#where cedric opens up more because he finally has someone who he knows loves him
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nots0nu · 2 months ago
Finished this earlier. then I expected although it's a very lazy post..didn't want to do any animation or tweening..
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dvstlah · 10 months ago
Cedric Diggory
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Cedric Diggory X reader
an imagine of cedric from harry potter
2084 words
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- Hermione is right! You can get hurt, boys. - y/n says placing her hands on her hips.
- oh, please y/n, don't be annoying- Ron complained.
- Cedric! Please tell your girlfriend that nothing would happen if- Harry began as Cedric approached the group.
-sorry man, I'm not willing to disagree with her if she thinks it's dangerous for you to do... whatever you're going to do - he says, placing his hand around y/n's shoulder and kissing her head.
- but!-- no more boys, if I find out that they did this I will tell Professor McGonagall and Mrs Weasley - y/n said looking mainly at Ron.
-You wouldn't do it-he said.
-oh, but I would- he said confidently.
-it's okay- they said and Hermione gives a grateful smile as she and Cedric leave.
-What did they want to do?- Cedric asked curiously as he pulled her towards a tree near the lake where they sat.
-The same stupid boy things they always do,- she said, resting her head on his chest. -I'm amazed Hermione didn't kill them both - she said with a small laugh as he placed a small kiss on her forehead. "How was the training?"
-It felt good- he said stroking her arm with his hand. -I am tired.-
"Well of course you are, did you eat anything before going to practice?"
-I uh- w-well-
-Cedric!- She said sitting down.
-I didn't have time, love! I overslept and I can't be late! I'm the captain!
Y/n rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag. She grabbed some bread rolls and an apple. -I knew you'd say that,- she said handing them to him. -Don't look at me like that, Cedric Amos Diggory!- She said trying to stay mad at him but it was really hard when he was smiling at her the way he was.
-You're amazing, you know that?- he said pulling her closer.
-Stop it, I'm trying to get mad at you,- she said, letting out a small laugh.
-I know- he said kissing her cheek. -And you're absolutely adorable when you're mad,- he said as she patted his chest.
-This is not true!-
"Yes it is" he said smiling dreamily at her.
Cedric then laid down on the grass, resting his head on (Y/N)'s lap as she ran her fingers through his hair and read her book.
-Hmm?- he replied, his eyes still closed.
-Do you think I'm boring?-
-What?- he asked confused, opening his eyes. -Of course not, love! Why would you say that?-
-I don't know,- she said, closing the book and looking away. Cedric frowned in confusion and sat up to face her.
-Baby, what is happening?-
-Nothing,- she tried to ignore. -I was just curious- she said, still not looking at him.
-Y/n, baby, look at me,- he said sweetly. Y/n let out a small sigh and finally looked at her boyfriend directly into his gray eyes. -Did someone say something to you?- he asked softly placing his hand on your cheek.
Cedric and Y/n had been together for about a year. She was one of the sweetest, kindest people he knew. That's what he loved about her.
-N-no- she tried again to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal. -It's just... what Ron said-
-What did Weasley say?- Cedric asked, getting upset.
-Nothing,- she tried to convince him with a warm smile. -He just said I wasn't fun,- she said rolling her eyes a little. -I know he was just saying that because I wouldn't let them blow up the Slytherin brooms, but-
-What were they going for?!-
-It's just... it's not the first time someone has said that,- she told him.
-Who told you that?- he asked, worried.
-Well, no one in particular, I just want to say... You know what? Forget I brought it up,- she said with a small smile.
-No, love- said Cedric getting irritated. He hated whenever someone Y/n felt bad about it. She was very kind and nice and only cared about everyone's well-being. -This is upsetting you. What happened?-
-Well, I don't know,- she continued. -I feel like I'm always telling them off or trying to get them out of trouble and I've heard some people say that I'm no fun and that I can be overbearing at times and why would someone like you want to be with
-Y/n, don't finish that sentence- Cedric interrupted her. -You know that's not true, right? You know why I like being with you?
-No, really,- he insisted. "(Y/N), you are the most wonderful person I know. You have the biggest heart anyone could have. You help everyone you can around you. You stayed up all night once, just to make sure that I didn't have a fever after we played a match in horrible weather and you made soup for the whole team,- he said with a small laugh. -You're nice to everyone, even people who aren't in our house. You always bake cookies for the losing Quidditch team, even Slytherin- he continued, making her laugh a little. -Because you hate seeing people upset. You're always helping first and second years with their assignments, even if it means burdening yourself later with your own assignments. You're always looking out for me, even before we dated. You bring me breakfast, take care that I don't overdo myself, you are the most caring person I know-, he said as she looked at him with a small smile. -And you're so much more than that Y/n, you're very smart, brave, you always know how to make me laugh and you know, there's really no other person's opinion that I care about more than yours,- he said before pulling your face so he could give you a quick kiss on the lips. -That's why I love you,- he said suddenly.
Y/n's eyes widened a little in surprise and Cedric saw the biggest smile on her face. -S-really? Y-you love me?-
-Yes, Y/n, you know that,- he said like it was nothing.
-You didn't say that before,- she assured him and Cedric realized she was right.
-Oh- he said with a touch of red on his cheeks. -Sorry, I didn't say this before, but...yes. I love you,- he repeated.
-I love you too, you know?- she said before leaning in again to kiss him.
-You do?-
-Of course I do,- she told him with a small laugh.
-Do you feel better now?-
-Yes, thank you- she said leaning on his shoulder again and he kissed her forehead.
-Good. Because you're definitely not boring,- he repeated. -And I will fight anyone who says otherwise or makes you feel upset!-
-You don't have to fight anyone- she said letting out a small laugh and turning to face him. -But thank you,- she added, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.
-Anything for my girl.-
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Y/n was walking (more like running) down the hallway. She was late. She didn't want to be, but she had lost track of time and was now late for Ancient Studies. She was almost there when she felt a hand pull her arm into an empty hallway.
-Holy crap!- she said, pulling out her wand.
-Y/n, love! Calm down, it's me. -Cedric said putting his hands in a sign of surrender. -I'm sorry I scared you- he said laughing.
-Cedric!- she said, putting away her wand. -What do you think you're doing? You're supposed to be in class-
-You too,- Cedric said with a raised eyebrow.
-I know, I lost track of time and-
-And we're leaving now- he said as he pulled her away from his class.
-Cedric, what are you doing? We have to go to class- she whispered, trying to pull him back.
-Oh come on, Y/n, as if we were going to miss anything in Ancient Studies, you memorized that book anyway,- he said, pulling her out again. -It's a beautiful day outside and I would like to have a picnic with my beautiful girlfriend-, he informed and it was until that moment that Y/n saw the picnic basket in Cedric's hand. -Please?- He said, pouting at her and looking at her with big puppy dog ​​eyes, making Y/n's heart flutter and let out a giggle.
-Okay,- she said, trying to keep her smile from getting bigger. -Just because I love you.-
-I love hearing that- he said, kissing her roughly -And I love you too- he video
Cedric set everything up and Y/n just stood there, smiling at her boyfriend. Cedric took her to his spot by the lake and took the food from the basket revealing all of Y/n's favorites.
-Do you want to know why I love you?- she asked him suddenly.
-What?- he asked with a small laugh.
-You told me a few days ago all the reasons you loved me,- she told him. -But I didn't tell you why I loved you, would you like to know?-
-It's okay- Cedric said laying down on the grass once again, as he did that day and letting her hand play with his hair once more. -Let's hear it!-
-I love you because you always, always know how to make me smile, like take me on a picnic with all my favorite food,- she began. -You make everyone around you feel good and happy and special and I remember the first time I saw you, when I was sorted into Hufflepuff and you were standing there next to me and you smiled,- she continued. -I knew right then that I would be falling head over heels for that smile,- she said with a small laugh. -You always made sure I had my scarf or my sweater and if I didn't, you gave me yours. You always waited for me in the library so I wouldn't go back to the common room alone. You say I have the biggest heart, but you're wrong... you have- she said leaning in to kiss his forehead. -You make me happier than I ever thought I could be,- she assured him.
-Well if you let me, I intend to spend the rest of my life doing this- he told her as he sat up and kissed her once more.
-Is that so?- she asked with a raised eyebrow as the
two began to eat.
-Well, y-yes,- he said. -I've been thinking about this for a while now,- he said with a small smile.
-And what did you think about?- she asked really interested in this conversation.
-Well, about what we're going to do when we graduate,- he continued. -And you know about us- he said without looking at her. Y/n found herself smiling when she saw how
Cedric looked adorable now.
She gently lifted his chin so he could look at her.
-It is us?- she said, smiling.
-Well, we're going to get out of here, go somewhere far away, we'll get married-
-Oh, shall we?-
-If you accept me, yes- he continued. -We're going to have kids and then live happily ever after, like in the Muggle fairy tales you always read.-
-Well, I must say, Mr. Diggory, that looks very attractive,- she informed him.
-Really?- he asked letting out a sigh of relief.
-Yes, Cedric, I love you, you know that and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you,- he stated.
-Well then,- he said, clearing his throat a bit and leaning back against the tree, while Y/n leaned against him. -I think you're stuck with me,- he said, placing a soft kiss on her head.
-And you're stuck with me,- she informed him.
-I wouldn't have it any other way,- he said, hugging her closer to him. The two stayed there for a while until they spotted Harry and Ron, this time with Fred, George and Hermione nowhere to be seen. Y/n was sure they were likely to blow something up. -Do you want to go there and find out what it's all about?- Cedric asked, knowing her very well. But Y/n turned around and faced him with a smile.
-No. Not today,- she said kissing him once more. -I have better things to do today,- she said, resting her head on her boyfriend's shoulder and enjoying the picnic he had planned for them.
-That's my girl.-
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magpiefngrl · 2 years ago
How about 16, 17, and 18? 🤩
Hey, lovely! What great questions, thank you!
16. What is your most underrated fic?
I'm not sure how to define underrated here. For instance, I really love The Glass Hearts but it's not a drarry (or any ship) fic, so it's not surprising that it hasn't been read as much as other stories. It did have some awesome comments, though.
If we go with a simple gut feeling, that undefinable ache about a fic we love that we wish it'd been read more, then for me that's The Boy Who Died. It has had a bunch of readers and some comments, but I'd like to share my love for that fic with more people. It's the one fic that whenever it appears in my kudos email, I always smile.
17. What fic are you most proud of?
Although I did consider mentioning dirtynumbangelboy, I'll have to go with 9 ½ Days. It's my longest fic, for one; it's a fic I was very close to abandoning but I managed to finish, which gives me a sense of relief and even triumph when I think about it; and it's one where I poured my thoughts and feelings about Draco in his canon years.
Also, in most of my fics I try to add something that we might not see a lot in fandom (like the treatment of the Shrieking Shack in Through the Looking Glass and What Draco Found There or Draco as an Incubus in Hush, darling etc). In this case, I wrote about magical Romani, which isn't something I'd seen before in HP, and some scary faeries. Finally, I'm quite pleased with the prose, esp in some passages.
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
I've got a few in mind but let's go with the first kiss scene in 9 ½ Days. This is in Chapter 4. I won't copy the whole thing out, just parts. Under the cut:
Harry and Draco have spent a few days on the run now. They're starting to trust each and are getting closer emotionally but there's been no overt attraction between them. A great way to get them to think about sex (with each other) is to give them a reason to discuss sex in general, and Draco is the one who brings it up here.
‘You know what I‘m sorry about in this whole affair?’ Draco said, affecting nonchalance. ‘That I’ll die a fucking virgin.’
Harry’s mouth went dry. He hummed something indistinct.
Draco whispered, ‘Is sex as good as people say, Harry?’
‘How should I know?’ Harry asked, his hands sweating.
They talk about their experiences briefly. A paragraph follows that I quite like:
They hadn’t taken their eyes from the ceiling, as if this conversation didn’t involve them. Perhaps it was easier to talk about sex to the ceiling. Harry attempted to deal with this news as calmly as he could, even though his heart — and cock — swelled with the thrill of possibility. He’d had fantasies about Cedric and Bill Weasley in the past, but seeing as they were both straight, Harry’s fantasies had felt harmless; an idle exercise, a private unreality he liked to spend some time in. But now Harry had fantasized about someone who lay beside him and confessed to liking boys, too. Someone who Harry could reach out and touch, and who might — the idea made Harry’s blood simmer — welcome the touch.
Harry really should turn his back and go to sleep. Draco shifted and Harry caught Draco’s body heat very close to him, and his scent.
‘I’ve never kissed a boy,’ Harry told the ceiling.
I like the image of them side by side, looking at the ceiling, because this conversation is momentous for both of them but it's a bit too revealing and honest, and so it's easier to look somewhere else. To pretend that what you're saying doesn't matter much, exactly because it does matter. A lot.
Draco was the one who brought up sex earlier and then Harry is the one who comments that he's never kissed a boy. He gives Draco an opening. The subtext here is 'I want to kiss you but I can't bring myself to say it.'
I'm really pleased with the imagery in these two sentences:
Silence followed, but a pregnant silence, full of fluttering butterflies and words trapped in throats. A silence that held its breath, waiting to see where the conversation might lead.
Draco takes the opening and suggests what we all want to see. I have a soft spot for kissing or sex scenes where the characters give in to their attraction while holding back emotionally. The fuck buddies scenarios; the "this is a test kiss" like here, and so on. In those cases, although the scene is about relieving sexual tension, it still retains some tension and that is more interesting to me.
Draco gazed at him. He chewed his bottom lip for a moment, drawing Harry’s eyes there. ‘I know you hate me,’ Draco said, his voice low, ‘but seeing as we’ll probably die soon, you could… test it. If you want. With — with me. Just so you’ll know.’
‘I don’t hate you,’ Harry said with conviction. There were worse monsters in the world than Draco Malfoy.
Draco kept staring, wordlessly asking for a reply.
‘Sure,’ Harry said, aiming at casual and failing. ‘Just so I’ll know.’
Both stalled, awkward now that kissing was on the table. Harry didn’t know if he should make the first move or whether Draco would. Tense like a diver about to jump off a cliff, Harry shuffled and brought his face closer to Draco’s, his heart in his throat.
Draco cleared his voice. ‘Let me…’ He rose to his elbow. Propped over Harry, Draco gazed at him with enigmatic eyes, cupped his cheek and kissed him.
Draco here echoes the phrase "let me" which Harry said earlier in the chapter when cleaning Draco's wounds. The rest is the description of the kiss, which is very soft and sweet, if I say so myself. I don't know what people think but I'm happy with the way their first kiss has come about in this fic.
Behind the Scenes Fic Writing Ask
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missyflufffics · 4 years ago
Harry Potter Universe Recommendation List
Last Updated: 12/21/2020
Marauders Era
James Potter
One Shots:
The best prankster by @deathlyhogwarts Summary: When a lowkey Gryffindor who values her education is disrupted during class by a roudy group of boys she decides to retilate, and she is determined to win.
Falling For You by @theweasleysredhair Summary: Soulmate AU. After suffering thorugh the pain of your soulmate, whom was not particulary careful about injuries, their identity is revealed during a Quidditch game.
What’s Happening To Me by @harrytpotter Summary: James Potter was starting to feel more and more overprotective towards his friend Y/N and considerably annoyed at the blatant flirting she and one of his best friends were displaying publicly and at the thought she might be falling for Sirius. What was happening to him?
Sirius Black
One Shots:
Drooling like a dog by @deathlyhogwarts Summary: Dogs are great pets, and it´s annoying how all kind of pets are allowed at school but dogs. So when you realize a group of friends frequents one you can´t help but shower it with affection. 
Cardigan by @gcdric Summary: You love everything Sirius’s family hates about him.
Remus Lupin
One Shots:
Scared by @thoseofgreatambition Summary: y/n’s mother has left their family, and because of this the reader is quite scared to form romantic relationships. Remus does his best to build her strength and trust up. in doing so they fall in love.
Peter Pettigrew
Lily Evans
Regulous Black
One Shots:
Mon Soleil by @poppin-potter Summary: Lupin!reader; no-Voldemort AU. Regulus Black helps you with your lycanthropy symptoms
Narcissa Black
Golden Trio Era
Harry Potter
One Shots: 
One step from happiness by @weasleydream Summary: After the war is over, there is one person he needs to see, a muggle that made Privet Drive seem less gloomy.
Dumbledore’s army by @poppin-potter Summary: Lupin!reader. When you help your boyfriend, Harry Potter, you start to notice a few things in his teaching style.
The Girl I Once Knew by @lunalovegxxd Summary: Malfoy!reader. When you receive the Dark Mark the best you can do to keep those you love safe is to play perfect pureblood daughter, sadly, that includes making Harry hate you so he’ll stay away.
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
One Shots:
Coffee Shop by @lunalovegxxd Summary: Coffee shop AU; Soulmates AU. In which you meet your soulmate in a coffee shop.
Only For You by @iliveiloveiwrite Summary: Ron Weasley is a family guy and a sap.
Draco Malfoy
One Shots:
Sneaking out and Shooting Stars by @stupxfy Summary: Draco wakes you up in the middle of the night to go watch the meteor shower
two sworn enemies Part 2 by @wondernimbus Summary: there is only one thing worse than being hated by draco malfoy; it’s being fancied by him.
A Beautiful Dream by @angelinathebook Summary: You meet up with Draco during the night and discover the boy buried underneath the pain.
Play Dumb by @willowbleedsonpaper Summary: Ravenclaw!reader. One day visiting your friend Myrtle, you found that she already had company. Learning some things you shouldn’t about Draco Malfoy you become really nervous around him and see yourself in the need to face him.
Carrot Cake by @willowbleedsonpaper Summary: Soulmate AU. You decide to put your own café after the war and you find yourself with some unexpected clients.
Seamus Finnigan
Dean Thomas
Fred Weasley
One Shots:
The Smell Of Love by @leahstypewriter Summary: You remain unranked by the Weasley twins catching one of the readhead’s attention.
Act Like a Gryffindor by @hp-imagines-07 Summary: Gryffindor!reader. The 4 times that Fred Weasley made you blush and the one time that it was the other way around…
Nervous by @hufflepuffgirly Summary: Fred’s nervous about meeting your family, but he really has nothing to worry about.
Blue by @hufflepuffgirly Prompts: “You’re so agitated, what’s wrong?” “You know exactly what’s wrong.”; “Come here.”; “Your hair smells nice.”
Surprises by @acciotwinz Summary: All the times Fred never manages to catch Y/N off guard and the one time he does.
George Weasley
One Shots:
Lifelines by @diary-of-an-onliner Summary: Gryffindor!reader. Your happy line responds to George as you flirt incessantly.
Gryffindor bravery by @heloisedaphnebrightmore Summary: Your shy and quite personality never matched the infamous bravery of Gryffindor. However the little bet George initiates might just help you find your inner Gryffindor, the bravery you have been looking for.
5th December by @george-fabian-weasley Summary: You read him a poem as he laid on your chest, loving the sound of your voice.
Ginny Weasley
Neville Longbottom
One Shots:
Childhood crush by @angelinathebook Summary: professor!Neville x professor!reader. You lost contact with your best friend after the war but neither is planning on passing up your chance when you find yourselves back in the castle you grew up in.
Oliver Wood
One Shots: 
Little brother by @poppin-potter Summary: Hufflepuff!reader. Your boyfriend comes to meet your family and everything seems to be going swell, except for the fact that your little brother doesn’t seems to like him much.
Charlie Weasley
Bill Weasley
Theodore Nott
One Shots: 
Terrible Tuesdays by @gcdric Summary: You get paired up with Theo in potions who defies all your preconceived notions on what a Slytherin is. Needless to say, Theodore Nott was not at all what you were expecting.
Lonely Heart by @willowbleedsonpaper Summary: After years of frienship you realize that although you might not be alone you’re lonely. You’re not part of the Golden Trio and they don’t seem to care when you drift away from them. You learn to be by yourself when certain Slytherin enters your life and change it for the better.
