#where i would just rb stuff or make my own theories
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cringelordofchaos · 1 year ago
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Someone pls redo this instead of me or like recommend changes or additions to this because I didn't put much thought into it really.
(I scrolled through the whole freakblr tag for this)
(like I said, recommend additions/changes cuz this is really fun)
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cordycepsbian · 1 year ago
🐜 antism
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me and the mutuals
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🦋 testmothsterone
im literally obsessed with those videos of the bee sculpting stuff out of spicy candy
#how does she resist the urge to bite it #i definitely would if i were her
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🪲 beetlegirlhorn
hey spyblr does anyone know where to get a genuine peacock spider card? im trying to build a spider deck and cant find a boss
#spy cards #spyblr
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🏳️‍🌈 bluegreens 🔄 buzzin
🏳️‍🌈 bluegreens
why do the new bug rangers issues suck so bad i havent seen this poor quality writing since issue 12
🐝 buzzin Follow
dont quote me on this but i heard they fired the last writer so they went back to the bug who wrote issue 12
🏳️‍🌈 bluegreens
oh that explains a lot
#when will they go back to whoever wrote issue 35 that was peak
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🪲 beetlegirlhorn 🔄 spyersupreme
🌸 mothivasneckfluff Follow
i love the princesschomper blog as much as the next bug but i think it's hilarious how y'all just ignore that the "bug" who runs it is a zombie...
🕷 spiderenjoyer Follow
op do you seriously genuinely believe the leif cordyceps theory. thats the dumbest thing since bugs were saying elizant the first is still alive
#op is a mothiva fan of course theyd say this
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🐜 antism 🔄 istheseedlingvideocute
🌱 istheseedlingvideocute Follow
Hey guys, not a Seedling post but a PSA here. Recently, a batch of counterfeit medals have started circulating on the market, and wearing them causes terrible health complications. Four bugs have already been hospitalized from this. So just a reminder: ONLY buy medals from verifiable, reputable sources, for your own sake. Stay safe out there everyone.
#signal boost
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😎 Anonymous asked:
i saw you reblogged some art from transyellowranger so jsyk they support the ladybug ban
🏳️‍🌈 bluegreens replied:
oh yikes ill go delete my rb right away
#how are you gonna be a bug rangers fan AND support the ladybug ban #make it make sense
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🦋 testmothsterone 🔄 mantisbite
🌷 princesschomper Follow
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Too bright outside... Chompy will just stay in bed... Zzz...
#venus what a mood
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jackayline · 4 months ago
my open locked tomb questions *spoilers*
the tomb is open and these questions are too! Can you help me answer them or speculate some wacky theories?
The River 
What exactly happened to the River at the end of Nona and why? What is the tower?
Where are the people who disappeared into the stoma? (Augustine, Ulysses...) What exactly is hell, metaphysically?
What exactly IS the stoma?
Is the King over the River who Abigail mentions in HtN a different entity from Jod?
What happened to Mattias Nonias and Ortus after they went the fight the RB? Did they just go into the River? What happens when people go into the River though
Metaphysics of the First House and the Resurrection 
What exactly happened with everyone's memories? Why does Pyrrha remember some stuff e.g. Gideon's original name (she calls him G-- near the end of NtN) but Augustine and Mercy don't remember John's original eye color?
So Jod can't die unless killed by Alecto? Can he actually be killed by RBs or is it really just a sham?
Can Jod actually resurrect people now or does he need Alecto? I mean we've seen him basically resurrect Gideon Prime but was he technically still alive, just... in bits? Can Alecto resurrect without Jod?
Did Jod repopulate the Ninth like he promised Harrow? What happened these people?
It seems like the people who were going to repopulate the Ninth were like... being suspended in cryoanimation. Who are these people? Are they like, people got put into cryo right after the Resurrection?
Would Jod have just killed everyone after the trials at Canaan house if they hadn't died, ascended, or disappeared anyway? Is it possible he's tried to make new Lyctors before and he just disappears everyone after they fail?
What exactly would happen if Jod went to the First House?
Why can't you send or receive transmissions to/from the First House?
Stole the eyes of my soulmate (Lyctor things)
Why does Nona have golden eyes if Kiriona is a revenant? Is it because she has Alecto's soul?
Where is Gideon Nav's soul? Is it still in Harrow or in Gideon's revenant body?
Was Nona three people in one body?
What exactly happened to Anastasia and Samael? What kind of Lyctorhood did they achieve?
Paul???? So many Paul questions, what is Paul like? Like what is their inner experience of selfhood like? Was Paul always there since Pal entered Cam's body?
House Histories
Why is Canaan house like that? Like it was built as a replica--a replica of what? Or was it more like an homage to Earth? How much of pre-Resurrection like... culture and history was kept?
Who founded the 7th house if Cyth and Loveday were already of the 7th pre-Lyctor? 
Resurrection beasts & Alecto
Did Harrow just hallucinate the Body or did Alecto somehow impart a fragment of her soul when Harrow was a child? I think it's really just that Harrow hallucinated the body...
Why were Alecto's eyes like that (creepy black all the way around)? Is it just Aesthetic?
Inconsistent resurrection beast count?
Unseen character dynamics
What were Ulysses and Titania like, exactly?
What exactly was the dynamic between Alfred and Cristabel? Like why were they a bad influence on each other?
Critical plot questions
How did Harrow get into Alecto's body? (My answer for this is that she travelled through the River instead of going back into her own body. But like... how did the body switch happen?)
How did Harrow's body (Nona) get to Cam+pal and Pyrrha? How did Pyrrha get to Cam+pal? Did I just miss something in NtN?
How did Gideon's body with Gideon's soul (?) which was in Harrow get to the Emperor? Because I thought BoE had Gideon's body? Was it that Gideon's soul DIDN'T get to the emperor but her body did?
What is the role of the Messenger? Who exactly is Aim?
What are the creepy monsters that invaded the Ninth and that Colum Asht turned into? Are they RB related? Heralds? Are they from the stoma? (I think it's the latter?)
What happened to the trillionaires? Are they actually out there or has Jod just been running from his own demons?
Are we ever going to see the Gang from school again?
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misfitsandmusings · 1 year ago
⭐️ Half-hearted “theory”/wishful thinking and musing on Law, Doflamingo, Rosinante, and the “man marked by flames”. ⭐️
POTENTIAL SPOILER WARNING for the end of Wano (but not really bc my Wano knowledge as a whole is lacking. But I mention one scene at the end of it and give a vibe nod to Egghead/current events without any details. Read more-ing it from here because it’s a longish post in general and somewhat crack in nature.
I’ve been screaming with @clownquixote and have screamed at @climatact about this before but since I’m feeling unapologetically myself in my ridiculousness today I’m going to share a far-fetched “it would never happen but I self indulgently WANT it to happen so let me find this little stretch of a thread to tug on” hope/theory. (On the AMAZINGLY UNLIKELY chance that this happens I’m putting it out there right now and if it defies all the odds and comes true I demand of the universe the equivalent of Law’s bounty in… idk, something dumb like chocolate mints or bread bc as much as I love Law this chick cannot relate to the bread hate.)
But anyway- after all Law has been through in his life and series as a whole, even though YES I know his death was important to his story and character growth, I think he deserves and I would not be mad to see a plot twist in which Rosinante lived. I feel like Sabo’s reappearance came out of left field when it happened and has been widely accepted so I don’t think it’s THAT much of a stretch and if it can happen once it can happen again. The stretch of a thread I’m picking at in my self-indulgent desire to see this happen? The tiny and (I think) thus far unexplained references to the man marked by flames? When Kid says something about that mystery figure being his objective there’s a single panel -that I of course do not have saved. Will find and rb later- where it shifts to Law and he has this vaguely interested/curious look on his face. And yes, Law is curious by nature and that could and probably doesn’t mean anything.
And you would think with a cool tagline like that it would be some really important, powerful, badass character in the making but. What if it’s actually just a clumsy clown of a character prone to setting himself on fire?
I’m thinking a lot on this today because I was revisiting Law & Rosinante backstory episodes in preparation for writing kid!Law for the first time (yay!) but I jumped to episode 700 and decided to watch the entire thing instead of jumping to the actual flashbacks of Law’s childhood. The first few minutes are Law vs. Doflamingo with the latter ranting about the hidden secret use of the Ope Ope no Mi and him stating that if he’d had access to its abilities then, he would have been able to get his hands on whatever he knows is hidden at Mariejois. I have long suspected we (the fandom and poor Law) aren’t done with Creepy Mingo yet, and I won’t really get into current arc stuff because I’ve mentally checked out on it in light of some of the recent events so I’m not well-informed enough to pick it apart just yet. But I do think that bit of info, Doflamingo, and Law are going to come into play again in regards to that conversation some 300+ episodes ago. Since I didn’t claim this would be a fully fleshed out theory I don’t have much more to offer plausibility/possibility-wise yet but I am JUST SAYING Law has been through so much, Doflamingo will end up back in the fray, and I could 100% see a Rosinante that survived and has been laying low on the sidelines for his own various reasons showing up to interfere with his brother and save Law or at least finally give him some much needed light/good news/happiness in his life.
So the tl;dr highlights that I noncommittally hope but don’t really expect will happen (I’m cashing in if I’m right though okay): Doflamingo essential to whatever’s going down, Law still has some stuff to go through and will get roped into this presumably against his will, Rosinante survived and is the “man marked by flames” and will show up to help and/or protect Law. I make no apologies for wishful thinking or for not coming with receipts/all the lore knowledge I need to further explore it yet. I just wanted to get it on the record and scream about how much I want good things for Law.
Okay thanks for reading my silly rambly nonsense that I hope will come true if you did. 🙃 you can pick it apart if you want but keep in mind I make no secret my overall lore knowledge is not the best, or you can scream about it with me if you like it too.
UPDATE: I FOUND IT. (Ch. 1056. I feel like I brought receipts now even though this really established nothing. But like, why that face, Law? It seems INTERESTING. Where’d your thoughts go? Foreshadowing? Does he know something? Do flames just make him think of someone setting their clumsy self on fire all the time? Sus enough for me.)
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samsspambox · 3 years ago
heyo back at it again with another conspiracy theory
vyn might be the character that breaks the fourth wall consistently
now now i know this sounds like a whole load of horse shit but hell, it’s gotta be true in some form or another. there’s also a precedent for this in dating games where there’s a character who knows that they’re in a video game. 
take monika from doki doki where she’s aware that she’s in a game or the popular fan theory where 707 from mystic messenger is aware of every reset. I know that doki doki is more of a horror game but same standard, games sometimes have characters that are aware that they’re in a game. 
now, why the hell would i think that vyn is the character that’s gonna end up breaking the fourth wall? because he already did.  
let’s take the first instance we meet vyn: the dream sequence. 
vyn has us (as rosa, though here rosa is more a vessel and he’s directly talking to us) under hypnosis and is introducing us to the three men in the game: luke, artem, and marius. the ‘vision’ (hA!)  shows us some key objects/characteristics of the guys. luke’s key, artem’s flowers, and marius’s painting. if this is a ‘vision’, how did vyn get the objects and comment on them? moreover, why doesn't he have a vision? 
vyn says a lot of interesting stuff in the vision, but one of the lines that stood out to me now that i’ve watched it like, a bajilion times is this: “How does one discern dreams from reality? That was a dream, but this may not be reality.”like come on, that just screams self aware! okay, i know that he’s talking to rosa there through the fog but it’s also to us, the player. we know that this game is not real. we know that, yet we keep ‘playing’ in this perfect, dream like world. we get so absorbed in the game where sometimes coming back to reality is harsh.
and the other quote too: “Deeds over words. Let time reveal the answer.” he’s going on about choices in the monologue he has. this game gives us the illusion of choice, but even then we can always go back and change our answer. sure, there are ‘bad’ choices that you can make but you can always go back and change them, not affecting the stories. if you notice he always has this emphasis on choices too. is that why he has this ‘aversion’ to love at first sight? because he knows  that what he’s feeling isn’t real, that the person who he fell in love with isn’t real. 
he’s talking to us, the player, and teaching us how to play. ‘deeds over words, let time reveal the answer’ choose options and then come back to choose the other one. explore each answer, use your time. 
this is the first time he breaks it, what about the second one? 
when we first meet him (as rosa, not as the player). he asks us the peculiar question of ‘would we make the same choice again?’. i know i went back to see if i could get a different outcome. but if you look at that picture, i don’t think he’s looking at rosa, moreso he’s looking at us. he knows that we are a separate entity to rosa. there’s this thing that i’ve been seeing with the game: rosa has a lot of personality. which is a great thing honestly but it begs the question: why? because rosa is their own character. we may control rosa, but rosa does not control us. so when vyn looks at rosa it’s one thing, but when he stares at us its another. 
let’s take a card to drive the choice thing home: the newest vyn holiday sr card. later in the card there’s this... singular choice to ‘hang a bell on the tree’. why would they do this? it seems so arbitrary right? i thought of it as more cementing us as the driving puppetmaster for rosa. if we don’t choose anything, rosa stays there in this stasis until we press that button. 
vyn doesn’t really acknowledge it, seeing as he’s acknowledged it twice and very sternly too. 
so yeah. that’s my theory. it has holes but please feel free to rb with your thoughts so i can read them! 
