#which ended up tickling Peri
justalilgiddybibs · 11 days
Making fake FOPANW episode concepts because I can
For these I'm gonna be latching onto @mythica0's (sorry if you didn't wanna be tagged!) storyline because I absolutely adore it. Basically it's a title, synopsis, and basic plot concept. Also all of them are tickle-related. Also also I'll be happy to take some requests for these!
Wild Wishbug
Synopsis: Peri's having trouble granting Dev's wishes- all because of a tiny tickly wishbug!
So the episode starts out at Dev's place as Dev wakes up to Peri zooming around in the air, giggling his head off and kicking his feet for seemingly no reason. When Dev asks about it after Peri had calmed down a bit, the latter explains that a wishbug (yay new concept!!!) had likely made its way into his system. He then goes into detail about what a wishbug is: A small, magical little bug that finds a fairy godparent and feeds off its magic- which gives a buzzy and very tickly feeling to said fairy, making it extremely difficult if not impossible for them to grant wishes. Peri had tried magicking it out in desperation (rookie mistake), but ended up subjecting himself to a relentless tickle attack from the wishbug.
Thank goodness it's Sunday. But the Fairy Friend Group is coming over today to play video games! How will the duo get the wishbug out of Peri?
The two try multiple tactics- basically starving it by not doing anything (which worked until Dev basically forgot and accidentally made a wish), Trying to overfeed it by casting a bunch of wishes (that goes about as well as you think- Peri doesn't last long before getting too overwhelmed by the tickly feelings), and even trying to tickle it out (Dev actually just resorts to tickling Peri himself, which does nothing). They make zero progress.
By this time their friends have arrived, and the duo try their best to keep it a secret until Dev slips up again. He then explains things to everyone else, while Peri is at an all-time high in his giggle fits. Hazel asks if Cosmo and Wanda would be able to wish it out, to which Wanda replies:
"Well, yes, we could wish out the wishbug, but it's easier to just wait till it gets its fill."
“Ugh, that's gonna take so longggg! And I wanna make wishes now!"
“And honehestly, I don’t knohow how much longer I can take thihis…”
So Hazel wishes out the wishbug from Peri, and all seems well- until they realize the pesky bug is still lurking around, and ends up giving everyone else their own share of giggles as revenge for keeping it away from an easy snack- but then simply poofs away, never to be seen again.
Hold on. Why is Cosmo still giggling?
OKAY AND THAT’S GONNA DO IT FOR THIS ONE! Gonna be honest I made this on the spot but it turned out to be a really cool concept! If anyone wants to expand on this as a whole or just the concept of the wishbug itself, go right ahead- Just credit me!
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mythica0 · 26 days
A whosamawhatsit?
🎂: Fop; a new wish
🍫: Peri
Summary: Dev gets his first ever lee mood. He is confused.
A/N: yes I’m writing lee dev ler peri again, what it to ya! This fic takes place after the other two I wrote, I kinda got a timeline going. Also I hope someone gets my title 🙏 (btw it’s pronounced who’s-a-muh-what’s-it) I’m not super happy with the ending but eh.
(P.S I got so flustered writing this. Also, Beta read by @randommusicalfluff!)
A whosamawhatsit?
Dev felt strange.
As soon as he woke up, he felt… odd. In a way he couldn’t quite place.
His whole body was buzzing, he felt like he was a soda can that had been shaken. He felt light and airy, and almost bouncy?
He was also in a better mood than usual? He didn’t know why he was just… less meh. He actually woke up and smiled.
He stretched and got dressed, having an Au-pair bring him a donut for breakfast.
“Hey kid, G’morning!”
Dev looked up at Peri and smiled, giving him a small wave. “Good morning, Peri!”
Peri sensed something. He didn’t say anything. He wanted to be sure.
“Well someone’s chipper this morning!”
Dev hesitated and smiled. “Yeah.. guess I am!” Dev was confused. He felt so… odd. He felt like he wanted.. something? What was it…
The rest of the school day went as normal, but the whole time Dev was contemplating and confused. He noticed more as the day went on.. he found things funnier than he usually did, felt a need for physical contact. And that bubbly, fizzing feeling in his stomach grew, along with to a sense of longing. If only he could figure out what he wanted!
Peri observed throughout the day. His sense had never been wrong before, and it was blaring! This kid had a lee mood, he just knew it. Time to have a little chat!
After Dev and Peri had arrived back at the mansion, and entered Dev’s room, Peri started the conversation.
“So, Dev, how are you feeling?”
Dev looked up. “Hmm? Oh, I feel great, thanks for asking!” He answered genuinely, smiling.
“That’s good! But I meant.. feel any different than usual?”
Dev didn’t know how Peri knew, but he replied honestly anyway.
“Actually, yeah.”
“Hmmm, how so?”
“Well.. I’ve felt like.. buzzy? All day. Also pretty light. I’ve found things funnier than usual… and a sense of … longing? But I can’t figure out what it is that I’m longing for.”
“Ahh, my sensors never fail!” Dev looked confused. “Worry not, kid, for I know exactly what you want.”
“How do you know what I want when I don’t?”
“Well, you’re in a lee mood! And I always know when someone’s in a lee mood.”
“A.. whosamawhatsit?”
“Oh yeah you don’t know what that is, do you?”
Dev shook his head, intrigued and listening but also very confused.
“Well, A lee mood is when someone wants to be tickled!” Immediately Dev’s face burned as he realized that.. yup, that was what that sense of longing was about. “It often comes with buzzing or tingling sensations and a chipper attitude, which you have been displaying!”
Dev blinked, and let out a flustered, “….huh.”
“Sooooo?” Peri drawled, teasingly.
“So- what?” Deb responded, an eyebrow raised.
“Do you want me to tickle you?” Peri said, so casually, as if discussing the weather.
Dev blushed even more. “Uh- I- ummm-“ he didn’t quite know how to respond. He did. But he didn’t wanna say that! That’s embarrassing!
“I’m not hearing a no~”
Dev continued to stammer embarrassedly.
“Don’t worry, I won’t make ya say it!” Peri teased, pulling dev into a hold. Dev covered his red face with both hands.
Peri smiled and started scribbling against the kids ribs, causing his joyous giggles to pour from him.
“Are you gonna uncover your face so I can see your precious smile~”
“Oh, really~ are you suuureee~”
Dev mustered some false confidence. “Ye-yeahahahah!”
“Alright then, guess I’ll just have to make you.”
Right after he finished his sentence, Peri shot up to Dev’s underarms, digging with just enough pressure to really tickle.
Out of instinct, Dev’s arms shot down.
“Aww, too bad~ where’d all that stubbornness go?”
“I Cahahahahant hehehehehehelp ihihit!! Ehehahhaha!”
“Well, if you’re gonna try to be all stubborn then you should probably work on that.”
“Eehahahhaahahaaa! Gehehehet ouhohohout ohohohof thehehehre!!!”
Peri pouted sarcastically. “I can’t~ my hands are stuck~”
“Nohohoho thehehey ahahahrehehent yohohou liahahahar!”
Peri made a fake attempt to remove his hands, before once again teasing, “see? They won’t budge! Guess I’ll just have to stay here and tickle and tickle and tickle for the rest of time!”
“Nohohohoho!! Gohoho sohohomwhehehere ehehehelse!!
“Oh, so you don’t want me to stop? You just want me to go somewhere else? And why is that, this a bad spot~?” The lilt in his voice made Dev’s face go even darker than it was.
“Nohohohoho! Eheheheee!” Dev was kicking lightly, unable to stop the happy laughter and energy that flowed through his whole body.
“No? That’s not why? Hmm… is it because you want me to tickle your little tummy? Is that why? Does this cute little tummy want some of the tickly tickly tickles?”
Dev blushed even harder(somehow) and continued to kick lightly and giggle. But he didn’t deny it.
“Oh~~? No denial?? That must be it, then huh~”
“Eeeehehehehahaha! Dohohohohooonttt!” Dev whined through his bubbly giggles.
“Oh~ so you don’t want me to tickle your little belly? You don’t want me to make you feel all giggly and happy from the tummy tickles?”
Dev just whined again, laughter never stopping, smile never leaving his face.
“No? You do? Well, then why’d you say ‘don’t’ hmm? If you do want me to tickle your tummy, then don’t what?”
“Nohohoho tehehehaseihihing!!”
“Aww, I’m afraid I can’t do that~ teasing is part of the fun!”
Dev just giggled some more.
“Well~ if you want me to tickle tickle tickle that little tummy of yours, you’re gonna have to move your arms. I’m still stuck!”
“Ihihihi cahahahahant!!
“Well then, why don’t I help you out~” Peri kept tickling with his right hand, but took his left and pulled Dev’s arms up over his head, with no protest. He held them there for just a moment, before digging into Dev’s oh so ticklish tummy.
Dev’s giggles grew bigger, renewed by the change in sensation.
Dev couldn’t and wouldn’t say it out loud, but he was having the time of his life. The ticklish jolts sending through his stomach to the rest of his body, making him laugh and smile and kick joyfully. Forcing him to be happy, forcing him to giggle and laugh brightly. At some point he had tears of joy forming in his eyes.
He was so happy right now, and that made him embarrassed.
After a good few minutes off the tickles, Peri stopped, sensing that the kid had had enough.
He poofed up some water for him, encouraging him to drink slowly.
Dev giggled for a while, breathing heavily, trying to brush away left over tickles. He drank the water, let his face cool down, and allowed his giggles to slow and then stop.
“Welp, now you know what a lee mood is, right?”
“Yeah, yeah- I guess I do!” …. There was a pause, then a breath. “Do you get lee moods?”
Uh oh.
———THE END————————————————
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randommusicalfluff · 28 days
Dev being shy about being ticklish because his dad discourages him from doing anything “childish” or “silly”
Then Hazel comes along and introduce him to tickle fights, letting him know it’s alright to enjoy silly things.
He becomes more confident after that, even initiating tickle fights when he’s in the mood.
I choose to hc that due to a technicality he gets to remember and see Peri (Hazel wished her friends could keep their memories of fairy world, and Dev is still her friend) afterwards he reconciles with Peri and builds a strong friendship with him again. He was super lonely during the time he spent away from him and Hazel, so they have lots of silliness to catch up on!
I 100% believe that Dev felt a strange amount of shame when he found out he was ticklish. I mean he’s a Dimmadome he can’t be perceived as childish!! (He says, despite being 10) But yeah I think after Hazel introduces him to tickle fights he starts becoming pretty confident with it, even picking fights with Winn and Jasmine! I love to think about their funny little friend group being silly 😭
Oh and yeah, Dev definitely like leaped into Peri’s arms when the reunite :,)) he also almost immediately started a tickle fight (which he would 100% end up losing but shhh)
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remmushound · 3 years
Curse of the Clan Part 30! @brightlotusmoon @scentedcandlecryptid
Renet!” Michelangelo exclaimed with a loud squeal, “It’s you!”
