#where do hermit crabs live
Where do hermit crabs live?
Land hermit crabs inhabit the tropics around the world. Let’s take a little tour! Read more at Coenobit Species – an online catalog of all land hermit crabs
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ereborne · 2 months
Song of the Day: April 23
"Lion's Den" by Jhameel
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i love lizards so much theyre literally just little beasts that scamper around and live their little lives. How can anyone not be completely transfixed by this
#when i went on vacation to mexico with my dads side of the family#the rental house had 2 iguanas that lived together under the steps outside#a male and a female#they were skittish but could be tempted out with food#another iguana lived a few meters away inside a hollow log#those were their houses they lived in them and returned to them every night and whenever they got scared#but the guy who lived in the log was very brave and wanted to be fed food by humans#when we sat in the grass the first time he came out of the bushes and ran right up to us#we gave them fruit#but the males were territorial to each other and if stair boy ever saw log boy he would chase him away#stair boys wife never gave a damn she was just there. and they lived in the same little hole together?#they were buddies they lived together?#with the hermit crabs? they live in a tiny house on the beach with hermit crabs and have drama with their neighbors.#where are they now. are they still alive. do they still live there#can you believe this shit#can you even comprehend the amount of uniqueness and individuality that can be found in every living creature#can you even believe the fact that there are stories and drama and history to everything that breathes on this earth#once i met a crawfish who was covered in scars and was the most savage little beast Ive ever seen#Ive never seen a crawfish that wasnt scared of me but he wanted to attack everyone and everything#and you could tell he'd lived his entire life doing that#where did he get each scar. why#he was one of a kind and he lived in a random little stream in illinois#once there was a flightless goose in a neighborhood pond who had a broken wing#that winter flocks of geese came and went as they flew south but he remained with his broken wing#but one flock left someone behind. and a goose stayed with him#and for the rest of the years i lived there those two lived together in that pond#staying there year round because he couldnt fly away to migrate south#theyve probably lived their entire lives by now#were they happy. why did the one that could fly give up that life in order to live with a flightless mate#thats insane. this is insane. go outside and find a cool bug to look at NOW
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mochinomnoms · 5 months
Just thinking about ocean things and how twst would be different to our world. Was watching a video of a guy finding hermit crabs using trash as their homes and remembered how I went to volunteer when I was younger to clean up the beach (I had to do volunteer hours for school) and how there was so much trash. Just... imagine going with the mer trio to the beach and it being so clean and going to a reef where everything is so healthy.
I can see MC commenting on how beautiful, untouched, just how clean the beach is. The mer trio would obviously be confused cause most beaches are like this. Even the tourist traps take care in preventing too much trash from getting into the ocean. Too much trash effects the environment plus people live there and think of the political ramifications if land dwellers dumped all their trash on the mer people (or maybe that may have happened in the past but doesn't anymore idk).
Imagine the look of horror on the mer faces when MC tells them about the floating trash island, melting glaciers, and coral bleaching. Oh God and the oil spills! Mer trio would be making sure MC never goes back there
Oh they're for sure horrified hearing about the state of the ocean on our world. It's an awful thing to imagine to them and even harder to comprehend! It's correct that the ocean in TWST is incredibly healthy and beautiful, mostly because of merfolk and land dwellers making an effort to keep merfolks' home undamaged and avoid a war. I imagine something still broke out many many years ago, especially as technology advanced and TWST entered the equivalent of the Industrial Revolution. Ideally, after a brief period of war, more magic was incorporated with technological advances (technomagic) to reduce the negative effects of industrialization on the environment. I headcanon that around this time Ignihyde would've been established as a dorm as it's students are known for incorporating technology with magic.
Moving on from that though, the Octotrio are especially inclined to keep you in their world, especially knowing that your world's oceans are dying. Why go back when you have a perfectly good world here (with them, but they might not mention that last part).
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frenchkisstheabyss · 1 year
♡cake ♡
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♡ I got a Big Matthew request ya'll! I love this man so much and never met someone else who loves him so, like, yay ♡
♡ Pairing: idol!boyfriend!bm x chubby!fem!reader
♡ Summary: You've been feeling insecure dating your idol boyfriend but a weekend away quiets your worries
♡ Genre: fluff/smut
♡ Word Count: 1.3kish
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♡ Warnings: unprotected sex, fingering, & that's all babes
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When your boyfriend suggested that you rent a house by the shore for the weekend, complete with your own private stretch of beach, you thought it was kind of excessive given the price. Even still, Matt insisted that nothing could ever cost too much when it came to his girl and you were on your way to the beach house in a matter of days. Now, as you sit along the white sandy beach on your striped towel reading that one book you’ve been putting off reading for ages, you’re happy that he convinced you to come.
Nothing in recent memory has been as soothing as the clear blue water crashing to shore. Birds fly above singing the sort of song that could lull you off to sleep in minutes. The bright rays of the sun are softened by the few clouds that surround it. You smile to yourself thinking of how hesitant you were to come only to find yourself dreading the thought of ever leaving. “Baby!” You hear Matt’s voice booming in the distance.
You peek over your shoulder to glimpse his muscular 6 '1 frame waving to you from the balcony of the beach house, not too far from where you are. In nothing more than a pair of gray sweatpants, your mind can’t help but drift off to the filthiest place possible at the sight of him. “Hey you!” you shout back, smiling sweetly despite your recent thoughts. Matt smiles back, his phone casually held up in your direction, “Say ‘hello’ to the people!”
“To the people?” you ask, eyes squinting as you notice the phone in his hand, “What people?” “I’m on Instagram live, baby. Get up. Come on!” In an instant, your heart’s in your stomach. Instagram? Live? You jump to your feet, wrapping the towel around your sheer black bikini. “Matt, you’re joking right?” you laugh, praying you’re right, “You can’t do that can you?” A part of dating an idol that you never questioned was the secrecy with which you had to navigate your relationship. No one besides his inner circle could know, especially not his fans.
It was honestly a relief for you. Not because you were afraid of how his fans would react but because you were nervous it might be weird for him if everyone knew he was with a plus sized woman. Matt has never made you feel anything short of beautiful yet somewhere inside of you there still exists this fear of how things might change if you went public. How he might change. You feel every single one of these thoughts flooding your brain at once. And, like the little hermit crab scurrying past your discarded book, all you want to do is hide. 
But you won't have to because he’s not embarrassed. From the moment he flipped the camera onto you, you’d officially gone public and the only thing he’s done is look out at you with stars in his eyes. “She is cute, isn’t she?” he says in response to a commenter, “Oh! Baby! Baby! Show them the bathing suit I got you! Her body in this? Oh my god!” “Stop it. You’re just saying that” you blush, softening in the presence of his adoration.
“I’m not. I swear you look so good, Y/N. Your body’s everything.” Matt’s excitement rubs off on you, even from a distance. Before you can second guess yourself you’ve dropped the towel, standing there feeling shyer than you ever have but somehow…liberated? “Yeah! Come on, girl! 360! 360!” he chants and you roll your eyes, offering him a graceful pageant spin. 
“Damn, I love you girl!”
“I love you too!”
You break into a fit of giggles, covering your face with your hands. Matt switches the camera back on himself, throwing up a peace sign. “You guys, I've gotta go. I’m…kinda in a mood now so take care of yourselves, okay?” Hanging up the phone, he leans over the railing, biceps flexing as he grips the ornate metal. “Meet me downstairs” he says in a voice…the voice…that lets you know exactly what he’s thinking. He winks at you, disappearing into the house, and you’re running to meet him like it’s Christmas morning.
