#which has made me in turn. more stressed about the interview!!
quantumshade · 7 months
job interviews are so fucking evil i'm so stressed for literally no reason
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pomefioredove · 3 months
hello dovee! I saw the "I'd look good on you." and immediately thought of vil! if I could please request for that? THANK YOU SO MUCH🍰stay creative!
thank you everyone for feeding me vil requests. I got a little crazy with this one
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summary: "I'd look good on you." type of post: short fic characters: vil additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, a little suggestive a part of this event
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"No, no, no, no. Wrong, dreadful,"
You dodge another designer handbag as it goes flying across Vil's room, joining the growing pile of clothes behind you.
"Why is this so difficult?" he groans, storming out of his closet. "I have not a SINGLE decent thing to wear for this interview."
You look over your shoulder, watching him as he begrudgingly begins to clean up the mess he'd made.
"I think you're stressed,"
Vil pauses midway through sliding a silken shirt back on its hanger to glare at you.
"Another excellent observation," he says dryly. Then, a sigh.
"Sorry. I've been wanting to work with this director for years... I don't care for this role, but if the film does well, he'll likely want to work with me again... How's this?"
He holds up a glittery purple dress in front of him. You blink.
"Ugh," he scoffs, tossing it aside. You don't know how many more times you can tell him he looks good in everything before he kicks you out.
"What is the role, anyway?"
Vil rolls his eyes, catching onto your attempt to distract him. He indulges, anyway.
"Another villain, although this film is more of a..." he pauses, gesturing vaguely. You stare. "...A young adult movie."
"So it's bait for teenage girls?"
He sighs again, cleaning up the last of his temper tantrum and sorting it in his massive closet.
"Thus my role is more... provocative, we'll say. Which is fine, if not for the fact that I feel I did horribly,"
"I'm sure you didn't,"
"I'll be a laughing stock, this director will never work with me again, and I'll become one of those pathetic, washed up former child stars by age twenty-one,"
That feels... a tad overdramatic, but you don't mention it.
"That's not going to happen," you insist. "I'm sure you make a great... provocative... villain!"
Vil sighs, returning to the bedside to sit with you. For a brief moment, you can feel him staring, but you say nothing of it.
"You haven't even seen it," he mumbles, finally looking away. "I only have half an hour... I feel completely unassured."
You can't help but feel pity. Before knowing Vil, you had stupidly assumed that most celebrities are confident by nature, exuding grace and certainty.
"Is there anything I can do to help?"
Vil quiets, seeming to consider the offer. "...May I use a line on you?"
You're not exactly sure what he means by that, but it can't be anything too painful. He only has half an hour, after all.
You nod.
Vil smiles, then turns away. He takes a deep breath... you've seen this before. He's getting into character.
It's very effective.
When he turns back, his expression is completely different. And his body language. Even his very presence has shifted.
You've seen this before, you remind yourself. The dangerous, menacing facade that he's known for, that makes his roles so iconic...
But he's also smiling, his eyes lowered, a pleasantly amused look about him.
His hand finds its way to the bed on your other side, effectively caging you between his arms. And then he moves in, guiding you down onto the mattress and leaning over your body.
This is your friend. You're just helping him. There's nothing to be nervous about.
Despite what you tell yourself, you can feel the effect he's having on you.
He can tell, too.
Vil tuts, his free hand coming up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Scared?" he asks. His voice is gentle, though there's a lingering danger behind it.
"Poor thing... I won't bite,"
He leans closer, his other hand intertwining with yours and keeping it pinned to the mattress, hot breath pressing against your ear.
"I'd look good on you," he whispers.
You know you shouldn't interrupt him, but you can't stop the nervous, flustered whine that comes out of your throat.
Vil breaks character, beaming, and gets off of you.
"Oh, my..." he grins, studying your expression. "You were right. I was worried over nothing."
He stands, smoothing out his clothes, and strides towards the closet to change, leaving you flustered senseless on the bed until he returns.
"How do I look?" he asks.
Of course, perfect. He always looks perfect. And now that he's confident again, gorgeous.
He smirks. "I'll take your silence as a compliment, potato. Thank you for the boost... I'll be back to pick up where we left off in a few hours,"
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 2 months
first of all, this is all legit, and not bait, though i have a feeling it may come off that way, this did happen to me. please don't publish if tumblr sends it off anon.
i'm a lesbian with gender dysphoria, and while i haven't had much sexual experience, i would consider myself a stone top. in the last year and a half i began reading "terf"/radical feminist writings and reading "terf" tumblr blogs fairly actively, largely out of frustration with misogyny i was experiencing IRL. though i never engaged with the community i did stop identifying as genderfluid and started understanding my dysphoria as stemming from the trauma of being bullied by other girls for having a high-androgen DSD, and using different pronouns/transition thoughts as unhealthy coping mechanisms. i'm happy with this, but i also don't know if i'm attracted to women anymore.
i've always been attracted to women in a way that's stereotypically guy-like; i find feminine women very attractive and not so much fellow(?) butches, want to penetrate with a strap on, don't like bush much, cursory interest in BDSM/daddy kink. i read/watched het erotica and porn sometimes and identified with the man. what i read problematized pretty much every aspect of that- femininity as a cage, penetration as violence/straps as disidentification w the female body, infantilization of women, bdsm as abuse etc. also, desisting making me more conscious of dysphoria/knowledge of how extensive sexual dimorphism is putting me off both women with larger breasts and hips AND smaller breasts and hips/unrealistically masculine body types as well. so a lot of what turned me on before isn't arousing anymore, or i feel guilty about it, and i haven't been able to find butch4butch stuff which is much healthier very interesting.
i consider my sexuality healthier now on a political level but my ability to get aroused/jerk off has plummeted (used to be i could jork it sunrise to sunset) and thinking about being in a relationship w another woman makes me feel uneasy and weird, especially since a lot of what i read emphasized reciprocative cunnilingus/tribbing (which i don't like) as the healthiest sex options. i also think about both my dysphoria and my sexuality issues 100x more than i did before, even though i was promised the opposite (freedom from dysphoria and feeling happier as a lesbian), and it's stressing me out day-to-day. i'm aware based on your general ethos that you probably think i'm a terrible person right now, but i figured it'd be useful to seek the opinion of someone who radically disagrees with what i've read on what i could/should do next, since i admittedly miss being at peace with my sexuality.
thanks for reading.
hi there anon,
it's a bummer that you'd think I would assume you're a terrible person based on everything you've told me here. I generally try not to consider people terrible unless they're actively being shitheads or hurting other people, which doesn't sound at all like you're describing. from what you've told me, you've been up to your eyes in some information that's made you feel deeply uncomfortable in your sexuality and now you're seeking out a new perspective to help you make sense of that hurt. that describes most of the people who send me questions!
it's so striking to me that much of what you're describing is very reminiscent of what's recounted in The Persistent Desire, an anthology of writings on butch/femme identities edited by femme historian and archivist Joan Nestle that was released in 1992. in various essays and interviews countless butches and femmes recount their discomfort with the feminist turn against butch and femme identities that too place in the 70s, when both roles were declared problematic recreations of heterosexuality and summarily decried as politically "incorrect" for lesbians. it's shocking to me how much what you've described echoes these accounts experienced by lesbians half a century ago - the disowning of women who are "excessively" feminine or masculine, the demonizing of penetrative sex, general insistence that there are "correct" sex acts that every lesbian is supposed to enjoy, and the deep discomfort and insecurity that this causes among people who don't fit into the very rigid standards of proper lesbian identity set forth.
here's a link to a PDF, if that's interesting to you at all. it's very long, so feel free not to read it straight through; it's a great project to skim and an incredible way to get in touch with the lesbians who came before us. their accounts of their lives are so wildly different from the boundaries of "good" queer representation that feel so universal today; in discussing their own lives many of these women speak very bluntly about their experiences with abuse, drugs, sex work, and violence. it's a great glimpse into the lives and history of a lot of very ordinary lesbians just living their lives, and I'm very grateful it's been preserved.
now, as for what you're actually gonna do: hey. listen. first of all, if you haven't given up reading this stuff yet, you've gotta. you simply cannot keep internalizing stuff that makes you overanalyze your own sexuality so hard that you feel uncomfortable about being attracted to women. that's not "healthy," that's conversion therapy lite. there are other places to talk about feminism without being made to feel ashamed of yourself.
listen: there's nothing unhealthy about anything that you described about yourself. being a stone butch, being attracted to certain looks and aesthetics, watching porn, wanting to use a strap and roleplay during sex and not being interested in other sexual activities - all of those thing are completely normal and, yes, healthy. certainly healthier than feeling the need to repress your sexuality so hard that thinking about being with a woman doesn't feel right!
should we run through that list?
femininity as cage - sure, okay, femininity isn't for everyone, and there are parts of it that suck. that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with women who like to wear dresses or put on makeup or shave or whatever, or anyone who's attracted to those women. genuinely I cannot think of anything less interesting or important to feminist organizing than getting hung up about what people want to wear. it's clothes, dude. it's fucking clothes. pick a more important hill to die on, I implore you.
penetration is not the same thing as violence. there's just nothing to debate about that one; it's patently absurd to pretend that every act of penetrative sex is rape and you'd have to fundamentally misunderstand how consent works to believe that.
straps are not about "disidentification with the female body," they're about augmenting a sexual experience. a strap-on is not more problematic than a vibrator or a massage oils or a pillow used to prop up a body part. unless those are also bad? are those bad? are pillows disidentifying from the female body also? I'm not up to date on this.
straight up I don't even know which part of your whole deal the infantilization of women is supposed to address, but a thing that I've always found interesting about a lot of radical feminists who are deeply distrustful of sex is the way that many of them seem to assume that women can't be trusted to understand their own sexual desires and need to be taught what's appropriate. seems kind of condescending to me, personally.
BDSM isn't the same thing as abuse. abuse, crucially, is not a situation that people can safe word out of or negotiate the constraints of. it's kind of like how, you know, I purposefully pay people to shove needles in my skin when I want a tattoo, but I wouldn't be stoked about it if somebody just ran up to me in public and started stabbing me without any warning or conversation. context is crucial. there can certainly be abusive people within BDSM spaces, but that's true of people of literally every sexual proclivity on earth, and certainly not an innate feature of BDSM. it's just make believe, dude. it's dress up. it's sex LARPing.
also, psst, hey. that thing about being attracted to women in a "guy-like" way? no such thing. men are humans, dude; they experience attraction in as many different ways as anyone else. for every dude interested in the same stuff as you there are men yearning for hairy women, muscular women, masculine women, women who will dominate them, women who would rather be eaten out then penetrated, and so on. to say nothing of the men who aren't into women at all! and, as is obvious from your own experience, men don't have a monopoly on those kinds of feelings, anyway! there are no men or women feelings, dude; it's all just people having feelings and fighting for their lives trying to figure out what they're into to.
I want to particularly talk about that last bit, where you mentioned not enjoying or wanting to engage in cunnilingus or tribbing. that's totally fine! people like different shit in all kinds of combinations - I'm personally a huge fan of getting eaten out and scratched up or bitten, but I don't do penetration and I've genuinely never met anyone who actually liked tribbing - and there are absolutely people out there who will, to paraphrase the poet Tinashe, perfectly match your freak.
(have you heard about the perpetual, critical shortage of tops that the queer community faces? you'd be a godsend, just saying.)
also, actually, hey I wanted to circle back to another thing as well: it's deeply alarming to me that whatever radfem stuff you've been reading has you feeling "put off" of women with wide hips and large breasts as well as women with small breasts and hips. what is wrong with either of those? both of those are just ways that women naturally look. women just look a wide variety of ways, and it's sad that that's upsetting you now. just thinking about this, conceptually, is giving me hives.
having been up to your eyes in all of this, I can definitely understand why you'd feel the urge to overanalyze you own gender and sexuality to the point of completely talking yourself out of identifying with anything that feels good for you. as I said, that's actually not healthy in any way, and as a sex educator I can't say that I think anyone genuinely invested in your well-being would want that for you.
entirely aside from their feelings on trans people, which I obviously disagree with pretty vehemently, one of the things about radfems that's most endlessly vexing to me is the insistence that such an extremely narrow range of sexual behaviors are appropriate. seems like a miserable way to live, and I sincerely hope you can detangle yourself from the morass of shame it's landed you in. you deserve better.
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stephreynaart · 2 months
i'm so sad you ship billford.... im not gonna lecture you i just. sighs. i love your art so much this is really upsetting. :(((
We gonna have this conversation again?
At this point go take it up with Alex, cause it’s pretty much canon.
It’s REALLY hard to ignore all the language surrounding Bill’s relationship with Ford and how he pursues him, he follows the dating advice he gives in the book to a T
- Leaving dead rats/mice for Ford
- Ford is the only “partner” that Bill is openly vulnerable with and gives him some insight to his past and his experience (also referring to him as a partner)
- The “Love Cage” advice he gives, where he said go trap your date and sing them a song. And if you remember, Bill traps Ford in the Fearamid and sings to him “We’ll Meet Again”, which was a song written for WWII soldiers who were away from their lovers
“I’m Your Puppet” by James & Bobby Purify that Ford gets in his head, a love song, that also places Ford in his role in the relationship.
THE FLIRTING “you can call me anything but late to dinner”, “I think I’m starting to like you” and saying the same thing then saying “jinx”. GET A ROOM
Both got jealous when the other thinks they’re with someone else. Ford thinking Bill’s “inspiring another scientist” when he doesn’t see Bill for a few weeks, and Bill calling Fiddleford a “third wheel”.
Then when they break it off, Bill goes on a sad drunken rampage. Which you don’t do for someone who you don’t at least care about, especially not someone who’s just a friend
Bill gives Ford 3 days to turn the portal on and asks himself “What was I, a saint? And why did I do it- some misplaced sentimentality”
Even Mabel basically said Bill has a thing for Ford “you’re like a super needy ex” “go crush on someone else’s uncle”
They were definitely more than friends, from what I see it was mostly one-sided on Bill’s part.
Maybe Ford did feel something, it was definitely a relationship that made him feel good, more in tune with his brain and body, and gave him a big boost of confidence. He went to Bill for comfort when he was stressed and vented to him about stuff. Bill made Ford happy…while it was good anyway.
Was this a healthy relationship? FUCK NO!
Bill was mentally and physically abusive, manipulative, and possessive (LITERALLY). He spiked Ford’s drink after Ford said no to having one and got him fucked up. Bill took Ford’s body on a joyride and did horrible things to Ford that we see in the pictures and thing we DONT see in the video. All to make him comply and get the portal running. Calling Ford his PROPERTY.
But it’s a good story of overcoming an abusive relationship, which is great representation tbh, Ford is happier and has his family to love him now.
Normally Alex is great at leaving things up to interpretation, but I can’t ignore the intentional and not at all subtle way he depicted Bill and Ford’s relationship. There’s even seeds of it in the interview with Hana and TGFF
Go take it up with Hirsch, cause I’m just using what he gave me
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en-dazedafterdark · 1 year
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PAIRINGS: established relationship!jake x reader
GENRE: smut, fluff?
SYNOPSIS: In which you help your boyfriend relieve his stress after his schedule
WARNINGS: unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), bath tub sex, shower sex, mentions of multiple rounds, oral sex (f receiving), handjob, creampie
A/N: wish this was me </3
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The interviewer was asking him a question - something about how preparations for their world tour are going - and he nodded, smiling as if he was paying attention to her. He was answering the questions she was asking, but that was all; his mind wasn't on the interview. The last few weeks of preparation for this tour had been stressful and he'd had a hell of a time keeping up his happy, energetic, cheerful persona.
The only thing on his mind at the moment was going back home to his gorgeous girlfriend. His schedule had kept them apart for way too long and it was all he could do to not just run from the interview, jump in a car, and get the hell home so he could be with her.
"So, Jake," the interviewer asked. "Is there anything you would like to say before we go?"
Jake looked up. They were done? Finally. It had felt like forever, and now he could finally get some rest. "Uh," he said. "Yeah. I guess. Um, I wanna thank everyone who has supported us. And to all our fans, I'm looking forward to seeing you all again."
And to his girlfriend, he thought. I'm gonna give you the best fucking night of your life.
The interviewer smiled and gave the closing remarks, and the cameras were turned off.
The time passed by in a blur, he was so desperate to get home that even his group mates could sense his energy.
"Dude, chill," said Jay. "You're acting like you haven't seen her in years."
"It feels like it," Jake muttered.
"Oh, leave him alone, guys," said Sunghoon. "I'd act the same if my girl was waiting at home."
Jake gave his friend a grateful smile, and they both laughed as Jay and Heeseung made exaggerated gagging sounds.
Mercifully, there was little to no traffic, and they were back home within the hour.
"I'm gonna go see my girlfriend," Jake announced, ignoring his groupmates' good-natured teasing.
"Don't you want to eat first?" Jay asked, opening the fridge and poking around inside.
"I'll order in. See you guys tomorrow," Jake called, already heading towards the door.
The apartment complex wasn't far from the company building, and soon Jake was pushing open the door and stepping into his shared home.
He was met with an immediate wave of exhaustion, and he sighed heavily. It had been a long day.
"Y/N?" he called. There was no answer, but the door to their bedroom was closed.
Jake walked over to the door and opened it, smiling softly. You were sleeping, curled up on top of the sheets, the light from the lamp on the bedside table illuminating your soft skin.
"Jake..." you murmured, not even opening your eyes.
Jake couldn't help the smile that came over his face. "How'd you know I was here?"
"I'd know your footsteps anywhere," you replied sleepily.
Jake laughed. "Of course you would.”
You sat up and stretched, blinking owlishly as your eyes adjusted to the light. "Hey, babe. Did everything go well today?"
"Mmhmm," Jake hummed, walking over to the bed and sitting down next to you. "How was your day?"
"Uneventful. But it's better now."
"Mm, I'll bet," Jake teased, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into his lap. “I had a long day and I still need to wash up and eat something. Would you like to join me, or are you too tired?"
"I'm never too tired for you," you replied. "Let me go run you a bath."
Jake let out a contented sigh, watching as you slipped off his lap and padded into the bathroom, the door shutting softly behind you.
Jake was exhausted, but he was also incredibly stressed. His schedule had been packed full the past week, and he'd barely had time to sleep. He'd been trying to be strong and keep up his cheery demeanor, but it was wearing him down, and he was getting more and more frustrated and tired as the days went by.
And you could tell.
You knew Jake better than anyone, and you could see the strain in his shoulders, the tightness in his voice. You could see how hard he was working, and you wanted to make sure he knew how much you appreciated it.
You turned on the water and adjusted the temperature, waiting until the bath was filled with steaming hot water before adding a generous amount of the lavender-scented bubble bath. The scent filled the air and you breathed deeply, inhaling the calming aroma.
The water was just right, and you shut it off, smiling. You turned around, planning to call for Jake, only to see him standing in the doorway, a towel around his waist and his eyes closed, a peaceful expression on his face.
"Babe?" you said, concerned.
Jake opened his eyes, looking over at you. "Sorry," he said, shaking his head. "Just spacing out a little."
You nodded, giving him a small smile. "Your bath is ready. Come on, get in."
Jake followed your instructions, sighing as he sank into the water. He was tired, but he wasn't relaxed yet.
"Are you alright?" you asked, kneeling beside the tub and stroking his hair.
"Yeah," Jake mumbled, closing his eyes again. "Just tired."
"I know," you whispered, gently cupping his face in your hand. "I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault," Jake said, leaning into your touch.
"Still," you said. "You've been working so hard. And you're so stressed."
"I'm alright," Jake insisted, smiling at you. "Don't worry."
You weren't convinced, and you knew that if you didn't help him relax, he'd never be able to get a good night's sleep.
You leaned in and kissed him gently, your hands resting on his chest. He responded immediately, kissing you back and pulling you closer.
You smiled against his lips, feeling the tension melt away from him as he wrapped his arms around you and deepened the kiss.
"Mmm," he murmured, breaking the kiss and resting his forehead against yours. "Join me.”
"Join me," he repeated, smiling.
You raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
"Yes, really. Please. I wanna hold you."
You couldn't say no to that.
You stood up, and Jake's eyes followed your movements as you stripped off your clothes. His gaze was hungry, and you felt a tingle run down your spine as you slipped out of your pants and panties. You felt a bit shy as you removed the last piece of your clothing, his eyes washing over every bit of your exposed skin.
"Come here," he murmured, and you stepped into the tub.
The water was hot, and the bubbles were thick, covering your body as you settled into his lap. Jake's hands ran down your back, leaving a trail of heat in their wake. You sighed, and he smiled.
"That feel good, baby?" he murmured, kissing the side of your neck.
"Yeah," you whispered, tilting your head to give him better access.
His hands continued to explore your body, his fingers skimming over your breasts and down your sides. His touch was light, and you squirmed, the sensation sending shivers down your spine.
"Fuck, you're beautiful," Jake murmured, his voice husky.
"Shut up," you mumbled, blushing.
"I mean it," he insisted. "I've never seen a more gorgeous woman."
"Stop it," you whined, embarrassed.
"Never," Jake whispered, his voice low and gravelly. "Not when you're like this."
He leaned in and kissed you, his hands squeezing your ass. You gasped, and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss.
The feeling of his body against yours, his hands on your skin, his tongue in your mouth, his fingers squeezing your ass - it was too much. You felt your arousal pooling between your legs, and you pressed yourself against him, desperate for friction.
“Jakey… let me wash you off."
Jake groaned. "You're killing me, baby."
"Please," you said, kissing his jaw. "You've had a long day."
