#whew lol
saltpepperbeard · 9 months
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OFMD S2 Ep3-5 + Edward "Heart-Eyes" Teach
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Swimmin' in the floods, dancing on the clouds below / I ain't worried 'bout it
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daeyumi · 5 months
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💫🌟 There Flowed Forth (Consecration of the Self) ☀️✨
[Cycle of the Stars au]
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wrenkos · 1 year
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perfect crime trio goes on an outing
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vforvielka · 2 months
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The Rise and Fall of Vash the Stampede and the Worms from No Man’s Land
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justheblueberry · 2 months
falling 🌠
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some close ups 💜
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blank sky!
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aaand the speedpaint
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error707-thatdude · 7 months
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Did smt silly
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 5 months
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Gerojim in his jimmyjams✨
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mournstera · 9 months
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ratatoast · 5 months
Son coeur est le tien
Alastor x Reader qpr (general headcanons)
a/n: halfway through writing this, i realised that maybe my idea of a qpr might be different than someone else's haha,,, also, this is the very first time I've written for hazbin hotel lol (and should i mention that english isn't my first language? haha)
that being said, i hope y'all enjoy this mess :P
also also if y'all would like me to continue writing Alastor qpr (cuz there's def a shortage on that), feel free to send me prompts :)) i obvi wont write nsfw, but other than that, i think anything is fine (?)
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Being in a qpr with the radio demon would include…
Long talks over tea/coffee
There’s never any awkward silence between the two of you. You two could be chatting about the most mundane things, and the conversation would still flow perfectly.
He’d definitely learn exactly how you like your hot beverage.
I personally can’t imagine him being an avid coffee drinker tbh, but I don’t think he’d mind if you are one.
Takes your tea parties very seriously, knows all your favourite pastries, puts on some smooth jazz, brings out the fine china, etc
Loves listening to you talking about your day, your current interests, hobbies, etc. Even if the topic itself isn’t all that interesting to him, he’ll still listen to you.
The both of you love gossiping with each other. Neither of you will admit it to others though.
You very rarely hear your given name come out of this man’s mouth.
He never calls you anything that he deems too sickly sweet, usually sticks to dear, sweetheart, or darling.
If he’s having a particularly great day, he might call you love, but that doesn’t happen very often.
Constant praises & words of affirmation
I think words of affirmation is one of his main love languages.
He constantly showers you with praises, telling you how gorgeous you look, how witty your jokes are, etc.
We all know that this man is a charmer, however his compliments to you are more than just empty words… most of the time :p
Do keep in mind that this man is a master manipulator tho, so he isn't above using sweet talk to get what he wants.
Playful banter that keeps you on your toes
He loves a good back and forth, especially if his darling is a particularly witty individual.
The two of you can turn any conversation into a battle of words.
However, if you take it too far, he’s not afraid to put you in your place with a couple of sharp words, aimed to hurt.
But most of the time it’s just good fun :)
Never having to so much as lift a finger
He’s very big on acts of service.
Forget about opening doors or pulling out chairs for yourself.
He takes being a gentleman very seriously, especially when it comes to you.
But not only is he a gentleman, he’s also a powerful overlord.
So if you ever need anything, be that a new pair of shoes, or getting rid of a particularly nasty demon, consider it done.
Being his closest confidant
We all know that Alastor has many acquaintances, however he falls short on meaningful connections.
He doesn’t let people get too close to him, and it is sort of understandable why.
You are one of the only exceptions to that.
You know more about this man than all of hell combined.
It took a while for him to open up to you, and even longer until he started telling you about his past.
He’s the kind to drop hints about himself and let you figure out the rest.
Trust goes a long way with him, I think he’d be more open to sharing his plans and such with someone that he knows won’t question his every move.
Even so, there’s still a lot that you don’t know about him, but you’ll just have to take what you can.
You can dress however you want… as long as it fits his taste
He’s not all too picky about what you wear.
Contrary to popular belief, he wouldn’t expect you to be in full glam 24/7.
If you like more revealing clothes, well, he’ll just have to make sure that anyone that dares to as much as look at you the wrong way is taken care of.
That being said, looking well put together is a must.
You represent him in a way, and he expects you to look the part.
He can’t have you wandering the streets of hell in rags that not even the lowest sinners would wear.
Absolutely no modern technology allowed
Do I even need to explain this?
He’d rather be safe than sorry when it comes to the possibility of Vox messing with you.