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ct-multifandom · 3 years ago
Nirvana Initiative open discussion post
I want to start a convo here on tumblr with all you AI enjoyers because so few people are talking about all the interesting content we’ve gotten and are still getting. I’m encouraging you all to rb, comment, whatever and go over this stuff with me! I wanna talk about AI!
Below I’ll rant about some things that caught my eye (pun not intended).
When the first AINI trailer came out I wanted to make an analysis and theory post but then I thought about it and was like. Wtf do I even say. I don’t have Twitter so I had to read up on Hidden Bats here and I watched Ryan Geever on YouTube’s videos about the ARG which I highly recommend because his explanation is very thorough and his theories are really onto something.
He talks about a lot of good stuff like the Philadelphia Experiment, the plot of an old, similar series this writing team worked on, and the relevance of the Lemniscate ARG, which I would not have connected on my own. I won’t retype everything he said, but I’d love to discuss some of the extremely solid connections he made.
Through his videos, I also found out the achievement list has been leaked. I took a look at it myself, but I won’t say anything about it because of potential spoilers. There’s some stuff that interests me on there, though.
I’ll make a bulleted list of questions I have:
Obv question: what’s the timeline here in relation to the events of AITSF?
What happened to Saito? And Yagyu’s body?
Why’d Date give up PSYNCing? What is he up to now, still ABIS or something else? Is he taking oxytocin without Aiba’s administration?
Did Iris recover from her brain tumor or not?
Is Komeji’s head a futuristic mascot suit that can emote where his forehead dot is the eye hole or is he just Shovelforge George irl? Is there a secret guy in there or is that his actual body?
Are the VLR spacesuits a cameo or do they have significance?
The game is made by “Team Zero Escape” and has more ZE references than usual. The ARG also has references to SHIFTing. Will the ZE universe be relevant to the story?
I’m behind on Hidden Bats, but is the current arc kind of like the ambidex game where the girls have to trust each other to get the best result, and Lumi trusts Mari, but Mari doesn’t trust her back?
Whereas the choice between Aine and Binato was between two second degree murderers, maybe this choice will be that Lumi did something in the past to hurt Mari, but Mari is holding a grudge in the present and is willing to endanger her as revenge, and we have to decide which is worse (like obv tAI the vote but y’know)
Okayyy nvm *edit* I caught up and it looks like as of now Lumina is just a normal nice girl and Mariha is a fuckin ass. I guess the voting this time won’t be trying to decide the lesser of two evils or neither, but to decide whether to treat a good and bad person equally or to deem Mariha unworthy of saving as some sort of extreme “justice”.
The last two characters’ names and pics were dug up by tech whizes from the website code and I like their designs. Wonder what their whole thing is gonna be.
Tokiko and Naix being real is very interesting. Dk what to say, but Iris was clearly right that they exist and are shady. Perhaps it’s true that her tumor-induced psychosis made her construe some stuff as it applied to the last case, but they’re very much involved in this one. How did Iris even find out about it?
Another obv one but why does Ryuki look so similar to Yagyu and why do they have similar naming conventions?
I’m curious about Gen, Shoma, and Kizuna because they’re new, but we don’t know a ton about them. Also Chikara sus.
Edit: forgot the locksmith guy even existed for a sec wow
What’s very curious is how Amame is getting such a major upgrade from being a background character like the driver or receptionist to being an actual major player. I love when stories elevate minor characters to the major cast for new arcs, but hmm…
Why isn’t Pewter in jail? This could point to NI being in a whole different timeline from TSF if he never did anything illegal in the first place.
The six years ago/six years later thing they have going on is confusing when you’re trying to analyze trailers. The leaked achievements tell us which protag’s story has which somnium, but which characters are associated with which time period?
Interested in how Sunaiku and the Hidden Bats victims will play into the game and to what extent. The last ARG was kind of unrelated to the plot of TSF, but everything there was included, albeit with a twist. Also, the last ARG feels somehow more relevant to this game than to the last? If there’s an AI3 will Hidden Bats be relevant to that as well?
Timelines aside, please let Ota keep his TSF character development. Also, Mayumi hasn’t appeared in any trailers and that’s making me sad because y’know,,,
I hope they talk more about the Wadjet system. Can Aiba and Tama use it to communicate with each other? Can they intentionally simulate ESP across time using it?
Do all PSYNCers have AI balls or is it just the two? Did Ryuki exist as one of the unnamed other PSYNCers in TSF and we just didn’t meet him yet?
Oh here’s one: in the character trailer, they list the VAs of the four PCs, Mizuki, Aiba, Ryuki, and Tama. They don’t list anyone else’s name. Maybe I’ve got my tinfoil hat on, but what if knowing someone’s VA would be a spoiler, 13 sentinels style? Maybe someone “new” is actually someone else who has the same VA as before?
Ik Mizuki was playing 999 in the very first trailer, which implies that ZE is a video game in the AI world, but could they exist in the same reality through worldline SHIFTing bs? Digimon vibes
Ooo, edit, but I noticed they told us Binato was “removed from reality”, not killed, which I just found out Uchi tweeted about too. Did they teleport him to the backrooms? Are they experimenting on him? I’d suggest my beloved sci fi horror trope that they erased all evidence of his life, but his disappearance is still listed on the Sunaiku news page, so that’s not it. It’d be cool if the post updated to just be about Aine after the vote was over, though, and his twitters were deleted as well as all mention of him on Aine’s. Is he stuck in some place between realities or in a different one?
Sunaiku and Aine both have Ai in their names *puts red thread on my detective photo wall*
I’ll add more stuff if I think of more, but I want to talk about this, so let’s treat this post like a discussion board! Let’s include spoilers for the first game as well as Zero Escape, but not leaks from this one. So excited for AINI.
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uweiy · 3 years ago
Another post about 괴물 - Beyond evil
i swear after this one I'm done ...for today– also this is spoiler free btw.
Basically the tags in my previous rb are in the wrong order so I'll just write it out *grits teeth* again here :
I think Beyond Evil is the kind of show you have to be fully immersed in like, if you skip around –which I tend to do in any drama where there is the tiniest amount of drawn out moments *hem hem*– you might miss out on 1. Important dialogue, seriously, skip one second and they've already said 130872 words that might or might not be important 2. On the mood 3. On the logical/scenaristical progression of the show
Like 7 episodes might seem like a long time to watch without understanding anything BUT more than half the fun of the show is being misled by what the show itself tells you and therefore formulating your own misguided theories as the show goes on; as well as just the mood and tension.
Like Istg you live vicariously the pain and injustice and fear and anger that the characters experience and I don't regret a single second of stress this show has caused me.
All in all, I feel like if I had skipped through it I would have for one not understood anything, and just been like "just tell me who the murderer is already 🙄".
And it just makes it that much more satisfying when you do finally get to understand stuff
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sweatersstyles · 4 years ago
gotta get better
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This concept has been in my head for a while now and it took me like a month to write and edit and just get it all out! I had surgery two years ago today and it was one of the most emotional, stressful experiences of my life simply bc I’m just a big baby lol. This is just something to celebrate that day and the fact that I’m still so happy it’s all over! Fluffy af as usual cause that’s all I know how to write. :)
Thankful to @bfharry​ and @bopbopstyles​ for not only inspiring me with their amazing writing but pushing me towards finishing this and reaching (even going over) my personal 5k goal! I appreciate you both so much!!
I recently saw a post about tagging triggers properly so I’m gonna do it that way but if I do it wrong or it doesn’t work PLEASE let me know and I will fix it immediately (just want to be sure all my bases are covered)
// needles tw, pills tw (prescription), anxiety tw // (if I missed anything I should’ve tagged please please let me know!!) and I’m sure there are some medical inaccuracies bc that whole day is kind of a blur for me haha 
as always likes/rbs/comments are welcome but absolutely not necessary :) 
final word count: 7.1k
"Y'nervous, angel?"
"Bout to chew your finger off. I know there can't be much of a nail left."
Your hand drops back to your lap. You hadn't even realized you were doing it. A bad habit of the nervous child you thought you'd long forgotten. He offers his left hand and you accept it, thumb swiping over the cross painted across his skin. He knows it's one of your favorites and you're thankful for the comfort. You don't know how many times he'd teased you about how you would eventually rub it off one day and he'd have to get it redone.
"S'a routine surgery, I bet they do them all day. You're gonna be fine."
You'd been over all this a thousand times before. Harry had to ban you from looking up the procedure online at one point. You became obsessive with worry. What if you're still awake when they cut into you and you can't talk? What if you feel everything and can't tell anyone? What if you don't wake up? He had shot down every one of your horrifying theories.
"How much longer before they take me back?"
"Nurse said it would be about 10 minutes when we checked in. Shouldn't be too much longer. Want me to check the board again?"
Checking in had only consisted of a nurse taking your name and giving you your bracelet for the day with an ID number. The number would help Harry stay updated on where you were throughout the whole process. The "board" was simply a tv mounted to the wall that frequently cycled through each patient's last name and ID number.
"No, no," You cling to his sleeve like a desperate child, "Don't leave again. She said they wouldn't update anything until I went back anyway."
Harry had left you only briefly when you first arrived. Hands in his pockets, wandering around like a lost child around the big, open expanse of the waiting room. He stayed where you could see him and the whole time you had anxiously chewed your bottom lip until he returned. You hated it, but you knew he was just as nervous as you. So you let him have that moment. To check his surroundings and release some of the nerves so he could come back to you, calm and cool as always.
When the nurse does call your name, you almost jump out of your skin. You freeze, unable to move. Harry stands and flashes the nurse a quick smile before turning back to you and offering his hand.
You shake your head, "I can't do this, H. I feel like I'm gonna throw up if I move."
"You're not, promise. Remember those breathing exercises we practiced? Do those. C'mon..deep breath in. Pause. Slowly let it out. Do it while we walk."
Slow deep breath in. Pause. Slowly let it out.
You remember how silly you felt the first time you did it. How it made you giggle at first. This is never going to work. But eventually it did. Anytime you got upset or started to overthink about this day, Harry made you stop whatever you were doing and sit down. Breathe.
It was a little difficult to do while walking. Your body wanted to pause your steps when your breath paused, but Harry tugged you along, you almost hiding behind him until you made it through a set of heavy wooden doors to a small space with a hospital bed and a curtain drawn in front of it.
The IV had had been your biggest dread, the fear overriding any logic that it was something you needed, instead of something the nurses decided to do simply to torture you.
Your face twists into a wince of pain when the needle goes into your vein, Harry standing over you, his face a mirror of your own as you squeeze his hand. When the nurse pulls away with a triumphant "all done!" you flash a look of surprise between your arm and Harry.
"Not that bad, eh? Think ya overreacted a bit about how bad that was gonna be?" He raises his eyebrows, waiting for you to shoot him a nasty look for teasing you.
"Maybe a little." You pinch your index finger and thumb together, indicating a minimal amount.