"Fine," Jake relented, his eyes dark with desire. He turned around, somewhat awkwardly in the small bath tub.
You picked up the bar of soap, lathering it up and running your hands over his back, massaging his sore muscles. He moaned, the sound sending another shiver of desire through you.
"Oh, fuck," he murmured. "That feels so good."
You continued to massage his back, taking your time and making sure you got every part of him. When you were satisfied, you moved onto his chest, and then his stomach, working your way down his body.
His erection was standing tall and proud, and you couldn't resist.
You reached out, taking him in your hand and stroking him gently.
Jake let out a gasp. "Oh, fuck, Y/N..."
"Shh," you murmured, leaning forward and kissing his shoulder. "Just relax."
You stroked him slowly, your grip firm. He moaned, his hips thrusting forward into your hand.
"That's it," you whispered. "Just let go."
"I...I can't," he panted, his hips moving in time with your movements.
"Yes, you can," you cooed, speeding up your pace.
He was so close, and you could tell he was on the edge. You kept stroking him, and he threw his head back, a groan escaping his lips as he came, his seed splashing into the water.
You held him in your hand, feeling him pulse. His head was buried in the crook of your neck, and you could feel him trembling.
"Fuck," he mumbled.
You smiled, letting go of his softening member and wrapping your arms around him.
"You okay, baby?" you whispered, nuzzling his neck.
"More than okay," he murmured. "Thank you, Y/N."
"You're welcome," you replied, kissing his temple.
He stayed like that for a few moments, his breath tickling your skin, his body relaxed against yours. Finally, he sat up, looking at you.
"Now it's your turn," he said, his eyes full of mischief.
You giggled. "Jake, I'm fine."
"No, no," he said, a smile playing on his lips. "I insist. Let me take care of you."
He took the soap, lathering it up in his hands and then placing them on your breasts, massaging the suds into your skin. You gasped, the sensation sending tingles of pleasure through you.
He took his time, massaging your breasts and teasing your nipples. His touch was gentle but insistent, and you could feel your arousal growing.
"Jake..." you murmured, closing your eyes and enjoying his ministrations.
"Feel good?" he whispered, his voice husky.
"Mmm," was all you could manage.
His hands traveled down your body, caressing your skin and leaving a trail of fire in their wake. He slipped one hand between your legs, his fingers brushing against your folds.
"Oh, fuck," you gasped, your hips bucking involuntarily.
"That's it," he murmured, his fingers moving against you, circling your clit. Your chest was heaving and if it had been any other time you would’ve been embarrassed at the way your hips were desperately moving against his hand, but at this point all you could think about was him.
"Fuck, Jake, please," you whimpered, your body aching for him. You felt warm all over, heat rising from your legs and spreading to the rest of your body.
"Tell me what you want, baby," he purred, his fingers teasing your entrance.
"I need you," you moaned, unable to contain yourself any longer. "Please, Jake, I need you inside me."
Jake groaned at the sound of you whining his name, and his hands stilled. You opened your eyes, and he was staring at you, his eyes dark with lust.
"Fuck, you're beautiful," he whispered, and you felt a wave of heat wash over you.
You looked up at him, your eyes pleading, and he leaned down, capturing your lips in a heated kiss. His tongue slipped into your mouth, exploring and dominating, and you couldn't help but moan.
You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer, needing him. He broke the kiss, his breath hot on your lips, and looked down at you, his gaze full of hunger and desire.
“Come closer baby. Straddle me," he growled, his voice low and gravelly.
You did as he said, straddling his hips and positioning yourself above him.
He reached down, his hands gripping your ass, and pulled you down, sheathing himself inside of you.
You cried out, the sudden sensation of him filling you sending a shockwave of pleasure through your body. He groaned, his grip on you tightening as he began to move his hips, fucking you slowly.
You were a whimpering mess, the feeling of him inside you, filling you completely, driving you insane. You clung to him, your fingers digging into his shoulders, as you tried to keep up with his pace.
“Jake Jake Jake Jake..." you moaned, the sound of his name on your lips a symphony to his ears.
He was relentless, his movements fast and powerful, his hips thrusting upward as he fucked you hard and deep. His mind had gone blank as soon as he had felt your walls grip his cock, the only thing on his mind was making you fall apart.
"Look at me, baby," he murmured, and you looked up, meeting his gaze. His eyes were full of hunger and passion, and you felt your orgasm approaching, the intensity of his gaze sending you over the edge.
"Fuck," he gasped, feeling you clench around him.
He continued to thrust into you, his pace unrelenting. You were barely coherent, the sensations too much for you to handle. Your legs were shaking, your toes curled, and you were moaning his name.
"Jake, fuck, Jake..."
"Come for me, baby," he growled, his grip on your hips tightening. “Come around my cock."
You did as he said, your orgasm hitting you hard and fast. Your body trembled and shook, waves of pleasure washing over you.
He continued to fuck you, his movements becoming erratic as he chased his own release. His fingers dug into your skin, and you felt him stiffen, his release coming seconds after yours.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." he muttered, his cock twitching inside of you.
The two of you were still for a moment, basking in the afterglow, before Jake pulled out of you, his softening member sliding from inside you.
"Are you alright, babe?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.
"Yeah," you breathed, your body still tingling.
He smiled, the expression on his face almost boyish. "Good. You're incredible, you know that?"
"You're not so bad yourself," you teased, reaching up and running your fingers through his hair.
He chuckled, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you, too," you whispered, cuddling against him.
You stayed like that for a while, enjoying the feeling of each other's bodies. Finally, Jake spoke up.
"We should get out. We're going to prune. And we should probably wash up some more. We’re sitting in cum water now.”
“Gross! I don't wanna get up," you whined, snuggling closer to him.
"Come on, baby," he said, giving you a gentle squeeze. "Let's get out and shower. And then we can cuddle in bed."
"Fine," you sighed, reluctantly pulling away from him.
You stood up, the water cascading down your body, and stepped out of the tub. Jake followed suit, and you watched as the water dripped off of his chiseled body.
"What are you looking at?" he teased, noticing the way you were ogling him.
"Nothing," you said, a blush creeping across your cheeks.
He grinned, stepping closer and kissing your cheek. "Don't worry, I'll let you stare all you want later. Right now, we need to wash up."
"Okay," you mumbled, feeling silly.
Jake turned on the shower, waiting for the water to warm up before ushering you in. You sighed, the hot water hitting your skin and relaxing your muscles.
"Feel good?" he asked, his hands resting on your hips.
"Yeah," you murmured, leaning back against him.
He smiled, and reached for the body wash, squirting some into his hands and beginning to massage it into your skin.
"Hmmm," you hummed, enjoying the feeling of his hands on you.
"Like that, huh?" he whispered, his voice low.
"Yeah," you replied, the sensation of his hands on your body making you shiver.
His hands slid from your shoulder to your back, slowly reaching to the front and cupping your breasts.
"Mmmm," you moaned, closing your eyes and letting him work his magic.
"Feels good?" he murmured, his breath hot on your ear.
"So good," you breathed, your body beginning to heat up again. “I don’t think you want to just shower right now.”
"No," he whispered, his hands moving lower, ghosting over your belly. "I want to fuck you again. Right here. In the shower."
You moaned, the thought of his hands on you, his cock inside of you, his mouth on your skin making your head spin.
“Can I taste you baby?”
His voice was thick with desire, and you could feel the tension between you.
You nodded, your words failing you, and he wasted no time. He pushed you up against the wall, his lips crashing against yours in a passionate kiss. His hands roamed your body, leaving a trail of heat everywhere he touched. You couldn't get enough of him, the feeling of his skin against yours intoxicating.
He kissed his way down your body, his lips ghosting over your sensitive nipples, sending shivers of pleasure through you. His hands cupped your breasts, gently squeezing and kneading them.
"Oh, god," you moaned, the sensation making your head spin.
"Like that, baby?" he murmured, his mouth trailing lower, leaving a path of kisses down your stomach.
"Yes," you breathed, your head falling back as his hands traveled lower, his fingers teasing your folds.
"You're so wet," he whispered, his voice husky. "So ready for me."
"Please," you begged, desperate for him to touch you, to fuck you, to make you come.
"Patience, baby," he purred, his fingers continuing to tease you, sending waves of pleasure through you.
You were a whimpering mess, the anticipation nearly unbearable. His mouth found your inner thigh, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin.
"Jake, please," you moaned, your body trembling with need.
"Tell me what you want, baby," he said, his tongue darting out to lick a trail up your thigh.
"I want you to eat me out," you breathed, the words leaving your lips in a rush. "I want your tongue inside me."
"As you wish, princess," he murmured, his voice low and sexy.
His mouth found your pussy immediately, his tongue lapping at your folds. The sensation was intense, and you cried out, the feeling of his tongue against your sensitive flesh almost too much.
He explored your most intimate parts, his tongue dancing over your clit and making you see stars. You were a writhing mess, the feeling of his mouth on you pushing you to the edge.
"Jake, fuck, Jake..." you moaned, your hands desperately trying to grasp at the wet tile behind you.
He increased the pressure, his tongue circling your clit and his fingers teasing your entrance.
You were lost in the pleasure, your body overwhelmed by the sensation.
"Please," you begged, your body aching for release. "Please, Jake."
He looked up at you, his eyes dark with desire. He gave your clit a hard flick with his tongue, sending you hurtling over the edge. You came hard, your body convulsing, the pleasure overwhelming you.
"Oh, god," you whimpered, your body trembling as the aftershocks rippled through you.
But Jake didn’t stop. His tongue continued to lap at you, his fingers pushing into you, coaxing every last bit of pleasure from you. You were barely able to stand, your legs shaking and threatening to give out.
"Jake, please, I can't take it," you panted, your voice barely a whisper.
"One more," he demanded, his tone commanding. "You can do it baby. Give me one more."
You couldn't deny him, and you knew your body was already responding, the pleasure building again. His mouth worked its magic, his tongue finding all the right spots, his fingers curling inside of you. You were helpless against the onslaught, and before long, you were coming again, the intensity taking your breath away.
"Fuck," you cried, your body shuddering as you came.
He slowed his movements, his tongue languidly licking you, easing you down from your high. When you finally caught your breath, he looked up at you, his face glistening with your arousal.
"You okay, baby?" he asked, his voice rough and husky. You could barely hold yourself up, but you managed a nod.
"Good," he purred, getting to his feet. He kissed you, his tongue parting your lips, tasting you. You moaned, the taste of yourself on his tongue turning you on.
"God, you're so fucking hot," he groaned, his erection pressing against your leg.
"I want you," you breathed, your voice trembling.
"Then have me," he murmured, his hands cupping your ass and lifting you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist, his cock brushing against your entrance.
He pushed you against the wall, his lips crashing against yours. He entered you in one swift motion, the feeling of him stretching you making you gasp.
"Fuck," he moaned, his hips thrusting into you, burying himself deep inside of you. “Pussy so good, you were made for me weren’t you? So perfect. All mine."
"Yes," you cried, the sensation of him filling you driving you wild. "All yours."
"Fuck, yes," he growled, his hips pounding into you. You clung to him, your nails raking down his back, urging him on.
He was relentless, his hips pistoning into you, his cock hitting your sweet spot over and over again. You were lost in the pleasure, your mind foggy, only the sensation of his body against yours and his cock inside of you registering.
You were moaning incoherently, the feeling of him fucking you taking over. He buried his face in your neck, his lips and teeth teasing your skin. You were on the edge, the pleasure building, the pressure increasing.
"I'm close," you whimpered, the words leaving your lips involuntarily.
"Me, too," he grunted, his hips slamming into you, his pace quickening.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he groaned, his thrusts becoming erratic. You felt him stiffen, his cock twitching inside of you as he came.
You were right behind him, the sensation of him coming inside of you sending you over the edge.
You came together, your bodies shuddering, the pleasure taking over. You were a panting, moaning, trembling mess, and the world faded away, the only thing that existed was the two of you and the intense pleasure.
"Holy shit," you finally breathed, when you had finally come down from your high.
"Yeah," Jake murmured, his breath warm against your neck.
You leaned against him, your body still shaking, unable to move.
He held you for a few moments, before carefully setting you down. Your legs were weak, but you managed to stand.
"I think we need another shower," he chuckled, gesturing to the mess the two of you had made.
"I don't think I can handle another round," you said, the thought of him fucking you again making your legs weak.
“Oh we’re not done, baby. I want you in my bed. All night long. But first, we have to actually shower. Then maybe dinner and drinks. And then more fun. You game?"
You nodded, the thought of spending the night with him making you giddy.
"Good. Now let's wash up and get out of here. I'm starving." And a loud grumble echoed throughout the bathroom, which could only be Jake's stomach.
You laughed, and pulled him in for a kiss. "Sounds like a plan."
"Perfect. Because there's so much more I want to do to you," he purred, his voice sending shivers down your spine.
"Then let's get started," you whispered, a wicked grin spreading across your face.
It would take an hour and three more orgasms for the two of you to leave the bathroom. And that was only the beginning.
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ts1m1kas · 2 months
Original Ask: I would like to request a Jenson Button x driver!reader they have been rivals since their karting days and Jenson has been crushing on reader for years. He flirts with her every chance he gets but she's completely oblivious to it since she thinks he's just doing it to distract her from the race and she hates him for it since she's not taken seriously by the drivers and reporters because of it. So Jensen wins the championship and he throws a big party with the team. Reader attends to congratulate him so they partied and they have a heart to heart conversation in which they finally confess their feelings to each other.. (anonymous)
Word Count: 1120 words
(author's note: i can't tell if this is bad or not, i've been slightly stressed out due to my job so i hope the jenson girlies enjoy this 🥹)
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When Jenson began carting at a young age, he thought he would walk away with trophies and medals. He did get both of those things, but he also developed a crush on a girl who was convinced he hated her.
Y/N L/N was the bane of Jenson’s existence. He would say his rival if anyone asked him what she was to him, mainly because he was far too embarrassed to admit that he was completely and utterly in love with her.
Both Jenson and Y/N had successful carting careers and, despite their rivalry, made it to Formula 1 at the same time. Jenson signed with Williams and Y/N signed for Red Bull. Although the pair were much older now, their childhood competitiveness had followed them into F1 which caused many disputes between the two drivers.
Their careers in motorsports flourished and Jenson moved to Brawn GP, where he would unknowingly win the Championship. But the longer Y/N stayed in Formula 1, the more unbearable the reporters became. Question after question about her and Jenson, their ‘relationship’ and if being a female driver was more difficult.
It was the final race of the 2009 season and the Abu-Dhabi air was stifling. Y/N stood outside the Red Bull garage, holding a microphone for the interview that was about to begin.
“So, final race of the season. Are you nervous?” The interviewer asked.
“Well, I’m nervous before every race if I’m honest. The last race of the season is worse though because the stakes are always so much higher.”
“How do you feel about Jenson’s position in the Championship? If he finishes in the points this race he’s pretty much guaranteed a win?”
“What does Jenson have to do with me? I’m glad he’s performing well but that doesn’t affect me at all. I’m my own driver, not an extension of Jenson.”
“Right, sorry I apologise.”
At that moment Jenson walked past and was caught by the cameras. When he realised it was Y/N being interviewed he turned around and smiled at her.
“You look gorgeous today Y/N, it's gonna be hard for me to concentrate on the race knowing you look that good!” Jenson shouted over at her, throwing her a wink at the same time.
Y/N shifted uncomfortably on the spot, she knew all too well what was coming.
“Do you think it’s fair that your gender can become a distraction for the other drivers, especially ones who have important races coming up?”
Jenson was mortified, he didn’t realise that his stupid joke was going to cause the interviewer to ask such an inappropriate question.
“I was only joking around, she isn’t actually a distraction to us. Y/N deserves to be here as much as the rest of us-”
“I’m finished with this interview, thank you for having me,” Y/N stated, passing the microphone back to the interviewer. She disappeared into the garage, leaving Jenson outside with an uneasy feeling in his stomach.
Before they knew it, all the drivers sat in their cars, lined up and ready to race. The lights went out slowly and they set off. It was an exciting race throughout and by the end, Sebastian came out on top, followed by Y/N and then Jenson.
However, the amount of points gave Jenson his first Championship win, and he couldn’t be happier. Of course, all the journalists, reporters and interviewers forgot to congratulate Y/N on her P2 finish. She was overlooked. Again.
Celebrations were in full force for Jenson’s win. His house was packed with drivers and team staff and the sound of music and cheers filled the room. Drinks were flowing and the evening air was cool as it seeped into the room through the open patio doors.
Y/N had turned up to the party, but only because Sebastian had forced her. Part of her was cheering for Jenson but another part of her remembered how he had toyed with her feelings all those years. She moved through the masses of bodies and grabbed a drink.
Eventually, the pounding of the music and heat from the people became too much and Y/N headed outside onto the balcony. She took a deep breath, allowing the bitter air to fill her lungs. Gazing at the sun that had begun to set, she didn’t realise she was no longer alone on the balcony.
“Congrats on P2, you drove incredibly,” A voice said, cutting into the silence.
Y/N spun her head around, her face dropping when she realised it was Jenson.
“Oh, thanks. I should be congratulating you though. How does it feel to be a World Champion?”
“Pretty good, I’m not gonna lie. While I’m here, I just want to apologise for earlier. I didn’t think before I spoke and I didn’t realise that my stupid, distasteful joke would make you be treated like that.”
“It’s fine, I’m used to it. It’s nothing new, questions like that have been asked since our karting days.”
“It’s still not right. Especially when everyone thinks my feelings for you are just a joke.”
Jenson froze after he realised what he said. Y/N’s eyes widened as she looked up at him.
“You- You like me? You’re telling me that you’ve been telling the truth all along?”
Jenson scratched the back of his head awkwardly, “This isn’t how I wanted to tell you, but yeah. I like you. I have since our first kart race. I knew the minute we built up our rivalry that I wanted to be more than friends. But all this time I thought you hated me. So I kept quiet-”
“I didn’t know how to speak to you about it. I also thought you would reject me and I didn’t want the media to scrutinise you more than they already do. I just-”
Jenson stopped his rambling at the sound of Y/N’s raised voice.
“I like you too. I can’t believe I thought you were pretending to like me all along.”
Staring intently at each other, Jenson leaned down and closed the gap between the pair. He captured Y/N’s lips in a soft kiss and she smiled into it. When they finally pulled away, Y/N wrapped her arms around Jenson’s middle and squeezed, enveloping him in a hug.
Jenson leaned his head onto Y/N’s and the pair stayed tangled in the warm embrace of each other as the sun finally disappeared and was replaced by the moon. Stars twinkled in the sky, but nothing shined brighter than the smile on Jenson’s face as he looked down at the girl he had pined for all those years.
164 notes · View notes
thefallennightmare · 7 months
Just Pretend-Twenty Four
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Parings: Noah Sebastian x Musician! Reader
Warnings/Tropes: language, angst, fluff, smut, star-crossed lovers, right person/wrong time, cheating, talks of mental abuse.
Summary: “I can wait for years, heaven knows I’m not getting over you.” A story about two star-crossed lovers, that always find their way back because their souls are entwined. The universe desperately attempts to bring them together, no matter what the cost.
Authors Note: Did y'all bring your umbrellas and washcloths? Cause it gets a bit messy in this.
We are Fallenvvitch. Goodnight.
Collaborating With: @thescarlettvvitch(better give her all the love as well)
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @ozwriterchick @waake-meee-up @notingridslurkaccount @niicoleleigh @sammyjoeee @xxrainstorm @dominuslunae @notmaddihealy @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @iknownothingpeople @writethrough @thebadchic @blackveilomens Claudia on Tumblr @tobe-written @blacksoul-27 @loeytuan98 @loverofagoodbeard @comfortcharactercraze @lma1986 @plutonikchaos1 @spicywhenspeaking @lyschko666 @somewhere-diamond @hi-fancy-seeing-you-here @koskeepsake @bngurngheart @shilohrosechicken @emzandthevoid @casangel1986 @qualityvoidcollectorsblog @myownthoughts12 @jilliemiw86 @bellaboo967 @halloweenaesthetic @collapsedglasshouses @iamamatus
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“So are you saying there’s a new Bad Omens music video on the horizon?” 
With a trick smile, I adjusted my position in the chair and shrugged to the camera on my computer. “Uh, yeah. I can’t tell you which one but it’ll be out there soon.” 
The group of people who were interviewing me via Zoom cheered until one of them asked the next question. It went like this for a few more minutes and I did my best to pay attention and not reach for my phone. Tonight was important and even with how poised and professional I looked during the interview, my knee was bouncing under my desk with nerves. Everything had been planned down to the last detail, Michael giving me shit for stressing out about nothing. 
“It’s Y/N, you know she’d be fine with just an easel and new paints,” he chuckled while watching me set up Y/N’s studio. 
I paused setting up the plants on a shelf to turn towards him. “I know. But she deserves this; all of this. She needs a place to escape by herself for a little while.” 
“You have to relax,” Michael rested his hands on my shoulders, looking directly into my eyes. “You need to enjoy the new beginnings of your relationship. You and Y/N love each other, that’s what matters. Not how many plants she has.” 
Shaking my head from the earlier memory, I hummed towards the interviewer. “I’m sorry, what was the question?” 
She chuckled. “We’ve seen some growth vocally on this new record from the last. Can you give us a little insight on that?” 
With a nod, I divulged how I recently started working with a vocal coach who helped bring out this side of me that I had always hidden under a veil of self-doubt and insecurities. 
Suddenly my phone buzzed on the desk and I quickly peered down at it, my heart jumping into my throat. 
Angel 🪽: I’m walking out of therapy right now, I’ll be home and ready to go in an hour! 
