#which can only end in desaster
goldandlights · 1 year
Max and Furiosa sharing a bath because it's the most privacy they can get away with in the crowded Citadel
(both not quite comfortable with being so vulnerable)
(both struggling not to fall into bad memories)
(still, they tether each other to the present)
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crazycurly-77 · 1 month
Don't really know what possessed me to write this, but here it is. Have fun! 
After a hard and tiring case Tim, Tony, Abby and you were celebrating the successful completion in a cute little bar. Amazingly even Gibbs joined your round.
You had a lot of fun and at one point during the evening Tony discovered the little stage and the karaoke machine. So he suggested playing a game. You all cheered about this idea. The game you played was truth or dare and everybody agreed to play. 
To decide who's next Tony put an empty bottle in the middle of the table and spinned it around. 
Tim was the first to play and said “truth”. Abby laughed and cheered immediately and asked him “how do you like my new tattoo?” His head became a fiery red and he stuttered “it's hot.”
“Wheeee!!!” She was absolutely excited, which made even Gibbs laugh. He was sitting beside you and was very content about that, because he came to be able to spend a few nice hours with you outside of work. 
But that you didn't know. Sure, the two of you got along very well and in the last couple of months in which you were working with Abby the team became friends to you, but you developed tender feelings for the silver fox as well. 
That he developed deep feelings for you too was a fact and everybody saw his longing looks towards you, except yourself. You were busy with trying to hide your feelings and pining after him yourself. 
You laughed so hard because of Abby's lucky dance, that you nearly missed that the bottle had landed on Tony. With a mischievous grin he chose “dare”. “I see a karaoke machine on the stage. So I dare you to sing “Rock DJ” of Robbie Williams” Tim challenged him. 
Tony laughed and nodded saying “alright!” and walked towards the place of the upcoming desaster. He performed extremely good, but luckily he was good in his job. His singing had your ears nearly bleeding, but it was very funny. 
He came back to the table exhausted, panting heavily and laughing his ass off as you all did. Sitting down he grabbed the bottle and spinned it. 
Again you were lucky. Abby was next. “Truth” she said smiling widely. 
Tony grinned as only he could and then asked “do you and Tim have an affair?” 
She clapped her hands laughing again and yelled a loud “Yes! Sure!” 
Pour Tim became red as a tomato again and tried not to be seen. 
Gibbs only looked at him, but said nothing. In all the happiness the atmosphere was now a little tense, so Abby quickly took the bottle to lighten the mood once more. 
This time you had no such luck as previously. The bottle landed on you. You took a deep breath, closed your eyes and said “Dare”. 
Abby knew that you can sing, because you were sometimes singing when you were waiting for test results and she loved your voice. But she was the only one who knew of your talent. 
Secretly she planned on getting Gibbs and you together because of your feelings for one another and this game was her perfect chance to work on this project. So she dared you “you have to sing “Hallelujah” in the version of Rufus Wainwright.”
All were laughing and you shrugged your shoulders saying simply “okay.”
You entered the stage, went to the machine and put it off with the words “that I don't need” and you winked to the waiting people. 
Then you took a seat on the piano and began to play and to sing. You closed your eyes to feel the music as you sang and the whole room was silent. After the song ended and you stood to walk back to your colleagues your audience gave you standing ovations. 
Abby fell into your arms jumping up and down “I knew you would make it! And it was so wonderful! I love your voice!”
“Y/N! I didn't know you could sing. Why didn't you told me?” Tony pouted. 
You smiled “you didn't asked.”
Sitting beside Gibbs again he layed his hand on your shoulder and said “very good, Y/L/N. Should sing more often.”
He gave you such a warm and tender smile that your mind gone blank and your heart was racing in your chest. Could he hear and feel it beating so fast? 
The two of you were so captured in each other that you didn't noticed that Tony answered another question truthfully and now directed the bottle back to you. 
Nobody complained about that, because all of them wanted to hear more from you. 
“Me once again? You're kidding. But alright. What do you want to hear?” you asked laughing. Immediately Tony demanded triumphantly “Sitting on a dock of a bay” of Otis Redding!”
“Yeah!!!” was heared from all sides. 
“Good. So be it” you nodded and walked back to the stage. 
Again everyone was fascinated and excited. 
“You are a singer!! What are you doing in the lab?” Tim asked in earnest. 
Your cheeks burned “Thank you so much, but it's just a hobby of mine and I love what I'm doing professionally.”
So this was settled. 
Gibbs asked himself the same what Tim had asked you and he feared your answer, but there was nothing to fear. You wouldn't leave him, would you? 
Of course they said that you were the next again and before you could say anything Tim cheered “I love when you sing ballads. So please, I want to hear “Run” of Leona Lewis.”
That was a sad but wonderful song, because it gives courage. 
So you sang it and Gibbs had to swallow hard. You singing this song got absolutely under his skin, no matter what. 
Tim, Tony and Abby saw this and congratulated themselves. Their plan seemed to work. Sure, originally it was Abby's plan, but Tim and Tony decided to help her as they noticed what she tried. 
Tim was next, so you didn't have to spend the whole evening on stage. He had to drink a glass of beer in one go as he chose the dare. Tony came after him, made the same choice and had to drink a glass of rum. He coughed heavily, but finally he made it and cheered at himself and bathed in his triumph. 
“Now it's my turn!” he then yelled and spun the bottle again. And again you had bad luck, because it landed once more on you. 
“Why does it never land on Gibbs?” you murmured a little annoyed. 
“Because it has too much fear of him!” Tony laughed and nearly toppled over because of it. 
While all were laughing, this earned him a glare and a head-slap from the boss. 
But it didn't help, it was your turn, so you said confidentially “I'll stick with dare.”
Surely you had only to sing again…
…but no!!!
Abby sent you a mischievous grin and demanded “you have to kiss Gibbs.”
Your jaw dropped and you blanched of surprise. Then you gulped and kissed him on the cheek. Everyone was disappointed, but most especially him. For a moment he thought his dreams would come true and his heart was trying to jump out of his chest, but no. He only felt your lips that he wanted to taste so much on his cheek.
Your cheeks however burned of embarrassment. Your heart was racing and you feared his reaction, but he simply stared at you with his wonderful ice blue eyes. 
Then you spun the bottle. It landed on Abby. She chose dare and gave a really good performance of AC/DC's “Thunderstruck”. 
Your little break wasn't long before it was your turn again. This time you chose to tell the truth. So Tony took his chance, stared at you and asked “do you have a boyfriend currently?” 
Once again you turned red “actually not. No, I don't have a boyfriend or someone like that at the moment.”
Tony and most of all Gibbs were very pleased with your answer. 
Then you turned the bottle, but Abby manipulated it, so it landed on you once more. You sighed and said “dare”.
Tim spoke up and made a wish “I would like to hear “The Rose” of Bette Midler.”
Abby cried excited “Yes! Such a wonderful song. A really good choice.”
You rolled your eyes, but went smiling to the stage once again. You loved singing, but you were getting slowly tired of the game. And you had a feeling, that maybe the three of Tim, Tony and Abby were up to something. 
But okay, it was your turn. 
You walked to the micro and it was silent again. Everybody held their breath in anticipation of what would happen. 
You breathed deeply to calm yourself, closed your eyes and began to sing. 
You poured all your heart in the song to get the wonderful message to your audience and everyone listened to your voice. 
You were totally oblivious that Gibbs stood up totally mesmerized and slowly walked to you. The team gasped in astonishment, but he couldn't help himself. He felt like he was drawn magically to you and couldn't resist for the life of him. 
As you had finished the song you opened your eyes to find his blue ones directly in front of you. Without a word he cupped your cheek with one hand and your waist with the other and pulled you to him. 
He wanted to taste your lips so badly so he slowly closed the distance between you and kissed you softly and tenderly. Breaking the kiss after a short while he kissed you lovingly on your forehead too, turned and walked back to your table. 
You stood there unable to move, think or do anything. What was that? Out of the blue your boss kissed you! The only thing in your mind was the word “wow!” 
