#whereas Ethan just takes everything one day at a time
m4gp13 · 2 years
Ethan: Valentine's day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than driving people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-
Alabaster: I wrote you a poem
Ethan, already crying: you did?
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Naughty Game
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Summary: Playing with Ethan Hunt is never a good idea and you’ll learn that.
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Warning: mention of sex.
671 words no proofread.
A/N: I read a few days ago a "SFW" by @youlightmeupfinn and it gave me the idea. Enjoy.
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Luther warns you if you do that you will pay. Benji is intrigued by how many times before he notices and before he punishes you. Very encouraging, guys.
The next day, you wake up the first and sneak out of the bed quickly, get ready and cook the breakfast. Minutes later you dress the table, Ethan joins you in the kitchen, opens his arms to wrap them around you but you step on your left, give him a cup of coffee and a lil kiss on his cheeks.
He tries to talk to you but a pancake hangs in your mouth that you chew up and focus on your phone, you don’t talk a lot and don’t look at him either. Back in the bedroom you pack the stuff in your bag, keep the set of keys and barely kiss him.
At the IMF building, you are talking with Benji who wants to know if the morning was hard, it’s obvious it was piece of cake. It’s just the beginning. Luther repeats that a bad idea but you ignore him.
Ethan and the Boss come into the breakroom at the same time, your boyfriend tries some eye contact with you that you avoid easily and the boss invites the four of you to the meeting room. Mr Hunt chooses a seat next to the one where he thought you’d sit but you put some files on the table in front of everyone and go to sit near Benji.
One hour later, everybody goes back to what they did before the meeting. Ethan, at first, goes out of the room but stops right between the frame. You leer at his butts and clean rapidly the table when you see him turning back to you. He asks if you are mad at him, if he did or said something wrong, you reply that you two are okay, kiss and smile at him.
Day after day, you never give up even if it’s harder to not jump in his arms, smell his perfume or feel his warm skin against yours. You want to win the bet and you are very stubborn.
Ethan Hunt knew about the naughty game you played with Benji but three days after the beginning. He turned sick of your strange behaviours, always trying to understand why you were suddenly different and it was worse when you decided to sleep on the couch. Luther was so bad to watch him every day worried, sad because of you, so he told him the truth.
On the last day, at home, like nothing happened you take his hand and on tiptoe, you kiss him. Something in his eyes changes, you don’t know what but it was new for you whereas Ethan and you are dating for years and know each other even more.
He holds you in his arm, walks towards the bed and thews you on the bed.
-“I knew about the deal you did with Benji. Luther told me everything because I was worried about what you did to me. Of course, it was hard to handle that but now it’s completely over I’m gonna make sure you never do this again and I thought of a punishment four days ago.”
The heart in your chest starts to beat faster and you overthink what he planned to do.
He kisses you passionately while taking off your clothes and your bra. Now you are almost naked, the hands cuffed to the headboard. He runs his fingers on your body and lingers on the parts you are sensitive to. He does it a second time but with his lips. And the next time with his lips and fingers.
He rubs your thighs from the kneel to your crotch but every time he touches your panties, on purpose his little finger lightly touches more.
You beg several time wanting more, he smirks but continues to tease you and that drive you insane.
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Thx for reading it. Hope you liked it. My masterlist if you want more.
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The Great Bake-Off (Ethan X MC)
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Dr. Marissa Sanders)
Book: Open Heart (Beyond)
Word Count: 1.6K
Rating: Fluff
Warning(s): None
Premise: Ethan makes pancakes (!!) with his daughter.
A/N: I never thought I would be writing a fic this long, because I have never considered myself as a writer. This is my first time writing something this long. If you read it, I hope you like it. Also, I would love to thank Bree for sending me the prompt and Lin for supporting me with her helpful messages. I would also love to thank Hilde ❤ Without her, I wouldn't have given Marissa a background or shared her. Also, to all the writers who inspired me to write! I love you all ❤
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“Mom, can I go to school with my hair down, today?”
Their seven year old daughter, Aria looks at her mother through the mirror as she requests the said hairstyle preference.
“If that's what you want, but let me add some clips to prevent your hair falling all over your face, hmm?” Marissa suggests to which Aria nods her head enthusiastically.
It's an ordinary day at the Sanders-Ramsey household. The family is getting ready for the day as Marissa attends to her daughter's dark brown hair, while Ethan helps his son put on his favourite green shirt with his practiced hands.
Once the kids are ready, they take-off to the kitchen, running, Ethan's warning to be careful being futile.
Ethan combs his wavy brown hair, standing behind his wife while Marissa perches on the vanity chair, donning an earring on her left ear.
“I'll meet you downstairs, my love.” Ethan smiles, looking at his wife through the mirror, the smile she returns, as he leans down to kiss his wife's forehead, before heading downstairs to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, his kids eagerly waiting for him.
“So, what do you want to have for breakfast, today?”
The kids ponder over before they collectively shout together, “Pancakes!”
Whereas Ethan is not ready. Even though the man is good at almost everything, the one thing he struggles with is making the perfect pancakes. His children unbeknownst to the fact, he does not have the heart to say no to them or to tell them that he sucks at making the so-called cake.
“Fine. Pancakes it is,” he says, masterfully hiding the panic in his eyes.
“Also Dad, can I help you make them, pleaseee? ” Aria looks at her father, doe-eyed, emphasising the last word.
And Ethan can't say no to her when she is looking at him with such a twinkle in her eyes. “I see, why not? But under my very strict supervision, okay?” 
“Aye aye, captain!” Aria gives her father the trademark salute. Ethan smiles, his tension faltering as he picks his daughter and sets her to sit on the kitchen counter. 
“So, what are we cooking?” Marissa arrives, settling beside her son on the kitchen counter's chair.
“Dad and Aria are making pancakes.” Nathaniel responds with a gleam in his eyes.
“Pancakes?” Marissa feigns surprise.“Are you sure, Ethan?” A teasing smile breaking out on her face. “If you want, I can make them.”
“I believe I can handle it, even though I haven't made them in years." Ethan replies with a genial annoyance, while rummaging  in the kitchen for the ingredients.
“If you are certain, love.” Marissa raises one of her eyebrows teasingly, meeting his eyes.
“Dad, is this your first time making pancakes? Because I have always seen mom making them for us.” Nate questions his father, already so perceptive at just five years of age.
“No, I have made them before for myself and your grandfather,” he says, while taking out flour from the pantry.  
“But…” Marissa interrupts, while preparing two cups of coffee.
“…he is not good at making them,” she says with a huge grin on her face. One thing she clearly enjoys is teasing her husband, and Lord knows how much she is loving it to see him struggle the very moment. With his secret out, Ethan comes up with a feeble explanation.
“I'm not that bad! Dad clearly loves to exaggerate over it,” he retorts back.
“Oh, was he?” Marissa scrunches her face playfully.
Ethan pinches the bridge of his nose as he composes himself to say,
“Fine. The first time I did burn it, because I thought one doesn't need to flip it. I was very young. And over time it's been a hit and miss when to flip it.”
“Wow, I didn't know you were that bad!” Marissa exclaims. “And what about now?”
“One is ought to learn from their mistakes, so let me treat my family with a hearty meal.” Ethan says with a heated determination in his voice.
“Are you promising me perfect pancakes, Dr. Ethan Ramsey?”
“I am.” He says with an assertive tone.
“Well, your confidence is noted! I'll be the judge of your guys' pancakes then. What do you say, Nate, you with me?” She peers at her son for support.
“I just wanna go to school without gastroentertitis,” he naively says.
Marissa and Ethan glance at each other, before not able to control themselves and having a hearty guffaw.
“Who taught you that word, mister?” She amusingly elbows him.
“Dad did.” He giggles.
“Seriously, Ethan?”
“What? It is never too early for him to learn some medical terms.” He jested.
Marissa good-naturedly rolls her eyes before clapping her hands together, gathering attention.
“So, what are we waiting for? Let the great bake-off begin!” she announces.
The announcement declared, Ethan (along with Aria) starts preparing the breakfast. Ethan cracks the egg, adding its contents to the bowl, while Aria waits to add sugar and vanilla essence to it, holding the spoon in her tiny hand. 
“Now, how much sugar will you add, Belle?” Ethan asks his daughter, looking inquisitively at her.
“One with the tablespoon?” She answers dubiously.
“Well done,” he praises his daughter with a smile.
Ethan places the bowl in front of her, while she adds the sugar to the mixing bowl. Marissa can't help but admire the sight of seeing her daughter and husband so adamant on their little mission.
The kind of little moments she cherishes to see her husband's handsome feature so serene, a pleasant calmness on his face, guiding his daughter through the process. It makes him look younger. 
If somebody would have asked Marissa in her intern year if she could see Dr. Ramsey, guiding an intern so patiently, without reprimanding once, she would have considered it as a joke. Hell, Ethan would himself have laughed, given his reputation in the hospital.
But after all those years she loves to see the soft and benevolent side of her husband. The only side reserved for her and their children.
Once the batter is ready, Ethan lights on the stove, greasing the pan with oil before adding the batter. Marissa sets Ethan's preferred coffee beside him on the counter, perusing his cooking. Sensing her presence, Ethan rolls the sleeves of his shirt up, revealing his strong, sculpted arms. 
The children would have assumed that their father is just making himself comfortable while he rustled up some hotcakes, but Marissa knows what he is trying to accomplish, and she is not going to be easily beguiled by it.
Two can play the game.
Before Ethan realises what his not-so innocent act transpires, she ever-so stealthily grazes her hand up his arms before leaning close, softly whispering in his ear, “Don't think you will get extra points for that, darling.” She drops the term of endearment with so much enticement that sends a shiver down his spine.
Gathering himself, he manages to utter a lone sentence, “I don't know what you're talking about?”
“Ah, don't play coy with me.”
Ethan's expression completely changes, trying to desperately pull anything from his seduction arsenal. 
“If I recall one of my fond memories correctly, it worked very well on you last night.” His voice is a deep rumble.
And then there is the look he gives her. Known to only them. Amorous. Intimate. But Marissa doesn't back down easily. She alluringly smiles.
“Yes, it worked on me last night. You should come with something better now, my love.”
She pats his cheek affectionately, flaunting him a wink, before she makes her way to the seat.
Twenty minutes later, Aria helps her dad decorate the cakes with viscously flowing  honey, and fresh blueberries and strawberries, before serving it to their "judges", gazing up at them with hopeful eyes.
“I have to say you guys went all out on dressing and everything, but what matters is the taste and the time to prepare, right?”
Marissa takes a bite, keeping a stoic expression, formulating a proper response. She dramatically sighs.
“Let me be honest with you, your cooking preparation was slow and superficial. Your flipping technique, amateur at best.”
“Amateur?” Ethan feigns offence, clearly seeing through her act.
“I don't know. It tastes pretty good, mom,” Nate interjects.
Ethan and Aria snicker together. Marissa gives them a side-long glance.
“It tastes good, but still it took them a lot of time to prepare it. This is not how you are going to win MasterChef US–”
“I don't plan to go to that baseless competition.” Ethan interrupts.
“You're lucky we got ready early today because this is not gonna work if we are running late, sweetheart,” she states.
“I think it's very hard to please you, MRS. Ramsey.” Ethan responds amusingly.
“Hmm, I wonder where I got that from?” She jabs back.
The rest of the breakfast goes out with endless, harmless banter while indulging themselves with the generous meal, when it is time to head out for the day. Aria and Nathaniel run to their respective rooms to get their school bags, leaving a moment of solitary silence for their parents. Ethan takes advantage of the quietude by pulling his wife close.
“Your insightful feedback got me thinking.”
“Oh really? Enlighten me,” she leans to him, interested.
“I was wondering if you could give me private lessons.”
Marissa trails her hand over his shirt, smiling as she reminisces the moment when they first met. She feels his heartbeat reverberate through his chest.
“I don't know, Dr. Ramsey, I sincerely doubt you could afford my salary.”
He laughs, lifting her chin with utmost care, to meet his eyes. His breathtaking blues meeting her beautiful browns.
“Then I'll be gladly in your debt.”
A/N 2: Thank you so much for reading! Also, if there were any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors, I apologize. English is not my first language.
He enunciates the last sentence with so much intent, before leaning down to kiss her softly on the lips.
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All of this writing has made me realise that all the writers in this fandom put a lot of hard work in their works because even though I have enjoyed the process when the idea used to pop in my head, there was a time, my brain was totally blocked. I appreciate all of you for what you do and keeping this fandom alive even after an year.❤
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liaromancewriter · 3 years
Always My Number One
Premise: Ethan Ramsey is known for many things but being named America’s Top Hot Doctor was not an honor he was expecting.
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 1,740
A/N: This fic was inspired by a conversation with my flock (you know who you are). This takes place later in 2022. I’m also participating in this week’s @wackydrabbles​, prompt 128 which will appeared in bold.
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Cassie Valentine liked lazy mornings in bed, especially ones where both she and her husband, Ethan Ramsey weren’t working. They had been married for five months and every day was better than the last.
She looked around the master bedroom, her eyes still adjusting to the new view, so different from Ethan’s apartment. A few weeks ago, they had finally moved into their place. A penthouse in the Waterfront District, close enough to trendy shops and restaurants she liked and surrounded by water that Ethan wanted.
She glanced over at the clock on his bedside table; it was after ten o’clock which explained why the other side of the bed was already cold. Given the choice, Ethan did not loll about in bed. Whereas, she was more than happy to sleep the morning away.
Cassie rolled on to her back, stretching her arms and legs as she gave a brief (miniscule really) thought to getting out of bed and grabbing some coffee, maybe going for a run. No need to go crazy, she thought. Running in the afternoon was perfectly acceptable. But coffee? That was a necessity.
She wondered if she could convince Ethan to install a coffee machine next to their bed. It would save them (okay, her) so much time in the morning. And then she imagined his reaction — he’d pinch the bridge of his nose for sure — and knew it was a non-starter.
She spent another half-hour just lying there; her thoughts wandering from everything that had happened in the last couple of weeks (Eeek! Her best friend was marrying her brother!) to all the things she still needed to get done for Christmas.
Wanting coffee more than anything, she picked up her phone to text Ethan, hoping he was home and could bring her one from the kitchen, when Sienna’s name popped up on her screen.
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She pulled up the Picta feed, scrolling down to the earlier posts. She had forgotten about the list coming out this week and wanted to see if she knew anyone on it. Feed followers could anonymously submit recommendations and voting was open for all.
Cassie had leaned into the whole competition, which had originally started out as something fun. But when the trauma surgeon from Chicago started garnering more votes, she had launched a secret offensive to propel her favorite people forward. Looks like it had worked.
Minutes later, she was sitting up in bed and laughing out loud at the comments from Jackie and Bryce. Before she knew it, she was adding her two cents to everyone’s post and Jackie joined in, as if lying in wait for Cassie’s comment on the top post. 
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The notification on her group chat with Max and Sienna popped up and she quickly switched apps. These were the only two people in the world who really understood her goofy and oft times snarky sense of humor. And they didn’t disappoint.
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Cassie wasn’t surprised by the thirst comments, but the fact that Max’s Picta Fan Club had switched allegiance had her cracking up.
“What has you in stitches?” asked Ethan, walking into the bedroom with a coffee cup and paper bag.
She looked up at him, unable to stop giggling as she clutched the phone in her hand. She glanced down, then back up at him and just lost it.
Throwing her phone aside, her head fell forward as she hugged her knees and hid her face. Belly-deep laughter made her body shake, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes when she raised her head to stare at Ethan’s perplexed face.
“I have no idea what’s going on unless you’re punchy from lack of coffee,” he said, handing her the bag and the cup with Derry’s logo stamped on the side. “Here.”
“Did you go all the way to Derry’s for my coffee?” she asked when she finally felt in control again.
“Of course not,” he scoffed, sitting down on the foot of the bed. “I was paged back to Edenbrook. Apparently, everyone forgets how to do their job when I’m not there.”
“Poor you,” she teased. “Must be so hard to be indispensable. Smart, handsome, and America’s Hottest Doctor of 2022. You’re a catch, Dr. Ramsey.”
He creased his forehead, eyebrows knitting at her words. “What on earth are you babbling about?”
In response, she unlocked her phone, scrolled to the bottom of the Pictagram feed and handed him the device.
She sipped her coffee, fishing inside the bag for the cupcake she was positive would be there and waited for the explosion. It wasn’t far behind.
He read the first couple of posts and then he cursed out loud in outrage.
“What the hell is this?” he griped. “We’re respected physicians not contestants on Americas Top Model.”
“Americas Top 50 Hottest Medics actually,” she corrected, fascinated by the flush spreading across his face as he scrolled up.
“Is that Carrick? And, Cassie, why are you commenting on this drivel?”
“He’s no Ethan Ramsey,” she said seriously, the laughter in her eyes belying the tone. “Just telling it like it is, babe.”
“Hrm,” was all he said. “Who is this Land Olsen and why does Varma think he had a shot on my team?”
“You mean you don’t recognize your number one fan?” she asked with mock seriousness, her hands clutching at her throat.
“I thought you were my number one fan, Rookie?” he smirked. “Isn’t that what you told me when you were trying to get my autograph that first day?”
“Since we’re married now, I can tell you the truth,” she grinned back. “That autograph wasn’t for me.”
“What?!?” His brows shot up in consternation. He started to respond when her phone pinged and he glanced down.
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“Why is your brother telling me to get my own Picta Fan Club? Why on earth would I want one?”
His confusion was so endearing that Cassie almost gave the game away. Almost. She wasn’t done messing with him though.
“Scroll up, babe.”
“Hmm. Dr. Hadley is a leader in her field,” he said stopping again. “I bet you she’s just as upset about this ranking as Harper would be. At least she ranked higher than Carrick. Although how he managed to make it to third, let alone the list, just shows how stupid people on Picta are.”
“How do you know her?” asked Cassie, scarfing down the cupcake and coffee before setting the empty cup on her nightstand.
“We’ve run into each other at conferences over the years,” he said absently, his thumb on the screen as he scrolled up.
Cassie knew the moment he saw his name and picture. His body went stiff and then his hand came up to pinch the bridge of his nose as a litany of inventive curses flew out of his mouth. She burst out laughing, enjoying every minute of his discomfort.
“What the he…why would this user want someone to rip them?” he asked, bafflement written across his face.
“It’s not rip, babe, it’s R.I.P. as in fuck me,” she explained, wiping the tears from her eyes.
She had known he would be annoyed, but his bewilderment was too amusing for words.
“Who is kayla212 and why is she comparing me to Max?”
“You really should apologize to Max,” said Cassie, her tone grave. “He’s upset that you stole his Picta Fan Club. Kayla212 was one of his first fans along with Thirstybitch.”
“I didn’t ask them to be part my fan club, Cassie,” he retorted. “I don’t even know what that means. Why would a perfect stranger want me to treat their…”
He trailed off as he glanced down and then his eyes went wide. “That’s it. I’m firing Edenbrook’s PR department! They’re supposed to stop these things and not fan the fire.”
“Think of the rise in residency applications,” countered Cassie. “Edenbrook has three of the hottest top five doctors. Everyone will want to work here.”
“We’re a hospital, Cassie,” he grumbled, pacing in front of the bed, “Not a talent agency. Patients don’t care how their physician looks.”
“Shows how much you know,” she muttered.
“And why are you commenting on this crap?” he asked, holding the phone out.
She climbed out of bed, her arms akimbo as she faced him.
“Unbelievable, Dr. Ramsey. I have to show my appreciation and support for my one and only,” she said in a tone that told him it should be obvious. “Can’t have people thinking your wife doesn’t find you hot.”