While the interviewers chatted amongst themselves briefly, I typed out a fast response before taking a long drink of my coffee. 
Me: No rush, angel. We have all night. I should be finishing up this interview soon. 
Another question and another answer. It went on like this for a few minutes until I noticed another text from Y/N. 
Angel 🪽: You already got coffee?🥺 
My heart dropped when I saw that emoji because I could vividly picture her soft lips in a pout just like it. Her bright eyes wide. 
Me: Don’t do that, you know I can’t resist that face you pull.  Jolly brought it from Fika. Astrid made an extra by mistake. We can swing by and get you one.
Thankfully, my hands were just off camera so no one who was watching would be able to see my texting. 
Me: Wait, are you watching? You little sneak.
Deciding to give my attention back to the interview, I finished it within the next thirty minutes and thanked them with a wide smile before clicking out of Zoom. Standing up from the desk in the studio, I read Y/N’s message as I trotted down the stairs toward my bedroom. 
Angel 🪽: Of course, I’m watching. I watch all of your interviews. I also love teasing you. I already stopped by Fika after therapy. I will say that I’m excited about what you have planned for later. 
Veering left instead of right, I stepped inside Y/N’s art studio and stood in the middle of the room, assessing every inch of it to make sure it was absolutely perfect. The memory of earlier today stumbling inside with both arms full of bags that contained a variety of different paint and drawing supplies. The guys merely smirked as they saw me struggling even having a bag hanging from my teeth before I motioned to the outside with my head and mumbled two words. 
Help. Car.
The studio was perfect and spotless when I made sure that everything was where it needed to be. As I headed across the hall into my bedroom to finish getting ready, I sent a text to Y/N; one she responded to almost immediately. 
Me: I can’t wait. I love you.
Angel 🪽: I love you too, mochi. 
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“Oh my god, I’m stuffed. I can’t eat another bite,” I groaned while stepping out of Noah’s car as he held the door open for me. 
“Greek was a good choice, huh?” He chuckled as he walked around the car towards me; a little bell jingling behind him. 
I looped my arm through his and rested my head against his shoulder. “You know I’d never turn down a chance for Greek food.” 
“I never thought I’d be such a fan of it. I’ve always thought it was just gyros. The spinakorprita was good.” 
I stifled my laugh into his bicep. “It’s spanakopita.” 
Noah sounded out slowly and I kissed his shoulder. “Good job! Pretty soon I’ll have you fluent in Greek and we can visit Greece.” 
He brushed a kiss along my forehead and I peered down at the feline that rubbed his face along Noah’s leg. 
“Are you sure he’s okay on the harness?” I bit my lip. “He can’t slip out of it?” 
“Salem is fine, angel. He loves this thing. You should have seen him running through the grass when I had him a couple of months ago.” 
To reassure me worries, however, Noah picked up Salem to hold him against his chest, our cat purring loudly as I pressed a kiss on his head. 
“Thank you for letting me bring him. I figured it would be good to get him acclimated here in case you have to watch him for me,” I said as we began walking up towards the house. 
“I’ve been wanting to show him the new cat tree I bought him,” Noah smiled. 
When we came to a stop at his front door I untangled myself from him and then reached inside my purse for my camera. 
“Angel,” he started. 
Waving him off, I backed away a few feet and motioned to him to stay there. “Just one picture in front of the house. You look so cute tonight. Plus, I need a picture of my boys.” 
Even with the dim street light but the bright glow of the moon, I saw the red hue cover Noah’s cheeks with my compliment, and eventually, threw up his trademark peace sign with one hand and continued to hold Salem in the other. 
Snapping a few different poses, I pocketed the Polaroids after they printed and skipped back toward Noah, who had opened the front door and allowed me to step inside the quiet house. 
“Where is everyone?” I wondered. 
Noah hung up his keys on the hook next to the front door. “Movies. The local theater is playing the old Japanese version of Godzilla.” 
“You turned that down?” I asked with wide eyes. “You love old Japanese movies.” 
“No place I’d rather be than right here, with you,” he mused while wrapping his arms around me to place a chaste kiss on my lips. 
“How sweet,” I cooed while patting his chest. 
Noah let Salem off the harness so he could explore the house, he immediately found the cat tree and curled up in the top bed part. 
Something was bothering Noah, however, no matter how bright he smiled. I could sense it in the way he kept fidgeting with his hands during dinner to how often he drummed his fingers against the steering wheel on the way back to his house. 
“What’s on your mind?” I questioned while palming his cheek. 
He left a kiss on the inside of my palm. “I want to show you something.” 
“You do?” My heart fluttered. 
Linking our fingers together, Noah led me down the hallway towards his room, but we veered left instead to stop in front of a closed door. With our hands on his chest, I felt the rapid beat of his heart and let out a low laugh. 
“Mochi, your heart is racing,” I said. 
He nodded. “I’ve been working on something the last few months since I’ve moved in trying to make it perfect. I think I’ve annoyed both my roommates and yours.” 
“Chase and Malcolm know about this?” I questioned. 
“Yeah. They sent me some of the products you use, your favorite brands; things like that. I wanted to make sure that you don’t have to worry about lugging things back and forth,” Noah shifted on his feet. 
“Okay, what is it?” I bounced on my heels with excitement. “You’ve already surprised me with the vanity. What do you have hiding behind that door? 
I gasped. “Is it a puppy?! No, wait. That wouldn’t make sense.” 
Noah chuckled while cupping my face to leave a kiss on my forehead. “No puppy. Maybe down the road.” 
“Well, will you show me already? I’m getting antsy!” I patted his chest before messing with his chain between my fingers. 
I still wore my matching set, never taking them off. 
“Close your eyes,” he ordered. 
With a pout, I tried to get out of doing it but instead, Noah covered my vision with his large hand. Feeling his presence behind me, I heard the door click open and he led me inside the room. The hand over my eyes shook so I grazed my fingers over the back of it, letting him know that he didn’t have to be nervous. 
“I want to make sure you love it, angel,” Noah pressed a kiss behind my ear. “OK. Are you ready?” 
“Yes!” I exclaimed. 
Blinking a few times to adjust to the light, a hand went to my mouth as a gasp fell from my lips. It was overwhelming and almost too many different things to take in, I didn’t know where to look first. 
There were four different-sized easels in each corner of the room. 
An angled desk in front of the large window, one that people would use to draw on. 
Three shelves above that desk held various paints, brushes, and charcoals. 
Plants littered almost every inch of space that wasn't overtaken with painting supplies. 
The closet in the room was wide open, showcasing even more stock of supplies and different size canvases. 
The best part? Hardwood floors. 
With tears in my eyes, I slowly turned back to Noah, standing in the doorway with his hands behind his back. 
“I-,” I cleared my throat when the words came out jumbled. “You did this?” 
“Yeah. I wanted to give you your own space here. To come too whenever you wanted, even if I wasn’t home,” he wrung his hands together. 
“Really?” I choked out. “Don’t you think you should maybe check with the guys about having me come over here all the time unannounced?” 
“Angel,” he took a step towards me and grabbed my hands, his thumb brushing mine. “Jesse was the one that suggested I give you a key.” 
My eyes doubled. “A key?” 
Noah now dug into his pocket to pull out a black key, gently setting it in my open palm. “I want you to have a place to come and stay. I’m not asking you to move completely in, but if it's getting a little stuffy in that small apartment with Chase and Malcolm, you and Salem can come to spend the night here.” 
I let out a small chuckle, a few tears falling from my eyes, and then held the key close to my chest. “You gave me all of this but I have nothing in return, Noah.” 
He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and mused. “Your love is enough, Y/N.” 
“I love you. Thank you for all of this.” I pressed my head against his chest while wrapping my arms around him. 
“I love you too.” He kissed the top of my head. “Now, welcome to the other part of our first date.” 
I gazed up at him through lashes. “We’re going to paint?” 
“Now, I’m not a professional like you,” he snorted before pulling me over to two easels that were next to each other. “But I thought it would be a cute idea.” 
“I would not call myself a professional.” 
“Still better than me,” Noah said. 
I raised a playful brow while crossing my arms over my chest. “Want to make this interesting?” 
He smirked while resting his hands on my hips. “I’m all ears, angel.” 
“Whoever has the worst painting has to get the winner's birthday tattooed on them.” 
“Oh, it’s a bet,” he sealed it with a kiss. 
Noah pulled out the little stool for me to which I sat with a smile, pulling up the ends of my yellow maxi skirt to sit comfortably. While Noah busied himself with setting up music to play from the Bluetooth speaker, I removed my jacket to set it neatly on the ground at my feet. 
“Do you want an old shirt of mine to change into?” He asked while pointing to my white top. 
I noticed that Noah had shed his gray button-up and was wearing a blank tank top. I licked my lips at the site of his muscles, the tattoos suddenly seeming more fitting now that he had been working out a lot more. 
Remind me to thank Ash. 
Snapping my eyes away from the broadness of his chest, I shook my head. “I’ll be fine, mochi. Thank you though. I don't typically make a mess.” 
“Hm, the paint stains on the dining room carpet say otherwise,” he teased. 
Playfully smacking Noah’s arm, we both got settled as the music filtered into the air and I got lost in my mind, painting whatever my soul called for. We found ourselves in a peaceful quiet, simply enjoying each other's presence. Every so often I would glance over to Noah, making sure that he was enjoying himself only because I knew painting wasn't for everyone. 
He had narrowed eyes of precision as he stroked the brush wave after wave against the canvas. From this angle, I couldn’t see what he was painting. Instead, I leaned over to rummage in my purse, pulled out my Polaroid camera, and snapped a few shots of Noah before one of me, with him in the background. I set the pictures on the desk next to me before getting back to my painting. 
“How’s it going over there?” 
Noah’s soothing voice brought me out of my trance and I glanced over at him with a smile. “Good, I’m almost finished. What about you?” 
“Promise you won't laugh?” 
“Of course, mochi.” 
I made a show of crossing my heart but let out a squeal of laughter when Noah hooked his foot around the foot of the stool and dragged me over towards him. He gave me a quick kiss but still wouldn’t let me see what he painted. 
“I’ve been told I’m a great artist, granted that was in the second grade,” Noah chuckled before finally showing me his canvas and what he spent the last thirty minutes painting. 
I covered my mouth with a hand not to stifle a gasp but instead a laugh. He painted stick figure versions of him, me, and Salem in front of a house; even with the bright yellow sun in the corner of the canvas. 
“Wow,” I nodded. “All I’ll have to say is don’t quit your day job, mochi.” 
Noah scoffed. “Fuck, that was cold. But it's true. There’s a reason why I’m a musician, not a painter. I’ll leave that to you, angel.” 
“I love it!” I beamed while ruffling his hair and laying a gentle kiss on his cheek. “I’ll hang it up above my bed.” 
“What did you paint?” He wondered. 
“Oh nothing too important, just some abstract colors. I didn’t really have an actual vision. I kind of let the paint speak to me as I go,” I said. 
When I showed him my painting, Noah’s eyes glinted and he smiled. “I like it. I’ll have to hang this above my bed.” 
“So I think it’s safe to say that I won the bet? And now you have to get my birthday tattooed on you,” I grinned while going about to clean up the paint and brushes. 
When Noah didn’t respond, I glanced over my shoulder to see that he had a very sly smirk playing on his lips and I popped my hip out, resting a hand on it. 
“Noah Sebastian. Did you purposely lose this bet so you could get my birthday tattooed?” 
He hummed along to the song playing on the speaker, still not answering my question but never getting rid of that smirk on his face. His silence, however, was exactly the answer I needed. 
What a cheeky little...
With the dirty paintbrush in my hand, I flicked it over at Noah, the leftover paint spraying over his chest when he turned towards me. His eyes bounced down to the paint splatter over his black tank top to me, a shocked expression on his face. 
“Did you just throw paint on me?” 
I shrugged. “Oops?”
“Really? Oops?” Noah dipped a larger paintbrush into a handful of different colors before throwing it all over my face and neck. 
“NOAH!” I screeched with a boisterous laugh. 
Suddenly, he picked me up to twirl me in the air before tackling me onto the ground then started painting my arms and neck as I found underneath him. 
“I’m sorry!” I giggled while trying to reach for the paintbrush I dropped; fingertips grasping at it. 
“I’m sorry, I can’t hear you. I’m busy painting a masterpiece,” Noah responded, painting shapes on my cheek now. 
With my fingers finally grasping the brush, I flicked some paint into his hair, covering it in bright pinks, blues, and yellows. Our peals of laughter overpowered the music still playing in the room and eventually, after we both were covered in pain, I threw up my hands in surrender. 
“OK!” I chuckled breathlessly. “You win. You win.” 
Noah kissed me, smearing the paint over my lips. “Damn straight I do.” 
Somehow in the shuffle of our paint fight, I managed to straddle Noah, who lost his tank top; it was destroyed due to all the paint. So he lay shirtless underneath me and I couldn’t help but bite my lip at the sight of him with his arm propping his head up and his tattoos on full display for only me to devour. 
Reaching up towards my easel, I grabbed a few different paints and clean brushes before settling back on Noah’s hips, getting to work on painting the flowers of his chest piece. 
He hummed at the feeling of the cool brush and let his eyes flutter shut for a long moment, reveling in the feeling of me on top of him. And not in a sexual way but in a way of knowing that I was here and not going anywhere. 
“Am I an adult coloring book for you?” Noah questioned after he took a few Polaroid pictures of me painting him.
“Maybe,” I teased with a glance down at his face. 
His chest was a vibrant picture of greens, reds, and oranges. I was working on painting the headband in the girl's hair when he spoke again. 
“Well don’t stop, I like this form of meditation.”
Once the round frame was painted gold, I adjusted my position so I could sign my name just above the words across his sternum. 
Noah opened one eye and smiled. “I see you signed your work.”
“I did because you’re not it anymore.” I pressed a soft kiss along each letter. 
“I’m not what?” He breathed in pleasure, slightly arching off the ground. 
“You’re no longer desolate,” I promised into his skin then took a couple of Polaroid pictures of my masterpiece. 
Noah let out a soft noise from the back of his throat when his strong hand wrapped around the back of my neck to pull me down to his lips, we met in a fiery, air-bending kiss. Every single fiber of my soul blazed with such passion I melted into his embrace, folding into him as we became one. His tongue brushed along my bottom lip, lapping up the strawberry chapstick I applied in the car earlier, him humming in delight. 
I adjusted myself as I lay flat on Noah, his hands running up and down the skin of my back underneath my shirt. The heat radiated off of him making my insides flare with so much desire that I was practically burning up at his touch. 
“Noah,” I whined when his lips began attacking my neck. 
When he pulled away, his almond eyes gazed up at me with pupils blown wide with lust; pure black over taking his eyes. 
“How about I run you a bath?” His thumb brushed along my bottom lip, voice hoarse from our kiss. 
“I’d like that a lot,” I beamed. 
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I sat on the edge of the tub to check the temperature of the water making sure it was perfect before adding the bubbles and bath salts. As it began to fill up, I peered through the open bathroom door to gaze over at Y/N who was sitting at her vanity taking off her makeup. My heart swelled in my chest when I noticed how relaxed she was, as if she was meant to be there; here with me. 
Sitting here in observation, it struck me like a bolt of lightning. I’d been so lost in constructing scenarios for tonight that I was surprised to see how far I’d come. Y/N’s movements were so fluid, so serene as she gently wiped everything off her face and neck. I’d never been so jealous of a makeup towelette before. 
Observing her using the vanity table I fussed over for weeks made my stomach flutter, the ongoing moment of quiet bliss was by far my favorite way to let time tick by.
Waiting here offers me time to let my mind escape the boundaries of the ordinary. From where I sat here in the bathroom, watching her carefully with the faintest of smiles, I knew I wanted this view for the rest of my life. After all the bullshit endured on and off over the years, for both of us, this was what I got to see. 
Watching Y/N was such a gift, a blessing of time. Something I vowed right now that I wouldn’t take for granted.
Shaking off the excess water after checking the temp, I turned off the tub and walked into the bedroom with a light spring in my step. I snuck up behind Y/N and rested my chin on top of her head, watching her smile in the reflection of the mirror. 
“Your bath is ready, angel,” I informed. 
She reached for my left hand to lay a gentle kiss on the floral design. “You mean, our bath is ready.” 
I raised a brow at her when she stood and led me into the bathroom with her. 
“Wait, what?” 
Y/N chuckled at the slight confusion in my voice. “You heard me. You’re covered in paint too, Noah. You need to clean up.” 
I rubbed the back of my neck as we stood together in the bathroom. “I was-uh- going to take a shower once you were finished. I don’t want to pressure you into-.” 
“Stop overthinking this,” she cupped both sides of my face and pressed a kiss to my nose. “I want you to join me if you’re comfortable with it.” 
I may have nodded a little too eagerly but it didn't bother her. 
“I’d love that, angel.” 
While she shed her clothes, I stepped out of my pants and briefs, both of us watching each other with such inferno in our eyes and when we were naked, Y/N reached for my hand. She stepped into the tub first then me, positioning myself behind her. Even though it was a larger tub, it was still a snug fit for the both of us so to make sure she had enough room, I kept my long legs bent; my knees breaking the surface of the water. 
“Oh this is perfect,” Y/N groaned while leaning herself into my chest. 
Reaching for her shampoo, I went to work scrubbing the paint out of her hair, my nails scraping along her scalp. Her fingers traced over the rose tattoo on my knee, delicately following the design. 
“What’s on your mind, angel?” I questioned after rinsing out her hair and then applying the conditioner. 
“You’ve really thought about everything, huh? You have all of my products here so I don’t ever have to bring a bag over?” 
The giggle that erupted from her throat made something twinge inside of me. 
I kissed her shoulder. “I’ve already told you. This is your home just as much as your apartment is. We can bounce back and forth as long as you want.” 
Once she was completely clean of the dried paint, Y/N turned to position herself on my lap to face me. The head of my cock brushed along her folds and I grasped at her hips, trying not to let my hormones push her too far. 
“What are you doing?” I asked. 
She smiled and reached for my shampoo. “You washed me. Let me wash you now.” 
Sighing in content, I sat back against the tub to let Y/N wash my hair. Her fingers worked meticulously in scrubbing out the paint. 
“You know,” she shifted herself on me and I choked on a groan. 
Surely she had to know what she was doing. 
“While I love how you look with this new haircut. I really do miss your long hair.” 
I gazed up at her, tracing the drop of water that trailed down her neck, over the silver chain, and between the valley of her breasts that were just peeking above the bubbles. 
I licked my lips, tongue begging to trace the water in its wake, but refrained. 
“Imagine if you gave yourself bangs. You’d be in your Shelby era,” Y/N chucked while moving my hair in a certain way so I could have bangs. 
I glanced over to the mirror above the sink and smirked at the sight of us in the tub, especially me with bangs. 
“You think so?” I asked. 
“You can pull off any look, mochi.” 
She gently went about washing the paint off my chest with the loofah while I continued to watch her. 
“You’re staring,” her eyes flicked up at me. 
“I love you,” I brushed away the wet strands of hair from her face. 
“I love you too,” Y/N kissed the freckles on my shoulder. 
Once again we found ourselves in our previous position, her back to my chest, and we sat there for some time as the water began to chill. Although neither of us was ready to get out yet. 
Snapping my eyes open, I wrapped my arms around her. “Yeah?” 
Y/N shifted a bit in my embrace and with how she was wading her fingers through the water, I knew something heavy was on her mind. 
“Do you think we could listen to Bad Decisions?” 
My body stilled behind her. I knew at some point we would have to talk about the songs I wrote when I was in the dark parts of my life but it still didn't prepare me for the moment it happened. 
“Are you sure?” I asked. 
She turned slightly in my arms to leave an array of kisses on my chest. 
“I know you were in a dark place when you wrote it. It holds bad memories so I’d like to create new memories for this song with you if you want to.” 
“I’d want nothing more, Y/N,” I whispered into her hairline. 
After asking the Alexa device on the bathroom counter to play the song, I let my voice echo in the confines of the room. Y/N eased into my embrace as I linked our fingers together while I sang along with the words in a hushed tone. She hummed along with me as our bodies swayed together in the water. 
“No God. No religion. Just you,” I vowed when the song faded out, cupping her cheek so I could kiss her lips. 
Without missing a beat, Y/N returned the kiss just as slowly as I, our tongues lazily fighting for dominance as her hand snaked behind my neck to play with the wet strands of hair. 
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled against my lips. 
Pulling away, I remained holding her face but furrowed my brows. “What are you apologizing for?”
Her gaze left mine. “I just hate that it took us so long to get here. I know we talked about everything at the party but I still feel the need to apologize for everything.” 
“It’s not all on you, angel. I did some things I wasn’t proud of during our time apart and I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself for it.” 
“Stop, Noah,” Y/N straddled me again to hold my chin with a stern grasp, the water sloshing around us. “You need to stop blaming yourself for what happened. I’ve already told you all is forgiven. Please stop letting that moment of weakness eat away at you.” 
I blinked away the burning tears in my eyes and cleared my throat. “I only want to make better memories with you. I know in the beginning I couldn’t communicate, even now it’s a bit hard for me, especially with everything that happened. It was a mess and I apologize too.” 
Y/N bent low to kiss me; it was slow at first but soon became heavy with passion when her tongue slipped between my lips. Her hips began grinding against my cock revving me up with such force, I wrapped my hand around her neck with my thumb against the pulse point in her neck. 
Breaking free from the kiss, I dragged my teeth along her jawline and then down her neck. 
“Noah,” Y/N breathed. “I love you.” 