Renet gave a curious hum and pointed at herself. “What’s me?”
Michelangelo couldn’t be mad; he was too excited to be mad! And it wasn’t like he wasted too much time— he still had thirteen days until he had to be back at Bishops!
“You’re the Time Lord! Er— in training! You can give me your blessing!”
Renet’s mouth dropped open. “A-are you sure?!”
“Well… no, not exactly.” Michelangelo admitted, “But we could still try!”
“Gyoji, can I?” Renet spun to look at Gyoji.
“I don’t know…” Gyoji grumbled uncertainly; his eyes searched over Michelangelo and Baron Draxum, scrutinizing their every feature, “A mystic blessing isn’t something you can just take back! You’ve never performed one before!”
“Please? Just let me try?” Renet begged, sticking out her bottom lip and whimpering softly.
“It’s not that hard.” Draxum added slowly, “I could talk her through it.”
Gyoji narrowed his eyes suspiciously and drifted closer to Draxum. “What would a faun know of giving blessings?”
Draxum ground his teeth together, his jaw clenching as the gyoji questioned him. His hands turned to fists at his side, muscles bulging, but then quickly untensed again. He took a deep, slow breath just as Michelangelo had taught him, counting Mississippi under his breath before he answered.
“I may not be able to perform a blessing myself given my ranking, but that does not stop me from being knowledgeable on the subject. I read a lot, you know.”
“I don’t like your tone…” Gyoji whispered softly, leaning so close that his breath tickled Draxum’s fur.
Renet growled and tugged on Gyoji’s robes to force the yokai to pay attention to her and leave the poor faun alone.
“Gyoji.” Renet whined, “Please let me do this for him! You can be here watching us the whole time!”
Gyoji still wasn’t convinced and gave a low groan. Michelangelo took a second to think, then addressed Gyoji with a smug grin.
“It would get us out of here a lot faster~”
Michelangelo didn't have a chance to finish his sentence before Gyoji had grabbed the kursai-fundo out of the box turtle's belt and tossed it over to the eager Renet.
“Alright, you’ve convinced me. But no trickery!” Gyoji waved his finger between Michelangelo and Draxum. “And I’ll be here watching the whole time. Is that understood?”
Michelangelo nodded excitedly and Draxum gave a single nod. Gyoji backed up a short distance to give them enough room, but kept his eyes firmly locked on them, especially whenever they got near Renet. Draxum cleared his throat to get Renet’s full attention; the peri’s eyes shimmered with excitement, her lips pressed tightly together as she gave a gleeful giggle.
“Renet, turn the weapon over so it’s right side is facing upward.”
Renet turned the weapon. Draxum gave it a moment before reaching over and turning it so it was actually on the right side; Renet gave an embarrassed giggle and hid her face in her scarf.
“Now: out loud, say something that Michelangelo has done that inspired you. It can be anything, as long as you end with something along the lines of ‘I give you this blessing’.”
Renet cleared her throat and took a sharp, deep breath, which she quickly exhaled. “Michelangelo. I’ve been living here for… I don’t know how long and… never once has anyone offered to dance with me. You’re such a nice and fun boy and I haven’t really had many friends so I’m really glad to call you mine. So I give you this blessing.”
Draxum nodded his approval of the words. “How well do you know Japanese kanji?”
Renet’s expression lit up. “Gyoji’s been teaching me!”
Gyoji gave a proud smile and nodded.
“Wonderful. Now, using your finger, I want you to trace the kanji anatawa hitorijani.”
Renet gave a low hum and stuck out her tongue in her concentration as she drew the kanji into the blade. She and Michelangelo both gasped as her fingers traced marks into the metal like soft mud.
“Now: I want you to choose three kanji that you feel fit Michelangelo best in the short time you’ve known him. I want you to mark the three kanji on the other side of the weapon.”
Renet turned the weapon over and gave a thoughtful whine as she considered. “Ohhhh there’s so many good ones though! It’s hard to choose. Ummmm.”
“It’s okay, take your time.” Draxum reassured.
Renet took that to heart. For several minutes she was quietly muttering to herself in farsi, long enough for Michelangelo to make a mental note to learn the language for when he would next encounter the lovely Time Lord in training.
“Okay, okay, I think I got it.” Renet took another minute to calm herself, laughing between breaths and, every time she seemed ready to continue with the ceremony, she would fall apart into giggles again. Finally, she said, “Okay, okay. Michelangelo, ahem. For your first kanji I give you Tanoshī, because these last few days have been so fun!”
“Aww— wait, last few days?!”
Renet carved the kanji into the weapon and then moved on to the next one. “For your second kanji, I give you yujin, because you’re my friend!”
“Aww, that’s nice~” Michelangelo cooed, then immediately snapped, “But what you mean few days?!”
“And your last kanji will be odoru, because of our dance!”
The last kanji was carved into the kusari-fundo before it was shoved into Michelangelo’s arms. Before Michelangelo could say a word, his body was seized by a comforting hug that made his insides warm and bubbly like a caffeinated drink. His head danced like he had danced with Renet, and he could practically see and feel the motions happening again. Guiding Renet across the dance floor, the music guiding the beat of his heart and step of his feet. The wonderful nature of unified dance. His heart pumped with the excitable glee of childhood, the most universal instinct of all making his heart sear like it had just grown wings: fun. A sensation shared by animal and human and mystic alike. The one constant. His stomach grew warm with a comforting pressure, like a hug, except deeper— stronger. Engulfing him in his entirety and leaving him with nothing but blissful appreciation.
“Woooaaaahhh.” Michelangelo fell to giggles, giving a soft moan as he wrapped his arms around himself and cradled his shell. “That feels nice. I feel like a poptart you just put in the toaster!”
“That’s the euphemism you went with?” Draxum scoffed.
Michelangelo was enjoying himself too much to care. All other worldly worries faded away, because his task had been completed, and now he could return home with this lovely bubble of bliss that surrounded him.
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bucishima · 3 years
Nahri choked back a sob. “But you’ll be alone.”
“Oh, Nahri . . .” Dara shuddered, but his voice stayed steady. “I will be all right. I won’t have to hide as I once did. I can visit the places of my childhood, tell the Daevas out on the border to go pay a visit to their new Nahids.” He broke away enough to look at her; his eyes were shining with his own unshed tears. “There is a whole world to explore. Kingdoms beyond our realm and so very many ifrit and peris to frighten. I am off to have adventures.” He gave her a shattered half smile. “You’re the one who has to stay behind with bureaucrats.” 
Nahri let out a weeping laugh. “Infuriating man. You don’t get to make me laugh when you’re breaking my heart.”
“But then how would I see you smile one last time?” Dara slipped his fingers into hers, bringing them to his lips. “I will be all right, Nahri, I promise. And if Daevabad ever truly needs me—if you need me—my other vow remains. I will find a way back. I can go bully the marid again or perhaps your weird prince can take me through his waters.” 
“He would hate that.”
“All the more appealing.”
Nahri shut her eyes, grief charging over her. Falling back into their teasing—to his hands on her face and his lips on her fingers—only made this so much worse. There had to be a way around it. 
You told him to choose. Back on the roof, Nahri had given Dara his freedom. She’d promised to honor his choice. Now he had made it. 
Let me earn a place in the garden with my family. Nahri had no right to take that away from him. No one did. 
She pulled Dara back into her arms, burying her head into his shoulder. She breathed in the smoky citrus of his skin and summoned every bit of strength she could. Another time Nahri would let herself grieve. She’d let herself mourn everything they could have become. 
But right now, she would be the Banu Nahida he deserved. “I’ll learn how to free them,” she whispered in his ear, running her fingers through his hair a final time. “I swear to you, Afshin. Find our people, get them home, and I will free them.” 
Then Nahri forced herself to let him go. To unclench her fingers, untangle her arms, and stand tall.
Dara brushed the edge of her chador and then slowly, purposefully released it. “The cave alongside the Gozan. The cave where we . . .” His voice hitched. “It is well-protected from the elements. I will leave the vessels there as I find them. Send people to check every few years.” He hesitated, looking like he didn’t want to continue, and when he did, Nahri knew why. “Teach your children to do the same. Tell them to teach their children and the generations that come after.” 
Nahri swayed on her feet, seeing the centuries spill out before him. The millennia in which she would no longer be there. “I will. I swear.” 
Dara stepped back toward the veil, and Nahri instantly moved for him, realizing he meant to leave now.
“You don’t have any supplies,” she protested. “No weapons. How will you protect yourself?”
The half smile he gave her, amused and brokenhearted, would follow her to the end of her days. “I can become the wind. I think I can manage.” 
She wiped her eyes. “Still so arrogant.”
“Still so rude.” Dara’s smile vanished. “May I ask you something?”
You can ask me anything if it means you stay another moment. But Nahri only nodded.
Fear lit his expression. “Back at the Euphrates, when I asked if you wanted to continue, and you took my hand . . . would you do it again? Should I have stopped, returned you to Cairo—” 
Nahri instantly reached for his hand. “I would do it again, Dara. I would take your hand a thousand times over.”
Dara brought her hand to his lips one last time, kissing her knuckles again. “Find your happiness, little thief. Steal it and do not ever let it go.” 
I won’t. Nahri plucked a twig from the nearest tree and burned it in her hand. Dara wordlessly bowed, and she marked his brow with ash, fighting to keep her voice steady. 
“May the fires burn brightly for you, Afshin.”
Dara straightened up, holding her gaze another moment. She drank him in, memorizing his brilliant eyes and wine-dark hair. This was the man she would remember. 
Then her Afshin stepped back and was gone.
Nahri waited a long moment, the noise of the forest—the hoopoe’s song and rustle of leaves the only sounds.
There was a tickle at her wrist. A delicate vine, green with new growth, teased her fingers. As she watched, a jewel-bright purple flower unfurled its petals. 
Nahri brought it to her face and burst into tears.
But she wasn’t alone. Not in Daevabad. And she hadn’t been weeping long when there was the heavy pad of a large beast, then a brilliant rainbow wing curling around her. 
Nahri pressed her wet face into her shedu’s silky mane. “Let’s go home, Mishmish. I don’t think he’s coming back.”
S. A. Chakraborty, The empire of gold
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aticklishtem · 5 years
Omg your headcanons for SU are so good!! If you want to, wonder if you could make some hcs for villains too? (Jasper, "mean" and "nice" lapises, bluebird, or villains from the original show)? Ik it's specific, but I love seeing villains getting wrecked lol. If you don't want to, it's okay! Love ur writing 💗💗
aww thanks so much nonnie, I’m glad you like them!! 💕💕 Oooh absolutely, villains getting wrecked is A++ lol 👌👌
⭐️ Like most homeworld gems, has never been tickled until Steven tries a slightly different tactic as an attempt to show her there’s less violent/painful ways to have fun
⭐️ and it proves surprisingly effective!! :3c her stomach, sides, underarms and thighs are good spots, and soft, gentle tickles actually work best bc it’s so unlike anything she’s felt before
⭐️ her laugh is pure joy, from low raspy snickers to booming belly laughter
⭐️ she’s both outraged and mortified by having such a ridiculous weakness, but she then demands that Steven teaches her this battle technique, which he is only too happy to oblige!
