i am minding my own business, when suddenly, the Urge to rp this fucking loser returns! my dash is kinda rung out and dead, but that’s okay! i shall hunt more yj shenanigans. soon.
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DC COMICS MEME: 3/5 male characters » Wally West
" I don’t wear this uniform to frighten anyone. And I don’t fight for vengeance."
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At last I watched Young Justice.
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[[ooooh hey guys, just as a note, i'll be afk for the next 182 hours at very least. i'm going to mexico! that's where i've skittered off to recently, scheming and packin'. that and work. but i love you all dearly and i'll get back on rping when i get back, scout's honor!]]
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One day, Wally West was bored of being ordinary.  Later that day, he decided to become a man of science. Thus, Kid Flash was born.  
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"Dude. You only have a tiny piece of what's really going on between me and Miss M. There's an 18 phase master plan in the works and it's gonna be a doozy." Totally gonna land him an intergalactic girlfriend. "So been busy? I kind of assumed so. Can't even imagine going solo myself." He smirked, puffing his chest. "I gotta leave some baddies for the rest of you guys, y'know?"
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"Nothing wrong with that." Roy said honestly, if he still had parents he would prefer to live with them. Roy chuckled at the speedsters comment, “For some reason i highly doubt that Wally.”
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I’m actually not sure how I feel about this, but Megan wanted me to post it. Inspired by JLU.
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"Please. If I didn't feel bad about putting a ding in your pride, I'd show you how a real Flash lays down his quips. Maybe once you graduate from lippy sidekick, I'll give you that call."
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"Funny, because I know exactly what I just said and know how to define it. Call me when you think of a good comeback—-Maybe after you level up. Trust me on this, call beforehand. It’ll save you a jog.”
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[MSG: 🐥] Exactly! That's the easiest path. Chicks dig when you go through a lil anguish for the sake of their loooove [MSG: 🐥] Seriously not a romantic bone in your body jeez [MSG: 🐥] Also uhm yeah dude  [MSG: 🐥] I get hella creeped out when I see you on the cover of some tween magazine [MSG: 🐥] Or that duck Grayson fellow [MSG: 🐥] DUCK I meant dick [MSG: 🐥] ****FUCK!!!! [MSG: 🐥] Does b know that u have a gambling problem?? bc yeah all that moneys gonna dry up and at the center of the economic downturn will be u feverishly scraping up enough quarters to play another round of slots [MSG: 🐥] 😘 u know it
[MSG: Best Bro]: Just HOW is that desperate? I’m skipping right past all that awkward stuff and going to flat out ask. I mean, it saves both of us time. [MSG: Best Bro]: And if she says no, well, then I’ll just. I dunno, keep on keeping on. [MSG: Best Bro]: i’m noT [MSG: Best Bro]: how does that even [MSG: Best Bro]: you think i’m jailbait?  [MSG: Best Bro]: I’m not sure if I should feel honored or offended by that [MSG: Best Bro]: okay, so then make a bet with me. because i WILL get taller, friend. and you’re going to look back at this day and regret ever going against my word. [MSG: Best Bro]: … [MSG: Best Bro]: this is one of the many reasons we are best friends.
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"Heeeey, Kaldur, you know how we were talking about that whole college thing? Well, see, I got accepted to one of those aforementioned colleges and I'm thinking we should talk about it?"
      “I believe I recall the incident.” he waits, and listens for Wally to finish. Patient as always. For someone who dropped out of school to see to other…careers, he always felt a little out of place talking about regular universities. But Wally is his friend, and he will try.
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     Eyes widen slightly in surprise, the only visible sign of emotion from the stoic atlantean. “That is great news, Wally. You do not look as happy as I believed you would…”
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Uh oh. This felt like one of those I can hear you glaring moments. Sometimes it felt too prickly to have such a casual conversation with The Man, no matter if He took the shape of a politely congratulatory-slash-partially concerned looking seadweller. But Kaldur was honestly one of the coolest guys Wally had met (figuratively and literally), and if there was anyone who could take this swingin' curveball in stride, it'd be their fearless leader.
