#where's my scottie hottie
juicesgf · 2 months
❝ 𝑺𝑪𝑶𝑻𝑻𝒀 𝑫𝑶𝑬𝑺𝑵'𝑻 𝑲𝑵𝑶𝑾 ❞ | ʜᴀʀʀʏ ᴄᴏʟʟᴇᴛᴛ
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Summary: Harry doesn’t like your boyfriend, neither do you. What better to do than fuck him in his van?
Warnings: pure smut, 0 plot, cheating, cursing, unprotected p in v (no no) , Harry is a hottie ,
A/n: Listened to this song and had to write a smut abt it🙏
“What would scotty think, hm?” Harry teased, his hand pushing your head down his length further. “What would he think if he knew my cock was shoved down his girls throat? Oh that’s right your mine” He cooed before throwing his head back letting out a moan. “Fuck” he murmured before lifting your head off him, “I wanna cum inside you” He stated before fixing your guys position so he was now hovering over you, he slid his length between your folds for a moment, coating himself in your wetness before he slid himself into you.
You both let out a moan as you moved your hand to grip his curls, tugging on them, wanting him impossibly closer. “Need you.” You whispered
“You have me baby” He smirked, his pace quickening.
“Need more” you pouted, bringing his face closer to yours, “Kiss me”
You didn’t have to tell him twice, he smashed his lips onto yours, the kiss had been sloppy. You didn’t know how long you both stayed like that but you broke apart, the sound of your phone ringing snapping you from your daze.
You looked at the floor of his van beside you both towards where you threw your phone, noticing your boyfriend’s name flash across it.
The sight only encouraged Harry’s thrusts, “You gonna answer him?” He questioned, reaching for your phone
“No!” You cried out, pulling him back to you, “Don’t stop” You begged, bucking your hips towards him.
He let out a throaty laugh as he lifted your phone towards your face, “Say hi for me baby” He murmured before answering the call.
“Babe?” You heard your boyfriend’s voice come through the phone. “You there?”
“H—Hi” You blurted out, trying to push Harry away, but it only made him slam into you harder, his smirk growing.
“Where are you?” Scott questioned, “The mall closed an hour ago.” He informed.
“ m close!” You blurted out, trying to hold back your moans.
“You’re almost here?” Scott questioned again, his tone growing weary
“Yes! No— I-“ You rambled, feeling your high grow closer. “I have to go!” You cried out, grabbing your phone and hanging up before throwing it somewhere in the van once more. “Fuck!” You moaned feeling Harry come inside you, leading you to finish.
Harry let out a laugh, as he continued to tower over you, his eyes never once leaving yours. “You didn’t say hi for me” He fake pouted.
All you could do was nudge him as you let out a breath.
“Another day down” He smiled placing a kiss on your forehead. “Scotty doesn’t know.” He murmured placing sloppy kisses all over your face.
Scottys gotta go.
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wrasslin-lps · 5 months
Smackdown vs Raw!: Part 6 - The Royal Rumble
Kurt Angle makes an announcement in the ring - with the Royal Rumble 4 weeks away, the winner will get their championship shot at Backlash instead of Wrestlemania.
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The stakes for the next three matches couldn’t be higher - the more you win, the higher your number, and the later you’ll enter the Rumble. If LuLu wants to show the snow apes, he’ll need to win every match and the Royal Rumble.
After masticating Scotty 2 Hotty with my new finisher, the shattered dreams LuLu rises from number 1 to number 11. Big Show is in at 10, LuLu is in at 11, and the Undertaker is at 12.
Another match against Bobcore Bob Holly, and LuLu loses it. FUCK. The only consolation is that the Undertaker and Big Show also lost, so we all stay static.
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You could never tell who the Create-A-Character is
Big Show politely wishes LuLu and ‘Taker luck, and ‘Taker calls them both losers and says they’re two easy eliminations. LuLu and Big Show sadly shake their head and leave… while Undertaker makes a phone call…
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The Undertaker is my favourite so I need to stress he doesn’t say “Great! Thanks a lot!”. He just says the second half, and it sounds cool and sinister. Kurt Angle talks to the three of us, and tells us our next match will be a no-DQ triple threat.
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LuLu will not win from 11 he needs to win this match - not just not lose.
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God the Undertaker is so cool…
The match begins, and they all immediately exit the ring to grab weapons. Undertaker and Show bicker over a mallet, while LuLu grabs the ol’ reliable. There’s some brawling when, shock and horror, Chris Benoit from Raw shows up!!! And does very little, but it was still a surprise.
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His main contribution was to grab people’s legs and trigger an animation where they point at him and complain for a little while, which left them vulnerable. Ultimately, the Big Show hit his weird finishing move on the Undertaker but got his leg grabbed, which let LuLu swoop in and pin the Undertaker to win.
After the match, Benoit and Undertaker beat Show and LuLu up even though it was the Undertaker pinned by - gah whatever
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Backstage, Bischoff smugly and evily reveals his evil plan. The Undertaker’s contract expires after Wrestlemania, so he poached him with the plan for the Undertaker to win the matches, Royal Rumble and defeat WWE Champion JBL, so he could then head to RAW and dump the WWE Championship in the trash to humiliate Smackdown.
The plan has objectively failed since the Undertaker was pinned and will enter the match early, but hey ho. It’s time for the Royal Rumble!!!
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Number 1 & 2: Christian and U.S Champion Booker T. If LuLu loses, it should be a fellow King like Booker.
3. Edge
4. Rob Van Dam
5. Ric Flair, WOOOOOO
6. The Undertaker, nice and early.
Undertaker effortlessly throws out RVD in matter of seconds, fuck he might be better than me.
7. Tajiri
Tajers kicks the shit out of the Undertaker and forces him to flee. Undertaker is then able Gorilla Press throw Christian out!
8. Oooh, Chavo~
Undertaker gets his revenge and throws out Tajiri, sad.
9. Bobcore Holly
Undertaker throws Booker T over the top rope and kicks him out - and in comes…
A coalition force of the Undertaker and Holly throws out Edge. In less than 10 seconds, the Big Show and the Undertaker throw out Bobcore Holly as well
11. Rhyno
Chavo, in the 10 seconds between Rhyno and the next guy showing up, seems to fall out of the ring by mistake
12. D-Von Dudley, the monster Bubba’s half brother
13. A-Train
Undertaker throws Big Show over the top rope, but Ric Flair narrowly saves Show. It’s for naught - while Flair does his finisher on D-Von and Undertaker brawls with Rhyno, A-Train swiftly throws out Big Show
14. Mark Jindrak
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A-Train is tossed out by Undertaker, and just as I was musing that Ric Flair is an iron man, he’s thrown as well by D-Von and Rhyno. Jindrak is the one to slay the Undertaker, and finally someone enters after the chaos. “There are decades where nothing happens, and weeks where decades happen.” I believe Lenin was describing exactly this, a wrestling video game.
15. Batista
16. Garrison Cade
17. The monster Bubba Ray
Batista gorilla slams out D-Von, and Bubba throws out Jindrak.
18. Rico
19. Matt Hardy? More like Hardly!
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Rhyno is the only survivor in the first screenshot.., and alas, Cade eliminates him.
20. Scotty 2 Hotty
While I was jotting this down, Bubba was somehow eliminated. Oops! Thank god I don’t have to fight him!
21. Lualito Luckstar
LuLu storms into the ring, full of piss and vinegar, and does his best to avoid any fighting. Scotty 2 Hotty throws out Rico, and when LuLu went to try and help LuLu accidentally attacked him, throwing himself into a fight.
22. Charlie Hass
Scotty 2 Hotty and Matt Hardly (repeating in case you missed the subtle joke the first time) team up to throw out Batista
23. Renee DuPree
Hass and LuLu team up to throw Cade, while DuPree returns to where he last left off and started beating the shit out of LuLu
24. Rey Mysterio
LuLu throws out Charlie Hass!
25. Shelton Benjamin
LuLu and Scotty 2 Hotty team up to throw out Matt Hardly (You see Hardy sounds like Hardly, please clap). Scotty then spends about a minute throwing LuLu over the top rope and failing to eliminate him before getting bored and wondering off.
26. Triple H
LuLu finally throws out Scotty 2 Hotty with help from DuPree, and than they both throw out Shelton Benjamin. A heartwarming friendship is emegring!
27. Chris Jericho
28. Chris Benoit, still not gonna mention it
Triple H and Benoit throw at poor Rey Mysterio
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29. Eddie Guerrero
Chris Jericho throws LuLu into the Walls of Jericho submission, and then Benoit puts him in the Crippler Crossface, and LuLu cannot tap out this is just torture. LuLu further endures an agonisingly close call from Triple H and Benoit before running away to return to his vaunted “coward” tactic. It fails - he’s thrown out by Triple H, and we never learn who number 30 is, or who even won.
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I forgot to screenshot it, but please picture LuLu looking sad
It’s Smackdown. Kurt Angle and Vince McMahon are talking in their office - and well, they’re perfectly clear.
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Funny how that works. Booker T, the US Champion, is a black man. And these two whyte men want two black men to tear each other apart, pursuing the US title. It’s sickening, isn't it? A truly bitter premise. LuLu is himself clear.
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McMahon warns LuLu - this was his personal idea, and he would be personally offended if LuLu turns him down. 
Too bad, cracker.
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He is objectively correct in this assessment of LuLu
McMahon is enraged, and promises to visit Smackdown to teach the wrestlers here to respect authority!
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Holy shit an actual cliffhanger
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Saved By The Cavalry Of Calvary
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I get in the blacked out OPS van. Ant is in the driver's seat, grinning at me as I close the passenger door. "Hey kiddo. Sorry for the hasty evac, but you know how Boss Hog can be." His brown eyes sparkle and his jawline is covered in his customary salt and pepper five o'clock shadow. I can tell he is enjoying readying his Evac team consisting of my brother-in-law, Paul, Lincoln, Scottie "Too Hottie," Thaddeus & "The Irish Curse," Tina, and the newest member, Nicholas Steele. Lincoln is the first face I see. I wave in acknowledgment and he waves back. A fellow introvert, Lincoln is the logistics guy. Putting the OPS plan in Lincoln hands, Ant knows the evac to Boss Hogs' high-end safe-house will be well planned with every outcome, predictable and extraordinary, meticulously accounted for. Thad's are the next eyes I meet. I smile wide, a short burst of laughter escapes my lips as he salutes me, our little inside joke about his malediction regarding the Emerald Isle. Tina is next to meet my eyes. Her half grin lights up the "Resting Bitch Face" we both have in common. Lucky for Tina, no one ever tells her she'd be prettier if she just smiled. Tina is beautiful which means her RBF is considered sultry and mysterious. Scottie "Too Hottie" looks to me from his scout position at the rear of the van where threats to my safety could be quickly eliminated. He winks at me before turning back to his surveillance duties. I don't know the newest member too well and we nod at each other in greeting as I think back to our first meeting at the Agency's recruitment talent acquisition photo shoot. When it comes to marketing for the Agency, Stella O'Neil is extraordinary at picking out the best mascots. There was Betty Paige, a beautiful Greek goddess, tall and athletic, a fitness model in her former life. Terry Jo and Peter Lund, the power couple, Taleal from Afghanistan, along with Hanh Nguyen. Stella introduced Nick to me as Detective Nicholas Steele and I gave her a knowing look as a comment to the Rookie's full name. "That is the most perfect porn name." I say to Stella, not knowing my inside voice carried over to the place in the corner of the room where Detective Steele was seated. "It's not a porn name." Nicholas says pointedly to me. Stella whispers to me, "he's really religious, devoted Christian. And he's an Ugly Duckling." Stella's eyes light up mischievously giving me the giggles. I'm going to have fun with this one." I say to Stella looking at Detective Steele watching us with suspicion.