Your bodies collide in the luxuriously decorated living room. Matt scoops you into his arms, kissing along your neck as you adjust your legs around his waist. The air conditioning’s off but you still get chills when his lips gently run along your collarbone. “You sure you should’ve done that?” you ask, playing with his short neon green hair. He looks up at you, his expression serious enough that you can’t question a word he says next.
“I know what you were worried about. It could never be that with us. I’m so proud to have you.” You almost tilt your head down, flustered beyond words, but he kisses you before you can. Having his lips against yours, his tongue exploring parts of your mouth only he’s ever been able to reach, is getting you wet already. “So beautiful” he whispers, long fingers slipping between your thighs to stroke your slit. Your bikini might be moisture wicking but there’s no denying how wet you are.
Pushing the material to the side, he presses two fingers into you. You gasp into his mouth, palming the thick bulge in his pants. “You want it?” he teases. “Mmm” you hum, nibbling at his bottom lip, “Just shut up and give it to me.” You’re rarely this bold but it drives him crazy when you are. In the blink of an eye he has you against the wall, a breadcrumb trail of clothes behind you. Your hands ride smoothly across his sculpted body as he caresses the softness of yours, guiding his head to your quivering entrance.
When he raises his hips, pushing into you, you whine and all he can do is groan at how pretty you sound. The way it feels to have him inside of you…it’s like electricity prickling at the tips of your fingers. It’s the waves of his movements washing against your shore, giving and taking from you all at once. He holds you so effortlessly, makes you feel so light, that the only thing you have to focus on is the pleasure that reverberates through your core when he grinds into you.
“Oh…fuck. Just like that” you whimper, nails digging into his shoulders when he hits a particularly sensitive spot. Matt slams into you harder, hitting your sweet spot every time, “Like this?” “Yes…mmph…I’m gonna…” You lay your head on his shoulder and he strokes your hair, his other arm keeping you steady for him. “It’s okay, baby” he coos, kissing your shoulder, “Come.” You’re shaking, doing your best not to scratch him but you can’t help it, when you finally come apart, gushing around him.
You press your face into him, muffling your moans. Matt tugs your hair, gently tilting your head back, “I wanna hear you.” So you let him, filling his ear with every noise you can make. Some you didn’t even know you could. When your body collapses, your muscles reduced to jello, he carries you over to the couch and lays you on your back. “You good?” he asks, caressing your soft belly before resting his head on it. “Are you good? You’re kinda big for this couch aren’t you?” you tease, legs wrapping around him once again.
“Shut up!” he shoots back, lifting his head to kiss your stomach. Nuzzling against you, taking deep breaths of your scent, he stares up at you the way he did on the balcony. “Mine” he sighs, “Now everyone knows it…” And for once the thought of that isn’t scary. In fact, you’ve never been happier ♡
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lovebugism · 1 year
Having a unserious argument with band AU!Eddie and there’s a moment where you both stare at each other and then his eyes flick down to ur lips. Which leads to you making out and forgetting about what the argument was about in the first place
bug's blurb sleepover (⁎˃ᴗ˂⁎)!
You knew the argument was stupid, but you also knew you were too mad to care. 
Like, otherworldly levels of mad. Levels that feel nearly unprecedented, even though you’re well aware it’s over something so damn mundane. 
Night of the Living Dead was playing at a drive-in in the same city the Corroded Coffin tour bus had parked in for the next few days. And Eddie wanted to take you. He said he’s wanted to take you out for weeks now, but your schedules just hadn’t allowed him the time to do so. 
His van hasn’t gotten much use in quite some time either. It’s just been dragging behind the tour bus and rusting more every time it rains. You, Gareth, and Jeff all told him that he wouldn’t have much time to drive it anywhere, but Eddie only said that “it broke his heart too bad to leave her behind.” 
Now, he’s glad that he didn’t. It’ll be good to take you for a drive in it, to roll the windows down and turn the radio all the way up, to watch you in between watching the road and pretend like you’re teenagers again.
And it was really cute, how excited he’d been to take you to see a film you’d both seen a thousand times over. “Taking you to a drive-in actually sounds super fun, babe, and I don’t even mean that in a pervy way. I just wanna spend time alone with you,” he’d told you before smirking. “Even though I won’t be opposed to a little heavy petting.”
It was real adorable. Until you started to get all philosophical about zombies, that is.
Eddie tried to tell you that zombies were still human after they turned. You scoffed when you disagreed, telling him that if that were the case, you wouldn’t have to use the word turned to describe them — that you wouldn’t even need the word zombies at all. 
He refused to listen to you, though, and kept on saying that they were “basically still humans but insane.”
And if you’d told yourself an hour or more ago that the two of you would be in a screaming match over this exact thing, you would’ve laughed. But now that it’s your reality, you’re absolutely fuming about it.
“They aren’t human anymore, Eds!” you argue in the confines of the bunk room, shielded only by the sliding door that does little to stifle your argument. You flail your hands around like crazy, eyes wide and glinting with annoyance. “It’s like a parasitic relationship! The zombie is just inhabiting the body of the dead human. Like a— I don’t know— like a fucking hermit crab or something.”
“They turn to zombies because they’re infected, right? Do you stop being a human because you get a little virus?” he retorts with a teasing lilt that only angers you more. “No! You don’t! It’s the same thing!”
“It’s not the same thing!” 
“Well, you obviously don’t know what you’re talking about it!”
“I know what I’m talking about, asshole! I’m just not gonna listen to a guy who failed senior year three times!” you shout back, obviously angry and irrational with it. 
You would’ve apologized for trying to hit him where it hurts if you saw that it had upset him in some way. But it doesn’t. Instead, he just keeps on teasing you.
“Ooh, you wanna kiss me so fucking bad,” he sing-songs to you, at you, with furrowed brows and lips set in a slight pout like a child.
That does little to quell your rage. Quite the opposite, really. He keeps dousing the fire in your chest with gasoline. You can feel the flames starting to prickle at your burning skin. But you make the mistake of flitting your gaze down to his mouth, only for half of a moment, but long enough for him to catch it. He grins, feeling like he’s won in some way.
“That’s okay, baby. You didn’t have to get all angry about it. If you wanted to kiss me, you coulda just said—”
“I hate you so fucking much,” you grumble to yourself, crossing your arms as you start to storm out of the room.
Eddie doesn’t let you get very far, though. His long legs rush the short distance over to you. He wraps two lanky arms around your frame and cages your own within his too tight embrace. You feel his chest rumble with the loud laugh that spills from his mouth, the breath of it on your skin when he noses at the junction between neck and shoulder.
“This is really fucking dumb,” he says with a hearty chuckle.
“Yeah, you are dumb, you’re right,” you monotone in return, not conceding to this imagined argument but not trying to squirm in his hold either.
“Hey! I’m trying to extend the olive branch here, alright?” 
He smacks a loud kiss on your shoulder and loosens his grip on you when he’s sure you’re not still angry enough to storm out. You are, though — still angry — but rather than leave, you turn around to face him. Your scowl is met with a beam from the boy ahead of you.
“We’ll just have to agree to disagree, alright, doll?” Eddie tells you with a shrug, trying his best to stop the argument without either of you having to admit you were wrong.
“I don’t know,” you lilt. “I think this might be a deal breaker for me, Eds.”
“Well, we certainly can’t have that…. What’ll happen to the band?” he teases.
You feign a sad sigh. “Guess you’ll have to find another bassist, Eds.”
“What can I do to make it up to you, doll? The fans’ll be real upset if the world’s best bassist is suddenly MIA.”
