderer, chinese Fyodor/hj). he has a weird relationship with Nikolai, because they both have the same mentality, except Nikolai tends to find fun in lifw and hide his feelings, but Lu Xun is more flat and gloomy, hiding none of his emotions.
his ability is named Thoughts Before The Mirror, and unironically, it allows him to move himself or items through any mirror-like substance, like water, metal or an actual mirror, as long as there is a clear reflection on its surface.
it also a causation for his schizophrenia, for he feels he is not himself and rather a mirror world version of himself that took his place.
he doesn't like staring into mirrors, not because he's insecure, but because he cannot recognise himself anymore. he thinks he's a completely different person who's replaced the "real" him, and thus he is regularly exploited through his instability and mental health issues, which is kind of ironic considering his ability requires mirrors.
most of his colleagues in crime in his group named "Dawn Blossoms at Dusk" (refering to irl Lu Xun's book, Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk) are female, for Lu Xun is an avid advocator for female rights and prefers the company of women that'd be able to protect him over fickle men that have no use causing him even more harm.
Has schizophrenia, autism, paranoia & anxiety.
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basiabd · 1 year
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Ayy leprechaun oc’s. They are similar to the felt (homestuck) but instead of being based around billiard balls they are based around the flowers of the months. They also each have their own ability/juju and their lives are connected to their corresponding flowers.
Long explanation below :D
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Carvy- He is based around the carnation which is Januarys flower. His ability is referred to as “monster” which inclines that he has a monster form. This monster form only takes place during moments of strong angry or rage. For Carvy this is simple because he is quick to anger, however his ability may sound cool but it’s very painful for him. During the transformation into monster Carvy it breaks his bones and pushes them outwards to make a sort of spike shield. Once his anger has run out his bones fix and pop back into place, but it makes him sick afterwards.
Vio/Lito- Vio and Lito are twins and they’re both based around the Violet. Which is Februarys flower. They no longer have an ability but at one point is was labeled as “division” meaning they can spilt their molecules apart to make an identical version of themselves. However after an accident they can no longer use it. Now being referred to as the gunners. As now they only use weapons.
Daffon- He is based around the daffodil which is marchs flower. His ability is referred to as sticky which is pretty self explanatory. He’s palms as well as the soles of his feet have sticky pads that can hold onto any surface. He is also pretty quiet which make it easier to sneak up on people.
Dulce- He is based around the sweet pea which is April’s flower. His ability is referred to as “poison” which is also self explanatory. As it suggests dulce secretes poison from his skin. But that’s not all because most of the liquid in his body contains poison. His blood, tears and spit all contain poison. At the start he did feel discomfort from the poison in his body. But over time he grew use to it.
Garder- He is based around an hawthorn which is mays flower. He doesn’t have an ability because he doesn’t need one. He’s the gang’s gardener and doctor. He’s very skilled in many things such as sewing, brewing, cooking, and combat. He usually has a dead tone attitude and tone but he means well.
Rono- He’s based around an rose which Junes flower. His ability is referred to as thorn. Which makes thorns in his skin as a type of defense mechanism. He acts very flamboyant and is close friends with lilino.
Lilino- He’s based around an lily pad which is July’s flower. His ability is called wave. Which makes it to where he can move his body in ways a normal individual couldn’t do. It’s a flowing motion kinda like water.
Pip- He’s based around an poppy which is august flower. His ability is only referred to as pop which can kinda be deceiving. He doesnt make explosions on his own but instead he can survive explosions. Say if he steps on a landmine and steps off, once he does he will be completely fine. He makes bombs on his own. (After learning from garder)
Amotise- She’s based around an aster which is Septembers flower. She doesn’t have an ability. She has 3 prosthetics, two legs and an arm. The arm can shot out stings that are extremely hard to break and can leave individuals trapped for a long while. Though the strings can be broken in a certain way that only she and the other members know.
Majorno- He’s based around an marigold which is October’s flower. His ability is called ghost which is pretty self explanatory on what it does. But, to put it in a simple way he has the ability to speak to the dead. He also has a wide respect to the dead which makes him more in touch with his ability.
Pilino- He’s based around an peony which is Novembers flower. His ability is called chameleon which once again is pretty self explanatory. But, it means he can blend in with his surroundings extremely well. As if he just turned invisible.
Hollver- He’s based around holly which is Decembers flower. He has both an ability and juju. His juju being used the most. His juju are bells that have the flowers of the other members on the. Once he rings one he swaps places with the corresponding member. His ability however is called frost. Which may be self explanatory but it means whenever they touch something with their bare hands it immediately freezes into ice.
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That will conclude may little Oc rant. But be warned I may change things over time.