"Tiny bit more, babe," Another nurse appears from around the curtain and he laughs before speaking to her, "it's all she's worried about all morning."
"Honestly that's everyone's least favorite part. The rest of the day should be aces if you can handle that!"
Harry settles himself into a chair while the nurse goes through a myriad of questions. Any other surgeries? Allergies to medications you know of? Do you smoke? Drink?
Harry snorts when you say no to drinking, but quickly clasps his hand over his mouth when the nurse's head snaps to look between you and him.
"The occasional drink is fine, no worries. Nothing this morning though, right?"
"No, ma'am."
Your eyes meet his, a mischievous grin still plastered across his face. He mumbles a quick "sorry" while you try to pull your concentration back towards the nurse and the remainder of her questions.
"Alright, time for the good stuff," she passes you a small clear cup with two white pills, "First one is just something to keep you calm and relaxed, second one is to prevent any pain after the procedure. They'll give you something to make you sleepy when you get to the OR, but this might make you a bit loopy for now."
"This should be fun." Harry claps his hand in front of him, rubbing them together quickly. He leans forward in his chair, as if ready for a show.
"Yeah? Is she a happy drunk?"
Harry had only ever experienced you high on any sort of prescription medication once, almost a year ago when you went on a girl's trip with your best friend and twisted your ankle in an attempt to make it back to her car after dinner out one night. You calling him from an unknown ER in the middle of the night had terrified him enough to start packing a bag to fly to you before your best friend could grab your phone and assure him you were fine and she would put you on a plane home to him in two days as planned. He had teased you endlessly when he picked you up from the airport and for the next few days afterwards as you limped around on a bruised, ACE bandage wrapped foot.
But after too many wine drunk nights to count, he had enough stories to humiliate you with and the thought of any one of them being told now had you sinking further into the hospital bed.
"You could say that. Last time she.." His voice trails off at the sight of your eyes, wide as saucers, begging him to stop.
The nurse grins, her face kind and sympathetic to your silent cry for help.
"We're a little behind schedule this morning so it may be about 20 minutes before they come transport you, okay?" You nod, the effects of the sedative already working its way through your system, "Keep an eye on her? Make sure she behaves?"
"Yeah, I got her. We'll be fine, thank you so much." He's closer now, standing next to you again, a hand sliding up your arm to settle on your shoulder. You manage a thumbs up and a sleepy "thank you" as an affirmation that you appreciate all she's done for you.
"You're more than welcome. You'll have a different set of nurses in recovery but if you need anything until they come get you, just let me know, alright?"
"We will, thanks." His thumb ghosts across the front of your collarbone, the lightest of touches to soothe you, his eyes still focused on the nurse.
"Good luck! You're gonna do just fine, I promise."
The second she's around the curtain, Harry nudges you lightly, "Scoot."
"Huh? What do you mean..Harry, there's not enough room for you in this bed." Your head feels too light to deal with his nonsense now.
"Yeah there is if you scoot. C'mon. Hurry before we get caught. M’supposed to be keeping an eye on you, remember? Gotta make sure you don't fall outta the bed."
He's already wedged himself next to you, trying to make his tall frame fit into the limited space.
You move over as much as you can, the rail of the bed poking into your hip.
He tucks one arm behind your head, the other one thrown behind his own as a cushion.
"You feel more relaxed now, lovie?"
You scrunch down in the bed, just enough that you can tuck your head under his other arm, "A little. I don't feel sleepy enough though," Your eyes dart up, seeking the comfort of his face, "I'm scared, H."
"I know you are, baby," the hand behind your head shifts to cup around your arm, pulling you closer, "Just pretend you're home with me and we're taking a nice little nap together, yeah?"
"But you won't be there with me, not really."
"I'll be there when you wake up though. First thing you'll see when you open your eyes, promise." He runs a finger along the curve of your nose, "Close your eyes. Try to sleep, hmm?"
You shake your head, turning towards him to hide your face in his side, inhaling his scent.
"Want me to turn the light off? Would that help?"
"No," You toss the arm that isn't trapped between you two over him, holding tightly to his shirt, "Stay."
"Alright, then. We'll just wait," He tilts his head to rest closer to yours, "Have you thought about what you want to eat after?"
"Not really. M'too nervous to think about food."
"We'll think of something good. Whatever you want."
"You're gonna get us in trouble, better scoot back to your corner like a good boy." Your words come out unintentionally slurred and you weakly push yourself up and away from him as he slides off. He doesn't sit though, just stands near you, an anxious look flashing across his features.
"Hey, c'mere. Gonna be fine, routine surgery, remember?" You stretch your arms out to him, a plea to be near his warmth again.
He sits on the edge of the bed, facing you. You tug lightly at the sleeve of his cardigan, a feeble attempt to pull him closer. He indulges you, his brow still creased with distress.
"Know ya gonna be fine, just hate you have to go through it at all. Wish I could take it from you without all this." He gestures to the IV he knows you despise so much.  
"You have helped take it from me. All the sleepless nights you spent up with me, holding my hair back when I got sick. All the days after when I was too drained to get out of bed. You were there for as much of it as you could be. And you pushed me to go see the surgeon in the first place. You've helped me more than you give yourself credit for."
His fingers intertwine in yours, the pad of his thumb soothing over the front of your hand.
"Make sure you keep my phone with you, my mom will probably call you every 30 minutes for updates." A yawn stretches across your face, "She has your number too, bullied me into giving it to her last week when I called to tell her about the surgery."
He nods, patting his pocket to make sure both phones are still nestled there together.
Another yawn threatens to escape and you muffle it this time, more content to fight sleep to stare at Harry; his hair a perfect mess of curls under the harsh brightness of the hospital lighting. His face is more relaxed now, his eyes still focused on your fingers tangled together. He catches you, your eyes glazed over, too heavy and threatening to close.
"Darling, please close your eyes. I can see how tired you are," His fingertips sweep delicately over your nose again, as if he was lulling a baby to sleep, "You don't have to stay awake for me."
"Closing my eyes for just a second, alright? Not because you told me to though. I want to. Wake me up in 2 hours, don't wanna sleep too long."
Your eyes are already drifting closed, the last thing you hear is a chuckle; effortless, light as air, "I will, promise."
Soft kisses pressed across your face, "Sweet dreams, love."
His voice is the first you hear as you wake up in the dimly lit recovery room. Well, really it was more like a big cubicle, another space with a curtain drawn in front of it. Even with the floaty, dreamy feeling flowing through your system, you can still detect the worry in his voice.
"Harry?" It takes your mind a minute to catch up and process where you are and what had happened.
Oh yeah. Surgery day. No more annoying gallbladder. No more sleepless nights. Freedom to eat what you want and not be haunted by nausea and sickness from what you ate.
"How are you feeling? Any pain?" Suddenly a nurse in bright blue scrubs is there, way too animated and loud at the moment, "Pain scale 1-10?"
"I don't have any pain. Zero." You're aware of how high you sound and a giggle escapes through the haze. That earns you a smile from Harry, one that lights up his whole face and makes his dimples shine through.
"Awesome! Well then as soon as you're good and awake we're gonna get this IV out and go over some paperwork for both of you to sign. I want you to drink something for me too, so what would you like?"
You request a ginger ale and as soon as the nurse leaves to retrieve it for you, Harry scoots the chair he's sitting in as close to the bed as possible.
"How long was I out?"
"Couple of hours," He absentmindedly fixes your hair, looping various curls back around to their respective places, "Took a little longer than expected, you had a small infection so they had to make sure it hadn't spread."
"How much longer?"
"Long enough you had us all slightly worried." His hand trails down your cheek to cup your chin gently, urging you to look at him, "You sure you're not in pain? Now's not the time to do that stubbornly brave thing you do where you pretend nothing's wrong."
"I feel fine, really. Just a little tired, ready to go home."
He studies your face, trying to find any trace of dishonesty. When he's satisfied you're being truthful, he stands and extracts your phone from his pocket.
"Already talked to ya mum, but your co-workers were all texting you, asking how you were. Figured you'd want to handle that yourself, didn't know how much detail you would want to give them."
"Did you give my mother all the details? Infection and everything?"
"Um, no. I knew better than to do that. Promised her you would call when I got you settled at home."
"You promised or she demanded?"
"Okay..she politely asked that you call her when we get home."
"That sounds more like her." You roll your eyes, pushing yourself so you're sitting more upright in the bed.
"She just worries about you." He adjusts the pillow behind you, fluffing and tucking it where you direct it, against your lower back.
"I know. I'll FaceTime her when we get home to prove I'm alive."
"It's been a while since we've seen them, maybe we should plan a visit?" He plops himself back in the chair, leaning back as far as he can go; hands behind his head, eyes closed. You'd both gotten very little sleep the night before, you were too anxious and he was too gracious to let you suffer alone.
"Oh please, I'm lucky I even got time off to do this. My boss would never allow another break so soon."
"Maybe for the holidays?"
"Maybe..but only if you can go with me, you know they love you more than me by now anyway."
"They do not," He peeks one eye open at you, "They love us both equally."
You shoot a quick text to your co-workers, using the group chat between the few of you to make it easier.
I'm out! Feeling okay for now but that might change later lol
The nurse is back, apologizing for taking so long, "We've been so behind all day, it's crazy busy. I had to wait for your doctor to sign off on your release." She hands you a can of ginger ale, white bendy straw already poised and ready for you.
"Just need you to sign here," She holds a clipboard and a pen out to you and you balance the can dangerously in one hand while you scribble something that resembles your signature. Close enough. She gestures for you to pass the clipboard to Harry, "His signature goes under yours, just says he's responsible for you for the next few hours until everything wears off."
"This means I'm the boss, right?" He leans over to grab the board, a wink thrown in your direction. He's enjoying himself way too much at the thought of being in control of you for the next few hours. Smug son of a bitch.
She takes the clipboard back and pulls off a yellow sheet of paper, "This is just your copy of what you signed, and also has post op instructions for your bandages. Your prescription's been sent to the pharmacy, and there's a brief summary of pain management information on the bottom there just in case you need it."
"Thank you." You transfer it right to Harry's waiting hand, knowing he'll be the one surveying every word, making sure you follow everything to the letter.
"I know you mentioned earlier having a little bit of a drive home, so probably once you get her some food and pick up her prescriptions, it'll be time for another round of meds. Okay?" She turns to you again, "I know it sounds silly, but one of the most important things after this particular surgery is lots of walking. Otherwise you'll be miserable. Rest for a while when you get home, then get up every 10 minutes or so until bedtime. Don't let her skip that part, alright? Very important."
"I heard you weren't a big fan of this thing," She nods towards the IV in your right forearm, "So this'll probably be the best part of this whole process for you. We'll get this out and then you can get changed and we'll get someone to wheel you down and out of here, alright? Don't look and you won't even know when it's gone."
"Hey, think about what you want to eat, huh? Your first freedom meal. Yay!" He slips his hand into your left, raising your connected hands victoriously. You didn't think it was possible for you to love him anymore until this moment. The way he could so easily erase your fear was one of his many gifts you adored him for, "What are we having, babe?"
You don't even hesitate before answering, "Pizza, from Milano's. It's my favorite, other than that one place in Italy you took me to. Please? Oh and one of their salads, with the little bread knots on the side!"
He glances at the nurse, awaiting a reprimand for your meal choice.
"As your nurse, I feel I should remind you that while you can have anything you feel like eating, we usually recommend something small and light at first. Broth or soup with some toast, maybe. The salad may be fine, but the pizza might be a little heavy. Taking it slow would be best. But everyone is different."
"So..just cheese then? Maybe some mushrooms?"
You let your head fall back against the pillow, a foggy haze settling over you, "Plain cheese, no mushrooms."
"Alright, sounds good. Why don't I go call it in and pull the car around? Meet you out front?" He leans closer, a quick peck to your cheek before pulling his hand loose from yours and turning to leave.
"Hey, wait," You attempt to tug at his wrist, but fail, your brain still set to slow-motion. He takes pity on you and returns to your side, "Let's eat there. It's in the mall so we can window shop after we eat."