He opened his mouth as if to argue the point but then he beetled his brows as if a thought occurred to him.
“Wait a minute. This photo,” he said, swiping out of the Pictagram app to pull up her photos. “There’s only person that has this photo of me and I know for a fact that it’s not online anywhere.”
“Uh oh,” said Cassie realizing her rookie mistake. She sidled past him as he scrolled through her photos looking for confirmation.
“Come back here, Rookie,” he called out as Cassie made a run for the bedroom door, her runner legs pumping to escape his grasp.
She was laughing as she glanced back to see him chasing her with a determined look on his face. She was almost up the stairs to the second level when his long legs caught up with her and he grabbed her from behind, keeping her locked in his arms as he walked them to the couch.
“Going somewhere, babe?” he said menacingly.
“Uh, just, you know, fresh air and what not,” she stammered uncertainly at his mood.
“It’s in the low thirties outside,” he said neutrally before shaking his head. “I really should have guessed what I was in for that first day when you asked me for private lessons.”
“Are you okay, Ethan?” she asked confused at the change of topic. She placed the back of her hand on his forehead to check his temperature.
“That was the moment I knew,” he said softly, ignoring her question.
He leaned down to brush his lips across hers, deepening the kiss as he lay her down on the living room couch.
“Knew what?” she asked, her arms circling his neck as she tugged him down to cover her body with his.
“That my life would never be the same again.”
With that, he proceeded to show her just why he was America’s Top Hottest Medic.
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A/N 2: If you’re wondering about how Max’s Picta Fan Club first discovered Ethan? Read Carry You Home.
@choicesficwriterscreations​ @openheartfanfics​
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heya, I'm just curious as to your main headcanons for the Alcithan ship? it's always so nice to see different people's interpretations of characters and their dynamics between each other so I'd be lovely to hear your input as well 😊
Ay yo! Let's do this!
Okay, SO most of my Alcithan headcanons fluctuate dependent upon the universe in which they exist. There are some little quirks that are the same regardless of setting/universe, so I'll start with those and go from there. Long post below the cut!
Main Headcanons:
1. Alcina is touch-starved as hell. She grew up as a sickly, female member of a noble family. She's touch-starved; I don't make the rules. The first time Ethan cuddles her, she goes stiff as a board and then straight-up MELTS into the contact.
2. Ethan's favorite thing is to sit with Alcina while she reads a book and play with her hair. He's like a little kid. Plays with individual curls, watches them bounce, slides them between his fingers. Alcina very distinctly Does Not Mind.
3. They are Very Good Parents. They love their hellspawn children, baby or fly or whatever weird combination of the two Daniela is. Alcina is the marshmallow about everything except manners (because manners are Very Important), whereas Ethan tends to be more of the disciplinarian. It's a balancing act when the family first blends, but they soon find their groove.
4. Ethan has Night Terrors. Alcina is his touchstone when he wakes up from one, and she gets very, very good at soothing him quickly.
5. Booba. Ethan loves using it as a pillow. That is all.
Rise of Mars
1. Alcina doesn't hate men per-say. She uses anger and disgust to veil what is a deep, unadulterated fear of not being good enough. She is the eldest child to a noble family but is still not nearly so favored as her younger brother. It causes severe issues.
2. Ethan absolutely HATES the word "whore". His full backstory still hasn't been revealed in-story, but suffice to say his mother was a prostitute, and he grew up poor and mean and abused by those around him. It's a hatred that's stayed for nearly 100 years.
3. Alcina LOVES babies. Any babies. All the babies. She's one of those people that infants, small children, and adolescents all take one look at this woman and go, "yes, this is someone I trust" and Alcina just fuckin runs with it. The type to pick up a random kiddo making grabby hands. Chanel? Prada? Gucci? We don't care, pick up that muddy baby.
4. Ethan gives The Best Hugs. Alcina spends a grand chunk of her time snuggled against his chest reading. Likewise, it's his favorite place for Alcina to be because he can just. . . hold her. He protecc.
5. Ethan considers Alcina his Mate. The Cadou implantation made him a bit more animalistic than canon!Alcina is, and so he's a bit possessive, a bit clingy, but ultimately protects that woman with his LIFE.
6. Alcina's mother is a bitch. This has given her anxiety and a massive inferiority complex + jealousy.
7. Ethan was a bit of a playboy before his girls came into the picture. This is Important. Because Alcina is Everything and he is most certainly Ashamed of that period in his life.
Unexpected Family
1. Alcina is actually half-vampire; daughter of a Pureblooded man and vampire woman. Her mother left pretty much immediately after her birth. She and her father were actually very close until his death, and she is Very Much Spoiled because of this.
2. Ethan is an American exchange teacher to Hogwarts. He teaches Muggle Studies. His first day at Hogwarts, he takes one look at Alcina, blushes bright red, and promptly walks into a wall. Very smart, but also so very, very dumb.
3. They get together because Bela is a Very Nervous Baby, and they got much closer working out ways to make her first year more tolerable.
4. Alcina is 9'6" because of a magical accident in her sixth year. She gets a lot of flack in pureblood circles because of her half-vampire nature and height. She learns to take it like a champ but it's still a source of insecurity.
5. Ethan was a Chaser in school; Alcina hates Quidditch with a passion because her kids get hurt, dammit.
6. Despite the fact that he went to school in Ilvermorny, he is the Hufflepuffiest Hufflepuff that ever puffed. So pure. So loyal. We stan. Alcina is a Slytherin. She knows this, owns this, but rises above her own shithead nature and treats the children like gold no matter which house they're in. It's an odd match but they love each other and that's what matters.
7. Alcina hates Dumbledore. A lot. He lives in a constant state of existential dread from this 9'6" dragon vampire lady who treats all the kids like her own. She's the Most Loved Professor, and this is a position all students take very seriously.
8. Rosie is their biological child. Every Hogwarts student is now her older sibling. This is not a drill.
9. McGonagall and Snape help the students parent-trap them because they are So Fucking Tired of the pining they do. It's terrible. NO ONE WANTS TO WITNESS A SAD CINA!!
And that's pretty much it! Well, without spoilers, obviously. Thanks so much for asking!!
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Hello, hello! This week, we are going on a little:
Home Tour!
Notes: Answer the following with pictures (dialogue from your characters is optional!). Collages are highly encouraged if you want to answer a question with multiple pictures because tumblr mobile only allows 10 total pics. Otherwise, tumblr on a desktop lets you add multiple pictures (non-beta)!
For both:
What does the outside of the home look like? (Front/back yard, garden, pool, etc)
Living room and home office (if any)?
Kitchen and dining room?
Bedrooms? (Master, guest, others)
Other rooms?
Do you own your dream home? If not, what does that dream home look like?
What is your favorite room to spend time in with each other?
Super super late to this, because of my stupid exam but now we are here so let's go! 💃🏽🏠
A/N : I am placing this two years and seven months after the wedding, because I HC Ethan and Meera staying at Ethan's apartment for two years after the wedding and they only start house hunting when they have the baby talk and start trying for a baby. So technically not newlyweds anymore. Now let's get started! ✨
Meera opens the door and greets Bree.
Meera : Hii Bree, welcome to our humble abode.
Bree (chuckles) : This place is anything but humble. I hope I am not causing much trouble.
Meera : Absolutely not. Who else is going to make me feel like a youtuber?
Both laugh, Ethan joins and greets Bree.
Bree : Congratulations on the good news Dr. Ramsey. How far are y'all?
Ethan : Thank you Bree. It's been 3 months already.
Meera (cradling her small bump) : Yup one trimester down two more to go.
Ethan (kissing her forehead) : And then there will be a mini version of you running around these halls.
Meera : Nope it's gonna be a mini you.
The couple shares a look as if challenging each other.
Meera : Fine, Bree, whose team are you on? Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?
Bree : I am happy with either because at the end I'll be interviewing him or her too.
The three of them share a laugh.
Bree : Let's get started, shall we?
Ethan : Sure.
What does the outside of the home look like? (Front/back yard, garden, pool, etc)
Front :
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Meera : We were looking for something modern yet chic, something that is totally us. I fell in love with the design whereas Ethan was in total awe of the open space and glass doors. Needless to say our heart was stuck on this no matter how many more houses we visited.
Backyard :
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Ethan : The backyard also doubles up as the garden but it's not quite completed yet.
Meera : Yes it's been two months since we moved, and we haven't been able to work on the garden because of work and the pregnancy. Ethan : But we want to build a garden with a tree house and maybe some swings.
Meera (too excited) : Ohh swings! Yes please add it onto the list. Why didn't I think of it before?
Pool :
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Meera : Definitely my favorite part!
Ethan : She is a water baby through and through so that's no surprise.
Meera : Don't act like you don't appreciate me in a swimsuit, Ramsey (winks)
Ethan : There is no denying that.
Living room and home office (if any)?
Living room :
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Ethan : Meera was hell bent on having an L-shaped couch.
Meera : Those things are so bougie I had to have one because now I can finally afford one. But yeah the living room is so relaxing with a beautiful view of the outside.
Home office :
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Meera : Honestly speaking, I do not understand the utility of a home office, I didn't understand back at his apartment neither do I understand now. If I am supposed to work from home I can do that on the couch or on my bed or even better on the daybeds by the pool.
Ethan (shaking his head) : You'll get it darling. When you start your maternity leave I'll see how you make zoom calls with the pool as your background.
Meera shrugs.
Kitchen and dining room?
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Meera : This part was all Ethan so I'll let him do the talking.
Ethan (proudly) : A Poggenpohl kitchen with a granite-topped island adds an ultramodern touch. Glass shelves display colorful glassware convenient to the wet bar. A translucent sliding glass door below the shelves hides the more utilitarian gadgets. And finally playful mod pendant lights seem to levitate over the dining table, which is meant to resemble a river running through the woods.
Meera : You sure you didn't miss your true calling as an interior designer babe?
Ethan (smirks) : Nope, just the fact that I tend to excel at everything I do, Rookie.
Meera : And that makes you 10 times hotter!
Bedrooms? (Master, guest, others)
Master bedroom :
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Meera : The bedroom has a different color scheme and tone from the rest of the house because I wanted it to stand out and break the monotone.
Ethan : Again the chandelier was Meera's opinion.
Meera : Finding common ground between his minimalistic taste and mine was difficult but we made it through.
Master Bathroom :
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Ethan : Meera I don't think it was necessary to bring Bree in here.
Meera : It was absolutely necessary! Just look at this tub Bree! The bubbles and champagne dates we have here are a total hit.
Guest rooms :
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Ethan : We have two guest rooms and both are styled the same way, but unfortunately we haven't had any guests yet. 
Meera : Is it unfortunate Dr. Ramsey? Bryce is just a call away from crashing here. 
Ethan (pinching the bridge of his nose) : Anyone but Lahela.
Meera : We haven't thought about the baby's room yet. But we have the nursery now. 
Ethan : Yes, maybe we'll turn the nursery into a bedroom or one of the guest rooms in a few years. Let's see.
Nursery : 
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Meera : This was completed just yesterday hence the delay in the interview, Bree. 
Ethan : We decided to keep the gender of the baby a surprise so we went with a gender neutral nursery that matches the colour scheme of the house. 
Meera : Also because Ethan Ramsey would rather die than paint the walls of his house pink and blue. 
Ethan (rolls eyes) 
Other rooms?
Home library :
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Meera (takes in the smell of books) : Better known as my safe haven. 
Ethan : This was absolutely non-negotiable for Meera. 
Meera : We both own a lot of books and the collection keeps on increasing now with the baby incoming. And look at this reading space. It's from my dreams. 
Ethan : This is tucked away in a far corner of the house and is the most serene place around here. Once, I returned home from the hospital and called out to Meera a hundred times, she didn't answer, I started panicking and then found her silently sitting here in her own world. 
Meera : If I ever go missing please check here before running to the police, because once I am in here I forget the existence of the world.
Bree picks up "Peppa pig's super noisy Sound Book" which was kept on a thick medical journal with a smile. 
Ethan feels embarrassed but Meera laughs. 
Meera : Yes these are the new ones in our collection. Ethan was reading it to the baby before you arrived. 
Home Bar : 
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Ethan : The wine cellar grew into a home mini bar because we had this unused space left. 
Meera : He loves showing this and his collection off. 
Ethan : Excuse me! If I remember correctly your friends were very impressed as well. 
Meera : True that. Bryce went bat shit crazy during the housewarming party. He said he felt he got back his bartending days.
Ethan (proudly) : And Jackie's exact words for that evening's toast was "to hell with Donahue's" 
Meera : Yeah yeah, you did a great job honey. Also the more surfaces the better for us. 
Ethan : Keep it PG for the love of God. 
Meera (shrugs) : Pregnancy hormones. 
Bree (points) : And that? 
Ethan (facepalms) : The only thing that doesn't match with the vibe here.
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Meera : Nonsense! It was a housewarming gift from my friends and I absolutely love it. Ethan just feels it is a cheaper and juvenile version of his favourite game, soccer. But don't worry Bree, I'll get him to play someday. 
Ethan (smirk) : I would very much like to see you try Dr. Ramsey-Bose.
Meera : And I'll see how you say no when your son asks. 
Ethan : It's gonna be a daughter. 
Meera : We'll see. 
Do you own your dream home? If not, what does that dream home look like?
Ethan : For the majority of my life home for me was a structure of bricks and cement with a ceiling but Meera was the one who brought all the love and light and showed me what a real home felt like. So for me, my home is where my heart is and for this lifetime it's kept safe with this gorgeous woman whom I fortunately call my wife. 
Silence lasts for a couple of minutes then Meera snorts. 
Meera (drying her eye) : Damn you pregnancy hormones, I am not even wearing waterproof mascara. It was super cheesy Ethan, a non pregnant me would have definitely called you out on your cheese but this pregnant Meera has to agree with you. Even a stable is my dream home if I have my dream husband with me. (she kisses Ethan) but I wouldn't mind a Jacuzzi, a home theatre, a game room (laughing)
Ethan (an easy smile on his face) : Always knew you were in it because of the money Bose. 
What is your favorite room to spend time in with each other?
Meera : The library. Just him reading to our unborn child like he isn't already the most perfect man in the world. 
Ethan (a very satisfied smile on his face) : First I am very surprised that you kept it PG. So the obvious answer is the bedroom but other than that, the patio, which is not a room though.
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Ethan : Meera has a slight deficiency in vitamin D so to avoid complications, we spend a lot of time here in the sun. We play board games, read and even discuss work here sometimes.  
Meera : Ooh yes! This was another great investment and a great way to utilise the humongous outdoor space we have.  
Ethan : I hope you had fun Bree. Thank you so much for doing this. 
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A quick shoutout to @a-crepusculo and @jamespotterthefirst who came to my rescue when  I couldn't add more than 10 pics. Also thank you Bree for doing this you are a star and an angel. 💜
Tagging my usual : @starrystarrytrouble @mm2305 @charisworld @choicesfanaf @potionsprefect @genevievemd  @shanzay44 @little-flowers-on-heaven @schnitzelbutterfingers  @coffeeheartaddict  @gryffindordaughterofathena @chemist-ana @adiehardfan @custaroonie @ireneadlerisseggsy @takemyopenheart @natureblooms24 @mainstreetreader @izzyourresidentlawyer @a-crepusculo @quixoticdreamer16 @starryeyedrookie @barbean
+ @openheartfanfics
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed. And if you want to sit out only the answers to the ask games hit me up too. There won't be any hard feelings. I promise. 💜
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lifeofkaze · 3 years
When Stars Ignite - Chapter 1
HPHM Rockstar AU
A/N: After much hype, many sleepless nights and WAY too much fun, today is the day. I can’t believe it’s here. Ladies and gentlemen, enjoy the first chapter of Part 1/5 of Al’s and my HPHM Rockstar AU. Katriona Cassiopeia belongs to @kc-and-oc
General Warning: This whole fic has a general warning of being NSFW / 18+. We will give specific warnings for every chapter in itself, but several adult themes will be more or less present in every chapter, may it be explicitly or in mention. These include sexual topics, drug abuse, (ab)use of alcohol, smoking and a whole lot of cursing. They’re rockstars after all.
Specific Warning: Mentions of alcohol, swearing
Find the masterpost here, the previous chapter here and the next one here. The songs featured before every chapter can be found on this pretty badass playlist here.
This work is a collaboration with @the-al-chemist
Taglist: @slytherindisaster
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Light it up, light it up, now I'm burning
Feel the rush, feel the rush of adrenaline
We are young, we are strong, we will rise
Cause I'm back, back, back from the dead tonight
~ Skillet - Back From The Dead ~
The colourful patterns of the spotlights sweeping over him, Orion Amari let go of the neck of his guitar with a flourish of his arm. He couldn’t see most of the huge crowd filling the vast space that was London’s O2 arena, but he could hear them going wild at the solo he had just finished.
The bright lights burning down on him and the other members of their band were erasing all faces except for the first rows, but he could feel the presence of the crowd; the sound of the joined voices in unison with the music was reverberating through him, amplifying the beat of his heart until he could feel it in every remote corner of his body, his heartbeat and the rhythm of the song one and the same.
He let the music carry him for a moment before he put his fingers onto the strings of his instrument again and joined in with the rest.
It was their first show back after a four week break, marking the beginning of the last leg of Equinox’s biggest European tour so far. The final shows would be taking them all around the U.K., to end their tour where everything had begun so many years ago.
He shook his long, black hair out of his eyes and moved across the stage towards Skye Parkin, the bassist of the band. She was jumping up and down to the music, her blue hair flowing around her like a coloured halo. She greeted him with an enthusiastic grin as he stood across from her, both their fingers dancing over the necks of their instruments in patterns which had become second nature to them.
When Skye turned away to engage with the crowd again, Orion let his eyes wander over the stage, drinking in every precious second before tonight’s show would be over in a few more moments.
Merula Snyde, keyboardist and backing vocalist of the band, had her head bowed deeply over the keys of her instrument. Her short, wavy hair with the signature blonde streak hid her face from Orion’s view, but he knew how her brow would be creased over her eyes, which were so blue they almost looked violet at times. She was probably biting her lower lip in concentration, too; Orion had known Merula since they had been children, and even back then, she had been able to fade out everything else but the thing she was concentrating on.
Skye, on the other hand, was fully immersed in the music, shaking her head enthusiastically. She was singing along on the top of her lungs and Orion was glad his in-ear monitor allowed him only to hear what he needed to. While Skye was a brilliant bassist, her singing often had him grind his teeth; not that she was caring in the least.
Next to her, the frontman and lead singer of their band, Jason Everett, was trying his best to make the girls adoring him from the front row swoon. He flashed a smile at one of them; the poor thing started to cry hysterically while her friends were shaking her. He had his guitar pushed to his back and his hands were clasped around the microphone, his dark, warm voice floating through the heated-up air.
Feeling slightly embarrassed at the scene, Orion averted his eyes. He turned around and wandered back to his own designated spot where his other guitars and pedals to control the musical effects were set up.
His eyes swept over the raised pedestal at the back of the stage where the huge drum kit of Lizzie Jameson, the lively drummer of Equinox, was situated. A smile tugged at his lips as he watched her maintaining the compelling rhythm of the song with breathtaking speed. Her drumsticks were dancing over the set faster than his eyes could follow.
During a short break, she dipped her head back and sang along, her light brown ponytail messy and tangled from playing. She was swaying her body to the familiar tunes, her eyes closed, a smile on her face.
The music wasn’t merely in her blood; the pounding of the drums was synchronised with the beating of her heart.
Orion watched with a smirk as she opened her eyes and spun one of her drumsticks between her fingers before letting them dance over her kit once more. He had never known anyone quite like her.
She was rhythm incarnate.
