#which i'm incredibly excited for
thelonelyshore-if · 2 months
So for the people that just randomly turn up do they have like, free apartments to give out or how does that work
Great question! This one'll actually be answered in part next chapter c:
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mawsmauls · 6 months
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Bleed dry a heart of bloody stone. This is all you were ever meant to be; still you mourn.
Com for Loreshark
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leupagus · 1 month
Poll time! Since Dragon Age: The Veilguard is only about a month away, I need to gird some loins. So please answer as best describes you.
And finally if you did play any of them, please tell me if/who you romanced in the games (yes that's a big part of the games, yes it's amazing) in the replies.
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hailsatanacab · 14 days
Happy Ghouls and Gangs DPxDC Bang event posting week!! Here's what I've been working on for the @dpxdcbigbang 🥰
It’s a normal day for Alfred Pennyworth. He spends it taking care of the manor and watching over its inhabitants, just as he does every other day. It’s an exhausting, never-ending task, that he wouldn’t change for the world. But that night, he is confronted by a stranger in his rooms with a copy of every single soul-binding contract he’s signed for the protection of his family. The new Ghost King wants to update his terms and conditions.
Alfred POV, Ghost King Danny, with some Post-Vivisection goodness and only a little (a lot) of blood and gore and medical fun, but that's for later. Not for the squeamish, please check the tags!!
Snippet under the cut!
It’s a normal day for Alfred Pennyworth.
He wakes up early enough to be ready to greet Master Duke with breakfast when he shambles into the kitchen, he cleans, he greets the rest of the manor’s residents when they finally make it downstairs, he cleans, he goes down to the cave to rouse Master Tim from another sleepless night, he cleans.
It’s a quiet day, or as much as one can be when the place he calls home is filled with vigilantes.
He drops off Masters Damian, Tim, and Duke at school and uses the rest of the trip to pick up some groceries for dinner. Coq au vin tonight, he thinks, it’ll be perfect for the changing of the seasons. A mushroom and lentil substitute for Master Damian will do lovely.
The rest of the day is spent preparing the meal and doing a spot of gardening before it’s time for the school run again. He can’t help but smile fondly as he listens to them needle and tease each other, only stepping in when it starts to become too pointed.
Yes, it’s a normal day for Alfred Pennyworth. It’s at night when it all changes.
There’s a ghost waiting for him in his room. 
A soft glow emanates from the creature’s vaguely transparent body and a crisp frost creeps slowly across the floor, sparkling in the darkness like diamonds.
“Mr. Pennyworth?” it says, the voice bouncing off the walls so that it sounds like hundreds of beings instead of one.
Fear squeezes at his heart and the air in the room turns dark and heavy, so that Alfred struggles to breathe. His mouth is dry, his head is swimming, and he’s not entirely sure if he’s going to survive the night.
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simplykorra · 2 years
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sister beatrice + season one
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demaparbat-hp · 1 month
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For the Spirits— Chapter VII: Take Me South
Take me south when it's the time
Pour me away like golden wine
I'll form a splash and it will dry
But in the shape of you
—Pure You by Nothing But Thieves
Yume placed her hands on her hips and took a step forward. “That I do, yet I can't help but wonder about the timing. Heading South, seeking information on the Tribes…it's all very sudden, don't you think?”
The folded parchment hidden under his vest suddenly seemed to hold the weight of the world. Zuko placed a hand on his chest, where the sketch rested just above his heart. He stared thoughtfully at the floor.
Why now, indeed?
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essektheylyss · 11 months
I highly recommend local bookstores because nowhere else can you pick up a book that is no different from any other books around it, which include publications by such authors as Ursula fucking Le Guin, and discover only once you get home that it's printed in batches of 200 and doesn't even have an associated ISBN. This has happened to me multiple times, and it is the best. This is not ironic, it's the funniest experience and you really will only get this kind of appreciation and uplifting of local and small artists in indie bookstores.
And also those books will usually knock your fucking socks off.
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thegreenhordes · 8 months
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Field Guide to encounters with The Glow, Part One: Type 1 infected, AKA Growlers.