They don’t know about us by @willowbleedsonpaper Summary: Hufflepuff!reader. You are open and unapologetic about your relationship, even with its particular critics.
Blaise Zabini
One Shots:
Chess is for chumps by @peeves-a-legend Summary: Chess is all about sophistication and strategy; everything that Blaise prides himself on. Monopoly is about frugality and… also strategy?
Cedric Diggory
One Shots:
Ceasseless Interruptions by @imaginexmeintheuniverse Summary: Five times you almost kissed + when you finally did
4 AM by @random-imagines-blog Summary: You’re a transfer student at Hogwarts, and all of these changes are feeling restless. You develop a late-night hobby, but a handsome Hufflepuff catches on.
Yule Ball from the Sidelines by @imaginexmeintheuniverse Summary: In your attempt to avoid the elephant in the room you tell your best friend to go with someone else to the ball, and he does. Don’t worry, he has saved a dance just for you.
Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them
Newt Scamander
One Shots: 
The Dress by @poppin-potter Summary: platonic!reader. You and your best friend, Newt Scamander, try to find the perfect dress for your wedding.
Theseus Scamander
One Shots:
Care For a Treat? by @poppin-potter Summary: Theseus never cared for sweets until his little brother’s best friend walked into his life.
Tina Goldenstein
Jacob Kowalski
Queenie Goldenstein
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mfingenius · 3 years ago
Hey, I’d love a drarry in 4th year where Draco is Harry’s second task and/or they go together to the Yule Ball (a lot of provocation between them!)
Harry's staring; logically, he knows he should hurry, knows he doesn't have time to simply float around, contemplating life, but Malfoy is there, floating motionlessly beside Hermione and Gabrielle Delacour and Harry is confused.
Cho was obviously Cedric's task; that had been clear enough even before Cedric had grabbed her - while Harry had just watched, as confused as he is now - and Hermione has to be Krum's. There's no Durmstrang student, and - as far as Harry knows - Krum only talks to Hermione.
Gabrielle Delacour is Fleur's. She's her sister, it's as simple as that.
Which means that whoever designed this Merlin forsaken task thought Malfoy was 'what he'd sorely miss'.
Where the fuck were they getting their information?
Harry's startled out of his silent shock when Krum pushes by, half transformed into a shark, and frees Hermione.
He gives him an odd look while he swims back up, which is quite an impressive feat with what is possibly the least expressive animal's head as his own.
He frees Malfoy with a quick Diffindo, and grabs his wrist so he won't simply go away while he looks around; his time must be almost up - he can almost feel it, the effect of the gillyweed beginning to fade, his lungs beginning to feel unpleasant with water in them - which means Fleur needs to show up to get her sister, soon, but she's just - not.
He looks at Malfoy's face; he looks unexpectedly young and - handsome, almost - like this. There's no denying his aristocratic nose and high cheekbones are appealing - at least to Harry, who doesn't know how Ron could possibly think Malfoy's 'weird-looking' - but Harry doesn't usually have time to appreciate it, since Malfoy immediately ruins it by opening his mouth.
Fleur is still not showing up.
Gabrielle, who looks exactly like Fleur, looks like a kid even to Harry; if he'd been deemed too young to participate in the games, why is everyone in this task as young as he is, or younger?
Surely, he tries to reassure himself, the heads of school wouldn't let them rot here.
Even if the egg said they would, even if it said it 'wouldn't come back'. These are children.
Harry only has to ponder half a moment more before he decides that he doesn't trust adults that much.
A matching Diffindo frees Gabrielle, and he drags her and Malfoy up with merepeople grabbing at his feet, with his lungs filling with water, heart bursting in his chest and vision darkening at the edges because he can't breathe and he can't get out and-
He breaks the surface and hears screaming, and he's coughing up water and maybe blood - or maybe it's not his, but someone is bleeding, because the water around them is turning pink - and he wants to sink right back down, wants to rest.
"Gabrielle! Gabrielle!" Fleur's shrieking is louder than anyone else's, but Harry thinks that's fair; he's never had a sibling, but he can't imagine thinking they were going to die because of a school approved activity.
Everyone else is cheering, he realizes; they're happy for him, for them, they think this is good.
He manages to catch sight of Cedric's, Krum's, and Fleur's faces, and none of them look like they're feeling anything even slightly positive.
"Potter?" He finally looks at Malfoy. "What the bloody hell are you doing?"
Harry can't help the laugh that bubbles out of him. What is he doing? What was Malfoy doing, representing the thing Harry would sorely miss? Dumbledore - or the merepeople, or whoever made this decision - could've taken Ron, could've taken any Weasley, hell, they could've taken bloody Mrs. Norris, and Harry thinks they would've been a better choice than Malfoy.
He tightens his grip around Malfoy's and Gabrielle's arms, and begins dragging them towards the other contestants; as soon as they're there, hands are reaching in and pulling them all out, wrapping them in blankets, and Fleur is hugging Gabrielle and crying and Malfoy's teeth are chattering and Harry can still feel water in his lungs and he can't think.
"Merlin, Harry, you're bleeding!" Hermione exclaims.
Harry looks down and realizes she's right; the merepeople got him with their claws.
"Come on," she says, cheeks red from the cold. "We'll get you to the infirmary."
Slytherins keep making kissy sounds at him in the hallways, and it gets worse whenever Malfoy is around; he'd think this is Malfoy's doing, except the bastard looks just as embarrassed as Harry - if not more than Harry - when it happens.
They can't quite even look at each other anymore, let alone argue, because if they even say a word to each other, there are three dozen people suddenly watching.
Which is how Harry finds out he would kind of miss Malfoy if he were gone.
In the totally not friendly, even less romantic, entirely normal rival kind of way.
He likes to think Malfoy misses him a little bit too.
Which is, of course, why Harry seeks him out after checking the Marauders' map and making sure there's no one else within a hundred meters of them.
"What the-" Harry has to cover Malfoy's mouth, because if not, it would ruin his plan of quietly shoving Malfoy into the broom shed.
"Shut up, you git," he says, looking around and shutting the door behind him; Malfoy bites his hand, hard, and Harry muffles a yelp, pulling it back.
Malfoy smirks, looking quite pleased with himself, and Harry glares.
"What do you want?" Malfoy asks, looking around and upturning his nose; his features are decidedly less appealing when he's talking; Harry wants to shut him up. "Why'd you bring me here? It's disgusting, Potter."
And yeah, okay, the broom shed isn't quite nice - it has just as many spiders and much more dust than Harry's old cupboard under the stairs - but it's not like they could talk anywhere else.
"I didn't want other people listening," he says.
Malfoy looks at him incredulously. "Listening to what?"
Which makes Harry realize that he didn't really have a plan after this, and yeah, it might've been a bad idea.
What does he want to do? Talk to Malfoy? Apologize? For what? Insult the bastard? Argue? It wouldn't be too hard, considering Malfoy's a pointy, contrarious git, but Harry suddenly doesn't know why he dragged Malfoy in here, either.
He can't let Malfoy know that.
"You never thanked me," he says.
Malfoy's look turns more incredulous, first, and then his eyes narrow furiously, jaw tightening.
"Thanked you for what, Potter?" he asks, crossing his arms. "Making sure every single person in this awful school thinks we're secretly dating? Making sure I can't get down a bloody hallway without some idiotic Gryffindor asking me something beyond inappropriate about you? Making my parents think there's something going on between us so they're threatening to disown me?"
"What?" Harry asks, immediately thrown off. "Your parents would disown you if we were dating?"
Malfoy looks taken aback, like he didn't expect himself to say that, and he looks away. "Forget it. I'm not thanking you."
"Your parents would disown you for dating me?" Harry asks, still stuck on that fact. "Why?"
Malfoy looks troubled, and he shakes his head, looking at the door like he wants to flee; unfortunately for him, Harry's blocking it.
"Are we done here?" he asks. "I'd really rather not spend time in a shed with you."
"Oh, please, you'd love to spend time in a shed with me." Harry rolls his eyes, because he, too, is easy to goad into an argument, as long as it's Malfoy doing the goading.
"Yeah? What part of this do you think I'm loving?" Malfoy asks drily.
Harry doesn't have an answer except for the realization that he himself isn't having the worst time of his life. He isn't even having the worst time he's had today.
"Arguing," he says dumbly.
Malfoy looks at him incredulously again, and then he shakes his head, almost to himself.
"Go to the infirmary, Potter," he says, sliding past him, twisting himself in an almost impressive way so he doesn't touch Harry at all. "Tell Pomfrey to check for head injuries."
"Would you care if I did have a head injury?" Harry asks, already knowing he doesn't have one but not willing to quite reject the idea, because he's enjoying time with Malfoy. He's enjoying arguing with Malfoy.
Malfoy snorts and rolls his eyes. "Sure, Potter. If you end up in the infirmary with a head injury, I'll visit and even bring you flowers, I pinky swear."
He leaves the shed, and leaves Harry blinking after him.
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thecarnivorousmuffinmeta · 4 years ago
Hey! I love your meta’s, a little while ago you talked about The Order of the Phoenix as an organization could you talk about the Death Eaters?
The post anon is referencing.
TL;DR the Order is incompetently hilarious and Dumbledore is a man who trusts no one.
Oh, the Death Eaters, what to say about the Death Eaters...
In a World Without Voldemort, They'd Probably Be Arsonists
One of the things JKR implies in the series, and something fandom seems to take for granted, is that Tom Riddle is the ultimate corrupting influence.
Were it not for him, the Wizarding World would be a much better place, and people like Bellatrix LeStrange would be productive members of society.
As soon as he is killed, even, by Harry, the good guys win, their problems all presumably solved, and Harry tells his son Albus Severus that it's totally fine if he's put into Slytherin.
I don't believe that though.
To me, it's not so much that Tom Riddle corrupted these people, but that he gave them an organized cause. The people themselves, oh, they were itching for a fight.
In a world without Tom I think they'd be a loosely, poorly organized, group (probably with Bellatrix as the ring leader) where they commit acts of domestic terrorism probably involving burning offensive shops to the ground or attacking muggleborns, halfbloods, and blood traitors.
Voldemort, to me, is designed to pander to them (and not the other way around).
The Death Eaters' Beginnings
So, first off, I think Tom's goals are not what he says they are. What he represents to his followers is exactly what they want to hear, wrapped in a grandiose theatric bow that they just love.
But how did this all start?
First, I don't believe in the Knights of Walpurgis. Instead I think Tom came relatively out of nowhere in the 70's uses parseltongue to prove his heritage as the Heir of Slytherin and thus of purer blood than any of them.
He throws these exciting rallies/parties that the rebellious, angsty, teenage heirs all go to. There he says everything they wanted to hear in the most eloquent manner they've ever heard, promises them the action that their fathers have never delivered, promises them a role in the glorious revolution and a place in history, and probably offers them mounds of cocaine.
All the Death Eaters we see, or the core of them, appear to be in this age range where they'd be in Hogwarts or just out of it when Voldemort came knocking. I can imagine they're all whipped up with excitement, YEAH LET'S BLOW UP THE MUDBLOODS and for some that's great, for others... things don't go the way they expected.
October 31, 1981: It All Falls Apart
Regulus famously steals Tom's horcrux. I imagine it wasn't so much that he learned the error of his ways but that he saw what Tom Riddle was really after: the destruction of his very society.
Lucius is riding high until October 31, 1981 and he sees the complete destruction of the entire Black family. Lucius' priorities greatly shift and as he grows older he prays Voldemort never returns. Unfortunately, Tom does, and he charges interest.
Bellatrix absolutely loses her mind, refuses to accept reality, and tries to torture the Longbottoms for information they do not possess. She is imprisoned in Azkaban and never truly recovers from this.
Snape ends up the cause of death for Lily Evans and must forever live with the guilt and be tied to her prophesied son. He also becomes Dumbledore's lackey forever, which ultimately gets him killed.
Point being, no one's having a good time. Some because they figure out being a Death Eater wasn't all it was cracked up to be, and others because they had the Voldemort rug pulled out from under their feet when Tom Riddle disappears.
Pettigrew flees and lives as the Weasley rat for nearly fifteen years.
They're left making a mad scramble as they try to pick up the pieces of their lives.
Canon Catches Up
More than ten years go by and then suddenly, in a muggle graveyard, the surviving Death Eaters discover that they are bound to Voldemort for the rest of their lives.
Death cannot stop this man and he has branded them: there's no escape.
Some are still enthusiastic supporters of the cause: Bellatrix is vindicated that her lord has returned, he rescues her from hell on earth, and everything's finally coming up Bella. Barty is similar in actively working for Voldemort's resurrection.
Lucius, meanwhile, lives in constant terror. Karkaroff desperately flees the country and hopes Tom will not find him. Snape, is in fact, Dumbledore's agent. Pettigrew only returned in utter desperation and has now cut off his own hand.
They're not the young men they were, some of them have families, to some of the past ten years have been utterly miserable. They have to watch as their children make the same damn mistakes they did, be sucked into this same hell hole, and there's nothing they can do about it.
There is a notable reluctance for the cause, and yet, they have to try with the same vigor or this madman will kill them all.
And it's all worthless anyway: come 1998, Voldemort dies again (perhaps for real this time, who knows, Harry Potter seems to think so for whatever reason) and then they are imprisoned for their acts as Death Eaters.
And they just laugh, because how badly Lucius wishes he could go back in time and tell his eighteen-year-old self, "YOU DUMB FUCK, LEAVE NOW!"
But Do They Learn Anything?
Just because we see some of them regret being Death Eaters doesn't mean they regret their beliefs. Their beliefs were fine, even blowing up people here and there, a bit gauche but fine.
But maybe following Voldemort blindly was a bad idea.
Are They More Competent Than the Order?
Tom Riddle is terrifyingly competent in that he infiltrates the government with ease, has spies everywhere, and all but proclaims himself minister one day and nobody blinks.
He gains the full support of most of the wizarding world's wealthiest and prestigious families.
But he doesn't actually give these people anything to do. Because there's nothing for them to do, with them, Tom's won. He owns the Wizengamot, the Ministry, everything.
There's no need to fight. It's over, there never was a war. Society is primed to accept Tom Riddle as their ruler.
However, the likes of Bellatrix LeStrange thinks there's a glorious war on, so "uh, go out and blow up a few muggles, have fun." And the young Death Eaters (and the older ones), think they've committed this great, daring, brave, and very important act.
Tom only seems to hand out real assignments when in desperate straits or else when being particularly vindictive.
Lucius, after messing up with the diary, is told to retrieve a prophecy he is not allowed to touch in a department of the ministry he should have no access to. If he fails: Tom kills his entire family. When Lucius does fail, Tom assigns his son to assassinate an already dying Dumbledore. These aren't real tasks, though they do have the appearance of one, and consequences for failure.
Barty, Tom is forced to rely on, as he is trapped in this dying infant's body. And better Barty, someone who is truly loyal and seems fairly clever, than Peter Pettigrew who is a miserable scum bag who'd sell his grandmother for a bar of soap.
Barty, of course, fucks this up. Rather than just kidnap Harry Potter at any of the many easy points this could be done (Hogsmeade trip, lure Harry out to Hogsmeade with super secret serial information about Voldemort/Snape being a Death Eater, etc.), Barty is determined to make use of the Triwizard Tournament to destroy his father's legacy.
This means rather than a few weeks, it takes months to kidnap Harry, and even then they bring along an extra boy who then gets killed and provides some evidence that Tom Riddle has in fact returned. (Somebody murdered Cedric). It takes months and Barty actively ensuring Harry makes it through the tournament and does well, leaving open the possibility that he might get caught helping Harry cheat at any moment. And of course, Barty has to pretend to be Madeye Moody for months, keeping his man locked and drugged in his trunk.
Thankfully, Moody's such a paranoid wreck, no one even notices.
Quirrell, Tom is forced to rely on. Quirrell fucks up, though admittedly not as badly as Barty. Quirrell fails to steal the stone when it's in transit/in Gringotts. He fails to murder Harry Potter, an eleven year old boy in the world's most dangerous school. He rouses Snape's suspicion almost immediately. Then of course he doesn't get the stone. He at least gets to the room with the stone and nearly overpowers Harry and gets it had he not been mysteriously lit on fire by the power of love/Lily Evans.
The only one Tom ever really relies on by choice is Snape. Snape is charged with spying on Dumbledore and later running Hogwarts (which he fucks up).
There is only one competent man in Britain: Severus Snape. Which is, of course, why he's a double agent that Dumbledore and Tom both extensively rely on despite his being a double agent.
There's no one else.
Tom Riddle doesn't make use of the Death Eaters but given they prove themselves enthusiastically incompetent at every turn I don't blame him. Just pretend to give them something to do and hope it makes them feel important.
That's all I've got in general, you want anything else you'll have to ask for something more specific.