And what was more, when all was said and done, when the last spotlight had gone out and the arena was empty again, he knew that she was his.
When Orion entered the green room after it had been his turn to take a shower, everyone else was waiting for him already.
Merula was quietly eating the dubious looking Chinese food they had ordered, whereas Lizzie and Skye were busy joking around with each other; Everett sat lounging on one of the leather sofas lining the walls of the room, a bottle of beer in hand and looking as glum as was usual for him these days.
His dark blond hair was still damp and his eyes followed Orion as he made his way over to where Skye and Lizzie were sitting. Orion could almost feel his piercing gaze in between his shoulder blades; upon turning around, their eyes met for a split second before the lead singer looked away again.
All of their attention was drawn towards the entrance of the room when Ethan Parkin, former rockstar of times long gone and now the manager of his daughter’s band, strode into their midst with a beaming smile on his face.
“What a show, what a show indeed,” he proclaimed, slowly clapping his hands together. “That may have been one of your best shows so far, and after such a long break as well! The fan store was practically raided afterwards. I’m so proud of you!”
Orion fought the urge to sigh; of course, the first thing Ethan thought of was always the amount of profit made. Granted, it was part of his job to have the financial aspects under control, but Orion wished it wasn’t such a prominent feature on his mind. After all, money had never been the reason they had decided to share their music with the world.
When Orion saw the door opening again and the three main members of their tech crew entered the room, he rose from his seat and smiled into the round of tired looking faces he considered his family.
“I welcome all of you back,” he began the introduction to their usual feedback round that was happening after every show. “I know we already saw each other earlier today, but it is only now, with the echo of our music still in the air that we are back, that we are where we truly belong. With our energies recharged, our performance was as splendid as we could have hoped for it to be.”
He brought his fingertips together and inclined his head. “Speaking for myself, there is nothing I found faulty tonight, may it be from our part or the technical department. But my perception is solely my own and I cannot speak for all of us; if there is anything any of you feels the need to make note of, now is the time to do so.”
Everybody was silent for a moment, nobody wanting to be the first one to speak up.
Eventually, Merula shrugged. “Not a big deal, but could the green spotlight be adjusted tomorrow? It was shining right into my eyes whenever it turned, couldn’t see a bloody thing.”
She was looking expectantly at the woman with the strawberry blonde curls sitting opposite her. Katriona ‘KC’ Cassiopeia, head of the lighting department nodded and scribbled something down on the clipboard she was carrying.
Contrary to the rest of the crew, she wasn’t wearing the signature black shirt with the logo of the tech company, but a simple dark tank top underneath a black cashmere sweater. As one of the two owners of Aurora Tourealis, the company who was providing Equinox’s touring crew, she had no need to showcase her affiliation with the band; every person working with them knew both her face and her attitude.
Murphy McNully, her partner in business and in life, leaned over to her from his wheelchair and pointed to something she had written down. They exchanged a few quiet words and she crossed something out. Looking up from her notes, her blue eyes swept the room.
“Alright, I’ll see what I can do about the spotlight. Anything else on the technical side?”
Everyone was silent again, until Everett came out of his slouching position, downed the remains of his beer and looked at them out of narrowed eyes.
“Is no one going to address the giant fucking elephant in the room?” he asked incredulously.
Orion’s shoulders tensed at his words; there was no need for him to speak so harshly. “Speak your thoughts and you’ll be heard.”
Ignoring him, Everett leaned forward, underarms resting on his thighs and nodded at the broad shouldered redhead leaning against the wall next to Lizzie.
“We should be used to it by now, but as always, the pyros were a joke today. One step closer and I’d be short of my eyebrows.”
“That’s what we put the markings on the floor for,” Charlie Weasley replied sharply, not impressed by Everett’s unfriendly tone. “I don’t spend all day crawling around on stage for you to ignore them and then get pissed off with the results. Don’t criticise me when you can’t follow directions.”
Sitting upright, Everett opened his mouth to shoot back but Lizzie hurriedly cut him off. “To be totally fair, Charlie, the sound mix on my in-ear monitor wasn’t ideal either,” she said softly.
She placed a hand on Charlie’s arm as she continued, the aggressiveness in his demeanour lessening almost instantly. “It was alright and I could play without problems, but I had trouble hearing Merula at some points.”
Contrary to his reaction to Everett’s critique, Charlie looked at his childhood friend apologetically. “Why didn’t you say something during the soundcheck?”
Lizzie shrugged. “You were busy setting up the explosives, so I figured it would do.”
“But it doesn't,” Ethan chimed into the conversation. “If something is not perfect, you have to say so, Lizzie; it’s his job and he didn’t deliver properly.”
His attention turned to Murphy and KC, who were looking a little more tense than usual. ”How you manage your staff is none of my business, but if Charlie wants to manage the sound he should do so and not dabble with the pryos; this is not acceptable.”
“I’m not dabbling,” Charlie huffed, earning him an elbow into the side from Lizzie to shut him up.
Ignoring him, Ethan continued speaking with Murphy, “You still don’t have a new pyro tech to replace him, even though you had four weeks after you kicked the last one out. I’m not used to such unprofessionalism coming from you.”
Her face darkening, KC opened her mouth to put Ethan in his place, but Murphy quickly placed a hand on her knee to calm her down.
“I know that we had a suitable amount of time to hire someone new,” he explained matter-of-factly. “But as it is, doing an interview with possible candidates is not even 34.8 % of the battle. You need to see them working in action with the crew to properly assert whether they’re suited for the job.”
His gaze flickered to Charlie, who had crossed his arms in front of his chest; his freckled face had gone dark at the mention of his replacement. Murphy stifled a sigh, returning his focus to the discussion at hand.
“In fact, we’ll be reviewing another applicant first thing tomorrow morning. You know our rate at perfectly delivered jobs lies at 97.6 %, the rest being subjected to unexpected events and bad luck. There’s a reason you have worked with us for such a long time. We’re going to get the situation under control.”
Ethan gave him a hard stare. “You’d better.”
Before the tension in the room could get overboard, Orion cleared his throat. “It is good to see how we can learn from each other in our strive to achieve the best possible result for our fans. But even the most creative of minds cannot work properly if not in balance with the rest of the body. I suggest that McNully, KC and Charlie finish their tasks, while we go and let the day sink in.”
He eyed the container of Chinese food Merula was still holding sceptically. “I, for one, could use something real to eat.”
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bipercabeth · 4 years
percabeth | hurt/comfort | 3k | commissioned by @mericatblackwood 
a post-TLO fic in which we finally Let Percy Cry
Annabeth doesn’t know what to do with anger—her own or others’. She can take her problems to the sword fighting arena or bury her nose in blueprints for weeks, but she’ll still come away with a tight jaw. She doesn’t know what to do with her hands when they aren’t clenched into fists. 
So when the tendons in Percy’s hands strain around his silverware at dinner, when his eyes are downcast and he’s closed off in that I’m-angry-but-trying-desperately-not-to-look-it way, Annabeth can only fumble over a painfully casual attempt at conversation and watch as he retreats to his cabin. He doesn’t even make an appearance at the campfire. The flames have been low in the weeks following the Battle of Manhattan, but they’re rising tonight. 
The problem isn’t reading Percy; it never has been. Annabeth knows what’s hurting him and why. It’s the fixing part she struggles with.
continue on AO3 
He’s been angry for the better part of a year, often because of the ambiguous impending doom of his sixteenth birthday, but not exclusively so. Annabeth caused more than her fair share of his anger, she knows. Rachel had been there to provide an escape in her place, but Annabeth supposes part of being Percy’s girlfriend means that it’s her who gets to provide solace now. Not that she didn’t before, but. There’s a deeper commitment now. He was always her person—as she was his—but it’s out in the open. She’s the first line of defense—she wants to be the first line of defense from danger, be it physical or emotional. 
So Annabeth dons her Yankees cap and sneaks to Cabin 3, replaying the conversation where Percy shrugged and said he’s fine when she tried to call him out. He isn’t fine. She knows that much. 
That doesn’t mean she expects to find him curled in on himself, bedsheets tangled around his middle. It shouldn’t be possible to look small in a twin bed, but he looks so small—not at all like the hero the other campers celebrate over the campfire. It’s a stark reminder that he’s only sixteen. 
He lifts his head when the door opens, his eyes wide. Annabeth remembers that she’s invisible and knocks her cap off her head. She’ll pick it up later. Right now Percy’s breath stutters at the sight of her, his eyes shining like open wounds. 
Annabeth can do dry anger: the cold, unfeeling rage that motivates, propels, inspires. But wet anger—the paralyzing, painful kind you cannot power through—leaves her scrambling for purchase. Annabeth is a runner. She doesn’t sit in anything. 
The sheets rustle as Percy closes his eyes and takes refuge in his bed like a dog hiding his wounded paw. Despite his efforts, he cannot disguise his limp.
“Please don’t hide from us,” Annabeth pleads. 
“I’m not hiding from you,” he says mildly, not lifting his head from the pillow. “I can’t hide from you.” 
“But you came here.” 
“I knew you would come.” Percy shrugs, casually stating as fact something Annabeth didn’t know herself until a few minutes ago. 
In this moment, Annabeth envies Percy’s connection with Grover. She would kill to have a way to funnel her emotions into Percy’s brain in a way he could understand. All the love and concern she can’t articulate could exist in the world without the struggle of finding the right words. 
Still, Percy specified her. Grover is out there at the campfire, probably sensing Percy’s pain like a twinge at the base of his neck, but Annabeth is the one Percy can’t hide from. 
The thought propels her to the edge of his bed, sitting in the curve of mattress his torso folds around. His knees press into her right thigh as he shifts to close the space between them. Annabeth realizes with a jolt that he left this space for her to occupy. 
On her other side is his face, youthful and soft in the moonlight streaming through the window. Blue light for a blue boy, swimming in blue sheets that should shelter him instead of giving him something to fist his hands in. His arms cage his chest as if his heart is trying to escape it. 
Annabeth reaches for his hand, drawing it to rest between hers. If his heart is a burden, it’s not one he has to bear alone. They held the weight of the sky once. They can handle this. 
For all their shared burdens, the one that weighs on Percy now is uniquely his. Annabeth is a hero, but not the hero. Shouldering “child of Athena’s final stand” for a few weeks is not the same as “hero’s soul, cursed blade shall reap” looming overhead for four years. Percy’s very existence has been dissected and politicized since the moment he was claimed, whereas Annabeth could’ve chosen a quieter, quest-free life if that’s what she wanted. She chose to pick it up. Percy’s choice was to stand under a weight that would otherwise crush him. 
It occurs to Annabeth that everyone who has shouldered this burden before him is dead. The heroes whose birth was prophesied, whose death was prophesied, died fighting their battles centuries ago. There are no words for that. 
Words are Percy’s strong suit, anyway. He has always known what to say to calm his friends down. Annabeth can’t recall the last time she saw someone do the same for him. 
She squeezes his hand and focuses on being here, where it matters. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” she asks, knowing he doesn’t. Or rather, knowing he doesn’t want her to have to talk about it. 
As expected, Percy burrows deeper into the bed. Half his face is squished in his pillow; the sole eye Annabeth can see fixes on the empty space in front of him. He gives her a noncommittal shrug she doesn’t buy. But at least he won’t lie outright. 
Silence follows. It nips at Annabeth’s ankles, nagging her to move, to do something, but she decides to sit with the discomfort. The confession he’s suppressing is a palpable thing: Annabeth watches it stutter in his lungs and claw its way up his windpipe. Percy will tell her when he’s ready, and she’ll be here when he is.
“I’ve been having dreams,” he says, still not meeting Annabeth’s eye. That’s okay, though. He’s getting the words out. That’s what matters, right?
“What kind of dreams?” 
Percy grimaces. “Not the useful kind. Nightmares, mostly. About the war.” He doesn’t breathe between the sentences, just grits his teeth. 
“It’s over, Percy. The war is over. We can rest now,” she tries. 
“They can’t.”
Dread settles over Annabeth, but she asks anyway. “Who can’t?” 
“Beckendorf,” he chokes, his hand tightening in hers. “Silena, Castor, Lee, Michael—I killed him, Annabeth. I told the others where to go, and they died because of me, but I killed Michael.” 
Annabeth opens her mouth to interrupt, but the names keep coming. Percy steamrolls through the tears, leaving her to watch his anger limp along until it collapses into the worn bed of sadness.
“Ethan shouldn’t have been on Olympus. I should’ve hit him harder, then he might have stayed down. And Zoe—I knew she was going to die. We found out who her dad was, and I knew and I couldn’t do anything. And Bianca wasn’t supposed to stop the automation. It was supposed to be me. She could’ve come home to Nico, and maybe then—” 
He shrinks with each word, looking every inch the child Annabeth found on Half-Blood Hill: bruised, tired, and crying for his mother. “My mom died because of me. I didn’t even save her—I saved the world, because that’s what I had to do. Hades let her go, but she still died.” 
Annabeth gapes at him uselessly. To love Percy is to know intimately the amount of guilt and unearned blame he assigns himself, but that doesn’t make it any easier to stomach. 
“You saved your mom,” she reminds him. “You saved her and the world. You shouldn’t have had to do either, but you did.” 
“But I didn’t save the others.” 
“No one could’ve.” 
“I should’ve. When you fight the way I can, the people who die around you die because you can’t get to them fast enough. If I had just been faster, I...” He takes a shuddering breath. “Why do I get to survive when they don’t?” 
A lifetime of war games and war alike, and that question is the worst thing Annabeth has ever heard. Percy is just laying there, still not meeting her eye, and she doesn’t know how to help him. 
Terrified of how he’ll answer that question, Annabeth leans down to kiss him before he can. She tries to pour everything into it despite not having too much experience. Kissing Percy so far has been fun, sweet, and definitely trial and error. Nothing this desperate, this needy. She inhales him like she can steal the painful words from his lungs before he says them. 
Annabeth tastes tears and pulls back, terrified that she’s done something wrong. Instead, Percy’s hand catches the back of her neck, keeping her close enough for their foreheads to touch. It’s there, inches away from his trembling lips, that Annabeth finds the words.
“You saved me,” she pants. “From the Furies on the bus, at the Lotus hotel, when Polyphemus knocked me out—” her fingers travel to his grey streak— “when we held up the sky, at Mount St. Helens, on Olympus… Too many times to count. From the first day we met, you gave me hope.” She strokes his cheek and wipes away the tears, feeling her own eyes well up. “Every day. You save me every day.” 
Percy clings to her hand on his cheek and releases a deep breath, fully exhaling for the first time all night. “You save me just as often.”
“So let me do it now, yeah?” 
Percy looks at her, green eyes wet and wide, and nods carefully. Annabeth sighs her relief against his forehead before pressing her lips there with an aching softness. There is more to say, but she takes a moment to just hold him. The Fates deemed her his anchor to mortality, so anchor him she will. 
“You survived because you were saddled with the weight of the world at twelve years old and the gods owe you a fucking break.” She looks at the ceiling, almost daring thunder to rumble. The sky stays silent. “More campers are alive than dead after a war with impossible odds, Percy. You saved so many, but you can’t save everyone. None of them would want you to blame yourself for this. We have to honor their sacrifice—and, in some cases, their choice.” 
That breaks him. The last of his anger gives way to painful sobs, the ugly kind that squeeze your lungs like a spasming fist. In this moment, he is not the wounded dog, but rather the limp itself: the awkward cadence of his breath reminiscent of limbs struggling to hold new weight. 
“What do you need?” she asks. “What can I do?” 
The mattress jostles as Percy scoots closer, freeing up part of the bed. “Could you stay here with me? Wake me up if it gets bad? If you have to go back to your cabin, that’s fine—” 
He’s cut off by Annabeth kicking off her shoes and crawling into bed behind him. There isn’t much room on the twin mattress, but she tucks her knees into the backs of his and wraps around him, and they fit well enough. She settles quickly to avoid overthinking, glad for the excuse to be close to him. 
This is entirely unfamiliar territory, as Annabeth discovers when she tries to figure out what to do with her hands. She’s never spooned someone before. 
Percy senses her hesitation and laces their fingers, pulling her arm around his torso. Annabeth squeezes him tight, like maybe lining up their hearts will calm the frantic beat of his. Between that and her body protecting his Achilles spot, she’s got him. 
It’s a little awkward, the silence that follows. They haven’t exactly had pillowtalk before, let alone while calming Percy during a breakdown. Annabeth doesn’t know how to hold him to make all that go away, so she clings to him as tight as she can. 
“You’re like a boa constrictor,” he chuckles. It’s a wet, half-hearted laugh that tells Annabeth he still has more to say. He’s at his worst when he’s deflecting. 
Still, she moves to loosen up. “Sorry.” 
 He tugs at her hand. “No! I mean, it’s nice. I feel… safe.” He pauses, his breath deep. “I always feel safe with you.” 
Annabeth hasn’t kissed much of him apart from his lips, but she liked the comfort of kissing his forehead. She tightens her grip again and presses her lips to his shoulder, just because she can. 
“Sometimes they’re about you,” Percy whispers. 
Annabeth lays her cheek on his shoulder, trying to see his face. “What?”
“The nightmares. Sometimes they’re about losing you.” 
“Percy, look at me.”
The tension falls from his spine as he flips around, tangling further in the mess of sheets. Annabeth smooths everything out for him before laying on her back and tugging him close. He ends up halfway on top of her: his arm around her waist, her hands in his hair, their legs a tangled mess. 
She holds his face, thumbs swiping at his cheeks gently. He may be invulnerable, but he’s a fragile thing. Maybe even more so with the invulnerability. 
“Tell me about them.” 
“What? No. Annabeth, I’m not— I can’t talk about you d— about losing you. I can’t say those words.” 
Annabeth just holds his face and his gaze. “You should. Talk about it here, safe, with me, and maybe it won’t be so bad when you fall asleep. I’ll be here the whole time.” 
The tension in Percy’s body is palpable as he resists Annabeth’s coaxing. But slowly, she slips her hands to his scalp and massages him there, leeching the stress from his body as he sinks forward into her. His weight presses Annabeth into the mattress. It’s comforting, having him above her. She can feel every breath he takes, every time his heart beats in his chest. 
“We’ve almost died a ton of times, but that was always together.” He swallows, and his Adam’s apple bobs against her collarbone. “But then on the bridge with Ethan, when you took the knife…” 
Percy takes a shuddering breath. 
“Sometimes we get you to the hotel and Will can’t help. Or I can’t find Will. Or Blackjack can’t grab you. Or—” his grip tightens around her, and his tears fall on her skin. “Sometimes you, you die right there at my feet. You jump a second earlier, and Ethan hits you in the chest, and I kill him for it. I kill everyone on the bridge. Most times it’s an accident, just the river listening to me, but sometimes… sometimes I don’t know. Both scare me.” 
One of Annabeth’s hands moves to his Achilles spot of its own accord. Percy gasps into her neck, where some tears fall as well. He’d fought his way through his confession, coming from somewhere so deep inside him that the deluge of tears was unavoidable. She hopes to distract him from them now.
“You saved me on that bridge,” she reminds him, her free hand scratching lightly at the base of his neck. 
“But what if I didn’t?” he breathes. He sounds so small. 
“Doesn’t matter. You did. Anything else is a hypothetical.” 
“But in the future—”
“Uh uh.” Annabeth’s chin taps Percy’s temple as she shakes her head. “It’s like strategy. You can think and think and think and plan your whole life out, but it’s not real. You never know what’s going to happen until your feet hit the floor. Are your feet on the floor?” 
“No,” he grumbles.
“No,” she echoes. “You’re in bed. You get to rest now.” 
