#which is different
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kedreeva · 1 month ago
What peacock colors exist that most nonpeacock don’t know about
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i love the assumption the average person knows about ANY peafowl mutations, but after the number of times I've had to explain that the girls and boys look different, I fear the answer is that they're unaware of all of them.
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il-predestinato · 2 years ago
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#CATLIVESMATTER 🐱 (feat. Charles Leclerc, Sergio Perez, and Max Verstappen) 🎥: post-sprint press conference (2023 Azerbaijan Grand Prix)
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iwonderwh0 · 3 months ago
Some android models definitely have infrared cameras, which makes them see for example when infrared sensors are at work as well as also see through some materials that infrared light can penetrate, like plastic. I don't think it's something all androids have despite it being a fairly cheap feature, like I don't think household androids like Kara do, but it can be handy for some specialised workers models, such as the ones Markus converts during the Capitol Park chapter in order to get access to what they're fixing to disable security.
Let me speculate and headcanon here that Luther, as a specialised worker of unknown original purpose, belongs to those models too and has infrared vision. Which means, he can instantly see the difference in how androids look as opposed to humans. Which would explain how He was able to instantly see that Alice is an android whereas as Kara couldn't do the same and saw her exactly as she'd have seen a human.
I think this headcanon works really nicely.
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softcarabiner · 2 years ago
thinking about how, when ava pushes through the 20 feet of stone for the first time, it’s because she tapped into her deepest fear, which is being alone, and then pushed through it when beatrice reassured her that she could be “quadriplegic, festooned with boils, or a talking head in a bag” and she’d still have the sister warriors; she’d still have beatrice. and how the first time she used a halo pulse, it was in shannon’s room at cat’s cradle, stopping sister crimson from killing beatrice. beatrice, who let her sit down next to her at meal times and gave her a chance. beatrice, who held her as she cried in mother superion’s office and believed her when she said she didn’t want to die. beatrice, who was only in danger because she had decided that she loved the sister warriors, loved ava, more than the church hierarchy, and came back to cat’s cradle, risking excommunication and death. ava learns to tap into the halo’s power when she looks loneliness in the eyes and sees her sisters and beatrice instead, promising that “we will never leave you.”
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trans-yllz · 4 months ago
jin guangshan asking about jiang yanli and jin zixuans marriage in front of Everyone while he knows that the jiang sect is both a. in mourning and b. rebuilding after the massacre of lotus pier and thus desperate to be in the good graces of the other sects, is so rude and audacious and manipulative of him its crazy. he's sort of giving them no choice but to say yes, which is so insidious. but the worst part of this scene to me is that he shouldn't even be asking. the social rules he is relying on to pressure the jiang sect to agree, Also make it incredibly inappropriate to even ask. the whole sect is still in mourning clothes, and jiang cheng Just said outloud that a succession ceremony would be inappropriate. something like a wedding? a celebration of that scale while the siblings are not only mourning their parents, but also essentially everyone they ever knew? everyone should be outraged and pointing out how the jin sect is seemingly trying to take advantage of the jiangs in their weakened position. but instead everyone is literally cheering jin guangshan on
this part of the show does such an excellent job exemplifying the role of power, influence, and class in the cultivation world. the jins are collectively some of the most rude, audacious, arrogant characters in the show. they are Constantly breaking the social conventions they benefit from, and are celebrated for it. they hold absolute power, and thus every taboo they could commit is a testament to their strength and quality. but wei wuxian, who has no power but the physical kind he alone wields, who is the son of a servant, who holds a seat at the table despite the impossible odds, is criticized at every turn for his shamelessness, his disregard for manners. but in every scene, he is so well spoken, so good at playing within the rules and being polite. he always says all the right things. but because he doesn't know his place, everything he does is automatically a show of disrespect
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getvalentined · 11 months ago
Shout out to some rando demanding that someone posting about the Sephiroth Valentine Theory make a discord server to get the discussion out of the tags here on tumblr.
Like...everyone here knows that you don't get to choose what other fans talk about, right? You don't get to tell other fans to leave just because you're not interested in what they're discussing?
As long as it's about the character (rather than like a cat that has the same name, which I see a lot) it technically belongs in the tags. It's generally poor etiquette to put hate in tags, sure, but talking about a popular theory that's been around for over a quarter century, related to two major characters in a work of popular media? That belongs in the tags for those characters, and for the media in question. That is literally part of what tags are for.
I don't know how some people reach this level of entitlement, but if you can't deal with other fans talking about things you don't like, maybe you should make a discord server where people are only allowed to talk about what you like.
Good lord.
