#which is kinda the same as crayons
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chickenchirps27 · 7 months ago
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gravity falls hyperfixation so bad that i started drawing the divorce in crayon
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cannibalspicnic · 9 months ago
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going in quick with more oil pastels, no plan, and a need to put some colors onto a canvas
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thetimelordbatgirl · 4 months ago
Not Zachary Levi trying to insist his career is alive and well after the flop that is Harold And The Purple Crayon lmaooo.
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kteezy997 · 1 year ago
The Candy Man-Part Ten (the end)//W.W.
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Info/Warnings: Wonka family fluff, smut at the end, calling cum “cream,” another baby making session hehe, licking chocolate off of the body, use of ice for sex play
A/N: This is kinda long, grab a snack maybe.
The third Wonka baby, a little boy, was named Cotton, as in cotton candy. Willy couldn’t name his children after anything other than candy. You had to actively stop him from giving your child the name “Chocolate.” But Cotton was cute, and sweet just like his older siblings, Maple and Mocha.
Willy told you he liked the name ‘Cherry’ for when you had another girl together. You thought it was bold of him to assume that you’d continue having more of his children. You loved him, but hated him for always being right.
After your new son was born, it was finally time for you to become Mrs. Wonka. It was your wedding day. All of the original scrubbers happily helped you and Willy orchestrate the most beautiful wedding.
It was all traditional white ribbons and touches of cotton candy pink. Your bridal bouquet was two shades of pink roses with the tiny white flowers of baby's breath.
You thought it would be a little silly for you to wear a white dress, since this was your second, and albeit, last wedding, and Willy had made you a mother three times over. Thus, you decided on an adorable blush pink gown that was satin and chenille to the floor.
Willy looked handsome as ever, as you had helped fix his curls to lay in beautiful heap on his head. You were used to working with the texture of his hair; two of you children had the same curls, and though you knew baby Cotton would most likely have the same also, he was too little to tell just yet.
Daddy Wonka wore a dark brown suit, it was an homage to chocolate, but not too over the top, which you appreciated. You thought the rich color looked quite nice on your man. He wore a boutonniere that matched your flowers. He cried as you recited your wedding vows. He was so soft, but you knew how happy he was. He had come a long way. And before you knew it, he was wiping your tears away too.
In time, your kids grew, and the success of the chocolate factory allowed your family to have a rather nice life. Willy was able to hire more workers and spend more time at home with you and the kids. You and Willy would spend the workday at the factory, with you mostly in your office and Willy overseeing the candy making. And then you'd spent the latter portion of the day with the kids.
Maple and Mocha remained playful and curious, like their father. Willy would play with them in the chocolate room and let them try out new flavors he was creating. But little Cotton was more on the reserved, quiet side. He liked hanging out with you in your office. He was good with numbers and figuring, and he had a knack for solving problems, even at an early age.
All three kids got along and played well together, for the most part. They would fuss and fight now and then, like all siblings. But while the twins ran around and picked fights with each other, Cott liked to climb up into his Daddy's lap and ask him about his Grandma Wonka and how Willy remembered making chocolate bars with her. The first Wonka chocolate.
"And she would be so proud of you and your brother and sister." Willy would say to his youngest baby after looking back fondly and telling him the stories of his childhood with his mother.
You hoped you'd never forget the nights when Willy would hold little Cotton in his arms, singing "Pure Imagination" so softly, so angelically. And your sweet baby would fight the sleep that called him, but alas, his green eyes would flutter behind long lashes, and little curls would fall onto his sleepy face as his father's voice would lull him into slumber.
Willy's zest for creativity was passed to on Mae, who would spend her childhood using crayons to create designs for her Dad's candy ideas, all the way down to the style of the packaging. Her eye for color was impeccable. She never lost her sweetness, but she did develop an edge for the dramatic. Neither Willy nor you could complain about her over-the-top flair, because she was responsible for a lot of Wonka's eye-catching, and best-selling product designs.
Her twin brother was also like their father, in his love for the experimental side of the candy making. Mocha loved thinking up flavor combinations and bringing those ideas to fruition alongside Willy in the factory. There were many times where the young boy and his father would come home in need of sparkling soda to ease their stomach aches from eating too much sugar and mixing some of the wrong ingredients together.
Little Cott, however, seemed to inherit your mind for business. He loved his Daddy, of course, but he stuck to you quite often. He was always a serious, yet thoughtful child. He was a sensitive boy, and though he wasn't as into the candy making process like his artistic siblings, he was just as sweet and loving as they were. You had to admit, it was nice having your Cotton as a constant companion, as your older two kids were their father's little shadows.
As for you and Willy, things never changed, if they did it was your love growing stronger and deeper with every moment you got to spend together.
Nights of returning to the factory to visit the secret chamber never ceased. Anytime you and Willy wanted to be together and unwind, or let all of your fantasies come to light, you called one of your friends or your parents to babysit and made your way back to the chocolate factory.
Now, you could still have intimate nights at home, but three kids made it difficult at times. And in your private room, no one would ever bother you or be disturbed by anything that happened in there.
"Can we have another baby? I think the time is right." Willy asked you one evening after dinner. The kids were occupied with whatever game they were playing amongst the three of them.
You were surprised at his question; it was the first time you'd discussed the idea with seriousness in a long time. "You aren't happy with three kids?"
"Of course, I am, honey. That's not why. I know that you wanted to wait awhile, and the twins are almost seven and Cotton is five. I want to have just one more experience raising a baby." he took your hands, "Please, my love? Just one more, that's it. One more sweet little one, it makes me happy, creating a human that's half of you." he caressed your face, looking at you with puppy eyes. The eyes you could not say 'no' to.
"You're right. And you've been very patient, Willy. I love that you've let me take my time on deciding. My answer now is yes." you smiled, squeezing your husband's hands.
Willy grinned widley, "Really? We can?!"
"Yes, let's have another baby!"
Willy cheered and picked you up in his arms, spinning you around. "Oh honey, I'm so happy right now! I love you, y/n."
You hugged him tightly, "I love you too, Willy."
"What are you two so excited about?" quipped Maple, showing a little sass at the ripe age of nearly six and a half.
"Nothing for you to be concerned about, young lady." you responded. You didn't want to spill any beans and get the kids excited for something that hadn't happened yet. "Now, go on upstairs, it's almost time for baths."
"Ugh, I don't want to take a bath tonight." your daughter grumbled.
"Maple Wonka, don't you sass your mother, now do as she says." Willy demanded, using his stern Dad voice.
Mae rolled her eyes, "Fine." she huffed. She, along with her brothers, made their way upstairs.
As you watched them go, Willy put his arms around you from behind, and kissed your cheek.
You put your arms on his and rested your head back against him, "Mae is going to be the one to give us a run for our money." you sighed.
"Oh, it's going to be okay. She's strong, like you, but it's not a problem."
"Hmm." you put your hand in his curls, "I hope you're right."
"I'll go make sure bath time goes smoothly." he kissed your temple, parting from your embrace, "And you can think up a time for us to start making a baby."
As he started walking away, you said, "What about tomorrow night? At the factory?"
He pivoted on his heel and his eyes were wide when he caught your gaze, "Oh, that soon? Honey, I'm so excited." he said, running over to kiss your lips as you giggled.
The next night, Willy tied you to the bed, and had poured warm chocolate all over your nude body. He teased you with his tongue, swirling over your hard nipples, trailing down your tummy, dipping into your navel, and slipping down between your legs as he lapped up every trace of the chocolate.
He got you all worked up, sweaty, and dripping wet. Your body ached and writhed in anticipation.
He came back over to the bed with a medium sized metal bucket in his hands. "Some ice." he announced, "In case the chocolate was too warm for you."
You nodded, and he went ahead, placing a cube of ice on your lips first. You couldn't help but lick the ice as it was near your mouth, and you gave his fingers a tiny nibble as well.
He ran the ice from collarbone to collarbone, then downwards, over your nipples, making you gasp.
Willy smirked at the effect the ice was having on your body.
You held your breath as he dragged the ice down your stomach, your ribcage inflating as you held your breath. As you let out your breath, your back arched as you felt the ice on your clit, melting and dripping between your folds. Your skin was on fire, and the ice was a shock. It was almost too much. Your man had a wicked imagination.
The ice was taken away, "Feel alright, y/n?" he asked, still being your sweet Willy at this point.
"Yes." you said, weakly.
"Excellent." he said, setting the bucket of ice down. Then, he leaned down close to your ear, "Now, I'm ready to breed you." Dominant Willy had arrived. You could barely contain your excitement as he untied your wrists and ankles.
You lay on the bed as patiently as you could, and he climbed on top of you. He took your legs, propping them all the way up on his shoulders. You whimpered, as he made eye contact with you. You feet hung up on either side of his head. With a little thrust of his hips, he was inside of you.
You'd been making love to Willy for years now, sex in every sense of the word, a deep, trusting sexual relationship that you never imagined you'd have, and still, each time was like the first. You looked back to the time you took his virginity on the bear skin rug that you so despised. You fell in love right then. You knew he was special from the beginning.
"Are you gonna make me a Daddy again, my sweet?" he asked, thrusting softly, pushing his curls back as he looked down at you.
"Yes, baby. Give me that Wonka baby cream, please." you whined.
Willy dipped down, kissing you hard and he quickened his pace, "I'll give it to you.”
Your husband kissed you repeatedly, and kneaded your hips as he rammed you. You knew as his thrusts became sloppy and his breath ragged, he was close to coming. He put his forehead on yours, letting his sweat and your mix together.
You ran your hands over his strong back, his arms, then held his handsome face, “I love you, Willy Wonka, I want your baby.” you cooed.
“Oh, I love you.” he huffed, “You should be pregnant before the night is over, Mrs. Wonka." You felt his cum invade you shortly after.
Who would have thought that the innocent chocolate salesman would be saying that to the housewife he met by chance almost seven years prior?
Willy Wonka, as you knew, was never wrong, and your fourth and final child came into the world nine months, to the day, later. Cherry Wonka. She completed your beautiful family. She was the class clown of the bunch, spirited and wild as could be, with bouncing curls and a deviously cute grin. She kept you and Willy on your toes constantly, and you adored her.
