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Too Sweet
Logan Howlett x fem!Reader
Act 2
GIF von asgardswinter
Warnings: spoilers for Deadpool & Wolverine, descriptions of a panic attack, angst, implicaded age gap, horror elements, description of blood and violence
wordcount: 3.8k words
I am overwhelmed by all your positve feedback :,)
So I wrote Act 2 over the weekend. Depending on feedback I might expand this story to a full 5 Act piece. Tell me what you think of that :) Enjoy Act 2!
When Logan woke up, he noticed everything was quiet around him, except for that annoying pigeon always perched up next to his window. He remembered how one year it tried to build a nest right next to the window and they had asked Kitty to transport just outside of the wall to get rid of it. She accidentally cracked one of the eggs during that job and cried about it for half a week. Logan huffed in amusement thinking about it.
The next sensation that returned to him was touch. And he suddenly felt too hot. There were one too many pillows around his head and he felt how his body started to heat up again after his night's sleep. The same can be said for the double blanket that weighed him down and the hot breeze that hit his neck in a steady rhythm.
He frowned.
A hot breeze?
“I thought we were sleeping in…” A mumble came from right next to him. The voice was still raspy from sleep but it took Logan less than a second to realize what had happened.
He swore to himself that he would keep his hands off her till he figured things out between him and Jean. His body stiffened. How to get out of this mess?
Y/N moved closer to him, her head resting on the pillow then placed onto his chest. She hummed contently at the warmth of his body.
Last night's end-of-semester party had ended on a positive note for her when Logan pulled her away from the drink, snacks and conversations to finally kiss her. She was pinned against the ornate oakwood wall coverings in the hallway and it was more beautiful and sensual than she had imagined.
Then they inevitably ended up in Logan's room where they spent the night having sex till they fell asleep. She had waited for him to finally make the move after a constant back and forth between them.
Logan sighed, moving into a sitting position and moving her with him. “We are sleeping in.”, he responded, smoothing his hand along her exposed shoulder and arm. “ I just need to sit up for a minute, bub. You know how my back is.”
She hummed in response, looking up at him with a content, sleepy smile. Why did she have to make this worse?
“I really like you, Logan. This… us, you know?” She asked, her hand moving to massage his shoulder. Why can’t she stop?
He let his head rest against the wooden bed frame. “ Yeah”, closing his eyes and thinking of a way to set things straight again.
“It's not the right time to talk about this but...I told you about my plan to teach at another school for the next few years. See something new, learn and better my teaching.” She moved closer, from her leaning position into a half-upright one. One leg was thrown over his hips.
Yes, please go.
“Yeah, you told me,” Logan answered, trying to keep his voice neutral. Her departure would give him time to sort himself out and or makeup with Jean. He did feel bad for letting Y/n on but she seemed so happy about it.
“I’m not so sure about it now. With you and me… I wanna give this a try.” She leaned forward to give him a soft kiss. Logan turned his head just in time for her lips to partially miss and land in his scruffy beard. He concealed it by hugging her into his chest.
He paused before answering. Feeling her weight against his chest, the soft skin of her back against his arms. This was nice, he admitted. But there still resigned a little dark seed in him that pushed him towards Jean. To try again, keep chasing and not give up. Y/n would be there. She always was but Jean was moving fast, unreachable and glowing.
“Go on” He spoke.
“I’m going to ask the other school to push my visit for another year. Spend more time with you ” She gently moved her hands along his back, caressing it. No, leave. You need to leave!
“Sounds like a good idea, bub.” He sighed softly, letting go of her and leaning back against the bed frame. Y/n had moved into his lap, legs resting over his hips and he felt himself stirring again at the close contact.
She grinned happily at him. Chasing him for another kiss. “Great! Another summer together can’t hurt.” She kissed again, “right?”
Logan shook his head slightly as a high-pitched ringing started to sound around him.
Her hands started racking through his hair, pulling him closer.
If only she had known…
“Oh, I do!” She laughed, kissing along his neck, her hands scratching along his back.
Logan tensed “What?”
If she had known that you would leave her alone to die. She wouldn’t have wanted to stay. She would be fine now. One fucking summer with him cost her all.
“It was a good time though.” She sighed against his pulse, nibbling the soft skin there. Her free hand had moved along his body down under the blankets.
30 days she had with you.
Then you killed her.
She would be fine if you had told her and let her go.
“Why wait that long?” She let go of his neck staring right at him. “We can do it now!”
“What is happening?” Logan tried to push her off but to no avail. He was getting hot, skin prickling with sweat that wanted to squeeze through his pores.
“And this time you are right here. Why not do it yourself?” She smiled softly, both hands caressing his cheeks.
The ringing got louder and louder, drowning out all sounds except for her voice which got more distorted. It scratched against his eardrum painfully.
“On the count of three,” She giggled, moving to position herself steady on his hips.
Logan couldn’t move.
He felt trapped, watching her take his hands from behind her back.
Serves you right asshole!
She placed his knuckles right under her breastbone. He felt the warm skin underneath his shaking hands.
“Aaaand Three!”
Everything went silent.
His claws pierced through her chest with a disgusting wet sound. He could feel the dense material of her skin and flesh against his claws. The warmth of her body shifted into the metal coating. His shaking hands caused the blades to scratch against her bones and it made him shudder.
She gasped, holding herself upright against his shoulders.
“Oh wow…” She laughed, weakly. A trail of blood leaked from her mouth, dripping onto his hands and running down onto the white sheets. Red droplets spread in the cotton, dying it red.
“That actually really hurts!” She looked up at him with bloodshot eyes. Her body was starting to tremble.
“Y/n…” Logan whispered in horror. Looking at the woman impaled.
“See, Logan, that’s what happens-“ she took his hands and rammed them further into her body. ”Fuck! Ha- When you let me get close”
She leaned forward, moving his arms with her. His elbows knocked against the cool wood behind him.
A soft, bloody kiss was placed on his cheek.
Logan only whimpered, trying to close his eyes but he still couldn’t move.
“Now… Do better.” She whispered in his ear. Slowly she got back into her seated position. She smiled at him with a bloodied smile, teeth stained and dripping red. She lifted her arm and smacked him across the cheek with an inhuman force.
Logan scrambled to get up. A crusty carpet under his fingers, the stench of garlic in his nose and the bright sunlight blinding him.
He could smell coffee.
He was sweating, feeling the little crumbs and bits of dust sticking to his exposed skin. They prick him as he shifts into a sitting position. Logan's back was flush against the cool leather of the sofa he must have slept on, falling onto the dirty carpet.