©Aquarian Society Publishing
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booksandwords · 1 year
Hottie Scotty and Mr. Porter by R. Cooper
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Read time: 1 Days Rating: 4/5 Stars
The Quote: “where are they finding these men?” “I have no idea. Whatever the nosy straight lady version of Grindr is” — Cole and Scott
Hottie Scotty and Mr. Porter is the story of thirty-year-old Scott "Scotty" Yun and forty-two-year-old Henry “Cole” Porter in Montgomery, CA. It is fairly simple and tropey, which leads to some predictability. But it's not about the destination as much as it is the journey. I will say the ending is perfect. Firefighter and EMT Scotty is a human and flawed character. He often sees himself as simply a body, something that those around him don't help with. Because they don't notice how he sees himself or don't realise the issue with it. Scotty uses his good humour and natural charisma to shield his hurt, there is unsurprisingly trauma in play here. His human attitude gives him a slightly flawed narration to a degree. I'm happy we got to meet Angie, Scotty's sister. She is such a positive female character. I just wish we got to see Scotty with his niece and nephew, Cole too because they love him.
Being a small town there aren't many gay men in Montgomery, one of Scotty's previous hook-ups is Cole. Librarian Cole is older than Scotty and quite happy with his life as it is despite the death of his husband, the one who wanted to move to Montgomery in the first place. He is happy with his books, his library, and his baking, the last thing he really wants is a committed lover. Cole is an on-point librarian, the tbr piles, a passion for reading and a fierce defence of the role of libraries in modern society. I appreciate the addition of baking to the mix it just makes him appear so comfortable and contrasts delightfully with his bedroom attitude. He also owns a cat (because we do love a tbh fairly accurate stereotype) and Honey is cute af. She is a freaking mercenary though, smart but a mercenary. Kathy The b***h gets what she deserves, I read book 2 is this series first I liked having the context for what this woman did to warn our wrath. And earn she did, no spoilers as to what she does.
I'm going to add quotes as per usual. But there are so, so many quotes here.
Scott shrugged, more awkwardly this time. “Among other things. Friends. We’re still friends. Although, I wouldn’t say we were, like, lovers or anything. More like roommates with occasional benefits. And if we went out anywhere, I was more of a purse.” “Purse?” Cole’s eyebrow were doing that up and down thing again, interested but unhappy. He had the line between his eyes, too. Scott took his time straightening the strap of his bag where it dug into his elbow. “There to look good on his arm.” He thought of Kathy’s book and the men on the cover, but didn’t turn to glance at it. “Purse,” Cole said again, almost in disbelief. “In my day, we said eye candy.” — I have never heard Purse for this term. Somehow it feels even more derogatory than eye candy or arm candy which is a term I've heard used. This is an example of Scott's comfort with his physical appearance and the impact it has on others but the hurt it has caused him. (Scott, Cole and Kathy)
He blamed Kathy and her friends for this, and so many of his problems. Shortly after that night at the mayor’s house, they had outed him, and while he hadn’t been hiding anything, it still should have been his choice who to tell and when to tell it. — B***h outing is never okay. And like this? Even worse. Feels like it was revenge. Ugh, there are so many reasons to dislike this woman. As is the point.
“Eric wasn’t much of a reader either. Except for airport mysteries.” Cole made a tiny, exasperated noise, then shook his head. “They drove him crazy, but I think he liked to pick them apart, like a reverse puzzle. His work was stressful. Falling into stories took more effort for him. Or maybe he felt enough in his daily life that he didn’t need the catharsis of a good book.” (Cole) & Scott imagined they had fought a little because Cole liked books so much and Eric hadn’t, but a good kind of fight, playful. Something to keep the smile in Cole’s voice at the memory. “Despite what people think of computer nerds, he was very good with feelings—and puzzles.” — These are such are perfect veiled complements. Running or working out is Scott's version of reading, his version of Eric's puzzles. They are Scott's way of processing and relaxing. We all have them they are just all individual. (Cole)
“What should we toast to?” Scott had to ask something, and that was better than everything else he could have said. “It’s been a while since I’ve done shots.” Cole considered his glass, then Scott. “Do we need a reason?” “Oh, yeah.” Scott nodded. “Otherwise you just have a drinking problem.” —(Scott and Cole)
“I’ll see what my wife has to say about that.” Tiny let him lean. “She’d probably be into it. You city folks….” “You sound pretty into it,” — I really wish we'd met Tiny's wife, Rhonda. There are lines in this and in the second book that me really like her. There are also moments that make me think Tiny is really not as straight as he would like people to believe. He sorta feels like at least bi-curious. (Tiny and Scott)
“She does this. I think she knows when I’ll be by.” He stepped over the ditch into Cole’s yard and stared directly at Cole’s stubborn cat. “Honey, you have to come down if you want me to pet you. I’m not going up there.” — Honey. You are a weird cat and I like you. Bacio (Jimmy's dog) was just as cute but in a different situation. (Scott)
Honey and Bacio made me wonder about the contrasting tropes for the books. Cole and Scotty (Hottie Scotty and Mr. Porter) are an opposites attract couple. Javier and Jimmy (For Better or Worse) are grump/sunshine and friends to lovers as is only right with a demi in play. What I will say is that this book is much more overtly sexual though no less heartfelt and longing than its sequel.
I really regret not reading this before I read For Better or Worse which is Javier and Jimmy's story. They do stand alone but Scotty and Cole's story explains why Kathy and the knitting circle are so awful. We meet parts of the Fire Family and see just how far they are willing to go for their own. That scene in the bar is a whole other level of wtf straight people?? Though Scotty was right that was definitely Javi behind him. I kinda wish that moment appeared in For Better or Worse it would have been torture for Jimmy to watch. The frustration, the jealousy, the want and all to Javi's obliviousness. Because in his words in For Better or Worse “I don’t really notice things like this. Everything looks like friendly teasing if you don’t know what sexual tension is. I get confused.”
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teacherintransition · 2 years
Three Suitcases…Three Boxes …Three Dogs*
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We’ve Got This Moving Thing Down to A Science…
…no an art, we got it down to an art.
In less than twenty four hours, Kim and I will be moving to our latest home and abode in Georgetown, Texas. This makes our fourth “home” in a year; fifth if you count three and a half weeks in Ireland and Scotland. Alexandria, La; Granbury, Tx; Georgetown, Tx; of course Nacogdoches, Tx have been our home addresses from January 2022 to the present. It has been an awesome adventure with surprising changes, challenges, a variety of experiences we NEVER expected to have in our mid fifties. We love doing this and are anxious to get on the road.
Surprisingly, or perhaps not so surprising, a lot of people ask questions that seem to reflect negativity rather than positivity. “Don’t you miss your house? “What about getting behind with your mail? “Don’t the new people seem strange? “Why…what’s wrong with Nacogdoches?” Sweet baby Jeebus! Really? The good questions deal with the terrain, restaurants, outdoor activities, bars …a general feeling of being excited for us and with us. If it was miserable, we wouldn’t do it …duh! I don’t dare say; aw hell, it’s me …I do dare say, I’m tired of thirty years of the same thing. Occasionally I bring out the real cognitive dissonance artillery of, “I will not live out my days in East Texas. Those reading will have one of two reactions: “oh yeah, I hear ya” or “well, I love it here …hmmmmpf!” Whatever floats your boat.
Then of course there are the questions of logistics and practicality; “how do you move your stuff? The question of how we decide what to take with us soon follows. I can deal with this; it doesn’t imply rejection or judgement…two things I don’t dig. An old high school compadre who has lived in Georgetown for over twenty years, who I’ll refer to as “Scottie too Hottie,” offered to help us move in to our digs. To which I replied, “no worries dude …piece of cake; three suitcases, three boxes, three dogs…BAM! You can just buy me beer!” I was open to his to retort, which he did with, “dude, that’s insanely easy.” Now, to put that ease into perspective; the travel nursing agency hooks up with a number of Airbnbs that are furnished and kitchens outfitted…SCORE! Still, we have mastered the skill of traveling light and Kim is the maestra of efficient packing for campsites to travel abroad; she sees it as her own personal challenge. Remember, whatever floats your boat.
Reluctant to use the term, minimalism, but I shall; is definitely in play here. First thing is we want the three months where we are staying to feel homey. We selectively pick out several framed family photographs to place strategically around the abode. We load up our pantry staples and perishable goods and a three months supply of dog food for the herd. For the sake of clarity, the three suitcases, three boxes and three dogs are on my end; what Kim packs is a little more extensive because of her work needs. (Laptop, printer, GI manuals, nursing uniforms etc.) I shall speak no further on that…rest assured, she packs efficiently.
Back to the basics of my Three Suitcases…Three Boxes …Three Dogs. Since retiring, the bulk of my wardrobe consists of t-shirts, long sleeve t-shirts, shorts, one pair of jeans, two pairs of shoes and my unmentionables. I pack toiletries, my prescriptions and such. Included are a couple of jackets and hats in the three suitcases…almost bare minimum. In the boxes, are stuff I NEED! Books …muchos libros, my iPad for writing, doggie leashes, sketch books, my art supplies, my walking stick, envelopes for orders, bottles for refreshment and my ceramic Buddha. Finally, two Pomeranians and a loving English bulldog! I’m set. All of these things are considered quite carefully on the following questions. What do I want to do; what will I need to have …and then pack sparsely.
This is a transition situation: eliminate all but a few obligatory considerations. I couldn’t do that before as an educator, some folks when they retire choose not to eliminate them…I thrive on doing this. My obligation on the road is relegated to Kim, my herd and my passions. (Writing, Art, exploring, traveling) If all this sounds a bit bohemian or beatnikish…it’s because it is. We are fortunate beyond words to be able to travel as much as we do. This was one of the major goals of changing my life. Covid kept us grounded for so long, I feared it wouldn’t happen; but here we are. I won’t be burdened by anything that holds us back and only want to collect adventures. Fortunate happenstance made this happen; it could only have happened after my thirty year career and a total of forty five years of working; some folks wouldn’t want it. But for me, I only want to go everywhere and anywhere that only requires Three Suitcases…Three Boxes …Three Dogs!
*Title Idea from Radolpho of The Great Quadrumvirate
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (247): Fri 18th Nov 2022
Today on Twitter Scotty 2 Hotty posted that he wouldn’t wrestle a woman and urged promotors to stop trying to make this happen. I commented asking him if Brian Cage started identifying as a woman would he refuse to wrestle Brian Cage…I was quickly blocked.