You are never truly alone
Alastor would make sure to accompany you on your outings as much as his schedule allows it.
But let’s be real, he’s a very busy man.
He makes sure that a few of his shadows keep an eye on you though, even in his absence.
I don’t think your personal strength matters in this case, as I’ve mentioned before, there’s very little that this man wouldn’t do for you, especially when it comes to your personal safety.
Lets you get closer to him than anyone else
This time, I’m talking about physical closeness.
We all know that he isn’t big on physical touch.
However, I feel like you could get away with a lot more than others.
When the two of you are walking somewhere, it’s not unusual for him to offer you his arm.
When you’re standing next to him, he sometimes rests his hand on your back, although that is often a subconscious thing.
If you’re having a particularly rough day, he isn’t too opposed to letting you hug him.
You can also get away with laying on his lap sometimes, and if he’s feeling exceptionally gracious, he might even pet your hair.
PDA is definitely a big no-no, on one hand he has an image to protect, but I also just don’t think he’d be too comfortable with showing his more vulnerable side in public.
As for kisses… if you haven’t seen each other in a while, he might greet you with a kiss on your hand, but that’s as far as it ever goes.
He’s not a very touchy-feely person, so if that bothers you… good luck finding someone better than the radio demon ;)
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me af tbh lmao
anway, thanks for reading pookies mwah (slash platonic lol)
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highlynerdy · 1 year
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"Aithusa has seen her father's mate in his memories and smelled him on her father's skin when he comes to visit, but this is the first time she gets to meet him for herself."
Nepenthe and Lavender by @0hheytherebigbadwolf
My latest fanARTifact is an entirely handlettered, handbound, and illustrated book of this beautifully fluffy fic (and it has actually been in various states of progress since March 1, 2021.) More below the cut!
So as I said above, I actually started planning this fic over two years ago. Which, yeah, I don't really want to talk about because adhd is a hell of a thing. I love love love this fic (and this entire series) and I was inspired by The Black Hours and other gorgeous manuscripts with metallic on black paper.
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I ordered some black paper from Canson for the text block, used Arabic gold finetec paint mixed with water and gum arabic as my ink (I used three pans of the gold paint...), and a Nikko G nib with a straight pen holder for the calligraphy. I really wanted to use one of my broad tip nibs, but I just couldn't my Uncial letters small enough with it. I used Uncial since that was technically the alphabet/font they used in the Arthurian time period.
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The paper was cut down and folded into signatures of three and then I drew out light pencil lines for the text and for the margins. Every single letter was done sooooo slooowwllly because if I messed up on one page there was no way to erase it, which meant I would have to do basically four pages worth of lettering again since they were all connected.
And I did mess up.
More than once.
I think the most heartbreaking mistake was at the very end when I was trying to erase my pencil lines and I just ripped a page completely in half. The tears were real, folks.
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Once I finished lettering - which took hours and hours and hours over many weeks - it was time to assemble the text block and sew it. I used gold silk thread I had leftover from Arthur's scarf (which is also used as the backdrop for the photo shoot) to sew the block together and I love how it gives just another little peek of gold to the book.
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I painted the end papers in a vaguely floral pattern with the same gold and also some silver finetec paint, glued them all together and put them in my book press and then promptly didn't work on it again from October 2022 to July 2023. Sigh.
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But once I committed to getting it done, I asked @swanfloatieknight to help be my accountabilibuddy and make sure I finished it this week. I tested out so many different cover designs, from fabric and thread, to paper, to finally settling on this all over design done by my cricut. Historically accurate?? Nah. I'm about as historically accurate as BBC Merlin.
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I tried my hand at gold foiling and that was a disaster so I just used a gold silk ribbon to give the color a little bit more color. Once it was bound, I painted in a triskelion and Aithusa on a double page spread I left intentionally blank.
And it was finally done!
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All in all, I'm pleased with how it turned out. Was it an exercise in patience? Yes. Did I learn a lot? Also yes. Mostly that handlettering an entire fic is madness and also this is far too small to case bind, but I'm a stubborn ass and it was happening regardless.
All total, I probably worked on this for about 50+ hours. It was most definitely a labor of love and I'm so happy that it's finally done.
Thank you for inspiring me to take on such a project by writing such wonderful fics, @0hheytherebigbadwolf! And thank you for everyone who reads these long fanARTifact posts. 💛
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lionfission · 1 year
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Happy one year Anne-iversary to the end of Amphibia!