"Nah, dude, I'm seriously stoked, you have no idea," he smiled, declaring to one and all that he was happy. Because he was. Also a little nervous. "I mean, c'mon. Stanford. Pops was so proud, I thought he was gonna buy me a new car. He didn't, citing the time I jokingly said I'd name my next car Wild Thang." Crap it, he was rambling, but it was also putting of his plunge into the unknown. Even now, he was debating his decision. 
"We did go out for ice cream, though," he added, with a fond quirk of his lips. "I got my picture taken for triumphing over the Boonville Bellyache Challenge."
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Alright, so let's set the record straight. Please ignore the official reports. Wally West didn't belong here. He wasn't some fuck up. He went to college. At Stanford! He'd been about to graduate with a Bachelor's in Metaphysics. He had a girlfriend! Why would he want to fuck that up? The road to his white picket fence life (with a closet full of superhero gear, hehe) had been lovingly paved and painted.
Only to be royally ripped a new one by some bogus charges. Like Wally would kill someone. Like Wally would kill Barry. He didn't know how Strange had spun it to sound like anything but manufactured bull, but one miserably short trial later, he'd been shipped off to Belle Reve.
"Palo Alto, California..." he mumbled, frowning as scribbled on front of a wellworn envelope. It was just about finished. Wally had practically begged a guard to disraction in order to procure a pen, but he'd done it. And all he had to do was deliver a nondescript package-disguised-as-book to Riddler. Easy enough.
Out of habit- free time always made him edgy- he glanced up.
No fucking way.
While it’s not his first time in a prison, it’s certainly his first time making it into a place like Belle Reve, a backhanded compliment to his rapidly building profile. It’s odd, being on the other side. He always figured he’d be putting people in here, or at the very least, breaking someone out. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case and his mind is already whirring, thinking of an escape plan. Some of the most brilliant minds resided in this establishment.
He’s lucky, unrecognizable, even if he were to don a domino here. Neither of his previous alter egos were exactly high profile… Roy purses his lips, eyes narrowing as the sound of a familiar voice reaches his ears over the sound of the guard reciting a list of memorized rules. Inhaling deeply, he’s filled with a sense of dread when he peers into his new living space, his previous expectations contradicted. A roommate was bad enough in the first place.
One he was vaguely familiar with was worse.
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[MSG: 🐥] Whoa there space cowboy you can't just up and ask a girl if she likes you that soundscringinglyy desperate and you are not cringingly desperate [MSG: 🐥] Say it with me [MSG: 🐥] I am a strong independent young piece of jailbait and I don't need no legal charges [MSG: 🐥] PS LMAO no but keep dreaming buddy [MSG: 🐥] PPS heeeeeella
[MSG: Best Bro]: Hm. I guess I’ll ask her the next time I see her. [MSG: Best Bro]: You know, you’re going to regret all those short jokes when I get taller than you. [MSG: Best Bro]: And it WILL happen.  [MSG: Best Bro]: Did you just Mean Girls me?
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[MSG: 🐥] ... [MSG: 🐥] Absolutely.  [MSG: 🐥] Congrats dude you found the ONE person in the world who finds midget folk attractive I am actually crying tears of pride [MSG: 🐥] You go Glenn coco you go
[MSG: Best Bro]: oh.
[MSG: Best Bro]: Well, I mean. [MSG: Best Bro]: Er, never mind, Wall-man.  [MSG: Best Bro]: I’ll, er, figure something out.  [MSG: Best Bro]: i mean, she’s really cute and all, but— wait, do you think she’s into me?
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[MSG: 🐥] Ok ok ok.  [MSG: 🐥] I was talking about zee?? [MSG: 🐥] I wasn't even serious either?? [MSG: 🐥] This was some good natured ribbing happening [MSG: 🐥] But if you wanna go and ask for her number go for it [MSG: 🐥] This is America land of the free baby
thefreshiest replied to your post:[MSG]: So that’s your type, huh?
[MSG]: ohmiGOD THERE’S A “”“”HIM”“” NOW TOO?
[MSG: Best Bro]: ???????????????? [MSG: Best Bro]: Yeah, there’s a ‘him’ now too. it doesn’t change the fact that NOTHING happened. [MSG: Best Bro]: Are you going to give me pointers? SHOULD I have asked for his number? Or hers? I don’t know who we’re talking about anymore.
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Let’s Get It Started | Black Eyed Peas
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