A dream.
A memory.
A nightmare.
“Whoa! Peanut, you up?" Wade called from the kitchen. He strolled into the living room in his red and white morning robe coffee mug in hand. He eyed Logan cautiously. Noticing the older man's heavy breathing and disoriented look. All jokes aside: Wade felt bad for seeing him in pain. They had more in common than either wanted to admit.
“Fell right off the couch huh?” Wade crouched down in front of Logan. He watched silently as the other came back to his senses, brushing off the dirt on his exposed arms. Wade blew away the steam of his hot coffee.
“Must have been a tumble.” Wade suggestively lifted his nonexistent brows. “A sexy tumble?” He slurped his coffee loudly.
“Get the fuck away from me.” Logan brushed a hand over his sweaty brow and into his hair.
“An unpleasant tumble then? Well, don’t feel bad, buddy. Happens to the best of us” Wade patted Logan's head, getting away fast enough to not get sliced again. He moved back to the counter, pouring Logan a cup in his newly acquired “ hottest DILF in the MCU” cup. And two sugars. Logan would never ask for them out loud but Wade knew that he liked sweet things.
“That’s a bit on the nose, no?” Wade chuckled, bringing the mug over to Logan who had managed to get seated on the couch. The mismatched blanket and pillow pushed off onto the side.
“Oh nothing, I didn’t talk to you.”
Logan huffed, taking a sip. “ Fucking maniac” The sweet burning liquid soothed his fried nerves.
Wade grabbed a chair, seating himself at the kitchen counter. Logan needed some space if he was to give some answers.
They sat in silence for the next few minutes, each nursing their drink.
It was Logan that broke the silence: “How did I get back here?” He sighed, staring at Wade.
The other man had been staring out of the window, seemingly lost in thought.
“Oh yeah. Well after you made a run for it, stabbed me on the street, destroyed my brand new light cotton shirt-“
“Get to the point.”
Wade gasped dramatically ” Catty, are we?” He clicked his tongue and continued “After that the party was basically over. And after most of the guests were gone, me and the tag team, went looking for you and picked you up from a piss-drenched alley before you went on to cause more trouble. Please and thank you.”
Logan sighed, upset and embarrassed. He had not only upset Wade and the girl but also wrecked the party for the rest of him. They called him the worst Wolverine for a reason.
Wade turned towards to fridge to scavenge for some breakfast. “Your tab has also been covered.”
Logan almost choked on his drink: “By who?”
“Ohh the X-men… academy? I don’t know.” Wade shrugged, biting into a piece of leftover puff pastry. “Piotr said something about thanking you for stabilizing the timeline. I didn’t really understand and neither did he. But hey! You got your sins paid for with government money. Isn’t that sweet?”
He grabbed a muffin from the fridge and threw it at Logan, who luckily caught it.
“And after all that fucking trouble, you at least owe me an explanation.” Wade's sudden shift from playful to serious sobered Logan.
He stayed silent for a moment, feeling how his jaw tensed. That fucking dream had been like a punch in the gut, his subconscious fucking him up even further.
He sniffed, setting the mug down.
“I knew a Y/n in my timeline.”
“No shit!” Wade exclaimed, his frustration blending into the mocking tone of his voice.
Logan grunted in annoyance. “We were both at the school. Working there. Fighting together. I met her quite early on.” One of his hands rubbed over the rough material of his jeans. “She and I were close; always had my back. And I took that for granted.” He swallowed the lump that formed in his throat. “She died, with the others.”
Silence hung in the room, making the air feel thick.
“And?” Wade, asked.
“And what?” Logan was agitated.
“Well yeah, she died. Like the others. But you had no panic attack when you met Colossus, or Ellie, Yukio-“
“She wanted to leave the school for a year abroad. Teach somewhere else but she stayed because of me." His chest was getting heavy again. “She stayed because I let her on, okay? I kept her close in case things with Jean didn’t work out. I knew she loved me-”
“That’s cookie jarring!” Wade exclaimed, excitedly “My Gen Z’s told me about that!”
“The fuck are you talking about?! I am telling you something important and you-“
“It’s when you keep a second option in case love interest numero uno doesn’t like you back. Keeping a sweet backup treat to not end up without a price.”
“I guess so. But never use that term again. I swear-“ Could you have one serious conversation with this ass clown?
Logan sighed, collecting his thoughts. “She felt more for me than I did for her at the time. I mean I did love her but I was a bastard and couldn’t stop chasing after something that wasn’t mine to begin with.”
The picture of his nightmare came back to him. Y/n, impaled, bleeding out by cause of his hand.
“She wouldn’t have been there if you had told her the truth? When the attack happened?” Wade concluded.
“I reciprocated her feelings. Gave her what she wanted for a night after I got frustrated with Jean. I made Y/n think that I was over her.” He scratched his beard, still feeling her lips linger there “I didn’t have the guts to tell her the truth and I was too much of a bastard to stop; couldn’t see that she was the one... She haunts me the most.”
“you really are an asshole. A surprisingly reflected asshole.” Wade nodded, lifting his mug in a mocking salute.
Logan just scoffed.
“Great, now that’s out of the way. I have a confession to make.” Wade fumbled with his pocket and pulled out a beat-up notebook.
“What did you do?” The older one said wearily.
“I…” Wade flipped through the pages in a dramatic fashion, mumbling while he pulled out several loose sheets. “… went on a little universe hopping trip while you were having your beauty sleep. And met with the other Wolvies that I had met during the search for you, pumpkin.”
He scattered the pages and some pictures on the counter. “At least the ones that didn’t want to kill me right away or the ones that stopped after they got their steam off.”
“Get to the fucking point. This is worse than the babbling on the home shopping-“ Logan had gotten up from the couch to inspect the pages.
“In every timeline that I visited, there was a Y/n. That was connected and or married to you, big boy.” Wade proudly took a sip of his now cold coffee while Logan rummaged through the material present.
“That can’t be. It’s coincident.”
“Na uh! Not if it’s constant in a bunch of universes and we are talking about a bunch, I mean, a BUNCH of universes. Do we want to say it together?”
“Okay, 1,2,3-“
“SOULMATES!” Wade cheered.
“No. There are no soulmates and even if there were. That-“ He pointed at the scribbled notes. “Is not how it works.”
“Aw c’mon! There are no rules to soulmates. You can do it in all kinds of ways. Matching tattoos, first words spoken to another, only getting colour vision after meeting the one-“ He gasped “You do see in colour, right?”
