#whew this was loooong
deva-arts · 24 days
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FINE! FINE!!! So everyone had some name tryouts at first, and everyone has different themes behind their name! I think about this an embarrassing amount.
Sera is pretty on the nose with hers. Vincent had a lot of ancient Roman name themes. Nathaniel? tons of Latin. Sonia has a more American name, and Amon has both ancient and modern Egyptian names to his- er... name.
The name 'Seraphina' was my first choice. You can give her several nicknames! But I felt like it was super cringy- I still cringe here and there when I say that my MC has such a mouthful of a name! However, she quickly grew into it; it was the only name that fit her.
Other runners up were: Daya, Jena, Lark, Pheobe, Raven, Tori, Diane, Robyn, Vanessa, Karla, and Corrine. You can tell I wanted a specific vibe here. Her last name used to be Guerrero!
Herrera is a Hispanic surname. It literally means iron forge, but sounds so cute. And her middle name, Nephele, means cloud in Greek. You can tell she is my oldest oc goddamn four years now
Vincent has always been Vincent AFAIK, but his lab name had changed quite a bit, to the point that I decided to leave him nameless in the lab. A name implies an identity after all. I still sometimes wonder if I'll stick to the name, since the way he canonically gets it is kind of weak narrative-wise.
His beta lab names included: Livius, Lucius, Odysseus, Aetius, Nero, and Dante. Kind of teetering on cringe, even though I liked Dante... Oh well. It's for the best. My subconscious would've played the nastiest trick had I not found out:
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Now, Vincentius remains with his first and only name, its latin root, Vincere, means to conquer and prevail. He's the winner! He won! why is no one clapping...?
We move on! Nathaniel!! Ahaha I liked brainstorming Nate a lot...But his name was pretty straightforward. I just picked something off the top of my head and it stuck! kind of how it happens in Canon, lol. As Nathaniel grew his personality and character profile past "Hi! I exist to be your boyfriend!" Things quickly took form for our dear Wilson. I chose Wilson as a surname because of our og here:
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...I just think he's neat. The tattoo on his shoulder was going to be Inter Umbra, but I soon found that Noctis Umbra fit far better. Darkness in a night filled world. Toxie Noxie. Plus these names make a poem!
Nathaniel Wilson: God has given a son of will,
Noctis Umbra: A shadow in the night.
Sonia’s names were pretty straightforward. I wanted something playful and energetic! but also quite American. She's a carefree ginger with her heart on her shoulder... Even though it's doubtful this is her real name past just being a stage name. It might be something stupid. Like Marjorie.
Oof. Let's stick with Sonia. I wasn't thinking about any name meanings here, but it is kind of funnily ironic that her name means wisdom! ahah!
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Amon wasn't going to be Arab at first; I was leaning more towards Egyptian mythology rather than modern, Islamic Egypt. I found it a lot funner to meld Momo more in that direction. even though he is raised a lot more multiculturally and areligious past his teen years in canon. (He was working in the mafia since he was fourteen. He has become the definition of Haram.)
So, instead of making a character based off of Amon Ra, or Ammit, the crocodilian deity in ancient Egyptian mythology, Momo kind of evolved past just his character abilities! In canon, Amon uses this name as a nickname/street alias. Adra finds it cool! so she call him that too.. His real, birth name is Arham Hassan Ahmed. Not that he will use it much in the story.
Some literal Google search translations to his name- Arham, coming from the arabic word "rahma", which means merciful or compassionate. Hassan, meaning handsome. And Ahmed, from "al-hamd" meaning praiseworthy. Or so I have read!
Lastly, Eric. My mom came up with it, and my brother immediately went "gasp- RICKY." and it stuck. My brother also came up with Schraf as a surname. It doesn't mean anything, but it's cool innit?
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arrowmntic · 1 month
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bitten by the nhrl (hex)bug
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purrrrrrna · 1 year
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taylortruther · 3 months
The difference is Jake is actually charismatic 🤪. I rewatched love and other drugs a while ago and WHEW!!! Like Taylor.... I understand 🌚
But anyway I've been saying how he should've done romcoms a loooong time ago. When Bridgerton popped off after season 1, his team should've forced him in that casting room getting him any role he can get. Like it's just baffling to me that in the age where historical/period piece (with or without romance) are popping off, you would a British man can at least find some work!!
i agree, jake is the only actor (and, granted, my film interest is quite limited fjdakl) i follow because i find him very compelling to watch! and i've watched lots of his interviews, and even though he's often annoying because he clearly hates press, he's also often hilarious and witty and interesting. even when he's hating it. and he rarely talks about his private life either!
that said, unless there are things we don't know about going on (and there very well might be), i think he's just picked the projects he wants... and that's what we're seeing. for better or worse!