⭐️ after that mass tickle fights happen a lot more often, with Amethyst, Peridot, Connie and Garnet all variously joining in
⭐️ She acts like teasing doesn’t get to her but it totally does and if you get her really good she might even blush~
⭐️ Amethyst is her favourite to tickle fight (sisterly bonding!!) bc she goes as hard and is almost as stubborn as Jasper and if Jasper loses it’s bc tickling is just a cheap tactic to make weak gems stronger!!
Nice & Mean Lapises
⭐️ Mean is a ler, Nice is a switch!
⭐️ Our Lapis is lucky they didn’t know about tickling then or they totally would have wrecked her when they had her in water chains 👀
⭐️ Nice Lapis discovers it when she sees Our Lapis wrecking Peridot, and decides to help Peri out while getting a little revenge~
⭐️ but she turns out to be the most ticklish of the Lapises! her belly/gem is her worst spot, and like our Lapis, she snorts.
⭐️ Mean eventually gets bored without her partner in crime and reluctantly comes to find her; she ends up bonding with Jasper over their dislike of everyone else and they get into some intense tickle fights
⭐️ Both - especially Mean - like using their water powers to hold their lees down, as well as forming extra hands or feathers etc
⭐️ Aquamarine and Eyeball accidentally discover they’re ticklish when a disagreement leads to pokes and pinches that ends in giggles and fusion!
⭐️ Bluebird shares all of their spots - like Eyeball’s sides and Aquamarine’s tummy - but her feet are the worst, which is kinda inconvenient since she has four of them
⭐️ She likes to fly around randomly tickling people to cause havoc (sometimes Mean Lapis joins her)
⭐️ but she usually gets caught by a bigger gem (Garnet, Bismuth, Jasper, any fusion) and tickled into submission/until they separate again
⭐️ squeals, screeches and curses, and is particularly weak to being reminded how tiny and adorable she is~
⭐️ She and Mean Lapis team up on Jasper sometimes
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East Chicago Love Letter
“What time did you say she was flying in?” Myles questions as he continued to clip the ends of the floral arrangement. Dutch Hydrangeas and the Peony flower are Kary’s favorite. So as a small token of his love Enzo put together multiple bouquets for his wife. 
“Uh..should be around 8:30 maybe even nine o’clock. You think these look alright?” Enzo put the first bundle of flowers into an expensive, stained glass vase. He stepped back to get a better look at what he had put together. 
Myles finished off his bundle doing the same as his friend. Together in silence they admired the beautiful flowers that smell like a hint of lavender. Another one of Kary’s favorite things in life. 
“This is the nicest thing I’ve ever seen you do for anybody.” Myles spoke up. He went around to the other side of the kitchen to fish around the refrigerator for a drink. 
“Yeah man I know. I just want this night to go well. I’ve been planning this since her last trip. I know Kary inside and out so I know she’ll love this.” Enzo prides himself in knowing the things his wife loves, hates, and anything in between. “How could she not? I picked every one of these flowers myself, cut ‘em, washed ‘em...the whole nine man.” He chuckled. 
“I don’t doubt you on that at all. Kary is a very lucky woman to have you in her life. I’m always praying for y’all and you know my mama is too.” Myles began to clean up the mess he made in Enzo’s kitchen whilst sipping on his most beloved drink combination. Bourbon and apple juice. 
“Thank you brother, I really appreciate that.” The men returned the kitchen to its original clean state and went about their individual business. 
———  ———-
Later That Evening...
Glancing at the time of his watch Enzo blew out a sharp breath as he put the finishing touches on his anniversary dinner. After Myles left, Enzo spent the remainder of his alone time prepping his home for his wife’s arrival. Kary has been traveling non-stop for work for the past month, striking deals, meeting with designers, hosting events etc. Mrs. Warren has been a very busy woman. Being that today is the couples five year wedding anniversary Enzo thought he would prepare his wife’s favorite dish. That being chicken marsala in a Sherry cream sauce and brown butter risotto. He bought her three floral arrangements with each bundle having the stems wrapped in one hundred dollar bills. 
In addition to the flowers, Enzo splurged on several designer fragrance bottles, the finest brands of mascara and lipstick tubes in all of Kary’s favorite shades. The receipts from his shopping spree didn’t put the slightest dent in his bank account. When it boils down to love and showing his appreciation for his woman, Enzo will go above and beyond. 
Fastening the second button from the top on my shirt I picked up my brush to run over my hair for the fifth time. I don’t know why I feel so nervous to see my wife. Maybe it’s because she’s been gone for over four weeks and my anticipation has reached its peak. Coming home after a long day's work to go to bed alone put me in a funk for the first two weeks of Kary’s absence. 
Around the week three day two mark, I shook the chip off my shoulder and went back to my old routine. Five a.m., I go on my three mile run. Afterward, I go through my usual morning hit list before going to work. Step out for lunch around two-thirty and head over to the ring for seventy minutes exactly. By four o’clock I’m back to work and home by seven on the dot. And finally after weeks of forcing myself to get out of my own head I get the love of my life back. 
I’m nervous to see her but it’s a good kind of nervous. The sound of the door opening scared the hell out of me. That’s when I heard the most beautiful sound in the world. 
“Enzo, baby, I’m home.” 
My heart began pounding in my chest as I rushed to finish getting dressed. Cleaning up behind myself I sifted through my mental checklist to ensure part two of my plan runs efficiently. 
Taking a deep breath I cut the lights and left the room. I followed the sound of Kary’s ‘oohs’ and ‘oh my gods’ coming to find her in the kitchen. Her curiosity almost got her into trouble but she managed to keep her hands put. 
“I didn’t expect you until later.” I said. Kary glanced over her shoulder, her eyes lighting up at the sight of me. I told Myles this suit was a great idea. 
“I thought I would surprise you by catching an earlier flight. Clearly you had the same idea with surprises. You set all this up for me?” She shrugged off her coat and closed the distance between us. 
I took a moment to check out all of my efforts, happy with the turn out. With flowers, candles, her gifts displayed nicely, and the scent of the meal I prepared I definitely earned some points for this. Eager to minimize our distance I met her halfway drinking in every inch of her that I could with these barriers in between us. By barriers I do mean our clothes. She must’ve gotten a temporary room to clean up and change in because this scent lingering on her body and clothes is new to me. 
“You took..a shower...without me?” I spoke and exhaled in between kisses. Kary gets a good laugh out of me pretending to be upset with some things she does without me around. I’m never truly bothered but it’s fulfilling to make her laugh at silly shit. 
“This was an exception E, I needed some serious TLC after that long flight.” Backing up to cup my face in the palm of her hands Kary searched both of my eyes in silence. The expanding grin on her face inspired my own. 
“Why are you smiling so much?” I asked of her. 
“I could ask you the same thing but I already know it’s because you’re happy to see me. How much did you miss me?” Kary’s hands busied themselves with my clothes as she examined me from head to toe. 
“Oh I can show you better than I can tell you. Ready to eat? I cooked for you and it’s ready. As am I.” I joked. She and I laughed in richness and ventured to our kitchen together. 
She went back to admiring the layout of our house with me not able to keep my hands off of her. It took me all of five minutes to realize that her skirt is brand new. It’s one of those skirts that come to the knees with buttons going down the center seam. The only difference from this particular style of skirts and others is that this one is fitting. Kary will throw on a dress any time of year but a skirt, she rarely will purchase. 
“I like this new outfit. When did you get this?” Getting a feel for the fabric I expressed the pleasure it brought to me beneath my fingers. 
“I was feeling adventurous and this little number happened to be marked down seventy percent off. I had a feeling you’d like it.” Kary stepped ahead and hustled around the kitchen not waiting for me. My all time favorite thing to watch is Kary fending for herself when she’s hungry. Whenever her craving for food is magnified she gets this look in her eye. In the beginning of our relationship I would place a story behind every little thing that attracted me to her. 
Now I just identify the attraction as attraction. I find it appealing and arousing when she showcases her need for the basics in life. Her will to eat is at the top of that list. 
“Mm..mama’s hungry.” Chucking at her maneuvering swiftly to fix two plates I caught her eye. 
She flipped me the bird and motioned for me to come closer and help her out. “Mama is hungry for many many things. Was Myles here? I’m getting the sense that he was. That lingering trace of Polo is hitting me in the face.” 
“He was for a little while, yeah. He told me to pass on a hello to you. That fool tried so hard to stick around for dinner but you already know how that conversation went.” I took over the ship again ushering her to sit at the table. “You go off to work for a month straight and here you are still putting in time? I don’t believe you. When did you ever sleep?” 
“Fixing a plate is nothing compared to what I was doing over the past four weeks. You spent all this time preparing all of this for me. I think the least I can do is help out a little.” Here goes the bargaining. Typical, overachieving, non-stop working Kary Santos-Warren. 
“Oh come on. Save me the good wife speech baby, I know what you are capable of. What are you drinking tonight? Red..white..water..” Carrying her plate over to her I matched her smirk. 
“I think I’ll switch it up tonight. Do we still have that Brandy?” She questioned me about it. 
Tipping my head to her I walked back into the kitchen to grab a plate for myself and the Brandy. She and I were given this forty five year aged liquor for Christmas. I put it away towards the back of our liquor cabinet saving it for a special occasion. Tonight is the best reason to open this bad boy up. 
Kary volunteered to bless our evening and our meal. Her speech touched me in a few ways due to some things that she spoke on. 
“You’re getting emotional? Wow, this isn’t the Enzo I know and love. What’s changed, lover boy?” Her bare foot tickled my pant leg before she continued on with raising the bottom half with her toes. 
The coolness of her toe pads gave me chills but I embraced them all. I’ve missed this woman terribly so nothing she can do will get on my nerves. 
“I’m not being emotional. Your blessing touched me deeper than usual that’s all. Talk to me about your trip. How was it? I wanna know everything.” Kary spilled every detail of what her work trip was like, not leaving any information out. 
Setting my empty glass aside I folded my hands behind my plate, drinking in her existence. She helped herself to seconds of dinner signifying that I outdid myself. I do have a fourth course for her, which is her absolute favorite. 
Kary licked her knife clean and gently set it down, giving me this intense eye. “I must say babe, that was amazing. I can tell you took your time with the sherry. Myles must have been busting your balls about not screwing up my sauce huh?” 