A/N: Special thank you to my beta, @gatoenlaciudad ! You’ve been such an inspiration and great support throughout this series!💕
@thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @tchalamss @softhecreator @bitchyunknownuser @lixzey @kpopgirlbtssvt
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unowneyenon · 2 years ago
EDIT: i made this list only a little while ago and ever since then SO MANY FINDINGS ARE OUT!!!! OMG EVERYONE IS SO SMART!!! this list is VERY VERY SMALL ANS A LITTLE OUTDATED!!! for the more updated version, go to my profile and it’s the pinned post!!!!!
🏡 The Welcome Home Update Discovery List!🏡
DISCLAIMER🏡 this edit is a HUGE WIP right now and i edit this post very frequently! VERY. i can find new material very fast, which makes it hard to publish it all fast!
hello neighbors! the new welcome home update just released and i hopped on in immediately—i made a post about it literally 10 minutes ago. since then, i’ve already found MORE and MORE content!! thus, to share this information with the fandom and also help others find how to access some of this information (of which nobody else has really posted about yet AT THE MOMENT I AM TYPING THIS) i’ve decided to create a big update masterlist of everything me and others have found it this update it will be updated regularly and will be pinned on my acc! happy findings! (ps: please boost this if u can i want to solve mysteries with this hellsite!!)
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side note—it appears all the main glitchy videos with the voice actors can be found by clicking on the numerous bugs around the site! SIDE side notes—i don’t use a computer to access welcome home, so maybe there is a way to do this on a computer. on the front page wayyyyy at the bottom near the count of how many people have visited the site, there’s a beetle i cant click on that just SCREAMS “click me!” PLEASE someone click it because it will not be me
the spider — found on the top right of the “stickers” page, this video goes through a conversation between barnaby & julie, with julie saying really bad jokes in attempt to be funny (she’s is but she isn’t at the same time! i love corny jokes so she’s funny in my eyes). also, something i’ve noticed throughout these videos appears to be that wally is in many, if not all of them. he’s just nonverbal and does not speak. at ALL. but he is in them. barnaby actively talks to a person beside from julie, and at the end, julie says a sentence that ends with “… wasn’t it wally?” asking for his opinion. BUT BUT BUT the video cuts and glitches off as soon as she says wally! it’s very similar to how all these videos end!!
the praying mantis — found at the bottom of the “about us” page, clicking on a little preying mantis will lead you to a video of sally and julie rehearsing for a play! idk if it has any deep meaning yet (besides the random deep voice at the end) but it’s so silly!!!! like julie is so silly i love her!!!! (TW minor glitching and weird deep voice at end which is sorta a pattern in the vids)
the fly — found on the page titled “welcome home” and can be accessed by clicking on a fly that appears on screen. this video depicts frank and barnaby’s voices, discussing frank’s flowers in his garden. the video itself shows what appears to be a smashed orange/pumpkin thing in a woodsy area, as (what i think looks like) a face looms in the background (TW sorta loud noises and glitching!
both of these audios are of wally speaking directly to the listener, and can be found on the “welcome home” titled page (at least that’s where i found them) by clicking on crayon-drawn flowers shown here:
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yellow flower — depicts wally asking the listener “what are you waiting for? to hear from me again? hahaha! that means you can hear me.” , as a heartbeat noise is heard in the background (it’s not as creepy as it sounds i promise)
red and blue flowers — wally saying; “that’s what an eye looks like. my eyes are black. what color are yours?” as a heartbeat noise plays in the background
house scribble — found DIRECTLY on the front page like as soon as you enter the site. wally says; “there you are! welcome home! hahaha” he’s so silly imo
the star — found on the stickers page by clicking the star scribble. this one kinda scared me a LITTLE with what was happening on screen but wally says: “do you like to draw? i do. do you know how to draw an eye? first, you draw a circle. then, you draw a smaller circle inside. then, you color it in.” this one’s really cool go watch it and you’ll see!
🏡other stuff i noticed (WIP)!!🏡
in the “spider” video, julie says to barnaby that her joke will “knock your [barnaby’s] head off!” which is funny, but not the haha way. because there is art made by clown illustrations of barnaby, who’s head is rolled on the floor
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bylerlipglances · 2 months ago
this could be the sound of Will shooting fireballs. The same OST plays 'She'll Kill You'
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Will doesn't look too thrilled to use the fireballs but he can rise to the occasion when the time demands it. Till then, he'll stick to his wisdom. (possibly due to its adverse reaction, eg: nuclear bombs are potent but come with terrible side effects, irreversible damages). HE USES THEM WISELY. Foreshadowing his restrain.
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Note: These might be little far-fetched. This is my failed attempt to understand why dialogues emphasised on color of fireball? i could be way off. i am following Marvel's interpretation since X-Men and Superman have been mentioned by the party.
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GREEN LANTERN AND color of his ring theory
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Green lantern powers(embedded in his rings) and parallel with will byers. 'Will' POWER is his actual power. Will is at the centre of his power.
Energy Projection: It can emit powerful blasts of energy, create force fields, and provide energy-based attacks for offense and defense. (electromagnetic field & fireballs?)
Data Analysis and Scanning: it can scan for information, detect energy signatures, and provide tactical analysis.(Nina project, IP?)
Teleportation: Some rings have the ability to teleport the wearer across vast distances. (true sight, now memories?)
Environmental Adaptation: It creates a life-support system for the wearer, allowing them to survive in extreme conditions, including the vacuum of space. (upside down?)
Time Travel the ring has been used to manipulate time. Wormholes and Spatial Warps: The power ring grants its wearer access to wormholes in space, enabling the ring wielder to rapidly cut time and distance needed for transport. The Guardians established at least one known wormhole to Oa, which once required the use of a power ring to enter. (Gates)
Willpower Dependence: The ring’s strength is directly tied to the user’s willpower and emotional focus. If the user doubts themselves or loses concentration, the ring's effectiveness diminishes.
Limited Charge: The ring has a finite charge and must be recharged regularly using a power battery, which connects to the Central Power Battery on Oa. If it runs out of energy, the user becomes powerless. (Dustin's remark "Dead battery". eleven being drained)
speaking of charger, Mike is shown to be directly or indirectly associated with POWER SWITCH & SOCKETS ( source of energy? a charger ? a battery? for will?)
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Vulnerability to Fear (Parallax Influence) : Lanterns' weakness to the 'COLOR YELLOW' came from the Fear entity trapped within the Green Lantern Corps' central power battery.
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Mental or Emotional Instability: Strong negative emotions (fear, doubt, or anger) can interfere with a Green Lantern's ability to wield their ring effectively.
Mental Instability Protocol: Drug use, neural interference, vertigo or other forms of mental incapacitation can render the wearer unable to use their ring, rendered useless.
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“I don’t know who’s been raising you, but I’m gonna get you some new crayons because it looks like he’s shooting cabbages.”
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Is Will a Most Powerful 'Failed experiment'? like Madelyne Pryor?
Another green x-men, who is, possibly the most powerful, Goblin Queen (Clone of Jean) , X-Men Goblin Queen, Madelyne Pryor, X-Men's Most Dangerous, anti-hero. She unlocked her latent psychic powers. In addition to those, Madelyne also had the ability to perform sorcery, which she used to summon goblins and demons.
Madelyne eventually learns that she's a clone of Jean created by Mister Sinister. Sinister originally discarded her as a failed experiment, until the Phoenix itself gave Madelyne sentience.
Madelyne's powers are incredible hence the suggestion. might i add, a close parallel to will's alleged powers.
i am a more of a 'will byers is superman' kinda guy. but my personal favourite being will byers 'a divine deity/god' @greenfiend 's theory.
connecting green lantern with Kryptonite: Green latern's ring can project beams of force powered by the will of the user. The ring can be used to 'produce kryptonite' and kryptonite radiation.
in context of SUPERMAN
Superman is a regular Kryptonian man, He gets his powers from our yellow sun, green kryptonite cancels that.
Uranium fluoresces green under U.V. light (Atomic Bomb theory correlation)
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Green Kryptonite : It was a radioactive element composed of pieces of the exploded planet Krypton. Surviving natives of Krypton, Superman is weakened by exposure to Green Kryptonite. Prolonged exposure could result in fatal radiation poisoning.
Red kryptonite :Superman has suffered the following effects upon exposure to various pieces of Red Kryptonite: Transformed into a dragon, Rendered temporarily blind to anything colored green, Loss of power, Gained telepathy, Generated an evil doppelganger , Mental transference, Personality alteration
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vecna mind lair is red toned
BLUE-K : most interesting one is Blue-K (Upside down is blue toned)
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Blue Kryptonite can reverse the effects of Red Kryptonite and can work wonders on afflicted Kryptonians. Perhaps Will created upside down to save himself & hawkins? (Superman is credited for manufacturing Blue-K, to save fellow Kryptonian see the kryptonite handbook) Effects on Bizarro(Man of steel's doppelganger and a supervillain) Blue Kryptonite weakens Bizarro (does Upside Down weakeans Vecna, hence he needs tentacles to recharge?) in a similar way to how Green Kryptonite weakens Superman. It can also sedate Bizarro, allowing him to be apprehended. Blue Kryptonite can also have a calming effect on Bizarro, removing his rage toward Superman. Blue-k was created by reversing the ionic charge of green kryptonite.
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juuuulez · 1 year ago
📰 | part twelve: capulet.
info: Carl Grimes x Saviour!Reader, no pronouns used for reader, slow burn, teenagers in love, cute Judith moments, dialogue heavy chapter, kinda just pure fluff, reader is an artist.
summary: You, Carl and Judith share a picnic away from all the troubles of war. Alternatively: the calm before the storm.
okay this was so so so so so cute!!! a very dialogue heavy chapter, but juicy so hopefully you all enjoy!!
next chapter will be…a LOT (pretty angsty) because guys it is our LAST CHAPTER!!! then there will be an epilogue to package everything up nicely
don’t worry, there will be waaayyy more xSaviour!Reader one shots to come because it’s my favourite trope, and i can work through tones of cute requests to keep us all with our required dose of carl grimes ;P
-> masterlist <-
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You watched as Judith scribbled with her crayons, drawing nonsensical shapes and patterns onto her page. She seemed at peace with your presence, which made you a little bitter, knowing nobody else from Alexandria could ever see you in this light. After catching your staring, a chubby hand reached out, offering you a crayon.
“What’re we drawing?” You asked, leaning down to hover next to Judith. She didn’t answer, giving you that shy little smile, but nonetheless pushed a piece of paper towards you.
