buckys-shield · 7 years
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Captain America: the Winter Soldier (2014), dir. Anthony and Joe Russo
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buckys-shield · 7 years
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buckys-shield · 7 years
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buckys-shield · 7 years
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Imagine attending an Ed Sheeran concert with Chris.
A/N: This was meant to be posted after I saw Ed Sheeran in November, hence the mention of 2017. I believe @ashlynn45, you asked me for a one shot? Well, here it is. (Finally 😆) Please enjoy a loose recap of one of the best nights of my life. 😊 
Chris chuckled as he allowed you to drag him along to join the queue. The two of you were attending Ed Sheeran’s ‘Divide’ tour in Singapore while visiting the friends and family you had living there. You were excited when Ed Sheeran announced his world tour, even before you knew you were going. Then Chris bought tickets and you literally cried at the sight of them. Chris had expected you to be even more excited on the day, but seeing you now made him wonder if that expectation had been an understatement. He was actually worried your heart would give out before you even got to your seats.
“What do you think I should get?” You turned so quickly your ponytail whipped him in the face.
“God, Y/N,” he jerked back, laughing. “Yeah, I definitely underestimated how excited you’d be.”
He did because you didn’t even hear what he’d said, you just carried on with your own thing. “I’m definitely getting a cap,” you told him. “I gotta add it to my collection of caps. Should I get a t-shirt too? That black one looks nice, I think I’m going to get that.” You rambled on, giving him no chance to answer any of your queries. It wasn’t like he had an intention to, after all, you were going to end up doing whatever you wanted despite what he had to say.
“Next,” the retailer called, waving a blue sign card in the air. You gasped and rushed over to your designated spot, pulling Chris along with you. You asked for two ‘Ed Sheeran’ caps and two black ‘Divide Tour’ tees so you and Chris could match. You were reaching into your bag for your wallet when Chris beat you to it, handing the lady cash. “Hey, no,” you frowned slightly. “You said that because you paid for the tickets that I’d pay for everything else.”
“Clearly, I was joking and that wasn’t ever going to happen.” He passed you the plastic bag the lady had passed him, then took your hand and pulled you towards the escalator leading to the North entrance. You took a few hurried steps so you were next to him, lifting his arm to wrap around your shoulder. “I just want you to be happy today,” he told you. “Whatever you want, darling, I’ve got it.”
“Good, because I want you when we get back to the hotel.” You told him and he burst into laughter. “And popcorn when we get inside,” you added, giggling at the light tint on his cheeks. He squeezed you tightly against him and kissed the top of your head.
“Done and done.” • • • • • • • • You and Chris changed into your ‘Divide Tour’ tees and swapped your NASA caps for the ‘Ed Sheeran’ caps before you proceeded to your seats. Unfortunately Chris had not been quick enough to get floor seats, but the seats he did manage to acquire weren’t that bad of a view either. Honestly, you wouldn’t have complained no matter where you were seated. You were seeing the concert of your dreams with the man of your dreams. It was going to be a magical night regardless.
“I can’t believe this is how I’m spending my Saturday night, this is amazing.” You said then turned to Chris, grinning. “I love you, thank you for this.” He smiled and took your hand in his. “I can see his guitar from here, Chris,” you squealed excitedly, practically bouncing off your seat. “Oh my God. I can’t wait, I can’t wait.” You squeezed Chris’ hand so tightly he decided it was in his best interest not to hold your hand.
“Relax, it’s only-” He glanced at his watch. “Seven-twenty-eight, Ed Sheeran’s not coming out until eight o’clock. Save some of that excitement and eat your popcorn,” he told you, draping his arm on the back of your seat. “Seriously, babe,” he chuckled, seeing you on the edge of your seat. “Lean back and re-”
“Oh my God, is that him?!” Your hand clawed at his thigh and he winced. His gaze fell on the stage where two men were getting set up. “No, that’s not Ed.” Your hand released the grip you had on his thigh. “Who is that?” You turned to Chris and felt your brows furrow when a familiar tune started playing. “Why does this song sound so familiar?” You turned back to the stage and your eyes lit up when you saw the projection on the screen. “Lauv!”
