#when you feel like you cant do anything else help someone near you
angelicherubs · 1 year
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beecanons · 10 months
idk if you’ve done this already but how the mlp characters would react to reader having a panic attack?
have no mlp hc so far! going with main six from fsim
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Twilight Sparkle when the reader has a panic attack
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a bit taken ack at first she's used to being the one having panic attacks due to stress not used to seeing others panic too much
thankfully though, because of this, she knows plenty of tips to help she'll make a mental list of things to try help you calm down
starts with breathing and counting getting your breathing on track is a top priority and counting is a pretty useful trick could be counting your breathing or taking deep breaths while counting anything else
if your thoughts are a mess and spiraling she'll try helping you rationalize giving reason to irratic thoughts can also help someone relax reassurance is one of the best ways to ease worries
if you want a hug afterwards, she'd be more than happy to give you one with a wing over you too
she'll ask if theres anything she can do to help you feel safe and tries not to overwhelm you with anything
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Rarity when the reader has a panic attack
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she's very quick to try and console you
she'll see you start to panic and take you aside to help you get a hang of your breathing if youre anywhere near a crowd, loud space or other ponies in general she'll take you aside to the closest spot thats quieter or offer to go on a walk with you so that you arent overwhelmed and find it easier to calm down and focus on breathing
she'll offer words of affirmation and something textured you like if you need it
rarity will gladly set things aside to help you relax possibly even close the boutique early and either take you on a spa day or style your mane while giving you some affirmation and reassurance
she'll attempt at quelling your irrational thoughts and/or doubts by reasoning with them and attempting a bit of humor pinkie may have rubbed off on her a bit, she picked up more of the "cheer up through a laugh" approach because of pinkie
you will get a lot of her big sister side she more than likely helped sweetiebelle out with her own panics especially before the cutie mark crusaters so she would probably default to her gentle older sister tone ever now and then while consoling you
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Pinkie Pie when the reader has a panic attack
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at first will just tell you "hey its okay" and possibly say something on accident that might make your panic worse depending what you panic over she's not the best at reading people or 'reading the room' when it comes to things outside her usual domain of expertise
if it persists (and it likely will), she'll be unsure what to do and feel bad until she gets an idea
might give you either a paper bag or more probable a balloon to help you focus your breathing somewhere you might end up just making balloons with her if this trick really helps you
pinkie will try and distract you from the scary thoughts anyway she can she'll find a way to make you laugh, make faces or tell jokes she'll ask you about your interests she'll offer to tell you about her day, about gummy or share a silly story or even ask you about your day to recount how it went before the panic attack
she'll offer to let you hold gummy if he's close by and if you think that might help
if you have any comfort food or like sweets and eating might help in any way you better expect pinkie to be getting you some snacks
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Rainbow Dash when the reader has a panic attack
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rainbow will bring you a cloud, or multiple if youre a pegasus, she'll either get you to fly around, through or up to clouds with her or bring the fluffiest one she ca find over to you if you cant or dont want to fly if youre a unicorn and youre able to, you could use twilight's spell for walking on clouds and get to play with a cloud she brings over if not she can just bring you enough clouds to give you a cool mist
she might try creating a small cool breaze for you with her wings she's not sure if it'll help or anything but she'll try
she'll try distracting you by showing off some tricks maybe even attempt another sonic rainboom just for you
early seasons dash would have brushed it off, told you everythings fine, that youre overthinking and need to just "be cool" but later seasons dash does less of that and would be a little more compassionate she'll try hard to come up with things that might help but she'll still argue that some of your thoughts are just you overthinking
pretty quick to be realistic about a situation if youre panicked over a test or an event she'll tell you you'll do fine and you'll breaze past it, even tell you the jist of what you'll expect so youre prepared on top of being realistic she can be really reassuring if she tries
she knows what its like to panic over a crowd or competition she can have some pretty good tips that she's learned instead of stalling and avoiding like using your imagination to make things less scary and intimidating
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Apple Jack when the reader has a panic attack
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aj is the most likely to offer to just talk things through, aside from fluttershy she'll help you face what's causing you to panic and listen to you get it off your chest she knows talking about your thoughts out loud can help you see how irrational they might be and make it easier to disprove them
aj will give you reassurance and reasoning but also any advice you might need now or for future panic attacks
she'll get you to count something like "how many apples is a bushel?....and how many can fit in a pie?" while youre taking some deep breaths
if taking a walk or stretching your legs helps she'll offer to walk it out with you, maybe while you talk or she'll offer to go for a run around the orchard with you to help get the panic energy out
will get you a cold glass of apple juice if you'd like
might even give you her hat untill you feel better
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Fluttershy when the reader has a panic attack
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she will ask any animals of your preference if theyre okay with you petting them especially if petting something soft helps you relax
if you'd like she can ask birds to sing a song and you two can just sit quietly and listen
fluttershy will gladly offer hugs and forehead bonks
she's an amazing listener and her soft and quiet approach can be really comforting
she knows what its like to be overwhelmed and often has panic attacks herself especially related to social anxiety she she'll offer to try any of the tricks and things that normally help her
she will try to offer reassurance and reasoning after listening to you however shes much better at offering reassurance than reasoning
if counting helps she'll get you to count critters with her taking deep breaths and counting all the critters around the area or her place or even just count breaths alongside you
she knows the best quiet spots to relax and get way from stressors around ponyville she'll take you to the closest one if youre okay with walking she'll even tell you all about the animals and plants around that spot
if you need a distraction she's got tonnes of animal facts to share
theres a small chance to get early seasons fluttershy to sing or just humm if that might help later seasons fluttershy is more confident and will even sing alongside birds if you ask for music
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this turned out to be a pretty long post!
i hope these headcanons are alright!
reminder to check out my pinned post for my byf/dni and wills/wonts before sending a request!
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heartnanase · 3 months
in the rain
gojo angst
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“i just don’t understand!” gojo tried to speak over the rain soaking their hair and shirts. “i don’t understand why you left me? why you left everyone? things were going so well, no? we were great friends so why?” lately you cant cant even recognize yourself, since when did you ever become such a bad person? you just stared at him, forcing yourself to look at his desperate face and maybe it’ll help you change to be a better person. thanks to the heavy rain he couldn’t tell you were tearing up. if you never relapsed, you would’ve never left him. being vulnerable was your biggest fear especially with someone who claims they care about you, what if it’s too much for him and he changes his mind? “then don’t try to fucking understand. just go home.” he scoffs as you try to get him to go home.
you can only look away, it’s not like you wanted to push him away, this wasn’t even your first time doing this to him. you’re always on and off, and that’s when you realized you weren’t mentally stable enough to confess to him, let alone stay his friend if all you do is hurt him. ever since you claimed you weren’t enough to be his friend, you didn’t feel enough to be friends with anyone else. you became completely alone. this is your first conversation in years and it surprises you that he is still persistent in an answer. “but i want to understand!.” gojo tried to grab for your hand but you slowly pulled away even if you wanted to beg him to hold on forever. it felt like you were swallowing all your sobs, was it ever this hard to try and stay away from someone you love?
“i’m not like you okay? i can’t keep my feelings in a bottle when i’m near you. if i confess, i’ll be forced to stay in the friend zone and in several years it’ll be an inside joke.” you turned around to walk away but suddenly he grabbed your hand. “you…?” he pauses as he gathers his thoughts, answering all his unanswered questions in his head. “wait why didn’t you say something i loved you back then.. i mean.. i still do..“ you harshly closed your hands into a fist and dug your nails in your palms almost drawing out blood. it pisses you off, that he thought it was that easy. “well i was never ready for a relationship i’m not stable enough and.. being away from you is the only way i could keep myself from telling you i loved you.”
“that’s not for you to decide! i could’ve helped you get better! why do you keep pushing me away!” you stared at his shoes, wishing the heavy rain would wash away everything he’s heard, was it selfish to confess? you gulped as thought of ways to help him go away. you managed to look up at him. “then what? you think you can help me? a bad person like me? i hurt people and i manipulate people. and i use them for my own personal gain and get rid of them as soon as i’m done. maybe.. maybe you were just… just a distraction.” it’s not like anything you said was a lie, you did turn into a bad person and used gojo as an distraction but.. then you accidentally fell in-love with him. but he didn’t want to believe your words, he noticed your tear stained eyes. or maybe he was just being delusional he thought. “you.. you don’t mean that right?” you glared coldly, not on purpose. but your eyes just felt too heavy to keep them open normally.
“you meant nothing to me gojo.”
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socksandbuttons · 3 months
I learned that Dark Sun isn’t a part of the Bean Eclipse Au…..but that made me wonder how the others would’ve reacted when Eclipse got broken by Dark Sun?