Her pussy was now brushing over the head of my cock and every inhibition with me wanted to plunge myself deep inside of her, feel her grip me with that vice grip I’ve missed and longed for.
Something inside of my chest rumbled before I realized it was my voice. 
“How many have you loved before me?” I rasped as my tongue brushed over her nipple. 
Y/N arched herself back so she could fully expose herself to me. “None.” 
With one hand holding her throat, my other slipped between our bodies underneath the now-freezing water to glide over the slit between her legs. I attacked her lips again with a ravenous desire, nibbling on her bottom lip.
“And after me?” I demanded to know, slipping a finger inside of her finally. 
“None,” she moaned while digging her nails into the skin of my shoulders. 
Trembling fingers trace Y/N’s skin. To be in her company is a little slice of heaven as if her aura were an elixir. Emotions swam in our eyes, in our body language, and the inflections of her voice. 
She was the one who I thought of when I needed to restart my heart and rekindle my soul; for so long I kept that to myself. Feeling the intensity of her intelligence, Y/N’s words were my medicine.
Deep inside I couldn’t help but feel like I’ve over-explained my feelings to compensate for what hadn’t been said. I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t shake the fear of losing her. She needed to know where I stood, where we belonged. 
To be a possessor? I don’t know if you’d call it that. I yearned to be her protector, the one who held her heart in my hands, just as she held mine. These large hands are secured. I would grant her any wish in my power, to be the one who will always love her.
My fingers worked in sync as I pumped them in and out of her. She squirmed in my grasp, and the head of my cock nearly slipped inside of her. Every single part of me was sensitive to her touch and it felt like any moment I would combust underneath her. 
Peering up at her face, I noticed that there was worry pulling tight in her forehead. 
“What’s wrong? Am I hurting you?” I asked briefly, stopping. 
“No, you’re fine,” Y/N reassured me with a kiss on my forehead. “It’s just-.” 
When her words trailed off, I lifted her chin with a knuckle. “Talk to me, angel.” 
Her bottom lip caught between her teeth. “The water is really cold and I was hoping we could move this to the bed.” 
A playful smirk pulled on my lips and just before agreeing, I was struck with a thought. 
“How far do we want to take this?” 
“Noah, I can’t wait anymore. I need this. I need to feel connected to you again,” she rubbed herself against me. 
Even though I was ready for this, something was keeping me from lifting her out of this tub and tossing her on the bed to feel all of her again. The last time we slept together, it ended in disaster and heartbreak. I was stronger than I was back then but I don’t know if I could recover if it were to happen again. 
It won’t. 
It was as if Y/N’s soul could feel the pain in mine because she cupped both sides of my face so I had no choice but to meet her gaze. 
“I’m not going anywhere, Noah. I’m right here. Always.” She reassured me with a firm nod, not an ounce of lies behind her bright eyes. 
I kissed her palm. “I know. Are you sure this is what you want? I don’t want you to feel like you have to rush.”
“You’re not, Noah. I want this. I need this. I need to be connected to you so deeply, that it feels like we’ll never be apart again.” 
Her hand wrapped around my cock, pumping it up and down under the chilled water. By now the bubbles have dissipated and I peered through the clear water to choke on my moan. 
“We won’t,” I promised. 
Y/N’s warm breath fanned over the shell of my ear. “Please, Noah. I need you to fuck me.” 
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I erupted with laughter as Noah dropped my wet body on top of the bed. Resting up on my elbows, I gazed over his naked form as he stood at the foot of the bed. Water traced every bend and groove of his muscles and the tattoos that littered his skin were something that seemed to surprise me each time. 
When my gaze lowered to his cock, a starved moan fell from my lips and I licked them hungrily. 
I hummed while tearing my gaze away from him to look into his eyes. 
“If you feel any pain, please let me know,” he said. 
“I’m okay,” I nodded. “I promise.” 
Noah towered over me as he crawled up the bed, droplets of water falling from his hair onto my chest. His chain hung just above my lips as I looked up at him, spreading my legs when his fingers tickled the inside of my thigh. 
“I want to make love to you tonight, angel. Will you let me?” He asked into the crook of my neck. 
“Please,” I nodded vigorously. 
Once more, Noah’s fingers slipped between my folds to gently tease me, slowly dragging them up and down. I whined in protest and dug my nails into his back, feeling his muscles tense from my touch. When the pad of his calloused finger pressed against my clit, I arched my chest into his, the itch I felt from the moment we were in the tub together finally being scratched. 
My knees buckled when his finger twirled in fast circles and when Noah flicked his tongue over my nipple, before slowly trailing down my stomach. The warm wetness of his tongue flicked over my nub when he replaced his fingers. His lips wrapped around my clit to suck up my arousal. 
“Noah,” I hissed. “So good.” 
I ran my fingers through his hair to bring his mouth closer to me as the coil in my stomach pulled tight. I’d been on edge all night, I knew I wouldn’t last long. And it was like Noah knew or understood because his tongue speared inside of me, in and out, before rubbing against my clit again. 
Stars danced at the edge of my vision, nearly overtaking my gaze when I looked down at Noah between my legs. His face was buried there as if he was meant to be there. I brushed away the hair from his face just for his eyes to meet mine, his tongue darting in and out of me. There was pure darkness in his eyes when his hand ran up my stomach and torso to grasp at the silver chain around my neck. He wrapped it around his fingers, pulling taunt, and I felt the breath leave my lungs briefly. Before I could say anything, Noah loosened the grip but still held onto the chain. 
I raised my hips off the bed to try and get closer to his mouth when his tongue began to slow, fearing that maybe he was getting tired. But I was so close that my body ached with the release it so desperately needed. 
With a tight hold against the back of his head, I tensed my legs and core when he flattened his tongue. Now I rubbed myself against his tongue and my moans echoed throughout the room. I couldn’t even warn him that I was about to cum because my orgasm washed over me without warning. Noah hummed in delight when my arousal coated his lips and chin; it dripped from him and he gathered it up with a finger before sucking it clean himself.
“Fuck,” I panted while running a hand through my hair. “That was-fuck.”
“Watching you cum is addicting, angel,” Noah buzzed with a tender kiss inside of my thigh. 
As my heart rate slowed, I ran my tongue over my bottom lip and let out a deep breath in a way to center myself again. 
“Missionary hurts right?” Noah asked while leaning over me. 
“It depends,” I shrugged. “But if I’m being honest, it’s not my favorite.” 
The smirk that pulled on his lips made me tilt my head at him. However, before I could ask what he had in mind, he swiftly turned me to lay on my stomach and raised my ass in the air. 
“Noah,” I breathed while peering over my shoulder at him. 
Not saying anything, he leaned over towards the nightstand to rummage through it and retrieved a condom. Lust-filled eyes watched as he ripped it open with his teeth and swiftly rolled it over the length of his cock, which was thick and dripping with his arousal. 
“Stay on your knees but if you need to lay your lower half on the bed, do it. I want to make sure you're comfortable,” a gentle kiss in the middle of my back; against the snake tattooed there. 
I positioned a pillow underneath me to give myself some more leverage and comfort while Noah lined his cock up with my entrance. Slowly, much to my dismay, Noah sank himself inside of me inch by inch until he was fully seated inside of me. 
“Shit,” his forehead rested against my shoulder blade. “So tight. I’ve been dreaming of this feeling again, angel.” 
“Me too. Oh fuck.” 
I moaned when Noah pulled himself almost out, pumping just the head of his cock in between my folds. Then with a snap of his hips, his cock stretched me open again and the weight of his body pressed me farther into the pillow. His chest collided with my back every time he thrust into me and his nails dug into my hips to keep himself grounded. For extra measure, I managed to hook my feet around his ankles. 
“I love you,” Noah panted in my ear. 
My smile was buried in the pillow. “I love you too.” 
“Any pain?”
I did my best to shake my head. “Keep going. Please.” 
One hand caressed the grooves of my spine, up and down, while his other wandered around to thrum against my clit again. Noah’s pace was slow but steady, his words from earlier ringing true. 
I want to make love to you. 
I brushed away the hair from my face so I was able to see, noticing our reflection in the large mirror Noah had leaning against the wall next to the closet. A strangled moan crawled out of my throat when I saw the muscles in Noah’s ass clench with every drive into me. I could vividly see his cock every time he pulled out of me, my arousal glistening on the condom, before disappearing inside of me again. 
I mewled at Noah’s proclamation in between each of his thrusts. “I love you too, Noah.” 
The slow pace of his cock but the fast pace of his fingers worked in perfect harmony and I felt my second orgasm slowly creeping its way into my veins. The heat spread like wildfire inside of me with such intensity I began to shake underneath Noah. 
“I love you, angel,” he proclaimed again then bit down on the sensitive part of the skin at the back of my neck. 
I was gone, blissed out in sheer ecstasy that my words were muffled against the pillow. That wasn’t good enough for Noah so he turned my cheek so I could face him. 
“I love you too,” I huffed when my orgasm was seconds away from bursting. 
He linked our hands together as he continued to meld with me from behind and I noticed that the hands that were linked were the ones that both had our bracelets. It was almost a good omen, no pun intended, that our souls were always destined to be one. For added measure, I felt the coolness of his necklace brush along the heated skin of my back. 
Noah lightly laughed, almost as if he thought the same, and when his cock twitched inside of me, I realized he was close. I wanted to watch him when he fell apart because of me so I glanced back over to our reflection in the mirror. Then with two fingers pressed against my clit, Noah began rubbing up and down which was exactly what I needed for the coil to snap. To finally teeter over the edge where ecstasy was waiting for me. 
His name fell from my lips in prayer. 
“Fuck, Noah. Oh God, it’s so good,” I cried out through the rest of my orgasm. 
“No God. Just us,” he grunted. 
There was no God; only him and I. 
In the reflection, I watched as his movement stilled, cock throbbing between my walls, and his mouth fell open when he tilted his head back; groaning out his release. Then softly, Noah’s body fell onto mine and he buried his face in my neck. 
“Are you okay?” He wondered. 
“I’m good, mochi. So fucking good,” I lazily smiled but whimpered when he pulled out of me. 
“Let me get you a washcloth,” he left a kiss on my shoulder before slipping into the bathroom. 
I snuggled closer into the pillow on my chest to let my eyes rest for a moment. Exhaustion dug itself so deep within my bones that I didn’t even notice when Noah began cleaning me up with the damp but warm cloth then he draped the blanket over my naked form. 
I wasn’t sure how much time had passed or noticed he left until the bed dipped beside me and I opened one eye to stare up at him. Noah kissed me from between my shoulder blades down my back, his nails grazing beyond the wake of his lips as he traced over the large snake tattoo on my back. 
“This sight is familiar,” Noah spoke quietly. 
I propped my chin on my hand. “But I’m not going anywhere after. I’m not leaving you to deal with my inconsiderate decisions. I’m right here with you, Noah.” 
“I know,” he nodded. “We’re creating new memories now. Righting all of those wrongs. I’ve been excited for both of us to leave the past and move forward.” 
“Me too,” I left a chaste kiss on his chin, feeling the slight stubble tickle my lips. 
Noah tucked a piece of hair behind my ear then began tracing the line of my cheekbone, and jaw, then booped my nose, earning a giggle from me. 
“I brought you some clothes in case you want to get dressed,” he said while handing me a pair of black joggers and a matching shirt. 
I took them with a smile. “I think I should start keeping some clothes here.” 
“Plenty of space in the closet,” Noah threw a thumb over his shoulder. 
My heart fluttered at his words, realizing yet again that Noah was allowing me to occupy parts of his private sanctions. 
“I’ll clear out two of my dresser drawers for your stuff the next time you’re over,” I promised with a kiss on his lips. 
He hummed while grasping the back of my head to keep me there for a second longer. 
“It’s a deal, angel.” 
Slipping out of the bed, I trotted into the bathroom to get dressed while I heard Noah open his bedroom door and rummaging in the kitchen. When I hopped back into his bed, Salem came bounding into the room with the bell on his collar jingling. 
“Hi baby,” I cooed when he jumped up on the bed. “So, what do you think of the cat tree dad bought you? You like it?” 
His response? Curling up on Noah’s pillow with a chirp of approval.
“I’m gone not even five minutes and he steals my spot,” Noah chuckled entering the room again; dressed in nothing but a pair of black Bad Omens joggers and bright yellow socks. 
“Get used to it. You invited him over and now what’s yours is his,” I scratched between Salem’s ears. 
“I’ll gladly share with him,” he said while handing me a plate. 
My eyes lit up as a gasp fell from my lips. “Is that limoncello tiramisù?”
“Yeah, I picked some up from that Italian bakery you love. Carlos’.” 
“Yes!” I exclaimed while quickly digging into the treat. 
As I leaned against the headboard to eat, Noah sat cross-legged in front of me to eat his share, both of us basking in the silence; beside Salem’s purring. 
“Are we a family now?” Noah asked. 
With a bright smile, I leaned over to press a kiss on his cheek. “Yeah. We are.”
I set both of our empty plates on the end table next to Noah’s bed then pulled my knees to my chest. 
“You know what I’d love right now?” I asked. 
Noah winked which caused me to playfully smack his chest. “Not that.” 
“OK, sorry. What would you love?” He chuckled while rubbing his chest. 
“I’d love to listen to The Grey. I’ve been dying to know how you worked in my poem ever since you sent me that video.” 
“Alexa, play The Grey by Bad Omens,” Noah said with a smile. 
“Now playing The Grey by the band Bad Omens.” 
When Noah’s voice finally broke through the music, I let out a small gasp. It was different, new, hearing this voice come from the man in front of me. It made me proud to see how far he’d come from Finding God Before God Finds Me, knowing what his work ethic was like. He was always trying to break down the typical stereotype of what rock should sound like. He wanted to make changes and from this song alone, Noah was doing that. 
Gave you way too many chances, you ran through 'em all. Got everything I could want, but it wasn't enough. Nobody left for me to talk to, nobody to call. Got everything I could want, but I still wanted more.” 
My eyes lit up. “Oh, this was from the video!” 
Noah giggled. “Yep.” 
I continued to listen to the song when he linked our hands together, bringing them to his lips to leave a kiss on each of my fingers. 
“I did it to myself, tried to be someone else. I let it tear me down, and I'll never be the same. I did it to myself, tried to be someone else. And you didn't notice 'til I finally got, finally got away.” 
“Noah,” I beamed. “This is amazing. The lyrics, your voice, the beat. Everything about it.” 
A red hue crossed his cheeks as he sheepishly glanced down at his lap where our intertwined hands were. 
“Do you like it?” He gazed up at me through his long lashes. 
Rising to my knees, I now draped my arms around his neck and kissed his forehead, nose, both cheeks and then finally his lips. 
“I love it, Noah. And I love you.” 
He twirled my necklace between two of his fingers. “I love you too, Y/N.” 
For the first time since we rekindled our love, it was then that I noticed the tattoo on the side of his hand. 
When Noah realized I was reading the letters, he held up his other hand so I could read the letters on that hand. 
“Noah,” I breathed while putting his hands against my chest. 
“I needed to. He needs to know that he can sing his songs through me while he’s gone,” he explained with a lone tear slipping down his cheek. 
“I know.” I kissed his hands. “It’s okay.” 
Glancing over my shoulder, I took notice of the time and frowned. Earlier, Noah mentioned that tomorrow, well technically later today since it was already nearly two in the morning, Bad Omens were shooting the music video for The Death of Peace of Mind and he needed to be up early for it. 
In six hours. 
“I should probably get home,” I sighed. 
Noah’s hold against my hips tightened. “You can stay. I’ll sleep better if you’re next to me.” 
“You need your rest, mochi,” I patted his cheek. “I also have plans with Astrid to help her open up Fika then we’re going shopping right after.” 
Reluctantly with a sigh, Noah agreed and let me go, not before leaving a kiss on my forehead. 
“Salem is staying here tonight though,” he said. 
My jaw dropped as I stood from the bed and placed my hands on my hips. “Excuse me?” 
“Look at him,” Noah pointed to a sleeping Salem. “You can’t wake him.” 
“Fine,” I dragged out the word with narrowed eyes. “Tomorrow night. My place.” 
Noah towered over me when he stood to full length in front of me. “I’ll be there, angel.” 
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Stuffing my hands deep into the pocket of my yellow hoodie, I let my black slides drag my feet behind Y/N as we walked closer to her apartment door. The chill midnight air breezed through the loose strands of hair but I was too far gone in my mind to brush it away. Even though we promised to see each other tomorrow, making plans for me to spend the night here tomorrow night, part of me was worried. Afraid that once we parted ways, Y/N would second guess everything that happened and ignore me for months on end. 
Why was I so nervous?
I kept asking myself that as we came to a stop in front of her door. I shook at the thought that what I was doing in all aspects of my life mattered. I felt the need to get it right; especially with Y/N. 
Dr. Poulos once said “Nerves are a signal of truth, of what you value, of what you need and cherish. The constant needs of what I’ve wanted, the comfort and stability I desired. That the idea of not gaining happiness brings on those telltale tremors. Always ask yourself what the nerves are telling you. It’s an important way your body speaks.” 
She wasn’t wrong. I knew in the back of my mind that I was terrified Y/N would never come back. 
What if  I wasn’t good for her?
I desperately needed to fight these demons and not let them win. 
Y/N loves me. She loves me.
“Mochi, you’re shaking.” 
Snapping out of my thoughts, I noticed that Y/N had wrapped her arms around my midsection to pull me closer to her. 
“Oh, I am? Didn’t notice,” I mumbled under my breath. 
“What’s wrong?” She questioned.
“Angel, let it go. It’s nothing.” 
Part of me wanted to remove her grasp from me; the part that was used to shrinking away from my problems. But the other part of me that wanted to be a good man for her made me cup the back of her neck instead.  
“Talk to me,” she quietly begged. 
However, I remained silent; the words weighed heavy on my tongue. 
“I don't want you to leave,” I blurted out. 
Y/N’s eyes softened. “Noah, I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
“No. I-I don’t know. I’m-.” I ran a shaking hand through my hair. “I don’t want you to wake up tomorrow and change your mind. I’m not perfect-.” 
“Stop,” Y/N shook her head. “Don’t even say that, Noah. You know I love you. Just like I know you love me. Nothing will ever change my mind, alright? We’re both right here. We need to remain here, focus on that.” 
I let out a broken breath and brushed my lips over her forehead, my hands going back to grasp behind her neck. “Please don’t leave, don’t leave me in the shape you found me.” 
“Never. I will never leave you like that again,” she buried her face into my chest, breathing me in. 
I rested my chin on top of her head. “I love you and I want this so bad, angel. I want you.”
“I love you, Noah. I’ll reassure you as many times as I have to,” Y/N turned her head up at me now. “But you have to trust that I won’t let you fall. I’m here with you. It’s you and me, okay?” 
I blinked while letting out a calming breath. “I didn’t mean to ruin the night with my worries.” 
She kissed the tip of my nose. “You didn’t. And don’t apologize for your feelings. I know what we’ve gone through has done a lot. But we’re moving past that, Noah. I’m proud of that and I’d like for you to start trusting me.”
“I do,” I promised her with a kiss. “I do trust you.” 
“Good,” she rose to her tiptoes to lay another kiss on my lips, this one deeper than the last but she pulled away before I could slip my tongue in. “Take care of our baby. I’ll see you two tomorrow night.” 
With a heart doubled in size and adoration in my eyes, I watched Y/N as she slinked inside her apartment, throwing a peace sign over her shoulder at me.
We’ll be okay. 
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Grunting, I helped Nicholas, Folio, and Jolly maneuver the large board out of the truck and down the ramp to bring it inside the large warehouse where we had everything else almost set up. It was just before eleven a.m. and even with a second cup of coffee, the caffeine hadn’t seemed to take effect quite yet. After I dropped off Y/N at home last night, I returned to Salem, who was still curled up on my pillow when I left him, and as I lay next to him, my mind was plagued with negative thoughts I tried so hard to push away. It kept me up till almost four in the morning then four hours later, Jolly knocked on my bedroom door to wake me. 
As soon as we all arrived at the warehouse, I put on my best professional face and went to work going over the original plans with Orie, making sure we all were on the same page. This was our first music video in our new era so we wanted to make sure it was perfect. 
Now, as I stared up at the large board, pulling on the ends of my white shirt, I allowed my mind to wander to Y/N, wondering what she was up to right now. 
Did she like the paint idea? 
Was the sex good enough? It was great for me but I hoped there was no pain for her. She said there wasn’t. 
It sounded like she enjoyed it. 
Was I too vocal in my proclamations? 
No, I know I wasn’t. Y/N returned those proclamations every time. 
I ran an unsteady hand through my hair while letting out a long sigh, and staring down at my feet. 
My emotions were a part of me, and in this relationship, they blended with Y/N’s. Although, there are times I had these storms inside of me, never because of her, but from previous damage; the triggers from my past. I was certain things would be okay and this self-deprecation would pass. 
I desired Y/N’s presence like a madman gone awol. In those moments of a storm, I had to find my calm and center myself, typically by myself. But with Y/N, I didn’t have to do that. Like my music, she was my muse. 
Glancing over my shoulder, I gave a small smile to Nicholas. “Yea?” 
“Are you alright? You’ve been kind of quiet all morning,” he observed while stuffing his hands in the pockets of his black hoodie. 
I eventually knew someone would notice my quiet demeanor. I’d only been humoring when it was dire to do so. 
Fuck, I missed Y/N. The negative thoughts monster has bitten his way through the bars.
I hated that this had come out of nowhere, sinking its teeth inside of me with no abandon. Our date last night was amazing but these fucking nerves kept trying to sabotage things once again. I did my best to not allow them to. 