“It’s easier to find crayons than pens now,” Carl remarks, seated next to you on the blanket, “Do you guys have pens? At the Sanctuary, I mean.”
“Yeah. We’ve got pens.” You entertain the small talk, drawing a tree onto the page in waxy blue crayon. It starts out as a vague shape, though you slowly give it more and more detail, hatching in shading and even patches of grass at its base.
The silence resumes, though you’re content with that. Carl is, too. He’s just happy to have your attention, in a scenario without Alexandria or the Saviours or a war.
Despite this, you find yourself talking again, unable to keep these thoughts bottled up. Sometime, when you’re nervous, you run your mouth. Maybe Carl is making you nervous.
“Judith is lucky to have you.” You tell him, still colouring on the page. The admission catches Carl’s attention, and though he isn’t shocked with its contents, he’s a little surprised by the blatant display of.. vulnerability? He isn’t used to you being so personal.
“I know,” He agrees, “My dad says that family is the most important thing nowadays. He’s right.”
The idea leaves you thinking for a moment, and Carl can practically see the gears turning in your head. He liked digging deeper, seeing what made you tick, what was going on underneath those walls.
“Yeah,” You end up nodding, “I think I agree.”
“Y’know, that’s why we won’t punish you. When this war ends.”
It garners your attention, finally looking up from the paper. Carl is sitting next to you, whilst you’re lying on the blanket with Judith. He looks serious, but maybe a little solemn, not intending to steer the conversation down this dark path, yet viewing it necessary to discuss. He wants to be on the same page.
“My dad won’t kill Negan,” Carl continues, sounding quite sure of himself. “He thinks he will, but he won’t. I’ll convince him. I know I can.”
You look back down at the page, but don’t continue colouring. It’s a weird idea, that Rick would spare Negan. You couldn’t see how that would happen. But knowing Carl wanted to advocate for peace was nice. Comforting.
“Negan’s gonna kill Rick.” You eventually tell him, though it doesn’t hold the same certainty. It’s a bitter reality, loosing faith in your own people, yet with each day, this war is seeming more difficult to win.
Yet you know one thing. If given the chance, Negan would kill Rick. You knew he would. Carl knew it, too.
“That’s why you guys can’t win.” He tells you, not sounding too proud of the fact. Months ago, and he would’ve happily rubbed this in your face. But now, it made him feel a little nauseous.
You let the silence sit for a moment, and Carl worries he’s upset you. He hasn’t, but the whole situation is upsetting. Not that it’s his fault, which you keep reminding yourself.
So, you speak quietly, trying to be nice. “Can we not talk about this?” You suggest, throwing another glance up at Carl.
He takes pity on you, understanding that this was supposed to be a break from everything, though he feels a little better knowing the idea doesn’t make you outright hostile.
Carl lies down on the blanket, next to you, on his back whilst you lay on your stomach. He tilts his head towards you and Judith, brown hair pooling on the blanket and falling over his shoulders, bangs sweeping over his eyepatch.
You get an idea, shifting a little, focusing a tad harder on the drawing. One arm holds the crayon, and your other creates a barrier between Carl and the paper. Though, he doesn’t seem very focused, instead watching you.
“Does your head hurt?” He asks, eyes unconsciously drawn to the bandage wrapped around your head. It was almost silly, the way you matched, but Carl struggled to find any joy in that fact.
“Kinda. Just a headache,” You tell him, still drawing. At one point, Judith reaches out, trading you a yellow crayon in exchange for the blue one. “Did you find the bastard who shot me?”
Carl scoffs, a smile spreading onto his face. “Yeah. Someone from the Kingdom. Nobody you’ve gotta worry about, though.”
You roll your eyes, unbeknownst to how Carl inspects every inch of your face. “Who names their community the ‘Kingdom’? Pretentious assholes.”
“Like the ‘Sanctuary’ is any better.” He points out, which forces a smile onto your face, knowing that he has a point. It is a little silly.
Judith reaches out again, handing you a red crayon. You take it, giving her the yellow one you’d been working with, to which she happily continues scribbling on her side of the paper.
“Do you ever wish that things were normal?” Carl asks, once again prompting conversation. “Like.. would we have been friends, otherwise?”
“We aren’t even friends now,” You point out, sparing him a glance and smiling at his curious expression. So cute. “But no.. I don’t mind things how they are. I didn’t like my normal very much.”
This causes Carl to think, pondering on that statement. A light breeze brushes past, tussling his hair slightly, though he remains focused on you, looking so peaceful while you draw.
“Your normal… with Negan?” He begins, hoping that you would get the hint and fill him in. All this time, and yet he knows nothing about you.
You take the hint, giving a small shrug. “No. With my father.”
Carl tries to read your expression, to gauge how deep this wound is, but he struggles. “You didn’t get along very well?” He asks, voice soft and free of judgment.
It isn’t difficult to read your behaviour these past months. You’re snappy, easily agitated, and weirdly flighty yet strong and resilient at the same time. In many ways, your attachment to Negan is unnatural, though Carl presumed there to be a driving factor behind it all.
“No,” You confirm, “He was a heartless bastard.”
Carl nods, still lying on his back. The silence doesn’t last for long, as he still has more questions. “Did you have any other family?”
His curiosity didn’t piss you off, like it usually would. Maybe it’s because your guard was down, or maybe you felt you owed it to Carl, to open up with him a little.
“I had a sister. Younger,” You begin, speaking whilst you draw, “But she died at eight weeks old. My mother died with her, in childbirth. She was nice.”
There are a few beats where nobody talks. Even Judith has stopped playfully mumbling, though she pays no mind to your conversation. Your gaze flickers up to Carl, finding that he’s still watching you, seeming to be in thought. It’s like he sees something more: something beneath your surface, something you can’t even touch.
Or maybe he just relates. It’s surprising how much Carl understands you, to the point where he’s a little unsettled by it.
“Don’t ask depressing questions if you don’t want the answer.” You finally chime, trying to clear the air of this strange tension.
“No, it’s not that. I get it.” Carl concludes, his voice remaining in that soft tone, one that makes the hairs on your neck stand up. He doesn’t want you to feel bad.
You nod, reassuring him. “I know you do.”
Having such a personal conversation is strangely liberating. It makes you feel good, better than you usually do, better than anybody has had the ability to make you feel. For once, there’s a sense of peace, as you know Carl understands you.
The silence returns, but it’s pleasant this time. Trees in the distance rustle slightly in the wind, an atmosphere void of groaning corpses or yelling and fighting. You’ve never experienced that.
After a few more etches with the crayon, the drawing is complete. You spin around the piece of paper, sliding it to Carl with a smile. “For you.”
Carl sits up on his elbows, taking the paper to inspect it. It’s a sketchy crayon drawing of… well, him. Lying there, on the blanket. It’s surprisingly realistic, shapes accurately blocked out in a combination of yellow, blue, and red crayon. The very edge of his hat had been coloured in, messy pink scribbled roughly inside the lines by Judith
“When did you do this?” He asks, not having noticed you creating this masterpiece throughout the duration of the conversation.
You stifle a laugh. “Just then. I was gonna let Judith keep colouring it in.”
Carl nods, still fixated on the drawing. Nobody has ever drawn him before. “Can I.. keep this one?”
“Yeah, of course. I’ll make Judith something else to colour.” You agree, already pulling out another piece of paper to sketch something a little simpler. Though you viewed that drawing of Carl a breeze, he was amazed by how you’d managed it in such a short amount of time.
“I didn’t know you could draw.” He says, finally taking his eyes off the paper, to inspect your newest creation. This time he’s set on paying attention, wanting to watch how it comes together.
That, and he thinks it’s very sweet that you were drawing with the intention of letting Judith colour. A lot of artists would probably be protective of their work, but yours served the sole purpose of making others happy.
You decide to draw the tree line, using an unnatural colour like orange to outline the landscape, in hopes that Judith would colour it green. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” You tell him, a strangely cagey answer, but Carl isn’t put off.
“I do want to know you.” He urges, and the conviction in his tone causes you to glance up at him, before back down at the page.
“You will. Maybe when this is all over.” You land on responding, an answer Carl can’t be unhappy with, as it fills him with the semblance of hope that you’re willing to open up to him. That you see a future where you get along.
He sets the artwork down, laying back on the blanket. “So… you agree? That all this will end?” He tests the waters with another question about the war.
“Don’t push your luck.” You immediately shut him down, a playful grin on your face.
Carl doesn’t mind, not when he’s already picked your brain so far. To him, you’re like a stray cat, any further and you’d start hissing and run away. He’d like to maintain this peace for a little longer.
So, Carl laid there whilst you drew an illustration for Judith. Eventually, the toddler gleamed with joy when you handed it over, eagerly scribbling in the lines with her colours. It was messy and unorganised, but brought you happiness to see that she was so immersed.
The two of you soaked in the sunshine, enjoying the quiet surrounding the clearing and absence of responsibility. Carl had somehow managed to coax you closer, to lay next to him, his hand guiding your head to his shoulder. It felt good, and you weren’t used to letting yourself feel good.
He ran his hand through your hair, careful not to disrupt the bandaged wound, finding it surprisingly soft. In a way, a lot of you was soft, and sweet. It was just buried underneath this rubble of anger and aggression, but Carl knew he could wiggle it out.
When this whole war ended, he hoped you’d be happier.
Regardless, the picnic was a nice getaway, though you tried not to seem too bothered when the sun had begun to set, and you knew you’d return to the Hilltop. It wasn’t your home. It was just some place where they held you captive.
“You’ll actually come and visit me, right?” You end up asking Carl as the pair of you pack up, you holding Judith while Carl stuffs the blanket into his bag.
He nods, “I will. I’ll come by your room every day until Negan takes this deal. Promise.”
That satisfies you, for now. At least you’d have some company, though the idea of being a hostage any longer was slightly sickening. For now, you’d put it out of your mind.
Carl leads you back up the hill out of the clearing, finding the car that he’d hidden away. You throw the bag onto the car’s floor, and buckle Judith into the back seat while he gets it started.
However, the bags zip wasn’t done up, fabric splaying open slightly to reveal that Carl had accidentally left the gun inside. It’s shameful that your first thought is to steal it: make an escape right now, leave for the Sanctuary and screw up this entire plan.