After you collected yourself you went back to your table too, where you were met with three widely grinning faces and ice blue eyes which followed your every move over the edge of a beer glass. 
Sitting again next to Gibbs you took a sip from your own beer and then laughed “now it's MY turn to turn the bottle!” 
You grabbed it and instantly a hand was laid on yours. Holding your hand Gibbs turned the bottle at himself. He locked eyes with you and stated “it's my turn and I'm choosing the dare. But it's actually not a dare, but an honor.”
Everyone wondered and waited for what he was going to do, but he didn't care about the audience. He simply pulled you gently to him and kissed you hard and deeply to get his message to you and to stake his claim. 
Neither of you were able to grab a thought or say a word after this world turning kiss. You two were in your own world and forgot all your surroundings, co-workers inclusively. 
It took Tony to bring you both back to reality. He clapped Gibbs on the shoulder and winked saying “you should go and take a room.”
Instead of glaring at him, Gibbs grinned widely and murmured to you “for once he's right. Come on, Y/N. Let's go!” 
Under the cheering, clapping and laughing of your colleagues the two of you left the bar to celebrate the beginning of your life together.
The End
Here you will find the other stories I've written to date.
Tags: @ilovemark1951, @hobby27
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Imagining a better world after the apocalypse?
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Now, there are only few followers here, who know me from twitter, I think. But those who do know, that my hyperfixation fandom before Castlevania (though one without much in terms of fanfiction) was Mad Max: Fury Road. Like, I still fucking adore this batshit movie! The action is awesome. The color grading is amazing. And Charlize Theron is.......... Look, I have exactly one celebrity crush and it is this woman, alright?
But let me get to the point. The point is, that within that fandom I had quite a few discussions about one question: "Is Immortan Joe right with how he runs this place?" (Spoiler: My answer is "no".)
Weird question, given that Immortan Joe is the antagonist of the movie and a pretty shitty dude, who only perceives other people as his property that is supposed to serve him in some way or form.
But here is what those people would argue, who would argue for him actually being right and the end of the movie actually spelling desaster for that post-apocalyptic desert society, he has build: "Well, water, oil and sulfur are rare ressources in this post-apocalypse, so one would need to distribute it carefully. And if Furiosa is to establish a more equal society in the end, there will not be enough to go around. Just look at the water. If you leave it running like that, you would empty the reservoir within a couple of days!"
To which my answer always has been: "Our you could just create a better method of sharing the water with everybody. Like faucets. Instead of letting most of it go to waste on the ground. And you can just... not build an entire military based around gas-guzzeling cars and instead use the big advantage of the citadel that it is self-sufficient and super hard to conquer."
But... I think this argumentation also kinda reveals a certain cynicism people have been trained to use to see the world. We are trained to see the world as a "wolf eat wolf" society. That we need scarcity and that there needs to be an underclass of people.
But of course... This is just wrong. Even that post-apocalyptic society in that movie can actually turn into something nice. Into something better.
Especially as all the argumentation people have going on there, ignores one of the greatest things that the citadel has: Knowledge. There is tons of old knowledge through the books that are still there. Books from the old world. Books in engineering. On other things as well. And adding to that, they also have the oral knowledge of the vuvalini in the end.
And because I cannot help myself to bring this from my last hyperfixation to my current hyperfixation: Take the end of the Castlevania Netflix series, for example. Like, sure, most characters have a happy end. But that is not the hopeful thing about it. Because the series ends on the expressed goal of sharing knowledge. The vampires have collected all this knowledge the entire time. Knowledge of technology and medicine. But they have done basically nothing with it, but making their own living kinda nice. I mean, heck, why do vampires even need knowledge about medicine given that they apparently do not get sick and can heal all wounds within minutes.
And then the series ends on the expressed goal of sharing the knowledge. Isaac gets inspired to share his knowledge by the end of the series - and given that he ends up with access to the Styrian library he can share that knowledge as well. And we already see by the end, how the people from Danesti are both in the Belmont Hold and the library of the castle, are learning things.
You could argue, that what happens in the show is, from the perspective of the average person, the apocalypse. Like, there is literal fire raining down onto the earth. But... By the end of it. There is the potential to build a better world. A world, in fact, that would be better than what actually happened in the real world after 1476.
And I think that is just so darn hopeful.
I wished media would explore this more.
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cybertroniannugget · 10 months
Balancing on the ice❄️
I'm here for you pt.2 (Fluff ending because pt.1 was kinda dark and this is CHRISTMAS TIME)
Dec 13
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After the not so great encounter earlier, Optimus takes it upon himself to cheer you up.
The sound of your phone ringing catches your attention and as you lift it up you see, that it's Optimus calling you.
Pulse rising you pick up with the usual 'hello' as a greeting.
"My sincerest apologies for contacting you this late but would you mind walking over to the main hangar?"
"Eh, sure no problem. Why though?"
Fidgeting with a pen you listen to his answer.
"After today I wish to drive somewhere with you."
"Just you an I?", you ask, letting the pen fall onto the floor.
"As long as the idea does not arise negative feelings in you."
You nod, realizing he couldn't see you.
"Of course!", you answer a little too excited.
"I'll be there in a minute."
"I will meet you there then."
He hangs up the call and you could hear your fast pulse in your ears.
Quickly getting into your winter clothing, you walk outside to where the Prime was already waiting in his truck form.
The driver's door opens, inviting you to get in.
Carefully you do so, unsure whether to close the door yourself.
It closes on it's own, the warmth of the cabin welcoming you.
"It will be a 20 minute drive. If you wish to remove your winter coat you can place it next to you onto the passenger's seat.", Optimus's voice echoes over the radio.
You remove your coat, keeping it in your kap though.
"Now please fasten the seatbelt.", he says and you do as you're told.
The engine starts with a loud rumble, the vehicle setting in motion, leaving the base.
The first few minutes of the drive are silent.
Desperate to break the silence you speak up.
"If I may ask, where are we going exactly?"
"I wish to keep it a surprise."
You nod, again realizing that he CANNOT SEE YOU.
"That's fine."
Another moment of silence before he turns to speak.
"How are you feeling?"
"After what happened today?"
The Prime hums.
"Pretty awful to be honest. It was scary. But you saved me. I wanna thank you for that."
"I deemed it necessary to take action."
You chuckle. "Never thought I'd see you hit someone square in the face like that."
"I deemed it necessary.", he repeats.
"If negotiation cannot get me far..."
"You'll throw hands.", you finish his sentence after noticing he couldn't find the words to do so himself.
Ten minutes later he stops and you get into your wanr coat again.
The door opens and you get out, careful not to slip.
Before you stretched an entirely frozen lake. Tge light of the setting sun colored the ice in purple and orange. Mesmerized by the sight you don't notice the shifting behind you. Only when Optimus stands beside you in his mass displaced form you connect the dots.
He was still a head taller than you in this form.
"Now, what's your plan, Prime?", you ask, hands on your hips.
"Teaching you in how to keep your balance on the ice."
Eyes widening you look up at him.
"Wh-now?! Why?"
"Because you deserve to enjoy yourself, which you were not able to do today. I am here to change that if you allow me to."
He extends his servo, which you grab hesitantly.
He nods, slowly guiding you down onto the ice
"I don't think this is a good idea.", you mumble doubting the whole situation.
"I am here with you. Holding no ill intentions."
"I know.", you respond, holding onto his arms for dear life.
"Let's do this then.", you try to convince yourself that this not end in a total desaster.
After a few initial rounds of tumbling and falling once, you got quite the hang of it.
Certainly you couldn't move across the ice as gracefully as Prime, but it could be worse.
"You are improving."
"Because you are patient with me Optimus.", you admit.
"Pressuring you would not prove to be of advantage. I let you take all the time you need and be patient."
Taking a deep breath, you brace yourself for what you were saying next.
"And that's why I love you Optimus.", you blurt out.
"There I said it."
His eyes widen for a mere moment, before his gaze relaxes, looking at you with nothing but love.
"Wait, don't tell me you feel the same?!"
"How could I not feel love for you? From the few people on earth accepting us, you are the most welcoming. Every aspect of you is something I admire greatly, and I wish to learn more about who you are."
