dreamerflowergirl · 1 year
Hw: 270
Cw: 250
Gw: 185
Lw: 154
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dreamerflowergirl · 3 years
I hate myself I went from starving myself to the point that I was so hungry I just couldnt stop eating and now i have bed. Tomorrow let me relapse and start starving myself again.
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dreamerflowergirl · 3 years
If a child is so afraid of getting in trouble that they don't come to their parents when they make a mistake that could possibly put their health or even their life in danger, then those parents have failed.
If something goes wrong, and the first thing that child thinks is, "oh god, my parents are gonna kill me," then the parents have failed.
If a child is afraid of their parents, if the child sees their parents as an active threat instead of a source of safety and guidance, then the parents have failed.
A parents job is to protect, to teach, to guide.
If a parent makes themself a danger to the child, in any capacity, then that parent has failed.
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dreamerflowergirl · 3 years
What if I just killed myself would it really matter? Would anyone really care, I just want to make it to 16, 10
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dreamerflowergirl · 4 years
I just want to be skinny
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dreamerflowergirl · 4 years
I’m hungry?
1, 2, 3, too many
All I want to do is look like Jenny
To be beautiful, to be pretty
And not just be considered witty
I used to be fearless
Now I’m just cheerless
It’s not a normal fear 
Please don’t sneer
Cake, cookies, anything sweet 
These are the things I can not eat
Too many calories, too much weight 
I can’t even eat what is on my plate
Not because I am allergic 
Or because it tastes like detergent
It’s because of the things you said
Too big, Too fat, I wanted to be dead 
Those words made me dread
Simplicities like bread
I just look at it and cry
While I cut into my thigh
Then I finally give in 
But I can already see my double chin
I eat everything in sight
In just one big bite
I fall back 
It hits me like a smack
I can see my ribs
I wish I weighed as much as I did in the cribs
It’s like a rollercoaster
Just like a chicken in a roaster
I don’t know when I will finish this ride
Maybe when my tears are dried
I just want to be skinny
And not look like the Pooh, Mr. Winnie
No matter how thin I am 
I just feel like a scam
When people called me pretty I was sick
But hey I was a hot chick
I’m not pretty anymore 
Because all I do is eat and cry on the floor
I’m trying to get better
you’ll understand when you get my letter
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dreamerflowergirl · 4 years
I’ve gained 20lbs since January, I hate going ahywhere, I feel disgusting and fat, Im 30lbs away from my goal weight. I hate my body so much.
what happened when I gained 10 kg:
- the more weight I gained the more insecure I felt and the more I hated myself 
- I’m bloated; my stomach looks so fat and gross
- my face is fat, round, and wide
- cellulite everywhere 
- disgusting chunky huge thighs that jiggle all the time
- huge flabby arms 
- feeling out of control and ‘crazy’
- stretch marks everywhere
- not being able to wear cute clothes and clothes being tight on me
- terrible skin
- I am increasingly more anxious 
- spending so much money on food 
-  I get less compliments 
- feeling like everyone is staring at how fat you are 
- being too insecure to leave the house
- I look horrible in pictures 
- not being able to go to the pool or beach
- not being able to take pictures in general because of how bad I look
please, don’t binge. it’s not worth it. the urge will be gone in 5-10 minutes. you can do this. we’re in this together– let’s get to our goal weight by fall. 
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dreamerflowergirl · 4 years
Abusive parents and eating disorders and depression dont mix well.
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dreamerflowergirl · 4 years
sw: 250lbs
cw: 202lbs
gw: 170lbs
LW: 184lbs
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dreamerflowergirl · 4 years
People when I was fat: You're a pig, you should just kys, fat, huge.
People after I starved myself: Wow, you look so good, how did you do it? You look amazing.
Me: *ashamed of how I lost the weight but happy people think I'm pretty*
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dreamerflowergirl · 4 years
I want to be pretty, so I must be skinny.
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dreamerflowergirl · 4 years
I hate men
Showing too much?