You purse your lips to the side and flit your eyes to the ceiling, pretending to think about his offer. Your attempt to ignore all the butterflies fluttering in your stomach is futile when he starts to rub his palms up and down your arm, in a soft and soothing rhythm. His touch quells your anger, puts out your fire without really even trying. No one can strike a flame within you, make it burn all big and bright, then douse it with cool, sparkling water quite like Eddie can.
It feels good not to be angry anymore. You’ll be able to laugh about it soon. 
Not now, though.
“Well, you’re going to take me to the drive-in tomorrow night and you’re gonna buy me all the snacks that I want—”
“I can do that,” he nods firmly.
“And halfway through the movie, I want to stop watching it and watch you while you eat me out in the back of your van—”
He sputters out a laugh. “I can definitely do that.”
“And until then, you’re gonna kiss me silly, Eddie Munson.”
The grin he flashes you then is no less teasing than it had been before, but it doesn’t make you nearly as angry. Instead, it makes you smile, too.
“I knew this was just a ploy to get me to makeout with you,” he lilts and presses the first of many kisses to the tip of your nose. “You don’t have to get all angry next time, alright? I’ll kiss you anytime you want.”
“Promise?” you wonder playfully, already knowing the answer. You just want to hear him say it.
“I can show you better than I can tell you,” he quips.
It takes no more than twenty seconds for him to get you into your bunk and squeeze in over top of you. In record time, he’s kissing you absolutely breathless — like he won’t be satisfied until he’s swallowed you whole. You want so desperately for him to. 
And if your mouth wasn’t kiss-bitten and half-numb, if your lungs weren’t screaming for air every time he kissed you, and your brain wasn’t aching for him to keep kissing you every time he stopped — you might’ve made some stupid joke. You would’ve teased him, told him how obedient he was to listen to you without question, just to drive him crazy.
But you can’t. Because he’s kissed you so insanely stupid, he’s the only thought in your head.
And if Eddie’s this perfect now — just moments after a stupid argument that had you both seeing red — you can’t imagine what he’ll be like tomorrow. As the rough pad of his tongue ruts against your own, you imagine how he’ll feel in between your legs when he’s got them bent over his shoulders in the back of his van.
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crow-n-tell · 1 year
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I had a lot of trouble with this lil guy. Weird lil music men aren't easy to shift over when their body's are so... Weird. Still, here! Hermit Crab Music Men!
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If you wanna see what went on in my mind for this come right this way...
So a lil info about these boys! These lil music men have adapted to live in the safe shallows, as well as some undersea areas if need be - having two different palettes which match... you've probably guessed by the additions of orange in the music mans usual pastels
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Acid mushrooms! I realized as I was trying to get it all sorted that they are a nearly identical color scheme so it worked out that their colors are a little wacky. Not that real life crabs aren't a bit audacious in their colorings too. Actually the deep sea version of this guy is based off a purple crab called the Palawan Purple Crab who comes from the Philippines.
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Their colors are more so for other crabs of their species to recognize them, or so I've read, but in this particular scenario it suits our lil music man as a sort of camouflage too.
Aside from it being a sort of camouflage, it also gives you insight into these lil guys diet. Most of what (I really need to come up with a name for these guys, but all I keep thinking of is crab rangboom. like crab rangoon? but a sound pun.) they eat are poisonous, which has directly affected how predators view them. Yea see, there are certain families of crabs which are toxic only because they are eating things that should not be eaten.
So music men don't have a lot of predators, other than those who have natural immunities to things like that... ahem, moon.
I imagine that the crabs closer to the surface tend to a little smaller than knee high for an average height human, where as deeper sea versions of them are a lot bigger... Like... I DONT KNOW, Leviathan big? After all these are just lil guys, lets not forget about the big music man!
Next topic is... oh yeah!
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Seismic communication is basically communication through vibrations. Not just through the water, actually it's used by spiders which we can all sort of agree is what the OG music boys are. Spiders use seismic communication when it comes to their webs in particular, able to sense through vibrations in their web if they've captured prey.
Similarly a lot of sea creatures use vibrations as means of communication. Not only in the way spiders do, but sensing out prey; but by avoiding predators or talking to each other. Crabs in particular use all three, but in terms of communication to one another its been noted they will rub their legs together like crickets to talk to other crabs.
For our lil crabby boys, their claws are fashioned sort of like the the original music man has. Hollowed out in the center, they are able to click their lil crab claws together to make sounds and vibrations which distress and confuse their prey long enough to snatch em up and eat em.
Of course they also have the very on brand to SB behavior of just being a literal face hugger if they come out of the shell.
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m...mmmmm..... no... noo....ooo.......
I guess the only thing left to mention is his lil
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I struggled with how i'd give this lil guy a top hat. Then. I remember how WEIRD barnacles are. You see a lot of barnacles that look a lil something like this:
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But they come in many variations!
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And I hate all of them! they are great for designs, helpful in this case, but I get nauseous when looking at them and I can't even begin to understand why.
Sorry if my adhd really popped out on this one, I am actually holding back some of the mostly irrelevant information about colors and uh, other stuff.
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rockethorse · 4 months
Alright, let's meet Calcinidae Bay!
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Calcinidae Bay is a(n unpopulated) work-in-progress CC-free Sims 2 neighbourhood where all the buildings are made from shell challenges.
I'm planning on posting more about Calcinidae Bay and its lots, so I wanted to make an intro post to start the tag! Feel free to mute the tag "Calcinidae Bay" if you're not interested.
Shell challenges are quite popular in the Sims 4, but they're possible to do in any Sims game and the principles are largely the same; one player puts down a bunch of walls, then other Simmers have to turn those walls into something without altering that "shell". Rules may vary depending on the creator and between game versions, but here are the general rules I'm playing by:
Walls that are already placed cannot be deleted, moved, or swapped with fences/half-walls.
New exterior walls cannot be connected to the the shell; they must be separated by at least one tile. This includes vertically (e.g. additional storeys, basements, dormers). New interior walls may be placed freely, but any preexisting interior walls must be preserved.
Fences and half-walls are allowed to be added/connected anywhere.
Foundation can be added freely but any existing foundation must be preserved (though it can be replaced with any of the 3 basegame foundation types).
There are some lots in Calcinidae Bay that don't follow these exact rules (such as my Foundations For Families houses) but do follow other building-restriction challenges, but the majority of lots are based on Sims 4 shell challenges converted to the Sims 2.
Let's take a look under the hood!
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Calcinidae Bay is split into five sections, and has two roads leading in/out of town. Its terrain is Compass River by Leekeaux on MTS.
The blue/cyan area is the civic centre, where the entertainment, business, and government buildings are. There are some residential lots here, but mostly community. The road out leads to/from the future Downtown subhood.
The yellow section is the suburban area where most Sims live. It has a lot of housing, some smaller shops, and community lots like a library and public primary/secondary schools. The road out leads to/from the future Shopping District subhood.
The red/pink area is the rougher side of town. Since there are no roads out, there's less incidental traffic, so the real estate is less valuable and thus tends to be cheaper. This is where the remote offices, factories/warehouses, and affordable housing is/are.
The purple area is where the rich snobs live and gather. Houses here will be larger, older, and more expensive, and the few community lots will be more exclusive. (Note that "expensive" does not always mean "tasteful".)
Lastly, the green area in the corner is military ground. Eventually, it will have barracks, offices, and research facilities.
And if you were wondering, "why Calcinidae?" Well, Calcinidae is a family of hermit crabs - creatures that take shells left by others and repurpose them for their own use. :) The hermit crab and its shell are the coat of arms for Calcinidae Bay (and would be on its flag were I using custom content).