News broke today that Neighbours is actually coming back. Less than four months after being given the boot by Channel 5 Amazon has decided to pick it up. This has got to be the shortest cancellation in the history of television. I genuinely think there are pizza boxes in my room that have been there since before the final episode aired. When news broke that the show was originally going to be axed the press releases said that the producers couldn’t find a new broadcaster “in time”. This didn’t necessarily mean that broadcasters weren’t interested, I think it was more that they couldn’t work out a new deal in time to get new episodes filmed and ready to air by the time they’d agreed on a start date with a new broadcaster. I think this is evident in the fact that the finale was quite open ended so that if it was the actual end then it gave audiences a sense of closure but would be easy to revisit if they found a new deal somewhere down the line. I bet the producers are so happy they decided not to kill anyone off and not have an airplane land on Ramsey Street because that would be a tough fix. I saw a few people on Twitter reading negatively to the news saying that it’s dead and should stay dead but I just think that if this means that 100 or so people will be back in work and able to provide for their families then good for them. One person I reckon will be a bit angry about this news will be Kylie Minogue because now that the show is coming back this means that she spent an hour on the set and learned both her lines for absolutely no reason. I know that it will be tempting for the makers of the show to just pick up from where they left off but they could pull off the trolling of the century if they set the show in 2042, make the characters look older with makeup and just not address anything that has happened in the last 20 years.
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aritamargarita · 2 years
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WAKE UP BABE ARITA JUST POSTED ATTITUDE!! BY POPULAR DEMAND! i keep lying y’all… im sorry but here it is. look, tinier text! i kind of like this better?? that’s right folks i revised this entire chapter LOL you won’t be sorry…
tbh i don’t know where we are omfg i just know what episode we’re basing this, which is smackdown 11/22/2001, (which now that i look back i really messed up chronologically but AHHHHHHHH) oh well, im gonna do shows randomly ill jump from november to august if i have to omg
HOWEVER, you are starting to get regularly scheduled matches yessss. also ive noticed i accidentally kinda made the alignment heel-ish but at the same time leaning towards face?? tweener? tweener… i would also like to add that your moveset is like a mix of like liv morgan and sasha banks? maybe a SPRINKLE of alexa bliss???? fuck what anyone says YOU CAME FIRST YOU WERE THE BLUEPRINTTT wwe 2k22 stays on during writing
IM SPLITTING THIS UP BECAUSE ITS A LOT! this is 1/2, so keep your eyes peeled for #2. get hype for your match + lita takin you out to get smashed. (there’s something she needs to tell you!)
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Upon stretching with Trish, you held up the letter she gave you with two index fingers. “This is yours, right?”
The women’s champion recognized the letter immediately and withdrew from her position on the floor, suddenly pacing around. “Yeah. I left it there for you. Didn’t know ya’ found it so easily, hahah!” She threw out her arms in a dramatic fashion.
..It was kind of easy to tell she was nervous, even if it was a little bit. But you couldn’t blame her. The anticipation of seeing if someone liked your gift was very heart-racing.
But rest assured, you thought it was a nice gesture! She had no need to worry.
“It’s very nice,” You comment, holding the letter in your free hand while stretching the other towards your foot. “—the design, I mostly mean. I didn’t open it just yet, but I’m going to get around to it. I have like a bunch in my bag, so I need some time to sort through.”
“Right, right...” Trish suddenly snapped her fingers, remembering something important. “I’ve gotta get ready for my match! It’s supposed to be messy tonight.”
“Messy?” You repeat, your interest piqued.
“Gravy bowl. Like, a pool of gravy.”
“Exactly.” She laughed. “Oh well. I guess if I can have fun, it doesn’t matter what I do.”
“That’s the spirit, Miss Stratus,” You chime, standing up from your spot. “I’ll cheer you on from backstage, then I’ll just go home. I have literally nothing to do.”
“Huh? Don’t you have things to do today though?” She asked.
Trish shifted around in her bag for a moment before walking over and shoving a piece of paper in your face. “Read it, but don’t weep.”
Your eyes scanned down the lines of matches....
Holy handicap match! Did they seriously schedule that? But considering the segment that happened between you three previously..you didn’t put it past them that they’d do that.
But not only that, your eyes kept going until you landed on some words that were in tinier font at the bottom of the paper. Your name was written in the “segment mentions” section. Was that always there? They must have just recently added it, because you sure as hell never noticed.
You had thought about one of the other matches too. How interesting was that, to see Christian go against Edge for his title...it was champion versus champion just to get another championship. You’d have to remind yourself to give at least the both of them words of encouragement.
But she was right. You did have a segment. They must have updated the list at the last minute because you had no clue that you were supposed to do something for your show TONIGHT. You thought it was next week, but instead they decided to push it earlier. Ugh.
“Huh, who would’ve thought, right?”
“Get your stuff together, hotshot.” She taunted, a smile on her face.
“Get your stuff together, champ.” You fire back, shifting to a much more comfortable spot to reach your own belongings. You shove the card (coupled with a heart shaped box) into her face much like she did to yours. “This is for you. Weep all you want!”
“Color me surprised.” She says, taking the card from your hand. “I didn’t know you actually got me something. Thanks a lot, I’ll take a look after my match. See you.” With a small wave, she departed the locker room.
You wave back. You also didn’t want to ask Trish to come in earlier than she was scheduled to, she already had enough on her plate with that gravy match or whatever. It was fine if she came next week. The question was what could you do in substitution for that?
Suddenly, it hit you.
You’re supposed to be a heel right? Sure, you switched sides and were supposed to turn face, but who says your mean streak has to come full stop?
Those letters could definitely give you some leverage, and of course give you fake heat backstage for the sake of cementing your role.
All you needed was fake envelopes, a lighter, and the acceptance from creative to burn stuff. Maybe even sign some sort of waiver. Doesn’t matter. You didn’t care if it was in a parking lot or during your slot. You needed SOMETHING to get the interest out of the crowd.
...Is this how villains think? Just thinking about how mean you’d be was almost hilarious! It was so unlike you but being the enemy was fun. Sometimes.
Thanks to your very rushed purchases, you noticed that out of at least 25 cards, 10 were duplicates of others. You were only going to return the favor of whoever gave you one, so the rest were just trash, technically.
You could burn those! Perfect.
Now that that was settled, you had to think about handing out more gifts. Whoever you saw first got their gift first. As soon as you exited the room with the bag, you bumped into someone.
“Oops, sorry. I was just going in there.”
It was none other than Lita, who seemed to have pop up at the right moment. At least you wouldn’t have to go too far. However...the Hardyz were nowhere to be found. You’d at least think they’d be a little ways from her. Either way, time to kill two birds with one stone.
But unfortunately, she didn’t seem too happy. You impulsively asked the first thing on your mind: “Are you okay?”
“I guess.”
“....” You frown, but give a small shrug. “I’m willing to hear you out if it makes things better?”
Lita says nothing in response, thinking about your offer. She let out a huff and drags you right back into the locker room. She did not let go of your wrist either. “I…..We got in a fight. All three of us.”
“All three?” You question.
“Me, Matt, and Jeff. Matt was yelling at Jeff for his “terrible decisions”, and that’s when I got mad and told Matt off about his.” She shook her head. “So stupid. I told Matt to leave me alone and I stormed out. Now here I am.”
“That’s rough,” You say. Was it really your place to give advice? The damage had already been done and besides, this wasn’t exactly your battle. “—I’m sorry to hear you guys were arguing. But I think I can make your day a little better.” You hadn’t even realized Lita’s grip on your arm until you moved it slightly. “First off, you have to let me go, haha.”
“Sorry.” She apologizes, letting go. She then used her now free hand to run through her hair.
“Funnily enough, I was actually leaving out to look for you and your little bodyguards.” You comment, reaching in your bag to hand over the loot, to which she looked shocked to see.
“...Seriously?” She almost thought it was a joke, eyeing you and the gift. But her suspicion immediately broke down into a smirk after realizing what you said earlier. “And my bodyguards? You don’t mean Jeff and Matt, do you?”
“Of course I do. But I guess I’ll find them on my own time. If you don’t make up that is.”
Lita wasn’t going to complain either. She wasn’t going to decline a present. “Thanks, [Name]. If you really want them to get these, then be sure to pass the message on to them too.” Much to her chagrin, she was happy to indulge you. It was the least she could do.
“You’re welcome.” You stare at her for a moment before walking forward and giving her a hug. She definitely deserved it. Even if she jokingly mentioned how clingy you were. Nevertheless, she accepted it and you two part.
“Hey,” She suddenly says, starting to open the box. “—are you busy after the show?”
“No, why?” You ask.
“I wanted you to go with me to a bar or something. I’m kinda stressed and I wanna have some fun.” She proclaimed, immediately digging into the chocolate.
An invitation to hang out?! You couldn’t decline, but if it’s a bar, you won’t be drinking much. It’s not like you were a lightweight or anything, it just wasn’t your style. “I don’t see why not.” You shrug, accepting. “Just us?”
“Yup. Just us. You want someone else to come?”
“No, no. Just was curious. I mean like...”
“I’m not inviting those two, if that’s what you think.” Lita clarified, closing the box. “Remember, we got in an argument, so..”
“Hah. Right.” You say, immediately shaking your head. It would be a pretty stupid to invite them after having a pretty hard argument.
If she wanted to hang out, then so be it. This would be the most action packed girls night ever!
At least you think it will be...
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As you were making your rounds through the hallways, you noticed someone that you’ve been meaning to spark up a conversation with. “Ah! Hey! Christian..right?”
You call, leaning over beside him to get his attention. “We’ve met before. You called me short I think.. or was it tiny??” You trailed off, trying to remember what he said.
Christian stares at you for a moment, before snapping his fingers. “Oh yeah.” He turns to face you, a grin on his face. “I remember you! You’re that fan, right?” He jested. “The one who wanted an autograph.”
“Not even close...” You roll your eyes, crossing your arms. The smile on your face didn’t help at all. “I just came to wish you good luck on your match with Edge. I know you’re champion and all,” You motion towards his championship, unsure if you should touch or not. Ogling at it seemed okay, though.
“Is that so?” He asked. Man, he was one of the cocky ones, wasn’t he? Oh well, it’s not like you hadn’t dealt with this before! “Well, I appreciate it. I think you can get promoted to...hm...” He looks at you up and down quickly, trying to come up with a new nickname. “Got it. You’re promoted to, ‘Cheesy.’ Congrats, [Name]. Or should I say, cheesy.”
You were confused. What kind of nickname is cheesy? What the fuck does that even mean?? “Seriously? Why don’t you call me by my name?”
“Hah. I’ll think about it, seriously.” He says, taking off his belt to shine it with a cloth. “Coming out to watch like you did last time?”
“Am I allowed to?”
“Guess so. You’ve been there before, so I don’t see why they wouldn’t. Besides, I need someone to accompany me to the ring.”
Accompany him too? You’ll have to ask if it was alright to do that. Maybe you could even speak on commentary! That’d be fun. “Okay, then I’ll ask. But don’t be surprised if I don’t show up! I’ve got things to do.”
“Pretty disappointing then.” He admits, putting his finger on your forehead. “I’ll keep my eye out for you. If you can’t come out, I’m counting on you to watch backstage at least.”
You swat his hand. “Yeah, yeah! I’m sure you will be. We’ll see what happens. I can’t promise anything!” You hold your hands up in defense. “Are you nervous? I saw your match on the list and was thinking about how if either of you won, you’d be swimming in gold.”