“This proved nothing. And you need to stop getting into my fucking business.” Logan crumpled up the note in his hand and dropped it to the ground. “I don’t care what you think. This is bullshit and a waste of time. I-“
He was interrupted by a yelp, coming from the the hallway.
The fucking dog. Logan sighed. It was a mistake to get to this universe.
“Shhh-“ Another voice, hushed the puppy.
Oh no, oh please no.
“She is here?!” Logan spit angrily. He felt betrayed. Why was she here? Why didn’t Wade tell him? And why didn’t he sense it before? She heard everything. The fucking drinking problem and his fucking age were catching up to him.
“What-? She came all the way here. Late and the party ended right after, thanks to someone who can’t keep his shitty trauma at bay!” Wade bickered. “Y/n is my friend too, you know!”
The door to Deadpool’s room opened slowly. There was no reason to keep hiding in there. The pup had blown her cover. “Poppy, no, stay…” She sighed in annoyance as the dog rushed off to her owner. Wade picked her up quickly, kissing her on the tuff of fur on her otherwise naked body.
“She is not my friend-“ Logan pointed at Wade accusingly. His eyes shifted to the hallway where he saw the door open slowly. Wade’s door. He saw red.
“She slept in your room?!” The pointing finger quickly turned into a fistful of adamantium claws, the tips nicking Wade’s chin. “You have a death wish you little fuck?!”
“Whoa, whoa, hey!” Y/n rushed out of the room to de-escalate the unfolding situation. She hoped to make a quiet escape, sneak out through the fire escape, wait it out or call Piotr to stage a plan to get her out of there. But thanks to the puppy and these two hot heads it was going to be the awkward confrontation kind of exit.
She had tried to play it cool last night and not show her disappointment. She had been curious about the new character that Wade brought back from his multidimensional trip. Y/n wanted to find out what he was like, and how this world differed from his. She even asked the older X-team members about their Logan. What he was like, what he liked, and what topics interested him.
And he had made a run for it the second he saw her. Of course, she was hurt. Trying to push the tears down as the others tried to comfort her. She didn’t feel like crying but the sudden attention had made her feel like she should.
“Relax, okay?” She lifted her hands in surrender. “And you, drop the puppy. She isn’t involved in your…” She plucked the puppy from Wade’s arm and set her down. “Whatever this is.”
Logan watched her, looking for little details in her movements, and her behaviour. With regret, he came to the conclusion that she was a carbon copy of the woman he lost. His eyes got glassy as the images of his nightmare played behind his eyes. He shook his head swiftly, eyes set on the wooden counter to calm before he had another outburst.
Y/n watched him and sighed “I slept in his room because the sofa was occupied.” She said calmly, moving past Wade to get to the sink where her carrier sat. It was dirtied with cream and crumbs, a rinse was in order but that had to wait. “And sleeping in your room felt intrusive, I assumed you would agree.” She clicked the container shut.
Wade watched her carefully, his brain working quickly to think of a joke, or a jest… anything to dissolve the situation. He felt like a child, trapped in their parent's divorce. Humour was his sharpest weapon. So he aimed. “yeah!” He leaned onto the counter, closing in on the spot that Logan seemed to be so focused on. “We switched. Some good old game of Ringelpiez. And I gotta say, your sheets smell sweet like honey, badger.” He winked at Logan, knowing fully well that he might end up with his brain skewered.
But the older one simply groaned, annoyed at his antiques.
Y/n softly touched Wade's shoulder “It’s alright. I’m just going to leave” She carefully turned to Logan. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. Truly.” His eyes shifted to her for a second and it was Y/n that looked away quickly. His gaze was too heavy, holding emotions that she couldn’t decipher or handle.
“What? Pudding, no” Wade whined “What about girlfriend brunch?” He placed his hands on his hips in dramatic fashion. “You promised”
“Wade- don’t.” She warned him. “Next week, okay?” Logan still avoided her. The Wolverine, a feared and powerful mutant, cowering in a corner over unresolved feelings. One might pity him.
Y/n shouldered her bag and said goodbye to the dog that watched the interaction with native happiness.
She opened the door and quickly stepped into the hallway. The muffled sounds of arguing resumed only a second after the lock clicked into place but she continued on. The elevator was only a few steps away, she almost managed to get out when the door opened behind her.
Y/n stopped, looking over her shoulder cautiously. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw dark hair…
“I’m sorry alright…”He stopped looking for the right words. He didn’t think when he ran to the door, leaving Wade standing there mid-sentence. It was like a pull that called him to follow. “I’m sorry about yesterday.” He sighed, frustrated at his mumbling. He was the Wolverine for god's sake.
“I shouldn’t have…. I-“
“apology accept.” She interrupted him, turning around and facing him.
Logan froze.
“But we have to set one thing straight.” She set her shoulders back, unconsciously making herself look bigger. “ I am sorry for your loss. I truly am. But I am not her.” Y/n shook her head softly. “And you are not my Logan-“ She noticed the odd phrasing when his eyes widened ever so little “Not that he was-you get what I mean.” She huffed embarrassed.
“Yeah.” Logan chuckled softly as the tension ebbed away. Was she also feeling that tingle in her chest?
“Anyway,let's do this properly. It’s nice to meet you, I’m Y/n.” She held out her hand for him to shake.
A simple, friendly and professional handshake. Surely he could manage that, no?
He looked at her hand for a moment, surprised by the gesture. Then his large hand took hers. He was pleasantly surprised at the firmness with which she squeezed his fingers. There was no fear. No uncertainty.
It felt warm and familiar. Like home
“Logan.” He stated.
Taglist: @sarahskywalker-amidala @myu3ki @stinastar @zortlort @zeeader @lolurk @eddiesguitarskills @elianamarie-blog @byhuenii @sunfairyy @weallhaveadestiny @catiwinky
New requets for being added to the list via comments on the Masterlist post, please. That helps me to keep things organized :)
Do comment here for feedback and spreading some love ❤️
#logan howlett#logan howlett x reader#logan x reader#deadpool wolverine#deadpool and wolverine#deadpool#x men#fanfiction#x reader#reader insert#angs
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Emotion (Part 1)
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/lesvii/723352052120666112/emotion-part-2
Chapter 1: Relationship
Your relationship with El Sin Nombre did escalate pretty quickly. When you first arrived to the cartel quarters or well more like not in your will, at first at least. You've never had a big fight with her, she always treats you very differently, as for her man that work for her, she has no mercy, the way she shouts at them, you're so glad that you're not treated like one of the man that work for her.