Growlers are intensely aggressive, so much so that they are just as violent towards other infected as anything else that moves. While blind, the Growlers are equipped with keen hearing and smell, and can locate a potential meal from far distances. Constantly on the hunt, these unfortunate beasts' diet of choice ultimately leaves them unsatisfied and starving. Stage 3 Type 1 infected usually die within weeks, but some have survived up to two months.
To Distract a Growler: Find some way to create noise in the opposite direction that you are located. Make sure it is loud, and lasts long enough for you to run. Flying is a viable method of escape if you possess wings, as stage 2 and 3 Growlers are incapable of flight. Stage 2 due to the weakening of their flight muscles- and stage 3 due to the loss of feathers.
How to avoid detection: Mask your scent. Try to remain as neutral-smelling as possible. This can be hard to do, but do your best and you will avoid being sniffed out by a late stage Growler. Avoiding detection by a stage 2 is simply a matter of staying out of sight and keeping noise to a whisper. Additionally, avoid making noise when near a stage 3 Growler. If you cannot be detected through smell, your best bet with a stage 3 is to hold completely still, breath slowly (quietly), and wait for them to leave line of sight- then you can make a run for it. Stage 3 Growlers are strong but slow-moving. Outrunning them in a large enough space is possible.
Special Notes: Growlers at stage 3 cannot be reasoned with and have the minds of starving, cornered predators. However, due to stage 2 Growlers being still rather cognizant, you can communicate with them- it is recommended to do so with some form of barrier however, due to their overwhelming instinct to bite and infect everything they see. When things were still relatively stable and infected were being appropriately contained, Princess Twilight Sparkle had frequent verbal contact with multiple stage 2 Growlers in her care. They were reluctantly polite, expressing a clear desire to attack the princess, but understood their situation well enough to be compliant at the time. All these stage 2s eventually progressed into stage 3, and were either put down, escaped, or kept for further study.
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moregraceful · 2 months
I name all of my snake plants after Baltimore Orioles players because...I don't know why I do that.....anyway Adley (she/her pronouns according to my parents) and Adam Jones are making the trip with me but Chris Davis is TOO BIG FOR THE CAR and I'm so sad now. That was my emotional support snake plant through my FMLA leave. He has seen the worst of me (mental illness, forgot to water him for a month) and survived. Now he's like four feet tall and I have to leave him behind because he is so big that he takes up more than a third of my luggage space in the car 🥲 I took such good care of him that now he has to live independent of me. Goodbye Chris Davis I will think of you fondly as I encourage Adley to grow big and strong.
#all the trailing plants have to stay behind bc they got too long and crushable and elias the monstera has to stay bc my parents put him next#to katrina the monstera and now they are entangled and basically have to live together forever. also elias is halfway to ceiling#my parents name all their plants after the friends they rescued the plants from. my plants are all named after athletes#he got so big and strong with katrina who is AT the ceiling. katrina named after a trans woman btw. monstera rights#elias was a reclamation project for my parents bc i was struggling so much in life that he took a backseat. but he lived#i'm not good at anything but unkillable plants. so actually not very good at plants?#the 2019 draft class succulent garden is staying behind too as is nico and his babies (jade plant). they love california too much#but now...now i get to see what east coast plants i can acquire...and try not to kill#if i get another snake plant i will name him gunnar. or colton. i don't know who else is on the orioles. that guy with the hallmark channel#name. jackson holliday??? blorbos from my prompt meme's fanfics#maddy postoperation and m pindergarten can you guys advise please#fresno oilers.txt#GUYS i leave tomorrow and i'm so excited i can't sit still (<- caffeinated)(excited)(giant bowl of ice cream)(excited)#not to be corny. because things are going to be difficult. and i am scared my dog will die. and a lot of things are up in the air#and some of my career plans got 🌪️🌪️ due to circumstances out of my control in a way that is very anxiety-inducing#and what if the moving company loses one of the legs of my table or my dad's journals or my emotional support 3000 pieces of paper#but i keep thinking like even if it all ends up INCREDIBLY awful - it won't but even if - i will have space to do art and i will be within#walking distance of a farmer's market. so even if my life completely sucks i will be probably able to procure farmer's market bread#and eat it while drawing or collaging or making giant paper flowers. which i can't do right now#my friend j said something really nice to me. a lot of people have been like you are running from your problems this won't solve anything#but j said if you hadn't had every single part of your life in california blow up in a single calendar year i would be telling you to#man up and stay and fix it. but i think you need to reset completely bc it's been hard for so long and just keeps getting harder#i think if you get a chance to get your head straight and get away from everything compressing you here you'll do amazing#things for yourself and others. and if/when you come back you'll be better equipped to handle everything this state throws at you#i was like man don't make me emotional at this ballpark while i have an ice cream sundae melting on me#but yeah. yeah.#and i hope she's right!!!