You lean down, palming the metal object. It would be a pretty large hike up there, but worthwhile if it gave the Saviours any power. Carl wouldn’t be able to stop you, as long as you had his gun.
Biting your lip, you pocketed it for the time being, coming to sit in the passenger side.
“When we get back, I’ll go ask Michonne how the deal is going. She’ll probably end up telling me,” Carl suggests, “You’ll feel a little better knowing what’s going on.”
The suggestion catches you off guard, watching Carl with a slightly surprised expression as it sinks in. That he’s willing to give you information simply to provide peace of mind. It’s a stupid idea, really, betraying the trust of Michonne and Rick and everyone else… but it’s sweet.
“You left this in the back.” You end up telling Carl, offering him the handgun. The words spill out before you can hold them back.
His brows furrow in concern, and mild irritation at his own forgetfulness, accepting the gun and hooking it back into his belt. “Shit. Thanks, wouldn’t want Judith grabbing it.”
The engine starts in a low rumble, filling the silence as you begin to drive back. Guilt wells in your stomach for even thinking about turning on Carl, and for the better part of the drive, you settle for watching the boy as opposed to the scenery.
“You alright?” He eventually asks, sparing you a glance before looking back to the empty expanse of road.
“Mhm,” You hum, “Just… grateful that you did all this..”
The admission causes Carl to grin, feeling an unfamiliar swell of pride, your thankful attitude boosting his ego. Even without words, the look he gives you makes you scoff, rolling your eyes and looking out the window.
A smile still grows on your face, knowing that he’s earned this victory. You reach out towards the dash, taking Carl’s hand and just holding it while he drives, allowing him to revel in his prize for a little longer.
taglist: @ilov3carlgr1mes @eminemxxeminem @strxwbxrrymarx @ilaaishi @iamaslytherin0 @grimeslvrr @anotherbook-obsessedhoe @kmsatm @ilovespiderpeople @hearts4mitski4 @jkvolgs @mysouleaten
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wordstome · 1 year ago
What are the dads’ favorite bonding activities with their kids? 🥺
hello friend!!
Price: I like to imagine Price's girls are engaged in all sorts of extracurricular activities from ballet to the school play. I think his favorite bonding activity with them would be taking them out to eat after a recital or a performance. Just his little ladies and some good old greasy spoon diner food: what else could a man want? And you know that when the girls grow up, those nights are going to be some of their fondest childhood memories.
Ghost: Caden is a parallel play kind of kid. He's quietly doing his little crayon drawings next to Simon watching a tv show. I could also see them bonding when Simon takes Caden out to run errands with him, groceries and stuff. Caden gets a bit of socialization, and Simon is there if he gets overwhelmed and needs a bit of comfort. It really brings them together: the kid knows that no matter how distant his dad can be, he can always rely on Simon.
Soap: JOCK ALERT. His favorite bonding activity is taking his kids to the park. Impromptu soccer games, roleplaying on the playground equipment, buying them ice cream on a hot summer day. When Elodie's older, she stops going, preferring to hang out with friends or do her own thing. But I can see wayyyy in the future when she's an adult, she'll have a lot of nostalgia for those days and will love going on walks with her dad.
Gaz: Kyle is a planned activities kind of man, a very take the kids to Disney World and make lifetime memories sorta guy. Every summer the family gets an airbnb by the lake, and every winter they're off at a ski lodge. (Here's to that delicious, delicious dual income household.) Violet and Elliott are always the kids blowing into the first day of class full of stories about all the fun stuff they got up to over the summer.
König: Dress-up. Come on, you knew this was coming. He's so girldad. Ava can't keep her hands out of her dad's luscious locks, and loves making him paper crowns because of his callsign (he definitely speaks German with her at home so she knows what it means). He also buys Ava those big plastic playsets that are a grocery checkout or a little kitchen and roleplays little scenarios with her. Ava's a militant chef, by the way. She would make a great line cook.
Horangi: Concerts with his daughter, Ryujin. Probably a few raves, as well. Ryujin's a punk rock and indie scene kinda gal, but she'll listen to anything, and has a few favorite kpop groups whose concerts she's dragged Hong-jin to. He's a diehard Once (fan of the girl group Twice) himself. They've also definitely gotten a few tattoos/piercings together, which would be an odd thing to do with your dad if Ryujin's dad were not so cool.
Keegan: Same as Johnny, except instead of taking his kids to safe parks and soccer fields, he takes them into the woods. Camping, fishing, teaching them a bunch of useful skills. It's such a "things your divorced dad does with you when he doesn't know what else to do for the weekend you're staying with him" activity, but Jason and Cecelia have never had someone do those things with them before, so they're having a good time. Other than that, laser tag and airsoft is a big one. Keegan was hesitant to get them into stuff like that, but they've always been curious about his military career and things just sort of escalated from there. I saw this tiktok of a cosplayer in a Logan mask captioned "when you're playing airsoft with your 15-year spec ops dad" and it's the cosplayer plastering themselves against a wall in terror: that's Keegan's kids. He's not going to hold back when he plays, and they don't want him to.
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loveroffictionalmen · 1 year ago
hi !! could you possibly do a oneshot or something where Mike comes home from work early one morning and he sees that the reader (could be GN or male if you happen to write male stuff) is still asleep on the couch, (they take Max’s place in being Abby’s babysitter but they DON’T work for the aunt) and he’s so tired that he ends up grabbing a blanket and cuddling up next to them? and then when they wake up they’re like “mike?? are you okay??” and he’s just a flustered mess? thank you so much! <3
Wakey Wakey
Pairings: Mike Schmidt x male!reader
Description: after a long night at work, mike just needs some comfort from abby’s babysitter, aka, his boyfriend
Warnings: little tiny sexual innuendo at the end if you squint, falling asleep together, fight scene kinda? mostly fluff tho
Words:  704
Prompt: cuddling
A/N: I LAURVED WRITING THIS MIKE IS MY LOVEEEEEEEEE send me more requests for him cus tbh, this was fun af
Mike had just had one of the worst nightmares in his life. So bad, in fact, that he left work early. It was the same nightmare he had been having for years, but instead of finding his little brother, Garett, gone a minute too late, he came face to face with the kidnapper. Only the kidnapper had a mask on- a yellow bunny mask with a purple bowtie at the bottom.
Having been caught off guard, Mike ended up on the ground, beaten and bruised, as he watched his younger brother be coaxed into the station-wagon, and driven away, never to be seen again.
As if the dream wasn’t enough, he had woken up feeling incredibly sore. Bruises littered his arms and torso, but nothing too serious. Mike was too tired to stop and question why he even had bruises in the first place. It was only a dream after all... right?
It was only 4:58 when Mike got to his house- a mere hour before he should have even left work in the first place. He fumbled with his keys, trying to find the right one to open the house. When had he acquired so many keys?
All the lights were off, except for the light above the stove, which provided just enough light for Mike to find his way to the sofa. He sat, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness, when he heard a soft snore. He looked to his right to find y/n curled up under a fleece blanket. He smiled softly. How did he get such a handsome boyfriend? And one that happened to babysit as well?
Mike scooted closer to y/n, pulling him close to his body and laying down against the pillow behind him, so that he was holding y/n. After a while he let sleep overtake him.
When y/n woke up, he was definitely surprised to see Mike home early, much less on the couch with him rather than in his own bed. Y/n crawled over Mike quietly, tiptoeing to the kitchen and turning the stove light off, as the natural light began to fill the kitchen.
He pulled out the egg carton from the fridge, as well as a pack of bacon. If Mike was home early, y/n might as well surprise him with breakfast.
“Is that eggs and bacon I smell?” Abby loudly ran into the kitchen.
“Shhh, we don’t wanna wake your brother, do we?”
“Oh right,” She whispered. “Is that eggs and bacon I smell?” She said much quieter that time.
“Yeah, thought I’d surprise Mike,” Y/n said, laughing a little to himself.
“And why is that?” Y/n jumped a little when he heard Mike’s voice. He turned to see Mike still in his security outfit with messy hair and a crooked smile on his face.
“Well you certainly surprised me when I woke up,” Y/n said. Mike blushed.
“That wasn’t- I didn’t-”
“It’s okay Mike. I liked waking up like that.” Y/n said with a soft smile.
“Waking up like what?” Abby asked, looking between the two boys.
“In your brother’s arms,” Y/n said, making Mike blush again. Abby simply stuck her tongue out and faked throwing up.
“When I grow up, I’m never gonna be in love. It’s gross,” Abby said.
“You might change your mind hun,” Y/n said.
“No,” Abby stated, matter of factly, pulling a piece of paper out of who know where and began coloring with the crayons that were already spread out on the table from last nights drawing session.
Mike wandered closer to y/n, wrapping his arms around y/n and hugging him from behind. When y/n placed his hands over Mike’s, Mike hissed.
“Mike-” Y/n looked at Mike’s knuckles that were raw from the “dream” fight. “Are you okay love? What happened?”
“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it,” Mike murmured. Y/n got the hint that he didn’t want to talk about it but he kept it in his mind that he should ask again later.
“I liked waking up like that,” Y/n said.
“Yeah?” Mike asked, placing a kiss on y/n’s jaw.
“Well I liked falling asleep like that. Let’s do it in my bed next though. WAIT- I DIDN’T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!”
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makerofmadness · 9 months ago
ok so what the hell is the legal drinking age in earthbread man like. So I was thinking I would finally have to take the L on the "how fudging old is Alchemist Cookie" thing because Witch's Castle has that side story where she botches an experiment and it basically causes her to act like her brother. Including the alcoholism. (Tbh it is like my favorite special story in the game like part of that is 'cus of favorite character bias but also it ends really sweetly like WC is just really good for grape siblings fans in general they get a lot of content-). So I was like "okay then she has to be at least 19 if we assume the drinking age would line up with the real world/country the game is from. I can take an L I thought she was younger than that but I was wrong" BUT THEN FOR GINGERBRAVE'S BIRTHDAY WE GET THIS:
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Basically this is like really ancient shxt but like there was something called I think the Junior Cookie Challenge once where basically 9 kid characters gave you missions and WIZARD WAS ONE OF THEM
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This is the picture I could find but like. Yeah Wizard's definitely a kid then. (I think this event happened before certain characters were even a thing including Alchemist when I checked the dates so like I have no idea if the characters were like limited for a reason or if this was all the kid characters in the game at the time but regardless I'm. Fubkign. Top 10 questions science can't answer Number 1: how fubkign old is Alchemist Cookie- like I'm guessing she just wasn't designed with a particular age in mind let's be real here-)
but like.