``No te quiero volver aquí cabrón, me escuchaste?`` (I don’t wanna see you here, you fucker)
Valeria shouted back in Spanish at the man in front of her desk, he looked like he shitted himself, scared, trembling, probably scared for his life. You were organizing some papers in valeria office on the other side of the room.
The man practically rushed through the door not looking back at Valeria or you.
“Poor guy looked like he was seeing the death itself”Y/N said not looking at Valeria.
and continuing what I was doing.
You felt the light shifting and a body moving closer to you, behind your back a faint hot breath, you felt a chill down your back, everytime you felt that kind of chill It drives you crazy. Y/N stopped for a moment what you were doing, organising some papers, not turning back.
“Did I tell you to stop your work?” Valeria whispered to your ear.
“N-No. Sorry” Y/N said with a faint shiver.
Continuing your work, you felt a heavy hand tracing down your back and grabbing on to your waist. She pulled up Y/N hair to put some faint kisses down the back of your neck. Y/N breathing shifted to a agitated one, Valeria knew what she was doing, she loved teasing. But she was careful when it was at work, you don’t want your enemy’s to find a way to bring you down in a painful way, you didn’t care, in a way. You knew the whole world Valeria was working on, Mafia.
But you’re still here.
With her.
“How about we go out tonight, forget about our worries and then finish in my bed” Valeria said confidently supporting her face in Y/N neck.
“That sounds like a great plan” Y/N chuckled.
“Great then… see you at 8 pm” Valeria stopped the embrace and spanked your ass.
“Hey! I thought the work zone was a “let’s be professional”. Y/N said crossing my arms
“Hmm.. really? Don’t remember. Well I’m still the boss around so that doesn't apply to me then”
Valeria chuckled.
I loved seeing her happy, like if she wasn’t ready to load her gun from her back pocket just 5 minutes ago and shoot that poor guy. Sometimes Valeria… could be explosive with her emotions, I guess this work breaks you a lot mentally and physically. I cannot imagine all the stress she has to bear, she cannot look weak to anyone, since man’s in this business sees woman’s as weak. But they don’t know Valeria, El Sin Nombre, and believe me they don’t want to know her like I do.
Y/N finished working in Valeria’s office.
“Amor, I’m done, I just need to grab a few things from my office and change, see you in a few hours” Y/N said.
Placing a faint kiss on Valeria’s forehead, she didn’t look back at her, her eyes were glued to those papers she had on her hands, reading them, seemed like something really important, but murmured a faint “ok”. Y/N worked for Valeria but Valeria always kept some information to herself, she didn’t want to compromise the life of Y/N no more than already is.
Y/N closed the door from El Sin Nombre office, some tall scary guys standing in front of the door, Valeria always had people protecting her, with all this thing of being a cartel leader, extra protection is always important, it can be your last day and you’ll never know.
The drive to your house wasn’t that far, actually like 15 minutes by car, you where in the back seat lost in the thought that you forgot to hear the driver.
“Miss we're here, do you want me to take you somewhere else’s?” Said the driver.
“No Juan, thanks I’ll be waiting for Valeria” Y/N replied with a warm smile and opened the door from the car.
You took a few steps toward the big entrance to your mansion, you’ll never get enough of it. Y/N knew that Valeria had… well money, but to expect you’ll both be living in a huge mansion, that was amazing but unexpected, sometimes scary it was way too big, easy to be lost, easy for someone to sneak into the hundred rooms in the night and kill your lover. But you knew Valera personal quarters specially this state had the maximum security imposible for enemies to enter and kill her off, at least without them knowing.
By the time you were taking a shower, and dressing on was 7:30 PM, a little late for your liking and Valeria was still not home, though you thought she got busy last minute by something quick, nothing to worry about, after all, it’s been weeks since you two went out, had a normal couple talk, this past few months had been exhausting for both of you, physically and mentally, the cartel has been taking a lot of Valeria time, and you knew what you were signing for the moment you accepted you had feelings for her, it wasn’t going to be an easy road to be fair.
8:00 PM
Still no sign of Valeria.
That was kinda weird since if she couldn’t have come she would have called you back and postponed the dinner, but you still decided to wait, you didn’t want to interrupt her by calling or texting so you decided you were going to wait just a little bit.
8:30 PM
Not trying to be paranoid but you were starting to get anxious, you went downstairs looking for some personal to ask if someone knew where Valeria was or if she had communicated with any, not trying to sound suspicious or anything. Everyone denied having any contact with the boss, so you went back upstairs. Jumped to the big king bed, the sheets still smelled like her, you decided to wait it out just a few more minutes until the tiredness got the best of you and fell asleep.
#el sin nombre#valeria garza#cod#valeria garza cod#valeria garza x fem!reader#lesbian#call of duty#call of duty valeria#cod fanfic#cod modern warfare#fluff#angs#smut#valeria garza is a lesbian <3
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Justice League Relationship Headcanons (Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Green Lantern, The Flash)
Pairing: Clark Kent (Superman), Diana Prince (Wonder Woman), Bruce Wayne (Batman), Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Barry Allen (The Flash) x Reader (platonic and romantic interpretations available!)
Mentions of superhero duties and high-stakes situations.
Light angst in dealing with their heroic responsibilities.
Fluff, humor, and moments of deep connection!
Summary: Forming relationships with the iconic members of the Justice League means navigating both the extraordinary and the mundane. From Clark Kent’s quiet, protective love to Diana Prince’s warm, passionate nature, these headcanons explore the unique dynamics of what it’s like to bond with some of the world’s greatest heroes. Whether romantic or platonic, each hero brings their own charm, warmth, and complexity to a relationship with you.

Relationship Headcanons
Superman (Clark Kent)
Clark is the epitome of wholesome love. He always checks in on you, even when he’s halfway across the world saving lives.
He loves quiet, domestic moments like cooking breakfast together or stargazing in Smallville.
Clark is incredibly supportive of your dreams and constantly encourages you to pursue them, no matter how big or small.
He has a habit of leaving little handwritten notes for you to find, filled with kind words and reminders of how much he loves you.
When he’s with you, he’s just Clark—no cape, no responsibilities, just a farm boy in love with you.
Wonder Woman (Diana Prince)
Diana is a hopeless romantic who loves grand gestures, like gifting you flowers she picked herself or reciting poetry under the moonlight.
She adores sharing her Amazonian culture with you, from stories of Themyscira to teaching you their combat techniques.
Diana’s protective nature shines when you’re in danger, but she never underestimates your strength or abilities.
She loves discussing philosophy and ethics with you, valuing your perspective and insights.