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thelonelyshore-if · 6 hours
Last night as I was writing I discovered that Croft is prone to monologuing. Which, honestly, I should have seen coming; but it was still a delightful discovery lmao they're suuuuch a melodramatic bastard.
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scorpius-rising · 7 months
Bit the bullet and read on in the manga. Completely agree with the post about Dungeon Meshi and Ryoko Kui being FMA/Arakawa levels of good holy shit
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lovelaceisntdead · 5 months
i think i just need to rewatch lost.
#that will fix me i think.#because i am doing. bad. i know i have not been keeping this a secret but i feel very stuck and i don't really know what to do.#my general anxiety levels are much higher than they usually are and um. i don't really know why. which then just makes it worse.#and i feel so down and hopeless. i can't make myself feel excited about things. i have hardly any motivation#and no energy to do anything even if i did#like yellowjackets s3 starting production and i just don't feel excited about it and it's making me really sad#and I'm getting upset about things that i feel silly for getting upset about and i can't say anything because I'm embarrassed#for being upset in the first place#i feel so incredibly disconnected from everyone around me it's so hard to talk to anyone#I'm running on autopilot most of the time at the moment#and I'm finding it so hard not to push people away. but at the same time i feel so out of place and I'm dissociating a lot so.#idk whay I'm saying with this#i just feel like i need to get stuff out because i feel so anxious i might explode#and with the weather getting warmer a lot of my physical symptoms are flaring up. anf being in this house is so suffocating#i feel like i can inly exist in this perpetual state of fine. can't be any worse can't be any better#I'm just constantly pretending that I'm just Okay because it's easier than having to deal wirh anything else. but i know I'm really just#causing myself more harm.#I'm done now. just trying to relieve some of the pressure i am feeling in my whole entire body.
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chainofclovers · 1 year
Being a human is literally like this weird combo of being okay and not okay that goes on forever except there is also death
#(i'm fine)#(personally) (mostly) (really)#this has just been an absolutely terrible year for our planet and its people and animals#and it's fucking insane that as an american living in relative safety and comfort and experiencing the pleasures and guilt of that...#...i can experience this horrible yet ENTIRELY SURVIVABLE blend of acute pain over so many things at once#including war and genocide and the utter hopelessness of that#and also things like being really really sad that matthew perry's life was so hard and he died#and also so many bad and weird things have happened to family members this year but we mostly have the resources to come together and deal#which is amazing and bolstering and exhausting#and my brain still has space to be excited about writing and numb to writing and angry/impotent about writing#desperate for feedback yet private and retreat-y and weird#always hoping to hit upon The Perfect Thing :-/#and i live in a place that basically is not a democracy any more and also the u.s. is so cursed we've never been what we said we were#so a lot of my own perceived safety is incredibly fragile#but still so much more solid than what the people i am mourning for had#and none of the comparisons make a lick of sense and are in and of themselves deeply unfair#to the point that it's humiliating to feel guilt (making it about me) and simultaneously humiliating that i don't feel guilt *constantly*#and i have therapy this week but also this deep sense that while my therapist will be a fine person to talk to it will feel unuseful#i've always been a muddle of optimism and pessimism and i am very adamant that life is super beautiful and this is precisely why...#...all the violence in the world is so brutally devastating#it's just that the casserole of all these thoughts feels increasingly horrible#and feeling that way is 100% sane#and even intersectional frameworks and intentional attempts at gentleness only get you so far in the grapple#for meaning and for ideas of what to do#so i end up contacting my reps about various awful things#and zooming in and out on my fixations and having excellent days and terrible days#often dependent on what feels like a camera setting i only partially control#and i'm sure i'm not alone in feeling embarrassed that deep empathy and grief for people i've not met somehow ends up being...#...at least a sliver about ME and my little world#about me
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butchsophiewalten · 1 year
The title of the video, souvenir, really sticks out to me... Typically souvenirs are not just taken in remembrance of something, but they usually come from that something... How much of Bon's interior decoration is directly from the people they represent?