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celestialevie · 4 years ago
Dance with me // Cedric Diggory x Hufflepuff! Female Reader
Summary: Admitting to your boyfriend that you’re not an expert in dancing, he offers his skills to teach you just in time for the Yule ball. Warnings: fluff, kissing, dancing, implied smut at the end, Fred being a cheeky boy word count: 1.6k a/n: I hope everyone has a nice day! Also, just a side note, English is not my first language so if there are any mistakes please do not hesitate to let me know
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It was October in your sixth year. Dumbledore has just announced the news about Triwizard Tournament, and everyone was buzzing about it.  Cedric was contemplating whether to or not to put his name in the goblet. After encouragements of you, his girlfriend and his friends, he decided to do it. So it's been a couple of days since that happened, and now all Hufflepuff’s were invited to the Herbology classroom. Holding hands with Cedric you made your way to the herbology classroom. Entering you separated from each other each going to the opposites sides by the commands of Professor Sprout. Guys were on the left side of the classroom while the girls were on the right side of the classroom. By everyone's surprise, Filch and Mrs Norris were there standing next to the gramophone. After everyone had arrived and settled down,  Professor Sprout started speaking. '' You all must be wondering why I brought you all here. As you all know we have guests here that are visiting us during the Triwizard Tournament. And the tradition that goes in hand with the tournament is the Yule Ball. And because of that, it is my duty as a Head of Hufflepuff house to make sure you don't embarrass yourself on the dance floor. Attendees can be a from the fourth year and above unless the younger student gets invited as a date. Now I will be pairing you in pairs. '' Choosing a guy first and then a girl, Professor Sprout seemed to have fun pairing up students, since it's one of the rare opportunities. Pairing Cedric with one of the younger girls resulted in him pouting for not being paired up with you. Being lucky, you were paired up with one of your good friends. Once everyone was paired up, Filch played music and Sprout gave us a signal to start moving. Giving us instructions as we move, we were slowly getting hang of it. That went on for an hour before she told us we were done for today, and to keep practising.  Waiting for Cedric, we make our way towards the exit of the castle as we both had a free period. Sitting under a tree a bit further from the lake, still being sceptical about the lake after the incident a couple of months ago, even though you were with your boyfriend now. Taking out a book you were currently reading, relaxing as Cedric laid his head on your lap, taking a small nap. Taking the opportunity, you ran your hands through his soft hair, massaging his scalp, making him relax even further. '' Your hair is really soft,'' you whispered, not sure if the boy was asleep '' Very soft '' you continued to play with his hair when an idea struck you. His hair was just long enough for you to be able to braid his hair, even if it's a tiny little braid. When you started braiding his hair, Cedric stirred a little. '' What are you doing? '' he asked while his eyes were still closed. '' Shhh, stop moving and let me braid your hair. '' letting out a sigh, he let you go back to braiding his hair. When you were finally done, you took your wand, murmuring a spell making a small daisy appear in his hair. He looked like an angel. Too bad he wasn't one. Chuckling at your thoughts, you didn't notice that Cedric opened his eyes, looking at you with adoration in his eyes. '' I'm so lucky to have you, I really am the luckiest guy here '' he said. A blush crept on your cheeks. He chuckled when he saw the blush, grabbing your hand and placing a soft kiss on it. You talked for a couple of minutes when he got up and took both of your hands in his, pulling you up. '' Come and dance with me '' he said, a nervous chuckle left your mouth '' Yeah sure, one problem though. I can't dance like I don't know to slow dance. '' Cedric just smiled and placed one of your arms on his shoulder and takes the other in his arm while placing the other onto your hip, pulling you closer to him. '' Now listen to me and follow my guide, okay? When I take a step forward with my left foot, you take a step back with your right foot, and if I take a step to the side with my right foot, you take a step to the side with your left foot. Okay? '' Still a little confused, but you nodded your head. '' Okay '' taking a step forward with his left foot, you take a step back with your right foot. '' There you go, you got it '' he takes a step to the side with his right foot, making you step to the side with your right foot. '' Good job, you're doing amazing love '' he smiled at you. '' Now close the gap with your right foot with your left foot, while I close the gap with my left foot to my right foot. '' you do as he says, '' I'm so proud of you for learning this quickly. Okay so now you're going forward while I'm going backwards, okay? So step forward with your left foot and I will step back with my right foot, okay? '' Nodding your head you step forward, but unfortunately a bit too soon because you stepped onto his feet. '' Sorry, sorry '' you quickly apologized, he chuckled '' It's okay no worries, darling, it happens. Try again '' and so you did, and this time you succeeded. He gave you a twirl, bringing you back into his chest. You looked at his eyes, who were looking at you with so much love. '' So tell me, darling, '' he began '' Will you do me the honour and accompany me to the Yule ball, being the most beautiful date anyone can have? '' you wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing your lips together in a kiss. '' There's no one else I would rather go with. '' kissing him again, he wrapped his hands around your waist, lifting you up from the ground making it easier for him to kiss you with the slight height difference between you two.  But of course, it had to come to an end, because a certain redhead twin decided to mess with you guys. '' Oy Diggory, get a room '' he laughed, but he was hit in his arm by our lovely friend Evangeline '' Don't be a pain in the ass Weasley, leave them alone. '' She rolled her eyes before giving you two an apologetic look and walking away. '' Ouch '' he responded, but before he even realized she was already at least six feet away from him. '' Evie, don't leave me with them. '' he ran after her, making you roll your eyes at him being desperate for Evangeline's attention. '' He's so whipped but so dumb. '' you shook your head at Cedric, making him laugh '' Ah young love, so innocent and sweet. '' He put you back down on the ground, before grabbing your hand, heading back towards the castle, seeing your free period is done, and now you had charms while he had transfiguration. '' Good luck baby, I'll see you after the class. '' he gave you a small peck on the lips before you two separated. Soon it was the end of the day, everyone was done with classes, the only ones left who ended up in detention. You were sitting in the common room, wearing Cedric's quidditch jumper, reading your muggle book about some teenage drama when you felt a pair of arms softly wrapping around your shoulders, and lips softly on your neck. '' For your own sake, I hope it's you Ced '' of course you knew it was him, his touch always made you feel a certain way you just couldn't put into words. '' Are you wearing my jumper? '' he asked, mumbling against your neck. '' Yeah, I was a bit cold, so I decided to grab one, with the help of one of your roommates. '' placing your book down, you grabbed Cedric's face into your hands gently, placing your lips onto his. '' Hi. '' you say softly, a smile playing on your lips. Jumping over the couch, he sat next to you, pulling you closer into his side. Tilting your head, he started slowly sucking onto your neck, making sure he leaves a mark. Biting your lip you try to suppress your moans, not wanting to bring attention to yourselves. '' Keep quiet or someone will hear '' he whispered '' it's not my fault you choose to mark me in the place where everyone can come and see us any second '' you rolled your eyes, he pulled away from your neck, and he was now whispering in your ear '' Oh? Would you rather for us to go somewhere more private to finish this? Is that what you're implying? Such a bad girl '' goosebumps were all over your body. '' Don't be such a tease, if you're so confident as you're saying, be a man and show me your best. '' you said to him, smirk playing on your lips. '' That's a dangerous territory you're heading towards y/n, are you sure you want to go there? '' He raised his eyebrows, his eyes were now a darker shade. '' Do your worst, Diggory. '' and before you even had a chance, he picked you up in his arms, going towards his dorm. '' You have no idea what you're about to get yourself in, love. '' 
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Disasters and Detentions
Request: “Hi! Can i please request A fred weasley x reader (I love my boy fred lol). With the angst prompt 16 and fluff prompt 12 and 9 please? Tyty i love your writing!”
(”Why do you care?”/”Oh my God! you’re in love with him”/”God, you’re so fucking cute”
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Word count: 1.9k (I got excited or whateva)
A/N: These were suchhh cute prompts to work with, I really love writing the twins in a school enviroment it gives me good vibes :) ALSO this is so long but like I said before, the twins x fluff = a dream.
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The Triwizard tournament was all anyone had been talking about recently, and while you could admit it was an exciting year for Hogwarts with the Yule Ball too, you couldn’t help but get tired of everyone’s eagerness – even those too young to participate.
You sat with your friend Hermione, completing work, and simultaneously watching as students in their sixth and seventh year entered their names into the goblet, each time admiring the flicker of the sapphire blue flame.
“Isn’t he dreamy” Hermione commented, gazing at Cedric Diggory who had just placed his name into the Goblet, receiving a warm welcoming from the inferno, indicating acceptance.
“I guess” you said, looking up towards harry noticing he had the exact same grin on his face as yourself. You both knew exactly what Hermione was trying to do and by the looks of Ron it had worked.
You understood why all the girls would swoon over the older, prince charming-like Cedric, but you had someone different in your thoughts…. much different.
Suddenly the room was filled with clapping and cheering as if Gryffindor had just won the Quidditch Cup.
“YESSS” you heard the raspy laughs of what could only be Fred and George, running into the hall with a test tube each. The way the light hit Fred’s copper hair as he ran towards the goblet had caught you in a trance. His Hazel eyes, his bright smile and pale complexion… it was all you could focus on.
Suddenly you were met with a hand being waved across your face which disrupted your line of sight and snapped you back into reality.
“What on earth has gotten into you” Hermione asked, with a puzzled expression on her face.
“uh, nothing just tired” you replied in an attempt to draw as little attention as possible to what was actually distracting you.
“Well lads, we’ve done it” George announced to the mass of applause “cooked it up just this morning”, as soon as you heard Fred’s voice you couldn’t help but swoon at the sound, gaining another weird look from Hermione.
“It’s not going to work” Hermione sung, in a rather condescending manner.
Before you knew it, you were inches away from Fred, who had accompanied his brother in lowering himself to yours and Hermione’s level.
“Oh yeah?” Fred asked, patronisingly back whilst leaning an arm on your shoulder. You weren’t sure what to do in that moment other than freeze and try not to make any eye contact. You could feel your palms get sweatier by the second and your breathing start to increase at a stupidly rapid rate.
“And why’s that Granger?” George then asked, with sole focus on beating Hermione in this sort of battle of ‘who’s right’.
Strangely you thought could feel Fred’s eyes, looking you up and down, which only caused your body to tense up even more than it was before.
You zoned out completely every word that Hermione spoke, only being able to pay attention to the arm that rested on your shoulder and the lips that were inches away from your face.
“Ah but that’s why it’s so brilliant” Fred said, this time you had gained some confidence to look slightly in his way to which you were then face to face with his mischievous grin.
“Because it’s so pathetically dim-witted” George over emphasised in Hermione’s scolding face, causing you to giggle like a schoolgirl.
God, how pathetically dim-witted of you.
Fred and George looked at each other before rising to their naturally giant-like height in high spirits of just winning an argument against Hermione Granger.
Whilst putting a thumb over the test tubes to shake them you couldn’t help but kind of worry about Fred. It was such a strange feeling, you knew how much of a prankster both him and his twin were, but the potion was dangerous, and not nearly as dangerous as if they managed to enter the tournament itself.
“I hope he’s alright” you accidentally mumbled under your breath, causing a slightly aggravated Hermione to snap back.
“What, Fred? Why do you care?” she replied, meeting your gaze focusing on Fred.
There was silence for what seemed like forever, you didn’t know what to say and didn’t want to make it obvious, “I don’t I just, uh, I made one of those potions myself at home, nasty things” you settled with.
Yet, you were forgetting who exactly you were talking to, they don’t call her the brightest witch for her age for no reason. Hermione looked at you, who then looked at Fred, who seemed to be looking in your direction and suddenly the light bulb inside her turned on.
“Oh my God! You’re in love with him!” Hermione gasped, giggling in the process.
“Shh Hermione!” you attempted to reduce the chances of anyone hearing the truth, especially that of Fred.
“Ready Fred?”
“Ready George”
“Bottoms up” the twins sang in unison which helped distract Hermione from the information that she had just heard. Fred and George proceeded to jump into the ring of fire that guarded the Goblet, letting out a very confident “Yesss” that got the crowd going once more.
Putting their names in the fire seemed to actually work, gaining a repeated and very smug “Yeahhh” from both the twins – yet there’s one thing you had learnt during your time at Hogwarts, and it was that Hermione was always right.
Instantaneously there was a flash of blue light and before you knew it both the twins were rolling around on the floor with white beards, rather resembling Dumbledore himself.
You couldn’t help but really belly laugh at their stupidity as the crowd chanted “Fight! Fight! Fight!”
“Detention! The both of you!” McGonagall’s voice went straight though you, yet you continued to laugh at the twins’ misfortune as she attempted to separate them.
“And I suppose you find this funny miss Y/L/N” McGonagall’s eye caught your line of sight, “then I shall see you in detention with these two buffoons”
You groaned at the thought, which seemed to only antagonise her further “Oh and since the three of you are in Gryffindor, 10 points from Gryffindor” she spoke in a high tone, which earned a groan from the majority of the room.
Later that day you had found yourself in the detention hall with both Fred and George, alongside a few other misbehaving students. Don’t get me wrong, you had sat through your fair share of detentions, it was just that this year you had promised yourself that you would try and reduce the amount of time you had to spend with Professor Snape.
After what felt like an eternity, Snape put his head down to mark some work and you felt like you could finally breathe.
A paper bird landed onto your desk, bringing you back into the real world.
The note simply read:
‘I’m sorry for getting you into trouble’
You turned around discreetly to be met by Fred, who gave you a gentle smile, and in turn you were holding in quite possibly the biggest smile you have ever had before.
“God, you’re so fucking cute” you mumbled to yourself whilst reading the note, but before you knew it Fred’s message started to disappear, and the ink began to write the last words you spoke.
Of course, Fred had used magical ink. “oh no no no” you began to panic quietly, frantically trying to think of a spell that would erase the words on the note. Yet, your anxious mind only hindered your time and the note began to transform into a paper bird and fly behind you towards Fred’s seat.
You started to sink into yours, literally face palming at the thought of Fred reading those words. You were so embarrassed that right then and there you had sworn you just wouldn’t open your mouth for the rest of the year.
Since you hadn’t got another note back and you hadn’t turned around to check, you prayed that the paper bird had just got lost on the way back to him.
Once detention had finished you collected your books and rushed out of Snape’s classroom, faster than you ever had before.
“Oi! Y/N! where you off too?” Fred’s voice unexpectedly called after you, causing you to freeze in your tracks.
“Just uh, the common room” you replied without looking back to face him, maybe everything was alright after all, and maybe Fred really hadn’t seen your note.
“Great, I’ll walk you”, you heard Fred’s footsteps get closer and closer to you, before finally gaining the courage to face him in hopes of his cluelessness.
“Oh by the way, this is for you” Fred opened his two hands to reveal a paper bird, pecking at his palm, “couldn’t have gave it to you back then of course, Snape was watching me like a hawk” he laughed before allowing the bird to flutter into your hands.
Your heart sank at the thought of opening the note, with a sick feeling in your stomach.
I had no idea you felt that way, but in that case… You’re way cuter’
You giggled slightly, feeling a sense of relief yet still feeling extremely anxious. Fred Weasley thought you were cute. You couldn’t believe it.
Finally looking up from the note, you noticed Fred’s hazel eyes staring longingly into your own, and you couldn’t look away.
You watched as he lifted his hand to your cheek, pushing back the hair that draped slightly over your face. The brush of his fingers on your skin felt so soft and warm, yet your gaze remained. In that moment you felt no sickness, no heart sinking, and no anxiety… just butterflies in your stomach and a sense of serenity.
“Is this okay?” Fred asked, and with one nod from you he began to lean in closer, causing you to slowly press onto your tip toes to make his job a little easier. This time he lifted his right hand to cup your face completely.
Upon instinct you closed your eyes, feeling your face be lifted towards his. You could feel the warmth of Fred’s breath grow closer, placing your hands on his lower torso where they would naturally reach.
The moment was perfect, and without a second thought your lips met Fred’s in a soft exchange. The initial kiss allowed you to linger for a moment, digesting the feeling of not only his face against yours but his fingers entwined in your hair.
Your lips were left cold but sweet as you breathed into Fred, causing him to place a second kiss on your lips returning the warmth you had just felt. This time you felt the corners of Fred’s mouth curl into a smile which made you do the same.
Pulling away slightly and starting to land on the heels of your feet you began to open your eyes slightly, seeing Fred’s adorable smile with his eyes closed. He began to pull you up again ever so slightly, eyes still closed.
“Hang on, just one more” he seemed in a trance, and giggling you put your hands around his neck to which he lifted you gently. The third kiss was as good as the first and second, and with that you were placed onto the ground, spiritually and physically.
You and Fred giggled at each other when finally opening both your eyes to see each other again. You felt Fred’s hand snake down your arm to meet your own hand, locking his fingers between yours.
You looked down at the floor and bit your lip at the afterthought of the moment, gripping Fred’s hand tightly as he let out a heavy breath.
“I bloody love detention” Fred announced as you walked hand in hand towards the common room, giggling.
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comfortwriting · 4 years ago
I Prefer You - F.W
Fred Weasley x Fem reader 
Masterlist , Request Rules , Writing Prompts
About: The reader is best friends with the Weasley twins, whilst studying with them, Cedric Diggory shows up and confesses his love for her. Little does the reader know, Fred is also in love with her. She finds herself having to deal with Fred and Cedric competing for her love and in the end she has to choose one.
Warnings: love triangle, major fluff! 
“I wish he’d stop staring at you” Fred huffed, staring at the popular Hufflepuff student who couldn’t take his eyes off you.
George looked over his shoulder, making eye contact with Cedric, turning back around and tapping the book you were reading. 
“He’s been at it since you bloody walked in.” George spoke up, trying his best to not notify the whole library. 
You smirked and stopped focusing on your DADA homework, looking up you caught Cedric’s glance, his pearly white teeth twinkling as he smiled, his grey eyes radiating love towards you. You smiled back and waved at him, looking back down at your work and chuckling.
Fred didn’t like the way you looked at Cedric, in fact he hated it, he hated that Cedric had to be staring at you and not his handful of fangirls that constantly flocked around him everywhere he went. 
“Oh do give over” Fred huffed again, looking at you “you can’t be seriously entertaining that air head.” 
You looked up from your work again and looked at Fred, his facial expression hardened and you could tell that he was in no mood to joke around, you opened your mouth to ask what his problem was but Cedric had already walked over to you, practicing his lines. 
“Y/N, may I have a word?” Cedric asked politely, his soft voice almost putting you in a trance. 
“Whatever you’ve got to say just spit it out, Ced.” Fred interrupted, fidgeting in his chair.
George smirked “Yeah, Ced. What's the big deal?”
Cedric pursed his lips trying not to laugh, he knew the twins were doing this on purpose but he wouldn't allow them to get in the way of what he wanted, even if they had more influence over you than he did.
Cedric looked at Fred and George and nodded “Alright then” he cleared his throat and looked back at you “Y/N, I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to Hogsmeade this weekend on a date.” 
The four of you went silent for a moment, Fred’s heart rate elevated and he felt like jumping out of his chair and battering Cedric for making a move on his girl - but then Fred realised that he had never told you how he felt, he always assumed the two of you would have a moment but it never happened and it certainly wouldn't now thanks to Cedric. 
George stared at his brother, preparing himself to hold him back if he tried to go for Cedric, and you - you were sat in your chair feeling flattered that someone had asked such a thing, that someone saw something in you for the first time. After all, you were hoping Fred would gain feelings for you like you did for him, but in your mind, Fred wasn’t interested in being anything more than best friends. 
You blushed and nodded “I would love to” you smiled back at Cedric, cracking Fred’s heart.
Cedric chuckled and licked his lips, nodding his head, looking incredibly proud with himself “I’ll see you Saturday” he replied, walking away. 
“And in class!” you reminded him, shaking your head and closing your book. 
Five days, you had five days until your big date with Cedric and funnily enough, Fred was more nervous than you were. 
“Are you actually going with him?” Fred asked, stabbing his slice of chicken breast with his fork. 
You could tell Fred was irritated, annoyed, but you couldn’t understand why. You thought after all the other people you had brought up he would finally approve of the student who went ahead and made a move on you. 
You looked at Fred and swallowed a mouthful of pumpkin juice, you placed your Goblet back down on the table. “I said yes didn’t I? Why are you so bothered about it, Fred?” 
George nudged Fred and whispered in his ear “just tell her, Freddie.”
You looked at Fred and started to slice your own chicken breast into strips “tell me what?” you shoved a strip into your mouth and started to chew.
Fred sighed and gave in, looking at George before focusing on you. “I fancy you alright, I’ve been after you since third year and as soon as that plonker shows up you’re all giggly.”
You inhaled a few dry strings of skin from the chicken breast, causing you to choke, you grabbed your goblet and downed some more juice, washing down the bits that got stuck in your throat. 
“why didn’t you tell me sooner?” you hissed at Fred “I fancy you too!” 
You didn’t mean to let that last part slip but it was already too late. 
Fred’s face turned into a massive grin, he put down his knife and fork “do you really?” 
You nodded your head and continued to eat your breakfast. 
“Brilliant, cancel your date with Cedric and we’ll go instead.” Fred looked over at the Hufflepuff table and laughed at Cedric gently buttering his toast.
You shook your head and grinned back at Fred, your plate almost empty. “No” you replied “if you want me you’ve got to prove it.” 
From Monday onwards Fred and Cedric went head to head with one another, constantly trying to one up each other and increasing how much love they were showering over you. Cedric didn’t give up all because Fred entered the picture and Fred didn’t give up as Saturday got closer.
Four Days
Walking over to you bed your jaw dropped, bouquet's of flowers littered your quilt covers and rested against your pillows, you were surrounded by sunflowers and  yellow roses, all of which were from Cedric - the yellow notes representing his house. 
As much as you loved the sentiment, flowers weren't really your thing - sure they were gorgeous and they brought you light when you looked at them but it didn’t make you double over in laughter like Fred did and everything he did for you. Instead of flowers and detailed love letters, Fred didn’t gift you anything except his biggest and most comfy jumper that his mother knitted, he also gave you his time and effort. 
You walked into the great hall wearing Fred’s jumper, his ego boosting and Cedric’s crumbling. 
“You look stunning in my clothes” Fred smirked, taking a bite out of his toast.
You blushed and sat next to him “I want more than just your jumper.”
Three Days
As much as Cedric wanted to, he didn’t have as much time as Fred - well he did - but he spent that time studying, going to extra classes and entertaining his fanbase. The only time you got with Cedric was in Herbology, he tried getting to know you better, asking you about your interests but he couldn’t make you laugh, he didn’t understand your humour. 
“I don’t understand” Cedric replied “is that supposed to be funny?”
You sighed and shook your head “it doesn’t matter, don’t sweat it Ced.”
Two Days
You and Fred bunked a few classes and went off to Hogsmeade, going crazy in Honey Dukes and even cuddling up together and sharing a Butterbeer to keep yourselves warm. The two of you stayed up all night, winding up Mr Filch and Mrs Norris, you even went into Snape’s personal stores and stole the ingredients to make a Poly Juice potion, transforming yourselves into Draco and Pansy to get them into more trouble. 