Percy is still for countless heartbeats. Right when Annabeth thinks he might’ve fallen asleep, he props himself up on one elbow to look at her. Even in the lowlight, Annabeth can make out his puffy eyes and wet cheeks. 
“You know you’re my best friend, right?” He sniffles, his nose wrinkling adorably as he does, and his eyes bore into Annabeth’s. “You’re my girlfriend too, but you’re my best friend first. Always.” 
Annabeth hears that statement for what it is and grins despite the tears prickling in her own eyes. “And you’re mine. Always.” 
A smile breaks out on his face like dawn at this late hour, brightening up the small space between them. Exhaustion sets in to close it, drawing Percy to settle back into Annabeth’s neck with the slow pull of gravity. 
They drift off in a bed made to be slept in alone as they share a burden made for one person. Newness tinges the corners of this memory, this moment Annabeth finds herself missing before it’s gone: Percy asleep above her, finally getting the peaceful rest he deserves. Part of Annabeth wants to stay up all night to make sure he gets the most of it, to watch his back as she promised to do, but her eyelids are heavy with sleep in no time. 
What sticks with Annabeth is this: Percy’s breath slow and steady against her neck, his heartbeat reliable as ever as it syncs with her own. The world is warm and safe despite all the evidence to the contrary, and that’s what makes this moment untouchable. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, here they are. Together in every way that matters. 
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Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Klaw Craig)
Words count: >1.7k
Category: Angst
Warning: none
A.N: Well as per your request this is the awaited fic for you and maybe you didn’t expect it to be such this angsty. Let me know what do you think. This event starts after this post for everyone who’s not familiar with it.
Klaw had never ran so fast in her life like now.
She had to do something.
Something to stop Simon from telling Dr. Ramsey about the Instagram photo she posted. And the reason?
Simple. After Dr. Ramsey admitted to her the infamous patient Mr. Nigel Platt- nothing went normal as she thought at first. Nigel had several symptoms that none of them concluded to a specific illness but leading to more questions than answers. Again this wasn’t the real problem.
Nigel’s attitude against her while questioning her abilities to handle this case, made her blood boiled despite she held a great poker face to him that everything seemed to go flowing. It was ironic this kind of situation happened again to her- when she confronted the mafia man Miles in her first day, the latter doing the same thing as Nigel. With all of her anger and frustration she blamed Dr. Ramsey for this and decided in a drunken state to create an emoji and to show off to people on Insta what an asshole he was. But when she got sobered like today, she was pleading that everyone would get it as joke and not something that should be taken seriously. Because it was a moment of anger okay? She didn’t know how to revenge to him because he was her attending after all. She couldn’t file a complaint to him. Right? After finishing this case she wanted to have a man to man talk and to understand why he assigned this kind of patient especially to her. Did she do anything wrong?
If yes, what?
Because of Dr. Banerji’s secret?
Her mind was fogged up with lots of questions while she was running in the halls of fifth floor- where his office was. When she turned the corner she bumped into nurse Sarah and apologised.
“Sarah do you know where’s Dr. Tennant?”
“Oh. I saw him with Dr. Ramsey while exiting the Diagnostics Office.”
“Something wrong Dr. Craig?”
But Sarah didn’t have an answer as she saw the young intern run again. Klaw knew where the diagnostics was and her breath hitched when she saw the two doctors conversing with each other in such seriousness that made her shivering from fear. Then she saw Simon slipping from his white coat his phone and telling something to Ethan. But before that she lunged forward while shouting.
Both attendees flinched when they heard her frantic voice and saw her raised hands while shaking. They frowned in confusion at her as the baritone voice asked.
“Dr. Craig what is this? Another stunt of yours?”
“No no please just hear me out because I know that I owe you an apology Dr. Ramsey.”
He raised a cold eyebrow. As always he would never change that reflex she thought. “Pray, tell.”
“Well... I think that you’re quite aware now what I’ve done so far and... I’m truly sorry for that. I mean... who in the world does the mockery of someone in social media that everyone starts to make fun of it? Me with a whiskey around yesterday decided to throw that thing but I fully regret it. So... I’m saying it again Dr. Ramsey that I’m sorry I posted that photo on Instagram and I promise to delete that immediately.”
“What’s that photo?” He asked in confusion while shaking his head. “Because I didn’t get this Rookie. Would you like to explain to me what the hell is even the Insane thing?”
“But weren’t you seeing it with Dr. Tennant right now? He was showing it to-”
“Uhm-” Simon cleared his throat. “Klaw, I was showing Ethan the tomography of our patient after we diagnosed him.” He turned his phone to her and immediately she wanted nothing more than to burn herself or hide somewhere because now she felt so screwed. “I wasn’t going to tell him y’know.” Then he snorted when he finally realised what her intention was.
“Excuse me, can someone right now tell me what in the hell is going on?” Ethan glared at them when he felt his anger building up seeing the interaction between these two and the fact that they were sharing a secret made him raged.
The young doctor gulped hardly when she lit up her phone, opened the app and showed it to her attending. But what made Ethan even more angry despite he was remaining calm all the time was the description she had written:
Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the icy blue-eyed Dr. Ethan Ramsey in his usual mood- killing the interns.
Even though it may sounded funny to someone’s else ears, he wasn’t killing anyone. Especially when he wanted to push her to be the best doctor and to learn by hard. But clearly to him, maybe it was a mistake for picking her so that was his final straw.
“My office.”
He gave her phone back while trailing off and Simon gave her an encouragement smile as if meaning that it was the usual one of the many Dr. Ramsey’s moods but for Klaw this was unusual.
Ethan didn’t even let the door open for her as he did always and slammed it forcefully in her face. And that was her final straw.
“What the fuck?!”
“Language Craig!”
“Do you even know moral codes or what?”
“I’m not going to learn from you because you clearly have absolutely no knowledge about them.”
“Are you really worried for such a stupid little thing? I told you I was drunk!”
“Do you really think that I care that much for an animated figure which clearly doesn’t represent me but just another stupid jokes of yours?”
“Well my jokes are better than your dryly and sophisticated ones.” He scoffed unbelievably, not seeing that his words were actually hurting her. “I want to be taken off the PITA’s case because in my opinion there’s nothing left for me to do with a man who doesn’t respect me as a doctor and doesn’t acknowledge my work showing his belligerency and rudeness.”
So that’s why she was angry at him. But that didn’t even make him change his mind. He wasn’t surprised to see her in this state of rage and for a mere of seconds he thought how cute she looked when she was serious and flushed. Ethan gave her an unamused smile, not interested in what she just said. “No.”
“I beg your pardon?” Her right pupil dilated slightly while she was frowning.
“You’ve had difficult patients before. Keep trying.”
His calmness was making her even more furious and before she could stop herself she came forward and slapped her hands in his desk, while facing him with a shaking breath. This of course caught him off guard and stood up from his chair doing the same as her.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Why are you punishing me?”
I’m not punishing you. I would never do that.
“Or is my saying right- that you enjoy to kill interns and make us suffer huh? Do you enjoy that?”
“You need to keep your personal feelings separate from your professional feelings Dr. Craig.” She tried to reply but was cut off. “I’d think very carefully before you say something to embarrass yourself.”
“Then why have you selected me this patient? For what reason?!”
“To challenge you, to push you to be the best doctor you can be! Don’t you get it already?”
Despite the closed door their voices could be heard loud and clear from outside. Their faces were in a close proximity without breaking their gazes to each other. Icy blue could see in dark fiery browns the embarrassment and the astonishment when she received his words. She understood now. It was never about Naveen’s secret that they were sharing. It was about her development that even after all of this he still thought of her.
For her best.
As a real attending should.
He sat on his chair with his crossed arms whereas she backed off a bit from his desk only to hear disappointment from him.
“When I make my evaluations every year... every intern that I’ve chosen were the best amongst the best and for that-” he flickered his eyes to her again with the coldest expression on his face that she had ever seen and shivered. “- I believed I saw a potential in you. It’s very rare that I’m wrong Rookie. But I’m willing to admit when I am... and I think I might have been wrong about you.”
The final words left her not only speechless but also breathtaking. She couldn’t feel her lungs  as if everything stopped in that moment. Her heartbeats were giving her aches in her chest as she stared right back into his eyes- regret and pain. Ethan Ramsey regretted his intern right in front of her just like a slap in her face. That was the final cue from him that she wasn’t the best intern he had thought because this intern (she) had let him down.
Klaw shifted her left shoulder and broke eye contact with him while Ethan quirked sadly his mouth knowing her fully well anytime she got that nervousness. He got used to her and he hoped that these words would encourage to be better or otherwise- worse than now.
Deeply ashamed she couldn’t say another word and left his office without glancing back. She was determined to solve that case whatever that brat had and to prove once again that Dr. Craig or Rookie was the best intern he had chosen for the program.
Ethan sighed heavily when he opened his drawer to reveal her file that was the first of many others and stared down at her CV photograph that showed- bravery.
“You can do this Klaw.” He whispered to himself and for the first time he said her name which in Ethan’s horror wasn’t something good. He closed the file with a thud and put it back on his drawer while getting up from his chair to take a look in the window. He could feel his heartbeats quickening when he saw Klaw leaving with his patient Kyra who was trying to console her. At least she had friends to look after her.
Stop it Ethan. Stop thinking about her.
Reluctantly he pulled away from the window to busy himself with other important tasks so he would forget about piercing brown eyes.
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potionsprefect · 4 years
The Familiar Face (Chapter 2)
Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Victoria Clarke
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: After yesterday’s news, Victoria spend a day with her kids.
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: none
Category: fluff
Chapter 1 here
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Chapter Two: Always There for You
Ethan was always the first one to wake up in his house. He liked to let Victoria have a lie in, particularly when the twins were newborns as Victoria was with them all day.
It was still dark outside, which was normal considering it was the middle of winter. Slowly, he got out of bed and headed down the corridor to check on the twins in their respective rooms.
Ethan smiled when he saw them both fast asleep, breathing deeply. If someone had told Ethan this this would be his life four years ago, he wouldn’t have believed them.
Ethan bent down towards Lily’s bed and stroked her blonde hair from her face. Selfishly, he wanted her to be awake so they could spend time together. Lily was the spitting image of her mother, bright green eyes and curly blonde hair and she had Ethan wrapped around her little finger. Much like Victoria did. He couldn’t say no to his two girls.
Luke meanwhile was the spitting image of Ethan with blue eyes and brown hair. He however had Victoria’s cheeky attitude whereas Lily was very much like Ethan. She has a no nonsense attitude and at 3 years old, Ethan wasn’t sure how and when she had picked it up.
The repetitive strokes had stirred Lily from her slumber and pulled Ethan out of his daydream. Lily sat up and rubbed her eyes, smiling widely when she saw Ethan.
“Daddy!” Lily threw her arms around Ethan’s neck.
“Good morning sweetpea.” Ethan smiled giving Lily a hug, sitting her on his lap. “How did you sleep?”
“Good! Mummy, Daddy work today?” Lily asked.
“No Mummy and Daddy don’t have to work today. We’re going to spend the day with you and your brother.” Ethan smiled kissing the side of Lily’s head. “Would you like to help Daddy make breakfast?”
“Yeah! With Luke and Mummy?”
“How about we surprise Mummy with breakfast in bed? Why don’t we go wake Luke and make some pancakes?” Ethan smiled.
That seemed to wake Lily up. She got off Ethan’s lap and raced off down the hall to Luke’s room. “Don’t run!” Ethan chuckled even though there was no stopping her. Despite being a mini Ethan, when Lily was determined she was exactly like Victoria. By the time Ethan had reached the hallway, Lily was pulling Luke out of his room.
“I was asleep!” Luke rubbed his eyes.
“Come on.” Ethan said picking him up. “We’re going to make pancakes for Mummy.”
That seemed to wake Luke up and he wriggled to be put down as both kids made their way down the stairs with Ethan behind them. They were met at the bottom of the stairs by Jenner who licked the twins faces making them giggle.
In the kitchen, Ethan sorted out all the ingredients and set to work making the batter. Luke and Lily stirred the batter and helped Ethan pour it into the frying pan. Once they were brown and cooked, he served them on a plate and put it on a tray.
“Are we taking it up to mummy?” Luke asked.
“Yes. Why don’t you lead the way and I’ll carry it?” Ethan suggested.
The twins grinned and ran off out the kitchen towards the stairs and up to Victoria and Ethan’s room.
“Mummy! Mummy wake up. Breakfast!” Luke and Lily shook Victoria awake.
“Did you do all this?” Victoria looked at the twins as Ethan set the tray across her lap.
“They sure did. They’re proper chefs our twins aren’t you?” Ethan said giving Victoria a kiss as the twins climbed onto the bed.
“We hope you like it!” Luke grinned.
Victoria ate both of the pancakes made much to the excitement of Luke and Lily. Victoria knew they had a real talent for food.
After getting dressed for the day, Victoria received a text from Sienna.
Have you seen the news?!
Victoria smiled at her phone, she knew Sienna was on the ball with election knowledge. She sent back a quick: yes I know who’s the nomination.
No no no. Have you seen WHERE he is? He’s in the hospital!
Victoria stared at the text. Ed was in the hospital? Why would he start his campaign in Bloom Edenbrook of all places?
Victoria raced downstairs and saw Ethan in the living room with the twins. She shoved her phone into his hands and his eyes widened as he read the text.
“I’ll sort this. I’ll make sure Leland understands.” Ethan said heading for the door and grabbing his coat.
“You don’t have to go in. Just ring them from here.” Victoria said.
“Vic I promised I’d never let him inside the hospital. I should’ve warned the team last night. If I had anything to say about it he wouldn’t even be stood outside the hospital. It won’t take long I promise.” Ethan said giving Victoria a quick kiss before opening the front door.
“Ethan don’t do anything stupid. Meet us in the park when you’re done.” Victoria replied.
Ethan just smiled and headed out the door. Victoria headed back into the living room where Luke and Lily were playing with their toys.
“Where’s Daddy gone?” Lily asked.
“Daddy’s just popped out but he won’t be long. How do you fancy a trip to the park?” Victoria suggested.
Luke and Lily loved their trips to the park and immediately jumped to their feet. Victoria just chucked as she helped the twins into their coats and put them in their buggy. The park was only down the road but Victoria knew their little legs would get tired and she couldn’t carry them both back home.
When they reached the gates to the park Victoria’s phone buzzed. It was Sienna.
So I’ve had to give the Senator a tour of the hospital and he doesn’t recognise me? You’d think after being forced to praise him he’d recognise a doctor that kissed his ass?
So not only was Senator Ed inside Bloom Edenbrook, Sienna was the one who had to give him the tour. Wanting more answers, Victoria sent a text back:
Was anyone else with you? And did the others recognise him?
Sienna immediately replied:
The ENTIRE hospital recognised him. I got many sympathetic glances. Luckily it was over in 15 minutes.
“Mummy are you ok?” Lily asked, pulling Victoria out of her thoughts.
“Yeah I’m ok.” Victoria smiled. “Now what shall it be first? Slide or swings?”
“Swings!” Both the twins exclaimed.
Victoria chuckled as she got the twins out of the buggy and set them down on the swings. Luke and Lily giggled as they were pushed back and forth by Victoria. Not long after, Ethan joined them.
“Daddy!” Luke grinned as Ethan picked him up out the swing and gave him a hug.
“How’s my favourite human?” Ethan grinned tickling Luke making him laugh.
“No Daddy! I’m your favourite!” Lily crossed her arms from the swing.
“And here’s me thinking I held that crown.” Victoria chuckled.
“It wouldn’t be fair if I said it to one and not the other.” Ethan laughed.
The twins ran around the park for a while longer before they became tired and the family of four headed home. Luke and Lily went down for a nap whilst Victoria and Ethan sat down on the sofa.
“So Sienna text me earlier. Saying she was the one who had to give Ed the tour.” Victoria looked at Ethan.
Ethan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “There was nothing I could do about that. She was already showing him around the ER when I got there. I tried to intervene but she said she could handle it.”
“Sienna’s a strong woman, nothing could scare her.” Victoria replied.
“He didn’t seem to recognise her though which I found strange. However the minute he made eye contact with me, I knew he instantly recognised me. It took all his restraint not to say something to me. I marched straight to Leland’s office and demanded an explanation.”
“What did he say?” Victoria asked.
“He said it was the hospitals obligation to show presidential nominees who request to look round hospitals.”
“He requested to look round the hospital?!” Victoria said startled.
“I didn’t believe it either. I had to argue with Leland as to why it was a bad idea. I had to tell him, I’m sorry. I don’t want him anywhere near the hospital again.” Ethan explained.
Victoria noticed her eyes brimming with tears. Ethan had noticed it too and pulled her in for a hug, gently rubbing her back.
“Why would he want to look round the hospital where he deemed himself to feel unsafe?” Victoria wiped her eyes.
“He doesn’t want people knowing that. Americans probably don’t remember the events at Edenbrook. I sure hope Massachusetts does because he should not win this state.” Ethan replied.
“I know I said I’m not scared of him and I’m not. But seeing him in power. I... I just don’t know if I could handle it.” Victoria said tears rolling down her cheeks again.
Ethan rested his chin on top of her head, stroking her hair. When she looked up at him, he wiped her eyes, kissing her forehead.
“Whatever happens, however this turns out, I will be by your side to help you see it through. And our two beautiful children will be there to give you a million hugs when you’re feeling sad.” Ethan smiled.
The tears started flowing down Victoria’s cheeks freely again, this time because of happiness. “What did I do to deserve such a beautiful family?”
“You didn’t have to do anything. We’d do anything for you. You know that.” Ethan chuckled tightening his arms around Victoria.
Victoria snuggled into Ethan, resting her head on his chest listening to the beating sound of his heart and the gentle rise and fall of his chest.
Everything that had been thrown at Victoria in the past, she had overcome, and gained newfound confidence from. This was just something else she would have to face with her head held high.
And with her family by her side, she knew she could face anything.
— — — — —
Writing dialogue for children is difficult so I hope I’ve made it as realistic as possible. My English A level required me to study child language development so I tried to remember how much a three year old could speak and implemented it here.
Hope you enjoy this! Lmk if you would like to be tagged.
Tag list: @ohchoices @openheartfan @queencarb @genevievemd @iemcpbchoices @choicesaddict5 @schnitzelbutterfingers @alina-yol-ramsey
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ri-ahhh · 4 years
cake for dessert
Grayson wants a slice of MJ for dessert on a rainy day
warnings: badly written smut
A/N: one of the MJ things I promised to upload. It’s storming like crazy here and this is all I want in life rn so I figured this was the one to post.
A chilly spring rain has descended over LA out of nowhere, as MJ discovers with surprise when she and her best friend Lainey step out of their final store at The Grove. That Saturday had started off warm and sunny, a perfect weekend day to spend out and about, but the storm rolling in is suddenly derailing her and Lainey’s plans for a chill afternoon at the beach.
“Well, shit,” Lainey remarks, glancing up at the dark clouds looming in the not-so-distant skyline.
“Right?” MJ concurs. She scrunches her nose and watches Lainey pout as they consider what else they might do with their Saturday. With MJ still busy working hard at her new job and, admittedly, being wrapped up in the fading newness of Grayson, she and Lainey haven't had much time to spend together. Especially considering her friend’s own relationship and hectic schedule.
A fat raindrop surprises her by landing on her nose, and both of them giggle as the sudden light sprinkle becomes more steady. They hurry down the walkway to the parking garage until they find MJ’s car, hurrying inside and slamming the doors just in time for the rain to start really coming down.
“Looks like we’re going home, unless you want to fight the LA drivers who have no idea what they're doing in the rain to go to a movie or something,” MJ jokes, selecting her favorite rainy day playlist full of Tame Impala, Bon Iver, Rex Orange County, and the like to serenade them on the way back to her apartment.