Like the weird malfunction chip thing. (I don’t know how to explain it sorry. :[)
Well consisdering this au was WAYYY before eclipse v3/4 came by. (I know what you meant by the chip thing) I dont know how we'd get there. But heres to thinking of the hypothetical scenerio
Solar Flare would notice first. And by notice first I mean, after Eclipse is deliberately hiding it. (He still struggles to let people know when somethings wrong.) Confronted I do think Eclipse would let Solar Flare help find what it is. Without much luck- Eclipse getting more sluggish and struggling to move about gets more obvious. KC having to find out that way instead of being told (Something Solar Flare told Eclipse NOT to do-), pisses him off but that's not something he wants to focus on. Just asking Eclipse what happened- And hearing about a Dark Sun? KC's furious on Eclipse messing with the portal but determined to get Moon AND Monty to check his systems. They don't find anything at first. Considering they don't know what it is they're suppose to look for (what's out of place- But as we see in the episode it might not be what's added thats off but whats transmitting instead)
The slower and more ragged he gets, all the coughing is just distressing everyone. All except Bloodmoon. Who hasn't let up on his own bullying. Lunar even tries to ignore it but its hard to ignore that when you see him all the time. Opting to get between Bloodmoon and Eclipse more. KC being a stressed parent with a sick kid, is trying to find this Dark Sun, is lashing out or trying not to. Almost fruitless- Moon and Sun are on edge really, they may have mixed emotions on Eclipse however they're trying to help, Sun opting to hold Eclipse more (which makes eclipse mad but mans tired). Hell even moons proximity isn't getting Moon swiped at by Eclipse. Bloodmoon doesn't change his behavior, still kicking when Eclipse is down. Obviously this leads to everyone getting frustrated at him. Bloodmoon backs down for now but like- clearly isnt regretting it. Its only until KC snaps at Bloodmoon that its clear Bloodmoon backs off. Very quietly too. KC just has to sit with that for a moment. (he goes crush somethings, meditate for a while-) Lets see here, if this is resolved and the source found- Or maybe even just stops. Eclipse is alleviated. Everyone breaths a sigh of relief. They're still checking Eclipses' systems that they realize they overlooked something. Its only when its gone they realize what it couldve been but since its stopped they cant trace it. Bloodmoon does come back, he doesnt apologize to Eclipse, KC however takes bloodmoon away to properly talk. It doesnt go so well-
Eclipse isn't liking the fact Bloodmoon was just acting as himself but not surprised hell not even expected much else. Lunar... lunar did expect better. He's disappointed but- hey thigns are fine now. They can handle this KC can handle this- Solar Flare meanwhile finds Bloodmoon scratching at walls- and at himself. KC comes back, asked how Bloodmoon is. KC doesnt respond on that. Asks Eclipse how hes feeling. And what that Dark Sun had said. Solar Flare comes back arm torn off, asking what had happened to bloodmoon. This is getting rather long actually hmn. Anyway to the point, Eclipse gets chipped- handles it badly, Bloodmoon's own shenanigans lands him in hot water not just with KC but with Dark Sun. Which would get mostly everyone involved, Eclipse would get mad at Bloodmoon for even going near that guy but Dark Sun wouldve approached Bloodmoon. Which still would set off Eclipse cause thats Red Flags AND SOMEONE WASNT THINKIGN ABOUT THAT. Uh I dont know how this ends, Dark Sun's pretty smart enough but with the Bean AU its a bit more hmn, no one has died- uh again? For him to get Moon spiraling. He would use Bloodmoon given Bloodmoons more prone to just instigating stuff. He was probably hoping for Bloodmoon to kill someone by now actually. However KC;s convo with Bloodmoon, Eclipse in general and Solar Flare would be the ones to keep from everyone completely disowning Bloodmoon from attacking Solar Flare and general disregard to Eclipses health.
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sillygoosealert · 6 months
So guys don’t be like me please but basically I been neglecting my personal needs and now I cant get out of bed. I feel terrible and then I thought of something (insane right?) what if Bi Han find out reader hasnt been taking care of themselves so he takes a day off to care for them
92jinnies, please pull through for me kitten 💕
To another episode, another day blurs
Bi-han comfort, mental episode
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It's been 3 days since you've last brushed your teeth
12 hours since you last up to use the bathroom
And however long since you've last ate
Maybe you won't do anything
Maybe you won't be anyone
Your throat is dry and you can hear yourself blink
The room is dark and smells of cold air
Bi-Han hasn't seen you ever since you crawled into your room and never came out
Well, no one has seen you, but he's worried
He originally thought you ran away or went off
But when looking into your old room, he saw you there
You were just lying there, listening to your breath
He doesn't know what set you off this time, you were fine
But you get like this, where nothing works out and you can't stand to be alive
So you pretend you're not
You don't bathe, you don't eat, you have trouble sleeping at night too
All you can do is exist, but that too seems too much for you
Nothing is easy, but is even harder when you aren't normal
Maybe you look fine, but something is wrong with you
But he knew that when he met you, he knew he had to help you when you couldn't help yourself
So he walks into the room and goes by your side
You motion for him to get into the bed but he just picks you up instead
Carrying you to your shared room
Then he gets on the bed, with you on his lap
He's just cradling you to take in how bad it is this time
He pinches your cheek to see if you will do anything
You hum into him, you can't say anything right now
He starts to undress you, tossing your clothes near the bed
Then you both go into the bathroom, and you get placed into the bath while he runs the water
You put your knees up to your chest and lean your head on them
‘You are tired?’
You hum to that as you yawn
Going back to bed sounds better than anything right now
He scrubs you raw, washing your hair to the best of his abilities
Your hair is tangled and possibly matted, but it could be worse
He rinses you off before putting you on the floor
He dries you off and brings you to the bed
Dressing you in his boxers and shirt
‘Stay put. I am getting you fruit and milk to help give you good nutrients.’
‘Fruit and milk?’
You're giggling, you don't know why
He comes over and scratches your stomach
‘Did you want something else?’
‘I’m not hungry right now, maybe we can eat later..’
‘Oh. When did you last eat?’
‘I don't remember’
You're curled up in the blankets, close to going to bed
‘Then I will get you milk and fruit. Please try to eat when I come back with it.’
After he comes back he makes you brush your teeth before eating, then he helps you eat
You're shaking a lot and you don't even realize it
And you have trouble holding the bowl with fruit or drinking the milk
So he holds your chin and slowly tips the milk so you can drink
Then he feeds you pieces of fruit at your own pace
After he brushes out your hair, humming into your neck when he's finished
Picking you up, he rolls around with you in his arms on the bed
Then he lays ontop of you with his head in your neck
‘I am..here for you, even if no one else is’
‘Thank you’
You're crying now
And he lets you
He lets you cry however much you need to
And he doesn't leave you
He doesn't even think about it
It's you and him
If you have 100 supporters he is one of them
If you only have 1 that is him
If everyone was against you he would stay right by your side
You fall asleep in each other's arms
Nothing is wrong
You are at peace
You are fine with being someone
You are okay with living
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Then you start a family but while pregnant you are MURDERED by Kuai Liang (you know he would, he was going to kill Frost but Harumi stopped him) and it is now Bi-Han against the world. He's alone again 🎀
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stop-talking · 6 months
Honestly? I'm not surprised the FNAF movie is delayed.
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They're DEFINETLY struggling to come up with a plot for the next movie. They planned to make three movies if the first went well, but they didn't really leave themselves much room for a sequel.
What do I mean by that? Well...
• The driving conflict of the first movie, that got Mike to work at Freddy's in the first place, was the custody battle with aunt Jane. But they fucking killed her off. (In the movie, it seems like it's possible she still may be alive, but in the book it's pretty much confirmed she's dead.) Abby sees her "lying in a puddle of ketchup" or something when golden freddy comes to get her. And I have a direct quote from Mike.
"You know," he said, "I think my aunt has finally decided to move on." I mean... she kind of did, Mike thought. (Pg 317)
• Oh, and also in the book, it's said Mike gets a nice new job as a contractor after the events at Freddy's, so it's not like they can pull the "Mike can't find a job so he HAS to work at another Freddy's location!" thing again.
• AND, they resolved his storyline with Garrett. He's found the killer, and watched him die. (Even if we know he's not dead). Mike realized Abby is much more important than his dead brother and he no longer torments himself with thoughts of Garrett... so I don't think he'd go poking around in another Freddy's location to "figure out what happened". He knows what happened. And he's finally over it.
• It seems like they TRIED to give themselves something to work with in the end credits. You know, the "C O M E F I N D M E". But honestly? It's not all that helpful. There's no clear way to tell who it's addressed to or who it's from. Everyone seems to agree it's Garrett speaking to Mike as the puppett, but honestly? That doesn't make sense to me.
• I've already explained that I don't think Mike is interested in learning more about his brother's death. He knows who killed him, and watched that man die. Mike is as "at peace" as he's ever going to get. Besides, I don't think Garrett is the puppett!! At all!!
• In the movie, Mike says he feels closer to Garrett at Freddy's. I think that means his soul is LITERALLY there, in THAT Freddy's location. Why else would he say that? Just because there are ghosts there killed by the same man? Also, in the novel, Mike literally sees Garrett's ghost in the pizzeria and it leads him to Springtrap. Finally, the "It's me" messages that keep appearing near Mike. Who else would be writing that shit? It's not just a little Easter egg for the audience. It has to be someone Mike knows. Garrett. (Also I think there's a strong argument to be made that Garrett is co-posessing Golden Freddy with the little blonde boy)
Honestly? No clue. But I think there are a few interesting directions they could take things.
1) From Mike's dad, to Mike.
In the movie they sort of imply Mike's dad offed himself, but in the book they reveal he just walked out on them. So he's still out there somewhere, and they could totally reveal he had some kind of connection to Freddy's and William, and it would explain why William drove all the way to goddamn Nebraska to kidnap some random ass kid.
2) From springtrap, to some unfortunate soul dumb enough to set him free
In the games, he was locked away in a bricked off room for like 30 years before being set free, but I don't think these movies are going to have that big of a time skip. Probably a year at most. So I could see the next movie starting with some idiot freeing springtrap.