“God, you are so fucking smart. Yes, Myles was giving me the hardest time about the dinner period to be honest with you. He was practically with me all day until I kicked him out.” Rising from my seat I picked up her plate and mine, taking them both to the kitchen. 
“Is there more? Because quiero mas, por favor..” Kary sang out from the dining room table.
“Give me five minutes and I’ll be right back.” I guaranteed her. Removing my infamous banana bread from the oven I set up a small plate neatly for us to share. Removing the Brandy from the shelf I poured her and I another serving, rejoining her once again. “For you my queen. Open.” Seeing Kary’s mouth open visibly made my erection go from a three to an honest ten.  
Her eyelids closed along with her mouth around the fork. “God, I have missed the satisfying taste of your baking. You are the only person I know that can bring me this type of joy from food alone. Happy anniversary my love. You’ve given me the best escape from reality, the best life, so much joy, peace and happiness. In all of the years we have been together, I have never once felt unhappy or unimportant. You are my everything babe.” 
Although Kary and I have had difficulty in the past trying to get pregnant, maybe tonight is the night. Mashallah.
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c-atm · 5 years
Bittersweet meetings Pt3
We fought, somewhat”
  Steven eyes widen at that.  The faces of disbelief he made tickled her.
  “You made the same faces Jasper did when she tried to process it as well.”
  “You fought..as in hair pulling and insults.”
  “...Really..” That one word left no room for error or disbelief. He remembered going to the S.C. for a monthly club leader meeting and only seeing Jasper and Peri. He asked about the whereabouts of Connie and Lapis, he never got an answer more than a glare from both of them.
  “Lapis was lashing out in her way.  I was getting annoyed with it..We then started to say some things we didn't mean..said some things we did mean...and everything just exploded.”
  “Just exploded, huh?” Connie tilted her head with a slight shrug at the accusation.
  “Yeah. Want the play by play? I'll tell you...If you tell me about that night.”
  “Always a catch with you, Maheswaran..”
  “It's an equal exchange...Besides I want to confirm somethings.”
  Steven said nothing, he folded his arms leaned back against the wall. With a small nod and slight wave of his hand towards her, he gave her the floor. Connie looked at him as she changed from seating on the couch to laying on it facing him.
  “So what happened was…”
  * three weeks ago, three days after Connie’s birthday.*
It was late afternoon and the sun was nearly down, classes ended a couple hours ago and most clubs were starting to end for the day. The S.C. though was still working hard. Jasper and Peridot had gone to make rounds and stretch  their feet, leaving Connie and Lapis alone. Lapis was standing next to the window gazing sadly at the campus, watching the CG sans Steven, crossing by, looking tired yet satisfied from whatever job they had… but it seemed to had a lot of paint involved. She almost let a gasp out when she saw Amethyst wave at her and informing the others.  She waved back a little unsure at the moment.
  “Shheesh! Planning the Winter formal gonna kill me. Hey Lapis, mind looking over the plans, make sure I didn’t miss something and feel free to add something possibly? I already emailed it to you.”
  Lapis gritted her teeth for a moment at the sound of Connie's voice.  “Of course, My Sultan.” Lapis dramatic bow was low and the glare in her eyes was steeled. Connie pursed her lips as she watch Lapis take her seat in front of the one of the four laptops in the room. Lapis frown was so pronounced and her annoyance was nearly tangible. It had been all day but it seemed to flared near Connie.
  “Are you ok,La-”
  “I'm fine.”
  Connie arched an eyebrow and sighed before getting up, and fixing a drink from the Keurig in the room “You want a cup-”
  “How sweet of you madam president, offering this poor girl a gift...No. Let me work.”
  “Hmm.”  With a roll of the eyes, Connie turned her attention elsewhere, the window Lapis was looking through before. As she did she caught a lone Steven walking by, the same direction as his clubmates. He stretched upwards into the sky, when his eyes caught hers. They stood still, almost unblinking.  
  Connie gave a half-lidded look as smiled at him slightly. Steven smirked, his cheeks red with paint. She gave him a small wave, feeling her smile grow as she did. His cheeks grew redder as he waved both his hands enthused and a bit forced, getting a small chuckle from the President.
  “Hi, silly boy.” Low as she said it and as low as her chuckle,  The other resident of the room heard her. Lapis looked over to Connie's flirty smile with scorn.
  Connie jumped at the sound of Lapis. She sheepishly smiled towards Lapis, who signed annoyed, glare a little deeper than before.
  “Sorry to excuse your pining, but you’re being distracting.”
  Connie blushed red at the statement, before adopting a glare as her own. “No one’s pining over anyone.”
  “Flirting then, either way it’s annoying and distracting..”
  “You must haven’t been doing your work, if you heard me.”
  “ You don’t deny your flirting.” Lapis glared iron at the president who shrugged in response, a smug look on her face.
  “Wouldn't be the first time someone made an empty accusation.”
  “Anyway did you do what I ask? Just send it to my Email. I’ll check it later”
  Lapis sucked on her teeth before doing what was asked of her, muttering under her breath a sly comment as she did. Connie glared at the bluenette before turning her sight back to the window and the antics of Steven and his club, who seemed to have gotten ready to leave for the day. She caught Steven heading back across the campus towards his parked cycle, his back towards the window.  When he straddled the cycle, he caught Connie in his sight again, and smiled brightly, even mouthing her ‘if he should wait.?’ She shook her head and mouth that she ‘was still working,’ and he should ‘escape while he can”. He shrugged and looked back when his smile grew somber as Lapis came and stood next to Connie. He saw her give him an awkward smile and waving shyly at him, which he returned with a weak wave and a strained smile before he placed on his helmet, started ‘Lion’ and zoomed off home.
  Lapis emotions were a whirlwind at the moment. She saw the loving, playful smile he had when it was just Connie and how it changed, almost instantly, at the sight of her.
  ‘Well...That hurts…Guess it's still fresh, so should have expected that much..I didn't  think it would still be this awkward though….I did blow up though..but he was going to….Bet he would of I was Connie.’ Misplaced thoughts ran through the blunette's head, making her unaware of the side gaze of her friend.
  “That was strange, did something happen with you.”
  Lapis eyes widen in surprise  as she acknowledged the president, who gave her a concerned glance. “What did you say?”
  “ That little exchange just now...Did something happened between you two?’
  “Tsch, nothing that’s your business.”
  Connie gave a hard breath before smiling mirthlessly. “Sorry just trying to be a good friend...Don’t have to take whatever you two going through out on me.” With that Connie walked  back to her laptop and began working again, her drink in her hand.
  “Must be nice.”  The condescending nature of her secretary statement cause Connie to pause a second.
  “To have him wrapped around your finger the way you do.”
  “The hell are you talking about Lapis?” The raven haired girl looked back at the bluenette fully, the look of annoyance plastered on her face, un-cared for by Lapis.
  “Lapis pointed to the window, her face red with anger. “THAT just now, a perfect example of what I mean. Me and him, it’s awkward between us because of what happened; but you two..you two are as flirty as ever...”
  Connie sucked up the breath she didn’t know she was holding as a very low and cool voice came from her. “Ok? Aren’t we always like that..You guys have teased us about this..so why is it a problem?”
  “Because even though you're dating someone else! You still act like THAT with Steven.”
  “Ok, but That's how we are. he's my best friend.”
  Lapis smirked at the aggression in her voice.“ Then why  haven’t you been hanging with Steven lately, and instead with Jeff? Why was he by your side on your birthday?.”
  Connie looked stunned at lapis’s proclamation, that bit of anger from before growing slowly, before a very strained chuckle escaped.
  “Why am I entertaining this? We've been out of sync all day because I have a friend that's not Steven.”
  Lapis looked nearly disgusted at Connie. Her mouth hanged opened before a tight frown formed.   “Friend?! No wonder Steven didn't want to stay.”
  Connie leered at the bluenette with an arched an eyebrow and a hand on her hips. “You’re making less sense the more you talk. Spell it out, maybe?”
“He saw you with your boyfriend, Jeff.”
  ‘Damn you, Steven, you should've just talked to me.’Connie thought as she rubbed her eyes with a groan. “So is this what.. ‘This’... is. Retribution for Steven; Is that why you been acting this way today?
  “DON'T TEST ME! I'M NOT MAD FOR HIS SAKE ALONE, I'M MAD BECAUSE...Because…” Lapis  looked away, face down and muttered the rest. Connie stood waiting for her. Her patience low as it was dropped even lower hearing lapis mutter.
  “Because what?  Lapis, talk to me girl.”
  “Because it will never be me” Lapis gave a strong glare, her blue eyes piercing, her voice ice cold. “No matter what, It's never..going to be me, even though it looked like it might have been.”
  “Connie tilted her head to the side, her mouth open and slowly nodded as she started to put somethings together. “Did...Did you confess and get rejected?.. Is that why you’re lashing out?”
  Lapis was red with embarrassment, her mind racing back to Stevens face that night and his not so silent mutterings. Her hands clenched into fist as she turned from Connie and her pity filled face. The thoughts in her head fueling her emotions.
  ‘ You’re dating someone else and yet..., he still chose you over anybody else’
  The rage and jealousy burning inside, making her tremble and tear up.
  ‘ It’s unfair, completely unfair. ’
  The moment she felt Connie began to enclose her in a hug
  ...her emotions took over…
  ‘ Why does it have to be you?
  and she knocked the air out of  president in the stomach.
  Connie holding her stomach, more so in shock than in pain, looked at the bluenette who took a step back; but didn’t relax her hands despite of the guilt she felt. Her envy and anger didn’t diminish at all and the look she gave Connie proved it.
  “Really...That’s how it is Lapis....I hope that helped you Laps, cause i’m not just gonna let you hit me again. That’s your only free one.”
  Lapis didn’t break her glare  as she tightened her fist. ” Why do you get to monopolize his affection?” Lapis voice put Connie on guard. She watch the bluenette rub her knuckles and pressed her palms taking a slow step next to Connie.” You’re in a relationship right? So why do you still act like that with steven. Like you're in love with him.”
  Connie stood to her full height, taking deep breath as she did and glared back at her friend. “How I interact with my friend is not anyone's business.”
  The mocking laughter that came from Lapis caused a spark of anger inside Connie’s chest. “Really Connie, you feel nothing more than camaraderie for himI call bull. You and him, the ‘friendship’ between you two is much more than that.”
  Connie tighten her lip and  groaned. “Oh..My..God. Why? Why are you so annoying? What would me telling you if I do or not, do, huh? I'm in a relationship right, according to you. So what would me saying if i do like him or not do for you? What would change.”
  “Fine, if you don't like him...separate from him.”
  Connie flabbergasted expression was not amusing to Lapis. She looked straight at the dark skin girl completely serious as the shocked wore off and a slow rage was building. Connie looked at Lapis for a moment before acting as she was cleaning out her ear.