Diana believes in cherishing every moment, often reminding you that time is precious and love should be celebrated every day.
Batman (Bruce Wayne)
Bruce is subtle but deeply caring. He’ll quietly ensure you’re taken care of, whether that’s making sure your car is repaired or leaving your favorite tea in the kitchen.
He values your presence in his life as a grounding force, someone who reminds him of the good he’s fighting for.
Bruce struggles with vulnerability but trusts you enough to let his walls down over time.
He’s a night owl, so you often find yourselves sharing quiet conversations in the Batcave during the early hours.
Despite his serious demeanor, he has a soft spot for teasing you gently, especially when you call him out on his brooding tendencies.
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
Hal loves adventure, and that extends to your relationship. He’s always planning exciting dates, like flying over scenic landscapes or visiting alien worlds.
He has a cocky but charming sense of humor, often using it to make you laugh or lighten the mood.
Hal is incredibly loyal and makes sure you know you’re his priority, even when duty calls him to the far corners of the galaxy.
He’s surprisingly sentimental, keeping small mementos from your time together in his ship.
Hal adores showing off for you, whether it’s through his flying skills or creative uses of his power ring.
The Flash (Barry Allen)
Barry is full of energy and always finds ways to keep your relationship exciting, from surprise dates to goofy antics.
He loves cooking for you (even if he tends to burn things) and insists on trying out new recipes together.
Barry often uses his super speed to make your life easier, like zipping around to clean the house or grabbing your favorite snacks in seconds.
He’s a big fan of cuddling and will happily spend hours on the couch with you, watching movies or playing games.
Barry’s optimism and humor are infectious, making every moment with him feel lighthearted and fun.
Platonic Headcanons
Superman (Clark Kent)
Clark is like the big brother everyone needs—always willing to listen and offer thoughtful advice.
He’s the kind of friend who’ll drop everything to help you, whether it’s fixing your car or talking through a tough decision.
Clark loves introducing you to his family in Smallville, especially his mom, who insists on cooking you a feast.
He’s a huge cheerleader for your achievements, no matter how small, and makes you feel like a superhero in your own right.
Clark’s warmth and kindness make him a comforting presence, especially when you’re feeling down.
Wonder Woman (Diana Prince)
Diana is endlessly encouraging and always helps you see your inner strength.
She enjoys teaching you self-defense, but her lessons often turn into bonding moments filled with laughter.
Diana loves sharing stories about her life and hearing about your experiences, seeing them as equally valuable.
She’s fiercely loyal and will stand by your side through anything, offering both wisdom and support.
Diana values your perspective, often seeking your input on missions or philosophical debates.
Batman (Bruce Wayne)
Bruce is the friend who’s always looking out for you, even if he doesn’t show it overtly. He’ll have Alfred check in or send something you need before you even ask.
He respects your independence but subtly ensures you’re safe, often running background checks on people in your life.
Bruce’s dry sense of humor comes out more often around you, especially when you call him out on his habits.
He admires your resilience and often finds inspiration in your determination to overcome challenges.
Despite his guarded nature, Bruce values your friendship deeply and considers you part of his inner circle.
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
Hal is the fun friend who’s always dragging you on spontaneous adventures, whether it’s a road trip or an impromptu party.
He loves teaching you about his intergalactic adventures and even lets you try using his power ring in a controlled environment.
Hal’s laid-back attitude makes him easy to talk to, and he’s great at diffusing tension with his humor.
He’s the type to hype you up and remind you how amazing you are, even when you’re doubting yourself.
Hal’s loyalty runs deep, and he’ll always have your back, no matter the circumstances.
The Flash (Barry Allen)
Barry is the friend who’s always checking in, whether it’s through a quick text or literally running by to see you.
He loves sharing his latest experiments or inventions, often roping you into helping him test them.
Barry’s enthusiasm is contagious, and he’s great at cheering you up when you’re feeling down.
He’s the first to volunteer for any project or plan you have, bringing his energy and optimism to the table.
Barry treasures your friendship and often goes out of his way to make you smile, whether through a thoughtful gesture or a goofy joke.
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Love is Supposed to be the best medicine

"I am taking RN to help with me plan with Diavolo" "I'm takin RN to the casino to win sum grim!" "Me and RN are watching Anime all night" "RN and I are going to the library" "RN and moi are going to the Salon!~" "Belphie me and RN are going to Akudonald's" "RN, Beel and me are having a cuddle session together"
They don't have time for you anymore... 1 year ago RN came along and the brothers drifted away from you and towards RN... leaving you all alone and suffering... you were the brothers glue to fix their broken family but now they just hurt you. Make you sleep on the floor. Do all the chores. Get all the scolding and blame.
"RN has better grades and ideas" "RN has more luck!" "RN isn't a normie" "RN has been better company" "RN is more prettier~" "RN cooks better" "RN is more cuddly"
Each insulting comparison caused a shocking, burning and stinging pain in your chest. The boys all went to celebrate the day RN joined RAD which was also coincidentally your birthday. You cried to yourself. No one to hear you anyway. Your sobs became coughs and your coughs released... blood... you weren't even aware that the brothers returned home. You just stared at your hand.
"Hey MC are you going to do the-"
Mammon stopped as he saw your bloody hands along with a bit of bloody drool once you turned around. One second and you puke blood all over yourself and pass out. But before you lost consciousness, you saw a glimpse of white hair, felt strudy arms catch you. And Mammon's voice screaming your name.
Mammon cried. Lucifer immediately heard this. He saw your passed out form and rushed to Diavolo's Palace and you immediately were taken into Barbatos' care. Soon after Mammon and Lucifer arrived home.
"I had no idea MC was sick.." "I didn't know MC was sick at all"
The 2 older brothers came home to the other brothers and RN woken up.
"Why were you guys so loud?..." "yeah and Where is MC... they didn't do any of the chores while we were gone." "They just are irresponsible anymore"
Lucifer sighed and shook his head.
"MC is severely ill. Mammon found them coughing and puking up blood."
The brothers eyes widened and stared at Mammon who nodded.
"I didn't know they were sick..." "Is their illness contagious?"
A week went by and Diavolo summoned the brothers over.
"MC... has Dolorous disease. Also known as Heart sickness.
The brothers eyes opened. Satan and Lucifer knew exactly what this illness is.
"Dolorous disease is when you are heartbroken over and over so your body is surviving on the only love one has for themself."
The brothers went quiet. Until Levi spoke up
"What confirmed the diagnosis?..."