3) Okay yeah I cant think of anything else.
And I know I'm not a professional screenplay writer but those bitches are anxiously struggling too!! In every interview where Josh Hutcherson (Mike) has been asked about a sequel, he says they're still trying to figure out the story. No shit!! They didn't give themselves anything to work with.
• So basically, Mike has absolutely no reason to go back to another Freddy's location, and the little secret message at the end is almost too vague to be useful.
So, what DID they leave themselves to work with in the next movie? What plot points remain unresolved?
• For one thing, they didn't even give William a fucking motive for killing kids. Or for luring security guards to their deaths. This version of him seems to have a much better understanding of remnant and possession that his game counterpart, but there's no reason given for that either. In the game, he does it all for his dead son. He wants to "fix" him. But they didn't set up any hints to that in the first movie. Mike talked to Vanessa about HIS dead brother, so I feel like if the whole "dead son" thing was the case, she would have mentioned she lost a sibling too.
• Or maybe William would have brought it up at the end when he was getting mad at Vanessa. The "mess YOU created!!" scene. He probably would have said something like, "You know why we have to do this, Vanessa." But he didn't. There's literally no known motive, and it'll be kind of hard to set one up without any breadcrumbs left in the previous movie.
• Mike was TOTALLY falling for Vanessa in the books. Yeah, I know, a lot of people feel FNAF isn't a place for romance, and SCHMELLY isn't a very popular ship... but that doesn't change the face he almost kissed her in the novel. (Also in the book she threw his EMPTY PILL BOTTLE into the river, didn't actually toss bro's meds! So she's a little more likeable!)
"Vanessa and Mike grinned at each other, and Mike felt something zing inside of him. It was a palpable 'wow' feeling that was much more intense than his casual appreciation of her beauty. And the zing felt like it was going both ways. The look Vanessa was giving Mike was one he hadn't ever seen before... not directed at him anyway. Her reciprocation of his feelings was so strong that he felt himself leaning toward her." (pg 186)
(They didn't kiss though, Vanessa blushed and looked away and changed the subject.) Still... now they have to address their little romantic subplot in the next movie as well.
• Vanessa. Just as a character. There's a lot to work with there. Personally, I think it would be interesting to use her coma to tell a story. You know, have her flashback to there's childhood with William and at Freddy's. (Honestly if they don't do that they're dumb and missing a huge opportunity. Why else put her in the goddamn coma?)
• Also, in the novel, they heavily implied she's... a robot? Apparently, her eyes drastically change color and Mike notes she flips from "girl mode" to "cop mode" on a dime. In the movie she just looked bipolar.
"Yeah Abby, let's use the tables for the fort! 😄"
"Mike if you bring her here again I will SHOOT YOU. 🤬"
• But yeah apparently she's a robot. A robot so convincing that even hospital nurses and doctors can't tell. With no explanation for how William could have built that. Or why there's a photo of her and William where she's clearly a child. Did he build a child robot that grew up into an adult woman robot? Or did he build two robots? Or did child Vanessa die and he replaced her with a robot? Who knows!
"Mike watched, mesmerized, as Vanessa's irises deepened noticeably in hue. They went from their usual soft, almost greyish-blue to a deeper indigo. The shift was so pronounced it almost looked computer-generated. It was also enormously disquieting. Mike felt like he was watching a human turn into..." (pg 184)
• So for the next move, Mike has no motive to go visit Freddy's, William has no motive in general, and Vanessa is a robot. The script practically writes itself, am I right??
And then there's the way Scott Cawthon likes to incorporate fan feedback into all of his projects.
(Ex: People complained FNAF 3 wasn't scary, so he made FNAF 4 horrifying)
• I have no doubt he's going to incorporate the fanbase's favorite characters into the next movie. (Ness, Doug, Maxine, Jeremy) Which honestly just complicates the plot further, adding more stipulations to the script.
• Bringing Ness back would be easy? Mike and Abby could have a scene in the diner, I guess, but it's also sort of unnecessary, and I'm not sure MatPat would agree to another cameo. He's retired.
• Bringing Doug back would be more complicated. He's aunt Jane's lawyer... but they fuckin' killed her off. So. Doug is not needed.
• Jeremy could come back? Maybe? He's really a background character... It's not stated whether or not Mike was friends with him outside work, or kept in touch with him after being fired.
• Maxine is a lot more complicated. The actress who plays her, Kathryn Sterling, said herself that she was originally supposed to have a bigger role in the film but it got trimmed down. And THEN there's the way she was stuffed into a purple Freddy suit, which a lot of fans theorize is supposed to be Shadow Freddy. On her TikTok, she basically confirms this, hinting to her character coming back in the next movie and being more important.
So in the next movie...
1) Mike has to somehow have to end up tangled back into Freddy Fazbullshit even though he has NO desire to... (Remember the way he looked at Abby when she asked if they could visit them??)
2) They have to reveal or at least hint towards Vanessa being a robot
3) Mike & Vanessa romance subplot??
4) William needs a fucking motive for killing people
5) The audience needs to be able to tell who "come find me" was said by AND who it was directed towards
6) Bonus points if they can cram in more youtuber cameos & beloved characters from the last movie like Jeremy and Doug
So yeah. It's a lot to consider when writing. And the clock is ticking, because kids, especially little kids like Garrett's actor, grow up FAST. And ghost kids aren't supposed to grow up. Ghost kids are supposed to be dead.
I do want to say though, that despite the plot holes, I LOVE the FNAF movie. I've watched it 20+ times. It's genuinely one of my comfort movies. I'm excited for the next movie, but I'm also sort of expecting it to be late 2025 before we get to see it.
Scott is notoriously picky. He turned down, like, 8 scripts for the first movie before settling on the Mike storyline. I don't mind waiting, especially considering how difficult this next movie is gonna be to write. Also if you read this whole rant?? Damn?? Kiss me on the mouth rn.
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inmyownfantasywrld · 1 year
I Only Have Eyes for You | alex turner x reader
summary: Your friend you’ve known for quite awhile has invited you to her wedding, she requested you bring a plus one, and there is someone just perfect in mind.
a/n: i’m so sorry but i completely gave up on trying to restore the old ones and just decided to write a new one. btw i haven’t written in a while, and this one was rushed so badly, so it’s not the best… but enjoy! (p.s this is not proof read, so sorry in advance 😅)
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Ever since your best friend matt introduced you to his band mates two years ago, you found yourself catching feelings for one specific member, alex. you somehow always caught yourself day dreaming about him, and got a warm feeling all over when you were near him or just thinking about him.
the thing that got you hooked was how you were just so comfortable around him, as if you knew each other for much longer, also the way he has with words, and how they sound so effortless when talking or singing on stage.
moments you cherished dearly were when you two would be at the cooks for a gathering but always end up outside smoking while the rest were inside talking. he would speak of anything that came to mind because he would instantly feel comfortable around you. your conversations can range from young adolescent years to music then to tough personal struggles, you two really helped each other without knowing it.
the first person you’d think of for help or advice was alex, and when alex was in need of help, all he can think about was you.
“alex we’re gonna be late if you don’t hurry up and speed here,” you whine into the phone while shoving gum and a lipgloss into your small baguette bag. “who said i wasn’t already here,” alex’s voice was so serious in that moment for you to freeze for a second and run out the door.
“wait, wait a minute,” you look around outside to the empty street, “you fucker!”.
he laughs at your confusion, “i’m sorry love i had to get you out the house or else you would’ve taken forever to come out, but anyway i’m turning the corner see ya in a bit.” he hung up the call and as soon as you looked up he was already there.
alex got out of the car and leaned against the door on the passenger side. he had a huge grin on his face as you walk towards him, you take the opportunity to subtly check him out while he’s probably doing the same.
alex was wearing a dark navy blue tuxedo, with a pair of black leather loafers, his hair was messy but put together as always. the sight of him made your knees weak. god. he’s just so, you can’t even describe it. handsome? beautiful? sexy? anything that came to mind described alex in every way possible.
alex was practically drooling inside when he first saw you, you were wearing a dark red maxi dress that had a low back, the dress accentuated your curves times ten making it hard for alex to not stare, you paired the beautiful gown with black chunky platform heels that make you almost as tall as alex, and your hair in a blowout making you look like a super model.
“you look handsome,” you smile and nod in approval. “thank you love, and you look gorgeous as well,” his voice deep and husky, his words turn your cheeks warm and give you butterflies. you guys exchanged a quick hug, one you wished lasted a little longer. alex opens the door for you and watches you carefully slip in, he shuts the door and heads to the drivers side.
while on the way you two had been pouring your heart out onto reptilla by the strokes for fifteen minutes now, the song was played over and over again, it was now permanently burned into your brain. the time was three o’clock and the reception starts at three thirty, you made it just on time.
alex parks the car and helps you get out. you glance up at him and you realize you haven’t seen that smile wipe off of face ever since he had picked you up. you can’t help but smile back, it’s contagious.
“i cant believe we made it on time, i really believed we’d be late with your granny driving,” you laugh off, while making sure you have everything you need in your bag.