  “What did you say.”
  “Separate from Steven.. Stop hanging out with him..Stop being all flirty with him and such. Just stop it.”
  Connie did not know what to do with Lapis at the moment but she felt an ire at the girl audacity. She took a breath, turned a heel and took a drink of her cup in attempt  to calm herself. She took another look at Lapis before placing her drink down.
  “Look..I don't want to fight a friend and I'm sorry that your confession didn't go well..But,he rejecting you have nothing to do with me. So stop pinning your broken heart on me.”
  The swimmer never got to finish, as felt herself stumbled back and a explosive ache on her bottom lip. She looked touched where the pain was and winced at the sting and slight  dampness. The iron taste in her mouth gave her all the info she'd need. She looked at Connie furiously and was about to charge in rage when Connie spoke.
  “ You don't get to tell me to stay away from my Biscuit, ya hear me.”
  Lapis felt a small bit of fear toward the person in front of her. Connie black eyes stared a hundred miles, unblinking. She stood relaxed  with a hand on her hip; cool and collected, as the school knew their president to be. Her voice though..that was telling; it was so cold and final, left no room for argument and dared lapis to challenge her. Still she wasn't  going to back down..She didn't want to lose to Connie again.
  “You hit me. Guess not wanting to fight was another lie, like how you're lying about Steven!”
  Connie did not expect to be pushed back to the table or hitting her hip as hard as she did; not that she had the time acknowledge it as Lapis slapped her across the face causing some of her hair to fall over her left eye.  
  Connie winced at the stinging sensation before breathing deeply and trembling slightly. Lapis stood over the leaning girl, her hand poised to strike again. She knew what she was doing was wrong, but she also couldn't  help the small feeling of satisfaction she felt seeing Connie like this.
  “That hurts, huh? how do you think Steven felt when he saw you and jeff?”
  “Ehehe. You’re really pathetic right now, Laps.
You're gonna play this as if this is for Steven..not your own jealousy.”
  The confidence in her voice instantly stole lapis's satisfaction
  “Shut up.”
  “I know what it's like to have a crush and get heartbroken; I feel for you.”
  Connie's pity and disappointment was the same as Steven's, only difference it was all pointed to lapis.
  “Shut up!”
  “But, this isn't gonna get him to like you and it sure as hell isn't going to get me to leave him alone. He is…
  Connie paused mid sentence and looked straight into Lapis’s teary eyes. “You know what, fuck it.... You're right..
  The secretary shook her head in protest. “No..Don't want to hear it.”
  “ I'm a liar…”
  Lapis arm started trembling, her chest tightened. “Stop..Don't say it..”
  Connie shook her head as she stood to her full height, causing Lapis to step back in fright. The look in her eyes resembled Steven's all too much, in that moment she knew exactly what Connie was going to say.  
  Connie tuned to the door to see Jasper and Peridot looking shocked and in disbelief, respectively.  Connie ushered them in and closed the door behind them, but didn't move from it.
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mariomandzho · 6 years
28 with Mario :)
It took an embarrassingly long time to start and finish this fic and I’m not even sorry. Wait, yes I am. Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy –– as always, take my interpretation with a grain of salt because I am rusty as hell and writing is like pulling teeth right now.
PROMPT: ‘You’re like a giant cinnamon roll,’ starring Mario Mandzukic, Luka Modrić, Dejan Lovren, Šime Vrsaljko and Domagoj Vida.
The scent of sharp, citrus cologne wafted through the apartment and hung heavy in the air wherever you went. As you padded across the living room to the front entrance, you considered pinching the bridge of your nose to ward off the beginning pangs of a migraine caused by the pungent fragrance, calling out to Mario as you did so, “is it necessary to pour the entire bottle of cologne on yourself?”
“No,” he shot back at you assuredly, his voice deep and gravelly. “Just half.” You heard the bottle release another spritz and internally groaned as another knock sounded against the door.
Electing to ignore your juvenile boyfriend, you swung open the front door and beamed at the two men standing on the other side. Šime and Dejan were both waiting patiently in the hallway, donning their brightest smiles and ugliest Christmas (or non-denominational) sweaters – as per the request of your invitations. “Welcome, you two! We’re glad you could make it.”
“I wouldn’t miss it,” Dejan promised, a wry grin planted upon his unusually handsome profile. “Free booze and domaćica? Pfft.”
“And Mario wouldn’t let us,” Šime added.
You nodded cheerily – remembering how Mario had awkwardly (perhaps even shyly?) suggested the holiday party, and threatened to sucker-punch those who wouldn’t attend. You stepped aside so they could enter, “let me take your coats. Mario, come and be social, Dejo and Šime are here and they brought a gift!”
As you eyed the shiny bag, equipped with a bright red bow, dangling in Dejan’s fingers, Mario waltzed across the wooden floorboards and greeted his teammates with friendly shoves and their usual ‘locker room’ talk. “What is this, a super bowl party? Get over here,” Šime joked, pulling Mario into a warm yet cursory embrace. “You wouldn’t believe how many liquor stores were closed today–”
Mario snorted, “On a Sunday? Go figure–.”
“We drove around for half an hour before Dejan remembered he had something in the fridge. So, enjoy.”
“It’s the thought that counts,” you commented whole-heartedly, “I’ll go put this to chill in the kitchen. Make yourself comfortable, there’s eggnog in the living room and Dejan, would you be a doll and set up the radio for us?”
“Is the eggnog spiked?”
“Yes. And there’s wine, beer, and drinks in the portable fridge on the balcony!”
“Count me in.” He flicked his thumb over his shoulder and gestured for Šime to follow. Once they were out of ear shot, you heard Mario’s familiar footfalls behind you on your way to the kitchen.
You glanced behind you, watching as Mario folded his arms across his muscular figure and leaned against the granite island. There was something dark and slightly humorous in his eyes that unnerved you. “What?” You snapped.
“What, what?” His dark brows rose into his hairline, feigning innocence.
“You know what. Why are you giving me that look?” If you glanced quickly, you might’ve mistaken it for his bedroom look; but this, this was far more dangerous.
He simply smirked. Yes, this was uncharted territory. “You just gave Dejan and Šime full range of our alcohol and sent them to ‘fix’ the radio. Grave mistake, sweetheart. Get ready for your ears to bleed.”
You considered his words for a moment before you moved aside to set the wine Dejan brought in a chilled container. Mario had a point, even if it irked you to admit it. After a beat of silence passed, you released a girlish chime of laughter and leaned your hip against the countertop. It was only a matter of time before Croatian pop music began to rattle the walls, or worse, they would find the Ariana Grande album you stowed away for Mario’s nieces for Christmas. All in all, you only hoped whatever they played wasn’t pornographic. “What have I done?”
Mario shrugged as he fixed the last remaining buttons on his navy blue dress-shirt. “Only time will tell, but, I should probably rein them in.”
Your brow furrowed for a moment as you watched him meticulously slip a button through a linen hole. “Wait a minute – where’s your ugly Christmas sweater? I laid it out on the bed for you.”
“I saw it,” he admitted curtly. “But I didn’t like it.”
“So? It’s an  ‘Ugly Christmas – or non-denominational – Sweater Party’! You can’t wear a button up.” Although you had to admit, he looked particularly sharp in it. The dress shirt hugged his athletic physique perfectly, and accentuated his broad shoulders. “Who cares if you look ridiculous in it? We all look ridiculous.”
He rose a cautionary brow. Mario obviously did not want to be lumped together with people who looked ‘ridiculous’ by choice. “I didn’t have any shoes to correspond with it.”
You rolled your eyes incredulously and held up a hand,  “Come on. We’re getting you into that sweater if it’s the last thing I do.”
Mario whined your name as you moved to sweep past him, darting a hand out to grasp you by your arm. He tugged you closer, close enough that the scent of his cologne was again nauseating, but you yielded and softened against him, throwing your arms around his neck and granting his rosy-lips a quick peck. “You’ll look cute, I promise.”
“I don’t want to look cute,” He pouted.
You traced your fingertip along the edge of his mouth. It tickled him, and he curled his lip under his teeth. His cheeks were slightly red from the cold, and his gelled hair was wind-tossed. You were completely enamored by him. “That’s hard to believe when you look so adorable pouting. Please, for me?” His gaze shifted, and if it were possible you noticed the edge within him lessen; like a lion backing away from its prey, he audibly exhaled and silently agreed. As his amber-brown eyes sought yours, the doorbell rang and you sighed; the moment had ended sooner than it began. “Change. I’ll answer the door.”
Calling out a brief, ‘I’m coming!’, you pried open the door – smiling as you saw Luka and Domagoj outside. “Hi, you guys! Welcome. I love the sweater, Domo!”
“Thanks, [your name],” Domo grinned, running a hand through your hair and disheveling your straightened locks beyond repair.
Before you could utter a word of protest, Luka leaned forward and pecked both of your cheeks, smiling warmly toward you. “Thank you for having us. Don’t tell Mario, but Ivan had to take a rain-check. We brought gifts, though!”
“Oh, wonderful.” You attempted to fix the tangled mess that was your hair, but to little avail. “We’ll bring these to the kitchen. Might I ask, which Ivan…? Peri?”
“Raketa,” Luka explained.
“May he rest in peace,” you laughed.
“And I brought this for you from Casa de Domo,” Domo interrupted, pushing a punch bowl covered in plastic wrap into your arms. You struggled beneath the weight of the bowl before Mario suddenly came to your rescue and lifted it from your arms.  “Made from scratch.”
“Thank you, honey,” you mumbled to Mario, to which he responded with a brisk grunt. “And thank you Domo.” Seeking to find the right words to thank him, you sputtered, “what–what is it, by chance? It smells…”
“Foul,” Mario muttered. To his credit, Domo hadn’t heard him.
“Strong,” you supplied instead.
Domo’s fair brows knitted over his eyes, as if the answer were obvious and the mysterious liquid within did not utterly appall you. “It’s a Fireball cinnamon roll cocktail. With a very special, secret ingredient.”
“Jesus Ch…” Mario cursed underneath his breath, until you reached out and pinched the back of his arm, causing his nose to screw up in distaste.
“Thank you, Domo, again. We really appreciate it. We’ll just put this in the fridge. Dejan and Šime are in the living room, supposedly setting up the music, and there’s drinks, snacks and my special eggnog somewhere.”
“Special?” Luka’s brow rose into his hairline.
“More alcohol than is safe to consume,” Mario supplied. “Straight from her grandmother’s recipe book.”
“Wonderful. We’ll make ourselves useful in the living room. Can I help you with anything?”
“Absolutely not!” You cried. “Our treat. Go, our house is yours and we want you to make yourself comfortable.”
Mario whistled and pointed at Domo, “not too comfortable. This isn’t the pig-stye you call bedroom.”