"You sure? You still seem a bit tipsy, honey."
You don't feel tipsy. Just tired, and hungry. Very hungry. As if on cue, your stomach makes a remarkably loud noise; an objection at not being fed for the past 12 hours.
"Alright, alright, calm down. " You let out an embarrassed groan when you realize he's talking to your stomach, "We'll eat there."
He kisses you again, closer to your mouth, "Missed."
"I did, huh?" He chuckles, close enough to your face now your noses are almost touching, "Let's try again."
This time his lips meet yours and you know he missed on purpose the first time by how amused he looks when he pulls away.
"One more for luck?" You can't resist letting the back of your hand wander over his face, before resting the palm of your hand against his cheek.
"I think I can handle that," He smiles before landing another quick peck to your lips, "Be good for the nurse while I'm gone. I'll have the getaway car ready in 10, yeah?"
You're certain Harry would have fed you if you would have let him, right here in the mall food court in front of everyone. But you refuse, insisting even, on carrying your own tray to the table. He chuckles when you pull your phone out of your sweater pocket to take a picture of your food, quickly uploading it to Facebook.
He watches you closely as you take the first bite, even pulling his own phone out to sneak a photo of you when you temporarily close your eyes to appreciate the indulgence of being able to eat one of your favorite foods again; free from that anxious feeling of whether or not it would settle right with your body later. You open your eyes the very moment after he captured the image.
"You just looked so happy! I couldn't help it. You know I'll never post it anyway. Snagged a few of you earlier in your little blue cap they made you wear too." He flips back through to show you. You try to snatch the phone away, but he's too quick to pull his hand back and stash his phone in his pocket.
"After you fell asleep, right before they came to take you back."
He takes a bite from his own generous slice of pizza in front of him before gesturing to your tray, "How is it?"
"Amazing. Even better than before, if possible."
His smile is bright, loving the satisfaction of seeing you actually enjoy food again.
Your plan to walk around the mall was cut short, you could barely make it through one store without yawning. You cling to Harry most of the way back to the car, his arm securely wrapped around you to keep you steady.
You doze off on the drive home, and when your eyes flutter open you find him opening the passenger door, offering a hand to help lift you out of the car and up the stairs into the house. Your foot stumbles on the first step, failing to make contact and you almost fall back.
"Easy," He giggles, an arm thrown behind your back to catch you before encouraging softly, "Try again."
When he's confident you're stable enough on your feet, he lets go to unlock the door.
You're greeted by a bouquet of flowers, a colorful arrangement of roses and lilies from Harry's band mates. You immediately recognize Sarah's handwriting on the card and make a mental note to shoot everyone a thank you text later. You don't know if it's the medication still in your system, the exhaustion of the day, or the overwhelming amount of love that makes you teary eyed.
Harry stands behind you as you admire the flowers and the card, arms curving around to hug you, careful of the large bandage on your upper abdomen and the two smaller steri-strips on your right side.
"How did they know pink roses were my favorite?"
"They love you, peach." He rests his chin on your shoulder, "Besides, you've only mentioned growing up with a pink rose bush in your Nanna's garden about a hundred times."
"I always loved it. Still do."
Your mind travels back to your earliest memories spent there; summers when you practically lived at the small house on the hill. Helping pick tomatoes and peppers from the garden, too warm afternoons spent with a book in your lap under the shade of a peach tree, your grandfather's corny jokes and loving smile. Your Nanna's too generous portions of food contributing to the few extra curves you still carried with you to this day.
You don't even notice the tears at first. They slip down your cheeks and land on his arm. Once you realize, you try to quickly wipe them away, but Harry sees.
"Hey..c'mon, I think your high's wearing off a bit, bub. Pajamas, meds, nap. Sound good?" He turns you to face him, using the sleeve of his shirt to brush away any tears that still linger at the corner of your eyes.
"What time is it?"
"Almost 3..why?"
"No nap. I'll never sleep tonight, and you know how grumpy I get when my sleep schedule is thrown off." Even with your declaration of not wanting a nap, you can't help but rub your eyes, a weak attempt to keep yourself awake. Any resolve Harry had to try to convince you to nap melts away. A smirk on his face, he knows you'll eventually crash later, most likely on his chest or in his arms. He's content to let you be stubborn for now.
"Okay, then. New plan. Pajamas, meds, movie. Better?"
"Better. You get everything ready and pick the movie while I change?"
"You don't wanna pick the movie?"
You wave him off, already shuffling towards the bedroom, "You're the boss today, remember?"
You take your time gathering what you need to get cozy for the rest of the day, selecting an oversized, well-worn tie dye t-shirt and leggings from your dresser. You even take a moment to dip into Harry's extensive sweatshirt collection, grabbing your favorite one. It's amazingly soft and still smells of him, a faint scent of his cologne and well..just Harry. You couldn't imagine anything more comforting.
In your pursuit to feel more lucid, you venture into the bathroom, taking a moment to wash your face. The cool water instantly refreshes you and pushes you closer to feeling like yourself again. Wanting your hair out of your face, you pluck a scrunchy from your shared collection of hair accessories. You quickly recognize that your arms still have that too heavy feeling of unconsciousness and after a few attempts to gather your curls into some sort of up-do, you give up and loop the accessory around your wrist to try again later.
Harry senses your frustration when you find him in the kitchen, two small green pill bottles sitting on the counter in front of him. He's already filled your favorite cup with ice water, and you gratefully take it and drink from it.
"What's wrong?" His brow creases with concern and you feel guilty for making him worry over something so silly.
"Nothing..just wanted my hair up out of my face but my arms wouldn't cooperate." You try to laugh it off to put him more at ease, "It's not a big deal."
You know it's only the weariness of the day still making you feel so emotional, clear-headed you would not be upset over something so small.
"Here. Let me try." He slides the scrunchy from your wrist and pulls you closer to him, moving behind you to gently work long fingers through your hair, gathering it all in a loose ponytail on top of your head before securing it around a few times with the scrunchy.
You let your shoulders drop with a deep sigh when he's done, it was such a simple thing, but it made you feel so much lighter. He spins you around to face him, a charming gleam of pride at his handiwork adorning his face, "Too tight?"
"No. Much better. Thank you, Harry. You take such good care of me always, but today..I don't know what I would've done without you. I made such a big fuss and probably made you miserable with all of my worrying." You're suddenly very aware that you are rambling, but when you catch a glimpse of his face, his smile is wide. So bright that the skin around his eyes is crinkling.
He leans towards you, lips stopping whatever words may have come next, arms wrapping around you to pull you closer in a soft, warm embrace. When he pulls away, his eyes bore right into yours, and your heart swells with more love than you could ever imagine having for one person. But he wasn't just any person. He was your person, your whole word staring back at you.
"I'm SO proud of you. You've been so strong today, always knew you had that strength in you, but seeing you take that leap of faith..doing something you knew you should despite your fear, that's all you, love. I can't take any credit for that. You've made me anything but miserable, trust me."
His face is still close enough to yours that you nudge forward, pressing your forehead to his, a silent appreciation of his affection.
"Any pain yet?" He pulls back, a thumb across your cheek, eyes still locked on yours.
"My head kind of hurts? And I still just feel kind of..drunk."
"You have always been a bit of a lightweight, babe. And a thief too, I see. S'that my sweatshirt?"
"Have not!" You swat playfully at his arm, "Maybe. Is that my hair clip in your hair?"
"Possibly." His eyes dart up to the swoop of curls on top of his head, a black plastic clip twisting it back and away from his face.
"Guess we're even then."
"S'pose we are." He tries to keep his eyes narrowed in a mock attempt of annoyance, but it quickly fades into laughter.
You decide against FaceTiming your family, hoping that hearing your voice will be enough. It seems to satisfy them at least for the rest of the day. You assure them that Harry is taking very good care of you and that everything went as smooth as could be expected.
He raises one eyebrow at you as you hang up, "As smooth as expected, huh? You aren't going to tell them the truth?"
"What's to tell? I had an infection and now it's gone. I'm fine, there's no sense in worrying them. We can give them the full story later."
He shrugs, fingers working to open one of the green pill bottles before passing one of the white pills to you, "For your headache, lovie. There's something here for nausea too if you need it. M'worried the pizza might've been too much. Maybe you should take one of these..just in case?"
"Harry, I promise I will tell you if I feel anything other than fine." Your hand runs from his shoulder down his bicep, squeezing gently, "Besides, I cannot take a whole one of those. If you think I'm a lightweight now..I'll sleep for the whole week if I take that."
He slips the bottle in his pocket, pulling you in to press a kiss to the top of your head, "We'll keep it close just in case, okay?"
"Sounds good," Your hand trails back up to his neck to work fingers through his hair, "Hey, thought we were watching a movie? What'd you pick?"
"Thought we could decide together. C'mon, let's get you comfy in bed."
"Ever the gentleman, always trying to get me in your bed."
"Hey! I am a perfect gentleman, thank you very much," He chuckles, a hand coming to rest on the small of your back, "Just thought you'd be more comfortable, you can prop up and stretch your feet out."
You let him tug you along for the second time today, thankful it's the luxury of your shared bed you get to settle into this time. He tucks you in softly, propping pillows behind your back and head.
"Comfy? Need anything else?"
"No, just need you to quit babying me so much and relax with me for a bit."
"Since when am I not allowed to baby you?"
You roll your eyes, "Never said you weren't allowed. Just want you to stop worrying so much, that's all."
"Good. Cause y'are my baby," No matter how many times you'd heard him say it before, it never failed to make you blush, "Do anything for you, y'know that, right?"
"I know," You look down at your hands, trying to slow your racing heart, "You never let me forget."
"Hey," He pokes your cheek, pulling your gaze back up to him, "I love you."
"I love you more, H."
He kisses your forehead, "Impossible. I love you most."
The reference to one of your favorite movies has you smiling at him, that dreamy feeling falling over you again, "Can we watch Tangled?"
"Sure, princess."
He sinks next to you, head propped up on your shoulder, navigating easily through Disney+ to find your requested movie.
Your eyes drift closed right about the time the lanterns are being released in the sky, a moment that normally leaves your face wet with tears, the soft vibrations of Harry humming along the perfect lullaby to push you further into your dream.
He wakes you later in the evening.
"Dinner's on the table if you want to join me."
"Time's it?" Your voice is still heavy with sleep.
"7. You were sleeping so deeply I didn't want to wake you, thought your body could use the extra sleep today."
"Yeah. It was nice, thank you." You stretch your arms forward, reaching for his hands to help pull you up.
"How do you feel?"
"A little sore. More sober, for sure."
Dinner is simple; a bowl of plain broth, salad, and toast. Exactly what the nurse suggested earlier. There's even a warm mug of tea waiting for you.
"With honey for my honey," He's so proud of his cheesy expression of love you cannot help but smile.
You look at him curiously when he sits next to you, the same boring meal set out for himself.
"Harry..you can eat what you want, babe. Seriously you've done enough today, more than enough to be supportive. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if you made yourself something different."
"Nah. S'fine. We're in this together, yeah?"
You raise your eyebrows at him playfully, "Did you have an organ snatched from your body today?"
"No, I didn't." He laughs, "I just meant food wise, love. It's vegetable broth, by the way, hope that's alright."
"It's perfect."
You nudge him lightly, an elbow to his side, shifting closer to ask for a kiss. He meets you the rest of the way, lips planted firmly on yours. When you don't pull away, he quickly adds another.
After dinner is done and you have another round of meds, the two of you end up in an awkward ball of cuddles on the couch. Harry flips through the channels on the tv before finding a show you both agree on.
But you're too restless, unable to find a position comfortable enough for you. You shift a few times, finally giving up and letting out a frustrated groan before tossing the blanket off the both of you and springing up and off the couch.
Harry doesn't panic, just grabs your hand before you can get too far away or lose your balance, keeping his voice low when he asks, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing hurts. I just can't get comfortable, and I don't feel right."
"What doesn't feel right, angel? Explain."
"I don't feel like myself. I don't know how to explain it. Just feel off."