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unfortunate--moth · 6 months ago
*walks into the room and falls flat on my face*
bleh college-
Everyday im happy i never went to college
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blood-starved-beast · 1 year ago
Youl ever think about how when Mai and Acxa had a change of heart, they helped their bfs escape from a prison, turning on their best friends in the process, and the boys were in awe that their badass knife gfs did it and how proud the girls were of their bfs for changing the Galra/Fire Nation to something of unity, not hatred or is it just me.
P.S. I love you!
See while I understand the viewpoint of comparing Mai to Acxa, there's a fundamental difference between them that should be noted and it's a consequence of how their respective arcs are constructed.
Acxa's arc is specifically written outside of a necessary romance. The point of resolution - her redemption and understanding of the empire being wrong is key to her arc - regardless of whether or not Keith is factored into the equation. Keith in the Grudge, where her arc is most significantly highlighted, is a macguffin at best. He can be replaced with anyone or anything plot important and the narrative of that episode does not change. Acxa still will confront Zethrid cause she now understands that she is worthy of change, and by proxy, she wants to see change in Zethrid, who despite everything is her friend. This is willingness to see the possibility of change or lack of it rather, was why she initially "gave up" on Zethrid and Ezor before. They were stuck in their ways in Acxa's mind, and much like Acxa herself she sees them as immovable products of the Galra war machine. That changed in the Grudge. Keith helped with that change by being a model, and Veronica helped her see the light, but in the end the change was Acxa's own and that's significant.
Mai by contrast, her arc doesn't necessarily touch upon the Fire Nation as a regime, but she is aware of its problems - that's what presumably she and Zuko talked about in the cell at the Boiling Rock if I'm remembering correctly. But ultimately her stand to Azula is defined by standing up to Azula's control and abuse, and by lesser proxy, the Fire Nation as a whole. While there are similarities to Acxa - both were subordinates to a higher power in their regimes, the arcs are different. Mai is showing that not only does she care about someone - Zuko - that care is more significant than tolerating abuse. This is significant for Mai, who's been highlighted by her lack of care of many things (a coping mechanism for the shit she had to deal her whole life, but even then, Mai is nobility, and her growth differs in that key area from Acxa, the child soldier bred in the fringes of the empire).
I feel like I'm not talking about it to the best of my ability, and ngl I am a bit sick atm, but yeah. While there are some similarities as you pointed out - they do end superficially. Acxa is a poor child soldier whose arc is more Zuko esque in development - and this reflects how she engages with Keith. Keith, who is thoroughly sexualized and turned into a damsel in that iconic episode. He is the macguffin in her and Zethrid's arcs. Zuko retains a level of autonomy and specific personal importance to Mai in the Boiling Rock that makes Mai's arc markedly different from Acxa's - and part of it is due to Acxa being a person with very low cognitive empathy normally and a distant relationship with Keith furthermore, which Mai has no issue with and is in fact, Zuko's current girlfriend. If that makes sense.
Thank you for the ask and sorry that this is messy, again I am not feeling all that well so that's the excuse I can give for it. Feel free to send me another ask if you want more elaboration on that regard.
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doctorcolubra · 2 years ago
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In my absence from tumblr I have become a full-blown Plant Dad, can't stop doting on my little guys
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paper-mario-wiki · 6 months ago
in case you're wondering what the greatest AMV of all time is, it's this one from 2008.
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macbethz · 3 months ago
Well I like it but it’s not very well written. Also it’s a visual mess. The plot doesnt make any sense and the creators suck and its politics oscillate from mildly problematic to frankly baffling. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. However. the character
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eruditetyro · 6 months ago
good morning let’s hear it for Mildly Cool Outside a round of applause for Mildly Cool Outside
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fellow-traveller-05 · 1 year ago
^^^^^^^this is why Scott Pilgrim is GOATed (among other reasons)
Scott Pilgrim is, I think, the best example I can think of for establishing a setting's Nonsense Limit. The setting's Nonsense Limit isn't quite "How high-fantasy is this". It's mostly a question of presentation, to what degree does the audience feel that they know the rules the world operates by, such that they are primed to accept a random new element being introduced. A setting with a Nonsense Limit of 0 is, like, an everyday story. Something larger than life, but theoretically taking place in our world, like your standard spy thriller action movie has a limit of 1. Some sort of hidden world urban fantasy with wizards and stuff operating in secret has a nonsense limit around 3 or 4. A Superhero setting, presenting an alternate version of our world, is a 5 or 6. High fantasy comes in around a 7 or so, "Oh yeah, Wizards exist and they can do crazy stuff" is pretty commonly accepted. Scott Pilgrim comes in at a 10. If you read the Scott Pilgrim book, it starts off looking like a purely mundane slice of life. The first hint at the fantastical is Ramona appearing repeatedly in Scott's Dreams, and then later showing up in real life. When we finally get an explanation, it's this:
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Apparently Subspace Highways are a thing? And they go through people's heads? And Ramona treats this like it's obscure, but not secret knowledge. Ramona doesn't think she's doing anything weird here. At this point, it's not clear if Scott is accepting Ramona's explanation or not, things kind of move on as mundane as ever until their Date, when Ramona takes Scott through subspace, and he doesn't act like his world was just blown open or anything, although I guess that could have been a metaphor. there's a couple other moments, but everything with Ramona could be a metaphor, or Scott not recognizing what's going on. Maybe Ramona is uniquely fantastical in this otherwise normal world. And then, this happens
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Suddenly, a fantastical element (A shitty local indie band finishing their set with a song that knocks out most of the audience) is introduced unrelated to Ramona, and undeniably literal. We see the crowd knocked out by Crash and The Boys. but the story doesn't linger on the implications of that, the whole point of that sequence is to raise the Nonsense Level, such that you accept it when This happens
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Matthew Patel comes flying down onto the stage, Scott, who until this point is presented as a terrible person and a loser, but otherwise is extremely ordinary, proceeds to flawlessly block and counter him before doing a 64-hit air juggle combo. Scott's friends treat this like Scott is showing off a mildly interesting party trick, like being really good at darts. The establish that Scott is the "Best Fighter in the Province", not only are street-fighter battles a thing, Scott is Very Good at it, but they're so unimportant that being the best fighter in the province doesn't make Scott NOT a loser. So when Matthew Patel shows off his magic powers and then explodes into a pile of coins, we've established "Oh, this is how silly the setting gets". It's not about establishing the RULES of the setting so much as it is about establishing a lack of rules. Scott's skill at street-fighter battles doesn't translate to any sort of social prestige. Ramona can access Subspace Highways and she uses it to do a basic delivery job. It doesn't make sense and it's clear that it's not supposed to. So later on, when Todd Ingram starts throwing around telekinesis, and the explanation we're given is "He's a Vegan" , you're already so primed by the mixture of weirdness and mundanity that rather than trying to incorporate this new knowledge into any sort of coherent setting ruleset, you just go "Ah, yeah, Vegans".
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butchfalin · 1 year ago
the funniest meltdown ive ever had was in college when i got so overstimulated that i could Not speak, including over text. one of my friends was trying to talk me through it but i was solely using emojis because they were easier than trying to come up with words so he started using primarily emojis as well just to make things feel balanced. this was not the Most effective strategy... until. he tried to ask me "you okay?" but the way he chose to do that was by sending "👉🏼👌🏼❓" and i was so shocked by suddenly being asked if i was dtf that i was like WHAT???? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?????????? and thus was verbal again
#yeehaw#1k#5k#10k#posts that got cursed. blasted. im making these tag updates after... 19 hours?#also i have been told it should say speech loss bc nonverbal specifically refers to the permanent state. did not know that!#unfortunately i fear it is so far past containment that even if i edited it now it would do very little. but noted for future reference#edit 2: nvm enough ppl have come to rb it from me directly that i changed the wording a bit. hopefully this makes sense#also. in case anyone is curious. though i doubt anyone who is commenting these things will check the original tags#1) my friend did not do this on purpose in any way. it was not intended to distract me or to hit on me. im a lesbian hes a gay man. cmon now#he felt very bad about it afterwards. i thought it was hilarious but it was very embarrassed and apologetic#2) “why didn't he use 🫵🏼?” didn't exist yet. “why didn't he use 🆗?” dunno! we'd been using a lot of hand emojis. 👌🏼 is an ok sign#like it makes sense. it was just a silly mixup. also No i did not invent 👉🏼👌🏼 as a gesture meaning sex. do you live under a rock#3) nonspeaking episodes are a recurring thing in my life and have been since i was born. this is not a quirky one-time thing#it is a pervasive issue that is very frustrating to both myself and the people i am trying to communicate with. in which trying to speak is#extremely distressing and causes very genuine anguish. this post is not me making light of it it's just a funny thing that happened once#it's no different than if i post about a funny thing that happened in conjunction w a physical disability. it's just me talking abt my life#i don't mind character tags tho. those can be entertaining. i don't know what any of you are talking about#Except the ppl who have said this is pego/ryu or wang/xian. those people i understand and respect#if you use it as a writing prompt that's fine but send it to me. i want to see it#aaaand i think that's it. everyday im tempted to turn off rbs on it. it hasn't even been a week
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flufflecat · 5 months ago
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thinking about ford "human blood tastes better" pines
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ford "i have been desiring blood more than usual" pines
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stanford "was bitten by a fruit bat but still wrote the sentence 'i have been desiring blood more than usual'" pines
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proxythe · 24 days ago
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as long as ur my partner in time >_>
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