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runabout-river · 3 days
I disagree that a sequel is necessary. While I see the potential for new storylines, the idea of introducing a completely new set of antagonists doesn’t appeal to me. Starting from scratch with villains can feel like a major challenge, and bringing back old ones would only lessen the impact of their original arcs. I don’t want to see previous antagonists resurrected, as it would feel forced and undermine the emotional weight of their defeats.
There's also the power vacuum left by the deaths of major characters, but that doesn’t automatically mean the story needs to continue. Sometimes, the best choice is to let things end naturally rather than create a new threat just to keep the series going.
Jujutsu Kaisen's ending might not be saved by a sequel. If Gege is tired of the universe, it could show in the quality of the continuation. Forcing a sequel when the creator might not be fully invested could result in something lackluster, and I’d hate to see the series lose what made it great in the first place. I also feel strongly about the need for Gege to rest, especially with the health concerns and breaks he had.
I prefer complete, well-rounded stories, and I’m concerned that a sequel would compromise that. In the end, I just don’t want a sequel to happen, as I believe Jujutsu Kaisen could have ended on a stronger note without needing to push the story further.
About the villains: would you say Sukuna's and Kenjaku's arcs are completely finished? Have they been used to their full potential?
Kenjaku eg. has a background connection with Yuji but no actual relationship with him in-story. There is no push and pull between those two and their past hasn't been dealt with either. Kenjaku also has no realtionship with Nobara and Megumi and only a small one with Gojo. As a villain he did much but his interpersonal connections were severly lacking except for Choso which was one-sided.
A potential sequel could present us the relationship and history with Kenjaku and Yuji that hadn't been dugged into until now. Not to forget Heian era history.
For Sukuna its a bit more complex. He had a deep relationship with Yuji and build one with Gojo during their fight. He showed a different side to him through his relationship with Uraume. But what was extremely missing and cut out in the end was a relationship with Megumi. Megumi's end to his own arc was also cut out.
In a potential JJK 2, Megumi dealing with Sukuna (in whatever form he would appear, a curse or trauma) would delve into that missing part of JJK which had existed since the Cursed Womb arc. What would also come from there is Sukuna's past and why he agreed to become cursed objects in the first place.
As a personal opinion, I would like new desaster curses eg a Death Curse. That would bring that curse-centred feeling back to JJK that was missing since Shibuya.
And of course, I wouldn't want a sequel that isn't made with passion either. If Gege has no desire or love for more stories of JJK (outside of maybe small chapters or light novels) than he shouldn't be forced to continue it. If he has health problems that's the same thing.
But just like me who simply assumes that Gege would love to continue the story, you assume that he wouldn't. But in reality we can't tell in any way what Gege thinks about this and if he even has a potentially bad health status. We get small glimpses of him, which is standard for mangaka, and there isn't much to go from there.
He said recently that he's happy the story ends. Yes, JJK will end with chapter 271. That's a statement of fact and can't necessarily be used to say a Part 2 won't come. In the past, sequel anouncements also took months if not years. We can't tell.
What I wanted to say at the end is, I don't think JJK is a well-rounded story. As it stands now, it has superflous plot elements that should've been trimmed down to make it a well-rounded story. Instead we had last chapter were we went through the fat so to speak and cut it off after the meat has already been cooked.
(Please don't roast me for my metaphor, I hate cooking)
There is a reason why "JJK Part 2" is a popular theory/demand and that's because there is room for one that most people have no problem seeing. I don't think that BHA and Demon Slayer had such big Part 2 feelings outside of a niche demand which always exists with all manga and anime that end.
So I don't think JJK would be pushed into more stories. I think it has the groundwork to build those naturally from everything the story has presented us during its run.
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kimbureh · 7 months
There's this big fanfiction I've been tinkering on almost daily for the past couple months, and now that I get to the end of it and prepare to upload it to AO3, I struggle a lot with how to tag this story.
The prequel to it attracted the occasional confused or disappointed voice, seemingly because my tags didn't communicate clearly enough what the story was about. I intend to do a better job this time.
Apparently my readers expected a) strictly monogamous relationships as default, b) couples getting together and staying together. Instead they got messy relationships that didn't end in an Happy End nor in Complete Desaster. Sometimes relationships linger in that unstaisfactory area between, I wanted to show that. Perhaps that particular point came across too well, lol.
Fanfiction has this very specific level of "sexy unrealism" that my story perhaps lacked? Like, if you tag a couple, there's the expectation that will get back together after the breakup. But since my characters don't even have a concept of monogamy or romantic relationships, they don't breakup, cuz they never really got together. Which one reader interpreted as them "just fucking around", as if that was a) the wrong way to write fanfiction and b) not entertaining in a different way.
idk man, I just feel like some readers click on my story with a lot of very specific expectations, and since I don't read that much fanfiction, I can only guess what those are for this specific fandom.
I don't like wordy prefaces, so I guess I'll just tell my readers three things: - don't assume monogamy - there can be a happy end even if none of them stay together - keep an open mind
I mean, I have very particular tastes about the fics I read too, I think it's just fair if I try to tag my story as accurately as possible.
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littlegeecko · 1 year
Has Faker ever made his own connections to EXEs in your au? Besides his origins with Lord X
You absolute fool i will take this chance to ramble so sit down on the strapped chair
Short answer: No, not many at least
Long Answer:
Faker is a creation of Lord X that, at least in my own interpretation and AU, he was made from the core of his existence, the darkness of the void itself, all the hate, the negative feelings, the power, the emotions deep within Lord X's being about humanity aside from seeing them as his little game. Faker has been in this box comfortably since forever and technically there was no issue with that, not even when he tried to attack Lord X in multiple ocassions.
Until he realized that, unlike Lord X, he cannot adapt to new emotions that arent the ones previously mentioned, which makes him, in theory, "inperfect" and "incomplete". He's selfish, hes evil, he doesnt care about others much unless they're ones he can control and use in his favor.
Hes not physically capable of understanding nor feeling normal emotions such as platonic/romantic love or form interpersonal meaningful connections, or even develop normal hobbies like Lord X does with the piano and singing, he sees them as unnecessary and meaningless for him to exist.
He can feel something tho, and its resentment, at Lord X.
And because of that resentment, he has tried to NOT be like him, specially after seeing how "weak" and "soft" he has become because of Sunky and that blue thing (Majin) Is this what a connection with another living being does to you? he wants nothing to do with that.
However, getting to be outside the void from time to time and being exposed to his creator/father's odd, new behaviour, and the way he treats others around him, his new Creation included (Sunky) Faker has found himself...longing
Longing for what? he's rather X himself than be treated by Lord X the same as Sunky, and he finds the actions with the blue thing disgusting at best, so what is he longing for exactly?
In my AU, since most complicated situations such as these ones can be turned into some little funny thing (Such as Faker's complicated feelings about Sunky being funnily summed up to him suffering Only Child Syndrome all of the sudden), you could say Faker's longing for Companionship, he feels lonely and it makes him feel stupid and weak, so he ignores it
But he has found himself hanging by other living creatures in a calmer manner more times than he'd like to admit, like his barebones attempt and having a sonic-like team with Wechidna and Vulpes (The latter being a faker-so Tails my s/o made) and ending in complete desaster since Faker just likes the idea of them being like a team of sorts, even if he hates Wech's guts and Vulpes tries to stay away from him/them in general
The rest of the characters are just treated dismissively or like inferior beings by Faker; Sanic, Majin, Fleet and Sunky and other people they'd consider friends. And Then
There's Scorched.
But, thats an story for another inbox message nah? haha
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t-u-i-t-c · 12 days
Top 5 Toku dramas!
this is a tough one, i've seen over 40 toku series and it's pretty hard to compare things and narrow it down. i'm also aware that some things i am very into aren't everyone's cup of tea as we value different parts of toku. for example, i don't care that much about mecha, but i do care about characters and details. i care about it feeling like the people on the show care. that being said, let me give you 5 toku series that changed my brain chemistry in no particular order with some brief notes.