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naomiknight-17 · 1 year
I had a stress dream where I was on a bus chatting with a friend and I suddenly realized I'd missed my stop so I hopped off the bus in a panic
But I had no idea where I was. Just trees either side of the road as far as the eye could see, except there was a small aquarium across the road
So I went into the aquarium to ask for directions and the guy was like "Oh wow, yeah, you're a loooong way from home, here's how to get to a train that will take u back that way"
The train - unlike so many transportation options that appear in my stress dreams - actually DID take me home, but it took too long. I'd missed an important babysitting/class-teaching thing I'd had scheduled (like it was my job and I missed a shift??) But my mom covered for me. Whew
BUT. Also it was after 5 pm and that meant I'd missed my cat's very important vet appointment and there was no way to reschedule!! Ack!
So I woke up panicking about the appointment only to look at the clock and see that it was still over 4 hours away
Worrying about Billi's vet appointment is much of the reason I couldn't get to sleep in the first place last night. Of course it got into my nightmares too.
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Literally after every new episode of neverafter, I come to your blog to go on a reblog spree and I hope it's not weird or frustrating or anything! But also... That new episode. Whew. Rough last 25 minutes 😅 but!!! Gerard is growing on me and I love him and would protect him
Entirely on the contrary!
As much as I like to talk a big game about blogging for me, I still very much thrive on attention, and it's super flattering that you choose my blog for that ^_^
God, yeah, I'm gonna be thinking about the back half of that episode for a loooong time
Honestly, I'd never really liked the frog prince as a story. 2 months ago, I would have said that the Disney version is the only version I've seen that's in any way interesting, and it's such a huge departure from the original story, it maybe shouldn't even count.
I've never been a fan of "they just met, it's True Love and the curse is broken".
So seeing Gerard's story, seeing them both as fully developed characters, flaws and all, and "no actually love is more complicated than that. love isn't an ending, it's a beginning and something that takes work"? Love it.
All that to say that I completely agree with you, Gerard is fuckin great. (Although I am still Pinocchio and Pib biased)
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riickgrimes · 1 year
<33 love that you're into richonne and sydcarmy!! I don't want to be disappointed if sydcarmy isn't endgame either. I think it would be impossible for them to be romantic and work in the same kitchen tbh 😭 they'd seriously have to work out some major issues and have a loooong convo instead of their cute lil sorry in sign language. but I can definitely see all that [romantic] tension building until it explodes goddd I wish I knew what the writers are cooking
It’s so funny how my opinion on them keeps changing, bc thinking about it now I don’t think I would at all be disappointed if they weren’t endgame. Like if the writers decide not to pursue a romantic relationship and keep them strictly platonic, I love their relationship so much that it wouldn’t bother me at all. Romantic or platonic, it doesn’t matter, they’re soulmates. Watching their partnership in any context/dynamic brings me joy.
That being said, if they do go down the romance route, then yes I could see it bubbling and bubbling until they couldn’t help themselves anymore. But ultimately, I agree, I don’t think they would work too well in an actual romantic relationship with things being the way they are now. Between their own personal traumas and the stress of the kitchen, whew that would be a powder keg waiting to explode
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link-sans-specs · 9 months
hiya! how long have you been in the fandom? i would ask you directly via dms but i am too shy to do that so here i am! i love your blog, definitely agree that link sans specs is s-tier as it emhasizes his baby blues soooo much more <3
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Hello Anon! 👋
Thank you for your sweet message! But whew, you made me have to do a little research, lol. I've been a GMM fan since around the end of Season 6 (2014) and particularly a Link fan not long after that. Yes, this is a sideblog, which was created at the end of 2019. My main blog (which I will share via DMs, but not here) was first active in 2017, though I was a lurker loooong before that.
[My tumblr account well pre-dates my GMM fandom, lol. I think I was originally here for Harry Potter and/or Doctor Who.]
Anyhoo! Back to the Ocean Blues!! 🩵🩵🩵
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S-tier is right, Anon! 😍
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1008: A Super Macho Beachy Day (SSBU)
1:34 p.m. at the Smash Beach's Picnic Area.....
Tifa: (Fluffing an Orange Pillow Up) Just a little more fluff annnnd....there. Pillow's ready for you now, Daisy. (Places the Pillow Down on the Long Picnic Seat in Front of Daisy)
Daisy: (Smiles Brightly) Thanks, Girl. (Grosns a Bit While Pulling her Casted Foot onto the Pillow in Question) You didn't have to bring a pillow out here for me. ('Whew')
Tifa: (Smiles Softly as She Sits Next to Daisy on the Other Sode of the Table) I know, but I just wanna make extra sure your foot is taken care of for your appointment tomorrow.
Daisy: (Sighs Heavily While Looking Up at the Blue Skies) Finally!~ I can get this case removed. It's been so loooong.