Most of the shells I use for Calcinidae Bay are remade from Sims 4 challenges, but I would love for Sims 2 players to donate shells too! Feel free to send me a Sims2Pack of a packaged shell OR simply draw the floorplan out on a grid and I'll remake it myself. You can also include other rules/suggestions about what the lot should be, what objects must be used, etc.
Lastly, I can't promise how useful all the lots in Calcinidae Bay would be for other players, especially since shell challenges can result in some unintuitive floorplans, but if you would like any of them, simply ask and I will do my best to share them. :)
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blazerwyvernmaster · 4 months
So uhh
I like In Stars and Time. You should play it if you haven't already. It's extremely good. And I will be subtly spoiling a lot of it during this analysis.
Recently I have thought of thr trend if assigning tarot cards to characters in media, or my on characters. So I thought...what if I did that to ISAT?
...so yeah. I'll be doing that. Please tell me if I mess it up, or give me your opinions.
Again, spoilers under the cut.
Siffrin(Fool of Hanged Man)
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Fool: The Fool is generally seen as the start of a journey. Even though he is at the end, the time loops and the fact that they have a lot of things to worry about/trauma means that they have a long journey ahead of them.
Hanged Man: A reversed Hanged Man, to be precise. Siffrin is INTENSLY afraid of change. To be more specific, he's stuck in this time lopp because he doesn't want to forget or leave his friends behind. His family behind, his country, his memory. The hanged man is about sacrifice and moving forward, and they do NOT want to do either. But they must.
I would also like to add that they may also be linked to The Devil card. Mostly because it's about desire and stuff and Siffrin desires amny things and can do a lot of selfish and cruel things to his family members.
Mirabelle:Lovers or Chariot.
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Lovers:Mirabelle is aroace and perfectly fine with that. It’s a shame that she lives in a society where being perfectly fine with staying stagnant forever is discouraged.
Mirabelle is very religious. She believes strongly in the word of Change. So strongly that she is willing to ignore her feelings of being happy with who she is. She loves expressing platonic and familial love, but...romance and sex ain't it.
I chose the Lovers because it is about choice. Crossroads in one's life, that decide your fate. She was about to make the wrong one, the one that would make her miserable. Luckily, she didn't.
Chariot: Mirabelle may not be the Fool, but the thing that helps the fool move forward is a trusty chariot. From the beginning she's been trying to move forward and save Vaugarde from the King, and especially in the clocktower and higher levels of the house, she is determined to bring her home to its regular state.
If she doesn't, she will let everyone she cares about down. Also, again, she loves in a society where she feels she has to change, even if it means being in a romantic/sexual relationship and hating it. It's all for change, it's all for moving forward.
Isabeau: Strength.
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Before the story, Isabeau may have been a reversed strength Arcana. Or at least that's how would see it. He was weak, and had low self-esteem and self-worth. And he hated it. He hated it so much that he became...well,*he*.
While he doesn't necessarily appreciate being treated as an idiot now, he seems happy to be a stronger, more confident, and upright version of himself, both inside and our. Though...judging by the fact that Siffrin's comments got to him during their uhh..darker moments, there may still be some doubts left in him.
(Sidenote I think Isabeau may be my favorite character besides Sif and Loop)
Boniface: Sun and Magician
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Sun: Bonnie is a ray of positive energy wrapped in a small little crab with a potty mouth and I love them for it. And so does the rest of the party. They support the others with their cooking and miniscule damage. And it's good.
The rest of the saviors would do anything to keep that ray of positivity alive. Even if it meant they would die in the process.
Its no wonder that when they die to the king in the end of Act 3...Siffrin considers that the end.
Magician:This is mostly coming from their hangout quest. Bonnie can heal and cook, but they can also fight...barely. The fact that they are technically the only other party member who can use rock attacks at base(without using a spell like Odile or Sif) shows that they have some potential. And they want to use and grow that potential to go on kore adventures and help their friends.
Odile: Hermit
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Odile, while serving as the party's mature voice of reason, and probably fitting for roles like The Empress or Hierophant, I personally see her as a Hermit because of how isolated her story is.
The only one who ever knows what she's doing with her research is Siffrin, and only if/when you do her quest. Every other time, she seems to be isolated and actively hiding it. Its not that she doesn't rely on her friends,but...she's simply doing this alone.
It's a very personal journey for her about being more connected to your heritage and reflecting on yourself.
To be honest, Hermit works REALLY well for Siffrin, too.
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plaguedocboi · 9 months
A hermit crab! Where? I wanna see. Do you have a picture of it? Those are absolutely my favorites even if I've never seen one in the wild because I live in northern Europe. They are such friend shaped ones and make funny line ups to change homes.
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Behold the lad!
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kaythefloppa · 3 months
Wild Kratts - Fish Out of Water Review [Spoilers]
April is finally here, and with it, three new episodes have been released on the PBS Kids Video App ahead of their release. At the time I'm posting this, it is midnight and the one hour special "Our Blue and Green World" is yet to air on televison and streaming, so I will get to that when I get to that. Given that I have already reviewed No Name Dream and Backpack the Camel, I'll give a review to this episode as well. Spoiler warning and opinions ahead under the cut
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First New York, then Hawaii, and now a goddamn University on the list of areas I would never expect these guys to film. Bros are everywhere.
As someone who is about to graduate high school, I feel IMMENSELY jealous of the college students who saw the motherfucking Kratt Brothers filming an episode on campus. I can already begin to see the floods of social media posts bragging about this on Tumblr and Twitter threads.
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Ok I feel bad for being a bit salty earlier, I actually think it's really sweet how these people outside of the show can share their interests and expertise in biology and physics to help children educate. The entire live-action opening where they study the locomotion of mudskippers is honestly really sweet, and we haven't even gotten to our main animal yet!
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God these are such cute animals. But beyond that, the term "fish out of water" could not be a more fitting title. They have joints like we do, can adapt to different environments, and can swim and climb like we can. This is probably my favorite live action segment because of how well structured the clips and movements are and just how fun it is seeing these little blorbs move around the place.
I should talk about how it took us half a decade to see a mudskipper on the show, and 13 years overall to get a focus episode, but so far, up to a great start and definitely worth waiting (for the most part).
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Oh so is it like the Hermit Crab episode where in all of the official releases they leave out the determiner but in the actual episode it's there? This has no overall bearing on the episode but I just felt the need to point it out.
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I should check off on my S7 bingo card about seeing the old inventions again because holy shit it's been almost a decade since we saw the Butterflier XT
Also can anyone identify those butterflies? I know for a FACT that those motherfuckers aren't monarchs because of their patterns (the only pattern variation in butterflies is sex-linked, and while I'm aware they live in Asia, this again, does not look like a match) but they also aren't viceroys because they lack the line around their wings. I only ask this to bring up my next point.
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I thought the Butterfly Disc we saw in Season 1 was specifically programmed based off of Monarch Butterflies. But as established (until proven wrong), these are not monarch butterflies. So unless Aviva retrofitted or reprogrammed the disc to be multi-familial, as in they can touch any butterfly regardless of classification and activate accordingly (like with the Crocodile, Dragonfly, and Gecko Discs), the activation should not work. I only ask this because while it seems miniscule, Chris' decision to bring out the disc is what sets off the plot - It's what causes him to loose the discs in the butterfly swarm, so I feel like, while not a critique, it's a legitimate question as to the direct programming of the discs vs. the animals used to activate.
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Man, Zach wasn't even in this episode and somehow they STILL lose their discs? (Actually, I am pleasantly surprised that they didn't take the opportunity to have this be a Zach-related episode).