“On second thoughts, I don’t think you’re that pretty.” Fred grimaced at you.
You stared at him and walked over to him, pulling out one of his platinum blonde hairs “could say the same thing about you” you joked, both of you waiting for the potion to wear off.
One Day
“You looking forward to tomorrow then?” Fred smirked, seeing you groan in pain.
You shook your head “it’s going to be unbearable, he’s can’t make me laugh, he’s too soft, can’t take joke. I feel like he gets scared and takes things a bit too literally.”
Fred grinned and licked his lips “well I make you laugh all the time, wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve wet yourself because of me.” 
Rolling your eyes you looked over at the Hufflepuff table again, Cedric talking with his fanbase. 
“He’s got more than enough options, the majority of them girls are better suited for him than me.” 
You turned your focus back to your food and took a bite out of your sandwich.
“Aright then, if you’ve got it all figured out go and tell him.” Fred encouraged you, his ego shinning through, George just wanting the two of you to shut up and be together already. 
You knew Fred was testing you again and you didn’t want to back down, after Cedric’s offer, you and Fred were finally heading where you always wanted, you felt yourself itching for him, hungry for him, you wanted him - the more you wanted him, the less you wanted Cedric, the less the popular Hufflepuff lad stood out to you. 
“Okay then, watch me.” 
Standing up, you left your table and walked over to Cedric, his fangirls instantly looking appalled to be in your presence. You tapped him on the shoulder, Cedric turned around and smiled searching your face. 
“Y/N” his face fell when he noticed you were still wearing Fred’s jumper.
“Ced - Cedric, I’m sorry but I’ve changed my mind about tomorrow.”
The infatuated girls around him started to smile, suddenly enjoying you being around. Cedric looked upset but then again you couldn’t read into him like you could Fred, you realised that you barely knew Cedric at all - he was sending love letters and flowers to a girl he didn’t know at all.
“She’s taking her bloody time isn’t she?” George spoke up watching you.
“Shut up” Fred shushed him “wait for it”
You smiled slightly and looked at Cho for a moment who was sitting with her friends “you should ask Cho, I know she sees something in you.”
“She’s done it” Fred smirked “she’s actually done it.”
“I still can’t believe you nearly ended up with that toss-pot.” Fred laughed, grabbing some black pepper imps. 
You grabbed some Chocolate Frogs “it’s a good job that I prefer you” holding his free hand the two of you shared a moment.
The overcrowded sweet shop suddenly felt empty, as if it were only you and Fred inside. Getting on your tiptoes and leaned in and Fred accepted, the two of you sharing the first kiss of many. 
Pulling away from the kiss, Fred grinned and licked his lips, bringing his hand up to your face and stroking your cheek with his thumb.
“I feel like such an idiot for not telling you sooner” Fred shook his head “I can’t believe you didn’t say anything either”
“I was sort of just waiting for it to happen, I suppose we’ve got Cedric to thank for that.”
Taglist: @reeophidian , @amourtentiaa
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harrypotter-imaginess · 4 years ago
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Part 1 Here! / <This is part 2!>
Commission info for a Love Letter from a HP character here!
A/N: This part is shorter but deff expect a part 2/3/15/ and 20 lol. If you would like to be added to the tag list, it will be open until tumblr limits my tags, comment that you want to be added!
Also something I forgot to add a lot of the house decision part of this post was inspired by another post I read on tumblr where Harry belongs to all the houses. I couldn’t find it, so if it’s your post (or you know who it is) lmk so I can give you credit!
- “Their mother was in my house-“ McGonagall starts
- “And their father was in mine, I have equal claim” Snape cuts in
- “Let’s not forget that before that, historically, they came from a long line of Ravenclaws” Flitwick adds
- “Oh tosh, this is a kind child if I ever saw one, did you see the way they were reassuring the other children- even Cedric apparently-“ Professor Sprout adds
- So she’s heard about that
- “What has that got to do with anything?” Snape snaps
- You’re not sure what’s weirder
- The fact that the sorting hat couldn’t decide where you belonged
- Or that all the heads of each house are fighting over who gets you
- Honestly with how well the whole situation was handled in front of everyone else you didn’t think something like this would happen
- Dumbledore silenced everyone, and said it would be discussed afterwards
- You watched each child get sorted in their appropriate house
- And afterwards, while everyone was feasting, you were lead away by Dumbledore and his four house heads to his office
- You’re not really sure what’s there to fight about-
- Honestly they should probably be fighting over who has to take you with how much trouble you’ll be.
- “Enough!” Dumbledore shouts and the four are immediately silenced
- And then he looks at you and you feel your hair stand on end
- “I believe it only natural, in this situation, that they get to choose which house they wish to be apart of”
- Snape blanches at the mention
- “But sir-“
- “That is my decision” he says with an air of finality and none of the others protest when his attention sweeps back to you
- “So which will it be?”
- You Blanche
- “Isn’t there some sort of quiz - or test I could take instead headmaster-“
- “There is not”
- You feel yourself sweating
- “Well-“ you start
- Ravenclaw was your initial choice, it’s the safest
- But then, if you were in Gryffindor you could be friends with Fred and George
- And if you went to Slytherin, you might be able to knock some sense into those blood obsessed freaks, not to mention Blaise in there
- But then- Hufflepuff isn’t looking too bad either, and Cedric seems to like you. It would be nice to have someone older looking out for you
- “How am I supposed to decide?”
- The words escape you without realizing and you see all the professors flinch at your words
- “What do you-“ Snape starts with a hiss, but Dumbledore stops him with a wave of a hand
- “And what do you mean by that child?”
- You gulp
- “Well-“
- You take a deep breath looking into his twinkling eyes
- “I want to be brave-“ you see McGonagall swell from the corner of your eye
- “But I also want to to be kind-“ she deflated and professor Sprout stands a bit taller “And wise and ambitious”
- “I want them all, how am I supposed to pick just one trait and make it my defining characteristic? People are nuanced, they’re more than just one thing”
- Everyone in the room stiffens at your words, and feeling as if you might have said something terribly rude you rush to make amends-
- “So if there’s some sort of trial, or-“
- “Alright we’ll do that then” Dumbledore says with an air of finality and you feel baffled
- “Do what sir?”
- “A trial period of course, a month in each house.”
- .
- .....
- .........
- (Y/N).exe is broken
- “Headmaster that’s completely-“
- “What kind of impression will-“
- “-nothing like that is stated in the handbook”
- “Think of the other students Albus!”
- They’re all shouting over each other, but you understand the basic sentiment
- This is pretty out there, even for a magic school
- “I have decided” Dumbledore doesn’t even say it all that loud, but the other four immediately clamor up
- “We’ll start alphabetically, with Gryffindor and work our way through”
- Huh?
- You’re mind is only just start to repair itself, assessing the situation
- Well it’s not exactly a bad deal now is it?
- In a way you’ve gotten exactly what you wanted
- But the anxiety of having to make a choice looms over you
- “Well, come now I’ll show you the way-“ and so you chase after the strict lithe woman as you follow her to the Gryffindor Common Room
- The other two shuffle out, but Snape stays
- “You’re just doing this because you’re bored aren’t you?” Snape asks
- Dumbledore shrugs
- “Can you blame me? It’s been so long since anything interesting has happened”
- “You say that like one of the Weasley boys doesn’t cause trouble every other week”
- You follow McGonagall down several poorly lit hallways, making mental note of the a few choice paintings, hoping to remember them for later
- “The password this year is “chartreuse” “ she tells you
- And just like magic the portrait swings open, and several hands emerge from the inky depths to grab onto your arm and pull you inside
- The portrait door shutting close
- McGonagall sighs
- “Children will be children I suppose”
- A small smile curling onto her mouth and walked to her chambers
- You would have half a mind to be afraid, if the second you made it inside you didn’t see fireworks and pert poppers popping
- “Welcome to Gryffindor,” the boy on your right, Fred says
- “We knew you’d end up here” George finishes
- Everyone is i the common room, and they all congratulate you, happy to have you in their house
- The room is as big as a banquet hall, full of dark red rugs and gold tapestry’s
- A little gaudy if you’re being honest
- Like something out of a Harry Potter themed room in a pottery barn catalogue
- But that’s probably the point
- “So how did it all go down?” Fred asks, sitting on your right side on a red couch in front of the fire
- “Did Minnie manage to convince you?”
- “Oi they didn’t need convincin’ Fred, we’re clearly the superior house”
- “Well you see, it’s not quite official”
- They look at you with wide eyes as you recount the tale
- You almost feel bad bursting their bubble, especially when they’re being so nice to you
- But when you’re done they both sport identical grins, twinkles in their eyes
- “That’s wicked” they say in unison
- You grin
- You think you’re going to like it here
- The twins basically monopolize the rest of your night, asking for your input on pranks
- “If it were me-“ you start, their eyes on you with rapt attention
- “I would brew some amortentia and give it to Filch-“
- “And make him fall in love with Snape!” George says like you’ve just said the most brilliant thing
- You shake your head
- “I would give it to the cat- Mrs. Noriss, And make her fall in love with something crazy, like a dog- it’s that subtle annoyance that makes it all the more satisfying”
- The both grin
- “So when are we doing it?” Fred asks
- “Doing what?”
- “Brewing the love potion of course”
- You grin
- Yeah, you’re really going to like it here
Tag List:
@parascape​ @imdoingathingmom​ @smileygirl08​ @awesomebooklover17​ @taferris​
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my-unmanageable-mischief · 4 years ago
What Have You Done with Y/N?
For the anon who requested : hi I was wondering if you could do a Cedric diggory x reader(if you don’t write for him, can you do Sirius instead?) where the reader’s quiet when they first meet and as they get more comfortable with each other the reader gets loud and flirty(cause the reader has a crush on them) and Cedric/Sirius are surprised and is like “who the hell are you and what have you done with reader?”
I went with Cedric! I hope you enjoy it :)
Cedric Diggory x Reader
“Hello, Y/N,” Cedric greeted you as you sat down at the Hufflepuff table in the great hall, you looked over surprised that the great Cedric Diggory was speaking to you.
“Hello,” You responded softly, one of his friends laughed loudly and you winced.
“So she knows how to speak!” 
“Mate,” Cedric warned him with a cold look, “Shut up,” You offered the boy a small grateful smile. “How’s the first week of classes going?” He asked, and you shrugged slightly, glancing at your friends who were grinning at you encouragingly. 
“Alright, so far so good,” You spoke quietly, not making eye contact with the boy, piling some breakfast onto your plate. “How about you?” You asked, trying to be polite. 
“Good! You’re in my advanced transfiguration class, aren’t you?” He asked, and you glanced at him, nodding your head as you nibbled on some toast. 
“I am,” 
“Brilliant, we should sit together.” You almost choked on your toast but nodded your head hesitantly. 
“Sure?” Why would he want to sit with you? It was a small class, maybe he didn’t have any of his friends in the class, you knew you didn’t. Sitting with someone wouldn’t be too bad... especially not when he was as Godlike as Cedric Diggory. 
True to his word, the next Transfiguration class you had Cedric came and plopped down beside you.
“Morning, Y/N,” He greeted cheerfully. How someone could be so chipper this early was beyond you.
“Goodmorning,” You responded, nose already in your book and the class hadn’t even started yet. You kept it there most of class, only speaking when directly spoken too. When class ended Cedric walked out beside you, chatting about something.
“Do you like Quidditch?” He asked suddenly and you shrugged slightly. 
“I don’t mind it,” You admitted, “I like watching it, I would never play.” He nodded eagerly.
“You and your mates should come watch us practice sometime?” He offered and you shrugged, pulling the strap of your bag higher up on your shoulder. 
“Sounds nice,” You agreed, why were you agreeing? Why was he even offering?? But once you told your friends about the invitation then gushed about how you /had/ to go. 
“Maybe he likes you,” One of your friends sang, nudging you excitedly. You flushed deeply and shook your head. 
“He’s just trying to be nice, I don’t know why,”
“I know why, it’s because he wants to snog you,” You flushed deeper and shook your head wildly. 
“Shush, no he doesn’t.”
“Yes he does!” You went back and forth like that before you finally tossed your hands up into the air with a loud groan.
“Are we going to watch them practice, or not?” You went down to the pitch together and sat in the front row, there were a few other groups of students spread around the stands watching, mostly girls. When Cedric noticed you he waved and you blushed, waving back as your friends giggled. 
You enjoyed watching them practice, and you enjoyed joking with your friends in the stands. When they were done, Cedic flew over to your group, hovering in the air in front of you. 
“Heya ladies,” He greeted and you all chorused hello in response, “Wait a mo and we can all go to dinner together?” He offered, glancing at you, and you nodded your head. 
“Sounds good,” One of your friends responded and he grinned before turning to fly off to the changing rooms. You left the stands and waited for the boys to join you before making the trek back to the castle. Sitting with Cedric and his friends became your routine. He was funny, and most of the time had you in stitches, laughing at his silly jokes. You were becoming more comfortable around him, and so when he asked you if you wanted to study together for Transfiguration, you said yes. 
You met in the library, sitting at a small table in the corner, but you did more talking then you did studying. Eventually your giggling got you booted from the library so you made your way back to the common room, sitting on a sofa there to continue your conversation. You talked until the common room was mostly empty and the fire had almost fully died out. You tried to stifle a yawn and Cedric smiled sleepily at you. 
“Bed time?” He joked and you nodded your head. 
“Yes, I reckon it is,” You nodded, gathering up your unfinished homework with a small smile. 
“Goodnight, Y/N,” He spoke gently, grabbing his own books as he stood, “Sleep well,”
“Goodnight, you too.” 
As the months passed you became closer and closer to Cedric. You spent more and more time with him, away from your friends and his friends. As you got more comfortable more of your personality began to shine through, and everyday you surprised Cedric as you opened up to him. You were sitting at breakfast with your friends when he and his mates came down, wearing their Quidditch uniforms for the first match of the year, you whistled loudly as they approached and Cedirc chuckled at you, rolling his eyes. 
“Now I remember why I love Quidditch so much,” You joked as he sat down beside you, you tossed an arm around his neck, and he grinned. 
“Your arse looks great in a uniform,” Cedric snorted, looking at you incredulously.
“Who are you and what have you done with my Y/N?” You grinned, releasing him from your grasp to go back to eating your breakfast.
“What? Can’t a girl compliment a bloke's arse?” 
“I didn’t think she knew how to curse,” One of Cedrics friends teased and you chuckled a piece of toast towards him, making everyone laugh. 
“You’ll be in the stands right?” Cedric asked you, and you nodded your head eagerly.
“Front row, baby,” 
“You’re in a good mood today,” You grinned cheekily at him and he nudged you, lowering his voice, “Just make sure my arse is the only one you’re staring at, got it?”
“Aye aye captain,” You saluted the boy who laughed, taking the hand from your forehead and briefly holding it in his, squeezing it before letting it go. The boys left first to go to the pitch to get ready, but you followed them down soon after, serious about being in the front row. 
The game was amazing, one of the best you had ever seen. You cheered along with your friends, clapping and jumping up and down everytime Hufflepuff scored a point. Finally, Cedric caught the golden snitch, and Hufflepuff beat Ravenclaw by a landslide. You rushed the pitch with the rest of the Hufflepuffs and ran towards Cedric, giving him a toothy grin. The boy opened his arms to you and caught you when you crashed into him, spinning you around.
“Congratulations, babe!” You sang out happily, he lifted you up, grinning wildly.
“I think I’ve earned a congratulatory kiss, don’t cha think?” He asked, cheeks going slightly rosy. You grinned wider as he put you down, and you grabbed his face in both of your hands before pulling him down, planting a kiss directly on his lips. His teammates cheered loudly in your ears and you both grinned into the kiss. 
“I thought you’d never ask!”
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salazarslytherin · 4 years ago
happy days (f.w x gn!y/n)
requested: nope! send in your own requests here!
summary: in which fred takes y/n on a special date
cw/tw: like maybe 0.5% angst, 99.5% fluff
word count: 2.9k
🃛 masterlist!
a/n: i'm pretty sure reader is gender neutral in this one! i made sure not to use any pronouns or prominent mentions to y/n's body or anything. i really hope y'all like it, i don't really ever write fluff so i hope it's good! please leave a comment, like or reblog to help boost xx
“What?! Are you insa-”
It was probably a bad idea to be doing this. Actually, it was most definitely a bad idea to be doing this. But when has a ‘bad’ idea ever deterred the infamous Fred Weasley? In fact, the thought of anyone calling one of his ideas ‘bad’ just spelt encouragement in Fred’s mind.
You’d learnt that lesson two months into meeting the Weasley twins, and it’s only engrained itself in your mind further since. There’s never been a point to try to dissuade Fred, it’s best to just go along and hope the ride isn’t too bumpy along the way. After dating Fred, these bad ideas had expanded themselves to different categories- risky places to be intimate, weird ways to cheer you up with confessions of love, and dangerously stupid dates.
The last category was where today’s bad idea landed.
Three days ago, Fred had the “most ingenious, marvellous, uniquely exciting date idea Hogwarts has ever seen!” He’d disappeared in the middle of lunch, dragging George along with him, mumbling to himself, “I can’t believe I didn’t think of this sooner!”, leaving you confused, sat alone in the Great Hall.
“Where are they going?”
Harry, Ron and Hermione popped up behind you, seating themselves down in the twins’ now deserted seats.
“I have absolutely no clue.”
That’s how you found yourself here, two days later. A Saturday, you were all set to go on a Hogsmeade trip with some of your Ravenclaw friends when Fred ambushed you. Popping up out of a closet and scaring the living lights out of you, he dragged you behind him, laughing as you shouted at him.
“Freddie! What are you doing? I’m supposed to go meet Renee and the others right now!”
Regardless of the fact that Fred was making you miss plans you’d already made, you were beaming from ear to ear.
“Georgie’s already told ‘em you can’t make it. Now hurry up
This being your OWLs year, you’d hardly had the time to see Fred this term, busy studying while he went off doing whatever it was he did when you weren’t around. Being a year younger meant he had already studied everything you’d studied, and while he offered to help you a lot, you’d rather he go have fun than sit around revising old material with you.
Combined with the Triwizard Tournament and the fact that the twins saw this as the golden opportunity to sell products to customers other than Hogwarts student, you’d only had three dates in the almost three months since school had started.
“Where in the name of Merlin are you bringing me, Fred!”
“You’ll see soon enough darling!”
Soon enough turned out to be ten minutes later, the two of you panting as you’d finally made it all the way across to the other side of the castle and up the stairs to the Astronomy Tower.
The sun was shining brightly down upon the two of you, the tall windows welcoming the late November winds into the room. A chest sat next to one of the ledges, Fred finally letting go of your hand for the first time in ten minutes, reaching down to open it.
He took a piece of cloth out, closing the chest before you could sneak a peek at the contents, tucking the wooden box under his arm.
“Is this the brilliant date idea you were talking about the other day? I’m not going to lie to you Freddie, cloth doesn’t really scream ingenious to me. In fact, it seems like you brought me up here to clean.”
Raising your eyebrows at the ginger, you gestured at the fabric in his hand as he laughed at you, stepping up onto the ledge.
“Fred? What’re you doing?!”
The boy turned towards you, holding out a hand.
“Come up here.”
Your eyes widened.
“No! Are you insane?”
Fred’s hand faltered a bit, arm relaxing against his body as he looked into your eyes.
“Do you trust me?”
Silent, you stepped up next to Fred, clinging onto his hip and arm, knees shaking slightly at the height you were at.
“I trust you with my life.”
Adjusting the chest under his arm, Fred pulled you into his embrace.
“That’s good to hear. Because it’s time.”
He looked down, dropping the piece of cloth, before tilting your head up to look at him, stepping one foot off the ledge and into the skies.
“What?! Are you insa-”
You were cut off by screams erupting from your mouth as the ground disappeared below you- Fred pulling you with him, laughter bubbling from his chest.