“Not at all. I’m pretty confident, actually.” He hit his chest with his fist. “I’m pretty sure I’m gonna win tonight. I’ve got a trick up my sleeve.”
“A trick up your sleeve?” You narrowed your eyes, unsure of what he meant. Hopefully he wouldn’t cheat and instead pulled out some devastating finishing move. “I’m sure you do. Just don’t do anything stupid, okay?”
Christian gives you finger guns, saying nothing at all.
Which meant NO PROMISES.
“I should probably get ready now..” You say.
“Heh, looks like you talked so much, time just flew by.” He chuckled, adjusting the championship onto his waist and walking past you. “Get a move on, [Name].”
You nod before shaking your head. “Wait, did you just say my name? Where are you going?!”
Christian was just glad you didn’t ask how exactly he got this match. It was champion vs. champion after all. You just weren’t ready for that type of information. Had you known he and a few others beat him up...
It wouldn’t turn out well.
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It’s time!
Your talk show segment was now. You jump in place as an attempt to ease your nerves in gorilla.
Personally, you never thought you’d get this far, let alone be so pushed. You prayed to whatever god that was out there that this would be all for naught, and you’d be left with little to nothing to do. People were a bit iffy on you and because of that, so it was VERY easy to incite a reaction from the audience.
Once you had made your way to the ring and grabbed a mic, you give a biiiig smile to the hard camera.
“Hi everyone!” You greet, and the crowd responds by roaring lightly. “Remember when I said something special was coming to Smackdown? Well, this it it!” You chime, taking a seat in your chair. “It’s me! I’m the special thing. No, no really. It’s this whole set, you see!”
‘Hey! It’s [Name]! And look what she’s doing..?’
You open your arms presenting the whole set, letting everyone drink it in. “Well, I hope you’re ready. This is...Time Out With [Name]!”
Upon raising your arms, balloons fell from the ceiling. It was definitely a pleasant surprise. What a fitting celebration! “I’m so excited! I hope you all are too. Now, you may be wondering, what’s in the bag, [Name]?”
‘..Sounds like she’s a little whacked in the head,’ JR says.
Jerry agreed. ‘Couple’a screws loose!’
“Well, I’ve got a lot of letters. I’m going to do the honors of reading you guys my very own fan mail.” You reach into it and pull out a letter. “This first one is from—“
Almost on cue, you were interrupted by familiar music. The lights dim, and you turn your attention towards the front. Here comes trouble.
Literally. The culprit was none other than Stephanie McMahon, the woman who was banished from the WWF the previous night. With a mic in her hand, she hastily makes her way to the ring. Of course, to make sure all the attention was on her, she wore the sparkliest garment possible.
She enters through the ropes, giving one look behind her one last time. You could tell she was on the verge of tears. “I-I’m not supposed to be here..but…!” Stephanie trails off, her voice cracking while the crowd had already begun to mock her.
All you could do was stare. Did she really just fucking interrupt you?! In the middle of YOUR talk show?!
She continues on. “..But I have to clear things up! And I knew you were going to have a talk show, [Name]! So please, talk to ME!” She begs, coming closer and grabbing your arm. You shake her off, but she’s still hopeful.
Some security they have, letting the “Billion Dollar Princess” in so freely. You scoff, holding up your mic. “Am I going to get in trouble for associating with you?”
“NO!” She squealed, immediately lowering her voice after she yelled at you. “N-No! I don’t think you will.”
You sigh, tossing the letter to the side for now. As it flutters to the ground, you exasperatedly threw your arm out. “Go ahead. Just say what you have to say.” You couldn’t believe she just walked out here. And to plead her case? This better be a good one!
Stephanie takes a deep breath. “I’m telling you, [Name]! No…!” She turns to the audience, doing a 360 as she points at everyone. “Y-You all saw everything!“ Then, she turns back to you. “You talked to my brother, he’s the mastermind! I just wanted to follow my in older brother’s steps!”
You hold up your hand, causing her to stop talking. “Uh, hey, Stephanie? What does any of this have to do with me? Genuine question.” The McMahons really were dragging you into this! You’re about to go kicking and screaming. “I know I was with you and Shane for a while, but you’d better go to someone else. I don’t think I can help you.”
Stephanie shakes her head. “You can! I just want my dad to see this. Him and everyone else need to hear my side of the story! Ask me anything! I’ll tell you the wholehearted truth!”
“Alright.” You say, shrugging. “Why’d you slap your own mother?” At this question, the crowd gasps. Stephanie was just as taken aback by the question, but bounced back quickly.
“Didn’t you hear me last time?” This time, she had a bit of attitude in her voice. “I said that Shane ordered me to do it. Did you seriously think I did everything on my own? I was naive, stupid. Everyone makes mistakes. Like you.” She says. “Remember? You took members of the Alliance out and joined the WWF? That was a mistake, right?”
“I mean…” You weren’t quite sure what to say. Well, you did, but you didn’t want to be too mean. “Those comparisons aren’t even remotely close. Besides, shouldn’t I be questioning you?”
Stephanie nods, letting it go for now. She’d do anything for forgiveness, and now that she’s hijacked came on your show, she felt like this could be her chance. “G-Go ahead.”
“Okay. Well, I’d like to just start with thank you for ruining what I wanted to do. I’ll just do it later.” You snidely remarked. “But now I’m curious. Why beg to stay when you know it’s over?”
She says nothing at your first comment, but walks a bit away from the center of the ring.
“I felt falsely accused and I felt as if I should’ve been given another chance. The thought of losing everything I have and…” She gags, covering her mouth. “Living in such..ugh, low-class ways makes me sick! I mean, can you imagine having to even drive yourself places? That’s what a chauffeur is for! [Name], when I got kicked out with my brother, we had to DRIVE all the way to the arena! Could you imagine having to do that everyday!?”
She’s..wow. Stephanie is definitely something. You just stare at her incredulously, but then bite back a sneer, instead replacing it with a smile. “No way! I couldn’t imagine that at all.”
“You get it! See, this is why I had so much faith in you when you were with us. You understand my problems and I’m glad I have the chance to talk to you!” Stephanie beams at you, happy that you’re sympathetic.
“Right. I’m sure it’s suuch a drag to y’know,” You pause, leaning on the ring ropes. “..do all the work by yourself?”
Double entendre? The crowd seemed to be laughing at how irritated you were and could completely understand. They felt the same way! Being so rudely interrupted after going to read the fan mail. Oh, the humanity!!
“Ugh, yes!” Stephanie walks towards you, fast enough so that you couldn’t even process what she was doing. “You get it! [Name], you’re the only one around here that has any sense!” She sticks out her hand. “Which is one of the reasons why I’ve come out here TONIGHT!”
What was she getting at?
“What do you mean?” You ask, looking at her in confusion.
“I want to be business partners!” There was no sign of tears whatsoever, her somber behavior quickly transforming into excitement. “You and me, kicking ass! I point, you destroy!”
“I don’t think that’s gonna happen.” You say, putting a hand on your hip. “I’m already partners Stone Cold Steve Austin,” Once you said his name, the crowd cheers. “Quite frankly, Stephanie, I have a feeling you wanted to ask that all along.”
She huffed, pulling away her hand. Her plan wasn’t going well and she knew as much. “No, it’s not just that. I really wanted to come here and plead my case. If I didn’t, you’d all think I’m some backstabbing bitch! I’d never do that. I’m really only…”
You join in on her sentence, the both of you talking in unison. “—A misunderstood young woman.” Nodding your head, you sigh for what must have been the thousandth time. “I don’t even know how they let you in here in the first place.”
“I snuck in.” She admits. “But c’mon. You’ve gotta think about it….please?”
And to make her happy so she’d literally leave you alone, you nod, holding out your hand. She shakes it, and that seals the deal.
Yeah, right. She interrupted your goddamn show!!
Letting go off your mic, you twist her around and tie her arms around her neck, giving her a Backstabber. The crowd pops at your attack, and you stand up from your spot, leaning over her.
“Try again next time.”
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The fact Stephanie had interrupted your talk show had made you upset. The thought of shaking her hand moreso. Once it had dawned on you, there was immediately a feeling of dread.
You had just “shook hands” with Stephanie McMahon. The witch, the conniving woman who’d rip your heart out if you ever made a mistake. And then you turned around and attacked her.
For some reason, you were scared. Scared of what she’d do with you in the aftermath. While she’d be out of the WWF for quite a while, you knew it would only be a matter of time before she returned.
What’s one way of relieving stress? By burning things, of course. You were going to set these letters on fire if it was the last thing you’d do. You had a cameraman with you in the parking lot. Your antics for the night were far from over.
“Before I was rudely interrupted, I wanted to talk about my letters. Unfortunately, I can’t do that.” You sigh. “I apologize to all my fans who wanted to hear my endearing voice read them out. Instead, I’d like to show an example.” You dump the rest of the letters onto the ground.
You go through your pockets, taking out a matchbox and removing ONE match. Quickly dragging it against the striker of the box, it flickers to life. You toss it over and the pile of letters are engulfed into flames. The camera turns over there for a brief moment, then back to you.
“I don’t think anyone understands that you’re all in my way! I don’t need any cheap ass letters to tell me that I’m great and amazing, that I am incredible and what have you.“ You say. “I’m not just some idiot who can’t work my way around the ring. I could out wrestle ANY of you, anytime of the week! And if you don’t believe me, come see me.”
While your message wasn’t long (you were told you had 10 more minutes), you thought it still got the message across. Anyone who wanted to mess with you was on their way to a world filled with hurt.
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And if it wasn’t for Stephanie ruining your show, the other devil on your shoulder had shown up just JUST THE RIGHT MOMENT.
Him. Yet again. Yet-a-fuckin-gain.
Jericho gives you a smirk, and the camera pans over to him. “Someone like you, burning letters. Never would have expected it. How’s my gift treating you? You must like it, given I haven’t seen it in the fire.”
“I wish you’d leave me alone.” You groan. “You’re always following me. And for your information, Austin actually threw it away for me!” It wasn’t true, but you just wanted to see his reaction.
You opened your mouth, but stop after realizing something important.
Back up a little bit. How exactly did Jericho know about your letters? You told no one about your plan and you made 100% sure no one was in the same parking lot while you did it.
"Wait a second." You say, waving your hand. "How'd you know what I burnt?"
His smug look turned into one of bewilderment. “I thought you knew already? Your best friend Torrie, she’s been running around talking about it.”
“She’s been WHAT?!” You look in awe and Jericho snorts at your reaction.“No, no, stop, what do you mean?”
“So much for being besties, huh [Name]? Well, she’s been saying you’ve been burning letters. She saw you do it out in the parking lot, now she’s telling whoever you’ve mentioned or whatever. I didn’t really care.” He muttered. “What you should be focused on, is our match.”
You simply roll your eyes. Oh yeah. You forgot that was a thing. Where’s Stone Cold when you need him?
Jericho comes closer to you. “And if you want, the Walls of Jericho doesn’t have to be the only hold you could be in tonight, sweetheart.”
You stare at him in disbelief for a second. How dare he say that to you?! Did he really think you’d go THAT low? And even try to imply you’d sleep with him? Absolutely not.