“if i didn’t call you saying i was outside, you’d still be getting ready, plus, I don’t even drive that slow.” he huffed out as he holds out his arm for you to loop yours around. “bet you my grandma can drive faster,” you joke, alex chuckles and starts walking both of you towards the ceremony.
it’s been a few hours since the ceremony ended, you and alex are now on the dance floor dancing horribly to katy on a mission by katy b. the memories of you introducing alex to this song flood your brain but disappear when you see alex dancing without a care in the world. the atmosphere was dark, the only light source being laser lights you’d see in the club, so it really didn’t matter how he was dancing because you could barely see. the newly weds were no where to be found, most likely hooking up in a random room.
you realize you haven’t had a single drink ever since you’ve been on the dance floor, you want to go to the bar but would rather if alex came with. “can you come with me to the bar?” you yell over the blaring music to alex, he aggressively nods his head, which brought a smile to your face.
once you make it to the bar you order a martini and water, alex gets a margarita like he always does. you have a seat on the stools, relaxing your feet from standing/dancing for almost two hours. alex sits on the stool next to you and starts checking his phone.
“your dance moves were impeccable to katy b,” you laugh out, alex rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “i wouldn’t be talking love, i saw your moves to rihanna” he raises his eyebrows and tilts his head. you smack his bicep and narrow your eyes, “you better not tell anyone,” alex inhales sharply and rubs the spot you had smacked, “if you don’t dance all crazy for riri what are you doing, head bopping? could’ve swore i saw you dancing too,”
“maybe i was,” he chuckles as he retrieves your drinks. “and no, i wasn’t head bopping i was proudly singing, and maybe dancing.” you guys both laugh while attempting to sip your drinks.
“did you know that tomorrow marks the day we met two years ago, two years!” you stare out into deep space just thinking about it. it was crazy how two years ago you met alex, and clicked instantly. he became your closest friend, one that you tell everything to, he’s the only person you’ve told about your trauma, and he didn’t judge. he helped and comforted you, which is why you love him in every way possible
alex felt the very same way but you didn’t know it, yet. he loved how you would ramble about your life, or anything, and he loved to just sit and listen. you were like a hydrangea, with a little bit of soaking you opened up and turned out to be a beautiful flower. you have so many story’s that alex loved listening to, he was happy he was lucky to be with you in that moment. after hearing about your past relationships and how they treated you so poorly he knew he had to make a change.
“five, four, three, two, one. happy anniversary love,” he showed you his watch with his smile reaching his ears. a butterfly exhibit was practically inside you now, for the first time in forever, you were nervous with alex. maybe it’s the feelings you have for him, or the little gestures he does but you’ve gone completely head over heels for him again, if it was even possible at this point.
you raise your glass to alex, and clink the glasses together. while taking a sip of your martini you maintain eye contact with him through the glass, his gaze makes you weak, making you want to melt on the stool, eventually you look up to the ceiling to break the contact. you can feel his eyes on you, he was looking at every inch of you at every opportunity he got. he ripped his eyes away when you put down your glass, and started to sip your water.
“i’m surprised you remembered,” he exclaimed, he smiles almost as a smirk and cocks his head. “it’s marked in my calander for a reason,” you smile shyly, and look down to your lap while a few loose strands of hair fall on your face.
alex reaches out and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. “good, cause i do too,” he whispered.
his voice, the gesture, his touch makes extremely flustered.
alex’s hand cups the right of your cheek, caressing it with his thumb. you take the opportunity to hold his hand and fully rest the side of your face on his hand. his deep chuckle can be felt throughout his entire body, the vibrations run from his head to his fingertips. at this point your eyes struggle to stay open, you attempt to fight your eyelids but they eventually win.
“tired?” alex whispered softly into your ear, nearly touching.
“mhm,” you groan, attempting to lift your head, but it felt as if it were a bowling ball.
“will you dance with me?” alex requests while running his hands up and down your exposed back. his touch leaving a trail of goosebumps.
“if you’re too tired we do-“, your head snaps up as you heard the question. “i would love to, al!” you chimed in.
alex’s smile is the brightest smile in the universe, his cheeks and nose are a light pink, his eyes softly gaze into yours taking a look at your features. you notice his eyes subtly glance over your lips but immediately return back to your eyes.
alex gets up and holds out his hand, you grab his hand as he starts to lead you to the dance floor where everyone was slow dancing. it is now when you realize what alex had intended, and how alex’s timing was just perfect, he knows exactly what he did and isn’t ashamed of it.
the first notes of ‘i only have eyes for you’ by the flamingos ring through the air, you wrap your arms around alex’s neck, while his hands settle on your waist. he sways both of you side to side, while never breaking eye contact.
my love must be a kite of blind love, i can’t see anyone but you…
by coincidence when you had first met alex this was the song, the song you listen to and all you had imagined was him. you’d be spread across your bed, stare at your ceiling, listen to this song and replay all the little moments you had shared with him in the beginning, him opening the door for you, stealing each others glances in a busy room, being able to spot each other in a large crowd, smoking together, and any other minor interaction.
alex felt the same exact way.
as you rest your head against his chest, you can hear his heartbeat beating at an abnormal pace, the one they’d have due to them being nervous, or frightened. you put your delusion cap on for a split second and thought you were making him feel this way, but you knew alex would never go for you, he only saw you as a friend.
alex squeezed your waist slightly, pulling you back into reality.
“you alright, you’ve been staring out into space for awhile, anything you wanna talk about?” he gently asked, his left hand lightly running up and down your back, while his left hand lifts your chin to look at him. he raised his eyebrows slightly and his chocolate eyes softly gazed into yours. your cheeks turn warm, all over your body in fact. he made you feel so safe, and warm whenever and wherever. it’s what you loved about him.
are the stars out tonight..
this giant urge to tell alex how you feel is killing you. you want to tell him so badly, but you fear it can go so wrong. some scenarios you’ve conjured were it can be just like you imagine, you tell him how you feel and tuns out he feels the same way too, boom, live happily ever after. second way is he is utterly disgusted, leaves you at the wedding, alone, with no ride home, and break off all connects to you. and lastly the third way could be is that you never tell him, live in agony for all eternity, and die alone.
you’re gonna do it. you’re gonna do it, y/n.
“it’s,” you hesitate for a second, taking a look in his captivating brown eyes, acknowledging the tiny scar above his left eye.
you slightly readjust your arms around his neck, “its just that, when we had first met this was the song i would listen to and…and think of you. i actually think of you quite often, more than just a friend should,” you whisper the last bit, biting your lip trying to sooth your nerves.
i don’t know if it’s cloudy or bright…
alex continues to slowly dance with you while listening to the song deeply, as if the song is just sang for the both of them. his head gently laying on top of your head, his other hand holds you at your waist, keeping you close.
“this song reminds me of you so much too.” his whisper almost inaudible.
“that first night we met i already knew you’d be the love of my life. when i first heard this song, around the time we met actually, all i could imagine was us as we danced to i only have eyes for you. I think that’s when I knew you were the one for me, and you’re still the only person I have eyes for.” he lifts his head from the top of your head and glances at you with a giant smile.
your cheeks were practically on fire, you wanted to scream so loud. your smile is too big to fit your face, you felt on top of the world. your best friend you’ve been in love with for two years now, was in love with you. this is the dream you’ve waited so long to become reality, and now it’s here are yet you’re still in disbelief.
alex leans close to your face and ever so slightly whispers, “i love you.”
his eyes travel from your eyes down to your lips. you can barely process what he had just said, but your eyes start tearing up from happiness, and the smile never coming off.
“can i kiss you?” alex whispered, you nod your head, slightly nervous. alex leans in closer and presses his lips against yours. his lips were soft and gentle with yours. your lips moving in sync with one another, hungry for each other. his hands lightly squeezing your waist while yours were tangled in his hair. your body was buzzing all throughout your body, electricity sparking the kiss.
shortly after, you two pull away for air, both chests rising and falling rapidly. alex rests his forehead against yours whispering sweet nothings. you open your eyes looking up through your lashes to find alex smiling like a sweet child, you bring your hands away from his neck and move to his collar, smoothing it out. “i love you too al.” you confess before pulling alex by his shirt collar and giving him another kiss.
i only have eyes for you, my dear.
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yep it’s short one, hope you enjoyed, this is so shitty i’m so sorry 🥹
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mystarsohee · 6 months
theres nothing like doing nothing with you
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genre: fluff, a little bit of angst, comfort
inspired by bruno majors "nothing" mostly the first verse/chorus tbh (also my first post lowk scared !!!!)
!!! non-sexual use of daddy
cg!sohee gn!reader
silently coloring on the living room floor, which is one of your favorite things to do while trying to make time go faster so sohee would come home from whatever hes doing. usually you would wait to move into a younger headspace until sohee came home, but you felt upset. upset over who knows what, you just felt bad that day.
you didnt hear the door open. or sohee walking into the living room, until you heard his voice, "hi baby! im home now okay?" with a smile on his face which always made you feel at ease, and a kiss to your cheek. you only hummed at him. he decided to sit next to you, "your coloring looks amazing baby, you're gonna have to give that to me so i can hang it up!" again, only humming at him to express your agreement.
"do you want to play? or have you eaten? i havent seen you all day!" sohee questioned. you responded, "i dunno" not accepting it as an answer, he got up and headed towards your room. where was he going? all you wanted today was to be near him, but now hes gone again? you slowly start to sniffle, just because you felt bad all day without your daddy, but he disappeared! "baby? what happened?" oh. you looked up slightly, your favorite stuffed animal stared right back at you. "im sorry love, i could tell you were a bit upset and i went to grab a stuffed animal for you before i tried to talk to you." he said along with a kiss to your head. "cm'ere, lets sit on the couch together." without a word, followed his request, you cuddled up next to sohee, comfortably with his arm around you. not wanting him to think you're mad at him, you held your stuffed animal and tried to explain, "i feel really bad."