Tifa: (Starts Snickering) Daisy, it's only been a month and a half.
Daisy: So? It still felt like ages ago! (Crosses her Arms While Pouting) Slow days are the worst.....
Tifa: Yeah, but at least the healing process is finally done at the neck of time. Sorry you had to miss out on the Strikers' Leagues though. I know how much you like participating in those games.
Daisy: (Shrugs) Eh. It's fine. There's always the next few years down the road. (Starts Smirking) But no worries. Once the time comes, I'm gonna the biggest comeback ever! (Turns to Tifa) And I want you to join my team!
Tifa: (Eyes Begins to Widened in Genuine Surprise) You do?
Daisy: Hell yeah, girlfriend!~ I mean, have you seen your own kicks? They're almost quick and powerful as Chun-Li and Bayonetta's combined! (Place her Hand Around her Shoulder) Trust me, with your skills and my natural leadership, we would be a force to reckon with in the soccer field! So whaddya say?
Tifa: Well....It has been a while since I've played a soccer game....or any other sport for that matter....You know what? (Smiles Softly) Sure. I'd be happy to join your future team.
Daisy: (Smiles Brightly) Sweet!
??????: 'Sup, ladies~
The duo turns and see muscular, tan man with gray hair, wearing noting but a speedo grinning down at the two of them in a flirtatious manner.
??????: (Pulls Down his Shades From his Eyes) Fancy seeing you two here in this radical, sunny day today~ (His Teeth Begins to Shine Bright)
Daisy: (Already Weirded out by the Man's Presence Along With Tifa) Uhhhhhhh.......
Tifa: H-Hello! U-Um.....Who are you....exactly?
??????: ('Tch') Honestly. Do you not know who I am? The name's Macho Man. (Starts Flexing and Doing a Manly Like Pose) Suuuper Macho Man!
Daisy: (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) Macho Man....Macho Man.....Hey, aren't you that guy who lost to Little Mac more than once in the boxing match a while back?
Super Macho Man: (Immediately Gets Upset) NEVER MENTION THAT LITTLE TWERP IN MY PRESENCE AGAIN! I ONLY LOST CAUSE HE'S LUCKY!!! (Quickly Takes a Deep Breath Before Calming Down) Besides, that's all in the past now. (Starts Smirking Seductively) Right now, I'm thinking about the future you two will have with yours truly~
The self proclaimed macho man starts moving his pecs up and down before making them move faster and then turning around and making his butt jiggle, much to the girls' distaste.
Tifa: (Trying her Hardest Not to Throw Up) Wow! I uh....(Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) Listen, Mr.....uhhh.
Super Macho Man: Super. Macho Man.
Tifa: Right, right, Macho Man. Umm...We are.....really flattered by your.....affection towards us, but.....I'm afraid we're going to have to decline the offer.
Daisy: (Already Has an Annoyed Look on her Face) We're already taken. Go away.
Super Macho Man: ('Scoffs') Taken? HA! By who? A blonde, emo twink with abandonment issues and a wimpy scaredy cat for a Mario Bro? Who would wanna hang around with those bogus losers?
Daisy: (Angrily Slams her Hands Down onto the Table While Glaring at the Man in Question) Um. WE WOULD, ASSHOLE! I don't know what kind of frat boy, penthouse you've been living off of, but we just so happen to love our two boys to pieces, thank you!
Tifa: (Nodded in Agreement) That's right. (Starts Glaring at the Tan, Muscular Man as Well) And they're twice the men than you'll ever be.
Super Macho Man: ('Heh') Really? (Places his Arms Behind his Head Whole Doing Another Pose) Then how come those "men" of yours aren't rich and good looking as yours truly?
Tifa: (Starts Crossing her Arms While Rolling her Eyes) With all due respect, sir, but we think your looks aren't anything to write home about in hindsight.
Daisy: (Starts Snickering) Yeah. Look like an overcooked pot roast if you ask me?
Super Macho Man: A sexy overcooked pot roast?~ (Moves his Eyebrows Up and Down)
Daisy: ('Groans in Digust') No! A regular, annoying, unattractive one! (Sighs Heavily Place her Head onto the Palm of her Hand) I swear, where the hell is Little Mac when you need?
Super Macho Man: ('Groans in Pure Annoyance') Enough about the twerp already! Why do you have to keep bringing him up!?
Daisy: (Shrugs) I don't know! You guys fought before, right?
Tifa: Plus, you didn't really deny the fact that you lost against him. So.......
Super Macho Man: ('Scoffs') So nothing! Like i said, he only won cause he gotten lucky! (Crosses his Arms) I can totally take him down in five seconds flat the next time I see him! The same applies to your so called "men"!
?????: Really now?