You think they'd put a tracker on the collection or encode a chip the actual discs so that they wouldn't get lost this easily. This again, sounds like a nitpick, but earlier seasons set up a firewall for the Creature Power Discs and a tracking device/rocket-device on the Creature Power Suits and gloves because of how frequent these types of contingiences are, so there's really no excuse for this.
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(Suck my ass PBS Kids Video App, I'm still able to get high quality snips even with your bullshit formatting!!!)
They really went all out with the "other-wordly" vibe that the mudskippers' territory gave off. Once again, we waited two years for this to be put to animation and to see come air.
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I've made enough jokes around these situations in the show, so I think we'd all benefit if I just changed the subject: That front-facing mudskipper is fucking hilarious.
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*Martin's voice* - Slimy Skin-breathers!
Okay, but I actually did not know that. At all. Even 10 years later, this show is still teaching me new things about animals in the most beautfully unexpected ways. This is one of the many reasons I will never give up on the show.
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[Unexpected angst in bagging area - Also, with the inclusion of No Name Dream, which will air two days before this episode, that brings our Krangstt quota to #2]
Okay so I really like the set-up here, and it genuinely was a surprise seeing Jimmy angst in this episode as a subplot in a series that rarely operates on A-plots and B-plots (unless you count the villains' schemes which are usually just A^2 plots) like most shows. And as someone who legitimately was going through rough times (S7 was actually one of my few reasons to keep going), I heavily related to Jimmy. So yeah, a Jimmy angst episode? Can totally buy. What I'm not gonna buy is how they execute it with the ending, because that and the implications.... yikes...
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C'mon! "Mudspitter" was right there! Right there!
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Ok, here is where my main problem with this episode's subplot is. If I could boil it down to one word, it would be: Incomplete. Jimmy feeling inadequate based on an observation he made is one thing. Him immediately leaving afterwards on a whim moments after said observation is completely another and doesn't align that well.
Like, this would only work if Jimmy had attempted to be a fish "IN" water. If he tried to help Aviva and Koki with the data-research and inventing, but he failed, and they politely turned him down. Or if there was any basis as to why he suddenly disregards his piloting skills or teleporting, whether he doesn't care or doesn't think them to be enough for him to fit in. Like, he wants to be in on the action because some part of him doesn't feel like sitting around by the teleporter is enough. What I'm saying is, there is no pathos. I personally find it to be relatable, but on a narrative level, it doesn't work. I know the "character feeling left out so they leave" thing is cliche'd, but there's a reason it's a cliche, and that's because it follows a lot of writing beats that this particular episode doesn't, so on top of being cliche'd as fuck to begin with, it feels very awkward. And this is going to be apparent both here and in this episode's climax (which I also do not have many kind words for,) so I had to use my allotted time to talk about why this doesn't work.
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Could... could they not call him on his Creaturepod? Could the brothers not call him on his Pod? Did he even have his Creaturepod?? Again, there are so many plot-holes in this B-story that could've easily been written around with a change of dialogue or scenery. Have Jimmy's Creaturepod be shown left lying around which makes them realize they have no way of getting him back to the teleporter in time. Jimmy would have no reason to even bring his Creaturepod on his adventure, so that just raises even more questions. Like, this isn't an active diss on the writers, but I think there should've been more proof-reading of the script since this is a massive oversight.
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I think now is the time for me to bring up this question I've had for years now; How exactly does the teleporter work? In several episodes, we've seen that there is a coordinate code in the teleporter that allows it to be sent to the target. Koki's "the communication queen" as Aviva puts it, so she'd likely be able to triangulate the brothers' location. So I'm not sure why the show presents this as a struggle for Koki. This isn't the only example, so I won't hold it against the episode, (they have this be the case specifically to emphasize the point that they need Jimmy, which I can forgive) but it's another piece of lore that I should probably theorize about lmao.
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This whole episode spent the past five minutes making its main characters look incredibly idiotic for the sake of its B plot.
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Once again, this episode's spitting facts that I didn't even know.
This is actually a neat seguay, having the brothers figure out the abilities of the mudskippers while exercising their own cool abilities. It feels really natural, and again, is an inventive way to show off the locomotive abilities of the mudskipper.
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I feel like this falls very well between "accurate enough to be admirable" and "uncanny." I can (maybe on my deathbed) get used to this suit's design (though I'm partly glad Chris doesn't activate it because spoilers, he doesn't).
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I've given this subplot a lot of flack, but credit where it's due, even with its misses, it does hit with the emotional beats.
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Very conflicted on this:
On one hand, Jimmy actually taking the initiative to miniaturize is pretty ballsy. The show, despite not being serialized, does develop its characters in a way that you can sense a clear difference of them when you compare the modern seasons to the earlier ones. And this can be seen as a positive development for Jimmy, since it's his "Creature Adventure."
On the other hand.... back to what I was saying about consistency. Why did Jimmy bring the miniaturizer?? What was his prompting?? Was he planning on shrinking himself down the whole time? Like, he left his friends for god knows how much time and is now out of nowhere shrinking himself down to fish size because he feels inadequate? Uhm, Jimmy, ever heard the idea of therapy?
Also, again, very weird presentation of the episode. They don't at all put any attention to Jimmy's coms and whether or not he has them, (which would easily solve a bigger issue of why he's not contacted), yet they have him carry the Miniaturizer with him. Now, the latter is plot-relevant, but so could've been something about the Creaturepod.
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This [from what I interpret] gets Jimmy out of his slump, making his "scientific discovery." Not realizing that his job of piloting and teleporting are equally important. Again, this is structured poorly. I like what they were going for, but it shouldn't have been the only thing that altered the trajectory of this subplot. Again, he can teleport discs to the brothers and pilot and while those are mentioned later on, it's not something he comes to himself in an "oh shit" moment. So this just feels unearned and weird. I really hate how harsh I am, since it's a Jimmy centric episode and it was the #1 requested thing on all the chat-boards during the hiatus, but this is one of those things where it has to be done right if at all. This isn't done right, and the fact that it takes up 50% of the episode just... ugh.
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You can't tell it through screenshots but with the way Aviva says it and the scene cutting to her and Koki laughing at it, I'm 98% inclined that this was a specific innuendo, and ngl, I kinda laughed too.
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Oh look, it's Kenge's cousin! [For you Lion Guard fans that also recognize Wild Kratts] - [I was inclined to make a reference to Jessie, but that felt in bad taste considering y'know]
Ok, but that has to be an Asian water monitor. Correct me if I'm wrong. What I'm definitely not wrong about is that their bites contain venom; To a human it's not lethal, however to small prey, including mudskippers, or anything around that size, it's lights out. So yeah, Chris and Martin are fucked.
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Ok this line is absolutely badass.
Also, grey?? Grey?? I thought Jimmy's signature color was orange/yellow? Or red with the implication of the tail episode? Great, now there's another color that'll be in the debates for his future Creature Power Suit.
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Once again, this arc feels weirdly put together. This notion comes up specifically at the climax when it should come up beforehand as Jimmy realizes his worth. Because otherwise, it gives the implication that he knew this all along and yet still felt like a fish out of water, which doesn't mesh together properly (it could, if the episode actually tried to do so which it didn't).
The episode, Sea Otter Swim, does this plot so much better. We see Jimmy's doubts, and we see how he overcomes said doubts in a way that is presented clear to the audience, and the climax where he actually realizes what he's capable of feels earned. This is not earned. So even though I am rooting for him to win, this whole thing just feels messy.