A fantastic finale to an unforgettable show. I'll always remember watching "The Hardest Thing" at 2 am with my siblings and crying my eyes out :'))
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buckttommy · 5 months
hot cocoa
"I bought Eddie a ring." Bobby, to his credit, doesn't even flinch. He brings his cup of cocoa to his lips and takes a long, languid sip. He moves the mug from his mouth but doesn't put it down. Just watches Buck with a slight tilt of his head. "You freaking out?" "No. Yes." Buck gets to his feet, suddenly so full of manic energy, he feels like he could burst. "No. I don't know. I mean, why should I be? It's Eddie." or; Buck is freaking out about proposing. He gets an assist from Athena, Bobby, and. Well. Eddie himself.
This is dumb. 
Buck doesn't know what he's doing here for several reasons, starting with the fact that, despite the rapid erosion of any and all workplace norms, Bobby is not actually his dad and ending with the fact that this is not actually Bobby's problem. But the thought of going to Philip with this makes Buck want to break out into hives and, although Maddie would be willing to sit and listen to him vent and moan, she's far too busy with her own life. His only other friends might as well be family for all that they live in each other's pockets, but then there's also the fact that Bobby is... well, he's Bobby. Buck may not know what he's doing here but he knows he wants to be here and that's more than enough reason to have him sitting on Bobby's back porch with his feet perched on the patio chair, knees pulled up to his chest despite (or maybe because of) the dirty look Athena is shooting him when she looks up from her book from her spot in the living room, with a mug of hot cocoa in hand. 
Bobby studies him, curious but at ease, willing to take his time with whatever it is Buck's got cooking up in his brain. And that's a good thing because Buck has no idea where to start. He could start with the fight he and Eddie had a couple nights ago. Well, it was actually less of a fight and more of a very heated argument. On their way to work, they got started going about politics or God or something or someone that doesn't really matter anymore, and Buck could start with the way he forgot what he was saying mid sentence as he looked at Eddie—really looked at him for what felt like the first time in his life—and saw his whole future blow wide open.
He could start with the fact that he watched Eddie gesticulating with his hands out of the corner of his eye as he went on an impassioned rant, spit flinging from his lips (not that that deterred him) and thought, I want to argue with you every day for the rest of my life. Or he could start with the fact that he bought a ring six months ago, that it's been hitching a ride in the glove compartment of Eddie's truck because Eddie rides shotgun in his jeep more than he drives his own car. Or he could start at the beginning with a vow, with a promise to have each other's back, but Bobby was there or at least close by which means he's already got a SparkNotes version of that tucked somewhere in the back of his mind.
So Buck starts with the first thing that comes to mind:
"This is good cocoa."
"Thank you." Bobby grins, that little smile that says he's trying to cling to stoicism by the tips of his fingers instead of glowing with pride. Buck knows it well. Bobby nods at his mug. "Secret ingredient. Why don't you go ahead and give it a try. Tell me what it is."
"My palate is for shit."
"I know."
But Buck takes a sip because this is the game they play, this is the version of life that suits them best—the one where Bobby is his dad and Buck is his son and none of the extra details matter. Buck smacks his lips as he tries to figure out the taste. Sugar, sugar, more sugar—
"Is that cardamom?"
Bobby's eyebrows raise. He lets that smile bloom on his face and raises his mug. "I'm impressed."
"I bought Eddie a ring."
Bobby, to his credit, doesn't even flinch. He brings his cup of cocoa to his lips and takes a long, languid sip. He moves the mug from his mouth but doesn't put it down. Just watches Buck with a slight tilt of his head. "You freaking out?"
"No. Yes." Buck gets to his feet, suddenly so full of manic energy, he feels like he could burst. "No. I don't know. I mean, why should I be? It's Eddie."
"It is."
[read the rest on ao3]
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cloverjelly · 5 months
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drawing life series members based on the songs in my playlist - full edition!
this was super fun and its rly cool to see how my art style/designs progressed thru these drawings
ok im gonna go not post here for another million years
links to the individual posts (under the read more):
1 - etho
2 - grian
3 - scott
4 - impulse
5 - tango
6 - scar
7 - jimmy
8 - martyn
9 - pearl
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edenfire · 5 months
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🗡❤️ "you're beautiful~" ❤️🗡
more rank 8 art bc I just can't get these two out of my head🥰🥰💗💞
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he had his ~caveman discovers fire~ moment<3
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he also discovered candles tho so it all worked out. sort of. at least Poppy always had a first aid kit
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