Macho Man quickly turns around to see the blonde, emo twink he mentioned, holding a box of food and snacks in his hands while staring at him with a raised eyebrow.
Cloud: Don't really seem like a challenge, but I suppose punching that smug look on your face wouldn't be too much of a hassle.
Luigi: (Smiles Brightly While Holding Two Cups of Frozen Yogurt in his Hands) We're back!~
Daisy: (Happily Raises hers Hands Up at her Boyfriend) Weegie!~
Tifa: (Giggles Softly as She Gets Up From her Seat And Walk Towards her Boyfriend) Welcome back, you two~ Was the line getting too long for you guys earlier?
Cloud: Yep. (Kiss Tifa on the Lips) The heat from the sun didn't make it go any faster.
Luigi: (Gives Daisy her Frozen Yogurt) Plus, some of the prices for the food has gone up for the year, so it took a while for us to find anything that's more cheaper. (Turns to Daisy) B-But Daisy! How is your feet doing right now? Is it aching? You and Tifa didn't have a rough time getting here, did you?
Daisy: Babe, relax. We made it here just fine. (Gives Luigi a Cocky Smirk on her Face) And do you really think a simply foot injury could slow me down that easily?
Luigi: (Chuckles Lightly) Of course not. (Rubs the Back of his Head Back and Forth While Smiling Sheepishly) I'm just worried about the well-beings of the princess I love, as usual is all.
Daisy: (Heart Begins to Melt as She Happily Hugs her Man) You worrywart~ I love you too.
Luigi: Daisy, that's my stomach your hugging.
Daisy: I don't care. It's nice and comfy~ (Kiss Luigi's Stomach)
'Ahem' A-HEM'
The gang finally turn their attention to an impatient Macho Man, glaring at all of them.
Luigi: Oh! Uh....Do we...know you or....
The muscular, tan boxer was about to speak until.....
?????: As I live and breathe, it's Macho Man!
Everyone turn their heads to see Dedede and Escargoon walking towards the table together with a box of food and snacks of their own.
Escargoon: (Pulls his Sunglasses Down) No way. Is that really the guy Little Mac beat that one time?
Super Macho Man: (Groans Once More While Facepalming Himself) Can't I go one day without being remind of that half pint? (Turns to the Duo Woth a Glare on his Face) And my name is SUPER Macho Man! Get it right!
Escargoon: (Turns to Dedede For a Brief Turning Back to the Boxer in Question) Well, gee, sorry about that, mister. We just never really thought of calling you that in the start of your name.
Dedede: Yeah. (Starts Smirking in a Troll Like Fashion) 'Specially when your win and loss ratio isn't looking too hot nowadays.
Super Macho Man: ('Scoffs') What are you talking about? (Crosses his Arms While Looking Away) My track record in the ring is hella consistent.
Dedede: Oh really? Then how come in one match, Mr. Sandman knocked you out to sleep with one punch?
Super Macho Man: I....wasn't paying attention at the time. And he does that to everyone on the ring.
Cloud: Except for Little Mac.
Super Macho Man: (Glares at Cloud) I will punch you.
Tifa: (Immediately Gives the Boxer a Dark, Cold Glare) And I will break every bone in your body if you try.
Super Macho Man: (Gulps While Sweating and Being Scared Shitless by the Short Haired Woman) Noted.
Escargoon: Then what about the time you literally got knocked out of the ring by Bald Bull?
Super Macho Man: How was I supposed to know he was going to use his head to attack?
Escargoon: Does the name "Bald Bull" ever rang any bells to you? He always uses his head to ram into his opponents.
Super Macho Man: (Shrugs) I dunno. I just thought he was bald and look like an ugly bull.
Dedede: (Turns to Escargoon For a Brief Second Before Slowly Turning Back to Macho Man Again).....Riiiiiight. And then there's that match between you and Aran Ryan.
Super Macho Man: ('Uggggh') Don't remind me....He only won cause he's a shameless cheater.
Escargoon: Yeah. (Smirks at the Tan Boxer) But he still Molly Whopped your ass to next week.
Dedede: (Laughs Wholeheartedly) Ain't that right! Ooh! And that match with Glass Joe-
Super Macho Man: (Quickly Turns to Dedede and Escargoon with a Furious Glare) NO! Don't you DARE speak about that match in front of my presence!!
Cloud: Wait. Glass Joe. As in the guy who has over ninety-nine losses? (Turns to Super Macho Man) You lost to HIM once?
Dedede: Yeah! Last week!
Escargoon: It was one of the biggest highlights in all of WVBA!
Dedede: That man was cryin' tears of joy when he won that bout.
Super Macho Man: Oh spare me the sentiment bull crap! Croissant Boy only won that fight cause I was obviously feeling under the weather that day!
Escargoon: Then why did you even bother to step into that ring to begin with if you were sick?