(these are not my top 5 overall bc i'm indecisive, just 5 that had an impact off the top of my head.)
put "top 5 (anything)" in my inbox and i'll give you an answer
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ohsama sentai king-ohger
the third sentai i watched while airing, but only the second from beginning to end
it's one of my favorite sentai, if not my favorite
has one of my favorite characters of all time, racules husty, and jeramie brasieri is not far behind
interesting lore that is pretty consistent and fleshed out
interesting conversations about grief, loyalty, guilt, and power
fashion icons hymeno ran and yanma gast are present
satisfying conclusion and fun crossovers
gender neutral representation
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kamen rider saber
gorgeous suit designs
kento and touma are present and are a perfect example of loyalty and devotion - so much love that you can feel it in the air
dad swordsman who loves his young son and his son is also doted on by the guild
interesting discussions about trauma, existentialism, guilt, betrayal, and love
mei, girl of all time, is present and is the backbone of the guild even though she's not a swordsman herself
storious is there, which is all he has to do for me - also megid ot3
guy who fused with his sword and who's very interested in comics and mundane things, and is quick to call other swordsmen out
whatever desast and ren had going on
touma is one of the riders ever, he cares so much and wants to save everyone he possibly can and grasps onto hope with every ounce of strength he has
touma's entire wardrobe is iconic
trio of deep sin = cinematic masterpiece
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gosei sentai dairanger
i'll never be over it, i'll never forget the ending and i'll never not feel something when i think about it
incredible episode in which red takes in the enemy and nurses him back to health - he even tucks him in
the iconic duo of kazu and shoji who stare at each other longingly and have really sweet moments
guy who is a turtle
the music>>>>
heated drama between women
the team genuinely feels so bonded like no matter where they go they'll always end up back together
the ending? an experience in and of itself
talks about cycles of violence and hope and the balance of good and evil
note: it's quite dated and has moments that may make one uncomfortable - sexual harassment mainly
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kishiryu sentai ryusoulger
(i can't not talk about this one as i have a particular fascination with it)
canalo is in it and he's one of my favorite guys of all time - just a very lovely guy
i'm actually very into the mecha in this series and how they are used to show souls being bonded
koh is one of my favorite reds, he never looks down on fellow ryusoulgers and insists that there's no leader amongst them
lots of interesting lore that i've been taking a lot of notes on, some is explained and some is not but it fascinates me
tyramigo - a kishiryu that koh shrinks and who learned to speak from watching tv
the ending dance is so fun and cute, every time i see someone from the cast doing it they look like they're having the time of their lives
wyzul <3
asuna has great physical strength for some reason, it seems to be an oddity, and while she's a bit embarrassed about it in the beginning (it's not explained why but one could think she feels out of place being the only one with this ability) she prides herself in being strong later when protecting children and that always stuck with me
i think that it does some interesting things with the bonds between the ryusoulgers and discussing trust, strength, resolve, and care
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kamen rider build
banjo and sento best match - so much trust and belief in one another
discussions of grief, guilt, compliance, sins of the past, forgiveness, and war
stunning suits
evolt is a character that i very much enjoy watching in any form
lots of twists and turns done well with the help of foreshadowing
banjo wears shirts that say things
sento is one of my favorite main riders, and i would explain why but i don't want to spoil anything here
banjo is my favorite secondary so far too
the movies are very good and i love them
bonus series: kamen rider geats & tensou sentai goseiger
are these all perfect? no, a few have some very obvious flaws and holes and others are just not everyone's cup of tea but they did have a great impact on me. i don't particularly recommend anything as tastes differ but i think value can be found in all of these in one way or another.
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ladyarrowhead · 2 months
Rena (Re-)Watches Downton Abbey: Ep.5
I have about 2h of free time which means I finally can watch a new episode - today it's all about the flowers of courtshhip and actual flowers within a garden! Let's find out which member of thhe Granthams will violate privacy laws this time!
The Episode
Daisy is still having flashbacks about seeing Mary move Mr. Pamuk's (RIP, you chauvinist) body - she's skittish, still nervous. O'Brien and Thomas Barrow both crowd her, trying to find out what Daisy knows. I love how Daisy decides to keep quiet for now! O'Brien, scheming queen, decides to tell her "concerns" about Daisy to Edith, fully knowing that Edith will use whatever she can to harm Mary's pride. Edith knows how to coax the truth out of Daisy much easier, telling her how much she thinks this weight should not be on Daisy's shoulders. It's sending a shiver down my spine!
Aunt Rosamund is mentioned for the first time, informing her brother Robert of the newest London gossip. Robert finds himself at a loss and Cora suggest Anthony Strallan as an option (who I remember being a really cool old guy, we'll see?). It also leads Cora to inform Mary that her standing in society has changed quite drastly and she is now seen as "damaged goods".
Sybil has organized a new opportunity for Gwen to interview for a position as secretary. She even decides to drive her herself in the governess carriage! Sadly, the horse is losing a shoe and Sybil and Gwen are somewhat stranded, which brings the members of Downton Household both upstairs and downstairs into great worries. Still, they make it back by the evening. Gwen does not get the job, but Sybil is still quite positive.
A flower show is happening! Moseley takes some time off to help his father. We also find out that Lady Violet is winning since she's competing as nobody dares to insult her to her face. Isobel feels very eager to tell Lady Violet, making her aware that she does not "usually win, but always win". It's so heartweaming when the Dowager Countess (?) decides that Moseley is supposed to win! I love Old Man Moseley so much.
Thomas Barrow is shown to sweet some wine - Carson has noticed during inventory that the wine bottles do not correspond with the numbers - so this was nicely set up! He's also still pretty chill at making William's life hell. He and fellow-schemer O'Brien are having a talk of him only writing about Mary to a friend - O'Brien, who knows how to keep a secret, berates him that the friend's employer is known to be a gossip - but encouraes him of getting rid of Mr. Bates, who spotted Thomas stealing. COINCIDENTALLY Lord Grantham is missing one of his snuff boxes, and KINDLY O'Brien openly says in front of everyone how unfortunate this is, given that only Mr. Bates goes into Lord Grantham's room. Anna realizes the snuff box has probably been planted in Bate's room. They both suggest to Carson to search the rooms, watching with glee how worried O'Brien and Barrow rush to their rooms. Anna also hints to Bates that his feelings are reciprocated, confessing her feelings to him.
Lastly, Mrs. Patmore's is getting some attention as Cora asks her to prepare an apple charlotte pudding for Sir Anthony Strallan, insisting she cannot read from a new receipt. I like this a lot as sicne the first episode we have Mrs. Patmore sometimes being unable to see ingredients on the table and sweet Daisy helping her out. She also drops the chicken later on and the servants, after wiping it, still serve it upstairs - what else are they supposed to do? The dining experience turns into an utter desaster when, presuming it to be sugar, Mrs. Patmore accidentally throws heaps of salt on the raspberry meringue. Carson has a really lovely talk with her which shows a bit of a softer side in him, leading to her opening up that she has not gone to the doctor yet.
We're ending on a cliffhanger, oooooooooh, with Edith writing a letter to dramatical violing music to the Turkish Embassy.
The Characters
Things are still UGH on the "Does my Dad love me?"-front between Mary and Robert. Mary and Matthew are still flirting but not owning up to things. Edith is pushed to the side. Water is wet. Still, the talk between Cora and Mary is really nice because they both so disagree with each other but affirm it.
Edith - everyone always pities her, we also are now confirmed that she was in love with Mr. Patrick, the man supposed to marry Mary. When she also overhears Mary insisting Cora should focus on Edith and that Edith as "fewer advantages" than Mary - but man ,she's so cute? Is it her being the second daughter? Probably, right ,given Downton's shaky future? Additionally, while here maybe in order to appeal to Strallan, over the course of the series, Edith's interest in machinery will increasingly be explored - I think she even learns hhow to drive. My heart hurts when she is overlooked by everyone in the room.
O'Brien, you scheming queen. I remember loving to see just how she works - what an incredible manipulator. I remember disliking her a lot during the first watch until stuff happens but by now I really like her.