“Oh my God, I’m going to die-”
You reached the ground a lot quicker than you’d thought possible, your eyes squeezed shut, bracing for the imminent death that would come.
Instead, you felt a weird, soft surface, almost like a water bed, rippling under you as you landed on your knees.
“Am I in heaven?”
Your eyes opened slowly, eyes meeting the clouds around you, only for a shadow to cover the sights surrounding you.
“No, but I think I am.”
A kiss landed on your lips as you fell back on the odd surface, Fred falling on top of you.
The kiss was short and sweet, but quickly forgotten as you remembered what had happened moments prior, hitting Fred on the chest as you took in your surroundings.
The surface you had landed on wasn’t a surface at all- in fact it was, a rug? It looked eerily similar to the cloth Fred had thrown off the tower earlier, only, about thirty times bigger, and flying.
You looked at Fred, confused. The tall ginger boy beamed back at you, gesturing grandly.
“Welcome, to your very own magic carpet ride!”
After lecturing Fred on how incredibly dangerous the start of the date had been, you finally had the chance to process the reality of the date.
“Where are we going, then, on this magic carpet ride?”
The boy hummed, pulling out blankets and a pillow from the, now enlarged, chest, spreading them around the carpet that was hovering near the tip of the Astronomy Tower, awaiting further instruction from the two of you.
“Well first, I was thinking we could stop by Hogsmeade to get some snacks, maybe buy some of the Christmas gifts you wanted to go get today, then we’re flying off to explore Scotland! Well, the part of Scotland we’re in, anyways. Just for a few hours, then we’ll be back to watch the sunset.”
He looked at you for approval, which you granted with a wide smile.
“That sounds beautiful Fred.”
Walking around Hogsmeade, Fred had shrunk the rug and tucked it into his pocket, the chest shrunk even smaller than it had been the first time you’d seen it.
“Alright, so I think you’ve gotten enough sugar quills to last you a lifetime. Where to next?”
Chewing on a sugar quill, you scrunched your nose in his direction, pulling him into the quaint little jewellery shop you liked to frequent.
The little old lady who owned the place was one you’d become acquainted with over the past five years, Mrs Kingston never minded that you rarely bought anything, understanding that most of her second-hand jewellery was still quite pricey for a student to afford.
Still, you tried your best to save up and buy the pieces you really liked. Recently, you’d been eyeing a necklace, a simple Celtic knot on a thin chain that shone brightly no matter how much light lit up the room. Mrs Kingston explained to you it was an old betrothal necklace, oft seen in pureblood families back in the Victorian era. It’s now seen worn by a lot of the heirs of these old families- in fact, you’d spotted Draco wearing an heirloom similar to it.
“Mrs Kingston!”
“Hello y/n, how are you?”
Fred nodded at the woman as he shuffled around the shop, looking in the display cabinets with vague interest whilst the two of you made small talk.
Your eyes wandered the familiar glass cabinet, landing on the soft velvet that was empty of the familiar Celtic knot, furrowed brows returning to meet Mrs Kingston's clouded eyes.
“The necklace!”
The woman nodded sadly, looking just as dejected as you felt.
“I'm sorry dearie. A boy came in a while ago to buy it. Might've been one of the ones you came with a few weeks back.”
Your head hung low, muttering out a soft 'oh' as she explained to you, nodding in response.
“It's okay Mrs Kingston. I'll see if there's something else I'd like to save up for instead. Thanks, see you next time!”
Thinking back to the last Hogsmeade trip when you'd come down to the shop, your heart lifted a bit, a smile returning to your face as you turned to face Fred.
“Alright, let's head to the bookstore.”
The ginger's hand clutched yours tightly, the two of you cuddling under the thick blanket as you flew around mountains, pointing out animals, both magical and non-magical, that you'd seen around the place.
Fred looked at you quizzically. Since leaving Mrs Kingston's, you had seemingly forgotten the necklace. Even more, it seemed like you'd gotten happier since finding out someone had gotten the necklace. During the lunch you two had gotten at the Three Broomsticks, the both of you finding Madam Puddifoot's a bit nauseating, you were practically bouncing on your heels as you spoke to some of your friends about the upcoming Christmas celebrations.
“I thought you'd be more upset that the necklace is gone, I remember you talking about how much you liked it last time.”
You shrugged, a wider smile gracing your lips as you looked at him, nuzzling further into his chest.
“I love it! That's why I'm so happy Cedric got it for me. ”
Fred halted, pushing you away from him.
“I-, what! Why would Diggory be getting you a betrothal necklace?!”
You looked up at your boyfriend, furrowing your brows at his outburst.
“What! You know Ced's one of my best friends. Remember when we came to the shop a few weeks back? You, George and Lee were goofing around and then just bolted while I was telling Ced about the necklace. I guess he just came back to get it for me.”
Fred huffed, rolling his eyes as he heard you talk about Cedric, pulling away from you more.
“How could you be this blind!”
You looked at Fred, a bit hurt that he'd lost his temper at you for no reason.
“Why are you getting so worked up over this? It's not like he's proposing to me!”
The boy scoffed, throwing his hands up into the air.
“Well, it's clear that he'd do it without a thought! The boy's in love with you! That's the only reason why anyone would get you something that expensive!”
You laughed frigidly, shaking your head at how irrational your boyfriend was being, pushing the blanket off of you to move away from him.
“What, he can't just have gotten me the necklace because I'm a good friend? Merlin Fred, he's the only one who's actually been with me to go see the necklace, and is the only one who would logically know to get me the necklace.”
You turned to look him in the eye, your jaw clenching as he turned red.
“Besides, Cedric knows me best.”
Fred let out a frustrated 'ugh!', and grabbed the wooden chest that he'd charmed to stay in one corner, grumbling under his breath.
“You think Diggory's the one who knows you best? You think that he's the only one that could have gotten you the bloody necklace?”
A velvet box was brandished from somewhere deep in the chest, Fred propping it open to reveal a dazzling silver necklace, reflecting the afternoon sun into your eyes.
“The. I don't understand. But how?”
Fred snapped the box shut, moving to kneel in front of you.
“As I said just now, I know you best.”
He popped open the box again, this time moving to remove the necklace from the velvet, lifting it fully into the sunlight.
“I was listening when you were talking to Diggory, and even though I'd run away that day, I knew exactly what you wanted.”
He shuffled behind you, unclasping the necklace to bring it around your front.
“I said that he's in love with you, which I still think is true, by the way, and that's the reason why he would have possibly gotten it for you, is because I love you, and that's why I got it for you.”
The chain clipped around your neck, the cool metal contrasting your warm skin as Fred leaned down to press a kiss above the clasp, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Freddie, I had no idea.”
You spun around to face your boyfriend, pressing a deep kiss to his lips, hands landing on his neck to pull him impossibly closer to yourself.
“Clearly. I had this whole plan! All foiled by your cluelessness. I was going to wait until sunset, with the scenery all around us, then surprise you with it and ask you to be my date to the Yule Ball!”
You looked at Fred, your mouth falling open in shock.
“But you just had to bring up Cedric, and how he 'knows you best'. Maybe you should go with him to the Ball.”
You chuckled at the childishness of the Weasley boy in front of you, the pout framing his lips deepening as you laughed at him.
“Well then maybe you should go with Angie, I'm sure she'd be happy to have you.”
Fred gasped loudly, shocked at the audacity of you bringing up his old crush.
“Don't you even dare suggest that.”
“How did you think of all this?”
The boy shrugged, opening the chest, to pull out a thermos. You were sat above the Black Lake, watching the setting sun on the horizon ahead, red bleeding into orange and blue.
“Honestly, I’m ashamed it took me so long. Remember this summer when you had me ‘round your place and we watched Aladdin with your parents?”
You nodded, fluffing the pillows to make yourself more comfortable, the setting sun casting shadows on the Weasley boy, making him look even more handsome than usual, if that was even possible.
“At that time, I’d already thought that the magic carpet seemed awfully similar to a broom. Then, that day at lunch some firstie was humming that one song they sang when flying the blasted thing, and I thought, blimey! Why didn’t I think to just recreate the bloody thing! So, here we are.”
While talking, Fred spread the thick blanket to cover more of you, pouring hot chocolate out of the thermos he’d brought into mugs that he’d gotten without you knowing, both shaped in little hearts.
“D’you, um, d’you like it?”
Handing the pink mug to you, a sheen of red descended on your boyfriend’s cheeks, not just from the cold, but also fear and embarrassment, scared you didn’t like the date he’d spent the last three days planning.
“I love it!”
You leaned forward, planting a soft kiss on Fred’s lips, leaving traces of cocoa on them.
“But I didn’t love the part where you made me think I was plunging sixty feet to my death!”
The boy groaned playfully, lying back onto the carpet with his head hanging over the edge.
“I know! I’m sorry! I just thought it’d be exciting! A nice surprise! Besides, did you really think I’d let my lovely little Y/N die? I need you around darling.”
You scoffed, sipping on the hot cocoa as you stared at the Astronomy Tower in the distance, your first and now, final destination of the day, a hand creeping towards Fred’s to hold it in a tight grip, unconsciously afraid he’d fall.
“I don’t know! Maybe this was your ultimate prank! Bring us both to heaven to fight God or something.”
Now it was Fred’s turn to scoff, sitting back up to shove his hands under the blanket, squeezing your hand in return.
“First off, if I ever fought God I’d need George there with me. I don’t think that just the two of us could take him. Secondly,”
Fred cupped your chin with his free hand, bringing you in for a deep kiss, catching you by surprise as you braced yourself on his shoulder with your free hand. His tongue teased your lower lip, making a moan slip out while his tongue entered your mouth. Exploring each other, your entangled hands fell apart- his coming to grasp your neck, bringing you closer to him, yours gripping his hip, drawing circles on the bone.
After what seemed like an hour, but also felt like seconds, the two of you fell apart, breathless as you panted, staring into each other’s eyes.
“I don’t think either of us are making it to heaven darling. Think we’re condemned to hell forever, you and I.”
You looked into his coffee coloured eyes, pupils dilated as he scanned your face, his favourite pastime, memorising every crevice and pore. Your hand found its way to the necklace sitting around your neck, fingering the knot that symbolised eternity in your hands.
“Well if I’m going to burn in hell for an eternity, then I’m glad I’ll be burning with you Freddie.”
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ginnyweasely · 4 years ago
pairing: draco malfoy x reader (fem!) warnings: swearing, drinking (sort of), a bit angsty!!, but MOSTLY FLUFF!!, draco is a bit ooc but that’s how i like it bb! summary: draco seems to be super curious of the reader who has trust issues and has a hard time opening up. word count: 7.3k+
A/N: I know this is very loong but bare with me bc i sort of kinda love this one!! This is heavily inspired by one of my own very old imagine but i changed up many stuff,  ALSO!! i’m gonna start making my own gifs for my writings so if you do take them PLEASE please do not claim it as your own and feel free to give credit! happy reading :) also remember feedbacks are alwayss welcomed with luv and hugs!!
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Y/N groaned at the sound of her stupid alarm clock, her hand sluggishly and lazily trying to stop the stupid machine from making anymore loud noises, failing so, she groaned loudly as she opened one eye to stare at the clock, spotting the stopping button and pressing it more like crushing it. 
She groaned as she got out of her bed, realizing she had much time left before she actually had  to go to class, causing a feel of calmness in her. She liked being right on time or just being ready way head of time, otherwise being late made the girl filled with anxiety.
Sighing, she messily spread her bedsheet on her bed, not caring enough nor having the enough energy in her to make her bed cleanly.
She looked at her school clothes that were hung by the door, all ready for her to just slip on to her body.
Her head popped around the room as she searched for her roommates, a breath of relief left her mouth as she realized they were nowhere to be seen, she found it better to be just be on her own, getting ready while people were around made her feel weird and uncomfortable.
She got her clothes and slipped into her clothes quickly, admiring herself in the mirror as she put on her robe, her outfit now matching. She brushed her hair to make it look of a messy wave, quite liking having her hair like that, which made her feel a lot more confident.
Y/N was rather a quiet girl who kept most thing to herself, by quiet it’s not as if she was shy or self-conscious, she just liked being alone, didn’t trust people enough, in fact she knew nothing about anyone, as no one knew anything about her.
She liked keeping things that way, as it was easier for her to communicate with people, she was not anyone’s best friend, she was simply friends with everyone, she hung out with people from her house, maybe sometimes with a few of Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws too, but mainly from Gryffindor, and she didn’t know why but she didn’t know anyone from Slytherin.
Mainly because she didn’t care to know, Slytherins always seemed too much for her, she barely knew anything about the students at Hogwarts, soon realizing that she preferred it that way, hell she barely knew anything about the “friends” she hung out with, Ron,Hermione and Harry.
She knew she didn’t used to be like this, but with each time more and more people seemed to be breaking her trust, the girl decided that she was better off to keep her things to herself.
She was more than happy to just be with herself, she liked being that way, the only one who couldn’t hurt her was herself, sure she felt lonely at times, but she liked it, she’d rather be lonely than be hurt.
Y/N looked at herself in the mirror, admiring her face, she sighed softly as she noticed how pale she had been looking, so she softly pinched her cheeks to rise some color into them, happy with the results she smiled to herself in the mirror.
She slowly got up as she quickly got her books, stuffing them into her bag, and sluggishly putting it around her shoulders and getting out of her dorm.
She was walking down the Hogwarts corridors, trying to make her way into the Transfiguration class, walking through the empty corridors gave her joy, she finally got where the Transfiguration class normally was, and entered the room but to her surprise the room looked a bit different, it wasn’t the transfiguration class. It was something else.
Confused and distracted she headed to the exit and as she did so, her body collided with a boy’s, books falling to the ground as the weak girl fell from a little bump.
Y/N groaned as her bum hit the ground and she didn’t know if her head or her bum hurted more. “Watch where you’re going!” The boy snarled as she chuckled in distaste.
“Me? Your stupid big head almost destroyed mine!” She protested against him as she rubbed her head. He scoffed at her response but as he looked around the empty classroom he had the same question in his mind as hers.
“Where is everyone?” The platinum headed boy turned his head to her as she was trying to fix her skirt. “That’s my question as well. Isn’t this the transfiguration class?” She said as confused as the platinum headed boy.
“Did they like move classes?” Y/N questioned as Draco shrugged he was as clueless as she was.
Y/N was about to open her mouth but was interrupted as someone else came into the class, looking at both of them weirdly as Y/N sighed “Let me guess, you’re here for the Transfiguration room, too?” She didn’t mean to sound annoyed but clearly to the girls response she was.
“Uh no? This is Defense Against The Dark Arts, Transfiguration moved next to the Potions yesterday, Dumbledore announced it at dinner.”
A simple ohh escaped from the both clueless Draco and Y/N’s mouths as they slowly exited the room, walking towards to the new room, which made Y/N groan because it was all the way over to the end of the castle, causing her to get anxious about being late.
Being so into her thoughts she totally forgot the boy that was walking next to her, she realized they had been awkwardly walking in silence, Y/N sighed as she hated situations like this and was mentally cursing until her thoughts were interrupted with Draco’s voice.
“What’s your name?” He asked as he tried to keep up to her fast walking pace, “I’m Y/N, Y/L/N.” she replied softly, then added “And you are?” The boy chuckled at the question as Y/N stared at him in confusion.
“You don’t know who I am?” He questioned shocked as he realized she was serious, “Was I supposed to know?” Y/N asked as sarcasm was dripping from her mouth.
“Well, of course. I’m Draco Malfoy, son of Lucious Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy, the most respectable wizards in the wizard history.” Draco said proudly as Y/N just looked at him awkwardly.
“Uhm.. okay?” She replied in an uninterested voice which the boy took offense to and had a hard time not believing in how she didn’t have a clue of who he was.
Frustrated he spoke up again, “If you must know they call me the Slytherin Prince!” He added in order to impress her but in return she just cackled at the name, and even though she tried her best to brush off her cackle it just seemed to anger the boy.
“What’s so fucking funny!” He grunted, as the girl opened her mouth to speak “It’s just you Slytherins have so much confident in yourselves, and it makes you guys extremely cocky, it’s both a good and a bad thing, really.” She smiled and in return Draco smiled back.
“So I take it you’re a Gryffindor?” She nodded “How did you know?”    “Well, you stood up for me, that’s courage and well, your robe..” He pointed and she chuckled at her stupidity.
“Right..” She said still walking towards the corridors, but now they were enjoying their conversation so her pace was much more slower. “You could have been a great Slytherin with that sarcasm though..” She chuckled as she brushed off his comment.  
Y/N was about to make a joke about his “Slytherin Prince” title but she froze as her eyes met up with the light brown eyes of the guy in front of him, she mentally cursed herself, wanting nothing more than just to disappear at that moment.
Draco quickly noticed the change in her and was baffled at first, but he slowly eyed her movements and looked up, seeing the infamous “Golden Boy” of Hogwarts in front of him. Cedric Diggory was standing there as Y/N stood still.
He scoffed at the sight of him, his attention slowly turned back to Y/N who seemed to be stunned by Cedric, as the boy curiously wanted to know why the “Golden Boy” had such an effect on her.
Cedric smiled at Y/N softly as Draco saw her give him the weakest smile ever, as her face seemed to falling apart, her pace quickened by the sight.
“What was that?” Draco questioned curiously as a hint of worriedness could be heard in his tone. “Nothing, let’s just go to class.” Y/N said hurriedly as she brushed him off and their quickened pace arrived them quickly to the class,
“Uhh, do you wanna sit with me?” Draco murmured as he tried to sound confident but nervousness could be read from the boy’s face, “Yeah, sure!” Y/N replied rather quickly, washing away Draco’s worries as she smiled at him and they took their places in the class.
Draco seemed to be confused.. by many things, his mind quickly started to wander off. First of all, why was he sitting with a Gryffindor, that he specifically asked for?
Second of all why did Y/N froze at the sight of Cedric and lastly but the most important, why did he actually like spending time with Y/N? His mind went fuzzy with the stupid questions the entire class, trying his best to focus but unable to. Then he did the worst possible thing he could do, he gently turned  his head around to look at Y/N.
His distracted mind was now a mess, staring at the pretty girl next to him made him feel fucked up in his stomach, he closely eyed her movements, but sooner or later realized that staring this much at her could draw her attention so he tried his best to observe her by the corner of his eye.
He wanted to study her fully, he wanted answers to the questions in his mind, he certainly liked that she didn’t know about him, it was a greater change that he could finally meet with someone unaware of his reputation, because people either hated him for it or loved him for it, there was no in between.
Y/N didn’t seem to be the sort of person that cared a lot of what people were doing, at least that’s what Draco thought as the girl had no clue he even was. To him she seemed like a pretty normal person that stayed out of people’s business.
So the question of why she of all people would have a problem with someone like Diggory was a whole puzzle for him to figure out, meanwhile Y/N was lost in her own thoughts, trying to get the stupid Diggory boy out of his mind, feeling ever so stupid for even thinking about him.
Time passed as the pair sitting together were both in their own thoughts, minds fuzzy with questions, which caused the class to end abruptly.
A sigh of relief leaving Y/N’s mouth as it did so, causing her to act quick and packing her books even faster, getting up as soon as she got ready and muttering out a quick Bye! to Draco and quite literally vanishing.
Draco’s attempt at acting quick and trying to keep up with the girl simply failed as the girl was nowhere to be seen, causing an annoyed sigh come out of Draco’s lips because of her unreasonable stand off-ish personality, the hopes about hanging out with Y/N and maybe even being friends with her were instantly crushed.
Draco clearly needed a friend like her. But it seemed Y/N’s mind was more busy with other things. Her mind was fumbled in other classes too, not to put all the blame on the Diggory boy, she was just a distracted, messy girl is all.. She would write everything down and take notes of everything, but she couldn’t listen to the classes, her mind would be all off.
She got out of her classes and went to supper, her eyes searching for Hermione as she tended to sit with them on lunch, even though lately she felt weird sitting with them since their relationships where causing drama.