You had lifted your hand up to give him a hard slap across the face, resulting in the crowd gasping. Slapping him felt incredibly satisfying and he literally didn’t even know what hit him. The blonde brings up a hand to his now reddened cheek, scowling all the while you stomp down the hallway.
Him and his stupid match can sit in the back of your mind until the time comes. Until then, you’ve got some loose ends to tie up. Most importantly, you’ve gotta deal with Torrie (and maybe even Stacy, if she’s around. That’d just kill two birds with one stone. You technically weren’t “friends” anyway.)
So once you had seen a blonde woman just hanging around down the hall, all you found yourself rushing over there, ready to fight. “Hey!” You yell, setting your hand on her shoulder and turning her around roughly. “TORRIE—“
But this was not Torrie. In fact, it was actually Terri Runnels, who seemed scared that you abruptly turned her around like that. She held her hands up in defense and you can only sigh.
“Jeez, I’m sorry.” You apologize. “You’re…Terri, was it? Yeah, I’m really sorry.”
She gave you a nervous laugh in response, waving her hand. “Oh, it’s fine….” Before throwing her arms out. “Minus you scaring the hell out of me. What’s your deal!?”
“My ‘deal’ is that something really badhappened, and now I’m looking for Torrie. Have you seen her? You’re both blonde so I got you two mixed up. That’s my fault.” You felt incredibly bad for scaring her like that, but she should be thankful you didn’t just start beating her up first!
“Sorry sweetie,” She apologizes to you with a shrug. “Haven’t seen her at all today. What happened between you two?”
You sigh. It’s hard to explain what exactly went down. On the bright side, maybe Torrie hadn’t got that far. “Long story short, she’s been telling people something I did. And it’s a lie,” You add, which was another lie in itself… “One that might completely ruin my reputation."
“Well first off, you don’t go around threatening to beat people up.” She advised with a laugh. “Why don’t you try talking to her instead?”
“I feel like if talk to her, I’d drag her across the concrete.” You admit.
“Ivory should have put some of us into anger management classes…” Terri mutters. “Anyway, I still think you should try talking to her. No hostility, no…dragging her across the concrete.”
“I can try, but no promises.”
Definitely no promises.
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Unfortunately after talking to someone about it, you couldn’t go out there for the match. You were a bit bummed out but they explained that you had a segment already and you’ve got a match coming up. They weren’t wrong, yes, you’ve got a lot to do tonight, but it doesn’t hurt to go back out one more time.
…..You just can’t believe this is your life now.
You’re definitely not complaining, but you never thought you’d get this far. It’s been a nice ride so far, which makes you wonder if the journey coming up will be hard.
“Hey, kid.” A familiar voice calls. “The hell you’ve been up to?” Stone Cold Steve Austin looks pretty beat up, holding his stomach as he speaks to you. “Heard ya’ been burning shit.”
“Noooo.” You groan. “It got to you?! She’s faster than I thought! And why do you look all busted?”
“I look busted because Regal and his little minions set me up in that ring earlier. How’dya not hear?”
You shrug. “I was focused on this whole Torrie thing..and if you got all beat up, shouldn’t you be resting?”
“I don’t have time to rest when we’ve gotta perform.”
There was a silence before you just decided to speak up. Funnily enough, him standing there literally felt like he was judging you, so you had to come clean. The tension broke you. “Yeah. I burned letters.” You admit, rubbing your temple. “I feel really really bad. And I don’t want anyone else to find out, but who knows how many people Torrie’s told?”
“I don’t see the problem with that.” Of course he didn’t, it was literally Stone Cold we’re talking about. “Ya’ just were disposing of crap you didn’t need.”
Crap you didn’t need? That definitely was one way to put it.
Austin continued on. “Don’t worry about the consequences. If people have an issue about what you do, let em’….and if they try saying otherwise, you take it to the ring.”
His and Terri’s advice were pretty different. To fight or not to fight….
“I’ve been doing things the way I like for years.” Austin reminded. “The consequences don’t faze me. People don’t faze me. Ya’ gonna let them mess your brain up.” He points to his head. “They get inside your head and take advantage of it. Instead of letting em’ do that, you hit first. So, how about it?” He says, patting your back harshly. “We get into that ring, kick that little pretty boy’s ass, then go home.”
“Yeah!” You sure as hell were. It was a good idea too. Maybe that match would get some of your pent up anger out. “And that’s the bottom line!”
You waited for him to continue his own line, but he looked at you as if you were stupid. “Sorry. I couldn’t help it.”
He shakes his head. “We’ll have to work on that. Get it together, [Name]. We can’t lose.” And he leaves it at that, simply leaving you with your own thoughts. Did Debra tell him to talk to you?
His words made you nervous, rightfully so. What would happen if you did lose? Would he be upset at you? Worse, you’d lose a teammate! Even more scarier that Stephanie wanted you to align with the McMahons..that couldn’t bode well.
It would make sense with you joining out of spite incase he betrays you, but after that, then what? Would creative just shelf you for now? Would you have to do gimmick matches? They were already a strong “stable” on their own, so someone else being added was a bit crazy in your opinion.
The idea of not knowing what came next kinda made you uncomfortable. Even if you should have been used to it in WCW (where things were WAY more disorganized), the feeling just made you feel icky.
“[Name]!” You immediately recognize that voice as Edge. A smile grows on your face as he approaches, but he doesn’t seem happy. And here came those cameras you knew oh so well.
“What’s wrong?”
He looks at you incredulously. “You’re seriously asking me what’s wrong? That’s just great.”
There’s gotta be something you’re missing here. “What are you talking about?”
“You should know what I’m talking about. Burning anything ring a bell??”
Oh fuck.
You had no idea what to say, you open your mouth but quickly shut it. Okay, maybe Torrie was well within the right to tell on you, but that wasn’t her place at all, damn it! Now they’d know you burnt everything! That you didn’t care about them! The only person you cared about was yourself.
In other words, the seeds were being planted!
The cameras were on you again, so you wanted to make this as dramatic as possible with him. “I just…it wasn’t like that at all, you’ve gotta..I didn’t mean it at all.”
“You didn’t?” Edge looked at you and you finally thought he would understand. That all would be well. “You didn’t mean it. Okay. It just gets worse, huh? The least you could do was check on me when I got beat up out in the ring earlier.”
“Wait, huh?”
“Didn’t know that, did you?”
No, no you didn’t. You couldn’t even defend yourself, so you decided to pull out the next best excuse.
“I’ve got my own match to focus on! I didn’t know! You can’t blame me for not watching….” It was going to have to do. “I couldn’t come out..”
Yet, he still wasn’t buying it. “With what partner? Stone Cold’s already been ambushed too. You must have not saw that either. Maybe try paying attention more next time. Man, this day just gets better and better. Continuously betrayed by my own brother, then I find out someone I’ve been interes….” He stops himself, coughing into his palm. “Someone I’ve been friends with, couldn’t care less about me.” He stared at you for a minute before turning around to leave.
“Wait a damn minute! You can’t just leave. And besides, I already saw him all beat up! Maybe if you were as good as him, you’d be raring and ready to go!” You yell, stomping right behind him. “But no! You’re running away!”
“Just shut up already, [Name].” He says, continuing his way down the hall.
This time, you didn’t follow, a new feeling of anger burning in your veins. The moment you lay your eyes on Torrie, IT IS ON.
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hey! hey you! if you’ve made it to the end, YAY! thanks for reading and sticking around!! im working on fixing the spacer so it’s brighter pls bare with me. steve austin + reader duo is going to go on for a bit longer me thinks. *gives you both the tag team titles because i can*
71 notes · View notes
yoyokslut · 3 years
Indecent proposal.
Pairing: Chris Evans x female reader.
Word count: 1119 words.
Summary: You and Chris dancing bachata.
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One of Chris' friends was throwing a party for his birthday so you guys decided to be there celebrating and having fun.
They were playing beer pong and you had decided to stay out of the game because you weren't good at it so you just decided to watch and cheer up when Chris or Scott or any of the team scored. In fact, you were having fun watching them it was funny how they would go crazy when hitting the cups and how they'd dance, watching the Evans' bros yelled at each other because of excitement was always something entertainment to look at.
There were only 3 cups left for your boyfriend's team to win and 3 guys left to participate.
Adam was next he prepared before throwing the ball and succeed. Then Scott was after him.
"Come on Scottie, you got this!" you shouted.
Scott was super concentrated he breathed before hitting the cup and when he did he got it into it and screamed patting his brother and friend on the back.
Then you saw him running to you and lifted you making spins, you just laughed.
"Don't celebrate too soon, you guys still have one more." you said while he was putting you down.
"Yeah I know, but Chris' next, he rarely fails. So technically, we already won." he said shrugging.
You shook your head and giggled, he was right, both of them made a great team and they would win very often.
Chris took the ball in his hands and took a deep breath.
"Let's go babe, you can do it!" you yelled.
He looked at you, smiled and blew a kiss. Then, he threw the ball and ended up in the cup.
They all started to celebrate, screaming, jumping and laughing. The other team just accepted the defeat.
Chris ran to you and began spinning around.
He put you down, grab your cheeks and started kissing you while you grabbed his waist.
"You gave us luck." he said stroking your cheeks with his thumbs.
"Or maybe you won because you're a party boy." you said pecking his lips.
He laughed "Yeah, maybe it's that." he gave you one last peck.
"Ugh, guys get a room." Scott said passing by.
You laughed.
"C'mon, let's go sit, babe." Chris said grabbing your hand.
"Okay." you whispered.
"And well, he was stuck there like a whole hour until our sister found him and helped him got out." Chris said bursting in laughter while telling a childhood story about him and his siblings playing hide and seek but ending up bad for Scott.
"You have no idea what being inside there is like. Worst experience ever. You guys left me there a complete hour I can't believe it." Scott said putting a hand on his head while shaking it.
You were laughing so hard, your stomach hurt and tears were falling from your eyes of how hard you were cackling. There were always sure laughter when being around them.
Everybody stood up and went inside the house leaving just you and Chris there.
"Hey, gorgeous." he said caressing your hand.
"Hey, hottie." you said smiling.
"How's your night going?"
"It could be going better." you shrugged.
"How come?" he frowned his brows.
"Well, I still wanna do something else but I don't know if you want to."
"Oh, trust me, I want to." he said wiggling his eyebrows.
You laughed and blushed a little bit.
"Not, that, you perv." you hit his chest slightly. He chuckled.
"Sure it's worth the try. What does my pretty girl want to do?" he rubbed your thigh.
"I wanna dance." you said pouting and giving him puppy eyes, this never fails.
"Don't you give me that face you missy. Babe, you know I don't resist to your pouts and your puppy eyes." he said giving you pecks.
"Please, please, please Chrissy." you said using your softest voice and making the cutest doggy eyes you could.
"Sure, honey, whatever my princess whishes, she gets it. What do you wanna dance?" he asked standing up.
"Bachata." you smiled innocently.
He shrieked "Of course you do." he kissed your forehead and went where his friends to change the music.
When the song started he looked at you smiling and you clapped excitedly. When he approached you he reached his hand to you and said "May I have this dance, milady?"
"Of course, handsome gentleman." you giggled taking his hand.
He placed his hands on your waist and you put yours around his neck.
When your legs were intertwined you began moving along the music rhythm and swinging your hips side to side.