If Wizard can drink then like what is the legal drinking age on Earthbread man like-??????????
EDIT: I looked at the dates wrong/was thinking of when Alchemist existed in Ovenbreak I think and not in LINE (Alchemist was released like years before this event I think)... but then I ran into SOMETHING ELSE that throws a wrench in the works and by that I mean:
so DEVIL COOKIE ALSO existed before this event and yet was excluded but they're like. Really obviously a kid ESPECIALLY as of Witch's Castle (fudging. Three words: Crayon Doodle Set [literally their room decor includes a set of fudging crayola or some shxt like. I think it's obvious what impression we're supposed to get of them like obviously I don't think crayons should be locked off to only kids but like traditionally they're kinda thought of like a kids thing and Devil isn't like. Artistic-themed so to inexplicably have them... you can tell what's being communicated y'know?-) (and like I think Devil being the same age as Angel kinda. Is obvious-).
So the Junior challenge thing pretty much confirms nothing as to which characters AREN'T kids. Just which characters ARE kids. Frickin' almost had it and then lost it again-
Edit again: I also discovered that. Cream Puff existed during the time the Junior Cookie Challenge ran. And yet she wasn't in that. But now they're running kinda a sequel to that in Kakao Cookie Run and she's in THAT. So basically yeah it was never exhaustive 100% frickin' I'm going insane I'm having like two people debating with me (peacefully thankfully) over if Wizard's not actually drinking something alcoholic but like what is he drinking we don't know it could be anything but like he has a wine glass they could've given him a normal glass but they gave the kid a wine glass and we all have to suffer the consequences they didn't even put like a bowl of fruit punch on the table or anything just to say "haha he's just drinking this don't worry he's just a silly little guy :3" no they left the door wide open for us to at least ASSUME if it's not CONFIRMED by this that he's fudging destroying his nonexistent liver at the ripe old age of Child idk it's 2:22am as of me writing this
Too many edits: I need like a dedicated guide on what juice is and isn't meant to be alcohol in this universe because apparently the wizard art is like a reused asset from something about Hollyberry so like. But I know at least half the juice there is treated like alcoholic shxt too looking at some of the dialogue or like I'm mainly thinking of like wildberry's dialogue I think so. frickin'
another thing I realize is that. Alchemist drinking was because her personality got altered she wasn't like In Public. And... look I love Vampire but he isn't like the most responsible guy let's be real and like. Frickin' even can I just get like whether or not she has a diploma or anything please just anything like... ok I know that old as hell personality quiz calls her a "picky model student" so she's probably still in school but like where in school is she is she in high school of college or like. I would've placed her around cream puff's age before all of this but I don't know anymore y'know can someone help me?????- (she probably just wasn't designed with one in mind I'm doing all of this for nothing this is the definition of insanity frickin'-)
FINAL EDIT HOPEFULLY: ok I finally have an answer just like after talking to my bigger cr nerd friend uh. Basically the I Want You Every Day music video gives us definite footage of children drinking:
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Screenshots courtesy of @void-the-bear (said friend)
Gingerbrave and Cream Puff are drinking the exact same drinks as the adults and these drinks literally look the same as what Sparkling holds in his goddamn sprites
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Like you can see the bubbles in some shots it's the same drink it's frickin' champagne-but-we-can't-call-it-that-because-it's-a-kid's-game
But like there is an official short of Sparkling like. Not being able to serve Custard III I think because he's too young???? So uh.
basically the drinking age in Earthbread is "younger than Gingerbrave but older than Custard III" thank you for coming to my TED Talk (fudging. Finally have an answer though at least I think please tell me they didn't try to call this lemonade or something somewhere not the lemonade anything but the lemonade don't make me have a headache again PLEASE-)
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beenbaanbuun · 1 year ago
Hey bunny! Sorry for bothering you when I'm sure you're in the middle of perfecting the addams!matz fic, but I have a kinda specific request I'm not sure I'd trust anyone else with.
I've been feeling kinda low on the self esteem/body image scales, but whenever I look for comfort fics I find that a lot of them cater towards chubby or curvier readers, which is great! I'm really happy that authors are doing that... but as someone who has the figure of a crayon, and is insecure about not being curvy or "feminine" enough, or worse that I appear child-like, it kinda just serves as a reminder some days T-T
So would it be too self indulgent to request a comfort/body worship fic with either Mingi or Yeosang with an s/o who's not curvy and is insecure about it?
No hard feelings if that's outta your comfort zone tho! I geddit ^^
Have a good day bunny, hope you have nothing but happy, snuggly, cozy vibes <33
i get where you’re coming from completely!! i feel like as a curvier girl i’m very lucky because it’s fairly easy to find fics catered towards me. i guess due to my own ignorance i haven’t really taken notice of a lack of fics that don’t cater to me but now you point it out i can see that it’s definitely true! i hope that i can write this perfectly for you because i feel like everyone should have fics that include them!
so i’m under the impression that mingi does not give a fuck about body type in the slightest
i mean we’ve all seen his fan calls - the man flirts with anyone regardless of body type and he’s so real for that!
but despite your boyfriend’s love and affection, sometimes your own brain gets to you a little
and sometimes the time you spend picking yourself to pieces in the mirror increases to a level that’s become concerning to mingi
he’ll catch you from time to time, just standing there and running your hands over your form
and, sure, he may be a little oblivious sometimes, but he isn’t dumb; he knows that it can’t be anything good
it’s not really a surprise when the two of you are getting ready for a date night and he catches you doing the exact same thing
he doesn’t say anything as he crawls on the bed, choosing to relax as he waits for you to finish, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t worried
still, even with him wondering whether or not you’re okay, he can’t help but admire how pretty you look in that dress
the way it elegantly hugs your body, stopping at mid-thigh to reveal just enough of your pretty legs to draw him in, but not enough to send him feral
well, even more feral than usual that is; you could be dressed in a pair of ratty old pyjamas and that man would still find something to make his dick twitch
“mingi,” you say after a short while of him admiring you, “do you think i look alright?”
his brow furrows and he scoffs in dismay
he’s almost offended in a way because how dare someone say something like that about his girl?
then he remembers that you are his girl and the fact that you’re saying it should probably be more cause for concern than offense
“you look better than alright, princess,” he says, “you think i’d be sat here undressing you with my eyes if i didn’t?”
you send him a glare through the mirror
“that’s not the point, mingi,” you grumble, “i know you think i’m hot but…”
“but what?” he asks, voice thick with worry, “you’re not worried about what other people think of you, right?”
you begin to shake your head, although you feel like your denial isn’t necessarily true
so instead you shrug, and with a sigh you tear yourself away from the mirror so you can go and sit on the edge of the bed next to mingi
he budges his legs over, making space for you to perch yourself on the mattress
“i mean i guess so?” you say, “i just… i don’t want people thinking i look like a child or something, y’know?”
mingi doesn’t know - the last thing he thinks of you is ‘child’, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he can’t try and sympathise
he shifts one of his hands from behind his head to rub against your arm soothingly
“i don’t think you look like a child,” he says, “i think you look like my girlfriend; my very pretty, very sexy girlfriend, very mature-looking girlfriend.”
and while you appreciate his words, you can’t help but feel like they don’t mean much coming from him
it makes you feel bad, of course, but your boyfriend telling you you’re hot just doesn’t fill you with confidence about what everyone else thinks
“you don’t count,” you pout, “you have to think i’m hot.”
you don’t see the way mingi rolls his eyes before shoving himself into a sitting position
he shuffles his way over until he’s right behind you, close enough to swaddle your upper half in his overly-lengthy arms
he squeezes tight, just how he knows you like it
“i don’t have to think anything,” he kisses the spot just below your ear, “i think you’re hot because i have eyes and i can see that you’re hot.”
you can’t help but giggle as he nuzzled his nose into your neck, puffing out blasts of warm air against the sensitive skin
he always could find a way of making you laugh, even if in this situation, you’d personally class it as cheating
“well,” you say through your giggles, “i also have eyes and my eyes say the opposite!”
“yeah, but i don’t trust your eyes,” he kisses you, wet and sloppy and soft, against where your shoulder meets your neck, “they’re connected to your brain and me and your brain aren’t the best of friends.”
his hand move until they’re flat against your ribs, thumbs smoothing over the fabric of your dress
he almost wished the dress wasn’t there at all, wanting to feel the skin to skin contact, but he hardly thought now was the best time to ask you to strip
“you love my brain,” you counter, “my brain is me and you always tell me you love me!”
he smiles; you feel his teeth brush against you
“true,” he says, “but your brain is also mean to you, and anyone who’s mean to my baby is my enemy, okay?”
it’s a silly argument, but you can’t help but nod along in agreement
“good,” he says as he feels you give into his compliments, “now we have two choices; we either go out on the date, or we lie here and cuddle. it’s up to you, princess.”
you know which one he’d prefer; the way he’s stuck himself to you back like a limpet is enough evidence of that
but you can’t quite decide for yourself
one one hand you’re already dressed and made up, plus the fact that you’ve been wanting to go to this place for ages now and tables are really hard to book
on the other, taking the uncomfortable shoes off and crawling into bed next to your overly-clingy boyfriend seemed just so tempting
perhaps the choice isn’t that hard after all, you realise as you lean over - boyfriend still very much attached to you - to grab your makeup wipes
“pick a film, then,” you instruct as you take one out of the packet and begin to rub at your face, “and make it a good one!”
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lowkeyrobin · 10 months ago
JJ MAYBANK ; i remember everything
summary ; after returning home, you & jj get in a fight after you try and ignore the presence of john b and sarah
warnings ; language, physical fighting, 2nd person pov is omniscient and reveals that reader blames themselves / they're in the wrong
disclaimers ; never finished s3 bc it was so boring so they're back home safe and without any gold I guess lmao
track ; i remember everything, zach bryan & kacey musgraves
word count ; 1.6k
masterlist ; part one
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You sit on the sand, the water creeping up on your sneakers as you're fully dressed and just out of school. You think in silence, your eyes glazed over as you stare out at the horizon. You'd texted your friends that you were coming down here. You had a rough day, you just needed some alone time for a while to sit with your thoughts.