I needed to stop worrying about last night, knowing I could change anything about what happened even though there was nothing that needed to change. Just like today, I needed to stop worrying about everything that could go wrong and focus on everything that would go right. 
“You know you can talk to me,” Nicholas’ voice snapped me from my thoughts. 
“I know,” I nodded curtly. “I’m fine. I just want things to go perfect today.” 
He reassured me with a squeeze to my shoulder. “It will. We’ve been planning the details for months.” 
I shifted all of my weight from one foot to the other, casting my gaze away from him and towards everyone who continued to work tirelessly. 
“You miss Y/N?” 
My eyes darted back over to Nicholas. “She texted me earlier after she helped Astrid open Fika. They’re going shopping before grabbing some late lunch. I was going to meet Y/N at her place with Salem once we were done here.” 
“So let that be the light to help you through today.” 
I scratched my chin and nodded. “Yeah, I know.” 
“Noah! Nicholas! The red lights on the masks aren't working!” Orie’s voice boomed in the vast space of the warehouse. 
Motioning Nicholas along, we spent the next handful of hours directing, watching, and redoing some scenes of the music video a few times over to make sure everything went off without a hitch; the perfectionist in me. We even stopped for a few-minute break so Orie could try and throw candy into Folio’s mouth while I peeked at the few unread messages from Y/N. 
Angel ����: I may have bought a few things I’d like to model for you later. If you’re up for it. 😉
A sudden burst of warmth spread to my cheeks, something that didn't go unnoticed by Orie, who snickered. 
“Oh, there’s only one person who can get you to smile like that.” 
My eyes pinned into him, a sharp look that said mind your own business. Stepping away from the group of them, I responded to Y/N’s message. 
Me: I’d never turn down a show from you, angel. Can I get a hint?
Angel 🪽: It’s red. And I’m very excited for you to take it off. 
I adjusted myself with a cough and spent the next couple of minutes texting her with a bright smile. It was nearing nightfall which meant we were close to recording the next scene of the music video. 
Angel 🪽: Astrid has not stopped gushing about Jolly. It’s kind of cute though when she calls him Joakim. Did you know that she’s thinking of naming a drink after him at Fika? 
I snorted while glancing up at Jolly, who was busy texting away on his phone; most likely to Astrid. 
Me: I’d love to know the name of this drink. 
Angel 🪽: Älskling. It means honey. She’s thinking honey, Earl orange, and pomegranate tea. Because he’s “sweet like honey.” 
Angel 🪽: Noah Sebastian, don’t tell Jolly I told you because I know you can’t keep things like this to yourself. 
Feigning a hurt expression, I sent her a selfie and then typed out my response. 
Me: My lips are sealed. But I have to get back to work. Me and Salem should be at your place around ten. I’ll grab some food on the way. 
Angel 🪽: Burgers? 🥺
Angel 🪽: Also, you gave you the right to look so fucking good, huh? I can’t wait to kiss those lips. 
The way my heart jumped in my chest made it almost hard to breathe. 
Me: Whatever you want, angel. 
Angel 🪽: Just you. And burgers. I’ll always take a burger. 
Pocketing my phone, I rounded a finger towards everyone, my voice carrying throughout the space around me. 
“Alright! Let’s film this pool scene before it gets too cold for the girls.” 
Two hours later, it was nearing eight in the evening and all we had left to shoot was Bad Omens part of the video. We were in the home stretch and I was practically bouncing on the soles of my feet knowing that I’d be seeing Y/N in a few more hours. 
As the four of us were dressed in our outfits for the music video, I chatted quietly with Folio while fixing the collar of his jacket. He’d been busy on every break today either talking to his girlfriend or planning something. 
“How are things going with her?” I questioned. 
The smile that spread on his face made a faint one pull on mine, knowing that one of my best friends was happy. 
“Really good. I’d love to have you guys meet her soon.” 
I nodded. “Definitely.” 
Folio’s eyes peered over my shoulder, a smirk now pulling on his face and he wiggled his eyebrows. Before I could ask what he was staring at, that invisible string in my chest vibrated with such vigor, that it nearly knocked me off my feet. 
“Well, look at this group of handsome men!” 
Spinning on my heels, I saw Y/N and Astrid walk into the warehouse with bags of food from one of our favorite diners and both of them holding onto two trays of drinks. My heart ran amok in my chest as my stomach flipped three times over at seeing Y/N wearing the yellow hoodie I wore last night when I dropped her off. 
“I swung by your place to grab Salem and pack you an overnight bag so once you’re finished here, we can head straight to my place. And yes, I did steal your sweater,” she answered my thoughts. 
“Yellow is your color, angel,” I mused while slowly closing the distance to her. “You didn’t have to do all of this.” 
Astrid walked up to Jolly, who grabbed the things from her and laid a kiss on her lips; her laughter echoing around us. 
Y/N shrugged while I mimicked Jolly’s actions of taking the things from her hands. 
“We know how hard all of you are working today, it’s the least we could do.” 
Orie came up to grab the food and drinks from me before dispersing it to everyone. 
“Thank god you’re here, Y/N. Noah’s been really bossy today.” 
She placed a hand on her hip, cocking it out while narrowing her eyes at me. “Bossy, huh?” 
“He’s a tyrant,” Orie chuckled before taking a bite of his burger. 
I wrapped my arms around Y/N, breathing her in when I brushed my nose along her hairline. “You’re not going to turn her on your side, Orie. You’re wasting your time.” 
She raised her lips to meet mine and I hummed in delight when I tasted the milkshake she must have had on the way over here. Even though Y/N was here in my arms, I still couldn’t quiet the negative frame of mind that plagued me throughout the day. 
“I like this new look,” Y/N straightened out my jacket. 
All I could do was nod in response and her brows creased in worry. “Are you alright?” 
Linking our hands together, I pulled her through the warehouse to slip outside where I knew no one would be. We finished the pool scene a while ago and the extras had left for the night. 
“Oh, a pool? Are we going skinny dipping?” Y/N teased with a wink. 
I ran a hand through my already-styled hair, still not saying anything. My mind was a jumbled mess and I was afraid if I tried to speak, my words wouldn’t make sense. 
“Noah, what is going on? You’re worrying me.” 
Her warm hands cupped my cheeks so I had to look at her, those bright eyes pleading with worry. 
“Talk to me,” Y/N breathed. 
“Did you enjoy our date? Was it to your standards? Did I do alright with everything?” 
The questions blurted out like word vomit. 
“Of course I did, Noah!” Those eyes darted back and forth between mine. “I had a wonderful time. Did I do something to make you think otherwise?” 
I clutched her sides. “No, you didn’t! I promise. I know we talked about things last night. I wanted to make sure last night was everything you wanted.” 
“It was,” she adjusted the collar of my turtle neck. “I promise.”  
“I felt even closer to you than I ever have before. Especially when we had sex and I just wanted reassurance,” I sighed. “That’s ridiculous, isn’t it?”
“Mochi, I loved every second with you. I loved everything about it. I felt closer and more connected with you too. Stop fussing if I had a great time. I’d sit and watch ants crawl out of the ground if it meant I could be with you.”
Something flashed in my mind that brought a genuine smile to my face and washed away all of those worries. 
Y/N crossed her arms over her chest. "You'd sit and get a tattoo with me?"
I brushed away a loose strand of hair that fell from her braid behind her ear, fingers trailing against the skin of her neck.
"I'd sit and watch ants crawl out of a hole for hours if that meant I'm sitting next to you," I vowed with hooded eyes as I stared down at her lips.
I pressed a kiss to her lips. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you. I take it we’re on for a second date then?” 
“I’m wide open,” Y/N winked with a kiss on my cheek. 
“Good,” I grinned. 
“Noah! We’re ready!” 
We both glanced over to the large opening of the warehouse to Nicholas who was waving us inside. 
“So, you’re staying the rest of the shoot?” I asked. 
Y/N beamed. “Nowhere else I’d rather be.” 
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As I moved about my bedroom, tossing things into the suitcases that laid out on my bed, there was a delicate knock on my open door and Chase gave me a warm smile. 
“Malcolm and Noah are at the store right now and wondering if there’s anything else you need for this weekend,” he sat down on the edge of my bed. 
“No, just the list I gave them,” I said while zipping up my suitcase. 
“Are you nervous?” Chase asked, playing with Salem. 
“A bit, yeah,” I sighed while plopping down onto the bed next to him. “This is our first album as a three-piece. It’s completely different from our other albums so I’m afraid people won’t vibe with it.” 
Chase squeezed my knee. “They will. The reviews from the singles we already released are positive.” 
“I know. I’ve just been in my head a lot.” 
There was a slight hesitation in Chase’s breath before he asked his next question. 
“Have you talked to your parents at all?” 
My heart sank with guilt and I began chipping away at my nail polish. “It’s been a few days since I talked with my dad. With everything from trying to plan the album release party and Noah, I guess I kind of forgot to call him.” 
Chase wrapped an arm around me to pull me into his chest. “Your dad understands how busy you are. He’d never hold it against you.” 
I snorted. “Unlike my mom. Part of me wants to call her and give her an update on my life. Because I do love her, regardless of all of her faults, but I’m just afraid that she’ll judge me; again.” 
“Do whatever your heart tells you, sweets. You never know, she might surprise you.” 
Both of us shared a knowing look before we burst out in a fit of laughter knowing the odds of that happening. 
“But stop worrying about the small stuff, Y/N. Ethan said the house is booked, the guest list was sent out, and the caterers are paid. Everything is set, all we have to do is show up and promote the album,” Chase said as Salem lay between us. 
When I nodded, he stood to his feet and placed a kiss on top of my head then slipped out of my room. Pausing packing for a moment, I reached for my phone that was charging on my nightstand and I let my finger hover over my mom's contact for a long moment, wondering if I really wanted to do this or if it was the guilt for not reaching out to her more. 
Pros: she could be happy for me and even want to show up at the party. 
Cons: she calls me a disappointment yet again and criticizes my choices. 
“Fuck it,” I groaned then clicked on her name. 
It rang twice before going straight to voicemail. I rolled my eyes, knowing that she ignored my call, but tried not to dwell on the way my stomach dropped. 
“Hey mom, it’s me. How have things been? I heard you went to Greece for a few weeks to visit family. I bet that was nice, I’d love to see some pictures. Maybe we could meet up for coffee to talk?” 
I ran my sweaty palms on my sweats before continuing. “I have some news. Hollow Souls new album releases this Saturday and we're throwing this party to celebrate it. I know you never were too keen on my career choice but it would mean a lot if you came. I’ll text you the details. S'agapó.” 
Ending the call by saying I loved her in Greek, I hit the red button with a disappointed sigh. I knew there was a higher chance she wouldn’t answer my call rather than actually answering it. Instead of dwelling on it, I texted my dad. 
Me: Can I call? 
His response came almost instantly. 
Dad: You never have to ask, sweetheart. 
With a smile, I decided to FaceTime him instead and broke out in a large smile when his face appeared on the screen. His hair had a bit more gray than the last time and a few more wrinkles in the corners of his eyes. The glasses were practically falling off his nose but when he saw me, he pushed them up. 
“There she is! Oh, I’m loving the new hair!” He beamed. 
“Thanks Dad. I’m sorry I haven’t called in a while, life’s been kind of crazy,” I explained while leaning against the headboard. 
My dad waved me off as he spun around in his office chair, the large and filled bookcases now his backdrop. “It’s alright, sweetheart. How have things been?” 
We spent the next few minutes catching up when Noah entered my room, both hands full of bags. When I went to help him, he held up the bags higher so I couldn’t. With a playful glare at him, I turned my attention back to my dad while Noah went about emptying the bags. 
“So your mom didn’t answer?” 
Briefly ignoring the questioning glance from Noah, I shook my head at my dad. 
“I don’t know why I’m surprised. It’s like she has this radar that goes off before I call to talk about my life. If it’s not about her, she doesn't care,” I pulled my knees up to my chest so Noah could sit down in front of me. 
My dad took off his glasses to rub his eyes before putting them back on his nose. “I’m sorry sweetheart. I wish she never took her own frustrations out on you. She’s unhappy with how things ended with the divorce and she can’t seem to heal from it.” 
Noah’s fingers grazed over the exposed skin of my ankle. 
“All these years later and I still try to make her proud of me,” I shrugged. 
“I know sweetheart. But sometimes, you have to think about yourself and make yourself proud before her. That’s what matters.” 
Noah’s hand brushed away the hair from my face and I smiled up at him. 
“Oh, whose hand is that?” My dad's questionable voice came from my phone. “Those are a lot of tattoos.” 
With a glance at Noah, he nodded so I shifted my position for my phone to not only show me but him as well.
“I wish I could introduce you two face to face but this will have to do. Dad, this is Noah.” 
Noah gave a small wave to the phone. “Hi, Mr. Y/L/N, it’s an honor to meet you.” 
“Shit, even your neck is covered! That had to hurt,” my dad chuckled while rubbing his own neck. “It’s an honor to meet you as well, Noah. My daughter has told me quite a lot about you. All good things, no need to worry.” 
My cheeks burned and Noah wrapped an arm around my side, pulling us closer. 
“You have a wonderful daughter. I want to assure you that I love her and will take great care of her,” he vowed. 
My father snorted while moving about his house now. “I knew it from the moment I saw that video of you two performing on stage together during your last tour that you loved Y/N. It was clear in the way you smiled at her.” 
“Dad,” I muttered under my breath. 
Noah, however, looked at me with deep affection in those almond eyes. “I think I knew it back then as well, it just took me longer to admit it.” 
“Call it father’s intuition,” my dad said. “But I have to go. I’m meeting some friends for ramen.” 
“Ugh,” I groaned. “I would kill for some Japanese ramen right now.” 
“Well,” my father started while slipping into his jacket one-handed. “Bring Noah the next time you visit and we can all go out for some. There’s this great place next to this shop that sells some kind of Manga drawings. I don’t understand it but the kids your age seem to love it.” 
“We’ll be there,” Noah promised with a kiss on the side of my head. 
“Have fun at the album release party, sweetheart. I can’t wait to hear the new songs!” 
We both waved at the screen before it went black, me hanging up the call. 
“Your dad seems like a great guy,” Noah noted while rolling off of my bed and trotting over to my dresser. 
He opened the top two drawers, rummaging around for some of his clothes. 
About two weeks ago, he slowly brought some of his things over here while I did the same at his place. We’d been bouncing back and forth between the two but with how busy I’d been planning the album release party and all the finishing touches for the album, it’d been a few days since Noah and I spent the night together. So now that we were leaving tomorrow for the weekend, he decided to spend the night at my place so we could ride up to Big Bear with Chase and Malcolm. 
“He is,” I rested my chin on my knees. “I really hope one day we can visit him together.” 
“We will.”
Noah promised with a kiss on my head before retreating out of my room so he could shower while I finished packing all of our things, the excitement of this weekend making me dance around my bedroom. 
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My heels clicked against the hardwood floor as I typed away on my phone, the hustle and bustle of everyone setting up for the party falling away from me. 
The Power Puff Girls group chat:
Me: You guys on your way back? 
Astrid: Had to stop at the store quickly! Matt texted Jolly to grab some Dr. Pepper.  We picked up Maxxine about thirty minutes ago but would have been back at the house by now if Jolly wasn’t taking FOREVER in the book section. He’s trying to find some kind of new fantasy book to read this weekend. 
Maxxine: It’s kind of cute watching the two of you giggle with your own inside jokes while I just stand here as a third wheel. 
I let out my own chuckle as I stopped in front of the large mirror in the rental house, brushing away any lint from my white dress. The sleeves were lace and stopped right at my elbows and the bottom of my dress rested mid-thigh. I was afraid that the front may have been too low cut but Noah reassured me it was fine. 
With an array of kisses between my breasts. 
My phone vibrated in my hand and I read the new message. 
Astrid: Oh hush you. 
Me: Well, we’re very excited for you to join us, Maxxine. Bring some more females into this group of male hormones. I’d been dying to introduce you to someone! 
Maxxine: No, Y/N. Please. My last date was so horrendous, I still haven’t recovered. 
Glancing away from my phone, I smiled at Noah as he came bounding down the stairs dressed in a black long-sleeve and almost eggshell white pants. I licked my lips at the sight of him dressed up. It wasn’t anything fancy but it still made my heart flutter. 
“Have you seen my shoes? The black-.” 
“The black lace-ups,” I nodded. “Yes, they’re in the closet in our room. Next to my house shoes.” 
He pressed a kiss to my lips. “Thank you.” 
As Noah retreated upstairs again, I turned back down to my phone. 
Astrid: We promise, this guy is different! 
Maxxine: I don’t know. I think I should just be single for a while. My luck with men hasn’t been the greatest. I always chose losers. 
Me: Please, you’ll be thanking us for setting you up with him. 
Setting my phone on the kitchen counter, I peered over to Jesse, who was setting up the drinks and snacks at the dining room table. Noah mentioned to me the other night how Jesse had been feeling quite down a lot lately due to his anxiety and had been falling into himself, closing himself off from everyone. While Jesse wouldn’t admit it, we all had an inkling feeling that seeing some of his best friends get into relationships, made him doubt himself in finding someone. We also knew how hard of a time he had in Pittsburg when Erra was there touring a few months ago, so Astrid and I decided to set him up with a mutual friend of ours and I invited her to the party tonight. 
“Hey,” I slinked up beside Jesse and bumped my shoulder with his. 
“Hi,” he smiled. “You look beautiful. Excited for tonight?” 
“Thank you! I am. But I just wanted to let you know that there’s someone I want you to meet tonight.” 
He set down the cups and raised a brow. “Why me?” 
“Oh, no reason,” I shrugged before patting his chest and walking away. 
“Y/N! What’s that supposed to mean!”
Giggling, I met up with Chase and Malcolm in the main living area of the house. Chase was brushing away Maclolm’s long auburn locks and I smiled at the two of them. I knew they were nervous about being open about their relationship in the beginning but now they were blossoming together and I couldn’t have been happier for them. 
“How are we feeling?” I asked them to check-in. 
Malcolm ran a hand down the front of his black dress shirt. “Nervous as hell.” 
Chase rubbed his shoulder. “It’ll be fine, love. The support already has been incredible. It’s only going to get better.” 
I wrapped my arms around both of them. “In case this album flops, I want you guys to know that I’m glad we took this chance. I love what we created.” 
“It’s not going to flop,” Chase rolled his bright blue eyes but returned the hug. “Love you two, idiots.” 
I pulled away from them and turned towards the front door when it opened, smiling at Astrid, Jolly, and Maxxine who walked inside. My eyes darted from Maxxine to Jesse, who froze in the middle of his tracks. He took in the sight of her; long legs, olive skin, long black hair, and bright hazel eyes. 
Maxxine, who had her arms full of bags, gave a slow once over of Jesse with a blush and faint smile. 
“Hi,” he cleared his throat. “Let me help you.” 
“Thank you,” she allowed Jesse to take a couple of bags from her. 
Astrid and I shared a proud smile. 
“Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” 
Noah’s deep voice sang in my ear as he wrapped his arms around me from behind, a kiss to the side of my neck. Turning in his embrace, I pecked his lips. 
“Hm, once or twice,” I wrapped my arms behind his neck. 
With the soft tune of music playing in the background, our bodies began to sway lightly. When his eyes fell behind me, his brows furrowed together. 
“Who’s the girl with Jesse?” 
I turned slightly in his embrace to see Jesse and Maxxine laughing about something with each other. She was lightly touching his arm and the smile on his face was one that you couldn’t scrub away no matter how hard you tried. 
“Oh, that’s a friend of mine and Astrid’s. Her name is Maxxine. I thought that maybe she and Jesse would hit it off,” I explained. 
Noah’s lips left feather-like kisses along my forehead. “I love you.” 
I grasped the front of his shirt, engulfing myself in his scent. 
“I love you too. But before the party starts, I want to show you something.” 
Linking our hands together, we slipped away from the group and down the hall of the rental home to the office where I already had things set up. I closed the door behind us and motioned for Noah to sit on the long sofa while I sat on the recliner chair diagonal from him. On the table was a pair of wireless headphones that were already hooked up to my phone. 
“What’s this?” Noah wondered after falling onto the couch. 
I handed him the headphones. “I know you’ll hear this song later but I wanted you to hear it for the first time with just the two of us. It’s an important song and it means a lot.” 
My heart was drumming inside of the confines of my chest making it hard to breathe. I finished recording this song months ago and besides me, Chase, and Malcolm no one else heard it. I wanted Noah to be the first. 
Once he placed the headphones over his ears, I loaded up the song on my phone and hit play. Even though I couldn’t hear the song physically, I could hear it in my mind. 
I know it's warmer where you are and it's safer by your side. But right now I can't be what you want. Just give it time.
Noah’s shoulders went stiff as he flicked his eyes up at me, steepling his fingers together in his lap. I gave him a reassuring nod, urging him to continue. 
And if you and I can make it through the night. And if you and I can keep our love alive, we'll fight. 
Now nothing gave way on his face as he stared down at his hands, the only movement was the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. 
We can meet in the middle. Bodies and souls collide. Dance in the moonlight where all the stars align. Oh you and I, oh you and I, oh. 
I couldn’t bear being so far from him while not knowing how he was feeling so I rose from my chair to sit on the other end of the couch next to him. 
Well, it's cold when we're apart and I hate to feel this die. But you can't give me what I want. Just give it time
Noah’s eyes fluttered shut and I swore I saw all the oxygen leave his lungs, telling me I knew what part of my lyrics he just heard. 