"... A medir tu sensatez? Poner en juego tu cuerpo. Si te parece prudente, esta propuesta indecente." you sang to his ear and felt him tensing a little bit. It was no secret that he loved when you spoke Spanish.
"Y una aventura es más divertida si huele a peligro. Si te invito a una copa y me acerco a tu boca, si te robo un besito a ver, ¿te enojas conmigo?" you kept singing and kissed his cheek.
He turned you around now your back facing his chest while his hands were still on your waist keeping you closer to him.
You heard him say "Quit teasing, babe." you chuckled.
He gave you made a spin and then you were facing with again.
"I was just singing, baby." you winked. He shook his head smiling.
When the song ended you guys decided it was time to get back home so you started saying goodbye to everyone and got in the car heading to your house.
"I won't get mad if you steal a kiss from me."
You turned to him "You understood what I sang?"
"A little bit, yeah." he put a cocky smirk and grabbed your thigh.
"O sea, sólo entiendes lo que te conviene. Unbelievable." you said laughing and shaking your head.
"No, not only what suits me. 'cause I got that. And besides, you know what your Spanish does to me."
"No, no sé." you said watching him tense again and giggled.
"Yes you do, liar. When we get home I'm gonna teach you not to tease me." he said moving slowly his hand a little bit higher. You swallowed hard and he noticed you tensing too.
He chuckled and said "Can't wait to get home, honey." while stroking gently your thigh.
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hollywoodcannon · 2 years
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@amurderofcharacters​ submitted: 
“Dear Brian,
Happy birthday old man, you’re one year closer to ending up in the old folks home with me when our girl gets sick of our shit.
*last sentence is scribbled out*
I would never put you in an old folks home, don’t listen to him. I love you both.
Anyway, we love you so much that we found the cutest little friend just for you. We haven’t named her. Happy birthday, baby.
Love, your blondies.”
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Happy Birthday, Brian!
It was better than that scene from Lady and the Tramp. A pretty bow around a cute little puppy then, a leather collar was used instead this time around, an adorable brown bundle nestled inside of a soft bed rather than a box. Though he was no Jim Dear, and neither Scott nor Raile could be a decent Darling, the two blondes had spoiled him so. Went above and beyond what they needed to for the sake of Brian’s birthday. Pampered him - their shared home would be filled with even more love and fond memories - indulged the more sensitive side. Made their unique family feel more so like a family, all they were missing was a white picket fence. 
Picking up the small creature from where she was cozy on the floor, eyes scanning every word of the accompanying note, glistening with happy tears, the Rogue Horseman nuzzled into the excited licks and fuzzy fur that wiggled its way into his embrace. She was adorable. Hyper and already curious, a touch wild and bold. Chocolate colored but with eyes so expressive, she was meant to be with the three troublemakers of ECW. Destined from the start; Brian, Raile, and Scott would care for her just as much as she would come to love each one of them. She was perfect. Brian could hardly contain his wide smile. 
Petting behind her ears, he said to the squirming pup in his arms, “she’s right, you know. Raile. We ain’t ever going into any assisted living facility. We’re gonna stay right here in this house, drive each other up the fucking walls, even at 80! You’re gonna be here, too. For a very, very long time. You’re a little silly thing, aren’t you? Come on, pup, let’s go get you one of Scotty’s socks to snack on before he gets home. It’s my birthday today. We’re gonna have a big feast, and I think you’re gonna be invited. What do you say?”
“You know what? I’m gonna call you Bailey. Yeah, Bailey’s a good name for such a sweet girl. Let’s go, Bailey. If we have time, and after you scarf down that sock I mentioned, I’ll show you some pictures of Raile and Scott. They’re a pair of true hotties. Hopefully, you’ll love them as much as I do.”
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bearsinpotatosacks · 4 years
This is a list of rare pairs that are kinda becoming otps for me or at least interest me that barely have any fics on ao3, no posts on Tumblr and I feel like no one talks about them or thinks it's a positive or even knows about them: (they'll probably go from most popular to least)
McChapel- This is probably an otp, in my mind it's just cute m/f healthy stereotypical family stuff that a few people like but they're definitely a rarepair
Scones/McScotty- A lot more rare, doesn't help that one of the variants of their ship name is a baked good (a very baked good). I love them because they're the parents of the Enterprise, they're both in quintessential sectors of the ship, Scotty radiates chaotic dad energy, Bones is the epitome of the mother hen 😘👌
Here comes the poly ship combinations
McChirk (Bones x Chapel x Jim)- It's a perfect combination of 2 of my favourite ships, there is a bit of content on ao3 for them which is amazing but not enough to satisfy my needs 😂
McChuhura (Bones x Christine x Uhura)- I need Christine and Uhura being queens and Bones being in awe of them at all times, that's literally it
Spuhurk (Spock x Uhura x Jim)- The movies kinda set this up in the jj Abrams films by having them be the trio rather than Jim, Spock and Bones. It's a combination of 2 of my background ships (spirk and spuhura)
McScirk(Bones x Scotty x Jim)- It's just the three shirt colours all coming together, scotty being stable, jim being cute and empathetic and bones being caring
McScock (Bones x Scotty x Spock)- Bones brings the physical wellbeing, Spock brings the mental wellbeing (arguably), Scotty brings the emotional wellbeing. Spock forces Bones and Scotty to wash, Bones berates them lovingly in sickbay after an away mission and accidents in sickbay, Scotty helps them be less emotionally repressed
McScork (Bones x Scotty x Spock x Jim)- It's just a weird combination of all their other ships because why pick a ship or have ship wars when they can all just love each other in a healthy polyamorous relationship
Have you noticed a pattern? I think all of my ships bar like spirk and uhotty (which is a great ship name because I just say "You Hotty!") include Bones. He's my favourite and my favourite character's should fear for my life because I live vicariously through them and use them to vent and project onto so...
Add any other rarepairs you have a fancy for and I genuinely want to write something for most of these ships if I haven't already just so even if there's just 1 other person in the world who ships it and speaks english who thinks no one else ships it that they see otherwise
Please tell me of your rarepairs, I'm a sucker for them because I apparently love to get myself into fandoms where there's no promise of new content for the character I love and ships with little to no followers and content. I hope you got some ideas, maybe someone will find something they like? I don't know, I hope you enjoyed it!
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
August 5: 3x02 The Enterprise Incident
After several weeks of being in like a TOS desert (Assignment: Earth; Spock’s Brain) finally we get to The Enterprise Incident, one of the best episodes, possibly of all time. Why was D.C. Fontana so good??? How??
McCoy narration! How unusual. I like how it contributes to the generally jarring opening, with Kirk acting so out of character and so on. All of the crew being fooled and the audience too.
I’d say this scene is the only one Kirk haters have ever seen--where he’s all arrogant and impatient and mean--but he’s not being slutty enough.
When you need intel, you go to Uhura.
This is an interesting ep because the Enterprise is being uncharacteristically sneaky. Usually, they’re obviously doing the right thing in the straightforwardly right way, but this really is an espionage mission, which includes, in addition to the garden variety lying, major stuff like uh treaty breaking.
Wow, a Romulan with a name. Unusual. Is he the first named Romulan?
They want the Enterprise. They want his lady!
Hmmm, you have a Vulcan on board, do you? Very interested in that. It’s pretty funny that the Commander calls up as soon as Tal mentions Spock,like she has a sixth sense that picked up on a potential hottie on the enemy ship.
Oh no, Kirk and Spock aren’t getting along. Trouble in paradise...
Spock looks very disapproving. And Kirk is acting downright despotic. Hot.
Imagine being the Romulan hostages lol. That’s awkward. “Go their ship and uh sit in their brig, nbd, we’ll bring you back.” (And then later one of them is unceremoniously stripped naked.) (And then later still they’re completely forgotten about!!!)
Scotty’s face when he sees the hostages is very funny. Like “oh I know what to do with YOU.”
I love the Female Romulan Commander already.
Wow Kirk is such a liar. Just say it loudly enough and it will SEEM true. Navigation error etc.
“It’s no myth that Vulcans can’t lie,” Spock lied.
“It’s not a lie to keep the truth to oneself.” Feel like I gotta outright steal that.
Oooh, the Commander has a temper.
Kirk is “a highly sensitive and emotional person.”
He’s living for the drama.
This must be all very confusing for the crew.
I love Captain Scotty. He’s so intense.
“You make a brave noise.” Burn.
Spock’s been an officer for 18 years. I’d do the math on that but I’m not sure when one becomes an officer specifically.
“Do you like Captain Kirk?” (I don’t even remember why I wrote this down, but uh, yeah.)
...Damn this whole scene is so good.
“I don’t make house calls.”
Except for Kirk.
It’s bizarre that the Romulans are in Klingon ships (that look like Federation ships on the inside) for pretty much no reason but I do like the design of them in general.
Funny how “Attend me” sounds an awful lot like “My wife, attend.”
Lol at the crocheted board shorts on the male Romulan officers. The Commander is MUCH more stylish.
“Are the guards invited on our date?”
“It would be illogical to assume that all conditions remain stable.” What a F L I R T.
Very bold of her to basically declare “Spock, you’re Captain now.”
Kirk looks like the drunk friend, swaying in the background, gearing up to something.
“Vulcan death grip” lol. Sounds like made up Vulcan nonsense to me! (And it is.)
Even if it weren’t, Spock is an adult Vulcan and a trained Starfleet officer, he would never just accidentally death grip someone.
And now it all comes out. Because Chapel was nosy. Love that she just casually knows all this stuff about Vulcan abilities.
They told Bones pretty late about this whole plan. I feel like Scotty and Bones should have been in the original loop.
“You’re lucky they didn’t start an autopsy.”
Love that part of Kirk’s transformation into a Romulan was putting on eye shadow.
Also love Scotty’s face journey when he sees Romulan!Kirk.
Look at these decadent Commander’s quarters. Spock must love them.
Recruiting inducements lol--is that what the kids are calling it these days?
“Don’t beam me into a bulkhead.” Don’t even joke.
Spock hasn’t sent the coordinates because he’s DISTRACTED while on his DATE.
I love their little square drinking glasses.
“I do... appreciate it.”
“If you don’t tell me your name, I’ll have to make one up for you.”
TOS Spock apparently more smooth than AOS Kirk.
When she stood up, that mini-skirt basically became a shirt--barely.
His lady leaves the room and he immediately call his man--what a slut.
The Commander’s “casual” outfit is easily one of the best TOS costumes. So pretty! 10/10 would wear today.
“Stimulate...our discussion.” Sure. Your discussion.
He’s been moved emotionally.
Dammit Tal! Stop cockblocking the commander.
Love how obvious it was that she and Spock were hooking up--she's dressed up, he appears dramatically from behind the flowing white curtains in her frankly huge quarters.
The cloaking device looks suspiciously like Nomad again.
“How could you do this to me?” Girl, you’ve known him for an hour. Calm down the drama.
Also love the earrings.
That was a weak slap. She should have sent him sprawling with her Romulan strength. I guess her heart wasn’t in it.
Romulans are Vulcans but with unfiltered Drama.
I like her jellyfish chair.
Now Spock shall fillibuster his own death by reading a very long prepared statement.
She hears the phrase "historic tradition" and sighs like "this is gonna be the longest 20 minutes of my LIFE.”