"bad? did something happen?" he placed the back of his hand to your forehead to check for an alarming temperature. you looked up at him with a pout, "no.. just feel bad." hating to see you like this, he quickly tried to come up with a solution. he brushed his hand through your hair, "well.. seunghan left his nintendo switch here, are you up for a game of mario kart?"
mario kart? sohee knows that you dont play around when it comes to mario kart. in this headspace or not, you wont go easy on anyone. "i'll beat you!" you sat up as adrenaline quickly rushed through you at the thought of playing mario kart. "we'll have to see about that baby, i've been practicing!" he responds, again, with that pretty smile of his.
after one round and your victory, sohee quickly asks for a rematch. "no fair! i was distracted by your cute face." he says, pretending to be defeated, though he knew he would lose because he cant resist your face while you concentrate on maintaining your spot in first place. you can't help but laugh at him, "daddy how did you lose, this one was so easy.." you ramble a bit and criticize his technique, and try to give him advice. though he makes an effort to listen, he focuses on the way your eyes sparkled while talking about something you love. he wonders if you look that way when you talk about him to someone else. snapping out of it, he hears you say "i don't feel like playing this anymore, it's too easy.."
"well, what does my baby want to do? how are you feeling after totally crushing me in mario kart?" he doesn't want to suggest anything, because you usually like to be the one who picks the activities you feel like doing that day. you think for a few seconds, while sohee cleans up the controllers, "i want to do nothing." you do this often, you request to do something that sohee doesn't really know how to give to you. he still does everything in his power to meet your needs. if you ever asked him to bring the stars down from the sky for you, he would do whatever it takes to get them to you. "alright then. nothing it is." so he just sits there. doing nothing. just like you asked. you did the same, sit against him in silence. and you felt perfect! exactly what you wanted. to be with your daddy, and do nothing! just be there with him is all you want.
the both of you sit there, for atleast an hour or two. you just fidget around with his hands, and admire his pretty moles. he just stares at you in disbelief, watching you somehow entertain yourself with just himself! no movie, no phones, just the occasional "i love you" or kiss coming from you or him. theres a million other things sohee could be doing right now, but he doesn't care about that. as long as you're happy and content with the current situation, he would be too.
"have i told you lately, i'm grateful you're mine?"
author note: my first post on tumblr ever !!!! i hope whoever reads this enjoys, and feel free to request something for me to write! im pretty much open to writing anything riize/nct whether its agere or not 💞 feedback would definitely be appreciated!
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oletus-manors-log · 1 year
hiya ! noticed ur rqs were still open so was wondering if i could ask for general romance hcs for mike and aesop?? its completely fine if you cant i understand. i hope you have a great day ahead of you ! :))
“ After losing my mind over personal matters, I finally managed to get to writing about these two. I do apologize for how long it took, because there are actually things I needed to focus on outside of my job.
But anyhow, here it is! I also looked up on Mike and Aesop because I actually didn't know Mike's story as a survivor, and reading up how people portray him really helped in pinning down what he's like. I do hope it's up to your expectations, dear guest. I tried my best with him, but I do think I can do better in the future. ”
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General Romance HCs for: Mike & Aesop
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The Acrobat is... An interesting man, that one.
Considering his behavior and past, there's a lot of things that can go with him. However, if you think he of all survivors would be the type to back down? Hah!
Absolutely not.
Don't underestimate him- unlike most of the survivors, Mike does have somewhat of an experience with romance. Although the Hullabaloo Incident had him lose everything and suffer psychological damage, he's had a few... Flings. Not as much, though, but a few that can help him understand.
People always say that he's quite the mischievous fellow, and although they'd be right, they don't often mention how he can be quite flippant.
For one moment, he may act quite kind- perhaps even a little cheeky if he so felt like it. But then next thing, he acts a lot more off, almost like he didn't have the desire to do much.
For the most part, though, when he's in love? He is one stubborn man to the person that became the thing he focused on.
Since he is an entertainer by means of his role (one being acrobatics), he enjoys putting on a show for the one he likes. One may say that, perhaps, Mike enjoys putting on a show if it meant seeing his darling smile! ✩
On that regard, he also doesn't like to see the person he cherishes sad. Please, if there is anything putting a damper on them, he'd be really worried if he wasn't told of what it is! Was it because of a match? Or maybe it's something else?
The acrobat can be quite, quite silly in his endeavors to make someone smile- even more so with his beloved darling! ✩ The amount of times he can be so determined to help them feel joy in an otherwise hopeless match can be a lot.
Oh, but please, do make sure he's never near anything in the kitchen :( as much as he'd like to say that he can and will be willing to cook for his beloved if asked, sometimes it can lead to... A burned meal instead. At worst? It may be set on fire.
... Yes, Emily gets angry whenever this happens. Probably a good reminder to not risk another burned room again.
Despite his nature, though, there may be times that he would crave something more calmer. On that regard, he enjoys quite a lot of cuddles if it meant having some time to 'recharge'.
Yes, he may be extroverted, but goodness sake, he isn't always full of energy...
Dates with him can be pretty spontaneous, actually. It isn't that rare to see him plan out a date on one thing in a map, only to do the complete opposite- which, well, makes it all the more fun for him.
To the Acrobat, he enjoys the surprise it can lead with plans going to an entirely different direction! The thrill it can lead gives him adrenaline- ah, so as long it doesn't involve arson.
Speaking of which, he enjoys making a show with the bombs he has! Although he would much rather keep it from going absolutely everywhere and risk an explosion as a result, he enjoys it when his lover gets to see the spectacle he can do with them!
Overall, Mike is possibly one of the few survivors that can be quite the wild one when in love. He does try his best to be, well, out of sight when it comes to trouble, but let's just say his ways of expressing his adoration surpasses it all ✩
“ Ah, the star of the show arrived just in time! ✩ Listen, I just found something amazing in Moonlit River Park, and I think you should see it! C'mon! It'll be fun! ”
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... Pardon? Romance?
You must be joking, right?
Aesop Carl's thoughts are, well, exactly that with the matters of romance. Now, don't get me wrong- he isn't some heartless bastard that'd think of outright denying it.
He's just more used to being hated by others for how he was raised. After all, he had quite a grim past, majority of it was thanks to Jerry's treatment.
... that, and he honestly thinks that people are better off with not trying to get together with him. It made more sense that way.
So many may think that he is introverted to the matter of romance, and although you aren't wrong at the idea of him being introverted, he's more of the avoidant type.
He isn't even interested in romance, so why would you think he'd be interested in forming a literal emotional bond?
So the biggest surprise for him isn't the general aspect of romance, no— it was how he felt with a literal person, and how it was positive and not dread.
After all, he was raised by the literal scum of the Earth… Right? So why does he feel so humane?
Why does he feel the warmth in his chest when he sees the person he loves? And even the simplest touch they have… It makes him giddy.
… He doesn't know how to process that. And because of that, he avoids the person causing such emotions.
He's like Grace, but you'd have to put in effort with him. He's the type to avoid anything and everything that regards the matter of human interaction, and in that regard, to the person he likes.
Not to worry, however— if he likes you enough and understands the emotions he's processing, he slowly opens up and lets you through the many walls he's built up.
Aesop himself doesn't know how to express the many emotions in his heart, but he expresses it as best as he's able to. Be it through speaking or nonverbal gestures, you get what he's trying to show you, and you still love it all the same for his efforts.
He's pretty good in putting up makeup on his lover, and would be found putting it on them anywhere so as long it's private. Hell— ask him to put your makeup on the bed! He might grumble if you move too much, but he definitely will try.
When he's spent from interacting with the others, he seeks you out first. He craves you and your touch, and God forbid you don't give him that. I'm not saying that he's possessive, but he definitely is the type to sulk over it and be petty in return.
… What I mean is, he ignores you for as long as you did to him. Poor Aesop.
He sometimes talks about having to preserve your body when you die one day, opting to find the right coffin for you, makeup that makes you look the same when you're alive, and even offer to put you in the clothes you were on when you first met him.
… Please tell him not to though. It'd be… Questionable if the others heard of it.
He isn't the most confident of survivors, but if you are lucky (or you're in a teasing mood and tease him), there's a rare chance he gets back at you with a surprise kiss.
He finds it the easiest to shut up his lover with one, even if its rare and he knows you'd ask for more. Not that he minds… Surprisingly.
He likes PDA, but only a small bit in public. He hates it if you do more than a simple hand holding, though sometimes he would also crave more. It's very difficult to read him, but when you know him enough, you'd know when to give him what he wants.
Although Aesop has his own quirks, he's one of the few residents that people may have a hard time envisioning that he'd have a chance at romance. And although he agreed to that ideal, having a chance himself was… Rather pleasant for a change.
“ … You're back from your match. You're left unharmed, right? … Good. ”
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© ᴏʟᴇᴛᴜs-ᴍᴀɴᴏʀs-ʟᴏɢ | 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟹 ✧ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛs ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ ᴀʟʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ, ʙᴜᴛ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢs ᴀʀᴇ | ᴀʀᴛ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢs ᴛᴏ ʀɪɢʜᴛғᴜʟ ᴏᴡɴᴇʀs
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slasherlaurie · 1 year
rubs hands together maliciously
May I request some headcanons for my gatekeeping gaslighting girlboss Skull Merchant with a short S/O? I feel like she'd be the type to keep things on the top shelves and make her partner beg for help getting stuff only to sigh and be like "...fine, but only because I love you and you're making that face."