It was pretty messy, but all too simple in Y/N’s mind. It seemed that Harry was into Ginny, and Ginny was into Harry but they both didn’t know, and on the other hand Ron and Hermione were into each other but they were both dating other people, the whole drama thing was nice to watch from outside but Y/N didn’t want to get involved, she didn’t like being in people’s business, so she tried her best to stay away, but still sitting with them tended to create some awkward moments.
To be perfectly honest, she didn’t really care, she never was the person that was full of emotions and could open up easily, but after Diggory, she became more and more secretive,  more stand off-ish.
She felt emptier inside, she was less focused and more all over the place, even though it seemed they weren’t best of best friends, even the Golden Trio took notice of Y/N’s changed actions, they even tried to help her once or twice, but Y/N made it look like she was super strong and didn’t need anyone, that part wasn’t really true, but Y/N always hated seeming fragile or weak so they dropped it, leaving the girl alone as she liked it.
She didn’t like opening up to everyone. She couldn’t blame all of it on Diggory either, nor Potter for setting them up, she was also one to blame, she should’ve distanced herself from him, she should have known better but she just didn’t.
When she met Diggory, he wasn’t the “Golden Boy” of Hogwarts, he was just a kind lovely kid who had taken an interest in Y/N, and of course Y/N was stunned by the boy, he was gorgeous, kind and was overall lovely... or that’s what she perceived him as…
Their relationship wouldn’t exactly count as perfect, she could very well admit that, but she always thought they connected on a level that she felt she had never connected with anyone, and she truly cared for the boy and wanted to believe he felt the same for her, it was a huge disappointment to discover that her feelings were not mutual.  
Their relationship wasn’t as public as Y/N thought, a few of their friends knew, rest of the school didn’t care much about it, she never realized not being too much in public with him would be the cause of their break up. There wasn’t a particular problem in their relationship it was all sweet and lovely until the Triwizard tournament, Y/N never thought that Cedric joining the tournament would change him, she never thought that it would end their relationship, but it fucking did.
It all happened when the arguments started, when Cedric was becoming too cocky because of his “Golden Boy” title, he would constantly have girls throwing themselves at him left and right, and he would never do enough for Y/N to feel comfortable when those girls were all over him, making Y/N burst into tears as soon as she was left alone.
Too much tears shredded for a boy who didn’t deserved them. Sooner or later Y/N did suspect somethings about the boy and all the girls around him but she never wanted to believe or egg on her suspicions, she knew she was fooling herself but she was trying her best to not get hurt even more, but boy did that fail miserably.
It happened on the second task, she remembered the moment so vividly. Y/N was on her way to the second task, to support Cedric, she slowly took a place as she stood there cheering for his boyfriend.
Feeling an enormous joy filling her entire heart, only then for her heart to be crushed miserably in a matter of seconds. Y/N’s huge smile slowly faded as it took the form of a frown, her lips now formed in a shut line.
Tears threatened to leave her eyes at the sight in front of her, the realization of what the task was about and who Cedric was with hit her later than she ever realized.
The task was about them saving someone they cared about, and Cedric got out of the water with Cho, whom Y/N heard rumors about that Cho and Cedric hooked up a week ago, a rumor that Y/N now had no heart to ignore.
A soft sob escaped Y/N’s lips that day as she exited the arena, rushing over to her dorm as quickly as possible, she didn’t know whether to be mad at Cedric or herself for being this fucking gullible.
Soon enough though, when all the tasks were over, Y/N broke up with Cedric in the coldest way possible. She thought hiding her feelings from him would make her feel stronger, but it didn’t, she cried herself to sleep that night, and maybe even more nights following that night.
Y/N couldn’t believe she was fooled by his charm, she felt stupid. She hated Cedric because of that, and because of the fact that just today the arse smiled at her in the hallway, as if nothing had happened between them, as if he was smiling at her out of pity, she hated it.
And even more so she hated the fact that she returned it, she mentally cursed herself and groaned at her own actions as they replayed in her head.
She was snapped back to her senses when her horrible memory flashback was over, and her attention was back to the Gryffindor’s chatting at the table, she tried to join in once or twice but failed to look interested, she took one more bite of her food and excused herself, to get some fresh air and be alone with her thoughts, and her mind.
She got out of her chair and collected her books, slowly walking towards to the entrance of the castle, she quickly hurried over to a quiet place as she took a place on the grass her slowly laying out her books on the ground, as she picked one of the books to read it.
Her hands slowly gazed over the book as she started reading it quickly, wanting to off her mind. Y/N’s focus was fully on her book and was devouring the pages quickly, but a nudge on her shoulder startled her as a small squeak came out from her mouth.
“Blimey! Relax Y/L/N! It’s just me!” Draco said chuckling at the girls reaction, as Y/N softly gasped at him and playfully hit him in the arm with her book chuckling “I almost died you arse!”
He smiled as he kneeled down next to her, tilting his head so he could see what she was reading, “What in Merlin’s beard is that?” Draco asked confused.
“It’s a muggles mystery book, you git!” Y/N said smiling. Draco made a nauseous face. “Oh come on! Just read it and you’ll love it! This is the second part of the book series, I actually have the first part in hand, and you can read it and we can discuss!” She gushed as her hand reach out to her stack of books handing it out to Draco.
Draco would never admit this out loud but he found your gushing over a stupid muggle book so cute that he realized he could not refuse.
He groaned slowly “Fine, but in one condition!” he smirked “And what is that?” Y/N asked confused her eyebrows furrowed softly, he did his best to not find the pretty girl in front of her cute at all times but she made it impossible.
“You have to go to Hogsmeade with me!” Draco exclaimed as Y/N was even more confused now, not expecting an offer like this from the grey-eyed boy, she was silent for a second as that made Draco almost die from embarrassment, but seconds after she washed away Draco’s embarrassment as she happily agreed.
They spent the next day with each other, both didn’t know what the day was supposed to be like was it a date? Or just as friends?
It seemed though that Draco wanted it to be a date, and maybe even Y/N did too, but she didn’t know if she was ready for a relationship, she made a deal with herself, more like a promise, a promise that she wouldn’t date guys until she was sure of them, and it had to be nice guys, like the nicest of nice guys, that had no bad intention with her, just overall really great guys.
She didn’t know much about Draco, he seemed nice and he was quite gorgeous, but in order to trust him for even a little ounce, she needed to be sure he was a nice guy. She still seemed to be pretty scared about trusting anyone, she never thought about opening up to anyone ever again, and just the thought of it scared her.
They spend the entire day together, Y/N was surprised she could finally be close to someone, at least in a friendly way, of course there was some flirting going on because Draco did not stop complimenting her the whole day, making heat rise up to Y/N’s already rosy cheeks each time he did so, giggling like a flirty girl at his stupid jokes, Draco took her out to get some deserts as the two chatted up.
Making Y/N feel extremely comfortable around him while Draco felt so happy to be in the girl’s presence, even feeling comfortable enough with her that he opened up to her a bit about his life.
As Y/N listened to him cautiously and attentively while supporting him graciously, Draco felt extremely grateful for her, but he wanted her to feel the same, feel the same comfortableness he felt, so she would be more open with him.
It seemed impossible, he wanted to know about the “Diggory” incident, but also was scared that she would either get mad at him or she would brush it off and not hang out with him again, and he didn’t want that at all, he just wanted to get to know her.
The whole friendship/flirty relationship between Draco and Y/N continued for weeks as they enjoyed each others company more than ever, he liked having her around and so did she, giggles would always fill the room the pair was in, they were always complimenting and having fun with each other, it seemed that everyone else noticed them hanging out, even her friends.
So when she went to lunch one day and sat down, her friends looked at her as if they were about to have an intervention with her any moment, she felt as though she was pitied, “What?” She asked softly as she took a piece of her bread, chewing and then swallowing it happily.
“Y/N uhmm.. we noticed you hanging around with..” Hermione started nervously. “Draco.” Harry finished her sentence abruptly. “Soo..?” Y/N asked confused but wanting to know more, “He’s not a good guy Y/N.”  Harry announced as Y/N’s smile was now met with a frown.
Anyone could tell that her entire face fell at the information, but she wanted to know more. “He literally fucked all the girls in Slytherin and left them, he uses girls...” She furrowed eyebrows confused and her frown intensified as her eyes were filled with a dash of anger.
“Why the fuck should I care? I’m not his girlfriend.” Y/N snapped without meaning to as Harry and Hermione stared at the girl with guilt visible in their eyes.
Y/N sighed softly as she quickly muttered out a simple apology her heart breaking at the information, she slowly nodded for them to continue.
“He also is a bully.. well he was.. he bullied almost entirely everyone at one point Hermione too..” Y/N’s face was scrunched up with disgust as she gasped at the information, she looked down in disappointment as Harry continued.
“Look we just don’t want Cedric Diggory 2.0 to-” Just as those words left Harry’s mouth, Y/N’s disgusted face was now filled with anger and it was aimed at Potter.
“Don’t Potter, don’t fucking go there..” she said slowly as a tip of annoyance and anger could be heard in her voice.
“Look… I’m sorry but we are just saying watch out and be careful okay? Malfoy is bad news. We just don’t wanna see you hurt.” Y/N just nodded slowly as she sighed.
“It’s fine, I’m.. I’m sorry for snapping it’s just uhh.. didn’t expect this, but thank your for informing me, I’ll take care of it, don’t worry.”
She said as she got out of her seat in anger, quickly grabbing her books, she started walking around as her eyes were vigorously searching for the particular Platinum Headed, grey eyed “Slytherin Prince.”
When Y/N got out of the Great Hall and started wandering out in the corridors, she finally spotted him and her eyes finally landed on the boy fully, who was chatting with his friends, and as he turned around he saw Y/N and smiled but his smile was quickly erased after he saw her disappointed expression.
His eyebrows arched up in confusion as  he slowly watched her storming over to him, “Can I talk to you?” Y/N said as her voice sounded firm as ever making Draco’s entire face wash with worry.
“What’s wrong?” Draco asked with a hint of worriedness in his voice. “I heard some things about you, Malfoy.”  Y/N said abruptly as she crossed her arms against her chest. “What things are you talking about, princess?” He said in a gentle voice concerned, “About you fucking every girl you see and leaving them? Using them and throwing them away as If they were fucking garbage?” Y/N scowled, making Draco taken a back little.
“So?” Draco said as Y/N could notice the change in his tone and expression. “So?” Y/N mimicked him as she chuckled sarcastically. “Is it true?” She questioned the boy, he nodded firmly, “Is it also true you bullied people?” He nodded again as she chuckled bitterly annoyed.
“Why do you even fucking care Y/N? It’s not like we’re fucking dating!” Draco now snarled at her out of anger.
Y/N shook her head as she chuckled bitterly, “I fucking care Draco, because you’re not a nice person! You’re not a nice guy! I don’t want to hang out with bad guys! I don’t want to be friends with bad guys!” She bitterly scoffed.
“And you know what the worst thing was? I actually thought you were a nice guy, I genuinely thought you were someone I could finally hang out with, share some stuff with, I thought you were different then all the stupid boys in the Hogwarts, but boy was I wrong.. you’re just like every other guy on Hogwarts.”
She added as she looked into his big grey eyes that were now washed over with sadness, as hers were filled with rage and sadness at the same time, Draco wanted to open his mouth to say something, anything, but no words came out as Y/N’s disappointed look in him was an image that was never going to leave his mind.
She scoffed as she quickly turned around, leaving the boy there all alone.
Draco never seemed to understand her, he thought of her as a very complicated person, mainly because he didn’t know too much about her, perhaps this “nice guy” thing was about Diggory. He wanted to uncomplicate her, get to know her, he seemed to be absolutely fascinated by the girl, she seemed to challenge him in ways he never was challenged, she didn’t know what his reputation was like, well until now…
He really seemed to have taking a liking to the girl, but it seemed that he ruined everything because of his stupid stubborn and angry self, and well partly because of his stupid past, too.
He had lost her, just like that. If he had maybe given her a some sort of explanation, maybe she would have understood, and he wouldn’t be feeling like he was sick to his stomach at the very moment.
Y/N was very understanding and a really great listener. But Draco didn’t have the guts and had too much of a pride to do something about her.
He wasn’t the person she perceived him as, yes he bullied people and he got with girls just for sexual activities, but it was before it was just in the past. He simply wasn’t like that anymore, it was just his act.
And it was not who he was anymore, he just wished instead of being stubborn with her, he would have just apologized and explained but he was too much of an arse to actually do that.
He went back to his common room as so did Y/N going to the Gryffindor common room, days went without neither talking to each other, they both felt empty, and they clearly craved each other very deeply.
The realization hit Draco that he was being extremely stupid, and Y/N just missed being with him, hanging out with him.
     ᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃                    ᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃                   ᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃      
It was a Friday morning as Y/N and Hermione got out of their class, Hermione was trying to force Y/N to a Ravenclaw party at the room of requirement, but Y/N was not having it, afraid he might see Cedric and Cho or maybe just Draco. But Hermione wasn’t letting go of it, forcing Y/N to say yes.
Eventually Hermione finally got a muttered out “Fine!” From Y/N and she got all excited, throwing her hands up in air as if she just won something and then kissing Y/N on the cheek, surprising Y/N as she did so, and then happily leaving to go to class as she finally achieved what she wanted.
Y/N huffed at the girl as she slowly walked down the corridor to go to her own class, her hand was securely wrapped around her books as she was walking her attention still on the floor as she did so.
Footsteps could be heard from the opposite side which caused Y/N’s head to pop up immediately, her eyes softly met with Draco’s grey eyes as he is walking towards her, she simply froze for a second as she didn’t know what to do.
Y/N soon enough kept her walking pace as she was trying her best to avoid him, she slowly felt him coming towards her and she mentally cursed herself for taking this way to her class.
Slowly but surely he made his way over to her, his hand falling heavy on her shoulders as he lightly pushed her against the nearest wall, causing Y/N to look up at him stunned as she was surprised by Draco’s sudden movements. A dash of glimmer was seen in his eyes, as Y/N just couldn’t bare to open her mouth to say anything.
“Are you going to the party?” Draco’s firm voice rings through her ears as his grip on her shoulders loosen up and gets closer to her, Y/N’s skin burning with tingles just as where Draco touched her.
Suddenly feeling a sort of pit in her stomach, filled with nervousness, she still managed to open her mouth to speak. “I.. What?” Y/N asks in a soft, shaky voice.
Draco’s eyes glimmer at the gentle girl in front of him once again, he softly clears his throat as he slowly lets go of his grip and slowly backs away from the girl.
Y/N’s mind is fuzzy at his movements and her brows furrow in confusion “Why do you care?” Y/N replied coldly, now feeling less stunned and more towards angry.
“Are you going to the stupid fucking party, Y/N?” Draco repeats his question more firmly as Y/N nods slowly, “Good, see you then.” Draco murmurs rigidly as Y/N takes a deep breath and rolls her eyes at him.
    ᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃                    ᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃                   ᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃    
The audacity of that boy had Y/N raging, her mind was racing about him as she was in her dorm trying to pick an outfit for the party, she knew she had to look her hottest tonight, so she picked out her red dress that she was sure of that would leave Draco with his mouth open, she applied some make up on her face too, enough to go with her red dress.
Y/N also helped Hermione too as she helped pick her a gorgeous dress and did her make up in a way that she probably otherwise would never do.
The two of them took a look at themselves at the mirror one last time as the girls couldn’t stop complimenting each other, Hermione thanked Y/N gently as the two finally head off to the party.
The dress Y/N wore was complimenting her body in every way possible and displaying her body for everyone to see, it looked absolutely gorgeous on her body.
As they arrived to the room of requirement, Y/N felt nauseous to see Draco and Cedric, but tried her best to shake it out of her mind, when they entered the room of requirement, Y/N still felt absolutely sick to her stomach, while Hermione was genuinely enjoying the attention from every guy and girl around them.
Y/N slowly took notice as a smirk played onto her lips as she turned to Hermione “See!” She giggled as Hermione wowed. Y/N immediately went to the drink stand, because she knew she couldn’t make it through the night if she was sober. She got herself some disgusting alcoholic liquid and downed it quickly.
“Hey Y/N” a voice caught her attention as she turned around smiling and she greeted the boy happily.
“Heyy Neville!” Y/N said kindly as Neville eyed her up and down “You look amazing! Super pretty and gorgeouss.” She giggled at the boy’s slurred words as it seemed that he had a bit much to drink.
“You wanna dance?” Neville asked sloppily as Y/N chuckled, nodding. Just as they were about to go to the dance floor, an angry voice interrupted the two.
“You have 5 fucking seconds to get the fuck away from her.” Draco basically growled as Y/N’s attention turned to him as she muttered out a simple “Fuck.” “But she just agreed to- ” Neville opened his mouth to speak but he was interrupted again by a jealous Draco.
“If you don’t fucking leave her right this second, I’m gonna hex the fuck out of you!” Draco almost yelled as his eyes were now filled with rage and jealousy, as he caused Neville to walk away quickly, “Sorry!” Y/N yelled out at the boy sympathetically as she angrily turned around to Draco.
“What the fuck is your problem?” Y/N scowled. “Me? You should see yourself, why the fuck were you flirting with that git?” Draco questioned angrily as jealousy was dripping from his mouth. “It’s not like we’re dating so why the fuck do you care, huh?” She mimicked the boy’s words as she chuckled bitterly.
Y/N was about to continue but was interrupted by someone bumping into her, “Watch where you’re fucking goi-” she stopped mid sentence as she saw Cedric, as Cho was stuck next to his side, his hand stuck on to her waist as if it was glued.
Y/N’s eyes widened quickly as she immediately stopped herself from saying anything else and simply walked away, Malfoy was bewildered again as he just followed behind her, calling out for her name as he picked up his pace, but it just caused for her to run faster away.
She ended up going to the Astronomy Tower, in which Draco was right behind her, she turned her back to him as choked out sobs were slowly escaping from her mouth.
Draco’s confusedness was now washed away with worry, Y/N didn’t seem to care that Draco was right there, as if she was comfortable enough around him, it brought some warmth to Draco but he still couldn’t handle seeing Y/N like this.
He could feel his entire body fill up with rage and also worriedness, because somehow and for whatever reason the stupid git Diggory was making you cry, and a little pissed because Neville was flirting with you.
Draco gently approached her as if he was scared to hurt the fragile girl in front of him.
“Y/N, love please talk to me..” Draco started softly as Y/N’s choked sobs were now mixed with her softly breathing, Draco took a. deep breath as he got closer to the girl. “Look princess, I’m here for you okay?” Draco said softly again as Y/N slowly tried to wipe her tears. “Let me help you..” Draco said delicately, turning her around to face him, taking her hands off her face to see her gorgeous face filled with tears.
His hands traced down her cheek, wiping away the girl’s tears. The two of them standing closer than ever to each other, a pit of nervousness both appearing at their stomachs as they were now inches away from each other. “Tell me about Diggory, okay? I… I just want to listen and I want to be there for you.” The boy said in the most genuine way possible and Y/N sighed.
“Uhh… god okay.” Y/N breathed once more as words slowly started pouring out of her mouth.
“When I met Cedric, he seemed like a nice guy, he had everything, he was gorgeous, he was kind, nice, he was amazing... He seemed perfect. We flirted for a while and he was great and all then we started dating, we weren’t really that public about it and I thought that we really worked out really great as a couple, but then the whole Triwizard Tournament happened and.. and..”
Y/N’s breath hitched as Draco gently put his hand on top of hers in reassurance, he held her hand as he stroked it softly with his thumb, telling her that it’s okay and wanting her to tell him more.
“Um you remember the second task?” Y/N asked as Draco nodded still attentively listening to the girl as Y/N softly took a breath.
“Yeah um the one where they have to save who they care about, well that day Cedric saved Cho, and that’s how I found out about him fucking cheating on me with Cho- god.” She said as her eyes filled up with tears again. And this time Draco couldn’t help but pull her into a tight hug.