Super Macho Man: So he wouldn't win by default. Duh!
Dedede: But wouldn't that been better than getting your ass pummeled on live TV? Where veryone of your fans and followers-
Daisy: (Whispers) If he even had one.
Dedede: would sat there and watch the whole thing play out?
Super Macho Man (Was About to Say something With his Finger Up in the Air Until Slowly Lowering it Down and Sighing a Bit) Okay. So maybe you do have a point there. B-But it doesn't and it never will change the fact that Glass Joe loser got himself lucky that night! (Crosses his Arms While Pouting) Would've make him add one more loss to his permanent record anyday of the week.
???: Mm.
Macho Man's eyes starts to open as he hears Cloud and the others talking among themselves.
Cloud: (Slowly Starts Shaking his Head) Couldn't admit defeat.
Daisy: I know, right? What a sore loser.
Tifa: We all have our moments of not wanting to admit our losses. (Turns to Macho Man) Even if some of us....have a punchable face.
Dedede: I bet if Little Mac was here, he would make him humble himself.
MM's eyes begins to widened by the mere mention that name as slowly starts to shaking in anger.
Escargoon: ('Scoffs') Doubt that. He'll probably go on and on about how he won over luck and we'll never hear the end of it.
Everyone: Yep./Uh-huh. / Sore loser at it's finest-
Super Macho Man: (Looks Up at the Sky in Anger) ENOUUUUUUGH! (Turns and Points at Luigi) You! Green boy!
Luigi: (Points at Himself in a Confused and a Tad Bit Nervous Manner) M-Me?
Super Macho Man: Yeah, you! (Sits Down at the Table While Putting his Elbow on it and Raises his Arm Up) Arm wrestle me, NOW!
Luigi: (Even More Confused) But.....why me exactly?
Super Macho Man: Your color scheme. It pisses me off!
Luigi: (Looks Down on the Black Tank Top and Green Trunks He's Wearing Before Looking Back at the Tan Boxer) I'm.....not really sure if that's a good reason to-
Super Macho Man: I DON'T CARE! I am not leaving here until you give me what I want!
Luigi: B-But-
Cloud: ('Sighs in Annoyance and Defeat') Just do what he says, Weeg. He's never gonna leave us alone at this rate.
Dedede: He ain't wrong on this one, boy. The man's persistent.
Luigi: (Sees Macho Man Crack his Finger's Knuckles Before Sighing in Defeat) If I must......(Sits Down on the Opposite Side of the Table) l I wish me luck.....
Daisy: (Starts Rubbing her Man's Shoulders With a Supportive Smile) Stay calm, sweetie. You can do this.
Luigi: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Nodding) Right. (Turns Back to the Tan Boxer in Front of Him Before Slowly Pullinghis Hand Out to Him) U-Umm....May the best man win?
Super Macho Man: (Chuckled While Grabbing his Opponent's Hand Tight) You better prepare yourself Player #2. Cuz I'm gonna show you why all of my fans in the whole wide globe call me the One and Only SUPER MACHO MA-
Five Seconds Later.......
Everyone free cheers for Luigi's speedy victory over the dumbfounded Macho Man in the game of Arms Wrestling.
Cloud: (Smirks Proudly at his Plumber Friend) Gotta say, Weeg, that was pretty well display of muscle strength you got there.
Dedede: (Smiles Brightly) Damn right! How gotten so strong like that?
Luigi: (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth While Blushing and Smiling Sheepishly) I guess my daily morning workout routine really does payoff after all. (Turns to Daisy) And it's all thanks to you, dear. (Kiss his Princess on the Cheek)
Daisy: (Giggles Softly) You don't need to thank me for that, babe~ (Hugs Luigi Lovingly) I'm just happy to see you making progress. But makes me more happy....(Turns to the Tan Boxer With a Satisfied Grin on her Face) Is seeing you outta here! So bye-bye!
Super Macho Man: (Still Dumbfounded) .......................
Tifa: (Starts Snapping her Fingers in Front of Macho Man with Very Little Results) Uhhhh guys....I think we might've broke him.
Cloud: (Shrugs) Hey, if it means we don't have hear him speak for a while, then I ain't complaining.
Escargoon: Neither do I. I never really like that guy.
Dedede: Same here. Y'all wanna eat somewhere
Tifa: (Happily Nodded) Sure! (Picks Daisy's Crunches Up From the Side of the Table While Walking Away With Dedede and the Others)
Escargoon: I don't mind.
Cloud: It's a lot of moving, but sure.
Luigi: I....(Picks Daisy's Up From the Table) Gotcha! Ready to go?
Daisy: (Smiles Brightly) Ready as you are!~ Let's find a comfy chair to sit together, yeah?