This could also give an explanation for the flowers. Maybe Rosemary had assembled that bouquet at some point? Or, considering how new they seem to look, maybe Bon took them from somewhere, like a grave or memorial of some kind?
That could also point to where he got the Venus de Milo, I could totally see Rosemary owning a replica of such a statue all things considered!
Yeah, stuff like this is a lot like what was racing through my head when I was making that post, I was just having a really hard time articulating everything I was thinking (That's part of the reason it's taken me a couple days to get to this ask, sorry!).
The tools and the bottles definitely feel like a self-evident example of Bon taking something that directly belonged to the person he may be associating them with, since neither of those are things that would be especially hard for him to get his hands on. But a fun question that brings up is if he's been collecting things like this since before Bon's Burgers shut down, or if this is a behavior that only emerged post-relocation to K-9. I definitely think he could've obtained either of those items on his own regardless of whether he was in K-9 or in Bon's Burgers, but it's something to think about.
The flower bouquet, the statue, and the baby doll are the things that I really can't help but call into question. And I do want to stress that I might be way overthinking it, but like, he has to have gotten those things somehow from somewhere, right? And I think that in and of itself implies that someone is either giving him things, or that he's been leaving K-9 on his own to collect things and bring back. And both of those are just really fascinating to think about.
Like, previously it was thought that he couldn't leave K-9 until Brian let him out on accident, right? And wouldn't happen until 1982. But I like that this introduces the idea of that maybe not necessarily being true. But otherwise, there exists the implication that somebody, most possibly Felix??? has been giving him things for him to hang up in K-9 because he gets restless otherwise, or something. And there's a compelling case to be made for that idea in the fact that Bon hung up Rocket, and we know that Felix had rocket. (It's definitely possible that Felix just put Rocket into K-9 unrelatedly, where they were later found by Bon, I just think there's a level of inherent interest to the idea that there absolutely was some kind of transference there between Felix and Bon).
That's not even really addressing most of what you said. I think the idea of Rosemary having a statue replica of the Venus de Milo is definitely possible, if not likely. There's just a lot to think about with regards to how something like that would have actually ended up in K-9. It wouldn't have been on the premises of Bon's Burgers, would it have been? And the idea of the flowers being from some kind of memorial is also a very strong one, I think I agree with that. An idea i keep coming back to is the thought of the flowers maybe being something that Rosemary's sister sent, if she ends up ever being mentioned in the series proper? But I think that would imply some other kind of internal meaning to those types of flowers beyond what they seem to represent in Rose's painting, like them maybe being Jack and Rose's favorite flowers, or something? That's all really speculative.
Though, now that I'm thinking of it actually, The Waltens' house fully cleared out just a few years after Rosemary's disappearance, and now I can't help but wonder if that is related to this?
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I guess this doesn't necessarily say that the house was emptied of furniture and everything, but that's always what I've envisioned when reading this? It would be fucking crazy if any of these things that Bon has gotten a hold of came directly from the Walten family home, either because of Bon leaving K-9 to go back there or because of Felix taking things to bring back to Bon.
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staycalmandhugaclone · 8 months
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome
Aww thank you @moonwrecked!! Apologies for taking a while to respond - life with a newborn is amazing but totally consuming lol.
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pociondeodio · 1 year
exhausted overstimulated got a headache pissed off at my mother got my phone stolen for the second time in three months
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