His whole body relaxed as he hugged the broken girl in front of him, also feeling the tense girl relax up under her touch, his hands slowly travelled to her hair as he started stroking her hair delicately, “Baby, it’s okay, it’s fine...” He said softly as she pulled away from the hug.
“I trusted him and he fucking broke my heart.. I just hate him so so fucking much. God- Draco.. then… and then I met you, I met someone who I felt like I could trust again, I met someone who I wanted to hang out with, but then your reputation, I found out about your reputation, for the first time since Cedric I finally liked a boy, I genuinely liked a boy… and wanted to open up to him, but you broke my heart, you crushed it, I thought you were like Cedric, I really fucking liked you, Malfoy and you devastated me.”
She muttered out as her heart ached. And so did Draco’s but at the same time he was happy about her revelation “You- you fucking like me?” Draco stammered as Y/N nodded.
Draco’s grey eyes glimmered with happiness. “Fucking hell, Y/N I liked you from the moment I fucking met you.. You have been quite literally the only thing good thing in my life as soon as I bumped into you in that bloody class..” Draco exclaimed as Y/N chuckled softly.
“The whole reputation thing was in the past, I was too much of a dick in the past but I’m not like that anymore, I promise, I wanted to explain that to you but when you came in so angry, I got angry and acted like an arse, instead of being reasonable with you, I.. I’m sorry.”
He said as he pulled her into a hug again feeling comfortable holding her and as she felt safe under his touch.
Draco’s tight hold was released from the girl as the two pulled away from the hug, as they did so they finally realized how close they had been standing to each other, as they were both gazing into each other’s eyes, both waiting for the other to make a move.
Draco’s arms were still snaked around her neck, and his soft touch on her neck was bringing Y/N closer and closer to him, but it was so painfully slow that Y/N couldn’t take it anymore.
She huffed as a sigh came out of her pursed lips, she felt as though she could not spend any more minutes without having his lips on hers, so she groaned as she quickly but harshly smashed her soft lips onto Draco’s plump lips as a whimper of satisfaction finally escaping her lips as she did so.
Draco was absolutely stunned and shocked by the girl’s motions and as soon as the realization of what was happening washed over him, his mouth reacted very quickly to hers, a low groan coming out of his mouth.
He absolutely adored the feeling of her lips smashed against his, as her lips felt incredibly soft and plump. Draco deepened the kiss as Y/N slowly parted her mouth, and Draco’s tongue harshly and quickly entered her mouth without any resistance as she parted her mouth ever so willingly, a small hint of redness arose to her cheeks.
His tongue slowly but surely experienced her mouth, it evoke feelings and tinglings in Y/N’s stomach that she never felt before, Draco was in a euphoric state as he was happily exploring Y/N’s mouth, his hands slowly stroked her hair, then they travelled down to her face, slowly caressing her cheeks, then it finally landed on her waist, having a quite harsh grip on it, Y/N could feel the imaginary fireworks exploding around them as their kiss deepened even more, Draco slowly bit her bottom lip, earning a low groan from the girl.
Then after what seemed like a long time, Y/N pulled away as she earned a soft groan from Draco causing her to giggle shyly, “We can continue that later.” She exclaimed as a smirk played on her lips and in return Draco licked his lips seductively as his mouth quirked up into a smile.
“I do have one question for you though.” Draco said softly as a hint of firmness and seriousness could be heard from his tone, which caused Y/N’s eyebrows to furrow in confusion as he looked up to the boy’s grey eyes in confusion, her face washed away with a hint of obvious worry.
“When do I get to hex the fuck out of Diggory?” Draco said as Y/N playfully hit him on the shoulder and giggled at the jealous boy. The two spent the entire night talking to each other, joking around and maybe even making out a little more.  
But one thing was for sure, they both felt so lucky to have finally at last that they found each other. They finally both had what they needed, someone to talk to, someone to listen to, someone to hang out with and someone to love.
taglist: @abb-lan-5sos​ @dracosathenaeum​
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kuroosmikasavolleyball · 4 years ago
Her Game
(n) the color of the sky when the sun is setting; a certain afterglow.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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a/n: I’m so sorry this is late! I got really busy with school work and other stuff and Part 4 wasn’t ready to post on Sunday. Here it is though, I hope you enjoy. This is the second to last part of the series(I think). I hope you understand the connection to the series title now a little bit but it gets better😏 I don’t know if this counts as slow-burn but…yeah. Anyways, feel free to like, republish, and message me. Requests and taglists are open! This is a safe and loving place for everyone and any hate will be shut down. Enjoy reading<3
Part 4 summary: Ravenclaw and Slytherin verse in the second and last quidditch game of the season. New strategies, doubt, nervousness from what happened earlier is bundled up for (Y/N), and all she needs to focus on is winning this game. Will Slytherin take the win and bragging rights, or will Ravenclaw emerge victorious?
pairing: cedric x fem!reader(in ravenclaw)
genre: fluff
warnings: uh nothing
word count: 1.6k(how did this happen-)
“What’s got your mood down the drain?”
Kimball peers at (Y/N)’s woeful face, “Don’t tell me you’re nervous; this new plan has already got me shaky.”
She would’ve told Kimball what had happened last night if Roger wasn’t right next to her.
(Y/N) leans her head on the palm of her hand. “It’s nothing. Can we just continue planning, please?” Roger looks at her, a bit worried as well.
“Maybe..this plan should stay a draft. I’ll go tell the team.” Roger almost gets up but (Y/N) stops him. “No, wait. I’m ok; I promise. Let’s do this.”
Fred and George walk in and (Y/N) speaks, “Just gimme a sec.” and goes towards them.
“Hey hey! How’s my favorite Ravenclaw?” Fred ruffles her hair and she swats the hand away.
“She’s..ok I guess. Kimball and Roger came up with a plan yesterday and somehow the whole team liked it. We’re gonna test it out during the pre-game practice but I’m a little terrified.”
“You smarties always come up with something, huh? Don’t worry about it; you’ll be great. I even got my special edition Ravenclaw hat!” George playfully lifts a blue and bronze homemade hat made by Mrs. Weasley. (Y/N) has the same kind for Gryffindor, but she’s smart enough not to wear it in public.
“You don’t have to cheer me up; I’m fine. By the way, have you seen Ced? He hasn’t come down for breakfast yet.”
“Nope, we haven’t; he must be off on his ~prefect duties~.”
George scrunches up his face in disgust.
They say their goodbyes and head to the Gryffindor table. Just as (Y/N) is about to go looking for Cedric, he walks in with a painful expression.
“God, I should’ve listened to you, these hangovers are not worth it.”
Huh? How is that his first sentence? Doesn’t he rememb-
“You ok? You know you have nothing to be nervous about today, right? Ravenclaw will definitely win.”
“Oh yeah, yeah I’m fine. I just..do you remember last night at all?”
Cedric cocks his head to the side. “Uh.. a bit. I remember coming into the Ravenclaw common room, we played a drinking game..then it gets fuzzy. But I remember you walking me to my common room; thanks for that.”
Oh? He..doesn’t remember.
“Ah ok..that was most of the night so you didn’t miss too much. Go eat and drink water; you’ll feel better.”
The warmth in her ears and cheeks felt a bit too overwhelming once in the Ravenclaw locker room. Normally, a quidditch game wouldn’t have struck up such nervousness in (Y/N), or just the Ravenclaw team in general. They knew how to calm down in time for the game and bring all their assets to the table. Except now, there was only one match that determined everything.
Roger was almost roaring. “Alright guys! I know we’re all a little on edge right now, but let’s get to the point. We know Slytherin plays a dirty game but we’re staying fair. Don’t let rage take you over, think and focus, we got this. Let’s go out there and win this!”
He continued to give separate instructions to the beaters, the keeper, and the seeker. He turned to (Y/N) and Kimball, firing up to go.
“Before you say anything, Davies. We know what to do, we’ll try the plan out right now during the practice, ok? Now calm down.”
Kimball was surprisingly stable today and it was no doubt she was going to have a good match. Roger visibly deflated but kept a smug look in his face.
Hooch told them Ravenclaw was going first for practice so the team kicked off into the air.
(Y/N)’s hair was tied back and the breeze tickled her face. She missed this feeling; so freeing and beautiful.
Before long, Kimball nodded towards (Y/N) and took off. She stayed higher up and Roger acted as an opponent chaser. They released the Snitch, the Bludgers, and the Quaffle, and started a mock game. Roger zoomed past (Y/N) and she went behind him. Kimball followed (Y/N) but from above. (Y/N) stole the Quaffle and headed to the three goals, where their Keeper stayed, and scored.
(Y/N) kept the Quaffle and tried to score again, but Roger stole the ball and that’s when Kimball came into the playing area. She quickly picked the ball from Roger and scored while (Y/N) flew up. This was their plan; have one chaser on the pitch and the other two above, following the movements. As soon as the ball was stolen or the chaser runs out of stamina, another substitutes in. If all three chasers from the other team started tagging the one chaser, the other two will come down to help. Roger had checked with Hooch to see if the tactic broke any rules and she allowed the Ravenclaw team to use it.
The Slytherin team practiced regularly and it was a relief to not see any crazy strategies.
We can win this.
The houses filed in, chattering their heads off as the teams got ready to enter the field. The Ravenclaw team was introduced and they flew up, similar to the Slytherin team except for Lee’s backhanded comments.
“The game is the last one of the season! But don’t worry, I’m sure the Triwizard Tournament will be entertaining! Let’s get on now; today’s match is Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin. I hope you all cheer for the right team!”
He got a slight warning from Mcgonagall and that was it. Marcus Flint and the other players were all mounted on their fancy brooms; (Y/N) was a tad jealous, but her Comet 290 did the job. Hooch gave warnings and blew the whistle, and before (Y/N) knew it, the game began.
The strategy had worked so far except for a short period where Draco Malfoy was chasing the Snitch and almost crashed into (Y/N) and Kimball, who were waiting above and had to move away really quickly.
Roger was running out of breath and (Y/N) noticed, so she flew down after telling Kimball and took his spot. A red-haired Slytherin chaser had the Quaffle, so (Y/N) speeded towards them. One of the beaters hit a Bludger towards the chaser and (Y/N) swooped in to take the Quaffle when they were distracted.
“Nice hit, Jason!” She yelled as she went past him, dodging Marcus Flint.
“and…(Y/L/N) scores! The score is now 50-35 with Ravenclaw in the lead.”
Cheers grew even louder and (Y/N) swore she locked eyes with Cedric as she flew past the Hufflepuff tower.
Ravenclaw’s seeker, Cho Chang was a little quiet and the year below (Y/N), but she was amazing on the field. There was a point in time last year where Cedric took an interest to her, but it faded..(Y/N) hopes.
The game was similar to the last, taking a long time and the players started to lose energy. As the year had just started, it was fall and the sun set earlier. The breeze up above was chilly and the chasers of Ravenclaw went back to the regular strategy, even though the one they were using didn’t require a lot of stamina, they were getting tired of having to fly up and down. The score was 140-145 with Slytherin in the lead.
It was a little early for the sun to have set completely but the horizon line was blending. (Y/N) remembered a time where Cedric told her a word for this scenery...abendrot. The violent tango of the blue and orange hues made for a majestic view.
She was temporarily distracted since Roger had the Quaffle when she heard Lee’s voice booming, “Just as Davies scores..Chang is closing in on the snitch..SHE’S CAUGHT IT! RAVENCLAW WINS!”
The team quickly flew down and cheered for Cho, but it felt like a mutual celebration since everyone did so well. Kimball hugged (Y/N) tight and whispered about how her legs are going to be so sore.
They giggled amongst themselves until George’s voice ripped through the crowd and screamed (Y/N)’s name. The other houses were rushing up too, congratulating their friends and other players. (Y/N) was lifted and hugged by the twins and she spotted Cedric running up.
“Hell, if you think our game was good, this was amazing!” Fred laughed and set her down.
“I feel like most people weren’t watching towards the end since it was so long.”
Cedric finally caught up and spoke, “Nonsense, (Y/N). You did so well today, especially when you swooped in near the goal when Warrington had the Quaffle; you just stole it and dropped it in. He didn’t even realize.” A smile graced his face.
He noticed details..
“(Y/N)? You okay?”
“..Thanks! Yeah..um, sorry that was a really long game so I’m just tired.”
The twins and Cedric went back to their common room as Ravenclaw celebrated in a more calm way than Hufflepuff did.
A few students sat around the fireplace, but most of the players went to bed early.
“Did you see Malfoy’s face? He looked like he was about to kill someone with that grimace.” Inglebee chattered.
Kimball and (Y/N) went back to the dorms after signaling to their friends that they’re going because they couldn’t keep their eyes open.
(Y/N) thought back to how the sky looked when the sun kissed the mountains in the distance and fell asleep thinking about the fond memory of today and of when she learned from a certain someone about what that sunset is called. Abendrot.
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angelicamerlinbarnes · 4 years ago
Seven times someone spoke to a Marauder alone in a portrait and one person who spoke to them all together
In a world where all the Marauders died in the first war, their souls are preserved in portraits in Hogwarts. Their stories are legend if a bit tweaked, and their names are famous if a bit forgettable. But they were painted individually, and housed all over the castle, separated for all eternity from each other.
(Also, there are seven Marauders because Lily, Severus, and Regulus. Fight me.)
(FOR CONTEXT: Regulus married a Muggle named Amir and had a daughter with him named Hailee. Regulus and Sirius never fell out and Regulus calls Remus “Mum” because reasons. Sirius and Remus married and died without children and James and Lily had Harry with their partner, Severus. Peter had a nonbinary partner named Max, but they died in the war.)
ONE: Regulus Black (Room of Requirement) & Draco Malfoy [Second Year - Youth (Daughter)]
Draco is coming back from Quidditch practice after calling Hermione a Mudblood. He’s walking alone down a hallway empty of doors when one suddenly materializes in front of him. He walks inside, too curious not to, and finds a room with two chairs in front of a crackling fire.
Over the fire hangs a portrait of a young man with pale skin, ebony hair, and striking grey eyes. Draco sits down in one of the chairs and picks up the cup of hot cocoa from the coffee table, looking up at the portrait, which has now started moving.
“Who are you?” He asks, and the portrait shoots him a grim look.
“My name is Regulus Black. Do you know who I am?”
Draco shakes his head. Regulus hums, tugging at something around his wrist.
“I’m a Death Eater who defied Voldemort,” he says, pulling his sleeves up to reveal a blank wrist. “They didn’t paint me with that wretched Mark, thank Merlin.”
Draco puts his cocoa down, nervous, and finds his eyes darting around the room for a door.
“How do I get out of here?” He asks with all the politeness he can muster, and Regulus offers him a wry smile.
“Right through that door,” he says gently, pointing to the door now etching itself out of the wall. “But please remember, Draco - you make your own choices in life. You decide who you are. Not a House, not a name, not a Mark. You. Do not forget that like I did.”
Draco nods, backing towards the door.
“But you defected,” he says, feeling small. Regulus smiles sadly, his eyes cutting.
“Yes, I did. And I paid for it with my life. And the life of my partner, and my daughter, and my brother and my mum and my best friends. I paid, Draco. I’m still paying.”
Draco has his hand on the door knob. “Huh,” he says, and opens the door when Regulus adds, “Oh, and Draco, dear? Don’t call people Mudbloods. There’s no such thing. And it’s rude.”
Draco nods frantically and closes the door so hard he lands flat on his ass in the hallway, watching the door seal itself and fade back into stone.
TWO: James Potter (Gryffindor Quidditch “Hall” of Fame, Gryffindor Common Room) & Seamus Finnigan [Fourth Year - Never Not (Lauv)]
Seamus finds himself alone in the Gryffindor common room one Wednesday morning, pretending to be sick with a cold. He’s wrapped in a blanket and staring into the empty fireplace when he hears, “YO! KID!”
Startled, he falls off the couch, and stumbles up and over to the Quidditch trophy case in the corner. There, in a small frame, is the smiling face of a boy who looks just like Harry, except without the mark, with dark eyes, and happier. Seamus reads the plaque, James Potter, and smiles sadly, wondering if Harry has ever talked to this portrait before.
James, meanwhile, barrels forward, “You’re the one in love with that lanky black kid, right?” Seamus’ eyes snap up as he sputters, but James just grins. “Cool. I thought so. Can I give you some advice…?”
“Can I give you some advice, Seamus?”
Seamus, now bright red, says, “Um, sure?”
James’ eyes twinkle and he says, “Tell him.”
Seamus starts coughing, beating his chest as James laughs and he protests, “No! No, I can’t just tell my best friend I’m in love with him!”
James shrugs. “You can,” he says. “You wanna know a secret?” He leans in just a bit. “My best friends fell in love.”
Seamus startles. “What?” He breathes, and James grins.
“Yeah. Sirius Potter and Remus Lupin. Wasted six bloody years apart before finally giving in and admitting it. They’re the most in love people I’ve ever met.” His brow wrinkles. “Well, except Sev and Lily and me.” It wrinkles further. “Nah, I gotta give ‘em this one.”
Seamus gapes in shock for a moment before blurting, “That werewolf and the Black runaway were in love?! And you - fuck, you were with Severus Snape???” James stares at him for a moment before blinking and then bursting into laughter.
When he finally calms down, he looks back up at Seamus’ flushed face and says, “Sirius is a Potter and a Lupin, not a Black. And he and Remy loved each other more than anything. And yeah, Sev and Lily and I had some real fun times.” He tilts his head in consideration and says, “Actually, now that I think about it, some of those happened right on that couch over there. It’s weird they haven’t gotten a new one, huh?”
Seamus sputters for a third and final time and skitters away with a tomato-red face as James shouts after him, “TELL HIM, KID! SHOVE HIM AGAINST A WALL AND SNOG HIM SENSELESS!”
(Seamus, later, to Harry: “Your dad is fucking wack, bro.”)
THREE: Lily Evans (Library, Restricted Section) & Cedric Diggory [Fourth Year - Someone To You (BANNERS), Good Old Days (Kesha, Macklemore)]
Cedric sneaks into the Restricted Section to hide from all the pressure of the tournament. One night he’s thumbing through the books in his boredom when he finds an unframed portrait of a smiling redhead. As soon as he lifts her out of the book, titled The Marauders: A Complete History of Unfiltered Pranks (by Minerva Mcgonogall for Minerva Mcgonogall, signed by Regulus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Severus Snape, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Lupin (Love you Minnie!), and Lily Evans), the portrait pipes up, “Hi! I’m Lily!”
Cedric nearly drops the book in shock, but manages to catch it at the last second, mustering up a smile for the grinning portrait and introducing himself. She beams and glances at the book in his hand, her smile turning mischievous. “That’s a good one. We did get up to a lot, didn’t we?”
Speechless, he nods, not really processing that she’s just admitted to being Lily Evans, and her eyes dull with sadness at the sight of one of the injuries on his collarbone from the most recent challenge.
“Where’d you get that?” She asks, and he explains the tournament. She hums, and finally murmurs, “I heard them say my son is in that. Is that true?”
Mouth dry, Cedric nods, and Lily looks up at him again with glassy eyes and rasps, “Can you tell him I love him? That I’m proud of him and so are his fathers? Can you tell him that for me?”
Cedric nods again, hearing a creak and turning his head towards the noise when Lily whispers, “Go. Go, Cedric, before you get caught. Be brave, honey.” Cedric shoves the portrait back into the book and the book back onto the shelf with a muttered goodbye before sprinting away, Lily’s words echoing in his ears like a dying child’s scream.
FOUR: Sirius Black (Mcgonogall’s Office) & Ginny Weasley [Fifth Year - Alone (Bazzi)]
Ginny is sitting in Mcgonogall’s office, waiting for her professor to come and scold her for punching Zabini (he touched Luna’s ass, what was she supposed to do? Ask him to kindly stick his nose up where the sun don’t shine? She’d still be here, and he’d still be snickering like the slimy motherfucker he is in that dungeon cell he calls his bedroom). She hears a cough from somewhere on Mcgonogall’s desk and straightens up, ducking her head to peek around when she hears, “Pssst. Over here.”