You think back to your real friends, the ones who didn't like you just because you were a walking yes button.
You remember how Kie and Pope clearly wanted to talk to you, but JJ always needed to step up and be an ass. You wished you could've just tried to speak to them, you didn't realize that they'd be leaving for good, apparently.
It'd been four months, you'd become more worried than ever. Your texts and calls were always left sent and unanswered, any attempt of constact futile. Kie's and Pope's parents were obviously the most worried as their children had run off with no trace.
They'd interrogated you over and over to no avail, as you didn't know anything. They just kinda... left without you.
You wished you would've just for a second believed that maybe John B and Sarah were okay, but no, you had to start a fight. It was your fault, who were you kidding?
You remember the beat-down basement couch at JJ's that you all lounged on the few times when his dad wasn't around. You remember the time when you sang love songs to JJ as practice while he'd tell you about how his mom ran off and pawned her ring.
You remember that last smile, he only smiled like that when he was drinking.
Every time you thought of him, though, you smelt CrazyArt crayons, the ones that didn't even draw, you saw the same brown carpet that needed replacing years ago. Vertical wood in the hallway to paint the walls, it was engraved in your mind. You remember the dead flowers resting over the sink in the little windowsill above it, having been dead for months at least. They were completely wilted, most of the petals having fallen off, the glass vase stained with a little brown line across where the water sat still.
He probably didn't feel anything about it now, but you felt like you were driving through a hurricane. You felt like those dead flowers on JJ's kitchen windowsill, dead yet still not thrown away yet.
You lay back on the sand, your limbs sprawled out like a sad starfish. You pull your knees up, solidifying your spot in the sand. The grain knots itself into your hair, which wouldn't come out completely for a solid week since you learned the hard way long ago.
After twenty or so minutes of staring into the afternoon sky, you sit back up, attempt to shake any loose sand out of your hair, and stand up, gathering your thoughts in the process. You walk up the beach, returning to the road where your bike is perched on the curb. You hop on and peddle your way back home, cutting through town to do so.
You hoped a cold shower on this hot day would relieve you of the burning sensation on your skin, or at least help with your overwhelming, guilty thoughts. As you ride, you notice a few people walking down the sidewalk in front of you, thankfully leaving you some room to go past them.
As you grow closer, you notice their faces belong to those of your friends and an extra, for some reason. You smoothly swerve to the right, past Kie, not paying them any mind.
JJ minded, though, having tried to send a smile your way, for whatever reason. Kie did as well, as she opened her mouth to say hello.
"Hey, Y/n!" She defeatedly waves, letting her hand rest at her side as she watches you ride away.
You, out of fear and surprise, hide the sight away in your mind, because they were definitely your friends, or used to be your friends. Either way, they were home.
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The next day, you had your headphones on while riding around town on your bike. You decided to enjoy some Zach Bryan and the heat, considering it was Saturday. You didn't end up going to that party with your friends, you just felt too groggy and gross after seeing them again.
You stop for a minute at Twist & Shake, wanting to get some French fries and some of that pineapple Dole Whip ice cream you'd been craving. You pull into the little parking lot and lean your bike against the building's right wall, not wanting to fight with the stand at the moment. You grab your wallet out of your back pocket and pull your headphones down around your neck, walking up to the order window.
You place your order and stand off to the side of the pickup window, hoping that no one was actively stealing your bike since it wasn't in view. You see a group of teens your age walk up to the window, of course, your old friends. You quickly turn your head away after getting a glance of them, tapping your foot on the pavement impatiently as you wait for your food.
"Y/n, oh my God, hi!" Sarah smiles, waving at you.
Her smile falters as you stare down at your feet, arms crossed as you wait. Her blonde hair frames her saddened face as she looks over at John B and Kie with a confused look. She looks hurt, she'd never left anything off on horrible terms with you, even if, lightly bad. She thought you were friends now.
Kie shrugs, pulling a twenty from her pocket as John B turns to JJ and Pope. Kie and Cleo lean against the sill against the ordering window as they order for themselves and their friends.
JJ rolls his eyes. "I told you, they replaced us"
"What do you mean?" Sarah asks, "I- They aren't here with anyone? What happened? Did we do something?-"
"No, they did something," JJ clarifies, "We got in a fight, and now they won't talk to any of us, like I said."
Pope shakes his head, "You got in a fight with them," He corrects, "They had a right to be suspicious about if they were really alive. They've been through enough, JJ. If you even cared, you'd notice that, but you had to put yourself first-"
"I didn't put myself first, I put John B and Sarah first!-"
John B rests a hand on JJ's shoulder, silently telling him to back off and calm down. The blonde stops himself, taking a breath.
"Try speaking up, maybe they didn't hear you" Pope hopefully says to Sarah, seeing her desperation to talk to you again.
"Y/n?" Sarah calls, making sure she's loud enough for you to hear. "Hey, it's me, Sarah?"
You continue to ignore her, feeling guilty as you do so. You just weren't ready to speak to them yet, you already felt awful but you didn't realize you were only making it worse.
JJ, now upset, walks up to you, shoving your shoulder. You look up at him, nearly glaring at him.
"Fuck is your problem?" He asks, "John B and Sarah are alive and you're gonna ignore them? You're gonna ignore us?"
"I'm not ignoring you. I don't want anything to do with you" You mumble, "Leave me alone"
"Are you fucking kidding me?" JJ asks, "You're seriously still doing this shit? You really never cared, did you?"
"Shut up, JJ. It's almost like I don't wanna fucking talk to you right now-"
"Yeah, cause you replaced your actual friends, you peace of shit." He spits, "Shows how much you care"
You push him away, not wanting to interact. Kie turns her head as the employee hands her change back, seeing you push the blonde away from you.
JJ pushes you back with a snarky comment. You push him back, cursing him out for some blind sighted reason.
He responds with a punch to your face, urging Pope, Kie, and John B to try and pull him away from you as you hit him back. Cleo and Sarah rush to your side, trying to pull you away as well, both parties unsuccessful.
Shouting, gasps, and yells fill the air as you two hit each other over and over, yelling profanities back and forth. You end up tackling him to the ground somehow, the three behind him stepping back as he falls. You straddle him, landing blow after blow on him, like revenge for that fight months ago.
His face is bloodied, and in that moment, you pull yourself away, realizing that look in his eyes. You'd become his father. In some alternate universe, you were the abuser all along. You stand up, falling into Sarah's and Cleo's open arms. Shit, you didn't even know Cleo, but here she was, letting you fall into her.
JJ glares at you, wiping the blood pouring from his nose.
Pope shares a look with John B, then you, an apologetic and slightly scared expression in your eyes. You didn't even know why you did it, you couldn't even feel yourself when you did it.
"What the fuck?" Kie nearly shouts, looking between you and the blonde. "It is never that serious to fight in a parking lot of Twist & Shake"
"Apparently, it is." You spit, walking away to grab your food before you're kicked off the property. "I didn't replace you. I don't wanna die trying to save some gold, that's it. See you later, " you grumble, walking away with a sore eye and knuckles.
The group, minus JJ, share confused and worried looks, watching you glide away on your bicycle.
"Jesus Christ..."
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first-edition · 1 year ago
Wonderful life.
Arron hotchner x Fem!reader
Sum- after hailey you spend more time with Jack and hotch leading up todating arron and it has been the best, but when your friends bring up to topic of sex the relationship might get better.
Cw smut - loss of virginity-oral fem reciv-fingering- praise dirty talk if you squint- unprotected -creampie
This fic is kinda long so if you wanna skip the fluff and get straight to the smut scroll down to the emojis. Leave a like!!
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Dating Arron has been the best experience of your life even though you’ve only been with him romantically for 6 months you would come around the house and baby sit Jack while Arron was gone to work.
You were well aware of Hailey and you two would often go out with a few drinks after he got home. She would always talk about her feeling words Hotch and how she felt as if she and him werent all there anymore.
You would ask her why but she never understood until she told you that he had asked for a divorce and she agreed having the same mutual feelings.
When hailey died you were around Hotch and Jack more often almost every day in fact even sleeping over a few times. Jack had immediately latched onto you as the next mother figure. You would take him out for ice cream, go to the park, Arron even found you both asleep on the couch with Thomas the train on playing in the background. Being younger also helped letting you be more agile and being able to lift Jack up play more often with him.
“Good morning how was he trip?.” You ask walking into the kitchen pushing your hair back. You’d had stayed week at his place with Jack as he had a week long case.
Hotch turns around to see you in shorts and an oversized baseball t-shirt that he somehow recognizes.
“M-morning.” He can’t help but feel a ping in his heart an extra beat when he sees you.
“It was good no one what hurt sorry you stayed for so long…is that my shirt?” He says tilting his head.
“It’s alright and uh yeah sorry I ran outta shirts last night they were all in the washer I didn’t wanna rush back to my place I hope you don’t mind?” You say
“No not at all..keep it please.” He says his eyes wandering you body in a non creepy way.
“DADDY!” Jacks voice echos through the kitchen as he runs across the tile into hitch’s arm.
From that day on Hotch couldn’t imagine anything with out you. You would cloud his judgement at work finding him self thinking of you or looking at pictures of you and Jack. He even had a picture of you him and Jack on his desk in a macaroni Frame Jack had made.
When Mother’s Day came around that’s when Hotch had made up his mind. You had taken picked Jack up from school and he came out holding a tissue paper flower bouquet with a class craft card with a crayon drawing of you him and Arron on the paper.
“Jack…thank you you didn’t have to make me this?!” You say tears welling up in your eyes.
“Yes I did…you’re my mom.” He say. Hearing him say that but made you feel more love for him but a slight twinge of pain as he dosnt see Hailey as his mother anymore.
On the drive home he talks about the dinosaur he played with durning class naming all of them and thier color.
You and Jack walk into the house only for you to see Arron there fixing the flowers and balloons. He’s obviously come from work he’s still wearing his dress pants and his shirt is rolled up to his forearms which makes you weak.
“Daddy look what I made y/n!” Jack runs up his father showing him the fake flowers and card. You walk up to them looking around at the gifts and flowers and balloons all addressed to you.
“Hey you wanna go get those dinosaurs you were talking about?” You ask Jack he smiles and runs out of the room up stairs.
“Arron?” You ask now focusing on the elephant in the room.