YES OMG there’s nowhere near enough adriana enjoyers and we need to change that asap 😭
lil bit shorter because i’ve been unexpectedly busy but im so gonna be writing more skull merchant content soon so i’ll make up for it <3333
warnings: slightly possessive behaviour, none other than that! gn reader
Adriana Imai/The Skull Merchant x short!Reader headcanons
Adriana absolutely keeps things she knows you’ll use on top shelves just so you’ll ask for her help
she’ll pretend not to hear you calling from the other room until you come to her with your pleads
the sight of you looking up at her never fails to make her pull you in by the waist and give you a kiss on the forehead
she’ll go get it for you, but she’ll make sure to take her time about it
she just loves teasing you so much, you cant blame her 🖤
Adriana has so so many pet names for you, almost always something referencing your height and god does she enjoy the flustered look you give her when she comes up with a new one
however as cruel as she may be in other areas of life, she’d never want to hurt you. hence why if you mentioned anything she does bothers you she’d cease immediately
she’s ABSOLUTELY big spoon, you’re just so cute and short how can she not??
though she’d never say it out loud, Adriana craves the feeling of being wrapped around your shorter frame. she needs to protect you, love you like no one else could
VERY possessive of you in public
you’re out at dinner somewhere fancy and someone looks at you in a way she doesnt like? their body will never be found 😌
always has her hands on you somehow
an arm slipped around your waist as you walk together, fingers intertwined inside one of her expensive cars, a cheeky hand sliding up your leg to grip your thigh
she loves it all
the only thing she loves more, (besides you ofc) is returning from a long business conference to see you asleep in your shared bed, wrapped up in a shirt of her’s
it looks so big on you, and seeing how you have your face tucked into the front where she sprays her perfume makes her heart do flips
she’ll swiftly change into something comfortable before stalking into bed as well, choosing to lay the way you’re facing this time
softly bringing your head to rest against her chest, Adriana kisses the top of your head and glides her nimble fingers across your scalp in a soothing massage
as she whispers softly about how much she loves you, how special you are to her, she pretends not to notice your eyelids flickering, clearly awake for a while and enjoying Adriana’s loving attention 🖤
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lunaekalenda · 2 years
Hello queen. Can i request an angst with porco where the reader is madly in love with him but just cant get him? I feel moody so i need pain, suffering and despair😩😩
sure! i do need that too i'm feeling you 😩 also sorry this came up so late ! hope you like it!
"See, it has nothing to see with you..." He starts, eyes fixed on the white straw of his milkshake. You're sitting in front of him in silence, attentive to every single one of his words, as you feel tears starting to form on your eyes. Porco keeps his gaze low as he searches the right words to break your heart.
You can't even remember when you started to like him. Maybe it was when he arrived to your high school, several years ago, with his little group of friends. He looked friendly, nice, always smiling to everyone and always there for anyone.
You remember your first interaction, of course. He was late for his training, and Reiner was waiting for him at the end of the corridor. Bad luck he had running into you, who tried to leave the council's room, always so full of papers, with bags hanging on both your arms. The scene seemed to pass on slow motion, all the papers flying around you, as he gripped his hands to the door, avoiding falling. You didn't even know where to start apologizing, you felt way too shy to say anything, and less, to the new guy. You tried to start.
But he smiled at you.
It was so sincere, so pure, that it was stuck on your mind for months, as your words got stuck on your throat.
"I'm sorry." he said, simply. "I shouldn't be running on the corridors, and less, near doors." he smiled again as he kneeled on the floor, getting all the papers as he could together. You quickly helped.
"I should have checked if anyone was passing by, sorry." He dismisses it with a wave of his hand, smiling again, as he fixes his eyes on you.
"I'm Porco. Nice to meet you, even under this circumstances."
You started to find him more and more around, on the breaks, at lunch time, and he even got closer to your friend group. It wasn't rare to see both him and you spending time together with them all on summer, during winter holidays and after your graduation. You and your friends went to all his matches, cheering on both him and Reiner, and having a drink right after it, regardless of the result.
All the time you spent together started to make your heart nervous, pounding like crazy every time he was close to you. You wanted so bad to spend time together, and alone, for once. But he didn't seem to catch your intentions, at least, that's what you thought.
"Wanna go to the movies?" you ask him on one of your groupal karaoke sessions, when he sat by your side after singing. You were too shy, but the dark room and the color lights helped to hide your expression. Porco smiled.
"Sure! Hey!" he yelled, automatically after. "When are you all free for a movie?" you felt your soul dropping to your feet, as he turned and smiled at you under all the claps and the overall discussion about the films.
You tried so bad to have a date, but he kept making them groupal, inviting Reiner, your friends, or a mix of all of them. You tried for months, asked your friends for help, gave up and tried again when you felt a little interest by his side. And, finally, you asked him to go to the café near your uni alone. And here you are now, getting rejected by your crush, on a café known by being a romantic place. You even let him choose you a drink, and it's not even close to what you like. You suspect his attention was never on you, but on someone near you instead. After all, there's one girl in your group.
And she does like Vanilla Coffee.
"It's just... You probably misunderstood my signals." he sighs.
You've never been who I like.
"I thank you for your interest and I apologize for not being interested back."
There's someone else on my head.
"See, uh... You are very kind, and truly a friend I can rely on."
But you're not who I want.
"But... It can't be reciprocal, sorry."
Without a word more, he stands up, with a uncomfortable smile, paying for both your drinks and leaving quickly, as tears start to fall on your cup, the table and down your cheeks before you even realize.
Outside, Pieck waits for Porco with a smile, as he holds her hand to walk towards the park.
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prettyboykatsuki · 9 months
Hii plz just ignore this if you’re uncomfortable or reply to it if you'd like to reply I really would appreciate it but I just need to get some stuff out of my chest
I feel so so bad I just cant see whats the point in my life anymore I feel as if Im just consuming and not giving anything in return I feel useless I dont know how to take a joke or how to make one I dont know how to express my feelings and emotions properly and people keep getting the wrong ideas and Im tired of explaining anything to anyone and I feel as if all of my friends aren’t really there like Im just a passing person on their life I keep losing people and I keep leaving people afraid of them leaving me sometimes and I dont get what the hell is wrong with me sometimes I wish I was never born or if I were someone else but then again I wish I had the power to keep moving and make my life better but I cant even do that I study day and night and I dont get the grade that I want while some people I knew spends their whole life on social media and they are getting full grades literally I feel like Im useless in every aspect of life and I know I shouldn’t be complaining and there are people who have it worse but I really needed to get that out of my chest and I can’t trust anyone of the people I know to tell them all of this also Im going through exams and shit so I just feel really pressured and all
Anyway thank you if you wasted your time reading this or not it doesn’t matter but I really enjoy your writings as well they make me feel alive so thank you for existing🩵
i thought for a long time today on how to reply to this. or if i should. get asks like this that are triggering can be very tricky to navigate, because on one had it is hard for me. and on the other, i care and have sympathy for you. and i think sometimes, it is easier to reach out to stranger about how you feel than people you love. so i would never blame you for that, or want to make you feel worse.
mostly, i want to say i am unqualified to help you completely. because im just a person who's live a vague concept of a life. take my words with a grain of salt.
i think the most important thing for you to remember is that everything you are experiencing is temporary. and i dont say that to dismiss you, but because i think it worth examining everything in your life and thinking that when it gets to be too much. you are worrying about so much at once, but you'll disillusion yourself in that process.
suffering, pain, excitement, joy. these are all very temporary things to feel, even when they seem like they'll go on forever. they are big, abstract concepts that will torment you near relentless if you let them. the only thing that you have with you concretely, is what you are able to do right now.
i wont tell you that life will immediately get better because to make a life that doesn't make you suffer takes so much time. it is so much work to build a good life and it is constant work - but never impossible. but i think it will quell the pain a little to take a deep breath and slow down to process what you're experiencing, which is a big brush of hopelessness that is so encompassing.
everything feels hopeless because you trying to tackle everything all at once. to me, it doesn't sound like you want to die. it sounds like you want it to be easier. it sounds like you want to burden the lessen, which ultimately means you desire a life. and you sound like you're trying very hard to do that all while worrying about everything else at the same time.
i dont know if i have any advice for you. any good advice, but if i could urge you do anything - it would be to take a deep breath and remember it will pass. it always does. and after that, sort your problems out one by one. and once you've done it, pick the thing that is most urgent that you can change, and start to work towards it. do it slowly and try to keep everything else out of your mind.
if you fail, forgive yourself. you have to forgive yourself. sometimes, the only thing you are able to do is live. or try to live. that doesn't make you useless. no human beings worth is measured by what they can and cannot do. you wouldn't love someone based on what they do but who they are.
and maybe you don't like who you are. maybe your friends aren't the right fit. maybe it will be lonely for a while. you can change it. you can find something new or maybe it will teach you to like your own company. it will pass and you will come out of the other side. but the only way to change those things is to try, and sometimes fail, and to forgive yourself after that and then try more. the world is not ending you just have to take it one day at a time.
it will be fine because everything passes unwillingly. and eventually this will just be another bad day. you're not useless. give yourself some grace for trying. and i hope it gets easier.