He sees you're on the verge of tears and ascends from his spot on the couch, arms quickly enveloping you before placing a finger under your chin to pull your face up to look at him.
"It's probably gonna take a day or so to adjust, baby. Yes it was a minor surgery but it was a major change to your body." He's bending now to look right into your eyes, searching them,  "How can we fix it tonight, hmm? What do you need?"
Tears are free flowing, falling on the front of your t-shirt and down to the floor.
"Take your time. Breathe." A large hand smoothing warm circles firmly across your back; a balm for your restless spirit.
You pause, deep breath in before slowly letting it out, "I think I just need to move around for a bit."
"Let's go for a walk, eh? A quick one and then back to bed. Your mind needs more rest. How's that sound?" He taps your forehead softly.
"Okay, yeah." You nod your head, an approval of his plan.
"Don't worry about it, okay? Everything's gonna be fine. You're gonna be fine."
You nod again, scared your voice will break if you try to speak. He knew that those words held a lot of weight for you, he'd repeated them often throughout this whole process and to hear them now was a reminder of how safe you were. That with him, you would always be safe and loved.
Being dark outside meant you gracelessly padding through the house, up and down the hallway a few times and back to the living room. Harry stays close, encouraging you along with little claps and kisses to motivate you. When your stomach starts to feel uneasy, he urges you once again to take something for nausea. You agree to take a half a pill, knowing it'll help you sleep.
Despite the nap you had earlier and only being awake for a couple of hours, it doesn't take much convincing for you to settle back into bed.
He's already reclined next to you, book in hand, the soft light from the lamp illuminating one side of his face. You're smushed against him, drifting between that sweet space of almost asleep and wanting to stay awake to enjoy any spare moment you get with him. His hand working through your hair helps push you towards the former of the two.
"I'm sorry to be such a burden today," Your words are slurring together but you continue on, just needing to get your thoughts out before he can stop you, "I don't deserve you and I shouldn't have overreacted so much about something so simple."
"Hey, none of that now," He lays the book on the nightstand, careful to save his place for later before pulling you closer to him, "You were not, nor have you ever been a burden to me. Just because you needed a little extra help today does not mean you aren't deserving of me or my love. You will never have to earn that. It's yours, always has been, will be as long as you decide to keep me around."
"Thank you. For all of it. I'll always want you."
"Always? Y'might change your mind someday, angel."
"I won't. Promise."
"Yeah? Me either."
A kiss laid delicately to the top of your head has your eyes dangerously close to falling shut again before another thought navigates its way through your mind and out of your mouth before you can stop it.
"H..what am I gonna do with a full week off from work?"
"Let me take care of you?"
And that's exactly what he does.
Mornings spent sleeping in, late breakfasts made together and afternoon walks. Evenings consisting of the two of you preparing dinner together or ordering takeout from some of the forbidden places you couldn't eat from before. Mugs of herbal tea before early bedtimes, you sweetly falling asleep to the sound of his voice reading to you most nights.
But his favorite part was that the scent of lavender was no longer cursed for you. Some nights before your surgery, when you simply could not fall asleep the pain was so unbearable, you would fill the tub with hot water and lavender scented bubbles to try to calm yourself enough to be able to drift off afterwards. It never worked, the heat always doing more harm than good. Harry would always be waiting for you, open arms and a soft towel to wrap you in.
So the smell became one you hated, memories of sleepless nights and nausea. But now you were free to use it again for what you always loved it for before it was cursed. In your body wash, lotion, even your laundry detergent; spreading the scent all over your shared space in as many ways as you could.
He even mentions it one night after dinner, when the two of you are pressed impossibly close together on the couch. His nose buried into your neck, inhaling deeply, pulling away to announce, "You smell like you again, love. Missed it so much." He burrows back in, placing kisses from your neck to your shoulder, ignoring your giggles and protests of how much it tickles.
A week later, the alarm wakes you sooner than you've become accustomed to, reminding you of your return to work. Harry's arm thrown over your waist pulls you closer as you try to leave the bed, a sleepy "Don't go." mumbled in your ear.
You do your best to peel yourself away from him, admitting silently to yourself how much harder it is for you to leave the warmth of your bed as it is for him to let you go.
2 years later, you have a scar you swear didn't heal right, and a man who loves you even more because of it.
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otogariado · 4 years ago
i haven’t seen any posts about episode 10 of wonder egg priority yet, so i’m sorry if i’m repeating what someone’s already said. but i wanted to give my two cents, my interpretation for momoe in this episode.
i think momoe is either a trans het, or trans non-monoromantic, with a preference for men.
(disclaimer: i’m not a trans woman, so if any trans women would like to add onto this post, please do! i don’t intend to speak over or dictate your experiences in any way.)
i’ll explain the trans part first. there’s a lot of evidence to suggest that momoe is trans, especially with this recent episode; momoe, when she was first introduced, is framed as someone who always get mistaken for a boy. in one of the earlier episodes with her, momoe gets chastised by a lady for riding “the womens’ carriage” in a train, to which she retaliates she has all the right to ride the train herself because she is a girl. in episode 10, she got all prettied up and feminine for a date, and her date made a huge deal out of her “looking like a boy”/thinking she’s a boy, and later when the egg person kaoru asks her what her name is, she was pretty upset and told him “call me momotaro or whatever”, suggesting momotaro is her given name. to my knowledge, momotaro is a masculine name in japan. and of course the biggest ringer to this interpretation is kaoru himself--kaoru is a trans man, and momoe meeting him reinforced her confidence as a woman. kaoru’s story is a parallel to momoe’s in a way, wherein people around him (or at least one person close to him) refuse to acknowledge his real identity and continue to misgender him. momoe, no matter how feminine she presents, is still often misgendered, too. but that doesn’t make her any less of a woman.
so yeah, momoe is trans. but that’s not the only important part of momoe’s character arc. this is where her orientation factors in. all throughout the series, it’s clear that momoe is interested in guys romantically, and this is genuine. i don’t think it’s forced, considering her attitude whenever she and the other girls talk about boys, and especially considering her attitude in episode 10 towards her date and kaoru.
and that’s kind of the root of her problem. her problem isn’t her orientation of course, but rather, forced cisheteronormativity. one thing she’s shown to deal with is having lots of girl admirers, and it kinda messes with her head. there’s still stigma around being non-cishet alloromantic, a bigoted mindset where there must always be two people in a relationship, and that should be the man and the woman. i feel like being mistaken for a guy a lot and having so many girl admirers messes with momoe’s head because she feels like it’s a part of that stigma. a part of it is her being afraid that she’s still seen as a boy by her girl admirers, and maybe that’s what’s messing with her head. i can’t say for sure if she’s also attracted to girls, but maybe if she is, she’s being hindered from accepting that part of herself because of the whole “a couple must be a man and a woman” ideology and/or the fact that she’s still attracted to guys.
and that’s also important. her attraction to guys. her struggle can also be interpreted as the struggle of a trans het woman, because trans hets still have to face stigma from both non-queer and queer people. stigmatized against because they’re trans by cis people, and stigmatized against by other queer people because they’re straight. i think this is an important reading, too. as for the reading of her being non-monoromantic, it can also work because queer wlm still get stigmatized against by other queer people (eg. being seen as “straight lite” or “gay lite” or being shamed for their attraction to men).
by the end of episode 10, momoe got the affirmation that she needed. she knows she is a woman, she is attracted to guys, and that those two facts can coexist, and she finally gets to accept herself for it and have some peace of mind. and that’s why the statue was already gone--going off the theory that the statues are just ploys and the true challenge for the girls was working through their problems, the statue being gone could symbolize the fact that momoe managed to pull through her struggles relating to her queerness.
sorry if this post is long, i said a lot of stuff but tl;dr: momoe is a trans het or trans non-monoromantic girl with a preference for men. her struggle was being misgendered and the stigma against queer wlm, but after meeting with kaoru in episode 10, she felt more at peace with her identity than she did before, and that’s why haruka’s statue is no longer there. or at least, that’s my reading of it! i hope i worded things correctly in this post.
feel free to add your own thoughts in the rbs, i’d love to hear them.
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wei-gege-oldaccount · 4 years ago
hii, I'm kinda new to the fandom and there things i don't understand much about yb/xz relationship. i know xz had a lot of backlash about fandom drama, but beside that, anything happened between them? and if not, do you know where i can read about it?
Hi lovely! Welcome to the fandom, and also, I’m so sorry for this taking so long.
I honestly don’t know where to start haha, I think I’ll just give a brief (if that’s possible) overview, and then refer you to the more knowledgable on the subject.
Putting this under a cut to spare people’s dash
Yes there is speculation about Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan being in a relationship. The backlash Xiao Zhan experienced was indeed due to this, more specifically, an AO3 fic written about them. A link to this fic got shared to Weibo. A number of XZ’s fans reported the site, and got AO3 banned in China, which lead to a large number of AO3 users to boycott XZ endorsed products (this is a simplified version because this post could become crazily long otherwise). This was a big deal because it could have potentially got XZ’s other projects blacklisted and him being replaced by other celebs for his product endorsements, and there was speculation that this did happen at one point.
In terms of anything happening between them, oh boy are you in for a wild ride if you choose to start digging deeper. Just to make it clear, if they are a couple, they are in no position to outright confirm it, even if they wanted to. Not without potentially jepordising their careers, not without jepordising being able to do the things they love to do, acting, singing, e.t.c.
The evidence as to why people believe them to be a couple - there is too much to list here but I will share some links further down. It mostly consists of: Behaviour when they’re around each other - from The Untamed behind the scenes footage (not realising how popular it would become at the time and let’s just say their guard was down a bunch of times), interview behaviour and answers, social media posts (and kadian - numbers that sound the same or similar to words in chinese, so you can translate things like timestamps - you will want to look into it more if you’re going to go digging), clothing and accessory choices, song lyrics...
It would be fair to say that at this point; ANY and EVERY tiny little thing any of them do is now analysed to hell and back for any clues that they might be together.
Most of this stuff at first glance does seem like *insert pepe silvia meme here*, and I’ll agree I think a bunch of it probably is. I don’t believe that literally every single waking moment and action they make contains some hidden declaration of love for one another. BUT, there are a handful of these that are very compelling, and do make me believe it’s true.
I’m not gonna detail them here, I would rather people look at the evidence themselves if they’re interested and come to their own conclusions. Fuck knows it can get nasty out there. I’ve seen some interactions where people try and push their own theories and beliefs on others as 100% stone cold truth, and every time it quickly descends into a shit-slinging match (luckily not here, but this is why I will not use twitter lol). And this is why I won’t rb abything that states “this definitely = that”, but will happily rb them making heart eyes at each other e.t.c. I will keep my belief that they’re a couple, and just keep in my mind there is a chance that I could be totally wrong haha.
I would suggest starting with @tasteofyizhan​‘s BJYX starter kit - it hasn’t been updated since October but it covers most of it. And then for some thoroughly entertaining blogs to follow, if you wanted to keep up to date or ask the better informed I would totally recommend:
@candicewright @zhansww and @tracer85s
If you do decide to go down the rabbit hole I would love to know what you make of it all!
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firebenders-inc · 4 years ago
So I'm on discord a lot and I'm sure there's a super busy "avatar" server where no one can get a word in edgewise, as I've experienced with other popular-topic servers. Plus I'm always afraid of Fandom Toxicity™ which is nearly unavoidable there. But I prefer a chill, fewer people server to share theories and memes so I was thinking of starting my own? Unless y'all know a chill server like that and wanna link me. There'll be ATLA, LOK, Kyoshi stuff, graphic novel stuff, all of it not just ATLA. Probably not *specifically* NSFW but I prefer a place to yell dirty words in caps if I wanna so prob not safe for minors. Shitposting, memes, spoiler discussion in designated channels, etc.
If I were to start one, would anyone be interested? Hit the Like or RB if yes, I'll consider it anonymous, and if I make one I'll post the invite here at a later date. Thanks guys!