Anna and Bates are just pure sugar this episode - but man, we are just five eps in and we are speaking of love? Darlings! This is a British show, we have so much time! But the confession? "You are a lady to me and I never kenw a finer one?" UGH MY HEART.
Mary vs. Edith Awfulness Score
Not sure if it counts here because this is my interpretation of camera angles - but while Sybil mentions her sympathy for Aunt Rosamund's living circumstances of bein alone in a big house, Mary mentions there is nothing to dislike, with exchanging glances at Edith. Whil Mary usually finds herself surrounded by suitors, Edith is - as we will later see- by far not as desired. I am not sure if this counts as a jab though, given that we, as a first-time-viewer, might not know this yet? This counts given two minutes later we have Isobel spell this out for the viewer. Point for Mary!
When Mary mentions she would not have gotten down from a horse, no matter how lame it was, Edith immediately replies "No, I don't believe you would", indicating once again Mary's pride as her greatest weakness. (Is pride as greatest weakness also arrogance? I am not sure!) Point for Edith!
While Mary openly mentions to her mother that she thinks Edith has none advantages, she does not tell Edith to her face yet. I'll overlook this.
Does it also not count that Edith very much goes for Strallan when Edith goes for Matthew anyway? I would say yes, given that she also rubs it into Mary's face and knows how her position has gotten much worse. Point for Edith!
Mary decides to tell Edith to her face that MATTHEW told her how much the thing with Edith is not something he is into. The hurt doubles given that Mary knows this is Matthew's opinion. Point for Mary.
Also, a point for both in now openly challenging each other with Mary saying she's quite capable of catching Strallan's attention.
Another point for Mary for immediately doing so by showing Strallan a book he might be interested in the moment Edith wants to speak to the man. Man we are having points here, it's raining!
It is kinda satisfying for Edith rub Matthew's sudden "disinterest" under Mary's nose. Still, point for you, Edith.
Current score 6:7, Edith is stil leading but man, look how this jumped up!
Other Things
I have to say, I always love the scenes where they are eating. It reminds me a bit of Little Lord Fauntleroy with Alec Guiness - I am always super keen to see what kind of food is served. I am also 1000% sure there is Downton Abbey cookbook. (Just, checked, there is, but after my 3 Jane Austen Tea Time and Cooking Books, I really shouldn't buy that one. Apple Charlotte is NOT in the cookbook)
Why are the subtitles calling her Rosamond? Netflix subtitles are so dumb sometimes.
A really nice detail is how, once Mr. Carson (and tus I suppose Mrs. Hugghes) are both out of the house, a lot of rules among the staff seem to be more lax. O'Brien is doing handiwork at the dining table, William is polishing a chandelier and Thomas is even smoking inside of the house!
...that Little Women comment about raising daughters by Cora. Ifykyn.
Those are some nice roses but my grandpa's roses are the nicest!
Mary always looks so wonderful in scarlet. Gives me Pathologic 2 Maria Kaina vibes.
What was that weird monologue by Edith? It felt so unfitting with the rest of the show - but oh well.
"You know what they say about old Savident. Not so much an open mind as an open mouth."
"It's easy to be generous if you have nothing to loose."
"OH? Judas was only trying to help, I guess, when he brought the Roman Soldiers to the Garden!"
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rampanttheories · 10 months
On the Order of the Phoenix
At some point in time between the third task in GoF and Harry getting picked up during the summer the Order of the Phoenix was called back into existence and subsequently moved into Grimmauld Place.
Presumably, Dumbledore vouched for Sirius' innocence around that time as otherwise I doubt Molly Weasley would allow her children in that place and Sirius would probably get attacked by three competent aurors at varying stages of their careers.
Speaking of which:
Three competent aurors with a drive to do good (as evident in their joining a militia against Riddle) learned of Sirius' innocence and wrongful incarceration. And not one of them did anything about the gross miscarriage of justice under their noses. Which sounds off to me.
We have a very young auror at the beginning of her career and a blood relation to Sirius, so overall with very limited influence on the topic in Tonks. A retired auror known to be close with Dumbledore, who is subject to a smear campaign at that point, and a known paranoid bastard in Mad-Eye Moody. And an auror established in his career in Kingsley Shaklebolt. In my eyes the most likely candidate to attempt something.
From what we see of Kingsley he is well respected in the Ministry and regarded by the Minister himself. Fudge brings him along to try and arrest Dumbledore later in the year which speaks to a certain level of social and political aptitute. Additional evidence in this direction are Kingsley being appointed magical bodyguard to the muggle PM during Scrimgeour's term and Kingsley's own election to Minister of Magic following the Battle of Hogwarts. So we can assume him to be well-connected and able to raise topics at opportune moments in a way accessible to his audience.
The Ministry at this point in time is having an awful time and has been for pretty exactly two years. Starting with Sirius' escape, which rattled faith in Azkaban, the dementors and the aurors specifically who failed to re-apprehend him. Continuing with the repeated issues with the dementors at Hogwarts. Continuing on further with the embarassment of the Quidditch World Cup being overrun by deatheaters. And finally, most recently, the desaster the Triwizard Tournament ended up being with the UK having two champions, audience-unfriendly tasks, a judge disappearing, a champion dying and finally the claims the magical world's latest terrorist was returning from the presumed dead. And of course, the initial escapee was still on the run. The Ministry was scrambling to at least appear in control of everything, both domestically and internationally. Hence the attempts to discredit Dumbledore and Harry as the other regional public figures and seize control over Hogwarts.
Kingsley could absolutely go up to the ambitious Scrimgeour, I doubt his aspirations were unknown, and suggest building a small task force to catch Sirius Black. After all, the Ministry and especially the Aurors needed a win in the public eye and with all the other things going on Black wouldn't expect it. So if he could maybe have access to all files pertaining Black? The potential for Fudge becoming the scapegoat for all the recent troubles and Scrimgeour emerging as a new and trusted leader based on achievements remains unsaid yet is understood by all.
Potentially Scrimgeour takes the idea and runs with it himself. After all, the Ministry is adamant about aurors not being actively needed at the moment, he has the time. And he reads every single document on the case Black. Including any trial records and evidence filed. Which is astonishingly little.
Concerningly little.
Promisingly little.
Especially since Fudge was personally involved in the case and has been publicly bragging about it (see PoA in the Three Broomsticks). So it would very naturally reflect badly especially on Fudge and his administration if Black's guilt were to be re-exmined. And Scrimgeour himself would not only be a fresh face, but one righting the wrongs of his predecessors. With the support of a notorious house if the only surviving bearer of the name Black owed him a favour. It would also neatly subvert the issue called Potter. He'd probably be very busy getting acclimated to a new godfather if custody was transferred from that muggle family. Fewer claims of a second coming of that bloody bastard. All the better. Smear campaigns against children were never a good look on anyone. Now to get that innocence established, weren't there statements Fudge ignored last year...
Kingsley is very happy to stand back and watch self-interest get the right thing done. Scrimgeour would remember who gave him the idea and the Order would gain a powerful supporter and fighter. Wins across the board in his book.
TL;DR: Kingsley not doing something about Sirius' innocence is bullshit. Especially not when at that point everybody was ready to see Fudge go and establishing Sirius as innocent would be a perfect thing for him to fall over. Political intrigue accidentally fixing problems ensues
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asoulofatlantis · 1 year
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Riiiiiight. There was one more death...
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Makes you winder why it took longer for the erosion to take Agnes. Was the Genesis trying to protect her?
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So this is were we currently were...
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...and this is were we need to go.
This is even before Ashen attacked us. Meaning that nothing of the things we have experienced the past 3 days has actually theoretically happened. And yet... we own 7 Genesis now.
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Look! Act 3 is all in all really interesting per se. BUT it seems like its never ending. Its one desaster after the next one and then rinse and repeat. I am getting sick of this.
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Now that I think about it... Sheena and Nina doesn't sound so differen't now does it? The question is... what is she? An immortal?
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My girl! My dear, dear girl! I missed you so much!