Luigi: (Finally Begins to Walks Away From the Table as Well) Yes, ma'am.
As the not so Super Macho Man continues to look silent dumbfounded by what just happened, the second well known champ of the WVBA Mr. Sandman shook his head at him in the background before walking away, causing the tan boxer to slam his head down on the table.
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astrowarden · 1 year
WHEW. Back from a loooong week for pure pain!
Hi guys ^_^! Im super tired! Dancing from 8 am till 5:30 pm really kills ya!
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indefinitelyjaded · 5 months
Whew. (Super Sim Update)
I am officially DONE with all Base Game Skills, Aspirations*, AND Careers!
(*Not the Family ones that require children to age up into Young Adults/have children... but soon!)
I'm also done with the Outdoor Retreat Aspirations and Skills! (That's far less of an accomplishment, considering there's only one of each, and you (almost) have to max the Herbalism skill to complete the Aspiration.)
So, now it's time to Get to Work. (Ha! I'm hilarious.) Stella already mastered the Baking and Photography skills a loooong time ago, so that's already done. I started her in the Detective career first, since that's the only active career I've never played before. Like I mentioned in my last Super Sim Update post, Stella went back to University to get a couple more relevant degrees, to make these careers go by more quickly. So thanks to her Distinguished Degree in Psychology, she started at Level 8 and just maxed the career. I haven't decided if we'll do the Doctor or Scientist career next; I've played both before, and are the Scientist career animations still bugged? I'm leaning toward Doctor, because I think I've only played through that one once before, whereas I know I've done the Scientist career a couple times.
The biggest changes/most progress has been with the family.
The twins are still living with Cousin India, who had a baby with some rando... once it ages up into an infant, I can go into their household and check the family tree to see what's up with that. ANYWAY, the twins aged up into teens, so I'm considering bringing them back to my household, since they can take care of themselves now.
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Tinsley looks a lot like Stella, and Tate looks pretty similar to Cade -- like, to the point that it was difficult to do Tate's CAS and make him look like a different person than Cade.
Speaking of Cade, he's coming along nicely with his Minor-Super Sim goals. Obviously, since he's now a teen also, he completed all the Childhood skills and aspirations, as well as Scouts. (He did as much of the Drama Club activity as he could as a kid, but you can't max that until you're a Teen.) As a Teen, he has maxed the Drama Club, Cheer Team, Chess Team, and Football Team activities; he's currently on the Computer Team, and is Level 2, so almost done. I'm not having him do the Simfluencer or Video Game Streamer "side hustle" careers, since those can also be done by Adults. As far as Aspirations go, Cade has finished the Drama Llama and Goal Oriented ones, and is currently working on Admired Icon and Live Fast -- I think he will probably finish the latter one first, but I'm kind of going back and forth at the same time, to try to get them done more quickly.
I'm also pleased to report that Prom seems to be actually working in this save! Which I'm really excited about, because I literally never got to see it until now. At Cade's first prom, his half-sister, Emma (Dexter's daughter), was crowned Prom Royalty!
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(I wish the photobooth pictures saved to the Screenshots or somewhere, because they took a really cute/funny pic together in the booth!)
At Cade's second prom, he exchanged promise rings with his girlfriend, Luna Villareal:
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(Should Luna be (at least) a Young Adult by now, given that she was a Teen when I started this save file? Yes. Did I age her down in CAS, because she and Cade met once and hit it off, then she aged up the next day? Also yes. Look, I told you in post one that I was playing a little fast and loose with the rules.)
Cade also made a new bff at this prom: Orange Bailey-Moon, who is (a) still famous and (b) now literally (prom) royalty:
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I do want to get Cade crowned prom royalty before he graduates, which is all the more reason to bring his siblings home -- votes that I can control! (Besides, India has her own kid to take care of now.)
My plan is for Cade and Luna to get engaged and married pretty much immediately upon Cade's aging up into a Young Adult. (Even though I aged Luna down in CAS, she's still significantly older than Cade, according to MC Command Center.) The sooner they get married, the sooner they can create the requisite grandchildren for Stella's aspiration.
Speaking of Stella's aspiration, I don't currently have her working on one. Since there are none with Get to Work, the next one will be the ones added to Spa Day in the refresh... except those Aspirations are the whole gameplay of the pack. So it feels wrong to work on those before finishing the Get to Work careers.
And speaking of the Get to Work careers: since there's no tutorial-type aspiration tied to Retail, and it doesn't have levels like a traditional career... I haven't decide how I'm going to handle that. I may not bother with it at all, because I've played with Retail stores before (and they're a PITA). Still deciding for sure, though.