She looks over and sees a framed picture of Sirius Black, grinning as if he’d never died. She swallows down her tears and nods her head in a polite hello. Sirius’ smile saddens as he says, “I hear you’re dating my godson.”
Ginny blushes, but nods, and for a moment, Sirius looks like he’s about to cry. “Why are you here, Ginny?” He asks softly, and she shrugs.
“Punched a Slytherin who touched my friend’s ass.”
Sirius grins at that, nodding his head in respect. “Good girl. You ever think about why that is?”
Ginny’s brow furrows and she opens her mouth to ask what he means when she sees his eyes wandering to a sketch of a wolf howling at the moon on Mcgonogall’s far wall, with the note For you, Minnie. Moony didn’t want it. Love, Sirius.
“I fell in love with a boy once,” Sirius murmurs. “My best friend. Remus Lupin. And he loved me back.”
I know, Ginny wants to say. You two were married and gave baby Harry joint Christmas presents and danced in the kitchen when you thought no one else was still awake. I’ve heard the stories, I’ve seen the pictures. I know. But instead she stays quiet, listening as Sirius tells his story.
“But instead of admitting that, I dated Marlene McKinnon for three years. Sold my gay ass out to a lesbian whore because I was too afraid to tell him how I felt about him.” Ginny has a lot of questions about the “lesbian whore” part - “I mean, she was a friend of mine, but I never wanted to kiss her, or sleep with her, but I did anyway. And he looked so fucking sad all the time. But he didn’t say anything. He didn’t wanna ruin my happiness. I didn’t know how to tell him that he was my happiness. By the time I figured it out, it was too late.”
Ginny swallows, finally speaking up, “Why are you telling me this?” Sirius finally tears his eyes away from the picture of the wolf and the moon and gives her a bitter smile.
“Because I’m dead and my husband and I spent a mere three years together in all of the ten we knew each other. What kind of bullshit is that?”
Ginny shrugs. “Some bullshit,” she answers, and laughs uncomfortably.
Sirius laughs too, then sighs. He looks deep into her eyes and says, “I love my godson. You make sure he knows that. But I also love my husband. And I spent too damn long running from that. So let me save you a bit of trouble, Ginny - the greatest love is often the scariest.”
Ginny purses her lips. “What are you saying?” She says slowly, and Sirius smiles sadly as Mcgonogall’s heels come clicking down the hall.
“I’m saying maybe you shouldn’t waste your time on Harry when both your and his hearts lie elsewhere.”
Ginny blushes, looking down at the homemade bracelet Luna made her three summers ago, and at the sound of the door opening, she looks back up at a frozen Sirius, whose eyes are caught on Mcgonogall, somehow still twinkling.
FIVE: Peter Pettigrew (Outside Gryffindor Dorms) & Ron Weasley [Fifth Year - lovely (Billie Eilish, Khalid)]
Ron is sulking on the stairs outside the Gryffindor common room after a particularly bad Quidditch loss. He wishes he were with Hermione and Harry, but they were already tangled together when he came upstairs and he didn’t want to intrude, even though they invited him to.
He knows they’re all best friends, he just feels so much like the third wheel sometimes. So he’s sulking when he hears a soft, “Hey.”
He looks up in surprise and sees a portrait of Peter Pettigrew, and he immediately steels his eyes, backing away. Seeing this, Peter shouts, “Wait, no! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I know! I just - I didn’t actually betray them, you know? Okay, well, I did, but - but I fixed it! They forgave me! I promise I’m not evil, I’m not, Ron -”
“How do you know my name?” Ron blurts, and Peter jumps back in his frame, startled, then smiles softly.
“They say it,” he answers. “Harry, and that girl you’re always with. They say your name all the time.”
Ron blushes. “Oh,” he says, ducking his head with a smile. When he looks back up into Peter’s sad eyes, he says, “We lost today. Quidditch.”
Peter cocks his head. “To who?”
Ron shrugs, looking down at his lap and fidgeting with his fingers over his knees. “Slytherin. Never lost against Slytherin before.”
Peter shrugs. “James and Sirius did. All the time.”
Ron looks up. “Really?” Peter smiles softly.
“Yeah. Mostly because they wanted Severus and Regulus to feel good, but. Yeah, they lost to Slytherin all the damn time.”
Ron’s smile fades. “Severus? Like, Snape? The Death Eater?”
Peter winces, then shrugs. “The Order spy. But, yeah.”
Ron blinks in shock. “They were friends? Even after Lily?”
Peter’s brow furrows in confusion, but he answers anyway, “Yes? They were dating. Them and Lily. Sent the whole school up in flames.”
Ron’s jaw drops open. “You can do that?”
Peter shrugs. “Yeah, ‘course you can. You can date Harry and that girl if you want. No one’s stopping you.”
Ron flushes, looking down in shame.
“They don’t want me,” he mumbles. “Not the way they want each other.”
Peter hums. “Severus said that too. So did James. They were both idiots.” Looking up at Ron’s glistening eyes and pouting lips, he smiles.
“Just because you’re not the smartest or the strongest or the funniest or the best at anything in particular doesn’t mean you’re not important, or that people don’t care about you.”
Ron nods, slowly. He stands and heads back inside without another word, pretending he doesn’t hear Peter sigh and say, “You’re welcome,” bitterly as he mumbles the password to the Fat Lady and slips back through the crack in the door.
SIX: Severus Snape (Headmaster’s Office) & Hermione Granger [Sixth Year - Ophelia (The Lumineers), O Children (Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds)]
Hermione is visiting Dumbledore’s office for her Prefect badge and an overview of the position while Ron and Harry are brooding in their room. The three of them have become far closer than normal lately, and she’s almost glad to be away for a moment, as they’ve always been more honest with each other when she isn’t around. She can’t decide if that bothers her or not.
She’s waiting for Dumbledore to get there when she hears, “Miss Granger, correct?” in a slow, molasses drawl.
She looks up at the portrait labelled Severus Snape and answers the boy in the Slytherin tie, “Yes. Hello, Mr. Snape.”
Severus grins slowly, a cat-like expression of amusement and carefully calculated arrogance. “Smart one, aren’t you?” He asks, and she nods. He clicks his tongue. “Should’ve been in Ravenclaw.”
She flushes and opens her mouth to retort when the Sorting Hat starts shouting about insecure fuckwads who don’t know their place and Severus starts screaming back about it not doing its fucking job right until finally Hermione screams, “STOP!”
The hat grumbles off to sleep again while she stares a shocked Severus down, her shaking hands curled in fists as she says, “Please don’t shout at it. It’s tired.”
Severus raises an eyebrow, but huffs and turns away. She sees his blank arm as he turns his back to her and feels her heart break open with pity.
“You’re Harry’s father, right?” She asks softly, and his head whips towards her in shock. She offers a sad smile and explains, “Lily and James. There are no records, of course, but…”
“You’re Mcgonogall’s favorite,” Severus finishes, smiling wryly. “Yes. I am one of Harry’s fathers.”
Hermione nods, looking down at her books, and swallows before looking back up again to say, “He really loves you.”
Severus rears back in shock, his eyes searching her for lies as she tears up. “He really does. You may not know it, and he doesn’t speak of it, but - but I can tell. He misses you.”
Severus’ eyes turn dull and glassy and he turns away, hiding his face with his long shaggy hair. Hermione swallows down her tears, smiling again. “Yes, well -”
“I love him too,” Severus interrupts, voice soft. “I miss him too. We all do. Tell… tell him that, would you?”
Hermione blinks, then nods.
“Of course,” she says, ducking her head as the staircase starts to rumble. “I’ll take good care of him, sir.”
Severus smiles that sad wry smile again and stills just as Dumbledore steps through the door, but Hermione hears his silence echo in her ears.
Thank you.
SEVEN: Remus Lupin (Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom) & Luna Lovegood [Seventh Year - Dynasty (MIIA), Towards The Sun (Rihanna)]
As the war comes closer and closer to Hogwarts, the students there grow more and more anxious. Luna herself takes refuge in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, where only Harry and Ginny know to find her. But with Harry on the run with Ron and Hermione and Ginny trying to hold down the fort with Seamus and Dean, Luna often finds herself alone.
One day she decides to make her way up onto the balcony over the classroom that leads to the office, and she reaches for the knob on the office door when she hears, “Don’t go in there, Miss Lovegood.”
She looks over at the portrait who’s spoken, dubbed Remus Lupin, and smiles. He smiles kindly back and asks, “What are you even looking for?”
Luna shrugs. “Some way to help, I guess.”
Remus smiles wryly and nods, glancing down at the wedding ring adorning his finger. His smile softens for a moment before he says, “Sometimes, Miss Lovegood, the best way to win a war is by treating others with kindness.”
Luna tilts her head to the side. “Like, with hugs and smiles?” She asks, and Remus smiles, biting his lip and nodding. His eyes are glassy, but she pretends not to notice.
“Yes, my dear, with hugs and smiles. Support each other. Take no conversation for granted. Merlin knows the only thing that comforted me in the first war was the constant reminders that I still had my family. That they were fighting with me, and that I was fighting for them.”
Luna nods sagely and looks down at the bracelets littering her wrists, each one made for a different person in her life: Ginny, her girlfriend; Harry, her partner; Neville, her best friend; Draco and Ron and Hermione, her friends. She asks, “What comforted you when you died? I know… I know it wasn’t fast. Or painless.”
Remus smiles, his eyes shining with kindness and hope despite the exhausted bruises beneath them and the scars across his face.
“I wasn’t alone,” he answers, his voice soft. “I died by Sirius’ side. I was holding his hand when I saw the light. And in the light there were silhouettes - James, Peter, Lily, Severus, Regulus. They were waiting for us. And I knew we would be okay.”
Luna nods. She twists a ring on her finger and says, “Thank you, Mr. Lupin. I’d best be going now.”
Remus nods as she begins to descend the steps, his voice ringing out one last time, “Good luck, Luna. I hope to Merlin your victory will be more permanent than ours.”
Luna twirls around, cocking her head as she asks, “You think we’ll win?” Remus smiles.
He nods, his eyes twinkling, and says, “Someone has to. Why not you?”
ONE: All Together Again (Grimmauld Place, Harry & Ron & Hermione’s Bedroom)  & Harry Potter [After Graduation of Eighth Year - Daylight (Taylor Swift)]
Following the end of the war, Harry moves into Grimmauld Place, left to him by the godfather he never knew. He takes Hermione and Ron with him, the three of them having been in a committed relationship since sometime when they were on the run and following an unspoken agreement that they will follow each other anywhere.
Luna lives nearby with Ginny, in an apartment by Draco’s little cottage and Neville’s tiny hovel. The three of them live quietly, though their friends visit often. Harry feels better, happier, though the hole left by his missing family is still there.
One day, as he’s putting up pictures of him and his partners around their shared bedroom, he hears, “Harry?”
He looks up, and there, on the opposite wall, is a picture of the seven Marauders, all young and staring at him in shock. Harry tears up and rushes over, taking the picture delicately in his hands and smiling as he rakes his eyes over his lost family. They all grin back, and Harry reads the inscription on the frame: My dear Marauders, You have been my pride and joy for seven long short years. I know you will all do great things; I cannot wait to see what you accomplish. You are, and have always been, my favorite students. All my love, Minnie.
Harry covers his mouth, emotional, until finally James asks, “Are you happy?”
Harry looks at Remus and Sirius, their fingers intertwined and their eyes sparkling. He looks at Regulus and Peter, their arms around each other’s shoulders as they grin. He looks at Severus and Lily and James, his three wonderful parents. And he looks down at the two wedding rings on the chain around his own neck, bearing the initials R.W. and H.G.. And he nods.
“Yeah,” he answers, grinning. “Yeah, I’m really fucking happy.”
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weasleypogues · 4 years ago
written in the stars (f.w. au) pt. 2
hiii soo happy people liked the first part!! im actually obsessed with this au so this is so much fun to write! again, requests for other characters are open! :) let me know if you want to be tagged in this small fic! part 1 here!
tag list for the fic so far: @daddystevee @nojamsonmytoast @thebadassbitchqueen 
masterlist.  part 3.
hope you enjoy it !!! xx
your eyes scanned over the words again and again as your eyebrows furrowed together. balderdash. what could that mean? absolutely nothing could cross your mind as you stared at the black ink that was soon fading away. you felt frozen in place, astonished to see writing as you were waiting for this day for what felt like forever but confusion nonetheless.
“i should write back, right? does he know that this went through? clearly he’s older than me....” you spoke aloud, trying to wrap your head around it. you felt somewhat guilty feeling like this. you should have been excited to see words from your soulmate, knowing there was someone out there, but this was all such sudden change that you knew where you had to go. you felt the urge to run to cedric and ask him any and all questions you could think of. 
basically sprinting to the hufflepuff common room without look extremely suspicious to any onlookers, you tapped the barrell and the door to the common room opened with one swift movement. you walked through the threshold and glanced at the fellow housemates and gave them warm smiles and they wished you a happy birthday.
“thanks guys, anyone know where cedric might be?” you asked, slightly out of breath and looking more frazzeled than one should look on their seventeenth birthday.
“is the birthday girl looking for me?” you heard a voice from the boys dormitory stairs call out. your nerves calmed and you spun around looking at cedric who had a wide smile on his face. “happy birthday , (y/n/n)! i got you this.”
you took a small box from cedrics hands and gave him a big smile, the stressful thought being pushed to the back of your head for a moment. you untied the white ribbon from the silver box and lifted the top to see three bars of honeydukes best chocolate and lifted it to see a picture frame. in the picture was a picture of you and cedric hysterically laughing at whatever joke was told at the time, looking as happy as ever. the frame was an off-white color with sage green vines designed around it. you smiled widely and glanced up at him with tears brimming your eyes.
“it’s beautiful, cedric. i love it!” you responded, placing the box to the nearest table and wrapping your arms around his neck and squeezing. he returned the hug and you could feel the vibrations of his body as he must’ve chuckled. you pulled away still smiling.
“was there something specific you were looking for me for? was it about your pen?” cedric inquired as if he literally read your mind. you heart rate increased slightly, as the previous moment passed and you grabbed the smaller box on the table next to your new gift. you held it in your hands and you looked up at him.
“so all i know right now is that i’m younger. they wrote something and it showed up on my forearm and i kinda freaked out. what does that mean?” you asked, switching your glance back and forth from his eyes searching for answers as soon as possible. he sensed your stress and placed both of his hands on your shoulders.
“okay, first off, ease your nerves a little bit. it’s not going to help.” he stated and you felt your shoulders relax themselves and took a deep breath. “assuming that you got the writing on your arm specifically means that he wrote it on his arm as well. he probably did it to remember something and has no idea that you even got it yet. what did it say?”
“balderdash?” you said in more of a question, wondering if that was the right word and what it could’ve meant. cedric’s own eyebrows furrowed together and his mouth opened slightly to speak but closed soon to take a second to think. you bit your lip and tried to maneuver your mind through this internal maze to figure out what that could possibly mean. 
“i think i’m being too narrowminded right now. i’m trying to connect it to someone at hogwarts when it could literally be almost anyone in the world, right?” you asked, your heart sinking at the thought that maybe your soulmate wasn’t at hogwarts right now. you instinctively cracked your fingers and threw your head back.
“look anything is possible. but i could have sworn i heard that word recently.” cedric stated his own eyes darting around the room as his brain tried to make sense of things. “until something sparks in my mind, try writing back to him? this should be exciting, don’t stress yourself, love.”
you gave him a small smile and nodded slowly before licking your lips and reaching for the marble pen. your took a deep breath, a smile forming on your lips coming to the realization that this is a memorable moment.
wow i finally get to talk to you.
you wrote on your forearm, glitter trailing after the pen’s tip and soon leading to plain black ink before slowly disappearing. you paused and could practically hear the blood pumping in your ears. 
oh my god. happy birthday, love. finally! 
you giggled aloud and showed cedric who failed to hide his own smile and looked at you, “see! nothing to be worried about!” you felt more at ease and dazed as you were literally talking to your soulmate. 
footsteps pulled you out of the small trance you had at your forearm as the ink disappeared. you looked up and saw malia with a wide grin on her face. “(y/n)! happy birthday!” you giggled and thanked her, pulling her into a hug.
“oh my god! your pen! have you written anything yet? have they written anything yet? ahh! this is so exciting, i’m so happy for you.” malia basically squealed. a smirk rose upon your lips, realizing how literally perfect she was for cedric and you nodded.
“they wrote bladerdash earlier and than i kind of froze and freaked out but i wrote and he wrote back!” you announced, happiness oh so evident in your tone and a blush rising to your cheeks. malia tucked a piece of hair behind her hair.
“balderdash? if i’m not mistaken, angelina said to me that was the gryffindor common room password. they’re holding a bit of a secret party before classes on monday and said to invite a few people and let myself in.” malia exclaimed, putting the pieces together to your puzzle. an overwhelming feeling you soon determined was excitement bubbled inside you as you listened to her. gryffindor? so they have to be a student at hogwarts! 
“ooh, got yourself a bit of a brave one there, don’t you (y/n/n)?” cedric teased, wiggling his eyebrows. you held the pen in your hand a little tighter, eager to write on something. you grabbed the nearest piece of parchment, completely over having to write on your own skin and saw the glitter emitting immediately from the tip of the pen.
balderdash? afraid you were going to forget your common room password, huh?
you giggled at your sarcasm and wittiness and looked back up at the couple in front of you. they shared your excitement and cedric spoke up, “i hate to break this up but why don’t we go down to breakfast? i’m sure people wanna see the birthday girl.” 
hogwarts student, eh? this’ll be easy.
you blushed and rolled your eyes, realizing the birthday attention was going to significantly increase today because of your new little pen. you clicked the pen and put it back into the box, grabbing the parchment, hoping what he had to say would appear on their instead of your forearm. “let me get jada and than i’m ready when you are!” you raced upstairs to grab one of your roommates and the four of you made your way to the great hall to reconnect with the rest of your house. 
as you stood in front of the great hall doors, it hit you right then and there that there was a great chance your soulmate would be sitting at the gryffindor table right now, that is if they enjoy breakfast. you gulped obviously and looked over at cedric who was next to you. 
“don’t get too freaked out. they’re going to be just as excited as you are.” cedric calmed you down, acknowledging the nerves you were clearly emitting.
“i’m not the best with change. and what if they see everyone wishing me a happy birthday and come up to confront me. or worse what happens if they don’t say anything at all and are embarrassed?” 
cedric said nothing but gave you a look that said that you were overthinking it. he pulled you in for a brotherly hug and you two made your way into the great hall, your eyes only slightly darting to the gryffindor table a couple of times to play it cool. 
you sat with your friends who were all extremely interested in your pen and tried to make their own guesses on who it may be. “it has to be someone in gryffindor obviously, and older than you!” you let your eyes trail to the table and tried to weed out who it may be until you heard a slight explosion come from the slytherin table. slytherin students were fleeing the spot, their shirts covering their noses and gryffindor students laughing at their rivals evacuate from the spots. you spotted the weasley twins high five each other and put together it was one of their up and coming dungbombs. they were both laughing and you couldn’t help but chuckle as well but subtly wanted to make sure the slytherin students were okay.
“ugh, if you got one of the weasely twins, you would be so fucking lucky!” your friend lola exclaimed, basically swooning at the thought of them. you grinned and rolled your eyes playfully before taking one last sip of orange juice and rising from the hufflepuff table.
“i’m stuffed, anyone wanna go to hogsmeade?” you announced and you friends agreed immediately. you snuck the marble pen out of your pocket as you made your way out of the great hall and opened your palm.
see you at the gryffindor party later?
the glittery remnants disappearing along with the black in. your palm tickled as you looked down at the quick response.
can’t wait.
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