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groundramon · 7 years ago
Homph I finished tri and I wrote down my thoughts as I was watching because I had too many funny shitposts and nobody to share them with bc charlie hasn’t watched tri yet
PS i wont be reblogging tri spoilers (besides MINOR stuff like, digivolutions of already confirmed digivolution lines or non-spoilery shitposts, but I’ll try to tag shitposts as #tri spoilers anyways [digivolutions specific to tri ill tag as well but not ones that were already basically confirmed]) for a while so ur safe here!�� I’m just gonna like everything/most things because then I can rb em to hisyaryumon lmao (also u should check out hisyaryumon....its me n charlie’s digimon blog)
EP 1:
- ok. alright. ok. good. they’re dealing with kari’s emotions now instead of just. nothing.  ok. alright. cool.  Still dont like how obscure/”artsy” they’re being with it, this is digimon not kagerou project, but ok.
- Also. I stand by tk and kari being one of the few good straight ships in digimon.  just saying.
- kari: this is my fault... me: god damn it shut up you little brat also me: god relatable ALSO me: ill take whatever display of emotions i can get
- I love how nobody believes tai is dead like.  They’re upset and worried but they’re also like “nah. he cant be. that fucking asshole just left us in our time of need” (actually only matt is the last one)
- Gabumon i would die for you also im crying and I think that’s the first time tri managed to make me fucking CRY
EP 2:
- I had thoughts but then the 02 kids happened and I entered another plane of reality.  I don’t feel real right now
- the only one I can remember is evil!gennai being a dumbass and being like “SUFFER AND SQUIRM YOU PATHETIC HUMANS AS YOU FIGHT OVER THE LAST SEAT” 1. humans are KNOWN for their ability to care for others you dumb obvious fuck and 2. is. is the entire tube going? because that tube can fit too people if they squish.  This isn’t a joke I’m serious it can.
- oh yeah also when i saw whomstever the fuck his name is (adult guy who i love but fuck names) and he was all bloodied i was like “its a cold day in hell when i see blood in digimon” (I think there was blood in an earlier ep but shh idc)
EP 3:
- didn’t nishijima start off as a fucking life coach to these kids.  What the fuck he was supposed to help them find a career not emotionally scar them by bloodily dying in front of one of them
- im realizing that the reason hackmon was always in his cloak, in the shadows, standing still is that they cannot animate him in any normal position for the life of him.  I drew him with better anatomy when i was 14 and didn’t have a tablet.  No seriously, look:
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I didn’t say it wasn’t bad, you guys are just underestimating how bad the anatomy on this poor creature is.  Why cant ppl draw dracomon or hackmon correctly imma cry
- ordinemon has the best reaction faces
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the best part about these two screenshots is that they literally cut one to the other, first the first one to the second one and then it cuts back to the first one.  They were really proud of these stupid ass expressions.
- I started overcoming my dissociation shock from the second episode and my hypercritical mind was analyzing the shit out of everything that happened (it is Not happy) but then evil!gennai called kari and evil goddess and idk if he’s exaggerating to make her feel bad or if she’s literally a fucking god of chaos and destruction and either way im like
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she did kinda like.  Watch wizardmon die, watch tai die, watch gatomon get absorbed.  The dark ocean is just a metaphor for depression and honestly if 02 wasn’t all over the fucking place I think Kari would’ve had some pretty decent development in it.  Actually you know what, I’m using that as an angle to approach Tri at now, wish me luck bc i might actually give it more leeway now
EP 4:
- I’m not dissociating but I forgot to say anything again and I already forgot what happened
- Cant believe mei is fucking dead
EP 5:
- I like to imagine that Tai got there like a few minutes ago, but he was like “well damn guess yall figured it out without me.  alright ill just. see if I need to do anything” and then meicoomon was Still Bad so he waited for when she struck just to make the most badass entrance possible.  Fucking extra ass bitch
- I forgot to write anything again but uhhh I wasn’t satisfied so anyways lets just get into the Juicy Details
Originally I was actually planning to be kinder to Tri than I expected.  Was very invested during it.  ‘Round the end of the last ep I realized hmmm no this isn’t working out.  Where are the 02 kids.  You should’ve brought them in to save the day.  That would’ve been SO cool and SO fun.  Fucking cowards.
god I’m kinda tired so I’m going to address a couple things I still had problems with, note that this isn’t everything it’s just everything I felt comfortable yelling about without rewatching past eps.  Like I forgot nishijima was all bloodied and presumably died in the last part until they brought it up and I was like “????” ALSO DID THE LADY WHO WAS HIS PARTNER OR W/E KILL HERSELF WITH THE GUN SHE FOUND, I JUST REALIZED LITERALLY AS I WAS TYPING THIS THAT SHE FOUND A GUN AND THEN I THINK IT CUT TO BLACK AND I’M
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anyways my problems:
1. They did joe. really dirty.  I’ll write a more proper rant on this sometime later (mostly bc charlie is MUCH better at talking about joe than I am) but basically I can tell you that his character development in the movies squandered his OG character development.  He’s basically an entirely different person.  Like Tri joe isn’t bad, besides being largely neglected (yes he has a whole half a movie to himself, no that doesn’t make up for it all), its just...not OG joe.  He’s a fine character just not the same character, and its NOT fine when you put the two together.
2. THEY DID THE 02 KIDS EVEN DIRTIER IM SO BITTER sorry you nostalgia-blind, money-hungry fucks at bandai, but the 02 cast is PART OF THE ADVENTURES UNIVERSE.  The only people who hate 02 are ones who like the characters but hate the mess of the storyline at the end, or are completely irrational and elitist about their love of the digimon series and would greatly re-evaluate their opinions if they watched the original series and 02 back to back.  They couldn’t even show them in some kind of group montage at the end??? Standing in the background when they call Mei???  Why couldn’t they call mei from a home phone also, but that’s a less important problem idc that much.  It was a cute scene besides the lack of 02 characters.  Whatever.  AND THE PROBLEM IS LIKE kari and tk?  This entire time???  Were like “oh they disappeared. oops” instead of being frantically searching for their lost friends???  Like i get tk and kari probably have fucking ptsd and can’t express any emotions because they watched important people die in front of their eyes at an incredibly young age but also 1. they didn’t address the ramifications of ptsd, so fuck that theory/excuse and 2. THAT??? WOULD ONLY MAKE THEM LOOK HARDER??? and put on a brave face as they look, but inside they’re so scared and so worried.  Not just “oh sweet, they were found/saved, theyre in the hospital but that’s fine” like WHAT theyre fucking assholes if that’s what they’d canonically do lmao.  God I am SO bitter over the ENTIRE thing with the 02 kids, it would’ve been BETTER if they were deleted from the fucking canon entirely.  Would I have still been bitter?  Yes.  But at least I wouldn’t be madder at TK and Kari too.
3. I stand 100% by the notion that Digimon is not and will never be cut out to be an adults’ franchise.  It wasn’t designed for adults, and it can’t be skewered towards adults.  These particular characters were designed for kids to relate to and find entertaining.  They do not work when placed into an adult setting.  Like, can you imagine a character like Ed from FMA going to the Digimon world?  I guess in a way that’s just Marcus but like.  Just imagine the FMA cast in Digimon Adventure.  It doesn’t work.  Digimon Tri is basically that except real.  Also Data Squad was darker than Adventure so my joke doesn’t even work.
I guess my primary point is that Tri isn’t mature enough of a setup for an adult audience.  It puts a focus on being “complex” and “philosophical” instead of working within Digimon’s constraints and making something good and adult out of that.  Like!  Digimon is a fucking TOY COMMERCIAL.  Don’t give me messages about the futility of human life.  I want bad puns and emotional characters.  That’s what Digimon has ALWAYS been, and ideally always will be.  Tri could’ve made itself more mature by dealing with the ramifications of the Digital World’s events, how it affected the kids psychologically and dealing with healing old scars.  It would’ve been a more mature take on a story we loved and would use things we loved about the story already - the fact that it took so much time exploring characters’ emotions and was surprisingly mature for the time - to make itself better.  You need to take the aspects that drew adults to the show and amplify them, not just slap on a complex story and unfunny dialogue and be like “oh this is fine, right?”
It’s not that Digimon can’t exist as an adult property, its just that if it repeats what Tri did, it’s got no merit and in my eyes the franchise is dead.  If it survives I guess I’ll be happy that people can still enjoy it but I find it unsustainable and unsatisfying to fans of the older series.  Tri is just a fuckfest of highly specific nostalgia that tries too hard to appeal to old fans without capturing what made the original series so magical, and in part thats because the original series WASN’T FOR ADULTS.  I don’t know about the Digimon Story games, bc they’re T-rated so perhaps they’re a better take on an adult Digimon story than Tri?  But you either need to make your own characters and lore specifically for an adult-oriented Digimon season, or perish.  Also, please make it a series and not a group of movies.  Getting four eps every 6-9 months was hell.
I stand by saying Appmon is a more faithful Digimon season than Tri to Digimon’s original spirit.  I believe it holds more potential for success than Tri and better embodies the spirit of the older Digimon seasons.  It’s dumb, its corny, it has horrible puns, but I LOVE it because it also has a deep dark story and emotional moments.  If you dislike Tri and you agree with things I said that make it unlikeable, I highly recommend giving Appmon a chance - if you watch a few episodes and think “oh yeah, I guess this is decent” you’re going to like it.  It’s everything Digimon has always been and hopefully always will be, just with a different concept.  And hopefully the end of the series doesn’t leave a sour taste in my mouth and I have to redact this statement haha since I’m not done with it yet, but I’ve heard good things about it so I’m hoping not so.
Overall, if you watch Tri, don’t get your hopes up.  It resolves everything okay-ish but it’s a pretty forgettable anime on its own and simply doesn’t work as part of the Digimon franchise.
I am, however, pretty interested in what evil!gennai said at the end about Diaboromon and Daemon.  It raises interesting questions about the timeline too.  We know Daemon is in the dark ocean, so perhaps that’s a hint at a future project?  (They did confirm a future project btw, in conjunction with tri being over)  But what about Diaboromon?  I dont believe that Our War Game (I think thats what its called?) took place after Tri, based on the outfits and ages and stuff, but I also don’t remember the movies that well.  Could Diaboromon still be out there too?  It’s interesting.
However, because of the lackluster performance of Tri, I don’t have my hopes up and I really hope that this “next project” goes in a different direction.  Although I guess if they include the 02 kids, I’ll be somewhat less salty...
Side note, did they ever explain why the gennais went evil?  Like ?  That’s a pretty important thing.  The gennais helped SAVE the human world in 02.  And I get that apparently Tri is ignoring 02′s ending but still.  It’s shitty, because Gennai was still a good guy in the original too (and also they cant just keep is younger look and act like 02 never happened)  MAYBE its something I missed but I dont think so.  God there’s just.  So much wrong with Tri.  I’m very displeased and very bitter and I wanna get back to Appmon asap.
It’s got good moments, its got bad moments, I dont know, I don’t care.  There’s nothing wrong with you if you like it, there’s nothing wrong with you if you don’t, and there’s nothing wrong with you if you flip flop and are split like me.  I just wish Tri fulfilled its potential instead of becoming a boring mess.
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kyojinofbraveos · 8 years ago
Chapter 94 Thoughts
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Chapter 39.
And here we are, finally reached that famous hometown after 55 chapters.
Except, it is not that much of a home anymore. 
It is a cage that put a wall around. 
Sounded familiar? [Insert Vogel im Kafig]
But Reiner returns to home without Bertolt, so this is just heartbreaking. Specially after episode 36 of anime, aka yesterday’s episode, and after hearing how Bertolt screamed about how they are gonna return home. To Reiner, it is not that much of a home anymore.
As all Warriors return to Rebellio with no exception, even the shifters who were promised to live like honorable Marleyans as I pointed out here, we witness how douchebag Marley is, again.
This chapter really shows how absurd everything is at Marley, like Braun Family’s words about Paradis or that Korslo dude scaring mentally injured Eldians. We must remember no one is fully at fault here, Marleyans are treating Eldians this way because no other way was shown to them and Eldians are accepting this because no other choice was given to them.