But for now we stay so far. 'Til our lonely limbs connect. I can't keep you in these arms. So I'll keep you in my mind.
My bottom lip caught between my teeth as my knee bounced with anticipation, wanting desperately to know what he thought about my song. But I didn’t want to disturb him yet. 
Can we meet in the middle? Bodies and souls collide. Dance in the moonlight. Where all the stars align. Oh you and I, oh you and I, oh.
Glancing at my phone, I realized the song ended, but Noah made no effort to take off the headphones. My lips parted to speak when I noticed a lone tear roll down his cheek. 
“Noah?” I tapped his arm. 
With the heat of my touch, it was as if he came alive again. Ripping off the headphones, Noah’s lips attacked mine with an inferno, making me fall back onto the couch with him on top of me. My fingers quickly found their usual place in his hair while he hooked my leg around his hips. 
“Angel,” he fanned in the crook of my neck. 
“Did-did you like it?” I asked. 
Noah’s tongue brushed along the pulsepoint of my neck and I shivered underneath him. 
“I loved it,” he breathed as his teeth scraped up along my jawline before slipping his tongue into my mouth. 
We had a short fight for dominance before reluctantly I let Noah win, his hands running up and down my bare thighs. When he pulled away, I was dizzy; kiss drunk. And his eyes burned as he looked down at me. 
“Are you sure?” I questioned, still filled with worry he didn’t like it. 
“Y/N,” he lifted my chin with the finger that had the small heart tattooed on it. “I wouldn’t lie to you about this. It was perfect.”
“Thank you,” I wrapped my legs around him to bring his body closer to mine, moaning when I felt the outline of his cock brush along my heated core. 
His forehead fell onto my chest and sighed. “Do we have to go out there? Can we stay here the two of us? In our bubble.” 
I lifted his head to kiss his nose. “Unfortunately, this party is partly for me so I have to show up.” 
Grudgingly, Noah untangled himself from me and then helped me to my feet, fixing my dress and hair for me. 
With our fingers linked together, he led me back into the main part of the house where the party was already well underway. 
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The crowd of people kept congratulating the members of Hollow Souls for an amazing album. Everyone loved the new songs and was excited about the new direction they were headed toward. Chase and Malcolm chatted with one of the reps from the record label while Y/N was talking with someone she didn’t expect to see there. 
“I can’t believe you flew all the way to Los Angeles from Vermont for this! You didn’t have to,” she smiled while wrapping her arms around the man in a hug. 
“I wouldn’t miss this for the world, Y/N,” Joe shrugged. “Where’s Noah?” 
“Um, last I saw he was talking with his friend Bryan.” 
She glanced around the room but broke out in a large smile when Noah slinked up beside her and left a kiss on her cheek. 
“There you are. I have someone I’d like you to meet. This is Joe,” Y/N pointed between the two men. 
Noah extended a hand. “Nice to officially meet you.” 
“Yeah you too,” Joe shook his hand with a smile. 
The three of them chatted for a long while after moving to one of the couches in the living room,  Y/N watching with fondness as her boyfriend and one of her good friends got along pretty well. She even stole a glance over towards Jesse and Maxxine who were seated on the couch across from them. His arm was thrown over the top of the couch, fingers grazing over the skin of Maxxine’s shoulder. Every so often she would slink in closer towards him. 
“Would you like a drink, angel?” Noah asked. 
Her eyes snapped back to him and she nodded. “Dr. Pepper, please.” 
Once Noah stood from the couch, Y/N opened her mouth to ask Joe how life was going when someone else sat down on the couch next to her, almost in Noah’s previous spot. 
Devon? Derrick? No, his name was Dennis; a mutual acquaintance of Ethan, their manager. 
“Hey, Y/N. I thought I’d sneak in to tell you how awesome the new album sounds,” he slicked back his overly gelled hair. 
She gave him a tight-lipped smile. “Thank you.” 
While she knew of him from things Ethan would say, Y/N never actually met him. 
“I love the new vibe you guys have going on. It’s very different from your old albums. Although, I must say that my favorite is still your self-entitled. Trey’s vocals kick ass on that.” 
Joe sat up straighter from his spot on the other side of Y/N while she narrowed her eyes at Dennis. 
“Everyone has their own opinions I suppose,” she said while trying to pull down the ends of her dress when she caught Dennis staring at her legs. 
“You know,” he licked his lips and moved closer to Y/N. “You’re doing really well without Trey. How about we go out for a drink?” 
“No thank you, I’m not interested.” 
Y/N slinked back closer to Joe, who gladly accepted it.
“One drink?” Dennis tried again with a sly smirk. 
“I don’t drink,” Y/N narrowed her eyes while crossing her arms over her chest, hoping to show the guy that she was finished with this conversation. 
Joe sent a look over to Malcolm, who was standing in the kitchen next to Noah, and with that shared expression, the redhead nodded. 
“Noah,” Malcolm motioned behind Noah. 
With a perplexed look, Noah turned around and nearly crushed the glass in his hand at what he saw. Y/N was almost in Joe’s lap, trying to get away from some douchebag who kept advancing towards her. 
“What the fuck,” he grumbled under his breath, nostrils flaring. 
Tonight was not the night to lose his cool but he could feel that ugly feeling burning low in his gut; the feeling he despised. He didn’t want to come off as jealous or that he couldn’t trust Y/N because he could. But Noah did not like the way this guy was almost undressing her with his eyes. 
Joe wanted to intervene but also knew that Y/N had it handled; something she’d proven before. 
She glanced around the room with panic in her eyes until they fell on Noah, utter relief filling them. The guy followed her gaze and scoffed when he realized what she Y/N was looking at. 
Noah’s blood ran cold as his heart was thumping loudly in his ears, everything becoming white noise to him. His fingers shook at his sides, doing his best to remain calm. 
“Who is that guy?” He asked Malcolm. 
“Dennis. Ethan’s assistant.”
Matt, who had snuck up beside Noah, urged him with a look. 
“This asshole just asked Y/N to go outside with him for more privacy.” 
Fire burned in Noah’s eyes as he snapped them back over to the couch, where he nearly choked at the sight in front of him. Dennis was dragging his fingers down Y/N’s neck with intimacy that was reserved for Noah only. That was his spot. Y/N was his, it was proven tonight when she played her song for him. 
His insides burned with rage that it nearly made him unable to see anything in front of him. 
The sound of Y/N’s hand smacking Dennis’ hand away broke through the haze in Noah’s vision. 
“Don’t fucking touch me,” she seethed. 
Joe quickly pulled Y/N up from the couch just as Noah pushed himself off the edge of the counter and made his way through the crowd over towards his girlfriend; hands shaking with more vigor now. It would be so easy to punch Dennis and show him who Y/N belongs to, however, Noah wouldn’t create a scene tonight; not when this night meant so much to Hollow Souls. 
With three deep breaths, Noah came to a halt in front of Y/N who quickly found solace underneath his arm.
“Everything alright?” He wondered. 
Y/N, albeit with the annoyed look in her usual bright eyes, wore a faux smile. “Yeah, now it is.” 
“I think you were just leaving, no?” Joe asked Dennis. 
The man shook his head while slowly rising to his feet. “No, actually I wasn’t. I heard that Y/N is single so I thought to shoot my shot.” 
Noah’s body vibrated with anger so Y/N rested a hand on his chest, her touch immediately calming him. 
“I’d like to know where you heard that,” Noah spoke slowly, even though he was on edge. 
“Does it matter?” Dennis harshly laughed. “All I’m saying is that she looks sexy as fuck tonight. I thought we could sneak away for a bit but it seems like she’s too far up your ass to even notice there are other guys here.” 
“I already said no,” Y/N’s voice was stern. 
Noah’s eyes sliced Dennis in half but remained calm; an eerie calm that seemed to have the gathering crowd of their friends on edge. His arm was still around her, claiming Y/N as his own but for added measure he left a kiss on the side of her head. 
Dennis raised his hands in defeat. “Alright, I get it. It’s fine, from what I hear from Trey, you can’t be satisfied anyway.” 
Chase appeared almost out of nowhere and grabbed him by the collar of his green polo. “Time for you to go. Now.” 
“Chase, please. No fighting,” Y/N begged still in Noah’s embrace. 
His usual bright blue eyes were dark, a deep hue of midnight, while he glared at Dennis. 
“I promise, no fighting,” Chase gritted out through clenched teeth. “I’m only going to show this asshole the way out.” 
Noah and Dennis shared one final glance, victory dancing on the former's lips before he whispered in Y/N’s ear. 
“Upstairs. Now.” 
Her eyes sparkled when she gazed up at him with a mischievous smirk. The both of them slipped away almost unnoticed by everyone, running up the stairs two at a time with Noah smacking her ass, her giggles echoing far behind them. 
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As soon as we were in the confines of our bedroom in the rental house, Noah lifted me in the air to press my back against the door. I wrapped my legs around his waist while his hands gripped my thighs. There was a dire need of want in his eyes as he crashed his lips to mine in such a frenzied, hungry kiss, that it made me see stars from the force of it. His teeth grazed over my tongue and then my lips, drawing the teeniest bit of blood. 
“Fuck, Noah!” I exclaimed while dotting a finger to my lip. 
Growling, he began biting my neck, licking away Dennis’ touch. “I don’t know who the fuck he thinks he is. No one will ever fucking talk to you like that or touch what’s mine.”
“Oh god, yes,” I hissed, running my hands through his hair when he sucked on my sweet spot.
Somehow Noah managed to yank off my panties in our position and stuffed them deep into his pocket. One lone finger slipped between us when he pinned me to the door again and started rubbing fast circles on my clit. 
“Shit. Fuck. So good,” I crowed while pulling on the ends of his hair. 
Once I was wet enough, Noah quickly pulled out his cock, rubbing a fist over it for a few pumps before slipping in between my folds with a hard snap of his hips that we rattled against the door. I felt so full, so stretched open, that I gasped; not realizing at first that Noah forgot to put on a condom. 
“I want that motherfucker to hear who you belong to, angel,” he grunted with each thrust, nails digging into the skin of my bare ass to keep me grounded against him. 
“Fuck, god. So good,” I panted while scratching at his shoulders. “Right there.” 
We both were grunting so loudly and with the banging of the door, there wasn’t a doubt in my mind that everyone could hear us downstairs. But none of them mattered. 
Only Noah and I did. 
His lips attacked mine once again, teeth smacking and tongues exploring every inch of each other's mouths. 
“Say my name, I want him and any other man who thinks they have a shot, to hear who you belong to,” Noah bit down hard on my neck, his thrusts were fast and relentless. 
“NOAH!” I screamed when his finger pressed against my clit again, being exactly what I needed to come apart on his cock. 
My body writhed in his tight hold on me and with the force of his hands on my ass, I knew that I would have bruises in the morning but I didn’t fucking care. 
“You’re mine.” He grunted while craning my neck back by my hair. 
Noah went back to working on the raised red mark on my neck, right alongside the other bite marks he left before. 
“Yes, I am,” I rasped, gone in ecstasy. 
“Forever angel,” Noah’s hips stilled before pulling himself completely out of me. “Fucking say it.” 
“I’m yours forever, Noah!” I proclaimed with a feverish nod. 
“You’re mine, angel,” he gruffed while now wrapping his hand around his cock. 
It was thick and red, almost angry from being denied release. 
“It felt too good and I didn’t want to risk it,” he sighed while letting me fall to my feet. 
I kissed his lips, this time more gentle than our previous kisses. “Cum on my chest.” 
Noah’s movements around his cock faltered for a moment, pupils dilating to pure black. 
Dropping to my knees, I pulled down the front of my dress to expose my bare chest to him and peered up at him through my lashes. 
“I want you to mark me, Noah. Mark what’s yours,” I begged. 
“Shit, Y/N,” he mused while running one hand through my hair, dragging his fingers down my neck over my chest to pull and pinch my nipples. 
His grip around his cock was tight, knuckles turning white as he moved his hand up and down with such a velocious pace, it almost made it hard to focus on it. I licked my lips when I spotted the precum Noah used to spread over the head of his cock and I whined with the desire to taste him. 
The hand he had wrapped around the back of my neck to keep me in place tightened its grip as he bent over me, resting his forehead against the door. Noah was still dressed but I could only imagine that the muscles in his stomach were taut, his release so close. 
“Cum for me, Noah. Please,” I begged with a whiny breath. 
“Fucking hell,” he howled my name when his warm release shot all over my neck and down between my breasts. 
I hummed in pleasure, seeing the white stickiness run down my stomach, reveling in the feeling of his mark all over me. Noah stared down at me through hooded eyes, his chest heaving with each deep breath. 
“I didn’t think,” he took a deep breath while licking his lips. “I didn’t think that would be so hot.” 
Allow him to help me to my feet, I couldn’t wipe the smirk from my face. “I did, why do you think I asked for it?” 
Noah’s eyes flashed as he bent low to capture my lips in a kiss. “Am I going to keep finding out your secret kinks, angel?” 
“I think so since you discovered two of them already,” I dragged a finger down his cheek. 
“You like possessive sex? I feel terrible for throwing you against the door,” Noah rubbed the back of his neck. 
I shrugged. “It’s not so much the possessive side of it but more so the dominant side of you.” 
He lifted my hand to his lips, leaving a kiss on my palm. “Do you want to head back downstairs?” 
“No, I’m exhausted and need a shower,” I giggled while motioning to my chest. 
Even though his cheeks reddened, the look that crossed his face as he looked me over made my core clench. 
“Get cleaned up and I’ll sneak downstairs to grab us some snacks,” Noah patted my ass, dismissing me towards the bathroom connected to our bedroom. 
“Think Folio will share those chocolate-covered pretzels he brought?” I wondered. 
Noah chuckled while stuffing his cock back into his pants before zipping them. “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.” 
Right before he slipped through the door, I chastised him when I noticed the large red mark on my neck.
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“Okay, I think they’re finally finished,” I chuckled while walking into the bedroom I was sharing with Jolly. “The door stopped rattling awhile ago and when I walked past their bedroom, I heard one of them snoring.” 
Jolly peered up from strumming a few notes on the guitar in his lap and smiled at me. 
“It’s most likely, Noah. Do you know he wears those nose strips?” 
“No way!” I gasped while pulling down the sleeves of his sweater I was wearing, moving about the room to finish getting ready for bed. 
It was his black Bad Omens hoodie, with the hand and gun on the front.
“Yeah, try sleeping in a moving sweatbox and hearing that. I sometimes worry he’ll inhale the bus curtains. That’s Y/N’s problem now,” he chuckled while reaching for me and pulling me to the bed with him. 
I broke out in a fit of giggles when he placed me in his lap and then rested the guitar in mine. He set my fingers in the position they needed to before helping me strum a few notes. 
He placed a kiss on my shoulder. “I’m glad you were able to leave Fika for the weekend to be here with me.” 
I turned my head towards him and kissed his lips. “Jessica can handle it. I need to start loosening the reins a bit and enjoy things more.” 
Jolly’s eyes glinted as he set the guitar down on the floor before lying me back down on the bed, lifting my end of the sweater to reveal all I was wearing underneath was a pair of black underwear. 
“You walked around like this?” His voice rumbled deep within his chest. 
I innocently shrugged. “I didn’t run into anyone. Besides, I’m practically swimming in your sweater. No one would have seen anything.” 
Hooking my underwear with his fingers, Jolly practically ripped them down my legs before flipping me onto my stomach. 
“Keep the sweater on, käraste,” he demanded while spreading my legs wide. 
“Fuck, yes,” I nodded while burying my face into the pillow, hearing Jolly’s belt buckle fall to the floor. 
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Jolly and I moved around the large kitchen, almost with ease like we’d done this countless times before as we made breakfast for everyone. It was our last day up in Big Bear and we had a full day of activities planned. 
Breakfast, a mountain hike, lunch at a diner in town, and Y/N wanted to steal me away for a few hours to go horseback riding. 
The large table was filled with everyone and I had to stop for a moment to appreciate everyone here who came out to support Hollow Souls. They didn’t need to but they did because Y/N, Chase, and Malcolm became part of our family with that tour that seemed so long ago now. 
“Noah, can you hand me the eggs?” 
Snapping my gaze away from everyone, I turned towards Jolly and handed him the carton of eggs. 
“So,” I smirked while pouring more pancake mix onto the sizzling griddle. “I heard you had a great night last night. I walked past your room to come down to the kitchen for a drink and heard you grunting something in Swedish. What was it?” 
He froze, mixing the eggs in the large bowl for a moment before scoffing. “Like you’re one to talk. We all heard you guys last night. The door wouldn’t stop rattling, shaking the walls.” 
My face was beet red and I adjusted the collar of my sweater to ease it away from my neck. “I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.” 
“I’m surprised you even heard anything over your snoring,” Jolly shrugged with a sly smirk. “I told Astrid you use nose strips.” 
I dropped the spatula, it clattering to the counter and gasped. “You did not!” 
A sudden movement from the stairs caught both of our attention, our heads snapping to the forms of Jesse and Maxxine walking down, her wearing one of his shirts. With a shared look, Jolly and I scurried over to our girlfriends, me pulling on Y/N’s shirt while she poured herself a cup of coffee. 
“Mochi,” she smacked my hand away. “Not now. I’m hungry and need caffeine. Sex in the shower took a lot out of me this morning.” 
“Angel,” I reached for her again. 
“I’m serious,” she held a stern gaze over the rim of her cup as she looked at me. “I need a break.” 
Rolling my eyes, I turned her around just in time for her to see Jesse hold out the chair for Maxxine, who blushed up at him in thanks. 
“No fucking way!” Y/N sputtered into her cup and then looked back at me. “She stayed the night with him?” 
I wrapped my arms around her, breathing in the peach scent of her body wash, and smiled. “Look at you, little matchmaker.” 
We shared a kiss before I motioned for her to sit down at the table so I could bring her a plate of food. 
Everyone went about the kitchen, filling up their own plates while I sat down next to Y/N, handing her the plate. Once everyone was seated, Malcolm took a long pull of his coffee before setting it down on the dark oak of the table. 
“So, who do you think was louder last night? Jolly or Noah?” 
The noise of my fork falling on my plate rang loudly in all of our ears while Jolly nearly choked on his scrambled eggs. Both of us slowly sank into our seats while Astrid and Y/N shared a look across the table, stifling a fit of giggles behind their hands. 
Noticing the way our faces reddened, Folio spoke up to change the subject. “Did anyone enjoy seeing the snow dogs? Michelle and I had a great time when we were here last time.”
“Oh that’s right,” Davis nodded. “You guys were here for Valentine's Day, right?” 
While their conversation fell on deaf ears, I felt my heart stutter in my chest and glanced over to Y/N, who was having her own conversation with Michael who sat next to her. The realization hit me with such force, that I had to lean farther back into my chair. 
Even though it was well into March, we never spent Valentine's Day together, and honestly, that wasn’t something that sat well with me. My heart yearned to make up for all the times we missed during our time apart and for the rest of breakfast, I made those plans in my mind. 
“Were we really that loud last night?” 
Y/N asked me at the same time Astrid asked Jolly and I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into me with a chuckle, brushing my lips against her ear. 
“Want to see if we can get even louder before we leave?” I nibbled on her ear lobe. 
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rkvriki · 1 year
things enha does for you !
hey guys!!! after tha one last fic im back to soft content lolz. i got this idea when i was in class so excuse me if its crappy tho! this one is a lil smoll :')
make sure to leave feedback. my requests are open and so is my talk box so let's talk!
WARNINGS ! undertones of being naked and sunoo watching its all sfw so dont worry!! might contain grammar errors!
word count: 1k
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— makes you homemade gifts
heeseung is pretty good at everything, so once in his life decides to make good use of it outside of his job.
heeseung loves giving you gifts, most of them expensive pieces of clothing or even random plushies he wins when he goes to the arcade with the other boys, but is there anything more meaningful than a gift he made himself?
he makes so many handmade things but his favorite thing to do is scrap books. he tries to collect his favorite pics with you every month and he puts them in a scrapbook with cute and sweet handwritten messages.
he loves seeing your wide smile as you scan every picture he chose, remembering each day like it was yesterday.
— leaves you notes or flowers 
he does this almost everyday or at least when he stays over at yours and he even has special cute and decorated post its just for you :’)
sometimes he will notice that you might be feeling a little more down or stressed with school/work so he waits for you to fall asleep before he leaves after writing a heartfelt note and sticking it somewhere he knows you’ll see it.
or sometimes jay just feels like treating you nicely so he sends your favorite flowers with a postcard to your house or office.
it all just makes you feel so giddy and soft on the inside, you love how much he shows affection to you in all kinds of ways.
— is present in the most important moments
being from abroad is hard and jake knows that because he also came from a different country, so when knows his s/o isn’t from korea he tries to make up for the fact you don’t have anyone like family members around to supporto you.
when you have important presentations he will be in the audience cheering for you with the biggest smile on his face.
most of the times he does this are surprises, you never know when to expect seeing him there and you would bawl your eyes out if you weren’t in front of so many people.
when you have your first job interview he will take you to where it’s going to take place and he will wait outside and when you come out will tell you that you did good no matter what results are gonna be.
— writes you letters expressing himself
i feel like sunghoon is really shy when it comes to expressing his feelings, although it doesn’t stop him from telling you he loves you every day.
every week he writes you a letter in neat and pretty handwriting, sometimes just telling you how he is feeling lately, other times talking about how much he loves you and how afraid he is of losing you.
he puts every feeling there is in him in the paper, always writing you more than one sheet of paper. After you read all of them you alway call him and you both talk about it, which makes him shy and his ears turn red.
you keep every letter in a box in a place only you and him know and you always read them when you miss him when he’s away.