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With everyone else that would make sense... but we know that Nadia can only sleep properly when Swin is around and we saw in Reverie that she wakes up relativly fast after he left. Meaning there should be no way in hell that Swin would have made it to the beach without Nadia noticing he was gone. Falcom is really inconsistent with those two.
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You know... this boy still deserves to be kicked in his freaking ass for hurting my poor girl Nadia so much.
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I am still not done with my complains about the inconsistency. Ace was a man who was willing to let himself be killed by Swin so that Swin could life, the Garden Master is an asshole, playing with peoples lifes and emotions, how can it be that Swin really truly believes that is the Ace he ows something too? And how is it, that only when he tried to kill Nadia, he realized that that couldn't possible be Ace?
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Thats why the game has thrown that sudden "Just like Joshua" - Moment at us. We were supposed to think of Joshua when looking at Swin and his Situation because that Contract is like the Stigma that allowed Wiseman to control Joshua. Kevin made it, that Joshua could break free from that Stigma when Weissman ordered him to kill Estelle. Swin managed to break free from the contract when "Ace" tried to kill Nadia, which is the one thing that Swin could not accept and that the real Ace would have never done. Cheeky reminder from Falcom that Swin and Nadia are a destined couple.
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Boy, you are lucky that thanks to Nadias sleeping issues, she will never let you sleep on the couch when you two are finally official, because that is what you deserve! A full week on the couch, without dessert, if you get what I mean! Urg! Trails-Guys... *mumbles angrily*
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I wonder if these two other man will play a role eventually, given how the game is showing their faces so clearly.
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It always lovely how Falcom pulls at our heartstrings in the exact right moment XD
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She is hungry XD (Did you notice that the smallest or thinnest chracters have the biggest appetit in this Game-Series? XD)
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[Daily Don]
* * * *
“A nation that isn't broken, but simply unfinished.”  ::  May 25, 2023
MAY 25, 2023
         Eighteen days after the January 6th attack, twenty-two-year-old Amanda Gorman stood on the recently embattled steps of the Capitol. The eyes of the world upon her. In a moment of grace and healing, the young poet addressed the nation’s fresh wounds and uncertain future. She said:
We've braved the belly of the beast,
we've learned that quiet isn't always peace.
And the norms and notions of what just is
isn't always justice.
And yet the dawn is ours before we knew it,
somehow we do it. Somehow we've weathered
and witnessed a nation that isn't broken, but simply unfinished.
Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true:
that even as we grieved, we grew;
that even as we hurt, we hoped;
that even as we tired, we tried;
that we'll forever be tied together victorious,
not because we will never again know defeat
but because we will never again sow division.
         The full text of Amanda Gorman’s poem is here: The Hill We Climb by Amanda Gorman (poetry.com). A video of Amanda reciting her poem at the Inauguration is here: 'The Hill We Climb' - YouTube. The poem is now available in book form at your local independent bookstore (which can be located at IndieBound.org).
         Two days before Ron DeSantis announced his bid for the presidency, a school parent in Miami-Dade, Florida, filed a one-page form alleging that “The Hill We Climb” is “not educational" and contains "hate messages." It is doubtful that the complaining parent read the poem. The parent incorrectly claimed that The Hill We Climb was written by Oprah Winfrey. But under the fascist scheme established by Ron DeSantis, the ignorant and spiteful allegation of a single parent is sufficient to banish a book to the purgatory of endless “reviews” by the “Florida Thought Police.”
         That is the Florida that Ron DeSantis has created. And that is the America he seeks to create. DeSantis’s campaign merchandise touts that he will “Make America Florida.” Most Americans do not want their states to resemble the hellish landscape that DeSantis envisions for Florida—or America.
         It takes effort to recall the damage and division that DeSantis has sowed in Florida. Fortunately, the Washington Post reminded us of that carnage on the day of his announcement. See Washington Post, 10 things to know about Ron DeSantis as he joins 2024 presidential race. (This article is accessible to everyone.)
         Democracy Docket has published a review of DeSantis’s anti-democratic voter legislation. See Democracy Docket, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ Record on Voting Rights.
         DeSantis’s abortion policies are so extreme that he tries to avoid discussing abortion when appearing before supporters. See NYTimes, DeSantis Avoids Talk of Abortion Ban on the Trail. (“On the trail, his remarks about the ban are usually limited to a single line in his roughly 45-minute stump speech.”)
         DeSantis’s campaign launch on Twitter with Elon Musk was so bad that it became a joke and internet meme before the event ended. The “live” event on Twitter was “audio only” in an age when video dominates. Even then, the audio repeatedly dropped and froze, causing Musk to bail on the original event and open a “new” Twitter space to host the event. #DeSaster went viral before Musk mercifully ended the debacle. See Forbes, ‘#DeSaster’: DeSantis Roasted Over Botched Twitter Campaign Launch—By Trump, Biden And Others.
         Worse, a DeSantis supporter published an op-ed in the NYTimes entitled, Not Dead Yet. As fans of Monty Python immediately recognized, the reference to “Not Dead Yet” is an unfortunate allusion to someone who has a very short life expectancy (measured in minutes). If that is the best his supporters can say in defense of DeSantis, his campaign will be short-lived.
         While DeSantis invites mockery and derision in nearly everything he does, his candidacy is no laughing matter. He has denied tens of millions of Floridians fundamental human rights, including reproductive liberty, the right to vote in free and fair elections, freedom of expression and thought, safety from gun violence, and freedom from government-sponsored discrimination.
         Let’s hope that DeSantis’s disastrous campaign weakens both DeSantis and Trump. While Democrats cannot rely on Republicans to defeat themselves, we should recognize the leading GOP candidates are wounded, desperate, and unlikeable. Democrats have their own challenges, as is the case with every presidential candidate. Let’s not dwell on our challenges; instead, tell our fellow Americans the truth about our opponents—including their inability (and lack of desire) to connect with their fellow citizens on a human level.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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alpaca-clouds · 10 months
Tav Avariel | Some Backstory
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I want to talk a bit about my Tav, because I love this big dumb idiot so much by now.
When I originally created him, I did not put a lot of thought into who he is as a character. I mostly gave him similar stats to my last DnD character and that was it. But once I really got into the roleplaying of the game... Well. I needed to make him a proper character.
He has a criminal background, yet he goes around helping everyone. And how was it connected to his barding? Also... Look, I know we all love Astarion. We do. But Astarion would also not be the easiest guy to have a relationship with. Especially for someone who very much falls into the "good" alignment. So... Why the hell would this guy fall for him?
So, have some backstory discussion, if anyone cares.
CW for violence against children, child abuse, slavery
Being a little anarchist myself, I obviously know quite well that you can be a criminal, but also be good. Because you can be a criminal for doing the good things the law does not want you to do. So I decided that Tav is a bit of a vigilante. A mixture of Robin Hood and Batman. He is the kind of guy who steels from the rich to give to the poor, but also the guy who will stab some evildoers to death, if need should arise.
And a bit like Batman with his Bat-Family, my bard Tav very much has a bard-family. Other bards, who work together with him and very much are his found family.
The big thing I the got to was, to make him the exact opposite of Astarion. While of course my Tav is simply a mortal human, he has his own trauma. As a child his village got raided by goblins and as far as Tav knows, his parents got killed. Tav got taken prisoner and sold in Watergate as a slave. This was of course a bad thing to start with, but got only worse, because he ended up in a brothel that served only the sickest bastards. So people who were into the really bad things (including children).
Tav escaped when he was about 15. Together with three others. It was not a planned escape, but rather a very desperate attempt. They hid out in some wagons, without knowing what they were, finding out later that they accidentally hid out at a circus. But the circus took them in and hid them.
And here is where Tav is the exact opposite of Astarion. Because while Astarion came out of his trauma with the idea of: "Nobody came to save me, so fuck everyone else who needs saving," Tav came out of it: "Nobody came to save me, so I guess nobody will save other people, so I am going to be the one who has to do that!" Which is why he ended up becoming a vigilante.
Technically speaking he did not directly become a vigilante. He stayed with the circus until he was about twenty and had at least partly transitioned (he is trans). He first travelled the sword coast for a bit, doing just a bit of normal heroics before settling in Neverwinter, where he tried for a while to use his talent with people to influence politics for the better.