“It’s not that messy, asshole. And your mom didn’t seem to mind it last time she was there,” he added, flicking Mario the bird.
Once Luka and Domo had turned on their heel, you crooked your finger at Mario, indicating for him to follow you back into the kitchen before he could leap at Domo. “Can you go five minutes without being rude to our guests?”
“Rude? This–this is an abomination to alcohol. Why would anyone mix sweetness and spice?”
“It obviously meant a lot to him to have made it from scratch.” You peeled back the plastic wrap, expecting it to bubble like a cauldron, and gave the mixture a quick sniff. You immediately jumped backward, as if you’d been burned, and clamped your eyes shut as they began to water. “Oh, my God.”
“What?” Mario’s brows pulled together out of concern. He placed a hand on your shoulder and gave you a gentle squeeze, “what is it?”
“I think I just saw my life flash before my eyes. Literally.”
“Liar. It can’t be that bad.”
“You try it.”
Mario dipped a finger into the mysterious brew and sampled it. You watched as a smirk toyed upon your lips as he belched and coughed, sputtering as he set the punch bowl down. You knew it had to be bad; Mario had a higher tolerance for alcohol than most. “Holy shit. What is the secret ingredient, poison?”
You glanced at each other, both your eyes on the verge of watering and throats nearly burning, before busting out into laughter. You moved toward him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders again, smiling crookedly. “Can we even throw it out? Are we terrible hosts if we don’t serve it?”
“I think we’d be terrible hosts if we did serve it, and possibly accomplices to the crime,” He replied level-headedly. “Look, we’ll say you accidentally tripped and spilled it. Unless Domo wants to lick it off the floor, he’ll know it was a harmless accident.”
You countered, “Why do I have to be the one that spills it? He’s your friend.”
“Because,” He murmured, running a hand through your hair, “you’re the clumsy one.” He squinted an eye, head canting to the side as he gestured to your hair, “by the way, what happened here?”
“Domo.” His name was more than enough explanation and Mario released a quiet, ‘aaah.’
Mario said gently, “I think it looks pretty. C’mon, let’s find that ugly sweater that I definitely didn’t toss down the trash chute. We’ll match.”
As you reached on your tiptoes to graze your mouth against his, a thought sprang to you, the citrus of his cologne invading your senses pleasantly – sweetness and spice. “You. You’re what happens when you mix sweetness and spice. You’re like a cinnamon roll, Mario.”
“A cinnamon roll? You’re comparing me to Domo���s abomination of a cocktail?”
You nodded. “I’m being serious!”
“As am I.”
“You’re like… those candies. You know, first they’re sour; then they’re sweet.”
A sly grin rounded the corners of his lips. “They’re only sweet when you suck on them, [your name].”
You rolled your eyes and whacked him playfully on the chest using a hand towel. “Gross. Shut up. And go, for the love of God, change! I’m going to be the good hostess and entertain our guests.”
Mario raked a hand through his hair and turned toward the exit, “Fine, but don’t blame me when Dejan suggests playing strip poker and no one is there to stop him.”
“Maybe I don’t want to stop him.”
You winked as he turned back around to shoot you a deadly glare.
Yes – this Holiday party would be one to remember, and it had only just begun.
@marilyn-mandzukic @iceandbone @collapse-the-stars @crazy-for-lovren @living-lovren @letowolfie
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libidomechanica · 5 years
Thus allowd wombs after than thou love its thorny stalk
And and merry, the fact is tied?   And cold while those two young placd in days
to do wi matted grapples itself disown:    let these agree the town which like a hawk,  an it with his voice
like Phoebus watch bled bonny blue; her songs were for no youth picking careless that sweet nymphs, when though camps are calld Ismail, and small is that we wants apiece;
  and wae on then   there was there my smart taught at once ever-smitten, carriage brings fortunes of much grows cold press; just as I in a watrie glass
of theyr furre. My lovers end. We may sheepe out the elder jack jargon, this post, I make me man, and shipwrecked in the blood, like his owne
each players, and fruit;   the sung in his mouth open quite regard for the middle age   proudest most council, in a rowe?
A sterne fome: then playd some diplomatic dinners may move rage from week and honour plucks
the one transcendent and rubious seeming, solve; but he would be at break her be heard all night woman is not now for your comfort in his aim;   full of pity, when we two women heart that tower
sisyphean project like a batteries, but significent: her forsake by force shouting broom factory,
graced in stood; and the rough verdure, turnd to find
which with gyfts to cheerless note, which now I lay listenings.
Sick, sick for her Sicilian air. Yet was change shall have cradled all the eggs both court,
who, when ware; its shrill aloud the numbering clear,         dead weighed: but ask you there her hunger sunne in love did.
So those babies in griefe, with love? I care to the day was of old, okay?
What mine own fire: when it seem like mine appetite I never met,
          Thy extremely transparent sparkling eddies, and found my dear training stone; and oft in the deed:
“our dew time may have for evening minds the passd his volumes dont trust, nor minds to lull   our British stare. ”S jet, jet black piano, in the shepherds came, the bels, to hear my simply as a swoond serpent, and boats, and some try me,
 Jamie, commeth leads the fiddlehead rising ayme do not, than she came to address, which, Peris, Goddesse plague are things—for feare they bene so ticklings, is was to amended into my mother the high conditional price, “you are lost.
The subject finds nothing to blaze her you my many a plead; other way;’‘t was an honestly, by your fool!’
With bulletin may make, and from his banks, that crowd, forty with fruit,
as hinting the other:” for such forget you may,         Still strong in love,
old dwarf-like her way to sacrifice, the bright the wager wonned a wicked my lips, and lickd upon thy pictured his Eyes—the Muscovite fleshly eye,
that makes life indeed we looked elipses ’“gainst his beauty I remember yet speak the Rosy Mornings of them, that tramples lewd, mutterd and although I knew the staring the To-be, self-reverend Rodomont Precision:
  attorneys-general, awful paused; she dwelt like mine, entrusted in stays, and icy climes, at whale rises up, the rouged, so longer lines which breathing dross,        to the sea-coal fires the stream about thee now,
as when waste my hairs bid come in your with the tears on her faces Truth. And, O my muscles go weak or with no partake, and to underneath the day where be serious wreath with pain. —Where ye born of Mortal Birth,
  thy footsteps withers Ears,   their sleep in one knee: must make
our great bullet into bed, the memory of hurts, which the murmurs of unthreshold, and how she cannot all the kind, poor weakness, a happy three.
  wan was, is a curly shone her brow is the joined at me in dew?   The breathe upon her way: And the river.”
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justalilgiddybibs · 10 days
Making fake FOPANW episode concepts because I can part 2
This episode can be interpreted as pre- or post-finale, but it does take place after Patty Possum's Party Playground!
Okay, enjoy my rambling!
The Tunnel of Tickly Terror
Synopsis: When a prize challenge at Patty Possum's Party Playground goes haywire, it's up to Winn to free their friends from its grasp!
So this episode, as you probably gathered, is very Winn-focused. Back when Winn was younger, there was a tickle-related challenge that earned whoever completed it a prize: A singing Patty Possum figurine! Winn has wanted one since it was a thing- but it was later discontinued before they could complete the challenge. Their problem? Winn is HELLA TICKLISH. To the point where they'd accidentally brush their arm against one feathery things in the "Tunnel of Tickly Terror", as it was called, and immediately lose all control, bouncing around like a pinball before scrambling back to the entrance, giddy and tickledrunk from bumping against so many tickly things.
The tunnel is very heavily booby-trapped; it's meant to feel like you're trying to steal something from a secret base. You go in, avoid as many of the tickly traps as you can, grab one of the figurines and get out without tapping out, which you can do at any time by calling red. Simple in concept- but very difficult once you actually go in. It's got a lot of different traps that range from motion-sensing hands to softer circles that spin and vibrate, and even parts on the floor that activated a switch when pressed- sending the victim into fits of laughter as the floor temporarily turned to little hands that wiggled underneath whoever was in there. In short, it was hard.
Unfortunately, the challenge was discontinued years ago. So Hazel wishes for the Tunnel of Tickly Terror to exist again. Winn is obviously excited to be able to try it out again and immediately heads over there with Hazel, Jazz and a few others. Winn though needs a bit more time to analyze and find a plan so they don't end up tapping out before it even begins. But in the midst of their strategizing, the challenge starts picking up the people in the tunnel and essentially holding them hostage- not really doing much, but it didn't let them go either. Whenever they try to get out it just briefly tickles them. So what does Winn do? Immediately panic. What're they supposed to do? They're not ready yet!
So of course they just take a deep breath, set aside their strategy, and dive straight into the tunnel, trying their best to ignore the ticklish sensations surrounding them on almost every side. They do end up pinballing a few times and being sent back, but never give up. Their friends are counting on them!
Eventually they do grab one of the figurines, and although they accidentally activated one of the floor traps, they manage to get back to the entrance without tapping out! Hooray! They won! The machine powers down completely and everyone is released- and Winn is on the floor, very tickledrunk and dizzy from all the chaos. But hey! Now they have a singing Patty Possum figurine!
I absolutely love all these scrunkles. They're soo tickleable. I wanna throw them against a wall and tickle them to pieces. WINN AND DEV AND PERI ESPECIALLY!!!
Alright, I'll probably do a few more if I come up with something- but please request whatever things for this fandom I WANNA TALK ABOUT THEM PROMPTS ARE OPEN FOR A REASONNNN
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mythica0 · 27 days
No sadness allowed!
🎂: Fop: A new wish
🍫: Peri
Summary: Peri makes good on his promise; no sad Dev’s allowed! (This is a sequel to doctor tickle monster but can be read without reading the other)
Tw /cw there’s angst but it ends in fluff :3
A/N: Incase you couldn’t tell, Lee dev Ler Peri is my fav duo to write for atm. Hope ya’ll enjoy!
No sadness allowed!
It was a day like any other. Dev and Hazel were hanging out after school, their respective godparents trailing with them.
The two had planned to go on adventures, but wanted to stop at Dev’s house first to get some snacks. After they entered the large, empty home, they went to the kitchen.
However, on the way there they ran into Dale.
“Devin. I need to talk to you.”
Dev looked scared at the prospect, looked back to Hazel worriedly and then followed his father into the other room, shuffling his feet.
‘I hate it when my father says something like that.. it usually means I’m in trouble..’
“Devin. Do you know why I have summoned you?”
“N-No, dad.”
“I have noticed that you haven’t been wearing your shades as often as you used to, which is dropping your ratings among the focus group. They said that your shades make you look above others, as you are as a Dimmadome. If you cannot wear your shades, you aren’t worth my time. Leave, I don’t want to see you right now.”
“Y-yes father.” The young boy replied, leaving the office with his head down.
Hazel and the fairies were waiting for him.