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So is nobody gonna ask why Jimmy left his post? Is Jimmy not gonna tell everyone why he left, or at the very least ask why nobody bothered to call for him? Is nobody going to at least let Jimmy know that he can't just... abandon his post without warning because of the fact that they need him? Is Jimmy not going to come to that conclusion himself? Is anything in this episode gonna be earned??
This entire ending feels like an ass-pull: First off, Jimmy and the brothers had enough time to head back to the miniaturizer and then the Tortuga, and in none of that time, did Jimmy ever give them the Power Discs? Why? Yes, it was for the sake of the fake-out defeat/joke, but was there any reason why Jimmy just kept the thing hidden waiting to give it to the brothers?
The entire emotional climax to this episode is basically everyone putting Jimmy on a pedestal. It's unsatisfying because there wasn't any acknowledgement or follow up to Jimmy's conflict at the beginning, nor is the lesson learned in the right way, and the conclusion just overreacts by hyping up Jimmy instead of just having a reasonable "We're a team!" thing, or through any self-actualization of his good qualities that Koki pointed out. None of it, friggin' none of this is earned! Now it comes across as Jimmy being uncharacterstically boastful and cocky and the others just kissing his arse. That's probably not the intent but it was the result.
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That is actually like, so fucking cool. I have massive respect for all of these people, like legitimately (also, considerning that's the exact opposite of what Zach does on an ethics scale, I find that really interesting). But beyond that, I think this episode has the best live action segments ever, they are so ingenuitive. I could easily see someone at my high school showing a clip of this episode in robotics' or biology class.
The live action segments.
The info dumps about the mudskippers.
The Kratt Brother's adventure with the mudskippers.
The animation
The background music (a lot of which is recycled from earlier seasons)
Everything else (specifically the B plot). I feel like the writers wanted to give Jimmy his own storyline, either out of interest or seeing how popular the character was in chat-boards, but they didn't know how to do it so they just went through the motions without really connecting anything at all, so it's a lot harder relating to the exact conflicts in some cases, and you feel disatisfied by the cimax. It reminds me of what they did with Vitani in the Lion Guard finale, a case of giving this one character the spotlight, but hitting all of the wrong marks that does the character and the audience a disservice and leaves a bitter taste in the viewer's mouth by the end credits.
This is the first episode this season that has made me cringe, primarily off of its premise, not just a particular scene, a dated pop culture reference, or a weird-looking Power Suit. It is the first to make me cringe because of its story, which again, the B-plot takes up 50% of the episode, so it's constantly in your face. It's definitely not bad, not hateable bad, and it's far too early in the season to call it the worst, and there are definitely worse episodes out there, ones that have aired and ones that probably will inevitably air, but I can safely say, thus far, it's the one Wild Kratts episode that I enjoy, but only to an extent. The live action segments were by far the only thing that I got extremely engaged in, but other than that, and the other pros, it's not that good.
Final Ranking: 6/10: Above Average, but Needed Improvement.
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 5 months
Ok, it's time to deep talk even more about Magnifico! Part 1.
Since my analyses have gotten so much love, support and agreement, I feel motivated to continue 💙
In my first analysis I've touched up on many things, but something I want to deepen a little more is his trauma and his responses to it. Next to his character all in one of course.
After watching and rewatching and studying while making screencaps, I found myslef being heart broken for Magnifico even more. He's so horribly misunderstood it blows my mind. People are so freaking mean and ignorant it's insane!
We know that Magnifico was deeply traumatized as a young boy. Most people focus on themselves, their pain and their healing, but Magnifico instead wanted to make sure others will never suffer like he did. Please, let that sink in for a moment. His first response isn't to look at himself but to look at others. He lost everything and what does he want to do? Give! His first impulse was - I need to learn magic, so I can be strong enough to build a place where I can make sure people will never have to endure what I had to. Not "I gotta build myself a safe place so I can never be hurt again" like a little hermit crab hiding in a new house. No, he always looked what he could do for others!
This is one of the most selfless things a human being can do! It's not happening often but it's happening. People with trauma using their trauma as a motivation to help others.
Magnifico's determination to build a save haven for others despite his situation is freaking honarable!
He loves deeply! I did explain that the trauma Magnifico suffered heavily influenced and altered his thinking, his feeling, his actions and decission making.
He loves deeply but his paranoia and fear cloud it. What I mean is, some of his decissons aren't right but this doesn't make him evil! He's like a helicopter parent! His motivation to fiercly protect and keep save is purely love driven and initially right but because of his immense fear and paranoia it's becoming overprotectiveness and that is not the right way.
He never meant harm, he never meant to hurt. He was being too selfless in way. I heard another Magnifico defender say, he did too well.
And it's true.
Magnifico has given so much in his life. Matter of fact, he was absolutely right when he said he gives and gives and gives and yet people still aren't satisfied. And I totally get it! It's real life. People are greedy beings. Give them your little finger and they soon want your whole hand.
The people of Rosas live in total peace. They get everything they could ask for and more. Enough food, good homes they don't even need to pay rent for, enough money ... they get wishes granted every month. Sometimes even more! Magnifico mentioned in the past year he's granted 14 wishes, which means he did grant more than just one every month from time to time.
Magnifico is so much more than his handsome looks and his abilities. Yet, all people saw him as was that. A very handsome genie. Not the benevolent ruler that even made this flourishing life possible in the first place!
And I mean yeah, he said "I'd love to see you try and do my job!" And he's right again. I've never ruled a whole kingdom before and successfully at that! But I can imagine it must be darn hard! Certainly not a piece of cake.
People loved and celebrated him for what he could give and do! But what if he'd been just a regular king without any magic powers to grant wishes?
We see how the people of Rosas reacted after he told them about a threat. In the end they ask for another wish ceremony. And Magnifico snaps at them. He's clearly in distress even though he tries to appear collected and sovereign, and the only thing they care about is getting more wishes granted? Dude, give this poor man a break!
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I can totally understand Magnifico having a nervous, emotional breakdown. Add it all up. He's constantly on edge because of his trauma, he always means well but the pressure of his ambitions and his duties as king are weighing him down further, he's constantly triggered, constantly irritable, no one gives a toot (Amaya included) which is like fuel to the fire in his soul, he feels threatened, he's terrified, he feels not understoond, valued and respected and furthermore used and exploited.
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See how he make's the wishes spin around him faster and faster here? It's literally symbolic of what's going on in his soul at that moment.
Same as this one does.
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The mirror is cracking, meaning his soul is cracking further. He's starting to break.
It's no wonder he loses his cool, really. Everyone would eventually break in such a situation.
Now, back to the whole wishes situation
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Stop a moment and look how Magnifico looks at this wish/dream. He adores it, he appreciates it. (It's a happy family btw.) and someone who's as good in reading emotions as I am will see the ever so slight pain swimming along.
As king, it's Magnifico's duty anyway to make sure his kingdom runs well. That his people are safe and content, that there is order. And the whole decission making rests upon his shoulders as well.
Should he be in the leading position he is in? No. No, a person as deeply traumatized as he is, shouldn't. But the fact that he still tries is admirable! He's not in power because he's a power hungry, cruel, cold-hearted, selfish, narcissistic psychopath, like a villian is! He is in power and wants to stay in it, because he wants to protect others! He cares so much more about others, that he stresses himself to the peak of breaking mentally!
His trauma keeps him in this spiral. Trauma driven motivation > stress/trigger > trauma response > desire> action > trauma result/success or failure
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Yes, he doesn't grant every wish because his trauma blurrs his judgement. He's so deeply into it that he cannot judge properly. Does this make him evil? Nope. It would be laughable how rediculous the hater's arguements are if it weren't so sad.
The arguement "Magnifico sees the dreams of people as a threat to his power so he steals them and makes people forget them."