This ended in a total desaster, though. And had him and a certain elven noble (Kantei) flee the city in the middle of the night. They travelled together for a while - but ended up in Baldur's Gate when he was 25.
Tav made friends with two bards there, who let him even stay with them until he found a place to stay for himself. And this is basically when he started out to become a proper vigilante together with the elf he escaped Neverwinter with, and those two who helped him. They did collect two other people along the way.
As such they did a lot of little heroics. Be it with the stealing from the rich, or be it hunting down criminals in the city. They definitely also at some point started to investigate the entire Bhaal murder thing, because that would not have escaped their attention.
They might at some point even investigated some of the disappearings linked to Cazador - but never made the connection that Cazador was the one responsible
Now, my Tav has a fairly low intelligence (INT8), though I think that more than anything represents that he is uneducated as fuck - and also has issues focusing on stuff. Less because stuff like ADHD and more connected to trauma.
A big thing with him is, though, that he... well, again, his entire take-away was: "I was not saved, so I need to save everyone else". But that gets at times into very self-destructive behavior. He will very willingly throw away his life to save other people. And he also in general does not share his own trauma, because he does not want other people to worry about him.
He also believes to a very unrealistic degree that if you are just nice to people, people will be nice to you in return. Which is also why he will not kill anyone as long as there is another way to solve a situation. (It is also why in my stuff I have Gortash survive.)
Something I plan on playing with is, that Astarion thinks that Tav is so very well put together, because his way of coping with his issues in the exact opposite way to Astarion - making it very invisible to Astarion.
And yes, the reason Tav falls for Astarion is, because he sees a lot of himself in Astarion and his sadness.
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human-antithesis · 2 years
At the End of Their Slumber
Lyrics: The stars are drawing the old signs in the night eyes that have slept for aeons are now awakened by (our) unearthly hymns the unholy ones have dreamt while waiting dead
Chaos itself is awakening as well his eyes gleaming grim towards the usurped sphere those of the cross shall taste the wrath (of aeons) in horror and deserved tremendous woe
For forgotten desasters have to happen once again their paths are the olden stars our summonings are now being from cold distant thrones where nothing dwells
That which was millenna ago can return once again to reign but that which has been weak can only disappear in shame die to never being again
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An anonymous lover (part 7)
Summary : Y/N goes on a date with Ben, a few weeks after the detention with Sirius. The end does not go as expected, and Sirius's plan to earn Y/N's apology is a disaster.
Warnings : Slytherin!Reader, female!reader, not proof read, swear words, arm grabbing, a bit of gaslight if you squint
Word count : 2.5k
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - You're here
English is not my first language, sorry if there is any mistakes
It’s been a few days since the detention with Sirius, his last words were stuck in her head. He wanted to make it up to her, he didn’t mean all the atrocities he had said. Bullshit she thought. It wasn’t the first time she had to face this, face someone who hurt her and was saying all the apologies in the world just to stab her again and deeper. She wasn’t going to fall for that again. So she did everything to avoid him.
That turned out to be harder than she thought, because Sirius definitly didn’t give up on her. She constantly catched him looking at her, especially when she was with Ben.
The two slytherin got closer and closer each day, learning more about one another, he quickly admit to her he was interested and asked for a date at Hogsmeade, and she agreed, and the day has come.
However, she felt bad, still thinking a lot about Sirius, sure she wanted him out, but she couldn’t stop her smirk when she noticed his jealous look when she was with Ben, or search for his eyes in a crowd, after all, getting over someone whom you gave your heart was a hard thing to do. She sighed, and stood up from her bed, it was pathetic she told herself, she was mad at him but was still craving his attention from afar.
That was very unfair to Ben too, the slytherin was nothing but kind with her, and she felt like she was simply using him as a replacement to Sirius or a bondage for her heart. She gave herself little but firm slap on her cheeks to wake her up. She will get ready for her date later that day, and they both will have a great time !
Their date was only in the afternoon and it was still way too early, so she went to the great Hall to take her breakfast, she was starving. Once she got there, she sat with her friends, who were already there.
“OOOoooOOH here is our little date girl !” said Olivia, Y/N simply rolled her eyes and respond with redish cheeks, “Shut up”. Jacob gave her a warm smile, “Excited for your date ?”
Y/N gave him back a bigger smile and cupped her own face, “Yes ! He’s so sweet, I can’t wait !”
“It’s good to see you doing great after the whole Sirius desaster”, that made Y/N groan, slamming her hands on her face and Jacob shot dark glares at her, “What did I say ?! It’s the truth !”
Y/N sighed, “Let’s just not mention him ever, okay ? I really don’t want to think about him ESPECIALLY today”. Y/N talked to her friends about what have happened with Sirius, well, the big lines anyway, they just knew that they had exchange some letters and when Sirius had found who she was it didn’t go well. Now, she didn’t want to deal with him again.
They talked about something else and the discussion drive to other subject without anymore mention of the gryffindor boy. Olivia insited to help Y/N get ready, giving her the perfect dress “to seduce that boy to the star and beyond”, that just made them laugh, she was very cute indeed in her little dress, she opted for a light makeup and Olivia did her hair. Y/N was absolutely perfect, no doubt Ben will love it.
By the time they were done, it was the time for the date, they were suppose to meet at the fountain so that’s where she went. But the way there wasn’t so restful, because she came accross the very person she didn’t want to see; Sirius. Usually he would not talk to her, but this time he clearly had something to say. However, he stopped himselof in his trac, looking at her up and down, she took advantages at his confusion to go past him but she wasn’t fast enough. “I- hum- where are you going ?”, he couldn’t resist looking at her.
Y/N groaned “I have a date, now let me go, I’m going to be late”, Sirius frowned and whispered “A date ?”, he let her go and watched as she walked away. He mutered something under his breath, not liking that one bit, going in his own direction.
Y/N sighed in relief when she arrived and saw Ben waiting for, happy to notice Sirius hadn’t followed her. Ben looked at her with sparkling eyes, “Wow Y/N you.. You look amazing”
She blushed at his compliment, “Thanks, you don’t look bad yourself”, he smiled looking down at his hand, “Thanks, shall we go ?” he offered his arm and went side to side to Hogsmeade, more precisely at Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop.
Y/N loved that place, she went a few time in the past, sometimes with friends, sometime with –not so good- dates, they sat down and each ordered their tea and pastry. The date went amazingly well, they laughted, joked, flirted a bit and debate if pudding was really that good or not. Y/N was incredably satisfied with the way it went. Ben insisted to be the one paying, since he invited her, and as a response she invited him for a new date where she will got him back, making him blush.
They went outside, saying goodbye to Madam Puddifoot and walked around town, Y/N needed new ink so they enter the shop. She always felt at home there, the shop owner loved her, they saw she knew her stuff and it always a pleasure to talk to people who are passionate by the same things, isn’t it ? That got her to have some discount here and there, Y/N was not complaining. She eyed a set of quills and notebooks but she didn’t have enough money, having discounts from time to times, but it didn’t means she had infinite incomes.
The owner advise a new ink that she took, a dark glittery blue whom looked like the night sky, a great choice. She paid her purchases, Ben offered to take the bag and they walked to the exit of the town, ready to go back to the castle, on the road, Ben slowly slowed down, taking Y/N’s hand, making her turn. She looked down at their linked fingers and then at him.
“Yeah ?”, he looked around, crimson red, “I- Hum- Well... Can I... kiss.. You ?”. Y/N widen her eyes, mouth agape. It was her turn to be red, and he gave her the biggest smile, “I’d love it”
Ben looked at her, smiled, getting closer, but before their lips could touch, they got separated by something big. Ben frowned “What the-”.
Y/N turned to see what it is and gasped, “A dog !!” she immediatly got on her knees, raised her hands in front of her, waiting to see if the dog will come which it did, and she made an happy high note, petting the animal. “Are you a good girl ?”, she laughed when the dog seemed to make a face “A good boy then !”, the good boy jumped on her, making her fall and laughed, licking her face.