“Just uh..happy Mother’s Day.” He says
“I-I’m not Jack mother.” You say
“You’re not the one who gave birth to him but you are sure as ever his mother, you’ve been there almost every single day for his entire life. Y/n…” he says taking your hands in his.
You look up at him a small smile runs across his face.
“I’ve fallen in love with you. When you stayed over that week I was gone-“ he begins
“That was months ago…” you trail off.
“Exactly you can say no I know it’s not in you biggest interest to be in a relationship but I-“
“Yes.” You say looking up to him bringing your hands up to his chest.
“Yes.” You say already knowing what’s he’s gonna ask. He cups your face pulling you into him his lips pressing against yours as you share a kiss deep and and passionate.
6 months later, that term or mention of sex never crossed yours or Arron’s mind, with Jack and him working a lot there’s wasn’t much time or energy. If either of you wanted sex he would always make sure you knew that you were in charge as having never had sex before is quite a scary moment.
He knows about your virginity. And respects you in every way possible. Of course there as sneaky touches here and there and make outs that are usually interrupted by Jack coming down stairs asking for water.
Out with Penelope jj and Emily you all sit at a table talking gossip about the guy who came over trying to tell you he was an fbi agent.
“So anyway y/n you and Hotch still going strong?” Emily asks
“Yes thank you very much.” You smile looking down into your drink.
“Any juciy deets you wanna spill?” She continues.
“You know that you’re talking about your boss right?” You ask
“Our boss your boyfriend. Boyfriend cancels out boss.” Pen laughs
“There’s nothing to discuss really we spend time we go out. I hangout with Jack..”
“Yeah but you don’t…you know?” Jj butts ins
“What?” You ask
“Sex?” She finishes her sentence.”
“N-no..besides I’ve never and you know that. I don’t know there not much time with Jack and his work I work from home so..” you say.
“Oh come on Jack is at science camp for another few days we don’t have a case should now be the perfect time?” Jj says
“We know you love with and we sure know he loves you in past you’ve said you’ve never gone steady becuase the guy was an ass and we can assure you Hotch is not and ass.” Penelope says.
You look over at Hotch drinking water while listening to Spencer ramble.
“Yeah…” you say
“You know what…yeah!!” You say more confidently.
“Yeah!” They all cheer making you giggle.
You get up and walk over to Hotch he looks at you with a smile placing his hand on your lower back.
“Can we go?” You ask.
The smile fades into a frown.
“You alright?” Hs asks looking over to you to the girls wondering if they’d hurt your feelings or something.
“I’m fine! I just..I wanna go.” You say looking up at him. He nods setting his cup down.
“Come on.” He says taking your hand. You wave to Spencer and your friends as you walk off with your lover.
Walking into his house has a weirder atmosphere with Jack not immediately running to say hello.
“You okay?” He asks helping you take off your jacket.
“Mhm.” You say tuning around to him wrapping your arms around his neck pulling his down to you in a kiss. He happily ablidges and kisses you back his hand gripping your waist.
He groans into your lips as your hand grips the scruff of his neck. His hands move under your sweater only making you gasp out breaking contact with his lips.
“What’s wrong?” He asks.
“Y-you’re hands are freezing.” You giggle noting at the cold night air you’d both walked through.
“Aaron…” you trail off.
“Mm.” He replies his hands roaming your waist.
“Jack is gone..” you answer
“Mhm.” He replies once again
“You don’t have a case…”
“No..” he says
“The h-house is empty.” You say a large rush of heat pushes its way up to your face.
He removes on hand pressing it to your blushed cheek looking you in your eyes.
“Tell me what you want?” He says caressing you cheek with his thumb.
“Y-you.” You say he smiles pecking your lips.
“You gotta do better than that.” He says brushing his nose against your.
“Please, make love to me.” You say. He presses his lips back on yours again this time the kiss is more passionate. You slip out of your heels dropping you height back to normal. He companstes by pulling you up into his arms your legs wrapping around his waist as he Carrie’s you through the living room and up the stairs to the bedroom.
He places you on the bed and starts with removing his own shoes and unbuttoning his shirt before moving back to you. Your hands move up his chest feeling his toned body. You rember the first time you felt his skin under yours was at the beach when you put sun screen on him he was worried the scars and mark would turn you off or scare you but not at all.
His hands wander down your sides to the hem of your dress lifting it up and pulling it off over your head. Exposing your self in your panties and braless.
Before you can react he presses his lips to your neck while lifting your thigh to sit against his hip. Quickly finding the spot from before he kisses and sucks cussing a small moan to release from you mouth.
He cups your breast in his hand massage it making you whimper. He kisses down your chest to your stomach ending at the line of your panties the simple black underwear enough to make him hard in his pants.
He kisses along your inner thigh before looking up to you his hands on your waist.
“Can I take these off?” He asks gesturing at your undergarment.
“Yeah..” you say sheepishly.
Sitting up slightly he pats the side of your thigh.
“Lift for me.” He says and takes ahold of the side of your underwater. You lift your hips as the fabric is removed leaving you completely bare to him. Subconsciously you close your eyes and your arms move over your chest.
“Y/n…” Aaron speaks as you open your eyes you see he removed his shirt completely and his belt is gone.
“You alright? We can stop.” He reassures.
“I’m okay..” you say avoiding eye contact. A pro and con about dating a profiler is they can tell what’s wrong.
“Love.” He leans over to you.
“Hey..look at me.” He says you look at him as he places his hand on your cheek.
“It’s okay we can stop.” He says pure love and worry in his eyes as he waits for your answer.
“No I don’t want to im just..um”
“It’s okay to be scared.” He finishes for you.
“I want you to feel comfortable, okay? We’ll go very slow.” He says kissing your cheek.
“Hmm?” He asks when you don’t answer. He kisses your face again peppering them making you giggle.
“Okay okay.” You say looking up at him.
“Good. If I’m doing something wrong tell me okay?” He says
“Okay.” You nod his hand moves down between your bodies. You expect him to line himself up with you and press into you like in the movies but not at all your met with a pleasant feeling of his fingers pressing against your clit.
“Ah..” you moan out only to cover your mouth muffling the sound as he swirls your clit. It feels so much better him doing it that you yourself.
He kisses your hand before moving it off your mouth.
“I want to hear you. Tell me how you feel.” He says
“G-good.” You gasp as the motion picks up. He shifts his hand to press his middle finger into you. Having used your own before but his are much longer thicker and it’s only one.
“Ngh..” you let out as he angles it up pumping it in and out. He groans at the sight of you enjoying just one of his fingers.
To lost in the pleasures of him you don’t realize his face between your legs. Only when he slips in a second finger do you notice. His lips latch around your clit as his tongue plays with you. His two fingers angling up stroking the spongy spot in you.
“F-fuck..Aaron..” you moan out as you grip the bedsheets. A buildup forms in your stomach as you squirm helplessly into the bed only giving your boyfriend better access to your core.
He groans into you as your clench around his fingers is enough to cause you to cum. The snap of the band in the pit of your stomach cuases a rush of pleasure to surge through your body. Your fingers entangled themself in his hair.
He let up on you as to not over stimulate you. Your chest rises and falls heavily. He combats with light kisses along your body praising you for how well you did. How good you were for him. Although it’s meant to calm you down if riled you back up turning you on once more.
“Do you want to stop?” He aks
“No. No please, I want you.” You say.
He nods pulling back from you making you whine a small noise which makes him chuckle.
“Hold on sweetheart.” He says as he unbuttons his pants the obvious bulge stretching his pants. He lets his pants down taking his boxers with them exposing him fully to you.
You pale out the blood leaving your system as pure worry fills your emotions. His size is way larger than you thought. Once or twice you’ve accidentally run into him after a shower and you could see the slight outline or him. But as fully erect he’s intimidating.
You prop yourself up on your elbows worry leaving you as remeber what his fingers can do to you. Honier to know what his cock can do.
He crawls back into you.
“Look at me. If you want to stop or if anything hurt let me know I’ll stop.” He says
“I know. I trust you.” You say he nods looking down to your pussy again before lining up with you you feel his head touch your core making you flinch lightly. Hotch places his hand on your thigh caressing your skin soothing your fear.
“Relax it’s okay.” He says you listen to him getting off your elbows bracing your self by gripping the sheet beneath you.
He pushes the head past your folds you feel pressure but not pain. He pushes a bit more as you feel a stretch that becomes slightly painful.
“Ngh..a-Aaron w-wait.” You grip onto his arm stopping him.
“Okay.” He says stopping his movements waiting for you it takes a few seconds but finally you give him the play to move. He carfully pulls out slightly only to push back in. He does a few more times letting you adjust to his length before pushing In further and further until he fully inside you.
Your walls twitch can around him cock warming him for a bit before you tell him to move. So he does beginning to calmly thrust in and back.
Your cunt fully used to him he’s easily siding within you.
“H-harder Aaron please.” You whine looking up to him. A particularly hard thrust cuases a squeal to leave your lips as your nails dig into his back. He groans out as the feeling of you clenching down around him.
One hand gripping your breast while the other props himself up beside you. Some how his thrust hit deeper stroking against your g-spot. You clench around him making him groan deeply in your ear.
Noticing your pleasure from his actions he thrust up into you not pulling your thigh over his shoulder roughly thrusting up into you. You moan out in pleasure as he fucks up into you.
“Aaron! Ah.” You moan out as your nails scratch down his back. Making him groan and moan into your neck.
“I love you..fuck..I love you so much!” He kisses your neck sucking and marking you up.
“Ah..i- ah.” You try to reply but you can muster are sloppy moans as you grip his hair. The familiar build up from before is quick to snap making your cunt flutter and clench down around him. Making him more full than before.
Your back arches as you climax against him. With a few more sloppy thrust he grips the bed on either side of you scrunching the sheets as he meets his own finish.
“Ngh..f-fuck” he groans into you as he empties himself into your aching pussy. Your pants ragged as you smile his lips connecting with yours giving you a few smaller thrusts before he subsides and carefully pulls out of you peppers your face with kisses making you giggle pulling him closer to you.
“Stay here.” He says before pecking your lips and getting up. He pulls his boxers up covering his lower half before walking over to his drawer pulling out a shirt. Once he turns around he sees you sleep on the bed. Walking back over to you he carefully lifts you up and places the shirt over you before getting into the bed next to you.