🤨 huh?
I could slam my forehead even harder against something other than my hand. 🤦🏻‍♀️ The ignorance hurts!!! Like, have this people even paid any attention? Clearly not.
He never stole anything! Neither did he manipulate, play or lie to people. He left the decission to them. It was an open fact "If you want, you can give me your wish and I will keep it save and eventually grant it." And even if one doesn't give their wish, they are more than welcome to stay in his kingdoom and live a happy life!
Now listen. Magnifico's desire to keep the wishes in the first place isn't out of any bad or ill will! To say he keeps the wishes because he simply likes to be in control over people because of selfish, cruel reasons is a big mount of bullcrap. Look at how this man treats the wishes! Which by the way, to him, resemble his people!
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Ah, yes, sooo evil and selfish and ill willed!
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If someone sees this, the pure love in his whole bodylanguage, and still claims that this man is evil, actually doesn't give a damn about his people, and takes the wishes just because "powerhungry" has something really wrong!
Should he decide over other peoples dreams and wishes? Not really! This is a grey area. Back to his duty as a king. A king needs to care for his people. Magnifico takes this very seriously. Thanks to his trauma, a bit too much. This might be "not ok" but it doesn't make him evil. Good grief! Urgh!
He loves his people! He keeps the wishes because he thinks that it gives him a better opportunity to keep watch over them! Why does he want to watch over them and have the control? Out of fun? To satisfy his selfish urge to rule over others? No, because -
"Everything, everyhing I do is to make sure that never happens again!"
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It's the very same stupid reason people have been villainizing Abuela Alma from Encanto. It makes me fuming mad that people ignor deep trauma and the mental issues that come with it and make such people out to be villains. Abuela treated her whole family unfairly, yes. She was harsh, inconsiderate, cold, stern, overprotective, insensible etc. But why did she act like that? Because she was hecking traumatized!
After she and Mirabel reconcile, she tells her family this :
"I'm so sorry I held on to tight, just so afraid I'd lose you too!"
Aha! Now taken in consideration that she is also deeply traumatized and I mean, pfff, she saw her home town getting burned, had to flee with her 3 newborns and see her soulmate get stabbed to death or even beheaded (we don't know) right in front of her eyes.
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Her desire to keep safe was always good but her trauma blinded her to a degree.
A similar case were people have been villainizing a character for having trauma would be the case of Imelda from Coco. Her trauma of losing her husband and having to raise their daughter on her own caused her to forbid music for 2 generations! She was harsh too, and even though her actions concering this might have been wrong, she meant well. Everything she did came from the good motivation to keep her family from experiencing the crushing hurt she had.
Yet another example I've seen Magnifico defenders bring up would be Elsa! Elsa has been born with ice-powers because she's actually part spirit as we've learned in the 2 movie. She got traumatized as a child when she accidentally hurt her little sister Anna. Her response to trauma brings her whole kingdom in danger, even threatens to kill them by freezing them to death, and when Hans and his guards go to find and kill her, she defends herself and almost kills one of the guards. Yet, despite everything, Elsa isn't made to be a villain! She was supposed to be but in the end recieved love and appreciation, while Magnifico didn't?
It makes absolutely no sense.
Does trauma justify wrong actions? No! But it explains them and it certainly doesn't make someone a villain! Goodness gracious! 😩🤌🏼
Alma was obsessed with having the "miracle" controlled because she was terrified if she would lose that control, her past would repeat. She would lose her family.
Elsa abandoned her kingdom because she didn't want to hurt anyone anymore.
Imelda forbade music because she didn't want her family to experience the hurt she did.
All of this Sounds similar, right?
Magnifico obsessivly wanted to stay in control because he was terrified that if he would lose that control, his past would repeat. People will get hurt and lose everything like he did.
He panicked as an unknown light flooded his kingdom and made the wishes rattle.
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The very first thing that came to his mind was "threat." And this was ONLY because of his trauma.
More in part 2 ⬇️
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hopepunk-humanity · 1 year
This is kinda embarrassing for me to ask but, how do you keep going despite everything? I feel like i believe in the concept of hopepunk but it feels like every day my core beliefs get destroyed. Why be good if life will just constantly give you signs that what you're doing is in vain? You help people but bad things still happen to you and what seems like you alone and its unfair
How can I keep living in a world like this? A crappy life that just gets worse. I don't mean to sound whiny or self centered, I'm just looking for some guidance
Honestly? Sometimes it's just inertia. I keep going because I was already going before, and it's easier to do that than grind things to a halt. Even if that means crashing from one problem to the next. I'm at a place where the alternative is a lot less desirable to me.
Sometimes it's having something to look forward to. And not a big thing like "I want to have a nice house someday", though that can be a good thing to work towards. I look forward to small things in the near future. On tuesdays I have a nice egg sandwich. Tomorrow there's an antique doll show I want to visit. Friday I get to see some hermit crabs. It's things that are nearly guaranteed, that I don't have to shore up a lot of faith or patience to achieve. Having little goalposts makes life feel a lot less like a miserable slog and more like a challenging (but energizing) hike in your favorite park.
I also politely ignore signs that my efforts are pointless. I can be stubborn like that. Sure, I know things get worse, and I know answering asks on a blog is like throwing stones at the ocean. I've made peace with that. My efforts are temporary, but I reject the notion that that makes them meaningless. Nobody can say for sure whether anyone's efforts are meaningful or not, especially in the long-term, so I choose to believe they are. It's just as plausible as believing they aren't.
I'm sorry you're having a hard time keeping on, and that you feel your efforts aren't worth it. I don't have the magical words that will lift you from that place. But I believe you have the strength to work your way out of it, even if it'll be slow going. You won't be the only one in that fight, and you have people waiting for you on the other side.
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aegor-bamfsteel · 1 month
I noticed that you post a lot about vertebrates, but do you have a favorite invertebrate?
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I mentioned it in this post, but the invertebrate that interests me the most are octopus! They are so different from humans that they have been called “aliens on earth”, having 10,000 more genes we do (and the ability to edit their own RNA to survive cold water). Most of what we do have in common with them (such as two eyes, a large brain, a closed circulatory system, and probably the ability to dream) is due to convergent evolution. They have 3 hearts, technically 9 brains (what with more than half of all neurons in their 8 arms, to the point that even if severed the arm will try hunting to bring food to a nonexistent mouth), and the ability to change color/texture trying to camouflage or just based on mood. A lot of what humans consider a sign of intelligence in animals, such as an advanced social structure and a long life, aren’t usually applicable for the octopus, as they usually are fiercely solitary and only live for a few years. Despite this, octopus have shown the ability to use tools, solve puzzles/mazes, and open jars, to the point scientists are amazed at their intelligence (last link shows an octopus taking a picture).
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The octopus I’m singling out for the post is the Octopus tetricus (see the photos), also known as the “gloomy octopus” for their sad eyes, or the Common Sydney octopus as they’re the most common species of octopus on the reefs of eastern Australia and New Zealand. They’re considered “ecosystem engineers” for the way they create their habitats influences and builds an ecosystem around their dwellings; they decorate their lairs with prey remains like shells (sometimes used as alternate shelter), which attracts hermit crabs and other fish seeking shelter, which then attracts larger predators. Like many octopus, they have a short lifespan (the adults only live about 11 months) and can camouflage (they’re particularly spiky, to try to mimic seaweed), but what sets them apart (as far as I know) are their “settlements” known as Octopolis and Octlantis in Jervis Bay, where up to 14 of them live in excavated dens and were observed having “complex social interactions” (foraging and mating in close quarters, but also actively threatening each other/trying to eject others from their dens). The settlements raise a lot of questions (why? Are there more?), but they do tell us that octopus aren’t as solitary as we’ve previously thought.
tl;dr I’m fascinated by octopus because they’re so different from humans but also so intelligent, and there’s still so much we don’t know about them!