Silly of Kirk to assume they wouldn't fire on the commander and/or that she wouldn't ORDER them to fire.
“Alien contraption.” Scotty enjoying himself.
Hmmm, the Commander was bragging to Spock off screen about the cloaking device--what else might she have said that we didn’t hear?
Mr. Spock will escort you to your quarters--more like Mr. Spock will escort you to HIS quarters amirite?
She would like his weaponry.
“Military secrets are the most fleeting of all.” Well that line didn’t have to go that hard.
“It was the only choice. You would not respect any other.” Where’s all the talk about loyalty and oaths now?
“They do not look aesthetically agreeable on humans.” Textual evidence for my theory that Vulcans, though humanoid, have some sort of indescribable Alien Aura quite apart from the eyebrows and ears.
That was such a good ending. Last major dialogue scene was a serious one between Spock and the Commander, but then there’s a little humorous coda, too--a good shot of Spock looking pensive, but also the peanut gallery having a little laugh.
I love that episode so much. I love how... difficult Spock is to read. On the one hand, I do think he was really attracted to the Romulan Commander. I also think he was hiding a lot of the truth about why he didn’t join the Romulans--I mean yes, that was never a real option and it would certainly be wildly out of character for him to do it. But he also talks exclusively about loyalty to Starfleet, his oath, his uniform, as if but for the happenstance of these things, if he were making a decision for himself instead of following his duty, he might prefer to be with her and the Romulans. But what about the obvious other factor--Kirk himself? What about “A starship runs on loyalty to one man, and no one can replace it--or him?” I feel like his connection to Kirk is like the unspoken undertone to all of this. Especially because, as Captain and XO, they were the only ones to know about this plan from the beginning, and probably came up with the details of it themselves. But we also know that Spock takes the mean things that Kirk says to heart, even if they’re only said as part of a mission or larger ploy. And we also know that he truly desires belonging, and that being part one thing and part another often makes him feel as if he belonged nowhere. But the Romulan Commander didn’t seem to care about his human heritage. She asked him what he was, and only mentioned the human part one other time, not in a negative way. I do see the temptation for him.
It’s also interesting that Kirk initially refers to the Commander as “he,” implying he didn’t know specifically who was in charge of the ship. That means that while he and Spock clearly planned for Spock to undermine and then “kill” Kirk, and almost certainly to play on Romulan/Vulcan cultural connections, they probably did not plan on Spock seducing anyone. He did that on his own.
This would reboot so well. Like, aside from the S/U aspects, it’s a perfect candidate: a spy narrative that has a little bit of the gray morality they’re so attached to; Kirk and Spock tension; Kirk being Dramatique; cool aliens--and it would have been very interesting to see this story play out in the context of the destruction of Vulcan. (More generally, I think completely forgetting about the Romulans after the first reboot film was a huge mistake but whatever.)
Mmmm, I just... I want to watch it again lol. D.C. Fontana was truly the queen of alien world building. That sense of alien-ness that I get in the Spock and Commander scenes is like what I’m going for in some of my own stuff.
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wrasslin-lps · 5 months
Smackdown! vs Raw: Part 1 - LuLu does NTR
Lualto is wondering backstage, looking for something to do to het his name out there. He spies upon Rene Dupree, a Frenchoid, arguing with a purdy women, Torrie Wilson, his manager. His character is immediately ruined when he reacts with lust for a woman with bad melanin.
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Well.... um.... she could be a concubine? I had built LuLu up to be a hero, but I suppose he'll need to pick this creepy pervert answer.
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Oh boy he is a creepy pervert.
Dupree steps in the way, warning LuLu to watch his mouth and keep his hands to himself. LuLu glowers, but walks away for his match against Scotty 2 Hotty.
Thank christ, I beat the most 2000s man alive. I meant to screenshot LuLu's ring attire, but I forgot too. Oops! Torrie approaches me afterwards, and is unsurprisingly desperate the seed of the superior African males, but Dupree steps in again and tells LuLu to back off again.
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You think you're special, you do...
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After beating Hardcore Holly the next week so badly LuLu took his iconic victory nap he has after he wins, because he totally won, I was treated to a cutscene where Torrie gaslights DuPree by saying she never flirted with LuLu (she did it in front of DuPree, he saw it) and DuPree says she's not allowed to leave his changing room or else "there's going to be some very unpleasant consequences". LuLu has somehow emerged to be the most heroic character in this storyline...
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Spoke too soon! Creepy pervert LuLu creeps into Torrie's locker to check up on her. Torrie warns him that Rene would be pissed if he saw he was here, and LuLu dismisses him since he's busy losing to Scotty 2 Hotty. DuPree barges in literally right afterwards, furious with LuLu. He tries to pick a fight there and then, but Torrie tells him to calm down since he just had a match. DuPree throws the gauntlet nonetheless!
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Incidentally, the game has voice acting. He actually says "Next week, I'm gonna show you what happens when you mess with me, my woman, or my dog FiFi!"
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DuPree and his dog FiFi
This storyline is so morally grey... Torrie is a gaslighter, DuPree is an implied a abuser, LuLu is a pervert even aside from the whole racism thing.
DuPree and Torrie shower together, and she promises that if she wins they'll have "fun" afterwards. At last! An in-character motive LuLu - if he wins, he can stop the spread of the White menace!
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THE GOD DAMN YAKUBIAN BEAT HIM. Torrie and DuPree kiss in the ring while LuLu sulks away... but returns!
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He throws down a gauntlet of his own - he will stop the Whites from breeding, by facing DuPree in a match where Torrie's manager contract is on the line at Judgement Day. But not just any match - a Last Man Standing match!
(A Last Man Standing match is a match where the only rule is whoever is unable to stand after a slow ten count is the loser. Weapons and all holds are legal.)
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This Judgment day - the black man will get the last laugh!
The match was a a display of LuLu's deep cunning and genius strategy. No one could match LuLu's brilliant wit!
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Heroically Luckstar commits a sex crime after winning, and drags Torrie away like some kind of weird troll. He ends Torrie's relationship, and keeps the White birth rates low. At least there's that?
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My first god damn storyline, and right away it's god damn NTR.
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She agreed to it! How nice of her.
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sweetfirebird · 4 years
Is Hottie Scotty and Mr. Porter your response to the straight women who read gay male romance but don't try to understand the community irl? Sorry if I phrased that badly. I think you mentioned something similar once about some readers wanting more heteronormative-type(?) relationships. I just wanted to ask because I also think about this in regards to Japanese yaoi (not bara I think) manga and who it's written for.
Hottie Scotty and Mr. Porter is a response to a specific group of specific (straight) women who read (and write) gay romance. Or I should say, m/m romance, which is a distinct thing from gay or queer romance. Some of the things Kathy says were things some of these women actually said. 
I don’t... people read things for different reasons. I read some yaoi back in the day. I read weird slash in the early internet days. I think I was attracted to the subject matter for maybe reasons of titillation but also for personal reasons that I didn’t think about or examine then. Like, regular het romances were not emotionally compelling for me for some reason hmm hmmm what could that reason be??? etc... So I try not to judge people for reading what they read, in that sense. Even the trash het romances. Like, growing up, our house was full of terrible 80s and 90s Harlequins and other romance novels where in A LOT of them, the man and woman have some affair or one night of passion (her first! her only! etc) and he leaves and she discovers she is pregnant and doesn’t tell him etc etc etc and then eventually he comes back and discovers and grovels and takes care of her and the baby/child. etc etc etc. Why did we have those in our house? Imagine my mother back in the day getting knocked up and being left on her own and reading this trash as like. wish fulfillment. Or whatever. 
My point being (she did stop reading those eventually.) people sometimes like nonsense for particular reasons. (They may or may not have examined those reasons yet. )
I do, however, judge people who think like, watching “lesbian” porn gives them the right to objectify and be gross to actual wlw, or teen girls embarrassing/traumatizing teen boys who might be gay or questioning because they think it’s “cute” or entertainment. Or adult women who make a living writing romances between two men and then treat real life mlm with disdain. 
Small side point: Romances... are not real life. The nature of romances is that they are always a little bit fantasy. (The orgasms, for one example.) M/m romances have... a lot of rules/tropes that I didn’t realize when I started trying to write it (I immediately failed, btw. My first m/m romance was Let There Be Light. So.... idk what I thought the genre was, but I was Not It. lol) And a lot authors have debated the ins and outs and rights and wrongs of how m/m does gay relationships. I am not here to discuss that right now (But the statement that m/m romance does not generally feature much of the queer community is... pretty correct from what I’ve read of it. That it is also mostly written for straight women might also be true, but I have no stats to back that up. I am not sure anyone does).
I am just reiterating that anyone, much less outsiders to a community, writing books featuring members of that community, should be fucking respectful of the real life members of that community. And these women were not. 
So I showed them as the shallow, racist, bigoted, limited imagination villains that they are. 
Cuz fuck ‘em. 
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sarahegerton96 · 5 years
Richard madden-Caught!!
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This is my first time writing for Richard Madden aka my Hottie Scottie, sorry if it sucks which it more than likely does, I wrote Richard as a bad boy with tattoos and piercings @primaba11erina
I've always been a bit of a wild woman. Carefree very open-minded and always spoke what was on my mind. My name is Y/N and I've just returned home from school to find my parents have left for the summer. So, now I get this big house all to myself. I have made all sorts of plans with friends for the summer. Camping, beach days, parties, and just hanging at home by the pool. My cell phone went off and it was my mother.
"Hey, mum," I said.
"Hello Y/N, I just wanted to let you know that there are some men coming this week to build the new pool house." She said.
"Okay," I said.
"How are things there?" She asked me.
"Everything is good, enjoy your vacation. Love you bye." I said and hung up the phone. If you don't cut my mother off. She will talk your head off. The next morning, I got up early. I was meeting some friends down at the beach for the day. I heard a truck pull up as I was getting ready to leave. I grabbed my bags and went outside to my jeep. There were two trucks parked in front of the house. The construction workers were here. I turned to put my things in the jeep.
"Excuse me miss, we're here to work on the new pool house." I heard a voice say. I turned around and there was an older man standing there.
"Yeah, no problem. You guys have at it." I said.
"We were told no one would be home." He said.
"Yeah, I'm the daughter. I will be here, but you won't notice me." I said.
"I hope we won't be too loud for you." He said.
"I'm sure I'll live," I said. I watched behind him as five other men walked up to us. "You guys can use the side entrance," I said as my eyes met a set of piercing blue eyes. My god, he was gorgeous. I blushed as soon as he looked right back at me. "Okay boys, have a good day," I said, as I hopped into my jeep and took off.
"So, he is a hottie?" My friend Mikayla said as we were sunbathing on the beach.
"Oh yeah, he is hella hot," I said.
"Well if you hit it, I want all the details." She said. I giggled.
"I don't think that's going to happen," I said.
"You never know Y/N. You could be in the pool drowning and he jumps in to save you." She said while her eyebrows danced. I just shook my head.