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thecampjuicebox · 6 months
"A Dangerous Game" indeed! Whew! I need to go stand in front of a fan for a minute that was so hot. Good sexual tension and payoff as usual! I'm going to go contemplate if I should stand under some cold water now. *fans self*
Ahhhh I'm so glad you enjoyed! That was a super fun one to write 💕 I feel like I need to confess some sins and take a very loooong shower
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kai-wanted-doa · 9 months
Me typing too much cos im alone now
I played maplestory in like the 6th grade up until idk freshmen year and during that time I made a friend and we'd allllways play together we had a lil group of friends that we'd often play with. he and i eventually added each other on MySpace, but as we got older we all got busier and played less and my laptop at some point could NOT run maple without having a total hot dramatic breakdown (she's so like me). But throughout the years this friend and I would every once in a loooong ass while log back into MySpace (I'm surprised I even remember my email/password. Everytime I log in I'm like -welp this'll be the last time I recall this information- I don't even have access to that email anymore)
I can't remember when I did, but some years after we had lost contact I randomly logged into maplestory and sent him a message saying something like -hey was feeling nostalgic and logged back into MySpace. Don't know if you'll ever see this, but just wanted to say i used to have so much fun playing maple with everyone and i hope you're doing well.- this was really a shot in the dark bcos yall, MYSPACE IS DEAD each time I log back in it gets PROGRESSIVELY WORSE AND WORSE. I have no access to my photos no more I can't see my page nobody's images work its laggy as hell, but hey, our songs are still on there 😆 I always liked visiting his page becos the song on there hasn't changed in yeeeeeeeeeears. It reminds me of the good past. He and I played the dance Audition game for a bit after maplestory and his favorite song was Stay in Me
After sending that message, I waited about 1-3(?) Years before logging back in and to my surprise, he had been on MySpace in that time frame and responded. I can't remember the timeline it mightve been during that exchange or a few exchanges later (which each message we send/respond to takes 1-3 years bcos we're both rarely checking this thing but nonetheless we always come back LMAO) he eventually gave me his number so I could text him instead of using MySpace and I did but I didn't have data (no true need since i didnt go out often or have friends that id constantly call/text) so I used a number i received via a text app, but that text app was super fucked, we exchanged a few texts but it was on my end that we lost that connection. While we texted, he was like -hey remember ___ this girl we used to play with? Turns out I know her irl!!! We went to the same school together!! Found out years later. Small world- hahahaha crazy. I love hearing these stories about ppl meeting their maplefriends. My ex said he used to play too and saw a character with the same area code as us. My ex confirmed the city and they asked each other how old/what school. The next day in high school, he's dapping up his good friend and they're over the moon finding out they found each other on maple. All cos the friend used his graffiti tag name x area code number, and my ex was able to ID him hahaha
Anyway, i hadn't logged onto MySpace in awhile cos I was in college, got my degree, started my career, and got a boyfriend I was madly distracted by
May(?) 2022 i caught covid and quarantined. Bored out of my mind I log back into MySpace and sent him a message saying -hey! I caught covid! Quarantine led me here. Hope you're doing well.-
My parents left for Laos this week and I needed to add them on Facebook to communicate just in case. Logging into Facebook reminded me of logging into MySpace. Another year and I still remember it whew 😮‍💨
My maple friend responded again!!! In May 2023. Almost exactly a year after I sent the message in May 2022. MySpace is so dumb u can see the month and date of the message but not the year, so I literally had to inspect the coding on the page to find out when this message was sent. He gave me his number again and said lets connect or play games. I finally saved it in my phone. He mentions that at this point, we are really like penpal friends LOLLL OTL I laugh cos I'm dragging him through this painful way of communicating
I'm pretty messed up in my life right now. I'm pretty much trying to let go of the career path my parents put me on, I just got out of a breakup. I haven't responded to my friend yet. I want to clear my head a lil more and get it out of my system to avoid trauma dumping lmaooooo he don't need to hear alla that!!!!
I own up to the fact I don't have close friends cos I'm poor at keeping close connections. I literally have a friend in my IG dm reaching out to see if I'm ok cos I left the friend group chat that included my ex. I just got major trust issues maaaan lmfaooooo what can I say!!!! My ex best friend flirted with my ex. My ex went and had sex with her. I asked him repeatedly if it happened. He kept saying no. Fucking gaslit me. I finally really interrogated him about it last weekend. He finally broke and told me the truth.
So yeah hahah I'm pretty fucked up
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The Twilight Zone Season 4 Episode 1: In His Image
George Grizzard
Whew!  52 minutes is a loooong time for an episode of The Twilight Zone! (And technically, the series has dropped “The” from the title leaving it to be Twilight Zone.  I don’t care, I’m still going to refer to it as THE Twilight Zone.)
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eunseo · 3 years
i am so in love with sunwoo he is everything to me idk idk.... best person of my life. wish i could share that w somebody and feel like they care
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banannabethchase · 4 years
angst #6 or #9 percabeth
Parenthood (on A03 as well) 
Annabeth can’t meet Percy’s eyes. “No.”