It started at nine 
That’s where I should of drawn the line
It was sexualized, my spine
When society started to decline 
I was showing my shoulders 
While caring some folders
It was too sexy 
They looked at me like I was a pepsi 
A drink for them to taste 
While they grab my waist
I stand there disgraced
I wanted to show my shoulders 
It’s not like I was try to move boulders
I was just trying to get things changed
But instead I get my whole life rearranged
They stare like I’m a piece of meat 
Like I’m some sort of treat
Something for them to eat
I just wish men went vegan 
Instead of having to say me again
Thirteen it happened again
I got detention then
I told them to stop 
That my body wasn’t a prop
They told me my pants were too tight 
It might cause a fight
I was too distracting 
Who knows how the men would be acting 
So i was taken out of class
Without a pass
Because of the existence of my ass
I was a little girl 
When guys would say give me a twirl
I wanted to hurl
I walk down the street 
They stare like I am something sweet
So I go back in defeat
I am in highschool now 
When I walk they still shout wow 
I just raise a brow
Because men are cows
Always hungry 
Unless you are among three
Three men that don't catcall
Hey doll 
Or treat us like a soccer ball
Finished once they reach their goal 
To score to crush our soul 
Be in total control
Take what's ours stole
I am a treat, but not for men
I  do want I want, when
I will always win 
Never again will I spin 
I won't let them touch my skin
Everything that matters is within
I am the best 
I won’t let men detest
Men will  not stare at my chest
I will protest
They will not be addressed
And I won’t become depressed
Men won’t control want I wear 
Because I don’t care
I wear want I want, I declare
I won’t ever be in despair 
I share my story with you 
Because you never knew
What I have been through
You judged me without seeing my point of view
No one will have a say 
I will let nothing ruin my day
I am not something for display
I am not an essay
Something for you to grade
Because I will not be betrayed
I will not be afraid 
And I will not fall like a crusade
I am  in a war
Fighting for more
Fighting to not be called a whore
Or a bore
When I walk
And when men gawk
I wish they lost their eyes to a hawk
We are soldiers
Fighting for the right to bare of shoulders 
Men will not have a say we are controllers
My spine
It is mine
I decide when and want I can show
And I should not be called a hoe
Men should know how to behave 
Or they will be in the grave
If they listen they will be forgave
Just please close your mouth about my body 
I am not your friend Scotty
Don’t call me a hottie
I hope it wasn’t too gorey
I hope you learn something from this story
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dreamerflowergirl · 4 years
I wrote this poem when I was happy
Who Cares About Them?
I poke and prod and stare 
into the mirror While I am bare
wherever I go they glare
Like I am some sort of bear
I scare them
I want to disappear
While they sneer and stare in fear
Of who I am and want to be 
I  have dreams but they disagree
They say I should sit 
follow their rules and quit
Lose some weight 
So I’ll get a date
Cover myself up
So I don’t have guys yelling “Sup”
Show some skin
So guys will grin
Follow these rules they say
But yet when I do, they don’t shout hooray
I followed every rule given to me
Yet I am not filled with glee
I am now thin
I never have a grin 
I show my body 
He took advantage, god he 
I dress like a boy
Yet I am still treated like a toy
A broken toy, that can’t be fixed
Like a smoothie that isn’t mixed
I am defective they say 
I’m done with this foul play 
I won’t let them control me this way 
I won’t let them control how much I weigh
So I tell them have a terrible day 
To the edge I was driven 
But still not a single damn was given
So I am done following every rule 
I am done being treated like a tool
Being mishandled and used 
I am so bruised
Yet I am so happy 
I don’t mean to sound snappy
 Or sappy
But I am free
Free to be however I see 
I can get a degree
I can go drink some tea by the sea
Hell I can even dress like a tree
They held me captive 
But I am adaptive 
When they see me 
They look at me like I am a pea 
Yet it doesn’t matter, because I am carefree
They tell me I have changed
But they are just deranged
I pretend I can’t hear them
And they look at me strange
SO I pretend I can not see them 
And they try with an ahem
I ignore and go back to where I started
Where I last departed 
Where my heart is guarded
Where I could be bare 
And not in despair 
My mirror, I was happy there
When I finally get back to my mirror 
I am a lot cheerer
And my mind is a lot clearer
I don’t point out my imperfections like them
I just stare in the mirror and all I see is a gem
I am perfect despite what they say
I take their opinion and throw it away 
Because never again will anyone ruin my day
I walk without a worry in the world
Except if my fries are curled
I don’t let my weight 
Control who I date
I don’t dress to impress men
I dress how I want because I am a ten
My life is good 
 all because I could
I knew they were scum
Because I wasn’t dumb
I saw through their lies
That caused me so many cries 
And from there all I saw were clear blue skies
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dreamerflowergirl · 4 years
Hi, everyone, I am a binge eater, an restrictive eater, and a bulimic. Nice to meet you, I also have depression, I sh, I have body dysphoria,  I am suicidal, and I am abused. I want to get better.
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dreamerflowergirl · 4 years
Snacks under 100 cals
1 peach
1 orange
1 green apple
1 grapefruit
1 rice cake
1 frozen yogurt bar
1 cup of watermelons
1 cup of blueberries
1/2 cup raspberries
3 cups of plain popcorn
10 cherries
16 cherry tomatoes
omelette made with 2 eggwhites
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