"You're crazy," I told her. The sun was setting and everyone started a big bonfire. I stuck around for a while and then headed home. The next morning I had gone to the kitchen to make my coffee. I heard voices and realised the workers were showing up. I can see the whole back yard from the kitchen. I stood there and watched them set up. Then I saw him. He was in jeans and a white tank top. He wore his hard hat backward. You could see his black hair, but what I was looking at mostly was his body. He had tattoos, piercings and small stretchers in his ears. He was also very muscular. I bit my lips as I watched him move around. He was definitely, sexy as fuck. I stood there for a while and watched him. I wonder if they would like some coffee? I said to myself trying to come up with a reason to go outside. I noticed they were not very close to the pool. I could invite some girls over to swim and be right under their noses without being in their way. I thought to myself.
Mikayla and my other friend Laynna came over around noon. The guys were all sitting around having lunch when the three of us girls in our small bikinis came walking out back.
"I hope we won't be in your way boys?" Mikayla announced.
"Not at all." The older man spoke up. My eyes went straight to the sexy one. He was watching me. I took my suit cover off and laid my towel down on the lounge chair. I then took a seat and started to cover my lite skin in sunblock. I pulled my Y/H/C out of the ponytail and laid back to sunbathe. I had my sunglasses on so I could sneak peeks at him. He was still watching me. I smiled softly and Mikayla and Laynna jumped into the pool. The boys got back to work and the sexy man and I were eye fucking each other all day.
I felt a shadow cover me and I opened my eyes to see him standing over me. "Sorry to interrupt your day, but would you mind if I used your restroom?" He said in a deep thick voice.
"Sure," I said. I stood up to show him where the restroom was. He followed me inside.
"Wow, it feels nice and cool in here." He said. I notice his body was covered in sweat.
"You guys can use the pool if you want to," I said. He stopped and looked at me.
"What's your name little one?" He asked me.
"Y/N," I said. He smiled.
"I'm Richard." He said.
"It's nice to meet you, Richard," I said.
"You too." He said. I showed him to the bathroom and left him alone and went back outside. I knew he was older than I and that made him even hotter than he already was. I watched them pack up and head out for the night. Before Richard walked out, he stopped and turned towards me. "Have a good night Y/N." He said.
"You too Richard," I said. Mikayla shot her head at me.
"First names, yep you're going to be fucking soon." She said and we all just laughed. I had dreamed all night of Richard and me all over each other. I woke up the next morning all sorts of bothered. What the hell was wrong with me. I didn't even know the damn guy. I tossed my hair up into a messy bun. I put on a red tank top and a pair of short red shorts. I went downstairs and made some coffee. It was Saturday and I didn't think the guys were coming to work today. It was after nine in the morning. I guess they have Saturdays off. I said to myself. I just decided to kick back on the couch, be lazy and watch some movies.
After the first movie. My brain was running wild with thoughts of Richard taking his shirt off. I could see the beads of sweat falling down his muscles. It was driving me crazy. I started to run my fingers up and down my chest. Then I started running my fingers up and down my inner thigh. I knew I was already wet from just the thought of him. I lifted my tank top and my breast fell out. I started to pinch my nipples. I licked my fingers and ran the wetness across my nipple. I closed my eyes as I ran my hand into my shorts and pushed my fingers between the folds of my pussy. I softly started to rub my clit. The tension was unbelievable. It felt so good. I started to lose myself. I had both hands in my shorts. As one hand was working my clit. I had the other hands fingers deep inside of me. My eyes were closed and I was moaning out. "Oh Richard," I said, as I came all over my fingers. I got a big smile on my face as I opened my eyes. Only to meet his eyes in the window. "Oh my god," I said out loud. He just smiled at me and walked out to the back yard. Fuck, I said to myself. Shit, what the hell do I do now? What the fuck is he doing here?
I got up and straightened myself out. I then walked out to the back door. He was walking around the new pool house. It looked as if he was looking for something. I should go say something, but what the fuck do I say? Sorry, you caught me fucking myself. Oh my god. I said to myself. I took a deep breath and walked out to him. "Um Richard, I um." I tried to say. The next thing I knew he was right next to me.
"Yes, little one?" He said.
"I. um. I" I couldn't speak. His finger came under my chin and he tilted my face up to meet his.
"Are you sorry I caught you?" He said.
"No," I said. I surprised myself with that answer, but why lie? He cocked his head at me.
"No?" He said. I bit my lip and shook my head. His hand slid down my back and stopped right above my ass. "Do you want my fingers inside of you?" He said. Fuck, that was hot. I nodded at him. "I can't hear you." He said.
"Yes, Richard. I want your fingers inside me." I said. He smiled and let out a little growl. "You're a bad little girl aren't you Y/N." He said. I bit down on my lip. His lips went to my neck and my body lit up like fire. He took my hand and we walked inside the house. As soon as we got inside. He slammed me against the wall. His hand immediately went inside my shorts. His fingers went deep inside of me and I closed my eyes.
"Is this what you want?" He whispered in my ear.
"Yes." I breathed out. He continued to finger fuck me against the wall. His lips were all over my neck and chest. "More," I said and he added a third finger inside of me. I came hard on his fingers.
"My turn." He said. He picked me up and took me over to the couch. He laid me down and stood back up. "Take your clothes off." He said. I was in love with his control. I did as I was told. "Your body is beautiful Y/N." He said as he started to remove his clothes. He kneeled between my legs and starting kissing me down my body. He licked and teased my nipples and moved down my body more. Leaving wet kisses on my stomach. His face found my clit and he started gently licking and biting my clit. My legs wrapped around his back. His hand went under me and gripped my ass cheeks. I was jumping all over the place as he held me down with his strong body. Until I came all over his face.
"Oh my god," I yelled out. He then sat up and pulled a condom out of his wallet. He placed it on himself. Moving us to lay on the sofa. Then he came close to my face and our lips met as he entered me. Staying in a lip lock he started to rock back and forth. My fingernails ran down his back. He growled in my mouth. He was thrusting deeper and harder and I was loving it. He then sat up and flipped me over on my side. He laid next to me and lifted my leg in the air. He took hold of his cock and slipped it back inside of me. His arm went under my head and his other hand took hold of my breast. He started to thrust in and out of me. I was moaning so loud. I just knew the neighbours could hear me. He was biting down on my neck and I took his fingers into my mouth and sucked on them. I could taste myself and it turned me on even more.
"Your so fucking hot Y/N. I wanted to be inside you the first time I saw you." He said. My pussy tightened around him and I came hard and he came right along with me. He let out a loud growl and we just laid there and the only sound we heard was each other's breathing. Needless to say, this summer break just got a whole lot hotter as getting caught by Richard meant, he would put in overtime with me nightly now. What a great summer this turned out to be.
The end...
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dreamerflowergirl · 4 years
I hate men
Showing too much?
It started at nine 
That’s where I should of drawn the line
It was sexualized, my spine
When society started to decline 
I was showing my shoulders 
While caring some folders
It was too sexy 
They looked at me like I was a pepsi 
A drink for them to taste 
While they grab my waist
I stand there disgraced
I wanted to show my shoulders 
It’s not like I was try to move boulders
I was just trying to get things changed
But instead I get my whole life rearranged
They stare like I’m a piece of meat 
Like I’m some sort of treat
Something for them to eat
I just wish men went vegan 
Instead of having to say me again
Thirteen it happened again
I got detention then
I told them to stop 
That my body wasn’t a prop
They told me my pants were too tight 
It might cause a fight
I was too distracting 
Who knows how the men would be acting 
So i was taken out of class
Without a pass
Because of the existence of my ass
I was a little girl 
When guys would say give me a twirl
I wanted to hurl
I walk down the street 
They stare like I am something sweet
So I go back in defeat
I am in highschool now 
When I walk they still shout wow 
I just raise a brow
Because men are cows
Always hungry 
Unless you are among three
Three men that don't catcall
Hey doll 
Or treat us like a soccer ball
Finished once they reach their goal 
To score to crush our soul 
Be in total control
Take what's ours stole
I am a treat, but not for men
I  do want I want, when
I will always win 
Never again will I spin 
I won't let them touch my skin
Everything that matters is within
I am the best 
I won’t let men detest
Men will  not stare at my chest
I will protest
They will not be addressed
And I won’t become depressed
Men won’t control want I wear 
Because I don’t care
I wear want I want, I declare
I won’t ever be in despair 
I share my story with you 
Because you never knew
What I have been through
You judged me without seeing my point of view
No one will have a say 
I will let nothing ruin my day
I am not something for display
I am not an essay
Something for you to grade
Because I will not be betrayed
I will not be afraid 
And I will not fall like a crusade
I am  in a war
Fighting for more
Fighting to not be called a whore
Or a bore
When I walk
And when men gawk
I wish they lost their eyes to a hawk
We are soldiers
Fighting for the right to bare of shoulders 
Men will not have a say we are controllers
My spine
It is mine
I decide when and want I can show
And I should not be called a hoe
Men should know how to behave 
Or they will be in the grave
If they listen they will be forgave
Just please close your mouth about my body 
I am not your friend Scotty
Don’t call me a hottie
I hope it wasn’t too gorey
I hope you learn something from this story
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scttieb · 4 years
Tumblr media
ヾ ˋ       ‘ 〄 ⊁ ─   ❛ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 ⋰  ⤷ THE INTRODUCTION   ❜  )
MELYSSA entered the space for her confessional, and claimed the seat planted in front of the camera. Beyond the lights, her humorous nature aided in illuminating the place as she got started. “An introduction, you sayyyy. Hmm,” Her well manicured hand tapped at her chin. It wasn’t long before she fake beatboxed and began imitating an infamous movie scene. “My name is ‘Lyssa and I’m the best, all the DJs want to feel my breast,” her head dipped back as she released a chuckle. “Nahhh, what’s goin’ on y’all? With my dumb ass. I bet niggas don’t know where’s that’s from, though. Do y’all!? I gotta stack with your name on it if you do. “ A warm smile expanded across her glossed duo as she continued. “But that’s not why I’m here, to cash out, soooo. The name’s Melyssa Scott, muthafuckas know me supremely as Scottie Beam. I am a 24 year old rapper,” She cutely posed while stopping in place. “And I’m comin’ for your bitch favorite spot on her playlist okay? Your nigga’s too. I don’t take shit seriously as much as I should to be honest. Clearly, Chile...” She briefly motioned towards herself, and half-jokingly. 
“I also claim I’m the female Pimp C, so you can tell I’m a bit off kilter...a bit crazy. But in a good way! For real, you can expect me to release more of projects. My hotties fuck with my mixtapes, but it’s time I...give them a solid album.” She nodded as her gesticulations heightened. “They deserve that. As scary as that sounds. Besides my crazy ass family, who are known for being elite in the music industry, I do my fair share of ghostwriting, dropping my music and just embracing the culture with my influence from Houston where I partly grew up. Although I was born here in ATL. So I’m tied to two places. I’ll just say for my final departure to prepare y’all selves for the tomfoolery and the hot ghetto mess. I will be partaking in about,” She roamed her gaze on to the ceiling in a fashion in which one can assume she was genuinely thinking. “...35% of it...40%. No....okay, hell. 60%. As you can see, I’m also a terrible liar,” She winced and made a face. “So to all the boys I said I ever loved...A bitch lied! We don’t love these hoes!” MELYSSA faked a buck towards the camera, and cracked another smile shortly after. “Let me stop with my bullshit for real. Catch y’all laterrrr,” She chunked up her deuces.
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