Lainey laughs. She’s also from out of state and shares MJ’s anecdotal opinion of the LA natives. “Yeah, as much as I want to stay and cuddle and feed each other takeout, I think for that reason I’m gonna have to head out when we get to your place. It’ll take me an extra hour to get home because of this.”
Now it’s MJ’s turn to playfully but also somewhat seriously jut out her lower lip in an impression of Lainey’s earlier pout. “Who’s gonna dangle pad Thai noodles into my mouth, then?”
“I don’t know, babe. Don’t you have a boyfriend or something now?” Lainey smirks, snatching MJ’s phone from her lap and waving it in her face so her lock screen illuminates, an accidental candid she had captured of said boyfriend with that beautiful smile shining right at her.
“It’s not the same,” whines MJ, entering the rapidly congesting highway. “First of all, he’s busy most of the day. Second, he makes it sexy, whereas you’re just plain cute. I don’t think I’m in the mood to be sexy today.”
That was true, for sure. Her outfit consisted of a pair of black leggings, one of Gray’s t-shirts that hung off her body shapelessly, and a baseball cap to hide the fact that she wore no makeup. Between her stuffy nose from the cold she’s fighting and the lack of sleep from the night before, she couldn’t be bothered that morning to try any harder.
Lainey, who had been listening while checking the visor mirror to see if her mascara had survived the rain, feigns offense. “Wow, bitch, are you saying I’m not sexy?”
“Boo, you’re sooo sexy. Grayson should probably thank you for half of my skills based on your tips over the years, now that I think about it,” MJ grins, causing Lainey to cackle.
Their girl talk continues the rest of the surprisingly short car ride back to MJ’s apartment building. MJ pulls up behind Lainey’s car and hugs her bestie over the console.
“Love you. Text me when you’re home so I know you survived the drive.”
“Will do. Love you, babe.”
MJ makes sure Lainey is in her car before driving into her covered spot. The tiredness had been real before, but the pure exhaustion hit her out of nowhere as her mind processes that she’s now home. She’s suddenly looking forward to nothing more than ordering said takeout, soaking in a too-hot bath, and watching The Hobbit series all afternoon.
She shuts the door to her apartment behind her with a sigh and trudges into her room, tossing her bags on her bed. Desperate to start the second half of her day of relaxation, it takes her all of 30 seconds to strip down and make her way into the bathroom. As the soaking tub fills, she selects a Lush bath bomb and bubble bar from the basket on the counter.
With a last-minute face mask applied, hair piled on top of her head to keep it dry, and New Girl ready to play on her phone, she’s just settling into the water with a light moan when the phone begins buzzing on the ledge of her soaking tub. She dries her hands and smiles when she sees Grayson’s name on the FaceTime call.
“Hi, baby,” she answers once his handsome face fills the screen, scooping some of the foamy bubbles closer to her chest so they fluff out cloud-like from her skin.
Grayson grins and takes a second to admire at her. “Hi, sweetheart. You look so fucking cute.”
MJ rolls her eyes but flushes and smiles appreciatively. “If you say so. How’s filming going?”
He puffs his cheeks and blows out the air slowly, running a hand through his hair. “Good, but it’s been a long day. E and I both decided to call it quits early; we’re both way too strung out on no sleep and anxiety to get much else done, especially now that the weather’s gone to shit.”
“I’m sorry, Bear, I know you both wanted to get everything wrapped tonight,” she laments with him, wishing she could comfort him with a kiss to his plump pink lips. “I’m kind of in the same boat. Lainey and I couldn't go to the beach, and between this cold I have and the fact it’s getting harder and harder to sleep without you, I’m so tired.”
Grayson smiles at her in that way he reserves only for her — soft, crooked, his hazel eyes sparkling in the center and crinkling just the tiniest bit at the corners — especially at the sound of her little pet name for him.
“Can I come over? I’ve been thinking about you all day, but I didn't want to cut into your time with Lainey. I just need to be with you.”
“Yes please,” MJ agrees with a sniffle. “As long as you’re the big spoon while we have a couch day. That’s about all I’m gonna be good for today, I think.”
“Of course,” he grins, getting into his car. “Are you gonna be my little cuddle bug all afternoon, Peach?”
She hears an exasperated ‘oh my God’ in the background and can practically see Ethan’s eye-roll out of frame.
“Yeah,” she coos back to her boyfriend, then, “hi, E.”
“Hi, MJ,” he grunts. As she’s naked underneath the clouds of bubbles, Grayson doesn’t angle the phone towards his brother, but she can still hear his voice. “You know, he’s already a cornball most of the time, but you really bring it out of him in droves, dude.”
Grayson doesn’t even react to Ethan, his gaze fixated instead on MJ through the phone. “Good. I sleep better with you in my arms, too.”
“Ugh,” Ethan complains. “Where are my fucking AirPods?”
She does, indeed, hear rustling, presumably from the older twin, but she chooses to ignore him as well. “Can you pick up Thai or Veggie Grill or something on your way over?”
“Oooh, yeah, either of those sound awesome. I’m starving,” Grayson agrees. “I’ll have to drop E off at home first and hopefully traffic wont be too bad both ways. Be there in an hour?”
“Sounds good. Thank you, baby,” she says quietly with a sweet, content smile.
He winks at her, and his voice drops a couple of notches. “No problem, Peach. As long as you’re my dessert.”
Her body rushes with heat, and not from the temperature of the water she’s soaking in. Before she can answer, Ethan groans louder than ever.
“Oh my God, dude, I fucking heard that! Can you keep your cheesy sex talk at zero while we’re literally right next to each other?” His voice suddenly picks up even louder so she can hear him. “MJ, I can’t believe you still let him fuck you when he says shit like that.”
“He makes up for it with the other things his mouth can do,” she retorts, winking at Grayson. Her giggles join Grayson’s howls of laughter and taunts at his brother, who apparently is very much done with the conversation. “Alright, I love you both. Drive safe, please.”
True to his word, Grayson shows up a little over an hour later with a bag of Veggie Grill in one hand and a Starbucks medicine ball in the other. MJ absolutely despises hot tea, and he knows it, but he also knows she won’t be able to resist the soothing warmth of it — especially considering he took the time and effort to get it for her.
He smiles at the sight of her cocooned in the plush, cozy fabric of her favorite blanket and leans down to give her a quick kiss. He hands her the drink, which she does indeed accept with warm eyes and a soft heart. She takes a sip and lets the hot liquid coat her scratchy throat as he plops down next to her with a sigh and sets the food on her coffee table. Grayson cups her cheeks to draw her in for another kiss — lingering, closed-mouthed pecks this time.
“Hi,” he says, smiling and dropping one to her red-tipped nose for good measure.
“Hi,” she whispers, her voice hoarse from mouth-breathing more and more throughout the afternoon. “Sorry I look so gross. This cold is kicking my ass the later it gets. You’re probably going to catch it.”
“First of all: worth it. Second: are you kidding? This is my favorite MJ,” he assures, peppering little kisses all across her forehead as he draws her in to his chest. Her hair is in the same messy bun from her bath, her glasses are on, and she’s dressed in her old college crewneck sweatshirt, boy-short Calvins, and fuzzy socks… “No one gets to see you like this except me. All fresh-faced and beautiful and undone. All mine.”
“Mmm,” MJ hums, snuggling into him and sniffling. “We’ll see how you feel when I’m snoring like a 300 pound grandpa in a little bit because I can’t breathe out of my nose.”
“Okay, but I don’t see how that’ll be different from any other night.” She draws back and smacks him on the arm playfully, scoffing incredulously. He just barks out a laugh and kisses the frown off her lips before distributing their late lunch between them.
They make comfortable small talk while The Office plays quietly in the background, mixing with the patter of rain on the large windows. A fuzzy warm ball settles in the pit of her stomach that has her feeling almost heady at the simple intimacy of the moment.
MJ finishes first. She takes off her glasses and places them on the coffee table next to her tea so she can curl into a ball and nuzzle into Gray’s shoulder. He kisses the top of her head affectionately and finishes his meal in silence while they watch the antics of Michael Scott and gang for the millionth time. Eventually his empty plate joins hers and he opens his burly arms to gather her in his embrace, lying down and bringing her with him.
Grayson chuckles when she fully climbs on top of him so she’s straddling his hips and hugging him with all of her limbs like a koala would a tree, her nose buried into the five o’clock shadow on his neck. He makes sweeping passes up and down her back. “Needy today, sweetheart?”
“A little,” MJ mumbles, eyelids already feeling heavy, even more so when he fixes the oversized blanket around the both of them. He smells so good, feels so solid and warm, his breath tickling her ear soothingly. They FaceTime every day, but their crazy lives have made it where this is the first time in days that they’ve seen each other in person. “Missed you. We both work too much.”
He lets out a little hum of agreement, sighing when he feels her lips pucker to dot baby kisses on his bronze skin. His hands stroke up and down her back comfortingly. “I missed you, too. E and I should have just one more day of shooting before we’ll be home more to work on editing and stuff with the team.”
“I’ll be in Seattle most of next week for a new client recruit,” she reminds, recognizing the inexplicit invitation. “Otherwise I’d come over and work remote with you.”
“Ugh, that’s right,” Gray laments, sighing. “Kiss me. Please?”
MJ gives him a lazy smile when she feels his fingers tilt her chin up. Their makeout is slow and simple and just what the both need, reconnecting after days and lives apart.
A few minutes go by until MJ groans a little and sits up in his lap with a sigh, a string of saliva connecting their lips before breaking with a snap.
“I can’t breathe laying down like that. Or just out of my nose,” she pouts. One of her hands plays with his hair while the other smooths down his t-shirt over his chest where she had rumpled it by laying on him.
Grayson grips her hips and follows her up, hugging her tightly around the middle with those huge, burly arms. “Since you can’t sleep anyways…” he looks at her, and she cocks an eyebrow, her lips quirking questioningly. “Can I have my dessert now? You can sit up on the couch. And no mouth-to-mouth required.”
MJ chuckles and wraps her arms around his broad shoulders, biting her lip as she considers his request. As much as she wants Grayson in any capacity most of the time, today is one of those days where sex just isn't on the table for her.
That being said, can she really resist that tongue? Those lips?
Before she can answer, he continues. “I know you don’t feel good, so I’ll understand if you just aren't up for anything today. But I’m not expecting you to reciprocate at all. I’ve just been wanting… like, basically needing to eat your pussy all week. It’s all I’ve been able to think about for so days.” He traces her jawline with his nose until his lips reach that little spot right behind the hinge and just below her ear, where he licks and nibbles until her hips start shifting in his lap of their own accord. “Please?”
Well, how the fuck is she going to say no to that?
She can’t, and knows he can sense her giving in when he starts to turn them around so she’s reclined against the back of the couch. Grayson grins while he arranges the blankets and pillows around her to get her as comfy as possible.
She watches him fuss over her with loving eyes, but wants to make sure he really is okay with the arrangement, too. “Are you sure? I don’t want to blue ball you. And I can speak from experience that that rug isn't a fun place to be on your knees for an extended period of time.”
Gray smirks at her and plants one more kiss to her lips before sinking down her body, snatching a couple of stray pillows to cushion his knees. “One problem solved. And don't worry about any chance of blue balls; it’s been way too fucking long since I’ve done this, and I’ll be lucky if I don't cum in my pants before I even get you to your first one.”
“Oh, so I’m in for more than one orgasm today?” MJ smiles back down at him and lifts her hips so he can drag her panties down her toned legs, placing her feet on the edge of the couch so she’s nice and open for him once he had the fabric tossed behind him somewhere. “I’d say that was big talk if I didn't know you could back it up.”
She knows he likes a challenge, and combined with his love for being praised and her bare pussy exposed to him at long last, she feels like she’s got a little bit of an upper hand here.
“Always,” he murmurs.
His lips start at the inside of her knee, working their way up to her inner thigh, across her mound to nuzzle in the little patch of hair she hadn't bothered to trim down between waxes, before trekking down the opposite leg. MJ knows his goal is to build up the anticipation for them both, and he’s succeeding; she can hear his breathing intensify as he tries to take in her scent, and she can feel the wetness beginning to leak out of her without so much as a lick from him.
Finally, he brings his hand up to trace her smooth lower lips, glancing up at her with warm yet lustful eyes as he takes in how his teasing is affecting her. MJ gives it right back, sneaking a hand under her oversized sweatshirt to play with her breast. It drives him absolutely crazy seeing her touch herself, but also not being able to see. If she didn't know any better, she would say sometimes he was more obsessed with her boobs than her actual vagina when they get down.
When his eyes turn dark, she grins and uses her free hand to rake through his hair and pull him towards her pussy while simultaneously pinching her nipple just the way she likes. Grayson growls and turns his attention back where she’s directing him, finally parting her with his middle and index fingers to expose her clit. He places a quick kiss directly to it, causing MJ to gasp and grip his dark locks tighter.
He gives it a more sensual smooch and pulls back to watch more of her juices trickle out of her until he can’t resist really getting to work anymore. His moan vibrates against her when his tongue swipes through the sweet wetness, trailing it to her clit with his mouth and giving the nub a gentle suckle before slipping his tongue back to her entrance. MJ lets out little whimpers of bliss as he makes out with her pussy, his tongue reaching as far inside her as it can, wiggling around and slurping down everything that comes out of her.
She lets him eat her out with no real purpose, thoroughly enjoying the constant stimulus of his lips and teeth and tongue without a driving need to make her cum behind it. Her hands flit between stroking his hair comfortingly, to playing with her breasts, to digging her nails across his clothed shoulders.
“Feels so good,” MJ whispers while she watches him work. Her fingers are combing gently through his hair once again to push the dark strands off of his forehead just in time to see his eyes flit open to meet her own.
“Tastes so good,” Grayson growls back, taking a moment to sit on his haunches and get a thorough look at her spread out for him. Her pussy is swollen and wet, the insides of her thighs bare the faint markings of his teeth, and her face is pure bliss even as she sniffs and coughs a bit. “You okay?”
MJ nods. It’s sweet of him to check, but all she wants now is his face back in her pussy. She bites her lip and one of her heels, still clad in a fuzzy sock, digs into the middle of his broad back to push him in. Grayson smirks darkly and follows her lead, his lips immediately suctioning around her plump little clit.
“Fuck…” MJ moans. Her voice is raspier than usual and, like everything else about her today, goes straight to his dick, which throbs untouched in his grey sweats.
He starts working her over with purpose now, determined to get her to cum in the next 30 seconds. He knows he can do it even if she hadn't started chanting, “like that, like that, don’t fucking stop…”
Her moans reach peak levels, as loud as she can be with her sore throat, and her clit throbs on his tongue. Her back arches off the couch and her hands dive fully in his thick hair now to hold him to her, her heel still pressing against his spine doing the same.
Grayson groans and has to remove one of his hands from her hips to reach into his boxers and squeeze his dick hard enough to stave off his own orgasm. He slips two fingers of his other hand in her dripping pussy to give her something to clench around, which doesn’t help his attempt at not cumming literally in his pants when he feels her walls gripping his digits like a vice.
“Baby…” she whines as he brings her down with little kitten licks on her pulsing clit, her thighs quivering around his head. Grayson hums and nuzzles into that delicate skin until the muscles beneath stop trembling, and the flutters around his middle and ring fingers have ceased. He never takes his eyes off her face — eyes closed, mouth agape, cheeks flushed. Beautiful and dismantled because of him.
Once he feels she (and, frankly, he himself) have calmed just enough to be able to take more, he starts to press and curl the fingers inside her. MJ whines softly as the build picks up again, which turns into shrieking when he wraps his swollen lips around her clit again and sucks the nub sharply into his mouth. Between the sloppy wetness of his mouth and the way he applies pressure just right on her g-spot, it takes all of a minute for her to fall apart again. She marvels, not for the first time, at how fucking good he is at this, how well he knows her body.
‘Always’ is right.
Grayson sits back, removes his hand and mouth from her and growls at the sight before him while he pushes against the backs of her thighs. So much for sitting up, as she’s now practically on her back, but neither of them are complaining or stopping to readjust. She’s perfectly exposed for him, her juices and his saliva coating her skin and dripping down her ass, she’s that wet.
Her name escaping his lips in that husky voice finally gets her to lazily blink her eyes open until her gaze focuses on him as clearly as she can. He looks sexy as fuck on his knees for her, pupils dilated and the stubbled skin of his chin and jaw covered in shiny wetness.
Grayson’s big hands knead the insides of her thighs until he’s confident he has her full attention. He smoothes his palms to the crooks of her knees, moving her gently until she’s practically folded in half, and without breaking eye contact shifts his head that much further down so he can go to town on her even lower.
MJ gasps and shoots one of her hands to his hair, her first instinct being to push him away, until half a second passes and she’s doing the exact opposite. No one has ever done this for her before, and now she’s wondering how she had gone so long without the sensation of his tongue swiping up her cum from that virtually untouched hole.
If she was in any right state, she would have seen Grayson’s smug, quite literally ass eating smirk at her reaction to his ministrations. He isn’t sure why in their nearly eight months together he had never eaten her ass before; it isn’t the first time he’s done it to a girl. Maybe because he treasures sex with MJ more than anyone in his life before, maybe knowing in his heart that they have a long future of making love ahead of them had caused him to wait. What he does know, is that he’ll never be able to resist doing it again when the desire to rises, especially given her voracious response to it.
“Fuck!” MJ wails when he spreads her even more open with his hand so he can have better access, his tongue rimming and prodding her asshole to perfection while the thumb of his free hand presses upward on the hood of her clit. He knows her so well, can sense she’s too sensitive for direct stimulation there, but the pressure right above the bundle of nerves is exactly what she’s craving without her even realizing it.
But he does, and it feels so good — too good; Grayson’s eyes drop closed as he lets her taste and sounds overcome his senses, and it’s like her pleasure is his as his hand finally begins to jerk himself off. He builds up the speed of his strokes with her increased pace of breath, until she cums for a third time, and his tongue is quickly swiping all the way up her crease, from asshole to clit as he stands to his feet. He leans over her with one hand on the back of the couch and licks the last of her off his lips as he takes in her body to fuel him even more, even as clothed as she still is.
MJ starts to come-to enough to realize what he needs, and lifts her shirt to expose more skin to him. She drinks in the sight of her gorgeous boyfriend towering over her with his sweats and boxer briefs pushed down just enough for his equally beautiful dick to be out while he strokes the head aggressively. He’s about to explode and she knows it, just as attuned to his body’s tells as he is with hers.
His face is hovering just above hers, and she watches his mouth drop and his eyes train on her exposed skin. MJ bites her lip and whines, pulling roughly on her nipples while her eyes flit between his face and his cock. “Cum on my pussy, baby, I want it — want your cum all over me, make it your pussy…”
She’s rambling, but it’s all he needed as a deep, relieved groan escapes him, followed by soft grunts as he shoots all over her, exactly where she told him to and then some. MJ moans quietly and knocks his hand out of the way to finish him off herself, squeezing the last drops of the pearly white from him. The fingers of her other hand collect what she can from her skin to keep it from dripping on the couch, spreading it instead over her swollen lower lips.
His chest still heaves when she looks up at him with a tired smile, which he matches with a laugh when her final stroke makes him flinch. He pushes her hand off his cock and tells her, “Don’t move.”
She obeys, and watches him lean over to grab his phone off the side table, unlocking it and swiping up. “Is this okay?” he asks, motioning with his head. “This is too fucking sexy. Need a memento while you’re out of town.”
MJ giggles and nods, spreading her legs a little more as he goes to town. She does her best to coat her pussy in his cum, her long, glittering manicured nails adding a certain aesthetic to the shots. She even scoops some up and let him capture her sucking it off her middle finger.