“Why are you lying to me?” he asks, and the broken, gentle tone is enough to force Annabeth’s head up. “I’ve known you for 15 years. I know when you aren’t okay.”
Note: this fic contains themes of depression and postpartum depression. Please be advised should this be a trigger for you. Sending love.
Annabeth can’t meet Percy’s eyes. “No.”
“Why are you lying to me?” he asks, and the broken, gentle tone is enough to force Annabeth’s head up. “I’ve known you for 15 years. I know when you aren’t okay.”
She can’t talk. If she talks, the tears come. And if the tears come, if that dam breaks, then the rest of her horrible thoughts will come pouring out, and Percy won’t love her anymore. 
She can’t stop it.
“Annabeth,” Percy says, and his voice is so soft and loving that she has to. She has to admit it. It’s not fair to him.
“You’re too good,” she whispers, before she says it. “I hate being a mom. I’m too bad at it. I c - I can’t do it.” She can’t hold his gaze.
She waits for him to leave. She waits for him to take Alexandra, pick her up and whisk her away from Annabeth. It’s what she deserves. She deserves better than Annabeth.
To her surprise, she feels Percy pull her into a hug, fierce and protective and safe, and she collapses again. Most of her weight is on Percy as he walks them over to the couch, and she collapses against him, letting all the despair and exhaustion pour out of her.
He says nothing, just holds her tight, kissing the top of her head and holding her hands, until she calms down.
“I’m sorry,” she weeps, “I’m sorry I’m not good enough.”
“Hey,” says Percy, and it’s that tone. The one he only uses in a battle.
She supposes this is a kind of battle.
She lifts her head. 
“Annabeth, you are better than enough,” he says, and she gets a jolt when she realizes his eyes are wet too. “This is HARD. Everything about this is hard. But…” He pauses. This is it. This is when he leaves. “But I think we need to take you to the doctor.”
“Me?” she asks. “No, no, we need to take Ali. She’s the one who could be sick.”
Percy shakes his head. “Ali is perfect,” he insists. “You are doing an incredible job. The fact that you can’t see it is why I’m worried about you.”
Somewhere in the back of her guilt-soaked mind the words Postpartum Depression float in from of her eyes. They told her it was a possibility, but she’s just now realizing that she didn’t even think of that. “Oh.”
“There you go,” he says, gentle and soft, “You’ve that look when you’ve figured out how to spell a weird word.”
She stays quiet, trying to believe it.
“We know about this,” Percy says, wrapping her in his arms and pulling her closer. “Remember? My mom told us it was something to look out for.”
“I forgot,” Annabeth replies, and she’s starting to honestly remember the last few weeks since Ali was born. Sleepless nights. Colic. Fielding calls from friends and family who want to visit. And Percy, who only got time off of work a week after Ali was born because Ali came two weeks early, which was also stressful. “Oh.”
“We can take you to a mortal doctor, or we can take you to Will,” Percy says, softly, “or we can go to both. But part of my job is to make sure you’re okay. And you’re not okay. Not right now.”
Annabeth still feels the fog trying to block out her rational thoughts. “I haven’t been me,” she says quietly.
“Not quite,” Percy says, “but you’ve been an amazing mom. And you’ll always be you. But you just need a little help, okay?”
She nods.
It takes six weeks and two different medications, both mortal and not so, to get Annabeth back to feeling something like normal. She starts to notice the positive things again, and realizes how critical she’d been on herself.
One morning, while breastfeeding Ali (she’s gotten better at latching, Annabeth is elated), Annabeth mentions it to Percy.
“Oh, doing a self analysis,” he says, “there’s my girl.”
“Girls,” Annabeth corrects, nodding down to Ali. She’s starting to get chubby, adorable rubber band wrists and little toes that like to press against Annabeth’s arms, soft beyond anything she’s been able to appreciate before. She wants to be angry at herself for missing this for the past 10 weeks, but she lets it go. She’s learned to let a lot of things go. Her therapist is teaching how to do it. 
Sally’s helped her get through it, too. Athena, not so much. Just four weeks ago Athena had asked her why she can’t just “snap out of it.” Annabeth hasn’t spoken to her since.
“And you’re correcting me again,” Percy says, but there’s no venom in the voice. He’s smiling softly, those sea green eyes sending her into a swoon. Luckily, she’s sitting. “See? My girl.”
“Your girls,” Annabeth says again, and the smile she gets back, along with the coo from Ali, make her realize: she doesn’t hate being a mom. She loves it, now that she’s herself again. And she thinks she might just be good at it now.
“My girls,” Percy says with a reverence usually saved for a church. “Always.”
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