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expensive-rainbows · 4 months
cw: SA, intrusive thoughts
ok so i know ive told yall some of this but idk how much ive told yall. so bassically three years ago there was this man who would hold the door for my bus since we always got there late so we would get locked out. keep in mind i know i shouldnt feel obligated to share what i was wearing but i cant help but feel that might be part of the reason why he targeted me. my favorite shirt was a sheer blue shirt that you could see my bra through if you looked close enough. this was during winter and i took my coat off on the bus since i didnt want to deal with it at school. he would ask me if i was a Eskimo (im mexican) and i would tell him no and keep walking. he had jolly ranchers and would give everyone some, but he gave me more than everyone else. he would give me double sometimes triple what everyone else got. i found it creepy so i never ate them, i just put them in my backpack and threw them out at the end of the year. everyday, when he held the door for me, and i watched how he treated everyone else and it was only me, he would take up more and more of the doorway everyday. like the first day he would take up a little, the next he would take up a little more, until he got to the point where he wasnt touching me (since im pretty sure its illegal) but that i knew he could if he wanted to. at the same time he would wait outside my fifth hour while we all waited in a line since my teacher went to the bathroom before class. he started by standing in the center of the hallway, and didnt leave until i made eye contact with him. everyday he got closer, until again he didnt touch me, but he was less than a foot away, and he had me cornered. i knew he could do whatever he wanted and no one would see. this lasted about two weeks and ended on december 16, 2023. I remember because it was a thursday and i was so happy the next day when he disappeared. idk if it was just this or something else that ive blocked out, but im terrified of men. like just in general. its been three years and i cant look my band teacher in the eye. ive had him for three years. i couldnt hug my dad for the first three months. my dad is one of the nicest people ive ever met. i know he would never knowingly take advantage of someone. i cant talk to my english teacher alone, i need my friend to go with me to ask to go to the bathroom. but dont worry this is a happy story. so sorry but im gonna give yall even more context. so my school take all the music kids of my grade to a like smaller amusement park, which isnt near us, its a good drive to get there. its kind of a big deal. plus we have one in our town, but its a lot smaller than the one we went to. so anyway the trip was today, and the band group took a picture together. i was in the back row, and idk if the guys in front of me knew i was there or how close i was to them but i was pretty close. like i could see the creases on the back of one of their necks. i could smell him. (he had some sort of cologne on, not axe body spray but close) but i didnt freak out or anything. like i noticed, but i didnt go home and have a panic attack or anything, i wasnt convinced that he was gonna r@pe me, nothing. i was fine. do you have any idea how long its been since i could say that. since i could say that i was fine and mean it. i didnt have a panic attack, didnt hurt myself (i did break my streak a little big ago, but thats because since were at the end of the school year im very sleep deprived and i have exams and i started working plus taekwondo so im busy and tired. and when im tired i take everything personally) its been three years since i could say i was fine and truly mean it. i still get a little weird around guys/men, but its getting better. now its only physical proximity, i can look them in the face! i know this probably sounds sad but im honestly happy. also quick question.
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i have no where else to just spill this out and i fucking cant anymore
im ashamed to be a human
im ashamed to be an american
im ashamed that as a whole humanity has falid over and over and over again
im ashamed that people in power can sleep at night knowing whats happening in the world
babies are fucking dying
men, women, children who fucking cares
im so fucking ashamed
i cant even keep the tears in anymore and i know that my tears being shed across the sea sitting on my couch unable to do fuck all but keep myself informed as every video, picture, statement, fact, and link i share is fuck all for help
all i can think about everyday is just how bad i feel knowing that my taxes, my country, my species is doing this to PEOPLE
those are people and i cant help but want to save them all but I FUCKING CANT
and the ones who CAN want to make this all fucking complecated or deny it all like some fucking conspiricy
i am ashamed knowing in 20 years people my age will be asking why the hell did we let something like this happen
and NO ONE will have a good enough answer
i cant cry enough for every life lost and i cant fight for every life lost but for gods sake i will try my fucking best because they deserve empathy, understanding, and fucking HELP
this is atrocious and i cant even say specifically because ITS HAPPENING EVERYWHERE
people in palestine, congo, sudan, college students, fucking anyone and everyone who isnt rich white and fucking privledged
i am udderly disgusted by our species
not even fucking bears would do this
no other fucking creature in the damn galexy would do things like this
did we not learn from all the fucking wars!??!?!??!
did we not learn that this is never ok
did we not learn fucking empathy?
i cant decide to be mad, sad, fucking anything all i know is im absolutly crushed thinking about mass graves, children cuffed with zipties, new anti protesting tools that should count as war weapons, hospitals schools homes everything being bombed, everything being on fire, families in their homes thinking theyre safe only for a bomb to eviserate anything they held near and dear WHILE THEYRE ASLEEP IN BED, governments boxing in survivers lying to them saying theyre safe only to drop little fucking papers from the sky to litter the only thing they have left with a fucking note saying "oh yeah we told you youd be safe, now your not", starving people forced to live out of tents as everything theyve ever known or loved is fucking burned
i want to help
i want to help so bad
i keep myself informed and i listen to the voices telling us to help and all i can think about is how so many fucking voices are screaming for someone fucking anyone to stop this massacre
and i cant fucking help
all i want is for those people to have their homes and their lives and their fucking families back but i know thats not fucking possible anymore and i cant even describe the amount of pain i feel in my chest everyday knowing that another 100 people are gonna die before i go to bed that night
the pain i feel when im sitting on my porch trying to enjoy the weather knowing that somewhere the weather isnt warm or sunny or even shitty and mucky. the rain is some places is not water to hydrate the earth or snow for forts and snowball fights. the rain in some places is fire, bombs, smoke, bullets and by god what does that fucking accomplish
and instead of being able to sing in the rain and play in the snow people are being forced to take cover and learn what a fucking bomb is
i cannot even list how many atrocities have happened, and i cannot even bare to list how many pictures and videos and evidence of the inhumanity happening exsist and are being called fucking fake
you cannot fake mass graves
or someone being buried alive
or someone being skinned
or someone having to amputate their own daughters leg
or any of the other 100s of things that people are being forced to endure
for gods sake we are watching bombs get dropped on people willing to take bandages of their own wounds to help a hurt dog
where did humanity go
if there is a god theyve fucking left us
if there is a god theyre fucking weeping
if their is a god for christs sake ive never wanted one to exsist more just so HOPEFULLY all the prayers work and all this fucking ends
i dont want to watch people dying anymore
i dont want to hear about students risking everything to make sure their voices are heard
i dont want to see police and governments let this happen and support it
i just want to see people be happy
please i just want all the violence and corruption to end
i dont want to see children screaming for help
i dont want to open every social media and see families begging for help
its disgusting that this is even possible after all of history says not to do this shit anymore
i so fucking sorry to all the people all the fucking humans who are suffering right now
im so fucking sorry
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starssabove · 2 years
HI! This part actually got too long so im sorry for the cut off! I will try to get the next part out as soon as i can! If you cant tell im feeling a lil whumpy lately lol :p so enjoy some more torment!
We are nearing the end of this series and i seriously cannot express how much i appreciate the support on this series! there will probably be about 2 more parts to this, depending on how the split up works. I promise youll get some comfort sometime soon ajkshdakjf.
Anyways, enjoy!
pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 pt6 pt7 (this is part 8)
[Content Warnings- Once again, a severe chapter!! Mentions of torture, distrust/emotional manipulation/betrayal, mention of vomit, description of panic/shock, descriptions of injuries/pain. Please let me know if i missed anything!!]
Jay let out a small laugh before he set down his phone on the side table, turning his attention back to the small, quivering form that was Kai. He loved when they looked like this. Crumpled like discarded paper, absolutely shattered as they laid on the ground, unable to do anything but sob.
Nothing would ever replace this high. Nothing would ever be better than standing above a quivering mess, knowing he made them break.
And the work wasn't finished. Not when the only thing that could somehow shatter them even more was practically running to the job. 
Jay let a stupid smile find his lips. He didn't even have to do anything. He had planted all the seeds, and now the pain would practically make itself. But he did have a grand finale to plan.
—--- – - 
The floor was so cold. The whole room was so cold.
Perks of having ice powers, they guessed. 
They remembered when they had used that line just before cozying up to their enemy. They had felt so safe. Why had they felt so safe?
It's not like Villain had actually cared about them- the whole time it was a ruse just like every other connection they'd had in their life. But why had it felt so real?
Why did they crave that gentleness as they felt nothing but sheer pain from the purple blossoms that spread across their body. The little white lines that decorated their skin were now in contrast to fresh red ones, weirdly tinged yellow as infection gnawed at their skin; The bandages Seth had gently put on long torn to shreds, along with Kais heart.
Being a hero had had its days. There were days they had felt on top of the world. Unbeatable. And then there were days where they had hit every possible bump, wandered home tattered and beaten. They had always tried to justify the bad. Always tried to think “tomorrow could only go up”. But now they didnt know which way was “up”. And they didn't have the strength to find it.
They weren't a hero. They weren't a friend. Least of all not a lover. So were they anything? 
—---- - - 
The stitch in their side was excruciating. Seth had been running for 5 blocks. Panting and sweating, they arrived at the front of a building stupidly grand, the agency. It practically swarmed with heroes and other personnel- maybe they hadn't quite thought this all the way through-
In the back of their mind, they knew their power could take out the crowd in one move. They could gather the energy that crackled through their body, through their blood, and direct it outwards, light and pure energy that destroyed everything it touched. Their power terrified even them.