Diavolo showed a spot on your head that even you didn't know about. The brothers are shocked to find a egg sized tumor on your head. Shaped like a heart, veiny with the veins looking like broken hearts and the tumor looking like it is almost split in two. The brothers gasp.
"I invited them over yesterday. Such a shame they just turned 19 not long ago and got sick.."
Lucifer froze.
"A week ago was MC's 19th birthday."
With that comment the brothers all fell to their knees. They forgot your birthday and just piled duties on you non stop. Then it hit them.. they cause you to be sick... if they loved you.. you wouldn't be in a coma.
"High chance when they wake up. Their sight and hearing will be muffled. They woke be able to smell as much as they should or taste. Just when she wakes up... or ever..."
The brothers never knew how much your was suffering because of them. Looking back at their comments. They remember you wincing in pain and clutching your chest. At first they thought you were being more dramatic than Asmo. But looking back... realized they insulted you and that their comments were killing you... literally.
Hi there its me your Author! I don't know if I want to give a chance for the brothers to reconcile with MC, do it in 1 chapter, or if MC ever wakes up. Leave a comment on which I should do next!
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Nezuko!Reader and Spidercat sitting infront of Nezuko!Reader’s Uncle Aaron’s tomb. And let out a loud crying sound and starts getting out of control and starts throwing rocks and growling at people. Terrified, angered and grieving Nezuko!reader :(
Nezuko!Reader only goes at nighttime, once they get to uncle Aaron’s tomb they sob. They sob to the point they start hyperventilating and stop breathing every so often(this has happened to me), they pass out on Uncle Aaron’s tomb with Spider-cat beside them as Spider-cat tries to protect them. The night guard is used to seeing them and places a blanket over them. Even while sleeping Nezuko!Reader is shaking and letting silent sobs escape but their muffled by the muzzle. When they wake up they feel weak, their eyes are red and it’s a bit difficult for them to walk.
Nezuko!Reader does this every Friday, every times it’s Uncle Aaron’s birthday, every time it’s the day Uncle Aaron died. They’ll never stop mourning their uncle, they miss their uncle to the point they somehow bought their uncles apartment…they haven’t change anything and sometimes sleeps there and wears his jacket but end up crying. They want their uncle so bad, they want him to tell them it’s just a cruel prank and they can go to the arcade like he promised them. They want him back so desperately
(I cried while making this, man I’m making sure this is ANGST! I sorta projected some of my feelings onto Nezuko!Reader because it makes ir more angsty)
#yandere#please don’t do this#obession#unhealthy#platonic yandere#yandere platonic#gn reader#angs#yandere x gn reader#x gn reader#gender neutral y/n#yandere x gender neutral reader#gender neutral reader#✉️mail arrived✉️#genderfluid enity answers!#nezuko!reader#Nezuko Anon#yandere spiderverse#yandere spider man across the spider verse
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seeing all these scenes in which ward is treating rafe like shit makes me think of how much this poor baby probably misses his mom. ESPECIALLY in season 2 where he's clearly at his worst and he desperately needed someone to be at his side and how neglected and broken he must have felt, oh god and don't get me started on the babiest version of him in season 1, brb gonna cry
and now i kinda wanna write a rafe x sweetheart!reader in which she comforts him when he breaks down and like he completely opens up to her bc he feels so safe with her and AHHHHH
#outer banks#rafe cameron#obx rafe cameron#ward cameron#baby rafe#angs#rafe cameron angst#ward when i catch you ward
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cinders acceptance
D had been buried. six feet down exactly to the inch, Cinder said something sad and warm, nothing he really remembered now. He did not remember much now that the chaotic mass that was his father lay bare writhing and changing, melting into himself then exploding outward in blood and gore.
cinder knew fear was the proper response but all he felt was disgust. This was a god? A creature posturing trying to seem scarier than it was. Truly it was pitiful, not even the freaks in his home village felt the need to do that, how sad. A god less confident than mortals.
"You reject your purpose." Bhaals voice rumbled through Cinder.
" No I reject the purpose you wished for me to have."
"I am a god I need not wish."
"Clearly untrue but sure."
"You are insolent and a failure, I come here not to convince you, as you are so clearly useless at the one thing I created you for" at this rejection Cinders pride crumbled to dust, he wished for his father to beg. For his worth to be confirmed, and for some odd reason being rejected by evil did not bring that satisfaction "You were to kill without apology and yet you let the lesser haunt your dreams? How foolish. How utterly pitiful. I need not a son whose self-worth is shaken by the end of a life as brief as the human."
"Then what are you here for?" Cinder was barely audible
"To deliver punishment. Until your death those you killed in my church will haunt your dreams as a reminder of what happens when a god is disobeyed, in addition to them this blade, the one you stole from me” a large knife like sword came barrelling down from the sky with a blue tint along the metal "will be the only weapon that will stay in your hand, it holds the soul of the very first shark to exist, my pet, Samehada, and she will eat anything touching the weapon. Including your hand. I cannot wait to devour your toils and troubles." The blade rushed forward and cleaved cinder in two.
As he shot up right fear unseating his heart from its cavernous home. He could have sworn an army of scorpion burrowed their way into his skin.
#oc info#oc stuff#dnd character#dnd ocs#my ocs#ocs#short story#writers on tumblr#writers and poets#writerscommunity#writeblr#writing#female writers#young writer#begginer writer#angs#trauma#emotions are hard
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Just Let Me Breath

"He cupped his hands and filled them, then ran them over his bare face.
He felt the marks of his eternal scars pass under his fingertips.
Hard lines of memories that had branded him, preventing him from forgetting every time he saw his face in the mirror. That was why he never looked at himself.
That was why he did not want anyone to look at him."
Ghost has a dissociation moment.
Warnings: Angst, Dissociation, Derealization, Panic Attack, Anxiety
Please, If you don’t feel confident to read it, just don’t! Take care!
It was a cold mid-November evening.
The base was completely silent, except for the few soldiers on watch for the evening.
Price had let the guys from Task Force 141 off so they could rest before their new mission somewhere in Europe.
The captain had gone back to his office to sort out some paperwork. Gaz had run back to his room as soon as he had been given the all-clear. Ghost had intended to return to his room to get just enough rest, but Soap would not let him go until the middle of the night.
It was just past midnight.
The sergeant and lieutenant were in a quiet little room on the base. They had decided to pass the time by playing cards, chatting - Soap especially - and drinking something strong to help them fall asleep better later.
"Boom! - the sergeant threw a double pair onto the table - how do ye respond to this excellent play, LT?" he observed him amused with a big grin on his face. Proud of his cards.