In this brainwash game Marley is playing, it is all or nothing. Either you are gona brainwash a whole generation or not gonna brainwash at all and not just gonna brainwash the minority Eldians, but also gonna brainwash your own people about how low those Eldian rats are. You are gonna built walls, both literally and morally walls. Brainwash at finest. From elders to children.
My Son Reiner
There is a supreme hoe living in Rebellio, Liberio?, and the only good thing she has done is giving birth to a sweet potato that is gonna be known as Reiner Braun. Her name is Karina. She once didn’t give any fucks about the Walls™, must be something about Braun genes, that separate this two society and she ended up with a baby all by herself because her Marleyan lover dumped them. This is the story of how our baby boy Reiner is born. 
As Reiner was growing up, Karina put all the weight she is suffering on Reiner. She wanted to be a Marleyan to live a proper life with her Marleyan lover, so she gave Reiner as a Warrior candidate to make this dream true and Reiner, who wanted a proper and loving family, put everything he has on this way so that they can be finally happy. He wanted to be enough for his mother, like he is not suppose to be enough with the way he is.
So he tried his best and was chosen one of the Warrior candidates because of his loyalty. Ironic, I know. Chapter 42 Flashbacks
Another ironic point is how much Gabi and Child!Reiner look alike. No wonder they are relatives. 
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Chapter 91.
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Chapter 94.
The morals are not same yet the goal is, or was. Reiner changed a hell lot after living through hell within those Walldian monsters. The same speeches he used to sermonise is not working on him anymore.
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Look how dark Reiner’s eyes are when he listens Gabi’s parents praising her about such a great Warrior she is even though where she needs to be is school and what all Warrior children need to pass is Maths. Reiner is not happy to see how he is idolized by his cousin and how she is going to die because of her childish attitude and their family’s support.
Also notice how he is the one that is not smiling when Gabi tells their family about her heroic war stories, or about his war stories about those demons living in that island. While his mouth says something different, his face tells another.
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But out of all Reiner faces we see at 94, of course my favorite is this hidden smile at bottom.
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How cruel those monsters were indeed, Gabi. lolololol.
He tries to make Walldians sound evil, he tries to look like he approves what Braun family is saying yet he can’t fool anyone. He doesn’t think they are evil, they are monsters or evil. None of the sides are. As someone who experienced both sides he knows there is not a bad or a good side and believing that there is, is a childish delusion. Nobody is pure yet nobody is at fault. He can understand both sides quite well as someone who has been at both. The loyalty he has for Marley as a Warrior at past took many things he loved from him and he hates it. Yet that doesn’t mean he is gonna betray Marley, that would be betraying last drop of family he has left and betraying other Warriors like Annie and Marcel. He is depressed, incredibly tired and suffering from a thousand mental illness while trying to pick which Warrior kid is gonna yum him for dinner. 
Reiner who screams about Marley propaganda and dreams about being a hero at the age of ten is dead and buried.
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Chapter 94.
Yet, that screaming face is still alive.
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Chapter 93.
But the cause of that is different now. To prevent Gabi becoming a Reiner 0.2, to make Falco save his waifu and maybe to make what Falco think happen. Maybe.
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Berutoruto, Annie and other Warrior Kids
Bertolt was born as a cinnamon roll since mother womb. Unfortunately, he was a very talented one so he was picked as a Warrior candidate. It was such a waste to see that he is talented at shooting yet never witnessing this while he was... You know... Alive. Sobs.
Yet, I am glad to see that RB were close even before coming to Paradis. And that Annie has always been this indifferent. And how yummy pure young Zeke looked.
All of these kids were chosen for a special ability that makes them different from others, Annie’s fighting skills, Pieck’s intellect, Marcel’s strength; but no matter how different all these kids are, they got something in common.
They got no will of their own. 
Bertl said the same about himself at the very beginnings of this manga, but this is accurate enough to say about all the Warriors which is why Marley wants to pick children for this hard mission. That is why they are being shifters at a very child age. So that they won’t built opinions of their own, so that they won’t grow because if a Warrior lives that long, they might rebel against Marley. Smart plan. They seem to be picking one teenager, see: Zeke, to lead them and 5 tweenies to inherit the rest of the titans. 
I like to see how honest Porco Galliard is. He is a roast master because his parents give him the ultimate roast with that name. In the name of Ymir Fritz, were you out of names Galliard Family? Poor kid. Yet, his honesty is pretty much appreciated, in a land like Marley honesty is a really rare thing to see. Kinda reminded me of Jean, and him carrying Colt also shows he cares about his underlings so he is only mean to Reiner.
Isayama really seem to enjoy memes this month. Be it this , or homework memes like this or this.
9th Titan status is still mystery. Maybe it flied away.
Though I am sure Marley still has it. Someway.
Okay, okay okay. Confession time.
I never believed that random dude was something important. I just thought he was some Rando McNobody because it didn’t make any sense to me that Eren is on mainland.
It still doesn’t.
Yet, that dude is screaming Eren to us. This reminds me that one time where Eren saved Mikasa for the first time in his titan form while everyone was like “What could this abnormal titan be?”. I asked why and how Eren can transform to a titan, it was a big mystery that days.
So I am asking this again.
Eren.... Why are you in Marley and how did you get there? But mainly, just why..?
Reasons and theories are flying around. 
Since I want to believe Eren has grown a lot after all the stuff happened, I think he has his reasons. We are gonna see it one way or another, maybe after Eren revealing himself, like RB did once, we are probably gonna return to island to see what happened in Paradis during those 4 years other than playing with battleships.
Once Isa said there isn’t so much difference between Warriors and Soldiers. I can now see what he meant. They are both trapped behind the Walls, the sky they look up is same yet their goals and what they are trying to achieve is slightly different. 
And we end the volume with Reiner being fucked up yet handsome as ever, with long waited Warrior flashback and with that hoe Karina. 
Would it be too much to ask if I say next month is also gonna be Warrior chapter?
Thank you all for reading!
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crisiscrafted · 5 years ago
These are the guidelines and rules for interacting with me. It’s good to at least skim through them before doing anything, just in case there is something we don’t agree on.
This blog will contain violence and possibly graphic violence.
This blog contains a muse from an extremist Omnic rights organization and will delve into such themes as discrimination. 
This blog will contain discussions and depictions of physical and mental trauma and indoctrination. 
This blog is fine with handling and will handle NSFW if it comes up.
This blog will contain a lot of ooc.
This blog is fully headcanon based until Michael Chu personally tells me the facts of this character.
This blog will contain swearing.
This blog will contain possible mentions of religion. 
No godmodding. So no taking control of my characters for me, and no being invulnerable.
No partaking in violent or sexual content under 18. People and muses under 18 years of age should not ask or partake in any sexual or otherwise graphic content and will be blocked for attempting to do so. That is non-negotiable. This counts for both text and image.
Don’t force ships. Let them progress naturally, and don’t assume. This will prevent a lot of awkward moments for the both of us and our muses.
No noncon, incest, bestiality, or pedophelia. I refuse to interact with people who rp incest, bestoality, and/or pedophelia. You will be blocked and possibly reported where necessary and viable.
Don’t reblog threads you aren’t a part of.
Don’t be a jerk to me or other role players for no good reason. That ain’t cool. This involves: No hate/phobia towards GSM(gender and sexual minorities)/LGBT+/MOGAI(Marginalized Orientations, Gender identities, And Intersex)/SAGA(Sexuality and Gender Acceptance), no abelism, no toxicity, and so on. I honestly can’t believe I have to even clarify all of this for some people.
I will not rp with non-rp blogs.
Personals and other non-rp blogs are welcome to follow, but don’t reblog threads, ooc posts, ic posts, or ask answers to asks you didn’t send. The only exception is those tagged with #ok to rb or #personals welcome.
Do not reblog asks without ever sending something. That’s just rude. Not to say you must always send something, but at least space your reblogs so my activity isn’t flooded and/or send something so you’re not just that guy using me as meme archive whom I may block because it’s annoying me. If we never talk and all you do is reblog ask memes, you might as well not follow me is all I am saying.
You can post as much ooc as you like, just try to tag it.
I generally dislike passwords, so if you have a password, it is likely I will not follow. If you do and you follow me first, it is safe to assume that I have read your rules and bio before following back, as I dislike following back without doing so. If the page is on a post, I will like the post to show I have read it. This rules page has no password. I assume all who follow have read and agreed to the rules.
You may remind me of threads via IM, or discord if you have me added there, but limit it to one reminder a week and be polite. If I sense any form of manipulation, I will not continue the interaction.
You need not notify when a thread is dropped. It is nice to be notified, but that’s it. Besides, I really don’t mind if people forget threads either. If a thread is really old, maybe even a year, it’s fine to ask to continue.
This is a single-muse side blog to bluesunsdusk. All follows will come from there. If willing to deal with multi-muse, one is welcome to just send asks for mystery/nameless omnic there instead of here.
This blog is not mutuals only but is semi selective.
I will rp crossovers and AUs. If there is a fandom I have no verses for which you want to rp in, let me know.
I will rp with duplicates if we get along ooc. I am no fan of dupes, but they are bound to exist and I’m not about to be a dick about it. That being said, unless we’re bros, I won’t follow one.
I have restrictions on ship dynamics. Toxic ships will only be available for people I talk to ooc and whom I can tell if it’s at a point I find uncomfortable. Cheating plots are a no go. Anyone I hold the right to say when a muse is too young for mine. I do not do teacher/student ships. No dd/lg stuff in my Shambali Minecraft server. If you call Set daddy, you’re blocked. I jest on the last one, but please only use it jokingly or familially.
I don’t tend to do exclusives. With ships, that would only happen if we’ve both agreed to it. I may do mains, however.
This blog is multi-ship. Any ships will be separate from each other in their own little timeline.
OCs are welcome! I love OCs. Give your omnic ocs especially. There aren’t enough of them.
If you have some headcanons that conflict with mine, it does not mean we cannot rp together, we could just do a compromise or something.This character is very much headcanon-based due to only having a crumb of information shown in canon. Nothing is set in stone and things may have to change whenever the OW dev team announces new info.
I currently do not use a thread tracker.
I do not interact with muses from media such as Steven Universe.
I don’t know much beyond the Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls, Dynasty Warriors, Doctor Who, Overwatch, Fallout, and Fable franchises at all.
Don’t rush yourself with responding. Taking your time is fine. 
Multi-ships will be AU.
Feel free to suggest headcanons and theories, if you want.
Links and link page still to be made.
Any Sigma blog run my non-Dutch-speakers may ask questions regarding the language and the Netherlands itself. Keep in mind, however, that I was raised bilingual from birth, unlike many other Dutchmen.
Mun is 24 years old as of August 2019.
Mun speaks Dutch and English.
Mun is in one of the European timezones.
Mun has no triggers, but ask that one tags graphic imagery, irl violence/news, and sexual content.
Mun may not follow people who post too much too often, as it clutters the dash and makes it overstimulating.
Mun is currently in college and has limited time to be online.
The mun is shy, has other hobbies, is still studying, isn’t very talkative to most, and is forgetful. 
Mun is not always active. Muses do not always cooperate. Do not take my slow response time personally, and don’t worry about how I’d react if you reminded me of a thread. 
Mun =/= muse. I do not condone everything my characters do/have done, and their behavior should not reflect on mine. Do not mistake their hostility to your muse as hostility from me to you.
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Tw r*pe 
When I was incredibly young (to young to even know anything about ANY of this) I had a dream about a clown chasing me around an old stone castle 
(mainly stone corridor walls with window holes in them and door holes that let to a simple bedroom with just a double wooden framed bed some night stands and like other stuff to make it look neutral like a hotel room but not empty)
And occasionally I would pass by people I knew just talking to each other as I ran past screaming, they didn’t help they were just like oh what is she doing then return to their conversations
and nothing was explicitly out.. or  anything bc I don’t think I would even know what that looked like at that age but I just knew the clowns intentions where to r*pe me 
This is just one of my weird dreams, I remember this one very well bc tbh traumatising 
If I get some likes and rbs by the morning I’ll make my own post of other dreams (you can add on with ur own dreams as well)
And once again I was at too young of an age to know about this so idk, I think about it sometimes and have theories about it but idk I just wanted to share 
Clown dreams don’t come up as much as one would think on tumblr, or maybe it looking in the wrong places
have decided to sell out my dreams!
for the bargain price $4.20 you can purchase the Clown Dream I had last night!