Grayson smiles tiredly and kisses her sweetly, the gentleness and simplicity of it a little stark after the pure filth of the last twenty minutes. He tucks himself back in his pants and goes into her bathroom to get a wet rag to clean her up with, chucking it in the washer when he’s done. On his way back over to her, he picks up her long-forgotten panties off the middle of the living room floor with a smirk and hands them to her, plopping next to her and dragging her into his lap once they’re back on her body.
“I’m gonna have to insist on you having dessert every day,” she yawns into his chest with a sniffle. “I didn't know you liked cake so much.”
Grayson laughs and squeezes her tight to him, placing a lingering kiss on her forehead as he confirms to Netflix that, yes, they are indeed still watching. “And Ethan says I’m the cornball.”
“If he only knew.”
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jobesimming · 3 years
"This is..." Issue 33 September
Issue 33: Naura Ayad
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Transcript Below:
Blood for the crown?
Page two | Written by: Willam B. Walker
FROM BEST SIBLINGS TO RIVALS? With the recent pass of "Richard Van Parks III" sent Parks Press Company into a spiral. The company has to find a new President, as "Elijah Van Parks" has been upgraded to "CEO". The Parks family most seen children, Ethan Parks and Elisabeth McCollum are in immediate competition for the position. Word on the street, Elisabeth is predicted to become President of Parks Press Company, which is odd-- only because she's technically not a "Parks". Despite being the firstborn of an established family. It doesn't give her enough power to take over the company. Yet, The “Royal” Parks has made it blatantly clears she’s entitled to being an heir because she’s Rosemary’s firstborn. Many believe only males can inherit the company. We all know how cutthroat Ms. Elisabeth McCollum can be… As for Ethan Parks? There’s not much of a resmè; we only know him for being a pretty face. Mr. Elijah Van Parks would honestly be foolish to make him the new face of the company. Elisabeth went to school for business and marketing— she even ran her own newspaper company before she sold it. But for some odd reason, Ethan is entitled to this position because of his father?? He’s not even the second born. We need to be asking the question,” Who’s more worthy and deserving of such a position.” Although, we won't find out until next month's Press Day. Who knows, maybe we’ll have our first mixed-race woman to run Parks Press Company. Find out in next month’s magazine!
Is Cassie Vanessa Racist or ignorant?
Page Three | Written by: Jada Lee
I know fashion designers are known for being creative and being out of the box. But this is clear ignorance! I’m sure Cassie Vanessa isn’t racist considering most of her models are black — But that doesn’t mean anything. Which leaves the question “Is Cassie Vanessa Racist or Ignorant?”. I for one think she wants to be black. I mean, why else would she even wear box braids? Box braids are a protective style that black people wear to protect their curly and kinky hair. And Cassie’s hair is obviously straight. It's even more ironic because her best friend “Adrienne Lauren-Darling” has a Biracial daughter who wears braids. Maybe Cassie assumed she could get away with this because of her friends. When will people stop allowing people to profit or even steal others' culture? This is unacceptable. We need to do better!
Page five | Written by Carrington Willams
A Voice for her Community
"When I first started I was seven actually. Belle suggested that I start posting random videos of us being silly and whatnot. Then something changed when I got older. I wanted to talk more about stuff within my community. As many already know. my parents are immigrants. Not only that but I grew up in an extremely toxic household because of the things my parents went through. I talked a lot about those things and I didn't realize until a year ago when my parents I didn't realize until a year ago when my parents had divorced-- I had become a face and voice of my community. I thought that shit was so cool. Like I'm really out here representing my people! It's funny how I was such a huge impact on my community. I took two years off after giving birth to Silas and I assumed I was going to lose everything I had worked for. I didn't others would've been happy about it. I took the divorce and my pregnancy to see the problem was my father. I mean he treated my father so horrible!
Motherhood at a young age
"I want it to go on the record, I don't condone teen pregnancy. But in my case, I wasn't even aware of being pregnant. We were on vacation and a few weeks later....here came Silas Johnson. I thought about giving him up for adoption, because hello; I was a kid giving birth to a kid! I was so freaking scared during that whole process. Porsha and Belle were there for me the whole time. Whereas my father just made me feel like I was nothing. This is why I call Silas my "Hope" because I honestly thought about killing myself, but Silas saved my life. When we came back home, I moved out and began Silas' US Citizen Paperwork. I even started working on myself, I wanted to be a better person for my son. Being a mother is so fun! I would always stay up watching 'Kid Toons' with Silas. In a way, he's made me more human and cautious. And yes, Brayton and I getting married-- Not now though. And THIS IS... NAURA AYAD!! Thank you for reading my voice or thoughts??"
15 Simtube Video Ideas
Page six | Written by: Naura Ayad
A few video ideas for new Simtuber who want to grow fast! Here I made a list of the most popular topics and trends. I promise these videos will instantly blow up your channel. Love you guys!
Day in my life
"Becoming THAT sim"
ANY type of College or High school content
Rant Videos
Back to school videos
Reading your...
Makeover videos
Shopping Hauls
How much money I spend in a....
Song Covers
Advice videos
Holiday Preparations
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monsoonblooms12 · 4 years
Detectives By Chance: Chapter 3- Lifeless
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A/N: Hi, how is everyone doing💫💛? Today I have the 3rd chapter of Detectives by Chance. This fic was one of my personal favourites to write, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Forgive any mistakes and happy reading💛💛!
Thank you so very much @ohramsey​ for pre-reading and making my day many times better with your lovely comments���❤.
Series Summary: It was supposed to be a usual weekend for the four. Coffee, fun, friends and love. But an unexpected case changed their lives in a way they had never imagined. A mystery - a murder - many secrets… Will Ethan, Pooja, Alexandra and Mark, be able to survive? Or will the circumstances twist and break their lives forever?
Pairing: Ethan × f!MC (Dr. Pooja Sharma)
Disclaimer: PB owns most of the characters. I only own the OCs and my MC.
Word count: 1.7K 
Triggers: Mentions of blood, murder
A gloved hand moved steadily towards her. It held something that glistened under the obscure luminescence of the surroundings.
It was, It was a knife. And something was trickling from it, something scarlet.
Blood. Fresh Blood.
The gloved hand came closer and closer. The blood on the knife in that hand glinted.
And then, a croaky, vicious laughter reached her ears.
The growly voice professed “ I began the game, and I will complete it. You are going to die, I WILL KILL YOU!!” and another hoarse laugh followed.
Then the knife was in front of her face, near to her throat. She wanted to throw it out of that hand, but she couldn’t move. Something invisible tied her to her place.
So she screeched, she shrieked but to no avail.
“NO! Please don’t do this, please don’t do this, I don’t know you, I didn’t do anything, please don’t do this, PLEASE!!!”
“Don’t do this, No, please don’t do this….”
“Baby? POOJA?”
“AHHHHHHH! Leave me, leave me alone.”
“Pooja, Sweetheart, Wake Up!”
“Go away, go- Ohh, Ethan!” Pooja finally woke up from her nightmare.
She hugged Ethan tightly, too frightened to let go, the visions of her nightmare still fresh in her mind. Even on a cold night like that, she was sweating profusely.
“Ethan, I saw it again. The same nightmare. Every single night since that day. I- I am really scared.” Pooja mumbled, slightly tearing up on the thought of the nightmare. She had always thought of herself to be a headstrong lady. And now these nightmares were making her feel like a dastard, snatching away her confidence.
“Baby, I am here, I will always be here, by your side. I love you, and I won’t let any harm even look at you, let alone touch you.” Ethan murmured in her ears and cradled her to sleep. Feeling secure in his arms, Pooja slowly slipped into a silent slumber.
Three days ago:
Pooja and Alex stood at the door, their eyes wide, hands shaking obscurely and their face pale. They couldn’t think of anything, nor could they move. It felt as if somebody had stuck their feet in place.
Mr Davis’s body was in a horrific condition. The most prominent was the slit throat, but there were many cuts and marks on his hand and face. It was clear that he was not the man behind the notes, because seeing his condition, he had been dead for at least 5 hours, and the blood on the note was relatively fresh.
Finally, succeeding in breaking from the haze, Lex ushered Pooja away from the room and closed the door. She took her to the nearest water fountain, made her drink and sat her on one of the hospital seats. Pooja was slowly breaking from her haze, but the sight made her remember one of the most terrible incidents of her past. One she had always wanted to forget. One she had hidden deep in her heart, but she couldn’t forget it.
Lex pulled her phone out and shot a text to Ethan and Mark asking their whereabouts. Their replies came almost immediately. Ethan was in the diagnostics office, whereas Mark was collecting some results from the lab. Their next text was the same, “What happened?”
Alex told Mark to come ASAP to the diagnostics office, and then she took Pooja and set off for the same destination.
In 5 minutes, all the four were in the diagnostics office. From the looks on Pooja and Alex’s faces, Mark and Ethan could tell something grim had happened.
“Lex, what happened? Is it another note? Did somebody do something to you both? Just say the word, and I will make sure that they don’t see the end of this” Mark fumed, clenching his fists.
“M, first I need you to calm down. The person, whosoever they are, they are very dangerous. They have a sinister ploy, and it seems like they are coming for us.” Alex said, with a sprinkle of uneasiness. She shuddered ever so slightly, but it was enough for Ethan, Mark and Pooja to notice. Pooja put a hand around her.
“That is okay, but can you tell us what has happened? You two look like you have just seen a ghost.” Ethan asked concernedly.
“W-We went to check on Mr Davis-”
“Mr Davis, who?”
“Mark, focus, it is the name of Poo and Lex’s Patient.”
“Oh! Okay sorry, continue.”
“So we went to check on Mr Davis in the morning. When we went to our lockers, there w-was another n-note in my locker” Pooja presented the note as she spoke.
Mark took the note from Pooja while Ethan held her by her shoulder. The situation had hit her much harder than the other three. It brought grim memories of a past she never wanted to remember again.
Alex continued, “After getting the note, we went to check in on Mr Davis, to make sure he was alright and also to check if he was instigating all this or not. However, when we reached his room, it was locked.”
“Okay, that is wrong. Patient rooms are never locked, as doctors and nurses have to go in and out quite often” Ethan stated.
“Exactly! That was the first suspicion. Then I went to get the key from the nurses’ office. And it appeared that they had lost the original one. The nurses spent five freaking minutes in searching the duplicate one.”
“Okay, definitely fishy,” Mark remarked.
“Yup! So then I arrived with the key, opened the door, and-” Lex stopped abruptly. The next words were arduous to say even for her.
“And we saw, Mr Davis, lying dead with his throat slit. His body was all bloody. W-we were so horrified that we c-closed the door and left.” Pooja completed, somehow mustering up courage, but losing it all once she had finished speaking.
These words seemed to take a toll on Mark and Ethan too. The thing they all took for an imprudent joke was not a joke at all. They were dealing with a murderer and a treacherous one.
“We have to inform the Police. This is not something we can manage alone” Ethan asserted, breaking through the silence that had settled in the room. They still had some time before the morning shifts started, and if they hurried, they could also find some vital clues from the dead man’s room.
“Let’s go to Dr. Banerji and inform him what happened. Then till the time the Police reaches, we can look around the room for any clues we might find” Pooja suggested, composing herself and the 4 of them rushed to the Chief’s office.
After recounting everything to Dr Banerji, who assured that the Police would be informed to come as soon as possible, Mark, Ethan, Alex and Pooja set out for Mr Davis’s room.
Alex unlocked the door with the duplicate key she still had, and the four of them entered.
For the first time, Mark and Ethan came face to face with the dead body, and the sight made them discomposed. They had seen many patients dying, but to see someone dying due to an illness and to see someone killed cold-bloodedly is very distinct.
The four of them started searching the surroundings. Their eyes had trained to observe the details, so they didn’t have to touch anything. But nothing seemed suspicious. Nothing looked out of place. Well, nothing except the dead man.
However, in the corner of the room, something caught Pooja’s attention. A note. No, Another note. It looked the same as the previous ones.
“Look!” She said to get everyone’s attention. The other three turned and went to where Pooja was standing.
“Another one?”
“It looks like the murderer knew that we were gonna come to investigate”
“Should we pick it up?”
“I think we should. But I am not sure.”
“Let’s pick it up, coz we know well the Police won’t share their investigation with us.”
Pooja picked it up lightly.
Suddenly Ethan called out, “Wait a sec, what is that?”
Ethan bent down and picked two more pieces of paper. One looked like a receipt of something, and the other one was a visiting card.
“A visiting card! Look if there is any name or any identity?” Lex and Pooja asked
Mark analyzed the card and said, “Nope. The name is too faded to read. But-”
“But what?” The other three asked in unison.
“But if we look closely, we may be able to deduce the address written on it.”
“So are we keeping these stuff?” Ethan questioned, slight uncertainty evident in his voice.
“For now. But if the Police doesn’t get any other solid clue, we can present them these along with our research.” Mark uttered.
“Alright. But lets going before we get suspected” Pooja said, ushering them out.
“Mark, Ethan, you two take these and keep them with you. We both will go and drop the spare key at the nurses’ office.” Lex mentioned, and the four of them left the room.
The Police were now regular visitors at the hospital. Although the case was supposed to be highly private, the hospital gossip spread like wildfire, and the fear was evident in the staff.
But that didn’t mean any decrease in rush at the hospital. As the new week began, the workload increased, and everyone drowned themselves in it to keep unpleasant thoughts at bay.
Pooja and Alex had been questioned by the authorities multiple times, obviously because they were assigned the case, just before the murder.
However, they couldn’t help much. They told the officers about everything they knew, except for the notes. Mainly because they didn’t have time to research the evidence they had found in the room.
But what had happened had pulled forgotten strings in Pooja’s heart. The nightmares began, and they got worse and worse every single day.
Finally and luckily, Ethan and Pooja had a day off together, which was rare. So, they decided to sit down to research the clues they had collected.
However, what they hadn’t realized then was that even tiny bits of paper, can bring out dark reminiscent of a forgotten past.
PS: So that’s all for chapter 3. If you enjoyed the story, please like, leave a comment or reblog. Your feedback keeps me going 💕. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you have a great day ahead.💕💕
Tags: @bbrandy2002​ @kaavyaethanramsey​ @ohramsey​ @ohvamsey​ @hopelessromanticmonie​ @trrfanaddict @nervoussaladsludgeopera​ @imonlybibecauseofethanramsey​ @lovablegranny​ @bellcat2010​ @gkittylove99​ @kingliam2019​ @3riche @chetachisblog​ @starrystarrytrouble​ @arcticrivers​  @aylamreads​ ​@drariellevalentine​ @mvalentine​ @aestheticartsx​ @angela8756​ @schnitzelbutterfingers​ @choicesficwriterscreations
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macademmia · 4 years
I Like Me Better When I’m With You
Rating: Teen
Relationship: Janus/Patton, Moceit
Summary: Janus Dean did not mean to start dating Patton Hart for political gain, and he definitely did not mean to fall in love with him. 
(Or the fake dating high school AU that nobody asked for but everyone needed.)
Based on this prompt by the incredible @kawaiikat54
Warnings: cursing, homophobia(nothing violent) 
Everybody loves Patton Hart. He’s one of those rare popular kids who got their popularity by being a great person. Patton knows everyone’s first and last name and he’s in almost every club. He’s every teacher’s favorite student and every girl’s crush. He never curses and is nice to everyone. He’ll help you with your homework and listen to your problems. He gives hugs like it's nothing. Patton Hart thinks life is a fairy tale. 
Jason Dean absolutely despises Patton Hart. Everything in Patton’s life is perfect and everything he can get everything he’s ever wanted just by showing up. Janus has to fight for what he wants every step of the way. Janus is not trusted easily like Patton. Janus has a resting bitch face, whereas Patton’s face naturally falls into a smile. Janus is the night of Patton's day. 
For most of high school, Janus has been fine ignoring Patton. They never got in each other’s way, and Janus and his friend Ethan bonded over laughing at him. Janus stayed in his lane and Patton stayed in his that’s our it’s always been. 
Today everything changed. Today Patton Hart entered the race for student body president. Janus has spent the past month campaigning and building up goodwill, but it’s all pointless. Voters will take one look at the name Patton Hart and check the box next to his name. Patton doesn’t even have to captain. Just like always, Patton wins just by showing up. 
It’s infuriating, and it means that Janus will have to fight dirty. 
When the bell for lunch rings, Janus exits through the backdoor of the courtyard. It’s empty like it always is. 
Across the courtyard, his friend Ethan is leaning against the hard brick wall with a cigarette in one hand, and a flask in the other.
“‘Sup Janus.” 
“Hello, Ethan, did you hear the news?”
“That Hart’s running for president? Yeah.”
“What do you think we should do about it?” 
“Probably something he wouldn’t like,” Ethan says, and Janus laughs.
“What did you have in mind? Stage a scandal? Hack his email? Push him down a flight of stairs?” Janus was pretty partial to the last one. 
“Fun, but no. To win this race you’re going to have to go big or go home.”
That doesn’t sound good, especially coming from Ethan. 
“What do you mean, go big or go home?” 
“You need to pretend to date Patton Hart.” 
Janus laughed, “Absolutely not.” 
Ethan growled at him, “Did I fucking stutter Dean?”
Janus glared at him, “Did I? I’m not doing that.”
Ethan did not back down, “Take a second to think about it before you get all your feather ruffled. If you pretend to date Patton, you will get everything. You will find out what’s under his everything is a perfect persona. You’ll have a confession that he’s gay. If you do it you’re practically guaranteed to win the race.”
Janus pauses, “You have a point. I’ll think about it. You happy?”
It’s been a week and Janus has thought of a way to talk to Patton, let alone ask him out. Hell, despite what Ethan says, he doesn’t even know if Patton is gay, bi, or pan at all. 
Despite the fact that if he is in fact, not straight, Patton is closeted, Ethan has been texting him more and more every day, and at this point, Janus might just flat out ask Patton out just to get him to shut up. 
As if on cue, Janus’ phone buzzes with a text. He doesn’t have to check who it is. He groans and shuts his phone off. History class is about to begin anyways. 
In the time that he’s read the text and dumped his phone into his bag, Patton Hart has somehow managed to sneak up on him. 
“Everything ok?” Patton asks, and there’s genuine concern in his voice. It drives Janus crazy. Through his glasses, Janus can see the concern and care in his big brown eyes, and it’s so powerful that he almost has to take a step back. 
Janus looks away from Patton, “Of course it is, why wouldn’t it be?” 
Patton just shrugs, “You just seemed stressed.” 
“Oh well, thank you for your concern but I have everything under control,” Janus says, and why is it so hard for him to talk to Patton. Each word sounds awkward and unsure and it’s a complete 180 from the smooth and suave tone he usually uses.
Before the conversation can get any more awkward, the bell rings. 
“Glad to hear it,” Patton says. 
Janus just nodded and walked inside the classroom. 
Within the next few minutes, kids start filing in and sitting in their usual spots. Patton is sitting in the front predictably and Janus is watching him from the third row.  
Once all the students have filed into the dilapidated classroom their teacher, Mr. Rivers walks up to the front of the class. 
“All right everybody!” He says. “So today I thought we could switch things up a bit, and instead of me teaching you something like we normally do, you could teach your classmates and me something?” 
The class stares at him blankly, but Mr. Rivers doesn’t seem to notice their lack of a reaction. 
“So I decided that you all, with the help of a partner, will present on a series of influential people throughout history who all share one trait in common. It’s opened ended, so the thing all your people have in common can be creative! Hopefully y’all can have fun with this! Today you are going to have all of this class period to talk with your partner and get started, the project will be due next week. Any questions?” 