Ghost looked at him. He felt the corners of his mouth turn up just enough to give the idea of a small smile under his balaclava.
Ghost slowly lowered the cards in his hand, a scale of alternating black and red cards ascending from number four to eight.
"Shite..." huffed Soap as he rolled his eyes and tapped his thigh with one hand.
He then moved to settle himself better in the chair. His hands slid over his face and lightly tapped his cheeks. He took the shot glass and poured himself some Drambuie, a liquor his parents had left him the last time he had visited them.
He raised his glass slightly and after carefully contemplating his choice, downed the contents in one gulp.
When he had finished he banged the glass so hard on the table that Ghost was already thinking of Price's face when he found out the next day that Soap had broken something because he was half drunk. Fortunately, nothing broke.
"Whoa! - Johnny shook his head left and right as if to clear his hangover, then looked Ghost straight in the eye with new resolve, his Scottish accent growing stronger - A'm waantin' a rematch!"
"Whatever you say, McTavish," replied the superior calmly, amused.
The two spent another half hour playing and when it was time to return to the room, Ghost was forced to help the sergeant.
In no time at all, he had drained about half the liquor he had brought and was now unable to stand.
"LT... - called him back chuckling - how come yer not as drunk as me? Ye've been drinking too..." he hummed drunkenly.
"I can hold my liquor just fine Johnny"
"Tis nae fair though..." he pouted.
"I want tae be like ya when I grow up..." he joked chuckling.
Ghost took a few seconds before replying.
"You'll be better than me, Johnny."
"Hmm. Maybe, but I'll never be as cool as ye" and laughed belly-first.
Ghost felt himself smiling slightly.
It had been so long since he had spent the evening pressed in the company of someone who could make him feel good and prevent his mind from returning to all those horrible memories of the past.
When he was with Johnny, he felt like Simon Riley, not Ghost.
But this thought, as nice as it was, made him uncomfortable. A certain sense of anxiety and nausea tightened his chest.
Johnny had been able to bring a part of Ghost out into the open, something he had been hiding for years since it had fallen into Manuel Roba's hands.
Maybe the man wasn't completely dead. Right...?
'Lt! - Soap snapped his fingers in front of his eyes to rouse him from his trance - we're here!" he laughed.
"Hmm," he muttered in agreement.
Johnny took the room keys from the pocket of his military suit trousers and with difficulty managed to slip them into the keyhole. With a turn he opened the door.
"Finally some rest!" he sniggered as he made his way to his perfectly made-up bed according to the strict rules of the barracks.
With a leap, the sergeant threw himself onto the mattress and moved over the sheets to find a good sleeping position, crumpling and unravelling them.
Despite not being a dog person, Ghost had always thought that Johnny actually resembled a Golden Retriever in character, especially when he was drunk.
Seeing him tossing and turning on the sheets, it felt like watching a dog turn in the kennel before going to sleep.
"LT...! - Johnny called him back in a whiny voice - goodnight!" and smiled at him through wide smile before resting his head on the pillow and falling asleep.
Ghost watched him for a few seconds before turning on his heels.
"'Night Johnny" he mumbled, grinning slightly as he closed the door behind him.
The corridor was silent.
Ghost's footsteps could not be heard, that was a characteristic of him. He had been trained to be a weapon, and as such he had to be able to move silently, on the tips of his toes, to sneak up on his enemies and sever their carotid artery with a single blow from behind.
Even if he had wanted to, that part of himself would never have changed and no matter how hard he tried, some of the things Roba and his people had put in his head, he would never be able to forget them, many of the traumas had changed him so much that they left everlasting scars in his mind.
He took a long breath as he began to feel his heart beat faster.
Remembering what he had been through was certainly not helpful, especially if he already had to deal with these traumas at night with nightmares that lasted for hours on end and always woke him up with his throat closed and tears threatening to fall down his cheeks.
With long strides he finished walking down the corridor and after entering his room he slowly closed the door behind him, making sure the key made two turns in the keyhole. Being cautious and anticipating any possible enemy attack, especially in his sleep, was one of the answers to the traumas he had been carrying around since his return to action.
He removed his boots and jacket, carefully placing them in order near the entrance.
He glanced at the clock on the bedside table by the bed. 00:43.
He could feel his heart still in his throat, pounding and pounding in his ears.
Quickly he headed for the bathroom and with a sudden gesture tore the skull balaclava off his head, a reminder of what he had become.
He did not even look at himself in the mirror and turned on the water in the sink. He cupped his hands and filled them, then ran them over his bare face.
He felt the marks of his eternal scars pass under his fingertips.
Hard lines of memories that had branded him, preventing him from forgetting every time he saw his face in the mirror. That was why he never looked at himself. That was why he did not want anyone to look at him.
He wiped water over his face several times, as if unconsciously trying to eliminate all traces of the growing anxiety he felt in his chest.
Anxiety about what then?
He didn't know either, but his mind travelled so fast that it could be anything: the mission, the night, the nightmares, his relationship with Johnny and the other team members, his fear of not being enough...
All kinds of thoughts of this kind ran through his unconscious continuously, without giving him a moment of peace.
He just wanted to be able to breathe.
To forget everything he had suffered for, but he knew that would be impossible.
He looked up and saw himself in the mirror.
He had done it without realising it and now he regretted it.
His face was milky white, decorated with heavy and numerous pink scars cutting across his forehead, neck, jaw and lips, and his nose was slightly crooked from all the blows he had suffered.
He looked into his eyes, so dark brown that he wasn't sure if he was really looking at the colour of the irises or inside his soul.
He felt and saw his eyebrows arch imperceptibly upwards. The corners of his eyes began to itch uncomfortably.
His hands clung tightly to the edge of the sink to seek support with the reality he knew was disappearing.
For a few seconds he still saw himself reflected in the mirror, then he saw nothing more.
His head was whirling dangerously and his mouth was completely dry. He felt his legs and arms begin to stop supporting him. His balance was precarious.
For a tiny fraction of time he remembered standing in the bathroom, facing the mirror.
The more he looked at himself, the more he wondered if that person in front of him was really him, Ghost, not Simon. He tried to convince himself of that somehow.
He was certain that Simon was no longer there.
But then who was that man in front of him?
In a few moments consciousness slipped from his hands, before returning to his mind, all of a few seconds apart.
He had to force himself to remember where he was, who he was.
His mind was distracted and before long he found himself immersed in a strange, but not unusual feeling of disorientation.
Now he was no longer sure where he was.