Ben just stood there and looked at them, a bit uncomfy, “Y/N we should go back to the castle it’s getting late”, she whined, “Pleaaase, can we stay a bit ?” giving him a pouty face, the dog simply looked at him, unsettleling Ben. “No, we should really go”. The dog growled at him, but Y/N booped his nose.
“Hey, be nice. C’mon Ben, it’s not that late yet”, Ben sighed, getting impatient, he grabbed her arm and forced her to stood up, “I said let’s go”, Y/N frowned and was about to complain but the dog groaned to the boy, showing his fangs, moving fast toward him, letting the idea he was attacking him. Ben let go of Y/N but also of the bag, letting it fall. Once the bag touch the floor, a loud shatter noise could be heard.
Everyone stopped, dog include, Y/N let out an irritate sigh, taking the bag to look inside, not having high hopes, already knowing what she will see. Obviously, the ink was spillep all over the paper bag, making Y/N groaned. “Just great”.
“It’s that fucking dog !”, Y/N gave Ben a hard glare, she kneeled to be at the dog’s high, extended her hand like before, the dog did look unbievably guilty, with his ears down and big puppy eyes, looking down. He slowly went to her, getting pet in return.
“It’s alright buddy, thanks for trying to protect me”, speaking the second part lower so Ben couldn’t hear, she gave him a kiss on the top of his head, his tail wiggling uncrontollably. Ben rolled his high, but before a sound could even pass his lisps, Y/N got back up and walked fast back to Hogwarts. Ben rushed behind her, “Come on Y/N you are not going to be mad after me for what a stupid dog did !”
She turned to him, flames in her eyes, “He wouldn’t have jumped on you if you hadn’t grabbed me like some caveman”, she got scared when he gripped her so harshly, it had hurt on the moment. He rolled his eyes, “If you had followed me I wouldn’t have grabbed you ! And come on it wasn’t hard you are exagerating”. Y/N was completely shocked and disappointed, not even bothering to respond, she just run away.
Before Ben could go after her, he felt something grabbing his pants and pested when he saw it was the dog. He kicked him the face “Get the fuck away you dumb slack !” The dog yelped, and groalled, locking eye contact with him for a few second, before going away when he saw Y/N was out of sigh. Ben pested and walked back to the school.
Farther, the dog hid behind some trees, away from people’s sigh and transformed. Sirius stood up, massaging his jaw, glowering at Ben going away. Before he was simply jealous because he was close to Y/N, he even almost gave up when he saw the date was going just fine from where he was, in his animagi form, but when he saw Ben getting closer to kiss her, he felt his blood boiled and he couldn’t stopped himself from stepping in.
He was now smiling like an idiot, he did got a kiss from her personnaly in the end. He sigh, Ben wasn’t good for her, he felt bad at first, intervering like that, uninvited, but the way he had talked to her, gripped her, he clenched his jaw thinking of it. He had to keep an eye on him, making sure he didn’t hurt her.
Sirius decided to go back to Hogsmeade and enter the shop where she got her ink and bought a bottle, it was his faults if she had lost it, he even took the set of quill and notebooks, the little surprise was ready and he wanted to put some more gift so that was the occasion.
Y/N had went to bed pissed, she couldn’t believe Ben had acted this way. Laying down, looking at the ceiling she sighed, could it be her ? Is it her fault the boys she likes are like that ? Was she asking for too much ? She fell asleep, those questions spinning in her head.
The wake up however, was nothing like the day before, it her roomate who shook her up, confusing and iritating her. “Look !!”
With a groan she sat up, leanning on her elbows, looking around. Her mouth dropped, her eyes widden, her bed was surrounded by mounts and mounts of flowers, poenis, sunflowers, roses, and more, all her favorite flowers, there was two gifts baskets, one filled with her favorite candies. The second one had to be her favorite, it was filled with letter writing supplies, inks, parchments, notebooks, quill, she gasped when she saw a new bottle of the ink she has lost yesterday, and the pack of quills and notebooks she saw at the shop.
In that basket there were a little box, with a little message on top, “I’m sorry, I am an idiot :(”. When she openned the box, her and her friends jumped a bit, gold glowing animals figure got out of the box and fly around, it was beautiful. In the box, a beautiful necklace, a red heart pendant. “Who send it ?”
They looked all around, searching for anything but it wasn’t signed, making Y/N pout. “I don’t know !”. She sat there for a moment, thinking, looking at the ink bottle and the packs. It has to be Ben right ? Only him knew about that ink and the quill and notebook, and he did act like an idiot. She smiled, maybe yesterday was an accident and he just act wierd around dogs ? The gifts were nice of him, and he showed he had put attention in what she is saying when they talk.
She put on the necklace and quickly got ready for the day, running to see where he is. When their eyes locked, he went to her, “Listen Y/N I-” but he got cut off when she squeezed him into a hug. “Thanks !”
He put his arms around her, putting his head on her shoulder, a puzzled look on his face, “Hum, what for ?”
She laughted, “The gifts ! And the flowers, and the animals flying, everything !”. That didn’t enlighted up his mind, what was she talking about ? But he thought for a moment, whoever send those didn’t signed it, since she was sure it was him, maybe that was the perfect oppertunity. “That ? You don’t have to thanked me, it’s normal, I was unfair to you yesterday”
She lift her head to look up at him, “Of course, you didn’t have to do this much ! How did you do all of this so fast ?”
Ben left out an akward laugh, “Well, anything for you babe”, he cup her head, looking into her eyes, smiling at her. She rose on her tip toe and they shared a kiss. Ben smirk, well, thing were going better than expected. They left the slytherin common room hand-in-hand. Her toying with the pendant. They both went to the Great Hall and ate together, she put her head on his shoulder.
Sirius looked at them coming in, and fixed their linked arms, not understanding how that happenned. But then she saw the way she touch the necklace, the one he got her when she had her head on his shoulder. Fuck. He put his face in his hands. She thinks it’s this asshole. He hadn’t sign the gifts, he didn’t realise the altercation of yesterday would make her think it was him !
He groaned, he had fucked up, and now she was in his arms, he was sure now he was no good, which asshole would take credit for something they hadn’t done ? He had to keep a close eye to him, he felt something bad was going to happen.
@blackpinkdolan  @jentaculargums @bruxa0007 @deathkat657 @theincredibledeadlyviper @bleh-bleh-blehs @whiskeypowder @edithsvoice @weasleybeb @auggie2000 @the-mess-in-my-head @abundanceofcarolines
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kyuhu · 3 years
I think that Poland who be the kind of friend who’s confident enough to matchmake his friends together with their s/o, but when it comes to him trying to get with the person he likes he’d be a mess.
Like he gets ready for a night out and gets all nicely dressed and sees that person and immediately cannot talk to them.
Ahaha yes! He'd be an excellent matchmaker, at least if he knows both friends good enough and thinks they'd fit nicely together. The only time matchmaking would turn out to be a complete mess for him and everyone else is when his own feelings get involved. Like for example trying to get Liet together with someone could end in a desaster mainly because Feliks would think of it as the most selfless thing he could do for Liet, while Liet would absolutely hate to be pushed to what Feliks wants for him, even if that means he'd get together with someone he likes. I mean if Feliks would be like "hey I'm gonna help you dress up for your date with Nat" Liet would absolutely appreciate it but if he'd find out Feliks would have set everything up without him knowing he might be conflicted.
On the other hand I can also see Liet beeing positively surprised by Feliks trying to respect him liking someone who isn't Feliks and actually making an effort to support it so yeahhh idk. Anyway I'm degressing.
To get back t your message, yes, I feel like Feliks is either way to quiet and awkward or too over the top when the person he likes is around. Like he'd start babbling without thinking then realizes that this is not the way to go and suddenly starts to overthink everything he says and does which concludes to him beeing all quiet and maybe not listening to what the other person has to say ;v; like I'd imagine him to be a person who has those super long inner monologues where he thinks of if it would be rude to ask what the other person had for breakfast idk. (of course how he acts would also depend on who that other person is but I already talked too much so I'll leave it at that.)
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