He pulls you closer to him you immediately gripping onto him like a koala. He kisses you head before falling asleep himself.
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the-indigo-symphony · 6 months ago
Heya! I saw your& post on fusion, and I have to admit it was pretty eye-opening? Talk about fusion has always made me nervous, because I deeply associate it with pluralmisia. If you& don't want to deal with some fairly intrusive, kinda shithead questions and a bad take, please ignore/delete this ask- I don't know where else to look for answers, but I know you& probably hear this crap several times a week.
When you say you're 'both' still here, how do you mean? My association with fusion is still very "all parties involved no longer exist in any meaningful way and something new has been created in their place", and even though I would never accuse anyone that bc I know my experience is not universal, that's always kind of in the back of my mind when someone talks about it. And I know you& compared this to the transphobic equivalent, but I can't really wrap my head around the equivalency. I'm trans (and plural), if it helps.
It's alright, I'm fine with elaborating
So, it's not that our past selves have been "destroyed"; the previously separate parties are not "gone in any meaningful way". It's not like cutting up two pieces of paper to make a new craft. Rather, it's like melting down two crayons to make a new one with a combined color. Yeah, the distinct, individual identities of "yellow" and "blue" are gone, but no wax was lost in the creation of this new green crayon.
I think I'm/We're a very clear example of this, since we used to be fragments – the two (maybe three now) of us, back when we were separate, had specific things we could offer the other if we fused. One of us had a strong presence and "will" (idk how to describe it, sorry), but no steady identity, while the other had an identity, but no will beyond that. Now that we've fused, we have both a will and sense of steady identity. What we're looking for in the future is something to tie us together further; someone who can provide more personality to round us out. We feel much more like an actual person now than we did before, and even in internal appearance, we look like a combination of both the fragments we were before.
I am Sanae, I am the nameless fragment, I am both and both are me. They're not gone; we're both here, just as one. We weighed the loss of individual identity against what we stood to gain from fusion, and determined that there were far more pros than cons to the idea. We also considered fusing with another headmate, Mel, but there wouldn't have been as much to gain from merging together, and even if he wouldn't have been "gone", it would have brought us distress to not have him as a separate being we can interact with and depend on, so we decided not to.
I compared anti-fusion views to the transphobic view on transitioning because there are a lot of parallels to us. Our internal body has changed and we're a lot happier now, whereas before, what we lacked made us feel hollow and distressed. It's similar to how HRT can help with gender dysphoria. Moreover, people liken fusion/transition to murder a lot, but no one's dying – we're different now, but no one was sacrificed to make us this way. Someone who is post-transition is no more "dead" than either of us are, but because of this large change in identity, appearance, etc., people like to treat us as if we are. Our past selves are not murdered – not in a trans context, and not in a plural context. We're just different.
It's true that forced fusion usually comes from pluralphobia, whether that's internalized from the plural in question or from others pressuring them into it. But this isn't the same as purposeful fusion done with full consent, desire, and understanding. In these instances, it's much more like if you forced someone to medically transition (which it should be noted actually happens to some people, namely intersex people) – it usually causes distress, if not over who they are and what they look like, then over the loss of autonomy and choice. Forced fusion and forced transition come from a place of wanting to make those that fall outside the norm as close as possible to the norm, no matter what pain this causes the patient/person – this is why such things might be likened to/called death or mutilation, as it is "killing" one's natural selves/body/deviance from the norm through violence. Those who have gone through forced fusion have a right to express their feelings of losing their individual identities as their selves being "killed", even if they're technically still around. But this is very different from transition or fusion done with full understanding of the process, acceptance of possible downsides, and with the expectation of an improved quality of life. We have not gone through any violence to become who we are now. We have autonomy and are exercising it freely by choosing exactly how we will ease our suffering and make our life better. No one was forced into anything.
Unintentional fusion is a wild card in how it effects people, but I don't feel qualified to speak on that. What I will say is that it rubs me the wrong way to call fusion murder in part due to how unintentional fusion can cause distress. You're going to look at someone grieving who they were before and essentially accuse them of manslaughter?
I hope this helps you understand. Also, I think you're overestimating the amount of comments and asks we get, haha! We're not that popular – not on this blog, at least
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allmyocsarebritish · 1 year ago
This Christmas
Pairing: Xavier X Reader
Warnings (?): Vincent Thorpe is a shit dad
Angst with fluffy ending, Christmas stuck at Nevermore, mistletoe (kinda)
Christmas was never Xavier's favourite time of the year. Ever since he was a child, when Vincent Thorpe spent the whole day entirely absent from his son's life.
Xavier skipped down the staircase, two at a time, frequently tripping and once almost falling entirely. The unfiltered excitement raging through his small body was unbearable. The long corridors of Thorpe manor were a confusing maze of windy turns and deceptive doorways to a young child, yet after living there for all seven years of his life, Xavier had the entire floorplan memorised.
Down the stairs, along the first corridor and through the second doorway on the left.
That's where the living room was.
Practically bouncing into the room, Xavier felt nothing but bitter disappointment as his hopes began to chip away and his wide smile faltered. A small square shoddily enveloped in a mundane, rough, brown covering. Nevertheless, he immediately raced to the singular small gift residing in the leather armchair. The wrapping was careless, with a tear already in the plain brown paper, and sellotape messily plastered across the sides.
But who cares about the wrapping, right? Maybe one of Santa's elves was having an off day. Xavi wasn't bothered, at least they had remembered him this year.
He tore the paper from the present, discarding it on the black leather of the seat. He closed his eyes, enjoying the anticipation and adrenaline that came with Christmas morning. His mind flashed to the letter he had sent to father Christmas, wishing for a new set of crayons, or even better; colouring pencils.
He shook the mysterious cube, thoughts racing, before the curiosity became overpowering. Xavier's eyes flew open, and his excitement quickly morphed into dismay.
In his tiny hands resided a ridiculously broad book detailing types of outcast. Xavier knew his father was waiting for his disappointment of a son's powers to finally emerge, but even Santa saw him as a failure?
Tears welled up in the young outcast's wide eyes, as he solemnly returned up the stairs and to his room. Vincent Thorpe's absence was as though a kilo of salt had been dumped in the raw wound, causing betrayal and grief to override any remaining Christmas spirit.
Sinking to the floor and pulling his knees up to his chin, Xavier flicked on the television, turning to the one show that could grant him even the most pitifully small amount of comfort:
Even 10 years later the harsh sting of abandonment remained. A Christmas spent at Nevermore almost always meant loneliness and pitiful looks, something Xavier could not cope with again, not that he had any choice in the matter. The days in which most other students spent with family at home were filled with aggressive painting and meaningless archery.
Though it wasn't all bad.
Not this year anyway
No, this year was different. This year, Xavier had you.
A small pact to treat Christmas as any other day was inevitable. Neither of you wanted to be within a foot of festive celebration, seeing as spending the season at school wasn't exactly ideal.
Though Xavier spent the past month in a state of apprehension and dread, he had to admit that Christmas Eve was nothing short of perfection. It was no secret that under no circumstance should the two of you be caught in the same dorm room, but Weems made sure to turn a blind eye to a particular pair of abandoned outcasts. This proved to be really helpful, as you weren't at all subtle when clumsily clambering through Xavier's window.
"Shit, sorry." You winced when the struggle had sent his charger tumbling off the windowsill, clattering onto the floor. Xavier merely shook his head, trying and failing to contain a smile.
"It's not okay, y/n." He responded, sarcasm dripping from his voice.
You rolled your eyes, giving him a slight shove, in response to which he faked falling backwards. Naturally, this knocked him off balance causing him to indeed tumble, and leading you both to erupt in fits of giggles.
"You absolute idiot." You just managed to force out, having joined your boyfriend on the floor, resting against the wall. Xavier just snorted, setting you both off once again.
"We're acting like children." He laughed as you both began to calm down.
"Who cares? It's funny."
You leaned closer, and Xavier instinctively draped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into a comforting embrace. Your own arms cuddled between you, as Xavier pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"You know I love you, right?" You whispered, hardly wanting to shatter the heartwarming moment. "To the moon and back."
"Course I do. I love you too, princess." You buried your face into the crook of his neck in a desperate attempt to hide the faint pink dusting your cheeks at the use of your favourite nickname. Two warm hands cupped the side of your face, gently guiding it mere inches away from Xavier's. He rested his forehead against yours, softly touching his nose to your own.
"Seriously, I don't know what I would do without you."
"Me neither, love. Us against the world."
Those four words held so much meaning to the two of you. After all, how harsh could your lives have really been, if they had merged and brought two broken parts to make a whole?
"I know we aren't doing anything Christmas, but I did kind of bring something." Even in the faint light of Xavier's dorm, your cheeky grin was visible. "Can I show you what it is?"
How was he supposed to say no to that?
A quick nod of his head, and you immediately dove into your pocket, pulling out a cheap, low quality plastic plant. The leaves appeared to be of holly, yet the berries were a patchy white, as though they had been badly painted.
Confusion must have been evident on Xavier's face, because you soon elaborated.
"It's mistletoe." You explained with a deadpan expression, as though it were blatantly obvious.
"No? It's not?"
"Shut up and kiss me, Thorpe."
You held the painted fake holly above the two of you, as Xavier wasted no time in smashing your lips together.
No, this Christmas was nothing short of perfect.
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cat-collections-agency · 3 months ago
I kinda wanted to share this on the main blog because ofc I did. 3 things.
1: ink likes to parallel play. Or just do things in parallel. (Ik 4 sure I'm spelling this wrong.) Say I'm playing wolfquest or roblox right? Ink will be listening to a dubbed comic at the same time, it raises all of our moods. Which is sweet. Also Ink loves mlp and UT aus(like dubbed comics.)
2: I believe ink is the one who mainly fixates on ut and I think the reason we keep/might get more sanses is because of ink. Wow. Also, paint just likes adopting our younger friends if thst makes sense? Like tuplar/yellow. Void has essentially adopted them and another system as younger siblings. As ink puts it: star likes to keep them in little jars./pos.
3: Ink might actually end up being our 3rd host along with me and Lynx. it does makes sense considering the role Ink does have (thanks to cupid for figuring out said roles.) crayon is a socializer, attachmate, and amitimate. (All of which are roles related to social interaction.) So yeah, makes sense to me.
We are NOT a good combination for doing schoolwork. -Sonic
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