Only one girl raises her hand, and Mr. Rivers calls on her enthusiastically, “Can we choose our Partners?” She says. 
“Nope! I’m going to be picking partners for you all, it’s great to work with new people.” He replies cheerfully. 
A low groan rumbles through the classroom, but Mr. Rivers doesn’t comment on it.
“Alright so first up is Will Solace and Nico De Angelo.” 
The teacher keeps on listening names until finally Janus’ name was called,
“...and finally we have Patton Hart and Janus Hart.”
Well, that was one way to get the plan going. At least he’d have something to report to Ethan. 
Janus was not ready when Patton came bounding towards his Desk, with brown curls bouncing in time with his steps.
Janus was pretty sure he could stare at Patton and still not have counted every one of his freckles, the kid had so many. 
“Hey, Janus!” Patton was at his desk.
“Hi, Patton.” 
“So what do you wanna do? I know a lot of the other kids are doing soldiers from the same wars and stuff so we could do that if you’d like” 
“Well,” Janus mock whispers, “I was thinking we could spice things up a little bit, maybe do some queer people throughout history, freak the class out about it.” Janus was acting nonchalant but on the inside he was nervous; Patton’s reaction could change this entire election. 
Patton’s face seemed to light up even more if that was even possible. “That sounds awesome! There are so many people throughout history and no one even knows about it! Like did you know historians think Abraham Lincoln might have been gay? Or Eleanor Roosevelt, they found letters from her to a female lover or Alan Turing, he was essential in the liberation of Europe from Nazi Germany, and he was gay!” 
Janus raises an eyebrow, “Wow Patton you sure do know a lot.” 
Patton freezes and then rushes to defend himself, “Oh yeah I just wanted to support my LGBTQ friends by learning about their history! I just want to be a good ally.” Patton smiles but Janus can tell he’s nervous.
Yep, Janus thinks, totally just an ally. 
Two weird things happen next week. Janus and Patton get an A on their assignment and Patton start sitting at Janus’ table. Janus has no clue why; Patton could sit at any table in the entire cafeteria and be welcomed as an honored guest. The first week Patton sits at Janus’ table, Janus doesn’t talk to all. He has his recorder on sure, but he’s too confused to respond. 
Patton talks about everything. He talks about frogs and theater and the stars. He talks about his family and his favorite colors. 
It should drive Janus crazy, but it doesn’t. 
Listening to Patton talk becomes one of the best parts of his day. 
When Janus finally starts throwing in a sarcastic comment here and there, Patton’s smile could outshine the sun. 
Janus ignores the fact that his heart speeds up more than it should when he’s around Patton.
With every recording he sends to Ethan, his guilt grows and grows. Janus doesn’t know how to handle the guilt, and he definitely doesn’t know how to deal with how he feels about Patton.
He can’t stop thinking about Patton, even when they’re not at lunch together. He can’t stop thinking about the way Patton’s eyebrows crinkle together when he laughs or how he gives Janus his full attention when he talks. He doesn’t want to think about the swell of anger in his gut every time someone so much as looks bad in Patton’s direction. 
Today though, today something is wrong with Patton. 
He won’t make eye contact with Janus, and he’s hunched in on himself. His smile is absent, and he won’t stop twisting his fingers. 
This isn’t how Patton’s supposed to be. He’s supposed to be joyful and happy. But that’s not right, is it? Janus has always thought of Patton as a positivity god, above it all. Now, as Patton fidgets in front of him, Janus is reminded of how undeniably human Patton is. 
Patton’s voice is so low that Janus isn’t sure if I heard you, “Do I bother you?” 
Janus blinks. He never thought someone like Patton would ask him questions like that. 
“Of course not,” Janus says, and it’s the truth. He loves being around Patton. He loves hearing him talk, he loves the fact that he’s three inches taller than Patton, he loves how Patton makes him feel better about himself when Patton is around. Janus wants to find whoever made Patton believe that he was a bother and give them a black eye. Or two. 
Patton still remains hunched in on himself, “It’s ok Janus, I know you’re just being sarcastic.” 
“Patton,” Janus says, “Look at me,” He waits until Patton reluctantly meets his gaze, “You’re not a bother, in fact, sitting here with you at lunch is the highlight of my day.” 
Patton lets out a surprised o with his mouth, and Janus isn’t sure whether or not he wants to wrap Patton in a thousand blankets or hunt down everyone who ever hurt him. 
Patton is making Janus soft, but he can’t find himself to care. 
Next Tuesday, Patton comes up to his table like he’s about to go to war. His shoulders are tensed and his eyebrows are furrowed. His backpack straps are pulled as tight as possible and he’s marching towards Janus’ table. 
“I’m gay. And I wanted to tell you because you’re the first person in my life who doesn’t care about who I am or what I can do for you and I really hope that’s okay” Patton says, and he’s shaking a little. 
Janus is struck by how brave Patton is. Janus has never had the guts to come out, not like this, and here Patton is, exposing himself completely. Janus can see the fear in his eyes, but Patton doesn’t let it stop him. 
“I knew you weren’t just an ally.” 
Patton twirls the bracelet on his left wrist, “Am I really that obvious?” 
Janus shakes his head, “Nah, it just takes one to one.” Janus watches as the confusion on Patton’s eyes morphs into realization. 
“Oh,” Patton says. 
“Yeah” Janus replies. 
Patton smiles at him and starts talking about frogs. 
Janus’ phone feels heavier with the recording of Patton coming out. 
When Janus sends the recording of Patton’s coming he should feel good. He did it, that tape is enough to ruin Patton’s popularity for the rest of high school. He won. 
But he doesn’t feel good. In fact, he’s never felt worse. He’s going to get everything he ever wanted and he hates it. 
He can’t keep doing this to Patton, he can’t keep pretending to be the friend Patton so desperately needs when his moral compass is practically pointed towards Antarctica. 
He can’t take back the damage he did to Patton, but maybe he can stop pushing the knife deeper. 
He picks up his phone and texts Ethan.
Janus Dean, 7:30 pm: we’re done, I’m not going to pretend to date Patton anymore, I’m not going to send you recordings anymore. 
Ethan doesn’t even bother texting him back, He just calls Janus a few seconds after he receives the text. 
Janus picks up his phone and takes a deep breath. He has a feeling he’ll need it. 
“What the fuck Dean?” 
“Hello to you too Ethan,” Janus says, hoping the sarcasm will hide the panic.
“Don’t you fucking dare ‘Hello Ethan’ me.” Ethan snarls, “A deal is a deal, you can’t just pull out like this.” 
“Why do you care anyway? You’re not running for student body president, I am!” 
“Aw, you’re cute Dean.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean.” Janus snaps.
“You think I give a shit about your little election? Are you crazy? I could care less, no this was all about Patton.” 
“What do you have against him?” 
A manic laughed echoed through the phone, “I want to see that dumb smile fall right off his moronic face.” 
“That’s it? You’re going to ruin his life because you’re feeling petty?” Janus knows Ethan isn’t the most ethical person out there but this is low even for him. 
Ethan doesn’t seem to care, “Now you’re getting it, JDelightful.” 
Fuck, He underestimated how crazy Ethan could be. 
Janus could hear Ethan smiling through the phone, “You’re going to regret saying no to me.” He said, and with that, the line went dead.  
It was all over. Patton, the one person who ever cared about Janus was going to leave. It wasn’t a matter of if, it was a matter of when.
However, he did still have a few hours left. And he had nothing else to lose.
Janus Dean,  7:41 pm: Can we hang out? 
Patton Hart, 7:41 pm: Sure! When and where? 
Janus Dean, 7:42 pm: I know this awesome hidden park we could check out, I can pick you up, I’ll be there in 10. 
Patton Hart, 7:42 pm: awesome!!! :D
Janus was going to lose Patton. There was no use of denying it. 
That wasn’t going to stop him from taking every second he could get and treasuring it forever.
Patton is sitting on the front steps of his house when Janus’ blank car swings around the block. 
“Get in loser, we’re going shopping.” Janus deadpans
“Hello to you too snake boy,” Patton says, matching Janus’ monotone. 
“Snake boy? Really? Is that the best you could come up with Golden Boy.” 
“Takes one to know one Janus,” Patton says. Is he talking about what Janus said when Patton comes out? Janus hopes he’s not blushing. 
“Touché, Patton,” Janus says, and Patton grins at him. Janus can’t stop staring at his lips.
Stop looking at him like that, you’re never going to be his anything. 
Janus ignores his inner monologue. 
Patton shuffles his playlist and Don’t Stop Believing comes on. 
“Oh my god Patton, you are such a dad.” Janus groans, but Patton pretends not to hear him 
“Don’t stop believing,” Patton sings, “Hold on to that feeling” Patton belts the last song and it’s so terrible, but it’s so Patton and Janus falls just a little bit harder. 
Patton is giving him the look, the do what I say or I’ll be sad look. Janus sighs.
“Hold on to that feeling.” Janus sings, and Patton lets out a whoop, and Janus starts signing louder, “Street light people, waiting just to find emotion.” 
“Living just to find emotion!” Patton shouts, and Janus belts right along with him. 
Another song comes on, and then another, and suddenly Patton and Janus have screamed themselves hoarse singing 80s songs.
By the time they’ve gone through six songs, the sky is falling down, and Patton’s windshield wipers are swiping in overtime. 
When they pull up to the park, it’s pouring. There are no cars in the parking lot and Janus can barely see five feet in front of him. 
Patton frowns, “Aw man, it’s raining. I guess we’ll just have to come back later.” 
Janus freezes. There is no later. It is literally now or never.
“No,” Janus says.
“No?” Patton says in surprise. 
“It’s just water, it can’t stop us from having fun,” Janus says. This is it. If Patton says no Janus doesn’t know what he’ll do. 
“Okay,” Patton says, giving Janus a mischievous smile. 
Janus unbuckles his seat belt and gets out of the safety of the car in the pouring rain. Within the first three seconds of being outside, Janus is drenched from head to toe. He doesn’t notice. 
“Hey,” Patton says. Just like Janus, Patton is soaked. His cardigan is leaking, and his glasses are foggy. His curls have fallen flat and raindrops hang on his bangs. 
“Hi,” Janus replies, and this is so absurd. He’s standing outside alone with Patton Hart in an abandoned park in the rain, just before his life is about to fall apart. 
Janus wouldn’t have it any other way. 
“Dance with me,” Janus hears himself saying. 
“I don’t know how to dance.”
“I’ll teach you.” 
Janus walks over to Patton and says, “Ok so first I’m gonna put my arms around your shoulders like this,” Slowly, in case Patton wants to pull away Janus puts his arms on top of Patton’s shoulders. 
“What’s next?” Patton asks. 
“Put your arms on my waist,” Janus says. He can feel Patton hesitate and then tentatively wrap his arms around his middle. The feeling of Patton’s skin on his is electrifying. 
Patton smiles, “Now what?” 
“Now we just move,” Janus says simply and he follows Patton’s movements. For a beginner, Patton is a surprisingly good dancer.
The two dance under the stars to the melody of the rain. 
Neither of them says anything, but Patton’s face is so close to his and his lips are even closer. 
It takes all the willpower Janus has to not kiss Patton then and there. 
“Hey, Patton?”
“Yeah, Janus?” 
The butterflies in Janus’ stomach are more like raging pigeons. 
“I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while, but, I think now is the right time,” Janus takes a deep breath and Patton gives him an encouraging look. 
“I like you. I really like you, Patton. I’ve liked you ever since you sat down at my table and started to talk about frogs. I thought it was just a friend thing, but it’s not. Because the truth is Patton, I want to be with you, all the time. I want to kiss you and I want to call you my boyfriend.” Patton is silent.
“If you don’t feel the same way, I totally get it. I’ll leave you alone. I won’t push it, I promise. I don’t want it to be weird I just want you to be ha-“ 
Janus is cut off by Patton grabbing his collar, and pulling him down to his level for a kiss. 
Patton is kissing him. Patton is Kissing Him. Holy shit. This is better than anything Janus could have imagined. Patton’s lips are soft against his chapped ones. They’re warm despite the pouring rain. Patton wraps his arms around Janus’s neck to keep himself steady, and Janus brushes Patton’s bangs away from his eyes. 
When Patton finally pulls away, there’s fire in his eyes. 
“You absolute idiot,” Patton says, taking a second to breathe, “how could you think, even for a second, that I wouldn’t like you.”
Janus laughs and doesn’t stop looking at Patton, “I guess I’m just dumber than I thought.”
Patton nods vigorously in agreement, “understatement of the century, snake boy.”
Patton goes in for another kiss, and Janus doesn’t want this night to ever end.
Fuck Ethan.
Fuck the election.
Fuck other people.
Janus just wants to stay with Patton forever.
When he gets back from his date with Patton, Janus is so happy, all he wants to do is jump and scream with joy. He’s never felt more himself around another person. He feels so alive when he’s with Patton that he never wants to stop. 
He drops his bag down on the floor of his bedroom and jumps on his bed. He’s smiling so hard it hurts but he doesn’t want to stop. He’s pretty sure he hasn’t used those muscles in years. 
He grabs his phone, pops his earbuds in, and shuffles the playlist Patton made for him. He’ll never get over the small act of Patton making a playlist for him. He doesn’t think he’ll ever get over Patton. He loves the way Patton lights up when he talks about frogs. He adores how Patton keeps smiling day after day, he’s stronger than anyone will ever know. He loves the way Patton shoves his glasses up his nose when he’s nervous. He loves how when he talks Patton just listens and Janus somehow knows that Patton understands. He loves how good Patton is. He loves how he tastes like cinnamon and rainy days.  Being with Patton is like seeing this sun after years of being stuck underground, Janus will never get sick of his light. 
After he finds the playlist he lays down and closes his eyes, and just listens to the music. He breathes in and out and it’s almost like Patton is right there next to him. 
About 15 minutes later Janus’ phone buzzes, and he grabs it excitedly, hoping Patton is sending him a goodnight text. 
His mood plummets when he sees who really texted him. Ethan. This can’t be good. Time has run out. 
When the messages app opens there are two unread messages. 
The first one is a link to an Instagram post made by Ethan. The second one reads “You can’t get rid of me that easy.” 
When Janus clicked on the post, it was a list of screenshots. Texts between Ethan and Janus. Texts between Patton and Janus. Janus’ audio recordings. And they spilled everything 
The whole school knew that Janus had got together Patton for political power. The whole school knew that Janus had tricked Patton. The whole school knew that Patton fell for it. 
Fuck, the whole school knew Patton was gay. Janus let Patton get outed. Patton, who shared his secret with Janus, was now left to vultures known as teenagers. Patton, who was still figuring himself out, was forced out of the closet in the worst possible way. Patton who thought someone finally loved him for who he was and not what he could do, was just publicly used for political gain
He would never get to choose how to say it. He would never get to hug his friends when he invited them to their favorite diner and told them over milkshakes about who he was. He’ll never get to slowly start to wear rainbow pins on his pack packs. He would never get to walk into a GSA and see the happy surprise on everyone’s faces. He would never get to be ready. 
And it was all Janus’ fault. 
He has to call Patton, and he has to do it now. 
When he dials Patton’s number it rings out. He dials again, the same thing. Again and again. Every time Patton doesn’t pick up Janus breaks more and more. 
“Fuck!” He shouts, and his voice cracks. He can feel the tears start to come and his throat start to close up. He ruined the one good thing in his life. He should have seen this coming. His happiness was never meant to last.
His only consolation is that tomorrow is a Saturday, so he doesn’t have to put on a brave face so anyone. He won’t have to face Ethan in the halls. He won’t have to see the disgust and disappointment in Patton’s face. 
That night, he cries himself to sleep.
Janus spends the entire weekend locked in his room. He doesn’t have the energy to get out of bed. The loss of Patton is crushing him so hard he can barely breathe. He deletes his Instagram, and turns off messaging notifications. He listens to Patton’s playlist over and over and over again, just to feel like he’s with Patton again. It doesn’t work.
He doesn’t know how he can face school on Monday. He knows he won’t get in any trouble, the student body is so homophobic that they’d probably congratulate him. The school administrators will call it an out of school affair and turn their heads the other way. Janus might as well start saying he’s student body president now. 
No, what he can’t handle is seeing Patton in the hallways, robbed of his beautiful smile. Seeing Patton avoid his gaze and stop waving to people in the halls. Watching all the terrible people at Sanders high go in for the kill. He can’t watch, knowing it’s all his fault.
The worst part is he will be congratulated for doing this. He will get his dream. Students will be proud of him, teachers will pretend they didn’t say anything, Ethan won’t get suspended. Patton could fall apart and no one would notice. 
The world isn’t fair, Janus always knew Patton would have to learn that. He didn’t want Patton to learn it like this. 
No one should. 
When Janus’ first alarm goes off on Monday morning he shuts it off instantly. The last thing he wants to do is get up. He does the same thing with the second one. He could fake a sick day, right? When the third alarm rolls around, he counts to three and forces himself to get up. No matter how bad he’s feeling, he cannot show weakness. Not now, and not ever. 
He rolls out of bed and puts on clothes robotically. He’s barely aware of what he’s wearing, but it’s fine. Everything is fine. 
He laces up his docs and throws his books in his backpack. He unplugs his phone then brushes his teeth. He grabs his bag and then heads downstairs. 
He pours himself a mug of scalding black coffee. He downs it steaming hot. He likes the way the bitter liquid burns as it goes down his throat. Never let it be said that he couldn’t be edgy. He doesn’t have anything else for breakfast, and he can hear Patton chiding him in his head. 
Janus shakes his head, puts his mug in the sink, and heads out the door. 
When he gets to his car he pauses. He means to turn the key to ignite it. All he can think about is Friday night when Patton and Janus ran back to Janus’ car in the pouring pain and held hands while Janus drove him home. Patton kissed him goodbye. 
Suddenly, Janus’ lips feel cold. 
He takes a deep breath and turns the key. He can’t think about that. Not anymore. He has to stay strong because if he starts to cry, he’s not sure he’ll ever stop. 
When he gets to school he parks his car in his spot. He keeps telling himself the same thing: Don't let anyone know you’re bothered, especially not Ethan.
He hesitates for a few seconds before walking in the school building. He will not let his fear control him. He can do this. He owes it to Patton. 
In the halls, he can hear the students whispering about him. He hears his name and Patton’s name and he hears the word, queer. The students whisper the word gay like it’s a dirty secret they shouldn’t know. It makes Janus’ blood boil but he has to keep walking. 
He keeps looking for Patton in the halls, but he can’t find him anywhere. Patton always gets to school early to say hi to everyone. He’s at school every morning at 7:50 by his locker. Why isn’t he there?
Because you used him for selfish reasons and let him get outed, idiot, he thinks.
For the rest of the day, Janus’ classes go in one ear and out the other. It’s a Monday so he doesn’t have any classes with Patton, but he still can’t pay attention. He can feel the states of other students during class and it is unbearable. Patton made school enjoyable and now that he’s gone it’s a nightmare. 
During lunch, his food tastes like cardboard and he sits alone. He doesn’t know where Patton is but he’s not at their-his table. He forces the sandwich down and opts to hide in the library for the rest of lunch. 
At the end of the day Janus instinctively starts walking to his car in the parking lot. It’s in the fifth row. When he gets to the third bow he stops walking. Patton’s car is in the third row. He can deny it all he wants but Janus knows that if he doesn’t talk to Patton now he never will. 
He can’t let Patton go, not now, not ever. 
Before Patton sees him, Janus can already tell he's been crying. His eyes are red and puffy and he won’t stop rubbing at him.
He’s about to get in his car when Janus shouts, “Patton wait!” 