Funnily enough, you were surprised that Ed Sheeran had a opening act, even though most artists did. You hadn’t expected one, and you definitely didn’t expect Lauv. He was singer you’d recently discovered and fell in-love with, you never thought you’d get to see him perform live. The night was turning out to be even more promising than you’d envisioned.
“That’s the guy that sings ‘I Like Me Better’, right?” Chris quizzed and you nodded, grinning. “Aw,” he chuckled. “Look at you, like a freaking kid in a candy store.” He wrapped his arm around you and you leaned into him, listening as Lauv belted out his songs.
You hummed along to the ones you were kind of familiar with, and sang along to the ones you were definitely familiar with. ‘I Like Me Better’ was one of them, it was one of your favorite songs. You liked it because it was something you could easily relate to. When you were Chris, you liked yourself better. He made you be better, you were a better person around him. You understood the feeling of knowing from the first time you met him that he was the one you wanted to be around for the rest of your life. So yeah, it was hard not to like a song that described how you felt when you were with Chris.
Speaking of, he looked at you weirdly when he saw you were smiling at him. “What?” He chuckled. “Is there something on my face, is it beer froth?” He wiped the top of his mouth with the back of his hand and you laughed. “What, you weirdo.” He poked your side and you shook your head, leaning back into him as you turned back to the stage. • • • • • • • • When Ed Sheeran finally came out, everyone was on their feet. Your hand was back in Chris’, squeezing tightly as you cheered and screamed with the rest of the crowd. Chris tried not to laugh but he couldn’t help himself, you were seriously adorable with your excitement. He understood it though, he was the exact same watching The Patriots at the Super Bowl. Seeing how happy you were made him want to personally send Ed Sheeran a gift basket to thank him for trudging on despite his recent injuries. He couldn’t imagine how disappointed you would’ve been if you hadn’t been able to see him. There would’ve been other concerts, sure, but this was the one you needed to be at after the year you’d had; seeing Ed Sheeran was the redemption your 2017 needed.
“I’m on my way Driving at 90 down those country lanes Singing to ‘Tiny Dancer’ And I miss the way You make me feel And it’s real, When we watched the sunset over the castle on The Hill” The entire stadium sang along with Ed, cheering and whooping when Ed called, “Singapore!” You turned to Chris, grinning. He had no words so he simply nodded, you were happy- that was all that mattered to him.
As the night progressed, your joy and excitement rose to a whole new level. Every song Ed played was sang and danced to with great enthusiasm. Your undivided attention was given to the stage. Chris rarely saw you with such concentration, usually only if you were writing or watching a Marvel movie. It wasn’t until Ed started playing ‘Perfect’ that you turned to Chris, it was only in that moment that it became all about Chris. The thing was, that song was beyond special to you. When you first heard it, you’d just started dating Chris yet he was the person you immediately thought of when listening to that song. It wasn’t even because he was the one in the picture at the moment, it was because he was the one. You found the one in him. You saw your future in his eyes that would hopefully play out if you were fortunate enough. The song was special, it had to be enjoyed with the person you loved the most; the one you felt that much for. Yes, you wanted to see Ed Sheeran perform your favorite song from the album. But no, you couldn’t because you wanted Chris to take you to another dimension, one where only the two of you existed.
“Listening to our favorite song I have faith in what I see Now I know I have met an angel in person And she looks perfect, I don’t deserve this You look perfect tonight” Ed sang.
“Chris?” You called over the screams and cheers.
“Yeah?” He leaned in closer, turning his ear to your mouth.
“I love you,” you told him and his smile reached his eyes.
“I love you too,” he responded then met your lips.