— prepares you a spa day/bath
we all know sunoo is all about self care with all the skin care he does and the vitamins he takes and now it’s also a habit of yours thanks to him.
he loves taking care of you when he feels like you aren’t doing it, unable to do it either from stress or just being busy with your life.
when those situations happen, he never fails to surprise you when you come home with a warm bubbly bath in your bathroom, now candle lit.
he asks you to get in the tub as he leaves to get you more things.
he comes back with a huge variety of skin care for you to choose and prepares you your favorite light drink.
when you come out of the shower he will have you laying in the bed and will give the best back massage you’ll ever get, breaking all the knots in you, finishing off with kisses all over your back and face making you giggle.
— takes time to celebrate important dates
jungwon loves planning things for you, especially your birthday. even though it makes him wanna rip his hair off he makes all the efforts to make it the best birthday party you could ever have.
literally no one can talk to him during the weeks he is planning it because he is so stressed that he will snap at someone unintentionally (he apologizes later, poor won)
he will plan it almost a month earlier to make sure everything is perfect. he look for the best bakeries around and tries to find the best rooftop to have the party.
he contacts every single one of your friends trying not to forget to invite anyone.
then the worts part comes, the present to give you. jungwon knows so much about you, almost every little detail, but one thing he doesn’t know is what to give you in your birthday, even if you reassure him he is the best present >-<
all the stress his worthy when he sees your teary eyes smile at the big party.
— spends quality time with you
being an idol takes a lot of someone’s time and niki tries to use every second he had of free time to be with you since he’s always in and out of the country and he knows you hate being alone.
niki takes you everywhere you possibly can go. you go hiking, you go to amusement parks, to the movies, trying out restaurants, just anywhere.
he’s always up to try new things with you and sometimes he might bring the other boys along or you bring your friends, but it’s very rare to happen.
he always takes his digital camera, taking pictures of you when you aren’t looking, which he ends up showing you making you complain of how bad you look and he just glares at you.
sometimes you just go to quiet places and enjoy each other presence, like going to parks in the middle of the nowhere, where it’s just the two of you being two fools in love.
© rkvriki 2023, do not copy or translate my works, please.
901 notes · View notes
footballffbarbiex · 7 months
A little smutty something with Virg as promised, even if it's 24 hours later than I'd hoped!
warnings: breeding talk, threat of hitting it raw (but use protection of some kind peeps irl), dirty talk
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In your humble opinion, there were few things sexier than a last minute winning goal. Admittedly, getting there is often pull-your-hair-out stressful and leaves you becoming infuriated as the match goes on but that high? That rush? There's nothing like it, especially if it's a goal that happens just before the last few seconds of the game.
Of course, it's not always welcomed when it's the opposition which do this. The temptation to riot is there and you feel like waiting for the ref outside and bringing the fight to him, but tonight - despite the frustrations and interesting refereeing decisions made - you don't have time to pick fights.
You'd watched as Virgil had celebrated, was interviewed, celebrated some more and lifted the trophy whilst being sprayed with champagne. They'd celebrated with the fans before heading back inside. His - and the team's - joy was contagious if you were a Red and it was clear to see how much this win meant to them. While they took the bus home, you'd travelled back from London on the train with some of the other WAGs, you'd spent enough hours cooped up on a coach to know that it wasn't worth the journey back via that method of transportation.
He's in too much of a good mood, no doubt spurred on by a little happy liquid, by the time he finally stepped from the bus making it so that you'd slipped behind the wheel of the car and set off back home. He flips between sitting back with a big stupid ass grin on his face and talking to you, but at all times, his hand rests upon the top of your thigh, fingertips moving ever so carefully without his finger itself moving. Every so often, he'd drag his hand further up, fingers stroking over your clothed inner thigh before moving back to where they'd originally started.
By the time you pull onto the driveway, your nerves are shot to shit and your underwear is no longer dry from the expectation and this brought on a whole new meaning to you of what edging was.
The key is barely in the lock when Virgil is behind you, hands pulling at your hips, forcing you backwards and holding you against his swelling cock. There's a slight shift as he bends to kiss your neck and instinctively, you tilt your head to give him better access.
"We're not even inside yet," you tell him, feeling your eyelids growing heavy with each blink becoming harder to open them as his fingers begin to undress you right here on the doorstep. It slips beneath the waistband of your underwear, pushes over your pubic bone and parts your folds. Your hand is fumbling, key struggling to turn as your concentration begins to focus on something else.
"Then open the door," his hand covers yours, turning it and pushing the door open within seconds with such ease, you should feel ashamed from the way your arousal has clouded everything else but you're having a hard time caring about anything but getting some part of this man within one of your holes.
"S-s-sorry," you stammer, eyes rolling into the back of your head as he kicks the door closed and keeps the hand that cups your pussy pressed firmly against you.
"You should be. Making me wait longer to fuck you." He reprimands, pushing you against the nearest wall and standing as close to you as possible so that he can stare down at you, reminding you in one way or another just how small you are compared to him. Realisation of this has your cunt tightening.
"I think you'll find the bus arrived half an hour after I did. It's you that made me wait." You try to make a joke to follow it but one long finger strokes over your soaked hole and teases the entrance with his fingertip, making your eyes close and you buck your hips, almost fucking his singular finger. "Fuuuuck Virg," the words come out as a hiss followed by a pathetic moan.
"Yes baby?"
Your mouth opens to speak but he slips his finger in further while his palm rubs against your clit in such a way you almost see stars from finally feeling some kind of contact after what felt like eternity. Everything about this, considering how eager and impatient he claims to have been leading up to this, is slow and drawn out. His finger works you until each time he pulls his finger back, you can feel your wetness drip from you. He adds a second, the pace now picking up and you're able to hear the lewd sounds of every thrust of them.
"I don't hear what you have to say," he speaks so calmly, it's hard to imagine that he's doing what he's doing.
"Need you." You manage to pant.
"But you're having me." his tone is almost mocking but you don't care.
"no. I need you."
"Use your words baby." he coos at you. "What do you want?"
"Your cock." you circle your hips and whine when both fingers are full within you at your request.
"Where do you want my cock?"
"In me."
"Be more specific."
"In my pussy."
"Yeah? Want me to go upstairs and get a condom?" He asks, eyes searching your face but you can't focus on him right now. Every thought and action your body is capable of doing in this moment is trying to keep you upright and not have your knees giving in.
"No." You say the singular word with such determination it brings a chuckle from him.
"Oh, it's not like you to want me to fuck you raw. What's wrong? Need me to breed you huh?" He doesn't need a reply, your walls clamp around his fingers in such a way, you're almost pushing him back out again with the tightness. "I think you like the sound of that. Me fucking you, barely pulling out so that you have every inch of me inside of you, fucking you until I'm done with you and filling you up. Look at the way you're fucking my fingers baby," he says as he adds a third too easily. "You're taking these too well, it's like you're desperate for my cock. Is that what you want?"
"Then tell me. Tell me you want me to breed you."
"I need it Virg, need you to breed me."
"All you had to do was ask."
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fluff-n-cookies · 10 days
Thinking about yandad Dabi and his child who's now around 9-11 years old. Your writing has absolutely captivated me <3
Dabi starts getting more possessive, more protective, and certainly more assertive. He's your dad, after all—you HAVE to listen to him, no? It's too dangerous to go outside without him keeping an eye on you, you're still so tiny and fragile. He'll be damned if his kid steps foot out of the apartment without his say so, no ifs or buts.
After a long day of setting people on fire and committing various crimes, Dabi just wants to scoop you up into a bone-crushing hug and plop down onto the couch to snuggle his baby, paying no mind to your complaints.
While he's soft and affectionate towards you, it's a completely different story when it comes to others. Dabi is ruthless and aggressive, destroying anyone and anything that may try to take you away–much less harm you. It doesn't matter how small, Dabi will turn it into ashes without remorse. If you somehow figure out about his actions and try to make a run for it? He'd be crushed, obviously–Dabi can't stand the thought of you fearing him. Rest assured, he'd track you down and bring you back home, suffering you in cuddles while scolding you. He's your dad–you need to listen to him.
(Btw sorry about how long this became didn't realize I was ranting)
omg hi???? thank you for gracing me with this masterpiece??? wtf???? (lovingly)
and this is all so fucking true. I plan on making a longer fic on this (sorry to say that I haven't drafted it yet, I'm working on overhaul posts)
but he's so paranoid, so utterly terrified 24/7, he dead bolts all the doors and windows at night and only lets you go outside between 11 AM and 5PM unless it's for school.
speaking of which, he hates them for giving his baby so much homework and taking away from their time together buuttt he genuinely believes you need to get your education, don't skip out on highschool like he did.
and he does this thing, this god awful thing, after dinner, after your daily shower, and after getting you all nice and snuggly for bed and into your cat pajamas. he'll do this thing where he'll hold you tight to his chest while he flicks through the news channel.
now normally this would be fine, perfectly fine, if I weren't for the fact he either goes to true crime channels where they display the horrific acts of villains (himself included) live. he tells you that the world is a horrifying place, that that's how he burned himself, how painful it was, the scorching flames. he doesn't mean to traumatize you, it's just to warn you!
either that, or he'll go to news channels covering endeavor's problems, scandals, recent missions, interviews. please don't ask who that strange man with eyes like yours is. he'll hold you tighter and say in the lightest voice possible. "he's a bad man, don't you dare go near him, he'll hurt you like he hurt me."
don't say anything else after that.
he's just tired, so tired, and you're there, right when he gets home after running "errands". you're his reminder of what he's working towards, this future with no heroes and no pain that he's trying to build. the revenge he longs for and the aftermath where you thrive. really, you're the reason he gets up in the morning these days, the reason he stopped smoking in the house, the reason why there's no more beer in the fridge, only tenderly made lunches that he makes every Sunday to prepare for the week.
you're like this stress ball, this hit of Serotonin and Dopamine and what not. every time you smile he can feel his heart clenching. when he looks at you, he sees the boy he once used to be, happy. you're so happy, so pure.
he refuses to let you go out much, his reasoning being that the world's a terrible place. when you ask what's his job, what he does at "work" every day, he only chuckles.
"Oh baby, I'm trying to makes this world a better place, my job is to try and stop all the bad things from happening. I'm a type of... Freedom fighter, really."
and he so, so, so so so so so so sweet to you. you have never known Dabi, ruthless arsonist and serial killer. you have never known Touya, a boy lost in his own insanity and deprivation of paternal love. both are vicious, people, downright insane. one's a criminal the other's incapable of ever recovering from his own madness and fury.
the only person you know is your Dad, Dad's a nice guy, he plays doll house and dress up with you and watches cartoons with you every morning before school. he lets you wear his jacket when you're cold and left yours at school in your cubby, and he takes you out for donuts or ice cream monthly. sure, he doesn't have money, he can't buy you that many toys and sometimes they turn the light off because he missed too many bills, but he loves you. that's all you need to know.
Dad is a kind person, he's not Dabi or Touya, he's definitely not a hero. he's your dad.
And Dad does the best job of gas-lighting you to hell and back. you want to go outside after 5 or before 11? welp, he's not coming with you, sorry honey, maybe tomorrow. what do you mean you'll go anyway? the boogeyman'll get you! (it's him, he's the boogeyman, he knows you won't last a second out in the real world with your loving father's help and he's going to exploit it the moment you start to show independence.)
but it's very unlikely that Dabi would ever even get the chance to do this when you're 9-11 years old, you know why? because you'll be in Endeavor's custody by then. I refuse to elaborate since then I'll be spoiling the plot of Part 3 and I don't want that.
P.S. you wanna be tagged?
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wosowrites · 1 year
Moose (Jessie Fleming x Reader)
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warnings: none
prompt: in which the reader and jessie play for chelsea and before they leave for the world cup reader makes jessie a crochet moose which becomes the team mascot for canada.
a/n: based off this request here also a super short fic because i’m still broken.
You were not at all a crafty person. Jessie had grown up with a craft room in her house and she liked to paint, draw, and do artsy things to calm herself down like her mother had taught her. When you started dating a year into her contract at Chelsea, her calmness had rubbed off on you. You had always been a stressed out person and moving in with Jessie had made you into a much more relaxed and happy human. You would go on bike rides, hikes, make crafts, paint the house every time you got bored of it and do everything together.
However the only thing you started doing on your own was crocheting. Jessie had tried it but was never big on it, so all the spare yarn in the house went to you. You loved it. You were horrific at it however. Everything turned into little colourful blobs and your creations were constantly either too loose or too messy. That’s why, when you walked into the house one day and pulled out a beautifully crocheted moose with a Canada jersey on, Jessie was baffled.
For the past three weeks, you would escape to a café every day and crochet for about an hour before going back to your girlfriend. Jessie was not a worried person and as madly in love as you both were with each other, spending a small amount of time away from each other every day just made you closer. Some days you would tell her you were grocery shopping, other days it was a meeting with your agent, a hang out with one of your German teammates.
But today, Moose was finally done.
You finished him a week and a half before the departure of the World Cup and you were in Canada with Jessie and her family. It would make it harder to travel all the way back to Germany and then to Australia but you didn’t care. All you wanted was to be girlfriends instead of rivals for as long as possible.
At the dinner table that night, you picked up your glass and straightened up.
"Um, I’m not big on words as you guys have seen by now but I wanna say a couple words," you said.
Jessie’s entire family put down their cutlery and looked up at you. "I’m terrified for this World Cup. Like… horrified. It’s been four years since I’ve played a major tournament so far from you, Jess. The olympics are in one city so we can visit but in Australia… we’re constantly going to be flying around. So… I made Moose," you said.
From under the table, you grabbed a bag and pulled out the knit animal. He had a red and white swear and big old antlers. Jessie’s mouth fell open and a large smile cracked her freckled face. "I’ve been making him for weeks, and he has like… five half knit siblings that went wrong if you want them," Jessie laughed loudly and extended her hand to take the crocheted animal. "Baby… it’s perfect oh my god," she said, smiling down at the animal. "Klara taught me how to make him. That’s why I was always out for an hour or so these past weeks," You said.
Jessie hugged the plushy to her chest and then put it beside her plate. The brunette stood up and walked to behind your chair, wrapping her arms around your neck and squeezing you.
Elysse took a quick picture as Jessie’s parents raved over your new talent.
Over the next couple weeks, Jessie was seen carrying Moose during press, in the bus, around the city, at training, everywhere. She always had Moose. And if she didn’t, she had entrusted Christine Sabrina, or anyone else on the clamer side to take care of the little mascot.
After Canadas 2-1 win over Ireland, Jessie was interviewed and eventually, the subject of Moose came up.
"Is that a moose?" the woman asked, looking down at the plushie tucked under Jessie’s arm. The camera followed the reporters eyes and then went back up to the Canadian. "Yeah it is," she laughed shyly, holding up the mascot. "Is there a story benne that? I mean it’s been showing up everywhere. "There is, yeah. My… uh my girlfriend made it for me. She’s at the world cup and her friend taught her how to make it for me. We won’t be seeing each other for a while depending on how the games go so she said she wanted me to have a piece of her. It’s cute, and I didn’t think she was this artsy so it caught me by surprise for sure," Jessie said, shyly and gently.
The reporter awed over Jessie’s story but the midfielders brain was just full of images of you. She missed you so much.
That night, she called you and the whole Canadian team joined the call behind the vice- captain, thanking you for the mascot.
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thisismeracing · 1 year
Part of your world | LH44
Pairing: lewis hamilton x actress!reader (she/her)
Warnings: curse words, Twitter environment, it’s not proofread, etc, etc. Minors DNI!
Summary: What happens when Lewis goes to the theater with his nephews and realizes he now has a new favorite Disney movie. The princess? Ynl Yln and she’s definitely fairytale-worthy outside the screens as well.
a/n: none of the pictures used are mine, they are all from Pinterest and other apps. everything else is made up by me and I do not give permission for it to be published on a different platform. I would appreciate it if those things could be taken into consideration 💛
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liked by lewishamilton, disney, and others
yourusername I can't believe this press tour coming to an end :( A huge thank you to everyone involved. It was great working with you guys, from filming to singing and interviewing.
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royaltyyln omg, I still don't know which dress was my favorite, but this white one is def between the top 3
lewishamilton woah! 😍
⤷ hammertime8 shooting his shot
disney 😍🧜🏾‍♀️💙
user01 I just watched the movie and Istg I cried the whole time, my whole childhood on screen. Yn did a great job
mermaidyn I have an eight years old sister and she's so excited to watch the movie, we cried during the trailer. I can't stress how much it means to us to have a black princess on screen, I am glad my sister is growing up with these examples, and I'm happy I'm still around to watch all these events unfold. Really proud 🤧❤️
user90 Everything on this live-action was on point! From the soundtrack to the cast, absolutely perfect
sainzspain I am so ready to see Yn and Lewis interacting 😌🤌🏾
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liked by pierregasly, lewishamilton, and others
yourusername camera roll reveal 🫶🏾
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summertimeyn soft launching, I see
⤷ ynbrasil she thinks she's lick, everyone knows its lewis lol
russelular bro, every time she posts I am reminded of the fact that she is stunning, what should one do to look this pretty?
⤷ user3 for me, only being born again lmao 😭🤣
driverslicensef1 lewis lurking on the likes
fortyfourfone Pierre Gasly liked it 🧐
mickshoes @.disney please, a movie where Yn is the princess and Lewis Hamilton the prince, y'all owning us a live-action from the princess and the frog btw, just saying 👀
flawlessyn Yn is my religion 😭💖💖
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liked by alex_albon, yourusername, and others
lewishamilton we’re all about winning…and making lovely memories along the way 💚
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yourusername cute
⤷ lewishamilton 😌😝❤️
eliteleclerc I am so happy for them
rainytracks can you imagine being born as yn yln and dating lewis hamilton???????
ynwinter God, I've seen what you've done for others 🙏🏾
estebanocon Congrats, guys!
⤷ yourusername thank you, estie bestie! 🥰
lewyn They look so happy, when will it be my turn?
hitsdifferent not yn all cautious not to spill it was lewis, and lewis saying "fuck soft launch, here's my princess" lol
arielyln wish I could beeee part of this worldddd 😭
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taglist: @sachaa-ff @mickslover @formulakay3 @mishaandthebrits @iloveyou3000morgan @crimeshowjunkie
💖 Don't forget to like, reblog and/or leave a comment letting me know if you liked it *mwah* your interaction means a lot not only because it motivates me, but because it spreads my work and gives me more visibility (especially when you reblog 🥰🤍)
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queen-of-reptiles · 10 months
description: In which Denmark's star girl in swimming has always been very outgoing, which has always made her so popular, especially when she talks about her crushes...
sofia lundgaard x female reader
disclaimer: I am in now way saying sofia is bi-sexual or lesbian, this is all fiction
warnings: language, bad google translation, also just fluff
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y/n just posted on her story
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"Hi y/n, welcome to London!" Marie, the interviewer said.
"Thank you! I am really enjoying looking around." y/n said smiling, her bright smile as sweet as always as they got straight into the interview.
"Well, obviously you are wonderous, three golds at the Worlds already this year, I mean being 19 and so talented, what is that like?" Marie asked.
"Very, very stressful." y/n said with a laugh and the group watching her laughed a little too.
"I bet." Marie nodded.
"I think also, because I am naturally quite a happy person, it seems to have shown during interviews and cameras so now I feel like I cannot be angry or upset, because everyone expects something else from me." y/n explained and Marie nodded.
The interview continued for a bit, until Marie got to her final section, smiling at the young girl who hadn't stopped making the room chuckle since she stepped foot in it.
"And finally, we know you are a big football fan, you have talked about it a lot, who is your favourite player?" Marie asks.
"I think that such a hard question because I like so many players for so many reasons, but I mean Sofie Lundgaard, she's fantastic. Also, pretty, Sofie, I'm single." y/n said.
She looked toward the second camera as she spoke, making everyone laugh again before the interview wrapped up.
"Oh my! She knows who I am?" Sofie asks as she looks up from the video, tearing her eyes from the stunning girl as Rachel snorted, used to the Danish girl's obsession with the swimmer.
"Yep." Yana grins, popping the 'p' with her lips.
"Great, she'll be unbearable now." Missy sighs as the group walk out to warm up on the pitch, Sofie stuck her tongue out at her friend, leaving over to push her when Yana spat out some water.
Both Missy and Sofie shrieked, jumping out of the way but Yana was focussed on something in the stands, and when Sofie and Missy turned they both gasped.
y/n was sat happily in the stands, talking to one of her friends who must have come over from Denmark with her for the few days of interviews she had.
Sofie's eyes had doubled in size as she took in the gorgeous girl, smooth skin and sweet dimples which had appeared as she threw her head back, laughing at her friend.
"Come on love bird." Missy sighed and Sofie tore her eyes away as they began to run.
username1: is anyone at the Liverpool women game rn cause Sofie just looked at y/n like she was an angel and I am freaking out because of it
username2: AND THEY WAY y/n is looking at her? Like she's so amazing... I am going to cry this is so cute
username3: AND AFTER Y/N'S INTERVIEW??????
username4: Sofie better shoot her shot, or I will do it for her!
username5: We don't know if Sofie is even into it though???
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y/n just posted
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liked by, sofiielundgaard, daniels_yana and 398, 279 others
tagged liverpoolwfc and y/f/n
y/n just one chance, please...