Patton whips around, and when his eyes meet Janus’, Janus resists the urge to take a step back. The pain in Patton’s brown eyes is overwhelming. 
“What do you want, Janus?” Patton snaps. His voice is hard and cold, so unlike the typical warmth, Patton brings to every conversation. 
Janus avoids Patton’s eyes, “I wanted to apologize, I never meant to hurt you and,” Janus looks for the right words, but nothing seems to work, “I’m so so sorry.” 
“You dated me to help you win an election, Janus, how did you not mean to hurt me? The whole idea was to hurt me!” Patton says. He’s shaking. 
Janus can’t think of anything to say, so Patton just keeps going.
“I finally thought I found someone who wanted me for who I am! No! Everyone just wants me for what I can give them, popularity, friendship, support, and I thought you were different! I opened myself up to you and you spilled my secrets to the world!” 
Janus closes his eyes. “Patton…” He whispers, and he reaches out for Patton’s hand. 
Patton jerks back violently as if he has just been burned. “I don’t have anything to say to you.” Patton’s fists are clenched at his side and Janus wonders if he’s going to start swinging them. 
He’d deserve it, but Janus just won’t stop pushing. He loves Patton too much to let go. 
“Patton please.” Janus says. He has never been a beggar but he is willing to fall down at Patton’s feet just to see that warm smile directed at him one more time. He would walk through hell and hack just to make Patton happy again. 
“You know what Janus? I could forgive the whole, I played with your emotions to win a dumb high school election thing.” Patton says, “I could forgive how I gave you my heart and you crushed it beneath your heel. But you didn’t just leave it at that. No, you had to publicly humiliate me. You let your friend Ethan out me. I don’t care if it was for an election, you don’t just get to do that Janus!” Patton is screaming at him now, “You don’t get to decide that. I’m supposed to be the one who decides where, and when, and who knows, and how I get to say it, that’s supposed to be my thing! And you took that away from me.” 
Patton’s explosive anger is hardening into something cooler, harder, and more dangerous. 
“So would you please just get the fuck away from me!” 
That’s when it really hits Janus how badly he fucked up. Patton never curses. Patton doesn’t even say darn. If Patton was angry enough to use a curse word, the world should be terrified. It’s more unlikely for Patton to curse than for him to hit someone 
Janus wishes Patton had hit him, because it would hurt so much less. 
Two weeks later Janus, Patton, and the entire school are in the auditorium waiting to hear the election results. All of Janus' months of work have led up to this moment. The name on the slip of paper the principal is holding will tell him if it was all for nothing.
Students are chattering to each other but Janus tunes it all out, because for the first time in two weeks, Patton is sitting next to him. 
Granted, it’s not by choice, the two candidates have to sit together in the first row, but Janus will take anything he can get. 
“Alright everybody, Settle down, settle down.” The principal's deep voice echoes through the auditorium. When he’s satisfied with the noise level, he continues, “Both of our candidates have worked tirelessly these past months to present themselves as student body presidents worthy of you, and happy to say that both of them have done a phenomenal job. However, there can only be one winner of this race so without further ado, your new student body president is,” He pauses for dramatic effect. 
“Janus Dean.” 
Janus waits for the rush. He waits for the happy feeling to inundate him. He has won, everything in these past few months has been worth it. He beat Patton. He showed up Ethan. He showed this entire school that he is worth something, and that he will be someone. 
So why doesn’t he feel good? 
Janus puts on a smile, grabs the piece of paper with his victory speech written, and walks towards the podium.
When he gets there the lights are blinding, but he knows the entire student body is staring back at him. The only person Janus can see is Patton. Patton looks sad. Defeated. His smile doesn’t reach his eyes. 
Janus picks up his speech to read. He’s supposed to talk about the support of the students, the support of the staff, how much this victory means to him, and how he promises to do his very best to fulfill their needs. He can’t start talking though. This isn’t right. 
Then it finally hits him. 
The thing he wants more than anything isn’t to win this dumb race, the thing he wants more than anything in the world is Patton. He wants to see Patton’s smile every morning. He wants to hear Patton call Janus his boyfriend. He wants to see Patton happy. He wants to have so many firsts with Patton. He wants to be able to kiss Patton whenever he wants. He wants to hold hands with Patton and call him obnoxious pet names. 
He puts his speech down.
“Hey everyone.” He says, “First of all, I would like to thank everyone for their vote. It means the world to me that you would put that kind of trust in me.” Janus pauses, and stares Patton dead in the eyes, “However I’m afraid I’m going to have to decline the position.” 
Whispers explode throughout the auditorium and the teachers are frozen in shock. 
“I thought standing up here was the thing I wanted more than anything, but I was wrong. See, a few months ago, I was assigned to work on a history project with this guy. At the time I really hated him, he was so perfect. He was so good. Then he decided to run against me in this race and suddenly he became a problem I had to solve. Me and one of my friends decided it would be fun for me to pretend to date him, and then leak some of his secrets, showing everyone that he isn’t as perfect as he looked. It was the perfect plan. Or so I thought. I started spending more time with this guy, I tried so hard to hate him, but it was impossible. That’s how good he is. We became fast friends, and he made me better. I loved being around him, it was like waking up to a bright summer day. Loving him snuck him on me, but soon it was like breathing. I couldn’t keep collecting information on him, and so I told my friend it was over. Wrong move.” Janus took a deep breath, but he didn’t stop looking at Patton.
“He outed this guy to our entire school. I don’t know how many of you are part of the queer community, but being out is one of the worst things in the world. Everyone says it’s like ripping a bandaid off. It’s more than that. Being outed when you’re not ready is like someone stabbing a healing wound. It is so fucked up, and one of the worst things I could’ve let happen. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.” 
Patton is shaking; Janus keeps going.
“Even worse, I heard what people were saying in the halls. I heard the slurs and the whispers and the hate, and I kept walking. I thought it would be better to keep my head down and stay in my lane, so I wouldn’t get hurt. But the truth is if we don’t demand respect, it is going to get taken from us. LGBTQ+ teenagers face a suicide rate five times that of our straight peers. We are two times as likely to be bullied for being who we are, and it really shows. This applies to everyone including myself: Do better. I should have said something.” 
“Your new student body president, Patton Hart, is overqualified for the job. He is caring and honest. He sees the best in everyone, including screw-ups like me. He’s hardworking and selfless. He’ll sit with you at lunch even if he doesn’t know you. He’ll compliment your clothes and help you with your homework. He has done all of these things even when he wasn’t your president. He is the heart of this school, and no one fits the role better than him.” 
Janus turns back to Patton and gives him a small smile, “Patton, I am so sorry. For everything. I know this doesn’t make up for anything that I’ve put you through, but you deserve the world.” 
Janus turns back to the audience, “Thank you for your time.” 
Everything is silent. And then everyone flies out of their seats, and the sound is deafening.
Janus doesn’t see Patton for the rest of the day. It’s a Monday which means they don’t share any classes together. Janus doesn’t mind, he doesn’t even know if Patton wants to see him. He feels a little lighter, he isn’t drowning in the guilt anymore. It isn’t gone but it isn’t suffocating him anymore. Even if Patton never talks to him again, Janus will always know he did one good thing in his life, even if it’s infinitesimal compared to all the bad. 
Around 6:30 that night Janus’ phone buzzes.
When he checks his phone, he has one text from Patton, and Janus forgets how to breathe.
Patton Hart, 6:31 pm: did you mean what you said. 
Janus Lyre, 6:32 pm: every word.
Patton Hart, 6:32 pm: meet me by our park.
“Yes!” Janus cheers. Patton wants to see him. Janus is going to go see Patton. Janus is going to see Patton! 
Every step he takes to his car feels like he’s walking on air. When he get into his car he plays the playlist Patton made for the first time in weeks.
The speed limit on the roads is 30, but if Janus goes at 35 no one has to know. 
When he gets to the bench he and Patton have hung out at, Patton is already there. 
He’s wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and the blue flannel Janus gave him for his birthday. Janus knows that’s intentional, and the urge to pull Patton into a kiss is so hard to resist. He could do it, there are no people around to get in their way.
“Hey snake boy,” Patton says.
“Hey, golden boy,” Janus says, and oh how he missed this. Patton and his messy hair are inches away from him. 
“Can I…” Patton trails off, but he’s looking at Janus’ lips.
Patton and Janus crash into each other. Patton is kissing him and his lips are warm. He tastes like cinnamon. Janus wraps his arms around Patton’s shoulders and pulls him closer, this feels so right. Janus never wants to stop kissing Patton. He wants it to be his job, Janus Dean, professional kisser of Patton Hart. It has a nice ring to it.
“That was one heck of a speech Jan,” Patton says.
Janus smirks, “Only the best for our student body president.” 
Patton giggles but then becomes more serious, “Thank you, I really appreciate it.”
“Only doing what’s right.”
“You’re right Pat I did have an ulterior motive.” 
“Oh?” Patton raises his eyebrows. 
“I’ve always loved the sound of first lady,” Janus says seriously. 
Patton pulls him in for another kiss, and Janus wonders if he’s dreaming. 
“I love you.” Patton says, and his hair is frazzled and he’ out of breath but Janus is struck by just how beautiful Patton is. 
“I love you too.” 
Life isn’t a fairytale, Janus knows that, but this feels like his happy ever after.
a/n: thanks for reading!!!! yes, the scene where Patton yells at Janus is inspired by Love, Simon, and yes, you read that right, Solangelo did get a cameo
taglist(let me know if you want to be added/removed)
@kawaiikat54 @foreverfangirlalways @five-falseh00ds-ph0nated @kiribakuandcats 
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
The nsfw asks 👀 dom... I’m screaming. I’m so tempted to reblog them for Gen and Ethan but also maybe not 😂 I am a tumblr grandma but also I shy tumblr grandma 😂😂
But also I just saw your answers to the ones Celi sent you and 🥵
Now i must ask you these. For Becca and Ethan because duh. Lol
2,9,21 (I feel like I already know the Ethan side of this one) and 25.
I’m having so much fun! I feel like I should just do the whole damn list 🤣 please take a wander around lovers lane with me 🙏🏻
2. Body part: Their favorite body part of theirs and of their partner’s 
Becca really loves her natural waist. She has a true hourglass figure and she looks CINCHED. Lingerie looks so good on her because of it. 
Ethan really loves her boobs but his absolute favorite part of her is the little uneven dimples of her brightest smile. 
Her favorite part of Ethan besides his hypnotic eyes are his hands and shoulders. She could happily sit on those shoulders all damn day. Whereas he doesn’t have a favorite part of his body. It’s a body. It functions. But if he had to choose it may as well be his toned calves.   
9. Intimacy: How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…
Becca lives in the moment and glamourizes it. She needs mental stimulation to help get her off whether it be dimmed lights and closed eyes or Ethan talking dirty. When she’s really trying to catch an orgasm that seems like it’ll never come her way she tends to be a bit removed from the moment than Ethan would like. 
She loves the romance and foreplay portion. Neck kisses and dry humping are her jammm. 
Ethan is very much present and very tuned into her needs. It is all and always about her. Sometimes he’s much to selfless in the bedroom for her liking. Like, when she knows she’s not gonna cum that session he doesn’t really accept that and keeps drawling it out. And then she’s gotta pull out a secret weapon to finish him off and not hurt his feelings. 
These two never lack intimacy. Their favorite positions are the ones where they’re facing and can look and leave lingering kisses on the other’s face. Very disgustingly cute. Doesn’t mean they’ll stop fucking against the window though. 
21. Unfair: How much they like to tease?
Depends on the evening and the moment. 
For Becca, teasing is a part of the long foreplay game. It gets her going. But as for personality, she’s teases Ethan 24/7 about everything, not just sexually. 
So there’s always some sort of teasing involved. 
Unless it’s morning or shower sex and they ain’t got no time for games.  
25. Yearning: How high is their sex drive?
For an old man, Ethan’s got stamina. If it was biologically possible he would always be inside Becca right where he belongs. Sometimes round two is just him going down on her. 
She’s the same. Generally always ready to get down unless he had her Screaming and now she’s over sensitive and her legs don’t work. Then she’s gotta tap out. 
They usually have sex at least twice a week - which averages out to ~5 orgasms for her and ~3 for him. 
nsfw alphabet otp asks
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renaerys · 3 years
So I beat RE:8
And overall I SUPER enjoyed this game. I loved how it was an homage to the series to date. Castle Dimitrescu made me feel like I was back in the OG Resident Evil stealth-crawling my way through dungeons and puzzles and hoping not to get caught by the enemies. Lady Dimitrescu stalking you as you scramble to gather pieces of a puzzle to escape harkened back to the Tyrant in RE:2 chasing you around RPD HQ. Her daughters’ blow fly entrances were sincerely spine-tingling, and I was on the edge of my seat with each new door opened wondering if they’d found me yet. This level was truly a standout of the game.
The Beneviento House may actually have been my favorite, seeing as it was such a departure from the rest of the game without the use of weapons and having to rely on running and hiding to survive. I was at my most terrified and unsettled in that level dissecting doll!Mia and running from the baby creature in a way I didn’t feel throughout the rest of the game. It was so creepy and so tense, and the juxtaposition with the rest of the game really made it shine imo. 
The Reservoir was probably my least favorite part. It felt too much like the action-y RE:6 against the boss, lots of cheap one-hit kill events that relied on timing, etc. It was the part where I died the most, whereas throughout the rest of the game I died maybe twice or three times. 
Heisenberg’s factory was pretty scary and adrenaline-inducing fighting those awful chainsaw guys. Hot take: RE:5 was a great game and a lot of this level reminded me of the better parts of that game wrt the enemies and mowing them down. The layout was super cool, the fan guy was hilariously scary stalking you, and Heisenberg was as grandiose (and verbose) as Wesker once was back in the old days. I loved the molding puzzles, how the enemies would tear down walls to open new areas to explore, and the backtracking to explore it all once you had certain items in your possession. 
Lastly, the Duke was an awesome character. Thanks for that fun call-back to RE:4′s shopkeeper, and most importantly for being an actual character whose presence was plot-relevant and even integral at times. He was charming and a thoughtful addition to the experience. All the voice acting was incredible, but I think the Duke and Lady Dimitrescu and Mia were standouts. 
What I didn’t like... This game has a woman problem like whoa. When all your women exist either as damseled plot devices with no agency whatsoever, vehicles for manpain/revenge, and their main “nuance” is related to motherhood or seeking a mother-daughter relationship (because, you know, women be mothering), then you have a problem. A second hot take: Mia should have been the protagonist. She had training way before Ethan ever did, was in the know more than him, and wasn’t dead the whole time (sidebar: what the literal fuck is this plot contrivance). This game has shown us two kinds of women: either they are good mothers/daughters who eschew all else in favor of that relationship and stay in their lane (Mia and Rose, an agency-less baby and McGuffin), or they are corruptions of that role (i.e., Miranda selfishly killing everyone to get Eve back or Donna selfishly killing everyone to get a new mother a-la RE:7′s Eveline). Even the Dimitrescu ladies were almost entirely defined by their mother/daughter status, in Lady Dimitrescu’s case both. Is there truly no other motivation or nuance available to women in this universe??? 🙃🙃🙃
Mentioned before but worth repeating: Ethan was dead the whole time?! What a shitty contrivance. I mean, fine, but I didn’t like it at all. Another nit-picky thing that broke my suspension of disbelief: Alcina cuts his hand off and the magic herb chemicals that act as health in the game can reattach it... But they can’t regrow his fucking fingers??? What is consistency. 🙃
Heisenberg’s boss fight was dumb. There was no terror, very low stakes, and it felt like the worst of RE:6 action. It even had a gimmicky cinematic final shot that reminded me of those awful quick-time events. He was laughably easy to kill and held none of the dread of, say, Lady Dimitrescu’s daughers or the entirety of the Beneviento House. I don’t knock it as much because the rest of the Factory level was fabulous. The boss fight with the Fan Man was superb, scary, and tough, as well as “good” gimmicky. Unfortunately, Heisenberg’s final boss fight was the beginning of the end. 
Chris finally tells us the truth through some truly excruciating exposition scenes, and like the NPCs who question his choices, I too was questioning him. Because his logic was super dumb. Why not tell Ethan to begin with? More on this below. 
Mother Miranda was incredibly underwhelming as a boss. Chris’s part in the story was more over the top action, which is cool and fun if you like that (not really my thing, personally, but I can see why it could work for others). But Mother Miranda herself was a disappointment. I think the main reason was because we had almost no relationship with her. She was just a name who maybe is responsible for our McGuffin daughter being taken, but it never felt personal. Yeah, she can shape shift and we met her as the hag, but since we didn’t know that, the relationship aspect was never there/built upon. She felt like a random final boss with little skin in the game compared to, say, Heisenberg, who we actually did get to know more as we went along and maybe felt more complicated feelings toward in killing him. 
This game could have been better if a few changes had been made. 
1. Mia should have been the protagonist/deuteragonist. If we are truly supposed to be convinced by Chris’ stupid logic that Ethan cannot handle the truth, then why not make Mia the protagonist or even a secondary protagonist? Ethan and Mia could have both been working toward their goals with different information, similar to the situation in RE:7 toward the end of that game. Chris wouldn’t know Mia is alive, but she could be working against Mother Miranda directly while being experimented on/held captive. Ethan could do the main story that we got, while Mia sees a different side of the world digging deeper into Mother Miranda’s backstory and motivations, which would serve to flesh out her character (beyond the lazy corrupted motherhood narrative), touch on the relationship to Spencer and Umbrella Corp, etc. Ethan facing Miranda at the end, thus, would have felt super personal and significant having that emotional development through Mia. And Mia herself could be fleshed out more as a character beyond her role as wife and mother. 
2. Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra deserved more, and Castle Dimitrescu should have been a longer arc. The daughters were killed pretty fast. I couldn’t name a single differentiating characteristic between them, which is a problem. And I wanted to know more! We got a little info about the experiments they endured. I wanted to feel like killing at least one of them was very personal and meant something (if we only got one of them really fleshed out, I mean. That would still be one more than we got.). This section could have been longer and benefited from it. Exploring that castle was so fun and I wanted more time there. Also, I’m gonna say it: the Reservoir could have been cut entirely and that time given to Castle Dimitrescu for three sub-bosses before Mother Miranda. Problem solved.
3. Chis could have had a more story-related role. Why not more cutscenes with Chris investigating/chasing Miranda to give us a buildup of breadcrumbs and foreshadowing to the final reveal in the end? Rather than an exposition dump?? This would be related to my point #1 in making Miranda feel more connected to the story as the big bad. We wouldn’t even have to play as Chris if we just got some cutscenes showing his team’s progress hunting Miranda, learning more about her, etc. Imagine if we got secondary protagonist Mia’s story with Chris in there alongside her, unknowing that she’s alive and yet affecting her progress or vice versa as they both hunt Miranda? So much potential there. Where is the fanfiction???
4. Sheva??? I know it’s just me but I mean... The BSAA coming in to help/fuck everything up could have been a great opportunity for a cameo from Sheva to reunite very briefly with Chris (and set up the next one??? When though.). Yeah, I’m RE:5 trash, okay. But she was a great character and I wish we could see her at ALL in any other games even as a cameo.
My final takeaway here is that I enjoyed this game immensely as a total experience. I’m already doing a New Game Plus on the Village of Shadows difficulty, so pray for me. I love the exploration and puzzling aspect, the combat is intense but not overwhelmingly action-y like RE:6 was, and I love the atmosphere of this game. I recommend it to anyone who likes survival horror. It’s not without its faults, and I really wish the RE team would hire some women for their writers’ room, but I’m still very happy with the end result overall. 
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