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00127am · 7 months
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@ noisecomplaint ln yn isn't too fond of apartment living, between the occasional roaches and the person who keeps stealing her grocery deliveries. but especially because of her exceptionally loud next door neighbors whom she has decided: she cannot stand. it's not all bad though, certainly not when xiao dejun (the prettiest boy she's ever seen) lives in the building. well, it was a perk. until it's revealed that him and her next door neighbor are one in the same.
xiaojun. resident pretty boy, xiao dejun never seems to be down on his luck. is a statement he wished he could say in confidence. but between his neighbor who absolutely hates him (same neighbor who makes him feel light headed) and rooming with hendery, it doesn't look like the odds are going to be in his favor for a while. he wants hendery to stop bringing back hermit crabs to the apartment without telling him only to lose them and for xiaojun to find them in his bed in the middle of the night. gokinjo monogatari alignment? tsutomu yamaguchi.
kun. university student who seemingly lives about one hundred different lives (currently a bar tender who also volunteers at the dog shelter whilst doing graduate research), qian kun is somehow still ncit's star student, despite all his other responsibilities. he desperately wants to figure out where ten keeps misplacing his keys. is it that hard to answer a call?
ten. wait ten again? charismatic ten lee seems to be apart of every friend group, which knowing him, you wouldn't put it past him. caught between both yn and xiaojun's ends of their relationship, he feels a bit omniscient but offers no assistance beyond a few pushes in the right direction here or there. he wants kun to stop calling him five hundred times.
winwin. class crush (in every class), dong sicheng is the epitome of the university boyfriend archetype. or ... he would be, if every waking moment wasn't consumed with trying to either ignore or stop the antics of his friend group. he wants to find and destroy the copy of his apartment key that ten made so he can stop entering his house only to see ten in the living room.
hendery. handsome campus crush and co-captain of the basketball team huang guanheng has no complaints. well, if he had to have one it's that he (and by proxy, xiaojun) are one noise complaint away from getting an increase on their rent. not that xiaojun knows and hendery plans on keeping it that way. he wants to befriend his next door neighbor both for the benefit of teasing xiaojun about his enormous crush and also to keep her from filing any further noise complaints against them.
yangyang. undergraduate student liu yangyang can't exactly tell you how he got inducted into an all graduate student friend group. nor can he tell you if they know he's still an undergraduate (probably not). he wants to get a cat but his apartment has a strict no pet policy ... not that that will deter him.
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🧾 © 00127am 2024
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relationship hcs ; shirou
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requested by ; 🐜 anon (14/06/23) [1/2]
fandom(s) ; brand new animal
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; shirou ogami
outline ; “🐜 anon because i love BNA and 100% wasnt the person to recommend it whaaaat.... .
Shirou Ogami relationship and smut hcs?
also i accidentally typed shitou Ogami for a second there 😭”
warning(s) ; canon typical references to violence/discrimination/etc
it takes a long time for shirou to trust someone enough to get close to them — like of course he cares for all beastmen and will protect them but that doesn’t mean he’s close to them by default, he’s actually incredibly guarded and private
so this would only ever work on a basis of acquaintances -> friends -> lovers — and it would be a lengthy process to move from one step to the next
or, in other words: he’s not someone who rushes into things so any sort of relationship progression with him is going to be slow and steady at the best of times
but even once you are in a relationship with him, things aren’t exactly cut and dry
he’s protective over you, of course, and will always keep an eye (or, more aptly, nose) out for you to make sure that you’re safe when you’re away from him
he makes sure that you take care of yourself — whether that’s resting and eating enough, taking any medications you need or keeping you from overworking yourself (depending on what your habits are)
like he’ll start off by gruffly reminding you to take a break or rest or eat, and if that doesn’t work he’ll pick you up and do everything shy of actively forcing you to do some self care
will lend you his coat if you mention being cold, but it’s always in a sort of dismissive way — though he does appreciate the sight of you wearing his clothes, even if he doesn’t show it
not very big on physical affection and can get overwhelmed by it if you’re too forward — prefers to show his love through acts of service instead
he’ll substitute cuddling for breakfast in bed, or replace public kissing with date nights spent on rooftops discussing history and the stars
the furthest he’ll go with physical affection in public is a peck on the lips or a kiss on the back of your hand — in private he’s a bit more affectionate but not by much
flusters under praise and genuine compliments but will occasionally praise/compliment you in return in a roundabout casual way — e.g. ‘good job’, ‘not bad’ or ‘nice shirt, when did you buy it?’
has a possessive/territorial streak and will intimidate the hell out of anyone who tries to flirt with you — especially if they’re human — but will vehemently deny any and all accusations of jealousy
has an excellent memory and keeps track of things like anniversaries and birthdays with ease — but he also makes sure that you keep on top of things like medication and appointments when you’re due for them (be that something minor like a checkup or hay-fever, or something more significant like physiotherapy or painkillers)
loves hearing you talk about your passions/interests/hobbies and will quietly listen and ask questions where appropriate — but even if you’re not talking to him, you can catch him staring at you out of the corner of your eye
if you’re the type of partner who steals his clothes (a hermit crab, basically) then he’ll quickly become accustomed to it and will even set aside some of his shirts and jumpers for you to wear — namely so that you stop ‘borrowing’ his work clothes
if you joke about being in the world’s largest age gap relationship then he’ll just shake his head and sigh — you’re not wrong but he’s not going to encourage you with a proper response
though they’re not as frequent as they used to be, shirou does occasionally suffer from nightmares — reliving the last few days he spent in nirvasyl as well as how he died and the lives he took in the aftermath
this is the only time you’ll see him cry and you’re the only person who gets to see him be vulnerable in this way — he won’t seek you out for comfort but he won’t push you away if you try to give it to him (just don’t bring it up afterwards as he’d rather not think about it)
doesn’t talk about his past often but he will teach you innocent things like dances, songs and how to prepare some of the dishes he grew up with — things that aren’t linked to the fall but instead the cultural core of nirvasyl
doesn’t explicitly tell anyone that he’s in a relationship because he prefers to keep his private and professional lives separate, but michiru, gem, melissa and mayor rose all know you — with michiru in particular always asking about you and teasing shirou about being ‘whipped’ for you
if you’re a beastman like him then he constantly worries about your safety — especially if you travel outside of anima city
he’s all too aware of the dangers faced by your kind and, unlike him, you’re very much so mortal and at risk of losing your life to an anti beastman group — and he can’t imagine losing you so soon
in his more animalistic form he’s much worse at hiding his emotions and will give some not-so-subtle tells that he’s happy to see you — namely wagging his tail (no matter how much he tries to stop it)
he’s a living space heater so sharing a bed is only really viable in the winter because otherwise there is a really good chance that you’ll overheat — especially since he does somewhat cling to you in his sleep and has a strong enough grip that there is little to no chance of you getting out before he wakes up
usually just calls you by your name over any sort of pet name — unless he’s introducing you to someone else at which point you’ll gain a suffix denoting your relationship (e.g. ‘this is (name), my —‘)
so partner if you’re dating (he finds girlfriend and boyfriend to be a bit childish)
fiancé/fiancée if you’re engaged
wife/husband/spouse if you’re married
but yeah that’s the closest you’ll get because he isn’t really the type to use cutesy nicknames with his spouse
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