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username2: no shame
daniels_yana: @sofiielundgaard...
username3: Sofie was a bit quick to like there
username4: y/n is so cute omg 😭😍😍
username5: the way she was cheering in game was so cute i wanted to cry !!!
username6: I spoke to her during half-time and SHE WAS SO SWEET and gave me some gum! 🥹
username7: not even trying to hide it! 😭
y/f/n: she cried when we got back to the hotel, she was too excited...
y/n: stfu 😑
liverpoolwfc: Thank you for your support! Loved having you!! ❤️
y/n: Thanks for the invite! ❤️
username8: Liverpool admin tryna love island it up???
sofiielundgaard: Tak for din støtte! Helt sikkert hjulpet!
thanks for your support! Definitely helped!
y/n: elskede at se jer alle!
loved watching you all
sofiielundgaard: xxx
username9: OMG
username10: this girl forgets she is a public figure and I love it so much 😂
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y/n just posted on her story
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Sofie sat laughing with her teammate Yana as they answered questions for an interview which would go on the Youtube channel, Yana grinning evilly when asked what Sofie liked to watch as a test of their friendship.
"Sofie here is really into her swimming, you, patriot for Denmark and all that." Yana grins. "Though, with how many competitions of a certain Denmark swimmer she watches, I don't know... Maybe it's not the swimming." Yana hums.
"Shut up!" Sofie hisses but the crew had already begun to laugh, causing Sofie to groan and throw her head against the table with a thump.
Yana grins evilly at the camera before feeling a little bad for the blonde and rubbing her back kindly as Sofie leans back up and sighs.
"What can I say? I love my home country." She hums and this again causes everyone to burst out laughing.
username1: The way this plot thickens with every turn!
username2: Sofie admitting she likes watching swimming then Yana being an angel and spilling the true tea
username3: loveeeee Yana sm omg 😍😂
username4: I did feel bad for Sofie though, she looked so embarrassed 😩
username5: yeah same...
username6: She will have let them put that in tho, like they would have removed it if she really wanted
username5: VERYYYYY true 😶
username7: omg that is such a good point!!
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y/n took a deep breath in, her limbs weightless as they floated around her, the swimmer took another deep breath before pushing of the wall and beginning to swim down toward the other side.
The pool she had found was not busy, maybe because it was half six on a Sunday morning. But y/n could never go a few days without swimming, the water was more home than ground was.
y/n did several lengths before she came to a stop, head popping up before she pushed herself underneath the water, using the side to hold her underneath.
The world quietened and blurred above her, the water for that minute, kept her safe. However, she hadn't taken a deep enough breath for longer than a minute and a half, and so pushed herself back up and to sit on the side.
y/n sat quietly, regulating her breath once more as she watched her feet in the water, her braided hair now heavy against her suit clad back.
It was only after a minute, did y/n realise she was no longer alone. She turned her head, looking in the next lane, where to her surprise, Sofie Lundgaard was, head lent back and eyes shut as she floated for a moment in the water.
Her muscled shoulder tensed as she kept herself afloat, and y/n suddenly felt very hot as she lowered herself back into the water to try and ignore the woman beside her.
"Ingen er her normalt på dette tidspunkt." Sofie hummed as she looked back up.
no one is usually here at this time.
"Jeg bliver stort set sindssyg, hvis jeg ikke svømmer i et par dage." y/n admitted with a soft laugh.
I pretty much go insane if I don't swim for a few days.
"Really?" Sofie asked, not overly aware she had slipped into English.
"Yeah, more at home in the water than on land mum used to say." y/n smiled softly relaxing back, her eyes darted up to the clock, showing 6:48.
Sofie and y/n didn't talk much for the new few minutes, an occasional comment or question with an answer would be thrown, but for a bit they just swam side by side, enjoying the feeling of one another's company.
When the clock hit 7:30, y/n sighed and slid up the pool side. Sofie gulped and looked away from the muscled arms which tensed as they pushed y/n from the water.
y/n smiled at Sofie, nodding as she grabbed her towel and walked toward the changing rooms, but as she went to leave the room she changed her mind.
"Would you like to get breakfast?" y/n asked as she turned to face Sofie.
"Thought you would never ask." The blonde grinned and pushed herself out of the water as well.
y/n just posted on their story
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sofiielundgaard just posted on her story
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y/n hummed as she prepared for her final race of the day, it was just a friendly, Denmark's best against each other, but that did not mean she was not prepared.
She had gotten back to Denmark a week ago, after spending three weeks in London, a trip which had lengthened for no specific reason.
She heard the call, the shot and then she dived as soon as she hit the water, y/n knew, she knew she had won, because she was away suddenly.
She pulled ahead, a good few strokes from everyone else, she turned and pushed again, knowing this one was only two lengths. Which after a week of long racing was nice to think.
She pulled ahead further, the commentator shocked as anything as she slammed her hand on the wall, sighing in relief as she pulled herself up, shocked at the way her coach had paused.
"Hvad?" She asked him.
"Hvad?" She asked again, pulling a towel around her body to keep her warm. Her coach just turned her body and pointed to two letters next to her name.
Danish Record.
y/n let out a yell of shock, her fellow swimmers running over to congratulate her as she slammed her hand over her mouth, eyes trying to find someone, who once they had been found grinned wildly.
y/n grinned back, looking briefly at the pool before grabbing her coach and fellow swimmers, the group all jumping in, her coach slightly begrudgingly.
Breaking records was something y/n had been doing from the age of 14, and every time she did, she would jump into the pool. But y/n had just been thrown into today's race as a back up, almost as a joke.
Because breaststroke was not her stroke, but she had somehow just broken a Danish record with it. How? She didn't know nor care as she and her fellow swimmers sunk into the waves of blue, being watched by a very proud blonde.
y/n just posted
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tagged sofiielundgaard
y/n note to self, always go for half six swimming sessions...
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sofiielundgaard just posted
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liked by, daniels_yana, y/n and 218, 736 others
tagged y/n
sofiielundgaard You know, I don't think I watch swimming for the sport... 🤷‍♀️
comments disabled.
username2: 'I don't think I watch swimming for the sport' hahahahah 😂
username3: FUCK YESSSSSS
username4: I feel like we have Yana to thank for this.
daniels_yana: You do 😌
username5: OMG
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kay bois, struggled with this one, won't lie - so what do you we think???
love ya'll!
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akookminsupporter · 2 years
Namjoon gave a good interview to Vogue Spain and in it he said a few things that I thought I'd share with those of you who may not understand Spanish.
This was at the end of the article but I want to write it first:
One thing that needs to be made clear about this album is that, no matter how much the rumour mill is trying to spin it, it is by no means the end of the successful band. "Oh, I'm not leaving BTS. Absolutely not. This is the first time I'm launching a solo project like this, so I'm trying to stand up and take my first steps. But I'm ambitious and I have willpower. So I don't want to miss the opportunity to do both. So I will try my best not to lose control and steer these two ships at the same time. A lot of bands split up and fall apart, but I hope that doesn't happen to BTS. I just love the music, I love my job, I love the band members and I love myself. If I can keep both projects going, I think it can be something legendary in the long run".
Other important parts of the article:
"The k-pop industry hasn't stopped growing since we debuted with BTS [in 2013]. It's become a lot more complex and has brought a lot more people into its structures. I think there are a lot of lights, but also some slippery shadows. Many of us started our careers very early as a group: we slept and lived together as teenagers. We became a real family, which is great, but this culture has also affected me a lot, because sometimes I find it difficult to be treated as an adult who has autonomy in his decisions. I'm perceived as just another cog in the crew, in the context of a mass phenomenon",
Did you ever feel like you were getting completely lost in this delirium of success? "I used to think so, but the funny thing is that I am fully aware that it was my own choice to devote myself to the k-pop industry. Nobody pushed me into it. But yes, I have lost myself at times. Although perhaps saying this is an excess of 'self-empathy'. There is no answer. Except that, if k-pop is about recharging the batteries of a mass audience and I'm responsible for doing that recharging, then I have to keep my feet firmly on the ground. As an adult, as a musician and as a human being. And these ten years of my career have helped me define who I am and learn to love myself. But I'm still in that process, you know? All these internal struggles will be recorded on records and videos," he explains.
"Music is really necessary for the world, but, when it comes to my music, sometimes I feel like I'm producing something unnecessary. If I were to die tonight, I don't think anything would change. It might matter to some people for a while, but a farmer or a street sweeper is more relevant to the functioning of society. When I ask myself about the role of our generation in historical terms, when I look at all the digital platforms and communities out there, I am overcome with confusion. There are a lot of people who don't want to think. They have frenetic lives and turn to music or television to escape, so the last thing they want is someone trying to lecture them from a pedestal. In that context, I wonder how I can make my music matter. I haven't found an answer yet, but I keep trying to bring my own perspective to it.
As to whether he is afraid that the army he has on Instagram (42.4 million followers) might one day turn against him for a silly mistake or a blunder, RM answers bluntly. "Yes, it scares me. It scares me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When I was younger I tried to come across as a cool guy who doesn't give a shit what other people think, but I don't think that's right anymore. I care about the publicity dimension of my career and the influence I can have on others. It stresses me out, yes, but I think I can handle it. That's why I don't retire or do things like go out and drink the night away and then drive drunk. I'm human, I can make mistakes, but I will do everything in my power to be the best version of myself. One of the keys is to treat this job for what it is: a job. I don't think artists have any special rights or status.
Note: if you would like me to translate another part of the interview, let me know.
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woozvc · 1 year
notice you
1.0 (season finale)
word count - 1.8k ish
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you keep your phone down for a while. me and vernon replays in your head. maybe it's the stress from the interview being released or maybe it's something else, suddenly you're laying in bed like a motionless doll staring at the ceiling. events from your meet up with vernon replay in your head.
how when he saw u walk over to him he broke out in the biggest smile ever. how he didn't immediately hand you your wallet, instead took his time to ask how you were and if you had eaten. when you said no he responded
" I know a place nearby let's go"
"oh it's okay we don't have to I've already made u come all the way here just to give me my wallet"
"I want to hang out with you let's go"
I want to hang out with you. he wanted to spend time with you with or without the wallet. but surely it didn't mean much?
you guys stop by a nearby cafe, it's small with no one around. the smell of freshly made ramen fills your nose as u remember you hadn't eaten at all.
both of you sit down and make small talk about life, goals, the future and what not. vernon is genuine in his answers, that's something you admired about him since the first time you both met.
admire, that's the word u use when u see vernon.
admiration fills your eyes when he talks about his love for music and his passion.music has been your life goal since forever, and you wouldn't give up being an idol for anything. it was nice knowing that someone you look upto also feels the same. it felt comforting that he also felt the effect of music.
admire, that's the word you use for vernon when he offers to take a walk around the river after you finish eating.
he's a bit awkward, it's very evident. both of you clueless as to if this is okay, adrenaline pumping in your blood at the thought of being caught. but for some reason you didn't care, not when you're with him.walking around with him felt natural, something about him feels familiar, it feels comfortable.
admire, the word both of you use when you finally say goodbye.
it's around midnight and the river area is getting crowded with college kids having picnics with their friends. that's when you both decide to head home. it's comfortable, but there's a feeling of longing. you want to stay there with him but you know u can't. "I'll see you around" leaves your lips as u walk away, clutching your wallet in your hand.
admire, that's the word vernon used for you when he saw you debut showcase for the first time on his YouTube for you page.
he was bored, he has nothing else to do. autoplay helped though, he heard an unfamiliar melody fill his ears and suddenly he was watching all your videos on your channel for the next 2 hours.
admire, the word vernon uses to hide the fact he didn't just notce you, he admired you.
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"sometimes things are better left unsaid" you both think as you turn your phones off, last texts never getting sent.
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synopsis - you get invited to your first MAMA awards after debuting as a soloist. a dream come true for u. your fans are ecstatic but they can't help but notice how this one idol keeps stealing glances at u......and you can't ignore it either.
pairing — vernon x gn!reader
genre/s — smau, idol au, fluff, minor angst
warnings — a lot of cursing
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note — Y'ALL I'M SORRY FOR MAKING THE FINALE SO ANGSTY BUT I PROMISE SEASON 2 WILL BE BETTER PLEASE FORGIVE ME. but yes omg we finally ended season 1!! I didn't know this series would blow up as much as it did and I'm so grateful. this series will be on hold for a while, I'll focus on my other series which is coming up and more one shots but this WILL RETURN!! thank you for loving notice you as much as I do <3
anyways as always id love to know your thoughts on this chapter!
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@spilled-coffee-cup @atinytinaa @matchahyuck @wonwoos-wineparty @kawennote09 @weird-bookworm @idkwwhatimmdoiing
@maiamorrrrrrrrrrrr @thehao8 @blurryriki @atinytinaa @delicatewinterenthusiast @stqrrgirle @cloelinnnnn @sp1ng @venusprada @hellohannie
@ddokye @jeonghansshitester @cienlvrs @vernyangel @thefroggybazaar @wondering-out-loud @mxnhoeuwu @ahuihoeeee
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jangofettjamz · 10 months
Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader
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Summary: Your were nervous about going to the Scream 6 premiere, but it turned out to be a lot of fun... until it wasn't.
Words: 1993
3rd Person POV
The premiere for scream 6 was but a few hours away. Tensions rose as Y/N tried to prepare himself for the event, despite being an actor he has very secluded and did not enjoy the limelight as much as his fellow peers.
He had been trying to muster up the courage to become more socially involved in his work such as: going to interviews, late night shows, going to dinner with directors etc. Unfortunately, It just seemed for too difficult.
However, this time was different. He was going to try this time; to attend a premiere. He knew this would be no easy feat, the camera flashes alone would overstimulate him into madness but he was determined, scared but determined nonetheless.
His girlfriend and co-star, Jenna Ortega has been helping him to confront his fear of social interaction through love and support. She had studied his language and helped him navigate in a world that didn't understand him.
Y/N has also made a life long friend in Mikey Madison, who also happened to be close with Jenna. Though she never was on the set of scream 6 due to her character dying in the previous film, she remained close with the cast and crew and treated him as an equal.
Y/N, although adamant in his choice to attend the premiere, was still absolutely terrified at the thought of hundreds of people in one space wanting him to sign autographs, take photos and pose on the red carpet. It made him feel ill.
Jenna was his shield from everything. She promised to protect him from the cameras, should he not want his photo taken. She promised to protect him from the hyper fans who have little regard for personal space.
"Alright sweetie, I've got all your stuff in my bag: stim toys, plushie and snacks if you need one. If you need a break or want to leave just tell me, your comfort is my number one priority."
One problem; Jenna didn't pack the headphones and Y/N was too stressed to even remember them aswell. The noise would likely send Y/N spiralling.
"Jenna how many people are gonna be there?"
"Atleast a thousand people honey" she says sadly knowing that this was going to be tough for Y/N.
"We don't have to go you know, we can just chill here for the night." She suggests not really thinking of the consequences that could have on her career.
"Wouldn't you get in trouble?" Y/N asks but imm receives an answer.
"I don't care, as long as your comfortable it's worth it" she states making Y/N feels warm inside, like a scarf wrapping him up in the cold winter but on the inside.
"It'll be fine Jen', we're all ready to go now anyway so there's no point in backing out now." He reassures making her form a toothy smile.
"Besides I know how much this movie means to you and I wanna make you happy aswell." She approached him with loving intent.
She placed a hand on his cheek. "Can i kiss you?" She asked, knowing he doesn't like spontaneous kisses without permission. He nods and she kisses him lovingly which he reciprocates, light pink blush painting his cheeks.
Their private car soon arrived and they made their way to premiere. Y/N was on edge, he wasn't as excited so much as he was nervous.
Jenna held his hand rubbing soothing circles with her thumb and he put his head on her shoulder as she held him tight around his waist for the rest of the car journey.
The premiere was more packed than usual, containing around 2230 people; far more than they anticipated. The movie drew more hype than Y/N and Jenna thought possible, some just there to see Jenna.
This troubled Y/N, yes he had prepared to undertake an entire crowd but not to this extent. Jenna could sense his fear as if she was some sort of telepath and held his hand tight.
He started to stim by clicking him fingers and tapping him knees, though seemed futile as the feeling of overstimulation didn't seem to falter.
"Y/N/N, do you need your stim toys?" He nodded violently, starting to sweat as the noises from outside became more irritable.
She grabbed a fidget cube for him to play with for as long as he needed until they had to walk onto the red carpet. He slowly leaned back into her shoulder and she held him tightly again, placing feather light kisses on his scalp.
"Remember, we can always leave if you want." She reminded him wanting to make feel as safe as possible.
"I'm gonna be with you the entire time okay, Mikey's gonna be there too and she'll protect you aswell; we both will I promise." He nodded and took deep breaths while Jenna rubbed soothing circles on his back.
He took one final deep breaths before opening the door of the car and out into wilderness of: fans, paparazzi, reporters and fellow actors. He was gonna hate this.
He instantly grabbed a hold of Jenna's hand and she squeezed tightly letting him know that she's there. Fans wanted to Jenna to sign stuff for them, but she made it a point that she's putting his comfort first, much to their dismay.
"Let's go find the others okay, I heard Jack's here aswell and I know how much you two get along." Jack Quaid visited set often in vancouver when he wasn't Filming for The Boys and the two of them clicked because of their shared nerdiness.
Jenna and Y/N made their way up the red carpet and were called for an interview by Vanity Fair. Y/N considered his options, he could either do this interview with Jenna by his side and be extremely uncomfortable or walk away and still be extremely uncomfortable. The choices were negligible so he figured he'd do the interview.
They walked hand in hand over to the interviewer for Vanity Fair. "Well hello you two, how are feeling about tonight's premiere." She started
Jenna was the first to respond. "I'm so excited, I can't wait for everyone to see this film we worked so hard on it and I think fans are gonna be very satisfied with what we've created." She says smiling.
"Y/N L/N so lovely to see you at the premiere, how was filming with veteran talent like Courtney Cox and Hayden Panettiere?"
He answers "They're very lovely people and easy to work with too. This film project is probably my favourite one I've done thus far." The interviewer asked more questions before promptly ending the interview.
"It was very lovely speaking to you two, congratulations on the movie." Jenna looks at Y/N with a proud look on her face which made Y/N's heart do cartwheels.
She cups his face making eye contact with him. "You did so well Y/N, I'm so proud of you for getting through that interview. You should be proud of yourself too."
Y/N kisses her on the cheek thankful for her words of encouragement, he felt elated on this new found confidence, he wanted to do more and that's exactly what he did.
"Y/N/N!!!" He heard and he saw Mikey and immediately tackled her into a hug. She had become a very good friend to him.
"I'm so glad you came, you having fun?" She asked and he was indeed having a good time.
"Yeah you know what, I think I am having fun." He said with a wide grin.
Everything went great, he did more interviews, conversed with his co-stars and even took a few pictures with fans. He was having a good time... until he wasn't.
The next interview he did was with Fox News and they did not hold back on their questions. He and Jenna both went up to talk with them.
"Hello Miss Ortega and Mr L/N, how's you're evening?" she starts "It's going great, we're having a wonderful night" Y/N answers with tremendous enthusiasm, which will be snuffed out soon.
"Y/N is it true you have spaz attacks when people are screaming on set?" He was confused, Jenna was pissed.
"I'm sorry?" He says politely but still confused. "We heard that you have spaz attacks on set, it would be really unprofessional if you did you know." Now he was annoyed "spaz attacks" who does she think she is?
"I don't have meltdowns on set, or "spaz attacks" as you call them when people scream on set. The screaming is on script so why would I complain? Has anyone ever told you you're extremely unprofessional and terrible at your job?" He says, his voiced laced with venom.
Jenna snickered, she was proud of him for taking a stand for himself, plus she thought is was hot. But that confidence soon faded.
The interviewer says under her breath "Yeah well atleast I'm not a retarded spaz like you" just low enough for the camera's not to pick up but Y/N and Jenna heard it well. Jenna was PISSED.
Suddenly Y/N felt his confidence diminish, the voices around him became louder, the camera flashes became more irritable, creating spots in his vision. He could practically hear all the clicks and cracks coming from each of the cameras as they snap photos.
The colors around him became more and more irritable to look at; too bright so he clamped his eyes shut. The voices and music hammered his ears drums, he held his hands to his ears and started to hyperventilate, thoat closing up in the process. He was having a meltdown.
Jenna saw this and instantly whisked him away from the crowd and into the theatre, they found a quiet corner and begun their techniques. She searched through her bags only to find that his headphones weren't there, he started to panic.
He babbled uncontrollably, he needed his headphones to block the noise. She pulled out her headphones that she carried with her 24/7 and moved his hands and put them over his head; noise cancelling too so that helped.
Once she put her headphones on his head she began to speak. "Honey, can I hold you?" She says, her voice quiet and muffled due to the headphones but he nodded nonetheless.
"We're gonna rock okay?" She says and he nods they begin to sway side to side. His head was in her chest and her head on the top of his, she was his safe space and he was so thankful.
After a few minutes he took the headphones off, but was still feeling non-verbal. Jenna continued her rocking as she began to speak.
"What she said was bullshit, you know that don't you?" He shrugged in response. "Sweetie, you're not a spaz or retarded or whatever horrible words she called you, she's just a bitch and she will be dealt with, believe me."
He nodded against her chest. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that, buddy. I hope you didn't regret coming here." He shook his head, he didn't regret it and he had fun.
She pulled something out of her bag. "Here, I've got your ghostface plush. You wanna take him with you while we watch the film?" He nodded and they made their way into the screening.
They sat down and Y/N put his head on her shoulder as she stroked his hair to keep him regulated, keeping a vice grip around his body as they watched their new movie.
In moments like these he felt safest, like no could hurt him as his girlfriend shields him from all the bad things in the world. It felt like home. She felt like home.
Despite everything that just happened, he was very happy.
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