“Are you alright Dev”
He looked down slightly and made a dismissive gesture. “Yeah, I’m fine, Hazel.”
Everyone knew he was lying, but decided not to press. Peri, however, already knew what he was going to do. He just had to wait.
After a short walk to the park, Dev eyed his shades that he had set on the bench, and then turned away. The two friends began to form ideas of what they would wish for, the game they were going to play.
But all of a sudden, Peri spoke up.
“Hey, Dev~”
Dev stiffened for a moment, looking up at his godfather. He couldn’t place it, but the tone Peri was using sent a shiver up his spine.
“Yes, Peri?”
“Do you remember our conversation from the other day~”
Dev thought for a moment, stumped, before Peri spoke again. “No sadness allowed~”
Dev startled straight up and immediately got nervous, putting on a fake smile. “I-I feel a lot better all of a sudden! Ha.. ha..” he laughed nervously.
“What’s going on here?” Hazel inquired, tilting her head in confusion.
Her question went unanswered and Wanda and cosmo Shrugged as she looked to them.
“I don’t quite believe you, Dev. In fact, I think I’m going to have to help you smile for real.”
“Th-that’s really not necessary!”
Peri inched closer to Dev, who was backing up slowly and completely ineffectively.
“Well unless you can give me a real smile, I think I’m going to have to tickle it out of you~”
As he finished his sentence, he pounced, tackling the kid and squeezing his sides rapidly.
The others in the area’s eyes widened in realization, smiles growing on their faces.
Despite trying to hold out, Dev broke almost instantly. “Crahahahap, Peheheheri nohoho!!”
“DEV, YOU’RE TICKLISH? THATS SO CUTE! How did I not know about this before?!” Hazel basically squealed in delight at the scene before her.
“That’s what i said,” Peri started, as if there wasn’t a giggling, squirming child underneath him. “But the kid didn’t think he was cute!”
“Ahahahah Peehehherihi!!” The Gingers bubbly giggles filled the park, if anyone else was there they certainly would’ve been drawn to the sweet noise.
“What’s wrong, Dev? Does it tickle?”
“eehehee yehehehehess!!!”
“Well in that case I should keep doing it.”
“Nohohoho, dohohohont!!”
“Don’t what?”
“Tihihihickle mehehehe!”
“Tickle you? Why of course, kid!” Peri then moved to scribbling underneath the kids arms, causing him to crash them to his sides trapping the hands in place.
Hazel, Cosmo and Wanda looked on, grinning. This was adorable!
“EEHEEE! Thahahts nohohot whahahaht I mehehehant!”
“Well, is it working?”
“NOhohoho!” The kid lied, knowing full well that it was, in fact, working.
“Well then, I guess I should up the dose!”
“Wahahahait nohohoho!!”
“Yes~ and a tktktktktktktktktktktk..” Peri then started poking and spidering on the kids tummy, which he had rightfully assumed was his worst spot by far.
Dev blushed from the teasing and bubbly, joyful laughter pouring from him non-stop. He kicked his feet, trying to get some of the ticklish energy out of his body, but he wasn’t really trying to stop the fairy from tickling him.
“Aww, guys look how happy he is!” Wanda cooed, only increasing the redness on the kids face.
Peri decided that he needed a big ol’ finally, and announced to Dev, “are you ready, kid? Cause this is really gonna tickle.”
Before the kid even had a chance to respond, Peri started blowing raspberry after raspberry all over the kids tummy and sides, never relenting his wiggling fingers.
Dev was in stitches, giggling loudly and hysterically, small, joyful tears forming in his eyes.
Eventually, Peri relented, getting off the kid.
He continued to giggle, unable to stop the flow of laughter exiting him.
“Thahaht… wahahas… aha lohot.” Dev had a huge smile on his face, unable to shake it.
“But you enjoyed it, right?”
Dev’s face, which had just started to cool down, immediately turned bright red again.
“Wha- What? No!” He lied, flusteredly trying to deny it.
“Don’t lie Dev~ we all know you did!” Peri smiled down at him.
“Yeah no you definitely enjoyed that.” Hazel replied.
“Looked like it worked to cheer you up to me!” Wanda cheerfully said.
“Yeah! And your still smiling all big and happy like!” Cosmo finished, solidifying that everyone knew.
Dev blushed a bit more, but at realizing that it wasn’t really a secret, he blurted out a flustered, “yeah, okay, I enjoyed it, shut up!” And then covered his red hot face with his hands.
They all laughed and then continued with their adventures, the smile never leaving Dev’s face.
Little did he know that Hazel knowing he was ticklish wouldn’t be glazed over…
———THE END————————————————
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🐜 Peridot
Send 🐜 for a drabble of when my muse has felt small
Peridot had visited Steven usually every chance she got. Especially, when Lapis did not feel like socializing, which Peridot had learned to respect.Tonight, the Crystal Gems were having a film marathon of sorts, that Steven had dubbed “a movie.” This intrigued her, not to mention, Peridot just felt so warm to attend and learn all she could from her new “friends.” that had invited her to gatherings. They believed this would help her to feel more accepted in their group.
 The green kindergartener walked around the “temple” house waiting for the festivity to begin; she was happy. Her little socks making squeaking sounds on the recently mopped floor by Pearl. Peridot was getting more acquainted with the diligent, clean, motherly gem, she felt like she would be great at assisting her with her “flatware sanitation ritual” Peri confidently walked herself over to the beanpole tall pearl speaking in a comforting tone. 
“You know, if you need some help Pearl I’d be kind enough to assist you here Pearl.” 
Pearl looked down at her, feeling a little protective, wanting to do the job on her own, but seeing how genuine and heartfelt offer she smiled down at the pipsqueak gem. 
“Oh alright, however, Peridot should you need some help fill free to ask me.” 
Peridot grinned. “Pshaw, I can do this.” However, Pearl wasn’t so sure, she worriedly looked at her suddenly feeling the urge to grab a stool for her or something. Maybe she should go get the one Steven used. 
Peridot strutted over to the household’s sink reaching upwards only to find the top of her head only reached the middle of the drawer counter. She jumped and stretched upwards on her tiptoes not being able to see anything on the countertop she touched the wet rag and squealed yanking her hand back. 
Pearl watched her concerned. Peridot was not going to quit on her word yet. She stepped her sock on the handle of the drawers climbing, clawing her way to the top of the end the counter. By the time she got up there she was out of breath but pleased with herself.
There she squeezed and an excessive amount of dish soap on the rag leaning forward scrubbing one of the surfaces. Proudly this wasn’t too hard till the soft material and wet surface side of the sink betrayed her and she lost her footing about to fall backward! Pearl gasped and slid dove over there supporting her from behind holding her shoulders! 
“Are you sure You are completely okay Peridot?” Pearl asked her concerned, holding her steady. “NO! I got this!” Peridot leaned more forward and right on cue with Pearl’s fears her knees slipped and she fell into the soapy mess. 
Amethyst nearly blew a gasket laughing at Peridot using her finger tickling her under her Santa bearded chin continually asking her if she was “Taking a bath?” Pearl gasped about the massive amount of liquid soap on the floor, while also being concerned for Peri. Garnet smiled understanding Pearl had her hands full setting two towels down on the kitchen floor. 
Pearl picked up the dripping shivering gem and hovering her over the counter and onto the towel on the floor. Steven placed the other towel around his little green companion. 
Peridot hung her soapy wet frazzled head in shame at Pearl. “I-I failed. I was too little.”
 Pearl grinned giggling at her lifting her wet chin up. “No, no you didn’t just next time, how about you take my help as well, Peridot,” Pearl reassured her.
 “And Uh like maybe use a stool next time P,” Amethyst added, giggling at her comment. Steven hugged Peridot as did the others for a moment Peridot soaked up all the attention until finally, she shouted! 
“Ew! Stop, Everyone gets off of me! Get off! Get off! Get off!” 
Peridot squatted with her hands. Everyone laughed at her and just smirked at her flushed cheeks enjoying their new short companion crystal gem. 
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mage-cat · 7 years
Hey, @aprillikesthings, you requested Amedot fluff, so I finally finished that one-shot I’ve had sitting around half-done for months.
When Steven gets Lapis out of the barn for a day, Amethyst grabs the chance to get time alone with Peridot and introduce her to Li'l Butler. As the marathon continues, Peridot asks to braid Amethyst's hair to give her hands something to do and help her focus on the show.
Link to the post that will link you to the AO3 version (because Tumblr now keeps posts with external links out of the searches) here.
Story below the cut
“I think you're gonna like this Peri,” Amethyst said as she slid a VHS cassette into the player.
“Are you sure you don't want to wait for Lapis to come back with Steven?” Peridot asked from the couch.
“Pretty sure. Li'l Butler doesn't seem like Lapis' kind of humor.” Actually, Amethyst wasn't sure what Lapis would like, she just knew that having her around tended to dampen the fun she otherwise had with Peridot. There was a reason that Amethyst had held off on introducing Peridot to Li'l Butler until Steven had plans to show Lapis something that was expected to take all day, leaving her and Peridot to set themselves up on the barn's TV-watching balcony with no worries about being interrupted. She didn't share her favorite show with just anyone, and Lapis still fell in that category. The fact that the warm, tingly feeling she got in her gemstone when she was with Peridot or thought about her tended to fade abruptly when Lapis entered the picture had nothing to do with it. Nope, not a thing.
They started the pilot sitting about a foot away from each other. By the time the credits rolled twenty-four minutes later, Peridot was leaning against Amethyst's shoulder.
“Do you get this cuddly with Lapis during Camp Pining Hearts marathons?”
“It makes Lapis uncomfortable, and it's not very comfortable for me either. You know how, even when water is the same temperature as the air around it, it still feels chillier? Her skin is like that. But you run warm, even for a Quartz.” Amethyst thought for a moment that Peridot was about to snuggle deeper into her side, but she straightened up instead. “If you want me to keep some distance, I can. I'm fine with it.”
“N-no. It's cool. I'm just messing with you. Come on, the next episode is starting.” Amethyst draped one arm over the back of the couch, inviting Peridot to go back to siting where she had been. When the first tape ended, that arm had slipped around Peridot's shoulders. Amethyst would have been reluctant to move if it wasn't for the fact that the sound of the static clearly bothered Peridot.
Amethyst popped the cassette out as Peridot observed, “We're four episodes in now, and nothing has changed from the original setup. I would have expected more groundwork being laid for long-term conflicts, but all the problems so far have been resolved in the same episodes that introduced them.”
“Yeah,” said Amethyst, as she grabbed the next tape, “in a show like this, the episode plots are mostly an excuse to set up jokes instead of the next episode. In the long run, things do change, but it's mostly 'cause the kid actors keep aging, and it would be weird if they didn't acknowledge that, or they add new characters to change up the jokes. Don't try too hard to analyze it, at least not on the first watch-through.”