Tags: @widowsfics @m-a-t-91 @imaginesofdreams @katiew1973 @winter-tospring @shamvictoria11 @soymikael @faye22 @princess-evans-addict @yourtropegirl @smoothdogsgirl @createdbytinyaddiction @dreamingintheimpalawithdean @rileyloves5 @buckys-shield @tabi-toast @ssweet-empowerment @chrixa @feelmyroarrrr @akidura79 @castellandiangelo @edward-lover18 @im-a-fandom-slut @royalexperiment256 @palaiasaurus64 @badassbaker @pegasusdragontiger @sfreeborn @dorisagent101 @aekr @imagine-cats96 @adeptkillsyasse @shliic @justanotherfangurlz @winchesterandpie @creativeheartgemini @camerica96 @lilya-petrichor @pinkleopardss @lizzysugar @bywonater @avengingalec @nerdingoutismylife @rayleyanns @captainxamerica @lapetitsyrene @01asianista @alwayshave-faith @southernbellestatues @thegirlwiththeimpala @callie-swagg1 @patzammit @stevcsass @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @steveschuyler78 @easytransformations @ateliefloresdaprimavera @theoutlinez
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buckys-shield · 7 years
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Oh my Sammie, thank you so much!! I absolutely adore you and your fics and whenever I love seeing you on my dash!! I hope your 2018 will be just as wonderful as you are!
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Yet another year has gone and this fanfic journey I started has another “chapter” in the bag. I have made many new friends over this past year (while some have left) but I couldn’t be more happy to share more of my work with all of you. This year had it’s ups and downs but overall it was way better than the last. I appreciate every one of you that I have gotten to know. Hope 2018 brings lots of wonderful things your way!
My lovelies who I will follow to the ends of the Earth (in no particular order):
@killmongrer | @buckthegrump | @wolflhards | @girl-next-door-writes | @marvelous-fvcks | @sgtbxckybxrnes | @buckysmetallicstump | @jayankles | @avengersnthings | @hellomissmabel | @iwillbeinmynest | @bellameys | @redgillan | @nataliarxmanxva | @aubzylynn | @avengerofyourheart | @buckys-shield | @abovethesmokestacks | @mcuimxgine | @hymnofthevalkyrie | @theashhole | @dividedwecantfall | @callamint | @that-sokovian-bastard
And some friend appreciation (it’s gonna get long!)
Keep reading
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buckys-shield · 7 years
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Just in case you are missing snow (and Dean) right now.
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buckys-shield · 7 years
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please like/reblog if saving and give credit to @kingzayn on twitter.
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buckys-shield · 7 years
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A third set of holiday icons for ya ^^ These ones are a bit more subtle ;) Find the other ones here and here.
As usual, feel free to use them and please reblog or like if you do ^^ There’s no need to credit.
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buckys-shield · 7 years
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team cap reacting to steve’s new look for infinity war ミ☆
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buckys-shield · 7 years
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Life can not be contained. Life breaks free. Life… finds a way. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018), dir. Juan Antonio Bayona
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buckys-shield · 7 years
Bucky: How do you want your coffee, steve?
Steve: As dark and bitter as my soul.
Bucky: He'll take a white chocolate mocha.
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buckys-shield · 7 years
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happy birthday @beardedchrisevans!  💖 
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buckys-shield · 7 years
I can’t get over the Bucky leading an army in Wakanda thing because this pretty much means he’s gonna be fresh out of cryo in this movie so I’m just picturing T’Challa walking into that lab, slamming that mf defrost button, and handing Bucky a shotgun like “wakey wakey white boy time to pay your fucking dues” 
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buckys-shield · 7 years
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i’m not gonna say that at least half of that 72% of bearded steve mentions on social media was me but i’m not not saying it either
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buckys-shield · 7 years
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Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
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buckys-shield · 7 years
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buckys-shield · 7 years
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Me @ marvel
Ok, other than the fact that I have screamed several times with watching the Infinity War trailer numerous times, seeing all these gifs from it and still having goosebumps from all of it, I just have one question…
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@buckys-shield @hellomissmabel @jayankles
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