Blurred images appeared before his eyes and when he tried to close them he could not.
His head spun lighter, increasing the feeling of nausea that knocked at the pit of his stomach.
He suddenly felt his body become weak, as if he were floating.
Then he saw him, or rather, he saw himself.
The man before him was standing somewhere, not sure where he was.
He could see his blond hair, but his face was blurred.
What did he look like?
He knew, of course he knew!
So why couldn't he remember?
When he saw him turn around, he felt the taste of bile rise beyond his stomach, up his esophagus.
The blond-haired man had the face of a skull, no eyes, no mouth, just an aggregation of pieces of bone.
He felt a slight movement and his mind began to whirl again, wiping the man out of sight.
His name reached his ears in a distant, distorted way.
He turned his gaze to see where it came from, but no one came forward.
Around him only darkness.
Darkness, darkness and being alone.
He shifted his eyes left and right, above and below, where he hoped to find a light, something to help him escape the sudden panic he felt in his chest.
He felt his body as if lying down.
And suddenly the blurred but familiar image of the coffin's interior took him by surprise.
The air began to run out quickly.
He tried to move within that cramped space to find something useful to get out, again.
The jaw... he thought as he felt around, only to realise he couldn't move.
He was going to die there.
He had managed to escape the first time, but he had been pardoned and now, by some strange twist of fate, he would have to relive those interminable minutes again without being able to move or breathe.
His life would end there.
The same voice reached him a second time, more clearly.
He closed his eyes tightly.
He tried to struggle as much as he could, to no avail.
He had to escape at any cost!
When he opened them wide, he was no longer in the coffin.
He felt he could breathe better, however with difficulty.
He looked around again and saw for the second time the so familiar body of a man with ash-blond hair.
He was standing, his shoulders arched slightly forward.
He approached.
He saw him trembling.
He looked closely at his face: his eyes were fixed in front of him, lost in something that even he did not know what it was. He could see that he was biting down hard on his upper lip, just enough to be bleeding. His cheeks were streaked with tears.
It pained him to see that man suffer like that.
Who was he pitying?
That man?
Who was he?
Who was that man?
Where was he?
Shit...! Shit!
It's all right...!
... Johnny?
He opened his eyes wide.
His head was spinning as if in a spiral, his vision was still blurry.
He felt his quick breath go in and out of his mouth.
He had to stop. He had to catch his breath.
His heart was pounding loudly in his ears.
He had to regain his self-awareness somehow.
Three things he could smell.
The faint smell of the shampoo he had used the day before. The aftershave. The faint smell of cigarettes.
Three things he could touch.
His sweatpants. His arm. The cold edge of the sink.
Three things he could see.
His hands clinging desperately to the sanitary. His toothbrush in a glass on the small cupboard nearby. Himself in the reflection.
Inhale. Exhale.
Ghost closed his eyes and forcefully ran his hands over his face.
He needed to detach himself from that mirror. He needed to get out of there.
He ran a hand through his hair as he shakily made his way to the bedroom.
The anxiety was still there, but he felt decidedly more self-conscious.
He saw the balaclava on the floor and bent to pick it up.
Putting it on meant going back to being Ghost, the man he was meant to be. A confidence to gain full control of his body.
He passed the mask around his head and took a deep breath.
A - wrong - feeling of peace embraced him, making him feel safer.
He sat on the edge of the bed taking his face, now masked, in his hands.
He took more long breaths trying to calm himself in the last moment of the panic attack.
He looked up and glanced at the clock. 1:03.
Only a quarter of an hour had passed since he had entered his bedroom after leaving Johnny drunk in his room.
The feeling of helplessness seized him, making him break into a cold sweat.
So little had passed and he had experienced the moment as if it had been hours.
He could not remember what had happened, but he must have had a moment of derealisation and dissociation, something he had been experiencing for years, but was not used to.
How had he managed to come to his senses this time?
His mind strained to remember.
The memory of a male voice, heard many times before, made its way from his unconscious.
"Johnny...- he sighed quietly, his eyes open in amazement- fuck..."
He didn't know if that was good or bad.
He knew that the sergeant could be trusted enough by now.
He didn't want him to get too close to Ghost. He didn't want him to run away once he got to know him better and especially didn't want to risk putting him in danger.
On the other hand, however, a deep desire in his heart wanted someone to at least try to help him, to save him from the idea of a life lived only as Ghost and not also as Simon, who in one way or another still existed in his mind.
He was afraid that a good soul like Johnny might change him, not knowing what awaited him once he got so close to someone.
Ghost shifted on the bed to stand with his back against the wall, the pillow behind his back.
He curled in on himself, closing his legs and tucking them against his chest.
He hid his head between his knees and his hands gripped his feet tightly.
He would wait until he fell asleep, then the day would begin with a wake-up call and preparations for the mission ahead.
Everything would be exactly as it always was.
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Hi everyone, I write Trigun fanfics on AO3 if anyone is interested in reading them!
#trigun#vash the stampede#fanfic#fanfiction#trigun stampede#trigun 1998#millions knives#nicholas d. wolfwood#meryl stryfe#trigun fanfiction#ao3#read on a03#i wrote it#great read#angs#trigun angst#trigun anime
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Dillemas on Birthdays
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I miss angst.
I have a few things I want to wrap up. Then… ANGST.
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#drew this for a friend#enkidoodles#alien stage#ALNST#ivantill#ivan#till#alnst till#alsnt ivan#comic#im so sorry if u guys cant understand my handwritingkekf#pls excuse the color choices....and the windows .... everything#ooc but its cuz theres no aliens = ivan knows how to express his love and till has time#ty for the opm song suggestions in the tags im adding it rn#skl guys medj hiya ako sa pagpost nito kasi parang ang corny 😭 pero thats our brand anyways so HAHA
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How I love them , who would know😭💜💛
#painting#digital art#mo dao zu shi#yunmeng jiang#jiang wanyin#a-ling ang his jiujiu#jin ling#mdzs#lotus pier#digital artist#small artist#canon jiang cheng#jin ling and his jiujiu
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Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger Brokeback Mountain (2005) dir. Ang Lee
Elio Marcuzzo and Massimo Girotti Ossessione (1943) dir. Luchino Visconti
#Brokeback Mountain#Ossessione#Jake Gyllenhaal#Heath Ledger#Elio Marcuzzo#Massimo Girotti#Ang Lee#Luchino Visconti#parallels#guys#movies#lgbt media#vintage gay#gay subtext#*#**#filmedit#lgbtedit#holesrus
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