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muttakutagawa · 10 months
can you share about your shibusawa kids :D
(sorry this took so long to get out, my computer broke so its slow typing big text posts on mobile so please forgive any typos)
they're still in development at the moment as i try to build my nextgen but heres something of an overview of them so far to give you a bit of a general idea :]
some background: i like to ship shibusawa in a monstercule (monster polycule) of him, bram, lovecraft, adam, and sigma so the four kids i talk about here have additional siblings from those as well
they also each have some reptile i equate them within my mind that i use to characterize them
Tatsumi Shibusawa-Lovecraft
Tatsumi is th oldest of the family, and has the least conventional origin in comparison to not only his siblings but all my fankids (yes, even chimeraverse, even if those aren't actually technically shipkids).
He's technically closer to a singularity than anything else, first appearing as an egg shaped bundle of excess energy in the aftermath of Dead Apple. He wasn't really concious or anything during this, just a bunch of barely contained highly unstable energy swirling around. The egg was initially gathered by the ADA but was turned over to the Special Division for Unusual Powers so it could be more safely stored and observed. I don't want to spoil the entire story since I plan on writing/drawing it, so to cut to the end, the energy stored in the "egg" wasn't stable enough to actually form a living body and Shibusawa couldn't provide any more than what he already had. It required contact with another extreme source of energy, which ended up being the cosmic power Lovecraft is constantly using to maintain a human form himself. (I will say there were a couple other circumstances that could've provided Tatsumi with his stabalized human form, Lovecraft was just the one who actually made physical contact with the "egg" to actually trigger it)
His ability, Revolt of the Body doesn't actually do much, primarily because it's not much of an ability and functions more like Great Old One. It's main point of use is just shapeshifting and letting Tatsumi be able to do that without becoming unstable again. But... perhaps it does have other capabilities yet to be seen...
Tatsumi is fairly laid back but is also frequently bored and gets sleepy if his interest isn't held. He seeks out a lot of novelty to keep himself entertained (and yes as a result he is easily taken in by video games for those dopamine hits. Please don't let him near a casino.) He's rather sluggish in most aspects but when excited can cause a lot of accidental damage by forgetting how strong he is. He has a penchant for theatre and art and can be found skulking around galleries or performance halls people watching or waiting for plays or dances to begin.
He's designed to evoke a python or anaconda 🐍
References: Tatsumi Hijikata and his solo work Hijikata Tatsumi and Japanese People: Revolt of the Body
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Mina Shibusawa-Stoker
Mina is the middle child of the Stoker triplets (including her older brother Jonathan and younger sister Lucy aka Lulu).
Her ability, White Wyrm Lair lets her hypnotize others. The ability takes the form of a crystalline looking serpent that inflicts a setting bite, its venom making the victim extremely susceptible to suggestion. Mina can choose to activate the latent venom at whatever point she chooses, provided the ability hasn't been deactivated in the time passed.
She's got a lot of confidence and can be a bit of a trickster, using her charms for her own amusement. She's also very into luxury and likes to lounge around. She's honestly got knife cat energy, which I love for her.
Her reptile is a komodo dragon 🐉
References: Mina Harker (character in Bram Stoker’s Dracula), Bram Stoker novel The Lair of the White Worm
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Yukio Shibusawa
Yukio's one of the two "middle children" of the group (along with Slava, who isn't discussed here since they aren't a Shibusawa kid).
He's fairly laid back, or at least appears that way in terms of his introspective nature. He gets on well with most people and tries to be accommodating but can end up as a pushover in his attempts to people please conflicting against his own wants.
While he doesn't have an actual ability, he does eventually gain access to The Book. That plays a lot into his character and arch so I don't actually want to say too much about it here to avoid spoilers, sorry about that.
While it wasnt initially intended, for some reason he reminds me most of a snapping turtle 🐢
References: Yukio Mishima, assorted work by Mishima (Confessions of a Mask, The Frolic of the Beasts, The Sea of Fertility tetralogy (Spring Snow, Runaway Horses, The Temple of Dawn, and The Decay of the Angel))
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Epsilon Shibusawa
Epsilon is the baby of the family!
Because they're so young I don't have too much to say unfortunately.
They don't have an ability of their own but did end up inheriting access to Draconia's fog. They're very clingy to their family and don't like to be far from them or in new places around new people. They're generally very anxious and withdrawn, but they enjoy listening to stories and solving puzzles, which helps feed their curiosity.
While designed with the inspiration of a hognose snake, they also take some aspects from crocodilians 🐊
References: the greek letter Epsilon, Tatsuhiko Shibusawa’s The Song of the Eradication and The Rib of Epicurus
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Bonus "Fun" Fact!:
The reason all of them have dragonic hybrid physiology is as a result of being fused with energy from Draconia. Tatsumi is of course his own special case in regards to that being a literal singularity and Revolt Of The Body making it possible for him to shift just how human vs monster he appears.
The others are permanent, with their horns growning from the spot in their skulls where Shibusawa embedded shards of Draconia gems into them, thus making them hybrids just like him.
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