They barely ever used it- opted for knives or anything that helped them avoid using that. They hated feeling out of control, useless to stop the energy that escaped them and caused destruction all around them. It was too much. They had learned that so early on. 
They could let all of it out. Let out the fire that had simmered in their being for so long, untouched, unused, bubbling around in their blood, and set the area around them ablaze. The heroes, the agency, all with one careful exhale. 
But they refused to become any more of a villain. Not when Kai needed them.
If they saw themself as a monster, how would they let someone else love them?
That was all the reasoning it took. Think of a better way. No casualties, no fire. Just distract them, make chaos, slip in. 
Let it seep out. Let the energy separate from your blood where it had become so intertwined. 
Shit that hurt.
Exhale- Ah!
Energy burst out. Mostly where they had intended it, the empty street in front of the building- but some stray particles of purple energy hit the front ivory pillar of the agency. Apparently, not using your powers for years had its costs- Seths muscles ached, searing hot pain found their skin. It was overwhelming enough to make them want to crumple against the wall where they stood. 
But they had to keep going. They could rest when they had Kai in their arms, not before.
As heroes and personnel shuffled out of the building, hurriedly searching for the source of the destruction, Seth slipped in the side door. Now they just had to find Kai.
They had been turned in years ago. The building was a blurry haze, but they trusted their gut and their wits. They knew it had to be on the third floor, they remembered that much. Running up the stairs, ignoring the stitch in their side, and the ache and the white hot pain, they burst through the doors to the third floor corridor. 
“Get up!” 
They hear it from down the hall.
It makes their stomach turn.
If they weren't already sick, they practically vomit when they hear Kais scream. 
—---- – - 
“Villains coming in for a little fun, now, darling.” Jay says as they stare down at Kai, crumpled over their stomach following the kick he had planted there. After they process the other’s words, Kai raises their head.
Jay absolutely relishes the look on their face. The pure terror in their eyes.
They knew Seth would go in and explain to Kai what really happened- that they're not going to hurt them. That their ruse was up. Maybe this even meant that Seth would kill them. 
But they were going to enjoy the way both of them absolutely shattered when they first looked at each other. They were going to absolutely delight over the sight of Seth staring at their absolutely shattered lover, at the way Kai felt visceral terror towards the only person they had ever really trusted. Even if it was just for a moment.
With a last look at Kai, they opened the door and left the room, seeing Seth just down the hallway. 
Seth froze. Did they have to use their power again? Just how strong was this bastard? Would they be able to get through with just their knife? 
“Go on,” Jay said, an arm motioning to the door.
This had to be a trap. But they needed to get through.
Seth focused, taking deep breaths, pulling the energy from their blood. They could feel the heat rising to their skin. They moved their hand to their knife in its holster too, taking a few cautious steps forward. 
Jay made no move.
Seth walked closer. Just a step to the door, now. And they moved on leg in front of the other-
The heat in their skin died. Everything went cold. Their heart stopped pumping, the oxygen pushed from their lungs like they had just been pushed into a wall.
Seth stared at the crumpled figure in the middle of the room.
What happened to them?
They thought about turning straight around and killing Jay. Just like they had promised again and again. 
But Kai moved, tried to prop themself up, and failed. And Seth couldn't take it. 
“Kai!” Seth practically yelled as they hit the floor.
They took multiple steps forward, crouching down ready to help Kai up, to embrace them, to cry as they finally held their world in their hands again-
Kai had gone completely still.
There was no relief. No joy that Seth was there.
Something was very wrong.
As Kais head finally lifted from where they were on their knees, the only thing in their beautiful eyes was terror. 
This wasn't right. 
“Please don’t- please. I- I can't take anymore-” It was basically a whisper. A desperate plea that escaped quivering lips.
Seth had never felt anything like this. They had never felt this out of control. Their eyes were wild, in shock, tears pricking at the edges. Their hands started to shake. Everything spun, everything became unfocused. They were going to faint. White hot shock was in their chest, gnawing away at everything inside. It was so heavy. Their chest was so heavy. Their legs went cold, fuzzy, their arms and hands the same. 
Why was Kai telling them- begging them-
“Baby, I- I am here to rescue you, what-” Seth stuttered, tried to say before Kai cut them off,
“No! Don't get my hopes up again!” Kai truly yelled this time, tears streaming down their bruised cheeks. 
“Just do what you’re here to do.” they said, softer, completely resigned. 
“Kai- What?! I never- get your hopes up? I am so sorry i let him get you again- but i'm here to help you get away!”
“Let him?” kai let out a crude laugh, cut short by a flinch. “As if you didn't get paid for your whole endeavor- for acting like you loved me to get my hopes up”
“Paid?! I don't know what he told you Kai- but I never worked with that bastard! I do love you!” 
Seth was only met with a sharp glare from Kai as tears gushed down their face.
“We need to go, Kai-”
“Then why didn't you hear me scream Seth?! Why did I scream your name praying to a god I don't even believe in that you would come in the door and make him stop? That you'd clean me up just like you did in that godforsaken hotel and hold me again?!”
Kai came undone. Anything they had held back, all of it was coming out. Violent sobs shook their whole body. 
Seth reached out their hand, finding Kais cheek. They knew it wasn't the best idea considering that Kai thought they were going to hurt them, but it was all they could manage.
Kai flinched but didn't pull away. Seth lifted their head slightly so they looked each other in the eye.
“Kai. I've meant every word I've said to you. I've meant every touch, every kiss. I-” and their voice broke, tears spilling out and they dropped their head. Lifting it slowly back up, they looked Kai in their enchanting eyes.
“I am so sorry I couldn't help you. He drugged me before he found you-” and they turned their head to the side, showcasing the needle mark on the neck below their ear. It had developed into a gross bruise, yellow and purple muddled together. 
“That's a guilt i'll always live with. You don't have to trust me, you don't have to like me. But we have to get you away from that fucker.”
Something in Kais gaze shifted. They wanted to believe. So badly. They wanted to feel safe, wanted to escape the pain that encapsulated them. But they hesitated.
And how could they not, when everything they've ever trusted had failed them? Their parents, the agency, their “friend”, and now, it seemed, the person they loved.
“They're not lying, you know.” Jay chimed in from the doorway.
Seth immediately shifted themself fully in front of Kai. A cute effort, Jay thought.
“I'll kill you.” Seth shouted, hand going to their knife.
“I'm sure you will, sugar.”
Finally a Seth power reveal loll
Once again this got longer than i expected so sorry for the cutoff! Thank you for reading! Reblogs and likes are appreciated :D
Hope youre doing well!!
-anthony :7
Tag list! comment/ask/reblog if you want to be added or removed from the list :D - @doublericenobeans @roblingoblin285 @justmevoldemort @another-whump-sideblog @devilish-whump @a-place-to-put-poetry @syberianjade @cornflower-cowboy @blessupblessup @tedrakitty
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pinkniz · 2 years
Ok I cant stop thinking about it so I'll write here my hcs for yandere leon and freddy(im not a writer dont be mean to me)
After the death of his brother Leon became hollow but you appeared and lighted a candle in his heart, little did you know you started a fire.
Hes manipulative in order to isolate you from others since he doesn't want to risk anything happen to you.
Freddy as his partner is aware that you are with him but he doesn't know the extent of Leon's obsession for you and actually thinks you got a healthy relationship with him.
From your point of you its like hes only torturing you with isolation and silence but to him, this is for your own good.
He starts with the stalking first, you will never know he's around unless he wants you to. And when he wants you to know its to warn you to not try anything weird.
He will bring you anything you want but strongly refuses to let you go near people. At first he invents excuses but eventually he starts saying things like "no one wants you around", "who else could want you" it takes a lot of time for him to say "I love you" in any way.
He doesnt mean to make you upset but his priority is to keep you safe, he cannot afford to lose someone dear to him ever again.
He WILL kill others if he deems them a threat but nobody will know it was him. His kills are quick and sneaky, a single bullet will suffice.
At the end of the day, he just wants you not only to be safe, but with him, despite all he does for you he will not admit it but please keep your hands on him, keep being that light in the dark for him.
It all started when you started giving him bits of praise here and there, nothing out of the ordinary but it sparked in him a weird interest in you.
He isn't shy, he will straight up tell you how he feels, he will shower you in expensive gifts and show off to you so you see how worthy he is of you.
Its nice at first but it becomes overwhelming quickly and it gets worse since he started stalking you as well. The feeling of being hunted by dangerous predator becomes more latent as time passes.
Leon being observant as always, is aware of the effect you have on the mad dog yet he doesn't really care to help you. In fact, he likes that because of you Freddy is more efficient in missions since he wants to finish quickly and go back to you.
He has your smell memorized and hes obsessed with it. He has stolen clothes from you for the smell
To nobody's suprise, he's VERY violent and his possesiveness over you makes it worse. He would never hurt you though, you are his sweet little mate, he would rather die than to hurt you.
He gets very jealous and has no problem leaving people UNRECOGNISABLE, the ones who would get it WORSE are the people that made you upset or gods forbid, harm you.
He enjoys killing, mauling and dismembering, but he likes it even more if he's doing it for you.
He will do his best, please tell him hes doing good, he needs your praise and affection like air and water.
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