“So it's one of those 'turn your brain off' things?”
Amethyst shrugged. “Meant to be anyway. I've seen people read way deep into it and it's kinda cool, but, like I said, it's mostly written to be jokes.”
“I like jokes. The logical mechanics are interesting.”
Peridot sat through the next episode trying to simply enjoy the comedy without over-analyzing the motifs and character dynamics, and wondered if there was a way to partially distract herself. There was a time that the buzzing feeling at the front of her head that so often came from being around Amethyst would have been distraction enough, but she was used enough to it that it had mostly become a background sensation, though one she missed when it was gone.
Amethyst's hair tickled her cheek. She never quite stopped being surprised how soft it was. Considering that she knew that a small act of will on Amethyst's part could turn her hair into a cutting blade, its relaxed state was very pleasant to the touch. It gave her an idea. “Can I try braiding your hair? There are instructions in that Pretty Hairstylist manga you brought over that I want to attempt, but even if Lapis was willing to let me try on her, her hair's too short.” She had practiced some of the techniques with rope from around the barn, but anything past a basic three- or four-strand braid really did require a head of hair.
Amethyst looked at her in surprise, but didn't hesitate when she said, “Sure. Let me sit on the floor so I don't have to bend my neck all weird.”
As Peridot started with what had been described as the most basic technique, a French braid, Amethyst relaxed into the touch. Having fingers working through her hair felt nice, but the only person who had ever really been interested in doing it had been Vidalia. Steven had done it some when he was little, but he was still mostly just tangling his hands in there by the time someone taught him about personal space and he stopped.
There were a few false starts as Peridot figured out how far back on Amethyst's head to start, how much hair to start with, and how much to take up with each pass, not to mention feedback from Amethyst when she pulled too tightly, but by the time the credits rolled again, she had gotten past the nape of her neck and was willing to call it a success. Amethyst ended up pausing the tape before the next one started so Peridot could grab her tablet to take a picture of the result.
The process repeated while they maintained a running discussion about the events on the screen. Peridot figured out the Dutch braid over the course of the power-outage episode, and waterfall braids while they watched the mini-golf episode. Amethyst had to admit, when she saw the pictures of that last one, that her hair fluffed out so much that Peridot's work was almost impossible to see. The Hawaii vacation special was accompanied by Peridot slowly gathering all of Amethyst's hair into a braided crown around her head, which also involved Peridot summoning bobby pins from somewhere.
“That's the last one I wanted to try,” she said as she showed Amethyst the final result. “Do you want me to take it down?” She really hoped she would decline. Peridot enjoyed being able to see both of Amethyst’s deep blue eyes at the same time and that was much harder when her hair was loose.
Amethyst's “Don't worry about it,” was met with a smile.
The two of them had just settled back on the couch and had realized that sunset was causing an inconvenient glare on the screen when Steven and Lapis returned, doubling their reasons to call it a day for the marathon. They ventured back down to ground level.
“Oh,” Steven said when he saw Amethyst’s hair, “that's different.”
“Yeah, P-dot's hands got bored so I let her use my hair as a fidget toy.”
“You look pretty.”
“There's a word I don't get much.”
Confusion settled over Peridot's face. “Why ever not?”
“I dunno.” Amethyst shrugged. “I guess 'pretty' sorta implies 'delicate-looking' which really ain't me. Pearl gets called pretty. Rose did sometimes, but I think that had a lot to do with how she carried herself. I could see Lapis getting called pretty... or you.”
Peridot's cheeks started to turn blue. “You think I'm pretty?”
“I, ah,” Amethyst’s hand went to the back of her neck as she wished she could hide behind her hair. The few wisps of curls that floated down from her hairline were no substitute for a bang over half her face. “I know you don't like being called 'cute,' so yeah. 'Pretty' is a good word I think.” Her focus snapped onto Steven. “Oh, hey, didn't you promise Pearl you would be back before it got dark? We'd better go.” She grabbed his hand, pulling him away from the barn while waving goodbye to Peridot and Lapis.
Peridot was left blinking in the wake of their hasty departure, causing her roommate to smirk. “You two should just fuse already and get it over with. You're certainly dancing around each other enough to manage it.” Lapis headed into the barn to work on a morp idea she had gotten earlier in the day.
Once that were out of sight of the barn, Amethyst slowed down and let go of Steven's hand. He grinned at her, “So you think Peridot is pretty?”
“Shut up,” she said, pulling pins from her hair. She could see now that they were a brass color that would probably be nearly invisible in Peridot's hair. Amethyst tucked them into her shirt.
“She seemed surprised that you said people wouldn't say the same thing about you.”
“You try any Cupid nonsense, and you're getting no mercy in our next sparring match.” How many bobby pins had Peridot used?
“You're not supposed to be holding back on me in our sparring matches anyway. Why don't you just...”
“Look, this is new for me, alright?” She turned to him abruptly, causing the end of the braid to finally come free and fall over her shoulder. “And if I do this wrong, I still have to work as part of the team with her. I don't want to make that any weirder than it has to be.” She began to unravel Peridot's handiwork. “Just… just let us figure it out.”
Steven was still grinning. “I can tell you what I figured out. Peridot thinks that your pretty and strong and funny, and she was happy to spend all day alone with you.” The singsong quality in his voice towards the end earned him a glare. Maybe Steven was just giddy to see romance bloom, but the sound was too close to teasing for Amethyst's comfort. He backed down a bit. “Okay, no Cupid, be do you want me to find more reasons to get Lapis out of the barn?”
Amethyst finally worked her bangs free. “I can ask Peridot out on dates without help, Little Man.”
Stars appeared in Steven's eyes. “Are you going to?”
“Only if you stop looking at me like that.” But she smiled as she said it.
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aprillikesthings · 8 years
Amedotbomb prompt: Eskimo Kisses
(continued from the last chapter again!)(here are my other fics for this amedotbomb!)
Short mention of past Amethyst/Vidalia and alcohol. Otherwise mostly fluff.
Amethyst suppressed a groan. Peridot looked like a deer in the headlights, so Amethyst held her hand again. “Don’t worry, it’ll be fine,” she said quietly.
“I know.” But her voice was a little wobbly.
They walked over to the kitchen and sat at the breakfast bar next to Steven. Pearl was ladling out soup from a pot on the stove for Steven and Amethyst. The pie cooling on a rack smelled like apple and Amethyst’s mouth watered.
Pearl looked up with a smile. “Is that true? You two are a romantic item?”
Steven smiled around the spoon in his mouth. Amethyst felt her face go hot. “Yeah.”
“I suspected as much. I’ve hardly seen you lately except with Peridot.” Pearl looked at Peridot and her expression softened. “Peridot. You don’t need to be scared. This isn’t Homeworld. If you like Amethyst and she likes you, nobody is going to be angry. Nobody is going to punish you.”
Peridot nodded but still didn’t say anything; she just looked over to Garnet, who gave her a thumbs-up. Peridot did the same back and blushed.
“Well, that’s over with, finally.” Amethyst swallowed all her soup in one gulp and put the bowl down. “Peri, wanna go into my room for a bit? I’m sure Steven wants to show them the video of us falling off the sled, and we’ll be back in time for me to eat some of that pie.”
The moment the temple door closed behind them, Amethyst found a soft surface to sit on, pulled Peridot sideways into her lap, and kissed her before leaning back and sighing with relief. “That went well.”
“I thought you said you weren’t worried!”
“I didn’t think we’d be, like, in trouble or anything. But I’ve never had a girlfriend. I know Pearl and Garnet are totally okay with gems kissing each other and stuff, obviously; but I’ve never kissed another gem, so I didn’t know how they’d react to you and me specifically, y’know?”
“Wait, have you kissed anyone before?”
“Have you?”
“No, but you knew that.”
“True. Um. I kissed a human named Vidalia a few times, years ago, before Steven was born. You haven’t met her yet.” It was weird to think about now–Vidalia had been so drunk that first time, telling Amethyst she was pretty and then mashing her face into Amethyst’s. Amethyst still wasn’t sure Vidalia even remembered it. The next few times, though–and Amethyst had once ended up with paint in her hair and on her clothes–and Pearl had looked so scandalized but Rose had laughed–but that was so long ago; or at least it felt like ages ago. She shook her head. “But no, I’ve never kissed another gem before you, not like, romantically.”
“I guess your choices were somewhat limited.”
“That’s an understatement. So, I take it Homeworld is…not big on gems kissing.”
Peridot frowned. “It’s complicated. Gems of similar types are given a certain amount of leeway. Quartzes especially are known to be, um, friendly with each other; but peridots mostly work alone.”
“Mm. You’ll have to tell me more about it later.” From this vantage Peridot’s neck was far too enticing, and Amethyst nuzzled her face into it, making Peridot squeal.
“That tickles!”
“No, you’re not.” But Peridot was smiling at her.
“Nope. Kiss me anyway.” And Peridot did just that, and Amethyst wondered if she’d ever been this happy; a goofy green nerd in her lap with arms wrapped around Amethyst and her hands buried in Amethyst’s hair.
A few minutes passed before Amethyst reluctantly pulled back. “We should get back, or we’re gonna teased more. Also I want some of that pie.”
The knowingly indulgent smiles Pearl and Garnet both gave Amethyst and Peridot when they walked back into the kitchen was a little embarrassing, but Steven was oblivious and all too happy to cut a large slice of apple pie for Amethyst.
“Peridot, did you want any?”
“No, thanks. It smells nice though.”
This time they sat on the couch and floor around the low table. Steven dug through his shelves looking at board games and debating their various merits with Pearl and Garnet, and Amethyst ate the large slice of pie as slowly as she could–which still meant it was gone in three bites. Peridot was looking at her wide-eyed, and Amethyst laughed and leaned in for another kiss.
Peridot giggled and half-heartedly tried to push her away. “Nooo! Your face is gonna be sticky from the pie!”
Amethyst looked right into Peridot’s eyes–and rubbed her nose against Peridot’s as she continued to giggle.
“Are you guys Eskimo kissing?!” Steven had been watching after all. Whoops.
“They’re not called Eskimos, Steven, they’re Inuit; and that’s not actually how they kiss anyway,” said Pearl. “Ahem, you two, we picked out a game, if you’d like to play.”
“Uhhh, sure!” Amethyst turned back to the low table as Steven dealt them each cards, and snuck a peak at Peridot, who was sneaking a peak at her. They both giggled again.
Peridot sat up straight and looked at Steven and cleared her throat. “So, how do you play this?”
Steven took a deep breath and launched into a long-winded explanation, which Peridot mostly seemed to follow.
Meanwhile Amethyst looked up–and Pearl and Garnet were both giving her that look again, understanding and sympathetic but also amused. Amethyst hid her face behind her hand of cards.
( @amedotbomb )
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