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horsebitesfence · 5 years ago
On Chronophobia and ADHD – RB with Hestia Peppe
RB: hey, i think i just self-diagnosed with ADHD, am i right in thinking that's something you know about? would welcome any recs you might have for reading/resources
RB: (it would explain so muchhhh)
RB: (also wondering about the rel between ADHD and trauma)
HP: Oooh yes! ADHD is definitely the errr paradigm I am working with right now if that's a way to think about it.
HP: I am actually amazed by how practically useful it has been to think in these terms.
But I will say in terms of research/resources stuff is thin on the ground and mixed up with a lot of neurocognitive research which i find quite dodgy in places, not to mention the (very american) pharmaceutical agenda.The best stuff i found has been self advocacy descriptive personal account stuff, and that has been very much a process of reading between the lines.
Basically, people with ADHD tend to at least appear quite ‘high functioning’ (not an ideal phrase because hierarchies) so go undetected often, and then its very very stigmatised, i would say, in that often symptoms or traits are judged in moral terms. The most important sort of secondary ideas i have found are about Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria, and anxiety as a hugely comorbid secondary issue which is more likely to be treated than the ADHD itself.
The relationship to discipline and goal-setting is formative, as is chronophobia or a traumatised relation to time, and sometimes memory. The neurocognitive hypothesis is that it’s a problem in the dopamine cycle, so process is more fulfilling than completion of work; but i am super skeptical about neurotransmitter theories.
HP: As far as its relation to trauma goes, i would say it probably renders us more vulnerable to CPTSD. Lack of diagnosis or 'management' of ADHD leads to problematic coping mechanisms, leading possibly to abusive or addictive behaviours or on the other end vulnerability from a lack of or funky interpersonal boundaries. But whether anything is causal/symptomatic or comorbid seems always particularly hard to tell with ADHD, partly because of the non-typical relation to time.
HP: The neurocognitive hypothesis is that it’s a problem in the dopamine cycle, so [that] process is more fulfilling than completion of work, but i am super skeptical about neurotransmitter theories.
HP: On the plus side, [my] university and NHS [practitioners] have both been really encouraging about seeking help for it and getting a psychiatric diagnosis, which i am interested in, tho will no doubt have its downsides.
Most important, i think, is that mental health problems are treated in the context of ADHD as a constitution, rather than [in isolation], and i think that would go for trauma stuff too. Apparently ADHD folks have less success with SSRIs than others.
I think a body focused/somatic approach [is] v. v. productive, for both ADHD and trauma.
Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria [also] seems key. It’s the idea that the emotional impact of rejection is almost irrationally high in many ADHD folks, but [then again] this may be a traumatised relation from the stigma of ADHD, and literally being reprimanded more often than neurotypical folks, rather than being an essential difference. So if there's an interaction with trauma specific to ADHD it might be related to emotional response to external stimuli being higher.
RB: gosh, yea.
HP: Sorry so much.
RB:  Wondering how receptive my gp would be to my requesting an adult diagnosis
HP: My GP was like ‘yes, will refer u immediately’, but that’s with a recommendation from an Ed Psych which uni paid for. *UPDATE: NHS maybe aren’t doing this as quickly as i thought, so it remains to be seen if they follow through; and university seems to just be sending me through as many hoops as possible, lots of assessments, minimal support systems.
RB: ok
RB:  i saw this on Twitter – ‘ADHD Explained Using Comics’ by Dani Donovan,1
and, like, so much of it is me. ,2So much. idk what chronophobia is but def. have weird relationship with time. Very weird.
HP:  I have sort of made up chronophobia but am sure its a thing.
RB: 'comorbidity'
RB:  i feel lost in time.
HP: It seems to me the best stuff around is DIY stuff exactly like the comics u link to
RB: also – trouble starting anything; trouble finishing without hard external deadlines – so me.
RB: why i never write
HP:  I think these are like the defining traits tbh
RB: even tho i want/need to be writing
RB: + procrastinating
HP:  Comorbidity is the creepiest word
RB: as described ^^
HP:  Same!
RB: do u medicate for it, may i ask? seems like mindfulness / meditation cld really be helpful
RB:  i had an insane year on citalopram
HP: In America they see it as essential to medicate for it from a v early age but i am like v v v skeptical
RB: sertraline seemed better
HP:  I took Prozac for 5 years; it didn’t do much except make me sleepy and a bit ok with shit life, but for ADHD it’s Ritalin or Vyvanse, so treatment with low constant dose of stimulants (*sometimes also something called dopamine blockers, but I don't know the details).
RB: ok; so, like coffee? just on my risky 2nd cup.
HP:  I dont myself want this prescription.
HP:  Am sure mindfulness etc v. good, but i do think body-focused methods best.
RB: ok
HP: I read this Twitter by Erynn Brook (sp?), and she advocates meds but also talks a lot about building in good coping mechanisms like how you organise yrsrlf in space/time in ways that work for u.
RB: yea; more interested in strategy
HP: So yeah strategy v. key.
RB: hey thanks so much, also in as much as i may unconsciously have posited u as gatekeeper. couldn’t have hoped for a more helpful reply.
HP: No worries! It’s good talking to other people about it cos the grand narrative of it is well shaky
HP: One thing i have worked out is that it’s all just emerging now so u can’t really gatekeep it, thank fuck. Glad to be helpful always. Check out Erynn Brook and remember being kind to yourself cos probably u havent been being if u just got to this point.
[time passes]
RB: hey, i'd really like to hear a bit more about your thinking on chronophobia;
it stayed with me as a strong motif.  felt so 'full' when you said it it took me a while to realise i hadn't asked u to describe it.
HP: Yes I would love to see you and talk about all this stuff. I have thoughts tjoughts thought ... Google searching ‘Chronophobia’ brings up this book from MIT about art in the 60s:
https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/chronophobia. It appears to be also a term in use in psychology/self help; is in wiktionary, and appears to mean the obvious: fear of the passing of time. Associations with incarcerated people, particularly, suffering from it and also anyone suffering from heightened stress and anxiety. Searching chronophobia + ADHD, there are plenty of hits, so, again, this seems a well-made connection. I’m also thinking about ‘Chrononormativity’, an idea i was first introduced to by my friend Helen Stuhr Rommereim, and which I think she gets from Elizabeth Freeman (possibly via Lauren Berlant), in relation to ‘queer time’ or a failure to achieve normative milestones in the time allotted, such as maturity, childbearing, marriage. Her paper on this is included in the documentation of a conference about Chris Kraus we both attended in 2013, which is where we met as we were on the same panel. 3
HP: Context in my work right now – all of this to do with ideas about speculation, past/present/future, chance/fate, resistance to goal/plan/target, not knowing what to do.
I’m currently doing some early/cursory research into the mythology of the fates (Ancient Greek and other cultures) as spinners, and thread as line; trying to parse linearity and how it might or might not relate to neurodivergence/neurotypicality. I like lines as a way of following or tracing, and also drawing as well as writing –thinking a lot about the work of Renee Gladman, who is interested in architecture and fiction (prose architectures), and works with drawing and writing and the relation between the two – so, also automatic and asemic writing. I also think a lot about Ariadne’s red thread in the labyrinth, and now that i am trying to learn to spin, how all threads are made of many tiny ones. This trying to spin has grown out of an old durational performance work i have done for years – so, durational performance, as a form, is part of this, maybe, for me. I always like the durational form, as it is more about setting up boundaries in space and then letting time happen than [it is about] existing in linear time. Chronophobia as anxiety about mortality, and control, or volition/agency; or the trace of subjectivity in the world (cf maybe tim ingold). Also, there are two types of time in the classical sense: Kairos (the now) and Chronos (history), or something like that.  None of this is fact-checked, I must say.Tarot cards relating to time are: wheel of fortune, temperance, death, the hanged man.
HP: Not sure i am doing this right, but thought some context to the earlier conversation might be useful for orientation, at the same time as thinking about my own self-diagnosis of ADHD and how it relates to knowledge and action and intention and access. Not sure if you saw this on my Twitter, but I thought it was a very good overview of neurodiversity discourse as it stands: https://www.janinebooth.com/content/two-and-half-cheers-neurodiversity
RB: Thanks. You’re doing this very right, I’d say.  Like somewhere back in the transcript there is a ‘gosh, yea’ of mine which stands in as a marker for the point at which my mind was blown, began to make new neural connections, bathed in a sort of speechless radiant awe for what you said; and this feels the same only more so, galaxy brain in mandelbrot – only grounded in and by your efforts to verbalise it and connect it with your work and that of others. That this is what you’re working on for your doctorate – I am awed and excited to know it. I would really like to be present when you perform.  I’m really impressed by your articulation. I feel such a relieved shock of recognition for chronophobia as you describe it, as something I had begun to acknowledge and articulate internally, but never outside myself, verbally or otherwise; nor had any inkling that it might be tangled up with ADHD ... nor that it is something other people experience or know about, nor that you are working on it in this profound way. I feel less alone and am honoured that you shared this here with us.
RB: Also – ehheh!  I saw today that we both liked this tweet
RB: Another highlight, for me, of today’s feed –
RB: I’m always keen for writers’ writing on technique, scanning in case I find a key there to my own outward articulacy and/or the means to vanquish distraction/avoidance. Just remembered when the poet Lucy Mercer said to me that as a writer, I’m a weaver. I was happy with that then and I am happy with it here, in this context. 4
HP: Hey! This is all so kind of you to say I am sort of overwhelmed. I can't believe i have even been paid for this already, so shout out to that. I made up chronophobia because  i wanted a way to describe my fear of time. I dont think it was really to talk to anyone else about it. I looked it up afterwards when I mentioned it to you I guess i have really let you have it with the inner monologue. I looked it up after I mentioned it to you. I figured that this had, you know, happened before, that other people would already be using this word. And they are. As a sort of intra-post-script, it is important to say that in terms of ADHD I came to this knowledge or understanding after like 12 years working as a private tutor, and without the students I worked with in that time I don’t see how I would have got to this articulation, so immense gratitude and respect to them for the thinking we did together about how thinking and learning work for different people.
HP: I was going to email you and ask for a deadline today but in the end i didn't write any emails because i was just spinning yarn on the wheel. It’s an amazing process learning to do it. Like a truly never-has-to-end embodied action. I think it could be the best way to replace some obsessive Twitter scrolling. My dad totally gets it. He says singing while spinning, that's the thing, he's heard. I learnt how to learn things from him mostly. I think maybe both my folks have ADHD. It’s supposed to be super heritable.
HP: My mum's a doctor. That's maybe where I get the cavalier attitude to discussing stuff like this you are supposed to be an expert to be allowed to think about. I am absolutely not an expert except perhaps of my own experience. Which this is, but but i push it, i know that. tho I don’t want the meds, I absolutely want to stress i am not like totally against meds. Chemicals are fine and good. Like coffee or you know whatever works. I am just in favour of people being given the best possible understanding of any treatment they undergo. I feel like i wanna unwind my own coping mechanisms like manually. Maybe that's a perk of late diagnosis – for me, anyway.
HP: I have to stop now. I am in a park and it’s dark now. I was sitting in the park cos i was an hour early to get a lift from my friend because i was so worried about being late. It’s perfect timing though. If you like sitting in parks watching orange street-lamps through blossom as if they are the sunset like some kinda shook moth. Which I do. And then type super fast into a phone cos you know someone asked.
HP: Thanks xx
RB: <3
RB: Thank you
1 –   https://Twitter.com/danidonovan/status/1100414551932030984
3 (http://www.metamute.org/editorial/books/you-must-make-your-death-public-collection-texts-and-media-work-chris-kraus )
4 mercer | ˈməːsə | noun British, chiefly historical a dealer in textile fabrics, especially silks, velvets, and other fine materials. (Oxford English Dictionary Version 2.3.0 (203.16.12))
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